[CTRL] Jurisdiction

1999-05-27 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

>From IrishTimes

> Friday, May 28, 1999
> Milosevic's allies angered by indictment
> --
> -- By Elaine Lafferty in Pristina and Joe Carroll in Washington
> Allies of President Slobodan Milosevic have reacted angrily to his
> indictment for war crimes, describing the move as monstrous and an
> abuse of power by the international war crimes tribunal, which was
> branded a US puppet.
> But the head of the tribunal defended herself and was supported by
> President Clinton who said the case against Mr Milosevic, the only
> head of state to be indicted for war crimes, would not stop NATO's
> action.
> The indictment, said President Clinton, would "reassure the victims of
> Belgrade's atrocities in Kosovo and it will deter future war crimes by
> establishing that those who give the orders will be held accountable .
> . . I call on all nations to support the tribunal's decision and to
> co-operate with its efforts to seek justice."
> In Belgrade, Mr Ivica Dacic, a spokesman for Mr Milosevic's Socialist
> Party, said that Ms Louise Arbour, the chief prosecutor of the
> Hague-based International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia,
> should also be "put on the list of war criminals". The tribunal had no
> jurisdiction in Yugoslavia and, he said, "this is a clear misuse of
> the power of this court, which is in the interest of NATO criminals".
> Mr Goran Matic, a minister without portfolio, said the indictment was
> "a propaganda trick which is aimed at postponing a political solution
> and diplomatic efforts".
> In a formal response, the Yugoslav federal government described the
> indictment as "another attempt to mislead the world community in order
> to conceal who is really responsible for the genocide against the
> Yugoslav people". Ms Arbour was as "a puppet in the hands of the
> masters of war".
> But Ms Arbour said the five-month investigation into Mr Milosevic was
> a race against time and the possible fall-out from international
> diplomacy.
> "We were driven by a now or never sense of urgency, by an issue that
> is central to our work - ensuring that the justice agenda did not get
> completely by-passed by the peace process," she said.
> She expressed confidence in her case against Mr Milosevic, the Serbian
> President, Mr Milan Milutinovic, the Yugoslav Deputy Prime Minister,
> Mr Nikola Sainovic, the armed forces chief-of-staff, Gen Dragoljub
> Ojdanic, and Mr Vlajko Stojiljkovic, the Serbian Interior Minister.
> In Pristina, the capital of Kosovo, the mood was sombre as the reality
> of the indictment sank in. In essence, all hopes of a peace deal or
> diplomatic agreement are seen to have been dashed and signs of an all
> out ground war were evident as Yugoslav forces reinforced border
> positions.
> "So now we know. There will be no agreement," said a 25-year-old
> engineering student. "The West will not sign an agreement with an
> indicted war criminal. We know that. So there will be a ground
> invasion."
> Meanwhile, NATO's campaign has been strongly criticised by Mr Viktor
> Chernomyrdin, the Russian envoy to the Balkans, who also criticised
> the war crimes indictment, and by a former US president, Mr Jimmy
> Carter.
> In an article in the Washington Post, Mr Chernomyrdin, due in Belgrade
> today, delivered a strong warning to NATO that "the world has never in
> this decade been so close as now to the brink of nuclear war". He
> warned that unless the NATO raids stopped soon, "I shall advise
> Russia's president to suspend Russian participation in the negotiating
> process."
> In the New York Times Mr Carter asked: "Have we forgotten the path to
> peace?" He said NATO was attacking the entire nation of Yugoslavia,
> which he described as "counter-productive, and our destruction of
> civilian life there has now become senseless and excessively brutal".

>From www.nesl.edu/center/balkan2.htm#intro
New England Center for Int'l Law ...

Whole thing starts at:

"New" legal stuff can be found at:

{{This seems old but even so, all the more interesting ...reminds me
of a bulldog (American) I once met:  threw a big rock (for 'fetch')
and wouldn't quit hunting 'til it found it and then retrieved it;
these guys have been after Slobo's scent for ever, ot seems ...}}

> The Balkan Institute
> War Crimes and Individual Responsibility:
> Executive Summary | Table of Contents | Text | Conclusion
> About the Authors | Endnotes | MS Word document for Downloading
> (Right-click on link; Save Link As)
> I. Introduction
> A. Object and purpose
> The purpose of this study is to inquire whether a prima facie case
> exists for the indictment of Slobodan Milosevic on charges of war
> crimes. Despite the

[CTRL] Fwd: MCF forum

1999-05-27 Thread Teo One Thousand

Forwarded for your consideration, on the school shootings.

Re: school shootings:
The school is not far, (within thirty miles), of a high tech, secret
mind control lab.
The 'planed attack' by students in Huron was close to Stillwater State
Prison, which may well have links to mind control studies. (There is
certainly some hard evidence) Most of this stuff, when you first come
across it is sick and hard to believe.  With a combination of drugs,
mind control techniques which are very high tech, forming small self
reinforcing cultures, and a good knowledge of the victims psychology,
you can get almost anyone to do almost anything.  In the case that you
are looking they seemed to have also needed a 'helping hand' or two, or
three, or more.  You are on to a big story, and could be to this what
Linda Thompson was to Waco.  I would well research the history of the
Sheriffs Dept. personnel.
Go through the Mind Control Forum at  http://www.mk/~mcf/archv-hm.htm
You might want to start with Julianne McKinney's classic Microwave Mind
I have filed a federal RICO case in Norfolk federal court which is also
listed under Michael Donovan Court Case.  As a witness to the flight 800
motive (not event itself), I had come under heavy government
harassment.  Once my witness was out, I came to understand that
witnesses in these affairs cannot be harmed or that the secret non use
of nuke deals brokered by my Father's boss would be hard to re
negotiate.  Consider doing a video.  It does not need to be technically
great, and could, like Linda Thompson's WACO THE BIG LIE, be done in
steps, each one supporting financially the next step.
Great work!!
Norfolk, Virginia

[CTRL] LITTLETON/ Major News/ FBI Linked?

1999-05-27 Thread Bill Kingsbury

 -Caveat Lector-


 The Mystery Deepens

 Death Threats
 FBI Links To Trenchcoaters
 "Rogue" Agencies/Spookland
 What's Up With "4/20?"
 Brooks Brown -- Inconsistencies, Questions Resurface
 Atlanta Shooting -- Drugs, Programming Breakdown, Plattsburgh Links

 NewsHawk Inc. 1999
 All Right Reserved


 Very significant information revealing the extent of the
 connection/ involvement/friendship that existed between Dylan
 Klebold and Brooks Brown has been recently revealed.  There was
 significant involvement between the two; and now also apparently
 considerable involvement between THESE TWO and the son of the FBI's
 lead Columbine investigator Dwayne Fuselier, who is known to be
 directly tied to making the 1997 pre-massacre video which would
 appear to be a dry-run of trenchcoated gunmen shooting down
 students AT COLUMBINE HIGH SCHOOL!  Apparently Eric Harris was not
 even part of this group at that time!

 These newly revealed facts are more than a little disturbing --
 especially the connection to the FBI chief's son -- and could aid
 substantially in efforts to get a better grasp on the
 sociological/peer group "layout" of the terrain at Columbine:  the
 preexisting conflict into which the carefully contrived, mind
 controlled and PRE-REHEARSED monstrosity of 4/20/99 was unleashed.

 This whole angle obviously now bears a great deal more looking into
 -- along with the entire aspect of coercion and intimidation of
 massacre witnesses by investigators and now DEATH THREATS being
 made against massacre survivors, warning them NOT TO TALK about
 other participants or be killed.

 Any readers of this report who are Littleton area residents,
 PLEASE find out more about the ties between Brown, Klebold, the
 FBI chief's son -- last name Fuselier, and others reported linked
 to the earlier days of the Trenchcoat group at Columbine, and
 subsequently to Harris.

 The following is reprinted from the Denver Rocky Mountain News.


 Officials with the FBI said Friday (5/22/99) their lead
 investigator in the Columbine High tragedy will stay in his post
 despite close ties to the school.  Dwayne Fuselier's son graduated
 from Columbine in 1997 and was one of the students who produced a
 videotape more than two years ago that shows trenchcoat-wearing
 students armed with weapons moving through the school's halls.  The
 film ends with four students walking away from the school as it
 explodes in flames.

 "I have complete faith and confidence in Dwayne Fuselier," said
 Keith DeVincentis, acting special agent in charge of the FBI's
 Denver office.  In addition, FBI spokesman Gary Gomez said there
 was "absolutely no discussion" of reassigning Fuselier, 51, a
 PSYCHOLOGIST, in the wake of the disclosures in Friday's Denver
 Rocky Mountain News.  "There is no conflict of interest," Gomez
 said.  (What dimension is THIS guy from anyway? [JQ])

 The tape, made in 1997, has no known connection to either Eric
 Harris or Dylan Klebold...  (As a matter of fact there WAS a
 connection between those who filmed the 1997 video and Harris and
 Klebold; that person being Brooks Brown, as information below will

 Fuselier is one of three commanders leading the investigation,
 along with sheriff's Lt. John Kiekbusch and Capt. Dan Harris.  The
 sheriff's department had taken no position on Fuselier's continuing
 role in the investigation, deputy Troy Gardalen said.  Sheriff John
 Stone has not spoken publicly about any aspect of the investigation
 since Tuesday.  Officials from the U.S. Attorney's office also
 would not discuss the situation.

 But Z.G. Standing Bear, a criminal justice professor at Colorado
 State University and a former criminal investigator for the U.S.
 Army, said federal officials should avoid the perception of a
 conflict of interest.  In this case, he said, that means
 reassigning Fuselier, if for no other reason than to protect
 the agent.

 "That can be potentially dangerous to the agent conducting
 the inquiry," Standing Bear said.  If he were running the
 investigation, Standing Bear said, he'd want agents with
 "no connection whatsoever" to the case

 Fuselier's son, who is attending college out of state, could not
 be reached for comment.  Another student who worked on the film
 refused to talk about it.

 Copyright 1999, Denver Publishing Co.


 This MOST troubling information regarding events in the two years
 prior to the massacre itself leads to inevitable questions
 concerning various entanglements between Dylan Klebold, Brooks
 Brown and other proto-trenchcoaters; including, as we now know,
 young Fuselier.

 Perhaps the general demonization of Harris as the mastermind and
 TCM "cult" leader is 

[CTRL] Who are the Bilderbergers?

1999-05-27 Thread Nicola Molloy

 -Caveat Lector-

Andrew -

Excuse me you forgot the clones! Er... Prez Klintoon, as they call him, is
supposed to be one..check the photos of the past and present ears,

The fallen angels from Babylonia,

The Atlanteans under Scotland,

The Lemurians under Mt Shasta,

The Merovingians from the alliance of Mary Magdelene and a mystery partner,

The 6th Aryans from the Gobi desert, this includes Newt G a fine speciman of the
6th Root race,

The vanished Incas,

Kyron at UN, ( of course he has to speak thru a crystal skull as he dosen't have a

Maitreya, taking the elixir of life, given by St Germaine, to keep that old Paki
body going before it conks out waiting for some attention from the world's press
about his overshadowing of the world. z z z z

The Walk Ins who have secretly taken over and started the discrimination against
walk ins soc,

The top Nazis who have taken over a babies body at birth, like Stewart Swerdlow,

The Seed of David with their very own genuine Ark of the Covenent,

The New Group of World Servers ready to take over once the aliens artificially
open the old Atlantean grid system and raise the vibes of earth,

Lastly the 60's survivers who after taking LSD think they are now gods and follow
Dr J Houston and other people with burnt out brains who have decided our destiny
is to be all ONE and  All Roads Lead to Truth/Light/- - - - - etc (fill in blanks)


Andrew Hennessey wrote:

>  -Caveat Lector-
> Yes, Yes, guys ... it all seems so believable and predictable -
> so it makes me think that this is another 'Tomlinson syndrome list'
> its so boring .. whatever happened to 
> Ambassador Jarl of the Kandor Empire and Council of the 3rd Quadrant.
> Queen Lizard of the Reptile shapechanger Alliance Party for tastier flesh.
> The Emperor in Black from the Marcabian System, Grand Controller quadrant
> Princess Zeta of the Hybrid Hive
> Dr No,
> Dr Strangelove,
> Richard Dearlove,
> Adolf Hitler the second,
> Prince Brahman of Agharti, King of the World.
> Aragorn StarGod, CEO of Pyramids R US
> Samael leader of the Fallen Gods - director of Babylon One
> Count St Germaine
> Andrew Hennessey
> The mainframe Avatar of the Temporal and Dimensional Trading Matrix
> Terminator 3
> Genghis Khan the second
> Reverend Moon
> Wesley Snipes
> Count Dracula
> The Roslin Werewolf
> Prince Draco of Serpens   CEO of Burger King
> Googy Xool,CEO Sapien Meat Company
> If that other list was all the real Bilderburgers - I resign - this
> is boring 
> Andrew Hennessey
> Transformation Studies Group
> Edinburgh   Scotland

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Klinton/Gore Hurt Military Readiness

1999-05-27 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.

 -Caveat Lector-

 Since 1989, the Navy has been reduced by 36 percent,
   the Army and Air Force by 45 percent and the
Marine Corps
   by 12 percent while the overall operational
commitments have
   increased at a rate of 300 percent, according to
the House
   Armed Services Committee. While defense spending
as a
   percentage of the federal budget has been driven
down from
   25.8 percent in 1989 to 14.6 percent in 1999, the
   services have had to cut back on funding for
vital resources
   while upping their operations tempo, or OPTEMPO.
In fact,
   since 1991 Clinton has ordered 14 contingency
operations and
   the Army has been used in 29 substantial overseas

   deployments, compared with just 10 in the four
   . . . . As Inhofe puts it: "We are in the most
threatened position
   since the Revolutionary War. Through his veto
power, he has
   starved the conventional forces Secondly, we
would have
   had a defense against a limited ICBM
[Intercontinental Ballistic
   Missile] in place in [fiscal] 1998 if it had not
been for the
   president's vetoes."..



CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] How Can We Blame all on Guns?

1999-05-27 Thread Teo One Thousand

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 5/27/99 4:48:18 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

> While it's possible to rid the country of guns, it's impossible to rid
>  the country of gods even though that superstition is responsible for
>  more
>  human deaths and misery than all other things save plague and natural
>  disaster.
>  Most people simply don't have the guts to face nature and reality and
>  are addicted to superstitious nonsense as avoidance behavior. That
>  won't
>  change. The best we can hope for is to make sure that people keep
>  their
>  private superstitions private or among like minded superstitionists.
>  Devout Atheist,
>  Joshua2

I don't think it is possible to rid the country of guns, unless you allow for
a lot of deaths in the process.  In that case the cure would be worse than
the "disease".

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The continued crumbling of the New World Order.

1999-05-27 Thread nurev

 -Caveat Lector-

Conflict over trade is causing worldwide protests

BBC Wednesday, May 26, 1999 Published at 18:26 GMT 19:26 UK

World trade headaches grow

Conflict over trade is causing worldwide protests

The United States has accused the European Union of bad faith in the
increasingly bitter row over the import of beef.

World trade wars US Trade Representative Charlene Barshefsky said that
the EU had no intention of complying with a ruling by the World Trade
Organisation (WTO) that US beef treated with growth hormones must be
admitted to the EU.

[ image: Charlene Barshefsky: talking tough to the EU] Charlene
Barshefsky: talking tough to the EU"We do not have the sense that
Europe has any serious intent to negotiate a solution to this issue,"
she said

Accusing the EU of 'perhaps 30 years' of defying international trade
rules, she said the current dispute was 'exceptionally debilitating'
to global trade talks.

"We cannot maintain a multilateral trading regime on the basis of
selective compliance," she added.

Ms Barshefsky was speaking ahead of talks with Acting EU Trade
Commissioner Leon Brittan in Paris.

The United States has asked the WTO to approve $200m in sanctions
against EU agricultural products in retaliation. On Wednesday Canada,
whose beef exports have also been hit by the ban, asked for $50m of
sanctions of its own.

No head for WTO

Meanwhile, In Geneva the World Trade Organisation failed yet again to
pick a new leader over a month after its former Director General

[ image: Thailand's candidate is not quitting] Thailand's candidate is
not quittingThe organisation is deadlocked between two candidates:
Thai Commerce Minister Supachai Panitchpakdi, supported by many
developing countries and Japan; and former New Zealand Prime Minister
Mike Moore, supported by the United States and Latin America.

After another deadlocked meeting, WTO General Council chairman Ali
Mchumo expressed his despair.

"We are all very conscious that to declare the current process at an
end would bring the organisation into uncharted and dangerous waters,"
he said.

"We cannot foresee how long we should then be without a
director-general or how easy it would be to reach agreement on any
candidate or even on the procedures for choosing one," he added.

Mr Supachai has denied reports that he was about to withdraw from the

He has accused the United States of trying to block his candidacy.

China still outside

The biggest single issue for the World Trade Organisation is the
proposed membership of China, whose exports and imports are not
regulated by international trade rules.

China wants to join the WTO before the next round of trade talks
begins in November, but negotiations with the United States have

Charlene Barshefksy insisted that the negotiations will be completed
in time, while holding out the prospect that 'prospective members'
might be allowed to take part in the trade talks.

"WTO accession is good for China, good for the US, and good for the
world community, provided it's on commercially meaningful terms," she

Bad omen for trade talks

The next round of trade liberalisation talks will be getting off to an
inauspicious start.

Not only could the issue of China still be unresolved, but it looks
like the world's biggest trading nation - the United States - will go
into the talks without the power to conclude an agreement.

The weakened Clinton Administration looks increasingly unlikely to
receive full negotiating authority from a hostile Congress. Previous
trade negotiations were conducted under 'fast track' negotiations
which allowed any trade deal to be approved as a whole. Without such
legislation the US Congress could tie up any agreement for years.

As a result of political pressures, the United States is also
proposing an ambitious agenda, broadening the trade talks to include
issues like labour standards and protection of the environment. These
are likely to be opposed by many developing countries, who see them as
protectionism through the back door.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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1999-05-27 Thread Andrew Hennessey

 -Caveat Lector-

BRITISH GM FRANKENFOOD WARS - getting down to basics,
by Andrew Hennessey

BBC NEWS 24 announced tonight that the Nuffield Foundation think tank
pronounce GM Foods safe to eat. The feature says that GM foods has
been used in the USA for years, people don't care what they eat over there,
because its all safe and farmers couldn't in all conscience feed us
poison. The american public says BBC news24 is far too busy with
real concerns about money, working and choice to be bothered about
delicious and nutritious GM food.
Meanwhile the runaway GM crop causing a health epidemic near Edinburgh
is allegedly killing 75% of all bees that carry its pollen. Estate workers at
Roslin have allegedly been threatened into silence, and campaigners are
starting to protest about the disease caused by this runaway crop.
The crop at Roslin is a Terminator type - allegedly with mammal and insect DNA
meanwhile Dr Pushti, the Hungarian Research Biologist who broke the news
of the ill effects of GM food, is currently 'in hiding' in Norway, being
unable to re-enter Britain for some reason to present his corroborated
research to the public that clearly illustrates the danger of these foods.
Tony Blair meantime has been seen happily spoonfeeding a trusted confederate
some GM mush in front of the cameras.
Local organised groups in the Edinburgh area are currently conducting
scientific and legal analysis of the horrific substances produced by
the mutant GM crop - including a survey to ascertain what proportion
of the very young and very old are affected.
Many people are coming out in hideous weals as their immune system
cannot deal with the air quality.

Calls for independent scientists in the fields of:

mass spectroscopy and SEM
respiratory medicine
DNA analysis

and any experts in the MAI Treaty and International Law.
There appear to be a large well organised group of campaigners,
plus many witnesses to the coercion taking place.
Local farmers in the area are being bought into silence with the threat
that they will lose subsidies, their mortgage and even their lives.
As yet no Official independent Trials to Government standards on GM crops
have been carried out - and even if they were, under the new UK Freedom of
act, members of the public can never have access now to the raw data.
The irony being that they could have before this new 'Freedom' was introduced.

Andrew Hennessey
Transformation Studies Group

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Who are the Bilderbergers? (fwd)

1999-05-27 Thread Andrew Hennessey

 -Caveat Lector-

Yes, Yes, guys ... it all seems so believable and predictable -
so it makes me think that this is another 'Tomlinson syndrome list'
its so boring .. whatever happened to 

Ambassador Jarl of the Kandor Empire and Council of the 3rd Quadrant.
Queen Lizard of the Reptile shapechanger Alliance Party for tastier flesh.
The Emperor in Black from the Marcabian System, Grand Controller quadrant
Princess Zeta of the Hybrid Hive
Dr No,
Dr Strangelove,
Richard Dearlove,
Adolf Hitler the second,
Prince Brahman of Agharti, King of the World.
Aragorn StarGod, CEO of Pyramids R US
Samael leader of the Fallen Gods - director of Babylon One
Count St Germaine
Andrew Hennessey
The mainframe Avatar of the Temporal and Dimensional Trading Matrix
Terminator 3
Genghis Khan the second
Reverend Moon
Wesley Snipes
Count Dracula
The Roslin Werewolf
Prince Draco of Serpens   CEO of Burger King
Googy Xool,CEO Sapien Meat Company

If that other list was all the real Bilderburgers - I resign - this
is boring 

Andrew Hennessey
Transformation Studies Group
Edinburgh   Scotland

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] How Can We Blame all on Guns?

1999-05-27 Thread Damian B. Cooper

 -Caveat Lector-

At 08:42 PM 5/24/99 -0700,  Ric Carter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>But: guns or gods, we're talking Theology.  True Believers in
>weapons-bearing have a religious creed, that their guns were
>given them by their god(s), and no mere mortal can touch their
>holy armaments.

Yes.   That's correct.  My gun RIGHTS were given to me by someone
a hell of a lot more important and smarter than you or Charles

> You might as well try to talk a spiritual fundy
>out of their belief system.  Good luck.

So, in other words, the fact that YOU can't talk someone
out of THEIR beliefs makes THEIR beliefs wrong?

Maybe they're just a lot smarter than you are.

>  Rev. R.N. "what a friend we have in Uzi" Carter
>* no pacifists were shot during the production of this message *

I'll send my kid to the private school of my choice where
every kid brings an assault weapon to school.

You send your kid to an American public school where
every kid is on government provided drugs and mass vaccinations.

My kid will be a HELL of a lot safer, not kill anyone,  and grow up
to be a responsible adult.  Your kid will grow up to be Dylan Klebold.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Clinton to order 90,000 troops to Kosovo . . .

1999-05-27 Thread Andrew Hennessey

 -Caveat Lector-

>PRESIDENT CLINTON is now ready to consider a full-scale land war against
>Serb forces in Kosovo, sending up to 90,000 combat troops from America,
>if no peace settlement emerges within the next three weeks.
>Although Nato is only officially planning for a peace implementation
>force of 50,000-60,000 troops, there is a growing feeling in Washington
>and London that the alliance must prepare itself for a much bigger
>operation, involving 150,000-160,000 troops.
I doubt whether the Western Alliance has the capacity to deliver 20,000
troops in a half decent time scale let alone 120-000 troops.
This just isn't going to happen unless a richer Nato country gets embroiled
eg. Greece or Italy.
The original Gulf War Logistics were not originally set up for a war with Iran
but a Middle eastern Russian Oil scenario during the cold war - which was why
so many troops got where they got so quickly and so organised.
The US was faced with a 'use it or lose it' scenario after the collapse of the
wall in Berlin - and they 'used it' to Rapidly Deploy against saddaam -
says military expert.

Andrew Hennessey
Transformation Studies Group


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] How Can We Blame all on Guns?

1999-05-27 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

> it's possible to rid the country of guns,

Sez you, a priori.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] "Why GUNS are here to stay." 1/2

1999-05-27 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

> Drugs are addictive

Some are and some are not. And those that are, so what? it's none of your
damn business what somebody else does with their own body. In point of
fact, I myself have been a drug addict for nearly forty years and as far
as I can tell it's done me nothing but good. Of course I'm lucky in that
my drug of choice, caffiene, happens to be legal. Were that not the case
I'd do it anyway. So would most caffiene addicts.

> Drugs relieve pain,

Some do and some don't. All drugs are not the same. I strongly suggest
that you study up on the subject before you spout off like an ignorant

>Yes there very well might be a black market in guns. That's OK. That
means guns will be harder to get than they are now.

That's not OK. That means that guns would (NOT will)  be harder to get for
the law abiders, ie. the victims of armed predators.

>And that's OK too.

I take it you've never been raped, have you?

>So the prisons will  fill with gun dealers and illegal owners.

(1.) That ain't gonna happen. What would happen is a bloody civil war.
We'd win. We have overwhelming numerical superiority and superb position.

(2.) But if it did happen, the grave yards would fill even faster with the
unarmed victims of violent predators.

>If guns become like drugs in the society, that would be a vast
improvement over going down the street to buy a lethal weapon as if it
were a toaster.

What makes an inanimate object, be it a gun or a toaster or whatever, a
weapon, is the use to which it is put. Except for a miniscule fraction of
a percent, most guns are not lethal weapons. They're glorified paper hole
punchers, nothing more. They have the potential to be used as lethal
weapons, but so do toasters. The variable is not the object itself, but
the action of a human being.  Before you criticise the superstitions of
others you really ought to outgrow in your own  animism. Objects are
objects. They have no intrinsic purpose outside of that to which their
human animators put them. A toaster can be a weapon if that is the purpose
to which it is put. A gun can be a paper weight; the one on my desk is the
proof. It can also be a very effective lethal weapon should the occassion
arise, a fact which gives me immeasurable peace of mind. At the moment I
don't need a lethal weapon; I do need a paper weight. But should the
occasion arise that I do need a lethal weapon I'd far rather have one than
not have one. By relying on a gun and not a toaster I don't have to talk
an attacker into standing in the tub while I run it full of water and toss
in the toaster. I feel that this is a wise choice on my part. If you doubt
my wisdom, attack me and see what happens.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Who are the Bilderbergers? (fwd)

1999-05-27 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Thu, 27 May 1999 09:30:36 -0500
Subject: Who are the Bilderbergers?

Bilderberger guest list

  Ackerman, Duane - CEO Bell South
  Ahern, Bertie - Prime Minister of Ireland
  Alberthal, Les - CEO of Electronic Data Systems ( EDS )
  Albright, Madeleine - U.S. Secretary of State
  Al Saud, Waleed Bin Talal Bin Abdulaziz - Saudi Prince
  Amichai, Yehuda - Israeli poet
  Annan, Kofi - U.N. Secretary General
  Arafat, Yasser - Chairman Palestinian Authority
  Armstrong, Michael - CEO of AT&T Corrporation
  Arison, Ted - Israeli Financier
  Assad, Hafez - President of Syria
  Aznar, Jose Maria - President of Spain
  Belluzzo, Richard - CEO - Silicon Graphics-SGI
  Berkshire Hathaway - Warren Buffet
  Bolkiah, Hassanal - The Sultan of Brunei
  Byers, Brook - Partner KPCB
  Beyster, J. R. - Founder and CEO of SAIC
  Bialkin, Ken - Skadden Arps
  bin-Mohamad, Mahathir - PM of Malaysia
  Blair, Tony - Prime Minister of UK
  Bondevik, Kjell Magne - Prime Minister of Norway
  Bonsignore, Michael - CEO Honeywell
  Braverman, Avishai - President of Ben-Gurion University
  Bronfman, Charles - Canadian businessman
  Buffet, Warren, CEO Berkshire Hathaway
  Cardoso, Fernando Henrique - President of Brazil
  Case, Daniel - Chairman & CEO of H& Q
  Case, Stephen - CEO of America On-Line-AOL
  Caufield, Frank - AOL Board & Partner KPCB
  Cayne, James - CEO of Bear Stearn
  Chalsty, John - CEO of DLJ
  Chambers, John - CEO of Cisco Systems
  Chirac, Jacques - President of Franc
  Chretien, Jean - Prime Minister of Canada
  Clinton, Bill - President of the United States
  Cohen, Abby - Market Strategist, Goldman Sachs
  Corzine, Jon - CEO of Goldman Sachs
  Coulter, David - Former CEO of Bank of America
  Cresson Edith - EC Commissioner
  Daschle, Thomas - Senator, Minority Leader, U.S. Senate
  DeGier, Hans - CEO of Warburg Dillon Read
  Dehaene, Jean-Luc - Prime Minister of Belgium
  Dell, Michael - Dell Computers
  Denham, Bob - Salomon Smith Barney
  Dinstein, Yoram - President of Tel Aviv University-TAU
  Disney, Roy - Vice Chairman & Nephew - Walt Disney
  Ebtekar, Massoomeh - Vice President of Iran
  Eisenberg, Erwin - Heir to Eisenberg Group
  Ellison, Larry - CEO of Oracle
  Engibous, Tom - Texas Instruments-TI
  Esrey, Bill - CEO of Sprint
  Estrada, Joseph - President of the Philippines
  Fahd, King - Leader of Saudi Arabia
  Fan, Rita - Chairwoman Provincial Legislature China
  Fisher, Max - Chairman, Republican National Jewish
  Fisher, Richard - CEO of Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Fortune
1000 - Group Focus Letter
  Frankel, Jacob - Bank of Israel
  Friedlander, Yehuda - Rector of Bar Ilan University
  Fuld, Fichard - CEO of Lehman Brothers ( acquired Blount Intl)
  Gates, Bill - CEO of Microsoft
  Gerstner, Lou - CEO of IBM
  Glavin, Christopher - Motorola - Strategy Focus
  Goh Chok Tong - Prime Minister of Singapore
  Goldberg, Ed - Merrill Lynch - Strategy Focus
  Grafton, Bob - CEO of Arthur Andersen Worldwide
  Grasso, Richard - CEO, New York Stock Exchange-NYSE
  Greer, Phil - Weiss Peck & Greer
  Grove, Andy - Former CEO of Intel
  Gujral, I.K. - Former Prime Minister of India
  Habibie, B. J. - Indonesia's Prime Minister
  Hammerman, Stephen - Vice Chairman Merrill Lynch
  Harari, Chaim - President of Weizmann Institute
  Hariri, Rafik - Prime Minister of Lebanon
  Hashimoto, Ryutaro - Former Prime Minister of Japan
  Hastert, Dennis - GOP - Speaker of the U.S. House of
  Hayuth, Yehuda - President of Haifa University
  Honeycutt, Van - CEO Computer Sciences Corporation-CSC
  Horovitz, Avraham - GM - UMI Israel Chief Scientist
  Howard, John - Prime Minister of Australia
  Hussein, King - of Jordan and The Crown Prince Hassan ( HK:
Deceased )
  Ichan, Carl - Wall Street Financier
  Jackson, Judge Thomas Penfield - US District Court -
Washington D. C.
  Jiang Zemin - President of China
  Jobs, Steven - Apple Computers
  Jospin, Lionel - Prime Minister of France
  Kangas, Edward - CEO Deloitte, Touche, Tohmatsu -
  Kaveh, Moshe - President of Bar Ilan University
  Khatami, Mohammed - President of Iran
  Kim, Dea.jung - P

[CTRL] AIDS and the Gallo's Special Virus Program?

1999-05-27 Thread Lloyd Miller

 -Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From: VGammill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Saturday, May 15, 1999 8:00 PM
Subject: Is AIDS treatable?

 It seems like it could be an exercise in frustration trying to find a
cure for AIDS and so many of the newer autoimmune system disfunctions if in
fact we are taking on a crypto government population control policy.  This
is a copy of a letter I received this morning from Boyd "Ed" Graves who is
suing the US government for the creation of the AIDS virus.  The Special
Virus Cancer Program did indeed exist and the copies of the annual reports
are easily obtainable--I have seen them and they do look compellingly
incrimminating.  The only counter argument that I can conceive of is that I
find it hard to believe that scientists and policy makers in the US would
dream up and put such a plan into effect.  Implicit in it is that during
the late 50's, the 60's, the 70's and the early 80's they believed that
there was a population explosion of peoples who they considered inferior.
Could such a policy still be in effect?  I'd like to think that any such
policies have quietly reversed course.  Many of us with friends and
contacts in the research communities and the military have heard rumors of
these things going on -- and that you do not get too nosey if you don't
want to get "disappeared".   Am I going to get disappeared because I agree
with Ed that there should be an official investigation, one that would not
read like a Warren Commission coverup.  Maybe they'll issue me a heart
attack or an auto accident.
  For years I have searched for cancer treatments that I've known to be
suppressed.  It was through this research that I met Dr. Cantwell and then
Ed Graves.  I feel like Mel Gibson in that movie where he uncovers many
conspiracies -- some real, some looney -- until he stumbles upon the
motherload of dirty linen.  That was when he was marked for termination.
  This same sort of thing happened with regularity during the Nixon
years.  Len Horowitz believes that he is safe as long as he remains highly
visible in the public eye.  I do not think that Ed is safe.  It is too bad
because he is an Annapolis graduate and a very loyal American with a good
  At the end of Ed's letter he listed me as an expert.  I've deleted
this attachment in the forward to the list as it includes the personal
phone numbers of others.  I am not an expert in this matter.  I am just a
voice in the chorus of people who refuse to ignore these public documents
that Ed has uncovered.  I am just a guy who is amazed at the seeming
cleverness, the boldness and the ruthlessness of The Special Virus Cancer
Program.  I think that they did not have a worry in the world about being
found out as there were no Black scientists in this field of research and
they had the power of the US government to protect them.  They may get away
with it too.  Many of the scientists went on to die of old age.
If a jury could not understand the evidence to convict O.J. Simpson,
there is no chance that they could understand the technical evidence in a
case like this.  If a jury did not buy a bogus exculpatory "cancer
research" defense then it might still acquit out of a confused sense of
loyalty, or to protect the taxpayer from a huge reparation bill, or simply
out of agreement with a racist policy.  I do not think that heads will
roll.  I just see a lot of denial and and a lot more disenfranchisement
with elected officials and their appointees.  It would be a matter of
who-do-you-want-to-believe?   I don't think anyone dare get too beligerent
about this as a government capable of this sort of thing is a government
capable of anything.
 Where to go from here?  A good starting place would be to force
Dr.Robert Gallo into a forum where he would have to do some explaining and
I don't want to hear, "Well, you've got to understand the times back
then..." and "We didn't know..."   Maybe he was just "following orders".
Whose orders?
 If this scientific and racial "elite" are shown to have committed this
crime, I think the living victims should be the ones to decide their fates.
There is no question that we are talking about a crime of Nuremburg


 May 14, 1999

Mark Gillespie, federal court reporter
The Cleveland Plain Dealer
1801 Superior Street
Cleveland, OH 44114

RE: Graves v. Cohen, 98 CV 2209
United States Federal Court

Complaint of Judicial Misconduct/Prejudice
No.: 99-6-372-11
United States Court of Appeals

Dear Mr. Gillespie:

Pursuant to our conversation I am providing you the names and phone numbers
of some of a growing number of experts who have knowledge of a "hidden
federal program" entitled "Special Virus " . The Plain Dealer has an
obligation to the public to confirm the existence of the "Special Virus"

[CTRL] COLD WAR SECRETS: America's Disc Planes

1999-05-27 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
UFO Magazine
May 1999, Vol. 14, No. 5
5455 Centinela Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90066
Some great pix and drawings in zine.
COLD WAR SECRETS: America's Disc Planes

by Bill Rose

In concert with the rise of the LIFO presence in America, defense and
aviation industries began a serious line of programs that exploit the shape
and myths surrounding UFOs. Some didn't get off the ground; others became
leading edge designs for a whole generation of craft that fulfilled multiple
purposes for military and defense. The crossover between "real" UFOs and
secret military programs has obfuscated the entire issue, but this following
article attempts a first wave of clarification.

During the Second World War, a small group of German scientists began to
experiment with circular winged disc planes which were revolutionary in
concept and decades ahead of their time.

At least three manned prototypes were built, and a combat version was being
developed which might have reached production if the war had lasted longer.

The Nazis funded hundreds of exotic weapons projects, although the Allies
probably knew nothing about their flying disc experiments until aeronautical
engineers and scientists started to fall into U.S., British and Soviet hands
after the country surrendered. Then a new East-West arms race began and the
Pentagon resurrected the German disc plane project which would help to
endorse the public's growing belief that alien agencies were covertly
operating on our planet.

Pentagon planning

As postwar U.S.-Soviet relations started to deteriorate, Washington feared a
sneak air attack across the North Pole. Russia was building fleets of
longrange bombers, which would soon be capable of delivering nuclear weapons
to the heart of America. At that time, the development of efficient jet
engines and reliable surface-to-air missiles was proving difficult and the
U.S. Army Air Force needed new methods to counter this very real Soviet

With alarm bells starting to ring in the corridors of power, military
planners turned to the country's leading aviation contractors who were all
carefully assessing advanced wartime German research.

By mid-1946, proposals were in hand to develop a supersonic disc-shaped
interceptor based on German work, which would be ideal for the harsh climates
of Alaska and Northern Canada. Initial studies for this aircraft took place
at Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio, with development work following in California,
New Mexico.

But it was increasingly difficult to maintain security at existing test
sites, and a series of UFO incidents (which sometimes involved highly
classified prototypes) were starting to convince the general public that
aliens had arrived on Earth. The question of whether ET has, or is visiting
our world lies outside the scope of this article, but the Pentagon did
nothing to discourage the widening perception of an alien presence.

By the late 1940s, a USAF bureau had been established to investigate UFO

This carefully orchestrated highprofile public relations exercise made it
relatively easy to debunk genuine sightings of secret experimental aircraft.
At the same time, the USAF continued to look for new sites where experimental
aircraft could be developed in total secrecy.

The search would lead to the establishment of several new bases, which
included Groom Dry Lake, Nevada, but long before that happened, the USAF would

turn its attention toward facilities outside the continental U.S. Shared
defense concerns with Canada made this country a particularly attractive
proposition for a new secret disc plane project, and U.S. proposals were
carefully channeled through the CDRB (Canadian Defense Research Board) by
weapons technology chief Dr. Vannevar Bush, head of the Pentagon's Joint
Research and Development Board.

In 1951, Avro-Canada, Ltd. (a British-owned high-tech aviation company
located in Malton, Toronto), was approached by the CDRB to develop a new
high-performance disc-shaped interceptor capable of effectively countering
any Soviet threat from the north. Because this was officially a Canadian
undertaking, the CDRB allocated $410,000 to the program and additional funds
were provided by Avro-Canada.

Project Y

Avro-Canada appointed John Carver Meadows Frost as the director of their new
Top Secret disc plane program, now called Project Y. Frost was a British
scientist already working for Avro on the RCAF's new CF-100 fighter program,
and was previously involved with the DeHavilland DH.110 project in England.

The first flying disc design was based on German research studies. It has
been suggested that Dr. Richard Miethe (who undoubtedly controlled the
Heinkel/ BMW flying disc project in Nazi-occupied Czechoslovakia) assisted
the Avro team during the first two years of their program. Under Frost's
leadership, Avro's Special Projects Group began to work on a oneman,
heel-shaped supersonic fighter

[CTRL] Washington Post on Nuclear War Dangers

1999-05-27 Thread David Crockett Williams

 -Caveat Lector-

From: Carol Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Peace list from <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Nuclear War Op-Ed Washington Post
Date: Thursday, May 27, 1999 3:36 PM

Invitation to Nuclear Disaster

By Michael Krepon

Tuesday, May 25, 1999; Page A15

Unless concerted action is taken soon to reduce nuclear dangers,
conditions will be coming into place for a dreadful accident, incident
even a nuclear detonation of Russian origin. The problems posed by
Chinese nuclear espionage pale in comparison with the dangers inherent
Russia's domestic plight, its aging arsenal, stressed-out command and
control and lax export controls. Moreover, the current U.S. nuclear
posture exacerbates current dangers by requiring the deployment of 6,000

nuclear weapons, approximately half of which are on hair-trigger alert.

Russia, whose GNP is now the size of Belgium's (and falling), cannot
match U.S. nuclear force levels. Over the next decade, deployed Russian
nuclear weapons on strategic forces may well dip below 1,000 -- six
below the number allowed by the START II treaty, which has been held
hostage by the Russian Duma since January 1993.

At present the Kremlin retains as many of its nuclear forces on
alert as possible. This is done to compensate for weaknesses in Russia's

conventional forces, for gaping holes in the old Soviet early warning
network and for the vast launch readiness of U.S. nuclear forces.
Independent estimates suggest that Russia maintains in excess of 3,000
nuclear warheads in very high states of launch readiness.

This is a recipe for disaster. The CIA's unclassified assessment of the
"fail-safeness" of Russian command and control is not reassuring.
the CIA says nuclear safety is not a concern as long as current security

procedures and systems are in place, stresses in the Russian command and

control system are growing, and are aggravated by the high launch
readiness of U.S. nuclear forces.

In January 1995 Russian forces mistook a scientific rocket launched from

Norway for a U.S. attack, thus activating President Boris Yeltsin's
"suitcase." In September 1998 a deranged Russian sailor killed seven of
shipmates and barricaded himself inside the torpedo bay of his nuclear
attack submarine. Security forces recaptured the boat, which may or may
not have had nuclear weapons on board. In September 1998, a guard at a
facility holding 30 tons of plutonium shot other guards and then
heavily armed. The list of incidents of this kind in Russia that we know

about is chilling.

How does the U.S. maintenance of 6,000 deployed nuclear weapons, half
on hair-trigger alert, help this country deal with such dangers? With
Russian forces projected to decline dramatically over the next decade,
what useful purpose is served by maintaining bloated nuclear arsenals at

such high states of launch readiness?

While U.S. nuclear forces have been downsized with the end of the Cold
War, U.S. nuclear doctrine and targeting requirements have changed
relatively little. We still maintain massive attack options, with the
for many hundreds of nuclear detonations. We still place Russia's
crumbling industrial capacity "at risk," even though these factories
become liabilities rather than assets for the Kremlin. We still maintain

forces at very high launch readiness, even though there is no longer a
doctrinal requirement to launch quickly in the event of a Russian

Capitol Hill has barely addressed the dangers inherent in interlocking
and Russian nuclear postures. Extensive targeting lists and high Russian

alert rates reinforce high U.S. alert rates. This vicious circle will be

extremely dangerous as strains on Russian command and control continue
to grow. As long as the U.S. strategic posture involves keeping our
guns out of their holsters with the triggers cocked, there is no chance
whatever of persuading Russia to take its dangerous and aging nuclear
missiles off hair-trigger alert.

These nuclear dangers are badly compounded by congressional insistence
that the United States maintain a force level of 6,000 deployed warheads

-- the maximum allowed under START I -- until the 1993 START II
accord finally enters into force. In this way, national decisions on the

proper size of U.S. strategic forces are determined by the most
delegates of the Russian Duma, who have blocked ratification of START

What could the United States conceivably do with 6,000 deployed nuclear
warheads in the post-Cold War era? Why is it in the national security
interest of the United States to wait for action by Russia's
and erratic legislature before taking new initiatives to reduce nuclear
dangers? Doesn't it make more sense to accelerate the process of deep
reductions now?

Sen. Bob Kerrey (D-Neb.) has a better idea than waiting for the Duma.
He would strike the legislative requirement to remain at 6,000 deployed
weapons an

[CTRL] Spies Everywhere

1999-05-27 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

 -Caveat Lector-

Some time ago our paper had an article on how often the Governor's office had
to be swept for bugs.  It wasn't only his office either.  Every country has
spies in every other country.  When did everyone decide it was unusual.
Remember when Israel got our atomic secrets.  Nobody thought it was a big
deal.  They didn't even fuss when she attacked our ship.  If our Governor's
office is a target, then I'm sure that everybody in the US is under
surveillance.  Don't they have stuff up there that can tell them the color of
your underwear?  Who thinks they can hide what from whom?  The only ones out
of the loop are the US taxpayers.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Fwd: Breaking Diana News--Star Magazine--How Royals Plotted to Kill Diana

1999-05-27 Thread Kris Millegan

Radio Show Reminder: Tonight 10PM to midnight Pacific time 840AM 50,000 watts 
out of Las Vegas Rayelan Allan will be interviewed by Lou Epton

Rayelan will be a guest on the Sightings radio program hosted by Jeff Rense, 
June 7th, 7PM PST  Sightings is the 4th ranked radio program in the country. 
See the bottom of this email for the Sightings link and more information on 
how to listen to their archives, any time of the day or night,  while you are 
working on your computer. 

This week's Star Magazine http://www,starmagazine.com  has published bits
a pieces of a secret MI6 document.

Quoted from the Star--The amazing memo stamped "Top Secret" and put
together from MI6 sources throughout Europe, also said "Reliable source
reports palace seriously disturbed by liaison."

And it (the memo) added that British Prime Minister Tony Blair "considers
any Fayed relationship politically disastrous."

The same memo names top British sp David Spedding and claims he asked
authorities in Britain and the United States "for assistance in providing a
permanent solution to Dodi problem."

It alleges that Buckingham Palace gave the move the thumbs up, even though
the White House turned it down.--(End of Star quotes)

Excerpted from the forward to
  Diana, Queen of Heaven, The New World Religion

An  article  written  by  "Ru Mills" (pseudonym) and published in Conspiracy
Nation (CN  12.08)  gave  details  on  the arrest of a "George Mearah"
(apparently also known as  Oswald  LeWinter)  for allegedly  trying  to  sell 
top  secret CIA documents to Mohamed Al-Fayed, father of Dodi Al-Fayed
who died with Princess Diana in a suspicious car crash on  August 31, 1997. 

Here  is a copy of one of the purported CIA documents, apparently published
in the London Mirror:
Foreign   Intelligence  Information  Report  Directorate  of  Intelligence 

NO:  00.D 831/173466-97
COUNTRY:  France 
DATE DISTR:   17  June 1997
SUBJECT:  File  overview: Diana Princess Of Wales-Dodi 
SOURCE:   CAS Paris, CAS London, COS Geneva, CAS Kingston, UK
citizen Ken Etheridge

1.  Relationship initiated between Diana POW  and  Dodi  aF according 
to  reliable  intel  sources  in  November 1996.  Intimacy begins shortly
after they meet.  (Report filed)
2. Reliable  source reports Palace seriously disturbed by  liaison.   PM  
considers   any   al   Fayed  relationship politically disastrous. 
Edinburgh  (Prince  Phillip  -ed)  sees  serious threat to dynasty should
relationship endure. Quote reported:  "Such  an  affair  is racially and
morally  repugnant and no son of a bedouin camel trader is  fit  for  the
mother of a future king," Edinburgh.  (Report filed)
3.  Request from highest circles to DEA attache UK for 6 on  Dodi re: 
Cocaine.  See  File  forwarded  to UK embassy DC.  (Copy filed)
4. US  liaison  to  MI6  requested  by  David Spedding for  assistance in
providing permanent solution to Dodi problem.  Blessing of Palace
secured (Twiz filed)  
5. WHuse  (White  House  -ed)  denies  Spedding  request. Harrison 
authorized  only  to   arrange  meeting  for  MI6  representative with
K-Team Geneva.  (Twiz on file)   6. Meeting in Geneva reportedly
successful (Report filed)  7. al  Fayed  Mercedes  Limo  stolen  and 
returned   with  electronics missing.  Reliable intel source confirms
K-team  involved.Source  reports  car  rebuilt  to  respond  to  external
radio controls.  (Report filed)
8. COB Geneva reports that on May 28, 1997 heavily weighted  Fiat
Turbo...(end of page text)  

For more information on these documents and Richard Tomlinson, the MI6
operative who is credited by the Star Magazine with releasing them, click on
the Diana Forum link and scroll down the page until you find the Tomlinson
links. One of them is the document that releases the names of MI6
operatives. You find the names in the above documents on that list.

Page 9 of Diana, Queen of Heaven states the above document came from
Division 5 of the FBI Counter   Intelligence unit in New York City, and was
given to Oswald Le Winter. Evidently the purpose of the "leaked" document
was to "surface" documents proving that Diana was murdered.

>From the moment LeWinter "surfaced" the documents, he was "expendable".
He is currently in prison in Austria. The following is a letter received by
Rayelan Allan on January 9, 1999. Parts of it are quoted on page 9 of the
January 8, 1999

Dear Raye,

 Thanks for your card and info. The $20.00 you sent
has been placed among my property 

[CTRL] Fwd: S99-91, Day 65 (May 27, 5:00PM EDT) - A Special TiM GWBulletin on NATO's War on Serbia

1999-05-27 Thread Kris Millegan


The Special Truth in Media Global Watch Bulletins on NATO's war on Serbia,
such as the one enclosed below, can also be accessed at our Web site:
www.truthinmedia.org which is being updated throughout the day.

Issue S99-91, Day 65
May 27, 1999; 5:00PM EDT


The Hague   1. Milosevic Indicted!  Clinton, Blair... Next?

Moscow   2. Chernomyrdin Stiffens His Back

Beijing 3. Russian, Chinese Military Leaders Meet,
 Denounce NATO's Brutality

Atlanta 4. Jimmy Carter: "How Did We End Up in
This Quagmire?"

London5. British Helsinki Human Rights Group
Reports from Belgrade on NATO's Victims

1. Milosevic Indicted!  Clinton, Blair... Next?

THE HAGUE, May 27 - Judge Louise Arbour, chief prosecutor of the U.N. War
Crimes Tribunal at the Hague (ICTY), announced today that Yugoslavia's
president, Slobodan Milosevic, along with four other senior officials have
been indicted for war crimes.

Five down, 70 to go?  If this court were about serving justice, that's
exactly what should follow - indictments against all NATO leaders for mass
murder of over 1,200 Yugoslav civilians, and the maiming of more than 5,000
others (see S99-73, Day 49, Update 1, Item 4, May 11).  But, given ICTY's
track record of persecution of Serbs, rather than prosecution of justice,
we are not holding our breath, despite Judge Arbour's recent allusions to
such a possibility (see S99-87, Day 61, Item 3, May 23 and "Put U.N.
Justice on Trial," TiM GW Bulletin 98/8-5, Aug. 17, 1998 -

Which is why you should be sure to check out at our Web site TiM's photo
cartoon of Madam Kangaroo - http://www.truthinmedia.org/Kosovo/tim-stmt.html.

In her today's statement, Arbour said that an independent review by a judge
of this Tribunal had confirmed that there is a credible basis to believe
that these accused are criminally responsible for the deportation of
740,000 Kosovo Albanians from Kosovo, and for the murder of over 340
identified Kosovo Albanians.

She added that "this indictment is directed against the five named accused.
It is not directed against the State of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia,
nor against its people."
TiM Ed.: Sounds like something right out of NATO's "lie and deny" PR
kitchen.  For, it echos the statement which the NATO secretary general,
Javier Solana, made at the outset of the attack on Serbia - that NATO is
supposedly NOT waging war on Yugoslavia, only on Milosevic.  Arbour and
Solana should try selling such "snake oil" PR to the families of thousands
of dead Yugoslav citizens whose souls are crying out for justice.

2. Chernomyrdin Stiffens His Back

MOSCOW, May 27 - Just as aids are having to prop up Boris Yeltsin in public
as if he were a wax museum figure, the Russian military leaders seem to
have helped stiffen Viktor Chernomyrdin's back.  In an OpEd piece published
today by the Washington Post, Chernomyrdin sounded more like an angry
Russian bear, than a New World Order lapdog that he has been so far.
Moscow's special envoy to the Balkans said he felt compelled to respond to
"certain ideas put forward by President Clinton in his contribution of May
16 to the New York Times."

Here are some excerpts:

"The new NATO strategy... has led to a serious deterioration in Russia-U.S.
contacts. I will be so bold as to say it has set them back by several
decades. Recent opinion polls back this up. Before the air raids, 57
percent of Russians were positively disposed toward the United States, with
28 percent hostile. The raids reversed those numbers to 14 percent positive
and 72 percent negative. Sixty-three percent of Russians blame NATO for
unleashing the conflict, while only 6 percent blame Yugoslavia.

These attitudes result not so much from so-called Slavic fraternity as
because a sovereign country is being bombed ... This approach clashes with
international law, the Helsinki agreements and the entire world order that
took shape after World War II.  [...]

Just as Soviet tanks trampling on the Prague Spring of 1968 finally
shattered the myth of the socialist regime's merits, so the United States
lost its moral right to be regarded as a leader of the free democratic
world when its bombs shattered the ideals of liberty and democracy in
Yugoslavia. [...]

Now that raids against military targets have evidently proven pointless,
NATO's armed force has moved to massive destruction of civilian
infrastructure - in particular, electric transmission lines, water pipes
and factories. Are thousands of innocent people to be killed because of one
man's blunders? Is an entire country to be razed? Is one to assume that air
raids can win a war? [...]

Serbs see N

[CTRL] Russian Views

1999-05-27 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

>From invest.russiatoday.com

Russia Sees Progress On Balkan Oil Pipeline

LONDON, May 27, 1999 -- (Reuters) Russian, Bulgarian and Greek
government ministers will meet in Moscow in July to approve a trans-
Balkan oil pipeline project worth up to $600 million, a senior
Russian energy official said on Wednesday.

Deputy Fuel and Energy Minister Yelena Telyegina said approval would
result in the creation of a Trans Balkan Pipeline Company to handle
the 280 km (175 mile) pipeline.

Telyegina told an industry conference that Russia and Greece had
signed a protocol in Athens last week to help put the finishing
touches to the deal.

She said that the pipeline would carry an estimated 10 million to 12
million tonnes of crude a year in the first year of its operation,
rising to 20 million in later stages.

Project costs were expected to be up to $600 million, with $200
million of this yet to be found, she said.

The underground pipeline is to carry Russian crude to Alexandroupolis
in northeastern Greece from Bourgas in Bulgaria. The Bulgarian port
would be fed with crude by tanker from the Russian Black Sea port of
Novorossiysk. ((c) 1999 Reuters)

>From originalsources.com

"We Could Set Off an Atomic Weapon and High Altitude to Destroy Your
Entire Electrical Power Grid"

Elecro-Magnet Pulse (EMP) Makes Y2K Worries Seem Like Chicken Feed

"I am holding this hearing becasuse3 the damage to our economy -
businesses large and small -not to mention national security from EMP
or electro-magnetic pulse could dwarf anything associated with the
well known Y2ZK problem. Yet, this threat is virtually ignored by our
government and is practically unknown to the public," said
Congressman Roscoe Bartlett (R-6-RD) announcing a hearing on Tuesday,
June 1 beginning at 12:00 noon at the Applied Physics Lzab (APL) of
the Johns Hopkins University in Laurel, Maryland. Congressman
Bartlett chairs the U.S. House of Representatives Subcommittee on
Government Programs and Oversight of the Committee on Small Business.

"A member of the Russian Duma recently told me, 'you know if we
really wanted to hurt you, we would set off an atomic weapon at high
altitude above your country and produce an EMP that would destroy
your entire elecrical power grid, computers, and telcommunications
infrstructure including satellites,'" said Congressman Bartlett.
"This was not a surprise to me -but it is to most Americans. In light
of concerns about the proliferation of nuclear weapon and missile
technology by rouge nations, I believe it's imperative that our
government tak steps to defend agains EMP. As with Y2K, the public
and businesses need to be informed about what steps they should take
to prvent or minimize damage from EMP."

The hearing will be held in the Parsons Auditorium at APL located at
11100 Johns Hopkins Road off Rt. 29 (Colesville Road) 10 miles north
of the Capital Beltway (Rt 495); for details via internet:
http://222.jhuapl.edu/program/transport/trans.htm. For additional
information about APL, contact Dee Reese at 240-228-5618. Invited
Witnesses include:
Mr. Ron Wiltsie, Program manager, Strategic Systems, Applied Physics
Laboratory, John Hopkins University
Dr. Lowell Wood, Senior Staff Member, Lawrence Livermore National
Mr. Gordon K. Soper, Group Vice President, Defense Group,
Dr. Robert Walpole, National Intelligence Officer for Strategic and
Nuclear Programs, National Intelligence Council
Col. Richard Skinner, principal Director, C31SR & Space Systems,
Department of Defense


To E-mail Original Sources - Click Here

Website: http://www.originalsources.com
To E-Mail Mary Mostert, Analyst - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Fax # (801) 426-8316

Return to Original Sources

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The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
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A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled
one is truly vanquished. -Johann Christoph Schiller,
   German Writer (1759-1805)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that
prevents us from living freely and nobly. -Bertrand Russell
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
"Everyone has the right...to seek, receive and impart
information and ideas through any media and regardless
of frontiers."
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
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Forwarded as information only; no endorsement to be presumed
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

[CTRL] (Fwd) Turkey, Population, Russia

1999-05-27 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
Date sent:  Thu, 27 May 1999 13:00:53 -0600
From:   Progressive Response <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:Turkey, Population, Russia

The Progressive Response   27 May 1999   Vol. 3, No. 19
Editor: Tom Barry

The Progressive Response (PR} is a weekly service of Foreign Policy in Focus (FPIF), a 
joint project of the Interhemispheric Resource Center and the Institute for Policy 
Studies. We encourage responses to the opinions expressed in PR.

Table of Contents

I Updates and Out-Takes


By Robert Engelman, Population Action International

II. Comments





(Ed. Note: Figuring out the various factors that drive U.S. foreign policy is 
sometimes a perplexin
g challenge (the Kosovo bombing, for example), but for the most part the driving 
forces behind U.S.
 operations abroad are more readily identified. It's usually a mix of the realpolitik 
of maintainin
g a dominant U.S. geopolitical position and fostering U.S. national interests (usually 
narrowly def
ined as those interests of the leading business sectors). To see how this type of 
power- and intere
st-based politics plays out, one has only to look at the current dynamics shaping 
U.S.-Turkey relat

On the home front are the weapons manufacturers, who have long benefited from a U.S. 
foreign policy
 that regards Turkey as a strategic ally and thus deserving of generous military aid 
and weapons sa
les. Human rights advocates have in recent years succeeded in increasing public 
awareness of the pa
ttern of gross abuses of human rights in Turkey. One result of this new concern was a 
1997 State De
partment agreement to link an export license to human rights improvements.

But there are signs that human rights considerations are being pushed aside by 
wrongheaded interpre
tations of U.S. strategic interests, Washington's anxiety about keeping the NATO 
alliance unified i
n the Kosovo bombing campaign, and lobbying by a U.S. weapons industry eager to profit 
from Turkey'
s $30 billion military modernization program over the next eight years.

While public pressure is mounting for gun control at home, political pressure is 
heating up for mor
e U.S. weapons sales abroad. Experts on U.S. policy in Turkey and arms exports say 
that the Clinton
 administration's commitment to human rights in Turkey may be a casualty of 
Washington's efforts to
 secure continued Turkish support for U.S. military activities in the region, 
including the use of
Turkish bases to launch air attacks on Kosovo and to defend the "no fly zone" in 
northern Iraq.

"Turkey has benefited from a U.S. policy that is long on military assistance and short 
on criticism
," writes Tamar Gabelnick in a new Foreign Policy In Focus brief, Turkey: Arms and 
Human Rights. Ga
belnick, who is acting director of the Federation of Atomic Scientists' Arms 
Monitoring Project, no
tes that while Turkey is actively supporting the NATO campaign against ethnic 
cleansing in Kosovo,
it uses U.S. weapons to support its own war against its Kurdish population.

According to Defense News and Turkish press reports, Ankara has recently demanded that 
Washington l
ift all restrictions on weapons transfers, allow a range of new weapons purchases, and 
cancel its $
6 billion debt to the United States. Turkey's new demands have received congressional 
support in th
e form of a letter from 37 senators, led by Sen. Jesse Helms, to President Clinton 
urging he grant
Turkey's request to increase its U.S. weapons purchases. Gabelnick asserts, "The 
senator's claim th
at Turkey is a 'reliable ally' is false. Turkey's aggressive posture toward Greece and 
Cyprus is a
destabilizing force in the Aegean region. Any new sales of U.S. arms would not help 
stabilize the r
egion but fuel more conflict, worsen the plight of the Kurds, and bolster Turkey's 
repressive milit
ary apparatus."

Gabelnick further observes, "If the Clinton administration yields to this pressure, it 
will mark a
complete reversal of Washington's small but important pledge, made in 1997, to link a 
possible sale
 of attack helicopters to Turkey to human rights improvements."

"It's hard to understand why our government continues to pour sophisticated weaponry 
to a military-
dominated government that openly stifles dissent and represses large segments of the 
population," s
tates Mike Amitay, dire

[CTRL] [ma] A very sad sad day in Australian Civil Liberties

1999-05-27 Thread Alamaine

 -Caveat Lector-

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- /\/\eta-axio/\/\ Mailing List -=-=-=-
Source: sourcing at head of articles
Sender: belgrave

It seems that the Australian government has turned a blind eye to civil
liberties and reality on this one. Find below the figures on the final
vote, then a brief on what the legislation is, what it means and who you
should poke in the eye because of it.

Not only does this mean that The Reality of War Web Site will most likely
fall prey to this legislation (due to the imagery I use, which would be
concidered graphic violence) but many other media sources, web
broadcasters and web sites throughout australia - like www.4zzzfm.org.au -
a community radio station in Brisbane, Australia who feed their
broadcastes to the world via the world wide web.

For further information and the implications of this legislation,
www.efa.org.au is a good place to start.

  in complete disbelief,


To: Stop Censorship Mailing List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [STOP] A very sad sad day in Australian Civil Liberties

The bill was passed in the senate 12:12PM with 34 Ayes, 32 Nos.

The Ayes:
All Liberal/National Coalition Senators
Senator Brian Harradine, Tasmania
Senator Mal Colston, Queensland

The Nos:
All Australian Labor Party Senators
All Democrats Senators
All Greens Senators

Mark Lipscombe
Information Technology Manager
Sydnet Group Pty Ltd
Ph:  02 9873 6400  Fax:  02 9873 6411
Web:  http://www.syd.net.au/

Net Censorhip = Book Burning in the Digital Age
Stop the Australian Federal Gov'ts attempts
to censor the Internet.  March on 28/05/99 see:
Help fight censorship Sign the Senate Petition:



May 25, 1999
Australia to Vote on Internet Curbs

BRISBANE, Australia -- Lawmakers in Australia are likely to pass
legislation intended to curb children's access to pornography on the
Internet. Critics, some of whom have scheduled large protests across the
country later this week, say they fear that passage of the legislation
would position Australia as the "village idiot" in the Internet's global

The Australian Senate began debate on the legislation, called the
Broadcasting Services Amendment (Online Services) Bill 1999, on Monday.
The bill, proposed by Senator Richard Alston -- who is also the Minister
for Communications, Information Technology and the Arts -- would create a
new bureau of the  Australian Broadcasting Authority charged with forcing
Australian Internet service providers to remove objectionable material
from Australian sites and to block access to similar sites overseas.

Related Article
Governments Expand Restrictions on Internet, Report Says
(December 18, 1998)

"The protection of the nation's children is one of the highest priorities
for any government, and for any Parliament," Alston said before the
debate. The bill "meets the Australian community's legitimate concern to
control the publication of illegal and offensive material online, but
without placing onerous or unjustifiable burdens on the Internet industry
and thus inhibiting the development of the online economy," he said. His
critics disagree, arguing that the legislation would be technologically
impossible to implement and would handicap Australia's Internet
development. They also say the bill lacks community support and ignores
expert advice.

The critics have cited a report from the government itself to support
their cause. Last June, the government's Commonwealth Scientific and
Industrial Research Organization concluded that "content blocking
implemented purely by technological means will be ineffective . . . Any
technology-based solution can be worked around -- purely as a result of
the sheer pace of technology change on the Internet."

Greg Taylor, the vice-chairman of Electronic Frontiers Australia, an
electronic civil liberties organization, said the government knows the
legislation is poorly crafted. "There has been no attempt by the
government to sell the bill on its merits without resorting to emotive
statements about the need to protect children," he said.

For Taylor, the "real effect of the bill is to restrict the rights of
adults and stifle commercial activity on the Internet, while having little
effect in protecting children from unsavory material."

The government is moving forward and most likely has the necessary votes
to pass the legislation by June 30, before the Senate finishes its term.

"The current balance of power in the Senate ensures this bill's passage,"
said Kate Lundy, a senator from the Labor Party, which opposes the bill.
If the Senate passes the bill, it must next clear the House of
Representatives befo

[CTRL] (Fwd) War Crimes?

1999-05-27 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
Institute for Public Accuracy
915 National Press Building, Washington, D.C. 20045
(202) 347-0020 * http://www.accuracy.org * [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thursday, May 27, 1999


Rockler, a Washington lawyer and a former prosecutor at the Nuremberg War
Crimes Trials, said: "For some to shout 'war criminal' at Milosevic only
emphasizes that those who live in glass houses should be careful about
throwing stones. The Nuremberg Court found that to initiate a war of
aggression, as the U.S. has done against Yugoslavia, is not only an
international crime, it is the supreme international crime."

GLEN RANGWALA, [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://ban.joh.cam.ac.uk/~maicl/
Today, the Movement for the Advancement of International Criminal Law hands
a 40-page dossier to the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former
Yugoslavia in the Hague charging Prime Minister Tony Blair and other British
officials with serious violations of international humanitarian law in
Yugoslavia. Rangwala, an international lawyer at Trinity College, Cambridge
University, is the main author of the dossier. Today, he said: "Unlike
almost every previous conflict, the current war in Yugoslavia is marked by
the presence of judicial institutions which can prosecute criminals on every
side. There is now overwhelming evidence that NATO is consciously violating
cardinal principles of humanitarian law."

Professor of Peace Law and Human Rights at San Francisco State University,
Ginger said: "Women and children are always the major victims in war. The
U.S. has not ratified treaties protecting women and children. The bombing in
Yugoslavia violates these treaties, the UN Charter and the most basic
international law."

Professor of Law, Ohio State University, and editor of the forthcoming
Genocide in Cambodia, Quigley said: "The targeting of broadcast stations,
electrical facilities and various factories, all of which have a primarily
civilian purpose, is not legitimate."

Director of the Center for Russian and East European Studies at the
University of Pittsburgh, Hayden said: "When questioned about NATO liability
for war crimes, NATO spokesman Jamie Shea said that 'NATO is the friend of
the Tribunal... NATO countries are those that have provided the finances to
set up the Tribunal, we are among the majority financiers.' Mr. Shea
clearly knows that he who pays the piper calls the tune."

Executive director of the Lawyers' Committee on Nuclear Policy, Burroughs
said: "The law of armed conflict mandates that military action bear a
proportionate relationship to the achievement of concrete military
advantage. But the bombing of Yugoslavia is about punishing a society and a

For more information, contact at the Institute for Public Accuracy:
Sam Husseini, (202) 347-0020; David Zupan, (541) 484-9167

The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled
one is truly vanquished. -Johann Christoph Schiller,
   German Writer (1759-1805)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that
prevents us from living freely and nobly. -Bertrand Russell
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
"Everyone has the right...to seek, receive and impart
information and ideas through any media and regardless
of frontiers."
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Forwarded as information only; no endorsement to be presumed
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material
is distributed without charge or profit to those who have
expressed a prior interest in receiving this type of information
for non-profit research and educational purposes only.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.


1999-05-27 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
Date sent:  Thu, 27 May 1999 13:56:21 +0200
Send reply to:  NIDS <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Originally to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Ladies and gentlemen, good morning.  I delayed coming this morning because
I understand that several of you were held up at the main entrance because
of a demonstration so I am glad that the security were able to get you in
finally and it is good to see you.

I believe that you have all, by now, received our overnight update, you
have seen that this was an extensive night of operations last night, indeed
with a record 741 sorties, but as you have the list I don't think I need to
delay you by going back over it.

The only thing I would like to tell you is that the Force Generation
Conference at SHAPE is going to be on Tuesday now, not Monday, Tuesday.
You should not read any significance into that.  It's simply the time that
is required to organise this Force Generation Conference in the way that we
want to, so it will be on Tuesday, June 1st and not on Monday the 31st now.
 Having said that I think I will go straight into your questions today.

Jamie, two questions.  First of all, what does NATO think about the
impending announcement that President Milosevic is a war criminal?  And
secondly, do you have any comment on the report in The Times, The London
Times, today that President Clinton is planning to send 90,000 troops to
the Kosovo campaign and is that in line with current NATO policy?

John, on the first question I am really not going to speculate on what the
Tribunal may or not announce at 2 p.m.  That is not for me to speculate on
and I am not going to do it.  The Tribunal is an independent body, it takes
its own decisions.  All I want to say is that NATO fully supports the
Tribunal.  We co-operate with it closely, as we have demonstrated in
Bosnia, and NATO Allies all recognise their obligation under International
Law to co-operate with the Tribunal, but let's wait for the Tribunal to
make its announcements and when the announcement has been made there will
be further comment at that time.  But not now, so please don't try to draw
me into this because I am not  going to be drawn.  The Tribunal makes its
own announcements.

On the other question, I saw this report in The Times this morning but I am
not aware of any change in NATO policy.  The United States, along with the
other Allies, is preparing for a peacekeeping force, that peacekeeping
force is not 90,000, it's about 45,000 with some logistics units on top and
that is not an invasion force, it's a Peace Implementation Force.  So I
don't know where that report comes from but it doesn't reflect anything
that I am aware of.

Could I just ask one supplementary on that?  Without commenting on whether
or not Milosevic will be indicted today as a war criminal, were he to be
indicted, would NATO have any obligation to try to arrest him?

Now that's a speculative question John and thanks for trying but I am not
going to be drawn on that.  I'll comment later on today in the regular
press briefing once the Tribunal has made its announcement.

Just on the overnight stuff, just one point.  Are we going to get our
fairly regular daily, weekly up-sum which has tended to be on Thursday?  I
don't know if one is planned from General Jertz?  And make the distinction:
when you talk about 308 strike sorties, that doesn't mean 308 aircraft
dropped weapons, it means that 308 aircraft were assigned to fly strike
missions, and they may have found a target and hit it or they may not have
and flown home and it would still be a sortie?

Oh, yes, Mark, because I don't think we have given you 308 targets on the
list, so clearly those are the aircraft which absolutely, you are quite
right, have been assigned to strike missions, but again they strike the
target only if the pilots are certain that the operational conditions allow
them to strike the target accurately.

So is there any sense in which targeting is getting harder in the sense
that finding targets as you've destroyed other ones, that to actually hit
targets especially in Kosovo is actually getting more difficult and that
more aircraft may be returning home with their weapons because they haven't
found anything to strike?

No, that's not the case.  SACEUR, as you know, came up to the Council
yesterday and he made absolutely clear that we are not running out of
targets.  I specifically remember him saying that.  It is clear also from
the nightly operations with the large number of targets destroyed,
degraded, struck, that appear on the list every day, that we clearly are
not hav

[CTRL] Paradigmic Leader

1999-05-27 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

>From www.iwpr.net

> The KLA's New Model Leader
> An architect of Operation Storm which saw Croatia defeat and expel the
> Serb population of Krajina, Agim Ceku, the KLA's new chief will be
> hoping for similar successes in Kosovo.
> By Drago Hedl in Rijeka
> Decorated nine times by Croatian President Franjo Tudjman for his
> exploits in Croatia's war with Serbia and its Serb minority, Agim
> Ceku, the recently appointed Commander-in-Chief of the Kosovo
> Liberation Army (KLA) will be hoping to achieve similar military
> successes in his native Kosovo.
> Born in the province's second city of Pec in 1960, 39-year-old Ceku
> resigned from the Croatian army in February this year, after a
> distinguished seven-and-a-half year career in which he rose to the
> rank of Lieutenant-General, less than one month before the beginning
> of NATO's bombing campaign against Yugoslavia. His last post was as
> commander of Croatia's fifth military district in Rijeka.
> In an interview with the Rijeka daily Novi List, Gen. Ceku said that
> he would be drawing on his experience from the Croatian war in his new
> job as the KLA's chief. Of particular use, he said, would be the
> understanding of Serbian military tactics he had picked up while
> fighting them.
> Although Croatia has generally remained quiet on the war in Kosovo and
> President Tudjman has sought not to irritate his Belgrade ally in the
> division of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatian sympathies, nevertheless,
> lie with the Kosovo Albanians. It is believed that Croatia has already
> been assisting the KLA, if not with arms, then at least with
> battle-tested ethnic Albanian fighters who have served in the Croatian
> army.
> According to Tom Marku, the Kosovo Albanian leader in Croatia, a
> special ethnic Albanian unit was formed within the Croatian army in
> 1991 which Zagreb hoped to send to Kosovo in order to open up a second
> front during Croatian-Serbian war . The plan was thwarted, however,
> because of opposition from Kosovo's Albanian leader and pacifist
> Ibrahim Rugova.
> Since the outbreak of war in Kosovo in February last year, these
> soldiers have been returning home to fight the Serbian authorities.
> Marku told the Croatian daily Jutarnji List that a further 16 ethnic
> Albanian officers are about to quit the Croatian army in order to join
> the KLA.
> Unlike many of Croatia's "instant generals" who acquired their ranks
> virtually overnight with minimal or no prior military experience, Gen.
> Ceku is a professional soldier and former officer in the Yugoslav
> People's Army (JNA). A tall and powerful man, he is a graduate of
> Belgrade's military academy, which, given his ethnic origins, was
> quite an achievement at the time.
> Like many non-Serbs in the JNA, Gen. Ceku deserted early on in the war
> with Croatia. In October 1991 he joined an embryonic Croatian army,
> which, at the time, resembled the present-day KLA, in terms of
> organisation, manpower and equipment.
> Although a proliferation of military awards in Croatia has somewhat
> debased their value, the nine decorations which Gen. Ceku received for
> his achievements in a Croatian uniform as well as his rank, are
> probably indicative of an inspirational contribution to the operations
> he conducted.
> Croatian military analysts consider Gen. Ceku the brain behind the
> Croatian Army's Medak Pocket offensive, in which Croatia captured
> several villages in Lika from Serb rebels in September 1993. He was
> also a key planner of Operation Storm, Croatia's greatest military
> victory, of August 1995 in which the city of Knin, hitherto the
> headquarters of the Serb rebels, was retaken, thus effectively ending
> the Serb revolt.
> During both the Medak Pocket offensive and, in particular, Operation
> Storm the victorious Croatian army is alleged to have committed a
> series of war crimes. These are currently being investigated by The
> Hague Tribunal, although no public indictments have been issued to
> date.
> According to a report of Croatia's Helsinki Committee for Human Rights
> published in April of this year, 410 civilians died in operation
> Storm, which officially lasted from 4 to 7 August 1995, and in the 100
> days following the offensive. However, it is estimated that the real
> figure may be as high as 600, since many people are still listed as
> missing. In the wake of Storm, some 180,000 Serbs fled their homes,
> and some 22,000 of their vacant houses were systematically destroyed.
> The question which preoccupies Western analysts now is whether Gen.
> Ceku was involved in any of the alleged war crimes. On the basis of
> the available evidence, it seems that he was not.
> Unlike other Croatian officers involved in the Medak Pocket offensive
> and Operation Storm, Gen. Ceku has not featured in any of the reports
> of the various non-governmental organisations which have investigated
> what took place. Nor has his name cr

[CTRL] Manual addresses circumcised females' problems

1999-05-27 Thread Robert Tatman

 -Caveat Lector-

The Philadelphia Inquirer, May 27, 1999

Manual addresses circumcised females' problems

By Marie McCullough


After years of unprecedented African immigration, North American health
professionals are seeing growing numbers of women who have undergone the
controversial practice of female genital mutilation.

Doctors have been confronting difficult births, unusual gynecologic problems
and ethical quandaries, complicated by their own emotions, as they try to
relate to patients who consider ritual mutilation normal and proper.

Now there is some guidance.

Next month, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists will send
its first-ever clinical guidelines on genital mutilation - or "circumcision,"
the less judgmental term physicians are urged to use with patients - to all
OB-GYN training programs in Canada and the United States.

The guidelines will be complemented by a pioneering technical manual, "Caring
for Women with Circumcision," that the U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services is distributing to medical, nursing and public-health schools.
Written by Nahid Toubia, the first female surgeon in Sudan and an expert on
female genital mutilation who now teaches at Columbia University, it covers
medical, cultural and legal considerations.

These are part of an educational campaign Congress ordered under a 1997
federal law criminalizing the practice of female genital mutiliation.

"Because we're seeing more and more of these patients, and it's such a
sensitive issue, physicians need to get with it," said Nawal Nour, an OB-GYN
at Boston's Brigham and Women's Hospital who gave a seminar on the practice at
the American College group's national meeting in Philadelphia last week.

About 168,000 circumcised women or girls at risk of the rite were in this
country in 1990, according to a federal estimate based on the last census.
Experts say that estimate is now far too low.

Nearly 80 percent of the women lived in New Jersey, Pennsylvania and 10 other
states. Several thousand live in the Philadelphia area.

Female genital circumcision, a 3,000-year-old tradition that crosses religious
and ethnic lines, is practiced primarily in 28 African and Middle Eastern
countries, even though most of them have laws against it.

The practice ranges from slicing off the tip of the clitoris, to cutting the
clitoris and labia minora (inner lips), to the most shocking form: removing
the clitoris and genital tissue and then stitching the genital area shut,
except for a small opening through which urine and menstrual blood escape.

Women with this severest type, called infibulation, are cut open, or
"defibulated," for childbirth, then sewn closed again. The opening also may be
widened for the wedding night. Infibulation is the norm in Sudan and Somalia.

Circumcision is usually done on preadolescent girls by traditional
circumcisers without anesthesia, using razors, knives or glass. Urban families
may use a physician - a trend condemned by the World Health Organization as
giving medical legitimacy to genital mutilation.

The procedure can cause immediate and occasionally deadly complications,
including hemorrhage, shock, blood poisoning and tetanus.

In the long term, there can be abcesses, cysts, keloid scars, incontinence,
chronic pelvic or urinary-tract infections, menstrual difficulties, sexual
dysfunction, infertility and childbirth complications, as well as
psychological problems.

When they come to this country, circumcised women typically do not seek
medical attention until they are pregnant.

"Many health practitioners . . . will have never encountered female
circumcision. . . . Most often they will see a woman who is pregnant or in
labor, and will confront medical decisions that must be made quickly and which
they have never before considered," U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary
Donna E. Shalala wrote in the new manual.

In emergencies, doctors unfamiliar with the simple procedure of defibulating
pregnant women may instead perform a cesarean section, which experts say is
normally unnecessary.

Beyond pregnancy, the women can pose unusual medical challenges. University of
Pennsylvania Health Systems OB-GYN Ann Honebrink said she consulted colleagues
about treating a woman with a difficult cyst. Rosa Hyatt, an OB-GYN who has
seen more than 100 circumcised women at Mercy Hospital, has been asked about
reconstructive surgery.

For many doctors, the hardest part is learning not to show shock, pity or
other emotions that may alienate patients.

"I'm a white, middle-class female, born and raised in New Jersey," said Jamie
Reedy, a physician who works at a New Brunswick clinic that serves African
refugees. 'My initial response was, 'Oh my, God! These women are being
tortured and mutilated.' Part of medical education needs to be how to approach
these women nonjudgmentally."

During the seminar, Nour warned about common pitfalls: "It is important to
recognize that most w

Re: [CTRL] [[SC] Skeptic News - Wednesday #1]

1999-05-27 Thread Robert Tatman

 -Caveat Lector-

"ric carter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> # Spinach Power for Integrated Circuits and Fuel Cells. Oak Ridge, Tenn. --
> Popeye ate spinach leaves for strength. Now researchers at Oak Ridge Nat'l
> Lab use microscopic spinach proteins for electronic devices. Spinach leaves
> are blenderized and ground down to microscopic proteins called chloroplasts
> that convert light into chemical energy. The next step is a scientific
> breakthrough - put the spinach proteins into a platinum solution to get a
> metal coating. This marriage between the plant and mineral world could make
> silicon chips obsolete in another 10 years. www.earthfiles.com/earth002.html
> : Will Silicon Valley be replaced by Spinach Valley? Will you be told to eat
> your spinach to improve your data-processing capabilities? Is broccoli next?

Well, I'm doubtful about spinach...but tobacco just might be... Hmm. If we
start using tobacco-based microchips, I guess we'll really be able to say the
economy is smoking...


Robert F. Tatman
Remove "nospam" from the address to reply.

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Re: [CTRL] "Why GUNS are here to stay."2/2

1999-05-27 Thread nurev

 -Caveat Lector-

Gavin Phillips wrote:

>  >> According to the future that you seem to relish Nurev is a total gun ban
>  >
>  >Yes that's right. And voluntary compliance from law abiding citizens.
>  >It
>  >doesn't need to be permanent either. But I want to see what happens
>  >when
>  >guns are out of the equation. And it looks like we'll soon find out.
>  >
> Gavin;
> How soon do you think?

Depends on the economy.

>  >> social upheaval and body count that that will entail. Things will be far
>  more
>  >> peacful then, right Nurev?
>  >
>  >No not then, after then.
>  >
> Gavin;
> After the carnage, and a country more divided than it has ever been. Oh, now
> I get it. There I go with my predictions again. I just wonder how many others
> on the list agree with my predictions as opposed to yours; of a kinder,
> gentler America, disarmed.

America has never been kind or gentle. It has been a murderous
( pun intended ) of the most violent culture in all the world in all

> Gavin;
> There you go bringing your Darwinian religion into it again. Isn't it great
> to have the crutch and faith of Darwinian evolution to give you all the
> answers. Makes things far less complicated.

Please, stop making a fool of yourself. I am an atheist. What you are
is religion.

>  >> Gavin;
> I take it you would live as a slave, and wait for better men than you to free
> you. You think you're the smart one, the survivor, right?

Listen buddy. You really need to understand this. In nature, the
that survives intact enough to reproduce is the winner. If you are
enough to piss your life away for stupid ideologies, you lose. That is
the slogan " live free or die " is insane. It is unnatural and
wasteful of
human potential. But if live free or die causes you to die because you
live free, then you can understand the process of natural selection.

There are 40 million Blacks in America. Their ancestors were slaves
for hundreds
of years. They endured and endured the brutality of slavery. Real
slavery, not
your feverish apocalyptic paranoiac nonsense. They are here today
life because their ancestors did what they needed to do to survive.

If their ancestors had been as dumb as you are, and dumb as the
types I see quoted on this list, we would never have the pleasure of
Bill Cosby sell sugared up junk food to little children.

>  >> Slaves only gain their freedom by fighting for it or because others
>  fought
>  >> for it.

How about buying your way out? How about if the slave owners can't
afford to
keep slaves? How about if the slave owner suddenly becomes a mentch
and frees
his slaves because it's wrong to own human beings?

Do you ever stop exaggerating?


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Re: [CTRL] "Why GUNS are here to stay." 1/2

1999-05-27 Thread nurev

 -Caveat Lector-

>  >>
>  >> Nurev, you are either incurably ignorant as to the facts in the above
>  cases,
>  >> or worse, you do not care, or the mountain of evidence proving massive
>  >> government malfeasence is inconvenient to your argument so you ignore it.
>  >
>  >I'm not doubting government malfeasance. I'm doubting your judgment.
>  >Not all these pet paranoias are facts either. The reason I answered yes to
>  all
>  >your your examples of paranoid foolishness is because they have nothing to
>  >do with YOU.
>  >
>  Yes they are facts. You can deny them till you're blue in the face.Ask
> Charles Key about OKC, if you can be bothered. Bu then again, if what he says
> doesn't fit your dogma you'll dismiss it just like everything else that is
> contrary to your mindset. You are so simple minded that you think that those
> incidents do not
>  effect me or others? Are you that stupid? Do you think Waco hasn't greatly
>  exacerbated people's fears about the government? They have everything to do
>  with me when the government kills people because maybe I am next. That is
>  not paranoid delusions, that is facing facts.

Why would you be next?

>  >> Gavin;
>  >>
>  >> I am not a "true believer" in anything except religious matters.
>  >
>  >I hoped this was a joke but it's not. The term " true believer," is
>  >rooted
>  >in religion. It means that you are blinded by your belief system.
>  Gavin;
>  Au contrair, what about your Darwinian evolution religious belief system?

Darwinian evolution does not require belief. It is a common observable
It is unfortunate for you that you can't make the same claims for your
" religious matters."

>  >> Stop making
>  >> assumptions. I have never shot or owned a gun in my life.
>  >
>  >I'll say it again. It's not that the government's propaganda has
>  >fooled silly
>  >me into thinking that Americans should be disarmed. I HAVE COME TO
>  >THAT CONCLUSION ON MY VERY OWN. I don't think Americans are sane, mature,
>  >or responsible enough to own guns. So if the government thinks that way
>  >too for whatever nefarious reason, I DON'T CARE! At this point in time
>  armed
>  >Americans are more of a threat to all of us stuck with each other, than the
>  >government.In your paranoid world ,it's the government that's the biggest
>  threat.
>  >In my world, its way too many guns in the hands of way too many people that
>  >is the threat. I DON'T have to buy in to your paranoia.
>  Gavin;
>  But "silly you" is using the governments rhetoric and demogoguery after
> tragedies such as  Colombine to help ban guns. Does "silly you" think that
> some of these events could have been staged by our "friends" in government so
> as to have further
>  excuses to ban guns.

NO! And that's why I think you're a paranoid loony.

>  >The reason this is paranoid lunacy, is because, it's a sexy and
>  >dramatic story,
>  >
>  Gavin;
>  Once again you wade in with total drivel and your favorite word, "paranoia."
>  It has everything to do with me. Does anything effect you Nurev, except
> trying to make a credible argument and having to work with frazzled brain
> cells?
> snip>
>  >And they are changing their minds in my direction. Every shooting and
>  >massacre
>  >will be another nail in the coffin of the NRA.
>  Gavin
>  My point is, wow it's really dense in here,(read it s-l-o-w-l-y) people will
>  rapidly change their opinion if the body count gets to high.

W-h-a-t  b-o-d-y  c-o-u-n-t  l-o-o-n-y  b-i-r-d ?  The only body count
is changing people's minds here on planet Earth, are gun related
deaths. And
more people want less guns.

>  >
>  >> If the time ever came when the government passed a law
>  >> to ban all weapons and there were hundreds of Wacos going on, you might
>  find
>  >> their opinion rapidly changing. Don't count on support from sheep. They
>  go
>  >> wherever public opinion and emotion herds them.
>  >
>  >They go wherever they see safety for their children. And that's OK
>  >because
>  >that's their job. They are coming to the conclusion that there is easy
>  >access to
>  >guns, and it's now scaring them.
>  >
>  Gavin;
>  The government is scaring them, along with the mainstream media whores.
>  Whipping them up into a tizzy, and it's okay by you because the end
>  justifies the means, right?

It's more than OK by me.

>  >> > You so quickly forget history's many lessons of dictators disarming the
>  >> > citizenry only to be followed by genocide. What about the Warsaw
>  uprising in
>  >> > which a handful of Jews took on and held their own for quite some time
>  >> > against the Nazis' s after they had managed to obtain some firearms.
>  >The Jews died. But what does this have to do with YOU?
>  >I am not a Statist. If I were I would say so. I don't consider it an
>  >insult. I
>  >consider Libertarianism to be an insult. And I'm not against human
>  >rights. In
>  >fact, I spend much of my ti

Re: [CTRL] How Can We Blame all on Guns?

1999-05-27 Thread nurev

 -Caveat Lector-

Mike & Kathy Moxley wrote:
>  -Caveat Lector-
> >It could have been ALL these things. SO WHAT?
> >
> >One can't do much in a real sense about most of the things that
> >may be equally culpable in the equation that resulted in a wanton
> >massacre.
> >
> >We can however, remove guns from the equation. Then if people go nuts
> >or
> >become immoral or enraged, it's not as devastating.
> >
> >Guns will go because it's the easiest solution.
> >
> >And it's about time.
> >
> >Joshua2
> If the government ever tried to disarm the American people it would be open
> season on feds, and many a gun owner would be disappointed because there
> just aren't enough feds to go around.

Yeah, yeah. I've heard that song before. But words are cheap, and
is hero when they don't have to face a real threat like heavily armed

Let's just wait and see.

> ---
> W E   W I L L   N O T   D I S A R M !
> Notice To All Politicians:
> It is time to speak plainly for the good citizens and patriots of this
> nation who believe unendingly in the Constitution of the United States of
> America.
> Though foreign governments may disarm their subjects, we will not go down
> that road.

snip> a bunch of religio / patriot prattle.

> We will not passively take the path that leads to tyranny.  We will not go
> down that road.  We Will Not Disarm.
> Author Unknown: ( from Soldier of Fortune magazine, October 1994.)
> ---
> "...but if circumstances should at any time oblige the government to form
> an army of any magnitude, that army can never be formidable to the
> liberties of the people, while there is a large body of citizens, little if
> at all inferior to them in discipline and use of arms, who stand ready to
> defend their rights..."
> -Alexander Hamilton
> **
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] The Patriot Resource Center:
>  http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/6627/

> **Live Free or Die!**<><

 Gee, it's nice to have options.

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Re: [CTRL] How Can We Blame all on Guns?

1999-05-27 Thread nurev

 -Caveat Lector-

Ric Carter wrote:
>  -Caveat Lector-
> - Original Message -
> From: nurev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > We can however, remove guns from the equation. Then if people
> > go nuts or become immoral or enraged, it's not as devastating.
> Parallel: God(s) don't kill people, believers kill people.  We
> can reduce religious sectarian violence by eliminating peoples'
> god(s) from the equation.  Then if people go kill-crazy, they
> won't have deities or demons to blame, and they can be treated
> for their mental aberrations, rather than forgiven for zeal.
> But: guns or gods, we're talking Theology.  True Believers in
> weapons-bearing have a religious creed, that their guns were
> given them by their god(s), and no mere mortal can touch their
> holy armaments.  You might as well try to talk a spiritual fundy
> out of their belief system.  Good luck.
>   Rev. R.N. "what a friend we have in Uzi" Carter
> * no pacifists were shot during the production of this message *

While it's possible to rid the country of guns, it's impossible to rid
the country of gods even though that superstition is responsible for
human deaths and misery than all other things save plague and natural

Most people simply don't have the guts to face nature and reality and
are addicted to superstitious nonsense as avoidance behavior. That
change. The best we can hope for is to make sure that people keep
private superstitions private or among like minded superstitionists.

Devout Atheist,

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Re: [CTRL] What's the deal?

1999-05-27 Thread nurev

 -Caveat Lector-

"Shane A. Saylor, Eccentric Bard" wrote:
>  -Caveat Lector-
> My Mom told me today she heard that the Kosovo conflict will be over in 2
> mos.(this coming from the news via the US Gov't). Anybody got details on
> this alleged prophecy???

I've heard that too, but one never knows what can happen during the
of a war. All plans and information are unreliable.

> --
> Your children are taken from you by force, sent to a school of which you may
> or may not approve, to study subjects you don't have to like, under teachers
> that you didn't hire, and probably can't fire; and the whole system is paid
> for by money extorted from you at the point of a gun.  Given that
> arrangement as the structural foundation of something as important as
> education, we should be surprised by the kids that DO survive public
> schooling, rather than the relatively few who don't.
> - Ayn Rand on public schools
> ICQ: 9815080   Operator Taliesin_2 of #SacredNemeton on IRC PaganPaths

The silly bitch left out the fact that her worthless philosophy is
in public schools, thereby polluting the minds of defenseless


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Re: [CTRL] [Re: [CTRL] Pre-Neanderthal pelvis suggests brain prevailed over brawn]

1999-05-27 Thread Robert Tatman

 -Caveat Lector-

Queribus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  -Caveat Lector-
> Robert Tatman
> >The Nature article said that despite their "armored car" build, the
> >Neanderthals became extinct because they failed to look after each other,
> >whereas their weaker cousins, the descendants of modern man, were more
> >and were forced to depend on each other for survival.
> And how do they figure that? From the copious diaries left? The high
> divorce rate? One of the few ritualized grave sites found is
> Neanderthal-- flowers left in the grave-- that would seem to indicate
> community, or at least family social development.
> There are many options for extinction-- interbreeding with Cro-Magnon
> that produced sterile offspring, disease susceptibility, or just that
> Humans did what Humans do best and wiped them out.
Queri, you point up the one glaring weakness in this story--the definite use
of death rituals by the Neanderthals. As usual, a "scientific" conclusion has
been arrived at on the basis of incomplete data. However, consider this: even
stipulating the existence of well-developed community among the Neanderthals
(which is itself not fully proven), it does appear to be the case that Homo
sapiens sapiens (Cro-Magnon) was less robust than Homo sapiens
neanderthalensis, and therefore by definition was forced to rely on community
support for survival; neanderthalensis apparently could, and--if the data are
being correctly interpreted--frequently did, survive entirely independently of
any community. That at least is the implication of the story. IMHO, as it
happens, the Neanderthals died out through intermarriage with
Cro-Magnons--matings which were by no means necessarily sterile. In other
words, the gracile subspecies, H. sapiens sapiens, absorbed the robust
subspecies, H. sapiens neanderthalensis, and incorporated its genetic material
in the process of evolving into "Modern Man," Homo sapiens, the sole surviving
representative of genus Homo. It is just possible that the tendency of some
present-day Homo sapiens to become "mountain men" and the like indicates an
atavistic recurrence of Neanderthal characteristics.


Robert F. Tatman
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Re: [CTRL] Nazi ism = New Age?

1999-05-27 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

>The current New Age system of occult belief will result in the appearance
of the real Antichrist foretold in the Bible!

>As Anton LaVey and other occultists have consistently tried to get all
White Magic practitioners to understand, both White and Black Magic serves

So what's your point here, Taylor, that we should reject their
superstitions and embrace yours?

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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd(2): (en) Anti-anarchist hysteria in San Francisco

1999-05-27 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

> Keating was charged with making terrorist threats, but the charges have
been dropped pending further investigation, police said.

>"(The police) took all his books," said James Tracy of the Mission-based
Eviction Defense Network, who has known Keating for 10 years.

Speaking as Keatings's long time personel friend, and as a member of the
Bound Together Anarchist Book Store Collective (1369 Haight St. SF CA)
where he bought some of those books, I must say that I am appalled. The
pigs didn't like this guys leaflet so they stole his books. Appalling,
simply appalling. We've been selling books for twenty four years. Are we
to be the next victims of this fascist witch hunt? Are you?

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] [Re: [CTRL] anyone care Hispanics invading America??]

1999-05-27 Thread Robert Tatman

 -Caveat Lector-

Ric Carter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  -Caveat Lector-
> - Original Message -
> From: Peter L. Sroufe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > More federal border agents sought to stem illegal tide
> > JOHN GRABER / Sierra Vista Herald / May 20, 1999
> >
> > TUCSON Border Patrol are apprehending between 1,000 and 2,000 illegal
> > immigrants everyday.
> Oh, you mean Occupied Mexico, that third of the nation stolen by
> Yanquis a century and a half ago, is being re-settled by relatives
> of the prior inhabitants, who themselves stole the land from various
> aboriginal [American Indian] inhabitants, who stole the land from
> each other at various times.  If the Native Americans had had a
> more efficient Border Patrol, to intercept the illegal immigrants
> from Europe, the Americas would be a safer place, eh?
>   Ric "Caucasians back to Caucasia!" Carter
> * no arbitrary borders were crossed during production of this message *

Just remember that the so-called "Republic of Texas" was founded by illegal
immigrants from the United States who seized control of northern Mexico.
General Santa Anna's campaign against them, which culminated in the seige and
eventually capture of the Alamo, was nothing more than a counter-insurgency

As for me...I'm learning Spanish.

¡America por (todos) los Americanos!


Robert F. Tatman
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd(2): (en) Anti-anarchist hysteria in San Francisco

1999-05-27 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

  A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E

Police arrest Mission's anti-yuppie crusader
They say they found books on bomb-making


Police investigating a Mission District man who has
been posting flyers around the neighborhood urging
upscale restaurants said they found bomb-making
manuals in his apartment.

But the man says he is innocent and his supporters
say he is being targeted because of his political

The suspect, whose last name is Keating, was
arrested last Friday while he was pasting up the
latest in a series of flyers by the Mission Yuppie
Eradication Project, which Keating describes as an
underground anarchist organization, Mission Station
police Capt. Greg Suhr said. Keating was charged
with making terrorist threats, but the charges have
been dropped pending further investigation, police

Neither police nor Keating, who goes by the
pseudonym Nestor Makhno, would disclose Keating's
full name.

Keating was released from jail on Saturday. He said
in a telephone interview that he is innocent.

"My attorneys know if we go to court we will
completely trounce them," he said.

Suhr said police are going through "boxes and boxes
and boxes" of evidence from Keating's apartment,
including the recipe for making an acid bomb, as well
as Keating's computer.

Anti-yuppie posters by the Yuppie Eradication Project
began appearing in the Mission late last year. The
latest posters, seen on various telephone polls,
mailboxes and utility boxes around the Mission over
the past two or three weeks, call for the destruction
of four Mission District bars and restaurants.

"During the next major urban riots, we must attack
and destroy the following yuppie bars and
caustic but intelligent prose. It lists the Beauty Bar -
described as "neighborhood enemy number one,"
Tokyo Go-Go, Blowfish Sushi and Circadia, a
Starbucks coffee shop.

"Be creative. Take action. Don't get caught," the
flyers advise.

"That really made me nervous, because people can
kind of take that to heart and really do s- -," said
Aaron Buhrz, co-owner of the Beauty Bar, a
seven-month-old bar at Mission and 19th streets
with a beauty salon theme that offers manicures and
professional make-overs along with drinks.

"In this neighborhood, they can and they will," he

Earlier posters urged people to vandalize "yuppie"
cars, such as sport utility vehicles, by keying them
and slashing their tires - letting their owners know
they aren't welcome in the Mission.

In the two or three weeks since the latest posters
appeared, none of the four targeted restaurants has
been harmed, although all experienced vandalism in
the months prior to that, their owners said. Buhrz,
28, said the Beauty Bar was tagged some time ago
with graffiti that read, "Leave the Mission or else."
Ken Lowe, owner of Tokyo Go-Go, said his
restaurant was plastered several months ago with
about two dozen signs that read, "Target the
yuppies," with a picture of a bull's eye.

None understood why their restaurants - which they
view as a plus for the neighborhood - would be seen
as a threat.

"All these merchants down here are normal people,
and for people to say negative things about us
without knowing who we are - I was bummed," Lowe,
35, said.

Blowfish Sushi is described in the anti-yuppie posters
as a place that "brings rich pigs to the Mission and
offers nothing to working and poor people here."

Its owner, Jason Teplitsky, said he viewed the flyers
as a prank by "a few loose cannons."

"It obviously makes you angry that people so
misunderstand what is happening in the world that
they would think that actions such as the ones
they're proposing would solve any of the problems or
would even be relevant to the cause that they're
perpetrating," said Teplitsky, a native of the Ukraine
- the same region the original Nestor Makhno, an
anarchist, lived earlier this century.

"Just because people have money does not
necessarily mean they are evil," said Teplitsky, 30,
who insists he had no intention of abandoning his

Keating's supporters said he would not make bombs,
would not harm people and is being targeted because
of his anarchist beliefs.

"(The police) took all his books," said James Tracy of
the Mission-based Eviction Defense Network, who
has known Keating for 10 years. "They basically
confiscated anything that was Marxist or anarchist."

The man he calls a friend is a "passionate, caring
individual" who has gone on record saying that he
does not advocate hurting people, Tracy said. "He's
going after the property, not the people."

But the real issue is not Keating, Tracy said.

"The Mission Yuppie Eradication Project's efforts are
a symbol of a lot of long-term residents' frustration
with the parasitic institutions, an

Re: [CTRL] Bilderburglars to decide how to carve up the world after WW3?

1999-05-27 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

I still would like to see thousands of balloons sent up in protest over
this meeting and in Portugal too.

Ted Turner - well if they can sober him up long enough, I suppose with
his mouth he would blab around what he heard.and the big money to be
given to the UN, was probably the reason he was invited to
attend..Stephen Spielberg?   Well, Hollywood is now buying out the

the only person I cannot see accepting this invitation is the Pope;
this is almost laughable.

How much now did it cost Ted Turner for that invitation?   Well, loose
lips sink ships - look at the Titanic.

Lets all go fly some balloons.red, white, and blue.and the
bigger the better.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Text Of The Violated War Powers Act

1999-05-27 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

How does Clinton gt away with it?  He is part of the game plan.

John F. Kennedy was not; neithr was George Wallace, or Teddy Kennedy, or
Robert F. Kennedy..

How does Clinton get away with it?  Well, we can see now can we not, who
the assassins really are by its victims, which includes the Princess of

Even Congress is afraid; the Mormon Church Library with a mad gunman -
and you wonder why Hatch changed his mind?

Just update the Illuinati into what it really is.murder
incorporated, operating within the law, but who pays for the bullets
delivered by their drug addicted killers.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Brian's Annex: Reentering Temple History

1999-05-27 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-


URE.html">Brian's Annex: Reentering Temple History


Enjoy Brian's Annex

Where Yesteryears Treasures Arise

Reentering Temple History - A

A Major Step Into The Future

Diagram Of Temple Locations


Diagram Of Temple Complex
The Temple Superimposed On The Temple Amphitheatre


Continue On To: PART I
Return To: MENU At Brian's Annex

Prepared By:
George D. Brown, P.O. Box 320932, Cocoa Beach, Florida, USA,  32932-0932

This page hosted by  Get your own Free Home Page

Reentering Temple History - A
  Part I:

The Buildings


  Three ancient Temples were built according to a common design
in Jerusalem. The three sites form a unique pattern which apparently
also identifies the site of a future Temple to be built by "Darius the
Persian," called "Cyrus." In addition, a fourth ancient Temple, Roman
Emperor Hadrain's pagan Temple, was situated beneath what eventually
became the phony traditional mount. And Roman Emperor Hadrain's pagan
Temple, of course, was of a very different, an unrelated, design.

  None of the three Biblical Temples were located on or under
the phony traditional mount. However, as mentioned, the three Biblical
Temples conformed to a common design criteria even to a common
destruction pattern which preserved each of the inner Temples; albeit,
not one rock was left atop the ground in either of the three sites.

Scripture explains:

  "... and the city shall be builded upon her own heap, and the
palace shall remain after the manner thereof."

remiah 30:18

  Yes, the city has been built atop the ruins and the palace,
the inner Temple, has been preserved intact in each case. Hadrain's
pagan Temple excepted.

  Each of the three Biblical Temples were situated within one
quadrant of three separate, relatively large, tri-level amphitheatres
called "the city," the seating for the flock. Centered therein, in the
court before each Temple, was a large altar of rock which supported the
great brazen altar.

  Each Temple amphitheatre contained restaurants called "boiling
courts" in each corner on each of the three levels. Therein food and
drink could be obtained by the flocks.

  Thus, the historic Last Supper, the disciples' Passover
Supper, attended by Jesus took place in the upper room, the third or top
level, within the Herodium Temple amphitheatre, high up in "the Mount of
Olives" as the great amphitheatre was called.

  The Temple's large inner structure occupied one quadrant of
the Temple amphitheatre and contained:

1.A main front porch frames and towers above a majestic entrance. The
interior holds crosswalks from side chamber to side chamber as it
extended upwards for 18 floors. On the face of the porch, pulpits open
majestically before the myriad flocks, "the city," occupying the surro
unding great amphitheatre. The pulpits also look down upon activities in
the great courtyard below with its imposing central altar before the

2.An entry tunnel, a main passageway overlaid with gold, traverses from
the porch directly to the Holy of Holies.

3.The Holy of Holies is a cube-like room with a circular vaulted ceiling
all overlaid with gold with concentric circles of inlaid gemstones.
Squinches at each corner provide the transition from the square base to
the round ceiling. These squinches portray the four great powers before
the throne of GOD.

4.A pair of golden staircases lead from beside the entry to the Holy of
Holies back and upwards to above the tunnel entrance. A landing then
joins the golden staircases above the tunnel and a single, broad, golden
staircase continues upward to the throne room atop the Holy of Holies.

5.A large majestic throne room is described as a triclinium, a three
sided (Roman) couch, as the two sides of the throne room extend outboard
of the staircase to the porch in the shape of a giant 'U'. The throne
room's high vaulted ceiling is also overlaid with gold and supports an
inner Temple courtyard between the porch and the tower of Siloam that
rises from atop the throne.

6.The inner courtyard above the throne room serves as a large air and
light shaft as it opens upward and extends from side chamber walkways to
side chamber walkways and from the porch to the tower of Siloam.

7.Two large towers: (a) The aft or rear tower provides for utilities and
heating. This "Tower 

[CTRL] Skeptic News - Thurssday #1

1999-05-27 Thread ric carter

 -Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 990528a - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

: Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
: Nothing contained herein is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy or meaning.
: Several gun-control foes were shot during production of this bulletin.
: This bulletin is suspended for a week.  Ya'll have fun without it, hear?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


# 'Lost continent' discovered. (BBC) Scientists drilling on the ocean floor
found what they think is a lost continent between Australia and Antarctica.

# Costly computer rage. Ever cursed your crashed computer? Computer rage not
only drives stress levels of millions of users, it costs companies dearly.

# Vegetables A Casualty Of NATO Air War? SOFIA (Reuters) Bulgaria's valuable
vegetable crop has become the latest casualty of NATO's air war against
neighboring Yugoslavia. The Agriculture Ministry said hailstorms destroyed
millions of dollars of crops this month because anti-hail radar systems were
turned off to avoid attracting the hostile attention of NATO warplanes en
route to Yugoslavia. http://news.excite.com/news/r/990527/09/odd-hailstorms

# CROSSED LEGS: A SIGN OF FLIRTING? A new survey says when women cross their
legs, they are flirting. Most men think it's sexy for a woman to cross her
legs, most women say they do it for comfort or out of habit. But if you look
at the survey, you find it was done for a company that sells a dietary
supplement to help veins look better. They tell us crossing legs can impair
circulation and distend leg veins - is this high on anyone's list of health
concerns? www.healthcentral.com/drdean/DeanFullTextTopics.cfm?ID=12717

# DO VAMPIRES GET THE EXTRA BLOOD? A doctor, after being being temporarily
paralyzed and having large amounts of blood drawn for tests, was prompted to
survey blood-taking at several hospitals. She found that many hospitals draw
far more blood than is needed for most tests, especially with the
sophistiated testing equipment we use today. For seniors, some of whom
can't handle a lot of blood loss, this is a serious issue.

# ONE MAN'S PET IS ANOTHER'S DINNER. The story of animal rights activists
protesting laws in South Korea to legalize the sale of dog meat raise an
interesting issue about cultural bias. Most people in the US are probably
disgusted at the thought of eating dog meat - but don't think about the fact
we put 15 million dogs and cats to sleep every year. And how would we feel
about Hindus, who hold cows sacred, protesting our eating beef? Think
globally. www.healthcentral.com/drdean/DeanFullTextTopics.cfm?ID=12725

# Careful, they might hear you. (TA) Australia has become the first country
openly to admit that it takes part in a global electronic surveillance
sys-tem that intercepts the private and commercial international
communications of citizens and companies from its own and other countries.

# 6 billionth person expected in Oct. WASHINGTON (AP) In less than 5
months - Oct. 12 is the best guess - a birth will push the world's
population to 6 billion. The new benchmark comes 12 years after the last
billion. It took 13 years for the billion before that. The UN is looking for
slower growth over the next century, but some demographers now think the 7
billion mark could come even more quickly. Median UN projections say it'll
take 14 years to add another billion people. Population projections,
however, have become more complex than ever, with birth and death rates
varying widely from region to region, the impact of AIDS, advances in
population programs and longer life expectancies.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


@ Cradle of Volcanology: http://www.geo.mtu.edu/~boris/STROMBOLI.html
@ Celebrate the Century: 100 years of history: http://cnn.com/100

# Maryland Scientists Find Bacteria Victims Of "Virus Conspiracy"
# Smoking And Depression Weakens Immune System:

# Scientists Determine Atomic Structure Of Lego-Like Molecule That Self-
  Assembles: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/1999/05/990527043336.htm
# Waste Not Want Not -- An Engine For The Future, With No Moving Parts:

@ "The Medieval Mind of George Lucas":
@ A very convenient scandal:

[CTRL] Text Of The Violated War Powers Act

1999-05-27 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.
Text Of The Violated War
Powers Act

Subject: Text Of The Violated War Powers Act From: "Bill Mulcahy"
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Date: Wed, May 26, 1999 7:55 PM
Message-id: <7iig1b$1e9o$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Will somebody tell me why Clinton is being allowed to get away with violating
the War Powers Act http://ftp.cs.indiana.edu/statecraft/warpow.html ? Why is
Congress allowing President Perjurer to violate our laws?

Bill Mulcahy


SEC. 5. (b)
Within sixty calendar days after a report is submitted or is required to be
pursuant to section 4(a)(1), whichever is earlier, the President shall
terminate any use
of Untied States Armed Forces with respect to which such report was submitted
required to be submitted), unless the Congress (1) has declared war or has
enacted a
specific authorization for such use of United States Armed Forces, (2) has
extended by
law such sixty-day period, or (3) is physically unable to meet as a result of
an armed
attack upon the United States. Such sixty-day period shall be extended for
not more
than an additional thirty days if the President determines and certifies to
the Congress
in writing that unavoidable military necessity respecting the safety of
United States
Armed Forces requires the continued use of such armed forces in the course of
bringing about a prompt removal of such forces.

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Diana Murder & NWO

1999-05-27 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.
Diana Murder & NWO
Subject: Diana Murder & NWO
Date: Wed, May 26, 1999 8:48 PM
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Princess Diana was murdered not because she might have been on the verge
of marrying a muslim but because she would have been an outspoken critic
of the Kosovo War (which was planned and part of a greater conspiracy).
She had to be silenced before the war was to begin. It also had to be
done with enough time in-between the murder and the war so that the
connection would not become obvious, therefore she was the first phase
of the operation. The timing was right, the conspiracy critics would
logically assume it was because of the marriage thing. It would have to
take a real analytical genius to figure it out, perhaps even one with
psychic abilities.
The timing of the murder was right as the final push for the NWO
commenced in 1997.
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Is the Church of Satan a Cult? - Recruiting online . . . ?

1999-05-27 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.
Online cults
Subject: Online cults
From: Underground Panther <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, May 27, 1999 4:41 AM
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello,This website:


 Outlines my experinces in the Church of Satan with a level head,It
explains why the Church of Satan is a cult from a person who was
involved.They are all very upset at my page and will seek to discredit
me,or say I have sour grapes ect.They are just disturbed at what I am
pointing out.They call speaking out against the cult,shit disturbing.

One thing apparent in the music put out by Satanists,or certain types
of wannabes, the real problem with it people always overlook,isn't the
violent lyrics.It's way more subtle,it's the unresoved angst that is
glorifed in such music.
Everything needs a beginning, middle and end  this it taught in
drama,theatre,life to be psychologically healthy. Bad feelings must
end,depressed people think thier bad feelings will never end.This is
not a easy concept to grasp for some people.

The musicians like Marylin Manson,or Nine Inch Nails (Satanic
priests)do not seek to resolve thier angst in thier music,They keep
angst perptually at high levels and deliberatly un reasoned out ,un
directed at why they feel angst .
It leaves the listener to fill in the blanks on why they are so much
in angst.Teens too often put themselves there.It never ends.

Teens assume they listen because they are feeling sympathy to thier
pain in life.
But instead they get stuck in a vauge neverending almost addictive
angst that never resolves itself.It manifests like depression.
I know some teens will get mad and defensive about what I have said
about thier fave tunes.Do get over my critizisms of your idols and try
to understand me ,ok.

Angst that is not directed at somthing in a clear way.This keeps
people listening though supposed sympathy,from resolving thier own
angst feelings for themselves.Instead they just get stuck and float in
this poisoned 'sympathy' without realizing it is sick because the
musician wants to confound,confuse and create delimma and have catchy
melodies to go along with it so you will listen and enjoy it..

Satanists get off on psychological abuse.And psychological abuse is
totally legal.They don't need money,they need fresh minds to play
That is why they recruit in chat rooms and alt.satanism.

They are crypto fascist but they aren't for white supremacy they are
for sociopathic supremacy.Smart sociopaths obey and know how to get
around the law and look so 'cultured' act so subtle  but really be a
cruel sadist inside..
Rambling on about thier 'Satanic genes' that make them superior to the
'herds'of everyone else.
They actually get off on mindgames and glorify those who enjoy it most
or perform it best.Machivelli,Darwin(social darwinism too) and Hitler
are often quoted by them as exaples of great 'satanic 'thinkers.

This is what,I,through my experinces with them and Anton LaVey's own
words are led to understand what the church's 'primary objective
'is.To create delimma,confound,confuse in other words screw woith
people,abuse them psychologically enjoy it and teach others to develop
'thick skins' so they can take it or learn to get off on it too..

Read Satan speaks then compare the additudes in that with the Satanic
Bible.Feel how he hates women and people.
This is a cult.And they don't have to be killing babies to hurt you.

That is what makes certain music and cults dangerous,It's not just the
lyrics or symbols they decorate themselves with .It is the intent and
astmosphere they seek to create and NEVER seek to resolve in itself
that can make music or any kind of symbols or beliefs sickening..

Feel free to ask questions but send me NO conversion messages please.
Respect my choice to stay out of all organized or belief based
religion until I heal from my past.

Thank you,
http://www.erols.com/pumacat/">The Bifid Barb -- Is the CoS a Cult?

Underground Panther, previous member of the Church of Satan, looks at
cultic tendencies in that organization, and explains recent posts on
alt.satanism.  "It is better to be useless to someone who would be a
user, than to feel it is ok to be used because you're afraid of being
useless" -- The Panthers
Is the Church of Satan a Cult?


2.Three Common
Traits of Cults

3.Levels of Influence
and Persuasion

4.Other Cult Issues

5.Personality Change and
Behavior Modification

6.Conclusion: Who is
Most at Risk?


There are many Satanic groups out there, nowadays.  At first, groups
like the SanFrancisco-based Church of Satan (founded by Anton LaVey)
were perceived as 'sanitized' versions ofSatanism that were sane enough,
or at least above-board.  Over the years, that particular grouphas
become more secretiv

[CTRL] Nazi ism = New Age?

1999-05-27 Thread Taylor, John (JH)

 -Caveat Lector-



Today, we shall review a most interesting and informative book entitled,
"The Occult Roots of Nazism: Secret Aryan Cults And Their Influence on Nazi
Ideology", by Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke, New York University Press, New York,

If you are a New Age adherent, we urge you to carefully and thoughtfully
consider the revelations contained within this article. You will discover
that your beloved New Age is nothing more than Nazism hiding behind a mask
of "Love", "Peace", and "Safety". You are worshipping Satan without
realizing it. You are worshipping Satan even though you have been taught he
does not exist. Your precious eternal soul is at stake, so please, please
read this article carefully, and with an open spiritual mind. If you have
not read the confessions of a former New Age author, we encourage you to
read NEWS1182, "Crowley And New Age Movement Compared".

We will demonstrate to you the truth of the following equation: The New Age
IS Nazism!

Once World War II concluded, the world discovered the unbelievable
widespread genocide carried out by Hitler's Nazis, a genocide which
slaughtered almost 20,000,000 innocent men, woman, and children whom the
Nazis had concluded were not "worthy of life". Horrified Western historians
were unified in their inability to understand how the "Christian" Germany of
Martin Luther could have become the Satanic Germany of Adolf Hitler.
Additionally, these Germans were well educated, well versed in the Arts and
Entertainment, and seemed to typify the type of individual that Humanists
could point to with pride and say, "See, we told you man was inherently
good, and that, if you educated him, and exposed him to the better things of
life, he would naturally develop his better nature".

This historian, a secular one, decided to look in a different place for the
answer to why Germans could so quickly have turned into the monstrous
killers of Adolf Hitler. Goodrick-Clarke carefully examined the occult roots
of Nazism and discovered that a Satanic "Revival" had occurred in Germany
from 1890-1935, thoroughly preparing the German people to support, love, and
respect Adolf Hitler. Further, enough young Germans supported Hitler so much
they were willing to pull the triggers of the guns .

As Goodrick-Clarke examined these occult leaders who so completely prepared
the German populace to accept Hitler, he listed the beliefs and goals of
these early occult German leaders. As I read through these beliefs and
goals, I was horrified to realize that they were identical to the New Age
beliefs. Let us now examine the key beliefs of the occult leaders which
prepared the German people for Adolf Hitler, and which prepared Hitler



 Hated the advent of modern society, and longed for the return to the
simpler rural lifestyle of the German peasants
  Hates our modern society, proposes that we abolish current Industrial
Society, revert back to 1700's Economy

 Taught myth of Lost Atlantis
  Teaches myth of the Lost Atlantis

 Atlantians were infinitely superior in occult wisdom and ability
  Atlantians were much superior in all types of wisdom

 Reveled in ancient Nordic mythology even though it was occultic
  Revels in all types of ancient culture's mythology, including Native
American, even though they are occultic

 Preached wonderful Millennial reign of the Superman who was to arise
  Preaches golden Millennial reign of the New Age Superman, whom New Agers
believe is about to arise

 Wove ideas from other occult groups: Theosophy, Rosicrucianism, Cabbalism,
and Freemasonry, Secret Societies
  Has borrowed ideas from occult groups: Theosophy, Rosicrucianism,
Cabbalism, and Freemasonry, and other Secret Societies

 Revered Madame Blavatsky, founder of House of Theosophy
  Reveres Madame Blavatsky, founder of House of Theosophy

 Taught Evolution
  Teaches Evolution

 Taught Reincarnation and Karma
  Teaches Reincarnation and Karma

 Taught doctrines of ancient root races
  Teaches doctrine of ancient root races

 Humans thought to be far older than science thought, and were integrated
into a scheme of cosmic, physical, and spiritual evolution
  Teaches that mankind dates from very ancient history. Teaches that man has
evolved physically and spiritually

 Believed in Blavatsky's Secret Doctrine. Hitler used Secret Doctrine as
basis for his Holocaust
  Teaches Blavatsky's Secret Doctrine. Antichrist will use this doctrine as
basis for New World Order Holocaust

 Gnostic and Hermetic sources of ancient wisdom attracted educated elite of
German society
  Gnostic and Hermetic sources of ancient wisdom have attracted elite of
Western society, especially in Business and Politics. Gore and Clinton are
two prime example

[CTRL] Pearl Harbor chiefs cleared

1999-05-27 Thread Taylor, John (JH)

 -Caveat Lector-

Pearl Harbor chiefs cleared
London Times
May 27 1999

TWO American military commanders blamed for failing to foresee the Japanese
bombing of Pearl Harbor have had their ranks and reputations posthumously
restored nearly six decades later.
Admiral Husband Kimmel, Commander-in-Chief of the Pacific Fleet, and General
Walter Short, commander of the Hawaiian Department of the US Army, were
punished for dereliction of duty after the devastating Japanese attack on
December 7, 1941. They were relieved of their ranks and forced into
This week the US Senate voted by 52 to 47 to clear their names and to
reinstate their wartime ranks. Many historians have argued that the two men
were made scapegoats for the military disaster.
"There is no longer any reason to perpetuate the cruel myth that Kimmel and
Short were singularly responsible for the disaster at Pearl Harbor," William
Roth, a Republican Senator and veteran of the Second World War, said.
Strom Thurmond, the 96-year-old Republican senator who parachuted into
Normandy on D-Day, described the soldiers as "the two final victims" of
Pearl Harbor. "These men were doing their duty to the best of their ability,
and without full co-operation from superiors in their chain of command," he
Yet the issue of their guilt or innocence remains a divisive one,
particularly among the Senate's ten surviving Second World War veterans.
John Warner, a Republican Senator who volunteered for the Navy in 1944,
pointed out that nine formal inquiries in the past had failed to clear the
two men of responsibility. He issued a warning against attempts to rewrite
history by legislation. "What we are faced with here is one generation
trying to provide revisionist history upon another," Mr Warner said.
Defenders of Kimmel and Short point out that military leaders in Washington
were aware that an attack was imminent, but failed to pass on intercepted
Japanese radio messages to commanders in Hawaii.
The latest Pentagon investigation, in 1995, however, concluded that the
disgraced commanders must still be held accountable as leaders, even though
blame for the disaster should be "broadly shared".

note-read John Toland-Infamy

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Bilderburglars to decide how to carve up the world after WW3?

1999-05-27 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.
\   >/ Bilderburglars to
decide how to carve up the world after WW3?

Subject: \ ç >/ Bilderburglars to decide how to carve up the world after WW3?
Date: Thu, May 27, 1999 7:02 AM
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Slobo was declared a war criminal by some UN tribunal somewhere, and we
are talking about sending in thousands of US troops in an area where we
know almost a 3/4 of a million failed!

Why would Slobo EVER sign a peace treaty with anyone - he has been FORCED
into war without retreat...
read Sun Tzu, he warns cornering an enemy...

Clinton and his traitorous clique must be doing this on purpose.

Clinton, pope join Bilderbergers
Secret meeting
of global movers, shakers in Portugal

© 1999 WorldNetDaily.com

What do Steven Spielberg, Pope John Paul II, Ted
Turner, Boris Yeltsin, Bill Clinton and House Speaker
Dennis Hastert have in common? They are among those
on a "partial guest list" of expected attendees to the
1999 Bilderberg meeting in Portugal scheduled for next

The secret meeting in Sintra, Portugal, takes place
June 3-6. According to sources which have penetrated
the high-security meetings in the past, the Bilderberg
meetings emphasize a globalist agenda and promote the
idea that the notion of national sovereignty is
antiquated and regressive.


Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Disney, The Mouse Betrayed

1999-05-27 Thread Taylor, John (JH)

 -Caveat Lector-


Disney, The Mouse Betrayed, Peter & Rochelle Schweizer, Regnery Publishing,
Inc., 1998, 359 pps., $24.95.

The Schweizers provide a fascinating behind-the-scenes glimpse into "The
Wonder-ful World of Disney," which today grimly contrasts with its wholesome
past. While the name still connotes apple pie and family values, the authors
report that Disney has sacrificed its founder's high moral standards and
scruples for the sake of profits.

In 1984, Michael Eisner became CEO, and the company that had long remained
on the fringes of the movie industry "went Hollywood." Disney adopted
Holly-wood's morals, and making money became the number one objective.

The Schweizers demonstrate how the wellbeing and safety of employees and
guests at Disney's theme parks have been sacrificed for the bottom line.
Using employee interviews, company records, and a variety of documents, they
provide shocking details of crime and cover-up at Disney World, including
crimes by pedophiles, acts of violence, and serious accidents due to neglect
of basic safety rules.

Disney's animated films have incorporated adult themes and controversial
elements, such as subliminal sexual messages. The authors note that each
film now "has an underlying message that is central to the project."
Historical Pocahontas, for example, who converted to Christianity and is
buried in England, "was transformed into a cover girl for Native American
philosophies and present-day ecological concerns."

The book profiles the world of Miramax Films, a Disney subsidiary acquired
in 1993. Extreme bloody violence, obscene language, violent and even
child-centered pornography, and vicious religious attacks (directed
primarily against Catholics and Christianity in general) are a sample of the
Miramax fare.

The Schweizers also describe how Disney:

Signs recording artists who sing about drugs, sex, suicide and satanism.

Employed a convicted felon/pedophile as a writer/director;

Allows its memorabilia to be produced in sweatshops;

Sells out its creative control to market to the Chinese communists; and,

Champions the gay culture in its theme parks and film projects.
Regnery Publishing, Inc., One Massachusetts Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20001,
(202) 216-0600

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Hackers take down FBI website

1999-05-27 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

This is the kind of stuff that opens the door for federal control over
the internet; now, I do not believe these hackers are that smartI
believe it was with the aid of an insider

In other words, do you really believe our government who hired the best
of the computer programmers is going to be hacked so easily?

Put it this way - the treasury department, the huge pyramid on the back
of your dollar bill.when they built the pyramids, I presume they not
only murdered the architect but the workers as well, so nobody could
gain access.

Someone is selling the secrets; again, who would have the money to so
do; cui bonoas they say, cui bono.

Whoever put in the programs, knows  lot of secrets do they not, the
structure - basically all programs are somewhat alike...an inside job.

This stuff reeks of CIA stuff, where it opens to the feds, the right to
control and charge for the use of the internet, just like the US post

Use your head.who is paying some of these hackers..how did the
Chinese get all that stuff - inside job, with the knowledge of the US

Could add also, Rupert Murdoch, the Lenin Lover, also had good
connections to China.

And NEVER forget Herr Kissinger, who permitted the National Enquirer
headed up by Bob Pope, in the late 70 period - never forget it was
Kissinger who let them take the photograph of all of the names of CIA
agents overseaswhich Pope reproduced in the Enquirer,
blurred.but who else, got the list?   Well, later they brought back
Robert Welch in a coffin, CIA opertive, over which was draped the US

Don't let anybody be fooled by this hacker garbageif computers are
this unstable, they should be eliminated entirely - but then, back in
1985 we already gave Russia access.why not China.

We could all live without the internet - and there would just be
something better to come along.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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1999-05-27 Thread Colleen Jones

For those interested - here is Rupert Murdoch, who engages in
pornography from time to time, profiting from the bible financially.

Read all about it.see what a despicabe man Rupert Murdoch is, and
figure out for yourself who is behind this sinister plot.

Money does answer all, does it not.
Is this blackmailer, slanderer, ugly man,  to profit from the sale of
the new bible editions.



[CTRL] Top Secret Documents - Gertz

1999-05-27 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

http://jya.com/tsdocs-gertz.htm">Top Secret Documents - Gertz
26 May 1999.
See Betrayal excerpts:
See also secret
documents on BMD/ABM: http://jya.com/bmddocs-gertz.htm

25 May 1999
Source: Betrayal, Bill Gertz, Washington, D.C., 1999. ISBN
0-89526-317-3. Thanks to Bill Gertz.

Selections from an Appendix of 59 images of classified government
documents, pp. 219-84.

Gertz on code words: "UMBRA and GAMMA are code words designating special
intelligence obtained from intercepted electronic communciations. NOFORN
means that 'no foreign' nationals should be permitted to see it, and
ORCON is the intelligence marking signaling that material contained is
'originator controlled' and cannot be distributed further without the
National Security Agency's permission." (p. 152)

[pp. 226-25]

Key findings of a 1996 CIA report show that Russian control over nuclear
weapons is weak. (2 pages)

Top Secret

[Seal of the
Central Intelligence
Intelligence Report

Office of Russian and Eurasian Analysis
Office of Weapons, Technology and Proliferation
Prospects for Unsanctioned Use of
Russian Nuclear Weapons (C)

A Research Paper

This report was prepared by Jerry Sparks, Office of Russian and Eurasian
Analysis, and Julie Grimes, Office of Weapons, Technology and
Proliferation. The draft was reviewed by analysts in DIA and NSA, who
have somewhat different views (see footnote 3). Comments and queries are
welcome arid may be directed to the Chief, Security Issues Division,
ORE, on (703) 482-5552 or secure (93) 52625. (U)

Handle via COMINT Channels
Reverse Blank
Top Secret
ORE 96-10007CX
WTP 96-100099CX
September 1996

Top Secret

Key Findings
Infomation available
as of 28 August 1996
was used in this report. (U)

Prospects for Unsanctioned Use of
Russian Nuclear Weapons (C)

The Russian nuclear command and control system is being subjected to
stresses it was not designed to withstand as a result of wrenching
social change, economic hardship, and malaise within the armed forces.
Moreover, some evidence suggests that, despite their official
assurances, high level Moscow officials are concerned about the security
of their nuclear inventory. Adding to our concerns are significant gaps
and inconsistencies in our information about the command and control of
Russian nuclear weapons:

•Some reporting indicates that echelons below the General Staff -- such
as SRF command posts -- have the technical ability to launch without
authorization by political leaders or the General Staff.
•Human sources have repeatedly warned that the controls over some
tactical nuclear weapons are poor; these appear to be the weapons most
at risk.
•There also are conflicting reports that Russian ballistic missile
submarines carry valid launch codes on board for emergency use. (S NF)

We continue to assess the possibility of unauthorised launch or nuckar
blackmail as low, because many of the safeguards built into the old
Soviet system are still in place. A severe political crisis, however,
could exacerbate existing problems in military-political relations and
 widen internal fissures in the armed forces, especially is control of
the military -- already demoralized and corrupted -- were to break down.
Such a crisis could raise concerns about nuclear control:

•An array of evidence indicates that political authonties could not
prevent the General Staff from launching nuclear weapons on its own
•Nuclear-armed units conceivably could become involved in conspiracies
to threaten or blackmail perceived enemies or political authorities; a
rogue submarine crew might have the autonomous ability to launch at
least tactical nuclear weapons. (S NF)

Handle via COMINT Channelsiii
Reverse Blank
Top Secret
ORE 96-10007CX
WTP 96-100099CX
September 1996

[p. 242-45]

These excerpts from two 1996 CIA reports state that Russia is increasing
production of advanced air defense systems for export. Moscow used
negotiations with the United States on regional missile defenses to
delay and restrict U.S. missile defenses in order to enhance the
marketability of Russian systems. (3 pages)

Top Secret



New Production of SA-12 SAMs for Possible Export (S NF)
Satellite imagery suggests that a surge in production of SA-12
surface-to-air missiles is imminent: thc imagery shows that last month
at least 38 SA-12A canisters were moved into the production buildings

[CTRL] Cypherpunk on a roll

1999-05-27 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

treal Gazette - Wednesday 26 May 1999 - Cyph

Wednesday 26 May 1999

Cypherpunk on a roll
$10,000-a-week consultant is brains behind leading-edge privacy software
The Gazette

RANDI LYNN BEACH, AP / Montreal-born Ian Goldberg at his desk at the
University of California's Berkeley campus.
Cyber-celebrity and high-priced consultant Ian Goldberg vividly
remembers the day in 1995 when he realized he was on to something big.

After discovering a bug in the supposedly bulletproof security of
Netscape's Web browser, he and fellow student Dave Wagner posted their
findings on an online discussion area about cryptography and security.

"We thought, 'OK, it'll be interesting for academics and people
interested in the security field,' " recalled Montreal-born Goldberg,
sitting in a lounge in the University of California at Berkeley's famed
computer-science department.

The next day, the security hole made the New York Times, attracting a
swarm of radio, TV and newspaper reporters to his cramped, book-strewn

"We totally didn't expect it," said Goldberg, 26, now the brains behind
Zero-Knowledge Systems, a hot Montreal start-up set to launch a test
version Monday of revolutionary software that promises to finally make
it possible to protect online privacy. "Dave didn't even come in the
next morning because he was having his apartment fumigated. It was a big
surprise that anyone would be interested in such an obscure detail of an
implementation flaw. We've since learned our lesson: anything that has
the words Internet and security in it will interest lots of people."

Since then, Goldberg has gone on to discover embarrassing security
lapses in digital phones, as well as in Intel's new Pentium III chip.

"Every time we do something really big, I can't get any work done for a
week or two because of all the media attention," Goldberg said.

Sporting a scraggly goatee and a long ponytail, and wearing black jeans
with white socks and sneakers, he doesn't look like a consultant who
commands $10,000 U.S. a week, plus first-class travel and

But Goldberg, who in this perma-tan state has the pallor of a guy who
lives in front of computers, isn't your average geek. He has been called
one of the world's top cryptographers - and last fall was named by Wired
magazine as one of the 25 most influential players in cyberspace.

Goldberg, who moved to Toronto as a toddler, got into computers at 7
after getting a Commodore Pet. Soon after, he started programming. He
studied pure math and computer science at the University of Waterloo,
then headed to Berkeley in 1995, where he'll finish his PhD next year.

The fame he earned with his wily ways has made him a rising star in
Silicon Valley and helped spark the creation of a new Internet-security
group at Berkeley. On the downside, dozens of start-ups hound him,
hoping to get the Goldberg seal of approval. He charges exorbitant
consulting fees to weed out the offers.

Tiny, family-run Zero-Knowledge Systems was the first to get him to join
its staff. His title at ZKS - one only a dot-com could come up with - is
"chief scientist and head cypherpunk."

He was recruited by ZKS president Austin Hill just over a year ago.
Hill, who started ZKS after making a bundle by selling local Internet
provider Totalnet to a Bell Canada division, had an Internet-privacy
idea and wanted Goldberg to help design the system and to give
credibility to the new firm.

Hill cold-called Goldberg, suggesting ZKS could commercialize Goldberg's
research in the area of protecting surfers' identities online using
cryptography. It took some convincing.

"It's a big project, very ambitious, a lot of work; it's hard to get
right and you'd have to have a really awesome team to do it correctly,
so I was skeptical," said Goldberg, who flew to Montreal to meet the
company's developers after talking to Hill.

"With cryptography, the details are everything - you get one tiny detail
wrong and the whole thing is broken. But then I met the team and I was
impressed. I thought, 'If anyone can do it, this team can.' "

He signed on, but isn't charging ZKS "anything like $10,000 a week,"
Goldberg said. He got "some stock options, as well as some cash," though
he says he doesn't "own a huge chunk" of ZKS, which has been valued by
venture-capital firms at more than $70 million, though the 35-employee,
Plateau Mont Royal-based firm has zero revenue.

When he got on board, Goldberg scrapped some of the work ZKS had in
progress and re-designed the software. During the school year, he
visited ZKS every six weeks or so for intensive, one- or two-week
sessions to review the work of in-house developers.

The result of that year-long exercise is a software product called
Freedom, which is already wowing privacy advocates and grabbing the

[CTRL] Hackers take down FBI website

1999-05-27 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

http://www.msnbc.com/news/273819.asp">FBI raids hackers, suffers

FBI raids hackers, suffers retaliation
Group members had been subjected to search,
PC confiscation — later, hackers take down FBI’s Web siteBy Brock Meeks,
Alan Boyle and Bob Sullivan

MSNBC  May 26 —  A skirmish between the FBI and a well-known hacker
group seemingly erupted Wednesday. Not long after federal agents served
search warrants on members of hacker group Global Hell (gH), probably in
connection with recent attacks on U.S. government computers, the FBI’s
own Web site was attacked and is currently unreachable.

White House Web site shut down
Weigh in on the attack on the FBI site
   music   videos

 The FBI told MH they would be in contact this Friday to follow up; in
the meantime, they have his computer, which belongs to his parents.
ROLANDO MOSS, SPOKESMAN for the FBI office in Houston, confirmed to
MSNBC on Wednesday night that agents are investigating “allegations of
computer intrusions” involving a hacker who goes by the handle
“mosthated.” Mosthated told MSNBC he was the founding member of gH, and
that at least eight other hackers around the country had been searched
in the crackdown.
Last week, gH member Eric Burns (who also goes by the name Zyklon),
was arrested in connection with three separate attacks on U.S.
government computers, including systems at the U.S. Information Agency.
Mosthated told MSNBC he was raided by agents at about 6 a.m. Central
time Wednesday in what he described as a “a huge hacker crackdown.” Four
other Houston area hackers, three in California and one in Seattle also
received FBI visits. None was arrested, but all had computer equipment
confiscated, he said.

 White House Web site shut down
Late Wednesday, www.fbi.gov stopped working. According to the Web
site www.antionline.com, an individual calling himself Israeli Ghost was
taking credit for the attack on the FBI’s site.
the hacker allegedly wrote in an e-mail to Antionline.
“I can confirm that the FBI in Houston is investigating allegations
of computer intrusions,” Moss said. “it is an ongoing investigation.” A
spokesman at the Seattle FBI office who declined to be identified
refused to comment, other than to say “Right now there are still things
that need to be decided.”
Other members of the hacking community, contacted by MSNBC, said the
FBI site was hit by what’s called a denial of service (DOS) attack. In
such an attack, the host computer is not actually controlled by an
outsider; rather, outsiders bombard a Web site with so many simultaneous
hits that it becomes overwhelmed and can no longer function.
Mosthated said he didn’t know who was responsible for the DOS
attack. The FBI did ask some cursory questions about the recent White
House Web site hack, showing mosthated printouts of Web stories done by
MSNBC and CNN, he said. “But they didn’t really push those questions,”
mosthated said.
The apparent response to the hacker crackdown has spread through the
digital underground and taken on a life of its own, a spontaneous act of
retaliation that wasn’t asked for.
“The retaliation has to stop,” mosthated said. “All this ... needs
to stop. Have you seen all the Web pages that have been changed in the
last hour? Someone told me that there’s been more than a hundred,” he
“This [retaliation] is just going to look worse on the people that
did get raided,” said the 18-year-old mosthated, who says he stopped
hacking last summer to set up his own security firm.
This impromptu show of support is going to backfire, he told MSNBC.
“Everything that gH has done is going to be put on my shoulders,” owing
to his position as the group’s founder.
The FBI agents who executed a search warrant on mosthated said they
were looking for evidence related to “illegal telecom activity,” he
said, in particular illegally set-up conference calls. “The FBI told me
some company lost $250,000 because of the illegal conference calling
activity,” he said.
Mosthated said the FBI told him they would be in contact this Friday
to follow up; in the meantime, they have his computer, which belongs to
his parents, he said. “They are really mad .… The computer had all their
financial information and stuff on it,” he said.
Mosthated’s mother confirmed to MSNBC that her computer had been
confiscated by the FBI, and said “And I’m really mad.”
Word that “something big was in the works” had filtered out as early
as last week, according to Ken Deutsch, a web-master for Issue Dynamics,
Inc. IDI was one of the companies named in the indictment of Burns.
Deutsch, who worked closely with the FBI in the Burns case, told
MSNBC in an interview last week that, “the FBI told me that ‘something
big was about to go down’ in relation to other hacking activity, but
they didn’t give me d

[CTRL] Fwd: F - Rupert Murdoch

1999-05-27 Thread Colleen Jones

Read about the would be "king maker"...who would make or break you if
you got out of line.

Look at his face - and is this the face of a gentleman?   Or is this the
face of Oxford.

This is one of the parasites on the public, who blackmails by bad press,
if he does not get what he wants.

He can prepare his enemies for the kill, knowing that it is very easy to
turn every nut in the country loose on his intended victim.

Look carefully at his face; is this a man, or if it is, what and who is
he reallyis this the face of communism?

Today he will have met his match.possibly a law suit will bring him
down on an equal status with the every day working press, who is not
much better in representing truth and integrity in reporting.

For your information, any who want.



[CTRL] The Prosecution of Carl Edward Johnson / The CJ Files

1999-05-27 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

http://www.parrhesia.com/cj/">The CJ Files
The CJ Files
How did this webpage come to be available now?
An 8.2Mb gzipped .tar file of these documents is available here if you'd
like to mirror or archive this page.

The following are documents generated during the investigation and
prosecution of Carl Edward Johnson. They are made available via the
Internet with his permission. Prior to his conviction, he wrote that he
believed that he would not receive a fair trial and that he wanted a
"cyberspace trial" so that the world would know the nature and strength
of the evidence against him.

I am aware (and readers of these documents should be aware) that law
enforcement agents have been known to engage in psychological warfare
against domestic political groups. Specifically, they have been known to
generate spurious documents intended to create dissension and distrust
among groups of otherwise cooperative and compatible people. They have
also actively created the impression that members of a group or movement
were government informers when in fact they were not. This activity has
been documented across several decades and as having been used against
various political movements and organizations, including the Black
Panthers, CISPES, and AIM; it has led to the dissolution of groups into
opposing factions, and in some cases has led to physical beatings and
deaths as a result of the apparent disloyalty of one member or another.
For more information about this, I recommend: Cointelpro: The FBI's
Secret War on Political Freedom by Nelson Blackstock; Agents of
Repression: The FBI's Secret Wars Against the Black Panther Party and
the American Indian Movement by Ward Churchill and Jim Vander Wall; The
Cointelpro Papers: Documents from the FBI's Secret Wars Against Dissent
in the United States, also by Churchill and Vander Wall; and Undercover:
Police Surveillance in America by Gary T. Marx.

I am also aware that law enforcement agents are trained to, and intend
to, apply considerable psychological pressure to interview subjects in
order to convince them to provide information harmful to themselves or
to people they care about. I am further aware that, historically, people
have chosen to act as informants against their friends and neighbors
because of perceived threats to their own safety or political
well-being. I don't think it's an accident that the subjects of
investigatory interviews in this case were interviewed (in many cases)
at their places of business, without warning, by IRS agents. For more
information about this, I recommend: You and the Police! by Boston T.
Party, and Interviewing and Interrogation for Law Enforcement by John E.
Hess. (Also The Joke by Milan Kundera and The Gulag Archipelago by
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn if you're more inclined towards literary works.)

I did not publish the documents prior to the conclusion of his trial
because I was concerned that doing so would anger the government and
provoke them into unlawful and illegitimate retribution against CJ or
myself. (I don't make that statement lightly or without reflection on
its implications.) Many of the events and messages at the core of CJ's
case are related to messages and ideas about the arrest, prosecution,
and sentencing of another cypherpunk list member, Jim Bell, whose
writings and ideas were used against him in his encounter with the
criminal trial system.

Apparently, there are some law enforcement personnel who don't believe
that ordinary citizens have a right to observe and comment upon the way
that they conduct the public's business - they seem to think that they
can legitimately scrutinize the behavior of others, but that their
conduct can or should be exempt from scrutiny and reflection. I strongly
disagree. Every aspect of the government's conduct of the people's
business must be made available for review by those whom the government
is meant to represent. Civic (and civilian) oversight of government
conduct is especially crucial where it concerns functions such as the
use of the power of the state to investigate and imprison its citizens,
and even more so in areas like Internet-related crime, where evidentiary
standards, expectations of privacy, reasonableness of searches, etc.,
are still being determined. We cannot blindly assume that the government
will make good moral and political choices about who will be prosecuted,
and when; nor can we blindly assume that the government will make
accurate and reliable technical determinations about the relationships
between virtual/electronic entities and physical bodies which it
subjects to investigatory and punitive actions.

I don't agree with everything that Carl Johnson and Jim Bell have
written; and I'm sure they don't agree with everything I've written. I
do believe that their writings, regardless of their intellectual merit
or their tastefulness (or lack thereof) were speech protected by the
First Amendment, and I bel

[CTRL] OEN 5/27/99

1999-05-27 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

http://www.aci.net/kalliste/">The Home Page of J. Orlin Grabbe

Today's Lesson From How Real Is Real?: Confusion, Disinformation,

by Paul Watzlawick

In other words, confusion sharpens our senses and our attention to
detail. Under normal circumstances, such as great danger, one functions
in ways that may be very different from one's usual, everyday behavior.
"In a split second" and "without thinking" one may make the right,
lifesaving decision. The same thing also happens under less exceptional
circumstances, as a response to confusion. It happens most frequently
when for one reason or another we go into a situation in an almost
absent-minded mood. Absent-mindedness shares many of the positive
effects of confusion. For instance, somebody in a hurry takes off his
jacket and carelessly throws it in the direction of a chair; much to his
surprise it drapes itself neatly over the back. If he tries to repeat
the feat, he fails--and he is left with the vague impression that his
consciously willing himself to do it somehow causes his failure. There
is a vast and interesting literature on the subject, especially Far
Eastern texts. Both the Taoist concept of wu-wei ("deliberate
inattention") and the Zen teachings of letting go and freeing one's
mind, described in Herrigel's beautiful little book on Zen and the Art
of Archery are a part of this.

Today's News Articles

Single Currency

Euro Plunges to New Low on Italian Deficit Deal

There's no way where there's no will.

FRANKFURT - The euro plummeted to a fresh low against the dollar
Wednesday in reaction to an Italian compromise on its budget deficit as
the chief of the European Central Bank warned of a relaxation of fiscal
discipline in the 11-nation euro zone.
Europe's five-month-old common currency fell to a low of $1.0445 on
Wednesday, and is down 10 percent since the its inception in January. In
4 P.M. New York trading, it was at $1.0458, down from $1.0615 on Tuesday

Italy triggered the decline when it persuaded reluctant European Union
finance ministers to loosen the commitment to hold Italy's public
deficit this year to below 2 percent of gross domestic product.

Italy's deficit will be permitted to drift as high as 2.4 percent of GDP
this year under the agreement struck in Brussels late Tuesday at staunch
Italian insistence. Private economists, however, believe weak economic
growth in Italy could make it difficult to hold the budget shortfall to
even this level.

The Stability and Growth Pact that accompanies the single currency,
which aims for balanced budgets, mandates an annual coordination of
deficits in the euro area as a key ''code of conduct'' to manage the

Although Italy's deficit remains below 3 percent of GDP, as the pact
demands, the revision amounts to a softening of Italy's previous
deficit-cutting pledge, prompting fears that the EU is willing to cut
corners on its budget rules less than six months after the euro's

The agreement struck a blow to confidence that Europe can manage its new
currency - the symbol of region's future as a unified economic and
political bloc, analysts said.

''It undermines the principle to achieve a balanced budget in the medium
term,'' said Adolf Rosenstock, euro-zone analyst in Frankfurt for Nomura
International PLC.

The euro's latest setback comes despite a concerted effort by European
central bankers to support the beleaguered currency.

Wim Duisenberg, the president of the European Central Bank, compounded
the loss of confidence when he issued a blunt warning Wednesday on the
ills of EU deficit spending, saying that continued fiscal laxity could
further weaken the euro.

The stability pact, which sets deficit targets for the 11 euro-zone
nations, ''is in the process of losing some of its forcefulness,'' Mr.
Duisenberg said.

After deficits of countries in the euro area on average fell by 1
percent per year from 1993 to 1997, progress in deficit reduction slowed
to only 0.3 percent to 0.4 percent last year. ''This year will not be
much more than that,'' the central banker said.

''If this were to become a general trend, it would not do the euro any
good,'' he warned.

Although Mr. Duisenberg did not mention Italy directly, the ECB
repeatedly has insisted on strict budget benchmarks and unpopular
economic reforms meant to promote growth without inflating public

Italy's new 2.4 percent deficit target is predicated on a 1999 growth
rate of 1.5 percent. To many economists, who expect only about 1
percent, Italy's forecast is too optimistic. That could mean Italy's
1999 deficit could end up anywhere from 2.5 to 2.7 percent of GDP, Mr.
Rosenstock said.

Weak growth in Germany, Europe's largest economy, also weighed on the
euro, in part because Germany has slowed euro-zone growth while robust
growth in the U.S. economy has underpinned 


1999-05-27 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

This code to which Ickes refers - this is the Gideon Bible CodeKing
James Bible.

Only thing I picked up was a man with dark blue suit and gold dress on
shoulders falling on pavilion.

Acts 16-19 link to death of Princess Diana.  Remember, Lady Spencer was
a Lady in Waiting.she was bred to marry a Prince if so chosen, a
marriage of convenience for the producing of children.

With Lord Spencer coming home to roost from South Africa. all is ready
is it not.  He professes such love for his sisters children, yet could
not recall their ages.   Has he built the shrine to Dianawill it
bring the masters much gain?

Had Diana the Princess of Wales no conferred with these phoney baloney
pscychics,who also serve as spies - just like for former Jeane Dixon,
who continually marked Kennedys for murder and made her fame and
fortuneeven though we know these were cold blooded assassinations
for the fourth reich'

Murdock, Rupert.this man is a deadly pawna considerable cats
paw.what and who is he really, and for whom does he workis he
like Bob Pope was - CIA - who headed up the Enquirer, and like an Omar
Kayaim prepares for the kill to blaze the trail to the victor, while the
assassins sit back with the bullets?

The best thing to happen in this world, is the exposure of Rupert
Murdoch.who attempts to control public opinion and therefore
controls polls.

England should take a good look at the population and the sick people
who mourned Princess Diana.posing with tears for the TV
camerasjust as in Littleton, a lot of sick people are posing for
cameras, making money - blood money, and it would seem money does answer
all.   Lord Spencer - Champagne Charliehe is as sick as the Princess
was, who in America would have been border line retarded.

There is a book I read over 25 years ago called Monarchs in
Waiting..these people actually believe they will once again take
over.and at the end of the millenium, well what better time for the
4 ReichHitler double crossed the Monarchs, and met a rather untimely
death but not only using their tactics, but their money.

You now, when the Monarcy fell in Sicily the knights took to the
hills.and the Mafia was born - another real MafiaKnights of the
blood Royal, not the street criminals you see today.th family.

Take away all the hokey-pokey, the bible is the Master Planfrom
genocide to destructionthe bright and Morning Star of the Alpha and
Omega.it is a code, a calendar, and its present use of this bible
code which does not need a mathematician to figure out, is a very simple
code..sublime and mysterious, until you realize a group of murder
incorported assassins are fulfilling "prophecies"but keep in the
back of your mind always, the old King in the bible who said "did I not
tell you he would prophecy no good to me, only evil"and here we have
the royal secret - the writer, the assassin, and the potential
American Style.

Wake up - forget this spooky hanky panky; Princess Diana, Elizabeth,
Philip, and even the word President is in Daniel in the Bible.but
watch the Warthogs as they entered our White House at the NATO Summit,
while the President entertained them to the Herald of Wagner.

I say, bastards - the lot of them..the tabloids made, then
destroyed, and then now worship Diana, whom in the King James Bible it
was alleged was "despised".straight out of the bible.

But, if you have my calendar of events, my plain codeyou find the
dates equate also to the crimemasonic secrets for those who did
their homework.



CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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1999-05-27 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

http://www.uhuh.com/education/drugskill.htm">Music Stuff

The rise in gratuitous and senseless violence is a disturbing recent
addition to the community landscape. Psychiatrists have tried to sell us
on all the wrong reasons for this_everything from a person's mental
illness, poverty and broken families to genetic makeup; however, the
fact missed by most is that psychiatric drugs, on an ever increasing
rise in society and amongst school children, are actually creating acts
of violence. The rise in senseless violence in America is date
coincident with the increased use of mind-altering drugs.

How many times must history repeat itself before we start looking for
the common factors present in case after case of brutal and violent
acts? In the recent cases where children have become murderous, one must
ask the question, even if children have access to guns or the means to
make bombs, what is it that is making them pull the trigger? What twists
a child so that he would kill his classmates, friends or even people
that he loves? What could possibly push children over the edge to a
point where their acts are unrecognizable even by those who know them?

Consider the following:

In the U.S. alone, approximately 4 million children are currently on the
psychiatric drug Ritalin, a drug which the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA)
places in the same category (a schedule ll drug) as opium, morphine and

Psychotic episodes and violent behavior are associated with chronic
Ritalin abuse. Ritalin is the amphetamine-like drug widely prescribed to
children for the contrived mental disease, "Attention Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder" (ADHD). Even Ritalin's manufacturer warns that
"frank psychotic episodes can occur" with abusive use. And even the
American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of
Mental Disorders lists the major complication of Ritalin withdrawal is

In the U.S. today, over 909,000 children and adolescents between the
ages six and eighteen are on psychiatric antidepressant drugs.

Between 1988 and 1992, in just four years, there were reports of over 90
children and adolescents who had suffered suicidal or violent
self-destructive behavior while on the newer antidepressant, Prozac, an
SSRI (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor.) The Food and Drug
Administration's own Adverse Drug Reaction reports reveal that a
12-year-old suffered hostility, confusion, was violent and became
"glassy-eyed" on the drug; an 18-year-old was hospitalized after being
on the drug for 270 days and had reportedly sexually assaulted and
stabbed a store clerk; one 16-year-old who had been on Prozac for 50
days, reported hostility, psychotic depression and hallucinations when
there had been no prior psychiatric history.

Since the 1960s, the use of these drugs has been on a massive increase,
especially since the introduction of Community Mental Health Centers
(CMHCs). The following are just a small sample of studies showing the
violence-inducing nature of these powerful mind-altering drugs:


The New York Post reported on January 31, 1999, that they had obtained
documents (through Freedom of Information Law) that the New York
Psychiatric Institute was testing Prozac on 6-year-olds. The documents
obtained by the Post showed that under these drug trials the psychiatric
researchers own documents noted that "Some patients have been reported
to have an increase in suicidal thoughts and/or violent behavior."
Another side effect--wild manic episodes--was also acknowledged in the
researchers' records.

A 1995 Nordic conference reported that the new antidepressant drugs, in
particular, have a stimulating amphetamine-like effect and consumers of
these drugs can become "aggressive" or "suffer hallucinations and/or
suicidal thoughts."

1998 British report said that at least five percent of patients taking
SSRI's (an antidepressant) suffered "commonly recognized" side effects
which includes agitation, anxiety and nervousness. Other regularly
reported effects include confusion, abnormal dreaming and nightmares.
Around five percent of the reports also indicate aggression,
hallucinations, malaise and depersonalization. SSRIs "can cause a broad
spectrum of psychiatric and neurological side effects, resulting in
over-stimulation in some cases and sedation in others," the report

In 1995, nine Australian psychiatrists urged SSRIs be sold with a
warning after patients had slashed themselves or became preoccupied with
violence when taking them. "I didn't want to die, I just felt like
tearing my flesh to pieces," one patient told them. Another said, "I got
my cane cutters' knife in my right hand and wanted to cut my left hand
off at the wrist." The self destructive harm started after the treatment
began or doses increased and eased, or ceased when 

[CTRL] Fwd: Fw: Bruce H.G. Calder's THIS-DAY-IN-HISTORY 1905-05-27

1999-05-27 Thread Kris Millegan

- Original Message -
From: Bruce H.G. Calder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Your History has Arrived <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, May 26, 1999 3:31 PM
Subject: Bruce H.G. Calder's THIS-DAY-IN-HISTORY 1905-05-27

Bruce H.G. Calder'sMay 27-28, 1905

-Russo-Japanese War-
The Baltic Squadron of Russia, underway since October of 1904
arrives too late on its Pacific Coast to help the Russian fleet
in Port Arthur, so it is ordered north to Vladivostok. The large
Russian force, (which includes eight battleships, eight cruisers,
and four coast-defense ships is nonetheless of mixed quality
and includes also many storeships and colliers,) move into the
Tsushima Strait between Japan and Korea and are confronted by a
Japanese force of four battleships and eight armoured cruisers.
Admiral Togo commands the Japanese ships, and Admiral
Rozhdestvenski (or perhaps Rozhdestvensky) is in command of the
Russians. Togo had decided to wait for the Russians in home
waters and correctly guessed that they would make for Vladivostok
via the Tsushima Strait. With superior speed and manoeuvrability,
Togo succeeded in "crossing the T" in which his fleet forming the
bar of the T brought all guns to bear while the Russians' fire
power is confined to the guns at the head of the column only.
During the initial exchange of fire, many Russian shells fail to
explode and the Japanese take the advantage. Fog sets in as the
day progresses as the Russians continue northward losing more
ships with each Japanese encounter. During the night, the
Japanese send in torpedo boats to finish the job and by morning
the Russians are left with two battleships, (its flagship is
lost,) four cruisers, and a few other vessels. Second in command
Admiral Nebogatov is forced to surrender and only three ships
complete the trip to Vladivostok. This is one of the most
one-sided naval engagements in history, and serves to awaken the
world to the Japanese strength.

Admiral Heihachiro Togo and the Battle of Tsushima
Russo-Japanese War
The Laurels of Victory: Information Warfare in the
Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905)
Japanese Warships from 1900-1909

Rozhdestvenski, Zinovi Petrovich

  Chronology of the American Civil War
"The Tea has been Thrown Overboard"
 November 8, 1860

(Last time - The palmetto flag is raised in defiance over the
election of Lincoln.)

The Charleston, South Carolina Mercury newspaper comments on the
election of Abraham Lincoln as President, "The tea has been
thrown overboard, the revolution of 1860 has been initiated."

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Re: [CTRL] China Leaped When Clinton Elected Prez

1999-05-27 Thread Jim Nichols

 -Caveat Lector-

>time - this wasn't invented by the Dixiecrat Clinton.  And the US has
What is the reason for calling clinton a Dixiecrat?  In 1948 the party
was created by Strom Thurmond and Fielding Wright to combat Truman.

klinton is NOT a Dixiecrat!

jim nichols N2VOP

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Fwd: Alternative 3 - The Backlash

1999-05-27 Thread Kris Millegan

The following letter appeared in the letters to the Editor section
of the June/July issue of Nexus Magazine, Vol 6., No 4.,
which arrived thru my door this morning.

Fairly self explanatory, it is a letter from the author of
the book "Alternative 3" requesting assistance with research material.
-Roger Stevenson

'Alternative 3'-The Backlash

Angry protests about my 'irresponsible scare-mongering" 
started torrenting in after the publication 
of my book, Alternative 3. 

So did an even greater number of messages praising me 
for exposing a nightmare conspiracy involving the governments 
of America and Britain.

Both reactions astonished me. 
I'd written a work of fiction, 
yet vast numbers of readers were insistent it was fact. 

"Insistent" is the right word. 

I was denounced as a coward and a liar when I explained 
that I'd dreamed up the controversial scenario. 

Many readers were terrified - now convinced, for instance, 
that missing friends had been snatched to be zombie slaves 
on Mars - and their responses mirrored those of a man 
who phoned me from Manchester, England: 
"When you wrote A3, you told the truth, 
but now you're terrified to admit that truth - 
because you've been warned off by the CIA."

A3's basic premise is that our planet is doomed 
and America and Russia, having secretly co-operated for decades 
have colonised Mars with selected superior humans. 

That, I thought, was too wayout for anyone to believe. 
I was totally wrong.

Respected American researcher Mae Brussell told her weekly radio 
audience she'd "had the shakes for about a week" after 
reading A3 which she described as 
"the most important book I've ever read in many, many years". 

Renowned investigator Jim Keith suggested 
in his follow-up book Casebook on Alternative 3, 
that I might have written it on behalf of the government 
(presumably of the USA) as "'grey' disinformation, 
calculated to confuse and defuse the issue of elitist control, 
mind control, genocide and secret space programs, 
by revealing yet concealing these truths".

Could Keith be partly right? 
Was I, unwittingly, helping to blur the truth 
about some mindboggling conspiracy? 
That, I now feel, is a distinct possibility. 

The deluge of seemingly confirmatory evidence 
from intelligent people convinced me I had accidentally 
trespassed into a range of top-secret truths. 

I planned to use this material in a book 
called "Backlash to Alternative 3". 

However, a chest containing that material 
was mysteriously lost in transit some 14 years ago 
when I moved from London to join Reader's Digest 
as a senior editor in Sydney, 
before moving on to New Zealand.

"Backlash" needs to be written. 

Any readers with such confirmatory information, 
- maybe including ones who initially contacted me 
- might care to get in touch, 
with a view to it being incorporated 
with appropriate acknowledgments in the new book. 

My address is: 
PO Box 201, Orewa, Hibiscus Coast, New Zealand 1461.

Leslie Watkins, New Zealand

 Today's mighty oak 
   is just yesterday's nut 
that held its ground. 

Check out his website & books at:
  "The Biggest Secret"    
  "...And the Truth Shall Set you Free" 

Because e-mail can be altered electronically,
the integrity of this communication cannot be guaranteed.


[CTRL] NATO strikes send dioxins, furans, uranium over Europe.

1999-05-27 Thread Richard Sampson

 -Caveat Lector-

 NATO strikes send dioxins, furans, uranium over Europe.

MOSCOW, May 27 (Itar-Tass) - NATO's air strikes on Yugoslavia have
environmental impacts on Europe, said Major General Boris Alekseyev,
the Russian army's environmental safety department chief.

He said at a press conference on Thursday that the air strikes have
"far-going ecologic concequences".

NATO is doing "deliberate destruction of chemically dangerous
facilities" in Yugoslavia, in particular of ammonia and polymer

Struck, these productions emit clouds of high-toxic substances that
travel great distances. The most dangerous components of polymer
production are phosgene and hydrocyanic acid.

Ignition of polymer materials releases "enormous amounts" of dioxins
and furans, Alekseyev said. Registered dioxin concentrations in the air
amount to "five by ten in the minus tenth degree of a milligramme per
litre of the air", he said. Dioxins accummulate in the human body,
Alekseyev said.

He said NATO air power's destroying of Yugoslavia's refineries and
setting them to fire are associated with the release of large amounts
of hydrocarbons, the most dangerous of which is benzopyrene.
Benzopyrene-contaminated smoke clouds drift as far borders of Romania,
Bulgaria and less often the Czech Republic. Alekseyev said another
cause for concern was that "Americans have found in the territory of
Yugoslavia their convenient method for disposal of decommissioned

He explained that NATO planes fairly extensively use shells with
depleted uranium.

"In fact, this is waste of nuclear production. These munitions are
manufactured in Great Britain under the American license," Alekseyev

The anti-armour shells with uranium cores are used against tanks and
concrete installations. When hitting metal or concrete, the uranium
core generates heat which causes partial evaporation of the core with
production of uranium oxides. Part of uranium is converted to an
aerosol that can spread over large areas.

The US' using the shells with depleted uranium in operation Desert
Storm in Iraq has left 20-25 percent of the American and British
personnel involved in it with diseases and abnormalities at the genetic
level, Alekseyev said.

NATO's raids are contaminating Yugoslavia and adjacent European states
with dioxins, benzopyrene and uranium, he said.

"I think that in a year, a situation will occur in this region where
the Americans will start talking that foods grown in southern Europe
are not good for use," he said.

He said "there is a real danger" of contamination of the Black Sea.
NATO's bombing causes leaks of oil products from Yugoslavia's storages.
The oil products run off with ground waters to the Danube river which
drains into the Black Sea.

Alekseyev said "a 14 kilometre-long oil sleek with a high content of
oil products is moving at a speed of five kipometres an hour" down the
Danube these days and is close to the Black Sea.

Getting into ground waters, oil products dissolve and convert to
aromatic hydrocarbons that are bound to spread to the Black Sea, whose
contamination after NATO's strikes on Yugoslavia "already has been
confirmed", the military environmentalist said.


News provided by COMTEX.

NOTE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material is
distributed without profit or payment to those who have expressed a
interest in receiving this information for non-profit research and
educational purposes only. For more information go to:

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Amazon.com Drops Book Critical of Scientology

1999-05-27 Thread Lloyd Miller

 -Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
Date: Thursday, May 20, 1999 9:12 PM
Subject: Amazon.com Drops Book Critical of Scientology

It's funny that we were just discussing your article and Scientology.
Note who publishes the book -- Carol Publishing!

Amazon Drops Controversial Book
by Polly Sprenger

3:00 a.m.  20.May.99.PDT
Amazon.com has removed a controversial book from its listings, a book well
known for angering the Church of Scientology.
A Piece of Blue Sky, by UK writer Jon Atack, is an exposé of the Scientology
movement from its creation in 1959 until the death of founder L. Ron Hubbard
in 1986. The book disappeared from Amazon's site only recently.

On alt.religion.scientology newsgroups, participants are questioning
decision, angrily pointing out that it is still legal to sell the book in
United States, and accusing the online bookseller of censorship.

Amazon spokeswoman Lizzie Allen would only say that "under certain
circumstances, for legal reasons, we need to stop selling a book. I really
just can't comment any further."

Publishers of the book, Carol Publishing Group, were similarly tight-lipped
about the removal of A Piece of Blue Sky from Amazon.com, declining to
provide any details about the matter.

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[CTRL] Mexico: Politics, Druglords, and the Church

1999-05-27 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

 "... the prelate is trying to exonerate drug traffickers accused of
murdering Cardinal Ocampo because in Mexico drug traffickers contribute
heavily to the Church."

Ex-AG Challenges Cardinal in Death

.c The Associated Press

MEXICO CITY (AP) -- A once-polite dispute over a probe of a Roman Catholic
cardinal's killing has exploded into an exchange of furious accusations
between the cardinal's successor and a former attorney general proud of his
reputation for honesty.

Angered by the current cardinal's claim he covered up evidence, Jorge Carpizo
is demanding that prosecutors strap him and the prelate to lie detectors. He
also suggested the cardinal may be trying to exonerate drug traffickers
implicated in the killing of Cardinal Juan Jesus Posadas Ocampo because they
allegedly contribute to the church.

Posadas was shot to death in a wild fusillade in the parking lot of
Guadalajara's international airport on May 24, 1993, during Carpizo's term as
federal attorney general, which ended in 1994.

Carpizo and his successors suggested the cardinal probably was killed
accidentally during a shootout between drug gangs. Church officials have
repeatedly said the cardinal was probably the target.

In a Guadalajara radio interview Monday, Posadas' successor, Cardinal Juan
Sandoval Iniguez, accused Carpizo of creating ``this whole explanation that
nobody has believed in order to cover up the criminals.''

He claimed Carpizo covered up evidence in the case -- apparently a videotape
-- and suggested that ``big fish'' were behind the slaying.

Carpizo, a former human rights prosecutor, exploded in anger at a news
conference Tuesday. He also wrote a letter to current Attorney General Jorge
Madrazo Cuellar, suggesting that a lie-detector machine could settle the
dispute and challenging the clergyman to specify what evidence was hidden --
and to have it broadcast nationally.

``Not to call Archbishop Sandoval to testify would be to place him above the
law,'' Carpizo said in the open letter published by local newspapers

In an interview with the Televisa television network, Sandoval said, ``I am
ready to testify if they call me.'' But the attorney general's office said it
had not yet analyzed Carpizo's request.

Jalisco state Gov. Alberto Cardenas suggested that all sides ``shut their
mouths,'' according to the government's Notimex news agency.

The spokesman for Mexico's Catholic bishop's conference, Bishop Onesimo
Cepeda, told the Formato 21 radio station that accusations by both men got
out of hand.

He called Carpizo's suggestion of drug-money offerings ``a total absurdity''
and said the two should meet privately to resolve the dispute.

In his letter to Madrazo, Carpizo said he had been slandered and insisted he
never hid any evidence.

On Monday, the slaying's sixth anniversary, the government released a new
report, again concluding the shooting was probably an accident.

Sandoval was a member of the commission that prepared the report, but he
refused to endorse its conclusions.

In response to a question, Sandoval also declined to rule out the possibility
that Raul Salinas, a brother of former President Carlos Salinas de Gortari,
planned the killing because the cardinal knew about drug corruption. That
possibility was raised by the daily El Universal Monday.

Raul Salinas, serving a 50-year sentence for the 1994 murder of a political
rival, has repeatedly insisted he has never had anyone killed.

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[CTRL] Chevron Stealing Oil

1999-05-27 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

Kazakstan Sues Oil Joint Venture

ALMATY, Kazakstan (AP) -- A prosecutor has filed a lawsuit seeking to shut
down seven oil wells run by a Kazak-U.S. joint venture because they are
extracting too much oil, officials said Wednesday.

Mukhtar Zhurgenbayev, prosecutor of Kazakstan's Otyrau region, said he filed
the suit against Tengizchevroil, Chevron's joint venture with Kazakstan,
because it was extracting 2,400 tons daily from the Tengiz oil field, instead
of the 660 tons his country had agreed to for the project.

Zhurgenbayev said the suit was filed on behalf of the regional ecological

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[CTRL] Spanish Spy Agency Spied on Spanish Officials

1999-05-27 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

 Relevant factoid here: Juan Carlos and nearly all his ministers were
Opus Dei, thus secretly in the service of a "foreign power," namely the
Vatican ...

Ex-Spy Chief Sentenced in Spain

MADRID, Spain (AP) -- A former Spanish spy chief and another ex-intelligence
official were sentenced to six-month jail terms Wednesday after being
convicted of wiretapping telephone conversations of prominent Spaniards
including King Juan Carlos.

Five other ex-agents who did the actual surveillance were given four-month
terms in the verdict handed down by the Madrid Provincial Court after 20 days
of deliberations.

The defendants all worked for Spain's military intelligence agency, known as
CESID. The six-month jail sentences were given to Gen. Emilio Alonso
Manglano, the agency's former director, and Col. Juan Alberto Perote, a
former operations chief. Both said they would appeal.

Perote was acquitted of charges that he leaked state secrets, which emerged
in tapped conversations, to newspapers. The defendants had faced jail terms
of up to four years.

The case goes back to the 1980s, when the defendants allegedly engaged in
unauthorized wiretaps of telephone conversations by some of Spain's
best-known figures, including the king and ex-Real Madrid soccer team
president Ramon Mendoza.

The scandal didn't erupt until 1996, when the eavesdropping was uncovered by
the newspaper El Mundo, which published excerpts of the conversations. The
scandal was one of several blamed for the electoral defeat that year of Prime
Minister Felipe Gonzalez, a Socialist, after nearly 14 years in power.

It also led to the resignations of Deputy Prime Minister Narcis Serra and
Defense Minister Julian Garcia Vargas.

Although Gonzalez's government denied the agency was ordered to spy on public
figures, documents a judge ordered confiscated from CESID showed the agency
had in fact tapped many conversations of the king and others.

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[CTRL] Clinton's Poll Ratings Slipping -- Time to Do Something BIG ...

1999-05-27 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

Polls Show Clinton Ratings Slipping

.c The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Public approval of President Clinton's job performance has
slipped to its lowest level in almost three years in a new poll that shows
the public about evenly split regarding which party should control Congress.

Apprehension about the Kosovo conflict has risen in the CNN/USA Today/Gallup
poll released Wednesday.

The president's job approval declined from 60 percent earlier this month to
53 percent, the lowest rating he has had in that poll since August 1996.
During the months of the Monica Lewinsky scandal and impeachment trial, his
approval rating consistently stayed between 60 percent and 70 percent.

Asked whether the country would be better off if Republicans or Democrats
controlled Congress, the public was divided, with just over a third, 36
percent, choosing Republicans and about the same number, 37 percent, choosing
Democrats. Democrats had a 41-30 edge in December's CNN/USA Today/Gallup

A majority, 57 percent, said they were very confident or somewhat confident
in the president's ability to handle the Kosovo conflict.

But the number who said they were very confident in his ability to handle the
conflict dropped from 27 percent in late March to 17 percent in late May. And
the number not at all confident in his ability to handle Kosovo grew from 13
percent to 25 percent.

More than half said they oppose sending ground troops if NATO airstrikes are
not effective. In mid-April, a slim majority said they would favor sending
ground troops in that circumstance.

And support for U.S. involvement in the NATO action in Kosovo slipped to 49
percent, the first time that support has been below 50 percent since the
airstrikes began in late March.

Four out of five said they favored the United States and its NATO allies
temporarily suspending the airstrikes and trying to resolve the conflict
through negotiations. More than 70 percent opposed stopping all military
action and making no further effort to help refugees return to Kosovo.

The phone survey of 1,050 adults was taken Sunday and Monday and has an error
margin of plus or minus 3 percentage points.

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Re: [CTRL] klintoonalgorehalfbright hyprocisy [SinCity not credible!]

1999-05-27 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-05-26 12:41:21 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

>"We determined some time ago that it was not a good idea to link human
>rights and trade."
>--- Madeline Albright on US policy towards China

It wasn't a good idea, either, to link workers' rights and the goals of Big

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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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[CTRL] Trafficking in Refugees

1999-05-27 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

Big Money in Refugee Business

.c The Associated Press

SKOPJE, Macedonia (AP) -- As a mechanic with a thriving business, Sasa,
unlike most Macedonians, isn't desperate for money. But when war hit Kosovo,
trapping many ethnic Albanians inside, this young man saw a good chance to
get rich.

``It feels good reuniting families,'' he says, with a gleam in his blue eyes.
``But my main goal is money.''

Since NATO bombs started falling on Kosovo nearly two months ago, about a
dozen Macedonian drivers have been making big bucks bribing Yugoslav
authorities to smuggle ethnic Albanians safely out of neighboring Kosovo.

Sasa, who would not give his last name for fear of reprisals, makes daily
runs across the border. The stakes are high, but so is the payment.

While his story could not be independently confirmed, many refugees have
given similar accounts of smuggling people out of Kosovo.

Most of his customers are ethnic Albanians who live in Germany or Switzerland
and are willing to pay anything to get their family members safely out of
Kosovo, he says.

His mobile phone rings at all hours of the day or night with people crying
``Can you please save my family?''

Sasa refuses to discuss prices, but refugees now living in Macedonian camps
say relatives paid between $1,400 to $3,500 in German marks per car to bring
them here.

``Everything can be done with money,'' says Sasa.

Waiting in the hot sun at Macedonia's Blace border crossing last week for a
smuggler to return with his brother's wife and three children, Avdullah Heta
grimly agreed.

Heta, a factory worker from Germany's Black Forest region, said he heard that
drivers were willing to bring Albanians out of Kosovo for a price, so he took
two weeks' vacation and came to Skopje to find a smuggler. He won't say how
much he paid, just that it was ``a lot.''

Sasa takes half his fee up front before he goes into Kosovo. Nearly 70
percent of that is spent on expenses, he says -- gas, as well as the
cigarettes, coffee and rakija brandy used as bribes along the way. Still more
cash is handed over to officials once inside Serbia. The rest is for himself.

``You have to have two things in you to do this job,'' he says. ``Guts and

Since he began making runs into the war-torn province nearly two months ago,
Sasa has brought 200 people out of Kosovo. On two separate runs he packed a
woman and eight children into his Yugo, but since then has refused to escort
more than the three passengers the compact legally holds.

Only twice has he failed to locate the people he was supposed to bring out.
Last week, the Yugoslav army stopped him, robbed him of his mobile phone and
$500 in German marks and held him for five hours before turning him back.
They hadn't been in on the bribes.

Sasa says he bribes the Yugoslav border police with German marks on his way
into the country. Then he has to go register with the local police in the
border town and inform them of his exact destination, saying he's going there
for ``a celebration.''

Once inside, he bribes his way through police checkpoints along the way. Just
a carton of cigarettes, he says, isn't enough. If policemen don't immediately
spot a few bills tucked inside, he says, they ask ``Why are you offering me
an empty carton?''

When he finds the address of the family he is to fetch, Sasa offers them a
copy of the sponsor's passport or identification card and a handwritten
letter, so they know to believe him.

``I speak a little Albanian, which helps,'' he says. Still, some people are
reluctant to get into the car with him.

``I tell them: There are two kinds of people -- the good and the bad,'' he
says. ``And that's the way they trust me.''

On the way back, the bribing continues. Sasa says police are more likely to
pull him over when they see he has a car full of ethnic Albanians.

He takes them as far as the neutral zone between the two countries and hands
them his mobile to call their family members and let them know they made it
out safely.

Back in Macedonia, Sasa collects the remaining half of his payment and waits
for the next call.

``I'd have a more peaceful life if I didn't do this,'' he admits.

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[CTRL] Damage Control?

1999-05-27 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

Spy Threat to U.S. May Be Marginal

.c The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Lost amid the alarm over the alleged Chinese theft of U.S.
nuclear secrets is a conclusion being articulated by arms control advocates,
intelligence officials and even some Republicans: The threat to the United
States may be marginal at worst.

China has yet to field a weapon a decade after it purportedly stole design
information from U.S. nuclear weapons labs, they say. Some of the information
Beijing's spies allegedly collected is now declassified. And in the strange
world of nuclear strategy, a somewhat improved Chinese nuclear arsenal may
actually add to superpower stability, these critics argue, by reducing the
chances that anyone would be tempted to launch a preemptive first strike on
China's arsenal.

These cautionary voices have been drowned out amid the uproar on Capitol Hill
over a special report by a House select committee on Chinese espionage that
studied China's efforts to improve its nuclear warheads and the missiles that
deliver them.

Also lost is the fact that Tuesday's report is filled with conditional
phrases: the People's Republic of China ``could'' or ``may'' take detrimental
actions ``if the PRC decides to develop'' weapons it currently does not

``The depiction of China as an impending nuclear nemesis just does not accord
with the facts,'' said Robert Norris, a nuclear weapons expert with the
Natural Resources Defense Council, an arms control and environmental

Much of the report hinges on a prediction that China will soon test and field
improved weapons based in part on secrets allegedly stolen from U.S. nuclear
weapons labs. For example, China is developing a mobile DF-31 missile that
the report says could be tested later this year and fielded in 2002.

``It's a 15-year-old weapons system already. It's never been tested,'' said
Norris. ``It may be tested this year. I think five years ago I said the same

Rep. Christopher Cox, R-Calif., who chaired the House committee that wrote
the report, said nothing was blown out of proportion.

``We did not engage in opinion. We reported only facts, and that is why we
could agree with one another,'' Cox said.

Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, who served two Republican
presidents, cautioned Wednesday against overreacting to the espionage in a
way that so demonizes China that it hurts U.S. relations.

He told senators that even with stolen U.S. nuclear secrets, it would take
China 15 years to develop the capacity to manufacture weapons.

``I am worried about the deterioration in our relations with China,''
Kissinger told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

Some Democrats have noted that the report's predictions were written in a
``worst-case fashion,'' but both Republicans and Democrats alike were anxious
to position themselves as concerned and responsive to the perceived threat.

One fact not in dispute is that the U.S. arsenal is vastly superior to
Beijing's. China has 20 single-warhead ICBMs capable of reaching North
America. The United States has about 6,000 nuclear warheads that could reach

To field improved nuclear weapons with any confidence, China would have to
conduct several explosive tests per weapon, said Daryl Kimble of the
Coalition to Reduce Nuclear Dangers.

But China has signed the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, a pact about to be
considered for ratification by the National Peoples Assembly. The treaty bans
all nuclear testing, including underground.

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[CTRL] NATO Covering Its (Exposed) Flanks

1999-05-27 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

Canada Lodges NATO Plea

.c The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Canada is lodging a plea for NATO to choose its bombing
targets in Yugoslavia more carefully as the Clinton administration extends
its review of U.S. policy in the Kosovo conflict.

Foreign Minister Lloyd Axworthy follows up talks the German and Greek foreign
ministers had with Secretary of State Madeleine Albright as the NATO alliance
undergoes an awkward self-evaluation.

Canada supports the airstrikes, but with diplomacy in a delicate stage, it
wants targets chosen carefully to minimize damage to hospitals and other
civilian sites. Axworthy said last weekend that errant bombs were ``a serious
mistake'' and could hurt the search for a diplomatic end to the conflict.

``At this time, we have to make doubly certain that the military targets that
are chosen are chosen very carefully and that every effort is made to ensure
that collateral damage is at the absolute minimum,'' said James Wright, a
senior official in the Foreign Affairs Department.

Germany also has cautioned against poor targeting and sent Foreign Minister
Joschka Fischer here this week to oppose sending combat troops into the

Greek Foreign Minister George Papandreou met Albright on Wednesday and called
again for a bombing pause to encourage Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic
to accept NATO's terms for a settlement.

The allies must also consider the potential impact on ongoing diplomacy of
Milosevic's indictment by an international war crimes tribunal.

The formal accusation might stiffen Milosevic's already tough resistance to
demands that he withdraw Serb troops from Kosovo and permit the deployment of
a peacekeeping force to protect returning refugees. At the same time, the
indictment might dramatize the allies' accusations of atrocities against
ethnic Albanian civilians.

Albright warned Milosevic on Wednesday that any aggression against the
government of Montenegro, the smaller of Yugoslavia's two republics, was

In an interview with Montenegro state television, Albright said the air
campaign against Yugoslavia would intensify. As for ground troops, she said:
``No option is off the table.''

After meeting with her, Papandreou said a temporary bombing suspension could
promote diplomacy and eventual approval of a U.N. Security Council resolution
on a settlement.

``Greece, being in the region and feeling the direct effects of what's going
in the region, has put great emphasis in working on the diplomatic front and
being helpful,'' he said.

Resisting, but also complimenting Greece for endorsing NATO's demands,
Albright said the bombing would end only after Milosevic accepted those
demands and started carrying them out.

Alluding to the differences within the alliance, Albright said, ``There are a
variety of ideas'' among the diverse 19 NATO member nations.

In Moscow, meanwhile, Russian mediator Viktor Chernomyrdin, the principal
diplomatic channel to Belgrade, urged an immediate end to NATO airstrikes,
now in their third month, and said the escalation of attacks while
negotiations were under way was unprecedented.

Chernomyrdin met with Deputy Secretary of State Strobe Talbott and Finnish
President Martti Ahtisaari to explore an approach to Milosevic, who has
refused to withdraw Serb troops and paramilitary units from Kosovo and to
accept NATO and other peacekeepers to protect refugees returning to their
homes after a settlement.

``It is necessary to stop the airstrikes and negotiate, agree and at last
come to a result,'' Chernomyrdin said, the ITAR-Tass news agency reported.
``At least a temporary pause is needed.''

>From his vacation quarters in Yulee, Fla., meanwhile, President Clinton
telephoned Prime Minister Massimo D'Alema of Italy, who also is seeking a
bombing pause.

They discussed ``various signs that the campaign is biting,'' White House
spokesman Joe Lockhart said. He told reporters he did not know whether the
two discussed a bombing pause.

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[CTRL] Charity Begins At Home

1999-05-27 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

Worldwide Charity Executives Probed

.c The Associated Press

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) -- Allegations that executives of the worldwide charity
Feed the Children took home boxes of donated food, clothing and household
goods are being investigated by state authorities.

After a four-month investigation, WTVF-TV broadcast video of charity
executives, their assistants and their relatives using dollies to wheel boxes
-- several at a time -- from a warehouse to their cars.

After being tipped by the station, Tennessee Bureau of Investigation agents
on Monday raided a Nashville office of the charity and the homes of six
administrative employees.

The agents carried out boxes and bags of brand-name clothing -- some with
tags still on -- shoes, videos, blankets and food they suspect were donated
for the needy. One box had ``Merry Christmas to me'' written on it.

Feed the Children's executive director, Steve Highfill, was one of the
employees shown on the video. He told WTVF he saw nothing wrong with allowing
administrative staff to take donated items.

``If they're taking stuff home and giving their little brother a pair of
shoes or some food, I don't have much to say about that,'' he said. ``If
that's wrong, fine. I don't think so and I don't think people are going to
think so.''

Feed The Children, founded in 1979, opened its Nashville warehouse in October
1996. The group said it is also checking into the reports.

``Feed The Children is shocked and saddened at this information. The video
surveillance weighs heavy on my heart,'' said Larry Jones, president and
founder of Feed the Children. He said that charity policy clearly prohibits
employees from taking donated items.

WTVF's investigation began after workers at the warehouse told the station
that administrative employees were using the warehouse as a personal shopping

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1999-05-27 Thread Steve Wingate

 -Caveat Lector-

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Date sent:  Thu, 27 May 1999 20:40:50 +1200
From:   Nicola Molloy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Late Breaking News
May 27, 1999



Latest News from David Icke Website!

by Arizona Wilder

Arizona Wilder conducted human sacrifice rituals for the Illuminati elite for
decades. These included the British Royal Family, George Bush, Henry
Kissinger, and a stream of world famous names revealed in "The Biggest
Secret" and the video, "Revelations of a Mother Goddess", available
through this website www.davidicke.com ~ Book Catalog.

Since she escaped from her mind controlled confinement, she has
dedicated herself to exposing what is happening. I received this letter from
her dated May 25th 1999 in which she details the key points in the Illuminati
ritual programme running up to the Millennium.

I should emphasize a few things for those who have not read "The Biggest
Secret." The Illuminati, the clique which control the direction of the world,
are genetic hybrids, the result of interbreeding between a reptilian
extraterrestrial race and humanity many thousands of years ago. The centre
of power is not even in this dimension -- it is in the lower fourth dimension,
the lower astral as many people call it, the traditional home for the
"demons" of folklore and myth. These fourth dimensional reptilian entities
work through these hybrid bloodlines because they have a vibrational
compatibility with each other.

This is why the European royal and aristocratic families have interbred so
obsessively, as do the so called Eastern Establishment families of the
United States which produce the leaders of America. Every presidential
election since and including George Washington in 1789 has been won by
the candidate with the most European royal genes. Of the 42 presidents to
Bill Clinton, 33 have been genetically related to two people, Alfred the
Great, King of England, and Charlemagne, the most famous monarch of
what we now call France. It is the same wherever you look in the positions
of power.. they are the same tribe!

As well as an obsession with interbreeding with each other to preserve
their genetic structure, the Illuminati are also obsessed with symbolism and
ritual. Interestingly, conventional science has documented that the reptilian
part of the human brain (the R complex as they call it) is the source of the
following behavior traits: An obsession with ritual, cold blooded behavior,
territorialism "this belongs to me", and an obsession with top down
hierarchical structures. This sums up the Illuminati mentality perfectly and it
goes that if you have more of that R complex, or that it is activated more
than normal, you will manifest these traits far more profoundly.

But their ritual is not just for ceremonial purposes or gratuitous horror. The
rituals are designed to rewire the energy fields and grids of the planet and
therefore to fundamentally affect human consciousness. The rituals these
bloodlines performed in the ancient world are the same as they do now.
See The Biggest Secret for the background. They have a detailed annual
calendar of events on which they perform their sacrifice rituals in line with
key lunar, solar, and planetary cycles to harness that energy for their sick
agenda to take complete control of Planet Earth in the very near future.

With that background, here is the full text of the communication from
Arizona Wilder. I will add my comments in italics where more background
may be needed for those new to these subjects.

David Icke

David - This information needs to go out to everyone as fast as possible.

The Illuminati are conducting a ritual to be held at the Great Pyramid at
Giza in Egypt, on August 11, 12, and 13th, 1999. (Specifically the Mothers
of Darkness - the top conductors of rituals, will officiate) This ritual is "The
Rite to Open the Passage" (the Eye of Horus). This will open the passage
for lower fourth dimensional energy to be directed into the ley lines of the
Earth. This will (is designed to) also close the 3rd eye (consciousness) of
all on this planet that oppose the Illuminati. It will further shut down (is
designed to) the other people who are not actively aware or opposing the
Illuminati but feel uneasy about what is going on and cannot figure out why.

The solar eclipse which is to take place on August 11 (over the key Earth
power centre of Cornwall, England) will also have a "Grand Square" which
makes it extremely powerful. This eclipse is the beginning of a six month
period in which there will be much activity of significance that pinnacles in
the The Rite of Establishment of the Age of Horus (Osiris reborn) at the

This symbolism relates to the ancient Egyptian legends 


1999-05-27 Thread Nicola Molloy

 -Caveat Lector-

   Late Breaking News
   May 27, 1999



Latest News from David Icke Website!

   by Arizona Wilder

   Arizona Wilder conducted human sacrifice rituals for the
Illuminati elite for
   decades. These included the British Royal Family, George
Bush, Henry
   Kissinger, and a stream of world famous names revealed in
"The Biggest
   Secret" and the video, "Revelations of a Mother Goddess",
available through
   this website www.davidicke.com ~ Book Catalog.

   Since she escaped from her mind controlled confinement, she
has dedicated
   herself to exposing what is happening. I received this letter
from her dated May
   25th 1999 in which she details the key points in the
Illuminati ritual programme
   running up to the Millennium.

   I should emphasize a few things for those who have not read
"The Biggest
   Secret." The Illuminati, the clique which control the
direction of the world, are
   genetic hybrids, the result of interbreeding between a
reptilian extraterrestrial
   race and humanity many thousands of years ago. The centre of
power is not
   even in this dimension -- it is in the lower fourth
dimension, the lower astral as
   many people call it, the traditional home for the "demons" of
folklore and myth.
   These fourth dimensional reptilian entities work through
these hybrid
   bloodlines because they have a vibrational compatibility with
each other.

   This is why the European royal and aristocratic families have
interbred so
   obsessively, as do the so called Eastern Establishment
families of the United
   States which produce the leaders of America. Every
presidential election since
   and including George Washington in 1789 has been won by the
candidate with
   the most European royal genes. Of the 42 presidents to Bill
Clinton, 33 have
   been genetically related to two people, Alfred the Great,
King of England, and
   Charlemagne, the most famous monarch of what we now call
France. It is the
   same wherever you look in the positions of power.. they are
the same tribe!

   As well as an obsession with interbreeding with each other to
preserve their
   genetic structure, the Illuminati are also obsessed with
symbolism and ritual.
   Interestingly, conventional science has documented that the
reptilian part of
   the human brain (the R complex as they call it) is the source
of the following
   behavior traits: An obsession with ritual, cold blooded
behavior, territorialism
   "this belongs to me", and an obsession with top down
hierarchical structures.
   This sums up the Illuminati mentality perfectly and it goes
that if you have more
   of that R complex, or that it is activated more than normal,
you will manifest
   these traits far more profoundly.

   But their ritual is not just for ceremonial purposes or
gratuitous horror. The
   rituals are designed to rewire the energy fields and grids of
the planet and
   therefore to fundamentally affect human consciousness. The
rituals these
   bloodlines performed in the ancient world are the same as
they do now. See
   The Biggest Secret for the background. They have a detailed
annual calendar
   of events on which they perform their sacrifice rituals in
line with key lunar,
   solar, and planetary cycles to harness that energy for their
sick agenda to take
   complete control of Planet Earth in the very near future.

   With that background, here is the full text of the
communication from Arizona
   Wilder. I will add my comments in italics where more
background may be
   needed for those new to these subjects.

   David Icke

   David - This information needs to go out to everyone as fast
as possible.

   The Illuminati are conducting a ritual to be held at the
Great Pyramid at Giza in
   Egypt, on August 11, 12, and 13th, 1999. (Specifically the
Mothers of Darkness -
   the top conductors of rituals, will officiate) This ritual is
"The Rite to Open the
   Passage" (the Eye of Horus). This will open the passage for
lower fourth
   dimensional energy to be directed into the ley lines of the
Earth. This will (is
   designed to) also close the 3rd eye (consciousness) of all on
this planet that
   oppose the Illuminati. It will further shut down (is designed
to) the other people
   who are not actively aware or opposi