Re: OT: Is the web broken?

2004-08-27 Thread Ray Champagne
I sent a news link yesterday saying that the 'terrorists' are going to 
'melt down' the web.Maybe they just got a late start!



At 03:01 PM 8/27/2004, you wrote:
Is it just me or is the web broken?

I can get to some sites but most are un available?

I can't get to Apple's servers but I can send mail thru them


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SOT: take a long lunch today, boys and girls

2004-08-26 Thread Ray Champagne
Internet Meltdown taking place today:


Ray Champagne - Senior Application Developer
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RE: Using both Plain Text and HTML in cfmail

2004-08-26 Thread Ray Champagne
Why not just use cfmailpart (if CFMX)?Am I missing something?


At 11:55 AM 8/26/2004, you wrote:
simmyana a wrote:
  i want to send both plain text and HTML in a mail. I searche dthe web and
  found the following code

Are you using CF5 or CFMX?CFMX provides the ability to do this for you so
you don't have to muck around with content boundaries and the like.See my
May 2004 preso on SMTP and CFMAIL (slides 32  33 specifically) for more

Mosh Teitelbaum
evoch, LLC
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Re: Excel Output File

2004-08-26 Thread Ray Champagne
I haven't tried it, but would changing from a tab delimited to comma 
delimited work?


At 04:04 PM 8/26/2004, you wrote:
I'm needing to generate a file in CF that can be directly read in to Excel 
spreadsheet.I thought a tab-delimited file would do it but Excel '97 
won't read it.Complains about it not being a valid SYLK file format.

I'm sure others have been able to create excel compatible files, what's 
the trick?

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OT: ADD System?

2004-08-25 Thread Ray Champagne
Has anyone here (maybe in a past life?) worked with this system?It is a 
very common program used by Oil/Propane/Natural Gas/etc delivery companies 
to track their customers, schedule deliveries, set prices, just about 
everything needed.

We are working with a company that uses it, and we need to get some info 
out of the DB, but can't figure out how.Eventually, we would like to get 
the whole customer info out of the Db so that customers can check their 
next delivery date, pay bills, etc, but for right now we'd be happy just 
being able to export out some of the info in a usable format.

Problem is, the ADD company has a web module that is ridiculous in price, 
so they will not help us try to 'beat the system' by developing our own.I 
know what we need to do, just don't know how to do it.

So, anyone?anyone?Bueller?

Longshot, I know, but this list surprises me sometimes


Ray Champagne - Senior Application Developer
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Re: OT:Java Based Charts and Graph

2004-08-25 Thread Ray Champagne
I have used KavaChart and was pretty happy with the results.Java-based, too.



I was wondering if anyone could me out.I am looking for a Java based
charting package that will allow me to create drill down charts - basically
the same that are produced by CFCHART.I am writing the application in JSP.
It will be running on the same server as CF application server but the app
needs to be in JSP.

Does anyone know if JFreeChart can produce drill-down charts.


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OT: Urchin?

2004-08-24 Thread Ray Champagne
Does anybody here use Urchin?I have a few basic questions if anyone does



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Quickbooks IIF files???

2004-08-23 Thread Ray Champagne
I am currently building a timesheet application for my company, which is 
pretty simple.My boss wants me to save her some time by being able to 
take all the data that I am collecting from the employees and import it 
into Quickbooks.I have been google-ing this for the past hour, and what I 
am finding is that Quickbooks needs the import data to be in the Inuit Info 
File (I think that is what it stands for), or .iif format.Research on an 
iif file seems to show that it is just another version of a csv file.Has 
anyone in here ever exported from a db to Quickbooks before?I know how to 
create a csv file, but i just want to make sure that I am headed down the 
right path...

Back to my googling (and not out the window at the hotties walking by 
either, though that IS more fun...)



Ray Champagne - Senior Application Developer
CrystalVision Web Site Design and Internet Services

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RE: Quickbooks IIF files???

2004-08-23 Thread Ray Champagne
Thanks to both of the Mark's...

I will try out the second solution.

Sometimes you just gotta know where to look for the right info!


At 01:51 PM 8/23/2004, you wrote:
You are correct - the iif file is pretty much a comma delimited ascii 
file. The
answer you need is actually in the quickbooks help files - here's an excerpt.



You may also want to refer to the Reference Guide to Import Files

Note: These instructions are rather long. You may want to print them 
instead of
reading them onscreen. To print them, click Options and then choose Print 

If you've been using another financial software product, and you'd like to
import information from that product into QuickBooks, you can do so if the
product allows you to export to a spreadsheet or text file. You can import 
that correspond to QuickBooks lists, budgets, and individual transactions.

Tip: The easiest way to see and understand the format QuickBooks needs to 
data is to export some of your QuickBooks lists and view the resulting 
file in a
spreadsheet. If you don't already have a QuickBooks company, you can export
lists from the sample data (sample_product-based business. Qbw or
sample_service-based business.qbw).

1 Open the spreadsheet that contains the data.
2 Move the contents of all the cells in your spreadsheet one column to the 
so that the first column is blank.
3 Move the contents of all the cells down by one row so that the first row is
4 Check the structure of the spreadsheet. If it contains more than one type of
listor a mixture of lists, budgets, and transactionsmake sure that each 
type of
information has its own block in the spreadsheet. The blocks should follow 
other vertically. Insert a blank row of cells to separate the blocks.

For example, it you have a list of customers and a list of vendors, all the
customer data should be in one block and all the vendor information should 
be in
another block.

5 In the first cell in the blank row above each block of information, 
enter one
of the keywords shown in this table. Be sure to include the exclamation point

Type this text. . . If the block contains
!ACCNT Details about your chart of accounts.
!CUST A customer address or phone list.
!VEND A vendor address or phone list.
!EMP A list of employees.
!OTHERNAME A list of names you'd like to add to QuickBooks Other Name list.
!BUD Budget details.
!CLASS A list of general classifications you'd like to add to QuickBooks Class
!CTYPE A list of customer classifications you'd like to add to QuickBooks
Customer Type list.
!INVITEM Details about the line items you use on sales and purchase forms.
!INVMEMO Messages you'd like to add to QuickBooks Customer Message list.
!PAYMETH A list of payment methods you'd like to add to QuickBooks Payment
Method list.
!SHIPMETH A list of shipping methods you'd like to add to QuickBooks Ship Via
!TERMS A list of payment terms you'd like to add to QuickBooks Terms list.
!TIMEACT Details about activities you timed with the QuickBooks Pro Timer. 
!TIMERHDR QuickBooks Pro Timer data.
!TODO A list of upcoming to do tasks you want QuickBooks to remind you 
!TRNS Transactions.
!VTYPE A list of vendor classifications you'd like to add to QuickBooks Vendor
Type list.
For example, if the spreadsheet contains a list of customers and then a 
list of
vendors, the structure of the spreadsheet would be as follows:
[List of customers]
[List of vendors]

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Re: CFINCLUDEs in a form?

2004-08-23 Thread Ray Champagne
sounds like you're missing the form/form tags surrounding your form.


At 01:42 PM 8/23/2004, you wrote:
I have a bunch of oft-used CFSELECTS that show up on a bunch of different 
forms within my application. Thus, I wanted to put them in an includes 
directory and reference them with CFINCLUDE on my various forms.

However, wherever I place a CFINCLUDE statement within one of my forms, 
the submit and clear buttons no longer work. No error message, they simply 
do not respond. If I comment out the CFINCLUDES, the form operates normally.

Is it possible to use a CFINCLUDE within CFFORM?

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Re: OT: Where are opened attachments saved

2004-08-23 Thread Ray Champagne
I use Eudora, but I would say right click on the attachment name in 
Outlook, choose 'save as' and see where what directory pops up.It should 
be saved in that one (probably some kind of name such as attch or something).


At 03:59 PM 8/23/2004, you wrote:
Hey All,

If you open an attachment (say Word doc) in Outlook Express (latest version
on XP Pro)...make some changes and save itwhere does that file get
saved?This is of course opening an attachement and NOT doing a save as.

-open attachment
-make changes
-close file

Does it still exist?

Clients do the darndest things ;-)


Bryan Stevenson B.Comm.
VP  Director of E-Commerce Development
Electric Edge Systems Group Inc.
phone: 250.480.0642
fax: 250.480.1264
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Re: Exactly *how* smart are we?

2004-08-22 Thread Ray Champagne
Where's the link?


At 01:06 PM 8/22/2004, you wrote:
I follow most of these discussions on CF, and it's obvious there are
some extremely intelligent people here. I'd like to invite everyone
to visit the International High IQ Society Website so we can find
out where everyone stands intellectually. It would be interesting to
see where Forta, Liotta, and the other big guns stand, would it not?

After you finish your test, post your score (and be honest!!).

I haven't taken the Ultimate IQ test yet, but scored 114 on the
Verbal test (The US averages 100).

Step up to the plate guys and let's see where you stand!


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RE: something better?

2004-08-20 Thread Ray Champagne
The thing that I personally don't like about eclipse is that it doesn't 
provide a shortcut to browse the file at a keystroke (such as F12 in 
DW).I use that all the time, and I am sorry but having to go external and 
browse through the 100+ clients we have is not a good solution.


At 02:32 PM 8/20/2004, Jim Davis wrote:
I'm not a huge fan of DreamWeaver either, but I use it.You can disable all
of the code rewriting in the tool if that's you're only problem.

My big problem is that the damn thing can't seem to show me a nice simple
file list like every other program on the planet - it's always trying to
show me the folders I had open or showing me wrong folders because it's
caching the display.PITA.

Still HomeSite still seems like a great choice and a lot of people seem to
be moving to eclipse (although from the little I've seen eclipse seems even
heavier than DreamWeaver if that's possible).

Jim Davis

From: md insua [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, August 20, 2004 2:18 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: something better?

Now, I know for some, my question is going to seem to be heresy, but...

Does anyone know of a multi-language editor other than Dreamweaver that
offers pretty much the same features without half the crap Dreamweaver puts
into the code?

A little insight ~ I'm getting a little fed up with the host of ancillary
amout of code and white space dreamweaver arbitrarily throws into my code.

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Re: connection failure cfhttp

2004-08-19 Thread Ray Champagne
what site are you trying to hit?

there doesn't seem to be too many people on right now, so I'll see if I can 
help...but i am by no means an expert


At 08:24 PM 8/19/2004, you wrote:
if i can hit a site in my browser, why cant i cfhttp it?

sorry if this is a stupid one...


Tony Weeg
email: tonyweeg [at] gmail [dot] com

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Log file reader

2004-08-18 Thread Ray Champagne
Has anyone ever used/seen/have/etc a script that can read and parse IIS log 
files?I want to write a custom stats package for my company, but figured 
why reinvent the wheel - this script would be out there somewhere.I am 
pretty flexible, I just am lazy and don't want to write the code to 
parse.I will take the parsed files and convert to a DB table when I am 
done, I guess.

I tried the dev exchange and cflib, but found nothing that suits what i need.




Ray Champagne - Senior Application Developer
CrystalVision Web Site Design and Internet Services

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SOLVED: Re: Log file reader

2004-08-18 Thread Ray Champagne
Thanks for everyone's help on this.With some intense googling and some 
off-list help, I have found the following to be exactly what I was looking 
for.With some tweaks, it is going to be wicked sweet!


At 01:45 PM 8/18/2004, you wrote:
 Has anyone ever used/seen/have/etc a script that can read and parse IIS 
 log files?

Not exactly this, but there is a tag perfect for parsing, see CF_REExtract 

REUSE CODE! Use custom tags;
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Re: SOLVED: Re: Log file reader

2004-08-18 Thread Ray Champagne
I remember your posts back a few weeks ago discussing this, but I didn't 
have any reason to keep up with the thread, as I have never used cfobject, 
but right now things are slow and I am tackling things that have been on 
the back burner here (hence this low-priority project), so if you don't 
mind posting again, I could delve into the cfobject tag and expand 
knowledge.The time is perfect, and knowledge is power!

If you just have the name of the thread, I can check the archives, too.



At 03:23 PM 8/18/2004, you wrote:

That looks pretty good.

My only comment is: if you have large log files, you may not be able to
read them into a variable with cffile.

If that is the case, you could easily implement a line reader with

That's what I had to do (with help) to read my iTunes song library.

This was discussed in several recent threads.

If you need the routine, let me know  I will repost it.


On Aug 18, 2004, at 12:09 PM, Ray Champagne wrote:

  Thanks for everyone's help on this.With some intense googling and
 off-list help, I have found the following to be exactly what I was
 for.With some tweaks, it is going to be wicked sweet!
 At 01:45 PM 8/18/2004, you wrote:
  Has anyone ever used/seen/have/etc a script that can read and
  parse IIS
  log files?
 Not exactly this, but there is a tag perfect for parsing, see
 REUSE CODE! Use custom tags;
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Re: SOLVED: Re: Log file reader

2004-08-18 Thread Ray Champagne
So, I have a question after playing around with this (wow is it much faster 
than the easycfm way!):

I read up a little on cfscript, is it really true that there is no way to 
use SQL queries inside a cfscript block?I am VERY new to cfscript, but I 
thought that there was a way that has been mentioned in here before.This 
method is not going to do me much good if I can't parse out and put vals in 
the DB...

Thanks Dick, this is pretty cool...


At 03:50 PM 8/18/2004, you wrote:
Ray, here's the line reader that Joe Rinehart suggested (with a slight



Hey Joe

Your No Class Reader Works Great!

much faster than the other! (almost as fast as a cffile read of
entire file).

I simplified the EOF test so I could use a While loop.



Here's the revised code:

cfsetting enableCFOutputOnly=yes /
cfset lineCount = 0 /

cfset timer = GetTickCount() /

filename = /Users/Richard/Music/iTunes/iTunes Music Library.xml;
fileReader = createObject(java,;
fileReader = fileReader.init(filename);
lineReader = createObject(java,;
lineReader = lineReader.init(fileReader);

thisLine = true;
while (isDefined(thisLine)) {
thisLine = lineReader.readLine();
lineCount = LineCount + 1; // do any processing of the line here


brcount = #lineCount# | #GetTickCount() - timer#
cfsetting enableCFOutputOnly=no /

I always forget to kill blank lineson this sort of thing --

On Jun 16, 2004, at 6:28 AM, Joe Rinehart wrote:

 Hey Dick,

I've done a similar thing, but didn't create the external
CFBufferedReader class. Do you see any reason why the
provide the same?

 filename = c:\cfusionmx\wwwroot\lineNumberReader.cfm;
fileReader = createObject(java,;
fileReader = fileReader.init(filename);
lineReader = createObject(java,;
lineReader = lineReader.init(fileReader);

cfset eof = false
cfloop condition=not eof
 cfset thisLine = lineReader.readLine()
 cfif not isDefined(thisLine)
cfset eof = true

(whenlineReader instance hits the end of the file,
a result that causes thisLine to become undefined in the eyes



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Re: SOLVED: Re: Log file reader

2004-08-18 Thread Ray Champagne
I will try that tomorrow - time to bust into a few 'adult beverages' 
tonight.My wife and I bought our first house today...

Thanks (and thanks to Joe too),


At 05:44 PM 8/18/04, you wrote:
Thank Joe Rinehart -- he created the code.

As to executing a query within cfscript

Know you can't --- but you can fudge it

create a function (or CFC that issues the query based on a string
passed toit.The string contains the SQL statements).

within the script tag invoke the function which returns the record set

Howie Hamlin had a thread on this earlier today.

BTW, It is generally thought to be a good idea to generalize this
approach and put all your db calls into CFCs ( code reusability).I
have even seen recommendations that you write these CFCs like like OOP
objects with getters and setters for each field in the db.I don't
know if that level of implementation is warranted on most projects.

But I do find it useful to gather all my queries into a CFC (or CFCs)
where a function has a default columnlist and action that can be
overridden when the function is called.


On Aug 18, 2004, at 2:03 PM, Ray Champagne wrote:

  So, I have a question after playing around with this (wow is it much
 than the easycfm way!):
 I read up a little on cfscript, is it really true that there is no
  way to
 use SQL queries inside a cfscript block?I am VERY new to cfscript,
  but I
 thought that there was a way that has been mentioned in here
 method is not going to do me much good if I can't parse out and put
  vals in
 the DB...
 Thanks Dick, this is pretty cool...
 At 03:50 PM 8/18/2004, you wrote:
 Ray, here's the line reader that Joe Rinehart suggested (with a
 Hey Joe
 Your No Class Reader Works Great!
 much faster than the other! (almost as fast as a cffile read of
 entire file).
 I simplified the EOF test so I could use a While loop.
 Here's the revised code:
 cfsetting enableCFOutputOnly=yes /
 cfset lineCount = 0 /
 cfset timer = GetTickCount() /
 filename = /Users/Richard/Music/iTunes/iTunes Music
 fileReader = createObject(java,;
 fileReader = fileReader.init(filename);
 lineReader = createObject(java,;
 lineReader = lineReader.init(fileReader);
 thisLine = true;
 while (isDefined(thisLine)) {
 thisLine = lineReader.readLine();
 lineCount = LineCount + 1; // do any processing of the line
 brcount = #lineCount# | #GetTickCount() - timer#
 cfsetting enableCFOutputOnly=no /
 I always forget to kill blank lineson this sort of thing --
 On Jun 16, 2004, at 6:28 AM, Joe Rinehart wrote:
  Hey Dick,
 I've done a similar thing, but didn't create the external
 CFBufferedReader class. Do you see any reason why the
 provide the same?
  filename = c:\cfusionmx\wwwroot\lineNumberReader.cfm;
 fileReader = createObject(java,;
 fileReader = fileReader.init(filename);
 lineReader = createObject(java,;
 lineReader = lineReader.init(fileReader);
 cfset eof = false
 cfloop condition=not eof
  cfset thisLine = lineReader.readLine()
  cfif not isDefined(thisLine)
 cfset eof = true
 (whenlineReader instance hits the end of the file,
 a result that causes thisLine to become undefined in the eyes

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RE: BLACKSTONE: Software Development Times Article

2004-08-17 Thread Ray Champagne
That was the best acronym-ed post this list has ever seen


At 11:40 AM 8/17/2004, you wrote:
  But I think it is not unrealistic to expect the built-in gateways
  (plus a few extensions that will undoubtedly be released) will do
  the majority of what the majority of developers need. It will be
  a while before the average developer wants more then say IM, SMS,
  SNMP and maybe telnet and IRC. I can even see some demand for
  'cool stuff' such as MUD gateways, but beyond that?
If you get IM and SMS, then SMTP, POP3, and IMAP will be asked for. If you
get Telnet people will want SSH. What about FTP, SFTP, and SCP? Those seem
useful. How many people will want NNTP? Let's not even talk about TCP, UDP,
or ICMP.


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Re: - Fusebox 4

2004-08-12 Thread Ray Champagne
Yea, that sounds like a lot of backtracking to me, too.However, if what 
you say is what you meant, then I will retract my statement also.

Subject over in my opinion.


At 11:45 AM 8/12/2004, you wrote:
Sure...and one can also infer what you mean by said question
Let's face's a bit cryptic and leaves a lot of room for
interpretation (I read it exactly the way Dave read it).

Brian Kotek wrote:

 Uh, I don't recall making such a statement.Can one not simply ask
 the question?
 - Original Message -
 From: Dave Watts [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Wed, 11 Aug 2004 20:37:22 -0400
 Subject: RE: - Fusebox 4
 Ever written a book, Aaron?
 I had no idea that being an author was a prerequisite for being a critic, or
 for having an opinion.
 Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
 phone: 202-797-5496
 fax: 202-797-5444

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RE: SOT: many IPS or one?

2004-08-11 Thread Ray Champagne
Not sure who you were asking, but I meant just plain reputable.The ones 
that we looked into were medium-large in size and revenue.We have dealt 
with both kinds, so our search criteria included stability and customer 
reviews of them.We have no intention of going back to the XO 
type-businesses who could give a rat's ass about your business, just what 
your bottom line payment is at the end of the month.


At 01:43 PM 8/11/2004, cfhelp wrote:
I do not think this is an issue for a web site. Email maybe, but if you
configured correctly you will not have any blacklist problems.

If a network is blocking access to a server IP because of a website then the
problem is their problem not yours. They should block domain access not

Reputable or do you meen large company with a fat wallet? I think the big
company doesn't care much about it's clients. They close up and move on you
or make changes without warning.

Rick Eidson
Partner  CTO
ArcRiver Technology, LLC
ASP, PHP, PERL, Cold Fusion Hosting Kansas City

Kansas City Musicians

-Original Message-
From: Jochem van Dieten [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 10, 2004 3:44 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: SOT: many IPS or one?

Ray Champagne wrote:
  My boss is totally against going this route, but has no reason to do
  so.What I want to know is why would this matter?

To spread the risk of one of your customers being blacklisted. If
you have them all on one IP, one blacklisted customer means thet
all have trouble.

  The hosting companies are reputable
  large (not cheap or crappy service) companies, so those things are not an

Are they really reputable? One of the best ways to make sure they
are is to make sure your contract has a provision that if the
IP(s) you use get blacklisted because of (lack of) their actions
you can immediately cancel the contract and you get the last
three months of payments back.


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Access to SQL server disk space

2004-08-11 Thread Ray Champagne
We are currently trying to figure out how much space will be taken up by an 
Access DB that is around 250MB when we switch to an SQL Server DB.Anybody 
have any general guidelines as to how much space we'll save by converting?

We need to know to price out hosting...



Ray Champagne - Senior Application Developer
CrystalVision Web Site Design and Internet Services

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Re: - Fusebox 4

2004-08-11 Thread Ray Champagne
Why is that an argument?Are you saying that it is so difficult to write a 
book (which I am definitely not arguing, I agree that it for sure is) that 
mistakes are eminent?If you are going to make me pay for a book, I would 
hope that all measures are taken to make sure it is as mistake-free as 

Feeling argumentative on a Wednesday night... :)


At 07:54 PM 8/11/2004, you wrote:
Ever written a book, Aaron?

- Original Message -
From: Aaron Rouse [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wed, 11 Aug 2004 18:03:36 -0500
Subject: Re: - Fusebox 4

Yes, I am dismissing the tool, but that has a lot to do with the fact
I work at a place that uses its own methodology(sp?), so knowing FB
would help me none here and my time presently is better spent
improving my knowledge on other things.

The CFC book had quite a few mistakes in it, you could copy the code
letter for letter out of the book and it would not work.There is
some helpful information in it however IMHO it lacked a very good
proof reading and is not worth the retail price.Read through the
reviews on Amazon for a better description:

When reading through something it should not be a challenge to figure
out what mistakes were made in the book, though I guess that helps you
learn something even better. Just my opinion, we all have them and
many of them disagree with each other.

On Thu, 12 Aug 2004 10:28:50 +1200, Matthew Walker
  As I recall, the CFCs book was released a long time ago when CFMX was brand
  new and CFCs were an alien landscape. I found it very useful at the time
  although the release of 6.1 has dated it. I'm sure the book's usefulness is
  very dependent on your familiarity or lack of familiarity with OO concepts.
  And regarding the Fusebox volume, well given that John Q was AFAIK one of
  the key developers of FB4 I think if you are dismissing the book you are
  pretty much dismissing the tool.
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Re: Shared Server / 500 Error

2004-08-10 Thread Ray Champagne
What are you trying to do?Some kind of code or explanation of what the 
page is doing would help.Any CFHTTP tags being used?


At 11:26 AM 8/10/2004, you wrote:
I am doing some development on a shared server for a customer and am 
getting an Internal 500 Server error ... is there ANY way around this 
error?We don't have access to the CF Admin so I can't view the error 
logs ... anything you can suggest?

Paul Giesenhagen

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Re: Shared Server / 500 Error

2004-08-10 Thread Ray Champagne
Not sure I am going to be able to help that much with the XML deal.I 
don't deal with it that much, but I bet if you post your code, someone here 
(maybe me) could help out.The problem definitely lies in CFHTTP, but I 
guess we'd need to see why...


At 11:34 AM 8/10/2004, you wrote:
Yes, we are creating an XML String wit hCFSCRIPT, then sending that script 
with CFHTTP and waiting for a response.

I am getting nothing .. just the 500 error (script is from the company 
providing the services).

Paul Giesenhagen

- Original Message -
From: Ray Champagne
To: CF-Talk
Sent: Tuesday, August 10, 2004 10:31 AM
Subject: Re: Shared Server / 500 Error

What are you trying to do?Some kind of code or explanation of what the
page is doing would help.Any CFHTTP tags being used?


At 11:26 AM 8/10/2004, you wrote:
I am doing some development on a shared server for a customer and am
getting an Internal 500 Server error ... is there ANY way around this
error?We don't have access to the CF Admin so I can't view the error
logs ... anything you can suggest?

Paul Giesenhagen

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chinese translations anyone?

2004-08-10 Thread Ray Champagne
I need a quick translation into Chinese (simplified encoding) for the 
following statement:

Thank you for your interest. A representative will get back to you as soon 
as possible.

Anyone here able to do this for me?Our contract translator is out of the 
country at the moment, and I really need this to get done today.

My email address is [EMAIL PROTECTED], if anyone could send me a word doc, I 
would be eternally grateful!



Ray Champagne - Senior Application Developer
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RE: chinese translations anyone?

2004-08-10 Thread Ray Champagne
Actually, someone already helped me out.

Thanks everyone for the options and offers.This WOT request is a tribute 
to how diverse and helpful this list is!You guys rock!



At 12:40 PM 8/10/2004, you wrote:

I can do it, but just cannot make the Word to write out the Chinese
Characters here at work.I have added the Language Chinese (PRC) to the
Language bar, but it still not working.

If nobody does that for you please let me know. I will try again.


-Original Message-
From: Ray Champagne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 10, 2004 12:06 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: chinese translations anyone?

I need a quick translation into Chinese (simplified encoding) for the
following statement:

Thank you for your interest. A representative will get back to you as
as possible.

Anyone here able to do this for me?Our contract translator is out of
country at the moment, and I really need this to get done today.

My email address is [EMAIL PROTECTED], if anyone could send me a word doc, I
would be eternally grateful!



Ray Champagne - Senior Application Developer
CrystalVision Web Site Design and Internet Services

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SOT: many IPS or one?

2004-08-10 Thread Ray Champagne
I have a sort of off-topic question for you guys concerning hosting 
set-ups.We have about 89 domains that we are currently hosting at XO 
communications for cheap cheap money.All of them are static sites - html 
only - we do our CF hosting elsewhere (I'll leave 'who' up to your 
imaginations to avoid 'my host is better than yours' 
conversations).Recently, XO decided that they are going to start charging 
us an arm and a leg for our hosting, yet still keep the same crappy 
customer service and questionable uptime.So, we have started to look 
elsewhere for hosting options.The cheapest option given to us from most 
hosting companies is using one IP address and having all sites reside under 
the one IP using IIS redirects (I guess, I'm not an IIS guy).We are used 
to having one IP per domain at XO...

My boss is totally against going this route, but has no reason to do 
so.What I want to know is why would this matter?Search Engines, etc 
don't care what our IP address is, right?Are there any real reasons that 
we should have a separate IP for every account, even if we were to bundle 
all of our CF accounts into one host?The hosting companies are reputable 
large (not cheap or crappy service) companies, so those things are not an 
issue, we have already weeded out the dregs...

Thanks for the insights!


Ray Champagne - Senior Application Developer
CrystalVision Web Site Design and Internet Services

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Re: many IPS or one?

2004-08-10 Thread Ray Champagne
Yea, I forgot to mention that is the way that we are heading - towards a 
managed dedicated server, not a shared one like we are right now.Your 
advice was exactly what I was thinking.I was just looking for any snags 
that I might not have thought of regarding the multiple IP/single IP situation.



At 04:20 PM 8/10/2004, you wrote:
For that many static domains - I would suggest you go to a managed or co-lo
server.All of them could well be handled on a single IP number and set up as
virtual domains, much as shared hosting is done with many, if not most hosting

Secondly, unless they are (The static sites) are unusually high traffic sites,
you could also place your CF sites on the same server as well.All this for
around $200 or so monthly.This could be an additional profit center as well
for your company.

One big advantage other than having one place to do your updates, you 
would have
remote desktop access to the servers, database, mail, etc.Complete admin
freedom is very useful.


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- Original Message -
From: Ray Champagne
To: CF-Talk
Sent: Tuesday, August 10, 2004 2:59 PM
Subject: SOT: many IPS or one?

I have a sort of off-topic question for you guys concerning hosting
set-ups.We have about 89 domains that we are currently hosting at XO
communications for cheap cheap money.All of them are static sites - html
only - we do our CF hosting elsewhere (I'll leave 'who' up to your
imaginations to avoid 'my host is better than yours'
conversations).Recently, XO decided that they are going to start charging
us an arm and a leg for our hosting, yet still keep the same crappy
customer service and questionable uptime.So, we have started to look
elsewhere for hosting options.The cheapest option given to us from most
hosting companies is using one IP address and having all sites reside under
the one IP using IIS redirects (I guess, I'm not an IIS guy).We are used
to having one IP per domain at XO...

My boss is totally against going this route, but has no reason to do
so.What I want to know is why would this matter?Search Engines, etc
don't care what our IP address is, right?Are there any real reasons that
we should have a separate IP for every account, even if we were to bundle
all of our CF accounts into one host?The hosting companies are reputable
large (not cheap or crappy service) companies, so those things are not an
issue, we have already weeded out the dregs...

Thanks for the insights!


Ray Champagne - Senior Application Developer
CrystalVision Web Site Design and Internet Services

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RE: SOT: many IPS or one?

2004-08-10 Thread Ray Champagne
We do have a couple of companies that use SSL, but some of the hosting 
companies we inquired about said that we can purchase separate IP's for $1 
per month or something like that.So, if SSL will be an issue, we can just 
go with a few (10) more IP's and treat them separately, correct?


At 04:46 PM 8/10/2004, you wrote:
We have been doing it for a couple of years. I have over 100 websites on
just one server and most of them are the same IP. The only thing that gets
separate IPs are SSL and special Application sites like the control panel or
the webmail. The need for a Static IP is really Old School thinking, IIS can
handle all the request using hostheaders.

Now if your boss absolutely has to have 89 Domains each with its own IP I am
sure us or most hosting companies can accommodate you but it would take time
and money to setup the IP block.

Rick Eidson
Partner  CTO
ArcRiver Technology, LLC
ASP, PHP, PERL, Cold Fusion Hosting Kansas City

Kansas City Musicians

-Original Message-
From: Barney Boisvert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 10, 2004 3:23 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: SOT: many IPS or one?

I do virtual hosting all the time and have no problems.If you're
using SSL, you'll run into issues, because you need to have a separate
IP for each individual SSL certificate, but for non-SSL hosting, it's

The argument against it is that clients which don't support HTTP1.1
will only ever get the default host on the IP address, becuase they
don't send a host header, but you'll be hard pressed to find such a
client anywhere.


On Tue, 10 Aug 2004 15:59:52 -0400, Ray Champagne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I have a sort of off-topic question for you guys concerning hosting
  set-ups.We have about 89 domains that we are currently hosting at XO
  communications for cheap cheap money.All of them are static sites - html
  only - we do our CF hosting elsewhere (I'll leave 'who' up to your
  imaginations to avoid 'my host is better than yours'
  conversations).Recently, XO decided that they are going to start
  us an arm and a leg for our hosting, yet still keep the same crappy
  customer service and questionable uptime.So, we have started to look
  elsewhere for hosting options.The cheapest option given to us from most
  hosting companies is using one IP address and having all sites reside
  the one IP using IIS redirects (I guess, I'm not an IIS guy).We are used
  to having one IP per domain at XO...
  My boss is totally against going this route, but has no reason to do
  so.What I want to know is why would this matter?Search Engines, etc
  don't care what our IP address is, right?Are there any real reasons that
  we should have a separate IP for every account, even if we were to bundle
  all of our CF accounts into one host?The hosting companies are reputable
  large (not cheap or crappy service) companies, so those things are not an
  issue, we have already weeded out the dregs...
  Thanks for the insights!
Barney Boisvert

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Re: SOT: many IPS or one?

2004-08-10 Thread Ray Champagne
Great advice, thanks!I will pass that on...


At 04:44 PM 8/10/2004, you wrote:
Ray Champagne wrote:
  My boss is totally against going this route, but has no reason to do
  so.What I want to know is why would this matter?

To spread the risk of one of your customers being blacklisted. If
you have them all on one IP, one blacklisted customer means thet
all have trouble.

  The hosting companies are reputable
  large (not cheap or crappy service) companies, so those things are not an

Are they really reputable? One of the best ways to make sure they
are is to make sure your contract has a provision that if the
IP(s) you use get blacklisted because of (lack of) their actions
you can immediately cancel the contract and you get the last
three months of payments back.


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Re: SOT: many IPS or one?

2004-08-10 Thread Ray Champagne
Oh, I forgot one thing.What about email forwarding, etc?Does that 
matter?Or is that just another server setting that simply has to be 


At 04:52 PM 8/10/2004, you wrote:
Great advice, thanks!I will pass that on...


At 04:44 PM 8/10/2004, you wrote:
 Ray Champagne wrote:
   My boss is totally against going this route, but has no reason to do
   so.What I want to know is why would this matter?
 To spread the risk of one of your customers being blacklisted. If
 you have them all on one IP, one blacklisted customer means thet
 all have trouble.
   The hosting companies are reputable
   large (not cheap or crappy service) companies, so those things are not an
 Are they really reputable? One of the best ways to make sure they
 are is to make sure your contract has a provision that if the
 IP(s) you use get blacklisted because of (lack of) their actions
 you can immediately cancel the contract and you get the last
 three months of payments back.

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Re: knowing syntax during an interview was RE: The job market

2004-08-10 Thread Ray Champagne
or how about cfthistopicissspiralingoutofcontrol?


At 02:33 PM 8/10/2004, you wrote:
I suppose you've never heard of CFSLIDER then?

- Original Message -
From: Glenn Saunders [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Tue, 10 Aug 2004 08:18:40 -0700
Subject: Re: knowing syntax during an interview was RE: The job market

At 07:50 AM 8/10/2004, you wrote:
   It all depends on the types of things you ask someone to
   write out
   manually.Being incapable of typing out CFQUERY or
   CFOUTPUT is simply
   inexcusable and there is no convincing me otherwise.
 Whereas it's okay for someone not to be intimately familiar with the
 attributes of a cfgrid or cftree tag if they've never worked in an
 environment where they're heavily used.

There is a reason why CFGRID isn't supported in Blue Dragon.It's commonly
considered to be one of if not THE least used CF

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Ray Champagne - Senior Application Developer
CrystalVision Web Site Design and Internet Services

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Re: UNIX linefeeds... why?

2004-08-09 Thread Ray Champagne
Now THAT is an explanation!Felt like I was in the 'Way Back Machine' 
reading that post :)


At 07:18 PM 8/9/2004, Dick Applebaum wrote:
On Aug 9, 2004, at 3:36 PM, Charlie Griefer wrote:

  Hey all:
 Going over Sean C.'s Coding Standards and noticed that he states you
 should make sure to use Unix Linefeeds.
 Just curious as to whether or not anybody could shed some light on

It is a small thing, but a Unix new line (\n) takes half the characters
than the windows carriage return (\r) followed by a new line (\n)

the separation of the two functions cr and lf is a throwback to the
days when teletype and selectric typewriters were used as computer
consoles and terminals.When printing formatted data, it was often
faster to do a lf and backspace instead of cr lf followed by spaces
and/or tabs. Some terminals could even buffer and print backwards.

With modern displays, this advantage of separating cr and lf is gone.

Interesting that the older OS (Unix) has the newer construct -- i
suspect that this is largely due to IBM's influence on the early
versions of MS DOS.



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Re: Passing info to IIS or Apache

2004-08-06 Thread Ray Champagne
Why not just put all of the info underneath the web root folder, then serve 
it as needed using cfcontent from there?Nobody can access it via URL, right?


At 01:11 PM 8/6/2004, James Edmunds wrote:
Actually, the issue is that he doesn't want anyone to be able to have
access to the material that is sitting in directory that he would like
to have password protected.

Will CFCONTENT load a file that is in a password-protected directory
or folder? Or does it have a way of passing the needed username and

In other words, if the URL for, say, a certain bit of content is, say:
/ or even
/, he doesn't want that to be
viewable by anyone using just that URL (who has at that point not gone
through CF). He himself wants to be able to call pass the URLand
call it and load it into the bottom pane of a frameset, where it will
display whether PDF, JPG, HTM, CFM, etc.

So, he wants things blocked to anyone who doesn't visit through his
pages. If CFCONTENT can either pass the username and password or
somehow otherwise subvert them, it will work; otherwise, I'm not sure
that it will help.

Thanks for your thoughts!

-James Edmunds
New Iberia, LA

- Original Message -
From: Dick Applebaum [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Fri, 6 Aug 2004 08:19:46 -0700
Subject: Re: Passing info to IIS or Apache

If I understand correctly, you want to force users to go through CF to
get certain site pages.

If so, cfcontent will handle that nicely.



On Aug 5, 2004, at 10:24 PM, James Edmunds wrote:

 At a Show-and-Tell session of our Macromedia User Group last night,
one of the members showed a site he was working on that would gather a
large amount of information about the craft of blacksmithing,
categorized in various ways, with the content ultimately being served
out in the form of a URL that will show in the bottom pane of a
framesetcfm, htm, PDF, jpg, gif, whatever.

One topic that was discussed was whether ColdFusion had a feature that
would help with this issue: since all of the content ultimately can be
accessed through loading a URL, how could he protect it? It was
suggested that if the application.cfm file could contain the username
and password for an IIS or Apache protected folder where all the
content material is stored in sub-folders, then the material would be
loaded normally into the browser when called through his pages, but
the content material would not load when the URL of a specific piece
of content was pointed too without going through .cfm and therefore
the application.cfm template.

The question that none of us had the answer to was, can this be done
in ColdFusion? Can you pass the username and password that protects a
sub-directory out to Apache or IIS, so that material in that
sub-directory is loaded if called through CF but won't load with just
the address in the browser? Thanks in advance for any ideas!

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Re: Downloading image

2004-08-06 Thread Ray Champagne
Right click and 'save as'???Or are you trying to do this on a regular basis?


At 04:31 PM 8/6/2004, you wrote:
You can use cfhttp for this purpose and use cfhttp.filecontent to save
the image on your server utilizing cffile.

On Fri, 06 Aug 2004 16:26:06 -0400, John Croney [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  How can I download this image :
  from there server to my server.
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Re: If x is in a list problem

2004-08-05 Thread Ray Champagne
This what you mean?

cfset rc_list = 43,3,23,77,89,56,3,23

cfloop index=i list=#rc_list# delimiters=,
cfif #i# EQ 3
!--- Do something ---
!--- Do something else ---


At 04:38 PM 8/5/2004, you wrote:
I'm using this to preselect checkboxes:

cfif pa_LIST contains 3checked=checked/cfif

...but that ain't correct - because it needs to return true ONLY if the
entire string in the list = 3.

Currently, 37 or 43 would return true as well.

So, for a string of 3,33,43,73 how do I get it to return true for ONLY

I'm a little unclear as to the exact syntax...

Les Mizzell
Certe, toto, sentio nos in kansate non iam adesse

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Re: If x is in a list problem

2004-08-05 Thread Ray Champagne
Or use ListFind()LOL - forgot about that one.

At 04:49 PM 8/5/2004, you wrote:
This what you mean?

cfset rc_list = 43,3,23,77,89,56,3,23

cfloop index=i list=#rc_list# delimiters=,
 cfif #i# EQ 3
!--- Do something ---
!--- Do something else ---


At 04:38 PM 8/5/2004, you wrote:
 I'm using this to preselect checkboxes:
 cfif pa_LIST contains 3checked=checked/cfif
 ...but that ain't correct - because it needs to return true ONLY if the
 entire string in the list = 3.
 Currently, 37 or 43 would return true as well.
 So, for a string of 3,33,43,73 how do I get it to return true for ONLY
 I'm a little unclear as to the exact syntax...
 Les Mizzell
 Certe, toto, sentio nos in kansate non iam adesse

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Re: Image Manipulation - server side

2004-08-04 Thread Ray Champagne
Thanks to everyone that added in their comments and solutions.I went with 
the cfx_image solution, as it was free, and for a free tag, was quite 
powerful!There are a lot of things that tag can do that I was completely 
unaware of.

Qasim, I definitely want to take a look at your solution once the 
connection you speak of is resolved.Can never have too many solutions, I say!



At 09:48 AM 8/3/2004, you wrote:

There is something wrong with my cable connection. Yes I am using JAI
for image manipulation and this application is built using mach-ii.


- Original Message -
Date: Tue, 03 Aug 2004 13:31:07 +
Subject: Re: Image Manipulation - server side


Looks real cool, your server is down now though.Did you use the Java
JAI for this?


Douglas Knudsen
If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it,
change your attitude. Don't complain. - Maya Angelou

Here is the link to an image manipulation application that I had
developed. As I said earlier once I have finished a basic
documentation set, I will post it on MM exchange

Please let me know about any comments.

Qasim Rasheed
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Image Manipulation - server side

2004-08-02 Thread Ray Champagne
Forgive me if this has been brought up before, but I didn't see anything 
that was solved in the archives...

We have a form where a user can upload an image that will be displayed with 
their listing in a directory.To solve the multiple sizes that can end up 
output in the listings, I have made a crude _javascript_ that forces the 
image into a certain 'block'.Now that we have quite a few listings up, 
the page takes FOREVER to load, since some of the images people are 
uploading are close to 1MB each.

What I am looking for is a *cheap* way to manipulate the image after it has 
been uploaded so that I can save the image at the size that I want, 
therefore eliminating the page load time problem.What have others used?

CFMX 6.1 Windows 2K



Ray Champagne - Senior Application Developer
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Re: Image Manipulation - server side

2004-08-02 Thread Ray Champagne
That is exactly what I want to do, but don't know how.I have been 
dabbling in Java for a few weeks now, sounds like that tutorial that Barney 
sent over is perfect way to get started for real!

If I can't figure it out, then I probably with go with the Alagad solution.

Thanks everyone!


At 05:20 PM 8/2/2004, you wrote:
It sounds like you're resizing on the fly for each request.Instead,
why not resize on upload, store the various sizes, and serve them from
the stored files?


Ray Champagne wrote:

  Forgive me if this has been brought up before, but I didn't see anything
  that was solved in the archives...
  We have a form where a user can upload an image that will be displayed with
  their listing in a directory.To solve the multiple sizes that can end up
  output in the listings, I have made a crude _javascript_ that forces the
  image into a certain 'block'.Now that we have quite a few listings up,
  the page takes FOREVER to load, since some of the images people are
  uploading are close to 1MB each.
  What I am looking for is a *cheap* way to manipulate the image after it has
  been uploaded so that I can save the image at the size that I want,
  therefore eliminating the page load time problem.What have others used?
  CFMX 6.1 Windows 2K
  Ray Champagne - Senior Application Developer
  CrystalVision Web Site Design and Internet Services
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  contained in this transmission (including any attached files) and the
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RE: Ecommerce site work...

2004-07-21 Thread Ray Champagne
Miva Merchant is a pretty good 'out of the box' app that we have used before.

There is a pretty good user group out there for them too.

At 01:05 PM 7/21/2004, you wrote:


I am not sure if there was a mail alias at HOFto direct this to.So please
don't be peeved, maybe you can direct me to some good sites? Is there a
place anyone knows of where I can find a (mostly) pre-made eCommerce
web-site for sale? I need a login, shopping cart, dynamic database,
automated emails for certain things,etc... and a few other items.
I would like to just use something pretty much pre-made and just change my
colors, headmast graphics,etc... and be done with it.
Even if it was not a site for CF would be ok like php/mysql or whatever...
I can tweak some of the code for my emails,etc... but I cannot build the
whole thing on my own.
I did find one such site but if I ever go to a different hosting company I
can only take my database with me , not the site.


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Re: WOT but important[ENCRYPTED]

2004-07-16 Thread Ray Champagne
good luck over there man, and we look forward to seeing you get back as 
soon as possible!


At 10:24 AM 7/15/2004, you wrote:
Although I have not been a big contributor to this list, I have learned a 
lot from it. I will have to unsubscribe though for a while since I have 
just been told that I am going to Iraq with my national guard unit. I am 
heading out next month for training and then should be in country around 
January. Thanks to everyone who has helped answer my questions and I look 
forward to returning and getting more great tips and tricks from this list.

Bruce Sorge

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RE: Best choice for ColdFusion Studio IDE...[ENCRYPTED]

2004-07-16 Thread Ray Champagne
I got curious and downloaded Eclipse this AM, and as far as speed, DW is 
beat down bad by CFEclipse.However, right now I find the whole thing 
rather cumbersome, and for about an hour now I have been trying to figure 
out an equivalent to F12 (preview page in browser in DW) in Eclipse.Of 
course, this cumbersomeness is really just me trying to get used to a new 


At 11:29 AM 7/15/2004, Marlon Moyer wrote:
What's DWMX 2004 performance like compared to eclipse/bbedit?

  -Original Message-
  From: Dick Applebaum
  Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 2004 10:35 PM
  To: CF-Talk
  Subject: Re: Best choice for ColdFusion Studio IDE...
  So, because of what a Mac user is accustomed to, in Eclipse:
  1) switching windows is like switching pages in a book when the pages
  are stuck together
  2) typing/selecting/manipulation of content feels like you are wearing
  mittens or have spilled a Diet Pepsi on the mouse keyboard
  ... It just feels slow!

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Re: WOT but important

2004-07-15 Thread Ray Champagne
good luck over there man, and we look forward to seeing you get back as 
soon as possible!


At 10:24 AM 7/15/2004, you wrote:
Although I have not been a big contributor to this list, I have learned a 
lot from it. I will have to unsubscribe though for a while since I have 
just been told that I am going to Iraq with my national guard unit. I am 
heading out next month for training and then should be in country around 
January. Thanks to everyone who has helped answer my questions and I look 
forward to returning and getting more great tips and tricks from this list.

Bruce Sorge

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RE: Best choice for ColdFusion Studio IDE...

2004-07-15 Thread Ray Champagne
I got curious and downloaded Eclipse this AM, and as far as speed, DW is 
beat down bad by CFEclipse.However, right now I find the whole thing 
rather cumbersome, and for about an hour now I have been trying to figure 
out an equivalent to F12 (preview page in browser in DW) in Eclipse.Of 
course, this cumbersomeness is really just me trying to get used to a new 


At 11:29 AM 7/15/2004, Marlon Moyer wrote:
What's DWMX 2004 performance like compared to eclipse/bbedit?

  -Original Message-
  From: Dick Applebaum
  Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 2004 10:35 PM
  To: CF-Talk
  Subject: Re: Best choice for ColdFusion Studio IDE...
  So, because of what a Mac user is accustomed to, in Eclipse:
  1) switching windows is like switching pages in a book when the pages
  are stuck together
  2) typing/selecting/manipulation of content feels like you are wearing
  mittens or have spilled a Diet Pepsi on the mouse keyboard
  ... It just feels slow!

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Re: Hot Button - English pedantry

2004-07-13 Thread Ray Champagne
I agree with you...not so much in emails, but man, does it make me mad when 
I see billboards, signs, magazines, etc that butcher the English 
language.Is it really that hard to have someone proofread things?These 
are things that make Americans look like a bunch of ignoramuses...(and I am 
'born and raised', so no flames please).

their vs there or they're

your vs you're

to vs too

its vs it's

and the list rolls on...

Whew! *that* was an interesting rant for a Tuesday morning...

Sorry for the OT post, but I felt like chiming in...


At 09:15 AM 7/13/2004, you wrote:
One final one that i just HAD to add to this OT post: Lose vs. Loose.

Gets my blood boiling for some reason. I'm convinced that well over half 
the population believes that lose is the opposite of tight, and that 
my Royals loose twice as many games as they win.
- Original Message -
From: Sean Corfield
To: CF-Talk
Sent: Monday, July 12, 2004 11:59 PM
Subject: Hot Button - English pedantry (was: cfmail suddenly not 
 working...very wierd

 But the error message infers that the login is not being accepted.

hot button

You might *infer* from the error message that the login is not being 
The error message might well *imply* that the login is not being accepted.

Sorry, but my wife  I were just bemoaning the fact that many people
out there don't know the difference between affect / effect, mute /
moot, and infer / imply and I swore to her that computer people get
infer / imply right most of the time...
/hot button

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Re: Hot Button - English pedantry (was: cfmail suddenly not working...very wierd

2004-07-13 Thread Ray Champagne
For the record, I personally was only referring to signs and whatnot here 
in the US.Like I said, emails don't bother me that much, just things that 
are put into the public eye.

Don't wanna get labeled a xenophobe - that ain't me! (bad grammar intended, 

I wouldn't stand a chance at the Dutch language, and I have much respect 
for someone who knows more than one langauge...


At 09:58 AM 7/13/2004, you wrote:
Pascal Peters wrote:

  I am not used to participate in OT discussions, but I just wanted to say
  that a lot of people on this list don't speak or write English natively.
  For me, English is only my third language, but I try to write it
  correctly. It doesn't amuse me if others make comments like this on the
  list. I didn't even know infer existed. I would like to see you get a
  message in Dutch correct.

Good point, now we're not only age-ists, but xenophobic as well.

- Rick

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Oracle Developer Edition?

2004-07-12 Thread Ray Champagne
Does anyone know if there is an Oracle Developer Edition that we could use 
to develop an app in-house, then have it hosted at any Oracle host once done?

Oracle licenses are expensive at best, and we don't have the $$$ to fork 
over for a full-fledged version just for this one contract...



Ray Champagne - Senior Application Developer
CrystalVision Web Site Design and Internet Services

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Re: Oracle Developer Edition?

2004-07-12 Thread Ray Champagne
Cool, should have checked there first.

Oh, those lazy Mondays..


At 04:26 PM 7/12/2004, Matt Robertson wrote:
Unless things have changed, you can download a fully functional copy
of Oracle, licensed as a developer, where the license simply prohibits
you to testing only.

Go to their site and search on 'developer edition'.You'll get the
links (they are doing some kind of redirect so I can't copy them).

--Matt Robertson--
MSB Designs, Inc.

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Re: java objects and cfmx

2004-07-08 Thread Ray Champagne
Hey Tony, there was a thread yesterday that mentioned a book that I am 
ordering 'cause it sounded really good.It is a java for Cf developers book.

The thread was named Learning Java for a CF Developer - a possible solution?

I am in the same boat as you...


At 09:18 AM 7/8/2004, you wrote:
cfset createObject('java', 'java.lang.Thread').sleep(1000)

this code above, and various other snippets ive seen throughout time,
have some cool things that happen, but where would one *LEARN* all of
these cool little java things that we can do with cfmx?

where would one start?



Tony Weeg
email: tonyweeg [at] gmail [dot] com

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Re: java objects and cfmx

2004-07-08 Thread Ray Champagne
will do

At 11:10 AM 7/8/2004, you wrote:
aight cool...let me know what you VERY interested in this, very.

i wonder, does mm have any sessions like this planned for MAX2004?


On Thu, 08 Jul 2004 09:57:08 -0400, Ray Champagne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hey Tony, there was a thread yesterday that mentioned a book that I am
  ordering 'cause it sounded really good.It is a java for Cf developers 
  The thread was named Learning Java for a CF Developer - a possible 
  I am in the same boat as you...
  At 09:18 AM 7/8/2004, you wrote:
  cfset createObject('java', 'java.lang.Thread').sleep(1000)
  this code above, and various other snippets ive seen throughout time,
  have some cool things that happen, but where would one *LEARN* all of
  these cool little java things that we can do with cfmx?
  where would one start?
  Tony Weeg
  email: tonyweeg [at] gmail [dot] com
  Check out to send websites to your friends.

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Re: Project Management System in CF

2004-07-07 Thread Ray Champagne
FarCry is one that I have heard of and am thinking about looking at - I 
would love to hear everyone's opinion about it too



At 12:17 PM 7/7/2004, you wrote:

Does anyone know of good project management system written in CF or maybe JSP.
I could write my own but I just do not have the time as usually.


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Re: Project Management System in CF

2004-07-07 Thread Ray Champagne
D'oh!*project* management, not *content* management.My bad.

Too much coffee this AM.


At 12:17 PM 7/7/2004, you wrote:

Does anyone know of good project management system written in CF or maybe JSP.
I could write my own but I just do not have the time as usually.


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Re: Finding a local CFUG

2004-07-07 Thread Ray Champagne
Well, where do you live?

Here's the official list from MM:


At 01:47 PM 7/7/2004, you wrote:

Does anyone know if there is an official directory of all Coldfusion
User Groups out there somewhere. I want to see if there is one locally
available to me. I have googled and googled but have hit a bunch of dead

- Greg

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DreamWeaver Bug??

2004-07-06 Thread Ray Champagne
We just made a server move here in the office (development server) and I am 
having some issues when trying to save some documents.Sometimes (this 
happens intermittently) when I make a small change to a doc, I get a 
sharing violation, and I can't save unless I wait 30 seconds or so.I know 
that no one else has the document open.Anybody have any insight?

BTW, I have been trying the MM DW forums for days, and the search functions 
are down.If anybody is here from MM, can I find out when to expect them 
to be back open?

Oh yea, DreamWeaver MX (not 2004, although an upgrade may be in the future).

Wait!One other DreamWeaver 2004 really 70% faster?Large 
sites sometimes take a few seconds to open, and that is juts plain annoying 
when you're on a roll.I'd really be sold if this has been fixed.And no, 
my computer has PLENTY of memory and processing speed.



Ray Champagne - Senior Application Developer
CrystalVision Web Site Design and Internet Services

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RE: DreamWeaver Bug??

2004-07-06 Thread Ray Champagne
Nothing that I know of, but that doesn't mean a whole lot.Where could I 
go to check if I do?



At 07:34 PM 7/6/2004, you wrote:
You got time sync software on both the server and your workstation?We were
running into similar issues, but adding a time sync command to each user's
startup script has pretty much eliminated the issue.


  -Original Message-
  From: Ray Champagne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Tuesday, July 06, 2004 4:26 PM
  To: CF-Talk
  Subject: DreamWeaver Bug??
  We just made a server move here in the office (development
  server) and I am
  having some issues when trying to save some documents.
  Sometimes (this
  happens intermittently) when I make a small change to a doc, I get a
  sharing violation, and I can't save unless I wait 30 seconds
  or so.I know
  that no one else has the document open.Anybody have any insight?
  BTW, I have been trying the MM DW forums for days, and the
  search functions
  are down.If anybody is here from MM, can I find out when to
  expect them
  to be back open?
  Oh yea, DreamWeaver MX (not 2004, although an upgrade may be
  in the future).
  Wait!One other DreamWeaver 2004 really 70%
  sites sometimes take a few seconds to open, and that is juts
  plain annoying
  when you're on a roll.I'd really be sold if this has been
  fixed.And no,
  my computer has PLENTY of memory and processing speed.

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RE: DreamWeaver Bug??

2004-07-06 Thread Ray Champagne
You know what, my boss just installed a synchronization software program to 
backup all changes we make on the server.That would make sense that there 
would be a sharing violation if they are trying to save at the same time or 
something, although I have no idea what the software is or how it 
works.I'll check with her tomorrow and see if I can find a fix.Thanks!


At 07:49 PM 7/6/2004, you wrote:
You'd be looking for a cronjob that runs 'ntpdate' on *nix.Probably for
root, or perhaps in one of the periodic directories.Not really sure for
windows.I use a utility called 'AboutTime' at home, here at the office, we
use a Linux machine as a logon server (which uses ntpdate to keep synced),
and part of the logon script for each workstation is to set their time based
on the logon server's.

There's undoubtedly a better way to do it on the windows side, but I'm not
at all versed in the ways of windows system admin.


  -Original Message-
  From: Ray Champagne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Tuesday, July 06, 2004 4:41 PM
  To: CF-Talk
  Subject: RE: DreamWeaver Bug??
  Nothing that I know of, but that doesn't mean a whole lot.
  Where could I
  go to check if I do?
  At 07:34 PM 7/6/2004, you wrote:
  You got time sync software on both the server and your
  workstation?We were
  running into similar issues, but adding a time sync command
  to each user's
  startup script has pretty much eliminated the issue.

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RE: DreamWeaver Bug??

2004-07-06 Thread Ray Champagne
Peter, do you live anywhere near the Wicked Weasel bikini factory?


At 09:48 PM 7/6/2004, you wrote:
Dreamweaver MX 2004 rocks! It might even sway you away from HomeSite+/CF
Studio (if you persevere with it).

Peter Tilbrook
Manager, ACT and Region ColdFusion Users Group -
4/73 Tharwa Road
Queanbeyan, NSW, 2620

Telephone: +61-2-6284-2727
Mobile: +61-0439-401-823


From: Ray Champagne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, 7 July 2004 9:26 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: DreamWeaver Bug??

We just made a server move here in the office (development server) and I am
having some issues when trying to save some documents.Sometimes (this
happens intermittently) when I make a small change to a doc, I get a
sharing violation, and I can't save unless I wait 30 seconds or so.I know
that no one else has the document open.Anybody have any insight?

BTW, I have been trying the MM DW forums for days, and the search functions
are down.If anybody is here from MM, can I find out when to expect them
to be back open?

Oh yea, DreamWeaver MX (not 2004, although an upgrade may be in the future).

Wait!One other DreamWeaver 2004 really 70% faster?Large
sites sometimes take a few seconds to open, and that is juts plain annoying
when you're on a roll.I'd really be sold if this has been fixed.And no,
my computer has PLENTY of memory and processing speed.



Ray Champagne - Senior Application Developer
CrystalVision Web Site Design and Internet Services

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RE: Fusebox 4 MVC

2004-07-02 Thread Ray Champagne
Oh, man, here we go


At 10:49 AM 7/2/2004, you wrote:
Sorry to hijack the thread, but what does Fusebox 4 bring to the table that
Mach-II doesn't.I'm curious because I'm about to spend this weekend trying
to design a Mach-II site and was curious if I should also devote some time
to Fusebox 4.


  -Original Message-
  From: Tangorre, Michael [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Friday, July 02, 2004 9:46 AM
  To: CF-Talk
  Subject: RE: Fusebox 4 MVC
   The controller circuit is there, it's just not explicitly
   called controller, it's called blog I believe.MVC isn't
   about naming the circuits something, it's about what the
   circuits do.And you also must consider what you want the
   user to see in the URL.I thought was more
   descriptive than something like
   Sorry if this confused you, but you can consider the blog
   circuit(s) as the controller.Hope that helps.
  Just to add on what Brian said..
  You can also alias the circuit to whatever viewable name you'd like. If
  helps to keep the directory called CONTROLLER and refer to it as blog,
  can do that as well.

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RE: Fusebox 4 MVC

2004-07-02 Thread Ray Champagne
This may not help, as I seem to remember that it turned into a little of a 
pissing match, but search for Mach II vs FuseBox in the archives, as this 
was a hotly debated topic a few weeks ago.

Don't use either one extensively myself (FuseBox a little, should use it 
more I know), so I can't offer any insight.


At 11:05 AM 7/2/2004, you wrote:
Yeah, I was kind of afraid to ask, but documentation for both seems a little
lite on both sides.Plus, I'd like to get the opinions of people who have
done both if possible.oh, and it is Friday.It's not like any work is
going to get done :)


  -Original Message-
  From: Ray Champagne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Friday, July 02, 2004 9:51 AM
  To: CF-Talk
  Subject: RE: Fusebox 4 MVC
  Oh, man, here we go
  At 10:49 AM 7/2/2004, you wrote:
  Sorry to hijack the thread, but what does Fusebox 4 bring to the table
  Mach-II doesn't.I'm curious because I'm about to spend this weekend
  to design a Mach-II site and was curious if I should also devote some
  to Fusebox 4.
-Original Message-
From: Tangorre, Michael [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, July 02, 2004 9:46 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Fusebox 4 MVC
 The controller circuit is there, it's just not explicitly
 called controller, it's called blog I believe.MVC isn't
 about naming the circuits something, it's about what the
 circuits do.And you also must consider what you want the
 user to see in the URL.I thought was more
 descriptive than something like
 Sorry if this confused you, but you can consider the blog
 circuit(s) as the controller.Hope that helps.
Just to add on what Brian said..
You can also alias the circuit to whatever viewable name you'd like.
helps to keep the directory called CONTROLLER and refer to it as
can do that as well.

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Re: Finding good developers

2004-07-01 Thread Ray Champagne
Much much better!I thought I was losing my sense of humor!

Good one!LOL


At 12:16 AM 7/1/2004, you wrote:
Ray, the entire joke follows -- it is one I told to a potential
employer -- didn't get the job, but we both enjoyed the joke.


Have you heard the one about the girl who comes home from school and

Daddy, what's a faux pas?They explained it in school today, but I
really don't understand!

Well, Honey, maybe it would be easier ifI show you an example.

Do you remember a few weeks ago, the Reverend came to the house?

Yes, Daddy, is that afaux pas?

No Honey!But, do you remember when we we walking in the garden, the
Reverend pricked a finger on a rose bush?

Yes, Daddy, is that afaux pas?

No Honey!But do you remember when the Reverend came to the house
last Thursday,for Thanksgiving dinner?.

...Yes, Daddy, is that afaux pas?

No, Honey! But, do you remember when we were sitting down to dinner,
and the Reverend was about to say Grace.

You said: Reverend, How's your prick?

I said:Jsus Christ!'

And your Mother dropped the turkey...

. And that's three of 'em

On Jun 30, 2004, at 3:38 PM, Ray Champagne wrote:

  Am I missing something or did that joke end without a punch line?
 At 06:35 PM 6/30/2004, you wrote:
 On Jun 30, 2004, at 12:35 PM, George Abraham wrote:
   A joke! It's people like you that I hate when I get interviewed!
  Though I agree it tells the interviewer a lot, so can my internet
  browsing cache!
 If you are going to be part of a team...
 Have you heard the one about the girl who comes home from school and
 Daddy, what's a faux pas?They explained it in school today, but I
 really don't understand!
 Well, Honey, maybe it would be easier ifI show you an example.
 Do you remember a few weeks ago, the Reverend came to the house?
 Yes, Daddy, is that afaux pas?
 No Honey!But, do you remember when we we walking in the garden,
 Reverend pricked a finger on a rose bush?
 Yes, Daddy, is that afaux pas?
 No Honey!But do you remember when the Reverend came to the house
 last Thursday,for Thanksgiving dinner?.
 . And that's three of 'em
 In times like these, it helps to recall that
 there have always been times like these.
 - Paul Harvey -

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Re: Which to use as primary key?

2004-07-01 Thread Ray Champagne
BUT...I was always under the impression that primary keys should never be 
ties to any other data in your database, no matter how unique they may 
seem.That being said, I agree that key would be pretty hard to 
duplicate.However, it could happen


At 09:56 AM 7/1/2004, you wrote:
I believe he means that the combination of those four columns creates a
unique identifier that can be used as the primary key, much as FirstName +
MiddleName + LastName + DateOfBirth would go a long way to uniquely
identifying you.

- Original Message -
From: brobborb [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, July 01, 2004 9:28 AM
Subject: Re: Which to use as primary key?

  You can only have 1 primary key.and usually it is the unique identifier.
however, those 4 columns can possibly be foreign keys.I am not sure what
your exact schema is, i am just generalizing.

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RE: Ben in Boston?

2004-07-01 Thread Ray Champagne
So the bigger question is anybody going out for 'libations at a local bar' 
afterwords?I live in NH and usually have to catch the train (when I make 
the meetings, only been to a handful), but tonight might be a different 


At 12:02 PM 7/1/2004, you wrote:

I'll be there

Tom Jordahl
Macromedia Server Development

-Original Message-
From: Jim Davis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, July 01, 2004 2:22 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Ben in Boston?

I'll definitely be there as usual.

For those of you that don't come regularly we also generally (even when
Ben's not there) have at least two or three MM engineers at every meetings
(remember that most of the CF team is still in the Boston area). they won't
break their contracts, but sometimes they'll drop heavy hints.;^)

Jim Davis

From: Ray Champagne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 30, 2004 3:52 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Ben in Boston?

Any of you guys/girls here from Boston?Will you be attending Boston CFUG
meeting tomorrow night?I hear that Ben will be in the hizzouse...



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Re: OT: allow access to database

2004-06-30 Thread Ray Champagne
That's what we do here - although, not being from a security background, I 
am not positive that this is the best way.But others that I know of give 
read-only access this way, too. So, you would not be alone.


At 11:17 AM 6/30/2004, you wrote:
I have a developer that needs access to a database. They suggested I
give them a backup of it that they can work with. My first thought was
OK but then I started thinking about it. I don't like the thought of
some one having a complete copy of my database.

Here's my question. Wouldn't it be better to just create a user
account that has read only access to the tables that they will be
working with? The app they are writing only needs read access and I
can kill the account when they are done. To me, it seems more secure
doing it this way.


Phillip B.

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Ben in Boston?

2004-06-30 Thread Ray Champagne
Any of you guys/girls here from Boston?Will you be attending Boston CFUG 
meeting tomorrow night?I hear that Ben will be in the hizzouse...


Ray Champagne - Senior Application Developer
CrystalVision Web Site Design and Internet Services

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RE: GMAIL Invite - First request gets it

2004-06-30 Thread Ray Champagne
You've got it half right.I guess they offer 1 GB of space too.I dunno 
really what the big deal is about that unless you really have a use for 
that much space.I'll stick to mine, thank you very much


At 05:45 PM 6/30/2004, you wrote:
Am I missing something? Why is there such a big fuss about yet another
web-based mail client? Or is it just like a goldrush to get the gmail
address you want???


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Re: Finding good developers

2004-06-30 Thread Ray Champagne
Am I missing something or did that joke end without a punch line?

At 06:35 PM 6/30/2004, you wrote:
On Jun 30, 2004, at 12:35 PM, George Abraham wrote:

  A joke! It's people like you that I hate when I get interviewed!
 Though I agree it tells the interviewer a lot, so can my internet
 browsing cache!

If you are going to be part of a team...


Have you heard the one about the girl who comes home from school and

Daddy, what's a faux pas?They explained it in school today, but I
really don't understand!

Well, Honey, maybe it would be easier ifI show you an example.

Do you remember a few weeks ago, the Reverend came to the house?

Yes, Daddy, is that afaux pas?

No Honey!But, do you remember when we we walking in the garden, the
Reverend pricked a finger on a rose bush?

Yes, Daddy, is that afaux pas?

No Honey!But do you remember when the Reverend came to the house
last Thursday,for Thanksgiving dinner?.

. And that's three of 'em

In times like these, it helps to recall that
there have always been times like these.
- Paul Harvey -

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CFGRAPH issues?

2004-06-29 Thread Ray Champagne
I am re-deploying a CF based app that was written in CF in 2001, which 
extensively uses KavaChart for graphs of emissions from a trash burning 
plant.The charts do not get that complicated, usually just bar and line 
graphs as a value extended over time.

My question is, in past (5.0) versions of CF, I heard through the grapevine 
that there were a LOT of problems with CFCHART/CFGRAPH.I don't remember 
or know what they were, so I just wanted to know if the MX version has 
fixed these problems or not.If not, what do others use for their graphing 
solutions?Price is somewhat not an issue, this company has money budgeted.




Ray Champagne - Senior Application Developer
CrystalVision Web Site Design and Internet Services

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Re: CFGRAPH issues?

2004-06-29 Thread Ray Champagne


At 10:24 AM 6/29/2004, you wrote:
I am re-deploying a CF based app that was written in CF in 2001, which
extensively uses KavaChart for graphs of emissions from a trash burning
plant.The charts do not get that complicated, usually just bar and line
graphs as a value extended over time.

My question is, in past (5.0) versions of CF, I heard through the grapevine
that there were a LOT of problems with CFCHART/CFGRAPH.I don't remember
or know what they were, so I just wanted to know if the MX version has
fixed these problems or not.If not, what do others use for their graphing
solutions?Price is somewhat not an issue, this company has money budgeted.




Ray Champagne - Senior Application Developer
CrystalVision Web Site Design and Internet Services

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Re: CFGRAPH issues?

2004-06-29 Thread Ray Champagne
In 5.0 (their debut, I believe), I just heard that there were a lot of 
bugs.If that is the consensus, then I would be thrilled.

I don't remember where or when I saw that, since it was so long ago.


At 02:46 PM 6/29/2004, you wrote:
I've only used CFCHART with CFMX, but I've never had any problems with
it at all. What kind of problems were users saying that they were
having? I found them easy-to-use and extremely useful. Users seem like
them a lot too.

Warm regards,
Jordan Michaels
Vivio Technologies

Ray Champagne wrote:

  At 10:24 AM 6/29/2004, you wrote:
  I am re-deploying a CF based app that was written in CF in 2001, which
  extensively uses KavaChart for graphs of emissions from a trash burning
  plant.The charts do not get that complicated, usually just bar and line
  graphs as a value extended over time.
  My question is, in past (5.0) versions of CF, I heard through the
  that there were a LOT of problems with CFCHART/CFGRAPH.I don't remember
  or know what they were, so I just wanted to know if the MX version has
  fixed these problems or not.If not, what do others use for their
  solutions?Price is somewhat not an issue, this company has money
  Ray Champagne - Senior Application Developer
  CrystalVision Web Site Design and Internet Services
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Re: cfMail senior moment - including grouped query results

2004-06-29 Thread Ray Champagne
I have no answer, but is one of the partners related to the Jason Voorhees?


At 02:54 PM 6/29/2004, you wrote:
Sorry to burden the list with my stupid question, but my brain is
withholding CF knowledge from me today.

I'm trying to send a single message to a single address that contains a
grouped Query.

I want to send a list of items grouped by individual.When I use cfoutput
insidethe cfmail/cfmail tags I get an error.

If I add query=my query and group=personName to the cfmail tag it sends
multiple messages broken by the personname.

I only want to send a single e-mail message that contains the output of a
grouped query, what am I missing?



Nathan SmithMcKee, Voorhees  Sease, P.L.C.

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Re: OT: Site Search

2004-06-28 Thread Ray Champagne
We use Atomz and are pretty happy with it.Not sure of the cost, but it is 
easy to implement and manage, etc.


At 08:39 PM 6/28/04, you wrote:
I need a site search like you would build with Verity in CF but I can't use
CF or Verity.

The Google API looks like it will only work if the site has been indexed by

It could probably be OK in Java or ASP.

Any Ideas?

Rick Eidson
Partner  CTO
ArcRiver Technology, LLC
ASP, PHP, PERL, Cold Fusion Hosting Kansas City

Kansas City Musicians

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Re: WOT: Getting started with ASP.NET

2004-06-25 Thread Ray Champagne
I would be interested in this too.Looks like I will HAVE to go the M$ 
route for some projects, as much as I hate it, concurrent with writing CF 
code for others.YUck!


At 12:23 PM 6/25/2004, you wrote:
Does anybody have any recommendations on where to get started in ASP.NET?I
worked with ASP traditional years back, but have been entirely CF 
since.Now I
am being drug kicking back into the ASP world and have to immediately 
.NET and be able to write decent code.

So anybody have any suggestions on tutorials, resources, mailing lists, etc.?

-- Jeff Chastain

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Re: Slightly OT: Graphics expert?

2004-06-23 Thread Ray Champagne
Thanks to all of you that responded.I promise that I will post the 
results of what we find as soon as she can compile all the suggestions and 
put them to good use.It might be a couple of days, but I will post the 
solution for future searches on this thread as soon as we have them.I may 
be back with more questions too.

This list rocks!


At 11:09 AM 6/23/2004, you wrote:
While I know this sounds odd, it's been true for me:
I've found that if I make my graphic text a .gif and make all but the
letters transparent and put that in a table, it looks much fuzzier
than it should.I'd show ya, but I tend to not do that if I can.I
saw it as recently as a month ago.Now, I just don't use
transparency in a gif when it's text.I put a backing on it.
Daniel Kessler

Department of Public and Community Health
University of Maryland
Suite 2387 Valley Drive
College Park, MD20742-2611
301-405-2545 Phone

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Re: Understanding/Defending Coldfusion connections

2004-06-23 Thread Ray Champagne
I'd be very interested in that too.MS certainly has been good at getting 
the word out about .NET, and therefore all of our clients are convinced 
that they 'need' it.I'd love to have more ways to convince them otherwise.


At 11:49 AM 6/23/2004, you wrote:
OK so a friend of mine at an office I used to work at
is having trouble defending coldfusion over dot net

he tells me that this voice of 'authority' (its
strange that a man that speaks with confidence is
never questioned)

said cold fusion [is no good] because it keeps a
database connection open all the time and that slows
down the program/app and server

This particular web professional is converting all his
CF to dot net, because of this defense.

I've been briefly looking around so that I can
understand database connections better and respond to
him with the voice of reason (also to possibly
optimise the performance of the access back end I have
been stuck with on my current contract).

But I keep coming up with help files on configuring
datasources instead of information on how cf connects
to datasources.

Anybody have a good reference I can point to.

-Joshua O'Connor-Rose
-All is Good

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Yahoo! Mail Address AutoComplete - You start. We finish.

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RE: MAX registration?

2004-06-23 Thread Ray Champagne
In the streets of New Orleans, of course!


At 02:40 PM 6/23/2004, you wrote:
To reiterate:

Interestingly, I can not find where the conference actually is on the
Macromedia web site.Is this something we are just supposed to know?
Does somebody know?


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Slightly OT: Graphics expert?

2004-06-22 Thread Ray Champagne
Anybody here really good with graphics?We have a designer here who is 
having a lot of trouble creating text graphics (for navigation, say) that 
are not all fuzzy around the edges.She swears that she has tried 
everything in Photoshop, filters, etc, but they still look like crap.The 
way that she is doing them is just not going to fly with professional web 
sites.So, my question is, does anybody have a surefire way to create 
crisp, non pixelated or fuzzy text graphics in Photoshop that they care to 
share with us?

BTW, I know about css and rollover effects, etc, but we sometimes need to 
have drop shadows and other effects that I don't think that you can get 
with css.

Any help or pointers to tutorials that we have not found would be appreciated.

You can see an example of what I am talking about here:

(ignore the ugly js error - she isn't a programmer by any means)



Ray Champagne - Senior Application Developer
CrystalVision Web Site Design and Internet Services

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RE: Slightly OT: Graphics expert?

2004-06-22 Thread Ray Champagne
Hi guys...I am at home right now (my wife hates it when I work from home) 
so I will answer all questions and try all solutions tomorrow and let 
everybody know what happens.So far, it looks like there are lots of 
things to try and if that doesn't work then we will just fire her!

J/K of course.Nobody knows everything all the time - that's how you 
learn, IMHO.



At 07:26 PM 6/22/04, you wrote:
My partner just asked You mean something like this??


So, as a means of explanation for those of us who are following this 
thread hoping to learn something.

That was done with No-dithering?If I understand dithering correctly to 
be the in-between colors around the edges to make them softer and fuzzier?


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Re: send mass e-mail to users?

2004-06-18 Thread Ray Champagne
Use the 'query' attribute of the cfmail tag to loop over a query and send 
the email to everyone in the db, if you know that each and every email 
address is valid (syntactically).If not, create the sql query, then loop 
(using cfloop, using cfmail over every loop) and cftry/cfcatch to make sure 
that the invalid emails are caught and can be dealt with.


alAt 01:34 PM 6/18/2004, you wrote:
I've made a CF page where an administrator can write an email, and upon 
the click of the Send button, I want to send it to every user in our 
database.We have a Users table that contains all user information, 
including e-mail addresses.

Is there a way to send the email to all users inside the cfmail tag?


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Re: advanced search

2004-06-16 Thread Ray Champagne

J/K of course.

At 06:06 PM 6/16/2004, you wrote:
On Wed, 16 Jun 2004 15:59:23 -0500, Frank Dewey wrote:
  I'm looking into searching a website for a particular string or
  occurence of a string.I would like for this to be an advanced search
  (what I am looking for is something more complex than a simple LIKE).


  In the database - QBOS_HELPFILE (id, name,keywords) - I am storing a
  list of words separated only by spaces.And I am starting out with this
  WHERE keywordsLIKE '%#form.words#%'

How many times do we have to say CFQUERYPARAM?

Also, which database engine?

  I've tried separating the words by commas and using the IN operator, but
  that only works if the field (keywords) contains one word

Show us your code, you have to do several LIKE statements

  Maybe a combination of the In operator and LIKE depending on the search
  text - if the search text has quotes or not.Of course the text should
  be first parsed.I'm not sure what the best way to go about this is.
  Are their some good examples out there?I've looked at Verity a
  little...but I'm not sure that is what I need.

Verity is MUCH more powerful than a simple LIKE - why wouldn't it do
what you need?

If you're using SQL Server, then you might want to look at Full Text Indexing

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Re: ot-quick javascript question

2004-06-15 Thread Ray Champagne
Archive: thisForm.password.value.length  6

At 09:10 AM 6/15/2004, you wrote:
 You want Password.value
Nope that didn't work. Plus isn't value used differently. I use value to 
check for nulls/if there's @/. in email addresses, etc

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Re: Archive links at head of posts

2004-06-15 Thread Ray Champagne
Archive: second the motion - it is just awkward, not unhelpful.

lAt 09:30 AM 6/15/2004, you wrote:
The problem is not necessarily with the link, but it's location.

I'd like to add my vote for putting the link at the bottom of the posts.

- Original Message -
From: C. Hatton Humphrey
To: CF-Talk
Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 2004 8:05 AM
Subject: RE: Archive links at head of posts

 In the footer, with all the other stuff, where it should be.

Since it appears that Mr. D is still slumbering I'll make a few comments in
defense of the archive link -

First, it's a Godsend for folks like me who don't have the time to trace
back through a thread that has a ton of replies (some threads on this list
and the CF-Community list exceed 100 posts).


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RE: getting all form fields?

2004-06-10 Thread Ray Champagne
It worked!Yee Ha!Thanks a lot Pascal, not only for the solution to the 
ordering problem, but for making my code MUCH more concise.


At 04:18 AM 6/10/2004, you wrote:
You are using structKeyList() which will return them in alpha order. You
need to loop over form.fieldnames (and watch out for duplicate entries):

cfset doNotIncludeList =
cfloop list=#form.fieldnames# index=field
cfif NOT ListFindNoCase(doNotIncludeList,field)
cfset doNotIncludeList =

  -Original Message-
  From: Ray Champagne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: woensdag 9 juni 2004 23:29
  To: CF-Talk
  Subject: RE: getting all form fields?
  Maybe this will help.
  Running Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0;
  H010818; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)
  I am pretty close.I output the GetHTTPRequestData()
  content list and got the list of form fields in the order
  that I have them in the form, but when they output, they come
  in a different order.I have a 'billto field that shows up
  first, yet that is 6thg in the list that I am outputting.
  Here is the code, maybe I am missing something obvious
  cfloop index=i list=#StructKeyList(FORM)#

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re: OT: how to view client abortions ?

2004-06-10 Thread Ray Champagne
LOL...I was thinking the same thing.And you guys thought the CF 
discussions get heated.

At 11:23 AM 6/10/2004, you wrote:
Man, that is one controversial subject line. :)


Scott Brady

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getting all form fields?

2004-06-09 Thread Ray Champagne
I am trying to set up a FormMail-like script to generically handle contact 
forms, etc.I know there is a way to get all submitted form fields, I just 
forget what it is...any help?

Like HTTP_FORM_FIELDS or something like that



Ray Champagne - Senior Application Developer
CrystalVision Web Site Design and Internet Services

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Re: getting all form fields?

2004-06-09 Thread Ray Champagne
Cool, looks like I have a few options.You guys always save me a lot of time.



At 11:10 AM 6/9/2004, Bryan F. Hogan wrote:
On your action page dump the form struct. You have a lot of info there.

cfdump var=#form#

Ray Champagne wrote:

  I am trying to set up a FormMail-like script to generically handle contact
  forms, etc.I know there is a way to get all submitted form fields, I just
  forget what it is...any help?
  Like HTTP_FORM_FIELDS or something like that

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RE: getting all form fields?

2004-06-09 Thread Ray Champagne
Okay, got all the form fields, but now they are all output in a jumbled 
order.Does anyone know how they put into the list?It isn't alpha, and I 
can't find any other common thread.This form handler needs to service 
several forms, so forcing an output order won't work, since I don't know 
what the forms elements will be all the time.And formatting them using 
ListSort won't work either.What I would like is to have the fields output 
in the same order that I put them in (the html page), so that LastName 
follows FirstName, Adderess1 follows that, Address2 follows that, etc.

Any ideas?


At 11:09 AM 6/9/2004, Dave Phillips wrote:

form.fieldnames is a comma delimited list of all field names submitted
through the form.

You can loop through that variable and get all field names.To display
their values you would do something like this:

CFLOOP LIST=#form.fieldnames# INDEX=item
cfoutput#Evaluate(form.  item)#/cfoutput


Dave Phillips
National Marketing Director
Legacy for Life

From: Ray Champagne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 09, 2004 9:47 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: getting all form fields?

I am trying to set up a FormMail-like script to generically handle
forms, etc.I know there is a way to get all submitted form fields, I
forget what it is...any help?

Like HTTP_FORM_FIELDS or something like that



Ray Champagne - Senior Application Developer
CrystalVision Web Site Design and Internet Services

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RE: getting all form fields?

2004-06-09 Thread Ray Champagne
I thought about that, but I have about 100 different forms that we are 
migrating from FormMail to this new CF-based version that I am writing, so 
that would really be quite a burden.If I have to, I will just let it go 
for now.No way I am going through 100 forms of varying length and 
prepending them all with numbers.Thanks for the thought though...


At 04:40 PM 6/9/2004, you wrote:
What if you prefix the form fields with a number and underscore for the 
order you want them in:


and so on.

-Original Message-
From: Ray Champagne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 09, 2004 4:23 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: getting all form fields?

Okay, got all the form fields, but now they are all output in a jumbled
order.Does anyone know how they put into the list?It isn't alpha, and I
can't find any other common thread.This form handler needs to service
several forms, so forcing an output order won't work, since I don't know
what the forms elements will be all the time.And formatting them using
ListSort won't work either.What I would like is to have the fields output
in the same order that I put them in (the html page), so that LastName
follows FirstName, Adderess1 follows that, Address2 follows that, etc.

Any ideas?


At 11:09 AM 6/9/2004, Dave Phillips wrote:
 form.fieldnames is a comma delimited list of all field names submitted
 through the form.
 You can loop through that variable and get all field names.To display
 their values you would do something like this:
 CFLOOP LIST=#form.fieldnames# INDEX=item
 cfoutput#Evaluate(form.  item)#/cfoutput
 Dave Phillips
 National Marketing Director
 Legacy for Life
 From: Ray Champagne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, June 09, 2004 9:47 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: getting all form fields?
 I am trying to set up a FormMail-like script to generically handle
 forms, etc.I know there is a way to get all submitted form fields, I
 forget what it is...any help?
 Like HTTP_FORM_FIELDS or something like that
 Ray Champagne - Senior Application Developer
 CrystalVision Web Site Design and Internet Services
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RE: getting all form fields?

2004-06-09 Thread Ray Champagne
I thought about that, but I have about 100 different forms that we are
migrating from FormMail to this new CF-based version that I am writing, so
that would really be quite a burden.If I have to, I will just let it go
for now.No way I am going through 100 forms of varying length and
prepending them all with numbers.Thanks for the thought though...


At 04:40 PM 6/9/2004, you wrote:
 What if you prefix the form fields with a number and underscore for the
 order you want them in:
 and so on.
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RE: getting all form fields?

2004-06-09 Thread Ray Champagne
Maybe this will help.

Running Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0; H010818; .NET 
CLR 1.1.4322)

I am pretty close.I output the GetHTTPRequestData() content list and 
got the list of form fields in the order that I have them in the form, but 
when they output, they come in a different order.I have a 'billto field 
that shows up first, yet that is 6thg in the list that I am 
outputting.Here is the code, maybe I am missing something obvious

cfloop index=i list=#StructKeyList(FORM)#
cfif NOT #Len(FORM[i])# EQ 0
!--- If the field names are any of the ones specified, 
don't output them ---
cfswitch _expression_=#i#
 cfcase value=FIELDNAMES/cfcase
 cfcase value=REDIRECT/cfcase
 cfcase value=REQUIRED/cfcase
 cfcase value=REALNAME/cfcase
 cfcase value=PRINT_CONFIG/cfcase
 cfcase value=PRINT_BLANK_FIELDS/cfcase
 cfcase value=RECIPIENT/cfcase
 cfcase value=SUBJECT/cfcase

At 05:15 PM 6/9/2004, you wrote:
What variable are you using to get a list of form fields?
And on what userAgent/browser?

Jerry Johnson

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RE: activePDF

2004-05-26 Thread Ray Champagne
If I might chime in, if he DIDN'T mean that, does someone out there know 
how to have editable forms in pdf?I have a job that will require that 
coming up



At 12:23 PM 5/26/2004, Cary Gordon wrote:
What do you mean by editable?AFAIK, Illustrator is the only app that
offers any significant editing of PDFs.Do you mean forms that can be
filled in buy the user in Adobe Acrobat Reader?

Cary Gordon
The Cherry Hill Company

At 04:50 PM 5/26/2004 +0100, you wrote:
 My biggest request is the ability to create a PDF which is in itself an
 editable PDFI am not sure if this is possible with any of the tools out
 From: Kevin Graeme [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 26 May 2004 15:29
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: activePDF

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Re: excel files

2004-05-21 Thread Ray Champagne
I don't know if this would help, but if you can export the files to a csv 
file via Excel, you could then read the file using cffile (read) - no 

But, you would have to change the file, and I don't know if that is 
possible for you or not.


At 09:20 AM 5/21/2004, George Abraham wrote:
I asked a question sometime back about reading excel files with CFMX
without using a defined datasource. No answers yet, but is there another
forum I could be asking this question?


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Re: SOT - Last nights NYCFUG meeting.

2004-05-20 Thread Ray Champagne
What is this all about now?PDF's from CFML?Easily? Me likee, want to 
hear more


At 10:55 AM 5/20/2004, you wrote:
On Thursday 20 May 2004 15:19 pm, Ubqtous wrote:
  I didn't sign an NDA ;)
  Some teaser demos of BlackStone, including very nifty CFFORM  FLASH
  integration. Also CFDOCUMENT TYPE=PDF (or something to that effect).

Does this mean we can stop dropping vague hints the next time anyone asks
about generating PDF from CFML ? :-)

Tom Chiverton
Advanced ColdFusion Programmer

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RE: Max 2003 Conference Photo

2004-04-22 Thread Ray Champagne
Yea, I agree.I would walk away from that place.That mediator is a 
little uptight.Talk about censorship!Wasn't even close to being 

I even thought about posting in your defense, but I figured it wouldn't do 
any good whatsoever


At 09:47 AM 4/22/2004, you wrote:
wow, they are giving you a hard time in there huh

-Original Message-
From: Cathy Taylor [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2004 9:34 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Max 2003 Conference Photo

This is OT, but I just got accused of trying to humiliate someone who won
a photo contest and the photo is the picture (at least I'm fairly certain)
that was all over the Max 2003 conference.

Can someone clarify if it is?


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Re: Dumping Local Vars Scope

2004-04-21 Thread Ray Champagne
I don't know how to answer your question, but it sounds like that they 
might have written it in FuseBox?That would explain all the files being 


At 01:55 PM 4/21/2004, you wrote:
Okay I'm brain cramping today so forgive the simple request -

I'm working within a CF5 environment on an inherited application that has 
approximate 30 different files being cfincluded (depending on what the end 
user is doing) to create a single page (I don't know why the person wrote 
it this way) and would like to output the variables. scope to figure 
out what the H#LL this person was doing.There's somewhere near 100 local 
variables that are used throughout the creation of the page.Obviously 
[cfdump var=#variables#] doesn't work.Anyone have tag or section of code 
that does this?I've checked out 'MegaDump' but it doesn't output the 
variables. scope for CF5.

Thanks in advance,

Steven Semrau

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RE: A lesson in security by obscurity...

2004-04-21 Thread Ray Champagne
What free tools do you speak of?

Along with that, anybody know of any good security classes (online or 
otherwise) that one could take for people like me?By that I mean a 
'normal' CF programmer with just enough knowledge of most things computer 
related to be dangerous...

A local community college near here *used* to teach it, but the guy knew a 
little too much (former teacher of mine) and gave out that info, and I 
don't think that went over too well.


At 05:31 PM 4/21/2004, you wrote:
I did the same.9 seems like a lot of quess work.Up to that point it
was a test of working around _javascript_ security and from what I can
tell, to get to 9 you have to guess the name of the next page.If
anyone takes the time to get there please share :-)

A couple free tools helps you scan the server, spider the site and go to
town. :-)

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RE: Windows Server 2003

2004-04-20 Thread Ray Champagne
Why don't you put in a bid for the copy that is up for grabs on the 'CFMX 
for sale' thread?



At 06:08 PM 4/20/2004, Dave Koehler wrote:
Thanks Mark, that's kind of where we're headed.

-Original Message-
From: Mark W. Breneman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 20, 2004 4:58 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Windows Server 2003

I am *guessing* that CF5 will run on W2k3 server but, I know that it will
not install correctly and register the ISAPIs for .cfm in IIS 6.

I would highly advise upgrading to CFMX 6.1 if CF5 is not officially
supported on W2k3 server, if this is a production server.

Mark W. Breneman
-Cold Fusion Developer
-Network Administrator
Vivid Media


From: Adrocknaphobia [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 20, 2004 4:39 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Windows Server 2003

Is CF5 even supported on Win2k3? I would imagine it's not since it didnt
exist when CF5 was out.


  -Original Message-
  From: David Koehler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Tuesday, April 20, 2004 09:37 PM
  To: 'CF-Talk'
  Subject: Windows Server 2003
  Ok, our old Dell server needs replacing so we bought a new beast with
Windows Server 2003. I installed our CF Server 4.5.1 and then the CF 5
Server update, which had problems finishing. Are there some compatibility
issues? Is CF 6.2 something I can download and use instead. Any help is


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2004-04-19 Thread Ray Champagne
Why would you need to have it have SSL if it is not on the web?


At 11:48 AM 4/19/2004, you wrote:
This applicaiton is not World wide web
do I need HTTPS?


 :) nothing, make ur links
 and that will throw the ssl on the request response
 -Original Message-
 From: John Ho [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, April 19, 2004 11:19 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: HTTPS
 hi all
 I have an applicatin in ColdfusionMX
 Can someone show me how to secure this web page with HTTPS?. What else do I
 Do you Yahoo!?
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