Re: [board-discuss] Request for TDF server to accommodate

2012-08-09 Thread David Nelson

On Thu, Aug 9, 2012 at 3:10 AM, Simon Phipps  wrote:
> I was hoping more for a link to the community discussions.

Maybe monitor this below?

David Nelson

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Re: [board-discuss] Request for TDF server to accommodate

2012-08-09 Thread David Nelson
I am requesting the Board of Directors to take an official vote on
this proposal, and I'd just like to explain some of the reasons and
possibilities that make me agitate for Alfresco within the LibreOffice

Cedric Bosdonnat has been implementing CMIS connectivity within
LibreOffice - the recent press release about version 3.6 makes mention
of the Alfresco connectivity. This is an important hitherto-missing
capability within LibreOffice for enterprise users.

While the CMIS connectivity is by no means exclusively targeting
Alfresco, it's worth considering that Alfresco has no other real
equivalent in the Open Source realm at the moment, in its particular
niche, in terms of its maturity and functionality.

But communication between LibreOffice and an Alfresco repository
provides capabilities that equate to Microsoft Office's interaction
with a SharePoint server. This can be a significant consideration for
enterprise adopters of LibreOffice.

To support the current development work on CMIS connectivity for
LibreOffice. it would be a good time to have an internally-operated
Alfresco platform.

If TDF had its own internally-operated platform, Alfresco uptake
within the LibreOffice project would probably be greater than at

Until now, it has been used/experimented with by the English docs team
and a few of the localization projects, but would be a great choice
for TDF's administrative needs, and for other teams such as Design.

But people would undoubtedly feel better if it was self-hosted by TDF.

I've long said that there are natural synergies between the
LibreOffice project and the Alfresco project, and I really think it
would be beneficial to both projects if a relationship was cultivated.

David Nelson

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Re: [board-discuss] Request for TDF server to accommodate

2012-08-09 Thread David Nelson
Additional info for the request: is being used in conjunction with

In addition to the server itself, one would require 2 IP addresses -
one for each subdomain. is where contributors log-in to do work. is the publicly-browsable interface. It enables
people to browse and download content from the Alfresco platform
without logging-in. More particularly, it serves up links to content
that one can post on the docs sections on the TDF wiki and
libreoffice. org.

Work is in progress on to make it better adapted
to the need.

Jeff Potts of the Alfresco project has developed and deployed a
CMIS-based browser. He is now waiting for feedback from the docs team,
via me, so as to adapt it to their specific desires.

For instance, it could display meta data extracted from each document
(to be defined with the docs team... and any other interested users).

It would also be feasible to incorporate online doc previewing. This
is a feature existing within Alfresco, drawing on
LibreOffice/OpenOffice, that gives you a "print preview" of a file,
from within the Alfresco interface.

The Alfresco Share platform at has
long been fully completed.

The CMIS browser at is perfectly
functional, but is still a work in progress (let's say it's 80%

David Nelson

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Re: [board-discuss] Request for TDF server to accommodate

2012-08-08 Thread David Nelson
Hi Simon,

On Thu, Aug 9, 2012 at 12:11 AM, Simon Phipps  wrote:
> Just out of interest, David, is this a consensus request from the 
> Documentation community?

The docs team leader Jean Weber would prefer to see the Alfresco
platform on a TDF server, if that's what you mean.

David Nelson

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[board-discuss] Request for TDF server to accommodate

2012-08-08 Thread David Nelson
Hi guys,

As you know, I have been operating an Alfresco platform for TDF since
around January 2011. This platform currently gets used by the docs
team, but would be a great tool for wider adoption in the project.

Given the progress with CMIS implementation within LibreOffice, I feel
that it would now be a good move to have the Alfresco platform hosted
on a TDF-operated server.

I'm willing to handle the move across, and to continue to administer
Alfresco as before (although there might well be new interest in
Alfresco from other LibO contributors in the near/immediate future,
and there may be more people willing to actively contribute to
maintaining the tool).

It would require a VPS with about 15 Gigabytes hard disk storage and
2.5 Gigabytes of memory. That's a slight increase on what I'm
currently providing (12 Gb disk and 2 Gb memory) to take account of an
anticipated increase in usage within the project. If traffic gets
heavy, anticipate an upgrade to at least 3Gb-4Gb, but probably 2.5
will do the job fine right now. I'm currently providing a reasonably
high-performance server (dedicated hardware with no other traffic but

I'd need full root access - certificate and password - and I'd plan to
use Ubuntu 12.04. After implementation is complete, we could then
revise the security of the server and scale back the access to sudo
for all admins.

Would TDF be agreeable to / interested in this?

I may show up at the next BoD confcall to discuss the matter, unless
we come to a conclusion one way or the other here instead.

Anyway, all the best as ever, :-)

David Nelson

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Re: [board-discuss] Re: Community Bylaws

2012-02-29 Thread David Nelson
Hi Charles,

If you'd like someone to act as proofreader, I'll be delighted to help out...

David Nelson

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Re: [tdf-discuss] Re: [steering-discuss] Candidacy for Board: Michael Meeks

2011-10-10 Thread David Nelson
Hi Michael,

Thank you for taking time out to give me those interesting answers.
Lots of food for thought there, as has been the case in the past after
discussing with you.

I'll be arming up for work on the online help and the code base in the
near future, and will pop up on IRC at that time. And I'll be coming
back to the subject of design docs on the discuss list, with ideas and

Again, thanks for the time, and have a good conference. :-) I so much
regret I won't be there with you guys.

David Nelson

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Re: [steering-discuss] Candidacy for Board: Michael Meeks

2011-10-10 Thread David Nelson
On Mon, Oct 10, 2011 at 3:40 PM, David Nelson  wrote:
> For sure, there's detailed
> information about planned release dates going far into the future [1].


David Nelson

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Re: [steering-discuss] Candidacy for Board: Michael Meeks

2011-10-10 Thread David Nelson
Sorry, I just want to add this small comment/question to my preceding
posts in this thread:

I have been searching around, and I have not been able to find an
official development roadmap of any kind. For sure, there's detailed
information about planned release dates going far into the future [1].

But I don't find any information about what changes are planned to the
general architecture of LibreOffice.

If our leading devs stopped coding on LibreOffice tomorrow, not only
would we not have any design documentation explaining how the beast is
architectured and how it works, but we wouldn't have any idea of what
kind of future plans they'd been working on implementing, and how far
they'd advanced in the process.

Does the engineering steering committee have any kind of formal
methodologies, and any kind of formal documents that it maintains?

Or is the future of LibreOffice simply stored in a myriad of post-its
on your computer monitors, and in your minds, and in a tenuous web of
discussion threads on the devs mailing list?

David Nelson

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Re: [steering-discuss] Candidacy for Board: Michael Meeks

2011-10-10 Thread David Nelson
Hi Michael,

Thanks for the answers. I don't have time to reply in detail this
week, but I will certainly be thinking about what you said. I don't
intend to let go of this subject, but will be planning my next
"attack" (let me register that as a joke already) on the discuss list.
I'll be coming up with a concrete plan, and this will certainly take
account of your kind suggestions above.

Read you around, and have a good time at the conference. ;-)

David Nelson

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Re: [steering-discuss] Candidacy for Board

2011-10-10 Thread David Nelson
Hi Michael,

On Mon, Oct 10, 2011 at 1:50 PM, Michael Meeks  wrote:
> On Sun, 2011-10-09 at 12:22 +0300, David Nelson wrote:
>> Your arguments resound with the sideways logic and suave patter of a
>> dishonest used car salesman combined with the moral values of a
>> larcenous banker. :-D
>        This is totally out of line; even with a smile. Tone is really
> important to attracting and retaining developers - far more so than
> documentation, and this -really- lowers it.

That was a *joke*. Failed apparently. I must remember that humor
doesn't work on these mailing lists. :-( However, I'm sorry you didn't
seriously reply to the many serious and (IMHO) valid points I made...

David Nelson

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Re: [steering-discuss] Candidacy for Board

2011-10-09 Thread David Nelson

Apparently you enjoy an argument. :-D

I wasn't going to write further to this thread, but apparently you
need to have the last word, and I don't see why you should. I'll
explain why below.

My only mistake in writing to the candidates was that I continued in
the threads they started on this SC list, and election rule #6 says,
"All discussion related to the elections should be held on Members are invited to ask questions
to one or all candidates on that list."

But that's maybe the candidates' fault, too, because I guess they
should have posted their candidate statements to the discuss list
rather than the SC list. No matter, further discussions about the
original subject can be continued there.

However, I just re-read the election rules and the bylaws, and there
is absolutely nothing to say that the questions I asked Thorsten,
Michael and Caolan were out of order. So you have absolutely no
justification in trying to lay down the rules about this.

This is an election, right? And the candidates are asking for our
votes and invited our questions, right? So I would say I'm entitled to
ask them whatever is close to my concerns and interests. And, for
their part, they have the right to answer what they like, or even not
to answer at all if that's their preference.

The rules that we all have to keep to are the rules of courtesy,
friendliness and decent behavior. From that viewpoint, I'm perfectly
within bounds.

So why do you feel that I'm only allowed to broach subjects that *you*
feel are acceptable? Don't you feel you're a little out of line here?
Because I definitely think you are.

I'm rather disappointed by the development of this thread.

And I don't think it was a welcome event in the first BoD election.

Please allow me to remind you of some relevant clauses of the community bylaws:

"There are no differences of equality between Members, even though
certain Members may be granted particular powers, appointed to certain
roles and responsibilities, and entrusted with access to certain
Community resources. Every Member is expected to always remember that
he/she is part of an egalitarian Community of which a key guiding
principle is public service, and that membership is a status which is
truly earned through contributive work, not something acquired by
unproductive activities such as idle posting to mailing lists and
forums, etc.

Every Member is expected to deal with other Community Members and with
our end users with courtesy, forbearance, objectivity,
open-mindedness, friendliness, understanding, patience and goodwill."

I don't think you're putting all that into practice.

Therefore, I'd propose that we don't post further to this thread and,
if you want to continue the discussion, we should continue on the
discuss list.

Sigh... We've lost many contributors to the project over the past 8-10
months, but I had thought that the upside of that shedding of
interested community members was that communication within the project
had improved to a more-mature level than the flaming discussions of
the first few months...

Please read the above as meant in a friendly manner, although I am
exercising my right to intellectually disagree with you. :-)

I regret that I won't be at the conference, or I would definitely buy
you a beer to show you that there are no hard feelings on my side. ;-)

David Nelson

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Re: [steering-discuss] Candidacy for Board

2011-10-09 Thread David Nelson
On Sun, Oct 9, 2011 at 5:15 PM, Charles-H. Schulz
> No big and high words please :)

I'm disappointed, Charles. Quite disappointed...

David Nelson

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Re: [steering-discuss] Candidacy for Board

2011-10-09 Thread David Nelson
Hi Simon,

On Sun, Oct 9, 2011 at 4:04 PM, Simon Phipps
> I am indicating that questions about development plans and intentions fall 
> outside the scope of questions for Board candidates as regards their 
> suitability for election, as the role of directors[1] does not include 
> development tasks. I'm inviting you to note that observation and save your 
> valid but out-of-scope question for later. I am not censoring you at this 
> point as I hope you will choose to desist voluntarily.

I have put my questions to the candidates. I am hoping that they are
going to answer.

I object to your arbitrary judgement that my questions are out of scope.

They are perfectly reasonable, perfectly friendly and perfectly
courteous questions, in response to an invitation to ask questions.

I hope you are not going to blemish this first election with
thoughtlessness and unnecessary declarations that go against the
freedom of expression that the bylaws stand for.

It would have been so much simpler if the candidates had been allowed
to answer for themselves.

David Nelson

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Re: [steering-discuss] Candidacy for Board

2011-10-09 Thread David Nelson
Hi Simon,

On Sun, Oct 9, 2011 at 3:50 PM, Simon Phipps  wrote:
> You're asking a development question that's not among the duties of a member 
> of the Board of Directors. You're obviously welcome to ask community members 
> about your project proposal, but I suggest you wait until after the election. 
> Appropriate questions for candidates relate to their suitability to perform 
> the duties of a Director of The Document Foundation[1], which definitely and 
> intentionally do not include developing the code or the documentation.

The candidates invited questions. I am asking mine. Are you guys censoring me?

David Nelson

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Re: [steering-discuss] Candidacy for Board

2011-10-09 Thread David Nelson

On Sun, Oct 9, 2011 at 3:50 PM, Cor Nouws  wrote:
> Norbert Thiebaud wrote (09-10-11 14:25)
>> Trying to extract election promises out of some people, on ground
>> completely unrelated to the office they seek, is not going to get you
>> there.
> Correct.
> I would assume (have seem some mails swiftly after posting my initial
> contribution to this thread) that there has been some exchange on the
> usefulness of documentation and such.
> Would people like to continue: IMO not on this list.

Norbert, it would be good if you read things carefully and accurately.
Cor, it would be good if you did not jump to conclusions.
Norbert and Cor, it would be polite and in keeping with the bylaws and
election rules if you allowed me to put my questions to the candidates
without butting in.
Thank you, guys.

David Nelson

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Re: [steering-discuss] Candidacy for Board: Michael Meeks

2011-10-09 Thread David Nelson
Hi Cor,

On Sun, Oct 9, 2011 at 1:16 PM, Cor Nouws  wrote:
> I see no link between the role of the BOD and individual members making
> commitments to certain day to day tasks.
> Is there something why I should, in your opinion?

I don't see anything incongruous about asking a candidate in the Board
of Directors election about what commitments he might be willing to
take on if elected. In fact, what else are you supposed to ask of

> When I directed some people new on LibreOffice hacking to the various
> developer wiki pages, they were positively surprised.

Surprised? Or do you mean shocked and amazed at how little developer
documentation there is about a major software project that has been
developed for so many years? :-D

I'm quite surprised you seem equate the very little content on the
wiki to a useful provision of design documentation. In fact, there is
little more than basic tips and instructions about compiling the code
and a few other related issues. There is also a very small amount of
API documentation at

I'm sure you'll agree that there is absolutely no design documentation
of the kind I'm discussing (see [1]). There would be many advantages
to developing some.

I am putting this question before Michael, Thorsten and Caolan
because, AFAIK, they are full-time, senior project members (sponsored
by Novell, Suse and Red Hat, if I'm not mistaken), who most certainly
have the greatest knowledge about LibreOffice's design and code base.

They are the ideal people to work on design documentation, and I'm
volunteering to work hard alongside them (without any suggestion of
payment or sponsorship).

It would be a major contribution and example to the community if they
were willing to provide some time and expertise for this.

I don't think I need to repeat the multiple other reasons why I think
it's worth devoting some time and effort to this initiative, so I'll
sit back and wait to see what answers might be forthcoming from the
three BoD candidates I was originally addressing. ;-)


David Nelson

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Re: [steering-discuss] Candidacy for Board

2011-10-09 Thread David Nelson
To give you an idea of the kind of collaboration I'm proposing to our
leading devs, you could read this Wikipedia page:

David Nelson

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Re: [steering-discuss] Candidacy for Board

2011-10-09 Thread David Nelson
Hello Norbert,

On Sun, Oct 9, 2011 at 11:42 AM, Norbert Thiebaud  wrote:
> Seriously ? for a distributed open source software, _that_ is your
> doomsday scenario ?
> If that were to happen, it would probably means that your immediate
> problem would be survival: finding food and shelter. Computer software
> will be the least of our problem for few generations...

Let's not get side-tracked. The contingency could be anything. But the
need for proper documentation remains. For instance, it might be
needed by a group of developers wanting to start an auxiliary project
investigating a different path for development than being followed by
the main track. BTW, this does not necessarily mean a fork, before I
hear the word used.

> No amount of documentation will turn a 'non-geek' into a core dev.
> Clean, well written code, with the least amount of 'trick' is the best
> documentation: It is by definition accurate, complete and
> authoritative. Quality that no Documentation ever equaled no matter
> how much effort you put into it.

No, the very best is clean, well-written code accompanied by
good-quality documentation. Sorry, you will not convince me that
design documentation is unnecessary.

> Reading source code is not 'reverse engineering'... That is what any
> software engineer do on a daily basis to maintain existing code.
> It is 'open' because anyone have access to the source code and
> therefore _can_ read it and figure out how it works (or doesn't).

Trying to figure out from zero how a system works, because there is no
documentation of the code base, is indeed reverse engineering. A
software project that has no design documentation to enable a proper
and facilitated understanding of its code base is *not* fully
implementing the best principles of an Open Source project. Ask the
FSF for an opinion about this.

>> No, I apologise for insisting, and I realise that this initiative will
>> take some initial footwork, and will require on-going maintenance, but
>> it really should be considered to be essential work.
>> But I firmly believe there will be a pay-off in quite a few ways.
>> In any case, I'll be at the next couple of SC/BoD meetings to follow
>> up and discuss the idea.
> There is no need for that. You can find volunteers and start working
> on that without the blessing of anyone. It _is_ free software, and
> _this_ is a meritocracy.
> If you _do_ something in that line -- the wiki is a perfect place for
> you to make that work available and gather with like minded volunteers
> -- no-one will get in the way.

No, I am not going to s*d off and reverse engineer the code base
myself. I am asking three of our leading devs whether they would be
willing to collaborate with me on this perfectly-justifiable

> What do you expect the BoD to do ? issue an Edict ? Give you a
> size-able budget to hire technical writer ? If your proposal attract
> people from the community (our even better attract new people to it)
> then your proposal will become reality, regardless of the BoD opinion.
> That is how it is supposed to work.

I put my question to three of our leading devs, and I will wait for
them to reply to the original posts.

Sorry, Norbert, but your responses do not change my views in any way.

Your arguments resound with the sideways logic and suave patter of a
dishonest used car salesman combined with the moral values of a
larcenous banker. :-D

(Above to be read tongue in cheek with a smile.)

Nonetheless, have a good Sunday. ;-)

David Nelson

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Re: [steering-discuss] Candidacy for Board

2011-10-08 Thread David Nelson
Hi, :-)

Minor addition after a few hours sleep and before starting work:

This kind of design documentation is really essential for various reasons.

What would happen if there was some kind of disaster and we were to
lose the essential core of our lead devs for some horrible reason?
We'd be scuppered. Among the other members of the LibreOffice project,
is there anyone who knows how the thing works? Is there any record,
useable by a non-geek, of the state of evolution of the code base?

We say that people are free to take the source and do what they want
with it, but - at the moment - they'd have to reverse engineer the
whole code base. How "open" is that?

No, I apologise for insisting, and I realise that this initiative will
take some initial footwork, and will require on-going maintenance, but
it really should be considered to be essential work.

But I firmly believe there will be a pay-off in quite a few ways.

In any case, I'll be at the next couple of SC/BoD meetings to follow
up and discuss the idea.

Bonne journée, les amis. :-)

David Nelson

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Re: [steering-discuss] Candidacy for Board

2011-10-08 Thread David Nelson
Hi Norbert,

On Sat, Oct 8, 2011 at 8:18 PM, Norbert Thiebaud  wrote:
> But here you are taking advantage of the fact that these candidates
> happen to also be core developer to corner them.

Of course. :-) That's "politics" right? But seriously, this is - to
me, a non-dev but someone who would dearly like to be able to step
across the threshold - a crucial issue. Perhaps established devs do
not see it like that. But, as a technical documentation professional,
perhaps I see it in a different light.

In any case, I can tell you - and you perhaps already know this well
through your own work - in a commercial environment, programmers are
generally expected - *contractually required* - to properly document
their product, especially from the design and maintenance viewpoint.

For me, the LibreOffice project can only gain in credibility and
numbers of "hackers" from having design documentation that opens the
doors to a much larger number of code contributors and maintainers.

Fed up with hearing people demanding features that can't be
implemented or that you don't have time to implement? Provide good
design documentation and a) they might understand better the reasons
for the non-feasibility or b) they might start offering more patches
and practical contributions to implementation.

I realise that some people will feel that this design documentation
will be a non-optimal usage of valuable core dev time, and will hold
up (only slightly) dev work.
But I am convinced that it will bring real fruits in terms of
contributor recruitment - more individual hackers but also
enterprise/organizational contributors.

I also feel it will enhance the project's image and credibility, and
will set an important example in the Open Source community in general
and to our audiences in particular.

The availability of decent design documentation can certainly be a
deciding factor for many potential organizational and enterprise

> Their candidacy to the Board and the task they propose to tackle is
> completely orthogonal to your proposal, the best proof is that you did
> not ask such commitment from Italo.

Sincerely, I feel that, as a TDF member, I have every right - duty
even - to inform myself about the policies and attitudes of the
candidates, and to see what their responses are to my specific

Voilà, with a friendly smile. :-)

David Nelson

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Re: [steering-discuss] Candidacy for Board

2011-10-08 Thread David Nelson
Hi Charles,

On Sat, Oct 8, 2011 at 7:01 PM, Charles-H. Schulz
> I'll let the candidates you have asked your question to answer. I had
> one question for you though: will you be in Paris next week?

Sadly not. :-( I'm wrapped up in a client project for which the
deadline is the 14th, and the geographical distances between us would
not allow me to make it there on time... :-(

David Nelson

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Re: [steering-discuss] Candidacy for Board

2011-10-08 Thread David Nelson
Hi Italo,

On Sat, Oct 8, 2011 at 6:33 PM, Italo Vignoli  wrote:
> I do not think that this discussion should happen during the election
> time, as it might have an influence on the election outcome based on
> parametres which are not relevant for being a director (based on bylaws).

I regret that I don't really agree. People are standing as candidates
for the BoD and TDF members have a right to ask questions and learn
what candidate's policies and attitudes are with regard to issues of
concrete importance to the community...

It's for sure that candidates answers to community members' questions
should indeed have an influence on the outcome of the election, no?

David Nelson

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Re: [steering-discuss] Candidacy for Board: Michael Meeks

2011-10-08 Thread David Nelson

I'm hoping to see from three of our leading devs who are candidates
for the BoD how committed they are to *Open Source* software. ;-)

Open the doors wider, and more people might come in.

David Nelson

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Re: [steering-discuss] Candidacy for Board: Michael Meeks

2011-10-08 Thread David Nelson
Hi Jesus,

2011/10/8 Jesús Corrius :
> I'd create a group of people with different
> skill levels to work on it. I don't deny that it will not be as
> effective, but I could also be a chance for wannabe developers to
> learn a lot about the project while they work in benefit of the
> community.

This is an important initiative and really needs time from the people
with the best knowledge to be a genuine success. We don't need wannabe
devs guessing how it works or making mistakes due to incomplete
knowledge. We need the guys at the top of the pyramid to help give us
an eagle eye's view of how the software really works. This *is*
priority work if the software is to be really open and if we are
really to attract people to work on it.

David Nelson

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Re: [steering-discuss] Candidacy for Board: Michael Meeks

2011-10-08 Thread David Nelson
Hi Jesus,

2011/10/8 Jesús Corrius :
> In my opinion, I don't think it's best for the project to put some of
> the most skilled developers to work in documentation, when other
> developers can also do this task perfectly well.

It is precisely these guys who could put the most effective work into
this initiative, and probably the fastest. I'm asking the potential
future members of the BoD to lead the way on this. Documentation is
always considered to be some kind of unnecessary-to-optional
accompaniment to software -- unless you're some poor blighter trying
to understand how the thing works.

David Nelson

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Re: [steering-discuss] Candidacy for Board: Michael Meeks

2011-10-08 Thread David Nelson
Hi Michael,

Please let me start by thanking you for your past service on the SC,
and your important contributions to TDF and the LibreOffice project.

I would like to ask whether you would be willing to make a commitment
for a term of office on the BoD.

I am certain that you will assure us that you support openness of the
source code of LibreOffice.

But I would like to put it to you that no software source code is
truly open until it has been rendered as understandable as possible to
as many people as possible. This is not yet the case with the source
code of LibreOffice.

There is no global design documentation available to someone who would
like to learn to hack it. The devs have made some progress towards
documenting the code base, but only at a more-microscopic level (the
API documentation at, for example).

But, IMHO, it would be extremely valuable to have more-global
documentation outlining the architecture and working of the code base
and its various components and modules.

The solution of interested individuals gleaning knowledge by lurking
and asking questions on IRC is not an effective and community-oriented
method of sharing knowledge.

Would you be willing to commit yourself to actively work with me on
developing global design documentation that will be a major asset to
any party wanting to start hacking the core and developing extensions?
I am thinking of something along the lines of:

- a global description of the architecture of LibreOffice;
- a global description of the architecture of the LibreOffice
programs, Writer, Calc, Impress, Draw, Math and Base;
- a listing of all the libraries and components used in the software,
and an explanation of why they are used and what they do;
- a description of the differences between the versions of LibreOffice
for *nix, Mac and Windows;
- whatever other material that your expertise as a core dev tells you
is useful and needed for genuinely opening up the source code to the
world in the broadest possible sense.

This could usefully be a collaborative initiative actively worked on
by Caolan McNamara, Thorsten Behrens and Michael Meeks.

Please may I ask your thoughts about this idea and whether you would
explicitly agree to be part of it?

In any case, wishing you all the best and, again, thanking you for
your past work for us. :-)

David Nelson

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Re: [steering-discuss] Board of Directors Candidacy: Caolán McNamara

2011-10-08 Thread David Nelson
Hi Caolan,

Please let me start by thanking you for your past service on the SC,
and your important contributions to TDF and the LibreOffice project.

I would like to ask whether you would be willing to make a commitment
for a term of office on the BoD.

I am certain that you will assure us that you support openness of the
source code of LibreOffice.

But I would like to put it to you that no software source code is
truly open until it has been rendered as understandable as possible to
as many people as possible. This is not yet the case with the source
code of LibreOffice.

There is no global design documentation available to someone who would
like to learn to hack it. The devs have made some progress towards
documenting the code base, but only at a more-microscopic level (the
API documentation at, for example).

But, IMHO, it would be extremely valuable to have more-global
documentation outlining the architecture and working of the code base
and its various components and modules.

The solution of interested individuals gleaning knowledge by lurking
and asking questions on IRC is not an effective and community-oriented
method of sharing knowledge.

Would you be willing to commit yourself to actively work with me on
developing global design documentation that will be a major asset to
any party wanting to start hacking the core and developing extensions?
I am thinking of something along the lines of:

- a global description of the architecture of LibreOffice;
- a global description of the architecture of the LibreOffice
programs, Writer, Calc, Impress, Draw, Math and Base;
- a listing of all the libraries and components used in the software,
and an explanation of why they are used and what they do;
- a description of the differences between the versions of LibreOffice
for *nix, Mac and Windows;
- whatever other material that your expertise as a core dev tells you
is useful and needed for genuinely opening up the source code to the
world in the broadest possible sense.

This could usefully be a collaborative initiative actively worked on
by Caolan McNamara, Thorsten Behrens and Michael Meeks.

Please may I ask your thoughts about this idea and whether you would
explicitly agree to be part of it?

In any case, wishing you all the best and, again, thanking you for
your past work for us. :-)

David Nelson

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Re: [steering-discuss] Candidacy for a BoD seat

2011-10-08 Thread David Nelson
Hi Thorsten,

Please let me start by thanking you for your past service on the SC,
and your important contributions to TDF and the LibreOffice project.

I would like to ask whether you would be willing to make a commitment
for a term of office on the BoD.

I am certain that you will assure us that you support openness of the
source code of LibreOffice.

But I would like to put it to you that no software source code is
truly open until it has been rendered as understandable as possible to
as many people as possible. This is not yet the case with the source
code of LibreOffice.

There is no global design documentation available to someone who would
like to learn to hack it. The devs have made some progress towards
documenting the code base, but only at a more-microscopic level (the
API documentation at, for example).

But, IMHO, it would be extremely valuable to have more-global
documentation outlining the architecture and working of the code base
and its various components and modules.

The solution of interested individuals gleaning knowledge by lurking
and asking questions on IRC is not an effective and community-oriented
method of sharing knowledge.

Would you be willing to commit yourself to actively work with me on
developing global design documentation that will be a major asset to
any party wanting to start hacking the core and developing extensions?
I am thinking of something along the lines of:

- a global description of the architecture of LibreOffice;
- a global description of the architecture of the LibreOffice
programs, Writer, Calc, Impress, Draw, Math and Base;
- a listing of all the libraries and components used in the software,
and an explanation of why they are used and what they do;
- a description of the differences between the versions of LibreOffice
for *nix, Mac and Windows;
- whatever other material that your expertise as a core dev tells you
is useful and needed for genuinely opening up the source code to the
world in the broadest possible sense.

This could usefully be a collaborative initiative actively worked on
by Caolan McNamara, Thorsten Behrens and Michael Meeks.

Please may I ask your thoughts about this idea and whether you would
explicitly agree to be part of it?

In any case, wishing you all the best and, again, thanking you for
your past work for us. :-)

David Nelson

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Re: [steering-discuss] Fwd: [tdf-announce] TDF 2011 Election: Voting Credentials Sent

2011-10-08 Thread David Nelson
OK, thanks, Italo. :-)

David Nelson

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Re: [steering-discuss] Fwd: [tdf-announce] TDF 2011 Election: Voting Credentials Sent

2011-10-08 Thread David Nelson

On Sat, Oct 8, 2011 at 4:12 PM, Italo Vignoli  wrote:
> Ten people: seven board members, plus three deputies

But we're only voting for the board members, right? The board members
choose the deputies, no?

David Nelson

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[steering-discuss] Fwd: [tdf-announce] TDF 2011 Election: Voting Credentials Sent

2011-10-08 Thread David Nelson
Hi Simon,

How many members are we actually voting for? The bylaws say 9, but I
seem to remember that the Germany-based foundation would only have 7

David Nelson

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Re: [steering-discuss] Base - a new mailing list?

2011-09-13 Thread David Nelson

On Tue, Sep 13, 2011 at 9:47 AM, Jonathan Aquilina
> Why not find a way to integrate connectivity to all the major databases such
> as mysql and MsSQL servers?

Yes, that would be great indeed.

I can hear Michael Meeks thinking, "Well start developing the code then."

Anyway, I think it would be a great pity to give up on Base, because
it has the potential to be an enormous power feature of the
LibreOffice suite.

As a general thing in the LibreOffice project, I think we need to
think seriously about a determined recruitment drive, for Base and for
various other areas of the project. Just waiting for people to
volunteer does not seem to be enough to cater to our needs for

Marketing guys, can you give this consideration?

David Nelson

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Re: [steering-discuss] Off-topic - please move to discuss@

2011-09-13 Thread David Nelson
Hi Florian,

I perfectly understand your point.

It is not helpful when you declare a thread to be a vote among SC
members and then people jump in with "friendly and encouraging
comments", because then the SC can't vote properly and unambiguously.

Maybe label vote threads as "SC VOTE:"?

Then people should definitely refrain from jumping-in on those threads.

David Nelson

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Re: [steering-discuss] Off-topic - please move to discuss@ (was: Re: Base - a new mailing list?)

2011-09-13 Thread David Nelson
Hi Thorsten,

On Tue, Sep 13, 2011 at 11:28 AM, Thorsten Behrens
> Tom, Ian, please move the discussion over to the discuss@ list. If
> there's any code questions (and there were people interested in the
> long-dormant postgres-connector), that should go to
> Thanks,
> -- Thorsten

You'll probably read what I replied to Florian about this being
off-topic to the SC list. Maybe this is a matter of community members
wanting to be able to discuss an issue with the SC, and the SC discuss
list being the place to do it?

I know there are no easy, immediate solutions, but there are people
who would like to see the SC regard this Base issue as being something
important to deal with.

David Nelson

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Re: [steering-discuss] Off-topic - please move to discuss@

2011-09-13 Thread David Nelson
Hi Florian,

> this is the *wrong* list to discuss about base. *Please* move the discussion
> over to discuss@, as Thorsten asked.

Well, maybe it's not really so off-topic, IMHO. I think it's an issue
that Tom - and maybe even others - really want to put before the SC.
Every time I read about Base in the lists, people seem to be
complaining that not only is it not improving or being developed from
release to release but that it's even regressing over time.

Yet, IMHO, having a database component in LibO is a tremendous asset,
both functionality-wise and marketing-wise.

While I'm sure that people understand that the SC can't create
resources (manpower or financial) out of nothing, there is nonetheless
a not-inconsiderable number of people that would like to see the SC
regard Base as an urgent issue for which to try and find *some*
solution: fix it? Bring in another database product with an active
developer community to replace it?

2 cents.

David Nelson

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Re: [steering-discuss] List discussion & purpose

2011-08-12 Thread David Nelson
Hi Florian,

On Fri, Aug 12, 2011 at 4:46 PM, Florian Effenberger
> I think it has been discussed in public rather often that there is a private
> list where all the steering committee members are on, and that there are
> private phone calls sometimes.
> We never planned to have things in secret, so sorry if that impression has
> grown.

Perhaps it would be good to list the private mailing lists existing,
so that interested people can send a request to a relevant human being
for a subscription. Otherwise, some people might never learn that they
even exist.

After discussion threads on private MLs and after private calls held
by the SC and/or relevant project teams (such as the sysadmins),
perhaps it might be a solution to publish an advisory on the
tdf-discuss list explaining as much as possible about the subject of
the call/thread, and as much as possible about the results of the
discussions? That way, at least people would be informed that they
have taken place, rather than the community possible being totally
unaware of such communication.

David Nelson

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Re: [steering-discuss] decision on screenshots

2011-08-12 Thread David Nelson
Hi Florian,

On Fri, Aug 12, 2011 at 12:00 PM, Florian Effenberger
> based on the feedback, this would be my proposal to vote on:

I suppose the minor corrections below fall in the category of the
"beauty corrections" you mentioned, but the SC's decision might be
clearer for some people if the grammar is perfect. FWIW, I'd agree
with Tom and Paulo that the second para ("The Steering Committee
acknowledges that there is...") serves no purpose. So that would give:

"Screenshots for documentation, website and marketing should
preferably be taken on GNU/Linux, but may also be taken on any other
operating system.

The Steering Committee recommends a consistent visual appearance (e.g.
theming and branding) for the screenshots taken on the selected
operating system. It is up to the LibreOffice community how to achieve
that consistency."


David Nelson

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Re: [steering-discuss] List discussion & purpose

2011-08-11 Thread David Nelson

I find this list to be a very useful point of contact with the SC. If
people avoid using it for other purposes than discussions in which
there is a genuine utility in involving the SC then SC members will be
encouraged to read it regularly and properly, and the list will indeed
serve its true purpose.

David Nelson

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Re: [steering-discuss] funding for system operations meeting

2011-08-02 Thread David Nelson
Hi Florian,

OK, thanks for the answers. And don't forget to eat lots of fruit and
sleep regularly. ;-)

David Nelson

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Re: [steering-discuss] funding for system operations meeting

2011-08-01 Thread David Nelson
Hi Florian,

On Mon, Aug 1, 2011 at 11:46 AM, Florian Effenberger
> You know, complaining is easy. I myself do nearly a half-day job for TDF,
> next to my real life, and I'm a bit allergic to generalization. If there is
> a specific topic that does not work out, please ping us again and let us
> know. But saying in general, we are totally closed and nothing works is a
> bit unfair, David. You know better that it isn't that bad.

I know you work tremendously hard for the project, and you have a lot
of respect and gratitude from me from that, which you know I have
expressed on- and off-list various times. Let me take the chance to
say again that, without your *personal* efforts, this project would
probably fall apart. Literally.

No, this is in no way directed towards you personally. Nor do I ever
say that "everything is bad". But that doesn't mean that one should
not point out undesirable tendencies (in a measured and rational
manner) before they get to be ingrained habits.

And I do understand that, in a FOSS project, we always have to take
account of people's time limitations. However, when one is managing
the project's key infrastructure as a rather closed group, one does
have a bit of a commitment to especial responsiveness, within
reasonable limits. In any case, it's certainly what I try to apply
with my own piece of infrastructure.

My point is that the sysadmins team is perhaps not developing the
right culture in terms of openness and participation, and that it
would be good to open it up a bit. This is my 2 cents, others may not
see things like that, but...

For the particular questions I could have raised, I'll mail you
off-list. In which case, I perfectly accept that it will take you time
to consider and respond, because I know you have a lot on your plate.
Once again, you definitely should not read all the above posts as any
kind of criticism of you personally. You should probably be aware by
now that I hold your work for the project in very high regard.

David Nelson

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Re: [steering-discuss] funding for system operations meeting

2011-08-01 Thread David Nelson
Hi Florian,

On Mon, Aug 1, 2011 at 10:20 AM, Florian Effenberger
> It was solely for those having root access, not for web site managers, as
> the technical topics were in-depth and detailed.

Yes, well given that you have root access to my server, it would have
been good for me to talk to you about some "in-depth and detailed"

> We definitely plan to have open meetings, but this meeting was really
> necessary to make the sysadmins work together, so it was reserved for this
> group.

"Work together"? And with the outside world, too, I hope! I posted a
request/proposition to the admins on the website ML a week ago and
still did not get even an answer. I notice sometimes that getting some
attention and cooperation from the admins is like
trying to get blood out of a stone (and I'm not just talking about my
own posts, others seem to get the same mileage sometimes). So I hope
you at least talked about that kind of in-depth issue too. ;-)

Precisely the problem seems to be that the sysadmins are a closed
group, unlike other teams in the project, and simply don't seem to
work in the same way as other teams. They might be managing key
infrastructure but it's not a reason for working differently - in fact
quite the opposite, they should be especially attentive to working
openly.... it's not a good tendence, IMO.

David Nelson

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Re: [steering-discuss] funding for system operations meeting

2011-07-31 Thread David Nelson

I've no particular opinion about the funding, but I did regret having
missed the opportunity to have met the project's sysadmins, and I was
disappointed that it was a thing not decided with the knowledge and
possible involvement of the international community of web resource
contributors, but with only discussion between German members.

While I recognize that there are many German sysadmins in the project,
I do hope that it's not going to become a habit that things be
organized purely between them, because there are actually other people
working on webby things. Please do remember the spirit and intentions
of the Community Bylaws.

David Nelson

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Re: [steering-discuss] funding for system operations meeting

2011-07-28 Thread David Nelson
Hi Florian,

On Wed, Jul 27, 2011 at 12:04 PM, Florian Effenberger
> as some of you know, the TDF admins had a system operations meeting in
> Munich about one month ago:

*Some* being the operative word... I never heard about this... Was it
publicized at all on the website mailing list and I missed it?

In any case, if you do another one, could you maybe give me a
heads-up? It would have been interesting to meet other people
administering infrastructure for TDF.

TIA if so, ;-)

David Nelson

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[steering-discuss] Re: [libreoffice-documentation] wikipedia

2011-07-18 Thread David Nelson
Hi Tom,

On Mon, Jul 18, 2011 at 6:25 PM, Tom Davies  wrote:
> Hi :)
> I found a page about Calc in Wikipedia
> but it's heavily branded as the OpenOffice version.  Writer has 2 pages.  One
> for OpenOffice and 1 for LibreOffice.
> Would it be better to move towards having just 1 page for each application and
> then link to OpenOffice, LibreOffice or NeoOffice when appropriate?  Specific
> pages such as the OpenOffice Calc page could then be extremely short and very
> specific since most of the stuff would already be either in  the main
> cross-product page for Calc or in Apache's documentation?
> I imagine each of the 2 lists will diverge in particular points but i don't
> think everything needs to be repeated on both lists.
> Regards from
> Tom :)

My humble 2 cents would be that there should be an equivalent page to
this one that covers LibreOffice Calc alone. I know that people often
seem to refer to LibreOffice and as kind-of twin
products, but I'm betting that this will be less and less the case as
time goes by and differences between them accumulate.

Would someone (maybe yourself?) feel like tackling that task on Wikipedia?

David Nelson

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Re: [steering-discuss] Call for SC-vote: Using (Windows) Screnshots in TDF materials

2011-07-18 Thread David Nelson

My apologies for interrupting an SC vote in progress, but I feel the
motion itself is somewhat ambiguous... Either screenshots taken under
Windows are allowed or else they're not, but it leaves room for a lot
of unfair twisting if (in the event that the ultimate decision was a
"+1") you have this "caveat" that "screenshots on GNU/Linux should be
the default ones".

May I put it to the SC that it would be better in the motion was
"Screenshots for documentation, web graphics and marketing materials
for LibreOffice and TDF may be taken on any computing platform,
notably Linux, but also Windows, Macintosh and other operating systems
and graphical user interfaces."

This would be unambiguous and unequivocal...

David Nelson

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Re: [steering-discuss] Re: screen-shots Documentation Team

2011-07-13 Thread David Nelson
Hi André,

2011/7/13 André Schnabel :
> I fully agree with Italo here. The discussion here at the list (and even you
> comment right now) is focused on the legal implications and what the SC
> would think of it. Your wording for the agenda item is much broader and
> requests a general decision on the screenshots independent from possible
> legal implications.

I've actually worded the issue into the real questions coming to the
fore from past discussions. The motion is clear and could be resolved
easily and unambiguously.

> For agenda item 2: a very basic rule for questions to the SC should be that
> the question should be crystal clear and not be changed half a day before
> the SC's decision. At the moment I don't even know anymore what the actual
> question is.

The real question is basically what I've submitted as the motion for
discussion. And it does reflect the two choices that seem to have been
voiced in past ML threads.

I'm perplexed. ;-)

David Nelson

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Re: [steering-discuss] Re: screen-shots Documentation Team

2011-07-13 Thread David Nelson
Hi Italo, Drew,

On Wed, Jul 13, 2011 at 4:31 PM, Italo Vignoli  wrote:
> As a member of the SC, I would personally avoid to have the SC discuss this
> issue (which, in my opinion, is not an issue). This is something that teams
> should discuss internally, and I see the SC get into the discussion only if
> something unreasonable happens.
> I will confirm and support this choice during the SC meeting.

I noted your change to the agenda item:

"(Italo: I do not like the way this item for discussion has been
worded, according to what has been discussed in the mailing list)"

I was invited to add an agenda item for discussion, and this is the
subject that I'm hoping that the SC will clarify, which arises from
multiple past discussions about Windows screenshots. Given the claimed
legal sensitivity of the issue, and the claimed legal liability
arising from use of Windows screenshots, I feel it is indeed a valid
matter to put before the SC for some official guidance/decisions.

David Nelson

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Re: [steering-discuss] Reminder: Next SC call in 4,5 hours

2011-07-13 Thread David Nelson

On Wed, Jul 13, 2011 at 6:11 PM, David Nelson  wrote:
> Am I right that the SC call did not start yet? Or did the conference
> room number change (53 71 38)?

Sorry, I got the wrong time... it's in 50 mins.

David Nelson

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Re: [steering-discuss] Reminder: Next SC call in 4,5 hours

2011-07-13 Thread David Nelson

Am I right that the SC call did not start yet? Or did the conference
room number change (53 71 38)?

David Nelson

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Re: [steering-discuss] Re: screen-shots Documentation Team

2011-07-13 Thread David Nelson

So I'd just like to bring this thread back to its real topic:
platforms used to take screenshots for documentation, website images
and marketing material. I updated the SC confcall agenda item,
proposing this motion for discussion:

"Do we want to see screenshots taken indifferently from Windows, Mac
and *nix used in LibreOffice documentation, website images and
marketing material, to demonstrate our true cross-platform vocation?
Or, do we want to impose preferred use of Linux/Gnome for screenshots
and only accept screenshots from other OS's and GUIs when strictly
necessary for particular cases?"

David Nelson

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Re: [steering-discuss] Re: screen-shots Documentation Team

2011-07-13 Thread David Nelson

So the subject of acceptability of screenshots of LibreOffice products
taken on Windows is on today's SC confcall agenda, and I'll be there
to listen/contribute to the discussion.

David Nelson

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Re: [steering-discuss] Re: screen-shots Documentation Team

2011-07-12 Thread David Nelson
Hi Italo, *,

On Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 4:09 PM, Italo Vignoli  wrote:
> In my opinion, documentation screenshots can be entirely Linux (unless there
> is a specific feature on a different OS).

My feeling about this (and I *believe* that Jean Weber agrees) is that
documentation contributors should have the option of contributing
screenshots indifferently from Mac, Linux or Windows - although it
would probably be preferable to maintain consistency within a given

Firstly, this makes it clear that LibreOffice is mult-platform and
consistent across platforms.

Secondly, we want to keep the barrier for new contributors as low as
possible, and not *oblige* them to install new software in order to
work in documentation. This way, hopefully, we can get a lot more
people involved.

These are the key reasons why I'm asking for the SC to take a
position, because we've been meeting quite a bit of opposition from a
relatively small number of people for quite some time now (who want
screenshots taken under Linux only), and it would be nice to get the
issue cleared up one way or another.

I could point out that I'm a daily Linux user myself, but I don't
think we should be dogmatic about it.

David Nelson

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Re: [steering-discuss] Re: screen-shots Documentation Team

2011-07-12 Thread David Nelson
Hi Florian,

On Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 1:06 PM, Florian Effenberger
> we have a public session every week.

Oh, sure, but Michael seemed to feel that this might be better
discussed in a private session? Would that be the intention? I can
sort-of understand that, given the kind of debate that might ensue?

In any case, I'll add it to the next agenda and thank you for your
permission for that.

David Nelson

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Re: [steering-discuss] Re: screen-shots Documentation Team

2011-07-12 Thread David Nelson
Hi Florian,

On Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 11:49 AM, Florian Effenberger
> feel free to add the topic to the agenda in the wiki. It would be good,
> however, if someone would attend the call who has insight on the topic.
> I, for example, didn't follow the thread closely.

OK, I'll add it to the next agenda and would be there to listen, and
to present both sides of the issue, if invited. But if it's going to
be a private session then maybe non-SC members won't be party to the

David Nelson

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Re: [steering-discuss] wording on TDF website

2011-07-12 Thread David Nelson

Well how about "meritocratic community created by" then?

David Nelson

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Re: [steering-discuss] Request for changes of Membership Committee

2011-07-11 Thread David Nelson

2011/7/11 André Schnabel :
> Dear SC members,
> as today's MC meeting had to be postponed again we (Sophie and me) like to
> suggest following changes for the MC:
> 1. approve all current deputies of the MC plus David Emmerich Jourdain (who
> volunteered as deputiy but has not yet been approved) as full MC members.
> (so the MC will have 6 members in total - curent deputies and David of
> courrse need to agree on this )
> 2. approve that the MC should decide on applications in consensus with a
> needed qurom of 2/3rd (means currently 4 members).
> Reviewing membership applications is (imho) one of the key tasks for our
> community - so the current situation is quite unfortunate. Sophie and me
> agreed, that we should not take a decision if only two members are in a
> meeting.

IMHO, it would be better if the MC were to be composed of more than 4
members... I feel that at least 6 to 9 members would ensure better
processing of MC business, and would ensure better quality
decision-taking (better assurance of impartiality, etc.).

David Nelson

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Re: [steering-discuss] Re: screen-shots Documentation Team

2011-07-11 Thread David Nelson

On Mon, Jul 11, 2011 at 1:28 PM, Michael Meeks  wrote:
> published. So, ultimately, I guess the SC would need to make a call on
> this in a private session if it was asked to.

I didn't get time to bring this subject up at the last SC meeting, but
I would indeed like to submit a request to the SC to take a decision
on this issue in a private session.

IMHO, it would be good to put the subject to rest once and for all.

David Nelson

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Re: [steering-discuss] wording on TDF website

2011-07-11 Thread David Nelson

I'm assuming this the item you're talking about:

"It is an independent self-governing meritocratic Foundation, created
by leading members of the Community."

My suggestion would be to replace the words "meritocratic Foundation,
created by" with "meritocratic organization created by". Maybe that
would solve the problem? (Did you notice the removed comma, which was

David Nelson

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Re: [steering-discuss] Re: screen-shots Documentation Team

2011-07-08 Thread David Nelson

I won't repeat what I said in my previous post but, basically, my
interpretation would be exactly the same as Simon's.

I see the pages Alex cited as simply protecting Microsoft's own
products - such as Office, etc. - in a perfectly legitimate manner. I
don't see them as preventing the LibreOffice project from taking
screenshots of its own software for the purposes of documentation and
website content.

Alex, Tom, *, would you happen have any other content to put forward
to support your POV, please? Thank you for your time and trouble if

I think this is a good opportunity to put this issue to rest, one way
or another, once and for all, by asking the SC to adopt a position.

David Nelson

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Re: [steering-discuss] Re: screen-shots Documentation Team

2011-07-08 Thread David Nelson
Hi Tom, *,

@Tom: thank you very much for your kind words and your moral support
and practical help regarding Alfresco. However, usage of Alfresco is
really a bit off-topic for bringing to the attention of the SC.
Alfresco usage/non-usage is more a question of natural, Darwinian
survival/non-survival, and the SC would probably not want to get
involved in that :-D

@Tom, *: However, the question of acceptability of Windows screenshots
in LibreOffice documentation and web pages has more relevance.

As Tom explains, the issue has been discussed a number of times, with
various people perceiving a risk in the usage of screenshots of our
product taken on a Windows OS, and with various other people
dismissing any such risk as implausible.

My own 2 cents on the matter would be this:

"I've carefully read the pages put forward as pointing-up the problem
with taking screenshots under Windows, and I must admit that I don't
interpret them in a way that poses any risk to LibreOffice.

In the cited pages, IMHO, Microsoft is legitimately protecting itself
against screenshots of its own products' splashscreens, dialog boxes
and windows being hijacked to publicize other products. It is not
trying to limit use of the Windows platform by third-party products,
nor documentation of those products. It actually spends a lot of time
and effort promoting Windows as a development platform for third-party
products. And the Internet is *full* of screenshots of Open Source and
closed source products taken on Windows.

What's more, if it *did* take action against an OS project for simply
taking screenshots of the aforesaid OS product on the Windows
platform, it would probably score a considerable "own goal" of
negative publicity in public relations terms. So I think that
Microsoft would be very unlikely to do so.

And, even if it *did* do so, in what court/jurisdiction could it make
such action stick? Under US federal law? In certain US states? I'm not
convinced they'd succeed. In European courts? I'm even less convinced
they'd succeed. And if they *did* succeed, what could they possibly
win other than a cease-and-desist order? I really cannot imagine them
winning damages as such. And, in either case, it would truly be a
Pyrrhic victory in terms of image damage.

So, IMHO, it's rather implausible.

This is a subject that has been discussed a number of times over the
past months. I think I'll ask for it to be discussed at a forthcoming
SC confcall.

It would be very convenient for docs team contributors to be able to
take screenshots under Windows, as well as on Mac and Linux. Plus it
would contribute to making it clear to users that LibreOffice is a
truly multi-platform package, and not a niche product that seems to
mainly target Linux. (I say this as a daily Ubuntu user and total
Linux lover.)"

Please may I request this subject be discussed at the next SC meeting?
(Or at your earliest possible convenience?) If you accept the subject
for the agenda, I will be there to listen in and, if invited, debate
the angles.

David Nelson

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Re: [steering-discuss] grammar mistake in the bylaws

2011-06-15 Thread David Nelson
Hi Florian,

On Wed, Jun 15, 2011 at 18:45, Florian Effenberger
> Each organization *appoints* a single representative to the Advisory Board
> based on a yearly fee to be determined by the BoD.


David Nelson

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Re: [steering-discuss] proposed bylaws changes

2011-06-13 Thread David Nelson
Hi Michael,

On Mon, Jun 13, 2011 at 23:20, Michael Meeks  wrote:
> Hi David,
>        Thanks for these, really makes it cleaner, I applied them all - they
> seem un-controversial etc.

Cool, thanks. :-)

David Nelson

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Re: [steering-discuss] FYI: Apache Incubator is now voting

2011-06-11 Thread David Nelson

On Fri, Jun 10, 2011 at 23:09, Greg Stein  wrote:
> * "non-binding" votes are from other participants in the conversation.
> Their "votes" are allowed as a measure and gauge over the broader
> community opinion, even though they will not actually be tallied in
> the final ballot.

It's true that this could be a good way to "take the temperature" in
the community about issues being voted on... Maybe our LibreOffice SC
could think about this before the bylaws are fully stabilized?

David Nelson

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Re: [steering-discuss] proposed bylaws changes

2011-06-10 Thread David Nelson

On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 22:22, David Nelson  wrote:
> Otherwise, I was only going to add a clause about transferring TDF's
> funds into my personal bank account every 6 months...

For those of you that didn't realise, that was a joke... Someone just
mailed me off-list who didn't seem quite sure about that... (rofl)

David Nelson

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Re: [steering-discuss] proposed bylaws changes

2011-06-09 Thread David Nelson
On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 12:28, Charles-H. Schulz
 >> When you've made your
edits, can I have permission to proofread and
>> make minor grammar/spelling corrections?
> Sure :)
> Charles.

Cool. I'll watch this thread and write back before starting work and
after finishing work. :-)

David Nelson

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Re: [steering-discuss] proposed bylaws changes

2011-06-09 Thread David Nelson

When you've made your edits, can I have permission to proofread and
make minor grammar/spelling corrections?

David Nelson

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Re: [steering-discuss] About elections

2011-06-07 Thread David Nelson

I remember that, some time ago, Michael Meeks suggested OpenSTV as a
tool (

David Nelson

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Re: [steering-discuss] Recent incomplete or non-existent records of SC meetings

2011-06-01 Thread David Nelson
Hi Norbert, :-)

On Wed, Jun 1, 2011 at 23:12, Norbert Thiebaud  wrote:
> That must have been a recent glitch, because I do recall having listen
> to these recording in their entirety a the time...
> actually I think that is a problem on your side. I just re-listen to
> and it is fine and complete

I have an excellent Internet connection, and looking at some of the
file sizes tells me that they really are incomplete... But, even
putting that aside, the lack of notes at some meetings and the falling
attendance are both indisputable...

David Nelson

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[steering-discuss] Recent incomplete or non-existent records of SC meetings

2011-06-01 Thread David Nelson
Hi, :-)

In addition to the recording of the SC meeting of 2011-05-12 [1] being
incomplete (which is a pity since it contained some *interesting*
discussion about the Brazilian community and about the MC), the same
also applies to:

* 2011-05-06 [2]
* 2011-04-30 [3]
* 2011-04-21 [4]
* 2011-04-06 [5]
* 2011-03-26 (no recording at all)
* 2011-03-16 [6]

All the recordings are cut short, with some containing very little audio.

This is a pity since no notes were taken during some of those
meetings, meaning that there is no public record at all - including of
the open question time at the ends of the meetings, during which
community members have the chance to bring subjects up for discussion
with the SC.

Another aspect that is somewhat sad is the recent fall in attendance
at meetings, and the discussion about possibly greater use of e-mail
as a channel for debate and decision-taking - I am hoping that this
*does* mean open communication on the SC Discuss list, and not some
kind of non-public process...

While I do realise that people also have other areas of life to take
care of, please can the SC reassure us that this is not going to be a
gradual and chronic deterioration in the high standards of governance
laid out in the bylaws?


David Nelson

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[steering-discuss] SC Meeting 2011-05-12 recording incomplete

2011-06-01 Thread David Nelson
Hi, :-)

The recording of the SC meeting of 2011-05-12 placed on the wiki is
incomplete. Please, would it be possible to have the recording of the
entire meeting posted?

David Nelson

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Re: [steering-discuss] proofreading the German bylaws

2011-04-26 Thread David Nelson
Hi, :-)

On Wed, Apr 27, 2011 at 02:20, Florian Effenberger
> hm... why would this need adaption? I guess the paragraph was meant to
> support those people who joined us in the early days, i.e. three months
> after we started TDF and LibreOffice.

That's what I remember, too.

> Anyone recalls when the bylaws had been finalized in their current state?
> How much time between this date and December 31st (as mentioned in the
> bylaws) did people have?

IIRC, it was around December 10 or shortly before.

> If we approved the bylaws shortly before or even after December 31st, it
> makes sense to adapt that date, but if not, I'm a bit undetermined, if we
> need it at all... the rationale behind it was that people joining TDF early
> would have a "benefit", IMHO.

My 2 cents would be that it's not fair on new contributors who started
with the project after the project launch to forever give free
entrance to people from OOo.

David Nelson

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[steering-discuss] Fwd: [libreoffice-website] General appeal on communication style (was: Re: Litmus to remove form the main site)

2011-04-26 Thread David Nelson
Hi Nino, :-)

I have not read your entire post above, but frankly I consider this kind of
discussion unsuitable, off-topic, misrepresenting the facts and personally
unpleasant. I had thought that the "atmosphere" on the website had calmed
down in comparison to the beginning of the year but it seems that the
lessons have not been learned.

MC, SC, could we perhaps hear your thoughts about this?

David Nelson

On Tue, Apr 26, 2011 at 21:09, Nino Novak  wrote:
> David,
> please bear with me as I am not an native English speaker, so therefore
> I might pick the wrong expression or idiom from time to time.
> My mail is intended to disclose possible issues of mutual
> misunderstanding. Of course, maybe I'm somtimes exaggerating a bit but
> look at it as a caricature. My goal in the end is to speak in favor of
> a - let's say - smooth way of collaborative communication.
> On Tuesday 26 April 2011 12:47, David Nelson wrote:
>> Any points of
>> view I have posted have been perfectly rational and sensible.
> Hopefully, in a minute you will be able to recognize that people could
> have a different perception of your post and action.
>> And I
>> am certainly not engaged in any "personal struggle" with Sophie or
>> anyone else. :-D
> Hm. So my perception is - or at least might be - rather different from
> yours. Let me show you my thinking, so you can follow it's rationale
> and thus possibly understand the different perceptions.
>> Would you maybe like to post links to ML posts supporting what you
>> say? Your words seem to be at odds with the true facts...
> Let's concentrate at this[1] thread, I just numbered the successive
> incidents resp. mails in temporal/thread order.
> 0) Pre-condition (fact): Someone (assumably you, but does not matter who
> for this meta-considerations) has put the Litmus link on the website.
> So now, it is there.
> 1) Sophie finds the link and requests to remove it. She gives some
> explanations for her request. How I read her mail:
> Fact: "There is a Litmus link on the website."
> Reasonning: "The link is wrong as it impairs work at the moment" (or
> similar).
> Appeal: "Please remove it."
> Self-reveal: "I'm feeling in charge for Litmus on the one hand, and for
> informing the community about it on the other. And I'm a constructive
> community member and I'm taking care for good collaboration, too. I
> therefore want the link to be removed it but cannot do it myself" (or
> don't want to or what ever)
> What she tells (me) about her relationship to the community: "I care for
> you as a community, and I have substantial knowledge in this matter.
> Now, I'm asking for technical help in a community of equals."
> 2) K-J removes the link (presumably he accepts Sophie's reasonning) and
> writes a response mail.
> New Fact: ("Wrong") link is removed.
> Self-reveal: "I'm feeling in charge for the website and I am a
> constructive & collaborative community member, therefore I'm taking the
> task. I'm helping another member."
> Relationship "We are a collaborative community of domain experts"
> Appeal: "Please correct me if I've missunderstood something, otherwise
> please approve my action"
> 3) You re-install the link without reasonning.
> Fact: Link is visible again.
> Reasonning: - none given -
> Self-reveal: "I think, the link is ok." but also: "I do not need to
> argue, I just (can) act"
> Relationship (maybe a bit caricaturized): "I am the boss, and you are
> just unimportant: what is done by the community does not bother me. I
> am acting from a superior position. At least, my position is superior
> to Sophie's and K-J's, so I can revert their actions without giving
> further arguments."
> Appeal: "Please accept my superior position and stop acting against me"
> So from this (my) perception, your behavior does not appear to support
> the "common goal" first and foremost. It rather appears mainly intended
> to regulate mastery, the "who is in the driver's seat" question. At
> least in my eyes, acting in this way does not look rational, neither
> sensible. It looks like a pure interpersonal action, revenge, bashing,
> fight, whatever you like to call it.
> Hopefully, you can follow my cartoonish explanations and see that it
> could give rise to my interpretation as interpersonal issue. Or at
> least as communicational problem.
>> Or shall we just cut this thread short? I'm personally bored with
>> this kind of

Re: [steering-discuss] Suggested blog about MC work and philosophy

2011-04-24 Thread David Nelson
Hi, :-)

I took the liberty of proofreading the post a bit and editing
slightly. See below, plus attached ODT file. HTH.

David Nelson

TDF has new members

The opening of the membership process was announced last Tuesday
and we already received lots of applications. Sophie did a great job
scanning those and preparing the list for our first Membership
Commitee meeting.

So, on Friday, we processed 59 applications (roughly all we received
up to Thursday midnight). We are happy to tell you that we felt able
to approve 23 applications immediately. For 22 more applications, we
need to take a closer look. We will ask the contacts named in the
applications for verification, scan our systems – such as Git, Pootle,
the Wiki, Alfresco and the mailing lists for appreciable
contributions. Please bear with us while we collect the information to
enable us to take an informed decision.

Unfortunately we had to decline 14 applications – in almost all cases,
this was because no information was given about current contributions.
However, these people are welcome to send in a further application
with appropriate information.

All applicants will be informed within the coming days about the
status of their application (we are just preparing some mail templates
for this). We will also publish a list of accepted TDF members on our

What we learned from some of the comments and mails that came in is
that we will have to review our application form. Some phrases are not
very clear (like the "contact information"), and we should provide a
link to our bylaws so that you can check that you meet the membership
criteria as well as read about our members' rights and

We also received some mail messages asking why we need a membership
application at all. Let me try to answer to some of those comments.

Question: "Does the mean that unless we are 'members' of the
'Community' we are not allowed to represent and promote LibreOffice at
trade shows, or to provide support to users?"

Answer: This is not the case at all. Everyone is welcome to contribute
to LibreOffice and TDF, and this can be done in various ways. Our
Community Bylaws list some ways to contribute, but this list is not
necessarily exhaustive. The Membership Committee will also evaluate
other ways of contributing (we anticipate that there are many other
ways that we even did not think of yet).

So, everyone is welcome to contribute and the status of official
membership is our way to acknowledge these contributions.

Question: "Before the fork, members of the Community Council were
elected by the members of the community. The only requirement to be a
member was to have created an account on the website.
So what's the situation now?"

Answer: There are two things two consider.

First, only one seat on the OOo Community Council was directly elected
by the community (defined as above). Most seats were elected by
project leads, who had to be elected or appointed beforehand. So the
OOo process is also not open to everyone. Even worse, the OOo process
did not give equal rights to contributing members, because of the
non-egalitarian system of project leads. We at TDF are sticking
closely to the rule that there is no difference of equality among
accepted members.

Second, if we allowed just anyone to get voting power "with one
click", this would completely invalidate our philosophy of merit. Why
should anybody work hard and give continuous user support, and then
just see his/her voice overruled by people who "just clicked the right

This does indeed not mean that we will ignore the voices of our user
base. Those people who give support and are in close contact to end
user are especially encouraged to represent user concerns.

Question: "I refuse to apply for membership in the community. I do not
feel that anyone has the right to judge me when they know nothing
about me. So?"

Answer: This is indeed very unfortunate, and a misunderstanding of
what the Membership Committee's is intended to accomplish. We want to
get to know you so that we can properly and fairly process your
application. The information we ask for is intended to help us with
this task. My experience is that everybody who is contributing to a
community is known within the said community. Our obligation as the
Membership Commitee is to seek counsel from the community so that we
can arrive at the right decision.

The next meeting of the Membership Committee will be in about one
week, and we'll be looking forward to receiving your applications. :-)

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Re: [steering-discuss] proofreading the German bylaws

2011-04-24 Thread David Nelson
Hi, :-)

I had another read through the bylaws, and there is one section that
might be usefully updated: Continuity of Membership.

The clause granting merit for past OOo contributions and qualifying
former OOo people is surely past now? Does that clause still have

David Nelson

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[steering-discuss] Re: [tdf-discuss] Re: LibreOffice Community starts 50, 000 Euro challenge for setting-up its foundation

2011-02-17 Thread David Nelson
Hi Alex, :-)

On Thu, Feb 17, 2011 at 19:27, Alexander Thurgood
> Le 16/02/11 13:18, Florian Effenberger a écrit :
> Hi Florian,
> I see that this page exists translated into German and Spanish. If I
> wanted to provide a translation into French, how would I go about doing
> that ? At present, I have no access as author to the TDF website, and
> don't see any real need to have one. Couldn't I just send someone the
> translation ?

If you like, you can send it to me and I'll post it Monday or Tuesday.

David Nelson

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Re: [steering-discuss] SC Vote on first members of TDF

2011-01-29 Thread David Nelson
Hi, :-)

I really like this open vote - it's just the kind of openness I was
longing to see when we worked on the bylaws. I know it's maybe not
suitable for every single vote, but it would be good to see it for as
many as possible. Congratulations, and thank you for this one more
step forward towards the community's organization. Viva LibreOffice!

David Nelson

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Re: [steering-discuss] About Membership Committee

2011-01-28 Thread David Nelson
Hi, :-)

On Fri, Jan 28, 2011 at 20:45, Andre Schnabel  wrote:
> I'd guess sooner or later three MC members will not be enough to process
> all the applications and review all types of activities.

If you need a hand, please feel free to invite me.

David Nelson

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Re: [steering-discuss] On forums for LibreOffice

2011-01-27 Thread David Nelson
Hi Charles, :-)

In that case, would it be a good idea to have a link to them in the
text of the "Get Help" page?

If so, can you give the links you suggest?

David Nelson

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Re: [steering-discuss] About Membership Committee

2011-01-27 Thread David Nelson
Hi, :-)

"assign one MC-member to each application who is in charge to review
the application (this should be based on the work area of the
applicant. e.g. Fridrich might review developer's applications, Sophi
UX, design, work in locale teams, André does l10n, QA, website)"

Documentation team contributors are currently in disgrace? ;-)

David Nelson

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Re: [steering-discuss] help in blog moderating

2011-01-26 Thread David Nelson
Hi Florian, :-)

I could volunteer as well, if you like.

David Nelson

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[steering-discuss] Re: [libreoffice-website] Hassles and woes - and how to solve them

2011-01-22 Thread David Nelson
Hi Florian, Steering Commitee, world, :-)

Really great job, Florian. Blogging like [1] this brings home to
people the human side of the SC members (we used to think you were all
wizards sitting on a cloud in the sky, who could accomplish miracles
on first demand).

Blogging is also a great chance to set forth and explain the reasons
for many aspects of TDF policies and decisions, and for explaining
your thoughts and feelings in a place that is rather more sticky and
durable than a mailing list post.

It also makes the TDF blog a hot place to visit regularly for "inside"
news and views.

I would really encourage *other* members of the SC to also blog in the
same way: Charles, Michael, Thorsten, Italo, and all of you.

I really feel that it is one *important key* to good communications
and community cultivation.

I thoroughly enjoyed reading this post, and would love to see blog
posts coming at the rate of about 3 a week... That would only be one
blog post per SC member every once in a while... Could be very
beneficial to community life?

2 cents. ;-)


David Nelson

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Re: [steering-discuss] connecting external services to our domain

2011-01-20 Thread David Nelson
Hi Andreas, :-)

IMHO, the software is far from being an ideal tool for
the LibreOffice docs team.

A) The software is a product of a past time, when
leading-edge systems like Alfresco had not yet reached maturity, that
does not have all the features and power of a full-blooded content
development system like Alfresco: a mature version control system;
powerful and sophisticated workflow management; powerful content
search capability able to search within the managed content; built-in
discussion system that lets you anchor a discussion on a particular
content object; easy updating and uploading of content from directly
within the LibreOffice applications, via the Alfresco plugin for
OOo/LibO; etc.

B) The software is a hybrid, one-off, custom
application without any community taking its development forward. The system is a software dead-end, based upon a CMS that is
not very widely used, for which little technical support is available
except from a small group of developers. Alfresco has an entire
community behind it.

C) The software does not have the capabilities of
Alfresco to cater to the LibreOffice project's future needs for a
sophisticated product that can integrate closely with the project's
other development systems. Alfresco can provide a powerful platform
for the production and maintenance of developer documentation: API
manuals, etc. The software cannot compete with it
feature-wise: it is a fairly manual system that is now dated.

However, Andreas, please may I respectfully ask you to understand
that, in this thread, I am trying to have a conversation with the SC
members, and that I very much want them to be able to read my ideas
without the thread being filled with OT comments about my posting
habits, etc. You are actually giving rise to more posts in the thread
than are necessary, and are making my actual topic harder to follow.
Could you please respect my right to communicate with the SC? Thank
you for your kindness if so. ;-)

If you want to continue a discussion of the relative merits of the two
products, may I ask you to reply to this post in a *new and separate
thread*? Thank you for your understanding if so. ;-)

David Nelson

On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 22:02, David Nelson  wrote:
> Hi Florian, :-)
> All the active members of the docs team have accounts on the Alfresco
> site I'm hosting right now. There is a general consensus/willingness
> to use it, and people have already started trying it out for actual
> work.
> Putting it under a TDF sub-domain will only further strengthen
> people's commitment to uptake.
> We're ready to start a pilot work project, using the workflow that has
> been developed. We have a system set up with:
> - a custom-designed workflow for the docs team, developed by a
> professional Alfresco developer and a member of the docs team,
> - full git-like versioning,
> - rollback,
> - discussion around documents,
> - full built-in support for ODF/OOo/LibreOffice file formats,
> - simple usage (publication/updating) for users via the use of an
> existing plugin for OOo/LibO that lets you collaborate right from
> within the LibO applications,
> - sophisticated searching capability, that can extend right into
> hosted documents.
> Basically, we have all the sophisticated functionality we need for
> properly-managed, automation-assisted documentation development and
> prepping for publication, with the potential ability to interface with
> a variety of outside systems, such as directly with the LibreOffice
> code repository...
> It would be a great tool for producing developer documentation in the
> future, in addition to the user documentation the docs team is now
> working on.
> It could also be used for easy management of HTML content on TDF
> servers (, for instance), and for a variety of
> other purposes.
> Using Alfresco, we will be able to develop all our documentation and
> many other kinds of content in-house, and we will acquire expertise
> and autonomy within the LibreOffice project and docs team.
> The advantages of hosting it on my server would be as follows:
> 1) It's quite a complicated package to set-up and configure. It is
> quite memory-hungry. On my server, it is already fully operational. No
> workload or worry for you. Version upgrades will be done whenever I
> want, without putting workload and responsibility on you.
> 2) On my server, it is running within an environment that is simple to
> manage. No problems of conflicts with the many other software products
> that TDF runs. You get none of the complications that would inevitably
> exist with integrating Alfresco into a TDF server.
> 3) I have access to 24/7 professional t

Re: [steering-discuss] connecting external services to our domain

2011-01-20 Thread David Nelson
Hi Andreas, :-)

Thought: I think that is a great resource for smaller
Open Source projects that don't have the people, time or resources to
properly develop their own documentation.

But I think it's in the best interests of a *major* software project
like LibreOffice to have an in-house documentation team that is really
specialized in the product.

David Nelson

On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 22:02, David Nelson  wrote:
> Hi Florian, :-)
> All the active members of the docs team have accounts on the Alfresco
> site I'm hosting right now. There is a general consensus/willingness
> to use it, and people have already started trying it out for actual
> work.
> Putting it under a TDF sub-domain will only further strengthen
> people's commitment to uptake.
> We're ready to start a pilot work project, using the workflow that has
> been developed. We have a system set up with:
> - a custom-designed workflow for the docs team, developed by a
> professional Alfresco developer and a member of the docs team,
> - full git-like versioning,
> - rollback,
> - discussion around documents,
> - full built-in support for ODF/OOo/LibreOffice file formats,
> - simple usage (publication/updating) for users via the use of an
> existing plugin for OOo/LibO that lets you collaborate right from
> within the LibO applications,
> - sophisticated searching capability, that can extend right into
> hosted documents.
> Basically, we have all the sophisticated functionality we need for
> properly-managed, automation-assisted documentation development and
> prepping for publication, with the potential ability to interface with
> a variety of outside systems, such as directly with the LibreOffice
> code repository...
> It would be a great tool for producing developer documentation in the
> future, in addition to the user documentation the docs team is now
> working on.
> It could also be used for easy management of HTML content on TDF
> servers (, for instance), and for a variety of
> other purposes.
> Using Alfresco, we will be able to develop all our documentation and
> many other kinds of content in-house, and we will acquire expertise
> and autonomy within the LibreOffice project and docs team.
> The advantages of hosting it on my server would be as follows:
> 1) It's quite a complicated package to set-up and configure. It is
> quite memory-hungry. On my server, it is already fully operational. No
> workload or worry for you. Version upgrades will be done whenever I
> want, without putting workload and responsibility on you.
> 2) On my server, it is running within an environment that is simple to
> manage. No problems of conflicts with the many other software products
> that TDF runs. You get none of the complications that would inevitably
> exist with integrating Alfresco into a TDF server.
> 3) I have access to 24/7 professional technical support, with in-house
> Alfresco expertise. Any problems can be troubleshot within minutes, at
> any time of day or night, with no problems of people on vacation,
> sick, etc.
> 4) On my server, I have full root access and full control over all the
> other software running on the server. I can't have that on a TDF
> server.
> 5) On my server, I can peacefully reboot the system at any time and,
> generally, do anything I want, without having to worry about other
> users, running software, etc. And one does need to anticipate
> occasional *total* system outages during the running-in period.
> 6) On my server, I can do memory and disk space upgrades 24/7 within
> minutes. That kind of turnaround will not be available on a TDF
> server.
> 7) The server is hosted in a secure data center in the UK, and
> automated backups are taken at regular intervals, under my control.
> 8) You and Christian already have admin access to the Alfresco back
> end. You can also both have permanent SSH user accounts to inspect the
> server, suggest security improvements, etc. But you will find pretty
> much the same security arrangements as I found on
> 9) I undertake to provide TDF with the best-possible service, and to
> work on building a strong docs team and documentation base for
> LibreOffice. I will also make a major effort in the future to expand
> the number of active docs contributors within the LibreOffice project.
> If you agree, the sub-domain name I would suggest would be
> What do you think? ;-)
> David Nelson

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Re: [steering-discuss] connecting external services to our domain

2011-01-20 Thread David Nelson
Hi Andreas, :-)

You're obviously entitled to your opinions, and I'm obviously entitled
to mine. ;-)

But this is a request that I'm submitting to the SC for their consideration.

David Nelson

On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 22:02, David Nelson  wrote:
> Hi Florian, :-)
> All the active members of the docs team have accounts on the Alfresco
> site I'm hosting right now. There is a general consensus/willingness
> to use it, and people have already started trying it out for actual
> work.
> Putting it under a TDF sub-domain will only further strengthen
> people's commitment to uptake.
> We're ready to start a pilot work project, using the workflow that has
> been developed. We have a system set up with:
> - a custom-designed workflow for the docs team, developed by a
> professional Alfresco developer and a member of the docs team,
> - full git-like versioning,
> - rollback,
> - discussion around documents,
> - full built-in support for ODF/OOo/LibreOffice file formats,
> - simple usage (publication/updating) for users via the use of an
> existing plugin for OOo/LibO that lets you collaborate right from
> within the LibO applications,
> - sophisticated searching capability, that can extend right into
> hosted documents.
> Basically, we have all the sophisticated functionality we need for
> properly-managed, automation-assisted documentation development and
> prepping for publication, with the potential ability to interface with
> a variety of outside systems, such as directly with the LibreOffice
> code repository...
> It would be a great tool for producing developer documentation in the
> future, in addition to the user documentation the docs team is now
> working on.
> It could also be used for easy management of HTML content on TDF
> servers (, for instance), and for a variety of
> other purposes.
> Using Alfresco, we will be able to develop all our documentation and
> many other kinds of content in-house, and we will acquire expertise
> and autonomy within the LibreOffice project and docs team.
> The advantages of hosting it on my server would be as follows:
> 1) It's quite a complicated package to set-up and configure. It is
> quite memory-hungry. On my server, it is already fully operational. No
> workload or worry for you. Version upgrades will be done whenever I
> want, without putting workload and responsibility on you.
> 2) On my server, it is running within an environment that is simple to
> manage. No problems of conflicts with the many other software products
> that TDF runs. You get none of the complications that would inevitably
> exist with integrating Alfresco into a TDF server.
> 3) I have access to 24/7 professional technical support, with in-house
> Alfresco expertise. Any problems can be troubleshot within minutes, at
> any time of day or night, with no problems of people on vacation,
> sick, etc.
> 4) On my server, I have full root access and full control over all the
> other software running on the server. I can't have that on a TDF
> server.
> 5) On my server, I can peacefully reboot the system at any time and,
> generally, do anything I want, without having to worry about other
> users, running software, etc. And one does need to anticipate
> occasional *total* system outages during the running-in period.
> 6) On my server, I can do memory and disk space upgrades 24/7 within
> minutes. That kind of turnaround will not be available on a TDF
> server.
> 7) The server is hosted in a secure data center in the UK, and
> automated backups are taken at regular intervals, under my control.
> 8) You and Christian already have admin access to the Alfresco back
> end. You can also both have permanent SSH user accounts to inspect the
> server, suggest security improvements, etc. But you will find pretty
> much the same security arrangements as I found on
> 9) I undertake to provide TDF with the best-possible service, and to
> work on building a strong docs team and documentation base for
> LibreOffice. I will also make a major effort in the future to expand
> the number of active docs contributors within the LibreOffice project.
> If you agree, the sub-domain name I would suggest would be
> What do you think? ;-)
> David Nelson

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Re: [steering-discuss] connecting external services to our domain

2011-01-20 Thread David Nelson
Hi, :-)

On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 23:20, Nino Novak  wrote:
> 1) Is there any integration (planned?) with odfauthors or is it just
> about a new and different place to produce documentation (specific for
> libreoffice maybe)?

IMHO, it is in the best interests of LibreOffice project for the
LibreOffice documentation project to have its own workflow, expertise
and policies for LibreOffice documentation.

However, I proactively asked Jean Weber ( to be part of
the Alfresco site and the LibreOffice documentation team. I invited
her to have an admin account on the Alfresco site, and actually gave
her one despite her only-lukewarm interest, to encourage her close

But she is very taken up with odfauthors, and does not seem want any
close involvement in the LibreOffice documentation team. I even
suggested to her to take team leadership of the LibreOffice docs team
two times in the past. But she's very much occupied with odfauthors.

In any case, no matter what similarities there might be between OOo
and LibO right at present, the two products are quickly going to
diverge. LibreOffice might as well start developing its own
documentation team and expertise now.

On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 23:20, Nino Novak  wrote:
> 2) what about the l10n people? Are they involved already or is it
> planned to involve them? Or is it just about to create "international"
> (i.e. English) documents (optionally serving as master for translation)?

There is every opportunity for interested l10n people to work with
Alfresco, and I have been intending to throw open an invitation. But
I've held back on that until a) the SC grants me a remit to operate an
Alfresco server for the project and b) I've been able to consult and
liaise with Sophie Gauthier beforehand.

On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 22:35, Jaime R. Garza  wrote:
> who is sponsoring your server?

No-one is sponsoring it. I operate it myself.

On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 22:35, Jaime R. Garza  wrote:
> What would be your benefit?

The pleasure, interest and kudos of working for TDF and the
LibreOffice Open Source project?
Worthwhile professional experience?

On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 22:35, Jaime R. Garza  wrote:
> And how can you warranty the uptime and performance and for how long?

The server is hosted in a high-quality, secure data center in the UK,
with all the security and backup systems you find in such modern
infrastructures. I can't *warranty* the server uptime and performances
beyond a best-effort, good-faith commitment and the guarantees offered
by the data center. But Open Source projects don't offer better, do

For how long? Not beyond my death, in any case. Up to then, things
should be OK. But, seriously, I would always cooperate in all good
faith in a handover, and would always make best arrangements not to
damage the LibreOffice project's interests. I *care* about the
project, and I *care* about my reputation. ;-)

Florian, SC, please read my post below:

David Nelson

On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 22:02, David Nelson  wrote:
> Hi Florian, :-)
> All the active members of the docs team have accounts on the Alfresco
> site I'm hosting right now. There is a general consensus/willingness
> to use it, and people have already started trying it out for actual
> work.
> Putting it under a TDF sub-domain will only further strengthen
> people's commitment to uptake.
> We're ready to start a pilot work project, using the workflow that has
> been developed. We have a system set up with:
> - a custom-designed workflow for the docs team, developed by a
> professional Alfresco developer and a member of the docs team,
> - full git-like versioning,
> - rollback,
> - discussion around documents,
> - full built-in support for ODF/OOo/LibreOffice file formats,
> - simple usage (publication/updating) for users via the use of an
> existing plugin for OOo/LibO that lets you collaborate right from
> within the LibO applications,
> - sophisticated searching capability, that can extend right into
> hosted documents.
> Basically, we have all the sophisticated functionality we need for
> properly-managed, automation-assisted documentation development and
> prepping for publication, with the potential ability to interface with
> a variety of outside systems, such as directly with the LibreOffice
> code repository...
> It would be a great tool for producing developer documentation in the
> future, in addition to the user documentation the docs team is now
> working on.
> It could also be used for easy management of HTML content on TDF
> servers (, for instance), and for a variety of
> other purposes.
> Using Alfresco, we will be able to develop all our documentation and
> many other kinds of content in-house, and we will acquire expertise

Re: [steering-discuss] next SC call tomorrow, 1700 UTC

2011-01-20 Thread David Nelson
Hi Charles, :-)

I understand that Mike is rescheduling the call. I'll fit in with
whatever time is chosen. (It will be about 2 a.m. my time, most
likely, if 19.00 UTC is chosen.)

David Nelson

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Re: [steering-discuss] connecting external services to our domain

2011-01-20 Thread David Nelson
Hi Florian, :-)

All the active members of the docs team have accounts on the Alfresco
site I'm hosting right now. There is a general consensus/willingness
to use it, and people have already started trying it out for actual

Putting it under a TDF sub-domain will only further strengthen
people's commitment to uptake.

We're ready to start a pilot work project, using the workflow that has
been developed. We have a system set up with:

- a custom-designed workflow for the docs team, developed by a
professional Alfresco developer and a member of the docs team,
- full git-like versioning,
- rollback,
- discussion around documents,
- full built-in support for ODF/OOo/LibreOffice file formats,
- simple usage (publication/updating) for users via the use of an
existing plugin for OOo/LibO that lets you collaborate right from
within the LibO applications,
- sophisticated searching capability, that can extend right into
hosted documents.

Basically, we have all the sophisticated functionality we need for
properly-managed, automation-assisted documentation development and
prepping for publication, with the potential ability to interface with
a variety of outside systems, such as directly with the LibreOffice
code repository...

It would be a great tool for producing developer documentation in the
future, in addition to the user documentation the docs team is now
working on.

It could also be used for easy management of HTML content on TDF
servers (, for instance), and for a variety of
other purposes.

Using Alfresco, we will be able to develop all our documentation and
many other kinds of content in-house, and we will acquire expertise
and autonomy within the LibreOffice project and docs team.

The advantages of hosting it on my server would be as follows:

1) It's quite a complicated package to set-up and configure. It is
quite memory-hungry. On my server, it is already fully operational. No
workload or worry for you. Version upgrades will be done whenever I
want, without putting workload and responsibility on you.

2) On my server, it is running within an environment that is simple to
manage. No problems of conflicts with the many other software products
that TDF runs. You get none of the complications that would inevitably
exist with integrating Alfresco into a TDF server.

3) I have access to 24/7 professional technical support, with in-house
Alfresco expertise. Any problems can be troubleshot within minutes, at
any time of day or night, with no problems of people on vacation,
sick, etc.

4) On my server, I have full root access and full control over all the
other software running on the server. I can't have that on a TDF

5) On my server, I can peacefully reboot the system at any time and,
generally, do anything I want, without having to worry about other
users, running software, etc. And one does need to anticipate
occasional *total* system outages during the running-in period.

6) On my server, I can do memory and disk space upgrades 24/7 within
minutes. That kind of turnaround will not be available on a TDF

7) The server is hosted in a secure data center in the UK, and
automated backups are taken at regular intervals, under my control.

8) You and Christian already have admin access to the Alfresco back
end. You can also both have permanent SSH user accounts to inspect the
server, suggest security improvements, etc. But you will find pretty
much the same security arrangements as I found on

9) I undertake to provide TDF with the best-possible service, and to
work on building a strong docs team and documentation base for
LibreOffice. I will also make a major effort in the future to expand
the number of active docs contributors within the LibreOffice project.

If you agree, the sub-domain name I would suggest would be

What do you think? ;-)

David Nelson

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Re: [steering-discuss] next SC call tomorrow, 1700 UTC

2011-01-20 Thread David Nelson
Hi, :-)

If you could have the SC call at 19.00 UTC it would be so great...
This is a very special conversation we want to have tomorrow, and it's
likely to be lnngg...

David Nelson

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Re: [steering-discuss] next SC call tomorrow, 1700 UTC

2011-01-20 Thread David Nelson
Hi, :-)

Could you maybe make it 2 hours later? This would be likely to be a
long call.

David Nelson

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Re: [steering-discuss] next SC call tomorrow, 1700 UTC

2011-01-20 Thread David Nelson
Hi Florian, :-)

Wow! What inconvenient timing... We had planned the website conference
call for Friday 21 January @ 5pm
GMT too! I was going to catch you on the Marketing call tonight to ask
you if you could give us the codes for that...

Is there any chance you could maybe re-schedule the SC call for this
one time? This would really be an important call for the website
team... Could you maybe do the SC call at 9 pm GMT, for instance?

David Nelson

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Re: [steering-discuss] connecting external services to our domain

2011-01-18 Thread David Nelson
Hi Florian, :-)

Ah! Now I understand why you kept me waiting for 2 weeks for any kind
of reply to my request! :-D

David Nelson

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Re: [steering-discuss] connecting external services to our domain

2011-01-18 Thread David Nelson
Hi Florian, :-)

On Mon, Jan 17, 2011 at 21:37, Florian Effenberger
>        * self-hosted servers can only be connected if they are in our
> infrastructure management and fit our security requirements

Actually, I only just properly read your original post

Is there a way I can satisfy this constraint, or should we just set
this idea aside?

If you don't want to assign the subdomain ''
and if the docs team seems interested in using the site on my server,
what would be your thoughts if I renamed the domain to

David Nelson

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Re: [steering-discuss] connecting external services to our domain

2011-01-17 Thread David Nelson
Hi, :-)

The situation is that the workflow can already be considered to be 80%
or 90% complete, and the next step will be some pilot testing with
actual work on documentation content, which could start later this

In parallel, I'd also been planning to throw open an invite to i18n
people who might be interested in Alfresco as a tool for their work.
That might require the development of a separate workflow, depending
on what usage was envisioned.

But what seems to be the active core of the documentation team does
not seem to be at all averse to adopting Alfresco for documentation

Personally, I'm perfectly happy to operate the Alfresco site on my
server, and to grant all appropriate access to relevant TDF SC members
at OS level. I had suggested for the

However, I will - of course - cooperate fully with whatever decision
the SC takes.

The main need would be to take a decision fairy soon, before the
number of user accounts, the sophistication of the workflow and the
mass of data and content reach a point at which migration becomes a
bigger task.

You would probably find it useful to know that installing and
setting-up Alfresco is a not-inconsiderable process, and that you want
a minimum of 1 Gigabyte of memory, with 2 to 3 being recommended to me
for a busier system.

My server has excellent 24/7 technical support.


David Nelson

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Re: [steering-discuss] e-mail accounts

2011-01-16 Thread David Nelson
Hi, :-)

On Sun, Jan 16, 2011 at 20:53, Volker Merschmann  wrote:
> Don't you think that the rule that active contributing is mandatory
> for membership does apply? Else there will be members of different
> degrees. :-(


David Nelson

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Re: [steering-discuss] Minutes of SC call 2011-01-13 for review

2011-01-14 Thread David Nelson
Hi Stefan, :-)

On Sat, Jan 15, 2011 at 04:34, Stefan Weigel
> # decision: SC appoints a team of 4 people that will be responsible
> for managing the website for a trial period of two months
> this team consists of:
> Is this for the international ("main") site only? Are we still
> allowed to use our roles as authors and publishers in Silverstripe,
> as we have done the past weeks?

My interpretation is that the decision concerns the English main site
(it does not cover the NL sites).

During this trial period, you should not use your SilverStripe
author/publisher permissions to do any stuff on the English main site
without the prior agreement of the person in charge of content (me).

But people can do what they like on the NL sites - it's not our/my business.

However, the SC specifically asked me to seek to build a contributor
team, as regards content, and I will be doing that (started already -
see [1]). So if you're interested in working on the English NL site,
there will definitely be the opportunity (although I will be
preferring English NL contributors for drafting content).

However, you do need to get a remit from me first. No just jumping in. ;-)

And, of course, we will be paying attention to feedback from the community.

SC, is the above a reasonable interpretation of your intentions?


David Nelson

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Re: [steering-discuss] e-mail accounts

2011-01-14 Thread David Nelson
Hi, :-)

If it's not a "real" or
account, I don't think anyone will be interested. I know I
wouldn't bother using one of these "", etc.,
accounts myself i'd just use my own mail account in that case

0.2 cents. ;-)

David Nelson

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Re: [steering-discuss] e-mail accounts

2011-01-14 Thread David Nelson
Hi, :-)

Small idea: have you considered using Google Apps for the project's
mail needs? *So* easy to set-up, *so* easy to maintain,
feature-packed, and I'm sure they will give TDF a free upgrade to an
enterprise account. Lots of other benefits, too.

David Nelson

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[steering-discuss] Re: Adoption and implementation of the Community Bylaws

2011-01-10 Thread David Nelson
number of real project workers;

- it would undoubtedly be perceived positively by outside corporate /
enterprise observers (Ubuntu and many others);

- each announcement of a significant step forward in bylaw / governance
implementation can be turned into very positive publicity and marketing, and
reverberated around the Net (via TDF blog articles, coverage on our social
media, and proactive contact with prominent bloggers and journalists).


I hope you will not perceive everything I have said in this thread as just
negative ranting. Having posted this message, I will spend a large part of
this day doing actual work for the project.

It is all uniquely intended to try and raise your awareness about possible
dangers that I see, and about viewpoints that may not have occurred to you.
I hope only to see the LibreOffice project and TDF survive and succeed.

But I do think the SC needs to take action *urgently*.


David Nelson

On Sun, Jan 9, 2011 at 10:49, David Nelson  wrote:
> Hi SC members, :-)
> Charles wrote an excellent set of Community Bylaws. I would like to
> see them officially adopted and applied. And I would like to see the
> various committees and governance systems in the Community Bylaws set
> up and become active.
> I feel that this is important for the future of LibreOffice. I
> strongly support the project, and I want to see it succeed. I think we
> need to take action quite quickly.
> I have noted how the level of involvement and contribution by "active
> community members" has tailed off. I have noticed how few user support
> queries there are on the user support list. It is my impression that
> the level of contribution to development is also decreasing.
> We have a situation in which a key project resource, the
> website, is becoming the center of pushing and pulling
> for control over its development. Decisions are needed about the
> website's management (editorial team), and about the future direction
> of its development (the question of Drupal adoption is becoming
> extremely disruptive and divisive in this fledgling project).
> I personally have experienced wanting to implement 2 great initiatives
> (proactive contact with Linux projects, and organization of interviews
> with BBC TV and radio for Charles and/or other SC members) only to
> find certain SC members strongly discouraging me to take action,
> refusing to give any constructive consideration, or totally ignoring
> me and not giving any reaction at all on the subject.
> When I have suggested bold initiatives, there have been very
> proprietary, "control freak" reactions from some SC members, with talk
> of "this is so and so's field of responsibility", and I'm strongly
> discouraged from taking the idea further.
> These attitudes and some other attitudes I have encountered from
> certain SC members are contrary to the
> principles of good meritocracy and equality of membership laid down in
> the bylaws.
> Personally, I sometimes get the impression that there is currently a
> three-tier membership in this project: new community members like me:
> 1 vote. past OOo community members: 1.5 votes. SC members 3 votes (or
> simple dictation of decision). I have had this impression a number of
> times while contributing work to the project. I know that there are at
> least *some* other people who would agree fairly closely with this
> assertion. I have an impression that, "All members are equal, but some
> are more equal than others". :-D
> The SC was a necessary institution when TDF was first launched. But it
> was only supposed to be a temporary body. Some SC members now seem to
> becoming rooted in their positions of decision-taking power. The
> situation is becoming undemocratic and non-meritocratic. IMHO, it
> starts to resemble a form of "Communism going wrong". ;-)
> I seriously believe that, if you do not take quick action, the
> LibreOffice project is in serious danger of imploding within the next
> couple of months or before the end of the year. Contributors will
> progressively drop away. Less and less work will be contributed.
> Ultimately, tensions will arise within the SC itself, and
> disagreements will break out; if the SC itself were to fragment, the
> LibreOffice project could end up orphaned.
> In the present situation, you cannot attract more corporate
> contributors/partners to the project, because there is not the
> necessary governance. The SC lacks proper legitimacy. If you do not
> take action fairly soon, could you perhaps even end-up losing the
> corporate contributors you currently 

Re: [steering-discuss] Re: Decisions about English main site management

2011-01-09 Thread David Nelson
Hi, :-)

I took the liberty of adding an item to the agenda of the next SC
meeting on Thursday, Jan 13, for you to discuss and decide about the
future management of the website.

I have explained my ideas about the need for an editorial team, I am
not trying to push any personal agenda.

My only wish, after having pushed so hard to get it to its current
state of existence, is that it should be properly managed and
developed as a resource for the community. I trust in your
intelligence and discretion to achieve that. ;-)

David Nelson

On Sun, Jan 9, 2011 at 09:26, David Nelson  wrote:
> Hi Charles, guys :-)
> I've read all your responses. Thanks for having taken time to give me
> an answer. ;-)
> On Sat, Jan 8, 2011 at 00:28, Charles-H. Schulz
>  wrote:
>> I'm not really comfortable with this extraordinary powers over that
>> period and I would rather favour you driving a team (-an official team
>> that is-) . However, this is the Steering Discuss list, which means
>> that you have written an official and public request to the SC and we
>> are bound to discuss it at the next SC call, which we will do.
> OK, thank you. if that will be OK with you guys, I'd like to take not
> more than 60 seconds to present my thinking to you. If you decide to
> take a vote on it, then I will happily accept whatever decision you
> take. In any case, the most important thing would be to take *some*
> kind of decision that ensures some form of proper future development
> of the website.
> Personally, I'm wondering if this is not going to end up as some kind
> of committee of committees, with endless discussions, little
> opportunity to take action, etc. Or should one give everyone
> publishers rights and the first one to log in gets to deface the site
> to his/her taste? ;-) Two ridiculous extremes, but they could easily
> happen unless you do something to prevent it...
> In any case, I have been feeling rather strongly for a few weeks that
> some affirmative action is needed in community governance. IMHO, the
> situation with the website is closely linked to an unsatisfactory
> situation regarding governance. I will start another thread on this
> subject.
> I will be listening with interest to the next SC confcall. ;-)
> David Nelson

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