[CTRL] Casualties of China connection (fwd)

2000-02-24 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-



The Washington Times

Casualties of China connection
Kenneth Timmerman
Published 2/24/00

 Investigators at the National Transportation Safety Board
now believe that manufacturing problems in China caused the crash
of an MD-83 airliner last month, killing all 88 Americans on
board. If their suspicions are borne out, Alaska Air Flight 261
could become a powerful symbol for all that has gone wrong with
President Clinton's failed policy of appeasement toward China, as
well as a tragic monument to the shortsightedness of major U.S.
exporters such as Boeing, who have shipped jobs overseas
relentlessly in pursuit of the phantom Chinese market.

 Shanghai Aviation Industrial Corp. manufactured the
defective horizontal stabilizer for all MD-80 and MD-90 series
aircraft as part of a massive offset agreement negotiated with
McDonnell Douglas more than a decade ago. Boeing has since
purchased McDonnell Douglas.

 Under the agreement, which opened the way for the sale of
MD-80 aircraft to China, McDonnell Douglas agreed to help Chinese
aerospace companies manufacture parts that would be incorporated
into all similar aircraft sold by McDonnell Douglas worldwide.
The agreement was roundly protested by the International
Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers because it meant
closing U.S. production lines for those parts and exporting the
jobs to China; but neither President Bush nor Mr. Clinton paid
heed to the unions. Since then, dozens of U.S. aerospace plants
have been closed, including an F-14 plant in Maryland, as their
manufacturing equipment has been sold off to China, where more
often than not it has been used to produce combat jets and
missiles, as well as civilian airliners.

 I first began investigating the sell-off of U.S. defense
production equipment to China in 1994 for Time magazine. At that
time, U.S. government sources provided me with documentation
detailing how a Chinese military manufacturing company, CATIC,
was seeking to buy advanced machine-tools from a McDonnell
Douglas plant in Columbus, Ohio. Customs inspectors and Defense
Department analysts raised concerns from the outset because the
Columbus plant had been used to produce the B-1 bomber and the
C-17, the largest military jet cargo plane in the world. The
equipment and the manufacturing processes used in the plant were
considered critical military technologies and were safeguarded by
strict export controls - until Mr. Clinton came around.

 In a letter sent to McDonnell Douglas executives in late
1993, CATIC made clear that if the U.S. company wanted to sell
more airliners to China, they would have to overcome the U.S.
government objections one way or another. If not, CATIC intended
to cancel a follow on contract to purchase more MD-80 and MD-90
series aircraft. CATIC's approach was out-and-out blackmail.

 As I pursued my investigation in the summer of 1994, I
discovered that the Columbus plant was not the only one the
Chinese were attempting to buy. They had approached Allison in
Indianapolis to purchase sensitive helicopter manufacturing
equipment and jigs, and Heinz Aerospace in Philadelphia to
purchase helicopter engine manufacturing gear. They were also
attempting to buy an entire factory from Garrett Engines, a unit
of Allied Signal, so they could manufacture small gas turbine
engines that could be fitted into a new generation of advanced
cruise missile.

 My investigation was scheduled for publication in mid-July
1994, but was pulled abruptly on a Friday afternoon. Only later
did I learn why: Time editors had been contacted by political
appointees at the Department of Commerce, who protested my story
and requested that Time withhold it from publication until the
administration could better spin the facts. In their defense,
Time editors called my investigation "advocacy" journalism.

 With the exception of the Wall Street Journal, the
mainstream media ignored the Columbus story for more than three
years - when the administration was finally forced to impanel a
grand jury and begin an investigation. Last October - more than
five full years after I had uncovered most of the facts in the
case - the grand jury handed down a 16-count indictment against
both CATIC and McDonnell Douglas. "What today's indictment
demonstrates is that U.S. customs agents . . . found clear and
convincing evidence that CATIC and McDonnell Douglas knowingly
diverted sensitive technology for Chinese military use," said
Customs Commissioner Raymond Kelly. "This is an unprecedented
case." The case was indeed unprecedented - when it initially
occurred. But as the Clinton administration grew bolder, it
eliminated export controls increasingly through regulations that
largely escaped congressional scrutiny.

 The damage to our national security through these trans

[CTRL] Sect gives details of ex-FBI official's deposition about assault (fwd)

2000-02-24 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

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 -Cui Bono?-



Sect gives details of ex-FBI official's deposition about assault
Ex-official thinks assault violated plan, sect says


By Lee Hancock / The Dallas Morning News

A former top FBI official has acknowledged that sending tanks
into the Branch Davidian compound was inconsistent with the
Washington-approved plan for ending the 51-day siege, the sect's
lead lawyer said Wednesday.

Former deputy assistant FBI director Danny Coulson also testified
in a deposition on Tuesday that he and other senior FBI leaders
were stunned when they saw live network TV images of FBI tanks
ramming deep into the sect's compound on April 19, 1993, said
Houston attorney Michael Caddell.

Mr. Coulson is the first top FBI official involved in the 1993
incident to be questioned under oath in the Branch Davidians'
wrongful-death lawsuit. The founding commander of the FBI's
hostage rescue team and one of its most experienced tactical
experts, Mr. Coulson was one of the bureau's key decision-makers
in drafting the detailed gassing-operation plan that Attorney
General Janet Reno ultimately approved.

That plan called for demolition of the sect's building only after
tear gas had been sprayed in for 48 hours. If Branch Davidians
began firing guns at the tanks, the plan allowed FBI agents to
begin a large-scale insertion of tear gas.

But early proposals that called for using tanks in the initial
stages of the operation to demolish the building were removed
from the final plan approved in Washington, FBI and Justice
Department records show.

On April 19, however, FBI tanks began demolishing the rear of the
building less than five hours after the gas operation began. A
fire consumed the compound less than an hour later.

"Mr. Coulson made it clear that the penetrations of the tanks
into the building were deviations, were inconsistent with the
plan approved by the attorney general," Mr. Caddell said.

Mr. Coulson, now retired and living in the Dallas area, declined
to comment Wednesday.

Mr. Caddell said the former official's testimony will bolster his
argument that the two former FBI officials who led the Waco
operation, Jeffrey Jamar and hostage rescue team commander Dick
Rogers, should be held legally liable for the tragedy. U.S.
District Judge Walter Smith dismissed the two men as defendants
last summer, but lawyers for the sect filed a motion earlier this
month arguing that they should be reinstated.

"It's completely understandable from Mr. Coulson's testimony that
on April 19, Rogers and Jamar decided to jettison the plans that
had been approved in Washington," Mr. Caddell said.

Lawyers for the government declined to comment on Wednesday. Both
Mr. Rogers and Mr. Jamar have declined interview requests.

FBI stance

The FBI's lawyers have contended in legal pleadings that the two
FBI officials did nothing that would justify lifting the strict
legal restrictions on bringing civil lawsuits against federal
officials or agencies.

One Justice Department official said that Mr. Coulson's testimony
may be of limited importance because he acknowledged that he was
not in the FBI command center that kept direct communications
with FBI leaders in Waco.

"He wasn't in a position to know if there were authorized
modifications to the plan," the official said. "He also said that
it was his experience that the people on the ground have some

FBI lawyers also have argued that federal law prohibits using
lawsuits to "second-guess" judgment calls of federal officials,
even if they have tragic results.

In a Feb. 10 pleading, they also contended that federal law would
prohibit suing the bureau's Waco commanders even if the
plaintiffs prove that agents under the commanders' supervision
fired guns at the compound on April 19.

The FBI pleading stated that the Branch Davidians have offered no
evidence that either commander ordered agents to shoot. But it
added that "if government officials were to have fired into the
compound, such gunfire would not be 'unprovoked,' nor
inconsistent with the FBI's deadly force policy."

Alleging a retreat

Mr. Caddell said the government's latest argument appears to be a
retreat from the FBI's long-standing assertion that none of its
agents fired during the standoff.

"Government lawyers are moving away from an absolute position
that there was no government gunfire on April 19," he said.
"Those are the first cracks in the stone wall."

Questions about government gunfire and the way the FBI used tanks
on April 19 are central issues in the Branch Davidians' lawsuit.
Judge Smith has set a trial for mid-May on several major

 Did federal agents use excessive force in the raid that began
the 1993 standoff, which left four agents and several Branch
Davidians dead?

 Did federal agents shoot at the sect and prevent members' escape
when the compound burned during the FBI's gas assault?

[CTRL] Goldman Sachs/Bank of America/Deutsche Bank Deep Do-Do Re: Gold?

2000-02-24 Thread lloyd

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 -Cui Bono?-


>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
Conspiracy Shopping Cart: http://a-albionic.com/shopping.html

From: Lloyd Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: New Paradigms Discussion
Subject: Goldman Sachs/Bank of America/Deutsche Bank Deep Do-Do Re: Gold?
Date: Sunday, February 20, 2000 8:43 PM

- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, February 20, 2000 11:17 AM
Subject: Federal Reserve Board Reportedly Considering Emergency Session

Federal Reserve Board
Reportedly Considering
Emergency Session
By Sherman H. Skolnick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


A reported emergency has been developing regarding two major banks and a
major bond and gold trading firm. The highly secretive Federal Reserve,
America's PRIVATE central bank, is reportedly considering the possiblity
of an emergency session. The necessity apparently of an emergency
session has been caused in part, or in whole, by the following:

[1] Rumors have apparently been sweeping Wall Street that one of the
world's largest, if not THE largest bond and gold trading firm, Goldman
Sachs, is possibly going under. This stems reportedly in part from the
U.S. Treasury's announcement that it is reducing 30 year Treasury Bond
supply. Goldman Sachs reportedly has been heavily speculating in
derivatives, that little-understood, highly dangerous tinkering with
assets inside of assets inside of and linked to underlying assets.
{Remember how Orange County California went bankrupt by their reported
speculating with these mysterious manipulations called "derivatives".]
Goldman Sachs reportedly has been in the forefront of worldwide efforts
to knock down the price of gold and reap huge profits at the expense of
workers and stockholders of the gold mining industry.[A South African
gold mine went into bankruptcy in 1999 when the "wreck the price of
gold" crowd, including the Bank of England, forced gold down to just
over 250 dollars per ounce. The average cost of production of gold, by
the best, most efficient mines, is about 285 dollars per ounce.]

The derivative gambling, in the trillions of dollars, is a complex
formula of tricks, involving gambling on gold and oil and Treasury
Bonds, all interwoven like a group of Chinese magic boxes inside of
boxes inside of boxes.

When gold shot up from 252 dollars per ounce to 330 dollars per ounce in
the fall of 1999, some contended at the time that Goldman Sachs and
other gold trading houses were heavily SHORT on gold and could not come
up with the gold supply to make good the LONG speculators that
reportedly included worldwide financial pirate George Soros. At the
time, there was reason to believe that Goldman Sachs would invoke an
emergency clause, used when there are storms, wars, and revolutions
interfering with complying with contracts, called Force Majeure. [For
background see our prior story: "Bank of England and the Gold Crisis",
on our website.]

[2] Goldman Sachs is reportedly in a sinking boat with Germany's huge
financial ship, Deutsche Bank, and the worldwide bank octopus Bank of
America. This trio are major players in Foreign Exchange, called ForEx,
trading and speculating in foreign currencies. If the emergency
continues, the Federal Reserve, according to some bond and gold experts,
would have to come up with some 600 Billion Dollars, as a rescue attempt
for the reputed trio of bust financial players. According to other
financial sources, the Federal Reserve can come up with 130 Billion
dollars, that is, some say, "the limit of the number of lifeboats the
Fed can supply in a hurry". Beyond that, some experts contend, the Fed
would have to order the printing of a flood of paper money, falsely
masquerading as the "U.S. Dollar", in fact, Federal Reserve notes backed
by nothing but hot air.

[3] Do not expect the sphinx-like Federal Reserve to admit there IS an
emergency and that they are considering an emergency session of their
highly-secretive deliberations.

Some extremely well-informed financial experts have their views posted
on a website called: http://www.LeMetropoleCafe.com [a summary can be
obtained, but further details require you to be a subscriber]. They
quote a bond dealer as saying "something should happen because this
thing is lethal for all asset swappers".

[4] Bank of America, headquartered in San Francisco, already is facing
billions of dollars of problems as the result of a suit filed in U.S.
District Court in San Francisco. The details of that suit have been
publicized primarily only by us. It is a class action on behalf of
victims, heirs, and beneficiaries, of World War Two whose assets were
stolen by the Nazi puppet government of Croatia, the Ustasha, and later
secretly deposited during and after the war reportedly with the Vatican
Bank. [Emil Alperin, et al vs. Vatican Bank, No. C

[CTRL] [NA] Columbus, Ohio = Worst Voting System

2000-02-24 Thread lloyd

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>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
Conspiracy Shopping Cart: http://a-albionic.com/shopping.html

From: Jim Condit Jr. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [NA] Columbus, Ohio = Worst Voting System
Date: Tuesday, February 22, 2000 9:39 AM


"Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything."
Communist Tyrant Josef Stalin

February 22, 2000 NA (Network America) e-wire

Columbus, Ohio = Worst Voting System

The bottom of this e-wire also suggests a “heads up” for those of you
who will watch tonight’s election coverage of the Michigan Primary.

Tomorrow will be commentary on the Michigan Primary outcome, and the
next day reader feedback, BUT, today, as promised, the incredible state
of voting in Columbus, Ohio – the capital of my state. I know that some
places in Nevada have the same system.

The system in Columbus, Ohio has done away with paper trails and paper
altogether, according to eye-witness reports from actual users in the
last election. You walk into a computer screen which displays the
choices. You indicate your choice with your finger on the screen, as I
recall. You hit “next” when you’re done voting for each race. At the
end, the screen flashes a “Thank You” – and then ….goes dark.

No paper trail. No way to double check the computers for programming

And we’re supposed to believe that little bleep of energy that goes into
the computer or through the phone line, or whatever, will always be
recorded correctly. How gullible can we get? Actually, the problem is
that Americans have been too trusting, and haven’t thought about these
things. Which is why this e-wire list and all of you good people – are
so potentially important to the future of our country. Once enough
people think about these things, the tide will begin to turn. …

Please notice tonight that the 5 Big TV networks  will project winners
and losers WITHOUT percentage predictions. From at least 1980 to 1992,
the networks would always project WITH percentages, i.e., “CBS projects
Bush is the winner in Florida with 57% of the vote” … and while that was
said, “Bush 57%, Dukakis 43% “ would be flashed on the screen with a
check mark next to Bush.

By the late primaries and the General Election in 1996, after the
Colliers book had circulated for 3 years, and after, by the grace of
God, I had appeared on over 500 radio outlets (that’s about 45 shows
broadcast over multiple outlets in certain cases) --- the Big TV
networks ceased to project with percentages. (I believe we have some VCR
footage from 1988 showing these percentage projections just minutes
after the polls closed in some cases.)

I can’t prove it, but I believe it was because the word was getting out
over talk radio local and regional shows, and especially The Tom
Valentine Show which led to all the others,  Chuck Harder who was heard
on over 325 medium and small town AM radio stations, and Roger
Friedenberg who was on over 150 AM stations in the Western States. What
word was getting out? The word that there were very few exit polls, and
that at those exit polls the exit pollers usually missed both rush
hours; further, that only 1 out of 15 people will talk to the exit
pollers due to privacy considerations or rushing in and out of the
polling place on a tight schedule. (And who’s to say that some of the
people who do take time to answer ---  don’t lie to the exit pollers?)

So, where’s the scientific basis to be able to project these races to
the percentage point??? That’s what we were saying on radio all over the
USA in early 1996. We were also making known that shadowy Voter News
Service organization which does the exit polls for ALL 5 big TV
networks, while the networks dishonestly pretend that they’re in hot
competition with one another to get the projections on the air FIRST.

 Anyway, as of 1996, percentage points have been DROPPED from network
projections. Let’s see about tonight.

Jim Condit Jr.,
Director Citizens for a Fair Vote Count

To contact us, e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please forward our messages to friends and opinion molders. The year 2000 Presidential 
Campaign offers an opportunity to de-stablize the New World Order Ruling Elite and 
restore honest elections with citizens checks and balances, true Freedom and true Free 
Enterprise in America.

Let fellow citizens, opinion molders, pastors, public officials, and the newsmedia 
know -- that we will not accept the 2000 Election results unless paper ballots with 
citizen checks and balances are restored to the process at the local precinct level.

To Unsubscribe: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Our website: www.networkamerica.org
Our Address: PO Box 11339, Cincinnati, Ohio 45211

To read all current messages on the Network America listserve news service

[CTRL] OT: Performing CPR On YOURSELF: Heart Attack Death Prevention (fwd)

2000-02-24 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

[The above was taken from Health Cares, Rochester General
Hospital, Chapter 240's newsletter, "AND THE BEAT GOES ON,"
reprinted from the publication: The Mended Hearts, Inc., Heart
Response.  --MS]

--begin forward--

Heart Attack Prevention

I hope none of us ever needs this, but it could save a life:

You're driving somewhere (alone of course).  All of a sudden you
start experiencing a severe pain in your chest that starts to
radiate out into your arm and up into your jaw.  You are only
about five miles from the hospital nearest your home;
unfortunately you don't know if you'll be able to make it that
far.  What can you do? You've been trained in CPR but the guy
that taught the course neglected to tell you how to perform it on

when they suffer a heart attack.  What can they do? Without help,
a person whose heart stops beating properly begins to feel faint
and has about 10 seconds left before losing consciousness.
However, these victims can help themselves by coughing repeatedly
and very vigorously.

A deep breath should be taken before each cough, and the cough
must be deep and prolonged, as when producing sputum from deep
inside the chest.  A breath and a cough must be repeated about
every two seconds without letting up until help arrives, or until
the heart is felt to be beating normally again.

Deep breaths get oxygen into the lungs and coughing movements
squeeze the heart and keep the blood circulating.  The squeezing
pressure on the heart also helps it regain normal rhythm.  In
this way, heart attack victims can get to a phone and, between
breaths, call for help.

You'll be giving yourself CPR with this technique.

Tell as many other people as possible about this, it could save
their life!

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] FW: The Source of Our Problems

2000-02-24 Thread Dave

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 -Cui Bono?-

Dave Hartley

-Original Message-
From: Jay Fenello [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, February 24, 2000 6:38 PM
Subject: The Source of Our Problems

The Source of Our Problems
by Jay Fenello

Welcome to the second edition of Aligning with Purpose(sm),
a weekly column dedicated to examining our society, with a
goal of achieving positive and lasting change.  This issue
will explore some of the many problems we face today.

By way of background, the problems I'm about to describe
were experienced first hand through my involvement in the
fight over Internet Governance.  Instead of a world based
upon legality, and fairness, and constitutional rights, I
found one based upon power, and privilege, and decisions
in smoke-filled rooms.

But before we can address these excesses, we must first
determine the source of our problems.  Do they lie with our
government, our press, our multinationals, our foundations?
Or is it a broader problem with our collective morality?

Our Government

To find a resolution to the so-called domain name wars,
Iperdome asked the U.S. Government to mediate the crisis
(http://www.iperdome.com/releases/970429.htm).  At first,
the government appeared to be following its mandate to
help resolve the questions of Internet Governance.

But over time, it soon became apparent that the game
was fixed.  Despite all of the public comments, and
despite all of the compromises in positions, members
of the Commerce Department were working behind the
scenes to implement a secret solution with corporate
interests.  So in effect, we had a public process for
show, and a private process for decision making.

And it wasn't just the Commerce Department -- Congress
also got involved.  They held some hearings, and they
even threatened some actions.  But in the end, money
was the only thing that mattered, as each congressman
took sides apparently based upon the size of their
corporate contributions.

But weren't laws being broken?  Weren't government
agencies there to keep things honest?  Not according
to the Justice Department.  They have repeatedly
refused to take any actions, nor even look into
any of the alleged excesses.

Our Press

Given the takeover of the Internet by a small and
secretive group of insiders, and the allegations of
graft and insider dealings, surely our press would
want to cover it?  Expose it?  Make a big issue out
of it?

Not based upon my experience.  In fact, every time
the U.S. Government made a decision favorable to the
minority interests, the press would fall silent.  And
whenever allegations of corruption in the process were
put forward, the press would ignore them -- even when
it was part of the Congressional

Our Multinationals

In trying to understand the contradictory actions
of our government and media, one common explanation
is the influence and control of multinational

Senator McCain has called soft-dollars a legalized
form of graft.  And based upon rumors that IBM has
invested over 100 million soft-dollars into their
Internet Governance lobbying, it certainly could
explain much of what's been happening.

Same comments apply to our media.  Today, due to
a consolidation of media ownership, less than 10
multinational corporations control over 80% of all
media outlets.  And this situation is only getting
worse, as can be seen in the CBS/Viacom and
AOL/Time Warner mergers.

Our Foundations

If any segment of our society is dedicated to the
greater good, and a potential counter-force to the
multinational corporations, it presumably is our
non-profit foundations.

And yet, once corporate interests took over the
Internet, the Markle foundation came in and has
funded an attempt to implement a bogus membership
structure.  And many other organizations have
jumped on the bandwagon, apparently due to the
funding available from Markle.

Our Morality

IMHO, people are inherently good, and the problems
I've been describing are simply part of the system.
It starts with little compromises designed to climb
the corporate ladder, or to get elected, or to get
that pay raise.  By the time you get to the top,
everything is grey.

In closing, these are just a small sampling of
the many ways our system is broken.  In the coming
weeks, I'll be discussing these concepts in more
detail.  And to facilitate these discussions, I'll
be clipping important reference documents to the
Aligning with Purpose(sm) discussion list.
Please join us.

Until next time . . .


Jay Fenello,
New Media Relations

http://www.fenello.com  770-392-9480
Aligning with Purpose(sm) ... for a Better World

"The unexamined life 

[CTRL] FW: [CIA-DRUGS] Senators skeptical on Colombia aid......

2000-02-24 Thread Dave

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Dave Hartley

U.S. Senate skeptical on Colombia drug aid package

Updated 7:08 PM ET February 24, 2000

  WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A plan by the Clinton administration
  to boost anti-drug aid to Colombia met a wall of skepticism
  Thursday in the U.S. Senate, where some members fear deeper
  involvement might lead to a Vietnam-like quagmire.

  Members of the Senate Appropriations Committee also said they
  wanted tougher conditions on a proposed $1.6 billion aid package
  for Colombia to make sure that the nation's army stopped
  committing human rights violations.

  The administration has asked Congress to approve the two-year
  plan, comprised of mostly of military assistance, to fight drug
  traffickers and Marxist guerrillas who protect them.

  Most of the world's cocaine and much of the heroin consumed in
  the United States are produced in southern Colombia where
  rebels control much of the countryside in Latin America's longest
  left-wing armed uprising.

  "Who goes in if this thing blows up?" asked Appropriations
  Committee Chairman Ted Stevens, an Alaska Republican. "Tell
  me this is not Vietnam again."

  U.S. Southern Command chief Gen. Charles Wilhelm, a Vietnam
  veteran, dismissed the concern. "When I go to Colombia, I do not
  feel a quagmire sucking at my boots," he answered at a hearing on
  the Colombia aid package.

  The bulk of the aid would buy 30 Blackhawk helicopters to equip
  three U.S.-trained army battalions that would spearhead a military
  and police drive into the southern Colombian provinces of
  Caqueta and Putumayo.

  Wilhelm said Colombian President Andres Pastrana's strategy to
  pacify his country by cutting off drug money financing the
  guerrillas was the right way to go. "I believe it will work,"
  Wilhelm said.


  But Stevens said the more lawmakers looked at the Colombian
  plan, the more flawed it appeared. "I'm prepared to listen, but
  candidly, it's a high hurdle," said Sen. Arlen Specter, a
  Pennsylvania Republican.

  Specter said the Clinton administration was spending $18 billion
  a year to fight drug trafficking and stop consumption in the United
  States with little to show for it.

  "Where have you been for seven years?" said Sen. Mitch
  McConnell, pointing at a chart showing a surge in drug use by
  adolescent Americans since 1992.

  McConnell, a Kentucky Republican, criticized Pastrana for
  allowing a large demilitarized zone in Colombia. The move was a
  concession to the main guerrilla movement, the Revolutionary
  Armed Forces of Colombia, to get peace talks going last year.

  Senate Democrats questioned the involvement of the Colombian
  army with right-wing paramilitary death squads responsible for
  massacres of peasants.

  Sen. Frank Lautenberg said he was inclined to support rapid aid
  for Pastrana, but said he had serious concerns about Colombia's
  failure to investigate and prosecute crimes committed by
  paramilitary groups.

  The New Jersey Democrat said those gunmen had taken on the
  military's "dirty work" in Colombia's civil war, in which more
  than 35,000 Colombians have died in the past decade.

  Paramilitary groups have killed leftists and suspected rebel
  sympathizers with impunity for more than a decade.

  A report issued Wednesday by New York-based Human Rights
  Watch said the Colombian army had not severed its ties to the
  paramilitaries as promised by the Pastrana government.

  The report said one army brigade created a paramilitary squad in
  the southern Cauca Valley as recently as last year, providing
  arms, uniforms and intelligence. It also accused another brigade
  of following and harassing rights workers.

  U.S. military aid to Colombia is subject to the 1997 Leahy
  Amendment, introduced by Sen. Patrick Leahy, a Vermont
  Democrat, which bans assistance to units with a record of human
  rights violations.

  At Thursday's hearing, Leahy said he could not back the aid plan
  for Colombia without strict conditions to ensure military
  personnel who violate human rights or abet paramilitaries are
  prosecuted in civilian and not military courts.

  "I'm a skeptic at this point," Leahy said.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust deni

[CTRL] [workfare] workfare-defeat announcement (fwd)

2000-02-24 Thread Franklin Wayne Poley

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2000 15:15:21 +1100 (EST)
From: Bill Bartlett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [workfare] workfare-defeat announcement


I am considering sending out the following message in an effort to build the
subscriber base of workfare-defeat. Does anyone have any comments or
suggestions on how the announcement might be improved.

Bill Bartlett
list administrator


workfare-defeat is an umoderated listserve which is a forum for
anti-workfare activists and other interested people internationally to
share news and discuss issues.

To subscribe to workfare-defeat, send an e-mail message to
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> with "subscribe workfare-defeat" in the text of the

The term "workfare" refers the phenomenon of requiring people dependant on
welfare to perform work, or "earn", their entitlements. But the definition
is also generally understood to include associated restrictions, or "mutual
obligations" imposed on welfare recipients in various jurisdictions. These
include such things as compulsory education, training, attendance at
meetings and also compulsory medical and psychiatric treatment or

workfare-defeat scrutinizes this issue, allowing interested people from
around the globe to compare stories, analyse the causes and effects and
learn from each other's experiences.

Anyone who subscribes to workfare-defeat may post uncensored to the
listserve. Subscription is also open, with no restrictions on who may
subscribe. However the option to remove subscribers who are excessively
disruptive to other subscribers is reserved.

What would also be of great assistance, given that the target "market" of
the workfare-defeat list is the victims of workfare, would be if it could
be arranged for this notice to be inserted into local newsletters and
pamphlets whose readership is likely to include people on welfare,
especially those subject to workfare.

Please post this notice on relevant lists, and accept our apologies for

 Workfare-defeat: a list for discussion about the international
   resistance to workfare To subscribe, post to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> with
 "subscribe workfare-defeat" in the BODY of the message
 **  This material may be freely distributed, provided this  **
   **  footer is included in full.  **

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] FW: Todd D Gastaldo (The unscience of medicine) (http://www.whale....

2000-02-24 Thread TenebrousT

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Of course, by definition if a physician says it is appropriate it is SO.
Unless you die and someone cares enough and has enough money to look into it
and try and do something about it.  This brings up another interesting thing
about Allopathy versus Homeopathy.  For all of you who have a PDR on
Prescription drugs take a look at the clinical actions associated with any
number of allopathic medications that are used (sold for big bucks) in this
country to treat disorders.  I bet if you look closely you will see that a
lot of the time it says in there that the action of the drug is UNKNOWN, they
don't know how it does what it is supposed to do, but then say that it
nonetheless does what they say.  Isn't this the same argument they use to
"debunk" homeopathy?  Don't they ask by what action the substance produces a
result?  It seems to me that there is just as much pseudoscience in the
allopathic camp when they have to GUESS why a substance has the effect it
does.  Since they don't know it could be due to a supernatural force, or some
such other agency.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] "Art" in SF, performance "art" taken to extremes

2000-02-24 Thread TenebrousT

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Here is a peice from the SF Weekly, forwarded to me by the estimable DasGoat.
 It falls in line with some discussion we have had recently.  He thought it
was good fodder for this list and so do I, thus here it is.  Some of it is
quite shocking so be prepared.
This idea of "art" becoming a shaping force of society or, a model of society
as it exists, is merely another way in which controlling groups are able to
push an agenda, and to cause "gross", as in aggragate sociological responses
within the community at large (in this case "gross" could be taken in the
context of sickening as well).  Much as I have claimed in the case of crime
and serial killers in particular.  It is designed and propogated to instill a
psychological mindset, or at least to foster a tendency toward a particular
belief within the "people" at large.  Manipulation.  The psychological set of
this piece of "art" is the same as the "art" that is created by the depraved
minds of killers (some of which it is my opinion are tasked for the "jobs"
they perform by representatives of the elites that are running, or at least
trying to run, the show).  That is that society has been and continues to
degrade.  There is NO base with which to anchor oneself and one must either
give in to become a slave of the machine and change their freedom for the
security of total government (a farce).  Or one wishes to withdraw and not be
involved, lending yourself to other avenues of manipulation, or your being
labeled as an extremist or whatever.
Just a sign of the times, but I do believe it should be viewed in a
sociological context, and extrapolation of the methods and means and "reason"
behind it all is good fodder for this list.
Read on. . .

Public Enema No. 2
Bondage, fellatio, feces-swapping, and intimate cleansing at the S.F. Art
By Matt Smith

Amy Douglas

Jonathan Yegge, who tied, blindfolded, and performed unspeakable acts on a
fellow student in the name of art.

Jonathan Yegge, a 24-year-old scholar at the San Francisco Art Institute, is
angry, anxious, resentful.
"If I have to not have sex on campus anymore, they'd better put that in the
student handbook, and then we can decide whether that's an appropriate rule
or not," says Yegge. "I mean, I'm on probation, and I can't have sex on
campus, and anyone else can."

Yegge's plight, his mood, and his outlook are a small -- no, minuscule --
portion of the aftermath of a performance art piece he crafted three weeks
ago for an art class in the school's New Genres department, led by
sometimes-controversial professor Tony Labat.

Yegge asked for a volunteer from the class, got one, then took the young man
aside into an empty room. Yegge handed the soon-to-be subject of his artwork
a makeshift contract stating that the volunteer was agreeing to participate
in a performance piece containing acts "including and up to a sexual or
violent nature." The volunteer signed the contract.

Yegge led the volunteer out into a campus public area, in front of Labat's
class and anyone else who happened by, and then ... well, maybe it's best to
let Yegge explain.

"He was tied up. He had a blindfold and a gag, but he could see and talk
through it. He had freedom of movement of his pelvis," Yegge says, by way of
defending his piece. "I engaged in oral sex with him and he engaged in oral
sex with me. I had given him an enema, and I had taken a shit and stuffed it
in his ass. That goes on, he shits all over me, I shit in him. There was a
security guard present. There was an instructor from the school present. It
was videoed, and the piece was over."

But the piece wasn't over, really. In the world of performance art, a work
may leave no physical artifact on the earth, so the audience is its canvas.
During the days and weeks after Yegge's performance ended, his work has left
brush strokes all over the small S.F. art world.

Not long after the piece was finished, the volunteer developed misgivings
about what had happened to him.

"He was pissed off, as he should be," says Ryan Castaneda, a friend of the
volunteer (whose name SF Weekly is not printing for obvious reasons). "He
felt he was being violated. He just didn't think this was cool."

The volunteer complained. The school administration called Yegge in, put him
on academic probation, and instituted the Yegge-specific no public sex on
campus rule.

Administration officials held lengthy meetings with Yegge's instructor,
Labat. Discussions focused on the dangerous nature of exchanging bodily
fluids for art's sake. Implicit was the litigiously dangerous nature of
allowing this to go on in a supervised classroom.

The volunteer's mother was rumored to be a judge, and it was feared the
student might sue. The volunteer, contacted through friends, did not want to
comment for this story. But students at the Art Institute, the Academy of Art
College, and in the rest of the tightknit San Francisco artistic community

[CTRL] He who pays the piper...Columbia

2000-02-24 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

> http://www.lawnewsnetwork.com/stories/A16730-2000Feb22.html
> Big Guns Back Aid To Colombia
> Well-financed U.S. lobby seeks relief from drug wars
> Sam Loewenberg, Legal Times, February 23, 2000
> Nothing in Washington ever happens in a vacuum. And the Clinton
> administration's recent proposal to give Colombia $1.3 billion in
aid to
> help combat drug trafficking is no exception.
> For almost a year, a business consortium of blue-chip
multinationals has
> been pressing the White House and Capitol Hill for such a package.
> assistance, the companies say, is needed to help the war-torn
> American country beat back a growing illegal drug trade that is
making it
> difficult to do business.
> Through the U.S.-Colombia Business Partnership -- founded in 1996
> represent U.S. companies with interests in Colombia -- the
> Petroleum Corp., the Enron Corp., BP Amoco, the Colgate-Palmolive
Co., and
> others played an important part in pressing the administration and
> for the aid. The business partnership is now actively pushing the
> initiative.
> "Right now, you see a confluence of interests," says Lawrence
> Occidental's vice president for public affairs and the company's
point man
> on Colombia. "The members [of Congress] expressed concern about
drugs, and
> from our perspective here, they are certainly disruptive of any
> business relationship."
> Occidental, which claims that a company oil project in Colombia
has lost
> $100 million since 1995 because of terrorist activity, formally
made its
> case last week. Meriage testified before the House Government
> Subcommittee on Drug Policy. The hearing also featured White House
> czar Gen. Barry McCaffrey, the head of the U.S. Southern Command,
> high-ranking administration officials, and two former ambassadors
-- all
> whom testified in favor of the aid.
> Occidental, which is taking the lead, and the other members of the
> consortium "are really appreciative of what we are doing in
getting rid of
> the narco-traffickers," says McCaffrey spokesman Robert Weiner.
"It is
> going to mean that all of their businesses are going to flourish."
> Other U.S. companies will also see a jump in their bottom line if
the aid
> package goes through.
> Of the $1.3 billion package, the largest chunk is earmarked for
> purchases. The United States would buy 30 Black Hawks, at a total
cost of
> more than $360 million, from the Sikorsky Aircraft Corp., a
subsidiary of
> the United Technologies Corp. In addition, Bell Helicopter Textron
> stands to earn about $66 million from the sale of 33 Hueys.
> The size of the aid package -- and the emphasis on military
equipment --
> raising concerns among human rights advocates.
> >From their perspective, the aid plan is misguided. Instead of
pulling up
> stakes and setting up business elsewhere, they note, members of
> business partnership are pushing the U.S. government to stem the
> that is making it difficult for their businesses to thrive in the
> That type of involvement, human rights advocates claim, will
ensnare the
> United States in the bloody Colombian civil war that has raged 40
> "There is increasingly multinational investment in very conflicted
> where there is heavy paramilitary violence and evidence that it is
> supported by the Colombian military," says Winifred Tate, a
> in the Washington Office of Latin America, a liberal interest
group that
> advocates for human rights in Latin America.
> Some conservatives who support the aid package have different
> They question why the administration has stocked the package with
so many
> of the costly Black Hawks, which cost seven times more than Bell
> Helicopter's Hueys.
> Sikorsky, based in Stratford, Conn., is in the district of Rep.
> Gejdenson, the ranking member of the House International Relations
> Committee. Connecticut is also home to Sen. Christopher Dodd, the
> member of the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on Narcotics.
> Some of these Republicans wonder whether the administration chose
> Sikorsky's Black Hawks, in part, to gain the support of the
> powerful home-state Democrats -- politicians who have
> such military-type aide to foreign countries.
> Former Rep. Gerald Solomon (R-N.Y.), who is pitching in to help
his old
> colleagues lobby to pass the plan, says gaining the support of
Dodd and
> Gejdenson was "absolutely crucial." While he feels that the two
> genuinely believe in the anti-drug plan, Solomon says that
appealing to a
> member's home state loyalties is a common tactic.
> "Let's face it, any time you are dealing with an issue like this,
and you
> are talking about hardware and jobs in your district, it makes a
> certainly," he says. "Sure they

Re: [CTRL] Skull and Bones position in the "Power Structure"?

2000-02-24 Thread TenebrousT

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

In a message dated 2/23/00 7:28:20 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> But, for the sake of objective research, we should not forget the "Nerdy"
>  people
>  tapped by Skull & Bones.  A lot of the guys tapped by Bones my year were
> Nerds
>  and still are - they are not Illuminati mafiamen, to my knowledge a la
> George
>  W.
>  Most of them are run-of-the-mill corporate lawyers or investment bankers,
>  things Yalies have always been.
>  BTW, Skull & Bones is an above-ground secret society.  I was in an
>  "Underground
>  secret society" at Yale.  We had no tomb, but met weekly at the beach to do
>  encounter groups.  Alfred ;)

You are, of course, quite correct.  There are some who are tapped to belong
as people who help maintain the cover.  Some of the group would naturally
fall in this category and also not be parties to the shenanigans that go on
behind the scenes.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] FW: Todd D Gastaldo (The unscience of medicine) (http://www.whale.to/Gastaldo.htm)

2000-02-24 Thread Dave

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

As a practicing homeopath, this is not exactly news - but it IS great to see
documentation "from the horse's mouth" ...

Dave Hartley

-Original Message-
From: brian connelly [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, February 24, 2000 11:57 PM
Subject: Fw: Todd D Gastaldo (The unscience of medicine)

A remarkable contrast between allopathy and homeopathy..

Forwarded by brian connelly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> from Paracelsus
 Original message follows 

Todd D. Gastaldo, D.C. remarks:

While it is perhaps true that "conventional medical SCIENTISTS" follow the
basic scientific medicine, some have noted that that the medical profession
as a whole has been behaving quite unscientifically throughout its history.

Harold Wachsman, M.D. discusses this matter in Lethal Medicine [NY: Holt
1993]...and David M. Eddy, M.D. concluded in 1990 that:

"The intellectual foundation of medical care...is that whatever a  physician
decides is by definition correct." [Eddy DM. The challenge. JAMA

In 1976, distinguished epidemiologist Kerr White reportedly told the
clinical staff at Wellington Hospital in New Zealand that 15% of physician
interventions were evidence based; after which distinguished epidemiologist
Archie Cochrane reportedly called out, "Kerr, you’re a damned liar, you know
it isn’t more than 10%." [Kerr personal communication to Iain Chalmers,
1992. Quoted in Johnathan Ellis, Ian Mulligan, James Rowe, David L. Sackett.
Inpatient general medicine is [sic; see below] evidence based. The Lancet

In 1978, the U.S. Office of Technology Assessment of the U.S. Congress
estimated that "only 10 to 20% of all procedures currently used in medical
practice have been shown to be efficacious by controlled trial."
[Ellis et al. 1995.]

In 1979, Williamson et al. concluded that fewer than 10% of common medical
practices for three subspecialties of internal medicine have any foundation
in published research. [Williamson JW, Goldschmidt PG, Jillson IA. Medical
practice information demonstration project: final report. Baltimore, MD:
Policy Research, 1979. Cited in Ellis et al.

In 1983, the U.S. Office of Technology Assessment of the U.S. Congress
repeated its estimate that "only 10 to 20% of all procedures currently used
in medical practice have been shown to be efficacious by controlled trial."
[Office of Technology Assessment of the Congress of the United States. The
impact of randomized clinical trials on health policy and medical practice.
Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1983. Cited in Ellis et
al. 1995.]

Epidemiologist Kerr L. White issued a challenge at meetings of the Health
Advisory Panel to the US Congressional Office of Technology Assessment. He
challenged doctors to provide better evidence than the 10-20% figure - but
"No-one could." [White K. Evidence based medicine (letter). The Lancet
(Sep23)1995;346:837-8. Kerr L. White, 2401 Old Ivy Road, 1410,
Charlottesville, VA 22903-4858.]

In "countless addresses and conferences" afterwards, epidemiologist White
"often challenged others to provide better evidence but none was
forthcoming." [Kerr 1995]

In 1991, the editor of the British Medical Journal noted that a health care
conference in Manchester, UK, had been told that "only about 15% of medical
interventions are supported by solid scientific evidence."
[Smith R. Where is the wisdom..." the poverty of medical evidence. BMJ
1991;303:798-99. Cited in Ellis et al. 1995]

In 1992, the same editor of the British Medical Journal further lamented the
paucity of solid scientific evidence for most medical interventions. [Smith
R. The ethics of ignorance. J Med Ethics 1992;18:117-18. Cited in Ellis et
al. 1995]

In response to this apparently "gloomy" and "depressing" state of affairs,
the A-Team, Nuffield Department of Clinical Medicine studied their own
medical behavior for one month and determined that "more thannb half" of
their care was evidence based, thus "support[ing] the view that learning how
to practice evidence-based medicine is not just an academic exercise but CAN
influence clinical decisions." [Ellis et al. 1995, emphasis added.]

Ellis et al. concluded, "We do not know how far our experience in one month
on a general medical service is generalisable" - and then they erroneously
titled their paper, "Inpatient general medicine IS evidence based" (emphasis

According to Ellis et al. [1995], members of the A-Team, Nuffield Department
of Clinical Medicine are: Jonathan Ellis, Ian Mulligan, James Rowe, David L.
Sackett, Ben Box, Laura Burgoyne, Camille Caroll, Jo Chikwe, Gerry
Christofi, Derralynn Hughes, Katie Jeffrey, Rowena Jones, Sharon Peacock,
Moyra Reid, Kopal Tandon, Clare Wood-Allum, and Sebastian Walter.
(Correspondence should be sent to: Prof

Re: [CTRL] Skeptic News - Thursday #1

2000-02-24 Thread EVILDANZIG

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

MUSH's.is a definition permitable

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Structural Analysis Of Secret Shadow Government

2000-02-24 Thread William Shannon

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

The secret "shadow" government is the large organisational network which
operates alongside the officially elected and appointed government of the
United States of America. Just as with the official government, the secret
government has functional branches.

Just as with the official government, the Shadow Government has functional
branches. However, unlike the official government, the purpose of the
non-executive branches of the Shadow Government is simply to distribute
various functions, but not to achieve a system of checks and balances, as was
supposed to happen constitutionally between the executive, legislative and
judicial branches of the U.S. Government. That is because the Shadow
Government is a creature of a powerful elite, who need not fear being
dominated by an instrument of their own creation.

In the Shadow Government five branches may be identified. These branches are:
the Executive Branch, the Intelligence Branch, the War Department, the
Weapons Industry Branch, and the Financial Department.

The reporting lines of the Intelligence Branch and the War Department to the
Executive Branch are straightforward and obvious. Intelligence exists to
provide the Executive Branch with sufficient necessary information to make
adequately informed policy decisions. The War Department exists to provide
coercive force to carry out Executive policy decisions which could meet with
public resistance. The Special Operations units within the Intelligence
Branch and War Department exist to carry out policy directives requiring
covert action and official deniability.

The Weapons Industry Branch reports to the Executive Branch most often
indirectly, through the War Department and/or the Intelligence Branch (for
Black Budget weapons systems).

The Financial Department theoretically reports to the Executive Branch for
fiscal policy implementation, but de facto also reports directly to the
international power brokers who have created the Shadow Government. The
Financial Department serves at times directly as their instrument of fiscal
policy implementation.

An analysis of the overall purposes of these five branches suggests that the
overall purpose of the Shadow Government is to exercise covert control by:

Collecting comprehensive institutional and personal information

By establishing national and international policy independently of the
established Government

By developing high-tech arms and equipment, and, with these, establishing
small, specialized, highly mobile, elite military units to effect these
covert policies, when need arises, without having to rely on the official
(and "unreliable") Armed Services, (whose subservience to the Shadow
Government is reasonably suspect)

By developing an armed capability to repel any threat to the status quo,
(including the uncertain ontological, social, and economic impacts of any
revelation of the reality of UFO and extraterrestrial presence) through the
development of a Star Wars/BMDO ground and space-based surveillance and SDI
weapons network

By denying information compromising to the Shadow Government from all those
outside "need-to-know" policy-making levels

By exercising control on the money supply, availability of credit, and the
worth of money, through policy decisions made outside of the official
Council on Foreign Relations  (CFR) includes George Bush, Bill Clinton, all
modern CIA Directors, most modern Joint Chiefs of Staff, most modern Cabinet
and top Executive Branch appointed officeholders, etc.
Tri lateral Commission  David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, John D.
Rockefeller, Alan Greenspan, Zbignew Brzezinski, Anthony Lake, John Glenn,
David Packard, David Gergen, Diane Feinstein, Jimmy Carter, Adm. William
Crowe, etc.
The Bilderberg Group  Prince Hans-Adam of Liechtenstein, Prince Bernhard of
Netherlands, Bill Clinton, Lloyd Bentsen, etc.
National Security Council  (NCS), the military and intelligence policy-making
and control group for national and international security, which reports
directly to the President, its secret 5412 Committee (which directs black
[covert] operations), and its PI-40 Subcommittee (aka MJ-12: which exercises
policy direction and control of the UFO Cover-Up).
Joint Chiefs of Staff  (JCS)'s Special Operations compartment, the operations
directorate which implements the orders of the NSC's 5412 Committee,
utilizing the U.S. Special Forces Command.
National Program Office  (NPO), which operates the Continuity of Government
Project (COG), an ongoing secret project to maintain command, control,
communication and intelligence executive centers during an extreme National
Emergency by operating clandestine, secure, underground cities staffed by
surrogates for above ground national leaders.
Federal Emergency
Management Agency  FEMA's black projects compartment, which operates federal


2000-02-24 Thread William Shannon

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-



 If this nation and the world are to survive the oncoming global financial,
economic, and strategic crises, then citizens in the lower 80% of the family
income brackets--the poor, the forgotten men and women who make less than 50%
of the total family income of the entire nation--must rally behind Lyndon
LaRouche to defeat Wall Street's attempt to rig the U.S. Presidential
elections to elect George W. Bush.

How is Wall Street attempting to rig the elections? In New Hampshire, there
was an apparent standoff between McCain and Bush, on the Republican side, and
between Gore and Bradley on the Democratic side, with a small but significant
Democratic vote for LaRouche's own candidacy. The polls showed the
independent voters were prepared to overwhelm Al Gore in the primary, by
voting for Bradley. When the election actually occurred, Gore was shown as
winning, but, suddenly, McCain had a landslide victory over Bush!

LaRouche warns: "What happened is, the Gore people ran an operation to run a
lot of independents to voting on the Republican side, against Bush, for

In the long run, LaRouche said, although McCain may do some damage to Bush,
"McCain is not really a problem. {They} can sink him any time they want to.
Because, who is `they'? `They' are the people that control Gore, own Gore
from Wall Street, because Gore is totally owned by Wall Street money. {And,}
they own Bush!

"See! The election is not about Gore versus Bush! As of now, the election is
rigged. By supporting Gore on the Democratic side, you ensure that you're
going to get George Bush as President! Now, that's a fine Democratic policy!''

In a Michigan speech, where he was the only Democrat on the ballot, LaRouche
said, "people inside the Democratic Party are doing exactly what happened in
New Hampshire; pushing independent voters, and Democrats, to go into the
primary, to {vote for the Republicans,} for McCain, against Bush. From
[inside] the Democratic Party! {And they call themselves `good Democrats.'}

"What's the game? If you sink the independent vote, up through March 7, Super
Tuesday, sink it to the point that Bradley is out, forced out by the drawing
of the independent vote, which would tend to go to him, away from him, into
McCain--as was done in New Hampshire--then McCain becomes the opposition to
Gore and Bush. Then, the Bush crowd comes in and sinks McCain, with the
biggest load of scandal you ever saw, including a rewarming of Keating Five,
and the breakup of his marriage, and a few other things. {He's out!}

"The election is not among these figures. It's not among Gore, Bush, McCain.
It's a question of how the politics are being orchestrated to prevent the
independent vote, and the American people, from intervening to change the
name of the game.

"Who's doing it? Wall Street! The big financial interests that control the
mass media, and control both party machines from the top down, with money. It
is the mass media; it is Wall street--{against} the American people, and
against the world. So don't worry about voting your choice for McCain, or
Bush, or Gore. If you are voting for any one of them, you are one of the
fools who believes in the sincerity of world class wrestling, or worse!''

This game can and must be broken up. Think of what the consequences would
have been if Franklin D. Roosevelt had not been elected President of the
United States in 1932. Our nation has a mission in the world, a Manifest
Destiny to ensure that people come first, not only in the United States, but
throughout the world. There is no real prosperity. There is only a
speculative bubble that is about to burst. Don't allow Wall Street and its
mass media to eliminate democracy in the United States by manipulating the
elections. Don't allow the Wall Street-controlled Gore apparatus in the
Democratic Party to nullify the Voting Rights Act.

Lyndon LaRouche will work for you, but he can't win unless you are willing to
work for yourself and for the true purpose of our nation as a Temple of
Liberty and Beacon of Hope.

 - Paid for by LaRouche's Committee for a New Bretton Woods -

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

[CTRL] Skeptic News - Thursday #2

2000-02-24 Thread Ric Carter

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

SkeptiNews 000224b - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

* Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
* PLEASE do NOT include the ENTIRE bulletin when you reply; cut/paste, eh?
* Portal to announcements, disclaimers, quirks: http://skepticon.pitas.com
* No  were harmed during the production of this bulletin.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ She-Pirate: http://members.xoom.com/_XMCM/benji_moon/she.jpg
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Pokemon-Induced Seizures Caused By Abnormal Brain Response. (Reuters) --
  Italian scientists have figured out how an episode of the TV cartoon
  Pokemon may have caused epileptic seizures in 685 Japanese children in
  1997. The problem was caused by an abnormal brain response in these
  children to flashing lights featured in the cartoon, signaling a brain
  disorder known as photosensitive epilepsy. It could just as easily been
  REN & STIMPY: http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/nm/2222/hl/cha_49.html

: Has your brain malfunctioned from inappropriate visual stimuli lately? Do
your alien implants protect you from seizures; prevent you from knowing that
you convulsed; take you to a transcendent realm where brains don't matter??
Is modern life too complex? Should TV/video/cinema/radio/humanity be banned?

# Seeking simplicity: Groups ponder ways to uncomplicate lives:
# Seeking simplicity: For some, the simple life is tied to faith:
# Monkeys stone cattle herder to death in Kenya - a new jihad?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Churchman jailed for beheading son's lover. (BBC) A former church steward
  has been jailed for life for beheading his son's ex-lover after discover-
  ing their secret affair. Chatted with God to arrange the murder - God not
  charged: http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/uk/newsid_655000/655294.stm

# Man had sex with cow: http://www.rivertowns.net/daily/hso/c991112/
$ Get 3 condoms for free: http://www.drdrew.com/promos/condom/index.html
# NASA: no zero-gravity sex: www.foxnews.com/science/022300/space_trysts.sml
@ Egyptian Love Poetry: www.fordham.edu/halsall/ancient/2000egypt-love.html

: Do you have issues/problems/anxieties with your deities about sex? Do your
deities counsel you on sex/violence/manners? Do they talk straight to you?
Do they ever lie to you? Do you take them to account? Do they punish you?

# Environmentalists protest at Vatican - Jehovah strikes them dead:
# Israelites sue God for breach of covenant - 117 specific instances
  cited: http://www.theonion.com/onion3606/israelites_sue.html
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Human Cell Immortality Switch Found - The End Of Death? BOSTON (ABC) - No
  one can live forever. Or can they? Scientists have found a way to create
  human embryonic stem cells in a lab. The stem cells, which can form every
  kind of human tissue, normally exist only for a few days at the beginning
  of life. "As a human race we may see our final frontier as conquering
  death itself." http://www.sightings.com/politics6/immort.htm

# Bird brains offer stem cells hope. (BBC) Scientists may have activated
  repair mechanisms in bird brains - someday it may help humans. Immortal!

# Also - Lab grows frog eyes - ophthalmologists, LASIK surgeons frantic:
# Stem cells top class of 1999 - intestinal flora wear dunces' caps:

: Are you ready for immortality? Will it ruin your retirement plans? Do you
want to live forever? Will you get bored? Will you open an Ethical Suicide
Parlor to capitalize on other elders' boredom, ennui, poverty? How soon??
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# CIA Whistle-Blower Launches Cuba Internet Service. HAVANA (Reuters) -
  Former CIA whistle-blower Philip Agee, whose crusade to expose agents made
  him a hero of the left in the 1970s but won him many enemies in Washing-
  ton, has launched a new Web site in Havana promoting tourism to communist-
  run Cuba. http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/nm/2224/wr/usa_agee_4.html

# Former Che-hunting Bolivia minister killed by his own bomb:

: Does y'r conspiracy work for/against Castro? When you take control of Cuba
will you use it as a tobacco/cannabis/opium plantation; vast brothel; source
of ET-implant recipients; test-bed for social-control programs/technologies?

# Face-recognition technology raises fears of Big Brother. Your face is on
  its w

[CTRL] [LeftLibertarian] Echelon unveiled 2/21/00

2000-02-24 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-


>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
Conspiracy Shopping Cart: http://a-albionic.com/shopping.html

From: J. Kent Hastings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [LeftLibertarian] Echelon unveiled 2/21/00
Date: Tuesday, February 22, 2000 11:09 PM

From: "J. Kent Hastings" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Since Y2K was a big flop everyone's back to double digit years. OK, how
about a single digit instead? It would save 50% of carpal tunnel inducing
year-writing. Then we could have a Y2.01K scare and sell off the survival
gear in the closet. But I digress. This Echelon system and the bogus
"hacker" attacks are only making the Net's immune system stronger.

Here's J. D. Tuccille's latest from
Echelon unveiled
Dateline: 2/21/00

Slowly, painfully, like pulling a senator off an intern, the details of the
National Security Agency's long-fabled Echelon snooping system are being
dragged into the open. We're finally getting official acknowledgment that
the system exists - and that it's been used for some unsavory shenanigans.
It's about time, too; Echelon's day in the sun may be ticking to a close
with a host of imitators on the rise, and the system's technology beginning
to get a bit rusty.

This week, the European Union parliament begins debate on Echelon, and on
how to respond to the espionage threat posed by this long-standing
electronic waterglass pressed against the walls of the world. The system,
maintained by the U.S., Britain, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, has
long been accepted as fact on the continent, even as America's mainstream
media voiced skepticism that our spies would ever get up to such naughty

The cat started clawing its way out of the bag a few years ago when a few
New Zealand spooks suffered pangs of conscience and spilled some interesting
details to a writer named Nicky Hager. After that, Patrick Poole produced a
report for the Free Congress Foundation that exposed the snoops' soft
underbelly for an American audience. Soon, a British journalist named Duncan
Campbell began researching Echelon for the European Union. Now, the ACLU
runs a Web site that ties together much of the available information about
the world's most widespread example of mass envelope-steaming (though the
ACLU site pales in comparison to the info compiled by yours truly).

Since the private reports began appearing one after another, grudging
admissions that Echelon exists have begun seeping from official sources.
Both the Australian and New Zealand intelligence agencies responsible for
snooping downunder have admitted their role in the scheme, while research in
the States has turned up explicit NSA references to Echelon. With a
congressional investigation in the works, continuing U.S. government silence
just seems silly.

The motivation for those tightly clamped lips might be the can of worms
behind them (and if that doesn't evoke an unpleasant mental picture, nothing
will). Echelon has allegedly been used for much more than eavesdropping on
commies and Carlos the Jackal. Intelligence intercepts have supposedly (and
illegally) included political targets within the participating countries,
including Sen. Strom Thurmond in the U.S. and members of the Thatcher-era
cabinet in Britain.

Of greater concern to the European Union is strong evidence that
English-speaking spooks routinely turn over intercepted communications to
favored corporations to help them maintain an edge against foreign
competitors. In fact, Britain and the U.S. are being taken to court in
France for commercial espionage.

Of course, English-speaking countries are hardly the only offenders in the
world. In the eyes of some Europeans, the Anglo-Saxons main offense seems to
be their early mastery of the art of firing satellites into space to listen
in on everybody's phone calls. The French themselves have been fingered for
snooping on the business communications of British executives. Europe as a
whole has been considering a proposal called ENFOPOL that would make
domestic electronic spying an easy task for continental cops with a distaste
for privacy.

Sauce for the goose, right?

And Russian officials haven't exactly lost their taste for hiding under the
bed since the fall of communism. The KGB's successor agency is eagerly
tracking domestic Internet use with a mandatory system called SORM that
requires ISPs to act as surrogates for every bored cop with a nasty case of
voyeurism. The only new development there is that average Russians can now
raise a fuss and try to embarrass the snoops.

Still, Echelon, with its five cooperating nations, decades-long track
record, and gee-whiz technology is undoubtedly the big kid on the block. But
that big kid is getting poked in the eye, and not just by publicity.

The Echelo

[CTRL] The Criminalization of Fatherhood by the Divorce Industry

2000-02-24 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-


>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
Conspiracy Shopping Cart: http://a-albionic.com/shopping.html

Subject: The Criminalization of Fatherhood by the Divorce Industry
Date: Tuesday, December 21, 1999 8:49 PM

The Criminalization of Fatherhood by the Divorce Industry

"The Office of Child Support and Enforcement under HHS does keep track
of all fathers who owe child support whether ... they're behind on
their payments or not; so their names are there.  Yes, there's this
presumption of guilt: there's this presumption that every citizen who
owes child support - and possibly every citizen - is a quasi-criminal.
Fathers now have their wages garnished regularly - even before they
fall behind on their payments - immediately as soon as the order is
entered against them," said Howard University professor Stephen
Baskerville, a guest on "Endangered Liberties."  Host Lisa Dean asked,"

Does anyone have access to this database besides that agency or that
office?"  Baskerville responded, "They say that this is not the case.
... They claim there are security measures taken to protect privacy.
There was a front page article in The Washington Post though last
summer by Robert O'Harrow which seriously questioned all of that - the
security of the system and the dangers to civil liberties."

Host Paul Weyrich said, "I always like to fill our viewers in on how
the system operates.  And as I understand it in Arkansas earlier this
year four state senators were indicted because they were involved in a
kickback scheme which went precisely to the point that you're making."
Baskerville replied, "The whole system is very much riddled with
conflicts of interest.  We only hear about them when ... they cross
the line into overt corruption.  But the entire system is in many ways
crooked: it violates the principle of the separation of powers
regularly and many other principles of good government.  What happened
in Arkansas, the U.S. Attorney's entered indictments - 133 count
indictment - against four members of the Arkansas senate for kickbacks
and money laundering and racketeering, all in connection with child
support and child custody.  This is what happens all through the
government: essentially the judge sits on top of a patronage machine,
where favors are dispensed to cronies, court hangers-on, lawyers,
psycho-therapists, child support and enforcement agents, social
workers, monitors of various kinds.  In Los Angeles ... Insight
magazine uncovered a slush fund operated by Los Angeles County family
court judges for the purposes of taking what amounted to
institutionalized kickbacks from lawyers and other professionals
connected with the court."

Weyrich asked Baskerville, "I'm a dad and I come home and my wife has
left.  And suddenly I get yanked into court.  Can I be ordered to pay
for her attorney that is going after me?"  Baskerville answered, "Not
only her attorney.  You can be forced to pay for a whole slew of
professional hangers-on at the court.  Yes, fathers - as soon as
they're brought into court, they're plundered for everything they
have: their bank account - their records are subpoenaed and what they
have is doled out to favorite hangers-on at the court. ... This is a
good example: I have here a court order against a father, a father
who's done nothing wrong, who's not agreed to a divorce or a
separation.  This father is being ordered - under pain of
incarceration - to pay a lawyer he has not hired for services he has
not sought or received.  In other words, the judge is using his
position to raid this father's bank account and funnel everything in
it into the pockets of one of his cronies.  The Bar Association that
this judge is a member of will then make sure that this judge is
reappointed and promoted at regular intervals.  This is the kind of
shake-down racket, the kind of crookedness that is routine in family
courts throughout this country."

Weyrich queried, "A lot of cooperation between the family court
lawyers in the different states?  In other words, they network with
each other so that they all are familiar with these different
techniques?"  Baskerville stated, "They certainly do.  Yes, this is
rampant.  It seems to be in every state, and in many foreign countries
as well it's developing."

Contact:  Joseph Starrs at Free Congress Foundation  202.546.3000

Coalition for Constitutional Liberties
Brought to you by the Center for Technology Policy of the Free
Congress Foundation
Lisa S. Dean, Vice President for Technology Policy
Julie Malone, Coalition Coordinator (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])
phone: (202) 546-3000
fax: (202) 544-2819

[Forwarded For Information Purposes Only - Not
Necessarily Endorsed By The Sender - A.K. Pritchard]


A.K. Pritchard

[CTRL] Texas Executes Great Grandmother

2000-02-24 Thread DIG alfred webre

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Texas Executes Convicted Killer

  By MICHAEL GRACZYK Associated Press Writer

  HUNTSVILLE, Texas (AP) -- A 62-year-old woman was
  executed by injection Thursday after Gov. George W.
  rejected her claim that she killed her fifth
husband in
  self-defense and deserved a reprieve.

  Betty Lou Beets became the fourth woman to be
executed in
  the United States since the Supreme Court in 1976
allowed the
  death penalty to resume. She was the second woman
  in Texas since the Civil War.

  She gave no final statement as she lay strapped to
the death
  chamber gurney. She made no eye contact with the
  family, but smiled at relatives watching through a
window at her
  side. She continued smiling as she slipped into

  Death penalty opponents and domestic violence
  had urged Bush to grant Beets a 30-day delay,
arguing it would
  be consistent with his description of himself as a
  ``compassionate conservative'' in his presidential
campaign. The
  delay was Bush's only option, since the state
parole board did
  not recommend that her sentence be commuted to life
in prison.

  During his 5 1/2 years as governor, 120 convicted
killers have
  been executed in Texas. He has spared one condemned

  ``After careful review of the evidence of the case,
I concur with
  the jury that Betty Lou Beets is guilty of this
murder,'' Bush said
  in a written statement after returning to Texas
from California,
  where he was campaigning for the Republican

  ``I'm confident that the courts, both state and
federal, have
  thoroughly reviewed all the issues raised by the

  Beets and her lawyers insisted the former
  convicted of fatally shooting fifth husband Jimmy
Don Beets
  nearly 17 years ago and burying his body under a
  garden, was the victim of years of domestic abuse
and should
  be allowed to live.

  On Thursday the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals
in New
  Orleans rejected an appeal that accused the state
of not
  following its own rules in reviewing Beets' case.
The arguments
  were dismissed Wednesday by a federal judge in
Austin as a
  delay tactic.

  Beets' lawyers also took the matter to the U.S.
Supreme Court,
  which rejected it without comment.

  According to the governor's office, Bush had
received 2,108
  phone calls and letters opposing Beets' execution
by Thursday
  afternoon, and 57 calls and letters favoring it.

  ``A decision to stay the execution of Ms. Beets
  demonstrate your compassionate conservatism and
that you are
  willing to do what is right even in the face of
potential criticism
  from your constituents,'' the Rev. Jesse Jackson
wrote Bush on

  Steven Hawkins, executive director of the National
Coalition to
  Abolish the Death Penalty implored to Bush grant a
  ``so evidence of her being battered ... may be
fully evaluated.

  ``Far from receiving careful consideration, the
role of domestic
  abuse in Betty's crime has been continually swept
under the rug
  by the Texas court system,'' Hawkins said.

  Before Beets, the last woman executed in Texas was
  Faye Tucker, on Feb. 3, 1998. Tucker hacked two
people to
  death with a pickax but said she had a religious
conversion in
  prison and appealed for mercy. Bush was criticized
  mocking Tucker in a magazine interview last year.

  Beets was the ninth convicted killer and the second
in as many

[CTRL] WTO: Police Tactics article

2000-02-24 Thread DIG alfred webre

Earth Island Journal is now on line. There is an article by gar smith with
info about how the wto police actions were in fact about testing equipment
and tactics.  link:


a group of us have met twice in santa fe to organize around the gmo thing;
we are planning to leaflet, demonstrate, write letters and have a plaza day.
the market place, a locally owned organic market, the first commercial one
here in town has been working for a long time around this issue and has tons
of info and enthusiasm... i have a letter, i think composed by those folks,
but perhaps not, for our congressional and senate delegations.  apparently,
this issue is not considered important... anyway, there is interest in
coming down on the 4th...

also, is there anyone in alb. who can set up a place to screen the wto
documentary. rein would love to bring it down...  but plan on coming up here
anyway... for the connections and organizing opportunities; we need a
thousand people on our list by the summer, right?

this was part of the message i received regarding the earth island journal,
originating from the earthfirstalert onelist

As food companies such as Frito-Lay are beginning to take voluntary action
to eliminate GMOs because of consumer demand for safe foods, the time is
ripe to increase pressure on Kellogg, Nestle and others to take the same
step. Send messages to Kellogg and Nestle right from the Greenpeace U.S.
Web site and read about other ways you can take action:


Earth Island Journal is now on line. There is an article by gar smith with
info about how the wto police actions were in fact about testing equipment
and tactics.  link:


a group of us have met twice in santa fe to organize around the gmo thing;
we are planning to leaflet, demonstrate, write letters and have a plaza day.
the market place, a locally owned organic market, the first commercial one
here in town has been working for a long time around this issue and has tons
of info and enthusiasm... i have a letter, i think composed by those folks,
but perhaps not, for our congressional and senate delegations.  apparently,
this issue is not considered important... anyway, there is interest in
coming down on the 4th...

also, is there anyone in alb. who can set up a place to screen the wto
documentary. rein would love to bring it down...  but plan on coming up here
anyway... for the connections and organizing opportunities; we need a
thousand people on our list by the summer, right?

this was part of the message i received regarding the earth island journal,
originating from the earthfirstalert onelist

As food companies such as Frito-Lay are beginning to take voluntary action
to eliminate GMOs because of consumer demand for safe foods, the time is
ripe to increase pressure on Kellogg, Nestle and others to take the same
step. Send messages to Kellogg and Nestle right from the Greenpeace U.S.
Web site and read about other ways you can take action:


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CIESIN's sponsors.

[CTRL] Gov. George W. Bush and televangelist Pat Robertson

2000-02-24 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Click Here: http://www.americandispatches.com/">American Dispatches
Latest News
February 23, 2000
Gov. George W. Bush stumbled badly in the Michigan primary on Tuesday, losing
to Sen. John McCain who benefited from a massive crossover vote of
independents and Democrats.
But one of the reasons for Bush's clumsy performance in Michigan appeared to
be that many voters now see the Texas governor as joined at the hip with
televangelist Pat Robertson and Robertson's Christian Coalition.

In South Carolina, the intervention by Robertson and other Christian
conservatives boosted Bush to an impressive win. But Robertson's intervention
did not play well in the north.
The centerpiece of Robertson's attack was his gripe that McCain's national
chairman, former Sen. Warren B. Rudman, R-N.H., had criticized the Christian
Coalition. Robertson deemed Rudman's criticism an example of anti-Christian
bias. The charge seemed to resonate in South Carolina. That led Robertson to
reprise the complaint in a recorded phone message dialed to targeted Michigan

Robertson denounced Rudman as "a vicious bigot who wrote that conservative
Christians in politics are anti-abortion zealots, homophobes and would-be
censors." Robertson delivered the message with a tone of shock and disbelief,
amazed that anyone could have gotten those impressions about the Christian
Coalition's views.

Besides going into conservative households, however, the message was
rebroadcast widely on news programs and transcripts appeared in newspapers.

The problem with Robertson's message was that many moderate independents and
Democrats apparently agree with Rudman's assessment of the Christian
Coalition: many Christian conservatives do act like "anti-abortion zealots";
they have made intemperate attacks on homosexuals; some activists have tried
rid libraries of books deemed immoral.
So rather than build sympathy for the Christian Coalition as the victims of
Rudman's supposed intolerance, the Robertson intervention appears to have
energized independents and Democrats to turn out and vote against Bush and
his Christian Right allies.

The lesson for Bush might be that endorsements from the Christian Right
should be saved for a few conservative states. Robertson's claim to
victimhood doesn't appear to travel well into the major industrial states in
the North and the West.

For solid investigative journalism that you won't see anywhere else, check

For a double-take on media and democracy, check out the American Review,
edited by Jane W. Prettyman, formerly at (the old) Esquire Magazine
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


[CTRL] Cat's Waste Solution

2000-02-24 Thread Alamaine

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

National Center For Policy Analysis
Thursday, February 24, 2000

> You won't believe what they're about to use to absorb nuclear
> waste: cat litter. Nearly 1,000 scientists and engineers have
> spent 18 years and $1.5 billion so far trying to clean up a
> polluted site in upper New York state, using high-tech custom-
> designed robots and remote-controlled ovens.
> Now they are turning to zeolite, a family of 48 minerals which
> absorbs odors and moistures -- and which is the main ingredient
> in cat litter.
>o   The project at West Valley, N.Y., involves digging a deep
>trench and burying a wall of zeolite to sop up
>radioactive material tainting the ground water and
>seeping toward a stream that feeds Lake Erie.
>o   One of the most abundant minerals in zeolite is
>clinoptilolite -- which has a strong affinity for
>strontium 90, the radioactive isotope that tainted ground
>water beneath a long-mothballed recycling plant for
>nuclear fuel rods.
>o   While it is still too early to guarantee the test will
>succeed, it all goes as planned the 26-foot-deep wall
>will act like a giant molecular sieve -- letting water
>flow but capturing any strontium 90 molecules.
>o   Federal officials are watching the project closely and
>might apply it to help restore water quality at many
>other nuclear waste sites.
> Those involved say the results should be evident by the spring.
> The total cost of the project is estimated to be less than $1.5
> million -- far less than it would cost to pump and treat the
> water year after year.
> Source: Andrew C. Revkin, "It Works for Cats, and Maybe for
> Nuclear Waste," New York Times, February 24, 2000.
> For text
> http://www.nytimes.com/00/02/24/news/national/regional/ny-litter.html
> For more on the Environment go to
> http://www.ncpa.org/pi/enviro/envdex1.html

Integrity has no need of rules. -Albert Camus (1913-1960)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said
it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your
own reason and your common sense." --Buddha
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that
prevents us from living freely and nobly. -Bertrand Russell
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
"Everyone has the right...to seek, receive and impart
information and ideas through any media and regardless
of frontiers." Universal Declaration of Human Rights
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
"Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will
teach you to keep your mouth shut." Ernest Hemingway
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Forwarded as information only; no endorsement to be presumed
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expressed a prior interest in receiving this type of information
for non-profit research and educational purposes only.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Skeptic News - Thursday #1

2000-02-24 Thread Ric Carter

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

SkeptiNews 000224a - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

* Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
* PLEASE do NOT include the ENTIRE bulletin when you reply; cut/paste, eh?
* Portal to announcements, disclaimers, more: http://skepticon.pitas.com
* No invisible companions were harmed during production of this bulletin.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ Scissors... http://www.armchair.mb.ca/~scissors/scissorcelebs.html
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Another Hoax? I Shot at a UFO! SAN FRANCISCO -- On the evening of Super
  Bowl Sunday 2000, I looked up and saw a huge triangular object hovering
  above my boat with NO sound. I was hit by a beam of white light and fell
  backward. I grabbed my Ruger 10-22 rifle loaded with a 100 round banana
  magazine and stared firing as fast as I could until the clip was empty.
  The Triangle flew off to the south. http://www.caus.org/mu022400.htm

@ Call For A New Understanding Of UFOs: http://www.caus.org/mc022400.htm
@ UFO Debunking Versus Counterintelligence. To the pro-ufologist, debunking
  and counterintelligence (CI) efforts are seen as the greatest hindrances
  to legitimate research. The two terms are frequently used as synonyms.
  In fact, they are two very distinct operations, and from two sources:
  govt and civilians. http://eserver.org/cyber/debunk.txt

: Would you rather debunk/welcome/study/shoot/control/evade UFOs? Are UFOs
and their debunking both parts of Multiple-User Shared Hallucinations? Are
all realities? Have you hoaxed any MUSHs lately? Have they shot back? When?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# CIA: Beware Russia, China cyberthreat. Forget the Cold War -- that's so
  passe! Congress is told that archrivals are developing tools to attack
  commercial computer networks in the US. Is Pentagon planning retaliation?

# FBI Issues 'Routine' Terror-Threat Advisory - Cites Waco, Oklahoma City,
  World Trade Center Anniversaries - it's firebombing season again, eh?

: Would you rather be attacked physically/virtually by (dis)organized forces
or unseen divine/demonic powers? D'ya prefer nuclear/biological/chemical/el-
ectronic/digital/neural warfare? D'ya feel threatened? Will you retaliate??

# BioWar Fears Misplaced, Harvard prof sez. (U-WIRE) CAMBRIDGE, Mass. --
  Should Americans be afraid of an attack with biological weapons? The
  country is in no grave danger of germ warfare from abroad, according to
  one Harvard professor who says the media tends to exaggerate the threat
  & inflate popular fears. http://news.excite.com/news/uw/000223/health-33
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Copts of Egypt strive to preserve early Christian legacy; Pope visits amid
  strained ties with Muslims. CAIRO (AP) Copts are generally free to pray in
  churches redolent with incense & resounding with ancient hymns, & to work
  & go to school with other Egyptians. But communal violence highlights the
  simmering problems that undermine attempts to unify Egypt into a mosaic of
  faiths & peoples. http://deseretnews.com/dn/view/0,1249,150015399,00.html?

# Pope begins Middle East pilgrimages - plans to burn bush on Mt. Sinai:
# Also: Egypt awaits, prepares for pope - ritual sacrifices of pagans:
# Pope hails Egypt as a cradle of learning - but that was long ago:

: Has your belief system conquered any territory lately? D'ya prefer to hold
physical/virtual space, both, neither? If you've got'em by the balls, will
their hearts & minds follow? Have you persecuted any non-believers lately??

@ History of the Conquest of Mexico: http://www.bbslaguna.com.mx/Conquest/
@ THE GREEN BOOK by Mu`ammar al-Qadhafi. Solution to Problems of Democracy:
  The Authority of the People: http://eserver.org/govt/the-green-book.txt
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Web Watch from Swatch, Sega. A new watch using Sega's Dreamcast home video
  game console and a Swatch watch with wireless communications features will
  soon connect wrists to the Web. Next: electronic brain-body shackles, eh?

# Nanocircuits Coming Soon As Silicon Chips Near Theoretical Limit - is
  quantum cobalt the next magic brew? http://www.msnbc.com/news/365474.asp
# 404s Are Sexy!!! http://www.wired.com/news/culture/0,1284,34510,00.html

: Are you totally wired yet? Are you completely covered with netted wearable
appliances? Are they convenient, necessary, holy, digestible? Is disconnec-
tion equivalent to capital punishment? Are you a dead-link necrophiliac??

# SCORE ONE FOR THE BLIND. [ via http://www.artsjournal.com/ ] New software
  allows instant trans

Re: [CTRL] JW to RP on SS

2000-02-24 Thread Alamaine

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

'Reader beware' .. although many articles are writtem by as many reputable
people as not, each must be evaluated on its own merits.  As in the
hard/softbound media -- or perhaps more so -- the I-Net offers a lot of good
stuff and a lot of bogusciousness.  However, even the least known source may
have the 'correct' perspective, information, whathaveyou, yet when there are
not a lot of $$$ associated with the name, the source may be discounted.  And
the converse it true as well -- $$$ don't mean nuthin' except a highly placed
messenger.  A<>E<>R

> What the last message had to say was very informative, and right. I agree
> whole heartedly, but the one thing I didn't understand was the end of CTRL
> disclaimer at the bottom of the letter. Caveat LectorIs it
> possible to receive a translation. ty

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Geo-Political Implications of Kosovaria

2000-02-24 Thread Alamaine

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

>From antiwar.com

Geo-Political Implications of NATO Intervention in Kosovo
Testimony by Dr. Srdja Trifkovic
Standing Committee on
Foreign Affairs and International Trade
House of Commons, Ottawa
February 17, 2000

The war waged by NATO against Yugoslavia in 1999 marks a significant turning
point, not only for America and NATO but also for "the West" as a whole. The
principle of state sovereignty, and of the rule of law itself, has been
subverted in the name of an allegedly humanitarian ideology. Facts have been
converted into fiction, and even the fictions invoked to justify the act are
giving up all pretense to credibility. Old systems for the protection of
national liberties, political, legal and economic, have now been subverted into
vehicles for their destruction.

But so far from demonstrating the vigor of Western ruling elites in their
ruthless pursuit of an ideology of multi-ethnic democracy and international
human rights, the whole Balkan entanglement may be as a disturbing revelation
of those ruling elites’ moral and cultural decay. I shall therefore devote my
remarks to the consequences of the war for the emerging new international
system, and – ultimately – for the security and stability of the Western world
itself. Almost a decade separated ‘Desert Storm’ from ‘Humanitarian Bombing.’

In 1991 the Maastricht Treaty was signed, and the rest of the decade has
brought the gradual usurpation of traditional European sovereignty by a
corporate-controlled Brussels regime of unelected bureaucrats who now feel bold
enough to tell Austria how to run its domestic affairs. On this side of the
ocean we had the passage of NAFTA and in 1995 the Uruguay round of GATT gave us
the WTO. The nineties were thus a decade of gradual foundation laying for the
new international order.

The denigration of sovereign nationhood hypnotized the public into applauding
the dismantling of the very institutions that offered the only hope of
representative empowerment. The process is sufficiently far advanced for
President Clinton to claim ("A Just and Necessary War," NYT, May 23, 1999)
that, had it not bombed Serbia, "NATO itself would have been discredited for
failing to defend the very values that give it meaning." The war was in fact
both unjust and unnecessary, but the significance of Mr. Clinton’s statement is
in that he has openly declared null and void the international system in
existence ever since the Peace of Westphalia (1648).

It was an imperfect and often violated system, but nevertheless it provided the
basis for international discourse from which only the assorted red and black
totalitarians have openly deviated. Since 24 March 1999 this is being replaced
by the emerging Clinton Doctrine, a carbon copy of the Brezhnev doctrine of
limited sovereignty that supposedly justified the Soviet-led occupation of
Czechoslovakia in 1968. Like his Soviet predecessor, Mr. Clinton used an
abstract and ideologically loaded notion – that of universal "human rights" –
as the pretext to violate the law and tradition.

The Clinton Doctrine is rooted in the bipartisan hubris of Washington’s foreign
policy "elite," tipsy on its own heady brew of the "world’s last and only
superpower." Legal formalities are passé, and moral imperatives – never
sacrosanct in international affairs – are replaced by a cynical exercise in
situational morality, dependent on an actor’s position within the superpower ’s
value system. And so imperial high-mindedness is back, but in a new form. Old
religion, national flags and nationalist rivalry play no part.

But the yearning for excitement and importance, that took the British to
Peking, Kabul and Khartoum, the French to Fashoda and Saigon, and the Americans
to Manila, has now re-emerged. As a result a war was waged on an independent
nation because it refused foreign troops on its soil. All other justifications
are post facto rationalizations. The powers that waged that war have aided and
abetted secession by an ethnic minority, secession that – once formally
effected – will render many European borders tentative. In the context of any
other European nation the story would sound surreal.

The Serbs, however, have been demonized to the point where they must not
presume to be treated like others. But the fact that the West could do anything
it chose to the Serbs does not explain why it should. It is hardly worth
refuting, yet again, the feeble excuses for intervention. "Humanitarian"
argument has been invoked. But what about Kashmir, Sudan, Uganda, Angola,
Sierra Leone, Sri Lanka, Algeria? Properly videotaped and Amanpourized, each
would be good for a dozen "Kosovos".

There was no "genocide," of course. Compared to the killing fields of the Third
World Kosovo was an unremarkable, low-intensity conflict, uglier perhaps than
Northern Ireland a decade ago, but much less so than Kurdistan. A total of
2,108 fatalities on all sides in Kosovo until June

[CTRL] Fwd: [MC] THE JUPITER-SATURN LINK to Presidential Assassinations

2000-02-24 Thread Kris Millegan

ps-I'm filing this for the record. A.
THE JUPITER-SATURN LINK to Presidential Assassinations

SINCE 1894, A SITTING PRESIDENT HAD DIED or been assassinated
during the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction which occurs every twenty years.
President Ronald Reagan may have broken the pattern when he survived the
assassination attempt on his life. Hopefully, this is true because the next
Jupiter-Saturn conjunction occurs this May/June of 2000 in the sign
of Taurus and involves the presidential term of President Clinton.

  Presidential Terms affected by Conjunction

1840: Aquarius William Henry Harrison---died of pneumonia.
1860: Aquarius Abraham Lincoln---died in office from assassination
1880: Virgo James A Garfield---died in office from assassination
1900: Aquarius William McKinley---died in office from assassination
1920: Scorpio Warren G. Harding---died in office from pneumonia
1940: Aquarius Franklin D. Roosevelt---died of cerebral hemorrhage
1960: Gemini John F. Kennedy---died in office from assassination
1980: Aquarius Ronald Reagan--- "assassination attempt"
2000: Leo William J. Clinton---Impeachment  occurred, often
  considered a "professional" death?

A BREAK IN THE CHAIN of deadly coincidences appears to have occurred
 during the Reagan administration when the assassination attempt was
 unsuccessful. Some have suggested that Ronald Reagan has never been the
 same since that attempt. Still he survives to this day .The turning point
 coincides with the first time (since 1842) that the conjunction occurred
in an Air Sign instead of an Earth sign.

 When the conjunction changes its element (from earth to air etc.) it has
 traditionally been called The Great Mutation* The conjunction of 2000
 returns to an earth sign (Taurus) affecting President Clinton's
 administration.Then in the year 2020 it will move to Air sign, Aquarius.

   The term of a sitting president can range from four to eight years so
we must
 consider up to an eight-year termwithin which the Jupiter-Saturn
 can fall. Still the synchronicity is formidable and cannot be brushed
aside casually.

  According to noted astrologer Liz Greene:*In medieval and Renaissance
 astrology, the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction is always considered to herald
a change in rulership-the death of a king and an interregnum of chaos and
the emergence of a new king.
   Grand Mutation
Signs of the Times :

 Although there will still be some turbulent shocks and intense
 jolts this year there will be even more stretches of peace and calm
 as well. The massive alignment
 of planets inTaurus this May suggests a possible peak in
 material and earthly abundance. It can also suggest more intense
Earthquakes, Volcanoes and strange earthly disturbances. More
than at any other time the environment will beg for our attention
 and we will feel the urgent need to protect the global atmosphere.
The computer will take center stage as never before, for better and
  for worse.

The above was Excerpted from,
and look near bottom of page for YOUR SIGN.

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[CTRL] JARDINE MATHESON & CO. - The Firm and its Partners

2000-02-24 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

an  from:
British Trade and the Opening of China 18—1842
Michael breenberg
Cambridge University Press
Carlyle Press 1951
Cambridge University Press 1969
SBN 52100777405
238 pps. – Reprint – Out-of-print

A. The Firm and its Partners


1782Cox and ReidJ. H. Cox, Daniel Beale (& John Reid)

1787Cox and Beale   Daniel and Thomas Beale

1799Hamilton and Reid  Robert Hamilton, David Reid, Thomas Beale,
and Beale Shank

1800Reid and Beale  Reid, Beale and Shank (Hamiltonhas died)

1801Reid Beale & Co.Reid goes home, Charles Magniaccomes out to China

1803Beale and MagniacBeale, Shank and Magniac

1811Beale & Co.   Hollingworth Magniac arrives

1817Shank and MagniacBeale leaves the firm on account of his personal

1819Charles Magniac & Co.  Shank has died; partners are now Charles and.
  Hollingworth Magniac In
1823 Daniel Magniac becomes a


1824 Magniac & Co.  Charles Magniac goes home. 1825
William Jardine joins the firm. 1827
Hollingworth Magniac goes home
but remains a sleeping partner. 1827
James Matheson joins the firm. 1828
Daniel Magniac leave the firm

1832 Jardine Matheson & Co. William Jardine and James Matheson

1819 James Matheson joins Robert Taylor, who died 1820

1821-7 Yrissari & Co.   F. X. de Yrissari and J. Matheson

1827 Matheson & Co. James and Alexander Matheson, who then join Magniac: &
Co., James as partner

1819-23 William Jardine is loosely associated in business with T.
Weeding, Lon- don, and Framjee Cowasjee,
Bombay, but remains a free agent, in which capacity he
begins to do opium business for Magniac & Co.

1825W. Jardine joins Magniac & Co.


Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] The Power Elite

2000-02-24 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

an excerpt from:
The Power Elite
C. Wright Mills
Oxford University Press©1956
LCCN 56-5427
423 pps. -- Reprint1969-2 --
A Classic.

The Constitution of the United States was constructed in fear of a powerful
military establishment The President a civilian, was declared
commander-in-chief of all the armed forces,, and during war, of the state
militia's as well. Only Congress could declare war, or vote funds for
military use-and for only two years at a time. The individual states
maintained their own militia, separate and apart from the national
establishment. There was no provision for a flow of advice from military to
civilian chiefs. If there were provisions for violence in the constitution,
they were reluctant provisions, and the agents of violence were held to a
strictly instrumental role.

After the revolutionary generation, the upper classes were not of a military
stamp; the American elite did not systematically include among its members
high-ranking military figures; it developed no firm tradition of military
service; prestige was not rendered to military servants. The ascendancy of
economic over military men in the sphere of 'honor' was made quite apparent
when, during the Civil War, as indeed up to World War I, the hiring of a
substitute for the draft was not looked down upon. Military men, accordingly,
on their often isolated posts along the old internal frontier, did not enter
the higher circles of the nation.

No matter what hardships, and they were often severe, were encountered by
those who crossed the hemisphere and no matter how military their expeditions
and communities—and in many ways they were for considerable periods
definitely camps of war—still those who headed the nation were not stamped
with the military mind and the military outlook.

And yet, considering the whole of United States history, we are confronted
with a rather curious situation: we are told that we have never been and are
not a militarist nation, that in fact we distrust the military experience,
yet we note that the Revolution led to the ascendancy of General Washington
to the Presidency, and that there were bids among certain rejected officers,
in the Order of Cincinnati, to form a military council and install a
mili-tarist king. Then too, frontier battling and skirmishes had some-thing
to do with the political success of Generals Jackson, Harri-son, and Taylor
in the Mexican War. And there was also the Civil War, which was long and
bloody and split American society across the middle, leaving scars that still
remain much in evidence. Civilian authority, on both sides, remained in
control through it and after it, but it did lead to the ascendancy of General
Grant to the Presidency, which became a convenient front for economic
interests. All the Presidents from Grant through McKinley, with the
exceptions of Cleveland and Arthur, were Civil War officers, although only
Grant was a professional. And again, with the little Spanish-American War, we
note that the roughest, toughest of them all-perhaps because he was not a
professional-Theodore Roosevelt-emerged in due course in the White House. In
fact, about half of the thirty-three men who have been President of the
United States have had military experience of some sort; six have been career
officers; nine have been generals.

>From Shays' Rebellion to the Korean War there has been no period of any
length without official violence. Since 1776, in fact, the United States has
engaged in seven foreign wars, a four-year Civil War, a century of running
battles and skirmishes with Indians, and intermittent displays of violence in
China, and in subjugating the Caribbean and parts of Central America.* All of
these occurrences may have been generally regarded as nuisances interferring
with the more important business at hand, but, at the very least, it must be
said that violence as a means and even as a value is just a little bit
ambiguous in American life and culture.
[* In 1935, the editors of Fortune wrote: "It is generally supposed that the
American military ideal is peace. But unfortunately for this highschool
classic, the U.S. Army, since 1776, has filched more square miles of the
earth by sheer military conquest than any army in the world, except only that
of Great Britain. And as between Great Britain and the U.S. it has been a
close race, Britain having conquered something over 3,500,000 square miles
since that date, and the U.S. (if one includes wresting the Louisiana
Purchase from the Indians) something over 3,100,000. The English-speaking
people have done themselves proud in this regard.'[4]]

 The clue to this ambiguity lies in this fact: historically, there has been
plenty of violence, but a great deal of it has been directly performed by
'the people! Military force has been decentralized in state militia almost to
a feudal point. Military institutions, with few exceptions, have paralleled
the sc

[CTRL] Davidian Admits Firing On Agents!!!

2000-02-24 Thread William Shannon

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Report: Davidian admits firing at agents
Thursday, 24 February 2000 15:14 (ET)

Report: Davidian admits firing at agents
 SAN ANTONIO, Feb. 24 (UPI) -- For the first time, a Branch Davidian
survivor of the 1993 shootout near Waco has admitted firing at two of the
four Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms agents killed in the gunfight.

 Livingstone Fagan made the admission in a desposition taken by a
government lawyer in a wrongful-death lawsuit filed by Branch Davidian
survivors over the deadly 51-day siege, the San Antonio Express-News
reported Thursday. Fagan said he shot at ATF agents on the roof of the Mount
Carmel building during the gunfight on the first day of the standoff. A
heavily armed team of ATF agents was attempting to serve search warrants for
alleged illegal firearms at the Davidian compound.

 Fagan was convicted in 1994 of manslaughter and a weapons charge and is
serving a 40-year prison sentence in federal prison. During the San Antonio
trial, Fagan and 10 other accused Davidians did not take the witness stand.
None ever admitted firing on the agents, until now.

 Fagan said the shooting in which he was involved on that day was not the
one for which he was convicted in the trial. In the Feb. 1 deposition, Fagan
told a federal civil lawyer during the interview at an Allenwood, Pa.,
federal prison that he fired in self-defense.

 "Your government murdered people who were very dear to me," he said.

 When asked if he had fired at the ATF agents, Fagan said he "responded."

 When asked if he hit any of them, Fagan said, "I don't know specifically,
because I assume that there were others, too, that were firing then."

 Two of  the ATF agents, Todd McKeeham, 28, and Conway LeBleu, 34, both
from the New Orleans bureau, were killed on the roof.

 Fagan was not at Mount Carmel on April 19, 1993, when more than 80
Davidians died in a fire that consumed the building as the FBI was pouring
tear gas inside. He surrendered March 22, he said, because Davidian leader
David Koresh asked him to be a spokesman.

 The trial of the wrongful-death lawsuit is scheduled in May in federal
court at Waco, Texas.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] 100 Million Children Grow Up Alone

2000-02-24 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic, Secretary General

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

The Committee for National Solidarity
Tolstojeva 34, 11000 Belgrade, YU

Poverty, war, AIDS force 100 million children to
grow up alone, UNICEF says

February 23, 2000
Web posted at: 10:35 p.m. EST (0335 GMT)

In this story:

Campaign highlights plight of children
AIDS killed 2 million in 1998
Effects of war on the young

>From staff and wire reports

LONDON -- More than 100 million children have to fend for themselves because
of poverty,
war and the loss of their parents from AIDS, says the United Nations
Children's Fund

"Be it in the West or the developing world, we are confronting grave
problems in the violation
of children's rights," Carol Bellamy, head of UNICEF, said Wednesday. "We
want to put a face
on this crisis, rather than just have people feel sorry for the little

The UN organization is calling for governments and
international organizations to help poorer countries invest
more in health and education as part of a campaign to
protect those at risk of missing childhood.

Whether orphaned by disease, abused by adults or stolen for profit, the
world's children are
increasingly growing up without the love and security of a family and
outside the protection of
the state -- and are denied the basic rights due to any child, the
organization says.

Campaign highlights plight of children

   To draw attention to the plight of children, UNICEF'S
   UK Committee on Wednesday launched an 18-month
   campaign, Growing Up Alone: the hidden cost of
   disease, poverty and war.

   The first part of the campaign was the publication of a
   report on the hidden cost of poverty. Two more
   reports, on the effects on children of HIV/AIDS and
   war, will be published by UNICEF during the next 18

   The report released Wednesday says poverty is the
   major cause of children facing a future alone.

   "It is estimated there are more than 3 billion people in
   the world who live on less than $2 a day," Bellamy
   said. "Half of these are children and half of those are
   living on less than $1 a day."

   Such poverty takes a toll on children's health and
ability to attend school, Bellamy said. These children often become ones who
are most
exploited, she said.

Examples cited by the UNICEF UK committee's report include a baby abandoned
on a
doorstep; a child lost after the parents have fled their home; a girl sent
to perform menial work
in someone else's household; a boy with a one-way ticket into town; a
teenager in detention.

Such children are regularly found in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Central
and Eastern
Europe, the report said.

"Their aloneness is a child rights emergency every bit as serious as the
neglect, abandonment
and exploitation which children growing up alone frequently experience," the
report said.

"It is just as common and just as pernicious, although often obscured by
atrocities and other
gross abuses of child rights that attract instant attention."

AIDS killed 2 million in 1998

On the effects of AIDS on children, Bellamy said, "AIDS is turning
sub-Saharan Africa into a
killing field." She said war had killed 200,000 people in the region in
1998, while AIDS had
claimed 2 million lives the same year.

The UN report said that 13 million children would be orphaned by the end of
this year as a
result of AIDS.

"When AIDS strikes a family breadwinner, his or her income dries up and the
family quickly
slides into poverty as they struggle to pay for medicines and health care,"
the report said.

A downward economic spiral sets in, the report said, as children are forced
to leave school to
support the family. Children affected by AIDS not only have to deal with the
loss of their
parents to the disease, but also must cope with the trauma of social
isolation -- because of the
fear and stigma that surrounds the disease, the report said.

"Many children are bringing up younger brothers and sisters alone, without
support and sadly
many of them will also become ill," the report said.

Effects of war on the young

An estimated 300,000 children are engaged as child soldiers, Bellamy said,
adding that girls are
often employed as sex slaves.

"The children, even when they're not participating as soldiers, are moved on
or forced from
their communities," Bellamy said. "It has enormous psychological as well as
physical impact on

The UNICEF UK committee said that in the 1990s 1 million children were
separated from their
families because of war.

In Afghanistan, for example, children are "witnesses to horrors we don't
want to talk about,"
said Louis-Georges Arsenault, the UNICEF representative for Afghanistan.

"It will be a long time before we can support these children, before they
can have some sort of
normal life," Arsenault added.

   Correspondent Margaret Lowrie and Reuters contributed to this

[CTRL] Information on Eugenics movement needed

2000-02-24 Thread auto44450

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-


I've recently gotten interested in Eugenics, and I'm hoping people will
have information to share. I'm interested in the development of the movement,
 mainly in the US, but also Europe if it's relevant to people in US.

I'm interested in looking into connections between the US and Nazi Eugenics,
 such as Rockefeller's Standard Oil, which had partnerships with I.G. Farben,
 the company that built and ran Auschwitz, and any Rockefeller/Harriman
involvement with the movement. I'm also interested in the current state
of the Eugenics movement around the world - major players, organizations,
 funding, etc.

If there are connections to GW Bush, either through family or sympathy,
as may be the case with Bob Roberts University or Skull & Bones, for example,
 I would like to hear about them, but they're not the main focus.

I think I should make clear that I am only really interested in factual,
 documentable information - anything which is blatantly biased or has a
strong political agenda is of less value to me. Information, or direction
on how to find it, which is directly attributable to various Eugenics organizations
would be very helpful.

Thanks in advance to anyone willing to help - it is very much appreciated.
Please reply to this hushmail address:



And by the way, if you don't know about hushmail, it might be worth checking
out - www.hushmail.org. I don't use it to be anonymous with you all, but
with all the talk of Echelon and email filtering, it just seemed like a
good idea given the massive amount of potential "keywords" this list generates.

IMPORTANT NOTICE:  If you are not using HushMail, this message could have been read 
easily by the many people who have access to your open personal email messages.
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Chemtrails Disclosed By Official Source

2000-02-24 Thread lloyd

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 -Cui Bono?-


>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
Conspiracy Shopping Cart: http://a-albionic.com/shopping.html

From: Douglas Walker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Dr Byron Weeks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Chemtrails Disclosed By Official Source
Date: Saturday, February 19, 2000 2:18 AM

More information on the chemtrails in the atmosphere.

Douglas Walker

Shop for Cars On-Line:  http://a-albionic.com/ads/srch.html

Forwarded for info and discussion from the New Paradigms Discussion List,
not necessarily endorsed by:
Lloyd Miller, Research Director for A-albionic Research (POB 20273,
Ferndale, MI 48220), a ruling class/conspiracy research resource for the
entire political-ideological spectrum.  Quarterly journal, book sales,
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and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
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2000-02-24 Thread Kris Millegan


A rare event occurred on the BBC on the 4th. of February 2000 - Radio 4
outlined the way in which the British people were conned into membership of
the EEC, which was sold to them with politicians telling lies and media spin.

The EEC or EUropean Economic Community better known as 'The Common Market',
for which the British electorate narrowly voted, was eventually scrapped
without any further consultation and turned into the overtly political
EUropean Union in 1994.

The aim to turn the EEC via the EU into a EUropean Super State was always the
intention and this was known to the politicians when they lied to the British
electorate to con them into signing the Treaty of Rome. Although it was
stated in the Treaty it was never told to the electorate in Britain, nor was
it in the white paper.

If you want more details of the spin and con the government of the time was
involved in see the attachment hereto.

Good luck & if I can help you in your efforts in defence of the British
peoples and our Nation or the rights and freedoms of any peoples against the
EU, NAFTA, WTO, IMF, OWG, NWO  etc. please just ask. Do visit our shop, if
you are ever in the area, we are open from 10.30ish. till 5.30pm., 6 days a


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Do Visit Our Web Site:

ALSO DO Visit the Web Sites:

"To achieve One World Government it is necessary to remove from the minds of
men their individualism, their loyalty to family traditions and national
Brock Chisholm, when director of UN World Health Organisation

 BBC Radio 4 feb 2000.rtf

[CTRL] Fwd: USA: Fatal Attraction -- Texas Leads US Executions, Florida Follows

2000-02-24 Thread DIG alfred webre

* News Release Issued by the International Secretariat of Amnesty
International *
News Service 037/00
AIindex: AMR 51/32/00
24 February 2000

Fatal Attraction -- Texas Leads US Executions, Florida Follows

With three executions in Texas and Florida in the past 24 hours, and a
fourth scheduled this evening in Texas, the brothers Bush -- Governors
of the two states -- are allowing the USA to stray further from
international standards, and deepening the damage to US claims to be a
progressive force for human rights, Amnesty International said today.

"As the world increasingly turns its back on the death penalty, as
illustrated by Tuesday’s overwhelming vote for abolition in the
Ukrainian parliament, Texas continues to lead the USA’s resort to
judicial killing, with Florida apparently desperate to imitate it," the
organization said.

Texas accounts for eight of the 17 US executions so far in the new
century, and 207 of the 615 since 1977.

Yesterday morning, Florida executed its first prisoner by lethal
injection under a bill signed into law in January by Governor Jeb Bush.
A second man was put to death this morning.

The State of Florida leads the country in the number of wrongfully
convicted death row prisoners released since 1973, yet Governor Jeb Bush
enacted measures in January to speed up executions there. On 31 January,
in contrast, the pro-death penalty Republican Governor of Illinois
imposed a moratorium on executions in his state because of its
"shameful" record of sentencing the innocent to death. Illinois has
released 13 former death row inmates, Florida 18.

At the time of the Florida legislature’s vote to expedite executions and
introduce lethal injection, Governor Jeb Bush’s policy advisor expressed
the hope that Florida would become more like Texas, adding "bring in the
witnesses, put them [the inmates] on a gurney, and let’s rock and roll."

"A desire to imitate the Texan approach to the death penalty displays
either ignorance or contempt for global norms of justice," Amnesty
International continued, pointing out that Texas maintains appallingly
low standards of legal representation for capital defendants and has
carried out three of the world’s eight executions of child offenders in
the past 30 months -- a blatant violation of international law.

Last night, Texas executed Cornelius Goss, who became the 120th prisoner
put to death under the five-year governorship of George W. Bush,
campaigning for US President under a banner of "compassionate
conservative" and "reformer with results".

"Such campaign slogans have been emptied of meaning in the face of an
execution rate that exceeds most countries," Amnesty International said.
"With pretensions to be a leader on the world stage, Governor George W
Bush may wish to consider what his record on the death penalty is doing
to his reputation internationally."

Tonight Texas is set to execute mentally impaired great-grandmother
Betty Lou Beets. Betty Beets -- who is two weeks away from her 63rd
birthday -- was denied clemency on Tuesday evening by the Texas Board of
Pardons and Paroles. The jury that sentenced her to death never heard
about her history of physical, sexual and emotional abuse, including at
the hands of several husbands. She was convicted of killing her fifth

Amnesty International activists around the world have been appealing to
the two Governors to stop the executions and move away from a punishment
which is a symptom of, not a solution to, the culture of violence.

Amnesty International, International Secretariat, 1 Easton Street,
WC1X 8DJ, London, United Kingdom

You may repost this message onto other sources provided the main
text is not altered in any way and both the header crediting
Amnesty International and this footer remain intact. Only the
list subscription message may be removed.

* News Release Issued by the International Secretariat of Amnesty
International *
News Service 037/00
AIindex: AMR 51/32/00
24 February 2000

Fatal Attraction -- Texas Leads US Executions, Florida Follows

With three executions in Texas and Florida in the past 24 hours, and a
fourth scheduled this evening in Texas, the brothers Bush -- Governors
of the two states -- are allowing the USA to stray further from
international standards, and deepening the damage to US claims to be a
progressive force for human rights, Amnesty International said today.

"As the world increasingly turns its back on the death penalty, as
illustrated by Tuesday’s overwhelming vote for abolition in the
Ukrainian parliament, Texas continues to lead the USA’s resort to
judicial killing, with Florida apparently desperate to imitate it," the
organization said.

Texas accounts for eight of the 17 US executions so far in the new
century, and 207 of the 615 since 1977.

Yesterday morning, Florida executed its first prisoner by leth

[CTRL] Fwd: Another tentacle in this bizarre situation

2000-02-24 Thread Kris Millegan

Several people who would be testifying as to what really happened in the
Pan Am 103 crash have either been falsely charged and put in prison,or
met mysterious deaths. I have been in touch with these peopole for seveal
years, and have received a great deal of data from them. For instance:

    Lester Coleman, a respected newsman who became an undercover
operative for the Defense Intelligence Agency and worked in Beirut and
Nicosia, became aware of a drug smuggling operation using Pan Am aircraft
out of Frankfurt. He worked part of the time in the DEA Nicosia office
where he learned about this drug smuggling operation involving CIA, DEA
personnal and Lebanese and Syrian drug smugglers. He gave an affidavit
to Pan Am's attorney explaining what he discovered, and was promptly charged,
falsely, by Justice Department personnel He was first charged with using
a false passport--given to him for his undercover operation. After that
charge was eliminated, and there is a story behind that, he made known
that he would be testifying in the case against the Libyans, and this was
promptly followed by another charge, for which he is now incarcerated.

Former Mossad operative and head of an international security firm in New
York, Juval Aviv, was hired by Pan Am attorneys to find out how the bomb
got on the plane. He came up with similar information and made a report.
Justice Department prosecutors then filed false charges against him. Fortunately,
the jury wasn't the usual ignorant mass that believed everything the prosecutor
said, and they acquited him in about an hour's time.

Alan Francovich, a European investigator and documentary film producer,
who produced the film about Lockerbie, The Maltese Doublecross, was returning
to the United States with documents showing the Justice Department coverups
and false prosecution against Coleman. He suffered a heart attack upon
entering Customs in the United States and the documents disappeared. A
private atopsy reportedly found several needle marks on the back of his

Many of these mattes are detailed in the third edition of Defrauding America.
Rodney Stich
Chris Olsson wrote:
>The testimony of FBI White Knights isn’t likely
to play well in Europe. It
>shouldn’t be accepted anywhere. The FBI leadership knows that recorded
>interviews are the best evidence of what was said - and that they
>easily record all of their interviews.
It is important to remember that the PA103 trial is under the evidentiary
of Scots Law, which may be somewhat different to its English/American
First of all, remember that an FBI agent is not recognised as a Policeman
by a
Scots Court.
Remember also that Hearsay evidence is not admissible to a Scots Court.
Remember too that uncorroborated evidence is not admissible to a Scots
Now let's take a hypothetical example, exaggerated for the purpose of
Let's say an FBI agent has a witness "statement", on a Form 302 or
whatever, in
which a witness declares that he saw Osama Bin Laden put an object,
appeared to be a cluster of sticks of dynamite with wires leading to
an alarm
clock, into a suitcase at Heathrow Terminal 3 and place the suitcase
onto the
baggage checkin belt of a PanAm checkin station.  You might think
that this
would be important evidence in the trial of a suspect accused of bombing
aeroplane, but in fact this evidence would be declared inadmissible
to a Scots
Court.  Firstly, because the FBI agent is not recognised as a
cop, his evidence
is nothing more than hearsay.  The FBI guy merely heard someone
say that xyz
occurred. The agent himself did not witness Laden putting something
into a bag,
so the agent's "evidence" isn't worth a hill of beans.  
Secondly, unless there
is corroboration of the witness's evidence, such as a second person
who saw the
same thing or a security video tape showing the same thing, then the
evidence is inadmissible in a Scottish Court.  The FBI guy's "evidence"
of a
Form 302 is completely worthless.
The only way the Crown Office (Prosecution) could convert the worthless
crap into useful ammunition against a defendant would be to send Scottish
police officers to interview the witnesses and obtain proper Statements. 
Scottish jurisdiction a witness can be compelled to make a statement,
penalty of Contempt of Court charges if the witness refuses to do so. 
The only
exception to this rule is that no-one can be compelled to say something
he or she has reason to believe would incriminate him/herself.
It is vital to understand that in Scots Law a witness statement *MUST*
be in
the witness's own words.
There is a distinction is Scots Law between statements and precognitions.
statement is in the witness's own words; a precognition is the record
kept by
someone else of what the witness says. Only a statement can be put
to a witness
at trial. So, if a witness says something completely different in evidence
under oath from what was said in

[CTRL] Cyber-attack tool appears in Windows-run systems

2000-02-24 Thread Bill Kingsbury

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-


 Cyber-attack tool appears in Windows-run systems

 United Press International - February 23, 2000 16:34

 WASHINGTON, Feb. 23 (UPI) -- The FBI Wednesday was continuing
 to warn of a troubling new development in the fight against
 cyber-attacks, such as the ones that crippled some of the most
 popular sites on the Internet earlier this month.

 For the first time, the tools used to launch such attacks have
 been found on computer systems using later versions of Windows.
 Warnings about the tools, which can be found "in the wild" on
 the Internet, were first posted on the Web site of the National
 Infrastructure Protection Center on Dec. 30. NIPC is a
 multi-agency unit headquartered in the FBI in Washington, and
 is the government's front-line defense against cyber-attacks.

 But those early warnings involved "distributed denial of
 service," or DDOS, tools that could be used to launch attacks
 against Solaris-run computers, not those using the more popular
 Windows operating system. Those earlier versions were used in
 this month's attacks.

 However, NIPC is now warning that new tools similar to the
 earlier "Trin00" and "Tribe Flood Network" have shown up on
 Windows systems.

 "NIPC determined that the tool was found on 16 Windows 98
 machines on a university network," the agency's latest advisory
 says. The advisory was posted last Friday, but is still
 available on the unit's Web site.

 The FBI did not give details, but the machines are believed to
 be in California.

 "Denial of service" attacks depend on "packets" or "daemons"
 being implanted into "victim" computer systems, turning them
 into "zombies." Scores or hundreds of such "zombie" computer
 systems can be made to launch an attack on a target without the
 knowledge of their operators.

 The "zombie" systems essentially send a flood of requests for
 information to the target Web site, but provide "spoofed" or
 phony return e-mail addresses, locking the sites up for hours
 in a futile attempt to answer the requests.

 NIPC says before they were nullified, the 16 "infected" Windows
 machines were communicating with each other, without the
 knowledge of their operators. The unit said it has already
 moved to counter the new threat, sending DDOS binaries to
 anti-virus vendors so they can modify their software.

 Meanwhile, the investigation into the attacks earlier this
 month is also continuing. An FBI spokeswoman said Wednesday
 that "leads have taken us to Canada," but declined further
 comment. A Clinton administration official outside the FBI
 confirmed that U.S. agents are working closely with the Royal
 Canadian Mounted Police in the hunt for possible suspects.

 Copyright 2000 by United Press International.
 All rights reserved.

 © 1997-1999 MarketWatch.com, Inc. All rights reserved.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Europeans colonised America in 28,000 BC

2000-02-24 Thread Bill Kingsbury

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-



 Europeans colonised America in 28,000 BC

 By Roger Highfield, Science Editor, in Washington DC
 UK Daily Telegraph ISSUE 1730 - Saturday 19 February 2000

 EUROPEANS colonised America up to 30,000 years ago, perhaps by
 crossing the Atlantic, according to a genetic analysis of
 native Americans that sheds light on their origins.

 By studying the DNA in "power packs" of cells called
 mitochondria, scientists can compare populations to reveal
 evidence of ancient migrations, the American Association for
 the Advancement of Science was told. Such work reveals four
 major lineages in native Americans which can be traced to
 Siberia and north-east Asia, notably in Baikal and Altai-Sayan.

 However, a fifth -- more minor -- founding lineage, called
 haplogroup X, can be traced to Europe, and is found in North
 American populations, said Dr Theodore Schurr of the Southwest
 Foundation for Biomedical Research in San Antonio, Texas. Dr
 Schurr said: "This is one of the intriguing findings that we
 have come across recently. These data imply that haplogroup X
 was present in the New World long before Europeans first
 arrived in the New World, before Columbus or the Vikings or
 anybody else."

 The find has led to some speculation that ancient people
 crossed the Atlantic from the Old World, because evidence of
 the group has not so far been found in Asia, though he stressed
 that not all central Asian groups had been analysed. Dr Schurr
 said: "Haplogroup X was brought to the New World by an ancient
 Eurasian population in a migratory event distinct from those
 bringing the other four lineages to the Americas."

 The haplogroup X occurs most among Algonkian-speaking groups
 such as the Ojibwa, and has been detected in two pre-Colombian
 north American populations. Today, haplogroup X is found in
 between two and four per cent of European populations, and in
 the Middle East, he said, particularly in Israel.

 The complex origins of the first Americans has also been
 highlighted by an analysis of thousands of skulls from around
 the world. A team of anthropologists from the University of
 Michigan found that the study confirmed the complex origins of
 Native Americans that have been suggested by recent
 archeological and genetic studies.

 Using comparisons of thousands of ancient and modern skulls,
 collected over a period of 20 years and containing new data
 from Mongolia that became accessible just last summer, Prof
 Loring Brace showed how the native inhabitants of the Western
 Hemisphere fit into several different groups based on
 craniofacial patterns. Their studies show that descendants of
 the first humans to enter the New World, including natives of
 Mexico, Peru, and the southern United States, have no obvious
 ties to any Asian groups. He said: "This could be because they
 have been separated from their Asian sources for the longest
 period of time."

 A second group -- including the Blackfoot, Iroquois, and other
 tribes from Minnesota, Michigan, Ontario, and Massachusetts --
 was descended from the Jomon, the prehistoric people of Japan.
 The Inuit appear to be a later branch from that same Jomon
 trunk. Tribal groups who lived down the eastern seaboard into
 Florida share this origin, according to prof Brace. Another
 group, originating in China and including the Athabascan-
 speaking people of the Yukon drainage of Alaska and north-west
 Canada, spread as far south as Arizona and northern Mexico.

 He said: "Their craniofacial configuration allies them more
 closely to the living Chinese than to any other population in
 either hemisphere."


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] U.S. Firms Aiding Iraqi Oil Industry

2000-02-24 Thread Bill Kingsbury

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-


 U.S. Firms Aiding Iraqi Oil Industry

 By Colum Lynch
 Special to The Washington Post
 Sunday, February 20, 2000 ; A23

 UNITED NATIONS, Feb. 17 -- Four years ago, when he was director of
 central intelligence, John M. Deutch headed up American efforts to
 overthrow Iraqi President Saddam Hussein. Today, Deutch sits on the
 board of Schlumberger Ltd., a multinational company that is helping
 Baghdad service its oil rigs.

 As secretary of defense during the Persian Gulf War, Richard B.
 Cheney played a key role in the U.S.-led military coalition that
 forced Iraq to retreat from Kuwait. But as chief executive officer
 of Halliburton Co., a Dallas-based maker of oil equipment, Cheney
 recently held a major stake in Dresser-Rand and Ingersoll-Dresser
 Pump Co., two American players in the reconstruction of Iraq's oil

 While the United States and Britain wage almost daily airstrikes
 against military installations in northern and southern Iraq, U.S.
 companies, executives and even some architects of American policy
 toward Iraq are doing business with Saddam Hussein's government and
 helping to rebuild its battered oil industry.

 Though perfectly legal, the growing U.S.-Iraqi commerce has been
 kept quiet by both sides because it seems to fly in the face of
 Washington's commitment to "regime change" in Baghdad and Saddam
 Hussein's claim to be defying the world's lone superpower. The
 United Nations also helps both countries avoid embarrassment by
 treating the business arrangements as confidential.

 The trade is permitted under the "oil for food" deal, a
 humanitarian exemption from the U.N. trade embargo imposed on Iraq
 after the 1990 invasion of Kuwait. It allows Iraq to sell oil and
 use the proceeds, under U.N. supervision, to purchase food,
 medicine and other humanitarian goods, as well as spare parts to
 keep the oil flowing.

 Placing bids through overseas subsidiaries and affiliates, more
 than a dozen U.S. firms have signed millions of dollars in
 contracts with Baghdad for oil-related equipment since the summer
 of 1998, according to diplomats, industry officials and U.N.

 "The United States is the cradle of the international oil
 industry," said James Placke, who tracks Persian Gulf oil
 production for Cambridge Energy Research Associates, a consulting
 firm. "A lot of the equipment in Iraq's oil industry was originally
 made in America, and if you want spare parts, you go back to the
 original supplier."

 Most U.S. oil companies have been prohibited by Baghdad from
 directly purchasing Iraqi crude since the United States bombed Iraq
 during Operation Desert Fox in December 1998. But Iraq nevertheless
 has emerged in the past year as the fastest growing source of U.S.
 oil imports, according to Larry Goldstein, president of the
 Petroleum Industry Research Foundation.

 American companies, he said, now purchase about 700,000 of the
 2 million barrels of oil exported daily by Iraq, mainly through
 foreign middlemen who load the Iraqi crude and transport it
 directly to American ports, primarily in the Gulf of Mexico.

 "The Chevrons and the Exxons of this world have to buy from the
 Russians, the French and the Chinese traders," said Goldstein. But,
 he added, "the U.S. spare parts industry is too dominant to ignore."

 After approving the oil-for-food exemption in 1996, the U.N.
 Security Council gradually raised the amount of oil Iraq was
 allowed to sell, and on Dec. 17 it removed the ceiling.

 In June 1998, the 15-nation Security Council voted to allow Iraq to
 buy up to $300 million in spare parts every six months. The council
 is considering a proposal to double that limit.

 According to U.S. government figures, American firms account for
 only a tiny share of the nearly $10 billion in trade that has been
 conducted under the oil-for-food exemption. U.S. citizens have
 received licenses to export about $15 million of oil-related spare
 parts and $400 million of food, medicine and water treatment
 equipment to Iraq, according to the State Department.

 But those figures do not count most products purchased by Iraq from
 American subsidiaries abroad. This indirect U.S.-Iraqi trade is
 tracked by the United Nations, which must approve all the
 contracts. But little information about it has been made public.

 The U.N. humanitarian program for Iraq maintains a Web site that
 lists contracts by number, with a brief description of the goods
 involved and the country -- but not the company -- selling them to
 Iraq. According to this, the United States has been responsible for
 only 2 out of 2,080 contracts for oil spare parts submitted to the
 United Nations for approval. France, China and Russia, by contrast,
 submitted a total of 746 contracts.

 America's real share of this trade, while unclear,


2000-02-24 Thread Bill Kingsbury

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

 [...] McCain attended the 1999 Bilderberg conference
 at the request of Henry Kissinger,
 and also met with the CFR
 along with John Kerry of BCCI scandal fame
 to suggest foreign policy priorities for campaign 2000. [...]

the above from:

GWB's Skull & Bones Connection: Soon to be a Major Motion Picture


The March 31 release of a new movie called The Skulls

Link to a related thread:


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] White House Project X

2000-02-24 Thread Bill Kingsbury

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-


 INSIGHT News Alert!

 Inside the White House Project X

 By Paul M. Rodriguez

 2/18/00 -- The Insight story about the "lost"
 White House e-mails has resurfaced in the news.
 Now, congressional and federal investigators are
 hot on the trail of an estimated 100,000
 electronic notes, but those same sleuths ought to
 be looking for the thousands of pages of White
 House telephone records also "found" but ignored.

 In December 1998 and January 1999 this magazine
 reported on the existence of the previously
 unknown White House e-mails accidentally turned up
 by a subcontractor (see "Trove of `Lost' E-Mails
 at White House," Dec. 28, 1998, and "Former Aide
 Fights White House on Abuse," Jan. 3). When
 informed of the discovery of the e-mails,
 including missives from Monica Lewinsky and many
 others, White House officials flew into a panic
 and quickly put a clamp on the revelation by
 effectively classifying the information. So secret
 was the existence of this smoking howitzer that
 the White House dubbed all work on it "Project X."

 Contractors were instructed to remain silent under
 penalty of law and an effort was undertaken to
 reconstruct the e-mails to determine how they
 compared with messages on other White House
 computers and whether the newly discovered
 electronic evidence had been subpoenaed and, if
 so, what vestiges of other copies might have been
 turned over to scandal investigators.

 A White House official told us in 1998 that, yes,
 it appeared that some of the Project X e-mails
 were duplicates but that others were new and/or
 unknown. The refrain "We'll get back to you" was
 played out with finesse, as were assurances
 Congress would look into the discovery.

 Specifically, Rep. Dan Burton, Indiana Republican
 and chairman of the House Government Reform and
 Oversight Committee, and Sen. Fred Thompson,
 Tennessee Republican and chairman of the Senate
 Governmental Affairs Committee, promised they'd
 look into the news alert! scoop and, well, would
 get back to us. That was two years ago.

 Fast forward to mid-February 2000 and a Washington
 Times story on the same lost e-mails. Suddenly, in
 a postimpeachment atmosphere, and amid a hot
 campaign season, Burton, Thompson and federal
 investigators again were promising to go after
 those electronic messages. Joe Lockhart, the
 adroit White House spokesman, tried to get by with
 labeling the story old news, reminding the world
 that Insight had broken it in 1998 -- and,
 besides, everything requested by the various
 investigators had been turned over long ago. Even
 President Clinton sang that refrain.

 But hold on: news alert! has learned that despite
 Insight's clear exposé, neither the Congress, the
 Justice Department Campaign Task Force nor the
 various independent counsels ever sought to obtain
 the telltale e-mails. Moreover, notwithstanding a
 companion story reported here in 1998 involving
 certain long-distance telephone records, the same
 investigating bodies also let those documents slip
 through their fingers when only a few were
 reviewed by the campaign task force.

 Whistle-blowers ask what's going on!

 Unlike the e-mails, to which the White House could
 delay access for months by claiming they were
 insignificant or already turned over to
 investigators, the discovery of the long-distance
 telephone records cannot be obfuscated. And here's
 why: In response to all those subpoenas over the
 years by all those investigating bodies, the White
 House always maintained that it had no telephone
 records in its possession and that it could not
 obtain them from the telephone companies because
 they routinely destroy such records every 90 days
 or so. There was just nothing to turn over in
 response to subpoenas.

 That is, until news alert! learned of a secret
 depository of monthly long-distance telephone
 records that date back to January 1992 and forward
 to at least December 1998. These records, which
 list dates, times, durations, numbers called and
 how much each call cost, also include in many
 instances the number to which the bill should be
 charged. In other words, priceless White House
 records exist to inform investigators working on
 any number of probes, including campaign-finance
 corruption, Travelgate, Filegate and all the other
 gates through which the Clinton/Gore team has run.

 News alert! recently was told that the G-men never
 got their hands on the critical documents. Such
 telephone records quickly could establish what
 calls were made to Red China deal-doer James Riady
 or Webster Hubbell or any number of people
 involved in the campaign-finance scandal. Just for
 starters. They also could clear up written
 testimony or oral depositions about who said what
 and when.

 Another curious item concerning those e-mails:
 news alert! has been told that the system in which
 the e-mails were sto

[CTRL] Chlorinated tap water linked to birth defects

2000-02-24 Thread Bill Kingsbury

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-


 Chlorinated tap water linked to birth defects

 By Jacqui Thornton Health Correspondent and Martyn Halle
 Electronic Telegraph, ISSUE 1731
 Sunday 20 February 2000

 AN independent study into the use of chlorine-treated drinking
 water has been ordered by the Government because of fears that
 it may cause spina bifida and stillbirths.

 Scientists from Imperial College, London University, will carry
 out the research after doctors in Norway, Canada and the United
 States reported higher levels of birth defects in areas where
 chlorine is used, compared with drinking water treated by
 alternative methods. All of Britain's water companies
 chlorinate their supplies. The only people who have
 non-chlorinated water are those with their own bore holes or

 A Norwegian study of 141,000 births over three years found a 14
 per cent increased risk of birth defects in areas with
 chlorinated water. Scientists have already found an association
 between chlorine and an increased risk of bowel, kidney and
 bladder cancer, but it is the first time that a link has been
 found with higher levels of spina bifida.

 Last night the Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus Association said
 it was "concerned" by the findings and would be discussing them
 with medical advisers before considering making representations
 to the Government. British water industry experts have not
 dismissed the findings but said that the safety benefits of
 purification outweigh the risks of birth defects.

 Dr Per Magnus, who carried out the Norwegian research, said:
 "This is an important finding because we know there are
 chemicals released by the action of chlorine on organic
 particles at treatment works. We have observed mutations in
 these chemicals which seem to tie up with mutations that are
 found in babies. We were in a unique position in Norway to make
 these observations because in some areas our water comes from
 the mountains and doesn't require cleaning with chlorine."

 The Norwegian government has ordered more research. Concerned
 families there have been filtering tap water. A popular method
 has been to place sachets of coral sand, dredged from fjords,
 into water before it is drunk, removing all traces of chlorine
 in tap water in 15 minutes. In Canada, at Dalhousie University,
 Nova Scotia, researchers found that high levels of
 trihalomethanes, a by-product of chlorine in drinking water,
 significantly increased the risk of stillbirth.

 Dr John Marshall, of the Pure Water Association, a pressure
 group which has been campaigning for safer drinking water,
 said: "It shows we should be paying more attention to the
 chemicals we put in drinking water and be looking for other
 alternatives to chlorination. A number of safe, non-toxic
 options exist, such as treating water with the gas ozone or
 ultra violet."

 Chlorine is in the same chemical group as fluoride, which has
 been linked with cancer and osteoporosis. There is also a
 connection between fluoride and increased blood pressure and an
 increase in problems with the thyroid gland. John Fawell, a
 leading specialist on water quality, and an independent
 industry consultant, said the British Government and water
 companies were taking the danger of birth defects seriously. He
 said: "The people who have done this work in Norway and the
 United States are reputable researchers and the Government and
 water companies have commissioned their own research from
 London University.

 "But at present the conclusion of the World Health Organisation
 and other concerned bodies is that the risk from contaminated
 water supplies outweighs the risk to health from chlorine.
 Levels of chlorine and its by-products have been falling in
 water and the amount coming out of the average tap is half a
 millilitre per litre."

 6 February 2000:
 Parents told to sue for school drinking water


 17 January 1999:
 Water firms seek legal protection under plans for
 mass fluoridation
 mass fluoridation


 © Copyright of Telegraph Group Limited 2000.


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no cr

[CTRL] Hillary -- Closet Attorney General

2000-02-24 Thread Bill Kingsbury

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-


   Hillary -- Closet Attorney General
Janet Reno -- Spinster in Bondage

 President Clinton promised, "The most ethical administration in
 history." Yet the questions now arise: Has Hillary Clinton been
 the closet Attorney General? Has Janet Reno been a disreputable

 Reno was the Clintons' fifth choice. One of her key sponsors
 was Hillary Clinton's brother. Hugh Rodham. The third and
 fourth choices (Zoe Baird and Kimba Wood) had been disqualified
 for not paying social security taxes for their house maids --
 scandals known in the media as "Nannygate." The second choice
 was Shirley Hufstedler, a former Secretary of Education under
 President Carter, who had declined -- purportedly because of
 her advanced age.

 The first choice was federal Judge Patricia M. Wald of the
 District of Columbia Circuit Court of Appeals. Wald had served
 as Assistant Attorney General during the Carter administration.
 Carter eventually appointed her to the bench. Remarkably, after
 the Clintons chose her, she too had declined She explained to
 the press simply that she preferred to stay in a secure
 judicial office until retirement. However, she had other good
 reasons to refuse to be A.G.

 Wald abhorred the prospect of becoming a figurehead -- under
 the domination of Hillary Clinton. The President had not given
 Wald the freedom to choose her own top deputies. He had
 selected then-Harvard Law professor Philip Heymann to be Deputy
 A.G., and Hillary's former law partner, Web Hubbell, to be the
 Associate Deputy. Although Wald knew little about Hubbell, she
 was suspicious of him. However, she knew a great deal about
 Heymann -- and regarded him as a "political animal."

 When Wald became Assistant A.G. in the Carter administration,
 she was in charge of Congressional relations. Heymann was then
 a prosecutor in the criminal division. In an effort both to
 ingratiate himself with President Carter and capture media
 attention, Heymann launched a "sting" operation that became
 known as "Abscam."

 Heymann used FBI agents disguised as Arab sheiks to ensnare and
 indict six House members and one Senator for accepting bribes.
 All but one of the defendants were pro-labor liberal Democrats
 who were supporting Senator Ted Kennedy's efforts to defeat
 Jimmy Carter in upcoming Democratic Primaries.

 One of the anti-Carter liberals was Frank Thompson of
 Princeton, New Jersey, then-Chairman of the House Committee on
 Administration. Wald knew him on a first name basis -- and was
 fond of him. She knew that he had two personal problems. One
 was his recovery from open-heart surgery. The other was
 alcoholism, which he was struggling to overcome. Wald became
 irate when she learned that under Heymann's guidance the FBI
 lured "Thompy" to come alone to a mansion in Georgetown, plied
 him with liquor, and set him up on a bribery charge.

 Wald regarded Abscam as an unconstitutional "entrapment." She
 let it be known to President Carter that she was considering
 resigning in protest. According to one reliable source, Wald
 was then "given an offer that she could not refuse. She was
 kicked upstairs to the bench."

 When the history of Janet Reno's two-term tenure as A.G. is
 finally written, a comparison between Wald and Reno may well be
 relevant. Wald has an unblemished record for integrity. In
 contrast, Reno's entire career in law enforcement now appears
 to have significant flaws.

 As was noted at Reno's confirmation hearing, she had no prior
 federal experience. During her tenure as prosecutor in Dade
 County Florida, crime increased 50%. In addition, as was
 mentioned specifically by Senators Hatch and Cohen, the
 Judiciary Committee had received "rumors" of character flaws.
 After her confirmation hearings she said of herself "I'm just
 an awkward old maid with a great affection for men."

 The rumors persist -- and have increased. Although largely
 unreported in the mainstream media, the gossip at the National
 Press Club's "Reliable Source Bar" is that she has personality
 disorders related to her gender preference and drinking.

 Currently, it is being reported that early in Janet Reno's
 tenure as A.G. the FBI had intentionally fire bombed the Branch
 Davidian compound at Waco -- and later the Department of
 Justice had failed to disclose the truth to Congress and the
 public. It also appears that the plans for the assault at Waco
 had been laid by the Clinton administration even before Reno's

 These days Reno continues to assume the blame, stating, "The
 Buck Stops here." (Ironically, that's a notion that contradicts
 a sign on Harry Truman's desk assuming the final responsibility
 to himself for the acts o

[CTRL] A Staged Horse Race?

2000-02-24 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

The Silks may look different but I for one tend to think they are stablemates
playing a tried and true hegellian game upon us hoi polloi.  1952 campaign
was an interesting one. Repub estab wanted real bad. Knew that Taft could
take nomination but wouldn't win. Prescott Bush went and saw Ike in Europe
and popped the question well, "General, there's been some question as to
whether your sympathies really are with the Republican's or the Democrats."

"Well," he said, "there shouldn't be any question. I've always been a

That was in November 1951. Prescott goes on to state again that he "was
interested in his absolutely positive, forthright statement that he had
always been a Republican, and he was a Republican, right then in '51."

The Rep establishment knew that they could win with Ike and he got the
nomination in the first televised convention and the republicans rode the
grandfather hero on in to power. Bones had already laid down there framewrok
in the intel world and with tricky on the committees everything was fine.
Because Ike could control the generals and he would rather use "spies" than
boys blood he was quite familiar with and he didn't want to know, he wanted
to be able to deny and play golf.

Now I am no Ike scholar and need to do more research on the 52 election but
personally I do believe we are seeing a updated replay of the 52 race.

The republicans aren't gonna create this big noise of grabbing dems and
indies and walk away.mho

McCain Bush?  McCain Dole?

Baby Bush - Skull and Bones/intel -Taft
POW McCain - Mob - Ike

Balls Bradley - Mob/Rhodes - Harriman
Gore - Intel/?   - Adlai

Just some thoughts.


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Al Gore, Secret Agent Man/Politics and The Intelligence "Community"

2000-02-24 Thread Kris Millegan

Al Gore, Secret Agent Man//
--Politics and The Intelligence "Community"
--ALSO: "McCain's Own Mozart"

So THAT'S why Al Gore wears that black trenchcoat so often, as he did to
the memorial service for the victims of the Columbine school massacre
last April; cause he's really a spook. I mean, I KNOW the reptilian
automaton creature is SPOOKY, but it never crossed my mind he was a
secret agent kind of guy. Wow. What a character.

Nevertheless, Gore's also a godfather of the REAL Trenchcoat Mafia and a
gangsta kingpin if ever there were one.

Also--an online rag I generally have NO use for, namely Salon, has
published a very interesting article; revealing how John McCain has been
helped immeasurably in his quest for the Republicrat (eh?) presidential
nomination through the use of some very carefully-crafted music in his
TV campaign ads. Apparently, McCain has found himself a very talented
Julliard-trained composer to breath some life into his campaign
commercials, and it's proving to be very effective. Get out those
hankies and kleenexes, folks.

Of COURSE, this is nothing the other major candidates aren't doing as well.

Interesting--I was JUST reading last night in a manuscript of a new,
as-yet unpublished book which deals with specifically with music and
mind control, that Julliard School of Music in NYC (which I actually
thought about attending once!) is in fact more than a little bit linked
to the intelligence "community"; has its own branch of the Skull and
Bones Society of Yale/George Bush fame at the school; and that a good
percentage of its undeniably very capable graduates, many of whom go on
to full-on, worldwide careers in music, are in fact serving as
intelligence agents. It works well because world-class musicians get to
travel ALL AROUND THE WORLD, with few if any "questions" asked.

Dang. And the whole time I just loved music. Guess I really dodged a
bullet on that one! 

And we all know the story about Mozart, his links to the the Masonic
lodges of Germany, and the mysterious figure who appeared in the latter
part of Mozart's life, driving him relentlessly to write some of the
most eerie, although excellent, music of his career. This was a severe
strain on the already-ailing Mozart and in fact basically killed him. Hmmm.

AND, Salon ALSO has an article up called
"Al Gore-leone. Is the vice president really a nice guy or a 'goodfella';"

which details the remarkable number of similarities between Al Gore and
Vito Corleone of "The Godfather"; AND the similarities between the world
of power politics (at least in THIS country) and the carefree life of
bigtime mafia gangstas.

As we've been saying for close to a year now, he's Al "Trenchcoat Mafia"
Gore, and that is that.

See below. EDUCATE thyselves, fellow earthlings.

Many thanks to Marta and to Ronn in Sea-Town for bringing these items
onto our radar screen.

NewsHawk® Inc.

-  -  -  -  -  -  -  -

Thought you'd like this for it's focus on the use of music in
crafting mood/theme messages (Mind Control/Shaping) in all these
"election time" TV spots that are now  appearing.

McCain's Own Mozart
Wonder what else they might add to these before the final mix? ...

Also, in the same issue, there is a piece which casts Gore's life as
being strangely  like "The God Father" saga. ... Hey, I
luved yur Charlie Chan quote!! 
-  -  -  -  -  -  -  -
Now, here's the stuff on "Gore... Al Gore"; our very own James Bond.

Marta's rhetorical question at the end of the quoted article is a
ringer, and pretty much MAKES THE CALL.

-  -  -  -  -  -  -  -

A little blurb from the Duh Department.

In the Feb. 28, 2000 issue of US News and World Report, pg. 10, there is
a blurb on Gore.

"Vice President Al Gore has a secret---lots of them. Insiders tell
Whispers (name of USN&WR column) that Gore, far more the President
Clinton, has an insatiable thirst for foreign intelligence collected by
the Pentagon and CIA. It's won him friends in the spy world and even the
Republican-controlled congressional Intelligence Committee.

He is a very engaged consumer, as much as anyone in this administration.
He gives very good feedback and asks good questions. He has long
knowledge, deep knowledge, going back to his days on the Intelligence
Committee, says John Millis, staff director of the House Permanent
Select Committee on Intelligence. Ditto among the Joint Chiefs of Staffs
who cater to Gore more than Clinton, who has deferred to the veep on key issues...

Privately, he (Gore) plays James Bond: Sources say he sneaks---even
drives---around Washington in disguises."

My question is: If information of this type is what is being actually
released to the public, then how deep is Gore's involvement that ISN'T

Marta St. Augustine - di Medici

[CTRL] NewsMakingNews 2/24/00

2000-02-24 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Click Here: http://www.newsmakingnews.com/">NewsMakingNews

©NEWSMAKINGNEWS® Unless Otherwise Specified
   February 24, 2000

Mae Returns!
Everything You Wanted to Know about Silicon Valley
Bay Cities Observer Virginia McCullough
West Nile

Children DoYouKnow?

QUOTES OF THE DAY:  "Israel is a paradise for money laundering, because
it is not against the law.  I don't know if it is really that big a business
here. But millions come in and go out, and you can't do anything about
it"   "If you want to get an Israeli passport and then go all over the
world, it is very easy.  You need a Jewish mother, but if you don't have one,
you can create one."  Commander Yossi Sedbon, head of the investigative
division of Israel's national police.

Strategic Intelligence, an online publication, reported (2/23/00) it received
information that an unauthorized crew change occurred minutes before the Taxi
Aereo Centroamericano LET 410, carrying  Ex-CIA Director Stansfield Turner,
took off and  crashed in San Jose, Costa Rica on January 15, 2000.  Strategic
Intelligence's news source is with Aero Centraoamericano.
Minutes before the departure of flight LET 410, an unscheduled, unqualified
pilot informed the regularly scheduled pilot, Juan Carlos that he would take
the pilot's seat.  The pilots then argued. An operations supervisor for Taxio
Aereo Centroamericano settled the argument and authorized the unqualified
pilot to take the seat.  The supervisor acknowledged that the change of
pilots was unscheduled and gave Juan Carlos additional flight time to
compensate his change in schedule.
 Minutes later, the plane crashed into a house in a local subdivision near
the Tobias Bolanos airport.  Karen Turner, the wife of Ex-CIA Director,
Admiral Stansfield Turner was killed in the crash.  Admiral Stansfield Turner
was severely injured and eventually transported to an Army hospital in
Texas.  Also killed in the crash  were Siegrid Richert and his wife, Therese,
who were residents of Lafayette, CA.  Seigrid Richert, a tour operator,  was
the President of the Peck Judah Travel Service, Inc., San Francisco, CA.
Spaniard Antonio Sanchez Diaz was also killed.  On February 2, 2000, the
substitute pilot died from injuries received during the crash in San Jose.
Sixteen other people were injured in the crash.
Strategic Intelligence also reports:  "Within minutes following the crash,
the CIA's Costa Rican Station Chief was observed combing through the aircraft
wreckage, restricting access to rescue personnel. The mostly intact aircraft
was stripped of all cargo to include carry on items. This was accomplished
while passengers were being evacuated."
Flight LET 410 had been destined for the Tortuguero national park on Costa
Rica's Atlantic coast.
Source: http://www.strategicintel.com/turner2.htm

LEGAL LOOPHOLES GALORE explains why so many international criminal
investigations go cold and die in Israel:

*   Money laundering is not a crime in Israel.
*   Israel does not make it illegal to bank or spend the proceeds of illicit
offshore enterprises.
*   Israeli banks and brokerages are not required to verify the source of a
customer's investment funds.
*   Israeli reporting requirements for new accounts are minimal.  Penalties
for failure to report are minimal.
*   Immigrants fleeing nations which prohibited them from expatriating their
money, are not interrogated by Israel, when they circumvent prohibitions and
bring money to Israel. In the 1990's immigrants from the former Soviet Union
brought $2.5 billion to Israel.  New immigrants need not report any foreign
*   When funds are transferred into Israel, which are the fruits of crimes
occurring outside Israel, such as narcotics sales, Israel will not prosecute,
unless the crimes were committed in Israel.  Thus, only if the crime is
committed within Israel, can property or money which is the product of the
crime, be seized.  Even then, the money is subjected to payment penalties and
is not seized.
*   Israel has strict secrecy laws on local bank accounts.
*   Israel does not require strict reporting regarding

Re: [CTRL] Hackers, Media Hype and Disinformation

2000-02-24 Thread nessie

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

>Why doesn't NPR, CBS, ABC, NBC and the others focus on what the US is
doing to disrupt the Internet?

Could it be because they, too, are "virtual CIA proprietary firm(s)"?

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Fwd: 65 Cities Swell May 6 Millennium Marijuana March

2000-02-24 Thread Kris Millegan


Dutch heroin statistics need to be taken more seriously.

The Dutch Government claims that young people have virtually stopped

using heroin.  Only one in 333 secondary students in Amsterdam have

tried heroin, while almost one in 20 have tried it in Australia.  And

a major drug treatment program has recently closed in Amsterdam

because of falling demand.

Dutch drugs policy tries to convert cannabis from the main risk factor

for heroin use to a major protective factor against heroin use.  Doing

so also facilitates a return to cannabis use by heroin users.

Treating their policy and practice as trivial or coincidental is

contemptuous of the mortality, morbidity and crime that epidemic

heroin use causes.  Dutch heroin statistics suggest that what we do is

push young cannabis users towards heroin and injecting.

Ignoring the only modern policy to work against today's dirt-cheap

heroin facilitates death, disease and crime.


McDowall, Qld.



Saturday May 6, 2000

Salute to all MMMarch Promoters!  Welcome to the

I just wanted to acknowledge your continuing contribution to this
year's march and to welcome all the cannabis activists new to this
great endeavor.  Last year's MILLION MARIJUANA MARCH proved that an
international effort was possible and achievable.

This year it will be massive!  (as the folks in London

A few years ago it became apparent to all of us that the necessity for
a world-wide day of direct action in all the cities of the world was
going to be one of the vital ways to hasten cannabis reform.  Too many
citizens sit in the jail cells of the world wondering if there is
justice.  Their families mourn their loss daily.  A coalition of
hundreds in 65 cities will join a chorus of hundreds of thousands on
May 6th to demand that justice.

They will hear our voices on May 6th!

Our website URL, <, as many
of you know, is MARCH central.  A hub of listings, information, art,
contacts, newsletters, and resources that you will need to make your
effort the most successful possible.  The coalition consists of
individuals and organizations with the collective experience of
hundreds of years.  Take advantage of those willing to assist you.  If
we don't hang together then we shall surely hang apart. 
You are the most integral asset of this equation.  Be

The website is your site to use.  My staff and I are here
to help you post, inform, promote or secure the success of your march
in your city.  We are here only to advise or to help you locate the
resources you will need.  I know you have the resolve.  Let's do
it!  I look forward to hearing from each and everyone of you in
the next few weeks.

If you would, check out the postings on the LOCATIONS
section of the site to verify if the information under your city's
heading is correct.  Let me know if it is.  Make additions to your
section or page (if you need it) as you feel necessary.  Post your
actions or 420 benefits on the Bulletin Board.  The Cities list is @ 

There are email windows posted throughout the site for your

Use it!  The website is our most valuable technical weapon
this year.  Spread the link.  Mirror the site.  Get the banner on the
all websites you know.  Place the real vinyl banner up in your town
with the 'CANNABIS 2000' URL on it.  Locate people to help you. Get
your permits applied for now.  Don't forget a rain date if you think
you'll need it.  Get your promo and message out there.  Plan, plan,
plan.  And be in touch with us at www.cannabis2000.com !

Of course this does not mean our parent founder, Cures Not
Wars, will not be there for your consultation, it will continue
to be. So will many other groups around the world, who have differing
and inspiring experiences to share with you as well.  The major action
centers are linked from the bottom of each page.  Remember that this is
serious business.  Some of us may pay an
infinitely high price for participating in this
demonstration.  But at the end of the day, we all know the
risk and we know that it is well worth the effort. 
Good luck!  Again, do not hesitate to make suggestions or
to ask your coalition members for something.  You may contact me at any
time.  My email is [EMAIL PROTECTED]  My home phone is
404-523-3712.  Venceremos!

I am, etc.

Paul Cornwell

Natl. Coordinator CAMP

Cannabis 2000


 Coalition for the Abolition of Marijuana





CURRENT COUNT:  18 confirmed
countries on six continents, 65 cities with contacts.

(see below)



[CTRL] Fwd: re: Issue #31

2000-02-24 Thread Kris Millegan

Hi !

Attached please find Issue #31. Current information and registration
information for this summer's conference is at :  http://hometown.aol.com/smartnews/smart-2000-conference.htm">Ritual
Abuse Conference - 2000

SMART has a new research list for survivors.

You can subscribe at:

To ask questions, write:
List owner:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Here's information about this new list:

Pro-survivor news list information: This list will help provide information
for survivors of ritual abuse and mindcontrol. This is a pro-survivor list.
All posts should be written to help survivors heal. This is not a list for
skeptics or those that do not believe in the existence of mind control or
ritual abuse. Those that post skeptical information or information to
purposefully trigger others will be removed from the list. All posts should
be respectful of all list members. Sexist, racist and homophobic posts will
not be tolerated. This is a public list. All posts can be forwarded. All
posts that may be triggering should have a warning in the header  ** possible
triggers **. All posts are solely  the opinions of the author and are not
necessarily the opinion of other list members or the moderator. All
accusations are alleged.  Anyone with an acceptable user name will be able to
become a member, however posts will be moderated.
The posts on this list are not intended as therapy.

Sincerely,Neil Brick

This is the E-mail copy of Issue #31.

S M A R T 
(Stop Mind control And Ritual abuse Today)
P. O Box 1295, 
Easthampton, MA 01027-1295 USA
Home page: http://members.aol.com/SMARTNEWS/index2.html

Issue 31 - March 2000

The purpose of this newsletter is to help stop secretive organizations and groups
from abusing others and to help those who allege they have been abused by such
organizations and groups.

This newsletter is not a substitute for other ways of recovering from ritual
abuse. Readers should use caution while reading this newsletter. If necessary,
make sure other support systems are available during and after reading this


The resources mentioned in this newsletter are for educational value only.
Reading the books cited may or may not help your recovery process, so use caution
when reading any book or contacting any resource mentioned in this newsletter.
Some may have a religious or other agenda that may be separate from your own
recovery process. Others may have valuable information on the Masons and other
organizations, but have triggers or be somewhat sympathetic to those
organizations.  Unless explicitly stated otherwise, the views expressed in this
newsletter constitute expressions of opinion, and readers are cautioned to form
their own opinions and draw their own conclusions by consulting a variety of
sources, including this newsletter. Resources listed, quoted and individual
articles, etc.  and their writers do not necessarily support all or any of the
views mentioned in this newsletter. Also, the views, facts  and opinions
mentioned in this newsletter are solely the opinions of the authors and are not
necessarily the opinions of this newsletter or its editor.  

 Copyright 2000 - All rights reserved.   

No reproduction of any material without written permission from the editor and
individual authors. 

99 Conference presentation tapes are now available,

Conference Information 

The Third Annual Ritual Abuse, Secretive Organizations and Mind Control Conference 
will be
held on August 5 and 6, 2000, S.M.A.R.T. will  be holding a conference at the 
DoubleTree Hotel
near Bradley International Airport (between Hartford, CT and Springfield, MA).
Please see conference information at the end of this newsletter or visit our 
conference web page at
http://members.aol.com/smartnews/smart-2000-conference.htm for more information. 

10% off all conference registrations received before 3/31/00.

The purpose of the conference will be to help survivors heal and to help stop
future occurrences of the above.

People have told us that last year's conference was the safest conference they
have ever been to. For the safety of all participants we try to exclude current
members of secret organizations, current perpetrators, and/or members of
unsympathetic organizations.  We recommend always bringing a support person to all
conferences and staying with that person or another safe person at all times. For
survivors of mind control and/or ritual abuse, S.M.A.R.T. recommends that you try
to bring a support person that is familiar with mind control techniques.  We also
recommend reading the first presentation at our last conference, 
http://members.aol.com/smartnews/page5/NBpresentation99.htm about conference
safety and trigger management.


2000-02-24 Thread Kris Millegan

As always . .  .


-Original Message-From: 
spiker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: Recipient 
list suppressed Date: Saturday, 
February 19, 2000 7:04 PMSubject: LIST OF FAMOUS SATANISTS, 
Articles by David Icke The following list has been compiled from the 
wealth of research I have put together over the last ten years. I would 
suggest that all of these are reptilian bloodline, but I only mention 
shapeshifting where it has been witnessed. It is only an initial list 
and will be added to. If you can add names, and give the supporting 
evidence, that would be most helpful in exposing these horrors. By 
"Satanists", of course, I mean those involved in human sacrifice. 
David Icke William F. Buckley Jr: Head of the elite JANUS mind 
control operation based at NATO headquarters in Belgium which trains 
mind-controlled psychic assassins; child killer, Satanist, shapeshifter 
George Bush: US President and Vice President, head of the CIA, and a 
stream of other leading roles in the Illuminati. Satanist, mind controller, 
torturer of children and adults, paedophile, shapeshifting reptilian, and 
major drug runner. Serial killer. Nice man. George W. Bush, Jr. - 
front-runner to be next President of the United States. Son of his father. 
Bill Clinton, President of the United States. Satanist, serial killer, 
based on orders he has issued for assassinations, sexual abuser of mind 
controlled slaves. Hillary Clinton, wife of President and now 
running for political office in New York. Announced her intention to run at 
a place called Pindar. This is the code-name of one of the foremost Illuminati 
human sacrificers and operatives (See The Biggest Secret). High Illuminati 
witch and Satanist. Abuser of mind controlled women. Al Gore, 
Vice-President to Clinton, and front runner to be the "Democratic" 
candidate "opposing" George W. Bush. Illuminati, Satanist, serious 
blood drinker. Reptilian shapeshifter. Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, Jimmy 
Carter, Richard Nixon, Lyndon B. Johnson. Presidents of the United States. 
Satanists. Users of mind-controlled slaves. John F. Kennedy, 
assassinated President of the US. User for sex of mind controlled slaves. 
Probably a lot more we have yet to know. Ted Kennedy: US politician, and 
head of the Kennedy clan currently. Brutal abuser of mind controlled slaves. 
Henry Kissinger, former Secretary of State under Richard Nixon, and one 
of the Illuminati's foremost master minds of the agenda. Satanist, mind 
controller, child torturer, creator of wars of mass murder and destruction. 
Shapshifter. Works closely with the UK's Lord Carrington. Mikail 
Gorbachev, former President of the Soviet Union, now working in the US for the 
Illuminati Gorbachev Foundation which campaigns for World government, world 
army, etc., etc. Satanist and shapeshifting reptilian. House of 
Rothschild. Satanists, child sacrificers, mind controllers, torturers of 
children and adults. Guy de Rothschild heads the dynasty and he is one of the 
top trauma-based mind controllers in the world. They are shapeshifting 
reptilians. Habsburgs: See Rothschilds. Rockefellers: See 
Rothschilds. Astors: See Rothschilds. Du Ponts: See Rothschilds. 
Mellons: See Rothschilds. Dick Cheney, Defence Secretary under 
President Bush. Satanist, torturer of children and adults. Mind controller. 
Robert C. Byrd, "Democrat" senator for West Virginia. Satanist 
and brutal torturer of adults and children. Mind controller. Bob and 
Bill Bennett, well-known US political figures closely connected to George Bush. 
Satanists, mind controllers, torturers of children and adults. Lt Col 
Michael Aquino, US Military Psychological Warfare Department: Satanist 
(founder of the Church of Set), torturer of children and adults in 
trauma-based mind control projects. Kris Kristopherson, actor and 
singer. Works with Aquino. Torturer, mind controller. Boxcar Willie, 
country music singer. Satanist, paedophile. Bob Hope 
"comedian". Life-time asset of British Intelligence, 
mind-controlled slave handler, and manipulator of the "entertainment 
industry" on behalf of the Illuminati. The "Rat Pack", 
including Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis Junior, and Dean Martin were all 
heavily involved with Hope and others in the same line of work. Billy 
Graham, "Christian" hero who has been funded from the start by the 
top Illuminati families and operatives like the Rockefellers and newspaper 
tycoon, William Randolf Hearst. Satanist, involved in mind control projects, 
close friend of Bush and Kissinger. Bloodline of the Satanic Illuminati Frank 
family which created the Satanic movement known as Frankism. Queen 
Elizabeth II of the UK: Satanist, child sacrificer, shapeshifting reptilian. 
Major Illuminati figure. Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother: As above. 
Prince Philip: As above. Prince Charles: As above. Prince 

[CTRL] SIGHTINGS AIDS Is Passed By Oral Sex Link 2-1-00

2000-02-24 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-


>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
Conspiracy Shopping Cart: http://a-albionic.com/shopping.html

Subject: SIGHTINGS  AIDS Is Passed   By Oral Sex  Link 2-1-00
Date: Sunday, February 20, 2000 11:19 AM

AIDS Is Passed
By Oral Sex


SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - A significant number of gay men are becoming
infected with the AIDS virus through oral sex -- an activity that was
rumoured to be safe, researchers said on Tuesday.

A study presented at a meeting of AIDS researchers found nearly 8
percent of recently infected men in the San Francisco area were infected
through oral sex.

Dr. Beth Dillion of the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
and colleagues at the University of California San Francisco surveyed
102 gay and bisexual men recently infected with HIV and found oral sex
was the only risky behaviour that eight of the men had engaged in.

"It's certainly sobering news," Dr. Ronald Valdiserri, deputy director
of the CDC's HIV prevention centre, said in a telephone interview.

"We've known ... that there was a risk of HIV transmission through oral
sex. Of course scientists indicated that they thought it was a much
smaller risk compared to anal or vaginal sex. In this study, the eight
men who were infected, many of them indicated that they were not aware
of the risk."

Valdiserri said even if a behaviour carries a low risk, if someone does
it often enough, it adds up to a high risk. "Low risk does not mean no
risk," he said.

"I think some investigators have actually shown that gay men might be
substituting oral sex for anal sex in an attempt to curb transmission."
The study showed this could be a deadly mistake.

Valdiserri said the news was even more disappointing because the men
involved lived in San Francisco -- a city where the gay community has
been very actively involved in studying AIDS and lobbying for prevention
and treatment.

"Here are men from San Francisco, a city which probably compared to many
American cities has more community-based resources for gay men ... and
these men did not really understand that receptive oral intercourse
could lead to HIV infection," he said.

No one should really be surprised that HIV, which infects 40,000
Americans a year, could be passed through oral sex, Valdiserri said.

"There is nothing mysterious about the way the virus has been
transmitted in these instances," he said. "The virus is present in semen
and it also present in pre-ejaculate."

Having a cut or sore inside the mouth greatly increases the chances of
transmission, and many people can have tiny abrasions of the mouth or
gums without being aware of them.

"It doesn't have to be a gaping sore or ulcer," Valdiserri said.

He said the study was very carefully done, and the men were able to
pinpoint exactly when they became infected.

"We definitely believe that this is perhaps the most definitive study to
date on oral sex transmission among gay men," Valdiserri said.

The researchers did not count a man as having been infected through oral
sex if he said he had engaged in any other risk behaviours. "Because of
these stringent requirements, 7.8 percent may be an underestimate of
transmission through oral sex in this group," the CDC said in a

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[CTRL] Fwd: Exposed: Clintons Bigtime CIA Operatives

2000-02-24 Thread Kris Millegan

Exposed: Clintons Bigtime CIA Operatives

Frequent NewsHawk flyer Andrew Basiago, after having just recently
tossed Jesse "The Body" Ventura completely out of the ring, now takes on
the truly, astoundingly, horrendous backgrounds of the current
Dissembler-in-Chief and his crazed sidekick; the hellacious Hill and
Billary (let's see... did I get that right?) Clinton.

Andy does his homework, and knows whereof he speaks. Even WE were
shocked by what Basiago has dredged up on this "Deadly Duo", and that
ain't easy to do.

NAIL 'EM, Andy.

NewsHawk® Inc.

-  -  -  -  -  -  -  - 

Hillary Rodham's Secret CIA Connection

by Andrew D. Basiago
Special to the Newshawk Newsgroup

Let's explore the social and political context that surrounds and
informs the Rackley case.

Let's jump inside The Matrix, and find out who that kooky lady Hillary
Rodham really is.

She's a spook, Morpheus? No way!...

The reporter for the Washington Times gives it a conventional right-wing
political spin -- in the nature of, Hillary Rodham, what a horrible
leftist AND isn't it just so unjust that this happened AND she worked to
acquit a Black Panther who had tortured somebody to death AND one of the
panthers became a college dean in Connecticut AND Bill Lan Lee helped
her AND she became First Lady. Oh my, isn't it so terrible that this happened!

He doesn't give us "the why." What is he going to tell us next? That
Hillary Rodham has been breeding babies behind the White House AND
turning them into batteries?

Here is what my research into the Clintons -- translucent in some areas,
more transparent in others -- would suggest is the explanation for this
sordid tale. It puts this rather bizarre, yet true, Rackley story into perspective.

The scenario goes something like this:

Hillary Rodham has been a lifelong asset of the American intelligence
community, informing on leftists and other activists.

She was brought into the CIA as a domestic spy when she joined a
Methodist youth group as a teenager.

She was trained to be a domestic spy during her boarding school days in
Denver, the western hub of CIA operations on the American continent.

She was a "Goldwater girl" at the 1964 Republican convention.

A few years later, she graduated from Wellesley and Yale Law School, and
showed up on the leftist political scene as an activist, feminist
attorney trying to rescue two Black Panthers from a hideous first-degree
murder rap that involved multiple acts of heinous wrong-doing, truly
crimes against humanity, the murder was so aggravated in its viciousness.

How to explain the sudden transformation in Hillary?

Green pill? Or red pill? Let's take the red pill, and jump down the
rabbit hole...

Many of Hillary's lifelong friends are Wellesley and Yale classmates who
have developed public profiles as "liberal activists," but who are not
true leftists. Instead, they are "limousine liberals" with close ties to
"the establishment" -- or Matrix, if you like.

I'll give you one example. Kristine Olson (then named Kris Olson Rogers)
attended Wellesley and Yale Law School with Hillary Rodham. She was my
criminal law professor at Northwestern School of Law in 1988-89. Hillary
Rodham visited Kris Olson following Clinton's disasterous speech at the
1988 Democratic convention, presumably to discuss the future strategy
necessary to get Clinton elected President. I know that this is the
case, because I encountered them on campus at the time. When he became
President in 1992, Clinton appointed Olson U.S. Attorney for Oregon. At
the time, she was married to Jeff Rogers, the Portland city attorney and
son of William P. Rogers, who had served as Richard Nixon's Secretary of
State. Olson made a big deal about being a lefty. She identified herself
with the plight of Native Americans and wore squash blossom jewelry to
class to act the part. As assistant city attorney, she even supported
the legalization of prostitution.

You are starting to get the picture, Neo! Examine The Matrix that
oppresses us. A generation that stopped evolving when Peter, Paul, and
Mary cut their last record...

During a discussion of the multi-cultural defense one day in class,
Olson suddenly blurted out: "By the way, did I tell you that my totemic
animal is the tortoise?" Ostensibly, she was serious. She was not
joking. She was trying to assert that even though she was from a wealthy
background and had attended two of the most prestigious universities in
America, she practiced an animistic religion! Those of us in class felt
like we were Alice and had just passed through the Looking Glass.

I told you that The Matrix was going to be very challenging, Neo...

Now, at this point, I had this lady figured out. It was an act. She was
actually a member of "the establishment," posing as a member of the
lunatic left. In point of fact, she was the daughter-in-law of the Nixon
cabinet member who was so conservative that he believed that Nixon had
made a fatal error by e

[CTRL] Hackers, Media Hype and Disinformation

2000-02-24 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Click Here: http://cryptome.org/madsen-hmhd.htm">Hackers, Media Hype
and Disinformation
17 February 2000. Thanks to Wayne Madsen.

February 17, 2000


For what it is worth, I am a 20-year veteran of the computer security
community. I have served in the Navy, National Security Agency, State
Department, Computer Sciences Corporation, RCA, and have consulted on
computer security with the National Institute of Standards and Technology,
international banks, telecom companies and even firms that manufacture candy.
While working for the FBI and Naval Investigative Service, I put one US Navy
official in Federal prison for espionage and other crimes, and I was involved
in U.S. counter-terrorism work in Greece and the Philippines. I think I know
how the "spook" community operates and, more importantly, how it thinks.

The hype associated with the recent Internet flooding is outrageous and
serves the agendas of the military and intelligence communities regarding new
vistas for bloated Pentagon and espionage budgets.

On 17 February,  National Public Radio's Diane Rehm Show had a round table
discussion featuring James Adams, a former London Sunday Times reporter in
Washington who is now a drum beater for information warfare, and Jeffrey
Hunker, the former head of the White House Critical Infrastructure Assurance
Office. Adams suggested that for critical infrastructure protection certain
civil liberties must be forfeited. He also stated that Internet transactions
should not be afforded the same degree of privacy as the U.S. mail.

Hunker was uncomfortable that some people think that scare mongering has been
at the center of the recent packet flooding of the Internet. Adams supported
the CIA's creation of IN-Q-IT, a CIA Trojan Horse in the Silicon Valley.
According to Adams, Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC), a
virtual CIA proprietary firm, is funding, through IN-Q-IT, a program called
Net Eraser. None of the participants in the Rehm Show were willing to talk
about Net Eraser and some seemed very nervous about discussing it in detail.

This radio program is highly indicative of the current hype surrounding the
Distributed Denial of Service (DDOS) attacks on DOT COM sites on the
Internet. Even the use of the acronym DDOS is amazing. Here they are,
twenty-something DOT COM executives, who probably never thought about
computer security except for watching re-runs of "Hackers" and "Sneakers,"
using Pentagon-originated terms like "Distributed Denial of Service" attacks.

Why? Who told them to use those terms?

Then Clinton manages to take 90 minutes to attend an Internet security summit
on February 15. Northern Ireland's peace agreement is falling apart, the
Israeli-Palestine agreement is unraveling, and Russia's new President is
putting ex-KGB agents in his government, but Clinton has enough time to talk
with a group of e-commerce barons, computer security geeks, and even one
hacker. The whole thing appeared to be staged and scheduled way in advance.

The whole so-called Internet "hack" smells of a perception management
campaign by the intelligence community. Perhaps the system flooding was
coordinated by one group -- however, those types of attacks probably occur on
a daily basis without being reported by the world's media. It is important to
note that one of the key components of information warfare -- according to
the Pentagon's own seminal documents -- is perception management --
psychological operations to whip up public support for a policy or program.
The early Defense Science Board reports on Critical Infrastructure Protection
actually call for a campaign to change the public's attitude about
information system and network security.

The Pentagon is a master at deception campaigns aimed at the news media. They
constantly broadcast disinformation to television and radio audiences in
Haiti, Serbia, Colombia, Mexico and elsewhere. They are now extending this to
cyber space. Critical infrastructure protection is a masterful ruse aimed at
creating the myth of impeding cyber-peril.

The major domo is a weird chap named Richard Clarke, a Dr. Strangelove-type
character who is Clinton's counter-terrorism czar. He always talks about
defensive cyber-warfare but clams up when it comes to offensive US
cyber-operations. That is classified.

However, it is certain that the US Government has already done more to
disrupt the Internet than any other actor -- state-sponsored or freelance.
For the past few years, US government hackers have penetrated networks at the
European Parliament, Australian Stock Exchange, and banks in Athens, Nicosia,
Moscow, Johannesburg, Beirut, Tel Aviv, Zurich, and Vaduz. The US also
engaged in network penetrations in Yugoslavia during the NATO war against

[CTRL] OEN 2/24/00

2000-02-24 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Click Here: http://www.aci.net/kalliste/">The Home Page of J. Orlin

New World Disorder

Military: Warning to Taiwan "Necessary"

Now, do we get our free cookies and milk?

BEIJING - The People's Liberation Army has applauded Beijing's threat that
Taiwan must start talks on reunification or face attack, vowing Wednesday
that the statement would increase the vigilance of China's armed forces.

That pledge appeared in the People's Liberation Army Daily, the armed forces'
newspaper. Calling the threat ''necessary and timely,'' the response by the
army underscored that in China the military will be the biggest winner from
increased tension with Taiwan.

The State Council, or cabinet, issued a white paper Monday that said China
would attack the island if it declared independence, if it was occupied by a
foreign power or if it indefinitely postponed negotiations on reunification
with the mainland.

The third scenario marked a change in policy, significantly broadening the
terms under which Beijing would order an assault.

In an article with the headline, ''When It Comes to Uniting the Motherland, We
 Will Never Compromise,'' the paper quoted officials from three departments
of the military as voicing strong support for the expanded policy.

''The 'Three Ifs' clearly showed the preconditions under which we would be
forced to take resolute measures, including use of military force,'' the
paper said. ''You could call it our last card.''

China's military is known to favor a tough stance on Taiwan, partly because
many officers feel that the only way to deal with the question is by force
and partly because the military benefits from tension in the Taiwan Strait.

Last year, for example, following the announcement by President Lee Teng-hui
of Taiwan that his government wanted to abandon the ''one-China'' policy that
has been the bedrock of security in the region for 50 years, China is
believed to have agreed to a significant increase in the military budget and
the purchase of weapons systems from Russia and other countries.

Taiwan is the main focus of modernization efforts by the People's Liberation
Army. The Nanjing Military Region and the Guangzhou Military Region, both in
the south near Taiwan, are two of the most favored of China's seven military
regions. President Jiang Zemin visited the Guangzhou region this week,
Chinese press reports said, apparently to show support for the task of
reuniting with Taiwan.

Western experts say that China's military is incapable of invading Taiwan.
But by 2005, the military will have enough short-range missiles - an
estimated 800 - and submarines - at least 60 - to undertake a successful
blockade, the experts say.

China is also working on such weapons as magnetic pulse bombs that could
knock out electrical grids and computer systems, thereby crippling Taiwan's
advanced economy, according to experts.

In recent months, Western analysts and Chinese officials say, the military
has succeeded in increasing its influence over Beijing's Taiwan policy. While
the policy remains textured - mixing threats with opportunities - there
appears to have been a decision to allow the military's modernization to
proceed as quickly as possible in order to force Taiwan into surrendering at
the negotiation table.

One example is a report by the head of an Asian intelligence agency that
China gave the army about $7 billion last year in an extra-budgetary
allocation to buy or develop advanced weapons systems.

Another example: reports by Asian diplomats that several times recently, Mr.
Jiang has used the word ''liberate'' while talking about Taiwan - something
no Chinese leader has done in public for years.

The return of the military to Taiwan policy follows several years of waning
influence after the People's Liberation Army's last major foray into such

That was in 1996, when the army held exercises off Taiwan, lobbing missiles
near the island's two biggest ports.

Those exercises were intended to scare voters away from Mr. Lee in Taiwan's
first direct elections for president. Instead, he won by a landslide.
International Herald Tribune, February 24, 2000

Opium Market

Record Opium Crop in Afghanistan

The evil "off-shore" East Caribbean stock exchange.

Afghanistan, the world's biggest opium supplier, almost doubled its sale last
year and shows little sign of curbing production.

A United Nations-backed report on Wednesday said Afghan production of opium -
the raw material for heroin - was a record 4,600 tons, due to favourable
weather conditions.

At the same time, the International Narcotics Control Board said, heroin
manufacture had moved to Afghanistan from neighbouring Pakistan.

The ruling Taliban movement's commitment to ban opium poppy cultivation and
heroin manufacture remained "questionable"; it continued to collect taxes on
the harvested poppy crop and manufactured heroi

[CTRL] FW: [LeadingEdgeResearch] Medical Myths

2000-02-24 Thread Dave

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

I first met John on alt.health.alternative usenet group 4 or 5 years ago -
he's been collecting and disseminating information on the workings of the
allopathic pharmaceutical medical industrial complex for quite a while, and
has put together a pretty good website.

Dave Hartley

-Original Message-
From: John [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, February 24, 2000 7:42 AM
To: Leading Edge; Canine Health Concern
Subject: [LeadingEdgeResearch] Medical Myths

A quick list of medical myths.

This is the Golden Age of medicine. In fact this is the Dark Ages of
medicine due to the drug cartels

Vaccination rid the world of smallpox. Vaccination increased the cases of
smallpox. Most cases had been vaccinated. Smallpox declined with the decline
in poverty and hunger and is still around under terms such as "monkey pox."

Polio was eradicated by vaccination. There is no evidence for this but
plenty to show polio was a man made disease brought on by other
vaccinations, DDT usage, tonsil removal, junk food, and antibiotic
injections. http://www.whale.to/Vaccines/polio.html
Chemotherapy is the only proven therapy for cancer (with radiation &
surgery). The only thing proven about chemo is that it doesn’t work for the
vast majority of cancers. http://www.whale.to/Cancer/Chemotherapy.html Many
better alternatives have been suppressed for over 100 years

Alzheimer’s is a mystery, only treatable with drugs. Chelation therapy has
been around for decades to treat this mercury amalgam disease, but ignored
due to medical politics and governments fear of a litigation and
compensation nightmare. http://www.whale.to/Dental/alzheimers.html

The FDA protects the consumer. The FDA’s main job is to protect the market
of the drug cartel. They suppress the competition.

Cancer (and aids) charities are working for the cancer patient. The cancer
charities take money from industry and are, effectively, drug companies.

Drugs are more effective than herbs. They make drugs from herbs to increase
effectiveness. They make drugs to get the patent, and herbs are, in most
cases, far more potent than drugs, and safer.

HIV causes AIDS, and drugs are the only effective therapy. HIV hasn’t been
demonstrated to cause AIDS, and some scientists claim it doesn’t even exist.
AIDS has been cured by naturopathic herbalism.

Surgery and drugs for heart disease. Over 98% of surgery is unecessary.
Heart disease is curable with diet, herbs, and nutrients.

Cot Death is a mystery. http://www.whale.to/SIDS.html

John  www.whale.to

eGroups.com Home: http://www.egroups.com/group/leadingedgeresearch

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] THE JUPITER-SATURN LINK to Presidential Assassinations

2000-02-24 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

I am personally not into astrology, but thought this would be of
interest. Sent to me by a source who wishes to remain anonymous.


SINCE 1894, A SITTING PRESIDENT HAD DIED or been assassinated during
the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction which occurs every twenty years.
President Ronald Reagan may have broken the pattern when he survived
assassination attempt on his life. Hopefully, this is true because the
next Jupiter-Saturn conjunction occurs this May/June of 2000 in the
of Taurus and involves the presidential term of President Clinton.

  Presidential Terms affected by Conjunction

1840: Aquarius William Henry Harrison---died of pneumonia.
1860: Aquarius Abraham Lincoln---died in office from assassination
1880: Virgo James A Garfield---died in office from assassination
1900: Aquarius William McKinley---died in office from assassination
1920: Scorpio Warren G. Harding---died in office from pneumonia
1940: Aquarius Franklin D. Roosevelt---died of cerebral hemorrhage
1960: Gemini John F. Kennedy---died in office from assassination
1980: Aquarius Ronald Reagan--- "assassination attempt"
2000: Leo William J. Clinton---Impeachment  occurred, often considered
a "professional" death?

A BREAK IN THE CHAIN of deadly coincidences appears to have occurred
during the Reagan administration when the assassination attempt was
unsuccessful. Some have suggested that Ronald Reagan has never been the
same since that attempt. Still he survives to this day .The turning
point coincides with the first time (since 1842) that the conjunction
occurred in an Air Sign instead of an Earth sign.

When the conjunction changes its element (from earth to air etc.) it
has traditionally been called The Great Mutation* The conjunction of
2000 returns to an earth sign (Taurus) affecting President Clinton's
administration.Then in the year 2020 it will move to Air sign,

The term of a sitting president can range from four to eight years so
we must consider up to an eight-year termwithin which the
conjunction can fall. Still the synchronicity is formidable and cannot
be brushed aside casually.

According to noted astrologer Liz Greene:*In medieval and Renaissance
astrology, the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction is always considered to
a change in rulership-the death of a king and an interregnum of chaos
and the emergence of a new king.

   Grand Mutation
Signs of the Times :

Although there will still be some turbulent shocks and intense jolts
this year there will be even more stretches of peace and calm as well.
The massive alignment of planets inTaurus this May suggests a possible
peak in material and earthly abundance. It can also suggest more
Earthquakes, Volcanoes and strange earthly disturbances. More than at
any other time the environment will beg for our attention and we will
feel the urgent need to protect the global atmosphere. The computer
will take center stage as never before, for better and for worse.

The above was Excerpted from,
and look near bottom of page for YOUR SIGN.
Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The Gates-Rockefeller Myth

2000-02-24 Thread M.A. Johnson (by way of \"M.A. Johnson\" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>)

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

~~for educational purposes only~~

The Gates-Rockefeller Myth
By Thomas J. DiLorenzo

The judge in the Microsoft antitrust trial,
Thomas Penfield Jackson, recently stated
that he "didn't see a distinction" between
Bill Gates's Microsoft Corporation and
John D. Rockefeller's Standard Oil Company.

The judge is right, but for the wrong reasons.

Like Gates, Rockefeller was the victim of
a vindictive political assault on his company
for the "sin" of rapid innovation, a vast
expansion of production, and rapidly-declining
prices. As with Microsoft, the political attack
on Standard Oil was launched by Rockefeller's
less-successful rivals who sought to achieve
through politics (i.e., legalized theft) what
they failed to accomplish in the marketplace.

Standard Oil was such an extraordinarily efficient
company that even Rockefeller's harshest
journalistic critic, Ida Tarbell, described it
as "a marvelous example of economy." The
efficiencies of economies of scale and vertical
integration caused the price of refined petroleum
to fall from over 30 cents per gallon in 1869
to 10 cents by 1874, and to 5.9 cents in 1897.
During the same period Rockefeller reduced his
average costs from 3 cents to 0.29 cents per

The industry's output of refined petroleum
increased rapidly throughout this period--just
the opposite of what mainstream monopoly theory
would predict. In 1911, the year in which the
federal government forced the breakup of Standard
Oil, the company faced fierce competition from
Associated Oil and Gas, Texaco, Gulf, and 147
other independent refineries. Because of this
competition Standard Oil's market share fell
from 88 percent in 1890 to a mere 11 percent
by 1911.

The parallels with Microsoft are remarkable.
As Stan Liebowitz and Steve Margolis show in
their book, Winners, Losers, and Microsoft,
the effect of Microsoft's fierce competitiveness
has been a radical reduction in prices and a
vast expansion of both quantity and quality
of computer products. In the software industry,
for example, software products which do not
compete with Microsoft fell in price by about
12 percent from 1988 to 1995, but where there
was competition with Microsoft the price
reduction was almost 60 percent during that same

Word processing prices had been rising before
Microsoft introduced Word for Windows in 1989,
after which they fell dramatically, from around
$300 in 1990 to $50 or less by 1997. Some
personal finance software products sold for
over $100 in 1990, but after Microsoft
introduced "Microsoft Money" in 1991 the
price fell to under $20.

Judge Jackson and Microsoft's competitors
complain that it has "dominated" the computer
industry and should be punished for doing so.
But during this rise to dominance, which began
in 1975 when Gates and a half-dozen or so
colleagues started the company, the cost of
information processing to the consumer has
plummeted so far that today it is one-one
hundredth of one percent of what it was in

It is not consumers who are complaining about
Microsoft's great products and low prices, but
its evil, plunder-seeking competitors and their
paid professional obfuscators, like former
judge and cultural scold Robert Bork. In a poll
of adult computer users taken by USA Today, only
six percent of those surveyed said that reducing
Microsoft's influence was a "major issue" to them.

And despite Mr. Bork's repeated complaints that
his financial benefactor, Netscape, is being
blocked from the browser market, Netscape managed
to distribute more than 150 million copies of its
browser since 1995.

In his November 1999 "statement of fact" regarding
the Microsoft case Judge Jackson devoted a mere 5
out of 412 paragraphs to the issue of consumer
welfare, with the bulk of his "facts" relating to
"harm" allegedly done to Microsoft's competitors.

Judge Jackson is clearly unconcerned about consumers.
He is merely a front man for the Washington
establishment, which has demanded millions, if
not billions, of dollars in protection money from
Bill Gates as a condition of allowing him to keep
his company intact.

Sadly, Gates has finally caved in and is showering
Washington politicians and "political consultants"
with campaign contributions and other forms of pelf,
including billions of dollars for the myriad statist
causes that are now being funded by Gates's private

The one good thing that has come out of the Microsoft
antitrust case is that it has demonstrated to the
public how government has become nothing but an
elaborate protection racket that makes the
Mafia seem like child's play by comparison.

Once Microsoft is broken up, the antitrust regulators
will eventually turn on some of the very same companies
that have instigated the government's decade-long
attack on Microsoft. Justice will at that point be done.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exc

Re: [CTRL] Steve Wingate's Site Featured on Nat'l TV: "Island City" image(fwd)

2000-02-24 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Well, it seems the site at Broadcast.com has been embargoed for several
days, for some unexplained reason. I guess it is time to Call Mr. Harder and
find out why his show is not listed after a two days.

I guess it is just an oversight. Of course...


Maybe this is just for the Right kind of shows, (shrub stuff)  if you know what
I mean.


On 23 Feb 00, at 8:15, Keith Woodard wrote:

> Go Steve!
> Now let's see if we can get the radio show mentioned.

Steve Wingate

California Director

Anomalous Images and UFO Files

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] 60 Minutes Does Echelon

2000-02-24 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

On 24 Feb 00, at 3:30, i wrote:

> But not surprisingly, a search of 'Echelon' does not turn
> up any meaningful responses.

A search on the CNN site for the keyword 'Echelon', that is.  ;-|

Steve Wingate

California Director

Anomalous Images and UFO Files

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] 60 Minutes Does Echelon

2000-02-24 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

CNN is reporting about Echelon spying promoting US commercial
interests, just like the CIA told us they were working on with our hard-
earned tax dollars. But not surprisingly, a search of 'Echelon' does not turn
up any meaningful responses.

But we're watching you, CBS. Closely. Hehe. ;-)  --SW)

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Thu, 24 Feb 2000 05:15:04 -0500
Send reply to:  Conspiracy Theory Research List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:[CTRL] 60 Minutes Does Echelon


>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
Conspiracy Shopping Cart: http://a-albionic.com/shopping.htmlFrom: Paul Wolf 
Subject: 60 Minutes Does Echelon
Date: Monday, February 21, 2000 7:07 PM

From: John Young <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Echelon will get a segment on 60 Minutes, February 27,
this coming Sunday, according to Margaret Newsham,
an ex-employee of Lockheed Martin, who worked at
NSA's Menwith Hill Station and trained agency personnel,
and who testified in a secret congressional hearing in the
80s. She'll be a main player in the segment. A capsule of
her visit to Menwith Hill and a 60 Minutes crew:


And Bo Elkjær's Danish interview of Newsham:


--- End of forwarded message ---

Steve Wingate

California Director

Anomalous Images and UFO Files

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The Perfect Candidate

2000-02-24 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

A few months ago, I secretly formulated a profile of the ideal candidate for
the President of the United States for the new millenium.

I have been constantly amazed at the results of this prediction, which i
humbly suggest represents the hopes and dreams and aspirations ofmany
on this relatively small and fragile, but very rich and fortunate planet, known
as 'Planet Earth'.


Steve Wingate

California Director

Anomalous Images and UFO Files

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2000-02-24 Thread U.P. Secr

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-


Almost all of the New World Order's insane, gruesome
wars are about the lack of right of minorities to become
independent of oppressive states.

The contradictions normally result from unnatural
borderlines imposed by imperialist and/or economic
powers of people in majority without regarding the
peoples of minorities.

It must become a matter of course that any minority
has the right to establish its own state.

Rules must be set up for the referendum to be arranged
within the minority.

Already before the formal self-determination of the hundreds of
minorities has been achieved, these enclaves should
interconnect economically and in other ways, and form the
basis of the alternative new world.

Their common ground should be the ecological principles for
sound life style, production and transportation, allowing for
restoration and preservation of nature and natural resources,

The minorities should make up an anti-imperialist economic and
political unity and in solidarity assist each other in every way in
their struggles for independence of oppressive states and
overnational structures.

And all progressive organisations, communities, governments,
regions, etc., outside the alliance shall have the opportunity to
join the alliance.

Through several pre-conferences, a founding conference by the end
of 2000 will be held among the minorities.

All organisations, groups and individuals who wish to co-organize /
sponsor / support the conference are requested to contact us ASAP,
with information of the ways in which you want to contribute.

The actual question now is where to hold the summit.
We hereby want to involve everybody interested, and in particular
the minorities, in the discussion of this question.

So far we have considered that the summit could be held in or
near the border of one of the states with a minority presently
struggling for or strongly desiring self-determination or at least
more independence:

An American Indian territory
Hopi Nation
Puerto Rico
Sri Lanka
West Sahara

Comments to these possibilities and further propopsals are

Global Resource Bank
Int. Soc. for Peace and Human Rights
Shambala Center
The People of West Papua
United Peoples

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] 60 Minutes Does Echelon

2000-02-24 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-


>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
Conspiracy Shopping Cart: http://a-albionic.com/shopping.htmlFrom: Paul Wolf 
Subject: 60 Minutes Does Echelon
Date: Monday, February 21, 2000 7:07 PM

From: John Young <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Echelon will get a segment on 60 Minutes, February 27,
this coming Sunday, according to Margaret Newsham,
an ex-employee of Lockheed Martin, who worked at
NSA's Menwith Hill Station and trained agency personnel,
and who testified in a secret congressional hearing in the
80s. She'll be a main player in the segment. A capsule of
her visit to Menwith Hill and a 60 Minutes crew:


And Bo Elkjær's Danish interview of Newsham:


Shop for Cars On-Line:  http://a-albionic.com/ads/srch.html

Forwarded for info and discussion from the New Paradigms Discussion List,
not necessarily endorsed by:
Lloyd Miller, Research Director for A-albionic Research (POB 20273,
Ferndale, MI 48220), a ruling class/conspiracy research resource for the
entire political-ideological spectrum.  Quarterly journal, book sales,
rare/out-of-print searches, New Paradigms Discussion List, Weekly Up-date
Lists & E-text Archive of research, intelligence, catalogs, & resources.
 To Discuss Ideas:
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   text in body:  subscribe prj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2000-02-24 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

DAMN RIGHTi.e., when ever I get the fealing that NOTHING can
change things (like I had when NO ONE knew who Jimmy Carter


It ALREADY (for a change) SHOWS THAT IT CAN (even if RARELY)

On Wed, 23 Feb 2000, Steve Wingate wrote:

> -Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
>  -Cui Bono?-
> I never said our vote does not matter. It does matter. SO VOTE!!!
> It appears many feel the same way as I do.  ;-)
> Steve
> On 23 Feb 00, at 14:40, blue honey wrote:
> If Bush is Reptilian then our vote does not matter, it's a done deal! But I don't 
>think our
> vote maters anyway, Bush is in and there's nothing we can do.  And after what
> happened to Princess Di, I'm sure he'll be more than happy to play by their rules
> (whatever the agenda may be).
> Steve Wingate
> California Director
> Anomalous Images and UFO Files
> http://www.anomalous-images.com
> http://www.ctrl.org/">www.ctrl.org
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
> screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
> and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
> frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
> spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
> gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
> be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
> nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
> Archives Available at:
> http://home.ease.lsoft.com/archives/CTRL.html
> To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
> To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
> Om

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Skeptic News - Wednesday #2

2000-02-24 Thread nessie

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

># THE WOMAN WHO SHOT ANDY WARHOL: Should you like her never-produced,
long-forgotten play? Nah. But dat's not de point, says a San Francisco
producer who's presenting the play in tandem with an Arthur Miller play
about censorship to "make a point about currents of 'repression' in the
United States."

I saw it. It's totally hilarious. I recommend it highly. Well worth the
money. Great entertainment.  Go see it. You'll laugh so hard your ribs
will hurt. Mine did.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] What is that????

2000-02-24 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Wed, 23 Feb 2000 17:13:57 -0500
From:   "Philip I. Marie Sr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:[SO] What is that

[ Double-click this line for list subscription options ]

Steve W. said;

>Look outside sometimes. And listen! Yesterday night the Aurora flew over
>(it was cloudy as it usually is when it flies over.)

This brings to mind what I've heard here in the central part of NH. Maybe
once every three months it will be cloudy and the valley will be filled with the
sound a dozen Harrier Jets just hovering overhead. The noise level is
constant for 10 maybe 20 minutes. Most locals thought it was snow making
machines until it showed up in the summer.

The second thing that is strange is the sound of a jet overhead on a
perfectly clear day but invisible. You can hear it coming and going but
impossible to see. I know they are painting them they color of the sky and
also have other ways to make them difficult to see. AND THEY ARE!

Where we live, there is very little jet traffic, so when they start the chemtrail
crap it's extremely obvious. I posted chemtrail images on the "Orbit" site
and a Knoxville radio host called me yesterday and had me on at 8:15 pm.
What I shared with him was the following article with my conclusion, the
best guess on chemtrails, is weather modification. After reading this how
could you not believe our gov. was screwing around with weather
modification. They are probably also adding a few goodies to the mix.

   15 April 1998, 5 pm PST

   Jets Create Serious Cirrus Clouds

   Add to the list of rogues a
   possible new humanmade factor
   behind climate change: contrails[Image]
   from high-flying airplanes that
   spread into larger and longer
   lasting clouds than researchers
   had expected. Satellites tracked
   several contrails over the United
   States that persisted for up to
   17 hours and grew to resemble

   banks of natural cirrus
   clouds, according to a report in
   today's Geophysical Research
   Letters. If such formations are
   common, contrails may have a
   significant impact on
   climate--especially in areas with
   heavy traffic overhead.
 At high altitudes,
   particles in jet exhaust become
   seeds for ice crystals that make
   up contrails. Ice crystals
   reflect sunlight during the day,
   possibly cooling the ground
   below. They may also trap heat
   after the sun goes down and make
   the nights warmer. In the 1960s,
   scientists proposed that fleets
   of planes could spawn enough
   contrails to tweak the climate in
   industrialized regions. Recent
   satellite studies over Europe
   showed that contrails cover about
   1% of the sky--seemingly not an
   important amount. However, those
   satellites watched only the most
   obvious contrails: long, narrow
   streaks, many of which fade
   quickly. The new research reveals
   that other contrails can elude
   detection by mutating into
   strikingly large, cirruslike
 NASA researchers used
   geostationary satellites to
   continuously track three sets of
   contrails over California and the
   southern United States in spring
   1996. The contrails, floating at
   altitudes of about 10 kilometers,
   lasted between 7 and 17 hours and
   expanded to enormous sizes by
   catalyzing the growth of a larger
   cloud with more ice. One cloud
   reached 35,000 square
   kilometers--the size of Indiana.
   At such extents, no satellite or
   ground-based instrument would
   recognize the clouds as having
   arisen from contrails, says
   atmospheric scientist Patrick
   Minnis of NASA's Langley Research
   Center in Hampton, Virginia. If
   more high clouds that look like
   natural cirrus are old contrails
   in disguise, Minnis says, "that
   could have a strong regional
   effect on climate." Indeed, other
   studies point to an increase in
   cirrus clouds during the last 30

[CTRL] CIA Says Russia, China Build Cyber Attack Abilities

2000-02-24 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
To: "'Skywatch'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date sent:  Wed, 23 Feb 2000 12:44:23 -0800
From:   "Dunn, Steven J." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:[SO] CIA Says Russia, China Build Cyber Attack Abilities

[ Double-click this line for list subscription options ]

From: "Dunn, Steven J." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Wednesday February 23 2:45 PM ET

CIA Says Russia, China Build Cyber Attack Abilities

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Central Intelligence Agency said on Wednesday it
was picking up growing signs that countries such as Russia and China were
developing tools to attack commercial computer networks at the heart of U.S.

``We are detecting with increasing frequency the appearance of doctrines and
dedicated offensive cyber warfare programs in other countries,'' John
Serabian, the CIA's ``information operations issue manager,'' told Congress.

He cited public statements by a Chinese general and a senior Russian
official -- neither named in his testimony -- to illustrate what he called
the importance of ``information warfare'' in coming decades.

No other country was identified by name as developing such cyber weapons.
But the CIA official said, ``The battle space of the information age would
surely include attacks against our domestic infrastructure.''

``Many of the countries whose cyber warfare programs we follow are the same
ones that realize that, in a conventional military confrontation with the
United States, they will not prevail,'' Serabian said in testimony prepared
for the Joint Economic Committee.

The United States itself plans to incorporate offensive computer operations
into its war-fighting arsenal after policy and legal issues are sorted out,
the second-ranking U.S. military officer, Air Force Gen. Richard Myers, told
reporters last month.

To illustrate U.S. dependence on systems and their vulnerabilities, Serabian
cited the electronic blitzes that disrupted major commercial Web sites for
four days starting Feb. 8.

``Whatever their motivation, the attackers have taken the threat out of the
realm of the abstract and made it real,'' he said.

Serabian said ``terrorists'' acting independently of any state sponsor also
could do ``considerable harm'' with cyber tools, easily downloaded from the
Internet, that largely erased their digital footprints while wreaking havoc

``Opportunities abound to disrupt military effectiveness and public safety
while maintaining the elements of surprise and anonymity,'' he added.

Daniel Kuehl, a professor of military strategy at the Information Resources
Management College of the Pentagon's National Defense University, told the
panel that cyber attacks against the United States or its allies by foreign
foes were inevitable.

``Eventually, a nation state will determine that the potential gains of a
strategic cyber attack on U.S. economic systems -- or those of our allies
and/or neighbors -- outweigh the potential risks of such actions,'' he said.

``The time to prepare defenses against such an event is now,'' he added,
citing a growing body of Russian and Chinese writings on using cyberspace to
cause chaos in the economy.

Fred Cohen, an information protection expert at the Energy Department's
Sandia National Laboratories, testified that a well-managed U.S.
intelligence network ``should be able to detect technical efforts (by a
foreign foe) that could have large-scale consequences on U.S. financial

Robert Bennett, the Utah Republican who chaired a special Senate panel on
the Year 2000 technology problem, said a ``new landscape'' was emerging for
Congress and the nation because of the perceived mounting cyber threat.

``Attacks on American defense and industrial facilities in cyberspace are as
real and dangerous as any conventional threat to economic prosperity and
national security,'' said Bennett, who chaired the Joint Economic Committee

--- End of forwarded message ---

Steve Wingate

California Director

Anomalous Images and UFO Files

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