CFX tag error

2006-03-27 Thread Cornillon, Matthieu \(Consultant\)
Hi, there.  I am creating my first Java CFX tag, and I am getting the
following error:


PullNTID (Unsupported major.minor version 49.0) null 

The error occurred on line 1.


(PullNTID is the name of the class.)


Any thoughts?




Donations & Support:

RE: SQL Problem

2006-03-09 Thread Cornillon, Matthieu \(Consultant\)

I'd try this:

SELECT TOP 1 (controlID, memberID, memberSubmitDate)
FROM tblList 
ORDER BY memberSubmitDate DESC


Donations & Support:

Pulling NT ID using ColdFusion

2006-03-09 Thread Cornillon, Matthieu \(Consultant\)


I run a site using ColdFusion MX7 on a Unix box.  It is an intranet
site, accessible only to people within the company who have logged on to
the network using their NT ID.  Some coworkers of mine (who run
ColdFusion sites on NT boxes) are able to have their CF apps pull that
NT ID for use in various ways.  But, as I said, I run on Unix.  So, the


Does anyone know how to get a ColdFusion MX7 app running on a Unix box
to pull the NT ID under which the current user logged into the NT
network?  Is this possible?




Donations & Support:

RE: SQL Update

2006-01-20 Thread Cornillon, Matthieu \(Consultant\)

I Googled "MySQL concatenation operator" and eventually came to the
CONCAT function, pasted below.  I think searching for 
"DB_SOFTWARE concatenation operator" should help others find their
db-specific answers as well.



Returns the string that results from concatenating the arguments. May
have one or more arguments. If all arguments are non-binary strings, the
result is a non-binary string. If the arguments include any binary
strings, the result is a binary string. A numeric argument is converted
to its equivalent binary string form; if you want to avoid that, you can
use an explicit type cast, as in this example: 

SELECT CONCAT(CAST(int_col AS CHAR), char_col);

CONCAT() returns NULL if any argument is NULL. 

mysql> SELECT CONCAT('My', 'S', 'QL');
-> 'MySQL'
mysql> SELECT CONCAT('My', NULL, 'QL');
mysql> SELECT CONCAT(14.3);
-> '14.3'

>From some MySQL online manual:

Donations & Support:

RE: Preventing auto-fill

2006-01-13 Thread Cornillon, Matthieu \(Consultant\)

I use the autocomplete="off" approach with much success.  I am curious
though: is it true that you can override this setting from within the


-Original Message-
From: Cameron Childress [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, January 09, 2006 7:57 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Preventing auto-fill


As has been suggested, you can dynamically name form fields, or try
autocomplete="off", but after all is said and done, the client
ultimately has control over caching that autocomplete data.  Even if you
change the form field name, the autocomplete data's being sotred on the
client, it's just stored using a different form field name every time.
Some might argue that this actually would create a BIGGER security risk
for your users since you re essentially forcing them to store the credit
card info over and over with different form fields each time.

Either way, the browser makes the ultimate decision as to storing the
form field data, how long to keep it, where to keep it, and how secure
it is on the end user's computer.  You can only do so much to protect
your users from storing data insecurely on their own machines.

You may serve your users better by just turning autocomplete="off" and
adding a quick link or hint informing (educating) the user that they
should be not turn autocomplete on for data the deem "secure" or
private.  Of course that opens up a whole new ball of wax if you start
trying to educate your users...


Cameron Childress
Sumo Consulting Inc
cell:  678.637.5072
aim:   cameroncf

On 1/9/06, Rey Bango <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Guys,
> Is there a way to prevent a browser's autocomplete/autofill feature
>   caching info on certain forms? For example, I don't want a credit 
> card form field to be cached via autocomplete. The same with login 
> prompts.
> Anyone tackled this before?
> Rey...

Donations & Support:

RE: FW: Outputiing dynamic columns

2006-01-13 Thread Cornillon, Matthieu \(Consultant\)

All right.  Let me take a shot.  First off, I don't think I really
understand the ins and outs of your data, but the formatting issues
remind me of a problem that I had outputting data, so I'll punt:

Generally stated, you have data that is grouped by some geographic area.
Within each geographic area group, you have one or more values, each
applying to a particular factor.  A given factor may have data within
one geographic area group, but not within another.  If all that is
right, then read on.

You pull the data and group it.  You then either run a separate query or
loop over the initial query to pull all unique values for factor that
appear at least once in the query, regardless of the number of
appearances.  You order that list however you like (alphabetical by
factor name, for example).

Now comes the output.  First off, the table structure is an outer table
with one row and multiple columns.  Each of the cells is an inner table
with one column and as many rows as in your query listing unique factor
values plus one (gots to have a header!).

In your first column, loop over the list of unique factor values and
output them.

In each of the other columns, again loop over the unique factor values,
but now you are looking within the real data query for the data you
want.  There are probably a bunch of ways to do this.  (I'm sure
whatever you come up with will be at least as good as my clumsy method.)
In any event, the idea is that if you find a corresponding value, you
put it in, and you otherwise leave 0 or "-" or whatever.  


-Original Message-
From: Snake [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, January 07, 2006 4:55 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: FW: Outputiing dynamic columns

Having had a quick read, pivot tables don't appear to exist in SQL
Server 2000, which is what I am using.


-Original Message-
From: Jochem van Dieten [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 07 January 2006 18:35
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: FW: Outputiing dynamic columns

Snake wrote:

> This is basically market research data that can be National, regional
> or local.
> If the locale is national, the data applies only to countries.
> If the locale is regional, the data applies to regions of countries.
> If the local is local, the data applies to a specific ity of a 
> specific region of a specific country.
> Any factor may thus have any number of rows of data in the DB as it's
> data could be acros smany countries or regions, or just for a single
> There will be one row for each column of data in the output, which is 
> made up of a country (required), region(optional) and city (optional).

> The output needs to be groupe dby the factorID.
> As you can see form my example, the factor called "regional test" has
> 4 columns as it has been recorded for multiple regions in the UK.
> The "students" factor only has data for 1 region, and thus will only 
> have 1 column to output.
> In the same way, other factors could more or less columns.
> I this respect I think I probbaly cannot have a single heading for
> everything and will need to have new headings for each factor, 
> otherwise they will not line up.

You can have a single heading for all, but you run the risk you will
have many localities in the header so your table gets very wide, and
rows that only have data in one of them and are thus mainly empty. With
the 4 UK regions in your example it is not that bad, with 50 US states
where you have only one data point it is bad. That is a design issue you
need to decide first.

Another thing to consider is displaying the data hieragically. 
Instead of the example you show, you could use something like:

United Kingdom
   |  Wales |   Kent   |   Yorkshire  |  East England  |
2002  |  2|
2003  |  3|
2004  |   3|5 |   7  |  4 |
2005  |   4|6 |   5  |  6 |

Anyhow, you need to read up on pivot tables. Google will lead you to
some scripts that will help you a lot by doing the hard work in SQL.


Donations & Support:

RE: Verity and Coldfusion MX

2006-01-13 Thread Cornillon, Matthieu \(Consultant\)

In the ColdFusion documentation, take a look at the key parameter for
the CFINDEX tag.  Here is some of the info:

The value specified for key depends on the type attribute:

If type = "file", the directory path and filename for the file, 
If type = "path", the directory path for the location of the files. 
If type = "custom", a unique identifier that specifies the location of
the data, For a query, the name of the column that holds the primary
key, for example. If not a query, an identifier such as the URL for a
web page, for example. 

I haven't used this all that much, but here is the way that I understand
it.  You set up the collection using CFCOLLECTION.  Then you use CFINDEX
to index that existing collection.  When you set up the index, you have
the parameter named key which stores a way to get the person back to the
place where the search term was found.  In my case, I run this on a
database table where I want to return the row from that table if it
matches in the search.  So, I set the type parameter to "custom", and
then set the key parameter to the column name for my table's primary
key.  When the search results come up, I create a series of links using
this primary key (as included within the query object returned).  Each
link then goes to a page that pulls up that table row based on the
primary key passed.

In your case, you can use type="file" to return the path of the file, or
(as the documentation suggests), a URL.

This all depends on your exact set-up, though.  If you have more
questions, contact me off-list.


-Original Message-
From: Mark Murphy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, January 08, 2006 11:25 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Verity and Coldfusion MX

Howdy, I'm new to Coldfusion - and am looking at the product for work,
where we have a trial version of verity Ultraseek.  I know that
coldfusion has a component of Verity and I have set up collection,
searched on this, and am generally happy with the results - Except it
won't open the files!  I have noticed that the MS office docs 2003,
pdf5+ don't seem to be supported - which seems odd, given that I get
results, so it does index them - it just won't open the document to view
them. I keep getting an error saying it can't locate the doc.  Am I
missing something? Is there a workaround, somehow.  Thanks, Mark



Donations & Support:

RE: OT: Eclipse is the One Ring?

2006-01-13 Thread Cornillon, Matthieu \(Consultant\)
I just learned about eclipse recently, and I love it.  I am curious,
though, as to whether there is a plug-in that allows the sort of visual
HTML layout editing that Dreamweaver does.  You see, I am too cheap to
buy Dreamweaver at home.  Is there an eclipse plug-in (I've looked
through and not found anything) or some other good, free, opensource
software that people can recommend for this part of web work?


-Original Message-
From: Munson, Jacob [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2006 1:11 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: OT: Eclipse is the One Ring?

LOL, yeah I guess if you follow the logic through from the books, then
that would be the correct conclusion.  But really this was just a silly
diversion.  I currently use Eclipse with CFEclipse, EPIC for perl,
JSEclipse for JavaScript, and XMLBuddy.  So I would be very upset if
Eclipse were destroyed.  ;)

Donations & Support:

RE: Calculate schedule timeslots

2006-01-13 Thread Cornillon, Matthieu \(Consultant\)
Well, you have a bigger problem than that.  Let's take your example,
where--after someone selects a start time of 11:45 AM and a finish time
of 12:45 PM--you change your start time list to:


What if the person selects 11:30 AM (completely valid), and then selects
an end time of 12:00 PM, because they want a (completely valid) 30
minute time slot?  If you have a variable length of appointment, then
you are always going to have this problem; in more general terms, it is
impossible to know for sure whether a start time is valid without also
knowing the duration of the appointment desired.  Likewise, it is
impossible to know for sure whether an appointment length is valid
without also knowing the desired start time.

You could start by asking for the day and then the duration of
appointment the user wants.  Then you could figure out all of the
possible start times during that day for an appointment of that
duration.  The logic of this last step depends a lot on how you store
the data, I guess.  But you can rely on this generalized idea: A start
time ST on a day is valid for a given duration D if ST + D <= the next
already used start time greater than ST.


-Original Message-
From: Andy Mcshane [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2006 8:46 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Calculate schedule timeslots

I am sure that I saw something a while back that may address the issue I
have. I have a scheduler that has time slots in increments of 15
minutes. What I need to do is to be able to exclude time slots that have
already been allocated. For example I have start and end time dropdown
lists so a user can select a time slot as follows;

Start time : 11:45 AM Finish Time : 12:45PM

Once this time slot has been allocated I need to be able to exclude this
range from both of dropdown list i.e.

Start time will now look as follows


End time will be same. I already have the logic to ensure that the start
and end time are not the same and also that the end time is after the
start time but I am struggling to figure out how edit my dropdowns on
the fly as time slots are allocated. Anybody help?

Maybe a more simple method would be to only initially populate the start
time dropdown and use the onchange method to populate the end time box?
Would this be easier do you think?

Donations & Support:

RE: Decimal

2006-01-13 Thread Cornillon, Matthieu \(Consultant\)
Depends on what you mean by this.  If you are looking for a test of
whether it is an integer versus a real number with non-zero digits after
the decimal point, then you can use this:


-Original Message-
From: Stuart Kidd [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, January 13, 2006 9:01 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Decimal

Hi guys,

Is there any way to check whether my variable is in fact a decimal?




Donations & Support:

RE: Adding Multiple Objects

2006-01-03 Thread Cornillon, Matthieu \(Consultant\)
Well, I would say that you can add contact info without adding a user
(multiple contacts, right?) but you can't add a user without adding
contact info.  So, it seems to me that you first instantiate the user
and then instantiate the contact info entry, not the other way around
(i.e., AddUser() first).

Some reasons why:

1) What if you want to add a second contact later?  Your class may not
support this now, but if you want to add the ability to do it, you would
have to rework things significantly if you called AddContactInfo()

2) If you call AddContactInfo() first and it calls AddUser()
automatically, what if AddUser() throws an error?  Then you are stuck
with an orphaned contact entry.


-Original Message-
From: Baz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 03, 2006 3:37 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Adding Multiple Objects


If I had a USER cfc and a CONTACTINFO cfc and no user should exist
without having contact info - whats a good way to add a user to the DB?

Should I call AddUser() which in turn calls AddContactInfo()?

OR, should I call AddContactInfo() first, then take the ContactID and
pass it into AddUser()?


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application. Start tracking and documenting hours spent on a project or with a 
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Donations & Support:

RE: HTML In Application.cfm

2006-01-03 Thread Cornillon, Matthieu \(Consultant\)
Hi, all.  I've been just an observer on this very interesting thread,
with little to contribute in favor of either idea.  However, in reading
through the 73 (!) posts I had not yet seen when I came in today,
something striking occurred to me.  

I saw the two camps as "Keep display code separate from application code
(i.e., no HTML in Application.cfm)" and "Mix as necessary".  I
understand very well the instinct of the latter camp in asking questions
like, "Yeah, okay, but *why not* mix them?" because I have remnants of
that instinct myself: from about six weeks ago before I took a Java
programming course that was heavy on straight OOP theory as well as the
Java specifics themselves.  After realizing this, I saw that just about
every e-mail I read came out like this:

If is was from the "mix as necessary" camp, I felt my instincts from six
weeks ago kick in.

If it was from the "keep display code separate from application code"
camp, I felt my new feelings kick in.  

Why do I bother writing this?  Well, I think it is interesting to note
that what really changed my mind on this was immersion in a fully OO
environment.  I would guess that those of us (myself very much included)
who have treated ColdFusion as a purely procedural language are more
likely to "mix as necessary".  But once you've tasted OO, doing such
starts to turn the stomach.  Because of some silly ups and downs, I may
never directly use the Java training that I got, but even if I never do,
I suspect that it will make me a much better ColdFusion developer.  

For those of you who--like me a few weeks ago--have not checked out OO,
I strongly recommend you do some reading.  There is a stunningly good (I
say stunningly good because it is completely free) ground-up
introduction to programming that uses Java as its language and focuses
on OO available at:

Just the ramblings of an observer.


Discover CFTicket - The leading ColdFusion Help Desk and Trouble 
Ticket application

Donations & Support:

RE: ColdFusion Cookbook

2006-01-03 Thread Cornillon, Matthieu \(Consultant\)

This does sound like a great idea.  I can't claim to be expert enough to
be writing any chef entries, but I am a PITA proofreader (folks never
like me because I actually find all the errors--grin), and as a
medium-level CFer, I know enough to be a sample user of the thing.  So,
I'd love to help out in that capacity if possible.  I guess that means
that I am volunteering to be a sous-chef, or maybe potwasher.

As for specific ideas:

1) There are a lot of free resources out there that are fantastically
useful on various other topics branching away from ColdFusion.  For
example, sites that give SQL tutorials, etc.  When you get down to
certain levels of detail in addressing topics, you could have links off
to such sites, perhaps.

2) Examples examples examples!  Well-written explanations are great, but
the more novice you are, the more examples you need to have it make
sense, I think.


-Original Message-
From: Raymond Camden [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, January 02, 2006 10:27 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: ColdFusion Cookbook

I'd like to announce the creation of a ColdFusion Cookbook. The site
will be found at: (not up yet)

The idea is simple - provide a set of simple problems ("how do I do
X") and solutions, as well as alternative solutions. (Since we all know
CF provides many ways to skin the cat...)

While the site isn't quite ready yet, I'd love to get some feedback on
what you would like to see on the site. I hope to have something up
within a few days and will post again when the initial site is launched.

Raymond Camden, Director of Development for Mindseye, Inc

Member of Team Macromedia (

Blog :
Yahoo IM : cfjedimaster

"My ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is." - Yoda

Discover CFTicket - The leading ColdFusion Help Desk and Trouble 
Ticket application

Donations & Support:

RE: phone numbers in database

2006-01-03 Thread Cornillon, Matthieu \(Consultant\)

If you do text, you of course will want to do lots of validation on the
way in to get rid of any parentheses, periods, spaces, dashes, etc. that
the user puts in, so that you can then standardize it.

Without advocating the original plan for number fields, I can at least
tell you how to do what you wanted.  If you have a table PHONENUMBERS:

part1  part2  part3

where the second and third rows should actually have a part 3 of
"0431" and "0049", respectively, you can pull the appropriate value
using this SQL:

SELECT TO_CHAR(part3,'') 

or, for the full number (assuming that area codes and exchanges never
start with 0) formatted as ###-###-:

SELECT part1 || '-' || part2 || '-' || TO_CHAR(part3,'') AS

Of course, this just returns text anyway.  But if you wanted to some
reason to store them numerically but have queries hold properly
formatted text, that's the trick.  Also, I don't know if this works
outside of Oracle.


-Original Message-
From: Coleman, Brian [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 03, 2006 12:40 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: phone numbers in database

That is true, they are all US numbers and the same type of digits. I
doubt they'd ever do any kind of searches on them. I think I'll switch
it to be 1 field of text and slightly change the way it's entered.

Thanks All

-Original Message-
From: Bobby Hartsfield [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 03, 2006 11:03 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: phone numbers in database

But then again, I guess he would have said there was a 4th field for a
possible country code so you're probably right... It would sort fine
either way. 

If they are all in fact 3, 3 and 4 digits you could still store them as
numbers and format them accordingly with numberformat to put any leading
0's back in place

Something like

function phoneFormatter(e, p, n)
p = "(#numberformat(e, '999')#) #numberformat(p,
'999')#-#numberformat(n, '')#";

return p;

(or you could probably format the numbers in your SQL)

..just another option. But, like DW said... if they are all the same
number of digits... they will sort fine alphabetically and CF will have
no problem seeing them as numbers if/when you need it to.

Bobby Hartsfield

-Original Message-
From: Bobby Hartsfield [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 03, 2006 11:41 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: phone numbers in database

If they are all US numbers that would most likely be true. 

Bobby Hartsfield

-Original Message-
From: Dave Watts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 03, 2006 11:29 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: phone numbers in database

> The only issue with that would be sorting them numerically versus 
> alphabetically
> 0
> 1
> 10
> 2
> 20
> 3
> 30
> Would be what youd get with these numbers alphabetically instead of 
> numerically...

If they're phone numbers, I suspect they all have the same number of
digits, so I don't see why that would be a problem.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

Fig Leaf Software provides the highest caliber vendor-authorized 
instruction at our training centers in Washington DC, Atlanta, 
Chicago, Baltimore, Northern Virginia, or on-site at your location. 
Visit for more information!

Logware ( a new and convenient web-based time tracking 
application. Start tracking and documenting hours spent on a project or with a 
client with Logware today. Try it for free with a 15 day trial account.

Donations & Support:

RE: Query String Dud - issue

2005-12-29 Thread Cornillon, Matthieu \(Consultant\)
What I meant for you to do is to use that code to test whether the ? at
the end of the URL was a "bad query string" example.  So, where this
might be valid:

this is not:

The snippet I sent will test to see if the URL follows the "bad format"
above.  In that case, you do what you would do if the user loaded the
page with no query string at all.  The more complicated snippet I sent
you lets a value like this pass through (presuming that ? within the
query string are okay):


-Original Message-
From: Bailey, Neal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, December 29, 2005 4:24 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Query String Dud - issue

Hey Matthieu,

Not sure I understand what to do with the code snippet you sent. 

It looks like its adding "?" to the url when I want to remove it if
there is not a query string available. 

Hope all this makes sense. 
I have been starring at it so long I'm not sure if I can explain it well

Neal Bailey

-Original Message-
From: Cornillon, Matthieu (Consultant)
Sent: Thursday, December 29, 2005 2:51 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Query String Dud - issue


How about this:

If this is true, then the URL ends with a "?".  I don't know whether
having multiple ? in the URL will be necessary.  If so, and if this will
even work (I can't remember whether it causes browser error), then you
should use this instead:


Discover CFTicket - The leading ColdFusion Help Desk and Trouble 
Ticket application

Donations & Support:

RE: Query String Dud - issue

2005-12-29 Thread Cornillon, Matthieu \(Consultant\)

How about this:

If this is true, then the URL ends with a "?".  I don't know whether
having multiple ? in the URL will be necessary.  If so, and if this will
even work (I can't remember whether it causes browser error), then you
should use this instead:


-Original Message-
From: Bailey, Neal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, December 29, 2005 3:44 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Query String Dud - issue

Hey Guys... 
It's been a long time since I posted here... 
Well I have an issue and I just can't figure it out I think I have been
staring at it too long now and my Braine is fried. Any help would be
appreciated. Thanks.
Ok the issue is... I have the Bit of Code that will strip out most
keywords coming from a referring search engine and then store it in a
database. My problem is when a site links to my site and has an ending
"?" and no query string I get an error. Stay with me, here is an
example.  ?
If you visit that site and click on the link on the page that says
"Texas Motor Sport Ranch" you will get an error on my site. 
The error is with this bit of Code. 

Here is the whole section of code that I am using:



Is there a way to clean an referring url if it does not have actually
have a query string?
I have trying a few things but I either fix it and break something else
or just mess it up more. 
Any ideas?
Neal Bailey

Logware ( a new and convenient web-based time tracking 
application. Start tracking and documenting hours spent on a project or with a 
client with Logware today. Try it for free with a 15 day trial account.

Donations & Support:

RE: A Contractor or Two

2005-12-29 Thread Cornillon, Matthieu \(Consultant\)

I don't have much more to add, except for some reinforcement of already
stated ideas.  My mother and step-father have been running very
successful engineering consulting firms out of their house for years,
and their advice to me has echoed what the folks on this list have said:

1) Never underbid.  You devalue yourself in the eyes of the market.  (To
drive this home, a story about a family friend who owned a winery: he
was having trouble with sales, despite consistently winning
competitions.  He raised his price about 35%, and sales went through the

2) Bill one hourly rate.  Estimates of total job price should be based
on the number of hours you anticipate.  This way, if the client asks for
extra, you simply estimate the extra number of hours, and they pay for
that.  If it's a total job quote that is not explicitly based (i.e.,
noted in the contract) on the number of hours, it makes it a lot harder
to estimate add-ons.

3) Everything in writing up front, as detailed as possible.

4) Bill for the work you do.  If you quote 35 hours, bill 22 if you work
22 and 39 if you work 39.  It's usually a good idea to include something
that says: "will not go over unless client is first notified".  See
exception in number 6, below.

5) One sales technique is to provide the client with a menu.  As you all
know, "getting the job done" can mean a dozen different things for one
set of specifications.  For example, a simple web form might be made to
work, but adding JavaScript utilities that make keyboard navigation
easier might up the value of the tool.  So, you say, "x hours will get
you the basic form, but x+4 hours will get you these other features".
This can be tricky, though.

6) For those of you starting out: if you are worried that your rate
sounds too high, or that your overall job price is too stiff, don't
worry: you can lie!  What do I mean?  Let's say that you have decent
skills, but you are on your first job out and feel nervous charging
$1000 (20 hours at $50/hr) for a project because you aren't positive you
can deliver the quality you want to deliver in the hours you've laid
out.  You can just work overtime for free, but tell them that you did it
in the 20 hours.  You take the hit in the short run, but as you gain
experience and confidence, that goes away, and you don't have to deal
with changing your rate over time.  And if it takes you 60 hours
(barring any truly giant problems that pop up), you will have learned
better estimating skills!


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RE: Performance Problem - Client Variables

2005-12-15 Thread Cornillon, Matthieu \(Consultant\)

Thanks for your input on the client variable problem I mentioned.  Turns
out that the problem was that the client variable store table (in an
ODBC datasource) was not indexed properly.  Never would have tracked
that down if you all hadn't given me the hints that you did.  Major
problem averted.

Thanks once again for your help!


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Performance Problem - Client Variables

2005-12-15 Thread Cornillon, Matthieu \(Consultant\)

I am in the process of moving a CF site from one server to another.  The
new site is in CFMX7.  I do not have access to the administrator
settings, as I have to work through someone in another department on
this.  The problem is that I have ~8.5 seconds (+/- 0.2 seconds) delay
on each page load.  Not the slow load of dial-up, with pictures slowly
appearing, but the delay and then a full instant load.  This is true
regardless of page content.

I eventually ran a test where I took two identical pages, both blank
HTML pages with no CF code and put them in an isolated directory where
the Application.cfm had only the CFAPPLICATION tag.  One page had the
..html extension, the other the .cfm extension.  The former loaded
instantly, the latter only after the delay.

In another test, I tried setting clientmanagement to no, and the problem
went away.  So I am looking further there.  Because I have no direct
access to the Administrator page, I have to do my investigation
remotely.  I know that I am *supposed* to be storing the client
variables in an Oracle datasource.  This is how we currently do it, and
it works fine.  So, I am guessing that this is just a matter of a
configuration problem there.

While I am trying those things out, I am wondering whether any of you
have any thoughts on the following questions:

1) In the CF Administrator, it seems that you set the client variable
store for the *server* and not for the specific CF application.  Is that
correct?  In other words, if I have two applications, named
application_one and application_two in their Application.cfm
CFAPPLICATION tags, but those applications sit on the same server, do
all their client vars get put into the same datastore?  If not, how (in
the administrator module) does one set per-application settings?

2) Is there a way that I can programmatically display client variable
settings for the application?  In other words, is there some variable
like Application.ClientStorage that I can read and display?  (I ask
because of the above-mentioned fact that I cannot access the
administrative module directly.)

3) Does anyone have any experience with this sort of delay of constant

Thanks a million,

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RE: HELP!! Query - Loop - List - Form Madness

2005-11-29 Thread Cornillon, Matthieu \(Consultant\)

I ran this query on a table called USERS through Toad to an Oracle


and I got exactly what you described as a result: one column (named
404) with one row per row in USERS, each row equal to 404.  

I have contacted Molly off-list and am helping her with the db
structure.  It looks like she will be going with the restructuring/join
approach advocated by the list.


-Original Message-
From: Ken Ferguson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 29, 2005 4:44 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: HELP!! Query - Loop - List - Form Madness

I'm interested to know what happens in SQL+ or Toad if you run:

select 404 from proposals
I mean, am I understanding you right that you have a column in a 
database named 404 (or some other number)??? I would expect, given 5 
results from the above query, that you would get:
| --|  |
| 1 | 404 |
| 2 | 404 |
| 3 | 404 |
| 4 | 404 |
| 5 | 404 |
| --|  |

no matter what the values in that column actually ARE.


M wrote:

>All incredibly valid points!
>Unfortunately very short on time. . .they (faculty) need to start 
>grading these things  tomorrow evening.  Starting closer to the 
>beginning we currently have the following:
>1) oracle database
>2) one table containing the proposals -- proposalid, readinggroup, 
>proposal details, status (saved - submitted)
>3) one table containing reader info -- readerid, login, password, 
>What we need:
>1)One table designed to hold all grades, for either group -- either 
>together or separately
>2) A form that can contain the correct information regarding the grades

>currently in the grades table for a given reader in a given reading 
>Pathetic, isn't it?  :-(  I know its sad, but I want to learn how to 
>fix this!
>On 11/29/05, Ken Ferguson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>What database are you using? You need to name those columns 
>>differently. In MySQL, even if you do a straight select on a column 
>>named "404", it's going to return 404 for every row. However, if you 
>>name that column col_404, it'll return the values you're looking for. 
>>I think you've got a larger architectural problem here though. Why do 
>>you have these dynamic column names in the first place? This can all 
>>be represented much better in the database. You'd have a far easier 
>>time with your app and it'd work more efficiently if you reworked your

>>db design to eliminate this nastiness. You're using a relational 
>>database for a reason -- so you can maintain the relationships between

>>your data. You need to be taking advantage of that with joined tables 
>>rather than faking the funk with dynamically named columns in a table.
>>Molly Abraham wrote:
>>>It does and it doesn't. . .cannot figure out why. . . it seems to 
>>>work. .
>>but only returns the column name:
>>>select #i# as grade
>>>from grades06
>>>where readerid = #session.readerid#
>>>  #getindiv.grade# (the column name --
>>ex:  404) is returned. . .not the value of '2' it contains.
>>>getindiv (Datasource=sotl, Time=0ms, Records=1) in D:\Webpub\Wwwroot\

>>>select 404 as grade
>>>from grades06
>>>where readerid = 2
>>>Any more ideas??  Hugely grateful, but still apparently terminally 
>>. .

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2005-11-29 Thread Cornillon, Matthieu \(Consultant\)
Oops.  Should have known better than to make suggestions on
something I had never really done myself.


Now that I see it, Tanguy's suggestion is obviously the way to go.  The
temporary table thing that my friend here suggested was for something a
little more complicated.  

Slowly retreating...

-Original Message-
From: Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX)
Sent: Tuesday, November 29, 2005 4:43 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: SQL

There is no need to use a temporary table to copy rows from table to

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RE: Jump to an anchor link inside an iframe

2005-11-29 Thread Cornillon, Matthieu \(Consultant\)

Sorry.  That's what I meant to say.  The idea is that page 2 dynamically
builds the URL with the named anchor using information passed it by page
1.  So, for example, page 1 might link to:


Then, page 2 loads #URL.pageToLoad#.cfm###URL.anchorToLoad# into the

I think that's what you just said.  Hopefully, you have it working by
now and can ignore this babble.



-Original Message-
From: Andy Matthews [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 29, 2005 9:30 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Jump to an anchor link inside an iframe


That's what I'm doing right now, but that *should* only work for the
page containing the iframe. Because technically THAT'S the page I'm
calling. I'm just passing some extra URL vars to allow me to load the
iframe page correctly.

A friend of mine suggested that instead of passing an anchor, to pass a
URL var called "anchor" in the query string. Then in the iframe code, if
that variable is present, I just created a named anchor and presto. I'm
getting ready to test it out right now.

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RE: HELP!! Query - Loop - List - Form Madness

2005-11-29 Thread Cornillon, Matthieu \(Consultant\)

Hi, there.  I think that using a database alias will do the trick.  If
you use this syntax:

   SELECT  #i# AS ProposalName
   WHERE   readerid = #session.readerid#

then you can refer to that column as getindiv.ProposalName.

Also, I noticed along the way something I would clean up a bit. You can
replace all of this code:


with this:

Hope this helps,

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RE: Google search appliance and Cold Fusion

2005-11-29 Thread Cornillon, Matthieu \(Consultant\)
I, too, have had experience with this sort of thing.  The approach I
used has a bunch of dummy "index" pages that spill out db content in a
way that will be interesting from a content perspective to people
searching Google, but with nothing else on them.  These "index" pages
are then set with CFLOCATION tags that automatically redirect all
visitors who don't match the IP address of the Google Search Appliance.
The redirects go to the "real" page instead of the dummy index page.
Doing it this way gives you very tight control over exactly what the GSA
indexes and how it does it, and it's pretty easy to code, since it's
just a bunch of simple pages that dump data.

You're welcome to contact me off list if you would like.

Hope this helps,

-Original Message-
From: Robert Munn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 29, 2005 11:36 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Google search appliance and Cold Fusion

I have just started working at a place that has Google appliances being
used to index and search a huge amount of content. We're closing in on
the ceiling of our URL license and we're implementing a new version with
double the licenses.

Michael is right, the appliance indexes only URLs, so you need to build
a bunch of crawler pages to dump any db content you want to index. I
have done some work with it at this point and I'd be happy to share
whatever meager lessons I have learned from it with you. Get me off-list
at cfmunster at hotmail if you want more info.

>Does anyone have any experience/recomendations/lessons learned about 
>integrating a Google search appliance into a Cold Fusion server 
>environment serving dozens of sites and hundreds of thousands of pages?
>Thanks for any info,
>Jerry Johnson

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RE: Jump to an anchor link inside an iframe

2005-11-28 Thread Cornillon, Matthieu \(Consultant\)
This seems too easy an answer, so I probably missed something, but I'll
give it a try anyway.  You have page 1 currently sending variables to
page 2, which dynamically loads page 3 in an interior iframe.  Can you
not send the name of a named anchor along with it and have page 2 load
'pageThree.cfm#anchorName' instead of 'pageThree.cfm'?


-Original Message-
From: Andy Matthews [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, November 28, 2005 5:23 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: OT: Jump to an anchor link inside an iframe

I have an app setup like so:

page 1 (the calling page)
page 2 (the called page)
page 3 (loads in an iframe inside page 2)

I have a link on page 1 which passes variables to the iframe (page 3)
inside page 2. It's dynamic so when I load page 2, I simply tack on the
variables to the iframe code and page 3 gets created correctly. Problem
is now the boss wants the links on page 1 to jump you straight to the
pertinent section of page 3 (inside page 2).

So the question is: Does anyone have code (or ideas) which would let me
jump from page 1 to the proper place on page 3 (inside page 2)?

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2005-11-28 Thread Cornillon, Matthieu \(Consultant\)
> Thanks for that, but is there a way to copy a whole row...

This is a snippet of code that a friend here at work sent me for
creating a whole new row from a whole old row all within SQL.  It is
Oracle-based, and I have never used it myself, but I am pretty sure that
it does what you want.

Say you have CUSTOMERS

and you want to copy the row with pkCUST=37 into a new row of the
same table.  Then just use this sequence of SQL statements:

WHERE pkCUST = 37;



As I said, I have never used temporary tables, but I wish I had learned
about them long ago.  I think they are perfect for this sort of thing.
I am not sure that in the first statement you need the ColName AS
ColName statements; you might be able to just say * to get a copy of all
existing rows, but you'd have to test it.

Hope this helps,

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RE: listgetat problems....

2005-11-16 Thread Cornillon, Matthieu \(Consultant\)
I think that the delimiter attribute of ListGetAt looks at each
character specified on its own.  In other words, it's looking for three
possible delimiters: "%", "2", and "0".  Maybe if you used the URLDecode
function first, then used a space as delimiter?  Otherwise, I'd replace
%20 with some uncommon character and then specify that as delimiter.


-Original Message-
session.keyword: #session.search_keywords#

keyword 1 : #listgetat(session.search_keywords, 1, "%20")#  keyword
2 : #listgetat(session.search_keywords, 2, "%20")#

Any idea why the above code would output the following? Why isn't it
breaking the list at the '%20' isn't that the way it's supposed to work?

c%2B%2B%20developer ( which is url encoded 'c++ developer' )

session.keyword: c%2B%2B%20developer 

keyword 1 : c
keyword 2 : B

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RE: Problem with relational tables

2005-11-14 Thread Cornillon, Matthieu \(Consultant\)

If I understand you correctly, all you need to do is a join in your
query.  Rather than having two queries, just have one:

  FROM  district_plan_section_headings INNER JOIN
district_plan_documents ON district_plan_section_headings.DP_catID =
  ORDER BY  DP_catID, Line_Order
Then your output should look like this:



I think that's right.  Might be some syntax problems in there, but that
gives you the idea.  If this isn't what you meant, let me know.

Hope this helps,

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Can client.cfid and client.cftoken not exist?

2005-11-14 Thread Cornillon, Matthieu \(Consultant\)
Hi, everyone.  Is it possible for Client.CFID and Client.CFTOKEN to not
exist?  With the exception of a read immediately following a StructClear
or StructDelete statement, it seems to me that this gets set during the
transfer of information between the server and the client before any
ColdFusion processing happens.

In other words, if I have a page whose very first two lines read:

will it fail if a brand new user visits that page on my site first?

Thanks in advance,

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RE: making a static snapshot of a site

2005-11-11 Thread Cornillon, Matthieu \(Consultant\)

Thanks!  This looks perfect.


Barney Boisvert wrote:

wget.  Or any other web scraper/spider.  We do exactly that for our
sales guys when they're going somewhere and know they won't have an
internet connection, so they can still have our website available.

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making a static snapshot of a site

2005-11-11 Thread Cornillon, Matthieu \(Consultant\)
Hello, all.  I am preparing for some hypothetical scenarios.  Under one,
my web host stops supporting ColdFusion, and I have to keep hosting my
site there.  Obviously, there is no way around the fact that some of the
functionality cannot be preserved without serious work.  However, I am
looking at a stop-gap measure that would provide a static snapshot of
the site (where that made sense).  Now, putting aside the fact that this
is a terrible scenario, let's assume that this is something I want to
and have to do: does anyone know of a tool that would do this?

Specifically, let's say I have (1) an About Us section that is all HTML
except for ColdFusion code that pulls the names and numbers of staff
from a database and displays it on the phone list; (2) a Products
section that includes a database-driven list of products and a details
template that generates one a fully detailed page on one product as
specified in by a URL variable; and (3) a form for running Verity
searches on a directory full of Word documents.

Obviously, I am up the creek on the search (number 3): you can't make
that from static pages.  But for numbers 1 and 2, the end-result--even
under ColdFusion--is all HTML and JavaScript anyway.  The tool I am
imagining would browse the site, take HTML snapshots of the pages as
they exist, and save them into the appropriate folder structure.  Then I
could drop this data onto my web server and have a working site.
Certainly, I wouldn't be able to maintain it through database changes
and all, but this is a last-ditch, stop-gap measure, so that luxury is

Thanks in advance for any help,

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eKnowlogie: anyone know about this product?

2005-11-07 Thread Cornillon, Matthieu \(Consultant\)
Hi, everyone.  I am looking at converting a ColdFusion site to Java J2EE
(sniff, sniff).  I have found a product called eKnowlogie.  Their site
( claims to do it all and do it all nicely.  I am still
researching this, but I was wondering if anyone knew anything at all
about this product.

Thanks in advance,

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RE: Strange DB behaviour

2005-11-04 Thread Cornillon, Matthieu \(Consultant\)

I get somewhat similar behavior depending on how I add the data in
question.  I access the database in two ways: through ColdFusion code
and through TOAD (a SQL client on my desktop).  If I go through TOAD and
I issue a regular INSERT statement and ask it to execute, I will
immediately see the new row when I query it in ColdFusion.  However, if
I put the INSERT statement in as one of many and run it as a script, I
will NOT see the new row in ColdFusion.  I always forget about this,
then remember that I have to issue an explicit "commit" command to the
client in order for the row to show up in ColdFusion.

Now, I hardly know what the commit command does.  I admit to being a
little database-stupid.  But it seems clear that something of the nature
of the database commands can be done in two different ways.  In one way,
it "commits", and in the other, is does not.  So, if the developers in
question are adding this data through tools outside of ColdFusion (like
TOAD, for example), maybe this is the issue?


-Original Message-
From: Snake [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, November 04, 2005 11:02 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: FW: Strange DB behaviour

This is a weird problem we have once in a blue moon, I keep forgetting
to ask if anyone else has had it.

Sometimes a developer adds a new table or a new field to an exisitng
data, or even a new row of data. But ColdFusion thinks it doesn't exist.
We get an error saying no such table or column, and the resultset will
not include the new row. And no the queries are not being cached (as
least not in the code).

I had experienced this on many different servers in different locations,
and it appears to be random.

I have had to reboot the server in most cases to get rid of the problem.


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RE: SQL join a table to a set of values not in a table.

2005-11-03 Thread Cornillon, Matthieu \(Consultant\)
Ian Skinner wrote:
We are also using Oracle here as well.  Your idea would probably work,
except Queries of Queries only supports inner joins.  A limitation I
have butted heads with on several occasions.

Bummer.  I can't think of a query-returning option, then.  I would pull
all the Oracle data into queries or maybe one query, then loop over my
date range and check against the pulled query results as I went.  Not
neat, I'm afraid.

Good luck.

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RE: new next primary key value in Oracle

2005-11-03 Thread Cornillon, Matthieu \(Consultant\)

Thanks!  I'll be doing more research on this.


Deanna Schneider wrote:

You're new to dual? Dual is just a wonderful little "widget" that acts
like a one row "table," but the column is arbitrary. You can do all
sorts of stuff with it:

select sysdate from dual;

select 1 + 1 from dual;

select 'I am not a crook' from dual;

select ucase('malkjdflajldjflajdlfj') from dual;

You get the idea.

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RE: new next primary key value in Oracle

2005-11-03 Thread Cornillon, Matthieu \(Consultant\)
Yet another good answer.  Thanks, gang, for sending these in.  At least
one will do the trick.


Matt Small wrote:
One idea, if it's possible - pass all of this information at once into a
stored procedure, which would know the newly created row id know what
number to use.

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RE: SQL join a table to a set of values not in a table.

2005-11-03 Thread Cornillon, Matthieu \(Consultant\)

Shouldn't the same technique work, where you do separate outer joins
against each of those other tables?  I only know Oracle SQL, so I never
know how it would work in a query of queries (if outer joins are even an
option), but I would do this in pseudocode:

SELECT Letters FROM Table1 WHERE KEY >= Variables.MinValue AND KEY <=

SELECT Colors FROM Table2 WHERE KEY >= Variables.MinValue AND KEY <=

SELECT Names FROM Table3 WHERE KEY >= Variables.MinValue AND KEY <=

(This is the dynamically generated one that has qRange.KEY from
Variables.MinValue to Variables.MaxValue)

SELECT qRange.KEY, qTable1.Letters, qTable2.Colors, qTable3.Names
FROM qRange, qTable1, qTable2, qTable3
WHERE qRange.KEY = qTable1.KEY (+)
AND qRange.KEY = qTable2.KEY (+)
AND qRange.KEY = qTable3.KEY (+)

You should get NULLs everywhere where there is no match, but the rest
should work out.  Again, though, I can't remember if this is allowed in
Q of Qs.


That would probably work to solve the problem as I presented it.  But
the problem I was trying to solve is that I join several tables against
the key value and I need them to show up whether the first value exists
or not.  Trouble is that I can not guarantee any table in the set will
have a complete range of values to join against.

A more complete example:

Key Letters
--- -
1   A
3   B
5   C

Key Colors
--- --
1   Blue
2   Green
3   Red

Key Names
--- -
3   Joe
5   Sam

The result set I'm looking for with a range between 1 and 5 should look
something like this:

Key Letters Colors Names
--- --- -- -
1   A   Blue   NULL
2   NULLGreen  NULL
3   B   RedJoe
5   C   NULL   Sam

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RE: new next primary key value in Oracle

2005-11-03 Thread Cornillon, Matthieu \(Consultant\)

This is another good solution.  


-Original Message-
From: Aaron Rouse [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, November 03, 2005 2:08 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: new next primary key value in Oracle

You could just run the insert on one table, then select out that new ID
then use it for the other inserts. Something like:  
  With that I assume a trigger is done to get the new
value out of the sequence and it puts it into Blah.ID during the insert.
On 11/3/05, Ian Skinner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi, everyone. I have been doing something for years that works, but 
> feels darned silly. I have a table called WIDGETS. I have a sequence 
> set to increment by 1 up to some ridiculous number called 
> WIDGETS_PKSEQ. When I add a new row to WIDGETS, I put 
> WIDGETS_PKSEQ.NEXTVAL into WIDGETS.pkWIDG, the primary key for the 
> table. Often, immediately after creating a new row in WIDGETS, I want 
> to create a row in another table that references that new row in 
> WIDGETS: for example, ORDERS.fkORD_pkWIDG refers to WIDGETS.pkWIDG. 
> But to do that, I need to get that new WIDGETS.pkWIDG value, which has

> never actually appeared on the ColdFusion side of the transaction; 
> it's all in Oracle. So, I do this ridiculous thing where I generate a 
> random (and safely unique value), write it to some row in WIDGETS on 
> the new row creation, look it up to get the new pk, then overwrite 
> that row with the appropriate value it should have had in the first 
> place, and then continue, now that ColdFusion has the new pk value 
> known. There's got to be a better way! I know I am missing something 
> easy.
> Any thoughts?
> Matthieu
> When I have run into this, having to put a incremental key value into 
> several tables, what I have done is select the WIDGETS_PKSEQ.NEXTVAL 
> and then use that value in all my inserts. Somewhat like this off the 
> top of my head example.
> FROM dual /*I believe this is the proper 'table'*/
> Then I can refer to nextKeyVal.Key in all my inserts. I wrap this all 
> up in a  block so that if a problem occurs I hopefully 
> don't end up with 1/2 the data saved.
> --
> Ian Skinner
> Web Programmer
> BloodSource
> Sacramento, CA
> "C code. C code run. Run code run. Please!"
> - Cynthia Dunning
> Confidentiality Notice: This message including any attachments is for 
> the sole use of the intended
> recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged information. 
> Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is 
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> sender and delete any copies of this message.

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RE: new next primary key value in Oracle

2005-11-03 Thread Cornillon, Matthieu \(Consultant\)
DUAL?!?!!?  That works, and is magic, but, again: ?!?!?  I'll have to
research this.  I am sure there is a good reason for it being called
DUAL.  If not, and if this is truly arbitrary, then I am disappointed
that the folks at Oracle didn't come up with some more colorful name,

Thanks!  This works wonderfully.


Ian Skinner wrote:

When I have run into this, having to put a incremental key value into
several tables, what I have done is select the WIDGETS_PKSEQ.NEXTVAL and
then use that value in all my inserts.  Somewhat like this off the top
of my head example.

  FROM dual /*I believe this is the proper 'table'*/

Then I can refer to nextKeyVal.Key in all my inserts.  I wrap this all
up in a  block so that if a problem occurs I hopefully
don't end up with 1/2 the data saved.

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RE: SQL join a table to a set of values not in a table.

2005-11-03 Thread Cornillon, Matthieu \(Consultant\)
You could do a query of queries.  You dynamically create a query result
set that has your aDate values (cfloop over the range, and add a new row
and value on each iteration).  Run a query of your actual db table
limited to the dates in question.  Then run a query of queries where you
do a join (I never remember my terms...left outer?) where it's all rows
from the generated aDate query set and matching values from aTable.  I
can't remember if you can do outer joins in queries of queries, but I
think this would work.


-Original Message-
From: Ian Skinner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, November 03, 2005 10:20 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: SQL join a table to a set of values not in a table.

Say one has a table something like this (much simpler then the table I
am working with, but should suffice for an example).

9/1/05  Red
9/3/05  Blue
9/5/05  Green

I would like to create a result set that looks like this.

-- --- 
9/1/05 9/1/05  Red
9/3/05 9/3/05  Blue
9/5/05 9/5/05  Green

I imagine that I would create some kind of inline select or from table,
but I can't visulize how I would do this.  Is it possible?  

The date range will be dynamic so I don't really want to create some
table that has all possible dates for all of time, it would be a bit
large I believe.

Ian Skinner
Web Programmer
Sacramento, CA
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OT: new next primary key value in Oracle

2005-11-03 Thread Cornillon, Matthieu \(Consultant\)
Hi, everyone.  I have been doing something for years that works, but
feels darned silly.  I have a table called WIDGETS.  I have a sequence
set to increment by 1 up to some ridiculous number called WIDGETS_PKSEQ.
When I add a new row to WIDGETS, I put WIDGETS_PKSEQ.NEXTVAL into
WIDGETS.pkWIDG, the primary key for the table.  Often, immediately after
creating a new row in WIDGETS, I want to create a row in another table
that references that new row in WIDGETS: for example,
ORDERS.fkORD_pkWIDG refers to WIDGETS.pkWIDG.  But to do that, I need to
get that new WIDGETS.pkWIDG value, which has never actually appeared on
the ColdFusion side of the transaction; it's all in Oracle.  So, I do
this ridiculous thing where I generate a random (and safely unique
value), write it to some row in WIDGETS on the new row creation, look it
up to get the new pk, then overwrite that row with the appropriate value
it should have had in the first place, and then continue, now that
ColdFusion has the new pk value known.  There's got to be a better way!
I know I am missing something easy.

Any thoughts?


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RE: JavaScript in Mouseover

2005-11-02 Thread Cornillon, Matthieu \(Consultant\)
> I get this JavaScript error 
> on the mouseover below: Expected ')'


> When I just use the ?id=#id# after getinventory4.cfm 
> I do not get an error, but I need to pass the other 
> parameters as well. 


Is the code above wrapped in CFOUTPUT tags?  I ask because I just ran
the following code on my site:


When I arrived at the page on my site, I saw this in the address bar:


So, it's stripping out those extra hash marks and the browser will treat
everything to the right of "id=" as a page anchor address, and you'll
have no query string vars passed.  Are you sure that the error is being
thrown by the mouseover code and not some JavaScript on the new target
page?  If you are sure, I'd have to see the HighlightTR function to go

Hope this helps,

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RE: Caching, caching what is doing all this caching?!

2005-11-02 Thread Cornillon, Matthieu \(Consultant\)
> Yesterday, my workstation started 
> experiencing some maddening kind 
> of intermittent caching.  


I had a similarly maddening experience just as I switched
(simultaneously) from ColdFusion Server 5 to MX7 and from Dreamweaver
Ultradev 4 to Dreamweaver 8.  Don't know what caused it, but here is the
ridiculous end I went to to get around the problem in the short term:

I was playing with something where I needed to employ the poor old
technique of trial-and-error.  So, I posted the code and ran it.  But it
wouldn't reload, no matter what I did on the client side, unless there
was a change in the size (I think) of the end file.  Since I was making
single character changes, it didn't reload.  So, I added a "1" in the
code for the body, pushed it, and it reloaded fine.  After that test, I
added a "2", so it now read "12", and repeated.  Each time, I would add
a new number (since simply changing the number would not work), until I
was all done, then I deleted the whole string.  Ugly, but it got me
through what was indeed a maddening time.

If anyone knows why this is happening, I would be curious...


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ColdFusion and WebLogic

2005-11-01 Thread Cornillon, Matthieu \(Consultant\)
Hi, everyone.  A client of mine is telling me that their hardware
providers may have force them to switch their site (written in
ColdFusion) to WebLogic.  To be honest, I hardly know what that means.
I have seen that ColdFusion can be made to run in WebLogic, but the
client may not have that option.  Assuming that I have to recreate the
code in WebLogic, I have a few questions:
What language would that be?  Java?  If so...
Someone told me that because MX runs with Java underneath, there is a
way to "unwrap" ColdFusion code to get at the Java underneath, thereby
allowing me to switch over without rewriting the code from scratch.  Is
this true?  Easy?  Impossible?
Thanks in advance,

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application. Start tracking and documenting hours spent on a project or with a 
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client variables and migration of site

2005-11-01 Thread Cornillon, Matthieu \(Consultant\)
The site that I maintain uses a client variable store that sits in
Oracle.  At some point in the near future, the entire site (web and
database servers) is being migrated to new equipment.  The people
handling the migration will shut off all web connections to the old
site, take a snapshot of all data, and move it over to the new site
before restoring the connections.  The database information will be part
of this move.  My question regards how to handle the client variable
store: should I pull over the client variable data just like the other
data in other tables, or should I start the new server with a fresh and
empty table and let it re-populate?

The latter option seems like it might be the way to go, as long as the
client variable data's disappearance won't be a big problem.  But I
wanted to know if (a) anyone on the list had advice either way, or (b)
whether anyone knew if trying to copy over client variable data would
cause a system problem due to potential duplicate CFID/CFTOKEN pairs or
something like that.

Any thoughts?

Thanks in advance,

Logware ( a new and convenient web-based time tracking 
application. Start tracking and documenting hours spent on a project or with a 
client with Logware today. Try it for free with a 15 day trial account.

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RE: How do I rewrite this as a join query?

2004-11-17 Thread Cornillon, Matthieu (Consultant)
> I'm using MySQL (4.0) version, which doesn't support subqueries, so I need
to rewrite this as a join would I > do that?

Well, here's a clumsy idea that gets the job done.  Do an outer join (don't
know the exact syntax for MySQL) that gets you two columns in each row:
email address from classroom_access_list and email address from
classroom_access_list.  In your output, you just say if column 1 is blank,
use column 2, otherwise, use column 1.  The values will be deduped by virtue
of the fact that equal values will collapse into a single row.


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Oracle & CFQUERYPARAM error

2004-11-16 Thread Cornillon, Matthieu (Consultant)

Hi, there.  Have a bit of a tricky one.  Before starting, let me say that I
know the real solution is to use CLOBs, but I need to make this work in the
meantime.  I have to put huge amounts of text into tables whose columns are
already defined and whose setup may not be changed.  Luckily, I have a bunch
of VARCHAR2(4000) columns free.  My thought was, cut the text into
4000-character chunks, then put 4000 into each field until you've added all
the text.

When I tried it, I got this error:

[Oracle][ODBC][Ora]ORA-01461: can bind a LONG value only for insert into a

Now, in the past, I have had trouble with the fact that CFQUERYPARAM seems
only to want to bind 2000-character-or-less strings to CF_SQL_VARCHAR, and
anything over that up to 4000 characters has to be CF_SQL_LONGVARCHAR.  I
have code in place to handle that.  And I have verified many times that the
text I am entering is in fact cut into 4000-character chunks.  Still,
though, I get the above error.  If I enter it straight into the same table
using a SQL command client, it fits just fine.

I have even cut the chunks down to 2000-characters and switched to only
CF_SQL_VARCHAR entry.  Still no dice.

Any thoughts on handling this?


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RE: strange behavior: session vars, cfid, cftoken, cookies

2004-10-26 Thread Cornillon, Matthieu (Consultant)

Thanks for this information.  I have more or less stopped using session
variables in general (can't stand all that pesky locking business), but that
has only happened since I released the sign-in/registration system.  I agree
about the security hole inherent in the cookie system.  I am re-designing
the system soon anyway, so I guess that I will just have to deal with these
problems until I get there.

Your advice is very helpful, though, as guidance in that re-design.

Thanks again,

Purchase from House of Fusion, a Macromedia Authorized Affiliate and support the CF 

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RE: strange behavior: session vars, cfid, cftoken, cookies

2004-10-26 Thread Cornillon, Matthieu (Consultant)
> From Michael:
> What version of CF are you running. 

I am running CF5.0.

> From Bryan:
> If you're running clustered servers, 
> there could be some session confusion 
> between servers.

Assuming this is the case, is there anything I can do about it?


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strange behavior: session vars, cfid, cftoken, cookies

2004-10-26 Thread Cornillon, Matthieu (Consultant)
Hi.  I have a really weird problem here that is hard to summarize, so I am
just going to ask anyone if they've had anything even vaguely like this,
since that might help me know where to look.
I have a sign-in and registration system on my intranet site.  Here is the
system: a user registers, creating an Oracle user record.  They sign-in, and
a cookie is dropped on their machine with their a unique ID for accessing
the Oracle record.  The Application.cfm file checks the cookie, runs it
against the database, tests a bunch of things, and sets some session
variables that say who is used in, their unique ID, their name, and some
other stuff.  From then until the session variables expire, all pages check
session variables first to determine user state.  This allows me quick
access to all the data in the session variables without having to store it
in the limited space of cookies and without having to re-run all of the
testing that is run when the session variables are not yet set.
Here is where things get weird.  This thing had been running fine for a year
or so with over 10,000 active users, when suddenly I started getting reports
of what I now call the "username switch problem".  John Smith would be
logged in, come to a page on the site and see the name Amanda Jones in the
username display on the sidebar of the site.  Sometimes, it seems (although
this was very hard to track), Amanda Jones would at the same time see her
name changed to John Smith.  I think that there may have been three-way
switches, where three users essentially rotated names.
I have patched this by setting logic that checks the current user ID against
the cookie user ID.  If it finds a mismatch, it re-runs the initial checking
and resets all the session variables.  I have, since creating that patch,
gone about a year without any more reports of problems.  Yes, I know, I
should have fixed the problem, but as things are always a rush, it always
got pushed to the back burner.
Now it has reared its ugly head again.  I have no idea why this is
happening.  Bottom line: the session variables for one user are suddenly
getting swapped for the session variables of another user, all in
mid-session.  I believe that all of the session variable reads/writes are
properly locked, and--in any case--it strikes me as odd that the errors
would so cleanly swap several session variables rather than swapping just
some of it and causing errors.  If I had to guess, I would say that it seems
like the CFID and CFTOKEN of two users get swapped, so that the server
simply recognizes each as the other, but that's a wild guess that I can't
prove.  Does anyone recognize this kind of behavior at all?  Any ideas where
I might look for a solution?  

Purchase from House of Fusion, a Macromedia Authorized Affiliate and support the CF 

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RE: Field Naming

2004-10-19 Thread Cornillon, Matthieu (Consultant)
> The are so many options on which styles to follow, the approach I
> is to pick a something, document it and follow your document.

This is indeed the most important thing.  The system I just laid out (that I
use) in another e-mail is only useful to me insofar as I am consistent in
sticking to it.

Some other things to consider in being consistent, outside of the naming
system itself:
1) Layout of your SQL statements in terms of indenting.
2) Capitalization of SQL command terms.
3) Full qualification of columns (e.g., CLIENTS.CLI_Fname instead of


Purchase from House of Fusion, a Macromedia Authorized Affiliate and support the CF 

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RE: Field Naming

2004-10-19 Thread Cornillon, Matthieu (Consultant)
My two cents:

I (sinfully) use the plurals in the table names.  Can be confusing, yes, but
if you are consistent one way or the other, you should be able to remember
what you are doing.

My rules:
1) Each table name has a related table abbreviation (e.g., CLIENTS has CLI,
2) Each column in a table contains the table abbreviation (e.g., CLI_Fname,
CLI_Lname, CLI_HatSize).
3) The primary key of a table consists of "pk" followed by the table
abbreviation (e.g., pkCLI, pkPHONE).
4) Foreign keys in a table consist of "fk" followed by the local table
abbreviation followed by an underscore followed by "pk" followed by the
foreign table abbreviation (e.g., fkCLI_pkPHONE is the foreign key
referencing the primary key of the PHONE table).  Note: there are two
circumstances under which this wouldn't hold: (1) if your foreign key
references something other than the primary key of the foreign table; and
(2) if two foreign keys in your table reference the same primary key in
another table (e.g., a table marked CALLS twice refers to pkUSR, once for
the person who called and once for the person who answered: the notation
can't be fkCALL_pkUSR for both, but is instead fkCALL_pkUSRFrom and
5) Junction tables use the two table names/abbreviations separated by an "x"
(e.g., CLIENTSxLOCATIONS is the junction table between the CLIENTS and
LOCATIONS tables, with a primary key of pkCLIxLOC, and--the longest and
messiest within my system--foreign keys referring to CLIENTS and LOCATIONS:
fkCLIxLOC_pkCLI and fkCLIxLOC_pkLOC).
6) If you have a table which lists the types of things in another table,
follow it's name and abbreviation with the letters "ty".  For example, in
this example, the table listing the types of clients would be CLIENTSty,
with an abbreviation of CLIty.  CLIENTS then would likely have a column
called fkCLI_pkCLIty that tells what kind of client it is.
7) When I am writing SQL, I strictly adhere to the cases as I have them
written above.  This makes a HUGE difference in readability.  Indeed, much
of my system is predicated on the fact that changing case can really stand
out.  "fkCLIxLOC_pkCLI" is extremely clear in meaning to me in large part
because of this.  FKCLIXLOC_PKCLI is not so clear.

This may sound a bit complicated, but I find that the code is very easy to
read.  When I come back to a project I have not worked on in a long time, I
can read the SQL without any trouble.


-Original Message-
From: Andrew Dixon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 19, 2004 7:30 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: OT: Field Naming

Hi Everyone.

I'm just starting a major project for a government client and the first job
is to design the database. Is there any recongnised convention on the naming
of database fields. In the past I have always named them
[table_name_field_name] for example: projects_id where the table is called
'projects' and the field is called 'id'.

Thanks in advanced.

Best Regards


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RE: page creation times

2004-10-18 Thread Cornillon, Matthieu (Consultant)
> The theory in that is a very very good answer... finally a pretty
> balanced point... altho you may want to cache that 43 second query
> somehow so that it isn't that long the next time round :)

Indeed.  I was mainly using such a big number for contrast.  In general, a
43-second process had darn well better return me a golden egg.


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RE: page creation times

2004-10-18 Thread Cornillon, Matthieu (Consultant)

DISCLAIMER: All of the rambling you are about to read is based on my own
experience designing user interfaces, and none of it is based on industry
standards.  In other words, get your grains of salt ready.

I think that it depends what page is loading, and how it all fits into the
user experience.  Generally, I do everything I can to trim page times down,
and I get really anxious when processing approaches one second.  That said,
some pages take longer.  That's when the context of user experience becomes
important, in my eyes.

Some examples within my personal experience:

1) I am browsing around a site to try to find something.  I don't know where
it is, exactly, so I have to try a bunch of different options.  If all of
the options along the way are a bit slow (let's say 2-5 seconds each), my
brain starts to smoke and I go elsewhere if possible.

2) I browse around a site with quick loading pages, and then get to the tool
that is clearly what I want.  Let's say it searches some database for hat
sizes of celebrities.  Perfect!  I want to know what size hat to buy John
Cleese for his birthday.  I enter John in the first name field, Cleese in
the last name field, and wait 43 seconds for the query to load.  My brain
does not start to smoke.

This is an expansion on what I feel to be the hole in the old
three-clicks-maximum rule.  If I have a certain sense that I am going toward
what I want, I don't care how many clicks it takes; if, on the other hand, I
have to wander around a lot and pick with only partial certainty from the
links at any given level...brain smoke.  It's the same with time, in my

The other issue, I think, is frequency of page use.  I don't care that
running an advanced find of every message in my Outlook mailbox takes a long
time: it gets the job done in the infrequent cases where I need to run such
a search.  But when the Exchange server bogs down and opening new e-mails
gets slow (even by a half a second)...brain smoke.

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RE: SQL Question...

2004-10-12 Thread Cornillon, Matthieu (Consultant)
> Wow, do I ever feel stupid.  It was the output stage that I had my problem
> with.  It's fixed, that join query runs fine. 

I'm glad it worked out.  No need to feel stupid: getting a second (third,
fourth,...,nth) pair of eyes to look at the issue freshly is one of the
great things about this list.

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RE: SQL Query Help Please.

2004-10-12 Thread Cornillon, Matthieu (Consultant)
2.) Can someone please suggest a good book on SQL syntax that will clear
thing up for me.

Other beginner resources:

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RE: SQL Question...

2004-10-12 Thread Cornillon, Matthieu (Consultant)
> Can anybody lend a hand and help me out on this one?  All it does is
 > 1 row no matter how many rows are in the sizeLine table.. 


I'm not exactly sure why this is happening, but here are some ideas of what
to check:

1) Forgive me for suggesting the obvious, but since it's not specified in
your post, I want to be sure I'm not missing something: how do you know it
is returning only one row?  Could it be an error in your output routine?  If
you put this code:

record count = #sizeList.RecordCount#

...immediately after the query and run the page, do you get a value of 1?
If not, your problem is likely in the output routine somewhere.  If that is
what you find, check to make sure that you are properly looping over the
rows to show all values.

2) I use Oracle and am not completely familiar with the SQL notation you
used, but I think that the joins force there to be one matching row on both
sides.  If SizeID only has one row, the most you can possibly get out of the
query is one row.  If you are testing and don't have real data in there,
something like this could be responsible.

If none of that works, could you post a little more information about your
output routines and some sample data?

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RE: currentrow is undefined?

2004-10-11 Thread Cornillon, Matthieu (Consultant)

In the CFQUERY tag, you define the name of the query as "display".  So the
later CFIF statement should read CFIF Display.CurrentRow... instead.  When
you took out the "error_table" part, CF looked through the available
variable scopes and found the data somewhere, but it may have been looking
in another query.  Changing it to explicitly refer to Display.CurrentRow
should fix the problem.


-Original Message-
From: Phillip Perry [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, October 11, 2004 1:24 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: currentrow is undefined?

Thanks for the info from my last question. Now here is my next issue. I am
calling for information from 2 tables. I want to find out which row is even
and which is odd from one of them. I'm using. 
MOD 2 IS 1>  but this throws an error saying that currentrow is undefined.
Yet if I take out the error_table. part it works, without ever finding the
odd and even rows. I'm trying to use this to format the bgcolor and txtcolor
of a  & . The code is below. How do I fix this error.

FROM error_table, importance

Thanks for the help

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RE: grouping by...

2004-10-11 Thread Cornillon, Matthieu (Consultant)
If you want to do this in SQL, you can use the DECODE function.  Let's say
you have a table called TASKS, and you want to prioritize TASK_Name by
TASK_Priority, High to Low:

SELECT TASK_Name, DECODE(TASK_Priority,'High',1,'Normal',2,'Low',3) AS
ORDER BY PriorityOrder

If you can't use DECODE because of your platform, you could also try the
tricky trick of using the third character in the TASK_Priority value, since
that works out the way you want it (g-r-w):

SELECT TASK_Name, SUBSTR(TASK_Priority,3,1) AS PriorityOrder
ORDER BY PriorityOrder

Finally, if you don't have SUBSTR either, you could do this clumsy bit:

SELECT TASK_Name, '1' AS PriorityOrder
WHERE TASK_Priority = 'High'
SELECT TASK_Name, '2' AS PriorityOrder
WHERE TASK_Priority = 'Normal'
SELECT TASK_Name, '3' AS PriorityOrder
WHERE TASK_Priority = 'Low'
ORDER BY PriorityOrder


-Original Message-
From: Phillip Perry [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, October 11, 2004 12:31 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: grouping by...


I want to arrange my data that is being displayed by the database field
"importance". I want High to be shown first, then Normal, then Low (which
are the 3 choices in the importance table"). How can i get Normal items to
show up before Low items? 
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RE: form variables without forms?

2004-10-05 Thread Cornillon, Matthieu (Consultant)
> is your network behind a firewall? do u find it takes forever for it to
> process? you may need to add your proxy's address, port, username and
> password... may not be allowing you to post.

Yes, it is.  I have been playing with this with no luck.  This should be my
proxy address, port, username, and password, right?  Interestingly, entering
any of this information gives me the error a lot faster; if I leave it out,
the thing takes a while to come back and tell me that it has failed.

As for the error message I am getting: when the page loads, the output of
CFHTTP.FileContent yields "Connection Failure".  That's all there is.

As for the question about being able to hit the URL from the server, I am
able to CFLOCATION to the URL.  If I run a client (IE) on the server, I can
get to the URL.  Does that answer the question?

And wouldn't you know it, the other solution fell through, so I now need
something along these lines after all.

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RE: form variables without forms?

2004-10-05 Thread Cornillon, Matthieu (Consultant)

Thanks for this message.  Unfortunately, I am getting a connection error.  I
am guessing that something about the set-up I am using doesn't allow this
approach?  I am going from one company to another, across at least one
firewall.  I probably have another solution, but in the interest of
understanding CFHTTP a little bit better, is it likely that the connection
error comes from going through these firewalls or some similar network


You would want to do something similar to this:



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RE: form variables without forms?

2004-10-05 Thread Cornillon, Matthieu (Consultant)
> have you tried cfhttp?


I have never used CFHTTP before, but I don't think it will do it.  I have
just tried setting it up, and it doesn't go anywhere.  In other words, it
seems that the data is posting to the other server, but the client never
goes there.  I want this to be exactly the same as if the user has clicked
submit, but without the user having to click submit.

Am I missing something?

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form variables without forms?

2004-10-05 Thread Cornillon, Matthieu (Consultant)
Hello, all.

I have to submit some values to a form action page.  I have no choice on the
far end: it is expecting POSTed form variables.  On my end, though, this is
kind of a pain, because I need to do an intermediate, non-user step before
the submission.  So my situation is:

UserForm - page on which user enters data.
ServerActionPage - page on which server does some stuff.
FormActionPage - page on far end that expects POSTed form variables.

I could set ServerActionPage to do its business in ColdFusion and put the
variables into hidden form fields, then have _javascript_ that on the client
side automatically submits the form.  This puts one extra page in the middle
of the process for the user.  Yes, I know, the user won't really see it, but
I always try to avoid that pesky "can't hit my back button" problem.

My question is this: is there some way to pass form variables that doesn't
require a client-side action?  I have successfully experimented with adding
them to the query string, but I don't know whether this is something I can
rely on.  In other words, I have turned:



Is this a bad practice?  Will it work reliably?

Thanks in advance,
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RE: Headache with # in table colors

2004-10-05 Thread Cornillon, Matthieu (Consultant)
> Is there an easy way to go about handling table rows/columns colors as
> I am doing my page design/layout?


I'm not sure if this is what you're going for, but here's a stab: between
CFOUTPUT tags, use ## instead of #.

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RE: looping query

2004-10-05 Thread Cornillon, Matthieu (Consultant)

I think that it is just bad coding.  I have seen a fair amount of confusion
on the point of getting values out of a query (e.g., people often seem refer
to MyQuery.ColName without looping, unintentionally getting nothing but the
first value).  Also, I think people often don't know array notation for
queries.  I myself coded for some time before finding out about it.  If
someone were faced with the task of getting the last value from a query, I
can imagine this is how they would do it.

I'm sure you know all this, but I thought I'd add another voice saying, "I
think it's poor coding."


-Original Message-
From: Adam Haskell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 05, 2004 8:42 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: looping query

Ok so I inherited an application to update and I am trying to clean it
up a little bit,or maybe a lot, but I keep running into this:


why oh why would some one do this? Is there a good explanation? Since
the code is not commented I have no idea who the original author is so
I can't ask him/her.

At the very least wouldn't 

Get you to the sane place faster? Most of these queries I think are
only supposed to return one row but still I would think, especially on
CF 5 which is what this app is running on, the looping would be a
waste of time. Anyone's thoughts? 
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RE: Order in multi-column select box

2004-09-29 Thread Cornillon, Matthieu (Consultant)
This is a long shot, but if you are pulling your from Oracle or another DB
that allows the LPAD/RPAD functions, you could pad it on the query instead
of having to loop through it.  In fact, I often, when putting values like
this together in select statements, do all of the concatenation in the
query.  Is this faster/slower?  I don't know.  It just turns out nicer,
easier-to-handle values.

If your columns are part number, dimensions, and cost, your query might look
like this:

SELECT LPAD(INV_PartNo,5), LPAD(INV_Height,4), LPAD(INV_Width,4),
LPAD(INV_Depth,4), LPAD(INV_Cost,7)

RPAD just pads on the right instead.  If you want to pad with something
other than spaces, add it as a single-quote delimited third parameter to the
function.  For example:

LPAD('dog',7,'R') returns dog.


-Original Message-
From: Rick Mason [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2004 11:06 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: OT: Order in multi-column select box

I've had to build a select box with five columns for a current
project.  How can I keep the columns in straight lines and not
displayed every which way?

I looked at some past code and I don't think I have ever done a select
with more than two columns displayed.  It cries out for a table but I
can't do a table inside a select statement.

Short of looping through each column and adding enough spaces to make
them all equal to the largest record in the column I can't think of a
better way.  Is there an easier method that I am missing?

Rick Mason 
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RE: Select Box / LIKE operator

2004-09-28 Thread Cornillon, Matthieu (Consultant)
> If the end user just enters "e" 
> in the search box, I am not so  
> sure that I want every name that  
> contains an 'e' to be returned  
> Or do I??? 
> What is the consensus on how to  
> make something like this work best?

I personally like the "anywhere in the string" approach, but I have found
that most people expect it to be at the start of the string, as Steve
mentioned.  People get confused when a search for DER returns ANDERSON at
the top of the list, when they were in fact looking for DEREK.

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RE: type ahead select lists

2004-09-28 Thread Cornillon, Matthieu (Consultant)
> Anybody know of a script that replicates type-ahead select lists (like
> in Gmail or offline VB applications)?


I built this using _javascript_.  It's not too pretty, but it works just fine.
The idea is that a global variable is the "buffer" in the list, to which
keystrokes are added.  The script is set to work on my page, but I am sure
you can figure out how to adapt it.


1) pkTAX is the primary key in the table listing the options for the
2) TAX_Term is the text of that option.


    Select a taxonomy term to add...


// Declare global variables used for typeahead feature.
var ta_pkTAX = "";
var sn_pkTAX = "";

// Handle keystrokes.
function typeAhead() {

 // Check whether user has hit enter, requesting that the form be submitted.
 if (event.keyCode == 13) {
  // CASE: user wants to submit form.
 } else {

 // Set basic variables.
 var keyPressed = String.fromCharCode(event.keyCode).toUpperCase();
 var currentlySelected = document.frmDummy.pkTAX.options.selectedIndex;
 var selectNew = document.frmDummy.pkTAX.options.length;
 var i = 1;

 // Add latest key pressed to global storage for this control.
 ta_pkTAX = ta_pkTAX + keyPressed;

// alert(ta_pkTAX);
// alert(sn_pkTAX);

 // Find closest match in list.
 while (i < document.frmDummy.pkTAX.options.length) {
  selectNew = i;
  // Is the current entry the closest match?
  if (document.frmDummy.pkTAX.options[i].text.substr(0,ta_pkTAX.length) >=
ta_pkTAX) {
   // CASE: yes - end loop in place.
   i = document.frmDummy.pkTAX.options.length;
  } else {
   // CASE: no - increment to next value

 // Set value of select box.
 document.frmDummy.pkTAX.options.selectedIndex = selectNew;

 // Set stored typeahead value for select box.
 sn_pkTAX = selectNew;

 if (event.keyCode == 27) {
  //handle escape key event

function adjustForTypeAhead() {
 // Is there a stored typeahead selection value for the select box?
 if (sn_pkTAX != "") {

  // CASE: yes - set select box to that value
  document.frmDummy.pkTAX.options.selectedIndex = sn_pkTAX;
  sn_pkTAX = "";
 } else {

  // CASE: no - reset typeahead storage variable.
  ta_pkTAX = "";
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RE: ;amp in my URL's?

2004-09-21 Thread Cornillon, Matthieu (Consultant)
>Im trapping a few errors per day which means probably 1-1000 users (or 
>more) is experiencing this problem, and not sure what could be causing it. 

AAARGH!  That foul beast dares rear its head again!?!!  (read with pirate
voice and one eye squinted shut)

I had/have this exact same problem.  The site I work on has two sides: one
that I manage, using CF, and the other that someone else manages, using any
number of technologies, including Lotus Notes.  The sign-in/registration
system that I designed runs over the entire site, so the two sides have to
play nice together.  Because the other side doesn't use CF, I had to do some
trickery.  This trickery involves (among other things) _javascript_ code that
sits on that other side, and which bounces users who aren't signed in over
to my side.  Of course, in doing this, I want to be sure that I can route
users to their desired location after the sign-in.  To do this, I place
their desired URL into a URL variable.  Here's where things fall apart.  I
can't remember exactly which part causes the error, but the idea is that
some bit of it all (the browser, the _javascript_ code, something) converts
those nice & characters to their HTML equivalents (&) and all hell
breaks loose.  As I remember it, the problem was even more complicated in
that even if I got it through the first step, it might get fouled up at the
second step (when I send the user back).  

Bottom line (ugly bottom line): my solution was to stop trusting the various
bits that were converting the ampersand character into its equivalent and
back.  At the very start of the process, I replace all ampersands with the
lovely string QQQampQQQ.  At the very end of the process, I reverse the
process, replacing QQQampQQQ with ampersands, and redirect to that address.

I readily admit that there must be a better way.  That said, I caution you
against spending too much time finding it.  As I remember it, the reason I
went this way was that--while I could get it to work in one scenario--the
various possible cases got rapidly complicated, and it was much easier to
convert the string immediately into something that would be preserved
regardless of which automatic conversion it was going through.

All that said, can I help you at all?  I would make sure I know the process
from end to end: where does the URL begin its life as a variable, and where
does it end that life.  If you can't figure out an easy way to fix it, do
the ugly trick above.

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RE: OT:Javascript Problem

2004-09-20 Thread Cornillon, Matthieu (Consultant)

I think that having the field names all the same will be a mistake, as it
will complicate the issue on your form page, if not outright causing errors.

In any case, you do not need to have the field names be exactly the same as
your database field names.  I have done this sort of form many times.  It
always is a bit complicated, but the basic idea is that I loop over the form
fields when I get to the action page.  On each loop, if I find a valid
entry, I run a  tag with an INSERT statement.


-Original Message-
From: vishnu prasad [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, September 20, 2004 4:00 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: OT:_javascript_ Problem

Thks for the Code 

but i need to have all the contorl name as same ? so that it will be easy
for me to inster the values in the database

if not 
will u tell me how  to slove this problem 
in the action page i have to insert the rows enter in the previos page into
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RE: SQL, count

2004-09-16 Thread Cornillon, Matthieu (Consultant)
>What i basically need to do is get a list of ID2 and a count of the
> people ID1 invited.


How about a self join?  (The following assumes that the name of your table
is NAMES).

AS InviteeID, INVITEES.NAME AS InviteeName
ORDER BY InviterName, InviteeName

Since you want both a count (aggregate function) and list (non-aggregate
function) of names, I would then handle this using counter variables and the
CFOUTPUT group parameter:


#qNames.InviterName# invited:


-(#Variables.NumberOfPeopleInvited# people total)

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RE: Using a value from one insert for another insert

2004-09-16 Thread Cornillon, Matthieu (Consultant)
I don't know the proper way to do this, but I can tell you the hideously
unattractive and effective three-query way that I do it.  I use various
items to create something that I know will be unique.  For example, I
concatenate user ID and current time.  I put that in a local variable.  I
run the insert query, putting this unique value into some field that really
is for something else, say product_description.  I run a select query
pulling the primary key for the row that has that unique value in
product_description.  I then run an update query, putting the proper product
description in the row at the primary key found.

As I said, ugly, but effective.

Good luck,

-Original Message-
From: daniel kessler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, September 16, 2004 10:54 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Using a value from one insert for another insert

I'm now receiving an invalid character error.  I can do each of the inserts
independently, but when I put them together with the RETURNING line, I get
the error.

INSERT INTO fsnep_polls
RETURNING p_id INTO new_p_id;

INSERT INTO fsnep_pollAnswers

>Well you should put it in a procedure rather than inline. Then you
>could do something like:
>INSERT INTO fsnep_polls
>RETURNING p_id INTO newly_created_id
>(note the RETURNING syntax used in PL/SQL)
>Outside of that, if you must stay inline, you could use
>unique_poll_Num_s.CURRVAL. That should return the current value of the
>new primary key. Although this is dangerous, make sure to keep your
>transactions tight.
>- Original Message -
>From: Daniel Kessler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: Thu, 16 Sep 2004 09:56:46 -0400
>Subject: Using a value from one insert for another insert
>I'm in Oracle.  I do an insert for a poll question, then I need to 
>get the ID of that question and insert it into each one of the 
>answers that I write to a different table (see code below).  Without 
>a separate query, is there any way to get the ID inside the same 
>query to use again for the answers?  Also, would doing a seperate 
>query be a bad idea?
>  INSERT INTO fsnep_polls
> (
> p_id,p_date_added,p_question,
> p_status,p_date_last_used
> )
> (
> unique_poll_Num_s.NEXTVAL,#Now()#,'#Form.p_question#',
> #Form.p_status#,#p_date_last_used#
> )
> INSERT INTO fsnep_pollAnswers
> (
> pA_ID,pA_pollID,pA_answer
> )
> (
> unique_pollAnswers_Num_s.NEXTVAL,#Form.p_id#,
> '#Form.p_answer1#'
> )
> break;
>Daniel Kessler
>Department of Public and Community Health
>University of Maryland
>Suite 2387 Valley Drive
>College Park, MD  20742-2611
>301-405-2545 Phone
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2004-09-15 Thread Cornillon, Matthieu (Consultant)
SELECT MyNumber, TO_CHAR(MyNumber,'000')


1, 001


-Original Message-
From: Eric Creese [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 2004 11:33 AM
To: CF-Talk

I forget how to do this, it has been some time. I got values that need to be
at least 7 characters long. So if the value is 552, I need to pad it out to
look like this 552 in my return set. Can anyone out there refresh my
memory please. 
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OT: pulling header response variables

2004-09-13 Thread Cornillon, Matthieu (Consultant)

I am being forced to develop a small module application on my site outside
of my normal environment, meaning that I cannot use ColdFusion.  (shudder)

I am interacting with a plug-in on this other server that includes certain
information that I need in the header variables.  If I use ColdFusion (which
I can only use in development and will not work on the staging and
production areas--again, shudder), I can see the variables I need very
clearly listed when I do a dump of the CGI variables ().
As I understand it, these are variables that the HTTP server sends back in
the header of the page along with the rest of the data in the page.  My
thinking, perhaps naive, is that this data should be available to the client

So, since I can't use CF, I have to use something else.  I am getting the
sinking feeling that client-side _javascript_ is not an option, although I am
still confused as to why this data would not be available to client-side

Bottom line: I am looking for another technology to use, but I don't know
which way to go.  I don't know CGI/Perl, ASP, or client-side _javascript_, so
I'll have to study to get this set up.  Before I go doing such a thing, I'd
like to know that I am at least in the right ballpark.  

Does anyone have any suggestions for how to deal with this cold, heartless,
non-ColdFusion world?

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RE: Comparing two records within the query

2004-09-09 Thread Cornillon, Matthieu (Consultant)
>> Another option is to do a self-join.  

> This works, though I am not getting all rows returned and I haven't quite

> figured why yet.  I hate to rely on the titles being exactly the same.  I

> have data where one title contains the words DVD while the VHS version  
> doesn't. 

 Unfortunately, you are running into a fundamental data identity issue here.
Here, identity is "a particular movie, regardless of format".  The goal of
your application is to return a list of identities (as defined above), with
available format information included.  

If you had some unique identifier (similar to ISBN) for movies, something
that said 002943018 = "What's Eating Gilbert Grape?" regardless of whether
it was VHS, Beta, DVD, Laserdisc, or celluloid, you could do this comparison
flawlessly and easily.  Unfortunately, I am guessing that you have no such
unique identifier, and further that no such identifier even exists.  

(Interesting idea: use IMDBs data.  They identify "What's Eating Gilbert
Grape" as tt0108550.  If you used this, you could even dynamically generate
links to IMDB for more information.  You would have to create a table of
titles and these unique IDs somehow, and this would be a bunch of work,
but--as I said--interesting idea.  If you link to them, they might not even
mind, in which case you could ask them to send you a list of titles and IDs.
Again, just a brainstorm.)

Back to the issue at hand: if you had such an identifier, you would be all
set.  But you don't.  So, you are using title, which is pretty good.  But
you have problems.  "The Manchurian Candidate" is not good as an identity:
it could mean either the 1962 or the 2004 version.  Also, you have this
format data appended.

I recommend that you add a column to the table that is "cleaned title".  You
then cycle through the database and remove that VHS and DVD note.  While you
do it, you could create a mediaformat column as suggested before.  You could
leave the original title as is, if you want, or go to the cleaned title.  I
see no way around doing at least this.

Of course, once you have done that, the question is why you don't have a
relational database with one table that holds videos where each row is a
unique identity, and another table that holds stock, indicating, among other
things, what media format the stock item is.

If you don't split the table like this, I would still recommend that you
create some sort of internal unique ID that you use to identify a movie
entity.  Others might know more on this issue, but my guess is that
comparing titles (even after the cleaning described above) will be slower
than comparing numeric values, thereby leading to faster joins.

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RE: date difference (DateDiff) question?

2004-09-09 Thread Cornillon, Matthieu (Consultant)
> For some reason the dates retuned are in this format:
> Ex: "2004-09-08 12:28:56.0"
> I can't understand why it adds the ".0" after the time when the value
stored in the database is "2004-09-08 12:28:56"

The only thing I can think of is to try using the ParseDateTime() function
with queryTmp.Hold/ReleasedDateTime to return a good date/time object.

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RE: DHTML Drag and Drop pt.2

2004-09-08 Thread Cornillon, Matthieu (Consultant)

One tip on debugging _javascript_: I am sure there is some smart way to do it.
I don't know this smart way.  I find the errors when they come up in IE.
Since the line numbers in the _javascript_ error that comes up (you can get it
by double-clicking the little yellow icon in the lower, left-hand corner
when you get an error) don't match those in your original code, it gets
confusing.  So, view the source, copy the entire document, paste it into a
blank CFStudio page, and use the line number counts to find your problem
line there.  This has saved me a lot of time.

Of course, if someone knows the smart way to do debug _javascript_, I too
would love to know of it.


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RE: Comparing two records within the query

2004-09-08 Thread Cornillon, Matthieu (Consultant)
Another option is to do a self-join.  I'll make some assumptions here that
may not be true, but which you can modify to fit the truth.  Key among those
is that you have column called VID_MediaFormat holding either DVD or VHS.
(I know you don't have this, but you seem to have some way of determining
media_type, so you can just edit this to fit.)

pkVID_VHS, V2.VID_Title AS VID_Title_VHS, V1.VID_Title AS SortTitle
WHERE V1.VID_MediaFormat = 'DVD' AND
  V2.VID_MediaFormat = 'VHS' AND
  V1.pkVID <> V2.pkVID AND
  V1.VID_Title = V2.VID_Title (+)


pkVID_VHS, V2.VID_Title AS VID_Title_VHS, V2.VID_Title AS SortTitle
WHERE V1.VID_MediaFormat = 'DVD' AND
  V2.VID_MediaFormat = 'VHS' AND
  V1.pkVID <> V2.pkVID AND
  V2.VID_Title = V1.VID_Title (+) AND
  V1.VID_Title IS NULL

ORDER BY SortTitle

Here's how it works.  The first SELECT statement pulls out all DVD titles in
the column called VID_Title_DVD, with matching VHS titles (if they exist) in
VID_Title_VHS.  The second SELECT statement puts all VHS titles WITHOUT a
matching DVD title into VID_Title_VHS, and leaves VID_Title_DVD null.  So,
the first half gets titles with DVD only or DVD and VHS, and the second half
gets VHS only.  Finally, the ORDER BY clause uses the SortTitle column
(which is the same as VID_Title_DVD in the first SELECT statement and the
same as VID_Title_VHS in the second SELECT statement) to order it together.

It should return a results list with two columns (plus other stuff) like

VID_Title_DVD  VID_Title_VHS
Arthur (DVD)   Arthur(VHS)
Benji (DVD)    Benji (VHS)
Dave (DVD)
Fresh (DVD)
Go (DVD)
Heat (DVD) Heat(VHS)
   Ishtar (VHS)
Juice (DVD)    Juice (VHS)

Processing this on output should be easy.

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RE: DHTML Drag and Drop pt.2

2004-09-08 Thread Cornillon, Matthieu (Consultant)
> Still struggling with this drag and drop issue. 


I would like to help, but as Micha said, we'll need to see a little more of
what you are talking about.  Can you post it?

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RE: cfoutput -- group and maxrows problem

2004-09-07 Thread Cornillon, Matthieu (Consultant)


But the maxrows attribute goes by the query record count, rather than the
count of unique publication_titles. So instead of seeing 10 records per
page, I may get 6 or 9 or 7--the system is counting each author row and
thinks it's reached 10 before it actually has. 


I don't have a smart and elegant solution.  Someone else is bound to post
that moments after I post my kludgy solution, which is:

Let your query pull more than 10 records (say, 50) and remove the maxrows
attribute from your CFOUTPUT tag.  Then, change your code to:



When you are done, you will have the list limited to ten publications.
Further, you'll have the variable LastPubViewed that gives you the last ID
you saw.  You can use this last ID seen to help you show the next set.
(I've always found moving to the next page of such lists tricky.)

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RE: More drag and drop

2004-09-07 Thread Cornillon, Matthieu (Consultant)
>> However, I can't seem to get it to work 
>> with text unless I select the text  

> not 100% surebut the text could be  
> in a div and the div could have somehting  
> along the lines of 


I'm not sure about the DIV tag that Bryan suggested.  It may indeed work.
The other way to do it is to wrap the text with an  tag.  That's how I
did it.  In my case, they were actually hyperlinks anyway, but I think that
it works the same if you use the  tag with only the name parameter.

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RE: cfloop / cfquery and displaying results

2004-09-07 Thread Cornillon, Matthieu (Consultant)

Perhaps I am not understanding correctly, but it sounds like a query within
which you group the results is the way to go.

You can handle the grouping in a couple of different ways.  I would start by
reading the help on the CFOUTPUT tag, looking at the group parameter.


-Original Message-
From: Wurst, Keith D. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, September 06, 2004 3:28 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: cfloop / cfquery and displaying results

hi everyone. i have a question concerning cfloop, cfquery and how to display
information most effectively on a page. here is the situation. i have two
queries. the first query gets all my main topics. the second query gets all
my sub topics. my where clause in my second query uses an IN statement and
utilizes the valuelist of the results of the first query. in the past what i
have done is just performed the first query, and then placed the second
query within a cfloop of the results of the first one to display all the sub
topics. this time around i want to build a result set on the fly without
having to put the second query within my cfloop tag. any suggestions are
greatly appreciated. thanks so much.
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RE: Capture cflocations/redirects

2004-09-03 Thread Cornillon, Matthieu (Consultant)
>I'm experiencing some kind of redirect/cflocation endless loop.  Is there
some easy way to trap the iterations of this loop so that I can see what is
trying to redirect to where?


I don't know if this applies, but when I have confusing and unplanned
page-to-page routing, I add a dummy URL variable to suspect statements that
do the routing.  That allows me to see whether that statement is in fact the
one doing the redirecting, since the page it arrives at will have the
variable in the URL.  Since you have a loop, I would both add this dummy
variable and cut the loop somewhere, so that it stops in its tracks.  By
trial-and-error, you should be able to test each of the redirects.

I'm afraid that it's not the easiest way in the world.  Still, it shouldn't
take more than a few minutes to find the problem.

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RE: DHTML Drag and Drop to reorder record set

2004-09-03 Thread Cornillon, Matthieu (Consultant)

Thanks for the kind words.  The truth is that I learned by reading some
tutorial somewhere myself.  If I could have remembered where it was, I would
have just sent you the link, because it was quite good.

That said, my application of what I learned was more specifically geared
toward interaction with a ColdFusion-generated database list.  If this is
something that would be of interest as an article somewhere (Mr. Dinowitz?),
I might try putting it together.

In any case, thanks again for the praise.


-Original Message-
Sent: Friday, September 03, 2004 11:09 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: DHTML Drag and Drop to reorder record set

Hi Matthieu,

That's exactly the launching pad I was hoping for. Not to mention the exact
same functionality that I am going for. Your description is excellent and
concise. Might you think of doing a tutorial on it for other folks?

Thanks again.

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RE: DHTML Drag and Drop to reorder record set

2004-09-03 Thread Cornillon, Matthieu (Consultant)
>I'm not a DHTML guy by any means. Could someone point me in the right
direction to figuring out how to use DHTML to take a record from within a
record set, drag it to a higher or lower position, and have it change its
position within the record set?


I recently set up a drag-and-drop system for moving terms around within a
taxonomy structure at a library.  I used _javascript_.  Requires a bit of
doing, but it works really well.  I won't go into all the detail, but
hopefully I can give you enough to get you started.  If you need more, let
me know.

The basic idea is that each drag and drop event triggers a
location.replace() to a new page which processes data in the URL and
location.replace()s back to the start page.  To the user, the effect is that
an operation takes place without leaving the start page.

To make this work, you need to understand the _javascript_ drag-and-drop
events, paying particular attention to which element fires the event.


There might be a couple of others, but these are the ones I used.

On entering the page, I set a global variable that stores the ID of the
element being dragged, first with a dummy value (var dragID = -1;).  This
global ID is intended to be the place to check what element is being
dragged.  So, you have to set the onDragStart event to trigger a change in
that global variable.  If, for example, you have a hyperlinked task item
with unique ID 645, you can add >
to the  tag.  In enableTermDrop(), you set that global variable (dragID)
to #TaskItemID#, or 645.  Similarly, onDragEnd, you run a routine like
disableTermDrop() that sets dragID back to -1.  Now, whatever is happening,
you always have the ID of the item currently being dragged in dragID.

Next, you set the onDrop event of the target elements (those onto which
other elements are dropped) to fire something like launchTermDrop().  Pass
the ID of the target element as an argument.  That way, launchTermDrop() has
the target (from that argument) and the element that is being dragged and
dropped (by reading global variable dragID), and you are in business.  Build
a URL to a page that knows what to do and location.replace() to that URL.

You can make this much more sophisticated by adding more global variables to
store other parameters pertaining to the term being dragged.  This will
usually involve adding many more arguments to the event-driven function

VERY IMPORTANT: develop a naming convention early, and stick to it
religiously.  With the terms drag and drop flying around, and with seven
total events that are triggered by different items, this will get confusing
very fast.  I used the convention drag{VARIABLENAME} for the item being
dragged, and target{VARIABLENAME} for the target element.

Finally, to get really fancy, you can add keypress sensitivity to the
launchTermDrop() routine.  This will let you handle the drop differently if
the user is holding down the Ctrl key, for example.

A bit confusing, but VERY MUCH WORTH IT.  You end up with a very slick app.
If the tasks being performed are at all repetitive, you get a huge increase
in productivity.  What used to take several mouse clicks and keystrokes will
now take one drag and drop.

Good luck!

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SOLVED: CFMAIL and mass mailings: problem?

2004-09-02 Thread Cornillon, Matthieu (Consultant)

I appreciate your answers on this thread.  After doing some testing, it
looks like I will be able to use CFMAIL with the query attribute set to
cycle through messages.  To avoid driving the mail server admins to kill me,
I will set a scheduler to leak these out in small batches.

The regular _expression_ check of the e-mail address will also be key.

Thanks again for your help.

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RE: CFMAIL and mass mailings: problem?

2004-09-02 Thread Cornillon, Matthieu (Consultant)
> The big thing you need to look out for is invalid 
> email addresses and such because that will kill 
> the cfmail loop and thus kill all of the emails 
> going out.


Does "invalid e-mail addresses" mean e-mail addresses that simply are not
e-mail addresses, or e-mail addresses that are valid in format, but do not
actually exist at the other end?

In other words, I would call [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  a valid address,
even though there is most likely no such address on the yahoo server.  Is
this how you are defining valid?

If so, it sounds like the solution is to check the e-mails using a regular
_expression_ to be sure that they follow basic e-mail address format.  Does
this sound right to you?

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RE: Looping Question

2004-09-02 Thread Cornillon, Matthieu (Consultant)

I think that skipping those records by using IS NOT NULL is fine.  The other
option is to wrap the CFQUERY tag (that does the update) with 
getRecords.directoryPhone is not "">  Whether the field is
literally "" or is NULL, this CFIF block will skip that update.


-Original Message-
From: Mark Leder [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, September 02, 2004 2:20 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Looping Question

Thanks for your responses.
The query that Matt suggested works.
One problem however.  CF chokes when there is a  value or an empty

In the getRecords query, I can filter by using WHERE directoryPhone IS NOT
But is there a way to filter out records that have an empty value ("")?



From: Cornillon, Matthieu (Consultant)
Sent: Thursday, September 02, 2004 1:58 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Looping Question


The problem is that your loop index (memberID) is changing, but nothing
about the query is.  You are repeatedly referring to getRecords.memberID,
which, without a CFOUTPUT or CFLOOP tag, will always just give you the first
record.  In fact, I am surprised that you are doing anything other than
updating one record 3500 times, since getRecords.memberID will always pull
memberID from the first row of getRecords.

Two options for solving this.

1) Loop over the query:

UPDATE    #REQUEST.prefix#_Members_LIstBU1
SET   directoryPhone = #Replace(getRecords.directoryPhone, "-",
WHERE memberID = #getRecords.memberID# 

2) Keep your loop the same, but use array notation to get at the different
rows in the query:

username="#REQUEST.dsnUID#" password="#REQUEST.dsnPWD#">
UPDATE  #REQUEST.prefix#_Members_LIstBU1
SET directoryPhone =
#Replace(getRecords.directoryPhone[memberID], "-", "", "ALL")# 
WHERE   memberID = #getRecords.memberID[memberID]# 

If you do option 2, I would change your index to something like "i" to avoid



username="#REQUEST.dsnUID#" password="#REQUEST.dsnPWD#">
SELECT memberID, directoryPhone    
FROM #REQUEST.prefix#_Members_ListBU1 

Query Recordcount = #getRecords.recordcount#

Processing ...

username="#REQUEST.dsnUID#" password="#REQUEST.dsnPWD#">
UPDATE #REQUEST.prefix#_Members_LIstBU1
SET directoryPhone = #Replace(getRecords.directoryPhone, "-", "",
WHERE memberID = #getRecords.memberID# 

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RE: Looping Question

2004-09-02 Thread Cornillon, Matthieu (Consultant)

The problem is that your loop index (memberID) is changing, but nothing
about the query is.  You are repeatedly referring to getRecords.memberID,
which, without a CFOUTPUT or CFLOOP tag, will always just give you the first
record.  In fact, I am surprised that you are doing anything other than
updating one record 3500 times, since getRecords.memberID will always pull
memberID from the first row of getRecords.

Two options for solving this.

1) Loop over the query:


UPDATE    #REQUEST.prefix#_Members_LIstBU1
SET   directoryPhone = #Replace(getRecords.directoryPhone, "-",
WHERE memberID = #getRecords.memberID# 

2) Keep your loop the same, but use array notation to get at the different
rows in the query:


username="#REQUEST.dsnUID#" password="#REQUEST.dsnPWD#">
UPDATE  #REQUEST.prefix#_Members_LIstBU1
SET directoryPhone =
#Replace(getRecords.directoryPhone[memberID], "-", "", "ALL")# 
WHERE   memberID = #getRecords.memberID[memberID]# 

If you do option 2, I would change your index to something like "i" to avoid



username="#REQUEST.dsnUID#" password="#REQUEST.dsnPWD#">
SELECT memberID, directoryPhone    
FROM #REQUEST.prefix#_Members_ListBU1 

Query Recordcount = #getRecords.recordcount#

Processing ...

username="#REQUEST.dsnUID#" password="#REQUEST.dsnPWD#">
UPDATE #REQUEST.prefix#_Members_LIstBU1
SET directoryPhone = #Replace(getRecords.directoryPhone, "-", "",
WHERE memberID = #getRecords.memberID# 

Process Complete.
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RE: currency symbol converter

2004-09-02 Thread Cornillon, Matthieu (Consultant)

Have you looked at LSCurrencyFormat and LSEuroCurrencyFormat?  I haven't
used them, but I think they might handle your needs.


-Original Message-
From: joe velez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, September 02, 2004 1:35 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: currency symbol converter

hey is there a way to convert the $ to another character. i have an app that
displays the price, but DollarFormat automatically prepends the dollar sign.
I have something like

#replace(dollarformat(price), '$', cursym, 'ALL')#

i was just wondering if anyone had a better way of doing this; and what
about currencies where the symbol is at the end, or they use a comma instead
of a period to delimit dollars and cents. my replace statement is going to
get huge!

'ALL'), '.', curdelimiter, 'ALL')#'> 

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CFMAIL and mass mailings: problem?

2004-09-02 Thread Cornillon, Matthieu (Consultant)
Hi.  I want to set up a page to cycle through a list of about 25,000 users
and send a personalized e-mail to each of them.  I have no need for fancy
subscription, opt-out, or other such management features.  Also, I am only
doing this two or three of times.  As such, my plan was to loop over a
query, sending each mail separately with the CFMAIL tag.

Is this a bad idea?

I know that time is an issue: at 1 second per e-mail, 25,000 e-mails takes
seven hours.  Is the reason that this is a bad idea?  What if I do I in
smaller chunks?  I think that there are tools out there that allow you to do
this sort of thing without wreaking havoc.  Do people have recommendations?

Thanks in advance,
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