Re: [board-discuss] Board of Directors Meeting 2023-03-20

2023-04-01 Thread Paolo Vecchi
d with all 
members of the ecosystem. Especially those that are members of the board 
must show that they are not more equal than others.

If the founding members wanted to create an entity where companies could 
exert pressure and push their own interests without having their 
representatives being in constant conflict of interests then they could 
have chosen a simple association or a cooperative.

If you and others are of the opinion that that should happen, please 
be clear and work on a sensible discussion around the topic. But 
please do stop behaving as something that one would associate with a 
troll rather then a member contributing our work.

Please stop saying that if we follow laws and regulations we violate the 
principle of the foundation as it is far away from reality.

Some of the founders are also members of the ecosystem and members of 
the board of directors affiliated with those companies, they accepted 
and supported the fact that a Stiftung follows rules that are very 
different from a cooperative and should accept that in their position 
their actions should be under even more scrutiny than others to avoid 
showing even a perceived conflict of interest.

As a member of the board of directors affiliated with a member of the 
ecosystem you should be the first to show that you are not more equal 
than others as that could have a negative effect on those that might 
want to join the ecosystem as they feel they wound be treated as equal.

Having had this type of discussions too many times I expect that the 
chairman will instruct an impartial and objective CoI evaluation for all 
the members of the board and the adoption of clear fiduciary duties that 
all board members must follow to remove the doubts that members of the 
board of trustees are expressing.




Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Legal details:

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [board-discuss] Board of Directors Meeting 2023-03-20

2023-03-31 Thread Paolo Vecchi
themselves and other directors.

As doubts have been raised, not only within the board but also from 
members of the board of trustees for a quite a while, I'm sure our 
chairman will call for the application of the same methodology and 
retroactivity for the collection of evidences that was applied to myself 
and fully evaluate in a transparent, impartial and objective way if 
there are and were undeclared personal interests and actual conflict of 

It is an act of transparency and continuity with its past decisions for 
which the whole board will surely want to show its immediate commitment.


-- Thorsten



Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Legal details:

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [board-discuss] Agenda for TDF board meeting on Monday, April 3rd, 1800 Berlin time (UTC+2)

2023-03-31 Thread Paolo Vecchi

Hi all,

On 31/03/2023 02:16, Thorsten Behrens wrote:

2. Status Report, Discuss: Update on formalising board fiduciary
duties (Paolo Vecchi, Cor Nouws, 5 mins)

if anyone would like to read the draft of the proposal and related 
documents here's the link:

Don't hesitate to share your feedback.



Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Legal details:

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [board-discuss] Board of Directors Meeting 2023-03-20

2023-03-29 Thread Paolo Vecchi

Hi Cor and all,

On 29/03/2023 15:58, Cor Nouws wrote:

Hi Andreas,

Andreas Mantke wrote on 29/03/2023 12:04:

7. Status Report, Discuss: TDF 2023 Budget Planning (tdf-board, 5 mins)

Thorsten and Gabor declared a personal interest on the above topics (see
above). I ask if they both attended the call and the discussion during
this three topics of the private part of the meeting. Who lead the
meeting as chair during this three topics?

A personal interest is not a conflict of interest which in general is 
not a reason to abstain from discussing topics.

Just a comment about the last statement as I believe we discussed the 
matter extensively within the board and also on board discuss:

In previous discussions I took as an example the "Code of Conduct for 
the Members of the European Commission" (not to be confused with our use 
of Code of Conduct) as IMHO is the standard we should aim at in regard 
to the first 7 articles.

There we can read (Art. 2(6)): " A conflict of interest arises where 
a personal interest may influence the independent performance of their 
duties. ..."

and then: "Members shall recuse themselves from any decision or 
instruction of a file and from any participation in a discussion, debate 
or vote in relation to a matter that falls under Article 2(6)."

It is very simple and clear.

Some argued that TDF is not an EU institution but that should not stop 
us to aim for very high standards in demonstrating independence, 
objectivity and impartiality when performing our duties.

Taking in consideration the various interests within the community of 
course a member of the board that has declared a personal interest can 
put on the table a detailed proposal but then he/she should stay 
completely out of of the discussion and refrain from influencing in any 
way the decision process.

I presume it is common knowledge that a conflict of interests isn't 
confirmed only when directors with a personal interest cast their vote, 
the perceived/actual conflict of interests materialises also along the 
whole decision process if the directors influence the process and other 
non conflicted members.

Just like a supplier, after having presented a quote for 
services/products then only those that have no personal interests on the 
matter should be present and discuss the merits of the proposal and ask 
questions if necessary.

If the "supplier" has reasons to object on the decision then naturally 
the non conflicted members will would discuss the merits of the 
objections separately.

It might seem convoluted but that's, IMHO, a good way to have all the 
opinions heard while taking decisions in an independent, impartial and 
objective way which shouldn't lead to perceived or actual conflict of 

Those that still don't have made their mind up in regards to what 
conflict of interests are, and how affect also the private sector, will 
find this document very useful:

It contains quite a few examples/definitions which could help us in 
having a common understanding of personal interests, conflict of 
interests and how to deal with them leading by example from within the 

Dealing with perceived conflict of interests is a team effort:
"Importantly, a conflict of interest exists even where the conflict in 
question is merely apparent, since the individual in question is neither 
required nor expected to be able to judge situations in which they are 
involved with an impartial, objective and independent eye."

So when someone spots a potential issue it is good that the board is 
notified so that we can review our decisions and improve our processes.

Then: "In order to shield themselves against conflict-of-interest risk, 
organisations must widen their prevention measures beyond actual 
conflicts of interest to include apparent conflicts of interest, which 
can also harm their image and erode trust."

That's absolutely true and seeing yet another notification of perceived 
impropriety it's a signal that we need to further improve on our 
transparency, processes and a common understanding of how to deal with 
personal interests so that we provide no reasons for doubts.

Further question: why didn't declare Cor also a personal interest about
this three topics?

Sorry if it is not there. IIRC I said the same applied for me - as is 
usually the case - so my name should be there in the minutes too.




Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Legal details:

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [board-discuss] [DECISION] Re: [Vote] hiring external communication expert

2023-01-21 Thread Paolo Vecchi

Hi all,

I have to admit that I haven't checked the vote totals when published 
internally and only now I realise that the totals are wrong.

While I notified the board that in my opinion the expenditure is 
unnecessary as we have the relevant resources, communication expert and 
a CoC team, within TDF I've voted -1. A member of the board made me 
noticed that I might be in conflict of interest as the proposed 
expenditure is, for the best part, related to my complaint that the case 
was not handled with the due impartiality and objectivity, I agreed with 
the comment and I revoked my vote.

The final vote should be:

A total of 6 Board of Directors members have participated in the vote.
The vote is quorate.
A quorum could be reached with a simple majority of 4 votes.
Result of vote: 5 approvals, 0 abstains, 1 disapprovals.
Also one deputy supports the motion

The result doesn't change as the majority of the board think that we 
should spend a large amount of money for something that could have been 
solved months ago with our own resources and without this expenditure 
but I believe it's important to remove my vote from this decision.



On 20/01/2023 19:00, Florian Effenberger wrote:


the following decision, which was taken in private on 2022-12-22, is 
now made public in accordance with our statutes.

Cor Nouws wrote on 17/12/2022 11:59:

Hello all,

Another topic on which we need to make progress urgently IMO. Not 
only to check the handling, impartiality and objectivity of the CoC 
case against Paolo, but also get (a first?) external advise on our 
communication etc.

 From the comments on the topic - thanks! - there is a clear 
preference to go with the offering from Central Consultancy & Training.

And since we're voting anyway, please cast your vote (+1/-1/0) for 
this one too by **Monday, 17:00 UTC / 18:00 Berlin time**.


The board resolves:

* Accept the offering from Central Consultancy & Training to execute 
'Review handling CoC complaint against board member' as decided on 
October 17 2022

* As can be found here [redacted, internal link]

* The cost for TDF are approx. 14.000 €

 The vote runs 54h from now.

The Board of Directors at the time of voting consists of 7 seat 
holders (not including deputies). In order to be quorate, the vote 
needs to have 1/2 or more of the Board of Directors members, which 
gives 4.

A total of 7 Board of Directors members have participated in the vote.
The vote is quorate.
A quorum could be reached with a simple majority of 4 votes.
Result of vote: 5 approvals, 0 abstains, 2 disapprovals.
Also one deputy supports the motion.

Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Legal details:

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [board-discuss] Re: [VOTE] New proposal for hiring in-house developers.

2022-12-02 Thread Paolo Vecchi

Hi all,

On 02/12/2022 23:42, Cor Nouws wrote:


Until someone can explain me that it is beneficial to TDF to compete 
with contributing members of the ecosystem, I see this attempt from 
Andreas as not at all interesting.

Nobody can explain to you "that it is beneficial to TDF to compete with 
contributing members of the ecosystem" because it isn't and TDF doesn't 
do it.

Now that that is sorted.

Does Article 8 of our statutes sound more interesting to you?

Isn't your and Thorsten's behaviour leading to think that there is a 
potential conflict of interests?




Andreas Mantke wrote on 02/12/2022 23:38:

Hi all,

Am 02.12.22 um 13:52 schrieb Thorsten Behrens:


(thanks a lot for all the good feedback, feels great to get this

this vote was done by an owner and executive director of a software
company who /which have an declared interest to influence the direction
of the LibreOffice development by the in-house developers. The in-house
developers will remove a lot of advantage from the tendering budget and
could work on parts of the code, that otherwise could be a tender in the
future, on which his company might bid. Thus the voter has a non
arguable Conflict of Interest on the topic of this vote. Because of this
he has to abstain from this vote. His vote is null.

Because of his Conflict of Interest on this topic he cannot vote and
should not unduly influence the decision. The comments on this list and
the attacks are very problematic.


## Free Software Advocate
## Plone add-on developer
## My blog:

Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Legal details:

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [board-discuss] [VOTE] New proposal for hiring in-house developers.

2022-12-02 Thread Paolo Vecchi
iciency and 

Then there is also the small issue of Article 8.

Having Thorsten, Gabor and Cor declared an "interest" on the matter but 
regardless of that rammed through this proposal and voted +1 on it, 
doesn't it make it quite problematic in terms of potential/perceived 
conflict of interests?

Because of my bad habit of pointing out issues and trying to fix them 
I'm being put in a condition of not being able to perform my role of 
director in these matters so I have little hope that those issues will 
be solved.

I only hope that new boards will evaluate things in a more comprehensive 
way and avoid pushing forward decisions that down the line will create 
issues and debates, as I believe this will bring.

Considering the above and hoping that somehow fixes will be implemented 
if this vote passes, I abstain.



Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Legal details:

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [board-discuss] fast ahead soon...

2022-12-01 Thread Paolo Vecchi

Hi all,

On 01/12/2022 14:05, Thorsten Behrens wrote:

Hi Marina, all,

Marina Latini wrote:

I'm still struggling to understand why there was the need to trash 9 months
of work for presenting a new text that sounds more like just the "abstract"
of the previous document [...]

Sorry for not having explained this in a proper way.

The work is not trashed, as you say it's living on in the new proposal.

As we can see from the few lines of the new proposal one of the issues 
was still present until Jean-Baptiste pointed out the same issue I 
managed to get Jan to understand.

The other crucial bit of the proposal that gives away the real logic 
around it is this:

"- for whom as the initial areas of work, the board identifies
  improving RTL/CTL writing support and accessibility *for LibreOffice**
**  core*; as well as mentoring new volunteers in these specific
  areas. *After that, depending on skills available, Writer tables,**
**  Base, general regression fixing, Draw, and Math are the next focus**
**  areas;* "

That's another very crafty way to get the same result as this sentence:
"TDF in-house developers will not compete with commercial contributors 
and will not develop alternative implementations of Open Source projects 
actively maintained by LibreOffice volunteer or corporate contributors – 
like Collabora Online, mdds, or cppunit."

There was nothing else that caused controversy in the proposal with Jan 
as with the legal review we ironed out everything else.

Why was it shelved? Because Kendy resigned over it,

A chairman repeating a false statement and ignoring the proof of the 
contrary doesn't look good.

Kendy even kindly told Cor to stay out of it when he wanted to propose a 
similar version of his "KISS approach" as we were progressing very well.

Kendy resigned when he has seen he could not find ways to justify the 
above sentence to impose a limitation that apparently was essential to him.

Cor practically confirmed that commenting:
" * properly created agreement on such limitations nightmare
   * from legal aspects and organizational wise"

and by trying to impose the same limitation in a different way.

As both our chairman and Cor relay on opacity to keep going on with 
unfounded accusations and false statements I've asked the board to 
release the relevant emails.

At least we could settle the matter and get back to the original 
proposal, vote it and let the team do the rest.

  and he and Paolo
worked over many details. The board would need to restart that, from a
relatively early stage.

In his various comments our chairman has shown that he prefers to go 
with a new proposal put together in, probably half an hour, which has 
created and will created more controversies down the line than evaluate 
the one that has already covered many of those issues.

What has been proposed anyway still point to the original proposal:
"Footnote: for a requirements analysis on the need for hiring
developers, please refer to information on the pages 3-8 of the
abandoned dev proposal"

So the rationale I wrote and the focus areas I collected are OK to be 
recycled in this other proposal?
Why excluding the "Mentoring and TDF’s educational mission" which all 
must know is very important?

Why also excluding 10 to 12 which are the parts on which we put most of 
the efforts to find all the compromises that would make everyone happy?

Why not keeping everything apart from page 13 which seems the most 
controversial one?

The fact that for a majority of the board, the proposal was not
acceptable in its current state, was I think made clear.

Actually the board never explained what is not acceptable.

Then stating "* seems number of people disagree" and seeing that the 
number is 2 doesn't make it a majority of the board.

Seeing the the complaint from Cor is related to the same limitation for 
which Jan allegedly resigned then some doubts start coming up.

Didn't I read something somewhere in relation to directors that have a 
declared interest should not influence the decision process on a 
specific item?

How is called if that interest is declared after having influenced a 

Maybe we should find the answer to those questions before carrying on 
with this "new proposal"?


-- Thorsten



Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Legal details:

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [board-discuss] Re: Off-topic character assassinations - do we really need moderation again?

2022-12-01 Thread Paolo Vecchi

On 01/12/2022 09:51, Daniel A. Rodriguez wrote:

Come on!!!

Anyone can set up an email on their mobile, at this point, that's a 
completely ridiculous excuse.

... and I still never had a logical explanation on why it was so urgent 
to do it on a Friday when the complaints about LOOL archival stopped.

True there was a strongly worded email from Franklin at 01:07 CEST 
complaining about Thorsten censoring Daniel but after that things were 

Anyway, let's keep constructive criticism civilised and avoid NSFW 
remarks to avoid providing excuses for moderating the list again.



El 30 de noviembre de 2022 8:52:34 p. m. GMT-03:00, Thorsten Behrens 

Hi Daniel,

Daniel A. Rodriguez wrote:

And that does not look like a board decision to me. 

The vote was to document an earlier decision on Friday, July 8th, that
happened via phone, messenger and chat. Mind that it was vacation time,
and several directors had no immediate access to their email.

Cheers, Thorsten


Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Legal details:

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [board-discuss] Re: Off-topic character assassinations - do we really need moderation again?

2022-11-30 Thread Paolo Vecchi

Hi all,

On 30/11/2022 11:39, Thorsten Behrens wrote:

Hi Daniel,

Daniel A. Rodriguez wrote:

Previous moderation, as you named, was not based on a board decision
but yours.

Of course it was a board decision. Please stop spreading falsehoods.

Not sure if this will surprise anyone but I was not even aware that the 
decision was being taken so I've been completely excluded also from that 
From a procedural point of view I don't think what has been done is 
valid as there was no actual emergency for do it.
Unless, as it seems to be standard procedure, I've been excluded also 
from evaluating something else that required immediate moderation.

I realised moderation has been decided and implemented at about 16:30 of 
the 8th of July as one of my emails bounced back.

As we all remember it was during a heated discussion about archiving 
LOOL or not and rediscovering the Foundation roots.

"Fun fact": the last message I received before moderation was activated 
seems to be the one from Daniel complaining about being harassed by "the 

Cheers, Thorsten



Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Legal details:

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [board-discuss] the importance of shepherding this list & TDF

2022-11-30 Thread Paolo Vecchi
unity which will create also new 
contributors. It's a virtuous circle that bring benefits for all.

- but his integrity is something I can rely on. His patience when 
dealing with controversy, his balance and desire to find a workable 
solution is legendary.

Well... comments from current and ex fellow members of the board seems 
to feel left out from enjoying a few of Thorsten's qualities then.

I personally failed to enjoy his objectivity since the beginning of 2020 
when he was accusing me of "vandalising a document" and didn't want to 
understand why those changes were necessary. One of the too many to 
count "I told you so" moments followed.

I've also missed much of his impartiality at every single opportunity he 
had. Only once he admitted he might be perceived as not being impartial, 
that's when Caolan took on the CoC case against me and I believe it 
happened only because Caolan was there and Thorsten refrained to express 
his feelings to openly. Once Caolan (unfortunately) left the board then 
Cor took the case over and they went wild on it, like the CoI and... 
well just check the mailing lists.

More than that - we are a statutory meritocracy - and Thorsten has 
contributed an incredible amount of do-ing to the project not just 
coding (and apparently cloning himself[3] =) - but innumerable small 
acts of kindness and nurturing behind the scenes. He repeatedly 
encourages me to think that: "everyone is really just trying to do 
what they think is best" when I loose faith in that.

He's great in many things and I'm honestly saddened that several current 
and ex fellow members of the board haven't managed to see his more 
positive sides. It is also sad that I didn't managed to get him to 
approach issues from a different point of view and "I told you so" will 
be the only thing left to be said at the end.

Oh - and did I mention his positive input on the ESC, serving from our 
founding on the Board, doing the jobs that no-one wanted to eg. as an 
example all the donation book-keeping for many years - which was done 
with great probity.

I would have loved to meet that Thorsten as well. Maybe the issue is 
that he feels the weight of his position as a chairman and that makes 
him all grumpy?

Did I mention his personal investment in allotropia - which 
contributes lots of LibreOffice code - this could go on and on but 
this E-mail is already an example of the over-long E-mails we have on 
the list and I just got started.

I don't think anybody denies how good Thorsten is good in coding and how 
good is company is in fulfilling customers requirements that turn in 
good code for all.

Let me summarize it this way: Thorsten rocks.

I guess nobody denies that either. I'm sure he's also a fun guy in non 
board related situations.

If anyone plans to attack and/or exclude him from TDF - they 
better bring a large-ish team of people to try to replace the immense 
good he does here.

AFAIK nobody wants to attack or exclude Thorsten.

That doesn't mean he should not be criticised if some think that among 
the many good things he does there are others that are actually quite 

Then naturally you can't expect people to be quiet when he has secret 
meeting with some members of the board with the purpose of killing 9 
months of work done in public.





Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Legal details:

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [board-discuss] fast ahead soon... Re: [VOTE] Approve in-house developers proposal v.3.1

2022-11-29 Thread Paolo Vecchi

Hi Emiliano,

thank you for clarifying your position and for trying yet again to get 
some members of the board to understand that what they are doing is not 
only ethically wrong but very likely also against our statutes.

Last night Thorsten, Cor and Gabor declared an "interest" in relation to 
the "Hiring TDF developers" while derailing the current proposal and 
imposing a new one. There are strong indicators that what is going on 
could be seen as a conflict of interest and the board should start an 
official investigation.

What concerns me is that I haven't seen any reactions from Laszlo, 
Gabor, Ayhan or Gabriel in any of the other cases during this term where 
you reported to the board that what they were doing was deeply wrong.
I hope they start realising that they should start questioning more what 
they are being told by Cor and Thorsten.



On 28/11/2022 22:55, Emiliano Vavassori wrote:

Hi all,

Il 27/11/22 17:41, Cor Nouws ha scritto:
Then, I've been busy recently, among others working on another 
proposal of course with great support from others.

Let me clarify that I did NOT take any part on the drafting of such 
proposal, nor I do approve or support it or even part of it.

I clearly wrote to the other directors involved to IMMEDIATELY STOP 
that process and that I didn't want to be involved with it.

Willfully and actively excluding *just one single* legally elected 
director without *any whatsoever valid reason* for this exclusion is 
IMHO, at the very least, highly debatable and, for sure, it does not 
fit my general approach on making everyone, even with different 
opinions than mine, engaged over non-consensual items and endeavors. 
In fact, I find it disgusting in a democratic setup and added I was 
not engaging furthermore on the topic as I was appalled by the whole 

I was even asked to reconsider and be part of the group working on 
that proposal, basically ignoring my previous words whatsoever.

The proposal was even sent to me privately on an instant messaging 
platform, ignoring my words to leave me out of the entire endeavor, 
basically forcing me to have a look over it, even if I stated clearly 
I didn't want to be involved.

I am deeply saddened, frustrated and nauseated on being constantly 
ignored, abused, mistold and misrepresented in so many different and 
articulated ways, even when I'm trying to stay balanced and try hard 
to fulfill my role as vice-chairman by giving voice to everyone.


Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Legal details:

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [board-discuss] fast ahead soon... Re: [VOTE] Approve in-house developers proposal v.3.1

2022-11-28 Thread Paolo Vecchi

Hi Andreas,

On 28/11/2022 17:19, Andreas Mantke wrote:

Hi Cor, hi all,

if a community member points on the last board meeting minutes and tell
you that it could not read any objective reasons (from you) why the
inhouse-dev proposal 3.1 not fit the purpose, it is really inappropriate
and impertinent to point in the answer only on this meeting minutes. It
shows no respect face to face with the members. If this is your
understanding of the communication with the members you needn't think
about the strategy for the future of TDF, but about an advanced training
to improve your skills.

recent emails and declarations during BoD meetings seem to have created 
some uncertainties in regards to what is going on with the developers 
proposal so I've asked the board to release an email thread, which also 
contains some recommendations from our trusted legal counsel, that 
should clarify the situation once and for all.

I'm sure the board will be very pleased to release those emails so that 
we can remove any doubt and move forward with the original proposal.




Am 27.11.22 um 23:40 schrieb Cor Nouws:

Hi Sophie,

Thanks for expressing your concerns on the matter. Given the
situation, I can only understand that. Although I think it is not
needed to expect something weird or bad to happen.

Wrt my comments: see the minutes of the meeting at 2022-11-14: 

It's a nice coincidence by the way that Uwe mentioned KISS, earlier
this evening. The new proposal indeed will be simple and understandable.

Then again: whatever others may tell you, I was never against in house

So clearly the idea is not to deny the work of you and other team
members and so on. Maybe we only make sure that it actually comes to


sophi wrote on 27/11/2022 21:50:

Hi Cor, all,
Le 27/11/2022 à 17:41, Cor Nouws a écrit :

Hi all,

I could not join this vote. As all that read my mails and hear my
spoken contributions can know, I've always supported the idea for
hiring developers. The proposal brought to vote by Paolo however,
was IMO not fit for purpose - I've mentioned that on this list and
explained it before in e.g. the recent board meeting.

I was not in the board meeting, but what I read was to point at
people and not to the background of the document.
I'm still waiting for an explanation of what in this document after
the feedback from the community, the team, and the 9 months work of
the board plus the legal review should still be problematic.

Then, I've been busy recently, among others working on another
proposal of course with great support from others.

I'm really surprised to learn about another proposal worked by
_others_ supported by _others_. Who in the Board are those _others_?
New Board members, community members?

I promise that will be posted soon - ultimately tomorrow - allowing
us to start the process of hiring by the end of the week, I hope.

With a review by the community and the lawyers too? And who will
wrote the hiring proposal? Why is this a different process than the
one in place currently with the team involved at all stage?

Also I expect that this mail is sufficient answer to all questions
(and more ..) brought to me on this list. But if there's anything
essential I missed, please let me know and I'll try to answer.

I don't understand this last paragraph, which questions?

I really don't understand what is going on with this proposal to have
in-house developers. First you were against, now you're not against
but deny all the work done on the past months with input from the
community, the team, the board and the lawyers.

We have all read this document, line by line, I know a bunch of
people who were really happy with it and it has the support of the
team (who will be the one working with those two developers on a
daily basis).

Please explain what is wrong with the background of this document
(not the people behind it - I really don't care who wrote it) but
please cite line by line what is wrong and doesn't fit with TDF
mission, doesn't pursue TDF vision, and doesn't help the community at
large. Thanks.

## Free Software Advocate
## Plone add-on developer
## My blog:

Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Legal details:

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [board-discuss] fast ahead soon... Re: [VOTE] Approve in-house developers proposal v.3.1

2022-11-28 Thread Paolo Vecchi

Hi all,

On 28/11/2022 12:06, Cor Nouws wrote:

Dear people,

Cor Nouws wrote on 27/11/2022 17:41:

I promise that will be posted soon - ultimately tomorrow - allowing 
us to start the process of hiring by the end of the week, I hope.

In the mean time, there is a mail 'New proposal for hiring in-house 
developers' on the list tdf-internal.
Members that want to have a look for possible feedback, but are not 
subscribed to that list, can file a request to be added there. See:
That's a peculiar proposal that should not be hidden to others that have 
followed the progress of the proposal that failed to reach the quorum 
for some "odd" reasons.

The proposal seems to have been written by someone blissfully unaware of 
the legal advice that invalidates this "new" proposal on various points 
and that the mistakes been repeated here were already fixed during the 
negotiations with Jan.

You can find the various versions of the proposals with comments here:

See if you can spot the various changes that need to be implemented to 
make the proposal below acceptable of any organisation and legally sound.


## TDF Developer Hiring Resolution 2022


- with TDF stewarding, among other things, a well-working symbiosis of
  various companies and volunteer developers inside of the LibreOffice

- given that in the current situation, there are certain areas where
  extra developers can add value with additional activities, that
  complement the existing contributions;

- with this being an ongoing need;

Therefore the board resolves that:

- TDF will seek to hire a developer(s) reporting to the ESC;

- who will work in such a way, that both volunteer and ecosystem peers
  regard them as helpful, supportive and complementing their own work;

- for whom as the initial areas of work, the board identifies
  improving RTL/CTL writing support and accessibility for LibreOffice
  core; as well as mentoring new volunteers in these specific
  areas. After that, depending on skills available, Writer tables,
  Base, general regression fixing, Draw, and Math are the next focus

- thus, there will be two job postings, with requirements matching the
  initial focus areas listed above, and one or two developers will be
  hired initially;

- after 6, and after 9 months following the developers starting their
  work, the board will do an assessment of the situation and results.

Requirements for the candidates:

* Very good C++ development skills;
* Proven experience with Accessibility and/or RTL/CTL, additional CJK
  experience is a strong plus;
* Love for open source;
* Team players;
* Experience with LibreOffice development is a plus.

Footnote: for a requirements analysis on the need for hiring
developers, please refer to information on the pages 3-8 of the
abandoned dev proposal: "




Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Legal details:

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [board-discuss] [DISCUSS] Approve in-house developers proposal v.3.1

2022-11-28 Thread Paolo Vecchi

Hi Uwe,

On 27/11/2022 18:55, Uwe Altmann wrote:

Hi Andreas

While you don't like answers in private mail I post it on this list.

Am 27.11.22 um 16:44 schrieb Andreas Mantke:
I'm curious to read own statements from the 'several of the community' here. 

Maybe most of us follow the golden rule of mailing lists not to feed 
trolls? ;-)

Who are you calling trolls?

It's probably an acceptable term in mailing list where some people use 
anonymity to disrupt a community.

What we have seen in this thread is an ex-director interfering with a 
vote with proven false statements and our chairman jumping on that 
message and embracing that false statement to influence the vote as well.

If they were "simple trolls" we could just try to ignore them but the 
situation is a lot more serious than that.

Seriously: I feel we all are tired of this discussion and I may 
imagine many of us don't even follow them in detail any more - not out 
of a lack of interest but mostly because of the way it was and is 

Then I wonder if there is any point for me to invest so much time in 
providing the community with information they could and should check to 
evaluate if the board is taking the right decisions.

This is one of the many examples where the community could, in a few 
minutes, check the facts and express an informed opinion about what is 

Coming to the controversial part of the proposal: In my pov it's sheer 
nonsense to write such statements like those discussed here into a job 
description or even a contract. Not only the person concerned hardly 
is in the position to decide on these issues; its also in the full 
responsibility of his or her boss to decide what they are working on - 
and no way in the developers own consideration. And I'm rather 
confident that this also was part of the legal advice the board has got.

I guess it's obvious to most that the legal advice would have gone that way.

I've tried to explain it in many ways but Jan preferred to resign than 
accept that it was "sheer nonsense", that's the same "sheer nonsense" 
that our chairman wants and he's ready to support false statements to 
make the vote fail. On top of it we can now read another proposal 
presented by Cor and prepared with "others" which repeats once again the 
same "sheer nonsense".

In a benevolent view on this document it may at best serve as a 
board's internal letter of intent. But I'm sure - however (if ever) it 
is voted, when it comes to concrete decisions, the same discussion 
will arise with new energy. So it's most probably in no case worth all 
the fuss we see today.

Taking in consideration this additional example of disregard for facts 
and legal advise a simple "internal letter of intent", IMHO, would not 
be worth they bytes used to store it.

My advice emphases the KISS rule (we always should kiss more): Keep it 
simple, st... :-)

I'd love to do that but we've seen a few times that not defining things 
clearly it leaves room for abuses.
Then even when the processes are defined and agreed false statements are 
used to kill a proposal.

It would be great if you could invest a bit more time in evaluating the 
facts so that you could fine tune your advice do a situation that 
doesn't seem to fit with the behaviours expected in most boards.



Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Legal details:

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [board-discuss] fast ahead soon... Re: [VOTE] Approve in-house developers proposal v.3.1

2022-11-27 Thread Paolo Vecchi

Hi Cor,

On 27/11/2022 17:41, Cor Nouws wrote:
Then, I've been busy recently, among others working on another 
proposal of course with great support from others. 

odd that AFAIK there was no other proposal being worked on within the board.

Who are the "others"?

Why did you decide to work with "others" while you had your colleague 
working with me?



Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Legal details:

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [board-discuss] [DISCUSS] Approve in-house developers proposal v.3.1

2022-11-27 Thread Paolo Vecchi

Dear all,

On 27/11/2022 17:56, Thorsten Behrens wrote:

Hi all,

a vote was called under the pretense of consent, for a proposal that
did not leave the assigned working group with an approval.

The vote has been called on a proposal which followed the agreed at 
LibOCon and in various email exchanges within the board and with our 
legal counsel.

That is in violation of good practice (to say the least), and it was
perfectly ok for directors to leave it on the table (instead of
working through 16 pages of text, without change history, to make an
informed decision).

The chairman is still trying to use false information to justify his 
appalling behaviour.

The notes in the various version of the documents show that what Jan 
says and what our chairman uses to derail the process is false.

The chairman is also ignoring the deputy chairman confirmation that the 
process has been followed as agreed.

If the chairman is sure of what he states then he would have no issues 
in releasing the exchange of emails we had with our legal counsel where 
he never challenged the steps we should follow and that the sentence 
that Jan wanted to add was actually against laws and regulations.


-- Thorsten



Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Legal details:

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

[board-discuss] Fwd: [VOTE] Approve in-house developers proposal v.3.1

2022-11-27 Thread Paolo Vecchi

Hi all,

just a reminder that the voting window expires in about half an hour.

Members of the board that have a personal/business interest in budgeting 
and tendering, as they know, should vote "abstain" and not abstain from 

Making also this vote fail based information which have been easily 
proven to be false, IMHO, would show a clear successful attempt by Jan 
and our chairman to unduly influence a vote. I guess that the board and 
the community will have to evaluate how to deal with this.



 Forwarded Message 
Subject:[board-discuss] [VOTE] Approve in-house developers proposal 
Date:   Thu, 24 Nov 2022 17:35:08 +0100
From:   Paolo Vecchi 
To: Board Discuss 

Dear board and all,

during LibOCon it has been agreed that we would iron out the divergences 
about the last few sentences, we would have the proposal discussed with 
our legal counsel and then proceed with the vote.

As we went through all these stages I'm proposing the following vote:


- Approve the In-House Developer Proposal v3.1
- Instruct the members of our staff led by our ED to draft the job 
description for 2 developers

- Publish the job description
- Task the members of our staff led by our ED to proceed with the 
interviews and selection of the best candidates
- Task our ED to propose to the board the best candidates for 
confirmation of contracts

- Task our ED to prepare and sign the relevant contracts


The vote runs 72h from now. If all full board members voted before, the 
vote can be concluded earlier.



Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Legal details:

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [board-discuss] [DISCUSS] Approve in-house developers proposal v.3.1

2022-11-26 Thread Paolo Vecchi

Hi all,

I have the impression that some live in a different reality or simply 
don't check things before coming up with statements.

On 26/11/2022 13:02, Thorsten Behrens wrote:

Hi all,

Paolo Vecchi wrote:

On 25/11/2022 14:04, Florian Effenberger wrote:

We believe that would do a lot of good for TDF, its mission, and the
LibreOffice community at large. It's been taking a long time, so if the
board is ready to vote and trusts the team to handle the project, my
teammates and I would be more than happy to support these efforts.

As pointed out (I believe at considerable length) during the board
call on Monday, November 14, this proposal is not ready to vote on.

Monday the 14 you have shown disrespect for the work put on it for 
several months by several people including Jan.

As agreed at LibOCon we went to the process and the proposal is ready to 
be voted:

You got a full explanation that you fully ignored.

Your statements look or purposefully misleading or the result of lack of 
validation of what you say.

All directors also expressed their support for the proposal which, as
agreed, has been finalised by both myself and Jan so I'm sure the community
is expecting that they follow through with their votes.

It is frankly shocking to read this statement. There has been support
for the idea in general, but certainly not for this specific version.

It is frankly shocking that we have a chairman so disconnected with 
reality and that doesn't even check facts before coming out with 
comments that could influence the voting intentions of other directors.

So you are fully aware that the final version went to our legal counsel, 
you even popped up with a very peculiar comment to our legal counsel in 
support of changes that turn out not to me aligned with laws and 
regulations and as agreed the version that came out of the legal 
consultation was the version to be voted.

* not ready for vote (Thorsten)
   * Kendy resigned because no compromise was reached

It seems you are supporting a false statement without even checking the 
If you support that then it means you are supporting the fact that he 
resigned because I tried to convince him that what he wanted was against 
laws and regulations.

Legal consultations also confirmed that.

Your email to our legal counsel has shown that you were interested in 
getting some very problematic sentences into the document and that's not 
a behaviour an objective and impartial chairman should have.

    * stop here and restart, from a clean slate

You had 9 months to provide your input and you imposed Jan so that we 
could spend months in reviewing a document that Jan wanted to change 
completely to satisfy the desires of a member of the ecosystem and then 
we finally worked to to make it more "balanced" (while I was trying to 
show him that it had to be also legally sound).

   * if quick action is required instead, tender out as contracted work?

How about recognising that your understanding of the proposal is way out 
of date and just vote on it so that we can move on?

Your actions and statements make it look like that you had no intention 
of having this proposal passing and it makes it look like you intervene 
on a matter on which you have little understanding about its progress.

Then we also have statements from Cor:

* I'm still missing information (Cor)

Where were you in the past 9 months and what information?

    * asked comments from Mike

Then you should read the answers we have been provided before complaining.

You asked 2 questions. One is obvious to all and I've answered again 
here in an easier way to read it as you didn't understand or missed the 
legal advice provided:

I tried in various way to point out that if any third party 
organisation, being members of the ecosystem or not, want to impose 
limitations on TDF's employees or other general activities then an 
employment proposal is not the best place to put that limitation.

The second question has been discussed back in April 2021 and it's 
marginally linked with potentially serious issues raised in tdf-internal 
for which I'm still waiting your feedback but they are not related to 
the proposal.

    * what he wrote on relations between TDF and companies
    * looks very limited in the light of TDF

It's years that you keep saying that even if you are fully aware of laws 
and regulations.

 * and I had expected a negative advice on the text on page 1
 * properly created agreement on such limitations nightmare
 * from legal aspects and organizational wise
    * very different from contract on properly tendered project

And here you confirm that you prefer an easy but legally troublesome 
sentence in an employment proposal than a clear win-win situation for 
both parties.

It seems like unfortunately we have a chairman and a director that 
failed to check the i

Re: [board-discuss] [DISCUSS] Approve in-house developers proposal v.3.1

2022-11-26 Thread Paolo Vecchi

Hi all,

On 25/11/2022 18:17, Jan Holesovsky wrote:
That is not true. That version is not balanced, and Paolo’s 
unwillingness to find balance there was one of the main reasons to my 

That's a very interesting statement which doesn't seem to be supported 
by publicly available facts and evidence.

Last public comments for version 2.9 show that we were making good 
progress in a very civilised way:

As agreed we had the proposal checked by our legal counsel, fixed very 
amicably a few more things and up to that point all was fine.

There was only one last sentence left which created some discussions:
"TDF in-house developers will not compete with commercial contributors 
and will not develop alternative implementations of Open Source projects 
actively maintained by LibreOffice volunteer or corporate contributors – 
like Collabora Online, mdds, or cppunit."

I tried in various way to point out that if any third party 
organisation, being members of the ecosystem or not, want to impose 
limitations on TDF's employees or other general activities then an 
employment proposal is not the best place to put that limitation.

There is also the issue that you can't just impose limitations on TDF 
just like that and by doing it while being affiliated by the interested 
party of that limitation and specifying the product in questions doesn't 
really look good either.

You tried several variants of sentences that were trying to achieve the 
same results and you even received clear legal advice against it.

I've also pointed out that we agreed months ago on the relevant text 
necessary to handle these exceptions. As from page 1 of the proposal:
"Eventual limitations related to tasks, areas, projects or bugs on which 
the in-house developers should not work, eg. third parties are already 
engaged with them, shall be regulated through separate agreements and 
relevant communications between TDF and the third parties."

It seems like a win-win agreement between TDF and a third party that 
tackles the specific issues was not what you were looking for.

Between our constructive discussions and your resignations there were 
only those 2 sentences.

If the above is the reason why you resigned then it's quite sad as, 
while we had some very frank exchanges of opinions, we generally found 
ways forward and workable compromises. It is also sad that you came out 
with that comment as your own emails and comments in the document 
clearly contradict you.

All the previous versions with comments can be seen here:

The latest version is here:

For many years, TDF was celebrated as an organization that is always 
able to find balance of many interests.

This developer proposal shows that it has been hard and it took a 
disproportionate amount of time but at the end the document is quite 

The "many interests" that cannot and should not be included in such a 
proposal will be discussed and drafted in separate dedicated documents 
as we agreed months ago.

I’m afraid this is not true any more - which is very sad :-(

I'm afraid that one's belief that some clauses make a document more 
balanced is a legal minefield for someone else.

If your definition of "balanced" is to add rules and limitations that 
make some third parties more equal than others then it seems like you 
skipped meetings that clarified concepts about fiduciary duties and 

Fortunately you had a fellow member of the board that helped you out in 
seeing these issues even if you didn't seem to have appreciated it.

Seeing the lack of votes from directors that publicly supported the 
proposal and agreed on the way forward it seems like you email had the 
effect to get directors to pause their vote while checking if your 
statement had any connection with reality.

By now directors should have verified and confirmed that what I stated 
is correct and they'll show their support with their votes.



Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Legal details:

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [board-discuss] [DISCUSS] Approve in-house developers proposal v.3.1

2022-11-26 Thread Paolo Vecchi

Hi Andreas,

I was actually about to send out an even clearer explanation of what was 
left to do.

Your comments anyway show that the information is readily available to 
all to disprove the accusation.



On 26/11/2022 11:18, Andreas Mantke wrote:

Hi Kendy, hi all,

Am 25.11.22 um 18:17 schrieb Jan Holesovsky:

Hi all,

I have unsubscribed from this mailing list, but it was brought to my
attention that Paolo claims that I have signed off the latest version
of the Developers proposal.

That is not true. That version is not balanced, and Paolo’s
unwillingness to find balance there was one of the main reasons to my

I looked into the latest version, of the proposal for the in-house
developer,  you and Paolo worked on together (version 3.0)

and I couldn't find a valid reference for your claim. If I didn't
overlook one of the many comments in the document there was only an
incongruity about the addition of one sentence in the paragraph about
the concerns expressed by commercial contributors. Your and Paolo's
comments in all other paragraphs of the document showed that you agreed
on the text.


## Free Software Advocate
## Plone add-on developer
## My blog:

Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Legal details:

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [board-discuss] [DISCUSS] Approve in-house developers proposal v.3.1

2022-11-25 Thread Paolo Vecchi

Hi Florian,

On 25/11/2022 14:04, Florian Effenberger wrote:


me and many others from the team would be very happy to finally see 
the developer proposal come to life.

We believe that would do a lot of good for TDF, its mission, and the 
LibreOffice community at large. It's been taking a long time, so if 
the board is ready to vote and trusts the team to handle the project, 
my teammates and I would be more than happy to support these efforts.

I'm very pleased to see that the team supports the efforts that many of 
us put in this proposal.

All directors also expressed their support for the proposal which, as 
agreed, has been finalised by both myself and Jan so I'm sure the 
community is expecting that they follow through with their votes.




Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Legal details:

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

[board-discuss] Re: [VOTE] Approve in-house developers proposal v.3.1

2022-11-25 Thread Paolo Vecchi



On 24/11/2022 17:35, Paolo Vecchi wrote:

Dear board and all,

during LibOCon it has been agreed that we would iron out the 
divergences about the last few sentences, we would have the proposal 
discussed with our legal counsel and then proceed with the vote.

As we went through all these stages I'm proposing the following vote:


- Approve the In-House Developer Proposal v3.1
- Instruct the members of our staff led by our ED to draft the job 
description for 2 developers

- Publish the job description
- Task the members of our staff led by our ED to proceed with the 
interviews and selection of the best candidates
- Task our ED to propose to the board the best candidates for 
confirmation of contracts

- Task our ED to prepare and sign the relevant contracts


The vote runs 72h from now. If all full board members voted before, 
the vote can be concluded earlier.



Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Legal details:

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

[board-discuss] Re: [VOTE] Approve in-house developers proposal v.3.1

2022-11-25 Thread Paolo Vecchi

Hi all,

just a gentle reminder that the following vote has been started.


On 24/11/2022 17:35, Paolo Vecchi wrote:

Dear board and all,

during LibOCon it has been agreed that we would iron out the 
divergences about the last few sentences, we would have the proposal 
discussed with our legal counsel and then proceed with the vote.

As we went through all these stages I'm proposing the following vote:


- Approve the In-House Developer Proposal v3.1
- Instruct the members of our staff led by our ED to draft the job 
description for 2 developers

- Publish the job description
- Task the members of our staff led by our ED to proceed with the 
interviews and selection of the best candidates
- Task our ED to propose to the board the best candidates for 
confirmation of contracts

- Task our ED to prepare and sign the relevant contracts


The vote runs 72h from now. If all full board members voted before, 
the vote can be concluded earlier.



Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Legal details:

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

[board-discuss] [VOTE] Approve in-house developers proposal v.3.1

2022-11-24 Thread Paolo Vecchi

Dear board and all,

during LibOCon it has been agreed that we would iron out the divergences 
about the last few sentences, we would have the proposal discussed with 
our legal counsel and then proceed with the vote.

As we went through all these stages I'm proposing the following vote:


- Approve the In-House Developer Proposal v3.1
- Instruct the members of our staff led by our ED to draft the job 
description for 2 developers

- Publish the job description
- Task the members of our staff led by our ED to proceed with the 
interviews and selection of the best candidates
- Task our ED to propose to the board the best candidates for 
confirmation of contracts

- Task our ED to prepare and sign the relevant contracts


The vote runs 72h from now. If all full board members voted before, the 
vote can be concluded earlier.



Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Legal details:

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [board-discuss] Re: Progress on Inhouse-Developer Proposal?

2022-11-19 Thread Paolo Vecchi

Hi all,

just a few comments.

On 19/11/2022 22:10, Thorsten Behrens wrote:

Hi all,

Andreas Mantke wrote:

I read about the decision to create a new CoC committee from community

Just to insert here, that the new CoC process is, in my mind,
unambiguously positive, and I'm very happy about the enlarged group of
people handling it.

And the board really decided instead of involving this own CoC committee
to throw a lot of _donation_ money on contracting an external
'communication expert' (they are regularly very expensive)?

That is not what happens.

That is actually what happened.

  A CoC verdict was not accepted by one of the
parties, so the board is now getting neutral, external expertise.
I'm the party that didn't accept the verdict as this case has been 
handled directly by the boar and led by a director that hasn't 
demonstrated a great deal of objectivity and impartiality toward me.

There are 2 votes related to this issue that haven't been published yet. 
I believe they should be published ASAP to clarify a bit the situation 
and to allow the board to provide some explanations.

There's added value, in that arguably a completely external view on
our interactions (board and elsewhere) can only improve how we
collectively work.
I've actually requested to have the case reviewed by the new CoC Team to 
serve as a good learning exercise also for the board, which handled the 
case against me, to recognise and avoid the mistakes made. That's where 
the added value is.

Rest assured, I would have preferred to avoid both the challenging
situation, as well as any extra work (or expense).
You had the option of supporting my request of handing over the case to 
our trusted CoC Team but for some reasons you refused.

I'm curious about a detailed explanation from the board, why the own TDF
CoC committee is incompetent for the handling of the situation.

That framing is untrue, and offensive towards the volunteers in the
I've asked for clear explanations for the board's behaviour as well but 
never got a meaningful answer.

Looking forward to understand more about what has driven some members of 
the board in taking that odd and unexplained decision.


-- Thorsten



Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Legal details:

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Progress on Inhouse-Developer Proposal? (was Re: [board-discuss] Agenda for TDF board meeting on Monday, November 14th, 1800 Berlin time (UTC+1))

2022-11-18 Thread Paolo Vecchi

Hi all,

On 18/11/2022 10:27, Thorsten Behrens wrote:

But if there is not yet (after nine month of work) a final proposal that
could be voted on, what is missing to get to this state.

What is still missing, is a proposal that gets a majority behind
it. With Kendy's resignation, that work just got dealt a massive
It seems like Thorsten hasn't been following the progress, might have 
forgotten what has been agreed at LibOCon and might have forgot what has 
been said during the board meeting on Monday.

As agreed with all the board the proposal has been sent to our legal 
counsel for a final verification before the vote.

With that done there was only once sentence left to discuss:

"TDF in-house developers will not compete with commercial contributors 
and will not develop alternative implementations of Open Source projects 
actively maintained by LibreOffice volunteer or corporate contributors – 
like Collabora Online, mdds, or cppunit."

I proposed to remove that from the "Concerns expressed by the commercial 
contributors" section as we agreed months ago that eventual scope 
limitations linked to commercial contributors is covered by the text in 
page 1:

"Eventual limitations related to tasks, areas, projects or bugs on which 
the in-house developers should not work, eg. third parties are already 
engaged with them, shall be regulated through separate agreements and 
relevant communications between TDF and the third parties."

Then Jan resigned.

Thorsten's statements may lead some to think that reality is perceived 
in different ways by different people:

"   * Kendy resigned because no compromise was reached
    * stop here and restart, from a clean slate
   * if quick action is required instead, tender out as contracted work?"

(I won't comment much on the perceived attempt of delaying this proposal 
further as my comments on a similar thread led to my "conviction" for a 
CoC offence by the board. As I complained about the fact that the case 
has been handled by someone that didn't demonstrate much objectivity and 
impartiality in my regards, the board decided to spend time and money to 
find an external "communication expert" to deal with the case. 
Apparently I'll be actively censored if I discuss the case further, 
internally or externally, so I'm not sure if I can comment more about 
it. For those that forgot, this was the public accusation:

The board agreed on the process and has access to all the versions being 
created, the document has been vetted by our legal counsel and the last 
sentence is covered by previously agreed text so I believe this version 
is ready to be voted on:



Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Legal details:

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [board-discuss] Agenda for TDF board meeting on Monday, October 31st at 1800 Berlin time (UTC+1)

2022-11-07 Thread Paolo Vecchi

Hi all,

On 07/11/2022 10:53, Thorsten Behrens wrote:

Hi *,

just a few thoughts, since I seem to be mentioned in the email. ;)

Paolo Vecchi wrote:

On 05/11/2022 00:04, Stephan Ficht wrote:

Sorry, Simon, but IMHO I don't think this is the right wording.
PI and, if there are, resulting CoI's are clearly defined and written
down in all the paperwork TDF has established and agreed to or in
binding German laws.
Not explaining a conflict, IMO, doesn't mean that it does not actually
exist. Otherwise that would be too trivial.

I kind of side with Simon in the specific example of the investigation
against me in relation to LOOL.

I think that's a comment where perhaps we can start a constructive
discussion upon.

Stepping back and looking at the feedback from all corners, over the
past year on the topic - it seems that almost all sides are unhappy
about the way the CoI policy is applied (to them personally).
Actually I'm not unhappy not about the investigation itself. If it were 
well researched, used for events happened since the implementation of 
the policy and was discussed openly in public as requested then I'd have 
no issues with it.

I complained about non declaration of personal interests and influences 
from potentially conflicted members of the board several times as others 
did also on board-discuss. Potentially conflicted members of the board 
just dismissed my complaints.


Some might have had the feeling that the investigation against me was 
more a retaliatory action for my requests to look at what seemed to me 
obvious PIs than anything else.

I anyway welcome the investigation as at least it started the discussion.

individual frustration as a stepping stone to iterate how we deal with
this (instead of fuel to fight) - wouldn't that be desirable?
It would be desirable and that's why I proposed the adoption of a clear 
text listing our Fiduciary Duties to make it even easier for directors 
to recognise what they should do while performing their duties:

Maybe there is something there that could help in clarifying things?

I found it very odd that our chairman started the investigation
against me while he's the director of a company reselling LOOL's
fork and 3 others, 2 representing the vendor and 1 is his employee,
voted to start the investigation and spent a considerable amount of
time focusing on me without looking at their own position.

But here we are again, using perceived interests as a means to
de-legitimize or exclude.
If my company were a reseller of LOOL's fork then I would need to 
abstain from influencing decisions around LOOL as, IMHO, it would give 
out the impression that my decisions wouldn't be completely impartial.

So in a way a CoI could be "weaponised" by dragging on an
investigation for 3/4 months, I don't know when they actually
started it, to censor a director.

Paolo has not been censored, nor excluded.
At the last board meeting I've also stated that I couldn't talk about 
LOOL's future as I was being investigated about it and I recommended to 
the board not to talk about it until personal interests have been 
properly declared and evaluated.

Fortunately at LibOCon we didn't have to take decisions about LOOL or I 
would have had to leave the room and vote abstain if a vote was required.

Anyway it's nearly 2 months I'm waiting for a decision from the board 
about the investigation so I hope there will be a deliberation soon so 
we start clarifying my position and start looking at the position of 
other directors.

Finally - Paolo Vecchi wrote:

It is a start which helps in refining standard procedures, which are
generally handled by you Stephan, so that all members of the board
follow their fiduciary duties by preparing for the meeting reading
and evaluating the relevant information so that they can also start
sending the list of their personal interests and avoid influencing
the relevant discussions/votes.

I'm glad people seem to generally like this addition to the board
meeting boilerplate (I had added the general affiliation update at the
start of this term, and the 'state my interests on the agenda' one
(after suggestions from Simon), at our Milano in-person meeting).

Thanks to Simon, therefore, for interacting constructively with an
otherwise sadly over-heated topic.
Odd to learn now that all the requests for clear declarations from 
fellow members of the board have been ignored but accepted when the 
suggestion comes from outside the board.


-- Thorsten



Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Legal details:

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [board-discuss] Agenda for TDF board meeting on Monday, October 31st at 1800 Berlin time (UTC+1)

2022-11-06 Thread Paolo Vecchi

Hi Stephan,

thank you for your comments.

It's good to see that we have staff members that are actively 
participating in discussion to help improving processes within TDF.

On 05/11/2022 00:04, Stephan Ficht wrote:

Hi Simon,

Am 31.10.22 um 01:38 schrieb Simon Phipps:
I would suggest you "look down the telescope the other way" and ask 
what the Board's actions (or rather the lack of them) tell us about 
the existence of a CoI.
With regard to PI/CoI (personal interest / conflict of interest) it's 
an interesting approach to "abuse" a telescope that is originally 
designed to see things more clearly.
Being a child I had fun to see things far away "having looked down the 
telescope the other way round". Nowadays I prefer to use it the right 
way in order to get the macro effect without neglecting the whole 

What a telescope can't help in seeing, as Simon said, is the lack of 
some actions that finally started appearing since a couple of BoD 
meeting with a basic declaration of personal interests.

It is a start which helps in refining standard procedures, which are 
generally handled by you Stephan, so that all members of the board 
follow their fiduciary duties by preparing for the meeting reading and 
evaluating the relevant information so that they can also start sending 
the list of their personal interests and avoid influencing the relevant 

weaponising CoI

Sorry, Simon, but IMHO I don't think this is the right wording.
PI and, if there are, resulting CoI's are clearly defined and written 
down in all the paperwork TDF has established and agreed to or in 
binding German laws.
Not explaining a conflict, IMO, doesn't mean that it does not actually 
exist. Otherwise that would be too trivial.

I kind of side with Simon in the specific example of the investigation 
against me in relation to LOOL. I found it very odd that our chairman 
started the investigation against me while he's the director of a 
company reselling LOOL's fork and 3 others, 2 representing the vendor 
and 1 is his employee, voted to start the investigation and spent a 
considerable amount of time focusing on me without looking at their own 

So in a way a CoI could be "weaponised" by dragging on an investigation 
for 3/4 months, I don't know when they actually started it, to censor a 

It seems clear that the process needs to be improved so that personal 
interests that are obvious are declared straight away and in case of 
doubts investigations should not last longer than a month unless the 
reasons for the delay are clear and documented.

Someone in the past said that they always acted as if they had a CoI 
Policy already but it seems we needed to implement an actual one to get 
the right processes in place. I'm sure all directors will slowly adjust 
to the new procedures as they are eager to show they want to remove any 
doubts about potential conflicts of interest.

Feel free to suggest any improvements that will help streamlining the 




Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Legal details:

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [board-discuss] Agenda for TDF board meeting on Monday, October 31st at 1800 Berlin time (UTC+1)

2022-10-30 Thread Paolo Vecchi

Hi Andreas,

thank you for you valuable feedback.

As I've been under investigation for potential personal interests on 
LOOL, by potentially conflicted members of the board, for a few months I 
will refrain from influencing the discussion and until the investigation 
is over to vote on any decision.

Just a reminder of a summary of what happened at the time as 
unfortunately we experienced once again the presentation of a one sided 
version of the LOOL discussion during LibOCon:

On 29/10/2022 22:07, Andreas Mantke wrote:

Hi all,

Am 28.10.22 um 17:05 schrieb Stephan Ficht:

Dear Community,

find below the agenda for our

TDF board meeting with a public part, and followed by a private part
on Monday, October 31 at 1800 Berlin time at

For time zone conversion, see e.g. 


### Public Part
7. Status Report, Discuss: Atticization of Online (tdf-board, 10 mins)

    * ESC provided evaluation
    * discussed briefly on the dev list: 

    * conclusion seems to be: not enough activity to keep out of the
  attic for the moment
    * auto-atticize according to 


because there are four board members with a direct link to the product
Collabora Online (staff of Collabora Productivity or staff/owner of
Allotropia, which has a contract for the distribution of Collabora
Online), there are only three board members without CoI on this topic.

2 until the investigation against me reached its conclusion.


( ; section team)

If board members (with a CoI themselves on this topic) think, another
board member has a CoI on this topic too, then only two board members
are left.

If you have a look into the statutes of TDF you'll find out  that it is
necessary that at least the half of the board could attend the meeting.
The half of the board are four members. Thus the board is not quorate
and could not decide on this topic.

If the at least four members with a direct link to the product Collabora
Online didn't leave the meeting before this topic or/and vote on this
topic this vote is invalid. And such a behavior of this board members
would be a violation of the foundation rules and a damage of the
foundation and its reputation in public (with very likely consequences
in relation to attraction of volunteers in any areas and the stream of

And such a behavior would plasticize that this members follow their own
financial and personal interests first, but not the ones of TDF. A
behavior like this is not in accordance with the special fiduciary duty
of board members.

In additon: I reviewed the whole process about sending a project to the
attic again. The proposal for the process seemed to neutral text, but it
was only written and voted on for one subproject: LOOL.
The only four members, which participated in the vote and agreed on the
proposal, had all a CoI on the LibreOffice Online topic, except one. The
three members had to stay away from the discussion and decision on this
proposal,  because of their CoI. Thus there were only one effective
participation and vote on the proposal. Thus the proposal was not 

Conclusion: there is also no approved basis for topic 7.

That would be my take but it seems the majority of the board disagrees.




Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
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Re: [board-discuss] Board of Directors Meeting 2022-10-17

2022-10-23 Thread Paolo Vecchi

Hi all,

On 23/10/2022 14:19, Thorsten Behrens wrote:

Hi *,

Andreas Mantke wrote:

it would help much more to read through the document from the European
Commission, which was linked in the mail from Paolo in this thread.

We are a free software community, not a supranational, state-like
entity like the EU.
A free software community is regulated by policies and internal 
regulations, TDF is a legal entity regulated by laws .

I would prefer we return to a sense of proportion & pragmatism, rather
than arguing arcane cases (again, there wasn't even a disagreement in
the meeting, so I _really_ wonder what this is all about).

There actually were disagreements as I've been denied the right of a 
public hearing related.

The example reported about the EC CoI rules and procedures isn't that 
different from ours but they apply them consistently so it isn't an 
arcane case at all.

It would be great to finally discussing constructively this kind of 
issues in public instead of dismissing them like that making progress 
much longer than needed.


-- Thorsten



Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Legal details:

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [board-discuss] Board of Directors Meeting 2022-10-17

2022-10-23 Thread Paolo Vecchi

Hi all,

Simon said that he blocks my emails so his answer unfortunately misses 
some, I believe, easy to understand concepts I tried to explain previously.
It would be great if someone notified him about potentially useful 
information so that we don't have to go around in circles stating the 
same things again.

On 22/10/2022 19:36, Simon Phipps wrote:


On Sat, Oct 22, 2022 at 5:50 PM Andreas Mantke  wrote:

If there is only the chance of a _possible_ CoI in front of a
discussion/decision/process the ones with such a possible CoI has to
leave the meeting (You could get that really clear from the above
European Commission document).

All the directors present in the meeting gave useful information 
relating to their interests, which everyone present took into account.

I actually had to remind some to think harder about their personal 
interests and finally a half declaration came out also from them.

They each personally judged that they did not cause an actual or 
apparent conflict.

Unfortunately the chairman forgot to check also for personal interests 
related to LOOL/COOL as the investigation about personal interests on 
LOOL was in the agenda and apparently none of the board member 
personally judged that being affiliated with the vendor of LOOL's fork 
or a reseller of it could lead to an actual or perceived conflict.

There was no indication of any conflict with the business of the 
meeting arising from those interests (for example, Thorsten's 
"interest" was having published LibreOffice Vanilla on behalf of the 
Foundation in the past).

The rebranded app is still there but we have been told that his company 
is not selling it at present.
Both Cor and Jan declared an interest, after being pushed for it, only 
in relation to the Apple store but failed to do the same for the 
Microsoft store.

The business of the meeting proceeded and consensus was reached. This 
is the normal way business is conducted everywhere.

It seems others remove actual and perceived CoIs more transparently and 

Taking the position you are describing would lead to 
obviously unreasonable outcomes for a community such as ours.  For 
example (and to get away from the usual suspects), as the owner of a 
successful cloud hosting business that apparently deploys NextCloud 
and OwnCloud for clients, using your logic Paolo Vecchi should have 
removed himself from any and all conversations about LibreOffice 
Online and take no part in any future discussion about them, as he 
clearly has a related interest. I am not expecting that; are you?

Why do you make it look like you don't know I'm actually under 
investigation for potential personal interests in regards to LibreOffice 
You even supported our chairman in censoring me and remove my right to 
be heard in public:

I agree that it was appalling to see the chairman imposing a censorship 
on the discussion and wanting to deal with it in secret.
Our chairman falsely stated that there were legal element in the board 
reply to my defence while there were clearly none and that's not a 
behaviour we expect from a chairman.

Some might have the impression that this is a retaliatory action against 
my demands for transparency and clear interest declarations from board 
members but I welcome the investigation as it has at least opened up the 

It would be great to actually investigate all directors in public and 
clarify what personal interests could become conflicts of interest so 
that we clear out all doubts.

We are a community-of-interest and we can expect many people to have 
interests to declare in our work - and not just arising from employment.

Yes that's correct and in some cases people have to choose between a 
personal interest or a job as it happens in some institutions.

The Board needs to know and understand each director's interest, and 
directors need to make realistic and honest decisions about when they 
are unable to participate due to an actual conflict

That's what the whole process of writing a CoI Policy was also about. 
Article 8 of our statutes has always been there, some stated that they 
always worked as if we already had a CoI Policy, but it seems some 
didn't have a clear idea of how to recognise when their actions and 
decision would be perceived as being tainted by a conflict of interest.

It is a decision for each individual and we have to trust each other 
that is being made.

Actually, no.

Trust is OK but verifying is better IMHO.

As a director I have fiduciary duties and liabilities so I hope you 
don't mind if I choose who I want to trust and base my decisions on 
information supported by evidence.

IIRC in the past a director had to apologise to the members for taking 
for granted what a deput

Re: [board-discuss] Board of Directors Meeting 2022-10-17

2022-10-21 Thread Paolo Vecchi

Hi all,

On 21/10/2022 15:34, Andreas Mantke wrote:

Hi all,

Am 21.10.22 um 15:18 schrieb Simon Phipps:


On Fri, Oct 21, 2022 at 1:54 PM Andreas Mantke  wrote:

    if I read the minutes correctly there are four board members with
    a CoI,
    because they provided or were involved in providing LibreOffice 
in the

    app stores within their company / brand.

No, you do not read the minutes correctly. No-one declared a conflict
of interests. The directors involved declared an interest, but did not
feel that it was in conflict with their duties as directors and
consequently there was no conflict of interest. This is the same
approach the European Commission takes to the presence of interested
parties in meetings

we are not at the Commission but at TDF!

In this case the European Commission is actually providing an excellent 
example on how directors should behave (thanks Simon):

"6. *Members shall avoid any situation which may give rise to a conflict 
of interest or which may reasonably be perceived as such.* A conflict of 
interest arises where a personal interest may influence the independent 
performance of their duties. Personal interests include, but are not 
limited to, any potential benefit or advantage to Members themselves, 
their spouses, partners (9) or direct family members."

As members of the board are affiliated with organisations active in the 
app stores, would that create a perceived conflict of interest while 
taking decisions for TDF in relation to the same subject?

One may argue that some directors are very good at switching hats but 
some would perceive that decisions might be anyway influenced by their 
day job and corporate mindset to some degrees.

The members declared an interest in the app store topic and thus has a
possible Conflict of _Interest_ (CoI)

And at TDF it is only necessary to have a _possible_ CoI.

If the potential is there then it might create the perception that the 
CoI is actually there so:

"Members shall recuse themselves from any decision or instruction of a 
file and from any participation in a discussion, debate or vote in 
relation to a matter that falls under Article 2(6)."

I agree with Simon that the European Commission makes it very clear how 
members should behave and we should take that as a further example of 
what a CoI is, how to recognise it and how to behave if a CoI is perceived.

Members of the board could  also keep in mind what their fiduciary 
duties are to make it even easier to deal with potential and perceived CoIs.

I started putting together some notes so that new members of the board 
could familiarise themselves with the concept:

Maybe we should finalise it so that members of all the bodies and 
committees can check it when unsure about what their basic fiduciary 
duties are.




Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Legal details:

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [board-discuss] Agenda for TDF board meeting on Monday, October 17th at 1800 Berlin time (UTC+2)

2022-10-17 Thread Paolo Vecchi

Hi Cor,

On 17/10/2022 11:09, Cor Nouws wrote:


Paolo Vecchi wrote on 17/10/2022 10:13:

I'm the one being accused of something so I believe it's my right to 
have that session in public.

We're still talking about an investigation.
We are talking about a public investigation as accusations, defence and 
previous session were public.

Of course there is and will be all room for you to give your input.

I've already provided my input and up to now there has been no feedback 
from the board.

That's why I created that public item so that Thorsten can provide some 

And IIRC you defended yourself at the previous meeting. IMO not at all 
as quick and clear as you promised, but..

I did and as promised it was a quick introduction to my defence that 
responds in a clear way to all the accusations.

You wrote your explanation on the investigation. There will be a reply 
and then it's good to talk again.

I'm still waiting for the reply and that's why I created an agenda item 
for Thorsten to provide us with some updates in public.

This is an important matter as all directors should explicitly declare 
their personal interests and CoIs which should anyway be made public as 
from art. 8 of our statutes.

AFAIK there have been no CoI declarations during the 2 terms I've been 
in the board so maybe we should look at the situation to make sure there 
are no doubts at all that directors and deputies acted in a proper way.

For some reasons the process started with me but it would be great if 
all directors were showing their willingness to be under same public 

Who wants to be next? You Cor?




Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Legal details:

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [board-discuss] Agenda for TDF board meeting on Monday, October 17th at 1800 Berlin time (UTC+2)

2022-10-17 Thread Paolo Vecchi

Hi all,

On 17/10/2022 05:09, Thorsten Behrens wrote:

Hi all,

Andreas Mantke wrote:

if the person concerned (like in this case) has no issue to discuss the
topic in public there shouldn't be any reason to handle this in private.

There are good reasons to have a quick private discussion on the matter.
If there were good reason to have the meeting in private I would have 
expected to see supporting evidence shared with the board before the 
agenda was set.
As of this morning nothing has been shared that would justify having 
even part of it in private.

I'm also the one that asked for that item to be put in the agenda and in 
the public section to get Thorsten to provide an update on the case.

Of course, if the rest of the board agrees, we can move all, or part
of that discussion to the public part.

Why should this excuse be used again for the same matter?

I'm the one being accused of something so I believe it's my right to 
have that session in public.


-- Thorsten



Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Legal details:

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [board-discuss] Agenda for TDF board meeting on Monday, October 17th at 1800 Berlin time (UTC+2)

2022-10-14 Thread Paolo Vecchi

Hi all,

On 14/10/2022 15:52, Thorsten Behrens wrote:

8. Status Report: Status of prelim CoI investigation (Thorsten
Behrens, tdf-board, 5 mins)

Reason for privacy: legal topics
the above item is the CoI investigation against myself for which both 
the accusations and the defence have been made public.

It is my right to have the public being informed about the progress of 
this investigation and to demonstrate that TDF's board is willing to be 
open and transparent even about these issues.

There is no reason for it to be discussed in private as, even after 
repeated requests, no new elements surfaced and there are anyway no 
sensitive legal topics attached to the item.



Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Legal details:

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

[board-discuss] [DECISION] Adopt the new CoC Policy

2022-10-10 Thread Paolo Vecchi

Hi all,

the following decision, which was taken in private the 06/10/2022, is 
now made public in accordance with our statutes.

- Adopt the CoC Policy proposed by Sophie as made available in the 
document "CodeofConduct-v0.odt"

- Instruct Sophie to select an initial team of at least 3 members
- Ask Sophie to be part of the initial team to follow up with 
organisational tasks and implement eventual improvements in the Policy

The Board of Directors at the time of voting consists of 7 seat holders 
(not including deputies). In order to be quorate, the vote needs to have 
1/2 or more of the Board of Directors members, which gives 4.

A total of 7 Board of Directors members have participated in the vote.

The vote is quorate.

A quorum could be reached with a simple majority of 4 votes.

Result of vote: 7 approvals, 0 abstain, 0 disapprovals.

Decision: The proposal has been accepted.

Two deputies supports the motion.

Best regards,


Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Legal details:

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [board-discuss] Updated Code of Conduct - blind-sided

2022-10-07 Thread Paolo Vecchi
 space - I'll try to work out if 
there is any genuine willingness to engage with improving the text. 
From a quick skim some details look quite problematic.

In general there is substantial scope for mis-use (or even just 
the damaging appearance of it) around CoC enforcement and we need to 
build confidence that we will get this right.

    At a bare minimum I would expect each individual behind this, 
-particularly- if they are on the new CoC committee, to at least -try- 
to repair the situation by re-assuring the community that (despite 
apparently excluding people & views during the process of creating and 
pushing this initiative through) - that when actually enforcing the 
CoC they will respectfully listen to all views and act in an inclusive 
and balanced way.



[1] - the latest Contributor Covenant is rather less problematic than 
in the past

Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Legal details:

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [board-discuss] Final version of the developers proposal [was: Board of Directors Meeting 2022-09-05]

2022-09-24 Thread Paolo Vecchi

Hi all,

I think we finally reached a document with quite a few compromises with 
version 2.9, which is available in the shared folder.

There are a few elements that should be checked by our legal counsel 
especially from an HR/ESC relationship point of view and limitations 
about working on specifically mentioned projects.

Once our legal counsel evaluated the document and suggested the needed 
modifications we should be ready to vote it into action.



On 22/09/2022 23:37, Jan Holesovsky wrote:

Hi Paolo,

Paolo Vecchi píše v So 10. 09. 2022 v 15:45 +0200:

I am happy to share the folder (read-only) to the general public
but I'd like to have Paolo's OK before I do - Paolo, is it OK for

I'm totally fine with sharing the folder to all so that they can see
how it changed over time.

Thank you, it can be seen here:

I've uploaded version 2.8 with some comments.

I've accepted several changes even if don't satisfy me fully but a
decent compromise today is better than nothing at all.

It took a very long time to get here so I hope that the long
discussions haven't put off potential candidates.

I believe this version (2.8) should now be sent to our legal counsel
for verification and the result should be voted on.

Would you agree?

I've added answers to your comments as:


For many of them, it is just an "OK, accepted"; just few bits around
the ESC are controversial or even not acceptable for me - but I've
outlined those already in the call on Monday.

Can you please have a look?  Thank you in advance!

All the best,

Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Legal details:

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [board-discuss] Conflict of interests - Agenda for TDF board meeting on Monday, September 19th at 1800 Berlin time (UTC+2)

2022-09-16 Thread Paolo Vecchi

Hi all,

On 16/09/2022 12:37, Florian Effenberger wrote:
### Private Part 
7. Discuss: Hearing wrt LOOL/COOL CoI for Paolo (Paolo Vecchi, 15 mins) 

Some members of the board alleged that I was in Conflict of Interests 
(CoI) in regards to LibreOffice Online (LOOL) and Collabora Office 
Online (COOL).

I wouldn’t mind to have this discussed in public.

As a director, according to our statutes, a CoI would have to be made 
public so a public discussion of the matter would make sense.



Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Legal details:

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [board-discuss] [NO DECISION] TDF to change composition of legal oversight group

2022-09-15 Thread Paolo Vecchi

Hi Jan,

On 15/09/2022 11:41, Jan Holesovsky wrote:

Hi Paolo,

Paolo Vecchi píše v Čt 15. 09. 2022 v 11:27 +0200:

Andreas' email is polite

I am sorry, but "It shows that there is no will of cooperation from
five members of the board." does not sound polite to me.

That comment might seems to be pushing a bit the boundaries of 
politeness but it's probably reflecting the impression that the inaction 
by some members of the board sends out to the public.

I have a lot of will to cooperate with everyone, including people I
don't agree with, so a statement like this is very offensive to me.

I'm sure you would be due an apology if you wrote that you would have 
participated but urgent matters didn't allow you to vote for 3 days and 
what Andreas said hurt your feelings but have any of the directors not 
participating to the vote evaluated if they were going to hurt the 
feelings of those that proposed the vote?

The vote has been discussed internally, before re-running it due to 
Caolan's departure from the board, good reasons to perform this change 
have been documented and "the conditions that brought to it are persisting".

So of course what happened hurts the feelings of the 2 directors, doing 
a lot of hard work in the legal group, to see that other directors did 
not comment, explicitly abstained or even voted against it maybe 
providing legitimate reasons for doing so.

All the best,



Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Legal details:

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [board-discuss] [NO DECISION] TDF to change composition of legal oversight group

2022-09-15 Thread Paolo Vecchi

Hi Thorsten and all,

On 14/09/2022 23:56, Thorsten Behrens wrote:

Hi Andreas, all,

for the moment, this is a members-only discussion.

The result of the vote is public and AFAIK there have been no requests 
to limit the discussion to members only.

If I'm not mistaken there is a specific list for members where I noticed 
that a reply to Andreas has been posted but as Andreas is not a member 
he cannot interact with it.

Andreas' email is polite and is just stating verifiable facts in reply 
to a legitimate conversation started by a member of our team, it seems 
odd to see that you apply a discrimination never seen before.


-- Thorsten



Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Legal details:

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [board-discuss] [NO DECISION] TDF to change composition of legal oversight group

2022-09-14 Thread Paolo Vecchi

Hi Andreas,

On 14/09/2022 19:53, Andreas Mantke wrote:

Hi Heiko,

Am 14.09.22 um 06:56 schrieb Heiko Tietze:

On 13.09.22 17:07, Andreas Mantke wrote:

It shows that there is no will of cooperation...

Don't paint it black. We are all humans, there is a conference ahead,
and at least one has sick children at home.

It's not painting anything black. The situation speeks for itself and
shows a lot to the public.

There was this email one week before the vote starts: 

It has the sign [VOTE] in its subject (used to allert all board members
to act).

It was also the second time the vote about this topic has to be started
for some reasons.

The board has seven members at this time. Only to member were able to
follow this message and cast their vote.

The other five members of the board stayed calm for about eleven days.
Nobody of this five wrote a message to this list, that the proposal
needs some more discussion or asking to shift the vote for some days.

This five members stayed calm and seemed to do nothing.

the description of the sequence of the events seems quite accurate.

The vote ends with:

"Members of the Board of Directors who are in conflict shall explicitly 
declare their abstention."

Could it be that some directors got confused and thought it means they 
should abstain from voting?

I'm baffled as you are.




## Free Software Advocate
## Plone add-on developer
## My blog:

Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Legal details:

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [board-discuss] Board of Directors Meeting 2022-09-05

2022-09-10 Thread Paolo Vecchi

Hi Kendy, Andreas and all,

On 09/09/2022 19:44, Jan Holesovsky wrote:

Hi Andreas,

Andreas Mantke píše v Pá 09. 09. 2022 v 16:50 +0200:

Thus it would be great, if you could make the current state of the
documents (maybe with the changes done) available for the interested

It is still all developing in the same folder as before, available for
all the TDF members:

It contains all the versions since 2.0, and most of them have change
tracking turned on.

I am happy to share the folder (read-only) to the general public too,
but I'd like to have Paolo's OK before I do - Paolo, is it OK for you?

I'm totally fine with sharing the folder to all so that they can see how 
it changed over time.

I've uploaded version 2.8 with some comments.

I've accepted several changes even if don't satisfy me fully but a 
decent compromise today is better than nothing at all.

It took a very long time to get here so I hope that the long discussions 
haven't put off potential candidates.

I believe this version (2.8) should now be sent to our legal counsel for 
verification and the result should be voted on.

Would you agree?

All the best,



Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Legal details:

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [board-discuss] Disappointing trademark pieces

2022-09-08 Thread Paolo Vecchi

Dear Michael Meeks,

Emiliano and me, as members of the special working group of the legal 
oversight group, [1] have just wrote you an extensive reply to the 
e-mail you sent to the board and the lawyers in private just a few hours 

As a board member you regularly (and rightfully) reminded members of 
TDF’s bodies to not talk about legal topics in public or semi-public 

We value the long term synergy between TDF and Collabora Productivity 
and we hope you will make yourself available to discuss the issues you 
raise and to correct a range of incorrect statements.

Me and other members of the board are available for this anytime.

Thanks a lot,
Paolo and Emiliano


On 08/09/2022 17:29, Michael Meeks wrote:

Hi there,

Recently at Collabora we received a set of demands from a subset 
of TDF's board with a short deadline to 'correct all possible 
findings' and to correct "on the indicated pages and on all pages that 
might contain these or comparable 'infringements'".

These demands cover a number of topics that the community has 
discussed here, and will be of general interest to all Trustees of 
TDF, they will impact the use of the LibreOffice trademark for the 
future too, and may be generally interesting for other projects, so we 
should probably discuss the policy pieces (but not the specific legal 
aspects) publicly here.

I will go over the substance of these findings below, as I 
understand them, and make the complete original mail available to 

This came from a small subset of TDF's board, along with excerpts 
of a letter from Chestek Legal. This form of legal disputation is 
unusual to find next to a claim to be 'friendly' along with a one week 
deadline. It also had a really unhelpful means of notification, and a 
requirement to acknowledge receipt. Legal concerns should be sent by 
TDF to - and not via individual board 
members who are not responsible for the relevant decisions.

* Protecting and nurturing TDF

Of course, it is important to protect TDF's LibreOffice 
trademarks. It is also important to ensure that TDF's resources and 
trademarks are used to serve TDF's mission: there is no question of 
that, and we support that.

Indeed it is hard to find an entity that supports TDF more than 
Collabora - we are privileged to be LibreOffice's largest code 
contributor[1], one of the largest donors, and we help to provide a 
significant chunk of the mentoring, technical input, volunteer 
assistance, sponsorship and so on that makes LibreOffice possible.

Its safe to say we've contributed substantially to LibreOffice the 
product, LibreOffice the project, the LibreOffice API (and Kit), the 
LibreOffice community, LibreOffice as a technology, the LibreOffice 
file-format across many versions, and many other incarnations of 
LibreOffice including LibreOffice the product TDF will now sell.

Given that - it is curious then to hear the language of legal 
threat used to make demands - the reasonableness of which we'll
examine below. Was that tone really intended ? Normally if there is 
something wrong, we'd expect a friendly discussion and request.

It is well worth pointing out that (in my inexpert, IANAL opinion) 
Pamela is an excellent lawyer in our domain whom I have commended to 
others. However, the advice can only be as good as the instruction & 
brief. That brief & what is subsequently done with the advice would (I 
imagine) be provided by this (self-appointed?) small board sub-group 
including: Paolo Vecchi from the legal committee, and Emiliano 
Vavassori who mailed - I would expect in conjunction with Mike 
Schinagl as counsel, and Florian Effenberger as Executive Director.

* First a little history:

Initially (in ~2014), Collabora decided to build and invest in a 
co-branded product under license from TDF: 
"LibreOffice-from-Collabora". However this brought with it an unusual 
level of board criticism / input on our marketing: color schemes, 
requirements for front-page links to "LibreOffice available for free", 
and so on - that were sufficiently burdensome, unpredictable and 
unhelpful that we re-branded to "Collabora Office" in 2015. That 
change also attracted criticism. Now we come to a similar, but more 
serious inflection point with a yet wider scope.

* The findings:

I quote a subset of the points here for brevity and to avoid 
repetition; though we dispute all of the findings - I will quote the 
text as if sent by E-mail thus:

Chestek Legal writes:

Apple app-store:

** An enterprise version of LibreOffice:

The description says "Collabora Office is an enterprise version of
LibreOffice, the world’s most popular open-source office productivity

It is im

Re: [board-discuss] Re: "Documents Pro - Write & Edit" & others on Mac AppStore

2022-09-08 Thread Paolo Vecchi

Hi Alex,

we have been looking at the issue in general both in terms of use of 
"LibreOffice" and the promotion of LibreOffice based apps without links 
to the relevant licence and source code.

We have already issued take down notices in the past so we will keep the 
situation monitored and act accordingly.

Please feel free to forward to me links to other examples so that we can 
complete our list of action items.



On 08/09/2022 10:42, Alexander Thurgood wrote:
Hmm, trawling the App Store shows that there are other similar looking 
products that also do not reference the underlying FOSS source, code, 
or licences.

For example (with search string "libre office" :

Ace Office:for word processing (Cynoble Technology Limited) - in app 

GO Office 2021 (Xiaoqin Chen / HNBSoft Team) - 9,99 €

DOC Mate:for MS Office (Cynoble Technology Limited)


Le 08/09/2022 à 10:15, Alexander Thurgood a écrit :

Hi everyone,

I just wanted to draw the Board's attention to the existence of the 

"Documents Pro - Write & Edit"


"Office PDF Suite - for Word, Spreadsheet, Slides & Adobe PDF Docs 

These products are being sold respectively for 14,99 € and 39,99 € on 
the AppStore, which in and of itself is not a surprise.

More surprising to me is that the products look like LibreOffice from 
the screenshots that are available (or maybe, I 
haven't done a detailed comparison as I don't have OOo anymore).

Again, this wouldn't be a great surprise per se.

However, nowhere do I see any recognition in the AppStore blurb about 
the product being derived from, or produced with, LibreOffice (or code, nor any mention of a licence, opensource or 

There is a copyright mention, but it glibly states "(C) Word 
Documents Processor"

The only reason I found the product in the first place is because I 
put the keyword "ODF" in the AppStore search filter and this was one 
of the results.

Does anyone have any further information about who is behind these 
products, and if so, why they are failing to recognize the 
contribution of the FOSS community behind it, the licence(s) under 
which it is distributed, and  seemingly, a link pointing to the 
availability of the source code ?

Is the Board going to do anything about it, and if so, what ?


Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Legal details:

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

[board-discuss] Re: [VOTE] TDF to change composition of legal oversight group

2022-09-08 Thread Paolo Vecchi



On 31/08/2022 23:46, Emiliano Vavassori wrote:
On 2022-03-07 areas of oversight were assigned to members of the Board 
of Directors. It named Thorsten Behrens, Paolo Vecchi and Jan (Kendy) 
Holešovský for the legal oversight group regarding the topics 
“contracts, legal compliance, GDPR, trademarks” 

Thorsten Behrens is the Chairperson of the TDF as well as Managing 
Director of allotropia, one of TDF's contractors. Kendy is in the 
“Management Team” of Collabora Productivity, the other major tender 
contractor to TDF.

The tasks of the legal oversight group have further on instead been 
handled by the “special working group” consisting of Caolán McNamara, 
Paolo Vecchi and Emiliano Vavassori. This declaratory vote makes the 
change public, following the TDF transparency rules.

Therefore the working group decided unanimously to start a vote to 
that regard, sent out by TDF's Deputy Chairperson Caolán McNamara on 
July 21, 2022 
The actual composition of the legal oversight group is identical to 
the members of the special working group, Caolán McNamara, Paolo 
Vecchi and Emiliano Vavassori.

The following day Caolán McNamara stepped down from the Board of 
The vote could not take place as TDF first had to complete the Board 
of Directors with Gábor Kelemen (affiliation: allotropia) and decide 
on the next Deputy Chairperson to be Emiliano Vavassori.

The working group decided to now restart that vote, as the conditions 
that brought to it are persisting. According to standard procedure (§ 
3 Rules of Procedure), changes are made public (§ 8 subsection 3 

The Rules of Procedure can be modified "at any time", but the "draft 
of amended rules ... need to be made available at least one week in 
advance" ( Formal 
procedure does require to make the draft available to the Directors, 
but not to the public, as the public has to be informed at a later 
stage. To avoid formal difficulties, this vote is all the same started 
after making the draft public first. This is not considered or legally 
advised to be necessary, but in a previous vote (regarding the 
conflict of interest policy), Thorsten Behrens claimed this to be 


We hereby call for the following VOTE, which will start on Thursday, 
2022-09-08 00:00 UTC+2/CEST; it will then run for 72h and thus will 
end on Sunday, 2022-09-11 00:00 UTC+2/CEST.

We hereby make available the draft of an amendment to the Rules of 
Procedure of the Board of Directors 

The amendment is to change the internal delegation of responsibilities 
(“areas of oversight”) in § 3 Rules of Procedure only regarding 
“contracts, legal compliance, GDPR, trademarks”.

The members of the legal oversight group regarding “contracts, legal 
compliance, GDPR, trademarks” are Emiliano Vavassori (Deputy 
Chairperson of the Board of Directors) and Paolo Vecchi. All other 
oversight groups remain unchanged.

Members of the Board of Directors who are in conflict shall explicitly 
declare their abstention.


Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Legal details:

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [board-discuss] Lets sort out the patch review before continuing here (was: Merging Of Contributions)

2022-09-06 Thread Paolo Vecchi

Hi Andreas/all,

On 06/09/2022 18:44, Andreas Mantke wrote:

Hi Paolo, hi all,

Am 06.09.22 um 13:39 schrieb Paolo Vecchi:

Hi Andreas,

On 05/09/2022 17:50, Andreas Mantke wrote:


This new patch was merged as signed by me. I wasn't asked if I was fine
with the new patch and I never signed this new patch (and are not fine
with it).

thanks for your summary of the events which, by reading emails and
comments in gerrit, seems accurate.

I see this as a violation and ask TDF to de-merge the patch.

Not being a developer I can't judge if there is a violation of any
rules (BTW are there any standard rules?), maybe others can check the
sequence of events and tell us if that's the best way to manage these

It's really not fair to turn ones commit into the opposite and sign this
new patch with the original author (of the opposite).

I personally haven't understood the logic of it as I'm not a developer 
but I would have thought that when the involved people realised that 
they forgot to deal with the initial the scope of the request then they 
would have done something about it.

I would have also thought that there were some processes to deal with 
misunderstandings and disagreements between developers but even the 
intervention of one board member directly on gerrit didn't seem to help 
in clarifying things.

I'm sure he will soon realise that your fix has been forgotten and he 
will do his best to objectively and impartially deal with it.

How would you
describe such a behavior in the 'analog' live?

I take the fifth (as some say the other side of the pond)

I haven't been involved directly in development for the past 20+ years
but following the logic of the patch that has been pushed through,
which doesn't fix Andreas issue, this kind of makes sense to me:

SlideShow.prototype.exitSlideShowInApp = function()
    if (window.webkit !== undefined &&
    window.webkit.messageHandlers !== undefined &&
    window.webkit.messageHandlers.lok !== undefined)
window.webkit.messageHandlers.lok.postMessage('EXITSLIDESHOW', '*');
    // FIXME remove this in a follow-up commit
    if (window.webkit !== undefined &&
    window.webkit.messageHandlers !== undefined && !== undefined)'EXITSLIDESHOW', '*');
    // FIXME notify the community about the standardisation to lok and
remove in 6 months
    if (window.webkit !== undefined &&
    window.webkit.messageHandlers !== undefined &&
    window.webkit.messageHandlers.lool !== undefined)
window.webkit.messageHandlers.lool.postMessage('EXITSLIDESHOW', '*');

I thought that the developer that pushed through and merged the
current patch could have thought about it to fix the original requests
but if it helps then please do merge it in.

I think about submitting a new patch and let's see if this will not be
turned into the opposite again.

Please do that. I'm sure everyone understood the situation and they'll 
look after you much better.

In addition: in my opinion there is much space for improving the
interaction with volunteer developers inside the LibreOffice community.
But maybe this only my opinion and everyone else is fine with the
current process.

Maybe it was just a misunderstanding and the delay in answering back
due to the fact that you couldn't login into gerrit might have led
some to believe that you didn't want to interact with the issue and
the proposed changes.

I don't judge about this. I find the work with Gerrit sometimes not very

You know a lot more than I do I see ;-)

I thought about submitting that patch myself but I gave up before 
starting as it isn't a tool I ever used or that I will generally use.

I'm sure everyone involved will look objectively at what happened and
will help in improving communication and processes.

I think it is in the interest of the board to foster a good
communication behavior inside the LibreOffice developer (volunteer and
paid) group. And I hope it also a goal that every developer (independent
from his role and skills) will be treated sympathetically, thus she/he
felt very welcome inside the community.

In addition I think it is also in the best interest of TDF/LibreOffice
community to establish such behavior/environment between volunteers of
different areas of contribution too. In my view there is no superior
group of volunteers. All talents and a different sort of contributions
are needed to drive LibreOffice and it community forward and make the
project successful.

Thanks for your very useful suggestions that I'm sure will be seriously 
considered to improve the experience of those that make their first 
steps in contributing code to LibreOffice.




## Free Software Advocate
## Plone add-on developer
## My blog:

Paolo Vecchi - Member o

Re: [board-discuss] Lets sort out the patch review before continuing here (was: Merging Of Contributions)

2022-09-06 Thread Paolo Vecchi
n please do merge it in.

In addition: in my opinion there is much space for improving the
interaction with volunteer developers inside the LibreOffice community.
But maybe this only my opinion and everyone else is fine with the
current process.

Maybe it was just a misunderstanding and the delay in answering back due 
to the fact that you couldn't login into gerrit might have led some to 
believe that you didn't want to interact with the issue and the proposed 

I'm sure everyone involved will look objectively at what happened and 
will help in improving communication and processes.




## Free Software Advocate
## Plone add-on developer
## My blog:

Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Legal details:

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [board-discuss] Lets sort out the patch review before continuing here (was: Merging Of Contributions)

2022-09-03 Thread Paolo Vecchi

Hi Thorsten and all,

On 03/09/2022 11:24, Thorsten Behrens wrote:

Hi Andreas, all,

Andreas Mantke wrote:

Am 02.09.22 um 18:47 schrieb Andras Timar:

Just for the record, the incriminated code is used solely by the iOS
app (Collabora Office). Are there other iOS apps that broke because of
the lool->cool change? As far as I'm concerned there aren't any. It's
good that we discussed the issue at length, and will have a vendor
neutral message handler name finally. ;)

I'd appreciate if you read my message completely. And I'd be curious if
there is common opinion among you and your colleagues. Currently I'm a
bit puzzled.

Let's please assume good intentions on all sides.

We surely assume good intentions from all and that wasn't at all put in 

TTBOMK, there's
indeed currently only Collabora providing binaries for iOS.

OK so there is a misunderstanding?

Reading Andreas emails I had the impression that the handler 
(lool/cool/lok) in question isn't only used by Collabora's iOS products 
but also other "downstream consumer projects".

Did I get it completely wrong?

But honestly, that's all besides the point, and this entire thread is
dealing with the issue from the wrong end.

I surely do not have the skills and the experience to deal with the 
development end of this thread but it's good to learn more about the 
interaction between LibreOffice core and other projects.

There is probably a code/technological side but also a policies/projects 
interaction end that the board might need to evaluate so that downstream 
projects do not suffer if changes in core aren't properly notified and 

And **only** if that fails, it's justified to consume more board &
member's time here. Right now, there's purely technical matters to be

As above, it doesn't seem to be purely a technical matter so, unless I 
missed some documents/policies, there seems to be a need to have a clear 
coordination so that changes do not affect current and future projects 
and LibreOffice Technology's based consumers/providers.


-- Thorsten



Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Legal details:

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [board-discuss] Merging Of Contributions

2022-09-02 Thread Paolo Vecchi

Hi Andras,

On 02/09/2022 18:47, Andras Timar wrote:


On Fri, Sep 2, 2022 at 5:38 PM Andreas Mantke  wrote:

Hi all,

Am 01.09.22 um 23:16 schrieb Paolo Vecchi:
> Hi all,
> On 01/09/2022 22:47, Michael Meeks wrote:
>> I would expect the ESC should intervene and cut out the
>> politics.
> I believe that politics have nothing to do with what happened.
> Your grep shows that there aren't that many "lool" that could be
> renamed "cool" by mistake so I guess it's unlikely for it to happen
> again.
> I've noticed the very positive and prompt review of this incident by
> Thorsten so it's nice to see that solutions that work for all can be
> found quickly when the will is there ;-)
I try a bit to give an overview on the latest changes of the file in

The naming in the source code contains 'lool' in it until it was
five month ago to 'cool'. Thus the original naming was:

window.webkit.messageHandlers.lool !== undefined)
window.webkit.messageHandlers.lool.postMessage('EXITSLIDESHOW', '*');

The change from 'lool' to 'cool' created a break for at least two
downstream consumer projects.

Just for the record, the incriminated code is used solely by the iOS 
app (Collabora Office).

Apparently not?

Are there other iOS apps that broke because of the lool->cool change?

Isn't Andreas saying that it broke two downstream consumer projects?

As far as I'm concerned there aren't any.

It seems to transpire that at least 2 other projects were concerned by it.

It's good that we discussed the issue at length, and will have a 
vendor neutral message handler name finally. ;)

It would have been great to have a discussion before the "lool" handler 
was changed to a "non-vendor neutral" one.

If I understood well a change to "lok" would break even more projects so 
what about reverting it to a vendor neutral name like "lool" so that the 
issue is fixed for 3 downstream consumer projects?




Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Legal details:

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [board-discuss] Merging Of Contributions

2022-09-01 Thread Paolo Vecchi

Hi all,

On 01/09/2022 22:47, Michael Meeks wrote:

I would expect the ESC should intervene and cut out the

I believe that politics have nothing to do with what happened.

Your grep shows that there aren't that many "lool" that could be renamed 
"cool" by mistake so I guess it's unlikely for it to happen again.

I've noticed the very positive and prompt review of this incident by 
Thorsten so it's nice to see that solutions that work for all can be 
found quickly when the will is there ;-)



Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Legal details:

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [board-discuss] Merging Of Contributions

2022-09-01 Thread Paolo Vecchi

Hi Andreas,

On 01/09/2022 20:22, Andreas Mantke wrote:

I think there should be clear rules that there should not be any
barriers or something similar in the LibreOffice vanilla code.

But once I saw the changes from 'lool' to 'cool' in the source code I
wonder why the ESC didn't discussed and stopped it.

I've noticed your suggestion after I sent my other answer.

I'm surprised that the ESC didn't contact the board to notify us that 
some changes were more like a "branding" changes that actual 
improvements necessary in LibreOffice core.

I don't know if the ESC could have done anything about it, I guess it's 
hard to spot a cool among many lool but then we'll have to notify all 
developers that branding, which on top of it break things for other 
projects, in core is not or should not be allowed.



Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Legal details:

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [board-discuss] Merging Of Contributions

2022-09-01 Thread Paolo Vecchi

Hi all,

On 01/09/2022 19:31, Simon Phipps wrote:
TDF's Board is not expected to intervene in the ESC's work beyond its 
recent approval of ESC appointees. The request here is out-of-order.

I was wondering as well why Andreas would send a request to 
board-discuss for a patch.

While delays are frustrating - my own bug reports remain unfixed after 
a decade - it is also very frustrating to see a contributor circumvent 
TDF's well-tested processes, especially for political ends.

[Communication issue: I'm very surprised to see that you are accusing 
someone of having "political ends" as if it was the most normal thing to 
This is not just a "passive aggressive insinuation", it's an actual 
direct accusation and if you have evidence of mal-intent you should 
present it together with the accusation. Keep in mind that some got a 
CoC complaint for a lot less than that (sorry I can't disclose names as 
complaints should be kept private).]

Looking at the request, then at the patch and the latest description 
provided I understood that Andreas is working on a project that has a 
very short window of opportunity set by the Board itself and he's doing 
his best to get some results as fast as possible. So in a way I kind of 
understand the attempt as the board itself was involved in setting 
limits that make what is doing very time sensitive even if it's hardly a 
justifiable excuse to bypass standard procedures.

While I agree that the ESC should be involved in code related matters 
this seems to go beyond that as variables in LibreOffice core have been 
changed to represent the initials of a project not hosted at TDF (LOOL 
-> COOL) and if I've understood well the change breaks other projects 
that use the initials of the project still hosted at TDF (LOOL).

That, IMHO, isn't just matter of "code" as a change that introduces a 
commercial product name in LibreOffice core should have been cleared 
with the board which I believe would have not agree to it as LibreOffice 
should be "brand neutral" and create a level playing field for all 
contributors being voluntary or commercial.
Not being a developer I might get things mixed up but I guess the board 
should evaluate if the necessary policies and checks are in place.



Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
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Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [board-discuss] Merging Of Contributions

2022-09-01 Thread Paolo Vecchi

Hi Andreas,

On 01/09/2022 18:48, Andreas Mantke wrote:

I remember variable changing going on when LOOL has been forked into
COOL, and the removal of "This file is part of the LibreOffice project
:-(, but I thought that it was affecting only their own repository,
not LibreOffice core so I'm surprised we have references within LO
code to a product that isn't hosted at TDF.
I thought the same, but ... This was the first such thing I stumbled 

I guess we'll have to understand if that is something that should be 
monitored or not.

Changes like that might affect others that are working on other 
platforms linked to LibreOffice core and to me it's not clear if there 
is or there should be a policy for that.

Not sure if any other project can/should do that and if that affects
others eg. does that variable change create issues to those that are
still using LOOL or something similar?

Does that create issues for you?

It creates issues on slideshow touch gestures in the mobile app. The
Android and the IoS apps are also part of the online repository.

So that is a change in LibreOffice core that breaks your attempt of 
creating a LOOL derived implementation?

Wondering if it affects also others like OSSII or similar similar 
projects based on LibreOffice Technology.




Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
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Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [board-discuss] Merging Of Contributions

2022-09-01 Thread Paolo Vecchi

Hi Andreas,

On 01/09/2022 17:36, Andreas Mantke wrote:

It is this patch (only a small one with two lines of code):

I see a comment "The correct naming for LibreOffice is lool"

and a request to change a variable ending with cool into lool in 
LibreOffice core.

I remember variable changing going on when LOOL has been forked into 
COOL, and the removal of "This file is part of the LibreOffice project 
:-(, but I thought that it was affecting only their own repository, not 
LibreOffice core so I'm surprised we have references within LO code to a 
product that isn't hosted at TDF.

Not sure if any other project can/should do that and if that affects 
others eg. does that variable change create issues to those that are 
still using LOOL or something similar?

Does that create issues for you?




Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Legal details:

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [board-discuss] Merging Of Contributions

2022-09-01 Thread Paolo Vecchi

Hi Andreas,

On 01/09/2022 17:13, Andreas Mantke wrote:

Hi Paolo,

Am 01.09.22 um 16:47 schrieb Paolo Vecchi:

Hi Andreas,

On 01/09/2022 16:34, Andreas Mantke wrote:

I wonder if it is useful to open a second (or more than that)
communication channel for this with Gerrit for code review (with an
email messaging) in place. I thought that Gerrit has been set up to 

the communication about patches more easy and help (volunteer)
developers. But maybe that's not intended with that project resource.

I'm not a developer so I probably cannot help directly but I'm
interested to know what issues you are experiencing.

I kind of understand you have submitted a patch to fix an issue and
you are waiting for it to be merged.


Is the waiting caused by the patch itself that has something wrong,
the tooling or simply someone has been busy and it hasn't been
reviewed yet?

The patch was reviewed by Jenkins and marked by a developer with +2 and
is marked ready to be merged.

OK so if it's ready to be merged what is stopping it from happening?

Sorry for probably asking silly questions but having more details
might help me and others understand how to avoid that issue.

I think there are no silly questions.  Hope my answer helps to better
understand the situation.

Sorry but it kind of made it more difficult to understand for me.

You seem to say that it's all fine and ready to go but then something is 
still not right.

Is there an issue with merging patches in general or with merging 
patches related to specific components?

Can you share a link to it so that maybe someone looks at it and spots 
the issue?




## Free Software Advocate
## Plone add-on developer
## My blog:

Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Legal details:

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [board-discuss] Merging Of Contributions

2022-09-01 Thread Paolo Vecchi

Hi Andreas,

On 01/09/2022 16:34, Andreas Mantke wrote:

Hi Thorsten, hi all,

Am 31.08.22 um 21:28 schrieb Thorsten Behrens:

Hi Andreas,

Andreas Mantke wrote:

I wonder what is the usual time slot it needs to merge a reviewed
and ready patch into the LibreOffice repository.

Answering as a developer here (and not as board member) - I think you
will get better answers & suggestions what to do, on the LibreOffice
developer list, or on IRC (see [1] for details).

Please also include a link to your concrete submission, so people can
jump right in.


I wonder if it is useful to open a second (or more than that)
communication channel for this with Gerrit for code review (with an
email messaging) in place. I thought that Gerrit has been set up to make
the communication about patches more easy and help (volunteer)
developers. But maybe that's not intended with that project resource.

I'm not a developer so I probably cannot help directly but I'm 
interested to know what issues you are experiencing.

I kind of understand you have submitted a patch to fix an issue and you 
are waiting for it to be merged.

Is the waiting caused by the patch itself that has something wrong, the 
tooling or simply someone has been busy and it hasn't been reviewed yet?

Sorry for probably asking silly questions but having more details might 
help me and others understand how to avoid that issue.




## Free Software Advocate
## Plone add-on developer
## My blog:

Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Legal details:

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [board-discuss] [DECISION] Delayed atticization for LibreOffice Online

2022-08-02 Thread Paolo Vecchi

Hi Andreas,

thanks for keeping us up to date.

On 30/07/2022 18:56, Andreas Mantke wrote:

Here are the 'numbers' for July, 2022:

- 1 volunteer
- work done: small css fix and a typo fix in a markdown file.

Any progress on your version of LOOL?

Is there a repository where the community can check the progress and 
start contributing to?




Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
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Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [board-discuss] [VOTE] TDF to change composition of legal oversight group

2022-07-22 Thread Paolo Vecchi

Hi all,

as I'm not sure I'll have connectivity where I'll be next Friday I'll 
vote now:




On 21/07/2022 15:22, Caolán McNamara wrote:


the special working group of the legal oversight group hereby makes
available the draft of an amendment to the Rules of Procedure [1] of
the Board of Directors.

The amendment is to change the internal delegation of responsibilities
(“areas of oversight”) in § 3 only regarding “contracts, legal
compliance, GDPR, trademarks”.

The former members of the legal oversight group regarding “contracts,
legal compliance, GDPR, trademarks” shall be replaced by the new
members Caolán McNamara, Emiliano Vavassori and Paolo Vecchi. (All
other oversight groups remain unchanged.)

We hereby call for the following VOTE, which will start Friday,
2022-07-29 00:00 UTC+2/CEST and will then run for 72h.

This vote is proposed by all members of the special working group of
the legal oversight group: Caolán, Emiliano, Paolo. Members of the
board who are in conflict shall explicitly declare their abstention.


Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
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Re: [board-discuss] [VOTE] TDF to change composition of legal oversight group

2022-07-22 Thread Paolo Vecchi

Hi Cor,

On 21/07/2022 23:18, Cor Nouws wrote:


This vote was brought in discussion on the directors@ few hours before 
posting here, without any discussion taking place there. So I think 
it's best if I go back to that list to learn something more first.

the vote will start in a week leaving an adequate amount of time for the 
board and the community to evaluate and discuss the vote.




Caolán McNamara wrote on 21/07/2022 15:22:


the special working group of the legal oversight group hereby makes
available the draft of an amendment to the Rules of Procedure [1] of
the Board of Directors.

The amendment is to change the internal delegation of responsibilities
(“areas of oversight”) in § 3 only regarding “contracts, legal
compliance, GDPR, trademarks”.

The former members of the legal oversight group regarding “contracts,
legal compliance, GDPR, trademarks” shall be replaced by the new
members Caolán McNamara, Emiliano Vavassori and Paolo Vecchi. (All
other oversight groups remain unchanged.)

We hereby call for the following VOTE, which will start Friday,
2022-07-29 00:00 UTC+2/CEST and will then run for 72h.

This vote is proposed by all members of the special working group of
the legal oversight group: Caolán, Emiliano, Paolo. Members of the
board who are in conflict shall explicitly declare their abstention.


Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
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Re: [board-discuss] no obvious double-standards (was: List Moderation - Apply Double Standards?)

2022-07-19 Thread Paolo Vecchi

Hi Cor,

On 19/07/2022 17:49, Cor Nouws wrote:

that is spreads misinformation about what the CoI policy is for

please do explain to us what you think the Conflict of Interest Policy 
is for as some might have got it completely wrong then.



Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Legal details:

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [board-discuss] no obvious double-standards (was: List Moderation - Apply Double Standards?)

2022-07-15 Thread Paolo Vecchi

Hi all,

On 15/07/2022 11:52, Thorsten Behrens wrote:

It looks like if some of the board members, which support the list
moderation, have the intention to ban uncomfortable discussions in terms
of content and the process from this list.

The fact that your email passed moderation should be testament to this
not being the case?

It is a good example showing that as long as we all express our opinions 
without using offensive language then moderation isn't really needed.

Opinions might be controversial at times but it's good to evaluate all 
point of views.

This is a typical behavior in locked groups of organizations. It
shouldn't be appropriate to open source projects which delineate
themselves as open for everyone (and as open minded).

An appropriate & friendly way to phrase the above, would be to first
assess whether your assumptions are correct (which apparently they are
not), and then recommend changes. Stereotypings like yours are a
negative, not a positive way to interact.

Unfortunately recent emails give Andreas reasons to worry and to express 
his opinion.

I believe his assumptions come from the following statements:

"Therefore I really think that it is needed that this type of mail is 
not moderated through."


"So again, I regret that it has been moderated through in this form. I 
will further discuss this in the board internally."

These statements from a member of the board do give the impression that 
he wants to censor the opinions of another member of the board.

The content of the email is highly controversial, disregards the right 
of expressing one's opinion and instigates censorship but it has gone 
If that is still below the level required for moderation then, looking 
at board-discuss mailing list, the moderation put in place is of no use 
and it should just be removed to stop giving the impression that some 
members of the board don't want uncomfortable, but sometimes needed, 
discussions in public.



Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Legal details:

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [board-discuss] [DECISION] Offer AppStore LibreOffice for a fee

2022-07-13 Thread Paolo Vecchi

Hi all,

just to let you know that this time I'm the one that voted -1 for quite 
a few reasons.

As for the LOOL archival vote, for which I refused to vote, I see 
similar issues:
    - discussion period of 24h too short as it covers one working day 
where people are busy with their day job
    - Objection and comments disregarded by the proponent during the 
discussion period
    - Objection and comments disregarded by the proponent also in the 
vote process
    - Most push backs from objections coming from representatives of 
publishers of their own products based on LibreOffice
    - No evaluation or statements of potential CoIs have been made so 
not clear if publishers should have voted abstain
    - IMHO the chairman, as director of a company publishing its own 
products based on LibreOffice, should have declared a potential CoI and 
let the vice-chairman deal with the evaluation and inclusions of 
comments to make sure the process is seen by all as fully impartial 
regardless of actual CoIs being present or not.

Here we have also the additional issue that it is not clear what we have 
voted for as there hasn't been a proper discussion on the implications 
of the vote.

Eg. is the price set by previous licensees right for TDF, what 
entitlements does it include, shouldn't we have done at least some 
testing with a free version, etc..

I have shared many questions with the board which hopefully will soon 
receive answers so that the situation will be clearer.

While it's since 2020 that I push for TDF to publish LibreOffice in the 
app stores, and I believe we should have (also) a paid version, I can't 
+1 that text as the issues it might bring have not been clarified.



On 13/07/2022 11:53, Florian Effenberger wrote:


the following decision, which was taken in private on 2022-07-11, is 
now made public in accordance with our statutes.

The Board of Directors at the time of voting consists of 7 seat
holders (not including deputies). In order to be quorate, the vote
needs to have 1/2 or more of the Board of Directors members, which
gives 4.

A total of 5 Board of Directors members have participated in the vote.

The vote is quorate.

Result of vote: 4 approvals, 0 abstain, 1 disapproval.

**Decision: The proposal has been accepted.**

Participants to the vote were (in alphabetical order):

Caolán, Cor, László, Paolo, Thorsten

Thorsten Behrens wrote:

Dear board,

thanks for the feedback, was good to let the discussion run for a bit
longer. I'm putting this for an email vote now, lasting the usual 72
hours from now on (such that directors on vacation can participate):


   TDF to offer LibreOffice as a paid product in both Apple's Mac Store,
   as well as Microsoft's Windows Store. Initial prices to be taken from
   the last offers the ecosystem licensees had set, with regular
   reporting and reviews to the board (at least quarterly).

This is the first step to get the apps out. Oversight group, further
work, marketing & development needs we should discuss in the following


Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Legal details:

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

[board-discuss] Re: [tdf-internal] Open letter for revive LOOL, add your +1 if you agree

2022-07-13 Thread Paolo Vecchi



On 10/07/2022 22:42, Daniel A. Rodriguez wrote:

We, the undersigned, would like to express our great concern regarding 
the definitive closure of the repository of what was LibreOffice 
Online. Considering the mission of facilitating access to information 
and communication technologies as a fundamental and strategic 
achievement of inclusion and exercise of digital sovereignty.

As a foundation committed to eliminating the digital divide in society 
by giving everyone free access to office productivity tools, the most 
important thing is to demonstrate that we are committed to offering 
alternatives to all those individuals and organizations that lack the 
resources to hire corporate services.

We intend with this message, an absolute rethinking of the vote that 
established the current condition of the repository, which belongs to 
the community and should welcome improvements from all over the 
community, as we consider it goes against the objectives outlined by 
The Document Foundation.

To avoid the process of atticization, as the clock is already ticking, 
and, at the same time, emphasize the global nature of the foundation 
we urge full consideration of the two proposals that have been made so 

Support Andreas Mantke's effort to revive the LOOL project. Who has 
already succeeded in upgrading the pre-fork code base to current 
libraries and dependencies versions. 
Implement the OxOffice On Line Community Version fork that already has 
several improvements before the LOOL version has been frozen, 
including those implemented in the commercial versions, and bugs fixed 
by them as they see fit. 

In any case, since this is a community version TDF must show its 
commitment to its core values and do everything in their power to grow 
LOOL community in order to continue development.

Sincerely yours, LibreOffice Community Members and Activists around 
the world.

Uso LibreOffice, por privacidad, seguridad y control de mis datos.
Da un vistazo a la mejor suite de oficina:
O únete a la Comunidad Hispana:

Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Legal details:

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [board-discuss] LibreOffice in app stores free, paid or both?

2022-07-11 Thread Paolo Vecchi

Hi Laszlo,

On 11/07/2022 17:38, wrote:

Hi Paolo, Hi All,

On 2022-07-11 15:52, Paolo Vecchi wrote:

Hi all,

I just wanted to ask the community how they think LibreOffice should
be published in the various app stores.

Should it be:

a. available at a cost
b. free

More precisely, free of charge. LibreOffice could remain free with the 
first option, too. See also (It starts with "Many 
people believe that the spirit of the GNU Project is that you should 
not charge money for distributing copies of software, or that you 
should charge as little as possible—just enough to cover the cost. 
This is a misunderstanding.")

Naturally we all know that and that's why "free" in this context I 
didn't think it needed explaining.

c. both

As this is one of the items that will be discussed during tonight's
board meeting, it would be great to have comments in writing and also
having you in the meeting to share your point of view.

Today topic of the board meeting is only the initial publication, 
according to the agenda sent last week:

"2. Status Report, Discuss: Status: LibreOffice in the app stores
    (Florian Effenberger, Paolo Vecchi, Thorsten Behrens, 15 mins)

    Status report and various ongoing discussions:
 * current status & timeline
 * publishing 'LibreOffice' free of charge initially?
 * publish 'LibreOffice Supporter' stating that users should buy that
   to support TDF"?
 * withdraw the free version if donation flow impacted?
 * update cycle, and how to move people to new versions?
 * should previous buyers (from licensed offers) get vouchers on

The issue is that an agenda has been sent out after the vote about the 
things we should have discussed started.

The questions you see there are a good part of the objections I made for 
which no answer or debate has been made.

The wisest thing, IMHO, would have been to debate those, come to an 
agreement on how to handle those issues and then run a vote for 
something that had at least the resemblance of a plan.

It's worth speaking about the possible future options later (which 
could be more). Moreover, as you well know, the board is going to do 
that after a few months, based on the experience with the initial 

Well... I mentioned the strategic benefits of starting with the free 
version and that we could have published it much earlier but we are 
still stuck with paperwork for the paid version.

Now the only urgent task was to decide about the initial publication, 
so your question was misleading a little bit.

Sorry but there was no "urgent task to decide about the initial 
publication", we would have done that if there was an actual debate with 
various options and strategies on the table.

Would have made a difference to ask for feedback from the community last 
week, talk about it during the week and today and then go for a more 
structured vote where we could all have taken a more informed decision?

Now we are still stuck as we should decide if we want to use only 
"LibreOffice" or use "LibreOffice %something", decide on the eventual 
duration of upgrades and decide on potential use of vouchers to start 
with so I guess that it doesn't make sense to publish until we decided 
what to offer and that pushes the decision to next week or the one after.

If objections were being listened to maybe today we could have announced 
an actual strategy and that this week LibreOffice would have been 
published with a clear message.

Best regards,



Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Legal details:

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

[board-discuss] LibreOffice in app stores free, paid or both?

2022-07-11 Thread Paolo Vecchi

Hi all,

I just wanted to ask the community how they think LibreOffice should be 
published in the various app stores.

Should it be:

a. available at a cost
b. free
c. both

As this is one of the items that will be discussed during tonight's 
board meeting, it would be great to have comments in writing and also 
having you in the meeting to share your point of view.



Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Legal details:

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

[board-discuss] Re: [tdf-internal] Board Discuss being moderated

2022-07-08 Thread Paolo Vecchi

Hi Cor,

On 08/07/2022 19:17, Cor Nouws wrote:

Hi Paolo,

I consider it a very wise decision that the list is put on moderation 
right away.

So you consider it wise to moderate a director without even informing him?

Why I've seen that only your emails have been released by someone but 
not mine which contain nothing controversial?

Is there some preferences being applied?

I guess whomever did that, has the idea that there is sufficient 
support for it and/or takes proper responsibility to do the right 
thing for TDF.

So a our chairman takes full responsibility for this behaviour which 
AFAIK does not include any official votes as I haven't been informed and 
I haven't seen any decision email in our mailing list.

It makes little sense to continue acting like little children in public.

Could you point out when you think board directors have behaved like 
little children in public.

And yes, I'm all for discussing it in the board carefully now first. 

So what was the point of asking the community if it would be OK to do it 
if it has been already done?




Paolo Vecchi wrote on 08/07/2022 19:13:

not sure if this email is going to go through as someone has decided 
to ask if would be OK to activate moderation on board-discuss (not 
sure about tdf-internal) but at the same time (about 16:10 CET) 
actually already enabled it.

I have not been included in the discussion within the board for some 
reasons even if I suspect that it is related to the CoC complaint 
made against me by Jeremy Allison and Simon Phipps.

Further discussion is necessary to understand if it's acceptable that 
moderation is being applied while being asked about it and if it is 
acceptable to have a director blocked on board-discuss.



Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Legal details:

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [board-discuss] Whether technical moderation of this list is needed

2022-07-08 Thread Paolo Vecchi

Hi all,

my short answer is: no.

On 08/07/2022 15:04, Thorsten Behrens wrote:

Dear list,

it seems a number of appeals to get the discussion on this list to
become friendly and constructive again have failed.

Over the time, me and others have tried (in public and in private) to
nudge people to be considerate, and also to moderate discussions (in
the sense of balancing positions - if anyone's interested in my
private suggestions, there's no problem to share them. Though they're
quite boring references to the communication best practices).

I find the most recent escalation unbearable, and don't want to be
exposed to that sort of language, even less so in public. Others have
expressed similar sentiment.

Additionally the board has their hands full with tasks working for the
future of TDF. It would be great, if in our volunteer time, we would
be able to concentrate on positive topics.

The only practically effective solution I currently see, for that
problem, is to put this list on moderation. We all share a collective
duty to keep TDF & LibreOffice a friendly and fun place.

Longer answer:

True that some used some colourful language, they will be told to avoid 
that, but that doesn't really happen that often.

Others are open exchanges of point of views and often useful information 
that should be taken in consideration when developing policies and 

People have different way of communicating which can be seen sometimes 
as "passive-aggressive" if sentences are not understood in their context 
and with a bit of background information.

Following long discussions might be a bit of a pain but one can take 
informed decisions only if has a wider understanding of the issues.


-- Thorsten



Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Legal details:

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [board-discuss] [DECISION] Delayed atticization for LibreOffice Online

2022-07-07 Thread Paolo Vecchi

Hi Andreas,

On 07/07/2022 20:54, Andreas Mantke wrote:

It's odd you say that as IIRC Mr Meeks said that since they move the
project to Microsoft GitHub they had more contributors.

Are you by any chance able to substantiate your statement?

I made a short research on the commits of about the last four month (the
board decision has also only a three month period in mind).

So lets have a look on the commits of the last four month of the fork
(without the localization work, copied from Weblate):

* March 2022:

- 4 volunteers, one of them was already for long time active in the
LibreOffice design team
- work done: two lines in a readme, some lines of JS, CSS and icons

* April 2022:

- 4 volunteers, one of them is the long time active design team member,
another one is a current member of the board with an JS one liner
- work done: unify ui naming menubar js file, docker image build script,
CSS and the one line in a JS file

* May 2022:

- 2 volunteers, one of them is the long time active design team member
- work done: CSS

* June 2022:

- 2 volunteers, one of them is the long time active design team member
- work done: CSS and an icon

That doesn't seem like much to me.

If that would be the level necessary to avoid to archiving LOOL then it 
would be very easy.

Noticeable: except the long time LibreOffice design contributor the
volunteers committed only a very few patches and were only in one month
active (without one of them, who submitted another patch in a second
month, a further icon).

I guess we could set this a baseline metrics for keeping LOOL repository 

It seemed there is a big interest to set high barriers in that area and
to block initiative.

The condition applied are IMHO unfair as it sends out a message that 
could discourage many to even trying.

The fact that the promoters of the vote in the ESC and the board didn't 
even sent out a notification about what was about to happen surely 
doesn't sends out the message that they wanted supporter of LOOL to have 
a fair chance of reviving the project.

Even the number of voters in favour of that decision are fewer than
those required to pass the barrier ;-)


As stated in my answer to the "decision", it just needs to be re-run
with a text that would allow the community a chance to do something.

Are you anyway continuing to prepare a version of LOOL that could be
presented a candidate to start creating a community around it?

I'm working on that too, but that need some more time. I'm happy, if
someone wants to join me and create e.g. a docker build from the source.

Do you need technical help, computing resources, both?

I wouldn't know from where to start in building it from source (sorry 
can't do everything) but maybe some community members with more 
experience than me could help out?

Happy to lend you some resources on my infrastructure if that's what you 

And what I've learned within the communication during the last week(s).
There is no open communication and part of the game is to lead you by
the nose.

Could you elaborate on that?

I'm not sure I fully grasp the meaning of the above sentences.

The last part of this 'communication strategy' reached me in private on
July, 3rd at 7.29pm, when I was told that I should contribute objective
reason / points to the debate around LOOL and the decision about its
atticization for LibreOffice Online. And just some hours later on July,
4th, 3.11am the results of the decision were published on this list.
I had also the impression that I'm in a extra supervision here (and with
private emails).

Odd that also Daniel said he received similar emails.

Not sure if it's someone being overzealous in applying the 
'communication strategy' or a way of sending another type of message.

And as we are saying in Germany: Der Fisch stinkt vom Kopfe her.
That's the same saying we use in Italy but it's not clear what you

mean with it or to what/whom you are referring to.

Hope the above helped a bit.

It's very useful information but what would help even more is for the 
wider community to tell us clearly what they want.

... and naturally to see the result of your effort.




## Free Software Advocate
## Plone add-on developer
## My blog:

Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Legal details:

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [board-discuss] [DECISION] Delayed atticization for LibreOffice Online

2022-07-07 Thread Paolo Vecchi

Hi Daniel,

On 07/07/2022 22:04, Daniel A. Rodriguez wrote:

The long arm of the supervisor reaches several of us who dared to support the 
proposal to reopen the repo. In my case, trying to point out what can be said 
and what cannot.

That's not good at all.

Have you received these types of notifications previously?
Do you know of others that received communications that are meant to 
dissuade people from expressing their legitimate opinions?

Would you, and anyone else that received similar communications, be 
willing to send a complaint to the CoC team or a trusted director for 



Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Legal details:

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [board-discuss] [DECISION] Delayed atticization for LibreOffice Online

2022-07-06 Thread Paolo Vecchi

Hi Andreas,

On 06/07/2022 20:08, Andreas Mantke wrote:

Hi all,

Am 04.07.22 um 03:11 schrieb Thorsten Behrens:

Dear community,

the following vote happened after our Monday board call, on request as
a private email vote:

The board sees positive & constructive news around renewed
developer interest in LibreOffice Online. To further encourage
initiatives to collaborate on a single, TDF-hosted repository, the
board resolves to postpone formally atticizing Online for three
more months. Unless the de-atticization requirements [1] (3
different developers contributing non-trivially) are fulfilled by
then, and/or if necessary binding corporate commitments are not
made by 2022-10-01, Online will be automatically moved to the


it is very interesting to read this criteria and compare it with the git
log of COOL. It seemed even this Github repo (project) didn't  attract
the number of volunteers, which are requested in the decision proposal.

It's odd you say that as IIRC Mr Meeks said that since they move the 
project to Microsoft GitHub they had more contributors.

Are you by any chance able to substantiate your statement?

It seemed there is a big interest to set high barriers in that area and
to block initiative.

Even the number of voters in favour of that decision are fewer than 
those required to pass the barrier ;-)

As stated in my answer to the "decision", it just needs to be re-run 
with a text that would allow the community a chance to do something.

Are you anyway continuing to prepare a version of LOOL that could be 
presented a candidate to start creating a community around it?

And what I've learned within the communication during the last week(s).
There is no open communication and part of the game is to lead you by
the nose.

Could you elaborate on that?

I'm not sure I fully grasp the meaning of the above sentences.

And as we are saying in Germany: Der Fisch stinkt vom Kopfe her.

That's the same saying we use in Italy but it's not clear what you mean 
with it or to what/whom you are referring to.




## Free Software Advocate
## Plone add-on developer
## My blog:

Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Legal details:

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [board-discuss] re-discovering the Foundation roots?

2022-07-04 Thread Paolo Vecchi

Hi Uwe,

On 04/07/2022 18:22, Uwe Altmann wrote:

Am 28.06.22 um 20:39 schrieb Emiliano Vavassori:
I support that and I would love to hear a speech at the conference, 
possibly followed by a constructive discussion.

Uwe, are you candidating yourself?

I'm willing to prepare and moderate a session (similar to the one in 
Brno) If there is some interest within the community because it 
doesn't make sense to do this with three to five Persons new at the 
project as we had in Rome.

I believe it's important even if only the board is present as I have the 
impression that there are different views that are sometimes the cause 
of conflicts in the interpretation of what TDF should or should not do.

Then it would be great to have the sessions that I proposed for the 
board meeting in Berlin to explain a few things:

- the reasons why we have a CoI Policy and how it intersects with board 
decisions and charitable status
- the duty of the member of the board to take decisions for the benefit 
of TDF and not third parties
- what fiduciary duties are and how they affect board members from a 
point of view procedures, tasks and legal liabilities
- the duty of the member of the board to take informed decisions not 
just sending a +1 without checking potential issues related to a proposal
- maybe also a link to the announcement of the creation of TDF may 
provide a hint about the ideas behind the Foundation and its ethos 

That could help new members of the board in understanding what they have 
to take in consideration while performing their duties.



Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Legal details:

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [board-discuss] [DECISION] Delayed atticization for LibreOffice Online

2022-07-04 Thread Paolo Vecchi

Dear community,

for the record my rejection of the proposal as formulated has not been 

I repeatedly asked for various elements to be considered and to amend 
the text before being able to vote on it but that unfortunately hasn't 

My opinion is that the text doesn't take in consideration feedback and 
other issues which include:
    - discussion period of 24h too short as it covers one working day 
where people are busy with their day job
    - vote started after less than 21h at 18:53 when people coming back 
from work could have had time to rush in a comment
    - comments made during the meeting and in the mailing lists were 
not considered for inclusion in an actual compromise text
    - attempts to have an evaluation of the concerns expressed in time 
met no considerations
    - some managed to provide their opinion only in the vote reply but 
still no corrective actions have been taken
    - IMHO the chairman, as director of a company reselling COOL[0], 
should have declared a potential CoI and let the vice-chairman deal with 
the evaluation and inclusions of comments to make sure the process is 
seen by all as fully impartial regardless of actual CoIs.

I could have simply voted against and found ourselves once again in the 
same split situation we had in the original vote and that's what I 
wanted to avoid.

The main issues and missing elements I see in this proposal are:
    - LOOL should not be automatically archived, a full evaluation of 
the situation after a fair period of time should be done
    - the time frame is too short for a community to form (holiday 
season making it even more difficult) so 12 months could be a fair 
period of time
    - reopening of the repository with due warnings until LOOL is safe 
to use and activities show a healthy community forming

    - marketing to promote the creation of a community around LOOL
    - get more feedback from the wider community at LibOCon about the 
future of LOOL

    - finishing evaluating with commercial stakeholders the mutually

Without the above IMHO the proposal will lead only to one outcome.

Having said the above I ask to reconsider the decision and add it to the 
public part of the agenda for the next board meeting.




On 04/07/2022 03:11, Thorsten Behrens wrote:

Dear community,

the following vote happened after our Monday board call, on request as
a private email vote:

The board sees positive & constructive news around renewed
developer interest in LibreOffice Online. To further encourage
initiatives to collaborate on a single, TDF-hosted repository, the
board resolves to postpone formally atticizing Online for three
more months. Unless the de-atticization requirements [1] (3
different developers contributing non-trivially) are fulfilled by
then, and/or if necessary binding corporate commitments are not
made by 2022-10-01, Online will be automatically moved to the


The Board of Directors at the time of voting consists of 7 seat
holders (not including deputies). In order to be quorate, the vote
needs to have 1/2 or more of the Board of Directors members, which
gives 4.

A total of 6 Board of Directors members have participated in the vote.

The vote is quorate.

Result of vote: 2 approvals, 3 abstain, 1 disapproval.

**Decision: The proposal has been accepted.**

Two deputies support the proposal.

Participants to the vote were (in alphabetical order):

Ayhan, Caolán, Cor, Emiliano, Gabriel, Kendy, László, Thorsten

-- Thorsten

Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Legal details:

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [board-discuss] Work On Update LOOL (was Re: LOOL is about to be archived)

2022-07-03 Thread Paolo Vecchi

Hi all,

On 03/07/2022 00:21, Thorsten Behrens wrote:

Hi Andreas, all,

Andreas Mantke wrote:

Thus the board has to amend the result at least. And if the vote of the
member with a CoI was decisive the proposal was rejected.

Our current CoI policy makes some helpful distinctions between an
interest in something, and the determination of an actual conflict of
It does even if IMHO is not yet fully understood especially by new 
members of the board.

It would have been great that during the weekend, where unfortunately I 
was not present, the board took as first item the presentation of what 
is TDF as intended when it has been created, the explanation of the 
statutes and principles that should be the basis for understanding the 
role of BoD members and the CoI policy so that members could recognise 
when their actions and decisions are influenced by external factors 
and/or interests.

I've proposed that as I think it's essential for all members of the 
board to use that information as the basis on which to shape their 
debates and decisions.

Unfortunately it seems like no time has been made for it so we'll have 
to find time for a session where we should invite the founders and those 
that wrote the statutes to explain to us again what their vision was.

Then naturally we should have another session with our legal counsel 
which helped shaping the CoI Policy to explain in clear terms what it 
means and how it works.

  At the time, the vote was called & the decision published &
acted upon (so apparently there was no CoI determined).

Actually Andreas raised the issue of CoI but at the time we didn't have 
a clear definition of it:

Apart from the debate about the chairperson decisive vote, this comment 
would be totally correct today:

"In addition: as far as I know two members of the board have a CoI on
this topic. But only one board member abstained from voting (correct
behavior). The second approved the proposal, instead of abstaining. This
could be seen as a violation of his duties as a member of the board or
his loyalty for TDF. Thus his vote had to been rejected (and not counted

At the time I was not yet sure what to think about it as the rule wasn't 
clearly defined in the statutes and internal comment seem to indicate 
that we could not strictly consider it CoI.

When Collabora Productivity's general manager decided to fork LOOL he 
added at the end of his statement:

"Clearly Collabora participants would want to abstain on any board vote
to ship competing Online products, but do expect to be included in the
discussion around that."

That might induce some to think that he was aware that a vote on LOOL 
related items by person affiliated with Collabora Productivity would 
have triggered a CoI but he didn't, as member of the board, point out 
that the vote from his marketing manager should have been removed.

It is probably too late to invalidate that vote but it is not too late 
to do the right thing today and give LOOL another chance.

IMHO it is today clear that Collabora Productivity's employees and 
partners should be excluded from such vote and also from imposing their 
own proposals on how to deal with LOOL's future.

Non conflicted members should review the proposal that has been 
summarily put together by our chairman, whose company is a Collabora's 
partner, during the public part of Monday's board meeting and implement 
the relevant changes that would allow the proposals received to stand a 
chance to develop into an active community.

I don't think it is constructive to revisit the details of a decision
the previous board took in 2020.

It is important to look at the past to try to correct eventual mistakes 
and avoid repeating them.

If you want to change the status quo, I suggest you pledge your case
to the current board, with arguments not attacking an old vote, but
why the actual change would be needed.

I believe that's what Andreas has been trying to do.

Sometimes it is also important to understand what led to a specific 
situation to evaluate the measures that should be implemented to 
correctly deal with issues and proposals.


-- Thorsten



Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Legal details:

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [board-discuss] Work On Update LOOL (was Re: LOOL is about to be archived)

2022-07-01 Thread Paolo Vecchi

Hi Marco,

thanks for your clarifications.

On 29/06/2022 22:29, Marco Marinello wrote:

Il 27/06/22 13:31, Jan Holesovsky ha scritto:

Now the question is - does TDF want to be in a business of rebranding
other well behaving open source projects?

Yes. Specifically since a company decided to name after herself a
project that was - up to that moment - under TDFs umbrella.

I want to put it in black and white: being the most committing
contributor does not allow anyone to pick the source and move it away,
while have previously agreed to develop under a non profitable
foundation umbrella.
I suppose many read the same message and have been let to understand 
that it was the case.

Even Collabora's own website used to convey the same message at the time:

"Will it be hosted by The Document Foundation?
    Yes: It will be hosted by The Document Foundation, and contributed 
to the LibreOffice project in the normal way, as was done for the Smoose 
/ Collabora LibreOffice Viewer for Android, in accordance with 
Collabora’s open-first development policy.

Who will maintain LOOL after launch?
    Collabora will maintain it alongside the LibreOffice community, and 
all are welcome to contribute to development."

And for years also TDF invested on it and supported it with its own 
staff and infrastructure together with contributions from the wider 

"Today’s launch of the first LibreOffice application for Android pushes 
our community into exciting new waters. As we speak, new infrastructure 
is being prepared by Document Foundation Staff for documentation, 
translation, and bug reporting of the new app, laying the foundations 
for a busy future. This is just the beginning."

Looking at the communication and the promotion that LOOL had also from 
TDF, well before I joined the board, made me believe that LOOL should 
have been made available to the community and that's why I published my 
proposal 2 years ago:

The subsequent threads and board minutes provide a very interesting 
reading for those that want to understand more about what happened after 
I presented my proposal.

Regarding the freeze in my opinion should have never happened but at the 
time we didn't have a clear CoI Policy so a single vote from a what now 
would be considered a conflicted member of the board made that happen:

Emiliano had a very good take at the time which also explained why we 
haven't seen a lot of requests to contribute to LOOL up to now:

So it seems like there is more work needed to give LOOL an actual chance 
to restart as a proper community project under the TDF umbrella.

And - when you find out that COOL / LOOL is just the editing bit, in
other words, it does nothing without a file sync & sharing solution,
will you rebrand eg. Nextcloud or ownCloud to "LibreOffice Cloud" next?

No need to answer, I guess, since TDF is "The Document Foundation" and
not "The Cloud Foundation".


I don't think TDF should get into services provision, we promote our 
members of the ecosystem to do that, but I did propose at the time to 
have also TDF branded connectors for NextCloud, ownCloud, Univention, 
etc. so that users would have a choice (naturally notifying that 
supported/enterprise version were available from our members of the 
ecosystem) but unfortunately that choice has been removed from them.

All the best,




Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Legal details:

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [board-discuss] Another "merged" proposal of in-house developers

2022-06-29 Thread Paolo Vecchi

Hi Kendy,

On 29/06/2022 10:00, Jan Holesovsky wrote:

Can you please check the 2.3 once again, and merge those bits that are
acceptable for you, and I'll see how can I rephrase the rest, so that
we can finalize this, please?
I was hoping that the extensive rationale I provided when I sent out 
version 2.2 of the proposal helped in understanding that it would have 
been very difficult to read a document where I had to remove a lot of 
text and move back a lot of sentences to bring it back to an acceptable 

In the version where you brought back in the text that in my opinion 
should not be there in the first place I've written many comments to 
help out in further understanding what I think is wrong with version 2.3.

If we now take as a base the merged v 2.2 without all the problematic 
text you reintroduced then we should be much nearer to a finished document.



Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Legal details:

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [board-discuss] Another "merged" proposal of in-house developers

2022-06-27 Thread Paolo Vecchi

Hi Kendy,

On 27/06/2022 17:38, Jan Holesovsky wrote:

Thank you very much for that!

I've once again rebased the changes on top of yours, but I see we are
getting much closer; so in the


I've accepted your changes where we both agree, to avoid confusion in
change tracking, hope that's fine.
The differences are not that many apart from those that I could not 
accept as they impose limitations that have no place in an employment 

In the document v. 2.3 you just merged back the issues that will cause 
TDF to incur more costs and issues in finding the developers we need so 
we should not accept those changes-

If commercial contributors seek limitations on who employees should be 
and what they should do then the reasons should be made clear, they 
should be negotiated in public and should be valid for current and 
future commercial contributors.



Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Legal details:

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [board-discuss] Work On Update LOOL (was Re: LOOL is about to be archived)

2022-06-25 Thread Paolo Vecchi

Hi Sophie and all,

On 25/06/2022 01:44, sophi wrote:

Hi Andreas, all
Le 25/06/2022 à 00:05, Andreas Mantke a écrit :

Hi all,

FYI: I wrote a short blog post about my work. And for those who like
visuals, I added two ones.

Thanks a lot for your work on this, I really appreciate and welcome 
the efforts :) Maybe what we should do is to have an online meeting 
between you, Franklin, Daniel, Paolo and of course who in the 
community is interested to follow-up.

I'm very much in favour of it.

It is also important that you express your opinion during the board 

Coincidentally LOOL was put in Monday's agenda just to confirm its 
"disposal" so come to tell us what you think about it.

The new online version is a really good news for me (thanks a lot 
Franklin and Andreas for that), and I guess for a large part of the 
non European community (as well as for students, SMEs and so on). 
There is a clear interest in the community to have this online version.

There is still no "new online version", there are a couple of proposals 
on the table but it's up to all of us to make it happen.

This is for me rejoining part of the Foundation roots.

We might need a meeting dedicated to re-discovering the Foundation roots 
as I have the impression that some have different understanding of why 
TDF was created and what its role should be.

But we also have to think about the ecosystem and the value they have 
built upon this version and for us. I'm also concerned about this. We 
should not ignore it.

I fully agree with you but as TDF has grown and got more complex it is 
essential to set clear rules of engagement between TDF and the ecosystem.

I'm really happy that TDF come back in this dynamic, however I think a 
serious discussion have to take place between the ecosystem and TDF, 
not to stop TDF in acting like it was in the past, but to find a fair 
place to live for everybody.
I'm sure this place exists if all parties are ready to make an effort 
to reach a common goal.

You may have noticed some decisions that have been recently published, 
and there are more to come, showing that lots of work is being put into 
it so that we can ensure that there is a fair and predictable 
environment for current and future members of the ecosystem.

It takes time for a bunch of stubborn guys to get to some agreements but 
we are getting there. It would be great if we could have more diverse 
future boards to bring in different approaches to problem solving ;-)

I ask, if I may, everybody taking part to the discussion to have a 
deep thought to the international community we, at TDF, are committed 
to represent.

True and it would be great to have more feedback from other parts of the 

Hopefully once Decidim is up and running we'll have an easier way to 
collect feedback and ideas from the various community so that it will be 
easier to help each others.




Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
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Re: [board-discuss] Work On Update LOOL (was Re: LOOL is about to be archived)

2022-06-25 Thread Paolo Vecchi
not point to commercial versions of it.

As CODE/Collabora Online are LibreOffice Technology (TM), and for the 
healthy long-term LibreOffice development, I would like to see more 
contribution with Collabora Productivity. 

We should actually evaluate if those product should use the "LibreOffice 
Technology" branding.

When Collabora Productivity moved LOOL's code from TDF's repositories to 
GitHub the first thing that it has done was to remove the header "This 
file is part of the LibreOffice project" from all the files.

Subsequently even the variables names have been renamed from LOOL to COOL.

This, and other changes, show the intention of removing any indication 
that the product COOL actually originated from LOOL and every indication 
that the project was a result of a common effort which included TDF and 
the wider community.

In my opinion, as LOOL was, CODE is still the key for the survival of 

CODE is now a product fully managed by a commercial contributor that 
decided to sever all links from TDF in regards to that product so unless 
they finally agree to join forces again and backport the code to LOOL 
there is nothing much we can do about their product.

On-line drafting tools are surely useful for many uses and users but 
there are still billions of people that cannot/do not want to rely on 
Cloud services to edit their documents so LibreOffice desktop with lots 
more features and better usability will still be very much relevant for 
many years to come.

LOOL, and products based on it, is just one of the ways to offer on-line 
collaborative editing so we may also want to investigate other ways to 
make LibreOffice available on-line.

In the spirit of a successful free software contribution, respecting 
the decision of Collabora Productivity, TDF must help CODE 
development, as much as possible, for the sake of LibreOffice! 

Respect is a two way street, TDF kept its promises but the other party 
decided to fork regardless.

TDF invests in other Open Source software as it's the right thing to do 
and we could evaluate joint investments if we had a LOOL to give to our 
community but this time the rules of engagement should be very clear so 
that the third party does not walk away after having benefited from 
TDF's and our community's investments.

As a first step, we shouldn't hijack future CODE users and as 
described above, future (and recent) LibreOffice users and 
contributors with false hopes and misleading information.

When I accused people of creating false hopes and providing misleading 
information in regards to LOOL, that pushed me to propose to have a 
properly structured offering in collaboration with the major code 
contributor, I have done it with lots of supporting evidence.

You will find all the evidence in the board-discuss archives, in public 
board meeting minutes and, as now you are a board member and you should 
take decisions based on objective data, in board email exchanges that 
I'm very happy to share with you.

I do understand that you are a new member of the board and if you check 
your emails you will notice that one of my first recommendations was not 
to limit your choices on what you have been told but to verify things by 
looking for the relevant objective data or you risk being mislead by 
narratives that could be slightly biased.

Best regards,





On 21/06/2022 21:14, Andreas Mantke wrote:

Hi all,

only a short info that I'm currently working on an update of the LOOL
source code with the latest patches. Because I have an issue with my
newly bought hardware I had to migrate my environment (etc.) to another
hardware (will need some hours of spare time). Thus I was not able to
finish my work during this week.

If someone wants to join me, feel free to send me an email.
Once the necessary bits are done, I'll come back and try to make a
proposal for the further process to get LOOL back under the TDF 


Am 21.06.22 um 14:15 schrieb Paolo Vecchi:

Hi all,

just a heads up in case the community would like to come up with
proposals in regards to LibreOffice On-Line.

As you might be aware LOOL's repository has been frozen since the
major code contributor decided to move it to GitHub and not contribute
back to TDF's repository.

At the time there has been a debate about it but then nothing
actionable seems to have been proposed by the community since then.

Recently an ex-member of the ESC proposed to the ESC to archive LOOL
[0] and during the following ESC meeting no concerns were expressed
for doing so [1].

The "Attic Policy" [2], that has been written to archive obsolete
projects, states that the Board will need to vote on the archival
process to confirm ESC's choice.

It is likely that the board will need to vote on it soon so if the
community would like to do something with LOOL there might be a small
window of opportunity to have your

Re: [board-discuss] Re: LOOL is about to be archived

2022-06-24 Thread Paolo Vecchi

Hi Andreas,

it's great to see this types of cooperation offers.

I might be biased but I would prefer to see the project on TDF's 
infrastructure and covered by the appropriate agreements so that we can 
ensure we invest on a project that will clearly provide long term 
benefits for the wider community.



On 24/06/2022 12:23, Andreas Mantke wrote:

Hi Paolo, Franklin, all,

it would be great, if we could work together on a process to merge 
both branches together and get the community versions in sync. I think 
this could be done most easy on Github.


Am 24. Juni 2022 11:29:16 MESZ schrieb Paolo Vecchi 

Hi Franklin,

thanks for the great proposal.

As the LOOL archival discussion is planned for Monday I'll ask the
board to modify the agenda to start discussing your' and Andreas'

There is a lot that needs to be evaluated with the community to
see if and in which way we can make LOOL available for the
community again.



On 24/06/2022 06:37, Franklin Weng wrote:


Here I have a proposal: to have LOOL respository sync to another
LOOL-derived suite:

OxOOL is developed by OSSII in Taiwan, derived from LOOL.  It has
commercial version, which is several versions advanced to
community version, while the community version is also open
sourced.  Currently National Development Council Taiwan, the main
dominant unit of ODF policy in Taiwanese government, uses (forks)
this community version into "NDCODFweb":

which is also mainly supported by OSSII.

Besides NDCODFWeb and some other Taiwanese government units,
OxOOL is also used in different companies and products.  For
example, it is integrated into ASUS cloud Omnistor Office
(, OpenFind SecuShare
Pro ( It is
migrated into Pou Chen Group ( and some
other big anonymous companies.  Also, it is deployed in UNAU
( ).

OxOOL v4 will be released in a month and can be a good and useful
base to LOOL, also good to the LibreOffice community.

I'm not a representative of OSSII, but the GM of OSSII told me
that they are happy to share the community version.

In this proposal there are two ways to relive LOOL:

1. To sync current LOOL with patches from OxOOL community v4,
which may technically take more time and efforts.

2. Start a new repository from OxOOL community v4, which I'll say
that it is actually a "fast forward" from current status since
OxOOL is also derived from LOOL, though a bit far before. It will
be technically easier than 1., just that maybe some community
people may feel uneasy or unhappy with this way.

Both ways are okay for me, as long as LOOL can be relived. 
However no matter which way, IMO TDF needs to employ in-house
developers (independent from *any* ecosystem member) for
rerunning LOOL.  The second option, which is my prefer option, is
a lot easier technically and in-house developers would just need
to (cowork with community members and OSSII to) maintain LOOL

Features in OxOOL commercial version are mostly (customized)
requests from customers and hence may not necessarily need to be
backported (to community version), but the GM of OSSII also
promised that OxOOL Commercial version functions (which they
think good / necessary to be back ported) and bugfixes will be
back ported to LOOL (and OxOOL community version too).

Of course, after reliving LOOL all developers are welcomed to
contribute to LOOL.

Details can be discussed with OSSII.


Paolo Vecchi 於 2022/6/21 20:15 寫道:

Hi all,

just a heads up in case the community would like to come up with
proposals in regards to LibreOffice On-Line.

As you might be aware LOOL's repository has been frozen since
the major code contributor decided to move it to GitHub and not
contribute back to TDF's repository.

At the time there has been a debate about it but then nothing
actionable seems to have been proposed by the community since then.

Recently an ex-member of the ESC proposed to the ESC to archive
LOOL [0] and during the following ESC meeting no concerns were
expressed for doing so [1].

The "Attic Policy" [2], that has been written to archive
obsolete projects, states that the Board will need to vote on
the archival process to confirm ESC's choice.

It is likely that the board will need to vote on it soon so if
the community would 

Re: [board-discuss] Re: LOOL is about to be archived

2022-06-24 Thread Paolo Vecchi

Hi Simon,

thanks for bringing up those points.

On 24/06/2022 11:49, Simon Phipps wrote:

Hi Franklin,.

Why is this better than working with the version Collabora (who 
actually contribute to TDF's work) maintain?

I believe that Collabora has been explicitly asked a few time if they 
were available to contribute back to LOOL but we never received any 
answer or signs of goodwill.

OSSII has been working on a fork of LOOL for quite a while and is kindly 
offering to share it back for the community to enjoy it.

They also offer a commercial version so it will be important to set 
clear rules to avoid the conflicts we have seen in the past.

Why should TDF hire developers to maintain code for the Taiwanese 

IMHO, unless we are talking about quick fixes, in-house developers 
should not focus on LOOL.

However there could be opportunities to develop synergies with OSSII and 
the Taiwanese community on CJK issues as together with RTL bug fixes 
will enable a couple of billion people to use LibreOffice properly in 
their own languages.





On Fri, Jun 24, 2022 at 5:47 AM Franklin Weng 


Here I have a proposal: to have LOOL respository sync to another
LOOL-derived suite:

OxOOL is developed by OSSII in Taiwan, derived from LOOL.  It has
commercial version, which is several versions advanced to
community version, while the community version is also open
sourced.  Currently National Development Council Taiwan, the main
dominant unit of ODF policy in Taiwanese government, uses (forks)
this community version into "NDCODFweb":

which is also mainly supported by OSSII.

Besides NDCODFWeb and some other Taiwanese government units, OxOOL
is also used in different companies and products.  For example, it
is integrated into ASUS cloud Omnistor Office
(, OpenFind SecuShare
Pro ( It is
migrated into Pou Chen Group ( and some
other big anonymous companies.  Also, it is deployed in UNAU
( ).

OxOOL v4 will be released in a month and can be a good and useful
base to LOOL, also good to the LibreOffice community.

I'm not a representative of OSSII, but the GM of OSSII told me
that they are happy to share the community version.

In this proposal there are two ways to relive LOOL:

1. To sync current LOOL with patches from OxOOL community v4,
which may technically take more time and efforts.

2. Start a new repository from OxOOL community v4, which I'll say
that it is actually a "fast forward" from current status since
OxOOL is also derived from LOOL, though a bit far before. It will
be technically easier than 1., just that maybe some community
people may feel uneasy or unhappy with this way.

Both ways are okay for me, as long as LOOL can be relived. 
However no matter which way, IMO TDF needs to employ in-house
developers (independent from *any* ecosystem member) for rerunning
LOOL.  The second option, which is my prefer option, is a lot
easier technically and in-house developers would just need to
(cowork with community members and OSSII to) maintain LOOL

Features in OxOOL commercial version are mostly (customized)
requests from customers and hence may not necessarily need to be
backported (to community version), but the GM of OSSII also
promised that OxOOL Commercial version functions (which they think
good / necessary to be back ported) and bugfixes will be back
ported to LOOL (and OxOOL community version too).

Of course, after reliving LOOL all developers are welcomed to
contribute to LOOL.

Details can be discussed with OSSII.


*Simon Phipps*
/TDF Trustee/

Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Legal details:

Re: [board-discuss] Re: LOOL is about to be archived

2022-06-24 Thread Paolo Vecchi

Hi Daniel,

thanks for sharing your experience with OxOOL!

We definitely have to look at it in more details.

LOOL is in the agenda for Monday's BoD meeting, please come along to 
comment about it.



On 24/06/2022 12:00, Daniel A. Rodriguez wrote:
As Franklin mentioned, the university where I work (UNAU) is using 
OxOOL since 2020. And works like a charm have to add.

Would love to have it's features as LOOL base.

El 24 de junio de 2022 1:37:32 a. m. GMT-03:00, Franklin Weng 


Here I have a proposal: to have LOOL respository sync to another
LOOL-derived suite:

OxOOL is developed by OSSII in Taiwan, derived from LOOL. It has
commercial version, which is several versions advanced to
community version, while the community version is also open
sourced.  Currently National Development Council Taiwan, the main
dominant unit of ODF policy in Taiwanese government, uses (forks)
this community version into "NDCODFweb":

which is also mainly supported by OSSII.

Besides NDCODFWeb and some other Taiwanese government units, OxOOL
is also used in different companies and products.  For example, it
is integrated into ASUS cloud Omnistor Office
(, OpenFind SecuShare
Pro ( It is
migrated into Pou Chen Group ( and some
other big anonymous companies.  Also, it is deployed in UNAU
( ).

OxOOL v4 will be released in a month and can be a good and useful
base to LOOL, also good to the LibreOffice community.

I'm not a representative of OSSII, but the GM of OSSII told me
that they are happy to share the community version.

In this proposal there are two ways to relive LOOL:

1. To sync current LOOL with patches from OxOOL community v4,
which may technically take more time and efforts.

2. Start a new repository from OxOOL community v4, which I'll say
that it is actually a "fast forward" from current status since
OxOOL is also derived from LOOL, though a bit far before. It will
be technically easier than 1., just that maybe some community
people may feel uneasy or unhappy with this way.

Both ways are okay for me, as long as LOOL can be relived. However
no matter which way, IMO TDF needs to employ in-house developers
(independent from *any* ecosystem member) for rerunning LOOL.  The
second option, which is my prefer option, is a lot easier
technically and in-house developers would just need to (cowork
with community members and OSSII to) maintain LOOL repository.

Features in OxOOL commercial version are mostly (customized)
requests from customers and hence may not necessarily need to be
backported (to community version), but the GM of OSSII also
promised that OxOOL Commercial version functions (which they think
good / necessary to be back ported) and bugfixes will be back
ported to LOOL (and OxOOL community version too).

Of course, after reliving LOOL all developers are welcomed to
contribute to LOOL.

Details can be discussed with OSSII.


Paolo Vecchi 於 2022/6/21 20:15 寫道:

Hi all,

just a heads up in case the community would like to come up with
proposals in regards to LibreOffice On-Line.

As you might be aware LOOL's repository has been frozen since the
major code contributor decided to move it to GitHub and not
contribute back to TDF's repository.

At the time there has been a debate about it but then nothing
actionable seems to have been proposed by the community since then.

Recently an ex-member of the ESC proposed to the ESC to archive
LOOL [0] and during the following ESC meeting no concerns were
expressed for doing so [1].

The "Attic Policy" [2], that has been written to archive obsolete
projects, states that the Board will need to vote on the archival
process to confirm ESC's choice.

It is likely that the board will need to vote on it soon so if
the community would like to do something with LOOL there might be
a small window of opportunity to have your preferences on what to
do with it heard.

If nobody comes along proposing to look after it and update if so
that it could be brought back into an usable form for the
community then the board might have to vote for having LOOL





[2] https://wiki.documentfoundatio

[board-discuss] Re: LOOL is about to be archived

2022-06-24 Thread Paolo Vecchi

Hi Franklin,

thanks for the great proposal.

As the LOOL archival discussion is planned for Monday I'll ask the board 
to modify the agenda to start discussing your' and Andreas' proposal.

There is a lot that needs to be evaluated with the community to see if 
and in which way we can make LOOL available for the community again.



On 24/06/2022 06:37, Franklin Weng wrote:


Here I have a proposal: to have LOOL respository sync to another 
LOOL-derived suite: 

OxOOL is developed by OSSII in Taiwan, derived from LOOL.  It has 
commercial version, which is several versions advanced to community 
version, while the community version is also open sourced.  Currently 
National Development Council Taiwan, the main dominant unit of ODF 
policy in Taiwanese government, uses (forks) this community version 
into "NDCODFweb": <>

which is also mainly supported by OSSII.

Besides NDCODFWeb and some other Taiwanese government units, OxOOL is 
also used in different companies and products.  For example, it is 
integrated into ASUS cloud Omnistor Office 
(, OpenFind SecuShare Pro 
( It is migrated 
into Pou Chen Group ( and some other big 
anonymous companies.  Also, it is deployed in UNAU 
( ).

OxOOL v4 will be released in a month and can be a good and useful base 
to LOOL, also good to the LibreOffice community.

I'm not a representative of OSSII, but the GM of OSSII told me that 
they are happy to share the community version.

In this proposal there are two ways to relive LOOL:

1. To sync current LOOL with patches from OxOOL community v4, which 
may technically take more time and efforts.

2. Start a new repository from OxOOL community v4, which I'll say that 
it is actually a "fast forward" from current status since OxOOL is 
also derived from LOOL, though a bit far before. It will be 
technically easier than 1., just that maybe some community people may 
feel uneasy or unhappy with this way.

Both ways are okay for me, as long as LOOL can be relived. However no 
matter which way, IMO TDF needs to employ in-house developers 
(independent from *any* ecosystem member) for rerunning LOOL.  The 
second option, which is my prefer option, is a lot easier technically 
and in-house developers would just need to (cowork with community 
members and OSSII to) maintain LOOL repository.

Features in OxOOL commercial version are mostly (customized) requests 
from customers and hence may not necessarily need to be backported (to 
community version), but the GM of OSSII also promised that OxOOL 
Commercial version functions (which they think good / necessary to be 
back ported) and bugfixes will be back ported to LOOL (and OxOOL 
community version too).

Of course, after reliving LOOL all developers are welcomed to 
contribute to LOOL.

Details can be discussed with OSSII.


Paolo Vecchi 於 2022/6/21 20:15 寫道:

Hi all,

just a heads up in case the community would like to come up with 
proposals in regards to LibreOffice On-Line.

As you might be aware LOOL's repository has been frozen since the 
major code contributor decided to move it to GitHub and not 
contribute back to TDF's repository.

At the time there has been a debate about it but then nothing 
actionable seems to have been proposed by the community since then.

Recently an ex-member of the ESC proposed to the ESC to archive LOOL 
[0] and during the following ESC meeting no concerns were expressed 
for doing so [1].

The "Attic Policy" [2], that has been written to archive obsolete 
projects, states that the Board will need to vote on the archival 
process to confirm ESC's choice.

It is likely that the board will need to vote on it soon so if the 
community would like to do something with LOOL there might be a small 
window of opportunity to have your preferences on what to do with it 

If nobody comes along proposing to look after it and update if so 
that it could be brought back into an usable form for the community 
then the board might have to vote for having LOOL archived.





Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Legal details:

Re: [board-discuss] Work On Update LOOL (was Re: LOOL is about to be archived)

2022-06-23 Thread Paolo Vecchi

Hi Andreas,

thank you for letting us know that you are working on it.

Ideally it would be great to have a few developers working on it, 
especially to fix known security issues, and sufficient activity to make 
it viable.

It is true that LOOL has been in a kind of limbo. The repository has 
been frozen "temporarily" but it kind of became a permanent situation.

In your opinion, would reopening the repository for 12 months provide 
enough time for a community to form around it?

It would require warnings until all the security bugs have been fixed 
and that it might not be well maintained until we see constant and 
sufficient activity but it could be an option to make it up for the 
longer than expected temporary freeze of the repository.

If after 12 months we don't see much activity then we could be certain 
that the community is not really interested in working on LOOL.

It would be great to know if others have other 
takes/options/alternatives on this subject.



On 21/06/2022 21:14, Andreas Mantke wrote:

Hi all,

only a short info that I'm currently working on an update of the LOOL
source code with the latest patches. Because I have an issue with my
newly bought hardware I had to migrate my environment (etc.) to another
hardware (will need some hours of spare time). Thus I was not able to
finish my work during this week.

If someone wants to join me, feel free to send me an email.
Once the necessary bits are done, I'll come back and try to make a
proposal for the further process to get LOOL back under the TDF umbrella.


Am 21.06.22 um 14:15 schrieb Paolo Vecchi:

Hi all,

just a heads up in case the community would like to come up with
proposals in regards to LibreOffice On-Line.

As you might be aware LOOL's repository has been frozen since the
major code contributor decided to move it to GitHub and not contribute
back to TDF's repository.

At the time there has been a debate about it but then nothing
actionable seems to have been proposed by the community since then.

Recently an ex-member of the ESC proposed to the ESC to archive LOOL
[0] and during the following ESC meeting no concerns were expressed
for doing so [1].

The "Attic Policy" [2], that has been written to archive obsolete
projects, states that the Board will need to vote on the archival
process to confirm ESC's choice.

It is likely that the board will need to vote on it soon so if the
community would like to do something with LOOL there might be a small
window of opportunity to have your preferences on what to do with it

If nobody comes along proposing to look after it and update if so that
it could be brought back into an usable form for the community then
the board might have to vote for having LOOL archived.




## Free Software Advocate
## Plone add-on developer
## My blog:

Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Legal details:

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[board-discuss] Another "merged" proposal of in-house developers

2022-06-22 Thread Paolo Vecchi

Hi all,

as finally many of the changes requested by other proposals are clear 
I've integrated what makes sense to have on a developers recruitment 
proposal and added a few items clarifying some aspect in version 2.2 (in 
ODF format) of this "merged" proposal that you'll find here together 
with the other proposal:

Those that don't have access to that folder or don't want to 
edit/comment it can access a PDF version from here:

*What changed:*
I've adapted a few sentences/words to get closer to the other proposal 
where possible and eliminated some sentences/words that might not add 
much to the context.

I've also reinstated the app store area as now is not controversial anymore.
There is a specific paragraph stating that in-house developers are not 
bound by ESC decisions.

Overall the original logic is still there but showing a lower number of 
differences to the other proposal.

*What is still different:*
The developers do not need to be senior or already capable of mentoring, 
training them is part of our goals so we should do that

The focus is clearly on the development side with mentoring to be done 
when the developers are ready and willing

There is less focus on the ESC handling the task and more on staff 
dealing with it as developers are going to be part of TDF's staff so 
they shouldn't be told what to do by non employees of TDF or the Board.

*What is not there:*
The section related to "Targeted Developers" as it's a construct that 
imposes limitations on what TDF's staff can do. We will employ in-house 
developers that will work for the best interest of TDF and it's wider 
community which initially will surely focus on specific areas, the 
"Focus Areas", but over the years could cover other areas if they like 
it and it's necessary.

I believe that a candidate reading that an organisation is looking for 
"targeted developers" might already feel the limitation of the role and 
the lack of opportunities for personal growth so we might prefer to 
welcome in-house developers that won't feel that limitations as full 
members of TDF's staff.

ESC deciding and having a final word on "overlaps in the development of 
the LibreOffice code" is too broad as it might imply also development 
related to projects, features or bug fixes on which a third party might 
have interests expressed through the ESC which at present has no CoI 
Policy. Limitations imposed on TDF's staff that satisfy the 
interests/needs of third parties, or in some cases both TDF and third 
parties, should be part of a separate agreement, not a recruitment proposal.

Other similar limitations, including non competition or development of 
alternative implementation to (eg.) "Collabora Online, mdds, or cppunit" 
have not been included in this version as they should be covered by 
separate agreements which are independent to TDF's staff recruitment.

Contracts with subcontractors, trainers and specialists do not belong in 
a recruitment proposal. Additional support or training will be taken in 
consideration once we have evaluated the candidates and when our mentors 
will inform us of what is necessary.

Development contracts present in the other proposal will follow the due 
tendering process.

I hope that the rationale for not including certain areas, terms and 
limitations is clear to all in this "merged" proposal and that we can 
proceed in finding great candidates to join our team as soon as possible.



Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Legal details:

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

[board-discuss] LOOL is about to be archived

2022-06-21 Thread Paolo Vecchi

Hi all,

just a heads up in case the community would like to come up with 
proposals in regards to LibreOffice On-Line.

As you might be aware LOOL's repository has been frozen since the major 
code contributor decided to move it to GitHub and not contribute back to 
TDF's repository.

At the time there has been a debate about it but then nothing actionable 
seems to have been proposed by the community since then.

Recently an ex-member of the ESC proposed to the ESC to archive LOOL [0] 
and during the following ESC meeting no concerns were expressed for 
doing so [1].

The "Attic Policy" [2], that has been written to archive obsolete 
projects, states that the Board will need to vote on the archival 
process to confirm ESC's choice.

It is likely that the board will need to vote on it soon so if the 
community would like to do something with LOOL there might be a small 
window of opportunity to have your preferences on what to do with it heard.

If nobody comes along proposing to look after it and update if so that 
it could be brought back into an usable form for the community then the 
board might have to vote for having LOOL archived.




Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Legal details:

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [Meta] Discussing in board-discuss [ was: Re: [board-discuss] Merged proposal for in-house developers at TDF]

2022-06-12 Thread Paolo Vecchi

Hi Simon,

On 12/06/2022 12:42, Simon Phipps wrote:

Please note that I have (intentionally) refrained from responding to 
earlier messages. But no-one (including you) was addressing the 
repeated negative framing of Andreas' many e-mails so I offered a 
contribution from experience to balance it.

Some actually addressed Andreas' emails and understood the requests for 
a positive change for TDF.

If others wants to look away when there are criticisms they a free to do 
it but then they shouldn't negatively affect those that wants to fix issues.

> By entering into a dialogue. By hearing and evolving compromises
> other members through selecting positive elements of their
> contributions.

I'd generally agree, but what I can read from the thread is that some
discussions and objections are less likely to be acknowledged and
recognized, and taken as a basis to work on a positive compromise,
mostly because that is not coming from a long-time contributor. 

Doing everything by text-only for two years has been extremely toxic.

The positive side of it is that we now have clear records in email 
threads that allowed us to pinpoint issues that then had to be dealt with.

not the case for Andreas, who you are confirming he is akin to the
Foundation since a lot of time.

Andreas was one of the founding generation of TDF so has been involved 
in the project for a long time, yes. He contributed great work on  
infrastructure and deserves credit for it. He was unhappy when TDF 
migrated from Plone and I believe felt insulted by that step because 
his work was lost, which we regretted. I do understand that 
frustration, and have experienced it myself.

Regardless of the reasons behind his will to participate to discussions 
I found Andreas' contributions very useful. Sometimes he's very direct 
but we have to accept that there are different communication styles and 
that we can't block or refer to the CoC people only because they say 
something that might not conform with our own ideas.

I hope that more community members will find the courage to speak out if 
they see that there are issues that need to be dealt with.

> How should members voice their concerns when they see entryists
> the project and old unsettled grudges being repeatedly raised
> of how they are answered?

Let's start by acknowledging that if there are objections and they
even consistently confirmed from long relationships and from short
possibly something to discuss is there.

Absolutely right. My original message however was to indicate that 
there is a very old problem that has not been "let go" and which 
newcomers might not recognise, and its repetition should probably not 
be heavily weighted as an indicator of the validity of the concerns 

Old problems should not be "let go" they should be evaluated objectively 
and addressed.

If Andreas was demanding that we re-implemented his Plone infrastructure 
I'll be one of those saying that it's probably better if he "let go" but 
as far as I can see Andreas comments had nothing to do with it and all 
to do with improving our processes, increasing transparency and adding 
bits of information that are difficult to source as they might be spread 
in old email archives.

I've been on the receiving side of Andreas' effort to keep an eye on 
board's decisions pointing out potential issues and I've actually 
appreciated that. I think there should be more people like him to keep 
the board in check and make sure we don't get too complacent or reliant 
on a narrative coming from only one source.


*Simon Phipps*
/TDF Trustee/



Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Legal details:

Re: [Meta] Discussing in board-discuss [ was: Re: [board-discuss] Merged proposal for in-house developers at TDF]

2022-06-12 Thread Paolo Vecchi



On 12/06/2022 12:03, Emiliano Vavassori wrote:

Hi Simon,

Il 12/06/22 11:17, Simon Phipps ha scritto:
They are to help newcomers like you become aware that the complaints 
being made are not in fact new or related to the current situation 
but date back to a dispute that is many years old and still 
unresolved due to personal enmities.

That is still setting a (partial, angled) framing of the situation (as 
Andreas was doing, to some extent).

What still worries me is that said frictions are still there after a 
lot of years and weren't solved, and honestly I don't buy it is a 
constellation of personal issues, rather than a misunderstanding on 
how effectively implement the shared goals we all should have.

I am sorry you do not find this helpful, but being aware of the true 
history of the project (especially at a time when there are voices 
trying to reframe history) is very important and refusing to do so 
may lead to incorrect assumptions and the acceptance of untrue framing.

I didn't say I found it useless, I said it wouldn't really still help 
with moving the general balance of the discussion towards a positive 
outcome, which was the main objections to Andreas' mails.

By entering into a dialogue. By hearing and evolving compromises with 
other members through selecting positive elements of their 

I'd generally agree, but what I can read from the thread is that some 
discussions and objections are less likely to be acknowledged and 
recognized, and taken as a basis to work on a positive compromise, 
mostly because that is not coming from a long-time contributor. That's 
not the case for Andreas, who you are confirming he is akin to the 
Foundation since a lot of time.

How should members voice their concerns when they see entryists 
harming the project and old unsettled grudges being repeatedly raised 
regardless of how they are answered?

Let's start by acknowledging that if there are objections and they are 
even consistently confirmed from long relationships and from short 
ones, possibly something to discuss is there.


Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Legal details:

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Posting guidelines + more:
List archive:
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Re: [board-discuss] Merged proposal for in-house developers at TDF

2022-06-12 Thread Paolo Vecchi

Hi Simon,

On 12/06/2022 11:17, Simon Phipps wrote:

Hi Emilliano,

On Sun, Jun 12, 2022 at 9:31 AM Emiliano Vavassori 

Hi Simon,

Il 11/06/22 20:02, Simon Phipps ha scritto:
> I will remind you
> that you started this negative approach about how TDF is acting
> illegally when you and I were on the Board together last decade.

I'm honestly struggling to see how your comments can be thought as

They are to help newcomers like you become aware that the complaints 
being made are not in fact new or related to the current situation but 
date back to a dispute that is many years old and still unresolved due 
to personal enmities.

I was a newcomer in 2020 and I didn't get much help from you or other 
old members of the board in understanding the past to take decision for 
the future of TDF.

I had to spend a lot of time reading lots of minutes of past meetings 
and keep asking difficult questions to get to the point where I could 
clearly see that some decisions being passed down to us (eg TDC) had 
issues that haven't been considered.

It is good to have people like Andreas that point out issues that should 
be evaluated by newcomers before they fall into a group thinking 
situation that does not help with addressing problems and moving forward.

I am sorry you do not find this helpful, but being aware of the true 
history of the project (especially at a time when there are voices 
trying to reframe history) is very important and refusing to do so may 
lead to incorrect assumptions and the acceptance of untrue framing.

It is important to learn about the past to plan for the future. 
Discovering some details that are not widely publicised helps in fixing 
some issues that have been overlooked.

TDF is not just a small group of friends developing LibreOffice any 
more, it is now a larger organisation that needs to apply some rules so 
that it creates a level playing field for everyone that wants to 
contribute in many ways, not only with code which for some seems to be 
the only measure if some people or organisations are more equal than others.

And how should users and members should voice their unsettlement,
without risking to be stopped at every corner and called out for
violations of CoC.

By entering into a dialogue. By hearing and evolving compromises with 
other members through selecting positive elements of their 
contributions. By collaborating together even when uncomfortable. By 
respecting the honest contributions of long-time contributors. This 
place is hardly a close venue.

Compromises and unanimity in decisions would be great but are not always 
possible as some points of view are too far apart.

Some cling very hard onto their acquired positions and it is very 
difficult and frustrating to get them to understand that times have 
changed and that is not only their code that makes TDF, our community 
and LibreOffice great for all.

Even when compromises have been agreed some decide to walk away and not 
contribute back to a project like LOOL that isn't made up only by code 
but also by lots of contributions from the rest of our community.

How should members voice their concerns when they see entryists 
harming the project and old unsettled grudges being repeatedly raised 
regardless of how they are answered?

"Entryists" bring also fresher, different point of views and ask the 
questions that some don't want to hear. "Entryists" helped in stopping a 
project you promoted that would have been damaging for TDF and our 
community, "entryists" tried to bring clarity on what LOOL really was 
and found out that reality was different from what was promoted, 
"entryists" got finally a CoI Policy in place for the board and (IMHO) 
should implement it also for the ESC, "entryists" are still working on 
lots of other improvements that will help TDF serve better its community.

So yes, "entryists" should look at both side of the arguments, dig 
deeper in their merits and then promote the required changes.

I hope you noticed the usefulness of "entryists" and that you will help 
them with unbiased information in future instead of attacking them 
because they haven't conformed with your views.


*Simon Phipps*
/TDF Trustee/



Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
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Re: [board-discuss] Merged proposal for in-house developers at TDF

2022-06-11 Thread Paolo Vecchi
s no barrier for hiring
developers. The latter is the better choice because TDF get more impact
on the development process and gain more in-house knowledge. This would
also help TDF e.g. to more easily participate in the GSoC

The hope is that there will be many applicants, and that we'll have
possibility to choose two.  But if there is only one good
candidate, I
think we should not start another round of interviews until we
the experience - because the process is expensive & time consuming.

What about "... will not develop alternative implementations of
Source projects actively maintained by LibreOffice volunteer or
corporate contributors."?

LOOL could be an example, but there is eg. the Kohei's mdds (that
essential for the Calc core), or Moggi's maintenance of cppunit -
hosted on freedesktop, but using LibreOffice bugzilla for

That still seems a bit to be too generic to me.

For the moment, I've at least adapted it to the above, but happy to go
further there, if you can propose a wording please?

Also I was thinking of something like "TDF in-house developers will
encourage up-streaming in case their work ends up as a modification of
an external LibreOffice project." (to target things like PDFium etc.)

OK, I've added the explicit list as examples.

it is not in the interest of TDF / LibreOffice community to exclude
areas of development per se. If the LibreOffice community and the board
thinks the development of a product, a module etc. is important and
necessary for the future / the (further) growth of the program / the
community it had to be able to point his development resources (in-house
or else) into that direction. No commercial / free software company has
the right to distract the foundation from doing that. Thus it is not
appropriate to add such sentences to the proposal.

As above, if there must be an agreement with third parties then that 
must be valid for all and written in a document that has nothing to do 
with the employment of new members of the staff.

And from my impression the 'merged proposal' is a paper to prune TDF's
freedom and to support only commercial companies. But such a proposal is
never in the best interest of the foundation and the board should
abstain to vote for such a proposal.

IMHO that proposal isn't viable anymore for many reasons including those 
expressed above.

I hope we will finally get back to the original purpose of the proposal 
and approve it ASAP.




## Free Software Advocate
## Plone add-on developer
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Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors
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Re: [board-discuss] Merged proposal for in-house developers at TDF

2022-06-09 Thread Paolo Vecchi

Hi Thorsten,

On 08/06/2022 22:35, Thorsten Behrens wrote:

Dear list,

Andreas Mantke wrote:

Interestingly I cannot remember TDF ever tendering for LibreOffice
Online work, can you please point me to the details?

TDF tendered in 2014/2015 the work for the Android editing, which was
explained to the board also as important for LOOL.

That seems to be a very technical argument (on both sides); in any
case I doubt that a discussion of something that happend 8 years ago
helps us in moving the developer hiring proposal forward.

Something that had a clear start, progression and support from TDF 
during the past 7 years shows the risks we may incur when different 
interests influence TDF and our community.

As such, lets please get back to the topic.

Paolo Vecchi wrote:

With a very odd timing the 02/06/2022 Mr Meeks added to the ESC agenda,
during the meeting, the request to actually kill LOOL. From the emails on
board-discuss it seems clear that that he doesn't want that in-house
developers to even thinking about reviving LOOL to make sure TDF cannot
promote even a basic version of it.

Same here - mixing lots of other topics into this discussion is not
useful in us making progress.

Promoting an ineffective and expensive way to get some mentors and the 
proposal of killing LOOL are related as coming from a single person that 
might have conflicting interests and is not even a member of the ESC.

It is also premature, since the ESC is still discussing the

There isn't and hasn't been much debate going on and the ESC has been 
asked to vote today about killing LOOL.

Debating the merits of the proposal should happen there, not
here (for the while). Unless the board wants to run its own, competing
motion for how to deal with the Online repo (which I would consider

IMHO the ESC should deal with purely engineering issues, the 
intervention from a non ESC members shows that it has been abused as a 
"political" tool.

What happened during the past 2 ESC meetings should be thoroughly 
investigated to see if undue influence from a conflicted party is an 
acceptable behaviour.


-- Thorsten



Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors
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Re: [board-discuss] Merged proposal for in-house developers at TDF

2022-06-08 Thread Paolo Vecchi

Hi Andreas,

On 08/06/2022 19:53, Andreas Mantke wrote:

Hi all,

Am 06.06.22 um 13:18 schrieb Jan Holesovsky:

Hi Andreas,

Andreas Mantke píše v Ne 05. 06. 2022 v 19:12 +0200:

If I remember correctly TDF has paid a big part of work on the basics
LOOL. And maybe some former / current board member recognize which
company was paid for that work from donation money.

Interestingly I cannot remember TDF ever tendering for LibreOffice
Online work, can you please point me to the details?

TDF tendered in 2014/2015 the work for the Android editing, which was
explained to the board also as important for LOOL. Thus this project was
payed from the LibreOffice donation money. The biggest part of this work
(according to the prize) was done by Collabora productivity.

thanks for the reminder.

Since then Collabora also benefited a lot from TDF's marketing, 
infrastructure and community support.

That was all part of the discussion which has been ignored during the 
negotiation to get LOOL made available to the community but then they 
unilaterally decided to move to GitHub and not backport any fixes or 

With a very odd timing the 02/06/2022 Mr Meeks added to the ESC agenda, 
during the meeting, the request to actually kill LOOL. From the emails 
on board-discuss it seems clear that that he doesn't want that in-house 
developers to even thinking about reviving LOOL to make sure TDF cannot 
promote even a basic version of it.

[But I may be wrong - as said, I have nothing to do with TDF tending
process, so maybe I've missed something?]

I made a research in an archive and found out that the document with the
offer from Collabora was created by Jan Holesovsky with LibreOffice 4.2
on Oct., 6 2014.

I guess anyone can forget to have created the documents that lead to the 
financing and support by TDF and the community of one of their major 

Now that Kendy has been reminded from where LOOL came from he will 
probably vote differently the request to kill it in the ESC.




## Free Software Advocate
## Plone add-on developer
## My blog:

Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors
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Re: [board-discuss] [DECISION] TDF to publish LibreOffice in app stores

2022-06-08 Thread Paolo Vecchi



On 08/06/2022 16:45, Caolán McNamara wrote:

On Wed, 2022-06-08 at 11:44 +0200, Florian Effenberger wrote:

happy to update the vote template if the board is fine with that.

All board members are on this list, so we can gather some feedback.

Yeah, I'm content to see that information presented by default.

Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
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Re: [board-discuss] Re: In-house developers proposal v 2.1

2022-06-08 Thread Paolo Vecchi

Hi Michael,

I prefer to avoid going into details as people should draw their 
conclusions by looking at timing and people involved by looking at the 
ESC meeting minutes and your proposal.

On 08/06/2022 10:40, Michael Meeks wrote:

Hi Paolo,

On 08/06/2022 09:18, Paolo Vecchi wrote:
That is a copy/paste from a text the general manager of a commercial 
contributor sent the 23/05

It is not the greatest vote of confidence in your position that 
you critique the source of a counter-proposal rather than the proposal 
itself: please play the ball not the man.

Actions have been performed by people, in this case you and Kendy.

As I've been told off for stating facts and not naming people so I guess 
I have to make it clear who did what and when.

A sequence of events/coincidences show that some proposals are more 
equal than others and clear objections that make your proposal more 
complicated, expensive and much less effective have not been addressed 
at all.

You then go on to (again) mis-characterize Kendy's merged 
proposal, something you've repeatedly done and been corrected on:

developers mostly focused on mentoring are very difficult to find 
and very expensive, and anyone with basic HR skills would never let 
employees be managed by a committee in which third party companies 
have can have so much influence as seen in recent minutes.

The proposal contains this:

"The Executive Director shall direct day to day management for
 the Targeted Developers to ensure they effectively focus on the
 Target Areas."

Line management is up to the ED - that is explicit. I suspect that 
they will not direct management by a committee - but it's up to them =)

Our ED has already plenty of things to do and micromanaging in-house 
developers should not be part of his job.

Please re-read the rest of my proposal as it states how things should be 
run to avoid overwhelming our ED. Our ED will evaluate things only if 
there are issues between the team and the ESC.

Attempting to exclude targetted developers from attending the ESC 
call and reporting on what they're up to - as they become respected 
peers alongside others working on the code seems extraordinary.

Nowhere in my proposal is being said that the ESC will be excluded.

Please re-read my proposal.

Again your understanding of how LibreOffice development and the 
ESC works seems weak as I've outlined before[1].

I'm slowly learning about it thanks to the good comments from Adreas 
that pushed me to look into it even if development is not my main focus 
and it is only one of the various areas LibreOffice is made of.

I've seen a very nice way to cooperate between developers in a way that 
seems to take in consideration the best way to deal with code and find 
good solutions to issues

Your intervention in the ESC meeting the 26/05/2022 and the 02/06/2022 
had absolutely nothing to do with code and a lot to do with politics and 
undue influence in a committee that now cannot be seen as a neutral ground.





[1] -

Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors
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Re: [board-discuss] Re: In-house developers proposal v 2.1

2022-06-08 Thread Paolo Vecchi

Hi all,

On 08/06/2022 00:57, Cor Nouws wrote:

Hi Paolo,

Paolo Vecchi wrote on 08/06/2022 00:31:

On 07/06/2022 21:40, Simon Phipps wrote:

Kendy made a merged version and shared it with us all...

No, once again he took my document and copy/pasted bits of Michael 
Meeks proposal on it to completely change the logic of the proposal.

I assume if the 'logic changed', that is to reflect contributions in 
the discussion that were not added in your file.

That is a copy/paste from a text the general manager of a commercial 
contributor sent the 23/05, his employee and member of the board copied 
the 25/06 on a document he called a merge and the same general manager 
practically imposed to the ESC part of his project.

The way the proposal wants to manage "suggestions" for tendering, the 
focus on mentoring and control of TDF's employee have been already 
described as very bad ideas.

That proposal doesn't really fit with the budget planned, senior 

I think there is room to look to the budget for next year again, if 

As this is, as agreed, a strategic project that has been taken out of 
the budget planning that we have done not long ago then we are still on 
time to review this budget.

developers mostly focused on mentoring are very difficult to find and 
very expensive, and anyone with basic HR skills would never let 
employees be managed by a committee in which third party companies 
have can have so much influence as seen in recent minutes.

This is unhelpful framing. Influence is (apart from statutory 
limitations to participation from entities) from participating, which 
is done in the best traditions of open source development, which in 
the case of LibreOffice is broadened deliberately - I was at the 
discussion - to more than 'just' coding.

We should check with an employment laws expert if they consider if 
"unhelpful framing".

The "legacy document" has actual contributions from many people of 
the community and TDf's team, the document on which Kendy pasted some 
text has only contributions from Michael Meeks and you

Kendy made efforts to include comments and ideas from all sides. Very 
useful to come to a proposal with the broadest possible support 
respecting as much ideas as possible.

Kendy replaced text to reflect the ideas of a commercial contributor not 
to include comments.




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Re: [board-discuss] Re: In-house developers proposal v 2.1

2022-06-07 Thread Paolo Vecchi

Hi Simon,

On 07/06/2022 21:40, Simon Phipps wrote:

Kendy made a merged version and shared it with us all...

No, once again he took my document and copy/pasted bits of Michael Meeks 
proposal on it to completely change the logic of the proposal.

That proposal doesn't really fit with the budget planned, senior 
developers mostly focused on mentoring are very difficult to find and 
very expensive, and anyone with basic HR skills would never let 
employees be managed by a committee in which third party companies have 
can have so much influence as seen in recent minutes.

It's really a waste of time to cherry-pick and update a legacy 
document instead of the one multiple people have been working on.

The "legacy document" has actual contributions from many people of the 
community and TDf's team, the document on which Kendy pasted some text 
has only contributions from Michael Meeks and you (BTW please remove 
your only contribution as it names a potential supplier).



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Re: [board-discuss] Merged proposal for in-house developers at TDF

2022-06-03 Thread Paolo Vecchi

Hi Cor,

On 03/06/2022 13:16, Cor Nouws wrote:

Hi Paolo,

Paolo Vecchi wrote on 03/06/2022 11:53:

Another reason why I did not want to share my proposal open for 
editing to anyone is that it might happen that someone writes 
something that should not be written in a public document.

We want a public discussion (of course not when it does not fit) but 
prevent people to write in a document because they may write something 
odd... after all there is this mailing list where * can write * 
¯\_(ツ)_/¯  :D

When you send an email you are responsible for what you write and TDF 
might become responsible to take down the content from the archives if 
the content is offensive/illegal.

If you write something in my proposal then I'm also responsible for 
checking that you are not adding something that could be problematic.

We will publish public tenders open to all ensuring that there will 
be a level playing field so that any organisation will be able to 

You may have missed something, but that is standing policy.

We know that but it could be that Simon, with his comment, forgot about it.




Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
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Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [board-discuss] Merged proposal for in-house developers at TDF

2022-06-03 Thread Paolo Vecchi

Hi Simon,

On 03/06/2022 10:59, Simon Phipps wrote:


On Fri, Jun 3, 2022 at 7:51 AM Ilmari Lauhakangas 

Tendering and in-house development are not interchangeable, but
they are
interlinked. Keep in mind that the in-house devs would participate in
running tenders.

Another valuable role for an in-house developer would be to manage a 
more long-term relationship with specialist subcontractors, for 
example a company with expertise in accessibility development. With a 
longer-term expert subcontractor, TDF could then actually develop new 
capabilities rather than simply fix bugs and stand still like AOO. By 
adding to our list of approaches a managed but non-employee 
longer-term relationship with outside firms that is not limited to a 
single task, TDF would be able to both benefit from the flexibility of 
tendering and also gain the benefit of long-term staffing.

You may have missed that my proposal already mentions something about it 
in page 9:

"Their general role will be to fix bugs and features in full, fixing 
bugs that are blockers for community contributors and to help evaluating 
which complex tasks should be tackled by external specialists."

It was an excellent idea to make the document editable, thanks Kendy, 
so I have added some words to this effect. Feel free to improve them!

Another reason why I did not want to share my proposal open for editing 
to anyone is that it might happen that someone writes something that 
should not be written in a public document.

Stating the name of a supplier and the way we would want to engage with 
them could reduce our bargaining power to get the best deal for TDF.

We will publish public tenders open to all ensuring that there will be a 
level playing field so that any organisation will be able to participate.

*Simon Phipps*
/TDF Trustee/



Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
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Re: [board-discuss] Merged proposal for in-house developers at TDF

2022-06-02 Thread Paolo Vecchi
onal financial risk to save 
LibreOffice, and never stopped volunteering in LibreOffice development 
and in TDF, so they deserve our greatest trust.

Also tendering and in-house development are not interchangeable. The 
planned in-house development with 1-2 developers is not a viable 
option for LibreOffice development without the development activity of 
a couple dozen developers of these 4-5 companies (Collabora 
Productivity, allotropia, Red Hat Linux, NISZ, etc.) and unaffiliated 
developers ( 
Likely the planned in-house development could spare a few tenders per 
year for the same or double price. If we are extremely lucky, we could 
spare much more, but if one of the companies, e.g. my client 
terminates LibreOffice development (because its long-term "aim to 
leave the development for the community"), the price could be much 
higher for the LibreOffice community, because the 1-2 new in-house 
developers couldn't replace losing 5 or more developers. Check my 
previous numbers about the real risk: how my client tries to find and 
keep the good developers continuously.

I'm sure that TDF can minimize the risk of in-house development 
mentoring following the advice of our developer community, including 
advice of our highly appreciated free software companies, who 
primarily develop LibreOffice. But risk remains risk, and tendering 
still remains more important, because the best results of the possible 
future in-house development are still dwarfed by the code contribution 
of our free software companies. Fortunately, because the donations 
collected by TDF are largely due to the work of our free software 
companies. So not only LibreOffice, but TDF depends on our free 
software companies and vice versa. We depends on each other and we 
trust each other and we work together, and we can talk to each other, 
that is why we are a community.

Best regards,

P.S. It's not only oversimplification, but insinuation speaking about 
"commercial companies" instead of free software companies or naming 
their developers, suggesting that employers and employees represent 
only business interest. Check these:

“Our mission statement is to 'make open source rock'”. Collabora 

“The company allotropia software GmbH provides services, consulting 
and products around LibreOffice and related opensource projects. 
Founded in 2020 with 5 long-time developers of the project, its stated 
mission is to make LibreOffice shine – in as many different shapes and 
forms as necessary to serve modern needs towards office productivity 

“to be the catalyst in communities of customers, contributors, and 
partners creating better technology the open source way” – Red Hat Linux

“mission of NISZ to promote the spread of open source solutions”.

It's all about free software. For example, I am not only a contractor, 
owner of a 1-person free software developer company, and volunteer of 
TDF, but I'm volunteering actively in free software development, too. 
See the new typographic features of LibreOffice 7.4 developed by me. 
Except the OOXML compatibility part, it's voluntary work: 

And I'm not alone, developers of our free software companies do 
similar amounts or more voluntary work for LibreOffice, showing their 
deep commitment. But also our paid work is all about free software and 
LibreOffice development. Whose interest is to create mistrust around 
us, dividing the community? I'm afraid, who doesn't know us and our 
work and does not even want to know us and our work.


## Free Software Advocate
## Plone add-on developer
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Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors
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