[CGUYS] EFI-X (Was: [CGUYS] Wish m luck...)

2009-07-29 Thread Reid Katan

Quoting mike :

very cool.

On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 7:46 AM, TPiwowar  wrote:

Get an EFI-X card to handle multi-booting and enable installing of OS X
too. Cool hardware.

You have experience with said hardware? How'd it go for you?

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Re: [CGUYS] iPhone 3GS encryption "useless"

2009-07-29 Thread Jeff Wright
> iPhone owners, of course, have nothing to worry about on these grounds.

Oh no, nothing at all.

iPhone SMS attack to be unleashed at Black Hat

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Re: [CGUYS] OS X blackhat training

2009-07-29 Thread Jeff Wright
> Bottom like is that OS X is extremely hard to hack and these are
> still no viruses in the wild that attack Macs. Meanwhile there have
> been 10,000s that have attacked Windows. The latest (June) WildList
> (http://www.wildlist.org/WildList) shows 753 viruses currently
> circulating in the wild that attack Windows. That's the truth.

Sure.  And this is a fairly ignorant stance to take for an IT professional.
I suppose when your only tool is a hammer

Anyone who reads industry rags should be well aware that the most common
vector for attacks to take place today is via 3rd party application
exploits.  The most exploitable flaws today are not from Windows, but from
Adobe Reader, Flash, QuickTime, Java and browsers, to name a few.  These are
usually the last thing to be patched on any system, which makes them
especially yummy for hackers.

I've noticed that Apple has stopped updating software on 10.3 systems.
QuickTime, Safari and iTunes are way out of patch on some of my Macs and
Software Update shows nothing amiss.  Odd for a company to abandon a product
after only 4 or 5 years.  

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Re: [CGUYS] Healthcare

2009-07-29 Thread Steve at Verizon
Please note that I specifically stated First Class Mail. You are correct 
that most other delivery types have competition. First Class Mail must 
be used for several types of official business, like tax mailings (yes 
efile is eating in to that, but if you can't efile, you must mail with 
USPS). Legal docs which require certified mail or registered mail can 
only be delivered by USPS.

I'm on your side here. The companies you mention would love to bid for 
First Class business, but have been thwarted by congress, as there would 
then be no need for the USPS and it could be closed down. But the dems, 
with their strong union support, wouldn't allow that.

As for the Army, subcontractors don't compete with you; they work for you.
Apple is not a subcontractor to MS.
Jeff Miles wrote:
I hardly think of either of these two as monopolies. The post 
office not only has competition from the internet, but also DHL, 
Fed-ex, UPS, etc. The Armies have competition from all the groups such 
as Blackwater, etc. Sure these companies aren't as big as the 
government branded like, but neither is Apple as compared to MS.

Jeff M

On Jul 28, 2009, at 11:06 PM, t.piwowar wrote:

On Jul 28, 2009, at 5:58 PM, Steve at Verizon wrote:
Armies and delivery of First Class Mail are two examples. 
Single-payer would be another, and, from your response, one of which 
you approve.

OK. I'm up for closing down the Army and the Post Office. All we 
really need to do is revisit and pass the NRA's gun carry law and we 
can dispense with the Army. The Post Office is a dead duck anyway -- 
killed by the Internet. Think of all the money we would save!

Do you want to defend either of these wasteful institutions?


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[CGUYS] InfoWorld on Win7 UI

2009-07-29 Thread Chris Dunford
>From the MS lapdogs over at InfoWorld:

"Windows 7 drives a wedge of innovation into the heart of the Save XP camp

"It's true: Windows 7 will drive the single biggest renaissance in Windows 
application design since the debut of Windows 95 nearly 15 years ago. ... As I 
pored over the various examples of Jump List
variations and animated Taskbar icon overlays, it struck me just how much the 
Windows UI has evolved with Windows 7. For the first time in recent memory, I'm 
actually excited at the prospect of seeing
how third-party developers exploit the myriad new conventions."


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Re: [CGUYS] Healthcare

2009-07-29 Thread Jordan

Andy Gallant wrote:
I strongly object to paragraphs five and seven of your posting, and in 
particular, to your use of highly objectionable terms and comparisons.

Radical right Obama hate media can't resist such disgusting crap.

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Re: [CGUYS] InfoWorld on Win7 UI

2009-07-29 Thread Mike Sloane
As the owner/user of half a dozen networked XP machines that date back 
quite a few years and have half to one meg of ram and under 2 MHz 
processors, I have to ask myself what advantage there is of Win7 over 
XP. I am not a gamer or need to deal with video files; I don't watch TV 
on my PC (or even on the TV for that matter), and my main use for the 
computers is Email, Web surfing, some light document preparation and 
reading, as well as the handling of images from my digital camera. As a 
retiree, why should I be forced to "upgrade" from XP to Win7, especially 
if it means replacing some/all of my machines (that now work just fine) 
with brand news ones at considerable expense and time, plus the hassle 
of moving files over, buying upgrades to existing applications (if they 
are even available), replacing hardware that may not have new drivers, etc?

I am not on a crusade or anything, I am just curious as to the rationale 
for such an "upgrade".


Chris Dunford wrote:

From the MS lapdogs over at InfoWorld:

"Windows 7 drives a wedge of innovation into the heart of the Save XP

"It's true: Windows 7 will drive the single biggest renaissance in
Windows application design since the debut of Windows 95 nearly 15
years ago. ... As I pored over the various examples of Jump List 
variations and animated Taskbar icon overlays, it struck me just how

much the Windows UI has evolved with Windows 7. For the first time in
recent memory, I'm actually excited at the prospect of seeing how
third-party developers exploit the myriad new conventions."


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Re: [CGUYS] Healthcare

2009-07-29 Thread b_s-wilk
That will happen when people start thinking for themselves and seeing 
through corporate propaganda enough to vote for representatives who will 
work for us not corporations. Why is our health care [insurance] system 
so bad? How did we get the DMCA? How did the Supreme Court get stacked 
with corporate judges who almost always decide for corporations and 
against individuals? When the Congress flipped in 1994, the corporatists 
had more of a lock on Congress than they already had, scaring and 
threatening other members into going along with their antipeople agenda.

The education system keeps getting worse. How can people understand our 
government if there's no civics courses any more? How can people get a 
good education when inferior revisionist textbooks are sold nationally 
by one company in Texas, and there's too much testing, not enough 
thinking/analysis/writing? How can people make good decisions about 
voting when they can't even figure out which ads give accurate 
information about which computer to buy, and they don't know how to look 
up the specs and compare?

And when will that happen?  It's not going to happen under the current
administration.  Unless we dump every member of congress and the senate and
stop putting up with these idiots getting rich on our backs, nothing is
going to change except for the worse.


When we take back our government from the corporations, and remove
corporate personhood, then we might creep up to being 20th or maybe 10th.
With more people believing the corporate [insurance co., for-profit
providers] disinformation as you do, it will be a long time for us to get
into the top 10, if ever.

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Re: [CGUYS] InfoWorld on Win7 UI

2009-07-29 Thread Jeff Wright
> As the owner/user of half a dozen networked XP machines that date back quite
> a few years and have half to one meg of ram and under 2 MHz processors, I
> have to ask myself what advantage there is of Win7 over XP. I am not a gamer
> or need to deal with video files; I don't watch TV on my PC (or even on the
> TV for that matter), and my main use for the computers is Email, Web
> surfing, some light document preparation and reading, as well as the
> handling of images from my digital camera.

If XP is handling everything for you, then why upgrade?  XP SP3 is
being supported for 5 more years.

You don't run as admin on these machines, right?

> As a retiree, why should I be
> forced to "upgrade" from XP to Win7, especially if it means replacing
> some/all of my machines (that now work just fine) with brand news ones at
> considerable expense and time, plus the hassle of moving files over, buying
> upgrades to existing applications (if they are even available), replacing
> hardware that may not have new drivers, etc?

Who is forcing you to upgrade?

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Re: [CGUYS] OS X blackhat training

2009-07-29 Thread TPiwowar

On Jul 29, 2009, at 7:56 AM, Jeff Wright wrote:

I've noticed that Apple has stopped updating software on 10.3 systems.
QuickTime, Safari and iTunes are way out of patch on some of my  
Macs and
Software Update shows nothing amiss.  Odd for a company to abandon  
a product

after only 4 or 5 years.

Give us a break! The only reason that M$ is still supporting 5 year  
old operating systems is that they have made such a mess with their  
upgrades. This makes being terribly backward the new normal. It ain't.

Apple supports the current and previous versions of the OS. They  
price their OS upgrades very reasonably and they have a quality  
product (not Vista). It is easy for their customers to keep up and  
they get lots of value with each upgrade. It makes little sense to  
support X.3.

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Re: [CGUYS] InfoWorld on Win7 UI

2009-07-29 Thread Mike Sloane

Jeff Wright wrote:

As the owner/user of half a dozen networked XP machines

If XP is handling everything for you, then why upgrade?  XP SP3 is
being supported for 5 more years.

You don't run as admin on these machines, right?
No, of course not - I have user accounts on all of them and use them. 
For the machine that I use for a print server, I don't even log into it, 
except for occasionally checking for MS security updates.

As a retiree, why should I be
forced to "upgrade" from XP to Win7?

Who is forcing you to upgrade?
I guess "forced" was the wrong word and probably should have been 
omitted from the sentence. It just seems that there is considerable 
marketing pressure on people like me to upgrade. And I find that 
unfortunate. The reality is that, if these machines are still chugging 
along in 5 years but "support" becomes a problem, I will just move over 
to Linux, which seems to be improving daily. I have a couple of machines 
running the latest version of Ubuntu, and I am very happy with that. (By 
the way, none of these machines were purchased - they are all 
hand-me-downs or rescued from various dumpsters during town cleanup days 
that I run.)


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Re: [CGUYS] InfoWorld on Win7 UI

2009-07-29 Thread Chris Dunford
> As a retiree, why should I be forced to "upgrade" from XP to Win7

Mike, no one's "forcing" you to upgrade. Win7 is much nicer and easier to work 
with than XP, and far more secure, but if you're satisfied with what you have, 
that's fine.

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Re: [CGUYS] InfoWorld on Win7 UI

2009-07-29 Thread Roger D. Parish

At 10:35 AM -0400 7/29/09, Jeff Wright wrote:


 As a retiree, why should I be
 forced to "upgrade" from XP to Win7, especially if it means replacing
 some/all of my machines (that now work just fine) with brand news ones at
 considerable expense and time, plus the hassle of moving files over, buying
 upgrades to existing applications (if they are even available), replacing
 hardware that may not have new drivers, etc?

Who is forcing you to upgrade?

The only reason to upgrade either Mac or Windows is if an application 
you need to run, or some hardware you need to use is not supported on 
the old operating system. Most of my upgrades, on both Mac and 
Windows, have been when I bought new  machines that came pre-loaded 
with the latest OS. My wife's PC went from Windows 95 (!) to XP when 
we replaced the machine. My iBook -> MacBook replacement took me from 
Panther (10.4)  to Leopard (10.5).

Lovettsville, VA

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Re: [CGUYS] Healthcare

2009-07-29 Thread Steve at Verizon
This non-radical right Obama disagreer agrees with you. For those of you 
not aware of Godwin's Law,


Part of the entry states:

For example, there is a tradition in many newsgroups and other Internet 
discussion forums that once such a comparison is made, the thread is 
finished and whoever mentioned the Nazis has automatically "lost" 
whatever debate  was in progress.

Jordan wrote:

Andy Gallant wrote:
I strongly object to paragraphs five and seven of your posting, and 
in particular, to your use of highly objectionable terms and 

Radical right Obama hate media can't resist such disgusting crap.

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Re: [CGUYS] Healthcare

2009-07-29 Thread Tony B
I haven't been following this thread, but yes, if someone has actually
mentioned Nazis, let's let it die already.

On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 11:48 AM, Steve at Verizon wrote:
> This non-radical right Obama disagreer agrees with you. For those of you not
> aware of Godwin's Law,

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Re: [CGUYS] InfoWorld on Win7 UI

2009-07-29 Thread Tony B
If you're actually asking, and not just ranting, I'll answer.

The biggest changes are important primarily for internet users, and
have to do with security. In WinXP and before, your account has full
administrative privileges, meaning so do any attackers. This has been
corrected in Vista and Win7. You _can_ run with lower privs in WinXP,
but it's not easy.

The newer video codecs being used on the web may require a better
video card, but should still work fine in XP. No games are yet slated
to require anything but XP.

Nobody's forcing you to do anything now. But when you do get a new
computer, you don't want one with an outdated OS on it.

On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 9:51 AM, Mike Sloane wrote:
> As the owner/user of half a dozen networked XP machines that date back quite
> a few years and have half to one meg of ram and under 2 MHz processors, I
> have to ask myself what advantage there is of Win7 over XP. I am not a gamer
> or need to deal with video files; I don't watch TV on my PC (or even on the
> TV for that matter), and my main use for the computers is Email, Web
> surfing, some light document preparation and reading, as well as the
> handling of images from my digital camera. As a retiree, why should I be
> forced to "upgrade" from XP to Win7

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Re: [CGUYS] Healthcare

2009-07-29 Thread mike
Indeed, there are other words also that the left likes to toss around like
racist and homophobe.  These show you the conversation is over also.

On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 8:48 AM, Steve at Verizon wrote:

> This non-radical right Obama disagreer agrees with you. For those of you
> not aware of Godwin's Law,
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin%27s_law
> Part of the entry states:
> For example, there is a tradition in many newsgroups and other Internet
> discussion forums that once such a comparison is made, the thread is
> finished and whoever mentioned the Nazis has automatically "lost" whatever
> debate  was in progress.
> Jordan wrote:
>> Andy Gallant wrote:
>>> I strongly object to paragraphs five and seven of your posting, and in
>>> particular, to your use of highly objectionable terms and comparisons.
>> Radical right Obama hate media can't resist such disgusting crap.
>> *
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>> *
> *
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> **  policy, calmness, a member map, and more at http://www.cguys.org/  **
> *

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[CGUYS] Great earnings report doesn't stop apple from being stu...stu...stupid

2009-07-29 Thread mike
Apple is now claiming that jailbroken iPhones could crash cell networks here
and abroad.


On an unrelated note, I haven't heard much about that guy who leaked the 4g
iphone..you know the one that 'fell' out the window after corporate execs
kidnapped him and held him hostage for questioning.  If this were a
manufacturer of a zoon we'd hear how ballmer himself tossed the guy out the
window..I won't go that far, but clearly jobs made a phone call and got the
trash taken out.

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Re: [CGUYS] Healthcare

2009-07-29 Thread b_s-wilk

Sue in a vast majority of cases they do pay taxes.

I do not know of any employer here in America (legitimate) who does
not withhold taxes out of paychecks, unless they consider the
worker a contractor.

My point exactly.  If they are not citizens, they should not pay
taxes.  Nor should they claim the benefits of citizenship.  Let them
work here, but pay their own way.  How much more fair can you get?

In many countries, you cannot own property without being a citizen.
I see no problem with that either.

Legal and illegal aliens pay taxes--a lot. Tourists pay taxes. We all 
pay sales and excise taxes, tolls, fees where they apply. Many countries 
use a value-added tax instead of income taxes or with low income taxes. 
VAT can be as high as 18%, but prices of goods aren't necessarily higher 
than here; in many cases they're lower.

Everyone should be covered by health insurance, including legal and 
illegal residents and tourists. In most European countries I can get 
free or very low cost health care as a tourist. The ones here who are 
complaining about changing our horrendous non-system are those who 
profit/gouge the most, and those who don't understand how single payer 
universal coverage works well for all people in the country:  citizens, 
residents, tourists, migrants. What we have now is more like a 
price-fixing cartel. Our insurance increased nearly 20% last year. That 
should be considered criminal.

The anti-immigration hype is mostly bogus. The people who complain the 
loudest about that are the same ones who employ them in their homes and 
businesses. The real problem is illegal employers. When they're 
targeted, the immigration issues will subside.

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Re: [CGUYS] Healthcare

2009-07-29 Thread b_s-wilk

Obama's health "reform" is an exact copy of Hitler's t-4 program where
he stated  that lives not worth of life should be given a mercy death.

There is a very nice  pamphlet which explains this more fully at
http://www.larouchepac.com/files/media/Act_NowPOST.pdf so download

No Nazi health care program in America!!

I talked to a bunch of LaRouchies on Saturday about this. The propaganda 
they were handing out was full of lies and distortions--disguised 
racism, full of hate. The programs being discussed recently in Congress 
are more like the Dutch system. LaRouche took an aside comment that was 
a bad joke and is using it to slam Obama and Congress. BTW, is LaRouche 
still in jail?

Bringing up Nazis means you have nothing more to say. Internet rules.

*Godwin's law*! [a.k.a. Godwin's Rule of Nazi Analogies]

End of your comments! Bye, bye.

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Re: [CGUYS] InfoWorld on Win7 UI

2009-07-29 Thread Jeff Wright
> I guess "forced" was the wrong word and probably should have been omitted
> from the sentence. It just seems that there is considerable marketing
> pressure on people like me to upgrade.

Well, yeah, you aren't making them any money being content and
efficient like that!

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Re: [CGUYS] Healthcare

2009-07-29 Thread mike
Were these larouchies upset because obama's plan isn't left enough?

On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 11:03 AM, b_s-wilk  wrote:

> Obama's health "reform" is an exact copy of Hitler's t-4 program where
>> he stated  that lives not worth of life should be given a mercy death.
>> There is a very nice  pamphlet which explains this more fully at
>> http://www.larouchepac.com/files/media/Act_NowPOST.pdf so download
>> that.
>> No Nazi health care program in America!!
> I talked to a bunch of LaRouchies on Saturday about this. The propaganda
> they were handing out was full of lies and distortions--disguised racism,
> full of hate. The programs being discussed recently in Congress are more
> like the Dutch system. LaRouche took an aside comment that was a bad joke
> and is using it to slam Obama and Congress. BTW, is LaRouche still in jail?
> Bringing up Nazis means you have nothing more to say. Internet rules.
> *Godwin's law*! [a.k.a. Godwin's Rule of Nazi Analogies]
> End of your comments! Bye, bye.
> *
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> **  policy, calmness, a member map, and more at http://www.cguys.org/  **
> *

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Re: [CGUYS] OS X blackhat training

2009-07-29 Thread Jeff Wright
> Give us a break! The only reason that M$ is still supporting 5 year old
> operating systems is that they have made such a mess with their upgrades.
> This makes being terribly backward the new normal. It ain't.

And when they don't support their OS for X number of years that you
deem optimum, they're being greedy, monopolistic bastards out to screw
their customers.  Gotcha.

> Apple supports the current and previous versions of the OS. They price their
> OS upgrades very reasonably and they have a quality product (not Vista). It
> is easy for their customers to keep up and they get lots of value with each
> upgrade. It makes little sense to support X.3.

Oh, I don't know, because 10.3 still works just fine and we don't want
to have to pay the Apple tax?

Never mind, I get it, it's just the patented Piwowar Hypocrisy Pump in
action again.

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Re: [CGUYS] OS X blackhat training

2009-07-29 Thread Jeff Wright
> Apple supports the current and previous versions of the OS. They price their
> OS upgrades very reasonably and they have a quality product (not Vista). It
> is easy for their customers to keep up and they get lots of value with each
> upgrade. It makes little sense to support X.3.

I should add that the Microsoft Office updater on the same Macs is
having no trouble finding and installing updates to Office 2004, which
is roughly the same age as 10.3.

I'm sure they're only doing it to make Apple look bad.  Apple rules
and MS drools.  Everyone knows that.

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Re: [CGUYS] OS X blackhat training

2009-07-29 Thread mike
Don't they sell those on late night cable tv?

On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 11:22 AM, Jeff Wright  wrote:

> Never mind, I get it, it's just the patented Piwowar Hypocrisy Pump in
> action again.

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Re: [CGUYS] OS X blackhat training

2009-07-29 Thread Jeff Wright
Now you know what killed Billy Mays.

> Don't they sell those on late night cable tv?
> On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 11:22 AM, Jeff Wright wrote:
>> Never mind, I get it, it's just the patented Piwowar Hypocrisy Pump in
>> action again.

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[CGUYS] More computer humor

2009-07-29 Thread Rev. Stewart Marshall

More Murphy's Laws of Computing

1. To err is human...to blame your computer for your mistakes is even 
more than human, it's downright natural.

2. He who laughs last, probably has a back-up.
3. The number one cause of computer problems is computer solutions.
4. A complex system that doesn't work is invariably found to have 
evolved from a simpler system that worked just fine.
5. A computer program will always do what you tell it to do, but 
rarely what you want it to do.


Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace www.princeofpeaceozark.org
Ozark, AL  SL 82

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[CGUYS] New iPhone

2009-07-29 Thread Chris Dunford
New model visible only to the most loyal of customers:



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Re: [CGUYS] COMPUTERGUYS-L Digest - 29 Jul 2009 - Special issue (#2009-708)

2009-07-29 Thread David K Watson

Microsoft EOLed Office 2004 this year (i.e., after "only" 5 years),
so your example isn't particularly strong one, especially since
you are comparing an application to an entire OS.

But if applications are fair game, MS released Internet Explorer
5.2 for OS X in 2002, stopped updating it in 2003, and officially
ended support for it in 2005.

Moving to something somewhat more analogous to an OS, I'd be
interested in knowing if Silverlight 1 is still being supported.   
After all,

I can imagine that there are people who would say that it works just
fine for them and don't want the troubles of an upgrade, etc.

From:Jeff Wright 

Apple supports the current and previous versions of the OS. They  
price their
OS upgrades very reasonably and they have a quality product (not  
Vista). It
is easy for their customers to keep up and they get lots of value  
with each

upgrade. It makes little sense to support X.3.

I should add that the Microsoft Office updater on the same Macs is
having no trouble finding and installing updates to Office 2004, which
is roughly the same age as 10.3.

I'm sure they're only doing it to make Apple look bad.  Apple rules
and MS drools.  Everyone knows that.

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Re: [CGUYS] COMPUTERGUYS-L Digest - 29 Jul 2009 - Special issue (#2009-708)

2009-07-29 Thread mike
Why would a flash clone be similiar to an OS?

On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 3:25 PM, David K Watson

> Microsoft EOLed Office 2004 this year (i.e., after "only" 5 years),
> so your example isn't particularly strong one, especially since
> you are comparing an application to an entire OS.
> But if applications are fair game, MS released Internet Explorer
> 5.2 for OS X in 2002, stopped updating it in 2003, and officially
> ended support for it in 2005.
> Moving to something somewhat more analogous to an OS, I'd be
> interested in knowing if Silverlight 1 is still being supported.  After
> all,
> I can imagine that there are people who would say that it works just
> fine for them and don't want the troubles of an upgrade, etc.
>  From:Jeff Wright 
>>  Apple supports the current and previous versions of the OS. They price
>>> their
>>> OS upgrades very reasonably and they have a quality product (not Vista).
>>> It
>>> is easy for their customers to keep up and they get lots of value with
>>> each
>>> upgrade. It makes little sense to support X.3.
>> I should add that the Microsoft Office updater on the same Macs is
>> having no trouble finding and installing updates to Office 2004, which
>> is roughly the same age as 10.3.
>> I'm sure they're only doing it to make Apple look bad.  Apple rules
>> and MS drools.  Everyone knows that.
> *
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> *

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Re: [CGUYS] Great earnings report doesn't stop apple from being stu...stu...stupid

2009-07-29 Thread Jeff Wright
> Apple is now claiming that jailbroken iPhones could crash cell networks
> and abroad.
> http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2009/07/jailbreak/

It'll also make you into a pimp and a pusher:


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Re: [CGUYS] COMPUTERGUYS-L Digest - 29 Jul 2009 - Special issue (#2009-708)

2009-07-29 Thread Jeff Wright
> But if applications are fair game, MS released Internet Explorer
> 5.2 for OS X in 2002, stopped updating it in 2003, and officially
> ended support for it in 2005.

You're complaining?  You want it back?

And you're using a .x version as a scale?  That's almost honest.  Version 5
for OS X was released in 2000.  Support ended in 2005, 2 years after
development ended, which was the result of a 1997 agreement between Apple
and MS.  Apple replaced IE with Safari.


> Moving to something somewhat more analogous to an OS, I'd be
> interested in knowing if Silverlight 1 is still being supported.
> After all,
> I can imagine that there are people who would say that it works just
> fine for them and don't want the troubles of an upgrade, etc.

Iterative versions of Silverlight are free.  OS X upgrades, not so much.
And analogous to an OS, even less so much.  Actually, not at all; it's a
Flash competitor.

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[CGUYS] GMail issue

2009-07-29 Thread Steve Rigby
  I cannot get onto GMail via browser to access my account.  Another  
computer will also not connect to GMail either, not even to access  
GMail in order to set up a new account or to read about the virtues of  
GMail.  Another computer can access Gmail with a browser.  Strange,  
but I see that this has happened before with GMail to others.  I can,  
however, use my POP mail to send and receive via GMail, as I am doing  
with this message, although the browser on this same computer will not  
connect to GMail directly.

  Any ideas as to what is going on?  My GMail "Notifier" utility also  
cannot access my account.  This is not a password issue.  It is an  
inability to connect to the server.


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Re: [CGUYS] GMail issue

2009-07-29 Thread Bill
Try clearing your Google cookies, then retry accessing your account.  Had
this problem yesterday and found that solution.

On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 8:56 PM, Steve Rigby  wrote:

>  I cannot get onto GMail via browser to access my account.  Another
> computer will also not connect to GMail either, not even to access GMail in
> order to set up a new account or to read about the virtues of GMail.
>  Another computer can access Gmail with a browser.  Strange, but I see that
> this has happened before with GMail to others.  I can, however, use my POP
> mail to send and receive via GMail, as I am doing with this message,
> although the browser on this same computer will not connect to GMail
> directly.
>  Any ideas as to what is going on?  My GMail "Notifier" utility also cannot
> access my account.  This is not a password issue.  It is an inability to
> connect to the server.
>  Steve
> *
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Re: [CGUYS] OS X blackhat training

2009-07-29 Thread Steve Rigby

On Jul 29, 2009, at 10:48 AM, TPiwowar wrote:

Apple supports the current and previous versions of the OS. They  
price their OS upgrades very reasonably and they have a quality  
product (not Vista). It is easy for their customers to keep up and  
they get lots of value with each upgrade. It makes little sense to  
support X.3.

  I kept using Panther until the "bitter end," so to speak.  That end  
came as developers pretty much stopped writing Panther code for their  
apps, and moved on to Tiger and beyond.  Panther has issues that were  
resolved, and more, in Tiger.  I still keep Tiger on one machine  
because it is just a bit slow for Leopard at 1.25 GHz.  Tiger works  
very well on any machine.  Panther?  That's another story.


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Re: [CGUYS] GMail issue

2009-07-29 Thread Steve Rigby

On Jul 29, 2009, at 9:14 PM, Bill wrote:

Try clearing your Google cookies, then retry accessing your  
account.  Had

this problem yesterday and found that solution.

  Thanks for the suggestion, but no go.  Did not work for me.   
Browser still sez "cannot connect to server."


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Re: [CGUYS] GMail issue

2009-07-29 Thread b_s-wilk

Try different DNS.

On Jul 29, 2009, at 9:14 PM, Bill wrote:

Try clearing your Google cookies, then retry accessing your account.  Had
this problem yesterday and found that solution.

  Thanks for the suggestion, but no go.  Did not work for me.  Browser still sez 
"cannot connect to server."


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