Re: [CGUYS] In Defense of Idiots [Was: Recommendation for simple OSX layout

2009-04-15 Thread Snyder, Mark - IdM (IS)
Sure, Jeff, but after using both for over 20 years, I've never seen the
generic PC-Windows that can hold a candle to a decent Mac.  I would
never pay _any_ money for the Dell laptop my company provides me, for
example, and I use that at least 5 days a week.

So Jeff saves 60% buying lesser computer configurations.  What do you
_do_ with all those savings Jeff?  How frequently do you get this
opportunity to save so much?  And just how long does it take to remove
all the demo crap-ware?  

Thank you,

Mark Snyder
-Original Message-
 Would you pick a surgeon who was an idiot? Or for the WFBs: Would you 
 pick a surgeon who was an idiot because all the good surgeons charge 
 too much?


I know I'm not going to waste any more time than needed to deal with
your asinine argument.  There, I'm done.

Here's a question for the non-Bizarro world:  Would you buy a comparable
generic drug over the retail version, if it is shown to be as safe and
effective and only 40% the cost?  (That's 60% less for
percentage-challenged Tom.)

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Re: [CGUYS] In Defense of Idiots [Was: Recommendation for simpl

2009-04-15 Thread Tom Piwowar
This was first noticed on some generic version of Wellbutrin Sr in 
which patients were complaining that they did not feel as if their 
symptoms were being controlled the same as they were under the name 
brand drug. When studies were undertaken it turned out that the 
generics were not time releasing properly and in many cases were 
giving too much of the drug at the beginning and tapering off too fast.

Thank you. Exactly my point.

Even in the ditch digging profession there are those that know how to do 
the job right and those who have no particular knowledge or skill. The 
idiots may charge less per hour, but will require many more hours to do 
the job, make a sloppy mess of the job site, cause other problems while 
doing the job, fail to advise you about important related issues, and 
leave the job with hidden defects that will cost you later to fix.

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Re: [CGUYS] iTunes: Crap or not. [Was: Launching iTunes on Windows Vista]

2009-04-15 Thread John Emmerling
This comes across as highly biased and judgmental.

On Tue, Apr 14, 2009 at 11:08 PM, Reid Katan wrote:

 Quoting John Emmerling

  Out of curiosity, why do you keep using the term Windoze?  You used it 3

 How about Winblows?

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Re: [CGUYS] In Defense of Idiots [Was: Recommendation for simpl

2009-04-15 Thread Tom Piwowar
Oh my, Thomas, have you uncovered the little known fact that there are bad
people in the world?  What new secrets will delight us with next?

Once again lacking facts or rationality, Jeff resorts to ridicule.

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Re: [CGUYS] In Defense of Idiots [Was: Recommendation for simpl

2009-04-15 Thread Tom Piwowar
I would not have the same level of confidence in cheaper computer 
hardware and software until there is a CSA (Computer and Software 
Administration) evaluating all new hardware and software, which of 
course, is just silly.

Excellent point.

If Jeff had his way, the stricter regulation would protect us from 
defective software like the playground for viruses that is Windows.

Maybe Jeff is on to something. Microsoft does what it does and shifts the 
tremendouns costs on to its customers. This is sort of like polluters who 
dump waste into the river and profit by shifting the cost to the 
fishermen who lose their fishery and the municipalities who lose their 
clean drinking water and the public who has higher health costs, loses 
recreation opportunities, etc.

If we had a Computer Review And Protection Agency (CRAPA) then MS would 
have to pay for toxic clean ups after virus infestations and pay for 
remediation to prevent future viruse infestations. That would be fair. 
That would give Microsoft the financial incentive to clean up their 
crappy software.

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Re: [CGUYS] Recommendation for simple OSX layout program?

2009-04-15 Thread Tom Piwowar
Sometimes good print shops get bad files from customers and have to redo 
them almost completely. Then they get hell from the customer who gave 
them a Publisher or Word file, wanting to know why it's so expensive to 
print their files.

But the higher fees at least give the idiots some incentive to find out 
why the job caused so much of a problem.

We teach a class in preflighting files that are sent to commercial 
printers. One of the class' selling points is the quick return on 
investment. The printer's up charges on just one job will often pay for 
the cost of the class. After that the savings continue.

The same is true for computers, but clever propaganda makes the victims 
think that these unreasonable costs are just a normal part of the deal. 
They buy the cheap computer and then pay and pay and pay to keep the 
defective product running. They lose productivity and have to maintain an 
army of fixer uppers to keep their cheap computers running.

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Re: [CGUYS] iTunes: Crap or not. [Was: Launching iTunes on Wind

2009-04-15 Thread Tom Piwowar
This comes across as highly biased and judgmental.

Note that Tom does not use such language. (Probably because he is not 
highly biased.) 

I don't see anything wrong with being judgmental. The alternative to 
being judgmental is to be an idiot.

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[CGUYS] OS X on Dell Mini 9

2009-04-15 Thread Chris Dunford
Here's a GetConnected spot with a guy who installed OS X on a Dell Mini 9.
It's no secret that this was possible, but I'd always heard that you needed
a hacked version and that you had to change out some parts that would void
the warranty (notably the wireless NIC). But he does it with a retail disk
and no parts changes other than installing a bigger SSD (which does NOT void
the warranty):

They do mention, sort of offhandedly, that there could be some license

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[CGUYS] bridge game for PC?

2009-04-15 Thread Judy Cosler
i'd like a computer bridge game for a PC to help me brush up; haven't played
for decades!
free or free trial period.

I just searched  there were so many that it is overwhelming!

tia, Judy

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Re: [CGUYS] bridge game for PC?

2009-04-15 Thread Gail.Miller
- Original Message - 
From: Judy Cosler

Sent: Wednesday, April 15, 2009 9:23 AM
Subject: [CGUYS] bridge game for PC?

i'd like a computer bridge game for a PC to help me brush up; haven't 

for decades!
free or free trial period.

Join BBO (, practice to your heart's content and 
play with people from all over the world. It's all free except for some of 
the tournaments which cost a buck. Enjoy! ...Gail Miller 

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Re: [CGUYS] iTunes: Crap or not. [Was: Launching iTunes on Wind

2009-04-15 Thread John Emmerling
Tom, I will grant you this.  Perhaps this should accepted as a list

I would also suggest we proscribe the use of a dollar sign in place of an
s or S when writing Microsoft or abbreviating same as MS.  As well
as any analogous abuse of the terms Apple, OSX, Mac, etc.

On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 9:17 AM, Tom Piwowar wrote:

 This comes across as highly biased and judgmental.

 Note that Tom does not use such language. (Probably because he is not
 highly biased.)

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Re: [CGUYS] In Defense of Idiots [Was: Recommendation for simpl

2009-04-15 Thread Jeff Wright
 Once again lacking facts or rationality, Jeff resorts to ridicule.

I thought your posts were set to that by default.

Life's too short, beyond mocking your absurdist reality.

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Re: [CGUYS] In Defense of Idiots [Was: Recommendation for simple OSX layout

2009-04-15 Thread Jeff Wright
 Sure, Jeff, but after using both for over 20 years, I've never seen the
 generic PC-Windows that can hold a candle to a decent Mac.  I would
 never pay _any_ money for the Dell laptop my company provides me, for
 example, and I use that at least 5 days a week.

Good for you, Mark.  Now pass the caviar before the chardonnay gets warm.

 So Jeff saves 60% buying lesser computer configurations.  What do you
 _do_ with all those savings Jeff?  How frequently do you get this
 opportunity to save so much?  And just how long does it take to remove
 all the demo crap-ware?

I get my work done and don't have to pay for Steve Jobs' android body
replacement fund.

Crpaware?  You buy computers that come with crapware on them?  I don't.

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Re: [CGUYS] M$ [Was: iTunes: Crap or not.]

2009-04-15 Thread Chris Dunford
 I would also suggest we proscribe the use of a dollar 
 sign in place of an s or S when writing Microsoft 
 or abbreviating same as MS.  As well as any analogous 
 abuse of the terms Apple, OSX, Mac, etc.

A while back, someone replied to a message from me and actually changed MS
to M$ in the quoted text. MY text. That's inexcusable, as far as I'm

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Re: [CGUYS] In Defense of Idiots [Was: Recommendation for simple OSX layout

2009-04-15 Thread Snyder, Mark - IdM (IS)
I got into carpentry and wood working in the 1970s; professionally for a
few years.  Yes, I tried the cheaper tools.  But when they broke or
could not produce professional results, I quickly bought the more
expensive tools.  I could not afford the wasted time the cheaper tools
caused me.  

After seeing the difference between cheap tools and professional tools,
I am not tempted by the cheap ones, because they caused me to start the
tasks over, or they broke when I needed to depend on them.  

If you can get your work done with the cheaper tools, use them, but I
doubt I would want your job.

Thank you,

Mark Snyder
-Original Message-

Good for you, Mark.  Now pass the caviar before the chardonnay gets

I get my work done and don't have to pay for Steve Jobs' android body
replacement fund.

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Re: [CGUYS] M$ [Was: iTunes: Crap or not.]

2009-04-15 Thread Rev. Stewart Marshall
I use that analogy and will continue to use it.  Ballmer is not a 
computer person, he is a marketing/business guy.

Ballmer is only interested in the bottom line.  He is the worst thing 
that could happen to M$,

If he does not get his you know what together he will see the demise of M$.

I am waiting to see if 7 will be what it is said it will be when it 
is finally released.  This is kind of Ballmer's last chance to fix 
what he has broken.

I still use XP and have not invested money in any new Mac's (I still 
have some old ones at home.)

But Apple only stands to win if Ballmer does not wise up.


At 09:27 AM 4/15/2009, you wrote:

A while back, someone replied to a message from me and actually changed MS
to M$ in the quoted text. MY text. That's inexcusable, as far as I'm

Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace
Ozark, AL  SL 82

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Re: [CGUYS] In Defense of Idiots [Was: Recommendation for simple OSX layout

2009-04-15 Thread Jeff Wright
 After seeing the difference between cheap tools and professional tools,
 I am not tempted by the cheap ones, because they caused me to start the
 tasks over, or they broke when I needed to depend on them.

And yet, millions of professional companies, including many in the
Fortune 500 range, manage to get their work done and accomplish their
goals using Windows.  My company does it every day and it would cost
us much, much more to do that on Macs.  In fact, some of the jobs
wouldn't get done at all, since there is no Mac analog for some

I buy the basic Dell Optiplex models with few bells and whistles on
them; they usually cost me ~$700 with a 3-year, on-site warranty
(which I rarely need to use); anti-virus software adds about
$35/machine/year.  I would call them inexpensive, but nothing like
cheap.  They generally last onwards up to a decade, long after staff
are willing to put up with the slower performance compared to newer

I'm sorry that doesn't jive with your expectations of reality.  I
wonder what you are doing wrong?

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Re: [CGUYS] In Defense of Idiots [Was: Recommendation for simple OSX layout

2009-04-15 Thread Chris Dunford
 After seeing the difference between cheap tools and professional tools,
 I am not tempted by the cheap ones, because they caused me to start the
 tasks over, or they broke when I needed to depend on them.

Mark, your comments very consistently ignore the fact that many millions of
users people have no trouble with the cheap tools we're talking about
here. They get done what they need to do without any fuss. You're entitled
to your point of view, but repetition does not make fact.

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Re: [CGUYS] In Defense of Idiots [Was: Recommendation for simpl

2009-04-15 Thread Jeff Wright
 If Jeff had his way, the stricter regulation would protect us from
 defective software like the playground for viruses that is Windows.

I like choice and the freedom to choose.  You seem to prefer dictates,
irrationality, demagoguery and fear-mongering.  That about sums up
your bag of cheap debate tricks.

 If we had a Computer Review And Protection Agency (CRAPA) then MS would
 have to pay for toxic clean ups after virus infestations and pay for
 remediation to prevent future viruse infestations. That would be fair.
 That would give Microsoft the financial incentive to clean up their
 crappy software.

You'd think by now the market would have punished Microsoft with
vastly reduced sales and profits as consumers switched to an
alternative.   God knows they'd have to be under a very large rock to
not know about Macs and their billions of ad managers served.

A smarter person would have realized that perhaps the problem isn't as
bad as they think it is and obviously that consumers get something of
much greater value to them by using Windows PCs than worrying about

People aren't as stupid as the elitist snobs here think they are.
They're largely rational and will buy what brings them the greatest
value.  If they thought Macs would give them the value they need, they
would have.  By a staggering majority, they haven't.  Were this a
presidential election, landslide and mandate would be the words
heard utttered the most.

Oh, and if you want to properly channel House, you'll need more than
to call people idiots for not agreeing with you.  You need to be not
only irreparably damaged, but also brilliant.  Any ass can be a

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Re: [CGUYS] M$ [Was: iTunes: Crap or not.]

2009-04-15 Thread Tom Piwowar
A while back, someone replied to a message from me and actually changed MS
to M$ in the quoted text. MY text. That's inexcusable, as far as I'm

I see our Microsoft minders are taking the gloves off. From now on we 
must all refer to the Behemoth of Redmond in reverential terms. Perhaps 
bowing our heads as we type and taking care to spell their name correctly.

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Re: [CGUYS] In Defense of Idiots [Was: Recommendation for simpl

2009-04-15 Thread Tom Piwowar
And yet, millions of professional companies, including many in the
Fortune 500 range, manage to get their work done and accomplish their
goals using Windows.

Yes, the 50-cent screwdriver can get the work done -- sometimes. And if 
it doesn't, you can always lower your standards to the point where the 
50-cent screwdriver is adequate. Low aspirations and ridicule of those 
who say We can do better will get you through the day.

The problem at these professional companies is that they fail to 
compare their costs to proper benchmarks. They don't compare on total 
cost of ownership. They don't account for lost productivity. They accept 
things like viruses as normal. They have low aspirations and no desire to 
do better.

Quite sad.

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Re: [CGUYS] iTunes: Crap or not. [Was: Launching iTunes on Wind

2009-04-15 Thread Jeff Wright
 Tom, I will grant you this.  Perhaps this should accepted as a list

 I would also suggest we proscribe the use of a dollar sign in place of an
 s or S when writing Microsoft or abbreviating same as MS.  As well
 as any analogous abuse of the terms Apple, OSX, Mac, etc.

My favorite cognitive dissonance is Betty's, who flips out over
someone posting the word MAC (all caps) in reference to Macs, but yet
flings about pee-cee with wild abandon to describe Windows PCs.

Frankly, none of the epithets are woth getting all jazzed up over.

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Re: [CGUYS] M$ [Was: iTunes: Crap or not.]

2009-04-15 Thread Snyder, Mark - IdM (IS)
The main difference I see between Gates and Ballmer is that Ballmer has
less vision.  Neither are particularly technically-oriented; both
tried/try to direct innovation, but neither actually innovated. (Gates
is frequented credited with innovations he got from acquiring software
rights from start-ups, but at least he knew what to buy.)  Neither one
has been very interested in user experience and both are executive
business officer types - happy as long as they are reaching financial

Thank you,

Mark Snyder
-Original Message-
I use that analogy and will continue to use it.  Ballmer is not a
computer person, he is a marketing/business guy.

Ballmer is only interested in the bottom line.  He is the worst thing
that could happen to M$,

If he does not get his you know what together he will see the demise of

I am waiting to see if 7 will be what it is said it will be when it is
finally released.  This is kind of Ballmer's last chance to fix what he
has broken.

I still use XP and have not invested money in any new Mac's (I still
have some old ones at home.)

But Apple only stands to win if Ballmer does not wise up.

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Re: [CGUYS] OS X on Dell Mini 9

2009-04-15 Thread Reid Katan

Quoting Chris Dunford

Here's a GetConnected spot with a guy who installed OS X on a Dell Mini 9.

They do mention, sort of offhandedly, that there could be some license

You'd think if Apple was all that upset about people installing OSX on  
crappy PC hardware, they'd put more of an effort into shutting down  
those hackintosh sites.

I think they secretly like the unwashed masses using their OS.

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Re: [CGUYS] In Defense of Idiots [Was: Recommendation for simple OSX layout

2009-04-15 Thread Snyder, Mark - IdM (IS)
Use any tools you want as long as you are not charging me for your time.
My company pays me a salary and I must use a laptop with XP.  Okay, but
if they paid me by the job, I would not allow them to choose my tools.

I never said anything about numbers.  I don't much care what tools
people choose as long as I am not paying them for their work.  If most
people have bad breath, would that be any reason to defend it?

Thank you,

Mark Snyder
-Original Message-
Mark, your comments very consistently ignore the fact that many millions
of users people have no trouble with the cheap tools we're talking
about here. They get done what they need to do without any fuss. You're
entitled to your point of view, but repetition does not make fact.

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Re: [CGUYS] M$ [Was: iTunes: Crap or not.]

2009-04-15 Thread Chris Dunford
 A while back, someone replied to a message from me and actually
 changed MS
 to M$ in the quoted text. MY text. That's inexcusable, as far as I'm
 I see our Microsoft minders are taking the gloves off. From now on we
 must all refer to the Behemoth of Redmond in reverential terms. Perhaps
 bowing our heads as we type and taking care to spell their name

OK, so in your opinion it is OK to alter text that you're quoting? I will
bear that in mind. Thank you.

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Re: [CGUYS] M$ [Was: iTunes: Crap or not.]

2009-04-15 Thread Rev. Stewart Marshall
I am not saying Gates was highly inventive, but at least he was 
involved in the programming from what I understand.

Balmer is strictly marketing/business.

When Gates talked you saw the Geek come out in him. When Balmer talks 
you see the evil money grubbing marketing guy come out.

Balmer always comes off harsh and a little bit like an ass when ever 
he gets on TV.

My suggestion to him, is find a public person who likes doing 
interviews etc. and put them out there, and stay off the tube.


At 10:38 AM 4/15/2009, you wrote:

The main difference I see between Gates and Ballmer is that Ballmer has
less vision.  Neither are particularly technically-oriented; both
tried/try to direct innovation, but neither actually innovated. (Gates
is frequented credited with innovations he got from acquiring software
rights from start-ups, but at least he knew what to buy.)  Neither one
has been very interested in user experience and both are executive
business officer types - happy as long as they are reaching financial

Thank you,

Mark Snyder

Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace
Ozark, AL  SL 82

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Re: [CGUYS] In Defense of Idiots [Was: Recommendation for simpl

2009-04-15 Thread Rev. Stewart Marshall

You also have to be Arrogant, insufferable, a Jack Ass, a 

Never mind, they all seem to fit.


At 10:23 AM 4/15/2009, you wrote:

Oh, and if you want to properly channel House, you'll need more than
to call people idiots for not agreeing with you.  You need to be not
only irreparably damaged, but also brilliant.  Any ass can be a

Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace
Ozark, AL  SL 82

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Re: [CGUYS] M$ [Was: iTunes: Crap or not.]

2009-04-15 Thread mike
You know I have to agree with Chris on this one. More then once without
quoting I've been accused of saying something I didn't say in some previous
email, more then once but always by the same user.Now we have user(s) on
the list changing what is being responded to?

On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 8:49 AM, Chris Dunford ch...@covesoftware.comwrote:

  A while back, someone replied to a message from me and actually
  changed MS
  to M$ in the quoted text. MY text. That's inexcusable, as far as I'm
  I see our Microsoft minders are taking the gloves off. From now on we
  must all refer to the Behemoth of Redmond in reverential terms. Perhaps
  bowing our heads as we type and taking care to spell their name

 OK, so in your opinion it is OK to alter text that you're quoting? I will
 bear that in mind. Thank you.

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Re: [CGUYS] In Defense of Idiots [Was: Recommendation for simpl

2009-04-15 Thread Jeff Wright
 Yes, the 50-cent screwdriver can get the work done -- sometimes. And if
 it doesn't, you can always lower your standards to the point where the
 50-cent screwdriver is adequate. Low aspirations and ridicule of those
 who say We can do better will get you through the day.

I see you've upgraded your RDF to a RRDF (Reverse Reality Distorion
Field).  Impressive.

Stop, you're making me blush from all your better ideas.

 The problem at these professional companies is that they fail to
 compare their costs to proper benchmarks. They don't compare on total
 cost of ownership. They don't account for lost productivity. They accept
 things like viruses as normal. They have low aspirations and no desire to
 do better.

Tom's Rule of Social Intercourse #1:  Everyone else is quite stupid.

All remaining rules flow from Rule #1.  Lather, rinse, repeat.

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Re: [CGUYS] In Defense of Idiots [Was: Recommendation for simpl

2009-04-15 Thread Chris Dunford
 They accept things like viruses as normal. They 
 have low aspirations and no desire to do better.
 Quite sad.

Nobody accepts viruses as normal, Mark. As to low aspirations, that's pure

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Re: [CGUYS] OS X on Dell Mini 9

2009-04-15 Thread
On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 11:45 AM, Reid Katan wrote:

 You'd think if Apple was all that upset about people installing OSX on
 crappy PC hardware, they'd put more of an effort into shutting down those
 hackintosh sites.

 I think they secretly like the unwashed masses using their OS.

  Sure.  The guy who demos and explains how the Mac OS was installed
on the Dell says, quite pointedly, that once you have used the Mac OS
you will not want to go back to using anything else.

  I'd propose that were Macintosh machines priced closer to the level
of the average Windows machine, with the exception of most of the
business and government world, that business suit class of workers,
Macs and the Mac OS would pretty much take over for all other uses.


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Re: [CGUYS] M$ [Was: iTunes: Crap or not.]

2009-04-15 Thread mike
Let's face it, Gates was never much of a computer guy either.  I think
Ballmer is smart enough to get out of the way and let others do that,
putting the office guy in charge of windows development was probably one of
the best decisions in 10 years and it wasn't by Gates.  While 7 will
undoubtedly be a better release then vista, there is still nothing
fundamentally wrong with vista except perception.  Ask those who *actually*
use it.

On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 7:51 AM, Rev. Stewart Marshall wrote:

 I use that analogy and will continue to use it.  Ballmer is not a computer
 person, he is a marketing/business guy.

 Ballmer is only interested in the bottom line.  He is the worst thing that
 could happen to M$,

 If he does not get his you know what together he will see the demise of M$.

 I am waiting to see if 7 will be what it is said it will be when it is
 finally released.  This is kind of Ballmer's last chance to fix what he has

 I still use XP and have not invested money in any new Mac's (I still have
 some old ones at home.)

 But Apple only stands to win if Ballmer does not wise up.


 At 09:27 AM 4/15/2009, you wrote:

  A while back, someone replied to a message from me and actually changed
 to M$ in the quoted text. MY text. That's inexcusable, as far as I'm

 Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
 Prince of Peace
 Ozark, AL  SL 82

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 **  policy, calmness, a member map, and more at  **

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Re: [CGUYS] e74 XBox Photo

2009-04-15 Thread Reid Katan

Quoting Tom Piwowar

And?. . .

Big deal.

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Re: [CGUYS] In Defense of Idiots [Was: Recommendation for simple OSX layout

2009-04-15 Thread
On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 10:57 AM, Jeff Wright wrote:

 And yet, millions of professional companies, including many in the
 Fortune 500 range, manage to get their work done and accomplish their
 goals using Windows.

  These are the same companies that totally screwed up our economy,
are they not?  The ones that pay their executives and managers
millions upon millions in bonuses for shoddy work and negligent
policies?  Why be interested in buying cheap computers if millions are
going to be blown in compensation packages for nothing?  We should
take our hints from people like them?


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Re: [CGUYS] M$ [Was: iTunes: Crap or not.]

2009-04-15 Thread Chris Dunford
 You know I have to agree with Chris on this one. More then once without
 quoting I've been accused of saying something I didn't say in some
 email, more then once but always by the same user.Now we have
 user(s) on
 the list changing what is being responded to?

Yes. My text was quoted, but altered. So far, it appears that Tom thinks
this is OK.

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Re: [CGUYS] OS X on Dell Mini 9

2009-04-15 Thread Snyder, Mark - IdM (IS)
Actually my fortune-100 company is reconsidering their Windows-only
policy.  This has been gaining momentum since many senior IT
administrators are buying MacBook Pro's and setting up dual-boot.

The MS-sponsored Apple-tax is as thin as can be; they must stretch
beyond truth to make their arguments and are attracting much parody.
The costs are closer than you think.

Thank you,

Mark Snyder
-Original Message-
  I'd propose that were Macintosh machines priced closer to the level of
the average Windows machine, with the exception of most of the business
and government world, that business suit class of workers, Macs and the
Mac OS would pretty much take over for all other uses.

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Re: [CGUYS] In Defense of Idiots [Was: Recommendation for simpl

2009-04-15 Thread Snyder, Mark - IdM (IS)
Okay, Chris, I saw that you were offended when someone changed text you
wrote and then quoted you.  You just grabbed someone's post and
attributed it (wrongly to me). Who ever's BS it may be, it is not mine.

Thank you,

Mark Snyder
-Original Message-
 They accept things like viruses as normal. They have low aspirations 
 and no desire to do better.
 Quite sad.

Nobody accepts viruses as normal, Mark. As to low aspirations, that's
pure BS.

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Re: [CGUYS] M$ [Was: iTunes: Crap or not.]

2009-04-15 Thread mike
Does it take much of a tech?  I mean Jobs doesn't have a reputation for
being a big tech guy, just a guy with a good solid vision.  I've worked with
managers who couldn't actually be any number of positions in the company,
but knew how to assemble a good team beneath them.  Another thing to realize
also is that MS has never been a company with vision, they are always
following others.  Can anyone name an instance where they were first on the
scene in a tech way?

On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 9:23 AM, Snyder, Mark - IdM (IS) wrote:

 To many (not really me) Gates had a tech-sheen that softened the
 business ruthlessness.  I suspect Gates left any real involvement with
 the coding process by the time he got the deal done with IBM to sell
 them DOS.  He got much more tech credit than he deserved, probably
 because he could see some of the implications much better than (at
 least) those outside of the tech industry.  Ballmer has none of that
 tech reputation as reach-back.  I cannot picture him reading, much less
 writing, code.  At least many people see him as a callous, pompous
 jack-ass.  He is not a good spokesman and I have seen no vision or even
 genuine understanding of the tech world by Ballmer.  He always looks to
 me like he just won a game show.

 Thank you,

 Mark Snyder
 -Original Message-
 I am not saying Gates was highly inventive, but at least he was involved
 in the programming from what I understand.

 Balmer is strictly marketing/business.

 When Gates talked you saw the Geek come out in him. When Balmer talks
 you see the evil money grubbing marketing guy come out.

 Balmer always comes off harsh and a little bit like an ass when ever he
 gets on TV.

 My suggestion to him, is find a public person who likes doing interviews
 etc. and put them out there, and stay off the tube.

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Re: [CGUYS] In Defense of Idiots [Was: Recommendation for simple OSX layout

2009-04-15 Thread mike
We still have them running the economy so lets keep em on the same
computers...why not?

On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 9:22 AM, phartz...@gmail.comwrote:

 On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 10:57 AM, Jeff Wright wrote:

  And yet, millions of professional companies, including many in the
  Fortune 500 range, manage to get their work done and accomplish their
  goals using Windows.

   These are the same companies that totally screwed up our economy,
 are they not?  The ones that pay their executives and managers
 millions upon millions in bonuses for shoddy work and negligent
 policies?  Why be interested in buying cheap computers if millions are
 going to be blown in compensation packages for nothing?  We should
 take our hints from people like them?


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Re: [CGUYS] In Defense of Idiots [Was: Recommendation for simple OSX layout

2009-04-15 Thread
On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 12:33 PM, mike wrote:

 We still have them running the economy so lets keep em on the same
 computers...why not?

  Hey, they'll never switch just like they'll never change any of
their ways of doing business.


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Re: [CGUYS] In Defense of Idiots [Was: Recommendation for simple OSX layout

2009-04-15 Thread Jeff Wright
  These are the same companies that totally screwed up our economy,
 are they not?  The ones that pay their executives and managers
 millions upon millions in bonuses for shoddy work and negligent
 policies?  Why be interested in buying cheap computers if millions are
 going to be blown in compensation packages for nothing?  We should
 take our hints from people like them?

Some of them, sure, with more than a little help from Barney Frank and
friends.  Most of the businesses out there them didn't have anything
to do with it and are just as much a victim as you and I are.

If one of your neighbors ends up on the sex offenders registry, should
we presume that everyone on your block is guilty?

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Re: [CGUYS] OS X on Dell Mini 9

2009-04-15 Thread mike
The cost differences are huge if they are considering apple hardware for
running windows...

On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 9:30 AM, Snyder, Mark - IdM (IS) wrote:

 Actually my fortune-100 company is reconsidering their Windows-only
 policy.  This has been gaining momentum since many senior IT
 administrators are buying MacBook Pro's and setting up dual-boot.

 The MS-sponsored Apple-tax is as thin as can be; they must stretch
 beyond truth to make their arguments and are attracting much parody.
 The costs are closer than you think.

 Thank you,

 Mark Snyder
 -Original Message-
  I'd propose that were Macintosh machines priced closer to the level of
 the average Windows machine, with the exception of most of the business
 and government world, that business suit class of workers, Macs and the
 Mac OS would pretty much take over for all other uses.

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Re: [CGUYS] OS X on Dell Mini 9

2009-04-15 Thread Reid Katan


On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 11:45 AM, Reid Katan wrote:

I think they secretly like the unwashed masses using their OS.

  Sure.  The guy who demos and explains how the Mac OS was installed
on the Dell says, quite pointedly, that once you have used the Mac OS
you will not want to go back to using anything else.

I suspect that would be so. But then again, if they've gone through  
the trouble of installing OSX on a Dell, then they probably wanted it  
in the first place. Either they're trying to go *to* OSX or *away*  
from Wind(ows, oze, blows. Take your pick). Either way, they're  
motivated to keep it.

  I'd propose that were Macintosh machines priced closer to the level
of the average Windows machine, with the exception of most of the
business and government world, that business suit class of workers,
Macs and the Mac OS would pretty much take over for all other uses.

I don't know that it would take over, but I'm pretty sure they'd  
wind up with a healthy market share. Maybe then the virus writer could  
stop picking on

M(S, $, take your pick). (-:

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Re: [CGUYS] M$ [Was: iTunes: Crap or not.]

2009-04-15 Thread Snyder, Mark - IdM (IS)
To be a leader in the tech business for any period? In a word: Yes.

To be a manager, I'd agree that assembling a good team is very good.  To
be a leader in the technology industry requires more: some vision, real
knowledge of the technology and perhaps some underlying tech principles.

Jobs and Ballmer can both lose their temper quickly, but Jobs
demonstrates he has those qualities of tech leadership, while Ballmer
must cleverly hiding these traits, if he has any of them.
Thank you,

Mark Snyder
-Original Message-
Does it take much of a tech?  I mean Jobs doesn't have a reputation for
being a big tech guy, just a guy with a good solid vision.  I've worked
with managers who couldn't actually be any number of positions in the
company, but knew how to assemble a good team beneath them.  Another
thing to realize also is that MS has never been a company with vision,
they are always following others.  Can anyone name an instance where
they were first on the scene in a tech way?

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Re: [CGUYS] In Defense of Idiots [Was: Recommendation for simpl

2009-04-15 Thread Tom Piwowar
Tom's Rule of Social Intercourse #1:  Everyone else is quite stupid.

There you go again, name calling and attributing to me things I did not 

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Re: [CGUYS] In Defense of Idiots [Was: Recommendation for simpl

2009-04-15 Thread Snyder, Mark - IdM (IS)
Did not think it was anything except error.  I doubt that the person who
changed your (supposedly quoted) S to $ meant to be malicious; probably
just a fool. 

Thank you,

Mark Snyder
-Original Message-
 Okay, Chris, I saw that you were offended when someone changed text 
 you wrote and then quoted you.  You just grabbed someone's post and 
 attributed it (wrongly to me). Who ever's BS it may be, it is not
 Thank you,
 Mark Snyder

Yes, it was wrong, but you'll note that I already posted a correction
(my correction  is timestamped 12:33, yours is 12:35).

The difference is, I made a mistake. The person who altered my text did
so deliberately.

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Re: [CGUYS] M$ [Was: iTunes: Crap or not.]

2009-04-15 Thread Tom Piwowar
You know I have to agree with Chris on this one. More then once without
quoting I've been accused of saying something I didn't say in some previous
email, more then once but always by the same user.Now we have user(s) on
the list changing what is being responded to?

If it were true it would be yet another tempest in a tea pot, something 
of no consequence. Is somebody writing M$ instead of MS the best 
diversion from reality that our dear WFBs can come up with?

Bottom line is that they can't continue their good-because-its-cheap 
propaganda campaign any further so they have to change the subject with 
feigned outrage.

Silly boys.

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[CGUYS] RAID for the uninitiated

2009-04-15 Thread mike

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Re: [CGUYS] M$ [Was: iTunes: Crap or not.]

2009-04-15 Thread mike
Well that depends on your definition of success.  Are you saying Ballmer is
a failure where Jobs is not?  For not having any traits for the tech world,
he's done well.

On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 10:14 AM, Snyder, Mark - IdM (IS) wrote:

 To be a leader in the tech business for any period? In a word: Yes.

 To be a manager, I'd agree that assembling a good team is very good.  To
 be a leader in the technology industry requires more: some vision, real
 knowledge of the technology and perhaps some underlying tech principles.

 Jobs and Ballmer can both lose their temper quickly, but Jobs
 demonstrates he has those qualities of tech leadership, while Ballmer
 must cleverly hiding these traits, if he has any of them.

 Thank you,

 Mark Snyder
 -Original Message-
 Does it take much of a tech?  I mean Jobs doesn't have a reputation for
 being a big tech guy, just a guy with a good solid vision.  I've worked
 with managers who couldn't actually be any number of positions in the
 company, but knew how to assemble a good team beneath them.  Another
 thing to realize also is that MS has never been a company with vision,
 they are always following others.  Can anyone name an instance where
 they were first on the scene in a tech way?

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Re: [CGUYS] M$ [Was: iTunes: Crap or not.]

2009-04-15 Thread Snyder, Mark - IdM (IS)
I suppose my definition of success differs from the WFBs; I actually
mean success.  I cannot think of anything Ballmer has done well at.  He
inherited the reigns of a moneyed company; does it have more money now?
MS spent longer than ever to update its OS, and it is blasted for Vista;
it is now rushing to replace vista with W7.  It announced the zune to no
applause.  Has MS done _anything_ successfully with Ballmer at the helm?

Thank you,

Mark Snyder
-Original Message-
Well that depends on your definition of success.  Are you saying Ballmer
is a failure where Jobs is not?  For not having any traits for the tech
world, he's done well.

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Re: [CGUYS] M$ [Was: iTunes: Crap or not.]

2009-04-15 Thread Chris Dunford
 If it were true it would be yet another tempest in a tea pot, something
 of no consequence. Is somebody writing M$ instead of MS the best
 diversion from reality that our dear WFBs can come up with?
 Bottom line is that they can't continue their good-because-its-cheap
 propaganda campaign any further so they have to change the subject with
 feigned outrage.
 Silly boys.

I want to confirm that you are saying it is OK to alter quoted text. 

I am not talking about someone writing M$, I am talking about someone who
deliberately changed text when he quoted it. This is *not* the same as
somebody writing M$ instead of MS.

In your opinion, this is OK. No crap about Windows, WFBs, reality, or
propaganda. Is it OK to alter text that you are quoting, or not? Here is a
list of all possible answers to the question:

1. Yes, it is OK to alter quoted text.
2. No, it is never OK to alter quoted text.

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Re: [CGUYS] In Defense of Idiots [Was: Recommendation for simpl

2009-04-15 Thread Jeff Wright
 There you go again, name calling and attributing to me things I did not

Sure you did.  It's not my fault that you believe your own PR.

I'm name calling?  I hope that you have a doctor's note for your
literary Tourette's.

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Re: [CGUYS] RAID for the uninitiated

2009-04-15 Thread Richard P.
Well done, thanks. I was waiting for someone to chime in about how we
really didn't need RAID : ))

Richard P.

On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 1:54 PM, .com wrote:

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Re: [CGUYS] M$ [Was: iTunes: Crap or not.]

2009-04-15 Thread Tom Piwowar
Yes. My text was quoted, but altered. So far, it appears that Tom thinks
this is OK

Tom looked in the archive and could't find it. Of course Chris' 
accusation is conveniently vague so who knows exactly what to look for.

What I did discover is that there have been 483 posts from many posters 
that exhibited such orthography. 

Chris loves stirring up these off topic tempests. That is for sure.

Please provide a link to the archive of 2 posts that are the source of 
your distress and stop with the vague accusations.

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Re: [CGUYS] OS X on Dell Mini 9

2009-04-15 Thread Tom Piwowar
The cost differences are huge if they are considering apple hardware for
running windows...

Actually running Windows on Apple hardware is a much more pleasurable 
experience. I was surprised the first time I tried it. Windows blows less 
when running on good hardware.

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Re: [CGUYS] M$ [Was: iTunes: Crap or not.]

2009-04-15 Thread Tom Piwowar
Well that depends on your definition of success.  Are you saying Ballmer is
a failure where Jobs is not?  For not having any traits for the tech world,
he's done well.

Same goes for John Gotti. What's your point?

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Re: [CGUYS] OS X on Dell Mini 9

2009-04-15 Thread mike
Now we have some answers, stop buying crap hardware.

On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 11:19 AM, Tom Piwowar wrote:

 The cost differences are huge if they are considering apple hardware for
 running windows...

 Actually running Windows on Apple hardware is a much more pleasurable
 experience. I was surprised the first time I tried it. Windows blows less
 when running on good hardware.

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Re: [CGUYS] In Defense of Idiots [Was: Recommendation for simpl

2009-04-15 Thread Tom Piwowar
Some of them, sure, with more than a little help from Barney Frank and

You really do live in an alternate reality. Rep. Frank is a very smart 
and talented legislator who is working very hard to work the USA out of 
the mess the wing-nuts put us in. For many years his was a lonely voice 
speaking truth to power. His constituents re-elect him time and time 

HOWEVER, what does gay bashing and general hate mongering have to do with 

Please keep this on topic. 

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Re: [CGUYS] RAID for the uninitiated

2009-04-15 Thread mike
We?  Says you :p

On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 11:17 AM, Richard P. wrote:

 Well done, thanks. I was waiting for someone to chime in about how we
 really didn't need RAID : ))

 Richard P.

 On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 1:54 PM, .com wrote:
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Re: [CGUYS] M$ [Was: iTunes: Crap or not.]

2009-04-15 Thread John Duncan Yoyo
On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 1:55 PM, Chris Dunford ch...@covesoftware.comwrote:

  If it were true it would be yet another tempest in a tea pot, something
  of no consequence. Is somebody writing M$ instead of MS the best
  diversion from reality that our dear WFBs can come up with?
  Bottom line is that they can't continue their good-because-its-cheap
  propaganda campaign any further so they have to change the subject with
  feigned outrage.
  Silly boys.

 I want to confirm that you are saying it is OK to alter quoted text.

 I am not talking about someone writing M$, I am talking about someone who
 deliberately changed text when he quoted it. This is *not* the same as
 somebody writing M$ instead of MS.

 In your opinion, this is OK. No crap about Windows, WFBs, reality, or
 propaganda. Is it OK to alter text that you are quoting, or not? Here is a
 list of all possible answers to the question:

 1. Yes, it is OK to alter quoted text.
 2. No, it is never OK to alter quoted text.

 2 with a caveat.  I would clearly Bowdlerize it if the language were
getting rough, I needed the quote to make the point and quoting it as is
would reflect back badly.  The F-bomb gets changed to @#$#% or some such.

As for limiting my usage of M$ for microsoggy don't take my rhetorical tools
from me.  I refuse your dictates on that.

It tells you where I'm coming from in two characters.  Plus MS is multiple
sclerosis and Balmer sure ain't one of Jerry's kids.

The Redmond Menace produces some decent stuff every now and again.  I was
defending Office 2007 a while back.  But they do so much badly that they
deserve a bit of carping.

John Duncan Yoyo

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Re: [CGUYS] M$ [Was: iTunes: Crap or not.]

2009-04-15 Thread mike
Right I forgot, in your world Ballmer is a fixer, thug...murderer and
thief.  But you have no hatred for MS and are ever fair minded.  I'm sure
next you'll compare Steve J to a mix of Ghandi, Obama and a touch of
Mussolini...but in a good way.

On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 11:14 AM, Tom Piwowar wrote:

 Well that depends on your definition of success.  Are you saying Ballmer
 a failure where Jobs is not?  For not having any traits for the tech
 he's done well.

 Same goes for John Gotti. What's your point?

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Re: [CGUYS] In Defense of Idiots [Was: Recommendation for simpl

2009-04-15 Thread mike
You overstep yourself.  Gay bashing?  Keep your so called truth to yourself
and mind your own tongue.  If you want the topic reset, make the request,
don't blather about with idiocy and then reprimand others for doing what you
are engaged in.  Your putrid hatred is getting old, calling names indeed,
you owe the list an apology for this crap.

On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 11:25 AM, Tom Piwowar wrote:

 Some of them, sure, with more than a little help from Barney Frank and

 You really do live in an alternate reality. Rep. Frank is a very smart
 and talented legislator who is working very hard to work the USA out of
 the mess the wing-nuts put us in. For many years his was a lonely voice
 speaking truth to power. His constituents re-elect him time and time

 HOWEVER, what does gay bashing and general hate mongering have to do with

 Please keep this on topic.

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Re: [CGUYS] In Defense of Idiots [Was: Recommendation for simpl

2009-04-15 Thread Rev. Stewart Marshall

No gay bashing was intended.

I think what they were referring to was Franks refusal to allow 
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac come under some sort of supervision a 
number of years ago that may have tempered some of the problems.

No one is guiltless here.  Does he work in Washington?  If so then he 
is guilty.


At 01:25 PM 4/15/2009, you wrote:

You really do live in an alternate reality. Rep. Frank is a very smart
and talented legislator who is working very hard to work the USA out of
the mess the wing-nuts put us in. For many years his was a lonely voice
speaking truth to power. His constituents re-elect him time and time

HOWEVER, what does gay bashing and general hate mongering have to do with

Please keep this on topic.

Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace
Ozark, AL  SL 82

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Re: [CGUYS] M$ [Was: iTunes: Crap or not.]

2009-04-15 Thread Rev. Stewart Marshall

Kind of reminds me of a joke.

What is the difference between Steve Jobs and God?

scroll down

God does not think he is Steve Jobs.

(I know a groaner but hey it is a joke!)


At 01:40 PM 4/15/2009, you wrote:

Right I forgot, in your world Ballmer is a fixer, thug...murderer and
thief.  But you have no hatred for MS and are ever fair minded.  I'm sure
next you'll compare Steve J to a mix of Ghandi, Obama and a touch of
Mussolini...but in a good way.

Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace
Ozark, AL  SL 82

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Re: [CGUYS] M$ [Was: iTunes: Crap or not.]

2009-04-15 Thread Chris Dunford
 Please provide a link to the archive of 2 posts that are the source of
 your distress and stop with the vague accusations.

I don't archive this stuff, and I'm not going to spend the time, on tax day,
searching in the online archive. It happened. I couldn't care less whether
you believe it or not.

But you have managed, once again, to avoid answering the question: is it OK
to alter quoted text? Yes, or no?

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Re: [CGUYS] Frank [Was:In Defense of Idiots]

2009-04-15 Thread Chris Dunford
 I think what they were referring to was Franks refusal to allow
 Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac come under some sort of supervision a
 number of years ago that may have tempered some of the problems.

This bit of the discussion is REALLY off-topic, but I can't let that stand
without noting that this is a bit of conservative misinformation. 

Until 2007, Frank was in the minority and had no power to do anything like
this. But after the Democrats took control of Congress in 2007, he sponsored
HR 1427 to reform regulation of Fannie, Freddie, and others. The regulation
would include management of credit and market risk:;

He did vote against a reform bill in 2005, but that's not the whole story.
He voted for the bill in committee, but against passage due to a Republican
amendment that was added on the House floor. But still it's not fair to say
that he refused to allow supervision: he had no power to do so, since
Republicans controlled Congress at the time and could do pretty much as they

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Re: [CGUYS] RAID for the uninitiated

2009-04-15 Thread Tom Piwowar

I note from the comments that some didn't get it. Just like here!

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Re: [CGUYS] RAID for the uninitiated

2009-04-15 Thread Christopher Range

mike wrote:

We?  Says you :p


After years of single-drive failures that had a poor backup scheme, I 
switched to a RAID setup.  I have had a RAID-10 setup for a while now.

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Re: [CGUYS] In Defense of Idiots [Was: Recommendation for simpl

2009-04-15 Thread Tom Piwowar
No one is guiltless here.  Does he work in Washington?  If so then he 
is guilty.

I work in Washington. I have first-hand experiences of politicians and 
government bureaucrats. I know that what Rush Limbaugh tells you about 
them is self-serving fiction. They are mostly good people. You should 
know better.

HOWEVER, please lets stay on topic and stop with the personal attacks and 
broad brush hate mongering.

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Re: [CGUYS] Frank [Was:In Defense of Idiots]

2009-04-15 Thread Tom Piwowar
This bit of the discussion is REALLY off-topic, but I can't let that stand
without noting that this is a bit of conservative misinformation. 

That's the problem with off-topic bomb throwing. I understand the 
necessity to put thing right, but that does take us off topic and usually 
generates many off topic posts.

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Re: [CGUYS] M$ [Was: iTunes: Crap or not.]

2009-04-15 Thread Tom Piwowar
But you have managed, once again, to avoid answering the question: is it OK
to alter quoted text? Yes, or no?

That is obviously a silly thing to do and really serves no purpose. On 
the other hand it is just graffiti. Now there are places that shoot 
people for graffiti, but this is not such a place.

Are you afraid your handlers will see it and pull your card as an 
official Microsoft minder? Would it be as ugly as if you were caught in 
possession of a Macintosh?

A friend of mine was elected an officer of the Boston Computer Society's 
Mac group. His employer found out and he had to choose between his job 
and his Mac. (He went with his Mac and his employer was shortly 
thereafter snatched up by Compaq.)

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Re: [CGUYS] OS X on Dell Mini 9

2009-04-15 Thread Tom Piwowar
I have never really had problems with running Windows?
I enjoy and have fun building computers.

That may be the WFB-MFB difference. I don't have fun building computers. 
Computers are a tool for achieving my goals. I enjoy my goals.

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Re: [CGUYS] In Defense of Idiots [Was: Recommendation for simpl

2009-04-15 Thread mike
Yes people, please stay on topic so Tom can preach to us all and then tell
us to shush.  Maybe if you called some of the listeners homophobes again
you'd win more over?

On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 1:15 PM, Tom Piwowar wrote:

 No one is guiltless here.  Does he work in Washington?  If so then he
 is guilty.

 I work in Washington. I have first-hand experiences of politicians and
 government bureaucrats. I know that what Rush Limbaugh tells you about
 them is self-serving fiction. They are mostly good people. You should
 know better.

 HOWEVER, please lets stay on topic and stop with the personal attacks and
 broad brush hate mongering.

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Re: [CGUYS] M$ [Was: iTunes: Crap or not.]

2009-04-15 Thread Chris Dunford
 But you have managed, once again, to avoid answering 
 the question: is it OK to alter quoted text? Yes, or no?
 That is obviously a silly thing to do and really serves no purpose. On
 the other hand it is just graffiti. Now there are places that shoot
 people for graffiti, but this is not such a place.

Altering quoted text is hardly graffiti. It ascribes to the original author
something that he did not say. It is wrong, and it is very disappointing
that you refuse to say so.

 Are you afraid your handlers will see it and pull your card as an
 official Microsoft minder? Would it be as ugly as if you were caught in
 possession of a Macintosh?

Speaking of obviously silly, this comment is well past that point.

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Re: [CGUYS] Frank [Was:In Defense of Idiots]

2009-04-15 Thread db
Yes, and it makes it increasingly difficult to create filters that 
filter out the off topic or tech philosophy discussions.  Every change 
of topic requires a new filter...


Tom Piwowar wrote:

This bit of the discussion is REALLY off-topic, but I can't let that stand
without noting that this is a bit of conservative misinformation. 

That's the problem with off-topic bomb throwing. I understand the 
necessity to put thing right, but that does take us off topic and usually 
generates many off topic posts.

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Re: [CGUYS] Frank [Was:In Defense of Idiots]

2009-04-15 Thread Tom Piwowar
Yes, and it makes it increasingly difficult to create filters that 
filter out the off topic or tech philosophy discussions.  Every change 
of topic requires a new filter...

So you only want the whiney posts like I installed the service pack and 
now have no audio output? 

I posted a tech question about Windows a few days ago and got no answers. 
Maybe your filter is working in reverse? 

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Re: [CGUYS] M$ [Was: iTunes: Crap or not.]

2009-04-15 Thread Tom Piwowar
Speaking of obviously silly, this comment is well past that point.

A tablespoon of silly makes the medicine go down.

It is not like they made you say I love well-crafted computers or some 
other bit of blasphemy.

It is not nearly as bad as the WFBs campaign to discredit me by insisting 
I have an anti-MS bias. I resent that intensely.

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Re: [CGUYS] M$ [Was: iTunes: Crap or not.]

2009-04-15 Thread David K Watson

This is a very common tactic of yours, claiming because Tom hasn't
said something about a behavior that he is condoning it.  In the first
place this is an invalid argument.  In the second place, why do you
want Tom to be the arbiter of other people's behavior on this list?
The proper person to complain to is the person who did it, so if you
want to properly address your complaint to the right person, why
don't you search through the list archives, find out who did it, and
complain directly to them, with a link to the offending post?  That
is the right thing to do, even if it is a little late.

It really is bad form to claim an offense without backing it up.

In other words, I am finding this line of argument tiresome, I don't  
that it is making any points for you, and I'd be really happy if you  

move to something more substantive.

If it were true it would be yet another tempest in a tea pot,  

of no consequence. Is somebody writing M$ instead of MS the best
diversion from reality that our dear WFBs can come up with?

Bottom line is that they can't continue their good-because-its-cheap
propaganda campaign any further so they have to change the subject  

feigned outrage.

Silly boys.

I want to confirm that you are saying it is OK to alter quoted text.

I am not talking about someone writing M$, I am talking about  
someone who

deliberately changed text when he quoted it. This is *not* the same as
somebody writing M$ instead of MS.

In your opinion, this is OK. No crap about Windows, WFBs, reality, or
propaganda. Is it OK to alter text that you are quoting, or not?  
Here is a

list of all possible answers to the question:

1. Yes, it is OK to alter quoted text.
2. No, it is never OK to alter quoted text.

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Re: [CGUYS] M$ [Was: iTunes: Crap or not.]

2009-04-15 Thread Jordan

David K Watson wrote:

This is a very common tactic of yours, claiming because Tom hasn't
said something about a behavior that he is condoning it.  In the first
place this is an invalid argument.  In the second place, why do you
want Tom to be the arbiter of other people's behavior on this list?
The proper person to complain to is the person who did it, so if you
want to properly address your complaint to the right person, why
don't you search through the list archives, find out who did it, and
complain directly to them, with a link to the offending post?  That
is the right thing to do, even if it is a little late.

It really is bad form to claim an offense without backing it up.

In other words, I am finding this line of argument tiresome, I don't 
that it is making any points for you, and I'd be really happy if you 

move to something more substantive.

Tiresome? I say infantile!
He needs a nap.

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Re: [CGUYS] M$ [Was: iTunes: Crap or not.]

2009-04-15 Thread Chris Dunford
 why do you want Tom to be the arbiter of other 
 people's behavior on this list?'

Tom is the owner of this list. 

You should look at what happened here.

1. Someone said that people should stop using M$.

2. I mentioned that someone had not only done that but actually changed MS
to M$ when quoting me. Note that I did not say people should stop using
M$, just that it was used in an intentional misquote of my own text.

3. Tom, rather than simply saying either nothing or, Yeah, that's not
right, says  I see our Microsoft minders are taking the gloves off. From
now on we must all refer to the Behemoth of Redmond in reverential terms.
Perhaps bowing our heads as we type and taking care to spell their  name

This strikes as a reasonable response? Really?

 The proper person to complain to is the person who did it, so if you
 want to properly address your complaint to the right person, why
 don't you search through the list archives, find out who did it, and
 complain directly to them, with a link to the offending post? 
 That is the right thing to do, even if it is a little late. 

In point of fact, I complained to the person when it happened.

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Re: [CGUYS] M$ [Was: iTunes: Crap or not.]

2009-04-15 Thread Tom Piwowar
In point of fact, I complained to the person when it happened.

Then the issue was closed long ago. Why drag it out now? 

This is looking more and more disingenuous.

You clearly want to stop a discussion that was not going your way by 
starting a backfire over trivia. 

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Re: [CGUYS] M$ [Was: iTunes: Crap or not.]

2009-04-15 Thread Chris Dunford
 In point of fact, I complained to the person when it happened.
 Then the issue was closed long ago. Why drag it out now?
 This is looking more and more disingenuous.
 You clearly want to stop a discussion that was not going your way by
 starting a backfire over trivia.

Tom, as you will see if you check, there was no discussion that was not
going my way because there aren't any other messages from me. My last
message in the thread was two days ago.

All I did was mention that this had occurred, in the context of a discussion
of people using M$. Period. Here is my entire message, every word of it:

A while back, someone replied to a message from me and actually changed
MS to M$ in the quoted text. MY text. That's inexcusable, as far as I'm

As far as I was concerned, that was the end of it. And had you said nothing,
that WOULD have been the end of it. But instead you had to post some crap
about Microsoft minders, reverence, and bowing. It was hard to fathom
because, as you can see, I didn't ask anyone to do anything. I was just
saying that intentional misquoting is bad form, and I found it hard to
understand why you would respond as you did. The proper response would have
been either silence or No, people shouldn't do be doing that.

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Re: [CGUYS] In Defense of Idiots [Was: Recommendation for simpl

2009-04-15 Thread Jeff Wright
 HOWEVER, what does gay bashing and general hate mongering have to do

Absolutely nothing, which is why I said nothing of the sort.

Oh right, I said something uncomplimentary about a gay man, who just
also happens to be a corrupt and power-mad Democratic congresscritter.  It
must mean that I hate him for his choice in dance partners.  It couldn't
possibly mean that I disagree with him on a policy issue and hold him
personally responsible for a good part of the mortgage mess.

So tell me Thomas, what does slander and character assassination have to do

You really have lost it this time, my good man.  Chug, chug, chug, around
the bend.

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Re: [CGUYS] M$ [Was: iTunes: Crap or not.]

2009-04-15 Thread Jeff Wright
 It is not nearly as bad as the WFBs campaign to discredit me by
 I have an anti-MS bias. 

I have a cunning plan

 I resent that intensely.


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Re: [CGUYS] In Defense of Idiots [Was: Recommendation for simpl

2009-04-15 Thread Tom Piwowar
Oh right, I said something uncomplimentary about a gay man, who just

And your reference to the sex offenders registry was just innocent 

But this is getting nowhere. It is just List pollution. Can we all move 
on and get back on topic? 

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Re: [CGUYS] In Defense of Idiots [Was: Recommendation for simpl

2009-04-15 Thread Ranbo

You should be blogging and/or get back on radio (or podcast) about your
technological/social/political views.  Also consider comedy writing if you
haven't.  I'm being serious here.  I like the pointed, biting, sarcastic,
caustic humor, independent of its content.  What do you say?  How about


On Tue, Apr 14, 2009 at 9:06 PM, Tom Piwowar wrote:

 Here's a question for the non-Bizarro world:  Would you buy a comparable
 generic drug over the retail version, if it is shown to be as safe and
 effective and only 40% the cost?  (That's 60% less for
 percentage-challenged Tom.)

 Then how good do you feel when you buy that store brand drug and open the
 package to discover a label inside that says Mfg. by Dr. Tom's Drug
 Emporium and Spa, Baluchistan, Pakistan.

 Interested in some low-cost baby formula fortified with melamine?

 Can I interest you in some discount peanut butter (no questions asked)?

 Or how about, drugs from a mafia-owned supplier who waters down the
 doses? Don't do business with convicted felons!

 This is the real world. Not some bizarro wing-nut world where miracle
 cures are freely handed out my Munchkins reclining on lotus petals.

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Re: [CGUYS] In Defense of Idiots [Was: Recommendation for simpl

2009-04-15 Thread Jeff Wright
 And your reference to the sex offenders registry was just innocent

You really have to have a troubled mind to put those 2 unrelated statements
together and twist that into gay bashing.  Never mind that you missed my
painfully obvious example of guilt by association, which is what the
previous poster was doing.

And you're calling other people idiots?

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Re: [CGUYS] M$ [Was: iTunes: Crap or not.]

2009-04-15 Thread Chris Dunford
 Tom looked in the archive and could't find it. Of course Chris'
 accusation is conveniently vague so who knows exactly what to look for.

Taxes filed, I had time to look for this. Your apology is accepted in

List:   computerguys-l
Subject:Re: 7 windows updates!
From:   Chris Dunford com () COVESOFTWARE ! COM
Date:   2005-06-16 0:08:57
[Download message RAW]

M$ bashing for it own sake

I have no major arguments with the content of your message, but--hoping not
to give offense--if you're going to quote messages, please don't alter the
quotation. I said MS, not M$, which I think is rather tired at this
point (and, frankly, was kinda silly to begin with).


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Re: [CGUYS] OS X on Dell Mini 9

2009-04-15 Thread betty

On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 12:30 PM, Snyder, Mark - IdM (IS) wrote:

 Actually my fortune-100 company is reconsidering their Windows-only
 policy.  This has been gaining momentum since many senior IT
 administrators are buying MacBook Pro's and setting up dual-boot.

 The MS-sponsored Apple-tax is as thin as can be; they must stretch
 beyond truth to make their arguments and are attracting much parody.
 The costs are closer than you think.

Yep Two OS for the price of 1.5 Machines.

Not exactly. Our HP notebook with Vista Business retails for the same price as the base 
MacBook. We added more RAM to both, Switched out the optical drive from the HP, bought a 
FW PC card, got the MacBook with a SuperDrive. Price is pretty much equal, except I can 
run XP Pro [from the PC we just sent to the landfill] on the MacBook.

The real result with the MacBook: Two OS for the price of ONE notebook. In businesses that 
have site licenses for their software, the Mac is the best deal. Otherwise, choose 
whichever is best for you, but comparable machines have comparable prices.

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Re: [CGUYS] OS X on Dell Mini 9

2009-04-15 Thread Eric S. Sande
I was surprised the first time I tried it. Windows blows less 
when running on good hardware.

That's hardly news, what's your point?

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