Re: [CTRL] People's Commission/Organizing Meetings in NY SF

2002-12-20 Thread Brian Salter
-Caveat Lector-

my apologies to the list and to kris; my last message was not meant to be
sent to the list.


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[CTRL] Article: F.B.I. Director Rejects Agency for Intelligence in United States

2002-12-20 Thread Tenor Love
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Good for Mueller! Wonder how long it will be before he is suicided?


F.B.I. Director Rejects Agency for Intelligence in United States

December 20, 2002

WASHINGTON, Dec. 19 - Director Robert S. Mueller III of the
F.B.I. rejected the idea of a new domestic intelligence
agency today, for the first time expressing explicit
opposition to the proposal by lawmakers and others who have
said the bureau should be stripped of its primary role in
countering terrorism in the United States.

Mr. Mueller said in a speech to a criminal research group
in New York that a new domestic intelligence agency would
be a step backward in the war on terror and that the
Federal Bureau of Investigation was uniquely situated for
the counterterrorism mission.

Mr. Mueller's defense of the F.B.I.'s authority was his
most explicit statement on the subject and followed
Congressional critics who have complained that the bureau
failed to interpret warning signs that might have led
authorities to prevent the Sept. 11 attacks.

Some lawmakers have said a new agency should take over the
bureau's intelligence gathering role, which would be turned
over to the Department of Homeland Security.

The joint House and Senate intelligence inquiry into lapses
by the F.B.I. and C.I.A. before the attacks concluded this
month that a cabinet level officer should oversee
intelligence throughout the government, but the panel did
not recommend a new intelligence agency. Last month, an
advisory group led by James S. Gilmore III, a former
governor of Virginia, said a new agency should take over
intelligence gathering.

The Bush administration has said it has no plans to
recommend a new agency, but senior officials have
considered the proposal, and the discussion continues to
circulate in intelligence circles among officials who fear
that the F.B.I. cannot collect intelligence about possible
attacks while investigating terrorism.

Mr. Mueller said the bureau had taken steps to improve
intelligence analysis and had fixed problems that had
hampered information sharing.

This crumbling of pre 9/11 walls brings us to the issue of
whether America should create a new domestic intelligence
agency similar to the British MI-5, Mr. Mueller said.
This idea is based on a faulty understanding of
counterterrorism that sees a dichotomy between
`intelligence operations' and `law enforcement operations.'
This misunderstanding of counterterrorism has led some to
conclude that we should separate these two functions and
create a new domestic intelligence agency.

But, Mr. Mueller said: Building new walls is going in the
wrong direction. There is no reason to separate the two

Mr. Mueller spoke on a day when European justice ministers
agreed to allow the European Union's law enforcement
agency, Europol, to share information with the F.B.I.

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[CTRL] Article: White House Identifies Regulations That May Change

2002-12-20 Thread Tenor Love
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Still trying to figure out what any of these regulations have to do with defending our 
borders or keeping our interstate infrastructure going.


White House Identifies Regulations That May Change

December 20, 2002

WASHINGTON, Dec. 19 - The Bush administration released a
list of more than 300 federal regulations today that it may
modify or rescind in the coming year at the request of
industries and consumer groups.

The proposed changes in a wide swath of regulations -
covering issues from the environment to public health and
labor - were solicited by the administration and proposed
by 1,700 groups or individuals. Businesses portrayed the
effort as a useful way to avoid expensive requirements that
may have little practical value, while environmental groups
portrayed it as a way for industries and Republican donors
to rewrite regulations to suit themselves.

Among the proposed changes are the following:

Competitive Enterprise Institute, which promotes free
enterprise and limited government, proposed that the
Environmental Protection Agency reconsider a rule that
would ban the public from using pressure-treated wood that
contains arsenic. The institute said retooling a plant that
makes such wood could cost as much as $200,000.

¶The Heritage Foundation, a conservative research group,
and the Competitive Enterprise Institute proposed that wine
labels be allowed to include the health benefits of
alcohol. They said moderate consumption of alcohol reduces
the risk of heart attacks by 30 to 54 percent.

¶The Cellular Telecommunications and Internet Association
proposed that the Federal Communications Commission let
cellphone users keep their same telephone number when
changing providers.

¶An individual proposed that the Internal Revenue Service
change a rule that allows tax breaks for people who use
home offices exclusively for work, contending that this
discriminates against people with disabilities or poor
people who work at home but use their work space to prepare

¶The consumer advocacy group Public Citizen proposed that
the Transportation Department and the National Highway
Traffic Safety Administration regulate the manufacture and
proliferation of in-vehicle displays that can distract
drivers, including Global Positioning Systems, in-vehicle
fax machines, television sets and computer monitors.

¶The Boeing Company proposed that the Federal Aviation
Administration lower the minimum amount of fresh air
required in airplane cabins, saying the current minimum is
unattainable and does not increase safety.

¶The American Farm Bureau Federation proposed that the Fish
and Wildlife Service remove from the endangered species
list grizzly bears in Yellowstone National Park, gray
wolves in the Great Lakes region and bald eagles, saying
that they have met their recovery goals.

John Graham, administrator of the Office of Information and
Regulatory Affairs of the Office of Management and Budget,
said that the Bush administration wanted to ease the
burdens on small business, streamline the regulatory
process and evaluate the costs and benefits of proposals.

President Bush solicited the ideas in March, saying, I
want to make sure people understand that we're going to do
everything we can to clean up the regulatory burdens on
small business.

If there are nettlesome regulations which are costly for
you to operate your business that you don't think make any
sense, I urge you to get on the Internet and wire the
O.M.B. your problem so we can analyze it, Mr. Bush said.

This is the second year the Bush administration has
requested proposals for changes in regulations, though the
response has grown sharply. Last year, the White House said
it received 71 proposals; this year, it received 316.

The administration took action on several of last year's
proposals, including lowering the energy-efficiency
standards on air conditioners and halting the ban on
snowmobiles in Yellowstone.

Mr. Graham said today that the Office of Management and
Budget was neutral on the measures it received and was
simply passing them on to the proper agencies for
evaluation. The agencies have until Feb. 28 to conduct
cost-benefit analyses and give the White House a status

This is a great opportunity for smarter regulation, Mr.
Graham said.

Environmental groups said the process was not so innocuous,
complaining that it was an open invitation to industries to
weaken rules safeguard the public health and environment.

Wesley Warren, a regulatory expert at the Natural Resources
Defense Council, called the procedure a way for the
administration to twist the regulatory process into a
knot, and said the report released today was a wish list
for industry that would result in a hit list for the

Senator Joseph I. Lieberman, Democrat of Connecticut and a
likely presidential candidate, 

Re: [CTRL] The Shocking Pagan Origin Of Christmas

2002-12-20 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-

Any holiday is exactly what its celebrants want it to be.  The history
of how celebrations evolved is intellectually interesting, but custom
and ritual serve an entirely different purpose.

I also disagree with those who whine that kids going trick or treating
on Halloween are engaging in a Satanic practice.  No, they are not
not - it's just kids having fun dressing up in costumes and getting a
lot of goodies.


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Cameras to monitor protesters

2002-12-20 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-

December 20, 2002
Cameras to monitor protesters
By Brian DeBose

 The Metropolitan Police Department will activate surveillance
cameras next month along city streets for the first time since city
officials passed new legislation.

 Department officials made the announcement yesterday on their
Web site, stating they would activate the network of 14 cameras and
install more to monitor the International Act Now to Stop War and
End Racism, or ANSWER, march from Jan. 17 to 19 and the D.C.
March for Life on Jan. 22.

 ANSWER officials did not return calls.

 Organizations participating in the pro-life march, which has taken
place in the District for 30 years, said they were not aware of
surveillance plans until they were contacted by The Washington
Times. Though they did not oppose the heightened security, they
questioned the necessity.

 My first reaction is, what possible threat does this event pose
that would call for this type of surveillance? said Dennis Di Mauro,
president of Lutherans for Life in Northern Virginia.

 The Rev. James I. Lamb, executive director for the group's
national chapter, also questioned why police would target the march.
He said he has seen no violence or problems in the six years he has
been involved with the event.

 There isn't any history that would lead to a suspicion of violence
or trouble of any kind, he said. But if they want to look at us, let the
cameras roll.

 Kevin Morison, D.C. police spokesman, said the department also
will activate additional temporary cameras for the demonstration at
Farragut Square, Dupont Circle, Malcolm X Park in Northwest and
the Marine Barracks in Southeast.

 He said the department has no history of problems with either
group but that event security has changed as terrorism has become
more of a threat.

 Our approach is we will activate the surveillance system during
any major event that will attract a large number of people to the
District, Mr. Morison said. In this post-September 11 environment,
we need to be cognizant of the fact that terrorists could use these
events as a target or cover to attack other areas.

 Plans to install more cameras along the march routes on
Independence Avenue SW and three other streets in Southeast
have not yet been approved. The surveillance plan is based on the
parade permit applications that were filed with the department.

 Mr. Morison said the temporary cameras will be dismantled after
the events.

 He also said the surveillance cameras will not target individuals.

 At least one D.C. Council member, Jim Graham, said he was
concerned about the cameras.

 I am opposed to this type of surveillance because I am deathly
concerned about the chilling impact on constitutionally protected
expressions of freedom of speech, said Mr. Graham, the
Democratic representative from Ward 1.

 He also said the camera surveillance will most assuredly
discourage nonviolent protests, marches and other events from
taking place in the city.

 Council members passed regulations in November allowing the
cameras in public places on a limited basis, but the measure did not
pass without some indecision and rancor. The council initially
opposed the legislation in a 7-6 vote, then voted 7-6 in favor of the

 The regulations allow cameras to be used only for special events
such as scheduled rallies, protests and marches. And they can be
used only in public places where there is no expectation of privacy.

  Mr. Graham, who voted against the measure both times, said he
opposed the legislation specifically because of this type of
surveillance, though he supports using cameras in high-crime areas.

 The cameras have a positive effect of dispersing entrenched
criminal activity, and they deter crime, he said.

 The Rev. Frank Pavone, founder and director of Priests for Life,
one of the organizations in the march, said he supports anything to
improve security as long as protesters maintain their freedom of

 This country is in a different place now, he said.


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With advances in technology and ever-increasing
government surveillance, the situation has worsened
since Orwell's imaginings of the future.
~~John Whitehead, the Rutherford Institute, November 4,

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[CTRL] Bush to propose requiring ISPs to monitor Net

2002-12-20 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-

Posted on Thu, Dec. 19, 2002

Bush to propose requiring ISPs to monitor Net
By John Markoff and John Schwartz
New York Times

The Bush administration is planning to propose requiring Internet
service providers to help build a centralized system to enable broad
monitoring of the Internet and, potentially, surveillance of its users.
The proposal is part of a final version of a report, ``The National
Strategy to Secure Cyberspace,'' set for release early next year,
according to several people who have been briefed on the report. It
is a component of the effort to increase national security after the
Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.

The president's Critical Infrastructure Protection Board is preparing
the report, and it is intended to create public and private cooperation
to regulate and defend the national computer networks, not only
from everyday hazards such as viruses but also from terrorist

Ultimately, the report is intended to provide an Internet strategy for
the new Department of Homeland Security.

Such a proposal, which would be subject to congressional and
regulatory approval, would be a technical challenge because the
Internet has thousands of independent service providers, from
garage operations to giant corporations such as America Online,
ATT, Microsoft and WorldCom.

The report does not detail specific operational requirements,
locations for the centralized system or costs, people who were
briefed on the document said.

While the proposal is meant to gauge the overall state of the
worldwide network, some officials of Internet companies who have
been briefed on the proposal say they worry that such a system
could be used to cross the indistinct border between broad
monitoring and wiretap.

Stewart Baker, a Washington lawyer who represents some of the
nation's largest ISPs, said, ``Internet service providers are
concerned about the privacy implications of this as well as liability,''
since providing access to live feeds of network activity could be
interpreted as a wiretap or as the ``pen register'' and ``trap and
trace'' systems used on phones without a judicial order.

Baker said the issue would need to be resolved before the proposal
could move forward.

Tiffany Olson, the deputy chief of staff for the president's Critical
Infrastructure Protection Board, said Thursday that the proposal,
which includes a national network operations center, was still in flux.
She said the proposed methods do not necessarily require gathering
data that would allow monitoring at an individual user level.

But the need for a large-scale operations center is real, Olson said,
because Internet service providers and security companies and
other online companies only have a view of the part of the Internet
that is under their control.

``We don't have anybody that is able to look at the entire picture,''
she said. ``When something is happening, we don't know it's
happening until it's too late.''

The government report was first released in draft form in
September, and described the monitoring center, but it suggested it
would likely be controlled by industry. The current draft sets the
stage for the government to have a leadership role.

The new proposal is labeled in the report as an ``early-warning
center'' that the board says is required to offer early detection of
Internet-based attacks as well as defense against viruses and

But Internet service providers argue that its data-monitoring
functions could be used to track the activities of individuals using the

An official with a major data services company who has been
briefed on several aspects of the government's plans said it was
hard to see how such capabilities could be provided to government
without the potential for real-time monitoring, even of individuals.

``Part of monitoring the Internet and doing real-time analysis is to be
able to track incidents while they are occurring,'' the official said.
The official compared the system to Carnivore, the Internet wiretap
system used by the FBI, saying: ``Am I analogizing this to
Carnivore? Absolutely. But in fact, it's 10 times worse. Carnivore
was working on much smaller feeds and could not scale. This is
looking at the whole Internet.''

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condition, of nearly every other form of freedom.
~~Benjamin Cardozo

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[CTRL] Article: Wayne Owens, 65, Ex-Congressman and Advocate of Peace, Is Dead

2002-12-20 Thread Tenor Love
-Caveat Lector-

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Something stinks in this article, I can't quite pin it down.


Wayne Owens, 65, Ex-Congressman and Advocate of Peace, Is Dead

December 20, 2002

Wayne Owens, a former congressman from Utah who promoted
peace in the Mideast, was found dead on Wednesday in Tel
Aviv, the State Department said. He was 65 and lived in
Salt Lake City.

He apparently had a heart attack, a spokeswoman for the
department, Anne Marks, said.

Mr. Owens, a Democrat, was leading a Congressional
fact-finding mission when he died, said Representative Lois
Capps, Democrat of California.

As the founder of the Center for Middle East Peace, Wayne
was a rare Middle East expert with credibility in the
American Jewish and Arab-American communities, Ms. Capps
said in a statement.

Mr. Owens was elected to Congress in 1972 and was a member
of the Judiciary Committee that voted to recommend the
impeachment of President Richard M. Nixon. He ran for the
Senate in 1974, losing to Jake Garn, and for governor of
Utah in 1984, a race that Norman H. Bangerter won.

Mr. Owens returned to the House in 1987, remaining until
1992, when he ran for the Senate again but lost to Robert
F. Bennett.

In his last term in Congress, Mr. Owens was one of 45
Democrats to sue President George Bush to prevent him from
taking offensive action in the Persian Gulf without
obtaining a Congressional declaration of war or other
explicit authority from the Congress.

Mr. Owens introduced a bill to reintroduce wolves to
Yellowstone National Park and arranged a hearing about the
effects of nuclear testing on nearby residents.

In 1998, he appeared before the House Judiciary Committee,
arguing against the impeachment of President Bill Clinton.

With two other former committee members, Elizabeth
Holtzman of New York and Robert J. Drinan of Massachusetts,
he appeared as one of the three ghosts of impeachment
past, he said.

Since 1989, Mr. Owens had worked with the Center for Middle
East Peace and Economic Cooperation, which he helped found
with S. Daniel Abraham, founder of Slim-Fast Foods.

Douglas Wayne Owens was born in Garfield County, Utah. He
attended the University of Utah and graduated from its law
school in 1964. He was a missionary of the Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter-day Saints in France before practicing law
in Salt Lake City in 1965.

He worked in the presidential campaigns of Robert F.
Kennedy in 1968 and Edward M. Kennedy in 1980, and he was a
delegate to Democratic State and National Conventions in
1964, 1968 and 1980. He practiced law in Washington and
Salt Lake City.

Surviving are his wife, Marlene Wessel Owens; their 5
children, Elizabeth Owens Tew, Henry Douglas Owens, Sara
Ruth Owens, Stephen Wessel Owens and Edward Wessel Owens; 2
sisters, Georgie Cuff and Betty Brown; a brother, Ted
Owens; and 14 grandchildren.

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Re: [CTRL] The Shocking Pagan Origin Of Christmas

2002-12-20 Thread thew
-Caveat Lector-

A few points

1) paganism did not infiltrate Christianity - Christianity absorbed
paganism. It may be a subtle difference - but it is a difference. It was not
pagans fooling Christians into celebrating their holidays, it was Christians
taking over pagan holidays, in order to ease the conversion of pagans to
Christianity - much the way the Romans would allow other peoples their own
gods, as long as they understood that those were just other names of the
Roman gods.

2) EVERY agricultural mythos celebrated the concept of cyclical rebirth, as
it follows the seasonal growing cycle. Usually the god or hero dies (often
sacrificing himself) and his body becomes the staple food of the people -
rice, or coconuts, or whatever. The sacrifice often happens at the winter
solstice to ensure the return of the sun, and the growing season. The Jesus
story is a slightly later and more sophisticated model of this story.

3) Santa Claus only sounds like Satan's claws in English. Santa Claus
however does sound like St. nickolas if you say it fast and run it

4) for the origins of the specifics of the Santa Claus myth look into the
stories of the laplanders, where their shamans would eat red and white
garbed mushrooms (amanita muscaria) and their visions included things like
flying reindeer.

Jesus Christ said to His disciples, If you hold to my teaching, you are really
my disciples.  Then you shall KNOW THE TRUTH, and the truth will make you FREE
-- free from the shackles of error, superstition, mythology, and pagan
deception!  (John 8:32).

Jesus also said heaven isn't a place, it is an attitude, a feeling in the
heart, that to act like Jesus is to be in the kingdom of heaven. All else is
religious bullshit imposed by churches and priests.

That is the truth to set you free.

on 12/19/02 11:35 PM, iNFoWaRZ at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The Shocking Pagan Origin Of Christmas! What is the TRUE ORIGIN of Christmas?
 Where did it come from?  Did you know Jesus Christ was born nowhere NEAR
 December 25, but that was the birth day of the sun-god, Sol Invictus or
 Mithras? Did you know December 25 was the concluding day of the pagan winter
 festival called the Saturnalia? Where did Santa Claus come from?  The
 Christmas tree?  How did this pagan feast become connected with
 Christianity?  Here is an amazing whale of a tale!

-- -- -- -- -- - -- - -- -- - -  - - -- --- -- - - -  - -- - - - --
 -- - -- -

Man's mind stretched to a new idea never goes back to its original

Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.


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[CTRL] IHT: Roh wins presidency in Seoul

2002-12-20 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Copyright © 2002 The International Herald Tribune |

Roh wins presidency in Seoul

Howard W. French/NYT The New York Times

Friday, December 20, 2002

His policy on North at odds with Bush's

SEOUL Roh Moo Hyun, a liberal lawyer who urges continued engagement with North Korea
and greater autonomy from the United States, narrowly triumphed Thursday in a tight
presidential election.

With about 99 percent of the votes counted, Roh had 48.9 percent and Lee Hoi Chang had
46.6 percent.

The victory of Roh, 56, the candidate of the governing Millennium Democratic Party, 
South Korea and the United States, close military and economic partners, on the most
divergent diplomatic paths they have followed in a half century of alliance.

The Bush administration has spent the last three months pressing traditional friends 
Japan and newer ones, like Russia and China, to heavily ratchet up the pressure on 
Korea to force it to abandon a once-secret nuclear weapons program and to end its 
sales in the Middle East and elsewhere.

Roh, however, staked his campaign on continued engagement with North Korea and has
forcefully ruled out deadlines for compliance or economic sanctions to force South 
impoverished communist neighbor to respect its international engagements.

By contrast, his main rival, Lee Hoi Chang, a conservative former supreme court 
justice who
lost even more narrowly to Kim Dae Jung five years ago, had said that South Korea 
suspend its assistance to the North until it cooperated on a host of issues, from arms
control to family reunifications.

Roh's commitment to engagement with North Korea, the most important legacy of his
political mentor, Kim, has been so pronounced at times that it produced a last-minute 
of events that many here had thought could cost him the election.

In the final day of campaigning, Wednesday, Roh's comments about North Korea shocked a
former rival candidate and late supporter, Chung Mong Joon, scion of the Hyundai 
causing him to drop their painstakingly arranged alliance.

In that pre-election speech, with Chung standing nearby, Roh said, If the U.S. and 
Korea start a war, we will stop it. Some took that to imply that South Korea would 
take a
neutral position in any dispute between the United States and North Korea.

Later, through a spokesman, Chung denounced Roh's speech, saying the United States is
our ally and our view is that the U.S. has no reason to fight North Korea.

Chung's abrupt withdrawal of support was featured on the front pages of all of the
country's newspapers Thursday morning, and most commentators assumed it would
devastate Roh's chances, especially since its left him with no time to recover.

The two men forged their alliance only last month after a hastily arranged primary 
aimed at producing a candidacy that could defeat Lee, whom opinion surveys had until 
consistently ranked as the front-runner.

Roh, who had always placed third in the polls, defeated Chung in the primary and was
immediately catapulted into the front-runner's position.

On Thursday afternoon, with many of his campaign workers looking demoralized over
Chung's embarrassing defection and appearing to assume defeat, Roh restated the
assertive diplomatic position he has taken throughout the three-week campaign. We must
have dialogue with the North and with the U.S., Roh told a crowd in Seoul on 
Thursday. In
this way, we must make sure that the North-U.S. dispute does not escalate into a war. 
the Republic of Korea must take a central role. We cannot have a war.

South Korean politics have a long history of treacherous twists and bold dirty tricks. 
In the
last election, the national intelligence service reportedly sought to pay North Korea 
to stage
a border incident in order to boost the conservative candidate.

So alternative theories abounded about Chung's motives, with people invoking everything
from a fear of a vendetta against Hyundai if Lee won to heavy backstage lobbying by

Almost everyone expected that Chung's move would do a lot more damage, said Yim
Young Soon, a political scientist at Sung- kyunkwan University. In the end, the fact 
Chung defaulted seemed to solidify Roh's support. On the North Korean nuclear threat, 
conventional wisdom said it would help Lee Hoi Chang, but people who live close to a
demilitarized zone turned out to prefer Roh's more peaceful approach.

If relations with North Korea have been at the center of the campaign from the very 
South Korea's ties with the United States have been its barely concealed subtext. In 
weeks, the country has seen some of the biggest demonstrations in a generation in Seoul
and other cities to protest the recent acquittal of two U.S. Army personnel in the 
death of
two schoolgirls who were crushed by their armored vehicle in June.


[CTRL] For your attention

2002-12-20 Thread Alamaine Ratliff
-Caveat Lector-

Euphorian spotted this on the Guardian Unlimited site and thought you should see it.

To see this story with its related links on the Guardian Unlimited site, go to

Failure of the 82nd airborne
As the US prepares for war on Iraq, its troops in Afghanistan are coming under 
increasing attack from the forces they were sent to dig out
Dan Plesch
Wednesday December 18 2002
The Guardian

American forces in Afghanistan have suffered a series of setbacks during 2002, and a 
year after the fall of the Taliban the US army is under almost daily attack in its 
bases in eastern Afghanistan. In the latest incident, in Kabul yesterday, two American 
soldiers were seriously injured in a grenade attack.

The main US force in the country is the 82nd airborne division, which is based at 
Bagram near Kabul. There are secondary bases at and around Khost in eastern 
Afghanistan, some 20 miles from the Pakistan border. Since mid-September US forces 
based in this area have been increased to more than 2,000, from just a few hundred 
earlier in the year, with a full battalion of parachute infantry at the new base of 
Camp Salerno outside Khost.

Several US-led attacks, using hundreds and even thousands of troops, have been 
ineffective, suffered outright defeat, or resulted in disaster. These failures have 
led the US to keep its forces mostly inside their bases: at Khost and Kandahar they 
are under attack almost daily from missiles and machine guns.

When it was launched in March, the US gave Operation Anaconda maximum publicity. It 
was supposed to crush remaining al-Qaida forces. Locally recruited Afghans were 
trained to act as beaters, driving al-Qaida from its high mountain caves on to the 
guns of US soldiers lying in ambush. The reality was that it was the US army that was 

According to the Washington Post and other US reports, the plan was betrayed to the 
enemy through the Afghan militias. At a dozen mountain passes, al-Qaida attacked US 
and allied forces as they jumped from their helicopters to take up what they thought 
would be their own ambush positions. So intense was the enemy fire that for two days 
the US could not fly in helicopters to support its own troops, who remained pinned 
down in vicious fighting. The US had eight men killed and 100 wounded before al-Qaida 
pulled back.

After proclaiming the operation a complete success, the US announced that no more 
operations of this kind would be undertaken. During the summer, the units involved - 
the 101st air assault and 10th mountain - were replaced by the 82nd airborne. This is 
the most highly trained infantry unit in the US army, and one Pentagon planners would 
prefer to have available for Iraq.

It began operations intended to dig out enemy forces from the villages of eastern 
Afghanistan. Newsweek described as a disaster its first high-profile mission, 
quoting other US troops and civilian witnesses. They said that 600 soldiers had gone 
on the rampage in Operation Mountain Sweep, undoing in minutes six months of community 
building. They went through villages as if Bin Laden was in every house, said one of 
the US army's own special forces soldiers. So serious were the complaints from other 
units about the conduct of the 82nd airborne that the army took sworn statements from 
all the officers and senior NCOs involved. The civilian casualties have not been 
accounted for. The 82nd is continuing to conduct cordon and search operations and has 
reduced media access.

One senior US editor told me he had been prevented by his own organisation from filing 
reports on the futility and brutality of US operations. He said the only comparison in 
US military history was with a punitive expedition into Mexico conducted by General 
Pershing in 1915. This produced virtually no results after months searching the 
desolate Mexican countryside in search of Pancho Villa, chasing up false leads 
provided by the local population.

Former British officers well informed on the Afghan operations are concerned at the US 
approach. British troops are trained to operate according to rules of engagement 
governing when it is considered acceptable to shoot to kill. This approach is designed 
to ensure that force is used to help achieve wider political goals. In the US army 
this kind of fine-tuning is not regarded as relevant.

Despite its power, the US has not been able to prevent its bases in Afghanistan from 
coming under frequent attack. Mostly, these achieve little more than keeping the 
troops in their dugouts. From time to time, as yesterday, a few soldiers are wounded 
and trucks blown up.

Containing the violence at this relatively low level could be considered a victory in 
itself but it will be hard to keep the lid on indefinitely. At the same time, the 
vaunted claim not to have once more left Afghanistan in the lurch is looking 
increasingly hollow. Some aid has been delivered, but its impact has been 

[CTRL] A article from:

2002-12-20 Thread Alamaine Ratliff
-Caveat Lector-

You have been sent this message from [EMAIL PROTECTED] as a courtesy of the 
Washington Post -

 To view the entire article, go to

 U.S. Social Security May Reach To Mexico

 By Jonathan Weisman
 Pushed by the Mexican government, the Bush administration is working on a Social 
Security accord that would put tens of thousands of Mexicans onto the Social Security 
roster and send hundreds of millions of dollars in benefits south of the border.

 White House and Mexican government officials say discussions on an agreement to align 
the Social Security systems of the two countries are informal and preliminary. But 
excerpts from an internal Social Security Administration memo obtained this month say 
the agreement is expected to move forward at an accelerated pace, with the support 
of both governments, and could be in force by next October.

 The pact would be the latest, but by far the largest, of a series of treaties 
designed to ensure that people from one country working in another aren't taxed by 
both nations' social security systems. In its first year, the agreement is projected 
to trigger 37,000 new claims from Mexicans who worked in the United States legally and 
paid Social Security taxes but have been unable to claim their checks, according to a 
memo prepared by Ted Girdner, the Social Security Administration's assistant associate 
commissioner for international operations.

 Extrapolating from U.S. and Mexican government statistics, the accord could cost $720 
million a year within five years of implementation. One independent estimate put the 
total at $1 billion a year -- a large sum, but a trifle compared with the $372 billion 
in Social Security benefits currently being paid to 46.4 million recipients.

  Mexican President Vicente Fox has been pushing President Bush to sign a Social 
Security agreement with Mexico as something of a consolation prize to make up for 
Bush's failure to pursue promised immigration reforms, according to Latino lobbyists 
close to the Fox administration. Mexican officials began pressing the White House hard 
at meetings that preceded the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum in Los Cabos, 
Mexico, in October.

 When the legalization talks began going nowhere, the Mexicans began focusing on 
this, said Maria Blanco, national senior counsel for the Mexican American Legal 
Defense and Educational Fund. They really bore in at Los Cabos.

 Arturo Sarukhan, a top official in Mexico's foreign ministry, said that after 
Mexico's failure to win a comprehensive package of immigration reforms from Bush, it 
is lobbying in Washington for important incremental steps. How do you eat an 
elephant? One bite at a time, he said.

  The Social Security agreement, he said, is one of those less-sexy things that Mexico 
has been pushing to deepen its relationship with the United States and improve the 
day-to-day lives of Mexicans.

 Just yesterday, Fox underscored the political pressure he is under domestically to 
secure concessions from the United States when he journeyed to the border city of 
Nuevo Laredo to call for an urgent immigration accord to end discrimination against 
Mexican workers north of the border.

 Concern is rising on Capitol Hill -- and even among some White House economic aides 
-- that any agreement on Social Security could add a new burden to the benefits 
system, just as the baby-boom generation is preparing to retire. House Ways and Means 
Committee staff members are meeting today with Social Security officials to hash out 
projected costs for such an agreement.

 We are concerned about the sheer magnitude of the agreement, said a House 
Republican aide who is an expert on Social Security. About 94,000 beneficiaries living 
abroad have been brought into the system by the 20 existing international agreements. 
A Mexican agreement alone could bring in 162,000 in the first five years.

 White House spokeswoman Claire Buchan said the issue is being explored only at a 
technical level at this point, and the administration has not yet decided to move 
forward with formal negotiations. A totalization agreement with Mexico would have 
significant implications, she said.

 Miguel Monterrubio, a spokesman for the Mexican Embassy, said several meetings have 
taken place between the Social Security Administration and its Mexican counterpart 
since November 2001, but he, too, called them informal.

 The Social Security memo indicates that work may be further along than both 
governments are saying. According to the memo, the application workloads generated by 
an agreement with Mexico will be much larger than those resulting from any of the 20 
existing agreements with other countries.

 In addition to the flurry of new claims, an additional 13,000 Mexicans entitled to 
benefits but cut off by provisions in recent immigration laws could also begin 

[CTRL] Conservative Columnists: Steve Chapman

2002-12-20 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


Steve Chapman (back to story)

December 19, 2002

Bush's exercise in missing the point

George W. Bush is the first president with a master's in business administration, and
somewhere along the line he mastered the art of marketing. Judging from his handling of
national security issues, he could sell MTV to the Amish.

For the last year, the administration has used Sept. 11 as an excuse for going to war
against Iraq, which makes about as much sense as using a fire extinguisher to battle a
flood. But sensible or not, his pitch has worked. An October poll by the Pew Research
Center for the People  the Press found that 66 percent of Americans think Saddam
Hussein played a role in the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.

They believe this in spite of the fact that our intelligence agencies say there was no
connection. Reports of a meeting in Prague between an Iraqi intelligence officer and 
hijacker Mohammed Atta turned out to be groundless. Kenneth Pollack, a former CIA
analyst whose book, The Threatening Storm, makes the case for invading Iraq, is 
enough to state plainly that Saddam Hussein was not involved in the terrorist attacks 
Sept. 11, 2001.

But last week, after months of fruitless efforts to tie the terrorism can to Hussein's 
someone in the administration managed to sell The Washington Post a story that Iraq
recently shipped nerve gas to al Qaeda. This is hard to believe on its face -- since it
assumes that Hussein would shun cooperation with al Qaeda until the moment when the
world's attention is fixed on him and he is most likely to be caught.

Even the Post's sources admitted that the information was open to interpretation and 
backed by definitive evidence. Once the Post story broke, an unidentified U.S. 
official interviewed by The Financial Times dismissed it: I can't give you any morsel 
information that supports this. For this puff of vapor, we're going to war?

Well, no. We're going to war regardless. But the administration figures if it offers 
reasons to go after Saddam Hussein, people won't notice that none of them is 
convincing. A
hundred times zero is zero in math, but in politics, nothing piled on nothing can 
add up to something.

The president has shown a consistent knack for turning chicken feathers into chicken 
This week, he announced the deployment of a ballistic missile defense that is supposed 
protect the American people from attack. September 11, 2001, underscored that our
nation faces unprecedented threats, he said by way of justifying this venture.

He's right, of course. And he'd be right if he pointed out that the tornadoes that 
killed 36
people from Louisiana to Pennsylvania last month illustrated our vulnerability to 
weather. This system of interceptors is as relevant to tornadoes as it is to al Qaeda. 
11 illustrated terrible dangers -- which missile defense does nothing to address.

The attacks proved how much damage terrorists (or enemy governments) can inflict
without intercontinental ballistic missiles. If they want to detonate a bomb on 
American soil,
they'd find it much easier to transport it by airplane, boat, truck or suitcase than 
to build an
expensive and highly visible long-distance delivery system. They'd also find it safer, 
since a
missile, unlike a suicide bomber, can easily be traced back to its source.

The real danger we face is that these violent fanatics, who have done so much damage
with low- tech methods, may acquire far more destructive weapons -- biological, 
or nuclear. But missile defense, which does not promise to be cheap, will only drain
resources from that fight.

A war with Iraq won't help either. In fact, it could be the best thing that ever 
happened to al

In the first place, it will divert American troops and attention away from the main 
threat to
a peripheral one. In the second place, it will create chaos on the ground in Iraq. As 
Hussein's regime loses control of the country, a lot of military officers who have 
custody of
Iraq's chemical and biological weapons will have the chance to get rich selling them 
to the
highest bidder -- who just might be named Osama bin Laden.

Bush claims his approach to Iraq and missile defense will make us safer against the
unprecedented threats we so painfully discovered 15 months ago. But suppose we had
toppled Saddam Hussein in 1991 and built a foolproof missile defense years ago. How 
lives would have been saved on Sept. 11? None. What good will these efforts do to avert
the next attack? You can guess.

©2002 Creators Syndicate, Inc.

Contact Steve Chapman | Read his biography



[CTRL] Iraq: US 'Psyops' broadcasts

2002-12-20 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

 Iraq: US 'Psyops' broadcasts
Celine Dion leads
US propaganda war

No jokes about 'weapons of mass

destruction' please: US 'Psyops' broadcasters have added songs by Canadian singer 
Dion to their assault on Iraqi radio audiences. Takuya Hirayama of Clandestine Radio 
Japan listened in.

US 'psyops' station Information Radio was monitored on December 18 broadcasting on both
9715 and 11292 kHz to southern Iraq.

The signals, registered across Europe and the Middle East as well as Japan, were
monitored by supporters of Clandestine Radio Watch, a volunteer group that studies the
activities of covert radio broadcasters.

With one female and two male native Iraqi speakers as announcers the station aired
popular Arabic music, including songs by Iraqi and Lebanese artists, and some western
music, notably the theme song from the film Titanic, 'My Heart Will Go On' by Celine 

The music did not immediately appear to carry subversive undertones, reported the
monitor, Takuya Hirayama, of Clandestine Radio Watch Japan. The station identifies 
itself in
Arabic as Idha'at Radiyo Al- Ma'ulumat, and occasionally as Masdar Ma'ulumatikum,
Idha'at Radiyo al-Ma'ulumat (Your Source of Information, Information Radio).

Hirayama's record of the broadcasts included a profile of Egyptian born International 
Energy Agency Director, Dr. Mohamed el-Baradei, a report on the US military exercise
'Internal Look' to test the ability of US command and control teams to relocate to the 
East, and a repeat of President George W. Bush and United Nations Secretary General 
Annan's comments on the Iraq situation on November 8.

Follows, some selections from the transcripts.

16:00 hrs: An announcer concludes his remarks: ...dear listeners, every member of the
United Nations Security Council voted in favour of United Nations Security Resolution 
on November 8th, 2002. The unanimity of the vote is evidence that the United Nations is
unwavering in its resolve to see Saddam Hussein's regime disarmed in a peaceful manner.
UNSCR 1441 has clearly strengthened the cause of peace throughout the world. We can
only hope that Saddam Hussein seizes the opportunity to begin the end of the isolation 
suffering that his non-compliance with past UN resolutions has brought on the Iraqi 

16:14: Song by an Iraqi female pop singer.

16:19: Station identification read by female announcer.

16:20: Another song by an Iraqi female pop singer.

16:26: Celine Dion sings the theme song from Titanic

16:30: Station identification read by female announcer. Your source of Information,
Information Radio (Masdar Ma'ulumatikum, Idha'at Radiyo al-Ma'ulumat) 1631- Song by an
Iraqi male pop singer.

16:37: Station identification read by a male announcer followed by a reading by a 
announcer: People of Iraq. Throughout the history of the world, mankind has shown a
desire to progress and expand. Great leaders have built vast civilizations and empires 
spanned continents. These leaders have sponsored education programs, paved vast roads,
and built housing for the less fortunate. The leaders of the past have turned deserts 
arable land, and created innovations which made life easier for their people.

The great leaders of the past are known for their generosity and charity towards 
their own
people, as well as their neighbouring lands. In Afghanistan, once the Taleban was 
from power, the standard of living drastically improved. Relief aid is pouring into
Afghanistan and is appropriately distributed. Schools are open and people all across
Afghanistan are better off.

However, there have been leaders who were not moved by charity and good will. These
leaders were motivated solely by greed and power. Josef Stalin was one such leader. 
was set on world domination, and it was his regime that began nearly a half-century of
brutal domination through Eastern Europe. Stalin oppressed his people as he ruled over 
country with an iron fist.

During his reign as a dictator, Stalin killed and imprisoned millions of his own 
Millions of others were forcefully displaced and ended up living many miles away from 
own homes. This dictator cared nothing for his own people, he merely sought to exploit
them to perpetuate his regime and flawed ideology.

In the end, the world has paid a higher price for not stopping men like Stalin when 
had the chance. Many millions of people have lost their lives needlessly under these
oppressive regimes and in wars started by these leaders. The loss of life and the 
suffering could have been minimized had action been taken sooner.

History has shown that appeasement of brutal domineering regimes only brings greater
tragedy. Saddam too has a lust for power, and the world will stand up and put an end to
the terror he imposes on others, before he destroys Iraq and crushes the hopes of 

Re: [CTRL] The Shocking Pagan Origin Of Christmas

2002-12-20 Thread Zuukie
-Caveat Lector-

Several questions.  If pagans were the larger organized group, why
didn't the pagan community just absorb the smaller group of Christians?
Why was there so much persecution of the pagans by Constantine if
paganism was what was favored?  Is paganism making a comeback thru the
gradual transition of Christmas to Winter Holidays, as they are
celebrated in the atheistic Soviet Union?  Why no balance in the article
by using scholarship from the Catholic Encyclopedia on this topic?  In
any reasonable discussion, Catholics would speak for Catholic beliefs
and pagans should speak for pagan beliefs.

Original Message-
From: Conspiracy Theory Research List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On
Behalf Of iNFoWaRZ
Sent: Thursday, December 19, 2002 10:35 PM
Subject: [CTRL] The Shocking Pagan Origin Of Christmas

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] Article: F.B.I. Director Rejects Agency for Intelligence in United States

2002-12-20 Thread Jim Rarey
-Caveat Lector-

Mueller just wants exclusive jurisdiction over information so he can cover 
up what he is directed to do as in the BCCI case. Don't pin a medal on him, he 
belongs in jail.

This should not be construed as an endorsement of the new agency by 


- Original Message - 
From: Tenor Love 

Sent: Friday, December 20, 2002 6:09 AM
Subject: [CTRL] Article: F.B.I. Director Rejects Agency 
for Intelligence in United States
-Caveat Lector-This article from NYTimes.comhas been 
sent to you by [EMAIL PROTECTED].Good for 
Mueller! Wonder how long it will be before he is "suicided"?[EMAIL PROTECTED]F.B.I. 
Director Rejects Agency for Intelligence in United StatesDecember 20, 
Director Robert S. Mueller III of theF.B.I. rejected the idea of a new 
domestic intelligenceagency today, for the first time expressing 
explicitopposition to the proposal by lawmakers and others who havesaid 
the bureau should be stripped of its primary role incountering terrorism in 
the United States.Mr. Mueller said in a speech to a criminal research 
groupin New York that a new domestic intelligence agency wouldbe "a step 
backward in the war on terror" and that theFederal Bureau of Investigation 
was "uniquely situated forthe counterterrorism mission."Mr. 
Mueller's defense of the F.B.I.'s authority was hismost explicit statement 
on the subject and followedCongressional critics who have complained that 
the bureaufailed to interpret warning signs that might have 
ledauthorities to prevent the Sept. 11 attacks.Some lawmakers have 
said a new agency should take over thebureau's intelligence gathering role, 
which would be turnedover to the Department of Homeland Security.The 
joint House and Senate intelligence inquiry into lapsesby the F.B.I. and 
C.I.A. before the attacks concluded thismonth that a cabinet level officer 
should overseeintelligence throughout the government, but the panel 
didnot recommend a new intelligence agency. Last month, anadvisory group 
led by James S. Gilmore III, a formergovernor of Virginia, said a new agency 
should take overintelligence gathering.The Bush administration has 
said it has no plans torecommend a new agency, but senior officials 
haveconsidered the proposal, and the discussion continues tocirculate in 
intelligence circles among officials who fearthat the F.B.I. cannot collect 
intelligence about possibleattacks while investigating terrorism.Mr. 
Mueller said the bureau had taken steps to improveintelligence analysis and 
had fixed problems that hadhampered information sharing."This 
crumbling of pre 9/11 walls brings us to the issue ofwhether America should 
create a new domestic intelligenceagency similar to the British MI-5," Mr. 
Mueller said."This idea is based on a faulty understanding 
ofcounterterrorism that sees a dichotomy between`intelligence 
operations' and `law enforcement operations.'This misunderstanding of 
counterterrorism has led some toconclude that we should separate these two 
functions andcreate a new domestic intelligence agency."But, Mr. 
Mueller said: "Building new walls is going in thewrong direction. There is 
no reason to separate the twofunctions."Mr. Mueller spoke on a day 
when European justice ministersagreed to allow the European Union's law 
enforcementagency, Europol, to share information with the F.B.I. 
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Substance—not soap-boxing—please! These aresordid matters and 
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[CTRL] t r u t h o u t - William Rivers Pitt | Bush Nominates Himself to Chair 9/11 Investigation

2002-12-20 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Bush Nominates Himself to Chair 9/11 Investigation
By William Rivers Pitt
t r u t h o u t | Perspective

Thursday, 19 December, 2002

George W. Bush has tapped Thomas Kean to chair the independent investigation into the
attacks of September 11th. This nomination comes in the wake of the choice of Henry
Kissinger for that post, and his sudden departure. Kissinger, considered a master of 
and a war criminal to boot, was an odd pick for the post to say the least. He resigned
rather than give up the list of clients he has served since leaving public life, as 
the 9/11
victims families had demanded and the protocols of security clearance had required. One
wonders what manner of Kissinger clients could have caused a 'conflict of interest' in 
terrorism investigation, but that question will have to wait.

In a perfect world, Kean would be a standard-issue Republican. He is President of Drew
University. He served from 1982 through 1990 as Governor of New Jersey, enjoying high
popularity among his constituents and warm relations with labor groups. He is the 
chairman of the National Environmental Education and Training Foundation; he is a board
member of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the World Wildlife Fund, the National
Center for Learning Disabilities, and the National Endowment for Democracy.

Kean led the U.S. delegation to the World Conference on Education for All in Thailand 
1990; he was vice chairman for the U.S. delegation to the Fourth U.N. World Conference 
Women in 1995; he served on the advisory board to the President's Initiative on Race 
1997 to 1998; he is currently chairman of the National Campaign to Prevent Teen
Pregnancy; he served as a board member of America's Promise, a foundation for improving
America's youth created by Presidents Clinton, Bush, Carter, Ford and Reagan (who was
represented at the group's inception by his wife, Nancy).

That is an impressive record.

Kean is also a director for the petroleum giant Amerada Hess, the food services 
Amarak, and the Pepsi Bottling Group. Kean is likewise a board member of the Fiduciary
Trust Company International. He is a former board member for the CIT Group and
UnitedHealth Group.

It is his association with Hess that has drawn concern from 9/11 victims groups, 
Hess has business agreements with Saudi Arabia and oil exploration facilities in 
and Malaysia. The latter countries are widely believed to be home to al Qaeda 
while the former has become notorious for its association with Wahabbi fundamentalism,
Osama bin Laden, and a majority of the 9/11 hijackers. Kristen Breitweister, the co-
chairman of Sept. 11 Advocates who lost her husband in the World Trade Center attacks,
said of Kean's nomination: I'm collecting all the information so when we meet with 
all the
commissioners we'll be able to properly ask all the questions. I'm not even at a point 
I'm considering whether or not he would be good at it.

There can be no question that Kean's nomination is a quantum improvement over 
However, it was a curious choice. Kean has been out of politics since 1990, and is a 
unknown on the national stage. It is clear that he enjoys philanthropic work, but it 
is also
clear that he has strong ties to some heavy hitters in the business community and the
petroleum industry. He has not the massive ego of Kissinger, nor aspirations to high 
having gotten out twelve years ago after deciding that the political rat race had 
distasteful. He has virtually no experience in foreign policy, intelligence, or 
national security

In many ways, this was a non-nomination. Kean has much to lose and little to gain from
chairing this investigation. In the final analysis, it appears that Bush has nominated
someone who will be easily controlled by the administration. Kean does not possess, by 
of experience, the wherewithal to ask the difficult questions that must be pressed if 
investigation is to be successful. His is not, and never has been, the kind of 
boat-rocker that
will be necessary to pry the truth from the administration, the CIA, the FBI, the NSA 
and the
Department of Defense.

It is vital in this to remember that the Bush administration thwarted this independent
investigation for 18 months, until they got the two things they wanted. What they 
was a requirement that any subpoenas would be issued only after six of the ten people 
the commission voted for it. The commission is comprised of five Democrats and five
Republicans. If a particular subpoena seems to cut too close to the political bone, the
Republicans on the committee need only stand shoulder to shoulder to stop it.

The other requirement the Bush administration demanded was the right to pick the
chairman of the commission. One need look no further than the first choice, Henry
Kissinger, to 

[CTRL] Action Coalition Survey

2002-12-20 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Take ACTION! Take back the airwaves!

Tell Rush Sponsors You've had ENOUGH of  the spreading of disinformation and hate!

Real democracy is built on debate. But Limbaugh has little use for debates; he has 
a media empire largely on unchallenged monologues. (Fairness  Accuracy
In Reporting)

Joe Conason wrote an article at dated December 5th about Rush Limbaugh
bashing John Kerry on the air and how another caller called in and confronted Rush on 
deferment during the Vietnam War for having a boil on his ass.

John Kerry was awarded 3 Purple Hearts and the Silver Star for his heroic actions in
Vietnam and it just smacked of hypocrisy that Limbaugh could attack a true American 
while he himself nursed a boil on his ass during the same war.

Many of us are totally fed up with Republican Chickenhawks like Rush Limbaugh 
beating the drums of war and advocating that our loved ones sacrifice themselves for 
country while they themslves did everything they could to dodge military service.

Some of us on the Michael Moore message boards came up with an idea to call for a
boycott on Rush Limbaugh's advertisers and hit him in the wallet where it would hurt 
the most.

To read the Conason article please click here

To read more about Chickenhawks click here

Limbaugh's advertisers are listed below.
Please contact them by phone, mail or email and express your outrage at Limbaugh's
attacks on people like John Kerry and other patriotic Americans who don't lean as far 
to the
radical right as Limbaugh and his gang of bullies.

Then boycott any products or services sold by his advertisers and pass the message on.

Need any more reasons to want to STOP RUSH?
How about these:

Limbaugh calls concern about the ozone layer: balderdash. Poppycock.  The only people
who worry about it are environmental wackos, dunderheaded alarmists and prophets of
The Earth's eco-system is not fragile

The most beautiful thing about a tree is what you do with it after you cut it down.

Condoms only work during the school year.

There's a simple way to solve the crime problem: obey the law; punish those who do 

Feminism was established so as to allow unattractive women easier access to the
mainstream of society.

Women should not be allowed on juries where the accused is a stud.

Health care has problems, but no crisis for drastic change.

Constitution only works in a moral society.

Broadcast’s “Fairness Doctrine” breaches First Amendment

Social Security was nothing more than a scheme designed to enrich and empower the
Democratic Party forever.

If you want to know what America used to be--and a lot of people wish it still 
you listen to Strom Thurmond.

Richard Daley, in 1968, in the Democratic National Convention, issued an order--where
there were rumors of riots--he issued a shoot-to-kill order. And there were no riots 
there was no civil disobedience and no shots were fired and nobody was hurt. And that's
what ought to happen.

One of the things I want to do before I die is conduct the Homeless Olympics...[Events
would include] the 10-meter Shopping Cart Relay, the Dumpster Dig, and the Hop, Skip 

Militant feminists are pro-choice because it's their ultimate avenue of power over 
men It
is their attempt to impose their will on the rest of society, particularly on men.

Even the ultraconservatives know what Rush is about:
He never offers solutions or plans, just cynical negative rhetoric designed to divide 
Republic. He only provides a steady stream of propaganda or duckspeak meant to deflect
the way our government really works . . . (Published in the March 19, 2001 issue of 

Read more about Rush's distortions of truth at

Rush Sponsors:

AutoZone Inc.
Steve Odland, Chairman, President, and Chief Executive Officer
P.O. Box 2198
Memphis, TN 38101
Phone (901) 495-7185
Fax (901) 495-8374

Bose Corporation, MS 2C2
The Mountain
Framingham, MA 01701
Phone: 508-766-7781
These two people are in public relations at Bose:

Mission Pharmacal Company
10999 IH-10 West Suite 1000
San Antonio, TX 78230
Telephone: (800) 531-

General Steel Metal Buildings
1075 South Yukon, Ste. 250
Lakewood, Colorado 80226
Toll Free: 1-888-98-STEEL
Phone: 303-904-4837
Fax: 303-979-0084

Life Quotes, Inc.
Kenneth L. Manley
32045 Castle Court
Evergreen, CO 80439

Red Lobster
P.O. Box 593330
Orlando, FL 32859-3330

Select Comfort Corporation
6105 Trenton Lane N
Minneapolis, MN 55442
Phone: 763-551-7000
Fax: 763-551-7826

Scottrade Inc
Rodger O. Riney, President
12855 Flushing Meadows Drive
Saint Louis, MO 63131

[CTRL] Culture Lifestyle

2002-12-20 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-,3367,1441_A_652391,00.html



German Court Halts Book on Catholics and Third Reich

A German court has issued a temporary injunction against publication of a new book by
controversial American author and historian Daniel Goldhagen about the Catholic 
history in Third Reich Germany.

The regional court in Munich responded to a demand by Munich's Archdiocese that

the book be withdrawn from publication over a factual error.

The district court issued its ruling on Tuesday based on evidence that information 
in the publication implied false association of a member of the Catholic Church with 
Third Reich in World War II.

In Goldhagen's new book, A Moral Reckoning: The Role of the Catholic Church in the
Holocaust and Its Unfulfilled Duty of Repair, a photograph showing a person marching 
SS officers at a Nazi rally in Munich comes with a caption identifying the man as the 
then-Cardinal, Michael Faulhaber.

Church says man in photograph not Cardinal

The caption accompanying the photo reads: Cardinal Michael Faulhaber marches at a Nazi
rally in Munich through an S.S. honour guard. The church claims the caption is false 
that the Cardinal was not the person in the picture. Catholic officials say the person 
in the photograph with former Propaganda Minister Hermann Göring, among others, was
most likely the Vatican's then-ambassador to Germany, Nuntius Orsenigo.

Christian Ottmann, spokesperson for the Munich diocese, told the Associated Press that 
publishing house must recall the book or black out the caption. If this is not done, 
book's Berlin-based publisher, Wolf Jopst Siedler, could face a 250,000 euro ($246,000)

The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, which holds the original photograph,
initially disputed the claim that the person in the photograph was someone else. On
Thursday, a spokesman told DW-WORLD that the museum is taking another look.

We have stopped circulating it, said deputy spokesman Andew Hollinger. As far as I
know, we are revisiting trying to confirm this person's identity.

The Church, meanwhile, has invited researchers to take a look at the recently- released
Faulhaber archives in an effort to clarify the matter.

Although the contentious caption and its offending photograph are quoted as the main
reason behind the action taken against the book and its author, it is likely that its 
could also be seen as a catalyst for the Catholic Church's anger.

Content of book likely to agitate Catholics

Some of the book's core research material appeared as a 27,000-word essay in the
American political magazine The New Republic in January. In the essay, Goldhagen
reiterates widely reported allegations that suggest that Pius XII, the wartime Pope, 
did not
do enough to protect the Jews, even though he likely knew of the fate which awaited 

The Vatican has always argued that its cautious, non-confrontational policy saved more
people than would have been the case if it had spoken out in condemnation of the Nazis.

Goldhagen says such arguments are bizarre and nonsensical, topped only by those of
revisionist historians, who try to argue the Holocaust never actually happen.

Goldhagen, a professor of government and social studies at Harvard University, is no
stranger to controversy or ruffling the feathers of Germans. His best-known book, 
Willing Executioners, blamed ordinary Germans for the Holocaust.

Although some critics accused him of taking liberties with the truth and writing in a
confrontational style, the book became a best-seller and award winner.


German Court Halts Book on Catholics and Third Reich

A German court has issued a temporary injunction against publication of a new book by
controversial American author and historian Daniel Goldhagen about the Catholic 
history in Third Reich Germany.

The regional court in Munich responded to a demand by Munich's Archdiocese that

the book be withdrawn from publication over a factual error.

The district court issued its ruling on Tuesday based on evidence that information 
in the publication implied false association of a member of the Catholic Church with 
Third Reich in World War II.

In Goldhagen's new book, A Moral Reckoning: The Role of the Catholic Church in the
Holocaust and Its Unfulfilled Duty of Repair, a photograph showing a person marching 
SS officers at a Nazi rally in Munich comes with a caption identifying the man as the 
then-Cardinal, Michael Faulhaber.

Church says man in photograph not Cardinal

The caption accompanying the photo reads: Cardinal Michael Faulhaber marches at a Nazi
rally in Munich through an S.S. honour guard. The church claims the caption is false 
that the Cardinal was not the person in the picture. Catholic officials say the person 
in the photograph with former 

[CTRL] (Fwd) Terror Flight School Owner in Business with Whitewater S

2002-12-20 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Fri, 20 Dec 2002 10:23:52 -0500
Subject:Terror Flight School Owner in Business
with Whitewater Scandal Key Figure
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List: TheMadCowMorningNews

 read the whole story at
The MadCowMorningNews
When Matt  Katie Aren't Enough.

Six Degrees of Richard Ben-Veniste
At the same time Wally Hilliard's Venice flight school was training
dozens of
terrorists to fly—including both pilots crashing into the World Trade
owner of Huffman Aviation in Venice Florida was also involved in a
murky aviation
transaction with a multi-millionaire Texas oil-man who played a
prominent role in the
Whitewater Scandal.

Truman Arnold, chief fund-raiser for the Democratic Party in 1995
when the scandal
broke, was investigated for a variety of  dubious money-raising
schemes ranging from
renting out the White House's Lincoln Bedroom to selling tickets on
Air Force One. He
was also fingered for procuring cash (read hush money) for
convicted Clinton friend
Web Hubbell.

Now Truman Arnold's name has surfaced in connection with the
investigation into the
Venice FL flight schools made infamous by the September 11
terrorist attack.

In a curious aircraft transaction discovered while probing the tangled
affairs of Wallace J. Hilliard, 70, of Naples, FL, Truman Arnold
appears to have
'loaned' Hilliard—for only a dollar—a Beechcraft King  Air 200 worth
over $2 million.

 In another bizarre twist, Truman Arnold’s lawyer during the
Whitewater Investigation
 turns out to have been Democratic power-broker Richard Ben-
Veniste, just nominated
 to serve on the 9/11 probe.

If Ben-Veniste client Truman Arnold's business dealings with terror
flight school
owner Wally Hilliard come under scrutiny in the 9/11 probe, the slick
lawyer may find himself involved in a major national scandal from
two different

read the whole story at
The MadCowMorningNews
When Matt  Katie Aren't Enough.

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] A Time to live...

2002-12-20 Thread John Miller
-Caveat Lector-

Rather curiously it seems as if the 'War Makers' are obsessed with using
specific dates for their nefarious activities, even though such a suggestion
may seem very odd.

Anyway, February 1st 2003 seems like a most 'Pearl Harbor' date I can

Alchemy of Numbers - Ring of Fire February 1st 2003.

OK, I can understand that most of those in the Christian Faith consider an
explanation based upon calculations as numerology and are rejected out of
hand. And after nearly 16 years full time 'number' study, I know a bit about
numbers as signatures or identifiable patterns I call references. The
skeptics say that what I do is no more than a contrived set of numbers
seeking a predetermined result, and others detest numbers so much that they
consider them tedious in the extreme and not worth a moment's consideration.

Thus, I need to 'beat my drum' so get my message across, that 'counting

For example, the end of the Book of Daniel stating at chapter and verse 12.6
to 12.9 says: And [one] said to the man clothed in linen, which [was] upon
the waters of the river, How long [shall it be to] the end of these wonders?
And I heard the man clothed in linen, which [was] upon the waters of the
river, when he held up his right hand and his left hand unto heaven, and
sware by him that liveth for ever that [it shall be] for a time, times, and
an half; and when he shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the
holy people, all these [things] shall be finished. And I heard, but I
understood not: then said I, O my Lord, what [shall be] the end of these
[things]? And he said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words [are] closed up and
sealed till the time of the end.

These verses link the end times with the number 1,260 (time, times and half
a time) and 126 is probably one of the most important numbers according to
the calculations, as Christ lived some 12,600 days from circumcision to

The exquisite 'Eye of Horus' has the reference 126, and each burning lamp of
the Menorah as has the reference 126, and even 'Liberty' has the reference
127 comes out of the number 126, (126 x 126 x 8 /1,000 is 127.008 the
'female' reference for 'mother of nations' who was Abraham's wife Sarah, and
lived 127 years). For 126 is made up of the 'Lamp' 17 and the 'Light' 109 is
126, the very spirit within all humankind, and all wrapped up in the 'Statue
of Liberty', that is Liberty Enlightening the World.

The height of the Statue of Liberty is 305 feet 1 inch, with the 'Liberty'
figure from base to torch 151 feet 1 inch, some 1,813 inches and the
pedestal is 154 feet some 1,848 inches. And 1813 x 1848 and squared twice x
2 and square root x 8 is 1.270002e+14, the reference for 'Freedom'.

The Statue of Liberty - September 11th 2001 - February 1st 2003

.What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty
must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots  tyrants.
Thomas Jefferson Paris, November 13, 1787

Two years ago a project set up by the men who now surround George W Bush
said what America needed was 'a new Pearl Harbor'. Its published aims have,
alarmingly, come true. John Pilger :12 Dec 2002

Now, in nearly 16 years I never offered up a 'prophetic date' until I
discovered a few weeks ago that 'appeared' in the number crunching, that is
February 1st 2003. Of course I know not what will happen that day, and if
something does, than it could be so called 'Ring of Fire' another 'Pearl
Harbor' and maybe the 'kick start' to an uncalled for war against Iraq.

The Statue of Liberty is 'written' into the period from September 11th 2001
to February 1st 2003 in that September 11th is day 253 of the year and
divided by 365.242198 days + 2001 is 2001.69269 whereas February 1st 2003 is
2003.084875 a difference of 1.3921851 years, x 365.242198 days is 508.484776
days x 24 hours /40 is 305.0908 hours, and as feet 305 feet 1.090 inches,
the height of the Statue of Liberty.

There are other calculations that pinpoint February 1st 2003 for 'Fire' but
I like this one, especially when Thomas Jefferson wrote about the Tree of
Liberty requiring blood of both the patriots and the enemy to feed it. So
thanks to the volume of two Ancient Egyptian cubic cubits filled with male
human blood weighs some 681 pounds or two thirds of a cubic cubit some 227
pounds. The United States 'Mace' that is the 'Law' is 46 inches long x Pi
twice is 'Blood' at 227.00090 x 2 lots. So the 'Law' at 46 + 46 + the 'Lamp'
at 17 is 'Fire' at 109 + 17 is 126 for the 'Tree of Liberty'. Thus 'Blood'
at 227 x 4 and /Pi twice + the 'Lamp' at 17 + 17 is 126 the 'Burning Lamp'
the Statue of Liberty.

The Lord of the Rings and the Ring of Death

There was held a great Council of Elrond, at which it was decided to
attempt the destruction of the Ring, and Frodo was appointed Ring-Bearer.
The Companions of the Ring were then chosen, who were to aid him in quest.
To come to the Mountain of 


2002-12-20 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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-Caveat Lector-

from  Soldier of Fortune magazine Jan 2003 issue:


an insider at Dyncorp told soldier of fortune writers that on Nov. 15
2002, a open ended agreement with the Department of State (DOS) had been
reached for Dyncorp  to provide security services for hamid Karzai,
president of afgahnistan.  the Dyncorp employees would replace delta force
and seal team 6 memners who are needed elsewhere.  the anonymous source
said that the diplomatic security service, a part of the DOS would screen
all applicants provided by dyncorp.

pictures of current security members, carrying modified CQB M4 (m-16 type
weapons) rifles with special aim point sights were printed along with the
artcicle. members of the current security team stopped an assassination
attempton karzai earlier this year by killing one man and two innocent

the source stated that the head of diplomatic security services for the DOS
is a former Delta force member who left the service during the mid 1980's,
earned a masters degree and doctorate and then returned to special
programs.  The source says that Dyncorp employees will be used because they
are considered expendable and it will lower the risk for government

A 50 man unit will be travelling with Karzai at all times and a further 12
to 18 will be required on duty at his palace and as staff members.  the
source goes on to state that he has 30 years of experience and that to
calculate correctly, take 12 to 18 (people) and mutliply times 3.7 to get
the number necessary to cover three eight hour shifts and account for

the employees will receive a base salary of  $126,000.  with perks and
hazard pay, this amounts to $180,000 per year plus a one million dollar life
insurance policy and health care provided by the military. employees will be
former seal team or delta members with personal security experience: E8 or

in response to the article, dyncorp refused to comment.  SOF magazine
editors contacted the dept of state (DOS) who referred all inquiries to

to come to know your enemy, you must first become his freind. And once you
are his friend, all of his defences come down.  then you may choose the most
fitting method for his demise.--Tokugawa Ieyasu

Just as water will conform to the shape of the vessel that contains it, so
will a man follow the good and evil of his companions.--Imagawa Ryoshun

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

[CTRL] For your attention

2002-12-20 Thread Alamaine Ratliff
-Caveat Lector-

Euphorian spotted this on the Guardian Unlimited site and thought you should see it.

To see this story with its related links on the Guardian Unlimited site, go to

French court convicts Soros of insider trading
Staff and agencies
Friday December 20 2002
The Guardian

A French court today convicted US billionaire investor George Soros of insider trading 
and fined him 2.2m euros.

The fine by the court is the same amount the Hungarian-born magnate was accused of 
having made from buying stocks at French bank Soci#233;t#233; G#233;n#233;rale 
with insider knowledge 14 years ago. The fine was in line with the request by 

Mr Soros, 72, the president of Soros Fund Management, denies having privileged 
information. He was not in court today.

In court testimony in November, Mr Soros said: I have been in business all my life, 
and I think I know what is insider trading and what isn't.

Soci#233;t#233; G#233;n#233;rale was privatised in 1987. A year later, its stock 
price went up during an unsuccessful takeover bid. Mr Soros was accused of having 
obtained insider information before the abortive corporate raid pushed up the stock 

Mr Soros went on trial with two other men, Jean-Charles Naouri, a former top aide to 
France's then-finance minister Pierre Beregovoy, and Lebanese businessman Samir 
Traboulsi. The court cleared both men of any wrongdoing. Prosecutors had sought fines 
of 290,000 euros for Mr Naouri and 1.98m euros for Mr Traboulsi.

Mr Soros has said he was interested in Soci#233;t#233; G#233;n#233;rale based on 
information he claims was widely known: France's leftist government of the time 
favoured takeovers to change the leadership at recently privatised companies. Mr Soros 
said he was buying stock in many companies and had no reason not to include 
Soci#233;t#233; G#233;n#233;rale.

Afterward, he sold the stock, saying he felt the takeover attempt was politically 
motivated and was not going to benefit the company.

Mr Soros was reportedly the first American to earn a billion dollars in a single year. 
Born in Budapest, Hungary, in 1930, he emigrated to the United States in 1956 and 
became a citizen five years later. He made his fortune managing investment funds.

Forbes magazine ranked him this year as the 37th richest person in the world, with an 
estimated $6.9bn fortune.

Prosecutors said the case dragged on because Swiss authorities took years to respond 
to requests for information. Defence lawyers argued unsuccessfully that the case 
should be thrown out because it took so long to bring to court.

Copyright Guardian Newspapers Limited

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] For your attention

2002-12-20 Thread Alamaine Ratliff
-Caveat Lector-

Euphorian spotted this on the Guardian Unlimited site and thought you should see it.

To see this story with its related links on the Guardian Unlimited site, go to

Bank 'fixed gold price for years'
JP Morgan accused of manipulation
David Teather, New York
Thursday December 19 2002
The Guardian

JP Morgan Chase has been named in a $2bn (#163;1.3bn) lawsuit alleging that the Wall 
Street bank conspired to manipulate the price of gold.

The action against JP Morgan and Canadian mining group Barrick Gold has been filed by 
Blanchard and Co, the biggest retailer of the precious metal in the US.

It alleges they dumped gold on to the market for years in order to suppress the price 
and allow them to reap billions in short-selling profits. New Orleans-based Blanchard 
is seeking restitution of the money for clients who buy its bullion and gold coins.

It also alleges that, by keeping the price of gold low, Barrick, the second largest 
gold producer in the world, could buy other mining companies.

The gold price, $350 an ounce, is at its highest for six years as nervousness about 
stock markets has sent investors looking for a safe harbour. But Blanchard chief 
executive Donald Doyle claims it would be higher without the alleged manipulation.

Since the end of 1987, when the collaboration between Barrick and JP Morgan began, 
the growth of global income and wealth would have lifted the gold price to 
approximately $740 if it had been able to respond to the normal laws of supply and 

The lawsuit alleges that in the past five years JP Morgan and Barrick injected 
millions of additional ounces of gold into the market, several times more than the 
annual production of every goldmine in South Africa, the world's largest producer.

The suit also claims that, by using privately negotiated derivative contracts and 
concealing additional billions of dollars worth of physical gold with off balance 
sheet accounting, Barrick made it almost impossible to determine the size and impact 
of its trading position.

Barrick dismissed the claims as ludicrous and totally without merit. It said the 
suit contains numerous factual inaccuracies and defamatory statements, adding that 
it would vigorously defend itself.

The company is heavily involved in hedging its gold production - often selling a 
substantial portion before it is mined in a series of forward contracts to ensure it 
gets a certain price. It has also borrowed gold from bullion banks, including JP 
Morgan, to sell into the spot market and drive the price down.

But it claims to have done so to prevent dramatic price swings.

Other producers, such as Vancouver's Placer Dome and Newmont Mining, undertake similar 
hedging but critics have long cast a cynical eye over the activity.

JP Morgan declined to comment.

Goldman Sachs and Lehman Brothers yesterday both posted higher fourth-quarter 
earnings, after higher revenues from bond trading and tighter cost controls. But 
Morgan Stanley reported a 16% fall in profits as trading revenues dropped. All three 
investment banks have cut jobs and slashed bonuses as they wrestle with the downturn.

Goldman reported fourth quarter profits of $505m, up 1.6% as cost cutting offset a 16% 
decline in revenues. Lehman's earnings, at $243m, up from $130m a year earlier, were 
the first improvement since the second quarter of 2001.

Copyright Guardian Newspapers Limited

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] A Time to live...

2002-12-20 Thread thew
-Caveat Lector-

It's not Christians who deny numerology, just sane people of any ethnicity
and religiosity.

on 12/20/02 11:45 AM, John Miller at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 OK, I can understand that most of those in the Christian Faith consider an
 explanation based upon calculations as numerology and are rejected out of
 hand. And after nearly 16 years full time 'number' study, I know a bit about
 numbers as signatures or identifiable patterns I call references. The
 skeptics say that what I do is no more than a contrived set of numbers
 seeking a predetermined result, and others detest numbers so much that they
 consider them tedious in the extreme and not worth a moment's consideration.


To be nobody but yourself, in a world which is doing its best, night and
day, to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle that any
human being can fight--and never stop fighting.

-  e.e. cummings


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] BBC NEWS | Americas | In pictures: World Trade Center plans

2002-12-20 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Gun-running Green Berets

2002-12-20 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-

The Unconventional Warrior
by LTC Daniel Marvin, USASF (ret)

© 2002 Daniel Marvin

Part 16:
Gun-running Green Berets

Dedember 9, 2002

By introducing facts gleaned from my personal experience and the documented
actions or reactions of others involved I intend to, both in my writings on
this forum and in books to be published, acquaint the reader with the harsh
reality of lawlessness sponsored, condoned and even ordered by higher
command, often in response to the political dictates of the White House.
Perhaps as important as revealing criminal acts to the reader is the
detailing of why it is that so few acts are reported and, once reported, why
little or no action that is taken to investigate them. Few of those
responsible for these particular criminal acts are prosecuted and punished,
much less evidence secured or corroborated.

In a nonfiction book, now in progress, titled Devious Elite, I will report
instances of US military units or individuals intentionally breaking the law,
committing crimes against humanity and taking actions prohibited by law or
the commonly accepted rules of land warfare. In most cases, these illegal
actions, though sometimes of a deadly nature, were directed by those who use
military personnel, primarily unconventional warriors, to achieve
preconceived objectives with little or no consideration for constitutional

This true account of gun-running by military personnel assigned to Special
Forces units in South Vietnam and Thailand in 1967 will be covered in detail
in Devious Elite. Portions of this tragic record of illegal trafficking of
military weapons will be referred to in Part Eighteen of this series Who
Really Killed Martin Luther King, Jr.? inasmuch as it is probable that many
of the 100+ military weapons illegally mailed to the United States were
involved in government actions tailored to infiltrate and gain intelligence
on Black militant organizations while, at the same time, providing “sterile”
weapons to those involved in the scenario leading to and including the
assassination of Dr. King.

In the summer of 1967 I volunteered to fill an “urgent” requirement within
the 46th Special Forces headquarters located in Lop Buri, Thailand where
“real trouble” had been reported by a source whose identity was kept
confidential, an individual who feared for his life should the “CO” in
Thailand learn of his having reported an illegal activity to higher

Quotes shown below are taken from a 20 page interrogatory witness statement
taken and recorded on 25 November 1968 at Mechanicburg, Pennsylvania and
attested to by myself and Special Agent Donald D. Knutson of USAINTC, in
accordance with Article 136, UCMJ, and witnessed by B.J. Leonard which
related to the investigation I requested. “...I reported to the 46th at about
0100 hours on approximately 19 September 1967. ...Well, Rittenhouse [a
sergeant who worked in the logistical support center which I had just assumed
command of] came in and sat down in my office , talked to me, and he looked
scared and I’m sure he was. He wanted to tell me about an experience he had
had that day, or the day before. On this matter, Rittenhouse explained to me
that Buttler [Special Forces Captain Ernest Buttler, the officer I had asked
to be investigated] had brought in a box of hold baggage to ship back to
CONUS, and when Rittenhouse broke it open, removed the top from it to check
and see what was in the box and to prepare it for inspection by CWO Gillis
[unit customs inspector], he noted that there were some weapons inside the
box . Specifically, Rittenhouse indicated that there were two carbines ... an
M-1D rifle and a sniper scope.”

He called CWO Gillis, who immediately inspected the contents and informed
Captain Buttler that he could not send them home in his hold baggage. Captain
Buttler, later that day, brought a vehicle to the location where the guns
were, “put them in the back of the vehicle and took off.” Rittenhouse then
informed me that, “previous to this incident, Buttler had shipped out
approximately eighteen boxes of hold baggage, and that he and a Staff
Sergeant Richard Sweatt, who also worked in the Property Book Office, ...felt
that a lot of weapons had been shipped out in those eighteen boxes.” I was
told that Buttler had visited the 5th Special Forces in Vietnam and
“scrounged a lot of extra weapons; carbines, shotguns, M-1 rifles, M-1D
rifles with scopes.”

After discussing this activity with CWO Gillis and my assistant, Captain
Peter Crummey, and learning that Captain Buttler had already left Thailand
enroute to CONUS with a wooden box of the same size and shape as the one that
had been opened by Rittenhouse earlier that day, I called our commanding
officer, Lieutenant Colonel Robert Bartelt, reported the incident and asked
that action be taken. The next morning I went to Bartelt’s office and we
discussed this matter, and though he recognized that he was required to

Re: [CTRL] A Time to live...

2002-12-20 Thread Dale Stonehouse
-Caveat Lector-

 It's not Christians who deny numerology, just sane people of
 any ethnicity
 and religiosity.

The human addiction to numbers is really quite pervasive. Numerology based
on calendar dates would seem to require an accurate calendar and the same
calendar for the entire planet. Neither exist, so it's difficult to see how
the science of numerology applies.

However, it can be entertaining for comparison purposes.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] A Death and Paris

2002-12-20 Thread John Miller
-Caveat Lector-

A touch of numerology of the transformation kind.

Eiffel Tower and the Great Pyramid

Built for the Universal Exhibition in celebration of the French Revolution
centenary, the Eiffle Tower hoisting the flag to the top was inaugurated on
March 31st 1889.

Gustave Eiffel was assisted by, among others, Maurice Koechlin and Emile
Nouguier as engineers and Stephen Sauvestre as architect.

Studies of the project began in 1884. In spite of the contraversy raised in
the public opinion its construction however began in 1887 and finished 26
months later in 1889. The metal tower was, in the first place, planned to be
demolished only after the Universal Exhibition of 1900. Radio transmission
experiences carried out by the French military before the deadline of the
destruction plan finally saved the tower.

From the ground to the flagpole its height was 1,024.5 feet (312.27m) in
1889, whereas without the flag pole it is 986 feet, (today 324 meters high
with antennae).

Owned by Paris local government and managed by a French private company
Société Nouvelle d'Exploitation de la Tour Eiffel.

Now the volume of the Great Pyramid without the missing capstone is
91,575,000 cubic feet, + 650 cubic feet for the suggested volume of the
capstone is 91,575,650 cubic feet. (For 650 cubic feet does 'wonderful'
things to the pyramid).

Now to contrive the volume of the First Wonder of the World with the Wonder
of Europe, at 1,024.5 feet less the 38.5 feet flag pole is 986 feet, and so
1,024.5 feet + 986 feet is 2,010.5 feet is 670.17 yards.

And increase the volume of the Great Pyramid to 9.1575650e+18 x 144 x
144 and /Pi twice is 1.9240e+22 and squared twice x 20 and square root 5
times x 3 feet is 2,010.50009 feet.

That is one way to form the Great Pyramid, the symbol of Death into the Iron

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] A Time to live...

2002-12-20 Thread thew
-Caveat Lector-

Not nearly as entertaining as watching true believers jump through hoops to
make the numbers work

on 12/20/02 11:57 AM, Dale Stonehouse at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 -Caveat Lector-

 It's not Christians who deny numerology, just sane people of
 any ethnicity
 and religiosity.

 The human addiction to numbers is really quite pervasive. Numerology based
 on calendar dates would seem to require an accurate calendar and the same
 calendar for the entire planet. Neither exist, so it's difficult to see how
 the science of numerology applies.

 However, it can be entertaining for comparison purposes.

 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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- -- --- -

You should view the world as a conspiracy run by a very closely-knit group
of nearly omnipotent people, and you should think of those people as
yourself and your friends.

--Robert Anton Wilson


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Counting Down...

2002-12-20 Thread John Miller
-Caveat Lector-

More numerology.

The Bible's Book of Numbers get in the Act

Now to one side of the Israelite Camp

Three Tribes under One Standard

Thus the tribe of Ephraim at 40,500 men

The tribe of Manasseh at 32,200 men

And the tribe of Benjamin at 35,400 men

So the west side camp of three tribes had 108,100 men.

Ephraim and the Church

The tribe of Ephraim at 405,000 men x 1,000,000 is 12 times x 3,375,000,000
that is the Bible's New Jerusalem at 1500 x 1500 x 1500 miles.

The tribe of Manasseh at 32,200 has the Order of the Illuminati and the
Skull and Bones reference '322' .

The Unicorn and the Sun and Moon.

The reference for the Unicorn is as a white horse at 336 days gestation +
the horn at 23 is 359, that is six months or 182 days of the Sun in Hades at
364 days per annual cycle and six months or 177 days of the Moon in Hades at
a cycle of 354 days, according to the Book of Enoch, hence the Unicorn is
truly a magnificent beast.

And the tribe of Benjamin at 35,400 men shows the Moon in Hades.

The Prophet Enoch mentions specifically about the three cycles of the Sun at
364 days x 3 is 1092. (And 364 has the value in Hebrew for 'Satan') and the
Great Pyramid at 91,575,000cuft has a reciprocal of 1.092001092e-08, so a
reference of 1092.

And so three Unicorns at 359 x 3 at 1077 and increased to 107,700,000 less
the Altar of Abomination, the G.P. at 91,575,000cu.ft x 8 is 129,000,000 and
1290 days is the reference for the setting up of the 'Altar of Abomination'.

The Dead - Red Sea

So there are 108,100 men were under the banner of Ephraim in the second year
of the Exodus.

And the United Nations gave the New State of Israel an area of 7,992.6
square miles, with 108.10 square miles that of the area of the Dead Sea,
given as 355 square miles in total.

And 7,992.6 x 108.1 is 6 x 144,000 and 13 x 144,000 days is the Mayan Long
Count, that shows the Age of the Jaguar ends on December 21st 2012.

Now the reference for male human blood is 227.

St. Peter's Basilica is not 227,000 square feet, a foundation in blood.

And the tribe of Ephraim at 108,100 + 108,100 + 10,810 is 227,010.

So allowing for an extra 10, one could say that Rome was a touch into
Replacement Theology with the help of the United Nations, to ensure the
'correct' area for the new State of Israel, where Israel's Dead Sea is a
very 'Red Sea' using the tribes of Ephraim.

And 10 is One Ring and... so to the Lord of the Ring...

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] A New World Board Game

2002-12-20 Thread John Miller
-Caveat Lector-

For those who like numbers:-)

The New World Board Game

I am considering a new board game where each of the players uses a pocket
calculator to decode the appropriate number for the 17 specific picture
squares, with the penultimate square no.125 having a horrific photograph of
the flames emitted from one of the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center.
The winner is the first person to arrive at square no.126, the reference for
the 'Lamp of Liberty Enlightening the World'.

Board games were played by the Ancient Egyptians and go back to at least the
Pyramid Age. One of these games was known as 'Dogs and Jackals' (my
references 63 x 63) and somewhat similar to our 'Snakes and Ladders'.

The 'Game of the Goose' became widely known in late 16th century Europe, and
later King Louis XIII of France played it as a child, the Grande Dauphin
made it into a game of gambling at Versailles. A game based upon the 'Game
of the Goose' was first published in London in the early Victorian era,
called the 'Game of the Golden Goose'. This game is played along a
serpentine course of 63 squares and the winner is the first player to reach
63, (x 2 is 126).

Another game with the '63' label is the French 'Game of the Good Children'
where the winner lands on space 63 on which is printed a banquet table. And
yet another game with label '63' is the French game produced in 1791 called
the 'French Revolution' and the first player who reaches 'The Palladium of
Liberty'. So a reference for 'Liberty' is 63. Another 18th century game is
the 'Game of the Snake' and this too has the label '63' for having done your
step by step pilgrimage inside the serpentine serpent, the winner is the
person who enters first into the Garden.

So the 'Board Game 63' was a popular choice and played by countless people,
countless times.

And consecutive numbering, 1 + 2 + 3 + 4. + 34 + 35 = 630 whereas 36 = 666.
And 630 is the label for the jackal headed war god Set, the uncle of Horus
and Anubis, the Funeral Director, the Navigator also has the number 63, and
the Navigator is a Pilot. Also Uncle Set's number 63 consecutively added is
2,016 or 16 lots of 1,260 the reference for his nephew, the falcon headed
god Horus.

Each player is given 4 tokens of the same color. One is placed on the start
square and the others are held in reserve and used only if the player fails
within the ten minute time period allotted to establish the specific code
number for a particular picture square. A player roles the dice and if the
player lands on a picture square a calculation will be required to find the
code number for the date of the event shown.

To assist the players they can ask for a 'Clue Card' but the penalty will be
the loss of a role of the dice and so misses a turn. And the player needs to
consider that there maybe time variables with the event and so should
calculate with this in mind.

The Knights Templar

For example, the first picture on square no.6, relates to the arrest of the
Order of the Knights Templar on October 13th AD1307 and the punishment for
many knights was death by burning, and this included the Grand Master
Jacques de Molay who died by fire on March 18th AD1314. The Order of the
Knights Templar are said never to have forgiven or forgot what happened to
their Order.

So the arrest of the knights of the Order of the Knights Templar throughout
France was coordinated for the morning of October 13th AD1307, and I assume
that it was at 7am. So October 13th is day 285 of the year + 7 hours is
285.91667 days and /365.242198 days + AD1307 is 1307.7811026.

The burning to death of the Grand Master Jacques de Molay could have been at
about 3pm (the time Christ died), on March 18th 1314. And by using 2.46pm
the result is 1314.209767 and added to 1307.7811026 is 2621.99080869 and the
answer is found by deducting the number for the 'Skull' at 322, (the Old
Dragon), and the balance x Pi twice is 22,700 the reference for 'Blood' (and
the god Jupiter).

So the answer for square no.6 is the Skull at 322 and Blood at 227 and 322 +
227 is 549 which the Falcon masked god Horus at 610, the merciless killer of
the sky, less 10% at 549 (or 61 x 9). For Horus at 610 is the Feathered
Serpent, the Serpent at 170 and the great Eagle at 440. So maybe, the Pope
of the Catholic Church at that time who assisted the French King in the
arrest, trial and punishment of the Knights Templar was giving us the code
numbers for the Order by the choice of two dates.

Jupiter is 227 x 30 at 6810 x 6810 x 6810 and /40 is 88,856.80 miles x
88,856.80 miles the equatorial diameter of the planet Jupiter at 143,00km.
And the Roman Catholic Church came to like the number 227 for the 16th
century St. Peter's Basilica is 227,000 square feet, where the red cardinals
walk on blood so to speak.

I should mention that the Order of Knights Templar used the reference number
59 in their church in the City of London, the Church of the Virgin Mary,
Temple Inn, a church with an unusual 

[CTRL] Smallpox Test Results

2002-12-20 Thread Dale Stonehouse
-Caveat Lector-

Smallpox Vaccine Test Results from Baylor University
Foreword by
Leonard G. Horowitz, D.M.D., M.A., M.P.H.
The following article by Jon Rappoport is the first I've seen reporting the
harmful and possibly devastating effects of the Bush administration's
rapidly advancing smallpox vaccination program. These results were
previously predicted as expected outcomes by this author and many, many

I interject this foreword to alert you to the additional support cited below
for the thesis raised earlier that the smallpox vaccination program is part
of a genocidal agenda facilitated by the Bush administration's War on
Terrorism and their current efforts to immunize the population against
smallpox and later anthrax. In reality, this policy aims to induce chronic
illness, additional healthcare expenditures (including pharmaceutical sales)
and, ultimately, population reduction in America. Given the information
below, and far more published elsewhere, this is certainly the anticipated
outcome of this preventative plan for homeland insecurity. The additional
support, I refer to, comes from identifying Baylor University as among the
sites for this initial study.

The following information was compiled for the book Healing Codes for the
Biological Apocalypse (Tetrahedron Publishing Group, 1999;; 1-888-508-4787) by this author along with Dr. Joseph
Puleo. Based on reputable sources, Past President George H. W. Bush's
Secretary of State, James Baker III (Florida vote scam overseer for the
current president), was reported to have owned part of the vaccine
manufacturing company against whom ailing Gulf War veterans had filed a
lawsuit. Moreover, Mr. Bush is said to have been a major shareholder in that
company-Tanox Biosystems of Houston.

It is also well known that this past president, father to the current
president, has served in an official capacity at Baylor University for some
time. Not long before becoming CIA director, certain intelligence regarding
Tanox's collaborative studies with Baylor College of Medicine concerning
Mycoplasma infections and related vaccinations was available to the elder

Tanox was also closely linked to Dr. Shyh-Ching Lo, who, under employment by
The Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, isolated and patented a Pathogenic
Mycoplasma originally taken from an AIDS patient, that somehow contaminated
many of the vaccines given to allied military personnel traveling to the
Middle East in lieu of Operation Desert Storm. Only the French soldiers
who did not receive the American made vaccines did not develop GWS during
this earlier war with Iraq.

Further, what would seem inconceivable without seeing the documents
reprinted in Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse, Tanox and Baylor
College of Medicine first tested their Mycoplasma-infected vaccines on
Huntsville, TX prisoners. As a result, the prisoners, and others in the
community with whom the prisoners made contact, developed GWS long before
the Gulf War. Thus, GWS could have been, and probably was, predicted and

Furthermore, evidence compiled by lawyers for the class of people sickened
by Mycoplasma incognitas and related illnesses, from Huntsville, Texas,
revealed more astonishing documents. These, also published in Healing Codes
for the Biological Apocalypse, showed that Baylor College of Medicine
investigators collaborated on studies of vaccinated Huntsville prison
inmates beginning in 1968. Mycoplasma inoculations, as well as Mycoplasma
vaccination studies, were listed as having begun in 1970 under U.S. Army
contracts. Incredibly, Baylor's contract literally raised the specter of
ethnic cleansing or racial genocide as it proved cervical cancer studies
comparing Christian versus Muslim women, as well as Jewish versus Black
women, were in progress.

Thus, to have this Bush administration authorized smallpox vaccine study be
conducted at Baylor, where the senior Bush has served in an official
capacity, with imput from the Tanox-linked College of Medicine is chilling.
This is especially so considering the fact that today, unlike the early
1970s when the early Mycoplasma studies began, Mycoplasma is now considered
among the most common vaccine contaminants. It is also currently linked to
the recent onset of pandemic Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Syndrome and
many other illnesses, including certain expressions of HIV/AIDS.

In conclusion, as I wrote elsewhere and said often, if you see first
responders coming to inoculate you with cow pus, which is virtually what
the smallpox vaccination is in its purest unadulterated form, run away and

Monday, December 09, 2002
If Smallpox Vaccine given US Population (283 million)
71,000 Dead, 3,396 Crippled With Encephalitis, 18,678 Critically Injured,
140 million get ill
Self-Bioterrorism By Defunct Scientific Paradigm? CDC Already Afraid of
Military and First Responders Are The First In Line (1 million)

[CTRL] Why they hate me: An Arab student speaks out

2002-12-20 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-

This is a WorldNetDaily printer-friendly version of the article which
To view this item online, visit

Friday, December 20, 2002
Why they hate me:  An Arab student speaks out
Posted: December 20, 2002
1:00 a.m. Eastern
By Oubai Shahbandar
© 2002
Whoever said that the university stands as a pillar of civilization has
obviously never been to Arizona State. Arizona's public universities,
now infamous for their broad progressive curricula composed of
subjects to the likes of queer pulp fiction, postmodern pornography
and special workshops on sex workers, have always been a string
of lone islands surrounded by a reality that remains alien to the
hermitic Marxists lying within their academic workings.

There is indeed a dark underside lurking beneath the trite silliness of
academic department heads – who for the most part missed out on
the latest social and political developments of the 20th century
(Pardon my boorishness professor, but didn't we win the Cold

The nature of the story that I am about to tell can be best described
by paraphrasing an old 17th-century adage: Hate doth never
prosper, for if it prosper, none dare call it hate. How true were those
words to prove within the confines of what I had perceived to be an
institution where truth and freedom of thought were all that mattered.
I was wrong … for my naivete, I paid dearly.

It all began last year when, immediately following the terror attacks
of 9-11, a slew of teach-ins were held – sponsored in part by
university funds – imploring fellow ASU students to understand the
reasoning behind 9-11. This, in turn, became a series of hour-long
sessions dedicated to educating the students on how imperialism
and America's lack of concern for international social justice led to
the horrific attacks.

In essence, we were being sold the seditious lie that it was
America's fault, that the terrorists were merely reacting to far
greater atrocities on our part. Never mind the fact that countless
Arab and Muslim families like mine found refuge in the freedom and
prosperity that this great nation bestowed upon them. Never mind
the fact that no other Arab country on earth could provide my family
the same luxuries and liberties that they enjoy now as American

I, as most people do, see this nation of ours as being fundamentally
good and generous to those that have come to seek refuge from the
tyranny and oppression plaguing the majority of humanity. The fact
that my university was actively sponsoring an educational
environment where that very goodness was being vilified and
defamed, frankly, revolted and enraged me.

I had made a decision:  This injustice being played out in front of my
eyes could not be allowed to continue – something must be done. I
owed that, at the very least, to my country. In my position as
chairman of the student government finance committee, I introduced
a bill before the full student senate that effectively left a slew of
student-government-sponsored funds that went to fund these acts of
hate financially impotent (this action in itself was really more
symbolic, if anything, as Arizona State continues to fund – in the
latest count nearly $250,000 – the Multicultural Student Center and
Campus Environment Team which finances the bulk of the anti-
American teach-ins and guest lecturers).

My unwavering stand against these institutional forces that, in my
opinion, threatened to take our country back to a darker time of
segregation and state-sponsored hate had turned me into a persona
non grata to radical, leftist student organizations and university
administrators alike.

It all began when the president of the campus Young Socialists,
Fabricio Rodriguez, being the grand pooh-bah of the proletariat that
he was, accosted me outside my student-government office,
threatening that I had better watch my back in front of a half dozen
witnesses. The university took no action.

Later, I discovered that my car's gas tank had been tampered with –
so much sugar was poured in that it totally destroyed my car and
posed a serious hazard to anyone driving the car at the time. Grave
physical harm could have resulted had I not discovered this
cowardly act in time.

How could this be? Was this the Twilight Zone? Was a true real live
American Arab Muslim facing possible bodily harm and acts of
oppression in a post 9-11 world, and no one from one of the most
traditionally liberal institutions in American history was willing to
come to his aid?

But, wait, it gets worse.

A couple of months following the 9-11 attacks, a handful of
conservative friends and I stood outside the student commons
playing patriotic music on loudspeakers (during the allotted time for
amplification that the university mandates) and handing out literature
decrying the pacifistic overtones being constantly echoed by
university professors and progressive activists. We hadn't 

Re: [CTRL] The Shocking Pagan Origin Of Christmas

2002-12-20 Thread flw
-Caveat Lector-

 Several questions.  If pagans were the larger organized group, why
 didn't the pagan community just absorb the smaller group of Christians?
 Why was there so much persecution of the pagans by Constantine if
 paganism was what was favored?  Is paganism making a comeback thru the
 gradual transition of Christmas to Winter Holidays, as they are
 celebrated in the atheistic Soviet Union?  Why no balance in the article
 by using scholarship from the Catholic Encyclopedia on this topic?  In
 any reasonable discussion, Catholics would speak for Catholic beliefs
 and pagans should speak for pagan beliefs.

The religion of Christianity has historically been used as a mass murderous
coercive weapon (as have most religions) to further the control and power
of the elite. Considering the bloody history of Christianity (originally an
Unorthodox Jewish Sect) with its mass murders of millions of people it is
quite laughable to read the opinions of those who brand Mohammedism as a
particuarly violent belief.

The heritage of Judeo-Christianianty  (and to a lesser degree Mohammedism)
is blood, death and destruction.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] The Shocking Pagan Origin Of Christmas

2002-12-20 Thread Zuukie
-Caveat Lector-

I guess you never learned about the persecution of the Christians in the
early years, and it wasn't the Jews who were persecuting them.  You
might want to look up catacombs and games in the Roman stadium.

However you didn't answer any of the questions.  It is obvious that the
pagans outnumbered the Christians in the early days.

From: Conspiracy Theory Research List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On
Behalf Of flw
 The heritage of Judeo-Christianianty  (and to a lesser degree
is blood, death and destruction.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Trent Lott Resigns

2002-12-20 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

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Subject: Fwd: Trent Lott Resigns
Date: 12/20/02 11:14:32 AM

Statement of Trent Lott

In the interest of pursuing the best possible agenda for the future of
our country, I will not seek to remain as majority leader of the United
States Senate for the 108th Congress, effective January 6, 2003. To all
those who offered me their friendship, support and prayers I will be
eternally grateful. I will continue to serve the people of Mississippi in
the United States Senate.

For continuing coverage go to

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Editor's Note: Angry with the media's handling of this matter? Who will be
the next Majority Leader? Your opinion counts! Send an urgent PriorityGram
to top officials and media --

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[CTRL] t r u t h o u t - List Of US Firms That Armed Iraq Household Names

2002-12-20 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

(*Editors Note | How can our White House go before the UN Security Council holding in 
hand an accusation against Iraq of deception for failure to be forthcoming and in the 
hand a report edited to protect US and other Western Corporations from scrutiny for 
in arming Iraq. It is absolute hypocrisy. How can our government hope to retain any
credibility? Why is the White House protecting these corporations. How can we support 
on these terms? -- ma.)

Go To Original

List Of US Firms That Armed Iraq Household Names
Democracy Now!

Wednesday, 18 December, 2002

Top-secret Iraq Report Reveals U.S. Corporations, Gov't Agencies and Nuclear Labs 
Illegally Arm Iraq

Hewlett Packard, Dupont, Honeywell and other major U.S. corporations, as well as
governmental agencies including the Department of Defense and the nation s nuclear 
all illegally helped Iraq to build its biological, chemical and nuclear weapons 

On Wednesday, December 18, Geneva-based reporter Andreas Zumach broke the story on
the US national listener-sponsored radio and television show Democracy Now! Zumach's
Berlin-based paper Die Tageszeitung plans to soon publish a full list of companies and
nations who have aided Iraq. The paper first reported on Tuesday that German and U.S.
companies had extensive ties to Iraq but didn t list names.

Zumach obtained top-secret portions of Iraq's 12,000-page weapons declaration that the
US had redacted from the version made available to the non-permanent members of the
UN Security Council.

We have 24 major U.S. companies listed in the report who gave very substantial support
especially to the biological weapons program but also to the missile and nuclear 
program, Zumach said. Pretty much everything was illegal in the case of nuclear and
biological weapons. Every form of cooperation and supplies was outlawed in the 1970s.

The list of U.S. corporations listed in Iraq's report include Hewlett Packard, DuPont,
Honeywell, Rockwell, Tectronics, Bechtel, International Computer Systems, Unisys, 
and TI Coating.

Zumach also said the U.S. Departments of Energy, Defense, Commerce, and Agriculture
quietly helped arm Iraq. U.S. government nuclear weapons laboratories Lawrence
Livermore, Los Alamos and Sandia trained traveling Iraqi nuclear scientists and gave 
fissile material for construction of a nuclear bomb.

There has never been this kind of comprehensive layout and listing like we have now in 
Iraqi report to the Security Council so this is quite new and this is especially new 
for the
U.S. involvement, which has been even more suppressed in the public domain and the U.S.
population, Zumach said.

The names of companies were supposed to be top secret. Two weeks ago Iraq provided
two copies of its full 12,000-page report, one to the International Atomic Energy 
Agency in
Geneva, and one to the United Nations in New York. Zumach said the U.S. broke an
agreement of the Security Council and blackmailed Colombia, which at the time was
presiding over the Council, to take possession of the UN s only copy. The U.S. then
proceeded to make copies of the report for the other four permanent Security Council
nations, Britain, France, Russia and China. Only yesterday did the remaining members of
the Security Council receive their copies. By then, all references to foreign 
companies had
been removed.

According to Zumach, only Germany had more business ties to Iraq than the U.S. As many
as 80 German companies are also listed in Iraq's report. The paper reported that some
German companies continued to do business with Iraq until last year.

US Corporations named in Iraqi Report :

1 Honeywell

2 Spectra Physics

3 Semetex

4 TI Coating

5 Unisys

6 Sperry Corp.

7 Tektronix

8 Rockwell

9 Leybold Vacuum Systems

10 Finnigan-MAT-US

11 Hewlett-Packard

12 Dupont

13 Eastman Kodak

14 American Type Culture Collection

15 Alcolac International

16 Consarc

17 Carl Zeiss

18 Cerberus

19 Electronic Associates

20 International Computer Systems

21 Bechtel

22 EZ Logic Data Systems, Inc.

23 Canberra Industries Inc.

24 Axel Electronics Inc.

(In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without 
profit to
those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for 
and educational purposes.)

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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[CTRL] Scoop: The Companies That Armed Iraq With WMDs (Expanded)

2002-12-20 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


My Scoop
About Scoop


The Companies That Armed Iraq With WMDs
Friday, 20 December 2002, 3:40 pm
Article: Democracy Now

Top-secret Iraq Report Reveals U.S. Corporations, Gov't Agencies and Nuclear Labs 
Illegally Arm Iraq

*** A Democracy Now! exclusive ***

Hewlett Packard, Dupont, Honeywell and other major U.S. corporations, as well as
governmental agencies including the Department of Defense and the nation’s nuclear 
all illegally helped Iraq to build its biological, chemical and nuclear weapons 

On Wednesday, December 18, Geneva-based reporter Andreas Zumach broke the story on
the US national listener-sponsored radio and television show “Democracy Now!” Zumach’s
Berlin-based paper Die Tageszeitung plans to soon publish a full list of companies and
nations who have aided Iraq. The paper first reported on Tuesday that German and U.S.
companies had extensive ties to Iraq but didn’t list names.

Zumach obtained top-secret portions of Iraq’s 12,000-page weapons declaration that the
US had redacted from the version made available to the non-permanent members of the
UN Security Council.

Key Links:
Listen to Democracy Now!'s December 18 interview w/ Zumach
Read translated copies of Zumach's articles - And Mirrored on Scoop
Read complete list of U.S. and other foreign corporations - And Mirrored on Scoop
Die Tageszeitung

“We have 24 major U.S. companies listed in the report who gave very substantial support
especially to the biological weapons program but also to the missile and nuclear 
program,” Zumach said. “Pretty much everything was illegal in the case of nuclear and
biological weapons. Every form of cooperation and supplies… was outlawed in the 1970s.”

The list of U.S. corporations listed in Iraq's report include Hewlett Packard, DuPont,
Honeywell, Rockwell, Tectronics, Bechtel, International Computer Systems, Unisys, 
and TI Coating.

Zumach also said the U.S. Departments of Energy, Defense, Commerce, and Agriculture
quietly helped arm Iraq. U.S. government nuclear weapons laboratories Lawrence
Livermore, Los Alamos and Sandia trained traveling Iraqi nuclear scientists and gave 
fissile material for construction of a nuclear bomb.

“There has never been this kind of comprehensive layout and listing like we have now 
in the
Iraqi report to the Security Council so this is quite new and this is especially new 
for the
U.S. involvement, which has been even more suppressed in the public domain and the U.S.
population,” Zumach said.

The names of companies were supposed to be top secret. Two weeks ago Iraq provided
two copies of its full 12,000-page report, one to the International Atomic Energy 
Agency in
Geneva, and one to the United Nations in New York. Zumach said the U.S. broke an
agreement of the Security Council and blackmailed Colombia, which at the time was
presiding over the Council, to take possession of the UN’s only copy. The U.S. then
proceeded to make copies of the report for the other four permanent Security Council
nations, Britain, France, Russia and China. Only yesterday did the remaining members of
the Security Council receive their copies. By then, all references to foreign 
companies had
been removed.

According to Zumach, only Germany had more business ties to Iraq than the U.S. As many
as 80 German companies are also listed in Iraq’s report. The paper reported that some
German companies continued to do business with Iraq until last year.

Translations of Andreas Zumach's articles from the Berlin-based newspaper
 Die Tageszeitung that outline the contents of Iraq's top secret weapons report

Democracy Now’s Editor’s Note: These are informal translations of Andreas Zumach's
articles. The full articles in German can be read at http://

12/17/02: The report of the Iraqi government submitted to council last weekend contains
names of more than 80 German companies, several private  publicly financed
laboratories, as well as many individual German individuals who, since the second half 
the 1970s, delivered complete construction sites, parts, ground substances, and 
know-how for Saddam Hussein's programs to develop nuclear, chemical  biological
weapons, and ballistic missiles, as well as documenting the delivery of complete
conventional weapons.

According to the report, in some cases the cooperation, at least in the conventional 
continued till at least the year 2001. This information stems from chapters of the Iraq
report that contains relevant information on international procurement cooperation, in 
four sections (chemical, biological, nuclear  missiles).

According to info from close associates 

[CTRL] - Voice of the Mirror

2002-12-20 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


THE day has been marked in President Bush's diary. January 27, 2003. The date when he
will decide on war against Iraq.

But no one really believes that a big decision will be taken in the White House on 
that day.
The die was cast long ago.

Mr Bush and the warmongers in his cabinet want a war against Saddam Hussein. They say
they must stop him because he has weapons of mass destruction.

But only one leader has weapons of mass destruction and plans to use them. His name is
George W Bush and it is he who must be stopped.

What he plans to do against Iraq will not save lives or make peace. It will 
destabilise the
world and threaten thousands, possibly millions.

President Bush is determined to go to war to demonstrate to the United States' rednecks
that he is committed to the war on terrorism launched after 9/11.

Yesterday the Americans declared that Iraq is in material breach - the key words - of
United Nations resolutions.

Not even the British government went that far. Though Jack Straw came close to it and 
doubtless take the short step to stand shoulder-to- shoulder with Mr Bush.

But they must be stopped. Before this mad, dangerous war is begun. The cost in human 
could be enormous. It would far outweigh the current threat from Saddam.

It is true that weapons of mass destruction should not be allowed in the wrong hands.

But they are. They are in President Bush's. That is the greatest threat facing the 

Spike the guns

BEFORE Labour came to power in 1997, it promised to crack down on arms dealers.

Instead it has allowed the trade in death to spin out of control.

Although there are restrictions on arms exports from this country, nothing is done to
prevent UK dealers plying their murderous trade abroad.

The Daily Mirror is partnering Oxfam in a campaign to highlight the abuses and persuade
the government to close the loopholes.

Thousands of people are dying because of armed conflicts. It shames this country that 
play a part in providing the killing machines.

They're a credit

DAVID and Victoria Beckham can be accused of many things.

But it is ridiculous to blame them for the massive increase in consumer spending. 
Credit is
cheap, access to it is easy and people want nice things. So they buy them.

That isn't the Beckhams' fault. And the report that blames them is talking nonsense.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] F.A.Z. - English Version

2002-12-20 Thread Euphorian
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U.S. unable to sideline Germany
U.N. Security Council refuses to kowtow to Washington over next chair of Iraq Sanctions

By Aaron Kirchfeld

The United States failed to disqualify Germany as the next chair of the Iraq Sanctions
Committee after France
and Russia rejected alternative U.S. recommendations, a U.N. diplomat said on 
making it likely that Germany will head the committee that oversees the oil-for-food
program that regulates Iraq's imports and exports.
“In the halls of the United Nations, Chile was not really considered a realistic 
option to chair
the Iraq Sanctions Committee, and Spain is set on leading the Counterterrorism 
because of its own domestic problems,“ the U.N. diplomat told F.A.Z. Weekly,  
referring to
the two candidates the United States had endorsed as alternatives to Germany.
U.N. and U.S. diplomats said the United States would not endorse Germany's bid to chair
the Iraq Sanctions Committee, apparently because of the countries' conflicting policy 
Iraq and German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder's refusal to commit to military involvement
in a U.S.-led war to oust Iraqi President Saddam Hussein.
“U.N. Security Council members refused to back Washington's bid to instal Chile as the
head of the Iraq Sanctions Committee,“ because committee chairmanship is traditionally
passed to countries within the same region, the U.N. official told F.A.Z. Weekly. 
expect the Security Council to replace current chairman Norway with Germany, which  
the same post in the mid-1990s.
Asked about possible differences between the United States and Germany on how sanctions
are implemented against Iraq, the diplomat said, “Germany has supported Security 
efforts to fine-tune and reshape the sanctions to minimize collateral damage.“
A German Foreign Ministry spokeswoman said the ministry had no official notice that
Washington opposed Germany's chairmanship. Germany “is prepared to assume leadership
of the Iraq sanctions committee and will, at the very least, be involved with the 
“ she said.
“I don't see why there would be any preprogrammed conflict between the United States
and Germany,“ Green party Iraq expert Reinhard Weisshuhn told F.A.Z. Weekly, referring 
possible conflicting views of the sanctions on Iraq.
Germany is Iraq's 20th-largest trade partner. German companies have had trade volume of
$419 million with Baghdad through the sanctions program since the beginning of 1997,
according to U.N. diplomats.
Weisshuhn also said his party, which governs in a coalition with the Social Democrats, 
generally in favor of the oil-for-food program, which allows Iraq to trade oil for 
medical supplies and other civilian goods under the general embargo against trade with
Iraq, imposed by the U.N. Security Council after Iraq invaded neighboring Kuwait in 
Both the Greens and SPD have expressed their support of the changes to the sanctions'
criteria earlier this year by the Security Council  because they specify more clearly 
goods can and cannot be exported.
But U.S. and U.N. officials reported initial resistance to German chairmanship in
Washington, since the White House fears that Schröder's government may challenge U.S.
policy on Iraq. The decision on who will replace Norway will be made at the beginning 
next year.
This is not the first time that the United States has been opposed to German 
leadership of a
U.N. committee on Iraq. Hans von Sponeck, the U.N. humanitarian coordinator for Iraq
between late 1998 and early 2000, stepped down under pressure from the United States
after he strongly criticized the sanctions as being “a true human tragedy that needs 
to be
Sponeck has recently co-authored a 60-page report on the U.N. Security Council 
which accuses the United States and Britain of ignoring the consequences of the 
which the report says include death caused by poverty, malnutrition and inadequate 
care as well as hindering the country's inability to rebuild after the Gulf War.
The main problem is that some export goods needed for medical treatment and
infrastructure repair and construction can potentially be used to produce weapons, the
report says. These goods, which include mundane items such as plastic bags, are 
knocked off the export list by the sanctions committee.
Meanwhile, Berlin's daily Tages- zeitung has reported that Iraq's 12,000-page report 
on its
weapons program lists over 80 German companies that have delivered equipment, parts,
basic materials and technological know-how to Iraq that could be used for the 
of atomic, chemical and biological weapons.
Tageszeitung also reported that despite the fact that most of 

[CTRL] Holy Day Lore

2002-12-20 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-{F040FFD3-897B-46DF-9603-

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Thank Luther

By Elise Kissling

Christ may have been born on Christmas Day, but here in Germany people celebrate on the
24th. This is a
sorry situation for expats, since everything is over before it's supposed to begin: 
goose, the works. Christmas is referred to by its bureaucratic name: “the first 
holiday,“ a
reference to the two work-free days following the 24th.
Stocking stuffers are unpacked weeks in advance on a special holiday called Nikolaus 
But how can you read your kids Dickens' “A Christmas Carol“ under these circumstances?
“Twas three weeks before Christmas and all through the house.“ Or: “The boots were all
lined up in front of the door with care in the hopes that Saint Nikolaus soon would...“
There's more. While the festivities have been pushed forward, the Christmas tree is 
put up
just hours before the children dive for their presents. While the tree is receiving 
its holiday
face lift, the kids are banned to their rooms, sometimes for hours.
You see, it's not Santa who brings the presents to German children but the Christ Child
himself. This, anyone will tell you, is authentically German and supposedly less 
and more in tune with the real spirit of the holiday season than that big red man 
Uncle Sam
is trying to push on the rest of the world.
Admittedly, the prevalent image of Santa Claus, designed and marketed by Coca Cola in 
last century, is gaudier than the slender image of the Christ Child that most German
children have in their heads (there is no uniform picture of the Christ Child; it's 
left to the
imagination), but did the Swiss really have to start a grass roots movement to get rid 
In reality, it's the Christ Child who did away with Santa, not the other way around, 
and it
happened right here in Germany during the Reformation. When Martin Luther exiled the
saints he also banned Ol' Saint Nick. But since children protested against losing their
presents, Luther gave them the Christ Child, a figure borrowed from the French!
Ironically, the biggest proponents of the Christ Child today are Catholic. Many 
have readily exchanged the elusive angel-like figure for the hearty man from the North 
After all, they'll tell you, the Christ Child is a Catholic invention.
Dec. 6, 2002

© Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung 2000
All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or
in part is prohibited.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Article: French Court Fines Soros for Insider Trading

2002-12-20 Thread Tenor Love
-Caveat Lector-

This article from
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French Court Fines Soros for Insider Trading

December 20, 2002

PARIS, Dec. 20 - In a bizarre ending to a 14-year-old
investigation, a French court today convicted the American
financier George Soros of insider trading and fined him 2.2
million euros, or about $2.3 million.

The verdict by the three-member bench came after a
prosecutor recommended during a hearing last month that, at
the minimum, Mr. Soros be fined 2.2 million euros, the sum
he is accused of having earned on what officials say were
illegal transactions.

In a statement, Mr. Soros, who was in New York today,
reiterated his belief that the charges against him were
`'unfounded and without merit and said he was astonished
and dismayed by the court's ruling.

Declaring that he would appeal the decision to the highest
level necessary, Mr. Soros said, At no point was I in
possession of inside information regarding Société

Michael Vachon, a spokesman for Mr. Soros, who was in New
York when the court announced its decision, said by phone
from New York today that Mr. Soros is sort of taking it

It is a shock, he said.

Two other defendants, Jean-Charles Naouri, 53, a former
senior official in the France's Finance Ministry, and Samir
Traboulsi, 64, a French citizen of Lebanese origin, were
acquitted. The prosecutor had recommended fines for both

Mr. Soros is best known for his wildly successful investing
but also for his philanthropy, most notably in formerly
Communist Eastern Europe. In the 1980's, he acquired stakes
valued at about $50 million in four formerly state-owned
companies in France, including the bank Société Générale.
The stakes were purchased in 1988 for Mr. Soros's Quantum

The case drew interest here partly because of Mr. Soros's
image as the paradigm of the free-wheeling financier and
partly because it illustrated some of the anomalies of
financial oversight in France.

The case dates back to the privatization by a center-right
government in 1987 of Société Générale, a major French
banking company that was until then government owned. The
following year, a Socialist-led government returned to
office and sought to regain control of the bank. Sensing an
opportunity for gain, while assisting their political
allies, a group of investors around the French financier
Georges Pebereau devised a scheme to acquire control of the
bank, sending its share price soaring.

Mr. Pebereau's raid was ultimately unsuccessful, but in
September 1988 an associate of Mr. Pebereau informed Mr.
Soros in a telephone conversation of the planned bid,
according to testimony to the court.

Mr. Soros's lawyers argued that the information Mr. Soros
received was not sufficiently confidential to substantiate
the charge of insider trading. Moreover, they argued that
until new legislation relating to insider trading was
enacted in 1990, the offense was limited to employees
purchasing shares in their own companies.

Lawyers for Mr. Soros said the case could be appealed in
France and to the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg.
One of their strongest arguments would be the length of the
proceedings. In the past, cases that have dragged on for as
few as five years have been overturned by European courts
on appeal.

In an appearance before the court in November, Mr. Soros
said: `'I have been in business all my life, and I think I
know what is insider trading, and what isn't.

Today's ruling marked the first time that Mr. Soros has
been convicted of financial misdeeds. In 1979, he signed a
consent decree with the Securities and Exchange Commission
in a civil proceeding relating to his purchase of shares in
an American computer manufacturer that was about to issue
fresh shares of stock. S.E.C. officials contended that Mr.
Soros had sold shares to push down the price of the new
shares; Mr. Soros acknowledged no wrongdoing but agreed not
to engage in similar practices in the future.

While the case drew attention because of Mr. Soros's
notoriety in financial circles, it was also seen as
illustrative of the ill-functioning of financial control
and the court system in France. Prosecutors replied to
criticism of the extraordinary lapse of time between the
events and the court trial by pointing to delays in
obtaining financial documentation relating to the trial
from other European countries, notably Switzerland.

In fact, Mr. Pebereau's unsuccessful bid for Société
Générale formed part of a political intrigue involving
efforts by former President Francois Mitterand, who sought
after his re-election in 1988 to bring several large French
companies into the sphere of investors inclined to Mr.
Mitterand's Socialist party.

An early investigation into the events by the French stock
market oversight agency made little mention of Mr. Soros.
Not until after 1992 did the prosecutors question him about
his role in the affair. None of the key 

[CTRL] VOXFUX - Rumor and Speculation Arise :: Memes.o…

2002-12-20 Thread RoadsEnd
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It is a sin to believe evil of others, but it is seldom a mistake.

-- H.L. Mencken
Rushkoff's BlogCBS Script
A bunch of you have asked, so hereapos;s a copy of something close to the
script that was used for the narration for the CBS Sunday Morning piece I did
that ran last week. As you can see, TV makes for a more skeletal analysis.
But the pictures do help.

CBS Sunday Morning
My first CBS Sunday Morning commentary airs Sunday, December 15, at 9am in
most US time zones. I wrote and narrated, but I havenapos;t seen the edited

Trent Lott
Let him keep his job, even though his longstanding racist agenda is coming to
light. He represents a significant constituency of the Republican party. Yes,
Bush publically scolded Lott for what he said (that Strom Thurmond, a
segregationist, should have been President).
Read more
Theory: VOXFUX - Rumor and Speculation Arise
Posted by: valis on Dec 19, 2002 - 06:00 AMThe following is a comment to a
Seattle IndyMedia story:

I have been following the news site now for a while (Very Closely)
A strange thing happened just prior to the raid. Voxfux had been having a
back and fourth with a real belligerent jerk who had been posting under the
name Unknown Soldier Vox had essentially tracked his usage to a number of
postings by this same jerk. Then vox's final exchange was that this guy was
spoofing his IP (which only hackers and intelligence agents do) Since this
jerk Unknown Soldier is no hacker then maybe...

You get the drift.

Then Vox announced that this guy was operating on which is a
VERY SUSPICIOUS internet company. With a strange kind of administration which
never responds to any complaints about it's many violations regarding some
illegal activity is undertakes on a daily basis. Also seems
immune to any Internet authorities' regarding their constant and flagrant
violations of common Internet rules and regulations.

Vox indicating that rasserver could be an organ of the CIA.

Then he looked into rasserver's parent company ICG and discovered that ICG
Communications Inc had decended into bankrupcy just days after Bush siezed
the presidency. Hmmm.

He accused ICG Communications Inc of being possible the next Enron scandal,
only this time Vox has claimed that ICG was actually taken over by an
intelligence group (CIA or EX CIA) and that it had undertaken a scheme to
drive the stock proice into the ground, only to rip off investors, and then
when the stock reached rock bottom they bought up the stock and are now
poised to become fabulously wealthy.

Apparently they drove the stock price from 36 dollars to 36 cents.

Then vox mentioned something about the CEO's involved with ICG were
intelligence assets. The new CEO is in fact a Jesuit (Graduated from LOYOLA
university which specializes in Intellegence, political, industrial economic

The strange thing is that there is no trace of that exchange that was on
vox's web site. What is even stranger is that this Unknown Soldier Who vox
pointed out also posts under the name Soaring Eagle This Soaring Eagle
posted a very spooky veiled threat which is still up on the site it is a
passage from George Orwell's 1984 about Big Brothers ability to obliterate
every trace of a persons life so that no one would ever know that he existed.

I for one checked out 

[CTRL] Religion Ethics Newsweekly: WEB EXCLUSIVE: The Moral War Against Iraq - September 13, 2002

2002-12-20 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


by Mark Juergensmeyer

The punch line came at the end. Prior to that, President George W. Bush's speech to the
United Nations on Iraq seemed almost restrained. It was, to a large extent, a
straightforward litany of grievances -- promises broken, UN resolutions ignored. Only 
at the
end did the rhetoric of the speech begin to sound, well, rhetorical. In fact, it 
almost sermonic.

We must choose, Bush said, between a world of fear and a world of progress. This
stark dichotomy seemed to echo the words he used shortly after the September 11 attack 
year ago, when he said that nations should line up either for or against the war on
terrorism. What was chilling about the war language against al Qaeda was that it seemed
to mirror Osama bin Laden's own view of the world. Bin Laden, like many religious
extremists, was animated by the notion that a hidden cosmic war was behind many of the
evils of the world. Bush's war on terrorism rhetoric picked up that theme and directed 
against bin Laden himself.

Such a war allows for no bystanders. You are either for us or against us, Bush said,
challenging the world a year ago. As he made his case for attacking Iraq, he again
presented the world with a stark moral dichotomy.

In the UN speech, Bush concluded with a kind of altar call, addressing directly the 
conscience of each delegate. He told them that the United States would make that 
against fear and in favor of progress, and then charged each delegate in the hall to
replicate the moral commitment he had made. You have the power to make that stand,
the president solemnly urged them.

The moral imagery of the war on terrorism was thus transferred to the war on Iraq. The
proposed Iraqi incursion, Bush seemed to say, is a struggle over ultimate values. It 
is not
just a matter of reining in an erratic and potentially dangerous rogue regime. It is a 
of making profound and enduring choices: of choosing progress rather than fear, truth 
evil, light over darkness.

Political leaders often lean on absolute language - - especially images provided by 
-- to buttress their political positions. It was this kind of language that animated 
the rhetoric
of political leaders during the Cold War. But what is interesting about the use of 
language in the Iraq case is that the foe is not another USSR or China but a rather 
unlikable despot in a Middle Eastern country with an economy comparable to that of a
moderate-sized county in the state of California.

Like Osama bin Laden, Saddam Hussein possesses relatively little real power -- at 
least at
present -- but he does have the ability to annoy America's leaders and scare its 
Much of his danger is his unpredictability, the danger of the unknown.

No wonder, then, that quasi-religious language is invoked to prepare the world for 
such an
encounter. Saddam Hussein has become a symbol for fear itself -- and who in their right
minds would choose that over progress?

Mark Juergensmeyer is the author of TERROR IN THE MIND OF GOD: THE GLOBAL RISE OF
next year. He is professor of sociology and religious studies and director of global 
international studies at the University of California, Santa Barbara.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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2002-12-20 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

By: Jim Moore

In an article I wrote titled, "Danger to America--The Insiders", I tried to explain the phenomenon of the "conspiracy". The conspiracy, I said, was an international group of "Insiders" who are planning the subversion of America into a "new world order." 

However, the magnitude and power of international conspirators to sabotage the independence and sovereignty of America is so little known, and so out of the mainstream American consciousness, that my article could only skim the surface.

For more elucidation, I felt that a follow-up article was owed the reader; with more specifics of the kind of trouble America is in. 

So I've added an informative interview between J.Conti, contributing author of GoOFF, an alternative news source, and Robert Gaylon Ross, Sr., author of the explosive book, "Who's Who of the Elite", which was such a shocker that no publisher would touch it. So Mr. Ross published it himself.

Ross has impressive credentials, as a renowned author, a licensed Manufacturing Engineer, an officer in the Army Security Agency, an expert in the field of cryptoanalysis (breaking codes), and company commander of an intelligence unit in South Korea. 

He's also worked in the petroleum industry as a management consultant in the U.S., Japan. Mexico, Canada, England, and Iran. His positions and contacts have afforded him penetrating insights into the subversive powers endangering America's freedom.

Here is Ross's revealing interview with Conti:

CONTI: Gaylon, tell us, what is the "elite", what does the term really mean?

ROSS: My definition of the Elite is anyone who is now, or who has ever been a member of the Bilderberg's (BB), Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), or the Trilateral Commission (TC), or who is now, or has in the past, associated very closely with the core members of these secret organizations.

CONTI: What is the degree of influence the "elite" have over the Government of the United States, and for that matter, the world?

ROSS: The Elite either directly, or indirectly, controls EVERYTHING of significance that happens over the entire world.

CONTI: How did they manage to have so much power?

ROSS: The Golden Rule-He who has the gold, rules! The core members of the Elite (primarily the Rockefellers and Rothschilds) own all of the central banks of the entire world. Money is power! They create money from thin air. Their money is not backed by ANYTHING.

CONTI: Who are the "members" of the secret ruling clique?

ROSS: There are just over 3,000 members of the Elite, and I name them in my first book, "Who's Who of the Elite". In addition to naming them I also tell what secret organizations they belong to, where they work, and their job titles, Then I sort them by where they work, and it becomes very clear that they control EVERYTHING of significance over the entire world. 

CONTI: In your opinion, what is their ultimate goal and what will they do to accomplish it?

ROSS: Their ultimate goal is to create the Global Union which will control the world both politically and economically, and they will do whatever is necessary to accomplish this goal. 

CONTI: How long ago did their plans begin?

ROSS: At least before the first Bilderberg meeting in 1954, probably much earlier. The minutes of the meeting include discussions about forming the European Union, which is the first step in establishing the Global Union.

CONTI: Why is it that almost no one knows about these things?

ROSS: Most information from around the world comes from newspapers, news magazines and television, and the Elite directly own or control these sources of news.

CONTI: Where does their endless supply of money come from?

ROSS: They create money from thin air. Their money is not backed by ANYTHING. The law that created the Federal Reserve System stipulated that all taxes collected by the Internal Revenue System must be deposited in the Federal Reserve Banks, NOT the Treasury Department.

CONTI: To what degree do you think they affect who our elected officials are?

ROSS: The Elite have selected the winning candidates for our President for the last 200 or more years. In many cases, they selected the top two candidates for this office. Bill Clinton attended the 1991 Bilderberg Conference in Baden-Baden, Germany before he was selected by them to become our president in 1992.

CONTI: This is difficult to ask, but are we their slaves? Is that what this reality boils down to?

ROSS: When they complete the Global Union, somewhere around 2010, there will be around 3,000 Elite and there will be the rest of us, who will essentially be their slaves.

CONTI: What role do you think they play in the "cancer", "Alzheimer's", "depression" and "heart disease" industries? Do you think that through their "seemingly" unrelated front companies that they are actually poisoning Americans to keep them sick 

[CTRL] Voxfux: Simply have no fear - and they will fall

2002-12-20 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Simply have no fear - and they will fall
This is the key
by voxfux

I would rather die standing and fighting, then cower under this fascist threat to all of humanity. 

First of all I need to express a HUGE amount of gratitude to the folks who were the first responders. Amy Goodman from Democracy Now was the absolute first responder to my and all of mankind's predicament. Her's is a beacon of liberty - thank you. Also valis from and liberty think - I owe you a big one - much thanks. And to lightscion who mirrored the front page - thank you for your effort. Also many other sites and concerned people from the Democratic underground and all the many Indymedias who covered this turn of events. Also I must thank my extensive network of friends and family who have been a beautiful support network during this whole affair. And last but not least I would like to thank those on the "INSIDE" for tipping me off and helping me out - Not all of these guys are bad - there is DEEP division among their ranks, and that is very encouraging and gratifying to know. HALF OF THOSE INVOLVED IN THE RAID WERE ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTED ABOUT BEING FORCED INTO TO DOING BUSHES DIRTY POLITICAL OPPRESSION - HALF. 

Also I think Bush and his cabal of cowardly retarded fascists owe a huge thanks to the many pigs and also some of the so called activists who through their (in)activism and non response have proven to be able foot soldiers in the dark force's push to crush the spirit of humankind. The Fascists thank you.

And now lets talk about what this whole thing is about - one word - fear.

Fear is the ONLY thing they have. They have nothing else - nothing. They have no ideas, no policies, no solutions - just fear. Their principle purpose of existence now is "CONTROL THROUGH FEAR," 

But I am not afraid. 

I feel like a lion in a den of pigs.

If we just address that fear these pigs are finished.
And so that is why these fascists brought in the building department when they raided my home and threatened my tenants with eviction and told that I would be getting fines. They are mounting a frontal assualt on me finantially. Now how can they explain if I was such a threat to that lying filth called Bush, why notify the building department??? Certainly if the presidents life was in danger wouldn't they be concerned that by bringing the building department in on it they risk blowing the whole raid?? Think about it, folks.
So what does this mean?
It means only one thing - that the ONLY reason for the NAZI "Homeland Security" and their new break and enter policy is to crush and intimidate anyone who opposes Bush. 


But they are nothing. They will attack me with everything they have. And so I am now preparing, meeting with lawyers and accountants in anticipation of what will almost assuredly be a barrage of attacks and audits and anything else they can throw at me.

Also I will be inviting a friendly media source on to my house and property to conduct a complete and thorough search and audit of the premisis to assure that they don't return and suddenly "DISCOVER" some guns or bags of cocaine, or Al Queda manuals or some other such pile of dirty shit that they can dish out.

They left my home with the alarm system unarmed and the basement door wide open - it was just discovered tonight. All the interior doors which are always locked were picked and opened and locks on my personal trunks were broken and the contents were strewn about. 

Neighbors were dutifully instilled with fear and ordered to contact authorities upon seeing or hearing from me. So they are turning neighbor against neighbor, human against human all because they think they master the art of FEAR. 

But that is only because I have not yet had a chance to tell my version of what this is really all about. I will speak to all of my neighbors soon. And set the record straight. As soon as I get to someone, five minutes later they are back on my side and cooperate with ME and NOT the authorities. AND THAT IS THE POWER OF TRUTH AND THAT IS THE STRENGTH OF THE LIGHT. 


Just know them for what they really are and they become powerless. 

Furthermore, I will debate any or all of these cowards any time anywhere and I will beat ALL of them. So let me clarify that. If they were not cowards let them schedule a news segment on a major TV outlet so we can let the American people decide for themselves who they believe. I will bet my house that in one hour I can wake the American people up and expose these cowards for they really are. 1 hour. Any or all of them against one man. Anytime anywhere. You should see me in a power suit with a power tie and my long hair, I'll destroy them.

But you know what? They are such cowards that THEY WOULD NEVER DO IT. Now Isn't 

[CTRL] Colorblind - Except For Some...

2002-12-20 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

December 20, 2002
If only Trent Lott had endorsed segregation of Middle Easterners…. 

"We're all Israelis now!" This was the cry that went up from the War Party in the wake of 9/11, and as a prophecy regarding our treatment of Middle Easterners in America, it is certainly coming true. Amid reports that Israel has as many as 5,000 Palestinians in custody comes the news that hundreds of Middle Easterners have been rounded up in California and detained. Are certain sections of Southern California coming to resemble the occupied territories?

It was actually a pretty clever ruse that lured them dumb Ay-rabs into INS offices: the Immigration and Naturalization Service instituted a new rule that required all male resident aliens over the age of sixteen – from a list of twenty Arab or Middle Eastern countries – to register with the authorities. Monday was the deadline for Iranians, Syrians, Iraqis, Libyans, and Sudanese, and, in Southern California, where many thousands of Iranians fled the repressive regime, they came in droves to comply with the law – and soon found themselves behind bars.

Welcome to America, buddy, the land of the formerly free. Welcome to our "colorblind" society, where the same people calling for the scalp of a man who dared whistle "Dixie" are applauding the mass internment of Arab residents. Welcome to America, which is fast morphing into Israel writ large, at least in this one particular area.

We are often told, by Israel's apologists, that we must side with "the only democracy in the Middle East": we are natural allies because their society bears such a resemblance to our own. Now, as the Israelization of America proceeds, we are beginning to see that the differences are far from subtle – even as they disappear.

Israel may have democratic elections, a relatively free media, and its founders may trace their legacy back to the European Enlightenment, but there is nothing enlightened about their treatment of the Palestinians. Israel's "democratic" rules don't apply to their helot class, and this permits them to treat the Palestinians like dirt under their feet, to be swept up and disposed of. In Israel, about 1,000 Palestinian prisoners are being held indefinitely, without trial, and as suicide bombings increase so has the repression. Associated Press points out that "at the peak last summer, troops ordered Palestinian males, from teenagers to the middle-aged, to gather in public places for questioning and locked up anyone arousing suspicion."

What happened to Abdel Karim Barghouti, a 38-year-old entrepreneur from Ramallah, is part of everyday life for all non-Israelis in the Promised Land. Stopped at a roadblock last year, he was kicked and beaten by Israeli soldiers and detained at a military base. Transferred to Ashkelon prison, Barghouti was grilled for eight hours daily, blindfolded and bound to a chair:

"'The interrogators spit in my face and said, 'No one leaves this place healthy,' Barghouti recalled. At night, guards would bang on the doors to keep the detainees from sleeping, saying, 'Why should you sleep while we have to work?'"

Meanwhile, in Southern California:

"'My father, they just took him in,' one young man told reporters. 'They've been treating him like an animal. They put him in a room with, like, 50 other people and no bed or anything.'"

After all, why should the detainees get to sleep when a bunch of fat-ass INS prison guards have to work?

According to human rights activists, prisoners in Israeli custody are tortured, in spite of the recent prohibition on physical abuse promulgated by Israel's Supreme Court. Deprived of sleep for days on end, Palestinian detainees are "forced to stand for hours as their feet swell with pain," as interrogators tell them their families have been slaughtered. They are told they must confess, or else the bulldozers poised to demolish their homes will be given the go-ahead. 

But at least the Israelis make no bones about their behavior, and don't try to hide the nakedness of their repression behind the see-thru gauze of liberal "democracy" and the rule of law. In Israel, they set up roadblocks and haul away anyone who looks "suspicious" – in America, we have them come in and "register." In this way, people who have lived here and paid taxes for years are simply hauled away, stripped of their rights, and deported back to the murderous tyrannies they fled.

"It is a shock," said Sabiha Khan of the Southern California chapter of the Council on American Islamic Relations. "You don't expect this to happen. It is really putting fright and apprehension in the community. People who come from these countries – this is what they expect from their government. Not from America."

"I think it is shocking what is happening," says ACLU executive director Ramona Ripston, "It is reminiscent of what happened in the past with the internment 

[CTRL] Zionism: Still The Smelly Elephant in the Room

2002-12-20 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Zionism: Still The Smelly Elephant in the Room 

 In the spring of 1986, Gore Vidal, novelist and chronicler of US history, published an essay in The Nation which became instantly notorious. 

Called "The Empire Lovers Strike Back," its subject was the relationship of American Jewish neo-conservatives to the state of Israel. He chose as exemplars of the phenomenon, Commentary magazine editor, Norman Podhoretz, and spouse, Midge Decter (mother-in-law of Elliot Abrams of Iran Contra infamy; Abrams, a racial purist who disdains intermarriage, now serves as White House Director of Middle Eastern Affairs). 

Podhoretz and Decter had once been liberals, but an aggressive Zionism led them to pitch their tent in the Republican Party. Their aim was to use US economic and political heft to advance Israel's interests in the Middle East. 

The essay was vintage Vidal and it greatly provoked his critics. To ensure that no one took seriously what he had to say - to silence the debate before it started - he was rubbished as the worst kind of anti-Semite.

So, exactly what had Vidal said to earn this most feared of labels? 

In recent weeks we have heard a good deal about the cynical alliance between fundamentalist Christian Zionists in the US and Jewish settlers (supported by the right-wing Likud party) in the Occupied Territories. 

Sixteen years ago in a display of considerable prescience, Vidal wrote: "since spades may not be called spades in freedom's land, let me spell it out. In order to get military and economic support for Israel, a small number of American Jews, who should know better, have made common cause with every sort of reactionary and anti-Semitic group in the United States, from the corridors of the Pentagon to the TV studios of the evangelical Jesus Christers all in the interest of supporting the likes of Sharon as opposed to the Peace Now Israelis whom they disdain." 

Central to Vidal's case was the indifference to US history which he discerned among these Jewish neo-conservatives. 

When he was writing a play set during the American Civil War, he recalls Norman Podhoretz asking him, "Why are you writing a play about, of all things, the Civil War?" 

When Vidal explained that this was/is "the great, single tragic event that gives resonance to our Republic" Podhoretz replied, "To me, the Civil War is as remote and irrelevant as the War of the Roses." 

Vidal calls Podhoretz and his ilk Fifth Columnists (Israeli division) to indicate their extra-territorial priorities. They pursue political power not in order to make the US a better place, to right wrongs or to fight inequality here, but to promote Israel's pre-eminence in the Middle East, to confine Palestinians to a couple of Bantustans or, better still, engineer their expulsion to Jordan. 

Judith Shulavitz, writing last month in The New York Times about Podhoretz's new book, The Prophets: Who They Were And What They Are, observes that for Podhoretz the biblical prophet's message is: "the Jews are the people chosen to redeem the world’s They will perform their divinely appointed duty only if they cling to the Covenant between God and themselves and support Zionism." 

Any appropriation of the prophets in support of social justice he dismisses as false - a Christian overlay or redaction. 

The influence of old-guard Jewish neo-cons, such as Podhoretz and Decter, was exercised mainly through journals of opinion they edited or owned (in addition to Commentary, Martin Peretz's New Republic comes to mind). 

Now, however, a new generation has its hand on the tiller of power. In September, Bill Keller profiled Deputy Secretary of Defence, Paul Wolfowitz, for The New York Times' Sunday Magazine. Wolfowitz and fellow Jewish neo-cons Richard Perle and Douglas Feith have emerged as the Pentagon's Paladins, their aim being to subdue the Islamic world through decisive, pre-emptive use of American military superiority. 

While Wolfowitz is pressing for war against Saddam Hussein, Keller notes his "scholarly detachment" from the disastrous Vietnam War (as remote as the War of the Roses?), in which, while eligible, he had chosen not to serve. Wolfowitz first formed ties to Israel when he accompanied his father there for a sabbatical year. He is known to have close links to Israeli generals and Likud politicians. 

Keller, somewhat hesitatingly, discloses that there are people in Washington who hint at Wolfowitz's "dual loyalties." The (London) Guardian columnist, Hugo Young, is less reticent: "Only in Washington does one get a true sense of the obsession of these Pentagon civilians. Conversationally, it is common talk that some of them, not including Rumsfeld, are as much Israeli as American nationalists. Behind nervous, confiding hands come sardonic whispers of an American outpost of Likud. Most striking of all, however, is how unmentionable this is in the 

[CTRL] Odigo says workers were warned of attack

2002-12-20 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Odigo says workers were warned of attack
By Yuval Dror   

Odigo, the instant messaging service, says that two of its workers received messages two hours before the Twin Towers attack on September 11 predicting the attack would happen, and the company has been cooperating with Israeli and American law enforcement, including the FBI, in trying to find the original sender of the message predicting the attack. 

Micha Macover, CEO of the company, said the two workers received the messages and immediately after the terror attack informed the company's management, which immediately contacted the Israeli security services, which brought in the FBI. 

"I have no idea why the message was sent to these two workers, who don't know the sender. It may just have been someone who was joking and turned out they accidentally got it right. And I don't know if our information was useful in any of the arrests the FBI has made," said Macover. Odigo is a U.S.-based company whose headquarters are in New York, with offices in Herzliya. 

As an instant messaging service, Odigo users are not limited to sending messages only to people on their "buddy" list, as is the case with ICQ, the other well-known Israeli instant messaging application. 

Odigo usually zealously protects the privacy of its registered users, said Macover, but in this case the company took the initiative to provide the law enforcement services with the originating Internet Presence address of the message, so the FBI could track down the Internet Service Provider, and the actual sender of the original message.

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[CTRL] F-15 fighters to have nuclear weapon capability

2002-12-20 Thread Jim Rarey
-Caveat Lector-

CONTRACTS from the United States Department of DefenseNo.
647-02FOR RELEASE AT(703)697-5131(media)5 p.m. ETDecember
20, 2002(703)428-0711(public/industry)

McDonnell Douglas Corp., St. Louis, Mo., is being awarded a$42,726,882
firm-fixed-price, cost-plus fixed-fee contractmodification to provide for
Programmable Armament Control Set(PACS) production program lots 3-5.
Under this effort, thecontractor is required to build and provide retrofit
kits forthe F-15E modifications required for installation of theupgraded
line replaceable units (LRUs) for the AN/AWG-27. ThePACS buy includes
retrofit kits, conformal fuel tank retrofitkits, spares LRUs, spare
umbilical, support equipment, data,interim contractor support, organic
deport support, GFP repairand warranty. Additionally, the
PACs upgraded hardware must becertified for nuclear weapon
capability. McDonnell Douglas willperform this effort at
McDonnell Douglas Corp., St. Louis Miss.,and Hamilton Sunstrand, Windsor
Locks, Conn. At this time,$16,948,120 of the funds has been
obligated. Further funds willbe obligated as individual delivery
orders are issued. Thiswork will be complete by December 2006.
Negotiations werecompleted November 2002. Wright-Patterson Air Force
Base, Ohio,is the contracting activity (F33657-00-C-0014,
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] survivors winning, accused priest w/children, Bush, baby theft, Big Brother

2002-12-20 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

this may be heavy for survivors

from L Moss Sharman Advice from a victim By Adrian Walker, 12/19/02 "Cardinal Bernard F. Law has been forced from the chancery, and the church has been forced to take the issue of sexual abuse to heart. Even 18 months ago, no one saw that coming, including Saviano. ''Finally, victims are being first of all believed,'' Saviano said this week. ''And they're being respected instead of ridiculed and criticized. Most of all, they're seeing there is power in joining together and speaking out, and you can have results. Laws are being changed, attorney generals have perked up their ears around the country. These are changes that victims, myself included, could only have dreamed of."

Archbishop faces new scandal after accused priest worked with children By Kim Sengupta 12/17/02 "The Roman Catholic Church admitted yesterday that it bought a house opposite a primary school for a priest despite knowing he was a suspected paedophile. Before living in the property, Father Christopher Maxwell-Stewart had been placed at a convent where the nuns ran a nursery. It is claimed that he was also permitted to instruct children at a church where he regularly conducted Mass. Last night Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor, the Archbishop of Westminster, was accused of making misleading statements that Fr Maxwell-Stewart was kept away from children."
Is this story a hoax or for real? Bush is in court in Texas for rape. 
I tried to give an overview with information I found By LeaAnne KlentzmanA Fort Bend County woman files a lawsuit on former Governor and current sitting President George W. Bush.Margie Schoedinger of Missouri City, Texas has filed a lawsuit against George W. Bush in Fort Bend County Court. In her suit she is alleging "race based harassment and individual sex crimes committed against her and her husband." The suit lists numerous offenses and asks for actual damages, punitive damages and judgments against George W. Bush{F0609C5E-0E57-409E-8F30-90C5
Media owner arrested in baby theft
Argentine magnate is accused of adopting children taken from 'disappeared' mothers
Isabel Vincent   National Post  Thursday, December 19, 2002
 The owner of Argentina's largest newspaper remains in police custody as part of a judicial probe into the disappearance of children born in captivity during the country's 1976-83 military dictatorship. Ernestina Herrera de Noble, the owner of Clarin Group, which controls the country's largest newspaper, is accused of falsifying documents in the adoption of her two children. A human rights group in Buenos Aires alleges the children, now both 26 years old, were born to imprisoned left-wing rebels who were killed in a concentration camp after giving birth. The two children, Felipe and Marcela, have been ordered to give blood samples for DNA testing.
Mrs. Herrera de Noble's arrest is the first of a prominent member of Argentine society in connection with one of the most disturbing practices of Argentina's Dirty War against left-wing dissidents. As many as 200 children born in prison were kidnapped by military officials and put up for adoption. Many of the mothers were never heard from again, joining the ranks of the disappeared, the term used in Argentina to describe the estimated 30,000 people who were tortured and killed during the military dictatorship.
Has Big Brother arrived, and is he watching us? Government's expanding powers, which it says are needed to fight the war on terrorism, worry many people because of the long-term consequences for ordinary citizens, including a loss of privacy. 
By JAMES HEANEY News Staff Reporter 12/15/2002 Steps taken in the name of fighting terrorism are producing changes in American society that, according to critics spanning the political spectrum, could leave citizens with less personal privacy, a government that operates in greater secrecy and a judicial system that denies some defendants due process. It's not a someday possibility, these critics charge. It's already happening. 

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[CTRL] Air Force studies high-power microwave

2002-12-20 Thread Jim Rarey
-Caveat Lector-

CONTRACTS from the United States Department of DefenseNo.
647-02FOR RELEASE AT(703)697-5131(media)5 p.m. ETDecember
20, 2002(703)428-0711(public/industry)

ITT Industries, Advanced Engineering and Sciences, ColoradoSprings,
Colo., is being awarded a $16,350,000 cost-plusfixed-fee,
indefinite-delivery, indefinite-quantity contractmodification to provide for
research and development support forinvestigation of the lethality of high
power microwave (HPM)devices on target systems and the susceptibility of
U.S. systemsto HPM threats. Funds will be obligated as individual
deliveryorders are issued. The Air Force can issue delivery
orderstotaling up to the maximum amount indicated above, though
actualrequirements may necessitate less than this amount.
Thelocation of performance is the Air Force Research Laboratory,Kirtland
Air Force base, N.M. At this time, no funds have beenobligated.
This work will be complete by February 2005.Negotiations were completed
November 2002. The Air ForceResearch Laboratory is the contracting
activity(F29601-00-D-0061, P8).
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[CTRL] From Cnn

2002-12-20 Thread thew
Title: From Cnn
-Caveat Lector-

Site offers home delivery of marijuana

MONTREAL, Canada (Reuters) --Canadian activists for the medicinal use of marijuana celebrated a court victory on Thursday by launching an Internet site offering home delivery of cannabis for seriously ill people.

Saying it would even offer tax deductions for orders, the Marijuana Party Foundation took the unprecedented step after Quebec Superior Court Judge Gilles Cadieux stopped the drug-trafficking trial of two volunteers from Compassion Club of Montreal, a group that provides marijuana for medicinal purposes.

Relaxing the laws?

In his long-awaited decision, Judge Cadieux agreed that the pair, Marc-Boris St-Maurice, 33, and Alexandre Neron, 22, had planned to sell marijuana when they were arrested almost three years ago. But the judge noted that it was unconstitutional to deny patients access to the drug.

Judge Cadieux said he did not have the authority to rule on the constitutionality of Canada's marijuana laws. Prosecutors did not indicate whether they would appeal his decision.

Earlier this month, a parliamentary committee urged the Canadian government to relax its laws on possession of marijuana. The committee on the nonmedical use of drugs said marijuana should be decriminalized, but not legalized, an idea U.S. drug control officials quickly condemned.

Activists elated

Elated by Judge Cadieux's decision, St-Maurice hailed it as both a moral and legal victory. The Marijuana Party Foundation, operated by the federally chartered Marijuana Party, reacted to the ruling by immediately launching a Web site offering to dispense therapeutic cannabis.

The Web site,, offers two formats of highest quality therapeutic cannabis with a THC content of 8 percent or more. A two-gram package sells for $30 Canadian ($19) while Internet surfers can order a 10 gram shipment for $120 Canadian.

You are not contributing to organized crime. All revenues raised from our service go to advance efforts to end cannabis prohibition, the organization promises on its Web site.

Those wishing to order marijuana via the site must be Canadian citizens residing in Canada, 18 years of age, and provide a doctor's diagnosis of an illness known to be treatable or alleviated through the use of cannabis.

It's an online Compassion Club to serve all Canadians who would have a need for medical marijuana, St-Maurice said.

Medicinal pot legalized in Canada

Canadian law allows access to medical marijuana for a certain patients. Canada's Office of Cannabis Medical Access oversees regulations brought down in July 2001 that allow marijuana use by people suffering from grave and debilitating illnesses.

Applicants include those who have a terminal illness or serious medical conditions such as multiple sclerosis, spinal cord disease, cancer or AIDS/HIV infection.

The Canadian government is working on the cultivation of a safe and standardized supply of marijuana for use as a medical treatment.

But that supply is not yet available and those seeking medicinal marijuana must turn elsewhere for access to the drug. Often, they must apply for a license to grow the marijuana themselves or seek it on the street.

St-Maurice said the Marijuana Party Foundation does not have permits from the Canadian government allowing the group to sell cannabis online. Its Internet initiative also does not have the consent of the Canadian Medical Association or other professional groups.

But St-Maurice said those hurdles will not prevent the Web site from taking orders and shipping marijuana.

In January, we'll be starting to offer tax deductions for the marijuana we sell online, he said.

Copyright 2002 Reuters. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.


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Doubt thyself.
Doubt even if thou doubtest thyself.
Doubt all.
Doubt even if thou doubtest all.
It seems sometimes as if beneath all conscious doubt
there lay some deepest certainty. O kill it! Slay the
The horn of the Doubt-Goat be exalted
Dive deeper, ever deeper, into the Abyss of Mind,
until thou unearth the fox THAT. On, hounds!
Yoicks! Tally-ho! Bring THAT to bay!
Then, wind the Mort!

Uncle Al. the kiddies pal


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[CTRL] Skolnick: TOOTAR Part 23

2002-12-20 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-;article=35852

Sherman Skolnick
Fri Dec 20 18:21:23 2002

Sherman Skolnick wrote:


by Sherman H. Skolnick 12/20/2 [EMAIL PROTECTED]


When private business partners have a falling out, it seems to be like a divorce.

[1] From inside information, they rant against one another. Each hollars that the other was never any good.

[2] One partner accuses the other of cheating, on friendsip, on money, on business, on assets.

[3] Each accuses the other of hiding or stealing the family jewels.

If you understand this, you comprehend how George Herbert Walker Bush and Saddam Hussein react to each other nowadays. Daddy Bush was actually important to the American CIA since formation of Zapata Petroleum Company, later called Zaparta Offshore. They had hundreds of overseas affiliates. Some contend the firm assisted foreign and domestic spy agencies as a cover operation for covert activities and sucking up intelligence data worldwide. Others assert Zapata's offshore drilling platforms, such as those in the sea beyond the U.S. jurisdictional limits, are transit points for clandestine shipments, such as dope.

Was/is this a way of helicopters, servicing the oil drilling, picking up narcotics shipments and getting them into the U.S.? Some think so. International wire service, Reuters, some years ago, studied the matter, and so alleged. [The exact date of their items are hard to track down, but are known to exist. Was the story dropped into a black media hole?] So, Daddy Bush has been apparently for many years part of the dope trafficking.

One heavily detailed book mentions that Daddy Bush was started in the oil business by British royals. ["The Unauthorized Biography of George Bush", by Webster Tarpley et al., 1992.]

In an FBI document, dated November 29, 1963, circulated by us and others, shown is "George Bush of the Central Intelligence Agency" played a key role in the covering up of certain data as to the murder of President John F. Kennedy.

So George Bush The Elder was active in the American spy community long before he was, for eleven and a half months in 1976, Director of Central Intelligence. And ever after, as well. He was instrumental, in the late 1970s, of installing, through political assassinations, in Iraq, Saddam Hussein as the Iraqi strongman.

In the 1980s, Daddy Bush was Saddam's PRIVATE business partner. It was the subject of a little-mentioned Federal Court case in Chicago, where this free lance journalist, was the only reporter covering the court hearing. My exclusive story appeared in a populist weekly newspaper, The Spotlight, August 19, 1991.[Visit our website story, "The Secrets of Timothy McVeigh" for more details.]

Bush the Elder and Saddam Hussein, just like a mafia gang, shook down, extracting "protection money", from the weak oil sheikdoms of the Persian Gulf. Also, Bush's criminal business confederates in the 1980s, inside and outside the White House, supplied Saddam with the beginnings of nuclear and bio-chemical materials and research, for the possible development of so-called "Weapons of Mass Destruction".

See the heavily detailed book, "The Spider's Web--The Secret history of how the White House illegally armed Iraq", by Alan Friedman, Bantam Books, 1993, never adequately publicized in the oil-soaked, spy-riddled American monopoly press.

Recently, the present Bush White House obtained the original of Saddam's response to the United Nations inspection team, a many thousand page document. Bush, in turn, had copies supposedly made of this and turned it over to other members of the U.N. Security Council. Some assert that the Bush White House eliminated or redacted some of the pages showing the role of the Bush Crime Family in supplying such items to Baghdad. "Annan [U.N. Secretary General] Criticizes Handling of Iraqi Files", New York Times, December 11, 2002.

The Persian Gulf conflict of 1990-1991, in its simplest form, was just, as we have shown, a falling out of disgruntled private business partners, Daddy Bush and Saddam Hussein. In 1991, Daddy Bush stole billions and billions of dollars of monies and assets belonging to Saddam, his former partner. These purloined funds were transferred to twenty five secret worldwide accounts of the Bush Crime Family. [Visit our extensive website series, "Greenspan Aids and Bribes Bush", where the secret Federal Reserve wire transfer records, showing Greenspan's and other secret codes, are attached and can be brought up on the screen. For example, one account shows ONE HUNDRED BILLION DOLLARS (partly traceable to assets and funds belonging to former business partner Saddam Hussein) were transferred to a joint Bush account that the Bush Crime Family had with the Queen of England in her private bank, Coutts Bank London. And 

[CTRL] Israelis To Confine Arabs to Ghetto

2002-12-20 Thread flw
-Caveat Lector-

Anger as Israelis set up 'ghetto' for Arabs
Alan Philps in Qalqiliya
(Filed: 21/12/2002)

A light rain brings some of the farmers of Qalqiliya out to look at their
fields, which should be busy with orange and lemon pickers. But the only
sign of activity is a giant Israeli digger carving out a trench wide enough
to drive a car along.

The digger works amid a scene of devastation: an 80-yard-wide area stripped
of its orchards and greenhouses that will shortly become the perimeter
fence of what is effectively a big open-air prison enclosing a town of

Qalqiliya used to thrive on commerce with Israelis who live only a couple
of miles away across the pre-1967 border. Its shops, garages and dentists
all have fading signs in Hebrew to encourage Israelis to spend their money.

But a 220-mile security fence, designed to keep suicide bombers out of
Israel, is about to turn this border town into the most dramatic example of
what Palestinians call the ghetto-isation of their land.

There is already a 24-ft concrete wall - higher than the Berlin Wall - to
the west of the town. A complex of fences, barbed wire and trenches will
isolate it to the north and south.

To the east, the Israelis have served notice that they plan to build an
army-controlled gate, a frontier post separating the town from the rest of
the West Bank. Maps provided by the Israeli army show the town as if
enclosed in a bottle with a long neck, with the gate in place of the cork.

We lost our land. We're living in a big prison, says Darwish Haj Hassan,
20, driving a horse and cart past the digging machine. Nidal Jal'oud, an
official at the mayor's office, put it more bluntly. We are going to live
in a ghetto - like the Jews lived in in Europe, he said.

It is hard to argue. The fence - called a separation barrier by the
Israelis - is deep inside Palestinian territory, hugging the edge of the
town. There are barely 50 yards between a girls' school and the watchtower
of the concrete wall, and only 100 to 200 yards of free space north and
south of the town.

The fence also cuts off hundreds of acres of the best farmland in the West
Bank from its owners in Qalqiliya and 32 surrounding villages.

The Civil Administration, as the Israeli military government is known, has
even asked the local officials to help build the gate which will complete
their incarceration. The fence is designed to keep out Palestinian

One of the most devastating attacks - the killing of 21 people outside a
Tel Aviv disco last year - was carried out by a Jordanian suicide bomber
who set off from Qalqiliya.

But the line of the fence suggests to the Palestinians that there is more
than security in play.

We expected it to be along the old [1967] border, said Khalid Shanti,
secretary of the Palestinian Farmers' Union. His greenhouses have already
been bulldozed and he is isolated from his land on the other side of the
fence, now a closed military zone.

The Israeli Defence Ministry said it would provide nine agricultural gates
in the Qalqiliya area. But farmers are still worried that they will find it
hard to reach their fields and get their produce to market.

Mr Shanti said: What used to be a 15-minute walk will be an hour-long ride
in several taxis and I will need a permit. So will all my family if they
are to work. Everyone knows that when you go for a permit the Israelis ask
you to work as an informer. Step by step we are losing our land.

The reason for the fence's incursion into Palestinian territory is to
enclose two Jewish settlements - Alfei Menashe and Zufim - within the
military zone. The Defence Ministry said the route of the fence was
dictated by security considerations derived from the topography.

To Palestinians the fence looks like a land grab. Foreign aid donors, who
have funded irrigation projects costing millions of pounds, believe that in
three years many farmers will have been forced to abandon their holdings,
leaving them free for Jewish settlers.

Mr Shanti said: The Israelis want us to disappear. They want Qalqiliya
erased from the map.

Gershon Baskin, of the Israel-Palestine Centre for Research and
Information, said Israel needed a fence but he winced at the use of the
word ghetto.

You cannot talk to Jewish people using this word. It is too closely
connected with the Nazi era, the Warsaw Ghetto and the annihilation of all
the Jews in it. I would just call it a prison.

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Re: [CTRL] The Shocking Pagan Origin Of Christmas

2002-12-20 Thread Shemuwel Antoine Moser
-Caveat Lector-

I speak from about Christmas on the sight above. Did you know that
Christmas was originally the Roman pagan holiday Saturnelia? Saturn and
Satan are the same words. One Early Latin and the other late Latin.

Do you want to celebrate the Satan Day that is Christmas?

Santa = Satan

Read much more shocking info on the link above.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] The Shocking Pagan Origin Of Christmas

2002-12-20 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 12/20/2002 8:45:30 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I speak from about Christmas on the sight above. Did you know that
Christmas was originally the Roman pagan holiday Saturnelia? 

Gee, that's interesting...did YOU know that Xinsanity was plagiarized from older myths??

The Origins of Christianity and
the Quest for the Historical Jesus Christ
by Acharya S


Around the world over the centuries, much has been written about religion, its meaning, its relevance and contribution to humanity. In the West particularly, sizable tomes have been composed speculating upon the nature and historical background of the main character of Western religions, Jesus Christ. Many have tried to dig into the precious few clues as to Jesus's identity and come up with a biographical sketch that either bolsters faith or reveals a more human side of this godman to which we can all relate. Obviously, considering the time and energy spent on them, the subjects of Christianity and its legendary founder are very important to the Western mind and culture. 

The Controversy

Despite all of this literature continuously being cranked out and the significance of the issue, in the public at large there is a serious lack of formal and broad education regarding religion and mythology, and most individuals are highly uninformed in this area. Concerning the issue of Christianity, for example, the majority of people are taught in most schools and churches that Jesus Christ was an actual historical figure and that the only controversy regarding him is that some people accept him as the Son of God and the Messiah, while others do not. However, whereas this is the raging debate most evident in this field today, it is not the most important. Shocking as it may seem to the general populace, the most enduring and profound controversy in this subject is whether or not a person named Jesus Christ ever really existed. 

Although this debate may not be evident from publications readily found in popular bookstores1, when one examines this issue closely, one will find a tremendous volume of literature that demonstrates, logically and intelligently, time and again that Jesus Christ is a mythological character along the same lines as the Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Sumerian, Phoenician, Indian or other godmen, who are all presently accepted as myths rather than historical figures2. Delving deeply into this large body of work, one uncovers evidence that the Jesus character is based upon much older myths and heroes from around the globe. One discovers that this story is not, therefore, a historical representation of a Jewish rebel carpenter who had physical incarnation in the Levant 2,000 years ago. In other words, it has been demonstrated continually for centuries that this character, Jesus Christ, was invented and did not depict a real person who was either the "son of God" or was "evemeristically" made into a superhuman by enthusiastic followers3. 

History and Positions of the Debate

This controversy has existed from the very beginning, and the writings of the "Church Fathers" themselves reveal that they were constantly forced by the pagan intelligentsia to defend what the non-Christians and other Christians ("heretics")4 alike saw as a preposterous and fabricated yarn with absolutely no evidence of it ever having taken place in history. As Rev. Robert Taylor says, "And from the apostolic age downwards, in a never interrupted succession, but never so strongly and emphatically as in the most primitive times, was the existence of Christ as a man most strenuously denied."5 Emperor Julian, who, coming after the reign of the fanatical and murderous "good Christian" Constantine, returned rights to pagan worshippers, stated, "If anyone should wish to know the truth with respect to you Christians, he will find your impiety to be made up partly of the Jewish audacity, and partly of the indifference and confusion of the Gentiles, and that you have put together not the best, but the worst characteristics of them both."6 According to these learned dissenters, the New Testament could rightly be called, "Gospel Fictions."7 

A century ago, mythicist Albert Churchward said, "The canonical gospels can be shown to be a collection of sayings from the Egyptian Mythos and Eschatology."8 In Forgery in Christianity, Joseph Wheless states, "The gospels are all priestly forgeries over a century after their pretended dates."9 Those who concocted some of the hundreds of "alternative" gospels and epistles that were being kicked about during the first several centuries C.E. have even admitted that they had forged the documents.10 Forgery during the first centuries of the Church's existence was admittedly rampant, so common in fact that a new phrase was coined to describe it: "pious fraud."11 Such prevarication is 

Re: [CTRL] The Shocking Pagan Origin Of Christmas

2002-12-20 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 12/20/2002 8:51:34 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Gee, that's interesting...did YOU know that Xinsanity was plagiarized from older myths??

Obviously I meant to say that Xinsanity plagiarized other, older mythology.

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Re: [CTRL] The Shocking Pagan Origin Of Christmas

2002-12-20 Thread alien
-Caveat Lector-

Not to be a total fun-hater, but the solstice was noticed way before
anyone decided to invent a religion around its existence -- who isn't
happy to see the sun growing slightly larger in the sky and to know the
nights are getting shorter again? Nothing sinister about that.

Shemuwel Antoine Moser wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 I speak from about Christmas on the sight above. Did you know that
 Christmas was originally the Roman pagan holiday Saturnelia? Saturn and
 Satan are the same words. One Early Latin and the other late Latin.

 Do you want to celebrate the Satan Day that is Christmas?

 Santa = Satan

 Read much more shocking info on the link above.

 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] The Shocking Pagan Origin Of Christmas

2002-12-20 Thread thew
-Caveat Lector-

You can't be sure of that.

The recognition of the solstice may have come before or after the 1st
religion - hard to say
We will never know really

on 12/20/02 11:11 PM, alien at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 Not to be a total fun-hater, but the solstice was noticed way before
 anyone decided to invent a religion around its existence -- who isn't
 happy to see the sun growing slightly larger in the sky and to know the
 nights are getting shorter again? Nothing sinister about that.

 Shemuwel Antoine Moser wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 I speak from about Christmas on the sight above. Did you know that
 Christmas was originally the Roman pagan holiday Saturnelia? Saturn and
 Satan are the same words. One Early Latin and the other late Latin.

 Do you want to celebrate the Satan Day that is Christmas?

 Santa = Satan

 Read much more shocking info on the link above.

 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] Sect Says First Cloned Baby Due in Weeks

2002-12-20 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector-

Sect Says First Cloned Baby Due in Weeks

Fri Dec 20,10:32 AM ET

MONTREAL (Reuters) - A Canadian cult that believes in free love and that life
on earth was created by extra terrestrials said it could deliver the world's
first cloned baby on Christmas day.

But the announcement by the Quebec-based Raelians sect was greeted on
Thursday with anger and skepticism from experts in the field.

I am personally disgusted, said Arthur Leader, chief of reproductive
medicine at the Ottawa Hospital. It shows disrespect for human embryos and
it demeans our humanity, he said.

Brigitte Boisselier, a bishop in the sect, said their company, Clonaid,
cloned a human embryo last March and a baby girl is expected to be delivered
within the next two weeks and possibly on Christmas Day.

We are well advanced and the first baby is due for the end of this year. We
think it will be a healthy baby, Boisselier told Reuters.

She said 10 human embryos were cloned last spring, with five miscarrying. The
four other cloned babies are expected next year.

Boisselier, 45, is a biochemist associated with the Raelians, a cult that
believes life on earth was genetically created by visiting extra-

Steve Wingate, Webmaster
Latest Update: Cydonia in 3-D

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] SNET: Sect Says First Cloned Baby Due in Weeks

2002-12-20 Thread Party of Citizens
-Caveat Lector-

Mwahahahahhaha! Now you will see the Great POC'ster everywhere!


 * **

On Fri, 20 Dec 2002, Steve Wingate wrote:

 -  SNETNEWS  Mailing List

 Sect Says First Cloned Baby Due in Weeks

 Fri Dec 20,10:32 AM ET

 MONTREAL (Reuters) - A Canadian cult that believes in free love and that life
 on earth was created by extra terrestrials said it could deliver the world's
 first cloned baby on Christmas day.

 But the announcement by the Quebec-based Raelians sect was greeted on
 Thursday with anger and skepticism from experts in the field.

 I am personally disgusted, said Arthur Leader, chief of reproductive
 medicine at the Ottawa Hospital. It shows disrespect for human embryos and
 it demeans our humanity, he said.

 Brigitte Boisselier, a bishop in the sect, said their company, Clonaid,
 cloned a human embryo last March and a baby girl is expected to be delivered
 within the next two weeks and possibly on Christmas Day.

 We are well advanced and the first baby is due for the end of this year. We
 think it will be a healthy baby, Boisselier told Reuters.

 She said 10 human embryos were cloned last spring, with five miscarrying. The
 four other cloned babies are expected next year.

 Boisselier, 45, is a biochemist associated with the Raelians, a cult that
 believes life on earth was genetically created by visiting extra-

 Steve Wingate, Webmaster
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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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[CTRL] ICG Communications

2002-12-20 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector-

Vox says this company is fishy. I agree. Note the orders occuring at 0.0001
cents. I guess somebody is getting rich buying the shares at next to nothing.
Who might that be? CIA?

Am I asking too many questions?

Steve Wingate, Webmaster
Latest Update: Cydonia in 3-D

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] ICG Communications

2002-12-20 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector-

Here's the daily stock chart for IGC Communications. (see attached .gif).


On 20 Dec 2002 at 21:55, s, ctrl wrote:

 Vox says this company is fishy. I agree. Note the orders occuring at 0.0001
 cents. I guess somebody is getting rich buying the shares at next to nothing.
 Who might that be? CIA?

 Am I asking too many questions?


Steve Wingate, Webmaster
Latest Update: Cydonia in 3-D

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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attachment: ICGXQ.gif

[CTRL] [Fwd: ** michael moore's email intercepted by nazis]

2002-12-20 Thread goldi316
-Caveat Lector-


 Secret Service Intercepted Michael Moore's Email and Searched His
 Home Without A Warrant

 ( The Story of a Vietnam Vet Caught in a Government / Celebrity
 Surveillance Crossfire )

 Exclusive print-publication interview/story

 by Tom Flocco

 December 17, 2002

 In a not-so-cryptic message eventually intended for all U.S.
 citizens -- but likely one very famous American in particular, three
 armed U.S. Secret Service agents and a local sheriff employed
 psychological intimidation to invade the privacy of retired U.S. Navy
 Chief Petty Officer Michael Moore, 49, of Goldston, North Carolina at
 his home on December 10, 2002.

 In another warning sign of what lies ahead for all Americans regarding

 police-state abuse of power (thanks to sections of the post-September
 11 Patriot Act approved by Congress and signed into law by
 President Bush), U.S. Intelligence intercepted North Carolinian
 Michael Moore's email -- likely believing it was written by
 independent film producer-icon (Bowling for Columbine) and author
 (Stupid White Men) Michael Moore.  In other words, they got the
 wrong Michael Moore.

 The Michael Moore raided by the Secret Service last week is a 20-year
 war veteran who put his life on the line for his country during two
 separate tours of duty aboard the U.S.S. Paul Revere off the coast of
 Vietnam in 1971 and 1972 -- one of which was a highly dangerous
 mine-sweeping operation.

 Finding a few controversial albeit First Amendment-protected words in
 the Navy vet's email, the Intelligence agents apparently decided to
 kill two birds with one stone:

 1) intimidate the former Vietnam veteran into allowing them to violate

 his personal privacy by performing a search of his home while knowing
 the story would reach the public -- thereby inculcating citizen fear
 of government power, and 2)  send a veiled message to fervent
 presidential-critic and celebrity Michael Moore to let him know what
 lies down the road for him should his high-profile and media-oriented
 presidential disdain persist.

 There are no reports yet as to whether Michael Moore, the film and
 book luminary, will join the Navy vet with his appellation to
 promulgate a legal inquiry into how various sections of the Patriot
 Act are abused by government officials in order to intimidate and
 distress the citizenry.  That may require the services of a
 constitutional attorney as valiant as the two Moores will need to be.

 According to Moore -- the North Carolinian who served in Vietnam, the
 Secret Service agents informed him that they work with the FBI and
 National Security Agency (NSA) jointly on national security issues
 --all of which was exclusively reported yesterday via the probingly
 perceptive questioning of Meria Heller during a live interview on her
 Meria Heller Internet Show.

 One of the agents told Moore that they had intercepted his email
 written to an online friend expressing his outrage over the recent
 election results and that he had called President Bush `Satan -- the
 third anti-Christ,' and a `Communist Republican,'  among other

 In a special-report/email posted on Tom from his online
 friend BlackBear, the 20-year war veteran revealed that the agents
 said that they had to access my email to see if I posed a national
 security risk to the President -- who I now call the `Bush-Whacker.'

 The Secret Service agents and the local sheriff -- all displaying
 side-arms -- wanted more, however -- a portent of police-state
 prospects facing all Americans.   They asked Michael Moore if they
 could enter his home because they wanted to ask him some questions
 and fill out forms for about a half hour -- which turned into more
 than an hour.

 Moore said they asked me what kind of drugs I am on, and where they
 could contact my ex-wife, adding that they also required that I
 sign a form permitting them to access all my medical history in the
 San Diego and Raleigh-Durham Veteran's hospitals.

 I was in shock and intimidated, he told us in a phone interview
 last night, adding I just cooperated in order to get them out of my
 home as soon as possible.

 Curiously, the next series of questions became all the more abusive to

 Moore as he began to realize that if the agents were already
 intercepting my email, they undoubtedly also had total prior access to

 my military occupational specialty (MOS) records, and other personal
 information not available to other citizens -- before they even
 entered my home.

 I was also upset when they asked for the names, addresses, and phone
 numbers of all my family,  the Navy vet continued:  They wanted to
 know if I had a history of mental illness, what I thought about
 assassinations, if I was going to Washington, DC to shoot the
 President, when was the last time I was out-of-state, whether I had
 sniper training in the military, what 

[CTRL] [Fwd: The Information You Needed Did Not Get Through]

2002-12-20 Thread goldi316
-Caveat Lector-;article=35842

 The information you needed did not get through.

 John Kaminski
 Fri Dec 20

 'The information you needed did not get through.
 A curtain of sleep. An examination of the Generation
 Gap in the 21st Century reveals a morbid twist of fate.'

 By John Kaminski

 Hello? Are you there? (Can't tell.) Am I getting through?

 I need to give you a warning. Can you understand?

 The information you needed did not get through.
 From the time just after you went to school as a kid
 ... to about five minutes ago ... the information you
 have received has been mostly lies.

 All the people I talk to ... who can understand what
 I'm saying ... they're all about sixty years old. (Hello!)
 Much younger than that can't understand.
 The information you needed to thrive and prosper
 did not get through.

 I think it's the schools. Everyone should get out
 of the schools. Don't believe what they're saying.
 You've been taught to take bribes and keep your
 mouth shut. Don't do it.

 It used to be just the opposite. When I was twenty,
 the old people — of whom I guess I am one now
 — didn't have a clue. Maybe it was the Beatles?
 Or marijuana? Or the CIA LSD experiments?
 Or all three.

 Now, it seems the only people who notice what's
 going on are old and decrepit like me. Oh sure, there
 are indymedia protests and such, but most kids
 don't pay attention to their freedom evaporating in
 a landslide of phony patriotism, corporate hogwash
 raining down on us like prouncements from God to
 Moses on the mountain. I guess that's true of all
 the generations, though. Most don't pay attention.

 I've noticed in my transit through this life that music
 seems to imbed itself in your brain most in your late
 twenties. Something about fluidity of the inner ear
 creating a free-flowing balance that allows sound,
 particularly music, to work its wonderful way down
 into your synapses. So all your life you're stuck with
 whatever you listened to then. I'm lucky. I got the
 Marrakech Express. And Gil Scott-Heron's
 Johannesburg. Some people got the BeeGees,
 poor souls. But after that — almost everything after
 that, from David Bowie on — is corporate rock.
 Approved by the suits in the boardroom. Very little
 human about it. Strictly a business deal.
 Not really healthy stuff.

 The point being: Back when the music was good,
 it seemed that public issues were more widely
 understood. Nixon didn't get away with his crap.
 Today he would. Bush is getting away with his crap.
 I blame it on the music, on corporate control of creative
 options, mostly manifested through the rigidity of
 schools, who focus on creating lackey stooges rather
 than individuals with integrity. In fact, you probably
 never heard that in your passage through schools:
 individuals with integrity. The information you needed
 did not get through. It was diverted for the profits of
 a few. The misery of the millions was substituted.
 Teachers became businessmen. The contentment
 of civilization was diverted for the profits of a few.

 How can you identify the point at which it happened?
 You can track it from the point in the late '60s or early
 '70s when the percentage of hourly pay began to not
 rise in relation to the Gross National Product, or maybe
 that point in the late '50s when women started going
 to work (I'm not saying that's bad, but I am saying it
 changed the financial picture, and made big bucks for
 the power elite.) Wages have been essentially frozen
 since 1972. Sure, the numbers reflected by inflation
 have risen, but prices have risen much more drastically
 than wages. All that money has been stolen by the
 power elite, and all this time the big newspapers
 (which are owned by the power elite) have been
 saying everything was OK. The politicians, too.

 The information you needed did not get through.

 I don't think I'm just acting old, here. I think I am
 describing a phenomenon that actually happened,
 and I feel the need to try to warn you — you folks
 younger than myself — that everything you have
 been taught has been twisted for the purpose of
 profit. And if you say that, well, profit is the purpose
 of life, then that will be a sure sign that you have
 in fact been twisted.

 The Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave
 is really a vicious corporate entity that has been
 making war on the rest of the world for the entire
 20th century ... oh, not the people, of course.
 People are decent everywhere, if they have enough
 to eat. No, not the people, the movers and shakers.
 From the rape of the Philippines in 1899 to the
 target practice in Iraq in 2002, America has been
 at war with everyone, but has managed to convince
 its own populace that it was fighting for freedom.
 Yeah, the freedom to rip off everybody else in the
 world. Did you ever notice all America's best allies
 — like Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Egypt, Colombia —
 are vicious 

Re: [CTRL] The Shocking Pagan Origin Of Christmas

2002-12-20 Thread Paul Meares
-Caveat Lector-


Jeff Rense - Fri., Dec. 19 '02

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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