Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

2016-02-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

Well I'm coming to this one a little late. The ultrapower thing has always been at least a low level mess from what I've seen. as usual I don't care who has done what to whom or why, but I'm confident in the people I appointed as mods in the first place to sort things out, as seems to have happened.I'll attempt to at least stick my head around the door occasionally and do some more work on the db, which should be more often in the future now that my fiance has moved in with me, although obviously  there are still things to fix (right now I've got her an Iphone 6 and we're going through the looktell vo tutorial). Btw, as regards some comments earlier in the thread, there is always a log of who has been banned for how long and the dates, that's a feature of the forum. I thought all the moderators new how the banning system worked, however I will write a private e-mail to the mods with some pointers sinse one of the pre
 vious posters is indeed correct. Spambot banning is an intrinsic part of the mod's duties, and while it's very much hoped banning members isn't necessary, once in a very short while it is, either temporarily for a few weeks or even (very occasionally), perminantly.Just like Gaols, we wish we didn't need them, but occasionally they do become necessary.


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Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

2016-02-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : arqmeister via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

Personally, i think we have enough mods, unless i have my head in the sand, lol. I think if we just comunicate issues, we can knock out problems very quickly, as we have done here.


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Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

2016-01-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : jaybird via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

I saw the last few posts in the now deleted Ultra Power topic last night, in which the position is made quite clear. I was going to capture them for the record, but by the time I thought of that, the topic had been deleted and I'd already cleared my browser cache. In my opinion, if this conversation still exists anywhere, it should be posted somewhere for all the world to see, so Mason's official position on the matter is a matter of permanent record. That way, no user can accuse the moderators of just making up the fact that Mason said what he said on the matter. Like I said, by the time I thought to do that, the topic was already gone, and so was my browser's cache, so I no longer have a copy.Just my $0.02 worth.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

2016-01-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

Good point, jaybird. But no worries; if you start from here, you can see the end of the thread that was deleted.I also left the official topic alive (but closed) so people could see (a sample of) the back and forth. It wasn't quite as flamed up as the newer topics, which got pretty horrible.


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Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

2016-01-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Haramir via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

Thanks for clearing things up Sebby. That's the spirit. A big tumbs up for us all. Best regards, Haramir.


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Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

2016-01-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : arqmeister via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

We are in agreement Sebby, i would do the same thing, nice job!


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Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

2016-01-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

Well I think that the recent topics are in a class of their own, in that there is a point where the drama is tolerated, until it gets personal, and then someone has to intervene. There is, of course, no right or wrong in these incidents, and it's not usually one single poster who's the problem child, so the response is necessarily more nuance and there will be some variability in moderator response.Having said this, in this case I think my smackdown was warranted, if only to keep the topic on-topic. Even then I was careful to scope the rule, so as not to encourage further abuses.As to the topics themselves, I have decided to delete them entirely. I'm not happy doing that, particularly given the way in which the game was abandoned, but Mason has made it clear to me that his game was not intended to be open-sourced, and with this in mind, helping developers to reach their ambitions is more important than any potential short-term gains. So, please report 
 any new topics of that nature and they'll be deleted. You can find my closing words on the last official UltraPower topic.And that, I sincerely hope, is that.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

2016-01-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

Thanks, Arq. I'm glad I'm not going completely off the rails. It was a tough one. 


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Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

2016-01-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

Hello all,First off, Thanks Sebby for helping out and agreeing with me that these topics really were a different breed of moderation, it was quite ridiculous in my opinion.Second thing, I seriously would like to thank every single person who has posted in response to my initial post on this topic. I come back from a weekend away to see people giving me advice, people posting instructions (that's very thoughtful of you to do that, even though I already banned a few spambots, I still like the fact that you took the time to post them), and people banding together to help each other through a time where the forum was getting ridiculous. At this point, I whsi I could actually reward you all somehow, only thing I can do is thumbs up a lot of the posts. I sometimes wish I could do more like offer a helpful badge or something. Seriously, in my eyes lots of you have probably just earned some sort of achievement if that were possible, because this topic didn't go out o
 f hand. In fact, this is like the forum I know and love. So, in conclusion I'd just like to say a massive thank you to you all.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

2016-01-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

Woohoo!  Throw down the gauntlet, man!   Throw down the gauntlet!


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Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

2016-01-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : FabiG94 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

Hi againthis will be spam? and thanks.


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Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

2016-01-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : FabiG94 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

Hello@Sebby I have seen many topics in the Sight and Forum Feedback that seem to have been ignored.also the PsychoStrike exception (which was added by aron file), Dark is the only database updated in recent times.some topicsnew downloads links for morokuma games and destination mars raiders: downloads links of kitchens inc games
 php?id=16858etc. some topics were answered, but the database was not updated.I repeat what I said in my previous message. I know all the moderators have a personal life, and that is hard work keeping the database.however I offer help with updating the database if the moderators want help with this.greetings and thanks.


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Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

2016-01-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

[[wow]], Sebby, nice to hear that! I at least use the report feature when I find posts to be troublesome, as I said in my previous post. Thing is I could remember at least 2 reports that went completely ignored without reason, just one stepping stone leading to the posting of this topic. But, I'm glad we've achieved success...


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Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

2016-01-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

Spam is usually deleted when it's found. If the thread starts with a spam post, I always just delete the thread since the remainder of the thread is meaningless. If a spam post is inserted into the thread, I delete just the spam post. If followups reference the spam in any particular way (other than to say it's spam) then, depending on the nature of the spam, I might or might not leave it for amusement value, and to preserve the context of the conversation. But you'll know when this is.Report the spam, please.


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Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

2016-01-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

Hi.I think I said this before, but I am not exactly sure on that.One thing that is bugging me that all the spam or flaming topics are just closed so no one can write any posts anymore. I am wondering why they aren't deleted so they are just gone for good.Is deleting topics not possible or why don't they get deleted?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

2016-01-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

Spam is usually deleted when it's found. If the thread starts with a spam post, I always just delete the thread since the remainder of the thread is meaningless. If a spam post is inserted into the thread, I delete just the spam post. If follow-ups reference the spam in any particular way (other than to say it's spam) then, depending on the nature of the spam, I might or might not leave it for amusement value, and to preserve the context of the conversation. But you'll know when this is. Report the spam, please.As I said, the recent flaming topics have been rather harder to deal with, because they actually contain useful discussion, amongst all the nonsense. Casting them off when the outcome isn't decided would not, I think, be productive, since it would probably only attract more topics of the same nature. I would like very much to have a definite resolution before we decide what to do. Realistically, I think that means Mason should come forward and say
  whether or not UltraPower is abandonware, and whether or not he has any problem with the clones. The answer to that question will change the nature of the conversation.


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Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

2016-01-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : jaybird via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

I think you're right on the money. If I were in your shoes, I'd tend to delete topics with no useful or amusing content in any of the posts, delete spam or other undesirable posts from topics, and leave other topics, closed where appropriate. In other words, a topic wouldn't be deleted, even if it had turned into an all out flamewar, if doing so would cause the loss of useful information.


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Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

2016-01-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

I myself don't really have much of an issue regarding the deletion or closure of topics, so I generally tend not to comment, with the exception being the Ultra Power topics, for obvious reasons. But didn't the forum used to have a system where a user would get 2 official moderation warnings before they were booted? Because another issue, and my biggest complaint really, is that since the mods don't tend to regard reports consistently, (if they do I cannot find sufficient evidence prior to today that would suggest as much), it often becomes hard to ban the right offender, and this I believe is how so many people get away with it with perhaps just a warning in the most severe cases.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

2016-01-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

[ a-t ] severestormsteve1 and others,It makes me realize just what kind of impact the decision to leave the moderation panel might have had on you all.  Don't get me wrong; I don't sit here and speculate as to whether or not it might have been a knee jerk reaction on my part.  It  wasn't.  I wondered if perhaps the fact that not gaming as often fit audiogaming moderator criteria, but I was already feeling a lot of what post 1 pointed out at the time as well.  Since no one had come forward to discuss these points I figured it was just me, and not wanting to seem like some ultra conservative psycho banning machine I just, didn't act on my feelings, didn't really approach anyone regarding my thoughts or anything of the sort.  I see now that I was wrong and should have done so.  Moderators, this isn't a jab, and please don't take it as such, but speaking from the perspective of one who has been one of you not 
 too long ago I feel qualified in saying you have a job to do.  Your judgment is generally trusted among us including Dark who made you all mods to begin with.  I made a mistake in not trusting my own when others trusted in me.  Bans can be undone if they must be.  Punishments upon this forum and its people don't have to be permanent and, for the most part, decisions are reversable.  Obviously this doesn't mean you all should act with no logic or reason, but I think you already know that.The obligations and responsibilities I have been given as of late have kept me from really thinking about any of this, and it's been almost two years since I made my decision.  I'm officially homeless at the moment for those of you who don't know.  Such things keep me from actively seeking out a place among you all as a mod once again, and I won't.  What I will do, is say that if the need presented itself for another mod who 
 has previously managed the site and one who has learned a bit about patience since becoming a dad, I would be willing to take that position once again.  I may not game as often as I once did, but I still love this site and its members.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

2016-01-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : themadviolinist via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

I'd be willing to be a moderator if asked.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

2016-01-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

You know, I think it's a very encouraging sign that a post like this, which has the potential to turn into a bunch of negativity and hurt feelings, can lead to such a positive, productive, constructively critical discussion. i've been a part of forums before (moderated one, in fact) where a post like this would have led to all out war between the mods who feel offended, the flamers who feel insulted, the non-flamers who assume you're talking about them and also feel insulted, the iron fists who want all the flamers banned, and the teddy bears who are mad at anyone suggesting anyone be banned. But I read the posts above, and I find none of that. I find an honest, open discussion of the issues, and a desire on everyone's part to make the forum as good of a community as possible. My hat's off to all of you.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

2016-01-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : quanin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

I think I have... like... one post on this forum. One. And the reason behind it is simple. I've been reading for ages, and I've noticed two nearly constant things here.Thing the first: Oh my everloving god the complaining. If it's not someone complaining because they were banned from a game, it's someone complaining because $dev stole this, or didn't implement that, or changed that other thing. Or it's complaining about something relatively trivial that's gone on in this forum. Or it's complaining about all the people doing the complaining. Seriously, who's got time for that?Thing the second: Some regulation, please. I didn't see it very often, but even when there were active moderators around here I'd see warnings met by the people they were aimed at essentially laughing off said warnings. I've seen people who were still supposed to be banned back on the site like nothing happened because, I don't know
 , the mods felt like being nice I guess. And yes, I've seen inappropriate topics end up blown away just to be replaced by 6 more just like it.Honestly, if it wasn't for the fact there's occasionally something semi-interesting posted here that I consider checking out, I probably wouldn't even have an account here. And if my third post on this forum ends up offending someone and someone decides to use me as a reason to get back on the mod bandwagon, I won't lose a whole lot of sleep for it. If it's interesting enough that it manages to survive the utter chaos of this forum, I'll probably hear of it elsewhere anyway.Long story short: This makes the 17th, as of the time I started writing, post on this thread talking about moderating. How about we stop talking about moderating and start actually moderating. If you're a mod, you're a mod for a reason. Be one, for cryin' in the sink, or bring in someone who will.


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Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

2016-01-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

I agree with all of these posts, this forum does need some more moderatin. Now I completely understand personal life, *rest in peace to Arq's girlfriend, but who knows, that may involve adding more moderators. I'm not directly requesting an invite here, because I know if ever I or anyone else gets invited, it's all up to the mods to do that, but if ever I was I'd be up for the challenge. @Arron: If time is an issue, you can have pun-bb automatically unban the person after, oh let's say, 3 months, however long you give it. However Ethin is right, if they need a longer ban, you can always manually unban them whenever you feel they should be. That would be good if, say, in 3 months there's a flame war and then a banned person is unbanned right in the middle of that, anything could happen. While the flamewar could be killed off and then you could unban them.


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Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

2016-01-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jaybird via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

I agree with everything said here. While I tend to ignore topics I'm not interested in, I have seen a ton of Ultra Power topics recently. It also seems like spammers are surviving longer on this forum than they used to. I reported what appeared to me to be a purely spam topic a few days ago. No idea if it ever got nuked.Also, there have been several times when I've seen a seemingly good/interesting topic degenerate into flame wars over who stole whose code, who stole whose idea, etc. At those times, I've wanted to post something like:MODERATION!Okay, folks, this topic has gotten waaay out of hand. If this kind of thing continues, the topic will be closed. Users X, Y, and Z, you have each been given an official warning.


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Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

2016-01-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

Thing is, @21, that used to happen quite a lot. I understand that mods cannot check each and every single little topic, but if something gets reported then it's causing the community unrest and therefore should be looked into. And I can't speak for everyone here, but I try to report posts/users which I find to be spamming, flaming, etc.


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Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

2016-01-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

I agree as to the issues stated above. I also offer my services as a potential mod to try to help put things on track again. It's disheartening to see all the U P topics, the rude comments, etc.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

2016-01-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

This is why I posted post 16 or 15 in the new ultrapower topic. That's why I said that the moderators need to take their places at their podiums and start taking control again. It's quite obvious swhat will happen if they don't.


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Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

2016-01-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

First thing's first.MODERATION:This topic belongs here in "Sight and Forum Feedback". Moved.Now, back to myself.1. If you want to tell us something, use the Report links to do it. We check the boards just like everybody else, and pay attention when we see things that are likely to be important (like the posts in this room), but are basically still just readers with responsibilities and time limitations, just like you (although I have an email interface to every post in the form of a mailing list that speeds things up considerably). Without these reports, we don't really have any idea what is happening in a topic we aren't watching, for whatever reason. At best we get a sense of increased activity as the topic floats often. And, even if we only take a cursory glance, many topics start out just fine, and are sufficiently generic as not to 
 raise any real suspicion, even if they have duplicate names. So it's important you send those reports. Tell us what infraction you think you've seen or why you're concerned and what you think should be done about it. We are honestly just as eager to see this place free of bad behaviour as you are.2. The database. Send your updates to the Sight and Forum Feedback room, just like it says on the main page. We'll check there, verify the information (which we insist is correct and long-lived) and post it. There seems to be an awful lot of "I posted this link but nothing changed" when the real reason is that the information is not useful. I will update the DB if I have good data to put into it.3. UltraPalaver--I mean UltraPower. This is covered in the latest UltraPower topic. I have made an exception to the usual rules to disincentivise the pointless flaming, which while 
 I personally regard it as pretty lame and ineffectual, is nevertheless changing the character of this forum for the worse. So I am going to resolve the central question of the clones, and then we'll see what should be done to restore some sanity.Cheers.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

2016-01-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : FabiG94 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

HelloI agree with everything and add something else.I think the database is somewhat neglected. There are many broken links may be repaired only changing the link for the new link.Examples of these are: kitchens inc games, morokuma games, destination mars, 7-128 software games, beatstar, scrolling battles and a long etc.also there are some new audiogames that were not added how: the gate, audio rally racing, space encounter, griff, marina break, survive the wild, the oriol gómez games etc.I know all the moderators have a personal life, and that is hard work keeping the database.however I offer help with updating the database if the moderators want help with the Hispanic community I have similar work, it is actually the same, update the database with new releases.greetings and thanks.


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Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

2016-01-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : arqmeister via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

Yep, i might have been a bit hasty on that particular topic. From what i recall, people were asking that the topic be closed or deleted, so i just acted. However, i could be confusing that with another one of the many ultrapower topics that have been floating around.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

2016-01-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

[ a-t ] severestormsteve1 and others,It makes me realize just what kind of impact the decision to leave the moderation panel might have had on you all.  Don't get me wrong; I don't sit here and speculate as to whether or not it might have been a knee jerk reaction on my part.  It  wasn't.  I wondered if perhaps the fact that not gaming as often fit audiogaming moderator criteria, but I was already feeling a lot of what post 1 pointed out at the time as well.  Since no one had come forward to discuss these points I figured it was just me, and not wanting to seem like some ultra conservative psycho banning machine I just, didn't act on my feelings, didn't really approach anyone regarding my thoughts or anything of the sort.  I see now that I was wrong and should have done so.  Moderators, this isn't a jab, and please don't take it as such, but speaking from the perspective of one who has been one of you not 
 too long ago I feel qualified in saying you have a job to do.  Your judgment is generally trusted among us including Dark who made you all mods to begin with.  I made a mistake in not trusting my own when others trusted in me.  Bans can be undone if they must be.  Punishments upon this forum and its people don't have to be permanent and, for the most part, decisions are reversable.  Obviously this doesn't mean you all should act with no logic or reason, but I think you already know that.The obligations and responsibilities I have been given as of late have kept me from really thinking about any of this, and it's been almost two years since I made my decision.  I'm officially homeless at the moment for those of you who don't know.  Such things keep me from actively seeking out a place among you all as a mod once again, and I won't.  What I will do, is say that if the need presented itself for another mod who 
 has previously managed the site and one who has learned a bit about patience since becoming a dad, I would be willing to take that position once again.  I may not game as often as I once did, but I still love this site and its members.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

2016-01-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

Woe! I'm so sorry to hear about that Arqmeister! You're definitely right on that, personal life trumps everything pretty much... and especially tragedy. I'll be praying for you.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

2016-01-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : arqmeister via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

Hey guys. I'm still around, don't worry. Looks like old arq needs to start cleaning house, lol just kidding. But, i have observed the ultrapower topics getting rediculous, but not sure how to approach it myself. I have been going through a good deal in my personal life, mainly the death of my girlfriend, so real life tends to trump gaming a lot of the time. I'll try to be a bit more active around here, as i'm in more or less of a mentally balanced state at this point in time. At roll, i think i personally blew away your topic, mostly because it was the same crap, more ultrapower drama, and you were being flamed for steeling code from what i recall, feel free to correct me if this is incorrect. Can those of you who still cling to this game let it die? Would it be so hard? As you can tell, i'm a bit more heavy-handed then say for example Dark, but i tend to think the way to deal with dramatic issues like this, is to cut the snake's head off per say, and
  either ban the offenders, or delete the topics in question. Just thought i'd share my point of view.


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Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

2016-01-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : themadviolinist via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

I'd be willing to be a moderator if asked.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

2016-01-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

You know, I think it's a very encouraging sign that a post like this, which has the potential to turn into a bunch of negativity and hurt feelings, can lead to such a positive, productive, constructively critical discussion. i've been a part of forums before (moderated one, in fact) where a post like this would have led to all out war between the mods who feel offended, the flamers who feel insulted, the non-flamers who assume you're talking about them and also feel insulted, the iron fists who want all the flamers banned, and the teddy bears who are mad at anyone suggesting anyone be banned. But I read the posts above, and I find none of that. I find an honest, open discussion of the issues, and a desire on everyone's part to make the forum as good of a community as possible. My hat's off to all of you.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

2016-01-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

Hi,@2, I can teach you right now how to ban people. Here are instructions on how to ban someone from the forum. These instructions come from my own experience of being an administrator of my own self-hosted PunBB forum.(Note: The following instructions only work for moderators and administrators. Forum members will not be able to access these functions.)Click on administration on the top menu.Go to users.Select the bans section.Follow the instructions on that screen.Alternatively:Click on the users username to open the users profile.Click 'ban user' or a variant of that option.Follow the instructions on that screen.Warning: Banning a user prevents them from accessing any section of the site (and any sites that are connected to this forum via single sign-on (SSO)). If you do 
 not know a good time to ban a user, ban them indefinitely when in doubt. Alternatively, if you feel that this is not a good option, ban them for 1 month or more. Banning someone for 1 hour/day/week will not teach anyone anything. Again, if you don't know a good time, banning people indefinitely is a good option since it allows you to choose exactly when you think they should be unbanned, rather than PunBB automatically doing it for you.


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Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

2016-01-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

Yeah, that's precisely why I took the time to write post 16, honestly.  Don't ask me where I got the time, either.  lol


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Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

2016-01-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

Thing is, @21, that used to happen quite a lot. I understand that mods cannot check each and every single little topic, but if something gets reported then it's causing the community unrest and therefore should be looked into. And I can't speak for everyone here, but I try to report posts/users which I find to be spamming, flaming, etc.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

2016-01-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : quanin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

I think I have... like... one post on this forum. One. And the reason behind it is simple. I've been reading for ages, and I've noticed two nearly constant things here.Thing the first: Oh my everloving god the complaining. If it's not someone complaining because they were banned from a game, it's someone complaining because $dev stole this, or didn't implement that, or changed that other thing. Or it's complaining about something relatively trivial that's gone on in this forum. Or it's complaining about all the people doing the complaining. Seriously, who's got time for that?Thing the second: Some regulation, please. I didn't see it very often, but even when there were active moderators around here I'd see warnings met by the people they were aimed at essentially laughing off said warnings. I've seen people who were still supposed to be banned back on the site like nothing happened because, I don't know
 , the mods felt like being nice I guess. And yes, I've seen inappropriate topics end up blown away just to be replaced by 6 more just like it.Honestly, if it wasn't for the fact there's occasionally something semi-interesting posted here that I consider checking out, I probably wouldn't even have an account here. And if my third post on this forum ends up offending someone and someone decides to use me as a reason to get back on the mod bandwagon, I won't lose a whole lot of sleep for it. If it's interesting enough that it manages to survive the utter chaos of this forum, I'll probably hear of it elsewhere anyway.Long story short: This makes the 17th, as of the time I started writing, post on this thread talking about moderating. How about we stop talking about moderating and start actually moderating. If you're a mod, you're a mod for a reason. Be one, for cryin' in the sink, or bring in someone who will.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

2016-01-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : jaybird via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

I agree with everything said here. While I tend to ignore topics I'm not interested in, I have seen a ton of Ultra Power topics recently. It also seems like spammers are surviving longer on this forum than they used to. I reported what appeared to me to be a purely spam topic a few days ago. No idea if it ever got nuked.Also, there have been several times when I've seen a seemingly good/interesting topic degenerate into flame wars over who stole whose code, who stole whose idea, etc. At those times, I've wanted to post something like:MODERATION!Okay, folks, this topic has gotten waaay out of hand. If this kind of thing continues, the topic will be closed. Users X, Y, and Z, you have each been given an official warning.


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Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

2016-01-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

I agree as to the issues stated above. I also offer my services as a potential mod to try to help put things on track again. It's disheartening to see all the U P topics, the rude comments, etc.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

2016-01-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : criticview via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

HiWell well well. This was really intresting to read, and I do feel sorry for the loss of a dear person. On the other hand, and that's just my opinion, I think the system of topics being deleted should go a bit more like this:- Write a moderation warning that the topic is breaking certain rules, and kindly ask the one who opened to either change the topic or to delete it.- If there's no reaction in a certain amount of time, the topic automatically goes down the drain.As for the mentioned topic here, by Roel, seriously, this at least had updates, and some other stuff going on. It's adult compaired to the two things in the releases room right now. And even though the code might have been aquired in a atypical way, at least it gives those messing with it either a headake or a learning school on how to or not to procede. Just my thoughts as usual. Anyone have a penny, I just ran out...


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

2016-01-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

I agree with all of these posts, this forum does need some more moderatin. Now I completely understand personal life, *rest in peace to Arq's girlfriend, but who knows, that may involve adding more moderators. I'm not directly requesting an invite here, because I know if ever I or anyone else gets invited, it's all up to the mods to do that, but if ever I was I'd be up for the challenge. @Arron: If time is an issue, you can have pun-bb automatically unban the person after, oh let's say, 3 months, however long you give it. However Ethin is right, if they need a longer ban, you can always manually unban them whenever you feel they should be. That would be good if, say, in 3 months there's a flame war and then a banned person is unbanned right in the middle of that, anything could happen. While the flamewar could be killed off and then you could unban them.


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Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

2016-01-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

Yeah, that's precisely why I took the time to write post 16, honestly.  Don't ask me where I got the time, either.  lol


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Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

2016-01-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

Hello,I am going to come right out and say that I agree with you, even as part of the moderator team. I've never seen the forum get so out of control. By the time I try to deal with something a flame war's started, and there are too many people involved to try to name and shame. Of course, if I try to close a topic another one starts, which leads me to believe I might just have to figure out how the banning system in this forum works once and for all, something I Really did not want to do. Only thing is I don't want to end up banning someone from the wrong length of time.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

2016-01-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

You don't know how to use the banning feature?That should be like, day one of moderator school.If your scared that they will be banned for too long, then just set up some sort of calendar event the day you ban them, to remind you to double check that their able to come back how ever many months from then it is, or at least keep a textual log of banns and expiration dates and share it with the other mods.It's not like Dark is around, being understandably busy with his new fiance and all, and your pretty much the only active moderator, which means you really need to step up to the plate, weather it seems fare or not, since there isn't anyone else to do so, unfortunately.I'd apply to help out, and I think I could be pretty objective actually, even though I can get pretty fired up, as long as I'm trying to be understanding, I know I could do it.But to be honest, even though I would give out warnings first, there would be so
  many people gone so fast it would make people's heads spin, and I would probably get removed out of fear of abuse, even though these are people that, lets be truthful here, should already have been long gone by now and just keep causing problems, again, and again, and again... With virtually 0 consequence for their actions.They wouldn't be able to help them selves, warning or no, it's in their nature it seems, and it's not like warnings ever stopped them before... right? Sorry you have to be the bad guy now Aaron, but you did sign up for this, knowing that this duty might fall to you, so I think it's time to start taking out the trash.You should probably put up some sticky topic or something first, just to warn everyone that the hammer is about to fall and let them have a chance to be on their best behavior. And just to be clear, I'm only talking about maybe 5 or 6 people who can't help them selves and just constantly break the rules, along with the idiots that join just to be idiots on some topic that's already been lit aflame, who, lets be honest here, are probably just alternate accounts of someone already causing problems on it anyway.I know you don't want this to turn into the kind of place where everyone has to watch their back for the tiniest infraction, lest the mighty moderator flies down from the sky to strike them down where they stand, and neither do I, but I don't think that asking for this level of control is an unreasonable request, and it's not the first one of it's kind lately either.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

2016-01-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

You don't know how to use the banning feature?That should be like, day one of moderator school.If your scared that they will be banned for too long, then just set up some sort of calendar event the day you ban them, to remind you to double check that their able to come back how ever many months from then it is, or at least keep a textual log of banns and expiration dates and share it with the other mods.It's not like Dark is around, being understandably busy with his new fiance and all, and your pretty much the only active moderator, which means you really need to step up to the plate, weather it seems fare or not, since there isn't anyone else to do so, unfortunately.I'd apply to help out, and I think I could be pretty objective actually, even though I can get pretty fired up, as long as I'm trying to be understanding, I know I could do it.But to be honest, even though I would give out warnings first, there would be so
  many people gone so fast it would make people's heads spin, and I would probably get removed out of fear of abuse, even though these are people that, lets be honest, should already have been long gone by now and just keep causing problems, again, and again, and again... With virtually 0 consequence for their actions.They wouldn't be able to help them selves, warning or no, it's in their nature it seems, and it's not like warnings ever stopped them before... right? Sorry you have to be the bad guy now Aaron, but you did sign up for this, knowing that this duty might fall to you, so I think it's time to start taking out the trash.You should probably put up some sticky topic or something first, just to warn everyone that the hammer is about to fall and let them have a chance to be on their best behavior. And just to be clear, I'm only talking about maybe 4 or 5 people who can't help them selves and just constantly break the rules, along with the idiots that join just to be idiots on some topic that's already been lit aflame, who, lets be honest here, are probably just alternate accounts of someone already causing problems on it anyway.I know you don't want this to turn into the kind of place where everyone has to watch their back for the tiniest infraction, lest the mighty moderator flies down from the sky to strike them down where they stand, and neither do I, but I don't think this is an unreasonable request, and it's not the first one of it's kind either.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

2016-01-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : arqmeister via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

Yep, i might have been a bit hasty on that particular topic. From what i recall, people were asking that the topic be closed or deleted, so i just acted. However, i could be confusing that with another one of the many ultrapower topics that have been floating around.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

2016-01-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

True. Although on the banning front, there are one, two, maybe three people who have demonstrated bad behavior enough times that literally other forum members call them out on it. Those who start topics like these could also be given warnings as it could be considered a hostile topic better stayed away from, though I say this with a degree of uncertainty, as I don't really know if this would be against forum in the moderators trying not to tell people what they can and can't talk about.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

2016-01-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : criticview via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

HiWell well well. This was really intresting to read, and I do feel sorry for the loss of a dear person. On the other hand, and that's just my opinion, I think the system of topics being deleted should go a bit more like this:- Write a moderation warning that the topic is breaking certain rules, and kindly ask the one who opened to either change the topic or to delete it.- If there's no reaction in a certain amount of time, the topic automatically goes down the drain.As for the mentioned topic here, by Roel, seriously, this at least had updates, and some other stuff going on. It's adult compaired to the two things in the releases room right now. And even though the code might have been aquired in a atypical way, at least it gives those messing with it either a headake or a learning school on how to or not to procede. Just my thoughts as usual. Anyone have a penny, I just ran out...


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

2016-01-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : roelvdwal via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

Hello,I also was involved with ultrapower, Mainly I thought I did not have the time to support an entire game, yet I wanted to do something while I could. It seemed to me, once I  started programming again, that it wasn't the programming itself that got me exhausted, but I kept working on a project I didn't like myself, a puzzle engine. So I decided that I'd better do something interesting in a break, and I did. My topic was deleted, with no reason given, by the mods. I understand that it probably wasn't a good idea for me to have worked on the code in the firstplace, but could I at least know the reason why the topic was removed? there were quite a few good posts in there, and the flaming had mostly died down. Btw, I won't work on the project anymore. I'm currently in the process of learning python and getting libaudioverse to work. I hope to create games once I've finished.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

2016-01-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : arqmeister via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

Hey guys. I'm still around, don't worry. Looks like old arq needs to start cleaning house, lol just kidding. But, i have observed the ultrapower topics getting rediculous, but not sure how to approach it myself. I have been going through a good deal in my personal life, mainly the death of my girlfriend, so real life tends to trump gaming a lot of the time. I'll try to be a bit more active around here, as i'm in more or less of a mentally balanced state at this point in time. At roll, i think i personally blew away your topic, mostly because it was the same crap, more ultrapower drama, and you were being flamed for steeling code from what i recall, feel free to correct me if this is incorrect. Can those of you who still cling to this game let it die? Would it be so hard? As you can tell, i'm a bit more heavy-handed then say for example Dark, but i tend to think the way to deal with dramatic issues like this, is to cut the snake's head off per say, and
  either ban the offenders, or delete the topics in question. Just thought i'd share my point of view.


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Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

2016-01-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

Woe! I'm so sorry to hear about that Arqmeister! You're definitely right on that, personal life trumps everything pretty much... and especially tragedy. I'll be praying for you.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

2016-01-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

You don't know how to use the banning feature?That should be like, day one of moderator school.It's not like Dark is around, being understandably busy with his new fiance and all, and your pretty much the only active moderator, which means you really need to step up to the plate, weather it seems fare or not, since there isn't anyone else to do so, unfortunately.I'd apply to help out, and I think I could be pretty objective actually, even though I can get pretty fired up, as long as I'm trying to be understanding, I know I could do it.But to be honest, even though I would give out warnings first, there would be so many people gone so fast it would make people's heads spin, and I would probably get removed out of fear of abuse, even though these are people that, lets be honest, should already have been long gone by now and just keep causing problems, again, and again, and again... With virtually 0 consequence for their ac
 tions.They wouldn't be able to help them selves, warning or no, it's in their nature it seems, and it's not like warnings ever stopped them before... right? Sorry you have to be the bad guy now Aaron, but you did sign up for this, knowing that this duty might fall to you, so I think it's time to start taking out the trash.You should probably put up some sticky topic or something first, just to warn everyone that the hammer is about to fall and let them have a chance to be on their best behavior. And just to be clear, I'm only talking about maybe 4 or 5 people who can't help them selves and just constantly break the rules, along with the idiots that join just to be idiots on some topic that's already been lit aflame,
  who, lets be honest here, are probably just alternate accounts of someone already causing problems on it anyway.I know you don't want this to turn into the kind of place where everyone has to watch their back for the tiniest infraction, lest the mighty moderator flies down from the sky to strike them down where they stand, and neither do I, but I don't think this is an unreasonable request, and it's not the first one of it's kind either.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

2016-01-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

If I could +1 that post you just made multiple times, Defender, I would. That was very well said, and I couldn't agree more. If you're a moderator, knowing how to ban someone should be taught to you before you even step up to the plate and put on that moderation hat. Not only because of situations like what we're experiencing here, but because of spammers, who do slip in here from time to time. If you don't ban them, who will?Furthermore, I think it's sad that this topic had to actually be brought up at all. Yeah, being too heavy-handed is bad, but so is letting someone break the rules over and over again. I remember thinking this months ago, when the argument was going strong in the Psycho Strike topic about the developer basically taking people's money and running with it. While nothing in that topic was ban-worthy, it would have been really nice to have the presence of a moderator in there to tell some of the worst offenders to tone it down 
 a notch, because a lot of what was said there was borderline flaming.But I do agree that the Ultra Power topics are on a level way worse than that incident, and yeah, the incidents that crop up usually do resolve themselves in time, but is that what we want this forum to be known as? A playground for kids who really should know better but choose not to, for whatever reason?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

2016-01-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

You don't know how to use the banning feature?That should be like, day one of moderator school.It's not like Dark is around, being understandably busy with his new fiance and all, and your pretty much the only active moderator, which means you really need to step up to the plate, weather it seems fare or not, since there isn't anyone else to do so, unfortunately.I'd apply to help out, and I think I could be pretty objective actually, even though I can get pretty fired up, as long as I'm trying to be understanding, I know I could do it.But to be honest, even though I would give out warnings first, there would be so many people gone so fast it would make people's heads spin, and I would probably get removed out of fear of abuse, even though these are people that, lets be honest, should already have been long gone by now and just keep causing problems, again, and again, and again...They wouldn't be able to help t
 hem selves, warning or no, it's in their nature it seems, and it's not like warnings ever stopped them before... right?Sorry you have to be the bad guy now Aaron, but you did sign up for this, knowing that this duty might fall to you, so I think it's time to start taking out the trash.You should probably put up some sticky topic or something first, just to warn everyone that the hammer is about to fall and let them have a chance to be on their best behavior. And just to be clear, I'm only talking about maybe 4 or 5 people who can't help them selves and just constantly break the rules, along with the idiots that join just to be idiots on some topic that's already been lit aflame, who, lets be honest here, are probably just alternate accounts of someone already causing problems on it anyway.I know you don't want thi
 s to turn into the kind of place where everyone has to watch their back for the tiniest infraction, lest the mighty moderator flies down from the sky to strike them down where they stand, and neither do I, but I don't think this is an unreasonable request, and it's not the first one of it's kind either.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

2016-01-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

You don't know how to use the banning feature?That should be like, day one of moderator school.If your scared that they will be banned for too long, then just set up some sort of calendar event the day you ban them, to remind you to double check that their able to come back how ever many months from then it is.It's not like Dark is around, being understandably busy with his new fiance and all, and your pretty much the only active moderator, which means you really need to step up to the plate, weather it seems fare or not, since there isn't anyone else to do so, unfortunately.I'd apply to help out, and I think I could be pretty objective actually, even though I can get pretty fired up, as long as I'm trying to be understanding, I know I could do it.But to be honest, even though I would give out warnings first, there would be so many people gone so fast it would make people's heads spin, and I would probably get removed ou
 t of fear of abuse, even though these are people that, lets be honest, should already have been long gone by now and just keep causing problems, again, and again, and again... With virtually 0 consequence for their actions.They wouldn't be able to help them selves, warning or no, it's in their nature it seems, and it's not like warnings ever stopped them before... right? Sorry you have to be the bad guy now Aaron, but you did sign up for this, knowing that this duty might fall to you, so I think it's time to start taking out the trash.You should probably put up some sticky topic or something first, just to warn everyone that the hammer is about to fall and let them have a chance to be on their best behavior. And just to be clear, 
 I'm only talking about maybe 4 or 5 people who can't help them selves and just constantly break the rules, along with the idiots that join just to be idiots on some topic that's already been lit aflame, who, lets be honest here, are probably just alternate accounts of someone already causing problems on it anyway.I know you don't want this to turn into the kind of place where everyone has to watch their back for the tiniest infraction, lest the mighty moderator flies down from the sky to strike them down where they stand, and neither do I, but I don't think this is an unreasonable request, and it's not the first one of it's kind either.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

2016-01-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : luiscarlosgm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

Steve, I agree, but I hate ultra power and thos people that don't want to play it just I cannot.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

2016-01-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

You don't know how to use the banning feature?That should be like, day one of moderator school.If your scared that they will be banned for too long, then just set up some sort of calendar event the day you ban them, to remind you to double check that their able to come back how ever many months from then it is, or at least keep a textual log of banns and expiration dates and share it with the other mods.It's not like Dark is around, being understandably busy with his new fiance and all, and your pretty much the only active moderator, which means you really need to step up to the plate, weather it seems fare or not, since there isn't anyone else to do so, unfortunately.I'd apply to help out, and I think I could be pretty objective actually, even though I can get pretty fired up, as long as I'm trying to be understanding, I know I could do it.But to be honest, even though I would give out warnings first, there would be so
  many people gone so fast it would make people's heads spin, and I would probably get removed out of fear of abuse, even though these are people that, lets be honest, should already have been long gone by now and just keep causing problems, again, and again, and again... With virtually 0 consequence for their actions.They wouldn't be able to help them selves, warning or no, it's in their nature it seems, and it's not like warnings ever stopped them before... right? Sorry you have to be the bad guy now Aaron, but you did sign up for this, knowing that this duty might fall to you, so I think it's time to start taking out the trash.You should probably put up some sticky topic or something first, just to warn everyone that the hammer is about to fall and let them have a chance to be on their best behavior. And just to be clear, I'm only talking about maybe 4 or 5 people who can't help them selves and just constantly break the rules, along with the idiots that join just to be idiots on some topic that's already been lit aflame, who, lets be honest here, are probably just alternate accounts of someone already causing problems on it anyway.I know you don't want this to turn into the kind of place where everyone has to watch their back for the tiniest infraction, lest the mighty moderator flies down from the sky to strike them down where they stand, and neither do I, but I don't think that asking for this level of control is an unreasonable request, and it's not the first one of it's kind either.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

2016-01-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

@4 agreed. We had a great balance of, not too "over-moderated" and not too "out of control". I think such a balance could be restored if further recruitment occured, or perhaps especially if Dark came back. No, Aaron you are not a bad moderator, quite reasonable and just in your judgement most of the time, --but you are human so sometimes things could be overlooked by mistake and hints misjudged. I haven't seen any other mods recently besides you and Dark doing active duty though, and with one of you experiencing large-scale life changes, the few mistakes you do end up make are at least a little bit justified. One person moderating hundreds of others and tens of topics at once has got to be hard no doubt.


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Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

2016-01-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Haramir via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

I'm also with you Steve, this place is changing, and sadly those are not good changes. We need our good old comunity back. Being a moderator is not an easy task, but I'm up to the challenge if it will make it better.Best regards, Haramir.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

2016-01-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

Hi,@2, I can teach you right now how to ban people. Here are instructions on how to ban someone from the forum.(Note: The following instructions only work for moderators and administrators. Forum members will not be able to access these functions.)Click on administration on the top menu.Go to users.Select the bans section.Follow the instructions on that screen.Alternatively:Click on the users username to open the users profile.Click 'ban user' or a variant of that option.Follow the instructions on that screen.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

2016-01-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

Hi,@2, I can teach you right now how to ban people. Here are instructions on how to ban someone from the forum. These instructions come from my own experience of being an administrator of my own self-hosted PunBB forum.(Note: The following instructions only work for moderators and administrators. Forum members will not be able to access these functions.)Click on administration on the top menu.Go to users.Select the bans section.Follow the instructions on that screen.Alternatively:Click on the users username to open the users profile.Click 'ban user' or a variant of that option.Follow the instructions on that screen.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

2016-01-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

Hi,@2, I can teach you right now how to ban people. Here are instructions on how to ban someone from the forum. These instructions come from my own experience of being an administrator of my own self-hosted PunBB forum.(Note: The following instructions only work for moderators and administrators. Forum members will not be able to access these functions.)Click on administration on the top menu.Go to users.Select the bans section.Follow the instructions on that screen.Alternatively:Click on the users username to open the users profile.Click 'ban user' or a variant of that option.Follow the instructions on that screen.Warning: Banning a user prevents them from accessing any section of the site (and any sites that are connected to this forum via single sign-on (SSO)). If you do 
 not know a good time to ban a user, ban them indefinitely when in doubt. Alternatively, if you feel that this is not a good option, ban them for 1 month or more. Banning someone for 1 hour/day/week will not teach anyone anything. Again, if you don't know a good time, banning people indefinitely is a good option since it allows you to choose exactly when you think they should be unbanned, rather than PunBB automatically doing it for you.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

2016-01-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : FabiG94 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

HelloI agree with everything and add something else.I think the database is somewhat neglected. There are many broken links may be repaired only changing the link for the new link.Examples of these are: kitchens inc games, morokuma games, destination mars, 7-128 software games, beatstar, scrolling battles and a long etc.also there are some new audiogames that were not added how: the gate, audio rally racing, space encounter, griff, marina break, survive the wild, the oriol gómez games etc.I know all the moderators have a personal life, and that is hard work keeping the database.however I offer help with updating the database if the moderators want help with the Hispanic community I have similar work, it is actually the same, update the database with new releases.greetings and thanks.


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