Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Chips

2016-12-09 Thread edwardthern

d6jg wrote: 
> Well reasoned/put Pablo.
> Shame about the response.

The response wasn't to him IDIOT 

Did you see me quote his text and respond to him?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Chips

2016-12-09 Thread edwardthern

mlsstl wrote: 
> You seem unable to understand that your perception does not constitute a
> scientific fact in and of itself. l.

No IDIOT, I never said my perception = a scientific FACT.

I said my perception is my perception PERIOD. 

I said repeatedly that science can not prove my perception yet it is
real to me

Dark Energy.Matter can not be measured either, only we can measure
directly a very small % of realitygood thing scientist are not
idiots too, otherwise they might say "Hey we can't measure the 80% +/-
of whats missing so lets just say it does not exist"

You fools think you are so smart...but you are really far more stupid in
a basic common sense level than a child.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Chips

2016-12-09 Thread edwardthern

pablolie wrote: 
> You started a discussion about "which chip sounds better?", which given
> the fact there isn't a universal test bench design that allows you to
> interexchange the chips within the same overall system makes little
> sense. Yes, I do read the article speculating that supposedly the latest
> SABRE chip is the best and what not, but I don't really think it'll make
> a big difference to my ears. Speakers? Hell yeah. An amplifier that
> matches them? Sure. Better source material? Bring it. Digital stuff?
> Meh. Cables? Ha.

Again I will post plainly and clearly.

Yes I started a discussion about "which dac chip sounds better TO ME"
and asked if anyone had a dac chip that sounds better to them.

I posted my perceptions and ASKED if anyone experienced a perception
which lead them to have a favorite dac chip. Is this not plain to see? I
made it plain and clear in my initial thread. I never said this chip
WILL sound better to YOU or made any claims that this chip WILL or MUST
sound better to everyone.  My exact words..."But my favorite is the
PCM1704UK." Key word >MY<

An appropriate response would be
No I do not have a favorite dac chip because >I<-- that's I
think they all sound the same. In fact I think ..
Say what you feel, say what you thinkeven explain why but do not
tell someone or attack someone for thinking and feeling or perceiving.

Don't you people know how to have an adult conversation?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Chips

2016-12-09 Thread edwardthern

And some of you stupid arseholes what to claim to be educated and
intelligent...HUH what kind of degree do you have? A Masters in being a
closed minded fool?

Well I'm an RN...I save lives for a living...DAILY. What one of you
idiots can claim to have saved a life even once?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Chips

2016-12-09 Thread edwardthern

You are are all sick F***KS and not to mention STUPID FU**KS to hold,
and cling to the belief that you have the right to ridicule and badger
someone for sensing ANYTHING with their own senses.

In the year 2016 we still have such primitive and stupid mindsetsits

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Chips

2016-12-09 Thread edwardthern

pablolie wrote: 
> I didn't join the discussion, but the way I read things is that you
> misread disagreement with a personal attack. In Internet discussions, we
> have to learn to be told with people vehemently disagreeing and telling
> us we're utterly wrong. 
> Personally - I am somewhere inbetween. I think the audio hobby is
> irrational by definition, and we all have our pockets of craziness to
> define ourselves as "audiophiles" and read this forum. 99% people out
> there are perfectly happy with their smartphone and the free earbuds
> that shipped with them. I for one fully enjoy merely visual improvements
> to my system, and freely admit I enjoy it more if it pleases not only my
> ears, but also my visual and tactile senses. I don't claim I can hear a
> difference, but I simply enjoy it more, and psychoacoustics are relevant
> to the overall experience. I am pretty sure my favorite jazzband sounds
> better to me in a suave Manhattan cafe than in a Bronx trash disposal
> site. There's nothing wrong with psychoacoustics. They matter. But
> scientifically speaking - we should be careful about making claims that
> an experiment is reproducible. There are tons of audio tests out there
> that show it all comes down to 50% chance (basically, accident). But I
> for one have never confused ABC tests with simple musical enjoyment.

Read this carefully.

I...Nor AnyoneNEEDS to be careful of claiming they perceived
ANYTHING with THEIR OWN, I repeat THEIR OWN  * T H E I R   O W N ! ! ! !
! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! *  senses.

Every human being on the face of the PLANET HAS A RIGHTto say
they "FEEL" anything about anything. NOBODY has a right to tell anyone
to dismiss what their body perceives as reality.PERIOD 


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] MPD / Squeezelite Comparo

2016-12-09 Thread edwardthern

drmatt wrote: 
> You may be confusing me with someone else.. I don't recall having any
> friends around here.. ;)  I want you to post it so I can explain why
> it's wrong, yeah. But if you had changed kernel parameters they would
> effect both players for a start.. but you know that, and this was just a
> vehicle to score a point. You have a right to be pissed off about the
> treatment round here, but it doesn't make it better by making stuff up.

Yes the kernel parameters DO effect the sound to both SL and MPD on both
RPI and well as miniITx MB that I have.

For now I am going to keep my info to myselfdo more tests and
confirm my own findings.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] MPD / Squeezelite Comparo

2016-12-09 Thread edwardthern

You are all sickening, to not be willing or able to communicate with
anther adult human being like you have some sense is crazy. Look back at
the way you attacked me and your so called justifications. No wonder
this world is so messed up. Not one of you have the common decency to
start a conversation that promotes dialogue, rather you attackgrown
men none the less.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] External DAC on Transporter: best output option

2016-12-09 Thread edwardthern

You are all sickening, to not be willing or able to communicate with
anther adult human being like you have some sense is crazy. Look back at
the way you attacked me and your so called justifications. No wonder
this world is so messed up. Not one of you have the common decency to
start a conversation that promotes dialogue, rather you attackgrown
men none the less.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] MPD / Squeezelite Comparo

2016-12-09 Thread edwardthern

Really as human beings you all should be ashamed of yourselves and as
Audiophiles you should be ashamed, if you are religious to any extent
you should be ashamed as well...the way you all treat people is
deplorable and against any level of normalcy for a human being.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-09 Thread edwardthern

I have to say, you all showed your true colors too soon.

Like a bunch of Vampires waiting for a real human to show up so you can
pounce on himyou pose as Audiophiles, waiting in an otherwise dead
forum for people to wonder in and post so you can attack.

Why don't you Mud-Ears go and make your own forum?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] MPD / Squeezelite Comparo

2016-12-09 Thread edwardthern

drmatt wrote: 
> Pls do share, if you are the sharing kind

Smells like Bait and coming from you and your fake audiophile friends I
can bet it is bait. You want me to post so you can attack me

NahI enjoy my sound, you can't hear anyways so it makes no

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-09 Thread edwardthern

I laid down the facts.

You people are all TROLLS. I proved it and you proved it. Here you are
posing as Audiophiles, waiting for true Audiophiles to post so you can
pounce on them with ridicule. You are all FAKE and at least one of you
is a double posting liar.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] External DAC on Transporter: best output option

2016-12-09 Thread edwardthern

Julf wrote: 
> Yes, reality check: In medicine, placebos work for 98% of the
> population. Does that make those who know it is just a sugar pill
> "crazy"?

So I go to an asylum and the people there say those 99% outside are

Okay settle down and take your med...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-09 Thread edwardthern

arnyk wrote: 
> Then why are you wasting everybody's time including your own posting
> here?
> I'd be willing to bet that very few audiophiles think that technical
> ignorance and belief in placebo effects are what makes the audio hobby
> what it is, yet those are all you have offered us here.
I post here so that FINALLY there can be good content here, you should
thank me

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-09 Thread edwardthern

sfraser wrote: 
> I don't hear differences in ethernet cables on my system, that's why i
> asked you. I am trying to isolate the conditions under which you hear
> these differences. I can't recall, but I do believe there are
> differences in how they spec'd the grounding requirements in the various
> CAT cables. I suspect you have a faulty P/S in one of your components
> which may make it more susceptible to noise which is explaining  why you
> hear things differently.

Yes of course, my heart is faulty

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-09 Thread edwardthern

sfraser wrote: 
> What about in series? 
> Try connecting several ethernet switch's in series, (not in a loop
> however!) with the SB directly connected to switch one and the LMS
> server connected to switch 3. Swap out the cable connecting the LMS and
> switch 3 with your best sounding cable and let me know.

Sorry I don't have several switches.

I take it you've already done this. What did you hear?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] MPD / Squeezelite Comparo

2016-12-09 Thread edwardthern

drmatt wrote: 
> Now you are really avin a larf. Game over.

Yes game is over now. I've finally narrowed down which kernel parameters
to tweak and by how much.

Audio narvana has been obtained.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-09 Thread edwardthern

sfraser wrote: 
> Hi Ed, I did not run away , I was on a conference call with customers, 
> imagine..discussing Ethernet Satellites funny enough. Anyway you
> never answered my earlier question regarding if you feel you could hear
> the difference between 2 music file"s that had been transferred from 
> host to host via two different Ethernet cables/networks and THEN played
> back. 
> I am interested in your response.

Do I think I could hear a difference? Who knows.

Unless you are referring to say a file from Spotify for example sounding
different at one geographic location vs another.

Could is something I can't comment on

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-09 Thread edwardthern

Wombat wrote: 
> I troll this forum for 10 years now and wonder how other members after
> your first posts still thought there is anything worthwile coming from
> you.

Actually there is nothing worthwhile coming from this Forum.

Why even join an audio forum if you DON"T believe in any of the elements
that make the hobby what it is?

Like an Atheist becoming a member of the Catholic church

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-09 Thread edwardthern

Mnyb wrote: 
> The topc was not i2s transfer methods but ethernet networking .
> Yes i do own this gear . Meridian is quite objektive in their designs ,
> they have gone wrong with MQA and hirez.
> They are not in the voodoo anf magic as other brands, They ste mostoy
> rigth and maybe 5 times to expensive .
> But , thier where alone back then to have a reasonable take on an audio
> system. Namely active speakers with digital xover and returningbthe
> signal to analog as late as possible in the chain it makes perfect sense
> .
> They are not perfect but as they say in the land of the blind the one
> eyed is king .
> Compate cary and audionote that can build stuff that costs a fortune and
> performe worse than a chinese 50$ DVD player

Yes I know what the topic is about. But I am asking YOU why did you
purchase gear that uses a transfer method that you don't believe in?

MQA is nothing more than audiophile gimmick.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-09 Thread edwardthern

I see armyk/sfraser ran away.

How childish to post under two different monikers.

And to get BUSTEDLMAO¡!!!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-09 Thread edwardthern

Wombat wrote: 
> Shit, you got me! I am not a Wombat.

You're a troll, go back into your mother's basement.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-09 Thread edwardthern

Wombat wrote: 
> edwardthern, better check your blood sugar, Troll-adiposity in sight
> from feeding!

Are you another one of sfraser/arnyk's fake persona?

Sounding more and more like this place is a small den of trolls. Deaf

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-09 Thread edwardthern

arnyk wrote: 
> Wrong again. You made the claim that you were perfectly aware of the
> ability of my audio gear to discern certain things. But, it is now
> obvious that you have no idea what it is.
> Edward, that makes you either delusional or a liar. Which is it?

You grabbed my text from a post to someone to sfraser

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-09 Thread edwardthern

arnyk wrote: 
> Absolutely false.
> Sorry, many but now you are just stacking up more evidence that you are
> making this up as you go along.
> We can add to your list of faults that your rendition of the history of
> audio is just as error-filled as your comments about current
> technology.
> One of the problems with early tubes as used in early radio receivers
> what their very limited power handling ability.   I've seen the
> equipment in museums and private collections, and in some cases actually
> used it. 
> If I thought you were intellectual enough to read and comprehend, I'd
> give you links on the web, but I've already been disabused of any hope
> of that actually working.

Which person are you posting as?

Sfraser or armyk?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-09 Thread edwardthern

arnyk wrote: 
> If  you can't immediately provide an accurate list of the gear in my
> audio system, you are then a proven liar.

So you take a sentence I posted to someone else sfraser and try to make
it seem like I posted it to you. Such a childish trick, are you

Or are you posting as two people!!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-09 Thread edwardthern

arnyk wrote: 
> Another example of your abject ignorance. The answer is as others have
> already correctly posted. Tubes were first applied as amplifiers in
> radios, which was the audio of the day.

Wrong don't be a sheep all your life.

Tubes first application was for amplifying power. It was years later
that radio picked it up

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-09 Thread edwardthern

arnyk wrote: 
> The more knowlegable one is, the more they can explain.
> One of the things that can explain a lot of perceptions, is an
> understanding of sensory illusions and perceptual bias.
> Absolutely - Ever hear of the Placebo Effect? Apparently not.  I guess
> it was never part of your apparently minuscule education.

You sound like a troll

Fyi most all of us college educated people realize that the more we
learn the more it is we don't know.

Only the day dumbest people think they know more and more as they learn.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] MPD / Squeezelite Comparo

2016-12-09 Thread edwardthern

I noticed that by changing some kernel parameters I was able to bring
out the high frequency information in MPD to sound more like SL. How
ever the low end slam and rhythm of MPD stayed.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-09 Thread edwardthern

I really hope all of you guys are atheist.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-09 Thread edwardthern

sfraser wrote: 
> Question: Do you feel if music content (files) are transferred from one
> storage location to another, over an Ethernet network and played back at
> a later date that there would be a difference in sound depending on the
> Ethernet cable used in the Ethernet network during the initial transfer?

I feel that my senses are able to pick up on a lot of things that I
can't explain. How about you?

Can you explain why I and countless others hear a difference when
different Ethernet cables are used?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-09 Thread edwardthern

sfraser wrote: 
> You realize the increased BW and reduced crosstalk of the different CAT
> cables can in no way be directly utilized by the music ? It simply
> allows for a higher signalling rate which increases the error free
> frames per second . The music is simply payload within the IP packet
> that is contained within the ethernet frame.  10/100 Mbps Ethernet has a
> data rate  that  is way more than capable of delivering PCM music.
> Utilizing cables capable of error free 10G Ethernet   in no  way
> improves "the sound" over error free 10M Ethernet. If your home network
> is a 10/100/1000Mbps Ethernet, the equipment cannot utilize the
> increased "BW" of a ethernet cable capable of 10G ethernet rates.   2
> different cable types  delivering  the frames error free between two
> hosts do not add or subtract anything from the IP payload, the music
> content is delivered at exactly the same rate or mbps, regardless if it
> is 10/100/1000M  or 10G Ethernet and or Ethernet cables. 
> If you like I can demonstrate this with lab results, I actually have a
> LMS and squeezebox in our lab.
No offence but benchmark and Bryson are know for their dry, sterile and
hard sound. You'd never hear a difference with your gear.

Lab results are fine, but I have never been able to hear with my eyes,
so reading results doesn't help much.

But you can send your results to AQ maybe you can sue for false

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-09 Thread edwardthern

Mnyb wrote: 
> I have personally brougth several AQ cables for recycling instead of
> selling them second hand after my fling with audiophilia ended.
> Sugest we bash thier doors down, they are a fraud .
> Byw the topic here is do different ethernet cables thats up to spec
> makes a difference in sound when used for an Ethernet conection . They
> don't.
> I2S was never meant to be outside the circuit board normally that signal
> should travel centimetres .
> It may have completely diffrent requirements .
> Applying ethernet cables to other things is sometimes a good idea, but
> that's another topic .
> The cable has high bandwidth and low impedance so it can be a good match
> for other things if you design the circuit  for that.
> I mean it's ubiquitous and costs nothing . Special I2S cable migth not
> even exists.

Seeing that you don't believe in audiophile I2s transfer methods why
would you buy a product that uses it?

If you even own the great in your signature Which I doubt

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-09 Thread edwardthern

Julf wrote: 
> Yes, because I2S is intended to connect IC's inside a single device
> (usually on the same circuit board). It was never intended as a solution
> for connecting boxes (and thus needing a cable).

Were vacuum tubes initially designed for audio?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-09 Thread edwardthern

I just realized... You people are handicapped. 

Some people have handicaps that prevent them from seeing, walking, or
climbing stairs You people have handicaps that prevent you from

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] External DAC on Transporter: best output option

2016-12-09 Thread edwardthern

Reality Check.

The greater part of the Audiophile world [people who have purchased
cables] claim to hear a difference. You people represent a very small
part of the whole who 'do not' hear a difference.
We the Audiophiles, acknowledge aspects of reality [in the form of
sound] that you do not. Instead of accepting the fact that your senses
can not pick up certain aspects of get mad
and insult, badger, and accuse the MAJORITY of being crazy.

Yes you 1% are sane and us 99% are crazy.LMAO!!!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-09 Thread edwardthern

You guys are getting deeper and deeper into the land of nonsense.

You don't feel the slight bit embarrassed?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-09 Thread edwardthern

Julf wrote: 
> "... when used in the wrong place (as I2S connection)". Well played! You
> must be rolling on the floor with laughter.

So your claim is manufacturers  are wrong for using Ethernet and HDMI
cables to transmit I2S?

You figure you have a better idea and know more than they do, okay then
develop your own cable for i2s and tech the world how is done..lmao!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-09 Thread edwardthern

As always you guys like to go off on tangents that make no difference to
the real subject.

Subject = Ethernet cables can affect sound quality

I suggest you all go beat down the doors of Audioquest, WireWorld and
every consumer who has purchased their products and have noticed an

Either that or get your ears cleaned so YOU TOO can hear a difference. 
Next thing Blind people will be badgering people with sight claiming
colors don't exist.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-09 Thread edwardthern

arnyk wrote: 
> You're making the logical mistake that just because a change was made,
> your hobby horse unfounded assertions are validated.
> The actual reasons for the upgrade are widely publicized and well-known
> and not what you say, Edward.
> "“What Category 8 copper cabling will do for the data center is let them
> transport data four times faster on essentially the same type of cable
> they now use,” says Sterling Vaden, chair of TIA 42.7, the TIA
> subcommittee on copper cabling systems. “That makes great sense
> application-wise and economically, because the intended data rate being
> developed by IEEE is 40-Gb, 4 times faster than 10GBase-T, using the
> same or less power per port, which has an unofficial target of less than
> 2 Watts.”
> So Edward, do we attribute this major discrepancy between your claims
> and the actual facts to your ignorance of the true facts or a desire to
> win the argument by means of deception?

Do you usually go though out your day being wrong so much?

1) High band width is not the ONLY reason but it is a major benefit.
2) Just because something was improved for reason "A" does not mean
effects can not be seen elsewhere.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-09 Thread edwardthern

drmatt wrote: 
> You know very well that the standard was improved in order to support
> longer cable lengths at gigabit speed and to accommodate incoming
> standards such as 10 gigabit. The goalposts moved, in other words. You
> know this, you are choosing to bait now.

If you "Know This" then why can't you connect the dots?

Cable lengths did not increase, companies etc. still use the same cable
lengths they used before. However the standard changed to support
"Current" cable lengths with better performance. The "Goalposts" did not
move, buildings did not get taller and they don't use Cat cable for
Intercontinental data, even if they did, the continents didn't move

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-09 Thread edwardthern

drmatt wrote: 
> Can't say I've noticed this .. ;)

That does not surprise me...LOL

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-09 Thread edwardthern

drmatt wrote: 
> But CAT5 provides lossfree packet delivery when used within
> specification (i.e. short enough lengths). Lossless, without requiring
> retransmit.

But, but,

No buts, loose free or not the cable and standard was IMPROVED.
IMPROVED. therefore loose free or not, packet delivery is IMPROVED.

by you thinking there is no need to improve the standard when either way
no changes in packets can be verified. Well obviously the Cat standards
committee and millions of others say you are wrong.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-09 Thread edwardthern

drmatt wrote: 
> Correct, good point. This is therefore similar to saying that SPDIF
> cables sound different. More open to debate than Ethernet, but still, a
> push.

Because spdif cables DO sound differentLOL

You people are so funny

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-09 Thread edwardthern

I see a pattern.

A bunch of angry people with avg gear and poor hearing hating on people
with better gear and good hearing. You can't hear it so you want to see
it via measurements. Fact is, you can't even hear it when measurements
are different.

For example cat5 vs cat6 there were improvement in bandwidth, overall
loss, and better signal to noise ratio per the STANDARD. so clearly they
measure different, yet the mud ears got mad when people heard a

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-09 Thread edwardthern

Julf wrote: 
> This is a perfect example of the kind of posting that makes me wonder
> about your motives for posting. They are so calculatingly stereotypical
> that it almost seems like their only reason is to try to provoke a
> reaction.

I don't care what you think, myself and lots of other people love good
gear and can appreciate differences in sound of quality cables.

If it pisses you off that you can't hear don't blame us...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-09 Thread edwardthern

Archimago wrote: 
> Oh my. Wireworld Cat8 ethernet cables for sound quality now!?
> Interesting comment/question by "Solarophile" about TCP error
> correction. He should have a look at this:
> I see no justification that ethernet error plays a role in sound quality
> over a gigabit network even with an inexpensive ODROID-C2 SBC; much less
> the powerful laptop the guy was using! Even transferring with UDP over 6
> hours, there was barely any issue with error in the packets. Don't see
> how/why anyone should worry about TCP transmission.
> Alas, I would respond but the site doesn't seem to appreciate a more
> objective approach to things that might be at odds with the faith that's
> preached (ie. banned!)... Go figure... Then there's of course all the
> hand wringing about noise and needing linear power supplies. Sheesh, yet
> not one of those folks can provide an example of the noise or power
> supply superiority. All words. Truly unbelievable!
> Happy December, folks!

I use a audioquest Ethernet cable for i2s makes all the difference in
the world over standard cable. Reaches much deeper into the music, more
of everything. Of course you need quality gear and the ability to hear
well to appreciate these things.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Chips

2016-12-08 Thread edwardthern

At this point I'm going to take the high road and leave you people to
your unrealistic views of life.

Truly a monkey can act like a human to dinner extent but those intellect
will never reach that beyond a monkey.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Chips

2016-12-08 Thread edwardthern

arnyk wrote: 
> In what alternative universe?
> Begs the quesiton, why post your perceptions in a public forum?  If
> there is no presumption that people will comment in them, then to do so
> is like standing on top of a mountain surrounded by empty space and
> shout your theses.
> False. In reality the steak only tastes better to you. Why is that of
> interest to anybody else? 
> What you've done is ascribe some general characteristic, namely better
> taste to the steak. You comment may be of interest to others who are
> looking for tasty steaks. And, steaks can have flavor properties that
> are of more general interest such as  the taste of a properly-aged but
> not rancid steak or one that is tender and has good mouth feel but is
> not pasty, mushy, or tough.
> OTOH as stated we don't know what you are looking for in a steak. You
> may be looking for a steak that tastes just  like the one that your aunt
> Marsha served you in 1998. Also, bias affects the flavor of food, often
> quite profoundly. My family and I have done a lot of backwoods camping
> and found that food that is a joy to taste after a day outside canoeing
> and portaging tastes pretty mediocre as a Thanksgiving dinner.
> The bottom line is that a claim that a personal opinion is sacrosanct is
> false. It may be sacrosanct or not.
> In the domain of audio, many people have experimented with
> bias-controlled testing and found that many components do not audibly
> color the sound at all. In the world of steak, this is like a steak that
> has no flavor at all. In a reproduction system this is highly desirable
> even though it would make a poor steak - and that is where the
> comparison breaks down. 
> *Preferences are meaningless if there are no differences*, and in audio
> no audible differences is not only possible, it is commonplace with many
> categories of components and DACs are a common case of that.
> So thanks, for the hearty laughs at your expense with your elaborate
> descriptions of your preferences for audio gear that in fact you can't
> tell apart by sound quality. But like most people, our interest in that
> sort of futile prattle is limited, and enough is enough.

You people are really helping me to understand the type of people who
gather here Not the type of people I'd normally keep company
with Very low class.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Chips

2016-12-08 Thread edwardthern

Julf wrote: 
> And others have the right to question the causes of that perception.


I do not have the right to question (say you are wrong) anything you
perceive with your senses.

If you say this steak tastes better than that one, this flower smells
better than that flower, this person's voice sounds better than that
person etc. You are right to feel that way. This simple fact should
be obvious.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Chips

2016-12-08 Thread edwardthern

Julf wrote: 
> To quote yourself:
> If you go back to the beginning of the thread, you'll notice that after
> some light-hearted joking not directed at anyone specific, and some
> fact-based and balanced responses, there was this one:
> That was the point where things went downhill.
> Perhaps a case of 'projection'
> (

The golden rear comment was obviously a joke.

Who in their right mind would be offended by that our take that

Another weak attempt to point the finger. Face it your attacks were
unjustified, and yes they were attacks. Bottom line is people have the
right to voice their opinion on their on subjective perception. Which
was my optional post.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Chips

2016-12-08 Thread edwardthern

edwardthern wrote: 
> Wrong!
> The message I posted was on topic and it was you people who attacked
> me
> Be a man and take responsibility for your attack, don't try and switch
> the blame and take the female victims role.

Yes I did say Sheep, I call it like I see it.

Very few of you posted in ways that would create an atmosphere of
discussion, rather instead you post with an argumentative, demeaning
attitude that puts people on the defense. Then when someone fights back
you run and cry Troll. Sheep in the sense that there seems to be some
obvious leaders and followers. Leaders try to make strong attacks while
the followers make small little jabs here and there.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Chips

2016-12-08 Thread edwardthern

Julf wrote: 
> "A troll is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting
> arguments or upsetting people, by posting inflammatory, extraneous, or
> off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum,
> chat room, or blog) with the intent of provoking readers into an
> emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal, on-topic
> discussion, often for the troll's amusement."
> I rest my case...


The message I posted was on topic and it was you people who attacked

Be a man and take responsibility for your attack, don't try and switch
the blame and take the female victims role.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Chips

2016-12-07 Thread edwardthern

d6jg wrote: 
> A heard of sheep.
> Was that a deliberate play on words?

Nope that's just my phone's spell check You wouldn't be trolling me
would you?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Chips

2016-12-07 Thread edwardthern

Julf wrote: 
> At this point I think we can all agree edwardthern is a troll.
> A troll that actually knows there really aren't any moderators around
> any more.
> This might be one of the few justified cased of an ignore list entry.

No I am not a troll, calling me one is a weak and lame tactic.
"We can all agree"who are you? Did I stumble upon a farm of sheep?
Are you one of the leaders of the heard?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Chips

2016-12-07 Thread edwardthern

Jeff07971 wrote: 
> I accept your respectfull dissagreement :) 
> I had actually drafted a long response but found myself agreeing with
> you in all aspects ! :)
> So I'll bow out !

Don't let him bully you into bowing out.

Audiophiles, Audiophools or who ever has a right to comment on what they
hear and what they like. Message boards all over the net [esp audio
forums] are over run with these bit-r-bits and measurements mean
everything people. They attack like a bunch of sharks. No I don't feel
bad for posting the order in which I like Dac chips based off my
perception. No I won't be bullied into backing down and recanting what I
perceive to hear. In many ways "Audiophile" means people who "think"
they hear differences in many things for many reasons ie power cords,
IC's and yes even software or operating systems. No just because you
have been here forever and have over 10K posts does not mean you out
rank my own senses. He doesn't want people to Google into this thread
and think you can have the freedom to express their feelings about
product X without measurements to back it upto bad.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Chips

2016-12-07 Thread edwardthern

Any more propeller heads here?

Go down the hall to the right and discuss your science please. This
thread is about listening to music. People here have the right to
express what their senses perceive.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Chips

2016-12-07 Thread edwardthern

garym wrote: 
> In the words of your first grade teacher, ""

Science class is down the hall...bye!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Chips

2016-12-07 Thread edwardthern

garym wrote: 
> Huh? I just made the point that personal music preference is NOT a
> science. Perhaps improving your reading comprehension would improve your
> educability regarding the science and engineering of music
> *reproduction* technology.

You're in the wrong thread then buddy. This topic is about listening to

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Chips

2016-12-07 Thread edwardthern

garym wrote: 
> The evidence burden falls upon the person making the claim. You've
> provided no valid evidence for any of your claims.  See:
> That said, one is always free to enjoy their own subjective "truths" as
> long as they don't harm others. If you like one DAC more than another,
> you're free to think whatever you want. But we're talking about science
> and engineering here. Not opinions.**
> **Lots of people post opinions where opinions matter on this forum and
> there are no arguments. For example, people post opinions about what
> sort of music they like, which artist's albums are their "best", etc. 
> These are the areas where subjective opinions truly are OK. There is
> little in the way of science and engineering that can tell me which
> period of Bob Dylan music I prefer the most that is generalizable to a
> larger population. 
> Note:  others have pointed out in this forum that the audiophilia
> disease (denial of science and engineering) that has affected many in
> this hobby does in fact do harm. It is a tip of the larger societal
> problem where we now have many people who act as if science doesn't
> matter and all opinions are "equal" regardless of source (expertise,
> evidence, etc.).

Since when did listening to music become a science?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Chips

2016-12-07 Thread edwardthern

mlsstl wrote: 
> You've got a straw man argument. 
> Subjective opinions are perfectly valid -- but ONLY for the one person
> who expressed them. Unlike repeatable facts, they are not automatically
> transferable to others. This is easily demonstrated by the incessant
> debates among subjectivists about "the best" this or that on any audio
> web site. 
> The objection centers only around the irony of the endless refusal of
> subjectivists to admit that their opinion has been influenced in any way
> by non-audio subjective factors.

The vast majority of people share the same subjective opinion. Anyone
can read reviews from various products, in this case I will stick with
the Audiogd Dacs. General consensus among most everyone that I have read
are the same relating to the sound signature of the Sabre, PCM1704 and
Wolfson Dacs. All three share the same topology and output
stagesmeaning that the only discernible difference is the Dac chip.

This whole topic points to a larger more worrisome issue. This is the
hardness and rigidity of human nature and how they respond to others
with vastly different perspectives. 

Subjective opinions being valid ONLY for the individual perceiving the
difference may be true, however, the worrying part is others being
unwilling to verify this perception [out of spite, hate or other
reasons]...this is to say, yes YOU or anyone could listen to the same
Dacs in question and report back their perceptions...if they are brave
enough and honest enough.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Chips

2016-12-07 Thread edwardthern

Mnyb wrote: 
> Yes you did a DBT . But there must be something wrong .
> Its about probability.
> Some parameter is off I did not do the test with you .
> That claim is very very improbable, if all conciviable parameters where
> the same and the output really was bit perfect .
> By that i mean that there is no mechanism that could really change the
> sound of the conected DAC .
> Its not *you* these kind of cliams come all the time from every
> archetypal audiophile out there .
> Almost everything you have claimed as audiophile truths in our forum has
> been thoroughly debunked decades ago .
> There realy is nothing new.
> Fantastic claims require very ver solid evidence .
> As I told you I sympathise. I been like you a decade ago and i was also
> convinced every bizarre audiophile tweak I did to my system made a real
> differences , because i could "hear" it .

Okay, you win.

Not that I agree with you, I still think you are wrong, but I conceit to
going back and forth on this subject.

Sorry I can't unhear what I heard, even if I did see pages of data that
PROVE otherwise.

I extend my hand for a firm handshake.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Chips

2016-12-07 Thread edwardthern

garym wrote: 
> I appreciate your valiant efforts Mnyb, but some people simply can't be
> educated.

That's odd,i remember my first grade teacher saying the same thing. What
are you guys talking about?

Kidding aside, some people refuse to understand other points of view
because they are too dead set on being right.

What these people are saying is subjective opinions are not valid.

Objective test results are there only valid conclusion because they are
supported by data.

This is wrong.

They dance and move and blab around this but it's still wrong.
Subjective opinions are valid.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Chips

2016-12-07 Thread edwardthern

Mnyb wrote: 
> Valid for what ? Not if you want to determine of there realy is a
> difference in reality or if only you perceive that there is one.
> Measuring is great its a shortcut if you can do them .
> But double blind level matched listening test would also do very well in
> many cases.
> And are actually really good for a complex issues where there are a
> unknowns .
> You are still using your own perceptions and subjective impressions .
> But with almost all bias removed .

Well for this I did not do a DBT, but I did do a DBT to compare
Squeezelite and MPD. I posted a thread on that

Because someone could not make a valid argument to explain how I heard a
difference they claimed it was due to variability in the components in
identical Dacs...even variability in the solder inside...what nonsense.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Chips

2016-12-07 Thread edwardthern

Apesbrain wrote: 
> Please stop posting this nonsense. It is not welcome here.

Are you the gate keeper?

Its better than posting like this stuff is life and death. You need to
take a deep breath and relax, its really not that serious.

FYI, topics and discussions like this have been going on forever and
their is and never will be a resolution. Party A always sticks to their
guns and Party B always sticks to their gunsits a futile situation
that leads to nowhere. 

Besides that, Audiophiles like ME around the net have posted over and
over and over again that we DO hear differences. So no matter what YOU
or anyone says, you can't make me UN-hear what I it?:cool:

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Chips

2016-12-07 Thread edwardthern

This isn't going anywhere.

You guys obviously and not Audiophiles like me:p I think that's the
first major problem.

You have all said your peace and I do understand where you are coming
fromI used to be a normal person too.

None of you have addressed my question specifically about comparing
food. I don't really expect you too, but instead you keep dancing

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] External DAC on Transporter: best output option

2016-12-07 Thread edwardthern

Mnyb wrote: 
> Thta was not what i meant ;) by qualities i mean resonaböe performance
> like the typical better than 100dB snr etc you can have today,

No no back tracking allowed.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Chips

2016-12-07 Thread edwardthern

Look you guys are grabbing at straws. Just because there are a number of
you who are confused don't make your points valid.

Bottom line = Subjective impressions based on perceptions gained via the
senses are validPERIOD.

You can not pick and choose which to apply needing measurement data too.
Either all subjective impressions based on the senses need measurable
data or NONEnot some do and some don't.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Chips

2016-12-07 Thread edwardthern

mlsstl wrote: 
> First, back in the kitchen, good chefs still measure things. That's why
> the food you like is consistently good.And the best cooks understand the
> scientific basis for choosing, combining and processing the ingredients.
> Just having the original recipe doesn't guarantee good results if the
> cook doesn't understand the cooking process. 
> With respect to audio, if ONLY the subjective types limited their
> statements to "I like this better than that", there wouldn't be much
> conflict. However, when one reads any of the audiophile press, you will
> see endless discussions of technical detail in support of their
> subjective conclusions. That's where most objectivists part ways -- they
> are tired of hearing endless technical blather in support of someone
> else's subjective opinion. 
> There's another aspect, too. For whatever reason, subjectivists seem
> loathe to accept the fact that there are any non-audio subliminal
> factors influencing their judgment. I find it quite ironic that
> subjectivists often expend an enormous amount amount of time denying
> subjective influences while expounding to great length on the technical
> aspects , sometimes BS and sometimes not, that they believe support
> their conclusions.
> As I've often noted before, I'm the single biggest variable in my
> system. I accept that my mood, other things that have happened that day
> and my physical state at the moment have far more impact on my listening
> enjoyment than which brand of DAC chip I have.


1) Good cooks don't need to measure 2) Measuring to obtain "DATA" to
justify food A tasting different than food B is not the same as
measuring for a recipe...LOL

The scenario you mention ie different amounts of ingredients is more
equal to comparing two dacs with different parts or even a different
number of parts. Essentially not apples to apples.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Chips

2016-12-07 Thread edwardthern

Mnyb wrote: 
> You still misses the piont . For a subjective listenings test to be used
> it must be a level matched DBT . Even better a if a full suite of
> measurements was done, a bunch of guys deluding each other on forum that
> compares DAC tastes does not contain any information at all if there is
> an audible diffrences.
> And you also misses the other points that the difference between well
> designed dacs are most likely far beyond what anyone is able to hear .
> Hence all this is most likly placebo experiences .
> I does not even have to be a DAC inject any kind of noise or whatever
> -100 dB below the signal level ( which is where the diferences are ) .
> This have been tried decades ago you can mix in jet engines marching
> bands etc in lowest bits no one hears that.

You missed the point.

Take your logic and apply it to subjective "taste" test.

By your logic a DBT is required before your friend tells you that
Sonny's Ribs are better than other restaurants. Correct? Or that a
certain wine tastes better than others. Otherwise they are just a bunch
of people deluding each other trying to compare food and wine that does
not contain any information that proves a difference in taste.

In fact, because they do not have any "Measurable" data they are

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Chips

2016-12-07 Thread edwardthern

RonM wrote: 
> The problem, of course, is about the very subjectivity you want to talk
> about.  As anyone with the slightest knowledge about perception and
> conclusions knows, direct reported experience can be one of the worst
> ways of getting to truth.
> It's why "eyewitness" testimony in courts almost always needs to defer
> to actual measurements and physical evidence. Multiple witnesses to the
> same event can have completely different perceptions of what actually
> happened, even while convinced that what they saw (and heard) is
> accurate.  They report their "truth" as accurately as they can, but this
> "truth" is as often as not simply not really true.  
> This goes in spades for contexts where there is gain or benefit to some
> party, and observations/perceptions can be shaped through social
> influence -- like having one's perceptions taken as serious and valid by
> others with similar interests.  In the absence of grounding outside of
> "subjective judgment", these kinds of discussions are nothing more than
> ramblings.  I was going to use another phrase including the word
> "circle", but that would be rude.
> If we're going to talk about subjective experience as a valid approach
> to getting at what's true, we need to make sure that all the relevant
> variables are controlled. This means blind judgments, and all of the
> kinds of things that are discussed above.
> R.

Talking about perception is never a problem with normal people.

People talk about food at restaurants, movies, books, vacation spots
etc. all the measurement data needed, only perceptional

The moment you people bring up measurements you sound ridiculous.
Imagine people using your logic for the aforementioned topics.
Joe: You know I really like Sam's Burgers, they taste so good and they
fill me up too, I can hardly even eat one. Unlike Smith's burgers, they
seem greasy and make me feel bad.
Mark: What?!?!?! What kind of measurement data do you have that proves
Sam's meat is any different than Smith's meat? In fact the buns are the
same too, flour, eggs, yeast etc. All this Sam's burgers, Smith's
burgers crap is crazy. You make assumptions but have no real data to
back it up!!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Chips

2016-12-07 Thread edwardthern

Mnyb wrote: 
> But that's a sighted review  ( with no measurements either ) a typical
> end user testimonial ? It's does not provide any information  , because
> the flawed method of testing without catering for normal human
> perceptive biaseses ?
> Was it even level matching ( a basicrequirement ).
> And is this choice of implementations the best one for these 2 DAC and
> what is the Cyrus equipped with ?
> And reading audio gd homepage about the products is full of audiophile
> jargon and weird design decisions ? Makes me wonder .
> And actually no measurement does this guys really do measurements to
> verify design depictions ? It looks like cargo cult tech to me ? So in
> this case maybe there was an audible difference ? But we can't know
> based on a sighted testimony.
> No of these DAC chips are bad real differences if the implementation if
> correctly done would be far beyond us like more than -110 dB below
> output . But I still wonder . But is the audio gd product a good example
> ? I'm still wondering?
> This kind of "review" makes me wonder a lot .
> Please note that quoting  of sighted testimonials does not really prove
> your point .
> . A sighted testing is just a story about what the tester "heard" and
> experienced while using the products ,can be interesting on its own .
> What he's really testing is his own biases .
> In this test it was clear that he had read up about the stuff and had
> clear expectations about what he was about to hear .
> You can't test for subtle things this way where the influences of any
> kind of bias is magnitudes larger that what's tested .
> A final thought what do ESS themself thinks is the current reference
> design using thier chips ? Do they have an example/reference
> implementation ?
> That's how they usually do it as you can't gauge the all the chip
> performance quirks without having it in circuit so they usually build a
> DAC themselfs to test thier own chip and implementation is big so it's a
> factor how hard it is to use for a product designer .
> And this is actually a general case .
> If things have flat frequency response and noise and distortion is down
> by -110 your are not going to hear differences with correct testing
> methods . It can be a DAC and op amp a anything , the character and
> source of distortion does not matter as it so unimaginable small levels
> of it in a good design .
> Is not the audiolab DAC series a good representation of what you do with
> an ESS chip .

Your post seems to go off on non-relevant tangents.

Let me help you focus. This thread is about subjectively ranking chips
based on hearing perceptions. Therefore, unless you can spit out
measurements when sound enters your ears none of your post is related to
this topic. Furthermore, you "feelings" towards Audiogd and its owner
are irrelevant. Note that the designer of Audiogd has won awards and
owns a multimillion dollar company which sells gear all over the world
based on quality, sound and robustness of design. Can you make such a

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] External DAC on Transporter: best output option

2016-12-07 Thread edwardthern

Mnyb wrote: 
> Sorry , I forgot to add the DAC chip must have some qualities to begin
> with .

This statement takes away your whole previous post and contradicts your
past rhetoric.

Yes the DAC chips do have their own qualities to begin with, which in
listening tests makes them sound different.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Chips

2016-12-06 Thread edwardthern

alfista wrote: 
> The point is that rating the chips in isolation is for the most part not
> meaningful, the environment you place the chip in often has more impact
> on the result.
> There may be virtually no differences between two chips under ideal
> conditions, while two different implementations with the same chip may
> display a big difference. Neither of the differences is necessarily
> audible, but if the design is sufficiently bad it might be.

Here is an excerpt from a review of 3 dacs made by the same company in
question "Audiogd". Notice the reviewer mentions the different sound
signatures from the different dacs which all share the same topology and
analogue stage but use a different dac chip.



PCM1704 RIVALS.\"*

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Euphony Audio

2016-12-06 Thread edwardthern

drmatt wrote: 
> Does anyone know how much it costs? If it was really, really cheap
> maybe, just maybe ..

Well the XServer costs something like $1600

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Chips

2016-12-06 Thread edwardthern

alfista wrote: 
> The point is that rating the chips in isolation is for the most part not
> meaningful, the environment you place the chip in often has more impact
> on the result.
> There may be virtually no differences between two chips under ideal
> conditions, while two different implementations with the same chip may
> display a big difference. Neither of the differences is necessarily
> audible, but if the design is sufficiently bad it might be.

Yes I've heard that theory beforebits-r-bits etc.

However take two DACs that have the same output stage, etc say the
audiogd ref7 and the nfb7. One uses the PCM1704 chip and the other uses
a Sabre chip. News flash... They sound different!

How about that, who would have guessed?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Chips

2016-12-06 Thread edwardthern

arnyk wrote: 
> Most of the above is about how identical sounding hardware can be
> perceived as sounding different and ranked by someone who will not hold
> to the relevant Science (is he ignorant of it or just plain willfull?)
> which says that they are sonically indistinguishable. 
> In the case of  TDA 1534 and a few others the claim lacks necessary
> details. They are extra susceptible to being intentionally incorrectly
> implemented and actually sounding different, in *some* (but not all) 
> configurations. They are the SETs of the DAC world - a retro product
> intentionally implemented to function as tone controls, and not as good
> amplifiers or DACs.

So um what's your point?

All DAC chips sound the same and 1534s sound bad? To you

Well you obviously don't have golden ears.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Euphony Audio

2016-12-05 Thread edwardthern

tcutting wrote: 
> Doesn't this imply that the creation of the file which is being played
> (eg, mp3 or FLAC) could also cause the dreaded jitter? So if I download
> an mp3 or FLAC file from some source, I should ask what the quality of
> the digital chain which was "in front of" the creation of this file? 
> When I rip a CD, should I be concerned about the jitter being induced
> into my system at that point?  Does that mean that when ripping a CD,
> and then transcoding the result into FLAC (and MP3), I should be
> minimizing the processing on the machine I am using to perform this
> process?  I guess this also means I should be using a special audiophile
> DVD reader, or else additional jitter will be introduced?  Should I also
> add a higher-quality linear power supply to my PC to enable the highest
> fidelity during this stage in the digital chain?

Yes RIP's can and do sound different. You should use a very high quality
DVD drive with the best software you can find.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Chips

2016-12-05 Thread edwardthern

DJanGo wrote: 
> 142 posts in < 40 days - most of them with funny content.
> Why you didnt spend your time to understand the lms eco system and
> improve your knowledge for the benefit of others?
> eg. writing some code for the weekly updates?

Hm just for kicks how could someone contribute to the LMS effort?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Euphony Audio

2016-12-05 Thread edwardthern

arnyk wrote: 
> You do understand that normal human being type ears can neither think
> nor speak, right?

You mean your ears don't talk to you independently of what you think and

Of course I know that, it's a metaphor, and no my ears didn't tell me to
write that... My hands did it all on there own

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Chips

2016-12-05 Thread edwardthern

DJanGo wrote: 
> 142 posts in < 40 days - most of them with funny content.
> Why you didnt spend your time to understand the lms eco system and
> improve your knowledge for the benefit of others?
> eg. writing some code for the weekly updates?

who me?

write code for weekly updates? nah I'm too dumb for that...

although some years ago I did skin lms, I made two different skins as
supposed to the normal black,greenish and white old skin. I lost it when
my old windows machine crashed and was too lazy to reproduce it.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Euphony Audio

2016-12-05 Thread edwardthern

drmatt wrote: 
> I would have to say that I find that hard to believe. Unless it was
> genuinely not capable of providing the pre-requisite data rate due to
> poor performance and you were getting glitches, or of course it was
> doing different audio data processing.
> I can say for sure I can't tell the difference between the audio from my
> LMS server (no matter what hardware it sat on) and that from a cheap DVD
> player (playing the CD) fed into the same DAC.

Well its not like I wanted to believe it.

I'd much rather use a cheap BBB or RPi for the LMS. I've tried it over
and over and over again hoping NOT to hear a difference.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Euphony Audio

2016-12-05 Thread edwardthern

Julf wrote: 
> I keep struggling to figure out if you are serious, pulling our leg or
> just trolling. 
> Can you please explain how jitter from a source, sending buffered
> packets over a TCP/IP connection, can affect the player? It is not like
> S/PDIF where the DAC derives the clock from the incoming data. Have you
> heard the expression "independent clock domains"?

Pulling your leg, no I'm serious but I'd rather keep it light hearted
vs. too serious and argumentative. We may disagree but I still find you
folks my audiophile friends.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Euphony Audio

2016-12-05 Thread edwardthern

Julf wrote: 
> I keep struggling to figure out if you are serious, pulling our leg or
> just trolling. 
> Can you please explain how jitter from a source, sending buffered
> packets over a TCP/IP connection, can affect the player? It is not like
> S/PDIF where the DAC derives the clock from the incoming data. Have you
> heard the expression "independent clock domains"?

No I can't explain ears tell me what they like and I listen.
Sorry I've been trying to figure out a quantifiable solution to justify
what my ears say they don't like for a long long time. All I know is
[placebo or not] my ears like less jitter from a source.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Euphony Audio

2016-12-05 Thread edwardthern

arnyk wrote: 
> Jitter is a physical parameter that is readily measured. Below a certain
> point, it is completely inaudible. Modern commercial digital audio gear
> with audible jitter is very rare.
> The phrase "...latent jitter..." is either meaningless on the grounds of
> being overly vague, or indicates no actual problem because after all,
> *laten*t means "concealed and not manifest"

If you THINK thats true, then try two different sources one with very
high jitter and one with very low. Let your own ears tell you "their"

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Euphony Audio

2016-12-05 Thread edwardthern

drmatt wrote: 
> Sure, none of my business why you invested in an i7 with maxed out ram
> when a raspberry pi will do.. ;)
> I would bet there's no way for you to load your server sufficiently to
> even measure a difference in the packet delivery time at the receiver
> end. Otherwise, Facebook might not work so well! ( Unless, of course,
> you just hammer the network link to death - that's a given.)

I tried one of my old BeagleBone Blacks as a LMS, the sound was
different vs the i7.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Euphony Audio

2016-12-05 Thread edwardthern

utgg wrote: 
> Explain what you mean by that and how it is relevant to audio quality.

You explain why you think a source latent with jitter will not affect
audio quality.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Euphony Audio

2016-12-05 Thread edwardthern

utgg wrote: 
> The "jitter and latency" referred to in that Redhat article is the delay
> and variability in scheduling of real-time threads. Nothing at all to do
> with the jitter of a clock in a DAC.

Nobody said it had anything to do with a clock in a Dac.

We are talking about jitter from the source.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Euphony Audio

2016-12-05 Thread edwardthern

drmatt wrote: 
> And if you read around you will also see that a typical "low latency"
> kernel responds, on average, more slowly than a lightly utilised normal
> kernel, because the real-time variant is tuned to provide guaranteed
> response times, not the fastest possible.
> Secondly, and mainly, as I mentioned above, LMS is forced to wake up and
> send a chunk of audio to a player in the range of "several times a
> second". The tuning you are talking about is several powers of ten finer
> than that. Even a standard kernel gets a clock tick every 1/100th  of a
> second so will always get your network packet into your app well before
> then next buffer needs to be sent.
> This armchair engineer has worked in kernel tuning for decades, and IMHO
> you are finessing beyond what is relevant, by several powers of ten.
> I restate: LMS does not play audio, it sends asynchronous data to an
> audio player in very large chunks.

Well if you have Golden Ears you would appreciate finessing things
beyond what mere mortals think as relevant...:p

Yeah I get what you are sayingbut...tweaking is fun and if my
imagination can perceive a difference [even placebo] then why not?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Euphony Audio

2016-12-05 Thread edwardthern

drmatt wrote: 
> Lms doesn't play audio, how can it exhibit jitter?
> Sent from my Nexus 9 using Tapatalk

LMS is a link in the chain of digital data being transmitted from a
source [HD, file etc.] and a Dac. Anything along the chain and induce

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Euphony Audio

2016-12-05 Thread edwardthern

Julf wrote: 
> Does it? Would love to see the actual correlation.


Newer CPUs may alter their performance based on a workload heuristic in
order to save
power.  This is at odds with latency-sensitive workload requirements,
causing sub-optimal

here is limited flexibility with regard to kernel threads as
compared to userspace threads.  Here are some options for task affinity
and isolation to
reduce jitter and latency:Isolate CPU cores from 
userspace tasks

FYI, plenty of more information on the Web. Texas Instruments, RedHat
and plenty of other companies with the money and staff to do "real"
research can provide a lot of good data. All of my tweaks etc. comes
from them as suppose to arm-chair engineers found in forums.

Years ago I read an article by Texas Instruments which clearly showed
the results of an experiment that showed the correlation between USB
wire length and jitter.even as USB trace increased on motherboards
jitter increased. Of course as predicted people laughed at me and said I
was crazyclinging to the idea of some crap about digital data via
spdif needed to be >1.5m and applying that to USB [because it too was
digital data].

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] External DAC on Transporter: best output option

2016-12-05 Thread edwardthern

Gazjam wrote: 
> And they say Americans dont do irony... ;)
> Arny,
> Theres better ways to enjoy your retirement as Im sure you know.
> Chill out, put on your favourite music on a good system...or any system
> really...cant tell the difference in sound quality without measuring the
> kit with a scope and double blind testing.
> Only problem is you cant SEE to change the CD over with your eyes shut?
> But after having it pointed out to me your right...
> I'm selling all my gear now and buying one of these. :p
> 21634 
> Serious question for you?
> Would you expect it to measure worse or better than the Transporter?
> And would your expectations of differences between the two systems
> affect the outcome of the test? 
> (I'm thinking of Heisenberg's "Uncertainty if this Guys actually
> trolling?" Principle... which states you cant measure the speed and
> position of the BSh*t coming from someones mouth without affecting the
> outcome)
> So measurements are out the window on this one Arny and I'll just have
> to subjectively listen what your saying and the tone of how your saying
> it.
> Us Brits do sarcasm quite well :)
> All meant in good humour friend.
> So long and thanks for all the fish.

That Desktop system as "Audiophile BLUE" lights, so it MUST sound

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Euphony Audio

2016-12-05 Thread edwardthern

Julf wrote: 
> That's what I would have assumed. Can we agree that is overkill? :)

I thought 0% is ideal...for example as % increases so does jitter.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Euphony Audio

2016-12-05 Thread edwardthern

Julf wrote: 
> And what is the typical CPU load and RAM usage?

Pretty much 0%

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Software Updates

2016-12-04 Thread edwardthern

Wombat wrote: 
> "who suggested to them that they should change their business plan and
> offer JRiver for Mac instead of concentrating on Windows"
> Ok, so when Jim did not start the MAC version because of KingDoughnut
> you promise to sign off here and shut up?

Sign off and shut upNO WAY I'm just getting warmed up;););)

I have many more stories to tell...pull up a chair and have a doughnut

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Euphony Audio

2016-12-04 Thread edwardthern

So they want to sell SSD's preloaded with their OS.

Thats kind of a bad business planunique but bad. Hardware failures,
shipping damage, stocking, burning and a slew of other overhead costs =
bad business move.

They should have just coped RoonLabs business model and offered the OS
available to download, once downloaded and running give users a week +/-
to test drive it and make them buy an activation key. This way the
product can get into the hands of more people with much less cost and
effort on their part. If the product is indeed this good it will sell
itself. As it stands, the person is either stuck with a SSD/OS -or-
having to return some hardware which could get messy.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Software Updates

2016-12-04 Thread edwardthern

Wombat wrote: 
> ...load an entire  cd into RAM...
> You are still ahead of time :)

So when are you going to PM Jim?

Oh and I'm waiting on your PROOF!:confused::confused:

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Software Updates

2016-12-04 Thread edwardthern

Wombat wrote: 
> ...load an entire  cd into RAM...
> You are still ahead of time :)

Yeah I know, people think I exaggerate or lie about things. But as you
can see, I am to blame for WASAPI making it to JRIVER, at least when it
didthey would have probably implemented it sooner or later anyways
due to following the crowd. 

FWIW, many of my "Tweaks" have made it into main stream media players
after being initially shot down and laughed atoh well such is the
life of a genius :D:D

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Euphony Audio

2016-12-04 Thread edwardthern

drmatt wrote: 
> Yeah they like to imply the low latency helps. Well, it helps startup,
> no doubt.. but beyond that..
> Ahem, I built an over engineered home server.. :). HP microserver, core
> i3, 6gb ram, ssd boot drive, pair of mirrored western digital red nas
> drives. Tbh it was cheap... The server cost a hundred quid.
> Sent from my Nexus 9 using Tapatalk

i3 + 6g ram is not over engineered.

My LMS machine uses a i7 3.4g processor and 16g RAM with 1T SSD

I think thats about normal for a server.

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