[beagleboard] Re: Beaglebone Black, GPS, and RF interference

2020-11-23 Thread Mike Baranishyn
Was this ever solved?

On Monday, July 7, 2014 at 12:05:37 AM UTC-4 tjkami...@gmail.com wrote:

> I have measured Beaglebone Black radiated energy around the 1575 MHz band 
> that GPS uses with an SDR spectrum analyzer using GPRS on a MacBook Pro. It 
> does not seem to be harmonically related to the BBB Clock.  It is possibly 
> related to the HDMI video circuit...
> Spectrum with BBB ON:
> Spectrum with BBB Off:
> On Sunday, November 17, 2013 5:55:46 PM UTC-6, juanc...@gmail.com wrote:
>> Hello everyone,
>> Sorry for the reposted message. I had posted this on the BeagleBone 
>> group, but this is an issue with the BeagleBone Black.
>> I am having some problems trying to use a GPS receiver with the 
>> BeagleBone black. I connected a PMB-648/688 module to one of the BBB UART 
>> ports. I can see the NMEA messages coming from the GPS receiver, but I 
>> never get a valid fix. I doesn't report any satellites in view (GPGSV 
>> messages). Not even if I leave it on my rooftop for a couple hours.
>> Initially I thought it might be a problem with the GPS receivers, so I 
>> tested them on my laptop. Every one of the receivers I have worked fine, 
>> taking a less than a minute to get a fix from my window.
>> The next thing i thought was that there might be some power supply noise 
>> messing with the GPS receiver, so I tried powering the receiver by itself 
>> (connecting the grounds of my receiver supply and the BBB). Surprisingly, 
>> this worked. More surprisingly, it stopped working If I moved the BBB close 
>> to the GPS receiver.
>> This lead me to suspect that the BBB might be causing some RF 
>> interference on the GPS frequency band. My next test was to have the GPS 
>> receiver and the BBB powered independently. This confirmed my suspicion. If 
>> I powered the GPS receiver, waited until it got a valid GPS fix, powered 
>> the BBB, and placed the BBB close to the GPS receiver, the I would get the 
>> same result as before. No GPS fix, no satellites in view. Since the two 
>> devices are being powered with two independent power sources, then the BBB 
>> must be causing some RF interference. I do not have a RF spectrum analyzer 
>> to confirm this, but I do not see any other reason.I tested this with three 
>> different BBB and 6 different PMB-648/688. I always got the same result.
>> I tried the same GPS receiver on a Raspberry Pi and It works fine, so 
>> that is what I am going to work with for the moment. But I really like the 
>> BBB, and would love to use it for my application. Is there anything I could 
>> do to fix this?
>> I'm sure other people have used GPS receivers with the BBB. Can anyone 
>> recommend a GPS receiver that works with the BBB? I'm looking for a 
>> receiver that's approximately the same size (3cm*3cm) and price ($35-$40) 
>> as the PMB-648/688. I'm getting the Adafruit Ultimate GPS soon, so I'll 
>> report about that.
>> Thanks!

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Re: [beagleboard] Re: Setting system time and data frequently (offline, with LCM)

2020-07-02 Thread Mike

On 7/2/20 7:04 PM, harry.steven...@gmail.com wrote:
Thanks. Fulfilling this by configuring ntp.conf sounds quite diable. I 
followed some instructions online but failed. Here is what in BBG's 
ntp.conf and Pi's ntp.conf. I use to ssh into pi and to ssh into BBG.

Part of ntp.conf in BBG:
# pool.ntp.org maps to about 1000 low-stratum NTP servers.  Your 
server will
# pick a different set every time it starts up.  Please consider 
joining the

# pool: <http://www.pool.ntp.org/join.html>


Part of ntp.conf in Pi:
# By default, exchange time with everybody, but don't allow configuration.
restrict -4 default kod notrap nomodify nopeer noquery limited
restrict -6 default kod notrap nomodify nopeer noquery limited
restrict mask nomodify notrap

And here is the result for ntpq -p on BBG. I don't know how to check 
if BBG is really trying to make time sync.

debian@beaglebone:~$ sudo ntpq -p
     remote           refid      st t when poll reach  delay   offset  

==   .XFAC.          16 u   58   64    0 0.000    0.000  

reach 0 shows that your not reaching your ntp server, or it's refusing 
connections or...

It will (reach field) get to 377 if all is well.  This may also fail 
anyway as *most* ntp clients want more than one server. Typically at 
least 3, to ensure that you get a good chimer.


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[beagleboard] StarterWare-like stuff for BB AI available?

2019-10-24 Thread Mike Maikaefer

I'm currently using the BBB with some extensive bare-metal software which 
bases on StarterWare. Now the BB AI looks very interesting for me and I 
would like to switch over with this software to the new platform.

I'm absolutely aware of the fact that a lot of things would have to be done 
as not only the two cores have to be handled completely different.

But my questions is: is there something like StarterWare/a board support 
package available which gives the possibility to directly program the BB AI 
in a similar low-level way like the BBB?


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[beagleboard] Re: BBAI runs extremely hot

2019-09-28 Thread Mike Brandon
@Paul - Would you be able to take a close up picture of the backside  
solder points of the serial debug connector (3 pin next to USB C)? 

My AI was overheating too until it stopped booting all together. I was 
looking to monitor serial as I applied power and that is when I noticed 
what appeared to be an unclean solder point...its not shorted there is a 
99kOhm resistance between the two points.



On Wednesday, September 25, 2019 at 7:51:41 PM UTC-4, Paul Richards wrote:
> I got 2 BeagleBone AI's from Mouser and started working with them today.
> Both of my boards boot and run with the 08-03 build.
> I haven't done anything to modify the contents of the filesystem, I merely 
> booted and connected via Cloud9.
> On both boards, the main CPU heat sink and the Kingston RAM module 
> immediately 
> heat up and run incredibly hot.  I measured >80C on the CPU and >90C on 
> the RAM module with my IR thermometer.
> System load looked fine, nothing was running away and stealing all the CPU.
> We intend to use these in lieu of BeagleBone Black modules for a project 
> in the Keck telescopes and if they normally run this hot, it will never 
> work.
> S/N range is 4000167 1301 003491 1933
> Is my experience atypical?  What temperature should these boards nominally 
> run at?
> Paul

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Re: [beagleboard] Is it possible to build Yocto Project using remote Linux Server?

2019-07-30 Thread Mike

On 7/30/19 3:17 PM, Jani wrote:
I need to build Yocto Project and load image into SD card.  Is it 
possible to use remote Linux server to built Yocto Project?  I will 
access Linux server from secure terminal running in my windows PC.  If 
yes, how will I load built image into SD card because Linux server is 
in remote location.


How about scp, or many of the other dozen file transfer programs?  Build 
your image, transfer it to your winders box and put it on a SD card.  A 
decent search engine is your friend...


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Re: [beagleboard] Shouldn't be this difficult. upload file

2019-07-08 Thread Mike
Putty connected via a serial connection (aka a tty) doesn't copy files 
from one machine to another.  Look into something like scp, sftp, 
winscp, etc. etc. etc.  Those all connect via IP though not serial.

On 7/8/19 11:23 AM, jerrywic...@gmail.com wrote:

Connected to BBB using tty  specifically putty

logged and ls -a give me directory infor.

Trying to upload a file "test.txt" to the BBB from my local computer

Tried all these. nothing works.  What stupid mistake am I making?

Putty is running in the directory that "test.txt" resides.
the directory testing exists in the root on the BBB.  I see it with ls -a
I can cd to it and find no files in it. As it should be.

I try unsuccessfully to upload a file to it.  What am I doing wrong?

root@beaglebone:~/testing# cp test.txt test.txt

cp: cannot stat 'test.txt': No such file or directory

root@beaglebone:~/testing# cp C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\test.txt 

-bash: AdministratorDesktoptest.txt: command not found
cp: missing destination file operand after 'C:Users'
Try 'cp --help' for more information.

root@beaglebone:~/testing# cp\Users\Administrator\Desktop\test.txt 

cp: cannot stat '': No 
such file or directory

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[beagleboard] BBB GPMC & PRU: HOW TO XFR 8MB/s from FIFO to DDR3

2019-03-22 Thread mike . farbarik
Demonstrate how to perform a sustained transfer from (an FPGA) FIFO to the 
BBB DDR3 using GPMC and PRU0.  First part of the How-To uses CCS8 and the 
JTAG interface to run code on the CortexA8 and PRU0.  Performance 
demonstrated is 8MB/s (32bit words, 2000K transfers per second) . The 
second part of the How-to documents how the design was migrated to a Debian 
OS for integration into a usable product.   


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[beagleboard] Re: UART "callibration"?

2019-03-09 Thread Mike Brandon
I am running at 115200. I will try and get some decent readings with my oscope. 

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[beagleboard] UART "callibration"?

2019-03-07 Thread Mike Brandon
While I am likely getting in way over my head, are there any settings that 
can be modified on a BeagleBone black as it relates to the UART oscillator? 
I have seen some reference to the specification of the AM335x regarding:

The UART modules each have a 48MHz clock to generate their timing. They can 
be configured in one of two modes: UART 16x and UART 13x, in which that 
clock is divided by 16 and 13, respectively.

I am still trying to get an application I wrote to communicate with a 3rd 
party controller and grasping at straws at this point.I just can't figure 
out why everything works fine when I go through /ttyUSB0 (using a 
USB-serial adapter), but when I try to utilize the /tty04 UART, I can't 

Without drowning this thread with every little thing I have done, I have 
come to the following conclusions:

1) My application works because I can confirm it's functionality when 
connected via USB-serial adapter
2) My UART circuit (have tried with a MAX3232 and a MAX232) works because I 
can open up minicom and do a loopback test successfully. I have also 
communicated from mt BB to a Windows PC at the same baud rate that I am 
attempting to use with my application, so based on the fact that the manual 
communication between BB and PC was successful, I feel confident that my 
UART circuit is ok.
3) Currently I have a logic analyzer hooked up and I am looking at the data 
I am transmitting from my BB. The applicatio I use with the analyzer 
decodes the protocol and the data I am seeing from my circuit is the data I 
am expecting to see.

This snapshot is from the USB-serial connection transmission:

[image: usb.JPG]
This snapshot is from the UART circuit transmission:

[image: uart.JPG]

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[beagleboard] BBB Uart Signal Question

2019-02-25 Thread Mike Brandon

TL;DR: What kind of signal is transmitted straight out of UART TX? 

I am beating my head against a wall with a circuit I have been designing 
related to UART. I know my app works as I can use a USB-to-Serial adapter 
connected to beaglebone's USB0 and my app performs as expected. When I 
attempt to use UART4, via a MAX3232 chip, the app does not communicate as 
expected. Prior to placing the MAX3232 chip in my circuit, I remember 
having unsuccessful attempts with my app as well, leading me to believe 
that I needed to convert the signal coming out of the UART with the 3232 

The device I am communicating with also has a 3232 chip onboard that my 
signal is going through. I a thinking I am misunderstanding the signal 
being produced by the UART4. I know I have at some point confused what 
results I was obtaining when I had the circuit breadboarded and was testing 
things out. So I think I am just needing to start fresh and do some better 
documenting of my tests going forward.

However, at this current point in time, I do know my MAX3232 circuit works 
as I have tested by looping the RX/TX lines on the other side and I can 
send/receive in minicom on the BBB. I also communicated with another PC via 
the circuit successfully. In that setup, the BBB was sending through the 
MAX3232 which the RX/TX output was connected to a USB-to-serial adapter 
that was connected via USB to a windows PC.

I have also a better documented thread of the issue here, for 
reference: https://forum.allaboutcircuits.com/threads/max3232-to-max3232.156598/

At this point, looking at my circuit and the device I am attempting to 
communicate with, I believe I am sending a TTL signal to the device 
connection which is expecting a RS232 signal. 

Mainly I am just trying to understand what kind of signal is transmitting 
out of the UART TX, is it TTL or RS232? I did look at the BBB system ref. 
manual but did not see data related to this.


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Re: [beagleboard] Trying to understand USB connection in syslog

2019-01-16 Thread Mike Brandon
Thanks for the response Robert.

I have some guides and tutorials from the site, https://hologram.io/.

I ended up running through each one and in my script and ttyUSB2 was the
winner. Which jives with what you found regarding the AT commands.


On Wed, Jan 16, 2019 at 10:11 PM Robert Nelson 

> On Wed, Jan 16, 2019 at 8:55 PM Mike Brandon 
> wrote:
>> I have connected a USB modem to my BBB. In looking at the syslog, I see
>> the following:
>> [image: syslog.JPG]
>> I am needing to execute a script and specify which ttyUSB* but am a bit
>> confused on knowing which to use.
> Sadly it really depends on the modem, there's really no good one standard
> for these guys..
> Searching based on the vid/pid found:
> https://forum.u-blox.com/index.php/22118/sara-r4-usb-interface
> Looks like the 2nd port is for AT commands.. Do you have any docs on the
> modem?
> Regards,
> --
> Robert Nelson
> https://rcn-ee.com/

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[beagleboard] Trying to understand USB connection in syslog

2019-01-16 Thread Mike Brandon
I have connected a USB modem to my BBB. In looking at the syslog, I see the 

[image: syslog.JPG]

I am needing to execute a script and specify which ttyUSB* but am a bit 
confused on knowing which to use.

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Re: [beagleboard] ssh access in BeagleBone Black Wireless

2019-01-12 Thread Mike Brandon
Username is Debian
Password is temppwd

On Sat, Jan 12, 2019, 7:37 PM  Hi everyone
> I just got a new BeagleBone Black Wireless board and tring to have ssh
> access via using below cmd
> ssh root@
> but for password, it was mention there only press enter. but it's not
> taking it.
> So want to know the exact username and password for ssh login.
> Thanks
> --
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[beagleboard] Re: apt-show-versions

2018-12-08 Thread mike . beaver

Thanks for the help.  The base issue appears to be that compressed packages 
(.lz4) do not work at this time.  Replacing them with uncompressed packages 
works.  Check in rm /var/lib/apt/lists to see if the packages are .gz or 
.lz4.  Remove them in either case and follow the instructions to finish the 
job.  Very satisfying now that it works.  

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[beagleboard] Re: Enable UART4 - bbb - 4.4.113-ti-r149

2018-12-08 Thread Mike Brandon
I am running into the following error using Adafruit_BBIO.UART

RuntimeError: Unable to export UART channel.

On Friday, December 7, 2018 at 10:55:48 PM UTC-5, Mike Brandon wrote:
> How is UART4 enabled on beaglebone black, uname_r=4.4.113-ti-r149
> Would I use
> cape_enable=bone_capemgr.enable_partno=BB-UART4
> in uEnv.txt?

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[beagleboard] Enable UART4 - bbb - 4.4.113-ti-r149

2018-12-07 Thread Mike Brandon
How is UART4 enabled on beaglebone black, uname_r=4.4.113-ti-r149

Would I use


in uEnv.txt?

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Re: [beagleboard] Network IP address assignments

2018-12-05 Thread Mike Brandon
Sorry, copied and pasted from my application code that is driving the
network configuration...the {0} in NetworkInterfaceBlackist is eth0


On Wed, Dec 5, 2018 at 3:45 PM Mike Brandon  wrote:

> In my limited experience, I ran into a lot of issues trying to modify the
> network settings as you are running into. I *believe* that the network
> settings are being controlled by conman. So I added to /
> etc/connman/main.conf the following:
> NetworkInterfaceBlacklist=SoftAp0,usb0,usb1,{0},can0,can1
> Then I was able to control network settings as expected in 
> /etc/network/interfacesalthough I did end up installing dhcpcd and am now 
> utilizing that to control my network although I don't think I have worked out 
> all of the kinks. BTW I am running Debian 8.7 IoT image.
> Mike
> On Wed, Dec 5, 2018 at 3:38 PM Richard  wrote:
>> Hi! I'm having difficulty understanding and modifying the BBBW network
>> configuration.
>> At boot on the BBBW, somehow, these IP addresses are assigned
>>   SoftAP0:
>>   lo:
>>   usb0:
>>   usb1:
>>   wlan0: 192.168.1.xxx
>> But I can't figure out where each of these addresses comes from, nor --
>> more interestingly -- how to change them. If there is a single place where
>> this happens, I've not found it. And if there is any documentation, I've
>> not found it, either. [There's lots of documentation about debian network
>> configuration on the Internet. Pick your favorite, but it may or may not
>> apply to the BBBW. In fact, it probably doesn't.]
>> I do know how to use connmanctl (to set wlan0), but it explicitly ignores
>> SoftAP0,  usb0, and  usb1 because of the line
>>   NetworkInterfaceBlacklist=SoftAp0,usb0,usb1
>> in /etc/connman/main.conf
>> So my questions are:
>> (a)  How and where is each of these assigned?
>> (b)  If I want to change one of them permanently, what do I do?
>> and while asking these questions, here's a related one:
>> (c)  How can I change the name and password for the BeagleBone-
>> access point that goes with SoftAP0?
>> These questions arose from my concern about having two BBBWs on the same
>> computer or even just the same LAN: how do I make sure that they don't use
>> the same IP address?
>> Version info:
>> Debian 9.6 stretch
>> Linux beaglebone 4.14.67-ti-r73 #1 SMP PREEMPT Thu Aug 30 00:08:52
>> UTC 2018 armv7l GNU/Linux
>> BeagleBoard.org Debian Image 2018-08-30
>> Many thanks,
>> Richard
>> --
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Re: [beagleboard] Network IP address assignments

2018-12-05 Thread Mike Brandon
In my limited experience, I ran into a lot of issues trying to modify the
network settings as you are running into. I *believe* that the network
settings are being controlled by conman. So I added to /
etc/connman/main.conf the following:


Then I was able to control network settings as expected in
/etc/network/interfacesalthough I did end up installing dhcpcd and
am now utilizing that to control my network although I don't think I
have worked out all of the kinks. BTW I am running Debian 8.7 IoT


On Wed, Dec 5, 2018 at 3:38 PM Richard  wrote:

> Hi! I'm having difficulty understanding and modifying the BBBW network
> configuration.
> At boot on the BBBW, somehow, these IP addresses are assigned
>   SoftAP0:
>   lo:
>   usb0:
>   usb1:
>   wlan0: 192.168.1.xxx
> But I can't figure out where each of these addresses comes from, nor --
> more interestingly -- how to change them. If there is a single place where
> this happens, I've not found it. And if there is any documentation, I've
> not found it, either. [There's lots of documentation about debian network
> configuration on the Internet. Pick your favorite, but it may or may not
> apply to the BBBW. In fact, it probably doesn't.]
> I do know how to use connmanctl (to set wlan0), but it explicitly ignores
> SoftAP0,  usb0, and  usb1 because of the line
>   NetworkInterfaceBlacklist=SoftAp0,usb0,usb1
> in /etc/connman/main.conf
> So my questions are:
> (a)  How and where is each of these assigned?
> (b)  If I want to change one of them permanently, what do I do?
> and while asking these questions, here's a related one:
> (c)  How can I change the name and password for the BeagleBone- access
> point that goes with SoftAP0?
> These questions arose from my concern about having two BBBWs on the same
> computer or even just the same LAN: how do I make sure that they don't use
> the same IP address?
> Version info:
> Debian 9.6 stretch
> Linux beaglebone 4.14.67-ti-r73 #1 SMP PREEMPT Thu Aug 30 00:08:52 UTC
> 2018 armv7l GNU/Linux
> BeagleBoard.org Debian Image 2018-08-30
> Many thanks,
> Richard
> --
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Re: [beagleboard] Beaglebone Black won't boot when gpio connections made

2018-11-30 Thread Mike Brandon
Actually, one more question before I go cry myself to sleep...

Considering I will want to make similar connections on P8 in the future... 
can I use a device like this to isolate the boot pins at boot?


On Friday, November 30, 2018 at 8:29:32 PM UTC-5, Mike Brandon wrote:
> HAH, wow it has been a long day. It must be time for me to put this aside 
> for a bit... WOW. Sometimes I amaze myself.
> Thanks and sorry that my goof has taken up a small bit of ya'lls valuable 
> time.
> Until my next stupid question...
> On Friday, November 30, 2018 at 8:24:45 PM UTC-5, RobertCNelson wrote:
>> On Fri, Nov 30, 2018 at 7:12 PM Mike Brandon  wrote:
>>> [image: IMG_20181130_194825.jpg]
>>> [image: IMG_20181130_194818.jpg]
>> On Fri, Nov 30, 2018 at 4:38 PM Mike Brandon  wrote: 
>>>> > 
>>>> > But which gpio am I using that is a boot pin? In the reference 
>>>> manual, the 16 boot pins are on the P8 header... I'm using gpios on the P9 
>>>> header. 
>>>> > 
>> From your picture, that's the P8 header...
>> Regards,
>> -- 
>> Robert Nelson
>> https://rcn-ee.com/

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Re: [beagleboard] Beaglebone Black won't boot when gpio connections made

2018-11-30 Thread Mike Brandon
HAH, wow it has been a long day. It must be time for me to put this aside 
for a bit... WOW. Sometimes I amaze myself.

Thanks and sorry that my goof has taken up a small bit of ya'lls valuable 

Until my next stupid question...

On Friday, November 30, 2018 at 8:24:45 PM UTC-5, RobertCNelson wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 30, 2018 at 7:12 PM Mike Brandon  > wrote:
>> [image: IMG_20181130_194825.jpg]
>> [image: IMG_20181130_194818.jpg]
> On Fri, Nov 30, 2018 at 4:38 PM Mike Brandon  wrote: 
>>> > 
>>> > But which gpio am I using that is a boot pin? In the reference manual, 
>>> the 16 boot pins are on the P8 header... I'm using gpios on the P9 header. 
>>> > 
> From your picture, that's the P8 header...
> Regards,
> -- 
> Robert Nelson
> https://rcn-ee.com/

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Re: [beagleboard] Beaglebone Black won't boot when gpio connections made

2018-11-30 Thread Mike Brandon
U-Boot SPL 2017.03-2-gd12b1519b4 (Mar 14 2017 - 10:28:26)
Trying to boot from MMC2
mmc_load_image_raw_sector: mmc block read error
spl_register_fat_device: fat register err - -1
spl_load_image_fat: error reading image u-boot.img, err - -1
 ** ext4fs_devread read error - block
Failed to mount ext2 filesystem...
spl_load_image_ext: ext4fs mount err - 0

On Friday, November 30, 2018 at 5:55:16 PM UTC-5, RobertCNelson wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 30, 2018 at 4:38 PM Mike Brandon  > wrote: 
> > 
> > But which gpio am I using that is a boot pin? In the reference manual, 
> the 16 boot pins are on the P8 header... I'm using gpios on the P9 header. 
> > 
> Does anything show up over serial when it's plugged in? And what shows up? 
> Regards, 
> -- 
> Robert Nelson 
> https://rcn-ee.com/ 

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Re: [beagleboard] Beaglebone Black won't boot when gpio connections made

2018-11-30 Thread Mike Brandon
But which gpio am I using that is a boot pin? In the reference manual, the 16 
boot pins are on the P8 header... I'm using gpios on the P9 header.

On Friday, November 30, 2018 at 5:03:42 PM UTC-5, gcoley1 wrote:
> It just take on boot pin to mess up the boot process. If it is not powered on 
> it still presents a load. It still affects the boot pins.
> Key point…DO NOT PUT ANYTHNING on GPIO pins that share the boot function on 
> power up.
> Gerald
> From: beagl...@googlegroups.com [mailto:beagl...@googlegroups.com]
> On Behalf Of Mike Brandon
> Sent: Friday, November 30, 2018 3:07 PM
> To: BeagleBoard 
> Subject: Re: [beagleboard] Beaglebone Black won't boot when gpio connections 
> made
> Gerald,
> Thanks for pointing me to that information but I don't see where I am 
> utilizing one of the 16 boot pins on the expansion header.
> Also, my external device that is connected to the GPIO listed above is not 
> powered up at boot.
> Am I missing another key point in the reference you pointed me to?
> Mike
> On Friday, November 30, 2018 at 3:54:42 PM UTC-5, gcoley1 wrote:
> Yep, you are changing the boot mode of the processor. A big no no.
> https://www.elinux.org/Beagleboard:BeagleBoneBlack#Expansion_Header_Pin_Usage
> Gerald
> From:
> beagl...@googlegroups.com [mailto:beagl...@googlegroups.com]
> On Behalf Of Mike Brandon
> Sent: Friday, November 30, 2018 2:52 PM
> To: BeagleBoard 
> Subject: [beagleboard] Beaglebone Black won't boot when gpio connections made
> I have a device plugged in via GPIO to the following gpio pins:
> 48
> 49
> 115
> 117
> If my device is connected at boot, the BB will not boot.
> I am booting from eMMC. Any idea why this is occurring? I am using the 
> attached custom overlay which is essentially the univ-emmc overlay with some 
> modifications on GPIOs not listed
>  above.
> Mike
> --
> For more options, visit 
> http://beagleboard.org/discuss
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> https://groups.google.com/d/optout.
> -- 
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Re: [beagleboard] Beaglebone Black won't boot when gpio connections made

2018-11-30 Thread Mike Brandon

Thanks for pointing me to that information but I don't see where I am 
utilizing one of the 16 boot pins on the expansion header.

Also, my external device that is connected to the GPIO listed above is not 
powered up at boot.

Am I missing another key point in the reference you pointed me to?


On Friday, November 30, 2018 at 3:54:42 PM UTC-5, gcoley1 wrote:
> Yep, you are changing the boot mode of the processor. A big no no.
> https://www.elinux.org/Beagleboard:BeagleBoneBlack#Expansion_Header_Pin_Usage
> Gerald
> *From:* beagl...@googlegroups.com  [mailto:
> beagl...@googlegroups.com ] *On Behalf Of *Mike Brandon
> *Sent:* Friday, November 30, 2018 2:52 PM
> *To:* BeagleBoard >
> *Subject:* [beagleboard] Beaglebone Black won't boot when gpio 
> connections made
> I have a device plugged in via GPIO to the following gpio pins:
> 48
> 49
> 115
> 117
> If my device is connected at boot, the BB will not boot.
> I am booting from eMMC. Any idea why this is occurring? I am using the 
> attached custom overlay which is essentially the univ-emmc overlay with 
> some modifications on GPIOs not listed above.
> Mike
> -- 
> For more options, visit http://beagleboard.org/discuss
> --- 
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[beagleboard] Beaglebone Black won't boot when gpio connections made

2018-11-30 Thread Mike Brandon
I have a device plugged in via GPIO to the following gpio pins:


If my device is connected at boot, the BB will not boot.

I am booting from eMMC. Any idea why this is occurring? I am using the 
attached custom overlay which is essentially the univ-emmc overlay with 
some modifications on GPIOs not listed above.


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[beagleboard] Re: GPIO default pin level

2018-11-25 Thread Mike Brandon
I resolved this by disabling the old version of the u-boot bootloader on 
the eMMC: (a step suggested in anothe rpost I had 
here https://forums.adafruit.com/viewtopic.php?f=49=142107)

sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/mmcblk1 bs=1M count=10

On Friday, November 23, 2018 at 8:22:48 PM UTC-5, Mike Brandon wrote:
> I have been spending some time trying to understand device tree overlays. 
> Currently my uEnv.txt is configured so that:
> ##BeagleBone Black: HDMI (Audio/Video) disabled:
> dtb=am335x-boneblack-emmc-overlay.dtb
> cat /sys/devices/platform/bone_capemgr/slots
>  0: PF  -1
>  1: PF  -1
>  2: PF  -1
>  3: PF  -1
>  4: P-O-L-   0 Override Board Name,00A0,Override Manuf,univ-emmc
> I would like to keep the GPIOs that default as PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP from 
> doing so, and would prefer them to pulldown.
> What is the best way to go about doing that?

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[beagleboard] Re: GPIO default pin level

2018-11-24 Thread Mike Brandon
I have made progress on this and have a .dtbo that I can load manually and 
set all of my gpio in the desired state I am looking for.

My issue now is getting this overlay to load on boot. Here is my uEnv.txt:



cmdline=coherent_pool=1M net.ifnames=0 quiet cape_universal=enable

I can manually load the overlay by:

root@beaglebone:/lib/firmware# echo univ-emmc-smb > $SLOTS

Bootloader version:

2018.09-2-gd5b4c4b656]:[location: dd MBR]

What am I missing?

On Friday, November 23, 2018 at 8:22:48 PM UTC-5, Mike Brandon wrote:
> I have been spending some time trying to understand device tree overlays. 
> Currently my uEnv.txt is configured so that:
> ##BeagleBone Black: HDMI (Audio/Video) disabled:
> dtb=am335x-boneblack-emmc-overlay.dtb
> cat /sys/devices/platform/bone_capemgr/slots
>  0: PF  -1
>  1: PF  -1
>  2: PF  -1
>  3: PF  -1
>  4: P-O-L-   0 Override Board Name,00A0,Override Manuf,univ-emmc
> I would like to keep the GPIOs that default as PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP from 
> doing so, and would prefer them to pulldown.
> What is the best way to go about doing that?

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[beagleboard] GPIO default pin level

2018-11-23 Thread Mike Brandon
I have been spending some time trying to understand device tree overlays. 
Currently my uEnv.txt is configured so that:

##BeagleBone Black: HDMI (Audio/Video) disabled:

cat /sys/devices/platform/bone_capemgr/slots
 0: PF  -1
 1: PF  -1
 2: PF  -1
 3: PF  -1
 4: P-O-L-   0 Override Board Name,00A0,Override Manuf,univ-emmc

I would like to keep the GPIOs that default as PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP from doing 
so, and would prefer them to pulldown.

What is the best way to go about doing that?

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[beagleboard] Re: cape_enable=bone_capemgr.enable_partno=

2018-11-23 Thread Mike Brandon
I ended up finding the .dts sources in /opt/source/bb.org-overlays/src/arm 
where I was able to look for partno's.

On Friday, November 23, 2018 at 12:21:30 PM UTC-5, Mike Brandon wrote:
> Where can proper "partno" values be located in order to add to this 
> configuration in uEnv.txt?

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[beagleboard] cape_enable=bone_capemgr.enable_partno=

2018-11-23 Thread Mike Brandon
Where can proper "partno" values be located in order to add to this 
configuration in uEnv.txt?

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[beagleboard] Re: DHCPCD5 on BegaleBone Black

2018-11-21 Thread Mike Brandon
] c_can_platform 
481cc000.can can0: bit-timing not yet defined
Nov 21 14:00:23 beaglebone kernel: [   73.425987] c_can_platform 
481cc000.can can0: failed to open can device

On Tuesday, November 20, 2018 at 10:25:20 PM UTC-5, Mike Brandon wrote:
> Long story short, I am refactoring an application I had originally written 
> for Raspbian. One of the features is the ability to modify the devices 
> network settings (either use DHCP or set a static IP).
> When refactoring this for the Begalebone, I was running into weird issues 
> that I assume were happening because of conman. After many hours I stumbled 
> into installing DHCPCD5.
> I then added eth0 to  NetworkInterfaceBlacklist in /etc/conman/main.conf
> I modified /etc/network/interfaces to be 
> # interfaces(5) file used by ifup(8) and ifdown(8)
> # Please note that this file is written to be used with dhcpcd
> # For static IP, consult /etc/dhcpcd.conf and 'man dhcpcd.conf'
> # Include files from /etc/network/interfaces.d:
> source-directory /etc/network/interfaces.d
> auto lo
> iface lo inet loopback
> Then, programatically, I was able to switch between dhcp and static 
> settings as I expected with my application.
> I then noticed in /var/log/syslog that I was getting a *TON* of logged 
> messages related to can0 and can1. 
> I added can0 and can1 to conman/main.conf NetworkInterfaceBlacklist
> I added denyinterfaces can0 can1 in /etc/dhcpcd.conf
> I thought I had this resolved after the two steems above but it seems that 
> is not the case.
> What else can I do to keep this behavior from occurring? The issue is 
> causing a noticeable lag when SSH'ed into my beaglebone or using the web 
> interface I am running on it. Not to mention the file space it is consuming.
> If DHCPCD is not a viable candidate, how can I get more predictable 
> behavior out of conman? (Issues I was running into included changing 
> settings in /network/interfaces did not alsways respond as expected, issues 
> with configuring a fallback static IP when DHCP failed, etc.)
> BTW I am running the Debian 8.7 IoT image (need it in order to run mongodb 
> on the beaglebone)

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[beagleboard] DHCPCD5 on BegaleBone Black

2018-11-20 Thread Mike Brandon
Long story short, I am refactoring an application I had originally written 
for Raspbian. One of the features is the ability to modify the devices 
network settings (either use DHCP or set a static IP).

When refactoring this for the Begalebone, I was running into weird issues 
that I assume were happening because of conman. After many hours I stumbled 
into installing DHCPCD5.

I then added eth0 to  NetworkInterfaceBlacklist in /etc/conman/main.conf

I modified /etc/network/interfaces to be 

# interfaces(5) file used by ifup(8) and ifdown(8)

# Please note that this file is written to be used with dhcpcd
# For static IP, consult /etc/dhcpcd.conf and 'man dhcpcd.conf'

# Include files from /etc/network/interfaces.d:
source-directory /etc/network/interfaces.d

auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

Then, programatically, I was able to switch between dhcp and static 
settings as I expected with my application.

I then noticed in /var/log/syslog that I was getting a *TON* of logged 
messages related to can0 and can1. 

I added can0 and can1 to conman/main.conf NetworkInterfaceBlacklist

I added denyinterfaces can0 can1 in /etc/dhcpcd.conf

I thought I had this resolved after the two steems above but it seems that 
is not the case.

What else can I do to keep this behavior from occurring? The issue is 
causing a noticeable lag when SSH'ed into my beaglebone or using the web 
interface I am running on it. Not to mention the file space it is consuming.

If DHCPCD is not a viable candidate, how can I get more predictable 
behavior out of conman? (Issues I was running into included changing 
settings in /network/interfaces did not alsways respond as expected, issues 
with configuring a fallback static IP when DHCP failed, etc.)

BTW I am running the Debian 8.7 IoT image (need it in order to run mongodb 
on the beaglebone)

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Re: [beagleboard] Unloading HDMI driver

2018-11-20 Thread Mike Brandon
Thanks for that info Robert, I will give that a shot.

Will that also affect other onboard devices like ethernet? I still want to
utilize eMMC and ethernet.


On Tue, Nov 20, 2018 at 12:15 PM Robert Nelson 

> On Tue, Nov 20, 2018 at 11:12 AM  wrote:
> >
> > I want to utilize the GPIOs that are used by HDMI. I was looking at the
> reference here https://elinux.org/File:Black_eMMC_and_HDMI_pins.PNG where
> it ementions possibly needing to unload the HDMI driver.
> >
> > How would I do that on my BB Black?
> As shown:
> https://elinux.org/Beagleboard:BeagleBoneBlack_Debian#U-Boot_Disable_on-board_devices
> If that doesn't work, please let us know, with this output:
> sudo /opt/scripts/tools/version.sh
> Regards,
> --
> Robert Nelson
> https://rcn-ee.com/

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Re: [beagleboard] Single pin connectors for individual wires BBB expansion header

2018-10-17 Thread Mike Jaeger
Mill-Max has a line of solder cup pins for discrete wire termination.  The
8301 series has an 0.025 inch square pin.


Mike Jaeger

On Wed, Oct 17, 2018 at 3:05 PM Robert Nelson 

> On Wed, Oct 17, 2018 at 2:01 PM dwviel via BeagleBoard
>  wrote:
> >
> > Almost.  But, I was hoping that the end of the wire would have the
> square gold plated pin attached.
> Like this variant:
> https://www.digikey.com/product-detail/en/adafruit-industries-llc/826/1528-1162-ND/5353622
> Regards,
> --
> Robert Nelson
> https://rcn-ee.com/
> --
> For more options, visit http://beagleboard.org/discuss
> ---
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Re: [beagleboard] 4 GByte RAM?

2018-05-17 Thread Mike Maikaefer
No, when you check out the BOM or the schematic, you will find 4GB DDR3 RAM
(which is not the eMMC).

On Thu, May 17, 2018 at 10:47 AM, Rick Mann <rm...@latencyzero.com> wrote:

> That's eMMC flash, not RAM. It's accessed like a disk.
> > On May 16, 2018, at 22:44 , mike.maikae...@gmail.com wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > according to the schematics there is a RAM-module with 4 GByte available
> on the BBB (and also on the BBG). Why are there only 512 MBytes available
> for the CPU - aren't enough address lines used? Or what else is the reason?
> >
> > Kind regards
> >
> > Mike
> >
> >
> >
> > --
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> --
> Rick Mann
> rm...@latencyzero.com
> --
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[beagleboard] 4 GByte RAM?

2018-05-16 Thread mike . maikaefer

according to the schematics there is a RAM-module with 4 GByte available on 
the BBB (and also on the BBG). Why are there only 512 MBytes available for 
the CPU - aren't enough address lines used? Or what else is the reason?

Kind regards


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Re: [beagleboard] Where are the hardware data / component placement list?

2018-05-16 Thread Mike Maikaefer
Great, thanks, I'll try that :-)

On Wed, May 16, 2018 at 6:12 PM, Gerald Coley <gcol...@emprodesign.com>

> Check this part and see if it fits.
> https://www.mouser.com/datasheet/2/15/alps_SCHA4B0419-1155906.pdf
> Gerald
> *From:* beagleboard@googlegroups.com [mailto:beagleboard@googlegroups.com]
> *On Behalf Of *Gerald Coley
> *Sent:* Wednesday, May 16, 2018 11:11 AM
> *To:* beagleboard@googlegroups.com
> *Subject:* RE: [beagleboard] Where are the hardware data / component
> placement list?
> I am no longer involved with the manufacturing. I remember ordering a
> bunch of them a while back. As it says on the WIKI, if you have any
> questions, contact Jason Kridner. He is handling the manufacturing. I am
> not aware if they made any changes or not.
> The BOM on the WIKI for the BBB is a .csv file, I never used .csv files so
> I have no idea where that came from and it has not been changed from the
> original design from a part number standpoint on that connector.
> Gerald
> *From:* beagleboard@googlegroups.com [mailto:beagleboard@googlegroups.com
> <beagleboard@googlegroups.com>] *On Behalf Of *Mike Maikaefer
> *Sent:* Wednesday, May 16, 2018 10:34 AM
> *To:* beagleboard@googlegroups.com
> *Subject:* Re: [beagleboard] Where are the hardware data / component
> placement list?
> Any idea where I could get the latest version from? I of course would
> modify it for my own but it does not really worth to pay X000,00 Dollars
> for Altium just for my few boards...
> Cheers
> Mike
> On Wed, May 16, 2018 at 1:58 PM, Gerald Coley <gcol...@emprodesign.com>
> wrote:
> It may not be the latest. That conenctor was replaced a while back.
> Gerald
> *From:* beagleboard@googlegroups.com [mailto:beagleboard@googlegroups.com]
> *On Behalf Of *Mike Maikaefer
> *Sent:* Wednesday, May 16, 2018 5:17 AM
> *To:* beagleboard@googlegroups.com
> *Subject:* Re: [beagleboard] Where are the hardware data / component
> placement list?
> I afraid I have to come back to this: sure this is the latest version of
> the layout? It makes use of the Alps SCHA5B0200 microSD card connector
> which is discontinued and which does not seem to have a compatible
> replacement!?
> Mike
> On Tue, May 15, 2018 at 1:58 PM, Mike Maikaefer <mike.maikae...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> Thanks :-)
> On Tue, May 15, 2018 at 1:50 PM, Gerald Coley <gcol...@emprodesign.com>
> wrote:
> I just looked, the XY data is in the zip file under the MFG
> (Manufacturing) directory.
> https://github.com/beagleboard/beaglebone-black/archive/master.zip
> Gerald
> *From:* beagleboard@googlegroups.com [mailto:beagleboard@googlegroups.com]
> *On Behalf Of *Gerald Coley
> *Sent:* Tuesday, May 15, 2018 6:47 AM
> *To:* beagleboard@googlegroups.com
> *Subject:* RE: [beagleboard] Where are the hardware data / component
> placement list?
> https://www.elinux.org/Beagleboard:Main_Page Main Wiki
> https://www.elinux.org/Beagleboard:BeagleBoneBlack BeagleBone Black
> Section
> https://www.elinux.org/Beagleboard:BeagleBoneBlack#
> LATEST_PRODUCTION_FILES_.28C.29 Latest Production Files
> Gerald
> *From:* beagleboard@googlegroups.com [mailto:beagleboard@googlegroups.com
> <beagleboard@googlegroups.com>] *On Behalf Of *Mike Maikaefer
> *Sent:* Tuesday, May 15, 2018 6:30 AM
> *To:* beagleboard@googlegroups.com
> *Subject:* Re: [beagleboard] Where are the hardware data / component
> placement list?
> Hi Gerald,
> thanks for the feedback. Where can one download the Altium version? I only
> found the one with the Gerber-files...
> Cheers
> Mike
> On Tue, May 15, 2018 at 1:27 PM, Gerald Coley <ger...@beagleboard.org>
> wrote:
> You can get that out of the Allegro file that is provided aling with all
> of that. I do not recall if we ever provided that as a separate file or
> not.
> You should be able to get that also out of the Altium version as well.
> On Tue, May 15, 2018, 2:13 AM <mike.maikae...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I wonder if the complete hardware data for the BBB are available
> somewhere: I found some Gerber files defining the PCB, a BOM defining the
> used comp

Re: [beagleboard] Where are the hardware data / component placement list?

2018-05-16 Thread Mike Maikaefer
Any idea where I could get the latest version from? I of course would
modify it for my own but it does not really worth to pay X000,00 Dollars
for Altium just for my few boards...



On Wed, May 16, 2018 at 1:58 PM, Gerald Coley <gcol...@emprodesign.com>

> It may not be the latest. That conenctor was replaced a while back.
> Gerald
> *From:* beagleboard@googlegroups.com [mailto:beagleboard@googlegroups.com]
> *On Behalf Of *Mike Maikaefer
> *Sent:* Wednesday, May 16, 2018 5:17 AM
> *To:* beagleboard@googlegroups.com
> *Subject:* Re: [beagleboard] Where are the hardware data / component
> placement list?
> I afraid I have to come back to this: sure this is the latest version of
> the layout? It makes use of the Alps SCHA5B0200 microSD card connector
> which is discontinued and which does not seem to have a compatible
> replacement!?
> Mike
> On Tue, May 15, 2018 at 1:58 PM, Mike Maikaefer <mike.maikae...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> Thanks :-)
> On Tue, May 15, 2018 at 1:50 PM, Gerald Coley <gcol...@emprodesign.com>
> wrote:
> I just looked, the XY data is in the zip file under the MFG
> (Manufacturing) directory.
> https://github.com/beagleboard/beaglebone-black/archive/master.zip
> Gerald
> *From:* beagleboard@googlegroups.com [mailto:beagleboard@googlegroups.com]
> *On Behalf Of *Gerald Coley
> *Sent:* Tuesday, May 15, 2018 6:47 AM
> *To:* beagleboard@googlegroups.com
> *Subject:* RE: [beagleboard] Where are the hardware data / component
> placement list?
> https://www.elinux.org/Beagleboard:Main_Page Main Wiki
> https://www.elinux.org/Beagleboard:BeagleBoneBlack BeagleBone Black
> Section
> https://www.elinux.org/Beagleboard:BeagleBoneBlack#
> LATEST_PRODUCTION_FILES_.28C.29 Latest Production Files
> Gerald
> *From:* beagleboard@googlegroups.com [mailto:beagleboard@googlegroups.com
> <beagleboard@googlegroups.com>] *On Behalf Of *Mike Maikaefer
> *Sent:* Tuesday, May 15, 2018 6:30 AM
> *To:* beagleboard@googlegroups.com
> *Subject:* Re: [beagleboard] Where are the hardware data / component
> placement list?
> Hi Gerald,
> thanks for the feedback. Where can one download the Altium version? I only
> found the one with the Gerber-files...
> Cheers
> Mike
> On Tue, May 15, 2018 at 1:27 PM, Gerald Coley <ger...@beagleboard.org>
> wrote:
> You can get that out of the Allegro file that is provided aling with all
> of that. I do not recall if we ever provided that as a separate file or
> not.
> You should be able to get that also out of the Altium version as well.
> On Tue, May 15, 2018, 2:13 AM <mike.maikae...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I wonder if the complete hardware data for the BBB are available
> somewhere: I found some Gerber files defining the PCB, a BOM defining the
> used components but I did not found a CPL that describes which component
> has to be placed at which position.
> So...aren't these data open and available for free?
> Thanks!
> Mike
> --
> For more options, visit http://beagleboard.org/discuss
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> 2BmDiDsYaBuBA%40mail.gmail.com
> <https://groups

Re: [beagleboard] Where are the hardware data / component placement list?

2018-05-16 Thread Mike Maikaefer
I afraid I have to come back to this: sure this is the latest version of
the layout? It makes use of the Alps SCHA5B0200 microSD card connector
which is discontinued and which does not seem to have a compatible


On Tue, May 15, 2018 at 1:58 PM, Mike Maikaefer <mike.maikae...@gmail.com>

> Thanks :-)
> On Tue, May 15, 2018 at 1:50 PM, Gerald Coley <gcol...@emprodesign.com>
> wrote:
>> I just looked, the XY data is in the zip file under the MFG
>> (Manufacturing) directory.
>> https://github.com/beagleboard/beaglebone-black/archive/master.zip
>> Gerald
>> *From:* beagleboard@googlegroups.com [mailto:beagleboard@googlegroups.com]
>> *On Behalf Of *Gerald Coley
>> *Sent:* Tuesday, May 15, 2018 6:47 AM
>> *To:* beagleboard@googlegroups.com
>> *Subject:* RE: [beagleboard] Where are the hardware data / component
>> placement list?
>> https://www.elinux.org/Beagleboard:Main_Page Main Wiki
>> https://www.elinux.org/Beagleboard:BeagleBoneBlack BeagleBone Black
>> Section
>> https://www.elinux.org/Beagleboard:BeagleBoneBlack#LATEST_
>> PRODUCTION_FILES_.28C.29 Latest Production Files
>> Gerald
>> *From:* beagleboard@googlegroups.com [mailto:beagleboard@googlegroups.com
>> <beagleboard@googlegroups.com>] *On Behalf Of *Mike Maikaefer
>> *Sent:* Tuesday, May 15, 2018 6:30 AM
>> *To:* beagleboard@googlegroups.com
>> *Subject:* Re: [beagleboard] Where are the hardware data / component
>> placement list?
>> Hi Gerald,
>> thanks for the feedback. Where can one download the Altium version? I
>> only found the one with the Gerber-files...
>> Cheers
>> Mike
>> On Tue, May 15, 2018 at 1:27 PM, Gerald Coley <ger...@beagleboard.org>
>> wrote:
>> You can get that out of the Allegro file that is provided aling with all
>> of that. I do not recall if we ever provided that as a separate file or
>> not.
>> You should be able to get that also out of the Altium version as well.
>> On Tue, May 15, 2018, 2:13 AM <mike.maikae...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I wonder if the complete hardware data for the BBB are available
>> somewhere: I found some Gerber files defining the PCB, a BOM defining the
>> used components but I did not found a CPL that describes which component
>> has to be placed at which position.
>> So...aren't these data open and available for free?
>> Thanks!
>> Mike
>> --
>> For more options, visit http://beagleboard.org/discuss
>> ---
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>> <https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/beagleboard/983b83c4-0192-4c08-bb4f-87ffee283a62%40googlegroups.com?utm_medium=email_source=footer>
>> .
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>> --
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>> .
>> For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/d/optout.
>> --

Re: [beagleboard] Where are the hardware data / component placement list?

2018-05-15 Thread Mike Maikaefer
Thanks :-)

On Tue, May 15, 2018 at 1:50 PM, Gerald Coley <gcol...@emprodesign.com>

> I just looked, the XY data is in the zip file under the MFG
> (Manufacturing) directory.
> https://github.com/beagleboard/beaglebone-black/archive/master.zip
> Gerald
> *From:* beagleboard@googlegroups.com [mailto:beagleboard@googlegroups.com]
> *On Behalf Of *Gerald Coley
> *Sent:* Tuesday, May 15, 2018 6:47 AM
> *To:* beagleboard@googlegroups.com
> *Subject:* RE: [beagleboard] Where are the hardware data / component
> placement list?
> https://www.elinux.org/Beagleboard:Main_Page Main Wiki
> https://www.elinux.org/Beagleboard:BeagleBoneBlack BeagleBone Black
> Section
> https://www.elinux.org/Beagleboard:BeagleBoneBlack#
> LATEST_PRODUCTION_FILES_.28C.29 Latest Production Files
> Gerald
> *From:* beagleboard@googlegroups.com [mailto:beagleboard@googlegroups.com
> <beagleboard@googlegroups.com>] *On Behalf Of *Mike Maikaefer
> *Sent:* Tuesday, May 15, 2018 6:30 AM
> *To:* beagleboard@googlegroups.com
> *Subject:* Re: [beagleboard] Where are the hardware data / component
> placement list?
> Hi Gerald,
> thanks for the feedback. Where can one download the Altium version? I only
> found the one with the Gerber-files...
> Cheers
> Mike
> On Tue, May 15, 2018 at 1:27 PM, Gerald Coley <ger...@beagleboard.org>
> wrote:
> You can get that out of the Allegro file that is provided aling with all
> of that. I do not recall if we ever provided that as a separate file or
> not.
> You should be able to get that also out of the Altium version as well.
> On Tue, May 15, 2018, 2:13 AM <mike.maikae...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I wonder if the complete hardware data for the BBB are available
> somewhere: I found some Gerber files defining the PCB, a BOM defining the
> used components but I did not found a CPL that describes which component
> has to be placed at which position.
> So...aren't these data open and available for free?
> Thanks!
> Mike
> --
> For more options, visit http://beagleboard.org/discuss
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Re: [beagleboard] Where are the hardware data / component placement list?

2018-05-15 Thread Mike Maikaefer
Hi Gerald,

thanks for the feedback. Where can one download the Altium version? I only
found the one with the Gerber-files...



On Tue, May 15, 2018 at 1:27 PM, Gerald Coley <ger...@beagleboard.org>

> You can get that out of the Allegro file that is provided aling with all
> of that. I do not recall if we ever provided that as a separate file or
> not.
> You should be able to get that also out of the Altium version as well.
> On Tue, May 15, 2018, 2:13 AM <mike.maikae...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I wonder if the complete hardware data for the BBB are available
>> somewhere: I found some Gerber files defining the PCB, a BOM defining the
>> used components but I did not found a CPL that describes which component
>> has to be placed at which position.
>> So...aren't these data open and available for free?
>> Thanks!
>> Mike
>> --
>> For more options, visit http://beagleboard.org/discuss
>> ---
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
>> "BeagleBoard" group.
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>> <https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/beagleboard/983b83c4-0192-4c08-bb4f-87ffee283a62%40googlegroups.com?utm_medium=email_source=footer>
>> .
>> For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/d/optout.
> --
> For more options, visit http://beagleboard.org/discuss
> ---
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[beagleboard] Where are the hardware data / component placement list?

2018-05-15 Thread mike . maikaefer

I wonder if the complete hardware data for the BBB are available somewhere: 
I found some Gerber files defining the PCB, a BOM defining the used 
components but I did not found a CPL that describes which component has to 
be placed at which position.

So...aren't these data open and available for free?



For more options, visit http://beagleboard.org/discuss
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For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/d/optout.

Re: [beagleboard] Re: Failed to bring up usb0

2018-02-25 Thread Mike Davis
it’s been a while, but I think the issue was resolved with a reboot of the 
host, which is a macbook. I may have updated OSX as well.
Good luck!

Sent from my iPad

> On Feb 24, 2018, at 1:16 PM, dapr...@ncsu.edu wrote:
> Do you remember how you fixed this?
> Thanks
> -- 
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[beagleboard] Fwd: Us congress hearing of maan alsaan Money laundry قضية الكونغجرس لغسيل الأموال للمليادير معن الصانع

2018-02-17 Thread mike a
*موقع اليوتيوب الذي عرض فيديوهات جلسة استماع الكونجرس الأمريكي *

* لمتابعة نشاطات غسل الأموال ونشاطات*

*السعودي معن عبدالواحد الصانع*

*مالك مستشفى  وشركة سعد  ومدارس سعد بالمنطقة الشرقية** بالسعودية * * ورئيس
مجلس ادارة بنك اوال البحريني*

 *وتعليق محطة سي ان بي سي التلفزيونية*

*مترجم باللغة العربية*

US Congressional Hearing of

 Saudi billionaire" maan  Al Sanea "

 and Money Laundering

with bank of America

With Arabic Subtitles


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[beagleboard] interfacing the Sterling LWB module to the BeagleBone Black

2018-02-03 Thread Mike Wood
We are developing a new product around the BeagleBone Black that uses the 
Sterling LWB Wi-Fi/Bluetooth module.  LSR supplies some rather convoluted 
information on their website to build the drivers for this product in a 
Linux environment.  Following their steps yields results completely 
different from their guidance.  Has anyone ever attempted to integrate this 
radio into a BeagleBone Black project? If so did you get it to work and how 
did you accomplish it?

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Re: [beagleboard] BeagleBone Black shortage

2018-02-02 Thread mike . maikaefer
Thanks for your feedback.

Mouse unfortunately is not an option, although it is a German company, 
their webshop does not allow me to order BBBs when they have to be shipped 
to Germany due to some exports restrictions :-D

Same works well for all other suppliers...so maybe this is the reason they 
have some BBBs left since all German customers can't buy at Mouser :-)

On Thursday, February 1, 2018 at 7:12:12 PM UTC+1, Graham wrote:
> Mouser has BBB  600+ in stock
>   BB Wireless 3000+ in stock
> --- Graham
> On Thursday, February 1, 2018 at 8:48:58 AM UTC-6, RobertCNelson wrote:
>> On Thu, Feb 1, 2018 at 8:42 AM,   wrote: 
>> > Hi, 
>> > 
>> > for some months we can see a BBB-shortage which meanwhile becomes 
>> dramatic. 
>> > Farnell can ship BBBs earliest end of February (but only a few 
>> thousands) 
>> > and the prices have risen from ~50 Euro to more than 90 Euro at some 
>> > distributors. 
>> > 
>> > Anybody an idea what's going on here? Has the BBB reached the end of 
>> it's 
>> > life? 
>> 16 left at DigiKey. 
>> https://www.digikey.com/product-detail/en/ghi-electronics-llc/BBB01-SC-505/BBB01-SC-505-ND/6210999
>> The BBB hasn't reached EOL. 
>> More then likely it's related to the industry wide memory shortage. 
>> Regards, 
>> -- 
>> Robert Nelson 
>> https://rcn-ee.com/ 

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[beagleboard] BeagleBone Black shortage

2018-02-01 Thread mike . maikaefer

for some months we can see a BBB-shortage which meanwhile becomes dramatic. 
Farnell can ship BBBs earliest end of February (but only a few thousands) 
and the prices have risen from ~50 Euro to more than 90 Euro at some 

Anybody an idea what's going on here? Has the BBB reached the end of it's 


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[beagleboard] New BeagleBone revision with OSD335x SiP?

2018-01-05 Thread mike . maikaefer

are there any plans to have a fully pin-compatible BeagleBone Black which 
makes use of the OSD335x SIP? The andvantages are obvious, this could lower 
the price of the BBB nameably.


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[beagleboard] Re: BBB MMC bare metal demo program

2018-01-04 Thread mike . maikaefer
Have you tried to submit a patch? The project itself seems to be alive, 
last change was done only one month 
ago: https://sourceforge.net/p/starterwarefree/code/ci/master/tree/

And this seems to be the maintainer of the 
project: https://sourceforge.net/u/openapcjim/profile/

On Thursday, January 4, 2018 at 11:42:59 AM UTC+1, dd wrote:
> Hi Mike.  It is not related to the sourceforge starterware project, but 
> they are free to rip it.  
> I had a look at them, i did not see anyone spearheading the project.  
> It would be great to have a collaboration of contributors, this is a huge 
> undertaking.  
> we really need a real-time library that we can build on.   
> hack on brothersdd
> On Wednesday, January 3, 2018 at 10:47:41 AM UTC+2, mike.ma...@gmail.com 
> wrote:
>> Is this somehow related to the free StarterWare project at Sourceforge? 
>> If no: any chance it will be integrated there?
>> On Monday, January 1, 2018 at 2:22:34 PM UTC+1, dd wrote:
>>> Hi 2 all 'bone programmers.  
>>> The starterware MMC port is finally finished.  
>>> This is a great opportunity to learn MMC and FAT32 architecture.  
>>> As well as ARM assembly, IRQ, DMA, image building etc
>>> on a wickedly powerful IoT platform, the BBB!
>>> It builds under GNU/GCC, all the makefile stuff is there.  
>>> It was a long time coming.  The TI code was very well written, 
>>> but also unnecessarily complicated.  Well, I removed all that.  
>>> So, now you can use/mod/hack it with relative confidence
>>> for your IoT project.  
>>> hack on my brothers.dd

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[beagleboard] Re: BBB MMC bare metal demo program

2018-01-03 Thread mike . maikaefer
Is this somehow related to the free StarterWare project at Sourceforge? If 
no: any chance it will be integrated there?

On Monday, January 1, 2018 at 2:22:34 PM UTC+1, dd wrote:
> Hi 2 all 'bone programmers.  
> The starterware MMC port is finally finished.  
> This is a great opportunity to learn MMC and FAT32 architecture.  
> As well as ARM assembly, IRQ, DMA, image building etc
> on a wickedly powerful IoT platform, the BBB!
> It builds under GNU/GCC, all the makefile stuff is there.  
> It was a long time coming.  The TI code was very well written, 
> but also unnecessarily complicated.  Well, I removed all that.  
> So, now you can use/mod/hack it with relative confidence
> for your IoT project.  
> hack on my brothers.dd

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Re: [beagleboard] Re: Use analogue inputs with 5 or 10 V signal

2018-01-01 Thread Mike Maikaefer
Great, thanks to all :-)

On Wed, Dec 27, 2017 at 2:35 AM, Adam Saenz  wrote:

> That circuit will work.  Yes on connecting external ground to GNDA, that
> will give you a common reference.  Those resistor values will allow the ADC
> to see about 1.78V when the input voltage is 5V, looks like a good place to
> start.  As far as resistor values (1k, 1.8k vs 10k, 18k), I'd go with the
> 1k, 1.8k pair as long as your source circuit can handle sourcing a 2.8k
> load (1.7mA max).  If it can't then I'd consider something that gives you a
> total resistance of 5-6k.  The 10k/18k pair gives you 28k total, should be
> ok but I've had ADCs have trouble working when resistances approach 100k.
> Someone mentioned using op amps which is a good choice, as is using an
> anti-aliasing filter but since this is a noob type question I figured
> starting simpler is a better choice.  You can improve you analog circuit if
> you discover your application needs to minimize noise, or is sensitive to
> load, etc.  Start simple though.
> Adam
> On Tue, Dec 26, 2017 at 10:58 AM, Dennis Lee Bieber  > wrote:
>> On Tue, 26 Dec 2017 10:40:54 -0800 (PST),
>> mike.maikae...@gmail.com declaimed the
>> following:
>> >
>> >
>> >So it could look like this!? External ground is directly connected to
>> >and the relation between the resistors is equal to the relation of the
>> >voltages to apply at each!? How about the exact resistor values - 18 kOhm
>> >and 10 kOhm would be the same from relation, but which one should I use
>> >really? Thanks :-)
>> >
>> How much current flow can you accept? Consider, without the
>> resistors
>> you basically have a direct short from the input voltage source to ground.
>> Small value resistors will let a lot more current pass. You likely need to
>> balance between not having too much current flowing through the divider
>> and
>> having so little current flowing that the ADC can't sense the voltage...
>> --
>> Wulfraed Dennis Lee Bieber AF6VN
>> wlfr...@ix.netcom.comHTTP://wlfraed.home.netcom.com/
>> --
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[beagleboard] Re: Use analogue inputs with 5 or 10 V signal

2017-12-26 Thread mike . maikaefer

So it could look like this!? External ground is directly connected to GNDA 
and the relation between the resistors is equal to the relation of the 
voltages to apply at each!? How about the exact resistor values - 18 kOhm 
and 10 kOhm would be the same from relation, but which one should I use 
really? Thanks :-)


On Wednesday, December 20, 2017 at 4:29:44 PM UTC+1, Adam Saenz wrote:
> Forgot to add that you should use the GNDA as the ground reference to your 
> external analog input sources.
> Adam
> On Wednesday, December 20, 2017 at 6:57:26 AM UTC-8, Adam Saenz wrote:
>> You will need to use a voltage divider to lower the detectable voltage of 
>> your 0-5V or 0-10V inputs to a range of 0-1.8V or less.  Google voltage 
>> divider to see how this is done; sparkfun provides a pretty nice 
>> explanation of voltage dividers.  If you look at the schematic, an example 
>> of a voltage divider is done for AIN7 to read the 3.3V supply voltage.  
>> AIN7 will see is 1.65V when VDD_3V3B is 3.3V.
>> ADCs are most accurate when the voltage they are reading is stable and 
>> free from noise or ripple voltages.  Digital circuits (e.g. the processor 
>> cor) are sources of digital noise so a separate VADC and GNDA are provided 
>> to minimize the influence of noisy digital sources.   If you look on the 
>> schematic VDD_ADC is actually connected to VDD_1V8 through a ferrite bead 
>> (inductor). The ferrite bead is there to block high frequency noise caused 
>> by the digital circuits, while allowing DC voltages to pass; so VDD_ADC is 
>> actually connected to 1.8V.  The AM3358 datasheet lists the max voltage 
>> input of VDD_ADC as 2.1V so you cannot connect a 5V or 10V reference 
>> directly to it.  It's best to use the existing 1.8V reference and scale the 
>> analog input voltages you want to measure so they are less than 1.8V.
>> Adam
>> On Wednesday, December 20, 2017 at 4:46:11 AM UTC-8, mike.ma...@gmail.com 
>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> this is somewhat a noob-question, but my skills in analogue hardware are 
>>> limited.
>>> The BeagleBones (and variants) come with six analogue inputs which each 
>>> have a separate ground line GNDA and also a separate power supply VADC.
>>> My questions here: how can I connect an external signal with 0..5V or 
>>> 0..10V to these inputs in order to read their analogue value?
>>> And how about GNDA, has it to be separated from normal GND?
>>> Thanks!
>>> Mike

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[beagleboard] Use analogue inputs with 5 or 10 V signal

2017-12-20 Thread mike . maikaefer

this is somewhat a noob-question, but my skills in analogue hardware are 

The BeagleBones (and variants) come with six analogue inputs which each 
have a separate ground line GNDA and also a separate power supply VADC.

My questions here: how can I connect an external signal with 0..5V or 
0..10V to these inputs in order to read their analogue value?

And how about GNDA, has it to be separated from normal GND?



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Re: [beagleboard] Re: Where are VDD and SYS_RESETn?

2017-12-12 Thread mike . maikaefer
I soldered the power-wires of an USB-cable to P1/pin 1 and P1/pin 16. So 
USB was not used at all in this scenario.

Regarding SYS_RESETn: I found a signal named RESET_OUT at P2/pin 26 - could 
this the equivalent to SYS_RESETn? Unfortunately I have no idea how to 
measure if it could be it or not...

On Tuesday, December 12, 2017 at 3:03:45 PM UTC+1, Graham wrote:
> Mike:
> Thanks for the comments.
> Were you using the USB0 connector on the board (which is hardwired to 
> P1-pin7), or was it an independent off board connector?
> --- Graham

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[beagleboard] Re: PWM in Pocket Beagle Bone

2017-12-12 Thread mike . maikaefer
What software are you talking about? Linux? Bare metal/StarterWare?

On Friday, December 8, 2017 at 10:55:39 AM UTC+1, Rohit Karkala wrote:
> Hello All, 
> I want to disable the PWM functionality of Pocket Beagle Bone and use it 
> as GPIO.
> How can i do this.

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[beagleboard] Re: Where are VDD and SYS_RESETn?

2017-12-11 Thread mike . maikaefer
Hello Graham,

thanks for your feedback.

I tried running PocketBeagle from Vin/pin1 and it worked smoothly here for 
more than 13 hours. It was powered via 5V that came from a USB connector.

But I was running a bare metal application with no Linux involved. So may 
be there is a bug rather in the Linux system you are using than in the 

I remember the PMIC of the BeagleBone could be accessed from software, 
watchdog with some illegal parameters would be a candidate too (OK, 
watchdog would not explain why the power pin has an influence...).

With kind regards


On Saturday, December 9, 2017 at 6:11:39 AM UTC+1, Graham wrote:
> I have been unable to get a PocketBeagle to run for more than about 12 
> hours without rebooting when powered from Vin (P1-pin1), using a trusted 
> power supply.
> It usually reboots itself successfully, so in order to see it, run some 
> commands to turn off the blinking blue lights. If they come back on by 
> themselves, it has rebooted.
> Or you can read the system logs.
> It works fine when powered from Vi (P1-pin7) which is the same as the Vusb 
> +5 Volt input/output.
> It works fine when Vi and Vin are paralleled, but I am uncomfortable 
> paralleling power supplies, unless someone who really understands them says 
> it is OK.
> The docs indicate that Vin (P1-pin1) should be the primary power input for 
> power inputs other than battery or USB, and this input should have the 
> highest current handling capability of the three.
> So far, I find that Vin is approximately worthless.
> Your mileage may vary.
> So far, no reaction or comment from Jason or Robert.
> If you can, or can not, duplicate my observations, please comment.
> As far as a replacement for  SYS_RESETn, I don't think that the external 
> 3V3 power appears until the system has booted, so you could use this 
> Voltage to gate things that might upset the boot process, or break things 
> prior to the CPU booting.
> At least that is how it worked on the BBB, so I assume the same on the 
> PocketBone.
> --- Graham
> ==
> On Friday, December 8, 2017 at 3:16:45 AM UTC-6, mike.ma...@gmail.com 
> wrote:
>> Nobody an idea? While searching through the board here I find two 
>> different opinions about VDD/where to apply external power to, so some 
>> clarification would be really nice...
>> On Saturday, December 2, 2017 at 6:22:47 PM UTC+1, mike.ma...@gmail.com 
>> wrote:
>>> Can somebody verify where the following pins/signals can be found at the 
>>> PocketBeagle (comparing to BeagleBone Black):
>>> - VDD (to supply externel power apart from USB)
>>> - SYS_RESETn (signalling SiP is in reset state and no inputs are allowed 
>>> to be pulled to LOW or HIGH)
>>> ?
>>> Thanks!

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[beagleboard] Re: Where are VDD and SYS_RESETn?

2017-12-08 Thread mike . maikaefer
Nobody an idea? While searching through the board here I find two different 
opinions about VDD/where to apply external power to, so some clarification 
would be really nice...

On Saturday, December 2, 2017 at 6:22:47 PM UTC+1, mike.ma...@gmail.com 
> Can somebody verify where the following pins/signals can be found at the 
> PocketBeagle (comparing to BeagleBone Black):
> - VDD (to supply externel power apart from USB)
> - SYS_RESETn (signalling SiP is in reset state and no inputs are allowed 
> to be pulled to LOW or HIGH)
> ?
> Thanks!

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Re: [beagleboard] Re: PocketBeagles are Unstable

2017-12-03 Thread mike . maikaefer

On Sunday, December 3, 2017 at 4:21:33 PM UTC+1, Graham wrote:
> The PocketBeagle, when powered only by the Vin input  (P1-pin1) is 
> unstable.
> This is the power supply input, normally assigned to the barrel jack in 
> the BBB, or the AC adapter input in the TI docs.
> Not to be confused with the Vi input (P1-pin7) which is connected to Vusb0 
> and Vusb1 on the PocketBeagle.

I'm not quite sure but isn't P1/7 the same as VDD on the BBB? In this case 
you definitely shouldn't use P1/1 for powering the board...

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[beagleboard] Free StarterWare replacement with support for PocketBeagle

2017-12-03 Thread mike . maikaefer
If somebody is interested: TI has stopped further development of their bare 
metal support package "StarterWare" but there is a compatible and 
community-driven replacement available at 
https://sourceforge.net/projects/starterwarefree/ now. This project seem to 
contains a bunch of bug fixes the original StarterWare never got and even 
has support for the new PocketBeagle.

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[beagleboard] Re: DDR initialisation on PocketBeagle

2017-12-03 Thread mike . maikaefer
Finally I could solve the problem: the guys from 
https://sourceforge.net/projects/starterwarefree/ have implemented support 
for PocketBeagle in their MLO. Not sure what the difference is to my code 
but theirs is working smoothly, now my application starts as expected.

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[beagleboard] Where are VDD and SYS_RESETn?

2017-12-02 Thread mike . maikaefer
Can somebody verify where the following pins/signals can be found at the 
PocketBeagle (comparing to BeagleBone Black):

- VDD (to supply externel power apart from USB)
- SYS_RESETn (signalling SiP is in reset state and no inputs are allowed to 
be pulled to LOW or HIGH)



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[beagleboard] DDR initialisation on PocketBeagle

2017-11-29 Thread mike . maikaefer

I'm currently trying to modify the (custom) MLO of my bare metal 
application in order to work with the PocketBeagle. At the moment this MLO 
works fine with BBB.

According to the (incredibly small) manual of the Octavo SoC I changed the 
initialisation of the DDR and EMIF registers - but this does not seem to be 
everything which is necessary.

Now with these register settings my MLO successfully loads the main 
application into the DDR RAM but when the SoC jumps to the start adress of 
it, it stalls. So it seems there is still a problem with the RAM 
initialisation. Either writing the application to the RAM does not work or 
execution of the loaded application is not possible.

What I can see at the moment: the BBB initialisation of the RAM contains a 
lot more than shown in the Octavo manual, there are a lot of idle and 
shut-down states set which are not mentioned in Octavo manual.

So...any idea what else is different in initialisation of BBB and 
PocketBeagle? Are these additional idle/shut-down register settings needed 


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[beagleboard] Low level initialisation steps?

2017-11-27 Thread mike . maikaefer

I'm currently try to run a bare metal application which works fine on the 
BBB on my new PocketBeagle. MLO bootloader works as expected, it loads the 
main application image to addres 0x8000. But when it jumps to this 
address to execute the main application, the whole board stalls.

This lets me think some of the basic hardware initialisations done by the 
bootloader do fit for BBB, but not for PocketBeagle.

So my question: are there some fundamental differences between both? Does 
the Octavo-internal RAM need a different timing than the one on BBB? If 
yes: what exactly is different? Or what else needs to be low-level 
initialised in a different way?



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Re: [beagleboard] Re: Boot bare metal application - MLO no longer used?

2017-11-27 Thread mike . maikaefer
OK, I got it: it seems, the Octavo-SoC does NOT support MLO as file on the 
FatSF partition. Writing it into the forst section of the SD card solved 
the problem, now the MLO is found and loaded.

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Re: [beagleboard] Re: Boot bare metal application - MLO no longer used?

2017-11-26 Thread mike . maikaefer

> TI has not changes anything in StarterWare since BBB, so I don't expect a 
> new MLO from this side - but it is not a problem since sources are included 
> in StarterWare package and therefor can be build easily.

But this does not seem to be the problem, this ""-sequence means, 
the SoC does not find the MLO anywhere! So although it is available on the 
FatFS partition of the microSD card, it isn't loaded.

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[beagleboard] Re: Boot bare metal application - MLO no longer used?

2017-11-26 Thread mike . maikaefer
OK, short update: the debug header works, I get some data at UART0. But 
there nothing else than CCC is printed, which means the SoC does not 
find a suitable boot-device (although MLO file is in place on microSD 
card). Any ideas what couls cause this?

On Sunday, November 26, 2017 at 4:38:13 PM UTC+1, mike.ma...@gmail.com 
> Ok, I played a bit more with it: on UART0 I do not get any data, neither 
> with a microSD card inserted (which contains my own MLO) nor without. Is 
> there anything additional neccessary to make it work? Even when there is 
> something wrong with my MLO, I would have expected some output on the 
> serial console.
> The MLO itself comes out of the StarterWare package, so it is a 
> self-compiled one which starts my bare metal application (which comes with 
> an other name). So...is there anything which has to be done different for 
> the PocketBeagle? It initialises a lot of peripherals, including SoC clock, 
> RAM timing and other things more...

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[beagleboard] Re: Boot bare metal application - MLO no longer used?

2017-11-26 Thread mike . maikaefer
Ok, I played a bit more with it: on UART0 I do not get any data, neither 
with a microSD card inserted (which contains my own MLO) nor without. Is 
there anything additional neccessary to make it work? Even when there is 
something wrong with my MLO, I would have expected some output on the 
serial console.

The MLO itself comes out of the StarterWare package, so it is a 
self-compiled one which starts my bare metal application (which comes with 
an other name). So...is there anything which has to be done different for 
the PocketBeagle? It initialises a lot of peripherals, including SoC clock, 
RAM timing and other things more...


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[beagleboard] Boot bare metal application - MLO no longer used?

2017-11-25 Thread mike . maikaefer

I'm running a bare metal software on my BBB. It is started via a special 
boot-application, a program named "MLO" located on eMMC card which then 
itself starts my application from microSD card. This is one boot option of 
the AM3358 and used by default.

Now I tried do to the same with the PocketBeagle, in this case with MLO and 
my application both on the microSD card - unfortunately it does not work, 
the application is not started.

My question: is there something fundamental different with the Octavo SoC? 
And is there a serial debug interface available too, similar to the one 
from the BBB where I can see some messages printed to serial console on 


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[beagleboard] Re: Is it possible to make work the BBB C program code without installing any operating systems?

2017-11-22 Thread mike . maikaefer
Check out StarterWare from TI (there is also a FreeStarterWare project 
available on sf.net which contains a lot of bugfixes and feature 
enhancements TI never managed to publish). It contains TCP/IP stack, USB 
stack, functions to read/write FatFS on SD-card and many things more - all 
as bare metal without the need to use an operating system and with a lot of 
useful examples.

On Friday, November 17, 2017 at 4:12:38 AM UTC+1, AVR wrote:
> Thank you Graham, I completely forgot that I also need and exchange data 
> on TCP/IP... in that case is it possible to realize programmatically TCP/IP 
> without OS ?
> четверг, 16 ноября 2017 г., 20:20:30 UTC+5 пользователь Graham написал:
>> Yes, it is possible.
>> Also, probably extremely painful learning experience.
>> There are ARM processors that are designed to run with OS.  They start 
>> with the letter A.
>> The processor in the Beaglebone is an A-8.
>> There are ARM processors that are designed to run without OS. They start 
>> with the letter M.
>> I would suggest that you look at one of the faster M series, like a 200 
>> MHz M4F and see it that will do your job.
>> --- Graham
>> ==
>> On Wednesday, November 15, 2017 at 9:40:05 PM UTC-6, AVR wrote:
>>> In other words I'd like to make work the BeagleBone Black on the base C 
>>> program code without any operating systems. 
>>> My task is simple enough - frequency meter 0...100 KHz, DI/DO simple 
>>> logic and data exchange accross TCP/IP.

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[beagleboard] PocketBeagle detailed pinout with pinmux

2017-11-10 Thread mike . maikaefer
In case somebody is interested in this: attached to my mail you can find a 
detailed pinout of the PocketBeagle expansion header.

This is assembled out of the information of AM3358 TRM and the image given 
in PocketBone GIT repository. It contains all pins including their 
pinmuxable functions (including also all PRU connections)

Please note: this is not yet verified against the real world hardware yet, 
so handle with care.


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Description: application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet

[beagleboard] Re: Weird behaviour with pins and PRUs

2017-11-09 Thread mike . maikaefer
On Thursday, November 9, 2017 at 2:00:37 PM UTC+1, Loïc Droz wrote:
> And I agree this a bad idea because it is a huge waste of computing power. 
> I have tried using the BBB built in PWM pin which, as far as I know, can be 
> configured to be a 50% duty cycle, stable clk signal by following this link 
> : ... But so far as I haven't been able to make it work because the files 
> mentioned there are not present in my kernel (Linux beaglebone 
> 4.4.91-ti-r133 #1 SMP Tue Oct 10 05:18:08 UTC 2017 armv7l GNU/Linux). I 
> would like to use that PWM though, is there a way to do it on the more 
> recent kernels ?

I have no idea, I do not use the Hardware from within Linux but out of a 
bare metal firmware...

> I could also do both operations on one PRU yes. However, since the audio 
> processing steps involve memory writes to the host, I am worried these 
> might not take deterministic time, which would prevent my clock my clock 
> from being stable.
There is some shared memory available where both, PRU and main core have 
access to. Since PRU has the priority for accessing this ram, you can use 
it for a ringbuffer with defined timing which also can be read from the 
main core.


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[beagleboard] Re: Weird behaviour with pins and PRUs

2017-11-09 Thread mike . maikaefer
How about the pin-multiplexing of your two PRU-pins? Are they really 
enabled as PRU in/outputs or are they still mapped to some other functions 
of the main core?

On Wednesday, November 8, 2017 at 9:27:20 PM UTC+1, Loïc Droz wrote:
> However, I also need to be able to read the CLK signal from PRU1, so I 
> figured I would plug the CLK signal generated by PRU0 to pin P8.46 which I 
> then poll from PRU1.

This seems to be a bad idea in general. For me it looks like you waste 
computing power in PRU1 to retrieve an information PRU0 already has. Can't 
you do both operations on one single PRU? Or use an EHRPWM-output to 
generate the clock in order to not to waste a complete PRU for such a 
stupid task?

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[beagleboard] PocketBeagle / BBB expansion connector pin assignment

2017-11-09 Thread mike . maikaefer

I'm currently evaluating if an existing BBB-design can be used on the new 
PocketBeagle but have some troubles assigning the different signals on 
connector to each other.

I know the BBB Expansion Header pinout 
from https://elinux.org/Beagleboard:Cape_Expansion_Headers and already 
found some similar for the PocketBeagle 

I could identify some of the signals but have troubles with the GPIOs. For 
BBB they are named GPIOb_p where "b" is the GPIO-"bank" and "p" then pin 
number. For the PocketBeagle they are just numbered in range 2..117.

So my question: is there an assignment between these pin numbers available 
where one can find out which PocketBeagle GPIOs belong to which AM3358 GPIO 


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[beagleboard] BeagleBone Black availability

2017-11-08 Thread mike . maikaefer

during last month I noticed the availability of the BBB is not as good as 
it has been before. Farnell/element14 has more and more increasing lead 
times, currently their stock is empty and they expect next batch earliest 
in more than one month. Circuitco itself does not seem to produce any BBBs.

So: is this board going to die? Is it discontinued because of all these 
strange clones which are out there meanwhile (BBB Wireless, BBB Industrial, 



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[beagleboard] Re: BeagleBone X15?

2017-11-08 Thread mike . maikaefer
I second that. Any plans for an upgraded BBB which provides more computing 
power while being compatible to the current hardware interfaces?

On Thursday, November 10, 2016 at 2:09:05 PM UTC+1, Paul Plankton wrote:
> No, it is not a typo: but how about a BeagleBone with this new, dual-core 
> processor?
> I know, die to it's size it never could have that much peripherals like 
> the BeagleBoard X15, but having the current interfaces plus this processor 
> should not only bring more computing power but also a better price 
> (comparing to BeagleBoard X15).
> Just as an idea...

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[beagleboard] Re: Problems with BBB USB serial communication and Windows 10

2017-11-08 Thread mike . maikaefer
This is a bug in Windows 10. There are a lot of similar complaints in MSDN 
forums. The bad news: only complaints, the bug never has been fixed by MS.

On Monday, May 29, 2017 at 8:07:45 AM UTC+2, Satz Klauer wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm running a StarterWare 2 based application on an BBB which makes use of 
> a USB serial interface implementation based on the StarterWare example and 
> by using a .inf-File which is similar to "usb_dev_serial.inf" which was 
> provided by TI in same StarterWare package. Of course VID and PID have been 
> changed according to my own USB serial interface implementation.
> This works well with all Windows-versions up to 7 (8.x was never tested) 
> and also with all Linux variants. But now with Windows 10 there is a 
> problem which was reported by different users of this application:
>- opening of the serial interface often fails, simple repeating of the 
>procedure then is successful latest after 10 tries
>- sometimes an already opened connection seem to be corrupted, means 
>there is no more communication possible, host application needs to be 
>closed, device needs to be restarted - but after this, the same COM-port 
> is 
>available again, Windows does not change numbering
> So: is anything known about such problems in Windows 10 ? Perhaps are 
> there any changes necessary in an INF-file or in USB serial interface code 
> to make it work with Windows 10? Is there anything similar known from the 
> Linux Kernel of the BBB?
> Any hint or idea is welcome!

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[beagleboard] Re: My overlay can't find clk_mcasp0

2017-08-10 Thread Mike Davis
I managed to get this working, thanks to a post on the alsa-devel forum:

By loading the overlay *before* the sound drivers, rather than after it now 
from /boot/uEnv.txt:
##Example v4.1.x

On Wednesday, August 9, 2017 at 3:27:56 PM UTC-4, Mike Davis wrote:
> I have the same issue.
> I am running kernel debian with kernel 4.4.52-bone16
> I pulled down RobertCNelson's dtb-rebuilder from 
> https://github.com/RobertCNelson/dtb-rebuilder 
> <https://github.com/RobertCNelson/dtb-rebuilder/blob/4.1-ti/src/arm/am335x-boneblack-audio.dts#L17-L28>,
> branch 4.4.x and rebuilt all the arm dtbs and installed them.
> Then added then updated my *base* dtb, which 
> is am335x-boneblack-emmc-overlay.dtb with the clock definitions 
> in am335x-boneblack-audio.dts, 
> as per 
> https://github.com/RobertCNelson/dtb-rebuilder/blob/4.1-ti/src/arm/am335x-boneblack-audio.dts#L17-L28
> <https://www.google.com/url?q=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2FRobertCNelson%2Fdtb-rebuilder%2Fblob%2F4.1-ti%2Fsrc%2Farm%2Fam335x-boneblack-audio.dts%23L17-L28=D=1=AFQjCNHdxge1SQz3V8cG2II6UbZ9j0nDDw>
> Reboot, then install the audio: sudo sh -c "echo BB-BONE-AUDI-02 > 
> /sys/devices/platform/bone_capemgr/slots"
> All seems ok in dmesg:
> [  411.768801] bone_capemgr bone_capemgr: part_number 'BB-BONE-AUDI-02', 
> version 'N/A'
> [  411.768866] bone_capemgr bone_capemgr: slot #4: override
> [  411.774250] bone_capemgr bone_capemgr: Using override eeprom data at 
> slot 4
> [  411.774295] bone_capemgr bone_capemgr: slot #4: 'Override Board 
> Name,00A0,Override Manuf,BB-BONE-AUDI-02'
> [  411.811080] bone_capemgr bone_capemgr: slot #4: dtbo 
> 'BB-BONE-AUDI-02-00A0.dtbo' loaded; overlay id #0
> but speaker-test and aplay both fail with:
> [ 2632.788052] davinci-mcasp 48038000.mcasp: stream has more channels (2) 
> than are enabled in mcasp (0)
> [ 2632.788110] davinci-mcasp 48038000.mcasp: ASoC: can't set 
> 48038000.mcasp hw params: -22
> On Wednesday, July 19, 2017 at 12:21:09 PM UTC-4, engka...@gmail.com 
> wrote:
>> This might be an old thread but I got a question. I was able to compile 
>> and load the modified device tree. I then loaded my overlay for the audio. 
>> I built this circuit base from 
>> http://elinux.org/CircuitCo:Audio_Cape_RevB. The only difference with 
>> mine is that I am using I2C1. I can see the it is using address 0x18 dmesg 
>> has:
>> [  135.176315] asoc-simple-card sound: tlv320aic3x-hifi <-> 
>> 48038000.mcasp mapping ok
>> However, when I call on the speaker-test, this error appears: 
>> Unable to set hw params for playback: Invalid argument
>> Setting of hwparams failed: Invalid argument
>> Checking dmesg:
>> [  617.051387] davinci-mcasp 48038000.mcasp: stream has more channels (2) 
>> than are enabled in mcasp (0)
>> [  617.051781] davinci-mcasp 48038000.mcasp: ASoC: can't set 
>> 48038000.mcasp hw params: -22
>> Has anyone encountered the same problem?
>> On Monday, April 4, 2016 at 5:48:01 PM UTC+8, Rick M wrote:
>>> I'm trying to get my audio cape to work (which is nearly identical to 
>>> the cape that was available for sale). I've had it working to some level of 
>>> success with past kernels (3.1.18), but now I'm on 4.4.6. My existing DTS 
>>> didn't work, so I'm looking at how the BB-BONE-AUDI-02 DTS is written. 
>>> One of the differences is that it doesn't explicitly call out the McASP 
>>> clock frequency like the older one did. Instead, it seems to refer to 
>>> clk_mcasp0. But when I copy the same code into my DTS, I get: 
>>> [  103.180866] of_resolve_phandles: Could not find symbol 'clk_mcasp0' 
>>> [  103.187269] bone_capemgr bone_capemgr: slot #4: Failed to resolve 
>>> tree 
>>> I found it defined by grepping /boot/dtbs. It's in 
>>> /boot/dtbs/4.4.6-bone-rt-r6/am335x-abbbi.dtb. Where can I find the source 
>>> files for these DTBs? 
>>> Is this dtb part of what's loaded by default in 4.4.6-bone-rt-r6? If 
>>> not, can I copy the definition into my 
>>> FWIW, here's my DTS and some output from dmesg: 
>>> http://pastebin.com/niDkWdWV 
>>> Thanks, 
>>> -- 
>>> Rick Mann 
>>> rm...@latencyzero.com 

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[beagleboard] Re: My overlay can't find clk_mcasp0

2017-08-09 Thread Mike Davis
I have the same issue.
I am running kernel debian with kernel 4.4.52-bone16
I pulled down RobertCNelson's dtb-rebuilder from 
branch 4.4.x and rebuilt all the arm dtbs and installed them.
Then added then updated my *base* dtb, which 
is am335x-boneblack-emmc-overlay.dtb with the clock definitions 
in am335x-boneblack-audio.dts, 
as per 

Reboot, then install the audio: sudo sh -c "echo BB-BONE-AUDI-02 > 

All seems ok in dmesg:
[  411.768801] bone_capemgr bone_capemgr: part_number 'BB-BONE-AUDI-02', 
version 'N/A'
[  411.768866] bone_capemgr bone_capemgr: slot #4: override
[  411.774250] bone_capemgr bone_capemgr: Using override eeprom data at 
slot 4
[  411.774295] bone_capemgr bone_capemgr: slot #4: 'Override Board 
Name,00A0,Override Manuf,BB-BONE-AUDI-02'
[  411.811080] bone_capemgr bone_capemgr: slot #4: dtbo 
'BB-BONE-AUDI-02-00A0.dtbo' loaded; overlay id #0

but speaker-test and aplay both fail with:
[ 2632.788052] davinci-mcasp 48038000.mcasp: stream has more channels (2) 
than are enabled in mcasp (0)
[ 2632.788110] davinci-mcasp 48038000.mcasp: ASoC: can't set 48038000.mcasp 
hw params: -22

On Wednesday, July 19, 2017 at 12:21:09 PM UTC-4, engka...@gmail.com wrote:
> This might be an old thread but I got a question. I was able to compile 
> and load the modified device tree. I then loaded my overlay for the audio. 
> I built this circuit base from http://elinux.org/CircuitCo:Audio_Cape_RevB. 
> The only difference with mine is that I am using I2C1. I can see the it is 
> using address 0x18 dmesg has:
> [  135.176315] asoc-simple-card sound: tlv320aic3x-hifi <-> 48038000.mcasp 
> mapping ok
> However, when I call on the speaker-test, this error appears: 
> Unable to set hw params for playback: Invalid argument
> Setting of hwparams failed: Invalid argument
> Checking dmesg:
> [  617.051387] davinci-mcasp 48038000.mcasp: stream has more channels (2) 
> than are enabled in mcasp (0)
> [  617.051781] davinci-mcasp 48038000.mcasp: ASoC: can't set 
> 48038000.mcasp hw params: -22
> Has anyone encountered the same problem?
> On Monday, April 4, 2016 at 5:48:01 PM UTC+8, Rick M wrote:
>> I'm trying to get my audio cape to work (which is nearly identical to the 
>> cape that was available for sale). I've had it working to some level of 
>> success with past kernels (3.1.18), but now I'm on 4.4.6. My existing DTS 
>> didn't work, so I'm looking at how the BB-BONE-AUDI-02 DTS is written. 
>> One of the differences is that it doesn't explicitly call out the McASP 
>> clock frequency like the older one did. Instead, it seems to refer to 
>> clk_mcasp0. But when I copy the same code into my DTS, I get: 
>> [  103.180866] of_resolve_phandles: Could not find symbol 'clk_mcasp0' 
>> [  103.187269] bone_capemgr bone_capemgr: slot #4: Failed to resolve tree 
>> I found it defined by grepping /boot/dtbs. It's in 
>> /boot/dtbs/4.4.6-bone-rt-r6/am335x-abbbi.dtb. Where can I find the source 
>> files for these DTBs? 
>> Is this dtb part of what's loaded by default in 4.4.6-bone-rt-r6? If not, 
>> can I copy the definition into my 
>> FWIW, here's my DTS and some output from dmesg: 
>> http://pastebin.com/niDkWdWV 
>> Thanks, 
>> -- 
>> Rick Mann 
>> rm...@latencyzero.com 

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[beagleboard] FrSky Receivers

2017-07-11 Thread mike
Has anyone had any luck connecting non DSM2 / DSMX up to the Beagle Bone 

I have FrSky Taranis X9D Plus ACCST Radio and D4R-ii Receiver 
lying around.  

I was wondering if they would be compatible with the DMS2/DMX port on the 
board or another port on the board.  Since the board itself does not have a 
built in receiver (AFAIK) and both receivers output CPPM - I would think 
its more or less agnostic to the receiver.  

Lastly, if not supported, I would imagine it's not a far leap to support 
communicating with the D4R-ii (aka just software at that point).  

Thanks in advance.
... Mike

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[beagleboard] Re: Failed to bring up usb0

2017-03-09 Thread Mike Davis
Fixed. Turned out to be an issue on the host PC.

On Thursday, March 9, 2017 at 1:22:47 PM UTC-5, Mike Davis wrote:
> Hello all,
> My usb0 interface has suddenly stopped working and will not start properly.
> Things were working well but after a power-off and reboot via SW2, usb0 no 
> longer comes up.
> Luckily I have a serial port adapter attached to the BBB J1. Otherwise I 
> would be dead since I can no longer ssh into BBB from the host pc.
> I am running the latest Debian image on a BBB with this kernel:
> Linux beaglebone 4.4.52-bone16 #1 Tue Feb 28 06:56:05 UTC 2017 armv7l 
> GNU/Linux
> ifconfig usb shows:
> usb0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr d0:5f:b8:d2:78:b6
>   inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
>   inet6 addr: fe80::d25f:b8ff:fed2:78b6/64 Scope:Link
>   RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
>   TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
>   collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
>   RX bytes:0 (0.0 B)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)
> Note that there are NO RX/TX packets. This is the first clue.
> /etc/network/interfaces contains:
> # Ethernet/RNDIS gadget (g_ether)
> # Used by: /opt/scripts/boot/autoconfigure_usb0.sh
> auto usb0
> iface usb0 inet static
> address
> netmask
> network
> gateway
> Taking usb0 down gets:
> debian@beaglebone:~$ sudo ifdown usb0
> ifdown: interface usb0 not configured
> Restarting networking gets:
> debian@beaglebone:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart
> Restarting networking (via systemctl): networking.serviceJob for 
> networking.service failed because the control process exited with error 
> code.
> See "systemctl status networking.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details.
>  failed!
> and systemctl status networking.service shows:
> debian@beaglebone:~$ systemctl status networking.service
> ● networking.service - Raise network interfaces
>Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/networking.service; enabled; vendor 
> prese
>   Drop-In: /run/systemd/generator/networking.service.d
>Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Sat 2016-05-21 19:12:46 EDT; 
> 35s ago
>  Docs: man:interfaces(5)
>  Main PID: 1910 (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)
> May 21 19:12:44 beaglebone systemd[1]: Starting Raise network interfaces...
> May 21 19:12:45 beaglebone ifup[1910]: RTNETLINK answers: File exists
> May 21 19:12:45 beaglebone ifup[1910]: Failed to bring up usb0.
> May 21 19:12:46 beaglebone systemd[1]: networking.service: Main process 
> exited,
> May 21 19:12:46 beaglebone systemd[1]: Failed to start Raise network 
> interfaces.
> May 21 19:12:46 beaglebone systemd[1]: networking.service: Unit entered 
> failed s
> May 21 19:12:46 beaglebone systemd[1]: networking.service: Failed with 
> result 'e
> lines 1-15/15 (END)
> The message "*Failed to start Raise network interfaces*" is seen as boot 
> messages scroll by on the console.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!
> Mike Davis

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[beagleboard] Failed to bring up usb0

2017-03-09 Thread davis . mike . esq
Hello all,
My usb0 interface has suddenly stopped working and will not start properly.
Things were working well but after a power-off and reboot via SW2, usb0 no 
longer comes up.
Luckily I have a serial port adapter attached to the BBB J1. Otherwise I 
would be dead since I can no longer ssh into BBB from the host pc.

I am running the latest Debian image on a BBB with this kernel:

Linux beaglebone 4.4.52-bone16 #1 Tue Feb 28 06:56:05 UTC 2017 armv7l 

ifconfig usb shows:
usb0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr d0:5f:b8:d2:78:b6
  inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
  inet6 addr: fe80::d25f:b8ff:fed2:78b6/64 Scope:Link
  RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
  RX bytes:0 (0.0 B)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)

Note that there are NO RX/TX packets. This is the first clue.

/etc/network/interfaces contains:

# Ethernet/RNDIS gadget (g_ether)
# Used by: /opt/scripts/boot/autoconfigure_usb0.sh
auto usb0
iface usb0 inet static

Taking usb0 down gets:

debian@beaglebone:~$ sudo ifdown usb0
ifdown: interface usb0 not configured

Restarting networking gets:

debian@beaglebone:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart
Restarting networking (via systemctl): networking.serviceJob for 
networking.service failed because the control process exited with error 
See "systemctl status networking.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details.

and systemctl status networking.service shows:

debian@beaglebone:~$ systemctl status networking.service
● networking.service - Raise network interfaces
   Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/networking.service; enabled; vendor 
  Drop-In: /run/systemd/generator/networking.service.d
   Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Sat 2016-05-21 19:12:46 EDT; 
35s ago
 Docs: man:interfaces(5)
 Main PID: 1910 (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)

May 21 19:12:44 beaglebone systemd[1]: Starting Raise network interfaces...
May 21 19:12:45 beaglebone ifup[1910]: RTNETLINK answers: File exists
May 21 19:12:45 beaglebone ifup[1910]: Failed to bring up usb0.
May 21 19:12:46 beaglebone systemd[1]: networking.service: Main process 
May 21 19:12:46 beaglebone systemd[1]: Failed to start Raise network 
May 21 19:12:46 beaglebone systemd[1]: networking.service: Unit entered 
failed s
May 21 19:12:46 beaglebone systemd[1]: networking.service: Failed with 
result 'e
lines 1-15/15 (END)

The message "*Failed to start Raise network interfaces*" is seen as boot 
messages scroll by on the console.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!
Mike Davis

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Re: [beagleboard] Running GUI apps in a non-desktop debian BBB

2017-02-23 Thread Mike

On 02/23/2017 10:42 AM, evilwulfie wrote:

how do you use a GUI program without the GUI.  I dont get it.

On 2/23/2017 8:40 AM, Dror Lugasi wrote:
Hi Everyone! I have a question regarding the console version of 
debian for the BBB.
To keep my performance high i have disabled the desktop and am 
running only the terminal like in a console version of linux.
my question is: can i run IDE's like eclipse or monodevelop with the 
their GUI in this current situation?

i have tried to install them and then type "monodevelop" or "eclipse" 
in the command line and nothing happened.

Any one knows how to do this? (if possible)

My goal is to write multiple file projects in C++ and i want the 
comfort of the GUI of the IDE.


Simple concept...

ssh -X  

Running eclipse on the BBB would be painful IMHO.  Setup a shared area 
via nfs, samba, etc. and run your IDE locally.  Eclipse and be setup to 
handle this (through FUSE I believe) but it's a somewhat lengthy 
process.  Google it, examples are out there, perhaps a bit dated.


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Re: [beagleboard] Ubuntu supporting BBBW's onboard Wifi

2017-02-06 Thread Mike Reynolds

Hi Robert,
Your new Ubuntu image does include connman.  However connmanctl command 
"scan wifi" reports "Error /net/connman/technology/wifi: No carrier".

Running iw and ifconfig shows the wifi is running as an access point - 
which appears to be the default BBBW startup configuration.

It appears that although connman is present it isn't talking to the 
underlying wifi services.  That's  just a newbie guess!  Any suggestions?

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[beagleboard] Ubuntu supporting BBBW's onboard Wifi

2017-01-21 Thread Mike Reynolds
Hi all,
I have an Ubuntu 14.06 image which runs on the BBBW.  Unsurprisingly it 
does not setup the BBBW's onboard Wifi/Bluetooth.  Is there an Ubuntu image 
supporting the BBBW's onboard WiFi?  Alternately are there instructions on 
installation of the necessary software/drivers?

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Re: [beagleboard] BBBW WiFi Access Point - Default Password?

2017-01-08 Thread Mike Reynolds
Thanks Robert!

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[beagleboard] BBBW WiFi Access Point - Default Password?

2017-01-07 Thread Mike Reynolds
Hi all,
I have just received my BBBW.  It boots and I see its "shared drive" over 
USB on my laptop.  On the laptop I also see a WiFi Access Point 
"BEAGLEBONE-".  Can anyone tell me the "out of the box" WiFi AP 

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[beagleboard] writing (creating) /sys/kernel/debug/omap_mux/gpmc_ad6 - no such file or directory

2016-09-09 Thread Mike C

Well that's the idea here. The file needs to be created, but

open(filename, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT)

just changes the error to one of permission. I'm logged in as root, the 
compiled program is owned by root and runs as root per ps aux - the whole 
friggin' world is root and I demand my godlike powers over this thing and 
all the little roots.

which is a 

Beaglebone Black rev C (? coupla month old - seems to be a rev C, IIRC)

oh... debian latest - not sure if it came with Angstrom, or if I want to 
change. I flashed debian when I got it.

I don't want a board that "MIGHT" work with some other board that someone 
else made and where the code "MIGHT" work.

I've yet to find any solution to bit banging GPIO yet this code seems to 
make sense and agrees with other documentation.


except his TestApplication gives the same error.

Same with nRF wireless radios. Supposed to be able to configure CE and CS 
but it doesn't happen.

Anyone know how to really work GPIO or is BBB just another useless brick?

Thanks in Advance


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Re: [beagleboard] BBGW - wlcore crashes during boot with USB audio card installed

2016-08-27 Thread Mike Erdahl
Sorry for the delay, I didn't get a notification of your posting.

I believe the real problem has been found, and it is unrelated to USB audio.

My system was configured to launch the AlexaBeagleBone project 
automatically on boot as a service.  The AlexaBeagleBone service attempts 
to connect to Amazon immediately, which is a problem, because the wireless 
modules does not have an IP address yet.

In the case where I remove the USB audio, the AlexaBeagleBone service fails 
to launch, because it cannot open the audio card.

I realized all this because I'm having another similar issue where wlcore 
crashes when I try to launch the OpenSprinkler firmware during boot.  I've 
tried creating a systemd service to wait for connman to setup wifi, but so 
far no luck...

If anyone knows how to create a proper systemd script that waits for 
connman to establish a wifi connection, I'd be pretty happy :)

For now I'll try to accomplish the same in a separate script.


On Wednesday, July 27, 2016 at 1:20:48 AM UTC-5, jug wrote:
> Hey Mike
> Here is the lastest firmware of bbgw updated by Seeed 
> https://rcn-ee.net/rootfs/bb.org/testing/2016-07-21/seeed-iot/ 
> You can try it.
> 在 2016年7月22日星期五 UTC+8上午2:19:18,Mike Erdahl写道:
>> Testing with a powered USB 2.0 hub did not change the behavior, 
>> unfortunately.
>> I'm beginning to think my WiLink8 module might be defective, or the 
>> driver has some serious issue.  Listening to an audio stream, using VLC, 
>> the radio basically died:
>> [  594.594514] wlcore: ERROR ELP wakeup timeout! 
>> [  596.130637] wlcore: ERROR ELP wakeup timeout! 
>> [  597.679125] wlcore: ERROR ELP wakeup timeout! 
>> [  599.815511] wlcore: ERROR timeout waiting for the hardware to complete 
>> initialization 
>> [  601.902753] wlcore: ERROR timeout waiting for the hardware to complete 
>> initialization 
>> [  603.993727] wlcore: ERROR timeout waiting for the hardware to complete 
>> initialization 
>> [  604.002765] wlcore: ERROR firmware boot failed despite 3 retries   
>> [  604.098278] wlan0: failed to remove key (0, 04:bd:88:26:df:01) from 
>> hardware (-5)   
>> [  604.327480] wlan0: failed to remove key (1, ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff) from 
>> hardware (-5) 
>> Unfortunately I'm out of time to debug, so back to USB WiFi for now :(
>> Regards,
>> Mike
>> On Wednesday, July 20, 2016 at 2:57:26 PM UTC-5, Mike Erdahl wrote:
>>> Hi Robert,
>>> Thank you for the suggestions!
>>> Unfortunately updating the kernel did not fix the issue- pretty much the 
>>> same backtraces.
>>> I was thinking along the lines of getting a powered USB hub as well.
>>> Interestingly, on the failed case, removing the USB audio card, then 
>>> performing a warm reset is not enough- I must cold boot for wlcore to come 
>>> up successfully again.
>>> I will track down a powered hub and report back.
>>> Regards,
>>> Mike
>>> On Wednesday, July 20, 2016 at 2:09:35 PM UTC-5, RobertCNelson wrote:
>>>> Hi Mike
>>>> On Wed, Jul 20, 2016 at 2:03 PM, Mike Erdahl <mike@gmail.com> 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> I'm working on a project that requires audio input/ output, so using a 
>>>>> C-Media chipset based solution from Sabrent.
>>>>> With the latest BB.org kernel/ filesystem (Kernel 4.4.9, Debian 8.4), 
>>>>> wlcore driver crashes during kernel boot if my USB audio card is 
>>>>> installed.  Booting without the card installed, then installing after the 
>>>>> kernel seems to always work fine (WiFi throughput is normal, USB audio 
>>>>> i

Re: [beagleboard] UARTS in kernel 4.4: no /dev/ttO* ?

2016-08-18 Thread Mike

On 08/18/2016 05:57 PM, Matt wrote:


Working in kernel 4.4.16-bone-rt-r11 and am not seeing the 
corresponding entries in /dev/ for the enabled UARTS.

/dev/tty13  /dev/tty24/dev/tty35  /dev/tty46/dev/tty57 /dev/ttyS0
/dev/tty14  /dev/tty25/dev/tty36  /dev/tty47/dev/tty58 /dev/ttyS1
/dev/tty15  /dev/tty26/dev/tty37  /dev/tty48/dev/tty59 /dev/ttyS2
/dev/tty16  /dev/tty27/dev/tty38  /dev/tty49/dev/tty6 /dev/ttyS3
/dev/tty17  /dev/tty28/dev/tty39  /dev/tty5/dev/tty60 /dev/ttyS4
/dev/tty18  /dev/tty29/dev/tty4   /dev/tty50/dev/tty61 /dev/ttyS5

What am I missing here?  When a UART is loaded into slots should it 
then be labeld ttyOX in /dev just as in 3.18?




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Re: [beagleboard] Re: cape-universal & 4.1.x = default.. ;)

2016-07-28 Thread Mike

On 07/28/2016 03:20 PM, William Hermans wrote:
I think what would be super useful, if a web interface, or maybe even 
native app that did pinmux for people. Select a few options from 
dropdowns, click a few checkboxes, and viola ! Have it generate a *dts 
file for you.



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Re: [beagleboard] BBGW - wlcore crashes during boot with USB audio card installed

2016-07-21 Thread Mike Erdahl
Testing with a powered USB 2.0 hub did not change the behavior, 

I'm beginning to think my WiLink8 module might be defective, or the driver 
has some serious issue.  Listening to an audio stream, using VLC, the radio 
basically died:

[  594.594514] wlcore: ERROR ELP wakeup timeout!   

[  596.130637] wlcore: ERROR ELP wakeup timeout!   

[  597.679125] wlcore: ERROR ELP wakeup timeout!   

[  599.815511] wlcore: ERROR timeout waiting for the hardware to complete 
[  601.902753] wlcore: ERROR timeout waiting for the hardware to complete 
[  603.993727] wlcore: ERROR timeout waiting for the hardware to complete 
[  604.002765] wlcore: ERROR firmware boot failed despite 3 retries 

[  604.098278] wlan0: failed to remove key (0, 04:bd:88:26:df:01) from 
hardware (-5)   
[  604.327480] wlan0: failed to remove key (1, ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff) from 
hardware (-5) 

Unfortunately I'm out of time to debug, so back to USB WiFi for now :(


On Wednesday, July 20, 2016 at 2:57:26 PM UTC-5, Mike Erdahl wrote:
> Hi Robert,
> Thank you for the suggestions!
> Unfortunately updating the kernel did not fix the issue- pretty much the 
> same backtraces.
> I was thinking along the lines of getting a powered USB hub as well.
> Interestingly, on the failed case, removing the USB audio card, then 
> performing a warm reset is not enough- I must cold boot for wlcore to come 
> up successfully again.
> I will track down a powered hub and report back.
> Regards,
> Mike
> On Wednesday, July 20, 2016 at 2:09:35 PM UTC-5, RobertCNelson wrote:
>> Hi Mike
>> On Wed, Jul 20, 2016 at 2:03 PM, Mike Erdahl <mike@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm working on a project that requires audio input/ output, so using a 
>>> C-Media chipset based solution from Sabrent.
>>> With the latest BB.org kernel/ filesystem (Kernel 4.4.9, Debian 8.4), 
>>> wlcore driver crashes during kernel boot if my USB audio card is 
>>> installed.  Booting without the card installed, then installing after the 
>>> kernel seems to always work fine (WiFi throughput is normal, USB audio in/ 
>>> out works as expected).
>>> Occasionally I can poweroff, then back on, without removing USB audio 
>>> card, and wlcore is happy.  I would say this occurs < 10%.
>>> Below are snippets of my kernel logs in good vs bad case:
>>> debian@beaglebone:~$ uname -a   
>> Linux beaglebone 4.4.9-ti-r25 #1 SMP Thu May 5 23:08:13 UTC 2016 armv7l 
>>> GNU/Linux
>> Can you please re-test with 4.4.15-ti-r37
>> sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get install linux-image-4.4.15-ti-r37 ; 
>> sudo reboot
>> Otherwise it smells like a power issue.
>> A quick test, if you can put a "powered" usb hub between the Green 
>> Wireless and your usb audio card.
>> Regards,
>> -- 
>> Robert Nelson
>> https://rcn-ee.com/

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Re: [beagleboard] BBGW - wlcore crashes during boot with USB audio card installed

2016-07-20 Thread Mike Erdahl
Hi Robert,

Thank you for the suggestions!

Unfortunately updating the kernel did not fix the issue- pretty much the 
same backtraces.

I was thinking along the lines of getting a powered USB hub as well.

Interestingly, on the failed case, removing the USB audio card, then 
performing a warm reset is not enough- I must cold boot for wlcore to come 
up successfully again.

I will track down a powered hub and report back.


On Wednesday, July 20, 2016 at 2:09:35 PM UTC-5, RobertCNelson wrote:
> Hi Mike
> On Wed, Jul 20, 2016 at 2:03 PM, Mike Erdahl <mike@gmail.com 
> > wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm working on a project that requires audio input/ output, so using a 
>> C-Media chipset based solution from Sabrent.
>> With the latest BB.org kernel/ filesystem (Kernel 4.4.9, Debian 8.4), 
>> wlcore driver crashes during kernel boot if my USB audio card is 
>> installed.  Booting without the card installed, then installing after the 
>> kernel seems to always work fine (WiFi throughput is normal, USB audio in/ 
>> out works as expected).
>> Occasionally I can poweroff, then back on, without removing USB audio 
>> card, and wlcore is happy.  I would say this occurs < 10%.
>> Below are snippets of my kernel logs in good vs bad case:
>> debian@beaglebone:~$ uname -a 
> Linux beaglebone 4.4.9-ti-r25 #1 SMP Thu May 5 23:08:13 UTC 2016 armv7l 
>> GNU/Linux
> Can you please re-test with 4.4.15-ti-r37
> sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get install linux-image-4.4.15-ti-r37 ; 
> sudo reboot
> Otherwise it smells like a power issue.
> A quick test, if you can put a "powered" usb hub between the Green 
> Wireless and your usb audio card.
> Regards,
> -- 
> Robert Nelson
> https://rcn-ee.com/

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[beagleboard] BBGW - wlcore crashes during boot with USB audio card installed

2016-07-20 Thread Mike Erdahl

I'm working on a project that requires audio input/ output, so using a 
C-Media chipset based solution from Sabrent.

With the latest BB.org kernel/ filesystem (Kernel 4.4.9, Debian 8.4), 
wlcore driver crashes during kernel boot if my USB audio card is installed. 
 Booting without the card installed, then installing after the kernel seems 
to always work fine (WiFi throughput is normal, USB audio in/ out works as 

Occasionally I can poweroff, then back on, without removing USB audio card, 
and wlcore is happy.  I would say this occurs < 10%.

Below are snippets of my kernel logs in good vs bad case:

debian@beaglebone:~$ uname -a   

Linux beaglebone 4.4.9-ti-r25 #1 SMP Thu May 5 23:08:13 UTC 2016 armv7l 


[ 21.553728] wlcore: wl18xx HW: 183x or 180x, PG 2.2 (ROM 0x11)

[ 21.727062] wlcore: loaded
[ 22.635026] wlcore: PHY firmware version: Rev
[ 22.982650] wlcore: firmware booted (Rev
[ 23.321899] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wlan0: link is not ready
[ 24.678734] Bluetooth: Core ver 2.21
[ 24.682608] NET: Registered protocol family 31
[ 24.682627] Bluetooth: HCI device and connection manager initialized
[ 24.682664] Bluetooth: HCI socket layer initialized
[ 24.682681] Bluetooth: L2CAP socket layer initialized
[ 24.682778] Bluetooth: SCO socket layer initialized
[ 24.721944] Bluetooth: HCI UART driver ver 2.3
[ 24.721973] Bluetooth: HCI UART protocol H4 registered
[ 24.721981] Bluetooth: HCI UART protocol BCSP registered
[ 24.721988] Bluetooth: HCI UART protocol LL registered
[ 24.721995] Bluetooth: HCI UART protocol ATH3K registered
[ 24.722002] Bluetooth: HCI UART protocol Three-wire (H5) registered
[ 24.724095] Bluetooth: HCI UART protocol BCM registered
[ 24.724115] Bluetooth: HCI UART protocol QCA registered
[ 25.093927] Bluetooth: BNEP (Ethernet Emulation) ver 1.3
[ 25.093951] Bluetooth: BNEP filters: protocol multicast
[ 25.093985] Bluetooth: BNEP socket layer initialized


[   22.313743] wlcore: wl18xx HW: 183x or 180x, PG 2.2 (ROM 0x11)

[   22.480016] wlcore: loaded

[   23.447478] wlcore: PHY firmware version: Rev

[   23.856026] wlcore: firmware booted (Rev

[   24.185915] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wlan0: link is not ready

[   25.025939] wlcore: ERROR ELP wakeup timeout!

[   25.030401] [ cut here ]

[   25.030673] WARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 451 at 
wl12xx_queue_recovery_work.part.8+0x46/0x48 [wlcore]()

[   25.030683] Modules linked in: arc4 wl18xx wlcore mac80211 pruss_intc 
cfg80211 rfkill snd_soc_evm snd_soc_wilink8_bt pru_rproc omap_sham pruss 
omap_aes_driver snd_usb_audio snd_hwdep snd_usbmidi_lib snd_rawmidi 
snd_seq_device cm109 omap_rng rng_core snd_soc_davinci_mcasp snd_soc_edma 
snd_soc_omap snd_soc_core usb_f_acm snd_pcm_dmaengine u_serial usb_f_rndis 
g_multi usb_f_mass_storage u_ether libcomposite snd_pcm wlcore_sdio 
snd_timer snd soundcore evdev uio_pdrv_genirq uio

[   25.030817] CPU: 0 PID: 451 Comm: wpa_supplicant Not tainted 
4.4.9-ti-r25 #1

[   25.030824] Hardware name: Generic AM33XX (Flattened Device Tree)

[   25.030864] [] (unwind_backtrace) from [] 

[   25.030891] [] (show_stack) from [] 

[   25.030920] [] (dump_stack) from [] 

[   25.030936] [] (warn_slowpath_common) from [] 

[   25.031043] [] (warn_slowpath_null) from [] 
(wl12xx_queue_recovery_work.part.8+0x46/0x48 [wlcore])

[   25.031221] [] (wl12xx_queue_recovery_work.part.8 [wlcore]) 
from [] (wl12xx_queue_recovery_work+0x12/0x14 [wlcore])

[   25.031365] [] (wl12xx_queue_recovery_work [wlcore]) from 
[] (wl1271_ps_elp_wakeup+0x192/0x198 [wlcore])

[   25.031507] [] (wl1271_ps_elp_wakeup [wlcore]) from 
[] (wl1271_op_add_interface+0x78/0x774 [wlcore])

[   25.032132] [] (wl1271_op_add_interface [wlcore]) from 
[] (drv_add_interface+0x38/0x118 [mac80211])

[   25.032592] [] (drv_add_interface [mac80211]) from 
[] (ieee80211_do_open+0x2f4/0x668 [mac80211])

[   25.032905] [] (ieee80211_do_open [mac80211]) from 
[] (ieee80211_start_p2p_device+0x3e/0x44 [mac80211])

[   25.033590] [] (ieee80211_start_p2p_device [mac80211]) from 
[] (nl80211_start_p2p_device+0x50/0x120 [cfg80211])

[   25.033868] [] (nl80211_start_p2p_device [cfg80211]) from 
[] (genl_rcv_msg+0x1b5/0x2bc)

[   25.033887] [] (genl_rcv_msg) from [] 

[   25.033899] [] (netlink_rcv_skb) from [] 

[   25.033911] [] (genl_rcv) from [] 

[   25.033922] [] (netlink_unicast) from [] 

[   25.033942] [] (netlink_sendmsg) from [] 

[   25.033958] [] (sock_sendmsg) from [] 

[   25.033973] [] (___sys_sendmsg) from [] 

Re: [beagleboard] Re: BBB Reading/Writing EEPROM

2016-07-15 Thread Mike

On 07/15/2016 05:00 PM, William Hermans wrote:
I guess whoever wrote the SRM doesn't realize that "KB" is an 
abbreviation for kilobytes. Kilobits is Kb or Kbit.

Anyhow I don't see anywhere where the OP says he rendered his BBB 
unbootable. However if this is the case, Download the *blank* flasher 
image, and it should rewrite the eeprom to factory specs.

That was in another thread, same poster...


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Re: [beagleboard] wrong date in log file wtmp

2016-06-30 Thread Mike

On 06/30/2016 10:43 AM, Henry van Gestel wrote:

Running ubuntu on BBB
/ubuntu@ubuntu-armhf:/var/log$ uname -a/
/Linux ubuntu-armhf #1 SMP Tue Jun 3 12:37:22 
UTC 2014 armv7l armv7l armv7l GNU/Linux/

when doing a " last -x reboot" I get :
/reboot   system boot Thu Jan  1 01:00 - 08:00 
/reboot   system boot Thu Jan  1 01:00 - 08:00 
/reboot   system boot Thu Jan  1 01:00 - 08:00 
/reboot   system boot Thu Jan  1 01:00 - 08:00 
/reboot   system boot Thu Jan  1 01:00 - 08:00 
/reboot   system boot Thu Jan  1 01:00 - 08:00 
/reboot   system boot Thu Jan  1 01:00 - 08:00 
/reboot   system boot Thu Jan  1 01:00 - 08:00 
/reboot   system boot Thu Jan  1 01:00 - 08:00 
/reboot   system boot Thu Jan  1 01:00 - 08:00 
/reboot   system boot Thu Jan  1 01:00 - 08:00 
/reboot   system boot Thu Jan  1 01:00 - 08:00 

the date of the system is correct:

/ubuntu@ubuntu-armhf:/var/log$ date
/Thu Jun 30 16:41:00 CEST 2016/

the date filedate of /var/log/wtmp is also correct

/-rw-rw-r--  1 utmp 239232 Jun 30 15:42 wtmp/
*What could be the reason of getting not the correct output ?*

BBB doesn't have a battery backed RTC...


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Re: [beagleboard] Which service is getting time & date on Debian Wheezy? I want to disable it.

2016-05-30 Thread Mike

On 05/30/2016 07:27 PM, John Baker wrote:
I'm trying to disable the service that gets the time and date over the 
Internet. I want to do that in hopes that the BBB will instead get the 
time and date from my Adafruit DS3231 and I suspect the BBB is trying 
for a minute to get the time and date over the Internet. with the 
result that the BBB doesn't read the time and date from my DS3231 for 
a minute.

There is no ntpdate service on the Wheezy, or I would simply disable it.

If systemd is enabled disabling timedatectl will do it.

#systemctl disable timedatectl


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Re: [beagleboard] Running python GUI script through ssh from remote computer or on startup

2016-05-28 Thread Mike

On 05/28/2016 10:09 AM, evilwulfie wrote:

you seem new to linux as well

you cannot start your python program in the uEnv.txt file as when your 
trying to run it there the X system is not running.
When your trying to run it via SSH are you sure that the X system is 
up and running ?

read this. some ways to check if X is running before you start your 


ssh -X hostname


On 5/28/2016 7:04 AM, Mayunk Kulkarni wrote:
I have been trying to run a python GUI program on the beaglebone 
black through SSH. It is connected to the BBVIEW 
and the GUI runs if I diirectly open the command window in beaglebone 
using a keyboard and mouse connected to the beaglebone. I have tried 
to add "python GUI.py" in uEnv.txt for startup but it still doesn't 
seem to startup on reboot. When i try to run it on ssh with BBVIEW 
connected but not connected to the keyboard or mouse it gives an 
xDISPLAY error. I am new to this forum so any feedback on the the 
post is welcome :)

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Re: [beagleboard] connman issues on latest Debian 8.4 release?

2016-05-19 Thread Mike Erdahl
Hi Robert,

Thanks a bunch!

I appreciate your quick response- sorry if this was posted somewhere 
already.  I did not know tethering would cause this, and probably never 
would have tried disabling it :)


On Wednesday, May 18, 2016 at 7:52:18 PM UTC-5, RobertCNelson wrote:
> Hi Mike
> On Wed, May 18, 2016 at 7:08 PM, Mike Erdahl <mike@gmail.com 
> > wrote:
>> Accidentally posted this on the beaglebone google group... annoying.
>> connman works just fine for my three different RTL81xx based USB WIFI 
>> adapters on the Debian Jessie 8.3 bb.org release, but wifi seems dead on 
>> the Debian Jessie 8.4 bb.org release (wifi scan either hangs, or does 
>> not find anything).  Same behavior on BeagleBone Black and Green, powered 
>> with external bricks.
>> I run on both 8.3 and 8.4:
>> $ sudo su
>> # connmanctl
>> connmanctl> enable wifi
>> connmanctl> scan wifi
>> connmanctl> services
>> At this point, I either see my AP (Jessie 8.3), or nothing (Jessie 8.4)
>> Checking 'technologies' on both releases does show WiFi is present, and 
>> powered.
>> Is there any config magic required before using connman with Debian 8.4 
>> bb.org release?  Unfortunately I overwrote my SD card before capturing 
>> the kernel log, but it seemed like the rtl firmware was loading fine, with 
>> no errors being reported.
> We have tether'ing enabled out of the box, so you need to disable that:
> $ sudo su
> # connmanctl
> connmanctl> tether wifi off
> connmanctl> enable wifi
> connmanctl> scan wifi
> connmanctl> services
> then it'll work just fine. ;)
> Regards,
> -- 
> Robert Nelson
> https://rcn-ee.com/

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[beagleboard] connman issues on latest Debian 8.4 release?

2016-05-18 Thread Mike Erdahl

Accidentally posted this on the beaglebone google group... annoying.

connman works just fine for my three different RTL81xx based USB WIFI 
adapters on the Debian Jessie 8.3 bb.org release, but wifi seems dead on 
the Debian Jessie 8.4 bb.org release (wifi scan either hangs, or does not 
find anything).  Same behavior on BeagleBone Black and Green, powered with 
external bricks.

I run on both 8.3 and 8.4:

$ sudo su
# connmanctl
connmanctl> enable wifi
connmanctl> scan wifi
connmanctl> services

At this point, I either see my AP (Jessie 8.3), or nothing (Jessie 8.4)

Checking 'technologies' on both releases does show WiFi is present, and 

Is there any config magic required before using connman with Debian 8.4 
bb.org release?  Unfortunately I overwrote my SD card before capturing the 
kernel log, but it seemed like the rtl firmware was loading fine, with no 
errors being reported.


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Re: [beagleboard] Hardware watchdog for BBB

2016-05-17 Thread Mike

On 05/17/2016 05:55 PM, William Hermans wrote:

/That would work. /
/The only "edge case" I might see as a problem would be if your
ping target went off line.  Then the BBB would reboot itself every
ten minutes even though nothing was wrong with the BBB.  I guess
you could ping several different targets in rotation and only
reboot if they all disappeared./

/This gets us back to a real cheap local watchdog./

You only need to ping one ip address. Your internet gateway IP. e.g. 
your first hop outside of your local network.
The need to ping an Internet host just adds to the requirements. Pinging 
your local router IP would meet the requirement of whether the BBB 
interface is up.  Adding Internet connectivity just added more complexity.

/As an aside: Does anyone know what test a computer runs to
determine if it is connected to the internet?/
/Most desktop/laptop computers have a different network icon as to
whether the network/WiFi you connected to has internet
connectivity.   Is the Windows computer pinging some Microsoft
location that is "guaranteed" to be up?/

/--- Graham/

I'm not 100% sure, but the test Windows does is not always correct. 
Sometimes the icon shows not connected, when in fact as soon as you 
try to surf something on the web, it goes to the working icon . . .

My guess is that it does some simple DNS tests, and then after a while 
it gives up checking.

On Tue, May 17, 2016 at 2:29 PM, Graham Haddock > wrote:


That would work.

The only "edge case" I might see as a problem would be if your
ping target went off line.  Then the BBB would reboot itself every
ten minutes even though nothing was wrong with the BBB.  I guess
you could ping several different targets in rotation and only
reboot if they all disappeared.
This gets us back to a real cheap local watchdog.

As an aside: Does anyone know what test a computer runs to
determine if it is connected to the internet?
Most desktop/laptop computers have a different network icon as to
whether the network/WiFi you connected to has internet
connectivity.   Is the Windows computer pinging some Microsoft
location that is "guaranteed" to be up?

--- Graham


On Tue, May 17, 2016 at 2:30 PM, William Hermans
> wrote:


What I propose is that you do not need an Ethernet Micro
connected to the BBB. Instead, you have the BBB ping the
outside world once every set time frame, and it a ping comes
back unreachable after say 5-10 minutes. You just stop
"kicking the dog". Which does present a potential problem that
Your internet connection may just be down. But a remote system
that reboots once every 5-10 minutes because the internet
connection is down is not something I'd personally see as a
bad thing. After all you're unable to connect to the system

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Re: [beagleboard] Black-vs-Green DTBs

2016-04-18 Thread Mike

On 04/18/2016 10:01 PM, William Hermans wrote:
So this got me thinking. You *could* write up a quick Nodejs or 
AngularJS app, that is exactly like the example todo app tutorials out 
there. Except, in reverse( if that makes sense ).

What I'd really prefer though is some way my console is automatically 
recorded, that does not introduce a lot of gibberish, like puTTY likes 
to do . . .

man script

On Mon, Apr 18, 2016 at 6:58 PM, William Hermans <yyrk...@gmail.com 
<mailto:yyrk...@gmail.com>> wrote:

/Or a private internal wiki../

Care to elaborate on that Robert ?

On Mon, Apr 18, 2016 at 6:39 PM, Robert Nelson
<robertcnel...@gmail.com <mailto:robertcnel...@gmail.com>> wrote:

On Mon, Apr 18, 2016 at 8:32 PM, William Hermans
<yyrk...@gmail.com <mailto:yyrk...@gmail.com>> wrote:

Force yourself to write a diary every day. Or worklog if
you prefer that term.

On Mon, Apr 18, 2016 at 6:17 PM, Rick Mann
<rm...@latencyzero.com <mailto:rm...@latencyzero.com>> wrote:

It used to work, even in some early 4.0.x or 4.1.x
kernels, I thought. Not sure, though; been a while.
I'm not very good about documenting each change and
recording the outcome (it's hard when you're in a
trial-and-error cycle, and then walk away for days or
weeks). I end up repeating experiments a lot :-(

+ push everything you do a private git tree..  Or a private
internal wiki..

There's many times i've found something i tried years ago, but
finally figured it out..  Even if initially looked like crap,
keep it..

my short term memory is pretty much toast, writing it down is
the only way my mind remembers..


Robert Nelson

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