Re: [blfs-support] bash: cannot set terminal process group (-1): Inappropriate ioctl for device

2014-04-26 Thread akhiezer
> Date: Sat, 26 Apr 2014 10:15:00 +0200 (CEST)
> To:,
> From: Pierre Lorenzon 
> Subject: Re: [blfs-support] bash: cannot set terminal process group (-1):
>  Inappropriate ioctl for device
> Hi,
> Ok I made a clean test. I created a new user with no bash
> startup file neither emacs startup file.

 - the new user being under blfs and not clfs ?

> This user find itself in semae conditions than root : loading
> /etc/profile at bash start and
> /usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/site-start.el at emacs start.
> M-x shell still functions well for root but not for this new
> user that still recieve the same error message.
> shopt shows the same things for root and users. 

'users' being the same newly-created user?

What about the respective 'set' and, separately, 'env' ?

> I more and more suspect that there is a wrong configured
> permissions somewhere. I verified some /dev/ In fact I
> noticed that wehn root starts a shell under emacs a /dev/pts/x
> is created but when a user does the same thing no /dev/pts/y
> is. Nevertheless /dev/ptmx permmissions are right and when
> trying fopen( "/dev/ptmx", "rw") in a c code launched by a user
> it works and creates a /dev/pts/z !

'a user' being the same newly-created user?

What does 'ls -l' show for the actually-created /dev/pts/N when you run
the c-code for the newly-created user; and likewise for root?

And what does 'ls -l' show for the /dev/pts/n for root via emacs 'M-x
shell' ?

In particular, are the actual perms 'crw---' or 'crw--w' or what?

> When looking at the job.c file in bash sources I saw that it
> tries to open /dev/tty but this one is rw for the whole world
> on my system. So I don't think that this one can be guilty !

Well, there are some reports that do mention/implicate bash -vs- tty ;
incl iirc one of those stackoverflow links. Hence also the query re tty1
-vs- tty2 .



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Re: [blfs-support] bash: cannot set terminal process group (-1): Inappropriate ioctl for device

2014-04-26 Thread akhiezer
> Date: Sat, 26 Apr 2014 07:45:26 +0200 (CEST)
> To:,
> From: Pierre Lorenzon 
> Subject: Re: [blfs-support] bash: cannot set terminal process group (-1):
>  Inappropriate ioctl for device
> 1. The bash startup files are the same in both clfs-2.1.0 and
> lfs-6.6 so I suspect that it does not come from that.
> 2. shell options have not been modified in emacs so it looks me strange as 
> well that it could be due to such configuration.
> But Anyway I'll do some tests. 

Yes, ... for such debugging, of course, observe what _is_ happening rather
than assume what _should be_ or _is expected to be_ happening.

> > 
> > Given what you describe, I'd expect it's most likely a difference in,
> > basically, environment setup. Here, though, are some perhaps-longer-shots
> > - but still, I'd say at most skim these for now, and focus on the above
> > stuff first:
> > 
> > * do you at all run emacs via a script, &/or use any command-line args ?
>   emacs is started in the shell with no command-line args but
>   there is a .emacs startup file that can be responsible. I'll
>   make test without such a file.

Yes, but do also compare the .emacs* files between root/non-root & lfs/clfs.

> > 
> > * ( with X not running, do you still get the issue when logging on at tty1 ?
>   No X is running on my system.
> >   And what about for tty2 ? )
> > 

What if you try the same via tty2: does it give the same problem?


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Re: [blfs-support] bash: cannot set terminal process group (-1): Inappropriate ioctl for device

2014-04-24 Thread akhiezer
> Date: Thu, 24 Apr 2014 07:13:20 +0200 (CEST)
> To:,
> From: Pierre Lorenzon 
> Subject: [blfs-support] bash: cannot set terminal process group (-1):
>  Inappropriate ioctl for device
> Hi,
> Error message is in the subject. It occurs when trying to start
> bash under emacs with the command M-x shell . No job
> control in the shell then and that is absolutely not convenient
> !
> It does not seem to be an emacs bug, that's why I do not yet
> posted on any emacs list.
> In fact it occurs under clfs 2.1.0 but not under lfs 6.6. In
> both cases emacs is 24.3.1.
> Moreover it does not occur when emacs user is root even under
> clfs 2.1.0. That's why I suspect that some permission somewhere
> is not correctly set but I could not yet determine which one.
> I'll continue to investigate but if one of you does have an
> idea please tell me ! 

Ref e.g. 'man bash', section 'Job Control' and option '-m' re monitor mode.

It usually stems from what shell and command-line does your - in this case,
emacs 'shell' - command run, is it being run as an interactive shell or not,
and what are the contents of the shell's startup files.

You might want to compare the outputs of 'set' and 'shopt' - as done from
within the emacs 'shell' - across the respective environments that you
describe - i.e. clfs, lfs, root/non-root, &c.


> Regards 
> Pierre

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Re: [blfs-support] Missing X11/extensions/Print.h

2014-04-09 Thread akhiezer
> Date: Wed, 9 Apr 2014 16:09:18 +0100
> From: Robin 
> To: BLFS Support List 
> Subject: Re: [blfs-support] Missing X11/extensions/Print.h
> > What was it that complained about the 'missing' file - what were you
> > building/&c at the time?
> >


Was it something in blfs? Would be interested to know what package and
version did complain - not least in case it helps others.


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Re: [blfs-support] Missing X11/extensions/Print.h

2014-04-09 Thread akhiezer
> Date: Wed, 9 Apr 2014 14:22:11 +0100
> From: Robin 
> To: BLFS Support List 
> Subject: Re: [blfs-support] Missing X11/extensions/Print.h

What was it that complained about the 'missing' file - what were you
building/&c at the time?

> On 9 April 2014 14:09, Armin K.  wrote:
> > On 04/09/2014 03:00 PM, Robin wrote:
> >> I'm trying to build something that requires this file. I've searched
> >> the blfs book and google (but maybe not the right search terms)  and
> >> have ended up somewhat confused as to what package provides the file.
> >>
> >> I'm wondering whether I've missed a dependency when building xorg.
> >>
> >> Thanks
> >>
> >
> > Install printproto and libXp, not part of Xorg Katamari nor BLFS Xorg
> > Setup. Ussual instructions apply.
> >

They were removed between blfs 7.4 and 7.5 - r12016 on 20131021 :

7.4 instructions are at:

As noted, pretty simple builds; but you just might need to adjust for
whatever post- blfs-7.4 version you're using - usual stuff.


> Thanks
> -- 
> rob
> -- 

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Re: [blfs-support] iptables again

2014-03-23 Thread akhiezer
> Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 18:51:53 +
> From: (akhiezer)
> To: BLFS Support List 
> Subject: Re: [blfs-support] iptables again
>   .
>   .
> > > > Richard Melville wrote:
> > > > > Maybe somebody has the answer to this -- it's only a minor point.
> > > > >
> > > > > I've set up msmtp and s-nail on a blfs server; I can send email, and
> > > > > iptables is not blocking them but neither is it recording the packets
> > > > > passed.  When I had this issue before with a different service, 
> > > > > changing
> > > > > sport to dport resolved it, but not this time.  I've set the ports to 
> > > > > 25
> > > > > and I've also tried 587. Both work, but still no packets recorded.
> (D'you mean the 25/587 wrt mstmp config, or iptables config, or both?)
> > > >
> > > > What commands are you trying to run?
> > > >
> > > >-- Bruce
> > > >
> > > >
> > > I'm sending mail to a colleague via my gmail address with:-
> > >
> > > cat test.mail |  msmtp -a gmail
> Can you set a command-line verbose flag for msmtp to report & log in more
> detail what it's doing, just to double-check what port(s) it is actually
> using in practice.
> > >
> > > where "gmail" is the name of my account in the .msmtprc file.
> > >
> > > As I say, the mail delivery works fine with my colleague receiving the
> > > mail, and I get a copy in my gmail sent items.  However, iptables -nvL
> > > shows "0" in both the pkts and the bytes columns, as if nothing has been
> > > sent.  A minor point I know, but all my other traffic (ntp, http, dns, 
> > > ssh)
> > > is recorded by iptables in those two columns.
> > >
> >
> >
> > Are you wanting to show incoming or outgoing traffic, or both, or what?
> >
> (OK, I guess from 'sent' that you mean outgoing traffic ... ).
> > Does your firewall log the traffic for the relevant port numbers and
> > for the relevant table (~== traffic-flow direction)?
> >
> ( s|table|table/chain| ).
> > Depending on what table you're wanting to see stats for, you might
> > need to use the '-t' flag for iptables to show the stats for the relevant
> > table. You might also find the '--line-numbers' flag useful - e.g. for
> > debugging. (And fwiw, I'd normally use the '-x' flag too).
> >
> (Long-shot: do try the '-x' - just on the outside chance that omitting
> it is somehow rounding-down small-values to 0 ).
> > If the above don't resolve it, then probably good idea to post your
> > firewall file, plus the literal stats command line (if different from the
> > 'iptables -nvL' posted above).
> >
> Maybe worth also doing:
> --
> * log the stats immediately pre- test-message;
> * send test email; perhaps also use/send known-size attachment;
> * log the stats immediately post- test-message;
> * diff the pre-/post- stats.
> --
> Account for the differences pre-/post-: what caused which traffic;
> so ideally do the test when non-test network traffic is low/nil; and NB
> of course that often firewalls are set to only log a subset of traffic
> (e.g. don't log stuff beyond the first n instances in present connection)
> - so the byte-amounts logged might be less than the amount sent in your
> test-email.
> Overall, of course, it all depends on what firewall setup you've got in place.

Richard. Did you get this sorted ok?


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Re: [blfs-support] Solution for twm complaining about lacking fonts

2014-03-22 Thread akhiezer
> Date: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 15:12:38 +1300
> From:
> To:
> Subject: [blfs-support] Solution for twm complaining about lacking fonts
> After I installed these fonts I actually rebooted my computer and when I
> issued the startx command, after a couple minutes twm started correctly
> and the clock also came up correctly.

Further to the notes elsewhere re font caches &c:
About that 'couple minutes': have you got networking setup and functioning
ok on the machine? Reason for asking is that startx normally will do
some networking-related things; and you may be seeing timeouts or similar
for those.

When you issue the command 'startx', does it output an xauth line plus
a blank line or so, then pause for a while, before issuing the 'X.Org
X Server ...' line then going on quite briskly to a bunch more lines,
before switching into 'graphical' mode? Or, does it get to the 'X.Org
...' line quite quickly and then is slow from there, or what?

You could edit /usr/bin/startx to show/trace - even just some 'echo
...' lines - what it's doing at the various stages, and see if that shows
up the/any bottleneck(s).


.  .

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Re: [blfs-support] Is BLFS-7.4 book still available online?

2014-03-18 Thread akhiezer
> Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 16:35:00 -0500
> From: Bruce Dubbs 
> To: BLFS Support List 
> Subject: Re: [blfs-support] Is BLFS-7.4 book still available online?
> >> Hi guys,
> >>
> >> I can't find blfs-7.4 online after 7.5 was released.
> >> Is it supposed to be in blfs museum or somewhere else?
> Well the current version is at:
> look what happens if you go up one directory.
> > (There is a long-standing issue re non-avail of 'archive/museum' via direct 
> > links.)
> It really doesn't need to be in the museum if it's so easily available.

Maybe so, but might it be a good idea that the museum/archive stuff be
'tidied' a bit? There's a thread on 'website' list from early July 2013:

; in which you kindly put in the stop-gap link - and thanks again, of course
(am aware that it's someone else's time that's handling that stuff) - :

; that still works as of this morning - and that contains the stuff right
back to 1.0 , and up to 7.0  .

Why not just make 'archive' and 'museum' point to the same place, with
'archive' taking the lead role - i.e. the one that's advertised up-front;
and have every release, including latest plus a link to svn, in there. Folks
are used by now to seeing all such stuff under the one dir, for all sorts
of projects on the net.

And could timestamps be preserved please in any such consolidation; yes,
they're not relied on, but it can be useful to see them in ftp/http dir
lists &c.

(If 'museum' stuff back to 1.0 thru 5.x is deemed 'not
useful/interesting/&c', then perhaps remove similar materials from early
chapters of b/lfs books? I don't think the former or are advocating the


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Re: [blfs-support] Is BLFS-7.4 book still available online?

2014-03-17 Thread akhiezer
> Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 19:44:35 +0100
> From: Alexey Orishko 
> To:
> Subject: [blfs-support] Is BLFS-7.4 book still available online?
> Hi guys,
> I can't find blfs-7.4 online after 7.5 was released.
> Is it supposed to be in blfs museum or somewhere else?

(There is a long-standing issue re non-avail of 'archive/museum' via direct 


> Regards,
> Alexey
> -- 
> FAQ:
> Unsubscribe: See the above information page

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Re: [blfs-support] iptables again

2014-03-17 Thread akhiezer
> Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 12:55:23 +
> From: (akhiezer)
> To: BLFS Support List 
> Subject: Re: [blfs-support] iptables again
> > > Richard Melville wrote:
> > > > Maybe somebody has the answer to this -- it's only a minor point.
> > > >
> > > > I've set up msmtp and s-nail on a blfs server; I can send email, and
> > > > iptables is not blocking them but neither is it recording the packets
> > > > passed.  When I had this issue before with a different service, changing
> > > > sport to dport resolved it, but not this time.  I've set the ports to 25
> > > > and I've also tried 587. Both work, but still no packets recorded.

(D'you mean the 25/587 wrt mstmp config, or iptables config, or both?)

> > >
> > > What commands are you trying to run?
> > >
> > >-- Bruce
> > >
> > >
> > I'm sending mail to a colleague via my gmail address with:-
> >
> > cat test.mail |  msmtp -a gmail

Can you set a command-line verbose flag for msmtp to report & log in more 
detail what it's doing, just to double-check what port(s) it is actually using 
in practice.

> >
> > where "gmail" is the name of my account in the .msmtprc file.
> >
> > As I say, the mail delivery works fine with my colleague receiving the
> > mail, and I get a copy in my gmail sent items.  However, iptables -nvL
> > shows "0" in both the pkts and the bytes columns, as if nothing has been
> > sent.  A minor point I know, but all my other traffic (ntp, http, dns, ssh)
> > is recorded by iptables in those two columns.
> >
> Are you wanting to show incoming or outgoing traffic, or both, or what?

(OK, I guess from 'sent' that you mean outgoing traffic ... ).

> Does your firewall log the traffic for the relevant port numbers and for the 
> relevant table (~== traffic-flow direction)?

( s|table|table/chain| ).

> Depending on what table you're wanting to see stats for, you might need to 
> use the '-t' flag for iptables to show the stats for the relevant table. You 
> might also find the '--line-numbers' flag useful - e.g. for debugging. (And 
> fwiw, I'd normally use the '-x' flag too).

(Long-shot: do try the '-x' - just on the outside chance that omitting it is 
somehow rounding-down small-values to 0 ).

> If the above don't resolve it, then probably good idea to post your firewall 
> file, plus the literal stats command line (if different from the 'iptables 
> -nvL' posted above).

Maybe worth also doing:
* log the stats immediately pre- test-message;
* send test email; perhaps also use/send known-size attachment;
* log the stats immediately post- test-message;
* diff the pre-/post- stats.
Account for the differences pre-/post-: what caused which traffic; so ideally 
do the test when non-test network traffic is low/nil; and NB of course that 
often firewalls are set to only log a subset of traffic (e.g. don't log stuff 
beyond the first n instances in present connection) - so the byte-amounts 
logged might be less than the amount sent in your test-email.

Overall, of course, it all depends on what firewall setup you've got in place.


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Re: [blfs-support] iptables again

2014-03-17 Thread akhiezer
> Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 10:19:32 +
> From: Richard Melville 
> To:
> Subject: Re: [blfs-support] iptables again
> >
> > Richard Melville wrote:
> > > Maybe somebody has the answer to this -- it's only a minor point.
> > >
> > > I've set up msmtp and s-nail on a blfs server; I can send email, and
> > > iptables is not blocking them but neither is it recording the packets
> > > passed.  When I had this issue before with a different service, changing
> > > sport to dport resolved it, but not this time.  I've set the ports to 25
> > > and I've also tried 587. Both work, but still no packets recorded.
> >
> > What commands are you trying to run?
> >
> >-- Bruce
> >
> >
> I'm sending mail to a colleague via my gmail address with:-
> cat test.mail |  msmtp -a gmail
> where "gmail" is the name of my account in the .msmtprc file.
> As I say, the mail delivery works fine with my colleague receiving the
> mail, and I get a copy in my gmail sent items.  However, iptables -nvL
> shows "0" in both the pkts and the bytes columns, as if nothing has been
> sent.  A minor point I know, but all my other traffic (ntp, http, dns, ssh)
> is recorded by iptables in those two columns.

Are you wanting to show incoming or outgoing traffic, or both, or what?

Does your firewall log the traffic for the relevant port numbers and for the 
relevant table (~== traffic-flow direction)?

Depending on what table you're wanting to see stats for, you might need to use 
the '-t' flag for iptables to show the stats for the relevant table. You might 
also find the '--line-numbers' flag useful - e.g. for debugging. (And fwiw, I'd 
normally use the '-x' flag too).

If the above don't resolve it, then probably good idea to post your firewall 
file, plus the literal stats command line (if different from the 'iptables 
-nvL' posted above).


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Re: [blfs-support] iptables

2014-03-09 Thread akhiezer
> Date: Sun, 9 Mar 2014 17:07:47 +
> From: Richard Melville 
> To:
> Subject: Re: [blfs-support] iptables
> What I don't understand is: when setting the kernel parameters why enabling
> or disabling *all* doesn't automatically affect *default*.  Also, in the
> book only *default* is turned off in *accept-redirects* and not *all*,
> unlike the other parameters.

Iirc, *generally* if you change a setting under 'all', then it affects all
currently-active network interfaces dynamically - i.e. the settings take
effect 'immediately': whereas if you change a setting under 'default',
then the setting is picked up only by subsequently-activated interfaces
(including any stop/start of a currently-active interface: hence it's common
to set both 'all' and 'default', if you want new settings to take effect
right now for active interfaces, _and_ have them still pick up the value
(this time via 'default') if they are stop/started).

But really see the documentation re the particular commands/settings that
you're wanting to work with - e.g. 
'/usr/src/linux/Documentation/networking/ip-sysctl.txt', or Oskar
Andreasson's (old but still good) tutorial, or iptables' own docs -
as there's variations; and generally as otherwise it's easy to create a
firewall that isn't doing what one might think it's doing.


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Re: [blfs-support] Getting X-server to re-read its xorg.conf.d config files 'dynamically'.

2014-02-26 Thread akhiezer
> Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2014 12:30:09 -0600
> From: Bruce Dubbs 
> To: BLFS Support List 
> Subject: Re: [blfs-support] Getting X-server to re-read its xorg.conf.d
>  config files 'dynamically'.
> >
> > Anyone know of a current or mooted way in which to get X-server to
> > re-read its config files that are under /{usr/share,etc}/X11/xorg.conf.d/
> > , dynamically and without stop/start or restart X server itself? I.e. to
> > absorb & use the new cfg - not just check for correctness.
> Not that I know of.  I've never need to consider that.
> > Most-immediate purpose here is: to adjust some settings for hardware that
> > is added/removed dynamically, and for which it's kindof awkward to know in
> > advance what its quirks are; so the relevant config files to handle such
> > cases can't really be in place before X starts.
> Can you give details?  What are you adding?  A different kind of mouse? 
>   A second screen (e.g. a projector)?

It was a new mouse for a user. They were in the midst of 'a lot of context'
in their x-win, and potentially disrupting it by x-restart was a bit of
a no-no. They'd thought that the xorg.conf.d stuff (/usr/share & /etc)
could be used for dynamically creating/changing config files and have x
re-read/reload them (like e.g. some server progs can be told to re-load
their cfg, without stop/start/restart server prog); whereas I'd always
understood them to be just for cfg files that although can handle h/w
added/removed dynamically, have to be in-place in advance of x start in
order to be able to do that.

The new mouse got tamed for the duration via xset &c; and then when could
restart x, stuff was picked up ok from cfg files. But I just thought there
might be some new-ish way - already implemented, or on the way - for x
to do the cfg-reload; some reading didn't throw anything obvious up -
hence the post.

((Mouse was a new ms-comfort-mouse-6000 - they've seemingly changed
quite a few things under-the-hood. Mouse was going bananas - hyperactive,
else swimming through thick gel. Old ms-intellimouse-explorer-... gave
'em lots of years of heavy use - think since 2004.

Anyone happen to know if post-X stuff (Wayland &c) _will_ or does have
such a facility?


> Yes, one can use xset &c to
> > make cmdline changes, but it'd be useful to be able to shovel the stuff into
> > the cfg files, and have them re-read: and indeed to be able to do testing of
> > said cfg files in an efficient manner (i.e. without restart of x-server, 
> > &c).
> >
> >
> > Any input (sic) on this, much appreciated. Apols for noise if am 'omitting
> > to remember' something relatively direct.
> >

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[blfs-support] Getting X-server to re-read its xorg.conf.d config files 'dynamically'.

2014-02-26 Thread akhiezer


Anyone know of a current or mooted way in which to get X-server to
re-read its config files that are under /{usr/share,etc}/X11/xorg.conf.d/
, dynamically and without stop/start or restart X server itself? I.e. to
absorb & use the new cfg - not just check for correctness.

Most-immediate purpose here is: to adjust some settings for hardware that
is added/removed dynamically, and for which it's kindof awkward to know in
advance what its quirks are; so the relevant config files to handle such
cases can't really be in place before X starts. Yes, one can use xset &c to
make cmdline changes, but it'd be useful to be able to shovel the stuff into
the cfg files, and have them re-read: and indeed to be able to do testing of
said cfg files in an efficient manner (i.e. without restart of x-server, &c).

Any input (sic) on this, much appreciated. Apols for noise if am 'omitting
to remember' something relatively direct.


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Re: [blfs-support] Problem with Swedish umlauts in mailx/postfix

2014-02-23 Thread akhiezer
> Date: Sun, 23 Feb 2014 16:20:04 +
> From: (akhiezer)
> To: BLFS Support List 
> Subject: Re: [blfs-support] Problem with Swedish umlauts in mailx/postfix
> >
> > I have tried to modify /etc/nail.rc, ~/.mailrc and ~/.nailrc and add: 
> > set ttycharset=utf-8, but it does not help.
> >

 - meant to add, try 'set ttycharset=utf8' (without the quotes, and without
 the '-' - i.e. 'utf8' and not 'utf-8') in /etc/nail.rc  .


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Re: [blfs-support] Problem with Swedish umlauts in mailx/postfix

2014-02-23 Thread akhiezer
> From: Magnus Larsson 
> To:
> Date: Sun, 23 Feb 2014 14:00:34 +0100
> Subject: [blfs-support] Problem with Swedish umlauts in mailx/postfix
> Hello
> I have installed Postfix 2.11.0 and mailx-12.4. 
> Problem: I can not send email using mailx (mail) if I have Swedish umlauts 
> (åäö etc) in 
> the message body. Mailx fails after I press ctrl-D to send.
> magnus@lfs ~> mail magnus

Just to be on safe side for debugging, invoke the program as 'mailx'
instead of 'mail'. Sometimes programs behave differently when invoked via
different names. I don't recall such issues with mail->mailx: but to be
on safe side for debugging, use 'mailx'  .

Also, do you get the same result if you just run 'mailx' - i.e. not
'mailx magnus' - at the bash shell prompt, and then when inside mailx,
at the mailx prompt, you do 'm magnus' (without the quotes), and send the
test message(s) that way?

> Subject: test1
> åäö
> Invalid or incomplete multibyte or wide character
> "/home/magnus/dead.letter" 1/4
> . . . message not sent.
> magnus@lfs ~> 

Do 'set verbose' & 'set sendwait' either at prompt in mailx, or in
'~/.mailrc', to see more detail of the attempted-sending process.

> Everything is fine if I skip umlauts.
> magnus@lfs ~> mail magnus
> Subject: test
> This is a test.
> magnus@lfs ~> mail
> Heirloom mailx version 12.4 7/29/08.  Type ? for help.
> "/var/mail/magnus": 1 message 1 new
> >N  1 mag...@mail.lfs.lo Sun Feb 23 13:41   18/574   test
> ? 
> Message  1:
> From mag...@mail.lfs.local  Sun Feb 23 13:41:26 2014
> Return-Path: 
> X-Original-To: magnus
> Delivered-To: mag...@mail.lfs.local
> Date: Sun, 23 Feb 2014 13:41:26 +0100
> To: mag...@mail.lfs.local
> Subject: test
> User-Agent: Heirloom mailx 12.4 7/29/08
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> From: mag...@mail.lfs.local
> Status: R
> This is a test.
> ? 
> At EOF
> I have tried to modify /etc/nail.rc, ~/.mailrc and ~/.nailrc and add: 
> set ttycharset=utf-8, but it does not help.

When you are in mailx, and do 'set' at the prompt , what does it show for the
'sendcharsets' & 'ttycharset' variables; and does it show 'print-all-chars'
present in the output?

> I have also tried export LC_CTYPE=sv_SE.UTF-8 in bash shell, and other 
> variants, 
> but no change.
> I have noticed the "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii" in the 
> non-umlaut test. 
> However I can not change it.
> The rest of the LFS/BLFS system I have handle umlauts well, i.e. Bash shell, 
> vim,  
> KDE Konsole, Kmail, Kate etc.
> How to configure mailx and postfix to handle umlauts?

Only really use sendmail here, & not postfix, 'fraid; but do use mailx.

(( What you describe sounds similar to an an old issue - mostly affecting
attachments and non-interactive mode - that was fixed in version 12.4
(which is what is in blfs-7.4 and is what you have):

Bug Report:

Ref the two attributions to 'Hilko Bengen' in the Changelog, at:

According to that, it should try '"application/octet-stream" content type
instead', for the situations described.


> Best regards,
> Magnus 

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Re: [blfs-support] slightly off topic but related to a sister project

2014-02-21 Thread akhiezer
> From: "lux-integ" 
> To: BLFS support 
> Date: Fri, 21 Feb 2014 10:48:28 +
> Subject: [blfs-support] slightly off topic but related to a sister project
> Greetings,
> I   cant seem to  browse  the  clfs url
> Is it my dns setup or  Is it down, defunct, moved to another url ??
> --info would be greatly appereciated
> thanks in advance
> luxInteg

 - see postings from a few days back, re domain-expiry/retrieval, and where
 (in one of the posts from William Harrington) to get site in the meantime.


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Re: [blfs-support] Iced Tea 2.4.1 and iced tea 2.4.5 sed unknown option to `s'

2014-02-17 Thread akhiezer
> Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2014 19:47:48 +1300
> From:
> To: "BLFS Support List" 
> Subject: Re: [blfs-support] Iced Tea 2.4.1 and iced tea 2.4.5 sed unknown
>  option to `s'
> Not exactly sure what you wish me to try.
> I have no problem with attempting to install a later version if needs be.
> Please let me know what to try.  I did install the version listed as
> stable in the 7.4 book.  It was that one which I replaced the / with a %
> sign.  Was the only way to get it to build, and hence why I am not sure if
> it was a successful build or not.

Christopher, sorry, here's a more-direct answer to your questions.

The change that you made, should be all-OK for your build and subsequent use
of the software. It would be even better if you changed the 'n/a' to 'Linux
>From Scratch' (without the quotes, in each case). Then, any problems that
you encounter with the build/use of the software, are likely to be caused
by other things, and not this particular change: i.e. the present change is
unlikely to have knock-on effects.

Some more detail:

I've re-read your original posts, incl your post in reply to Bruce:

 R617 Bruce Dubbs   Fri Feb 14 17:19  104/5109  \
   \Re: [blfs-support] Iced Tea 2.4.1 and iced tea 2.4.5 sed unknown option to 
 R622 me@pc-networking-s Fri Feb 14 20:21  177/7924  \
   \Re: [blfs-support] Iced Tea 2.4.1 and iced tea 2.4.5 sed unknown option to 

In that reply, it _sounds_ like you worked around the problem by making
the change:
  old-line: -e 's/@@distro_name@@/n/a/g' \
  new-line: -e 's/@@distro_name@@/n%a/g' \
I.e. you changed 'n/a' to 'n%a' (without the quotes, in both cases). Is that
the change you made?

If so, then you should be OK. You'd be (even) better, though, to change
the 'n/a' to something like 'Linux From Scratch'. And even better, do the
recommended LSB config that's at LFS page 'chapter09/theend.html' , and per
Fernando's notes in present thread.

Note that - if I may say - Bruce was likely meaning to make a slightly
different change from what you actually did: it'd normally be meant that
you change the _delimiter_ for sed, rather than (in this case) the 'n/a'
value itself. Thus (using '%' as the sed-delimiter):
  old-line: -e 's/@@distro_name@@/n/a/g' \
  new-line: -e 's%@@distro_name@@%n/a%g' \
or (using '|' as the sed-delimiter):
  old-line: -e 's/@@distro_name@@/n/a/g' \
  new-line: -e 's|@@distro_name@@|n/a|g' \
or (using ':' as the sed-delimiter):
  old-line: -e 's/@@distro_name@@/n/a/g' \
  new-line: -e 's:@@distro_name@@:n/a:g' \
, and so on. D'you see how, with those non-'/' delimiters for sed, the '/'
in the string-value 'n/a' is no longer ambiguous - sed now sees it as part of
an ordinary string-value, and doesn't interpret it as a delimiter. Whereas in
the original code, the sed-delimiter _is_ '/', and so sed gets confused by
the 'n/a' string - sed in that case thinks that the '/' in 'n/a' is somehow
a(nother) delimiter character, and so sed gets confused because it now looks
like there are four delimiters overall and that the expression is garbled.

As noted, what you _seem_ to have done, in your change, is to retain the
three '/' delimiters, and change the 'n/a' string-value to 'n%a'; and then
things compiled apparently-OK. You could've changed from 'n/a' to 'n_a', or
to 'not-applic', or to 'scooby_doo--16', etc, and things'd still work. That's
because the new/replacement string-value doesn't contain characters that cause
ambiguity in the context. On the other hand, if you took 'n/a' and changed
it to, say n\a or n'a or n\\a then you're (more) likely to hit problems,
because there are chars there that'll likely cause ambiguity when they're
substituted in place of the n/a in that sed expression.

In related vein, it's probably prudent to not use 'n%a', in case the '%'
causes similar ambiguity &c further down the line. You're probably better -
in this case - to avoid any chars that might be subject to such 'special
interpretation' by sed/grep/awk/&c&c. Hence partly why it's suggested that
you change the 'n/a' to something like 'Linux From Scratch': not only does
it contain more-useful info, but it avoids chars like '%' that might get
interpreted ambiguously somewhere down the line.

The long-ish 

Re: [blfs-support] WebKitGTK-1/Flash

2014-02-17 Thread akhiezer
> Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2014 12:17:29 + (GMT)
> From: Richard 
> To: BLFS Support List 
> Subject: Re: [blfs-support] WebKitGTK-1/Flash
> the absence of success I will simply have to resort to windows when flash
> is required. Oh well.

You mentioned that earlier, too - if not current-approach then windows. 
Would you consider a seamonkey build on linux as an intermediately-acceptable 
solution for seeing flash in (and use uzbl or whatever as your main browser), 
between on the one hand your present approach, and on the other hand going to 
windows? Seems a bit of an unnecessary jump between the latter two, when the 
intermediate option of flash-via-seamonkey-on-linux works very simply.


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Re: [blfs-support] Iced Tea 2.4.1 and iced tea 2.4.5 sed unknown option to `s'

2014-02-17 Thread akhiezer
 can you confirm if your build environment does have
> > 'lsb_release -is', and if so what does it output? And similarly for
> > 'lsb_release -ds' ?
> >
> >
> > For ref:
> > 
> > $ grep -r 'n/a' ./lsb-release-1.4/
> > ./lsb-release-1.4/lsb_release:MSG_NA="n/a"
> > ./lsb-release-1.4/lsb_release:echo -e "$MSG_LSBVER$LSB_VERSION"
> >   # at least "n/a"
> > ./lsb-release-1.4/lsb_release.examples:LSB Version:n/a
> > $
> > $ grep -r MSG_NA ./lsb-release-1.4/
> > ./lsb-release-1.4/lsb_release:MSG_NA="n/a"
> > ./lsb-release-1.4/lsb_release:[ -z "$LSB_VERSION" ] &&
> > ./lsb-release-1.4/lsb_release:[ -z "$DISTRIB_ID" ] &&
> > ./lsb-release-1.4/lsb_release:[ -z "$DISTRIB_RELEASE" ] &&
> > ./lsb-release-1.4/lsb_release:[ -z "$DISTRIB_CODENAME" ] &&
> > ./lsb-release-1.4/lsb_release:[ -z "$DISTRIB_ID" ] &&
> > ./lsb-release-1.4/lsb_release:[ -z "$DISTRIB_RELEASE" ] &&
> > ./lsb-release-1.4/lsb_release:[ -z "$DISTRIB_CODENAME" ] &&
> > ./lsb-release-1.4/lsb_release:DISTRIB_ID=$MSG_NA
> > ./lsb-release-1.4/lsb_release:&& DISTRIB_RELEASE=$MSG_NA
> > ./lsb-release-1.4/lsb_release:&& DISTRIB_CODENAME=$MSG_NA
> > $
> > 
> >
> >
> >
> > rgds,
> > akh
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > --
> >
> > FAQ:
> > Unsubscribe: See the above information page
> >
> Hello,
> Thanks for all the effort.  As requested the output is:
> lsb_release -ds "7.4"  (the " are displayed in the output)
> lsb_release -is n/a
> Not exactly sure what you wish me to try.
> I have no problem with attempting to install a later version if needs be.
> Please let me know what to try.  I did install the version listed as
> stable in the 7.4 book.  It was that one which I replaced the / with a %
> sign.  Was the only way to get it to build, and hence why I am not sure if
> it was a successful build or not.

It's that 'n/a' (without the quotes) output from 'lsb_release -is' that's
very likely causing the breakage - and more specifically it's the '/' in
that value: when it gets substituted into the sed() code, sed interprets
the '/' (from the 'n/a') not as part of an ordinary string, but instead
as one of the delimiters of the sed expression, and gets confused,
and gives an error like you saw, and showed in your original post.

An immediate fix, like you saw subsequently, is to change the relevant
part of the sed to not use '/' as a delimiter, but instead use e.g. '|'
or in general some character that won't appear in any of the (roughly
speaking) string values that get used in that part of the sed().

E.g. if you make the following (~hacky) change (re blfs-svn versions of
the packages), where you replace the set of three '/' delimiters with 
respectively '|' (without the quotes, in each case):
  file: ./jdk-9db88c18e114/make/java/version/Makefile
  old-line: -e 's/@@distro_name@@/$(DISTRO_NAME)/g' \
  new-line: -e 's|@@distro_name@@|$(DISTRO_NAME)|g' \
, then does the build &c work all-OK for you? If not, then does it go
OK with the likes of '%' or ':' or ';' instead of the '|' - e.g. thus:
  new-line: -e 's;@@distro_name@@;$(DISTRO_NAME);g' \
NB of course you ~need to replace the char at each of the three
places. (It shouldn't really make a difference for that immediate sed,
I'd expect).

The wider fix is for upstream or similar to, if not already, sanitise
the input that they're taking from the likes of 'lsb_release -is'  .

Looks like 'OpenJDK-' is the latest release from
upstream; and is in blfs-svn; and looks like it still has the issue. In
that case, for blfs the most appropriate thing might be to have a patch
to do either or both of the following (ref the above two sequences of 

* strip-out, or backslash-escape, or otherwise adjust (e.g. replace with
  underscore), any '/' chars where 'DIST_NAME' &/or 'build_os' is set;
  and perhaps similarly for any other 'maybe-problematic' chars.

  However, some other programs might actually look/test for a value like 
  'n/a' - e.g. if the use of 'n/a' had gotten part-established in common 
  usage wrt LSB.

  So it might not be a good idea, overall, to make this adjustment. 

* use a different delimiter for sed where the likes of DISTRO_NAME
  is substituted.

  This would allow 'n/a' to be passed-through OK the original point of
  failure: but it might still cause problems further on.

Out of interest, do you have a file called /etc/lsb_release or similar:
if so can you post it here just as an extra cross-check that the 'n/a'
_is_ coming from the lsb... stuff? Thanks.


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Re: [blfs-support] Iced Tea 2.4.1 and iced tea 2.4.5 sed unknown option to `s'

2014-02-15 Thread akhiezer
> Date: Sat, 15 Feb 2014 09:58:02 -0300
> From: Fernando de Oliveira 
> To: BLFS Support List 
> Subject: Re: [blfs-support] Iced Tea 2.4.1 and iced tea 2.4.5 sed unknown
>  option to `s'
> Em 15-02-2014 08:29, akhiezer escreveu:
> >> From Fri Feb 14 13:19:25 2014
> >> Date: Fri, 14 Feb 2014 10:13:47 -0300
> >> From: Fernando de Oliveira 
> >> To: BLFS Support List 
> >> Subject: Re: [blfs-support] Iced Tea 2.4.1 and iced tea 2.4.5 sed unknown
> >>  option to `s'
> >>
> > .
> > .
> >>
> >> I am trying to understand this better, and have found that configure and
> >> have mentions to lsb_release. I am trying to understand if
> >> it is a required, recommended or optional dependency. However, in one
> >> machine I do not have it installed and it gives me linux-gnu and builds
> >> fine, so, I am intending to add as optional.
> >>
> >> What do you all think about this? I cannot understand why Christopher's
> >> is getting n/a.
> >>
> >> In the following, I am writing some observations and guesses.
> >>
> >> In configure, for 2.4.4, which is a build dir still in place in yet
> >> another machine, I see:
> >>
> >> {{{
> >> if test -n "$ac_tool_prefix"; then
> >>   # Extract the first word of "${ac_tool_prefix}lsb_release", so it can
> >> be a program name with args.
> >> set dummy ${ac_tool_prefix}lsb_release; ac_word=$2
> >> { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $ac_word" >&5
> >> $as_echo_n "checking for $ac_word... " >&6; }
> >> if ${ac_cv_path_LSB_RELEASE+:} false; then :
> >>   $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6
> >> else
> >>   case $LSB_RELEASE in
> >>   [\\/]* | ?:[\\/]*)
> >>   ac_cv_path_LSB_RELEASE="$LSB_RELEASE" # Let the user override the test
> >> with a path.
> >>   ;;
> >>   *)
> >>   as_save_IFS=$IFS; IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR
> >> }}}
> >>
> >>
> >> Also, I noticed that he is building at /opt, so probably as root. I have:
> >>
> >> {{{
> >> $ xzgrep -C6 distro_name
> >> /home/fernando/Downloads/blfs/OpenJDK-
> >> rm -f
> >> /home/fernando/tmp/paco-build-2014.01.29-18h12m38s/icedtea-2.4.5/
> >> rm -f
> >> /home/fernando/tmp/paco-build-2014.01.29-18h12m38s/icedtea-2.4.5/
> >> /bin/sed -e 's/@@launcher_name@@/java/g' \
> >> -e 's/@@java_version@@/1.7.0_51-blfs/g' \
> >> -e 's/@@java_runtime_version@@/1.7.0_51-blfs-b31/g' \
> >> -e 's/@@jdk_derivative_name@@/IcedTea 2.4.5/g' \
> >> -e 's/@@distro_name@@/Linux From Scratch/g' \
> >> -e 's/@@distro_package_version@@/'7u51-2.4.5-blfs'/g' \
> >> -e 's/@@java_runtime_name@@/OpenJDK Runtime Environment/g' \
> >> -e 's/@@jdk_revid@@//g' \
> >> -e 's/@@hotspot_revid@@//g' \
> >> ../../../src/share/classes/sun/misc/ >
> >> /home/fernando/tmp/paco-build-2014.01.29-18h12m38s/icedtea-2.4.5/
> >> make[5]: Leaving directory
> >> `/home/fernando/tmp/paco-build-2014.01.29-18h12m38s/icedtea-2.4.5/openjdk-boot/jdk/make/java/version'
> >> }}}
> >>
> >> I remember having sometime ago problems with PATH, for some packages, if
> >> I build as root, and for those, I have a line in the script:
> >>
> >> source /etc/profile
> >>
> >> and the PATH is well defined, because he needs:
> >>
> >> export CLASSPATH=.:/usr/share/java &&
> >> export PATH="$PATH:/opt/OpenJDK-"
> >>
> >> or similar, if the binary is another one, i.e., the binary has to be in
> >> the path, and, in my case, it is provided by:
> >>
> >> /etc/profile.d/
> >>
> >> which is defined in OJDK/Icedtea BLFS page.
> >>
> > 
> > 
> > Yes, tracing through the code indicates that the problem may be
> > stemming from 'lsb_release -is' outputting 'n/a' (others on web have
> > reported various breakages - not just re icedtea - that seem to stem
> > from lsb_release using '

Re: [blfs-support] Iced Tea 2.4.1 and iced tea 2.4.5 sed unknown option to `s'

2014-02-15 Thread akhiezer
> From Fri Feb 14 13:19:25 2014
> Date: Fri, 14 Feb 2014 10:13:47 -0300
> From: Fernando de Oliveira 
> To: BLFS Support List 
> Subject: Re: [blfs-support] Iced Tea 2.4.1 and iced tea 2.4.5 sed unknown
>  option to `s'
> I am trying to understand this better, and have found that configure and
> have mentions to lsb_release. I am trying to understand if
> it is a required, recommended or optional dependency. However, in one
> machine I do not have it installed and it gives me linux-gnu and builds
> fine, so, I am intending to add as optional.
> What do you all think about this? I cannot understand why Christopher's
> is getting n/a.
> In the following, I am writing some observations and guesses.
> In configure, for 2.4.4, which is a build dir still in place in yet
> another machine, I see:
> {{{
> if test -n "$ac_tool_prefix"; then
>   # Extract the first word of "${ac_tool_prefix}lsb_release", so it can
> be a program name with args.
> set dummy ${ac_tool_prefix}lsb_release; ac_word=$2
> { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $ac_word" >&5
> $as_echo_n "checking for $ac_word... " >&6; }
> if ${ac_cv_path_LSB_RELEASE+:} false; then :
>   $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6
> else
>   case $LSB_RELEASE in
>   [\\/]* | ?:[\\/]*)
>   ac_cv_path_LSB_RELEASE="$LSB_RELEASE" # Let the user override the test
> with a path.
>   ;;
>   *)
> }}}
> Also, I noticed that he is building at /opt, so probably as root. I have:
> {{{
> $ xzgrep -C6 distro_name
> /home/fernando/Downloads/blfs/OpenJDK-
> rm -f
> /home/fernando/tmp/paco-build-2014.01.29-18h12m38s/icedtea-2.4.5/
> rm -f
> /home/fernando/tmp/paco-build-2014.01.29-18h12m38s/icedtea-2.4.5/
> /bin/sed -e 's/@@launcher_name@@/java/g' \
> -e 's/@@java_version@@/1.7.0_51-blfs/g' \
> -e 's/@@java_runtime_version@@/1.7.0_51-blfs-b31/g' \
> -e 's/@@jdk_derivative_name@@/IcedTea 2.4.5/g' \
> -e 's/@@distro_name@@/Linux From Scratch/g' \
> -e 's/@@distro_package_version@@/'7u51-2.4.5-blfs'/g' \
> -e 's/@@java_runtime_name@@/OpenJDK Runtime Environment/g' \
> -e 's/@@jdk_revid@@//g' \
> -e 's/@@hotspot_revid@@//g' \
> ../../../src/share/classes/sun/misc/ >
> /home/fernando/tmp/paco-build-2014.01.29-18h12m38s/icedtea-2.4.5/
> make[5]: Leaving directory
> `/home/fernando/tmp/paco-build-2014.01.29-18h12m38s/icedtea-2.4.5/openjdk-boot/jdk/make/java/version'
> }}}
> I remember having sometime ago problems with PATH, for some packages, if
> I build as root, and for those, I have a line in the script:
> source /etc/profile
> and the PATH is well defined, because he needs:
> export CLASSPATH=.:/usr/share/java &&
> export PATH="$PATH:/opt/OpenJDK-"
> or similar, if the binary is another one, i.e., the binary has to be in
> the path, and, in my case, it is provided by:
> /etc/profile.d/
> which is defined in OJDK/Icedtea BLFS page.

Yes, tracing through the code indicates that the problem may be
stemming from 'lsb_release -is' outputting 'n/a' (others on web have
reported various breakages - not just re icedtea - that seem to stem
from lsb_release using 'n/a' as a return value - and the code that uses
said output not sanitising its own input).

The following is working from blfs-svn ('OpenJDK-'
, ''),
but should be similar for blfs-7.4 (I've broken/re-wrapped some of the 
longer outputted lines):

(0) # Unpack src tarballs into . for the purposes of following greps. NB
that this is not making any suggestion on how you should unpack
stuff for the build: follow the book for that, of course.

(1) grep -r '@@distro_name@@' .
  -e 's/@@distro_name@@/$(DISTRO_NAME)/g' \

(2) grep -r 'DISTRO_NAME' .
echo "DISTRO_NAME=$(DIST_NAME)" >>openjdk/jdk/make/common/shared/Defs.gmk ;
echo "DISTRO_NAME=$(DIST_NAME)" >>openjdk/jdk/make/common/shared/Defs.gmk ;
  -e 's/@@distro_name@@/$(DISTRO_NAME)/g' \

(3) grep -r 'DIST_NAME' .
echo "DISTRO_NAME=$(DIST_NAME)" >>openjdk/jdk/make/common/shared/Defs.gmk ;
./icedtea-2.4.5/ChangeLog:  DIST_NAME to build.
./icedtea-2.4.5/configure:  DIST_NAME="$($LSB_RELEASE -is | sed 
./icedtea-2.4.5/configure:  DIST_NAME="$build_os"
./icedtea-2.4.5/acinclude.m4:  DIST_NAME="$($LSB_RELEASE -is | sed 
./icedtea-2.4.5/acinclude.m4:  DIST_NAME="$build_os"

Re: [blfs-support] Iced Tea 2.4.1 and iced tea 2.4.5 sed unknown option to `s'

2014-02-15 Thread akhiezer
> Date: Sat, 15 Feb 2014 09:21:46 +1300
> From:
> To: "BLFS Support List" 
> Subject: Re: [blfs-support] Iced Tea 2.4.1 and iced tea 2.4.5 sed unknown
>  option to `s'
> > wrote:
> >> Hello,
> >>
> >> This is my second attempt to post this here.  I beat the confirmation
> >> e-mail by posting to the list and receieve the bounce that it was
> >> waiting
> >> the list moderators approval and that was on the 5th.
> >
> >
> >> I have also posted this error on the devleopers website on the 3rd of
> >> Feb
> >> and no responce there either.
> >>
> >> I really do not know how you can say that compiling java from scratch
> >> following EXACTLY the instructions given works on a BLFS build as it
> >> clearly does NOT.  Though this is the output from a later version, the
> >> at
> >> the time book version 2.4.1 gives the same unknow option to s sed error
> >> message.
> >>
> >> I do not know enough about the substitution strings in sed to know if by
> >> chaning the / to another character if it would actually in an unknown
> >> way
> >> create errors down the track if compilation was successful.
> >
> >
> Hello,
> Thank you all for your respnses.  I neede to clarify a few things:
> First off, yes I was compiling this as ROOT and yes I know that many say
> this is a very bad idea blah blah blah.  My path when compiling this was
> set as per stock standard blfs/lfs book.
> Even though I am a seasoned linux/unix user this is the first time I have
> decided to do things from scratch.
> I do know that it was the fifth expression that sed was apparently choking
> on.
> Before I posted this message I had gone through the compilation stage at
> least 4 times deleting all working directories before trying again.  I
> even rebooted the machine to make sure that no garbage was in the path's
> etc.
> I made sure that the path was set correctly.
> Now with regards to what Bruce has stated.  I WAS able to get it to
> compile by replacing that offending / with a % sign.  I still do not know
> if by replacing it with a % sign that the actual java installation is as
> bug free as it could be.
> I tried other characters and in my case it did not like them.  I can not
> remember exactly which others I tried as it was a number.
> I had to edit that offending Make file to do the changes, which if that is
> indeed needed to fix the build on an LFS/BLFS either a patch needs to be
> included or perhaps an entry in the user notes or even on the JAVA
> installation page needs to be made.
> My apologies for the confusion as to stating the developers website.  I
> always class the developers website for source code as the one that is the
> "official" site, ie in this case iced tea in the url.
> I understand that the lfs/blfs community also has developers for the books
> and the patches.
> I guess I really do need a little confirmation that by replacing the /
> with the % sign that I have not broken anything that has yet to be
> discovered.
> If someone is willing to rebuild as per the blfs book, ie coming from a
> fresh build of lfs to blfs and installing java as per the instructions and
> editing that particular Make file and adding the % sign that it is
> actually installing properly and not giving a false impression I would
> greatly appreciate it.

I think it's reasonable to suggest that you edit the makefile and
echo the value of PATH (&/or similar) immediately before and after the
'offending' place(s); include some marker-text that you can grep/locate
readily in the output to logfile/stdout/stderr. (Or, use shell &/or
make's own tracing facilities).  Then, you can see if the value of PATH 
(&c) is _really_ as you think it is.


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Re: [blfs-support] Iced Tea 2.4.1 and iced tea 2.4.5 sed unknown option to `s'

2014-02-14 Thread akhiezer
> Date: Fri, 14 Feb 2014 13:34:53 +
> From: (akhiezer)
> To: BLFS Support List 
> Subject: Re: [blfs-support] Iced Tea 2.4.1 and iced tea 2.4.5 sed unknown
>  option to `s'
> > Date: Fri, 14 Feb 2014 10:13:47 -0300
> > From: Fernando de Oliveira 
> > To: akhiezer ,
> > BLFS Support List 
> > Subject: Re: [blfs-support] Iced Tea 2.4.1 and iced tea 2.4.5 sed unknown
> >  option to `s'
> >
>   .
>   .
> >
> > Thanks, akh. Just adding what seems the original link:
> >
> >
> >
> > I have seen that Armin also replied.
> >
> > I am trying to understand this better, and have found that configure and
> > have mentions to lsb_release. I am trying to understand if
> > it is a required, recommended or optional dependency. However, in one
> > machine I do not have it installed and it gives me linux-gnu and builds
> > fine, so, I am intending to add as optional.
> >
> > What do you all think about this? I cannot understand why Christopher's
> > is getting n/a.
> >
> > In the following, I am writing some observations and guesses.
> >
> > In configure, for 2.4.4, which is a build dir still in place in yet
> > another machine, I see:
> >
> > {{{
> > if test -n "$ac_tool_prefix"; then
> >   # Extract the first word of "${ac_tool_prefix}lsb_release", so it can
> > be a program name with args.
> > set dummy ${ac_tool_prefix}lsb_release; ac_word=$2
> > { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $ac_word" >&5
> > $as_echo_n "checking for $ac_word... " >&6; }
> > if ${ac_cv_path_LSB_RELEASE+:} false; then :
> >   $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6
> > else
> >   case $LSB_RELEASE in
> >   [\\/]* | ?:[\\/]*)
> >   ac_cv_path_LSB_RELEASE="$LSB_RELEASE" # Let the user override the test
> > with a path.
> >   ;;
> >   *)
> > }}}
> >
> >
> > Also, I noticed that he is building at /opt, so probably as root. I have:
> >
> > {{{
> > $ xzgrep -C6 distro_name
> > /home/fernando/Downloads/blfs/OpenJDK-
> > rm -f
> > /home/fernando/tmp/paco-build-2014.01.29-18h12m38s/icedtea-2.4.5/
> > rm -f
> > /home/fernando/tmp/paco-build-2014.01.29-18h12m38s/icedtea-2.4.5/
> > /bin/sed -e 's/@@launcher_name@@/java/g' \
> > -e 's/@@java_version@@/1.7.0_51-blfs/g' \
> > -e 's/@@java_runtime_version@@/1.7.0_51-blfs-b31/g' \
> > -e 's/@@jdk_derivative_name@@/IcedTea 2.4.5/g' \
> > -e 's/@@distro_name@@/Linux From Scratch/g' \
> > -e 's/@@distro_package_version@@/'7u51-2.4.5-blfs'/g' \
> > -e 's/@@java_runtime_name@@/OpenJDK Runtime Environment/g' \
> > -e 's/@@jdk_revid@@//g' \
> > -e 's/@@hotspot_revid@@//g' \
> > ../../../src/share/classes/sun/misc/ >
> > /home/fernando/tmp/paco-build-2014.01.29-18h12m38s/icedtea-2.4.5/
> > make[5]: Leaving directory
> > `/home/fernando/tmp/paco-build-2014.01.29-18h12m38s/icedtea-2.4.5/openjdk-boot/jdk/make/java/version'
> > }}}
> >
> > I remember having sometime ago problems with PATH, for some packages, if
> > I build as root, and for those, I have a line in the script:
> >
> > source /etc/profile
> >
> > and the PATH is well defined, because he needs:
> >
> > export CLASSPATH=.:/usr/share/java &&
> > export PATH="$PATH:/opt/OpenJDK-"
> >
> > or similar, if the binary is another one, i.e., the binary has to be in
> > the path, and, in my case, it is provided by:
> >
> > /etc/profile.d/
> >
> > which is defined in OJDK/Icedtea BLFS page.
> >
> There was a recent case - maybe also a second case with same cause - where 
> the user was 
> doing things using 'sudo' instead of root, and it broke the PATH stuff ('cos 
> sudo cfg 
> essentially reset the PATH &c). 'Bout a few weeks or so ago - sorry not more 
> detail. 
> Resolution was to do as root: iirc user hadn't got root stuff setup properly 
> - tho' that 
> was in lfs.

 - sorry, that last part should be:
The problem was (in the LFS cases of a few weeks ago) that the user
hadn't setup - or hadn't su'd into - the user 'lfs', and so was "having"
to issue commands via sudo; and it was that sudo's config file that was
resetting PATH &c; and so command-paths weren't being found.

The resolution was to do stuff as user lfs per book.

So maybe something similar here? ((Also, it wouldn't really make sense
to _have_ to be doing stuff as root in the present java/iced case,
as it looks like a config stage.))

Apols for the noise.


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Re: [blfs-support] Iced Tea 2.4.1 and iced tea 2.4.5 sed unknown option to `s'

2014-02-14 Thread akhiezer
> Date: Fri, 14 Feb 2014 10:13:47 -0300
> From: Fernando de Oliveira 
> To: akhiezer ,
> BLFS Support List 
> Subject: Re: [blfs-support] Iced Tea 2.4.1 and iced tea 2.4.5 sed unknown
>  option to `s'
> Thanks, akh. Just adding what seems the original link:
> I have seen that Armin also replied.
> I am trying to understand this better, and have found that configure and
> have mentions to lsb_release. I am trying to understand if
> it is a required, recommended or optional dependency. However, in one
> machine I do not have it installed and it gives me linux-gnu and builds
> fine, so, I am intending to add as optional.
> What do you all think about this? I cannot understand why Christopher's
> is getting n/a.
> In the following, I am writing some observations and guesses.
> In configure, for 2.4.4, which is a build dir still in place in yet
> another machine, I see:
> {{{
> if test -n "$ac_tool_prefix"; then
>   # Extract the first word of "${ac_tool_prefix}lsb_release", so it can
> be a program name with args.
> set dummy ${ac_tool_prefix}lsb_release; ac_word=$2
> { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $ac_word" >&5
> $as_echo_n "checking for $ac_word... " >&6; }
> if ${ac_cv_path_LSB_RELEASE+:} false; then :
>   $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6
> else
>   case $LSB_RELEASE in
>   [\\/]* | ?:[\\/]*)
>   ac_cv_path_LSB_RELEASE="$LSB_RELEASE" # Let the user override the test
> with a path.
>   ;;
>   *)
> }}}
> Also, I noticed that he is building at /opt, so probably as root. I have:
> {{{
> $ xzgrep -C6 distro_name
> /home/fernando/Downloads/blfs/OpenJDK-
> rm -f
> /home/fernando/tmp/paco-build-2014.01.29-18h12m38s/icedtea-2.4.5/
> rm -f
> /home/fernando/tmp/paco-build-2014.01.29-18h12m38s/icedtea-2.4.5/
> /bin/sed -e 's/@@launcher_name@@/java/g' \
> -e 's/@@java_version@@/1.7.0_51-blfs/g' \
> -e 's/@@java_runtime_version@@/1.7.0_51-blfs-b31/g' \
> -e 's/@@jdk_derivative_name@@/IcedTea 2.4.5/g' \
> -e 's/@@distro_name@@/Linux From Scratch/g' \
> -e 's/@@distro_package_version@@/'7u51-2.4.5-blfs'/g' \
> -e 's/@@java_runtime_name@@/OpenJDK Runtime Environment/g' \
> -e 's/@@jdk_revid@@//g' \
> -e 's/@@hotspot_revid@@//g' \
> ../../../src/share/classes/sun/misc/ >
> /home/fernando/tmp/paco-build-2014.01.29-18h12m38s/icedtea-2.4.5/
> make[5]: Leaving directory
> `/home/fernando/tmp/paco-build-2014.01.29-18h12m38s/icedtea-2.4.5/openjdk-boot/jdk/make/java/version'
> }}}
> I remember having sometime ago problems with PATH, for some packages, if
> I build as root, and for those, I have a line in the script:
> source /etc/profile
> and the PATH is well defined, because he needs:
> export CLASSPATH=.:/usr/share/java &&
> export PATH="$PATH:/opt/OpenJDK-"
> or similar, if the binary is another one, i.e., the binary has to be in
> the path, and, in my case, it is provided by:
> /etc/profile.d/
> which is defined in OJDK/Icedtea BLFS page.

There was a recent case - maybe also a second case with same cause - where the 
user was 
doing things using 'sudo' instead of root, and it broke the PATH stuff ('cos 
sudo cfg 
essentially reset the PATH &c). 'Bout a few weeks or so ago - sorry not more 
Resolution was to do as root: iirc user hadn't got root stuff setup properly - 
tho' that 
was in lfs.


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Re: [blfs-support] Iced Tea 2.4.1 and iced tea 2.4.5 sed unknown option to `s'

2014-02-14 Thread akhiezer
> Date: Fri, 14 Feb 2014 07:42:47 -0300
> From: Fernando de Oliveira 
> To: BLFS Support List 
> Subject: Re: [blfs-support] Iced Tea 2.4.1 and iced tea 2.4.5 sed unknown
>  option to `s'
> Em 14-02-2014 06:14, escreveu:
> > Hello,
> > 
> > This is my second attempt to post this here.  I beat the confirmation
> > e-mail by posting to the list and receieve the bounce that it was waiting
> > the list moderators approval and that was on the 5th.
> > 
> > I have also posted this error on the devleopers website on the 3rd of Feb
> > and no responce there either.
> I cannot find your message in my archives nor at:
> What do you mean by "developers website"? Please, can you give me the
> address, or title of the post, something to help me finding your report
> from the 3rd?

Fernando, maybe:

> > 
> > 
> > It would seem that if the developer is not even interested in
> > acknowledging the error that we are on our own with it.
> The developer is interested, but it is the first time he is hearing
> about this problem.
> > 

Ref. ibid.


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Re: [blfs-support] Iced Tea 2.4.1 and iced tea 2.4.5 sed unknown option to `s'

2014-02-14 Thread akhiezer
> Date: Fri, 14 Feb 2014 22:14:25 +1300
> From:
> To:
> Subject: [blfs-support] Iced Tea 2.4.1 and iced tea 2.4.5 sed unknown option
>   to `s'
> Hello,
> This is my second attempt to post this here.  I beat the confirmation
> e-mail by posting to the list and receieve the bounce that it was waiting
> the list moderators approval and that was on the 5th.
> I have also posted this error on the devleopers website on the 3rd of Feb
> and no responce there either.
> I really do not know how you can say that compiling java from scratch
> following EXACTLY the instructions given works on a BLFS build as it
> clearly does NOT.  Though this is the output from a later version, the at
> the time book version 2.4.1 gives the same unknow option to s sed error
> message.
> I do not know enough about the substitution strings in sed to know if by
> chaning the / to another character if it would actually in an unknown way
> create errors down the track if compilation was successful.  It would seem
> to me that no one has actually followed the printed instructions through
> to see if it actually does compile.
> I am by no means a newbie to linux.  I have done technical writing and
> have followed through the instructions that I wrote to make sure there
> were no errors.
> make[5]: Entering directory
> `/opt/icedtea-2.4.5/openjdk-boot/jdk/make/java/version'
> /bin/mkdir -p /opt/icedtea-2.4.5/
> rm -f /opt/icedtea-2.4.5/
> rm -f /opt/icedtea-2.4.5/
> /bin/sed -e 's/@@launcher_name@@/java/g' \
> -e 's/@@java_version@@/1.7.0_51-BLFS/g' \
> -e 's/@@java_runtime_version@@/1.7.0_51-BLFS-b31/g' \
> -e 's/@@jdk_derivative_name@@/IcedTea 2.4.5/g' \
> -e 's/@@distro_name@@/n/a/g' \

That '/n/a/g' looks not right - one too many '/' chars?

And note - re sed errmsg below - that _that_ is the fifth '-e' expr.


> -e 's/@@distro_package_version@@//g' \
> -e 's/@@java_runtime_name@@/OpenJDK Runtime Environment/g' \
> -e 's/@@jdk_revid@@//g' \
> -e 's/@@hotspot_revid@@//g' \
> ../../../src/share/classes/sun/misc/ >
> /opt/icedtea-2.4.5/
> /bin/sed: -e expression #5, char 21: unknown option to `s'
> make[5]: *** [/opt/icedtea-2.4.5/]
> Error 1
> make[5]: Leaving directory
> `/opt/icedtea-2.4.5/openjdk-boot/jdk/make/java/version'
> make[4]: *** [all] Error 1
> make[4]: Leaving directory `/opt/icedtea-2.4.5/openjdk-boot/jdk/make/java'
> I really would appreciate it if someone could actually check and see if
> they get a successful compilation without going through and having to edit
> the Makefile.  It is a long build for me as I only have a duel core
> processor.  I tried the compilation several times, each time totally
> deleting the build directory to make sure that there were no left over
> files.
> It would seem that if the developer is not even interested in
> acknowledging the error that we are on our own with it.
> Regards,
> Christopher
> -- 

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Re: [blfs-support] No latex command? texlive-20130530

2014-01-13 Thread akhiezer
> Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2014 20:09:19 +0100
> From: Magnus Larsson 
> To: BLFS Support List 
> Subject: Re: [blfs-support] No latex command? texlive-20130530
> >> The scripts keep asking for /opt/texmf-dist..,
> >> /home/magnus/opt/texmf-dist/scripts/texlive, but such a directory was
> >> not created after make install.
> > 
> > 
> > Is there a directory or symlink called 'texmf-dist' in the filesystem:
> > $ find -P / -iname 'texmf-dist' \( -type d -o -type l \) -ls
> > 

I kno' u said "but such a directory was not created after make install": 
but I wasn't sure exactly how 'rigourously' you were meaning that (e.g. 
did you just mean that it's (obv) not at /opt/texmf-dist , nor under 
/home/magnus/ , etc); and so the above find() was just to check the whole 
filesys, in case it had been created somewhere else. Anyway, no need to 
run that cmd now, I'd say, given the wider picture established of how 
much more involved the inst may be.

> > 
> > Reading the blfs-svn-texlive page 
> > ('') again, 
> > I'm 
> > again wondering if the "At this point the installation is complete. If 
> > building from source is desired, extract the source package as usual and 
> > continue." is perhaps slightly misleading (no offence to anyone if that 
> > impression is wrong): for, e.g., for cmmi install I'd kindof expect you 
> > might 
> > still need to do the 'pathappend' stuff shown above that point in the page.
> You are right. There is apparently much more to do besides configure,
> make and make install. The BLFS Book starts with the installer. The
> source build as stated, is for updating the applications in "bin".

Do feel free to come back to list and post what you'd say would be any 
adjustments to the blfs-texlive page, in order - if nec - that it work
better for folks.

> Please find some feedback from
>  Original Message 
> Subject: Re: [tlbuild] Latex.fmt not found : texlive-20130530-source.tar.xz
> Date: Fri, 10 Jan 2014 13:36:46 -0800
> From: Paul Vojta 
> To: Magnus Larsson 
> CC:
> Dear Mr. Larsson:
> Running "make" and "make install" are only the beginning.
> You also need to populate the texmf tree with all of the macros,
> configure various options (via texconfig-sys), run mklinks to create the
> symbolic links, and run
>   fmtutil-sys --all
> and
>   updmap-sys
> together with frequent runnings of mktexlsr.
> Mostly the source tree is there if you want to recompile something and
> replace a binary in an existing tex installation, or if you are repackaging
> TeX Live (e.g., for Debian Linux).  If you want to do more than the former,
> then you'll need to learn more about how TeX runs.  (I am not offering
> to teach you.)
> Sincerely,
> Paul Vojta
> --- end ---

Yes, but it's dissatisfying to not be able to programmatically install a 
package: so I wouldn't want to settle for interactive-installer-only 

> > 
> > 
> > What d'you get from:
> > $ set | grep -iE '(tex|path).*='
> I have just updated the PATH, to point to the "bin" directory in "dist"
> from ./Build (=configure, make, make install). This is probably not
> enough. The BLFS book updates only PATH, MANPATH and INFOPATH though.

((Usually in such a request, what's wanted is at least the output from the 
command, and not solely description. But again, no need to do it now - 
overtaken by events.))


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Re: [blfs-support] No latex command? texlive-20130530

2014-01-13 Thread akhiezer
> Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2014 20:24:57 +0100
> From: Magnus Larsson 
> To: BLFS Support List 
> Subject: Re: [blfs-support] No latex command? texlive-20130530
> > 
> >  - you might want to compare'n'contrast with how texlive is built in the 
> > following ( , , & rlworkman are all 
> > well-regarded sources):
> > 
> > *
> >   The central file is './texlive.SlackBuild'  .
> >   (NB there's 3 main tarballs; and look at e.g. what './texlive.SlackBuild' 
> >says re the '..-extra..' & '..texmf..' tarballs.
> >NB also the patches re paths.)
> >   Same dirtree, hosted on alt server:
> >
> > ==
> > * The 'texi2html', 'libsigsegv', & 'texscythe' (the first two are simple 
> >   installs [should you need them], and you almost certainly don't need to 
> >   install 'texscythe') referred to, are avail on same servers, via:
> > 
> >   -
> > ( == )
> > 
> >   -
> > ( == )
> > 
> >   -
> > 
> > ==
> > * ( )
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > (NB am not 'trying' to push this - & likewise in other threads - away from 
> > b/lfs to slack: am just trying to hopefully help clarify; and the 
> > external-to-blfs *nix resources that I know best, are slackware (& 
> > openbsd).)
> That is a good idea. I will check. Meanwhile, I am on tlbuild list as
> well. I am using a binary installed Texlive on Debian 7, for the time
> being. It works fine. I might also run the Texlive installer from BLFS book.

Just to reiterate: if looking at that route, then just go direct to the 
'./texlive.SlackBuild' file and skim-read it:

; it's the central point - no need to start/get-bogged-down elsewhere. And 
go from there - see how the other materials hook-in from there.



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Re: [blfs-support] No latex command? texlive-20130530

2014-01-13 Thread akhiezer
> Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2014 20:19:54 +0100
> From: Magnus Larsson 
> To: BLFS Support List 
> Subject: Re: [blfs-support] No latex command? texlive-20130530
> [...] I have tried to rebuild as
> per but
> not succeeded.

Hmmm, that ref is from 2001; wouldn't really expect that vintage to work 
close-enough for today's pkg layouts &c.

> > 
> > Also what d'you get from:
> > $ find -P / \( -iname 'kpsewhich' -o -iname 'kpathsea' \) -ls
> Limiting search to home directory. It finds the "inst" in the source
> tree from "./Build" and "./opt/texlive" from another local install attempt.

The point of searching the whole filesys, was just in case either of them 
had gotten into a dir that's in your PATH (or similar), and being picked 
up before the correct, wanted versions; this is per refs posted (one by 
Norbert ... & the other at '..crux...').

But as you note in other posts today, looks like the problems are stemming 
from needing to do quite a bit more for the overall install.


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Re: [blfs-support] No latex command? texlive-20130530

2014-01-12 Thread akhiezer
> Date: Sun, 12 Jan 2014 19:06:38 +
> From: (akhiezer)
> To: BLFS Support List 
> Subject: Re: [blfs-support] No latex command? texlive-20130530
> > Date: Sun, 12 Jan 2014 16:02:13 +
> > From: (akhiezer)
> > To: BLFS Support List 
> > Subject: Re: [blfs-support] No latex command? texlive-20130530
> >
>   .
>   .
> >
> > Reading the blfs-svn-texlive page 
> > ('') again, 
> > I'm 
> > again wondering if the "At this point the installation is complete. If 
> > building from source is desired, extract the source package as usual and 
> > continue." is perhaps slightly misleading (no offence to anyone if that 
> > impression is wrong): for, e.g., for cmmi install I'd kindof expect you 
> > might 
> > still need to do the 'pathappend' stuff shown above that point in the page.
> >
> (Am also now wondering if am not grokking exactly what sequence of commands 
> that page is wanting the user to do, for a cmmi install.)


Apols for the slight bombardment of posts. Just to check, what sequence of 
commands from the blfs-texlive page do you run; and what if any changes do 
you make (already know about ./confiure '--prefix=...' change) ?

For convenience, here's the list from blfs-7.4 

$ tar -xf install-tl-unx.tar.gz && cd install-tl-20130730
$ TEXLIVE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/texlive ./install-tl
# If you run this, then if possible can you detail what options 
# you choose?
$ cat >> /etc/profile.d/ << "EOF"
pathappend /usr/share/manMANPATH
pathappend /opt/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/doc/man  MANPATH
pathappend /usr/share/info   INFOPATH
pathappend /opt/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/doc/info INFOPATH
pathappend /opt/texlive/2013/bin/x86_64-linux
$ source /etc/profile
# I know you adjust '--prefix=...' in foll cfg:
$ ./configure --prefix=/usr  \
--disable-native-texlive-build \
--enable-build-in-source-tree  \
--without-luatex   \
--enable-mktextex-default  \
--with-banner-add=" - BLFS"&&
$ make -k check
$ make DESTDIR=$PWD/texlive-tmp install
$ find texlive-tmp/usr/bin -type f -exec cp -v {} 
/opt/texlive/2013/bin/x86_64-linux \;


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Re: [blfs-support] No latex command? texlive-20130530

2014-01-12 Thread akhiezer
> Date: Sun, 12 Jan 2014 16:02:13 +
> From: (akhiezer)
> To: BLFS Support List 
> Subject: Re: [blfs-support] No latex command? texlive-20130530
> Reading the blfs-svn-texlive page 
> ('') again, I'm 
> again wondering if the "At this point the installation is complete. If 
> building from source is desired, extract the source package as usual and 
> continue." is perhaps slightly misleading (no offence to anyone if that 
> impression is wrong): for, e.g., for cmmi install I'd kindof expect you might 
> still need to do the 'pathappend' stuff shown above that point in the page.

(Am also now wondering if am not grokking exactly what sequence of commands 
that page is wanting the user to do, for a cmmi install.)


 - you might want to compare'n'contrast with how texlive is built in the 
following ( , , & rlworkman are all 
well-regarded sources):

  The central file is './texlive.SlackBuild'  .
  (NB there's 3 main tarballs; and look at e.g. what './texlive.SlackBuild' 
   says re the '..-extra..' & '..texmf..' tarballs.
   NB also the patches re paths.)
  Same dirtree, hosted on alt server:
* The 'texi2html', 'libsigsegv', & 'texscythe' (the first two are simple 
  installs [should you need them], and you almost certainly don't need to 
  install 'texscythe') referred to, are avail on same servers, via:

( == )

( == )


* ( )

(NB am not 'trying' to push this - & likewise in other threads - away from 
b/lfs to slack: am just trying to hopefully help clarify; and the 
external-to-blfs *nix resources that I know best, are slackware (& openbsd).)



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Re: [blfs-support] WebKitGTK-1/Flash

2014-01-12 Thread akhiezer
> Date: Sat, 11 Jan 2014 14:17:22 -0300
> From: Fernando de Oliveira 
> To: BLFS Support List 
> Subject: Re: [blfs-support] WebKitGTK-1/Flash
> Unfortunately, I do not have lsof.

Another 'tree' ? Very useful diag/info util. Low-maint. Very simple build:

(Std example of its usefulness is in seeing what process/user has got files 
open on a volume that you want to unmount (& don't want to wait on a 


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Re: [blfs-support] No latex command? texlive-20130530

2014-01-12 Thread akhiezer
> From: Magnus Larsson 
> To: BLFS Support List 
> Date: Fri, 10 Jan 2014 18:59:07 +0100
> Subject: Re: [blfs-support] No latex command? texlive-20130530
> If if run the Build script from texlive source 
> ./Build
> I get:
> inst/bin, inst/iclude, inst/lib, inst/texmf-dist, inst/texmf-var
> inst/bin/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
> inst/bin/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu contains latex as a link to pdftex.
> If I add "inst/bin/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu" to PATH and execute latex I get

Check: 'inst/': is that just a dir relative to the './Build' ?

> latex test.tex
> This is pdfTeX, Version 3.1415926-2.5-1.40.14 (TeX Live 2013)
>  restricted \write18 enabled.
> kpathsea: Running mktexfmt latex.fmt
> I can't find the format file `latex.fmt'!
> I do not have latex.fmt.

Yeah, but if you're just './Build'ing and not installing, then ymmv as to 
whether stuff will get located properly. And of course, "can't find" !== 
"doesn't exist"  . Again, are there any 'latex.fmt' objects in the 
$ find -P / -iname 'latex.fmt' -ls

Also what d'you get from:
$ find -P / \( -iname 'kpsewhich' -o -iname 'kpathsea' \) -ls


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Re: [blfs-support] No latex command? texlive-20130530

2014-01-12 Thread akhiezer
> Date: Thu, 09 Jan 2014 22:23:07 +0100
> From: Magnus Larsson 
> To: BLFS Support List 
> Subject: Re: [blfs-support] No latex command? texlive-20130530
> > Are 
> > you able to run 'tlmgr' (you might need to input the full path) and have a 
> > look around and see if anything obv jumps out?
> tlmgr states, when executed
> Can't locate TeXLive/ in @INC (you may need to install the
> TeXLive::TLConfig module) (@INC contains:
> /home/magnus/opt/texmf-dist/scripts/texlive /home/magnus/opt/tlpkg
> /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.18.0/x86_64-linux
> /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.18.0
> /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.18.0/x86_64-linux
> /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.18.0 /usr/lib/perl5/5.18.0/x86_64-linux
> /usr/lib/perl5/5.18.0 .) at /home/magnus/opt/texlive/bin/tlmgr line 82.
> BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /home/magnus/opt/texlive/bin/tlmgr
> line 82.

Some googling (e.g. on "Can't locate TeXLive/ in @INC") 
indicates may be path-related. Ref e.g.:
* (again)

Is the file '' actually in the filesystem:
$ find -P / -iname '' -ls

> The scripts keep asking for /opt/texmf-dist..,
> /home/magnus/opt/texmf-dist/scripts/texlive, but such a directory was
> not created after make install.

Is there a directory or symlink called 'texmf-dist' in the filesystem:
$ find -P / -iname 'texmf-dist' \( -type d -o -type l \) -ls

> Yes, /home/magnus/opt/texlive is notstandard, but BLFS use/opt/texlive
> at least in the texlive installer part of the instruction.

Yes, but the texlive-installer part does not necessarily do the same set of 
things as the cmmi route. Are you able to try the '--prefix=/usr' cmmi route? 
(No probs if not at this stage.)

Reading the blfs-svn-texlive page 
('') again, I'm 
again wondering if the "At this point the installation is complete. If 
building from source is desired, extract the source package as usual and 
continue." is perhaps slightly misleading (no offence to anyone if that 
impression is wrong): for, e.g., for cmmi install I'd kindof expect you might 
still need to do the 'pathappend' stuff shown above that point in the page.

What d'you get from:
$ set | grep -iE '(tex|path).*='

However, as noted before, I don't use texlive (still use tetex): it'd be great 
if someone who has installed via blfs-texlive page, could pitch in for you.


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Re: [blfs-support] WebKitGTK-1/Flash

2014-01-12 Thread akhiezer
> Date: Sat, 11 Jan 2014 16:07:23 + (GMT)
> From: Richard 
> To: BLFS Support List 
> Subject: Re: [blfs-support] WebKitGTK-1/Flash
> - Original Message -----
> > From: akhiezer 
> ...
> > - meant to add, that if it's just no-pasa with flash+uzbl, then if possible 
> > as a fallback-test, build seamonkey/firefox as part of your blfs build 
> > (you'll likely have much of the 'Required' infrastructure already, 
> > in passing), 
> > and per blfs instructions, and verify that flash works ok for you with 
> > one/both 
> > of those. (Yes, I realise/guess that you perh/prob want uzbl as a bypass of 
> > the 
> > likes of ff/sm). Or, as an alternate test, can you add flash successfully 
> > to a 
> > distro that doesn't ship with it per se - e.g. slackware-14.1  .
> I may try that as an overnight build tonight. Forgive my stupidity - but how 
> is building a gecko-based browser going to assist with diagnosing why webkit 
> cannot use the plugin?

That was a same-day reply to your initial post; at which time was still 
allowing for the possibility that you might just want to get the proverbial 
'flash running in a browser' (your "how do you guys get flash working?" was 
interpreted by more than one, it seems, as a general question), rather than 
via a more-specific (webkit) route; I think it's fair to say that the 
more-apparent goal & 'allowed' routes, emerged in stages over the first few 
days of posts of the thread.

For the apparent goal/routes that you want, I'd think that the likes of 
Fernando &c's posts in the main branch of this thread, that more-directly 
concern webkit &c, are of course the way to go.

Am interested in how it's resolved. At the same time, although yes it can be 
interesting to get to the root of a problem - as well as or instead of 'just' 
sidestepping or working around it: but if "flash remains a necessity", per 
one of your early follow-up posts, then you might want to consider the ff/sm 
route; it's how I 'get flash working'; it's straightforward, and have never 
managed to get it not working - outwith test/dbg.

Some general points to bear in mind, if not already:

* don't just rely on one 'test flash' site; use at least a few different 
* you often will need javascript enabled (Fernando (&c?) has noted this).
* some flash files may play ok while others not, due to e.g. different 
  video encodings, etc.
* curl: istr the conversation was re gnash; but keep it in mind for flash.
* some ... types of debugging ... can lead to a situation where 'it works', 
  but not sure what was the clinching factor. If you then try to find the 
  decisive point by trying to 'break' the setup by undoing steps, you might 
  get false-positives/negatives due to caching mechanisms. Such caching 
  certainly applies to flash-in-browser IME.
* post commands used, & stdout/stderr, if possible.
* webkitgtk builds: looking around some slack-related sites (e.g. via 
  ''), webkitgtk seems to get built with 
  some extra explicit './configure' options, such as 
  '--enable-plugin-process=no' ["build plugin process for WebKit2 
  [default=yes]"] (I know that you mentioned it earlier), along with the 
  other stuff that switches-off gtk3/webkit2.


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Re: [blfs-support] Destdir installation question

2014-01-07 Thread akhiezer
> Date: Sat, 04 Jan 2014 14:06:51 +0200
> From: Thanos Baloukas 
> To:
> Subject: Re: [blfs-support] Destdir installation question
> the --keep-directory-symlink seems to be the suitable option.
> By tar manual:
> ???--keep-directory-symlink???
> This option changes the behavior of tar when it encounters a symlink 
> with the same name as the directory that it is about to extract. By 
> default, in this case tar would first remove the symlink and then 
> proceed extracting the directory.
> The ???--keep-directory-symlink??? option disables this behavior and 
> instructs tar to follow symlinks to directories when extracting from the 
> archive.
> It is mainly intended to provide compatibility with the Slackware 
> installation scripts.

 -  just to perhaps clarify (e.g. anyone reading 'cold'), that's of course 
new in the relatively-recent 1.27.x release (I'd 'omitted to remember' that 
1.27.x had been released and e.g. added to lfs-svn): it basically restores 
some functionality 'lost' when going from 1.13.x to 1.14.x back at the 
Eggert->Poznyakoff maint-transition back in 2001-2004. And of course the 
option has much wider usefulness than just for slack-installer. You might 
find the also-new '--{keep,skip}-old-files' options to be of use too, at 
least within the context of the goals & route that you have. (Tho' of course 
as they're new, be sure to have tested fully before putting into any 
production (as will happen for slack-installer I'd expect)).


> -- 
> Thanos
> -- 

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Re: [blfs-support] No latex command? texlive-20130530

2014-01-07 Thread akhiezer
> From: Magnus Larsson 
> To: BLFS Support List 
> Date: Mon, 06 Jan 2014 20:26:27 +0100
> Subject: [blfs-support] No latex command? texlive-20130530
> Dear BLFS Support List 
> No latex command? texlive-20130530
> I tried a local install inspired by: 
> I did not use the Texlive installer. Instead I downloaded the source tarball 
> ./configure --prefix=/home/magnus/opt/texlive  \
> --disable-native-texlive-build \
> --enable-build-in-source-tree  \
> --without-luatex   \
> --enable-mktextex-default  \
> --with-banner-add=" - BLFS" 
> make -j8

Sanity check: did you try fall-back to '-j1'  ? Sometimes you get 
~'race conditions' or similar (for just one class of issues) with more than 
one job going on at the same time.

> make install

Did Bruce's presumably-working-ok install follow blfs-7.4 page's cmmi section,  
or the texlive-installer section; and was there any deviations from the book 
page - esp re prefix=/usr ? I'm part-wondering if your (Magnus's) 'unusual' 
prefix value would require some further variables set, as (of course) not all 
pkgs auto-adjust properly to 'non-standard' values.

> I get a working tex in /home/magnus/opt/texlive/bin:
> magnus@lfs ~> tex
> This is TeX, Version 3.1415926 (TeX Live 2013 - BLFS)
> Question(s):
> Why did I not get a latex command in /home/magnus/opt/texlive/bin?
> Is the interactive texlive installer the only option? (and the source tarball 
> is only a 
> subset). The blfs build instruction starts with the texlive installer and the 
> source install 
> comes later. Is the texlive installer a mandatory step?
> Do I have to install Latex (scripts) separately? How?
> Am I missing a prerequisite package? ./configure did not complain. 
> I have the following optional dependencies: ghostscript, Poppler, FreeType, 
> Fontconfig, libpng, X Window System, ICU, Lua installed. 
> I do not have GD, t1lib, ZZIPlib, CLISP,  TECkit, and Graphite.

A lot of online resources re texlive help, seem to be quite specific to how 
distros both re-package texlive &c and install via package-manager. So e.g. 
some 'solutions' are to 'install latex-bin', or 'install texlive-binaries', 
and so on; am not sure if those would apply to the from-source cmmi approach. 

> Am I missing configuration date, ie TEXMFMAIN, TEXMFHOME, etc?
> Probably since I get:
> magnus@lfs ~/test/tex> tex test.tex
>   This is TeX, Version 3.1415926 (TeX Live 2013 - BLFS)
>   kpathsea: Running mktexfmt tex.fmt
>   /home/magnus/opt/texlive/bin/mktexfmt: line 395: 
> /home/magnus/opt/texmf-   dist/texconfig/tcfmgr: No such file or 
> directory
>   fmtutil: config file `fmtutil.cnf' not found.
>   I can't find the format file `tex.fmt'!
> tcfmgr script was installed in: 
> /home/magnus/opt/texlive/share/texmf-dist/texconfig.

For this part, the discussion at 
'' might be of use in 
orienting a bit, esp the seq of comments at the foot of the page.
(Cf. also '' ). Are 
you able to run 'tlmgr' (you might need to input the full path) and have a 
look around and see if anything obv jumps out?


(( p.s. in passing, saw:

"TeXLive - no latex binary after installation [closed]"
"closed as too localized by percusse, egreg, Marco Daniel, Paul Gaborit, 
 cgnieder Sep 16 '12 at 15:43

This question is unlikely to help any future visitors; it is only relevant to 
a small geographic area, a specific moment in time, or an extraordinarily 
narrow situation that is not generally applicable to the worldwide audience of 
the internet. For help making this question more broadly applicable, visit the 
help center.

If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please 
edit the question."



> Best regards,
> Magnus Larsson 

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Re: [blfs-support] No latex command? texlive-20130530

2014-01-06 Thread akhiezer
> Date: Mon, 06 Jan 2014 15:06:34 -0600
> From: Bruce Dubbs 
> To: BLFS Support List 
> Subject: Re: [blfs-support] No latex command? texlive-20130530
> Magnus Larsson wrote:
> > Dear BLFS Support List
> >
> > No latex command? texlive-20130530
> >
> > I get a working tex in /home/magnus/opt/texlive/bin:
> > magnus@lfs ~> tex
> > This is TeX, Version 3.1415926 (TeX Live 2013 - BLFS)
> >
> > Question(s):
> > Why did I not get a latex command in /home/magnus/opt/texlive/bin?
> >

Did you get a file called 'latex' or (regex) 'pdf*tex' anywhere?

> For me latex is a symbolic link to pdftex.  My log has:

Yes, and in older tetex - still used here - there's:
/usr/share/texmf/bin/latex -> pdfetex
/usr/share/texmf/bin/pdftex -> pdfetex


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Re: [blfs-support] WebKitGTK-1/Flash

2014-01-06 Thread akhiezer
> Date: Thu, 02 Jan 2014 15:45:41 +
> From: (akhiezer)
> To: BLFS Support List 
> Subject: Re: [blfs-support] WebKitGTK-1/Flash
> > Date: Thu, 2 Jan 2014 11:33:49 + (GMT)
> > From: Richard 
> > To: BLFS Support List 
> > Subject: Re: [blfs-support] WebKitGTK-1/Flash
> >
> > Firstly, I am grateful for the replies.
> >
> > Regrettably, so far I have made no progress.
> >
> > Some comments below...
> >
>   .
>   .
> >
> > I apologise if my initial post lacked detail. Perhaps I should be more 
> > precise:
> >
> > I intend eventually to use the 'uzbl' browser, which supposedly supports
> > flash. For testing purposes I have built uzbl (actually three sub-packages
> > of which two are relevant) and I am also using the pre-supplied tool
> > 'GtkLauncher' which I found in the 'Programs' directory after the webkit 
> > build.
> >
> > My understanding is that a suitable browser should be able to use externally
> > supplied 'plugins' in order to render specialist material such as swf, java
> > etc. To this end I have tried GtkLauncher, uzbl-browser and uzbl-core all
> > rendering the page '' and all three tell me that 
> > 'this
> > content requires flash' and provide a helpful download link encouraging me 
> > to
> > obtain the library which I already have in several places on the system...
> >
> > ---
> >
> > I do note that in the configure log, webkit has the 'external plugin 
> > process'
> > disabled - however this appears to be a feature of 'webkit-2' (which I have
> > inferred uses GTK3?). So I am assuming that webkit-1 does not use the 
> > external
> > process and handles plugins differently? (I did try rebuilding with
> > --enable-plugin-process but predictably it complained about a lack of GTK 
> > 3).
> >
> > So, does anybody have any other good ideas? Have I misunderstood some vital
> > concept?
> >
> Have you seen & processed these posts (search in their text for 'flash' to 
> get 
> the right places):
> --
> *
> *
> *
> * ( )
> --

I know you said in a separate post about having used uzbl mailing lists: but 
just to check explicitly, did you try what is discussed in the above 
'/2013-.../' threads?

> rgds,
> akh

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Re: [blfs-support] Destdir installation question

2014-01-04 Thread akhiezer
> Date: Sat, 04 Jan 2014 11:13:07 +
> From: (akhiezer)
> To: BLFS Support List 
> Subject: Re: [blfs-support] Destdir installation question
> > Date: Sat, 04 Jan 2014 12:29:24 +0200
> > From: Thanos Baloukas 
> > To: BLFS support 
> > Subject: [blfs-support] Destdir installation question
> >
> > I installed libffi-3.0.13 in chroot using destdir method
> > with which I'm not familiar. I did
> >
> > make DESTDIR=${fakeroot} install
> > cd ${fakeroot}
> > sudo bash -c "tar cf - . | (cd / ; tar xf - --no-same-owner)"
> >
> > as the LFS fakeroot hint suggests
> > (I added 'sudo bash -c' and --no-same-owner).
> > That broke compiler because libffi installed it's libs in
> > $DESTDIR/usr/lib64 directory
> > and tar replaced the /usr/lib64 symlink with  the directory.
> > I also tried to do those as root,
> > withought sudo and --no-same-owner, but nothing changed.
> > I added -h (--dereference) option to tar xf and that fixed the problem.
> > Did someone else have that? Will the constant use of -h option to tar
> > cause other problems? Is there another - more reliable maybe - way
> > to place files on / ?
> >
> You might find useful the summary-discussion & workaround at:
> Ref: 
> * 
> * ( )
> --
> "# This old version is the only one that won't clobber symlinks, e.g.:
>  # someone moves /opt to /usr/opt and makes a symlink.  With newer
>  # versions of tar, installing any new package will remove the /opt
>  # symlink and plop down a new directory there.
>   .
>   .
>   "
> --

 - meant to add: as a general principle, I'd expect you wouldn't want to use 
'-h' systematically; for, in general, I'd expect that if you have symlinks 
in the destdir/tarball, then you'd want to re-create those when you 
un-tar/install. In Slackware, any _extra_, 'special' handling that's 
required for some symlinks, is usually done in the package's '' 
script - ref e.g. near the end of:


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Re: [blfs-support] Destdir installation question

2014-01-04 Thread akhiezer
> Date: Sat, 04 Jan 2014 12:29:24 +0200
> From: Thanos Baloukas 
> To: BLFS support 
> Subject: [blfs-support] Destdir installation question
> I installed libffi-3.0.13 in chroot using destdir method
> with which I'm not familiar. I did
> make DESTDIR=${fakeroot} install
> cd ${fakeroot}
> sudo bash -c "tar cf - . | (cd / ; tar xf - --no-same-owner)"
> as the LFS fakeroot hint suggests
> (I added 'sudo bash -c' and --no-same-owner).
> That broke compiler because libffi installed it's libs in
> $DESTDIR/usr/lib64 directory
> and tar replaced the /usr/lib64 symlink with  the directory.
> I also tried to do those as root,
> withought sudo and --no-same-owner, but nothing changed.
> I added -h (--dereference) option to tar xf and that fixed the problem.
> Did someone else have that? Will the constant use of -h option to tar
> cause other problems? Is there another - more reliable maybe - way
> to place files on / ?

You might find useful the summary-discussion & workaround at:

* ( )
"# This old version is the only one that won't clobber symlinks, e.g.:
 # someone moves /opt to /usr/opt and makes a symlink.  With newer
 # versions of tar, installing any new package will remove the /opt
 # symlink and plop down a new directory there.



> Thanks
> -- 
> Thanos
> -- 

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Re: [blfs-support] WebKitGTK-1/Flash

2014-01-02 Thread akhiezer
> Date: Thu, 2 Jan 2014 11:33:49 + (GMT)
> From: Richard 
> To: BLFS Support List 
> Subject: Re: [blfs-support] WebKitGTK-1/Flash
> Firstly, I am grateful for the replies.
> Regrettably, so far I have made no progress.
> Some comments below...
> I apologise if my initial post lacked detail. Perhaps I should be more 
> precise:
> I intend eventually to use the 'uzbl' browser, which supposedly supports
> flash. For testing purposes I have built uzbl (actually three sub-packages
> of which two are relevant) and I am also using the pre-supplied tool
> 'GtkLauncher' which I found in the 'Programs' directory after the webkit 
> build.
> My understanding is that a suitable browser should be able to use externally
> supplied 'plugins' in order to render specialist material such as swf, java
> etc. To this end I have tried GtkLauncher, uzbl-browser and uzbl-core all
> rendering the page '' and all three tell me that 
> 'this
> content requires flash' and provide a helpful download link encouraging me to
> obtain the library which I already have in several places on the system...
> ---
> I do note that in the configure log, webkit has the 'external plugin process'
> disabled - however this appears to be a feature of 'webkit-2' (which I have
> inferred uses GTK3?). So I am assuming that webkit-1 does not use the external
> process and handles plugins differently? (I did try rebuilding with
> --enable-plugin-process but predictably it complained about a lack of GTK 3).
> So, does anybody have any other good ideas? Have I misunderstood some vital
> concept?

Have you seen & processed these posts (search in their text for 'flash' to get 
the right places):
* ( )


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Re: [blfs-support] WebKitGTK-1/Flash

2014-01-02 Thread akhiezer
> Date: Thu, 2 Jan 2014 13:49:17 + (GMT)
> From: Richard 
> Subject: Re: [blfs-support] WebKitGTK-1/Flash
> To: akhiezer ,
> BLFS Support List 
> - Original Message -
> > From: akhiezer 
> > Can you list the places where you have got the .so located. Is your system 
> > 64-bit?
> (I will find the list later when I have the machine)
> This is a 32-bit build on 32 bit hardware (a small, c2008 laptop, the class 
> of machines that attracted the absurd label of 'netbook').
> However... I am about to start my next LFS build - which will be 64-bit - so 
> if there are extra concerns I would be keen to hear about them.

 - meant to add, that if it's just no-pasa with flash+uzbl, then if possible 
as a fallback-test, build seamonkey/firefox as part of your blfs build 
(you'll likely have much of the 'Required' infrastructure already, in passing), 
and per blfs instructions, and verify that flash works ok for you with one/both 
of those. (Yes, I realise/guess that you perh/prob want uzbl as a bypass of the 
likes of ff/sm). Or, as an alternate test, can you add flash successfully to a 
distro that doesn't ship with it per se - e.g. slackware-14.1  .

Also, be extra-sure that you do have the 32-bit version for the 32-bit machine 
(no offence meant in asking); and sim for 64-bit.


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Re: [blfs-support] WebKitGTK-1/Flash

2014-01-02 Thread akhiezer
> Date: Thu, 2 Jan 2014 11:33:49 + (GMT)
> From: Richard 
> To: BLFS Support List 
> Subject: Re: [blfs-support] WebKitGTK-1/Flash
> Firstly, I am grateful for the replies.
> Regrettably, so far I have made no progress.
> Some comments below...

Some partly-indirect notes:

> I am aware of this and would welcome a viable FOSS alternative. For the
> moment flash remains a necessity. It has been a couple of years since I 
> looked at any FOSS flash alternatives - but my recollection is that they 
> fell far short of the mark.

( - so does flash ;)  ).

I see 'lightspark' mentioned quite often; never tried it, or read up on it.

> rendering the page '' and all three tell me that 
> 'this
> content requires flash' and provide a helpful download link encouraging me to
> obtain the library which I already have in several places on the system...

Can you list the places where you have got the .so located. Is your system 

> So, does anybody have any other good ideas? Have I misunderstood some vital
> concept?

If I ever 'want'/'need' to run flash, it's in a sandpitted and nailed-down vm 
that can be wiped/restored very easily; the os inside the vm would normally 
be based on blfs/slack, or slackware itself, or in 'exceptional' circumstances 
xp/7 (yeah, I know ...) . This is mainly to avoid 'polluting' the main os with 


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Re: [blfs-support] WebKitGTK-1/Flash

2013-12-30 Thread akhiezer
> Date: Mon, 30 Dec 2013 11:41:26 + (GMT)
> From: Richard 
> To: "" 
> Subject: [blfs-support] WebKitGTK-1/Flash
> Is there some 'trick' or undocumented procedure for building/using 
> webkitgtk-1 with flash? Some build flag that I may have missed or variable 
> which needs to be set?
> I have downloaded the appropriate archive from Adobe - with a readme which 
> tells me to put in the 'appropriate directory' (not very 
> helpful).

The 'readme.txt' usually says s'thing like:
o Unpack the tar.gz file.  Once unpacked you will see the following:
+ /usr
o Identify the location of the browser plugins directory, based on your
  Linux distribution and Firefox version
o Copy to the appropriate browser plugins directory.
  At the prompt type:
+ cp 

> A quick search around stackoverflow tended to hint at directories such as:
> /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/
> /opt/google/chrome/plugins
> so I have copied the library to both locations with no success. I have 
> searched as best online and I can find nothing helpful.

You might want/need to put one or more of those two paths, into 
/etc/ then run ldconfig : those details might differ a bit for a 
'pure' b/lfs build - we use a mix of b/lfs/slackware/&c here.


> So - how do you guys get flash working?
> Many thanks, R.
> -- 

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Re: [blfs-support] Xorg required dep when following links in BLFS

2013-12-26 Thread akhiezer
> Date: Wed, 25 Dec 2013 21:33:49 -0300
> From: Fernando de Oliveira 
> To: BLFS Support List 
> Subject: Re: [blfs-support] Xorg required dep when following links in BLFS
> Em 23-12-2013 08:13, Fernando de Oliveira escreveu:
> > 
> > I think the solution of including introduction as dependency for
> > xorg-proto and for xcb-proto seems to be a good solution.
> > 
> For util-macros, fixed at r12448. Thanks.

r12448 & r12441 : wouldn't it be better to make them links to 'x-precfg' or 
similar, rather than the too-generic - & misleading - values used in xml/html?

If you're going to be linking to 'logical-' (or 'meta-'/'pseudo-'/... 
then it's best to get good accurate & intuitive names for them.

(Btw, am not against linking to 'logical-'packages per se; we do similar here 
quite a bit - e.g. define classes/sets such as 'mta' (similar to in b/lfs), 'x',


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Re: [blfs-support] Complete Backup of {,B}LFS

2013-12-23 Thread akhiezer
> Date: Mon, 23 Dec 2013 07:59:22 -0600
> From: Dan McGhee 
> To: BLFS Support List 
> Subject: Re: [blfs-support] Complete Backup of {,B}LFS
> I am always quite interested in what one word or phrase means to 
> different people. [...]

 - yes, this cropped up in aforenoted earlier thread ... (and indeed muchly 
on mailing-lists).

> When I said "clone" I didn't think about the partition size, where the 
> info was located or the metadata. However, my main concern was 
> preservation of ownership, group and permissions. But with the remarks 
> in this thread, I want the times preserved now--I've used them before in 
> "find" for the tests --newer and !--newer.
> I completed the backup, but now want to do it again to insure all of 
> this. I used  the last time because of permissions. The reason I 
> didn't use the find|cpio combination was that ownersip wasn't preserved. 

Did you do the find/cpio as root? As root, you get owner/group/perms/&c all 
preserved ((it would be *nuts* not to be able to)).

> I read the cpio info and saw this--
> > |--no-preserve-owner|
> > Do not change the ownership of the files; leave them owned by the
> > user extracting them.
> >
> To me that phrase "leave them owned" says that the files will be 
> owned by me when I'm done and seems to contradict the first part of the 
> sentence which is what I wanted to have happen.
> If I use "--no-preserve-owner" will the ownership, group and permissions 
> remain as they are, or do they get changed?

For what you want to do, as described, and as understood from here: do the 
find/cpio operation as root. Punkt.

If you're trying to do such stuff as non-root, then you'll encounter issues 
like not being able to access some source-tree objects, or not being able 
to reset access-timestamps back to their original values, &usw.

To address the '--no-preserve-owner' thing more-directly: it's really 
intended to allow users to extract files/&c with user/group set to themselves 
- just like with tar. Probly best if you experiment a little (if not already) 
and of course *carefully* (esp. re tgt-dir) - e.g. compare'n'contrast the 
results from doing following as root then as non-root, each time trying out 
with '--no-preserve-owner' and then without '--no-preserve-owner':

$ mkdir /tmp/tmptst # Then put some dirs/files in there, and change 
# some perms/owns values.
$ mkdir ./tstmnt
$ find /tmp/tmptst -xdev -depth -print0 | \
   cpio -0pdam -v  [--no-preserve-owner] ./tstmnt/
$ mv -i ./tstmnt ./tstmnt.${ROOT_OR_NOT}.${PRESERVE_OWNS_OR_NOT}

This is the sort of thing that one should aim to be comfortable trying out.


> Dan

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Re: [blfs-support] Xorg required dep when following links in BLFS

2013-12-23 Thread akhiezer
> Date: Mon, 23 Dec 2013 09:56:24 -0600
> From: Bruce Dubbs 
> To: BLFS Support List 
> Subject: Re: [blfs-support] Xorg required dep when following links in BLFS
> >>
> >
> >
> > Might it be best addressed in blfs chapter 2 or 3, if it's considered to
> > be a 'global', 'overview' kind of issue? BLFS users are ~expected to have
> > processed those chapters. That would help avoid a lot of repetition
> > elsewhere?
>  From a practical matter, those sections will be skipped by a lot of 
> users.  Adding the preface matter as a prereq to a couple of packages 
> seems to be the minimal solution.

 - your book, your rules.

Your argument seems to say, don't put (presumably-deemed-)important info 
like this into chapters 2 or 3, as "those sections will be skipped by a lot 
of users". That would seem to be somewhat at odds with e.g. chapter-2 
being titled 'Important Information'.

Is there anything in those chapters - "2. Important Information", and 
ch-3 - that should be moved to elsewhere, since from what you say "those 
sections will be skipped by a lot of users", while at the same time it's 
(currently) deemed important info.


>-- Bruce

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Re: [blfs-support] Xorg required dep when following links in BLFS

2013-12-23 Thread akhiezer
> From: William Harrington 
> To: BLFS Support List 
> Date: Mon, 23 Dec 2013 04:07:25 -0600
> Subject: [blfs-support] Xorg required dep when following links in BLFS
> Greetings,
> There is a problem with BLFS and Xorg deps when someone follows the  
> links for required dependencies of Xorg libs.
> An example:
> When a user attempts to build WIreshark, the require deps will take  
> them all the way to xorg-proto.
> I have also been told that util-macros isn't required for xproto. I  
> haven't confirmed, so I won't deal with that here.
> THe problem is, that when someone is following required dependencies  
> and gets to xorg-proto or util macros, XORG_PREFIX won't be set if  
> they follow dependencies rather than going straight to the Xorg  
> introduction page.
> xorg-proto ( which has util-macros as required dependency) does not  
> have Xorg introduction as a required dependency where XORG_PREFIX and  
> XORG_CONFIG is set.
> This is a problem and has been for some time. Users constantly come to  
> support (more irc than the mailing list) with issues regarding  
> libraries and headers not found. Of course, we don't support zombies,  
> but clearly, if you go from top to bottom and then someone decides  
> that they would want to install Xorg dependencies while following  
> required dependency links, they don't get XORG_CONFIG or XORG_PREFIX  
> set.
> Since the Xorg libs will eventually link the required deps all the way  
> to util-macros as a required dependency of xorg-proto, I think it'd be  
> a suggestion to have the xorg introduction as a dependency of util- 
> macros or xorg-proto or both.
> A lot of people do follow links rather than know if they want to build  
> some or all of Xorg, and when they do this, they don't get to the Xorg  
> introduction page for Xorg. People can argue all they want that users  
> should know if they want any or all of Xorg installed before building  
> an app that may use a GUI. The problem is that the required dependency  
> chain is broken. I followed Wireshark all the way back to util-macros,  
> and nothing about XORG_PREFIX and XORG_CONFIG was mentioned.

Might it be best addressed in blfs chapter 2 or 3, if it's considered to 
be a 'global', 'overview' kind of issue? BLFS users are ~expected to have 
processed those chapters. That would help avoid a lot of repetition 


> Sincerely,
> WIlliam Harrington
> -- 

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Re: [blfs-support] Complete Backup of {,B}LFS

2013-12-23 Thread akhiezer
> Date: Mon, 23 Dec 2013 00:43:13 +0100
> From: Aleksandar Kuktin 
> To:
> Subject: Re: [blfs-support] Complete Backup of {,B}LFS
> > >
> > This looks really interesting and I want to "play" with it. But what
> > I want *is* a clone, an exact copy, of what I have now.
> > 
> > Dan
> > 
> Well, in that case, dd is probably your friend.
> dd if=/dev/source of=/dev/destination bs=512
> Ofcourse, this only works if the destination partition is at least as
> big as the source partition. For best results, the two should be
> identical. If destination is bigger than the source, the extra space
> in the destination will be unused. I think I read somewhere that some
> program from e2fsprogs can be used to resize ext2/ext3 filesystems, but
> don't take my word for it. The other way of reclaiming the dead space

 - 'resize2fs', part of e2fsprogs pkg. (Has worked well here over the years, 
primarily used as part of resizing logical-volumes).

> is to resize partitions however this is a very touchy procedure, may
> not work on EFI/UEFI systems (depending on how they actually physically
> store partition information) and requires manually calculating offsets
> and filesystem and partition sizes. I did this once or twice (including
> recovering my HDD after accidentally overwriting the partition table)
> and can walk you through the process, but unless you *need* or *want*
> the modification timestamps on you directories to be exactly the same
> as on the original filesystem, you are much better off using cpio.
> Note that you can also clone devices with cat (and probably a host of
> other even more convoluted methods):
> cat < /dev/source > /dev/destination
> ...but dd is better because it prints out exact statistics on what it
> did while cat either prints nothing at all or just spits out a terse
> and not entirely informative error string.
> On the subject of cloning filesystems (as opposed to cloning devices),
> I come up blank with names of programs that can do that, even though
> there is probably at least one program that can do that.

'e2image' (part of e2fsprogs pkg) might be partly of some use there, in the 
wider-picture: but I'd say for the present task you really want dd or the 
find/cpio combination; either of them will do the job just fine. If you 
need 100% identical data - incl metadata, timestamps, &c - then I'd say use 
dd. Whereas, working at the filesystem-level - as you normally would with 
find/cpio, cp, tar, cat, &c - you run the 'risk' of at least some metadata 
(e.g. timestamps on dirs) being changed in source &/or target. IME, for 
working at the filesystem-level, the find/cpio combination will get you 
100% identical data-copy (I've never encountered find/cpio 'choking' on any 
filesys-objects), and near-100%-identical metadata-copy (e.g. via those '-a' 
& '-m' cpio flags).



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Re: [blfs-support] Complete Backup of {,B}LFS

2013-12-22 Thread akhiezer
> Date: Sun, 22 Dec 2013 12:55:15 -0600
> From: Bruce Dubbs 
> To: BLFS Support List 
> Subject: Re: [blfs-support] Complete Backup of {,B}LFS
> > 1.  Set up and mount a new partition for this system--done
> > 2.  As root in / run: $ find . -xdev -depth -print0 | cpio --null -pd
> > 
> Why not just 'cp -a /  '

If using cp, then maybe use also '-x' option: else can get problems when cp 
encounters mount-point in its source-tree traversal, per foll example, in 
which src-file ./a/fa doesn't get copied to tgt-path ./a/b/mnt/a/fa :

$ mkdir -p ./a/b/{mnt,c/d/e}
$ touch ./a/{fa,b/{fb,c/{fc,d/{fd,e/fe
$ tree -aF .
`-- a/
|-- b/
|   |-- c/
|   |   |-- d/
|   |   |   |-- e/
|   |   |   |   `-- fe
|   |   |   `-- fd
|   |   `-- fc
|   |-- fb
|   `-- mnt/
`-- fa

6 directories, 5 files
$ cp -a a a/b/mnt/
cp: cannot copy a directory, `a', into itself, `a/b/mnt/a'
$ tree -aF .
`-- a/
|-- b/
|   |-- c/
|   |   |-- d/
|   |   |   |-- e/
|   |   |   |   `-- fe
|   |   |   `-- fd
|   |   `-- fc
|   |-- fb
|   `-- mnt/
|   `-- a/
|   `-- b/
|   |-- c/
|   |   |-- d/
|   |   |   |-- e/
|   |   |   |   `-- fe
|   |   |   `-- fd
|   |   `-- fc
|   |-- fb
|   `-- mnt/
`-- fa

12 directories, 9 files

For full-os trees, can be messy and error-prone to patch-up what's missing 
and/or to verify that all is now ok.

> You will want to clean the virtual file systems in any case.  You could 
> also do:  'tar -c --one-file-system - | tar -x -C ' which 
> will avoid the virtual file system problem (but the virtual file systems 
> mount points need to be created).
> If you boot to a 3rd system and do not have the virtual file systems 
> mounted, you can just do:
> $ sudo cp -a /mnt/lfs  mnt/lfs2


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Re: [blfs-support] Complete Backup of {,B}LFS

2013-12-22 Thread akhiezer
> Date: Sun, 22 Dec 2013 12:06:23 -0600
> From: Dan McGhee 
> To: BLFS Support List 
> Subject: [blfs-support] Complete Backup of {,B}LFS
> I should have thought of this when I had a minimal, bootable LFS. But I 
> didn't.  I'm asking for comments so that the probability of getting 
> another bootable LFS-7.4 system is high.  Here are the steps in my plan:
> 1.  Set up and mount a new partition for this system--done

Careful to not have new filesys format/mount options too-different from 

> 2.  As root in / run: $ find . -xdev -depth -print0 | cpio --null -pd 

What's your fstab? Is all of the current system - other than /dev &c - 
definitely on a single partition that is mounted at '/'? If so, then the use 
of '-xdev' in the above is fine.

The '-xdev' also means that you're not backing-up/copying-over any /dev or 
similar 'virtual-fs' stuff; and so you'd need to setup that for new system - 
e.g. by following how the book does it for normal lfs-build. Here, fwiw, we 
often _would_ include /dev in such backups (tho' depends on the situation), 
as we tend to use static device nodes (via mknod): but depends on your setup 
on whether you'd want to include /dev or not - it might cause you (a few) 
more hassles than not on the new system.

For the cpio part, I'd suggest using:

cpio -0pdam -v  # - or '-V' in place of '-v'  .

; but the '-a', '-m', '-v', and '-V' are optional and depend on personal 
taste &/or what the situation requires. You shouldn't need to have to 
bother with either of '-H' or '--no-preserve-owner'  .

It's pleasing to see proper-tool-for-the-job - namely cpio - being used; the 
likes of tar &c still have problems with certain types of fs objects - there 
was a thread back in approx early 2013 re this.

> 3.  Enter chroot environment as in LFS book
> 4.  Reconfigure kernel

Not sure that you'd need to reconfig kernel for moving to a new _partition_ 
if is on same machine, unless you're doing something ... unusual ... 

You _would_ very likely want to at least adjust fstab and boot-loader setups.

> 5.  Boot new system
> I need to reconfigure the kernel since I use the efi-stubs and put the 
> kernel image on the EFI partition.  And, although I don't know this for 
> a fact, it seems logical to me that the kernel must be reconfigured to 
> account for moving to a new partition.
> I'm asking for comments on this plan or recommendations for a different 
> backup procedure.

The above steps, namely backup/migrate + adjust fstab + adjust boot-loader, 
then reboot, have worked fine here over the years. Wouldn't be overly 
surprised if you'd need an extra detail/step or so, given some of the 
'technologies' that - from your posts - I'd guess may be on your system 
(this is not a 'criticism' per se - just a practical consideration). Hope 
have not omitted anything glaringly-obv.


> Dan

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Re: [blfs-support] Polkit Actions

2013-12-12 Thread akhiezer
> Date: Thu, 12 Dec 2013 12:37:39 -0600
> From: Dan McGhee 
> To: BLFS Support List 
> Subject: Re: [blfs-support] Polkit Actions
> I usually don't suggest things like this and I don't know if ConsoleKit 
> can be used without PAM. [...] 

It can be used ohne PAM: Slackware does not use PAM, and does use (optionally) 
console-kit; ref e.g. 


> [...] But in some of the pacakge pages there are 
> comments like "If you don't install the optional dependencies then you 
> can't do . Armin said yesterday that PAM was almost a 
> required dependency of ConsoleKit. Maybe a comment of explanation would 
> be appropriate for the ConsoleKit page.

'almost' !== 'required'  (of course).

Hopefully BLFS will continue the recent-years move towards the practice of 
being (more) rigourous, consistent, strict and correct, about the meanings 
of 'Required', 'Recommended', 'Optional', and their variants. In other parts 
of Linux, there's been far too much - to put it lightly - forcing of 
contrived dependencies: so I'd hope it doesn't begin to appear in 
(B/)Lennux From Scratch also.



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Re: [blfs-support] Lots of problems with Firefox

2013-12-12 Thread akhiezer
> Date: Wed, 11 Dec 2013 18:27:57 -0500
> From: Alan Feuerbacher 
> To: BLFS Support List 
> Subject: Re: [blfs-support] Lots of problems with Firefox
> On 12/4/2013 6:44 AM, akhiezer wrote:
> > More discussion via e.g. google 'firefox disable javascript', seemingly incl
> > that perhaps it'll make a reappearance in ff24.
> >
> > (I stopped using ff quite a long time ago, other than occasionally within a 
> > VM).
> Why did you stop using ff, and what do you use now?

~65% : seamonkey (browser only).
~30% : links (txt- & gfc- modes).
~3% : lynx.
~2% : ff (and several other browsers, incl safari, ie, chrome) in VMs.

Why 'stop': it's more that it never really stuck. Been using the seamonkey 
lineage from mosaic thru netscape-navigator thru mozilla-suite then 
seamonkey: other browsers have been used in parallel  - and some for quite 
a number of years (e.g. ff, konqueror) - then fell away again.

Was already back down to ~~20% ff usage, when the 'whalesong and joss-sticks, 
strategy-boutique' brigade started rearing their heads at ff: and I'm not 
interested in hitching much if anything to that kind of wagon; and so 
progressively lost interest in putting much effort - although I still keep 
half an eye on what they're up to (mainly release notes and changelogs) - 
into actively dealing with, or generally expending resources on, the likes 
of ff and their ilk; approx same level as for microsoft and apple.

With seamonkey, don't have any problems with the [no smart comments please] 
wide range of 'net sites and functionality that typically use - incl online 
banking, shopping - or with quite heavy usage (e.g. 5 windows with ~~ 30 - 
150  tabs per window - usually got bunches of stuff on the go in parallel, 
with some areas backburnered.) As for 'links', tend to use it for anything 
excepting bank/shopping: just never tried the latter with 'links', as 
more-or-less always only do bank/shopping/some-other-types-of-logins from a 
partic machine and os and browser.

Btw, although only use the browser part of seamonkey now, have used the 
email client & address book components quite a lot in the past (since 
netscape, and in parallel with mailx). Never really ever used the web-editor 
(vi + specs are plenty) or the chat components. However, do know of quite a 
few folks who do use various subsets of the mail/address-book/composer/chat 
parts: they're software that do the job, update sensibly and un-obnoxiously, 
and not prone to being stomped on from upstream.



> Alan

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Re: [blfs-support] AbiWord build report (Was: Re: Ways to convert a .doc to something more civil.)

2013-12-09 Thread akhiezer
> Date: Mon, 9 Dec 2013 20:59:51 +0100
> From: Aleksandar Kuktin 
> To:
> Subject: [blfs-support] AbiWord build report (Was: Re: Ways to convert a
>  .doc to something more civil.)
> and pretty straightforward, unlike OpenOffice (I imagine LibreOffice is
> not mutch better). If only I can find a .xls/.xlsx/.od* spreadsheet and
> presentation program like AbiWord, all would be well.

Outside of office-suites, gnumeric (spreadsheet) might be worth a look.

(Quite liked it, and kspread, 'way back in the day. These days, rather than 
'pollute' main os with junk for dealing with (usually proprietary) junk, will 
for some types of situation, just tend to use a distro in a vm - kindof 


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Re: [blfs-support] du on / produces errors from /proc

2013-12-06 Thread akhiezer
> Date: Fri, 06 Dec 2013 11:35:35 +0100
> From: Pierre Labastie 
> To: BLFS Support List 
> Subject: Re: [blfs-support] du on / produces errors from /proc
> Le 06/12/2013 10:56, Richard Melville a écrit :
> >
> > Le 05/12/2013 18:18, Richard Melville a ?crit :
> > > Does anybody know what causes the following:-
> > >
> > > du: cannot access '/proc/602/task/602/fd/4': No such file or
> > directory
> > > du: cannot access '/proc/602/task/602/fdinfo/4': No such file or
> > directory
> > > du: cannot access '/proc/602/fd/4': No such file or directory
> > > du: cannot access '/proc/602/fdinfo/4': No such file or directory
> > >
> > >
> > What were you doing? Building some package? What is the command which
> > generated that output?
> >
> > Regards
> > Pierre
> >
> >
> > I was just checking disk space with du -sh / as root.  That was the 
> > only output apart from the requested disk space.
> >
> > Richard
> >
> >
> /proc/602 is a system directory associated to the process number 602. I 
> guess du first finds 602 inside proc when listing the directory /proc, 
> then tries to open it. If 602 is a transcient process (that is it runs 
> for a short time), it may happen that it has disappeared before the 
> second time it is accessed.
> You may add --exclude=/proc to the command linen but I think it is harmless.

 - and/or use the '-x' flag if it's really just the '/' partition that you 
want info for.

If you're wanting info on the full filesys tree, then perhaps something like 
'df [-a] -hP --total'; as for 'du', there are various command-line options to 
adjust the format to suit what you want.


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Re: [blfs-support] Suggestions on Desktop Environment

2013-12-04 Thread akhiezer
> Date: Tue, 03 Dec 2013 23:10:35 -0300
> From: Fernando de Oliveira 
> To: BLFS Support List 
> Subject: Re: [blfs-support] Suggestions on Desktop Environment
> Forgot to answer (partially) your question: search just for a WM, see
> what they look like in their sites, and what is needed to install them,
> and go for one. Then you will have something to play with, and then can
> decide how much time and effort you want to spend for the next move.

 - if I may suggest additionally (sorry Fernando, don't mean to be gainsaying 
your posts), might be easier if you try the environments out using one or two 
distros that support them out-of-the-box, rather than compiling from scratch 
in order to try them out. Ceretainly Slackware 14.1 has kde/xfce/plus-others, 
and not Gnome; is easy to switch from one DE/WM to another; try each out for a 
coupla days/weeks at a time, and see how you go. For Gnome &c, try to use a 
distro that doesn't mangle it to their own ends too much.



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Re: [blfs-support] Suggestions on Desktop Environment

2013-12-04 Thread akhiezer
> Date: Tue, 03 Dec 2013 22:58:40 -0300
> From: Fernando de Oliveira 
> To: BLFS Support List 
> Subject: Re: [blfs-support] Suggestions on Desktop Environment
> I could go with any WM, without a DE, but dislike having to manually
> edit the menus. Openbox is very good, with lxpanel, no need to edit
> menus. unfortunately, the developers of LXDE have conceived lxpanel so

Surely you'd script/program that; parse a simple spec of what you want on the 
menus, and auto-gen/install the required-format menu(s); the lighter the WM, 
often the simpler the structure required. I agree, I'd _reaLLY* dislike 
'having' to edit menus manually.

> that it needs to be reloaded after some applications do some operations
> and closes, so lxpanel unloads in Openbox, I created an entry in OB to
> reload it, got tired, and this made me to switch back to LXDE, because
> the applications in autostart that are preceeded by a "@" reloads if
> closed by any motive, so we have as default @lxpanel in autostart.

That's also quite easy to implem in a generic fashion: essentially see if pid 
is active, if yes then raise/lower/iconify/un-iconify, else start instance of 
prog and store pid. Use essentially, broadly, that under twm. The 'most 
difficult' part in many WM/DE would be to reverse-engineer them to see how 
to hook it in yrself.


> -- 
> []s,
> Fernando
> -- 
> FAQ:
> Unsubscribe: See the above information page

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Re: [blfs-support] Lots of problems with Firefox

2013-12-04 Thread akhiezer
> Date: Tue, 03 Dec 2013 19:50:44 -0500
> From: Richard 
> To:
> Subject: Re: [blfs-support] Lots of problems with Firefox
> By the way, is there a way to disable Java script in
> Firefox 23.0.1? It used to be a selection in edit ->
> preferences but I can't find it in this version of
> Firefox.

 ... yeah, another piece of dotzlery. You should be able to still do it via the 
standard url 'about:config' - ref e.g.:

More discussion via e.g. google 'firefox disable javascript', seemingly incl 
that perhaps it'll make a reappearance in ff24.

(I stopped using ff quite a long time ago, other than occasionally within a VM).



> Richard
> -- 
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Re: [blfs-support] Suggestions on Desktop Environment

2013-12-04 Thread akhiezer
> Date: Tue, 03 Dec 2013 20:22:16 -0500
> From: Alan Feuerbacher 
> To: BLFS Support List 
> Subject: [blfs-support] Suggestions on Desktop Environment
> I'm not far from choosing a Desktop Environment, which BLFS gives you 
> choices of KDE, XFCE, LXDE to install.
> I use Gnome at work, an old version that comes with Redhat 5, and I 
> understand that new versions get mixed reviews in online forums. I have 
> no opinion, having no experience except with what comes with my Fedora 
> 19 host system.
> Why does BLFS not do Gnome? I see that Gnome depends on systemd which 
> BLFS does not support. Can anyone give me a few clues about the issues?
> I've used KDE before, where I used to work, and I was quite happy with it.
> Any comments on the relative merits of the three that BLFS recommends? 
> Beyond the brief introductions in the BLFS book?
> Alan

Hi Alan,

TLDR: *if* using a Desktop Environment ('DE'), then I'd _suggest_ XFCE for <= 
medium-power machines, KDE for >~ medium-power machines, and GNOME for ... er, 
I guess if you know/want GNOME.

A side-light on the matter:

It can be worth bearing in mind the view, "I run applications, not Desktop 

I've used KDE, GNOME, and XFCE quite extensively over the years, still 
use/encounter them 'in passing' these days - mainly for addressing issues on 
folks' machines, or in a VM - but don't use them as the main interface on any 
of my own everyday machines.

Instead, I run twm, using its easy X-based customisation to get the interface 
layout and behaviour that I want. (I essentially use a (background-)tiled 
interface along thin top/left/lower/right borders (any part of which can be 
overlaid partly/wholly by application windows - i.e. the icon 'tiles' don't 
preclude other objects from the same area of screen real-estate). Oh, and 
everything is still available via the usual menu - we didn't forcibly remove 
the menu in favour of tiles-only ;) . NB that that outline is not by any 
means the only type of approach available).

Part of the reasons for the switch away from DEs, was (and still is) that:
* wanted much more control and understanding of what was in the OS;
* DEs tend to be increasingly an OS-within-an-OS (or at least a 
* wanted much more flexibility in the components and behaviour of the 
* was finding oneself heading down the route of sort-of 'reverse-engineering' 
  DEs in order to try to modify and get them how we wanted them;
* KDE/GNOME at least are prone to lurches from one (half-assed) paradigm to 
  the next (half-assed) paradigm, all the while proclaiming or insinuating 
  that the promised land has been reached or is within sight (Real Soon Now 
  (TM)); 'oh and just forget all that previous- approach/version stuff now - 
  that was "deprecated-prophets" speaking'.
* Using such DEs often more-or-less force you 'hold your nose' while using 
  them, given some of the "technologies" that they 'require'.
* Likewise, building such DEs (sort-of) 'from scratch' as in BLFS, tends to 
  have quite a heavy dependency-chain, that can push you down avenues that you 
  might not want to go or stay in.
* increasingly, 'Learn ${DE}, and you learn ${DE}': whereas we wanted to dig 
  deeper into *nix per se.
* DEs can tend to be a bit of a 'golden cage' if you don't want your 
  time/effort/resources invested in them to be substantially wasted: but the 
  latter might happen anyhow, with the aforenoted - and seemingly increasingly 
  frequent and large - lurches.

Instead with twm/X, we just pick more-or-less exactly what we want to build, 
and can easily not use stuff that we don't want to build: it can be as light 
or as heavy a dep-chain as you want. The time/effort/resources invested in 
using such a system are much less prone to being substantially wasted by 
aforenoted lurches. It's fast- to very-fast, extremely 'clean' as a system, 
very easy to understand and control, and easy to take forward to updated 

Btw, this is not a luddite's manifesto - there's e.g. a lot of new 
technologies that we do use (and a lot of new/old ideas, from within Linux 
and elsewhere, that we'd quite happily see _developed_ - not shoved - into 
Linux). Nor is it some deliberately minimalist approach. Also, yes, X itself 
is changing and even may end up being partly-replaced. And so on and so forth. 
A central point here is not to avoid change, but instead to control it easily, 
while still retaining use of a powerful and comprehensive range of os 
components and programs.

Hope that's of some use, albeit perhaps indirectly.



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Re: [blfs-support] Missing old patches (xserver-1.13.2)

2013-11-30 Thread akhiezer
> Date: Sat, 30 Nov 2013 18:46:16 +
> From: (akhiezer)
> To: BLFS Support List 
> Subject: Re: [blfs-support] Missing old patches (xserver-1.13.2)
> > Date: Sat, 30 Nov 2013 18:38:21 +
> > From: (akhiezer)
> > To: BLFS Support List 
> > Subject: Re: [blfs-support] Missing old patches (xserver-1.13.2)
> >
> > > From: Thomas Trepl 
> > > To:
> > > Date: Sat, 30 Nov 2013 18:22:31 +0100
> > > Subject: [blfs-support] Missing old patches (xserver-1.13.2)
> > >
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > > I'm running an experiment to get my old Matrox G550 dri accelerated 
> > > again. Since the MGA support seems to be dropped after MesaLib 
> > > 7.11.2 and xserver 1.13.2, I try to downgrade but I miss following 
> > > patches:
> > >
> >
> >
> > Quick google search:
> >
> >
> > > xorg-server-1.13.2-use_pixman_glyph_cache-1.patch
> > > xorg-server-1.13.2-add_prime_support-1.patch
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > So you can lift from there, &/or can likely trac(k) it/them down via 
> > wiki->trac.
> >
> >
> > rgds,
> > akh
> >
> >
> >
> > >
> > > In the svn tree where the patches are collected i can find only
> > >
> > > xorg-server-1.13.1-add_prime_support-1.patch
> > >
> > > but this is only one of two patches and for a previous release.
> Just to perhaps clarify: the above url indicates that 
> 'xorg-server-1.13.2-add_prime_support-1.patch' is just linking-in 
> 'xorg-server-1.13.1-add_prime_support-1.patch':
> --
> +link xorg-server-1.13.1-add_prime_support-1.patch
> --
>  - i.e. (AIUI) is just re-using the '1.13.1' patch for the '1.13.2' case.
> If this understanding is incorrect or incomplete then I'm sure someone'll 
> holler and help better.
> rgds,
> akh
> > >
> > > Does someone have the two patches flying around?
> > >
> > > Thanks,
> > >
> > > Thomas
> >

 - sorry for the, er, patchy responses: here's a more direct answer:

(Yeah, I shoulda checked there first but kinda guessed you might've done so 
(not being sarc) and hit a site-down/unavail area since re-orgs &c).


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Re: [blfs-support] Missing old patches (xserver-1.13.2)

2013-11-30 Thread akhiezer
> Date: Sat, 30 Nov 2013 18:38:21 +
> From: (akhiezer)
> To: BLFS Support List 
> Subject: Re: [blfs-support] Missing old patches (xserver-1.13.2)
> > From: Thomas Trepl 
> > To:
> > Date: Sat, 30 Nov 2013 18:22:31 +0100
> > Subject: [blfs-support] Missing old patches (xserver-1.13.2)
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > I'm running an experiment to get my old Matrox G550 dri accelerated 
> > again. Since the MGA support seems to be dropped after MesaLib 
> > 7.11.2 and xserver 1.13.2, I try to downgrade but I miss following 
> > patches:
> >
> Quick google search:
> > xorg-server-1.13.2-use_pixman_glyph_cache-1.patch
> > xorg-server-1.13.2-add_prime_support-1.patch
> So you can lift from there, &/or can likely trac(k) it/them down via 
> wiki->trac.
> rgds,
> akh
> >
> > In the svn tree where the patches are collected i can find only
> >
> > xorg-server-1.13.1-add_prime_support-1.patch
> >
> > but this is only one of two patches and for a previous release.

Just to perhaps clarify: the above url indicates that 
'xorg-server-1.13.2-add_prime_support-1.patch' is just linking-in 
+link xorg-server-1.13.1-add_prime_support-1.patch
 - i.e. (AIUI) is just re-using the '1.13.1' patch for the '1.13.2' case.

If this understanding is incorrect or incomplete then I'm sure someone'll 
holler and help better.


> >
> > Does someone have the two patches flying around?
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Thomas
> --
> -- 
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Re: [blfs-support] Missing old patches (xserver-1.13.2)

2013-11-30 Thread akhiezer
> From: Thomas Trepl 
> To:
> Date: Sat, 30 Nov 2013 18:22:31 +0100
> Subject: [blfs-support] Missing old patches (xserver-1.13.2)
> Hi,
> I'm running an experiment to get my old Matrox G550 dri accelerated 
> again. Since the MGA support seems to be dropped after MesaLib 
> 7.11.2 and xserver 1.13.2, I try to downgrade but I miss following 
> patches:

Quick google search:

> xorg-server-1.13.2-use_pixman_glyph_cache-1.patch
> xorg-server-1.13.2-add_prime_support-1.patch

So you can lift from there, &/or can likely trac(k) it/them down via wiki->trac.


> In the svn tree where the patches are collected i can find only
> xorg-server-1.13.1-add_prime_support-1.patch
> but this is only one of two patches and for a previous release.
> Does someone have the two patches flying around?
> Thanks,
> Thomas

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Re: [blfs-support] The dreaded "Cannot open Xorg.o.log"

2013-11-30 Thread akhiezer
> Date: Sat, 30 Nov 2013 11:22:01 -0600
> From: Dan McGhee 
> To: BLFS Support List 
> Subject: [blfs-support] The dreaded "Cannot open Xorg.o.log"

Are you seeing literally the string 'Xorg.o.log' : shouldn't that be 
'Xorg.0.log' - i.e. the digit '0' (zero) and not a lowercase letter 
'o' ('oh').

> For the first time in my LFS life I got this message.  Just so people 
> can roll their eyes, but also to provide info, I use the Package Users 
> system.  This error, I thought, came from faulty permissions,  
> gives:
> > -rwsr-sr-x  1 10118 10118 12630128 Nov 29 15:27 "Xorg"
> Where user and group 10118 are "xorg-server."

One would normally see user/group names instead of numerical values: but 
on e.g. how your ls command is aliased. Have you got that 'xorg-server' user 
defined OK in /etc/{password,shadow,group,...} ? Iirc the hyphen may be being 

> I get a number of other messages when I use , but this one is 
> the first message and it's the only "Fatal server error" message.  Since 
> I have no log, I don't know where to begin to troubleshoot.  The only 
> other obvious thing is something about which I've never thought before.  
> There is a link "/usr/bin/X -->/usr/bin/Xorg" that is not suid.  The 
> link is executable by all and I've never thought about the need to make 
> a link suid.

It's quite normal for such links to have perms 777 - e.g.:
$ ll  /usr/bin/X
lrwxrwxrwx 1 [ ... ] /usr/bin/X -> Xorg*
It's - broadly speaking - the perms/&c on the pointed-to object that are what 
essentially controls access; you can experiment yourself with e.g. links to 
a simple script that echoes 'ola' or whatever - mess around with the 
of link/script.


> Anyway, I just need some suggestions on where to look for the problem.  
> I installed everything in Ch. 24 of BLFS-SVN and non-root.  I've never 
> encountered this situation before and am stumped.  My only goal right 
> now is to get the server up and running even if nothing else works.
> Thanks,
> Dan

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Re: [blfs-support] pppd / rp-pppoe and such

2013-11-15 Thread akhiezer
> From: Thomas Trepl 
> To:
> Date: Fri, 01 Nov 2013 12:46:04 +0100
> Subject: [blfs-support] pppd / rp-pppoe and such
> Hi all,
> call me dump but I'm struggeling in setup ADSL for my new LFS. Long time ago, 
> we're using the pppd and rp-pppoe packages to do so but none of them remains 
> in then book. Maybe i'm blind but i cannot find anything about setting up 
> pppoe.
> I found a mailing list entry of Alexander somewhere in 2007 that rp-pppoe 
> isn't required anylonger and he pointed to 
> but this wiki also refers to 
> pppd in the PPPoE section but the ppp-2.4.5 package isn't in the book too.
> So, can you give me a hint how is the BLFS way to setup ADSL-connections? 
> Arch 
> is still using rp-pppoe (or at least pppd) - whats wrong with it that we not 
> have it in BLFS?
> --
> Thomas
> -- 

Hello Thomas,

Did you get this working yet? (Have only just seen your message - catching up).

We run rp-pppoe here, for fibre/vdsl, atop ppp, and on (still) a 2.6.37.x 

(It runs _very_ reliably; but then, the hardware infrastructure and upstream is 
good-quality. Overall, for this and some other purposes, we needed/wanted more 
control and more powerful hardware, than what common off-the-shelf stuff has 
(even with the likes of dd-wrt &c installed)).

(I would agree with the 'surprise' that it's not still in blfs: but then, I'm 
always acutely aware that it's not my time that would be taken up in 
it there.)



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[blfs-support] akamai / osuosl / mailing-list archives (pt. 94)

2013-11-14 Thread akhiezer

Could a similar thing (to the Akamai note below) be swung for LFS/BLFS?

And likewise, as noted before, for master-mirroring at e.g.

Could be some ways to, inter alia, get the mailing-list archives available 


  "Slackware web site now delivered through Akamai
  The pressure of delivering the Slackware web site - especially at 
  release time - has been an issue for some time.
  Akamai - the leading global Content Delivery Network - have 
  generously provided us with extensive global content caching and 
  Internet routing performance enhancements, allowing us to keep the 
  site up, even at peak times.
  A big thanks to the guys at Akamai for making this happen.




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[blfs-support] New dovecot page: '--with-...' specs.

2013-11-14 Thread akhiezer


On the new dovecot page (, the section 
'Command Explanations' lists the five options '--with-ldap' et seq: yet none of 
them actually appear in the commands. I've noticed a similar thing in several 
places in blfs74 book.

Apols if have missed an earlier discussion on that, but: is this an error in 
rendering; or is it kindof that those '--with-ldap' &c options are really meant 
as a sort-of subsection concerning other main parameters that the user might 
want to consider? But in any case, them appearing as-is just looks like it's an 
error (e.g. "has a chunk of text been lopped off the 'configure ...' 
and one repeated elsewhere in the book.

In a related vein, given that four of the above-noted five options are stated 
to be re auth, could I also recommend noting that (at least) the following auth 
methods are enabled by default:

  --with-shadow   Build with shadow password support (auto)
  --with-pam  Build with PAM support (auto)
  --with-bsdauth  Build with BSD authentication support (auto)
  --with-vpopmail Build with vpopmail support (auto)

I think it's worth stating that explicitly so that folks can see at-a-glance 
that dovecot does handle those ( - don't hide its light under a bushel). One of 
the central considerations, of course, in choosing a pop/imap server is in what 
authentication methods can it handle, and how it would in this respect 
with other parts of infrastructure. Sure, folks considering using it seriously, 
would do their due diligence anyhow and not just make a decision based on a 
single 3rd-party page (in this case, the blfs page): but still, it doesn't hurt 
to state it up-front by noting the default methods additional to said list.  

(It was a pleasant surprise to see dovecot finally added. It has worked well in 
production here, and servers rolled out from here, for years now - back to the 
1.early-x series.)


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Re: [blfs-support] hcron

2013-11-11 Thread akhiezer
> Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 12:49:02 +
> From: Richard Melville 
> To:
> Subject: [blfs-support] hcron
> Has anybody had any experience of hcron?
> It looks like a good (and simpler?) alternative to Fcron.
> Richard

Not used hcron. Read the first page of the link: it seems like it doesn't buy 
you very much: it's dead simple to git-track a similar job-spec plus a simple 
awk/sh/lex-yacc program to generate and distribute the required normal-format 

Looks like they're actually maybe trying to solve the wider-picture more-
general issue of configuration-tracking, rather than any cron-specific stuff. 
It's quite easy to git-track (or similar rcs) os-config, and for multiple 
machines, from a single location. ((Folks would do well to really learn current 
tools, and how to combine them, rather than endlessly try swap-outs for a 
magic bullet.))

Coming back to cron: I could recommend 'dcron' - has been main cron in 
for ages; originated (iirc) as a 'saner', more-lightweight, version of 
(the same vixie as in bind (iirc-o(tto)mh); the ''complexity'' of vixie-cron 
reminds me of the ''complexity'' of bind, & vice-versa).



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Re: [blfs-support] cups printing in blfs-7.4

2013-09-22 Thread akhiezer
> Date: Sun, 22 Sep 2013 03:12:57 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Sirsendu Roy 
> To: BLFS Support List 
> Subject: Re: [blfs-support] cups printing in blfs-7.4
> >
> Hi Akhiezer,
> I found the KDE Konsole problem. Again it is a permission problem in 
> /dev/ptmx 

(Again, please don't top-post (& again, I've adjusted the above to correct it.))

OK, but this thread is re printing: and the konsole one, while perhaps related, 
is a separate thread. (You're criss-crossing threads, and top-posting: can make 
debugging unnecessarily much more awkward.)

> It seems that the entire udev rules is not acting properly. I also have 
> problem with permission in /dev/tty0, /dev/tty1. 
> I have no idea what triggers this problem. The system was running properly 
> until one fine day I just restarted the computer and came accross all of 
> these problems. 
> I tried with 40-fix-permission-rules in /etc/udev/ but it seems it is no 
> taking any effect.
> As a temporary solution I have changed the permissions in /etc/bashrc file. 
> I ask myself what might went wrong that caused these problems ?
> What we did was playing with printing related stuff, but it has a actually 
> nothing to do neither with Xorg permission nor with /dev/null
> Do you it is time to uninstall and reinstall udev?
> As per as the printing is concerned, 
> I have decided not to do anything for the moment ( I have little time anyway 
> for the moment). I just keep it as it is. 

Re-installing udev: Ken & others would know better if just a re-install would 
be fine, or if it needs a (sort-of) uninstall-then-reinstall (I'd expect 
maybe don't-saw-the-branch-you're-sitting-on hazards there), or what: a 
post today (from me) outlines some checks of parts of lfs/blfs that you might 
want to review to see how much your system is deviating from what the book 

Btw, did you do the 'udev-installed...' &/or 'udev-extras' stuff in blfs-7.4 
ch. 12, 
in _addition_ to the udev stuff in lfs-7.4 ? That's just asked as 
I don't know if it might('ve) messed anything up - again, a udev person would 
know better than me on that.



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Re: [blfs-support] kde Konsole starts but the home prompt does not appear, only show black screen

2013-09-22 Thread akhiezer
> Date: Sun, 22 Sep 2013 00:22:44 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Sirsendu Roy 
> To: BLFS Support List 
> Subject: Re: [blfs-support] kde Konsole starts but the home prompt does not
>   appear, only show black screen
> > > Hi, 
> > > I forget to write another problem :
> > > After having the solved the problem of KDE, when I logged in the desktop, 
> > > I have lost all my configuration as I have renamed my .kde directory as a 
> > > part of the debug process. But now when I start the kde terminal 
> > > emulation program Konsole, Konsole starts but the home prompt does not 
> > > appear, it only show a black screen, no cursor , no input. 
> > >
> > > I have already updates the kde mime cache. 
> > > Regards,
> > > Roy
> > >
> >
> >
> > If the problem was the permissions on /dev/null (per your other email today 
> > in 
> > the can't-start-kde thread), then you might want to backup your current 
> > ~/.kde4, 
> > and then move your old ~/.kde4 directory back into place, and see if kde 
> > still 
> > starts ok, and looks ok, and settings look ok, etc: and if all looks ok, 
> > then 
> > just go with that. That's what I'd do at this stage. Was konsole ok before, 
> > when 
> > you were running kde4, before the "can't-start-kde" issue?
> >
> >
> > akh
> >
> >
> Hi Akhiezer,
> I actually did what you have suggested but with same result. Before that 
> problem everything was Ok. 

Hmmm. Was it OK across reboots? And since it was last OK, what have you been 
doing with/to the machine: what software installs, uninstalls, configs, 

> Can you please tell me how can I update the mime database or desktop cache, 
> may be the problem lies there. 
> I have already tried :
> update-mime-database /opt/kde/share/mime but with no result. 

Like Matt's post says, you might be seeing another /dev/... issue. You might 
want to review the lfs/blfs info on udev, /dev, lfs-7.4 sec 6.2 (VFS), 
lfs-7.4 ch 7 (parts), faq re pty, &c to check that your system has got that 
infrastructure in place properly. A google search on such as 
'konsole blank no prompt' should give you some gentoo/arch/&c threads that 
essentially walkthrough resolutions of similar issue for others.

Btw, if it _is_ a /dev/... issue, then you can likely retain your ~/.kde that 
has all the settings you changed; i.e. you might not need to lose all that 
However, while debugging, I'd suggest using the freshly-generated one that kde 
puts in place: and then at the end of debugging, swap out _that_ ~/.kde and 
swap in your lots-of-config-changes ~/.kde.BACKUP; and if all looks ok, then 
just go with that.



(Please don't top-post. (I've rearranged the above to correct it.)

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Re: [blfs-support] cups printing in blfs-7.4

2013-09-22 Thread akhiezer
> Date: Sun, 22 Sep 2013 01:08:04 +0100
> From: (akhiezer)
> To:
> Subject: [blfs-support] cups printing in blfs-7.4
> > Date: Sat, 21 Sep 2013 12:02:11 -0700 (PDT)
> > From: Sirsendu Roy 
> > To: BLFS Support List 
> > Subject: Re: [blfs-support] Kde cannot start ! solved !
> >
>   .
>   .
> >
> > As per the HP printer problem is concerned, I have tried almost every 
> > combination, but somehow it didn't work. 
> > SO I would like start from the beginning unstalling everything. 
> > Can you please tell me the order in which I will install the required 
> > module and and configure everything.
> First, did you see the thread from Fernando, that ended with the message:
> --
> Fernando de Olivei Sun Sep 15 17:29  156/6529  \
>  [blfs-dev] Can print - again, but... (was: Cannot print -
> --
> ? There, Fernando summarises (AIUI) that downgrading to an earlier version of 
> cups*, got printing working again for him (with an Epson (?) printer).
> So, you might want to retry with the version(s) that Fernando describes. 
> Normally I'd install, in this order:
>   foomatic-rip, hpijs, gutenprint, ghostscript, cups, cups-filters.
> But I've not actually built any lfs/blfs-7.4 stuff yet - haven't even got 
> near 
> to it.
> Normally I'd never touch hplip: but as it's an HP All-In-One device, so you 
> may 
> want to use hplip in order to more-readily use the fuller range of 
> functionality 
> of the device; but I'd suggest at most doing so only further down the line & 
> after you've got basic printing working without hplip. Btw, as/when going the 
> hplip route, be sure to get an hplip version that has got the recent security 
> issues corrected (ref e.g. the '21 Aug' entry in Slackware changelog 
> '' ; and bear in mind the 
> likes of the Aug 30 & June 4 entries).

In case it needs saying explicitly: I'd recommend quite strongly that you 
launch into the printing stuff, _until_ you're reasonably (sensibly) sure that 
your underlying system is behaving normally: otherwise you'll very likely be 
wasting your time. The reported issues with can't-start-kde (/dev/... problem), 
konsole (possibly /dev/... issue), X11 stuff having its permissions changed, 
&(?)usw, should at least give pause for thought.

For a common-usage desktop kde setup you'd at least want to be able to do the 
following reliably and repeatably:
* login & logout of KDE.
* clean boot & shutdown of machine.
* xterm/konsole shell environment works OK for everyday stuff.
* links/lynx/konqueror/... can show and navigate basic websites ok.
* imap/pop & smtp email (even if just through a secondary isp account) works 
  NB this is as distinct from webmail.
* jpg/png shows onscreen OK (maybe as part of browser tests).

Without (approx.) those foundations in place, for 'a common-usage desktop kde 
setup' type of machine, then I'd say it's not sensible to try to build more on 
top of that at this stage.



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[blfs-support] cups printing in blfs-7.4

2013-09-21 Thread akhiezer
> Date: Sat, 21 Sep 2013 12:02:11 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Sirsendu Roy 
> To: BLFS Support List 
> Subject: Re: [blfs-support] Kde cannot start ! solved !
> As per the HP printer problem is concerned, I have tried almost every 
> combination, but somehow it didn't work. 
> SO I would like start from the beginning unstalling everything. 
> Can you please tell me the order in which I will install the required module 
> and and configure everything.

First, did you see the thread from Fernando, that ended with the message:
Fernando de Olivei Sun Sep 15 17:29  156/6529  \
 [blfs-dev] Can print - again, but... (was: Cannot print -
? There, Fernando summarises (AIUI) that downgrading to an earlier version of 
cups*, got printing working again for him (with an Epson (?) printer).

So, you might want to retry with the version(s) that Fernando describes. 
Normally I'd install, in this order:
  foomatic-rip, hpijs, gutenprint, ghostscript, cups, cups-filters.
But I've not actually built any lfs/blfs-7.4 stuff yet - haven't even got near 
to it.
Normally I'd never touch hplip: but as it's an HP All-In-One device, so you may 
want to use hplip in order to more-readily use the fuller range of 
of the device; but I'd suggest at most doing so only further down the line & 
after you've got basic printing working without hplip. Btw, as/when going the 
hplip route, be sure to get an hplip version that has got the recent security 
issues corrected (ref e.g. the '21 Aug' entry in Slackware changelog 
'' ; and bear in mind the 
likes of the Aug 30 & June 4 entries).



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[blfs-support] /dev/null // udev -- Re: Kde cannot start !!!!! solved !!!!!

2013-09-21 Thread akhiezer
> Date: Sat, 21 Sep 2013 12:02:11 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Sirsendu Roy 
> To: BLFS Support List 
> Subject: Re: [blfs-support] Kde cannot start ! solved !
> Hi akhzier,
> Thanks for the reply. At last I have my KDE login again. 
> The problem was:
> 1. Now I boot when when udev starts and populates /dev node, the /dev/null 
> cannot get the permission that requires, i.e. 666, no idea suddenlz why it 
> happens !
> 2. suddenly /usr/X11/bin/Xorg losts its sticky bit. I reverted the change. 
> Now in my ~/bashrc  file I needed to add :
> sudo chmod 666 /dev/null. 

It's probably prudent to fix that /dev/null issue system-wide, rather than just 
via one of your login environments. You _could_ put the chmod command into a 
system startup file under /etc/rc* : but in your case it's probably less hacky 
if you try to correct it via udev.

I don't use udev (& instead just use static device files), so the following may 
be better addressed by someone on-list who does use it.

For the command:
  grep -r null  /etc/udev  /lib/udev/[a-ce-z]*
, do you get any lines like:
KERNEL=="null|zero|full|random|urandom", MODE="0666"
? If not, then you might want to create something like 
'/etc/udev/rules.d/40-fix-permissions-rules' ( 0644 root root ) with the 
as shown in the above example grep output.

You also might want to double-check the permissions &c on 
/dev/{zero,full,random,urandom} too (ref. the lists in the above example grep 

As for the X11 stuff: not sure what's caused that - would need to know more 
about what you've been installing/configuring/&c. It can be useful to profile 
the sytem before and after making changes (e.g. installing software), to help 
see what's actually being change don the system. Even a crude 'ls -latrRF /' or 
'find / -ls' pre-/post-, saved to logfiles and diffed, can be useful; and you 
can refine it from there.

> As per the HP printer problem is concerned, I have tried almost every 
> combination, but somehow it didn't work. 
> SO I would like start from the beginning unstalling everything. 
> Can you please tell me the order in which I will install the required module 
> and and configure everything.

Will break that printing stuff out into a separate thread.


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Re: [blfs-support] kde Konsole starts but the home prompt does not appear, only show black screen

2013-09-21 Thread akhiezer
> Date: Sat, 21 Sep 2013 12:14:36 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Sirsendu Roy 
> To: BLFS Support List 
> Subject: [blfs-support] kde Konsole starts but the home prompt does not
>   appear, only show black screen
> Hi, 
> I forget to write another problem :
> After having the solved the problem of KDE, when I logged in the desktop, I 
> have lost all my configuration as I have renamed my .kde directory as a part 
> of the debug process. But now when I start the kde terminal emulation program 
> Konsole, Konsole starts but the home prompt does not appear, it only show a 
> black screen, no cursor , no input. 
> I have already updates the kde mime cache. 
> Regards,
> Roy

If the problem was the permissions on /dev/null (per your other email today in 
the can't-start-kde thread), then you might want to backup your current 
and then move your old ~/.kde4 directory back into place, and see if kde still 
starts ok, and looks ok, and settings look ok, etc: and if all looks ok, then 
just go with that. That's what I'd do at this stage. Was konsole ok before, 
you were running kde4, before the "can't-start-kde" issue?


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Re: [blfs-support] Kde cannot start !!!!!

2013-09-21 Thread akhiezer
> Date: Sat, 21 Sep 2013 10:48:21 +0100
> From: akhiezer
> To: BLFS Support List 
> Subject: Re: [blfs-support] Kde cannot start !
> > Date: Sat, 21 Sep 2013 02:06:13 -0700 (PDT)
> > From: Sirsendu Roy 
> > To: "" 
> > Subject: [blfs-support] Kde cannot start !
> >
> > Hi All,
> > Yesterday when I try to start the BLFS and tried to log into KDE, I got 
> > this message :
> >
> > Call to lnusertemp failed (temporary directories full?) check your 
> > installation.
> >
> > I didn't change anything. In my disk I have 10 GB free space. 
> >
> > Please help. 
> >
> Like for the cups-printing issue, may be lack of partition-space, and so can 
> you 
> post the output of (which you repeatedly didn't do for the cups-printing sos):
> $ df -hP
> Also:
> $ \ls -dl /tmp
> rgds,
> akh

 - you want /tmp to be:
  drwxrwxrwt 80 root root [...] /tmp
If necessary, do:
  chmod 1777 /tmp   # NB the '1'  .

 - a quick follow-up googling indicates folks think they solved it by one or 

* /dev/null &/or /etc/passwd somehow ended up with wrong permissions. Should be:
  crw-rw-rw- 1 root root 1, 3 [...] /dev/null
  -rw-r--r-- 1 root root [...] /etc/passwd

* homedir .kde4 dir somehow ended up with wrong permissions or otherwise messed 
  Crude solution:
mv -i ~/.kde4 ~/.kde4.BKUP-00
Then start kde.
cp -iax ~/.kde4 ~/.kde4.BKUP-01 ; chown -R your_username: ~/.kde4  # NB the 
Then start kde.

* folks getting program installations messed-up, etc, etc. Try the above stuff 



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Re: [blfs-support] Kde cannot start !!!!!

2013-09-21 Thread akhiezer
> Date: Sat, 21 Sep 2013 02:06:13 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Sirsendu Roy 
> To: "" 
> Subject: [blfs-support] Kde cannot start !
> Hi All,
> Yesterday when I try to start the BLFS and tried to log into KDE, I got this 
> message :
> Call to lnusertemp failed (temporary directories full?) check your 
> installation.
> I didn't change anything. In my disk I have 10 GB free space. 
> Please help. 

Like for the cups-printing issue, may be lack of partition-space, and so can 
post the output of (which you repeatedly didn't do for the cups-printing sos):

$ df -hP


$ \ls -dl /tmp


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Re: [blfs-support] Cannot Print document using HP Printer

2013-09-11 Thread akhiezer
> Date: Wed, 11 Sep 2013 18:29:07 +0100
> From: Jeremy Henty 
> To:
> Subject: Re: [blfs-support] Cannot Print document using HP Printer
> akhiezer wrote:
> > Can you change 'LogLevel info' to 'LogLevel debug' in cupsd.conf,
> I would recommend  using "debug2" instead of "debug" -  it is far more
> informative.

 - yeah, I guess it's worth checking that level at this stage.

S.Roy, are you ok for that? Can you stop cupsd, make the config-file change, 
start cupsd, go into cups web-admin and set the printer as default, then try a 
single test-print from still-within cups web-admin: and post the logfile 
inline in yr eml-msg, including the cupsd start-up phase.

Can you also post that 'df -hP' and 'lpstat -t -l' info. And do set a default 

If still you get no physical print-out, then can you do:
* check in cups-webadmin, is the test-print job still in a(ny) print-queue?
* cross-check with 'lpstat -l -t'  .
* unplug the usb cable from the computer (i.e. at the computer end), wait the 
  proverbial 10 seconds, plug it back in to the same usb-port, and see if 
  that works: and either way, post the debug2 error-log from that test-phase.

I'd think at this stage, that the candidate causes are:
* incomplete software stack; still need more-exact driver and 
  foomatic-rip/hpijs, or equiv functionality.
* possibly old usb 'attach' issue: in theory is fixed, but cups (?) devs still 
  have a 'let us know if still bugs you' invite.
* there's a warning in the error_log re compiled without dbus; and 
  _possibly_-related 'discarding-events' entries throughout.

I might be able to get an old canon/epson usb printer in a few days' time, to 
try to have a better look from here. (( I've not really had to debug cups 
printing much further beyond this level, not least as learned what infrastruc 
is required, from a solid setup - i.e. Slackware - and always make sure that 
the requisite infrastruc is in place: else IMHExperience, you _will_ get 
bitten; I'd still expect you'll need the foomatic-rip/hpijs stuff (or equiv) 
if you're not going the hplip route (yet). ))



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Re: [blfs-support] Cannot Print document using HP Printer

2013-09-10 Thread akhiezer
> Date: Wed, 11 Sep 2013 00:50:24 +0100
> From: (akhiezer)
> To: BLFS Support List 
> Subject: Re: [blfs-support] Cannot Print document using HP Printer
> Can you change 'LogLevel info' to 'LogLevel debug' in cupsd.conf, and try the 
> same print-job again, and then post here just the part from error_log that 
> follows the 'Printing page 1, 100%' message.

 - ignore that, of course, if it's already set to 'debug': I guess it is, from 
the many lines beginning with the 'D ' in the error_log that you sent; apols 
for the small-hours noise.


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Re: [blfs-support] Cannot Print document using HP Printer

2013-09-10 Thread akhiezer
> Date: Tue, 10 Sep 2013 10:54:10 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Sirsendu Roy 
> Subject: Re: [blfs-support] Cannot Print document using HP Printer
> To: BLFS Support List 
> Ok, Today I have started started my computer, added the printer again fresh 
> using cups admin. As described in my previous email now my configuration is : 
> no hplip, guteprint and ghostscript. 

Can you change 'LogLevel info' to 'LogLevel debug' in cupsd.conf, and try the 
same print-job again, and then post here just the part from error_log that 
follows the 'Printing page 1, 100%' message.

My understanding is that gutenprint-5.2.9 does not have a driver for the 1050 
printer - you can see below that it's using the pcl-1100 driver - and that the 
1100 driver is not 'close enough'; and that you in practice will need to go the 
foomatic-rip/hpijs route per email yesterday.

Also, do set a default printer, at least during debugging this problem, just in 
case something's being dumb about no-default.

> When I tried to print a test page, the output is the same as what I have 
> written you previously, in cups it shows, starting printing and after some 
> time no jobs, but there is nothing in the printer. Here is the complete log 
> file :
> D [10/Sep/2013:19:46:56 +0200] [Client 13] Accepted from localhost:631 (IPv4)
> D [10/Sep/2013:19:46:58 +0200] [Job 32] Gutenprint: Interim page settings:
> D [10/Sep/2013:19:46:58 +0200] [Job 32] Gutenprint: === BEGIN GUTENPRINT 
> D [10/Sep/2013:19:46:58 +0200] [Job 32] Gutenprint: Driver: pcl-1100
> D [10/Sep/2013:19:46:58 +0200] [Job 32] Gutenprint:   shrink page to fit 1
> D [10/Sep/2013:19:46:58 +0200] [Job 32] Gutenprint: === BEGIN GUTENPRINT 
> D [10/Sep/2013:19:46:58 +0200] [Job 32] Gutenprint: Driver: pcl-1100
> D [10/Sep/2013:19:47:15 +0200] [Client 13] Authorized as root using Basic 
> Hope that helps you finding the problem. 

Thanks for the error-log - useful.


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Re: [blfs-support] Cannot Print document using HP Printer

2013-09-10 Thread akhiezer
> Date: Tue, 10 Sep 2013 10:54:10 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Sirsendu Roy 
> Subject: Re: [blfs-support] Cannot Print document using HP Printer
> To: BLFS Support List 
> Ok, Today I have started started my computer, added the printer again fresh 
> using cups admin. As described in my previous email now my configuration is : 
> no hplip, guteprint and ghostscript. 
> When I tried to print a test page, the output is the same as what I have 
> written you previously, in cups it shows, starting printing and after some 
> time no jobs, but there is nothing in the printer. Here is the complete log 
> file :
> D [10/Sep/2013:19:46:56 +0200] [Client 13] Accepted from localhost:631 (IPv4)
> D [10/Sep/2013:19:47:15 +0200] [Client 13] Authorized as root using Basic 
> Hope that helps you finding the problem. 

Quick checks - can you post the outputs from:

$ lpstat -t -v
$ df -hP
$ lpq


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Re: [blfs-support] Cannot Print document using HP Printer

2013-09-09 Thread akhiezer
> Date: Mon, 9 Sep 2013 11:04:17 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Sirsendu Roy 
> Subject: Re: [blfs-support] Cannot Print document using HP Printer
> To: BLFS Support List 
> Yesterday I have tried with hplip + cups after having installed the 
> ghostscript, there the problem was  in order to add the printer using cups 
> admin you are needed to give the printer location which I have written you in 
> my earlier emails. And I have tried with various combination but it didn't 
> work out. 
> Let' stay with this configuration with no hplip, ghostscript and cups 
> installed and analyze the problem, theoritically it should work isn't it ?

Not necessarily yet, as you only have an approximate driver - you're using 
'... 1100 ...' instead of '... 1050 ...'.

What does 'lpstat -t -v' say right now?

Per email yesterday, can you now install foomatic-rip, to get a ppd file for 
your 1050 printer. Tell cups-webadmin to use that instead of the 1100 one that 
it's currently using. You might need/want to stop then restart cups for it to 
fully pick up the changes. If still no-go then post error-log - just attach the 
full content (no need to edit-out the earlier-sent stuff). And, if still no-go 
then: do nothing just now til error-logs reviewed, please - don't go 
uninstalling things, etc. Subseq step may be to install hpijs, but leave off 
from that just now.

> Today I have added the printer again (no hplip) with cups and ghostscript 
> installed and tried to print the test page. 
> I have attached the error log file. It seems to me that the "dirty files" are 
> showing again although ghostscript is properly installed !

Yes, but you're not comparing like with like: the earlier setup had the 
infrastructure from hplip; and right now you currently don't. (gamma-minus for 
scientific method ;)  ).

> Hopefully we will solve the puzzle soon !!!

Yeah, it should be do-able.

> Reagards,
> Roy

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[blfs-support] p.s. -- Re: Cannot Print document using HP Printer

2013-09-08 Thread akhiezer
> Date: Sun, 08 Sep 2013 20:19:43 +0100
> From: (akhiezer)
> To: BLFS Support List ,
> Subject: Re: [blfs-support] Cannot Print document using HP Printer
> > Date: Sun, 8 Sep 2013 11:24:40 -0700 (PDT)
> > From: Sirsendu Roy 
> > To: BLFS Support List 
> > Subject: Re: [blfs-support] Cannot Print document using HP Printer
> >
> > Thanks for the reply. 
> > I think I made a step forward after having written you the mail. I have 
> > uninstalled hplip, and then started the web interface for cups again. 
> >
> > This time cups automatically detected the printer ( I have a HP Deskjet 
> > 1050 All in One). But the guteprint package has no driver for this model. 
> > The gute print has HP Deskjet 1100 driver. So I have chosen this and then 
> > added the printer. Now when I tried to print a test page, first it says 
> > "job submitted" and then after a while job finished. But nothing got 
> > printed. 
> >
> > I gave already installed ghostscript as per the instructions in the BLFS 
> > page. 
> >
> > Do you think is it because of the driver that it does not print?
> >
> Well, it might and it might not: what does the print-queue show, and what 
> does 
> the error-log show, etc, etc.
> But the more-central point is that you've again made multiple changes - 
> taking 
> out hplip, and adding both ghostscript and gutenprint - and arrived at 
> another 
> non-working setup.
> The setup that you had, when you were seeing the "Can't input data to 
> Ghostscript" (or similar) message from the 'lpstat -t -v' output, was pretty 
> likely only missing the presence of ghostscript: i.e. you probably only 
> needed 
> to add ghostscript and it've been all working fine. Note that 'lpstat -t -v' 
> indicated that the correct printer &c was being detected and used.
> So, I'd recommend you go back to that setup (cups+hplip), plus the presence 
> of 
> ghostscript. Really, do try to debug one thing at a time here.

 - meant to add, that if you want to pursue the gutenprint, non-hplip route 
then you'll likely need to also install foomatic-rip (there's a link to it 
from the blfs-gutenprint page) and the hpijs drivers.

However, my limited understanding, from a cursory skim through hplip docs, is 
that for HP All-in-One devices, overall hplip gives you better use of the full 
range of functionality, than non-hplip approaches. So even if you get the 
gutenprint approach working for at least basic printing, you may find that you 
still do want to go the hplip route.


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Re: [blfs-support] Cannot Print document using HP Printer

2013-09-08 Thread akhiezer
> Date: Sun, 8 Sep 2013 11:24:40 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Sirsendu Roy 
> To: BLFS Support List 
> Subject: Re: [blfs-support] Cannot Print document using HP Printer
> Thanks for the reply. 
> I think I made a step forward after having written you the mail. I have 
> uninstalled hplip, and then started the web interface for cups again. 
> This time cups automatically detected the printer ( I have a HP Deskjet 1050 
> All in One). But the guteprint package has no driver for this model. The gute 
> print has HP Deskjet 1100 driver. So I have chosen this and then added the 
> printer. Now when I tried to print a test page, first it says "job submitted" 
> and then after a while job finished. But nothing got printed. 
> I gave already installed ghostscript as per the instructions in the BLFS 
> page. 
> Do you think is it because of the driver that it does not print?

Well, it might and it might not: what does the print-queue show, and what does 
the error-log show, etc, etc.

But the more-central point is that you've again made multiple changes - taking 
out hplip, and adding both ghostscript and gutenprint - and arrived at another 
non-working setup.

The setup that you had, when you were seeing the "Can't input data to 
Ghostscript" (or similar) message from the 'lpstat -t -v' output, was pretty 
likely only missing the presence of ghostscript: i.e. you probably only needed 
to add ghostscript and it've been all working fine. Note that 'lpstat -t -v' 
indicated that the correct printer &c was being detected and used.

So, I'd recommend you go back to that setup (cups+hplip), plus the presence of 
ghostscript. Really, do try to debug one thing at a time here.


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Re: [blfs-support] Cannot Print document using HP Printer

2013-09-08 Thread akhiezer
> Date: Sun, 8 Sep 2013 05:23:59 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Sirsendu Roy 
> To: BLFS Support List 
> Subject: Re: [blfs-support] Cannot Print document using HP Printer
> Hi,
> Ok, Let's analyze the matter systematically 
>  I have deleted everything using cups admin, job queue, printers. 
> According to BLFS cups installation manual, "There is a conflict between the 
> Cups libusb backend and the usblp kernel driver. If you want to use Cups with 
> libusb, do not enable USB Printer support in your kernel"
> I have enabled the USB Printer support option in the kernel (As I have 
> compiled the kernel before I have installed the cups module !!!). So I have 
> used the --disable-libusswitch when compiling cups. 
> Now when I try to use the cups front end using the web browser and try to 
> find the printer- it cannot not find the printer. 
> Do you think this is normal  as I have not compiled cups with libusb support? 
> if yes, then I need to add the printer manually, istn't it? Which I tried to 
> do but I do not know what I should write : the options are :
> http://hostname:631/ipp/ 
> http://hostname:631/ipp/port1
>  ipp://hostname/ipp/ 
> ipp://hostname/ipp/port1 
> lpd://hostname/queue 
> socket://hostname 
> socket://hostname:9100
> I have tried http://hostname:631/ipp/, ipp://hostname/ipp/ and 
> lpd://hostname/queuebut it didn't work  it is saying not such hostname 
> when trying to print a test page. 

To perhaps answer this particular question directly: recall that the output 
from 'lpstat -t -v' included:


So that might be what you would('ve) want(ed).

However, _do_ go back to the install-ghostscript et seq route per earlier email 
replies from folks today.

> It will be nice if you can provide me a step by step debug instruction
> Thanks for your help.
> Reagrds,
> Roy

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Re: [blfs-support] Cannot Print document using HP Printer

2013-09-08 Thread akhiezer
> Date: Sun, 08 Sep 2013 11:29:28 -0300
> From: Fernando de Oliveira 
> To: BLFS Support List 
> Subject: Re: [blfs-support] Cannot Print document using HP Printer
> I have not studied this thread deeply, but I have had problems with cups
> in the past, when tried to add the printer. One of them, I discovered
> that cups should be installed before gtk+, or the web administration
> interface would not find the printer. Another similar problem of not
> finding the printer was with udev. This, I solved in [1]. However, my
> printer is Epson and I use gutenprint.

 - useful points for bearing in mind, re gtk+  .

However, the preceding compile of cups - the one where the printing got as far 
as the errmsg ~"Can't send data into Ghostscript" - did have the printer 
viewable from cups web-admin: Sirsendu Roy, can you verify that?


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Re: [blfs-support] Cannot Print document using HP Printer

2013-09-08 Thread akhiezer
> From Sun Sep  8 13:39:45 2013
> Date: Sun, 8 Sep 2013 05:23:59 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Sirsendu Roy 
> To: akhiezer ,
> BLFS Support List 
> Subject: Re: [blfs-support] Cannot Print document using HP Printer
> Hi,
> Ok, Let's analyze the matter systematically 

Then you should, as more-or-less established, install Ghostscript (& perhaps 
also Gutenprint: tho' I don't know if that functionality would be already 
covered/provided by hplip).

You're best to install that/those, and then re-do your original cups 
config/compile &c, and go from there. Debug one thing at a time: if instead you 
try to debug multiple things at one time then especially the likes of printing 
can really bite you.

>  I have deleted everything using cups admin, job queue, printers. 
> According to BLFS cups installation manual, "There is a conflict between the 
> Cups libusb backend and the usblp kernel driver. If you want to use Cups with 
> libusb, do not enable USB Printer support in your kernel"
> I have enabled the USB Printer support option in the kernel (As I have 
> compiled the kernel before I have installed the cups module !!!). So I have 
> used the --disable-libusswitch when compiling cups. 

Just double-check: above, you say '--disable-libusswitch': is that just a typo? 
The switch should be '--disable-libusb' : did you use the correct spelling when 

Also, did you compile usblp into the kernel as a loadable module, or not?
Can you verify that the usblp module is loaded and stays loaded?

> Now when I try to use the cups front end using the web browser and try to 
> find the printer- it cannot not find the printer. 
> Do you think this is normal  as I have not compiled cups with libusb support? 
> if yes, then I need to add the printer manually, istn't it? Which I tried to 
> do but I do not know what I should write : the options are :
> http://hostname:631/ipp/ 
> http://hostname:631/ipp/port1
>  ipp://hostname/ipp/ 
> ipp://hostname/ipp/port1 
> lpd://hostname/queue 
> socket://hostname 
> socket://hostname:9100
> I have tried http://hostname:631/ipp/, ipp://hostname/ipp/ and 
> lpd://hostname/queuebut it didn't work  it is saying not such hostname 
> when trying to print a test page. 
> It will be nice if you can provide me a step by step debug instruction

Per above re ghostscript &c, then redo original compile &c.
Use only the cups web-admin for now at least, when trying to add new 
Bear in mind that you _might_ be hitting the old 'kernel doesn't reattach 
bug: BUT, don't delve into that possibility prior to the above steps.

((Disclaimer: I never use hplip, or usb printers.))


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Re: [blfs-support] Cannot Print document using HP Printer

2013-09-07 Thread akhiezer
> Date: Sat, 7 Sep 2013 00:44:50 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Sirsendu Roy 
> To: BLFS Support List 
> Subject: Re: [blfs-support] Cannot Print document using HP Printer
> Hello,
> Here is the out of :
> $ lpstat -t -v
> scheduler is running
> no system default destination

Side-note: at some point, you'll likely want to define a default printer; an 
easy way to do this is via the cups web-admin interface http://localhost:631/ 
(or , etc).

> device for Deskjet_1050_J410: 
> hp:/usb/Deskjet_1050_J410_series?serial=CN16E12K6G05QT
> Deskjet_1050_J410 accepting requests since Sa 07 Sep 2013 09:09:52 CEST
> printer Deskjet_1050_J410 is idle.  enabled since Sa 07 Sep 2013 09:09:52 CEST
>     Can't feed job data into Ghostscript

The overall printing structure is approximately and basically (am not assuming 
you don't already know this - just mention it in case of use):
* your software is likely creating print-jobs in postscript language or similar.

* your printer, being a Deskjet, very likely does not understand postscript &c 
  directly: i.e. your printer doesn't have a postscript interpreter built-in to 
  it; the printer likely only understands 'PCL' language directly.

* therefore something needs to translate between postscript and 
  the-printer's-native-language. One 'translator' that will do that (using some 
  auxiliary help) is Ghostscript.

As said, I don't know enough about hplip in detail and how it fits in. But from 
what Pierre says (IIUIC) in another reply, hplip doesn't provide a postscript 
translator, or at the very least not a good enough one.

> Deskjet_1050_J410-13    roy    4226048   Sa 24 Aug 2013 12:27:28 CEST
> Deskjet_1050_J410-16    roy   7168   Sa 07 Sep 2013 09:09:18 CEST
> device for Deskjet_1050_J410: 
> hp:/usb/Deskjet_1050_J410_series?serial=CN16E12K6G05QT

These queue items, along with the 'can't feed data' message above, might be 
the 'dirty files' messages below are referring to. While debugging, you might 
want to clear (i.e. remove) those messages from the print queue, so that you're 
debugging from a reasonably 'clean' known state.

As a sanity-check, can you login to the cups web-admin as root, and from within 
that web-admin interface, do:
* set the printer to be the default.
* clear-out the print queue(s).
* do a test-print.
And look at what the error log is saying during those actions.
NB to do it as root in this first instance. Don't yet try to do it as user 
or other non-root user: that stuff can follow once you can print as root; 
otherwise, you might be inadvertently trying to debug permissions issues as 
as driver/filter/&c issues as well as perhaps other issues, while not (yet) 
realising that you're seeing multiple levels of problems.

> here is also the output of the error_log file :
> D [07/Sep/2013:08:59:13 +0200] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", 
> busy="Active clients and dirty files"
> D [07/Sep/2013:08:59:13 +0200] [Client 16] POST / HTTP/1.1
> D [07/Sep/2013:08:59:13 +0200] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and 
> dirty files", busy="Dirty files"
> D [07/Sep/2013:08:59:13 +0200] [Client 16] No authentication data provided.
> D [07/Sep/2013:08:59:13 +0200] [Client 16] 2.0 CUPS-Get-Printers 3
> D [07/Sep/2013:08:59:13 +0200] CUPS-Get-Printers
> D [07/Sep/2013:08:59:13 +0200] Returning IPP successful-ok for 
> CUPS-Get-Printers (no URI) from localhost
> D [07/Sep/2013:08:59:13 +0200] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", 
> busy="Active clients and dirty files"
> D [07/Sep/2013:08:59:13 +0200] [Client 16] HTTP_WAITING Closing on EOF
> D [07/Sep/2013:08:59:13 +0200] [Client 16] Closing connection.

Ref comments above re the 'dirty files'.

> And when I am seeing the job stat like this : 
> Deskjet_1050_J410-13  Unknown  Withheld  4127k  Unknown  stopped  "write 
> failed: Interrupted system call" 
> The same error as previuosly described. I am a member of the lpadmin group. 

Yes, the errmsg could be just a pipe failing, re 'can't feed data in 

Re lpadmin group: ref comments above on trying those things as root, and 
printing to work here as root, before trying as ordinary user.

> What I didn't do till now is to install the ghostscript. But If I have a 
> physical printer do I still need a ghost script?

See above note re structure/sequence for why you probably do, in practice, 
ghostscript or similar for the type of printer that you are using.



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Re: [blfs-support] Cannot Print document using HP Printer

2013-09-05 Thread akhiezer
> Date: Wed, 4 Sep 2013 07:42:18 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Sirsendu Roy 
> To: BLFS Support List 
> Subject: [blfs-support] Cannot Print document using HP Printer
> Hello All,
> I have already written a post about this problem but unfortunately didn't get 
> any answer. So I am writing again. 
> I have a HP Deskjet 1050A Printer which works fine under Ubuntu. Now after 
> having created BLFS (With KDE ) I have tried to get the printer to work. 
> First of all I have compiled all the printer related packages from the BLFS 
> website. 
> ThenI have followed the instruction of  
> to build 
> and install the hplip driver. 
> In kde print applet the printer (My printer is HP deskjet 1050 All in one) 
> the printer is automatically detected when I plugged in the printer. 
> But when I try to print a pdf document (opened with okular) I am getting the 
> following error message :
> write failed: Interrupted System call. 
> And when I try to print something from Kwrite or trying to print a test page 
> I am getting the following error message :
> Filter failed. 
> I have already installed the cups filter 1.0.36 as mentioned above. 
> Regards,
> Roy

Some googling on the kwrite and okular error messages that you note, gave e.g.:
There, they deal with 'pstoraster failed' in error_log, and suggest fixing it 
via setting 'RIPCache 128m' or 'RIPCache 1024m' (or other appropriate value) in 
cupsd.conf  . It may be related to the more-underlying issue discussed at:

However, obviously & as noted in others' replies, you'll want to look at your 
own error_log and see if it points you directly to a cause/fix, or at least 
gives enough info for googling on. And, it's still a good idea to at least do 
those basic sanity-checks (is cups running, can you login to its admin 
and test-print from there, etc) per another reply: sometimes 'higher-level' 
applications can give slightly misleading, red-herring error messages.



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Re: [blfs-support] Cannot Print document using HP Printer

2013-09-04 Thread akhiezer
> Date: Wed, 4 Sep 2013 07:42:18 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Sirsendu Roy 
> To: BLFS Support List 
> Subject: [blfs-support] Cannot Print document using HP Printer
> Hello All,
> I have already written a post about this problem but unfortunately didn't get 
> any answer. So I am writing again. 
> I have a HP Deskjet 1050A Printer which works fine under Ubuntu. Now after 
> having created BLFS (With KDE ) I have tried to get the printer to work. 
> First of all I have compiled all the printer related packages from the BLFS 
> website. 
> ThenI have followed the instruction of  
> to build 
> and install the hplip driver. 
> In kde print applet the printer (My printer is HP deskjet 1050 All in one) 
> the printer is automatically detected when I plugged in the printer. 
> But when I try to print a pdf document (opened with okular) I am getting the 
> following error message :
> write failed: Interrupted System call. 
> And when I try to print something from Kwrite or trying to print a test page 
> I am getting the following error message :
> Filter failed. 
> I have already installed the cups filter 1.0.36 as mentioned above. 
> Regards,
> Roy

There's an old hp-laserjet-2100m still going strong here: works completely fine 
with just cups - we don't use any of the hplip stuff. So, I might not be able 
to address the exact error-messages that you're seeing, directly: but, have you 
checked some of the basic things, as follows.

Is cups running:
$ ps auxwww | grep -i cups

If so, can you connect to its web-admin interface via a browser: default is/was  ? If necessary, check cups.conf to see if that 
address/port is overridden.

What output do you get from:
$ lpstat -t -v

If you have lprng installed, then what do you see from:
$ lpq
$ lpq -a
$ lpq -la



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Re: [blfs-support] Polkit-0.111 dependency question

2013-07-29 Thread akhiezer
> Date: Mon, 29 Jul 2013 10:10:05 -0500
> From: Dave Wagler 
> Subject: Re: [blfs-support] Polkit-0.111 dependency question
> On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 9:53 AM, Armin K.  wrote:
> >
> > Current book has JS-17.0.0 instead of SpiderMonkey-1.0.0. And you need
> > JS. It is required.
> >
> > Tried to install JS-17.0.0, but the link to the file seems to be broken;
> wget output is:
> --2013-07-29 10:04:53--
> Resolving
> Connecting to||:80... connected.
> HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found
> 2013-07-29 10:04:54 ERROR 404: Not Found.
> Dave

- backed up to: 

and there can see:

(25-Mar-2013 20:41  6.5M)

Is that what you're seeking?


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Re: [blfs-support] Looking for a specific version of the BLFS book

2013-07-23 Thread akhiezer
> Date: Tue, 23 Jul 2013 20:26:28 +0200 (CEST)
> From:
> Subject: [blfs-support] Looking for a specific version of the BLFS book
> Hello,
> I had built an LFS 7.1 system some time ago, then started working with blfs, 
> but I don't remember the version number. Then I lost both the LFS and BLFS 
> books I had downloaded, through a stupid accident with my files. Now I've 
> managed to find the LFS 7.1 book again, but how/where can I find the same 
> version of blfs, to be sure that the package versions are consistent ?
> The blfs museum jumps from 6.2.0 (2008) to a snapshot from Nov.2012, my 
> version was somewhere in between.
> I have blfs-bootscripts-20120620, can this serve to identify the version ? 
> Packages that I downloaded following this book version included :
> dhcpcd-5.5.6.tar.bz2
> libnl-3.2.3.tar.gz
> which-2.20.tar.gz
> wireless_tools.29.tar.gz
> wpa_supplicant-0.7.3.tar.gz
> wpa_supplicant-0.7.3-libnl-3-fixes-1.patch
> Is there some repository holding more versions than the museum ?
> Or can I just pick up the latest BLFS to work on top of my (now old) LFS 7.1, 
> isn't that asking for trouble ?
> Any help will be appreciated, thanks.
> Joao

You may wish to track down the revision via:

Then check-out the xml sources for that revision, via subversion (ref 
'svn help co'):

  svn co svn:// -r "${REV_NUM}" 

You can work with the XML directly, or generate html &c via the downloaded 
Makefile; the latter might be a hassle.

You might need to also get the bootscripts separately, in a similar way via 
'svn://'  .

Another option is to just use the nov-2012 blfs html snapshot, with lfs-7.2 : 
does your build really need to start from lfs-7.1 ?



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Re: [blfs-support] My current desktop packages

2013-04-15 Thread akhiezer
> Date: Sun, 14 Apr 2013 04:39:02 +0100
> From: Ken Moffat 
> To:
> Subject: [blfs-support] My current desktop packages
>  Announcing the latest in a long and boring series of documents
> listing what I'm currently building on my desktops, and in what order.
> This one is at

Well, fwiw, I find such docs of yours to be interesting and useful: they're 
used - along with similar(-ish) & other docs from other sources - as sort-of 
compare'n'contrast reference-point inputs for the types of builds done here. 
So, belated thanks for them.

>  Anyone who is follwoing what I build may find the first part of the
> file interesting - it lists the major changes in what I build,
> followed by a list of those packages I've stopped building.

Nice to see further de-gnoming.

'Lennux From Scratch' (to borrow a quip from elsewhere) could be the name of 
the mooted BLFS variant that has gnome/sysd/&c&c&c.


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Re: [blfs-support] Autofs problem on LFS7.2

2013-04-07 Thread akhiezer
> Date: Sun, 07 Apr 2013 09:10:22 -0400
> From: "Cliff McDiarmid" 
> To: "akhiezer" ,
> "BLFS Support List"
> Subject: Re: [blfs-support] Autofs problem on LFS7.2
> > > > >
> > > > > I will sort it and try to get the summary right.   Could this whole 
> > > > > thing come down to permissions?  
> > > > >
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > It might: but recall that there were also error messages, at two 
> > > > separate stages, 
> > > > that looked like they were (in the first case) kerberos-/hesiod- 
> > > > related, and (in 
> > > > the second case) libtirpc- related; and it was only when we by-passed 
> > > > _those_ 
> > > > error-messages, that we could get as far as seeing the 
> > > > permissions-related 
> > > > error-messages.
> > > > 
> > > > With the map permissions held at 0644, one would want to test the 
> > > > re-compile 
> > > > with/without the hesiod and libtirpc configure options, and 
> > > > with/without the 
> > > > commenting-out of that block of libtirpc code, per the test-sequence in 
> > > > earlier 
> > > > note. I think that there _is_ very likely an issue with the libtirpc 
> > > > stuff; 
> > > > and _maybe_ - though less likely at this stage - with the 
> > > > kerberos-/hesiod- 
> > > > stuff.
> > >
> > > Right.  I have now recompiled autofs with './configure --prefix=/ 
> > > --mandir=/usr/share/man 
> > > --without-systemd --without-libtirpc --without-hesiod 
> > > --without-openldap --without-sasl', reinstalled, and everything works 
> > > fine.
> > 
> > 
> > Is that the original-source autofs - i.e. with the original 'LIBTIRPC' 
> > block of 
> > code _NOT_ commented-out?
> I'm ashamed to say that it is.  Ashamed?  Because it's appears this WAS a 
> permissions problem all along?

Not quite 100% necessarily so: recall that your original compiles were using 
the book-default './configure ...': whereas below you're using the five 
'--without-...' options.

If you're OK to do it, then the penultimate stage would be to: backup your 
current config/map files, then recompile in the same way as your most-recent 
compile per your first email of today, but with the sole, single change that 
you omit the '--without-libtirpc' on the './configure ...' line: i.e. use the 
original-source autofs - i.e. with the original 'LIBTIRPC' block of code 
_NOT_ commented-out - and the following config line:
$ ./configure --prefix=/ --mandir=/usr/share/man \
--without-systemd --without-hesiod  \
--without-openldap --without-sasl
Run 'automount -vfd /etc/auto.master' like before, and see if it gives errors: 
i.e. does omitting the '--without-libtirpc' cause automount to execute that 
block of LIBTIRPC code and hit errors.

If you do hit errors then paste 'em here, please. And then reinstate the 
'--without-libtirpc' and omit the --without-hesiod, recompile, test, and see 
if it hits kerberos/hesiod or any errors, and paste here if so.

You've been commendably patient with this extra testing now that you've got it 
working: and a few extra tests would be useful; and apols that am not quite yet 
in a position here to test directly (I'll also test it without any 
ldap/sasl/kerberos installed, to check if the book's 'Required' status for them 
is correct).

> Although, autofs installs its config files default 0644 and it definitely 
> wouldn't mount my devices at the beginning.
> > 
> > > Usbsticks mount together with CD's.  I can copy and cut from user by 
> > > using the 'sync,gid=floppy,umask=002' route.


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Re: [blfs-support] Autofs problem on LFS7.2

2013-04-07 Thread akhiezer
> Date: Sun, 07 Apr 2013 07:42:03 -0400
> From: "Cliff McDiarmid" 
> To: "akhiezer" ,
> "BLFS Support List"
> Subject: Re: [blfs-support] Autofs problem on LFS7.2
> > >
> > > I will sort it and try to get the summary right.   Could this whole thing 
> > > come down to permissions?  
> > >
> > 
> > 
> > It might: but recall that there were also error messages, at two separate 
> > stages, 
> > that looked like they were (in the first case) kerberos-/hesiod- related, 
> > and (in 
> > the second case) libtirpc- related; and it was only when we by-passed 
> > _those_ 
> > error-messages, that we could get as far as seeing the permissions-related 
> > error-messages.
> > 
> > With the map permissions held at 0644, one would want to test the 
> > re-compile 
> > with/without the hesiod and libtirpc configure options, and with/without 
> > the 
> > commenting-out of that block of libtirpc code, per the test-sequence in 
> > earlier 
> > note. I think that there _is_ very likely an issue with the libtirpc stuff; 
> > and _maybe_ - though less likely at this stage - with the kerberos-/hesiod- 
> > stuff.
> Right.  I have now recompiled autofs with './configure --prefix=/ 
> --mandir=/usr/share/man 
> --without-systemd --without-libtirpc --without-hesiod 
> --without-openldap --without-sasl', reinstalled, and everything works fine.

Is that the original-source autofs - i.e. with the original 'LIBTIRPC' block of 
code _NOT_ commented-out?

> Usbsticks mount together with CD's.  I can copy and cut from user by using 
> the 'sync,gid=floppy,umask=002' route.
> regards

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Re: [blfs-support] Autofs problem on LFS7.2

2013-04-02 Thread akhiezer
> Date: Tue, 02 Apr 2013 18:19:44 -0400
> From: "Cliff McDiarmid" 
> To: "akhiezer" ,
> "BLFS Support List"
> Subject: Re: [blfs-support] Autofs problem on LFS7.2
> I will sort it and try to get the summary right.   Could this whole thing 
> come down to permissions?  

It might: but recall that there were also error messages, at two separate 
that looked like they were (in the first case) kerberos-/hesiod- related, and 
the second case) libtirpc- related; and it was only when we by-passed _those_ 
error-messages, that we could get as far as seeing the permissions-related 

With the map permissions held at 0644, one would want to test the re-compile 
with/without the hesiod and libtirpc configure options, and with/without the 
commenting-out of that block of libtirpc code, per the test-sequence in earlier 
note. I think that there _is_ very likely an issue with the libtirpc stuff; 
and _maybe_ - though less likely at this stage - with the kerberos-/hesiod- 


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Re: [blfs-support] Autofs problem on LFS7.2

2013-04-02 Thread akhiezer
> Date: Tue, 02 Apr 2013 16:11:42 -0400
> From: "Cliff McDiarmid" 
> To: "akhiezer" ,
> "BLFS Support List"
> Subject: Re: [blfs-support] Autofs problem on LFS7.2
> Just to say that my '/etc/auto.testautomount' always had permissions 644.   
> In fact autofs-5.0.7 installs permissions 644 to the 'auto.master' file from 
> the outset, at least here.  Sorry if i gave the wrong impression originally. 

Eh? 'Always'? Your first sentence there talks about '/etc/auto.testautomount'; 
and the second sentence seems to be trying to reinforce the first, but is 
talking about 'auto.master', which of course is a different file.
Am not clear what you're meaning; apols if/that am being a bit dumb. Taking it 
at face value, I'd ask: what about:

> Date: Fri, 29 Mar 2013 05:32:50 -0400
> From: "Cliff McDiarmid" 
> To: "akhiezer" ,
> "BLFS Support List"
> Subject: Re: [blfs-support] Autofs problem on LFS7.2
> $ \ls -laF /etc/auto.master /etc/auto.testautomount
> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 171 Mar  9 18:06 /etc/auto.master
> -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  43 Mar 25 21:08 /etc/auto.testautomount*
> $

How was that output generated then? It shows that /etc/auto.master has 0644, 
but /etc/auto.testautomount is shown clearly to have, at least at that point, 
0755  .

> > As for 'reason 1)': per earlier note today, one would really want to do the 
> You are right of course.  This needs doing and I will try it in the near 
> future and get back.  This thread just won't lay down.

Well, I wouldn't necessarily feel _obliged_ to do it; but if you do then great. 
I might also manage to do it as a side-light on a new build here, soon-ish.


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Re: [blfs-support] Autofs problem on LFS7.2

2013-04-02 Thread akhiezer
> Date: Tue, 02 Apr 2013 11:41:43 +0100
> From: (akhiezer)
> To: BLFS Support List 
> Subject: Re: [blfs-support] Autofs problem on LFS7.2
> on '/etc/auto.testautomount'  . Here, on autofs-5.0.5, having any exec-perms 
> on 
> '/etc/auto.testautomount', and no 'file:' or 'file,sun:' &c labels in 
> auto.master, causes automount to erroneously try to interpret the map-file as 
> being a program. Then, if I do use 'file:' or 'file,sun:' in auto.master, and 

That shouldn't really say "erroneously" there: for, automount is just following 
faithfully the (whether good or bad) decision-making process that's coded into 
it; I just meant to say that the outcome might be not what the user intended.


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Re: [blfs-support] Autofs problem on LFS7.2

2013-04-02 Thread akhiezer
> Date: Sun, 31 Mar 2013 09:38:25 -0400
> From: "Cliff McDiarmid" 
> To: "BLFS Support List" 
> Subject: Re: [blfs-support] Autofs problem on LFS7.2
> > Cliff McDiarmid wrote:
> > 
> > > Got it! After starting autofs with 'automount -v -f -d
> > 
> > Cliff, it would be nice to write up a short summary of what was wrong 
> > and the ultimate fix.
> Right, I'm going to attempt to summarise a very long thread which addressed 
> an automount problem(once again I must thank akhiezer for his help and 
> patience in solving it).
> Autofs-5.0.7 was built according to the compile/install instructions for 
> autofs in the blfs book, but I did a 'client-only' install of OpenLDAP-2.4.33 
> and at one point compiled it against MIT Kerberos V5-1.10.3, but this was 
> later removed.
> Either way I don't believe this had any bearing on the outcome.
> Autofs- 5.0.7 always started from boot up but failed create any dir. 
> specified in the '/etc/automaster' file or to mount it when a usbstick was 
> inserted.
> I believe(correct me if I'm wrong akhiezer)that the solution boiled down to 
> two changes that were made.
> 1) I reverted a change made by the 
> 'autofs-5.0.6-fix-libtirpc-name-clash.patch' to the file 'lib/rpc_subs.c' in 
> the source  distrib, and commented-out the code:
> ---
> #undef auth_destroy
> #define auth_destroy(auth)                                              \
>                 do {                                                    \
>                         int refs;                                       \
>                         if ((refs = auth_put((auth))) == 0)             \
>                                 ((*((auth)->ah_ops->ah_destroy))(auth));\
>                 } while (0)
> #endif
> ---
> thus:
> ===
> /*
> #undef auth_destroy
> #define auth_destroy(auth)                                              \
>                 do {                                                    \
>                         int refs;                                       \
>                         if ((refs = auth_put((auth))) == 0)             \
>                                 ((*((auth)->ah_ops->ah_destroy))(auth));\
>                 } while (0)
> #endif
> */
> ===
> I then recompiled Autofs.
> 2) I adjusted the '/etc/auto.master' file to read:
> ---
> /testautomount      file:/etc/auto.testautomount
> ---
> rather than:
> ---
> /testautomount      /etc/auto.testautomount
> ---
> This was to be more explicit about the type of map that was being used.  A 
> minor change, but one that worked.
> *Please note that the 'auto.testautomount' dir. was a test point and this 
> would normally be 'auto.misc'.*
> Cliff

I'd expect that 'reason 2)' is a bit of a red-herring: it's likely a  
'chmod 644 /etc/auto.testautomount' change that would make the difference; the 
'file:' stuff is really only to override any exec-permissions that are still 
on '/etc/auto.testautomount'  . Here, on autofs-5.0.5, having any exec-perms on 
'/etc/auto.testautomount', and no 'file:' or 'file,sun:' &c labels in 
auto.master, causes automount to erroneously try to interpret the map-file as 
being a program. Then, if I do use 'file:' or 'file,sun:' in auto.master, and 
whether '/etc/auto.testautomount' has any exec-permissions set or not, then 
automount interprets the map-file as being an ordinary file and not as a 
or any other type.

As for 'reason 1)': per earlier note today, one would really want to do the 
recompile with the original libtirpc code in its original form (i.e. _NOT_ 
commented-out), and using the './configure ..  --without-... 
--without-libtirpc --without-... ', and with '/etc/auto.testautomount' 
permissions 644; and see if all works ok.

If it works ok, then one would go 'round the loop again with the sole, single 
change of omitting the '--without-libtirpc' from the './configure ...' line, 
see if things now _don't_ work ok.

If it does break, then go 'round the loop again but this time make the sole, 
single change of commenting-out the libtirpc block of code, and see if things 
now work ok.

Without that or similar methodology, in particular (in this case) changing just 
one thing at a time, then one can't really put good reliable info into 
or in report to upstream, or even into one's own notes.


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Re: [blfs-support] Autofs problem on LFS7.2

2013-04-02 Thread akhiezer
> Date: Fri, 29 Mar 2013 17:07:14 -0400
> From: "Cliff McDiarmid" 
> To: "BLFS Support List" 
> Subject: Re: [blfs-support] Autofs problem on LFS7.2
> > I've been following this very long thread. Many thinks to akhiezer for 
> > the patience and support.
> > 
> > Cliff, it would be nice to write up a short summary of what was wrong 
> > and the ultimate fix.
> I can only echo what you have said Bruce.  Many thanks akhiezer for all your 
> help and patience!
> I will do my best to sum up this record breaking thread a.s.a.p. I still have 
> a few things to try.

Thanks - yr both welcome; 's no trouble, really.

(( It also had the by-product of refreshing and updating here on several areas 
of autofs; for quite a few years configs had just been 'set & forget' 
carried-forward. Two 'new' things in particular: how mount-paths and map-file 
permissions, are (now) handled.

For the former, I'd 'always' had the mount-path ready-made except for the last 
element (i.e. have /a/b/ ready-made), and had the mapfile contain only a single 
path-element (e.g. 'c' - i.e. no subdirs), such that automount was only 
creating/removing/maintaining the 'c' dir under '/a/b/' . This _may_ have been 
the behaviour in much-older autofs, or even the old amd (not the *PU company) 
automounter, &/or a workaround on some systems that didn't yet have 'mkdir -p' 
and the fallback alternative didn't work well, &/or simply misapprehension. So 
the statement that I made in one of the earliest posts in the thread, about an 
aspect of how automounter handles mount-point paths, is incorrect: the modern 
autofs can auto-gen the full mount-point path by itself; apols for the/any 
red-herring on that.

As for the map-file permissions: for ordinary file-type maps, I'd always used 
non-exec permissions, and just used the map pathname (and usually omitted any 
explicit 'file:' or 'file,sun:' unless really needed) in auto.master; and for 
anything else I'd use the likes of 'program:' explicitly in auto.master - i.e. 
for a program I'd basically never just use a pathname and then rely on the 
pathname having exec-permissions, for the path to be (auto-)interpreted as 
a program rather than a simple 'file:'-type map. This last part is simply 
because I wasn't aware that automount would do such a behaviour. But, it 
(certainly now) does - the code's in the "if (st.st_mode & __S_IEXEC)" tests in 
the functions "read_file_source_instance()" and 
"lookup_name_file_source_instance()", of the src file 
"autofs-5.0.7/daemon/lookup.c"  .


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