Re: Rush Limbaugh is a hypocrite

2004-01-13 Thread John D. Giorgis
At 09:48 PM 1/12/2004 -0500 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
So why didn't Bush immediately demand that the leak about Plame,
attributed to a white house source, be investigated? Doesn't sound like
upholding laws to me.  

He did.   John Ashcroft recently recused himself from that very same probe.

 Yeh, kind of like lying about affairs.
 So?   Clinton had a much higher responsibility, like to faithfully uphold
 and defend the laws of the United States.

And lying about an affair in what way significantly way precludes him from
faithfully upholding and defending the laws of the US? We seem back in
absolute morality territory here John. 

Come on Bob.IT IS CALLED PERJURY!I am shouting because that was
posted at least twice on the List in the past day, and I know full well
that you know what crime is at stake here.And yet, you somehow can't
connect the two?

But I forgot, lying is only criminal when Republicans do it. 

But at any rate, why *was* Clinton compelled to testify truthfully in the
Paula Jones case?   It was because Clinton himself pushed a law through
Congress called the Violence Against Women Act that made a man's entire
sexual curriculum vitae fair game in any claim of sexual harrassment.So
let us be clear here, Clinton did not just undermine the foundations of
America's judicial system by committing perjury - he did so because he felt
that the provisions of his own law should not apply to him.

If any Republican ever committed so craven an act, all the liberals on this
List would be all over him and the coming police state in America.

And yet, Democrats couldn't stomach impeaching their criminal President,
even though the Constitution expressly provides for such a situation by
virtue of allowing the President to name a hand-picked successor as

Of course, the last laugh is on all you liberals who despair so much about
this Bush Presidency because I think that it is almost absolutely
certain that an incumbent Al Gore running for re-election with a
rip-roaring economy wins either New Hampshire or Florida to continue a
potential 10-year Presidency. 

Ah what could have been, eh?  


John D. Giorgis - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   The liberty we prize is not America's gift to the world, 
   it is God's gift to humanity. - George W. Bush 1/29/03

Re: Rush Limbaugh is a hypocrite

2004-01-13 Thread Bemmzim
In a message dated 1/13/2004 4:03:35 AM Eastern Standard Time, 
At 09:48 PM 1/12/2004 -0500 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
So why didn't Bush immediately demand that the leak about Plame,
attributed to a white house source, be investigated? Doesn't sound like
upholding laws to me.  

He did.   John Ashcroft recently recused himself from that very same probe.
John - The story broke in July. That is when the probe should have occurred. 
Bush did not instigate the investigation. He did not (on the surface at least) 
fight it. Ashcroft recused himself well into the investigation. Since by 
defiintion it had to entail some of his friends and colleagues (Rove ran one of 
his campaigns I believe) whyd didn't he do it earlier. 

Re: Rush Limbaugh is a hypocrite

2004-01-12 Thread Bemmzim
In a message dated 1/11/2004 9:03:00 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Yeh, kind of like lying about affairs.
 So?   Clinton had a much higher responsibility, like to faithfully uphold
 and defend the laws of the United States.

And lying about an affair in what way significantly way precludes him from faithfully 
upholding and defending the laws of the US? We seem back in absolute morality 
territory here John. So why didn't Bush immediately demand that the leak about Plame, 
attributed to a white house source, be investigated? Doesn't sound like upholding laws 
to me.  
 Rush is just a talk radio show host, who has said a lot of intersting
 things in his life that had nothing to do with drugs.   There is nothing
 about what he was doing with drugs that at all affects the 
 validity or
 interesting nature of his opinions.
Yes he had done lots of interesting tghings including being married several times. As 
to his opinions, they of course do extend beyond the merely political to all sort of 
life issues. So I think the fact that he used drugs illegally hid his illegal drug 
use, that he gave some lame excuse, that he is trying to hide behind some legal 
manuevers all indicate that he does not behave in any way that approximates his public 
stance on morality etc. One's views do not have to jibe with one's actions but people 
who behave like this are by definition hypocrites. 

Re: Rush Limbaugh is a hypocrite

2004-01-12 Thread Bemmzim
In a message dated 1/11/2004 9:11:36 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Let me use a relevant example.   Would it be hypocrisy for a high school
 student who believes that the Federal Education Loan program is
 unconstitutional under the limited powers clause to accept federal
 education loans to go to college?Even though the existance of these
 loans have caused the prices of higher education to skyrocket?
 I answer no to that question it would *not* be hypocrisy in my mind.
 Indeed, the existance of these loans have so distorted the market for
 higher education, in terms of driving private loans out of the market and
 escalating the price that it would be only sensible to 
 accept these loans,
 even in spite of one's views

But of course if one holds strong moral views then one should follow those views. It 
is of course at least mildly hypocritical to take a loan under these circumstances but 
it would be much more hypocritical to take such a loan and then having received an 
education to fight to have such loans eliminated. Of course I do not accept your 
suggestion that in the abscence of student loan programs there would inexpensive 
commercial loans. 

So let me try this another way. If Rush's behavior is not hypocrital than provide me 
an example of hypocracy. But to make it a bit more challenging to you. The 
hypothetical hypocricy cannot be the actions of a democrat/liberal that is it cannot 
be anything like a dirty liberal who says she holds life sacred but accepts abortion 
for that is not hypocricy that is a different moral position than yours. As opposed to 
someone who explicitly behaves in a manner that he/she considers wrong.

Re: Rush Limbaugh is a hypocrite

2004-01-11 Thread John D. Giorgis
At 10:12 PM 1/5/2004 -0500 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Do you condone his behavior or not? 

No, I do not condone the abuse of prescription drugs.

Lets get back to Plame. Do you condone the outing of a CIA operative? 

I do not condone the outing of a CIA operative.

JDG - As long as we are being technical. 
John D. Giorgis - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   The liberty we prize is not America's gift to the world, 
   it is God's gift to humanity. - George W. Bush 1/29/03

Re: Rush Limbaugh is a hypocrite

2004-01-11 Thread John D. Giorgis
At 10:22 PM 1/5/2004 -0500 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 As a Catholic, I find it completely unsuprising that a 
 sinner would admit
 to wrongdoing only when caught.   
 Such is human nature.

Yeh, kind of like lying about affairs.

So?   Clinton had a much higher responsibility, like to faithfully uphold
and defend the laws of the United States.

Rush is just a talk radio show host, who has said a lot of intersting
things in his life that had nothing to do with drugs.   There is nothing
about what he was doing with drugs that at all affects the validity or
interesting nature of his opinions.

John D. Giorgis - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   The liberty we prize is not America's gift to the world, 
   it is God's gift to humanity. - George W. Bush 1/29/03

Re: Rush Limbaugh is a hypocrite

2004-01-11 Thread John D. Giorgis
At 10:29 PM 1/5/2004 -0500 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
In a message dated 1/3/2004 6:48:43 PM Eastern Standard Time,

 In general, however, I have no problem with Rush Limbaugh using all of the
 Laws of Florida - even potentially those laws he may have disagreed with -
 in his legal defence.In my mind, that's not hypocrisy - 
 that's life.

You are such a tolerant soul. It so good that you are willing to grant
humans their frailties. But it would seem to me that using a legal
technique for your personal defense that you have condemned for others
qualifies as an index example of the human frailty called hypocricy 

Let me use a relevant example.   Would it be hypocrisy for a high school
student who believes that the Federal Education Loan program is
unconstitutional under the limited powers clause to accept federal
education loans to go to college?Even though the existance of these
loans have caused the prices of higher education to skyrocket?

I answer no to that question it would *not* be hypocrisy in my mind.
 Indeed, the existance of these loans have so distorted the market for
higher education, in terms of driving private loans out of the market and
escalating the price that it would be only sensible to accept these loans,
even in spite of one's views.

JDG - Who does not consider education loans to be unconstitutional.
John D. Giorgis - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   The liberty we prize is not America's gift to the world, 
   it is God's gift to humanity. - George W. Bush 1/29/03

Re: Rush Limbaugh is a hypocrite

2004-01-11 Thread John D. Giorgis
At 10:19 PM 1/5/2004 -0500 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
In a message dated 1/3/2004 6:30:47 PM Eastern Standard Time,

 Point 1 _ There seems
 to be no debate on the fact that Halliburton overcharged. Even the
 incredibly pro-business Bush administration is not making your claim.
 Halliburton overcharged period.
 Not true.   A NY Times invetigation of this story found no significant
 profiteering by Haliburton. 

What is not true? Some one (I don't know if it was you or not) claimed
that it was not really overcharging. 
 I am still waiting for any one of the conservatives on the list to state
 up front that overcharging is a crime that must be pursued. 
 Why? Do you think that any conservatives on this List are going to
 disagree with President Bush's statements that essentially say that?Or
 do you expect that all of us disagree with Bush on this 

So is that a yes?

Yes.   Bush himself said that there should be a full investigation.   Heck
it was Rumsfeld's own Defense Dept. that first raised the questions about
this.   At any rate, I highly doubt that any conservative on this List
would contradict President Bush's judgment that there should be a full

John D. Giorgis - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   The liberty we prize is not America's gift to the world, 
   it is God's gift to humanity. - George W. Bush 1/29/03

Re: Rush Limbaugh is a hypocrite

2004-01-11 Thread John D. Giorgis
At 10:14 PM 1/5/2004 -0500 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
In a message dated 1/3/2004 6:30:47 PM Eastern Standard Time,

 That's funny and ironic.   My Dad recently accused me of always seeing
 sinister motivations among the right, and being far quicker 
 to criticize
 conservatives lately than liberals.

Well we all have different  relationships with our dads. Rest assured I
have never seen you to be hard on conservatives. Could you give us an
example of being hard on conservatives on list?

I think that it is important for you to remember, however, what an
ideological bubble Brin-L is.

For example, I am probably considered by most the be the most religious
person on this List.   Yet, I am a Catholic... which instantly points out
that we have no Evangelicals on this List.Moreover, as a Catholic, I am
fairly middle-of-the-road by many measures.   I don't, for example, attend
Daily Mass - which is generally the first mark of the truly conservative
Catholics.   A good example of this - I disagree pretty strongly with the
Catholic Church on the issue of contraception and disagree with certain
Vatican statemets on homosexuals in the priesthood.Yet, we don't talk
about these things here because I highly doubt that there is anyone on this
List who wants the defend the Catholic Church's teaching on contraception
nor advocate a ban on homsexuals in the priesthood.

While this example comes from the religious side of the spectrum, it
highlights the general trend with Brin-L.The vast majority of Brin-L
posters on political disscussions are far left to center-left.   Thus, it
becomes an ideological bubble where very little of the debates on the right
take place, except for maybe an occasional disagreement between Gautam and
I.   Yet, there is no one on this List who is regularly reposting the
articles and views of conservatives like Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity, Pat
Buchanan, John Derbyshire, etc. whom I disagree with all of the time.
Thus, when debates are kept solidly on the far-left to center-left, the
disagreements on the right never really show up.

Lastly, it is worth noting that I am essentially a neoconservative, and
thus the Bush Administration is like a dream come true for me - to the
extent the real politicians can fulfill dreams.   I would never have
imagine five years ago that we would have a President capable of giving the
axis of evil speech - let alone so many other incredible speeches.
Likewise, in sort of the same way that Bill Clinton was called by some
liberals our first black President, when I hear Bush talk about the
Culture of Life, I feel like we similarly have our nation's second
Catholic President.On several other issues like
faith-based-initiatives, immigration reform, Social Security, and space
exploration, Bush gets extremely high marks from me.   Thus, when Bush is
essentially everything I could hope for in a President - you just aren't
going to see a lot of criticism of the Bush Administration in particular
from me.   However, Bush has plenty of his criticis on the right - just
listen to talk radio some day.   Of course, here on Brin-L the idea of Bush
being attacked on the right is almost inconceivable, so again, you never
seen these sorts of things. 

JDG - Now, if he could just balance the budget in the second term..
John D. Giorgis - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   The liberty we prize is not America's gift to the world, 
   it is God's gift to humanity. - George W. Bush 1/29/03

Re: Rush Limbaugh is a hypocrite

2004-01-05 Thread Bemmzim
In a message dated 1/3/2004 6:11:42 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 This is not ture.   By no stretch of the imagination did *all* leftists on
 the List call Clinton's actions reprehensible.Indeed, several called
 Clinton's actions understandable, given the circumstances.   There was also
 very little criticism of soliciting campaign donations from China, raising
 money in Buddhist temples, and not invading Afghanistan 
 after our embassies
 were destroyed. 

Well first of all understandable is not incompatible with reprehensible in the sense 
that his behavior in denying the relationship would be a relatively common but 
unacceptable behavior. I repeat that I do not remember anyone who condoned his 
behavior. But lets get back to Rush. Do you condone his behavior or not? Lets get back 
to Plame. Do you condone the outing of a CIA operative? 
 But that's debating the past.

Re: Rush Limbaugh is a hypocrite

2004-01-05 Thread Bemmzim
In a message dated 1/3/2004 6:30:47 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 That's funny and ironic.   My Dad recently accused me of always seeing
 sinister motivations among the right, and being far quicker 
 to criticize
 conservatives lately than liberals.

Well we all have different  relationships with our dads. Rest assured I have never 
seen you to be hard on conservatives. Could you give us an example of being hard on 
conservatives on list?

Re: Rush Limbaugh is a hypocrite

2004-01-05 Thread Bemmzim
In a message dated 1/3/2004 6:30:47 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Point 1 _ There seems
 to be no debate on the fact that Halliburton overcharged. Even the
 incredibly pro-business Bush administration is not making your claim.
 Halliburton overcharged period.
 Not true.   A NY Times invetigation of this story found no significant
 profiteering by Haliburton. 

What is not true? Some one (I don't know if it was you or not) claimed that it was not 
really overcharging. 
 I am still waiting for any one of the conservatives on the list to state
 up front that overcharging is a crime that must be pursued. 
 Why? Do you think that any conservatives on this List are going to
 disagree with President Bush's statements that essentially say that?Or
 do you expect that all of us disagree with Bush on this 

So is that a yes?

Re: Rush Limbaugh is a hypocrite

2004-01-05 Thread Bemmzim
In a message dated 1/3/2004 6:41:05 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 As a Catholic, I find it completely unsuprising that a 
 sinner would admit
 to wrongdoing only when caught.   
 Such is human nature.

Yeh, kind of like lying about affairs.

Re: Rush Limbaugh is a hypocrite

2004-01-05 Thread Bemmzim
In a message dated 1/3/2004 6:48:43 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 In general, however, I have no problem with Rush Limbaugh using all of the
 Laws of Florida - even potentially those laws he may have disagreed with -
 in his legal defence.In my mind, that's not hypocrisy - 
 that's life.

You are such a tolerant soul. It so good that you are willing to grant humans their 
frailties. But it would seem to me that using a legal technique for your personal 
defense that you have condemned for others qualifies as an index example of the human 
frailty called hypocricy 

Re: Rush Limbaugh is a hypocrite

2004-01-03 Thread John D. Giorgis
At 08:51 PM 12/25/2003 -0500 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 In all of the Clinton stuff us leftists on the list specifically stated
that his behavior 
was reprehensible. I am waiting to see that from you guys.

This is not ture.   By no stretch of the imagination did *all* leftists on
the List call Clinton's actions reprehensible.Indeed, several called
Clinton's actions understandable, given the circumstances.   There was also
very little criticism of soliciting campaign donations from China, raising
money in Buddhist temples, and not invading Afghanistan after our embassies
were destroyed.  

But that's debating the past.


John D. Giorgis - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   The liberty we prize is not America's gift to the world, 
   it is God's gift to humanity. - George W. Bush 1/29/03

Re: Rush Limbaugh is a hypocrite

2004-01-03 Thread John D. Giorgis
At 12:12 PM 12/27/2003 -0500 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Point 1 _ There seems
to be no debate on the fact that Halliburton overcharged. Even the
incredibly pro-business Bush administration is not making your claim.
Halliburton overcharged period.

Not true.   A NY Times invetigation of this story found no significant
profiteering by Haliburton. 

I am still waiting for any one of the conservatives on the list to state
up front that overcharging is a crime that must be pursued. 

Why? Do you think that any conservatives on this List are going to
disagree with President Bush's statements that essentially say that?Or
do you expect that all of us disagree with Bush on this point?

Frankly I think John and Gautam (to a lesser extent) start with the
premise that the right is good
 and the left is bad. 

That's funny and ironic.   My Dad recently accused me of always seeing
sinister motivations among the right, and being far quicker to criticize
conservatives lately than liberals.

John D. Giorgis - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   The liberty we prize is not America's gift to the world, 
   it is God's gift to humanity. - George W. Bush 1/29/03

Re: Rush Limbaugh is a hypocrite

2004-01-03 Thread John D. Giorgis
At 10:49 PM 12/24/2003 -0500 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Rush admitted to his problem only after it became the subject of an

As a Catholic, I find it completely unsuprising that a sinner would admit
to wrongdoing only when caught.   

Such is human nature.

John D. Giorgis - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   The liberty we prize is not America's gift to the world, 
   it is God's gift to humanity. - George W. Bush 1/29/03

Re: Rush Limbaugh is a hypocrite

2004-01-03 Thread John D. Giorgis
At 11:18 PM 12/24/2003 -0500 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Correct if I am wrong but wasn't it the press who uncovered Halliburton's

No, the press was reporting on the results of a Defense Dept. investigation.

By the way doesn't your arguement imply that Clinton deserves credit for
is own 
impeachment since the special prosecutor was appointed during his

Don't be ridiculous.

The Left has been wailing for months and months that Cheney  Co. were
looting America to provide profits to Haliburton.Obviously, if the
Defense Dept. is uncovering potential overcharging on a contract where
Haliburton is earning minimal profits that is unquestionably not the case.

JDG  - The country formerly known as the USA Maru?
John D. Giorgis - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   The liberty we prize is not America's gift to the world, 
   it is God's gift to humanity. - George W. Bush 1/29/03

Re: Rush Limbaugh is a hypocrite

2004-01-03 Thread John D. Giorgis
At 04:15 PM 12/24/2003 -0800 Doug Pensinger wrote:
God, I hope so 
because four more years with these jokers in charge will be a disaster not 
only for the country, but the entire world.

Speaking of disasters for the world just think that the freedom of 38
million Iraqis and the very lives of several million of those were held in
the balance by a few thousand voters in Florida.

Allahu Akbar - God Bless President Bush

John D. Giorgis - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   The liberty we prize is not America's gift to the world, 
   it is God's gift to humanity. - George W. Bush 1/29/03

Re: Rush Limbaugh is a hypocrite

2004-01-03 Thread John D. Giorgis
At 07:19 PM 12/24/2003 -0600 Robert Seeberger wrote:
If it were a doctor being investigated then I could see the
constitutional protection. But can you show some reference that would
support your claim that a patient has a constitutional protection in a
case where the patient is being investigated for criminal activity?

I've never seen the argument John is making presented before, and I'm
quite curious as to how that would work. And why.

In a criminal investigation, the investigators have to follow certain
procedures, such as obtaining a warrant in carrying out a search.Rush
Limbaugh - according to the statements on his website at least - did not
contest here that his medical records can never be searched, but rather
that the officials involved did not follow the Laws of Florida in carrying
out their investigation of his records. 

In general, however, I have no problem with Rush Limbaugh using all of the
Laws of Florida - even potentially those laws he may have disagreed with -
in his legal defence.In my mind, that's not hypocrisy - that's life.

John D. Giorgis - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   The liberty we prize is not America's gift to the world, 
   it is God's gift to humanity. - George W. Bush 1/29/03

Re: Rush Limbaugh is a hypocrite

2004-01-03 Thread John D. Giorgis
At 10:37 PM 12/24/2003 -0500 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
So John: Is Rush a hypocrite? yes or no. 


Should the person who leaked Valerie Ps name be prosecuted? 

If a crime was committed yes.   Valerie Plame, however, was the wife of an
ambassador - so I still question just exactly how undercover she really
was.   Furthermore, my understanding is that the law specifies that the
person must *know* that they are outing an undercover agent to have
committed a crime.   So, if a crime was committed, yes they should be

I think that Ashcroft's recusal from the case should indicate that the
investigatino is proceeding unimpeded.

Should there be an investigation of Halliburton's profiteering (by the way
that is
 what is called and in the past profiteers were tried for treason). 

Yes.   And indeed there already is.   And indeed an independent
investigation by the NY Times did not find any evidence of profiteering.

John D. Giorgis - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   The liberty we prize is not America's gift to the world, 
   it is God's gift to humanity. - George W. Bush 1/29/03

Re: Rush Limbaugh is a hypocrite

2003-12-27 Thread Bemmzim
In a message dated 12/26/2003 8:59:52 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Two things, because I have to go. How is importing gas from Turkey 
  cheaper? On a strict price basis, 117 is less than 227, but is it safer, 
  shorter, less manpower/equipment needed? Should the 
 government auditor 
  be fired or prosecuted for revealing internal documents?
Point 1 _ There seems to be no debate on the fact that Halliburton overcharged. Even 
the incredibly pro-business Bush administration is not making your claim. Halliburton 
overcharged period.

Point 2 - Exactly why should the auditor be fired? If he/she worked for Halliburton it 
was his/her obligation to do an unbiased audit and report it to the company. That the 
results of this audit became public would not be his/her responsibility and unless 
she/he went to the press and governmemt with the info after being ignored by 
Halliburton. As Doug states if this were the case the person would clearly be 
protected by Whistle Blower laws. If in fact the audit was sent to goverment and 
made public by the government then there can be no crime.

I am still waiting for any one of the conservatives on the list to state up front that 
overcharging is a crime that must be pursued. 

I know it is tough for you guys so let me offer you a suggestion. I will simply 
substitute Rush for Bill Clinton and provide you with the formulation that us lefty 
commie liberals used.

I do not condone the actions of Clinton -Limbaugh. They were reprehensible and no 
glib emotional apology is acceptable given that Bill-Rush did not come clean until 
caught in his lie/illegal drug purchase. Having said this I do not believe that these 
actions warrent impeachment/crimal prosecution. I do believe that given his position 
as president/spokesman for the right that his actions represent are especially 

I have no problem with principled conservatism. I think it completely reasonable to 
hold that individuals are responsible for their own behavior and that government 
should not intefer with individual actions or the market economy. Opposition to 
abortion gay marriage etc are all legitimate positions. I do not hold them but I can 
respect those who hold these views just as I can respect people who are principled 
communists or socialists. But too often conservatism is espoused not as a political 
philosophy but a moral stance. Frankly I think John and Gautam (to a lesser extent) 
start with the premise that the right is good and the left is bad. So any action by 
the right can be defended as either principled or a necessary expediant to achieve a 
goal. But actions are taken by the right or the left. They are taken by indiviudals of 
the right or the left. And these indiduals and groups inevitably act in what they see 
as their self interest regardless of their political philosophy. One need only point 
to the messy and in some cases dispicable behavior of several prominent pro-family 
conservatives to understand this point

Re: Rush Limbaugh is a hypocrite

2003-12-26 Thread Deborah Harrell
--- Ronn!Blankenship [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Well, it's nice to see that the flap over
 environmentalism was short-lived. . .
 -- Ronn!  :)
 Professional Smart-Aleck.  Do Not Attempt.

evil grin
I haven't yet read your 'skeptical' post, so don't
jump to hasty conclusions quite yet!

OTOH, I haven't got a lot of time tonight, so I mayn't
say anything for awhile...except that that I heard
some federal judge is blocking the Admin's changes to
the Clean Air Act b/c of several states (and/or dept's
of health?) saying it will hurt public health. 
Another thing to look up...


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Re: Rush Limbaugh is a hypocrite

2003-12-26 Thread Deborah Harrell
 John D. Giorgis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Deborah Harrell wrote:
  John D. Giorgis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Robert Seeberger wrote:
  I think the point Tom is riffing on is that Rush
  has repeatedly
  claimed that there is no constitutional right to
  That would likely apply also to medical records.
  Why does arguing that there is no constitution
 right to privacy to have
  abortions or homosexual relationships at all
 apply to the execution of the
  laws of Florida regarding medical records?   
  Or more generally, what is so inconsistent about
  saying that there is no
  right to privacy to have an abortion or a
 homosexual relationship, but that
  there is a right to privacy that protects one
 from a government's
  unreasonable search of your medical records?
 jaw dropping
 How can you *possibly* equate sexual activity
 consenting adults to abortion?  Especially since
 homosexual sex has *no* chance of leading to
 Deborah, I have made no such equation.
 Rather, I am referring to the fact that Roe vs. Wade
 is the _original_
 right to privacy case in the United States.The
 US Supreme Court in
 that case,  did not find a right to abortion in that
 case - how could they?
 - but rather found that 'the penumbra of the
 Constitution' contains a right to privacy.

Thank you for the clarification.

I also haven't read anything about the Limbaugh case,
which is why I only commented on medicals records and
privacy from a single perspective.  There are, as
others have pointed out, times when public safety
outweighs doctor-patient confidentiality, but those
situations are (and ought to be) quite circumscribed.


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Re: Rush Limbaugh is a hypocrite

2003-12-26 Thread Doug Pensinger
On Fri, 26 Dec 2003 06:22:33 -0500, Kevin Tarr [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

At 01:37 AM 12/25/2003, you wrote:
Gautam wrote:

If the Washington Post wants to say that something wrong
happened here, I'll get upset.  Since so far they're
said that there is no story here, that's what I believe.

This extraordinary internal audit suggests that Halliburton had been 
previously warned by its own auditors that it was overcharging for the 
fuel but apparently ignored these important warnings and continued to 
charge the federal government inflated prices, he wrote.


Nice deflection. Who, exactly, is the he, in the statement above 
ending he wrote? Is it the Halliburton internal auditor? Well, the way 
the statement reads it shouldn't be. Is it the government defense 
auditor? That seems most likely, a person not working for the company 
wrote this; but that'd be false too. The he in the above statement is 
none other than Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman (D-Conn.) in a letter to 
Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld.
It seems unlikely that Lieberman would fabricate such a story, and KBRs 
refusal to make the audit public speaks volumes.  In other articles I've 
read that they were making something like $0.26/gallon profit which is 
outrageously high.

Two things, because I have to go. How is importing gas from Turkey 
cheaper? On a strict price basis, 117 is less than 227, but is it safer, 
shorter, less manpower/equipment needed? Should the government auditor 
be fired or prosecuted for revealing internal documents?

Don't know about the first question, but I think the auditor (which I 
don't think was a government employee - the audit was described as 
internal) should be protected by whistle blower laws.


Re: Rush Limbaugh is a hypocrite

2003-12-25 Thread John D. Giorgis
At 07:38 PM 12/24/2003 -0800 Doug Pensinger wrote:
John wrote:

 Actually medical records are somewhat private under the Consitution, as
 they are protected by the Constitution from unreasonable search and 

Isn't that the very arguement that Limbaugh has contested in the past and 
that prompted the title for this thread?

I know of no instance in which Limbaugh contest the right of a citizen to
have his or her medical records protected from unreasonable search.

The editorial which prompted the title for this thread referenced a case in
which the Supreme Court held that the Constitution emmanated a penumbra
from which was brought forth a right to privacy that protected one's right
to do whatever one wanted, even when the police should happen to stumble
into said bedroom on a legal search warrant.

Clearly, the two are very much different.

John D. Giorgis - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   The liberty we prize is not America's gift to the world, 
   it is God's gift to humanity. - George W. Bush 1/29/03

Re: Rush Limbaugh is a hypocrite

2003-12-25 Thread Ronn!Blankenship
At 07:31 PM 12/24/03, Julia Thompson wrote:
Robert Seeberger wrote:

 I think the current president has not done a stellar job (though I
 would agree that he is capable of better than he has done). I think
 that for the most part he has done, in regards to the standout issues
 of this term, about as well as an average quality president.
 Bush *himself*, has done better than I would have ever given him
 credit for being capable of.
 That being said, I still think he is a [pick your favorite expletive],
 just like he was here in Texas, and I am just plain tired of him.
Anyone here a fan of That 70s Show?  ;)

He's a Vista Cruiser?

-- Ronn!  :)


Re: Rush Limbaugh is a hypocrite

2003-12-25 Thread Bemmzim
In a message dated 12/25/2003 12:17:05 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 As, for that matter, was Enron.  It has always struck
 me as ironic that the Bush Administration gets
 criticized for Enron.  Most of the fraud and
 corruption took place under the Clinton Administration
 after all (and the same with Worldcom, Global
 Crossing, you name it).  They were revealed under the
 Bush Administration.

The Bush administration was criticized because of their ties to Enron in particular 
Ken Lay. Because of their early refusal to seek an investigation of corporate 
governance. Of their choice of SEC chairman and his failure to investigate these 
activities. And by the way it was not the Bush administration that discovered Enron's 
malfesence. To the extent that these activities were uncovered by legal authorities 
they were But once again this is irrelevant to the current discussion. In all of the 
Clinton stuff us leftists on the list specifically stated that his behavior was 
reprehensible. I am waiting to see that from you guys.

Re: Rush Limbaugh is a hypocrite

2003-12-25 Thread Bemmzim
In a message dated 12/25/2003 12:26:39 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Yes, but I _don't know_ who leaked it.  There actually
 is no evidence that it was a crime at the moment. 
 It's a crime if she had served overseas within the
 past 5 years (I think that's the time span) which she
 has not.  The _CIA itself_ made no effort to cover her
 identity.  That's all that we know.  Everything else
 is the fevered wishes of the left.

You don't know who leaked it but Novak said it was a white house or adminstration 
source. So we should at least accept that this is true. So let me get the second part 
of your arguement straight. It may or may not be a technical crime and if it is not a 
technical crime then it was ok to out her for no other reason than to attempt to 
undermine the credibility of her husband. To out someone who put herself in danger for 
our country? I am shocked that the administration made up of men who sacrificed so 
much for the US would do that. George Bush put his life on the line as a combat pilot. 
No wait he was in the national guard and apparently did not actually report to his 
base for most of his tour of duty. And Dick Cheney and Don Rumsfeld and Richard Perl 
and Wolfowitz all risked their lives for the US as well. Well ok they did not. When 
this first came out Ted Kopell had 4 former CIA agents on his show. They were all 
outraged. Let me try this out on you. Suppose that Novak had reported that an unnamed 
administration source had said that the administration had good information that the 
african story was a fraud. How would Bush have responded to this leak? Would he have 
ignored it? How would you respond? 

Re: Rush Limbaugh is a hypocrite

2003-12-24 Thread Trent Shipley
On Tuesday 2003-12-23 23:27, Deborah Harrell wrote:
 jaw dropping
 How can you *possibly* equate sexual activity between
 consenting adults to abortion?  Especially since
 homosexual sex has *no* chance of leading to abortion?

With the disclaimer that I do not know JDG's personal views on the matter, 
homosexuality and other sexual practices are *NOT* private matters for many 
conservatives.  At minimum they involve issues of sin and morality and at 
most they have grossly corossive effects on society, possibly even leading to 
Gibonian decay.

I am pretty much a social darwinist (more cynical, disillusioned liberal than 
a real conservative), but used to work with people who were much more 
conservative than me.  I once said that Clinton's effort to allow homosexuals 
in the military (then maybe 8 years history) was morally laudible 
(irrelevant, social darwinist remember) and importantly technically and 
fiscally responsible ... I was gently reminded that not everyone thought that 
letting gays in the military was noble, some people thought it morally 
reprehensible and a pernicious idea no matter how appealing from a fiscal or 
technocratic perspective. 


Re: Rush Limbaugh is a hypocrite

2003-12-24 Thread Ronn!Blankenship
At 12:27 AM 12/24/03, Deborah Harrell wrote:

*Graphic terms warning this paragraph*
And abortion is a medical procedure, so it falls under
the medical records umbrella.  I personally think that
parts of medical records, such as injuries sustained
in a physical assault or caused accident, do need to
be allowable in court; however, intimate detailed
accounts such as Miss Brown being sodomized by a beer
bottle, or Mr. Smith having his genitals shredded by a
viciously swung chainsaw, should not be made public

OTOH, it might convince the court to give the SOB some of the same rather 
than probation . . .

-- Ronn!  :)


Re: Rush Limbaugh is a hypocrite

2003-12-24 Thread Ronn!Blankenship
Well, it's nice to see that the flap over environmentalism was short-lived 
. . .

-- Ronn!  :)

Professional Smart-Aleck.  Do Not Attempt.


Re: Rush Limbaugh is a hypocrite

2003-12-24 Thread John D. Giorgis
At 10:27 PM 12/23/2003 -0800 Deborah Harrell wrote:
 John D. Giorgis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Robert Seeberger wrote:

 I think the point Tom is riffing on is that Rush
 has repeatedly
 claimed that there is no constitutional right to
 That would likely apply also to medical records.
 Why does arguing that there is no constitution right
 to privacy to have
 abortions or homosexual relationships at all apply
 to the execution of the
 laws of Florida regarding medical records?   
 Or more generally, what is so inconsistent about
 saying that there is no
 right to privacy to have an abortion or a homosexual
 relationship, but that
 there is a right to privacy that protects one from a
 unreasonable search of your medical records?

jaw dropping
How can you *possibly* equate sexual activity between
consenting adults to abortion?  Especially since
homosexual sex has *no* chance of leading to abortion?

Deborah, I have made no such equation.

Rather, I am referring to the fact that Roe vs. Wade is the _original_
right to privacy case in the United States.The US Supreme Court in
that case,  did not find a right to abortion in that case - how could they?
- but rather found that 'the penumbra of the Constitution' contains a right
to privacy.

Conservatives, of course, were immediately outraged that somehow this idea
from the penumbra of the Constitution could somehow cast aside the
central question of determining when human life begins in this case .
Ever since, objection to this right to privacy has been a central tenet
of the pro-life movement.   

As you might imagine, the Supreme Court did themselves no favor by invoking
this same right to privacy from the penumbra in ruling all sodomy laws
unconstitutional - especially in a way that appeared to indicate that they
would soon be imposing homosexual marriage on the United States.
Naturally, this invocation of the right to privacy from the penumbra
would be simply wholly unconvincing to conservatives - indeed, it would
instead be viewed as an antagonistic source of outrage.

Anyhow, this right to privacy from the penumbra is very logically held
by many people, including Rush Limbaugh, to be quite different from the
Constitutional protections against unreasonable search and seizure that
protect a citizen, such as Rush Limbaugh, from havin his medical records
searched unreasonably and without due process.*


* - To be clear, I have not read any of the briefs in the Florida case, and
these statements should not be taken as an endorsement of Mr. Limbaugh's
legal position.   Rather, I am simply noting that Rush Limbaugh's arguments
were predicted on the Florida prosecutors' search being unreasonable and
not following the due process provisions of Florida State Law - and
regardless of the merit of these claims, they are logically different from
the penumbra claims of the abortion and sodomy cases.
John D. Giorgis - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   The liberty we prize is not America's gift to the world, 
   it is God's gift to humanity. - George W. Bush 1/29/03

Re: Rush Limbaugh is a hypocrite

2003-12-24 Thread TomFODW
 Rather, I am referring to the fact that Roe vs. Wade is the _original_
 right to privacy case in the United States.    The US Supreme Court in
 that case,  did not find a right to abortion in that case - how could they?
 - but rather found that 'the penumbra of the Constitution' contains a right
 to privacy.   

I believe the first right to privacy case was actually Griswold vs 
Connecticut in the 1960s, which overturned that state's law against the use of 

Tom Beck

I always knew I'd see the first man on the Moon. I never dreamed I'd see the 
last. - Dr Jerry Pournelle

Re: Rush Limbaugh is a hypocrite

2003-12-24 Thread Gautam Mukunda
--- Robert Seeberger [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I think the point Tom is riffing on is that Rush has
 claimed that there is no constitutional right to
 That would likely apply also to medical records.
 Drift Maru

Your medical records are private not because of the
Constitution, but because of doctor-patient
confidentiality, which is a matter of law.  There
isn't anything in the Constitution on that topic.

Gautam Mukunda
Freedom is not free

Do you Yahoo!?
New Yahoo! Photos - easier uploading and sharing.

Re: Rush Limbaugh is a hypocrite

2003-12-24 Thread Gautam Mukunda
--- Doug Pensinger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Yea, and between this, the outing of the CIA agent
 and Bush waggling his 
 finger at Halliburton we see how well the Right
 polices its own.

That would be the CIA agent who just posed in Vanity
Fair, and the Halliburton that is operating at profit
margins _below_ its national average for its
operations in Iraq?

And people wonder why Bush is at 60%.

Gautam Mukunda
Freedom is not free

Do you Yahoo!?
New Yahoo! Photos - easier uploading and sharing.

Re: Rush Limbaugh is a hypocrite

2003-12-24 Thread Julia Thompson
Robert Seeberger wrote:
 - Original Message -
 From: John D. Giorgis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Killer Bs Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2003 9:30 PM
 Subject: Re: Rush Limbaugh is a hypocrite
  At 10:12 PM 12/23/2003 EST [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   As opposed, of course, to how well the Left policies it own.
  Is that always your answer? You're another? Deal with the issue
 at hand:
  Rush Limbaugh is demanding an accommodation for himself that he has
  insisted, loudly and without compassion or mercy, not be accorded
  who has done similar things.
  This is false.   I know of no instance in which Rush Limbaugh has
  accorded anyone else the privacy of their medical records.
 I think the point Tom is riffing on is that Rush has repeatedly
 claimed that there is no constitutional right to privacy.
 That would likely apply also to medical records.

Hm.  What are his views on attorney-client privilege?

I'd say doctor-patient privilege is just one step below that -- has he
said anything in the past about doctor-patient privilege?  Does anyone

Other privacy rights may have less protection.  Or he may think they
should have less protection.


Re: Rush Limbaugh is a hypocrite

2003-12-24 Thread Doug Pensinger
Gautam wrote:

That would be the CIA agent who just posed in Vanity
Well it doesn't make a whole hell of a lot of difference at this point 
does it?  What's whe gonna do, grow a mustache?

and the Halliburton that is operating at profit
margins _below_ its national average for its
operations in Iraq?
And if you believe that, I've got some gas for sale.  Cheap, $2.64 a 

And people wonder why Bush is at 60%.
I think, when the campaign gets into full swing and people that normally 
don't think about these things or have been getting all their news from 
the television see how they and their country are getting screwed by this 
administration, that those numbers will go down quickly.  God, I hope so 
because four more years with these jokers in charge will be a disaster not 
only for the country, but the entire world.


Re: Rush Limbaugh is a hypocrite

2003-12-24 Thread Ronn!Blankenship
At 06:15 PM 12/24/03, Doug Pensinger wrote:
Gautam wrote:

That would be the CIA agent who just posed in Vanity
Well it doesn't make a whole hell of a lot of difference at this point 
does it?  What's whe gonna do, grow a mustache?

and the Halliburton that is operating at profit
margins _below_ its national average for its
operations in Iraq?
And if you believe that, I've got some gas for sale.  Cheap, $2.64 a gallon.

And people wonder why Bush is at 60%.
I think, when the campaign gets into full swing and people that normally 
don't think about these things or have been getting all their news from 
the television see how they and their country are getting screwed by this 
administration, that those numbers will go down quickly.  God, I hope so 
because four more years with these jokers in charge will be a disaster not 
only for the country, but the entire world.

Well, there certainly isn't anyone on the Democratic side who can do as 
well, much less better (and that particularly includes Al Gore and HRC), so 
who do you want to see elected?

-- Ronn!  :)


Re: Rush Limbaugh is a hypocrite

2003-12-24 Thread Robert Seeberger

- Original Message - 
From: Gautam Mukunda [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Killer Bs Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, December 24, 2003 3:45 PM
Subject: Re: Rush Limbaugh is a hypocrite

 --- Robert Seeberger [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  I think the point Tom is riffing on is that Rush has
  claimed that there is no constitutional right to
  That would likely apply also to medical records.
  Drift Maru

 Your medical records are private not because of the
 Constitution, but because of doctor-patient
 confidentiality, which is a matter of law.  There
 isn't anything in the Constitution on that topic.

That's why they can be opened by a court order at any time.
It is only a statutory protection, not a constitutional protection.

Hipaa Maru


Re: Rush Limbaugh is a hypocrite

2003-12-24 Thread John D. Giorgis
At 01:45 PM 12/24/2003 -0800 Gautam Mukunda wrote:
--- Robert Seeberger [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I think the point Tom is riffing on is that Rush has
 claimed that there is no constitutional right to
 That would likely apply also to medical records.
 Drift Maru

Your medical records are private not because of the
Constitution, but because of doctor-patient
confidentiality, which is a matter of law.  There
isn't anything in the Constitution on that topic.

Actually medical records are somewhat private under the Consitution, as
they are protected by the Constitution from unreasonable search and seizure.

John D. Giorgis - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   The liberty we prize is not America's gift to the world, 
   it is God's gift to humanity. - George W. Bush 1/29/03

Re: Rush Limbaugh is a hypocrite

2003-12-24 Thread John D. Giorgis
At 01:49 PM 12/24/2003 -0800 Gautam Mukunda wrote:
--- Doug Pensinger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Yea, and between this, the outing of the CIA agent
 and Bush waggling his 
 finger at Halliburton we see how well the Right
 polices its own.

That would be the CIA agent who just posed in Vanity
Fair, and the Halliburton that is operating at profit
margins _below_ its national average for its
operations in Iraq?

But Gautam, that's not even the most ironic thing.The most ironic thing
is that Doug somehow thought that the Halliburton incident was an example
of the Right no policing its own - when in fact it was a Republican
administration that uncovered and publicized the potential abuse.

John D. Giorgis - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   The liberty we prize is not America's gift to the world, 
   it is God's gift to humanity. - George W. Bush 1/29/03

Re: Rush Limbaugh is a hypocrite

2003-12-24 Thread Robert Seeberger

- Original Message - 
From: Ronn!Blankenship [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Killer Bs Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, December 24, 2003 6:21 PM
Subject: Re: Rush Limbaugh is a hypocrite

 At 06:15 PM 12/24/03, Doug Pensinger wrote:
 Gautam wrote:
 That would be the CIA agent who just posed in Vanity
 Well it doesn't make a whole hell of a lot of difference at this
 does it?  What's whe gonna do, grow a mustache?
 and the Halliburton that is operating at profit
 margins _below_ its national average for its
 operations in Iraq?
 And if you believe that, I've got some gas for sale.  Cheap, $2.64
a gallon.
 And people wonder why Bush is at 60%.
 I think, when the campaign gets into full swing and people that
 don't think about these things or have been getting all their news
 the television see how they and their country are getting screwed
by this
 administration, that those numbers will go down quickly.  God, I
hope so
 because four more years with these jokers in charge will be a
disaster not
 only for the country, but the entire world.

 Well, there certainly isn't anyone on the Democratic side who can do
 well, much less better (and that particularly includes Al Gore and
HRC), so
 who do you want to see elected?

Ronn!, I would disagree.
I think the current president has not done a stellar job (though I
would agree that he is capable of better than he has done). I think
that for the most part he has done, in regards to the standout issues
of this term, about as well as an average quality president.
Bush *himself*, has done better than I would have ever given him
credit for being capable of.
That being said, I still think he is a [pick your favorite expletive],
just like he was here in Texas, and I am just plain tired of him.
I passionately dislike 3 of the people he surrounds himself with and
admire only 2 others.
There are just too many hints of corruption in the air for my taste.
Maybe there's a fire, maybe its just some joker smoking in the
bathroom, but since his administration entered the Whitehouse telling
lies (that the GAO disproved), I don't see much reason to lend even
grudging trust.

I would greatly prefer a republican candidate that I felt would run a
completely honest, no bullcrap administration. Even one with the same
philosophy as the Bush administration.
I probably wouldn't vote for them, but I could give unreserved fealty
to an Republican president who impressed me as completely sincere and

Goldwater For President Maru


Re: Rush Limbaugh is a hypocrite

2003-12-24 Thread Robert Seeberger

- Original Message - 
From: John D. Giorgis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Killer Bs Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, December 24, 2003 6:39 PM
Subject: Re: Rush Limbaugh is a hypocrite

 At 01:45 PM 12/24/2003 -0800 Gautam Mukunda wrote:
 --- Robert Seeberger [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  I think the point Tom is riffing on is that Rush has
  claimed that there is no constitutional right to
  That would likely apply also to medical records.
  Drift Maru
 Your medical records are private not because of the
 Constitution, but because of doctor-patient
 confidentiality, which is a matter of law.  There
 isn't anything in the Constitution on that topic.

 Actually medical records are somewhat private under the Consitution,
 they are protected by the Constitution from unreasonable search
and seizure.

This is a question and not a challenge.

If it were a doctor being investigated then I could see the
constitutional protection. But can you show some reference that would
support your claim that a patient has a constitutional protection in a
case where the patient is being investigated for criminal activity?

I've never seen the argument John is making presented before, and I'm
quite curious as to how that would work. And why.

Lawfully Unknowledgeable Maru


Re: Rush Limbaugh is a hypocrite

2003-12-24 Thread Julia Thompson
Robert Seeberger wrote:

 I think the current president has not done a stellar job (though I
 would agree that he is capable of better than he has done). I think
 that for the most part he has done, in regards to the standout issues
 of this term, about as well as an average quality president.
 Bush *himself*, has done better than I would have ever given him
 credit for being capable of.
 That being said, I still think he is a [pick your favorite expletive],
 just like he was here in Texas, and I am just plain tired of him.

Anyone here a fan of That 70s Show?  ;)


Re: Rush Limbaugh is a hypocrite

2003-12-24 Thread Dan Minette

- Original Message - 
From: John D. Giorgis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Killer Bs Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, December 24, 2003 6:39 PM
Subject: Re: Rush Limbaugh is a hypocrite

 At 01:45 PM 12/24/2003 -0800 Gautam Mukunda wrote:
 --- Robert Seeberger [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  I think the point Tom is riffing on is that Rush has
  claimed that there is no constitutional right to
  That would likely apply also to medical records.
  Drift Maru
 Your medical records are private not because of the
 Constitution, but because of doctor-patient
 confidentiality, which is a matter of law.  There
 isn't anything in the Constitution on that topic.

 Actually medical records are somewhat private under the Consitution, as
 they are protected by the Constitution from unreasonable search and

What's a reasonable search of a person for whom there is credible evidence
of illegal involvement with narcotics?  If there is a law against going to
multiple physicians to get far more narcotics than any responsible
physician would prescribe, and there is probable cause to believe that a
drug addict has done this, then I don't see any a priori reason why this
type of search is unreasonable.

Now, I'm not opposed to Rush having his lawyers fight to keep the records
private.  That's his right as an American citizen.  But, this is not an
unprecedented invasion of privacy. If he were poor and black, dollars to
donuts, he'd be wearing orange for Christmas.

Dan M.

Dan M.


Re: Rush Limbaugh is a hypocrite

2003-12-24 Thread Bemmzim
In a message dated 12/23/2003 9:59:34 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 As opposed, of course, to how well the Left policies it own.

But John, it is the right that has been so firm in its moral rectitude (I could say 
sanctimonity if that was a word but that would be too pergaritive). If you are 
referring to Clinton I must reiterate that the left (aka the democrats who are of 
course virtually commie pigs) did not condone his actions they said they were not 
grounds for removal. 
So John: Is Rush a hypocrite? yes or no. Should the person who leaked Valerie Ps name 
be prosecuted? At the very least will you admit that the President should have shown 
outrage and investigated this leak when Novak's column came out this past summer? Yes 
or No. Should there be an investigation of Halliburton's profiteering (by the way that 
is what is called and in the past profiteers were tried for treason). Don't change the 
topic. Answer the questions. You claim the high ground.

Deep breath and change of tone.

Merry Christmas.

Re: Rush Limbaugh is a hypocrite

2003-12-24 Thread Doug Pensinger
John wrote:

Actually medical records are somewhat private under the Consitution, as
they are protected by the Constitution from unreasonable search and 
Isn't that the very arguement that Limbaugh has contested in the past and 
that prompted the title for this thread?


Re: Rush Limbaugh is a hypocrite

2003-12-24 Thread Bemmzim
In a message dated 12/23/2003 11:43:21 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Oh I see, Brad, the side with the real arguments is the side which argued
 that the Right does not police their own very well on the basis of Rush
 Limbaugh arguing that State of Florida prosecutors did not properly follow
 the laws of Florida in asking for his private medical 
 records to be unsealed.

Your defense of Rush is extraordinarly concrete. I am always amazed when you cannot 
admit that anything done by a member of the right is wrong. Rush admitted to his 
problem only after it became the subject of an investigation. He couldn't deny it. He 
went into a celebrity rehab center. Don Imus (who knows of such things) scolded Rush 
for not entering a serious rehab facility. I am always very suspicious of the addicted 
to pain killers because of my back pain arguement. Someone with his resources could 
have received help to kick this addiction at any time. He got his drugs illegally 
precisely so he could continue to use them without having to see a doctor. In short 
his admission was by necessity his explanation rings false and his rehab should be 
viewed with skeptism. By the way you should know that Alan Dershowitz has said that he 
should not be prosecuted since since this is not standard practice. Imagine that, a 
card carrying liberal saying that on principle that Rush should not be prosecuted. 
Maybe you could learn something Alan

Re: Rush Limbaugh is a hypocrite

2003-12-24 Thread Bemmzim
In a message dated 12/24/2003 4:49:12 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 That would be the CIA agent who just posed in Vanity
 Fair, and the Halliburton that is operating at profit
 margins _below_ its national average for its
 operations in Iraq?

She posed after she was outed. Forget about her; what about the person who outed her. 
Isn't that a crime? Isn'/t the right very big on crimes? Perjury in a private law suit 
is grounds for removal from office but commiting the crime of compromising national 
security is ok because the person subsquently poses for Vanity Fair? Stay on topic. 
What she does now is not the issue. That is not the crime.

As to Halliburton. Are you really claiming that they will lose money on this deal? And 
once again even if true so what? Your arguement comes down to forgiving a thief 
because he had no money. If Halliburton made a bad deal that is their problem. We live 
in a free market economy. They took the risk. If they really lose money then that is 
their problem because if they make money they get to keep it. We call that capitalism. 
Their actions were on their face criminal and criminal of the worst type. War 

Re: Rush Limbaugh is a hypocrite

2003-12-24 Thread Bemmzim
In a message dated 12/24/2003 7:41:08 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 But Gautam, that's not even the most ironic thing.The most ironic thing
 is that Doug somehow thought that the Halliburton incident was an example
 of the Right no policing its own - when in fact it was a Republican
 administration that uncovered and publicized the potential 

Correct if I am wrong but wasn't it the press who uncovered Halliburton's actions? And 
of course the government oversight is carried out by portions of the government that 
are not under direct political control. The government (in this case a republican 
government) did what it was obligated to do. By the way doesn't your arguement imply 
that Clinton deserves credit for is own impeachment since the special prosecutor was 
appointed during his administration?

Re: Rush Limbaugh is a hypocrite

2003-12-24 Thread Gautam Mukunda
--- John D. Giorgis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Actually medical records are somewhat private under
 the Consitution, as
 they are protected by the Constitution from
 unreasonable search and seizure.

Only if you think that search and seizure covers a
doctor's office, and I can't bring to mind any rulings
that it does.  Search and seizure is usually thought
of as covering your property and person, and your
physician's office is neither of those.

I'm not saying I think doctor patient confidentiality
is a bad thing.  Obviously I do not.  I am, as I often
do, pointing out the difference between This is a
good idea and This is what the Constitution
demands.  They are not in any sense coterminous.

Gautam Mukunda
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Re: Rush Limbaugh is a hypocrite

2003-12-24 Thread Gautam Mukunda
--- John D. Giorgis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 But Gautam, that's not even the most ironic thing.  
  The most ironic thing
 is that Doug somehow thought that the Halliburton
 incident was an example
 of the Right no policing its own - when in fact it
 was a Republican
 administration that uncovered and publicized the
 potential abuse.

As, for that matter, was Enron.  It has always struck
me as ironic that the Bush Administration gets
criticized for Enron.  Most of the fraud and
corruption took place under the Clinton Administration
after all (and the same with Worldcom, Global
Crossing, you name it).  They were revealed under the
Bush Administration. 

Gautam Mukunda
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Re: Rush Limbaugh is a hypocrite

2003-12-24 Thread Gautam Mukunda
--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 She posed after she was outed. Forget about her;
 what about the person who outed her. Isn't that a
 crime? Isn'/t the right very big on crimes? Perjury
 in a private law suit is grounds for removal from
 office but commiting the crime of compromising
 national security is ok because the person
 subsquently poses for Vanity Fair? Stay on topic.
 What she does now is not the issue. That is not the

Yes, but I _don't know_ who leaked it.  There actually
is no evidence that it was a crime at the moment. 
It's a crime if she had served overseas within the
past 5 years (I think that's the time span) which she
has not.  The _CIA itself_ made no effort to cover her
identity.  That's all that we know.  Everything else
is the fevered wishes of the left.

You will forgive me, by the way, if I laugh at the
fact that people who during the Vietnam War and after
happily cheered on lots of people who leaked American
secrets of real importance care in the least about
Valerie Plame.

When I know who leaked it - in other words, when the
investigation that is on going reveals the identity of
the person - and if that person committed a crime,
then I will happily call for the head of the person
involved.  But all of the evidence I have suggests
that the major issue is that Joe Wilson is a gasbag
who capitalized on this issue to build his own public
profile, and that's about all that happened.
 As to Halliburton. Are you really claiming that they
 will lose money on this deal? And once again even if
 true so what? Your arguement comes down to forgiving
 a thief because he had no money. If Halliburton made
 a bad deal that is their problem. We live in a free
 market economy. They took the risk. If they really
 lose money then that is their problem because if
 they make money they get to keep it. We call that
 capitalism. Their actions were on their face
 criminal and criminal of the worst type. War

I would say, from what I know about the deal, that
they are not profiteering.  I don't know much about
the deal - I automatically tune out any argument
involving Halliburton, it's the black helicopters of
the paranoid left.  But as far as we know, they don't
seem to have done anything wrong.  I don't know much
more than that - I just think that the people making
accusations have no credibility.  They are so clearly
motivated by hatred for the Bush Administration that I
_just don't care_ what they think.  When I see people
who look at Osama Bin Laden and George Bush and think
that George Bush is their enemy, frankly I don't
listen when they talk about Haliburton.  If the
Washington Post wants to say that something wrong
happened here, I'll get upset.  Since so far they're
said that there is no story here, that's what I believe.

Gautam Mukunda
Freedom is not free

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Re: Rush Limbaugh is a hypocrite

2003-12-24 Thread Doug Pensinger
Gautam wrote:

If the Washington Post wants to say that something wrong
happened here, I'll get upset.  Since so far they're
said that there is no story here, that's what I believe.

This extraordinary internal audit suggests that Halliburton had been 
previously warned by its own auditors that it was overcharging for the 
fuel but apparently ignored these important warnings and continued to 
charge the federal government inflated prices, he wrote.


Re: Rush Limbaugh is a hypocrite

2003-12-23 Thread Doug Pensinger
William wrote:

Maybe what Rush meant to say that there was no Constitutional right to 
privacy for law-abiding homosexuals, but there is a Constitutional right 
to privacy for conservative radio talk show host prescription drug 

Yea, and between this, the outing of the CIA agent and Bush waggling his 
finger at Halliburton we see how well the Right polices its own.

GSV Tut Tut

Re: Rush Limbaugh is a hypocrite

2003-12-23 Thread John D. Giorgis
At 05:20 PM 12/23/2003 -0800 Doug Pensinger wrote:
Yea, and between this, the outing of the CIA agent and Bush waggling his 
finger at Halliburton we see how well the Right polices its own.

As opposed, of course, to how well the Left policies it own.

GSV Tut Tut Back at Ya
John D. Giorgis - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   The liberty we prize is not America's gift to the world, 
   it is God's gift to humanity. - George W. Bush 1/29/03

Re: Rush Limbaugh is a hypocrite

2003-12-23 Thread John D. Giorgis
At 10:12 PM 12/23/2003 EST [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 As opposed, of course, to how well the Left policies it own.

Is that always your answer? You're another? Deal with the issue at hand: 
Rush Limbaugh is demanding an accommodation for himself that he has
insisted, loudly and without compassion or mercy, not be accorded anyone
who has done similar things. 

This is false.   I know of no instance in which Rush Limbaugh has not
accorded anyone else the privacy of their medical records.   More to the
point, I know of no instance when Rush Limbaugh has loudly and without
compassion or mercy said that individuals should not have the right to
keep their medical records private.

Only thing is, Rush is such an obnoxious pig, so loud and so absolutely 
certain of his own genius and infallibility and perfect rectitude, that
you can't 
blame people for piling on when he brings all this shit down upon himself, 

I do blame you, however, for gratuitously swearing On-List.

then acts like he did nothing wrong, and it's all someone else's fault, and 
then hides behind his lawyers - exactly the kind of behavior that he has
shrieked about when someone he doesn't like does. Why doesn't he practice
he's been preaching? 

This is false.   Rush Limbaugh has regularly and repeatedly claimed
responsibility for his addiction and his own actions.

Again, it's simple human nature, but he has never been 
so understanding of anyone else's foibles. You'd hope being revealed as
would teach him a lesson; but I guess you'd be wrong.

You deal with Rush, since he's one of your own (and you can have him). Leave 
the Left to the liberals. 

And of course, you have not at all responded to the allegation that the
Left are at minimum no better than the Right than policing their own.
Apparently you would rather swear and bash Rush Limbaugh than actually
address my post.   Kind of ironic for someone who began this post deal
with the issue at hand.

Thanks anyway.

John D. Giorgis - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   The liberty we prize is not America's gift to the world, 
   it is God's gift to humanity. - George W. Bush 1/29/03

Re: Rush Limbaugh is a hypocrite

2003-12-23 Thread Brad DeLong
  As opposed, of course, to how well the Left policies it own.

Is that always your answer? You're another?
Often it is: it's what you do when you're out of real arguments, after all.

Brad DeLong

Re: Rush Limbaugh is a hypocrite

2003-12-23 Thread John D. Giorgis
At 08:21 PM 12/23/2003 -0800 Brad DeLong wrote:
   As opposed, of course, to how well the Left policies it own.

Is that always your answer? You're another?

Often it is: it's what you do when you're out of real arguments, after all.

Oh I see, Brad, the side with the real arguments is the side which argued
that the Right does not police their own very well on the basis of Rush
Limbaugh arguing that State of Florida prosecutors did not properly follow
the laws of Florida in asking for his private medical records to be unsealed.

Uh yeah, you guys have real arguments all right.

JDG - Who somehow has demonstrated his void of real arguments by failing to
respond in depth to Doug P.'s hyperbolic blanket charges against all
John D. Giorgis - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   The liberty we prize is not America's gift to the world, 
   it is God's gift to humanity. - George W. Bush 1/29/03

Re: Rush Limbaugh is a hypocrite

2003-12-23 Thread Robert Seeberger

- Original Message - 
From: John D. Giorgis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Killer Bs Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2003 9:30 PM
Subject: Re: Rush Limbaugh is a hypocrite

 At 10:12 PM 12/23/2003 EST [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  As opposed, of course, to how well the Left policies it own.
 Is that always your answer? You're another? Deal with the issue
at hand:
 Rush Limbaugh is demanding an accommodation for himself that he has
 insisted, loudly and without compassion or mercy, not be accorded
 who has done similar things.

 This is false.   I know of no instance in which Rush Limbaugh has
 accorded anyone else the privacy of their medical records.

I think the point Tom is riffing on is that Rush has repeatedly
claimed that there is no constitutional right to privacy.
That would likely apply also to medical records.

Drift Maru


Re: Rush Limbaugh is a hypocrite

2003-12-23 Thread John D. Giorgis
At 10:52 PM 12/23/2003 -0600 Robert Seeberger wrote:
I think the point Tom is riffing on is that Rush has repeatedly
claimed that there is no constitutional right to privacy.
That would likely apply also to medical records.

Why does arguing that there is no constitution right to privacy to have
abortions or homosexual relationships at all apply to the execution of the
laws of Florida regarding medical records?   

Or more generally, what is so inconsistent about saying that there is no
right to privacy to have an abortion or a homosexual relationship, but that
there is a right to privacy that protects one from a government's
unreasonable search of your medical records?

It is not at all evident to me that there is a position on one necessitates
a position on the other.

JDG - Who has no arguments, nor any apologies.
John D. Giorgis - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   The liberty we prize is not America's gift to the world, 
   it is God's gift to humanity. - George W. Bush 1/29/03

Re: Rush Limbaugh is a hypocrite

2003-12-23 Thread Trent Shipley
On Tuesday 2003-12-23 22:09, John D. Giorgis wrote:
 At 10:52 PM 12/23/2003 -0600 Robert Seeberger wrote:
 I think the point Tom is riffing on is that Rush has repeatedly
 claimed that there is no constitutional right to privacy.
 That would likely apply also to medical records.

 Why does arguing that there is no constitution right to privacy to have
 abortions or homosexual relationships at all apply to the execution of the
 laws of Florida regarding medical records?

 Or more generally, what is so inconsistent about saying that there is no
 right to privacy to have an abortion or a homosexual relationship, but that
 there is a right to privacy that protects one from a government's
 unreasonable search of your medical records?

 It is not at all evident to me that there is a position on one necessitates
 a position on the other.

A position on one entails a position of the other if you defend yourself with 
an apeal to a *general* right to privacy.

If you apeal to a medical right to privacy (or confidentiality) then it covers 
the Linbaugh case and the abortion case.  (Separating the two will require 
arguing abortion is not under the purview of medicine--no problem for JDG, no 
doubt, but a postion that is far from obvious to me).  However, a narrower 
medical right to privacy DOES obviously exclude protection for sexual 


More importantly, who cares if Rush is a hypocrite?  If he's such a good 
conservative why has he been married and divorced so many times?  Rush is a 
marketeer.  Attacking Rush for being Rush is a cheap ad homeniem argument.  
Rush is not important, his showmanship and message are--especially his 
showmanship.  The way he packages his message and the good feeling he gives 
his listeners is more important than his message.  The message tends to be 
pretty thin, but its an energizing rush for conservatives.

 JDG - Who has no arguments, nor any apologies.
 John D. Giorgis   - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The liberty we prize is not America's gift to the world,
it is God's gift to humanity. - George W. Bush 1/29/03


Re: Rush Limbaugh is a hypocrite

2003-12-23 Thread Doug Pensinger
John wrote:

As opposed, of course, to how well the Left policies it own.

But how many on the left have made grandiose assertions that they have?


Re: Rush Limbaugh is a hypocrite

2003-12-23 Thread Deborah Harrell
 John D. Giorgis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Robert Seeberger wrote:

 I think the point Tom is riffing on is that Rush
 has repeatedly
 claimed that there is no constitutional right to
 That would likely apply also to medical records.
 Why does arguing that there is no constitution right
 to privacy to have
 abortions or homosexual relationships at all apply
 to the execution of the
 laws of Florida regarding medical records?   
 Or more generally, what is so inconsistent about
 saying that there is no
 right to privacy to have an abortion or a homosexual
 relationship, but that
 there is a right to privacy that protects one from a
 unreasonable search of your medical records?

jaw dropping
How can you *possibly* equate sexual activity between
consenting adults to abortion?  Especially since
homosexual sex has *no* chance of leading to abortion?
 While I support the right-to-choose as a necessity, I
have posted that in my version of an ideal world, all
sexually active adults (all teens would wait until
legal age) would use 100%-effective types of birth
control, all sex would be consensual, and there would
be little need for abortion except in case of the
mother's life being uncorrectably endangered (in my
ideal world, birth defects would be identified and
corrected prenatally, and there wouldn't be any rape
either).  Of course, my ideal world *has* never and
*will* never exist, although we might come close in
some respects.

What happens between consenting adults in their own
homes is certainly not the government's business.  I
personally find the practice of wife/husband swapping
disgusting, but have no interest in any law against it
- although 'the law' might conceivably become involved
if frex there is a paternity question.  :P

*Graphic terms warning this paragraph*
And abortion is a medical procedure, so it falls under
the medical records umbrella.  I personally think that
parts of medical records, such as injuries sustained
in a physical assault or caused accident, do need to
be allowable in court; however, intimate detailed
accounts such as Miss Brown being sodomized by a beer
bottle, or Mr. Smith having his genitals shredded by a
viciously swung chainsaw, should not be made public
(seal the records for 50-100 years?  Forever?).  

As I have previously posted, medical personnel have
*already* deliberately omitted recording certain
things, that have no _current_ relevance, in the
medical record because insurance companies have used
them to deny coverage, and/or employers have gained
access to sensitive information and used it against an
employee.  [Examples of things that might be omitted:
trying pot once or twice in youth (but regular use of
any illicit drug or IV drug use can have future
consequences, so those must be written); clinical
depression, as after the death of a child, that is
diagnosed in retrospect; remote history of being
abused as a child, if therapy has already been
completed in the past.  I have heard of each of these
examples causing significant current problems for a
person, even though the situations were resolved in
the remote past.]

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Re: Rush Limbaugh is a hypocrite

2003-12-23 Thread Doug Pensinger
John wrote:

JDG - Who somehow has demonstrated his void of real arguments by failing 
to respond in depth to Doug P.'s hyperbolic blanket charges against all
I know you don't always follow the list closely these days, so I'll be 
less cryptic.  Gautam has written at length in the past about how the 
right polices it's own and the left does not.  Recent events leave me well 
beyond skeptical, precipitating my comment.
