Re: Core Data with ODBC databases?

2013-10-17 Thread Brad Gibbs
I don’t have a degree in comp sci and, while I program in Cocoa and Rails on a 
daily basis, it’s not my primary job function, so, I’m sure I don’t fully 
appreciate a statement like “Core Data has no semantics for asynchronous, 
failed, or cancelable operations.”  I’m not in any way trying to pick a fight 
with anyone.  I want to build an app to help run my small business.  I want to 
provide a way for my employees, who are scattered across the country, to be 
able to share data to make our business more efficient and more scaleable.

A pure Rails app served through a browser seems to be a well-accepted 
multi-user database solution, allowing thousands to interact with the same set 
of data simultaneously.  It also seems fairly common to use Rails as a back-end 
for native iOS and OS X apps (hence, the popularity of AFNetworking).  The 
problem seems to be injecting Core Data into that mix.  Is that a fair summary?

IMO, Core Data makes creating and updating the UI much more straight-forward.  
And, it makes view controllers thinner.  It’s a good fit for the rest of Cocoa. 
It may be because the only tool I have is a hammer, but fighting to bring Core 
Data into the picture seems like a worthwhile endeavor.

I believe there are two options to use CD locally with a Rails API backend:

1.  Manual.  Core Data attributes are serialized into JSON objects and sent to 
the server.  JSON comes back and is manually parsed to update affected objects. 
 My understanding is that typically, a MOC on the main thread is backed by a 
second MOC on a background thread.  The backing MOC handles requests to and 
responses from the server asynchronously and changes bubble up from a 
managedObjectContextDidSave: notification.  Are there serious concerns about 
this method?  Or, is it just the use of NSIncrementalStore that’s at issue?

2.  AF/NSIncrementalStore.  CD itself may not be asynchronous, but the network 
calls to the Rails API are asynchronous and cancelable, and, we get notified if 
they fail.  Again, I’m no expert here, but it seems that the introduction of 
NSURLSession and background fetching along with real time web apps (via 
something like improve the situation.  If an NSURLSessionDataTask 
fails, notify the user and rollback the local store.  I know there was an issue 
with the synchronous nature of CD and temporary vs. permanent managedObjectIDs, 
but AFIncrementalStore seems to have solved this. 

I’m looking forward to seeing what Matt Thompson does with AFIncrementalStore 
once the dust has settled on AFNetworking 2.0.

On Oct 16, 2013, at 7:46 PM, Kyle Sluder wrote:

 On Wed, Oct 16, 2013, at 04:26 PM, Alex Kac wrote:
 Can’t you use NSIncrementalStore to talk with REST services as a backend
 for Core Data? I remember seeing some articles on this.
 You can, and many people have tried, but it inevitably fails because
 Core Data has no semantics for asynchonous, failed, or cancellable
 Don't use NSIncrementalStore for remote operations until Apple fixes the
 --Kyle Sluder
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Re: Core Data with ODBC databases?

2013-10-17 Thread Brad Gibbs
Flavio responded while I was editing, so, this is just re-iterating some of his 

I’m not sure whether you (Dru) were responding to my post, or just responding 
to the thread, in general.

Using a Rails API-based backend with a PostgreSQL database means that Core Data 
doesn’t have to scale at all. Postgres and the Rails API need to be scaleable, 
but, that’s exactly what they’re designed for.  Core Data is still a local 
cache being used by a single user, but instead of persisting to the local disk, 
it’s persisting to the Postgres server.  There are issues there revolving 
around cache policies, etc., but, I think NSURLSessiion and background fetching 
will ease a lot of that pain.

As for two people making changes to a record simultaneously, it would be 
handled in the same way a Rails web app would handle it.  Rails and Postgres 
have been designed for this use case.

As for large data sets, that’s part of the beauty of the NSIncrementalStore 
approach.  In its purest form, the full data set wouldn’t exist on any one 
user’s device.  Instead, NSIncrementalStore would fetch the data requested by 
the user from the server, as needed, by firing faults.  If NSIncrementalStore 
worked as advertised, there would be no need to persist the entire data set to 
a user’s device.  

Additionally, mobile apps would probably be written for specific uses.  Maybe 
the entire company’s data set is 10GB, but the sales team really only needs 
access to 1GB of that information and perhaps even less for a mobile app while 
they’re in the field.

I honestly don’t know whether Apple has provided a “complete enough” stub-out 
with NSIncrementalStore.  Mattt and Heroku seem to think so.  It seems like 
there are still some hurdles to overcome with the current implementation of 
AFIncrementalStore.  I’m assuming that Mattt is laying the groundwork in 
AFNetworking 2.0 first, and will then come back to AFIS, update it for AFN 2.0 
and work out some of the remaining kinks.

I think there’s a huge need for something like this in SMB.  iCloud + Core Data 
doesn’t serve the purpose, whether it works or not.  It took Apple 2+ years to 
provide any real documentation for NSIS and there’s no sample code from Apple.  
Maybe that’s because it doesn’t / can’t work, or, maybe it’s just not high 
enough on their list of priorities.

Has anyone seen a non-trivial example of NSIS or AFIS with multiple entities, 
relationships and a complete CRUD implementation?  Not the sample code that’s 
packaged with AFIS, but something more substantial?

On Oct 17, 2013, at 8:23 AM, Andrew Satori wrote:

 Actually, there is no reason CoreData can't be used in this manner, but there 
 are things that will have to be dealt with outside of CoreData.  How do you 
 deal with two people making changes to the same record concurrently as an 
 example ( this is not an issue exclusive to CoreData, but multi-user design 
 ).  How do you deal with scalability issues when you have data sets that 
 start creeping into the 5 or 10gb ranges? But the big one that I see with 
 CoreData powered web apps is something that boils down to a design pattern.  
 In the easiest deployment model, you are looking at using CGI, which means 
 that your server app runs in very short lifecycles and when multiple requests 
 come in you get multiple instances of the same CGI application running and 
 accessing the same CoreData data files at the same time.  This is an access 
 model that can be problematical. You can work around it, and honestly, Cocoa 
 makes that fairly easy to do, but it is something that has to be dealt with. 
 The net result is this (IMO, and it is just that Opinion): CoreData is 
 incredibly powerful and a truly fantastic tool well designed and well 
 implemented to meet it's primary goal of serving as a robust data store for 
 Cocoa applications.  Though it has many features that enable it to play 
 against larger scale RDBMS platforms for small implementations, it is not a 
 full on RDBMS system.  When you start talking server class applications with 
 multi-user access and large datasets, it is time to look beyond the CoreData 
 world.  I generally advocate starting in the RDBMS world if a project has any 
 potential to scale beyond CoreData simply because there is not a good 
 migration path from CoreData to something larger.  
 I find this frustrating, because EO was truly revolutionary and even today 
 competes well against similar projects, and it hasn't been actively updated 
 for at LEAST 
 5 years.  
 On Oct 17, 2013, at 8:05 AM, Brad Gibbs wrote:
 I don’t have a degree in comp sci and, while I program in Cocoa and Rails on 
 a daily basis, it’s not my primary job function, so, I’m sure I don’t fully 
 appreciate a statement like “Core Data has no semantics for asynchronous, 
 failed, or cancelable operations.”  I’m not in any way trying to pick a 
 fight with anyone.  I want to build an app

Re: Core Data with ODBC databases?

2013-10-17 Thread Brad Gibbs
Mattt also has a Rack Middleware project called Rack::CoreData that links to a 
Core Data model and builds out a RESTful web service based on the Core Data 

and a more comprehensive solution that incorporates AFIS, AFN, Rack::CoreData, 
Passbook and a bunch of other goodies — Helios.

On Oct 17, 2013, at 11:51 AM, Flavio Donadio wrote:

 [...] if you use CoreData on the server as well, you get into issues where 
 things are a little more complex.
 Well, this is a path that I'm pretty much convinced that wouldn't work. 
 Almost everyone on this list told me it would be a bad idea.
 But it would solve the two identical models in different formats problem 
 that I was talking about. And create a lot of other problems, for sure. ;)
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Re: Core Data with ODBC databases?

2013-10-17 Thread Brad Gibbs

Between background fetches and server-sent events (like , local data 
is going to be updated more often, and, therefore, in smaller chunks.  Instead 
of logging in after 24 hours of inactivity and needing to fetch everything that 
has happened in the past 24 hours, your app is going to be fetching small 
chunks of data all by itself during that 24-hour period and should be 
more-or-less up-to-date at launch.

There could be cases where someone wants to access blueprints or some 
engineering document that’s several megabytes in size, but those operations 
could be conducted through an NSURLSessionConfiguration where 
allowsCellularAccess is set to NO.  

Optionally, you could add a parameter in the JSON request informing the server 
that the user is on a cellular network and the server could decide whether 
they’re requesting too much information for the connection.  If a user is 
trying to access some large data set over a 3G network, you could post an alert 
informing them it ain’t gonna happen until they get back on wifi.

The point is, Rails is as popular as it is largely because it makes assumptions 
and takes a convention over configuration approach to the most common problems. 
 Maybe something like AFIS can solve 80% of the most common problems elegantly 
and leave room for devs to solve the remaining 20% on a case-by-case basis.

On Oct 17, 2013, at 11:45 AM, Scott Ribe wrote:

 On Oct 17, 2013, at 9:19 AM, Brad Gibbs wrote:
 As for large data sets, that’s part of the beauty of the NSIncrementalStore 
 approach.  In its purest form, the full data set wouldn’t exist on any one 
 user’s device.  Instead, NSIncrementalStore would fetch the data requested 
 by the user from the server, as needed, by firing faults.  If 
 NSIncrementalStore worked as advertised, there would be no need to persist 
 the entire data set to a user’s device.  
 Which works fine as long as users have always-on connectivity, with 
 reasonably good bandwidth  latency, and the data they need to work with is 
 not too huge.
 That's not to pick on you or the particular solution, just to point out that 
 one reason that there is not a single good solution in this space is that 
 there is no one-size-fits-all solution simply because there are too many 
 variables to allow that.
 I think there’s a huge need for something like this in SMB.
 Agreed. Probably assuming always-on connectivity, since people usually have 
 3G or 4G. Do a decent job with managing bandwidth demands and controlling the 
 number of requests/responses, and in cases where the bandwidth/latency is not 
 good enough for a decent user experience, oh well...
 Scott Ribe
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Re: Core Data with ODBC databases?

2013-10-17 Thread Brad Gibbs
You make some great points, Jens.

Yes, the scenario I’m considering is a Rails server, hosted on Heroku, backed 
by a Postgres database.

Regarding your point about Core Data not being atomic:
1.  It sounds like a perfectly reasonable and valid argument, but, then, why 
would Apple release NSIncrementalStore at all?  What purpose would it serve?  
Was it just a mistake on their part?  Something they didn’t think through 
fully?  I believe you used to be an Apple employee.  I’ve known a couple Apple 
software engineers and they’re not dumb people, by any stretch.  Was this just 
a complete oversight, or is there some other intended use for NSIS that 
actually makes sense?

2.  To make this more concrete, one of the objects in the app I’m pondering is 
a Project.  The Project has attributes and relationships to other objects, like 
Phases, Products, LaborEntries, etc.  The Project will have an owner (the 
Project Manager) and there might be one or two others with write access to make 
changes to a Project.  

If I’m being wildly optimistic, I may one day have 50 users who can all view 
some or all of the Project information, but only three of whom may edit it.  
Say one of the users with write access edits the Project by changing five of 
its attributes.  Before the user is allowed to move to another view to edit a 
different object or view another Project, he is required to confirm that he 
wants the changes to be saved.  If the save is confirmed, an 
NSManagedObjectContextDidSave notification fires.  At that point, the userInfo 
dictionary contains a single object — the updated Project in the userInfo’s 
NSUpdatedObjects dictionary.  That Project object is then serialized and POSTed 
to the server. 

It’s possible that one of the other two users with write access could be making 
changes to one of those five fields at the same time.  If this happens, 
whichever save operation happens last wins and this could produce some 
undesirable consequences if the person who posted the second commit entered 
incorrect information.  BUT, unless both users confirm their changes at 
precisely the same moment, isn’t it more-or-less equivalent to two transactions 
where the last one in wins?  In other words, if the app is written such that 
users are forced to commit changes frequently enough, doesn’t it at some point 
become a transaction?

Furthermore, with server-sent events (a la, if two users are editing 
the same project simultaneously and one commits his changes, the other will be 
notified of the changes immediately and will know if he is overwriting changes 
someone else made (seeing a record change while you’re looking at it could take 
some getting used to…).

I can definitely see how this lack of atomicity could cause serious problems if 
you’ve got 10,000 users with edit permissions and users can make several 
changes to several objects before committing, but, in this particular use case, 
maybe it isn’t a big enough issue to throw the baby out with the bathwater?

What better options should I look at, instead?  My company is three employees 
strong at the moment and we’re never going to be on the same LAN.  I’ve looked 
at CouchBase, but I’m not sure NoSQL is the right fit.

On Oct 17, 2013, at 12:49 PM, Jens Alfke wrote:

 On Oct 17, 2013, at 8:19 AM, Brad Gibbs wrote:
 Core Data is still a local cache being used by a single user, but instead of 
 persisting to the local disk, it’s persisting to the Postgres server. 
 But not directly, right? You said there was a Rails app in the middle serving 
 up a REST API.
 As for two people making changes to a record simultaneously, it would be 
 handled in the same way a Rails web app would handle it.  Rails and Postgres 
 have been designed for this use case.
 It’s been a while since I used Rails, but the typical way that a 
 database-driven app manages this is using transactions. Begin transaction, 
 update rows, end transaction. That makes all the updates atomic.
 But NSIncrementalStore doesn’t have a notion of a transaction, because 
 CoreData doesn’t care about concurrency, because it’s not multi-user. So if 
 your Core Data app makes a bunch of changes, they’re going to be sent to the 
 store, which is going to send them off as individual PUT/POST/DELETE 
 requests. These can’t be handled atomically by the server; they’re 
 independent requests. So they can be interleaved with other updates being 
 made by other clients, causing trouble. Or one of them might fail for some 
 reason, but then there’s no way to back out to a consistent state; more 
 As for large data sets, that’s part of the beauty of the NSIncrementalStore 
 approach.  In its purest form, the full data set wouldn’t exist on any one 
 user’s device.  Instead, NSIncrementalStore would fetch the data requested 
 by the user from the server, as needed, by firing faults.  If 
 NSIncrementalStore worked as advertised, there would

Re: Core Data with ODBC databases?

2013-10-17 Thread Brad Gibbs
Thanks again, Jens, for the lengthy and thoughtful response.  I’ve been looking 
at Couchbase for a couple of years now (wasn’t it initially called Couchbase 
Mobile?), and I’ve used Blip in the past.  Great stuff.

I read through some of the Couchbase Lite conceptual documentation.  Since 
we’ve been focusing on conflict resolution, I was particularly interested in 
that section.  Couchbase Lite’s conceptual documentation regarding Conflict 
Resolution and Revisions doesn’t, at first glance (and after a glass of wine — 
it’s okay, I’m on the East Coast, where it’s after 7pm), appear to be all that 
different from NSIncrementalStore’s.  From Apple’s NSIncrementalStore 
Programming Guide: Best Practices:

Optimistic Locking

Optimistic locking is a mechanism in Core Data that gives the persistent store 
coordinator the ability to detect when in-memory conflicts occur and also 
handle when your incremental store detects that another client has made changes 
the backing store;
Core Data manages multiple in-memory snapshots of your data, holding each 
snapshot inside a managed object context. When you insert, update, or delete 
managed objects in one context, that change is not reflected in other contexts. 
This allows you to do work on multiple contexts in different threads 
simultaneously without worrying about merge conflicts. Merging is deferred 
until the contexts are saved to the store. At that point, the merge policy you 
specify is applied by the persistent store coordinator.
To facilitate the persistent store coordinator’s in-memory locking mechanism, 
your store should store a version number for each record in the backing store 
and increment it every time that record is saved.
Detecting conflicts in the backing store is the responsibility of your custom 
incremental store. A conflict in the backing data store happens when records in 
the backing data store are changed by another persistent store coordinator or 
another client.
For example, a client could fetch data from a web service and modify it. In the 
meantime, another client could fetch data from the web service, modify the 
records, and save. When the first client goes to save, your incremental store 
compares the optimistic locking version number of the incremental store node 
and the version number in the backing store and reports the conflict to the 
persistent store coordinator. The coordinator detects a merge conflict, and 
applies your merge policy.
Optimistic locking failures are encountered when processing a save request 
inside executeRequest:withContext:error:. To report an optimistic locking 
failure in the backing data store, constructNSMergeConflict objects for each 
conflicting object in the save request, set the error parameter, and return nil 
from the method. You should not attempt to partially fulfill the save request. 
See theNSMergeConflict Class Reference for more information.

The sections that follow I think are also applicable to the conversation:

Working with Web Services

When you create an incremental store that interfaces with a web service, you 
must take into account several unique factors: latency, network availability, 
and conflict management. Use your app requirements, use cases, and the 
Instruments app to choose what matters most and then profile until your store 
meets your needs.

When fetch and save requests are executed by managed object contexts on 
different threads, the persistent store coordinator collects the requests into 
a serial queue and dispatches each request to a single instance of your 
incremental store in the order in which they were received. Because the 
persistent store coordinator requires that results be returned immediately 
(rather than by a deferred callback mechanism), your store must synchronously 
return data from the backing data store. If your backing data store supports 
concurrent read and/or write operations, for optimal performance consider using 
multiple persistent store coordinators when designing your Core Data stack.

On Oct 17, 2013, at 4:35 PM, Jens Alfke wrote:

 On Oct 17, 2013, at 11:05 AM, Brad Gibbs wrote:
 Regarding your point about Core Data not being atomic:
 1.  It sounds like a perfectly reasonable and valid argument, but, then, why 
 would Apple release NSIncrementalStore at all?  What purpose would it serve? 
 It would work well for other _local_ data stores. For example, we’re 
 considering making an NSIncrementalStore adapter for Couchbase Lite, because 
 the programming model for Couchbase Lite is that you work with a local 
 database, which gets synced with a server behind the scenes.
 Another possibility is if you want to persist to a static file, kind of like 
 the built-in XML store, but maybe with JSON.
 It could also work well in some kind of constrained network environment, like 
 running on a desktop computer with the server nearby on a LAN.
 It’s also possible

AVFoundation -- Authorization for Playback of Protected Content?

2011-04-17 Thread Brad Gibbs

There's a note in AV Foundation Release Notes for iOS 4.3 that reads:

Note that the value of each of these properties is YES even if the associated 
operation is only conditionally supported. Examples:
playable is YES even if the asset has protected content and requires 
authorization of both the application and the content for playback. You can 
determine whether an asset has protected content via hasProtectedContent 
I can't find anything more on the requires authorization of both the 
application and the content for playback part.  

Is this saying that an authorized app, such as iTunes or QuickTime is required 
to play protected content?  Or, is there some way for me to authorize my own AV 
Foundation-based app and protected content and then play it back in an AVPlayer?




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Re: AVFoundation -- Authorization for Playback of Protected Content?

2011-04-17 Thread Brad Gibbs
Thanks for the response.

On the desktop, I'd be limited to AppleScript control over iTunes or Quicktime 
Player X?  QTKit can't play protected content, can it?

On Apr 17, 2011, at 9:17 AM, Eli Bach wrote:

 On Apr 17, 2011, at 10:10 AM, Brad Gibbs wrote:
 Is this saying that an authorized app, such as iTunes or QuickTime is 
 required to play protected content?
 Or, is there some way for me to authorize my own AV Foundation-based app and 
 protected content and then play it back in an AVPlayer?
 Currently, only Apple can 'make' protected content and applications that can 
 play it.
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iTunes Scripting Bridge - -fullScreen not working with iTunes 10?

2010-09-12 Thread Brad Gibbs
I've been trying [self.iTunesApp setFullScreen:YES] and 
self.iTunesApp.fullScreen = YES but [self.iTunesApp lastError] always returns 
NULL, despite the fact that iTunes is not going fullscreen.  I've also tried 
setting the bounds of the main browser window to the frame of the screen, which 
works, but, it's not the same thing as going fullscreen.

I've been testing the command while a video is playing (ie, while cmd-F 
actually does run iTunes fullscreen).

Is -fullScreen broken with iTunes 10, or am I an idiot?  (I understand that 
these things aren't mutually exclusive... )



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Sample App Similar to Core Data Data Modeler?

2010-08-24 Thread Brad Gibbs

I've been looking for some sample code similar to Core Data's data modeler.  
I've seen TreeView and I've watched the Crafting Custom Views presentation from 
WWDC 2010.  Both are excellent, but, I'm hoping to find some code that shows 
views representing data that are connected with lines.  I'm hoping to create a 
custom view that represents a device and has multiple connection points to 
connect the device's inputs and outputs to inputs and outputs of other devices. 
 Users should be able to move the device views while lines stay connected.  
Hopefully, the lines are orthogonal.

In sum, it's something very similar to the Core Data data modeler.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.


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Re: Core Data Lightweight Migration Woes

2010-08-21 Thread Brad Gibbs
Well, that's the way I started doing things, but, on pages 130-131 of the book 
More iPhone 3 Development (written by Dave Mark  Jeff LaMarche -- your 
co-authors for Learn Cocoa on the Mac) make a point of saying that the new 
version is the unnumbered version.

In some ways, I wouldn't think it would matter.  When first created, they're 
exact replicas, and you can change the names of both of these files.  What the 
compiler(?) is looking for are the version hashes for each of the entities.  As 
long as it can find both the version marked current and another version with 
entity hashes that match those stored in the data file to be migrated, I would 
think it would be able to decide which is the old version, and which is the new.

My classes are organized into folders on my desktop (and in Git).  I pulled all 
four data models out of folders and put them at the top level of the folder 
hierarchy.  This *seems* to have helped.  Although I've still gotten the 
missing source model error since then, it seems to be happening less frequently.

The other thing I did was to create a new set of data while the section of code 
that merges the second data model in with the main data model was commented 
out.  After the model was created, I uncommented that code and made changes to 
the first model and everything seems ok.  It made me realize that I don't know 
whether the app is having a hard time finding the source model for the first 
model, or, if it thinks that there should be two versions of the second model.  
Since there's only a single version of the second model (.mom), it may be 
getting hung-up there, although that would seem to be more of a bug than user 

I wish I could submit a simplified version to Apple, but, since I have no idea 
what's actually causing the problem and I can't seem to replicate it in the 
little test apps I've been making, I don't know how I'd do that.  I do live 
about 45 minutes from Cupertino.  Maybe it's time to pester Chris Hanson at the 
next NSCoder Night...

On Aug 21, 2010, at 7:37 AM, Jack Nutting wrote:

 On Fri, Aug 20, 2010 at 8:46 PM, Brad Gibbs wrote:
 I highlighted the .xcdatamodel and did a Design  Data Model   Add New
 Version.  That created the Config.xcdatamodeld with an unnumbered version of
 the datamodel (Config.xcdatamodel) and a numbered copy named Config
 I go into Config.xcdatamodel and add a single string attribute to one
 entity, Clean and Build  Go.  I get the missing source model error.
 I think you're looking at the versioning the wrong way around! The
 data model with the 2 in its name is the new one, THAT's where you
 should add new attributes etc. When your app runs, it will find the
 existing data store which is version 1, both model files (the old
 one is 1, the new one is 2), and do the conversion for you.
 I don't have it in front of me, but I think that if you bring up the
 info window for each of the model files, you'll see that each shows a
 version number. Core Data will always work to bring lower-versioned
 data stores up to whatever you've marked as the current version.
 // jack


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Re: Core Data Lightweight Migration Woes

2010-08-20 Thread Brad Gibbs
I'm still having some serious issues.  I've tried all suggestions from all 
three responses.  One or two of the suggestions worked once or twice, but 
nothing worked reliably.

Is it possible that the dataModel itself is corrupt?  I rebuilt it by creating 
a new data model and copying all of the objects into it.  Didn't make a 

After copying the entities into the new data model and rearranging them, I 
created the custom classes for each.  I've been putting my methods in 
categories on each of the individual classes so I can quickly delete the custom 
classes and re-create them after making model changes without having to cut and 
paste the methods.

I ran the app once to confirm that it was working and added some sample data, 
saved and quit.  

I highlighted the .xcdatamodel and did a Design  Data Model   Add New 
Version.  That created the Config.xcdatamodeld with an unnumbered version of 
the datamodel (Config.xcdatamodel) and a numbered copy named Config 

I go into Config.xcdatamodel and add a single string attribute to one entity, 
Clean and Build  Go.  I get the missing source model error.  Quincey, you 
asked about the log for PrototypePath.  It's:

2010-08-20 11:44:12.044 IconConfig[86221:a0f] Prototype path is 
2010-08-20 11:44:12.046 IconConfig[86221:a0f] Prototype URL is 

If I delete the attribute I just added, it compiles and runs.

The two versions appear in my target's Compile Sources, but the .xcdatamodeld 
does not.  Could this have something to do with the problems I'm having?

Is there some build setting that might be causing this?

I don't think there's anything tricky going on with my -managedObjectModel or 
-persistentStoreCoordinator, but, I'd be glad to post the code.

Thanks in advance.  This is driving me nuts!


On Aug 20, 2010, at 12:28 AM, Jack Nutting wrote:

 On Fri, Aug 20, 2010 at 8:21 AM, Steve Steinitz wrote:
 - Removed any stray mopping models, just in case
 I didn't see your question until you'd already solved it yourself, but
 I just wanted to highlight this one point; Assumming you're referring
 here to old .mom files, I'd almost bet money that this is the only
 thing you needed to do (either manually delete the old file from your
 target app, or build clean). Like Quincey mentioned, if your app at
 runtime finds both and Model.momd, it will use the former
 and then either ignore the latter or give you cryptic errors (I forget
 // jack


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Core Data Lightweight Migration Woes

2010-08-19 Thread Brad Gibbs
I'm still having problems migrating to a new version of my data model.  I 
created a small project to test migration and everything worked smoothly -- so 
smoothly that trying to get it to fail wasn't easy.  But, doing the same sorts 
of things to migrate to a new version of the data model in my main app is 
failing all over the place and I have no idea why.

I'm using versioning.  I use Design  Data Model  Add Model Version.  A new 
version of the data model is created.  I edit the unnumbered data model and 
make sure it's set as the Current Model Version.  To keep things simple, I've 
been trying to add a single string attribute to a single entity.  Build  Go 
and I get:

Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=134130 UserInfo=0x2002a29a0 Persistent 
store migration failed, missing source managed object model.

If I delete the attribute that I just added and Build  Go again, everything 
works smoothly.

All entities in the model have their own custom classes and several of those 
custom entities have categories, where I've been keeping the methods.

If I'm building a managedObjectModel using -modelByMergingModels, do I need to 
be doing something differently?  My managedObjectModel method is below.  I'll 
post the -persistentStoreCoordinator method, as well, if it would help (adding 
it to this email puts me over the size restriction).


- (NSManagedObjectModel *)managedObjectModel {

if (managedObjectModel) return managedObjectModel;

NSManagedObjectModel *prototypeModel;

// create object for prototype model
NSString *prototypePath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] 
pathForResource:@IconConfig ofType:@mom];

if (prototypePath == nil) {
prototypePath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] 
pathForResource:@IconConfig ofType:@momd];
NSLog(@Prototype path is %@, prototypePath);

NSURL *prototypeURL = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:prototypePath];
NSLog(@Prototype URL is %@, prototypeURL);

prototypeModel = [[NSManagedObjectModel alloc] 

if (!prototypeModel) {
NSLog(@prototype model couldn't be found.);

// create object for media resouces model
NSString *resourcesPath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] 
pathForResource:@MediaResources ofType:@mom];
if (!resourcesPath) {
return nil;

NSURL *resourcesURL = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:resourcesPath];
NSManagedObjectModel *resourcesModel = [[NSManagedObjectModel alloc] 

// create merged model
managedObjectModel = [NSManagedObjectModel 
modelByMergingModels:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:prototypeModel, resourcesModel, 

return managedObjectModel;

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MOC Migrations Using .xcdatamodeld

2010-08-13 Thread Brad Gibbs
I'm having some real problems performing my first migration.  I'm trying to add 
a single attribute to two entities in my model.

I created a new version of the model using Design  Data Model  Add Model 
Version.  This converted the .xcdatamodel into a .xcdatamodeld with two model 
versions.  I renamed them to v1.xcdatamodel and v2.xcdatamodel.  I set the new 
model as the current version using Design  Data Model  Set Current Version.  
I hit Build and Run and I'm getting an error message saying that it can't find 
the source data model.

I found a post by Adam Swift on August 21, 2008, which states:

If you want to use a model version bundle (xcdatamodeld) to group
versions of your data model, then you need to write code to find the
path for the source model, destination model and mapping model, then
call the migration manager directly to perform the migration

Is this still true?  I used the code he provided and was able to make the 
migration happen, but, it seems like it's going to be a big hassle to update 
this code each time I make a change to the model that necessitates a new model 

If it makes a difference, I have 4 different models in the project.  So, I'm 
using -modelByMergingModels rather than -mergedModelFromBundle.

Thanks in advance.


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Re: Core Data : Multiuser ?

2010-08-07 Thread Brad Gibbs
I've been developing an app meant to run strictly on a local network.  I'd like 
to have the capacity to run 50 clients and a single server (although most 
installations will have fewer than 20 clients).  My plan has been to have each 
client maintain its own Core Data database and sync with the Core Data db on 
the server.  I've been using BLIP to message over TCP.

Communication should work like this:

1.  Client sends command to server
2.  Server updates its CD db
3.  On a didSave notification, server messages changes to all connected clients
4.  Connected clients receive the update message and update their db's 
5.  If a client is offline for a period of time, when it rejoins the network, 
it asks the server for a batch update (I haven't decided whether this will 
request the entire data file as it stands at that moment, or just ask for 
incremental changes since the client's last save, but I'm leaning towards 
re-sending the entire db, which is typically smaller than 1 MB)

In my app, objects are infrequently being created and destroyed.  The changes 
are primarily just attributes of existing objects being updated.

I don't believe this runs afoul of the patterns Ben is describing, does it?  
I'm not sharing the Core Data db, I'm just keeping several Core Data db's in 
sync by providing methods on the server that each client can call remotely.

Also, I attended a session at WWDC this year that describes extending Core Data 
for use in a multi-user environment.  I'd have to watch the video again to get 
the specifics, but, I think the gist of it was to keep a local copy of the data 
and sync with the server.

I hope rampant speculation about an unannounced OS doesn't run afoul of any 
NDAs, but, I've got to believe that Apple is working on extending Core Data for 
use in a multi-user environment.  With iPhone, iPad and desktop users and 
Apple's recent push into SMB, accessing a central database from each of these 
devices via Core Data just makes too much sense.  Maybe it isn't exactly Core 
Data and maybe it's some tie-in to FileMaker, but, I've got to believe it's a 
priority for them.  It's just too big of a nut to ignore.  


On Aug 6, 2010, at 11:38 PM, Ben Trumbull wrote:

 Can more than one process be accessing the same Core Data sqlite file?
 This post from author Marcus Zarra says no∑
 But this post from Ben Trumbull seems to say yes, as long as the two 
 processes are accessing it via the same filesystem:
 Which one am I misunderstanding?
 There is a big difference between multiple processes accessing the same Core 
 Data file and multiple machines.  Multiple processes on the same local 
 machine work fine.  Several Apple products do this.  Multiple processes 
 across multiple physical machines will not work well (AFP) or at all (NFS).
 So we don't recommend targeting a multi-user configuration.  As I mentioned 
 in that earlier post, your best bet is probably write the proper service that 
 uses Core Data, and vends to your client processes via IPC (like a web 
 service).   The client processes might independently use Core Data for local 
 caching (replication).
 It possible, but inefficient, for a very limited number of clients to share 
 over AFP.  NFS doesn't work correctly at all.  This is restricted by file 
 caching issues underneath us.  There are a lot of limitations and sharp edges 
 here, so we actively recommend against multiple computers simultaneously 
 accessing the same db.  Support for it is disabled by default for projects 
 built with a deployment target = 10.6
 - Ben
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Re: Core Data : Multiuser ?

2010-08-07 Thread Brad Gibbs
It's Session 117 - Building a Server-Driven User Experience.  About half-way 
through they move to a discussion involving Core Data.  It's clear that at 
least some people at Apple have spent some time thinking about this.

On Aug 7, 2010, at 8:53 AM, Hunter Hillegas wrote:

 Which session are we talking about? I'd like to go watch that video and I 
 don't recall seeing it.
 As for the second bit, I'm not so sure... If they had wanted to port EOF they 
 would have just ported EOF. Of course, I could be wrong but I'm not holding 
 my breath for robust, multi-user Core Data.
 On Aug 7, 2010, at 8:43 AM, Brad Gibbs wrote:
 Also, I attended a session at WWDC this year that describes extending Core 
 Data for use in a multi-user environment. I'd have to watch the video again 
 to get the specifics, but, I think the gist of it was to keep a local copy 
 of the data and sync with the server.
 I hope rampant speculation about an unannounced OS doesn't run afoul of any 
 NDAs, but, I've got to believe that Apple is working on extending Core Data 
 for use in a multi-user environment.  With iPhone, iPad and desktop users 
 and Apple's recent push into SMB, accessing a central database from each of 
 these devices via Core Data just makes too much sense.  Maybe it isn't 
 exactly Core Data and maybe it's some tie-in to FileMaker, but, I've got to 
 believe it's a priority for them.  It's just too big of a nut to ignore.  


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Re: Error 134100 - Core Data models incompatible

2010-05-25 Thread Brad Gibbs

I let people know which versions of the OSes I was running, but I don't see how 
this problem has anything to do with an NDA, unless it's a bug in the dev 

Core Data for the iPhone OS has been available for many moons now, and, for all 
intents and purposes, this appears to be an issue with Core Data.  Furthermore, 
I have the dev tools for OS 4 installed, but, obviously, that's not what I'm 
running on the iPad, since the iPad doesn't support anything newer than 3.2, 
which is not under NDA.

On May 20, 2010, at 4:33 PM, eric dolecki GMail wrote:

 Well said.
 Sent from my iPad
 On May 20, 2010, at 6:54 PM, Fritz Anderson wrote:
 On 20 May 2010, at 4:13 PM, Brad Gibbs wrote:
 Mac OS X 10.6.2, iPhone OS 4.0 beta 2 (although the iPad client started 
 life before the first OS 4 beta was released).
 And here is why you won't get any answers. The NDA you agreed to in order to 
 get the 4.0 SDK forbids you, and anyone who knows the answer, to discuss it 
 in public. The penalties can be draconian.
 If you have access to prerelease software, you have access to the Apple 
 Developer Forums behind your login at Try there.
  — F
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Error 134100 - Core Data models incompatible

2010-05-20 Thread Brad Gibbs

I'm writing an iPad app with an OS X-based configuration utility.  The user 
enters data in the OS X-based config utility and exports it.  The iPad then 
picks up the SQLite file and uses it as its persistent store.  This was working 
fine 2 months ago.  I took a break on the iPad app to make some changes to the 
config utility.

After making changes to the data model used for the export, I deleted the data 
model in the iPad client app and copied the export data model from the config 
utility to the iPad app.  Now, i'm getting the dreaded Cocoa error 134100 - the 
model used to open the store is incompatible with the model used to create the 
store.  I've logged the metadata from the export store's persistent store and 
the persistent store the iPad client is trying to use.  They're identical.

Any ideas on what's causing the problem or how to troubleshoot this?

Mac OS X 10.6.2, iPhone OS 4.0 beta 2 (although the iPad client started life 
before the first OS 4 beta was released).

I only have one version of the data model.

Thanks in advance.


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[iPhone] Nested UIViewControllers, InterfaceOrientation Rotation

2010-03-25 Thread Brad Gibbs
I've done some reading and some testing, but can't seem to make this work 
properly -- ie, I can't get a nested VC's interfaceOrientation property to 
update to the current interfaceOrientation of the device.

I've got a main UIViewController with code to support a toolbar with buttons 
across the top of its view and another toolbar and buttons across the bottom.  
In the middle of the screen is a view, called oTargetView, which is owned by 
the main UIViewController.  The buttons on the toolbars launch other view 
controllers with views to occupy the middle of the screen -- their views are 
loaded into oTargetView.  Rotation is a problem.  

oTargetView autorotates and I can even get the views of the subview 
viewControllers to resize to fit oTargetView, but these subview 
viewControllers' interfaceOrientation properties don't seem to change.  

interfaceOrientation is a read-only property, but, I thought that manually 
passing the willRotate and didRotate down to the subview viewControllers would 
cause the subview viewController to update its interfaceOrientation property.  
This doesn't seem to be the case.  The logs show that an interfaceOrientation 
call to the subview viewController always returns 1, whether it's made in the 
willRotate method, in the didRotate method or, even in a separate method.

Is this the case?  Or, am I doing something wrong?

If this is the case, does it mean that I can't rely on the subview VC's 
interfaceOrientation property?  Do I just bypass this and make changes based on 
toInterfaceOrientation in willRotate and fromInterfaceOrientation in didRotate? 
 Or, should I be using one of the other hacks out there (ie, relying on 
deviceOrientation notifications, or releasing and re-instantiating the subview 
VC on each rotation)?

FWIW, this seems like something Apple needs to fix in OS 4.0.  Sending these 
calls to a single UIViewController seems to work for an iPhone app, but, the 
iPad has so much more screen real estate that it doesn't seem reasonable to not 
have nested VC's.

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Re: iCal-style NSTextFields

2010-01-14 Thread Brad Gibbs
I've been working through this a bit more.  To get bindings to work, I added 
the following to my custom textfield:

if (!bindingsDict) {
self.stringValue = newStringValue;

if (bindingsDict) {
NSString *boundObject = [bindingsDict 
NSString *boundKeyPath = [bindingsDict 

[boundObject setValue:newStringValue forKeyPath:boundKeyPath];

[self.window endEditingFor:self];

There's a lot more to mimicking the look of iCal / AddressBook editing, though. 
 Both apps use attributed strings, and the text fields and borderless windows 
are sized to fit the attributed string (or the attributed placeholder string, 
if no string has been entered).  If the string being entered will exceed the 
width of the window that popped up, the window will begin to grow to 
accommodate the additional letters, and will push text in the main window to 
the side to make room once the enter button is pressed.

AddressBook-style editing with the plus and minus buttons to add or remove 
fields is also not insignificant.

On Jan 13, 2010, at 2:23 PM, Josh Abernathy wrote:

 This sounds more like a CoreData or general controller problem than anything 
 specific to iCal-style text fields. You might want to create a new thread for 
 On Jan 13, 2010, at 11:44 AM, Brad Gibbs wrote:
 I'm trying to implement this.
 I created a custom NSTextField subclass, called ICNTextField.  When an 
 ICNTextField instance receives a mouseDown event, it initializes a custom 
 NSWindow subclass with a borderless window mask.  In the window subclass, 
 I've overridden -canBecomeKeyWindow: so that it always returns yes.  
 When ICNTextField receives the controlTextDidEndEditing notification, it 
 takes the string value from the text field in the borderless window and 
 displays it properly, but the Core Data attribute to which the original text 
 field is bound does not update its value.
 I've looked into endEditing and endEditing:, nextKeyView and various forms 
 of commit, but can't seem to find a way to get the bindings to recognize the 
 new string value.  
 I'd like to do this in a generic fashion, so I can make any text field an 
 ICNTextField and know that its bound attributes will be updated without 
 having to write additional code for each text field.  Any help would be 
 On Jan 10, 2010, at 2:54 PM, Josh Abernathy wrote:
 If you're asking about the shadow, create a child window and move them to 
 that when they're editing.
 On Jan 10, 2010, at 11:56 AM, Seth Willits wrote:
 On Jan 10, 2010, at 11:49 AM, Ulai Beekam wrote:
 Go into iCal (in Snow Leopard) and create a new event and and then click 
 outside that event. Then double-click on that event and hit the Edit 
 In the window you see, you have some neat looking text fields that show 
 only text when not in focus but show you a white background with a 
 shadow effect when in edit mode.
 How can I make such text fields? Does anyone happen to have them 
 They're just text fields. Change the background color, turn off the 
 border, and make them read-only when not in edit mode. 
 Seth Willits
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Re: iCal-style NSTextFields

2010-01-13 Thread Brad Gibbs
I'm trying to implement this.

I created a custom NSTextField subclass, called ICNTextField.  When an 
ICNTextField instance receives a mouseDown event, it initializes a custom 
NSWindow subclass with a borderless window mask.  In the window subclass, I've 
overridden -canBecomeKeyWindow: so that it always returns yes.  

When ICNTextField receives the controlTextDidEndEditing notification, it takes 
the string value from the text field in the borderless window and displays it 
properly, but the Core Data attribute to which the original text field is bound 
does not update its value.

I've looked into endEditing and endEditing:, nextKeyView and various forms of 
commit, but can't seem to find a way to get the bindings to recognize the new 
string value.  

I'd like to do this in a generic fashion, so I can make any text field an 
ICNTextField and know that its bound attributes will be updated without having 
to write additional code for each text field.  Any help would be appreciated. 

On Jan 10, 2010, at 2:54 PM, Josh Abernathy wrote:

 If you're asking about the shadow, create a child window and move them to 
 that when they're editing.
 On Jan 10, 2010, at 11:56 AM, Seth Willits wrote:
 On Jan 10, 2010, at 11:49 AM, Ulai Beekam wrote:
 Go into iCal (in Snow Leopard) and create a new event and and then click 
 outside that event. Then double-click on that event and hit the Edit 
 In the window you see, you have some neat looking text fields that show 
 only text when not in focus but show you a white background with a shadow 
 effect when in edit mode.
 How can I make such text fields? Does anyone happen to have them ready-made?
 They're just text fields. Change the background color, turn off the border, 
 and make them read-only when not in edit mode. 
 Seth Willits
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Re: Core Data Bindings: NSFaultingMutableSet...addObserver...notSupported

2009-12-31 Thread Brad Gibbs
Thanks for the pointers, Quincey.  I tried a few of the things you suggested, 
but settled on the filter predicate.  I added my view controller for the 
projects detail view as an observer to self.selections.account.  Each time the 
selected account changes, I set the filter predicate to filter the list of 
projects to show only the projects for the newly-selected account.  Everything 
seems to be working fine, now.

Thanks again.


On Dec 30, 2009, at 12:44 PM, Quincey Morris wrote:

 On Dec 30, 2009, at 10:12, Brad Gibbs wrote:
 Account ---ProjectSite---Project
 I'm trying to get the projects array controller to load all projects for the 
 selected Account (so, all Projects for all ProjectSites).
 I've got an NSTableView listing accounts on the left, and view controllers 
 to display detail table views to the right.  One of the detail table views 
 lists all ProjectSites for the selected Account.  That's working fine.  
 Another detail table view should list all Projects for the Account, but I 
 can't get the Projects array controller to bind to the selected Account.  
 These methods list all projects for the selected Account:
  NSLog(@Projects for account are %@, [self.selections.account 
  NSLog(@All projects for account are %@, [[self.selections.account 
 allProjectsForAccount] valueForKey:@displayName]);
 But, I can't translate that into the proper ContentSet binding for the 
 Projects AC.  I've tried every combination I could think of, including:
 1.  creating an Object Controller for the selectedAccount and binding the 
 Project's ContentSet to that controller with projectSites.projects
 2.  creating an Array Controller for the selectedAccount's ProjectSites and 
 binding to that
 3.  creating a managedObject subclass for Project with a method that returns 
 [self valueForKeyPath:@projectSites.projects] and binding the projects 
 AC's contentSet to that property
 4.  using combinations of @distinctUnionOfSets
 Basically, there are two usual ways you use an array controller:
 1. In entity mode, where its contentSet binding is bound to a Core Data 
 (set) property of a data model object. It's going to use *all* the objects of 
 the configured Core Data entity, unless you use a filter predicate or a fetch 
 predicate, or unless you actually use a transient property that you've coded 
 to fetch only some of the objects.
 You *could* use this for your projects list, but you'd have to write code to 
 maintain a suitable filter predicate or fetch predicate or transient 
 property, based on the selected account.
 2. In class mode with a source array, where its contentArray binding is 
 bound to a non-Core Data (array) property of a data model object. It's up to 
 you to maintain that data model array property KVO-compliantly, or the 
 binding won't update reliably.
 So I think you'll need to:
 -- bind accountsArrayController's contentSet binding to your data model 
 object's accounts property
 -- bind projectSitesArrayController's contentArray binding to 
 -- bind projectsArrayController's contentArray binding to 
 (because you said all projects for the account, not all projects for the 
 selected sites)
 With these bindings (if I've got them right), only the first array controller 
 is in entity mode. So, you cannot use projectSitesArrayController or 
 projectsArrayController to create or delete objects directly. If you have + 
 and - buttons for them your interface, their action methods need to be in 
 (say) your document or window controller class, and you have to write code to 
 create suitable objects and relationships.
 Your references, above, to selections and allProjectsForAccount methods 
 suggest that you've been trying to solve the problem by adding custom 
 properties to your NSManagedObject custom subclasses. The problem *is* 
 solvable that way, but you have to be careful to distinguish non-Core Data 
 custom properties, which are arrays, from Core Data custom (i.e. transient) 
 properties, which are sets. And, you have to make sure you get KVO-compliance 
 right -- not always easy. And, when you're using Core Data you have to be 
 careful that you don't mess up undo using non-Core Data custom properties.
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Core Data Bindings: NSFaultingMutableSet...addObserver...notSupported

2009-12-30 Thread Brad Gibbs

I'm trying to bind through a keyPath, but I'm getting nothing but errors.  The 
most common is:

[_NSFaultingMutableSet 0x200267fe0 addObserver:forKeyPath:options:context:] 
is not supported. Key path: projectCode

I've read that bindings don't necessarily cause faults to fire, but I've got to 
believe there's some way to make this work.

I've been working on this for a few hours, I've looked through Core Data and 
KVO/KVC documentation, Googled and searched through the list.  I may have read 
the answer without realizing it...

My data:

Account ---ProjectSite---Project

I'm trying to get the projects array controller to load all projects for the 
selected Account (so, all Projects for all ProjectSites).

I've got an NSTableView listing accounts on the left, and view controllers to 
display detail table views to the right.  One of the detail table views lists 
all ProjectSites for the selected Account.  That's working fine.  Another 
detail table view should list all Projects for the Account, but I can't get the 
Projects array controller to bind to the selected Account.  These methods list 
all projects for the selected Account:

NSLog(@Projects for account are %@, [self.selections.account 
NSLog(@All projects for account are %@, [[self.selections.account 
allProjectsForAccount] valueForKey:@displayName]);

But, I can't translate that into the proper ContentSet binding for the Projects 
AC.  I've tried every combination I could think of, including:

1.  creating an Object Controller for the selectedAccount and binding the 
Project's ContentSet to that controller with projectSites.projects
2.  creating an Array Controller for the selectedAccount's ProjectSites and 
binding to that
3.  creating a managedObject subclass for Project with a method that returns 
[self valueForKeyPath:@projectSites.projects] and binding the projects AC's 
contentSet to that property
4.  using combinations of @distinctUnionOfSets

I've seen posts with others having similar problems, but none of their 
solutions seem to be working for me.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.




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Does NSData rearrange the order of bits?

2009-11-30 Thread Brad Gibbs

I'm doing bit-packing via a C function.  Logging the bits of the C function 
shows the expected result.  If I create a string with a hex value format, I get 
the correct hex string, but, if I try to put the bytes into an NSData object 
with [NSData dataWithBytes: length], the order of the bits changes.  All of the 
right elements are there, but they're in the wrong order (target data should be 
f651, as shown in the Target string is ... log).

My code:

// get the target int from the text field
unsigned int tgtValue = [self.tgtTF intValue];

// use the target int and type to pack the bits into an int
uint32_t tgtBinary = setAnalogValueForIndex(cid, tgtValue);
NSString *tgtString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@%x, tgtBinary];
NSData *tgtData = [NSData dataWithBytes: tgtBinary length: 
NSLog(@Target data is %...@.  Target string is %@, tgtData, 

The logs:

2009-11-30 11:02:26.126 CertTest[11959:a0f] Target data is 510600f0.  Target 
string is f651
2009-11-30 11:02:26.204 CertTest[11959:a0f] After adding target, cmdData is 

If NSData is rearranging the bits, is there some way to prevent this?



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Re: Does NSData rearrange the order of bits?

2009-11-30 Thread Brad Gibbs
I guess it is.  I had another issue that was preventing the code from working 
properly.  Another list member mailed me an explanation offline, causing me to 
look for and find the real problem preventing my code from running.  

Thanks for the response.

On Nov 30, 2009, at 12:22 PM, Jens Alfke wrote:

 On Nov 30, 2009, at 11:27 AM, Brad Gibbs wrote:
 I'm doing bit-packing via a C function.  Logging the bits of the C function 
 shows the expected result.  If I create a string with a hex value format, I 
 get the correct hex string, but, if I try to put the bytes into an NSData 
 object with [NSData dataWithBytes: length], the order of the bits changes.  
 All of the right elements are there, but they're in the wrong order (target 
 data should be f651, as shown in the Target string is ... log).
 2009-11-30 11:02:26.126 CertTest[11959:a0f] Target data is 510600f0.  
 Target string is f651
 Isn't this the expected byte ordering for a little-endian CPU like x86? The 
 least-significant byte of an integer appears first.


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Looking for PCI card with IR transmitter ports and OS X drivers

2009-11-25 Thread Brad Gibbs

I couldn't find a dedicated hardware list, so, I thought I'd post this here.

I've Googled this several times over the past year or so, but can't find 
anything relevant.  I'm looking for a PCI card or even a USB or firewire device 
with 3.5mm ports for IR transmitters (or bugs or eyes) and OS X drivers.  Not 
an IR blaster, like iRed, but a programmable card with 3-6 or more ports for IR 
bugs.  There are several PCI cards with serial (RS-232) ports and I've got to 
believe someone makes an IR card with OS X drivers, but I can't find it.

If anyone has any information on this, I'd really appreciate it.



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Re: keyPathsForValuesAffectingValueForkey: not updating immediately

2009-10-27 Thread Brad Gibbs
I don't think there's anything wrong with the method -- I've used it  
successfully in other apps and have seen it work in Apple sample apps,  
it just isn't working in this particular case.  I'm sure that there's  
something wrong on my end.  Just looking for a little help in figuring  
out what that could be...

In IB, I have the text fields bound to the model as follows:


In the Address category, I have:

- (NSString *)fullAddress {
	return [NSString stringWithFormat:@%@, %@, %@  %@,  
self.streetAddress,, self.state, self.zipCode];


- (NSSet *)keyPathsForValuesAffectingValueForFullAddress {
	return [NSSet setWithObjects:self.streetAddress,,  
self.state, self.zipCode, nil];


I've also tried:

- (NSSet *)keyPathsForValuesAffectingValueForFullAddress {
	return [NSSet setWithObjects:@streetAddress, @city, @state,  
@zipCode, nil];


On Oct 26, 2009, at 7:43 PM, Jim Correia wrote:

On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 10:03 PM, Brad Gibbs  

I did read the documentation, which is why I used
+keyPathsForValuesAffectingFullAddress.  I also tried

Both methods work, but only after changing the view and then coming  
back to


+keyPathsForValuesAffectingKey is not fundamentally broken - I use
it on my NSManagedObject subclasses as needs dictate.

At this point, I think we need more information to help. At the very
least, let's see your implementation of +

- Jim


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Re: keyPathsForValuesAffectingValueForkey: not updating immediately

2009-10-27 Thread Brad Gibbs
Thanks for the pointers.  I need to learn to rely on the debugger more  
than log messages.

It also turns out that I had the method wrong.  Although + (NSSet) 
keyPathsForValuesAffectingValueForkey:  doesn't create any errors,  
it doesn't get called.  The ValueFor near the end of the method is  
extraneous and causes the method not to get called.  I could swear I  
copied that from the Departments  Employees sample app.

In any case, everything is now working as expected and I learned a few  
important lessons.

Thanks again.


On Oct 27, 2009, at 8:59 AM, Jim Correia wrote:

On Tue, Oct 27, 2009 at 11:39 AM, Brad Gibbs  

I don't think there's anything wrong with the method -- I've used it
successfully in other apps and have seen it work in Apple sample  
apps, it
just isn't working in this particular case.  I'm sure that there's  
wrong on my end.  Just looking for a little help in figuring out  
what that

could be...

We are at the point where we can't offer useful advice without seeing
your code. Since +keyPathsForValuesAffectingKey is not fundamentally
broken, the most likely cause is a problem with your code.

- (NSSet *)keyPathsForValuesAffectingValueForFullAddress {
  return [NSSet setWithObjects:self.streetAddress,,
self.state, self.zipCode, nil];

This is wrong for 2 reasons.

Reason #1 - see below.

Reason #2 - you should be passing the literal key paths which affect
the value, not self.streetAddress which is the current value of that
key path.

I've also tried:

- (NSSet *)keyPathsForValuesAffectingValueForFullAddress {
  return [NSSet setWithObjects:@streetAddress, @city,  

@zipCode, nil];

+keyPathsForValuesAffectingKey should be implemented as a class
method. (That's what the + prefix means.) You've implemented it as an
instance method. Change it to a class method and you should find that
it works correctly.

(If you set a breakpoint on your code as written, you'll find that it
is never called, which should be a warning sign to you that something
is wrong.)

- Jim


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keyPathsForValuesAffectingValueForkey: not updating immediately

2009-10-26 Thread Brad Gibbs


I have a Core Data app with a category on a model object, Address.   
The category has a method to return a fullAddress property, which is  
composed of the streetAddress, city, state and zipCode.

Updating one of the dependent properties only updates the fullAddress  
property after I've switched views.  I've tried saving the context and  
reloading the view programmatically, but neither method works.

All of the text fields for the dependent keys are set in IB to  
continuously update values.

Is there any way to get fullAddress to update to reflect changes  



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Re: keyPathsForValuesAffectingValueForkey: not updating immediately

2009-10-26 Thread Brad Gibbs
I did read the documentation, which is why I used  
+keyPathsForValuesAffectingFullAddress.  I also tried  

Both methods work, but only after changing the view and then coming  
back to it.

On Oct 26, 2009, at 6:27 PM, I. Savant wrote:

On Oct 26, 2009, at 9:07 PM, Brad Gibbs wrote:

I have a Core Data app with a category on a model object, Address.   
The category has a method to return a fullAddress property, which  
is composed of the streetAddress, city, state and zipCode.

 Did you read the documentation for this method?

Note: You must not override this method when you add a computed  
property to an existing class using a category, overriding methods  
in categories is unsupported. In that case, implement a matching  
+keyPathsForValuesAffectingKey to take advantage of this mechanism.



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NSToolbarGroupItem not showing labels of subitems

2009-10-05 Thread Brad Gibbs


I'm trying to create a toolbar with NSSegmentedControl as a custom  
view for an NSToolbarItemGroup in 10.6, but I can't get the labels for  
the subitems to appear.

I added an NSSegmentedControl to the toolbar item in IB and set images  
in the segmented control in IB.  I did not give the NSToolbarGroupItem  
a label.

I added the following code to my appDelegate (oProjectsGroup is an  
IBOutlet, which is bound to the NSToolbarGroupItem in IB):

- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)aNotification {
// Insert code here to initialize your application
	NSToolbarItem *item1 = [[[NSToolbarItem alloc]  
initWithItemIdentifier:@Item1] autorelease];
	NSToolbarItem *item2 = [[[NSToolbarItem alloc]  
initWithItemIdentifier:@Item2] autorelease];

[item1 setImage:[NSImage imageNamed:@Activities]];
[item2 setImage:[NSImage imageNamed:@Projects]];
[item1 setLabel:@Prev];
[item2 setLabel:@Next];

	[oProjectsGroup setSubitems:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:item1, item2,  

for (id item in [oProjectsGroup subitems]) {
NSLog(@label is %@, [item label]);

The console displays the labels, so, apparently, the labels are being  
set, but they do not appear beneath their respective segments in the  
running app.

I've looked through the documentation and a list thread both of which  
seem to indicate that my code should be working

Any help would be appreciated.



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Address Book-style editing

2009-10-01 Thread Brad Gibbs


I'm trying to re-create Address Book's editing style - if a user  
pushes a button labeled Edit, subsequent clicks on a label bring up  
what looks like a separate view for the new information.  Clicking  
return after editing commits the edit and moves on to the next field.

I'd also like to be able to have the plus and minus signs next to  
phone numbers, email fields, etc.

I don't see a stock Cocoa / AppKit way to do this.  Does anyone know  
of a public framework that mimics this behavior?  Short of that, any  
ideas on how to re-create the editing field that pops up?



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Easy Question re NSWindowController

2009-09-05 Thread Brad Gibbs

I've done some testing, but I just can't make this work...

I have an NSWindowController that manages a pop-up window and a button  
in the main window that launches the pop-up window when it's pressed.   
I need to pass a managedObjectContext to the window controller.

If I create the NSWindowController programmatically with a custom  

	NSWindowController *myWindowController = [[NSWindowController alloc]  
initWithWindowNibName:@MyWindow moc:self.managedObjectContext];

everything works fine.  I can also pass the managedObejctContext  
separately without breaking anything.

But, things fall apart when I try to add the window controller to the  
main window's nib.  Once I add an object for the window controller in  
the main window's nib and set its class to NSWindowController, the app  
uses NSWindowController's designated initializer, initWithWindow to  
initialize the window controller.

By default, NSWindowController contains an outlet for its window.  If  
I connect the NSWindowController's window outlet to the pop up window  
and add an NSLog to the initWithWindow method asking for  
NSWindowController's self.window, it comes back null and the window  
doesn't load.

It seems like the connection in the pop up window's nib file from  
File's Owner (the NSWindowController) outlet to the window is not  
being honored.  Even if I create another outlet (oWindow), connect it  
to the window controller and try to set it in initWithWindow with:

- (id)initWithWindow:(NSWindow *)window {
if (self == [super initWithWindow:self.oWindow]) {
//NSLog(@Window is %@, self.window);
NSLog(@MOC is %@, self.mMainManagedObjectContext);
self.window.title = @New Account;

return self;

 it fails.

How can I make this work?



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Multi-User DB That Talks to Core Data?

2009-08-14 Thread Brad Gibbs

I'm trying to meet the following requirements:

1.  Back-end multi-user database to manage products, contacts,  
projects, inventory, etc.

2.  Ability to access and edit that DB over the Internet and the iPhone
3.  Ability to import/export some data in the main database to/from a  
single-user Core Data app

Filemaker seems like the easiest route to achieving 1  2, but I'm not  
sure how well it interacts with Core Data.  I don't have any  
experience with SQL databases, but I have seen mention of BaseTen,  
although only people recommending it -- I haven't seen posts from  
anyone claiming to use it.  I've also looked into Ruby on Rails and  
RubyCocoa, but I'm not sure how well the importing / exporting would  

I'd appreciate any suggestions for the most reliable and most direct  
route for interactions between single-user Core Data-based apps and a  
multi-user back-end.



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Re: Multi-User DB That Talks to Core Data?

2009-08-14 Thread Brad Gibbs
I understand that Core Data is an object graph management tool, rather  
than a database.

I'm trying to create a single-user app that uses Core Data, but gets  
the data for its object graph from a multi-user database app.  For  
instance, product information stored in the main database app could be  
exported to a catalog in the Core Data-based app.  The user can build  
a system in the CD-based app and the built system can be imported back  
into the main database.

On Aug 14, 2009, at 9:49 AM, Kyle Sluder wrote:

Core Data is not a database. You will want to look elsewhere (though  
you might be able to use Core Data to keep track of an in-memory  
object model).

--Kyle Sluder


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Re: Multi-User DB That Talks to Core Data?

2009-08-14 Thread Brad Gibbs
Actually, I wouldn't mind sending the relevant portion of the  
persistent store over the network.  The database is an in-house app  
that many people will need to be able to work in simultaneously.   
We'll use that database to create products and packages and to update  
pricing and information.  That data needs to be sent to the Core Data  

The Core Data-based app is something we'll give to perspective  
customers, loading it onto their computer when the time is right.   
Only one user at a time will access that software, and we won't need  
access to the information until the client is done with it (maybe a  
week or two later).  Then, we'll import the system they've built back  
into the main database app.

So, transfers might happen a few times per month and they can all be  
done over a local network.

Making the client app would be much easier using Core Data (and, I've  
already actually started working on it).

On Aug 14, 2009, at 10:13 AM, Kyle Sluder wrote:

On Aug 14, 2009, at 10:02 AM, Brad Gibbs wrote:

I'm trying to create a single-user app that uses Core Data, but  
gets the data for its object graph from a multi-user database app.   
For instance, product information stored in the main database app  
could be exported to a catalog in the Core Data-based app.  The  
user can build a system in the CD-based app and the built system  
can be imported back into the main database.

Like I said, you're going to want to look elsewhere. Core Data  
doesn't support the pattern you want, unless you're willing to send  
the entire persistent store over the network for each read and  
write. All custom store types mist be atomic.

You might want to consider using Core Data on the backend and  
presenting a custom interface to clients (a la Web Services, or a  
RESTful interface). Then if it makes sense the client can use an in- 
memory store, hooking into Core Data notifications to perform it's  
updates. But at that point you might just want to serialize  
NSDictionaries over the wire.

--Kyle Sluder


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Re: Giving the Root Object of an Outline View a Different Background Color.

2009-08-08 Thread Brad Gibbs
Apple has a sample app called DragNDropOutlineView that's helpful when  
getting comfortable with outline views.  Also, Jonathan Dann has two  
useful outline view sample apps -- one to show sorting with Core Data  
and another that animates the expansion of a root object to reveal its  
contents (Animating Outline View).  His site is

On Aug 8, 2009, at 10:04 AM, Quincey Morris wrote:

On Aug 8, 2009, at 08:30, Joshua Garnham wrote:

I am looking for some code to make the root object's in an outline  
view have a different background color to the other rows.
I am pretty sure I need to sub-class the outline view but I don't  
know what code to add to the sub-class to do what I want it to do  
(which is what I described above).

There shouldn't be any need to subclass the outline view -- you will  
most likely be able to set the desired background color in  
outlineView:willDisplayCell:forTableColumn:item: (and/or  

Another possibility, if it's important that the top level object  
rows need to look different but it's not crucial that you use a  
specific background color, is to implement outlineView:isGroupItem:  
(another delegate method), which gives group rows a distinctive look.


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***SOLVED*** Re: NSArrayController Managing / Sorting NSManagedObjects

2009-08-08 Thread Brad Gibbs

I found some sample code that addresses this:

On Aug 7, 2009, at 2:50 PM, Brad Gibbs wrote:


I have an NSTableView that displays a set of Activity objects, which  
are subclasses of NSManagedObject, all of which are managed by a  
custom NSArrayController.  Each Activity has a sortIndex property,  
which is used to... wait for it... sort the activities.

The array controller adds logic to update the sortIndex as objects  
are added, removed or re-ordered.  It's this last part that's giving  
me grief.  The table supports drag-and-drop.  The idea is that when  
an Activity is dragged up or down in the list, the sortIndex for all  
of the activities get updated, so that the next time the list of  
activities is displayed, the activities maintain the order in which  
they were placed by the user.

The array controller's sort descriptors binding is bound to an array  
with a single NSSortDescriptor, set to order the objects by  
sortIndex.  I think this is causing some grief.  Also, the code that  
assigns new sortIndexes for each object calls [arrayController  
arrangedObjects] to get the array controller's objects.  From my  
reading of the documentation, this calls arrangeObjects on the  
underlying array, which I don't really want to do until all of the  
Activity objects' sortIndexes have been updated to reflect their new  
positions in the array.

The objects that are dropped are assigned new sortIndexes based on  
their new indexes immediately after being dropped into the array.   
I'm not doing anything with the sortIndexes for the items in the  
array that haven't been moced until later.  In the interim, I  
believe that calling [arrayController arrangedObjects] is trying to  
make the NSArrayController arrange its objects based on its sort  
descriptor (sortIndex), while one or more of the objects in the set  
share the same sortIndex.  This is causing problems.

I'm hoping someone can point me to some sample code that addresses  
this issue.  I've looked at Demo Monkey and a couple of other  
samples I found on the web without being enlightened.  Jonathan Dann  
has sample code using sortIndex and an NSTreeController, but  
updating the treeController doesn't involve rearranging its items  
first, so, it doesn't quite work.

Possible solutions I can see:

1.  manually assigning new sortIndexes to all objects from the point  
of insertion through the end of the array / set immediately upon  
insertion of the moved objects, or:
2.  copying the entire array after insertion and then using the  
copied array to assign new indexes:

for (Activity *anActivity in activitiesArrayCopy) {
	[anActivity setValue:[NSNumber numberWithInt:[activitiesArrayCopy  
indexOfObject:anActiviity]] forKey:@sortIndex]


But, I think there's a cleaner, more elegant solution out there that  
I'm not seeing.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.




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NSArrayController Managing / Sorting NSManagedObjects

2009-08-07 Thread Brad Gibbs


I have an NSTableView that displays a set of Activity objects, which  
are subclasses of NSManagedObject, all of which are managed by a  
custom NSArrayController.  Each Activity has a sortIndex property,  
which is used to... wait for it... sort the activities.

The array controller adds logic to update the sortIndex as objects are  
added, removed or re-ordered.  It's this last part that's giving me  
grief.  The table supports drag-and-drop.  The idea is that when an  
Activity is dragged up or down in the list, the sortIndex for all of  
the activities get updated, so that the next time the list of  
activities is displayed, the activities maintain the order in which  
they were placed by the user.

The array controller's sort descriptors binding is bound to an array  
with a single NSSortDescriptor, set to order the objects by  
sortIndex.  I think this is causing some grief.  Also, the code that  
assigns new sortIndexes for each object calls [arrayController  
arrangedObjects] to get the array controller's objects.  From my  
reading of the documentation, this calls arrangeObjects on the  
underlying array, which I don't really want to do until all of the  
Activity objects' sortIndexes have been updated to reflect their new  
positions in the array.

The objects that are dropped are assigned new sortIndexes based on  
their new indexes immediately after being dropped into the array.  I'm  
not doing anything with the sortIndexes for the items in the array  
that haven't been moced until later.  In the interim, I believe that  
calling [arrayController arrangedObjects] is trying to make the  
NSArrayController arrange its objects based on its sort descriptor  
(sortIndex), while one or more of the objects in the set share the  
same sortIndex.  This is causing problems.

I'm hoping someone can point me to some sample code that addresses  
this issue.  I've looked at Demo Monkey and a couple of other samples  
I found on the web without being enlightened.  Jonathan Dann has  
sample code using sortIndex and an NSTreeController, but updating the  
treeController doesn't involve rearranging its items first, so, it  
doesn't quite work.

Possible solutions I can see:

1.  manually assigning new sortIndexes to all objects from the point  
of insertion through the end of the array / set immediately upon  
insertion of the moved objects, or:
2.  copying the entire array after insertion and then using the copied  
array to assign new indexes:

for (Activity *anActivity in activitiesArrayCopy) {
	[anActivity setValue:[NSNumber numberWithInt:[activitiesArrayCopy  
indexOfObject:anActiviity]] forKey:@sortIndex]


But, I think there's a cleaner, more elegant solution out there that  
I'm not seeing.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.




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Anyone Using ZeroC's Internet Communications Engine (ICE)?

2009-07-28 Thread Brad Gibbs
Is anyone here using ZeroC's Internet Communications Engine?  I found  
it in Apple's Developer Downloads section.  Looks like a worthy  
replacement for DO and they've recently added support for iPhone OS.   
Just wondering whether it's worth looking into further for an app I'm  
working on that requires a fair amount of messaging among Macs and  
iPhones over a LAN.  I've been using BLIP.  I don't have any  
complaints with BLIP -- I actually like it quite a bit.  But, if Ice  
is faster, easier to implement, more secure, or has richer features...



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iTunes DB Change Notifications?

2009-07-27 Thread Brad Gibbs
I've looked through the docs and Googled, but may not be looking for  
the right terms.

Are there change notifications for the iTunes database?  I'd like to  
have an iTunes client on a different machine on the local network be  
notified of changes, rather than having to poll and reload the  
database regularly.



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Re: iTunes DB Change Notifications?

2009-07-27 Thread Brad Gibbs
If Apple is providing the XML file for third party developer use, but  
they don't provide any way to monitor changes, does that mean that  
their intention is for third party apps to regularly refresh from the  
XML file?  Isn't this an extremely expensive operation?  Particularly  
when moving data across a network?

How about interjecting a Core Data app, running on the machine that  
maintains the XML file?  That machine could monitor the XML file with  
FSEvents and maintain a CD DB that mirrors the XML file, adding new  
objects or fetching, updating and then saving changes, as  
appropriate.  On the context's WillSaveNotification, it could alert  
its clients, sending just the updated information.

If this works, the question is, would it be better to maintain  
mirrored CD DB's on each of the clients (clients will be a mix of Macs  
and iPhones), and update those databases when changes occur?  Or,  
should they query the server when they need information?  The client  
UI's would be much more responsive if the clients each maintained  
their own databases, particularly if I wanted to get cover art to the  
clients, but maintenance gets more complicated.

On Jul 27, 2009, at 10:48 AM, Kyle Sluder wrote:

On Jul 27, 2009, at 10:38 AM, Brad Gibbs wrote:

Are there change notifications for the iTunes database?  I'd like  
to have an iTunes client on a different machine on the local  
network be notified of changes, rather than having to poll and  
reload the database regularly.

Nope. No public ones, anyway. You could watch the iTunes DB files  
with FSEvents or kqueue and refresh over Apple events when you  
detect a change.

File a Radar, too.

--Kyle Sluder


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Custom NSArrayController - Dynamic Class?

2009-07-18 Thread Brad Gibbs
I have a Core Data app and several tables for adding various  
entities.  I want to add an index to each new object so I can sort  
them after fetching.  I've been using a custom NSArrayController and  
overriding the addObject:, insertObject: atArrangedObjectIndex:, and  
removeObject: methods to add or update the indices as I go, using, for  

- (void)addObject:(Floor *)object {
[super addObject:object];
	object.index = [NSNumber numberWithInt:[[self arrangedObjects]  

NSLog(@Added %@, [object description]);

This means that I need a custom NSArrayController for each entity.  Is  
there a way to make the entity name dynamic?  In other words, can I  
ask the array controller for the name of the entity it's managing, so  
I only need one custom NSArrayController subclass to manage this for  
several different entity types?  I guess I'm looking for a way to  
replace the argument (Floor *) from the example above with something  

[[[self arrangedObjects] objectAtIndex:0] class]

If I use id, the code doesn't know that the object being added should  
have an index.



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Re: Custom NSArrayController - Dynamic Class?

2009-07-18 Thread Brad Gibbs

Not exactly.  Sorry I've done such a poor job describing what I'm after.

I've got an entity named Building (and also entities named Floor and  
Room).  Each of these entities has an index attribute, which is an  
int16 type.  All three entities inherit the index attribute and others  
from a common parent, which I'm calling IndexedObject.  The UI has  
tables for each entity and '+' and '-' buttons to add and remove  
entities from the table and drag-and-drop to reorder the entities.

The '+' button is linked to the NSArrayController subclass' add:  
method, which automatically invokes insertNewObjectForEntityForName:  
inManagedObjectContext:.  I've been using:

- (void)addObject:(Building *)object {
[super addObject:object];
	object.index = [NSNumber numberWithInt:[[self arrangedObjects]  

NSLog(@Added %@, [object description]);

to override NSArrayController's standard implementation and assign an  
index to the newly-created object, based on its index within the  
underlying array.  The problem is the type for the argument in the  
method declaration.  With the standard method signature:

- (void)addObject:(id)object

the runtime doesn't have a specific entity to look to for a  
definition, so it doesn't know that I really want to be adding a  
Building entity, which does have an index attribute, and it throws an  
error.  If I change the method declaration to:

- (void)addObject:(Building *)object

it knows that the Building entity has an index attribute, so the error  
goes away.  But, that means that I need to create separate  
NSArrayController subclasses to control the arrays of the Floor and  
Room entities.  I'm hoping to find a method declaration that can look  
to the entity type of the objects that the array controller is  
controlling (as set in IB), so that I can use the same subclass for  
the Building, Floor and Room arrays.

Having separate NSArrayController subclasses for Floor and Room isn't  
the end of the world, but if there's a cleaner way to do this, I'd  
like to learn about it.

Thanks for all of your help.


On Jul 18, 2009, at 12:24 PM, Quincey Morris wrote:

On Jul 18, 2009, at 10:36, Brad Gibbs wrote:

Can I use that to indicate the type for the argument to the method?

On Jul 18, 2009, at 9:45 AM, Quincey Morris wrote:

Perhaps NSSClassFromString ([[self entityName]  

Sorry, I took your example too literally, and gave you the  
expression for the class name (apart from the typo). For  
insertNewObjectForEntityForName:inManagedObjectContext: you'd just  
need the entity name:

	insertNewObjectForEntityForName: [self entityName]  
inManagedObjectContext: [self managedObjectContext]

Is that what you wanted?


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Re: iTunes COM interface for Windows; need the equivalent for

2009-07-17 Thread Brad Gibbs

Thanks for sharing your code, George.

Is there any way to access AirTunes with Objective-C / Cocoa or  
AppleScript?  I've seen some information on daap that allows the use  
of AirTunes, but it's a private API, so I'm hesitant to use it, even  
for my own personal projects.  Although, given the fact that it  
apparently hasn't changed much since iTunes 4, it seems unlikely that  
Apple would make any sweeping changes.

I read somewhere that Apple had planned on making the daap API public  
years ago, but I guess either that information was incorrect or they  
had a change of heart.

It'd be nice to see a Cocoa-native iTunes 9 with a Core Data database  
to coincide with the release of Snow Leopard...


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Public API for AirTunes?

2009-07-17 Thread Brad Gibbs


I've been looking for a public API for AirTunes without success.   
Maybe I have the wrong name?  Is it available under another name?   
There are a number of apps out now that use AirTunes (VLC, Rogue  
Amoeba's AirFoil, FireFly and others).  Are they all hacking the  
daap?  Daap is pretty well understood at this point and, given that it  
has been around since iTunes 4, it seems unlikely that Apple would  
break it, but I'm a little surprised so many released apps are using a  
private API.



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Looking for a Mentor in the SF Bay Area

2009-07-01 Thread Brad Gibbs


I'm looking for an experienced Objective-C programmer in the SF Bay  
Area with a little extra time on his / her hands to meet for an hour  
or two per week and correspond over e-mail.

I *think* I have a decent grasp of the basics (I'm currently trying  
things with Core Data, Core Animation and BLIP), but I've never had  
any formal programming education and have never worked in a  
programming environment.

I have well-developed ideas, requirements and use cases for three  
related apps, but the implementation needs some work.  I spend too  
much time stumbling over how best to approach problems and too much  
time in the documentation.

I don't have the budget to hire someone full-time or on a contract  
basis right now, but I would like to hire someone to provide guidance  
and nudges in the right direction to keep these projects moving  
forward.  If the apps develop into working, shipping products, there  
will be a need for at least one full-time developer.

Finally, the projects are fun.  My company (  
will use them in our residential audio and video installations.

I apologize if this is the wrong forum for this post.

If you're interested, please reply privately.



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UML Diagramming or Other Helpful Software?

2009-06-23 Thread Brad Gibbs


I'm wondering if there are some tools commonly in use in the Mac  
software development community for diagramming an app, creating use  
cases and / or requirements, etc.  I've seen OmniGraffle and  
ConceptDraw.  I'm just wondering how other people go about laying out  
their apps from 30,000 feet, and whether there are tools for this I  
haven't bumped into, yet.



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Re: Passing References During Initialization / Nib Loading

2009-06-12 Thread Brad Gibbs
There's a great macro available for creating singletons on the cocoa  
with love blog. It's dead simple to use and it does override init and  
copy methods to make sure only one instance is created.

On Jun 12, 2009, at 8:50 AM, Michael Ash wrote:

On Fri, Jun 12, 2009 at 4:13 AM, Quincey wrote:

On Jun 12, 2009, at 00:27, Michael Ash wrote:

Singleton-ness is a property of the API, not the
implementation. If the API provides a single instance which you use,
then it's a singleton. Enforcing that single instance is entirely up
to the implementation of the API. It's not a necessary feature of a
singleton, and it's not even necessarily a good feature to have.

Perhaps so. I'm not inclined to insist on my perspective if you  
feel it

misrepresents the situation enough to comment on it.

I'll point out, though, that there is no inherent singleness in  
situation (that is, barring information about the application  
design that's
not been part of the discussion, there's no obvious reason why he  
choose to have multiple main window controllers) *beyond* the  
decision to implement [MainWindowController  
sharedWindowController]. That
proposal was a pragmatic solution to a design problem that didn't  
involve the cardinality of main window controllers. That last point  

really the point I was trying to make.

Fair enough. I just didn't want others to think that if they wanted a
true singleton then they had to go through and override alloc, init,
etc., the way certain Apple sample code does. Nothing more.


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Re: Passing References During Initialization / Nib Loading

2009-06-11 Thread Brad Gibbs
Well, I've got about 20+ different view controllers  I was trying  
to avoid dropping all of those into the main window controller's nib  
file.  Maybe that's what I need to do, though.

I was taking self.view.window.windowController, which was working  
fine, as long as it was being called after awakeFromNib.

On Jun 11, 2009, at 11:58 AM, Kyle Sluder wrote:

On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 11:52 AM, Brad wrote:

Is there something I'm missing?

It sounds like you're going about it wrong.  Create outlets on your
objects and wire them up to your window controller, which should be
the File's Owner of the nib.  No passing references required.

--Kyle Sluder


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Re: Passing References During Initialization / Nib Loading

2009-06-11 Thread Brad Gibbs
Also, if I drop an object into the MainWindowController's nib file and  
that object is also the File's Owner for another nib file, won't the  
awakeFromNib method for that object be called twice?  I'm doing some  
fetching in awakeFromNib methods to fetch information that needs to  
load as the view is loading, so, I'd effectively be performing each  
fetch twice, wouldn't I?


On Jun 11, 2009, at 12:45 PM, Brad Gibbs wrote:

Well, I've got about 20+ different view controllers  I was  
trying to avoid dropping all of those into the main window  
controller's nib file.  Maybe that's what I need to do, though.

I was taking self.view.window.windowController, which was working  
fine, as long as it was being called after awakeFromNib.

On Jun 11, 2009, at 11:58 AM, Kyle Sluder wrote:

On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 11:52 AM, Brad  

Is there something I'm missing?

It sounds like you're going about it wrong.  Create outlets on your
objects and wire them up to your window controller, which should be
the File's Owner of the nib.  No passing references required.

--Kyle Sluder


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Re: Passing References During Initialization / Nib Loading

2009-06-11 Thread Brad Gibbs


Thanks for the response.  I was trying to make the post short, hoping  
to up my chances of getting someone to read through the entire thing  
and take the time to respond.  I guess I just made it confusing.

So, now for the long(er) version.

I have a single window application.  It's a Core Data, non-document- 
based app.  At launch, the appDelegate loads the mainWindowController,  
which controls the app's only window.  In the main window, there are  
three views -- a status bar across the top, a menu view down the left  
side (Jonathan Dann's Animating Outline View embedded in a view,  
rather than a window) and a content view, which takes up the rest of  
the main window. The mainWindowController loads initial views for  
these containers.

In each section of the menu (the outline view) is a table view with a  
single column, which lists the titles for the view controllers.  For  
the most part, a single view controller controls a single view, which  
is displayed in the content view portion of the main window.  These  
view controllers are subclasses of a custom subclass of  
NSViewController with variables for the main managedObjectContext and  
the mainWindowController.

The method call to remove the view currently in the content view  
portion of the main window and replace it with the new view  
controller's view is in the main window controller.

I had been manually instantiating the view controllers and passing  
references to the main window controller and the main managed object  
context with a custom init method ( initWithMoc: andWindowController:)  
and using these arguments to set variables in the view controllers.   
Today, I decided to try to refactor and clean up some code by  
instantiating the view controllers in nibs, but I ran into the problem  
I'm trying to describe.

Yes, I'm using 10.6, but I think the problem can be abstracted enough  
to be discussed without breaking the NDA.

On Jun 11, 2009, at 1:59 PM, Quincey Morris wrote:

On Jun 11, 2009, at 11:52, Brad Gibbs wrote:

In short, I need a more reliable way to pass references to my  
MainWindowController into objects that are awaking from nib files.   
Trying to set the mMainWindowController variable to  
self.view.window.windowController in the awakeFromNib method seems  
to be happening before the MainWindowController is instantiated,  
so, it sets the variable to NULL.

I need to call a method in the MainWindowController to switch  
views / viewControllers, passing in the new viewController as an  
argument.  I can set the mainWindowController variable in the  
method that actually invokes the view switch, but that seems  
clunky.  It seems like there should be a method I can call to set  
the variable once the view controller has awoken and the app has  
fully loaded.  initWithCoder and awakeFromNib happen too soon and  
applicationDidFinishLaunching only gets sent to the app delegate.

You haven't really described how things are arranged, in a way that  
we can understand. You have a window controller, plus a view  
controller for each set of controls/objects in its own nib file? How  
do the view controllers get created?

As Kyle said, to avoid having to manually resolve the timing of  
when instance variable can be set in objects loaded from nib files,  
you should use outlets instead of instance variable in objects  
coming from nib files. I think your mistake is trying to connect  
directly to the window controller across multiple nibs. Probably the  
correct solution involves putting a 'main window controller'  
property in each view controller, and putting a mViewController  
reference in the nib objects. Then you'd refer to the main window  
controller as mViewController.mainWindowController (or whatever).

If your view controllers are being created programmatically, you'd  
pass the window controller as a parameter when creating them. If,  
for some reason, you have the view controllers in your main window  
nib file, then you'd use outlets to connect them to the main window  

But that's all guesswork, without further information.


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Re: Passing References During Initialization / Nib Loading

2009-06-11 Thread Brad Gibbs

hmm...  Sounds like a clever solution.

On Jun 11, 2009, at 4:30 PM, Kyle Sluder wrote:

On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 3:53 PM, Brad wrote:
I have a single window application.  It's a Core Data, non-document- 
app.  At launch, the appDelegate loads the mainWindowController,  
controls the app's only window.  In the main window, there are  
three views
-- a status bar across the top, a menu view down the left side  
Dann's Animating Outline View embedded in a view, rather than a  
window) and

a content view, which takes up the rest of the main window. The
mainWindowController loads initial views for these containers.

It sounds like you've got a standard master-detail interface going on
here.  In this case, the master view typically doesn't change, and so
does not need to exist in a separate nib.  Since your window can't
really exist without that view, you gain nothing by lazily loading it.
Same with the status bar.

It does sound like a fairly standard master-detail view, although the  
menu items in each view of the animating outline view (the number of  
view controllers and views) will change at runtime.  Is your  
suggestion predicated upon having the menu view in the main window  
controller's nib?  If so, I'll have to look at this more closely to  
figure out how to make it happen.  The animating outline view code  
loads the viewControllers in code, rather than using nib files.

In each section of the menu (the outline view) is a table view with  
a single
column, which lists the titles for the view controllers.  For the  
most part,
a single view controller controls a single view, which is displayed  
in the

content view portion of the main window.  These view controllers are
subclasses of a custom subclass of NSViewController with variables  
for the

main managedObjectContext and the mainWindowController.

NSViewController has a representedObject binding.  You should add a
property to your window controller called managedObjectContext and set
up your view controllers such that their represented object is the
window controller.  This is what we do in document-based applications,
except we have the extra step of going through the window controller
to get to the persistent document's managedObjectContext property.

When / where do I set the representedObject?  I don't see an exposed  
binding for representedObject in IB and if I don't set it in IB, it  
seems as though I'm back to the chicken-or-egg problem I'm try to work  
my way out of...

The method call to remove the view currently in the content view  
portion of
the main window and replace it with the new view controller's view  
is in the

main window controller.

Method Call means?  Are you saying your window controller subclass
has a method that looks something like -switchToContentViewController:
?  Because that's exactly what you should be doing.

Yes, that's what I meant.

I had been manually instantiating the view controllers and passing
references to the main window controller and the main managed  
object context
with a custom init method ( initWithMoc: andWindowController:) and  
these arguments to set variables in the view controllers.  Today, I  

to try to refactor and clean up some code by instantiating the view
controllers in nibs, but I ran into the problem I'm trying to  

The view controllers are very similar to window controllers.  They
should be the File's Owner of the nibs.  You instantiate the view
controllers in your window controller's initializer (the view
controller takes care of lazily loading its nib).

Put all this together and your view controller subclasses (if you even
need to subclass them) don't need to have a reference the view
controller.  The standard -[NSViewController representedObject]
property will be more than sufficient to get from your view controller
or view objects back at both your window controller and its MOC.

Don't need a reference to the view controller?  or the main window  

Yes, I'm using 10.6, but I think the problem can be abstracted  
enough to be

discussed without breaking the NDA.

There's nothing substantively different about this on 10.6 than on
10.5.  If you're at WWDC, hit me up and I'll explain in person.  Ask
anyone in an Omni jacket if they've seen me.

--Kyle Sluder


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DVDPlayer Deinterlacing

2009-05-11 Thread Brad Gibbs


It looks like the Scripting Bridge header file for Apple's DVD Player  
offers nearly the same options as the DVDPlayer framework, and neither  
seem to offer control over the deinterlacing options present in the  
DVD Player app itself.  Apple's deinterlacing actually became pretty  
respectable in 10.5 and I'd like at least the option to invoke it.

Is there any way to set deinterlacing in code, either through the  
Scripting Bridge or by using DVDPlayer.framework + some Quartz filter  
that didn't show up in my searches of the documentation?  If not, is  
deinterlacing turned on or off by default?

Also, I'm leaning towards using the DVDPlayer.framework.  Is there any  
strong reason I should use the Scripting Bridge approach instead?



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Displaying an NSSet in a Single Table Cell?

2009-01-25 Thread Brad Gibbs
I have a Core Data app for cataloging objects.  Each object has a to- 
many relationship for Type that describes the type of the object.  An  
object can have multiple types (hence, the to-many relationship...) --  
usually 2-4 types per object.

Objects are displayed in a table, one per row.  I made the table rows  
tall enough to display three lines of text.  I'd like to display one  
type per line for each object so that the user can click on one of the  
types and sort the table according to the type selected.  Essentially,  
I guess I want to put three cells in a single cell, or a matrix in a  
cell, both to display the data and to get the selection and act upon it.

There must be a way to do this, but I haven't been able to find it.



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Scrolling Title in IKImageBrowserView?

2009-01-25 Thread Brad Gibbs
Is it possible to set the title of an image in an IKImageBrowserView  
to scroll when the item is selected?


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Search Fields, Array Controllers and Multiple NIBs

2009-01-19 Thread Brad Gibbs
I'm having a fundamental disagreement with Cocoa and I'm really hoping  
someone can help me see it her way...

I have a Core Data app with a container view controller and multiple  
subviews, each with a view controller and a separate NIB.  Subview  
switching is done via a segmented control.  The subviews each display  
the same data, but in different ways -- one is a table view, another  
is an image view and the third is a cover flow view.

The container view displays the segmented control that does the  
switching and a search field that is used to filter what is shown in  
the subviews.  My aim is to have the search field filter the three  
views equally, such that if the user performs a search, all three  
subviews will show the filtered results of that search.  So, the user  
the perform the search and each of the three views will display the  
filtered results of the same search.

I've tried a number of approaches.  To me, it seems the most logical  
approach is to have the container view pass its MOC and  
NSArrayController instance to each of the subviews as it creates  
them.  I still need to create an NSArrayController instance in each  
view's NIB file in IB to bind the objects in each of the views, but I  
can create an outlet in each view controller and set it to the  
NSArrayController instance passed in from the main view when the  
subview is instantiated.  But, this doesn't seem to work.  I can NSLog  
each array controller to see that each view has the same instance of  
the NSArrayController, but searching in the main view doesn't seem to  
filter any of the subviews properly.

I'm sure I haven't described the issues clearly but I'm hoping someone  
will understand this well enough to propose a solution.

Thanks in advance,


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Sample Code from WWDC 2008?

2009-01-17 Thread Brad Gibbs
I attended a couple of great sessions on Core Data at WWDC 2008.  I  
believe I remember the presenters saying that the code developed in  
those sessions was going to be made available to attendees (I believe  
it was going to be made available in two versions -- one emphasizing  
the use of bindings and another primarily code-derived).  The videos  
have been available for a while now, but I haven't been able to find  
the sample code anywhere.

If this is available, would someone please point me in the right  



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Re: Sample Code from WWDC 2008?

2009-01-17 Thread Brad Gibbs
I've checked there, but I didn't see the Core Data samples I was  
looking for.  In fact, there are only two sample code entries in the  
Cocoa section that are dated the week of WWDC 2008 ( one is on  
subpixel antialiasing and the other deals with layer-backed views) and  
no files dated after the end of the conference.  Most of the rest of  
the code in the Mac / Cocoa section is documentation and sample code  
dating back to 2005.

On Jan 17, 2009, at 1:05 PM, Robert Marini wrote:

If you check out the WWDC attendee site ( 
) you can pick a track-specific reference library. The sample code  
will be available there.


On Jan 17, 2009, at 12:22 PM, Brad Gibbs wrote:

I attended a couple of great sessions on Core Data at WWDC 2008.  I  
believe I remember the presenters saying that the code developed in  
those sessions was going to be made available to attendees (I  
believe it was going to be made available in two versions -- one  
emphasizing the use of bindings and another primarily code- 
derived).  The videos have been available for a while now, but I  
haven't been able to find the sample code anywhere.

If this is available, would someone please point me in the right  



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Scripting Bridge: Targeting Another Mac on the LAN

2009-01-05 Thread Brad Gibbs

Happy New Year.

I'm trying to create a small app to control Apple's DVD Player on a  
Mac Mini using a MacBook Pro.

I've got a small start with Scripting Bridge and I have control over  
the DVD Player app on my laptop.  I've read through the Distributed  
Objects documentation and Async Sockets, but I wonder if there's a  
better or more straightforward approach to targeting another computer  
on the LAN when using Scripting Bridge?  For example, in AS, I can  
simply tell a computer at an IP address to play, stop, pause, etc.  Is  
there a way to set a variable to another computer's IP address and  
send Scripting Bridge commands directly to that computer using the  

Thanks in advance.


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NSNumberFormatter Currency Symbol

2008-11-18 Thread Brad Gibbs
Is it possible to have a text field with a currency symbol that  
appears automatically?  For instance, if the user types 400, $400.00  
appears in the text field.  I've been using IB's formatter with 10.4+  
and I don't see any options that would allow for this.  As it stands,  
if the formatter is configured for currency, the text field won't  
allow an entry that doesn't start with  a $.

Thanks as always,


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Core Data, Filtering by PopUps Bindings Confusion

2008-11-14 Thread Brad Gibbs
I've been using Jonathan Dann's excellent Core Data Sorted sample code  
to create an outline view consisting of two concrete entities --  
Categories and Types (each parent Category can have an unlimited  
number of children types).  The only real adjustment I've made to his  
code is to put the parent relationship in the Category entity and the  
children relationship in the Type entity.  I've also modified the  
indexPath of the addGroup method so that categories are always root  

The outline view seems to be working fine.  I'm using the addGroup  
method to add categories and addLeaf to add types.  This outline view  
is in a preferences window in my app.

This section of the app is meant to be a product library.  Users will  
be able to sort and search by category or type.  When adding a new  
product, a type is assigned to the product, using the selected value  
of a popup button.  I'd like to limit the number of types in that  
popup button by using a category popup button.  In other words:

1.  User indicated s/he wants to add a new product
2.  User selects a category from a popbutton menu
3.  App loads the selected category's types in the the types popup  
4.  User selects a type and the type is assigned to the type  
relationship for the product being created or edited.

I've got two array controllers in my nib file -- one for categories  
and another for types.  I've tried just about every combination of  
bindings I can imagine, but I can't get the types popup button to  
limit itself to the types associated with the selected category -- at  
best it either displays all types of every category or it populates  
the types popup menu for a selected category but doesn't update itself  
when a different category is selected.

Should I be using a fetch request or a filter predicate instead?  If  
bindings is the right approach, could someone describe the bindings  
that need to be made?

Also, if there's a website, or something other than Apple's  
documentation on Core Data, bindings, fetch requests and filter  
predicates, I'd really appreciate the pointer.  I've Googled and read  
through Pragmatic Programmer's Core Data beta book, but the section on  
bindings hasn't been released, yet.

Thanks in advance.


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Re: Core Data, Filtering by PopUps Bindings Confusion

2008-11-14 Thread Brad Gibbs

Thanks for the thoughts, Quincey, but I couldn't make that work.
I have a categoriesAC which is bound to File's Owner's MOC and set to  
Entity mode for Category.

My categories Popup Button (categoriesPUB) is bound to the categories  
array controller as follows:

I've tried a variety of bindings for the popup button's selectedObject  
binding, but I'm not sure how to bind it in this instance.
I tried binding the typesAC's contentSet to File's  

but nothing showed up in the typesPUB.

Re: Core Data, Filtering by PopUps  Bindings Confusion
FROM : Quincey Morris
DATE : Fri Nov 14 22:31:26 2008

On Nov 14, 2008, at 12:06, Brad Gibbs wrote:

 I've been using Jonathan Dann's excellent Core Data Sorted sample
 code to create an outline view consisting of two concrete entities
 -- Categories and Types (each parent Category can have an unlimited
 number of children types).  The only real adjustment I've made to
 his code is to put the parent relationship in the Category entity
 and the children relationship in the Type entity.  I've also
 modified the indexPath of the addGroup method so that categories are
 always root objects.

 The outline view seems to be working fine.  I'm using the addGroup
 method to add categories and addLeaf to add types.  This outline
 view is in a preferences window in my app.

 This section of the app is meant to be a product library.  Users
 will be able to sort and search by category or type.  When adding a
 new product, a type is assigned to the product, using the selected
 value of a popup button.  I'd like to limit the number of types in
 that popup button by using a category popup button.  In other words:

 1.  User indicated s/he wants to add a new product
 2.  User selects a category from a popbutton menu
 3.  App loads the selected category's types in the the types popup
 4.  User selects a type and the type is assigned to the type
 relationship for the product being created or edited.

 I've got two array controllers in my nib file -- one for categories
 and another for types.  I've tried just about every combination of
 bindings I can imagine, but I can't get the types popup button to
 limit itself to the types associated with the selected category --
 at best it either displays all types of every category or it
 populates the types popup menu for a selected category but doesn't
 update itself when a different category is selected.

 Should I be using a fetch request or a filter predicate instead?  If
 bindings is the right approach, could someone describe the bindings
 that need to be made?

I haven't tried this, but if I understand the setup, the current
Category would be available from the popup button as
button.selectedItem.representedObject, assuming the button was bound
to a Categories NSArrayController which itself was bound to the

Therefore, your Types array controller would be need to be bound to
button.selectedItem.representedObject.types, and the only way I know
to do that is to add the button as an outlet on the file's owner, so
the actual binding is to File's
Owner.button.selectedItem.representedObject.types (or if there's a
more direct way, I'd be interested to know what it is).


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Apple's NSPersistentDocument Tutorial and MOCs

2008-11-12 Thread Brad Gibbs


I've followed along through the NSPersistentDocument tutorial from  
Apple and made some adjustments for my own needs.  I now have a sheet  
that drops down to allow the user to add a new product record.  This  
is handled in its own MOC and the relevant key/value pairs are copied  
to the main MOC when the user clicks Add to dismiss the sheet.

This works fine for attributes, but I'd also like to create  
relationships between the new product and existing category and  
manufacturer objects in the main MOC using pop up buttons.   I can  
populate the pop up buttons easily enough in IB using bindings, but I  
can't bind across from the main MOC where the categories and  
manufacturers arrays live into the special new product MOC created for  
the sheet.

I've mucked about a bit with NSPopUpButton's titleForSelectedItem and  
some other methods, but, it feels as though I'm fighting the  
frameworks.  Can someone recommend an elegant solution for this?



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Pop-Up Graphical Calendar

2008-11-04 Thread Brad Gibbs


I'm trying to replicate one of the pop-up calendars you see on Orbitz,  
Hotwire, etc. , where the user clicks a calendar icon, the calendar  
appears and then the calendar disappears once the user has selected a  

I've got a graphical NSDatePicker and I can show and hide it with an  
NSButton and an IBAction, but I'd like to make the calendar hide  
itself automatically after the user has selected a date.  I don't see  
a delegate method to notify a delegate that a date has been selected.   
I suppose I could use a notification when the date has been changed,  
but I'm wondering if there's a more elegant way to do this.  Maybe  
with bindings?



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Re: Help for a beginner..

2008-10-04 Thread Brad Gibbs
I had no knowledge of or experience with programming when I started  
last April.  I started with Kochan's Objective-C book, then Hillegass  
Third Edition, then XCode Unleashed.  That happened to be the order in  
which they were released, but it was a good way to go -- I felt one  
led right into the other.

Safari has a beta version of Objective-C 2.0 available now as a PDF.   
It's not complete, but there's enough there to make it worth a look.

Also, Pragmatic Programmer's has a beta version of Cocoa Programming:  
A Quick Start Guide for Developers.  I think you'd still want to be  
familiar with Kochan's material before starting this book, but you  
might read through it before starting Hillegass to get a 50,000-ft  
view of Cocoa before diving down to the 10,000-ft. view offered in  
Hillegass.  XCode Unleashed gets further down into the mechanics of  
XCode, version control, etc.

Apple's documentation and sample code are helpful, but, for me, I  
needed a good understanding of Kochan's material and some of Hillegass  
before Apple's documentation made any sense, even the conceptual docs  
on Objective-C 2.0 or Cocoa.

I'd like to find a good book on object-oriented design and how to go  
about designing classes, etc., if anyone has any ideas...

On Oct 4, 2008, at 6:12 AM, Jason Stephenson wrote:

Rob Keniger wrote:

On 04/10/2008, at 9:46 AM, mmalc crawford wrote:
Start with Programming in Objective-C by Stephen Kochan (depending  
on how quickly you want to get underway, you may consider waiting  
for the second edition): 

I totally agree with mmalc, this is the first book you should buy.  
Despite what others have said, I highly recommend that you do NOT  
start with Kernigan and Richie, it's simply not the best learning  
tool for getting into Mac programming. KR is extremely dry and  
although it teaches you plain C, you don't need to know most of the  
stuff in that book to write good Objective-C.
Stephen Kochan's book teaches you everything you need to know about  
programming in Objective-C, including the bits of the C language  
you need to know and none of the bits you don't. It is also one of  
the most well-written technical books I have ever read.


Plus, I'd like to add that Kochan also introduces you to the basic  
programming concepts along the way. He doesn't just teach the  
language or the Objective-C idioms, but several chapters discuss  
things like basic data types and looping. So, you'll not learn just  
Objective-C the language, but you'll get a fairly decent  
introduction to the basics to be an effective programmer in any  

Kernighan and Ritchie don't do this in their small book. They assume  
you already know the basics of programming, and they are only  
interested in introducing you to the C language. It would help to  
have some basic programming knowledge: data structures, looping,  
recursion, etc. *before* reading KR.

I've never read it, but I imagine that the book on C by Kochan ( 
) is equally as good as his book on Objective-C.

Once you've read the Kochan book you should get Aaron Hillegass'  
Cocoa Programming for Mac OS X, which goes beyond the Objective-C  
language to teach you the mechanics of working with the Cocoa  

Ditto, and Fritz Anderson's Xcode Unleashed is another good choice  
for a second or third book. It covers the Xcode 3 programming  
environment in a bit more detail than Hillegass's book, and has some  
excellent chapters on using libraries and private frameworks.


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Drawing an NSImage in a CALayer

2008-09-18 Thread Brad Gibbs


I'm trying to draw an NSImage (a PNG) in a CALayer.  The goal is to  
create a method that allows me to pass an NSImage as an argument to  
create a layer-hosting view.  I have:

-(id)drawButton: (NSView *)button withImage:(NSImage *)anImage {
// image layer
imageLayer=[CALayer layer];
[imageLayer drawLayer:imageLayer inContext:ctx];
[imageLayer addConstraint:[CAConstraint
[imageLayer addConstraint:[CAConstraint

[titleLayer addSublayer:imageLayer];
[titleLayer layoutIfNeeded];

And I found this snippet in the Core Animation Cookbook:

- (void)drawLayer:(CALayer *)layer inContext:(CGContextRef)ctx
NSGraphicsContext *nsGraphicsContext;
	nsGraphicsContext = [NSGraphicsContext  

[NSGraphicsContext saveGraphicsState];
[NSGraphicsContext setCurrentContext:nsGraphicsContext];

// ...Draw content using NS APIs...
NSRect aRect=NSMakeRect(10.0,10.0,30.0,30.0);
NSBezierPath *thePath=[NSBezierPath bezierPathWithRect:aRect];
[[NSColor redColor] set];
[thePath fill];

[NSGraphicsContext restoreGraphicsState];

But I don't know how to get the current CGContextRef for the second  

Thanks in advance.


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Re: Drawing an NSImage in a CALayer

2008-09-18 Thread Brad Gibbs

On Sep 18, 2008, at 3:18 PM, Matt Long wrote:

You've got some fundamental issues here.

That doesn't surprise me...

This call in particular:

imageLayer drawLayer:imageLayer inContext:ctx];

It doesn't make sense.

-drawLayer:inContext is a delegate method. You are overriding  
drawing functionality for the layer in question. Instead you would  
set the layer's delegate to your app delegate (or whatever  
controller you're using) and then implement drawLayer:inContext in  
your controller.


[imageLayer setDelegate:self]

then implement

- (void)drawLayer:(CALayer *)layer inContext:(CGContextRef)ctx
   if( layer == imageLayer )
   [layer setContents:imageRef];

There are other deeper problems here, so maybe I'll just answer how  
to get a CGImageRef...

Use this code:

- (CGImageRef)nsImageToCGImageRef:(NSImage*)image;
   NSData * imageData = [image TIFFRepresentation];
   CGImageRef imageRef;
   CGImageSourceRef imageSource =
   (CFDataRef)imageData,  NULL);

   imageRef = CGImageSourceCreateImageAtIndex(
  imageSource, 0, NULL);
   return imageRef;

you then call [imageLayer setContents:imageRef] where imageRef is  
the CGImageRef object returned.

It looks like you're making things more difficult than they need to  
be. Maybe clarify a little what you are doing. What does this mean:  
The goal is to create a method that allows me to pass an NSImage as  
an argument to create a layer-hosting view.?

I'm trying to create two classes that generate views that will be used  
as buttons.  One class generates a button view with a title, the other  
generates a view with an image.  I'm using CA to animate a CIBloom  
filter that pulses once when the button is pressed.  There will be  
several of each of these buttons in my UI, the only difference between  
them will be the titles or images on them.  So, I'm trying to  
encapsulate the button-making behavior into a single class that I can  
pass a title or image to in order to create a new instance of a  
button, which will be displayed and controlled from the appropriate  
view controller or window controller.  I have the title button maker  
working, but I'm stumbling with the image button maker, as you've  

Best regards,


On Sep 18, 2008, at 3:54 PM, Brad Gibbs wrote:


I'm trying to draw an NSImage (a PNG) in a CALayer.  The goal is to  
create a method that allows me to pass an NSImage as an argument to  
create a layer-hosting view.  I have:

-(id)drawButton: (NSView *)button withImage:(NSImage *)anImage {
// image layer
imageLayer=[CALayer layer];
[imageLayer drawLayer:imageLayer inContext:ctx];


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[SOLVED] Re: Newb: Targeting an instance of a class instantiated by a NIB file

2008-09-15 Thread Brad Gibbs
I had a panel controlled by a window controller that needed access to  
code in the main window's window controller.  Panels are key windows,  
but not main windows.  The responder chain rolls up through the  
panel's window controller (the key window chain) and then up through  
the main window's responder chain, which, in my case, runs up through  
the MainWindowController, where the view switching model lives.  So,  
once I figured out how the responder chain works and how to invoke it  
properly, everything worked like a charm.

I can't say this was a fun experience, but the responder chain is  
really cool!  (and useful).

Thanks to everyone who helped point me in the right direction.


On Sep 12, 2008, at 8:37 PM, Brad Gibbs wrote:

Hey Jon,

It is a non-document-based app.  Only one instance of each window  
should ever be open at one time.

I have an AppController class that is the NSApp delegate.  In the  
AppController's awakeFromNib I alloc the MainWindowController and  
initWithNib.  In the MainWindowController, I have an IBAction for a  
button that allocs the MainMenuWindowController and initWithNib's  
the MainMenu (which I'm implementing with a HUD panel and the  

I'll have to look into putting some references in the AppController.


On Sep 12, 2008, at 7:52 PM, Jonathan Hess wrote:

Hey Brad -

What code is responsible for creating each of the two window  
controllers? Perhaps that code could tell each of the window  
controllers about each other. Or, it sounds like your application  
isn't document based. Are there ever multiple instances of the two  
windows you're currently working with? If not, perhaps your  
NSApplication subclass, or application delegate, should have a  
reference both window controllers and you could use that object to  
be the missing link.

Jon Hess


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Newb: Targeting an instance of a class instantiated by a NIB file

2008-09-12 Thread Brad Gibbs
I'm working on an application with a single main window and a number  
of views and view controllers.  I have a navigation window that pops  
up and allows users to set preferences and also switch views in the  
main portion of the app's main window.

I want to write the code to switch views in the  
MainWindowController.m, since it controls the window that contains the  
views that will be switched.  But, the buttons that control the view  
switching are located on a panel being controlled by a different view  

The main window and its window controller are instantiated when the  
program is launched.  Creating another instance in the view controller  
that contains the buttons (either by adding a MainWindowController  
object in IB or by creating another instance in the view controller  
code) doesn't target the existing main window, and, therefore, doesn't  
cause views to be switched in the main window that is instantiated on  
launch.  So, how can I target the instance of the main window  
controller that was instantiated on launch from the NSViewController  
controlling the view with the view switching buttons, in order to  
switch views?  Or should I be doing something else entirely?



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Re: Newb: Targeting an instance of a class instantiated by a NIB file

2008-09-12 Thread Brad Gibbs
Thanks for the reply.  Unfortunately, the navigation panel is too  
complicated not to have a controller (it has several, actually).  I  
haven't used the responder chain yet, but I'll give it a go.  It's  
disappointing that there's no way to target the instance directly...

On Sep 12, 2008, at 12:41 PM, Jamie Hardt wrote:

On Sep 12, 2008, at 12:17 PM, Brad Gibbs wrote:

I want to write the code to switch views in the  
MainWindowController.m, since it controls the window that contains  
the views that will be switched.  But, the buttons that control the  
view switching are located on a panel being controlled by a  
different view controller.

So you have the buttons on the navigation panel, that control the  
main window view.  You have a few options:

1) Connect the buttons on the panel to the changeView: (or whatever  
you call it) actions on the main window windowController.  This is  
the easiest.  Just leave your Navigation Panel in your main windows  
nib, and don't bother writing a window controller for it.  If the  
navigation panel starts getting more complicated and chatty with a  
bunch of other components, or particularly if it can alter document  
state, THEN consider making a separate NIB for it.

2) Implement changeView: on your Document class instead, and make  
the buttons on the panel send a changeView: selector to the first  
responder.  The changeView: message will eventually find its way to  
your NSDocument, and then you write code in the NSDocument that  
tells the MainWindowController to do the view switching.  All roads  
in the responder chain lead to the NSDocument eventually.

Jamie Hardt
The Sound Department


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Re: Newb: Targeting an instance of a class instantiated by a NIB file

2008-09-12 Thread Brad Gibbs

If I'm reading your mail correctly, I've tried that without success.

I have a MainWindowController controlling MainWindow.  On  
MainWindow.xib is a button which launches another window  
(MainMenu,xib) with a window controller (MainMenuWindowController.m).   
A couple of NSViewControllers down is a view with the buttons in  

I've tried creating an instance of MainWindowController in that view's  
NSViewController (declaring MainWindowController  
*iMainWindowController in the interface, using @property and  
@synthesize and then calling iMainWindowController =  
[[MainWindowController alloc] init] in the NSViewController's  
implementation section).

I can tell the method is being called by an NSLog statement posted to  
the Console, but the view doesn't swap in.  I'm assuming this is  
because I've programmatically created another instance of the  
MainWindowController class in the NSViewController and I'm targeting  
that instance with the buttons, rather than the instance created at  
launch, which is controlling the MainWindow.  Calling a method on the  
MainWindowController instance created by the NSViewController would  
still cause the log file to print the message without swapping in the  
view on the instance of the Main Window created when I launch the  
app.  So, I'm left to assume that I need to target the instance  
created at launch.

According to the Event Handling Guide:
 If an NSWindowController object is managing the window, it becomes  
the final next responder.

Is this going to be a problem, since the NSViewController with the  
button code is underneath its own NSWindowController?  Would the  
responder chain just stop there and so that messages wouldn't make  
their way over and up to the MainWindowController?

Thanks again.


On Sep 12, 2008, at 1:38 PM, Jonathan Hess wrote:

Hey Brad -

So it sounds like you have two controllers, A, and B, and they each  
have their own NIB. Sound like you're on the right track. Now you  
want to have an action in B's NIB affect controller A. Does  
controller B have an instance variable, or other mechanism, for  
referencing controller A? If so, you could put an action method on  
controller B and have that be the target of your button in NIB B.  
The implementation of that action can then call a method on  
controller A.

Jon Hess

On Sep 12, 2008, at 12:17 PM, Brad Gibbs wrote:

I'm working on an application with a single main window and a  
number of views and view controllers.  I have a navigation window  
that pops up and allows users to set preferences and also switch  
views in the main portion of the app's main window.

I want to write the code to switch views in the  
MainWindowController.m, since it controls the window that contains  
the views that will be switched.  But, the buttons that control the  
view switching are located on a panel being controlled by a  
different view controller.

The main window and its window controller are instantiated when the  
program is launched.  Creating another instance in the view  
controller that contains the buttons (either by adding a  
MainWindowController object in IB or by creating another instance  
in the view controller code) doesn't target the existing main  
window, and, therefore, doesn't cause views to be switched in the  
main window that is instantiated on launch.  So, how can I target  
the instance of the main window controller that was instantiated on  
launch from the NSViewController controlling the view with the view  
switching buttons, in order to switch views?  Or should I be doing  
something else entirely?



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Re: Newb: Targeting an instance of a class instantiated by a NIB file

2008-09-12 Thread Brad Gibbs
I run into a stumbling block once I get to the first  
NSWindowController, whether I'm trying your method, or trying to use  
the Responder Chain, as Jamie suggested.  I get what you're suggesting  
and I tried going that route before making the original post, but I  
don't know how to go from the NSWindowController that contains the  
buttons over to the other NSWindowController that contains the view  
switching code.  A button on the MainWindowController launches the  
MainMenuWindowController, but the two don't have any kind of direct  
relationship through a hierarchy.  So, when I use  
[self.view.window.windowController], i can get to the controller of  
the view containing the buttons, but I don't where to go from there,  
given that there is no direct relationship between that window  
controller and anything on the main window or its controller.

I tried to make the MainMenuWindow a child of the MainWindow, and  
while that did allow the buttons to control the view switching, it  
caused all sorts of other problems, since calls such as  
[self.view.window close] that were intended to close just the  
MainMenuWindow began closing both windows.

I tried:

	[self.view.window.parentWindow.windowController removeChildWindow: 

[self.view.window close];

but XCode spit out an error -- I suppose XCode sees this as self- 

So, the problem remains...

As far as the responder chain goes, the message goes up from the  
NSViewController containing the buttons through its window, to that  
window's controller and then to NSApp.  I don't know how to cause it  
to jump to the main window's window controller.

On Sep 12, 2008, at 5:15 PM, Jonathan Hess wrote:

On Sep 12, 2008, at 3:07 PM, Brad Gibbs wrote:

Thanks for the help.  I'm trying to understand your code suggestion  
below.  My app isn't document-based, so I don't think I have a  
document to refer to...  Can I just leave that part out, or will  
things work differently in a non-document-based app?

Ah. That was just an example that I figured would be close enough to  
lead you to the solution that was right for your App. You'll need to  
replace the windowController] document] mainWindowController] part  
with whatever series of messages allow you to get a reference back  
to your main view controller.

As for deciding what the right chain of messages is ... At some  
point your view controller probably knows about some object, that  
knows some other object, that knows another object ... that finally  
knows your main window controller. If there isn't some chain of  
relationships you can follow through your objects to get from your  
view controller to your window controller, you could introduce one.  
Once you've done that, you'll use that path to get from self, the  
view controller, to your main window controller.

 I've also re CC'd the list because I think this thread will be  
interesting to new cocoa developers searching through the list  
history for help -

Jon Hess

The bit I wrote about the responder chain was in response to Jamie  
Hardt's suggestion that I use the responder chain (which I couldn't  
get to work, either).

On Sep 12, 2008, at 2:43 PM, Jonathan Hess wrote:

On Sep 12, 2008, at 2:25 PM, Brad Gibbs wrote:

If I'm reading your mail correctly, I've tried that without  

I have a MainWindowController controlling MainWindow.  On  
MainWindow.xib is a button which launches another window  
(MainMenu,xib) with a window controller  
(MainMenuWindowController.m).  A couple of NSViewControllers down  
is a view with the buttons in question.

I've tried creating an instance of MainWindowController in that  
view's NSViewController (declaring MainWindowController  
*iMainWindowController in the interface, using @property and  
@synthesize and then calling iMainWindowController =  
[[MainWindowController alloc] init] in the NSViewController's  
implementation section).

The problem is that this creates a new 'MainWindowController'. The  
object you get in response to [[MainWindowController alloc] init]  
is unrelated to the one previously created.

I can tell the method is being called by an NSLog statement  
posted to the Console, but the view doesn't swap in.  I'm  
assuming this is because I've programmatically created another  
instance of the MainWindowController class in the  
NSViewController and I'm targeting that instance with the  
buttons, rather than the instance created at launch, which is  
controlling the MainWindow.


Calling a method on the MainWindowController instance created by  
the NSViewController would still cause the log file to print the  
message without swapping in the view on the instance of the Main  
Window created when I launch the app.  So, I'm left to assume  
that I need to target the instance created at launch.


According to the Event Handling Guide:
 If an NSWindowController object is managing

Re: Newb: Targeting an instance of a class instantiated by a NIB file

2008-09-12 Thread Brad Gibbs
OK  XCode doesn't put up any errors or any warnings for this code  
and the app works as intended.  The code is in an NSViewController, so  
I was targeting the view controller's view and then the view's  
window.  What is the correct approach?

On Sep 12, 2008, at 7:09 PM, Bill Bumgarner wrote:

On Sep 12, 2008, at 7:08 PM, Brad Gibbs wrote:
	[self.view.window.parentWindow.windowController removeChildWindow: 

[self.view.window] doesn't make any sense.



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Re: Newb: Targeting an instance of a class instantiated by a NIB file

2008-09-12 Thread Brad Gibbs

Hey Jon,

It is a non-document-based app.  Only one instance of each window  
should ever be open at one time.

I have an AppController class that is the NSApp delegate.  In the  
AppController's awakeFromNib I alloc the MainWindowController and  
initWithNib.  In the MainWindowController, I have an IBAction for a  
button that allocs the MainMenuWindowController and initWithNib's the  
MainMenu (which I'm implementing with a HUD panel and the BGHUDAppKit).

I'll have to look into putting some references in the AppController.


On Sep 12, 2008, at 7:52 PM, Jonathan Hess wrote:

Hey Brad -

What code is responsible for creating each of the two window  
controllers? Perhaps that code could tell each of the window  
controllers about each other. Or, it sounds like your application  
isn't document based. Are there ever multiple instances of the two  
windows you're currently working with? If not, perhaps your  
NSApplication subclass, or application delegate, should have a  
reference both window controllers and you could use that object to  
be the missing link.

Jon Hess


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Fade In and Fade Out Transitions Missing in IB

2008-09-09 Thread Brad Gibbs
I'm sure this is user error, but the Order In and Order Out options  
shown and described in the IB User Guide as being available in the  
View Effects tab under Transitions don't seem to be available in my  
version of IB.  I'm using XCode and IB 3.1, and my project is targeted  
for 10.5, but I can't seem to cause these these options to appear.   
What am I doing wrong / not doing?



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Re: Fade In and Fade Out Transitions Missing in IB

2008-09-09 Thread Brad Gibbs

hmmm that's a bummer  looked like a nice feature.

On Sep 9, 2008, at 9:39 PM, Seth Willits wrote:

On Sep 9, 2008, at 6:50 PM, Brad Gibbs wrote:

I'm sure this is user error, but the Order In and Order Out options  
shown and described in the IB User Guide as being available in the  
View Effects tab under Transitions don't seem to be available in my  
version of IB.  I'm using XCode and IB 3.1, and my project is  
targeted for 10.5, but I can't seem to cause these these options to  
appear.  What am I doing wrong / not doing?

It's not just you. They're not there. The screenshots are just from  
an earlier version.

In general, my experience with IB3's view transition settings is:  
don't bother. They either don't work at all or are somehow  
incomplete/broken. Others (at least one Apple engineer included)  
have testified to this as well.

Seth Willits


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Re: Sending a GET or POST HTTP request with Cocoa

2008-09-01 Thread Brad Gibbs

You might find the discussion here helpful:

After getting NSURL's to work, I decided I'd be better off with TCP  
sockets.  If you find yourself in the same position, you might try  
AsyncSockets (also available at the link above).  It's non-blocking,  
fast, easy and reliable.

Todd Ditchendorf also created some very useful tools for working with  
XMLRPC and SOAP servers, available here:


On Aug 31, 2008, at 9:30 AM, Sam Schroeder wrote:

Hi all,

I'm new to Cocoa development and I'm trying to learn the basics of
sending HTTP GETs and POSTs from Cocoa.  I've been reading up on NSURL
and searching for decent sample code.  However, I've been unable to
find something simple that _just_ explains how to send a GET and
capture the returned results.  My google_fu is weak.  My ultimate goal
is to send and receive XML (or maybe JSON) requests over HTTP, but
first I want to understand simple GETs and POSTs.

Any links or sample code would be greatly appreciated.



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Re: Newb Question re NSUserDefaults and Ints

2008-08-30 Thread Brad Gibbs
Thanks for all of the responses.  After some monkeying around, I  
figured out that I'd used an NSNumber where I should have used an  
NSString.  The code is now compiling and running happily.

While I did learn some things from this, I'm confused about  
NSUserDefaults and the values it can store.  I created an  
NSMutableDictionary to register the defaults, which is, I believe  
archived as a property list.  Floats can be associated with NSString  
keys and stored in dictionaries, and there are methods for  
floatForKey: and setFloat: forKey: so, storing floats in a dictionary  
is supported, but, according to my understanding of Apple's  
documentation, I can't archive floats in a property list.  I thought  
that I needed to transform the float into an NSNumber before saving to  
NSUserDefaults, and then transform the NSNumber to a float before I  
could use it to set the gradient angle.

In Introduction to User Defaults, Apple states:

The NSUserDefaults class only supports the storage of objects that can  
be serialized to property lists. This limitation would seem to exclude  
many kinds of objects, such as NSColor and NSFont objects, from the  
user default system. But if objects conform to the NSCoding protocol  
they can be archived to NSData objects, which are property list– 
compatible objects. For information on how to do this, see “Storing  
NSColor in User Defaults“; although this article focuses on NSColor  
objects, the procedure can be applied to any object that can be  

In the Property List Programming Guide, Apple states:

If a property list object is a container (an array or dictionary), all  
objects contained within it must also be supported property list  
objects. (Arrays and dictionaries can contain objects not supported by  
the architecture, but are then not property lists, and cannot be saved  
and restored with the various property list methods.) Moreover,  
although dictionary keys in NSDictionary and CFDictionary are defined  
to be an object of any type, for property lists they must be string  

Cocoa property lists organize data into named values and lists of  
values using these classes:

NSString (java.lang.String in Java)
NSNumber (subclasses of java.lang.Number in Java)

What am I not getting?

Looking forward to not having to prefix my posts with Newb Question...


On Aug 29, 2008, at 9:07 PM, Graham Cox wrote:

On 30 Aug 2008, at 2:04 pm, Graham Cox wrote:

You can really tell

I meant of course that you CAN'T really tell...



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Newb Question re NSUserDefaults and Ints

2008-08-29 Thread Brad Gibbs
I'm having a hard time with what should be a simple task - storing an  
integer for a gradient angle as a user default and then updating the  
screen.  When I quit the app and open it again, the NSTextField shows  
the last value I set for the gradient, but with the following code:

- (IBAction)changeElementBarGradientAngle:(id)sender {
NSUserDefaults *defaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
	NSLog(@gradient angle is %d, [elementBarGradientAngleTextField  
	[defaults setInteger:[elementBarGradientAngleTextField intValue]  
	NSLog(@Element bar angle is now: %d, [ICNElementBarGradientAngleKey  


I get:

2008-08-29 18:42:10.627 Icon[35645:10b] gradient angle is 75
2008-08-29 18:42:10.628 Icon[35645:10b] Element bar angle is now: 0

I've also tried turning the int into an NSNumber object and using  
defaults setObject: foKey: without success.

It seems as though I have to use:

[gradient drawInRect:[self bounds] angle: 
[ICNElementBarGradientAngleKey intValue]];

turning ICNElementBarGradientAngleKey back into an int, which makes me  
wonder, is setInteger in:

[defaults setInteger:[elementBarGradientAngleTextField intValue]  

meant to be used with an int, or an object, such as NSUInteger?  What  
am I doing wrong?



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Re: Newb Question re NSUserDefaults and Ints

2008-08-29 Thread Brad Gibbs


I'd read that dictionaries and plists were particular in the types  
they accept, but I was looking at page 201 of Hillegass (3rd edition),  
which shows:

- (void)setInteger:(int)value forKey:(NSString *)defaultName


- (int)integerForKey:(NSString *)defaultName

and blindly followed  Apple's NSUserDefaults documentation shows:

- (void)setInteger:(NSInteger)value forKey:(NSString *)defaultName

which makes more sense.  Must be a typo in the book?

On Aug 29, 2008, at 7:14 PM, Andrei Kolev wrote:


You can't store an int into a Dictionary or user defaults. For the  
objects you can use, see here: 

NSNumber and NSString should work.

Also, [ICNElementBarGradientAngleKey intValue] will try to turn the  
key into a number, not get it's value. You want to use:

[[defaults objectForKey: ICNElementBarGradientAngleKey] intValue];


On 30.08.2008, at 04:54, Brad Gibbs wrote:

I'm having a hard time with what should be a simple task - storing  
an integer for a gradient angle as a user default and then updating  
the screen.  When I quit the app and open it again, the NSTextField  
shows the last value I set for the gradient, but with the following  

- (IBAction)changeElementBarGradientAngle:(id)sender {
NSUserDefaults *defaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
	NSLog(@gradient angle is %d, [elementBarGradientAngleTextField  
	[defaults setInteger:[elementBarGradientAngleTextField intValue]  
	NSLog(@Element bar angle is now: %d,  
[ICNElementBarGradientAngleKey intValue]);


I get:

2008-08-29 18:42:10.627 Icon[35645:10b] gradient angle is 75
2008-08-29 18:42:10.628 Icon[35645:10b] Element bar angle is now: 0

I've also tried turning the int into an NSNumber object and using  
defaults setObject: foKey: without success.

It seems as though I have to use:

[gradient drawInRect:[self bounds] angle: 
[ICNElementBarGradientAngleKey intValue]];

turning ICNElementBarGradientAngleKey back into an int, which makes  
me wonder, is setInteger in:

[defaults setInteger:[elementBarGradientAngleTextField intValue]  

meant to be used with an int, or an object, such as NSUInteger?   
What am I doing wrong?



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Re: Newb Question re NSUserDefaults and Ints

2008-08-29 Thread Brad Gibbs
Well, it appears that I need to convert either an NSNumber or an  
NSString to a CGFloat, rather than an int:

- (void)drawInRect:(NSRect)rect angle:(CGFloat)angle

There don't appear to be any methods in either NSNumber or NSString to  
do this

On Aug 29, 2008, at 7:36 PM, Brad Gibbs wrote:


I'd read that dictionaries and plists were particular in the types  
they accept, but I was looking at page 201 of Hillegass (3rd  
edition), which shows:

- (void)setInteger:(int)value forKey:(NSString *)defaultName


- (int)integerForKey:(NSString *)defaultName

and blindly followed  Apple's NSUserDefaults documentation shows:

- (void)setInteger:(NSInteger)value forKey:(NSString *)defaultName

which makes more sense.  Must be a typo in the book?

On Aug 29, 2008, at 7:14 PM, Andrei Kolev wrote:


You can't store an int into a Dictionary or user defaults. For the  
objects you can use, see here: 

NSNumber and NSString should work.

Also, [ICNElementBarGradientAngleKey intValue] will try to turn the  
key into a number, not get it's value. You want to use:

[[defaults objectForKey: ICNElementBarGradientAngleKey] intValue];


On 30.08.2008, at 04:54, Brad Gibbs wrote:

I'm having a hard time with what should be a simple task - storing  
an integer for a gradient angle as a user default and then  
updating the screen.  When I quit the app and open it again, the  
NSTextField shows the last value I set for the gradient, but with  
the following code:

- (IBAction)changeElementBarGradientAngle:(id)sender {
NSUserDefaults *defaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
	NSLog(@gradient angle is %d, [elementBarGradientAngleTextField  
	[defaults setInteger:[elementBarGradientAngleTextField intValue]  
	NSLog(@Element bar angle is now: %d,  
[ICNElementBarGradientAngleKey intValue]);


I get:

2008-08-29 18:42:10.627 Icon[35645:10b] gradient angle is 75
2008-08-29 18:42:10.628 Icon[35645:10b] Element bar angle is now: 0

I've also tried turning the int into an NSNumber object and using  
defaults setObject: foKey: without success.

It seems as though I have to use:

[gradient drawInRect:[self bounds] angle: 
[ICNElementBarGradientAngleKey intValue]];

turning ICNElementBarGradientAngleKey back into an int, which  
makes me wonder, is setInteger in:

[defaults setInteger:[elementBarGradientAngleTextField intValue]  

meant to be used with an int, or an object, such as NSUInteger?   
What am I doing wrong?



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Preferred Wrapper for TCP Sockets Over Local Network?

2008-08-16 Thread Brad Gibbs


I'm looking for a Cocoa class to establish a TCP socket with another  
machine on a local network (non-OS X).  I've found Omni Networking,  
AsyncSocket and NetSocket.  I've read conflicting reports of the  
suitability of NSSocketPort for non-DO-related work.  I would like to  
be able to use an SSL certificate, but, beyond that, my needs aren't  
exotic.  Ease-of-use and reliability would be a big plus.  I've also  
considered a Ruby class that would handle the TCP messaging and pass  
responses back to the Cocoa-based app.  Any suggestions?



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[NEWB] Filling a rect with an Image

2008-08-06 Thread Brad Gibbs
I'm trying to create a view with a background image, but getting error  
after error...

- (void)drawRect:(NSRect)rect {
NSRect bounds = [self bounds];
NSImage *background = [[NSImage alloc] init];
[background setImage:@ScrollBackground];
[[NSColor colorWithPatternImage:background] set];
[NSBezierPath fillRect:bounds];

 I've added a .png named ScrollBackground to my Resources folder.   
The code compiles but I get a warning: NSImage may not respond to '- 

How can I make this right?



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Re: [NEWB] Filling a rect with an Image

2008-08-06 Thread Brad Gibbs
Thanks.  I was looking at NSImageView (which does have a setImage:  

On Aug 6, 2008, at 8:58 AM, Kyle Sluder wrote:

On Wed, Aug 6, 2008 at 11:50 AM, Brad Gibbs [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I've added a .png named ScrollBackground to my Resources folder.   
The code
compiles but I get a warning: NSImage may not respond to '- 

That would be because, indeed, NSImage does not respond to -setImage.

How can I make this right?

Use the +[NSImage imageNamed:] convenience constructor.  You're best
off doing this once and stuffing it in an ivar; just remember to
retain it.

--Kyle Sluder


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Newb Question re Messaging and Return Values

2008-07-24 Thread Brad Gibbs
I'm having a hard time understanding return values and maybe messaging  
in general.  I've looked through Programming in Objective-C, Hillegass  
Third Edition and through Apple's documentation, but don't seem to  
know enough to find the answer or a proper example I can implement.

I have a view controller that handles button presses, tracks variables  
and updates button states and text fields for a number of devices  
represented on the UI.  A button press

- (IBAction)statusQuery:(id)sender;

sends a message from the view controller to an object named device.   
The device object has a method

- (NSString *)statusQuery {
[webServer getVariableValueByName:@status];

webServer is an instance of a class that handles HTTP Posts to a web  
server on my local network via NSURLConnection.  This is working well  
and webServer is getting the expected responses and logging them to  
the console.  But, I can't figure out how to send the response string  
from the connectionDidFinishLoading method of the webServer object  
back to the device's statusQuery method, which needs to parse the  
response and send the parsed response back to the view controller to  
update the UI.

I'm hoping for a generic message that can send any response back to  
any object that invokes the NSURLConnection method.   
connectionDidFinishLoading is set to return (NSString *).  Is it  
possible to have the delegate method connectionDidFinishLoading send  
its response back to the object that invoked the NSURLConnection  
request?  If so, what is the proper syntax?



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Re: Newb Question re Messaging and Return Values

2008-07-24 Thread Brad Gibbs
Looking at my problem further, I'm thinking I should make webServer a  
delegate of each of the devices.  That would allow me to encapsulate  
the HTTP Posts and Gets for all of the devices in a single class.  A  
device's methods could invoke the webServer delegate when they need to  
send information to the server or get information back.  The webServer  
delegate would return the response to the device method that called  
the webServer method and that method could parse the response and  
update the UI directly or through an NSNotification.

Does this sound right?

Thanks again.

On Jul 24, 2008, at 11:00 AM, Brad Gibbs wrote:

I'm having a hard time understanding return values and maybe  
messaging in general.  I've looked through Programming in Objective- 
C, Hillegass Third Edition and through Apple's documentation, but  
don't seem to know enough to find the answer or a proper example I  
can implement.

I have a view controller that handles button presses, tracks  
variables and updates button states and text fields for a number of  
devices represented on the UI.  A button press

- (IBAction)statusQuery:(id)sender;

sends a message from the view controller to an object named device.   
The device object has a method

- (NSString *)statusQuery {
[webServer getVariableValueByName:@status];

webServer is an instance of a class that handles HTTP Posts to a web  
server on my local network via NSURLConnection.  This is working  
well and webServer is getting the expected responses and logging  
them to the console.  But, I can't figure out how to send the  
response string from the connectionDidFinishLoading method of the  
webServer object back to the device's statusQuery method, which  
needs to parse the response and send the parsed response back to the  
view controller to update the UI.

I'm hoping for a generic message that can send any response back to  
any object that invokes the NSURLConnection method.   
connectionDidFinishLoading is set to return (NSString *).  Is it  
possible to have the delegate method connectionDidFinishLoading send  
its response back to the object that invoked the NSURLConnection  
request?  If so, what is the proper syntax?



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Help with Messages without a matching method signature... issue

2008-07-22 Thread Brad Gibbs
I read the Newbie Question on a method signature thread from June 4 a  
few times, but, either that isn't the problem I'm having, or I'm not  
understanding the solution...

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

On compile, I get the following warnings:

warning: 'Class2' may not respond to '+sendMSG:toPort:'
warning: (Messages without a matching method signature will be assumed  
to return 'id' and accept '...' as arguments.

And clicking a button produces the following in the Console:

2008-07-22 11:03:06.824 OSX Interface[37304:10b] *** +[Class2  
sendMSG:toPort:]: unrecognized selector sent to class 0x4080

Below is the offending code:

Class 1 - This class provides IBActions, each of which calls the  
sendMSG: toPort: method of Class 2.  The arguments for the methods in  
this class are used to construct NSStrings in Class 2.
Class 2 - The arguments sent from a button in Class 1 provide two  
strings, which are used to compose a new NSString, which is sent to  
another device on the network.

@interface Class1 : NSObject {
- (IBAction)powerOn:(id)sender;

@implementation Class1

- (IBAction)powerOn:(id)sender {
[Class2 sendMSG:@P1P1 toPort:@1];

@interface Class2 : NSObject {

- (NSString *)sendString:(NSString *)stringToSend;
- (void)sendMSG:(NSString *)string toPort:(NSString *)port;

@implementation Class2

- (NSString *)sendString:(NSString *)stringToSend {
	NSData *postData = [stringToSend  
dataUsingEncoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding allowLossyConversion:YES];
	NSString *postLength = [NSString stringWithFormat:@%d, [postData  

	NSMutableURLRequest *theRequest=[[[NSMutableURLRequest alloc] init]  


	response = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:receivedData  

return response;

- (void)sendMSG:(NSString *)string toPort:(NSString *)port {
NSString *stringToSend;
	stringToSend = [[NSString alloc]  
initWithFormat:@method=MSGSendparam1=%@param2=%@param3=200, port,  

NSLog(@String being sent: %@, stringToSend);
[self sendString:stringToSend];

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Re: Help with Messages without a matching method signature... issue

2008-07-22 Thread Brad Gibbs
It's in the file, it's just that the warning message pushed the brace  
down and out of my select -  copy - paste to e-mail.  Sorry for the  

On Jul 22, 2008, at 12:35 PM, Steve Bird wrote:

On Jul 22, 2008, at 3:28 PM, Brad Gibbs wrote:

Below is the offending code:

Class 1 - This class provides IBActions, each of which calls the  
sendMSG: toPort: method of Class 2.  The arguments for the methods  
in this class are used to construct NSStrings in Class 2.
Class 2 - The arguments sent from a button in Class 1 provide two  
strings, which are used to compose a new NSString, which is sent to  
another device on the network.

@interface Class1 : NSObject {
- (IBAction)powerOn:(id)sender;

@implementation Class1

- (IBAction)powerOn:(id)sender {
[Class2 sendMSG:@P1P1 toPort:@1];

--- Where's the closing brace here?

@interface Class2 : NSObject {

- (NSString *)sendString:(NSString *)stringToSend;
- (void)sendMSG:(NSString *)string toPort:(NSString *)port;

Steve Bird
Culverson Software - Elegant software that is a pleasure to use. (toll free) 1-877-676-8175


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Re: Help with Messages without a matching method signature... issue

2008-07-22 Thread Brad Gibbs

That was it  Feeling foolish, but grateful.


On Jul 22, 2008, at 12:41 PM, Charles Steinman wrote:

-sendMSG:toPort: is an instance method, which should be sent to an  
object. You are sending it to Class2, which is a class rather than  
an instance of that class.


--- On Tue, 7/22/08, Brad Gibbs [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: Brad Gibbs [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Help with Messages without a matching method  
signature... issue

To: Cocoa List
Date: Tuesday, July 22, 2008, 12:28 PM
I read the Newbie Question on a method signature thread from
June 4 a
few times, but, either that isn't the problem I'm
having, or I'm not
understanding the solution...

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

On compile, I get the following warnings:

warning: 'Class2' may not respond to
warning: (Messages without a matching method signature will
be assumed
to return 'id' and accept '...' as

And clicking a button produces the following in the

2008-07-22 11:03:06.824 OSX Interface[37304:10b] ***
sendMSG:toPort:]: unrecognized selector sent to class

Below is the offending code:

Class 1 - This class provides IBActions, each of which
calls the
sendMSG: toPort: method of Class 2.  The arguments for the
methods in
this class are used to construct NSStrings in Class 2.
Class 2 - The arguments sent from a button in Class 1
provide two
strings, which are used to compose a new NSString, which is
sent to
another device on the network.

@interface Class1 : NSObject {
- (IBAction)powerOn:(id)sender;

@implementation Class1

- (IBAction)powerOn:(id)sender {
[Class2 sendMSG:@P1P1 toPort:@1];

@interface Class2 : NSObject {

- (NSString *)sendString:(NSString *)stringToSend;
- (void)sendMSG:(NSString *)string toPort:(NSString *)port;

@implementation Class2

- (NSString *)sendString:(NSString *)stringToSend {
NSData *postData = [stringToSend
NSString *postLength = [NSString
stringWithFormat:@%d, [postData

NSMutableURLRequest *theRequest=[[[NSMutableURLRequest
alloc] init]

response = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:receivedData
return response;

- (void)sendMSG:(NSString *)string toPort:(NSString *)port
NSString *stringToSend;
stringToSend = [[NSString alloc]
NSLog(@String being sent: %@, stringToSend);
[self sendString:stringToSend];

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Re: NSViewController and View Swapping

2008-07-14 Thread Brad Gibbs

Thanks for the quick response and the links.

NSTabView with tabs on the bottom is exactly what I'm looking for,  
except, I'm writing a fullscreen app with stylized NSImage buttons,  
rather than tabs.  I'm still looking through the ViewController sample  
code.  Given the number of single window apps out there today, it  
seems like swapping views should be one of those common things that is  
easy to accomplish with Cocoa, rather than an uncommon thing that's  
merely possible...

On Jul 13, 2008, at 10:46 PM, Nathan Kinsinger wrote:

On Jul 13, 2008, at 11:15 PM, Brad Gibbs wrote:

I'm trying to create a Cocoa app with a single window with a number  
of views that get swapped in and out, using an NSViewController for  
each of the views.

I have a series of buttons along the bottom of the UI in a custom  
view, and another custom view above the row of buttons.  When  
button A is pressed, view A should appear in the custom view above  
the row of buttons, and button A should be turned on.  When button  
B is pressed, view A should be replaced by View B, button A should  
turn off and button B should turn on.  Ultimately, I'd like to do  
this with an animation (view A fades out and view B fades in).  For  
now, I'd be happy just replacing A with B.

I haven't been able to find much in the documentation about  
NSViewController for Cocoa.  I have the Hillegass book, but the  
view swapping example in Chapter 29 is done with a document-based  
application and the views there are contained in an NSBox:

NSView *v = [vc view];
[box setContentView:v];

I don't know Cocoa well enough to adapt this example for a non- 
document-based application without an NSBox.  Could someone please  
point me to documentation for NSViewController, other than the  
NSViewController Reference, or provide me with a quick explanation  
or example code that will do this?  I've read through the Katidev  
blog on XSViewController and XSWindowController, but, again, that's  
a document-based example, and it doesn't explicitly provide methods  
for replacing one view with another.

Thanks in advance.


There is an example at:

Also what you are describing sounds a lot like an NSTabView with the  
style set to Bottom Tabs. Try creating one in IB and playing with  
it. Also look at:
and an example with animation at:



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Re: NSViewController and View Swapping

2008-07-14 Thread Brad Gibbs
OK, thanks for the tip.  I think this will work well for the situation  
I described.

But, that screen (with its tab view and all of the custom views to be  
made available from within the tab view) is one of several screens  
like it.  The other tab views will contain different numbers of tabs.   
The user will be able to choose among the screens from a pop-up menu  
on a status bar at the top of the screen.  So, I still need a way to  
swap out one set of tab views with another, without using a box, in a  
non-document-based application.  So, I think I still need to solve the  
problem of how to change:

[box setContentView:v]

to swap out one custom tab view with another, so that when the user  
selects another set of tab views, the current tab view is swapped out  
and replaced by the newly-selected tab view.

Thanks again.


On Jul 14, 2008, at 12:17 AM, Scott Anguish wrote:

you can still do it with NSTabView

use setTabViewType to one of the following
NSNoTabsBezelBorder = 4, NSNoTabsLineBorder = 5, NSNoTabsNoBorder = 6

have your button actions change the visible tab using one of...

- (void)selectTabViewItemAtIndex:(NSInteger)index

- (void)selectTabViewItemWithIdentifier:(id)identifier

- (void)selectTabViewItem:(NSTabViewItem *)tabViewItem

On 14-Jul-08, at 2:04 AM, Brad Gibbs wrote:

Thanks for the quick response and the links.

NSTabView with tabs on the bottom is exactly what I'm looking for,  
except, I'm writing a fullscreen app with stylized NSImage buttons,  
rather than tabs.  I'm still looking through the ViewController  
sample code.  Given the number of single window apps out there  
today, it seems like swapping views should be one of those common  
things that is easy to accomplish with Cocoa, rather than an  
uncommon thing that's merely possible...

On Jul 13, 2008, at 10:46 PM, Nathan Kinsinger wrote:

On Jul 13, 2008, at 11:15 PM, Brad Gibbs wrote:

I'm trying to create a Cocoa app with a single window with a  
number of views that get swapped in and out, using an  
NSViewController for each of the views.

I have a series of buttons along the bottom of the UI in a custom  
view, and another custom view above the row of buttons.  When  
button A is pressed, view A should appear in the custom view  
above the row of buttons, and button A should be turned on.  When  
button B is pressed, view A should be replaced by View B, button  
A should turn off and button B should turn on.  Ultimately, I'd  
like to do this with an animation (view A fades out and view B  
fades in).  For now, I'd be happy just replacing A with B.

I haven't been able to find much in the documentation about  
NSViewController for Cocoa.  I have the Hillegass book, but the  
view swapping example in Chapter 29 is done with a document-based  
application and the views there are contained in an NSBox:

NSView *v = [vc view];
[box setContentView:v];

I don't know Cocoa well enough to adapt this example for a non- 
document-based application without an NSBox.  Could someone  
please point me to documentation for NSViewController, other than  
the NSViewController Reference, or provide me with a quick  
explanation or example code that will do this?  I've read through  
the Katidev blog on XSViewController and XSWindowController, but,  
again, that's a document-based example, and it doesn't explicitly  
provide methods for replacing one view with another.

Thanks in advance.


There is an example at:

Also what you are describing sounds a lot like an NSTabView with  
the style set to Bottom Tabs. Try creating one in IB and playing  
with it. Also look at:
and an example with animation at:



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Re: Distributed Objects connection went invalid while waiting for a reply

2008-07-09 Thread Brad Gibbs
Is Distributed Objects still the preferred method for communicating  
among computers on a local network?  It's been hinted that DO may be  
deprecated in the not-so-distant future.  When I asked about DO  
recently, I was pushed in the direction of Jens Alfke's Blip.


On Jul 9, 2008, at 2:14 AM, Mike Bellerby wrote:

I use DOs on 10.3, 10.4 and 10.5. They work correctly on all  
versions. From your description I'm not entirely sure what you are  
trying to do. Could you post a code example and I try to help.


On 9 Jul 2008, at 01:11, Hamish Allan wrote:

I'm seeing connection went invalid while waiting for a reply in a  

callback. The client passes self in a call to the server; some time
later, the server calls a method on that client (proxy), the program
hangs for a second or so, the connection went invalid connection
appears, but the method call is successful anyway, so it would appear
that the DO machinery is re-connecting everything okay.

According to the debugger, the message appears as a result of an
uncaught NSException from -[NSConnection sendInvocation:internal:],
called from -[NSDistantObject forwardInvocation].

Server and client are both properly retained.

There seem to be a lot of messages of late on Apple's forums about
problems with iSync (10.5.4) and even Interface Builder (10.5.3,
IB3.1beta6) in which this message is reported. Is it perhaps a bug in
recent versions of the OS rather than in my code?


P.S. This question has been asked before, but the OP didn't get an
answer ( 


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IB Plugin Exchange / Apple Pro Apps Elements?

2008-06-03 Thread Brad Gibbs
Is there an IB 3.0 plugin exchange I haven't been able to find through  
Google?  Some place where developers could share or trade IB plugins  
they've built?

Specifically, I'm looking for the darker look-and-feel of Apple's Pro  
apps, like Aperture and MainStage from Logic Studio, in particular.



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Newbie Question re Allocation Initialization

2008-05-19 Thread Brad Gibbs
On pages 36-7 of Aaron Hillegass' new book, he provides sample code  
for a Foundation Tool called Lottery.  The code is below:

NSMutableArray *array;
array = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
int i;
for (i = 0; i  10; i++) {
NSNumber *newNumber = [[NSNumber alloc] initWithInt:(i * 3)];
[array addObject:newNumber];

for (i = 0; i  10; i++) {
NSNumber *numberToPrint = [array objectAtIndex:i];
NSLog(@The number at index %d is %@, i, numberToPrint);

He allocates memory for and initializes the first two objects, array  
and newNumber.  But, in the second 'for loop', numberToPrint is  
neither allocated nor initialized, but the program compiles and runs  
as expected.  I replaced the second 'for loop' with the following,  
just to see what would happen:

for (i = 0; i  10; i++) {
NSNumber *numberToPrint;
numberToPrint = [[NSNumber alloc] init];
numberToPrint = [array objectAtIndex:i];
NSLog(@The number at index %d is %@, i, numberToPrint);

It compiled and ran as expected, too.  But, when I tried to eliminate  
allocation and initialization for newNumber in the first 'for loop',  
the app threw an exception.  I don't see an explanation in the book re  
why numberToPrint can be, but doesn't need to be allocated or  
initialized.  Is it because numberToPrint is simply pointing to  
newNumber objects in the array that have already been allocated and  
initialized?  Could someone please explain this?

Thank you.


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Re: Newbie Question re Allocation Initialization

2008-05-19 Thread Brad Gibbs
Thanks to all who replied. It all makes perfect sense, I just didn't  
know that not alloc'ing and init'ing was a fully legit move.  I will  
add Masters of the Void to the already tall stack of reading material.

On May 19, 2008, at 6:03 PM, Jack Repenning wrote:

On May 19, 2008, at 5:18 PM, Brad Gibbs wrote:

Is it because numberToPrint is simply pointing to newNumber objects  
in the array that have already been allocated and initialized?

Yes, both newNumber and numberToPrint are merely pointers to some  
object.  These objects are created in the first loop (the alloc/init  
sequence you noticed), and then stored into the array (the  
1addObject: call).  In the second loop, they already exist, but we  
want to grab onto one so we can print it; numberToPrint is set to  
point to an existing object inside the array (via -objectAtIndex:);  
since the object already exists, it doesn't need to be alloc'ed  
(allocated as sufficient blank memory to hold the object) or init'ed  
(fixed up to actually be such an object).

Jack Repenning
Project Owner
Subversion for the rest of OS X


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Re: starting...

2008-04-25 Thread Brad Gibbs
I also began learning Objective-C programming about a month ago,  
without any prior C experience.  I've found Stephen Kochan's  
Programming in Objective-C to be very useful.  He claims readers will  
be able to follow along without prior knowledge of C.  That's been  
true for me so far (I'm about 3/4 of the way through it).  I'd  
recommend that book first, then Apple's Objective-C 2.0 document to  
update what you've learned in Kochan's book, then Aaron Hillegass'  
book, the third edition of which is due to be available in about a  

On Apr 25, 2008, at 2:35 PM, Bertil Holmberg wrote:

I´m studying objective-C around one month and have some doubts.

Have you studied the Objective-C 2.0 document? It should answer your  
questions about Properties and the @synthesize directive as these  
are new additions to the language. Although handy in the long run,  
they do make things more difficult for the newbie, as do other  
abstract additions such as bindings...


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Best Way to Replicate CURL in Cocoa?

2008-04-01 Thread Brad Gibbs


I'm trying to communicate with a Linux-based device that sits on the  
local network from multiple Macs (also on the local network).   
Documentation for the Linux device claims that it provides an XML-RPC  
server and that it responds to SOAP requests.  However, XML-RPC and  
SOAP AppleScripts result in repeated failure.  do shell script curl,  
however, works every time.  I suspect that the device doesn't actually  
respond to tree-based XML with tags, but it does respond when the full  
message (which consists of a method name and 0-5 parameters, depending  
on the method) are all posted in a single string.

Given this, I'm suspecting it responds to HTTP Posts, rather than XML- 
RPC or SOAP requests.  I've seen references to a Cocoa wrapper for  
curl, but they're from 2002.  Looking through Apple's documentation  
for a more up-to-date method for sending HTTP Posts, it appears that I  
could make HTTP Posts from CFNetwork (CFHTTPMessage with a POST  
method) or through NSURLRequest.  The strings I'll be sending will be  
less than 50 characters long.  The device will also be sending  
response strings of approximately the same length that will need to be  
parsed in the Cocoa app.  Again, it doesn't appear that the responses  
are XML (they're all in a single string, no tags).

Messaging to the device will be driven by button presses in the UI.  A  
single button press could invoke up to 5 or 6 messages at once, but  
the button presses will likely be infrequent.  A single instance of  
the app could be running on multiple machines, with each machine  
making requests to the device simultaneously.

Given this information, what would be the most efficient and robust  
method for sending HTTP Posts, CF Network, NSURLRequest or something  
completely different?

Thanks in advance.


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Re: Best Way to Replicate CURL in Cocoa?

2008-04-01 Thread Brad Gibbs

Thanks for the reply.

On Apr 1, 2008, at 8:51 AM, Jens Alfke wrote:

On 1 Apr '08, at 5:39 AM, Brad Gibbs wrote:

Given this, I'm suspecting it responds to HTTP Posts, rather than  
XML-RPC or SOAP requests.

But both those protocols do use HTTP POSTs. (XML-RPC can use  
alternate transports, but in practice it's almost always over HTTP.)

Fair point.  I didn't use the correct terminology (which stems from  
the fact that I'm stumbling around a bit while learning this).  I  
think it's more accurate to say that the device doesn't respond well  
to the tags in XML-RPC or SOAP.  It does better with a single string.

I've seen references to a Cocoa wrapper for curl, but they're from  
2002.  Looking through Apple's documentation for a more up-to-date  
method for sending HTTP Posts, it appears that I could make HTTP  
Posts from CFNetwork (CFHTTPMessage with a POST method) or through  

Pretty much every Cocoa app that does HTTP uses NSURLRequest. It's  
definitely the way to go for what you're doing. Create a mutable  
one, then use its HTTP-specific setters to configure the method and  
headers and set a body.



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