NSOpenGL Full Screen

2009-09-20 Thread Jeff LaMarche
Okay, I'm feeling a little foolish. I've been so focused on iPhone  
stuff for the last year and a half that I either didn't notice or just  
plain forgot that NSView now has a method for displaying in full  
screen mode. It certainly makes the whole process much easier.

I've updated the old NSOpenGL Full Screen sample code to use this  


This technique doesn't give you the zooming animation, but I'm not  
sure how big of a deal that is. I was able to get the zooming working  
by using a second window instance rather than trying to change the  
style mask between borderless and regular, but I never fully resolved  
the problem with the full screen view failing to receive key events  
until it was clicked the first time, but I stopped trying to figure it  
out once I realized there was an easier way.

Because the technique of placing the window above the menu bar was  
specifically mentioned at a WWDC session, I've also created another  
updated version of the OpenGL Full Screen sample code that uses that  
technique to create a dedicated full-screen app (one that doesn't have  
the option of windowed mode). You can find the code for that version  


I've also updated the code to compile in 64-bit mode and to use  
properties and synthesized instance variables. I've also got the  
texture mapping properly.

As I said before, I'm a little rusty on Cocoa, so please don't  
hesitate to point out improvements or problems.



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Snow Leopard OpenGL Full Screen

2009-09-15 Thread Jeff LaMarche
The traditional way of doing an OpenGL (gCGLPFAFullScreen,  
CGLSetFullScreen()) have been deprecated. At WWDC this year, in the  
Snow Leopard OpenGL session, a new all-Cocoa method was shown where  
you basically just resize the window containing the NSOpenGLView and  
layer it above the menu bar. This new method was strongly recommended  
because it plays more nicely with multiple contexts/screens/graphic  
cards. The new approach doesn't seem to have made it into the 10.6 API  
documentation, however, and the OpenGL fullscreen demo source is from  
like 2002 (ProjectBuilder project) and uses the old technique.

I've taken the old NSOpenGLFullScreen sample code and am working on  
updating it to this new technique. I've gotten full screen working  
using this new Snow Leopardy approach, and it's great - nice and  
simple, lots less code to implement, and it's all Cocoa.

What doesn't work 100% correctly, however, is zooming from a regular  
window to a full-screen window and back again. There are two problems  
with this:

1) I can't get the OpenGL view to programmatically become first  
responder after full screen becomes active, though it works fine once  
you click in the window
2) When I zoom back down from full screen, the close/zoom/minimize  
buttons are missing from the window.

Most of the examples I've found online of zooming to full screen and  
back involved using two different window instances. I may try that  
approach if I can't get this working with a single instance.

Anyway, if you want to check out my in-progress update of the full- 
screen sample code, it can be downloaded from:


If you are writing a full-screen only application, you can probably  
get what you need out of that And if anyone has any insight into how I  
can get the zoom working 100% correctly, I'd appreciate hearing it.  
I'll post the correct version once I get it figured out.

Thanks, all.

BTW: the texture loading from the original sample code is borked under  
Snow Leopard, probably due to one of the changes made to NSImage, I'm  
not too concerned about that right now, though I may look at fixing it  
once I get the full-screen stuff working correctly.


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Re: Cocoa System Requirements

2009-07-06 Thread Jeff LaMarche
Every version of OS X and therefore every Mac that can run OS X can  
run Cocoa apps. Not necessarily any Coco app (certain features like  
core data or properties only became available with a specific OS  
release), but some version of Cocoa. I started writing Cocoa on a G3  
tower, so anything you've been able to buy this milleniun is fine.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 6, 2009, at 7:45 PM, Joelle Lam j...@aptana.com wrote:


Where can I find the minimum System Requirements for Cocoa.  In  
other words,
is there a Mac OS that does not provide Cocoa support (ie Mac OS  
Tiger on



Joelle Lam

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Re: ***Junkmail*** How do I programaticly create a va_list

2009-01-13 Thread Jeff LaMarche
I can reinforce Bill's advice here. I tried to do this same thing  
once, fairly recently actually, so that I could subclass a Foundation  
class that had a variadic init method. I lost several hours of my time  
and a lot of my sanity trying to find a way to make it work before  
giving up.

On Jan 13, 2009, at 11:48 AM, Bill Bumgarner wrote:

On Jan 13, 2009, at 8:32 AM, Horst Jäger wrote:
I have a problem concerning the va_list. I don't know how to  
programaticly create one.

I need to do this because I want to use the initWithFormat method  
of NSString. But I neither know how many args there will be nor are  
the args Strings - they are selectors the associated methods of  
which return Strings.

... rest of excellent problem description deleted ...

In short, you don't want to do this.  Specifically, creating a  
vaargs list to be passed as a parameter to another method  
effectively requires encoding the arguments in whatever fashion the  
compiler would encode them.  It is highly architecture specific and  
is rife with really awesomely tedious details that are easy to screw  


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Re: ActiveRecord on Cocoa

2008-11-11 Thread Jeff LaMarche

Here's another one to consider:


It's similar to ActiveRecord, but is designed to be zero- 
configuration. I tend to think of it as reverse-ActiveRecord because  
instead of populating the object based on the database table, we  
create the database table based on the properties. Basically, your  
class becomes both your class and its own migration.

It's still in active development, but the basic functionality work  
quite well and it's very easy to set up, no configuration steps  
necessary, just subclass an existing class instead of NSObject, and  
set up Objective-C properties for everything that should be persisted,  
the framework will do the rest - call save, to save, use a class  
method to load or query.

On Tue, Nov 11, 2008 at 1:52 PM, I. Savant  

I'm searching for a things like ActiveRecord for Ruby in Objective-C
(but I don't want to use Core-Data).
Anyone can point me to the right solution? I've taken a look at
http://www.cocoadev.com/index.pl?DataCrux but seems to be adbandoned.


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[Announce] Cocoa Barcodes is now open source and available on Google Code

2008-10-23 Thread Jeff LaMarche
I just finished checking in the source code for Barcode Generator, a  
Cocoa program I wrote a few years ago into Google Code as an open  
source project (BSD Licensed). It contains a fairly easy-to-use set of  
classes for generating 2D barcodes.


Project Description:
Cocoa Barcodes is a set of classes (and a test application) for  
generating two-dimensional barcodes. It supports many of the more  
common one-dimensional linear barcodes in use today, allows you to  
export a barcode as a TIFF, EPS, or PDF image, to copy the barcode  
image to the pasteboard, or to drag it to any other application that  
accepts standard OS X PDF data from the pasteboard, including  
TextEdit?. You can also print barcodes directly to any supported  
printer. Please note that you may not be able to create readable  
barcodes at all bar widths allowed by a specification. For example,  
Code 3 of 9 allows a bar width of as small as 7.5 mils, but I haven't  
had much luck going smaller than 13 mils on ink jet printers.

You have a fair amount of control over the final appearance of the  
barcode, including the bar width (in 1/10 mil increments), bar height,  
font size, and captioning. The following barcode types are supported:

Code 3 of 9
Extended Code 3 of 9
Code 128
Interleaved 2 of 5
Industrial 2 of 5
Modified Plessey
Modified Plessey (hexadecimal)
Royal Mail Barcode (also known as RM4SCC or CBC)
Planet Barcode
Japan Post Barcode

Cocoa Barcodes is based on Barcode Generator, an open source Mac  
program which began its life as a test scaffold for a set of Cocoa  
classes I was writing. I did not initially intend to release it as a  
standalone program, but by the time I was done testing the code, it  
had the lion's share of the features available on other OS X barcode  
programs at the time so I decided to release it.


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[ANNOUNCE] SQLite Persisted Objects for Cocoa

2008-08-26 Thread Jeff LaMarche

Greetings all.

I recently created a project at Google Code that I wanted to bring to  
your attention.


The goal of this project is to create Objective-C data model objects  
that automagically know how to persist themselves to a SQLite database  
based on their Objective-C 2.0 properties without any need to write  
SQL or use the SQLite3 API directly.  The version of the source code  
that is currently available on Google Code is a solid, functional  
beta. The only major feature not currently implemented is the ability  
to rollback an object to its saved state, and I'm currently working on  
that. If you use it, you should expect to encounter some bugs (it's an  
early beta, after all), but it should work for most purposes.

If you've ever used Ruby's ActiveRecord implementation, this is fairly  
similar, except that instead of being driven by the database tables,  
it's driven by the Object's properties.  This allows you to build a  
persistable data model without having to create a mapping as Core Data  
requires. You just create your classes and all the mapping to and from  
the database is done  behind the scenes thanks to the superclass.

This supports storing most common object types and scalars in data  
fields. It also supports collection classes (NSSet, NSArray,  
NSDictionary) using cross-reference tables, and stores references to  
other persisted objects as quasi-foreign-key relationships (I couldn't  
use the FK constraints in the database because they are table- 
specific, don't lend themselves to polymorphism, and aren't enforced  
by SQLite3 anyway). It also supports adding indexes to the underlying  
tables by overriding a class method.

In order to create persistable objects, you simply add the files from  
this project to your Xcode project, link to sqlite3.dylib, then create  
subclasses of SQLitePersistentObject, like so:

#import foundation/foundation.h
#import SQLitePersistentObject.h

@interface PersistablePerson : SQLitePersistentObject {
 NSString *lastName;
 NSString *firstName;
@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString * lastName;
@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString * firstName;

Once you've done that, you can just create your objects as usual:

PersistablePerson *person = [[PersistablePerson alloc] init];
person.firstName = @Joe;
person.lastName = @Smith;

Then you can save those objects to the database (the data base and  
table will be created automatically) like so:

[person save];

Loading it back in is almost as easy. All persistable object classes  
gets dynamic class methods added to them to allow you to search for  
instances. So, for example, you could retrieve all the  
PersistablePerson objects that had a last name of Smith like so:

NSArray *people = [PersistablePerson findByLastName:@Smith]

Or, we could specify the exact criteria like this:

PeristablePerson *joeSmith = [PersistablePerson  
findFirstByCriteria:@WHERE last_name = 'Smith' AND first_name = 'Joe'];

This is licensed under a very liberal license - you can use it in any  
software, free or commercial, without limitation. You do NOT have to  
give credit and you do NOT have to publish your changes to the source  
code (although I'll certainly welcome any bug fixes or enhancements  
you wish to give back). The only restriction I've placed on this  
project is that if you choose to distribute the source code you must  
leave  the copyright and license information in the file, though you  
are welcome to add additional comments if you wish.

I welcome all comments and/or feedback.


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sorting two arrays

2008-07-28 Thread Jeff LaMarche

Hey all...

I've got two arrays that are related, so that object 0 in one array  
corresponds to object 0 in the other array. I'd like to implement a  
sort based on the values in one array, but to  reorder both array so  
that the order of the two arrays stays in sync and that object x in  
one array continues to correspond to the same thing as object x in the  
other array after the sort.

I've got a general idea of how to implement the sort, but since I know  
that there are a few places in the system where array pairs are used  
like this, I wanted to see if there was any out-of-the-box way of  
handling this scenario - I'd hate to reinvent the wheel if it's not  
necessary. Does anyone know if there is any easy way to do this?



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Did I reinvent the wheel?

2008-07-18 Thread Jeff LaMarche
Hey, folks. I needed an easy way to turn dictionaries into objects and  
objects into dictionaries based on their properties. I didn't want to  
have to custom code this for each of the classes i was using, and I  
couldn't find that functionality in any of the existing objects, but I  
have this sneaking suspicion that it's in there somewhere. I'd  
obviously prefer to use the delivered version if one exists.

So, here's what I'm using now - is this a case of solving a problem  
that didn't need to be solved?

@implementation NSObject(ToFromDict)
-(NSDictionary *)dictionaryRepresentation { 
unsigned int outCount;

	NSMutableArray *properties = [NSMutableArray  
	objc_property_t *propList = class_copyPropertyList([self class],  

int i;

for (i=0; i  outCount; i++)
objc_property_t * oneProp = propList + i;
		NSString *propName = [[NSString alloc]  

[properties addObject:propName];
[propName release];
return [self dictionaryWithValuesForKeys:properties];
-(id)initWithDictionary:(NSDictionary *)dict {
if (self=[self init])
[self setValuesForKeysWithDictionary:dict];
return self;


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Re: (no subject)

2008-06-16 Thread Jeff LaMarche

On Jun 16, 2008, at 9:27 PM, Angelo Chen wrote:

- (IBAction)doCopying:(id)sender
  // how to determine which NSButton is clicked?

There are several ways. If this button was called because a button was  
pushed, sender will contain a pointer to the button. You can compare  
the tag values from the button, or simply compare sender to your  
IBOutlet variables to see if it's the one you are expecting.


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Accessors Question

2008-06-12 Thread Jeff LaMarche

Lately, I've started to see accessors of the following sort:

- (NSString *)foo
return [[foo retain] autorelease];

rather than just

- (NSString *)foo
return foo;

What is the purpose or benefit of doing this? It seems to me that this  
would add things unnecessarily to the autorelease pool, and I can't  
see a benefit to be had. I've seen it in places that make me think  
there must be a reason (e.g. sample code from Apple), so I'm guessing  
I'm missing something. Is there some benefit due to GC? If so, should  
this construct be used without GC or only with?


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Re: Accessors Question

2008-06-12 Thread Jeff LaMarche
Out of curiosity, does anyone know what the synthesized accessors look  
like when you specify retain? Are they

The safe or unsafe ones?

Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 12, 2008, at 12:02 PM, Tito Ciuro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Although I prefer the safer accessors, there has been one case where  
I had no choice but to return the main object pointer:

- (NSString *)foo
   return foo;

In my app I had a method that was populating a custom cell with a  
few elements. Depending on the data source, I had to construct the  
strings in different ways. Since this string had to be constructed  
with up to 5 elements, when the table view had many rows,  
performance suffered greatly during sort and memory consumption  
spiked tremendously due to a barrage of newly allocated objects.

I ended up writing something like:

// Private version used only for performance
- (NSString *)_foo
   return foo;

// Safer version used in all other cases
- (NSString *)foo
   return [[foo retain] autorelease];

By using '_foo' during sorting I increased speed noticeably, while  
reducing the memory footprint.

-- Tito

On 12 Jun 2008, at 11:27 AM, Jens Alfke wrote:

On 12 Jun '08, at 10:41 AM, Andy Lee wrote:

I hadn't thought of this case.
Thanks for the pointer to the docs -- I now see there is a  
vulnerability in the accessors I've been writing.

This is kind of a religious issue. Some people like the safer  
accessors. Some people see them as a very expensive* workaround for  
a problem that rarely occurs.

I'm firmly in the latter camp. I've never used this 'safe' form of  
accessor, and have only rarely run into the kind of crash it  
prevents; and it was always pretty easy to track down and fix. (The  
fix is just for the caller to retain the value it got from the  
accessor, then release it when it's done using it.)

Another alternative is to leave the getters simple, but change the  
_setter_ methods to autorelease the old value instead of releasing  
it; that prevents this same crash, but is less expensive because  
setters are much more rarely called than getters (and -autorelease  
isn't much more expensive than -release.)


* A basic accessor requires one or two machine instructions to do  
the actual work; whereas -retain and -autorelease involve extra  
method dispatches that each acquire a global lock and do a  
hashtable lookup. Obviously any one call isn't going to take a  
noticeable amount of time, but accessor calls are so damn  
ubiquitous that this can have an overall impact on app performance  
in some cases. Not to mention memory usage, since autoreleased  
objects have a longer lifespan and can build up during  

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Re: Need help parsing a large text file one line at a time

2008-06-09 Thread Jeff LaMarche

On Jun 9, 2008, at 2:04 PM, Abel J. Almeida wrote:

I need help parsing a large text file.
I need to examine the file one line at a time.
It's a 128MB text file.

I used the stringWithContentsOfFile method from the NSString class,  
but the file is too large and it doesn't seem very optimized to me,  
because what I need is parse one line at a time not the entire text  

Check out NSFileHandle - it should handle what you need. It won't be  
quite a simple as using the NSString convenience class, but it's not  



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RESTful Web Services PUT

2008-06-05 Thread Jeff LaMarche
I noticed that there's been some discussion  of RESTful web services.  
I've been having problem with PUT requests using NSMutableURLRequest,  
one that has been asked about on the list before, but I never saw an  
answer or workaround posted. After some digging  I found a workaround  
to my problem that I thought I'd share so that anyone searching the  
archives would find it.

The problem I've been experiencing is that when making an HTTP 1.1 PUT  
request, my form parameters passed in the request body are not being  
recognized by the web service. A little digging with wireshark showed  
that the reason for that is that NSMutableURLRequest is not setting  
the Content-Type parameter for PUT requests, though it is for POST  
requests. This missing header causes most web services to ignore the  
request body. The solution is to simply add the following line of code  
before sending it to the server (req is the NSMutableURLRequest):

[req setValue:@application/x-www-form-urlencoded  

This issue has been submitted to Apple as problem ID 5988016, but I  
thought I'd put the workaround here for anyone who's experiencing the  


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Re: Cocoa et al as HCI usability problem

2008-05-22 Thread Jeff LaMarche

On May 21, 2008, at 9:58 PM, Andy Lee wrote:

There's already an inherent lower bound on the barrier to entry for  
Cocoa.  You have to understand certain fundamentals -- some  
conceptual, some procedural.  If you don't have those fundamentals,  
you'll never make Cocoa work.  There is also a set of people on this  
planet who are trying to grasp those fundamentals and are perfectly  
capable of doing so.  To argue that it's better for the platform if  
those people take a little longer to become proficient at Cocoa  
seems to me a bit odd.

I'm not entirely sure that's exactly what is being argued, but even if  
it is, weird opinions can be perfectly valid. Graham stated what he  
intended in his recent e-mail better than I can, so there's no point  
in me re-hashing it.

Suffice it to say, I think there is some merit to this weird idea  
that you should learn the culture and the conceptual underpinnings in  
addition to the syntax of the language and names of classes and  
methods if you want to succeed (and that takes time, no matter how  
good the documentation). If you come from a background where  
developers are allowed and encouraged to do things whatever way they  
see fit, that may seem weird, but I think in the long run, people  
are doing you a favor by telling you. The Mac market is different and  
has different expectations, and much of those expectations exist  
because developers (by and large) do read and understand the  
conceptual docs and conform to a set of conventions gleaned from them  
unless there's a compelling reason not to.

I don't have a problem with people disagreeing with this opinion, by  
the way, but I DO think it's important to state that this particular  
opinion doesn't and shouldn't imply that people who are struggling are  


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Re: Cocoa et al as HCI usability problem

2008-05-21 Thread Jeff LaMarche

On May 21, 2008, at 3:06 AM, Scott Anguish wrote:

I'm not sure that how much is being 'paid' for the documentation is  
a valid metric.

I believe (not speaking for the company of course) that both of  
these areas are viewed as investments.

No, you're right, it's not a good metric, and I certainly don't want  
you guys thinking that way. I guess my point was just that it's  
important for us to keep it in perspective that Apple doesn't have  
unlimited resources to handle the documentation tasks and that there  
are third-party for-pay options that can fill the gap. Also, I meant  
to point out that some of the comparisons that have been made in this  
thread are comparing free offerings to decidedly non-free ones, which  
isn't necessarily a fair comparison. I just think it's a good idea to  
keep things in perspective and try and avoid a sense of entitlement  
when we start discussing the way things should be.


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Re: Cocoa et al as HCI usability problem

2008-05-21 Thread Jeff LaMarche

On May 21, 2008, at 4:31 AM, Torsten Curdt wrote:

Well, they are free to open source XCode and have other people help.  
Look at Eclipse.

You can suggest it to them, but I wouldn't hold your breath. :)  
Probably shouldn't open up that argument in this thread.

Paying for documentation is a weird thought though. Apple should be  
happy to attract developers to have the platform flourish. That's an  
investment you have to make if you want to be the controlling entity  
of an operating system.

Yeah, I know... one of the drawbacks of writing late at night - this  
point was not well stated. I didn't mean to imply Apple should start  
charging for documentation, just that we (including me) sometimes feel  
entitled, and I think what we've paid should be kept in mind when we  
start to feel entitled.

I think even for the documentation user generated content could be a  
good way to spice it up. This worked very well for PHP for  
example. It would be valuable feedback for the tech writers. Just  
submitting bugs to the documentation is not the same. We are  
entering the age of user generated content. Let's not miss the boat  
here. Cocoadev is great - but too separate.

This sounds interesting, but I'm not clear on what your comment about  
CocoaDev means, to be honest. The problem here, of course, is that  
somebody has to take the initiative to get it started and nurse it  
through the difficult start-up times until you get critical mass.

I think face-to-face is an important part to overcome the obstacles.  
And this will become easier the more popular it gets.

Amen. I can't tell you how much I sometimes hate having moved away  
from the SF Bay Area where there are many Cocoa Programmers, and there  
are NSCoder nights, and CocoaHeads, and other opportunities to meet  
other Cocoa programmers, to a place where Cocoa is only something you  
drink after snowmobiling. Then I remember how much bigger my house is  
here and how much less I paid for it and I feel a little better :) 

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Re: Cocoa et al as HCI usability problem

2008-05-21 Thread Jeff LaMarche

On May 21, 2008, at 9:45 AM, Steve Weller wrote:

Don't you see how different the learning experience is for 100,000  
iPhone developers in 2008 vs. a few hundred Next developers twenty  
years ago? And the differences in motivation? And background? And  

Scott, you *are* doing your best, and you are doing a great job with  
what you have. But I feel that there is a part of Apple that is in a  
state of denial, and until that changes, we're stuck with bug  
reports as a means of trying to change corporate vision.

I think there's an assumption implicit in your argument that Apple  
must or should make it easier for anybody and everybody who wants  
to code for the Mac or the iPhone to do so quickly and easily. I'm not  
sure it's necessarily a valid assumption, and I'm not sure Apple is in  
denial of anything. Lowering the barriers to entry doesn't necessarily  
serve them or their consumers better, it serves new developers who see  
the iPhone as an opportunity but, obviously, there is no shortage of  
people wanting to take advantage of that opportunity, so I'm not sure  
why Apple would be motivated to change an approach that has worked  
well for them for many years. In the long run, these initial  
difficulties and problems, I would argue, actually keep the quality of  
third party software up, which seems desirable from Apple's point of  

I'm not saying your concerns aren't valid, just that yours is one  
perspective in a very complex equation, and possibly not as much of a  
factor in the big picture as you might think.


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Re: Cocoa et al as HCI usability problem

2008-05-21 Thread Jeff LaMarche

On May 21, 2008, at 1:30 PM, Peter Duniho wrote:

My _main_ objection is how newcomers to Mac development are  
treated.  Please, when someone new to the current Mac development  
environment brings up one or more of these points, don't say well,  
you're too inexperienced to see why [Obj-C|Cocoa|the documentation| 
the tools] is/are so great.  Don't say you're riff-raff, it's  
supposed to be hard, we _like_ that it's keeping you out.  Don't  
say you must not have read the conceptual guides, otherwise all  
this would be clear.  Or any of the other condescending,  
presumptuous things that I've seen said on a semi-regular basis

Okay, first, Scott, my apologies - I'm letting the thread die after  
this -- promise -- but needed to respond to this one tiny point.

Pete - you complain that people should treat newcomers better, yet  
here you are characterizing what many of us have said in a blatantly  
antagonistic way. Riff-raff? We like that it's keeping you out?  
Nobody said any such thing. It may be that people won't want to help  
you now, but not because you're a newcomer, but rather because you're  
baiting people and unfairly characterizing our words and our  
intentions. Don't ascribe ill-will to people who tell you things you  
don't agree with or don't accept as true. I guarantee you that every  
response was an honest attempt to help.


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Re: Trying to understand -- please help...

2008-05-21 Thread Jeff LaMarche

On May 21, 2008, at 3:37 PM, Johnny Lundy wrote:

I submit that any experienced programmer looking up and turning to a  
page entitled NSArray Class Reference would expect that a  
behavior of the class that results in one's created object being  
deallocated out from under him would be documented in such a  

Not an experienced developer who has read and understood the  
conceptual guide here:


or more specifically, the rules here:


While it wouldn't be a bad idea for the NSArray class reference to  
explicitly document that it returns an autoreleased object, but in  
absence of explicit documentation otherwise, you should follow the  
simple, documented memory management rules of  the language/framework  
you are using. If you don't know them, that is not the documentation's  


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Re: Cocoa et al as HCI usability problem

2008-05-21 Thread Jeff LaMarche

On May 21, 2008, at 7:37 PM, Peter Duniho wrote:

It's true, the phrase riff-raff wasn't actually used.  But it's  
the essence of what was written.

I don't know why it is you guys didn't notice those particular  
statements, and I agree that they aren't representative of the bulk  
of the comments.  But it's not true that that sort of sentiment is  
never expressed.  I've seen it before, and it came up rather  
directly in this thread.  Not one single member of the community  
spoke out against the sentiment, which only lends it more


Nobody spoke up against those posts because there was nothing  
inappropriate about them - they were not targeted at you or any  
individual and they are not even remotely how you've characterized  
them. Hamish was making a general statement (and stating his opinion)  
about what he saw as the likely outcome of lowering the barriers to  
entry. Graham was agreeing with that opinion, again, without targeting  
any indvidual.

About the only thing they are guilty of is disagreeing with you and, I  
should note, disagreeing with you on something they know a lot more  
about. Neither of them targeted anyone in particular and both were  
stating valid opinions. We allow different opinions here, and we don't  
assume everybody stating an opinion intends it as a vague, oblique  
insult to everyone who disagrees. You are taking very general  
statements very personally and then turning around and, generalizing  
and grossly mischaracterizing things that others have said, and yet  
you think it's just great for you to do that, but it's accusatory and  
insulting and unwelcoming for any of us to so much as disagree with  
your rants. Not everything that doesn't fit exactly with your world  
view is intended as an insult against you, and not everybody is going  
to agree with you. That's life. And, hey, here's a thought: when a  
whole lot of people who know a lot more about something than you do,  
disagree with you, it might be a good idea to take a step back and re- 
assess the situation because it's possible, however unlikely, that you  
might not be 100% right about this thing you've just started learning  


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Re: Cocoa et al as HCI usability problem

2008-05-20 Thread Jeff LaMarche
This is really a fascinating discussion and, unfortunately, a time  
consuming one =)

I can't help but feel that we have two identifiable camps forming, and  
I'm not sure I like that. Though a range of opinions have been stated,  
it seems that most of us can be readily identified as being on one  
side or the other of this quality of documentation debate. I'm  
really racking my brains to figure out why - why such a division? And  
I hesitate to state some of my observations because they are likely to  
be perceived by some as critical. Let me just say that it is not my  
intention to put anybody down. I'm honestly interested in helping  
people get over the steep learning curve, and if I say something that  
irks you, please take a deep breath or two before getting upset with  
me because I'm just trying to figure out the same thing you are, just  
maybe from a different perspective.

Here's what I think is happening. You are welcome to disagree, if I'm  
wrong it wouldn't be the first time. Anyway, coming to Cocoa now is  
not like coming to Cocoa eight years ago when I did, or coming to  
NextSTEP fifteen years ago like several people on this list. Much of  
the conceptual underpinnings have remained constant — the same design  
patterns are used over and over, and there's a conceptual consistency  
in the Cocoa frameworks that I don't think you see in either Java  
or .Net. Both of those languages  frameworks are more discreetly  
divided up and are easier to dissect into digestible pieces.  Now,  
those of us who are comfortable with Cocoa and Objective-C don't often  
experience more than mild discomfort when a new framework comes out or  
a new OS release changes existing functionality. Usually there's one  
or two conceptual hurdles, and then we're back to our comfort zone.

But over the years, I think Cocoa has become larger than some of us  
realize, and I think we have to recognize that it is more daunting now  
than it ever has been in the past to be a newcomer. The complexity  
makes it harder to form a gestalt... to get a good high-level picture  
of what's going on. I think it's still true that once you have that  
30,000 foot view, it's really quite a nice language to work in with a  
lot of benefits and, yes, some weaknesses.

I don't think it's possible for me, or those with even more experience  
using Cocoa/Objective-C to grok what it's like coming to it now, and  
perhaps we're a little insensitive to the plight of newcomers as a  

On the other hand, I think that at least some people coming to Cocoa  
right now are getting unsettled by the complexity and the fact that  
there are substantial differences from what they've done before,  
causing them to be way outside of their programming comfort zone,  
perhaps for the first time in many years. Maybe I'm wrong, but it  
looks to me like at least some people are looking to blame the  
documentation more than is fair. By fair, I mean a few things.

First, how much are you paying for the documentation? How much did you  
pay for the IDE? I mean, I'd love everything to be perfect for  
everybody, but let's be realistic here. Apple doesn't derive any  
direct income from the documentation or from Xcode, and as much as we  
might think that shouldn't matter, Apple's a corporation, so it's  
going to matter. That's reality, and it's not going to change.  
Resources are limited, and considering the resources that are  
available for API documentation, I think they do a phenomenal job, and  
I honestly hate that some of the comments in this thread could be read  
as disparaging their work, even if unintentionally.

Secondly, people learn differently. Not everybody learns at the same  
speed or in the same way. That's the challenge of any kind of  
education, and it's especially pronounced when you're creating  
searchable, hyperlinked documentation, which has all the drawbacks of  
written documentation, but without being able to rely on the fact that  
the reader is going to go through the documentation sequentially.

Thirdly, who is the target audience for the documentation. As long as  
OS X has existed, there's been a fairly stable, slowly growing group  
of developers, many of whom know each other and support each other  
here and at things like CocoaHeads and NSCoder nights. This recent  
influx of new coders is quite a sudden change to the demographic.  
Apple can't be expected to adjust to that change instantaneously. I  
don't think it's even completely clear yet who's coming to the  
platform right now and why. To the extent that people are trying to  
give feedback to Apple so they know how best to proceed with future  
revisions to the documentation, I think this discussion is valuable,  
but at times we veer dangerously close to a pissing match mentality,  
and when that happens, I don't think it's productive (even when it's  
me doing it :) )

To put it bluntly, getting to a point where you truly understand 

Re: Cocoa et al as HCI usability problem

2008-05-19 Thread Jeff LaMarche
Boy, I've been really refraining myself from jumping into the fray  
here. It's an interesting discussion which has been handled  
respectfully, but it seems to me that we've reached the point of  
diminishing returns on this. I think the lines have been drawn, and  
most people have chosen one side of the line or the other and I don't  
think there's much convincing going on.

About 2-3 years ago, we had a similar discussion on this list, which  
got rather heated and it got kind of nasty (with some of the blame for  
that clearly falling on me), but since that argument I've been  
primarily a lurker here, and have become a little gunshy about issues  
like this. Nonetheless, I feel a need to put in a few comments. Before  
I do that, I'll throw my bias up front - I think Apple, for the most  
part, is doing an excellent job on the documentation. There is room  
for improvement in places, but given the enormity of the job and the  
target audience, I think they're doing great. I rarely have problems I  
can't get an answer to either in the documentation or, when that  
fails, from one of the helpful people here or one of the blogs  
maintained by one of the people here.

I think what we are seeing is a combination of cultural and  
technological (or, perhaps, architectural) differences coming to the  
surface thanks to the influx of new programmers to our platform.  
Unlike many of the Cocoa developers on this list, I have one foot  
squarely in the other world - a good chunk of my income comes from  
large corporate (think Fortune 100) clients, and I work regularly in a  
number of language and on a number of platforms including .Net and  
Java. I think this gives me closer to an objective view of the  
situation than most, though I clearly still have my biases.

In many ways, Cocoa/Obj-C is an oddity, and certainly the approaches  
that Microsoft, Sun, and Apple have taken with their development tools  
is different. Microsoft has architected .NET, especially (but not  
only) Visual Basic, to lower the bar for learning the most common and  
most basic tasks by hiding some of the complexity involved. They  
market heavily to large corporate and governmental entities that you  
don't need experienced programmers, you can just send someone out to  
certification and they'll be able to write whatever you need. They  
push the ROI of doing that, since a junior tech makes less than an  
experienced programmer. I'm not making this up, their Enterprise  
salesforce uses this type of argument excessively with large corporate  
clients: Because .Net is eaiser, they argue, it's cheaper.

And it's true, that to design a very simple application in VB or C# is  
phenomenally easy, but there are tradeoffs. They've changed the shape  
of the curve, but not the amount of work it takes to become truly  
proficient, and I've made a lot of money over the years cleaning up  
(or rewriting) programs written by people with little or no experience  
other than a certification class. No matter what salespeople will tell  
you, you can't remove the requirement of experience to become a truly  
competent programmer, but you can make a programmer who hasn't gained  
that competence unaware of their ignorance. I would argue that that is  
one side-effect of Microsoft's approach. That combined with the fact  
that the sheer number of .Net programmers out there means that almost  
any specific task you need to do has been done by somebody else, so  
with some decent Google skills, you can avoid learning to do the hard  
stuff for quite some time since you can probably find a blog post or  
code sample somewhere instead of writing your own code.

With Cocoa, there's a bunch of hard stuff right up front that you  
can't avoid. I found that it took a while to get it when I first  
came to the platform. I was primarily a C, C++, and Java programmer,  
and I very quickly understood the steps to do basic things, but I  
didn't always understand why I was doing it. Then, after a few months  
of pretty regular use, I had this aha! moment and it literally all  
fell in place, my brain formed a gestalt from all the various pieces I  
had been playing with.  In that one moment, Cocoa went from being hard  
to being the easiest platform I knew... it was like getting to the top  
of a hill, and then getting to ride a bicycle down the other side.  
It's a steeper mountain (learning curve), and it seems much harder  
until you reach the top, but it's much easier as come down the other  
side. Probably a silly metaphor, but it feels right to me.

Now, I need to say this, because people often misinterpret comments  
like the ones I've just made: I'm NOT bashing .NET. I'm just stating  
that the architects have taken a different approach in the  
construction of the language and libraries, and that there are  
consequences to that approach. There are phenomenal .Net programmers  
out there. But, Cocoa is NOT .NET and it's NOT Java, and some of 

Re: Cocoa et al as HCI usability problem

2008-05-19 Thread Jeff LaMarche

On May 19, 2008, at 1:33 PM, Peter Duniho wrote:

   NSColor color
   undoManager.prepareWithInvocationTarget(this).color =  

   mColor = value;

Are you sure about this? I'm just a little surprised to see that C#  
API has an UndoManager with exactly the same syntax as Cocoa. Or were  
you just demonstrating the syntax similarities between C and C#?


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Re: Cocoa et al as HCI usability problem

2008-05-19 Thread Jeff LaMarche

On May 19, 2008, at 1:42 PM, Peter Duniho wrote:

I agree with this statement.  However, the conclusion is flawed.

You are welcome to your opinion, even if flawed ;)

Seriously, though, from some of your comments, I'm not sure that I  
communicated my conclusion very well, because you seem to think I  
was putting .Net down as somehow inferior to Cocoa. I tried to be  
careful not to say that because I don't think it's true and even if I  
did, it wouldn't have been relevant to the discussion that was going  
on. I do like Cocoa better, which I readily admit, but the two  
frameworks have different guiding principles and that causes each one  
to have different strengths and weaknesses. I picked out one specific  
weakness in the .Net approach because it seemed relevant to the  
discussion at hand and because I hoped it might help people coming  
from that background to adjust to a different way of learning and  
understand WHY they were having a hard time learning. I wasn't saying  
.Net is flawed, Cocoa is perfect or anything of the sort, I just  
didn't feel that a laundry list of shortcomings of the two frameworks  
was relevant to the discussion at hand and wouldn't have helped to get  
my point across. And my point was simply, Cocoa is different, which  
was in response to a lot of complaints on the list lately which seemed  
to me motivated by people making judgments or having expectations  
based on assumptions that aren't valid when dealing with Cocoa.

I originally started addressing your specific points, but after re- 
reading my responses, I just don't think it's productive to argue the  
mertis of the two environments here, so I deleted it. The two  
frameworks are different, on that we can agree, I think. We both have  
worked with both of them, you like one better, I like the other. I'm  
not interested in proving to you that Cocoa is better, I'm only trying  
to help people coming from .Net to Cocoa see that the differences  
between the two go deeper than method and class names. There are  
fundamental conceptual differences in the way they are built and  
documented and clinging to what they know from one can be an obstacles  
to learning the other.


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Re: Delegates

2008-05-19 Thread Jeff LaMarche

On May 19, 2008, at 5:00 PM, john darnell wrote:

yeah, I know...I'm dating myself with the use of
the word grok

Huh? You're not dating anything. :P I think grok gets used on this  
list at least a few times a week. Grok is part of the geek lexicon,  
even among people who have no idea where it comes from


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Re: The challenge for Cocoa's on-line documentation

2008-05-17 Thread Jeff LaMarche

On May 17, 2008, at 4:16 PM, Johnny Lundy wrote:
I never had any problem with a language's documentation since 1970  
with the IBM 360 Reference Manual. That is, until I came across  
Apple's documentation of Cocoa. I have never been so frustrated in  
my life.

The usual pattern for a User Guide  Reference Manual is for the  
User Guide to have chapters corresponding to the areas of the  
product, and the Reference Manual having a page or so listing all  
the details of each element. The Apple docs have neither.


- tag
Returns the tag.
See also : setTag

I do not know where documentation you saw this, but Apple's  
documentation for NSControl states the following in the method  
description for tag:

Tags allow you to identify particular controls. Tag values are not  
used internally; they are only changed by external invocations of  
setTag:. You typically set tag values in Interface Builder and use  
them at runtime in your application. When you set the tag of a control  
with a single cell in Interface Builder, it sets the tags of both the  
control and the cell to the same value as a convenience.

That seems pretty darn clear and concise to me. It says something  
equally clear in setTag:

Besides, tags are a fundamental concept in Cocoa. If you don't know  
what tags are, maybe the API isn't the right place for you to be  
spending your time right now. I'm sure most of us here don't want to  
read through a description of what tags are every single time they're  
mentioned in the documentation.



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Re: Guidance for Cocoa's steep learning curve

2008-05-16 Thread Jeff LaMarche

On May 16, 2008, at 9:30 AM, john darnell wrote:

I don't mean to be mean, but I agree with Joseph; most Apple
documentation is really, really poor.

*No, that's not correct.*  The documentation is extensive, and
comprehensive, but unless you already know what you are reading about,
it might as well have been written in Farsi (no offense meant to any  

speak Farsi--and if Farsi is your first language, then substitute
English for Farsi).

I'm curious what you're actually looking for in documentation; what  
you think Apple or Microsoft could do to make them better, because I'm  
having trouble accepting this premise and it seems to me that what you  
want is simply unrealistic. If they were able to make documentation  
that made you happy, my guess is that the most of us would hate it,  
because we'd have to slog through fundamental conceptual information  
in places where it doesn't belong.

I am not as familiar with Microsoft's documentation, but my limited  
experience with it has been fairly positive (as much as I hate to say  
anything good about Microsoft ;) ) and I find the Apple documentation  
to be excellent. There have been times where the documentation has  
lagged behind development and caused some difficulties for developers,  
especially in the early days of OS X, but overall, I think we are  
spoiled by the amount of information we have available to us.  
Personally, I think that the Object-Oriented Programming with  
Objective-C book on the developer website, which isn't all that  
changed from the NeXT days, contains one of the clearest explanations  
of the concepts underlying object-oriented programming that I've seen  
anywhere, and it is right where it belongs - that type of conceptual  
material doesn't belong in the API documentation.

Hand-holding guides exist; they're called books. Apple even offers  
several guides to conceptual information, but they are separate from  
the API documentation. Although I think a reasonably intelligent  
person could learn everything they needed to know from Apple's  
official documentation without using other books, those other books  
clearly exist for a reason, which is to shorten the learning curve a  
bit and gather up a lot of disparate information into one place. Like  
I. Savant, my educational background is not in programming, and I am  
pretty much self taught, so believe me, I understand the challenges of  
learning this stuff. You have to acquire the foundational knowledge,  
either from the Apple documentation, or from third-party books. You  
can't just expect to look at tiny pieces of the puzzle like the API  
documentation of a class and expect to magically get the big picture  
from it.

Documentation isn't magic. It can't be all things to all people.  
Considering the complexity and the target audience, I'd say that  
Apple's documentation is, frankly, stellar. Yes, often understanding  
one part will require you to do some research to understand a term or  
concept from another part of the system, or to sit down for a few  
hours and experiment, or maybe even ask a few questions here. If it  
could be made so simple that none of that was necessary (without  
sacrificing functionality), most of the people on this list would be  
out of a job or, at least, making less money. Too many people assume  
programming is (or should be) easier than it really is.


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Re: Working through a problem...

2008-05-16 Thread Jeff LaMarche

On May 16, 2008, at 4:55 PM, john darnell wrote:

I am attempting to follow these instructions, but whenever I do, when
the cursor hovers over the table view control on the dialog the label
that shows is NSTableColumn, and in the info panel the connected  

remains grayed out and the message tableView must be of type
NSTableView appears on the panel.

How do I get IB to select the tableView instead of the columnView?

Well, I don't have the current version of this book, but one trick  
that can help is to change the nib window to hierarchical view, and  
then expand the tree out until you can see the tableView that you want  
to connect to, then control-drag to that instead of the table on the  
column. That's probably the easiest way to get to one item in a nested  
hierarchy such as you have with the table views.


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Re: Subject: Re: Bypassing Interface Builder

2008-05-15 Thread Jeff LaMarche

On May 15, 2008, at 1:23 PM, Erik Buck wrote:

 Dragging any object from a palette (what does IB call palettes  
these days?) i

It's called the Library...

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Re: ANN: CDBStore, a lightweight persistent dictionary

2008-05-02 Thread Jeff LaMarche

On May 2, 2008, at 9:07 PM, Jens Alfke wrote:
CDBStore is a kind of middle ground between simple property-lists or  
archived objects, and CoreData. There's a very large empty space  
there, and I kept getting annoyed by having to cobble together yet  
another bit of code to read and write a dictionary from a file. And  
I'm not the only one, as evidenced by this message:

This is very cool, Jens. I'm looking forward to trying this out.

I actually started working on a little different approach to that  
middle ground you talk about yesterday. What I've done, although  
it's not production ready yet, is to use some of Objective-C's runtime  
functions to create a class that if you subclass it, all the  
properties you declare are automatically saved to a SQLite database.  
It's implemented as just a single class and a single-method protocol  
that your application delegate needs to conform to (a method that  
opens and returns the database). It dynamically generates the SQL to  
create, delete, insert, and update the database based on the declared  
properties, so you don't have to write any code and don't have to  
create a mapping file, or do anything else. It even handles foreign  
key associations for instance variables that are also subclasses of  
this class, and uses cross reference tables to store arrays and  
dictionaries that contain objects that are subclasses.

It's similar to the Ruby ActiveRecord implementation, except for being  
object-driven rather than table driven. I think the concept has a lot  
of potential, but I've got quite a bit of work to do before I'm  
comfortable publishing it for others to see. Your solution might work  
for me, though, and save me some work. :)


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Re: Complex data for webservices

2008-04-23 Thread Jeff LaMarche

When I try to access your WSDL, I get:

Server Error in '/DummyWS' Application.

Generally, though, I don't believe the response from a web service is  
a dictionary - I believe it's usually a string and I'm wondering why  
you are sending an empty dictionary - it would seem like nil would be  
a better choice if you want to send without any data. Also, you are  
leaking memory there since your code will never release the dictionary  
you allocated in the first line of your method. You need to either  
release or autorelease when you are done with the dictionary - the  
stubs will retain it if they need to.

Let's see, what else...

You say there is some network activity, so why don't you try using  
tcpdump to see what is being passed back and forth. It would be  
something like this in a terminal window:

sudo tcpdump -s 0 -v -A -i en1 port 80

Changing en1 to the adaptor you're using.  Then run your script and  
you should see what communication with the web service. It's a good  
idea to close all your Safari windows so that no extraneous AJAX  
requests get sent by Safari during your run, or you can use Ethereal ( http://www.ethereal.com/ 
 ), which lets you filter by application.

It should become pretty obvious from the communication what your stubs  
are doing with the argument you give it, and what the response is.

On Apr 23, 2008, at 8:41 AM, Niklas Saers wrote:

Hi Jeff, and thanks for answering :-)

On Apr 21, 2008, at 3:30 PM, Jeff LaMarche wrote:
I'm no expert on Web Services on Objective-C, but I've been playing  
around with them a bit.  One thing that I have discovered is that  
CFTypeRef is not _always_ a dictionary. In some cases, it wants a  

Thanks for the tip! :-)

Without knowing what your web service looks like I don't think I  
can be any more helpful than that. Have you used the debugger to  
step through the setParameters: method while it's running? You  
might be able to tell what it's looking for by doing that. That was  
how I figured out to pass in a space delimited list as an NSString  
rather than a dictionary.

I've made a dummy webservice that looks pretty much like the one I  
So to generate my stubs I do: WSMakeStubs -x ObjC -name DummyStubs  - 

First of all, it generates the functions twice, so I need to delete  
half of them. :-I It also gives me five warnings saying warning:  
initialization discards qualifiers from pointer target type, but at  
least now I'm good to go.

Then I make my method:

NSString *testStr = (NSString*) [myService testString:[[NSDictionary  
alloc] init]];

NSLog(@testStr: %@, testStr);
NSDictionary *testDict = (NSDictionary*) [myService testString: 
[[NSDictionary alloc] init]];

NSLog(@testDict count: %d, [testDict count]);

When the method is called, there's a bit network activity, but the  
log sais:

Apr 23 14:38:59 MBP SampleApp[1742]: testStr: (null)
Apr 23 14:38:59 MBP SampleApp[1742]: testDict count: 0




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Re: Complex data for webservices

2008-04-21 Thread Jeff LaMarche


I'm no expert on Web Services on Objective-C, but I've been playing  
around with them a bit.  One thing that I have discovered is that  
CFTypeRef is not _always_ a dictionary. In some cases, it wants a  
string. For example, if you run WSMakeStubs on the National Weather  
Service's WSDL :


Several of the CFRefType arguments in the class methods actually need  
to be specified as NSStrings not as NSDictionary instances, something  
I only discovered after a lot of failed attempts to use it.  
Unfortunately, the documentation for WSMakeStubs and the web services  
part of CoreServices, AFAIK, doesn't give detailed information on how  
to know when CFRefType refers to a dictionary and when it's something  
else like an NSString in your generated stubs.

Without knowing what your web service looks like I don't think I can  
be any more helpful than that. Have you used the debugger to step  
through the setParameters: method while it's running? You might be  
able to tell what it's looking for by doing that. That was how I  
figured out to pass in a space delimited list as an NSString rather  
than a dictionary.

Sorry I can't be more helpful,

On Apr 21, 2008, at 8:15 AM, Niklas Saers wrote:

Just a short PS

On Apr 21, 2008, at 1:45 PM, Niklas Saers wrote:

TestAuthentication *WS = [[TestAuthentication alloc] init];
[WS setParameters:param];
NSLog(@isComplete == %d, isFault == %d, true == %d, [WS  
isComplete], [WS isFault], YES);

I hadn't noticed that static functions were also present in the  
stubs, so I tried them but got the same results. I added a NSLog  
there as well, and got the same result:

+ (id) TestAuthentication:(CFTypeRef) in_parameters
   id result = NULL;
   TestAuthentication* _invocation = [[TestAuthentication alloc]  

   [_invocation setParameters: in_parameters];
   result = [[_invocation resultValue] retain];
   NSLog(@debug: isComplete: %d, isFault: %d, true: %d,  
[_invocation isComplete], [_invocation isFault], YES);

   [_invocation release];
   return result;

output: debug: isComplete: 1, isFault: 1, true: 1

To decouple this from the complex types, I wrote a little webservice  
in C# for MS-IIS called testInt that I've verified with SOAP Client  
from Scandalous Software that behaves correctly:

int testInt() {
 return 5;

that returns


-testIntResponse xmlns=webservices.mydomain.com/myService

Again I added debug info to the code:
+ (id) testInt:(CFTypeRef) in_parameters
   id result = NULL;
   testInt* _invocation = [[testInt alloc] init];
   [_invocation setParameters: in_parameters];
   result = [[_invocation resultValue] retain];
	NSLog(@debug: isComplete: %d, isFault: %d, true: %d, [_invocation  
isComplete], [_invocation isFault], YES);

   [_invocation release];
   return result;

and again it failed: debug: isComplete: 1, isFault: 1, true: 1

My call in this case was:
[Service1Service testInt:[[NSDictionary alloc] init]];

That is, an empty dictionary, so no parameters. I tried passing nil,  
but then it just crashed

For the authentication I called:
NSDictionary *serviceDict = (NSDictionary*) [myServiceService  

NSLog(@Entries: %d, [serviceDict count]);

and I got: Entries: 0

So either way isFault returns YES, and either way I get an empty  
NSDictionary back. Why is this, and how do I get it to return  
correctly? (you'd think it'd be easy enough calling an int  
function() ;-) )



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Re: is this badly written code?

2008-04-15 Thread Jeff LaMarche

On Apr 14, 2008, at 10:53 PM, Adam Gerson wrote:

In cocoa its very tempting to write a single line of code like:
NSManagedObject *selectedTreeObject = [self delegate]
mainWindowController] treeController] selectedObjects]

or to flush it out in to individual lines:

NSWindowController *mainWindow = [[self delegate]  

NSTreeController *treeController = [mainWindow treeController];
NSArray *selectedTreeObjects = [treeController selectedObjects];
NSManagedObject *selectedTreeObject =  [selectedTreeObjects  

I'm not sure that you're going to find 100% agreement on this topic. I  
can tell you what I do, but I suspect there's a fair amount of  
personal preference in this.

When I first started writing Objective-C, well, at least once I really  
started to grok the language, I got into the habit of  doing crazy  
nesting like your first example. Well, maybe not quite that crazy, but  
still fairly crazy ;)  Then I started writing articles on Cocoa for  
MacTech magazine, and because the series was intended as an  
introduction to Cocoa for people unfamiliar with Objective-C  
(basically Carbon / Mac Toolbox programmers), I needed to make the  
code as clear and easy to understand as possible, so I started writing  
my code for the articles more like your second example to avoid  
confusion and there's no doubt the code was easier to read. Nowadays,  
my style is probably somewhere between your two examples, and I'm sure  
I'm not completely consistent about it. There are times when it makes  
sense to nest calls, times when it can cause you problems, and a great  
many situations where it probably just doesn't matter.

I almost never, for example, break out calls to alloc and init into  
two lines. Sometimes I'll even throw in an autorelease (if  
appropriate, of course) right on the line. When grabbing a reference  
to a singleton, I'll typically nest the call to the accessor (e.g.  
[NSFileHandle defaultFileHandle] in another call unless I'm going to  
be making many calls on the singleton object.  With few exceptions  
(such as the alloc/init/autorelease and some building of NSString  
using formats, I don't usually nest more than two message calls. But,  
as I said, I'm not 100% consistent. I just do what feels right to me  
and sometimes I'll write it one way and then change it later.

As a practical matter, all that your first example really gets you is  
some vertical space on the page and possibly a meaningless amount of  
memory to hold a few pointers (I'm not even sure about that - I don't  
know much about compiler optimizations on modern processors, it could  
be those chunks of code compile to the exact same end result but even  
if not, a few pointers on a modern machine is meaningless). The  
downside to the first example is that it makes the code harder to read  
and can be much, much harder to debug. When you set a breakpoint at  
that line of code, for example,  it will appear to stay at the same  
line through several instructions as you step through your code, and  
if it breaks during one of those nested calls, you'll have a harder  
time discerning which command it was on when it broke than if they  
were broken out.

I'd say, it's best to follow Wil's advice on this one (Shakespeare,  
not Shipley, although the latter probably has an opinion on the  
matter) - and be true to thine own self. Or, would that be YES to tine  
own self? Sorry, didn't get much sleep last night. I'll shut up now.


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Re: is this badly written code?

2008-04-15 Thread Jeff LaMarche

On Apr 15, 2008, at 10:25 AM, john darnell wrote:

4.)  Comment verbosely and often.  You may understand now what you are
doing and why, but six months from now, you won't.  Don't fool  

by saying I'll add comments later, because, trust me, later never

I'm not going to argue with you because I think you've given some  
pretty good advice here. I'm a fan of white space in my code as well,  
and though there are some stylistic differences between us, I concur  
with the basic concepts you laid out. I just thought a caveat  might  
be in order on #4 quoted above. And that caveat is simply don't  
overdo it. Comments are good and necessary, and should be done  
contemporaneously with coding, on all that I agree completely. But it  
can also be frustrating to have to deal with code like the following  
hypothetical example (okay, this is may be a bit of an exaggeration,  
but I've seen comments not that different from this out of young, well- 
meaning programmers who take the comment copiously advice a bit too  

// This is a loop. It loops through the values in an NSArray
// called myArray.  i is the loop variable, which we set
// to zero because arrays are zero-indexed in Obj-c
// we loop until i is less than [myArray count]  because
// it is zero-indexed and going past the last item in the
// array will generate an exception. If I had used =
// instead of  then we would have iterated past the
// last item in the array. I like puppies, but they can't code.

int i;
NSString *myString
for (i = 0; i   [myArray count]; i++)
myString = [myArray objectAtIndex:i];

// Now that I've looped through my array using a for loop, I will
// ...etc. etc.

I think I would add to the end of your rule,  but don't waste time  
writing comments to explain what should be obvious to any competent  
programmer. Comments are to elucidate what shouldn't be clear.  
Unless, of course your code is intended as a teaching tool. In most  
cases, if your comment length exceeds your code length by a  
significant amount, you might want to step back and ask yourself if  
it's all necessary. 

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Re: Subclassing NSArrayController

2008-04-15 Thread Jeff LaMarche

On Apr 14, 2008, at 11:53 PM, antikraft clover wrote:

If I am subclassing NSArrayController to provide and update an array
of objects, which methods do I need to implement ?

What are you trying to accomplish. The only time that I regularly  
subclass NSArrayController is to implement drag and drop. In most  
cases, you can just use the NSArrayController out-of-the-box and run  
with it.


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Re: to write to file except NSData*

2008-04-15 Thread Jeff LaMarche

On Apr 15, 2008, at 10:38 AM, Nick Rogers wrote:

I am creating a file with:
NSFileManager *fileManager = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
[fileManager createFileAtPath:path contents:nil attributes:nil];
then I got a fileHandle as:
NSFileHandle *fileHandle = [NSFileHandle  

NSFileHandle has the method:
- (void)writeData:(NSData *)data


but i want to write the length of (NSData *)data, before I write it  
to file because I will be writing a lot of NSData to the file,
so that I will be able to read the length first and then read the  
following NSData.
SO how can I write the length which is an integer to file before I  
write the NSData.

How is your length stored? Is it a short, or an int or an NSUInteger?  
One way I think you could tackle this would be to create an NSData  
that contains the length, write that first, then use:

[fileHandle truncateFileAtOffset:[aFileHandle seekToEndOfFile]];

which sets the file handle to write at the end of the file - basically  
to append data, then use writeData: as you said.

But there's a caveat here - we currently have both big-endian and  
little-endian Macs running OS X and NSData doesn't deal with  
endianness automatically - that's our responsibility. There are ways  
to convert,  such as the byte ordering functions documented here:


or you could also store the length as a string:

NSString *lengthString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@%d, theLength];
NSFileManager *fileManager = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
[fileManager createFileAtPath:path contents:nil attributes:nil];
NSFileHandle *fileHandle = [NSFileHandle  
[fileHandle writeData:[lengthString  

[fileHandle truncateFileAtOffset:[fileHandle seekToEndOfFile]];
[fileHandle writeData:myActualNSDataObject];


HTH. This is untested code typed in e-mail, so I suspect there are  
errors, but hopefully it will point you in the right direction.



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Re: what is the proper place to store application settings

2008-04-09 Thread Jeff LaMarche
I'm assuming that these will change, but should not be changed by the  
user, correct?

It seems to me that you'd want to avoid compiling them into your  
classes using #define, I think a property list included as bundle  
resource is the way to go.


On Apr 9, 2008, at 2:19 PM, Laimonas Simutis wrote:

I started programming with Cocoa recently. Created an application
which makes REST calls and displays the response values in a simple
window. For each particular REST function I have a corresponding class
which defines functionality for constructing a proper URL needed to
call a function, initiating the call and informing the interested
delegate object once the REST response is received.

Right now I have the host part of the url hardcoded in each class that
represents a different REST function call. I know I should store it in
one place, not sure what's the recommended place in cocoa apps. I
was thinking maybe one class with #defines and then all the REST
representing classes would include that? Also I see some docs
mentioning plist setting files, could that be a better place? Based on
my environment (debug, testing, prod) this url will change as well.

Thanks for any recommendations,


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Re: core data and sqlite db store problem

2008-03-31 Thread Jeff LaMarche
Core data stores metadata as well as data in the sqlite3 file and  
follows a very specific naming convention for the regular data tables  
and columns. You'd probably be better off writing a small migration  
utility to import the data you need than to try create a sqlite3  
database in the right format. Also, if you use this mechanism, when  
you distribute your app, none of that data will go with it.

Why don't you move out your sqlite3 file and let it create a new one,  
then go in and look at the tables and structure, and you'll get an  
idea of what I'm talking about.

On Mar 31, 2008, at 12:45 PM, Scott Guyer wrote:


 I'm just learning core data and have already stumbled on  
something.  I created a CD application using the XCode template.   
I've created a sqlite3 .db file with data and a matching core data  
model in xcode.  My code fails here...

   url = [NSURL fileURLWithPath: [applicationSupportFolder  
stringByAppendingPathComponent: @my.db]];
   persistentStoreCoordinator = [[NSPersistentStoreCoordinator  
alloc] initWithManagedObjectModel: [self managedObjectModel]];
   if (![persistentStoreCoordinator  
addPersistentStoreWithType:NSSQLiteStoreType configuration:nil  
URL:url options:nil error:error]){

   [[NSApplication sharedApplication] presentError:error];

with an error saying that the db file cannot be opened because it is  
not in the right format.  The file might be corrupted, truncated,  
or in a different format than you expect.  That's quite odd to me,  
since I can interact with that db file on the command line using  
sqlite3 just fine.  Anyone have any ideas/suggestions?

Much appreciated!


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Re: Threads and Core Data, bindings results in view corruption

2008-03-31 Thread Jeff LaMarche


I can't speak for Apple (I'll leave that to Ben), but there are a few  
things to keep in mind here:

1) Core Data is still a relatively new technology. Sure, it came out  
with Tiger, but since using it keeps your app from running on earlier  
versions of OS X, a lot of software projects never adopted its use.  
When using traditional objective-C persistence (e.g. NSCoder) a lot of  
these issues don't exist, so until we hit critical mass of developers  
using Core Data in their apps, a lot of these issues will persist  
(especially if we don't file enhancement requests, as Ben pointed out,  
something I am admittedly guilty of)

2) Core Data, although relatively new, borrowed a lot conceptually  
from EOF, which was part of WebObjects, a web application framework. A  
lot of the concurrency issues we're talking about didn't exist in  
WebObjects because the UI was all rendered through HTML. The stateless  
nature of HTTP connections and the types of tasks you do in web apps  
rendered it mostly a non-issue.

3) Often, there are other ways to deal with UI responsiveness other  
than threads. Sure, it's the first thing that jumps to mind (at least  
for me), but two other possibilities that I can think of are timers  
and run loop callbacks like those used in CFNetwork. In fact, that's  
how I got around the problem in my app - I simply buffer and process  
chunks of data in a callback method the way CFFoundation does. Doing  
that, I lose the performance benefits of threads, but I didn't need  
that anyway, and my code is much easier to debug and maintain.

4) You can, as Ben mentioned, use performSelector:onMainThread: to  
actually have the object inserted on the main thread's context. It's a  
bit of a pain, but threads are always at least a little painful.

Just my 2¢... Like you, I'd still like to see Core Data become fully  
thread-safe, but you can't always have what you want when you want it.


On Mar 31, 2008, at 1:49 PM, David wrote:

Thank you very much for the response which is chock full of helpful  
information. Its taken me some time to try and digest.
I must admit being a little demoralized. I've always considered  
threading to go hand and hand with GUI programming. I'm having  
trouble envisioning the scenarios where bindings and core data are  
intended to be used without threads.

I'm relatively new to Cocoa. From my previous work in win32 and Java  
this is the normal scenario, not an unusual one. Can someone point  
me to some sample code that illustrates how to have a worker thread  
updating data which is displayed in the UI?

In my case I am/was trying to maintain a outline view representing  
files, storing each node in core data. Based on these responses I'm  
not sure what technologies I should reasonably be using. Is this too  
fine grained for Core Data? Should I give up on bindings? Should I  
give up on NSTreeController?

If I try to maintain multiple MOCs, that means I have to save to get  
it to show up in the other moc, right? The save as binary file can  
take 15 seconds in my case when I have thousands of nodes. That  
hangs the UI longer than adding the nodes to start with. Should I  
try to use a in memory persistent store or will that still be slow  
or cause an excessive memory penalty?

Additional comments below:

On Sun, Mar 30, 2008 at 9:50 PM, Ben Trumbull [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

If you want multi-threaded work with the view and controller classes
in Cocoa, you'll need to perform your background operations, and
communicate back to the main thread (view  controllers) via the run
loop.  -performSelectorOnMainThread and its friends in NSThread.h are
your best bet.

Using a run loop on a background thread and communicating from the
main thread to it with the new 10.5 -performSelector... methods is
often conceptually simpler (easier to debug) than many other
threading patterns.

Sharing a MOC with Cocoa Bindings and a background thread will end in
tears.  Cocoa Bindings doesn't lock its bound MOC, so you're
basically SOL.
Can I ask why don't bindings lock the bound MOC or provide the  
option to? I had assumed (incorrectly) that bindings would handle  
threads OR provide some means to control or configure its threading  

Even if it did work, though, it'd be a bad idea.  Sharing a MOC means
a background thread would still at times block the main thread and
SPOB your app.
Why doesn't core data support locking at a finer grain? Or to  
rephrase, it would be very helpful if Core Data could lock at a  
ManagedObject level. I expected there to be a locking or transaction  
mode where I can lock it while I fill in an object. Nothing else  
should require me to worry about core data getting corrupted with  
multiple threads.

These 3 points (can't work, doesn't work, shouldn't work) are why the
Core Data Programming Guide says don't do this.
 The Core Data programming guide in the threading section guidelines  

3) Pass 

Re: Threads and Core Data, bindings results in view corruption

2008-03-31 Thread Jeff LaMarche

On Mar 31, 2008, at 2:36 PM, David wrote:

On Mon, Mar 31, 2008 at 2:26 PM, Jeff LaMarche  
4) You can, as Ben mentioned, use performSelector:onMainThread: to  
actually have the object inserted on the main thread's context. It's  
a bit of a pain, but threads are always at least a little painful.

How? Core data says that to use NSManagedObjects between threads you  
need to pass an ID and access it from another context. But you don't  
even get an ID until you perform a save on the original context. I'm  
then back to my original problem where the save itself takes too long.

From what I've read so far, my current thinking is that I need to  
give up on Core data. I can easily create my own objects, handle my  
own locking or synchronization. I was thinking to still use  
NSTreeController bound to my objects.

Its a shame because core data sounds so cool. I love the data  
modeling aspects. Nice way to think through the problem even if I  
end up not using it.

Well, I don't know exactly what you're doing in your thread, but you  
could create a method that that took, for example, a dictionary as an  
argument, then when you're ready to insert the object in your thread,  
pass that method the values you need having it fire on the main thread  
and then create the Core Data entity based on the passed values and  
then insert it into the main thread's context.  If you needed to do  
further work on that entity, like adding relationships to it, then it  
would get to be trickier, as you'd also need to get its  
managedObjectID back to your thread. I'm almost certain it's POSSIBLE  
to do what you want with Core Data, but it's also altogether possible  
that it would be easier or more efficient to go with traditional Obj-c  

Sorry that I've got no magic bullet for you. :-/


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NSFileHandle / NSConcreteFileHandle problem

2008-03-30 Thread Jeff LaMarche
I'm having an unusual problem with an NSFileHandle. I'm creating an  
NSFileHandle and initializing it with a file descriptor that's  
actually a network socket. I'm able to send and receive data using it  
and it works fine. Then, I pass the NSFileHandle instance as the first  
argument of an NSInvocation call

[invocation setArgument:fh atIndex:2];

When I invoke the invocation, it calls my method with the file handle  
as the first argument, exactly as it's supposed to, BUT, the file  
handle doesn't work. I get the following message in the console when  
my code tries to actually use it:

*** +[NSConcreteFileHandle writeData:]: unrecognized selector sent to  
class 0xa014ba80

The weird thing is, if I call:

[invocation target] performSelector:[invocation selector]  

it works just fine.

Does anyone have any idea what might be going on here? I've tried  
creating a new NSFileHandle and initializing it with the descriptor  
taken from the first argument, and I get the same result doing that.  
I'm able to work around the problem, but I'd still like to know if I'm  
doing something wrong.

TIA for any help anyone can offer.

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Re: NSFileHandle / NSConcreteFileHandle problem

2008-03-30 Thread Jeff LaMarche

On Mar 30, 2008, at 3:30 PM, Jeff LaMarche wrote:

[invocation target] performSelector:[invocation selector]  

Actually, that would be:
[[invocation target] performSelector:[invocation selector]  

missed a bracket when I copied and pasted :)

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Re: Threads and Core Data, bindings results in view corruption

2008-03-29 Thread Jeff LaMarche


Are you using separate managed object contexts for each thread?  
According to the documentation here:


That's the way to do it - pass managed object IDs between threads, not  
managed objects, and when you're done, you can call  
refreshObject:mergeChanges: on the main thread's context with the  
objects that were changed, then call processPendingChanges on it.

With regards to getting the tree controller to update, though, I've  
had the same problem  - I can't get the tree controller to recognize  
the changes made in the other thread, even though those changes are  
saved successfully and I tell the main thread's context about them.  
They do show up the next time I launch the app.  I'm actually in the  
process of rewriting my app to avoid threads in a few places because  
of this problem (and because it's the right thing to do based on Jens'  
advice given to somebody else earlier today). If you do figure out the  
tree controller issue, though, I'd love to know how you got it to  
work. I've posted the question twice now to this list - once about two  
years ago, and another time today with no luck. :(

Take care,

On Mar 29, 2008, at 11:30 PM, David wrote:

I would think this is the normal typical case, but can't figure it  
The UI should run on one thread, another thread should be used for  
consuming updates/generation of an object tree maintained using Core  
Data. I
have a NSOutlineView (via NSTreeController subclass) which displays  

object tree from Core data.

I can not figure out how to make this thread safe. I periodically  
get random
data showing up in the outline view while the core data object tree  
is being


I've tried locking the managedObjectContext when I make additions or  
to the object tree, but I still get erroneous data showing up in the  

I don't understand how NSTreeController and bindings are interacting  

Core data to extract the data while I'm populating it.

Any suggestions greatly appreciated.

I've been reading and rereading the Core Data programming guide and
Threading programming guide to no avail.

The Core data programming guide says its best to maintain a separate
managedObjectContext per thread. But this appears to require the  
data to be
written to persistent store to make it work (file). That not  
reasonable in

my case where I'm adding many objects to an object tree. It takes a
significant amount to time to write it out, negating the benefit of  

to make the UI seem responsive.

I'm running Leopard.

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Re: NSDictionary with bool and float

2008-03-28 Thread Jeff LaMarche

Take a look at NSValue and NSNumber


They can be used to store raw datatypes in collections that require  

On Mar 28, 2008, at 10:13 PM, Mr. Gecko wrote:

Hello I am wondering if there is a way to have a BOOL or a Float in  
an NSDictionary I know you can in an NSUserDefaults but I need it  
for NSDictionary so I can save it in a package for themes or  
whatever. is this possible?

Here is my code I tried.
NSMutableDictionary *plist = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
[plist setObject:@Bob forKey:@name];
[plist setBool:YES forKey:@theme];
[plist setFloat:4.0 forKey:@version];
[plist writeToFile:@/file.plist atomically:YES];


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Getting view to update from changes made in thread using Core Data

2008-03-28 Thread Jeff LaMarche
I'm detaching a thread to handle some processing. In that thread, I  
create a new NSManagedObjectContext using the same  
NSPersistentStoreCoordinator from the main thread. I pass into the  
thread  the NSManagedObjectID of an entity and my thread creates new  
entities and adds them as children of the existing entity. When the  
thread finished, it saves the Managed Object Context, then calls a  
method on the main thread that tells the application's main MOC to  
refreshObject	:mergeChanges, passing in the managed object that I  
added child entities to.  I specify YES for merge changes (although  
using NO doesn't change the results), and then tell it to  

The data gets correctly saved, but the NSOutlineView and  
NSTreeController I'm using to display the object and its children  
doesn't realize it. If I quit and come back in, all the stuff that was  
added in the thread shows up, but as long as the application is  
running, the results never show up.

Am I missing some step I need to take in order to tell the outline  
view or the tree controller that one of the objects it is showing has  
been updated?


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Re: Beginner with Cocoa

2008-03-24 Thread Jeff LaMarche

On Mar 24, 2008, at 12:44 AM, Sherm Pendley wrote:

The main thing you'll have to watch for: Objective-C 2.0 has garbage
collection available, like Java and scripting languages you're
familiar with, but it's off by default, and earlier Macs don't have
it. You'll probably have to learn the old way, retain and release,
which is unique to Objective-C.

I'g be rather surprised if the Cocoa books took out discussions of  
traditional objective-C memory managements in their next releases.  
It's still available for use, and as you mention, necessary for  
writing to earlier versions of the OS, not to mention for programming  
that thing that we're allowed to talk about programming for here.

The only reason I might discourage someone from buying the older books  
is not that they've become valueless, but merely because if the person  
is relatively new to coding, they might find the radical differences  
between the screenshots taken from the old IB and older versions of  
XCode / Project Builder to be disconcerting and hard to follow using  
the current tools. That won't be a big deal for an experienced  
programmer who wants to brush up on Cocoa, but for someone who doesn't  
have much experience under their belt, having things be in different  
places could be quite frustrating. I'm sure some of the books, as an  
example, show how to create your controller class source files from  
IB, which is no longer recommended.

Also, just personally, I'd be upset if someone recommended to me a  
book without mentioning that that book was only a few months away from  
a new edition being released.

But all that being said, most of the information, especially the  
conceptual stuff, in the books available now is still valuable and I  
apologize if I implied otherwise.


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Re: Quickly remove contents from NSArrayController

2008-03-24 Thread Jeff LaMarche

I would think that

[itemBrowserArrayCTRL removeAllObjects];

would be your best. By calling arrangedObjects and feeding it to  
removeObjects:, you're causing your array to sort all 15000 entries  
before it removes them individually.

On Mar 24, 2008, at 10:16 AM, Martin Linklater wrote:

HI. I have an NSArrayController which has over 15000 entries. When I  
clear the array using

[itemBrowserArrayCTRL removeObjects:[itemBrowserArrayCTRL  

it takes a long time... like 10+ seconds on my MacBook Pro.

Is there a quicker way of clearing the contents ?


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Re: Quickly remove contents from NSArrayController

2008-03-24 Thread Jeff LaMarche
Doh! You're right if course. How about using removeSelectedIndexes:?  
Should be faster than sorting the contents before removing them,

Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 24, 2008, at 10:26 AM, Martin Linklater [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

I would think that

[itemBrowserArrayCTRL removeAllObjects];

would be your best. By calling arrangedObjects and feeding it to  
removeObjects:, you're causing your array to sort all 15000 entries  
before it removes them individually.

NSArrayController doesn't have a removeAllObjects method...


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Core Data Passwords

2008-03-24 Thread Jeff LaMarche
When writing a Core Data application that utilizes Core Data, what is  
the best way to store sensitive information like a password? My  
assumption would be that you would make a password attribute, but make  
it transient, then override the accessor and mutator to utilize  
Keychain Services so that the value actually gets stored in the  
keychain, and not in the application's persistent store.

Does this make sense? Has anybody tried this?

Thanks much,

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Re: Beginner with Cocoa

2008-03-24 Thread Jeff LaMarche

On Mar 24, 2008, at 1:43 PM, colo wrote:

Well I have to say. None of that sounds like any fun what so ever. In
fact it sounds a little anti-constructive with the amount of time it
would take to get anything out the door let alone prototyped to a

Then don't judge a book by how it sounds. :) Having worked with both  
garbage collected and non-garbage collected, I can tell you that  
Objective-C using retain/release is one of the fastest languages for  
getting something out the door. In fact, it very quickly becomes  
second nature, and now with Objective-2.0 properties, the bulk of the  
grunt work around setting up your accessors and mutators properly is  
gone. With or without garbage collection, Cocoa is a very fast-working  
set of tools.


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Re: Cocoa Database Connection

2008-03-24 Thread Jeff LaMarche
Did you include libpq.a from the /lib folder of our PostgreSQL  

On Mar 24, 2008, at 3:21 PM, Western Botanicals wrote:

Thank you to everyone who has responded so far. I ended up fixing  
the problem by importing the postgres_ext.h file into my project  
(I wish I could have just done a find for it).

But now with the following code:

#import Cocoa/Cocoa.h
#include libpq-fe.h

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
char *conninfo = ;
PGconn *conn;

conn = PQconnectdb(conninfo);

   return NSApplicationMain(argc,  (const char **) argv);

I get the following error when I try to compile:

_PQconnectdb, referenced from:
_main in main.o
symbol(s) not found
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

Is this code incorrect, or do I need to import something else?

Thank you,

Justin Giboney

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Re: Height of UIToolbar

2008-03-23 Thread Jeff LaMarche
I think you missed the memo. We're not to discuss the iPhone SDK on  
this list because its under NDA and this is a public list.

Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 23, 2008, at 2:27 PM, Kevin Albrecht [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

How do you get the height of a UIToolbar?  I am using the UIToolbar
similar to the way it is used in the Cocoa Touch Toolbar project
included with the SDK.  The bounds of the toolbar returns the bounds
of the entire window.

Kevin Albrecht

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Re: Height of UIToolbar

2008-03-23 Thread Jeff LaMarche
Unfortunately, not yet :( We've been getting mixed messages from  
people @Apple on all things iPhone... think they were a little  
overwhelmed by the response to the SDK.

Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 23, 2008, at 3:56 PM, Kevin Albrecht [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Ah, sorry.  Where can this be discussed?  Is there a closed mailing
list for discussion of unreleased APIs?


I think you missed the memo. We're not to discuss the iPhone SDK on
this list because its under NDA and this is a public list.

On Sun, Mar 23, 2008 at 11:27 AM, Kevin Albrecht  

(Some stuff regarding the iPhone SDK)


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Re: base64 NSData to NSString

2008-03-22 Thread Jeff LaMarche
I really wouldn't do it this way.  There are many ways of doing this  
within your app without spawning a task. LibCrypto offers functions  
for encoding and decoding  Base64 as does LibSSL (which is going to be  
the same code as you're currently trying to use, but without spawning  
a task). There are also several categories on NSData floating around  
out there that will allow you to decode and encode Base64 right in  
your application, some of which are very well tested.

You can find some good discussion on the topic here:


The category from Colloquy that is discussed has moved to a new  
location. You can find it at its new location here:



On Mar 22, 2008, at 1:22 PM, Marco Cassinerio wrote:

i'm trying to read the com.apple.recentitems.plist file and i found  
that Alias and Icon key are base64 NSData object.

NSData and NSString don't provide methods to manage base64 data.
I've searched with Google and i found some pathces for NSString  
and NSData but they don' t seem to work.
I've also tried to write NSData object content to file and pass it  
to openssl command from bash:

openssl base64 -d -in in.txt -out out.txt

but it always create a blank file.

Any suggestions?


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Re: Beginner with Cocoa

2008-03-21 Thread Jeff LaMarche

On Mar 21, 2008, at 3:00 PM, Alex Handley wrote:

Hi, I have previously programmed in java and a few scripting  
languages and
was wondering if anyone had any suggestion for learning cocoa, most  
of the

tutorials I find are for pervious version

Apple has this:


As for books, I believe that a number of the stalwart Cocoa books,  
such as Aaron Hillegas' are in the process of being revised for the  
Leopard changes due out this year some time, but I don't think there  
is anything yet available that deals with the newest stuff like  
Objective-C 2.0. That being said, the bulk of the conceptual material  
is still applicable, so you won't be harmed by using one of the books  
available now.


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Re: Cocoa Database Connection

2008-03-21 Thread Jeff LaMarche

On Mar 21, 2008, at 7:50 PM, Justin Giboney wrote:

So, libpq sounds like a well supported way to go, but when I import  
libpq-fe.h into my project I get an error that says  
postgres_ext.h: No such file or directory, along with 30 more  
errors which I assume are related to the lack of this file. I  
searched my computer for it and I can't find it.

There are actually several header files that make up the libpq; they  
should be in the lib folder of your Postgresql installation, so just  
add the missing headers along with libpq-fe.h and the library.


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NSFileHandle and sockets

2008-03-20 Thread Jeff LaMarche
Thanks to help from several people on the list, I got NSFileHandle  
working with remote sockets, and wrote a category on NSFileHandle to  
make it easier to use it that way. Since it would not have been  
possible to write this without the help of several people on this  
list, I thought I'd make the category available back to the list. You  
can download it from


I release all of the original material in this category to the public  
domain - no license, no attribution necessary. The comments in the  
header file should give you what you need to use it, but feel free to  
ping me with any questions or improvements.


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Re: Network communication with NSFileHandle NSSocketPort

2008-03-19 Thread Jeff LaMarche

On Mar 19, 2008, at 5:58 AM, Valentin Dan wrote:

I need to send and receive message over the network but I got stuck …

Surprisingly, there is no general-purpose Cocoa wrapper for the   
CFNetwork foundation functions. There are several specific wrappers -  
such as NSURLConnection and NSURLDownload, but if you want to do low- 
level socket communication with a protocol other than HTTP or FTP,  
you're going to have to get your hands a little dirty.

You always have the option of using BSD Sockets, of course, if you  
want to go old school. Or you can use the CFNetwork functions. There  
are a few Objective-C wrappers provided by third parties, including  
AsyncSockets, SimpleSockets, and NetSockets, but if you're going to be  
doing a lot of network communication in your application, I would  
recommend diving in and really learning the way CFNetwork  
functionality works. Even though it's implemented with C functions  
rather than Objective-C classes, it still has a lot of really nice  
functionality, and since it's the basis for most (all?) of the Cocoa  
networking classes, it's very robust and well-tested. It offers run  
loop integration which allows you to keep from blocking without having  
to detach threads . It's conceptually a little hard to wrap your head  
around the way it works, but overall, it's probably your best bet  
unless your needs are relatively simple, in which case something like  
SimpleSockets is probably the way to go.


Here's a little trick for integrating the C callback functions into  
your objective-C method. When you create your CFStreamClientContext,  
pass a pointer to self in the second argument. Whatever you pass there  
will get passed back to your callback function Then, in your callback  
function, you can do something like this:

void readStreamCallBack(CFReadStreamRef stream, CFStreamEventType  
type, void *controller)

id  self = (id)controller;

If you do that, you can then makes calls against self just as you  
would in one of your instance methods. The only other real gotcha is  
that you have to implement a buffering scheme. The information comes  
in chunks on the read stream, and on the write stream, you sometimes  
have to wait and yield to the run loop before you're able to write,  
and sometimes have to write in chunks. If you do not pass control back  
to the run loop when the stream is not ready, it will never be ready.

Hope this helps,


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Re: Downloading via FTP and loading images in a NSTableView

2008-03-19 Thread Jeff LaMarche

On Mar 19, 2008, at 9:50 AM, Valentin Dan wrote:

I'd like to know how can I get a file from a server that requires  
user  password ? What classes should I look at ?

I believe NSURLDownload can handle FTP URLs. You could also use the  
CFFTP functions from CFNetwork.


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Re: NSTableView solution feedback and questions

2008-03-18 Thread Jeff LaMarche


Well, I've never had this particular situation, but you could try  
registering for textDidBeginEditing) notification from the table view,  
then your code will have a way of knowing when the user is editing a  
table. If it's currently being edited when your timer method starts to  
do an update, you could use the editedColumn and editedRow methods to  
determine if the cell being edited is the one you need to update and  
hold off on doing the reloadData method until after they finish  
editing (you can use the textDidEndEditing for that one).

If the update is in the row they are editing, then you need to figure  
out how to deal with that, it's going to be specific to your  
application. You might present them with a sheet that tells them what  
the update is and let them choose which one to keep.

Hope this helps.

On Mar 18, 2008, at 1:17 PM, Jay Martin wrote:


I'm new to Cocoa (surprise) and I'm now working on a little app, and  
I've come up with a solution to an issue and I'd like some feedback  
on that solution. Here's the problem description:

I have an NSTableView, bound to an NSArrayController, which is bound  
to my custom object. So far so good. I can change attributes, add,  
remove, all that good stuff. Now, my custom object can have one  
property changed programmatically by an NSTimer. Of course, when the  
change happens, the object is updated but not the NSTableView.

So, I implemented a notification in the set method for that  
property, and registered a notification listener in my app  
controller. Now, when the app controller sees the update to that  
property, it calls reloadData method on the NSTableView. That seems  
to work nicely.

Except one thing: if I'm in the middle of editing a different row  
when the NSTableView:reloadData method is called, the editing is  
ended. One obvious way around this is to not allow in-line editing  
of the data in the table, but rather in a separate set of controls  
for the object for the selected row. That's where I am currently.

So, my first question is, am I missing something fundamental here?  
Is this the right way of doing it, or is there a better way? I  
thought maybe KVO might be a solution, but it didn't really seem  
appropriate to this situation. I suppose you could try to manually  
update just the cell, right?

My second question is more general. I've basically just completed  
the Cocoa Programming book by Hillegass. Is there a next logical  
book/document to read, or is it just time to write lots of  
experimental code and ask questions?



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NSTextField value binding (feeling like a newbie)

2008-03-18 Thread Jeff LaMarche
Working with IB3 to try and get my bearings again, and I know I'm  
doing something stupid here. I have an NSTextField inside an  
NSScrollView created in IB3. I have bound the value binding of the  
NSTextField to an NSString called feedback, exposed as an Objective-C  
2.0 property,declared like this:

@property (retain, nonatomic) NSMutableString *feedback;

In my implementation, use @synthesize to have it build the accessors  
and mutators. The binding is set to Continuously Updates Values, and  
is not editable, and has rich text turned off. If I run my program,  
and make changes to the string (feedback), those are not reflected in  
the text field even though I can tell through the debugger that the  
string is changing.

I suspect I'm doing something really stupid, but I'm stumped, and  
nothing in the archives pointed me in the right direction. The  
Objective-C 2.0 book seems to indicate that properties are KVC  
compliant, but maybe I missed something?

Any thoughts would be much appreciated.


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Re: NSTextField value binding (feeling like a newbie)

2008-03-18 Thread Jeff LaMarche

On Mar 18, 2008, at 5:33 PM, Jeff LaMarche wrote:

. If I run my program, and make changes to the string (feedback),  
those are not reflected in the text field even though I can tell  
through the debugger that the string is changing.

Just a clarification, if I populate the string with a starting value,  
that does show up in the text view, so I know the binding is working,  
partially at least.


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Re: NSTextField value binding (feeling like a newbie)

2008-03-18 Thread Jeff LaMarche

Quincey -

Thanks much. You pointed me in the right direction - I was doing this:

[self.feedback appendString:string];

Thanks much for the help!

On Mar 18, 2008, at 6:10 PM, Quincey Morris wrote:

On Mar 18, 2008, at 14:33, Jeff LaMarche wrote:

I have bound the value binding of the NSTextField to an NSString  
called feedback,

Actually, you bind the text field to the property feedback of some  
object (File's Owner?). When you start using array properties,  
getting this terminology right will help you avoid a *lot* of grief.  
(Sometimes a property of an object is really an object, sometimes  
it's not.)

exposed as an Objective-C 2.0 property,declared like this:

@property (retain, nonatomic) NSMutableString *feedback;

In my implementation, use @synthesize to have it build the  
accessors and mutators. The binding is set to Continuously Updates  
Values, and is not editable, and has rich text turned off. If I run  
my program, and make changes to the string (feedback), those are  
not reflected in the text field even though I can tell through the  
debugger that the string is changing.

Make changes how? If you're doing 'someObject.feedback = newString',  
the text field should update. If you're doing (in a someObject  
method) 'feedback = newString', the text field won't update unless  
you enclose it in willChangeValueForKey/didChangeValueForKey.


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interface builder 3 question

2008-03-17 Thread Jeff LaMarche
So, as I said in an earlier post, I'm getting back into Cocoa  
development after a little hiatus. I was working in IB today. Boy,  
it's changed, and for the better, but I can't figure out how to do  
something I used to do in Interface Builder. I want to create an  
instance of a custom NSObject subclass, which I've been able to do,  
but I can't figure out how to specify the superclass. I can, of  
course, generate the files and then go manually insert the superclass  
in the class declaration, but it seems to me that I must be  
overlooking it, or doing something stupid.

If anyone could point me to how I can specify the parent class of a  
new class in IB, I would appreciate it.

Thanks much


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Re: interface builder 3 question

2008-03-17 Thread Jeff LaMarche

On Mar 17, 2008, at 10:55 PM, Kyle Sluder wrote:

I assume you mean you want to specify the class of the instance,
because specifying the NSObject's superclass is a nonsensical
statement.  The field you're looking for is on the Identity pane of
the Inspector

LOL. Sorry, I shouldn't try and do this stuff so late at night!  I  
meant specifying the new class' superclass.

I did use the Identity Pane to change the class from NSObject to  
another class that doesn't exist, but how do I tell Interface Builder  
that the new class I'm specifying and intend to have it generate the  
files for is a subclass of NSObject, or whatever class I want it use  
as the superclass?  I used to be able to use the class hierarchy,  
right click on NSObject, or NSView or whatever and select create  
subclass, and then instantiate the subclass. I'm able to create an  
instance, but I don't know how to tell it that the instance I'm  
creating should be a new class, or how it fits in the class hierarchy.

I hope I made more sense that time. Thanks,


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2008-03-15 Thread Jeff LaMarche
Hey, folks. I'm just diving back into Cocoa after about eighteen  
months of doing mostly non-Mac programming (I know, I know). To help  
me jump-start back into Cocoa, I've signed up for WWDC this year.

In the past, there used to be unofficial gatherings at WWDC  - I think  
Stepwise used to run one for Cocoa developers... can't remember what  
they were called, something like Birds of a Feather meetings or  
something like that. Do these still happen, and how does one find out  
about them?

Thank much!

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Re: Mail - check email

2008-03-14 Thread Jeff LaMarche

You may be confusing two separate things.

Mail plug-ins are not applications, and they have to use a private,  
undocumented API. It is not something encouraged by Apple, nor is it a  
great choice for a Cocoa program. If you're serious, there are several  
plug-ins with the source code available you can study, like GPGMail


Now, if your application just need to communicate with Mail, then you  
should read up some of the documentation about interapplication  
communications at the Mac Dev Center. There are several options,  
including NSPipe and the Scripting Bridge, the latter most likely  
being a better choice for interacting with Mail.


On Mar 14, 2008, at 9:49 AM, Cocoa wrote:

I am new to programming. I studied basic C language, and recently I  
read the Objective-C Tutorial and Cocoa Fundamental Guide , but i am  
still confused with how do I connect my the codes with other  
applications on the mac such as Mail.app.

I am planing to write a plug-in for Mail.app. Are there anyway to do  
this. I have been reading around the stuffs on the net like  
Application Kit, Foundation.

I think I need to use NSApplication, and NSNotification. Am I right?

It's a simple plug-in, it only check the Mail if it has new mails,  
if it has, return a message and display at the center of the  
monitor, if it doesn't, just do nothings


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Re: Creating Custom Views in Interface Builder

2008-03-14 Thread Jeff LaMarche
I wrote an article for MacTech a while back on doing this... it may be  
a little outdated by now since it was written when Tiger was new, but  
may still contain some useful info:


On Mar 14, 2008, at 2:46 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Michael!

It seems to me that you should be able to follow the QuickStart for
building an InterfaceBuilder plug-in to create your custom NSView:


I actually suggest reading through the whole document.  It's quite


Hello List!

I am trying to create a custom view class using Interface Builder  

I can then instantiate within my code as many times as needed.  In
this particular case I have a control that I've created that contains
a progress bar, two text fields, two buttons, and an image view.  I
then want to be able to create any number of these components within
my source code and add them to another view dynamically.

I'm guessing that this question has been answered before, but my
searches have been unsuccessful.  If someone could point me in the
right direction, that would be a great help.  Thanks!


OS X 10.5.2
Xcode 3.1
Interface Builder 3.1

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Re: What is the status on the New Cocoa 2.0 Books?

2008-03-13 Thread Jeff LaMarche

On Mar 13, 2008, at 5:43 AM, Thomas Engelmeier wrote:

Maybe it paid off to be a late adoptor. Inside  
Macintosh:AppleTalk and New Inside Macintosh:Quicktime / New  
Inside Macintosh:Interapplication Communication set a very high  
standard for documentation - far higher than the IBM UI guidelines  
and the Windows 3.x docs from that time.

Inside Macintosh was a great series, but the versions you refer to  
really were a 2.0 version of the toolbox documentation. The original  
Inside Macintosh volumes, though far better than much of the developer  
documentation of the day, came in numbered volumes that were less than  
perfectly organized. We also had to contend with the fact that all the  
code examples were written in Pascal early on, long after most  
developers had switched to C.

The current reference might be neat, but IMO it lacks severely what  
made up the NIM series: Describing the architectural goals of an  
given API.

Pointing out a terse description in one fairly new class  (it's new  
with Leopard) is hardly indicative of the overall quality of the  
developer documentation, which is excellent. In many places, Apple  
goes into great detail about the architecture underlying a particular  
framework. I don't think we would have had ANY documentation in our  
hands about such a new method so soon after it came out back in the  
day, and the only hyperlinked API reference available back then  
(Think Reference) probably wouldn't have had any information about  
this new method so soon after its release. Back in the day, we would  
have been digging through header files and trying to figure out what  
the heck was going on, trying to figure out what some opaque handle  
was used for or figuring out what the gestalt values were for some new  
library or extension. Those big books were awesome, but they had quite  
a lead time and the APIs were a heck of a lot smaller then than they  
are now and tended to change less often. The fact that even before  
Leopard shipped to the public, we developers were able to option  
double click on that class in Xcode and get an accurate description of  
its methods and properties is pretty amazing, and I find it hard to  
believe anyone would prefer going back to the days of dead tree Inside  
Macintosh documentation. The documentation may not be perfect, but I  
still say we're spoiled.


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Re: What is the status on the New Cocoa 2.0 Books?

2008-03-12 Thread Jeff LaMarche

On Mar 12, 2008, at 11:03 PM, Jens Alfke wrote:

(Actually, the current docs are quite good, all things considered.  
Back in the day, the system documentation used to consist of badly- 
Xeroxed copies of napkins that the programmers had scrawled some  
instructions on, while suffering from exhaustion and caffeine  
psychosis. And the developer program charged you $1200 a year for  
those, and didn't even give you a damn binder to put them in. And we  
lapped it up!)

Actually, I've been spending a lot of time reading Apple documentation  
since last Thursday or so, and I was just thinking that Apple's  
technical documentation has gotten very, very good - we're downright  
spoiled, especially all the documentation for that new thing we're not  
allowed to discuss here yet but could for a few minutes the other day.

But it is what it is - it's professional API documentation targeted at  
third party developers who don't need much handholding on basic  
concepts. There will always be a market for good books that take the  
newcomer by the hand and explain things more slowly and and use a lot  
of examples to drive home important points. Not a very big market,  
perhaps,  in the case of Cocoa or Objective-C books, but a market  


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Re: How to run progress bar in a separate thread

2008-03-10 Thread Jeff LaMarche

On Mar 10, 2008, at 10:08 PM, Nick Rogers wrote:

NSThread has one method:
+ (void)detachNewThreadSelector:(SEL)aSelector toTarget:(id)aTarget  

But its hard to understand as to how to implement it, since its a  
class method.

Don't let the fact that it's a class method scare you, just call it on  
the class object, like:

[NSThread detachNewThreadSelector:@selector(myMethod: toTarget:  
myClass withObject:nil];

Or, instead of nil,you can supply an object.

Apple actually does a darn good job documenting this whole process in  
the Threads Programming Guide:



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