Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-15 Thread doctor_big

drmatt wrote: 
> So bipolar Arny is back. It's just not allowed to hold a view that
> disagrees with yours, is it?
> Do you have any successful interpersonal relationships in your life?
> Seems likely the only one is with your shrink.
> The "dr" is not an affectation, it is my title. So grow up a bit old
> man.
Life is so much calmer with that bitter, sad little man on ignore. If
only folks would stop quoting him... 

Sent from my SM-N910W8 using Tapatalk

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-15 Thread arnyk

drmatt wrote: 
> All along.
> They appear to be on the verge of a new series of chips rumored to be
> called "Zen FX".
> The pitch is that they will be 1-chip low powered solutions that can
> offer dedicated game console graphics and games on a laptop.
> > > > 
> > Intel's next biggest foe is ARM, a market they are nowhere near having
> > even a serious contender in.> > 
> Agreed.  
> Where this gets a little On Topic is the fact that even the fastest
> current ARM processors (A15 level) are very slow compared to even a
> low end I3 or Celeron. This would only be acceptable for multimedia
> and audio (where ARM processors are making big inroads) if the CPU
> usage were truly modest and not demanding of mainstream home/laptop
> technology. This is true.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-15 Thread drmatt

I didnt even care what your background was, I didn't even care if you
were actually the pope or indeed someone nice in real life, I just think
it's pretty plain to see which direction the willfully insulting
language is flowing in this thread, as with so many others in the past.

I stand by my opinion and never told anyone it was anything but. You may
not be a moderator but every time a sane person would have left a thread
as "we disagree then, move on", you turn it into an opportunity to
practice your insults.

This is very boring for everyone else so PLEASE drop it today.

Hardware: 3x Touch, 1x Radio, 2x Receivers, 1 HP Microserver NAS with
Debian+LMS 7.9.0
Music: ~1300 CDs, as 450 GB of 16/44k FLACs. No less than 3x 24/44k

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-15 Thread Julf

Could we please focus on facts instead of engaging in silly personal

"To try to judge the real from the false will always be hard. In this
fast-growing art of 'high fidelity' the quackery will bear a solid gilt
edge that will fool many people" - Paul W Klipsch, 1953

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-15 Thread arnyk

drmatt wrote: 
> So bipolar Arny is back. It's just not allowed to hold a view that
> disagrees with yours, is it?

You must be delusional, "DrMatt". How can I keep you from holding or
expression a view that I disagree with?  Am I a moderator? Do I have
malware planted on your computer?

If you can't answer this question factually  "DrMatt"., then you are
again proven to be either delusional or just plain a habitual

> Do you have any successful interpersonal relationships in your life? 

Does a 50 year marriage count?  How many times have you been married?

> Seems likely the only one is with your shrink.

Since no such person exists, more evidence of delusion or habitual

> The "dr" is not an affectation, it is my title. So grow up a bit old
> man.

It's part of an alias  "DrMatt", as anybody can see. One sign of you
finally growing up would be you being accountable for your reprehensible
activities on the web as indicated by you posting under your legal name.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-15 Thread drmatt

arnyk wrote: 
> Good, congratulations on avoiding that common illusion/delusion.
> In a way I agree with that.  The real problem is that so many of the
> original masters were made with just tons of wasted bits in the name of
> fashion and style.
> Statements like this make it so obvious that you and the lessons and
> considerations of real world technology are strangers.  Efficiency and
> practicality seem to mean nothing at all to you.  Let me guess, you took
> your last hard science course in high school, right?
So bipolar Arny is back. It's just not allowed to hold a view that
disagrees with yours, is it?

Hardware: 3x Touch, 1x Radio, 2x Receivers, 1 HP Microserver NAS with
Debian+LMS 7.9.0
Music: ~1300 CDs, as 450 GB of 16/44k FLACs. No less than 3x 24/44k

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-15 Thread arnyk

pablolie wrote: 
> And while I don't subscribe to the theory that resources stand in the
> way of wider 24/192 acceptance...
> I agree with those that say that hearing a difference between 16/44 and
> 24/192 with the exact identical original master source is a futile
> exercise. And yet, I do own some 24/192 and other hirez recordings. Why?
> Oh well - why not, if I like the music? :-) It's only a few additional
> bucks, and it kinda guarantees I shall never have to buy the same music
> again, in the highly unlikely case some fundamental breakthrough allows
> me to suddenly discern a clear difference between 16/44 and 24/192. But
> then again at that point in time the studio will probably magically find
> a 96/768 master that sounds even better... :-D

I think its true that the reason why 24/192 doesn't have wider
acceptance is that unlike the advancement from consumer and pro analog
to 16/44. 24/192 offers no sound quality advantages at all.

However,  most rational people who are actually making the decisions
(unlike internet trolls who are in reality nobodies and have no power or
influence)  ask the question "Why waste resources with formats like
24/192 that offer no reliably audible benefit?"  and then the resources
waste issue seals the deal.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-15 Thread arnyk

drmatt wrote: 
> That makes two of us then.. and I never heard any difference between
> redbook and "hi-res" either,

Good, congratulations on avoiding that common illusion/delusion.

> I just don't see any point in down-sampling for consumer delivery.

In a way I agree with that.  The real problem is that so many of the
original masters were made with just tons of wasted bits in the name of
fashion and style.

> I just don't see any point in down-sampling for consumer delivery.

Statements like this make it so obvious that you and the lessons and
considerations of real world technology are strangers.  Efficiency and
practicality seem to mean nothing at all to you.  Let me guess, you took
your last hard science course in high school, right?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-15 Thread drmatt

pablolie wrote: 
> And while I don't subscribe to the theory that resources stand in the
> way of wider 24/192 acceptance...

That makes two of us then..

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-14 Thread Apesbrain

pablolie wrote: 
> When even Intel declares Moore's Law in hiatus, you know semiconductor
> advances have slowed a fair amount when it comes to some design
> parameters - but not all of them.

Note that we don't talk about CPU speed anymore.  Intel nixed that years

pablolie wrote: 
> I *will* build a new machine in the next year or so, but it will not be
> for performance reasons - multimedia works perfectly well with that I
> have.

I ran LMS on an Atom with 2GB for years with no issues.  I only upgraded
to an i3 when I decided to run video over my server.  My newest desktop
is a Core2 Duo E8400 and it's as fast as I need.

pablolie wrote: 
> As to networking and bandwidth... I haven't been in an environment where
> music challenges stuff in a long time.

Even though my wired network is gigabit-rated, I never see anything near
that speed when moving files around.  There are other bottlenecks. 
24/96 (the highest res I play) needs less than 5 MB/sec.

pablolie wrote: 
> I especially think today is an amazing time to put together budget
> systems, or systems up to $10k or so.

When we moved last year I put together an NAD D3020 and NHT 2.1 system
for the living room for around $1500 that is just as enjoyable a listen
as my system in the "listening room" that costs over 10x as much.

pablolie wrote: 
> *Arguably the biggest advance, and one that still hasn't sunk into the
> old fashioned brains of most audio enthusiasts, is software controlled
> and DSP based room optimization. Raise your hand if you have one!

I do!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-14 Thread Wombat

Again 2 posts of reason from you pablolie :) 
With that you show that one can be lucky with his music and mix in some
recent hardware to play with when you want to have some new toys.
I doubt you fool yourself in hearing differences in about every update
you do and declare others for deaf if they don't.

Transporter (modded) -> RG142 -> Avantgarde Acoustic based 500VA
monoblocks -> Sommer SPK240 -> self-made speakers

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-14 Thread pablolie

And while I don't subscribe to the theory that resources stand in the
way of wider 24/192 acceptance...

I agree with those that say that hearing a difference between 16/44 and
24/192 with the exact identical original master source is a futile
exercise. And yet, I do own some 24/192 and other hirez recordings. Why?
Oh well - why not, if I like the music? :-) It's only a few additional
bucks, and it kinda guarantees I shall never have to buy the same music
again, in the highly unlikely case some fundamental breakthrough allows
me to suddenly discern a clear difference between 16/44 and 24/192. But
then again at that point in time the studio will probably magically find
a 96/768 master that sounds even better... :-D

Server: Virtual Machine (on VMware Workstation 12) running Ubuntu 16.04
+ LMS 7.9
System: SB Touch --optical->- Benchmark DAC2HGC --AnalysisPlus Oval
Copper XLR->- NAD M22 Power Amp --AnalysisPlus Black Mesh Oval->- Totem
Element Fire
Other Rooms: 2x SB Boom; 1x SB Radio; 1x SB Classic-> NAD D7050 -> Totem
DreamCatcher + Velodyne Minivee Sub
Computer audio: workstation --USB->- audioengine D1 -> Grado
PS500e/Shure 1540

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-14 Thread pablolie

Other than unnecessary personal vitriol, I wonder about the discussion
in performance improvements, and how it impacts music reproduction

Here are a few personal opinions:

* When even Intel declares Moore's Law as in hiatus, you know
semiconductor advances have slowed a fair amount when it comes to some
design parameters - but not all of them. I think the major trend there
has been the focus on mobility and low power requirements. Hence the
race to make personal computers twice as fast by throwing in extra GHz
has slowed down a lot. That said - the *huge* benefit of that has been
that now we have highly mobile personal devices that allow us to enjoy a
degree of music quality anytime-anywhere that was only attainable with
very esoteric and highly static gear not that long ago. I recall
listening to music on a very good Sony Walkman back in the 80s, and
damn, compared to what we have today it was probably garbage. Let's not
over-romanticize the audio past.

* My own home desktop computer-server is based on 2010 technology. Top
of the line Intel stuff back then. I think from 1992 to 2010 I probably
upgraded my home PC every 2-3 years or so. I liked to build my own
machines. Still do, but truly the reasons to do so these days are not as
clear. My 2010 desptop still performs very well. I have changed most
peripheral devices (bigger SSD, bigger HD, more RAM, faster graphics)
but the core system is the same, and performs very well even with
current benchmarks. I *will* build a new machine in the next year or so,
but it will not be for performance reasons - multimedia works perfectly
well with that I have. And I am not a gamer. 24/192 audio is something
that can be served by very, very old CPU and memory tech.  You could
build a well -performing LMS with pretty much any computer you find in
an old box. Performance hasn't been a gatekeeper to audio performance in
many, many years. Fact is it is pretty low CPU cycle stuff. 

* As to networking and bandwidth... I haven't been in an environment
where music challenges stuff in a long time. My tablet gets 200M
download and 12M upload speeds over wireless in my home. In a few years,
your smartphone will support 1G download speeds, call it LTE or 5G. Not
that it matters for music, even if Tidal decides to stream everything at
24/192 at that point in time. :-) As to right now, the fact our beloved
SB boxen and LMS servers can deal with 24/192 in our homes, with
technology that is pretty dated at this point in time, indicates music
is not a resource intensive app in this day and age.

* And, when it comes to audio nerd gear (I am talking about us here with
an old fashioned audio shrine), I think there have been some very
significant advances over the years. Fundamentally, a speaker is still
put together the same way. I especially think today is an amazing time
to put together budget systems, or systems up to $10k or so. The quality
you get from those was unattainable 20 years ago unless you threw far
more $ at things. Then again, I could probably live with my 1999 vintage
Accuphase E306v amplifier for life, Ncore modules be damned. :-) If it
wasn't so damn bulky. :-) 

*Arguably the biggest advance, and one that still hasn't sunk into the
old fashioned brains of most audio enthusiasts, is software controlled
and DSP based room optimization. Raise your hand if you have one!
(Looking around and sees one or two hands). See... we're an old

In summary, I think the audio world has changed by leaps and bounds.
Some of the early changes were indeed driven by CPU power and storage
capacity (my current 475GB music library would have been very daunting
in the mid 90s :-)). But I think these days it's been all driven by the
capabilities of mobile devices more than anything else. Our audio
shrines are pretty old tech, both in what's inside and what's required
from the periphery...

Server: Virtual Machine (on VMware Workstation 12) running Ubuntu 16.04
+ LMS 7.9
System: SB Touch --optical->- Benchmark DAC2HGC --AnalysisPlus Oval
Copper XLR->- NAD M22 Power Amp --AnalysisPlus Black Mesh Oval->- Totem
Element Fire
Other Rooms: 2x SB Boom; 1x SB Radio; 1x SB Classic-> NAD D7050 -> Totem
DreamCatcher + Velodyne Minivee Sub
Computer audio: workstation --USB->- audioengine D1 -> Grado
PS500e/Shure 1540

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-14 Thread arnyk

drmatt wrote: 
> So you accept there have been dramatic performance improvements, but you
> state the overall performance is still very slow. 

Is your reading comprehension that bad or is impossible for you to be
honest about what you read?  Let's see if the basic ideas can be
restated to deal with your difficulties with the turth. 

(1) There have been isolated performance improvements. Examples: CPU
processor quantities and speed, and the seek time of SSD's.  

(2) But overall the time it takes to do common tasks has not changed
that much from 5 years ago.  I provided no value judgement on how fast
things are now or then, but things were pretty darn fast 5 years ago,
and the operator is often the primary source of delays.

> That's about as woolly a statement as I've seen here, 

That's because you made it up.

> and yet you accuse me of being vague and childish.

and that's yet another statement that you made up. 

> Waste of time talking to you, as usual.

Yes, being held accountable for your errors and mistakes like happens
with you so often, could get old pretty fast.  

Friendly advice: Stop trying to pass yourself as an infallible authority
on all things audio and IT until your education in those matters is far
more complete.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-14 Thread drmatt

arnyk wrote: 
> You're like a little boy who blithely wanders from train wreck to train
> wreck that you caused, ignoring all of the damage that you do by making
> false claim after false claim and trying to make the corrections seem to
> be what you meant all along.

Not that this is a surprise but you really are a piece of work, MrK.
There's evidence all over the internet of this going back decades and
yet here you are still making baseless hugely personal insults about
someone you never met and know less than nothing about. Even worse I'm
*trying* to not be drawn into the insults game, but perhaps that's what
annoys you the most? Is it more fun with an edwardtherm character who
you can wind up for a massive sweary flame war?

Perhaps 4chan is more your thing.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-14 Thread drmatt

arnyk wrote: 
> If that was what you were saying then you're wrong. [] the overall
> system performance remains very slow in many critical areas despite
> dramatic performance improvements in many other areas.

So you accept there have been dramatic performance improvements, but you
state the overall performance is still very slow. That's about as woolly
a statement as I've seen here, and yet you accuse me of being vague and

Waste of time talking to you, as usual.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-14 Thread Gazjam

Suspect the former...

Please Read Arny.

-(They even back up what they are saying scientifically...)-

|Filename: troll+6.jpg  |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-14 Thread arnyk

drmatt wrote: 
> I can't decide whether you actually just enjoy arguments, or just don't
> understand how you sound to the reader.

I enjoy people who are totally un self conscious and don't see how
childish and desperate their personal attacks like theone above make
them look.

> I was simply saying that computer systems have improved in performance
> drastically while the data movement requirements of audio processing
> have not. That was only a side show to the main discussion too and we're
> drifting further and further off topic here..

If that was what you were saying then you're wrong. What has really
happened is that many aspects of  computer system performance for real
world work haven't improved that much even though selected individual
components have.

> You should get faster broadband, though I am impressed by your 500,000KB
> per second upload. That's either a typo or you actually have a backbone
> internet link. ;)


> ADSL sucks. I've stuck to fibre or cable over the years (fortunate to
> have the choice) and right now uplink speed is consistently around
> 18Mbit/s. Even so uploading to cloud backup solutions is slow.

Off topic. I think everybody knows that ADSL sucks and the A stands for
asymmetrical (as in far slower uploads thna downloads) , but as my
measurements show, cable modems are highly asymmetrical in their actual
upload/download speeds, too. Its not any limitations of the core
technology but how they set their router speed limiters. They really
don't want you to set up a web server at your location on their nickle.

Your comments about the slowness of could backups supports my point -
the overall system performance remains very slow in many critical areas
despite dramatic performance improvements in many other areas.

> Uploading a hi res album would take a matter of a minute or two though,
> and download is more like 70Mbit/s so that's much quicker.

Speculation without any evidence. Heaven forbid you should get your
hands dirty and soil them with the real world.

For another good example of your hypocrisy "DR Matt', consider your
accusation that another poster should do some experiments with FLAC,
when it is clear that you've never done any relevant experiments of your
own. When the experiments were done, they falsified your claims. 

Never explain, never complain seems to be your rule. 

You're like a little boy who blithely wanders from train wreck to train
wreck that you caused, ignoring all of the damage that you do by making
false claim after false claim and trying to make the corrections seem to
be what you meant all along.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-14 Thread drmatt

I can't decide whether you actually just enjoy arguments, or just don't
understand how you sound to the reader.

I was simply saying that computer systems have improved in performance
drastically while the data movement requirements of audio processing
have not. That was only a side show to the main discussion too and we're
drifting further and further off topic here..

You should get faster broadband, though I am impressed by your 500,000KB
per second upload. That's either a typo or you actually have a backbone
internet link. ;)

ADSL sucks. I've stuck to fibre or cable over the years (fortunate to
have the choice) and right now uplink speed is consistently around
18Mbit/s. Even so uploading to cloud backup solutions is slow.

Uploading a hi res album would take a matter of a minute or two.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-14 Thread arnyk

drmatt wrote: 
> Not many 10mb modems around any more.

As usual "Dr Matt" you try to deceptively focus sole attention on a
controversial point and skip over the facts that falsify your basic
claim that many areas of PC technology is much faster then it was 5
years ago. Improvements in isolated areas of hardware performance do not
necessarily an over-all faster system make.

100BT (the standards that most equipment uses today) is in practice no
faster than it was over 20 years ago when it was rolled out. I know, I
was there, and I was an early adopter.

More to the point, standard benchmarks say that my Internet download
speed  is about 4 megabytes per second but upload speed is only 500,000
KB per second. This Upload speed was theoretically possible and slower
what I actually observed when I first obtained @Home cable internet
service back in the 90s. I was such an early adopter than they
apparently hadn't set the throttles on their routers, yet.

So even though this computer boots much faster working off of its fancy
RAID/SSD disk subsystem, when it comes to actually doing the bulk of my
real world work, its about the same speed as it was 5, even ten,
sometimes 20  years ago.

And, the speed of the nut behind the wheel as it were (me), sets the
speed of overall operations, which is to say about the same or even

The same is true of audio. Outside of the electoacoustic parts of the
system, actual audible performance is not appreciably better than it was
after I hooked up my first CD player in 1983. This, despite the fact
that some sources find about 400 different makes and models of DACs on
the market - for the most part they all sound alike.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-13 Thread drmatt

Not many 10mb modems around any more. Even bog standard ADSL quotes "up
to 16mbit" these days so has to ship with 100mbit or higher on its
outgoing ports. In fact they have Gb now.

My BT fibre modem has a 100Mbit link, the cable modem I had before it
had a 1Gb port (though restricted by contract). Inside my LAN I'm fully
Gb for everything that matters.

The one and only 10mb device I had in recent memory was the modem inside
my set top cable box. It used it to download program guides.

Sent from my Nexus 9 using Tapatalk

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-13 Thread arnyk

drmatt wrote: 
> It's also true that a 2016 device is quicker than a 2011 device. .

For LANs, the law of the weakest link, which was the 10BT or 100BTX
link, was generally applicable in 2011. It still is.  A small number of
maximum speed file transfers (usually 1 on a home LAN) run LAN limited.

On the web - the web was the  limit. In general the web speed is limited
by web site file server contention. Throttling web speed to keep
resources from being overloaded is a standard feature of ISP and cable
companry routers and used extensively.  Cable modems were originally
10BT, and some may still be.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-13 Thread drmatt

arnyk wrote: 
> Not really. 10BT 100BTX and Gigibit ethernet were just as fast 5 years
> ago as they are today.  We had SSD's 5 years ago, and for sequential I/O
> 7200 rpm high density drives are at least aas fast as SSD's get in real
> world applications.
> "Fast Ethernet was introduced in 1995..."   We had operational  100BTX
> (still the high standard for most commercial and home systems) before
> Y2K.
It's also true that a 2016 device is quicker than a 2011 device.
Certainly the advent of SSD was a big thing, but even amongst "capacity"
spinning rust larger capacity drives push the throughput up as time goes
on, PCs get ever faster memory buses, SATA buses slowly increase in
speed, CPUs get better at offload.

So, given that the home audio digital standard has been 16/44k for
nearly 40 years I would say a modern PC absolutely destroys an 80s PC.
That is the scope we are really talking about here. A current top end
SSD will write a copy of a CD in a second or so. Even the most impatient
engineer could *probably* wait another second or so...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-13 Thread drmatt

Be selective about what you buy..

I have seen blu rays that are nothing more than upsampled DVD material,
which sucks. At least it's (hopefully) professionally de interlaced.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-13 Thread arnyk

drmatt wrote: 
> Agree completely. That's why I like to buy/watch blu rays given a choice
> because as we all know for lossy compression the more bits the merrier..

Thing is, the program material on BD diskcs often doesn't exploit the
media. Lots of it pales in comparison to a well-made DVD.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-13 Thread drmatt

arnyk wrote: 
> You may find this hard to believe, but a professional engineer waiting
> for excessively large files to transfer, copy and back up makes him a
> lot more impatient than it does a home hobbyist. 
> Especially true for live recording, which is often done while enslaved
> to a clock that is not on your schedule, it is on its own.
Fair enough but today he can do this several times quicker than he could
five years ago. High performance leads to high expectations, but the
delays for these activities has been going down year on year despite any
intervening file size increases.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-13 Thread drmatt

arnyk wrote: 
> Looks like another example of FLAC being unable to further compress real
> world files in ways that capitalize on non-trivial interchannel
> redundancy.

Sounds about right. Binary audio data has extremely high entropy and
always compresses poorly by traditional numerical methods. Flac seems so
far to be the best stab at lossless compression, and the one and only
trick it has to do that is too look for simple inter-channel
correlation, I.e. the fact that most music has at least some "mono"

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-13 Thread arnyk

drmatt wrote: 
> Yeah it takes about six hours or so to load the 40GB of
> (compressed)music I carry on my phone. This is over WiFi. I guess I
> could plug it in and do it more quickly, but frankly I almost never do
> this - just updates when I add new stuff or remove stuff.
> This aspect is not trivial, but for the full res flac material inside my
> network for playback on squeezeboxes it is trivial. Want a disk mirror?
> 150MB/s, takes a few hours to seed the whole archive. Big deal, my
> server has nothing else to do...

You may find this hard to believe, but a professional engineer waiting
for excessively large files to transfer, copy and back up makes him a
lot more impatient than it does a home hobbyist. 

Especially true for live recording, which is often done while enslaved
to a clock that is not on your schedule, it is on its own.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-13 Thread drmatt

arnyk wrote: 
> Whether the 4K UHD streaming have any additional real world resolution
> when streamed is not a given, I don't think.  I see a lot of so-called
> enhnacment artifacts, but not a lot of better video.

Agree completely. That's why I like to buy/watch blu rays given a choice
because as we all know for lossy compression the more bits the merrier..

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-13 Thread drmatt

Julf wrote: 
> So you agree that the reason 24-bit material doesn't compress as well as
> 16 bit material is because the bottom 8 bits is basically random noise,
> not correlated between left and right channel (and thus also not
> correlated with the music)?
No, I agree that random noise compresses poorly. The actual content of
said files I do not speculate on..

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-13 Thread arnyk

Julf wrote: 
> So you agree that the reason 24-bit material doesn't compress as well as
> 16 bit material is because the bottom 8 bits is basically random noise,
> not correlated between left and right channel (and thus also not
> correlated with the music)?

I took the 16/44 file from Fremer and converted it to 24/96 without
adding dither. The FLAC file was 18.905 KB. Obviously the low order bits
were digital black.

I then added dither that was 96 dB down. The file size was 18,907 KB.

Looks like another example of FLAC being unable to further compress real
world files in ways that capitalize on non-trivial interchannel

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-13 Thread Julf

drmatt wrote: 
> This is true because flac takes advantage of some of the correlation
> between left and right channel in a stereo music scenario.

So you agree that the reason 24-bit material doesn't compress as well as
16 bit material is because the bottom 8 bits is basically random noise,
not correlated between left and right channel (and thus also not
correlated with the music)?

"To try to judge the real from the false will always be hard. In this
fast-growing art of 'high fidelity' the quackery will bear a solid gilt
edge that will fool many people" - Paul W Klipsch, 1953

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-13 Thread drmatt

Yeah it takes about six hours or so to load the 40GB of
(compressed)music I carry on my phone. This is over WiFi. I guess I
could plug it in and do it more quickly, but frankly I almost never do
this - just updates when I add new stuff or remove stuff.

This aspect is not trivial, but for the full res flac material inside my
network for playback on squeezeboxes it is trivial. Want a disk mirror?
150MB/s, takes a few hours to seed the whole archive. Big deal, my
server has nothing else to do...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-13 Thread arnyk

drmatt wrote: 
> Yes it's disk space and processing load, of course. But both are still
> trivial in a world with 4k UHD streaming a regular occurrence it really
> doesn't matter.

Whether the 4K UHD streaming have any additional real world resolution
when streamed is not a given, I don't think.  I see a lot of so-called
enhnacment artifacts, but not a lot of better video.

Back in the real world, file compression still pays significant
dividends for real world portable and mobile audio.

For example there are still portable digital players including some
tables on the market that are limited to 32 megs of removable storage
and their removable storage is still far larger than their internal
storage. A number of current production European cars can't go beyond
this limit.

The next such boundary is 64 GB. I have a modern player with this limit.
Great audio quality, but only 64 GB.  I believe that 200 GB is the
current common limit for removable storage for high performance portable

My personal file collection of 256 Kbps MP3 music files (MP3 being a
fairly universal format for all players) is > 64 GB. Obviously, if
uncompressed or even FLAC compressed there would be far less songs.

Loading large high performance SDHC cards USB 3 flash memory sticks from
an 8 core computer with SSD storage  takes well over an hour, and again,
this is for relatively highly compressed music.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-13 Thread arnyk

drmatt wrote: 
> This is true because flac takes advantage of some of the correlation
> between left and right channel in a stereo music scenario. Got a decent
> pink noise generator? Run some tests.

I tested it and found it to be at least partially *false.*

It appears that not unexpectedly FLAC can only detect files that are
very trivially mono-like and give them more compression.

I generated five files of high density red noise:

One was a plain old uncompressed 44/16 .wav files and was 1723 KB

One FLAC had completely independent channels and produced a broad and
diffused stereo spread and was 1288 KB

One FLAC had had channels that were blended enough to sound quite a bit
more mono like than the above and was 1287 KB

One FLAC had had channels that were identical but one was displaced by
100 mSec and sounded fairly stereo like and was 740 KB

One FLAC had had channels that were identical but one was displaced by 
200 mSec and sounded fairly stereo like and was 740 KB

For my next test I used the file preamptest_1 which I had downloaded
from Michael Fremer's Analog Planet.

As a uncompressed WAV file it was 41677 KB
As a compressed FLAC  file it was 18576 KB
And as a FLAC with its channels downmixed for far less separation (each
channel was 100% of itself and 50% of the other channel) it was 18674

I conclude that FLAC is very  limited at providing additional
compression with real world recordings where the channel separation is
low but not vanishing or trivial

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-13 Thread drmatt

This is true because flac takes advantage of some of the correlation
between left and right channel in a stereo music scenario. Got a decent
pink noise generator? Run some tests.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-13 Thread utgg

drmatt wrote: 
> Well, 24/48k would be less than twice the capacity.
I'm interested to know what the typical FLAC file size is at 24/48k
compared to 16/44.1k. I'd expect the 24/48k to be a lot larger than the
ratio of the uncompressed bit-rates (1.6:1) might suggest.

I only have 16/44.1k FLAC tracks (all CD rips), and these seem to be
compressed to around 50% of the uncompressed size. The extra 8 bits in
24-bit audio data most probably look like noise to the FLAC prediction
algorithm, so I'd expect the compression to be much less efficient than
for 16-bit audio - perhaps only 80% of the uncompressed size? That would
make 24/48k files around 2.5x the size of 16/44.1k ones. If the ratio is
much better than that, I'd question if the 24-bit version really is
24-bit, and not just zero padded from the 16-bit!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-13 Thread drmatt

I agree, that would be sufficient. But, I do still like to buy media and
don't see me changing that, *yet*. Digital downloads don't feel
permanent enough for my money.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-13 Thread Julf

drmatt wrote: 
> Well, 24/48k would be less than twice the capacity. But I just don't see
> this mattering. For the home user buying media the cost of getting them
> a 24/48 version on e.g. DVD-A is basically the same as doing a 16/44
> version for them. I was disappointed that DVD-A didn't get more headway
> actually. The promise of more reliable rips, more choice of format, full
> metadata and artwork shipped alongside the audio; all good in my book.
> Anyway.

A missed opportunity, but that ship has sailed. Shipping bits on
physical media makes about as much sense as sending email using carrier

> I believe that for the streamers the quality matters less and lossy
> compression is ok. To be fair I might change my mind if someone started
> offering serious lossless streaming services. That might well become a
> one stop shop for all my music needs.. depending on price..

Indeed - streaming quality starts to matter as it becomes the main/only
means of listening to music for most people - but FLAC-compressed
44.1/16 or 48/16 covers that scenario.

"To try to judge the real from the false will always be hard. In this
fast-growing art of 'high fidelity' the quackery will bear a solid gilt
edge that will fool many people" - Paul W Klipsch, 1953

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-13 Thread drmatt

Julf wrote: 
> Yes and no - three times the cost is still three times the cost, even if
> that cost keeps getting lower.

Well, 24/48k would be less than twice the capacity. But I just don't see
this mattering. For the home user buying media the cost of getting them
a 24/48 version on e.g. DVD-A is basically the same as doing a 16/44
version for them. I was disappointed that DVD-A didn't get more headway
actually. The promise of more reliable rips, more choice of format, full
metadata and artwork shipped alongside the audio; all good in my book.

I believe that for the streamers the quality matters less and lossy
compression is ok. To be fair I might change my mind if someone started
offering lossless streaming services. That might well become a one stop
shop for all my music needs.. depending on price..

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-13 Thread Julf

drmatt wrote: 
> Ultimately, there is no killer reason to increase, so I can see I'll
> never convince you that it's worth it, but equally I don't think it's
> worth NOT doing it. Storage and bandwidth are trivial, just wait six
> months and the space increase will be accommodated at the same price.

Yes and no - three times the cost is still three times the cost, even if
that cost keeps getting lower. 

> The only thing that will make this happen is if it saves the record
> company a mastering step (and, cost) - they will jump at it.

Unfortunately there won't be any saving, as the main market is
streaming/itunes etc., so the mastering has to happen in any case.

> Plus, they get to sell you a new remaster of The Wall. ;)

Indeed, that is the main driver for "hi-res".

"To try to judge the real from the false will always be hard. In this
fast-growing art of 'high fidelity' the quackery will bear a solid gilt
edge that will fool many people" - Paul W Klipsch, 1953

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-13 Thread drmatt

Ultimately, there is no killer reason to increase, so I can see I'll
never convince you that it's worth it, but equally I don't think it's
worth NOT doing it. Storage and bandwidth are trivial, just wait six
months and the space increase will be accommodated at the same price.

The only thing that will make this happen is if it saves the record
company a mastering step (and, cost) - they will jump at it.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-13 Thread Julf

drmatt wrote: 
> Music playback from so-called hi res (or better yet the mastering rate
> 24/48k if that is the norm) within someone's house is trivial. I'm not
> interested in streaming but even that is not exactly hard. If they
> wanted to offer it, it would happen.

Even if you don't stream, those unnecessary bits still have to be
shipped to you somehow, and most people don't want to pay the extra

"To try to judge the real from the false will always be hard. In this
fast-growing art of 'high fidelity' the quackery will bear a solid gilt
edge that will fool many people" - Paul W Klipsch, 1953

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-13 Thread drmatt

Well, I don't stream music other than radio, and yes of course I'm aware
measures were taken by the big TV streamers to provide infrastructure as
locally as possible to each network segment.

Music playback from so-called hi res (or better yet the mastering rate
24/48k if that is the norm) within someone's house is trivial. I'm not
interested in streaming but even that is not exactly hard. If they
wanted to offer it, it would happen.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-13 Thread Julf

drmatt wrote: 
> Yes it's disk space and processing load, of course. But both are still
> trivial in a world with 4k UHD streaming a regular occurrence it really
> doesn't matter.

Yes and no. Are you aware of all the special content network
infrastructure that has been put in place specifically for that video
streaming (and that doesn't help the downloading and streaming of your

"To try to judge the real from the false will always be hard. In this
fast-growing art of 'high fidelity' the quackery will bear a solid gilt
edge that will fool many people" - Paul W Klipsch, 1953

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-13 Thread drmatt

I'd be happy to play around... :)

Some artists do actually do mix-your-own multi-track sources.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-13 Thread drmatt

Yes it's disk space and processing load, of course. But both are still
trivial in a world with 4k UHD streaming a regular occurrence it really
doesn't matter.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-13 Thread Julf

drmatt wrote: 
> Don't be silly. I just don't think I'd care if my music collection took
> twice as much disk space and I would be confident that even an inept
> mastering engineer or downsampling process probably couldn't mess up the
> data I received.

But isn't the logical next step then that they ship you the audio
workstation work files for you to mix, so that even an inept mixing
engineer and producer can't mess up the data? :)

"To try to judge the real from the false will always be hard. In this
fast-growing art of 'high fidelity' the quackery will bear a solid gilt
edge that will fool many people" - Paul W Klipsch, 1953

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-13 Thread Julf

drmatt wrote: 
> (see edit)

see edit :)

"To try to judge the real from the false will always be hard. In this
fast-growing art of 'high fidelity' the quackery will bear a solid gilt
edge that will fool many people" - Paul W Klipsch, 1953

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-13 Thread drmatt

Julf wrote: 
> I am glad you have faith in evolution, and think human hearing range and
> acuity will increase significantly in the future.
Don't be silly. I just don't think I'd care if my music collection took
twice as much disk space and I would be confident that even an inept
mastering engineer or downsampling process probably couldn't mess up the
data I received.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-13 Thread Julf

drmatt wrote: 
> Surely 640KB is enough for anyone? ;)

I am glad you have faith in evolution, and think human hearing range and
acuity will increase significantly in the future.

"To try to judge the real from the false will always be hard. In this
fast-growing art of 'high fidelity' the quackery will bear a solid gilt
edge that will fool many people" - Paul W Klipsch, 1953

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-12 Thread drmatt

Surely 640KB is enough for anyone? ;)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-12 Thread Julf

pablolie wrote: 
> Nyquist in theory requires you to get a *perfect* sample of a signal.
> The quantification error is the issue with implementing the Nyquist
> theorem in digital audio - not the kHz.

Right. Nyquist works just fine even with finite resolution, but the
finite resolution produces a quantification error in the form of noise.
If we disregard dithering for the sake of this discussion, the SNR of a
16 bit signal would be 96 dB - definitely more than what you find in any
recording (or listening room, for that matter). Compare that to the SNR
of FM radio or vinyl... :)

"To try to judge the real from the false will always be hard. In this
fast-growing art of 'high fidelity' the quackery will bear a solid gilt
edge that will fool many people" - Paul W Klipsch, 1953

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-12 Thread pablolie

Julf wrote: 
> Have you seen actual scientific research showing we need more than 16
> bits for *storing* the music? We do need more than 16 for *recording* to
> ensure sufficient headroom, but once the recording has been normalized,
> that is not an issue.
> I would also love to see pointers to any commercial recordings with a
> dynamic range exceeding 16 bits.

I can't point to any specific quotes, and it is not particularly
important to me to prove I am right in any way. Personally, I think well
recorded 16/44.1 stuff is all I need. However I have read stuff that
claims no platinum eared human can hear beyond 20/44, hence the DR
limitation to them was more important than the bandwidth aspect of it (I
have never heard ever of human ears exceeding 20kHz, I know mine don't
hear beyond 17kHz, now or 15 years ago).

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Element Fire
Other Rooms: 2x SB Boom; 1x SB Radio; 1x SB Classic-> NAD D7050 -> Totem
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-12 Thread Julf

pablolie wrote: 
> I don't think there is anything problematic about 16/44.1, personally.
> But the major objection with more scientific backing is that is should
> be 20 rather than 16. DR stuff with far more valid arguments behind it.
> I have read far more tests claiming we need 20 bits than we need 96kHz.
> It seems even Platinum Ears can't pretend to hear beyond 20/48 stuff.

Have you seen actual scientific research showing we need more than 16
bits for *storing* the music? We do need more than 16 for *recording* to
ensure sufficient headroom, but once the recording has been normalized,
that is not an issue.

I would also love to see pointers to any commercial recordings with a
dynamic range exceeding 16 bits.

"To try to judge the real from the false will always be hard. In this
fast-growing art of 'high fidelity' the quackery will bear a solid gilt
edge that will fool many people" - Paul W Klipsch, 1953

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-12 Thread pablolie

Julf wrote: 
> And what do you feel is problematic about it?

I don't think there is anything problematic about 16/44.1, personally.
But the major objection with more scientific backing is that is should
be 20 rather than 16. DR stuff with far more valid arguments behind it.
I have read far more tests claiming we need 20 bits than we need 96kHz.
It seems even Platinum Ears can't pretend to hear beyond 20/48 stuff.

Server: Virtual Machine (on VMware Workstation 12) running Ubuntu 16.04
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Element Fire
Other Rooms: 2x SB Boom; 1x SB Radio; 1x SB Classic-> NAD D7050 -> Totem
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PS500e/Shure 1540

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-12 Thread drmatt

Some may argue it's not "music", but I have a large collection of Aphex
Twin with a good complement of near- square waves in it (heavily clipped
sub bass tones in some cases). Of course, since no-one knows what those
synth notes are attempting to sound like, no-one can intuitively say
that what a listener hears in their room is wrong, unlike say a guitar
or singer.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-12 Thread arnyk

pablolie wrote: 
> But... how are "squarewaves of any frequency" relevant to music
> reproduction? 

The aren't. There's an old saying among people who analyze dynamic
systems which I learned from a grizzed old pH D back when I was a buck
engineer. He said "The universe is well analyzed as if it were composed
of interconnected second order differential equations."  The point is
that writing and solving second order differential equations is
relatively easy if you stayed awake during your calculus and physics
classes and did your homework, so if you know how to do that, the world
is your oyster. We proved it by modeling the front end structure of an
automobile, and comparing the movement and velocities produced by our
model those measured in a real car crashing into a concrete barrier.

The point is that acoustical musical instruments follow the same basic
laws of physics. One of the properties of the kind of equations you
generally end up writing is that their response always ends up falling
off in a 12 dB/octave roll off. Thus, if you look at a recording of any
real world musical instrument, its bandwidth always ends up rolling off
at some frequency. In the case of cymbals, that frequency is usually on
the order of 7-12 KHz, so their bandwidth is always concentrated in the
audio range.

If you think about it, one ot the things that makes a musical instrument
more playable is putting out a fair amount of noise in the audio band
whith a reasonable energy input, especially in the bands around 2-4 KHz
where the ear is most sensitive.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-12 Thread Julf

pablolie wrote: 
> BTW I find it interesting that so much discussion has focused on the
> bandwidth needs of music. Arguably the more problematic aspect is the
> digitization/quantizing of the sample itself. :-)

And what do you feel is problematic about it?

"To try to judge the real from the false will always be hard. In this
fast-growing art of 'high fidelity' the quackery will bear a solid gilt
edge that will fool many people" - Paul W Klipsch, 1953

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-12 Thread pablolie

Julf wrote: 
> I am happy with that, thanks! :)

But... how are "squarewaves of any frequency" relevant to music
reproduction? And if you like square waves, why bother transform them to
the analog domain? Digital is pretty good at square waves. :-) 

BTW I find it interesting that so much discussion has focused on the
bandwidth needs of music. That's actually pretty straightforward.
Arguably the more problematic aspect is the digitization of the sample
itself. :-)

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System: SB Touch --optical->- Benchmark DAC2HGC --AnalysisPlus Oval
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Element Fire
Other Rooms: 2x SB Boom; 1x SB Radio; 1x SB Classic-> NAD D7050 -> Totem
DreamCatcher + Velodyne Minivee Sub
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PS500e/Shure 1540

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-12 Thread slartibartfast

Jeff07971 wrote: 
> Arnyk, Julf, Slarti
> OK I apologise, my reference to FFT was not very well though out.
> I should have said something like "To correctly pass a squarewave of any
> frequency an infinite bandwidth is required" can we agree to that ?
> and Arnyk I apologise specifically to you for "Maybe you should learn to
> read !" it was unnecessary
Apology accepted.

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-12 Thread Julf

Jeff07971 wrote: 
> I should have said something like "To correctly pass a squarewave of any
> frequency an infinite bandwidth is required" can we agree to that ?

I am happy with that, thanks! :)

"To try to judge the real from the false will always be hard. In this
fast-growing art of 'high fidelity' the quackery will bear a solid gilt
edge that will fool many people" - Paul W Klipsch, 1953

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-12 Thread mlsstl

arnyk wrote: 
> Many different music instruments create acoustical signals > 20 KHz.
> Cymbals are actually not the best sources of ultrasonic sound, their
> energy is typically concentrated in the 6=16 KHz range. Many tambourines
> will vastly outproduce cymbals when it comes to ultrasonic sound waves.
> Depending on their construction details, shakers are at least as
> vigorous producers of ultrasonics - many aren't audibly that loud
> because most of the energy they produce is ultrasonic. Certain brass
> instriuments such as a trumpet with a Harmon Mute are vigorous producers
> of sound up to 100 KHz and beyond.

Interesting discussion, but I'd point out that even with respect to the
instruments noted above, the loudness of the higher frequencies and
harmonics is already quite low compared to the volume of the fundamental

Then, add on the issue of absorption of high frequencies with distance,
and in most live acoustic concert situations, no one in audience could
hear those high frequencies even if their hearing was capable -- between
the reduced output of the instrument at high frequencies and the air
absorption, any energy in that range will likely already be lost in the
ambient noise floor. 

The above goes double for any amplified concert, as the microphones and
PA system will add their own frequency limitations to the above.

I suppose that if one were trying to create a recording in which the
listener is sitting in the musician's chair or sitting across from them
in a living room, then the ability to record above 20KHz might mean a
bit more. But for me, I've never found the high frequency limitations of
the CD format to be a source of concern with respect to my listening

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-12 Thread Jeff07971

Arnyk, Julf, Slarti

OK I apologise, my reference to FFT was not very well though out.

I should have said something like "To correctly pass a squarewave of any
frequency an infinite bandwidth is required" can we agree to that ?

and Arnyk I apologise specifically to you for "Maybe you should learn to
read !" it was unnecessary

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-12 Thread arnyk

Jeff07971 wrote: 
> DC is in inverted commas for a reason, means 0 frequecy
> Edit: I see where the confusion arises, FFT is frequency domain not time
> domain
> to simplify to pass a true squarewave an infinite bandwidth is required.

Yet another error. FFT is a well known mathematical transformation
between the time domain and frequency domain. Therefore the statement
"...FFT is frequency domain not time domain..." is false.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-12 Thread arnyk

Jeff07971 wrote: 
> Maybe you should learn to read !
> From the link

Yet another error - The quoted text is completely irrelevant to the
comment of mine that it purports to correct.

You should really stop with this nonsense while you are only a little
bit behind!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-12 Thread slartibartfast

Jeff07971 wrote: 
> DC is in inverted commas for a reason, means 0 frequecy
DC soes not need to be in inverted commas to mean zero frequency. The
flat top is produced by adding  the odd harmonics up to infinity.
Infinite bandwidth does not have to start from zero. In this case it
starts from the fundamental.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-12 Thread Julf

Jeff07971 wrote: 
> however the Nyquist limit is only true when the signal is purely
> sinusoidal

This has already been addressed by others, but just wanted to make very
clear that this statement is somewhat misleading in being kind of the
wrong way around.

What Nyquist-Shannon states is that you can reproduce *any* signal,
whatever the shape, as long as it bandwidth-limited to half the sample
rate. The closer a signal gets to the bandwidth limit, the closer it
resembles a sine wave. So it's not "the bandwidth limit only works for
sine waves" but "any bandwidth-limited signal starts to resemble a  sine
wave as we approach the bandwidth limit".

"To try to judge the real from the false will always be hard. In this
fast-growing art of 'high fidelity' the quackery will bear a solid gilt
edge that will fool many people" - Paul W Klipsch, 1953

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-12 Thread Jeff07971

Julf wrote: 
> Wrong on both counts.

DC is in inverted commas for a reason, means 0 frequecy

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-12 Thread Julf

Jeff07971 wrote: 
> The flat top of a square wave is in effect a "DC" it cannot be flat if
> you cannot pass "DC"

Wrong on both counts.

"To try to judge the real from the false will always be hard. In this
fast-growing art of 'high fidelity' the quackery will bear a solid gilt
edge that will fool many people" - Paul W Klipsch, 1953

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-12 Thread Jeff07971

arnyk wrote: 
> False claim.   The commonly-seen tilt of a square wave's top  is due to
> phase shift. When you avoid having significant amounts of that phase
> shift, perhaps by using a relatively high fundamental frequency, the
> wave top is flat.
> BTW, I can also confirm the post that says that the statement:
> "...the FFT of a square wave would require sines of 1/ -
> Hz" 
> is false.  All you need is sines going down to the fundamental.
> May I suggest that you brush up on these topics before you further
> damage your credibility around here?  ;-)

Maybe you should learn to read !

>From the link

> An ideal mathematical square wave changes between the high and the low
> state instantaneously, and without under- or over-shooting. This is
> impossible to achieve in physical systems, as it would require infinite
> bandwidth.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-12 Thread slartibartfast

Jeff07971 wrote: 
> The flat top of a square wave is in effect a "DC" it cannot be flat if
> you cannot pass "DC"
> The rising edge is effectively a very high freq nearly  in
> contrast to the fundemental
> 2169721698
I'm not sure what you are showing with the diagrams but a 100Hz square
wave for example can be reconstructed from a sine wave of 100Hz plus all
the odd harmonics. No DC required.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-12 Thread arnyk

Jeff07971 wrote: 
> The flat top of a square wave is in effect a "DC" it cannot be flat if
> you cannot pass "DC"

False claim.   The commonly-seen tilt of a square wave's top  is due to
phase shift. When you avoid having significant amounts of that phase
shift, perhaps by using a relatively high fundamental frequency, the
wave top is flat.

BTW, I can also confirm the post that says that the statement:

"...the FFT of a square wave would require sines of 1/ -

is false.  All you need is sines going down to the fundamental.

May I suggest that you brush up on these topics before you further
damage your credibility around here?  ;-)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-12 Thread Jeff07971

slartibartfast wrote: 
> I do not understand why an FFT of a square wave would require sines of
> 1/ - Hz. The lowest frequency present in a square wave is
> the fundamental. Square waves with a frequency of 1/ Hz are
> definitely rare in music.
> Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

The flat top of a square wave is in effect a "DC" it cannot be flat if
you cannot pass "DC"

The rising edge is effectively a very high freq nearly  in
contrast to the fundemental


|Filename: ziOsw.gif|

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-12 Thread Mnyb

Jeff07971 wrote: 
> Getting really off topic now !

Yes , I drop out now , unless someone says something weird about cat5-8
cables regarding better separation between instruments :P or some other
analog attribution ( fundamental miss understanding of how digital works

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-12 Thread Jeff07971

Getting really off topic now !

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-12 Thread Jeff07971

> Um been there done that, last time I used a $19.95 ultrasonic cleaner.
> However, that OT in this discussion.

Not sure how piezo actuators are relevant to Microphones and sensors ?

I used these microphones to record sounds at 96Khz bandwidth. We
captured 5 seconds per shot at 256Ksps 16 Bit.

And I too design and build amplifiers, electronics and speakers

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-12 Thread slartibartfast

Jeff07971 wrote: 
> I was trying to keep it simple so I'll rephrase
> "And mr fourier was also rigth any other wave form is made by sums of
> sinus waves." Yes but an FFT of a square wave would require sines of
> 1/ - Hz to properly represent. Thankfully squarewaves are
> rare in music.

I do not understand why an FFT of a square wave would require sines of
1/ - Hz. The lowest frequency present in a square wave is
the fundamental. Square waves with a frequency of 1/ Hz are
definitely rare in music.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-12 Thread arnyk

Jeff07971 wrote: 
> Mnyb we agree entirely
> Arnyk you miss my point. 

I didn't miss it, I corrected it.  You seem to have a lot of incorrect
perhaps fanciful ideas about digital and audio. I also sense that you
never "lose any arguments".

> If you limit the bandwidth to what you know the average person can hear
> then you limit the bandwidth to what you know the average person can
> hear.

That presumes that one is highly constrained or short-sighted and 
limits the bandwidth to what you know the average person can hear.  Plan
B, set the bandwidth so that it exceeds the capabilities of any known or
knowable human.

We know from decades of study of human biology that the human hearing
apparatus has species-wide design limits, and we can observe them if we
test enough people. The latter has been done many times starting long

> If people can perceive a greater bandwidth than average then they cannot
> because the bandwidth is limited to the average person.

Straw man argument for the reasons already given.

> The 16/44 standard was down to price and technology at the time (the
> 80's !!, over 30 years ago) not being better than ANY human can
> perceive.

False claim.  

The 44/16 sample rate was chosen because it gave a Nyquist frequency
that was greater than 20 KHz which was already known at that time to be
beyond even exceptional human hearing, and because it easily synched
with consumer video gear. The latter pushed it a little higher than was
needed for subjectively ideal reproduction of audio recordings. Higher
sample rates were available at the time to test with, so we knew what
they did.,100_Hz

Now, almost 40 years later the video rate argument only applies to old
video standards, not the most recent ones. However, we know quite a bit
more about human hearing, and have done a lot more testing, and know
that as a practical matter, 20 KHz is well into overkill.

> All I'm saying is make it very certain that all the information is in
> the signal. Its easier 30 years later !

Only an infinite sample rate can guarantee that, and its a worthless
goal anyway.

> FWIW I used to work with microphones and pressure sensors that were good
> for over 100Khz

Um been there done that, last time I used a $19.95 ultrasonic cleaner.
However, that OT in this discussion.

I know the facts about microphones because before I retired, I among
other things was a professional recordist. I took advantage of that back
around Y2K to find out if 24/96 which was already well-implemented at
the time, did any audible good. 

And I know about speakers because I still design, build, repair and
modify those.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-12 Thread Jeff07971

Well I think we can let this drop now, I just think that the technical
standard should not be so close to the average human limits.

Any way if we did up the sample rates and bit depth we'd need CAT9
cables :)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-12 Thread Mnyb

For us old dudes 20kHz bandwidth is more than enough:) 16k for n most
cases .

Last time i checked an audiophiles whas not a teenage girl musical
prodigy :) they may actually hear 20k.

I think the 20-20kHz bw includes most humans it would be truly
exceptional very rare . And only applicable to teenagers, the hf hearing
drops fast in humans even if do have otherwise good hearing .

I have dbt myself re hirez i cant hear any difference. I did take care
to only use new digitally made masters that originated as a true hirez
The key is to downsample it yourself the CD master and the hidef master
is often not the same .

If someone buys a hirez file set and it sounds better its usually a
better master :)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-12 Thread Jeff07971

> hence 24/96 is the highest semi sensible rate to sell must at imo.

Mnyb we agree entirely

> (1) make a recording with say twice the bandpass of a regular CD - iOW
> the 24/96 that you are trying to ram down my throat. The equipment to do
> this is off the shelf and the techniques are simple enough.
> Downsample it to 44/16 and then back up to 24/96.
> Compare the two in a proper listening test (a level matched, time
> synched, blind or DBT or some kind)
> What are the results?
> 100s of people have done this, and the results are "No audible
> difference".

Arnyk you miss my point. 

If you limit the bandwidth to what you know the average person can hear
then you limit the bandwidth to what you know the average person can

If people can perceive a greater bandwidth than average then they cannot
because the bandwidth is limited to the average person.

The 16/44 standard was down to price and technology at the time (the
80's !!, over 30 years ago) not being better than ANY human can

All I'm saying is make it very certain that all the information is in
the signal. Its easier 30 years later !

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-12 Thread Mnyb

Sorry i meant 20bit >50k sampling if inwas unclear .

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-12 Thread arnyk

Jeff07971 wrote: 
> I was trying to keep it simple so I'll rephrase
> So you agree that 20Khz is not enough to accurately REPRODUCE any of the
> examples you make ! I.e. You cant REPRODUCE the 100Khz signal from a
> trumpet (wether we can "Hear" it or not) with a 20Khz limited system.

What do you mean by accuracy?

Are you talking about audio which is by definition limited to sounds
that are audible to humans, or are you talking about collecting the most
impressive numbers that you can?  To be reasonable you have to define
what you want to do.

> In data aquisition electronics theres a saying that you can't do
> anything with data you do not have. All I'm saying is that 24/96 (say)
> allows us to extract more data we can actually hear from a wide(r) BW
> signal (Music). IE We are not limited by the BW of the system we should
> be limited by our senses.

There is a simple experiment.

(1) make a recording with say twice the bandpass of a regular CD - iOW 
the 24/96 that you are trying to ram down my throat.  The equipment to
do this is off the shelf and the techniques are simple enough.

Downsample it to 44/16 and then back up to 24/96.

Compare the two in a proper listening test  (a level matched, time
synched, blind or DBT or some kind)

What are the results?

100s of people have done this, and the results are "No audible

Why bother recording > 22 KHz anyway?

Trying to impress small boys with big numbers? ;-)

BTW almost all commercial recordings are made with microphones that are
usually rolling off pretty fast @ 20 KHz, some as low as 12 KHz or less.

So if you try to record up to say 48 KHz, you are just making lovely
transcriptions of random noise > 20 KHz or so.

Then there are the natural roll-offs in your speakers. For all the
wailing and gnashing of teeth, how many speakers are accurate >20 KHz?
What about 15 KHz?   Look at the polar patterns of most dome tweeters -
what is the response > 20 KHz like if you go say 30 degrees off axis?

If you were going to get serious about > 20 KHz then the iron law of the
weakest link applies, but unfortunately for just about everybody  that's
not your audio gear, its your ears.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-12 Thread Mnyb

"Yes" recordings can be done at 96kHz for producing purposes .

We are limited by our hearing usually below 20kHz so we reproduce what
we can hear .

Some argue that 44.1 kHz is a close shave hence 48kHz is/was used in
recording studios the last decades .
Thats a bit off the history i don't know why not 16/48 on CD especially
as early resampling was not fantastic ?

Some say that about 20bit 50k should include even the most extraordinary
humans under the best of circumstances.
(  Bob Stuart , Meridians pre MQA ) hence 24/96 is the highest semi
sensible rate to sell must at imo.

Then we have practicality in recordings only close miced recordings get
>20 khz and many mics is not very good and linear at these rates and the
recording engineer is not a bat so he wont know .

And the actual tecordings that contains listenable music ( not
audiophile labels ) these recordings fits well within 16/44.1

I think QUAD was rigth sensible bandwidth limiting is a good thing ,
tweeter resonances and amplifier problems at high frequencies
May actually make hirez audible but not for a good reason. Yes i think
unchecked ultrasounds in the signal can be a problem.
We have all seen the curves for amp distortion they rise fast above
20kHz not many systems are designed for reproduction up to 50kHz .

Main hifi: Touch + CIA PS +MeridianG68J MeridianHD621 MeridianG98DH 2 x
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-12 Thread Jeff07971

> DC is a property of asymmetric waves, and by definition a square wave is
> symmetrical around the zero line.

I was trying to keep it simple so I'll rephrase

"And mr fourier was also rigth any other wave form is made by sums of
sinus waves." Yes but an FFT of a square wave would require sines of
1/ - Hz to properly represent. Thankfully squarewaves are
rare in music !

> Music is by definition something that we hear. Anything that is
> inaudible is by definition not part of music. The exact extent of human
> hearing varies with SPL and the condition of the age of the listener.

Actually its what we feel as a very low frequency won't be heard but it
can well be felt. The same is true with high frequencies I used to
"feel" old ultrasonic remotes

> Many different music instruments create acoustical signals > 20 KHz.
> Cymbals are actually not the best sources of ultrasonic sound, their
> energy is typically concentrated in the 6=16 KHz range. Many tambourines
> will vastly outproduce cymbals when it comes to ultrasonic sound waves.
> Depending on their construction details, shakers are at least as
> vigorous producers of ultrasonics - many aren't audibly that loud
> because most of the energy they produce is ultrasonic. Certain brass
> instriuments such as a trumpet with a Harmon Mute are vigorous producers
> of sound up to 100 KHz and beyond.

So you agree that 20Khz is not enough to accurately REPRODUCE any of the
examples you make ! I.e. You cant REPRODUCE the 100Khz signal from a
trumpet (wether we can "Hear" it or not) with a 20Khz limited system.

In data aquisition electronics theres a saying that you can't do
anything with data you do not have. All I'm saying is that 24/96 (say)
allows us to extract more data we can actually hear from a wide(r) BW
signal (Music). IE We are not limited by the BW of the system we should
be limited by our senses.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-12 Thread Jeff07971

Mnyb wrote: 
> Nyqist is true for a properly bandwidth limited signal . No signal above
> 1/2 fs .
> It does not have to be sinus , you can argue that the 20kHz content
> actualy is sinusoidal .
> And mr fourier was also rigth any other wave form is made by sums of
> sinus waves.
> The nitpicking begins with how to bandwidth liimit and how good you
> filters are .
> It usually ends with recording at 24/96 but consumer delivery format can
> be 16/44.1 with correctly done downsample and dither.
> Sory for being boring but people always debate hirez like recording and
> consumer delivery is the same issues.
> There are very good reason from r having healthy margins when recording 
> and processing the stuff.

Yes you are correct, however "Nyqist is true for a properly bandwidth
limited signal . No signal above 1/2 fs" means the filtering makes the
siganl sinusoidal when in music they are not.

"It does not have to be sinus" yes it does, if you decode an non
bandwith limited square wave @ 20Khz you will ge a sinewave out of the
DAC due to decoding and output filter. 
In most systems an input filter ensures "Nyqist is true for a properly
bandwidth limited signal" The analogy is that if you put a red filter on
a lamp a detector after the filter will only see red.

"you can argue that the 20kHz content actualy is sinusoidal" I'm not
sure you can. An FFT of say a cymbal suggests not.

"And mr fourier was also rigth any other wave form is made by sums of
sinus waves." Yes but an FFT of a square wave would require sines of DC
- to properly represent. Thankfully squarewaves are rare in music

I think we can both see that technically what you say is correct but
that a true music siganl is not limited to 20Khz a cymbal can produce
signals at well over 30Khz (wether we can hear them is another matter)

However I think that we agree that a 48Khz bandwidth (24/96) would
remove all realistic limitations of music reproduction. (Maybe we do not
need the 24 bit depth though) and transmission media would still be
irrelevant !

*Players:* SliMP3,Squeezebox3 x3,Receiver,SqueezePlayer,PiCorePlayer
*Server:* LMS Version:  7.9.0 - 1475786002 on Centos 7 VM on ESXi 6 on
Dell T320
*Plugins:* AutoRescan/BBCiPlayer/PowerSave/PowerSwitchIII/Squeezecloud
*Remotes:* iPeng8/Orangesqueeze/PC/Jivelite
*Music:* 383GB,1269 albums 17756 songs 4381 artists mostly FLACs

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-12 Thread Mnyb

Nyqist is true for a properly bandwidth limited signal . No signal above
1/2 fs .
It does not have to be sinus , you can argue that the 20kHz content
actualy is sinusoidal .

And mr fourier was also rigth any other wave form is made by sums of
sinus waves.

The nitpicking begins with how to bandwidth like mit and how good you
filters are .

It usually ends with recording at 24/96 but consumer delivery format can
be 16/44.1 with correctly done downsample and dither.

Sory for being boring but people always debate hirez like recording and
consumer delivery is the same issues.

There are very good reason from r having healthy margins when recording 
and processing the stuff.

Main hifi: Touch + CIA PS +MeridianG68J MeridianHD621 MeridianG98DH 2 x
MeridianDSP5200 MeridianDSP5200HC 2 xMeridianDSP3100 +Rel Stadium 3
Bedroom/Office: Boom
Kitchen: Touch + powered Fostex PM0.4
Misc use: Radio (with battery)
iPad1 with iPengHD & SqueezePad
(spares Touch, SB3, reciever ,controller )
server HP proliant micro server N36L with ClearOS Linux

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-12 Thread Jeff07971

pablolie wrote: 
> Indeed. The DAC is about the D in the first iteration... and any signal
> is the same in D, and the initial conversion to A follows the
> universally accepted Nyquist rule... so we have a perfect reproduction
> of the original signal thanks to Nyquist. Q1: Does anyone dispute that?
> OK. then we move on and send down the A(nalog) of the equation down the
> chain. OK, here things get chancier. Digital is predictable, analog is
> harder. Here we get into noise and signal separation and what not. Ugh.
> Q2: Does anyone dispute the really relevant letter in DAC is the A? And
> that there, it's not just about the DAC chip, but the entire A
> subsystem?

Answer to Q1, I do not dispute the Nyquist rule however the Nyquist
limit is only true when the signal is purely sinusoidal which music
isn't (if it were the same a note on two different instruments would
sound identical).

Whilst I believe 24/96 sampling would allow more "room" for music I
still agree that the transmission medium make no difference.

I also agree with mnyb that mechanical tranducers at either end of the
chain have much more effect than the electronics in between (if done
measurably right)

*Players:* SliMP3,Squeezebox3 x3,Receiver,SqueezePlayer,PiCorePlayer
*Server:* LMS Version:  7.9.0 - 1475786002 on Centos 7 VM on ESXi 6 on
Dell T320
*Plugins:* AutoRescan/BBCiPlayer/PowerSave/PowerSwitchIII/Squeezecloud
*Remotes:* iPeng8/Orangesqueeze/PC/Jivelite
*Music:* 383GB,1269 albums 17756 songs 4381 artists mostly FLACs

*Want a webapp ?* See

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-11 Thread Mnyb

And even the analog part is relitively deterministic and one dimensional
compared to the mechanical converters in the audio system ?

Microphones and speakers and acoustics .( or pickups and turntables if
one wants another mechanical thing in the audio chain ).

With really skilled engineering you can defeat the analog problems to
such low levels that it does not really influence much anymore .
Take a good ADC and a good DAC you can most likely loop them 10 times
trough each other without crossing the threshold of audibility .

I think some sound engineer did , read a professional forum or blog
years ago where someone cured his "gear anxiety" :) that must be the
strain of audiophilia that can hit professionals.
Yes even some people who should know better are of strange beliefs , you
can probably find a lot these like in most professions.
Professional only means you get paid to do it . It usually takes a skill
and or training but you wonder sometimes .

Main hifi: Touch + CIA PS +MeridianG68J MeridianHD621 MeridianG98DH 2 x
MeridianDSP5200 MeridianDSP5200HC 2 xMeridianDSP3100 +Rel Stadium 3
Bedroom/Office: Boom
Kitchen: Touch + powered Fostex PM0.4
Misc use: Radio (with battery)
iPad1 with iPengHD & SqueezePad
(spares Touch, SB3, reciever ,controller )
server HP proliant micro server N36L with ClearOS Linux

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-11 Thread pablolie

philippe_44 wrote: 
> As a (very) occasional reader (and even less commenter) of such threads,
> I'm afraid that it's hopeless to try to give the correct explanation.
> Most people do not understand the fundamental difference between
> analogue and digital. As said in another thread, you can chose to
> represent your binary information using orange vs apple, black smoke vs
> white smoke, any sort of modulated radiowave, light (which is the same)
> or any support you want, as long as you use the proper error correction
> code (and theory of information give you all the mathematical tools to
> chose the right one), this does not change anything. The support/carrier
> does not influence the information, where in analogue it does.

Indeed. The DAC is about the D in the first iteration... and any signal
is the same in D, and the initial conversion to A follows the
universally accepted Nyquist rule... so we have a perfect reproduction
of the original signal thanks to Nyquist. Q1: Does anyone dispute that?
OK. then we move on and send down the A(nalog) of the equation down the
chain. OK, here things get chancier. Digital is predictable, analog is
harder. Here we get into noise and signal separation and what not. Ugh.
Q2: Does anyone dispute the really relevant letter in DAC is the A? And
that there, it's not just about the DAC chip, but the entire A

Server: Virtual Machine (on VMware Workstation 12) running Ubuntu 16.04
+ LMS 7.9
System: SB Touch --optical->- Benchmark DAC2HGC --AnalysisPlus Oval
Copper XLR->- NAD M22 Power Amp --AnalysisPlus Black Mesh Oval->- Totem
Element Fire
Other Rooms: 2x SB Boom; 1x SB Radio; 1x SB Classic-> NAD D7050 -> Totem
DreamCatcher + Velodyne Minivee Sub
Computer audio: workstation --USB->- audioengine D1 -> Grado
PS500e/Shure 1540

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-11 Thread philippe_44

pablolie wrote: 
> All totally correct. We should all be aware there are far more critical
> applications out there, and bit loss would be unacceptable (which is why
> one also has correction and error detection codes thrown in). The stuff
> works, period. And there's absolutely no way the same identical digital
> frame will sound better in analog because of any characteristic of the
> digital signal. It just doesn't happen. 

As a (very) occasional reader (and even less commenter) of such threads,
I'm afraid that it's hopeless to try to give the correct explanation.
Most people do not understand the fundamental difference between
analogue and digital. As said in another thread, you can chose to
represent your binary information using orange vs apple, black smoke vs
white smoke, any sort of modulated radiowave, light (which is the same)
or any support you want, as long as you use the proper error correction
code (and theory of information give you all the mathematical tools to
chose the right one), this does not change anything. The support/carrier
does not influence the information, where in analogue it does.

LMS 7.7.5 - 5xRadio, 3xBoom, 4xDuet, 1xTouch, 1 SB2. Sonos 2xPLAY:1,
PLAY:3, PLAY:5, Marantz NR1603, JBL OnBeat, XBMC, Foobar2000, XBoxOne,
JRiver 21, Chromecast Audio, Chromecast v1, Pi B2, Pi B+, 2xPi A+,
Odroid-C1, Cubie2

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-11 Thread Mnyb

arnyk wrote: 
> I see no evidence that Mnyb has said that he owns gear that  uses a
> transfer method that he doesn't believe in.
> As I understnd his older posts, the Meridian gear he owns was made and
> sold long before MQA was put on the market - years if not decades.
> Totally agreed.

Yes 5-6 year before mqa . Meridians design are allost rational :) but
its a luxury brand with posh design and eye watering prices .
I got the dvda player and processor when i was still somewhat aflcted by
audiophilia nervosa :/ the speakers later.

Between 2004 and 2010 .

Nowadays more and more brands do digital actives for home use .

But not many do complete 7.1 with 24/96 tranfer to every speaker . Xover
and volume is handled by the each speakers software.

There seems to be no standard for this kind of setup ? The design
concept makes a lot of sense . A pity that no normal priced brands got
it yet ?

Main hifi: Touch + CIA PS +MeridianG68J MeridianHD621 MeridianG98DH 2 x
MeridianDSP5200 MeridianDSP5200HC 2 xMeridianDSP3100 +Rel Stadium 3
Bedroom/Office: Boom
Kitchen: Touch + powered Fostex PM0.4
Misc use: Radio (with battery)
iPad1 with iPengHD & SqueezePad
(spares Touch, SB3, reciever ,controller )
server HP proliant micro server N36L with ClearOS Linux

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-11 Thread arnyk

edwardthern wrote: 
> Yes I know what the topic is about. But I am asking YOU why did you
> purchase gear that uses a transfer method that you don't believe in?

I see no evidence that Mnyb has said that he owns gear that  uses a
transfer method that he doesn't believe in.

As I understnd his older posts, the Meridian gear he owns was made and
sold long before MQA was put on the market - years if not decades.

> MQA is nothing more than audiophile gimmick.

Totally agreed.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-10 Thread pablolie

Mnyb wrote: 
> Short version.
> I believe in digital tranfer methods so much that i dont atribute "
> analog characterists " to them ( ie sweeter treble ).
> And they work perfectly and transparently with good spec normal cables
> nothingfancy needed.
> The asyncrounus tranfers merhods and mostly the ethernet protocoll is so
> robust that it works fine even with out of spec cables as long as its
> fast enogh the Data gets corrected and buffered anyway .
> Spdiff with its 1979 origin is somewhat timing sensitive .
> Another funny thing spdiff should really use bnc conectors but most
> audibrands scrap that because the impedance mismatch you get with RCA
> dont rock the boat on these very short distances .
> You are aware of the test where someone used a straightened out steel
> coat hanger instead of 1m spdiff . It worked just fine

All totally correct. We should all be aware there are far more critical
applications out there, bit would be unacceptable (which is why one also
has correction and error detection codes thrown in). The stuff works,
period. And there's absolutely no way the same identical digital frame
will sound better in analog because of any characteristic of the digital
signal. It just doesn't happen. 

That said, I still like better-than-basic Toslink cables in my system. I
think it was about $100 and simply looks prettier. And no, I never spent
a minute comparing it with the old basic Toslink cable. As to Ethernet,
yes, I also pick better quality cables, but would never waste money on
anything that makes esoteric audio claims. To me it's just about a
quality connector so it doesn't break or introduce some weird effect (I
have had bad Ethernet cables).  I have also at times been told I wasted
my money on my DAC (not that it's anything esoteric) because I wouldn't
been able to tell the difference compared to a decent $300 DAC. The fact
of the matter was that I didn't pick the Benchmark for sound quality - I
picked it for future proof input-output choices, lots of them. :-) I
replaced a big, hefty $7k CD player I was only using as a DAC with the
Benchmark, and never worried for a second about a decrease in sound
quality, either.

Server: Virtual Machine (on VMware Workstation 12) running Ubuntu 16.04
+ LMS 7.9
System: SB Touch --optical->- Benchmark DAC2HGC --AnalysisPlus Oval
Copper XLR->- NAD M22 Power Amp --AnalysisPlus Black Mesh Oval->- Totem
Element Fire
Other Rooms: 2x SB Boom; 1x SB Radio; 1x SB Classic-> NAD D7050 -> Totem
DreamCatcher + Velodyne Minivee Sub
Computer audio: workstation --USB->- audioengine D1 -> Grado
PS500e/Shure 1540

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-09 Thread Mnyb

Short version.

I believe in digital tranfer methods so much that i dont atribute "
analog characterists " to them ( ie sweeter treble ).

And they work perfectly and transparently with good spec normal cables
nothingfancy needed.

The asyncrounus tranfers merhods and mostly the ethernet protocoll is so
robust that it works fine even with out of spec cables as long as its
fast enogh the Data gets corrected and buffered anyway .

Spdiff with its 1979 origin is somewhat timing sensitive .

Another funny thing spdiff should really use bnc conectors but most
audibrands scrap that because the impedance mismatch you get with RCA
dont rock the boat on these very short distances .

You are aware of the test where someone used a straightened out steel
coat hanger instead of 1m spdiff . It worked just fine

Main hifi: Touch + CIA PS +MeridianG68J MeridianHD621 MeridianG98DH 2 x
MeridianDSP5200 MeridianDSP5200HC 2 xMeridianDSP3100 +Rel Stadium 3
Bedroom/Office: Boom
Kitchen: Touch + powered Fostex PM0.4
Misc use: Radio (with battery)
iPad1 with iPengHD & SqueezePad
(spares Touch, SB3, reciever ,controller )
server HP proliant micro server N36L with ClearOS Linux

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-09 Thread Mnyb

edwardthern wrote: 
> Yes I know what the topic is about. But I am asking YOU why did you
> purchase gear that uses a transfer method that you don't believe in?
> MQA is nothing more than audiophile gimmick.

Then you missunderstod completely. ( sorry for the rubbish spelling, I
used the phone and not a native English speaker )

Digital transfers methods is the preferred way for me , for the obvious
reason that they are transparent and don't reduce SQ in any way .
Well the system is 24/96 that's the rate speaker operates at and the
processor . Some would cal that a limitation.
( hint it's not )

It's a lashup of the following digital transfer methods spdiff from the
squeezebox . MHR from the G98 via 3 parallel spdiff to the 621 . My G98
DVDA player also use a MHR link with 3 parallel spdif to the g68
Meridian speakerlink to the speakers .

Speakerlink comes in two flavours spdiff cable and separate control
cable and integrated into a Ethernet cable ( data in one pair and
control signals in the other ) . The protocol is not Ethernet even if
Ethernet cables are used , it's basically twisted pair spdiff.

Ethernet is twisted pair low impedance current transfer often via
transformer couplers at each end .
I.e. You can have very long cables ,that's suitable for speakers . This
system works if the cable is up to some modern catX spec , it's
basically the same cable design wise but the CAT spec is tighter .

But in the speakerlink case the stress for sending spdiff audio in this
way is much lower than network traffic frequency is much much lower and
signal is not so dense .

I use Cat5e patch cables as this is my 3 front speakers . Of course no
name cables , as thier is no point in fancy digital cables , it's not
how things work .

Spdiff cables ar a mixed bag the frebies meridian sent and sometimes
Marcus cable who is some coax probably belden with canare RCA connectors
made for spdiff , similar to what blue jean cable builds .

Again here it is coax spdiff cables at 75 ohm this actually reuses the
coax video standard . Again with much lower demands than
Video spdiff only uses a fraction of the bandwith a 75 ohm coax is
capable of .

Main hifi: Touch + CIA PS +MeridianG68J MeridianHD621 MeridianG98DH 2 x
MeridianDSP5200 MeridianDSP5200HC 2 xMeridianDSP3100 +Rel Stadium 3
Bedroom/Office: Boom
Kitchen: Touch + powered Fostex PM0.4
Misc use: Radio (with battery)
iPad1 with iPengHD & SqueezePad
(spares Touch, SB3, reciever ,controller )
server HP proliant micro server N36L with ClearOS Linux

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-09 Thread edwardthern

I have to say, you all showed your true colors too soon.

Like a bunch of Vampires waiting for a real human to show up so you can
pounce on himyou pose as Audiophiles, waiting in an otherwise dead
forum for people to wonder in and post so you can attack.

Why don't you Mud-Ears go and make your own forum?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-09 Thread edwardthern

I laid down the facts.

You people are all TROLLS. I proved it and you proved it. Here you are
posing as Audiophiles, waiting for true Audiophiles to post so you can
pounce on them with ridicule. You are all FAKE and at least one of you
is a double posting liar.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So they recommend Cat8 ethernet cables now!?

2016-12-09 Thread arnyk

edwardthern wrote: 
> I post here so that FINALLY there can be good content here, you should
> thank me

Promises, promises.

So when are you going to make a 180 degree turn in what you are doing
and start posting content that is worth the dynamite to blow it to

I am willing to wait the necessary time it takes for you to learn a
little something about real world audio.

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