Re: [CTRL] More of Gay Pride

2001-06-06 Thread c.

-Caveat Lector-

with all due respect andrew, you are guessing, not reporting. the warehouse
thing and the homosexual agenda you mention is absurd (unless you can
support this contention in some way?). as is your perception of lillith.

 -Original Message-
 From: Conspiracy Theory Research List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On
 Behalf Of Andrew Hennessey
 Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2001 9:12 PM
 Subject: Re: [CTRL] More of Gay Pride

 In the UK - we are getting homosexual agendas actively pushed and all
 safeguards actively removed - and our warehouses are full of
 perverted schoolbooks - and the government actively ignores public
 I would not want the demon asmodeus or his friend lilith to be let
 loose to practise lechery on innocence.

 andrew hennessey

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [Fwd: Student removed from class because of drawings]

2001-06-06 Thread BB

How precious that the bureaucratic numbskulls have an 11 year old
hauled off in handcuffs  --  for a DRAWING!!!  What about the freedom
of speech that these brain-dead, liberal creeps keep squawking about??

Perversions of religious icons entrenched in filth are lovingly
by these oh-so-modern and accepting leftists - as long as the
tends to diminish and pervert those segments of our civilization which

are considered good, and clean.  But NOT the right of a boy to draw
an image of a GUN!  No first amendment rights there - because it goes
against the left-wing, anti-Constitution, NWO, one world agenda of the

controlling bureaucrats. UN gun registration, control, and
is a primary goal right now.

Things like this are happening at an ever-increasing rate, and the
and media tend to accept it as normal, and even desirable.
The zero-tolerance lunacy has become the new Mantra of the
educational bureaucracy.  No pictures.  No finger-pointing.
No kisses on the cheek by a 6 year old boy to a 6 year old girl.  That

will not be tolerated.  Bureaucracy-generated sexual courses of every
description as well as free artifacts, however, are acceptable.

Notice that in the following  ...after classmates told school
about the drawings.
There were some drawings that were confiscated by the teacher,

Classmates turned the criminal in.  Fine. Now we have citizens,
CHILDREN encouraged to turn in to authorities anyone who violates
zero-tolerance mandate.  Sound familiar?  Germany, 1930's?  Their
thrust was total gun confiscation, also.

Notice that the teacher confiscated the drawings.  Obviously,
important evidence, for the trial.

WHERE did zero tolerance come from?  Why have we let it become
an entrenched foundation of all school life, reaching its slimy roots
down to
the first grade and kindergarten?

Americans, we are fast asleep  --  changes to our basic lifestyle
beliefs are occurring at an ever-increasing rate.  Freedoms of every
description are being curtailed as though part of an avalanche.
What is happening to our beloved country, and why are so few noticing?

Read the Bill of Rights, the first 10 amendments to the
Constitution, and
see how many of them have been the target of the Legislative, the
the press, the media, and the educational cartel.



Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or
prohibiting the free exercise
thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the
right of the people peaceably to
assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.


A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free
State, the right of the people to keep and
bear Arms, shall not be infringed.


No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without
the consent of the Owner, nor in
time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.


The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers,
and effects, against unreasonable
searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall
issue, but upon probable cause,
supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the
place to be searched, and the persons or
things to be seized.


No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous
crime, unless on a presentment or
indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or
naval forces, or in the Militia, when in
actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person
be subject for the same offence to be
twice put in jeopardy of life or limb, nor shall be compelled in any
criminal case to be a witness against
himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due
process of law; nor shall private property
be taken for public use without just compensation.


In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a
speedy and public trial, by an impartial
jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been
committed, which district shall have been
previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and
cause of the accusation; to be
confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process
for obtaining witnesses in his
favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence.


In Suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed
twenty dollars, the right of trial by
jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury shall be
otherwise re-examined in any Court of the
United States, than according to the rules of the common law.


Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor
cruel and unusual punishments


The enumeration in the Constitution, of 

[CTRL] Mia Michele Lawrence: From federal court records

2001-06-06 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

THE SMOKING GUN: Paving the Paper Trail

  Here's hoping that a supermarket tabloid offers some serious dough for
the story of the Texas restaurant manager who snitched out the
hard-partyin' Bush twins. Because not only is Mia Lawrence a tattletale,
she's a deadbeat who just declared bankruptcy, according to federal
court records.

Lawrence, who earns $3000-a-month running Chuy's in Austin, filed a
Chapter 7 petition in early-March, listing $37,500 in debts. As this
list of creditors shows, Lawrence, 40, has not paid various credit card
bills, a car loan, two lines of credit, and several medical expenses.
Included in assets that Lawrence claims are exempt from liquidation are
about $9000 in cash, household goods totaling $4000, a Chuy's pension
worth $6700, and a $2500 Volvo. Oh, and she values her dogs at an exempt
$100. Sadly, Austin cops do not offer a reward for information leading
to the capture and conviction of margarita maidens.

VIEW PDF file: Mia Michele Lawrence



In previous GOP police blotter news:

Hard-partyin' Bush twins

 Look, TSG has as much respect for the presidency as the next web site,
but you gotta figure that First Daughter Jenna Bush is going to turn up
soon in one of those Girls Gone Wild videotapes. Just two weeks after
copping to an underage drinking charge, the 19-year-old party girl has
been rapped (along with twin sister Barbara) for another Texas booze
incident. The Austin Police Department today (May 31) issued Jenna a
misdemeanor citation for using someone else's driver's license in a
failed bid to order a drink at a Mexican restaurant on May 29 (sister
Barbara got nailed for successfully obtaining booze that same evening).
The new citation is Jenna's second scrape with the law in recent weeks.

On May 16, as these Municipal Court records show, Jenna pleaded no
contest to a misdemeanor charge of being a minor in possession of
alcohol (the legal drinking age in Texas is 21). As part of the
plea--which would have expunged the case from Bush's record if she
behaved herself for a whole 60 days--Jenna was ordered to commit no
further offenses against the laws of the State of Texas and the City of
Austin. Perhaps Jenna didn't read the fine print. If young Bush gets
cited in the new booze probe, she could have her lenient punishment in
the first case (a $51.25 fine, 8 hours of community service, and an
alcohol awareness course) revoked and prosecutors might seek a formal
criminal conviction and a suspension of her driver's license. (7 pages)

In previous GOP police blotter news: Dubya's DWI, Dick Cheney's two
DWIs, Jebby Bush caught gettin' busy, and hunky George P. Bush's girl

  Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


*Michael Spitzer*[EMAIL PROTECTED]

The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] TAS: Clinton's Cash Course

2001-06-06 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

The American Spectator-Washington Prowler

Clinton's Cash Course

Money Machine

Wary of the growing attention the media is paying to former president
Bill Clinton's activities, the DNC is pulling back on plans for its June
13 fundraiser in Chicago. It was intended to be Clinton's coming out
party as the chief fundraising weapon for new DNC chief Terry McAuliffe.

Internally identified as a Donor Thank You Dinner, the event was
anticipated in the Chicago area as a splashy affair featuring not only
Clinton, but also Jesse Jackson. Who wouldn't have paid to see those
two together? asks a Washington-based political strategist with the
DNC. There would have been a lot of lip-reading going on in that room.

Jackson, you'll recall, was a spiritual adviser to Clinton during the
early stages of the Monica Lewinsky scandal. It was also during that
time, according to press reports, that Jackson was involved in an
extramarital affair of his own. Now, the DNC has ditched its
high-profile plans for the Chicago fundraiser. No Jackson, no big-time
media event.

Instead, the Clinton appearance will be held in a private home, where
all media can be blocked from entering. Even invitations are being
tightly controlled, to the point where there aren't any on paper, only
via phone-calls. If the event goes as planned, the other fundraisers
Clinton is doing for us will be so full of buzz we'll make a killing,
says the DNC strategist. He's the most popular politician in the world
right now. Everyone wants to be near him, and they'll pay for it too.

Clinton has committed to at least three other DNC fundraising
appearances: in Miami, San Francisco, and Los Angeles. We're not paying
him for the appearances, only covering his expenses, and those we expect
will be hefty, says the DNC source. But mindful of Clinton's voracious
financial appetite, McAuliffe isn't about to let Clinton lose any income
for his party work. He's said to be arranging at least one $125,000
speaking engagement for Clinton in each of cities in which the ex-prez
will appear for the DNC.


Madonna Complex

It's inevitable that in several years we'll see Chelsea Clinton run for
Congress, so busy is she already re-enacting her father's life. Word out
of Stanford University is that Chelsea plans to attend Oxford in the
fall. Not only that, but the Secret Service has requested that Chelsea
be given the same small suite of rooms her father once lived in. If her
plans for going over firm up, the Secret Service will travel to England
later this summer to work out security measures.

One indication that Chelsea may seriously be headed overseas? Her father
recently traveled to Scotland, where he told people that he intends to
relocate there in the fall to begin writing his memoirs. In Scotland he
would be within easy travel distance of Oxford. The country suits his
fancy in other ways. He wanted to stay in the same place where Madonna
got married, says a former Clinton aide about the former president's
recent trip. He thought it sounded cool. So rocker Bill stayed at
Skibo Castle, the location for Madonna's recent nuptials to filmmaker
Guy Ritchie, the father of one of her two children. Clinton apparently
took to the Highlands like a native. Tabloid reporters followed his
every move, and even caught him relieving himself behind the bushes of a
golf course where he was playing 18 holes.

  Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


*Michael Spitzer*[EMAIL PROTECTED]

The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] ADG: Notice served: Hale's in line for clemency

2001-06-06 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Notice served: Hale's in line for clemency



Gov. Mike Huckabee late Monday gave notice that he intends to grant
clemency to Whitewater figure David Hale, who was convicted in 1999 of
falsifying insurance documents.

In 1996, Hale pleaded guilty to federal charges and cooperated with
independent counsel Kenneth Starr in Starr's successful prosecution of
former Gov. Jim Guy Tucker, a Democrat.

Tucker's resignation led to Huckabee, then the Republican lieutenant
governor, becoming governor on July 15, 1996.

I don't think you can read anything into the decision, Huckabee
spokesman Rex Nelson said. Various factors go into each decision the
governor makes.

Nelson said the governor wouldn't give reasons why he wants to
commute Hale's sentence to time served on the state insurance charge. He
said the governor's notice begins a 30-day public comment period.

Afterward, Huckabee will issue a final decision.

Pulaski County Prosecuting Attorney Larry Jegley, who prosecuted
Hale in Pulaski County Circuit Court on the state insurance charge, said
he wasn't happy and demanded a face-to-face meeting with Huckabee.

Are you serious? Jegley asked when told about the governor's
action. I'd like to think the governor's politics didn't have anything
to do with it. I know him to be a compassionate man. He doesn't need to
be compassionate with a scoundrel like David Hale. [Hale] needs to pay
us his 21 days.

Jegley said he eased up during the trial on Hale. He said he could
have pushed for Hale to receive the maximum eight years. Jegley didn't
complain when the jury gave Hale only 21 days because of Hale's heart
problems. But Jegley said Hale, a former Pulaski County municipal judge,
deserves to serve some time. Hale hasn't served any time in jail beyond
the booking process, Jegley said.

David Bowden of Little Rock, Hale's attorney, wasn't immediately
available for comment Monday.

At 6 p.m. Monday, the governor's office released the notice to grant
clemency for Hale. Nelson said the people who work on the clemency
process work on a different floor and they brought the paperwork to the
press office late.

Nelson said he didn't know if Huckabee would agree to meet with
Jegley, which Jegley said he's owed. Nelson added that the governor's
office planned to receive comment and not give comment during the
30-day public comment period.

I suspect the governor and I need to have a face-to-face
conversation about people who occupy positions of public trust abusing
their positions ... like Mr. Hale, Jegley said. If the governor says
that Mr. Hale does not owe the people the minuscule 21 days imposed by
the jury, I would hope that he would pay me the courtesy of a
face-to-face conversation.

Hale, 59, is living in Shreveport. Bowden has said that any sentence
would be akin to a life sentence because of his client's poor health.

Hale was convicted of giving false information to state insurance
regulators about the financial health of the company he owned.

Prosecutors alleged that he put a $150,000 check into the bank account
of his company, National Savings Life Insurance Co., to show that it was
financially stable. Four days later, he gave the check back to a Texas

On May 21, the U.S. Supreme Court declined to review the case. Hale
had argued that his prosecution broke an immunity deal and was
politically motivated by Democrats because of his cooperation with

In 1994, Hale pleaded guilty to two felony counts of defrauding the
federal Small Business Administration. His subsequent cooperation with
Starr led to convictions of Tucker as well as James and Susan McDougal,
partners with Bill and Hillary Rodham Clinton in the White River land
development deal known as Whitewater.

This article was published on Tuesday, June 5, 2001

  Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


*Michael Spitzer*[EMAIL PROTECTED]

The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Re: [CTRL] rWhite House property destruction by departing Clintonstaffers

2001-06-06 Thread BB

-Caveat Lector-

Steve Wingate wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 There has not been a single shred of factual evidence to support these
 allegations. Not a single photograph, nothing but claims by certain Bush
 officials of questionable integrity and motivation.

 Why no evidence? It did not happen anywhere close to the extent claimed.


Post confirms earlier
WND vandalism account
White House property destruction by departing Clinton staffers

© 2001

The Washington Post's current stories detailing destruction of
White House property by outgoing Clinton staffers confirms the
detailed, exclusive reporting done by last

When vandalism reports surfaced upon George W. Bush's move
into the White House, initial official outrage was quickly
doused by the newly inaugurated president's stated desire to
change the tone in Washington.

However, Rep. Bob Barr, R-Ga., a leader in the move to impeach
Clinton, asked the General Accounting Office to check into the
matter. In an April 27 letter, the GAO told Barr that there
was no record of damage that may have been deliberately
caused by the Clinton administration. That is, the White
House had not maintained a written accounting of any damage.

The matter seemed dead and buried.

However, apparently unable to leave well enough alone,
Democrats like Rep. Anthony Weiner, D-N.Y., seized upon the
GAO report as vindication of Clinton and evidence that the
Bush people had been fabricating their initial vandalism
reports - and even demanded an apology from Bush.

Pushed against the wall, the Bush White House responded by
doing what it refrained from doing last January - and issued
late last week an extensive list of damage done by outgoing
Clinton staffers. The list includes obscene graffiti in six
offices, a 20-inch-wide presidential seal ripped off a wall,
10 sliced telephone lines and 100 inoperable computer
keyboards, according to the Washington Post.

Jake Siewert, Clinton's last presidential press secretary,
called the White House's actions incredibly infuriating,
reports the Post.

'We tried to be gracious'

Most of the incidents described yesterday by White House
press secretary Ari Fleischer, said the Post, were said to
have occurred in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building,
adjacent to the White House. Pornographic or obscene greetings
were left on 15 telephone lines in the offices of the vice
president and White House counsel and in the scheduling and
advance offices, Fleischer said. As a precaution, all phones
were disabled and reprogrammed, he said.

The details were provided to The Washington Post after
several days of inquiries about the degree of White House
cooperation with the GAO, the investigative arm of Congress,
reported the Post.

White House officials added that they did not release the
information sooner because of Bush's desire to move forward
and not live in the past, said the Post.

But in the face of accusations the White House fabricated the
tales of vandalism, Fleischer says the Bush team was forced to

The White House will defend itself and the career employees,
Fleischer said, according to the Post account. We tried to be
gracious, but the last administration would not take
graciousness. By getting the information out, we hope to put
an end to this, so everyone can go on with the policy and
business of the government.

Sunday's Washington Post story confirms -- five months
later -- WND's earlier investigative reporting, based on
knowledgeable sources such as career White House computer
technicians, on exactly what was damaged in the White House by
departing Clinton staffers.

Here are a few comparisons:

Post (June 3, 2001): Fleischer said that workers were able to
affix new 'W' caps to many computers but that 100 keyboards
had to be replaced.

WND (Jan. 26, 2001): Based on a preliminary survey, an
estimated 50 to 60 computer keyboards were actually destroyed,
and not just temporarily disabled as originally believed,
after outgoing aides removed the plastic key with the letter
'W' -- President Bush's new famous middle initial.

'We'll actually have to replace the whole keyboards, because
they also gouged out the contacts underneath (the plastic
keys),' said a White House computer technician in an exclusive
interview with WorldNetDaily.

Post: Fleischer also said five brass nameplates bearing the
presidential seal were missing in the Eisenhower building [the
Old Executive Office Building].

WND: Outgoing staffers pried several official U.S. emblems,
about the size of 50-cent coins, from doors in the Old
Executive Office Building, according to a General Services
Administration worker involved in the maintenance of White
House offices.

Post: White House officials yesterday released a list of
damage ... including ... 10 sliced telephone lines ... .

WND: Former White House aides also cut telephone lines
throughout the White House compound.

'There was a lot of them 

[CTRL] Fla. Vote Rife With Disparities, Study Says

2001-06-06 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

Fla. Vote Rife With Disparities, Study Says

Rights Panel Finds Blacks Penalized

By Robert E. Pierre and Peter Slevin
Washington Post Staff Writers
Tuesday, June 5, 2001; Page A01

Florida's conduct of the 2000 presidential election was marked by
injustice, ineptitude and inefficiency that unfairly penalized minority
voters, the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights has concluded in a report that
criticizes top state officials -- particularly Gov. Jeb Bush and Secretary
of State Katherine Harris -- for allowing disparate treatment of
voters.Unequal access to modern voting equipment and overzealous efforts
to purge state voter lists most harshly affected African Americans in the
state that decided the November election for President Bush, the commission
declared in a 167-page final draft report obtained by The Washington Post.
The inquiry found no conclusive evidence that officials conspired to
disenfranchise minority and disabled voters. Fifty-four percent of votes
rejected during the Florida election were cast by black voters, according
to the report, scheduled for a commission vote Friday. African Americans
accounted for 11 percent of voters statewide. The disenfranchisement was
not isolated or episodic. State officials failed to fulfill their duties in
a manner that would prevent this disenfranchisement, said the report, the
product of a six-month investigation. Despite the closeness of the
election, it was widespread voter disenfranchisement and not the dead-heat
contest that was the extraordinary feature in the Florida election..The
commission -- composed of four Democrats, three independents and one
Republican -- is poised to ask the U.S. Department of Justice and the
Florida attorney general's office to investigate whether federal or state
civil rights laws were violated. The commission is charged with
investigating possible violations -- intentional or unintentional -- of the
federal Voting Rights Act and other civil rights protections. Advisers to
Gov. Bush and Harris were angered yesterday by the report's early release.
Harris's spokesman, David Host, called the leak both fraudulent and
shameful because Harris's response is not due until later this week. The
commission had issued a preliminary report several months ago and was
unable to find any evidence of intentional discrimination in the conduct of
the November election, said Katie Baur, the governor's communications
director. Since that report, the governor has signed into law one of the
most progressive election reform bills in the nation. We will have no
further comment until our office receives a copy of the final report..The
Florida attorney general's office is investigating possible civil rights
violations stemming from the election, spokesman Joe Bizzaro said
yesterday. We're going to give due consideration to whatever is requested
by the commission..Florida's election problems have been scrutinized
since Election Day. A bipartisan task force appointed by Gov. Bush
concluded that the November election was marred by systemic
inconsistencies. That report cited unreliable voting machines, improper
counting of absentee ballots and inaccurate databases that allowed
unregistered voters to vote while preventing legal voters from casting
ballots. A computer analysis by The Post showed that the more black and
Democratic a precinct, the more likely it was to suffer high rates of
invalidated votes. No inquiry so far has been as broad as that conducted by
the commission -- or as specifically focused on the rights of minorities.
The commission held three days of hearings, interviewed 100 witnesses and
reviewed 118,000 documents. Some of the key findings:
--African Americans were nearly 10 times as likely as whites to have their
ballots rejected. Poor counties populated by minorities were more likely to
use voting systems that rejected larger percentages of ballots than more
affluent counties.
--Some Hispanic and Haitian voters were not provided ballots in their
native languages, and physical barriers sometimes kept disabled voters from
entering polling sites.
--There were no clear guidelines to protect eligible voters from being
wrongly removed as part of a statewide purge of felons, people with dual
registrations and the deceased.
--Elections supervisors in the counties with the worst problems failed to
prepare adequately for the election or demand adequate resources.
--The Florida Division of Elections failed to educate Florida's residents
on the mechanics of voting.
The report, and its executive summary, were particularly critical of the
roles played by Gov. Bush and Harris. Bush was chided for a failure of
leadership -- for example, rejecting a $100,000 budget request for voter
education. Harris was criticized for claiming that she had only a
ministerial responsibility for elections. While she described her role
in the policies and decisions affecting the actual 

Re: [CTRL] rWhite House property destruction by departing Clintonstaffers

2001-06-06 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

Yes, BB I read the article the first time. Like I said before, why no
photographs? All we have is a few anonymous sources reported on by right
wing pro-Republican media.


On 6 Jun 01, at 1:23, BB wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 Steve Wingate wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-
  There has not been a single shred of factual evidence to support these
  allegations. Not a single photograph, nothing but claims by certain Bush
  officials of questionable integrity and motivation.
  Why no evidence? It did not happen anywhere close to the extent claimed.

 Post confirms earlier
 WND vandalism account
 White House property destruction by departing Clinton staffers

 © 2001


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The Stern Gang

2001-06-06 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Well Israel has been asking for DNA samples of Russian Jews to prove
their are jewish.

It would make sense someone would not like this Russian Community - as
this one  Rabbi said foaming at the mouh - these jewish kids were
slaughtered because they were dancine boys with girls - and not men with
men or girls with girls?   The Wedding Party?  Well  there was fun an
dancing and laughter turned to mourning also.

Great way to get all those Palestinias slaughtered = like avengers of
blood when they shed their own blood ?



 Bradley R. Smith  Revisionism by: CODOH, PO Box 439016, San
Diego, CA 92134  The Revisionist  Campus Project
Next Previous Index

Chapter 26

Until Begin's election victory in l977, most pro-Zionist historians
dismissed Revisionism as the fanatic fringe of Zionism; certainly the
more extreme 'Stern Gang', as their enemies called Avraham Stern's
Fighters for the Freedom of Israel, were looked upon as of more interest
to the psychiatrist than the political scientist.

However, opinion toward Begin had to change when he came to power, and
when he eventually appointed Yitzhak Shamir as his Foreign Minister it
was quietly received, although Shamir had been operations commander of
the Stern Gang.

'The Historical Jewish State on a National and Totalitarian Basis'

On the night of 31 August/1 September l939 the entire command of the
Irgun, including Stern, was arrested by the British CID. When he was
released, in June 1940, Stern found an entirely new political
constellation. Jabotinsky had called off all military operations against
the British for the duration of the war. Stern himself was willing to
ally himself with the British so long as London would recognise the
sovereignty of a Jewish state on both sides of the River Jordan.

Until then, the anti-British struggle would have to continue. Jabotinsky
knew that nothing would make Britain give the Jews a state in 1940, and
he saw the creation of another Jewish Legion with the British Army to be
the main task. The two orientations were incompatible and by September
1940 the Irgun was hopelessly split: the majority of both the command
and the ranks followed Stern out of the Revisionist movement.

At birth the new group was at its greatest strength for, as Stern's
policies became clearer, the ranks started drifting back into the Irgun
or joined the British Army. Stern or 'Yair', as he now called himself,
(after Eleazer ben Yair, the commander at Masada during the revolt
against Rome) began to define his full objectives.

 His 18 principles included a Jewish state with its borders as defined
in Genesis 15: 18 'from the brook of Egypt to the great river, the river
Euphrates,' a 'population exchange', a euphemism for the expulsion of
the Arabs and, finally, the building of a Third Temple of Jerusalem.[(1
)]The Stern Group was at this time a bare majority of the military wing
of Revisionism but by no means representative of the middle class Jews
of Palestine who had backed Jabotinsky. Still less was the fanatic call
for a new temple attractive to ordinary Zionists.
The war and its implications were on everyone's mind and the Stern Gang
began to explain their unique position in a series of underground radio

There is a difference between a persecutor and an enemy. Persecutors
have risen against Israel in all generations and in all periods of our
diaspora, starting with Haman and ending with Hitler...

The source of all our woes is our remaining in exile, and the absence of
a homeland and statehood. Therefore, our enemy is the foreigner, the
ruler of our land who blocks the return of the people to it. The enemy
are the British who conquered the land with our help and who remain here
by our leave, and who have betrayed us and placed our brethren in Europe
in the hands of the persecutor.[(2)]

Stern turned away from any kind of struggle against Hitler and even
began to fantasise about sending a guerrilla group to India to help the
nationalists there against Britain.[(3)] He attacked the Revisionists
for encouraging Palestinian Jews to join the British Army, where they
would be treated as colonial troops, 'even to the point of not being
allowed to use the washrooms reserved for European soldiers'.[(4)]

Stern's single-minded belief, that the only solution to the Jewish
catastrophe in Europe was the end of British domination of Palestine,
had a logical conclusion. They could not defeat Britain with their own
puny forces, so they looked to her enemies for salvation. They came into
contact with an Italian agent in Jerusalem, a Jew who worked for the
British police, and in September 1940 they drew up an agreement whereby
Mussolini would recognise a Zionist state in return for Sternist
co-ordination with the Italian Army when the country was to be

How seriously either Stern or the Italian agent took these discussions

[CTRL] NRO: Trash Talk

2001-06-06 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

'For example, much like O. J. Simpson in his pursuit of the real
killers, Hillary Clinton is still trying to figure out how those old
billing records showed up in the White House residence.'

National Review Online

Trash Talk

Even if Clintonites didn't trash the place, that doesn't change much in
my book.

By Jonah Goldberg
June 4, 2001 5:05 p.m.

At this point I can't keep it straight. The former residents of the
White House may or may not have trashed their offices to stick it to the
incoming Bush administration. The White House communications types may
or may not have fed a true or false story for either good or bad
motives. They may or may not have backed off that story, also for good
or bad motives. And they may now be coming up with evidence to clear
their good names or to cover their dershowitzes.

If you don't know what I'm talking about, good for you. If you want to
know what I'm talking about you can either wait thirty seconds until the
feeling passes or you can click here for the Washington Post story. And
if you still don't care, my Star Trek opus is still on the site.

Now, because this threatens to become the metaphysically trivial
equivalent of the Hiss-Chambers dispute, forever dividing liberals and
conservatives, I for one would like to apologize on behalf of everybody
on my side of the argument, whether they'd like me to or not.

While the rest of this column will be drenched with sarcasm, I do want
to offer my sincere apologies here and now to the totally innocent
Clinton and Gore staffers who were painted with an overly broad brush. I
am sure there are some decent, honest, and, again, completely blameless
individuals who had nothing to do with any White House trashing, even if
there was a lot of vandalism.

That said, I'd like to offer something of an explanation - sort of like
pleading guilty with extenuating circumstances.

It was totally believable.

You see, the Clinton White House was not known to be above such things.
It was not known to be a real button-down operation. A lot of very smart
kids chewing gum and eating pizza at their desks was the image served up
to America in 1992. And while quite a few grownups traipsed through the
White House over the years - John Podesta, Leon Panetta, and Lloyd
Bentsen come to mind - even when the Clinton staff was at its most
impressive, no one ever thought of it as a by-the-numbers enterprise.
Big boxes of really important files kept appearing and disappearing. For
example, much like O. J. Simpson in his pursuit of the real killers,
Hillary Clinton is still trying to figure out how those old billing
records showed up in the White House residence.

Now, of course, I know everyone was in the dark about the fact that
President Clinton was playing President and the Intern with Monica
Lewinksy. But beyond that it was still the kind of office where it would
seem reasonable for an intern to be shuffling in and out of the leader
of the Free World's office with a pizza box.

And as for the pettiness and vindictiveness, well, I guess we were wrong
that an administration that could press false criminal charges against a
lifetime White House employee could also be capable of pulling the W
keys off the keyboards. An administration where Sidney Blumenthal is a
moral North Star is incapable of something like that.

But, I should stop myself. I promised to do my level best to stop
writing about the Clinton administration - and have more or less kept my
word for these last few months - because there's no point to it. So,
let's just say that if they ever make a movie of the White House
operation they won't be looking for John Gielgud-types to play staff

But I would like to add one small point. I think the level of outrage by
some liberal pundits says a lot. Joshua Marshall, the Washington editor
of the American Prospect has made the vandalism story the My Lai
Massacre to his Seymour Hersch. He's been denouncing the slandering
and smearing of White House employees by the Bush administration with
great zeal for quite a while now.

He's not alone. Marie Cocco, a writer for Newsday (my fellow guest last
weekend on CNN's Reliable Sources), wrote a column dripping with outrage
toward the Bush White House. In this administration of dignity, the
dignified thing to do might be to apologize to those whose reputations
were smeared, Cocco sneers. But real men have no regrets.

Now, if I cared more I could investigate. But I don't, so I will simply
guess that Ms. Cocco and Mr. Marshall - as well as the other usual
suspects on the chat shows - have dedicated far more space and emotion
to the allegedly false accusation that a few staffers got out-of-hand
with their pranks than they ever did to Billy Dale, whose life was
destroyed by the Clinton White House and who never got an apology.

I'd also bet they never saw much wrong with the institutionalized
search-and-destroy operation the Clinton White House had up and going
since the very first 

[CTRL] Please help remove Anti-Christian Bigotry from the Education Bill! (fwd)

2001-06-06 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: TVC Newsletter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2001 8:10 AM
Subject: Please help remove Anti-Christian Bigotry from the Education Bill!

 Dear TVC Friend,

 I need you to join me today in making your voice heard in Washington, DC!
 I have just posted three new petitions on the Internet that you will want
 sign immediately and forward to your friends.

 The petitions all involve S. 1, the hugely complex education bill that
 originally the Bush education reform package. It has since been hijacked
 Senators Ted Kennedy, Hillary Clinton, Jim Jeffords, and others like them
 who have added dangerous pro-homosexual and anti-Christian provisions.

 S. 1 currently contains sections on hate crimes that will promote
 homosexuality in the public schools. The bill also contains safe
 provisions that promote homosexuality under the guise of protecting
 homosexual students from discrimination or hate motivated incidents. In
 addition, there are no protections in the bill against anti-Christian
 bigotry. Children who oppose homosexuality on moral grounds will be
 for retraining to have their attitudes changed.

 Senator Jesse Helms (R-NC) is offering an amendment to S. 1 that will
 federal funds to any government agency that forbids the Boy Scouts from
 using public school or other public facilities. The homosexual lobby
 to punish the Scouts because of its policy banning homosexuals from
 membership. Helms wants to save the Boy Scouts from discrimination.

 Here the titles and links to the three petitions:


 The Helms amendment will ban discrimination against the Boy Scouts in the
 use of public facilities. Please sign this!


 This petition encourages Senators to strip any hate crimes language from
 1. In addition, it urges the Senators to add protections against
 anti-Christian bigotry. If hate crimes language is not removed,
 activists will be free to use the force of federal law to actively
 public school children.


 This petition urges the President to veto S. 1 if it contains any hate
 language and if it contains no protections against anti-Christian

 Please sign these today!

 I'd also encourage you to read TVC's special report on hate crime
 legislation so you will fully understand the dangers our children face
 homosexual activists. Our report, Hate Crime Legislation: Unequal
 Under The Law is available at:

 Your Voice at the Capitol,

 Rev. Louis P. Sheldon
 Chairman, Traditional Values Coalition

  Kadosh, Kadosh,, YHVH, TZEVAOT


*Michael Spitzer*[EMAIL PROTECTED]

The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] AAS: Chuy's apologizes for calling 911

2001-06-06 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Austin American-Statesman
Tuesday, June 5, 2001

Chuy's apologizes for calling 911

By Carter Nelsen
American-Statesman Staff

The owners of Chuy's restaurants in Austin are apologizing for the way
their eatery on Barton Springs Road dealt with an alleged alcohol
incident involving Jenna and Barbara Bush last week.

Mike Young, who owns the Mexican food restaurants with John Zapp, said
the Barton Springs staff mishandled the May 29 incident that led to
misdemeanor citations against the twin daughters of President Bush. But
Young said he understood why it happened the way it did.

Usually we wouldn't have handled this in the way it was handled, he
said Monday. With that said, these are very unusual circumstances. A
packed restaurant with high-profile celebrities there puts a lot of
pressure on your management team.

The restaurant's owners have received tons of calls and e-mails about
the incident, Young said. They run the gamut of opinions, he said,
although many are supportive.

There's always some complaints -- it doesn't matter what you do, Young

Mia Lawrence, the Chuy's manager who called 911 to report the alleged
alcohol violations last Tuesday night, will stay with the company, Young
said. Most of all, he said, Chuy's employees and customers would like
the attention gained by the Bush incident to go away.

We want to get back to business as usual, Young said. Out of respect
to the president's family -- I would like to see this go away just for

Jenna Bush was cited by Austin police Thursday on a charge of
misrepresenting her age, while Barbara Bush was cited on a charge of
being a minor in possession of alcohol. Both charges are Class C
misdemeanors. A friend of the Bush twins, 20-year-old Jesse Day-Wickham,
also was cited on a charge of being a minor in possession.

Restaurants usually don't call police to report a suspected alcohol
violation by a minor, said Capt. David Ball of the Texas Alcoholic
Beverage Commission. And they rarely use 911.

That's the decision they have to make, Ball said of the manager's
decision to call 911. For your normal misrepresentation of age, it
would be very unusual.

The beverage commission still is investigating whether Barbara Bush and
Day-Wickham presented identification that appeared valid enough to
warrant serving them, Ball said.

People who send e-mail about the Bush incident through the Chuy's Web
site get a copy of a form letter dated June 1 in which Young and Zapp
apologize for the events of May 29.

We realize that many of you are upset with the recent occurrence at our
Barton Springs location, and we want you to know that we are too, Young
and Zapp wrote in the message.

The White House did not comment on the e-mail.

Young and Zapp own two other Chuy's restaurants in Austin and one
opening soon in Round Rock. The chain also has restaurants in San
Antonio, Houston and Dallas. The two men also own the popular Hula Hut
eatery on Lake Austin Boulevard and the Shady Grove Cafe on Barton
Springs Road.

You may contact Carter Nelsen at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or 246-0008.

All rights reserved. | © Copyright 2001

  Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


*Michael Spitzer*[EMAIL PROTECTED]

The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] NM: Lawyer: Roger Clinton's China Connection Worth Millions

2001-06-06 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

With Carl Limbacher and Staff

For the story behind the story...

Tuesday June 5, 2001; 10:17 a.m. EDT

Lawyer: Roger Clinton's China Connection Worth Millions

A lawyer familiar with U.S. Attorney Mary Jo White's Pardongate probe
said Sunday that a company once owned by former first brother Roger
Clinton did millions of dollars in business with Communist China.

There is a lot of evidence that very large sums of money went through
CLM's accounts, Ed Hayes, attorney for Roger Clinton accuser Garland
Lincecum, told Monday. CLM is an acronym for the company
owned by Clinton and his two business partners, George Locke and Dickie

Hayes explained the latest twist in the feds' Pardongate probe to WABC
Radio's John Batchelor and Paul Alexander, the talk radio duo who first
revealed Lincecum's claim that his family paid CLM $235,000 based on the
promise that Roger could secure a presidential pardon.

In April, the Wall Street Journal's John Fund told Fox News Channel that
bank records uncovered by prosecutors suggested that the now-defunct
Clinton company had at least $30 million in its accounts at one time.

But Lincecum's lawyer told Batchelor and Alexander Sunday that, in fact,
the sum tracked by investigators through CLM accounts could be
substantially larger, especially as more of the company's dealings with
Beijing come to light.

Evidence has also emerged suggesting that Roger Clinton was part of a
much more ambitious conspiracy to sell presidential pardons than probers
first suspected.

CLM may have been offering to sell pardons to a lot of people, Hayes

Another source familiar with the probe tells that key
witnesses, including one who can put Roger Clinton at a meeting where
pardon selling was negotiated, have flipped. Several key players up
the food chain are said to be waiting for their attorneys to work out
plea bargains with prosecutors.

So strong is the case against the Clinton sibling, said this source on
background, that investigators have moved beyond mere pardon selling and
are actively probing other CLM scams, which may have accounted for
hundreds of millions of dollars in company business.

CLM operations during the Clinton presidency were, in fact, so
spectacular, that questions about what, if any, role the White House
may have played are likely to emerge.

One curious development. Prosecutors have declined to shorten
Lincecum's jail sentence in exchange for his cooperation and have yet to
interview him formally. But that could mean they already have plenty of
evidence against the former first brother even without Lincecum's
testimony, the source suggested.

Hayes revealed that investigative reporters for mainstream giants like
the New York Times are now on the trail of Roger Clinton's China
connection -- a development that could spell additional trouble for
former President Clinton if Roger is indicted, given his own extensive
connections to Beijing.

In its initial March 10 coverage of Lincecum's allegation, the Times
reported that Mississippi businessman R.V. Wilson had described a
business meeting where Clinton's partners discussed importing building
materials from China.

  Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


*Michael Spitzer*[EMAIL PROTECTED]

The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] NM: NOW Chapter Opposes Clinton at Graduation

2001-06-06 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

With Carl Limbacher and Staff

For the story behind the story...

Monday, June 4, 2001

NOW Chapter Opposes Clinton at Graduation

A chapter of National Organization for Women opposes the invitation of
Bill Clinton to a New York City school on June 26.

As unpleasant as it is to recall, school officials surely know that
Mr. Clinton was impeached for perjury and obstruction of justice in a
simple sexual harassment case and is widely regarded as a serial abuser
of women, says Dulles NOW, a Virginia chapter famous for breaking with
the goose-stepping leftist orthodoxy of NOW.

The graduates of Professional Performing Arts School deserve better
than to have to cheer an impeached politician, says Dulles NOW.

  Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


*Michael Spitzer*[EMAIL PROTECTED]

The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: AmerRuss II—World War III and the Plot to Merge the United States and Russia

2001-06-06 Thread Aleisha Saba

Maybe this explains why Madelline Albright went to Putin to ask
permision for the USA to build up their defenses against communist
aggression potential?

Maybe this explains why a KGB agent operated in the FBI for over 16
years undetected - caught on the Bush Watchand Freeh who visited
Russia and met with  KGB who returned home to say how impressed he was,
to hink he had sat down and broke bread with the KGB?

Could this be why Israelis now want DNA of Russian immigrants to make
certain their blood is jewish?   Hey, aren' t we taught that all blood
is the same - and to mix blood makes no differencehowever the
Russian jews consist of many fair and blonde haired young people who
were recently killed in Israel for as one rabbi said they were punished
for the girls danced with boys...

Imagine a DNA test for Russian Jews yet European Zionists have not given
a pedigree to take over the Holy Land, have they - and Ethiopian Jews of
course carry jewish blood as well -

So why all the fuss when this item offers a plan to hook Russia to USA -
after all,  it is only 50 miles across the Bering Strait from USA to
Russia now and what a drug route that is..

When we sing now of the Red White and Blue - well Russia's new flag have
you seen it for it is Red, White and Blue stripes - like Israel too
light baby blue and white, the same colors of the UN - baby blue and
whitehow sweet.

Wonder if Gore had been elected - for you know Clinton was in love th
the Red Stars of Communism would we be singing songs in Russian in a few
years time - strange though, nobody has notid the new Russian Colors.

Now as for bible calendar codes, the Stern Gang took their land grab
according to lost boundaries in the bible - Jomo Kenyatta also wanted to
restore lost boundaries but avoid crucifixtion as he playeds on this
way, like King, to the promised land all timed, to the unist Time Table
now called New World  Order or Globalism and we all fly Red White and
Blue under Zionist baby blue and white

So Russia and USA now fly the red white and Blue?


A stunning plan has secretly been set in motion by the Illuminati. I
first wrote about it in 1971 in a paper entitled, Will the Soviet Union
Survive Until 1984?

I predicted that the Communist regime behind the Iron Curtain was so
corrupt, so morally bankrupt, and so horribly incompetent that it would
eventually implode to a resounding crash and fall. The result, I noted,
would be the synthesis, or convergence, of Communism and Capitalism…of
Russia and America.

  I must, however, credit the brave and
courageous Norman Dodd, now deceased, for first exposing the
conspirators' goal of merging Russia and America. In 1952, Congress set
up a Select Committee to Investigate Tax Exempt Foundations. Chief
investigator and director was Mr. Norman Dodd of the U.S. House of
  In pursuing his investigation, Mr. Dodd
was invited to privately meet with Mr. Rowan Gaither, president of the
Ford Foundation, a premier leftist organization active in funding
Communist-oriented causes and strongly supported by liberals in Congress
and the media.
  During this visit, Ford's Mr. Gaither
voluntarily made a stunning admission. He stated, Mr. Dodd, we operate
here at the Ford Foundation under directives which emanate from the
White House…We operate and control our grant-making policies…as
follows: We shall use our grant-making power so as to alter life in the
United States that it can be comfortably merged with the Soviet Union.

A Global Zionist Superstate

What the Illuminati hope to achieve is a regional grouping of nations,
to be called AmerRuss. The grouping would combine the nations of the old
Soviet Empire with those of the Americas. Eventually, AmerRuss would be
united with Europe, with Africa, and the Asian axis (China/Japan/India),
all to be ruled as component parts of a great, global, unscriptural
Zionist Superstate with its capital the earthly Jerusalem.

As this official Department of Defense photo shows, the military forces
of Russia and the U.S.A. are already being merged. Here we see top U.S.
Navy officers hob-knobbing with Russian officers in Sevastopol.
  It should be noted that in Bible prophecy,
God identifies the earthly Jerusalem spiritually as the wicked, latter
day city of Sodom and Egypt (Revelation 11). Sadly, until Christ
returns, the deceived Jews and their antichrist King will, as
prophesied, temporarily hold the reins of world power.
  After the Great Tribulation, our God will
exalt the heavenly city of Jerusalem. Zion shall be established with
Jesus as King. Until that glorious day, however, the Christian must
remember always the rallying cry, No Zion without a True king—and No
king but King Jesus!

A Frankenstein Global System

The reigning planetary economic and political structure to come would be
global fascism, a Hegelian combination of capitalism and
communism/socialism. Under global fascism the 


2001-06-06 Thread Aleisha Saba

Sacrificing children in ghoulish blood rituals began in the Old does wonder if this story of the Stern Gang tactics
behind slaughter of the Russian Jews at the dancing affair might not
hold latent big germ of truth...Stern Gang used bible for lost
boundaries - if this story be true, it would not be the first time
Israelis did some dirty work and blamed it on the Rabbi
said these kids were punished by God?

Remember the USS Liberty?
Remembre the USS Cole?
Remember Meyer Lansky and Carlos Marcellos who order the Hit on JFK

And remembr out boys on the USS Liberty were napalmed by Israeli planes
for 45 minutes and bombed while 34 lie dead and 171 wounded, and in
International Watersthe Egytians were to have been blamed but they
could not manage to kill every one aboard and they lived to tell the



Napoleon is attributed as having said, History is an agreed-upon set of
lies. Perhaps nowhere is this agreed upon set of lies more evident
that in the history of the modern state of Israel.

Israel hides behind a mask of respectability and legitimacy, bought by
holocaust guilt and the enormous wealth of global Jewry. Let us remove
this mask for one moment and observe the grim reality of the Modern
State of Israel.
Israel is a country that is built on the stolen land of Palestinians.
Indeed, In a rare moment of candour, David Ben Gurion, Israel's first
Prime Minister, admitted as much:

Why should the Arabs make peace? If I was an Arab leader, I would never
make terms with Israel. That is natural: we have taken their country.
Sure, God promised it to us, but what does that matter to them? Our God
is not theirs,
We come from Israel, it's true, but two thousand years ago, and what is
that to them? There has been anti-Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler,
Auschwitz, but was that their fault? They only see one thing: we came
here and stole their country. Why should they accept that?

Similarly, Moshe Dayan, Israelis' first defense minister, acknowledged
the injustice of their actions:

Before [the Palestinians] very eyes we are possessing the land and the
villages where they, and their ancestors, have lived...We are the
generation of colonizers, and without the steel helmet and the gun
barrel we cannot plant a tree and build a home.

The terror campaigns against the Palestinians predates the declaration
of the state of Israel, as linguist and social scientist, Noam Chomsky

The record of Israeli terrorism goes back to the origins of the state -
indeed, long before - including the massacre of 250 civilians and brutal
expulsion of seventy thousand others from Lydda and Ramle in July 1948;
the massacre of hundreds of others at the undefended village of Doueimah
near Hebron in October 1948;...the slaughters in Quibya, Kafr Kassem,
and a string of other assassinated villages; the expulsion of thousands
of Bedouins from the demilitarized zones shortly after the 1948 war and
thousands more from northeastern Sinai in the early 1970's, their
villages destroyed, to open the region for Jewish settlement; and on,
and on.
Terrorism was so much a part of the formation of modern Israel, that
many of its prime ministers and leaders have a proud history of being
terrorists. So successful have the Jews been in white-washing their
history, that the terrorist past of these individuals has become a badge
of honour, proudly boasted about in their biographies and historical

Yitzhak Shamir was a member of Irgun Tzeva'I Le'umi (Irgun), and then,
in 1940, the Stern Gang (aka Lohamei Herut Israel). The Encyclopedia
Britannica mentions that Irgun committed acts of terrorism and
assassinations against the British whom it saw as illegal occupiers.
Irgun was also violently anti-Arab and is reported to have carried out
atrocities against Palestinians. Irgun was responsible for organizing
illegal immigration into Palestine after 1939, and was responsible for
executing numerous British army hostages.

The jewel in the crown of Shamir's gang was the massacre of 254 of the
inhabitants of the village of Deir Yaseen. In a scene reminiscent of
Nazi Germany, the Jewish terrorists massacred women, children, and the
elderly indiscriminately.

Richard H. Curtiss wrote in the December 1991 edition of Washington
Report on Middle East Affairs that,

Between 1955 and 1965 Shamir served as chief of Mossad (Israel's CIA)
operations in Paris. Colleagues link him to letter bombs mailed to
German and other European scientists engaged in Egypt's rocket
development program, and to their families. 

Anyone who opposed the Jewish occupation was seen as someone who had to
be killed.

The Sunday Times reported that on September 3, 1947, a postal bomb
addressed to the British War Office exploded in the post office sorting
room in London, injuring 2 persons. It was attributed to Irgun or Stern

Menachem Begin was also a ranking member of Irgun. Begin 

[CTRL] Fwd: Google Search: The Stern Gang of Israel

2001-06-06 Thread Aleisha Saba

Interesting items on the old 6 Point Gang..Al Capone was in old 5
Point Gan (stars with 6 and 5 points)..

Red Star is the Star of the Slaughtermen.

[CTRL] Burger King Customer Revenge

2001-06-06 Thread tnohava
Worker testifies to food tainting
By Michael Zeigler
Democrat and Chronicle

(Tuesday, June 5, 2001) -- As cooks prepared sandwiches at a Burger King
restaurant in Henrietta, they kept an assembly line of fast food moving

But when customers asked to hold the pickles or hold the lettuce -- or
requested any special order that would break the tempo -- some cooks became
upset and retaliated, a former employee said yesterday.

Testifying in the trial of Scott B. Savino, who is charged with sickening a
customer by spraying a sandwich with oven cleaner, Daniel P. Musson said he
and Savino frequently laced sandwiches with cleaning products or spit on and
skated on frozen meat patties that were thrown to the kitchen floor before
being flame-broiled.

Musson, who pleaded guilty and agreed to testify against Savino, said he
gave little thought to their actions.

I thought it'd be funny and it was a cool thing to do at the time, he

Were you laughing when you did this? Musson was asked by Monroe County
Assistant District Attorney Jim Wolford.

Yes, sir, Musson replied.

Was the defendant?

Yes, sir.

Did he say anything to you?

Just -- 'They're going to get a good one,' or 'You've got a good one,' or
'They're going to like this one,'  Musson said.

Savino, 20, of Henrietta is charged with second-degree assault and
first-degree tampering with a consumer product. He is accused of injuring
Monroe County Sheriff's Deputy Gamaliel Tony Dominguez, who became
violently ill on April 30, 2000, after eating a Whopper sandwich at the
restaurant on the New York state Thruway.

Savino could receive up to seven years in prison if convicted. Jurors might
receive the case tomorrow.

Musson, 19, of Henrietta, pleaded guilty last fall to first-degree tampering
with a consumer product. He faces a penalty ranging from six months of
weekends in jail to three years in prison when he is sentenced next week.

Musson said he pleaded guilty in an attempt to make things right.

What I did was wrong, he said. I believe that if you did it, 'fess up to

Musson said he was spitting on special-order sandwiches before Savino began
working at the restaurant in October 1999. The tampering escalated as they
teamed up, he said.

On one occasion, Savino and Musson stuck two frozen meat patties above a
suspended ceiling for five days, then cooked and served them.

It was flimsy, he said of his patty after it was cooked. It had a
brownish tinge to it like freezer burn.

Musson also said Savino claimed to have urinated on a patty, but he admitted
that he didn't see it happen.

During cross-examination, Savino's lawyer, Michael J. Tallon, concentrated
on discrepancies between Musson's testimony and what he said previously to
investigators and grand jurors. - Tuesday, June 5, 2001.url

Re: [CTRL] rWhite House property destruction by departing Clintonstaffers

2001-06-06 Thread Foxter

Could be that photographs were taken but 
they are the property of police.
Could be that photographs were taken but 
are under GWB's control.

Could be that HRC's silence speaks 
Didn't Klintonites as much as admit this 
happened back in January?

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2001 4:47 
  Subject: Re: [CTRL] rWhite House property 
  destruction by departing Clintonstaffers
  Lector-Yes, BB I read the article the first time. Like I said before, 
  why nophotographs? All we have is a few anonymous sources reported on by 
  rightwing pro-Republican media.SteveOn 6 Jun 01, at 1:23, 
  BB wrote: -Caveat Lector- Steve Wingate 
  wrote:  -Caveat Lector-   There 
  has not been a single shred of factual evidence to support these  
  allegations. Not a single photograph, nothing but claims by certain 
  Bush  officials of questionable integrity and motivation. 
Why no evidence? It did not happen anywhere close to the 
  extent claimed.   Steve  
  CHANGING OF THE GUARD Post confirms earlier WND vandalism 
  account White House property destruction by departing Clinton 
  staffers © 2001 WorldNetDaily.comANOMALOUS 
  IMAGES AND UFO FILEShttp://www.anomalous-images.comA 
   DISCLAIMER==CTRL is a discussion  informational 
  exchange list. Proselytizing propagandicscreeds are unwelcomed. 
  Substance-not soap-boxing-please! These aresordid matters and 
  'conspiracy theory'-with its many half-truths, mis-directions and outright 
  frauds-is used politically by different groups withmajor and minor effects 
  spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.That being said, 
  CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, andalways suggests to 
  readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives nocredence to Holocaust 
  denial and nazi's need not apply.Let us please be civil and as always, 
  Available at: 
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[CTRL] The Mystics Dreams Come True?

2001-06-06 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Well this is interesting item, but keep in mind the son of FBI agent who
made video tape of a trench coat Mafia murdering their little classmates
with Uzis/AK's and blowing up their school as Klebold an Harris intended
to dowell the FBI agent who had the son making this film, was the
investigator at Littleton...

All want to be TV this Lititleton job ADL came out and
blamed neo nazis in advance...and Oklahoma why Osama bin Laden the
bogie man was to be blamed.



Devvy Kidd
June 1, 2001

The bombing of the Murrah Building was over six years ago. Memories fade
about things so I thought I'd resurrect one of the strangest aspects of
this bombing you're not going to believe - but it's true. Try this one
on for size:
Governor Frank Keating's brother, Martin Keating, wrote a manuscript in
1991, roughly four years before the OKC bombing. Gov. Frank Keating is a
former FBI hot shot. His brother, Martin could not get this work
published until after the bombing.

This manuscript, now a published book, is titled The Final Jihad. In
this book, Keating lays out a story of terrorists, based in OKC, who
decide to bomb a federal building. Guess what the name of the one of the
key terrorists in the book is? Tom McVey. And for the kicker of this
fictional work: The terrorists in The Final Jihad are stopped by an
Oklahoma highway patrolman for a broken tail light.

Now, let me see: We have a book in manuscript form written four years
before the OKC bombing whose story line involves terrorists in Oklahoma
City. This part of this fictional work comes true.

We have a main character in the book by the name of Tom McVey. In real
life, the bomber four years later in OKC is named Tim McVeigh.

We have the terrorists in this fictional work stopped by Oklahoma state
troopers for a broken tail light. In real life, our bomber, Tim McVeigh,
is pulled over by an Oklahoma state trooper because of a missing license

How's that for fiction being stranger than reality? In this book,
remember it's written in 1991, our author also predicts the TWA downing
and the World Trade Center bombing.

Was this just a premonition that Mr. Keating had? Who knows, but this
book sure does sound like a blue print for the bombing.

What is Mr. Martin Keating's background? In his own words:

Martin Keating is a master storyteller with unique access to government
intelligence agencies and clandestine terrorist groups. His brother
Frank Keating, currently governor of Oklahoma, is a former FBI agent and
assistant secretary of the Treasury who supervised the Secret Service,
U.S. Customs, and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms.
Keating's uncle, Barney Martin was a career intelligence officer who
headed the U.S. Navy's worldwide foreign intelligence collection
operations and counterintelligence activities.

Introduced to the intelligence community through generations of family
involvement, Martin Keating knows intimate details of what the rest of
us can only imagine. Armed with firsthand knowledge of explosives and of
chemical and biological weapons, Keating accurately reveals what the
highest government officials have known, feared, and covered up for much
too long.

Martin Keating also bragged after the bombing that he had copies of the
surveillance film from the Southwest Bell building across the street
from the Murrah building. The film from the Regency Towers survived
completely intact.

The government claims the Southwest Bell film didn't - my money says
they're lying and they're lying to protect their assets and their
invented story. There wasn't a scintilla of this strange story in any
media publications except Media Bypass Magazine.

You would think the mainstream media would have jumped on this like a
June-bug just because of who the author of the manuscript is: Brother of
the Governor of the State of Oklahoma. Nope. Dead silence.

Has anyone ever put Martin Keating under oath and ask him to produce
these video surveillance films? Nope.

There is talk that Frank Keating - who states emphatically on the live
news coverage the morning of the bombing that more bombs were found and
have been removed from the building (a statement he now denies, but is
memorialized on film) - may be slated to replace Louis Freeh. Oh, good,
that makes me feel real warm and fuzzy.

I just thought I'd bring up this little bit of history that has such a
strange resemblance to what happened in OKC. Today Jon Dougherty of, wrote a piece titled, To Die or Not To Die:

Jon pretty much says what the rest of us are saying: There are so many
unanswered questions and McVeigh is evidence. Why is our good Christian,
John Ashcroft trying his darndest to hurry up with this execution? I
have a few more questions:

McVeigh allegedly gave a false name, using 

[CTRL] I Was a Negro in the South for 30 Days (fwd)

2001-06-06 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

I Was a Negro in the South for 30 Days:

Fifty years ago, Ray Sprigle of the Post-Gazette posed as a black man to
experience firsthand what life was like for 10 million people living under
the system of legal segregation known as Jim Crow.

As he wrote in his 21-part series,
I Was a Negro in the South for 30 Days:

I quit being white, and free, and an American citizen when I climbed
aboard that Jim Crow coach. . . . From then on, until I came up out of the
South four weeks later, I was black, and in bondage  not quite slavery but
not quite freedom, either.

To mark the 50th anniversary of Sprigle's work, which was first
published in the Post-Gazette beginning Aug. 9, 1948, the Post-Gazette
republished selected chapters from his accounts. has compiled the entire 21-part series for publication,
including an introduction by Post-Gazette staff writer Bill Steigerwald
that looks at Sprigle's unusual reporting career..

The language and editing remain the same as when the stories first

Read the series here:

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Re: [CTRL] rWhite House property destruction by departing Clintonstaffers

2001-06-06 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

On 6 Jun 01, at 6:35, Foxter wrote:

 Could be that photographs were taken but they are the property of police.
 Could be that photographs were taken but are under GWB's control.

Could it be that if that was the case we would seen them by now, or at least
heard of them from an 'unnammed source'?

 Could be that HRC's silence speaks volumes.
 Didn't Klintonites as much as admit this happened back in January?

No. How could they both be silent (significant) and also admit to it? You are
using Bush Logic.



CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Thai AIDS Cure Claim Draws Crowds, Skepticism

2001-06-06 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

Tuesday June 5 7:12 AM ET

Thai AIDS Cure Claim Draws Crowds, Skepticism

By Angela Takats

BANGKOK (Reuters) - Thousands of AIDS (news - web sites) patients are
flocking to a clinic in central Thailand which claims to have found a miracle
cure for the deadly AIDS virus.

Last week 4,000 people, some with oxygen masks and in wheelchairs,
flooded a gymnasium in Bangkok to get a free week's supply of 'V-1
Immunitor', which its creator claims eliminates the virus entirely.

The drug has not passed clinical trials and the government has not
approved it as a medicine, although Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra
has said it should be approved if it really works.

Critics say it offers false hope to Thailand's estimated one million people
with HIV (news - web sites)/AIDS, few of whom can afford expensive
Western AIDS drugs.

``I have a great deal of sympathy for those who want treatment,'' said
Bernard Gardiner, regional manager for HIV/AIDS for the Red Cross. ``But
it is misleading to make these sorts of claims.''

``The question this raises is, what is the Thai government's plan for access
to treatment? And this is a fundamental human rights issue.''

Gardiner suggested the government focus on making high-quality, low-cost
copies of antiretroviral AIDS drugs that already have a track record.


But pharmacist Vichai Jirotthi-tikal says his drug V-1 -- made from a
mixture of calcium, magnesium and traces of the virus itself -- works, even if
he can't afford the time or money needed to test it to clinical standards.

``The data from the blood test shows we can help patients who are HIV
positive to develop themselves and have a healthy life,'' Vichai said. ``They
are normal -- they can work.''

He says the drug has eliminated the virus in two patients, and symptoms
such as skin lesions and fatigue have disappeared in others.

No one has independently verified the blood tests.

U.S.-born ``Darwin,'' 61, has been HIV positive for several years and said
he was eager to try it.

``You know, when one has AIDS -- one will try anything, almost, to live,'' he

Sripai, whose husband died of AIDS, now lives with the disease, as does
her three-year-old daughter.

She said her symptoms had disappeared since she started taking the

``One year after I started taking the medicine I feel better and so does my
daughter. She used to be so skinny and had sores all over her mouth -- she
couldn't even eat. But now we are better,'' Sripai said.

The health ministry says it plans to study V-1, and Thaksin has said he has
asked the ministry to speed up the process of studying the drug.

Vichai says he will keep giving out V-1 as long as people ask for it.

(With additional reporting by Erin Prelypchan)


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Re: [CTRL] rWhite House property destruction by departing Clintonstaffers

2001-06-06 Thread Foxter

I did not mean for all hypotheses to hang 
together or be consistent, I was just suggesting possibilities.

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2001 7:01 
  Subject: Re: [CTRL] rWhite House property 
  destruction by departing Clintonstaffers
  -Caveat Lector-On 6 Jun 01, at 6:35, Foxter 
  wrote: Could be that photographs were taken but they are the 
  property of police. Could be that photographs were taken but are under 
  GWB's control.Could it be that if that was the case we would seen them 
  by now, or at leastheard of them from an 'unnammed source'? 
  Could be that HRC's silence speaks volumes. Didn't Klintonites as much 
  as admit this happened back in January?No. How could they both be 
  silent (significant) and also admit to it? You areusing Bush 
  Logic.SteveANOMALOUS IMAGES AND UFO FILEShttp://www.anomalous-images.comA 
   DISCLAIMER==CTRL is a discussion  informational 
  exchange list. Proselytizing propagandicscreeds are unwelcomed. 
  Substance-not soap-boxing-please! These aresordid matters and 
  'conspiracy theory'-with its many half-truths, mis-directions and outright 
  frauds-is used politically by different groups withmajor and minor effects 
  spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.That being said, 
  CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, andalways suggests to 
  readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives nocredence to Holocaust 
  denial and nazi's need not apply.Let us please be civil and as always, 
  Available at: 
  HREF="http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/"ctrl/ATo 
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[CTRL] AP: Russian space forces re-born

2001-06-06 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Russian space forces re-born

June 1, 2001 Posted: 8:12 AM EDT (1212 GMT)

MOSCOW, Russia (AP) -- The Russian Space Forces were officially re-born
Friday as an independent
section of the military -- part of President Vladimir Putin's plan to
streamline and modernize the
nation's armed forces.

The Space Forces were established as a separate branch in 1982, but
incorporated into the Strategic
Rocket Forces in 1997. They regained independence under a military reform
plan drafted by Defense
Minister Sergei Ivanov.

Col. Gen. Anatoly Perminov, appointed to lead the Space Forces, said they
became fully operational
in their new status Friday, the ITAR-Tass news agency reported.

The Space Forces are in charge of space launchpads and a fleet or military
satellites, which serve
spy and communication purposes and track the launches of ballistic

Russia has about 110 military and civilian satellites, but about 80 percent
have already served
their designated lifetime, and the cash-strapped government lacks money to
quickly build
replacements. Russian Aerospace Agency chief has described building new
navigation satellites for
the military is the top priority.

  Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


*Michael Spitzer*[EMAIL PROTECTED]

The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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[CTRL] Immigration billboard tagged racist. Again. (fwd)

2001-06-06 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

For an immigration time-out:

Immigration billboard tagged racist.  Again.
Issue 77: June 6, 2001

The accusation that a stand to reduce immigration is racist is music to
the ears to those who profit from the cheap labor of immigrants. --
Captain Paul Watson, Sea Shepherd Society


The ProjectUSA Truthmobile is a large red billboard on wheels that
advertises statistics drawn from Census Bureau data.  It carries
messages such as, In your 20s?  Immigration is doubling U.S. population
in your lifetime.

Saturday, June 2, saw the entry of our Truthmobile in a parade in
Mason City, Iowa.  The parade is a big event and was seen by
approximately 40,000 people.

But when the Truthmobile arrived, horrified officials, noticing the
census data, attempted to force the 70-yr-old woman driving the mobile
billboard to leave.  She refused.

Later, festival coordinator Vance Baird told the Mason City
Globe-Gazette that parade promoters were totally deceived when the
float was entered into the parade and he apologized to those who had
been exposed to the statistic.  There is not place in Mason City, Mr.
Baird told the paper, for the type of racism and bigotry that this
float emphasized.

ProjectUSA supporter, Paul Westrum, of Albert Lea, Minnesota, who
handled the registration of the ProjectUSA entry, rejected the charge
that the parade organizers had been deceived.  He said that when a
representative had contacted him about the entry, he told the woman the
entry was about population growth and he gave her the ProjectUSA web

I guess we tricked them without even trying, Mr. Westrum said.

Anti-Immigration Float Spurs Apology (AP)


The Associated Press story about the controversy in Iowa over the public
display of Census Bureau statistics referred to the message on
ProjectUSA's billboard as being anti-immigration.  Of course, the
message, Immigration is doubling U.S. population in your child's
lifetime isn't anti- anything.  It is simply a statistic.

The fact that everyone ASSUMES it is anti-immigration tells us that
Americans know that the population growth Congress is needlessly
inflicting on our children through its irresponsible immigration policy
is not a good thing.  So why are we doing it?

You can go to this site, and enter your
zip code and contact your local newspaper and ask them to please, if
they must refer to those advocating a reduction of immigration to
sustainable levels as anti- something, at least make it anti-MASS
immigration. (Please, no time/space jokes).

Remind the paper that a person who advocates reducing immigration to
sustainable numbers is no more anti-immigration than a person who
sprinkles salt on her food rather than dumping it on by the cupful is


The rich will always require an abundant supply of the poor.



The interview by our local TV station KIMT showed pictures of the
Truthmobile and even the Chicago Tribune's front page photo of the
Truthmobile.  Vance Baird from the Chamber of Commerce looked pretty

Mae Greene
Mason City, Iowa


Ezine staff:
Tax-exempt gifts:


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Re: [CTRL] a victory for free speech

2001-06-06 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

Great article, Nessie. I wish I'd had it last night, when my husband
was lecturing me that the Internet is total B.S. because any idiot can
say anything he wants to.


--- Nessie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 -Caveat Lector-

Do You Yahoo!?
Get personalized email addresses from Yahoo! Mail - only $35
a year!

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Boylan: KPFA Radio Report of ETs at Government Installations (fwd)

2001-06-06 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: drboylan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, June 04, 2001 9:16 PM
Subject: KPFA Radio Report of ETs at Government Installations

Prefatory Message from Richard Boylan, Ph.D.:

I heard this tape from KPFA-FM, Berkeley, and know the
interviewer-producer, Ralph Steiner. Ralph is a professional
journalist and man of integrty, and has paid dearly for bring
these interviews to public attention by broasdcast. He was
aided in the research by Michael Lindemann.
The brave citizens whose testimony fills this electrifying
tape merit our admiration and appreciation for their courage
in coming forward during the height of the UFO Cover-Up

I doubt that Mr. Steiner will make copies of the KPFA tape
available, since he has been warned that the witnesses will be
killed if it is aired again. But KPFA's Berkeley station
contact phone number should be available from information at
(510) 555-1212. FYI, Dr. Michael Wolf has corroborated the
high-tech, electromagnetic, ET-containment field technology
described by one of the contractors interviewed as being used
at Haystack Air Force Laboratory deep under Haystack Buttes in
east Edwards Air Force Base, near Lancaster, CA.

- Richard Boylan, Ph.D.


 By Elaine Douglass

The U.S. government has a close working relationship with
alien beings, three unnamed witnesses told a
California radio station in a program aired in June.

The four-hour program, produced and broadcast by KPFA-FM in
Berkeley, Calif., ranged widely over the UFO topic, but the most
explosive segments were the testimony of a construction contractor
who said he saw aliens at Edwards Air Force Base and at the China
Lake Naval Weapons facility in California; the testimony of a man
who described saucers being launched from a Northrop
facility near Edwards; and a woman's second-hand account of a
meeting between aliens and U.S. military officers.

Moreover, it now appears that KPFA's voice in
the UFO area has been silenced. Although in June the program
producer Ralph Steiner promised additional coverage of the UFO
issue in future broadcasts, inquires from the Forum were met with this
blunt message from Mr. Steiner: Do not re- broadcast the
tape. Persons whose testimony is on the tape have been threatened
and their lives are in danger.

   Subsequent inquiries from The Forum to Mr. Steiner have gone

   The Forum has obtained a tape of the KPFA
broadcast. What follows is a summary and excerpts from witness
No. 1:

According to the KPFA broadcast, the interviews were conducted in
April 1991 in communities surrounding Edwards Air Force Base in the
Antelope Valley of Southern California.  Witness No. 1 described
himself as a Vietnam veteran, former Green Beret, military
medal-holder, and a licensed general contractor who has worked
on construction projects at Chuna Lake, Nellis, Scott, Edwards,
and Andrews Air Force Bases. The projects, the witness said, were
mostly underground.

* Underground Structures, Alien Beings

   Each of these facilities has extensive underground
installations, and they are definitely not normal military structures,
the witness said. He described 4-foot thick concrete walls and
electronically-controlled oval-shaped doorways. In one building I
worked on at Edwards, called Haystack Buttes, [Haystack USAF
Laboratory - R.Boylan] it took us over 5 minutes to get from the top
to the bottom by elevator, the witness said. We estimated it was
30 stories deep. It was here that the witness first saw an alien.
We were walking down a hall, the witness said, and these doors
opened and there was a very particular person or things that
caught my eye for an instant. This man was over seven feet tall.
I'd say between 8 and 9 to 10 feet, wearing a lab jacket and
talking to two [human] engineers.

   This man's arms were almost down to his knees!
It threw me into shock, the witness said. And then the doors
closed. Security saw us and told us to get out of there. Next day I
walked off the job, the witness said.

   Asked if the being he saw was a human, the
witness replied, Definitely not. He had big slanted eyes. A
big head. Fingers were extremely long. Greenish skin. The
witness said he saw the being for just a couple of seconds.
Three-quarters of its face is what I saw and I said, this guy
would make a hell of a basketball player!

* One Witness Scared, the Other Dead

   The witness said his co-worker  'bout died
when he too saw the being. The witness compared the height of
the being to the height of the humans standing next to it. He
said he knew one of the humans, whose height he estimated at
6 feet 6 inches.

   Witness No. 1 described a second encounter with
aliens. He said he and co-workers saw greys at the China
Lake [Naval Weapons Research Station, near 

Re: [CTRL] Reply to an Amelia Basher

2001-06-06 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

--- Amelia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 -Caveat Lector-

 Well, June, I was asking Nate for I do not discuss anything
 with you if I can help it but since you have butted in, that
 just is not nearly good enough.  The idea of including
 straight kids in an organization knowing full well that they
 are not likely to participate

Due to guilt by association.

 Note, too, that heterosexual males are NEVER placed in charge
 of GIRL Scouts nor have they demanded to be so. That would be
 totally inappropriate and unacceptable, too.

When I was in the Girl Scouts 2 or 3 of the fathers would drive up to
the campsite with us, help set up, haul water (the camp at the time
didn't have running water), eat a hot dog or 2, and then LEAVE. They
NEVER spent the night at the campsite with us. That, and buying/eating
cookies, was the extent of the fathers' participation. In my sons' Cub
Scout pack, every adult involved is a parent of a member.

  Hope you know
 Scout enrollment has skyrocketed since this issue came up for
 people are showing their support for them in records numbers.

This year, we had to split our pack in half because it got so big.

 Any money I would have spent on the local schools will go
 directly to the Scouts to replace that to which they were
 entitled that has been robbed from them by those seeking to
 promote an agenda unacceptable to the BSA.

We lost our United Way funding. Private donations soared, and United
Way donations fell. I don't think my employer is going to designate UW
as one of the charities in this year's holiday drive, because the
donations dropped too much.

 From: YnrChyldzWyld [EMAIL PROTECTED]

.in fact they encourage straights to also join
 clubs to facilitate dialogue between the 2 groups...

Which also results in the straight student being automatically branded
as gay.

 The BSA discriminates, plain and simple; THAT is why they are
 banned from using taxpayer-funded facilities...

Not in my town they're not.

 Of course they are; what they are NOT entitled to is to impose
 superstitions onto the rest of society.  As was mentioned in
 post, if you think homosexuality is a sin, don't do it; but
 don't think
 that you have the right to make your superstition into law
 effecting the
 rights of all homosexuals.

Is AIDS a superstition? How about Hepatitis B, or the various bowel and
rectal conditions caused by insertion of things that way?

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] SpookTech98: New Cyber Snooping Software (fwd)

2001-06-06 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

9 June, 1998

Date: Tue, 09 Jun 1998 11:34:00 -0400
Subject: SpookTech 98 - them spies are everywhere...

Okay, so last week on Friday, SpyKing had the SpookTech 98 convention.  I'm
not gonna get too deep into details of things as they've nothing to do with
the cypherpunks list's interests...

However, the following is of great interest:

1st, as offered they broke a PGP message.  Not by the traditional
of keys, nor with any weakness in PGP, but rather by simply grabbing the
target's keyboard.   A simple key stroke grabber program installed on the
machine did the trick.  But there's more.

They've developed a program called DIRT which is aimed at LEA's tracking
for example pedophiles.  (Of course it's not just limited to those, and of
course it could be used in industrial espionage - a topic heavily discussed
by Winn Schwartau who also did a presentation.)

The program captures your keystrokes and saves'em for later.  When you
establish your PPP connection, it anonymously emails out the keystrokes
every minute or so.  If your pedophile is online at the same time as you,
program acts as a kind of ftp server and you can browse his hard drive,
download and upload files, and even run other software.

There was of course talk of if there's a microphone (or camera) attached
the machine it could also be used - although that might generate a bit too
traffic but whatever.

DIRT is so far only available against Win95 machines, with NT versions
possibly available in the future, so pedophiles using 95 will be caught,
however ANYONE with a bit of programming knowledge, can write such a beast
and use it to spy on anyone else.

I did get about 10 minutes on the infected machine in question and did
obvious searches for places where programs could be run from in the system
files, and in the registry, and then because I saw the subject of the
sent by DIRT to it's mommy, I did a file search for strings on the subject
on the keystrokes I typed in.  I turned up nothing.  At 1st glance, the
doesn't look changed, if you look at your system files, you don't see
there, don't see anything out of the ordinary.

Of course the machines in question didn't have any debuggers or else I
have done a trace of the system calls to see what patched the keyboard
but at a 1st glance, you won't notice this program running.

Since it sends out small little tiny email packets at a time, you won't
it generating any extraneous traffic.  So it's very very very hard to even
suspect that someone is spying on you.

As we all know so well, 95 is not a secure OS, but you could easily write
such a beast for NT, Mac, for various flavors of Unix, and whatever else.
It's certainly not hard for most programmers who have a good reference for
OS they're targeting.

Hell, the spies from France and Japan probably already have written such
things and placed them on the PC's of every important person in companies
they wish to conduct industrial espionage against.

Given enough time one could spot this program and notice it, however,
you suspect something are you gonna even be looking for it?

Never mind that you might be running OpenBSD with tcp wrappers and ipf and
tripwire and cops and is of...  if someone has access to your machine ONCE
they could modify enough of your OS and enough of the watcher programs so
you won't even notice such code!

Other stuff overheard from some ex-police dudes:  Turns out all the
construction at Grand Central recently has added some very nice hardware.
(Now again this was part of a conversation, so again, it's hearsay, so take
as it's given, it might not be 100% true.)  Turns out that there are
cameras everywhere tied in to a computer system that watches for about
different well known terrorist faces.  If it recognizes as, the armed
will jump out of the walls and shoot, yes shoot, not arrest, but directly
shoot on sight.  They would then remove the body swiftly and quickly and
pretend they were shooting a movie or some such.  The incident wouldn't
even make the news.

I wonder how well tested the system is.  I wonder if there were any false
positives so far...

Other stuff.. Winn was there going over infowar stuff (old news to most of
I found his talk quite intelligent and mostly true to real life.  There was
showing from EHAP - Ethical Hackers Against Pedophiles and the dude from
broke into someone's bind - usual buffer overflow against named... and the
usual PI bugging devices and TSCM...

The interesting bit (to me) was the amount of corporate spying out there
mostly goes either undetected, or unreported against US corporations.  At
rate it's been going the USA will technologically lose in something like 30
years (if I recall the numbers.)  Things like gifts of desk pen sets

[CTRL] ABC: Chuy's Owner No Enemy of GOP

2001-06-06 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Monday June 04 04:39 PM EDT

Chuy's Owner No Enemy of GOP


GOP conspiracy theorists said a liberal owner was to blame for President
Bush's daughters being cited in an Austin restaurant. But the owner of
this place happens to be a loyal GOP donor.

After a restaurant manager decided to call police on President Bush's
twin daughters, resulting in underage drinking charges and a media
frenzy, some in the GOP smelled a rat.

Senior Republicans intimated to reporters that Chuy's, the restaurant in
Austin, Texas, where Jenna and Barbara Bush allegedly were trying to
drink, is owned and operated by liberals.

After all, the restaurant had called 911 and even some reporters to
inform them of the situation.

But while the owner of Chuy's is certainly a partisan, he's no liberal.

Chuy's President Contributed to GOP Candidates

In fact, Michael Young, co-founder and president of Central Texas Chuy's
Inc., has shared more than $11,000 with Republican Senate candidates
since 1998.

Young, who has steadfastly refused to talk to the media about the Bush
matter, describes himself as a free-market capitalist.

Anyone who knows me wouldn't say that I'm a liberal, Young said.

Perhaps the senior Republicans were thinking of John Zapp, another
senior officer of Chuy's Inc. Federal Election Commission records show
Zapp gave $1,000 to the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee.

Zapp helped Young found Chuy's in 1982. The pair turned a broken-down
Austin barbecue joint into a successful Tex-Mex chain with locations in
Texas' largest cities.

Paul Brady, listed in state documents as vice president of Chuy's, has
no contributions on file with the FEC.

ABCNEWS' Brian Hartman and Josh Gerstein contributed to this report.

  Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


*Michael Spitzer*[EMAIL PROTECTED]

The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: JonBenet Ramsey was Sexually Assaulted

2001-06-06 Thread Kris Millegan

Detective says JonBenet was sexually assaulted
By Marilyn Robinson
Denver Post Staff Writer

May 03, 2001 - JonBenet Ramsey was sexually assaulted before she was
strangled with a garrote, a retired investigator theorized Wednesday.
Lou Smit, a veteran Colorado Springs homicide investigator who once worked
on the Ramsey case for the Boulder district attorney's office, has been
discussing his theories all week on NBC's Today show.
Today's Thurs segment will focus on the 21/2-page ransom note found in John
and Patsy Ramsey's Boulder home on Dec. 26, 1996. Their daughter's body was
discovered in the basement later that day.
Smit said he believes the garrote was used not only to kill the little girl
but as part of a sexual act.
The majority of the evidence I see points to an intruder, Smit said.
Smit was coaxed out of retirement by then-District Attorney Alex Hunter to
help investigate the slaying of 6-year-old JonBenet. He quit the
investigation in 1998 because he felt authorities were wrongly concentrating
on her parents.
The Ramseys have maintained their innocence, but police say they remain
under suspicion.
JonBenet's body was found by her father after her mother reported finding a
ransom note demanding $118,000.
A coroner's report said JonBenet had injuries to her genital area, but it
was never clear whether she was sexually assaulted.
Smit said the intricate design of the garrote and the loops on the child's
hands suggest a sexual fantasy. Coupled with the fact her body was found in
the basement, Smit said, it's unlikely a family member would treat JonBenet
so brutally.
The chances of that happening are extremely remote, he said.
Hemorrhages in her eyes indicate JonBenet was alive when the garrote was
tightened around her neck, Smit said.
He said she then was struck on the head.
The blow to the head was extremely forceful, Smit said. The person who
did this wanted to brutally murder her.
Smit also said unidentified DNA under JonBenet's fingernails and on her
underpants match and point to an intruder, not her parents.
The point is there is foreign DNA, Smit said. There is common foreign
DNA. It is not John. It is not Patsy. It is not Burke (JonBenet's brother).
There's also an unidentified hair on the blanket that covered JonBenet's
body that could be a significant clue, Smit said.
Smit's theory is at odds with former Boulder police Detective Steve Thomas,
who contends Patsy Ramsey struck her daughter on the head in a fit of rage
and then strangled her to cover up the crime.
Innocence is not determined by Steve Thomas. Innocence is not determined by
Lou Smit. It's a jury that does that, Smit said.
Gov. Bill Owens has challenged the parents, who now live in Atlanta, to
return to Colorado to help find their daughter's killer. His spokesman said
there's nothing new in this week's report.
There's nothing new in the material presented by Mr. Smit, and nothing that
would not be refutable if the district attorney's office and the Boulder
police could ethically discuss this in public, Dick Wadhams said.
The Associated Press contributed to this report.
Alex Constantine Politicial Conspiracy Research Bin:

[CTRL] Fwd: cia and immigration

2001-06-06 Thread Kris Millegan

Have a look at the cia web site. They have a remakable interest in
immigration(and possible ethnic clashes)


[CTRL] Fwd: [free-libertarians] Robert Randall Dies-This Sucks

2001-06-06 Thread Kris Millegan

US FL: Man In Medical Pot
  Case Dies [Robert Randall]Posted on Tuesday,
  June 05 @ 06:45:26 MST by KWhiteContributed by: KWhite
Robert Randall of Sarasota, 53, the first person in the United States to
receive legal, medical access to federal supplies of marijuana, died June 2 at
his home of AIDS-related complications.
Randall made legal and medical history in 1976 when a federal court ruled
that his use of marijuana for treatment of his glaucoma was a medical necessity.
"This was the first time that the common law concept of necessity was applied to
a medical condition," said Randall's wife, Alice.
"But two years later the government terminated his access to marijuana
despite evidence that he would go blind."
He sued for reinstatement of the drug and won. He kept using marijuana with
federal permission until his death.

Randall was born Jan. 23, 1948, in Sarasota and received bachelor's and
master's degrees in speech and rhetoric from the University of South Florida.
He developed glaucoma in his teens and an ophthalmologist told him in the
early 1970s that he would be blind within a few years. He never went blind,
In a February 1999 Herald-Tribune interview, he recalled the night he
realized the benefits of marijuana: He was relaxing in his apartment, smoking a
marijuana cigarette a friend had given him. Looking out the apartment windows,
he realized that the telltale halo around a nearby street light had disappeared.

He grew his own plants until he was arrested and prosecuted. He then
underwent exhaustive tests that proved no other glaucoma drug available lowered
his intraocular pressure and halted the deterioration of his eyesight. Randall
used that argument in appealing to the federal government to gain legal access
to marijuana.
In 1981, Randall and his wife founded ACT, Alliance for Cannabis
Therapeutics, the first nonprofit organization dedicated to reforming laws
prohibiting medical marijuana use.
Randall drafted legislation calling for a federal program of controlled
access to the drug. The legislation was introduced in Congress, but failed.
In the early 1990s, Randall concentrated on the medical use of marijuana by
those afflicted with AIDS and established the Marijuana AIDS Research Service,
or MARS, which helped AIDS patients apply for access to marijuana.
The efforts provided the basis for AIDS patients to access promising but
unapproved drugs such as AZT.
After initially approving dozens of marijuana requests, the federal
government closed the program and cut off the only means of legal, medical
access to marijuana in the country.
However, Randall and seven others who had brought their cases to the courts
continued to receive federal supplies of marijuana.
Public outrage at the closure of the MARS program led to state ballot
initiatives such as California's referendum in 1996 that allowed cooperatives to
distribute marijuana to patients with chronic illnesses such as AIDS, multiple
sclerosis and cancer.
But on May 14, the Supreme Court ruled that the federal law controlling
narcotics makes no exception for therapeutic use of the drug.
Randall's wife said he and the seven others who had been granted use of
marijuana were not affected by the ruling, though other users were.
"Robert was quite upset but not surprised by the decision," his wife said,
"because the concept of medical necessity, which is how he won his case in 1976,
is a very strict legal determination and the people in California were
essentially a marijuana supermarket. We would have have preferred having
marijuana being made available through a doctor's prescription."
In 1999 Randall and his wife chronicled their battle to legalize marijuana
for medicinal use in an autobiographical book, "Marijuana Rx: The Patient's
Fight for Medicinal Pot."
Lyn Nofziger, a prominent Republican and former director of communication and
speech writer in the Reagan administration, wrote the forward for their book.
Nofziger's family had turned to marijuana when his daughter was fighting the
effects of chemotherapy for lymph cancer.
After growing up in Sarasota, Randall moved to Washington, D.C., in 1971. He
returned to Sarasota in 1995.
Survivors also include a sister, Susan, and a brother, Dick, both of
A celebration of life will be from 5 to 7 p.m. June 23 at Baywood Colony
Community Center, 5895 Tidewood Ave., Sarasota. Wiegand Brothers Funeral Home is
in charge.
Memorial donations may be made to Hospice of Southwest Florida, 5955 Rand
Blvd., Sarasota, FL 34238.
Date: Tue, 05 Jun 2001Author: Hildegard ScheibnerSource: Sarasota Herald-Tribune (FL)

have no reason to suppose that he, who would take away my Liberty,would not
when he had me in his Power, take away everything else." -- John

Rep. (CA) Henry Waxman says, "If someone is so fearful
that, that they'regoing to start using 

[CTRL] DavidDuke: NOFEAR changes it's name to European-American Rights Organization (fwd)

2001-06-06 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

[In case there are any Duke followers on CTRL, I submit the following
(i.e., I believe
*strongly* in the first [and second] rule of warfare, namely, Know [AND
thine enemy, and, of course, Keep your friends and loved ones CLOSE, but
keep your enemies CLOSER!  --MS]

- Original Message -
From: David Duke [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, June 04, 2001 7:20 PM
Subject: NOFEAR changes it's name to European-American Rights Organization

 || If you do not wish to receive further mail from the Duke Report,
 || please send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 || with UNSUBSCRIBE in the message body (not the subject). Or go to

 National Organization for European American Rights (NOFEAR) changes its
 to European-American Rights Organization (ERO).

 As of June 4, 2001, the National Organization for European American
 (N.O.F.E.A.R.), has changed it's name to European-American Rights
 Organization (ERO).

 When we started the organization, we were unaware of a clothing company
 the name of NO FEAR Clothing Inc., which had previously trademarked the
 initials. We believed that we had a good defense for our use of the
 and fought the matter in court but lost jurisdiction to the Federal Court
 California.  The matter began to take up much of our organization's
 time, and the legal fees were costly.

 After a great deal of thought and consideration, we have decided on the
 European-American Rights Organization. It's short, strong, and serious.
 work of our organization continues. under our new name as under our
 one. We are determined to build a movement that will secure the rights,
 freedom and survival of our people.

 Our main site at will be available during the change,
 our new web site will not be available for a week while it is being

 Members will receive their new membership cards within 30 days.

 Thank you for our continued support.  Let's continue the fight for our

 David Duke

  Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


*Michael Spitzer*[EMAIL PROTECTED]

The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] AP: Arkansas governor says he plans to commute Whitewater figure David Hale's sentence

2001-06-06 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

WIRE: 06/04/2001 9:31 pm ET

Arkansas governor says he plans to commute Whitewater figure David
Hale's sentence

The Associated Press

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) Gov. Mike Huckabee said Monday that he plans to
commute Whitewater figure David Hale's sentence on a state insurance

Hale's 21-day prison sentence, which he has not yet begun, would be
commuted to time served, the governor said.

Hale, 60, was a key witness in the 1996 Whitewater trial of then-Gov.
Jim Guy Tucker and James and Susan McDougal, all of whom were convicted.

Hale himself served nearly two years in federal prison after pleading
guilty to two Whitewater-related felonies.

In March 1999, a Pulaski County Circuit Court jury convicted Hale of
lying to state regulators about the solvency of his National Savings
Life Insurance Co.

Defense lawyers said the infraction was a technicality and that no one
lost money as a result.

The governor was aware of Hale's criminal past in deciding to commute
his sentence, spokesman Rex Nelson said.

He's already considered the history and any time that may have been
served in other various factors, Nelson said.

Huckabee's announcement begins a 30-day period for public comment on the
planned commutation.

Hale once accused then-President Clinton of pressuring him to make a
$300,000 loan to Susan McDougal, but did not repeat the claim at her
trial. Clinton denied the accusation.

Copyright 2001 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.

  Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


*Michael Spitzer*[EMAIL PROTECTED]

The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [Politics] Environmentalism the new Marxism (fwd)

2001-06-06 Thread William Bacon

-Caveat Lector-

visit my web site at
My ICQ# is 79071904
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2001 07:22:08 -0500
From: Bill Fetzner [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Politics] Environmentalism the new Marxism

Your Interests - Your Expressions - Your Style
Get the REPTILE CHECKS you want for lower prices than the bank.

This author certainly suggests that environmentalism has gone amuck in
California. For that reason alone, radical environmentalism cannot be
discounted as a major cause of that state's extraordinary energy crisis.
Some excerpts from this reference:

-- ... a farmer in Kern County, Calif., who was arrested for allegedly
running over an endangered kangaroo rat while tilling his own land. His
tractor was seized and held for over four months, and he faced a year in
jail and a $200,000 fine.

-- On April 7, 2001, the federal government's Bureau of Reclamation cut off
irrigation water to 1,500 family farms in the Klamath Basin on the
Oregon-California border. Based on citizen lawsuits filed by environmental
activists, all the available water will go to save fish, primarily the
sucker fish.

-- Meanwhile, based on a successful lawsuit filed by the Earth Justice Legal
Defense Fund, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has just designated 4.1
million acres as critical habitats for the endangered California red-legged
frog. Nearly 70 percent of the acres are private property. The protected
habitats hopscotch across 28 California counties, including key agricultural
counties, adding layers of new regulations on already over-regulated private

-- The eco-inspired ban on the construction of dams and water storage
facilities to catch the runoff from winter rains and spring snow melts is
limiting the supply of water even as demand for it is surging. It is a
disaster in the making.

-- Another endangered critter wreaking damage in California is the fairy
shrimp ...

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] To Tell The Truth- FBI Can Take Lessons From CIA Spy Hunt That Went Too Far

2001-06-06 Thread MIKE SPITZER

Excellent article, dude! Thanks.

How you been?

You were sure right about the XFL. We really liked 
it. But then I like arena ball A LOT more than NFL.

Did you catch that new HBO show, Six Feet Under? All I 
can say is, "It ain't no Sapranos," and THAT'S FOR SURE!

L8r, my friend,


Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, 


*Michael Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To 
Change Them To 

Re: [CTRL] More of Gay Pride

2001-06-06 Thread Andrew Hennessey

-Caveat Lector-

 with all due respect andrew, you are guessing, not reporting. the
 thing and the homosexual agenda you mention is absurd (unless you can
 support this contention in some way?). as is your perception of lillith.

Well maybe Lilith gets a better press these days from the black magic books
that I read in the 70s - so sorry if she is now the divine goddess etc etc
The Clause28 issue in the UK  which said that clause 28 was sufficient to
police abuse of gender issues in schools was to be repealed by the new
scottish parliamnent in favour of legislation that made it possible to
actively promote homosexual issues. Almost the entire population was against
it but the parliament would not listen and the politicians Refused to act.
Brian Soutar Bus Tycoon funded a Private Referendum - which the gay in
charge of the electoral office would not ratify - a supposedly unbiased
agency that oversaw democracy all over the world would not let the people
legitimately vote in a private and legal mass referendum.
The move to repeal clause 28 was knocked back by the House of Lords twice
and still Tony is committed to forcing throughthis legislation.
Well the SCOTTISH DAILY RECORD reported that there were warehouses of the
'new' progay schoolbooks awaiting distribution - not a fact that they would
have got wrong as the Paper was part of the keep the clause campaign - one
of souters few corporate supporters - and at that time ANY misleading
information would have been used to destroy the referendum by the
Politicians who were getting desperate.
So in this matter - because of the circumstances - I am inclined to believe
what I read in that paper at that time about the schoolbooks.
Souter subsequently had several million wiped off the value of his stock in
a strange stockmarket problem.
The result of the poll showed that something like 80% - an overwhelming
majority were in favour of keeping the clause - the parliament ignored that
and passed the progay legislation.
What was PRO about this legislation was that unlike the previous legislation
that simply maintained a status quo of gender tolerance - given that it
could be adequately policed - under the new legislation aside from all the
other new safeguards, loss of marriage as a key concept etc - there is scope
to activley promote gay issues - which is an unfair allowance to a minority


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Roaming Sands

2001-06-06 Thread Taercel

-Caveat Lector-


Reprinted from
NATO Exercise in N.M. Spurs Fears of Disease

Michael Shinabery
Wednesday, June 6, 2001
ALAMOGORDO, N.M. - They come to New Mexico every year to play war.
This year, however, ranchers fear that along with troops and equipment (called
materiel) at Roving Sands 2001, they could bring the bug other countries are already
at war with: the virus that causes foot-and-mouth disease.
If it were anyone else besides a NATO outfit, it would have already been shut down
or postponed, said rancher Bob Jones. Every country but Germany has [the disease]
that is coming for Roving Sands.
New Mexico Secretary of Agriculture Frank Dubois' concerns are similar. I wonder
what would have occurred if the circumstances had been reversed, Dubois said. If
we had foot-and-mouth disease in the United States and they wanted to do a NATO
exercise in Europe, how would they have treated our troops?
Up to 20,000 soldiers – the majority U.S. Air Force, Army, Marine and Navy forces –
will participate in the 10th annual Roving Sands June 15-24. The Texas and New
Mexico operations are under the purview of Fort Bliss in El Paso, with major command
centers in Louisiana, Florida and Virginia. Much of the desert territory where
ground maneuvers take place, however, is in Otero County.
The concern is with how the virus is transported in dirt, which can be attached to
equipment and even shoes. Cleaning and sanitizing is required. According to Fort
Bliss public affairs official Jean Offutt, U.S. Departmen
t of Agriculture officials cleared 16 rail cars carrying German equipment for 
transport from Beaumont, Texas, to El Paso. She said the equipment was reinspected in 
El Paso by USDA and released more than a week ago.
All of the equipment here was cleared, said Offutt, then downloaded beginning May 
29. The German commander ... told me the equipment they did bring in will not be 
going into the field. All of the equipment they need
in the field to do their firing mission will come from Fort Bliss assets, or the 
German school here.
A recent regional story, however, reported that German equipment in questionable 
condition was brought through Canada. German equipment is not coming from Canada, 
Offutt said. Whatever was reported, or whatever was see
n, I have no idea what it was or is. She suggested those concerned should check with 
the railroad.
Whatever that equipment was, Dubois said there have been eyewitnesses to its being 
transported. I talked to a guy in Colorado, he said. He watched 10 different 
trainloads of German equipment go right by his place.
Dubois called such problems frustrating to deal with. He felt the federal 
government, given all of the controversy over this, would at least [have] had the 
courtesy to notify the state animal health officials where ma
teriel was transported.
I think that this whole thing has been mishandled by the federal government and by 
the NATO countries, Dubois said. They first tried to bring equipment and materiel 
from England and from other countries where hoof-and-
mouth was prevalent.
According to Dubois, questionable materiel was rejected at a Texas port of call after 
allegedly being found clean overseas. USDA Animal Plant Health Inspection Service 
(APHIS) put out a release that all of this equipment
 has been precleared in Germany, and then it gets to the port in Beaumont and one half 
of the equipment is rejected there - by APHIS, Dubois said.
He said rumors had the rejected equipment being rerouted through Canada, but he 
confirmed that particular shipment went back overseas. Bob Accord of APHIS told me 
[Thursday] that all of the equipment was off-loaded in Cr
uxhaven, Germany, on May 30, Dubois said.
While the German air force (GAF) at Holloman Air Force Base will fly eight Tornado 
fighters, those jets pose no threat, said Holloman Chief of Media Relations Robert 
Pepper. Those aircraft, he said, are already on base
as part of the Flying Training Center. Every precaution is being exercised, Pepper 
Other than the German equipment, Offutt said, no other equipment [was] coming in from 
any other foreign country. In troop count, she said 40 soldiers would arrive from the 
United Kingdom. She also listed four to five Ca
nadian observers, as well as visitors from 18 other countries including Australia, 
Chile, Egypt, Denmark, Italy, Japan, Korea, Kuwait, the Netherlands, Norway, Saudia 
Arabia and Qatar. The exact number of participants w
ill not be firmed up, however, until the exercise begins.
If foot-and-mouth disease were found in Otero County, it could end the century-old 
beef industry. If spread outside the county's boundaries, Jones said, it would 
eventually wipe out the entire U.S. beef industry.
Government officials in other countries have killed their livestock to slow the 
spread, resulting in losses of millions of dollars. Jones termed America's beef 

[CTRL] Israeli siege prevents students from reaching universities (fwd)

2001-06-06 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

Israeli military siege prevents students from reaching universities

6 June 2001

On Tuesday morning, June 5, 2001, dozens of Bir Zeit University students
were forced to return home at the Israeli military checkpoint on the
Ramallah-Bir Zeit Road. When the students tried to explain to the Israeli
troops at the checkpoint that they must be allowed to pass so that they
could sit their final exams, the Israeli soldiers responded with firing live
ammunition, teargas, and rubber coated steel bullets. 20-year-old Raji Al
Nijmeh was injured in the incident, many other students passed out due to
teargas inhalation.

Dr. Hanna Nassir, chairman of Bir Ziet University said that Israeli forces
prevented more than 400 students and 500 teachers from reaching the

Israeli roadblocks and restriction of movement as well as humiliation of
Palestinians on Israeli military checkpoints have become common phenomena in
the current unrest. Palestinian students and teachers have been prevented
from reaching universities, colleges, and schools. Such arbitrary measures
of the Israeli authorities deprive students from sitting their final exams.
Moreover, thousands of Tawjihi (senior high school) students will find it
virtually impossible to sit their final exams on Monday, June 18, 2001.

The students of Al Najah University in Nablus had to face on Tuesday an
Israeli new roadblock on Nablus-Al Bathan Road. Such roadblock and other
roadblocks around Nablus, sever the city from the other Palestinian areas.
Moreover, the Israeli forces destroyed the road in order to make the siege
even worse. They placed more barricades and cement blocks on the road
leading to the Palestinian village of Dier Sharaf between Nablus, Tulkarem
and Jenin.

Israeli forces closed all main roads leading to Tulkarem and the surrounding
villages. They also blocked the northern entrance of Noor Shams refugee
camp. More roadblocks and barricades isolate the Palestinian villages of
Anabta, Bal’a, Kufur Al Labad, Kufur Rumman and Biet Leed from Tulkarem.

The universities of Al Quds, Bethlehem, and Hebron are facing major
difficulties since Israeli forces have blocked Wadi Al Nar Road, which is
the only road Palestinians can take to get to Bethlehem and Hebron.  The
blocking of Wadi Al Nar completely severs the north of the West Bank from
the south.

Israeli forces have also closed and dug trenches along Al I’beidiyeh-Biet
Sahour Road. Israeli barricades also block all the roads linking southern
and eastern villages of Bethlehem such as Biet Ta’mar, Taqou’, Al Asakira,
Dier Salah, Za’tara, Al Freidees, and Rabah. All roads linking Bethlehem,
Jerusalem, Um Tuba, Bethany, Jabal Al Mukaber, Sur Baher, Al Sawahreh, and
Al Sheikh Sa’ed have been blocked.

Israeli forces have also blocked all roads in the district of Hebron.
Trenches and barricades cut off Wadi S’eer from Bethlehem, Yatta and Bani Na
’eem from Hebron.

There are 23 universities and colleges in the Palestinian territories;
sixteen in the West Bank and seven in the Gaza Strip. They have 71,000
students and 4,096 staff members.

The Ministry of Higher Education released a study titled “The Current
Situation of the Higher Education Institutions” describing students and
staff’s attendance in the first six months of the Intifada as follows:

UniversitiesStudents’ attendance 45-82.5%   Staff’s attendance 64.5-95%
Average 72.17-87.13%
CollegesStudents’ attendance 20.5-100%  Staff’s attendance 60-100%  Average

The data mean that 24,000 students were unable to attend colleges and
universities in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. For instance, the Islamic
University in Gaza has 9,820 students whose attendance was as low as 44%,
which means that the Israeli siege prevented 5,500 students from attending
their classes.

The data also indicate that attendance of students at Gaza’s universities
and colleges is well below that of the West Bank, for example attendance at
Al Azhar University was 60%, attendance at the Islamic University was 44%,
attendance at the College of Science and Technology in Khan Yunis was 49%,
and attendance at Palestine Technical College in Dir Al Balah was only 20%.

However, the West Bank higher education institutions recorded higher
percentages of attendance, for example attendance at Palestine Polytechnic
was 74%, at Bethlehem University attendance was 76%, at Bir Zeit and Hebron
universities it was 82%, and at Al Najah University in Nablus attendance was

Girls’ colleges recorded lower percentages such as the Girls’ College of
Educational Science, which recorded an attendance of students as low as 27%.
Yet, those records dropped sharply recently.

A recent survey showed that 54.9% of students experience difficulties in
reaching their universities due to the Israeli siege on Palestinian areas.
The survey also showed that most of the “absent” students were from the
areas known as Area B and Area C, which are under Israeli forces’ 


2001-06-06 Thread Andrew Hennessey

-Caveat Lector-


last night in Leeds - again the english midlands - [as unemployed and as
impoverished as Scotland], pakistani youths went on the rampage in Leeds
after allegations of police brutality and false arrest.
Cars burning, incendiary tactics.etc

There has been a news blackout on it - where the headline story talks about
a tv celebrity and gay murder.
we get to hear that the election is soon - Hague has apologised for being no
effective opposition to the emperor tony - and indeed it really looks like a
NWO landslide and an end to the illusion of democracy in the UK
there is only one party and no credible opposition.

News of the further race riots in leeds in the same english midlands
powderkeg as oldham would probably damage Blairs election chances if.
1. the opposition were prepared to seize on it.
2. the media were willing to report it

no such luck.

andrew hennessey

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] a victory for free speech

2001-06-06 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

Great article, Nessie. 

Thanks. I try.

I wish I'd had it last night, when my husband was lecturing me

It's never too late 

the Internet is total B.S. because any idiot can say anything he wants

The flaw in his logic lies in the word total. By his reasoning,
libraries, print media, even language itself is total B.S.

Never believe anything you read anywhere unless you can verify it from
primary sources. Even they lie sometimes. Remember, where politics is
concerned, almost nothing is what it appears to be.

=CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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Re: [CTRL] Boylan: KPFA Radio Report of ETs at Government Installations (fwd)

2001-06-06 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

It should be noted that KPFA is one of five Pacifica stations, the
first of which was founded in the late 1940s. The Pacifica stations, in
New York, Berkeley, Los  Angeles, Fresno, and Washington, D.C., are
alternative, non-  commercial and listener-sponsored, with a long
tradition of political activism and precedent-making First Amendment

That was before Pacifica was taken over and sold down the river by
Clintonista Mary Frances Berry and her clique.


=CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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[CTRL] NEPAL: revolution!!! a personal account of events in Nepal

2001-06-06 Thread aniMAL

-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Wed,  6 Jun 2001 10:13:57 -0400 (EDT)
From: Teanau Tuiono [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: revolution!!! a personal account of events in Nepal

  A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E


FUCK the last two days have been some of the most amazing in my life.
The news you are getting in NZ is probably CNN bullshit. The late King
and family in Nepal have been a symbol for the people of being
independent from imperalist
rule for a start so thatis partly why the grief is so immense.  The
kings brother has just now been crowned king and the people are
uprising.  The kings brother is much hated by nepalese people and
activists alike. He was cast out from Nepal for corruption and went to
live in India.  The campaign agaisnt coprruption is huge and the pruime
minister is also a target.  So when the whole family (actually 13
people) were massacred the govt blamed the crown prince saying he shot
everyone and then himself. Noone believed this.  Now the govt says it
was an accident. Fuck sorry if this is crazy but I am typing hard out we
are under threat from the army who are everywhrere. So essentially the
kings brother arranged for his son to kill everyone so he could be king.
The pepole are not accepting him and there are riots everywhere. Martial
law has been impose and the conference is cancelled
pretty much.A few of us are staying though and networking and
supporting. The radical organisations that organised it have been
outlawed under martial law and they fear arrest.  A few of us have been
caught up in demos on the street I think I have some good photos of the
cops beating people with sticks but I was running as fast as I could at
the time. 10 people have also
been shot dead by the army.Ths is verty important to get out as they are
refusing to let people report it. Also the only witness alive to the
massacre has just been poisoned by the govt so there is no witness apart
from the new kings son who people believe did it. The investigation
commitee comprises of the ruling party only and is afarce. People are
amazing here they have nothing but their bare hands and they are
standing up to guns sticks knives I hope my photos are good.  About 10
of us are keen to support the nepaese people and try and get the word
back to our countries.  We trekked into the peasant communites yesterday
to share resources and food and they welcomed us like heros it was
fucking incredible. But then we got trapped because the army said they
would shoot us if we came back to our base. Crazy.  We are reasonably
safe becase we are forigners and we feel strongly about being part of
making history.  Nepal amy face civil war and the end of monarchy at
this rate and it is a privilege beyond belief to be here. we are a tight
knit group and hope to make some difference. I have to run again they
are imposing curfew in half an hour and if you are outside you are get

I will try and email soon.
 love amy

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Almost half foresee Canada, U.S. in union within a decade (fwd)

2001-06-06 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

Rare Book Searches - Ruling Class/Conspiracy Experts: * Conspiracy Shopping Cart: * Misc Shopping On-Line **

What is so new about this ?
It was known years ago that the one-worlders were going
to comfortably merge us together.
It has been out there to read about for a long time, but
either most people won't read, and the rest don't
believe it anyway

June 4, 2001

Almost half foresee Canada, U.S. in union within a decade
'Quite a surprising lean'

Tom Arnold
National Post
Nearly one Canadian in two expects Canada to be part of a North American
union within 10 years, a new opinion poll finds, while one in four
the country will be absorbed by the United States within 20 years.

The survey, conducted by EKOS Research Associates, concluded that 45% of
respondents believe it is very likely Canada will become part of a North
American union within 10 years. Just 24% reported it is very unlikely
will join a union with other North American countries over the same

It is a quite a surprising lean to the idea that this is going to
said Frank Graves, president of EKOS.

The survey also found that Canadians believe it is quite likely they
come to share common banks with Americans, but believe it is less likely
two countries will have common courts, currency and especially

They may feel a North American currency would be something that is in
offing, Mr. Graves said, and they may feel that there may be some need
multilateral political structures to deal with some of the issues that
emerge in a North American union.

Mel Hurtig, the founder of the nationalist Council of Canadians, said he
extraordinarily depressed by the findings, which are officially

The poll also found 17% agreed that Canada would be absorbed by the
States within 10 years, while 23% said Canada would be gone as a
nation-state within 20 years.

Given the current political leadership that we have in this country,
is little doubt in my mind that that is exactly what is going to happen
said Mr. Hurtig, author of the upcoming book The Vanishing Country,
Canada's demise as a nation.

We now have the most continentalist and conservative Liberal government
the entire history of our nation.

If we continue to go in the direction that we have been going --
harmonizing policies, abandoning control of our resources, selling off
Canadian companies, integrating Canadian economic, social and culture
policies, massive forces wanting to see more foreign ownership in the
and in telecommunications industries, and huge lobbies for dollarization
and with a government that doesn't seem to give a damn about retaining
Canadian sovereignty, there's no way this country is going to survive.

But Herbert Grubel, a Vancouver-based economist and former Reform party
said a North American union would be an extremely positive economic

It would lead to lower interest rates, lower transaction costs, higher
growth and greater certainty for international trade, he said. And it
estimated that it would lead to a higher income of 30% in Canada because
increased trade.

Canadians see there is something seriously wrong with Canada and they
looking for something else, he said.

Still, the EKOS poll found 75% of those surveyed -- up 10% compared with
last year -- did not favour a common North American currency over the
Canadian dollar. About 66% said the declining Canadian dollar is a great

EKOS surveyed 3,077 Canadian adults between April 24 and May 22. The
of error is plus or minus 1.8 percentage points 19 times in 20.

The Centre for Research and Information on Canada -- the research
of the Council for Canadian Unity -- found similar results when they
commissioned a poll on the eve of international trade talks in Quebec
two months ago.

Andrew Parkin, assistant director at the research centre, said yesterday
EKOS finding shows that Canadians understand 'union' in a very
sense as in dealing with an economic framework, but they don't see it as
threat to the country. It doesn't mean they don't want to be Canadian
and it
doesn't mean they think they're going to lose their Canadianness.


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A-albionic's Books Can Be Browsed and Purchased  Conveniently in the Shopping 

[CTRL] Book Review: China's Super Psychics

2001-06-06 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

[This is from, The Tao of Books, web site.  Sorry, I don't
the URL.  :-(--MS]

The research for this article is from the book 'Chinese Super Psychics' by
Dong and Thomas E Raffill, published by Marlowe, Distributed by
publishers -
Group West
ISBN 1-56924-715-3.


A Book Review

On January 3, 1987, in the Chinese Communist Party Central Committee
Training Centre, in Beijing, an official test was conducted where a Chinese
psychic transported 44 medicine pills out of a sealed bottle and also sent
into the bottle a piece of candy. The test was conducted under scientific
circumstances with government witnesses. The individual who conducted the
test is named Zhang Baosheng.

 Zhang and other people with the ability to demonstrate high levels of
external pranic power have been termed by the Chinese Government as having
exceptional human functions, commonly referred to as EHF. People with
these abilities are now viewed as national treasures in China.

 Zhang Baosheng often demonstrates his amazing powers on Chinese television
and he is a nationwide celebrity in China. It is reported that Zhang has
such high levels of abilities that one foreign government sent an agent to
China to offer him US$20 million to invite him to their country for
research activities. He refused. One of his most astounding exhibitions
the movement of a 100lb sack of sugar through the walls of a storehouse,
with it ending up sitting in front of the scientific witnesses.

Zhang also has a tendency for playing practical jokes, and with the
abilities that he has at his disposal this can have fairly dramatic
consequences. After he received the gift of a luxury auto from a Hong Kong
billionaire, he took to driving it around town but often broke the traffic
rules and got tickets. Baosheng takes his tickets with a smile, but when
traffic officers return to the station they can never find their copy of
tickets, which have disappeared without a trace. Since he became known for
this, police officers get out of the way when they see his car coming and
no-one bothers him anymore. If he can make traffic tickets disappear no-one
wishes to have an argument with him.

 Zhang Baosheng is a military battalion commander in rank and privilege,
without an actual battalion. He worked as a public safety officer for some
years. In 1990 his psychic powers had not fully manifested and he had
abilities. When these powers were discovered, he was given a low level
security job, which was riding on buses and catching thieves. He was able,
at that time, to easily detect thieves in the act and apprehend them. It is
thought that the continuing use of these powers assisted him to develop to
higher levels. One of the primary scientists in China, amongst very large
groups studying these subjects, is Dr Quin Xuesen. Dr Quin is one of the
senior Chinese scientists with an extraordinary professional background in
science and technology. Dr Quin has proposed that the only way to develop
Chinese medicine, is to use modern scientific systems and terminology,
pulling it apart from the ancient methods and philosophies and creating a
theory expressed in terms of modern science. For example, the Chinese
concept of Yin and Yang, that is negative and positive principles, has been
related to various deficiencies in the blood stream, which are understood
Western medicine. Dr Quin says that Qigong, Chinese medicine and
Human Functions are three parts of the same system, and an approach that
deal with Chinese medicine and Qigong will help the development of EHF
research as well.

 Because Qigong is popular in China today, thousands of people with EHF
appeared there. It may be asked why EHF wasn't discovered earlier? Why did
it take until 1979 to be discovered? The feeling is that this is not the
case and
that the EHF phenomena existed and was reported throughout ancient
Chinese texts, but in those days it was believed that those people were
Gods, not men. Dr Quin says What the ancients call Gods could be called
people with EHF. They didn't understand what it was at that time, so they
called them Gods.

 In 1979, on March 11, the 'Sichuan Daily' reported an amazing news item to
the whole country. It said its reporters along with the provincial
of the Communist Party had discovered that Tang Yu, a 12 year old, could
read with his ear. When this was tested and found to be so, that is, he
could read words and sentences written on paper when they were held to his
ear, this led to a great confusion in the scientific and intellectual

When this was publicised, numerous other children stepped forward, or were
discovered and tested, and found to have similar abilities. The gender
breakdown is approximately twice in young females to males, and the
abilities tend to diminish from the time of adolescence in many cases.

This information, created a very aggressive backlash 

[CTRL] The Origin Of The Palestine - Israel Conflict

2001-06-06 Thread Fernando Sobral

-Caveat Lector-

Good to know the history of the century's robbery.


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] More of Gay Pride

2001-06-06 Thread c.

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Andrew Hennessey [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2001 4:04 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] More of Gay Pride

 -Caveat Lector-

  with all due respect andrew, you are guessing, not reporting. the
  thing and the homosexual agenda you mention is absurd (unless you can
  support this contention in some way?). as is your perception of lillith.
 Well maybe Lilith gets a better press these days from the black magic
 that I read in the 70s - so sorry if she is now the divine goddess etc etc

both your patronising classifications of her are wrong.

 The Clause28 issue in the UK  which said that clause 28 was sufficient to
 police abuse of gender issues in schools was to be repealed by the new
 scottish parliamnent in favour of legislation that made it possible to
 actively promote homosexual issues.

you are wrong and your political angle on this is the same one that souter
tried to mislead the scottish people . the repeal does not allow the
promotion of homosexuality- it allows it to be talked about in council
institutions- including schools and libraries. the clause actually could
have prevented people's access to literature that could be considered
promoting homosexuality- and that in effect means that any literature that
states in any way that homosexuality is ok could be banned. that is not a
tolerable situation. in schools teachers have been unable to offer any
education about homosexuality *in any form*. that is also an intolerable

 Almost the entire population was against

oh really? LOL

but the parliament would not listen and the politicians Refused to act.
 Brian Soutar Bus Tycoon funded a Private Referendum - which the gay in
 charge of the electoral office would not ratify

you are being silly now andrew and it devalues any argument that you may
have. tell me who this gay is in fact and show me evidence that he is 1/ gay
and 2/ corrupt and compromised by his sexuality. (look to portillo's vote
against the reduction in the age of gay consent for a comparable ethical
decision made by a man with gay experiinces)
show me- or shut your little bigoted mouth, k? :)

 - a supposedly unbiased
 agency that oversaw democracy all over the world would not let the people
 legitimately vote in a private and legal mass referendum.

we have a government to make decisions- referendums are only called by
people unhappy at the elected governmnet's decisions. and anyway, andrewq,
we didn't need a referendum to have the clause in the first place- it wasn't
public pressure that lobbied for the clause, was it?

 The move to repeal clause 28 was knocked back by the House of Lords twice

erm, you are so keen on refereendums and voting and stuff but you are so
happy that an unelected house would stand in the way of an elected house?

 and still Tony is committed to forcing throughthis legislation.

daily record? LOL, no really, you are quoting the daily record as a news
source? why not the national enquirer (a bit of context for our foriegn type
friends on the list)

reported that there were warehouses of the
 'new' progay schoolbooks awaiting distribution - not a fact that they
 have got wrong as the Paper was part of the keep the clause campaign - one
 of souters few corporate supporters - and at that time ANY misleading
 information would have been used to destroy the referendum by the
 Politicians who were getting desperate.
 So in this matter - because of the circumstances - I am inclined to
 what I read in that paper at that time about the schoolbooks.
 Souter subsequently had several million wiped off the value of his stock
 a strange stockmarket problem.
 The result of the poll showed that something like 80% -

oh but do tell how many people voted.
and you just ignore that private polls made by individuals tend to only be
completed by the people who support the referendum because there is no legal
backing for the poll. opponents of the private poll recommended destroying
the polling slips. forget also that approx 1 million homes did not get
voting slips. that is in a population of 6 millionish!

 an overwhelming
 majority were in favour of keeping the clause - the parliament ignored
 and passed the progay legislation.#

erm, no- they passed the anti anti-gay legislation. stats are great for
epope who wanna present them wrongly :) homophobes are great at this sort of
stuff- you and souter.

 What was PRO about this legislation was that unlike the previous
 that simply maintained a status quo of gender tolerance - given that it
 could be adequately policed

see above for an accurate description- the clause banned the tolerance of
literature and education that did not condemn homosexuality.

- under the new legislation aside from all the
 other new safeguards, loss of marriage as a key concept etc - there is
 to activley promote 

Re: [CTRL] Federal AIDS Funding

2001-06-06 Thread YnrChyldzWyld

  From: Amelia
  Seems gays help themselves to all kinds of tax 
  funding.Scroll down past the Home Depot article to find just a 
  few.If all of these things were eliminated, I could get a 
  taxrefund and donate the money to the Boy Scouts.
  This weekend, hundreds of homosexuals will gather at 
  theCathedral City Boys Club, a homosexual resort in 
  CathedralCity, California to attend "FistFest 2001," which is 
  beingbilled as a "weekend of the hottest fisting in the U.S. 
  Hotmen--hot days--hot hands and hot h__s". (Interestingly 
  enough,a spokesman for this homosexual sex orgy club has denied 
  theevent is happening, but FistFest is listed on the club's 
  ownweb site and the club held a similar FistFest last June.)
  Have you ever watched MTV during Spring Break week? The above 
  doesn't sound any different, except of course MTV highlights heterosexual 
  And I don't see anything about taxpayer dollars paying for this...



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[CTRL] NM: Bush Justice Department Seeks to Halt Wen Ho Lee Testimony

2001-06-06 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Bush Justice Department Seeks to Halt Wen Ho Lee Testimony

Crime/Corruption News

Published: 06/04/2001 Author: Carl Limbacher staff
Posted on 06/04/2001 09:37:10 PDT by Pokey78

Lawyers at the Bush Justice Department want to block a deposition by
suspected Chinese nuclear spy Wen Ho Lee - exacerbating concerns that the
Bush administration is reluctant to have the truth emerge about what
happened during the Clinton-Gore administration's Chinagate scandal.

Dr. Lee was set to be deposed by Judicial Watch on May 24 and 25 in Los
Alamos, N.M., home of the nuclear weapons lab where he downloaded defense
secrets that were described as the crown jewels of the U.S. nuclear
weapons program.

Lee's computer files are still missing and he has yet to tell government
probers what he did with them, though charges against the Chinese-born
scientist were winnowed down to a single felony count of mishandling
classified information. In a deal with the Clinton Justice Department last
year, Lee pleaded guilty to the charge.

Lee's lawyers claimed allegations against him were the result of racial
profiling by former Energy Department security chief Notra Trulock, who,
with the help of Judicial Watch, has responded with a lawsuit for
against the suspected spy.

The legal watchdog group is understandably outraged by the Justice
Department's intervention, which could mean that Lee will never be
questioned by anyone but the FBI and Justice Department prosecutors, who
have already acknowledged bungling the case.

Despite knowing for many months that Judicial Watch intended to depose Dr.
Lee, the Bush Justice Department said nothing, Judicial Watch complained
Monday. At the eleventh hour, it filed an emergency motion to prevent oral
testimony claiming it would harm national security.

Judicial Watch Chairman Larry Klayman suspects the Justice Department's
agenda is to cover up more government bungling.

The Bush Justice Department is seeking to protect the FBI from further
embarrassment after the recent debacle concerning alleged Russian spy
Hanssen and Timothy McVeigh, he charged.

A federal magistrate will rule on the Justice Department's emergency motion
later today.

  Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


*Michael Spitzer*[EMAIL PROTECTED]

The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2001-06-06 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Press Office


Bush White House Finally Admits Clinton Staff Vandalism Six Months Later

Federal Court Judge Considering Hearing Into Destruction of Hard Drive
Data, E-mail and Other Computer Evidence By Departing Clinton-Gore Staff

(Washington, DC) Judicial Watch, the public interest law firm that
investigates and prosecutes government corruption, today demanded
an apology from Bill Clinton spokesman Jake Siewert for an attack
on it last week in The Washington Post over its investigations
into the destruction of government property by departing staffers
from the Clinton-Gore White House. Judicial Watch learned from
confidential sources that the destruction included the improper
wiping of computer hard drives and the theft of laptop computers.
Other press reports talked of sabotage of White House e-mail and
phone systems.

The Bush White House, which continues to oppose Judicial Watch's
efforts before the federal court of The Honorable Royce C. Lamberth
to look into this, finally admitted this weekend to The Washington
Post that significant vandalism had taken place. Judge Lamberth has
been considering for three months a request from Judicial Watch,
heretofore opposed by the Bush Administration, to take limited
depositions on the possible evidence destruction from Clinton-Gore
and/or Bush White House officials. The issue comes in the context
of Judicial Watch's Filegate litigation on behalf of those Reagan
and Bush (I) staffers and others whose FBI files were illegally
taken by the Clinton-Gore White House. (Hillary Clinton is a
defendant in this lawsuit.) It was in this case that Judicial
Watch, thanks to White House whistleblowers, uncovered the
related Clinton-Gore e-mail scandal.

Last year, Jake Siewert (then Clinton-Gore White House press
secretary) was criticized by Judge Lamberth for false
statements about the e-mail scandal.

Frankly, I expect apologies from both Siewert and the Bush
White House. The Bush White House called our concerns about
destroyed evidence mere 'hearsay' and, using the Bush White
House's refusal to go public about the destruction of government
property as cover, Siewert engaged in dissembling attacks on
Judicial Watch and me. Perhaps now that they belatedly
'discovered' the vandalism of the Clinton-Gore staff, the
Bush White House will reconsider its opposition in federal
court to Judicial Watch's request to investigate this matter,
stated Judicial Watch Chairman and General Counsel Larry

  Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


*Michael Spitzer*[EMAIL PROTECTED]

The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] NYT: Second wind for Bush-basher

2001-06-06 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

New York Post
June 4, 2001


Second wind for Bush-basher


CALL it the book that won't die. Fortunate Son, which alleges that
George W. Bush was arrested in the early '70s for cocaine possession,
will finally be published next month.

The book - which the White House says has been widely dismissed as
science-fiction - originally was slated to be released in late 1999 by
St. Martin's Press. But the house backed off when it learned that author
J.H. Hatfield had done jail time for trying to hire a hitman.

Industry renegade Sander Hicks, whose Soft Skull Press brags it
specializes in fearless, progressive, punk rock/hip-hop literature,
tried to publish the book last year. But it was held up by a lawsuit
from a Dallas real estate company that once employed Hatfield. An
unflattering mention of the firm was removed from the foreword for the
version coming out this month.

The book claims Bush was busted for using cocaine in the early '70s and
that no record of the arrest exists because it was expunged in exchange
for community service.

Hicks, who calls Hatfield's 1988 conviction for solicitation of capital
murder the result of a workplace conspiracy gone horribly awry, will
distribute the tome through Publishers Group West. In a newly added
note, Hicks stands by the author, alleging that public opinion has been
created to destroy J.H. Hatfield and his book.

Hatfield, for his part, has added a lengthy afterword intended to boost
his credibility by detailing how and where he supposedly learned about
Bush's alleged drug use and plea bargain.

Hatfield claims three different sources confirmed the cocaine charge,
including a former Yale classmate of Bush, a longtime Bush family
friend, and a high-ranking adviser to Bush who had known the candidate
for several years and who met with Hatfield in Lake Eufaula, Okla.

In a separate note, Hicks identifies the Lake Eufaula source as none
other than Karl Rove, Bush's own White House political strategist. Rove
was traveling and could not be reached.

But presidential spokesman Scott McClellan denies that Rove ever spoke
with Hatfield. In the afterword, Hatfield claims he asked McClellan
whether George Bush's work as an inner-city youth counselor at Houston's
Project P.U.L.L. in 1972 was a condition of having a cocaine charge
purged. According to the book, McClellan muttered an almost inaudible
Oh, [bleep] and after hesitating . . . finally said, 'No comment.'

But McClellan told PAGE SIX: I'd never talked to the guy. I'd never
heard of the guy.

  Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


*Michael Spitzer*[EMAIL PROTECTED]

The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] WND: Silenced: Flight 800 and The Subversion of Justice

2001-06-06 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Monday, June 4, 2001


Silenced: Flight 800 and the Subversion of Justice

VIDEO: Silenced: Flight 800 and The Subversion of Justice
One-Hour Video - $25.00, plus shippimg
Phone 1-888-US-AWARE(29273) - EX. 800
OR, GoTo WorldNetDaily's online store:
INTERVIEW: Video producer Jack Cashill on Lucianne Goldberg Radio Show
LISTEN MediaPlayer:
Set slide bar to 01:00:20 (about 60% of bar) for 1/2 hour interview)

Editor's note: On the evening of July 17, 1996, at 8:19 p.m., TWA Flight
800, a Boeing 747, took off from Kennedy Airport, bound for Paris. At
8:31 p.m., over 730 people watched Flight 800 explode catastrophically,
killing all 230 of the people aboard.

Not long afterwards, millions of Americans watched their televisions in
fascinated horror as search and rescue crews looked for survivors among
the flaming debris. Only dead bodies were recovered.

Flight 800 is mostly an ugly memory for people these days. The U.S.
government issued an explanation that a fuel tank had somehow exploded.
Yet, they flatly denied any evidence existed of foul play, including the
possibility that Flight 800 had been blown out of the air by a missile.

All but a few journalists accepted the government's version of events.
Few bothered to investigate the numerous eyewitnesses, the radar records
and the physical evidence that all suggested a strikingly different
explanation of Flight 800's untimely demise. And those few who did
question the government's version were made to look like fools or,
worse, thrown in jail and prosecuted as criminals for meddling in an
official investigation.

What really happened to Flight 800? In light of recent FBI disclosures
of buried evidence that have resulted in a postponement of the execution
of convicted Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh, new questions are
being raised about other high-profile U.S. government terrorism
investigations - including the explosion of TWA Flight 800 in 1996.

Today, WorldNetDaily begins a daily five-part series of explosive
commentaries by independent writer and Emmy-award-winning producer Jack
Cashill detailing what he has learned in the course of producing
Silenced: Flight 800 and The Subversion of Justice, a documentary
video which presents compelling evidence that Flight 800 was indeed shot
down by missile fire and of the massive cover-up that followed that
tragic event by the federal government.

By Jack Cashill

© 2001

Our dark places

You don't want to go there, Jack.

I do not know how clichés emerge, but this one seems to have my name on
it. I have heard it said in recent weeks more times than I could count
or care to recall.

Not from my liberal friends. Willfully clueless the past eight years,
these folks have not even heard of, say, Juanita Broaddrick or the
Sudanese aspirin factory. Were I to tell them that the Clinton White
House covered up a missile strike on an American airline off the coast
of Long Island, and that I was producing a documentary about the same,
they would think me daft.

My conservative friends, on the other hand, don't think me daft at all.
Most of them believe Clinton corrupt enough to attempt a crime of this
magnitude, and half of them think him capable. It is they who don't want
me to go there.

What if all evidence leads in that direction? I ask.

It doesn't seem to matter. Like Conrad's Marlow, these otherwise
rational Main Streeters seem unnerved by a sheer blank fright, pure
abstract terror. I wish I were overstating the problem, but I am not.

Too many ordinary citizens have reconciled themselves to an enduring
heart of American darkness, one that can swallow reputations and bank
accounts whole and possibly even lives. Look what they did to Pierre
Salinger. And it is to these dark places they don't want me to go -
even if Clinton no longer mans the gate.

Kelly Creech, my editor on this project, still chuckles when he thinks
of my involvement. A Kennedy assassination buff (a troubling zeugma if
there ever was one), he has tried to convince me for years of the dark
forces that conspired to murder JFK. Something of an idealist, or
perhaps just a naïf, I have continued to insist on Lee Harvey Oswald
alone, though lately with less vigor. Kelly has been amused to see how
this project has opened my eyes. He is eager for the voyage.

So is my intrepid guide, James Sanders. Jim has journeyed up this river
before. It cost him everything but his life. Indeed, after writing the
best-seller, The Downing of TWA Flight 800, he and wife Liz 

[CTRL] NM: Jenna Bust a Publicity Stunt?

2001-06-06 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

[Vast Left Wing Conspiracy?!?  --MS]

With Carl Limbacher and Staff

For the story behind the story...

Monday June 4, 2001; 10:34 a.m. EDT

Jenna Bust a Publicity Stunt? Chuy's Called Media After Dialing 911

First daughter Jenna Bush may have been the victim of a publicity stunt
last Tuesday, when a Texas restaurant alerted the media immediately
after calling 911 to complain the 19-year-old had ordered a drink with
fake ID.

Perhaps the 911 call is understandable, reports Monday's Houston
Chronicle. The second call from Chuy's management, however, is harder
to defend. Chuy's tipped the Austin American-Statesman to the scoop
about the president's partying scofflaws.

The Chronicle notes that the Statesman decided to sit on their exclusive
till Thursday due to ethical questions. By then, it was worldwide news,
with the name of the Tex-Mex restaurant chain mentioned prominently in
every story.

That can't be bad for business, one Austin political consultant and
frequent Chuy's diner observed to the Chronicle.

The restaurant did not return calls about its decision to publicize the
incident, the paper said.

By Thursday afternoon, Chuy's was apparently having second thoughts
about its gambit, releasing a statement that said, We sincerely regret
any inconvenience this has caused the first family.

The newfound contrition came as the Bush booze bust seemed to be
backfiring on the restaurant chain. Over the weekend, calls for a
Chuy's boycott began to permeate the internet and talk radio.

Fueling the fire: growing evidence that Chuy's decision to call the cops
on Jenna and her sister was highly selective.

It may be the first time a restaurant has considered underage drinking
worthy of an emergency call in the home of the state's biggest
university, said Becky Stewart, emergency services director for the
Capital Area Planning Council, in an interview with the Chronicle.
CAPCO manages Austin's regional 911 system.

Add to that the political leanings of Chuy's owners, which seem to be at
least mildly anti-Republican. On Saturday revealed that
Chuy's actually lists the day Nixon resigned along with July Fourth and
Memorial Day on its promotional Calendar of Events.

More telling, both Chuy's owners, John Zapp and Michael Young, are
active in Democratic Party politics. Zapp gave Democrats $1,000 last
July and Young is described by the Chronicle as a minor Democratic
player in Travis County politics who has strong opinions and
occasionally attends party fund-raisers.

Perhaps the restaurant management, with its Democratic ties, is
privately reveling in the Republican first family's public
embarrassment, suggested the Chronicle.

  Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


*Michael Spitzer*[EMAIL PROTECTED]

The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] MN: U.S. agency's actions invited power disaster

2001-06-06 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

U.S. agency's actions invited power disaster

Deregulation critics were pushed aside

Mercury News

The federal agency charged with ensuring the stability of the nation's
system gave California the go-ahead to deregulate its electric utilities
despite critical flaws evident to its own experts. And once deregulation
under way in 1998, the agency did little to police the state's market, even
though it has a legal obligation to ensure that prices are ``just and

Far from being the innocent bystander that top federal officials portray,
the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has played a central role in
California's deregulation disaster, weighing in more than 80 separate times
with orders approving, revising or rejecting parts of the plan.

To examine the role this small agency has played in California's
deregulation, the Mercury News reviewed hundreds of documents and
interviewed energy experts and FERC employees, some of whom talked publicly
for the first time.

The review found that FERC, eager to promote deregulation and reluctant to
cross California politicians, generating companies and utilities pushing
state's groundbreaking plan, ignored detailed criticism from one of the
nation's top deregulation experts and its own staff members, including its
chief economist.

More important, the review reveals the most critical mistake federal
regulators made in ushering in electricity deregulation: They set the stage
for a new energy-trading market every bit as complicated as Wall Street but
failed to monitor it. With California ceding its regulatory role, FERC had
the critical responsibility to stop market abuses, but it failed to hire
enough experts, obtain the data or install the computers needed to keep the
market honest.

Subpoenas rare

In contrast to the Securities and Exchange Commission, which frequently
takes aggressive action to enforce stock-market rules, FERC almost never
uses subpoenas in staff investigations to acquire data on electricity
trading that could include evidence of anti-competitive practices that

Curtis Hébert Jr., a confident 38-year-old Mississippi lawyer who became
FERC's chairman in January, dismisses claims that the agency does not
enough data on prices or investigate the energy industry thoroughly.

``We do have enough resources, and we are handling it in a way that's
appropriate,'' he said of the agency's role in California's crisis. An
ardent supporter of free markets, he said FERC's primary job is to create a
competitive market for electricity and keep the lights on. Low prices will
follow, he promised.

But James Hoecker, FERC's chairman when California adopted its plan, has
become more critical of the decisions the agency made under his leadership
and now says FERC should have more aggressively scrutinized the plan rather
than moving it along.

``I would very much have liked for the commission to be more prepared for
California,'' he said.

FERC has a responsibility to rule on deregulation plans because, under a
66-year-old federal law, it regulates wholesale electricity. The law says
the agency must ensure that wholesale prices are ``just and reasonable,''
though neither Congress nor the courts have made clear what that means in a
deregulated market.

For decades, FERC's responsibilities were much simpler. The agency set
for wholesale electricity using a formula based on generating costs plus a
fair profit.

But the agency took steps to change its role in the early '80s, when it
helped set into motion the forces that would lead to California's
deregulation. In 1982, two years after President Reagan's election, a FERC
lawyer named Robert Angyal wrote an internal memo assuring commissioners
t the ambiguity of ``just and reasonable'' gave them ample room to
experiment with free-market sales of electricity.

``We thought we were the good guys then,'' said Steve Greenleaf, who joined
the agency in 1986 as a regulatory specialist. Greenleaf, who now works for
California's power grid operator, said recent events ``certainly make me go
back and consider what we did.''

What he and others did was clear a path for the deregulation bandwagon.
commissioners, generating companies, utilities and politicians -- both
Democrats and Republicans -- all argued that competition could both reduce
rates and boost profits, just as it had for natural gas, airlines and other

In 1992, Congress passed a law encouraging open access. FERC took the next
key step when Chairwoman Betsy Moler, a free-market Democrat, sat down at
her kitchen table one morning to begin drafting Order 888, named after the
agency's address in Washington, D.C.

The order, finalized in April 1996, encouraged the emergence of free
by requiring utilities to open their transmission lines to competing power
companies, but it did little to 

[CTRL] US Govt accused of McVeigh cover-up

2001-06-06 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

US Govt accused of McVeigh cover-up

Timothy McVeigh's lawyers have accused the American Government of
withholding evidence that proves they knew about the Oklahoma bombing plot

which naturally leads to:

Judge Won't Delay McVeigh Execution
   Wednesday, June 6, 2001

  DENVER -- A judge in Denver has refused to delay Timothy McVeigh's

  McVeigh is due to be executed on Monday for the Oklahoma City bombing.

  His lawyers today asked that the execution be postponed, because the FBI
  had just recently released thousands of documents in the case. But the
  judge is rejecting their request.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Did Timothy McVeigh Have The Right Idea?

2001-06-06 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

Forwarded without comment.---radman

- Original Message -
From: Liz Michael [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2001 2:33 PM
Subject: Did Timothy McVeigh Have The Right Idea?

Hi, all.

We have written our most controversial editorial to date, entitled,
Did Timothy McVeigh Have the Right Idea? It is too controversial to
email to everyone, as is our usual custom. Rather, I have decided to
send this message to several people on my email lists as well as some
of the mailing lists I belong to, whom I think can handle the concept
without going into kneejerk convulsions.

You may read our treatise at:


Released May 29, 2001 for immediate release

Did Timothy McVeigh Have The Right Idea?
by Liz Michael

How we burned in the prison camps later thinking: What would things
have been like if every security operative, when he went out at night
to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive?
-- Alexander Solzhenitzyn, Gulag Archipelago

Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice, and moderation in the
pursuit of justice is no virtue. - - Barry Goldwater

Okay. There. I said it. I asked the unthinkable question no one dare
ask. Much akin to the question of whether Tom Alciere was right when
he opined we should shoot police officers when they overstep their
authority and oppress the people through the pursuit of victimless

Killing innocents is a bad thing. Killing children in a day care
center is also a bad thing, no question. Certainly, the Oklahoma CIty
Bombing was not well executed from a public relations standpoint.
Killing the citizens of a city is not the way to get the people to
rally to your side. Perhaps McVeigh should be executed for the wanton
murder of innocents. But when he is executed, that's not what he will
be executed for. He will, ironically, be executed for having killed
government agents. And if you divorce that single concept from the
rest of the massacre at the Murrah Building, that brings up the
question: if the government is your enemy, then is killing the agents
of the government morally wrong?

To really give anything other than the kneejerk answer to what McVeigh
did, we have to establish what the ground rules are now. The ground
rules, not of a peaceful democratic society, which we are not, despite
our insistence to the contrary: but the ground rules of a resistance
to a despotic government.

War has rules. Yes, war, as Rush Limbaugh commonly states, is about
killing people and breaking things. But even the most aggressive war
has rules: rules about whom you kill, whom you target, what you do
with innocents and noncombatants, what you do with prisoners of war.
And the rules of any war are greatly shaped by the moral code of the
combatants, and by their purpose for prosecuting such a war. It is not
just carte blanche and anything goes.

Patriots Have A Moral Code We Must Abide By

Patriots almost to a man and woman feel that both Ruby Ridge and the
Branch Davidian Massacre were despotic acts of a government run amok,
and acts which deserve punishment of the most severe nature. Most of
these patriots have one of the following moral codes, if not both. We
have the libertarian wing of the patriot movement. This wing believes
that the initiation of force, not the use of it, mind you, but the
initiation of it, is wrong, regardless of who does it. We also have
the Christian wing of the patriot movement, and generally speaking,
they have a moral code written in the Holy Scriptures for them: that
moral code is a lot more complicated to discern, because we as a
society have been subject to the watered down, feelgood version of
Christianity. We tend to forget everything written in the Old
Testament, where Yahweh often commanded the Israelites to engage in
some pretty brutal massacres themselves.

Another question also must be submitted: and that is... who is our
enemy? It is important to discern this. Why? It is important to know
whom to attack, whom to kill, and whose stuff to break.

No, I do not believe McVeigh acted alone, even if he is claiming he
did. I could get into a long discourse about that, but that's another
column. But let's play what if: if trios of patriots could, acting
in unison, and having no outside help from government operatives,
could take down a series of key government buildings, with key
government employees in them, using a truck bomb or some other like
device, and never having to set foot inside the buildings, should
they? If lone patriots can track, lie in wait, and assassinate agents
of the government, often not even revealing the true motive for the
crime, deflecting the evidence to make it appear as a random criminal
act, should they?

The only way to legitimately answer that question is to understand how
we patriots think, and to understand our moral code.

The Rules of War

When a people is engaged in a war, the rules change, 


2001-06-06 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

  Editorial Comment From Rumor Mill News


 Posted By: RMNEWS
 Date: Wednesday, 6 June 2001, 8:27 a.m.

   Why haven't any of the newspapers been running this headline?


   The Democrats were NOT elected with a majority!

   Their majority resulted due to a defection by a Senator who was
 elected as a REPUBLICAN!!

   Democrats  50

   When George W. Bush was declared the victor by the Supreme Court,
 almost every media source in the nation ran the headline:

   Why has NO ONE mentioned the fact that the Senate Democrats have NO
 MANDATE to govern?

   Various people from Jeffords home state have said that IF he ran
 again, he would STILL be elected!!

   If that is true, then he should do the HONORABLE thing and resign,
 have a special election called, and RUN AGAIN AS AN INDEPENDENT!!

   If his consituents are right and he would win no matter what he ran
 as... then he remove 'the stain' of NO MANDATE, and be elected fairly
 and squarely as an INDEPENDENT or a DEMOCRAT!!

   Jeffords was elected as a REPUBLICAN, by REPUBLICANS. He should
 HONOR the Republicans who elected him and REMAIN a Republican or
 resign and run as an Independent!!

   Congress should pass a law MANDATING all elected officials to
 remain in the Party that elected them, or resign and run for

   Since you and I KNOW this will NEVER be done!! I suggest that
 Jeffords be made an EXAMPLE! His Republican Constituents should SUE
 him for breach of CONTRACT! They should demand DAMAGES and his
 resignation from Congress! Hitting him in the wallet with legal bills
 will send a message to other politicians who turn their backs on the
 people who elected them and defect to another party!

   When an elected official switches parties, he is throwing dirt in
 the faces of the good people who gave him their money, their time and
 their vote!!
   Jeffords is WILLING to give back money to his Republican donors,
 but how can he give back 'hours' to the Republicans from all across
 the state who walked the precincts and manned the telephones?

   How can he pay back ALL the Republicans whose votes were STOLEN in
 the last election? Yes, REPUBLICANS have had their votes STOLEN from

   Senator Jeffords was elected as a Republican and has NO MANDATE to
 serve in the Senate as an Independent. Therefore; the Democratic
 Senate has NO MANDATE to govern as the Majority Party because they
 were NOT elected as the Majority Party!

   Jeffords pulled off a palace coup! Is this what the Republicans in
 his state elected him to do?

   Jeffords single handedly created the largest non-election Senate
 Shift in the HISTORY of our nation!

   If Democrats and the liberal biased media can accuse Geoge W. Bush
 of stealing the election, then Rumor Mill News can accuse the
 DEMOCRATS and Senator Jeffords of STEALING the Senate!!

   If Democrats continue to CRY, President Bush has NO mandate!,
 then Republicans need to counter with: Senate DEMOCRATS have NO

   Commentary from Rayelan Allan, Publisher, Rumor Mill News


 From Rayelan, Publisher of Rumor Mill News:
 If you are like I am, and no longer trust the medical profession,
 check out this page. These are the products I use. Without them, I
 would NEVER be able to keep up the schedule I do with Rumor Mill

 If you need a little extra money as well as added energy, you should
 think about becoming a distributor. Several people have signed up
 under me, and already they are receiving checks. These products SELL
 themselves! If you spend a lot of time on the Internet, you can help
 yourself physically and financially by adding a Dead Doctors Don't
 Lie link to the bottom of your email.

 Signing up under Rumor Mill News will help keepThe  Rumor Mill up and
 running. Thank you!

 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

 RMNews, The Uncensored National Rumor

 P.O. BOX 1784
 APTOS, CA 95001
 TEL 831 462 3949
 FAX 831 462 2545


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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sordid matters and 

Re: [CTRL] Federal AIDS Funding

2001-06-06 Thread ArkAngel


What is this, bash everything that does not fit 
into the perspective of goodness to everyone on this list? Whether you be 
gay, straight or star child, if your entitled as a human being then your 
entitled, so be it. I am rather tired of all this paranoia about gays and 
sodomites etc. I should thinksome wouldhave other things to 
worry about rather than fearing what may or may not happen in any given 

Whether or not anyone on this list likes gays or 
not, or lesbians or not or black people or not, they too have feelings and 
area part of God's Kingdom as well and I do not care who does not like 
it. God may not approve of these things, but he says he loves all people, 
how is it some on this list cannot and then you set in judgement of all that 
moves and does not fit into their holy schedule? Some of you even blow way 
out of proportion many advertisments and things, this is so silly it deserves no 
reply at all, but it galls me to think so many on this list are so very perfect 
and only they are correct,,what rubbish.

I joined this list to learn of conspiracies and 
the like, not to run people down with some supposed idea that may or may not 
exist! This lists name should be changed from CTRL to I hate everything 
that does not agree with me!

How would some of you like it, if allot of people 
hated you for what you beleived in or how you lived and set in judgement of 
you. I am sure you would disapprove. People cannot even get along on 
this earth that our Lord made for us, it is doubtful he will accept many into 
his kingdom with such horrible hate in their hearts for all that do not agree 
with them. 

This all saddens me to think that as human 
beingssome can be so very cruel and then justify it with stupidity. 

Merely my opinion


  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2001 1:15 
  Subject: Re: [CTRL] Federal AIDS 


From: Amelia
Seems gays help themselves to all kinds of tax 
funding.Scroll down past the Home Depot article to find just a 
few.If all of these things were eliminated, I could get a 
taxrefund and donate the money to the Boy Scouts.

This weekend, hundreds of homosexuals will gather at 
theCathedral City Boys Club, a homosexual resort in 
CathedralCity, California to attend "FistFest 2001," which is 
beingbilled as a "weekend of the hottest fisting in the U.S. 
Hotmen--hot days--hot hands and hot h__s". (Interestingly 
enough,a spokesman for this homosexual sex orgy club has denied 
theevent is happening, but FistFest is listed on the club's 
ownweb site and the club held a similar FistFest last June.)

Have you ever watched MTV during Spring Break week? The above 
doesn't sound any different, except of course MTV highlights 
heterosexual orgies...

And I don't see anything about taxpayer dollars paying for 


  Check out Alternative Kite radio at:



_Bravenet IncrediMail - Email has finally 
  evolved - Click 

[CTRL] Trojan lets cyber-cops plant bogus evidence

2001-06-06 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

Trojan lets cyber-cops plant bogus evidence

Posted: 04/06/2001
By Thomas C Greene in Washington

  A new tool of Fascist control, with which law-enforcement agents
  can secretly monitor the entire range of a suspect's computer
  activity, has been developed by self-proclaimed 'computer
  surveillance experts' Codex Data Systems, according to a
  document sent to

  The source here is a PowerPoint slide show, presumably by Codex
  PR bunnies, boasting of D.I.R.T.'s amazing capabilities to violate in
  secret the last vestiges of civil protections from state oppression.

  Imagine being able to remotely monitor any PC in the world
  anytime you want, the company taunts. Suppose you could read
  every keystroke... Access and retrieve any file from the hard drive
  without having physical access... No more secrets...

  The company slide show is carefully crafted to generate maximum
  suspense among Feds and cops straining to find ways around such
  regrettable obstacles as civil rights.

  Thus a series of 'scenarios' guaranteed to get the oppressive juices

  You want to execute an Electronic No-Knock Search Warrant by
  stealth via the Internet to allow surreptitious remote seizure of
  digital evidence.
  What do you use?

  Your undercover online investigator makes contact with a
  suspected pedophile in a chat room. Suspect sends illegal
  image(s). You now have probable cause. You want to remotely
  monitor suspect and seize additional evidence from his computer.
  What do you use?

  Your investigation has determined that your suspects are using
  strong encryption to protect themselves. You need to crack
  encrypted and/or password protected e-mail and stored files. You
  don't have the time or money for a Brute Force attack.
  What do you use?

  The answer to all the above is, of course, D.I.R.T.

  And just what is D.I.R.T.? Why it's a Trojan, pure and simple, which
  the Feds can feed to targets surreptitiously. It has a point-and-drool
  GUI and so functions very much like SubSeven on steroids.

  It doesn't crack crypto; it simply logs keystrokes, including,
  obviously, the user's pass phrase. Crude, but effective.

  It also defeats all known firewalls, killing the running process,
  replacing the firewall icon, and allowing a stealth FTP connection.

  The D.I.R.T. client can be embedded in Word documents, Excel
  documents, PowerPoint presentations, RTF documents, Word
  Perfect documents, Autorun.bat on CD-ROMS and floppy disks,
  and, coming soon in a free upgrade, Lotus Suite, JavaScript and

  Better yet, D.I.R.T. is user friendly and can be operated by
  investigators with minimal computer skills, we're told.

  Most grotesquely, it enables the Feds to plant bogus evidence on a
  suspect's computer.

  Sending hidden code to the target PC is simple using the D.I.R.T.
  'Bug Generator'. Investigators need not have special computer code
  writing skills. Just point and click.

  A true tool of Fascism if ever we heard of one. And get this: the
  company discusses it with pride.

  Getting around it
  Protecting yourself from this diabolical program won't be easy. First,
  you need to monitor your comp's processes. Anything persistent
  which you don't recognize/can't explain should result in an
  immediate re-format with files re-loaded from text-only sources.

  For *nix, see this document. For Windows, see this one.

  You should run Netstat regularly to monitor all of your active
  connections. And again, anything persistent which you don't
  recognize/can't explain should result in an immediate re-format with
  files re-loaded from text-only sources.

  A handy progie which will resolve strange IPs is the free version of
  the Patrick Project DNS utility. Curious domains can then be traced
  free and easily via, which has heaps of useful CGI

  9x corner
  If all this strikes you as too technical, then you must be running
  Win9x, and that means you'd better play it as safe as possible. This,
  we're sorry to say, means re-formatting on a regular basis, like once
  a month. Annoying and troublesome, we'll allow; but it's the only way
  for the technically challenged to prevail against D.I.R.T.

  In order to do this successfully, you should ditch every file you don't
  need during each re-format. Files you do need must first be saved
  to removable media in plain text with a non-formatting text editor
  (e.g., Windows Notepad); and you'll need to change your PGP pass
  phrase (not your key) each time 

[CTRL] CIA operative Bob Kerrey: The Life and Times of a Throat-Slitter

2001-06-06 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

CIA operative Bob Kerrey: The Life and Times of a Throat-Slitter

CounterPunch Online, May 18, 2001

Bob Kerrey: The Life and Times of a Throat-Slitter

By Richard Gibson

Former Senator Robert Kerrey has admitted that as leader of a Navy Seal
unit he participated in the murder of civilians in Vietnam. The Seal
unit was part of an assassination squad, operating under the guidance
of Operation Phoenix which, in the course of the war, killed more than
30,000 Vietnamese, using what its leader, William Colby, called a
scatter-gun approach, in later congressional hearings. Villagers on
the scene say Kerrey's Seals not only shot more than 100 women and
children with automatic fire, but slit the throats of five people, all
judged less than human: Gooks, Slants, Slopes, Cong, Charlie, VC.

Kerrey's admissions came in the New York Times Magazine, a story
initially quashed by the television networks and Newsweek. Clearly
indictable under existing war crime statutes, Kerrey participated in a
cover-up of his unit's killings for nearly three decades while he used
his claims to valor to promote his political career.

Following the New York Times revelations, though, two interesting
things happened, both relating to how history is constructed, not only
as a vision of the past, but as a call to action in the future. In that
context, Kerrey's thinking about his experience in Vietnam, written not
too long after he returned, is instructive.

As the Times article developed, Kerrey and his friends first began to
commiserate with one another about the tough times they had, the strain
on their consciences, the difficulty they had in living with dirty
secrets, how their reputations of valor may be imperfect. Besides, what
were we to do when everyone was an enemy? This experience traces the
path of many convicted fascist war criminals in Germany who, exposed
long after WWII closed, said the same thing.

Second, the debate shifted to whom we shall call heroic. The mainstream
outlook is now at least two-fold: perhaps nobody, or maybe people like
Kerrey since war is hell. Three kinds of heroes are missed altogether.

Certainly those working-class US youth who found themselves enmeshed in
a web that led directly to the front lines of battle in Vietnam, those
of them who refused to go on burn-all kill-all missions, those who shot
their own officers and blew them up in their tents, creating a new word
in the lexicon, fragging; those who returned to the US, joined the
Vietnam Veterans Against the War, and, denouncing the war, threw their
Medals of Honor back at congress; those young men and women, black and
white, like Bill Marshall and Scott Camil, wounded and decorated heroes
who rejected the war, are mostly unnoticed.

The working class anti-war movement is almost equally opaque, as if the
resistance emanated from Harvard and Columbia, behind the cavalier lead
of rich liberal children with bombs like Billy Ayers whose contempt for
people sought to substitute explosives for a mass conscious movement.
In fact the blue-collar student movements at Wayne State in Detroit,
San Francisco State, Kent State, and related schools seriously took up
the issues of people who had a lot to lose, whose draft deferments were
not coming from counsel with connected pals in the medical school, and
who could wield real power by exerting their natural influence in their

Often under the leadership of Black and Latin youth, those people then
led the mass sit-down strikes in auto in Detroit, and the community
uprisings throughout the US, while the terrorists hid in million-dollar
homes, returning to academic prominence after legal wrist slaps a few
years later -- now rich liberals without bombs.

Further outside the imperial gaze, even today, is the heroism of the
Vietnamese, not only those who Kerrey and many other US officers caught
up in the genocidal invasion sought to exterminate, but those who
defeated the empire, politically, militarily, and morally, causing
imperial troops to run away in their helicopters, pushing their allies
off the struts as they ran. Despite every effort to reconstruct that
piece of history, whether through relentless Hollywood endeavors to
recapture the good old days of World War II, or the repositioning of
responsibility to suggest that all US troops in Southeast Asia were war
criminals, and hence none of them were, nothing ever will be the same.
The US has never been able to field a reliable army ready to fight
extended conflicts since the people won in Vietnam US citizens have
never again trusted the tyrants.

There are no Vietnamese on the Vietnam Wall, yet millions of them died
-- and changed the world.

However, for purposes of clarity, it is worthwhile to look back on what
Robert Kerrey wrote after he returned from Vietnam, more than twelve
years ago, perhaps when his recollections were sharper, less
opportunistically censored by the polish of 

[CTRL] WP: Sovereign and independent?

2001-06-06 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

From Nealz Nuze 06/06/01

Do you believe that the United States is, indeed, or should be a sovereign
and independent nation?  Seems like a rather easy question, doesn't it?
But there are quite a few people out there (we call them liberals) who
't like the idea at all.  These are the same people who would push the idea
of an international criminal court operated by the United Nations that
have criminal jurisdiction over American citizens for supposed crimes
committed within the borders of the United States.  These are the same
people who will soon be pushing the idea that American citizens should
themselves to be directly taxed by the United Nations.

There is a group out there called The American Policy Foundation.  This
group is circulating an Internet petition in the form of a letter to
President Bush.  The petition is simple.  It asks President Bush to move to
add the words sovereign and independent to our Pledge of Allegiance.  The
new pledge would read thusly:

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the
Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, sovereign
and independent, with liberty and justice for all.

Would you like to sign the petition?  Well, of course your loyal webmaster
(that would be me) will make it easy for you to do so.  Here's your link ..
just fill in your information and let it rip.

I would just love to see this proposal reach the congress.  Who would be
against it?  Who would stand up on the floor of the congress and say that
or she does not believe that we should say a pledge recognizing the USA as
an independent and sovereign nation?  It would be an interesting list, to

  Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


*Michael Spitzer*[EMAIL PROTECTED]

The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] NM: Jenna Bust a Publicity Stunt?

2001-06-06 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

Of course this totally ignores the FACT that Jenna Bush was caught using a
fake ID to buy alcohol underage. I guess that does not count if the person
who reported her was a Democrat?


On 6 Jun 01, at 12:36, MIKE SPITZER wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 [Vast Left Wing Conspiracy?!?  --MS]

 With Carl Limbacher and Staff

 For the story behind the story...

 Monday June 4, 2001; 10:34 a.m. EDT

 Jenna Bust a Publicity Stunt? Chuy's Called Media After Dialing 911

 First daughter Jenna Bush may have been the victim of a publicity stunt
 last Tuesday, when a Texas restaurant alerted the media immediately
 after calling 911 to complain the 19-year-old had ordered a drink with
 fake ID.

 Perhaps the 911 call is understandable, reports Monday's Houston
 Chronicle. The second call from Chuy's management, however, is harder
 to defend. Chuy's tipped the Austin American-Statesman to the scoop
 about the president's partying scofflaws.

 The Chronicle notes that the Statesman decided to sit on their exclusive
 till Thursday due to ethical questions. By then, it was worldwide news,
 with the name of the Tex-Mex restaurant chain mentioned prominently in
 every story.

 That can't be bad for business, one Austin political consultant and
 frequent Chuy's diner observed to the Chronicle.

 The restaurant did not return calls about its decision to publicize the
 incident, the paper said.

 By Thursday afternoon, Chuy's was apparently having second thoughts
 about its gambit, releasing a statement that said, We sincerely regret
 any inconvenience this has caused the first family.

 The newfound contrition came as the Bush booze bust seemed to be
 backfiring on the restaurant chain. Over the weekend, calls for a
 Chuy's boycott began to permeate the internet and talk radio.

 Fueling the fire: growing evidence that Chuy's decision to call the cops
 on Jenna and her sister was highly selective.

 It may be the first time a restaurant has considered underage drinking
 worthy of an emergency call in the home of the state's biggest
 university, said Becky Stewart, emergency services director for the
 Capital Area Planning Council, in an interview with the Chronicle.
 CAPCO manages Austin's regional 911 system.

 Add to that the political leanings of Chuy's owners, which seem to be at
 least mildly anti-Republican. On Saturday revealed that
 Chuy's actually lists the day Nixon resigned along with July Fourth and
 Memorial Day on its promotional Calendar of Events.

 More telling, both Chuy's owners, John Zapp and Michael Young, are
 active in Democratic Party politics. Zapp gave Democrats $1,000 last
 July and Young is described by the Chronicle as a minor Democratic
 player in Travis County politics who has strong opinions and
 occasionally attends party fund-raisers.

 Perhaps the restaurant management, with its Democratic ties, is
 privately reveling in the Republican first family's public
 embarrassment, suggested the Chronicle.

   Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


 *Michael Spitzer*[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
 Archives Available at:
  A HREF=;Archives of

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many 

Re: [CTRL] Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments - mind control info

2001-06-06 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-

Dear List,

Below please find info on this.

Neil Brick

This may be very heavy for survivors of abuse to read.

excerpt from :

United States of America - Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments
(Public Meeting) Washington, D.C. - March 15, 1995 The main reason that
mind-control research is being mentioned is because people are alleging that
they were exposed as children to mind-control radiation drugs and chemical
experimentation, which were administered by the same doctors who are known to
have been involved in conducting both radiation and mind-control research.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
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[CTRL] Has The Ultimate Cancer Cure Been Found In India?

2001-06-06 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

  Has The Ultimate Cancer Cure
  Been Found In India?
  The Hindustan Times (6-3-01)

   HYDERABAAD - Indian cancer researchers have taken a
   giant step on the road to discovering the ultimate cancer
   cure by developing a drug that selectively targets the
   cancer cells without harming the healthy ones.

   Researchers in Kolkata claim that patients in very
   advanced stages of cancer for whom all other treatments
   had failed have been brought back to excellent health
   with the help of a drug formulation they have developed
   after research spanning more than a decade.

   We have what we think magic bullet against cancer,
   says Manju Ray, a biochemist at the Indian Association of
   the Cultivation of Science (IACS) where the drug was
   developed under a project funded by the Department of
   Science and Technology and the Council of Scientific and
   Industrial Research.

   Most currently available anti-cancer drugs are toxic
   because they also damage the normal cells. Ray says the
   IACS formulation, containing Methylglyoxal as the lead
   ingredient, combats only the diseased cells, the cherished
   goal of cancer researchers worldwide. Methylglyoxal is a
   metabolite in the human body produced during glucose

   Others involved in the project are Swapna Ghosh of IACS,
   Manoj Kar and Subhankar Ray of the University College
   of Science, and Santajit Datta, a medical practitioner.
   Results of human trial conducted by them with the new
   drug have recently appeared in the Indian Journal of

   While Americans are going ga-ga with their new
   anti-cancer drug Glivec - that was featured on the cover
   of May 28 issue of Time magazine - the low-profile,
   cash-strapped Kolkata researchers have been working
   quietly for over a decade shuning publicity until they
   obtained proof from human trials nine weeks ago.

   According to their published paper, the
   Methylglyoxal-based forumulation had a dramatic positive
   effect on the patients.

   For instance, the condition of 11 out of the 19 patients
   treated - most of them in a very advanced stage when the
   treatment began -- are now stated to be in excellent
   physical condition. Five are in stable condition and only
   three died during the course of the study.

   Since the submission of the paper, the number of patients
   treated has crossed 40 mark with more than 70 per cent
   success, according to Manju Ray.

   Most remarkable fact, according to the scientists was that
   Methylglyoxal was successful against different types of
   cancer unlike Glivec which targets only the chronic
   myeloid leukemia.

   Those whose health returned to excellent condition after
   treatment with Methylglyoxal included patients in a very
   advanced stages of colon cancer, acute myeloid
   leukemia, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, and cancers of ovary,
   breast, liver, lung, bone, gall bladder, pancreas and oral

   The patients were inducted for the trial, from January to
   June 2000, after obtaining permission from the Drug
   Controller General of India, the scientists said. The drug
   was administered orally for about six months with gradual
   reduction of daily dosage from the initial 25 milligrams per
   kilogram of body weight.

   Researchers said development of the drug was preceded
   by years of basic research involving human cancer cells in
   culture and animal experiments that showed that
   Methylglyoxal selectively killed the cancer cells without

Re: [CTRL] Trojan lets cyber-cops plant bogus evidence

2001-06-06 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

Read Green's partial retraction, and the ensuing debate, at:

=CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] [Politics] Environmentalism the new Marxism (fwd)

2001-06-06 Thread William Bacon

-Caveat Lector-

visit my web site at
My ICQ# is 79071904
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2001 12:54:50 -0500
From: Bill Fetzner [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [Politics] Environmentalism the new Marxism

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Keri writes:
Consider the source of these articles (see above), just read another
source pointing out that gays account for most of the molestation cases in
young men!
This was from the Baptist news out of Tennessee.

I guess you don't want to write about environmental extremism eh. Well, I'll
ignore your side track and push a bit further. Here's an essay by a
President of Greenpeace, Dr. Patrick Moore, who certainly can't be faulted
for right-wing rhetoric. He echoed the concern of many environmentalists
that there were dangers elements that were attracted to that movement, much
like the dangerous elements attracted to every ideological movement of the
past. Moore wrote:

Surprisingly enough, the second event that caused the environmental
movement to veer to the left was the fall of the Berlin Wall. Suddenly the
international peace movement had a lot less to do. Pro-Soviet groups in the
West were discredited. Many of their members joined the environmental
movement, bringing with them their eco-Marxism and pro-Sandinista
sentiments. These factors have contributed to a new variant of the
environmental movement that is so extreme that many people, including
myself, believe its agenda is a greater threat to the global environment
than that posed by mainstream society. Some of the features of eco-extremism
are: anti-human, anti-technology/science, anti-organization, anti-trade,
anti-free enterprise, anti-democratic.

What he doesn't identify, but what we can easily piece together from the
dangers of extreme environmentalism and the contemporary scene, is that
environmentalism in many cases has been anti-energy as well, and the debacle
in California proves it.

We see many of these anti-elements in the activities of environmental groups
today. Just on this list we've heard from people who mix anti-business with
pro-environmentalism. Others speak out against the WTO activities,
disguising their rhetoric by asking us to object to US meddling in the
affairs of others. What they don't tell us is that radical environmentalism
fully intends to meddle in the affairs of others. That is its hallmark,
that's why it attracts Marxist ideologues, and that's why its policies have
so often severely damaged business and trade.
~ Bill

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2001-06-06 Thread tnohava

-Caveat Lector-

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dr. Jai Maharaj) wrote
in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
 Forwarded message

 'All Hell Breaking Loose' In Nepal - A Resident's Version Of Events

 By Cynthia Edwards
 Monday, June 4, 2001

 Dear Friends -

 Today is a dark day in the history of the world and about
 to become darker.

 Friday night the entire royal family of Nepal and their
 body guards were brutally murdered in cold blood at the
 regular Friday night family gathering (this included the
 9 month old princess).

 What has been reported as a family squabble with the
 crown prince killing everyone and then shooting himself,
 and even a gun going off by itself (somehow killing 30+
 people, some of whom were not in the same room?!) are
 outright lies.

 Immediately, the Royals were burned, much sooner than
 would be normal practice. The crown prince, the supposed
 killer, was made king while lying brain dead.

 Ironically, the king's brother, Gyanendra was out of
 town. At the same time his nephew, Paresh, a known
 murderer of at least 5 people(!) was in the place . So
 was the king's other brother Direndra, who has been
 living in London since 1990 and has been estranged from
 the royal family. Both brothers are criminals who have
 been involved with stealing and selling the antiquities
 of Nepal, drugs selling, and who knows what else. Both
 brothers vehemently were against democracy in Nepal and
 there was a huge fight between them all when King
 Birendra gave up the powers of the Monarchy in 1990 and
 declared a democracy for Nepal. It has long been known
 that Gyanendra has had a CIA link as well as ties to the
 government of India. What those connections are in this
 whole affair remains to be seen. There are no secrets in

 Since Saturday most people have known the prince was dead
 even though the official news was saying otherwise.
 People knew they were being lied to but they were in
 shock so the streets were fairly quiet for 2 days. But as
 early as saturday afternoon, crowds were gathering
 outside the palace and at the funeral chanting, Kill the
 criminals, Kill Gyandera.  In the meantime, more and
 more inside news was leaking out and it was fast becoming
 clear that this was a carefully orchestrated plot by at
 least the 2 brothers and nephew to seize control of

 This morning, the prince was officially declared dead.
 One hour later, as I am writing this, Gyanendra has just
 been crowned king with full regalia, the Prime Minister
 and political leaders standing mutely by. Clearly this
 was all planned WELL in advance to be able to pull this
 off so quickly! And clearly the Prime Minister is either
 afraid to say anything or else is in collusion. And
 Paresh has already been sent to London for safety.

 I can hear the shouts of crowds in the street heading
 toward the palace. People are furious that Gyanendra,
 murderer of his own family and their king, has now been
 made king. And this anger has been building for a long
 time as a totally corrupt government has been running
 this country into the ground since the advent of
 democracy in 1990.

 The army is in the street along with hundreds of
 thousands of people, roads are closed, and no one knows
 what will happen. We fear a blood bath as Gyanendra now
 controls the army. The lastest report from a friend on
 the street is that tear gas is being fired into the

 Democracy was struggling in Nepal, at best, but now it is
 sure to die a swift death.

 Perhaps it doesn't matter to you what happens in this far
 away tiny country, so unrelated to your own lives. But at
 least you can know the truth and tell others so these
 people will not have died in vain. If you have a
 computer, go to and click on NepaliTimes
 - it is our most radical paper we have though we don't
 yet know if they will be brave enough to print the truth.

 I have no idea will become of me and other foreigners
 here. Only time will tell. It's pretty frightening right
 now and hopefully they will not target us in their
 frustration but go after the real criminals now holding
 the power.

 Please pass this on to others so the world knows what is
 really happening here, or at least as far as we can
 figure out. But please don't believe the foreign press!

 Pray for us all, Cynthia

 End of forwarded message

 Jai Maharaj
 Om Shanti

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and

[CTRL] Fw: Can I Steal Your Automobile ???

2001-06-06 Thread tnohava

-Caveat Lector-

kcaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 Great news for car thieves and all other assorted hoods. Steal a car
 and take it down and bring back a load of dope. You have a much better
 chance of getting back now with 1,000 kilos because of the North
 American Free Trade Agreement. (N.A.F.T.A.) And you won’t even have to
 go far in America to make good contacts.

 As many as 2,000 stolen vehicles cross the San Diego border station
 into Mexico each year but officials knowingly let them pass. Officials
 have a machine that beeps whenever a stolen license plate passes by.
 Why don’t they stop those cars? Customs officers only inspect cars
 entering the country, spokesman Dennis Murphy explained to The New
 York Times.

 All credit to The Spotlight, 300 Independence Ave. S.E.,
 Washington, D.C.---20003


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] More of Gay Pride

2001-06-06 Thread Andrew Hennessey

-Caveat Lector-

  The Clause28 issue in the UK  which said that clause 28 was sufficient
  police abuse of gender issues in schools was to be repealed by the new
  scottish parliamnent in favour of legislation that made it possible to
  actively promote homosexual issues.

 you are wrong and your political angle on this is the same one that souter
 tried to mislead the scottish people . the repeal does not allow the
 promotion of homosexuality- it allows it to be talked about in council
 institutions- including schools and libraries.

It was NEVER DISALLOWED PRIOR to the repeal of this clause
it just wasn't adequately operated

the clause actually could
 have prevented people's

By PEOPLE you really mean very young children -

 access to literature that could be considered
 promoting homosexuality- and that in effect means that any literature
 states in any way that homosexuality is ok could be banned.

well don't worry it isn't banned any more -
I said before that there is a big difference between hormone based gender
and artificial homosexual psychology -
given what we all know on how easy it is to PROGRAMME the human mind
any pervert with an agenda can cause a problem in schools - ie. hetero and
so thats especially why in my opinion the topic of sex needs careful
and the safeguards in place were legally OK - though badly operated.
Now we have the same people who badly operated a fair sex policy now
operating a biased homosexual policy - and in your opinion does that mean
that perverts are going to find it difficult to start bending minds and
gender ?

  Almost the entire population was against

 oh really? LOL


 but the parliament would not listen and the politicians Refused to act.
  Brian Soutar Bus Tycoon funded a Private Referendum - which the gay in
  charge of the electoral office would not ratify

 you are being silly now andrew and it devalues any argument that you may
 have. tell me who this gay is in fact and show me evidence that he is 1/
 and 2/ corrupt and compromised by his sexuality.

don't play games with me - I don't need the credibility - there was
absolutely NO REASON
why the electoral office should disallow the legitimacy of a public
referendum -
If that doesn't cmpromise the operation of democracy what did - perhaps the
intolerable arrogance of the scottish parliament that implemented the progay
in full knowledge that almost the entire country was against them.
and in England the House of Lords threw the Bill out twice and still Blair
wants to force it

 (look to portillo's vote
 against the reduction in the age of gay consent for a comparable ethical
 decision made by a man with gay experiinces)

a reduction in the age of gay consent - you're talking like you're cruising
here -
there are no men and women in these classrooms - just vulnerable kids

 show me- or shut your little bigoted mouth, k? :)

Some of my best friends are gay and I'm big burly bastard

  - a supposedly unbiased
  agency that oversaw democracy all over the world would not let the
  legitimately vote in a private and legal mass referendum.

 we have a government to make decisions- referendums are only called by
 people unhappy at the elected governmnet's decisions. and anyway, andrewq,
 we didn't need a referendum to have the clause in the first place- it
 public pressure that lobbied for the clause, was it?

You're in a STATE OF DENIAL - the entire country Voted by overwhelming
lose the progay crap - it wasn't a few dissidents it was the ENTIRE country

 oh but do tell how many people voted.
 and you just ignore that private polls made by individuals tend to only be
 completed by the people who support the referendum because there is no
 backing for the poll. opponents of the private poll recommended destroying
 the polling slips. forget also that approx 1 million homes did not get
 voting slips. that is in a population of 6 millionish!


The parliament of scotland had a poll of course - the gays in the scottish
got in touch with the gays in san fransico and the gays in australia and
used the
internet to overwhelm the democratic process in scotland by creating FALSE
from names supplied by people who were clearly not citizens of the UK or
even on
the electoral register.

  an overwhelming
  majority were in favour of keeping the clause - the parliament ignored
  and passed the progay legislation.#
andrew hennessey

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by 

Re: [CTRL] Burger King Customer Revenge

2001-06-06 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 06/06/2001 6:09:29 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

 Savino, 20, of Henrietta is charged with second-degree assault and
 first-degree tampering with a consumer product. He is accused of injuring
 Monroe County Sheriff's Deputy Gamaliel Tony Dominguez, who became
 violently ill on April 30, 2000, after eating a Whopper sandwich at the
 restaurant on the New York state Thruway.

 Savino could receive up to seven years in prison if convicted. Jurors might
 receive the case tomorrow. 

Well with his experience, perhaps they will let him work in the prison
kitchen.  I'm sure he'd love the opportunity to get even with all the guys he
meets there.  Sounds like fast food isn't edible for many reasons.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] FW: The Clinton Hotline!

2001-06-06 Thread tnohava

[CTRL] Defending America 30 May 01 Part 1

2001-06-06 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Reflecting on Memorial Day



SITREP From The President - 30 MAY 2001
Through Zman’s Gun Sight - Avoid Leadership By E-Mail  Survey
HACK’s Target For The Week - Reflection Day vs. Memorial Day

The Big Picture:

Article 01 – DoD Examines Captain/Lieutenant Retention
Article 02 – Can Pentagon Inc. sell its IPO reforms?
Article 03 – Beijing Gets Voice Data From Plane
Voice of the Troops:

Article 04 – The Army Leadership Cult
Article 05 – More on Green to Gold
Article 06 – Commission Active Duty NCOs in the Reserves...
Article 07 – Religious Freedom In The Military
Article 08 – USAF Family Support Doesn’t Live Up To The Advertisements
The Sergeant’s Corner:
Article 09 – Surveys Can Only Be An Additional Tool
Article 10 – Air Force - Recruiting Broken!

Military Health Care:

Article 11 – Anthrax Update: Buck Fined, Avoids Jail, Can Stay In Service
Article 12 –  Camouflaged Couch Potatoes, and Other Short Stories
GI Humor:

Article 13 – Never in Line Again!
Medal of Honor:
Article 14 – ADAMS, STANLEY T.  Korea 1951

Admin / Log Net

Editors Note - Article Submission - Contacts - Service Editors

Donations - Subscribe - Unsubscribe - Archives

Text Only - Printer Friendly Version



Thanks for the responses to our recent questions. Keep the mails coming and
let me know if there are topics you’re interested or concerned about that
SFTT should cover with a little burst of fire. Keep forwarding the word to
your political representatives.

Questions of the Week:

1. Have you experienced leadership by E-mail and survey? Tell us your story.

2. The Light armored vehicle remains in the crosshairs of many critics (see
article 4) – give us your 10 cents worth.

Support - Admin / Logistics: Help still needed: Zimm is still taking
applications for the position of assistant editor for Air Force and Space
topics. Use of pen name is okay. Your chance to make a difference!

Donations: Keep us in the fight and growing! Compare and read the AUSA
magazine and check how many sergeants, vets and regular troops get a word in,
compared to general officers and field grades. Make secure online donations
from the web site at URL:

For Check or Money Order Contributions, make your check payable and mail to:

Soldiers For The Truth Foundation
Post Office Box 63840
Colorado Springs, CO 80962-3840

SFTT is a 501 (c) 3 Non-Profit Educational Foundation. The SFTT IRS EIN is
31-1592564. All donations to Soldiers For The Truth Foundation are tax

How You Can Help: You can help with your continued financial support, with
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Talk to the Boss: If your message is urgent and you think Zimm needs to see
it now, fire it directly to the President/Editor in Chief at: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

SFTT Contacts:

Volunteer Editor's:

SFTT Team Members: You are our most valuable asset. You are the frontline
recruiters, information sources and intel gatherers for Soldiers For The
Truth. Keep up the good work. Thank you for your support.

Prepare for Action - Crew Ready! - LOAD SABOT - DRIVER MOVE OUT!

Ralf W. Zimmermann
President / Editor in Chief


Through Zman’s Gun Sight

Avoid Leadership By E-mail and Survey

By Ralf W. (Zimm) Zimmermann
President, Soldiers For The Truth

SFTT Dateline - 30 May 2001

The Department of Defense has again set out to examine why so many Army, Air
Force and Marine Captains and Navy Lieutenants are leaving the service in
numbers equivalent to the mass exodus after 1973.

And as usual, it’s the hot economy, the pay gap and that life in uniform
just isn’t fun. In the experts’ minds, it’s mainly misperceptions by junior
leaders who don’t know any better.

The key word omitted in the DoD position is leadership. The up-front and
personal interaction with the troops that involves listening, observing and
an open exchange of ideas.

It’s personable leadership that fosters camaraderie, cohesion, and a feeling
that the troops are valued and important contributors. Seeing 

[CTRL] Defending America 30 May 01 Part 3

2001-06-06 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!


The Army Leadership Cult

Ed.: How a senior leadership cult led to a flawed light armored vehicle
selection process.

By a Concerned Army Officer

The decision by the Army leadership to use the LAV III as its platform of
choice for the new Interim Brigade Combat Teams - IBCTs - says much about the
culture of Army leadership, and little of it is positive. This is especially
true in light of the recent Army Times newspaper piece, which noted that the
LAV III, lauded as the best IBCT candidate by Army management, actually
violates or pushes the envelope of acceptability in each of the three
best-known requirements for the vehicle. According to the report, certain
variants of the LAV are too tall, while all types are too wide and the system
weight requires a waiver for it to be transported by the C-130 cargo aircraft
in some cases. In each of three important criteria, - height, weight, and
width - the LAV III either clearly fails to meet the requirement or requires
waivers to meet the Air Force transport standards.

None of the revelations in the Army Times piece should be news to anyone in
the defense industry. An IBCT study published last year in National Guard
Review actually screened out the LAV series vehicles due to their excess
height. Furthermore, even if the LAV had passed the height-screening test, it
would have lost in the relative value arena, where its weight made it less
attractive than other, lighter vehicles. Ironically, what the Army Times
report didn't mention was that the LAV III's tracked competitors, in addition
to weighing thousands of pounds less, offered far superior protection as
compared to the LAV III's anemic 14mm of armor. Finally, common sense
suggested that a tracked vehicle like United Defense's M113 would be at least
competitive in most other evaluated areas and superior in many to the LAV.

So how did we arrive at the point where the Army chose the wrong platform?
Surely the fault cannot lie with the Chief of Staff, who initially indicated
a preference for a wheeled platform, but later testified before Congress that
he was open to a tracked system. The rational observer, accepting the Chief's
statement at face value, could conclude that the choice for the LAV over the
M113 was made without command influence and based on reasonably objective

Unfortunately, neither of these statements is strictly true, though there was
almost certainly no illegal action taken and no official command influence


The short answer is that the Army has elevated its leadership to almost
'God-like' status, and the decisions made by the organization have come to
reflect this strange, almost obsessive fascination with those who are
referred to as 'the stars.

Generals in today's Army are in many ways an aristocracy of sorts, with many
of the trappings one would normally associate with royalty. Their every whim
is assiduously attended to. They live and travel in style, waited upon by a
personal staff that grows as the General achieves higher and higher rank. The
most senior of these officials routinely grant themselves privileges, such as
the use of government vehicles, aircraft, chauffeurs and pilots, for
transportation to and from their offices that would result in the conviction
and imprisonment of more junior personnel.

Most importantly, however, the junior officers who attend to The Stars
specialize in divining what is known throughout the military as the
'Commander's Intent' and bringing that intent to reality. An aside often told
in the Army illustrates the point. In it, a General arriving at his new
command notes that he prefers the rocks on post be painted white, in the best
Army tradition. The following day, the General is pleased to note that
virtually every rock on post is painted a dazzling, glossy shade of white.
The general never ordered that this be done, mind you; his staff simply
accepted the General's off-hand comment as gospel and took action.

In the case of the IBCT platform decision, the Commander's intent was well
known. His later protestations aside, General Shinseki had early on made it
known that he preferred a wheeled APC for the IBCTs. That was all that the
rest of the organization needed to hear. The result, predictably, were tests
that showed the LAV III was every bit as good as its tracked competitors,
despite all evidence to the contrary. To those within the organization, the
issue was never in doubt - the Commander' intent was clear.

The sad point here is that an organization, which fails to support its
leadership with objective, sometimes unpleasant, analysis and support will
ultimately fail. In this case, the unwillingness of those supporting The
Stars to seriously debate the merits of the IBCT platform will materially
affect the ability of the nation to meet emerging 21st century threats in the
most effective way possible. 

[CTRL] Defending America 30 May 01 Part 4

2001-06-06 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!


 Air Force:
 Family Support Doesn’t Live Up To The Advertisements

Ed.: Are we truly taking care of the troops? If this happens to a guy with 18
years in service, what do the younger troops experience?

By a Tired Airman

His is about a subject that hurts me so deeply as to make me question my
trust in the military organization as a whole.

It is directed at the Air Force, specifically, Offutt Air Force Base. I've
been in this man’s Air Force for almost 18 years, and have been married to my
wife for over 13 years. About 7 of those years I have spent away doing my
duty in areas all over the world. And up to this point, I have been extremely
proud of watching some of my troops perform beyond anyone's expectations on a
daily basis in areas like Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Hungary, Korea, and others...

Yet, over the past six years I've had a very serious problem on how Offutt
AFB is treating my family while I'm away. To give you some ideas, our home
has flooded three times in the last three years. Yet, no one, not even our
insurance company, is willing to pay for any damages to our personal items.
This is due in part to a home that is built under code, too deep in the
ground, and is landscaped incorrectly, towards the foundation instead of
away. Our damages in this home over the last three years have exceeded over
$20,000 and we have basically been stonewalled by the military and told that
we were the more negligent for allowing our home to flood, and our items to
be damaged.

Yet, our housing office refuses to move us to other quarters because flooding
and mold in the home are insufficient reasons to request a move. My three
children have had to be treated for mold exposure, and yet even with this
documentation, Offutt housing feels that Mold is not a health issue.

This, coupled with our children being repeatedly misdiagnosed by military
physicians, and my wife being subjected to humiliating exams, my wife sought
civilian employment that would give her better medical insurance on the

Every time I take measures to bring this to the attention of the very people
who profess they are there to help, the IG, Services, Commanders, First
Sergeants, and even Chaplains, I get basically the same Party Line answer.
It seems that when someone is asked to stand up for the very things they
profess they support, they scatter like leaves in the wind, leaving the
military member standing alone to face the onslaught.

I've been watching this for years, and becoming more educated in the process.
And I'm beginning to believe that the more I see, the less I want to be part
of this military anymore. It is thoroughly disturbing, that after all the
hard work we've put in, and all the time we've given up with the ones we love
most, to have to watch how our military support systems only exist in the
minds of those who profess it?

To give you an idea how bad this really is: Between 1996 and 1997, there were
a total of 66 suicides in the Air Force. Twelve (12) were on Offutt AFB. When
families were asked for the reason why, most said Lack of Unit support. But
when Offutt Leaders were questioned as to why these deaths were taking place,
they're answer was Lack of Family Support... Pretty frightening isn't it...

Well, don't get me wrong. I am extremely proud to say I volunteered and gave
20 years to the service of my country. A country I love so much that when I
hear the sound of Taps, or the National Anthem playing, it still brings tears
of pride and joy to my eyes. I just don't know if I could ask my children to
do the same after seeing what I've seen in today's military. Not as a career


The Sergeant’s Corner

Surveys Can Only Be An Additional Tool

Ed: Surveys seem to run rampant in the field. But…do they accomplish more
than take up valuable time?

By a Concerned Air Force NonCom

When I first entered the USAF in 1986, I can scarcely remember any surveys
that we were encouraged to fill out.  As time went on, manning began to
drop, shifts began to increase, and funding began to run short, the surveys,
commanders calls, enlisted calls, mandatory squadron parties, etc., began
to increase, as you folks are only too well aware of.

So, thinking this was unusual, I queried my dad (MSgt, USAF RET 1954-1978). I
was right...

Recently, a survey (fall of 99) that some of your USAF readership will
remember came out. It was a Chief Of Staff, USAF directed survey. Unlike our
myriad of other surveys that we could (gasp, write that man an LOR) readily
place in the circular file, this one was by Internet, wanted your SSN #,
rank, location, and duty title. It was, a social climate survey. God help
those that didn't complete this 1 1/2 hour survey.

Meanwhile your phones are ringing off the hook, planes are launching, and an
irate SNCO is pissed at you for daring to pass on your two cents 

[CTRL] Defending America 30 May 01 Part 2

2001-06-06 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!


DoD Examines Captain/Lieutenant Retention

Ed.: Survey follows survey, examination follow examination. The Services and
DoD are still not getting it. Listen to the capable young leaders who are
leaving: It’s not the economy but the lack of mature and up-front leadership.
Source: American Forces Press Service.

By Jim Garamone

WASHINGTON, May 17, 2001 -- Officer retention patterns are changing, causing
the services increasing worry about continuation rates, particularly among

Anecdotal reports to DoD officials suggest Army, Air Force and Marine Corps
captains and Navy lieutenants are leaving the military in numbers not seen
since 1973 -- the founding of the all-volunteer force. If the stories are
accurate, the services might find trouble ahead when it comes time to pick
promotion-worthy O-3s -- they prefer large candidate pools, but might not
have that luxury in some specialties.

A hot economy is partly to blame, said service officials, but exit interviews
with departing officers seem to indicate a growing disenchantment with
military life.

Army officials said departing officers most frequently mentioned operations
tempo and personnel tempo as major irritants during exit interviews. The
officers said they saw deployed time growing and felt they couldn't take even
more time away from their families.

The problem does not appear to be as acute in other services, except in
certain technical and aviation specialties.

Navy Vice Adm. Patricia Tracey, deputy assistant secretary of defense for
military personnel policy, said another contributing factor may be the
services misreading their needs and not making enough O-3s to start with
during the draw-down. In some important skill areas, she said, some services
won't have as many O-3s as needed to allow them the O-4 promotion selectivity
they'd like.

She also noted a slight change in the continuation patterns of service
academy and ROTC graduates. DoD is watching that situation -- there's no
panic, she said.

The track record's not long enough for us to know exactly how big that
problem is. It may be an anomaly that corrects itself in the next several
years because of other things we
are doing, she said.

But there is really little that any higher headquarters can do in respect to
retention. Retention generally is not an issue you can address from a
headquarters level, she said.

It's really difficult to make systemic changes that address this type of

You really do have to have a command climate ... that is conducive to
retention, that's conducive to people really being excited about continuing
military life, Tracey said.

Some news stories say that junior officers are leaving because the military
isn't fun anymore. I've heard that for 30 years, that it isn't fun
anymore, Tracey said. I haven't yet been able to figure out exactly what
the systemic issues are that would need to be addressed.

Other young officers complain that a zero defect mentality in the military
leads senior officers to micro-manage.

Look at the people who are in command right now. These are the men and women
who were the survivors of the downsizing, Tracey said. The commanders'
attitudes have to have been colored by that experience -- they saw who
retired early or who was asked to leave, she said.

So some attention to reinforcing their role as mentors and to preparing
their junior officers for the environment they will serve in -- not the
environment that current O-5 and O-6 commanders experienced when they were
junior officers - is probably merited, Tracey said. She admitted, though,
that the zero-defects attitude has been a pretty pervasive and constant
drumbeat for the past several years.

She said she hasn't seen a zero-defects mentality in the selection boards she
has participated in, but said the view persists and DoD must overcome it.

Commanders must restore a sense of trust in the system, she said. The
department needs people who are willing to take prudent risks and it must
prove that it's the kind of organization that rewards people who take risks
that are prudent and well-thought out, whether they lead to success or


Can Pentagon Inc. sell its IPO reforms?

Ed.: A glimpse at the difficulties of changing national defense. Excerpts
from a National Journal article.

By George C. Wilson

Now that CEO Donald Rumsfeld has succeeded in recruiting the business
executives he wanted for Pentagon Inc., his next big challenge is to succeed
in the initial public offering of his reforms.

This will not be an easy sell within Pentagon Inc., the White House, or
Congress. Within the Pentagon, the Joint Chiefs of Staff feel frozen out of
Defense Secretary Rumsfeld's myriad strategic reviews. They fear the worst,
especially the Army chief and his deputies. Although they are muzzled from
speaking out publicly, the Army brass point to and 

[CTRL] Defending America 30 May 01 Part 5

2001-06-06 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!


Anthrax: Buck Fined, Avoids Jail, Can Stay In Service

Ed.: „Anthrax ueber alles! It looks like the Air Force tried to enforce its
military authority while still avoiding the real Anthrax issues. The Doc
ought to have the option to resign for the good of the service and until
considered safe without a doubt, the Anthrax vaccinations should be
administered on a voluntary basis, the way it is handled in Britain. And
still NO defining word from any of our political leaders! Source: Biloxi Sun
Herald, 05/23/01.

By Reni Winter

KEESLER AFB -Air Force physician John Buck will be allowed to remain in the
military and will not serve prison time for disobeying a direct order to take
an anthrax vaccine before being deployed overseas.

After 90 minutes of deliberation Tuesday, an 11-member panel of Keesler Air
Force Base officers sentenced Capt. Buck to 60 days of base restriction and
fined him $1,500 a month - almost half his salary - for 14 months. A written
reprimand will also be placed in his personnel file.

Monday, the panel convicted Buck of willfully disobeying an order from a
superior officer. He had faced the possibility of five years in prison and
dismissal from the Air Force.

We are very satisfied with how it went, said Capt. Jim Winner, an Air Force
spokesman. They issued an appropriate sentence we cannot quibble with.

Lead defense attorney Frank Spinner did not claim victory, however. He plans
to appeal Lt. Col. Mark Allred's decision last week that the order to take
the anthrax vaccine is lawful. Allred, who acted as judge in the case, did
not allow the panel to consider the lawfulness of the order.

The sentence is relatively light compared to a prison sentence or
dismissal, Spinner said. That is a stiff financial penalty.

During Tuesday's sentencing phase of the court-martial, Buck read eight pages
of unsworn testimony to the panel, explaining his decision to disobey the

I was at the crossroads between the oath of an officer and the oath of a
physician, Buck said. The only way I could have peace about the apparent
conflict was to do what I knew to be right as a physician and to stare down
the barrel of the gun with the courage of an officer. ... I knew that
enlisted personnel had been court-martialed before me and all had been found
guilty. I could have walked away and protected my self-interest, but I feel I
would have turned my back on my troops.

Prosecutors had asked that Buck be dismissed. For an officer, that is the
equivalent of a dishonorable discharge.

Buck's mother, Anne Works, testified on her son's behalf. She described his
achievements in school and his pride in being accepted into the Air Force.
When she finished testifying, she asked the panel for mercy for Buck. Works
was one of four character witnesses who testified on Buck's behalf Tuesday.

Maj. Bruce Bishop, chief of the emergency room at Keesler Medical Center,
described Buck's loyalty to the Air Force when he said, I think Dr. Buck
bleeds bluer than any of the other ER physicians.

 ...Once he learned enough about the anthrax vaccine to believe it was
dangerous, well, he is the type of person who would take on a cause he
believed in. I have no doubt that he is doing this because it's the right
thing to do.

Buck's attorneys attempted to submit documents, including statements from
Department of Defense personnel and excerpts from congressional hearings,
that they said support his belief that the anthrax vaccine is an experimental
drug and is neither safe, effective nor legal in the manner it is being used
by the military.

Spinner challenged Allred's refusal to accept the documents and asked the
judge whether he was influenced by outside authorities.

We are concerned that there have been other influences with respect to the
ruling not to allow these documents, Spinner said to Allred, who didn't

After sentencing, Spinner said the case raises questions about the
independence of the military judicial system in which judges must answer to
their superiors.

The official military position is that the vaccine is safe and the best
weapon against biological attacks. Pressure mounted to immunize soldiers to
biological agents in the wake of the Persian Gulf War.

Buck was issued the order to take the vaccine when he was scheduled to be
part of an emergency medical team deployed to Oman or Bahrain less than a
week after the bombing of the USS Cole.

He said he refused the order because he had treated patients at Keesler
Medical Center who had adverse reactions to the vaccine. Once he faced
criminal charges, he said he researched the vaccine further and became more
convinced that it is potentially harmful to troops and is not effective.

Monday, Buck's commander rejected his request that he be allowed to resign
under a general discharge, which is granted to those with only minor
infractions on their 

[CTRL] Gore vandalism has paper trail

2001-06-06 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Gore vandalism has paper trail
White House staffer: Computer damage reflected in flood of requisition orders



By Paul Sperry
© 2001

WASHINGTON -- A career White House employee who helped replace computer
keyboards broken by departing Clinton and Gore staffers in January says
President Bush could document the vandalism through requisition orders. Some
100 keyboards had to be replaced during the transition.

Democrats and former Clinton aides have challenged Bush to prove charges that
spiteful former aides trashed the White House before the inauguration.

Bush's spokesman Ari Fleischer finally detailed the damage for the press this

He says that, among other things, 100 keyboards were broken, 10 phone lines
were cut and several brass emblems with the presidential seal were removed
from doors. Most of the damage was done in the Eisenhower Building, or Old
Executive Office Building, where Vice President Al Gore and his staff kept

Fleischer, hard-pressed to show a paper trail backing his damage assessment,
says the White House did not keep detailed repair records.

But the White House employee says that at least the computer vandalism is
reflected in an unusual surge in requisition orders for keyboards at the

You'd see it in the requisition orders, he said in an exclusive interview
with WorldNetDaily.

It's not like we'd throw away a bunch of keyboards one day, said the
employee, who requested his name be withheld. They were damaged beyond
repair and we had to replace them.

The employee, part of the White House computer staff, says that Clinton aides
did not stop at removing the W -- Bush's famous middle initial -- from
keyboards, which would otherwise be a relatively harmless and humorous prank.
But he says they also gouged out the contacts beneath the plastic keys,
rendering the keyboards useless.

The membranes were jabbed out underneath, he said.

He says most of the keyboards were made by Microsoft and included ergonomic

A CompUSA salesman handling government accounts in the Washington area priced
for WorldNetDaily a similar Microsoft ergonomic model at $33, including the
government discount, or $39.99 retail.

Costs from maintenance and repair of White House offices and equipment during
the transition were paid out of General Services Administration's transition
fund. GSA has offices in the White House complex.

Clinton supporters pooh-poohed Fleischer's damage assessment because they
said it relied on the five-month-old recollections of White House workers.

But the assessment jibes with earlier, contemporaneous accounts by White
House workers tasked with assessing and repairing the damages.

Those workers -- interviewed by WorldNetDaily in January within days of the
vandalism -- include the computer employee who helped replace the keyboards
while setting up new Bush aides at their work stations, a phone-operations
manager who helped survey phone-line damage, including in the West Wing, and
a GSA building manager who was involved in supervising the custodial crews.

In terms of damage, there was never anything like this in previous
administrations, said one career worker.

The money will come from taxpayers, said another.

Rep. Bob Barr, R-Ga., has asked Congress' investigative arm, the General
Accounting Office, to consider reinvestigating the vandalism charges. GAO had
closed its investigation because Bush officials, wanting to move on from
the Clinton scandals, had produced no proof of vandalism, while at the same
time privately ordering career workers to clam up, WorldNetDaily has learned.

We need to speak to some of the government employees, who were charged with
repairing or cleaning up the damage, to see what they saw or witnessed, said
one congressional source close to Barr.

Phone calls seeking comment from Fleischer's office were not immediately

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[CTRL] DIRT Trojan sold by convicted felon

2001-06-06 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

DIRT Trojan sold by convicted felon

Register duped by crimebusting D.I.R.T. Trojan

By Thomas C Greene in Washington
Posted: 06/06/2001

My recent article on the D.I.R.T. (Data Interception by Remote Transmission)
Trojan, with which law-enforcement agents can secretly monitor a suspect's
computer and which is marketed by surveillance outfit Codex Data Systems,
contained several inaccuracies, all of which can be attributed solely to my
own lapse in the skepticism for which The Reg in general, and I personally,
are known.

The full story, as it happens, is immensely more twisted than I imagined when
I wrote my original item. Clearly, The Register's readers deserve better --
and here it is:

Thanks to several e-mailed hints from readers, I continued doing background
research and have now confirmed that the CEO of Codex Data Systems is one
Francis Edward Frank Jones, a convicted felon currently on probation for
illegal possession of surveillance devices.  He was charged with trafficking
and conspiracy to traffic in them, but in an agreement he pleaded guilty to
simple possession, and the US Government dropped the other two charges.

He was sentenced to three-hundred hours' community service and five years'
probation with no jail time, on the strength of his argument to the court
that he was not responsible for his illegal acts by reason of mental defect.
He has also been required to participate in a mental-health program, which,
judging by some of his recent behavior, appears to be less than a screaming

Jones is widely regarded as a scam artist with a long history of
security/surveillance snake-oil sales. He has, for example, sold bug-detection
services, which we're told are completely fraudulent, involving detection
apparatus easily cobbled together from the inventory of Radio Shack. He's
reported to have planted a bug which he subsequently 'found' during one such

A Legend in His Own Mind
He's also a shameless, Boswellian self-promoter with a Web site devoted to
himself in his on-line incarnation, SpyKing.

Here we're told that SpyKing/Jones is formerly in military and law enforcement
service, and a popular talk show guest with 15 appearances on national 
regional programming and news specials.

As for his law-enforcement experience, we've since learned that he managed to
get himself fired from the New York City Police Department in 1975, according
to a letter by Association of Counter-Intelligence Professionals (ACIP)
Executive Director Michael Richardson.

But the PR beat goes on: Jones has lectured at M.I.T. (Massachussetts [sic]
Institute of Technology) on TEMPEST computer eavesdropping techniques, his
Web site claims.  Indeed, No other speaker has their thumb on the pulse of
changing world trends in immerging [sic] surveillance technologies.

The security 'experts' our illiterate subject has conned include hacker trivia
master Winn Schwartau and AntiOnline's JP John Vranesevich (no surprises
there), and such publications as PC World, E-BusinessWorld, TechWeek, the Wall
Street Journal, and, thanks to my carelessness, The Register as well.

The D.I.R.T. on the Trojan

The truly inexcusable element of my first story was my failure challenge
rigorously Codex's claims regarding the amazing power of its D.I.R.T. Trojan.

Had I taken the time to learn that SpyKing/Jones was behind this, I would have
immediately suspected that it's a lot more talk than technology. But I ran with
the piece out of eagerness to work my own agenda, motivated by personal
outrage that anyone would be so irresponsible as to sell a Trojan to
law-enforcement and governments as a surveillance device.

And the reason for that outrage survives even now; D.I.R.T. unquestionably
permits police to upload bogus evidence to a suspect's machine and offers no
auditing controls by which they might be caught, which was the focus of my
original report.

That much hasn't changed; D.I.R.T. is absolutely ripe for abuse without
accountability, and Jones is utterly damnable for trying to sell it to
governments and police organizations.

But I was on very shaky ground in reporting its true capabilities. My
subsequent investigation indicates that Codex's claim that D.I.R.T. can
defeat all known PC firewalls is, quite simply, false.

Furthermore, their claim that the software is completely transparent to the
target and cannot be detected by current anti-virus software, is misleading,
if not completely false. There is no technology in D.I.R.T. responsible for
this sort of stealth; the server isn't detected simply because no anti-virus
vendor has as yet added it to their signatures catalog.

Defeating D.I.R.T.
My suggestions in the original article for defeating D.I.R.T. remain basically
sound, if perhaps a bit over-cautious due to my mistaken belief that it defeats
all known firewalls (though there is reason to believe it may defeat a few).

Because it isn't 

Re: [CTRL] More of Gay Pride

2001-06-06 Thread c.

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Andrew Hennessey [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2001 11:10 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] More of Gay Pride

 -Caveat Lector-

   The Clause28 issue in the UK  which said that clause 28 was sufficient
   police abuse of gender issues in schools was to be repealed by the new
   scottish parliamnent in favour of legislation that made it possible to
   actively promote homosexual issues.
  you are wrong and your political angle on this is the same one that
  tried to mislead the scottish people . the repeal does not allow the
  promotion of homosexuality- it allows it to be talked about in council
  institutions- including schools and libraries.

 It was NEVER DISALLOWED PRIOR to the repeal of this clause
 it just wasn't adequately operated

 the clause actually could
  have prevented people's

 By PEOPLE you really mean very young children -

  access to literature that could be considered
  promoting homosexuality- and that in effect means that any literature
  states in any way that homosexuality is ok could be banned.

 well don't worry it isn't banned any more -
 I said before that there is a big difference between hormone based gender
 and artificial homosexual psychology -
 given what we all know on how easy it is to PROGRAMME the human mind
 any pervert with an agenda can cause a problem in schools - ie. hetero and
 so thats especially why in my opinion the topic of sex needs careful
 and the safeguards in place were legally OK - though badly operated.
 Now we have the same people who badly operated a fair sex policy now
 operating a biased homosexual policy - and in your opinion does that mean
 that perverts are going to find it difficult to start bending minds and
 gender ?
   Almost the entire population was against
  oh really? LOL


  but the parliament would not listen and the politicians Refused to act.
   Brian Soutar Bus Tycoon funded a Private Referendum - which the gay in
   charge of the electoral office would not ratify
  you are being silly now andrew and it devalues any argument that you may
  have. tell me who this gay is in fact and show me evidence that he is 1/
  and 2/ corrupt and compromised by his sexuality.

 don't play games with me - I don't need the credibility - there was
 absolutely NO REASON
 why the electoral office should disallow the legitimacy of a public
 referendum -
 If that doesn't cmpromise the operation of democracy what did - perhaps
 intolerable arrogance of the scottish parliament that implemented the
 in full knowledge that almost the entire country was against them.
 and in England the House of Lords threw the Bill out twice and still Blair
 wants to force it

  (look to portillo's vote
  against the reduction in the age of gay consent for a comparable ethical
  decision made by a man with gay experiinces)

 a reduction in the age of gay consent - you're talking like you're
 here -
 there are no men and women in these classrooms - just vulnerable kids

  show me- or shut your little bigoted mouth, k? :)

 Some of my best friends are gay and I'm big burly bastard

oh dear, of course your gay friends would be delighted and supportive of
your comments i take it? and andrew, it was not a comment about your
physical largeness, rather it referred to your intellectual smallness. ahem.
you are a homophobe thus your comments are not really answerable because you
ignore the facts of the matter because of misplaced political or emotional
motivations. for instance- you say the entire country voted but yet the
figures disagree.
sent out- 3970712
voted for retaining- 1094440
(souter's own figures)
that isn't even a majority. it was a majority of votes cast but supporters
of repeal would not participate and there was no campaigning- the advice
was- don't even participate. the majority chose not to participate. many
didn't even recieve ballots.
why is the phrase age of consent sounding like i am cruising? and why are
you obsessed with bringing children into the discussion? creepy. the age of
consent vote which portillo voted against even though he has had positive
gay experiences was not anything to do with children- it was to bring the
age of consent in line with heterosexual age of consent- 16. is that such a
strange thing? really? and in the classroom we are talking about children
of the ages up to 18 possibly- should they not have access in their library
to information?

your determind suggestion that their was some kind of gay blocking
democracy truly gives away your ignorance- because, andy, you don't have to
be gay to fight homophobia.

oh yeah, you said

difference between hormone based gender and artificial homosexual

you're teasing me , right? *wink*

   - a supposedly unbiased
   agency that oversaw democracy 

[CTRL] Aroma Therapy: aka Nonlethal Weapons Development

2001-06-06 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

Aroma Therapy
In The Military, It's Known As 'Nonlethal Weapons Development'

Tuesday, May 22, 2001
by Jennifer Kahn, Special to SF Gate

A lot of work goes into smell these days, and because of that, we've
evolved into quite a minty-breathed species: soaped, deodorized,
conditioned, roaming the world in T-shirts that smell like an ocean breeze.
As a rule, far less effort has been put into enhancing bad odors over the
years. Few people, understandably, have dedicated their lives to amplifying
the reek of rotting meat or stored sewage. As it happens, however, this is
exactly what cognitive psychologist Pam Dalton at the Monell Chemical
Senses Center in Philadelphia does. And all in the name of national security.
Dalton's malodor work is funded in large part by the Department of Defense,
and is part of the burgeoning field known as nonlethal weapons
development. The Army, the CIA, local law enforcement, everybody these
days wants to develop the next-generation stink bomb. For crowd control,
warfare applications, to discourage people from hanging around certain
facilities, Dalton says. Goodness knows, it's clear that odor deterrence
works! You wouldn't lean against a dumpster and hang out.
Unbeknownst to most of us, odors have a long history of being used as
deterrents by the government. During the Christmas season county
administrators in the northeastern United States will sometimes spray
public-property evergreens with a fox-urine-based repellant, in order to
discourage poachers. In subzero weather, and open air, the scent is barely
detectable. But bring the tree into a closed, 70-degree house and it'll
stink up the place. (Posted signs warn would-be tree thieves about the
The real roots of Dalton's work go back to World War II, to a compound
called Who Me that was designed for use by the French Resistance. Who Me
smelled like fecal matter, according to Dalton, and was issued in pocket
atomizers. The plan was for a Resistance member to sidle up close to one of
the German officers then occupying Paris and unobtrusively spray him.
This, of course, would totally embarrass the officer, Dalton explains
straight-faced. And Germany would then lose the war. The flaw in the
plan, or perhaps, one of the flaws in the plan, was that Who Me's
ingredients were extremely volatile and therefore hard to control: The
person who does the spraying ends up smelling as bad as the sprayee. For
two weeks, Paris reeked. Afterward, The experiment was pretty much deemed
a failure, Dalton says.
Since those heady days, stink bombs have gone through various stages of
being mothballed and resurrected by the military. Back in the 1970s, Dalton
recalls, the Army drained chicken eggs, filled them with rancid-smelling
chemicals, and then tested the effects by lobbing them at enlisted men.
The project never really took on a life of its own, Dalton sighs.
As the '90s rolled around, however, the definition of necessary force
grew narrower; nonlethal weapons programs bloomed, producing acoustic
dazzler grenades that flashed blindingly bright lights, and a slippery foam
that could be sprayed on the streets to keep people from walking or
driving. Always in the back of the military's mind, however, was smell.
But coming up with useful applications of stink turned out to be difficult.
For starters, there was the problem of acclimatization: After 15 minutes of
immersion in an odor, most people become unable to smell itwhich means that
an odor's usefulness as a trespassing deterrent was limited. (The olfactory
system is designed to detect changes, the way our visual system might
detect motion, rather than constantly perceiving the smell landscape.)
Another problem that bothered the military was universality. How do we know
that bad odors will be the same around the world?
As it turns out, we don't. Unlike food tastes, the way we react to an odor
is largely learned. There's no evidence that babies from birth naturally
prefer one smell over another, Dalton notes, although they do prefer
certain tastes.
In the past, marketers had looked into which good odors crossed cultures,
and discovered that the smell that signifies clean in South America was
not the same as a clean smell in Asia. Dalton and her colleagues now
wanted to find the smells that nobody anywhere liked: smells that
universally, unambiguously stink.
The group chose to test mostly biologically based odors, on the theory that
they were more likely to have deeply rooted aversive powers. Sweat, vomit,
feces, we tested all of them, Dalton says. And sulfur, which is the smell
of decomposition and decay and which might therefore be aversivea sign
that your food, or your friend, is rotting. Dalton even visited a barber
and brought back a huge bag of human hair, which she burned, though not
with any spectacularly aversive results.
After months of trials, the winners of Dalton's most 

[CTRL] Martin-Inside The Illegal Arms Bazaar At Redstone...

2001-06-06 Thread William Shannon

Inside The Illegal Arms Bazaar at Redstone
"Public Safety" is a Non-Issue and Confusion Reigns…

by Al Martin

In recent days, the FBI has become very concerned about leaks, which have 
been exposing the illegal activities of the illegal arms dealers at Redstone 
Arsenal. The Bureau has committed fresh resources to uncover the individuals 
who are leaking information to the Al Martin Raw website about continuing 
frauds at the US Arsenal in Huntsville, Alabama. One of the sources, the 
Friendly Colonel, believes he may be in danger, since it is always dangerous 
to uncover fraud and malfeasance and to tell the truth about government, 
especially when it relates to government wrongdoing.

In an update on the "Marshmallow Story," the illegal sale of anti-personnel 
explosive devices to illegal Chinese arms dealers (see "Those Wacky Arms 
Dealers at Redstone", it seems that the 
transactions of "Mr. Murphy" (an alias for a Chinese arms merchant) are going 
along well.

"Mr. Murphy" has now rented enormous storage facilities near the Redstone 
Arsenal for his " marshmallows" pending the June 15 shipping date. The 
Friendly Colonel had no idea of the quantity of marshmallows he bought. By 
the time the purchase order is fulfilled, he said that three ships will be 
needed to transport them to Mexico. The first delivery took up three of the 
biggest warehouses that were available, ordinarily used by heavy equipment 
operator/ contractors to store equipment. He was surprised at the enormous 

One of the topics of discussion at the weekly meeting/dinner was the 
increased nervousness because everyone realizes there's a leak, and the FBI 
is making everyone more nervous because of their investigations. Apparently 
(although it's not identified), there is one or more investigative committees 
from congress which are getting closer and closer.

The general in charge announced that there is going to be "Officers' Target 
Practice" this week in the event they're going to have to shoot some 

The "hostiles" that the general is referring to are investigators.

There were also many comments on the failure of the test of the new VMX43 
aircraft, which was a loss of $185 million to the taxpayers.

The general actually laughed and said, "$185 million? We defraud the American 
taxpayers more than that every year in food and booze."

The VMX43 project was a collaboration between defense contractors. The 
general thought these guys that built this thing "must be pikers if they 
can't figure out how to defraud the people out of more than that." These wise 
cracks just come out of them. They don't care who hears it. They really 
believe they're impervious. They really think that they're invincible and 
even bullet-proof.

They are however "concerned" about the "public safety" of what they're doing. 
You must remember that everything that is being done at these arms sales is 
illegal. The weapons sales are themselves illegal. The people buying them are 
illegal arms dealers. They're being illegally sold and transported illegally 
to other countries. Every step of the way is illegal.

People need to be reminded that even though they think these activities at 
Redstone Arsenal appears to be "business as usual," that every step in the 
process is an illegal act.

This is a public safety issue. All of these highly explosive "marshmallows" 
(very volatile anti-personnel devices) are being shipped in cardboard 
banker's boxes stuffed with newspapers. They are transported by ordinary 
rent-a-truck companies.

"Mr. Murphy" thought this would be the cheapest way to do it. The boxes are 
all sealed up and marked "educational materials." As has been mentioned 
before, if just one of these five-ton capacity trucks loaded with these 
"marshmallows" were to explode, it would be a simultaneous explosion. It is 
enough explosive power to flatten several city blocks. These weapons are 
being transported without any license and without any permits because they 
are illegally marked in a regular rental truck with no precautions at all. 
And they are being driven through high-density civilian areas.

What they've always been concerned about is a major accident in which a lot 
of civilians get killed. All the illegal weapons being illegally shipped out 
of Redstone Arsenal include both conventional and non-conventional munitions. 
Most are being shipped over the road, and since it's illegal, and since 
they're all being mislabeled as something other than weapons, no precautions 
are being taken whatsoever.

In addition, the weapons which leave illegally via air are transported by 
aircraft whose safety is considered marginal at best. These aircraft are 
afflicted with the same problems that the Department of Defense has with all 
its aircraft. 

[CTRL] Pentagon Anti-Fraud Agency Commits Fraud

2001-06-06 Thread William Shannon

Wednesday June 6 1:59 AM ET

Anti-Fraud Agency Fakes Documents

By LARRY MARGASAK, Associated Press Writer WASHINGTON (AP) - The Pentagon (
news - web sites) agency charged with rooting out fraud destroyed documents
and substituted fakes to win a passing grade in an audit of its own
operations, according to an internal inquiry.

``It's a very sad day indeed when the watchdog gets caught cheating,'' Sen.
Charles Grassley (news - bio - voting record), R-Iowa, wrote Defense
Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld in demanding to know more about the incident.

The document destruction cost the government thousands of dollars last year
and ``could adversely affect the confidence of the public'' in Defense
Department audits, says the report obtained by The Associated Press.

The incident occurred as the Pentagon inspector general's work was about to
be reviewed by auditors working for the Internal Revenue Service (news - web
sites)'s inspector general. The review was part of a routine program where
one government agency's inspector general's office checks the work of another.

The unsuspecting IRS reviewers found ``no problems'' with the Pentagon's
audit work after poring over the phony documents, concluded the internal
report, written by a Defense Department inspector general's employee assigned
to investigate her own agency.

``At some point, the majority of original working papers were destroyed,''
the report said. ``The backdating of the re-created working papers misled the
... review team to believe the ... papers were ... done at the time of the

The inspector general's office and the Defense Department public affairs
office refused to discuss the incident.

David Williams, the IRS' inspector general, said, ``As soon as we became
aware of the allegation and findings, we immediately withdrew our previous
opinion'' that gave the Pentagon agency a passing grade. As a result, every
Pentagon audit must include a disclaimer that the work fails to meet
established audit standards.

Grassley, outgoing chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, began
investigating the destruction recently after a Pentagon whistle-blower
brought it to his attention.

While the inspector general is supposed to root out government fraud and
waste, the report said, the 983 hours spent creating the fake documents cost
the government $63,000.

The IRS auditors had selected eight Defense Department audits for review, and
senior Pentagon auditors realized that working papers for one of them - a
1988 audit report - would not get a passing grade, the report said.

``Instead of submitting it and suffering the consequences, a decision was
made to destroy all the original work papers and to re-create an entirely new
set,'' Grassley wrote Rumsfeld. He said 12 to 15 officials in the Defense
Department inspector general's office were involved, including senior

Grassley and the internal report said the official who prepared the originals
was directed to sign the fake papers even though that auditor did not create
the substitutes.

The President's Council on Integrity and Efficiency, an organization of
federal inspectors general, is investigating the incident.

The incident ``has some negative repercussions to the image'' of inspectors
general, said Gaston Gianni Jr., vice chairman of the council and inspector
general at the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.

Grassley said he's not satisfied with the internal Pentagon review.

He wrote Rumsfeld that it ``may have been unwise'' for the Pentagon's deputy
inspector general, Robert Lieberman, to have one of his senior deputies
conduct the internal investigation and then conclude that Lieberman was not

The senator also said that disciplinary actions were under consideration only
for lower-ranking auditors and their immediate supervisors but not senior

[CTRL] Hepatitis B Vaccine AIDS

2001-06-06 Thread William Shannon

"Hepatitis B Vaccine and the Origin of HIV/AIDS: 
Perspectives on a Possible Vaccine Induced Pandemic" Transcript of Oral 
Presentation made by
Leonard G. Horowitz, D.M.D., M.A., M.P.H.

May 29, 2001
Les Premieres Recontres Medicales

Libreville, Gabon, Africa

Honorable First Lady, and esteemed program officials, it is indeed an honor 
for me to be among an American delegation invited by the First Lady to 
present some recent perspectives from the United States concerning HIV/AIDS. 
I am the author of the American best selling book, Emerging Viruses: AIDS  
Ebola. Nature, Accident or Intentional?, that examines AIDS as a possible 
vaccine induced pandemic. I will be reporting today from my current 
publication in the May 2001, issue of the peer reviewed scientific journal of 
Medical Hypotheses published in England, reprints of which are being prepared 
for distribution tomorrow.

I presented this thesis initially at the XI International Conference on AIDS 
in Vancouver, in 1996, beginning with data that showed that approximately 
sixty-five percent (65%) of Black Americans believe that HIV/AIDS may be 

Genocide is defined as the mass killing of people for economic, political, 
and/or ideological reasons.

In the October 2000, issue of the esteemed American Journal of Public Health, 
Dr. Stephen Kunitz, considered among America¹s most prominent medical 
sociologists, concluded much like Africa¹s most esteemed medical sociologist 
and psychiatrist, Dr. Adeoye Lambo (Dean of the Faculty of Medicine at the 
University of Ibadan, Nigeria), that where capitalism, colonialism, and "WASP 
(White Anglo Saxion Protestant) directed globalism" goes, the expected and 
consistently observed outcome is the mass killing of native populations.

My thesis raises this spectre concerning HIV/AIDS following the 
administration of experimental hepatitis B (HB) vaccines given to gay men in 
New York City (NYC) and Blacks in Central Africa in 1974 and early 1975.

Could what I am about to present represent genocide? Might it be standard 
Machiavellian theory in practice? That is, creating the problem to profit 
from the solution; in this case from pharmaceutical sales while reducing 
undesired populations? Might the same instigators be suppressing lower cost, 
lower risk, and highly effective alternative therapies? This is certainly a 
most heretical, politically challenging, ethically and morally disconcerting 
possibility. Yet, based on the evidence I will summarize here, a theory whose 
time has come for close examination; a theory I conclude should, if not must, 
be conducted by an independent scientific and ethics committee charged by the 
United Nations to discern the truth.

To summarize my findings, (first slide) you are now looking at the United 
States Government contract under which numerous AIDS-like and Ebola-like 
viruses were bioengineered using crude and tedious laboratory methods, by 
Litton Bionetics researchers, during the late 1960s and early 1970s. As you 
can see, Dr. Robert Gallo, "Project Officer" for the National Cancer 
Institute (NCI), oversaw this contract which, as documented, began on 
February 12, 1962.

On the next slide, reprinted from the United States Congressional Record, 
Litton Bionetics is listed as the sixth leading biological weapons contractor 
for the U.S. Army in 1969.

The next slide is reprinted from the journal Nature, December 5, 1970, 
wherein you can see Dr. Gallo from the NCI as lead author, with 
co-investigators from Litton Bionetics, reporting on their studies of 
RNA-dependent DNA polymerase (more commonly known as "reverse transcriptase") 
in human acute leukemic cells. As you may recall, Dr. Gallo was the 1984 
alleged discover of HIV. It was later determined that he did not discover it 
alone, but with Luc Montagnier from France. Dr. Gallo was then credited with 
the co-discovery of the AIDS virus. Yet, the problem is, this unique enzyme 
that is central to the function of HIV/AIDS, and critical to leukemia virus 
activity as well, was being investigated before 1970. This is approximately 
fifteen (15) years prior to Dr. Gallo¹s alleged discovery of HIV, and almost 
nine (9) years before his is credited for the discovering the first leukemia 
virus (HTLV-I).

The next graphic depicts the viral recombinations that were routinely carried 
out under Dr. Gallo¹s direction at that time. As the examples show here, 
monkey viruses (especially SV40 in the presence of SIVs, simian foamy 
retroviruses [SFR], and others) were recombined with feline leukemia virus 
RNA and chicken leukemia virus RNA which caused wasting, immuno-suppression, 
and death. It is well known that feline leukemia in cats reflects similar 
pathogenicity and symptomatology as HIV in humans. Additionally, as shown, 
cross species leaps, contrary to popular belief were not easily or 
spontaneously induced. To get 

[CTRL] Feds Asking For Volunteers To Waive 4th Amendment Rights

2001-06-06 Thread William Shannon

Decal would let officers pull car over

YAKIMA - Beginning next month, car owners in Washington will be able to stick
decals on their vehicles that invite police to pull them over between the
hours of 1 and 5 a.m.

The "Watch Your Car" program is a voluntary auto-theft-prevention program
funded by the federal government. But parents might also find it worthwhile
for keeping an eye on late-driving teenagers.

Vehicle owners will be encouraged to register with a local law-enforcement
agency or the Washington State Patrol, stating that their car is not
typically used during those early-morning hours.

Then, if an officer sees the car being driven anywhere at that time, he or
she may stop it without any other cause than to verify the right person is
behind the wheel.

Registered participants in the program will get decals for the front and rear
windshields, designating the vehicle as part of the national Watch Your Car

And registration information will be entered into a State Patrol database.

Sometimes the problem isn't car thieves, says Larry Erickson, director of the
Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs.

"We have found kids who are sneaking out and taking their parents' car," he
said. "They were not aware of it."

The sheriffs and police-chiefs association will begin promoting the program
July 9.

A number of city police departments are interested in participating,
including Bellevue, Redmond and Seattle, Erickson said.

Yakima and Federal Way will probably be the first to get up and running.
Yakima police are prepared to preregister people before the program starts.

According to the sheriffs and police-chiefs association, a vehicle is stolen
every 20 seconds in this country. And in Washington state, the association's
annual crime report showed a 3.3 percent increase in auto theft - from 33,127
cases in 1999 to 34,223 last year.

"If auto theft were legalized and incorporated, it would rank 56th among the
Fortune 500 companies," the association said.

The Watch Your Car program was authorized by Congress with the 1994 Motor
Vehicle Theft Prevention Act, and Washington will be the 11th state to
participate. The District of Columbia is also part of the program.

Snohomish County started a similar program - Operation CAT (Combat Auto
Theft) - in 1991 but discontinued it years ago because of lack of interest,
said sheriff's spokeswoman Jan Jorgensen.

She said, though, that the Sheriff's Office may consider joining the "Watch
Your Car" program.

Erickson said law-enforcement officials in other states think the program is
an effective crime-fighting tool, but he could offer no statistics to
illustrate a drop in the rate of auto thefts.

Seattle police Sgt. Joy Mundy of the auto-theft squad, who is helping set up
the program for the city, said earlier this year that Texas has reduced its
auto-theft rate by 50 percent in three years under the program.

The program, sponsored by the U.S. Bureau of Justice Assistance, has raised
constitutional questions. But the bureau contends it does not present
problems with the Fourth Amendment, which provides protection against
unreasonable search and seizure.

"It's a voluntary thing," Erickson said. The Washington chapter of the
American Civil Liberties Union said yesterday it was unfamiliar with the

Information from Seattle Times staff reporter Frank Vinluan was used in this

[CTRL] Eagle Aviation Services Technology Inc. (EAST)

2001-06-06 Thread William Shannon

WASHINGTON (AP) — U.S. drug eradication flights in Colombia are being flown 
by the same private company that Oliver North used to secretly run guns to 
Nicaraguan rebels during the 1980s Iran-Contra scandal.
Eagle Aviation Services and Technology Inc. has flown State Department planes 
on dangerous missions in Colombia for 10 years. Three of its pilots have been 
killed in two crashes. 

But its work has received little attention, even as lawmakers scrutinize the 
use of contractors in the Latin American drug fight. 

EAST doesn't work directly for the State Department. It is a subcontractor of 
Dyncorp Aerospace Technology, the military company hired by State to fly and 
maintain aircraft for counterdrug missions in Colombia. 

EAST pilots spray herbicide on coca, the raw material for cocaine. They 
frequently face gunfire, sometimes from leftist guerrillas protecting drug 

Current and former State Department officials said EAST's Iran-Contra past 
has nothing to do with its Colombia work. ``That was 15 years ago. The issue 
is what they're doing, not what they did,'' said Jonathan Winer, a former 
State counterdrug official. 

But one lawmaker who wants to ban the use of private contractors for antidrug 
missions in the Andean region said EAST's work in Colombia merits scrutiny. 

``I think this kind of questionable background of being involved in covert, 
unapproved missions does add another level of questioning: Who are these 
people and who is holding them accountable?'' said Rep. Jan Schakowsky, 

Concerns in Congress about contractors have escalated since Peru's military 
fired on a plane of U.S. missionaries April 20. Contractors aboard a 
CIA-operated surveillance plane identified the plane as a possible drug 
flight. An American woman and her infant died. 

EAST's president, retired Air Force Col. Thomas Fabyanic, declined to discuss 
the company's work. ``EAST is a privately held company and therefore we are 
not obligated to release any information in that regard,'' he said in a 
telephone interview. 

In the 1980s, EAST and its founder, Richard Gadd, helped North, then a 
National Security Council official, secretly supply weapons and ammunition to 
Nicaragua's Contra rebels at a time that Congress had banned the government 
from providing lethal aid. 

North also arranged for another of Gadd's companies to win a State Department 
contract to deliver legal, humanitarian aid. That created what Iran-Contra 
Independent Counsel Lawrence Walsh called ``a rare occasion that a U.S. 
government program unwittingly provided cover to a private covert 

Revelations of the Contra arms operation and that it had been partly funded 
by weapons sales to Iran led to convictions of top Reagan administration 

Gadd testified in the Iran-Contra case under a grant of immunity from 
prosecution, and neither he nor EAST was accused of illegalities. 

The company kept working for the government. 

In 1999 and 2000, EAST received more than $30 million under several Defense 
Department contracts, which included providing engineering, supplies, and 
other services for Laughlin Air Force Base in Texas, according to Pentagon 

Dyncorp declined to say how much it pays EAST as part of its five-year, $170 
million contract with the State Department for antidrug operations. 

Fabyanic said his company was prohibited from discussing its Colombia 
operations under the terms of the contract with Dyncorp. 

Asked if EAST's role in Iran-Contra should be considered significant to its 
Colombia work, Fabyanic answered: ``Why would it be?'' 

Dyncorp spokeswoman Charlene A. Wheeless said her company checked out EAST's 
background before contracting it and found no wrongdoing. 

``We feel strongly that EAST is a reputable company,'' she said. ``They do a 
great job for us as a subcontractor. We feel that they act responsibly.'' In 
his Iran-Contra testimony, Gadd said EAST was one of several companies he 
formed after retiring in 1982 as a lieutenant colonel from the Air Force, 
where he specialized in covert operations. 

In the 1980s, the Contra rebels were trying to topple Nicaragua's leftist 
Sandinista government. The Reagan administration backed the Contras, viewing 
the Sandinistas as a Marxist threat to Central America. Democrats who 
controlled Congress believed the United States should stay out of the 
conflict and barred U.S. officials from providing lethal aid. 

North turned to retired Gen. Richard Secord to set up a private arms pipeline 
to the Contras. Secord hired Gadd in 1985 to oversee the weapons delivery. 

Through EAST, Gadd helped acquire planes to carry arms and ammunition from 
Portugal to Central America, and to make airdrops directly to Contra 
fighters. EAST also built an airstrip in Costa Rica near the Nicaraguan 

EAST received 

Re: [CTRL] More of Gay Pride

2001-06-06 Thread Andrew Hennessey

-Caveat Lector-

 sent out- 3970712
 voted for retaining- 1094440
 (souter's own figures)

More people voted against the gays than would normally vote at
what does that tell you ???

why are
 you obsessed with bringing children into the discussion?
The discussion as far as I'm concerned is ONLY about young children being
educated out of context at school
Portillo is a creep with no bearing on this thread - we're talking
about forcing homosexual issues onto VERY YOUNG unready minds here -
not some teenager making life choices

 your determind suggestion that their was some kind of gay blocking
 democracy truly gives away your ignorance-

the guy in charge of the Government Agency that Oversees Polls is a gay,
I'm not ignorant of that fact - nor do I believe that that fact is
since by Blocking the Official route to Souter, Souters impact on the
process was lessened.
and its a fact that a Gay Political pressure Group - ILLEGALLY created a
non-existent membership and petition out of all the gays they could find
on the International internet and used it to make the Scottish parliament
pass the progay legislation as though it had been an unbiased poll.

because, andy, you don't have to
 be gay to fight homophobia

 your using newage PC babble on me -
I am no such thing - look at what I say next and how you take it out of
context -

 oh yeah, you said

 difference between hormone based gender and artificial homosexual

 you're teasing me , right? *wink*

no - I'm pointing out that the MAJORITY of young children do not need
confusion of gender issues written into their school timetables BECAUSE
and that that fact can be scientifically verified by an analysis of their
and or DNA - and hence there is No need to make their education of
homosexual issues
a GREATER priority than their understanding of heterosexuality.
And using science, we can tell that if they don't know or are unsure -
its because of the problems that
society has loaded them with eg. homosexual schoolbooks.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] How Oklahoma Was Good For Leviathan

2001-06-06 Thread William Shannon

How Oklahoma Was Good For Leviathan

by Bob Murphy

A few weeks ago, I sold out on  No, I’m not referring to 
ticket sales for my stand-up HBO special.  I’m talking about the article in 
which I dared to say, “Timothy McVeigh is no hero.”  I pointed out that 
McVeigh’s terrorist act was counterproductive, since it will lead ordinary 
Americans to trust the government when it says those who oppose it are crazy 
fanatics.  I also pointed out that it is hypocritical to “avenge” the deaths 
of Waco innocents by blowing up children in Oklahoma.  

Needless to say, I got some hate mail.  So, with your permission, I’d like to 
take advantage of this forum to explain, in more detail, my disapproval of 
McVeigh’s actions.  
*  *  *  
First, let’s deal with the possible morality of terrorism.  Many people feel 
that anyone who works for the government is an accomplice to widespread theft 
and murder (since the government engages in these actions daily), and thereby 
forfeits his or her right to life.  

Clearly, mass murdering tyrants like Adolf Hitler (and more controversially, 
Abraham Lincoln) “deserved” their unnatural ends.  I also have little 
sympathy for somebody like Truman, who mercilessly bombed (both atomically 
and conventionally) hundreds of thousands of Japanese civilians, even after 
our fleet could have easily blockaded Japan.  And obviously, soldiers under 
any flag who—oops!—accidentally slaughter a village of innocent people 
should be held strictly accountable for their crimes.  
But where do we draw the line?  There’s no way in hell you can convince me 
that a mailman who gets his ass bitten by Rommel the Rottweiler every time he 
drops off some dude’s Hustler can have his truck bombed to get back at Janet 
Reno.  This is especially true for such vital occupations as firefighters and 
police, which would have private analogs if only the government didn’t forbid 
their existence.  

A fortiori, one can’t kill the 
children of government employees.  

(And anyway, this discussion is irrelevant:  If McVeigh had knowingly killed 
those children, I still would have disagreed vehemently with him, but I would 
have at least respected the strength of his convictions.  After all, the 
guy’s willing to die in order to publicize the deaths at Waco, whereas all I 
did was write some Internet articles because I have no social life and had a 
few hours to kill. 

But McVeigh said he 
didn’t even know there would be children in the building, and that, 
had he known, he would have picked a different target, for precisely the 
public relations reasons that I’m explaining in this article.  In other 
words, McVeigh’s terrorism was incredibly 
sloppy.  No 
way do I think he’s a hero.)  
*  *  *  
The hardcore antigovernment zealot will object that such moral considerations 
are inapplicable in our current situation; “THIS IS WAR” as one 
(justifiably) bitter woman kindly informed me.  

Fair enough; let’s look at the matter from a purely pragmatic viewpoint.  
What did McVeigh’s actions accomplish?  In the short run, they have had a 
negative effect.  Everybody’s stirred up against “militia nuts,” and the 
proponents of FBI power and gun control have been bolstered since the average 
American shit his pants when McVeigh’s bomb went off.  

Before McVeigh, the situation was like this:  The politicians claimed to be 
helping us, and occasionally killed Americans.  Freedom lovers claimed to be 
helping us, but hadn’t actually killed anybody.  But now they’ve sunk to the 
government’s level, so the disinterested American has no reason to believe 
either side.  (Does anybody think the Palestinian attacks on Israeli girls at 
dance clubs is going to win them concessions?  Or will they rather have the 
opposite effect, and convince the Israelis that they must never let their 
guard down, since their oppressed neighbors will slaughter them the moment 
they have the opportunity to do so?)  

And what about in the long run?  Don’t kid yourself for one minute that this 
will “deter” the government from future crimes.  On the contrary:  McVeigh 
was a 
blessing for Clinton and Reno.  

Clinton literally 
bragged about how he handled the aftermath of the bombing, in order to 
discredit right-wingers (especially AM talk radio).  And does anybody think 
Janet Reno gave two shits about the people who died in Oklahoma?  All McVeigh 
did was reassure those with doubt that Reno et al. were on the “right side” 
after all. 

 This reminds me:  McVeigh said he had toyed with the idea of assassinating 
Reno.  Well why didn’t he do that instead?  

that would have had some deterrence effect on future politicians.  In effect, 
McVeigh would have been drawing a line in the sand, saying, “If you order the 
deaths of innocent Americans, it will catch up with you.” 

 Now, just for clarity:  I am NOT advocating assassination of political 
figures; until we 

[CTRL] Gasoline Panic Bubble Bursts; Pump Prices Set to Fall

2001-06-06 Thread Taliesin2

-Caveat Lector-

Wednesday June 6 2:48 PM ET

Gasoline Panic Bubble Bursts; Pump Prices Set to Fall
By Richard Valdmanis

NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. gasoline pump prices are poised to head lower
following a large drop in the wholesale market, blotting out doomsday
predictions of $3 gasoline this summer, industry experts said Wednesday.

``There was a lot of fear that drove prices up to begin with, and now it's
clear that that fear was misplaced,'' said Ken Miller, analyst for Purvin
and Gertz in Houston. ``Pump prices are certainly going to come down.''

Wholesale gasoline prices in most areas of the country have fallen between
15 and 25 percent since their highs at the end of May due to steadily
growing supply. The cost of the fuel fresh from refineries in the Gulf Coast
is now as low as 73 cents a gallon, compared with 91 cents less than two
weeks ago.

The supply growth has erased a deep deficit and brought U.S. gasoline stocks
to more than six million barrels, or 3 percent, ahead of last year. This is
attributed to a brisk domestic refining pace and strong imports, according
to the American Petroleum Institute (API).

The outlook could awaken the nation's motorists from their gasoline
nightmare, caused by near-record retail prices of $1.69 a gallon, and more
than $2 a gallon in certain areas of the West Coast and Midwest, according
to the American Automobile Association's (AAA) daily survey.

The high prices were driven by fears of short supplies this summer -- a
season of traditionally high gasoline demand -- and recollections of last
year's spike in the Midwest which drove prices as high as $2.75 in some
major cities.

But this summer's relief is not likely to come immediately, analysts said,
since retailers often take two weeks or more to start reflecting their lower
costs at the pumps.

``It looks like the improved supplies will be depressing gasoline prices at
the marketplace,'' said Jerry Cheske, spokesman for the AAA. ``But,
historically speaking, retail prices are slower to follow wholesale declines
than increases.''

Cheske added that regional supply disruptions, like a refinery shutdown or a
pipeline leak, could send prices at some service stations the other way.
Also, Iraq's cutoff of most of its oil exports due to a row with the United
Nations could keep crude oil prices high and offer support for gasoline

Nonetheless, the improved outlook puts the prospect of $3 gasoline farther
out of reach, even after reports of oil companies ordering large number '3's
in California this spring to hang in the dollar slot at filling stations.

``The shortage is over,'' said one Texas gasoline trader Wednesday.
``There's plenty of gasoline out there.''

I understand the unicorn's song,
And my own is made of owls and flowers;
I have made my voice of night and time;
My shadow goes before me like a spear.
   -- from Taliesin and the Dark

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] ADS: McCain could face recall vote

2001-06-06 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

[Anyone ever hear of The AZ Daily Sun, i.e., what city in AZ is home to
this paper??  --MS]

Subject: CAS: ADS: McCain could face recall vote

Arizona Daily Sun

McCain could face recall vote

Capitol Media Services

PHOENIX -- A Phoenix Republican has taken the first steps to forcing a
recall election of Sen. John McCain.

Jerry E. Clingman filed the necessary papers this week to start
gathering the signatures to force McCain to defend his post. Clingman,
in a document filed with the Secretary of State's Office, said McCain's
flaws range from his joke about Chelsea Clinton's appearance to his
penchant to propose and push unconstitutional and treasonist (sic)

Clingman, who is a Republican precinct committeeman, faces an uphill
fight: He needs 349,269 valid signatures by Oct. 1 to force an election.

It may be difficult, conceded Clingman. He said, though, that while
McCain is the darling of high party officials and the media,
registered Republicans are not happy with him.

In fact, state GOP officials have privately admitted they have fielded a
number of calls at party headquarters wanting to know the procedure for
a recall.

The senator himself, who went to the White House Tuesday night for what
was described as a social dinner with President Bush, appeared
unconcerned that some members of his party might not like what he is
doing in Washington. Press aide Nancy Ives said McCain will continue to
work in what he believes are the best interests of Arizonans and the
country -- even when that puts him in conflict with some members of his

A survey conducted in April by Behavior Research Center showed that 63
percent of all registered voters thought Arizona's senior senator was
doing a good or excellent job. By contrast, Jon Kyl, the state's junior
senator, had positive ratings of only 46 percent.

Among Republicans, pollster Earl deBerge said McCain's approval rating
hits 71 percent.

Nathan Sproul, executive director of the Arizona Republican Party,
acknowledged there is some dissatisfaction with the senator.

Clearly there are Republicans who are frustrated with Sen. McCain,
Sproul said. But we're (also) hearing from Republicans who are happy
with Sen. McCain.

The complaint about Chelsea Clinton stems from a quip McCain made in
1998 at a GOP fundraiser in Washington. The senator said that the then
first daughter is ugly because Janet Reno is her father.

McCain subsequently apologized to the president.

  Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


*Michael Spitzer*[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [CTRL] ADS: McCain could face recall vote

2001-06-06 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

 -Caveat Lector-

 [Anyone ever hear of The AZ Daily Sun, i.e., what city in AZ is home
 this paper??  --MS]


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[CTRL] Fwd: Conspiracy in Nepal?

2001-06-06 Thread Kris Millegan

London Times

Nepalese editor held for 'conspiracy'article

THE editor and two executives of a Nepali newspaper were arrested last night
after printing Maoist claims that the royal massacre was ³a grave political
conspiracy² orchestrated by the Government.
Human rights campaigners condemned the arrests of Ubaraj Gimira, Editor of
the Nepali-language daily Kantipur¹s, Kailash Sirohiya, its managing
director, and Binod Raj Gyawali, the director, who were all being held last
night in a police station in central Kathmandu.
Police told newspaper staff that they were to be questioned for sedition,
the same day that Kantipur ran an editorial by the underground Maoist leader
Dr Baburam Bhattarai urging the Army to stop protecting the new King
Gyanendra and to join the people who oppose him.
The official explanation for the deaths is not accepted by Maoist rebels,
who began an insurgency in 1996. In Kantipur Dr Bhattarai claimed that the
establishment ³stage-managed² explanations blaming Crown Prince Dipendra for
the massacre and claimed that King Birendra was killed because he had made
enemies within the ruling elite by refusing to use the Army against the
Maoists. Guna Raj Luitel, a senior Kantipur journalist, who visited his
colleagues last night said that they had no access to lawyers but had not
been mistreated. 
He defended the decision to print the editorial, saying: ³We don¹t support
the Maoists. We are the media, it is our job to print the views of all
sections of society.²

[CTRL] [Fwd: JDW: Dutch, US move on Antilles airfields pact]

2001-06-06 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: JDW: Dutch, US move on Antilles airfields pact
Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2001 09:44:24 -0500 (CDT)
From: Colombian Labor Monitor [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Organization: ?
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

[NOTE: Ecuador, Panama, Dutch Antilles  Take a look at a map of
the region.  The U.S. is preparing for a dramatic escalation in
its intervention in Colombia.  And it has nothing to do with the
so-called war on drugs.   -DG]

Left-wing and Green Party members of parliament
voted against the agreement, saying they feared
that the Netherlands, through the US operations
from the FOLs, would become involved in a drugs
war-style conflict in Colombia.

June 6, 2001

Dutch, US move on Antilles airfields pact

By Joris Janssen Lok

THE HAGUE, Netherlands -- The Dutch Parliament voted on 29 May in favour
of a government-to-government agreement between the Netherlands and the
USA that covers the use of two airfields in the Netherlands Antilles, off
the coast of Venezuela, as forward operating locations (FOLs) by US armed

The long-awaited agreement follows two years during which US fighter and
surveillance aircraft have been operating as part of the 'War on Drugs'
effort from the islands of Aruba and Curacao. The US Air Force has
established a de facto permanent presence at Hato Air Base, Curacao,
including F-16 fighters to intercept drugs trafficking aircraft over the

Left-wing and Green Party members of parliament voted against the
agreement, saying they feared that the Netherlands, through the US
operations from the FOLs, would become involved in a drugs war-style
conflict in Colombia.

The US forces are receiving support from Royal Netherlands Navy maritime
patrol aircraft and surface ships stationed in the region, as well as from
the Netherlands Antilles and Aruba Coast Guard.

Copyright 2001 Jane's Information Group Limited

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Re: [CTRL] rWhite House property destruction by departing Clinton staffers

2001-06-06 Thread lassey

-Caveat Lector-

Were you there??

On Tue, 5 Jun 2001 23:16:48 -0700 Steve Wingate [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 -Caveat Lector-

 There has not been a single shred of factual evidence to support
 allegations. Not a single photograph, nothing but claims by certain
 officials of questionable integrity and motivation.

 Why no evidence? It did not happen anywhere close to the extent



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Re: [CTRL] rWhite House property destruction by departing Clintonstaffers

2001-06-06 Thread lassey

-Caveat Lector-

PLEASEEE tell me where I may hear the right wing pro-
Republican media
I love to know. IT DOES NOT EXIST!
All 3 networks, the Wash Compost, The NY TIMES etc etc are ALLL
owned an operated by friends of THE PIG. A right winger would  not be
allowed anywhere within a mile of these cesspools.

On Wed, 6 Jun 2001 01:47:59 -0700 Steve Wingate [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 -Caveat Lector-

 Yes, BB I read the article the first time. Like I said before, why no
 photographs? All we have is a few anonymous sources reported on by
 wing pro-Republican media.


 On 6 Jun 01, at 1:23, BB wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-
  Steve Wingate wrote:
   -Caveat Lector-
   There has not been a single shred of factual evidence to support
   allegations. Not a single photograph, nothing but claims by
 certain Bush
   officials of questionable integrity and motivation.
   Why no evidence? It did not happen anywhere close to the extent
  Post confirms earlier
  WND vandalism account
  White House property destruction by departing Clinton staffers
  © 2001


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 groups with
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[CTRL] (Fwd) LP RELEASE: Florida Vote Inquiry

2001-06-06 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---

2600 Virginia Avenue, NW, Suite 100
Washington DC 20037
World Wide Web:
For release: June 6, 2001
For additional information:
George Getz, Press Secretary
Phone: (202) 333-0008 Ext. 222

Think Florida's black voters got it bad?
Third-party voters face worse injustice

WASHINGTON, DC -- A new report says many African-American
voters in Florida were unfairly prevented from voting in last year's
presidential election. But that's nothing compared to the massive,
ongoing discrimination against third-party voters all across the USA, the
Libertarian Party said today.

When it comes to civil rights, what was done to African-American
voters in Florida may be an outrage, said the party's national
director, Steve Dasbach. But what is done to third party voters -- in
election after election, in too many states -- is a civil wrong.

With all the outrage about what happened in Florida, we have to ask:
is it wrong to discriminate against voters because of their color, but
acceptable to discriminate against voters because of their political

This Friday, the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights will release the
results of its investigation into voting irregularities in the hotly
contested 2000 presidential race in Florida.

After that election, numerous black voters complained they had been
improperly purged from the voter rolls, harassed while trying to vote,
forced to use unreliable voting machines, or confused by the state's
butterfly ballot.

The report, which has already been leaked to the media, says the
state's voting system was marred by injustice, inefficiency, or
ineptitude, causing black voters to be 10 times as likely as whites
to have their ballots rejected.

But those charges -- as troubling as they are -- are mild compared to the
voting injustice faced by third-party candidates, said Dasbach: Laws that
prevent them from ever getting on the ballot.

Third-party supporters face the ultimate discrimination, since their
candidates are blocked by law from getting on the ballot in many
he said. There is no greater civil rights violation than being prohibited
by law from voting for the candidate of your choice. Some examples:

* In Georgia, no third-party candidate has been able to qualify to run for
the U.S. House in 37 years.

* In Arkansas, no third party has been able to qualify candidates to
run for state house or state senate since 1970.

* In Florida, no third-party or independent candidate has been able to
qualify to run for governor since 1920.

And if you start a new political party and want to run a full slate of
candidates for federal and state offices in all 50 states, you need over
3.5 million signatures to get on the ballot. By contrast, a new party in
South Africa needs only 10,000.

If Americans learn anything from the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights'
report, said Dasbach, it's that voting discrimination is a real problem
that must be solved.

Voting and running for office are fundamental rights, and the
government should treat every American equally, regardless of race,
creed, sex -- or political party, he said.

Yes, it's an outrage that African-American voters may have been
prevented from having their votes counted in this one state, in this
one election. But it's a greater outrage that millions of third-party
voters have had their voices silenced, in many states, in election after

--- End of forwarded message ---

Best Wishes

Vote: The only commodity that is peddleable without a license.
-Mark Twain

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Re: [CTRL] rWhite House property destruction by departing Clintonstaffers

2001-06-06 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

PLEASEEE tell me where I may hear the right wing pro-
Republican media

Maybe you missed this one:


Sent:   Tue 5/22/2001 1:08 PM
Subject: [CTRL] Big media pushes news to the far right

-Caveat Lector-

 Tuesday, May 22, 2001

 Big media pushes news to the far right

 The biggest lie fed the American people by conservative pundits is that
 United States is dominated by the liberal media. As if Rupert
 Michael Eisner, General Electric, Time-Warner AOL and Viacom are owned
 operated by liberals.

 Not only are these folks ultra-conservatives, but the people they hire
 voice their opinions are so far to the right, they give independent
 journalism a dirty name. No, my friends, the corporate media is in the
 hands of right-wing kooks parading as moderates and pushing the
 envelope further and further to the right.

 That great political scientist Hannah Arendt said American democracy
 live or die as a result of the marketplace of ideas. If the marketplace
 closed down because one political philosophy predominates, than
 will die. And that has happened over a period of time because of the
 burgeoning power of media conglomerates and the destruction of
independent journalism.

 Now we are about to see another major assault on media journalism by
 Federal Communications Commission. The new chair of the FCC is Michael
 Powell, the son of Colin Powell.

 For decades the Supreme Court has ruled that no media company should
 more than one medium in a market and that television market penetration
 should be limited to no more than 35 percent. That ruling helped
 competition in the marketplace and a diversity of ideas. The rulings
 prohibited cross-ownership of radio, newspapers and television in the

 But now the FCC and the appeals courts have become sympathetic to the
 speech rights of corporations and more skeptical of the role of
 in promoting diversity in the mass media. Of course, the nation's
 TV networks, cable companies and other media businesses have become
 powerful financial contributors to political parties.

 Powell is invoking free speech in his interpretation of the rules
 broadcast restrictions. He objects to the government imposing rules
 limit how many people one company can talk to. He says, There is
 offensive to First Amendment values about that limitation.

 The FCC will review this rule and determine what modifications are
 warranted. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia has a
 case before it that involves just that issue as Viacom, Inc., the
 company of CBS, finds out whether it has to divest stations to come in
 compliance with the 35 percent cap.

 Earlier this year the D.C. appeals court threw out similar restrictions
 cable TV companies, an action many believe signaled a change in the
 networks' war against the broadcast limit. In that case the court
 determined that limiting the number of subscribers one company can
 impeded too heavily on free speech.

 And within a few weeks officials at the FCC said the agency will begin
 loosen a 26-year-old regulation restricting a company from owning a
 television station and a newspaper in the same market.

 Some consumer groups have denounced the court's decision, saying it
 further concentrate media power in many markets with limited
 sharply reducing the diversity of viewpoints on the airwaves and
 diminishing the number of companies.

 These rules, which the courts and Powell want to do away with, have
 protected the American public's access to news, information and
 reflecting many political views, different perspectives and tastes. The
 erosion of these protections means that the ultra-conservatives will
 only dominate the airwaves, but monopolize it.

 What Powell and the courts are missing in all this is that since the
 beginning of radio, the federal government has regulated the airwaves,
 taking the unequivocal position that it belongs to the people, not to
 corporations. Businesses were allowed to broadcast using the airwaves
 long as they maintained certain rules and standards.

 People like Rush Limbaugh could never make it on radio because of a
 that gave equal time to persons to respond to political attacks by
 commentators. Radio commentators were very careful in how they broached
 their attacks in the old days. That rule went out when Ronald Reagan
 president and Democrats in Congress agreed to the change.

 Perhaps the best example of where the media in this country is headed
 best illustrated by Jane Akre and Steve Wilson. They won the Goldman
 Environmental Prize for trying to report on the potentially 

Re: [CTRL] Fla. Vote Rife With Disparities, Study Says

2001-06-06 Thread BB

-Caveat Lector-

It's funny - 150 years of elections, and no one ever gave a hoot about
Florida before  but now that it's come down to Florida in the election,
why...  it is the most corrupt and backward voting state in the Union.

Why?  Because the Washington  POST  says so.

radman wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 Fla. Vote Rife With Disparities, Study Says

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] rWhite House property destruction by departing Clinton staffers

2001-06-06 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

On 6 Jun 01, at 20:46, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Were you there??

I don't have to be there or to try to prove a negative. It is up to those making
the yet unproven allegations to provide physical evidence of their claims. It
would have been easy to take a few photos.



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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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