Re: [Cooker] 7.2 beta 2vt´s

2000-09-18 Thread OS

Ah yes, but the startx script will always leave $display as :0 and happily
appends the :1, :2 or whatever to $serverargs. 

The real answer, I suppose, is to debug the script  :-)  but I haven't found
the time / inclination  !!!


 On Mon, 18 Sep 2000, you wrote:
> > 
> > > No, the problem is that if you give the command startx -- :1 the command what 
>you really ¨give¨ is xinit /usr/X11R6/bin/Your_wm -- :0 :1 . What xinit will do with 
>this is open X under vt8 but open the corresponding windowmanager on vt7. I just 
>tryed it with FreeBSD and it had the same effect so it is definitly not the kernel.
> > 
> > Boy, I'm glad to see someone else agrees with me !!!  ;-)
> > 
> > If I have to post this on cooker or Xpert again I'll burst !!!  :-)
> > 
> > In startx change the last line, which is:
> > xinit $clientargs -- $display $serverargs
> > to
> > xinit $clientargs -- $serverargs
> > 
> > Hope this helps  :-),
> > Owen
> $display should be ¨helped¨ in the startx-script. According to the man-page for 
>xinit the first :number will be the screen on which $clientags will apear while the 
>rest of the commands will be parsed to the Xserver to be used there.
> startx :1 == xinit /usr/X11R6/bin/your_wm -- $display :1 = start your_wm on $display 
>and Xserver on display 1. /= what you want if $display /= :1
> deleting $display is not the option because if you log on to a machine via telnet, 
>do a EXPORT to local machine and did a startx you would expect that your_wm like 
>(almost?) all other X-programs would appear on your local machine and not the machine 
>to which you telnet to.
> P.S. I think that for ssh the same thing applies. Have never done it over an 
>insecure network so don´t know how it exactly works

Re: [Cooker] Sound permissions

2000-09-18 Thread Frederic Lepied

Peter Ruskin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I now have the following "soundperms" script sitting on my desktop for use
> when, for no apparent reason, sound goes dead.  I do wish someone would
> fix this.  My script works every time, but it really shouldn't be needed.

What do you use for login (kdm, console,...) ? The owner of these
devices are set by the PAM module.
Fred - May the source be with you

Re: [Cooker] Linux Mandrake 7.2 beta 2

2000-09-18 Thread John Triplett

It sounds like your user account did not get setup properly.
I am doing my school work right now, so I am in windows.  I do not know off
the top of my head how to check user information.  The user may be listed,
but the password for that user may not be setup correctly.  I don't know
because I have never had the same problem as you.

- Original Message -
From: Bernard Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, September 17, 2000 7:07 PM
Subject: [Cooker] Linux Mandrake 7.2 beta 2

> I downloaded the iso files for what appears to be the beta2 distribution
> from the site in France. Installation went smoothly, although I found
> the printer installation was slightly confusing. I selected the CUPs
> option for my Epson Stylus Color 800 second time around and it worked.
> It looks good but I have a couple of observations (I didn't get as far
> as testing out individual packages.
> 1) I can get pictures of different allowed users for selection prior to
> selection of the graphic interface (kde & gnome etc) and for user log
> in. However I can only get the system to accept "root"
> If i try to log on as another user (at the GUI) I get a message which
> says:
> " some error setting up inter-process communications for KDF. The
> message returned by the system was : networksList argument is null.
> please check that the "dcopserver" program is running"
> I tried to run the system from the text input ie without the graphics
> and the same thing occurs.
> The problem is also the same if Gnome is selected instead of KDE with
> the graphics interface.
> 2) I use a cable modem to access the internet. On setting up the system
> for networking an error occurred if I tried to select "cable modem" and
> eth0 as my network interfaces. I could get round the error by selecting
> to configure the internal network for both of my network cards. On
> looking at the network configuration in Drakconf/ Network it looks OK,
> but there is no communication with the internet.
> ( This is disappointing as I have never had a problem with setting up to
> communicate with the internet using any other version of Linux).
> Bernard

[Cooker] xchat and KDE

2000-09-18 Thread Matthew R. Sprague

I have know Idea why this happens but here goes..
Fresh install of Mandrake 7.2
Start KDE
Start xchat for the first time
Gives warning about default dcc get directory
Promptly segfaults
Log out of KDE and log into Gnome
Start xchat -> works fine
Log out of Gnome and back into KDE
Start xchat -> no more segfault

Re: [Cooker] locale trouble

2000-09-18 Thread Joakim Bodin

Vincent Danen wrote:

> On Mon Sep 18, 2000 at 08:57:28PM +0200, Joakim Bodin wrote:
> > I updated the MandrakeUpdate program from version 7.1* to 7.2* and used
> > the devel option to point to the cooker dir (yes I do know that cooker
> > is experimental but almost everything else I run on linux is
> > experimental), ah the joys of living on the edge ;) ,and updated basicly
> > all my packages from the 7.1 versions to cooker versions. I then noticed
> > that everytime I ran a gtk/gnome program or perl it complained about
> > that it couldn't set the locale. Perl outputs this for exampel:
> >
> > perl: warning: Setting locale failed.
> > perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:
> > LANGUAGE = "sv",
> [snip]
> Do you have locales-sv installed?
> --
> [EMAIL PROTECTED], OpenPGP key available on
> // Danen Consulting,
> // MandrakeSoft, Inc.
> 1024D/FE6F2AFD   88D8 0D23 8D4B 3407 5BD7  66F9 2043 D0E5 FE6F 2AFD
> Current Linux uptime: 1 day 19 hours 23 minutes.


[dreami@neoblade dreami]$ rpm -qa|grep locales-sv

The glibc version is 2.1.3-16mdk

"Everything you know is wrong." U2, ZooTV Tour

Re: [Cooker] SCRIPT: - For people on slow connections

2000-09-18 Thread Allen Bolderoff

Make sure you run this BEFORE running your rsync job.

it *will* save you heaps of time.

Allen Bolderoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
CTPC - Caffeine - get it here:
GPG fingerprint = CBB0 8626 702C 3D01 B5AD  A54A DC2C 93B7 3E4B 6472

[Cooker] SCRIPT: - For people on slow connections

2000-09-18 Thread Allen Bolderoff

enclosed is a script that prechecks a list of RPM files at the Mirror Server, 
and your local hard drive.

it will rename local rpms to the name of the same (updated) file on the mirror 

When it finds a file that it thinks has changed on the mirror server, it 
checks with you whether to rename that file locally.

to zlib-devel-1.1.3-13mdk.i586.rpm


rsync uses a checksum to see if parts of a file are common between existing 
files and remote files.

This only works when the file name is the same on both sides of the link.

What this script does, is ensures that if a file has only changed slightly, 
you do not download the whole thing all over again (due to the minor name 


This script works for me.

It *is* a quick and nasty hack that I threw together.

It does contain security holes if you run it on a Multi User system.

It may/may not work for you.

I will take no responsibility if it eats your cat, munges files, starts WWIII, 
or otherwise does anything expected or unexpected.


GPL 2.0

DO NOT complain to me if you have problems. 


 # prersync: pre check an rsync tree to try to save rsync d/l
 # author: Allen Bolderoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

 #edit these to suit your preference.
echo "+
echo "Rsync Minimiser"
echo "THIS Script is released under GPL 2.0
echo "it comes with no warranty or any other claim to work or otherwise do 
echo "that you want/think it might do."
echo "Make sure you edit the variables at the top before you start"
echo "Getting Local RPM List"
ls -1 $LOCAL_ROOT/Mandrake/RPMS/ > $LOCAL_LIST
echo "About to download remote RPM LIST"
mkdir /tmp/test/

rsync -anv /tmp/test >

for i in `cat $LOCAL_ROOT/Mandrake/base/rpmslist`
LOC=`grep "^$i" $LOCAL_LIST | head -n1`
REM=`grep "^$i" $REMOTE_LIST | head -n1`
echo "$i"
if [ "$REM" != "" ]; then
if [ "$LOC" != "" ] ; then
if [ "$REM" != "$LOC" ]; then
echo "NEED TO MOVE" 
echo "  $LOC"
echo "to$REM"
echo "DO YOU WANT TO DO THIS? y/n"
read a
if [ "$a" = "y" ]; then
mv $LOCAL_ROOT/Mandrake/RPMS/$LOC 
echo "Not Moved"



[expert] addksyms: Assertion `n_syms < 10000' failed

2000-09-18 Thread root

the last message had an error;
it should have read,  `make -is dep bzImage' not `make -is dep modules'
xavian anderson macpherson

# Automatically generated make config: don't edit
# CONFIG_SBUS is not set

# Code maturity level options

# Loadable module support

# Processor type and features
# CONFIG_M386 is not set
# CONFIG_M486 is not set
# CONFIG_M586TSC is not set
# CONFIG_M586MMX is not set
# CONFIG_M686 is not set
# CONFIG_M686FXSR is not set
# CONFIG_MK6 is not set
# CONFIG_MK7 is not set
# CONFIG_MCRUSOE is not set
# CONFIG_MWINCHIPC6 is not set
# CONFIG_MWINCHIP2 is not set
# CONFIG_MWINCHIP3D is not set
# CONFIG_HIGHMEM64G is not set

# General setup
# CONFIG_VISWS is not set
# CONFIG_PCI_GOBIOS is not set

# PCMCIA/CardBus support
# CONFIG_PCMCIA is not set
# CONFIG_KCORE_AOUT is not set
# CONFIG_APM is not set

# Memory Technology Devices (MTD)
# CONFIG_MTD_DOC1000 is not set
# CONFIG_MTD_DOC2000 is not set
# CONFIG_MTD_DOC2001 is not set
# CONFIG_MTD_PMC551 is not set
# CONFIG_MTD_MTDRAM is not set

# MTD drivers for mapped chips
# CONFIG_MTD_JEDEC is not set
# CONFIG_MTD_RAM is not set
# CONFIG_MTD_ROM is not set

# Drivers for chip mappings
# CONFIG_MTD_NORA is not set
# CONFIG_MTD_PNC2000 is not set

# User modules and translation layers for MTD devices
# CONFIG_NFTL_RW is not set

# Parallel port support
# CONFIG_PARPORT_MFC3 is not set

# Plug and Play configuration

# Block devices

# Parallel IDE high-level drivers

# Parallel IDE protocol modules
# CONFIG_PARIDE_FIT2 is not set
# CONFIG_PARIDE_FIT3 is not set
# CONFIG_PARIDE_ON20 is not set
# CONFIG_PARIDE_ON26 is not set
# CONFIG_BLK_CPQ_DA is not set
# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_DAC960 is not set
# CONFIG_MD_BOOT is not set

# Networking options
# CONFIG_IP_PNP_BOOTP is not set
# CONFIG_IP_PNP_RARP is not set

#   IP: Netfilter Configuration

[expert] addksyms: Assertion `n_syms < 10000' failed

2000-09-18 Thread root

i am running linux-mandrake
7.0 complete
i am getting the above message everytime
i try to `make modules_install' after a successful compilation of my hackkernel-2.4.0-0.15mdk. 
i have already run `make modules' with no fatal errors.  but when
i try to install the modules, they do not load properly.  i ran the
command `make -is dep modules'.  again there were no fatal errors. 
i ran `make -s modules' without `-i', so that i would know if i was having
problems with the compilation, but there were none.  the complete
message is as follows;
depmod: depmod.c: 575: addksyms: Assertion
`n_syms < 1' failed
make: *** [_modinst_post] Error 134
what is this message?
i have an AMD k-6 III 333mhz running
at 475mhz [95mhz x 5]
fic va-503+ motherboard
i compiled my kernel for smp, as i
did not want to have to recompile it later for that purpose.
i am sending a copy of my configuration
file; PROpen3DEKORUM.
it was configured using `make -s xconfig'. 
so you will need to view it with xconfig, as menuconfig won't read it. 
none of this would matter, if it weren't for the i18n language modules
which aren't installed.  i have run `make bzlilo' yet. that will probably
work just fine.  but i don't know if i install my kernel without the
i18n modules, if that will screw-up my ability to boot.
i am also having more domestic problems. 
i can't seem to get any icons in gnome on my desktop.  and i nolonger
have a visual readout of my swap buffer on my panel using the `cpu/mem
usage' monitor.  it used to work just fine.  i am running sawfish
as my window manager.  but i really don't think this has anything
to do with it.  because i can't get a print-out of the swap buffer
when i type `free' either
xavian anderson macpherson

# Automatically generated make config: don't edit
# CONFIG_SBUS is not set

# Code maturity level options

# Loadable module support

# Processor type and features
# CONFIG_M386 is not set
# CONFIG_M486 is not set
# CONFIG_M586TSC is not set
# CONFIG_M586MMX is not set
# CONFIG_M686 is not set
# CONFIG_M686FXSR is not set
# CONFIG_MK6 is not set
# CONFIG_MK7 is not set
# CONFIG_MCRUSOE is not set
# CONFIG_MWINCHIPC6 is not set
# CONFIG_MWINCHIP2 is not set
# CONFIG_MWINCHIP3D is not set
# CONFIG_HIGHMEM64G is not set

# General setup
# CONFIG_VISWS is not set
# CONFIG_PCI_GOBIOS is not set

# PCMCIA/CardBus support
# CONFIG_PCMCIA is not set
# CONFIG_KCORE_AOUT is not set
# CONFIG_APM is not set

# Memory Technology Devices (MTD)
# CONFIG_MTD_DOC1000 is not set
# CONFIG_MTD_DOC2000 is not set
# CONFIG_MTD_DOC2001 is not set
# CONFIG_MTD_PMC551 is not set
# CONFIG_MTD_MTDRAM is not set

# MTD drivers for mapped chips
# CONFIG_MTD_JEDEC is not set
# CONFIG_MTD_RAM is not set
# CONFIG_MTD_ROM is not set

# Drivers for chip mappings
# CONFIG_MTD_NORA is not set
# CONFIG_MTD_PNC2000 is not set

# User modules and translation layers for MTD devices
# CONFIG_NFTL_RW is not set

# Parallel port support
# CONFIG_PARPORT_MFC3 is not set

# Plug and Play configuration

# Block devices

# Parallel IDE high-level drivers

# Parallel IDE protocol modules

[Cooker] beta2 (cervisia, kdevelop, mount cdrom)

2000-09-18 Thread Randy McCaskill

All of the following was with a clean developer install of beta2 from
the iso images.  So far I have only tried the following in KDE.

I cannot find a menu entry for cervisia and I know it was installed (I
am running it).

Kdevelop seems to have been removed from the installation.  There seem
to be some files installed in /usr/share/doc/HTML/*/kdevelop.  They look
to be instructions for cvs but they are for languages for other than
english and I did an english only install.

I chose not to enable automounting of my cdrom/floppy.  I can find no
way graphically to mount the cdrom now.


Randy McCaskill

[Cooker] Beta2 problems (ppp install and nslookup)

2000-09-18 Thread Randy McCaskill

Beta2 still has the same problem of creating a bad
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/chat-ppp0 during install.  I reported
this for Beta1 and it is exactly the same behavior.

"nslookup" is core dumping on me.  I am pretty sure it worked in Beta1.

I also suggest that when you are putting a beta up, you should setup a
place for listing the bugs that have been found and their status.  This
would fix the problem where the people reporting the problem don't hear
anything after making a report and don't know if the problems are fixed
or not.  It would be a little more work for the developers, but I think
it would make a better product in the long run.  People
could even check to see if their problem is already listed and maybe
there wouldn't be as much duplication.


Randy McCaskill

Re: [Cooker] NVIdia solved

2000-09-18 Thread Peter Ruskin

On Mon, 18 Sep 2000, Guillaume Cottenceau wrote:
> Peter Ruskin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> [...]
> > Get those messages all right and gltron works OK, but bzflag - nothing
> > Loading required GL library /usr/X11R6/lib/ @@Created GLX 
> > then konsole just sits there until I Ctrl-C. 
> So at least gltron is working -- so please don't just drop "won't work on
> my g400" :-((...
> What is the output of xtraceroute, csmash, tux_aqfh, FlightGear, tuxracer?

OK, you want testing - I test...
[01:31 peter@penguin:~]$ xtraceroute
Loading required GL library /usr/X11R6/lib/
Found a hosts.cache with 0 entries.
Found a site_hosts.cache with 0 entries.
Can't open the database file /home/peter/.xt/user_hosts.cache!(In mode r)
Can't open the database file /usr/share/xtraceroute/networks.cache!(In mode r)
Found a site_networks.cache with 0 entries.
Can't open the database file /home/peter/.xt/user_networks.cache!(In mode r)
Can't open the database file /home/peter/.xt/user_generic.cache!(In mode r)
Known countries: 239
Built-in database: 87
@@Created GLX Context..
Can't open the database file /home/peter/.xt/user_hosts.cache!(In mode w)
(looks pretty though)

[02:39 peter@penguin:~]$ csmash
Loading required GL library /usr/X11R6/lib/
/usr/share/csmash/@@Created GLX Context..
Avg = 10.802994  

[02:45 peter@penguin:~]$ tuxracer
tuxracer: error in loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object 
file: No such file or directory

[02:43 peter@penguin:~]$ tux_aqfh
BUG IN DYNAMIC LINKER dl-version.c: 210: _dl_check_map_versions: Assertion 
`needed != ((void *)0)' failed!

[02:57 peter@penguin:~]$ tuxkart
Data files will be fetched from: '/usr/share/games/tuxkart'
Loading required GL library /usr/X11R6/lib/
@@Created GLX Context..
Data files will be fetched from: '.'
   by Steve and Oliver Baker

[02:44 peter@penguin:~]$ FlightGear
bash: FlightGear: command not found   

[02:48 peter@penguin:~]$ clanbomber
Please select a display target by entering its abbreviation:
[fbdev] Linux FBDEV target
[glx] GLX target
[svga] SVGAlib target
[x11] Native X11 target
Your choice: glx
Loading required GL library /usr/X11R6/lib/
@@Created GLX Context..
ClanLib Info(2): Not implemented. from 

[02:46 peter@penguin:~]$ bzflag
Loading required GL library /usr/X11R6/lib/
@@Created GLX Context..  
(then wait for ever)  

[02:56 peter@penguin:~]$ gears
Loading required GL library /usr/X11R6/lib/
@@Created GLX Context..
1656 frames in  5.002 seconds = 331.068 FPS
1700 frames in  5.002 seconds = 339.864 FPS  

[02:54 peter@penguin:~]$ gltron
checking 'data/settings.txt'...unsuccessful
checking '/usr/share/games/gltron/settings.txt'ok
[gltron] speed set to 6.50 (level 1)
initializing sound
checking 'data/game_engine.wav'...unsuccessful
checking '/usr/share/games/gltron/game_engine.wav'ok
checking 'data/game_start.wav'...unsuccessful
checking '/usr/share/games/gltron/game_start.wav'ok
checking 'data/game_crash.wav'...unsuccessful
checking '/usr/share/games/gltron/game_crash.wav'ok
checking 'data/game_win.wav'...unsuccessful
checking '/usr/share/games/gltron/game_win.wav'ok
checking 'data/game_lose.wav'...unsuccessful
checking '/usr/share/games/gltron/game_lose.wav'ok
checking 'data/menu_action.wav'...unsuccessful
checking '/usr/share/games/gltron/menu_action.wav'ok   
checking 'data/menu_highlight.wav'...unsuccessful  
checking '/usr/share/games/gltron/menu_highlight.wav'ok
checking 'data/'...unsuccessful   
checking '/usr/share/games/gltron/'ok 
loading menu   
checking 'data/menu.txt'...unsuccessful
checking '/usr/share/games/gltron/menu.txt'ok  
menu loaded

Re: [Cooker] locale trouble

2000-09-18 Thread Vincent Danen

On Mon Sep 18, 2000 at 08:57:28PM +0200, Joakim Bodin wrote:

> I updated the MandrakeUpdate program from version 7.1* to 7.2* and used
> the devel option to point to the cooker dir (yes I do know that cooker
> is experimental but almost everything else I run on linux is
> experimental), ah the joys of living on the edge ;) ,and updated basicly
> all my packages from the 7.1 versions to cooker versions. I then noticed
> that everytime I ran a gtk/gnome program or perl it complained about
> that it couldn't set the locale. Perl outputs this for exampel:
> perl: warning: Setting locale failed.
> perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:
> LANGUAGE = "sv",


Do you have locales-sv installed?

[EMAIL PROTECTED], OpenPGP key available on
// Danen Consulting,
// MandrakeSoft, Inc.
1024D/FE6F2AFD   88D8 0D23 8D4B 3407 5BD7  66F9 2043 D0E5 FE6F 2AFD

Current Linux uptime: 1 day 19 hours 23 minutes.

[Cooker] 7.2beta bug. in Less

2000-09-18 Thread Allen Bolderoff

Less just displays 


for any file I try to view.

Name: less Relocations: /usr 
Version : 358   Vendor: MandrakeSoft
Release : 4mdk  Build Date: Sun 27 Aug 2000 

Allen Bolderoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
CTPC - Caffeine - get it here:
GPG fingerprint = CBB0 8626 702C 3D01 B5AD  A54A DC2C 93B7 3E4B 6472

Re: [Cooker] problem with kdenetwork-1.1.2-18mdk

2000-09-18 Thread Vincent Danen

On Sun Sep 17, 2000 at 03:40:48PM +0200, Pascal Grossé wrote:

> I don't know if it's the right place to post that kind of message, but
> when i tried to install the kdenetwork-1.1.2-18mdk update using
> MandrakeUpdate in mdk 7.1, i got the following (minor) errors :

Please download -19mdk which is now available and should fix this.

[EMAIL PROTECTED], OpenPGP key available on
// Danen Consulting,
// MandrakeSoft, Inc.
1024D/FE6F2AFD   88D8 0D23 8D4B 3407 5BD7  66F9 2043 D0E5 FE6F 2AFD

Current Linux uptime: 1 day 19 hours 20 minutes.

Re: [Cooker] Lesstif

2000-09-18 Thread Steve Fox

Thierry Vignaud wrote:
> hum. it's too late to fix it. I don't want to include fixes just before releasing 
> with the risk that theses fixes break something else.

Ok, just hadn't seen a "frozen" version of it yet, but probably just
because it hasn't updated since 7.2beta and cooker split. Thanks for the


Steve Fox

Re: [Cooker] 7.2 beta 2vt´s

2000-09-18 Thread andre

> > No, the problem is that if you give the command startx -- :1 the command what you 
>really ¨give¨ is xinit /usr/X11R6/bin/Your_wm -- :0 :1 . What xinit will do with this 
>is open X under vt8 but open the corresponding windowmanager on vt7. I just tryed it 
>with FreeBSD and it had the same effect so it is definitly not the kernel.
> Boy, I'm glad to see someone else agrees with me !!!  ;-)
> If I have to post this on cooker or Xpert again I'll burst !!!  :-)
> In startx change the last line, which is:
> xinit $clientargs -- $display $serverargs
> to
> xinit $clientargs -- $serverargs
> Hope this helps  :-),
> Owen
$display should be ¨helped¨ in the startx-script. According to the man-page for xinit 
the first :number will be the screen on which $clientags will apear while the rest of 
the commands will be parsed to the Xserver to be used there.
startx :1 == xinit /usr/X11R6/bin/your_wm -- $display :1 = start your_wm on $display 
and Xserver on display 1. /= what you want if $display /= :1
deleting $display is not the option because if you log on to a machine via telnet, do 
a EXPORT to local machine and did a startx you would expect that your_wm like 
(almost?) all other X-programs would appear on your local machine and not the machine 
to which you telnet to.

P.S. I think that for ssh the same thing applies. Have never done it over an insecure 
network so don´t know how it exactly works

Re: [Cooker] 7.2 beta 2 sound

2000-09-18 Thread Khawar Zia


I hava different problem. For some  reason the sound volume never gets saved
after i logout of gnome. And yes i do click on save current settings when
logging out. I have a sb16 isa pnp card.

--Khawar Zia
- Original Message -
From: "Jean Meloche" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Cooker Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, September 18, 2000 4:29 PM
Subject: [Cooker] 7.2 beta 2 sound

> FYI...
> I'm using gnome (7.2 beta 2)
> gmix keeps claiming that
> No mixer found.
> Make sure you have sound support compiled into the kernel.
> Note that (once the permissions are set) kmix has no problem.
> Also, xmms works jusr fine with the oss Driver but fails when I try
> to use the eSound Output Plugin:
> Please check that:
> 1. You have the correct output plugin selected
> 2. No other program is blocking the soundcard
> 3. Your soundcard is configured properly
> The sound card seems to be fine: (from dmesg)
> es1370: version v0.31 time 19:04:01 Sep  6 2000
> es1370: found adapter at io 0xa400 irq 10
> es1370: features: joystick off, line in, mic impedance 0
> Esd starts at the command line and outputs the little whistle.
> If you try to use the control center to
> Enable sound server startup
> it'll update your config file (and esd starts at next loggin)
> but the control center itself keeps showing the option as off,
> no matter what.
> Hope this is useful and do let me know if this is the wrong place.
> --
> Jean Meloche
> e-gold # 133947

Re: [Cooker] Corel WordPerfect 2000 and 7.2Beta

2000-09-18 Thread OS


Oh, you want to know how !

Add :
FontPath   "tcp/"  
to the 'Section "Files"' of XF86Config and ensure you have loopback thingy
enabled ntsysv --> network, ifconfig should display something like :
loLink encap:Local Loopback  
  inet addr:  Mask:
  RX packets:552 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:552 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:0 

I think you should also be able to add:
alternate-servers = tcp/
to /etc/X11/fs/config but I have never tried that.

Hope this helps,

On Mon, 18 Sep 2000, you wrote:
> Hi:
>   Under the current beta (as of a few days back, problem existed on
> all betas though) wordperfect 2000 will not start.  It appears that the
> fonttastic font server is failing.  I had tried a few things, but it is
> still not working.  It complains that the file /etc/init.d (which is
> really a directry) conflicts with the initscripts package (this error is
> given when trying to install the fonttastic RPM).  Has anyone gotten this
> to work?
> -- 
> ****
> Nick Webb

Re: [Cooker] rpmlint: Still "Invalid Packager"

2000-09-18 Thread Alexander Skwar

On Mon, Sep 18, 2000 at 11:10:09PM +0200, Guillaume Cottenceau wrote:
> yes.


> > Hmm, would it be possible to turn this feature off?
> as usual -- "RTFM".

Well, you know it's so much easier to have the manual read to you than to
read it yourself :-))  Thanks!

Alexander Skwar
Homepage: |
Sichere Mail?   Mail an [EMAIL PROTECTED] fuer GnuPG Keys

Re: [Cooker] Mandrake kernels

2000-09-18 Thread Alexander Skwar

On Mon, Sep 18, 2000 at 10:23:55PM +0100, Peter Ruskin wrote:
> My boot disk is scsi, so I always have to roll my own kernels - not much
> of a problem except for the time, with the frequent updates from cooker.

Have a look at mkinitrd, it might be what you're looking for!

Alexander Skwar
Homepage: |
Sichere Mail?   Mail an [EMAIL PROTECTED] fuer GnuPG Keys

[Cooker] Mandrake kernels

2000-09-18 Thread Peter Ruskin

Would it be too difficult to build scsi support into the standard kernels?
My boot disk is scsi, so I always have to roll my own kernels - not much
of a problem except for the time, with the frequent updates from cooker.

I always use matroxfb in my kernels (I have a Matrox G400-32).  Since
2.2.17-1 this has not been possible.  The kernel documentation
fb/matroxfb.txt advises _not_ to use the VESA framebuffer.  With the
latest kernels I have to build without framebuffer so that I can boot
- with framebuffer I get some message about framebuffer trying to use
wrong memory location (doesn't get into any logs so I have to rely on
my memory for that).

I have gone back to using 2.2.17-0.24mdk and initscripts-4.97-43mdk,
which serves me well but I would prefer to move forward instead of

There must be many of us with G400s and scsi disks

 Peter Ruskin  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Wrexham, UK  KDE - the professionals' choice

Re: [Cooker] rpmlint: Still "Invalid Packager"

2000-09-18 Thread Guillaume Cottenceau

Alexander Skwar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Mon, Sep 18, 2000 at 08:42:13PM +0200, Guillaume Cottenceau wrote:
> > Alexander Skwar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > > W: extace invalid-packager Alexander Skwar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > not
> Ah, so when I upload something to incoming I can simply ignore this message. 


> Hmm, would it be possible to turn this feature off?

as usual -- "RTFM".

/usr/share/doc/rpmlint-0.22/README extracts:

If you want to change configuration options or the list of checks, use the
global configuration file /etc/rpmlint/config or in the user configuration
file ~/.rpmlintrc.


Guillaume Cottenceau -- Distribution Developer for MandrakeSoft

Re: [Cooker] rpmlint: Still "Invalid Packager"

2000-09-18 Thread Guillaume Rousse

Also sprach Guillaume Cottenceau :
> > While on the topic, i also had :
> > E: gnapster large-icon-not-in-package gnapster.xpm
> > /usr/lib/menu/gnapster
> > Wherever there was a large icon (48*48) in the package, installed in
> > {_%licondirs}. What is wrong there ?
> sure? 100% sure?
You were right : i forgot to include it in %file section...

If someone want this package, as it has been banned from contribs, it is
Guillaume Rousse
Iremia - Université de la Réunion

Plus petites unités de mesure 
- de longueur : le millimètre
- de volume : le millilitre
- d'intelligence : le militaire

Re: [Cooker] Printer driver packages renamed

2000-09-18 Thread Peter Ruskin

> Peter Ruskin wrote:
> > 
> > HP720C
> > Still not working with cups 1.1.2-22mdk and cups-drivers 0.3.6-12mdk...
> > 
> > ESP Printer Calibration Tool v1.0
> > Copyright 1999-2000 by Easy Software Products, All Rights Reserved.
> > 
> > Printer name [default]?
> > Resolution [default]? 600x600
> > Media type [default]?
> > Press ENTER to print pass #1 or N to skip...
> > Sending calibration pass #1 for density/saturation levels...
> > Calibration pass #1 sent.
> > 
> > Please select the character that corresponds to the black block that
> > is 100aturated (dark) while not bleeding through the paper.  If
> > the saturation point appears to occur between two characters, enter
> > both characters.
> > 
> > Black density? f
> > 
> > Now select the character that corresponds to the yellow block that is
> > 100aturated (dark) while not bleeding through the paper. If the
> > saturation point appears to occur between two characters, enter both
> > characters.
> > 
> > Yellow density?
> > Yellow density? f
> > 
> > Now select the character that corresponds to the red block that is
> > 100aturated (dark) while not bleeding through the paper. If the
> > saturation point appears to occur between two characters, enter both
> > characters.
> > 
> > Red density? f
> > 
> > Thank you.  Now insert the page back into the printer and press the
> > ENTER key to print calibration pass #2.
> > Gamma? 3
> > 
> > Thank you.  Now insert the page back into the printer and press the
> > ENTER key to print calibration pass #3.
> > 
> > Press ENTER to print pass #3 or N to skip...
> > Sending calibration pass #3 for red, green, and blue adjustment...
> > Calibration pass #3 sent.
> > 
> > Please select the character that corresponds to the correct red,
> > green, and blue colors.  If the transition point appears to occur
> > between two characters, enter both characters.
> > 
> > Red color? 7
> > Green color? 7
> > Blue color? 7
> > 
> > Thank you.  Now insert the page back into the printer and press the
> > ENTER key to print the final calibration pass.
> > 
> > Press ENTER to continue...
> > Sending calibration pass #4 for visual confirmation...
> > Segmentation fault (core dumped)
> > --
On Mon, 18 Sep 2000, Till Kamppeter wrote:
> Did it not print or did only the calibration not work?
> Or didn't you find this printer in the printer listing?
> The calibration is still alpha, perhaps I will take it out again.
The printer works fine.  It's only the calibration that can't print the
fourth pass, and presumably doesn't save any settings - I'd enter the
settings by hand if I knew where to do it.

 Peter Ruskin  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Wrexham, UK  KDE - the professionals' choice

Re: [Cooker] 7.2 beta 2 sound

2000-09-18 Thread Christopher Molnar

I'm on beta 3 and things seem to be working right here. KDE actually started 
talking to me again yesterday. It's been so long I almost forgot my laptop 
has a sound card. (Via)


On Mon, 18 Sep 2000, Jean Meloche wrote:
> FYI...
> I'm using gnome (7.2 beta 2)
> gmix keeps claiming that
>   No mixer found.
>   Make sure you have sound support compiled into the kernel.
> Note that (once the permissions are set) kmix has no problem.
> Also, xmms works jusr fine with the oss Driver but fails when I try
> to use the eSound Output Plugin:
>   Please check that:
>   1. You have the correct output plugin selected
>   2. No other program is blocking the soundcard
>   3. Your soundcard is configured properly
> The sound card seems to be fine: (from dmesg)
>   es1370: version v0.31 time 19:04:01 Sep  6 2000
>   es1370: found adapter at io 0xa400 irq 10
>   es1370: features: joystick off, line in, mic impedance 0
> Esd starts at the command line and outputs the little whistle.
> If you try to use the control center to
>   Enable sound server startup
> it'll update your config file (and esd starts at next loggin)
> but the control center itself keeps showing the option as off,
> no matter what.
> Hope this is useful and do let me know if this is the wrong place.

[Cooker] kernel 2.2.17-8mdk

2000-09-18 Thread pgeorges

With kernel 2.2.17-8mdk :

* unresolved symbols while finding module dependencies for tulip.o and
(no matter for me, I don't need those)

* bttv support : still no image, though sound works.

Does anybody manage to watch TV with cooker ?
For me, it has been broken for a long time.

[Cooker] Request: split alsa package

2000-09-18 Thread Alexander Skwar


I installed alsa-2.2.17_0.5.9c-8mdk.i586.rpm and noticed that it contains
drivers for a SMP kernel as well as for a normal (ie. non-SMP) kernel.  I
don't care much about SMP as my computer only has one CPU, and I can imagine
that SMP users don't care much about a non-SMP version.

To make the download smaller and faster, could the alsa package please be
split up in a non SMP version and a SMP version?


Alexander Skwar
Homepage: |
Sichere Mail?   Mail an [EMAIL PROTECTED] fuer GnuPG Keys

[Cooker] 7.2 beta 2 sound

2000-09-18 Thread Jean Meloche


I'm using gnome (7.2 beta 2)

gmix keeps claiming that

No mixer found.
Make sure you have sound support compiled into the kernel.

Note that (once the permissions are set) kmix has no problem.

Also, xmms works jusr fine with the oss Driver but fails when I try
to use the eSound Output Plugin:

Please check that:
1. You have the correct output plugin selected
2. No other program is blocking the soundcard
3. Your soundcard is configured properly

The sound card seems to be fine: (from dmesg)

es1370: version v0.31 time 19:04:01 Sep  6 2000
es1370: found adapter at io 0xa400 irq 10
es1370: features: joystick off, line in, mic impedance 0

Esd starts at the command line and outputs the little whistle.

If you try to use the control center to

Enable sound server startup

it'll update your config file (and esd starts at next loggin)
but the control center itself keeps showing the option as off,
no matter what.

Hope this is useful and do let me know if this is the wrong place.

Jean Meloche
e-gold # 133947

Re: [Cooker] rpmlint: Still "Invalid Packager"

2000-09-18 Thread Alexander Skwar

On Mon, Sep 18, 2000 at 08:42:13PM +0200, Guillaume Cottenceau wrote:
> Alexander Skwar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > W: extace invalid-packager Alexander Skwar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> not

Ah, so when I upload something to incoming I can simply ignore this message. 
Hmm, would it be possible to turn this feature off?

Alexander Skwar
Homepage: |
Sichere Mail?   Mail an [EMAIL PROTECTED] fuer GnuPG Keys

Re: [Cooker] 7.2 beta 2

2000-09-18 Thread Khawar Zia

i have a ps/2 serial.

>From: Pixel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: [Cooker] 7.2 beta 2
>Date: 18 Sep 2000 11:14:47 +0200
>"Khawar Zia" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > hey,
> >
> > I have the same problem. My mouse is ms intellimouse-cordless. mouse 
> > detects as unknown.
>PS/2, serial or USB?

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Re: [Cooker] 7.2 beta 2

2000-09-18 Thread Khawar Zia


I have a ps/2  serial intellimouse.
- Original Message -
From: "Pixel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, September 18, 2000 5:14 AM
Subject: Re: [Cooker] 7.2 beta 2

> "Khawar Zia" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > hey,
> >
> > I have the same problem. My mouse is ms intellimouse-cordless. mouse
> > detects as unknown.
> PS/2, serial or USB?

Re: [Cooker] rpmlint: Still "Invalid Packager"

2000-09-18 Thread Guillaume Cottenceau

Guillaume Rousse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Also sprach Guillaume Cottenceau :
> > 
> > Alexander Skwar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > > I already asked this on Sept, 1st.  What does rpmlint mean, when it says:
> > > W: extace invalid-packager Alexander Skwar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> > not
> I also had this one for mine :
> W: gnapster invalid-packager Guillaume Rousse
> I thought it was because packager tag was now used to gives the package
> maintainer, not just the one who build it. And the maintainer must be
> someone from mandrake, so he must have a adress. Right
> ? For contrib, i imagine we must use Lenny ?

no, any will work.

well, don't forget that rpmlint prints out error and warning messages that
are indicating some tips. for example this invalid-packager helps us when
we forget some outside-mandrake emails in the specfiles.

for you on cooker mailing list, you have to not care about this message.

> While on the topic, i also had :
> E: gnapster large-icon-not-in-package gnapster.xpm
> /usr/lib/menu/gnapster
> Wherever there was a large icon (48*48) in the package, installed in
> {_%licondirs}. What is wrong there ?

sure? 100% sure?

Guillaume Cottenceau -- Distribution Developer for MandrakeSoft

Re: [Cooker] 7.2 beta 2vt´s

2000-09-18 Thread OS

> No, the problem is that if you give the command startx -- :1 the command what you 
>really ¨give¨ is xinit /usr/X11R6/bin/Your_wm -- :0 :1 . What xinit will do with this 
>is open X under vt8 but open the corresponding windowmanager on vt7. I just tryed it 
>with FreeBSD and it had the same effect so it is definitly not the kernel.

Boy, I'm glad to see someone else agrees with me !!!  ;-)

If I have to post this on cooker or Xpert again I'll burst !!!  :-)

In startx change the last line, which is:
xinit $clientargs -- $display $serverargs
xinit $clientargs -- $serverargs

Hope this helps  :-),

On Sun, 17 Sep 2000, you wrote:
> > Thanks for the tip... I was wondering if it's not something with the kernel
> > instead since I have also had a crash as soon as I tried to bring the smp
> > kernel up (something to do with the framebuffer).
> > 
> > Note that the vt problem was there in smp with the 1st bta as well but that
> > the smp kernel did boot just fine back then.
> > 
> > 
> > This 2nd beta looks worse than the 1st to me...
> > 
> > Thanks again.
> > 
> > -- 
> > Jean Meloche
> > e-gold # 133947
> > 
> > 
> No, the problem is that if you give the command startx -- :1 the command what you 
>really ¨give¨ is xinit /usr/X11R6/bin/Your_wm -- :0 :1 . What xinit will do with this 
>is open X under vt8 but open the corresponding windowmanager on vt7. I just tryed it 
>with FreeBSD and it had the same effect so it is definitly not the kernel.

[Cooker] ncurses

2000-09-18 Thread Sebastian Dransfeld

Why is ncurses-5.0 in the ncurses-5.1 package?


Re: [Cooker] rpmlint: Still "Invalid Packager"

2000-09-18 Thread Guillaume Rousse

Also sprach Guillaume Cottenceau :
> Alexander Skwar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I already asked this on Sept, 1st.  What does rpmlint mean, when it says:
> > W: extace invalid-packager Alexander Skwar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> not

I also had this one for mine :
W: gnapster invalid-packager Guillaume Rousse
I thought it was because packager tag was now used to gives the package
maintainer, not just the one who build it. And the maintainer must be
someone from mandrake, so he must have a adress. Right
? For contrib, i imagine we must use Lenny ?

While on the topic, i also had :
E: gnapster large-icon-not-in-package gnapster.xpm
Wherever there was a large icon (48*48) in the package, installed in
{_%licondirs}. What is wrong there ?
Guillaume Rousse
Iremia - Université de la Réunion

Plus petites unités de mesure 
- de longueur : le millimètre
- de volume : le millilitre
- d'intelligence : le militaire

Re: [Cooker] Installation problem

2000-09-18 Thread Christopher Molnar

On Mon, 18 Sep 2000, Pixel wrote:
> David Faure <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > On Mon, 18 Sep 2000, you wrote:
> > >Dr Michael Powell PhD a écrit :
> > >> Dear Sir,
> > >>  You are always yapping about posting in 'text mode' whats the
> > >> problem anyway? stuck on pine(Kmail) or Elm wake up the rest of the
> >
> > kmail ? It handles HTML perfectly (for reading).
> speaking about this, kmail in kde1 had pbs with this outlook crap:
> alternative together with an attachment :-/

Seems to be working now. I think it was fixed about 7 months ago in kde2 
alpha. (If I remember right).


[Cooker] locale trouble

2000-09-18 Thread Joakim Bodin

I updated the MandrakeUpdate program from version 7.1* to 7.2* and used
the devel option to point to the cooker dir (yes I do know that cooker
is experimental but almost everything else I run on linux is
experimental), ah the joys of living on the edge ;) ,and updated basicly
all my packages from the 7.1 versions to cooker versions. I then noticed
that everytime I ran a gtk/gnome program or perl it complained about
that it couldn't set the locale. Perl outputs this for exampel:

perl: warning: Setting locale failed.
perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:
LANGUAGE = "sv",
LC_ALL = (unset),
LC_TIME = "sv",
LC_NUMERIC = "sv",
LC_CTYPE = "sv",
LC_COLLATE = "sv",
LANG = "sv"
are supported and installed on your system.
perl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale ("C").

I immedialetely suspected the updated locale and glibc rpms, I rebuilt
both glibc and locales from src.rpms but the warnings doesn't go away.
Is there any simple solution that I'm missing? I basicly just want to
know if it's something I've done or a bug in the glibc/locale rpms or
something else.

Joakim Bodin

"Everything you know is wrong." U2, ZooTV Tour

Re: [Cooker] Installation problem

2000-09-18 Thread Pixel

David Faure <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Mon, 18 Sep 2000, you wrote:
> >Dr Michael Powell PhD a écrit :
> >> Dear Sir,
> >>  You are always yapping about posting in 'text mode' whats the
> >> problem anyway? stuck on pine(Kmail) or Elm wake up the rest of the
> kmail ? It handles HTML perfectly (for reading).

speaking about this, kmail in kde1 had pbs with this outlook crap: alternative
together with an attachment :-/

Re: [Cooker] rpmlint: Still "Invalid Packager"

2000-09-18 Thread Guillaume Cottenceau

Alexander Skwar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi!
> I already asked this on Sept, 1st.  What does rpmlint mean, when it says:
> W: extace invalid-packager Alexander Skwar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Alexander Skwar


Guillaume Cottenceau -- Distribution Developer for MandrakeSoft

Re: [Cooker] Installation problem

2000-09-18 Thread Guillaume Cottenceau

Dr Michael Powell PhD <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


> Dear Sir;
> Maybe I'm missing something here but doesn't Mandrake include
> Netscape & Messenger to be used! I may be wrong here. I must carry the

No you are right we do.

> equation farther and assume Mozilla is wrong to use also. I read and

It is an option. It means you can set it up for friendliness with MS-like
mailing lists, and disable it here! nice.

> post to this board everyday. First you didn't like my title, second you
> didn't like HTML, third you didn't like my PGP public key used as a
> signature. I have never posted anything against anyone personally on

I personally expressed myself only on your HTML postings. My message was
not aggressive, and was just asking you to remove it, with a nice "please"
to not be rude.

Then you answered in an aggressive way, telling we are just not in sync
with today's technology.

Of what we all try to explain you why we don't agree.

And, no, for the PGP key, please leave it as it is: it will help my scoring to
perform more accurately. :-))

> this list. I assumed it was here for the sharing of ideas and answers to
> help all of our readers become more informed and articulate. Now it
> seems to be a whipping post for, as one poster called it, "netiquet"
> whatever that is. I thought we were free people with freedom to make
> personal choices without being slammed.

Well, do you know this is a developper's mailing list? if you seek for
some information and stuff like that, you should probably use "newbie" or
"expert" mailing list.

And of course you ARE free to behave as you like and send HTML stuff -- as
we are free to slam you when we feel you don't respect our simple rules of

> If there are rules to participate in this forum, they certainly
> should be posted regularly as their are new people joining everyday.

I'm sorry, I wrote the cooker-faq but forgot to precise you should avoid
HTML postings. [actually it seemed too obvious..]

> Most from the Windows World with Signing keys and HTML E-mail composers.

Most from the Windows World are brainless?

FYI many posters on this ML use Outlook Express, for various reasons, but
they do not post with HTML..

Guillaume Cottenceau -- Distribution Developer for MandrakeSoft

Re: [Cooker] Cups /n latest cooker version as of 2300 gmt

2000-09-18 Thread Armisis Aieoln

ok ill give that a try 
My latest attempt shows it (my printer) not listed in the cups db upon cooker.

On Mon, 18 Sep 2000, you wrote:
> You should update to CUPS 22mdk, CUPS-Drivers 13mdk, GhostScript 25mdk.
> Armisis Aieoln wrote:
> > (BTW, I dont know if this will get through, but i know ive subscrivbed to
> > the cooker distro several times yet i no longer get it)
> >
> > anyway I have a HP 970C printer and during the install of the latest
> > cooker, it detects it then hangs up my system I sent my system on
> > downloading the latest version of cooker as of NOWSto see if this fixes
> > it (hope to get back on the distro soon!!!))
> >
> > david stanton

Linux - Cause I dont do windows 
or ovens!
Registered System: 83659

RE: [Cooker] Diskdrake

2000-09-18 Thread Cranford, Donald

this is also happening on my network.img disk todayI go to expert mode
to slice up the disks and it gives me the 
/usr/bin/perl-install/ line 140

-Original Message-
From: Pixel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, September 18, 2000 11:07 AM
Subject: Re: [Cooker] Diskdrake

Rikard Anglerud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Diskdrake claimed to format, and the insatll proceeded to determine which
> packages could be installed. Here things went wrong. The installer

it seems like formatting is not done when it should :-(

i don't understand in which case such a problem takes place though... 
i will see.

Re: [Cooker] Installation problem

2000-09-18 Thread David Faure

On Mon, 18 Sep 2000, you wrote:
>Dr Michael Powell PhD a écrit :
>> Dear Sir,
>>  You are always yapping about posting in 'text mode' whats the
>> problem anyway? stuck on pine(Kmail) or Elm wake up the rest of the

kmail ? It handles HTML perfectly (for reading).

KDE, Making The Future of Computing Available Today
See for how to set up KDE 2

Re: [Cooker] Installation problem

2000-09-18 Thread Guillaume Rousse

Also sprach Dr Michael Powell PhD :
> Dear Sir;
> Maybe I'm missing something here but doesn't Mandrake include
> Netscape & Messenger to be used! I may be wrong here. I must carry the
> equation farther and assume Mozilla is wrong to use also. I read and
> post to this board everyday. First you didn't like my title, second you
> didn't like HTML, third you didn't like my PGP public key used as a
> signature. I have never posted anything against anyone personally on
> this list. I assumed it was here for the sharing of ideas and answers to
> help all of our readers become more informed and articulate. Now it
> seems to be a whipping post for, as one poster called it, "netiquet"
> whatever that is. I thought we were free people with freedom to make
> personal choices without being slammed.
Just have a look in this mailing list archive, as i've already suggested
to you, and you'll find this famous document, whose correct english name
is netethic, and that supposed to be part of the minimal culture of any
linux user. You'll also learn that removing Netscape from main
distribution is a top level priority, not for its ability to send HTML
mails, but for it being not free software (supposing that you know what
free software is).

You never attacked anyone in particular, but you're getting on
everyone's nerves with arrogant statements (go buy a satellite
connexion, wake up and use HTML, etc...), pretentious title (everybody
has a PHD now, even me :-) ), and ridiculously mail use incompetence,
that i'm very surprised nobody flamed you already. And the worst is that
you don't even seem to take care of what patient people try to explain

Freedom of choice doesn't means freedom of imposing them to others. 

> If there are rules to participate in this forum, they certainly
> should be posted regularly as their are new people joining everyday.
> Most from the Windows World with Signing keys and HTML E-mail composers.
It is not mandrake-newbie list here, it's cooker : a list for debugging
next Mandrake's distribution. So it is expected people coming here know
the very base of linux culture.

Guillaume Rousse
Iremia - Université de la Réunion

Plus petites unités de mesure 
- de longueur : le millimètre
- de volume : le millilitre
- d'intelligence : le militaire

[Cooker] rpmlint: Still "Invalid Packager"

2000-09-18 Thread Alexander Skwar


I already asked this on Sept, 1st.  What does rpmlint mean, when it says:

W: extace invalid-packager Alexander Skwar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Alexander Skwar
Homepage: |
Sichere Mail?   Mail an [EMAIL PROTECTED] fuer GnuPG Keys

Re: [Cooker] Info files problems in general

2000-09-18 Thread Michael Stucki

> Version: PGP 6.5.8
> mQGiBDnEJgsRBADLc6G3QDmMQcEWzMAAOs152Uc/xvv8rQA+mLwHW2pXTnsB7OoL
> BeOVwgrtWziBRraCOg+0xzq0lK7ddc4gKvAxO09F+nl5e7aNeZZL7FUR9fB63Luk
> F6iNJ4ibskM9rVZWZvlz3qtlQU3PnWOBoWPmMxXGC8JJbfcNtbnJXELMaQCg/84u
> zBqyMvyRKSH1Gv1yOBw3nSUD/2NXiA5kCAAEVaRLILKegslWHiVWm3ar7S4F2FKk
> UlPi39lZJoiIPOeDPesbQYmfpyFgVgqDfnEGfbTSoEfQJmoJ/jk0PTftdijLK+sa
> 5aSyk2gCcL13LUQN6v1R+M9R5Z9xFCA9NgBennfEfXPaqCz3hCWvgZQnfBvNbnBR
> XYtMBAC2dEVdkRq5FNmh6WOF+WtTbOYxBLSuOAAbRzqHAjccdRdpdAPxyA9Kkadc
> 8zNeBvzBHVI3ARTOcsBx48/VGfDpMTgfUJcH0epY0UAcaNT6Mg2+ZVsgnJgsPgDD
> Dd43MDQUeFoT1TfOLWtTOT3lstDTxeapeOFZOYfdzi6JwroKzbQabWljaGFlbHBv
> +Eai662EAKDBENEM0WfxNn7xYqBYB33cRaaqSwCdG/sHKPc8vHYchkBQ6lHtqdr0
> Bf+5Ag0EOcQmERAIAPZCV7cIfwgXcqK61qlC8wXo+VMROU+28W65Szgg2gGnVqMU
> 6Y9AVfPQB8bLQ6mUrfdMZIZJ+AyDvWXpF9Sh01D49Vlf3HZSTz09jdvOmeFXklnN
> /biudE/F/Ha8g8VHMGHOfMlm/xX5u/2RXscBqtNbno2gpXI61Brwv0YAWCvl9Ij9
> WE5J280gtJ3kkQc2azNsOA1FHQ98iLMcfFstjvbzySPAQ/ClWxiNjrt

I wrote this 2 weeks ago, but it seems you do not understand what I mean:
I don't need your f***ing PGP key block. This is absolutely crap to use in a
mailing list where no secrets do exist.
Capiche ???

Re: [Cooker] Diskdrake

2000-09-18 Thread guran remberg

Pixel wrote:
> Rikard Anglerud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Diskdrake claimed to format, and the insatll proceeded to determine which
> > packages could be installed. Here things went wrong. The installer
> it seems like formatting is not done when it should :-(
> i don't understand in which case such a problem takes place though...
> i will see.

I have had the same experience on two consecutive installations. The odd
thing is that when I checked ( mainly been looking at OS) I had three
installations of XFree86-xfs. That is on top off an RedHat6.2, and all
my files from that installation was intact.


Re: [Cooker] Duplicate rpms

2000-09-18 Thread Ron Stodden

Warren Doney wrote:
>  & Could whoever is uploading rpm's that are *already* uploaded please
> stop! :) - new timestamp means we get them again (or I do anyway).

What are you using to download?  (Yes, I know, Warren)  If you use
rsync or fmirror, both these have a delete option which will delete
any local files that are not on the server.   I did take the trouble
to warn you about this, you know. .

The problem:

Because the name changes from -11mdk to -12mdk, that defines it as a
totally new file, so with the present way Mandrake has things set up
you cannot avoid a full download again whichever downloader you
choose to use.  

There is no Mandrake-naming-convention-aware downloader, and it is
rather too late for Mandrake to change so that the versioning of RPM
files is not carried in the name, but somewhere else that is easily
accessible.  To have that version control appear in directory
listings (essential) would call for a change to Linux itself.

It is interesting to compare the downloaded installer files (there
are 49MB of these, no RPMs) which do not have version numbers in the
file name.  These are being very frequently updated at the moment. 
Using rsync, these are updated when the size or timestamp alters
using a special rsync protocol patch ability which only downloads and
patches in the actual differences - MUCH faster!   Not using rsync
you will always get a full re-download which will silently overwrite
the original.


Ron. [in AU, busy 625-line-PAL-TV-watching the Olympics]

Re: [Cooker] Installation problem

2000-09-18 Thread Dr Michael Powell PhD

Guillaume Cottenceau wrote:
> Dr Michael Powell PhD <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> [...]
> > Dear Sir,
> >  You are always yapping about posting in 'text mode' whats the
> > problem anyway? stuck on pine(Kmail) or Elm wake up the rest of the
> > world uses HTML>
> The rest of the world is blown up by the sucking Microsoft domination that
> puts HTML as default with their damn Outlook Express stuff.
> FYI, the Internet has not waited for Microsoft to invent stuff like email,
> and from long time, till long time, the basic logic was, is, and will be
> to post email as normal text.
> Email is used to transmit information; it's focused on the meaning of the
> information, not the way it is presented; you don't need to transmit
> sucking useless information through email. Use the File Transfer Protocol,
> a.k.a FTP for that.
> --
> Guillaume Cottenceau -- Distribution Developer for MandrakeSoft

Dear Sir;
Maybe I'm missing something here but doesn't Mandrake include
Netscape & Messenger to be used! I may be wrong here. I must carry the
equation farther and assume Mozilla is wrong to use also. I read and
post to this board everyday. First you didn't like my title, second you
didn't like HTML, third you didn't like my PGP public key used as a
signature. I have never posted anything against anyone personally on
this list. I assumed it was here for the sharing of ideas and answers to
help all of our readers become more informed and articulate. Now it
seems to be a whipping post for, as one poster called it, "netiquet"
whatever that is. I thought we were free people with freedom to make
personal choices without being slammed.
If there are rules to participate in this forum, they certainly
should be posted regularly as their are new people joining everyday.
Most from the Windows World with Signing keys and HTML E-mail composers.

Very Sincerely,

Version: PGP 6.5.8


Re: [Cooker] Installation problem

2000-09-18 Thread Anton Graham

Submitted 17-Sep-00 by Dr Michael Powell PhD:
> Dear Sir,
>  You are always yapping about posting in 'text mode' whats the
> problem anyway? stuck on pine(Kmail) or Elm wake up the rest of the
> world uses HTML>

"[T]he rest of the world" does not use HTML, only mass marketers and people
who use underpowered clients like Netscape and Outlook which use glitz to
cover their lack of features.

HTML messages from these individuals is typically sent in a
multi-part/alternative format that actually sends the message twice,
consuming more than twice the bandwidth of a plaintext posting.  If you had
to deal with slow connections on old modems using rural phone lines, you
wouldn't be quite so arrogant about this matter.  I receive several hundred
emails a day and it takes far longer to download the messages than I would
care to admit.

It costs you nothing to send in plaintext, but it costs me three
cents/minute plus ISP charges for my connection, and I am certain that
Mandrake pays considerably for the bandwidth for the lists.  Please, use the
extra formatting on your own dime.

Anton GrahamGPG ID: 0x18F78541
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> RSA key available upon request
Perhaps no person can be a poet, or even enjoy poetry without a certain
unsoundness of mind.
  -- Thomas Macaulay

Re: [Cooker] xfree 4.0

2000-09-18 Thread Eugenio Diaz

You don't have to go back to 3.3.6, just comment the
"DisableVidModeExtension" line in the "ServerFlags"
section of your "/etc/X11/XF86Config-4"


Section "ServerFlags"
#   Option  "DisableVidModeExtension"
   Option  "blank time"
   Option  "standby time"  "20"
   Option  "suspend time"  "30"
   Option  "off time"  "60"


--- Guillaume Rousse
> Ray Carlino a écrit :
> > 
> > How can I change back to xfree 3.3?
> > I tried running xconfigurator but it locks the
> comouter up when it runs the
> > test.
> > Vmware full screen is not supported with 4.0
> Just change the symlink /etc/X11/X to the correct
> XFree server in
> /usr/X11R6/bin.
> Of course, make sure you got the correct XFree86
> 3.3.6 installed :-)
> -- 
> Guillaume Rousse
> Iremia - Université de la Réunion
> Plus petites unités de mesure 
> - de longueur : le millimètre
> - de volume : le millilitre
> - d'intelligence : le militaire


Eugenio Diaz, BSEE/BSCE   
Linux Engineer

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Mail - Free email you can access from anywhere!

Re: [Cooker] Info files problems in general

2000-09-18 Thread Dr Michael Powell PhD

Dr Michael Powell PhD wrote:
> Francis Galiegue wrote:
> >
> > I'd appreciate if you could tell me which packages are troublesome when
> > installing info files (no dir entry and so on), so that I can fix them all.
> >
> > Preferably, directly to me - traffic on the list is high enough :)
> >
> > --
> > Francis Galiegue, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > "Programming is a race between programmers, who try and make more and more
> > idiot-proof software, and universe, which produces more and more remarkable
> > idiots. Until now, universe leads the race"  -- R. Cook
> if you try and add (CD's, floppys, or zip disk to the desktop there is
> an error in /usr/share/templates) also kpackage still generates a signal
> 11.
> I've had every linux since RH 5.0, So I am quite sure these files are
> missing from the ISO's
> --
> Version: PGP 6.5.8

by the way, they are only missing as user: root. If logged in as any
other user they all appear so they're not MISSING. but I can't figure
out why this is.

Version: PGP 6.5.8


Sv: [Cooker] Info files problems in general

2000-09-18 Thread Zeljko Vukman

Are you talking about Kde2 desktop. Chris has just answered that it
has been fixed in Kdebase -1.94-10mdk.
Dr Zeljko Vukman, attorney at law ;)

- Original Message - 
From: Dr Michael Powell PhD <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, September 17, 2000 5:55 PM
Subject: Re: [Cooker] Info files problems in general

> Francis Galiegue wrote:
> > 
> > I'd appreciate if you could tell me which packages are troublesome when
> > installing info files (no dir entry and so on), so that I can fix them all.
> > 
> > Preferably, directly to me - traffic on the list is high enough :)
> > 
> > --
> > Francis Galiegue, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > "Programming is a race between programmers, who try and make more and more
> > idiot-proof software, and universe, which produces more and more remarkable
> > idiots. Until now, universe leads the race"  -- R. Cook
> if you try and add (CD's, floppys, or zip disk to the desktop there is
> an error in /usr/share/templates) also kpackage still generates a signal
> 11.
> I've had every linux since RH 5.0, So I am quite sure these files are
> missing from the ISO's
> -- 
> Version: PGP 6.5.8

Re: [Cooker] Installation problem

2000-09-18 Thread Guillaume Cottenceau

Dr Michael Powell PhD <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


> Dear Sir,
>  You are always yapping about posting in 'text mode' whats the
> problem anyway? stuck on pine(Kmail) or Elm wake up the rest of the
> world uses HTML>

The rest of the world is blown up by the sucking Microsoft domination that
puts HTML as default with their damn Outlook Express stuff.

FYI, the Internet has not waited for Microsoft to invent stuff like email,
and from long time, till long time, the basic logic was, is, and will be
to post email as normal text.

Email is used to transmit information; it's focused on the meaning of the
information, not the way it is presented; you don't need to transmit
sucking useless information through email. Use the File Transfer Protocol,
a.k.a FTP for that.

Guillaume Cottenceau -- Distribution Developer for MandrakeSoft

Re: [Cooker] gcc-2.95.2-11mdk

2000-09-18 Thread Guillaume Cottenceau

Xavier Bertou <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> lpnp69 ~  rpm -ql gcc | grep bin
> /usr/bin/cc
> /usr/bin/gcc-2.95.2
> /usr/bin/gcov
> /usr/bin/i586-mandrake-linux-gcc
> /usr/bin/protoize
> /usr/bin/unprotoize
> lpnp69 ~  ls -la /usr/bin/cc
> lrwxrwxrwx1 root root3 Aug 30 12:33 /usr/bin/cc -> gcc
> ln -s /usr/bin/gcc-2.95.2 /usr/bin/gcc seems to be missing

provided by update-alternatives.

Guillaume Cottenceau -- Distribution Developer for MandrakeSoft

Re: [Cooker] Diskdrake

2000-09-18 Thread Pixel

Rikard Anglerud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Diskdrake claimed to format, and the insatll proceeded to determine which
> packages could be installed. Here things went wrong. The installer

it seems like formatting is not done when it should :-(

i don't understand in which case such a problem takes place though... 
i will see.

Re: [Cooker] Installation problem

2000-09-18 Thread Guillaume Rousse

Dr Michael Powell PhD a écrit :
> Dear Sir,
>  You are always yapping about posting in 'text mode' whats the
> problem anyway? stuck on pine(Kmail) or Elm wake up the rest of the
> world uses HTML>
And the rest of the world uses Microsoft too...
Serioudly, what are you doing on a linux beta-tester list ?

How about a killfile for this list ?
Guillaume Rousse
Iremia - Université de la Réunion

Plus petites unités de mesure 
- de longueur : le millimètre
- de volume : le millilitre
- d'intelligence : le militaire

Re: [Cooker] Kde2 problems

2000-09-18 Thread Dr Michael Powell PhD

Christopher Molnar wrote:
> I appologize for not getting back to you all sooner, I was busy doing some
> builds :-)
> I am putting the answeres into the message below:
> On Sat, 16 Sep 2000, Zeljko Vukman wrote:
> > 1. I still have problems with adding icons to desktop. I get message
> > /usr/share/templates/.source/Program.desktop doesn't exist.
> >
> Found the problem this morning (like 10 minutes ago). kdebase-1.94-10mdk
> should fix this.
> > 2. Kdemultimedia-1.94-3mdk.i586.rpm requires qt?
> >
> Nope, a typo. Fixed in kdemultimedia-1.94-5mdk.
> > 3. Kpackage can't load rpm packages. It simply dissapears. It can
> > uninstall, but not install.
> Hmmm... I sent a bug report on this. Same thing happens here. I was able to
> get a backtrace.
> >
> > 4. Kiconedit dissapers when I open an icon file to edit it.
> >
> That was strange. Same thing here, I will pass on a bug report. Not even a
> dr. konqi error on this one.
> -Chris

Version: PGP 6.5.8

Chris, good to see your posting again, you always have great solutions,
thanks buddy!


Re: [Cooker] Installation problem

2000-09-18 Thread Pixel

Dr Michael Powell PhD <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>  You are always yapping about posting in 'text mode' whats the
> problem anyway? stuck on pine(Kmail) or Elm wake up the rest of the
> world uses HTML>

wow, you wanna die? ;p

Re: [Cooker] Info files problems in general

2000-09-18 Thread Dr Michael Powell PhD

Francis Galiegue wrote:
> I'd appreciate if you could tell me which packages are troublesome when
> installing info files (no dir entry and so on), so that I can fix them all.
> Preferably, directly to me - traffic on the list is high enough :)
> --
> Francis Galiegue, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> "Programming is a race between programmers, who try and make more and more
> idiot-proof software, and universe, which produces more and more remarkable
> idiots. Until now, universe leads the race"  -- R. Cook

if you try and add (CD's, floppys, or zip disk to the desktop there is
an error in /usr/share/templates) also kpackage still generates a signal
I've had every linux since RH 5.0, So I am quite sure these files are
missing from the ISO's
Version: PGP 6.5.8

Re: [Cooker] Re: [Frozen-CHRPM] kernel-2.2.17-7mdk

2000-09-18 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah

Alexander Skwar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Mon, Sep 18, 2000 at 01:16:01PM +0200, Chmouel Boudjnah wrote:
> > - Via-rhine driver update.
> Via-rhine like in the network chipsets?  Thanks!


MandrakeSoft Inc
Paris, France --Chmouel

Re: [Cooker] Re: [Frozen-CHRPM] kdebase-1.94-10mdk

2000-09-18 Thread Christopher Molnar

On Mon, 18 Sep 2000, you wrote:
> Yo,

> > Softawre included are:
> I presume that you either didn't have enough coffee  or that you aren't the
> winner of too many spelling bee contests. ;)

Probably all of the above. But I not the one that made that mistake. I think 
someone else did those. (/me really hates spelling! It would be so nice if vi 
had a good spell checker! )


[Cooker] 7.2beta installer errors

2000-09-18 Thread Chris Green

using network.img for 7.2beta with a 3com 59x card and a single IDE

Choosing NFS and going all the way through to the server selection
screen and then backing up and choosing FTP causes the installer to
fail when it tries to insmod another driver for the same card and gets
a device busy.

Partitions are currently set for type A6 in a OpenBSD configuration
and these errors result:

* starting set `doPartitiondisks'
* umounting all filesystems
* no scsi devices are available
* warning: bad magic number at .../ line 31
* found a dos partiion table on /dev/hda at sector 0
* warning: Can't call method "grab_focus" on an undefined valude and
/usr/bin/perl-install/ line 150

and it continues to loop with the same error.

Laugh and the world laughs with you, snore and you sleep alone.

Re: [Cooker] Installation problem

2000-09-18 Thread Dr Michael Powell PhD

Guillaume Cottenceau wrote:
> "James Angi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> [...]
> > 
> > 
> > 
> please don't post in HTML.
> --
> Guillaume Cottenceau -- Distribution Developer for MandrakeSoft

Dear Sir,
 You are always yapping about posting in 'text mode' whats the
problem anyway? stuck on pine(Kmail) or Elm wake up the rest of the
world uses HTML>

Version: PGP 6.5.8


[Cooker] Diskdrake

2000-09-18 Thread Rikard Anglerud

I performed an ftp install last night, and encountered a problem I thought
I should report. 

I decided to install in a second HD I have. 
During the install I used the Diskdrake tool to assign mountpoints.
(/dev/hdb1 as /boot (8Mb ext2), /dev/hdb5 as swap (96Mb) and /dev/hdb6 as
/ (1.8Gb ext2)). After that I selected to have hdb1, hdb5 and hdb6
formatted (it also offered me to format /hda5 which is the swap partition
on my normal install). 

Diskdrake claimed to format, and the insatll proceeded to determine which
packages could be installed. Here things went wrong. The installer

Problem: An error occured "Your system has not enough space left for
installation or upgrade (58566643 > 421325)
As the only choice was "ok" - that's what I selected. 

I went back to Diskdrake and attempted to unmount teh root partition
(which no longer reported to be mounted as "/" - but unmount was the only
option). This led to:

Error unmounting /dev/hdb6: No such file or directory at
/usr/bin/perl-install/ line 227

Re-selecting /dev/hdb1 as /boot and proceeding results in it informing me
that I must have a / partition.

I tried to restart the insatll several times, and this occurred every
time. however, when I delet the paritions on /dev/hdb and recreated
them, the install proceeded smoothly, and with no further problems like

There are a few more little thingsL
During the package selection there are both an "Accesibility" and an
"Accessibility" directory. 

In KDE the fonts aren't behaving. While selecting any true-type font, it
displays as some kind of standard font. 

There is no entry for the 'Guillemot Maxi Gamer Banshee' (a 3dfx banshee
card, as teh name suggests) or the Packard Bell 3010 Monitor (max res
1024*768 @ 60Hz). 


[Scientific Study] Is one of the very few things that lifts human life a
little above the level of farce, and gives it the grace of tragedy. 

[Cooker] Re: [Frozen-CHRPM] kernel-2.2.17-7mdk

2000-09-18 Thread Alexander Skwar

On Mon, Sep 18, 2000 at 01:16:01PM +0200, Chmouel Boudjnah wrote:
> - Via-rhine driver update.

Via-rhine like in the network chipsets?  Thanks!

Alexander Skwar
Homepage: |
Sichere Mail?   Mail an [EMAIL PROTECTED] fuer GnuPG Keys

Re: [Cooker] 7.2beta installation problem

2000-09-18 Thread Pixel

Pascal Grossé <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Syntax error at /usr/bin/perl-install/ line 472, near "]]"

now fixed.

[Cooker] Re: [Frozen-CHRPM] kdebase-1.94-10mdk

2000-09-18 Thread Geoffrey Lee


> List-Unsubscribe: 
> List-Post: 
> List-Owner: 
> --=-=-=
> Name: kdebase  Relocations: (not relocateable)
> Version : 1.94  Vendor: MandrakeSoft
> Release : 10mdk Build Date: Mon Sep 18 16:08:35 2000
> Install date: (not installed)   Build Host:
> Group   : Graphical desktop/KDE Source RPM: (none)
> Size: 6396882  License: GPL
> Packager: Christopher Molnar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> URL :
> Summary : K Desktop Environment - core files
> Description :
> Core applications for the K Desktop Environment.
> Softawre included are:

I presume that you either didn't have enough coffee  or that you aren't the
winner of too many spelling bee contests. ;) 


Re: [Cooker] 7.2 beta2 remarks

2000-09-18 Thread Till Kamppeter

Try CUPS to make it working for the first time. I have already informed
the author of printerdrake to check this problem.


Job Diesveld wrote:
> Tried to install beta 2 of Linux-Mandrake today, everything went well
> although installation took quite some time, some minor packages like
> locales-fa took more than 1 minute to install. But this to the side.
> While trying to install my HP Deskjet 720c I selected lpd as the interface
> instead of CUPS. Finally you get a window where you can select the type of
> printer you have (remote/local etc). I choose for a local printer, after
> that I press the button OK, I get a message that "one package is being
> installed" and after that the installation hangs. I try to kill X with
> control-alt-backspace which gets me to the shell. If I try to halt or reboot
> I get some error messages like "sh: cannot find shutdown" and I have to
> reset my system in order to get my computer to the land of the living. If I
> try to install without printer support I don't face any irregularities.
> Greetings.
> _
> Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at
> Share information about yourself, create your own public profile at

Re: [Cooker] printer

2000-09-18 Thread Till Kamppeter

Try to update to the newest Cooker versions: CUPS 22mdk, GhostScript
25mdk, CUPS-drivers 13mdk. Then you will get two entries for the HP
DeskJet 610. Use the "GIMP-Print", this gives the best results.


Ralph wrote:
> Hey List,
> I am running beta 1 and was wondering why my printer dont work..
> It says it's there and all if i go under hardware drake it sets up fine but
> when i try to print something it just f..king sits there oh its a cheap ho
> 610.
> thanks,
> Ralph
> --

Re: [Cooker] Big printing problems / configuration: BJC-6000

2000-09-18 Thread Till Kamppeter

Do the following:

Update to the newest versions:

   CUPS 22mdk, GhostScript 25mdk,
   CUPS-Drivers 13mdk

AFTER doing this, do

1. ) Use the GIMP-Print driver for your BJC-6000.

2. ) Edit /etc/cups/cupsd.conf to have the line

   LogLevel debug

Take care that you delete the hash mark ('#') in the beginning.
Restart the CUPS daemon with /etc/rc.d/init.d/cups restart.

3.) Edit /usr/lib/cups/filter/cupsomatic. The line "my $debug=0" to "my

4.) Try to print again.

5.) Send me the file /tmp/prnlog, and the output which appears in the
error_log now.


Reinhard Katzmann wrote:
> Hi!
> Since days I try to get my printing system running again.
> With 7.1 (lpd) I could print but only when I restarted the
> lpd or as root. With cups I cannot print at all. The correct
> printer device and printer is configured and my Canon BJC 6000
> printer initializes itself when trying to print a testpage.
> First my printer configutation:
> # Printer configuration file for CUPS v1.1.3
> # Written by cupsd on Sun Sep 17 10:58:35 2000
> Info Canon Drucker
> Location Home
> DeviceURI parallel:/dev/lp0
> State Idle
> Accepting Yes
> JobSheets none none
> Nothing more happens after the initializing phase. When I look in the error
> logs I get (always) the following message:
> ==> /var/log/cups/access_log <==
> - root [17/Sep/2000:13:03:21 +0100] "GET /classes/ HTTP/1.0" 200 0
> - - [17/Sep/2000:13:03:21 +0100] "POST / HTTP/1.1" 200 77
> - - [17/Sep/2000:13:03:21 +0100] "POST / HTTP/1.1" 200 77
> - root [17/Sep/2000:13:03:21 +0100] "GET /classes/ HTTP/1.0" 200 1405
> - root [17/Sep/2000:13:03:28 +0100] "GET /documentation.html HTTP/1.0" 
>200 2497
> - root [17/Sep/2000:13:03:35 +0100] "GET /images/cups-large.gif 
>HTTP/1.0" 200 7457
> - root [17/Sep/2000:13:03:34 +0100] "GET /sam.html HTTP/1.0" 200 181134
> - - [17/Sep/2000:13:04:24 +0100] "POST / HTTP/1.1" 200 118
> - - [17/Sep/2000:13:05:25 +0100] "POST / HTTP/1.1" 200 122
> - - [17/Sep/2000:13:06:13 +0100] "POST / HTTP/1.1" 200 122
> I [17/Sep/2000:13:00:45 +0100] Job 3 queued on 'BJC6000' by 'root'.
> I [17/Sep/2000:13:00:45 +0100] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/pstops (PID 
>23166) for job 3.
> I [17/Sep/2000:13:00:45 +0100] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/cupsomatic (PID 
>23167) for job 3.
> I [17/Sep/2000:13:00:45 +0100] Started backend /usr/lib/cups/backend/parallel (PID 
>23168) for job 3.
> E [17/Sep/2000:13:00:45 +0100] PID 23167 crashed with status 1!
> As you see, the job seems to crash with no further information :-(
> My network configuration is a ethernet card (for a small intranet) and the
> cups administration pages do not run on localhost but on the hostname
> (it's IP-Adress is the one from the ethernet card), even if I type in
> explicitely localhost:631. I'm currently using 21mdk/11mdk of cups
> (dl over the weekend is a pain for me as I only can use my modem).
> Any idea what could be the reason for the crash ?
> BTW: I also tried printerdrake again, but the latest Version I have
> "crashes" at while configuring with the following message:
> > printerdrake
> Kein Paketname angegeben cups-drivers
> Can't call method "ask_from_entries_refH" on an undefined value at 
>/usr/lib/libDrakX/ line 46.
> I use drakxtools 1.1.5-13mdk
> Best regards,
> Reinhard Katzmann
> --

Re: [Cooker] new DrakConf...

2000-09-18 Thread Xavier Bertou

> Hi, I saw that DrakConf has been remodeled. 
>   It's to big, It doesnt fit my 14" inc screen (I know it's to small!!!)
>   And when I resize the window verticaly it should apeare a scrollbar or 
>   it sould rearange the icons to use the unused part of the window...

BTW, just one remark, please don't forget people with a 800x600 screen
when you do the desktop. On a lot of laptops (and even on large screen
PCs) it's still a standard configuration. Lots of Mandrake applications
don't fit in a 800x600 desktop by default...

Re: [Cooker] Printer driver packages renamed

2000-09-18 Thread Till Kamppeter

Did it not print or did only the calibration not work?

Or didn't you find this printer in the printer listing?

The calibration is still alpha, perhaps I will take it out again.


Peter Ruskin wrote:
> HP720C
> Still not working with cups 1.1.2-22mdk and cups-drivers 0.3.6-12mdk...
> ESP Printer Calibration Tool v1.0
> Copyright 1999-2000 by Easy Software Products, All Rights Reserved.
> Printer name [default]?
> Resolution [default]? 600x600
> Media type [default]?
> Press ENTER to print pass #1 or N to skip...
> Sending calibration pass #1 for density/saturation levels...
> Calibration pass #1 sent.
> Please select the character that corresponds to the black block that
> is 100aturated (dark) while not bleeding through the paper.  If
> the saturation point appears to occur between two characters, enter
> both characters.
> Black density? f
> Now select the character that corresponds to the yellow block that is
> 100aturated (dark) while not bleeding through the paper. If the
> saturation point appears to occur between two characters, enter both
> characters.
> Yellow density?
> Yellow density? f
> Now select the character that corresponds to the red block that is
> 100aturated (dark) while not bleeding through the paper. If the
> saturation point appears to occur between two characters, enter both
> characters.
> Red density? f
> Thank you.  Now insert the page back into the printer and press the
> ENTER key to print calibration pass #2.
> Gamma? 3
> Thank you.  Now insert the page back into the printer and press the
> ENTER key to print calibration pass #3.
> Press ENTER to print pass #3 or N to skip...
> Sending calibration pass #3 for red, green, and blue adjustment...
> Calibration pass #3 sent.
> Please select the character that corresponds to the correct red,
> green, and blue colors.  If the transition point appears to occur
> between two characters, enter both characters.
> Red color? 7
> Green color? 7
> Blue color? 7
> Thank you.  Now insert the page back into the printer and press the
> ENTER key to print the final calibration pass.
> Press ENTER to continue...
> Sending calibration pass #4 for visual confirmation...
> Segmentation fault (core dumped)
> --
> --
>  Peter Ruskin   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  Wrexham, UKKDE - the professionals' choice
> --

Re: [Cooker] LM 7.2 Beta2 problems

2000-09-18 Thread Till Kamppeter

Khawar Zia wrote:
> None of my kde apps seem to recognize my printer(its not in the printer list
> when open the print dialog.) Abiword and netscape print perfectly. Btw
> qt-cups is really cool, handy utility.

Two possibilities:

1. Edit /etc/cups/cups.conf and search for a line containing
"/etc/printcap". Remove the "#" in the beginning of it.
Save the file and restart the CUPS daemon entering

   /etc/rc.d/init.d/cups restart

Now the printers should show up in the KDE dialogs.


2. Update your CUPS package to the release 22mdk from the Cooker. There
this change is already done.

> Btw my hp812C works better with the hp880C drivers than with 810C drivers.

We do not have all printer models. The printer database comes from

If you have suggestions for making something better, tell it to Grant
Taylor, the owner of this site.

In general, the best drivers are the GIMP-Print drivers. To configure
them easily on your Mandrake/CUPS system update also

   GhostScript: 25mdk
   CUPS-Drivers: 13mdk


[Cooker] diskdrake fdisk problem

2000-09-18 Thread Ray

I have been working with the 7.2 beta 2 ans the cooker versions and have a 
problem with fdisk and diskdrake.
I have a quantum 13GB IDE drive and diskdrake can never see the partition on 
it. I created 1 partition using both fdisk and diskdrake, fdisk sees the 
partition but diskdrake can never see it after a reboot. The drive does mount 
ok. But next time I do an upgrade or install the drive shows empty and I have 
to create a partition. Even after is is booted and running I tried to run 
diskdrake to see and the drive showed no partitions. Everything works fine in 
Ray Carlino

[Cooker] new DrakConf...

2000-09-18 Thread Mattias Eriksson

Hi, I saw that DrakConf has been remodeled. 
A few comments: 
It's realy slow. On my pentium I have to wait about 2-5 sec just before the
different buttons get highlighted!

It's to big, It doesnt fit my 14" inc screen (I know it's to small!!!)
And when I resize the window verticaly it should apeare a scrollbar or 
it sould rearange the icons to use the unused part of the window...

about the Menu tool. I would like to have a import gnome menu option, that
creates mandrake menuentries for the gnome menuentries that doesn't have
a match in the mandrake menu system.



Mattias Eriksson E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Tvistevägen 26   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
907 36  UMEA Tel:090-198800
SWEDEN   070-5636769
'I don't fight for a cause   Hemsida: 
I fight for the fight'   PGP:

[Cooker] 7.2beta installation problem

2000-09-18 Thread Pascal Grossé


I upgraded my 7.2beta repository at 16:00 today with a rsync on, then went to the installation with hd.img. I got some
problems :

When i choose the mouse, the nice cute little screen asking me to try my
wheel does not appear. But if i return back to the mouse configuration
just after that, and choose the *same* mouse seting, then it does appear. 

After the keyboard layout selection and locales selection, the install
program went nuts. The following error message show up :

Syntax error at /usr/bin/perl-install/ line 472, near "]]"
BEGIN not safe after errors -- Compilation aborted at
/usr/bin/perl-install/ line 881.
Compilation failed in require

Hope this can help :-)


Re: [Cooker] Kde2 problems

2000-09-18 Thread Christopher Molnar

I appologize for not getting back to you all sooner, I was busy doing some 
builds :-)

I am putting the answeres into the message below:

On Sat, 16 Sep 2000, Zeljko Vukman wrote:
> 1. I still have problems with adding icons to desktop. I get message
> /usr/share/templates/.source/Program.desktop doesn't exist.

Found the problem this morning (like 10 minutes ago). kdebase-1.94-10mdk 
should fix this.

> 2. Kdemultimedia-1.94-3mdk.i586.rpm requires qt?

Nope, a typo. Fixed in kdemultimedia-1.94-5mdk.

> 3. Kpackage can't load rpm packages. It simply dissapears. It can
> uninstall, but not install.

Hmmm... I sent a bug report on this. Same thing happens here. I was able to 
get a backtrace.

> 4. Kiconedit dissapers when I open an icon file to edit it.

That was strange. Same thing here, I will pass on a bug report. Not even a 
dr. konqi error on this one.


[Cooker] Bug during initialization

2000-09-18 Thread Brad Peterson

I installed Beta 2 via ftp and everything went really smoothly.  You are to
be congratulated.  However, during initialization, I notice that the script
is looking for /lib/modules/2.2.16/modules.dep while trying to bring up both
the network and the sound card.  Of course, it fails because that directory
doesn't exist.  So I thought I would be smart and create a link to
2.2.17-5mdk (a directory that does exist)and name it 2.2.16.  This gets
further but complains that the module was written for 2.2.17.  Of course it
was, I though that that was what we are running here!  Does anyone know what
is going on?  Why is it looking for a directory that should not exist?  Any
help would be greatly appreciated.  I am not a unix administrator by any
stretch of the imagination, so I don't know at what point things are being
thrown off track.


Brad Peterson

[Cooker] Info files problems in general

2000-09-18 Thread Francis Galiegue

I'd appreciate if you could tell me which packages are troublesome when
installing info files (no dir entry and so on), so that I can fix them all.

Preferably, directly to me - traffic on the list is high enough :)

Francis Galiegue, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"Programming is a race between programmers, who try and make more and more
idiot-proof software, and universe, which produces more and more remarkable
idiots. Until now, universe leads the race"  -- R. Cook

Re: [Cooker] Cups /n latest cooker version as of 2300 gmt

2000-09-18 Thread Till Kamppeter

You should update to CUPS 22mdk, CUPS-Drivers 13mdk, GhostScript 25mdk.


Armisis Aieoln wrote:
> (BTW, I dont know if this will get through, but i know ive subscrivbed to the
> cooker distro several times yet i no longer get it)
> anyway I have a HP 970C printer and during the install of the latest cooker,
> it detects it then hangs up my system I sent my system on downloading the
> latest version of cooker as of NOWSto see if this fixes it (hope to get back
> on the distro soon!!!))
> david stanton

Re: [Cooker] Installation problem

2000-09-18 Thread Guillaume Cottenceau

"James Angi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:



please don't post in HTML.

Guillaume Cottenceau -- Distribution Developer for MandrakeSoft

Re: [Cooker] CD Install question

2000-09-18 Thread Guillaume Cottenceau

Vincent Meyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hello,
>   Maybe i'm just a little clueless, but I can't seem to be able to
> make a CD that the CD Install image is willing to use. Unfortunately,
> Mandrake 7.1 doesn't recognise my CD writer, which is an IDE writer with
> a PCMCIA controller card, so I have to use Windows to create the CD.

Be sure to create the ISO image under Linux with mkisofs if you don't
download our ISO's.


>   When I boot from the floppy made with the cdrom image file, the
> floppy boots, goes through the motions of looking for the CD, then tells
> me that it doesn't appear to be a Mandrake CDROM in drive.
>   Can anyone tell me just what the install program is looking for or
> doesn't like?

It doesn't find ./Mandrake/base/ stuff

In particular be sure you have a mdkinst_stage2.gz

Guillaume Cottenceau -- Distribution Developer for MandrakeSoft

Re: [Cooker] install failure....

2000-09-18 Thread Guillaume Cottenceau

Ruairi Hickey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
> --NetAddressPart-00--=_RaD42576S614d250a86
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
> Hi,
>I've 1 question..and a possible bug report
> First off, I want to do a hd install fro a reiserfs partition... how can
> I add the reiserfs.o module to the hd.img boot floppy ?

currently, there is not enough room on the floppy for that.

use el-torito 2.88 with `all.img', there is everything including
reiserfs.o; you'll probably have to burn a CD with it..

or else, you can use the network-boot feature [for example through grub]
and then you can put everything you want on the network machine you'll
boot from. [this feature is highly unsupported by us, although we're using
it for development]

Guillaume Cottenceau -- Distribution Developer for MandrakeSoft

Re: [Cooker] IDE-SCSI Problem possible source

2000-09-18 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah

"B. K. Barley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I think I may have found the problem with loading ide-scsi.  For some
> reason, the /etc/modules file is not being processed as it should be.  I
> have added some others to the list the other day and found that none of the
> modules I listed had gotten loaded.  Has the /etc/modules been degraded and
> something else used in it's place?

* Sun Sep 17 2000 Chmouel Boudjnah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 5.27-21mdk

- rc.d/init.d/halt: Fix halt to poweroff.
- rc.d/rc.sysinit: Fix load of rc.modules.

MandrakeSoft Inc
Paris, France --Chmouel

Re: [Cooker] How do I create a kernel RPM?

2000-09-18 Thread Guillaume Cottenceau


> I just attempted to build the RPMS for the 2.2.16 kernel.  After installing 
> the source RPM:
>rpm -ivh kernel-2.2.16-9mdk.src.rpm
>   I did a build with the following command:
>cd /usr/src/RPM/SPECS
>rpm -ba --target=i586 kernel-2.2.spec
> Everything appeared to build correctly, but it did not create any RPM 
> packages.  I can't figure out what is missing.  What is the secret to make 
> it create RPMs?  I've built many other packages from source RPMS, but it 
> doesn't seem to work for the kernel.

You already sent this email and I already answered.

Are you a bot or what? :-)

Guillaume Cottenceau -- Distribution Developer for MandrakeSoft

[Cooker] Duplicate rpms

2000-09-18 Thread Warren Doney
Has: ispell-en-3.1.20-11mdk.noarch.rpm & ispell-en-3.1.20-12mdk.i586.rpm

 & Could whoever is uploading rpm's that are *already* uploaded please
stop! :) - new timestamp means we get them again (or I do anyway).



Re: [Cooker] XFree-4.0.1-17mdk - trouble building glide-module

2000-09-18 Thread Frederic Lepied

Pedro Rosa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On 17th build glide_driver.c points to . However, glide
> includes are usually present on /usr/include/glide. To build this
> package it is needed to move all *.h files to /usr/include (or correct
> the #include entries on 8-9 files). This is bad because there is also a
> series of *.h files for glide 3 that possess the same names (usually
> they are located on /usr/include/glide3). Note  that ths concerns the
> module for Voodoo Graphics/Voodoo2 not the Banshee/Voodoo3. 

In the XFree spec I define the location of Voodoo2 include files in
/usr/include/glide2 and to /usr/include/glide3 for Voodoo3 include
files as installed by Glide_V2-devel and Glide_V3-devel packages of
the distribution.
Fred - May the source be with you

Re: [Cooker] NVIdia solved

2000-09-18 Thread Guillaume Cottenceau

Peter Ruskin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


> Get those messages all right and gltron works OK, but bzflag - nothing
>   Loading required GL library /usr/X11R6/lib/ @@Created GLX 
> then konsole just sits there until I Ctrl-C. 

So at least gltron is working -- so please don't just drop "won't work on
my g400" :-((...

What is the output of xtraceroute, csmash, tux_aqfh, FlightGear, tuxracer?

Guillaume Cottenceau -- Distribution Developer for MandrakeSoft

Re: [Cooker] Re: no info dir entry for screen

2000-09-18 Thread Frederic Crozat

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Francis Galiegue) writes:

> On Sat, 16 Sep 2000, Antony Suter wrote:
> > install-info: warning: no info dir entry in
> > `/usr/share/info/'
> Are you using a 7.1 or Cooker?
> If you're using a 7.1 then it's normal: info files are in /usr/info, they have
> moved to /usr/share/info

Same problem here when updating a cooker from Friday :((

Frédéric Crozat

Re: [Cooker] English-only download

2000-09-18 Thread Ron Stodden

Oops!  My error!

The script in the parent message should include:

--exclude=cooker/ \

My apologies...


Ron. [in AU, busy 625-line-PAL-TV-watching the Olympics]

Re: [Cooker] English-only download

2000-09-18 Thread Ron Stodden

This is an update to the rsync script in the parent of this
message.   You are referred to the parent and grandparent and
great-grandparent messages for further explanation.
Using this script, total 7.2beta tree download is now 971MB, a
considerable saving from a complete download and from the combined
size of the two CD iso9660 image files.   This saving for en_GB users
only is the whole point of the exercise.

The script is easily alterable for en (USA) users or for use in other
locales - if you do that, you might like to publish it here for the
benefit of other users in your locale.  If you do modify the script,
use the rsync n option to dry run test before you do the real
Note 1 (repeated): Since cooker and 7.2beta are running in tandem
until 7.2beta is frozen, downloading of cooker is no longer done.  
Caution: This will cause your entire cooker tree to be deleted, so
rsync a copy of your 7.2beta tree to your cooker tree first before
requesting a
cooker rsync download.   If you still want cooker, remove the
'--exclude=cooker/ \' line.

Note 2 (revised): the kde-i18n-* locale RPMs and the new
linuxconf-lang-* locale RPMs, the installer's locale po files, the
netscape locale files, the mandrake_doc locale files and many other
non-en locale-specific files are not downloaded.

Note 3 (repeated): The contrib RPM tree is also downloaded.  Present
size is 474MB (worth avoiding if you do not want it).  If you do not
want it add a '--exclude=contrib/ \' line.
Note 4 (repeated): This rsync download script aupports only hard disk
installs with English(UK) language and US international keyboard.  It
has been tested with a customized - install - development - all
packages, hd install.

Good Luck!

Latest edition of the rsync script:

echo /local/downloads must be mounted !!
echo for a dry run use n parameter
rsync -rltvP$1 --delete --delete-excluded --stats \
--exclude=SRPMS/ \
--exclude=src/ \
--exclude=alpha/ \
--exclude=sparc/ \
--include=app-defaults-uk-* \
--exclude=app-defaults-??-* \
--include=locale/en_GB/ \
--exclude=locale/ \
--include=**/perl-install/ \
--exclude=**/perl-install/po/??_??.po \
--exclude=**/po/??.po \
--include=**/install/uk/ \
--include=**/install/uk_cp1251/ \
--exclude=**/install/??/ \
--exclude=**/install/??_??/ \
--include=aspell-en* \
--exclude=aspell-??-* \
--exclude=aspell-??_??-* \
--include=locales-?.?-* \
--include=locales-en-* \
--exclude=locales* \
--exclude=man-pages-??-* \
--include=howto-html-en-* \
--exclude=howto-html-??-* \
--include=fonts-hebrew-elmar-* \
--include=fonts-ttf-decoratives-* \
--include=fonts-ttf-west_european-* \
--exclude=fonts-ttf-* \
--exclude=fonts-type1-* \
--exclude=linuxconf-lang-??-* \
--exclude=kde-i18n-* \
--exclude=netscape-castellano-* \
--exclude=netscape-catalan-* \
--exclude=netscape-euskara-* \
--exclude=netscape-francais-* \
--exclude=netscape-russian-* \
--exclude=netscape-sparc-francais-* \
--exclude=netscape-walon-* \
--include=mandrake_doc-en-* \
--exclude=mandrake_doc-??-* \ \


Ron. [in AU, busy 625-line-PAL-TV-watching the Olympics]

Re: [Cooker] Problem Latest 7.2B - as at 17:49 (Adelaide Australia)= +9:30 GMT

2000-09-18 Thread David Foresman

Yes I have this same problem with latest cooker installing on IDE hard

- Original Message -
From: "Pixel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, September 18, 2000 4:34 AM
Subject: Re: [Cooker] Problem Latest 7.2B - as at 17:49 (Adelaide
Australia)= +9:30 GMT

> Allen Bolderoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > The error message is: something about Cannot Grab Focus in line 140 of
> >
> very strange, shouldn't happen for sure!
> someone else has this pb?

[Cooker] Re: no info dir entry for screen

2000-09-18 Thread Francis Galiegue

On Sat, 16 Sep 2000, Antony Suter wrote:

> install-info: warning: no info dir entry in
> `/usr/share/info/'

Are you using a 7.1 or Cooker?

If you're using a 7.1 then it's normal: info files are in /usr/info, they have
moved to /usr/share/info

Francis Galiegue, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"Programming is a race between programmers, who try and make more and more
idiot-proof software, and universe, which produces more and more remarkable
idiots. Until now, universe leads the race"  -- R. Cook

[Cooker] XEmacs on console has bad colours

2000-09-18 Thread David Aspinall

XEmacs in 7.1 used to work well on the linux console.  With recent
versions in cooker, I get invisible text.  (e.g. launch dired, then
most of mode chars in filename are invisible).  

(Maybe not Mandrake's fault, since xemacs -nw -q -no-site-file has
the same problem...)

Re: [Cooker] Konqueror limitation

2000-09-18 Thread David Faure

On Mon, 18 Sep 2000, you wrote:
>This is the message I get from using a 
>current (as of 9-19) version of Konqueror.  I would report this under the 
>"Report Bug" under the Help menu, but this doesn't exist in Konqueror!

Huh ?? Look better, there is a report bug there. It reports as khtml if you're looking
at a web page, but that's intentionnal.

>As of September 15, 2000 you will no longer be able to use this browser to 
>access Fidelity NetBenefits and will need to use an upgraded browser. To 
>download a supported browser, please click on one of the links listed below. 
Some more stupid browser-detection code that thinks there is only NS and IE in the
world, I guess but Harri will look into it.

KDE, Making The Future of Computing Available Today
See for how to set up KDE 2

[Cooker] postresql-server script syntax error

2000-09-18 Thread Antony Suter

It is my first ever install of postresql.
error: "unary operator expected"

[root@gamut d]# rpm -ivh postgresql-devel-7.0.2-4mdk.i586.rpm
postgresql-server-7.0.2-4mdk.i586.rpm postgresql-python-7.0.2-4mdk.i586.rpm
Checking postgresql installation: no database files found.
This database system will be initialized with username "postgres".
This user will own all the data files and must also own the server process.

Fixing permissions on pre-existing data directory /var/lib/pgsql/data
Creating database system directory /var/lib/pgsql/data/base
Creating database XLOG directory /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_xlog
Creating template database in /var/lib/pgsql/data/base/template1
Creating global relations in /var/lib/pgsql/data/base
Adding template1 database to pg_database

Creating view pg_user.
Creating view pg_rules.
Creating view pg_views.
Creating view pg_tables.
Creating view pg_indexes.
Loading pg_description.
Vacuuming database.

Success. You can now start the database server using:

/usr/bin/postmaster -D /var/lib/pgsql/data
/usr/bin/pg_ctl -D /var/lib/pgsql/data start

Starting postgresql service:
Creating postgres database (waiting 5 seconds)
/etc/rc.d/init.d/postgresql: [: 2416: unary operator expected

- Antony Suter  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  "Examiner"  openpgp:71ADFC87
- "And how do you store the nuclear equivalent of the universal solvent?"

Re: [Cooker] Lesstif

2000-09-18 Thread Thierry Vignaud

Steve Fox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I'd like to request that Lesstif be upgraded to version 0.91.8 as there
> > were some pretty major enhancements.
> > 
> > >From the changelog:
> > 
> > "This release fixes several bugs in the libraries, including critical
> > ones
> > (i.e., those which could trigger a program crash), removes memory
> > leaks, and enhances the configuration system (configure, etc.).
> > LessTif should now work much better on several platforms, including
> > Digital Unix/Tru64 and IRIX."
> > 
> > Thanks!
> I got no response on this. I've copied the maintainer of this package.
> Please just send an indication.

hum. it's too late to fix it. I don't want to include fixes just before releasing 
with the risk that theses fixes break something else.

Re: [Cooker] syntax error

2000-09-18 Thread Pixel

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (admin) writes:

> Syntax error at /usr/bin/perl-install/ line 472, near "]]"

oups, thanks.

  1   2   >