Re: what are your opinions about guide dogs?

2021-03-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what are your opinions about guide dogs?

I'm not a dog person, so it would never happen for me. There's nothing wrong with it though if you're willing to bond with the dog while also keeping that balance between you and your off-duty pup, versus you and your working service animal. I, unfortunately, have encountered a couple of examples where the lines blur a little too much for my liking. I always thought this was a myth; surely, no one goes to a guide dog school, possibly pays to train with it, and then proceeds to fuck everything up by, say, allowing their dog to eat people food while on duty, or whine until the person gives in and offers attention. I could keep listing examples, but it's not worth it. My point is that this dog is a companion in every aspect of your life, through the good times and bad, so make sure that it's truly what you want, and also that you are aware of the difference between playtime and working time. I feel that last bit should be obvious, but, sadly, it isn't, at least not to some I've encountered.


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Re: what are your opinions about guide dogs?

2021-03-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : meiffert via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what are your opinions about guide dogs?

I talked with a lot of people about guide dogs and if someone decided to take a guide dog, generally he is happy with this choice. but of course you have to like dogs. My mobility skills are very good, I also don't have to focus oduring walking but I apply for a guide dog, because I want to compare guide dog to cane  and tThe first of all I like animals as well.Remember, when you walk with your guide dog, more people will ask you about your pet "Can I touch your dog?, what's a funny pet! etc. You Sometimes you have to fight for your rights especially in countries where guide dogs aren't popular.At least in Poland, I can apply for a dog and after a few meetings I can say it's not for me, I don't have to take the dog right awayahh, and dog probably can better detect zebra crossing in unknown places than my cane.


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Re: what are your opinions about guide dogs?

2021-03-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : omer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what are your opinions about guide dogs?

i've also applyed for a dog like a week ago. Lets see what happens in a hundred years


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Re: what are your opinions about guide dogs?

2021-03-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Vulcan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what are your opinions about guide dogs?

Both the cane and a dog have their pros and conns. I myself had a guide dog for about 10 years.  My experience was fantastic as I applied both the dogs abilities and the abilities of my own with a cane while traveling.  I used the dog for the majority of my travels and implemented the cane when I got closer to my destination to detect landmarks that the dog would normally go passed.  On top of being a great tool for traveling, my pup also made a wond wonderful companion and friend.  When the dog was not working, the harness came off and he became a pup and did what pups do best. Cuddle, play, and relaxed like no other.  You and the dog are a team once your feet hit the pavement, and you and the dog must work together to accomplish your travels. It is not up to the dog to read your mind and take you where you want to go. Show the dog your routest, your way of travel and eventually you and the dog will almost think as one when it comes to traveling.  I am not sure how to fully explain that last part as weird as it sounds, but its the only way I can put it in to words.


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Re: what are your opinions about guide dogs?

2021-03-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : vablus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what are your opinions about guide dogs?

Personally,  I  don't  think  I'd  like  a  dog  in my house.  I've  always been  scared of  them. While  they're  properly  trained,  I don't  think  I  could  trust  a  dog in particular. However,  for  those in the  states  who don't like dogs, there is an alternative.  There are,  as  of this writing, trained miniature horses  that  will do the  same  job as dogs and live for quite a bit longer. There  are  advantages and disadvantages to choosing this option. But it is there for those who want an animal to guide them around obstacles and don't trust dogs to be the ones to make that happen.


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Re: what are your opinions about guide dogs?

2021-03-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what are your opinions about guide dogs?

@GCW: fair enough, as I said, guide dogs aren't for everybody, even counting how much of a fan I am generally.@camlorn, fair enough, in fairness saying %100 concentration with a cane might be overdoing it a bit, but there is no denying I did (and still do), notice a major concentration difference between using a dog and using a cane. maybe it's environmental, maybe it's just me I don't know, but even with navaids I've tried, I'm still better with a dog, especially in really crowded environments, hell, I remember when I was visiting my lady in 15, just how bonkers Newark New Jersy airport was, and how well Reever coped with it. Again also, reever is a particularly good guide dog, and very experienced and laid back about situations, not to mention prepared to pick up new things, how I get on with a second dog, we'll see hopefully in a couple of years when it comes up on the list, As to what Mecha sky uguardian does, that's up to him, but it's good he's getting a range of views here.


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Re: what are your opinions about guide dogs?

2021-03-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what are your opinions about guide dogs?

@3I mean, the thing is that I don't find that I have to spend 100% of my energy on travel.  Your cane skills may be good, but "I have to spend 100% of my energy on travel" is a foreign concept to me.  It's like 30%, maybe.  I can totally zone out when using the cane unless it's somewhere I've never been before.  And when I'm doing something with someone where I want to be focused on them instead of travel I just grab an elbow and off we go: you can deal with the lack of skill on their part by still covering yourself with the cane, while not having to spend effort on knowing where to go next, which drops the 30% effort to like 10%.  But I'm in downtown Seattle, which means I've got a grid, so where to go next is always a 90 degree turn, which means that if we're like walking to a restaurant or something, even that's not necessary because it's get to the corner and I find out if it's a turn.So idk.  That extra bit of zoning out is nice, but it's not nearly so much as you're describing.And for the weird cases where you're doing something as unusual as a hospital we've now got things like Seeing AI and I don't see that going away.  It's just, lots and lots of little things chipped away at it.  I love dogs.  I actually might get a non-guide dog dog in the near future.  But I just woke up one day and it was like "you know, I can do a lot more with a lot less effort with the cane" and that was that.


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Re: what are your opinions about guide dogs?

2021-03-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : GrannyCheeseWheel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what are your opinions about guide dogs?

I think it's got to be good for you. For me, it is not.


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Re: what are your opinions about guide dogs?

2021-03-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what are your opinions about guide dogs?

Having spent 17 years myself as a cane user, then getting a guide dog who was with me for ten years, who has now retired making me a permanent cane user again, I will try to be somewhat objective, or at least to present prose and cons as I see them. There are people who will tell you you "cannot" do x y z without a dog, that their lives changed when they had them. This to my mind is rubbish. There is nothing intrinsically you can do with a dog (especially with nav aids), that you could not do with a cane. however! (and it is a big however), a guide dog makes everything so much less effort. With a cane, you must always be %100 aware of what is around you, even going somewhere you know, you need to constantly concentrate, to check there aren't road works or obstacles in your way, and never mind having to dodge around people, or try to find the exits to buildings or the like.With a guide dog, you can honestly just switch your brain off. Your dog will quite happily go around obstacles, work around people, even when people are not looking where they're going, and just leave you free to concentrate on directions. Also, with a guide dog, the more time and effort you put in teaching your dog, the more help your dog will be, because as a living creature with ability to associate concepts, dogs can make the sort of category leaps of logic humans can. For example, one of the single most useful commands I've taught reever is "find the counter!" in a bar, a cafe, a restaurant a shop, I don't need to worry about working from the door to get served, I just ask reever to "find the counter!" and she will. The same goes for seat, whether it's a stool, a bench, a sofa or a chair, "find the seat", will do. Ditto with teaching specific places or people. the downer of course, is that guide dogs are living creatures, and so the more time you put in to teaching them, getting them used to the routes you go, walking around ETc, the better at things they get. Also, being living creatures, guide dogs can and do make mistakes, and will require you to tell them when they're going wrong, when they're prone to jump up at people at the wrong time, or  distracted by another dog. guide dogs also do need you to bphysically take care of them, dog brushing, feeding, going for none working walks, playing with your dog, and yes, picking up dog poo. this does mean extra work, and mean guide dogs aren't for everyone, either because of life circumstances or inclination. However, if your already inclined to be fond of dogs and don't have a problem taking care of one, then the benefits, in terms of mobility and effort  will be well worth it, indeed having done both, and having to now go back to my cane, I am definitely noticing this. lastly, there is the companionship aspect, since depending upon where you are, guide dogs can also serve as an emotional support in often very dismal circumstances, since frankly most of the time, dogs are far nicer than people . As I said, my personal thought is, unless a person's life or circumstances are such that they either don't like dogs or can't take care of one, a guide dog is always worth it. After all, if a guide dog were simply equivalent to walking with a cane, then nobody would have one, since why would you saddle yourself with the difficulty of looking after another creature, often in public situations, for absolutely no bennifit in mobility. This isn't to say guide dogs are right for everyone, there are several people I know who it definitely hasn't worked out for, and some people just don't fancy the idea, which is fair enough, however if you think you can! cope with the responsability, and are willing to put in the time and effort (especially as regards expanding your dog's vocabulary and training), then it's imho well worth while.Lastly, I'll give an illustrative example from roughly this time last's 7-30 at night. my lady's chemo therapy has been delayed and moved to a different hospital department, we've been sitting in hospital all day, I need to both ring my parents for a lift, and frankly at this point get a coffee. We were however escorted from one department to another, past the hospital entrance, and down several long and twisting corridors. With the hospital having crappy phone signals therefor, I need to get to the entrance. but what to dos place is nearly empty it being so late, and those nurses who are around are busy as hell. I don't know where I am, it's not a place I've been before, but I do know the entrance is roughly five minutes away. I simply turn to my very experienced dog and say "find out!" and off she goes! down one corridor past several others, round three corners, out of another and ping! there we are outside. i phone my parents, tell them we'll be a bit late, go back in, go to the cafe for a coffee (with Reever finding the counter). And how do I get back? I just a

Re: what are your opinions about guide dogs?

2021-03-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what are your opinions about guide dogs?

Having spent 17 years myself as a cane user, then getting a guide dog who was with me for ten years, who has now retired making me a permanent cane user again, I will try to be somewhat objective, or at least to present prose and cons as I see them. There are people who will tell you you "cannot" do x y z without a dog, that their lives changed when they had them. This to my mind is rubbish. There is nothing intrinsically you can do with a dog (especially with nav aids), that you could not do with a cane. however! (and it is a big however), a guide dog makes everything so much less effort. With a cane, you must always be %100 aware of what is around you, even going somewhere you know, you need to constantly concentrate, to check there aren't road works or obstacles in your way, and never mind having to dodge around people, or try to find the exits to buildings or the like.With a guide dog, you can honestly just switch your brain off. Your dog will quite happily go around obstacles, work around people, even when people are not looking where they're going, and just leave you free to concentrate on directions. Also, with a guide dog, the more time and effort you put in teaching your dog, the more help your dog will be, because as a living creature with ability to associate concepts, dogs can make the sort of category leaps of logic humans can. For example, one of the single most useful commands I've taught reever is "find the counter!" in a bar, a cafe, a restaurant a shop, I don't need to worry about working from the door to get served, I just ask reever to "find the counter!" and she will. The same goes for seat, whether it's a stool, a bench, a sofa or a chair, "find the seat", will do. Ditto with teaching specific places or people. the downer of course, is that guide dogs are living creatures, and so the more time you put in to teaching them, getting them used to the routes you go, walking around ETc, the better at things they get. Also, being living creatures, guide dogs can and do make mistakes, and will require you to tell them when they're going wrong, when they're prone to jump up at people at the wrong time, or  distracted by another dog. guide dogs also do need you to bphysically take care of them, dog brushing, feeding, going for none working walks, playing with your dog, and yes, picking up dog poo. this does mean extra work, and mean guide dogs aren't for everyone, either because of life circumstances or inclination. However, if your already inclined to be fond of dogs and don't have a problem taking care of one, then the benefits, in terms of mobility and effort  will be well worth it, indeed having done both, and having to now go back to my cane, I am definitely noticing this. lastly, there is the companionship aspect, since depending upon where you are, guide dogs can also serve as an emotional support in often very dismal circumstances, since frankly most of the time, dogs are far nicer than people . As I said, my personal thought is, unless a person's life or circumstances are such that they either don't like dogs or can't take care of one, a guide dog is always worth it. After all, if a guide dog were simply equivalent to walking with a cane, then nobody would have one, since why would you saddle yourself with the difficulty of looking after another creature, often in public situations, for absolutely no bennifit in mobility. This isn't to say guide dogs are right for everyone, there are several people I know who it definitely hasn't worked out for, and some people just don't fancy the idea, which is fair enough, however if you think you can! cope with the responsability, and are willing to put in the time and effort (especially as regards expanding your dog's vocabulary and training), then it's imho well worth while.Lastly, I'll give an illustrative example from roughly this time last's 7-30 at night. my lady's chemo therapy has been delayed and moved to a different hospital department, we've been sitting in hospital all day, I need to both ring my parents for a lift, and frankly at this point get a coffee. We were however escorted from one department to another, past the hospital entrance, and down several long and twisting corridors. With the hospital having crappy phone signals therefor, I need to get to the entrance. but what to dos place is nearly empty it being so late, and those nurses who are around are busy as hell. I don't know where I am, it's not a place I've been before, but I do know the entrance is roughly five minutes away. I simply turn to my very experienced dog and say "find out!" and off she goes! down one corridor, round two corners, out of another and ping! there we are outside. i phone my parents, tell them we'll be a bit late, go back in, go to the cafe for a coffee (with Reever finding the counter). And how do I get back? I just ask Reever to find my wif

Re: what are your opinions about guide dogs?

2021-03-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what are your opinions about guide dogs?

I think it depends on you.  I did it for 5 years or so.  I found that it's great for something like college, where you're going to the same places every day and the dog picks up on that.  You can go on autopilot and just let the dog do it.But then I ended up not being in college anymore, started doing things like going to crowded bars and weird parties, working remote.  And I found that (1) they're not nearly so great if you're going to put yourself in unfamiliar situations all the time, because the cane can provide more info and even though you're allowed to take them everywhere, having a dog along for the ride is really not nearly so convenient for lots of kinds of activities; and (2) my cane skills are good enough that I can go as fast as the dog with the cane.But they're good for companionship, and they can make up for years of cane practice with only a few weeks doing training.  It's my opinion that canes top out above where guide dogs top out for those who are really good with the cane and spatial reasoning and stuff like that, but maybe your cane skills won't top out there because learning the cane can be hard for most people, or being functional now is more important than being super capable, and if that's the case you can't beat investing a few weeks of your life for the level of skill they do give you.


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what are your opinions about guide dogs?

2021-03-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : mechaSkyGuardian via Audiogames-reflector


what are your opinions about guide dogs?

sorry if this is a controversial topic or some thing but I was thinking of enrolling in a guide dog program after the pandemic. Many people told me that having a guide dog was a good decision but I want to ask you guys on the forum what you think.


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Re: A Question About Guide Dogs

2017-04-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Phil via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Question About Guide Dogs

shotgunshell,Leader Dogs for the Blind Summer Experience Camp Application Deadline Extended to April 24thApplication Deadline Extended to April 24!Leader Dogs for the Blind is Accepting Applications for their Free 2017 Summer Experience CampSummer Experience Camp is a week of outdoor fun, friendship, and skill building. The program combines physical activities like kayaking, rock wall climbing,and tandem biking with things exclusively Leader Dog--GPS training and the opportunity to spend time with future Leader Dogs. The combination will help increase your independent travel skills!The free program is for boys and girls ages 16 and 17 who are legally blind. Leader Dog covers all costs including airfare to Michigan--and everyone receives a free HumanWare Trekker Breeze+ GPS device. Summer Experience Camp is scheduled for June 23-30, 2017. Applications are due by April 24, 2017.For more information and to download an application, go to the Summer Experience Camp Webpage … ience-camp or call the Leader Dogs for the Blind client services department at 888-777-5332.Leader Dog client Shannon Columb attended Camp several years ago; check out this YouTube video to find out what she is up to now.


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Re: A Question About Guide Dogs

2017-04-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Kara_Louise via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Question About Guide Dogs

Colllies as guide dogs. Interesting, honestly never considered that before. Then again retrievers have a reputation for being crazy, least all the ones my family owned have lacked a few brain cells bar the last two. Cats were no different either, I had one that got high on catnip then tried to tunnel, face first, through a closed glass door, and pull a Garfield sliding down it, yowling at the door all the while...then when the door was opened, the cat would walk through the door, turn around, meow in shock at an open door and hideso apparently crazy animals stick together.That being said, I came across guide elephants and horses, and also guide ducks and hens. Work that one outDraco


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Re: A Question About Guide Dogs

2017-04-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : afrim via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Question About Guide Dogs

@Dark, I think the intelligence of dogs has to do a little with the purpose they are used for, and what tasks they are bred to carry out.For example, a Dachshund, which is mainly a hunting small and midsized dog is trained only to hunt and dig to search for its target. If, for instance, I leave my Dachshund alone in my garden, he will open a hall roughly bigger than his body.Then there are guardian dogs like Kangals or Caucasian Ovcharca, quite giant breeds that do a wonderful job at guarding. But I don't think they could be suitable for guiding.St. Bernards as far as I know are more appropriate for researching. For example, they can recognise and take people out of frozen snow, and they will be truly masters at these tasks.One breed I think would be appropriate for guiding is the Border Collie. It is considered to be the most intelligent dog in the world and it is not either large or tiny.I wouldn't like to begin talking about the infrastr
 ucture here in Albania because it will lead to discussion after discussion. It is very poor, and it won't even promise you to walk with a cane, even in the capital which seems to be a little bit more developed than other cities.I have to go with my mum everyday to university because I don't think I could reach it safe and sound on my own. As I said in the previous post, the emancipation of people towards people with disabilities is incredibly low. No, I wouldn't say discrimination, but rather a primitive mentality which tells them that these people need someone to assist and they cannot do on their own.Publicity would help here quite a lot, but we need people who can seriously work on these matters since our politicians are terribly corrupt and each time they see funds coming in need of disabled people, or any other category, will run to seize them without mercy.


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Re: A Question About Guide Dogs

2017-04-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Question About Guide Dogs

@Shotgunshell, One part of having a guide dog is indeed making going places generally easier, and whatever your doing now odds are you'll be going more places later when you finish school etc, though learning to take care of yourself is indeed a necessity. @Afrim, I think on average retrievers tend to more lazy than labs, my mum has a lab who is postiviely hyper energetic, heck she's ten and still behaves like a puppy, including racing up and down stairs etc. This is one reason why in Britain guide dogs match the personality of the dog to the owner and his/her lifestyle, since while breeds tend to have roughly equal each dog is different themselves. With several dog breeds it is not specifically the intelligence of the dog which is the problem, it's other things. I know my bull terrier, though a lovely dog would've been no use as a guide dog since if she saw another dog she'd have you up a tree.Then again they're experimenti
 ng with breeds all the time, I did hear in the Uk they tried out st. bernards at one stage. It's a shame though that the infrastructure and attitudes in Albania are so dire as regards guide dogs. I will say publicity is one of the main things the guide dogs association does a lot of over here, programs on tv, radio etc, indeed I've frequently run into people who do fund raising for guide dogs in the street who nearly always want to talk to Reever :d.


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Re: A Question About Guide Dogs

2017-04-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : shotgunshell via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Question About Guide Dogs

afrim wrote:If they see you here being guided by a dog, they will think like you're walking for fun and they won't respect you in any circumstance.That's really for shame. I wish people would stop being so hateful to others with disabilities, it disappoints me.


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Re: A Question About Guide Dogs

2017-04-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Cinnamon via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Question About Guide Dogs

I want to add that when I was 16 in small town North Carolina, my teachers/grandmother decided to apply me for two guide dog schools. That was ten years ago. I don't remember having a whole lot of say in the process. I don't remember if I researched the schools or not. I didn't know anything about dogs or walking. I was terrified of cane mobility and didn't like going anywhere on my own. I'd only been totally blind for 5 years at that point, and I really didn't have a handle on my own life at all. We had sidewalks and a van that would take people around town. I theoretically could have done it, but I really wasn't ready.Looking back now after college and now having a job, I can't believe anybody thought I was ready for a dog. I wasn't independent at all. In hindsight, having gone through the process of getting the dog with no help from anyone, I see how harmful it could have been had I gone off for a dog at that point. I wasn
 9;t ready to be a leader. I was still looking to adults to help me instead of helping myself. I wasn't able to advocate for myself, so how could I have taken charge of a dog? I thought about getting a dog midway through college. After looking at schools and researching requirements, I decided that a dog wasn't right for me then. But the key is that I was able to decide that for myself. My last year of college, I knew I was bailing on North Carolina and escaping to Colorado. I felt ready at that point. I researched again, assessed my financial situation, and felt like I could handle a dog.A lot of this has to come from you. I wrote this post hoping that an experience from another teenager in small town North Carolina would give you some kind of idea what the path *might* be like.


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Re: A Question About Guide Dogs

2017-04-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Cinnamon via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Question About Guide Dogs

Being from North Carolina myself, I know how country/rural some of those towns can be. I've never even heard of Hayesville! Apparently, it has a population of 311. My Hometown is about 4250 if you don't take in the surrounding towns. I think living out in the sticks can be hard as a blind person in general. Town may be ten miles away, but do you have parks around your house? a little run-in store? Is it all just woods? Can you take transportation from your house and get into town so you can work the dog there? What might you and the dog do together on a day to day basis?You're 17 now, so what are your plans after high school? Are you going to continue your education, or stay home while you plan things out? If you stay at home for a bit, what are you and the dog going to do with your time? My girl is lazy and does okay with fewer walks, but other dogs will be higher energy. A guide dog school will ask you questions like this. what is your routine like? What de
 stinations will you travel to? What are you going to be doing with your life? Will the dog get enough work, or will you just keep it at home all the time?It sounds like your parents are driving this train, and that concerns me. A dog is your responsibility, as others have said. The key word here is your. Your partner. Dependent on you. You are its lleader. you aren't just responsible for feeding it and cleaning up after it, but it's on you to make sure the dog is exercised, and behaves well, and isn't bored. When people refuse you access to a place, it's on you to step up and speak for yourself. You have to keep up the dog's training. You have to take on a guardian role and decide what is best for your dog, and for you both as a working team. It's your job to educate yourself and figure out which school is best for you. You have to be at the front of this train, leading this whole process.All that said, I think you absolutely can work a do
 g in po-dunk rural North Carolina. But I think it requires a lot of self-advocacy, meaning you have to stand up for yourself and take charge of your own life. I think it will certainly be harder for a team than living in town, but it can be done if you're motivated. I didn't get my dog until after college, because I was barely able to manage my own life at the time, let alone be a parent/guardian/leader for another living being. Do your own research on the internet. Your parents absolutely should not be the ones handling all this for you.


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Re: A Question About Guide Dogs

2017-04-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Phil via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Question About Guide Dogs

shotgunshell,You wrote, You have to be 15 or older for a guide dog, and I'm 17.The Seeing eye, the guide dog school in Morristown New Jersey requires you to be 16. During the 3 ½ weeks training, or 2 ½ weeks for a returning student, you go on different routes through the town with sidewalks, then take a trip into New York City for practice on city streets and also a trip to a town without sidewalks.I think some of these walks are about a mile long.They train you in getting on and off cars, buses, trains and subways.You can get more information at:


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Re: A Question About Guide Dogs

2017-04-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Question About Guide Dogs

shotgunshell wrote:So I talked to my parents about it because I really didn't know. Apparently, you have to walk 3 miles with your dog every day, which I can't do very easily. No you don't. It is true that a dog will need walks first as exercise and second to maintain their skills, however where the rather arbitrary "three miles" comes from I don't know, indeed most guide dogs here in the Uk are labradors, retrievers or crosses (with the odd german Sheepherd or labradoodle), and generally speaking most labs and retrievers are fairly laid back, aka lazy. It's about two miles to the town center which I do a couple of times a week, on days when I don't do that I will sometimes do a walk of roughly a mile,  well about half an hour anyway), just as a general refresher, and also give Reever a run in the field behind the house. Of course, it also depen
 ds upon the dogs' personality, at least in the Uk the personality of the dog and eg, how much he/she needs by way of exercise  fairly carefully matched to the life style of the owner, so you won't have some bouncy over active puppy left with an old person who walks slowly or some huge, layed back rug of a dog that tires easily with someone who goes hill walking for miles and miles each day.shotgunshell wrote:It's also a 10 mile trip to town, and there aren't any sidewalks until you actually get to town. [/Also, they'd rather me use Clay County transportation to get from point A to point B, which I'm not happy about either, I know it's a 10 mile trip but I don't see why I couldn't live in town.While the ten miles lack of pavements thing is worrying (most guide dogs are okay with lack of pavements over short periods but probably not for a ten mile walk), I&
 #039;m a bit uncertain as to what this county transportation has to do with you getting a dog. As has been said most guide dogs, if not all guide dogs are quite okay on pretty much all forms of transport from busses, to trains, to aeroplanes, and indeed in a busy town center is just where you would likely want a dog to help, so if you do decide to live in town, or just visit town  it would be rather useful however you get there. Indeed I wonder if your parents assume that a guide dog is basically a substitute for having a car and that once in a crowded area you wouldn't need the dog.shotgunshell wrote:Either way, that's the reason. As for why I couldn't get a dog in the US, I think it's because we can't find a school that's closer, but I don't know on that 1.I'm genuinely confused about this one given that there seem to be several schools around t
 he Us. Indeedd my lady who is in Pensylvania went to the seeing eye which I believe is based in New York. You mention here Shotgunshell that your parents have basically been heavily involved with this, suggesting that you go to Canida, giving you reasons why not, not wanting you to live in town  etc. I would suggest discussing this matter sensibly with them, since it sounds like you have been getting a lot of information from them which is perhaps rather strange, or at least biased. maybe it is that your parents don't want you to move out, maybe they are worried about you taking care of a dog, either I do wonder, given how odd these reasons are and given that you yourself don't seem to have talked to this school in Canida to what extent the actual matter is related to the school, and to what related to your parents. Having a guide dog is hugely helpful in many ways, including with depression,, but it is a major decision and a responsability, and so
 mething you need to be adult about, which includes taking responsability for things yourself and talking things out with your parents in a reasonable manner if possible.


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Re: A Question About Guide Dogs

2017-04-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Question About Guide Dogs

shotgunshell wrote:So I talked to my parents about it because I really didn't know. Apparently, you have to walk 3 miles with your dog every day, which I can't do very easily. No you don't. It is true that a dog will need walks first as exercise and second to maintain their skills, however where the rather arbitrary "three miles" comes from I don't know, indeed most guide dogs here in the Uk are labradors, retrievers or crosses (with the odd german Sheepherd or labradoodle), and generally speaking most labs and retrievers are fairly laid back, aka lazy. It's about two miles to the town center which I do a couple of times a week, on days when I don't do that I will sometimes do a walk of roughly a mile,  well about half an hour anyway), just as a general refresher, and also give Reever a run in the field behind the house. Of course, it also depen
 ds upon the dogs' personality, at least in the Uk the personality of the dog and eg, how much he/she needs by way of exercise  fairly carefully matched to the life style of the owner, so you won't have some bouncy over active puppy left with an old person who walks slowly or some huge, layed back dog that tires easily with someone who goes hill walking for miles each day.shotgunshell wrote:It's also a 10 mile trip to town, and there aren't any sidewalks until you actually get to town. [/Also, they'd rather me use Clay County transportation to get from point A to point B, which I'm not happy about either, I know it's a 10 mile trip but I don't see why I couldn't live in town.While the ten miles lack of pavements thing is worrying (most guide dogs are okay with lack of pavements over short periods but probably not for a ten mile walk), I'm a bit as to 
 what this county transportation has to do with you getting a dog. As has been said most guide dogs, if not all guide dogs are quite okay pretty much all forms of public transport from busses, to trains, to aeroplanes, and indeed in a busy town center is just where you would likely want a dog to help, so if you do decide to live in town it would be rather useful.shotgunshell wrote:Either way, that's the reason. As for why I couldn't get a dog in the US, I think it's because we can't find a school that's closer, but I don't know on that 1.I'm genuinely confused about this one given that there seem to be several schools around the Us. Indeedd my lady who is in Pensylvania went to the seeing eye which I believe is based in New York. You mention here Shotgunshell that your parents have basically been involved with this, suggesting that you go to Canida, g
 iving you reasons why not, not wanting you to live in town  etc. I would suggest discussing this matter sensibly with them, since it sounds like you have been getting a lot of information from them which is perhaps rather strange, or at least biased. maybe it is that your parents don't want you to move out, maybe they are worried about you taking care of a dog, either I do wonder, given how odd these reasons are and given that you yourself don't seem to have talked to this school in Canida if the actual matter is related to the school. Having a guide dog is hugely helpful in many ways, including with depression,, but it is a major decision and a responsability, and something you need to be adult about, which includes taking responsability for things yourself and talking things out with your parents in a reasonable manner if possible. e


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Re: A Question About Guide Dogs

2017-04-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Question About Guide Dogs

Not sure how that makes sense... any school in state or in the US would be closer than Canada from NC, as far as I know. I would recommend looking into a local school, and that only when you can be certain of being able to support both yourself and the dog.


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Re: A Question About Guide Dogs

2017-04-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : shotgunshell via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Question About Guide Dogs

They do have to accept guide dogs and handlers, I'm talking about the fact that I have to take transportation, I'd rather walk to the store and back by myself.


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Re: A Question About Guide Dogs

2017-04-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Question About Guide Dogs

Okay. Ignore my revious post since I posted it befoe you posted...I'll go through those points one by one and offer my thoughts:Yes, you have to go X miles with a dog. I know for a fact I can't, yet certain relatives keep hinting I ought to get a dog. I've joked with my family about training one of my two but that won't happen.Second point: Ten miles to town with no sidewalks: Maybe it's my horse experience talking here but there are absolutely ways to mitigate that,Transportation: I'll admit, I'm going by 4-5 years ago memory here but I thought that by the ADA laws and such the transport had to accept guide dogs and their handlers and such by default?As for why can't you just live in town? Alright, this may just be the issueIf you live in town you still need to go X miles with the dog a day, and you have to prove you can be independent, and pay for utilities and for any bills that come up, vet b
 ills, etc.I'd STILL suggest going with a local county school or school in state however that knows the area, you'll probably get muh, much better advice on your situation from them.


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Re: A Question About Guide Dogs

2017-04-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Question About Guide Dogs

Hint. Don't go to a school in Canada when there are better ones in the US... I don't know why they are refusing you, either, but I wouldn't go to the school here if it's the one I'm thinking, and I'm Canadian! Just out of curiocity, why do you want to go to Canada to get a guide dog instead of staying in the US?


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Re: A Question About Guide Dogs

2017-04-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : magurp244 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Question About Guide Dogs

Using the "friendliness" of the town as an excuse seems absurd. There seems to be a number of organizations that have locations in North Carolina that offer Guide Dog services and training that you can apply for through their websites, such as the previously mentioned [Guiding Eyes], [MIRA], and [Southeastern Guide Dogs]. I've also come across some NC legal resources regarding accessibility and Guide Dogs that may be useful, [Disability Rights NC] and [Animal Law NC].


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Re: A Question About Guide Dogs

2017-04-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : shotgunshell via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Question About Guide Dogs

@Cinnamon I would tell you, but honestly I have no idea what the name is. I think I pretty much covered all the details that I'm aware of but I'll come back when I find out more.


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Re: A Question About Guide Dogs

2017-04-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Cinnamon via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Question About Guide Dogs

When we refer to schools, we're not talking about your high school or college. We're referring to a training facility which breeds and trains dogs. The only US school I know of that operates in Canada is The Seeing Eye. Guide dogs *typically* come from one of a handful of training schools across the country. The Seeing Eye, Guide Dogs for the Blind, Guide Dog Foundation, Guiding Eyes... there are many more. It sounds like you're working with some kind of private or independent organization. I've never heard of one of the bigger schools telling anyone their town isn't compadible. My dog is trained in country work at any rate, so she could handle a lack of sidewalks. Smaller organizations may have their own rules. What is the name of this place if you're comfortable sharing? Do they train for guide work specifically?


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Re: A Question About Guide Dogs

2017-04-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Question About Guide Dogs

@shotgunshell, when I say "school" I don't mean your actual school, I mean a guide dog training school, ie, an organization  trains guide dogs and matches them with blind people. apparently there are several in the states, so goodness knows why your going to Canida. Indeed I wonder if this business about "your town isn't setup for a dog" is the entire truth as I said, the hole situation seems a bit strange, but you need to handle it like an adult, find out the facts and then either argue accordingly or go somewhere else. I will say over here generally if you apply for a guide dog and don't get there is usually a dam good reason, eg, an old person who is unwell and couldn't take care of a dog, or a partner who has a fir allergy, or a majorly serious mental illness such as the dog, and likely the person as well would be in danger, and even in these circusmtances the guide dogs association would still provide things li
 ke mobility training if they could and likely might change their in the future if a person's circumstances change. As I said I don't know how it is in the states, but certainly my lady's experiences with the seeing eye were pretty positive.


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Re: A Question About Guide Dogs

2017-04-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Question About Guide Dogs

yeah, I'm calling bullcrap on the "your town isn't good for dogs" rubbish.1. Do they not expect you to ever go anywhere else at all?2. From your description, I have no idea what aspect of your town they'd be referring to as the deal-breaker. There are loads of guide-dogs in Ruston, Louisiana. Your town sounds much more pedestrian-friendly than Ruston. 3" I ... forgot what my third point "was  I would try to find other organizations which offer or can help with this matter. I don't know which those would be; maybe Google "How to get a guide dog in the US"?


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Re: A Question About Guide Dogs

2017-04-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : shotgunshell via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Question About Guide Dogs

I don't get guide dogs from my school, I get them from people in Canada. Who they are I'm not to sure. Besides, my school doesn't do much for me anyways, and when they do they rely on other third party companies and organizations to buy the stuff for them. In my case, they get equipment from Voke Rehab, but they don't give out guide dog training.


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Re: A Question About Guide Dogs

2017-04-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : livrobo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Question About Guide Dogs

Which school are you attempting to get a dog through?


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Re: A Question About Guide Dogs

2017-04-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Question About Guide Dogs

Hmmm, well I'm afraid I still don't know where in the states you are exactly since I don't know which state the code nc refers to. AAccording to my lady there are different schools in the states, she went to the seeing eye when she was 17, so maybe applying to a different school? I also wonder perhaps if it was a matter in your application.One thing which guide dogs over here in Britain will do, is make absolutely %100 sure that your able to take care of the dog and that the dog won't be in some sort of trouble. They actually state in their statutes that you cannot have a dog if suffering a severe mental illness.I'd suggest myself that you examine  the reasons they gave for you not having a dog perhaps consider trying another school. On the matter of mobility, I will say generally you yourself need to be fairly good before! you have a dog, after all there is no having a dog help you avoid obstacles if you get yo
 urself run over .This isn't usually a matter of adaptations in the environment so much though as it is a matter of your own personal skills with mobility, learning landmarks etc, indeed that is a case you might make either to this school or another if you decide to reapply.


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Re: A Question About Guide Dogs

2017-04-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : shotgunshell via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Question About Guide Dogs

I live in Hayesville NC, and no I'm not nervous about posting that info because it's not like someone's gonna track me down or anything like that. You have to be 15 or older for a guide dog, and I'm 17. You have to go all the way to Canada to get a dog, and they claim that my town isn't guide dog friendly even though it clearly is. I can tell the difference between a sidewalk and a parking lot, and a dogs senses are amplified so they can definitely tell the difference. I don't get what's up with them about that, but they make the decision and I don't, so what do I know?


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Re: Experiences with guide dogs

2016-02-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Experiences with guide dogs

@Cinnamon, I agree especially on scraps. This is one of the things my lady says is improving with me sinse some of the people she was around before had a habbit of feeding her dog at the table, where as I'm pretty strict on not doing so in order to not teach Reever to beg or snatch or play up around food. For a free run, there is the area behind my flat which is fenced in which both Reever and my lady's dog can use, they also get walks, however as they're both labs I don't think they need quite as much walk time as some dogs, although Reever is used to  roughly a fourty minute walk a day. While I agree on the working dog thing, even in terms of work there is a lot you can do, eg, take dog biscuits out with you when your dog does something right and keep on teaching them to find new things and do new routes. generally the better relationship you have with your dog, the more you communicate and understand each other, the better you will be work
 ing. Oh and btw, on the family thing one ironic part is my lady has had a habbit of referring to both of our dogs as "the children" which is distinctly odd for me, sinse Reever has always been my dog, never my child, then again I'm much happier with dogs than children most of the time and don't want the association.


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Re: Experiences with guide dogs

2016-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Cinnamon via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Experiences with guide dogs

I highly encourage doing a google search for "Zone BBS guide dog." I'm sure lots of people will respond on here, but the boards on the zone already have a ton of information for you to look through.German shepherds are amazing dogs, but they do require a lot of walking, attention, and care. Fidelco likes you to walk at least two miles every day, because a Shep will need that kind of energy burn.I wouldn't say that an off harness dog is *just* a dog. for example, I wouldn't let my dog eat chicken bones or table scraps off harness. 1, it will teach her bad habits about snatching human food. 2, it would probably make her sick, and what if we have to go somewhere the next day? Trust me, you don't want a sick dog with you in public.In harness and out, you still have to remember that this dog is more than a pet. It goes with you in public. It has to behave. So I told my co-worker to knock it off when she was trying to teach my dog to ju
 mp. I got very annoyed with her when she was trying to feed my dog food from her own mouth. Those things, while funny for a normal pet, aren't cute or funny for a guide dog to do.When we go visiting, I have to consider whether or not to let Fran off leash. Do we have to go anywhere the next day? If she eats grass, she'll puke. Will people guard their food? She's good about staying away from tables, but will people keep things up off her level?Schools also highly discourage taking your pup to the dog park. Your guide dog being attacked by a random dog could cause them traumatic stress issues which would cause them to retire. So when I want Fran to play off leash, I go with my co-worker and her two dogs. Fran has met them and we know they're fine playing together. We go to a separate fensed-off area of the dog park for shy dogs. This area is mostly empty, and we stay near the dogs at all times.But all this isn't to say that your dog has to
  be a slave. Fran has tons of bones, squeakers, and ropes which are durable enough so she doesn't eat tiny bits off them. She has a soft crate to sleep in and a fuzzy blanket she likes us to get out for her at night so she can nap by the couch after her dinner. She likes to run through the house chasing her wubba toy. At work, she sleeps in her pet bed and chews her antler. Having a guide dog is an amazing experience that teaches you a lot about being a parent, LOL.


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Experiences with guide dogs

2016-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Cody_91 via Audiogames-reflector


Experiences with guide dogs

Hey all, I should be getting a guide dog through Fidelco in CT over the next year and I was wondering what experiences people have had with guide dogs. How strict are their rules supposed to be. I know that when the harness is on they have to be strictly work dogs, but as far as I know when they have their harness off they can just be a dog.


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Re: guide dogs!

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : lukas via Audiogames-reflector


Re: guide dogs!

Thanks for the explanation. I realize my post might have sounded a bit too harsh perhaps, and Im sorry about that. I was just pretty surprised to hear of such odd behavior with a fully qualified and trained guide dog abroad. In my country, Ive heard of lots of people whose dogs were properly trained and everything was all right with them at the beginning but the handlers themselves later allowed them to lose mostor all of this learned discipline over time, more or less directly. Some of those people I even know in person and their dogs as well as themselves are a sad story in several cases.This phenomenon here in the Czech Republic is starting to really annoy and frustrate me, so I may have overreacted a bit, having heard about something similar even abroad, in the western countries that a lot of us naively tend to consider better, more advanced, more developed, more modern. However, having not known all the circumstances, I might have judged the situation wrongl
 y. :-)From my very limited (one year plus some reading and consultation) experience, its perfectly possible for a dog to have one or two weird quirks like this that cant be entirely explained with logical and rational means. However, if its something you as the dogs human pack leader andas the owner dislike, its up to you to let the dog know, clearly and without any room for your authority to be challenged, that its not supposed to be doing this or that. This can be done entirely calmly, without any conflict, violence or domination over the dog, without harming it physically or mentally in whatever way, in such a way that the dog understands it and eventually learns to accept it, even if it is not exactly hapy about it at first, without your bond suffering from this in any way.The process of doing it is pretty difficult to describe clearly and accurately to someone whos not a dog handler themselves though, not to mention that it
  can be pretty different for every human and every dog.Lukash


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Re: guide dogs!

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: guide dogs!

@Lukas that is my thoughts as well, however its not just in the Czech Republic that you get idiots with guide dogs, sinse even with the Uk having the Guide dogs organization (who as Ive said are generally fantastic), that doesnt mean everyone knows what theyre doing. For example, last year I was out with my parents and we ran across a blind woman with her sighted husband and a guide dog. This woman was walking along, holding her husbands arm with one hand, and holding the handle of the dogs harnice with the other! Ive never seen something so stupid. With a guide dog, either your holding the handle of the harnice and the dog knows he/she is working and will go around obstacles, or, if you want to stop that for some reason you drop the handle and just hold the dogs lead, and the dog knows that its not working. There is no way walking with a dog is compatible with holding someones arm, sinse how does the dog kn
 ow to allow space for two people? and who is then actually doing the guiding, the sighted person or the dog?This isnt to say if you have a guide dog never walk with someone else just make sure that the dog knows what is expected and isnt utterly confused and having the expectations of its training completely shattered.This even happened sinse the woman got to a crossing at the edge of the road and the dog didnt know whether it was supposed to stop or not. The only difference is when I see a guide dog being handled wrongly in Brtiain, I do know that its not just a case of a private individual who is confusing a dog they privately own, but someone who will be in trouble with the guide dogs organization come their next inspection, indeed though I am generally a massive fan of autonomy and freedom and am not usually keen on domineering groups that tell blind people how to behave, sinse with a guide dog your not just responsa
 ble for yourself, but for your Dog as well, I do aprove of the organizations behaviour here, particularly sinse theyre not bent on telling you! what you can and cannot do or how you should behave as a blind person the way some other blindness organizations are, they just focus on the fact you have a dog for whom your responsable, and will make sure the dog is okay if your not holding up your end of the bargain just as they would equally help with extra training etc if the dog is doing something problematic, also its not as if they hover around constantly, they just check up once a year (more frequently at the start or with people theyre not as certain of), to make sure everything is okay.In fairness I also believe the British government should bring back Dog licenses for pet dogs the way they used to have in the sixties, though that is another debatee. Suffice it to say that yes, idiots with guide dogs are probably universal, however at least in
  the Uk there is someone checking up on them and making sure the dogs dont suffer from peoples idiocy.


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Re: guide dogs!

2014-11-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Thunderfist799 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: guide dogs!

Hi Lukas and Dark,To be honest, there wasnt anything overlooked with her training and she wasnt really spoilt. The only time when she barks, funnily enough, is whenever I come in to take my piano lesson. And there hasnt been any wrong treatment with her. Could it perhaps be because of the other dog? According to what Ive heard, if the younger dog has something like a toy, the older dog chases the younger one. Theyve got this sort of rivalry between them. But from what Ive seen, she isnt sspoilt. It has only been these past few times that she has barked so much, otherwise shes just lying down or sleeping.


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Re: guide dogs!

2014-10-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : lukas via Audiogames-reflector


Re: guide dogs!

Without getting this too longwinded and into much detail, I must say I fully agree with Dark. From your description, Thunderfist, it sounds as though the dogs you got in contact with were either incredibly spoiled and screwed up after they have been trained and given to their blind owners, or perhaps even some aspects of the training itself were overlooked.Lukas


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Re: guide dogs!

2014-10-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: guide dogs!

@Thunderfist, give them anything they want? nope. Your guide dog is a dog and needs to have fun when not working, but equally cant just run around going nuts and having their own way all the time, for a start, you shouldnt be encouraging a guide dog to jump on anybody! sinse what happens if the dog does that on the street? IN Britain at least guide dogs are very well trained before you get them and you need to maintain that. Its a complex balance to get right, but just like any system (such as this forum), needs some vaguely understood authority even as it exists just to have fun, you do need to be your dogs principle pack leader and definitely in charge not the other way around. This is true with any dog, but with guide dogs even more so, sinse what happens if your dog is used to doing exactly what he/she wants, is walking you around and wants to go and say hello to the dog across the road? Same with attention, indeed guide dogs in
  Britain will train their dogs to be able to sit say in a restaurant or a class room or whatever while your doing something else, in fact thats a basic part of the training.Reever is quite a gentle personality, so I havent had that many authority conflicts with her, but there still have been a couple, for example there was one occasion where she persistantly went and tried to meet other dogs on a walk to the point that I actually had to correct her fairly firmly.Also why the hell would you get a second dog? That would be loopy and unfare to both dogs. @Liv robo, let us know how it goes. As I said earlier the start can be hard but dont get discouraged, it is! very much worth it in the end, and the more you put in, the more you get out .


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Re: guide dogs!

2014-10-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Thunderfist799 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: guide dogs!

Hi Dark,In reply to your post, I did say within reason. Of course you cant let the dog do what it wants. What I intended to say was within reason, provided it stops him or her from barking constantly.And the reason why I mentioned 2 dogs was because my piano teacher got a new dog because her first one is getting rather old.If there are any issues, Im always happy to clear them up.Best regards,Muhammed.


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Re: guide dogs!

2014-10-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: guide dogs!

Hi Thunderfist. While I got your within reason comment, at the same time, if a dog learns that if it barks constantly it gets attention and rewards, well what do you think the dog will do? Its better to ignore the dog, get the dog to lie down when you want, or teach the dog a more appropriate method of playing like picking up a toy and bringing it to you. If a dog barks insessantly, it usually means there is something wrong in either its initial training, or in how its been treated, certainly if a guide dog in Britain had that sort of issue, the trainer would help the owner sort it out, indeed in Britain most guide dogs rarely bark at all, reever only barks when she wants to get my attention, for example if Ive left her outside and she wants to come in, and even then, only in very single barks.This is why Guide dogs arent for everyone. Dogs are lovely, indeed a lot nicer than 
 people in a lot of ways, but there is a certain code you need to get into.


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Re: guide dogs!

2014-10-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Thunderfist799 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: guide dogs!

Hi,While I dont have a Guide Dog, I have been in ccotact with them. My piano teacher hha a guide dog and she can be immature. If you look ather and clap, shell get excited. i once tried to make her jump on my Mother. So be careful if your Dog iwats some fun.And also give them anything they want provided it is within reason, of course. Otherwise thtyll be mad. My teachers elder guide Dog does not stop when Im in, probably because she wants all the Queenly attention. And be careful if you decide to get a second in case the two decide to outrival one another.Best regards,and thanks for reading this post,Thunderfist


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Re: guide dogs!

2014-10-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : livrobo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: guide dogs!

Hello.Thanks for all your advice guys.Im glad someone brought this topic back to the front because I forgot to respond a few days ago.Like I said though, thanks guys. Will keep everything in mind.


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Re: guide dogs!

2014-10-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : livrobo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: guide dogs!

Hi guys.Ive been reading this topic since it started and find all of your posts interesting. Im going to send in my application over the weekend, and I have a question.I see a lot of talk about what happens after the fact, but Im curious as to what attending the actual training program was like? Im not the most outgoing person so I was wondering if anyone had any tips or experiences they could share about going to the program, so if I get accepted Ill know what to expect. I realize its all going to be different though. Just want to get a basic idea.Thanks.


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Re: guide dogs!

2014-10-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: guide dogs!

@Saphira its certainly worth it if you can do. Guide Dogs arent right for everyone, and sometimes it doesnt work which is why the guide dog association over here are so careful both about who gets which dog, and what dog you get, but if it works its amazing! Indeed, last night I went for a meal with my brother then back to his place to watch Game of thrones, I left reever at my parents sinse my brother is a bit paranoid about his house. Yes, I could still navigate fine with my cane, but by heck it was so much harder! It just made me realize how much easier things are with a dog and how much less energy you need to constantly put in to walking around and being aware of people and obstacles.@livrobo, glad your considering this and good luck with the application. Im not sure where you are in the world, but in the Uk there isnt so much a training program You apply to guide dogs for services and they decide whet
 her your right for a dog, after doing a massive questionaire about your life, your mobility skills, how much you go out etc. They then for me did a test assessment where I had a trainer pretending to be a dog which was fairly whacky Once I was accepted I went to a test walk day, this was where they had several dogs and a harnice and gave people the chance to walk with a dog just for the experience, as well as having a guide dog owner chat about taking care of a dog. That was okay, though myself I was more interested in meeting the dogs than the people, sinse I tend to much prefer dogs . Seriously, of the two people there one girl was a fairly sterriotypically blind person and so not really easy to live with. One older lady was quite okay to get on with and have a vague chat to sinse shed gone blind later, though we didnt get as much time over the course of the 
 day. For the training itself once Id waited on the list and Guide dogs found me a dog, I didnt myself go aaway for training. some people get sent off to a hotel or similar with a group of other blind people training with their dogs, but that didnt happen to me, I was trained at home in my flat with Reever. That was actually pretty hard as I have said due to Reever missing her trainer, indeed I do think more contact with other people in training might have helped. There was one lady who was training at the same time I did, and a couple of times we met up for joint sessions, but certainly not that often, indeed other than the couple of hours a day I was with the trainer I was pretty much alone with Reever,  and being alone with a dog who really doesnt want to be with you is not a nice experience, though thankfully that has now changed entirely, (indeed Reever is once again curled up on my feet while Im writing this).


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Re: guide dogs!

2014-10-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Cinnamon via Audiogames-reflector


Re: guide dogs!

Training programs are vastly different depending on where you are. In the US, its very typical to apply to one of the schools and then, once youre matched with a dog, go there for two to three and a half weeks, depending on which school you attend.Im not an outgoing sort of person, and Ive never much enjoyed socializing. But when I went to get my dog last year, I decided I was going to make a decisive effort to be social. So, once I unpacked, I took my cane and made my way to the common lounge. There I parked myself and waited for people to show up.My advice to you goes like this.Make an effort to be social, to be outgoing, to get out there and explore the school and to meet people. Its an opportunity, so just throw yourself out there and go for it.Dont be worried about passing or failing some test. Everyone is learning, and its OK to not get stuff right away.Ease back and just let it be. Dont sit there 
 obsessing and trying too hard.Bring food, or take advantage of grocery runs. Sometimes, they served food I didnt like.Go to bed at a decent hour. The morning comes early.Youre there for your dog. Not to meet up with cute singles, not to chat online to your buddies. That training period should be devoted to getting to know your pup and strengthening your relationship. Being social is awesome and wonderful, but remember what youre actually there for.Good luck!


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Re: guide dogs!

2014-10-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Saphira via Audiogames-reflector


Re: guide dogs!

in last month i was took part in course, which prepared and tested me to get a guide dog. I passed the test, and foundation accept me. I waiting for a dog!


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Re: guide dogs!

2014-10-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: guide dogs!

Well good luck, also as has been said in this topic, dont expect it to work out streight away, hopefully the foundation you mention will suit your dogs personality to you, but there is still learning the comamnds and forming an attachment with your dog, the last particularly will take time but is more than worth it in the end.


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Re: guide dogs!

2014-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Saphira via Audiogames-reflector


Re: guide dogs!

i dont have a guide dog, but in my future i want work with that dog


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Re: guide dogs!

2014-10-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jjgeek via Audiogames-reflector


Re: guide dogs!

Ive never used a guide dog, but my late former roommate did. He only had one dog, but she worked out pretty well for him. She came from the Guide Dog Foundation for the Blind, and Id have to say that their emotional bond was very strong. In fact it mightve been a bit too strong some of the time. By that I mean he allowed her to roam free, and Ive been told by a few friends and neighbors that he actually let people pet her sometimes while she was on the harness despite telling me and others not to pet her. One other thing he told me was never to utter the dogs name in public, or else shed get confused. Ive since read that this is actually not true in many or all cases, so I think he was just being anal. To his credit though, he did have some rather serious health issues which prevented him from taking care of the dog a lot of the time. So our neighbors pitched in during those times. He passed away almost 3 years ago though, and for a brief 
 period the dog was taken to live with a visiting nurse who often came and helped out with medication. But last I heard, she was sent back to the school from which she came.


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Re: guide dogs!

2014-10-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: guide dogs!

Sorry to hear about your friend, but Im not absolutely sure about some of these things. Firstly, having a strong emotional bond doesnt translate to letting your dog wander around unsafe places, quite the opposite in fact, I also find the name in public thing a bit weerd, especially when the Dog is not working. When your friend passed on, I wonder what the school planned for the Dog? Generally in Britain Guide dogs will rehome retired dogs or dogs whos owner is no longer around with families just as normal pet dogs rather than trying to make them work for someone else, as if a dog has been with someone as their guide for years this probably wont work out well.


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Re: guide dogs!

2014-10-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: guide dogs!

Lol! that is fun. Reever surprisingly was alwways good with commands, though she did have a tendency to follow other peoples dogs. Glad things are working out so well so quickly.


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Re: guide dogs!

2014-10-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : aaron77 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: guide dogs!

things went well today as well! but my instructor has been warning me about what they like to call fifth day blues. The day where the dog decides to question and act against everything you do to challenge your authority. I am... very excited for that day!


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Re: guide dogs!

2014-10-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: guide dogs!

Funnily enough with Reever that wasnt too bad, then again Im fairly used to dogs and commands so it wasnt a problem. Generally if Reever goes wrong or tries something the wrong way I say watch! in a fairly firm tone and go back and make her do it again, though usually shes fine unless she gets destracted which doesnt happen often, even at the start. With Reever though shes not exactly an assertive personality to begin with.


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Re: guide dogs!

2014-10-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: guide dogs!

Its something you get used to, and its not so much about hearing a dog as just being understanding. Dogs are more than capable of communicatingg if you pay attention.However bad it ends up being, I will say its worth it in the end, indeed Reever is currently curled up on my feet as Im lyingg on the settee with my wireless keyboard, so yes, definitely worth it.


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Re: guide dogs!

2014-10-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cx2 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: guide dogs!

Ive no sight at all and I have no issues now interacting with Kirk. I cant promise you will have plain sailing but so long as the trainers have done their job right everything will fall into place, you just need to give it time.


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Re: guide dogs!

2014-10-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : aaron77 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: guide dogs!

Well, the Trainer will be here with the dog in less than 3 hours now! Thanks guys for the support and tips! 


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Re: guide dogs!

2014-10-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Cinnamon via Audiogames-reflector


Re: guide dogs!

I hope today is super special and magical for you. I cant remember what, if anything, I wrote in this thread earlier.I was worried about breaking my dog. Would she hate me? Would she not want to have anything to do with me? Im completely blind as well, and grew up with mostly cats, and a few smaller dogs. The only interactions Id had with bigger dogs were friends guides. But I absolutely love animals all to pieces. I just hoped she would love me back.She spent the first day sitting by the door, crying and crying for my instructor. I put her in her crate so I could shower that night, and I heard her crying, so I sang and talked to her so she wouldnt be sad. I can remember sitting on the cold floor right by my door, petting this black lab, talking to her, singing to her, and nothing worked. She wouldnt play, wouldnt come away from that door. I was stranger danger, and she was not happy.The first few guiding sessions were ha
 rd. She moved like a snail, and I thought, Man, is it always going to be this big of a hastle to get her to walk faster? I was ready to get down and plead with her. The first little bit, she looked to my trainer for praise and direction. There was definitely a transition period before she started looking to me.One day, near the end of training, we were doing something with chairs. In the large open room of the training center was me, my class partner, our instructor, and another instructor who wasnt in that rotation. He had a dog in training just hanging out. I think he held onto my dog so I could check something out; I dont exactly remember. I was gone away, across the room from my girl for a few minutes, and she cried for me. She stared at me. When I came back to get her, she jumped up and wagged, so happy to see me. That was one of the best feelings in the world; finally knowing she accepted me as hers.The best advice I can give you is just to 
 relax. Its not a test to pass or fail. Its not a one-shot deal, and if you mess up, youre done. Its progress, and its learning, so just be open to it all. Try to blow away any expectations of what it should, or will be like. Just take it one moment at a time. Leave yourself and your mind open to accept and receive. I know that sounds new-age hippy, but its how I approached training. Reading my girl through the harness just came to me. I dont know when or how it happened. It will take time for your relationship to grow, so just let it do its thing, and keep us updated.


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Re: guide dogs!

2014-10-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: guide dogs!

[[wow]] Cinnamon that sounds hard. I had similar experiences with Reever as I said, although ironically the thing that started to solve things was me getting her to do something which her trainer definitely didnt approve of, climb on my bed with me as I was just lying down reading an audio book (by staggering irony it was Robin Hobbs Assassins apprentice). She initially found the idea weerd and just looked at me, then she jumped up and setled down and that was what started it. I think for her, being so close when I was perfectly relaxed playing core exiles with my wireless keyboard or reading a book was what she needed, just the idea that there was someone around she needed to be close to. With the Guiding, funnily enough that was the easy part, or at least I was able to recognize that all the mistakes were just matters of muscles that would be no trouble to solve with time, then again Reever is such a gentle dog commands werent a 
 problem, as opposed to the emotional bit. So, yes, time is what is needed, and dont give up! I confess there were points I nearly did, especially sinse because literally the week before I started training my light opera society with whom Id done five years of productions changed directors and got someone who objected to the disability thing, so I wasnt feeling great to start with. with Reever though it worked out fine and now wed definitely not be separated, indeed as I said she is still quite anxious about being left.


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Re: guide dogs!

2014-10-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : aaron77 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: guide dogs!

Fiona is an amazing doggy! that is all!I got her this morning. The trainer was really nice, and so was the dog! As soon as she came to the house she was jumping on me and really excited.We hung out in my room for a while and she was great; She didnt really listen to my commands at first though.When we got her on the harness, she did really well. We actually did some grocery store work, which the trainer says hes never done before on the first day. Right now fifi as Ive started calling her is on my bed relaxing. Im kinda excited to work tomorrow!


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Re: guide dogs!

2014-10-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cx2 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: guide dogs!

Glad to hear it. Dont worry, Kirk didnt really listen to me when not in the harness at first. They put a group of us up in a hotel for a couple weeks so they could train us all together and when I told Kirk to sit this older ladys guide dog sat instead while Kirk simply didnt bother. That said he is rather stubborn even to this day.


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Re: guide dogs!

2014-10-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : aaron77 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: guide dogs!

Hi!Sorry for resurrecting this thread once again, but the way i see it is, this is a good resource for anyone that is thinking of getting a guide dog anyway.The reason for the resurrection is to let everyone know that I am finally getting my dog tomorrow or Monday.She is a golden lab, her name is Fiona.Im really excited but nervous at the same time. I just read the whole thread again; It makes me feel like Im preparing when it probably wont do much for me in the long run. lol


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Re: guide dogs!

2014-10-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cx2 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: guide dogs!

Good to hear, good luck with Fiona.


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Re: guide dogs!

2014-10-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: guide dogs!

I agree with Cx2. As I said earlier in this thread, bare in mind it takes time for things to settle down and probably the first couple of weeks wont be easy but it is worth perciveering.


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Re: guide dogs!

2014-10-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Haramir via Audiogames-reflector


Re: guide dogs!

Yeah, good luck and success for both of you!Best regards, Haramir.


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Re: guide dogs!

2014-10-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cx2 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: guide dogs!

I never had a dog of any description before Kirk so in my case it was at least a couple months, so be patient. If you at all like animals of any description the bond will happen, just dont feel guilty like I did because it hasnt happened yet and everyone always talks about how you must have fallen in love with the dog already.In my case I had to learn to read Kirks behaviour without sight, since I grew up with cats I was used to having an audio cue for when theyre happy in their purring as well as having to learn a dogs body language or what I can tell of it. It takes time to tune in to what theyre thinking and how theyre feeling but you will get there.


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Re: guide dogs!

2014-10-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: guide dogs!

Funny Cx2, Ive never had a problem telling what a dog is thinking just by touch or behaviour or general communication, but then again I grew up with dogs as I said so I suppose it depends upon what your used to.I will say I was quite surprised myself just how much Reever missed her trainer and how difficult it actually was to connect with her, which I found odd and very depressing sinse usually i get on with dogs extremely well, indeed my brother refers to me as dog boy for that reason. Its definitely workked out now though, albeit it was probably six weeks before I stopped thinking Why the hell am I stuck with this dog who doesnt like me and slightly longer before things changed. Now, Reever and I are pretty inseparable and I cant imagine going anywhere without her.


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Re: guide dogs!

2014-10-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cx2 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: guide dogs!

Kirk loved me almost right away, I just had trouble feeling the connection in return and thats what made me feel guilty.As for telling what theyre thinking, Im perfectly good at it now like you say I simply didnt have the experience with dogs. I hadnt spent any time at all with dogs and not having an audio cue for when he was happy was a big hurdle for me to get past. Like you and Reever were inseparable now, it just took some getting used to from my end of things and luckily Kirk was persistent enough that he never gave up on me.I never disliked him, I simply had to get through the shock of having this hyperactive fuss pot hanging around me all the time and learn what his behaviour means.


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Re: guide dogs!

2014-10-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: guide dogs!

I wouldnt say I disliked Reever, rather she made it really clear she didnt like me and just wanted her trainer Paul. Its pretty clear when a dog spends all of their time lying in front of the front door or when I tried to stroke her she literally walked away to sit in a corner. I think Reever is a very one person orientated dog, she loves everybody, but if I leave she always follows me, indeed even now three years later she refuses to get into the back of a car unless shes seen me get in first, and if she sees me put my shoes on preparing to go out she will not leave me. Apparently thats a typical difference between labs and Retrievers triever


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Re: guide dogs!

2014-10-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: guide dogs!

I wouldnt say I disliked Reever, rather she made it really clear she didnt like me and just wanted her trainer Paul. Its pretty clear when a dog spends all of their time lying in front of the front door or when I tried to stroke her she literally walked away to sit in a corner. I think Reever is a very one person orientated dog, she loves everybody, but if I leave she always follows me, indeed even now three years later she refuses to get into the back of a car unless shes seen me get in first, and if she sees me put my shoes on preparing to go out she will not leave me. Apparently thats a typical difference between Labradors and Retrievers, indeed the lady who was training with me had a very large laid back golden lab called Norton, and I remember thinking after meeting him well I wish theyd given me that dog . of course it all worked out in the end, but it wasnt a particularly fun process, especially as I was stuck inside for much of it seeing nobody accept my trainer.


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Re: guide dogs!

2014-10-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : aaron77 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: guide dogs!

I hope me and the dog dont have too many problems at first, but at this point Im expecting the worst. Im not really sure if Im good at understanding what dogs want by hearing them and stuff, and I am also completely blind, but I am hoping this gets easier as time passes.


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Re: guide dogs!

2014-07-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cx2 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: guide dogs!

The trainer actually told me theyll usually manage to do something while on a free run so I doubt that would be much help sadly. In fact theres one or two quirks Kirk has I wish the trainer took a little more seriously, even after Ive brought them up, but theyre not really bad enough for me to want to make a formal complaint.


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Re: guide dogs!

2014-07-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: guide dogs!

Ah, fair enough. With reever it needed fixingsinse the back garden isnt precisely just mine but a large space of rass I share with people in the three other lfats in my block and the block next door. This is actually good sinse the lady enxt door has a small jack russel who likes playing with Reever out the back, but obviously I dont want reever going out there where I cant find it if it can be avoided.


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Re: guide dogs!

2014-07-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Haramir via Audiogames-reflector


Re: guide dogs!

Hey folks! Dark, do you mind adding me on skype? I have a few questions about the application process in the UK, and since it is a personal matter I do not want to spam the topic with this.My skype name is:Aanderson.carvalhoBest regards, Haramir.


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Re: guide dogs!

2014-07-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: guide dogs!

I dont have a mike anymore haramin, so havent used Skype for years, indeed I deleted the program from my computer in around 2010 and I suspect my account has expired by now, plus Im not usually a chat software sort of person anyway. Im still not sure whether you could apply to the Uk for a dog or how much it would cost, I have a nasty feeling it is uk only but sinse the office was closed when I phoned this afternoon (it mustve been their half day), I will have to try tomorrow.


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Re: guide dogs!

2014-07-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Haramir via Audiogames-reflector


Re: guide dogs!

Ok Dark, thanks for the support.Best regards, Haramir.


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Re: guide dogs!

2014-07-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cx2 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: guide dogs!

Oh he can be laid back and gentle, in fact he is a lot of the time, but when hes excited hes rather bouncy. In fact one of the things I have to watch is he can go from completely placid sprawled out on the floor to up and going utterly crackers in a literal blink of the eye, it takes people who dont know him by surprise sometimes. That said hes utterly gorgeous and he absolutely knows it, in fact the first Christmas fair when I took him to hang around the guide dogs stall he leapt over one guide dog and barged another out of the way because he wanted the tickle she was going to get instead.Amusingly that same Christmas fair I could feel his head turning slowly as the procession went by, he was obviously watching it, then his head would turn back the other way and start turning in pace with the procession again. He was really well behaved, I was concerned he would have wanted to go say hello to the huskies. I should probably explain that when foot and
  mouth was a big issue they couldnt get the usual reindeer so they had to make do with huskies and they were so popular theyve had both ever since.


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Re: guide dogs!

2014-07-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: guide dogs!

Ironically reever is the other way around, indeed my mums dog Zia has to work quite hard if she wants to persuad Reever to get up and play given how lazy she is. Its quite strange sinse Id not have usually thought such a relaxed dog would have enough energy to guide, but the things shes managed to learn have been quite surprising.Most recently Ive taught her to find counters in shops and other places, which she picked up quite quickly.


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Re: guide dogs!

2014-07-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cx2 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: guide dogs!

Impressive, Kirk usually gets distracted trying to say hello to people in the queue though most of the shops round here are fairly cramped. He is trained to recognise shops by name though, of course its always possible he simply goes to the nearest place he remembers going in but luckily nowhere I go is next door to anywhere else I go so far.I did have to teach him what the word bed means however. How it worked was Id hold out a rawhide cigar chew and say bed while standing next to it and tapping it with my toes, he didnt get the chew until he got on the bed. Hed then promptly get off again but hed have gone completely librarian poo if Id tried taking it away to get him back on there. The original thinking was actually to try to discourage him from laying in the middle of the floor with it where Id trip over him, because I gave him the chews most days both because he enjoys them and theyre good for his teeth he got the idea fa
 irly easily. It took him maybe a month or so to get him to stop trying different variations like laying next to the bed, sitting up on the bed and so on. After a little longer I found I was able to send him to his bed when he misbehaved or was otherwise getting out of hand, he knew what the word meant and didnt expect a reward for it. It took longer to persuade him when hes been sent there he doesnt come straight back out again, and to this day I still often have to stand next to the bed pointing and clicking my fingers but thats because hes stubborn. He still keeps trying to get away with laying next to the bed.In fact hes very, very much like me when I was a small child. This gives me a great deal of sympathy for my poor mum of course lol.


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Re: guide dogs!

2014-07-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Haramir via Audiogames-reflector


Re: guide dogs!

Hello folks! I was in doubt about getting a guide dog. You know, I was practically born with a dog by my side and I have seem many facinating things and I really learned alot with them. But thing is, I was not sure if it could be somewhat boring or not nice at all for a dog to do stuff like be near you while you watch lets say, 4 hours of class or 8 hours of work or whatever. This topic made me see things by the other point of view though.Now Im wondering... How hard would it be for a brasilian guy to get a dog from a school from another country? I really really do not trust the few schools we have here, not to mention the rumours. So any tips, hints or anything? Ive sent a mail to a few schools in the USA but got no responses. Also, most of them asked me to send some medical forms along the main form but Im prety sure it wont be easy to find a way to validate any documentation writen in portuguese.Best regards, Haramir.


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Re: guide dogs!

2014-07-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: guide dogs!

@haramir, the answer to what your guide dog does while you do something else is pretty much sleep! dogs sleep around 18 hours a day (well theyre supposed to), so will just click off. ass long as you make sure that the dog doesnt need the loo, and that you do something stimulating for the dog during the day as well. When I am at my yearly music school and Reever is pretty much expected to sit still while Im in several hours of singing classes Ill always take her for a run each morning,  though she equally gets a lot of running around through different classes at music school too. One of the reasons in fact I got reever is that shes so relaxed she doesnt mind what Im doing. If Im nipping down to London on a train for a vocal studdies course or heading to a conference for a day shes fine with that, if Im in all day working, or just playing games and relaxing shes fine with that too, though i make sure to give her at least a 40 minute working walk a day (my local sandwich shop has become very fond of me), and usually either a free run out the back or 20 minutes wandering around some little lanes on a long lead, (which is also cane practise.Im afraid I dont know about Brzil. You could try guide dogs here in Britain, sinse I do know some of the trainers have gone to other countries to set schools up. Also while in Britain the dogs are essentially free I dont know how the costs would work in another country sinse in Britain at least the training, breeding etc for a dog basically means guide dogs cost about £15000 each, thats roughly 22000 dollars. Of course this is total value of the Dog, not what any person actually has to pay. Btw, amusing story. Apparently in the early 2000s, several robbers broke into the guide dog breeding center in Lemington to attempt to steel valuable puppies. The problem was they didnt do their homework and ended up breaking into the police dog training section of the center instead (sinse though the two are different they share the same building and kennel facilities). Apparently the police arrived to find the robbers huddled in one corner of the kennel with about 20 very inthusiastic Alsatians telling them in no uncertain terms to stay there :d. @Cx2, names of shops is good goping. My Gran always had her dogs learn the names of local shops, though for me I go to dtoo several parts of the country to make it a good idea, usually I just tell Reever to find the door of somewhere when were close, and if were not going in that particular place that day Ill just tell her not today. Generally Ive tried to teach her specific objects rather than places such as seats, counters and bus stops. She actually enjoys crowds and working her way around them, indeed its sort of ironic that where I used too always go shopping at 8.30 in the morning, now I tend to go when its busy just because Reever enjoys it so much. Shes also very good at following someone, which is handy in shops when walking around with the assistant or following friends, all I need to do is point to the person and say follow Reever likes those hide chews as well, though she only tends to get them on a day when Im not going anywhere else as compensation :d. Regarding lying in the middle of the floor, well what I did with reever is what i did with various other dogs Ive had, which is if I am walking along and know shes in front of me gently nudge her out of the way with my toe. A few occasions of this and she learns to move out the way or to lie in very specific places,  indeed she likes corners. Right now shes on my harth rug (which shes very fond of), which is not on any of the routes Id go around the room at all. Regarding punishments, well with Reever a raised voice usually stops her fairly quickly sinse shes so gentle, though on the few occasions Ive had to let her know shes done something really bad I use a trick i learnt with Jess the bull terrier pup I had from when I was 13 to 26 (and the principle reason I didnt get a guide dog earlier). Dont speak to, look at or otherwise acknolidge the dog, just take by the colar, walk into an empty room, let go and turn around and walk off. If the dog comes out do again, then after a few minutes just call the dog back.The key thing is not to speak, Its to do with being abandoned and not part of the pack and really is not nice for a dog, which is why Ive only done it to reever a couple of times and only when shes done something particularly bad, like try and go to talk to other dogs repeatedly during a walk (including when crossing roads), or attempting to steal food out of someones hand, though both are things shes not done now for over a year, and I didnt need to repeat afterdoing the anbadonment thing once. Actually in general shes extremely good, as well as very person orientated, indeed part of the reason I make dam sure to take her for walks each day is that it would be far too easy as shes such an undemanding dog to take her for granted.

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Re: guide dogs!

2014-07-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cx2 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: guide dogs!

Kirks quite happy in my braille class for a couple hours, though he does of course try getting tickles from people who go by at the start or end. Theres also a break in the middle where I quite often stay in the classroom and just fuss him. I think as much as anything he enjoys hearing the different noises so I wouldnt worry too much.Thing with Kirk is when he lays in the middle of the room he lays exactly where Im going and hes a lot of dog to nudge out of the way with a toe, he generally just stays flopped out and I have to go around him. When he decides hes staying put theres not much chance of shifting him without physically lifting him, a scary idea at 30kg. The only other major issue I have is when he toilets even in the back garden he doesnt do it in a consistent place, he shuffles along while hes doing it leaving a great long trail, and when hes done he moves away from it pretty quickly so my chances of fin
 ding it myself are virtually nil. For that reason I only take him for runs with assistance, even with him on a flexilead or even a normal lead Id find it near impossible to locate what hes done or often even to be certain if he has on some occasions when hes been particularly fast.


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Re: guide dogs!

2014-07-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Haramir via Audiogames-reflector


Re: guide dogs!

Hello folks! So Dark, can you please talk to a trainer and give me an idea of how much would it costs? Or at least point me a site where I can keep in touch with the training center? Id be glad to be in a place like this where the dogs are so well cared for. I wouldnt tolerate if I apply for a guide dog and discover later on that the animals were mistreated.Best regards, Haramir.


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Re: guide dogs!

2014-07-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: guide dogs!

Ill phone tomorrow and make enquiries. @Cx2, Kirk is obviously bigger than I thought, but Ive never been good at weight measures, generally though the nudge isnt move out of the way so much as it is just shift or you get trod onnasty as it sounds convincing a dog that it will get trodden on if it lies around in the center of the floor is actualy the best way to get a dog to move. If you can do this kindly nudging a dog out of the way with your foot thats better, but if it happens the other way,  well. The free run I mentioned for ~Reever isnt really so much as to do with toileting as it is to do with just having a run around on the grass for fum, indeed I make dam sure she goes before hand. Guide dogs for me built a run, ie, a small pen near the wall of the block of flats floored with flag stones, that is where Reever does her business and sinse its all in one place clearing it isnt a 
 problem (remember I live on my own most of the time so any assistance Id need to pay for). Reever tends to like people but will usually be a bit less forward about getting attention in a strange place, though if someone talks to her shell usually come and nose the person or put her paw on them.


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Re: guide dogs!

2014-07-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cx2 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: guide dogs!

Kirk is a little sod about not toileting out back, he purposely saves it up for his runs. Ive tried to break him of this habit but even when Ive got him to go consistently beforehand he still does something on the run. I guess thats just him.


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Re: guide dogs!

2014-07-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: guide dogs!

You might want to check with guide dogs about that. Reever had a spate of going on walks and during free runs when I first got her, and the way I fixed that was by leaving her for a while in the run (about ten minutes), checking, then sticking her back in, and if still! nothing she didnt get a walk or a free run. If kirk is able to do something on comand but then still goes on a free run you probably ought to talk to your trainer sinse getting a dog to go on command is very helpful, particularly if you know your going to be somewhere else for the next few hours.


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Re: guide dogs!

2014-07-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Haramir via Audiogames-reflector


Re: guide dogs!

Hello again folks! [[wow]], thanks Dark! Best regards, Haramir.


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Re: guide dogs!

2014-07-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cx2 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: guide dogs!

Dark lol, Ive considered K9 as a guide dog in the past and the taser cane very much reminds me of the BOfHs modified cattleprod. If youre curious Wikipedia BOFH, ies computer humour shortn stories where idiots get a bit of a shock... or put on the polices armed and dangerous shoot to kill top ten most wanted list, depending on the idiocy in question.My advice is ignore all the people who say I bet you fell in love with him straight away or go on about how they must have changed your life. Kirk is my first guide dog and for quite some time I felt really guilty that he was all over me and I hadnt developed that level of affection yet, I grew up with cats and never had any experience with dogs, and people saying that just made me feel more guilty. A friend said to me theyre quite happy so long as they get a play and a tickle, she was right. Now I absolutely love him and wouldnt be without him.He was 4 in April 
 and is both cheeky and nosey. He loves people and hes forever trying to sneak up to them if Im sat down somewhere, say on a bus or in my braille class, and isnt shy about nudging them with his head. First free run he ever went on, with the trainers so I got the idea, he came dashing back and flew straight into my crotch which I can laugh about now but by hell it was a shock. Hes also flown into my brother in laws crotch and nutted him on the forehead when he bent down to see what Kirk was doing, just a pity neither did any lasting damage though my sister wished she had a recording of it lol. In fact hes here right now between me and my desktrying to get some attention.I might say he changed my life but I wouldnt say he tranfformed it. He has made things so much easier out and about but most of all I love him so dearly and having him with me all the time, or near enough, is just wonderful.


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Re: guide dogs!

2014-07-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: guide dogs!

Kirk sounds like hes got about the same level of confidence as the popular captain,  as well as a habbit of smacking people in unexpected places .Reever must be around the same age sinse she was four in january, though her personality is very different sinse shes extremely gentle and very layed back (the term might also be lazy). she certainly will play with other dogs and likes a free run (indeed she gets one in the large grass area behind my flat most days), but thats pretty much it, then she tends to like to go to sleep usually somewhere close. She doesnt tend to push for attention though she does have a habbit of coming and giving me a vigorous shove with her nose while Im sitting and using my computer, ses also very fond of having her paw on someone, and she very much likes to bee on my feet while Im on my 
 sofa with my wireless keyboard. right now Im lying on my sofa and shes sprawled on the floor beside me sinse its so hot. I will admit I wouldnt be without her now and shes very much my constant companion, although Ill say unlike a lot of labradors she wasnt keen on that at first, and just wanted her trainer, it took her a few weeks and ironically it was sitting curled up on the sofa with me while I played core exiles or did other things with my wireless keyboard that did it, now she actually follows me around most of the time. Dogs and cats are entirely different. Dogs tend to see people as other dogs, cats tend to be more along the lines of well Im here depending upon what I can get out of it I have met a few very people orientated cats who like being around humans and actually enjoy being stroked etc rather than tolerate it, but these tend to be more of an exception rather than a rule.


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Re: guide dogs!

2014-07-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Cinnamon via Audiogames-reflector


Re: guide dogs!

thats pretty ridiculous. they are exposed to loud noises during puppy raising and training so they are less likely to freakout at loud noises in later life. We had fireworks tonight, none super close, but a few big booms, and the sliding door is open. Both my dog and my boyfriends couldnt care less. they slept like two black rocks in front of the couch.One training method Ive heard of from an instructor is how dogs are taught to respect cars. On the schools campus, theyll simulate street crossings with another trainer in a very slow-moving car. If the dog doesnt stop, they get bopped with a rolled up newspaper so they know that cars deserve watching. Further along in training, once the dog has crossings down, if he fails to stop, the instructor will stumble into the car on purpose, hitting it and making a big deal out of stumbling so the dog realizes their error. This is just one first-hand story from one school.


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Re: guide dogs!

2014-07-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: guide dogs!

Put into a vacuume cleaner? thats craazy! :d. I do know guide dogs are taken to lots of different places and experience lots of different sounds, and one is probably the vacuume cleaner, but Id imagine sticking a dog inside one would be more likely to scare the gdog! . Some people just have dam weerd ideas :d. I know the guide dogs organization here in Britain uses those cars with modified breaks, though Ive never heard of trainers who favour rolled up newspapers, usually it is a matter of telling the dog no! very firmly. with loud noises though while guide dogs do do their absolute best it still depends upon the dog, indeed Ive heard labradoodles, cross breeds of labradors and poodles are particularly nervous. Reever is just so laid back she doesnt bother about fireworks or anyth
 ing else, indeed the only time Ive seen her even take notice of a loud noise was when we were at a railway musium and she wasnt too keen on the steam train, which is sort of understandable. She also doesnt like thunder much, though has never had a problem with fireworks.


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Re: guide dogs!

2014-07-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : aaron77 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: guide dogs!

lol I feel like it wouyld hurt them more than it would scare them... I mean, sometimes vacuum cleaners hurt my ears and I dont even fit inside one.


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Re: guide dogs!

2014-07-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: guide dogs!

@Slj, that is pretty funny though not surprising. My mums first dog was called Lilly, and was very gentle. Once in a supermarket, a lady shouted in quite a firm tone lilly! come here! where upon my mums dog ran streight to her and sat in front of her. The lady was quite confused and said what? my mum said well you called Illy, here she is It turned out the lady had a little girl who was also called Lilly, who was actually quite surprised to find she had the same name as my mums dog. At least I shouldnt have that problem with reaver, well not unless someone is warning of an attack of space zombies from out of the firefly series . @Aaron, learning commands isnt difficult, indeed no harder than say learning the new controls for the game. The harder parts of guiding are learning
  to walk correctly and have your hands and body in the right position, and learning to trust the dog, though all of this is just a matter of muscles and practice so not soemthing to worry about. In the Uk the commands are similar, but there are rather more of them. Left, right, streight on, foreard (used when the dog has stopped at a curb or flight of steps), hup hup or steady as you said. Also back to turn round, and in meaning veer right but carry on in the same direction and over meaning the same to the left, (useful say when your getting too close to the edge of the pavement). They also use the term watch spoken quite firmly when the dog is in danger of making a guiding mistake. usually, (and especially with a dog as gentle as reever), yelling no! when out in public is a bad idea sinse your going to upset your dog, so watch in a slightly less ominous tone works. if for example Reever
  is taking me around a poke and I accidently hit it even slightlyI tell her back go back a few feet then say watch and make her try it again. This doesnt happen often, but when it does it is important to use the watch phrase and do it again so Reever is still aware what she should be doing., Reever also came learning the find commands and follow provided I point at the person to follow, also the rather whacky command busy meaning go to the toilet, (which is actually useful). Regarding pointing or making palm gestures, well that depends upon the dog and the person. i was always told to indicate with my body so that I didnt need to with my hand, and to give more emphasis to the vocal commands sinse there are times pointing just isnt possible (such as when carrying a bag in the other hand).This does take getting used to sinse its a bit daunting to be having to say 
 streight on or right on the street in public rather than just making less obtrusive gestures but it pays off in the long run sinse if a dog is more used to hearing commands than seeing them the dog will more easily learn new words.Also, while those sorts of try out walks are very helpful, guide dogs hear in britain always runs a couple when you sign on or are accepted, they really are only an indicator. With guide dogs the more you put in and the more used to things you and the dog get, the better things work, especially when youve learnt to trust your dog to do things independently. For example these days even if I am in a strange shop I dont bother trying to memorize the layout, I just tell Reever find the counter and let her do it.


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Re: guide dogs!

2014-07-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: guide dogs!

Lol, Dark. Funny regarding Lilly. 


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Re: guide dogs!

2014-07-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: guide dogs!

Speaking of guidedogs, Ive reasonly heard a very funny storry:I know someone who reasonly got a new guidedog, which was trained in Norwegian. The danish language and norwegian language is very much like the same, of corse accept from dialekts and a lot of words, but very much simular anyway.It took a while for the dog to learn to understand the danish language, but it got better and better. One day, the blind guy passed by some people from Norwegian here in Denmark. They were talking to others, asking for help to find something in the town. Then the guy with his dog was right at the norwegian guys describing directions, they said the word left in norwegian which is like the same in danish but said a bit differently. The dog stopped for a half second, turned the head left looking at their direction, and started to turn left walking towards the guys...the blind guy greeted them, laughing and told them the story, and they all bursted out laug
 hing so much... Have an awesome day.


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Re: guide dogs!

2014-07-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: guide dogs!

congratulations! thats really great to hear.Dark: Really awesome reply there. Big thumbs up for that. 


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