Re: Clojure Literature

2013-01-19 Thread Tim Cross

I started clojure right at the point where contrib changed. I think I had a 
lot less problems than did many who had already started and were use to the 
old setup. I didn't mention the contrib change because it was long before 
the dates the OP was talking about, because none of the books I mentioned 
(except 1st editonn of Stuart's book) are based on anything pre 1.3 and 
because while the change to how contrib was structured may cause some 
little confusion, it is not a change in the language. All the core language 
constructs and basic concepts are the same. 

Of course, anyone who is using a book where it states it was written 
against an earlier version of the language than the current version they 
are using would be wise to check the release notes and summary of what has 
changed in the versions between the one the book used and the one they are 
using. Doesn't do any real harm to force some early problem solving anyway 
- certainly helps cement your knowledge and understanding. What would be a 
shame is to dismiss an otherwise good text simply because it was written 
for an older version. Imagine a C programmer not reading KR simply because 
it was written for an old version of C@ 


On Saturday, January 19, 2013 1:46:14 AM UTC+11, Reginald Choudari wrote:

 I am looking for a new Clojure book to get me started on the language. 
 I've been doing some clojure-koans and reading up on web-development with 
 Clojure and am interested to get down to the knitty-gritty... From what 
 I've seen, it looks like the latest Clojure books are from around 
 March/April 2012. Seeing that Clojure is a changing language, I didn't want 
 to buy a book that would quickly become obsolete. 

 From all that I read, this page seemed to be the most comprehensive 
 description of the current state of Clojure literature:

 I'd like to hear if anyone has any recommendations or if there is news of 
 any upcoming books coming out that might be worth waiting for.


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Re: a question about running embedded jetty

2013-01-19 Thread faenvie

Ensure that: 
   - Your Ring adapter is running in a background thread so it doesn't 
   block your REPL.
   - Your handler function is wrapped in a var, so it will be updated when 
   you reload the namespace.

 aha ... handler functions ... wrapped in a var ... are updated when you 
reload the namespace

hmm ... i will study source of ring/run-jetty to get it.

sorry for the noise.

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Re: a question about running embedded jetty

2013-01-19 Thread Baishampayan Ghose
On Sat, Jan 19, 2013 at 5:24 AM, faenvie wrote:
 i have learned that for a ring/compojure-app the embedded jetty
 service can be started like this:

 (def app (handler/site routes))

 (defn start [port]
   (ring/run-jetty (var app) {:port (or port 8080)
  :join? false}))

 can anyone explain, what is the var for ? why '(var app)' or #'app ?
 i found some remarks about being able to change the app without
 having to restart the server but how exactly does this relate ?

If you pass in the app as it is, then the var gets evaluated to the
function that the var refers to and the jetty adapter uses that
function to run the server.

Now if you recompile your ring handlers (aka functions) the same app
var will get rebound to a new function while the jetty server will
continue holding on to the old handler function, so if you refresh the
page, etc. you won't see the change on your browser. You will have to
kill the server and restart jetty.

If you pass just the var instead, jetty holds on to the container (the
var) and not the value. The jetty-adapter derefs the var on every
request and sends the response back. As a result if you recompile your
handlers you'll see the effects immediately without restarting the

The derefing has a penalty, albeit minor. Thus, you may choose to not
pass in the app as a var in production deployments.


Baishampayan Ghose
b.ghose at

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Re: [ANN] Schejulure 0.1.1

2013-01-19 Thread Marko Topolnik
There is no need to wrap the Executor Service in a* delay* because it 
already implements lazy-start semantics. From the *ThreadPoolExecutor*
On-demand constructionBy default, even core threads are initially created 
and started only when new tasks arrive, but this can be overridden 
dynamically using 
You probably want to prestart threads if you construct the pool with a 
non-empty queue.

Also, if you constrain the design to a singleton scheduled thread pool, 
there is no pressing need to shut it down after all schedules are 
cancelled: a total of a few idle threads is deemed acceptable, especially 
because scheduling is either needed for the entire runtime, or not needed 
at all. The major issue were the abandoned schedulers, which you have 

A more pressing concern is the size of the thread pool: with just one 
thread, only one task can run at a time. In practice many tasks are very 
short-lived and a single thread can take care of dozens of them, but some 
are quite long-lived, going for 10 minutes and more. Combining such tasks 
with the short-lived ones will result in the short-lived tasks executing on 
a very irregular schedule. This leads towards a configurable stateful 
implementation, which is against the first goal of your design. 
Regrettably, no obvious solutions come to mind.

On Saturday, January 19, 2013 1:00:26 AM UTC+1, Adam Clements wrote:

 Hi Marko,

 I've addressed some of your concerns by re-using a single thread pool for 
 multiple schedule calls in the current master. The original use case was 
 one set of scheduled tasks running for the lifetime of my application. If 
 you can suggest improvements to cover other use cases with more 
 stopping/starting scheduled tasks and automatically cleaning up the 
 executor service if it's no longer needed that would be great. 

 Adam Clements

 On Fri, Jan 18, 2013 at 9:50 PM, Marko Topolnik 

 This looks great. I was building a couple of applications that run 
 periodic tasks/services on top of quartzite, but I'll definitely play with 
 this. Much nicer scheduling syntax, and the lack of a single stateful 
 scheduler feels much more Clojurian (and cleaner, too).

 Behind the apparent elegance is a design that could be wasteful with 
 system resources, starting another thread with each invocation of *
 schedule* and leaving the executor service running after the future is 

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Re: a question about running embedded jetty

2013-01-19 Thread faenvie
very helpful answer. thank you Baishampayan. 

On Saturday, January 19, 2013 10:26:06 AM UTC+1, Baishampayan Ghose wrote:

 On Sat, Jan 19, 2013 at 5:24 AM, faenvie javascript: 
  i have learned that for a ring/compojure-app the embedded jetty 
  service can be started like this: 
  (def app (handler/site routes)) 
  (defn start [port] 
(ring/run-jetty (var app) {:port (or port 8080) 
   :join? false})) 
  can anyone explain, what is the var for ? why '(var app)' or #'app ? 
  i found some remarks about being able to change the app without 
  having to restart the server but how exactly does this relate ? 

 If you pass in the app as it is, then the var gets evaluated to the 
 function that the var refers to and the jetty adapter uses that 
 function to run the server. 

 Now if you recompile your ring handlers (aka functions) the same app 
 var will get rebound to a new function while the jetty server will 
 continue holding on to the old handler function, so if you refresh the 
 page, etc. you won't see the change on your browser. You will have to 
 kill the server and restart jetty. 

 If you pass just the var instead, jetty holds on to the container (the 
 var) and not the value. The jetty-adapter derefs the var on every 
 request and sends the response back. As a result if you recompile your 
 handlers you'll see the effects immediately without restarting the 

 The derefing has a penalty, albeit minor. Thus, you may choose to not 
 pass in the app as a var in production deployments. 


 Baishampayan Ghose 
 b.ghose at 

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Re: ClojureScript + Jayq Resulting in Error

2013-01-19 Thread Max Penet
You need to use a more recent clojurescript version (you are missing 
clj-js from cljs.core). 


On Saturday, January 19, 2013 4:02:29 AM UTC+1, Ari wrote:

 I also noticed that when I compile the cljs code I get:

 WARNING: Use of undeclared Var jayq.core/clj-js

 On Friday, January 18, 2013 9:56:22 PM UTC-5, Ari wrote:


 Below is the project.clj -- anything stand out? Thanks for the help. 

 (defproject sample 0.1.0-SNAPSHOT
   :description Practice Clojure/Clojurescript app
   :license {:name Eclipse Public License
   :source-paths [src/clj]
   :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure 1.4.0]
  [org.clojure/data.xml 0.0.7]
  [org.clojure/data.json 0.2.0]
  [org.clojure/clojurescript 0.0-1450]
  [compojure 1.1.3]
  [enlive 1.0.1]
  [com.cemerick/friend 0.1.3]
  [jayq 2.0.0]
  [crate 0.2.3]
  [waltz 0.1.0-alpha1]
  [com.novemberain/monger 1.4.1]]
   :plugins [[lein-ring 0.7.5]
 [lein-cljsbuild 0.2.9]]
   :cljsbuild {:builds [{:source-path src/cljs
 :compiler {:output-to 
 resources/public/javascripts/app.js :optimizations :whitespace 
 :pretty-print true}}]
   :repl-listen-port 3000
   :repl-launch-commands {firefox [firefox :stdout 
 stdout.log :stderr stderr.log]}}
   :ring {:handler sample.routes/app})

 On Friday, January 18, 2013 6:48:31 PM UTC-5, Ilia Ablamonov wrote:

 Hello Ari,

 I've tried to reproduce your case and it works for me. I use the 
 following project.clj:

 (defproject playground 0.1.0
   :dependencies [[jayq 2.0.0]]
   :min-lein-version 2.0.0
   :source-paths [src]
   :plugins [[lein-cljsbuild 0.2.10]]
   :cljsbuild {:builds
   [{:source-path src
 :compiler {:output-to public/app.js
:pretty-print true
:optimizations :whitespace}}]})

 Maybe something in your project.clj makes difference. Could you plz list 

 суббота, 19 января 2013 г., 2:43:43 UTC+4 пользователь Ari написал:

 The error message was cutoff in my previous post; the error returned is:

 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'call' of undefined 

 cljs.core.ObjMap.fromObject([\ufdd0'accepts, \ufdd0'contents, 
 \ufdd0'clojure], {\ufdd0'edn:application/edn, text/edn, 
 \ufdd0'clojure:application/clojure, text/clojure}), 
 \ufdd0'converters:cljs.core.ObjMap.fromObject([text edn, text 
 clojure], {text edn:jayq.core.mimetype_converter, 
 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'call' of undefined

 On Friday, January 18, 2013 3:48:16 PM UTC-5, Ari wrote:


 When I use the jayq library to wait 
 until the page loads (see following code) I get the error below. If I 
 remove jayq, the code executes correctly. Does anyone know what I'm doing 
 wrong? Thanks.

 !DOCTYPE html
 script type=text/javascript src=
 script type=text/javascriptvar CLOSURE_NO_DEPS = true;/script
 script type=text/javascript src=javascripts/app.js/script


 (ns myapp.example
 (:use [jayq.core :only [$]])
 (:use-macros [jayq.macros :only [ready]]))

 (ready (js/alert Hello))



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Re: [ANN] Schejulure 0.1.1

2013-01-19 Thread Adam Clements
Ah, thanks for the tip. I have now released 0.1.2 which is unchanged apart
from this fix (not leaking ExecutorServices) and improved documentation.

For the single threaded point, I have added in to the documentation that
tasks with a non-trivial running time should fire futures in order to avoid
affecting subsequent scheduled tasks, which I think is a reasonable
restriction to make given the resulting simplicity.

Thanks again for the useful feedback.

On 19 Jan 2013 09:53, Marko Topolnik wrote:

 There is no need to wrap the Executor Service in a* delay* because it
 already implements lazy-start semantics. From the *ThreadPoolExecutor*
 On-demand constructionBy default, even core threads are initially created
 and started only when new tasks arrive, but this can be overridden
 dynamically using 
 You probably want to prestart threads if you construct the pool with a
 non-empty queue.

 Also, if you constrain the design to a singleton scheduled thread pool,
 there is no pressing need to shut it down after all schedules are
 cancelled: a total of a few idle threads is deemed acceptable, especially
 because scheduling is either needed for the entire runtime, or not needed
 at all. The major issue were the abandoned schedulers, which you have

 A more pressing concern is the size of the thread pool: with just one
 thread, only one task can run at a time. In practice many tasks are very
 short-lived and a single thread can take care of dozens of them, but some
 are quite long-lived, going for 10 minutes and more. Combining such tasks
 with the short-lived ones will result in the short-lived tasks executing on
 a very irregular schedule. This leads towards a configurable stateful
 implementation, which is against the first goal of your design.
 Regrettably, no obvious solutions come to mind.

 On Saturday, January 19, 2013 1:00:26 AM UTC+1, Adam Clements wrote:

 Hi Marko,

 I've addressed some of your concerns by re-using a single thread pool for
 multiple schedule calls in the current master. The original use case was
 one set of scheduled tasks running for the lifetime of my application. If
 you can suggest improvements to cover other use cases with more
 stopping/starting scheduled tasks and automatically cleaning up the
 executor service if it's no longer needed that would be great.

 Adam Clements

 On Fri, Jan 18, 2013 at 9:50 PM, Marko Topolnik marko.t...@gmail.comwrote:

 This looks great. I was building a couple of applications that run
 periodic tasks/services on top of quartzite, but I'll definitely play with
 this. Much nicer scheduling syntax, and the lack of a single stateful
 scheduler feels much more Clojurian (and cleaner, too).

 Behind the apparent elegance is a design that could be wasteful with
 system resources, starting another thread with each invocation of *
 schedule* and leaving the executor service running after the future is

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Re: [ANN] Schejulure 0.1.1

2013-01-19 Thread Marko Topolnik

 For the single threaded point, I have added in to the documentation that 
 tasks with a non-trivial running time should fire futures in order to avoid 
 affecting subsequent scheduled tasks, which I think is a reasonable 
 restriction to make given the resulting simplicity.

I agree, this is a great decision. It allows your library to keep the focus 
on rendering its key value-adding service without involving separate 
concerns that are easily managed by the client side.

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Re: Get digits of a number

2013-01-19 Thread Qiu Xiafei
(defn num-digits
  (loop [n num res []]
(if (zero? n)
  (recur (long (/ n 10)) (cons (mod n 10) res)

在 2011年2月17日星期四UTC+8下午1时29分10秒,Andreas Kostler写道:

 Is there an easy and idiomatic way of getting the digits of a number in 

 (defn explode-to-digits [number]
 (map #(- (int %) (int \0)) (str number)))
 (explode-to-digits 123456)
 = (1 2 3 4 5 6)

 Seems a bit clunky...

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11th modern-cljs tutorial on clojurescript

2013-01-19 Thread Mimmo Cosenza
Hi all,

here is the latest modern-cljs tutorial on clojurescript. It talks a little 
biro more about dom event and domina library.




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Re: Clojure Literature

2013-01-19 Thread Mimmo Cosenza
wherever you start from (all the cited books are from good to very good), I 
think that one day you could take you're time to read a couple amazing 




I studied the first one (written for scheme) almost 30 years ago, but its 
still the book for any serious programmer.  The second one (written for 
CommonLisp) is very, really very amazing if you want to be serious with 

That said I'm still waiting for a very good book about co-recursion in 
clojure (or whatever functional programming). If someone has advice for 
that, I'll appreciate.


On Friday, January 18, 2013 3:46:14 PM UTC+1, Reginald Choudari wrote:

 I am looking for a new Clojure book to get me started on the language. 
 I've been doing some clojure-koans and reading up on web-development with 
 Clojure and am interested to get down to the knitty-gritty... From what 
 I've seen, it looks like the latest Clojure books are from around 
 March/April 2012. Seeing that Clojure is a changing language, I didn't want 
 to buy a book that would quickly become obsolete. 

 From all that I read, this page seemed to be the most comprehensive 
 description of the current state of Clojure literature:

 I'd like to hear if anyone has any recommendations or if there is news of 
 any upcoming books coming out that might be worth waiting for.


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Re: Clojure Literature

2013-01-19 Thread AtKaaZ


On Sat, Jan 19, 2013 at 5:33 PM, Mimmo Cosenza mimmo.cose...@gmail.comwrote:

 wherever you start from (all the cited books are from good to very good),
 I think that one day you could take you're time to read a couple amazing




 I studied the first one (written for scheme) almost 30 years ago, but its
 still the book for any serious programmer.  The second one (written for
 CommonLisp) is very, really very amazing if you want to be serious with

 That said I'm still waiting for a very good book about co-recursion in
 clojure (or whatever functional programming). If someone has advice for
 that, I'll appreciate.


 On Friday, January 18, 2013 3:46:14 PM UTC+1, Reginald Choudari wrote:

 I am looking for a new Clojure book to get me started on the language.
 I've been doing some clojure-koans and reading up on web-development with
 Clojure and am interested to get down to the knitty-gritty... From what
 I've seen, it looks like the latest Clojure books are from around
 March/April 2012. Seeing that Clojure is a changing language, I didn't want
 to buy a book that would quickly become obsolete.

 From all that I read, this page seemed to be the most comprehensive
 description of the current state of Clojure literature: http://****2578837/comparing-clojure-**books

 I'd like to hear if anyone has any recommendations or if there is news of
 any upcoming books coming out that might be worth waiting for.


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I may be wrong or incomplete.
Please express any corrections / additions,
they are encouraged and appreciated.
At least one entity is bound to be transformed if you do ;)

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Re: Clojure Literature

2013-01-19 Thread Charlie Griefer
On Jan 19, 2013, at 9:33 AM, Mimmo Cosenza wrote:

 wherever you start from (all the cited books are from good to very good), I 
 think that one day you could take you're time to read a couple amazing books. 

SiCP also available as epub from and pdf from

Charlie Griefer

Give light, and the darkness will disappear of itself. 
-- Desiderius Erasmus

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(newbie) function return results

2013-01-19 Thread Colin Yates
I am struggling to understand what Clojure is doing.  This is definitely a 
newbie question but I cannot figure it out :).  The question is best asked 
via a repl session:

[code]user= (defn create-user [] {:id 1})
user= (create-user)
{:id 1}
user= (take 10 (repeatedly create-user))
({:id 1} {:id 1} {:id 1} {:id 1} {:id 1} {:id 1} {:id 1} {:id 1} {:id 1} 
{:id 1})
user= (defn stream1 [] repeatedly create-user)
user= (take 10 stream1)
IllegalArgumentException Don't know how to create ISeq from: user$stream1 
 clojure.lang.RT.seqFrom (
user= (take 10 (stream1))
IllegalArgumentException Don't know how to create ISeq from: 
user$create_user  clojure.lang.RT.seqFrom (

user= (defn stream2 [] (repeatedly create-user))
user= (take 10 stream2)
IllegalArgumentException Don't know how to create ISeq from: user$stream2 
 clojure.lang.RT.seqFrom (
user= (take 10 (stream2))
({:id 1} {:id 1} {:id 1} {:id 1} {:id 1} {:id 1} {:id 1} {:id 1} {:id 1} 
{:id 1})

My question is two parted - what is the different between stream1 and 
stream2 - what exactly do they return.  And, based on that, why doesn't 
(stream1) return a sequence.  In other words, what effect does wrapping the 
function body in quotes actually do?

I know I will kick myself when I get the answer, so please feel free to 
cause me to receive a good kicking ;).


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[ANN] clj-squash 0.1.0

2013-01-19 Thread Ragnar Dahlén

I did some work to enable Clojure applications to use Squash, an exception 
reporting and bug analysis tool recently released by Square (see

This resulted in clj-squash (apologies for the lack of fantasy), which I 
think is now usable enough to warrant an offical 0.1.0 release in the hope 
that others might find it useful.

A release has been pushed to Clojars, and the code is available at:

Feedback and/or contributions are most welcome and appreciated.

Best regards,

Ragnar Dahlén

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Re: Is contributing to clojurescript is intentionally made hard ?

2013-01-19 Thread Brandon Bloom
For what it's worth, I've submitted 20+ patches to ClojureScript and one or 
two to Clojure proper. I still find the process to be extremely unpleasant. 
I consistently avoid interacting with JIRA until the last possible minute: 
That software is actively user-hostile. Without naming names, I've spoken 
with a half dozen other active contributors who feel the same way. If I 
wasn't between jobs at the time, I'd never have made it over the hump 
towards being a contributor.

On Friday, January 18, 2013 1:01:52 PM UTC-8, Irakli Gozalishvili wrote:

 I have being trying to engage community and to contribute to clojurescript 
 for a while already, 
 but so far it's being mostly frustrating and difficult. I hope to start 
 discussion here and maybe
 get some constructive outcome.

 ## Rationale

 I'm primarily interested in clojurescript and not at all in clojure, 
 because of specific reasons (that
 I'll skip since their irrelevant for this discussion) dependency on JVM is 
 a problem. Removing
 that's dependency is also my primary motivation to contribute. 

 ## Problems

 - I do understand that most of the clojurescript audience is probably 
 also interested in clojure,
   but please don't enforce that. Have a separate mailing list so 
 that people interested in
   clojurescript and not clojure could follow relevant discussions without 
 manually filtering out

 - What is the point of being on github if you don't accept pull requests 
 and require I do understand
   that there maybe specific reasons why jira flow was chosen, but 
 seriously that's another ball
   thrown at potential contributor to joggle. Not to mention that there are 
 several options how
   jira and github could be integrated.

 - My latest attempt was to configure for integration tests
Integration tests are great specially because they run on every pull 
 request and post details back
into pull requests. This also means that lot of local test run time can 
 be saved. Not to mention that
for clojurescript tests you need JVM, v8, spidermonkey and more…

 If these things are intentionally made hard to stop new people with more 
 clojurescipt interests then please
 make it more clear, cause otherwise it just a motivation killer. 

 Irakli Gozalishvili

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ANN ide-files--Leiningen template to generate IDE files for existing projects

2013-01-19 Thread Shantanu Kumar

I am happy to announce `ide-files` (version 0.1.0), a Leiningen
template for generating Eclipse and IDEA files for existing Clojure
projects. Leiningen issue #933[1] was the primary motivation. You can
find the template here:

Currently the template generates somewhat fixed content without
looking at `project.clj`, something that you can easily fix after
opening the project in the IDE. In a future version the template would
generate IDE files based on `project.clj` content. I will appreciate
feedback, ideas and contribution.



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Re: (newbie) function return results

2013-01-19 Thread Baishampayan Ghose
On Sat, Jan 19, 2013 at 11:32 PM, Colin Yates wrote:
 I am struggling to understand what Clojure is doing.  This is definitely a
 newbie question but I cannot figure it out :).  The question is best asked
 via a repl session:

 [code]user= (defn create-user [] {:id 1})
 user= (create-user)
 {:id 1}
 user= (take 10 (repeatedly create-user))
 ({:id 1} {:id 1} {:id 1} {:id 1} {:id 1} {:id 1} {:id 1} {:id 1} {:id 1}
 {:id 1})
 user= (defn stream1 [] repeatedly create-user)
 user= (take 10 stream1)
 IllegalArgumentException Don't know how to create ISeq from: user$stream1
 clojure.lang.RT.seqFrom (
 user= (take 10 (stream1))
 IllegalArgumentException Don't know how to create ISeq from:
 user$create_user  clojure.lang.RT.seqFrom (

The mistake is in the body of stream1. You should have wrapped
`repeatedly ceate-user` in parenthesis, otherwise the return value of
stream1 is the function `create-user`.

You'd want to fix the code like this -

(defn stream1 []
(repeatedly create-user))

And then, you should call get some users from the stream like this -

(take 10 (stream1))

You need to call stream1 like a function because otherwise it'd mean
`take`-ing things from a function which doesn't make any sense.

If you really want to deal with a stream directly and not call a
function, you can bind the stream in a var directly -

(def stream (repeatedly create-user))

`repeatedly` returns a lazy sequence so dealing with an infinite
sequence is not a problem. Mind you, you're holding on to the head
here, so you are still prone to facing stackoverflow errors if you
`def` an infinite sequence.

 user= (defn stream2 [] (repeatedly create-user))
 user= (take 10 stream2)
 IllegalArgumentException Don't know how to create ISeq from: user$stream2
 clojure.lang.RT.seqFrom (
 user= (take 10 (stream2))
 ({:id 1} {:id 1} {:id 1} {:id 1} {:id 1} {:id 1} {:id 1} {:id 1} {:id 1}
 {:id 1})

 My question is two parted - what is the different between stream1 and
 stream2 - what exactly do they return.  And, based on that, why doesn't
 (stream1) return a sequence.  In other words, what effect does wrapping the
 function body in quotes actually do?

`stream1` returns just the function `create-user` when invoked.
`stream2` return an infinite lazy-sequence of the results of calling
`create-user` repeatedly.

Hope that helps.


Baishampayan Ghose
b.ghose at

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Re: (newbie) function return results

2013-01-19 Thread Sven Johansson
On Sat, Jan 19, 2013 at 7:02 PM, Colin Yates wrote:

 user= (defn stream1 [] repeatedly create-user)

This function invokes neither repeatedly nor create-user. It pointlessly
refers to repeatedly and then returns a reference to the create-user
Which is function and not a sequence, which is why you cannot take n from

user= (defn stream2 [] (repeatedly create-user))

 This function invokes repeatedly with a reference to create-user and
returns a lazy-sequence, which you can take n from.

 In other words, what effect does wrapping the function body in quotes
actually do?

By quotes I assume you mean ()'s. The answer is above. in stream1 you are
simply refering to functions. Without the ()'s
you're not invoking anything.

user create-user
#user$create_user user$create_user@3f8ecde


user (create-user)
{:id 1}


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Re: Is contributing to clojurescript is intentionally made hard ?

2013-01-19 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili
On Friday, 2013-01-18 at 18:03 , Sean Corfield wrote:
 Because by submitting a JIRA patch explicitly, you are taking the
 legal responsibility for the contents of the patch as being a change
 that you are authorized to submit under the CA...
You can in fact do similar with contributing guidelines that are displayed once 
pull requests  is created:
And just reject pulls from people who did not signed CA
 I'm not sure that you can even attach a patch to a Clojure ticket in
 JIRA without being given permission to modify tickets (which means you
 have a CA on file)?

Yes I did signed CA and it's always possible to not merge pull requests from 
people who have not signed CA yet.
 As you say, at Mozilla, you have a whole team of legal people making
 sure things are safe and acceptable. Clojure/core does not have that

Maybe I was not clear here but legal people do not go through each pull request 
only signers
do merges people sending pull requests. I also have contributed to several 
other projects that
required signing CA before taking any of my pull requests, so I really don't 
see why it's a problem
for clojure.
 On Fri, Jan 18, 2013 at 5:16 PM, Irakli Gozalishvili 
 ( wrote:
  One could also copy attach patch with lines that belong to someone else. How
  is that different ?
  Pull requests are just a tool for working with patches nothing else
  Irakli Gozalishvili
  On Friday, 2013-01-18 at 16:18 , Sean Corfield wrote:
  That will depend on whether it traces the origin of each line in the
  patch - just relying on the pull request originator is not sufficient
  On Fri, Jan 18, 2013 at 4:11 PM, Hugo Duncan 
  ( wrote:
  Sean Corfield ( 
  My understanding is that with pull requests it becomes much harder to
  provide accountability for Intellectual Property which is a legal
  concern, and that's why we have a Contributor's Agreement.
  I wonder if the availability of changes anything...
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  Sean A Corfield -- (904) 302-SEAN
  An Architect's View --
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 Sean A Corfield -- (904) 302-SEAN
 An Architect's View --
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Re: (newbie) function return results

2013-01-19 Thread Colin Yates
Thanks both - (and yes I did mean brackets - oops).

On 19 Jan 2013, at 18:26, Sven Johansson wrote:

 On Sat, Jan 19, 2013 at 7:02 PM, Colin Yates wrote:
 user= (defn stream1 [] repeatedly create-user)
 This function invokes neither repeatedly nor create-user. It pointlessly 
 refers to repeatedly and then returns a reference to the create-user function.
 Which is function and not a sequence, which is why you cannot take n from it.
 user= (defn stream2 [] (repeatedly create-user))
 This function invokes repeatedly with a reference to create-user and returns 
 a lazy-sequence, which you can take n from.
  In other words, what effect does wrapping the function body in quotes 
  actually do?
 By quotes I assume you mean ()'s. The answer is above. in stream1 you are 
 simply refering to functions. Without the ()'s
 you're not invoking anything.
 user create-user
 #user$create_user user$create_user@3f8ecde
 user (create-user)
 {:id 1}
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Re: Get digits of a number

2013-01-19 Thread David Brown
Qiu Xiafei writes:

 (defn num-digits
   (loop [n num res []]
     (if (zero? n)
       (recur (long (/ n 10)) (cons (mod n 10) res)

How about  (quot n 10)  instead of (long (/ n 10))?  No sense in the
extra step.


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Re: Is contributing to clojurescript is intentionally made hard ?

2013-01-19 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili
As a matter of fact I have abandoned clojurescript once before and just wrote 
my own implementation of JVM free clojurescript

But kanaka's clojurescript in clojurescript got me  excited and I'm trying to get 
again. Luckily he's being awesome to work with  has no problems accepting pull 
requests. But if the process of contributing
is more work than I can keep up with I'll have to turn away again :(

I also don't quite see the point of being on github if use of it's features is 

Irakli Gozalishvili

On Saturday, 2013-01-19 at 10:03 , Brandon Bloom wrote:

 For what it's worth, I've submitted 20+ patches to ClojureScript and one or 
 two to Clojure proper. I still find the process to be extremely unpleasant. I 
 consistently avoid interacting with JIRA until the last possible minute: That 
 software is actively user-hostile. Without naming names, I've spoken with a 
 half dozen other active contributors who feel the same way. If I wasn't 
 between jobs at the time, I'd never have made it over the hump towards being 
 a contributor.
 On Friday, January 18, 2013 1:01:52 PM UTC-8, Irakli Gozalishvili wrote:
  I have being trying to engage community and to contribute to clojurescript 
  for a while already,  
  but so far it's being mostly frustrating and difficult. I hope to start 
  discussion here and maybe
  get some constructive outcome.
  ## Rationale
  I'm primarily interested in clojurescript and not at all in clojure, 
  because of specific reasons (that
  I'll skip since their irrelevant for this discussion) dependency on JVM is 
  a problem. Removing
  that's dependency is also my primary motivation to contribute.  
  ## Problems
  - I do understand that most of the clojurescript audience is probably also 
  interested in clojure,
but please don't enforce that. Have a separate mailing list so that 
  people interested in
clojurescript and not clojure could follow relevant discussions without 
  manually filtering out
  - What is the point of being on github if you don't accept pull requests 
  and require I do understand
that there maybe specific reasons why jira flow was chosen, but seriously 
  that's another ball
thrown at potential contributor to joggle. Not to mention that there are 
  several options how
jira and github could be integrated.
  - My latest attempt was to configure ( for 
  integration tests
 Integration tests are great specially because they run on every pull 
  request and post details back
 into pull requests. This also means that lot of local test run time can 
  be saved. Not to mention that
 for clojurescript tests you need JVM, v8, spidermonkey and more…
  If these things are intentionally made hard to stop new people with more 
  clojurescipt interests then please
  make it more clear, cause otherwise it just a motivation killer.  
  Irakli Gozalishvili
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Re: Is contributing to clojurescript is intentionally made hard ?

2013-01-19 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili
BTW also as hugo pointed out  with one could just reject 
pull requests if any of the commit included
is from author who have not signed CLA yet. So looks like CLA problem can be 
also easily solved.

Irakli Gozalishvili

On Friday, 2013-01-18 at 18:03 , Sean Corfield wrote:

 Because by submitting a JIRA patch explicitly, you are taking the
 legal responsibility for the contents of the patch as being a change
 that you are authorized to submit under the CA...
 I'm not sure that you can even attach a patch to a Clojure ticket in
 JIRA without being given permission to modify tickets (which means you
 have a CA on file)?
 As you say, at Mozilla, you have a whole team of legal people making
 sure things are safe and acceptable. Clojure/core does not have that
 On Fri, Jan 18, 2013 at 5:16 PM, Irakli Gozalishvili 
 ( wrote:
  One could also copy attach patch with lines that belong to someone else. How
  is that different ?
  Pull requests are just a tool for working with patches nothing else
  Irakli Gozalishvili
  On Friday, 2013-01-18 at 16:18 , Sean Corfield wrote:
  That will depend on whether it traces the origin of each line in the
  patch - just relying on the pull request originator is not sufficient
  On Fri, Jan 18, 2013 at 4:11 PM, Hugo Duncan 
  ( wrote:
  Sean Corfield ( 
  My understanding is that with pull requests it becomes much harder to
  provide accountability for Intellectual Property which is a legal
  concern, and that's why we have a Contributor's Agreement.
  I wonder if the availability of changes anything...
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  Sean A Corfield -- (904) 302-SEAN
  An Architect's View --
  World Singles, LLC. --
  Perfection is the enemy of the good.
  -- Gustave Flaubert, French realist novelist (1821-1880)
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 Sean A Corfield -- (904) 302-SEAN
 An Architect's View --
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 Perfection is the enemy of the good.
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Re: Clojure Literature

2013-01-19 Thread Marko Topolnik

 I wouldn't worry too much about differences because a book was written for 
 clojure 1.2 or 1.3 even though 1.5 is only just around the corner. The 
 differences are minor and tend to be most directly related to more advanced 
 topics that are unlikely to be of critical importance to begin with. Once 
 you have covered the content in these books, you will pick up the minor 
 differences in later versions easily enough. 

The changes that happened between 1.0 and 1.3 are not just in the 
language---they are quite a bit in how the language is being *approached. *For 
example, in the old days the number-one subject everywhere was the 
Clojure STM and refs. Halloway's book doesn't even feature atoms, if I 
remember correctly, or at least it downplays them, pushing refs into the 
spotlight. Today it is pretty much accepted that atoms and agents are very 
useful and refs and the STM plays a side-role.

In my personal experience, for quite a long time I had lived with some sort 
of guilty feeling about the fact that I never ended up using refs; even if 
I did use them, the usage was kind of trivial, I felt I was doing something 
wrong. It took me a while to grow confidence that it's not me---it's the 
STM. Not that it is broken in any way, it's just that the use cases where 
it brings value are vanishingly rare.

Newer books that speak from more years of living and breathing Clojure 
contain many nuggets of wisdom such as this, this is why they are important 
for a beginner.

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Re: Associative extends Seqable?

2013-01-19 Thread Ben Wolfson
On Fri, Jan 18, 2013 at 10:31 PM, Stephen Compall wrote:
 First, I have a suggestion for your associative: make `seq' return (map
 vector (iterate inc' 0) (constantly the-const-value)).  This would be a
 correct result, as far as it's possible to observe.

True, but it would break this proposed law:

anAssociative.entryAt(k) returning entry E,
implies that (seq anAssociative) contains E.

You couldn't observe the breakage, but it would still the case that
for many elements of the domain no finite subsequence of the seq
contains those elements.

[(x,y) | x - [0..], y - [0..]] correctly produces all the pairs of
the integers as far as it's possible to observe, but it's still less
correct than a diagonal procedure.

There are other ways to make trouble anyway: it's perfectly possible
to define infinite sets that support conjoining, disjoining, union,
intersection, difference, etc., whether in forms that also support
seq-ing, e.g. sets of multiples of a given integer, or not (or not
obviously to me), in terms of an arbitrary characteristic
function---these not necessarily being infinite, I suppose. But sets
are also counted (twice over, once by extending Counted and once by
extending IPersistentCollection).

 On Fri, 2013-01-18 at 16:16 -0800, Ben Wolfson wrote:
 It may seem less odd if, instead of I can enumerate my contents, you
 take the implication as I can transform my domain forwards.

 In ordinary functions, the domain can be transformed, but the
 transformer function can't go olddomain - newdomain; it has to go
 newdomain - olddomain.  (This also applies to those functions that can,
 given a value, report whether that value is defined for the domain,
 because such functions simply have a total codomain of a particular

 Associatives are related to functions in that converting an associative
 to a function is an injection, and both have domains and codomains.  But
 the way you transform the domain of an associative is backwards from how
 you must for functions: the transformer function goes olddomain -

I don't really understand this. Surely you can, in fact, transform the
domain of an associative the same way you transform the domain of a
function? You could support the associative interface via a function
from newdomain - olddomain + the old associative. (And if you can go
function - associative, couldn't you just transform the domain of the
associative forwards, then stick a function newdomain - codomain in
front of it, thereby transforming the domain of the initial function?)

 Why does this imply enumeration?  You can't use the transformer function
 on lookups; the lookup keys are in newdomain already.  So you must have
 applied that transformer to a data representation of the domain first,
 so that you have a newdomain search space for the key you're looking up.
 You must be able to produce the entire search space during a domain
 transform, which implies an enumeration.  Once you're enumerating the
 domain, you can just apply the associative to produce the codomain, and
 thus, enumerate the contents.

I can see why enumeration implies the ability to transform the domain
forward (modulo a question, below), but not why, in every case, the
forward transformation of the domain implies enumeration.

If the domain transformation function is injective and the associative
maps everything to the same value, then transforming the domain
forward is a no-op: there can't be something in the new domain that
wasn't in the old domain at all, since everything was in the old
domain. All we could do is shuffle elements in the domain around with
respect to what they're associated with. But they're all associated
with the same thing. You don't need to enumerate anything in this

If the domain transformation function is not injective, then I get
very nervous about transforming the domain at all.

Given the map {-2 :x 2 :y} and the domain transformation function #(*
% %), what should the result map be? {4 :x}? {4 :y}? Blowup
(tantamount to requiring an injective function in the first place)?

What actually happens in clojure-land is clearly a function of how you
actually implement the transformation:

user= (defn map-keys [f m] (- m (map (fn [[k v]] [(f k) v])) (into {})))
user= (map-keys #(* % %) {-2 :x 2 :y})
{4 :y}

user= (defn map-keys* [f m] (let [ks (set (keys m))] (apply hash-map
(mapcat (juxt f m) ks
user= (map-keys* #(* % %) {-2 :x 2 :y})
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Duplicate key: 4 (NO_SOURCE_FILE:0)

And of course the fact that we got {4 :y} and not {4 :x} in the first
case is a function of the (arbitrary!) ordering of the result of seq.

But in the end my more fundamental question is: what makes it the case
that associatives can transform their domains forward? AFAICT the
answer is the enumerability of associatives. So, in fact, it has not
helped me to look at the relation between enumerability and forward

Re: Is contributing to clojurescript is intentionally made hard ?

2013-01-19 Thread Andy Fingerhut

On Jan 18, 2013, at 3:52 PM, Sean Corfield wrote:

 On Fri, Jan 18, 2013 at 1:33 PM, Andy Fingerhut wrote:
 The issue that Clojure, its contrib libraries, and ClojureScript do not 
 accept github pull requests has been brought up several times before on this 
 email list in the past.  Feel free to search the Google group for terms like 
 pull request.  Short answer: Rich Hickey prefers a workflow of evaluating 
 patches, not pull requests.  It is easier for him.
 My understanding is that with pull requests it becomes much harder to
 provide accountability for Intellectual Property which is a legal
 concern, and that's why we have a Contributor's Agreement. The patch
 process naturally falls out of the legal CA-covered process since each
 patch is clearly identified as belonging to a specific contributor -
 and submitting a patch comes with the responsibility of vouching for
 the legal status of that submission. Github's pull request process
 makes it all too easy to incorporate code that belongs to a Github
 account holder who is not covered by the legal agreement and places
 the burden of verification on screeners to verify the IP ownership.
 But let's not re-hash the issue of the CA. Folks can just read the
 archives and there's really nothing new to add...

I won't rehash the issue, but will provide direct pointers to a couple of posts 
that led me to believe my statements above.

Here is a link to the whole thread, with many posts on the 
then-just-being-started web site (which I'm pleased to see has 
certainly come a long way since early Oct 2012):!topic/clojure/jWMaop_eVaQ

Scan a down to Jay Fields post from Oct 6 2012, and then to Rich Hickey's 
response later the same day.  I don't have any inside info about Rich's 
preferences for patches outside of such public messages, but it definitely 
seems to be due to workflow preference issues, not legal issues.


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Re: Is contributing to clojurescript is intentionally made hard ?

2013-01-19 Thread Andy Fingerhut

I am curious about the possibility of auto-creating patches from git pull 
requests, in case that would bridge the divide between people that would prefer 
submitting pull requests, and Clojure screeners that would prefer evaluating 
patches and JIRA tickets.

Causing a new git pull request to to auto-create a JIRA ticket with a patch 
sounds easy, but that isn't the whole process.

What about comments that are later added to the pull request?  Are they 
auto-added as comments to the JIRA ticket?

Are comments added to the JIRA ticket auto-added as comments to the pull 

If the JIRA ticket is closed, does that automatically close the github pull 

If the answer to all of the above is yes, already works that way, then I'd be 
willing to spend a little more time looking into it.  Do you have links to any 
info on the tools that enable such behavior?


On Jan 18, 2013, at 5:13 PM, Irakli Gozalishvili wrote:

 At mozilla we also require signing CA but do accept pull requests and there 
 are whole team of legal people that
 makes sure things like that don't raise any legal concerns. After all it's 
 just .patch to the pull request url gives you
 an actual change patch so if reviewing patches is desired it's easy to build 
 a tool that attaches it to JIRA. We in fact
 do that for bugzilla. The good news is that such tools are already written 
 for JIRA so it's just matter of enabling it!

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Proposal: Suppressing tracebacks from clojure.core

2013-01-19 Thread me
Hi all

I've been thinking about how long tracebacks get for pure Clojure errors, 
and it would be really nice if we could hide the Java traceback from the 
compiler when it's not relevant. When there's no Java interop, it's not 
useful. I can't see any case where we want the tracebacks from the compiler 
referencing clojure.core.

I threw together a patch -- I'm sure a seasoned Java developer would find a 
nicer way to do this.

Here's how the tracebacks look at the moment on trunk:

$ more dodgy-map.clj
(defn dodgy-map []
  {:1 :2 :3})
$ java -cp target/clojure-1.5.0-master-SNAPSHOT.jar clojure.main 
Exception in thread main java.lang.RuntimeException: Map literal must 
contain an even number of forms, 
at clojure.lang.Compiler.load(
at clojure.lang.Compiler.loadFile(
at clojure.main$load_script.invoke(main.clj:286)
at clojure.main$script_opt.invoke(main.clj:348)
at clojure.main$main$fn__6676.invoke(main.clj:432)
at clojure.main$main.doInvoke(main.clj:429)
at clojure.lang.RestFn.invoke(
at clojure.lang.Var.invoke(
at clojure.lang.AFn.applyToHelper(
at clojure.lang.Var.applyTo(
at clojure.main.main(
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Map literal must contain an even 
number of forms
at clojure.lang.Util.runtimeException(
at clojure.lang.LispReader$MapReader.invoke(
at clojure.lang.LispReader.readDelimitedList(
at clojure.lang.LispReader$ListReader.invoke(
at clojure.lang.Compiler.load(
... 10 more

If I change src/jvm/clojure/ to:

public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
} catch (Compiler.CompilerException e) {

Then my traceback is simplified to:

$ java -cp target/clojure-1.5.0-master-SNAPSHOT.jar clojure.main 
java.lang.RuntimeException: Map literal must contain an even number of 
forms, compiling:(/home/wilfred/src/clojure/dodgy-map.clj:2:13)

This also means that name errors have shorter tracebacks:

$ more i-dont-exist.clj
(defn no-such-variable []

$ java -cp target/clojure-1.5.0-master-SNAPSHOT.jar clojure.main 
java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to resolve symbol: i-dont-exist in this 
context, compiling:(/home/wilfred/src/clojure/i-dont-exist.clj:1:1)

Of course, there's huge scope for improvement. The reference to 
java.lang.RuntimeException isn't useful. It would be nice to split 
CompilerException into more specific exception classes (SyntaxError, 
NameError etc) so we can print different errors at the top level. This 
simple patch also changes the exit code of the compiler, which is 
undesirable. Finally, it'd need some new unit tests.

Anyway, is this something that is worth opening an issue for? I'd love to 
hear your thoughts.


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Re: Is contributing to clojurescript is intentionally made hard ?

2013-01-19 Thread Michael Klishin
Irakli Gozalishvili:

 If these things are intentionally made hard to stop new people with more 
 clojurescipt interests then please
 make it more clear, cause otherwise it just a motivation killer. 


Over the years, many people have tried raising the question of why 
contributing to Clojure (and ClojureScript, and anything Clojure/core 
involves so many obstacles and bureaucracy. Just search the archives.

Unfortunately, the answer many folks come up with is: Clojure/core don't 
see it as a major problem.
So, my advice to you: forget about it. Contributing to Clojure[Script] 
that do not involve Clojure CA and the existing process is much more 


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Re: Clojure Literature

2013-01-19 Thread Reginald Choudari
Wow, I did not expect the wide range of responses and opinions. A lot of 
valuable information here for a beginner like myself... Thanks to everyone 
who contributed..


On Friday, January 18, 2013 9:46:14 AM UTC-5, Reginald Choudari wrote:

 I am looking for a new Clojure book to get me started on the language. 
 I've been doing some clojure-koans and reading up on web-development with 
 Clojure and am interested to get down to the knitty-gritty... From what 
 I've seen, it looks like the latest Clojure books are from around 
 March/April 2012. Seeing that Clojure is a changing language, I didn't want 
 to buy a book that would quickly become obsolete. 

 From all that I read, this page seemed to be the most comprehensive 
 description of the current state of Clojure literature:

 I'd like to hear if anyone has any recommendations or if there is news of 
 any upcoming books coming out that might be worth waiting for.


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Re: Is contributing to clojurescript is intentionally made hard ?

2013-01-19 Thread Alexey Petrushin

On Saturday, January 19, 2013 11:47:56 PM UTC+4, Andy Fingerhut wrote:

 On Jan 18, 2013, at 3:52 PM, Sean Corfield wrote: 

  On Fri, Jan 18, 2013 at 1:33 PM, Andy Fingerhut javascript: wrote: 
  The issue that Clojure, its contrib libraries, and ClojureScript do not 
 accept github pull requests has been brought up several times before on 
 this email list in the past.  Feel free to search the Google group for 
 terms like pull request.  Short answer: Rich Hickey prefers a workflow of 
 evaluating patches, not pull requests.  It is easier for him. 
  My understanding is that with pull requests it becomes much harder to 
  provide accountability for Intellectual Property which is a legal 
  concern, and that's why we have a Contributor's Agreement. The patch 
  process naturally falls out of the legal CA-covered process since each 
  patch is clearly identified as belonging to a specific contributor - 
  and submitting a patch comes with the responsibility of vouching for 
  the legal status of that submission. Github's pull request process 
  makes it all too easy to incorporate code that belongs to a Github 
  account holder who is not covered by the legal agreement and places 
  the burden of verification on screeners to verify the IP ownership. 
  But let's not re-hash the issue of the CA. Folks can just read the 
  archives and there's really nothing new to add... 

 I won't rehash the issue, but will provide direct pointers to a couple of 
 posts that led me to believe my statements above. 

 Here is a link to the whole thread, with many posts on the 
 then-just-being-started web site (which I'm pleased to 
 see has certainly come a long way since early Oct 2012):!topic/clojure/jWMaop_eVaQ 

 Scan a down to Jay Fields post from Oct 6 2012, and then to Rich Hickey's 
 response later the same day.  I don't have any inside info about Rich's 
 preferences for patches outside of such public messages, but it definitely 
 seems to be due to workflow preference issues, not legal issues. 


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Re: A Working nrepl-ritz Setup?

2013-01-19 Thread fb
On Windows, I had to put the profiles.clj in the Windows home 
directory C:\Users\%user name%\AppData\Roaming, where also .emacs.d 
reesides (see also


Am Mittwoch, 5. Dezember 2012 18:24:20 UTC+1 schrieb Hugo Duncan:

 Timothy Washington javascript: writes: 

  1) I start from an empty *~/.emacs.d/* 
  2) I then populate init.el from the example in 
  3) I open a lein project and run `*M-x nrepl-ritz-jack-in*` 
  **) The error I get back is: 
  *error in process sentinel: Could not start nREPL server: 'ritz-nrepl' 
  not a task. See 'lein help'.* 

 This is actually a lein message, and it is saying that the lein-ritz 
 plugin is not in the :plugins vector of a lein profile. There is an 
 example of setting this up in ~/.lein/profiles.clj on the page you 



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Re: How to (easily) show the advantages of Clojure

2013-01-19 Thread Denis Labaye
On Wed, Jan 16, 2013 at 4:08 PM, Thomas wrote:

 Hi All,

 Something that came up last night in the blank? thread. What is a good way
 to show someone the advantages of Clojure. Something that is simple, not
 too complicated, easily understood, shows a (significant) benefit, etc.

 Any ideas? (As said in the other thread, I have used the blank? example
 from Stuart Halloway to show people the difference).

Open a connection to a service/database/... and mess around with it (for
example a remote db, with a very slow connection initialization).
And show how it's easy to experiment when you always have the JVM up and
Constrast it with Java for example, where when the unit test or the main
method is exited, you have to rebuild the context again.


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Re: Associative extends Seqable?

2013-01-19 Thread Stephen Compall
On Sat, 2013-01-19 at 11:39 -0800, Ben Wolfson wrote:
 You couldn't observe the breakage, but it would still the case that
 for many elements of the domain no finite subsequence of the seq
 contains those elements.

Indeed, it would merely be observably correct, not actually correct.

What do you return for count, though?

 There are other ways to make trouble anyway: it's perfectly possible
 to define infinite sets that support conjoining, disjoining, union,
 intersection, difference, etc., whether in forms that also support
 seq-ing, e.g. sets of multiples of a given integer, or not (or not
 obviously to me), in terms of an arbitrary characteristic
 function---these not necessarily being infinite, I suppose.

Such sets couldn't support forward domain transformation, though,
because membership testing could then fail to terminate.

 I don't really understand this. Surely you can, in fact, transform the
 domain of an associative the same way you transform the domain of a
 function? You could support the associative interface via a function
 from newdomain - olddomain + the old associative.

But you couldn't transform that result's domain with a newdomain -
newhotnessdomain; it would thus no longer be an associative under the
qualification I'm positing.

It would be no different from converting to a function, with a
peculiarly shaped codomain that modeled domain membership testing, then
transforming the domain in the usual way for functions.

 (And if you can go function - associative

But you can't.

 If the domain transformation function is injective and the associative
 maps everything to the same value, then transforming the domain
 forward is a no-op: there can't be something in the new domain that
 wasn't in the old domain at all, since everything was in the old
 domain. All we could do is shuffle elements in the domain around with
 respect to what they're associated with. But they're all associated
 with the same thing. You don't need to enumerate anything in this

Yes; this is the case I described as follows:

The only way you can apply both transformations is if your
domain is vacuous: that is, constant functions like yours are
the only ones that permit domain transform in either direction.

 If the domain transformation function is not injective, then I get
 very nervous about transforming the domain at all.

I would absolutely agree that only injective forward domain
transformations are well-defined.

 But in the end my more fundamental question is: what makes it the case
 that associatives can transform their domains forward? AFAICT the
 answer is the enumerability of associatives. 

My previous email argued that the former implied the latter, rather than
vice versa.  Forward domain transformation via injection seems more
fundamental than enumerability, to me.

 So, in fact, it has not helped me to look at the relation between
 enumerability and forward domain transformability, because I no more
 see why the latter is something that belongs with associating elements
 of a domain with elements of a codomain than I do the former.

Because that definition of associative, associating elements of a
domain with elements of a codomain, is entirely characterized by the
codomain of the associative - function isomorphism.  Such functions
support containsKey, entryAt, assoc, and both valAts.

Because such an isomorphism exists, the only reason to use this
not-a-function is to exploit the extra operations and guarantees by law
we get, and allowing domain transformation this way is a stronger claim
than the ability to override particular mappings.

Stephen Compall
^aCollection allSatisfy: [:each|aCondition]: less is better

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Re: ClojureScript + Jayq Resulting in Error

2013-01-19 Thread Evan Mezeske
A simple observation: Ari, you are using [lein-cljsbuild 0.2.9] while 
Ilia is using version 0.2.10.

Also, you are using [org.clojure/clojurescript 0.0-1450].  I generally do 
not recommend specifying a clojurescript version explicitly -- the version 
that lein-cljsbuild defaults to is the one that it has been tested against 
and is known to work with.  You should only specify a custom version of 
clojurescript if you have a good reason and know exactly what you're doing.


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Re: Is contributing to clojurescript is intentionally made hard ?

2013-01-19 Thread Aaron Cohen
Being the maintainer of an open source problem is a hard task.

Contributing to a project is not a process that begins and ends with code
submissions. In fact, it's often more work for a maintainer to accept a
patch or pull request than it is for him or her to write the equivalent
code himself.

Clojure is hardly the only project that doesn't accept pull requests. The
Linux Kernel and Guava are two that immediately come to mind. For Guava's
rationale, you might read the following: Their
reasons are not identical to Rich's, but the sentiment is similar.

Does this mean you shouldn't even try to contribute? No, of course not.
But, contributions to clojure are definitely less easy to make than to
projects that willy-nilly accept any pull request.

On Sat, Jan 19, 2013 at 3:02 PM, Alexey Petrushin wrote:


 On Saturday, January 19, 2013 11:47:56 PM UTC+4, Andy Fingerhut wrote:

 On Jan 18, 2013, at 3:52 PM, Sean Corfield wrote:

  On Fri, Jan 18, 2013 at 1:33 PM, Andy Fingerhut wrote:
  The issue that Clojure, its contrib libraries, and ClojureScript do
 not accept github pull requests has been brought up several times before on
 this email list in the past.  Feel free to search the Google group for
 terms like pull request.  Short answer: Rich Hickey prefers a workflow of
 evaluating patches, not pull requests.  It is easier for him.
  My understanding is that with pull requests it becomes much harder to
  provide accountability for Intellectual Property which is a legal
  concern, and that's why we have a Contributor's Agreement. The patch
  process naturally falls out of the legal CA-covered process since each
  patch is clearly identified as belonging to a specific contributor -
  and submitting a patch comes with the responsibility of vouching for
  the legal status of that submission. Github's pull request process
  makes it all too easy to incorporate code that belongs to a Github
  account holder who is not covered by the legal agreement and places
  the burden of verification on screeners to verify the IP ownership.
  But let's not re-hash the issue of the CA. Folks can just read the
  archives and there's really nothing new to add...

 I won't rehash the issue, but will provide direct pointers to a couple of
 posts that led me to believe my statements above.

 Here is a link to the whole thread, with many posts on the
 then-just-being-started web site (which I'm pleased to
 see has certainly come a long way since early Oct 2012):**forum/?fromgroups=#!topic/**

 Scan a down to Jay Fields post from Oct 6 2012, and then to Rich Hickey's
 response later the same day.  I don't have any inside info about Rich's
 preferences for patches outside of such public messages, but it definitely
 seems to be due to workflow preference issues, not legal issues.


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Re: Is contributing to clojurescript is intentionally made hard ?

2013-01-19 Thread Aaron Cohen
Also, another blog post dealing with the open source code contribution

On Sat, Jan 19, 2013 at 5:38 PM, Aaron Cohen wrote:

 Being the maintainer of an open source problem is a hard task.

 Contributing to a project is not a process that begins and ends with code
 submissions. In fact, it's often more work for a maintainer to accept a
 patch or pull request than it is for him or her to write the equivalent
 code himself.

 Clojure is hardly the only project that doesn't accept pull requests. The
 Linux Kernel and Guava are two that immediately come to mind. For Guava's
 rationale, you might read the following: Their
 reasons are not identical to Rich's, but the sentiment is similar.

 Does this mean you shouldn't even try to contribute? No, of course not.
 But, contributions to clojure are definitely less easy to make than to
 projects that willy-nilly accept any pull request.

 On Sat, Jan 19, 2013 at 3:02 PM, Alexey Petrushin wrote:


 On Saturday, January 19, 2013 11:47:56 PM UTC+4, Andy Fingerhut wrote:

 On Jan 18, 2013, at 3:52 PM, Sean Corfield wrote:

  On Fri, Jan 18, 2013 at 1:33 PM, Andy Fingerhut wrote:
  The issue that Clojure, its contrib libraries, and ClojureScript do
 not accept github pull requests has been brought up several times before on
 this email list in the past.  Feel free to search the Google group for
 terms like pull request.  Short answer: Rich Hickey prefers a workflow of
 evaluating patches, not pull requests.  It is easier for him.
  My understanding is that with pull requests it becomes much harder to
  provide accountability for Intellectual Property which is a legal
  concern, and that's why we have a Contributor's Agreement. The patch
  process naturally falls out of the legal CA-covered process since each
  patch is clearly identified as belonging to a specific contributor -
  and submitting a patch comes with the responsibility of vouching for
  the legal status of that submission. Github's pull request process
  makes it all too easy to incorporate code that belongs to a Github
  account holder who is not covered by the legal agreement and places
  the burden of verification on screeners to verify the IP ownership.
  But let's not re-hash the issue of the CA. Folks can just read the
  archives and there's really nothing new to add...

 I won't rehash the issue, but will provide direct pointers to a couple
 of posts that led me to believe my statements above.

 Here is a link to the whole thread, with many posts on the
 then-just-being-started web site (which I'm pleased to
 see has certainly come a long way since early Oct 2012):**forum/?fromgroups=#!topic/**

 Scan a down to Jay Fields post from Oct 6 2012, and then to Rich
 Hickey's response later the same day.  I don't have any inside info about
 Rich's preferences for patches outside of such public messages, but it
 definitely seems to be due to workflow preference issues, not legal issues.


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Re: Associative extends Seqable?

2013-01-19 Thread Ben Wolfson
On Sat, Jan 19, 2013 at 1:26 PM, Stephen Compall wrote:
 What do you return for count, though?

I don't currently implement count.

 There are other ways to make trouble anyway: it's perfectly possible
 to define infinite sets that support conjoining, disjoining, union,
 intersection, difference, etc., whether in forms that also support
 seq-ing, e.g. sets of multiples of a given integer, or not (or not
 obviously to me), in terms of an arbitrary characteristic
 function---these not necessarily being infinite, I suppose.

 Such sets couldn't support forward domain transformation, though,
 because membership testing could then fail to terminate.

Given the definition of seq you suggested above, membership testing
for a transformed map will also be in danger of not terminating.
That's the only reason it's not observably incorrect.

But fine---again, it's not clear to me why this makes the sets deficient.

 But you couldn't transform that result's domain with a newdomain -
 newhotnessdomain; it would thus no longer be an associative under the
 qualification I'm positing.


 Yes; this is the case I described as follows:

 The only way you can apply both transformations is if your
 domain is vacuous: that is, constant functions like yours are
 the only ones that permit domain transform in either direction.

[given, I assume, the proviso that the transformed result must be
capable of further forward transformation?]

 But in the end my more fundamental question is: what makes it the case
 that associatives can transform their domains forward? AFAICT the
 answer is the enumerability of associatives.

 My previous email argued that the former implied the latter, rather than
 vice versa.  Forward domain transformation via injection seems more
 fundamental than enumerability, to me.

But there's a case where forward domain transformation is possible
without (correct) enumeration being possible (you don't, contrary to
what you said, need to produce the entire search space), which ought
to scotch that direction of implication.

 So, in fact, it has not helped me to look at the relation between
 enumerability and forward domain transformability, because I no more
 see why the latter is something that belongs with associating elements
 of a domain with elements of a codomain than I do the former.

 Because that definition of associative, associating elements of a
 domain with elements of a codomain, is entirely characterized by the
 codomain of the associative - function isomorphism.  Such functions
 support containsKey, entryAt, assoc, and both valAts.

And without, too. Except that actually they don't support any of them:

user= (.containsKey even? 2)
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No matching method found:
containsKey for class clojure.core$even_QMARK_ (NO_SOURCE_FILE:0)
user= (get even? 2)

And, as Clojure now stands, such functions *can't* honestly support
those operations, because supporting them would require also
supporting seq and count. They can support valAt through ILookUp, but
there are no corresponding independent interfaces for containsKey,
entryAt (both of which you might expect to be in ILookUp), or assoc.
Or without.

In practice, there are lots of reasons to use these not-a-functions
other than extra operations and guarantees. I would not like to have
to write the map {2 :x -2 :y} as #(case % 2 :x -2 :y ::not-found)* and
I suspect the implementation of assoc gains by not being e.g. (fn [m k
v] #(if (= % k) v (m %))), not to mention the implementation of the
maps themselves. In very few cases, I think, has anyone thought
should I use a function or a map? Well, I need forward domain
transformation, so, a map. In the particular case that eventually
prompted my discovery of the inheritance relation mentioned in the
subject of this thread, neither enumeration nor forward domain
transformation was relevant, just assoc and valAt.

* though one could imagine a reader macro to do the relevant transformation.

Now, I would like to use, alongside the full-fledged not-a-functions
that have the various extra operations and guarantees, some
basically-just-a-functions, with the same interface---since the only
operations I'll actually use can be supported by both. But the only
interface that provides get, assoc, and dissoc makes *further*

I don't really care about the name. If there were an interface
IDomainToCodomain, I wouldn't complain that Associative extends
IPersistentCollection and Seqable. (In fact, in that case, Associative
could consist entirely in extending IDomainToCodomain and
IPersistentCollection. (Optimally---from my perspective---there would
additionally be some interface for dissociable things apart from
everything IPersistentMap brings with it.) If that separation were
effected, then the decision whether to use a function or a
not-a-function could be made on the basis of the strength of the
guarantees one requires.


Re: Is contributing to clojurescript is intentionally made hard ?

2013-01-19 Thread Brandon Bloom
 contributions to clojure are definitely less easy to make than to projects
 that willy-nilly accept any pull request.

False dichotomy. Accepting pull requests does not mean you need to be 
willy-nilly about it.

You know how people carefully optimize their signup forms and checkout 
flows? They do this because there's a (very large) category of people who 
simply give up when things aren't immediately obvious. Granted, this 
category is much smaller among the class of folks skilled enough to create 
a desirable Clojure patch. However, the fact that this topic keeps coming 
up suggests that maybe that group is large enough to pay attention too.

As the Clojure implementations evolve, fewer and fewer people will discover 
issues large enough to justify diving into the code base to fix them. Most 
people just work around the issues. If somebody takes the initiative to 
properly fix an issue, we shouldn't add yet another hurdle discouraging 
them from contributing.

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Re: Is contributing to clojurescript is intentionally made hard ?

2013-01-19 Thread Brandon Bloom
Aaron, please forgive my failure at formalities: Allow me to add that I 
agree with the rest of your post.

The Linux kernel and Guava guys are absolutely right about patches 
defaulting to the rejected state. I'm a big believer in the minus 100 
points philosophy.

It's just that I just really hate JIRA.

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Re: Is contributing to clojurescript is intentionally made hard ?

2013-01-19 Thread Softaddicts
Yep, tools to maintain tickets suck, Jira, Mantis,...

However, having Clojure code in production 24/7 and ClojureScript code 
reaching production status in a month or so, I feel reassured that a 
maintenance process
is in place and that patch screening is tight.

We have enough doing the same thing here with our own code, I wonder how we 
fare if the layers we are building upon were not tightly managed as possible 
the limited resources. Building pyramids on sand is not my cup of tea.

Nobody yet has invented a maintenance process relying on thin air.
Wether you accept or not pull requests is like focusing on the tree and not 
the forest.

There's a documented maintenance/enhancement process, it may look rigid
but unless someone makes a formal proposal for a full maintenance workflow
with human costs and benefits, I would rather stick with this one.

Luc P.

 Aaron, please forgive my failure at formalities: Allow me to add that I 
 agree with the rest of your post.
 The Linux kernel and Guava guys are absolutely right about patches 
 defaulting to the rejected state. I'm a big believer in the minus 100 
 points philosophy.
 It's just that I just really hate JIRA.
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Re: a question about running embedded jetty

2013-01-19 Thread Feng Shen
I did not know #'app is for reload.  It's very helpful. Thanks.

On Saturday, January 19, 2013 5:26:06 PM UTC+8, Baishampayan Ghose wrote:

 On Sat, Jan 19, 2013 at 5:24 AM, faenvie javascript: 
  i have learned that for a ring/compojure-app the embedded jetty 
  service can be started like this: 
  (def app (handler/site routes)) 
  (defn start [port] 
(ring/run-jetty (var app) {:port (or port 8080) 
   :join? false})) 
  can anyone explain, what is the var for ? why '(var app)' or #'app ? 
  i found some remarks about being able to change the app without 
  having to restart the server but how exactly does this relate ? 

 If you pass in the app as it is, then the var gets evaluated to the 
 function that the var refers to and the jetty adapter uses that 
 function to run the server. 

 Now if you recompile your ring handlers (aka functions) the same app 
 var will get rebound to a new function while the jetty server will 
 continue holding on to the old handler function, so if you refresh the 
 page, etc. you won't see the change on your browser. You will have to 
 kill the server and restart jetty. 

 If you pass just the var instead, jetty holds on to the container (the 
 var) and not the value. The jetty-adapter derefs the var on every 
 request and sends the response back. As a result if you recompile your 
 handlers you'll see the effects immediately without restarting the 

 The derefing has a penalty, albeit minor. Thus, you may choose to not 
 pass in the app as a var in production deployments. 


 Baishampayan Ghose 
 b.ghose at 

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Re: How to (easily) show the advantages of Clojure

2013-01-19 Thread Tim Cross
I think it depends a lot on your audience. For example, java spring 
programmers are likely going to be impressed by the simplicity and speed at 
which you can get a project started, especially when using lein and being 
able to avoid the common load of bolerplate java, xml, etc. Programmers 
familiar with database development etc, may appreciate the STM more, lisp 
programmers will likely be impressed by how easy it is to take advantage of 
the huge wealth of existing Java APIs and managers may be impressed by the 
fact things can be deployed under the existing ecosystem. 

There is no single answer, but a little research into what type of audience 
you are addressing will help. Try and find out what some of the current 
'pain points' are with their current environment. This could be testing, it 
could be deployment, it could be the ability to make rapid changes, handle 
concurrency issues, prototyping, cumbersome code, build test cycles etc. If 
you know this, you can structure examples that will clearly show the 
relevance and likely generate some excitement etc.


On Thursday, January 17, 2013 2:08:41 AM UTC+11, Thomas wrote:

 Hi All,

 Something that came up last night in the blank? thread. What is a good way 
 to show someone the advantages of Clojure. Something that is simple, not 
 too complicated, easily understood, shows a (significant) benefit, etc.

 Any ideas? (As said in the other thread, I have used the blank? example 
 from Stuart Halloway to show people the difference).


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Re: Associative extends Seqable?

2013-01-19 Thread Stephen Compall
On Sat, 2013-01-19 at 14:56 -0800, Ben Wolfson wrote:

  Such sets couldn't support forward domain transformation, though,
  because membership testing could then fail to terminate.
 Given the definition of seq you suggested above, membership testing
 for a transformed map will also be in danger of not terminating.
 That's the only reason it's not observably incorrect.

Domain transformation need not be implemented with enumeration, as in
the case of vacuous domains, as it is not permitted for the transform to
do something like exclude keys that were present in the old domain.

 But fine---again, it's not clear to me why this makes the sets deficient.

You can test for membership of infinite sets like the even integers very
quickly.  Once an arbitrary injection is applied, though, it is more

  The only way you can apply both transformations is if your
  domain is vacuous: that is, constant functions like yours are
  the only ones that permit domain transform in either direction.
 [given, I assume, the proviso that the transformed result must be
 capable of further forward transformation?]

Of course. :)

  But in the end my more fundamental question is: what makes it the case
  that associatives can transform their domains forward? AFAICT the
  answer is the enumerability of associatives.
  My previous email argued that the former implied the latter, rather than
  vice versa.  Forward domain transformation via injection seems more
  fundamental than enumerability, to me.
 But there's a case where forward domain transformation is possible
 without (correct) enumeration being possible (you don't, contrary to
 what you said, need to produce the entire search space), which ought
 to scotch that direction of implication.

That's fair.  The slightly stronger claim of Associative, then, is
useful for its exclusion of constant functions.

  Because that definition of associative, associating elements of a
  domain with elements of a codomain, is entirely characterized by the
  codomain of the associative - function isomorphism.

Apologies, I should have said monomorphism; indeed, there are no
isomorphisms given the definitions I'm using :]

  Such functions support containsKey, entryAt, assoc, and both
 And without, too. Except that actually they don't support any of them:
 user= (.containsKey even? 2)
 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No matching method found:
 containsKey for class clojure.core$even_QMARK_ (NO_SOURCE_FILE:0)
 user= (get even? 2)

Yes; Clojure can't discriminate this kind of function, so implementing
even that subset of Associative I mentioned couldn't be done safely. We
can write them, though, applying the needed constraints ourselves if you
wish safety.

;; A total function whose codomain represents both boundedness and the
;; values of some other function.
(def-alias Kma (TFn [[x :variance :contravariant]
 [y :variance :covariant]]
(Fn [x - (Option (Vector* y))])))

(ann associative-kma
 (All [a b] (Fn [(IPersistentMap a b) - (Kma a b)])))
(defn associative-kma
  This is *the* associative - function monomorphism, because it is
isomorphic to all other associative - function monomorphisms.
  (fn [k] (if-let [[_ v] (find m k)]

(ann entry-at
 (All [a b] (Fn [(Kma a b) a - (Option (Vector* a b))])))
(defn entry-at
  As with entryAt.
  [kma k]
  (if-let [[v] (kma k)]
[k v]))

(ann val-at
 (All [a b] (Fn [(Kma a b) a - (Option b)]
[(Kma a b) a b - b])))
(defn val-at
  As with valAt.
  ([kma k] (first (kma k)))
  ([kma k o] (if-let [[v] (kma k)]

(ann assoc'
 (All [a b] (Fn [(Kma a b) a b - (Kma a b)])))
(defn assoc'
  Preserves the earlier law suggested for assoc.
  [kma k v]
  (fn [k'] (if (= k k') [v] (kma k'

(ann contains?'
 (All [a b] (Fn [(Kma a b) a - Boolean])))
(defn contains?'
  [kma k]
  (if (kma k) true false))  ;yeah I know

 I suspect the implementation of assoc gains by not being e.g. (fn [m k
 v] #(if (= % k) v (m %))), not to mention the implementation of the
 maps themselves.

Agreed.  However, a general assoc could detect when you are using a
specialized representation of function, preserving compatibility with
something like Kma.

 In very few cases, I think, has anyone thought should I use a function
 or a map? Well, I need forward domain transformation, so, a map.

I imagine it goes on indirectly, that is to say well, I need [some
implication of forward domain transformation], so, a map.

 * though one could imagine a reader macro to do the relevant transformation.

Aye, what is {}, after all?

 I don't really care about the name. If there were an interface
 IDomainToCodomain, I wouldn't complain that Associative extends
 IPersistentCollection and Seqable. (In fact, in that case, Associative
 could consist entirely in extending 

[ANN] Leiningen 2.0.0 released

2013-01-19 Thread Phil Hagelberg

Greetings fellow Clojure people.

I've just pushed out the final release of Leiningen 2.0.0. The changes
since the last release candidate have mostly been minor bugfixes.
Highlights since 1.x include profiles, a much-improved REPL, signature
support, partial application of aliases, offline mode, faster search,
and much more. If you're interested in the full list you can check out here:

As mentioned earlier in the RC cycle, if you've been tracking the
development plans for Leiningen 2, you may be curious to note that the
above does not include a switch to the Clojars releases repository. We
ran into a number of unforeseen technical problems with the promotion
process to the releases repository and want to give library authors more
time to get their artifacts promoted. For the time being Leiningen's
behaviour regarding Clojars remains unchanged.

You should be able to pull in the latest release with `lein upgrade`[1].
Please report any issues to either the Librelist mailing list or the
GitHub issue tracker:

Thanks to everyone who contributed to make this release happen.


[1] - There was a bug in certain preview releases that may make it
necessary to run `lein upgrade 2.0.0` instead.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Is contributing to clojurescript is intentionally made hard ?

2013-01-19 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili
I think Brandon, in fact I discovered bunch of clojurescript bugs while working 
on my wisp project but since submitting and fixing them felt like too much work 
I just ignored them. Unfortunately I keep looking into my fixes now to back 
port them to cljs_in_cljs.  

I also absolutely agree if issues keeps coming up that certainly means there is 
a problem worth looking into 

Irakli Gozalishvili

On Saturday, 2013-01-19 at 14:57 , Brandon Bloom wrote:

  contributions to clojure are definitely less easy to make than to projects
  that willy-nilly accept any pull request.
 False dichotomy. Accepting pull requests does not mean you need to be 
 willy-nilly about it.
 You know how people carefully optimize their signup forms and checkout flows? 
 They do this because there's a (very large) category of people who simply 
 give up when things aren't immediately obvious. Granted, this category is 
 much smaller among the class of folks skilled enough to create a desirable 
 Clojure patch. However, the fact that this topic keeps coming up suggests 
 that maybe that group is large enough to pay attention too.
 As the Clojure implementations evolve, fewer and fewer people will discover 
 issues large enough to justify diving into the code base to fix them. Most 
 people just work around the issues. If somebody takes the initiative to 
 properly fix an issue, we shouldn't add yet another hurdle discouraging them 
 from contributing. 
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Re: Is contributing to clojurescript is intentionally made hard ?

2013-01-19 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili
As of comments related to projects that also make contributions hard that's 
their choice, and I really hope clojure community will do better than that. I 
also know that sometimes rewriting patch is a lot less work than making 
someones contribution acceptable, my day job involves all of that, but still we 
help people trying to contribute regardless sometimes that means they send in 
copies of files :) Never the less we work with them so people are still 
encouraged to contribute, over the time level of these contributions also 
grows. Turning them away is just strange to me. And yes at mozilla we do code 
that is production and used by billions of people over the world and being 
helpful to contributors never had being harmful in doing that.

Irakli Gozalishvili

On Saturday, 2013-01-19 at 15:08 , Brandon Bloom wrote:

 Aaron, please forgive my failure at formalities: Allow me to add that I agree 
 with the rest of your post.
 The Linux kernel and Guava guys are absolutely right about patches defaulting 
 to the rejected state. I'm a big believer in the minus 100 points 
 It's just that I just really hate JIRA. 
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Re: Is contributing to clojurescript is intentionally made hard ?

2013-01-19 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili
On Saturday, 2013-01-19 at 11:56 , Andy Fingerhut wrote:
 I am curious about the possibility of auto-creating patches from git pull 
 requests, in case that would bridge the divide between people that would 
 prefer submitting pull requests, and Clojure screeners that would prefer 
 evaluating patches and JIRA tickets.
 Causing a new git pull request to to auto-create a JIRA ticket with a patch 
 sounds easy, but that isn't the whole process.
 What about comments that are later added to the pull request?  Are they 
 auto-added as comments to the JIRA ticket?
 Are comments added to the JIRA ticket auto-added as comments to the pull 
 If the JIRA ticket is closed, does that automatically close the github pull 
 If the answer to all of the above is yes, already works that way, then I'd 
 be willing to spend a little more time looking into it.  Do you have links to 
 any info on the tools that enable such behavior?

I'm afraid I don't have answers to those questions it's just someone have 
pointed out this link

in the pull request I created when it was closed down. Bugzilla integration 
does all of these, but syncing comments. Maybe support for JIRA is better or 
worth, I have no way of trying that out as I don't have access to JIRA.
 On Jan 18, 2013, at 5:13 PM, Irakli Gozalishvili wrote:
  At mozilla we also require signing CA but do accept pull requests and there 
  are whole team of legal people that
  makes sure things like that don't raise any legal concerns. After all it's 
  just .patch to the pull request url gives you
  an actual change patch so if reviewing patches is desired it's easy to 
  build a tool that attaches it to JIRA. We in fact
  do that for bugzilla. The good news is that such tools are already written 
  for JIRA so it's just matter of enabling it!
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Re: Is contributing to clojurescript is intentionally made hard ?

2013-01-19 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili
Than Sean for pointing to that thread that's helpful although that got me 
wondering if Rich is only one
doing the reviews ? If that's not the case maybe there at least on maintainer 
that is willing to bridge the
gap here ?

I really hope someone will step up to bridge the gap, maybe setup a fork and 
then forward contributions as a
patches to JIRA so people who love patches will look at them instead.

Irakli Gozalishvili

On Saturday, 2013-01-19 at 11:47 , Andy Fingerhut wrote:

 On Jan 18, 2013, at 3:52 PM, Sean Corfield wrote:
  On Fri, Jan 18, 2013 at 1:33 PM, Andy Fingerhut ( wrote:
   The issue that Clojure, its contrib libraries, and ClojureScript do not 
   accept github pull requests has been brought up several times before on 
   this email list in the past. Feel free to search the Google group for 
   terms like pull request. Short answer: Rich Hickey prefers a workflow 
   of evaluating patches, not pull requests. It is easier for him.
  My understanding is that with pull requests it becomes much harder to
  provide accountability for Intellectual Property which is a legal
  concern, and that's why we have a Contributor's Agreement. The patch
  process naturally falls out of the legal CA-covered process since each
  patch is clearly identified as belonging to a specific contributor -
  and submitting a patch comes with the responsibility of vouching for
  the legal status of that submission. Github's pull request process
  makes it all too easy to incorporate code that belongs to a Github
  account holder who is not covered by the legal agreement and places
  the burden of verification on screeners to verify the IP ownership.
  But let's not re-hash the issue of the CA. Folks can just read the
  archives and there's really nothing new to add...
 I won't rehash the issue, but will provide direct pointers to a couple of 
 posts that led me to believe my statements above.
 Here is a link to the whole thread, with many posts on the 
 then-just-being-started ( web site 
 (which I'm pleased to see has certainly come a long way since early Oct 2012):!topic/clojure/jWMaop_eVaQ
 Scan a down to Jay Fields post from Oct 6 2012, and then to Rich Hickey's 
 response later the same day. I don't have any inside info about Rich's 
 preferences for patches outside of such public messages, but it definitely 
 seems to be due to workflow preference issues, not legal issues.
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Re: Is contributing to clojurescript is intentionally made hard ?

2013-01-19 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili
I would be curious to also see number of lost contributors.

Irakli Gozalishvili

On Saturday, 2013-01-19 at 22:00 , David Nolen wrote:

 I have nothing to add to this thread beyond pointing out that ClojureScript 
 has had _51_ contributors in the short year and a half of its existence:
 Via JIRA.
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Re: Is contributing to clojurescript is intentionally made hard ?

2013-01-19 Thread Irakli Gozalishvili
Anyway it's seems to me that message in this thread is pretty clear:

We're just doing fine without people like you

It's a shame, but whatever I'll just shut up and let you guys roll as you 

Irakli Gozalishvili

On Saturday, 2013-01-19 at 22:31 , Irakli Gozalishvili wrote:

 I would be curious to also see number of lost contributors.
 Irakli Gozalishvili
 On Saturday, 2013-01-19 at 22:00 , David Nolen wrote:
  I have nothing to add to this thread beyond pointing out that ClojureScript 
  has had _51_ contributors in the short year and a half of its existence:
  Via JIRA.
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Re: [ANN] Leiningen 2.0.0 released

2013-01-19 Thread Peter Taoussanis
Hey, congratulations!

Thank you so much Phil and everyone else for making this happen. I still 
remember the pre-Leiningen 1 days with the occasional dependency-script 
PTSD flashback.

Lein 2 is a great big step up from 1. All kinds of awesome. Well done!

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Re: Is contributing to clojurescript is intentionally made hard ?

2013-01-19 Thread Dave Sann
It is great that questions are being asked about how things do, might or 
should work - but tone of the original question and the ensuing discussion, 
in my view, unfortunate.

On Sunday, 20 January 2013 17:36:11 UTC+11, Irakli Gozalishvili wrote:

  Anyway it's seems to me that message in this thread is pretty clear:

 We're just doing fine without people like you

 It's a shame, but whatever I'll just shut up and let you guys roll as you 

 Irakli Gozalishvili

 On Saturday, 2013-01-19 at 22:31 , Irakli Gozalishvili wrote:

  I would be curious to also see number of lost contributors.

 Irakli Gozalishvili

 On Saturday, 2013-01-19 at 22:00 , David Nolen wrote:

 I have nothing to add to this thread beyond pointing out that 
 ClojureScript has had _51_ contributors in the short year and a half of its 

 Via JIRA.


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