[CGUYS] Camera recommendation?

2008-07-12 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
With thanks to everyone for previous recommendations (i love my  
Garvin 360. It really works great!), I'm asking for another  

I primarily need to take pictures of "things" (mainly antiques which  
I occasionally offer for sale at local shows). Many close-ups. I need  
crisp pictures, especially of identifying marks on ceramics and  
porcelain. I am in the habit of cropping, adjusting for color, etc,  
using PhotoShop after the pictures have been snapped.  I do use a  
"light box" to shoot most of the pictures I take for my business, but  
some things are too big to fit into it. A tripod is also available  
when I need it. And the "odd" family photo will also be taken. I also  
need jpg images that are of "reasonable" size for uploading to my  
website and others, therefore the picture files can't be hundreds of  
megabytes each.

My computer of choice is my iMac. (Ok - it's my only computer, ergo  
my computer of choice.)

Any particular preferences? Recommendations? Specifics re. reasons  
for recommendations are very much appreciated. Price, of course, is  
an object. (Isn't it always?) But I'm more interested in quality and  
ruggedness than a cheap price.

This camera will replace a Nikon Coolpix 4500 which has been great,  
but which is getting a bit dated. The Nikon was originally purchased  
to take close-ups of small items, for which it is great, but I'm  
interested to know what's out now. Close-ups continue to be needed,  
so anything that takes close-ups to far-aways would be helpful.

TIA for any and all suggestions.

Mical Wimoth Carton

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Re: [CGUYS] Camera Recommendation?

2008-07-12 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The price range is flexible, but I'm willing to spend up to $500 -  
$600 if necessary. This is a business expense, so I do get a tax credit.

Tom P asked what I don't like about the Coolpix 4500. The major  
problem is that it focuses, and then refocuses inappropriately,  
sometimes when I'm taking close-ups of ceramics and porcelain marks.  
It actually ends up taking fuzzy pictures as a result. So I'm  
wondering if there's not something easier to use, something that I  
can "set" the focus on and force the camera to do as I ask, rather  
than what it wants.

I'll check out the sites referred to in posts &, if I decide to  
"bite," I'll post how things play out.

Mical Wimoth Carton

What is your price range

That has a lot to do with it.

Again I can't help but point you to Consumer Reports Web site they
just recently reviewed cameras and I can't remember what they  

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Re: [CGUYS] Camera Recommendation

2008-07-13 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Thanks to all for your kind suggestions. My husband assures me it's a  
lighting issue, so I'm letting him play with lighting (since he takes  
most of the pictures) to see if he's correct). You've all been very  
kind with ideas -- I'll be sure to suggest a piece of tape, or  
something else, vertical to help hold the focus on close-up images.  
This can easily be PhotoShopp'd out when I'm cropping images.

Mical Wimoth Carton

Date:Sun, 13 Jul 2008 12:38:31 -0400
From:Tom Piwowar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The major  problem is that it focuses, and then refocuses  

sometimes when I'm taking close-ups of ceramics and porcelain marks.

Autofocus depends on having a vertical line in the frame, which you  
have with such a close up. Try using a piece of colored tape to add  

to the frame.


Date:Sun, 13 Jul 2008 13:46:37 -0400
From:Steve Rigby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   Actually, autofocus depends upon having areas of substantially
differing contrast adjacent to each other within the focusing area.



Subject: Re: Camera recommendation?

In the compact digital point and shoot models ... which is not what  
seem to be looking for but is all I have experience with ...  I  

the Sony line.

They have Zeiss lenses, are cheaper than other name brands, most still
include a viewfinder, they have more lens zoom capability (4 or 5) and
their menu systems are more user friendly than most.

In the pro models, I hear that Canon is the brand most respected.

&, of course, if the tape idea doesn't work, I'll have hours of  
investigation.  Mical

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Re: [CGUYS] DSL line & lightning

2008-08-06 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I know we've had this discussion before, but I will repeat it for the  
sake of those who've not taken part in the past:

My husband and I have UPS / surge suppressors (Uninterrupted Power  
Supply) on every piece of electronics we value, even on some that  
don't recommend it like my Phaser printer. Where we live, we get many  
-- sometimes hundreds a day -- of those "blips" in power. Weird  
because it's only on some of our circuits. Occasionally our whole  
house loses power (squirrels killing themselves on the local  
transformer, happens once or twice a year). The UPS keeps the power  
humming to whatever devices, even when the power is completely gone.  
Certainly a direct hit by lightening has the potential to knock out a  
UPS protected device, but they do protect against both surges and  
brown-outs. (Indeed, when power is decreased by the utility company,  
the UPS picks up the slack until either its battery is exhausted or  

The cost of UPS devices has gone way down in the past 20 years. &  
their power has gone way up. The cost of computers, printers, modems,  
etc. has come down too. But the UPS will keep these going except in  
the most dire of circumstances.

FWIW, UPS devices are not recommended for printers. That said, my  
printer's UPS keeps it very happy.

Hope this is helpful to at least some users out there.

Mical Wimoth Carton

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[CGUYS] Linux - it's not just for breakfast anymore

2008-08-22 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Recently been playing with Ubuntu.  One thing that really surprised me 
(which shows how wide eyed naive I am) is how with the Ubuntu boot disk 
my supposedly secured files in XP are wide open.  I can take an external 
hard drive and copy them over - no problem!

I was both pleased and displeased by this having foolishly reinstalled 
Windows XP Pro over the old without first unencrypting my user folder - 
voila! they were all there but no longer accessible.  I had a backup of 
the stuff but the user folders were taking up space and I couldn't 
delete them so before reinstalling/erasing them I just wanted to make 
sure I had indeed gotten everything.  Recalling my surprise over the 
Ubuntu DVD boot disk I decided to try it and yes I could see everything 
and copy it over.  But I could not delete the NTFS files.  Still, having 
secured my files onto the external hard drive, I reinstalled deleting 
prior junk.  So mission accomplished but many security worries flowed 
from that.

More recently, I heard about Red Hat/Fedora having had servers 
compromised. Here are the relevant advisories:


Perhaps I'm burying the lead here but it seems that Linux has grown up 
to have its own issues.  I recall years ago on "The Computer Guys" how 
John Gilroy argued that once Mac or Linux gained a share of the market 
they would become targets and would have more security concerns.  Tom 
Piwowar countered with the inherent flaws in Microsoft's os which he 
deemed the straw stirring the drink.  Now Linux has gained a foothold in 
the server world and Mac is increasing at the desktop level.  Would be 
interested to know others' thoughts on these security areas especially 
as the three operating systems begin to permit more cross platform 
accessibility.  I also remember a quip by Tom that Linux was a great 
tool to show PC users what it's like to be a Mac user trying to use a 
PC. "You mean it doesn't do this automatically?!!!"


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[CGUYS] Google Desktop/Chrome: what information is shared with the mother ship?

2008-09-07 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Google Chrome EULA has many privacy issues that may affect state 
agencies.  But these could be issues for businesses as well.  I recall a 
similar issue with the Desktop program which after replacing the very 
nice and non-evil Deskbar search basically mapped your computer and any 
connected servers (with company/organization/agency data on them) if you 
let it.  Many users allow it to do this without any concern and the IT 
people have to gauge how vigilant to be regarding this usage.  Any sense 
about the extent of the information mapped that is transmitted back to 
google - is all of it?  Does the browser have any of the same issues 
considering that as I understand it Google used an old version of WebKit 
and Chrome is full of security holes.


Regarding the EULA:
You retain copyright and any other rights that you already hold in Content
that you submit, post or display on or through the Services. By submitting,
posting or displaying the content, you give Google a perpetual, irrevocable,
worldwide, royalty-free and non-exclusive license to reproduce, adapt,
modify, translate, publish, publicly perform, publicly display and
distribute any Content that you submit, post or display on or through the
Services. This license is for the sole purpose of enabling Google to
display, distribute and promote the Services and may be revoked for certain
Services as defined in the Additional Terms of those Services.

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2008-09-09 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I understand that the dangerous stuff where we could be swallowed in a 
black hole doesn't start for a few months.  Brings to mind the bets they 
took at Los Alamos about whether the first a-bomb in Alamogordo would 
set fire to the atmosphere.  And only slightly more media coverage of 
this one - beatin zero ain't no boast.

mike wrote:

So in a little over seven hours the Large Hadron Collider will be switched
on...any takers on if we'll all survive?  I've set up a google alert to my
cell phone for the big event.  The question is if all goes wrong, will I get
the msg before or after?



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[CGUYS] Funny article on Vista woes

2008-09-24 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Vista Woes
Since I manage alot (about 40) of Windows machines as a side-task of my 
main job, I decided I would be a farsighted employee and so when buying 
my new laptop I went against my better judgment and purchased Vista.  
And since I thought I should make sure I had all the available bells & 
whistles I paid extra for Vista Ultimate on a Lenovo Thinkpad.  Ouch!   
Seven months later I'm convinced the extra features meant extra 
headaches because the Lenovo in particular does not play well with this 
flavor of Vista.  Vista Enterprise seems more stable - I don't know 
why.  Vista Home Premium seems more stable than Ultimate but does not 
function well on a business network.  So I very much enjoyed this article:


Path Dependence
I hope Vista will be improved by the time SP2 rolls around.  I really 
do, because I doubt I will be using non-Windows machines for my 
professional work by then.  The Mac users on this forum may be 
underestimating the power of Qwerty - aka path dependence - and so even 
if as they contend Mac is vastly superior it's unlikely to shift the 
balance much more in the current generation (which is why I suspect they 
are targeting the youth market).  I have been playing with Linux Ubuntu 
for my personal stuff and have worked with Macs a little bit because the 
other part of our organization is *all* Macs.  I think the ability to 
dual boot right now gives Linux an advantage for people migrating away 
from Windows (and the Wubi software method of installing helps - though 
you have to be careful to back up everything before installing it 
because it did screw up one of my computers) plus the cost  of course.  
Parallels looks really cool but when I ask the IT guys on the Mac side 
of our organization they say it's nice but still has problems.  If Mac 
wants to attract away more Windows users from the current generation of 
users I think they need to improve that software a little bit because 
most users/businesses/organizations really need a good set of training 
wheels to reassure them that the switch won't spell disaster.   And why 
no sub-menu mouse button - would it really be so wrong to add that? 



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Re: [CGUYS] junk filter problem with Thunderbird

2008-09-26 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Junk mail feature in Thunderbird is less than optimal.  That said, 
two things I can recommend:

1. add the users address to your address book
2. Use the message filters for your clients to have their emails 
automatically go to a subfolder

If those don't work you may wish to reset the junk mail training data 
and let it start learning all over again b/c something got corrupted

Tools>Options>Privacy>Junk is the menu path

Hope that helps,

Nick wrote:
I'm using Thunderbird For the most part it functions well 
however when it comes to the junk filter, not so good. It keeps 
putting legitimate email (some from important clients) in the junk 
mail folder. No matter how many times I mark it as "not junk" and 
making sure their email address is in my address books. This happens 
on both my PCs (Vista and XP) and my iMac. Any ideas on how to fix this?


Nick Crettier
Front Royal, VA

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Re: [CGUYS] Adobe Reader 9 - alternatives

2008-09-26 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Tony B wrote:

FWIW on the PC I've been using Foxit PDF reader lately.

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There's also something called PrimoPDF that lets you create PDFs.  I 
haven't compared it to Foxit PDF but it works okay for the price (the 
full adobe is usually better but that's comparing it to the free version 
of this product so not a fair fight).


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Re: [CGUYS] Adobe Reader 9 - alternatives caveat emptor

2008-09-26 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Tony B wrote:

FWIW on the PC I've been using Foxit PDF reader lately.

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*I hasten to add that while I have not encountered spyware or calls home 
to the mothership with this product I cannot vouch that the product 
doesn't do that b/c I haven't used it extensively.

There's also something called PrimoPDF that lets you create PDFs.  I 
haven't compared it to Foxit PDF but it works okay for the price (the 
full adobe is usually better but that's comparing it to the free version 
of this product so not a fair fight).


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[CGUYS] Speaking of Comcast

2008-09-27 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I probably should have asked this weeks ago since Comcast has been a  
topic of discussion.

I help a friend with Computer issues. (iMac / checkbook, etc. She's a  
good friend.) She accesses the internet using Comcast, her browser is  
Safari, and she uses AOL for e-mail access.

Last year, after her internet connection all but failed, Comcast  
rewired her connection from the street to her house. She can access  
the internet with no difficulty now. BUT her connection fails,  
especially with AOL, but also with the internet, after a very brief  
time of inactivity. If she's using her internet connection, no  
problem; but if she walks away from the computer for a minute or two  
(to get a cup of coffee, for example) and then does a keystroke on  
either Safari or AOL upon her return, she's told she's disconnected  
and must sign on again. Comcast came out last week and exchanged her  
modem for a newer one. It seemed to help the problem for a few days,  
but by week's end, the disconnect issue had returned.

FIOS is newly available in her area, and we've been discussing a  
possible switch to FIOS in hopes the connection issue will be solved.

Any thoughts on this will be appreciated. FWIW: There's no way, none  
whatsoever, that her connection is anywhere near the 250gb limit.

Mical Wimoth Carton

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Re: [CGUYS] Speaking of Comcast

2008-09-28 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
A link to the article would be helpful. We're talking Mac here, but if  
it's on MacFixIt, perhaps that's an issue. I really can't imagine it,  
but I guess I'll have to do some research now. Thanks for the info!

Mical Wimoth Carton

Date: September 27, 2008 9:12:07 PM EDT
Subject: Re: Speaking of Comcast

Just ran across an article on macfixit.com which addresses a trojan  
horse which seems to display similar, but not exact, symptoms to  
those in Chrpersons post.

On Sep 27, 2008, at 1:20 PM, db wrote:

If  she has a trojan on board which is filesharing videos etc  
around the clock, the 250 GB limit could be an issue...


I probably should have asked this weeks ago since Comcast has been  
a topic of discussion.

I help a friend with Computer issues. (iMac / checkbook, etc.  
She's a good friend.) She accesses the internet using Comcast, her  
browser is Safari, and she uses AOL for e-mail access.

Last year, after her internet connection all but failed, Comcast  
rewired her connection from the street to her house. She can  
access the internet with no difficulty now. BUT her connection  
fails, especially with AOL, but also with the internet, after a  
very brief time of inactivity. If she's using her internet  
connection, no problem; but if she walks away from the computer  
for a minute or two (to get a cup of coffee, for example) and then  
does a keystroke on either Safari or AOL upon her return, she's  
told she's disconnected and must sign on again. Comcast came out  
last week and exchanged her modem for a newer one. It seemed to  
help the problem for a few days, but by week's end, the disconnect  
issue had returned.

FIOS is newly available in her area, and we've been discussing a  
possible switch to FIOS in hopes the connection issue will be  

Any thoughts on this will be appreciated. FWIW: There's no way,  
none whatsoever, that her connection is anywhere near the 250gb  

Mical Wimoth Carton

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Re: [CGUYS] Speaking of Comcast

2008-09-28 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Thanks for the link! Sadly, I'm not a paid subscriber to MacFixIt, but  
I can assure you there is no possibility that my friend approved  
installation of a Trojan Horse onto her computer.

What we're going to do, later this week, is bring my laptop down to  
her house, connect to Comcast with the laptop, access my AOL account  
through her modem and see what happens. Reportedly her husband (PC  
connected with a wireless router) never loses a signal, but her  
computer does, regularly. Her computer is connected to the Comcast  
modem via ethernet cable. So the question becomes: Is it a Comcast  
problem? An AOL problem (she has a paid account)? Or some other weird  
thing. It is passingly interesting that Comcast upgraded her modem  
about a week ago, and the problem was resolved for a few days, after  
which it returned. It is frustrating. If we can figure out what's  
happening, I'll be back with a report.

Mical Wimoth Carton

On Sep 28, 2008, at 5:51 PM, COMPUTERGUYS-L automatic digest system  

A trojan horse must be activated by the user. This shouldn't happen if
the user isn't an administrator. Even as administrator, you have to  
permission for software to be installed. Did this happen? Or is it  

to blame Comcast for the problems?

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Re: [CGUYS] Speaking of Comcast

2008-09-29 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
My thanks to everyone for your suggestions. I'll keep you posted once  
we've researched this a bit more, probably later this week.


Mical Wimoth Carton

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Re: [CGUYS] IVR cheats (was: just one..)

2008-09-29 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
A google search brought up a list of IVR cheats on this site: 
http://www.widowpc.com/2005/11/bypass_phone_tr.php (scroll down past the 
white space)
Not sure how accurate it is but have found that trying some combination 
of these things works on most IVR trees.  Usually I just start shouting 
"Operator" and "Assistance" into the phone while alternately punching # 
and O buttons.  Hope they're recording it :)

Jeff Wright wrote:

So now, I've tried twice to get Verizon on the phone to place my order
and after descending phone tree hell deep into the bowels of the
company, I get cut off (at the same point) each time before being
transferred to FIoS customer service.

Wow.  Just wow.  This does not bode well.  Is Verizon *sure* they want my money?

I found that the solution was, after verifying my telephone number,
was to yell "OPERATOR" into the phone.  It transferred me to a human
toot sweet, who, unlike the computerized system, was actually helpful.

I also found out while on the phone, that the DVR replaces one of the
set top boxes, so that's why I kept getting the error on the web site
about the number of set tops and connections not matching.  Of course,
the web page says absolutely nothing about this nor offers any
guidance.  Grr.

On the plus side, the bundle price was less over the phone than on the
web, even though there were "web only" discounts.  I'm sure there's a
catch I don't see yet.

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Re: [CGUYS] MS Access problem

2008-10-02 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I've had trouble on some machines getting Access 2007 to associate 
itself with older mdb files and in these cases have had to resort to 
opening the older files from within Access instead of from Explorer.  
Yes, it makes no sense.  Anyway, it seems from your description you 
don't have this problem.  Only two things I can suggest therefore that 
you may already have tried.  First, when you open the file using the old 
system, try hitting the function key ( F11) to see if it will bring up 
hidden tables, and possible something from which the export command will 
work.  But even you cannot export directly see if you can open the table 
and copy the data over directly by hitting ctl-a (select all) ctl-c 
(copy) and then pasting (ctl-v) into a new access table in a new 
database. Probably you've tried that but just in case . . .

I know how frustrating that kind of problem can be so best of luck to you.


Larry Sacks wrote:

I can open it on his old system *BUT* not by going directly into MS
Access 2000.  If I try to open it, I get the permissions error again.

Instead I can open it via the shortcut.

When this d/b delivered, it used the MS Access Runtime 2000 so you
didn't have to have Access installed.

Oh... and there's no menu listed to export the data either.


-Original Message-
From: Computer Guys Discussion List
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tony B
Sent: Thursday, October 02, 2008 9:07 AM
Subject: Re: [CGUYS] MS Access problem

Didn't you just say you can open it on his old machine? Then can't you
just export it as a csv?

On Thu, Oct 2, 2008 at 11:38 AM, Larry Sacks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I've been through the MS newsgroups, but I'll wade through them again.
The solutions that sound plausible involve getting the original


of access, although how do I go about finding that?  The software was
installed in 2001.


On Wed, Oct 1, 2008 at 8:11 PM, Larry Sacks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Nope.  The mdb isn't corrupted.  I can take the file on his new


put it back on his old system and it works.

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Re: [CGUYS] Speaking of Comcast - revisited

2008-10-03 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I went over to my friend's today and
#1 - We "repaired permissions."
#2 - We replaced the ethernet cable connecting her computer to her  

So far, her connection is stable. Don't know which of the above was  
the fix, but something seems to have worked.

My thanks to all for your kind help and suggestions.

Mical Wimoth Carton

From: Tom Piwowar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: September 30, 2008 4:24:05 PM EDT
Subject: Re: Speaking of Comcast

What we're going to do, later this week, is bring my laptop down to
her house, connect to Comcast with the laptop, access my AOL account
through her modem and see what happens. Reportedly her husband (PC
connected with a wireless router) never loses a signal, but her
computer does, regularly. Her computer is connected to the Comcast
modem via ethernet cable.

Is she connected directly to the Comcast box? It would be better if  
were connected to a port on the wireless router because the router  

do a better job of keeping the connection alive.

So the question becomes: Is it a Comcast problem? An AOL problem  
(she has

a paid account)? Or some other weird thing.

Rule out AOL by using Safari to access non-AOL sites and then  
leaving it


Hard to believe that Comcast would enforce a floor as well as a cap.  

would be excessively evil.

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Re: [CGUYS] iPod Touch question

2008-10-06 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
This is tricky, Betty! What they told me when I bought my iPod is that  
it only "syncs" to one computer. What that means is, anything in  
iTunes on the designated "one" computer, that is what syncs to the  
iPod Touch. I can download blogs to my iPod Touch through iTunes. Also  
sync my calendar, contacts, etc. But as far as I can tell, the iPod  
Touch doesn't sync in two directions -- only from the "one" computer  
to the iPod Touch. (So if you want to sync between computers, you have  
to somehow copy the iTunes files between computers.) From what I can  
gather, anything that cannot appear in iTunes -- will not appear on  
the iPod Touch. If you have songs, video's, whatevers, on the iPod,  
they will not transfer (or sync) from the iPod to the computer. It's a  
one way street. So you have to get whatever to install into iTunes,  
and then sync to the iPod Touch, to effect the transfer.  
Alternatively, of course, you can post the video to your website and  
Cavan can access it through the Touch if he has a wifi connection.

As you know, I'm not much musically, so I haven't played around much  
with CD's, etc, as yet. But this is the case with Podcasts and talking  
books, etc, and I assume it's the same for anything video.  Good  
luck!   Mical

Mical Wimoth Carton

On Oct 7, 2008, at 12:00 AM, COMPUTERGUYS-L automatic digest system  

Date:Mon, 6 Oct 2008 00:41:09 -0400
From:b_s-wilk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: iPod Touch question

I had one of Cavan's dance competition videos that I was going to give
him yesterday to put on his iPod Touch. When he attached it to both my
Mac and MacBook it not only didn't appear in iTunes, it didn't  
appear on
my desktop either. I know that unauthorized iPods don't always  
appear in
iTunes. I expected to be able to give him the video by copying it  

to the iPod from the desktop.

What happened? Does the iPod Touch not work as a flash drive on
unauthorized Macs? Does it have to be jailbroken? Can I transfer the
video via WiFi?

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[CGUYS] MS emerg security update - anyone notice monitor problems afterward?

2008-10-30 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
It's probably a coincidence but most of our XP SP3 machines are not set 
to automatically install.  In this case they all did and in the morning 
the machines were shut down. Okay.

But on three machines in the subsequent startup there was a problem with 
the monitor blanking out?  Anyone else have this experience?



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Re: [CGUYS] MS emerg security update - anyone notice monitor problems afterward?

2008-10-30 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Three monitors, same type: Dell Ultrasharp 20" circa 2006 (we received 
them second hand).

One (mine) I was able to get working after restarting the machine and 
fiddling with the settings so it was DVDI-D.  That one hasn't had 
problems since.
Second one failed, then came back, then failed, switched in a different 
monitor and it worked for a while and then also failed, then worked 
again.  Currently working.
Third one: failed, and couldn't get it to work so I switched in a 
different monitor and it's been working since.

So the only consistent pattern is the timing after the Windows update 
and type of monitor that initially failed.  In terms of Mill's method of 
difference the three have no clear pattern.


Richard P. wrote:

No problems that I noticed on 2 machines. Could you be more specific?
A momentary blanking out or permanent?

Richard P.

On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 3:26 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

It's probably a coincidence but most of our XP SP3 machines are not set to
automatically install.  In this case they all did and in the morning the
machines were shut down. Okay.

But on three machines in the subsequent startup there was a problem with the
monitor blanking out?  Anyone else have this experience?



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Re: [CGUYS] service pack 3

2008-10-31 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
If you can get a disk with XP Service Pack 3 as an upgrade my experience 
was that that works with less problems.  As always back up everything 
before beginning this update. 

On the three occasions I had trouble I was using the windows update.  In 
all three cases the problem was with access to the internet using the 
browser (email still worked).  These were home machines attached to a 
router.   At work, of 40 some stations that updated none had any 
problems.  However, about 25 of those updates were done using a disk we 
obtained via our university license.

Before I undertook the upgrade I investigated the complaints about it 
and decided to wait about six months before upgrading.  By that time I 
did not see many complaints although, as noted, I experienced problems 
on my  home machines.


jsutter wrote:


ms just sent me service pack 3 as part of updates for xp.
do i want to install it??
i'm sorry, i don't know anything about it.
thanks for any advice.

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Re: [CGUYS] Steve Mobs was: [CGUYS] EFF chastises Apple

2008-12-01 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I think this is the youtube link; watch it before (if) it gets removed.

  The "Simpson's" TV show was running their episode yesterday spoofing 
and poking fun at Apple Corp., Apple users, Steve "Mobs" and all 
things Apple and Macintosh.  Pretty damn funny stuff and good parts of 
it were spot on.


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Re: [CGUYS] LP to CD turntable?

2008-12-03 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
One thing that would be useful but I don't know if it's available is 
some way to insert track markers when there's a break between sections.  
I used to use a Sony CD recorder that required special music CDs and 
would accept an auxiliary input from a phono jack.  I remember the 
problem with recording records was that oftentimes it would be one 
looong track.  Autobreaks were often in odd places.  But that was 4 
years ago so I assume the technology's better now.

Michael Drabick wrote:
Ion makes a turntable that plugs into the USB port, it seems like a 
descent unit but I have not tried it.

I found this laypersons review of the unit.

If you have a nice turntable and stereo set I would get a external usb 
audio/videao capture board.


If you only have a couple of vinyls it makes more sense to buy the 
CD(if you like every song) or the mp3 if it is just one track your 
after.  You can get just about any song online. If you look hard enough.


Judy Cosler wrote:

any recommendations for a turntable to convert vinyl to digital format?

any that I should stay away from?

want easy, fast; don't want to have to tinker with.
but, i don't want hum or other bad things.
i'm no audiophile really!

TIA, Judy

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Re: [CGUYS] LP to CD turntable?

2008-12-03 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Many of the arguments for vinyl being better arose at a time when CD 
sound was not as good as it is today.  But LPs are certainly better than 
MP3s if you have a good turntable.  It is often said that vinyl has a 
"warm" quality and the slight sound of a turntable can be nostalgic for 
those who remember.  But certainly one should not throw away one's 
albums unless they are in terrible condition.  Long after your CDs stop 
playing (which may be about ten years for the cheaper ones) your albums 
will still be there (as long as you keep them in a good storage area) to 
make another copy for you.  Making a digital copy of your favorite and 
rare vinyl recording to play is a good idea to preserve it. 

On the editing, if it removes the pops and crackles it almost certainly 
does something to the dynamic range.  So you might try it with and 
without to see which you prefer.  But if you buy something you may not 
necessarily want to go with the simplest method.  Most of the time once 
you learn a method for editing it will be repeatable and won't take much 
more time than a simple player that screws things up a lot. 

Let us know what you find!

Judy Cosler wrote:
some ppl think vinyl sounds better than anything! (I don't weigh in 
with any opinion; don't think my 'ear' is good enough to tell!)

Tony B wrote:

I recently purchased one from Amazon for a friend (Audio Technica
AT-LP2DUSB). As I recall, there weren't a lot of options as to
quality; certainly not the selection there was in the old days.

There isn't too much 'automatic' about the process. You have to learn
to use a sound editor, and learn to burn the finished audio files to
cd. This one shipped with a version of the open source Audacity, and
some other app I can't remember.

Face it, no matter how good it is, the old records are going to sound
worse than modern digital music.

My buddy is still worried about finding replacement cartridges for the
darned thing, as I have yet to convince him that once he rips an album
he'll never need to play the record again, and can just throw it away.

On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 2:28 PM, Judy Cosler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

any recommendations for a turntable to convert vinyl to digital format?

any that I should stay away from?

want easy, fast; don't want to have to tinker with.
but, i don't want hum or other bad things.
i'm no audiophile really!


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Re: [CGUYS] Looking for an e-mail client with particular features

2008-12-04 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I use Mozilla thunderbird.  If I want to copy the heading information, I 
select forward the email inline and then I can copy it (except for bcc 

Michael S. Altus wrote:

I am looking for an e-mail client that that a feature like AOL version 7.

As a freelance medical writer-editor, I have individual Word folders for each 
client. One of the files in these folders is named "Correspondence", in which 
I routinely keep copies of incoming and outgoing e-mails.

I have used AOL version 7 for several years because I can copy the visible 
headers (subject; date; from; to) in incoming and outgoing e-mails. That is, 
when I have an incoming or outgoing e-mail on the screen, I can select (Ctrl+A) 
and copy (Ctrl+C) the e-mail, including the visible headers, and paste (Ctrl+V) 
it into a Word file that, as mentioned, is named "Correspondence". 

If you are unclear about what I mean, look at the e-mails in the <
 archives. These e-mails are formatted in a way that that the visible headers 
can be copied along with the text.

When AOL version 9 was introduced, I tried it and found that the e-mails were 
configured differently. The visible headers are in the "background", so to 
speak. When I would select an entire page (Ctrl-A), I would get only the body of 
the e-mail, not including the visible headers. For this reason, I downgraded 
to AOL version 7.

I find that two e-mail clients, Microsoft Outlook and Mozilla Thunderbird, 
are configured in the same way as AOL version 9. When I select on the body of an 
e-mail, I get only the body, not the visible headers.

My webhost offers webmail access to the e-mails. I do not care for the 
format, and I prefer to have an e-mail client on my computer so as to assure that 
e-mails are downloaded to my computer from the web.

Does anyone know of an e-mail client that formats e-mails to enable copying 
visible headers along with the text?



Michael S. Altus, PhD, ELS
Intensive Care Communications, Inc.(R)
Biomedical Writing and Editing

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Re: [CGUYS] Looking for an e-mail client with particular features

2008-12-04 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In thunderbird you can do it two ways:
1.  Ctl-U (or from the menu view/message source) to see a particular 
message - that's what I'd recommend.
2.  View/Headers/All -- and then as I described earlier you can forward 
a message inline and copy the information

Michael S. Altus wrote:

I asked:
Does anyone know of an e-mail client that formats e-mails to enable copying 
visible headers along with the text?

Matthew Taylor replied: 
Pegasus email would do what you want.
You can also change the message display options in Thunderbird to show the 
headers such that they would be copied.

Could you please walk me through the steps in Thunderbird version 2? I am 
using a Windows XP computer.



Michael S. Altus, PhD, ELS
Intensive Care Communications, Inc.(R)
Biomedical Writing and Editing

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Re: [CGUYS] Time Machine

2008-12-05 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Tom didn't mention that a "firewire" connection is best between the  
computer and the external hard drive. Since your wife's new machine is  
a laptop, it will be necessary for her to connect the back-up drive  
from time to time, in order for Time Machine to do its job. I just got  
a new MacBook Pro too, and I'm loving it! I don't back it up, though,  
as my desktop is always backed up. -- Time Machine has bailed me out  
on more than one occasion.

Mical Wimoth Carton

On Dec 5, 2008, at 7:13 PM, COMPUTERGUYS-L automatic digest system  

Date:Fri, 5 Dec 2008 17:30:39 -0500
From:    Tom Piwowar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Time Machine
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"

My wife just got a new MacBook Pro. This is our first Mac running  

10.5. What is a good resource for using and utilizing Time Machine?

It is entirely possible to use Time Machine with very little  
Get a large external drive that is 2 to 3 times larger than the  
total of

your files and plug it in to the laptop. Reply "yes" when prompted by
Time Machine. Keep that drive attached as much as convenient.

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[CGUYS] When Mac agreed with a PC.

2007-04-12 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [CGUYS] Unable to boot PC -- what is likely cause?

2007-05-01 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Could be the BIOS memory got clobbered, in which case it's possible the
drive is OK.  Not likely, but worth checking.

> New PC. Too old to try to resuscitate.
> > The computer is a Dell XPS 1 Gz. Pentium III with 256K rdram.  It can't
> > be upgraded to Windows XP according to Dell.  My daughter uses it for
> > games and internet access.  What is the best course of action?  Buy a
> > cheapie PC or buy a new disk drive?

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Re: [CGUYS] Macintosh help needed

2007-05-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
My recommendation is to just get a wireless bridge, you can connect it
to any computer using the ethernet jack regardless of operating system.

I got one when I wanted to run Linux years ago when the chance of
finding a reliable wireless card driver seemed chancy.  Not cheap, but
I'm certain you can scrounge one for less than $100 (especially if you
buy used).

--John Emmerling

"Roger D. Parish" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Well, there is always the original Airport 802.11b card (for ~ $100). 
> Yeah, I know: two chances - slim and none.

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[CGUYS] Sanity Check before installing Ubuntu

2007-05-20 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I recently acquired a 2nd hard drive to add to my screwdriver shop
system that currently boots XP Pro from drive 0.

I would like to install Ubuntu or Ubuntu Studio 7.x
(http://www.howtoforge.com/the_perfect_desktop_ubuntustudio7.04) on the
2nd drive, and be given a choice which OS to boot when the machine is
powered up or restarted.

Most available tutorials assume the Linux distro will be the sole OS on
the system (or share the system only with other Linux distros).  I have
practical reasons to wish to maintain the existing XP installation.

Any recommended precautions or course of action I should take?  I hope
this is a stupid question, as I wish this to be easy!

Thanks in advance!

--John Emmerling

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Re: [CGUYS] Sanity Check before installing Ubuntu

2007-05-21 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
On 5/20/07, John DeCarlo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> It took me mucho effort to get grub setup.  I wanted to boot Linux
>> by default

>If you aren't worried about what will happen if you remove your hard
>drive(s), then the default Linux install for most Linux distros today will
>set things up so that your boot menu will give you a choice to boot
>but default to booting the distro you just installed.
>In other words, if you installed Linux today, it would be zero effort on
>your part to get what you wanted.

I am now glad I asked this question.  Ideally, I would like to retain
the ability to boot the OS on the "good" drive should one of the drives
fail.  Does what you describe allow for this?


--John Emmerling

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Re: [CGUYS] Sanity Check before installing Ubuntu

2007-05-22 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
On 5/21/07, Michael Fernando <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> 2) If you only want to try out Linux, you can completely remove the
> Windows drive and replace that with your spare drive.  Install Linux
> and test/break that installation as you wish and your Windows disk
> is safe sitting on the shelf.

Would something like the following work?

Specify drive 1 (via the BIOS) as the boot drive, have the MBR created
there and set up GRUB to boot Ubuntu off drive 1 and Windows off drive
0.  If drive 0 is respecified as the boot drive, then it just boots

The most likely reason I can think of for this not to work is that
Windows may not like being booted this way.

Any chance of success?

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Re: [CGUYS] Sanity Check before installing Ubuntu

2007-05-23 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
On 5/22/07, Michael Fernando <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> Would something like the following work?
>> Specify drive 1 (via the BIOS) as the boot drive, have the MBR created
>> there and set up GRUB to boot Ubuntu off drive 1 and Windows off drive
>> 0.  If drive 0 is respecified as the boot drive, then it just boots
>> Windows.
>So you have Windows on HD0 and Linux on HD1, and you change the boot
>disk in the BIOS every time you want to run the other OS.  I would find
>this annoying, but, yeah, it might work.
>The most likely reason I can think of for this not to work is that
>> Windows may not like being booted this way.
>As long as you don't move the HD with the original Windows installation,
>it shouldn't complain.
>Any chance of success?

I have no intention of changing the boot disk in the BIOS every time I
want to switch OS.

The idea is to make the new drive (hd1) the boot disk, and have GRUB
set up (on that disk) to load Windows from its current home on hd0. 
The idea was that if hd1 were to fail, Windows would still work if the
boot disk were to be switched back to hd0.  But I'm not planning for
either drive to fail.  Likewise, if hd0 were to fail, it should be easy
to recover (although I'm not certain what steps would be required, but
since we would then be dealing with Linux, I'm assuming more options
would exist).

Vicky, does this change your answer now that I have clarified my proposal?

BTW, I am not a complete newbie.  I have prior experience setting up
dual boot configurations combining Windows and Linux on the same
system, but always by partitioning a single hard drive.  I have used
both Partition Magic and Disk Druid (or whatever the Mandrake
equivalent was called) for partitioning, and I have used both GRUB and
Boot Magic as a boot manager.


--John Emmerling

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[CGUYS] Need recommendation for high-end (non-Apple) laptop

2007-05-25 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I am looking for recommendations for a laptop having the following

Suitable for Gaming (ideally advertised as a "gaming laptop")
17" screen
Intel Core Duo processor
4GB RAM (of whatever flavor)
Any other hardware requirement to support Aero Glass as well as can be
hoped for given the shortcomings of the technology.

I understand that to many, a high-end MacBook would be the only choice
worth considering, however the intended recipient (a HS grad who has a
full academic scholarship to UMCP) has said often and recently that he
doesn't want one, so let's assume that the MacBook is a obvious choice
and get past that.

The aforementioned recipient has also expressed a fondness for
ThinkPads (due to the esthetics?) but I wouldn't consider this more
than a general guide.

I would consider reliability and maintainability a bigger concern than

The major feature I am not eager to spend money on is HD video, due to
my perception of this technology as immature (i.e. the DVD aspect, not

Anybody with a strong reason to recommend a particular vendor or model,
or against a particular vendor or model, please speak up (if the sound
of crashing waves on the beach hasn't put you to sleep!).


--John Emmerling

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Re: [CGUYS] Need recommendation for high-end (non-Apple) laptop

2007-05-26 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
On 5/25/07, b_s-wilk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Does it have to be Intel?

No, I should have said "Intel Core Duo or equivalent".  However I don't
know what the equivalent (laptop) processor is from AMD.  I also notice
that they advertise a 64-bit processor.  Is this a real advantage when
running Windows?  I don't know what can be assumed from the mere
existence of a 64-bit version of Windows.

> 2GB RAM, 1GB video - cyborg [neon] green, conspiracy [electric] blue, or 
> saucer silver

My concern regarding Alienware was that it was an "exotic" make and
thus likely to be more temperamental than, say, a Lenovo.  Is this a
reasonable concern (when compared to other non-Apple laptops)?

I must say, the Alienware looks decent.  I am fairly ignorant regarding
laptops because I have never wanted one for myself.

> Unlimited budget?
> The 1GB of video/graphics memory in either will do more for gaming than 
> having more than 2 GB of RAM. If this is good for people who make and 
> test games it should be good for the gamers.

It's true that I have a bias towards having lots of RAM.  I develop web
applications in Java and we really really can use 4GB.  That may be
unusual.  If there was a real advantage (in having > 2GB) to a user
like my son, I would expect a high-end vendor like Alienware to offer it.

Too bad there's no way to "test drive" these things.

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Re: [CGUYS] Sanity Check before installing Ubuntu

2007-05-27 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Sun, 20 May 2007, Vicky Staubly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sun, 20 May 2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > I recently acquired a 2nd hard drive to add to my screwdriver shop
> > system that currently boots XP Pro from drive 0.
> >
> > I would like to install Ubuntu or Ubuntu Studio 7.x
> > (http://www.howtoforge.com/the_perfect_desktop_ubuntustudio7.04) on the
> > 2nd drive, and be given a choice which OS to boot when the machine is
> > powered up or restarted.
> [...]
> > Any recommended precautions or course of action I should take?  I hope
> > this is a stupid question, as I wish this to be easy!
> Not a dumb question...

> So, I recommend you install Linux with GRUB in the Linux partition itself
> (not the MBR)... it will ask during the install... and then use a free
> program called "bootpart" ( http://www.winimage.com/bootpart.htm ) to
> add Linux to the Windows boot menu. See the bootpart web page for more
> instructions (though its instructions mention LILO, just mentally
> substitute GRUB).

I just looked at the bootpart page.  The author says that the first
active partition on hd0 must be a FAT16 partition.  This would require
me to repartition drive 0.  The only tool I trust to repartition
Windows partitions (this is from experience) is PartitionMagic.  I have
a copy of PartitionMagic 8.0, but I can't determine whether it is
licensed for this computer or my previous one (from more than 3 years ago).

I think I will install Ubuntu on drive 1 in such a way that it can only
boot from drive 1 (or by using a floppy), and do further research on
ways to configure a dual boot.  I may re-install Ubuntu more than once
before committing to too much customization (it might be good to
experience the installation process first-hand before making final

Further suggestions still welcome...

--John Emmerling

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Re: [CGUYS] Sanity Check before installing Ubuntu

2007-05-27 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Sun, 27 May 2007, I wrote:
> I just looked at the bootpart page.  The author says that the first
> active partition on hd0 must be a FAT16 partition.  This would require
> me to repartition drive 0.  The only tool I trust to repartition
> Windows partitions (this is from experience) is PartitionMagic.  I 
> have a copy of PartitionMagic 8.0, but I can't determine whether it 
> is licensed for this computer or my previous one (from more than 3 
> years ago).

> I think I will install Ubuntu on drive 1 in such a way that it can 
> only boot from drive 1 (or by using a floppy), and do further 
> research on ways to configure a dual boot.  I may re-install Ubuntu 
> more than once before committing to too much customization (it might
> be good to experience the installation process first-hand before 
> making final decisions).

> Further suggestions still welcome...

After further research, I have decided to go forward with the method
described here:


(after backing up everything I can think of to back up at the moment).

This method does not seem guaranteed to work, however the risk factor
seems low indeed.

--John Emmerling

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Re: [CGUYS] Sanity Check before installing Ubuntu

2007-05-27 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For those who were paying attention:

I posted earlier that I would try the method described in:


I want to report that this worked amazingly well!

--John Emmerling

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2007-05-29 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Re: Sanity Check before installing Ubuntu

If it's bootable, then you can boot from it.

Stephen Brownfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Can I put Ubuntu on an external Firewire hard drive and boot from that?
> If I press the option key when booting my Mac it lists the bootable
> disks to choose from.
> Steve

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Re: [CGUYS] Tom, Reformat Annually?

2007-06-14 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
It had always been my understanding that registry cleaners were
basically placebos.

What do you use?

On 6/13/07, Tom Piwowar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>It seems to me that many, many years ago you recommended that a 
>>computer's hard drive should be reformatted annually. Then reinstall 
>>the OS, applications, and data.
>Not at all necessary for Macs. Some people follow this regimen with PCs. 
>I have so much software installed on my PC that this would be 
>impractical. So I rely on scandisk and registry cleaning. So far so good 
>for three years. 

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[CGUYS] Dell Preferred Account?

2007-06-14 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dell is offering 3 interest-free months if you open a Dell Preferred
Account before 06/27:


I would like to open an account, buy a computer, make a couple of
minimum payments, then pay off the balance at the end of the 3-month
period.  I can't find anything in the fine print (at the bottom of the
page referenced above) to suggest that I can't do this, however I am
suspicious because this would deprive Dell of any income due to the
cost of enrolling me in this program.

Can anybody see a reason why I would not get away with this?


--John Emmerling

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Re: [CGUYS] Vista a "disappointment"

2007-08-02 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
According to Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1)
(http://dictionary.reference.com/help/luna.html), "bight" used as a
verb means "to fasten with a bight of rope."  I'm gratified to learn
that the industry has chosen to not do so to its tongue from now on.

On 8/1/07, Tom Piwowar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Windows lover Paul Thurrott and mac lover Leo Laporte both like vista
>>much.  With 60 million copies out there, I haven't heard much grumbling
>>about vista.  The worst I ever hear is 'it's fine'.  That's been the
>>complaint...after five years we get xp sp 4.  But real complaints,
not many.
>The point of the article was that the industry has up to now been 
>bighting its tongue. That is what makes this interesting.

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Re: [CGUYS] Vista --> XP Pro

2007-08-08 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I don't know, what does your lawyer say?

On 8/8/07, b_s-wilk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Any way to use a Dell XP Pro installer on a Compaq notebook? Thx
> Betty

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[CGUYS] Vista --> XP Pro

2007-08-08 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
This empirical evidence may contribute to the discussion:

My son is starting freshman year at college.  Two of his friends
ordered new laptops through their Universities, which were delivered
with Vista.  Both students are Comp. Sci./Engineering majors.  Both
have since gotten downgrades.

My son didn't have this problem.  He ordered through the University of
Maryland, so his laptop came with XP Pro standard.  He is in no hurry
to upgrade.

I doubt that any of the students who got downgrades did so simply to
"make a statement".

--John Emmerling

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Re: [CGUYS] Vista --> XP Pro

2007-08-11 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I followed up on this statement.  I contacted both students.  One of
the two, who I believe purchased a Lenovo, had considered a downgrade
but found he got acceptable performance after removing everthing from
the Startup folder (or Vista equivalent).

So only one actually downgraded.  I am pasting my inquiry and his
response verbatim.  The conclusion seems to be that if your license is
at a high enough level to give you downgrade privileges, it doesn't
matter how you obtain your copy of the product (which may answer
Betty's question depending on the level of her Vista license):

It didn't cost me anything - I didn't have a XP Pro CD so what I had to
do was slipstream a copy of windows xp from another computer and
install it from that. That part was really frustrating, but with an XP
Pro disk it'd be really easy. Activation was simple though, I just
called up the number Microsoft gives and gave them my Vista product id.
You should check for what downgrade rights your system has first,
though. I had business which can be downgraded to Pro.



How did you do it?  Did it cost extra?


--John Emmerling
***end quote:

Too bad.  I have an XP Pro CD I could have lent him =).

> Did they purchase XP, or did the laptop mfg do a free downgrade?
> > 
> > This empirical evidence may contribute to the discussion:
> > 
> > My son is starting freshman year at college.  Two of his friends
> > ordered new laptops through their Universities, which were delivered
> > with Vista.  Both students are Comp. Sci./Engineering majors.  Both
> > have since gotten downgrades.
> > On 5/25/07, b_s-wilk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

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[CGUYS] Laptops and current TSA procedures

2007-08-14 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Nine years ago, when boarding a plan in San Juan, I was asked to boot a laptop 
I was carrying with me to prove it was what it appeared to be.
Tomorrow I want to take a laptop with me on a flight to Indianapolis.  My 
concern is that the "on" button is very worn and sometimes it takes some effort 
to power it up.  This would be disastrous if I had to do it with hundreds of 
passengers waiting behind me in line.
Recent inquiries both personal and on line have failed to uncover any knowledge 
of being asked to do this in recent times.
Does anybody have any experience with this?  I travel relatively seldom, and 
almost never with a laptop.
--John Emmerling

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Re: [CGUYS] Bill Nye, the anti-God "Science Guy"

2007-08-20 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
It may be a bit late in the thread to return to the original debate.

However, being a highly secular person myself, I have to fault Mr. Nye for 
having pointed out the "inaccuracy" of the biblical text as part of his 
lecture.  Anybody who made it through elementary school knows that the moon 
does not produce its own light.  The only exception might be somebody so 
committed to literal interpretation that they would refuse to believe empirical 
evidence if they thought it contradicted scripture.  Such a person will not 
benefit from being told anything contrary to their beliefs.

By seeming to challenge biblical text (even in a light-hearted manner), Mr. Nye 
may have made more people uncomfortable than just those who vocally opposed 
him.  Furthermore, it can be legitimately claimed that the Moon does provide 
light at times when the Sun is not below the horizon, which to me seems a 
legitimate interpretation of the passage.

In my opinion, this kind of attitude gives secularists a bad name and religious 
extremists ammunition they don't need.

--John Emmerling

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Re: [CGUYS] Mac Administrator

2007-10-12 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
You should be using NIS (http://www.bresink.com/osx/nis.html) or something 
similar to manage user security (I am familiar with NIS but this article 
suggests there may be more appropriate solutions for a all-Apple network).  
Users should be authenticating to a nameserver and should be able to log onto 
any machine on the network.  Local user ids should exist as a fallback for when 
the network is unavailable, but I can see no reason why an application such as 
you describe (what exactly is it?) would use local ids.

On 10/11/07, John DeCarlo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Oh yes, the much vaunted Mac ease of use.  2 examples from this past week:
>> 1 - I wanted to change the short name of the root admin, so that all of my
>> Macs had the same one.  The consultant I used to deploy these used several
>> different short (and long) names, bless them.  I wanted to change it as I
>> have an application that scans the network and creates an up-to-date
>> hardware inventory, which it does effortlessly for my PCs.
>> *40* steps to do this.  40.  If you don't make things worse doing it.
>I can't even figure out what you are talking about.  You can certainly have
>more than one user with the privileges you need.  You shouldn't be using
>root to do the hardware inventory - that is a security violation.  You
>should be creating a user just for this purpose with just the privileges
>needed.  I can see you actually logging in as Administrator on hundreds of
>Windows machines - all with the same password.  Yow!  That is scary.

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Re: [CGUYS] Anti Virus Software

2007-10-24 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Uh, the poster said "free"???

On 10/24/07, Dr. Piwowar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>What do you consider the best free Anti Virus Software?
>OS X.
>What is a "virus?"

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Re: [CGUYS] Anecdotal Comparison of Broadband Service Worldwide

2007-10-24 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I have had similar experiences.  Red Roof Inns and their ilk provide broadband 
free of charge, but upscale places typically charge $9.95 per day, more or 
less.  I stayed at the Hyatt in downtown Indianapolis in August, and I just got 
back from a Marriott in Newton, MA and both charged.

I have an even bigger complaint regarding bargain vs. upscale hotels (somewhat 
ot):  small places (like the motel I stayed at in Ann Arbor in June) tend to 
give you "normal" cable channels, but the "nice" places restrict you to some 
subset of what you'd get at home (even with basic cable).  Does anybody know 
why this is?

As far as other countries are concerned, I stayed in a number of hotels in 
Japan this summer.  Some were nicer than others, but the only one that charged 
for broadband access was a resort near Mt. Fuji.  I can recall staying at a 
hotel in Nagoya which is used by many locals as a catering hall for weddings 
(they take weddings very seriously in Japan); I'd say it was at least the 
equivalent of the Marriott in Newton, and no charge for broadband.

As for quality of service, I'm no judge of that.  I very seldom notice a slow 
connection unless it's egregiously slow.

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Re: [CGUYS] Apple Will Not Provide Safari 2.0.2, or 2.0.3, or 2.0.4

2007-10-26 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Don't waste your time with Safari, it's a bad browser.  I will spare you a 
diatribe on just how bad it is.

Although I am not personally a Mac user, I can still confidently recommend 
Camino (http://caminobrowser.org/) as the way to immensely improve your 
browsing experience.  You'll never go back.

> Apple Will Not Provide Safari 2.0.2, or 2.0.3, or 2.0.4.
> Why?

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Re: [CGUYS] Apple Will Not Provide Safari 2.0.2, or 2.0.3, or 2

2007-10-28 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Tom Piwowar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>>Don't waste your time with Safari, it's a bad browser.  I will spare you a 
>>diatribe on just how bad it is.
>No Safari is not a "bad browser." It is different in some respects from 
>somebody else's favorite browser, but that does not make it bad. Having a 
>variety of browsers available is good (for a lot of reasons).
  ^not necessarily true!

Having a variety of _good_ browsers is good.  Camino is essentially Firefox, 
but has features to make it more "Mac-friendly".  Opera and other browsers have 
also earned respect.

The problem with Safari is that it fails to meet accepted standards with regard 
to rendering of HTML, support for the HTTP protocol, etc.

Fortunately for Safari users, they have been shielded from most of these 
shortcomings; because they represent, in general, an affluent and demanding 
market, so web developers have spent hours of time implementing work-arounds so 
that their clients' site will function properly with Safari.  Exactly the same 
situation as with IE.

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Re: [CGUYS] Apple Will Not Provide Safari 2.0.2, or 2.0.3, or 2

2007-10-29 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Tom's last post cost me some time in research.

My original post was based on hard personal experience, and I was surprised to 
hear that Safari 2.x passed the ACID2 test (although I don't concede that is 
the only criterion for judging a browser).

On Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acid2) I see that this compliance 
began with Mac OS v10.4.3.  As I believe this is a very recent release, my 
experience has probably been with earlier versions.  It would surprise me to 
learn that Mac users having this version or later currently represent a 
majority, it's the other real-world users out there I have to worry about.

As a web developer, I can now feel optimism that Safari will present less of a 
problem going forward.

The OP should probably go ahead and start using the Safari 3.x beta.  It looks 
as though it's stable enough for daily use.


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Re: [CGUYS] Apple Will Not Provide Safari 2.0.2, or 2.0.3, or 2

2007-10-29 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Tom Piwowar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>>The OP should probably go ahead and start using the Safari 3.x beta.  It 
>>looks as though it's stable enough for daily use.
>Safari 3 beta is working on CSS3 compliance, which nobody has got right 

Unfortunately, this leaves the OP's question unanswered.

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[CGUYS] Digital Photo Frame recommendation, usability in Europe?

2007-11-17 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
We are visiting friends in Spain over New Year's and are considering 
appropriate gifts to bring.

I come up with the idea of getting a Digital Photo Frame.  First is the 
question of whether it could be made to work in Europe.  Being a DC device, I 
suppose it should be OK with the correct adapter.  I e-mailed an inquiry to a 
store in Chicago that specializes in this sort of thing, and they recommended 
buying one of these (http://www.world-import.com/WSS630.htm) then plugging the 
original adapter into that.  Any idea whether this would do the job?

Otherwise, I would like to know if anybody has a recommendation.  There are a 
number of models and makes available.  This would be intended for use as an 
actual picture frame/conversation piece for use when entertaining (they have a 
large family), not as a substitute for somebody lacking a conventional 
computer.  A larger display would be better, I think.  Any suggestions?

On a different topic, I was also considering getting pentop computers for their 
two older children (ages 10 and 11, I believe).  They attend an English school, 
so the language would not be a barrier to their using it, although it might be 
more interesting to them as a curiosity rather than being of genuine use to 
them in school.  Being a battery-operated device (I assume), I can't imagine 
any problem using one in Europe, is that a reasonable assumption?


--John Emmerling

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[CGUYS] Upgrade Ubuntu Studio Feisty to Gutsy?

2007-11-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

When I installed Ubuntu I got the Ubuntu Studio distribution basically because 
I thought it looked cool, not because I am an A/V enthusiast.

Now I would like to upgrade to Feisty Fawn to Gutsy Gibbon.  It is my 
impression that this is a routine procedure, but I am curious whether my not 
having a plain vanilla distribution will affect this?

In addition I have NVIDIA drivers and am using the Beryl window manager (which 
I believe gets replaced with Compiz as part of the upgrade).  Does this make a 
difference?  I would hate to have reinstall the drivers manually.  Plus without 
them, Compiz won't have a prayer of working.

Basically, I just want things to still work after the process is complete!


--John Emmerling

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2007-12-03 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I would avoid 3rd-party toolbars with IE 7.  IIRC, my wife had the Comcast 
toolbar, the Yahoo toolbar, and the Google toolbar all installed and IE7 was 
crashing.  I don't know what you need any of these for.  When I took these off, 
IE7 ran OK.

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Re: [CGUYS] Internet Radio Beats Digital

2007-12-10 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Tom Piwowar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>>What kinda novice are you??  It's a dead link!!  ...or maybe it's only gud4
>>macs!!  ;^)
>Works for me. It must be information Microsoft does not want you to have.

Dude, the obvious problem is a line break.  I used tinyurl to fix:


Good luck!

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Re: [CGUYS] What to charge for contract to develop web content?

2008-01-16 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The OP made reference to the DC area.  If this work is to take place in 
Maryland, or for a client in Maryland (not certain how the distinction would 
apply), it may be necessary to collect a new tax enacted during the recent 
special session of the Maryland legislature.  This is potential trouble you 
fervently wish to avoid.

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Re: [CGUYS] What to charge for contract to develop web content?

2008-01-17 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For the record (from http://www.marylandtaxes.com/special_session/default.asp):

Sales and Use Tax - Computer Services - The special session of the Maryland 
General Assembly resulted in changes to the Maryland sales and use tax 
statutes. The legislature also extended the sales and use tax to certain 
computer services effective July 1, 2008. The Comptroller's Office will release 
additional information regarding the taxability of these services in the near 
future. Please continue to visit this Web site as information related to this 
subject will be posted here as a means to inform all businesses about how this 
may impact their operation.

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Re: [CGUYS] [IP] Re: U.S. Agents Seize Travelers' Devices

2008-02-09 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I don't know about obsessive, but I recently returned from a trip to Spain and 
had my belief reinforced in the fact that the security procedures in Madrid are 
better than ours.

The difference, to my mind, is that they always have security people who 
interview each departing person, then even in the line to board the plane, they 
check back.  They have been doing this sort of thing for many years, it's 
nothing new.  This is in addition to the usual technology we have.  Yes, they 
require you to remove your shoes, but they do offer plastic booties to wear 
while your shoes are off.

What makes the difference to me is the addition of a human element to the 
overall process.  Our security seems to me to depend too heavily on technology.

Having said this, I have to add that I'm tired of hearing complaints about TSA 
from people who fancy themselves libertarian.  As far as I can tell, the TSA 
people are doing the job they've been given to do, and anyway they don't make 
the policies.  Intrusive security is far better than none.

On 2/9/08 2:28, "Eric S. Sande" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Got it.  Not to be too paranoid than usual, on my last trip TO
> the USA from France, the French were more obsessive about
> security than their counterparts in the USA.

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Re: [CGUYS] [IP] Re: U.S. Agents Seize Travelers' Devices

2008-02-09 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I'm sorry, my post was a direct response to the previous comment regarding 
airport security in France.  I don't recall the original post.  I can't recall 
having personally had any problems with Customs.  I think they mostly harass 
foreigners.  However it distresses me that there are people who are discouraged 
from travelling to the US because of horror stories they've heard regarding US 
customs, despite the favorable exchange rate.

On 2/9/08 19:35, "David Chessler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Read it again. It's not the TSA. It's customs, and it's not clear 
> what threat they're defending against: pornography, or perhaps you 
> have some drugs in your hard drive.

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[CGUYS] Word association

2008-02-15 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
How's this?

Windows <=> McCain
Mac <=> Hillary
Linux <=> Barack

In the interest of full disclosure, I voted for Barack in the recent primary.


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Re: [CGUYS] Word association

2008-02-15 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Oh, the irony!

On Fri, Feb 15, 2008 at 6:56 PM, Steve at Verizon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You realize, that in your analogy, with respect to popularity, McCain 
> wins in a landslide
> > How's this?
> >
> > Windows <=> McCain
> > Mac <=> Hillary
> > Linux <=> Barack

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Re: [CGUYS] Wikipedia defies 180,000 demands to remove images of the Prophet

2008-02-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I don't dispute your basic premise, however I think it's unfair to label those 
who are offended by the public display of these images as "extremists".  Islam 
(to my limited understanding) has a fundamental objection to "graven images" 
and depictions of the Prophet seem to be the most egregious form of this.

I would say that the vast majority of those asking for the removal of those 
pictures are devout adherents to their faith, and are overall decent people.  
Some members of this list (as well as most adult citizens of the US) are also 
devout adherents to their faith, however their faith may not have an issue with 
graven images.  But they are no less devout for all that.  Would you consider 
them extremists?

I also think there comes a time when exercise of one's freedom of expression 
goes beyond a reasonable limit, if enough people are genuinely offended.  
Imagine if Wikipedia were to display graphic images of sex acts on its home 
page.  This may sound ludicrous, but to some Muslims, a graphic depiction of 
the Prophet is equally offensive.

On Sun, Feb 17, 2008 at 12:56 PM, Jordan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The more I hear about Islam, the more it becomes apparent that as with 
> some religions in this country, it has been hijacked by extremists.
> I only had to see Jon Stewart's interview with Mark Siegel, Benazir 
> Bhutto's former speech writer, to be reminded of this.
> http://tinyurl.com/yrl2rd
> Steve Rigby wrote:
> >   Wikipedia, the free online encyclopaedia, is refusing to remove 
> > medieval artistic depictions of the Prophet Muhammad, despite being 
> > flooded with complaints from Muslims demanding the images be deleted.

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Re: [CGUYS] Wikipedia defies 180,000 demands to remove images of the Prophet

2008-02-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Mon, Feb 18, 2008 at 2:00 PM, Tom Piwowar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So does Judaism and Christianity:
> "Do not make an image or any likeness of what is in the heavens above..."
> prohibits the construction or fashioning of "idols" in the likeness of 
> created things (beasts, fish, birds, people) and worshipping them.
> So that World Wildlife calendar you may have hanging on your wall is a 
> problem. Same for your Obama or McCain poster.

...according to which reasoning the Hillary poster on your wall should offend 
no one.

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Re: [CGUYS] USB cables

2008-03-05 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Common sense tells us that zeros weigh more than ones, consider how much more 
ink you need to display a zero than a one, or how many more pixels are required 
to display a zero.

Tom Piwowar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Of course you haven't. Everybody should know that the zeros travel faster 
> than ones because they are lighter. It is just common sense. :)

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Re: [CGUYS] Web Politicking

2008-03-11 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
http://whatsmyip.org/ gives you the full page with the Obama ad.

http://whatismyip.org/ gives you your IP address in the upper left hand corner 
of a white page.

Count the letters.

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[CGUYS] Brand-new HP Photosmart Pro B8350 power problem

2008-03-21 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
We set it up Monday night, it worked fine.

Last night my wife couldn't print.  Today I looked at it.  It is plugged in, 
but pressing the on button doesn't do anything (doesn't light up, etc.).  
Looking at the back, there is a green light next to where the power cord is 
connected.  This light goes off a few seconds after the power is disconnected, 
and back on immediately after reconnecting.  But nothing else.

I haven't yet tried any diagnostics.  If you have a suggestion, please copy me 
as I am a digest subscriber.

John Emmerling

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