Re: [CGUYS] POP and MAPI...

2009-11-02 Thread Jordan
Most internet services provide email that can be accessed from any 
computer, anywhere, called webmail.
I think it's also safe to say that you have to go into your email 
services settings and change it to IMAP. It would not be IMAP by default.
It is also my understanding that IMAP sort of synchronizes (sync)the 
webmail with your email client on your computer while POP simply 
downloads the email.

I'm sure if I am wrong about any of the above, others will correct me. 
I'm still old fashioned and don't use this stuff much, but I try to 
understand what it does.

Marcio wrote:

But I can access it from any place/computer...

-Original Message-

From: "Rev. Stewart Marshall" 
Sent: Nov 2, 2009 2:56 AM
Subject: Re: [CGUYS] POP and MAPI...

earthlink. is pop.


At 10:06 PM 11/1/2009, you wrote:

Sounds like it.


Marcio wrote:
I have Earthlink webmail and I can access my 
e-mail from any computer anywhere. Even if I 
send some to the trash they will remain there 
until I decide to delete them. Is this IMAP?

But in my Eudora at home I have a internet 
server (Terra) and Eudora gets the mail and 
tehy don´t remain on the server. POP?



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Re: [CGUYS] Speaking of flash drives

2009-11-02 Thread Jordan
Costco also generally sells 8G drives and 4G flash drives in a 3 pack. I 
suggest going with one of those. A 16G flash drive is probably 
unnecessarily huge.

Don't go to Wal-Mart.

Jeff Miles wrote:
I haven't really been paying attention to this thread, but now I 
think I should have. My son, for his birthday, wants a flash drive. I 
was looking at the 16gig one they have at and here are the 
specs from that page.

Capacity: 16GB
Simple: Back up at the touch of a button, no cables or software 
installation needed
Portable: Just put it in your pocket & protect your files wherever you 

Secure: Protect your data w/password protection & AES hardware encryption
Backed by the minds behind flash memory: with our patent pending 
backup technology & 5-year limited warranty

System Requirements:
Intel® Pentium® PC or Mac computer w/USB support
Windows XP, Vista (backup & storage)
Windows 2000, Mac OS X v10.1.2+ & Linux (storage only)
USB 2.0 port required for high-speed transfer
Requires high-power USB hub port

Anyway, my son is using a PC, but not sure of the OS. He built the 
computer himself, so it's mostly brandless. The OS is some flavor of 
windows and he built it in the last year so I'm guessing Vista. So, 
does this sound like a decent flash drive for him? I rarely use them 
myself so I know little to next to nothing about them.

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Re: [CGUYS] Speaking of flash drives

2009-11-03 Thread Jordan

But shopping at Wal-Mart is a choice.
If you are aware of the history and are a socially responsible and moral 
being, not shopping at Wal-Mart is a choice you can easily make.

It's easier to avoid the evil we can see.

Rev. Stewart Marshall wrote:
There are definitely more evil things in this world to be wary of 
besides Walmart.


At 05:29 PM 11/2/2009, you wrote:

Don't go to Wal-Mart.


Because WalMart is evil.

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Re: [CGUYS] online storage --HIJACKED!!

2009-11-07 Thread Jordan

Clearly, you have not been reading Tom's posts very carefully.

Rich Schinnell wrote:

At 03:06 PM 11/7/2009, tjpa  wrote:

Date:Sat, 7 Nov 2009 15:05:15 -0500
Subject: Re: online storage --HIJACKED!!
 For example I would  not trust Apple.

Repeat after me:
For example I would  not trust Apple. For example I would  not trust 
Apple.For example I would  not trust Apple.For example I would  not 
trust Apple.For example I would 

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Re: [CGUYS] Real Windows 7 Reviews Start to Appear

2009-11-07 Thread Jordan

Chris Dunford wrote:

Windows fan bois; most of them don't see the PCs as anything more than a 
hammer. They couldn't care less who
makes it as long as it can drive whatever nail it is that they have a use for. 
No one has said anything to me about any problems.

Who was it that said MS doesn't make hardware. Just put Windows on a PC 
and it becomes nothing more than a hammer.

Sorry, I love the image!

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Re: [CGUYS] Death to M$; Death to Apple

2009-11-22 Thread Jordan
Again, yours is the perspective of the pure urban dweller. Some of us 
spend little or no time in densely populated areas, and are thankful for it.

tjpa wrote:

On Nov 21, 2009, at 1:25 AM, b_s-wilk wrote:
It makes sense to use redundant remote storage for business. It's 
overkill for an individual to store all personal files remotely. It's 
also stupid. Why? The Internet isn't everywhere, so your files are 
locked away in the "cloud" until you can get them.

Letting the perfect become the enemy of the good.

It does not matter to me one whit that I can't get the cloud in the 
middle of the Kalahari, but as I travel to home and office and around 
town it would be a great convenience. Today I still use my PDA to 
carry all that with me. Soon it will be in the cloud and I'll be on 
cloud 9.

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Re: [CGUYS] Death to M$; Death to Apple

2009-11-22 Thread Jordan

I do feel your pain.

tjpa wrote:

On Nov 22, 2009, at 10:30 AM, Jordan wrote:
Again, yours is the perspective of the pure urban dweller. Some of us 
spend little or no time in densely populated areas, and are thankful 
for it.

Don't I know it. Who's that standing at the top of the escalator 
*during rush hour* afraid to step on?

I do not agree that we should therefore ban escalators.

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Re: [CGUYS] ATT keeps whining, Apple attacks

2009-11-25 Thread Jordan

John Duncan Yoyo wrote:

On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 2:43 PM, mike  wrote:


I know plenty of smokers who didn't get lung cancer, doesn't mean smoking
doesn't cause it.

Yep, My point was that smoker's smoke may have caused lung cancer in people
who never smoked.

Or more likely emphysema.
My grandmother never smoked, but my grandfather did and it likely caused 
emphysema that killed her.

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Re: [CGUYS] Gulag

2009-11-30 Thread Jordan

Adil Godrej wrote:

P.S. Okay, I'm done. It's going to be a long week at work. I'll accept 
whatever you send my way, but I'm afraid I will not be able to 
respond. Yeah, I'm running away from the fight. It's only the ethical 
thing to do (being as I'm at work). (Did I just hear a collective sigh 
of relief from the ComputerGuys community?)

No! Thank you for your input.

The only other comment I have to this exchange is: If you don't know 
that GM crops are bad in many ways, you are ignoring the real science 
and buying into the government/corporate lies.

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Re: [CGUYS] [portable] ntebook hard drives

2009-11-30 Thread Jordan
You have given good advice about drives here before so I'm not sure what 
any of us can offer.

I like to shop and buy from OWC, or at least look there and then compare 
prices. I've always bought Hitachi, and have never had a drive problem, 
and been leaning toward the 7200rpm drives, for whatever tiny advantage.
So far I've always gotten enclosures with USB and Firewire and generally 
use Firewire for speed and reliability. It's sad that Apple is phasing 
out Firewire.
If you love the MacBook and it's holding up well, get a 320 or 500GB. It 
must be quite new so it's worth a good one.
I like buying from somewhere I trust. About the only time I buy a 
bargain is if I see something I like from Costco.

Does that help at all?

b_s-wilk wrote:

I need a new drive for my MacBook. I'm considering two external USB
drives that I might open, remove from the case and put into my Mac,
after testing for a few weeks.

I picked up a WD My Passport Essential 500GB drive on Friday, but
reviews don't look good. How does it compare to the Seagate FreeAgent
Go portable drive? I have a larger FreeAgent drive that was defective and
replaced; it's been working fine since the summer. The WD Passport has a
microUSB port like a digital camera, and the cable tends to get

My other option is to buy a bare drive and an enclosure for the old
drive. 5400 RPM is OK. Max [supported] drive size for my MacBook is
500GB.  Which bare or external drives are more reliable?

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Re: [CGUYS] [portable] ntebook hard drives

2009-12-02 Thread Jordan
I'm sorry for the misguidance about Firewire. I thought I had read 
somewhere that they were phasing it out, can't recall where, and then 
was looking for an inexpensive Mac notebook for a friend. The new 
MacBooks don't have Firewire but there was a $750 refurb that had it. I 
think he got one.

Thanks for clearing that up Betty.

b_s-wilk wrote:
What I hear from friends closer to Apple than I am is that FW is alive 
and well, but that general consumers don't care whether it's there or 
not. The MacBook Pro and desktop Macs all have FireWire. If it were 
eliminated from future iMacs or Mac Minis, I'd be forced to get a Mac 
Pro, or figure out a hack. My MacBook will be replaced with a MacBook 

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Re: [CGUYS] google web crawlers and the WSJ

2009-12-04 Thread Jordan
As the chief moony fades, it looks like much of the radical crap he has 
supported will struggle, since his sons seem too busy living the high 
life to care.

And on another subject:
Oh, please, please let the likes of Sara and Beck run for office. That 
would be long as they don't insight some fellow 
nut case to take a shot at the President.

tjpa wrote:

On Dec 3, 2009, at 12:49 PM, wrote:

Not nearly to the same degree as in the case with the Washington

Today's news: Mass layoffs at TWT. It is letting 40% of its staff go, 
dropping things like local news and sports, to focus laser-like on its 
far-right agenda. They will also start charging customers what the 
paper is truly worth: $zero.

The company plans to expand, its newly launched 
Web site. 

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Re: [CGUYS] google web crawlers and the WSJ

2009-12-04 Thread Jordan
They are all too loony for my tastes, but if everything is relative Huck 
seemed kind of down to earth compared to the planet that Sara and Beck 
seem to be on. But it sounds like you know more about Huckabee than I 
would ever want to.
A few years ago could you have imagined a Republican party where Newt 
was just middle of the road?

tjpa wrote:

On Dec 4, 2009, at 3:48 PM, Jordan wrote:
Oh, please, please let the likes of Sara and Beck run for office. 
That would be interesting

You mean Huck was not loony enough for your tastes?

You should read more of his stuff.

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Re: [CGUYS] Program start OS X

2009-12-06 Thread Jordan
By the way, if you go to System Preferences-Accounts and click on Login 
Items, you can see what's loading at startup and add or remove programs.
I don't know a specific answer to the shortcuts question, but I think I 
read that more of this capability was added to Snow Leopard.
Again, in System Preferences, take a look at the Keyboard and Mouse 
section and click on Keyboard Shortcuts.

Reid Katan wrote:
Is there any way--I'm sure there is--to automatically start a program 
at boot time in OSX? I've found my desktop clock solution for X.5*, 
and I'd like to have it start up at boot time.

Also (I don't remember if I asked this already), is there a way to 
assign keyboard short cuts to start programs? Yeah, I know there's the 
Dock, but for me it's easier to poke out a few key strokes than it is 
to reach for the mouse, figure out where the cursor is on the screen, 
scroll it into position and aim. Especially if I'm using a track pad.



It has the usual features. You can change the opacity, add date, day 
of the week, make it digital or analog, 12 or 24 hour, you can add an 
additional time zone (a dot on the face that shows the hour of another 
time zone). Oops. I see a "Launch at Login" item on the 
right-click-menu (but I'd still like to know about programs start at 

Probably the best feature though, is "Pass Clicks Through" so you can 
leave it on top of everything and still be able to click on the 
*useful* stuff behind it. It adds a clock icon to the menu bar that 
you click on to be able to access the clock itself.

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Re: [CGUYS] Program start OS X

2009-12-06 Thread Jordan
I type slowly and only take my hand off the mouse when necessary, so I'm 
no authority on keyboard shortcuts.
But in 10.4.11 at the bottom of keyboard Shortcuts, it appears as though 
you can add Apps and maybe assign shortcuts to them. Just guessing.

Reid Katan wrote:

I've looked through there and didn't see anything obvious. I'll look 
through there again.

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Re: [CGUYS] Consternation over Computer Constipation (including Mac's) - help!

2009-12-22 Thread Jordan

Right. I don't know what the Dock does when it gets "full". When 
you've got more icons than can fit in a given space (vertical or 
horizontal). Do the icons shrink to make more room? start a second row?

They shrink.
I like mine on the right.
Humans eyes scan better in the horizontal plane. Maybe that plays some 
small roll in why it's better to put the dock on the side.

Unless, of course, it's better to put it on the bottom.

It seems like you'd run out of space faster if your Dock is on the 
side, and I'm assuming a "heavy user" would tend to have more icons.

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[CGUYS] AAAHH, the old days

2009-12-22 Thread Jordan
I think my first computer had a 250MB hard drive. I don't remember how 
much ram. At work we were wowed when the CAD guy got a 500MB and then a 
1 Gig hard drive. I had been using DOS a lot at work for CNC machine 
programming and thought it was kind of fun. I found Windows 3.0 pretty 
frustrating, but the computer played Doom really well.


Stewart said:
|I remember my first Windows 98 machines had maybe 512 MB in them.  
Unthinkable now, |but this was the case for a long time.

|My fist PC had 64K in it and I had to replace all the chip banks to get 
it to 640K


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Re: [CGUYS] AAAHH, the old days

2009-12-23 Thread Jordan
Yes, I had no real need or funds for a computer even though I had had a 
bunch of training, so I came in quite late. I'm kind of glad I didn't 
buy anything in the early days. I didn't actually buy until just before 
Windows 3.0.

Rev. Stewart Marshall wrote:

I came into computers rather late.

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Re: [CGUYS] Wi-Fi foe sues neighbor for using electronics - The Santa Fe New Mexican

2010-01-09 Thread Jordan

Thank you Betty and all!
This is one of the best posts in a while.

Robert Michael Abrams wrote:

On Jan 9, 2010, at 1:47 PM, b_s-wilk  wrote:

Tom Sharpe | The New Mexican
Posted: Thursday, January 07, 2010 - 1/8/10

A Santa Fe man who says he suffers from electromagnetic sensitivity 
is suing his next-door neighbor for refusing to turn off her cell 
phone and other electronic devices...[He] cannot stay in a hotel, 
because hotels and motels all employ wi-fi connections, which trigger 
a severe illness," says the request for a preliminary injunction... 

 The first parallel which came to mind (well, MY mind, at any 
rate) was that of Moslem extremists who "claim," due to whatever 
"sensitivity" comes from that particular form of narrow-mindedness, to 
be somehow inherently intolerant of not just all other religions, but 
also of any cultural or technological progress since, quite literally, 
the Dark Ages. What, in any meaningful terms, is the existential or 
philosophical difference between this New Mexican Luddite claiming, 
without any empirical evidence to support the claim, that his 
neighbor's use of photons in this manner is harshing the Luddite's 
mellow, and a Taliban mullah claiming that "modern" or "Western" 
values, like freedom, liberty and democracy, which give people the 
ability to worship, learn, and achieve as they please (rather than as 
the mullah pleases for them), harshes his? I think both the mullah and 
the Luddite are saying something like this: "If I cannot bring myself 
to accept it, given my narrow, subjective, and utterly arbitrary 
criteria, then I forbid you to accept it, as well."

 Please, somebody, tell me, so I can get my minimum daily adult 
requirement of irony, that the Luddite has either a blog or a Facebook 


I'm on the case, from outer space!



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Re: [CGUYS] bug

2010-01-13 Thread Jordan

Now the first result is the mail-archive for computerguys.
Google is watching.

On 1/2/10 2:48 PM, John DeCarlo wrote:

On Sat, Jan 2, 2010 at 2:35 PM, Christopher Rangewrote:


  The address shown with the link, after the search, is not the address that
comes up in the URL Locator, when clicking on the link.

You claimed this earlier, but provided no evidence.

Without any evidence, your answers to my questions are also suspect.

Try this Google search:

panjandrum continental

Click on the first result, described as

"a" Continental Army

And tell us where you end up.


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Re: [CGUYS] bug

2010-01-14 Thread Jordan

Get real Tom! It's a Windows machine.

t.piwowar wrote:

On Jan 13, 2010, at 8:30 PM, Jordan wrote:

Now the first result is the mail-archive for computerguys.

A shame that it was not one of our brighter moments. Did that computer 
ever get fixed?

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Re: [CGUYS] You Saw the Demo? Are you impressed?

2010-01-29 Thread Jordan

A new improved model could be called a "Maxipad."


Perhaps because of its ability to absorb so much umdata.

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Re: [CGUYS] You Saw the Demo? Are you impressed?

2010-01-29 Thread Jordan wrote:

  It's simple:  try this i (change), etc.  The idea of Obama always
was government for the rest of us.  Too simple, and isn't working.



It's not working because he's not doing it.

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Re: [CGUYS] safari and new windows vs tabs

2010-01-30 Thread Jordan

John Duncan Yoyo wrote:

FWIW Safari does the same things on a Snow Leopard Mac.

I recently put Snow on my MacBook Pro and I have not seen this behavior. 
But maybe it only happens on some web sights. I would not use it if it did.


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Re: [CGUYS] You Saw the Demo? Are you impressed?

2010-01-31 Thread Jordan
To me, for someone to choose implies that they are reasonably informed 
about the options. I believe that great masses of Windows users are not 
sufficiently aware of the Mac and OS X as a serious option.

  Do I even want to respond to this?

  Your response is incorrect.  Prefer means "tend to choose."  Free
choice or no free choice, most computer users tend to choose Windows
as their operating system.  That is patently true.  Do I think that
many of those folks could be better served by a different OS.  Yes.

  What is a "real" free choice in this instance?  Consumers may be
brainwashed, but they still have a free choice.  Perhaps you are
saying that their being brainwashed may have resulted in not having a
REAL free choice even though they actually do.  As I have said a
hundred times before, most people tell me that they use Windows
because, and this is how they usually put it, "everybody else does."
Translation?  Because it is popular and they want to be part of the
popular crowd, i.e., intended for the general public rather than
specialists or intellectuals.


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Re: [CGUYS] You Saw the Demo? Are you impressed?

2010-01-31 Thread Jordan wrote:

On Sun, Jan 31, 2010 at 10:41 AM, Jordan  wrote:


To me, for someone to choose implies that they are reasonably informed about
the options. I believe that great masses of Windows users are not
sufficiently aware of the Mac and OS X as a serious option.

  Agreed.  However, an implication of awareness or knowledge is not
part of the definition of the word "choose."  People often make
choices without any understanding about options.

Can an ignorant person actually be making a choice?
Or does ignorance preclude the possibility that a choice is being made?

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Re: [CGUYS] Wait

2010-01-31 Thread Jordan

Constance Warner wrote:
At this point, why not WAIT AND SEE what happens when the iPad gets 
into the stores and people actually buy it and start using it?

It seems to me that the discussion has gone about as far as it can go 
at this point, at this imperfect state of knowledge about the device 

Much further than it should have gone.
Thank you Constance.
More of us should have heeded David Pogue's advice quoted early in this 

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Re: [CGUYS] Wait

2010-01-31 Thread Jordan

tjpa wrote:

On Jan 31, 2010, at 1:41 PM, Jordan wrote:
More of us should have heeded David Pogue's advice quoted early in 
this discussion.

Quote provided by Tom, but you didn't respond as suggested.

I'm aware of that and appreciate it, (I read Pogue all the time) and I 
have not participated in the speculation.

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Re: [CGUYS] apple-stanza-usb

2010-02-06 Thread Jordan

b_s-wilk wrote:
 > I have T-Mobile... There's another DC dead zone, I think along 
Rhode Island Avenue.

Curious. I also have T-Mobile. My office is on Rhode Island Ave. No 
dead zone. 

The area is a couple of miles north of there, closer to where RI Av 
merges with Baltimore Av, in a residential neighborhood.

Oh, way out there? Tom thinks that is the boonies.

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Re: [CGUYS] Creepy or what?

2010-02-22 Thread Jordan

I have an Epson free standing scanner that I got maybe 7 years ago that I've 
never had trouble with. I've never bought an all-in-one.
The Epson software can be really slow and cumbersome. I actually find it a lot 
easier to take pictures of documents with my camera. But I'm just being lazy, 
using a tool that I know well instead of spending the time figuring out how to 
make the scanner simple to use.


Jeff Miles wrote:

This says every laptop comes with a remote control. None of mine have. And I 
have a 17" Macbook Pro with the intel chip set. Not new as of in the last year, 
but new enough to be an Intel core 2 duel processor model. My iMac didn't come with 
one either. The last Mac I had that had inferred remote capabilities was a 6400. And 
while that had the capability, it didn't come with a remote. I found out it's 
capabilities on accident when playing with a universal TV remote.

And on a completely different subject, has anyone had any luck with a 
scanner on OS X? I have 3 and they all give me problems. 2 of them are all in 
one devices. Everything works fine, except the scanner. I can get it to work a 
few times then it craps out. By that I mean it won't recognize the scanner, or 
the scanner won't recognize the computer. After sever restarts and reinstalls 
of the scanner software it works again for a couple of times and the problems 
start all over again. I have an HP all in one laser printer/scanner/copier. I 
have an Agfa Snapscan 1212 and an HP inkjet all in one. Everything on the all 
in ones work great, except the scanner. The Agfa scanner powers up when I 
restart the computer, but doesn't seem to see it. All very frustrating.

Jeff Miles


Which OSX are you referring to?

In Leopard and Snow Leopard you use the native OSX Image Capture program to utilize 
>your scanners features.  My HP 7310 works just fine once I made the adjustment to 
>using Image Capture.


Using Image Capture? Sounds like an interesting way to use a scanner.

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Re: [CGUYS] iPad's in cars

2010-04-03 Thread Jordan
I was just catching up on some of the technology videos at the NY Times 
I think it was the video of their 2nd day of CES coverage where they had 
a guy talking about a new Garmin unit that can communicate with a device 
they will sell that will plug into the car's computer. The Garmin GPS 
would then be able to display various data that the computer is seeing.

tjpa wrote:

On Apr 3, 2010, at 12:33 PM, wrote:

I see that at least one car maker, Hyundai, is already going to
include an iPad as an accessory to at least one of their models

It solves a big problem for car makers by letting them add many 
computerized features to the car without having to go into the 
computer building business. They can just write apps or have somebody 
else write them. I wonder if the dock connector will allow the iPad to 
interface with any of the car's systems. For example to limit what the 
iPad can do while the car is in motion.

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Re: [CGUYS] Cox Modem Troubleshooting

2010-05-09 Thread Jordan
I gave up on Comcast modems many years ago.(They might be better now) I 
got a Motorola Surfboard and it has been flawless. It still is, in spite 
of its age. I do keep a back-up on hand though. It just makes sense.

Richard P. wrote:

During the last week, my cable modem for Cox Cable loses its Internet
connection about once or twice a day. When troubleshooting, the light
that indicates the cable connection on the Linksys modem, model
"BEFCMU10", is not illuminated. If I reboot the modem, it comes up
fine and I get adequate speeds through the connection. After calling
Cox, the only thing they can offer is a service call for which I will
be charged if it turns out that the problem is after their connection.

I have also noticed a slight degradation in the analog TV signal from
Cox during the last week as well.

Should I just go ahead and replace the modem to see if that makes a
difference? It would be less than the service call.


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Re: [CGUYS] Recs 4 hw "support" for netbook

2010-07-09 Thread Jordan
Just go to the home store and get a little piece of plexiglas the same 
size as the netbook..

One Man wrote:
I 'm travelling and using a samsung netbook. I like the navy lid. I sit on the couch at my bro's, cross my legs and balance the netbook on a pillow.  This can't be good as it blocks the fan vents. Any recs for something to purchase to rest the netbook on ? With thanks in advance ...


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Re: [CGUYS] IE page failure

2010-12-13 Thread Jordan
I'm sorry you got no answers from the wizards of 
this group but I'll go out on a limb and say that 
that is because you answered your own question and 
solved your problem.

Avoid IE and use one of the many alternatives.

On 12/12/10 12:30 AM, D Freye wrote:

This thursday while trying to reach a common website, the page failed
while loading one of the last items. Most of the page was correctly
displayed when the browser went to an error window which locked up the
screen until it was closed. As th window closed, the page changed to a
message stating that the website could not be found which of course was
total BS.
  Friday I went to the blog of Tim Ferriss which is one that I chech
  every night. I got the same reaction.
  I loaded Firefox and used it to veiw Tim's site with no problem.

   What's going on here?
Be at Peace.

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Re: [CGUYS] XP sounds question -

2011-03-21 Thread Jordan

Turn the volume down all the way or set it to mute.

On 3/21/11 11:37 AM, Tom Chambers wrote:

List members -
 I hate computers that talk to me , 
so when I'm setting up
a machine for my own use I always set it to "no 
sounds" in
the control panel. That works for most sounds , 
but in XP I still get
the standard "beep" when I change volume or get 
a new
email (in this case in an old Netscape mail 
program). Anyone know how to

shut these sounds off ?
Thanks ,

Tom Chambers

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Re: [CGUYS] Apple Store acting weird

2007-09-06 Thread Jordan

OK, thanks. They're just overloaded.
I guess there really was no other explanation for what I was seeing.


Tom Piwowar wrote:
I've been checking out the Apple site lately. All of the site loads and 
works fine except for the store. On Firefox the "Store" loads as 
just clickable text over on the left side of the window. No graphics at all.

Using FireFox 2.006 most Apple store pages load fine. FireFox froze on 
some of the iPod pages and I had to force quit FireFox. When I tried 
these problem pages again a few minutes later it worked fine.


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Re: [CGUYS] Weird Sites With Weird Names

2007-09-16 Thread Jordan
That's the two letter ISO (International Organization for 
Standardization) country code for China. I'd guess that the characters 
are being converted into the words you see.

I'm just spitballing here, but that's my guess.

The stamp is probably worth 3 ¢.

Alvin Auerbach wrote:
I googled "The "G" rate make-up stamp" (an old postage stamp) and came 
up with several weird sites with weird names (example below) that have 
in them hundreds of seemingly random words and phrases strung 
together, as:

...files dailymotion airport in bulgaria the g rate make up stamp 
custom made bottles in the philippines emergency...

Most of the sites have ".cn" in their URL.

Does anyone have any idea of what they are doing and why?

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Re: [CGUYS] Weird Sites With Weird Names

2007-09-16 Thread Jordan

In case you are interested, here's what I found:

Alvin Auerbach wrote:
I googled "The "G" rate make-up stamp" (an old postage stamp) and came 
up with several weird sites with weird names (example below) that have 
in them hundreds of seemingly random words and phrases strung 
together, as:

...files dailymotion airport in bulgaria the g rate make up stamp 
custom made bottles in the philippines emergency...

Most of the sites have ".cn" in their URL.

Does anyone have any idea of what they are doing and why?

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Re: [CGUYS] SD card isn't recognized in Windows Explorer

2007-10-16 Thread Jordan

Can't the computer be told to do something else when it sees the camera?

David Turk wrote:

That's the thing.  You can plug the camera directly in to the computer, & the 
Kodak Easyshare software can see the camera, but Windows Explorer can't.  I don't 
care for the Eayshare software, which is why I just want to transfer the files in 



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Re: [CGUYS] The Worst Thing about Macs

2007-10-22 Thread Jordan
I remember seeing a certain level of elitism coming from Mac users maybe 
13 years ago. I was fully entrenched in Windows because I felt like I 
needed to know as much as possible about it for work. And what was up 
with the 1 button mouse thing anyway.
It turns out that they were right. The Mac OS then was very reliable and 
easier to deal with.

Snyder, Mark (NGIT-CA) wrote:

My days go back to punch cards and an IBM 360.  I too remember using
dumb terminals to UNIX.  I remember early Sun UNIX workstations, Xerox
6085 workstations that used windowing.

What the heck has all that to do with Mac OS?  I'm sure not leaving Mac
OS X to go back to that crap, not matter how nostalgic it may be.

Linux folks have an agenda - We all work together, contribute to and
improve the OS and share it for free with everyone.  

The OLTPC group wants everything free, or nearly so.

That old stuff has damn little to do with a commercial operating system.
Feel free to be smug about supporting their agendas.  I will continue to
ignore all of that and focus on the O/S that makes me the most
productive when it counts - my own time (I am paid to use WXP in my

Thank you,
Mark Snyder

-Original Message-
The Linux Actions guys tell their entire saga of disaffection from Mac
(They were mac developers and had taken over the administration of  a
mac community 
web site).


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Re: [CGUYS] The Worst Thing about Macs

2007-10-23 Thread Jordan
I'm very happy using Exposé gestures to view all windows or application 
windows or desktop, and Command h or alt command h to clear up clutter. 
And just clicking on an app in the dock to bring it forward is easy enough.
But I admit I no longer know or have a need to know any such tricks for 
Windows. I tinker with Windows machines, but not enough to know tricks.

db wrote:

I can't help but say that the worst thing about Macs/OSX is the Dock.
Great operating system otherwise  but whenever  I am using OS X and 
multi-tasking between programs, web pages, files etc, I am spending a 
LOT of time struggling with the various windows...  trying to find one 
I had open before, trying to get others I have, open out of the way etc.

I know the various techniques & shortcuts that OSX gives you to deal 
with these issues but they are clumsy and laborious compared to 
Windows Taskbar where all can be seen at a glance and accessed with 
one click or keystroke.


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Re: [CGUYS] The Worst Thing about Macs

2007-10-24 Thread Jordan
There is no such thing as a Mac that comes with a 1 button mouse 
anymore. (even though it looks like a 1 button mouse) And you can use 
any mouse you can buy. I prefer a trackball and have almost always used 
a Logitech with several buttons.

(It is easier, but that doesn't stop the sense of panic a new
employee gets when they first confront a one-button mouse.) 

--Constance Warner 


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Re: [CGUYS] The Worst Thing about Macs

2007-10-25 Thread Jordan
OK, so I'm a nut for spending the $50 on a keyboard. It could be worse. 
But I found that I typed better on my old Titanium Powerbook than on the 
iMac keyboard, so I got the new keyboard for the iMac. It's very much 
like the Mac laptop keyboards, and the old iMac keyboard is positively 
clunky compared to it. There are a few more specialized keys that I like 

It's a pleasure to use and look at.

mike wrote:

I don't own a mac, but I almost want to buy one of their new keyboards,
really  nice.   Just not 50 or even 40 nice...30?  Maybe then.


On 10/25/07, John Duncan Yoyo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

No I really hated it in the Apple Store.  It's not the clicks it is
the movement I want to feel the button move in relation to the mouse-
not the whole mouse moving.  The nice thing about mice is that there
are so many different ones around that you can probably find one that
suits your hand.

I don't particularly like the current key board either but that is
more on looks.  Now let me plug in my keyboard from my 128k Mac

On 10/25/07, Tom Piwowar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I thought the real problem with the mighty mouse for me was the lack
of tactile feedback.  I need the click and motion of the switch.

The mouse moves and clicks when pressed.

You seem to have fallen under the influence of agents of Microsoft
spreading disinformation.

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John Duncan Yoyo

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Re: [CGUYS] Apple Will Not Provide Safari 2.0.2, or 2.0.3, or 2.0.4

2007-10-26 Thread Jordan
I have never understood the glowing talk of Apple's superpower browser, 
Safari. I have always thought it was lame and featureless. (although 
according to the stats, I guess it is fast.)Indeed Camino has a similar 
presentation, but is clearly superior to Safari to me. I use it for a 
specific task.
There were new features I was curious about so I downloaded the 3.0.3 
(beta?)version and it simply upgraded my 2.? version. I haven't 
experimented with it yet.

I use Firefox and Seamonkey heavily and I don't think anything compares .


Don't waste your time with Safari, it's a bad browser.  I will spare you a 
diatribe on just how bad it is.

Although I am not personally a Mac user, I can still confidently recommend 
Camino ( as the way to immensely improve your 
browsing experience.  You'll never go back.


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Re: [CGUYS] Update OS X 10.3.9 to 10.5?

2007-10-26 Thread Jordan
I think 10.4 was a big improvement over 10.3. From what I've read so 
far, and I've looked in to it quite a bit, there are no features of 10.5 
that would motivate me to get it. There are some neat new features and 
some worthwhile improvements to the standard Apple programs that would 
be useful, but I'm happy and comfortable doing things in ways that are 
becoming old fashioned, like putting things where they belong rather 
than having to do searches to look for them. I don't go for eye candy 
like the transparent Dock. That's just silly. I guess I'm getting old, 
because some of what is new in 10.5 strikes me as excessive visual 
stimulation for people with a shorter attention span that mine.
I do backups by hand also, and I don't like the files to be in a special 
format or readable by some special program. I did start using Carbon 
Copy Cloner recently and I like that a lot. Thank you Tom.


mike wrote:

I've been reading that this is not a major release, I'm wondering what
denotes it as major for those mac users on the list thinking of getting it?



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Re: [CGUYS] Update OS X 10.3.9 to 10.5?

2007-10-27 Thread Jordan

That is a really nice and compelling feature.
For some people this will be valuable. But for those of us who don't 
generate critical or important data or files all day, it's not enough to 
merit a purchase. I might feel different in a few months or if I started 
having trouble.

Tom Piwowar wrote:
I think (after the long discussions we have had here about backups) the 
best feature may turn out to be TimeMachine. The default setting takes 
hourly (yes, hourly) snapshots of your files. It keeps the hourly 
snapshots for today. TimeMachine then automatically thins out the 
snapshots to daily for this week and then to weekly for this month. It 
keeps monthly snapshots around as long as you want. I think this is going 
to make a big difference in file security.


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Re: [CGUYS] No Classic in Leopard! Help!

2007-10-28 Thread Jordan
David Pogue of the NY Times has a rundown of some of the new ways things 
work in 10.5 that you might find interesting.

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Re: [CGUYS] Standards & Flash

2007-10-29 Thread Jordan
I don't see this discussion as ranty or worshipful, and does Steve 
really have anything to do with it?
Though I find it hard to believe that someone working in the MS complex 
would be using a Mac, I guess it's possible. It would not be surprising 
that a contractor would be using a Mac for the reasons Tom mentions.

Tony B wrote:

Oh please. Can we stop the topic hijacking already? I started this thread to
educate someone about today's video standards (thus the subject!). If you
want to start a "We worship Steve" topic please do it, but don't try to turn
every discussion into a Mac rant.


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Re: [CGUYS] Reliable, free broadband speed test sites?

2007-11-03 Thread Jordan
I would guess that Comcast service, and the way they control or not 
control speed, varies widely. Especially where they have bought out 
other services.
Out here in the boonies beyond Gettysburg, PA we get a little less than 
what Jeff is getting. Plenty fast though. And I can change modems or 
routers and the internet is just there. This is an Adelphia 
infrastructure that Comcast took over. I think they might be regulating 
speed some now, so they can charge more for faster, but it still works well.
In FL we have Comcast as well. But it's a different company, and the 
difference in service is night and day. If I change routers, I have to 
call them and wait on hold to give them the new MAC #. If I change a 
modem, it will take a while finding a tech who knows how to make the 
adjustment in their system. And a good tech actually advised me not to 
do that because the setting is difficult to change. The service is also 
reliably unreliable. At high use times, the internet service often just 
dies. Sometimes late morning, but very likely in the evening, especially 
at peak tourist season. I've never been able to get them to admit that 
there is any problem with their system. They'll happily send out a tech 
guy to check the signal, but they are almost never there when the 
service is off. They often have told me that the problem is with the 
cable in my house and one guy even tried to convince me it was my Mac. 
No one seems to hear me when I ask why the service dies at the same time 
each night.
I assume that they don't want to spend the money to upgrade a system 
that works fine for 9 months of the year, so they just stonewall 
everyone during the winter.

Thanks for reading my tedious sad story. Maybe I'll try DSL this year.

My results are here:

It shows very good throughput and QOS.  Interestingly, this is a Comcast

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Re: [CGUYS] OT; Animator versus Animation

2007-11-05 Thread Jordan

Thanks for passing it along. Not off topic at all.

Richard P. wrote:
I know this is off topic, but I thought this was quite a creative use 
of Flash. There are two parts, watch part one first. Even Avast makes 
a guest appearance in part 2.

Part 1:

Part 2:

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[CGUYS] Thunderbird Quitting

2007-11-10 Thread Jordan
Ever since I put a cloned copy of my iMac hard 
drive on this iMac, Thunderbird has been has been 
quitting after working fine for a while. I've 
tried pitching the plist file and installing a new 
Thunderbird with no improvement. Any Ideas?


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Re: [CGUYS] Thunderbird Quitting

2007-11-12 Thread Jordan
That didn't occur to me, but the OS was totally up to date. Is it 
possible to somehow force it to do an update it does not need?
It's a pain in the butt to start over, but the process makes me dig into 
areas of the system that I tend to forget about. It makes me more 
effective when I help others.
Have you ever installed a CCC clone on a Mac, or just replaced parts 
that needed fixing?

In the last few days, some of my mail to the list has never made it to 
my email client or to the gmail web mail site. It's nice somebody saw it.

Tom Piwowar wrote:
Faster than reinstalling the whole OS you might have succeeded by 
simply running the "combo" updater. It is good a replacing missing 
pieces. Of course that assumes that your missing pieces were included 
in an update. Since the "combo" includes updates for everything since 
dot-zero the odds are good that the parts you need are in there.


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[CGUYS] Thunderbird Quitting

2007-11-13 Thread Jordan
I finally had a drastic solution to my Thunderbird quitting problem. I 
installed a fresh copy of OS X. Besides Thunderbird quitting, Seamonkey 
was acting strangely, and then the iMac had a kernel crash. I had never 
had any problem with any of this before installing the copy made with 
Carbon Copy Cloner. I don't remember specific wording but at the end of 
the CCC process it put up a message that certain parts of the System 
could not be copied. It would seem that they might be critical parts of 
the OS.

I'll have to do some research and use CCC again to experiment.
Anyone else have any such problems with CCC?

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Re: [CGUYS] Thunderbird junk mail

2007-11-16 Thread Jordan

On the Mac:

I had to reinstall thunderbird and can't figure out how to have the mail  
deemed as junk by thunderbird dumped into the junk folder, as it used to  do.

Any suggestions?


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Re: [CGUYS] IP camera osx

2007-11-20 Thread Jordan
I just did a Google search of "wireless camera Mac", without the quotes, 
and saw some promising hits. Did you try that?

Charles Ballinger wrote:
I'm looking for a wireless IP camera that can be config'd and managed 
by OSX v1.4.11 (I think I'm following Tom and holding off a bit on 
10.5).  I've found cameras in the past that were supposed to run under 
OSX but needed first to be set up under Windows.  As a result, I've 
never gotten one going.

Does anyone know of a mfgr or vendor I might check with a higher 
probability of success?

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Re: [CGUYS] iMac G4 memory upgrade

2007-11-22 Thread Jordan
I doubt if you'd notice a reduction in speed, but did you look into how 
easy it would be to install the card?

Stephen Brownfield wrote:
Looking at the specs for my iMac G4, I see it can take an Airport 
Card.  Can it take an Airport Extreme Card?  I would not mind going 
wireless, however, I'd hate to give up the speed I have with the 

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Re: [CGUYS] Internet Radio Beats Digital

2007-12-09 Thread Jordan
I have a regular FM that is fairly hi-tech made by Sangean. When this 
subject last came up I did a little looking around at the Wi-Fi radios 
and discovered that Sangean is making a few that sound pretty 
interesting. They might be worth a look if you are interested in this.

Tom Piwowar wrote:

Interesting story. Has anyone tried either alternative?

"With all the fuss about digital radio (DAB), it has been easy to miss 
the arrival of a new technology that offers even greater choice: the 
wi-fi radio. Technically, these excellent gadgets are not radios at all. 
Rather than picking up the radio-wave signals of terrestrial stations -- 
be they analogue or digital -- a wi-fi "radio" uses a broadband 
connection to receive audio signals from internet-based stations all over 
the world.,,

"And the sound is often better too...


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Re: [CGUYS] Internet Radio Beats Digital

2007-12-10 Thread Jordan
Interesting- the Roberts radio in the article Tom links to is the same 
as a Sangean in this country. No surprise really.

Jordan wrote:
I have a regular FM that is fairly hi-tech made by Sangean. When this 
subject last came up I did a little looking around at the Wi-Fi radios 
and discovered that Sangean is making a few that sound pretty 
interesting. They might be worth a look if you are interested in this.

Tom Piwowar wrote:

Interesting story. Has anyone tried either alternative? 


"With all the fuss about digital radio (DAB), it has been easy to 
miss the arrival of a new technology that offers even greater choice: 
the wi-fi radio. Technically, these excellent gadgets are not radios 
at all. Rather than picking up the radio-wave signals of terrestrial 
stations -- be they analogue or digital -- a wi-fi "radio" uses a 
broadband connection to receive audio signals from internet-based 
stations all over the world.,,

"And the sound is often better too...

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Re: [CGUYS] I'm so confused...need simple instructions. was:Re: [CGUYS] ATT DSL ok? Update

2007-12-16 Thread Jordan
I know this goes against what the cable company says, and what we all 
believe, but the last few times I've had a problem with my cable 
connection I've had to use the opposite turn on order to get it going 
again. Yes, I'm saying I turned on the router and then the modem.

If nothing else works, just remember to try it.

John DeCarlo wrote:


For getting cable set back up, here are some thoughts for simple steps:

1.  Turn off the Cable Modem.
2.  Turn off the Apple Airport Extreme router.
3.  Turn on the Cable Modem.
4.  Look for the Cable Modem light to indicate it is connected.  On mine, it
is the "cable light" of the four.
5.  Then turn on the router.
6.  Reset your connection to the router and see if you are on the Internet


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[CGUYS] CPU temperature

2007-12-20 Thread Jordan

I'm not sure if this is a processor question or a Mac question.
I have one of the last G5 iMacs, before they went to Intel CPUs. I have 
the iStatPro widget and a little app called Hardware Monitor. They each 
show CPU temperature. The temp indicated by iStat changes pretty slowly 
and in my observation, never gets as high as the temp indicated by 
Hardware Monitor, which can go from idling along at 107deg. to 168 in 
less than 5 minutes.
Are these 2 indicators looking at two different sensors or what? It 
seems like Hardware Monitor is looking at a sensor on the CPU and iStat 
is looking at a sensor on the heat sink of the CPU.


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Re: [CGUYS] iPod battery

2007-12-26 Thread Jordan
I've never replaced an iPod battery, but in general I like this company, 
and I think the NuPower batteries are very good. They have PDFs or 
videos to show you how. I've been happy with batteries I've bought for 2 

I assume you Googled "iPod Battery" or some such.


Stephen Brownfield wrote:
My iPod Mini battery is starting to go.  I believe Tom says that he 
replaced his iPod battery.  Where can I find a battery and how to 
replace it?



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Re: [CGUYS] Sun Buys MySQL

2008-01-18 Thread Jordan

Apparently not!

Tom Piwowar wrote:


Who says you can't make money with open source software?

Any comments on the future of a very critical piece of software?


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Re: [CGUYS] Suddenly a disk drive is not formatted in Windows XP

2008-01-27 Thread Jordan

Wow! What an opening! Anyone care to respond?

Robert wrote:
Before reformatting, I want to know if there is a problem with Windows 
instead of the drive.

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[CGUYS] Router or Airport?

2008-02-06 Thread Jordan

Hey Mac people,

I need to get a new router. Does anyone have experience with whether or 
not the latest Apple Airport Extreme Base Station has anything to offer 
that another good router does not?

Or can anyone recommend one of these n routers?
I've had 1 pretty much bullet proof Netgear and 1 really flaky Netgear. 
They have a good reputation but...


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Re: [CGUYS] Router or Airport?

2008-02-06 Thread Jordan

Are you aware of this little software update for Intel Macs?

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Re: [CGUYS] Router or Airport?

2008-02-06 Thread Jordan
Yes, so I've heard. The Macs we use most of the time are Intel Macs so 
it should not be an Issue. I'm not sure we'd notice a higher speed. But 
the greater range would be nice!

Matthew Taylor wrote:
Yes.  As I recall though "N" degrades to "G" if any non-"N" systems 
connect to it.

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Re: [CGUYS] Router or Airport?

2008-02-06 Thread Jordan

It's better range that appeals to me. There is a brick wall within the 
house that I'm hoping to get WiFi through. I know there are a few 
options for me. A removable antenna might work because I could have the 
router box where I could plug ethernet cable in, and locate the antenna 
where it would get enough signal into the brick part of the house.
I guess we still have to be nervous about the fact that the spec for N 
has not been decided. Is anyone up on that? Is there any chance that 
when the spec settles down, adjustments can be made to an N router with 

Rev. Stewart Marshall wrote:

Try a G MIMO router.

I just swapped out our Dlink router (G) that had a very so so signal 
all throughout the building (round building many walls at angles) and 
replaced it with a Belkin G MIMO router (the routers were all 
donations so lets not get into a brand war) and the difference in 
reception was fantastic.  Where I had so-so to no reception before I 
have excellent now.

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Re: [CGUYS] is isass.exe a virus?

2008-02-13 Thread Jordan

Nice font Matthew.

Matthew Taylor wrote:
That is why I like the comic fonts - they feel more natural and are to 
my eye less confusing.

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Re: [CGUYS] CGUYS.ORG & Footer Updated

2008-02-16 Thread Jordan

I like the changes and the web page. I love the fish.

Thanks Tom

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Re: [CGUYS] Wikipedia defies 180,000 demands to remove images of the Prophet

2008-02-17 Thread Jordan
The more I hear about Islam, the more it becomes apparent that as with 
some religions in this country, it has been hijacked by extremists.
I only had to see Jon Stewart's interview with Mark Siegel, Benazir 
Bhutto's former speech writer, to be reminded of this.

Steve Rigby wrote:
  Wikipedia, the free online encyclopaedia, is refusing to remove 
medieval artistic depictions of the Prophet Muhammad, despite being 
flooded with complaints from Muslims demanding the images be deleted.

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Re: [CGUYS] Wikipedia defies 180,000 demands to remove images of the Prophet

2008-02-17 Thread Jordan
There's an interview with Mark Seigel on Book TV right now and again at 
9 pm and mid-night. A refreshing view of the Muslim world.

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Re: [CGUYS] Wikipedia defies 180,000 demands to remove images of the Prophet

2008-02-18 Thread Jordan
I think that it is because the radicals of the Muslim religion make a 
lot of noise, and that the press simply repeats this noise, that we hear 
so much about it.

I don't know how moderate Muslims feel about these images.

I believe that people should not look at things they don't like.



I don't dispute your basic premise, however I think it's unfair to label those who are offended by 
the public display of these images as "extremists".  Islam (to my limited understanding) 
has a fundamental objection to "graven images" and depictions of the Prophet seem to be 
the most egregious form of this.

I would say that the vast majority of those asking for the removal of those 
pictures are devout adherents to their faith, and are overall decent people.  
Some members of this list (as well as most adult citizens of the US) are also 
devout adherents to their faith, however their faith may not have an issue with 
graven images.  But they are no less devout for all that.  Would you consider 
them extremists?

I also think there comes a time when exercise of one's freedom of expression 
goes beyond a reasonable limit, if enough people are genuinely offended.  
Imagine if Wikipedia were to display graphic images of sex acts on its home 
page.  This may sound ludicrous, but to some Muslims, a graphic depiction of 
the Prophet is equally offensive.


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Re: [CGUYS] Wikipedia defies 180,000 demands to remove images of the Prophet

2008-02-18 Thread Jordan

I'm not sure I understand what you mean, but can't a fantasy be hijacked?

Jeff Myers wrote:

Since all belief in a deity is irrational, religion invites extremism.  So,
I'm not sure "hijacked" is the right word.


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[CGUYS] No call list

2008-02-18 Thread Jordan

Did you try putting the # in a Google search?
Just a thought.

gerald wrote:

the two canidates in my district, wynn and donna ? got about 2.5 million 
dollars for the house primary campaign,  they spent most of it on deamon 
dialers to call residents in the area, and bad mouth the other guy.  we got 
8-10+ calls a day.  all from 877(800) numbers and with a recorded message.

my phone is listed for no call.  all home phone.  never got a call on either cell, or on the dedicated fax line.  is political campaign calling not part of the no call?  as I recall, if the calls originate from within the state, i cannot stop them.  if that the case, how do i figure out if a particular 800 number is in state or out of state? 


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Re: [CGUYS] Podcast neophyte questions.

2008-02-24 Thread Jordan

For Studio 360:
at the top or bottom of this page:
click on Show Archives. You'll get this page:
I clicked on the Tesla show there, and then on download mp3 and started 
a download. Also on the archives page, you can click on 2007 and get all 
those shows the same way. The same is true for 2006. I noticed the 
reference to Audible for 2001, so you can check the other years.

I hope this helps


Stephen Meskin wrote:
I have just investigated the podcast site for one program I really 
like, Studio 360.  I can download MP3 files for Feb 8, 15 and 22 but 
if click Feb 1 or earlier, I can either listen to it then and there on 
the computer or I am directed to which seems to be a fee 
based operation.  It seems strange that I can listen a program but not 
capture it.

The Studio 360 podcast site ( 
gives links to 8 different podcatchers one of which is iTunes plus the 
capability of others.
It also provides links labeled "View Feed XML" and  "SpringWidgets".  
The latter says "Embed this content on your site."  What is the value 
of these links?


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Re: [CGUYS] Neighborhood security cameras

2008-02-25 Thread Jordan
It seems to me like you could make a plexiglass box to put the camera in 
and mount it to the outside of your house and run power to it through a 

Just an idea.

My posts don't seem to get through lately. Would someone please just 
comment if you see this?

Tom Piwowar wrote:
Someone tried to break into our house last week so I have been 
researching this and other security stuff recently. There are many 

There are several brands of camera that have a built-in computer and web 
server. This would be a simple unit that each homeowner could get 
independently, but it could be managed centrally via the Internet. To 
keep it simple I suggest that everyone get the same unit.

I'm currently experimenting with the Panasonic BL-C1A. It costs $85. It 
is small (about 5x5x2 inches square with the lens on the 5x5 side) and 
not ugly (color is white). It does not look like a security camera. It 
has a very clever bracket that makes it easy to mount and aim.

The BL-C1A plugs into power and an Ethernet jack (the BL-C20A uses WiFi). 
The camera is managed entirely via Web browser so it can be managed 

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Re: [CGUYS] gmail replies

2008-02-25 Thread Jordan
Exactly! Yes I'm relatively new. It's frustrating to have to go to my 
gmail inbox on the web to see if the post made it.

There are lots of convenience advantages for me though.

Tony B wrote:

Are you new to gmail? I hate this "feature" too and wish they gave us
the _option_ to see our own replies. But I gotta admit I'm getting
used to it.


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Re: [CGUYS] Neighborhood security cameras

2008-02-26 Thread Jordan
There's a $100 set at that is wireless and infra-red capable. 
I just did a search for security camera at the Costco site.

But hey, what do I know. I live on a farm in the boonies and I have 3 
big dogs running around.

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Re: [CGUYS] Investment Tracking Recommendations?

2008-03-13 Thread Jordan

That's right!
It might be better to invest in euros in a european company or fund 
right now.

Tom Piwowar wrote:
Today it is reporting a YTD return of -13% and a 1 year return of -3.6%. 
It would be better to put my dough in a mattress while spending 3% of my 
savings on wine, women, and song.


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Re: [CGUYS] Investment Tracking Recommendations?

2008-03-15 Thread Jordan
The European countries may look bad but the dollar has dropped 
dramatically in relation to the euro lately.

gerald wrote:

yea, like ireland or spain or italy.  they gotta bounce soon.
Blah, Blah Blah.

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Re: [CGUYS] Investment Tracking Recommendations?

2008-03-15 Thread Jordan
The European countries may look bad but the dollar has dropped 
dramatically in relation to the euro lately.
And, I shouldn't have to add, is likely to continue to, since the 
radical right that has been in charge have made us so weak.


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Re: [CGUYS] safari3.1 update

2008-03-24 Thread Jordan

If you are on dial-up, a fast browser won't make a difference, eh?

rlsimon wrote:

Izit faster than Opera (latest full ver 9.25, I use 9.50beta) ??

Also, is the 39mb dld because it has dozens of languages; therefore is there
a slipstreamed version of USA inglich only or is there an "update" to lay
over ver 3.0.1 ??


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Re: [CGUYS] In the market for a mouse

2008-04-03 Thread Jordan

One other suggestion on the trackball:
I used the Logitech one everyone else is recommending and I liked it. 
But my thumb didn't like it after a while so I tried this one:,en
I like this one even better and some of the extra buttons are great.

Ralph wrote:

My new (2-year old) MacBook Pro touchpad is driving me crazy.  It had
been my intention to work with it until I got it down-cold, but I'm
ready to hang it up.  I have to do a lot of right-clicking while
working with Win-XP and when I do the three-finger click, the cursor
sometimes jumps to another part of the screen.

I doubt there's any work-around - I think the answer is to just get a
windows compatible mouse.  Any suggestions?



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Re: [CGUYS] MHTML: what's up with that?

2008-04-22 Thread Jordan
I am no authority on these things but I think it's safe to rely on 
wikipedia for information about this sort of thing.
Apparently Firefox won't like it without a specific extension(windows 
and Linux only) but Thunderbird will.

Good old ms!

Constance Warner wrote:

My boss just sent me some documents downloaded from the Web via Internet
Explorer, to be posted on an online library site for association members
to see and download.


The documents are in MHTML format-whatever that is.  When you click on
them, they open in Internet Explorer.


As a rule, whenever I get downloaded webpages to be put in the online
library, I put them in a format that's easy for members to use and that
interfaces well with the online library website's architecture. I
usually copy and paste the content of a copied webpage into a Word
document.  I was able to get the content out of these documents using
this procedure; but some of the documents will have bells and whistles
that probably can't be expressed in Word.


So here's what I'm wondering: is there any way to open MHTML documents
with any other program (besides Internet Exploder)?  Is there any way to
make such documents into PDF documents?


And, most importantly, will the computers (of the people who use the
online library) be exposed to any danger when they are forced to use
Internet Exploder to open and read the documents?


For once, I'm not worried about copyright problems or the security of
the documents themselves-they're U.S. government documents, in the
public domain, and presumably safe.


--Constance Warner 


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Re: [CGUYS] LCD monitor question

2008-05-05 Thread Jordan
Honestly Tony, take a deep breath and accept that you are mistaken this 
Even I have seen articles that say that studies have shown that more 
screen real estate makes people more productive. And I've switched from 
a Powerbook to an iMac, so I can attest to this fact.
I think Tom didn't bother posting links because he wasn't going to waste 
his time trying to convince you.

Tony B wrote:

*I* was asserting that simply increasing a worker's screen size will
NOT increase their productivity. RAM, certainly. CPU speed, maybe. But
"I need a bigger screen so I can be more productive" sounds more like
a whine than a reasoned argument. Even Tom gave up on the theory,
after futilely trying to find some shred of evidence to support it.


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Re: [CGUYS] Adobe Reader/ Firefox conflict?

2008-05-22 Thread Jordan
I'm on a Mac running Firefox and also had trouble viewing a couple pdfs 
in the browser yesterday. I can't remember the last time I tried it, I 
generally download pdfs and view with Preview. But it could be something 
to do with the pdf. My Firefox viewer, which is the one Tony recommends, 
is working fine on most pdfs. Also, I Googled "pdf test" and tried the 
first one on the list and it worked for that.


Richard P. wrote:
In the last week, I've been unable to open any PDF's through Firefox. 
At first I thought it might have something to do with Adobe Reader 8, 
so I went back to Version 7, which changed nothing. PDF's open 
immediately in Internet Explorer in either version of Reader. When I 
try to open a PDF in Firefox, it just hangs on "waiting for server" 
and gets stuck in a loop with a flashing cursor. The only way out of 
it is to go back one page or close Firefox. It makes me wonder if it 
has anything to do with the recent Service Pack 3 installation. 
Anybody else having this issue and are there any suggestions?

Win XP SP3
Adobe Reader 7.x and 8.x

Thanks in advance,

Richard P

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Re: [CGUYS] Adobe Reader/ Firefox conflict?

2008-05-22 Thread Jordan
I use Firefox for almost everything, except my favorite weather source 
Wunderground, which I view on Camino, and as I mentioned, I almost never 
open a pdf in Firefox.
The only problem I routinely have with Firefox that bothers me is that 
YouTube type video players disappear from the window. Interestingly, if 
I scroll up or down so that the YouTube player is at the edge of the 
window, it reappears.

By the way, Safari does  pdfs quite well.


db wrote:
Although I haven't experienced your problem, I  have found firefox to 
be problematic on various machines.  Particularly in older 
installations or older computers.  It just loses functions. Often re 
installation doesn't help.


Jordan wrote:
I'm on a Mac running Firefox and also had trouble viewing a couple 
pdfs in the browser yesterday. I can't remember the last time I tried 
it, I generally download pdfs and view with Preview. But it could be 
something to do with the pdf. My Firefox viewer, which is the one 
Tony recommends, is working fine on most pdfs. Also, I Googled "pdf 
test" and tried the first one on the list and it worked for that.

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Re: [CGUYS] Fool MLS: Make Safari "look" like IE on Windows?

2008-05-23 Thread Jordan
I don't know if this of any use to you , but the MLS site works fine on 
my iMac using Firefox.


Alvin Auerbach wrote:

Thanks Michael,

I will not be able to try using this for a while (although I've set it 
up), as it's for when my GF uses my computer, and she will not be 
doing this for a while. I hope it works, and I can show her that she 
can use a Mac for her work!


On May 22, 2008, at 5:35 PM, Michael Lewis wrote:

Alvin Auerbach sez:

For some reason, the real estate industry's MLS on the Web will work
only on IE on Windows. Is there a way to fool MLS, and make Safari on
a Mac "look" like IE on Windows?



- Go to Preferences.
- Click to show the Advanced panel.
- At bottom, check the "Show Develop menu in menu bar" option.
- Close the panel and go to the new Develop menubar selection. Under
that will be a place to select User Agent. Choose the IE version you
wish to try and see if it works.

Michael Lewis
Off Balance Productions


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Re: [CGUYS] Here's some news...

2008-06-06 Thread Jordan
This is all very interesting but I'm still very happy running rock solid 
10.4. Maybe I'll just hold out for 10.6 before changing.


Steve Rigby wrote:
  Apple is said to be planning to make the latest upgrade, 10.6,  of 
their Leopard OS an Intel ONLY version, cutting out the non-intel Mac 
community.  This move, if true, is aimed at making the Leopard OS 
imminently useable on Windows machines and forcing Mac PPC owners to 
buy new computers if they want to use future versions of Leopard.


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Re: [CGUYS] Missing messages

2008-06-08 Thread Jordan
Yes, that is frustrating. I think it's because Google thinks everyone 
does web mail, or they want everyone to use apps on the web instead of 
on their computers.


Ralph wrote:

I use two gmail accounts - one I download to my computer via pop
access, and the other I leave online.  The latter I use for email
subscriptions, like the computerguys.  I like the way gmail collates
messages by subject line.

There is one thing I don't like about gmail, but I hesitate to mention
it because I've never heard anyone else say they had the same problem.
 I like to BCC myself on messages I originate.  Gmail apparently
recognizes the mail is to myself, and doesn't send it.  The only
reason I can figure it does this is because it automatically puts a
copy in my online "Sent" folder.  The problems is that I don't get a
copy back to download to my computer.  (I get around this by
addressing the BCC copy to another non-gmail account of mine, which
does get downloaded to my computer.)


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Re: [CGUYS] Missing messages

2008-06-10 Thread Jordan
In the context of this discussion, it's funny that I received the 
following email this morning.
I'm on an iMac using Thunderbird for email and I do send emails to 
groups of people sometimes. I have Comcast for internet, there is really 
no choice here, but I email exclusively through gmail.
Should I try to do anything to see if there is spam being sent from my 


* Dear Comcast Customer:*

ACTION REQUIRED: Comcast has determined that your computer(s) have been 
used to send unsolicited email ("spam"), which is generally an indicator 
of a virus. For your own protection and that of other Comcast customers, 
we have taken steps to prevent further transmission of spam from your 

* Comcast.Net WebMail Users*
If you use a web browser to access your email, this change will not 
affect your service. However, it is important that you take steps to 
remove the virus and secure your computer(s). This can be done by using 
the FREE McAfee Antivirus and Firewall software available from Comcast 
on the Comcast Security Channel 
<> or by using 
other popular antivirus solutions that are widely available.

* *

* Third-Party Mail Client Users (Outlook, Outlook Express, etc.)*
If you use Outlook Express, the steps we have taken to protect the 
Comcast network will not allow you to send email until you apply a 
simple one click fix available at While this will restore 
your ability to send mail it is still important to remove any possible 
viruses from your computer.  This can be done by using the FREE McAfee 
Antivirus and Firewall software available from Comcast on the Comcast 
Security Channel 
<> at or by 
using other popular antivirus solutions that are widely available. Note: 
this one click fix currently only works with Internet Explorer. If you 
use a different browser, please visit 
<> for steps to manually 
change your port.

If you are using a third-party client other than Outlook Express 
(Outlook, Eudora, Thunderbird, etc.), please visit 

Comcast is focused on providing a secure internet experience for all of 
our customers. Please visit the Comcast Security Channel 
<> regularly to stay up to date 
with the latest security threats, products, and services

If you have additional questions please visit ( 

Thank you for choosing Comcast!

Comcast Customer Security Assurance

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Re: [CGUYS] Missing messages

2008-06-10 Thread Jordan

Even more funny and interesting:
My Thunderbird wants to know if the Comcast email is a scam. I'm 
thinking yes!
After I received the Comcast email this morning, I sent the earlier 
email to CGUYS and an email to myself at the Comcast address. Obviously 
gmail is working because CGUYS got the mail. I have not received the one 
I sent to my Comcast address.
Also, the last message I sent from the guilty account was in March of 
last year.

Tom Piwowar wrote:
In the context of this discussion, it's funny that I received the 
following email this morning.
I'm on an iMac using Thunderbird for email and I do send emails to 
groups of people sometimes. I have Comcast for internet, there is really 
no choice here, but I email exclusively through gmail.

1) They have falsely accused you of a crime.

2) They say they are blocking outgoing SMTP on port 25, changing it to 
port 587 instead. This would be effective against the most simpleminded 
email bots.

3) If you are using Thunderbird (even with GMail) you do use port 25 for 
SMTP. So you will need to change the port in your account settings.


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Re: [CGUYS] Missing messages

2008-06-10 Thread Jordan
Thanks Tom. I don't deal with ports enough to have much knowledge of 
them but gmail has me on port 587 for SMTP and 995 or something like 
that for pop. So, would I know or should I care if 25 is blocked?

I only use gmail.

Tom Piwowar wrote:
 You may want to make a note of it if you do discover that your 
port 25 is blocked.


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[CGUYS] Cell Phone

2008-06-13 Thread Jordan
A Friend of mine has asked my advise on "renting" a cell phone when they 
go on a trip to Montana in September. I don't really know much about the 
ins and outs of cell phone deals, but my guess would be the a prepaid 
one like they used to have at Radio Shack would be the best bet. But I 
don't think Radio Shack has them any more, or maybe just some don't.
Any advice on which prepays are good and how good the coverage might be 
would be appreciated.


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Re: [CGUYS] Cell Phone

2008-06-14 Thread Jordan

Thanks all,

With your advice and a bit of research, I've put together some good info 
for them.


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Re: [CGUYS] Cell Phone

2008-06-14 Thread Jordan
Yes, I checked coverage for a bunch of carriers. Some have no coverage, 
and some cover the towns and highways pretty well.

Tony B wrote:

I doubt large parts of Montana actually have any cell coverage. If
they're going camping, they'll need a satellite phone.


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Re: [CGUYS] video compression

2008-07-02 Thread Jordan
I'm no authority, but I can't help wondering if 
the first tech put a
filter on the line, either on the pole or 
somewhere on or in your house.
If I were you I'd look at all the connectors you 
can see for tubular

connector a couple inches long, and remove it.
It's just a possibility.

Scott McClure wrote:

I currently have Cox internet and analog cable
TV service (basic and expanded lineup) and when
I purchased a digital TV at the beginning of
the year and installed it, I was able to watch
the HD version of the local broadcast stations
as well as the regular signal fed through with
the analog lineup.  For example, DC's channel 4
is 34 on the Cox analog channel lineup, but I
was also able to view channels 4-1 and 4-2
after I set up my digital television.  It was
great to watch the Super Bowl in higher

A few months ago, I experienced some internet
service drops and a tech came out for service
call.  He changed out a splitter in the house
and got everything working again.  But after
that visit, the digital versions of local
broadcasts appeared very infrequently, most of
the time they didn't have a signal.

I called Cox back again a couple weeks ago and
asked them about the local digital channels
that were missing and they sent out a tech.
The tech looked everything over and told me
that since I had analog cable, I wasn't
supposed to receive the digital versions of the
broadcast stations.  He didn't explain anything
very clearly, but what I took away from the
exchange was that I wouldn't get the local
digital broadcasts unless I upgraded to digital
cable.  Somewhere in the conversation he said
that someone at Cox, or the earlier tech had
probably done something to squelch the digital
versions of the local broadcasts in my channel
lineup.  I told him that I could also just put
in an antenna and a switch and get the channels

I'll add my two cents to the discussion by
saying that the analog lineup has been slowly
shrinking.  I sometimes get the feeling that
Cox is going to pull the plug on it someday.


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Re: [CGUYS] Camera recommendation?

2008-07-12 Thread Jordan
I think Digital Photography Review is still the the best place I have 
ever seen for seriously comprehensive reviews of still cameras.
Get advice and ideas of what models to look at and then go there and 


With thanks to everyone for previous recommendations (i love my Garvin 
360. It really works great!), I'm asking for another recommendation.

I primarily need to take pictures of "things" (mainly antiques which I 
occasionally offer for sale at local shows). Many close-ups. I need 
crisp pictures, especially of identifying marks on ceramics and 
porcelain. I am in the habit of cropping, adjusting for color, etc, 
using PhotoShop after the pictures have been snapped.  I do use a 
"light box" to shoot most of the pictures I take for my business, but 
some things are too big to fit into it. A tripod is also available 
when I need it. And the "odd" family photo will also be taken. I also 
need jpg images that are of "reasonable" size for uploading to my 
website and others, therefore the picture files can't be hundreds of 
megabytes each.

My computer of choice is my iMac. (Ok - it's my only computer, ergo my 
computer of choice.)

Any particular preferences? Recommendations? Specifics re. reasons for 
recommendations are very much appreciated. Price, of course, is an 
object. (Isn't it always?) But I'm more interested in quality and 
ruggedness than a cheap price.

This camera will replace a Nikon Coolpix 4500 which has been great, 
but which is getting a bit dated. The Nikon was originally purchased 
to take close-ups of small items, for which it is great, but I'm 
interested to know what's out now. Close-ups continue to be needed, so 
anything that takes close-ups to far-aways would be helpful.

TIA for any and all suggestions.

Mical Wimoth Carton

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[CGUYS] Process name (null) on OS X

2008-07-14 Thread Jordan
There is a curiosity I've noticed lately. Beside the symbols for the 
Thunderbird, Sunbird, and Audio Hijack applications in Activity Monitor, 
it calls the process name (null) instead of their names. These apps seem 
to be working properly and quitting them a restarting them does not 
help. I did a little Googling and did not find anything helpful except 
that the system is not recognizing their names.

Does anyone know what's going on?

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[CGUYS] iMac problem

2007-11-07 Thread Jordan Fairman
I have a hard drive with a clone of an iMac's drive made with Carbon 
Copy cloner. I'd like to install that clone on another iMac. Is there a 
simple way to do this or do I have to go folder by folder, copying files 
I usually just do some research and/or just dive in and figure it out as 
I go. But in this case some advice might save me a lot of time.


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