Re: Local non-mirror debian archive

2001-06-14 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Thu, Jun 14, 2001 at 08:06:17PM +0100, Colin Watson wrote:
 You need to gzip the Packages file (and the Sources file, if you have
 one). I filed bug #65839 against dpkg-dev about this almost a year ago
 now, but haven't heard anything back. Maybe I should put together a

Well, that helped...  It seems to work OK from a different client (altima),
but bonneville remains non-cooperative.  Not an apt problem, though.  When it
goes to download package lists or packages, it freezes.  Sometimes it locks
up solid, sometimes ^C will break out, in which case I get a stream of

eepro100: cmd_wait for(0xff80) timedout with(0xff80)!

messages which don't stop until I `ifconfig eth0 down`.  So I'd guess that's
a flaky NIC integrated on the mobo.

Thanks for the gzip tip!

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Local non-mirror debian archive

2001-06-12 Thread Dave Sherohman
I'm looking to set up a local debian archive which largely ignores the
offical site.  apt-move looked promising, but it's too concerned with

I want to have a directory on a fileserver that I can just throw debs
into and have them (in an apt-move like fashion) turned into a usable
archive for other machines on the network.  Even if they're obsolete or
from a non-debian source.  And preferably without concern for whether
they're stable, unstable, testing, frozen, potato, slink, woody, bo,
sid, hamm, main, contrib, non-free, non-US, or none of the above.

I'm not even really that concerned with maintaining the official
archive's organizational scheme; this archive will only be running
around 300 packages instead of 4000 and pretty much every one of them
will be installed on every machine in the company.  The primary area of
variation will be that some machines run X and others don't.

Does any tool currently exist that will create an archive of this sort
for me?  If not, where can I find documentation on setting it up manually?

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Re: star office debian-correct installation

2001-06-11 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Sun, Jun 10, 2001 at 10:25:23PM -0700, Mark Wagnon wrote:
 On 06/10/01 17:37:44 -0400, Jonathan D. Proulx wrote:
  You don't need to be root, using sudo is fine.  If you don't know
  what sudo is, install it and read the man page then ask here, it's
  *very* useful.
 I've never used sudo. Whenever I need to do something as root, I use
 su. What's the difference? Is one better/more secure than the other?

That is a topic of much debate.  In general, I fall on the sudo is evil
side of the fence, but the basic arguments are:

pro-sudo:  It allows you to give limited root access to certain users
without requiring that they know the root password.  This allows you to
distribute administrative tasks to various people without giving them
full control of the machine.

anti-sudo:  It allows you to give limited root access to certain users
without requiring that they know the root password.  This allows an
attacker to obtain elevated privileges on the machine by discovering
only a user password instead of requiring that they find both a user
password and the root password.

IMO, one well-controlled point of vulnerability (the root password)
is preferable to several uncontrolled points of vulnerability (user
passwords).  The only time I think sudo is worthwhile is on a multiuser
machine where all admin power cannot. for whatever reason, be concentrated
in a single person.  And even then, you have to be very careful about
what commands you allow to be run through sudo - if you can open a shell
from something run under sudo, you've got a fully-empowered root shell,
easy as that.

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Re: kapm-idled

2001-06-11 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Mon, Jun 11, 2001 at 04:13:45PM +0200, vester wrote:
 can anyone explain to me what exactly the process kapm-idled does and why
 it takes up 50-90% of cpu usage?

Kernel APM IDLE Daemon

It's a pseudo process that doesn't actually _do_ anything.  It just puts the
CPU to sleep when there's nothing else going on.

 i've never noticed it taking up that much usage until today. i cannot stop
 it from top...

Yeah, the idled showing up in the process list is a new 'feature' of the 2.4
series kernels.  Give it a little time and a new version of top will come out
that knows enough to ignore it.

 i suppose it's got something to do with the apm kernel
 modules, but i really don't know. it just seems to make my system really
 slow :-(

Have you noticed an actual performance decrease or are you just assuming that
it's slowing other things down because of the high CPU usage displayed?

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Re: Installation on DELL Optiplex GX100

2001-06-11 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Mon, Jun 11, 2001 at 09:18:36PM +0200, Marceau Dominique wrote:
 Here is the message I got while attempting to install Debian 2.2 on my DELL
 Optiplex GX100
 Can you help me please.

As others have mentioned, the GX100 uses an Intel i810-based video chipset.
Do some searching with google and you can find X 3.3 drives for it, the
specific files being i810gtt-0.1-6.src.tar.gz (source for its agpgart, which
seems to be necessary), xfcom_i810-1.2-3.i386.rpm (the X server itself - use
alien to convert it to a deb and install that), and
xfcom_i810-1.2.patch.tar.gz (patch to the xserver, of course).  Version
numbers may have changed since then, of course.

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Re: HELP - wmakerconf blew my menus away!!!!

2001-06-10 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Thu, Jun 07, 2001 at 11:10:40AM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I know that this must be a common problem, but the archives for the mailing
 list are unavalable.  I ran wmakerconf as a normal user to change some of
 the look and feel of windowmaker. However, when wmakerconf started up, told
 me that it needed to update the menus.  I told it to keep the current
 menus,and now all my menus are gone!!!  I don't have anything under the
 application menu.
 How do I get my menu's back?  This has become a real pain not having any.

Before doing the Debian-to-WindowMaker menu conversion, you need to edit
~/GNUstep/Defaults/WMRootMenu to contain the full path to menu.hook
(/etc/X11/WindowMaker/menu.hook).  WindowMaker itself is smart enough to look
around in several places (complete list in the man page), but wmakerconf

If you don't want to convert your menus, just click over to another tab
without answering wmakerconf's question.  You can restore the default debian
menus by editing ~/GNUstep/Defaults/WMRootMenu to contain


and nothing else.  (Just menu.hook works too, but may cause you to have
this same problem again.)

If you do convert them, you gain the ability to edit the menus on a per-user
basis and use some wmaker enhancements, such as assigning a hotkey to any
menu item.  The downside is that newly-installed packages will no longer be
automagically added to the menus.  (Although I consider that an advantage
also, as the default behaviour is, IMO, far too inclusive.  I prefer to have
only the things I use on my menus.  YMMV.)

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Re: ripping quiet CDs

2001-06-10 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Sat, Jun 09, 2001 at 03:08:05PM +0800, Ben Harvey wrote:
 On Sat, Jun 09, 2001 at 01:48:35AM -0500, Jason Pepas wrote:
  in short, it sounds like normalization is exactly what you want.
 OK fair enough. so that means I can filter a .WAV through normalize before 
 compression - with a little trial  error.
 any ripper recommendations?  abcde looks good (I like the name too ;) but 
 it doesn't seem to allow me to add this sort of filter.

Well, it may not be set up to do filtering, but abcde is a shell script.  It
should be possible to hack a filter in.  (Having just taken a look at it,
though, it's a very complex shell script, so finding the right place to do
this would likely be nontrivial.)

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2001-06-10 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Sun, Jun 10, 2001 at 08:58:58AM -0400, Jerry Sternesky wrote:
 I installed nfs-common and 

 rpcinfo -p only showed portmapper running so I executed rpc.mountd and that 
 seemed ok, but when I run rpc.nfsd I get nfssvc: Function not implemented.  

Did you build a kernel with NFS server support in it?  If not, try
nfs-user-server instead (or build an NFS-friendly kernel).

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ifup -a broken?

2001-06-10 Thread Dave Sherohman
I'm trying to convert a system that's been running since pre-ifup days to use
/etc/network/interfaces and it's behaving oddly.  ifupdown is version 0.6.4-3
from testing.

As the log below shows, all three of the interfaces in
/etc/network/interfaces behave properly when addressed by name, but using -a
to bring all interfaces up (or down) doesn't seem to recognize that any
interfaces are configured.

Is there just something that I missed in my local configuration or should it
be filed as a bug?

/etc/network# cat interfaces
# Used by ifup(8) and ifdown(8). See the interfaces(5) manpage or
# /usr/share/doc/netbase/examples for more information.

iface lo inet loopback

iface eth0 inet static
address 111.222.333.206
gateway 111.222.333.254

iface eth0:0 inet static

/etc/network# ifup -vn -a
/etc/network# ifup -vn lo
Configuring interface lo=lo (inet)
run-parts /etc/network/if-pre-up.d
ifconfig lo up
run-parts /etc/network/if-up.d
/etc/network# ifup -vn eth0
Configuring interface eth0=eth0 (inet)
run-parts /etc/network/if-pre-up.d
ifconfig eth0 111.222.333.206 netmask
 route add default gw 111.222.333.254 eth0 
run-parts /etc/network/if-up.d
/etc/network# ifup -vn eth0:0
Configuring interface eth0:0=eth0:0 (inet)
run-parts /etc/network/if-pre-up.d
ifconfig eth0:0 netmask  up

run-parts /etc/network/if-up.d

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Re: How to setup rsync system to keep copy of packages locally????

2001-06-07 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Tue, Jun 05, 2001 at 05:44:16PM -0400, Chris Hoover wrote:
 Can someone help me and/or point me to a doc that describes how to setup a
 local debian package mirror using rsync?  I have looked at the man page for
 rsync, but am still clueless as to how to do it.

apt-get install apt-move

Not sure if it's exactly what you're looking for, but it should be close.

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Re: filtering email via perl?

2001-06-07 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Tue, Jun 05, 2001 at 10:25:26AM -0500, will trillich wrote:
 okay. procmail and i are getting a divorce. we just don't
 see eye-to-eye any more.

I don't know what MTA you use, but if you're on speaking terms with exim,
it's got a pretty good set of filtering capabilities that you can just
put into .forward.  Not perl, though.

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Re: logcheck gaps in time

2001-06-07 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Tue, Jun 05, 2001 at 07:58:50AM -0500, hanasaki wrote:
 I have added the following else statement to the script
 so there is always a report.  I would appreciate it if the utility's owner 
 consider adding this to his/her next revision and giving a small credit if 
 they do.

I would not appreciate it.  I suppose adding an option (so long as
the current behaviour remains the default) would be OK, but I'm of the
opinion that, if there's nothing to report, I don't want to be bothered
with null mail.  The absence of a problem report is itself confirmation
that there is no problem.  (Same principle:  Create an empty directory,
cd into it, and do an `ls`.  Does ls say There are no files to display?
No.  It just displays the names of the files, which happens to be
an empty list.)

Anyhow, what you report is, as I indicated above, normal behaviour.  I've
been running logcheck for quite a while and I've never gotten mail from it
unless it had some perceived anomaly to report.  If you still have copies of
any of your old Nothing is wrong notifications, I would like to see one.
There's probably something in them that you consider so normal that it must
have been ignored, but it actually triggered logcheck.

As for verifying that everything really is OK, the first thing to do is...
Look at your logs manually.  Assuming you're running syslogd with the default
settings, you should see entries saying -- MARK -- every 20 minutes of
inactivity.  If there are any gaps larger than 20 minutes, then either
syslogd has had its timestamp interval changed or a chunk of the file is

The other thing to watch for is that logtail (called by logcheck to get only
the new portion of the log file) will issue a warning if a log file shrinks,
and logcheck will mail this warning like any other problem.

logcheck not sending you anything does not indicate any sort of problem.  (I
would actually like to be able to make it more selective about what it sends.
Say, for instance, to ignore one failed login attempt by a user (he probably
just mistyped his password), but report 4 or more failed logins, whether by
the same user or each by a different user (that could be someone trying to
brute-force the machine).  This would require a bit of extra complexity,
though, as the current purely-grep-based approach doesn't lend itself to that
sort of state maintenance.)

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Re: Subject: Re: filtering email via perl?

2001-06-07 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Wed, Jun 06, 2001 at 03:04:02PM -0500, will trillich wrote:
   seen save ...
 stop processing as if you'd said finish?

seen save is actually redundant.  seen finish stops processing as
if you'd said save, which is to say that exim considers dlivery to
be complete.  finish by itself will terminate the filter, but exim
will still process the delivery normally.  See filter.txt, section 9
Significant deliveries for full details, but it basically comes down to:

- The commands deliver, save, and pipe are significant deliveries
unless preceded by unseen.

- All other commands are not significant deliveries unless preceded by

- Default delivery will be performed unless a significant delivery has been
performed by the filter.

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Re: Re: Setting up NIS

2001-06-01 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Fri, Jun 01, 2001 at 12:08:23PM +0200, paolo pedaletti wrote:
 The problem was in /etc/ypserv.securenets (actualy a link to
 There wasn't the right line:

Thanks for the suggestion, but so such luck.  ypserv.securenets already
contained and, which should allow anyone
and everyone to connect, so I didn't think adding host lines would make a
difference, but I tried it anyhow.  They didn't.

That's not gibberish...  It's Linux. - Byers, The Lone Gunmen
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Re: Don't allow incoming telnet

2001-06-01 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Fri, Jun 01, 2001 at 10:52:41AM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Remove it if you can (I forget if it's a seperate package):
 apt-get --purge remove telnet

That's the telnet client.

Personally, I'd recommend:

apt-get remove --purge telnetd telnet
apt-get install telnet-ssl

telnet-ssl will attempt to use SSL for outgoing telnet connections (for
servers that don't have ssh installed), but falls back to plaintext if that's
all the remote system supports.  There's also a telnetd-ssl, but what do you
need that for if you're running sshd?

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Re: Setting up NIS - SOLVED (sorta)

2001-06-01 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Wed, May 30, 2001 at 05:31:22PM -0500, Dave Sherohman wrote:
 I'm trying to get a NIS domain started and having little luck...  I've
 followed along through /usr/share/doc/nis/nis.debian.howto.gz (which is
 great to have there!), but it doesn't seem to have worked.

After (far too) much mucking about in the various NIS config files, I decided
to try upgrading from stable to testing despite an earlier post's mention of
recent problems with the version in testing.  And it worked.  I have no idea
what was causing it to fail, but it works now...

Thanks again to all who offered suggestions.  They may not have contained the
solution to my troubles, but now I know a good deal more about configuring
NIS.  I expect I'll do a better job of setting up the domain as a result.

That's not gibberish...  It's Linux. - Byers, The Lone Gunmen
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Re: Setting up NIS

2001-05-31 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Wed, May 30, 2001 at 05:16:43PM -0700, Ian Greenhoe wrote:
 Not necessarily suprising.  I've found the most useful way to get data
 from ypserv is to run it from a seperate [aEwx]term with the -d
 switch.  Word of warning:  It can produce a *lot* of data.

Or it might not...

bradley:~# ypserv -d
[Welcome to the NYS YP Server, version 1.3.11 (with securenets)]
Find securenet:
Find securenet:

And that's it.  I fired up a `ypbind -d -broadcast` in another window and all
I got there was

bradley:~# ypbind -d -broadcast
add_server() domain:, broadcast, slot: 0
[Welcome to ypbind-mt, version 1.7]

broadcast: RPC: Timed out.

or, alternately,

bradley:~# ypbind -d
parsing config file
Trying entry: domain ypserver
parsed domain '' broadcast
add_server() domain:, broadcast, slot: 0
[Welcome to ypbind-mt, version 1.7]

Either way, `ypwhich` causes the ypbind to display 

ypbindproc_domain_2_svc (

and start showing RPC timeouts alternating with notes that it's pinging
active servers.  But, throughout all of this, ypserv just sits there quietly.

 2)  There are a number of potential problems:
 *  NIS was broken in testing due to recent glibc upgrade.
[upgrade nis if you are using testing/unstable]

Nope, it's potato, version 3.8-2.

 *  make sure that /etc/ypserv.conf is set up appropriately.  You might
wish to add the following temporarily [for testing only, since it
opens NIS up to anybody who can access your machine.  Better make
sure that your passwords are good!]
* : * : none

No change other than having two ypserv.conf:*:0:0:2 lines
in ypserv's output instead of one.

 *  add a ypserver line to /etc/yp.conf if it doesn't exist.

Already contains domain ypserver

 *  make sure that NISSERVER=master in /etc/init.d/nis


 *  make sure that nis was started *after* portmapper.  In fact, you may want
to do the following:

Check.  I actually had tried shutting down NFS and then stopping and starting
portmapper and NIS in various combinations yesterday; NIS gives a completely
different set of errors when portmapper is shut down.

3) check that nis is registered with portmapper
 (you'll see ypbind/ypserv, not nis, listed)

bradley:~# pmap_dump
102   tcp111  portmapper
102   udp111  portmapper
1000241   udp849  status
1000241   tcp851  status
142   udp673  ypserv
141   udp673  ypserv
142   tcp676  ypserv
141   tcp676  ypserv
172   udp714  ypbind
171   udp714  ypbind
172   tcp717  ypbind
171   tcp717  ypbind

Any further suggestions or anything seemingly relevant in this information?

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Re: Setting up NIS

2001-05-31 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Thu, May 31, 2001 at 12:36:23PM -0700, Ian Greenhoe wrote:
 I think I know part of what your problem is.  Either do in your yp.conf:
 domain server
  ^^ -- Note server not ypserver

Hmph.  Changing the term based on usage...  Well, lets see:

bradley:~# ypbind -d
parsing config file
Trying entry: domain server
parsed domain '' server ''
add_server() domain:, host:,
nobroadcast, slot: 0
[Welcome to ypbind-mt, version 1.7]

ping host '', domain ''
ypbindproc_domain_2_svc (
trylock = success
ping host '', domain ''
ypbindproc_domain_2_svc (
trylock = success
ping host '', domain ''
Pinging all active server.
ping host '', domain ''
Pinging all active server.

Looks like progress, but ypwhich still says can't yp_bind: Reason:
Domain not bound.  And ypserv continues to show nothing beyond the
startup stuff in its debug output.

I also doublechecked /etc/hosts and the machine is able to ping both
of the addresses it lists there.  (It's a dual-NIC server.  One address
is on the name bradley.west and the other is bradley.east, so there
shouldn't be any confusion there.)

 That might take care of part of the problem.  (You should not be
 broadcasting for domain info, as the results from ypbind was suggesting.
 Mostly this is for security reasons, and also some networks/machines
 are actively hostile to broadcast messages.)

Good thing to know.

 Also, I'm curious about what sort of results you might see from
 rpcinfo -u ypserv

bradley:~# rpcinfo -u ypserv
rpcinfo: RPC: Timed out
program 14 version 0 is not available

 rpcinfo -t ypserv

bradley:~# rpcinfo -t ypserv
rpcinfo: RPC: Timed out
program 14 version 0 is not available

 I sincerely hope this helps (at least somewhat),

Dunno how much further there is to go, but at least it _feels_ like
we're getting somewhere.

That's not gibberish...  It's Linux. - Byers, The Lone Gunmen
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Re: Setting up NIS

2001-05-31 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Fri, Jun 01, 2001 at 04:10:48AM +1000, Steve Kowalik wrote:
 I seem to recall have to add yp entries to /etc/services for NIS to work
 correctly. I can't really recall, it 4am, and it's been ages since I did it.
 It was easier /etc/services or some portmap file. I can't be certain.

Let me know if anything more comes to mind, but I have another server on
the network (serving NIS domain mycompany instead of which
does work, and grepping /etc/services for portmap and yp returned
identical results on both machines, so I don't think that's it.

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Re: the clip in windowmaker

2001-05-30 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Thu, May 31, 2001 at 05:36:47PM +1000, Joel Mayes wrote:
 Run the wmpref program, the 7th icon will be workspace navigation Features
 click on this, and there will be two icons down the right hand side of the box
 on of these enables/disable the application dock, the other enables/disables
 the Clip. ( probably the one with the big disabled cross though it ;-)

If you prefer wmakerconf, it's on the Workspace tab, fourth option.
Open application clip on startup (startup option)

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Re: Some sugestions of cheanges

2001-05-30 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Wed, May 30, 2001 at 04:04:39AM -0800, Ethan Benson wrote:
 On Wed, May 30, 2001 at 01:14:22PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  3. In new deb package of apache 1.3.19 every 
  configuration is made in one file 
  (/etc/apache/httpd.conf). I segest to make it like 
  in version 1.3.9
 i would agree with that, huge monsterous bloated monolithic
 configuration files suck IMO.  file a severity wishlist bug report
 against apache.  

The Apache Group decided to move to a single config file a while ago, so
that's the standard now.  Note that, if you still want multiple config files,
there is an Include directive which can be used to break your configuration
up into as many smaller config files as you want, following any scheme you

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Setting up NIS

2001-05-30 Thread Dave Sherohman
I'm trying to get a NIS domain started and having little luck...  I've
followed along through /usr/share/doc/nis/nis.debian.howto.gz (which is
great to have there!), but it doesn't seem to have worked.

I started to suspect that things weren't working at step 3.6, starting the
server, when it didn't seem to be able to bind to the YP server.  (I'm still
not entirely clear on why it wants to bind to the server when /etc/init.d/nis
is telling it that it's the master server, but I digress...)

Then, in step 3.7, I knew things weren't working as I saw
/usr/lib/yp/ypinit -m report failed to send 'clear' to local ypserv:
RPC: Timed out for each and every map that it tried to update.

Just to be sure, though, I tried a ypwhich after ypinit finished and was
told, can't yp_bind: Reason: Domain not bound.

Throughout all of this, nothing was logged to syslog.

So how do I troubleshoot this?  Is the problem obvious to anyone?

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Re: getting ps to not display all processes for normal users

2001-05-29 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Tue, May 29, 2001 at 09:52:55PM -0400, Vlad wrote:
 already done. and download a kernel patch. i would say, it 
 is the FIRST thing security-wise you have 
 to do after you install any linux distro.

Why would you say that?  Do you really consider knowledge of other users'
processes to be the biggest security threat on a *nix system?

It seems pretty harmless to me, given that `ls /bin` will tell me what's
installed on a system and `nmap localhost` will tell me what ports
are listening.  About the only extra information that I can think of
that would be revealed by `ps a` and would be potentially exploitable is
which programs that use unix domain sockets or named pipes are running -
and even that could be derived with `find` or any other sort of recursive
directory search.

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Re: apt-utils

2001-05-28 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Sun, May 27, 2001 at 10:09:10PM -0400, Joey Hess wrote:
 So believe it or not, it does work for most of us. If you can get a log of
 that with DEBCONF_DEBUG set, I would of course like to see it.

I'll likely be doing at least one fresh install within the next 2-3 weeks.
How would I best capture a log of the useful portion of the install so that I
don't have to send you debug information on the full set of base packages?
Also, the log I sent you yesterday was obtained by simply cutting and pasting
from a terminal window; I suspect that the curses-based screen from the first
time debconf asks how it should operate would interfere with this method.  Is
there a better way to capture that?

 Any others? (And don't cite console-data, or cvs. Both have historically
 had the same breakage in stable.)

No others come to mind.  Thanks for looking at this.

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Re: root via ssh / why su - ?

2001-05-28 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Mon, May 28, 2001 at 09:18:17PM +1000, Brian May wrote:
 (Just a thought: perhaps a better solution would be to store these
 passwords on a computer file, but GPG encrypt them?)

If you've got a PalmPilot, etc., there's a wonderful utility called STRIP
(Secure Tool for Remembering Important Passwords) that does just this.  It
stores and categorizes passwords in an encrypted (either DES or IDEA,
depending on which version you download) database.

It will also generate passwords for you, but there was a bug discovered
about a month and a half ago which results in it only having 64k available
random number seeds, making STRIP-generated passwords very vulnerable to a
modified dictionary attack.  I'm not sure whether this has been fixed yet.

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2001-05-27 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Sat, May 26, 2001 at 05:22:12PM -0500, Thomas H. George wrote:
 A second stand-alone computer with a Epson Stylus Color 860 connected to 
 the usb port is still not working.  The stcolor.ppd and lpinfo are missing.

stcolor.ppd is included in the woody and sid versions of cupsys, but not

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Re: I've been getting scanned...

2001-05-27 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Sun, May 27, 2001 at 12:15:12AM -0400, Carl Fink wrote:
 Which is kind of my point.  If I were made dictator of the Debian
 project (not bloody likely) I would declare all distributions to age
 out at six months:  at that point, unstable becomes testing, testing
 becomes frozen, frozen becomes stable, period.  And six months would
 be a MAXIMUM, not the standard cycle.  One year of built-in
 obsolescence is still a lot.

Unfortunately, code has a nasty habit of being ready when it's ready, not
when someone decrees that it should be ready.  Going to a calendar-based
release cycle would adversely affect stability.

If you don't want to be running year-old software (with the latest security
fixes backported), switch over to testing instead.  It's both pretty solid
and pretty recent.  But if you want/need the absolute reliability of stable,
that takes time.  If it takes a year to produce that stability, then the code
will be a year old when it's released and, short of spending lots of money to
buy testing and bugfixing time, there's nothing anyone can do about it.

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Re: root via ssh / why su - ?

2001-05-27 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Sun, May 27, 2001 at 12:39:54PM +0200, Timo Blazko Boewing wrote:
 A silly theoretical question: in a ssh thread above, one got the answer *not* 
 to enable root user access to a station, it would be better to use a limited 
 user account and then gain access via su or that.
 What is the difference between that. Don't I have full admin rights with su?
 Or if I have, what is the difference? Is it cos a direct root login allows to 
 exploit the sys due to some scripts that get autom. exec'd?
 I just want to knowcos thus I know why I do things that way :-)

Two reasons come to mind:

1)  In order to gain remote root access, an attacker must first compromise a
user account to log in with.  Simply obtaining the root password is not

2)  It is possible (though not likely) that there may be a little-known
technique for sniffing the data sent while establishing an ssh connection.
If such a technique were to exist, disabling root logins would ensure that an
attacker using it would only get a user password while the root password
would remain secure.

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Re: I've been getting scanned...

2001-05-27 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Sun, May 27, 2001 at 10:59:47AM -0400, Carl Fink wrote:
 On Sun, May 27, 2001 at 12:20:14AM -0500, Dave Sherohman wrote:
  If you don't want to be running year-old software (with the latest security
  fixes backported), switch over to testing instead. 
 Bad news:  testing *is* year-old software.  By the time it's stable it'll be
 two eyars old.

Unless I'm mistaken, testing is mostly software that hasn't changed in
unstable for two weeks.  Making an allowance for bursts of minor changes and
things being held back by dependencies and cross-package conflicts (which you
probably don't want on your system anyhow, which makes this a good thing,
IMO), most testing packages are within 1-2 months of unstable.

So, are you claiming that unstable is 10-11 months old?  (BTW, I just got
around to pulling kernel 2.4.4 out of testing...  I don't deny that there's
likely to be some year-old stuff in testing, but I doubt that it's the
majority and I know that a fair bit of unstable is more recent than that.)

Based on my observations of the (pre-testing) slink-potato changeover
and my understanding of how testing works, I would suspect that most of
woody's package aging en route to stable will be taking place in frozen,
not testing.

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Re: The following packages have been kept back

2001-05-27 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Sun, May 27, 2001 at 03:16:55PM +0300, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 What is going on, and why can't apt-get upgrade the remaining 62 packages?
 How do I get it to upgrade them?

It doesn't want to automatically process them for some reason.  Explicitly
telling it to upgrade each package with `apt-get install package` will
cause apt to upgrade the package if it can or tell you why it can't.

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Re: Free mail a/c that allows download of mail

2001-05-27 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Sun, May 27, 2001 at 08:53:05AM -0500, ktb wrote:
 On Sun, May 27, 2001 at 11:47:22PM +1000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Is there any free mail accounts (like hotmail etc.) that allow you to
  download your mail so that you can read it with mutt say?  Instead of
  having to view it through the web browser when connected to the

 How about doing it the other way around, access your isp's email account 
 with a free email account?

There are lots of reasons why this is, IMO, a less desirable solution, mostly
centering around the basic notion that, if the mail is on your machine, you
can access and filter it however you want instead of being tied to whatever
piece of drek interface the mail service provider gives you.  In this
particular case, I suspect (based on the when connected to the internet
comment above) that mdevin is on a dialup link and doesn't want to have to
bring the link up and tie up a phone line while reading mail over that slow

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Re: The following packages have been kept back

2001-05-27 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Sun, May 27, 2001 at 06:53:16PM +0300, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Sorry, but the following packages have unmet dependencies:
   aalib1: Depends: libc6 (= 2.2.2-2) but 2.1.3-18 is to be installed
   Depends: xlibs (= 4.0.1-11) but it is not installable
 E: Sorry, broken packages
 fot2:~# exit

 So I figure that I need to somehow upgrade my libc6 to  2.2.2-2. But
 apt-get says that '2.1.3-18 is to be installed' !?
 How do I get it to upgrade my libc6?

For some reason, apt doesn't want to upgrade libc6 automatically.  Try an
`apt-get install libc6`; it'll probably just go right through, but you
may get some warnings that point at why apt wanted to leave it alone.
You should upgrade it, in any case.  The current stable version is
2.2.2-4, so I'm not even sure that 2.1.3-18 is still available.

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Re: apt-utils

2001-05-27 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Sun, May 27, 2001 at 02:09:19PM -0400, Joey Hess wrote:
 It is supposed to be optional. In fact, I cannot see how it could
 possibly be failing as you show. The || true is there so no matter what
 status code dpkg-preconfigure returns, apt always sees a return code of

I thought that was pretty odd too.

 I have never seen this behavior except for when people have told debconf
 to re-show questions, or with a couple of broken packages that force
 debconf to redisplay seen questions. In the default configuration, it
 works, and has worked for a long time.

The two cases that spring to mind of apt-utils consistently reasking
questions are ssh and apt-utils itself.  (Although apt-utils is at least
decent enough to remember, when making the second pass through, that I'd
told it to use the text interface the first time around.)  But I don't
recall any cases where I've been asked a question in the preconfiguring
stage and it didn't get repeated later.  Doesn't mean it hasn't happened,
of course, just that I don't remember it.

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Re: apt-utils

2001-05-27 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Sun, May 27, 2001 at 03:29:43PM -0400, Joey Hess wrote:
 I don't know what you're talking about: apt-utils does not use debconf.

My mistake; s/apt-utils/debconf/g.

Whenever I install a new system, debconf (or rather, the minimal version on
the install disks) throws up a curses-based menu asking what mode I want it
to run in, then what level of messages to display.  I consistently answer
text/medium.  It then preconfigures other packages, unpacks everything, and
starts the actual configuration phase.  At this time, I am again asked what
mode I want debconf to run in and what message level to display.

 If that outputs true, then you have configured debconf to redisplay
 already seen questions.

# apt-get install debconf-utils; echo get debconf/showold | debconf-communicate
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
Sorry, debconf-utils is already the newest version.
0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 1  not upgraded.
0 false

 If not, I would dearly like the see a log of a package, any package,
 displaying the same question both in preconfiguration and at install
 time, with DEBCONF_DEBUG='.*' set and exported in the environment.

I just tried purging and reinstalling ssh on two machines.  The one tracking
testing worked properly, only asking if I wanted it SUID and whether to run
sshd once.  The one tracking stable asked 3(!) times.  That version of apt
doesn't seem to like nonnumeric values for DEBCONF_DEBUG, so I tried setting
it to 100 instead, which seems to have worked.

Here's the log:

--- Begin log ---
genma /home/esper# apt-get remove --purge ssh
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
The following packages will be REMOVED:
0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 1 to remove and 1 not upgraded.
Need to get 0B of archives. After unpacking 515kB will be freed.
Do you want to continue? [Y/n] 
(Reading database ... 50217 files and directories currently installed.)
Removing ssh ...
Stopping OpenBSD Secure Shell server: sshd.
dpkg - warning: while removing ssh, directory `/etc/ssh' not empty so not 
Purging configuration files for ssh ...
Argument .* isn't numeric in int at /usr/lib/perl5/Debian/DebConf/ line 
genma /home/esper# export DEBCONF_DEBUG=100
genma /home/esper# apt-get install ssh
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
The following NEW packages will be installed:
0 packages upgraded, 1 newly installed, 0 to remove and 1 not upgraded.
Need to get 0B/256kB of archives. After unpacking 515kB will be used.
debconf: trying frontend Text
Configuring packages ...  
debconf: starting /var/lib/debconf//config.14859 configure 
debconf: -- VERSION 2.0
debconf: -- 0 2.0
debconf: -- SET ssh/upgrade_to_openssh true
debconf: -- 0
debconf: -- FSET ssh/upgrade_to_openssh isdefault false
debconf: -- 0 false
debconf: -- SET ssh/use_old_init_script true
debconf: -- 0
debconf: -- FSET ssh/use_old_init_script isdefault false
debconf: -- 0 false
debconf: -- INPUT medium ssh/SUID_client
debconf: Trying to make element of type Text::Boolean
debconf: -- 0
debconf: -- INPUT medium ssh/run_sshd
debconf: Trying to make element of type Text::Boolean
debconf: -- 0
grep: /etc/ssh/sshd_config: No such file or directory
debconf: -- INPUT low ssh/forward_warning
debconf: Trying to make element of type Noninteractive::Note
debconf: -- 30
debconf: -- GO 
debconf: preparing to ask questions
Configuring Ssh

You have the option of installing the ssh client with the SUID bit set. 

If you make ssh SUID, you will be able to use Rhosts/RhostsRSA authentication,
but will not be able to use socks via the LD_PRELOAD trick.  This is the
traditional approach. 

If you do not make ssh SUID, you will be able to use socks, but
Rhosts/RhostsRSA authentication will stop working, which may stop you logging
in to remote systems.  It will also mean that the source port will be above
1024, which may confound firewall rules you've set up. 

If in doubt, I suggest you install it without SUID.  If it causes problems you
can change your mind later by running:   dpkg-reconfigure ssh  

Do you want /usr/bin/ssh to be installed SUID root? [n] 

This package contains both the ssh client, and the sshd server. 

Normally the sshd Secure Shell Server will be run to allow remote logins via

If you are only interested in using the ssh client for outbound connections on
this machine, and don't want to log into it at all using ssh, then you can
disable sshd here. 

Do you want to run the sshd server ? [y] 

debconf: -- 0
Selecting previously deselected package ssh.
(Reading database ... 50183 files and directories currently installed.)
Unpacking ssh (from .../ssh_1%3a1.2.3-9.3_i386.deb) ...
debconf: frontend started
debconf: trying frontend Text
debconf: frontend running, package name is ssh
debconf: starting /var/lib/dpkg/ configure 
debconf: -- VERSION 2.0
debconf: -- 0 2.0
debconf: -- SET 

Re: The following packages have been kept back

2001-05-27 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Sun, May 27, 2001 at 08:55:40PM +0200, Bart Martens wrote:
 On Sun, May 27, 2001 at 01:30:41PM -0500, Dave Sherohman wrote:
  On Sun, May 27, 2001 at 06:53:16PM +0300, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   How do I get it to upgrade my libc6?
  For some reason, apt doesn't want to upgrade libc6 automatically.  Try an
  `apt-get install libc6`; it'll probably just go right through,
 No, it doesn't.

Since you didn't mention any error message being returned, I assume it just
said that the most current version is already installed, yes?

What's your /etc/apt/sources.list say?

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2001-05-26 Thread Dave Sherohman
When did apt-utils become mandatory?  I just did an apt-get upgrade (in
testing) and it died immediately after downloading packages with the message

debconf: cannot preconfigure packages -- apt-utils is not installed
E: Failure running script /usr/sbin/dpkg-preconfigure --apt || true

Installing apt-utils fixed this, but I thought it was supposed to be
optional.  (No, I don't want to use it until it actually works.  In theory,
apt-utils is supposed to let you answer all the packages' questions up front.
In practice, every question that I answer up front is asked again later,
completely ignoring my previous answers.  How is that supposed to be

That's not gibberish...  It's Linux. - Byers, The Lone Gunmen
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Re: Best sniffer?

2001-05-25 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Thu, May 24, 2001 at 05:49:17PM -0500, Michael Marziani wrote:
 What's the fav sniffer for you Debian gurus?  Whether a .deb, source, or
 whatever, what is the most versatile and all-round best sniffer that is
 available?  Thanks!

karpski's got a nice GUI on it which actually makes it more usable instead of
just getting in the way, but lately I've been playing with ngrep and it seems
to have good potential.

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Re: ssh

2001-05-25 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Fri, May 25, 2001 at 01:22:02PM -0500, Andrew D Dixon wrote:
 Hi All,
 I've recently started having problems logging into my machine as root
 over ssh.  Anybody know what may be causing this?

Debian's default setting of not allowing ssh connections as root?

You really, really shouldn't allow connections as root.  Connect as
a normal user then use su (or sudo/super/some other limited-su tool)
to become root as needed instead.

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Re: nis +

2001-05-24 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Thu, May 24, 2001 at 01:37:43AM -0400, Roderick Cummings wrote:
 Maybe he has confused nis and nfs. Although I'm not sure why nfs should be a 
 kernel space daemon either. Maybe for performance reasons, or maybe just the 
 range of things NFS must do calls for it.

While I'm sure that performance had something to do with the decision to
write the kernel NFS code in the first place, the main reason that people
have it built into their (Linux) kernels is for the capabilities.  Under
Linux, the kernel nfsd is able to handle file locks over NFS and the user
space nfsd is not.

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Re: getting ps to not display all processes for normal users

2001-05-24 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Thu, May 24, 2001 at 08:09:43PM +0200, Alwyn Schoeman wrote:
 How can I make ps so that it doesn't display all processes for normal users?
 ps aux would thus still only show that specific users processes.

Ummm...  Use `ps ux` instead?

From man ps:
aSelect all processes on a terminal, including those of other users

If you're looking for a way to globally disable the 'a' option, so that
your users aren't allowed to see each other's processes, you'll probably
have to hack the source.

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MD5 passwords and NIS

2001-05-24 Thread Dave Sherohman
The debian installer warns about possible compatibility problems using MD5
passwords in conjuction with NIS.  Does NIS itself have difficulty dealing
with MD5 or is this warning just a reference to the possibility that some NIS
clients using the passwd map may not be set up to recognize MD5 passwords?

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Re: Unkillable process

2001-05-23 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Tue, May 22, 2001 at 11:35:37PM -0700, Erik Steffl wrote:
 doesn't take long). IIRC one reason an application is zombie is that its
 parent waits for return value (which is sort of held by zombie, waitin
 for parent to process the info or something like that).

You've got it backwards.  You get zombies when the parent _doesn't_ wait,
so the kids just hang around forever, just in case the parent wants to
come back and get their exit status someday.

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Current software RAID information

2001-05-23 Thread Dave Sherohman
The Software-RAID HOWTO at is dated Jan 19, 2000.  Is there a
more recent version available anywhere?

If not, how does the current 2.4 implementation of RAID-1 compare to its
RAID-0 on performance?  Based on the year-old information in the HOWTO, I
expect it to be worse, but by how much?

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Re: Root in X Display

2001-05-22 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Mon, May 21, 2001 at 06:42:11PM -0500, Dana J . Laude wrote:
 Before you su to root type xhost +local: (minus the quotes)
 and you'll be set.

You'll also be allowing anyone and everyone with access to the machine(s)
specified in your xhost command to run programs and have them display on
your screen.  Use xauth merge ~$USER/.Xauthority (as root) instead and
_only_ root will be able to display things on your screen.  Much safer.

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Re: Partitioning

2001-05-22 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Tue, May 22, 2001 at 10:22:56AM -0500, Young, C Bryan wrote:
 When I tried to make sdb all one partition, I couldn't write the partion
 table to disk (got the message:  Not precisely one primary partition is
 bootable.  DOS MBR cannot boot this.).  I didn't think that each disk
 needed to be bootable.  What do I do -- is it okay to make a small, bootable
 primary partition here?

Either ignore it or mark the partition bootable if you want the warning
to go away.  It's just telling you that you won't be able to boot DOS off
that disk, but a) you're probably not going to be installing DOS on the
system, b) DOS won't boot off the second disk and c) I could be wrong,
but I don't think DOS will boot off a SCSI drive anyhow.  So it really
doesn't matter.

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Re: Missing gnumeric dependency?

2001-05-22 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Tue, May 22, 2001 at 05:57:40PM +0200, J.H.M. Dassen (Ray) wrote:
 On Mon, May 21, 2001 at 17:13:33 -0500, Dave Sherohman wrote:
  unable to open module file: 
  undefined symbol:  _Py_NoneStruct
 Hmm... 0.47 is quite old; I'd recommend against using it for anything

Well, that's what's in potato...

  Would I be OK to just delete
 Yes, it's just a plugin.
  - and, if I did, would dpkg just put it back when the next revision of
  gnumeric gets installed?

Any way to avoid that?

  What other options are there for getting that error to go away?
 Configure gnumeric not to load all plugins by default.

Can this be done globally or is it strictly a per-user setting?

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Re: Root in X Display

2001-05-21 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Mon, May 21, 2001 at 03:43:04PM -0600, Chris Spencer wrote:
 How can I change my permissions so that root can run things on the X Display 
 of my normal user? For example, if I drop to a command prompt, su to root, 
 and try to configure the kernel by typing in make xconfig I get the error:
 Xlib: connection to :0.0 refused by server
 Xlib: Client is not authorized to connect to Server
 How can I change this? Thanks...

To steal one of Karsten's answers from a couple weeks back:

 Rather than exporting xauthority, my preference is:
 # As root
 $ xauth merge ~$USER/.Xauthority
 ...where $USER is your desired user.
 This transfers cookies from $USER's .Xauthority file to root's
 .Xauthority file.  Changes to user's .Xauthority file don't effect X.
 X now has access to user's X session, but not vice versa.

(Hey, Will...  Is this one in your 'newbie tip-of-the-.sig' list yet?)

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Missing gnumeric dependency?

2001-05-21 Thread Dave Sherohman
After installing gnumeric (with it's obscene list of dependencies, as
discussed here earlier), I'm getting the error

unable to open module file: /usr/lib/gnumeric/plugins/0.47/
undefined symbol:  _Py_NoneStruct

on startup.  Installing python-base has not had any noticable effect.

This is on a not-quite-pure potato system (not-quite-pure because the
previous sysadmin had a source line for proposed-updates) on the Alpha

What package would include the library containing _Py_NoneStruct?  Would I be
OK to just delete - and, if I did, would dpkg just put it
back when the next revision of gnumeric gets installed?  What other options
are there for getting that error to go away?

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Re: What's the current best printing arrangement? (HP P1000)

2001-05-17 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Thu, May 17, 2001 at 04:27:23PM -0400, Peter S Galbraith wrote:
   Now I know what to do!  (But it wasn't obvious!)

Agreed.  The cups postinstall should point you to localhost:631 to find docs.

 So I configured it and ran a test page.  Works.  I then printed a
 colour graph I had just printed using lprng+magicfilter, and the
 results are darker and muddier.  :-(

Where did you print the graph from?  I've noticed that GIMP doesn't
seem to like printing in color to cups (but ISTR having seen a package
somewhere that makes them play nice together), but it's just fine from

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Re: staroffice package

2001-05-17 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Thu, May 17, 2001 at 05:07:58PM -0500, Andrew D Dixon wrote:
 I just installed it today with out doing this.  I just ran the installer from 
 directory that I created in my home directory.  I've only tried the word
 processor out so far but it works great.  What's going to be broken because
 I didn't do a network install?

network install:  100 M[1] + 2 M/user
standard install: 100 M/user

It's functionally identical, but if you're going to have multiple users
accessing SO (bloated stuck pig that it is), the network install saves
lots of disk space.

[1]  I don't recall how much space SO actually takes up, but, given that
the install binary it 97 M, it seems safe to assume that it demands at
least 100 M to install.

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Re: [users] dns/named log message learnt?

2001-05-14 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Mon, May 14, 2001 at 01:08:41AM -0400, MaD dUCK wrote:
 also sprach will trillich (on Sun, 13 May 2001 11:34:21PM -0500):
  May 13 15:37:16 server named[16551]: ns_forw:
  query( NS points to CNAME (
  learnt (CNAME=
  what does that translate to, in newbiespeak?
 my first guess: your NS records point to a CNAME record rather than an
 A record. this is BAD!

More accurately, it means that's NS records are misconfigured
and your local nameserver discovered this while looking up a
address.  You can get these messages for other people's domains as well as
your own.

As MaD dUCK said, NS records are required to point to A records, not CNAMEs.
You might want to drop a (polite) email message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
informing them that their NS record is incorrect and requesting that it be

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Firing on all CPUs

2001-05-14 Thread Dave Sherohman
I've got a dual-CPU system that I'm starting to think only runs off one
processor.  The kernel has SMP support built in and /proc/cpuinfo shows
two processors, but top only shows a single set of CPU utilization (although
it could just be that the stock debian top isn't SMP aware, I suppose) and
the system slows down terribly when the load average approaches 1.0 rather
than at 2.0 (although I think this box probably sees high load because it's
disk-bound rather than CPU-bound).

Is there anything else I need to do to activate SMP?  And how do I get top
to display stats for each CPU instead of either ignoring the second or
presenting aggregate stats?

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Re: Firing on all CPUs

2001-05-14 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Mon, May 14, 2001 at 10:16:46PM +0400, Ilya Martynov wrote:
 If /proc/cpuinfo shows two CPUS then both of them are working. Some
 old versions of top supports only one CPU - you need updated top if
 you want it to see correct CPU info in it. Also some old versions of
 ps also was broken on SMP boxes. I don't rememeber what exactly was
 broken. I just remember that old ps shows some stats wrongly on SMP.

OK, thanks.  I just wanted to be sure that everything was working right.

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Re: Firing on all CPUs

2001-05-14 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Mon, May 14, 2001 at 04:22:09PM -0700, Brandon High wrote:
 On Mon, May 14, 2001 at 01:27:03PM -0700, Osamu Aoki wrote:
  For SMP, donot forget to put not just apm=on but also apm=power-off in
  lilo.conf/append thing.
 I understand how this would help in general, but how does this apply to an
 SMP system differently than an Uni-processor system?

A UP system only needs apm=on, SMP also needs apm=power-off in order to shut
itself off.  I'm not entirely sure of the reason, but SMP systems are a bit
touchier about that sort of thing.  My best guess is that it has to do with
making sure that you don't have one CPU still writing cached data to disk
while another one cuts the power, but that's only a guess.

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Re: X question

2001-05-09 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Wed, May 09, 2001 at 02:32:27PM +0100, David Wright wrote:
 Quoting Steve Cooper ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
  The only issue I have with the X behavior is that I can't
  figure out to efficiently perform a replacement paste.  E.g.
  If you want to paste a URL into a browser in Windoze you'd
  select the current URL and paste over it.

Assuming the browser in question is netscape, you can click anywhere in the
location box and press Ctrl-U to delete all text in it.  This may also work
with other (GUI) browsers.

 Others have addressed the general problem. In case you haven't
 tried this for your particular example, do try pasting the
 new URL anywhere on the browser page, i.e. ignoring the location
 window. (It may be browser dependant.)

This is actually one of my least favorite netscape features.  I generally
open links in new windows by middle-clicking on the link.  If my aim is a
little off, though, the existing window goes off looking for whatever is in
the paste buffer (which is frequently not a URL anyhow).  Anyone know of a
way to turn this (mis)feature off?

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2001-05-09 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Wed, May 09, 2001 at 06:49:23PM +0530, N. Raghavendra wrote:
 I am buying a computer in my office, and have received a quote
 from a vendor, which says that the memory is 128 MB NP SDRAM.
 The Unix Hardware Buyer HOWTO says that ECC, error correcting
 memory, is important for reliability. Could someone tell me what
 is NP memory, and how does it relate to or compare with ECC

I would guess that NP here stands for non-parity.  Non-parity RAM makes
no attempt to detect memory errors, while ECC (Error Checking  Correcting,
IIRC) detects memory errors and can sometimes fix them.

Traditionally, PCs have used non-parity memory and serious computers have
used ECC, but now ECC is starting to move into the PC market as well.

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Re: xmms and audio cd playing

2001-05-08 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Mon, May 07, 2001 at 03:20:16PM -0300, francisco m . neto wrote:
   Play directory should be able to do it. Be sure that you
 select the mount point of your cdrom drive.

More accurately, you need to select the directory specified in the
Directory: box in the CD audio plugin's configuration.  On a sane
system, this should probably be the same as the CDROM's mount point,
but it doesn't have to be.

   The main differente between audio cds and data cds is that
 data cds consist of 1's and 0's, and audio cds don't. 
   In data cds each bit has two possible orientations: one of
 those is 1, and the other one is 0. Audio cds doesn't even have bits:
 they consist of a sequence of bits that have orientations that will
 reflect the laser this or that way, thus leading to the digitalized
 audio generation.

Now this is just plain wrong...  Data CDs and audio CDs are physically
identical - they both store data digitally, as a series of 1s and 0s.

A data CD will typically contain only a single track (I believe that
multisession CDs use multiple tracks, but I'm not positive) while an audio
CD generally has several tracks.  Some bands (and software companies)
have even released mixed-mode CDs which contain several tracks with data
on the first track and music on the others.

The track contents are where the real difference lies, though.  A data
track contains a file system, complete with directories, blocks, and
all the other trappings of any normal fs.  An audio track is just raw,
PCM-encoded audio data from start to finish, with some extra data
included at the end of each data block to allow for error detection
and correction.

If you want to look at it in HDD terms, think of each track as a partition
on your drive.  Data partitions are formatted with the iso9660 file
system.  Audio partitions are unformatted and have just had raw data
written to them - since they're not formatted, they obviously can't
be mounted, but a program with knowledge of how the data was written
(like a CD player) is still able to read it back.

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Re: Stylus Color magicfilter

2001-05-04 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Fri, May 04, 2001 at 12:09:44PM -0300, Marcelo Chiapparini wrote:
 I have just installed magicfilter in my potato 2.2r3 box. I have attached a 
 Epson Stylus Color 800 printer. I have configured magicfilter but when I try 
 to print anythig I get the message:

I screwed around with magicfilter for my Stylus for a while and never got
it working that well.  Then I decided to give CUPS a try - it was a lot
easier to get working with a Stylus and seemed to work better as well.
Might be worth checking out...

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Re: a new program called xtar

2001-05-04 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Fri, May 04, 2001 at 04:51:12PM +0800, a wrote:
 i wrote an X interface to process tar/tgz files. It works by calling
 tar/gzip/gunzip. It is based on Athena widgets, readily available in every X
 packages. It's built on Debian 2.0.
 Please give it a try. It's in the attachment.

Please do not send attachments to mailing lists.  And especially don't send
them more than once.

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Toshiba Satellite 2535CDS laptop

2001-05-04 Thread Dave Sherohman
I'm trying to install debian on a 2535cds and not having much luck...

I've used the Windows BIOS management software (AFAICT, there's no keystroke
that will invoke BIOS during the boot sequence) to change the boot device
preveference to CDROM/FDD/HDD.  A potato CD in the drive appeared to be
completely ignored, so I made a boot floppy, which emits the message

SYSLINUX 1.48 1999-09-26 Boot failed

and hangs.

What should I try next?  Or is this machine entirely linux-hostile and not
worth the effort of messing with further?

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Re: pam_condev?

2001-04-30 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Mon, Apr 30, 2001 at 11:23:01AM -0400, Noah L. Meyerhans wrote:
 On Sun, Apr 29, 2001 at 11:29:49AM -0500, Dave Sherohman wrote:
  Apr 29 11:18:40 kuno: PAM [dlerror: /lib/security/ cannot 
  open shared object file: No such file or directory] 
  Apr 29 11:18:40 kuno: PAM adding faulty module: 
  Apr 29 11:18:40 kuno: PAM unable to dlopen(/lib/security/
 Do you use wdm as your X login manager?


 If so, it is a bug in wdm and
 my fault.  I will upload a fixed version soon, which should be in
 testing at some point in the next couple weeks.  In the meantime, just
 edit /etc/pam.d/wdm and remove the line containing

Cool.  Thanks - I wanted to find out whether it was important before
removing it.

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2001-04-29 Thread Dave Sherohman
Since my last apt-get upgrade on one of my woody systems, I've been getting
log messages of the form

Apr 29 11:18:40 kuno: PAM [dlerror: /lib/security/ cannot 
open shared object file: No such file or directory] 
Apr 29 11:18:40 kuno: PAM adding faulty module: /lib/security/
Apr 29 11:18:40 kuno: PAM unable to dlopen(/lib/security/

What is condev, why would pam care about it, and what package should it have
been installed by?

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Re: cron: nth weekday of month?

2001-04-27 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Fri, Apr 27, 2001 at 01:20:00AM -0400, Dan Christensen wrote:
 Does anyone have any clever solutions to the following problem of a
 similar nature:  I want to run a job at 28 day intervals, i.e. on
 every fourth Sunday.

Not terribly clever, but just end your script with

echo '/path/to/script' | at now + 28 days

and then run it manually (or from a manually-scheduled at job) on a Sunday.
It will repeat itself every 28 days.

Unfortunately, cron is not suited to scheduling tasks on criteria other than
what the date itself looks like.  Something like this requires knowledge of
when the job last ran and cron doesn't know that.

You could also do it based off the week of the year, obtained from date %U,
%V, %w, or %W, but that could result in non-28-day intervals at the end of
the year.

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Re: cron: nth weekday of month?

2001-04-27 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Thu, Apr 26, 2001 at 12:32:46PM -0700, Karsten M. Self wrote:
 Another missing specification:  does anyone have a good last weekday of
 month recipie?

'Last weekday of the month' is equivalent to 'Monday - Thursday where
tomorrow is next month or Friday where 3 days from now is next month'.

So...  Set up two cron entries, one for mon-thu, one for fri.
(To additionally optimize, run the mon-thu job only on the 28th-31st of
the month and the fri job on the 26th-31st.)  Based off of Rob's solution
to the original question, use test on mon-thu whether `date +%d -d +1day`
== 1 and on fri whether `date +%d -d +3day`  4.

That gives us:

1 0 28-31 * 1-4 [ $(date +%d -d +1day) -eq 1 ]  command -args
1 0 26-31 * 5   [ $(date +%d -d +3day) -lt 4 ]  command -args

(-lt was used instead of  because it  does an ascii comparison -
29  4.  -eq was used instead of == to be consistent; either should
work in that case.)

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Re: cron: nth weekday of month?

2001-04-26 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Wed, Apr 25, 2001 at 03:32:43PM -0700, Karsten M. Self wrote:
 Hence, my crontab recipie to execute a job on the first sunday of the
 month is:
   1 1 1 * * echo 'command -args' | at 1:35 sunday
 For tasks scheduled for other weeks of the month, you'd select:
  5  29

Note also that for any month that is not a non-leap February, this 5th-week
rule will happily schedule the command for the first week of the following
month if there isn't a fifth occurrence of the desired weekday that month.

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Re: setting up an apt repository

2001-04-26 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Thu, Apr 26, 2001 at 05:11:54PM +1000, Renai LeMay wrote:
 What we'd like to do, is set up one machine as a debian template, if you 
 like. We'd like to be able to create other machines from this machine, with a 
 certain package set, and every time this template machine gets updated with 
 security patches etc, the rest of the machines should be able to download 
 those patches from the template machine.

I'm looking at doing something similar in the near future and the apt-move
package seems like it should be the appropriate tool.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ apt-cache search apt-move
apt-move - Move cache of Debian packages into a mirror hierarchy

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Re: apt-get etc

2001-04-26 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Thu, Apr 26, 2001 at 10:20:59AM +0100, Keith O'Connell wrote:
 The following packages have been kept back
 communicator navigator netscape
 0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 3 not
 My Netscape instalation went from 4.76 to 4.77 at the recent change, so
 what does the 3 not upgraded refer to?

I'm not sure _why_ they don't upgrade themselves, but communicator,
navigator, and netscape are all dummy packages that simply depend on
the real Netscape packages.  They primarily exist to ease installation
(`apt-get install navigator` is a lot more obvious than `apt-get install
navigator-smotif-477 netscape-java-477 netscape-base-4`, particularly
when you don't know the current version) and can probably be removed
now that the actual software is in place.

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Re: Documentation for total beginners

2001-04-25 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Wed, Apr 25, 2001 at 03:08:45PM -0500, will trillich wrote:
 in /usr/share/vim/vim56/filetype.vim i found the line
  set ft=mail

 the part that works for new mutt email is


 but we need to add a pattern to match filenames like


 what's the syntax for these vim patterns? (-*- looks like glob,
 but then we have \d for digit (i presume) and \+ for... well, i
 don't know.)

Looks like a bastard child of regexes and shell globs.  I suspect that you
could probably match both styles of mutt filename in a single expression with
something along the lines of


but it would probably be easier to just add a new pattern of


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Re: Can't find modules - but they work

2001-04-24 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Tue, Apr 24, 2001 at 10:10:40AM +0100, Glyn Millington wrote:
 On boot up I get messages relating to several modules eg
 lp modprobe  can't locate module  lp.
 ppp modprobe  can't locate module ppp
 But something is finding them because I can prnt and send you this post
 without any trouble.  Clearly there is something wrong with my kernel
 compiling technique - though I thought that I had doe it the Debian
 way.  Can anyone put me right?

When you rebuilt your kernel, you built these things into the kernel
instead of keeping them as external modules, but modules.conf didn't
get told about it, so your system is still trying to load the modules
it no longer needs.  I just ignore it, but you should be able to get
rid of the messages by updating the files in /etc/modutils/ and then
running update-modules.

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Re: Can't find modules - but they work

2001-04-24 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Tue, Apr 24, 2001 at 06:11:37PM +0100, Glyn Millington wrote:
 Great!  Many thanks for this - its been puzzling me for some time.  Can I
 add another question - how _should_ modules.conf be told about it?

Edit the files in /etc/modutils/ and run update-modules to rebuild
modules.conf.  If you edit it by hand, you'll get warnings in your syslog
until the next reboot, at which point I _think_ it will be rebuilt from
/etc/modutils/ and your changes will be lost.

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Re: Which bootup script brings up interface 'lo'

2001-04-24 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Tue, Apr 24, 2001 at 06:46:03PM +0100, Chris Howells wrote:
 I'm trying to work out where interface 'lo' is brought up on potato.
 I've grepped through /etc, but can't see any references to 'ifconfig'.

/etc/init.d/networking uses `ifup -a` to bring up all interfaces.
They are defined in /etc/network/interfaces, which (on my system, at
least) starts off with

# The loopback interface
iface lo inet loopback

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Re: domain name: internet vs. intra-net

2001-04-18 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Tue, Apr 17, 2001 at 11:15:03PM -0500, will trillich wrote:
 how do you manage the migration?

Somewhat painfully...  Basically, I've set up the firewall to route between
the three internal IP ranges in use and (once I've got the kinks worked out
of that) my plan is to, as each user machine needs to be touched, change its
IP address, add it to the appropriate west/ zone, and make
its old DNS entry into a CNAME pointed at the new name.

It's kinda ugly, it'll take a good while to complete, but it should work
great once I get the routing to work right.

 i've got

Let's see...

In the name server's /etc/bind, I have,,,, their corresponding reverse zones (which,
incidentally, I generate automagically using a perl script called
mkrdns-2_0pre2, which I think I found on freshmeat - it makes life much
easier...), and, of course, the standard db.0/127/255/local/root that debian
installs with the package.

 ERROR: A, but the PTR record for is
 One of the above two records are wrong unless the host is a name 
 server or mail server.
 To have 2 names for 1 address on any other hosts, replace the A record
 with a CNAME record: IN  CNAME

Technically, you're only supposed to have one A record per IP address and
every A should have a corresponding PTR in the reverse zone.  dlint is
complaining because your ns's reverse lookup points to the IP address in
mail's A record.  In theory, if you want multiple names pointing to the same
IP, exactly one of those names should have an A record and all the others
should be CNAMEs pointing to it.  In this case, you would have to do that by
making mail a CNAME to ns (just like the example entry dlint suggested) and
changing all your MX records to point at ns instead of mail.  (IIRC, NS and
MX records are required to point to A records, not CNAMEs.  If you break this
rule, it will still work, but hostmasters the world over will be plagued with
warnings from BIND that say things like

named[2795]: ns_forw: query( NS points to CNAME 
( learnt (CNAME=

The other way around this, if you have an IP address or two to spare, would
be to set up IP aliasing in your kernel and give the machine a separate IP
address for each service.  Or at least for mail.  Other services can be
easily split apart by just changing the name's DNS entry, but for a mail
server, you have to track down all the MXes pointing at it and change them
also (since they shouldn't point to CNAMEs).

 WARNING: the zone has an A record but no reverse PTR record.  
 This is probably OK.

Like it says, that's probably OK.  Unless you want to have an IP address with
a null hostname in your domain, this is inevitable.  And null hostnames
are rare enough that I don't know why dlint would bother to complain about

 and i'd like to be eth1, visible everywhere (as
   it already is) to be
   but invisible to the outside net, and
   it should be able to ping would be
   which is not visible to the outwise world to be eth0, internal-lan only

Like Patrick suggested, you'll pretty well need to run dual name services.
AFAICT, there isn't any way to tell BIND to resolve a name only for eth0, but
not for eth1.  ISTR that some lesser-known DNS server(s?) has this ability,
but that's all I could tell you about it.

Using externally and internally complicates
things a little, too.  Unless I'm mistaken, it means that you'll have to
maintain two independent zone files (one containing only's
external address and one with everything), but I'd say you probably want
to do that anyhow so that, for the internal machines, resolves
to that machine's internal address instead of its external address.

 how to i separate the internal/private 'no-update' addresses from
 the public 'update'-able addresses, in bind/dns?

What do you mean by update?

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Breakage in samba security update?

2001-04-18 Thread Dave Sherohman
Hey, folks...  I just installed yesterday's samba update from security
(2.0.7-3.2) and none of my NT4 workstations can connect to it after the
upgrade, complaining of unspecified network errors.  I tried rebooting one
of them and it just got worse - that machine is now unable to communicate
with the entire workgroup containing the upgraded samba server.

I've checked smb.conf (it looks sane) and restarted samba manually.  Where
can I go from here, other than downgrading to the latest stable samba and
giving up two sets of security patches?

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Re: Breakage in samba security update?

2001-04-18 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Wed, Apr 18, 2001 at 10:28:29AM -0500, Dave Sherohman wrote:
 Hey, folks...  I just installed yesterday's samba update from security
 (2.0.7-3.2) and none of my NT4 workstations can connect to it after the
 upgrade, complaining of unspecified network errors.  I tried rebooting one
 of them and it just got worse - that machine is now unable to communicate
 with the entire workgroup containing the upgraded samba server.

Replying to myself, but...

The server in question is an Alpha.  Any attempt to connect to its workgroup
(for which it is the master browser) causes the following to appear in

[2001/04/18 10:48:55, 0] lib/util_sec.c:assert_gid(72)
  Failed to set gid privileges to (-1,65534) now set to (0,0) uid=(0,0)
[2001/04/18 10:48:55, 0] lib/util.c:smb_panic(2381)
  PANIC: failed to set gid

Based on this, I am inclined to suspect a bug in the Alpha debs for the
latest samba security patch; they appear to have been compiled with one or
more incorrect options.

Still digging into it, but solutions remain most welcome, of course.

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Re: The Heart Is An Open Source: A Romance

2001-04-17 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Tue, Apr 17, 2001 at 11:31:28PM +1000, Damon Muller wrote:
 We *are* amused :)

Extremely so.  (I just wish I could forward it to more people without having
to then explain it to them...  Guess I need more geek friends.)

 blantant troll
 Although a real man would have been running qmail and courier-imap...
 /blantant troll

Actually, given all the Debian-centric info on BIND, I was kind of surprised
that he wasn't running Debian's default MTA:  exim.  (OTOH, exim's handling
of aliases and virtual domains is a lot simpler than sendmail's (oh, hell -
damn near _anything_ is simpler than configuring sendmail), so the story
would've lost at least 30-40 lines of explanations if exim was used.)

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Re: domain name: internet vs. intra-net

2001-04-17 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Tue, Apr 17, 2001 at 03:19:40PM -0500, will trillich wrote:
 and can you give an example or two on how to use /etc/bind/* to
 set that up? (all my attempts give dlint conniptions, though
 things seem to work-though-they-wobble, with exceptions.)

(This had better not be a sly attempt to collect a new newbiedoc...)

I have recently inherited a network which was set up with
as the official, registered external domain name and for
the internal systems.  It is not pleasant and even somewhat confusing.
(There are other poor practices in place which make it worse, such as and sometimes being the same machine
and sometimes not, depending on which machine you're on at the time,
but I digress...)  I am now in the process of migrating the internal
network from to and
(Yes, it spans two buildings.  Without subnets.  (Yet.))  I'm finding
it _much_ easier to keep things straight with the new names.

What sorts of complaints is dlint giving you?  So far, I've been keeping
everything on one name server with separate zone files for everything and
it doesn't bother BIND at all.  (I'm having some odd routing problems,
but that doesn't have anything to do with DNS...)

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Re: WindowMaker Rocks!! ;-) (Was: FW: OT : GUI Interfaces)

2001-04-12 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Wed, Apr 11, 2001 at 07:51:38PM -0700, Karsten M. Self wrote:
 on Thu, Apr 12, 2001 at 08:13:22AM +0800, csj ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
  You missed my favorite icewm (in 3 flavors - -gnome -lite). The most 
  Windows-like wm (not counting KDE's).
 Legacy MS Windows is not necessarially the Gold Standard® of GUI shell

Amen to that, brother!

 You also have various options for opening menus.  By default,
 right-mouse on root window is apps menu, middle mouse is window list.
 These are bound to F11 and F12 as well.

Yes, I know my wmaker menus fairly well, but I bind hotkeys to everything
common...  F9 for netscape, F10 to bring up an Eterm (What can I say?
I like the flashy stuff sometimes...), Windows-Z (a lot of apps like
to use Alt-foo themselves, so I've got all my wmaker hotkeys bound to
Windows-foo instead) to lock the screen, F12-Up-Right-Enter to log out,
F12-Down-Enter for GIMP.  That's about all I ever use.  (Anything else,
I start from an Eterm.)

 Incidentally, WPrefs is reason #15,835 for loving WindowMaker -- this is
 one slick, well-thought out, and functional configuration utility.
 There's little that I want configured which it doesn't provide for.

Anyhow, the real reason for my reply:  Why do you like WPrefs so much?  I
used it initially, then discovered wmakerconf.  At that point, there were
some things that could only be done in WPrefs, so I used both, but, IIRC,
wmakerconf now does everything that WPrefs does, plus quite a bit more.

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Re: NFS mount at startup

2001-04-12 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Wed, Apr 11, 2001 at 10:15:45PM -0500, Stephen E. Hargrove wrote:
 How do I prevent NFS filesystems from mounting when I start up my
 computer.  As the system is booting, it attempts to mount them, and I only
 want them mounted when I want them.  Here's one example from my fstab:
 papa:/music/music nfs   rsize=1024,wsize=1024  0 0

Add noauto to the list of mount options.  (If you're using noauto, you'll
probably want to add user also, so that you don't have to be root to mount
or unmount the fs.)

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Re: WindowMaker Rocks!! ;-) (Was: FW: OT : GUI Interfaces)

2001-04-12 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Thu, Apr 12, 2001 at 02:02:05AM -0700, Karsten M. Self wrote:
 I prefer to leave raw function keys to low-level functions -- menus,

Good point.  That's why I leave F1-8 free, but the only conflict I've
had with F9/F10 has been with running MS Visual C++ over a VNC session,
which is a flavor of pain I will never have to endure again anyhow.

 I think Debian maps the Legacy MS
 Windows key to Meta or somesuch.

I don't know about Debian in general, but wmakerconf has a dropdown
that lets you pick whether Meta is tied to Mod1 (Alt) or Mod4 (WinKey).
The one problem with it is that, on every keyboard I've tried, Mod4 only
maps to the left winkey; I haven't been able to come up with anything
to make the right winkey equivalent or even usable (it gets seen as a
sequence instead of a single keystroke).  Not that I've tried very hard...

 Well, one reason is that if I try to install wmakerconf, apt tries to
 uninstall wmaker.  A config tool without what it configures sorta sucks.
 This under Woody.

Actually, wmakerconf itself installs fine.  It's wmakerconf-data that has
the inexplicable conflict.  (OK, not really inexplicable - the updated
wmakerconf-data has moved into testing, but the corresponding wmaker is
still hung up in unstable.  But I thought that packages which conflict
with the version in testing were supposed to stay in unstable until that
gets fixed...)

 What's wmakerconf do that WPrefs doesn't?

Mostly just a lot of checkboxes for various settings that, admittedly,
aren't very important.  WPrefs is functionally complete, but wmakerconf
has more knobs to twiddle.  I also like to play with my window decorations
from time to time and WPrefs doesn't seem to offer as many options there
- not just fonts, but also multistage gradients, etc.  And I can't seem
to get WPrefs to let me set anything other than textures; plain colors
refuse to cooperate.

IIRC, the thing that really got me, though, was that at one point the
'capture' option for setting hotkeys recognized the winkey as a meta
in wmakerconf, but WPrefs completely ignored it.  Checking against the
current version from woody, I see that WPrefs now sees left winkey-1
as Mod2+Mod4+1.  (Right winkey, all by itself, comes through as
Mod2+Multi_key, so it still appears unusable.  Ah, well.)

 One thing WMPrefs *is* is a NeXT-like GNUStep application, using the
 GNUStep toolkit.  There's not a lot of these apps, the somewhat broken
 filesystem browser fsviewer is one of them.  In the case of WMPrefs v.
 wmakerconf, I find WMPref's interface cleaner.

Fair enough.  WPrefs does look a lot cleaner and a lot nicer.

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Re: water, water everywhere, but not a drop to drink.

2001-04-11 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Wed, Apr 11, 2001 at 07:04:14AM -0400, Noah L. Meyerhans wrote:
 Are there any decent SSL telnet clients for non Unix platforms?

None that I'm aware of, but telnet-ssl and telnetd-ssl fall back to plaintext
if the other end doesn't support encryption.  If you've gotta have your
telnet, this makes them an ideal solution, but if you're paranoid, it's a
killer - I removed telnetd-ssl when I discovered this because I couldn't find
a way to turn the fallback behaviour off.

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Re: water, water everywhere, but not a drop to drink.

2001-04-11 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Wed, Apr 11, 2001 at 08:41:09AM -0400, Kevin Stokes wrote:
   I don't think it is.   How many copies of Redhat, Suse and the others were
 sold in the last two years?   How many copies of Debian were downloaded by
 newbies in the last two years?  Total those up and call it N.
   Of those N, how many are running Linux today?   I'll bet it is less than
 N/10, and could be as low as N/100.

Or it could be as high as N * 10.  Don't forget that linux fanatics
tend to be just that: fanatics.  In the last month, I've downloaded one
Debian CD image, installed it on 4 boxes, kept one for myself, set up
one as a server, and passed the other two on to people who know nothing
about linux.  By the end of the year (although the end of next year is
more realistic), I intend to have used that same CD to set up somewhere
around 100 more Debian boxes and place them in the hands of people who
know little-to-nothing about computers.  Those users who already have
linux boxes have very little difficulty with them.

IMO, part of the problem you're encountering is that _using_ linux
isn't really any tougher than using windows, but you're looking for
user-level documentation on admin-level tasks.  I'll readily admit
that it doesn't really exist - and I'm not sure that it should.
Another message has commented on how useless the windows help system
is for anything outside the average user experience.  In other words,
all that user-level documentation sucks if you try to get admin-level
information out of it.  This is essentially a manifestation of the rule I
discovered when I first encountered Visual Basic:  The vast majority of
the time, putting effort into making a tool easy to use for a specific
task makes it correspondingly more difficult to use for anything the
designer didn't foresee.  (I suppose the converse comes into play here
also: A general-purpose tool (such as most *nix commands) tends to be
more difficult to use.)

 1.)  I assume most of the Linux community would like to see Linux be the
 dominant OS in the world, and think it deserves this.

Personally, I'm mainly concerned about being able to use linux (or
something else unixy) myself.  From there, it follows that I don't really
care what the rest of the world uses.  If I want others to let me choose
my own OS, I should let them choose theirs also.

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Re: How do you broadcast a message?

2001-04-11 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Wed, Apr 11, 2001 at 01:05:28PM -0500, William Jensen wrote:
 When you issue the reboot command the system does a system wide message
 saying the machine is rebooting NOW.  How would I send a message to all
 the people that are on the system?  I assume this would need to be done
 as root?

man wall

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Re: URGENT! help w/ Linux@work

2001-04-10 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Mon, Apr 09, 2001 at 04:24:00PM -0600, Cameron Matheson wrote:
 I just finished installing Debian 2.2r2 at work (boss gave me 
 permission), but I don't know how to get the net working through a 
 gateway.  We have a linux server (  I added it to the 
 /etc/network/interfaces file (as the gateway), but when I try to apt-get 
 w/ http (for dist-upgrade), it can't connect to any servers.  Lynx 
 doesn't work either.  What else do I have to do?  Please help, as I'm 
 trying to make Linux look as good as it is.

First off, ping the gateway, just to be sure that eth0 is able to
communicate with it.  I'm going to assume that this works.

Next, do a `route -n` like everyone else has said, and make sure that
there's a line that says gateway's IP UG0  00 eth0

I'm going to assume this is correct also.  (Even if it wasn't to start
with, I'm sure you've fixed it by now.)

Now the detail that I haven't seen mentioned yet:  If you can ping the
gateway and it's set up as your default route, but it still doesn't work,
then it's probably not just a gateway, it's also a firewall and it's
blocking traffic on port 80.  If this is the case, you'll have to find
out what port the HTTP proxy is listening on and tell your browser(s)
about it.  For apt, you can `export http_proxy=http://host IP:host
port/` or add

Acquire::http::Proxy http://host IP:host port/;

to /etc/apt/apt.conf.  If the firewall is running squid as the proxy, then
it's probably on port 3128, but you should check with your admins anyhow,
just so they know in advance that you're going to be accessing the proxy.

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Re: sources.list

2001-04-08 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Sat, Apr 07, 2001 at 09:22:52PM -0500, will trillich wrote:
 On Fri, Apr 06, 2001 at 05:17:58PM -0500, Stephen E. Hargrove wrote:
  deb woody main contrib non-free
  deb potato main contrib non-free
 ooh. that sets my teeth on edge. you should pick WHICH you want
 (potato = well-tested, solid, STABLE; woody = avant-garde,
 tinkerings, incoming, new, probably works) and stay with that

More significantly, I suspect that the potato line above is entirely
superfluous.  When apt goes to install something, it grabs the most recent
version available, based on version number.  Testing is always at least as
recent as (and usually more recent than) stable, so I suspect that the above
configuration is effectively equivalent to listing only woody, except that it
makes you download more package listings.

Linux will do for applications what the Internet did for networks. 
- IBM, Peace, Love, and Linux
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Re: MTA security

2001-04-07 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Sat, Apr 07, 2001 at 12:28:37PM +0530, Raghavendra Bhat wrote:
 Dave Sherohman posts:
  I'd like to go with exim, but I'm not entirely convinced
  that it would be a good choice for functionality and security.
 What is the exact reason for not being convinced about exim ?

Primarily lack of popularity.  I've never heard anyone other than Debian
advocate it's use and it's possible that there may be a reason for that.
OTOH, I've never heard anyone say anything particularly bad about it either.

 Go ahead but before that read Yann Golanski's papers on setting
 up exim for catering to over 3 million users'.  Link up from

I'll give it a read.  Thanks!

Linux will do for applications what the Internet did for networks. 
- IBM, Peace, Love, and Linux
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Re: Unstable ?

2001-04-07 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Sat, Apr 07, 2001 at 05:04:43PM -0500, Stephen E. Hargrove wrote:
 Those of you running woody, what version of zlibg1 are you running?


 I'd appreciate any advise that anyone can give me.

Point a browser at  Click on Debian packages and search
for zlib1g in the testing distribution.  Download the deb.  Use dpkg -i
package to manually install it.  (dpkg will whine about downgrading
the package, but it will comply.)

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MTA security

2001-04-06 Thread Dave Sherohman
From a security standpoint, how does exim compare to sendmail?  What about

It appears that exim is Debian's default MTA, which is why I've run it
before and it's what I'm most familiar with.  Now I've inherited a network
with several sendmail installations.  I wouldn't consider arbitrarily
changing MTAs just for the sake of changing them, but I'm going to be
moving the servers onto new hardware, which brings up the question of
whether to reinstall sendmail on the new boxes or put in something else.
I'd like to go with exim, but I'm not entirely convinced that it would
be a good choice for functionality and security.

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Re: installed program as only run as su

2001-04-02 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Mon, Apr 02, 2001 at 02:50:34PM +0100, JACKSON, DEAN wrote:
 what command do i have to run to make it so all users can run it especially

Hard to say without knowing what the program does.  It may need to run with
elevated privileges (in which case you probably don't want normal users
running it anyhow), it may try to modify files owned by other users (again,
if this is the case, it's likely to be a Good Thing that it doesn't work), or
there could just be some incorrect ownership/permission settings somewhere.

Also, what error do you get when you try to run it?

 chmod  -R 755 /home/dean 
 springs to mind but don't want to try it till i get confirmation (newbie who
 doesnt want to break his system)

That command probably wouldn't break your system, but you really don't want
to use it.  Life is much more pleasant when the OS doesn't think that all of
your data files are executable.

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Log oddness

2001-04-01 Thread Dave Sherohman
Has anything strange been happening in testing/woody's logging facilities

In the last week, one of my machines has two days where the archived syslog
is completely empty (not even a --MARK--) and this morning I found a
warning that auth.log was smaller than it had been the last time it was
checked.  I'm inclined to think that someone managed to break into this
system, but first I want to check on whether there are any alternate
explanations which won't require me to wipe the drive and reinstall.

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Re: mp3 encoding

2001-04-01 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Sun, Apr 01, 2001 at 10:00:58AM +0200, Robert Voigt wrote:
 If you don't care about mp3 (what's abcde?)

A Better CD Encoder, the program formerly known as cdgrab.  Debian's abcde
package will, incidentally, encode to ogg in preference to mp3 if the vorbis
encoding package (vorbis-tools?) is installed.

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Re: mount a mounted filesystem

2001-03-30 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Fri, Mar 30, 2001 at 12:50:31AM -0800, Karsten M. Self wrote:
 I'm not familiar with NFS, but believe that an export will not traverse
 filesystems.  If you think about it, this is a good thing.

You are correct and it is absolutely a Good Thing for reasons other than the
situation you brought up.  If an NFS-mounted filesystem could be reexported,
the original server (where the fs physically resides) would lose the ability
to restrict which clients could mount it.

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Re: Linux Virus

2001-03-29 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Wed, Mar 28, 2001 at 10:19:10PM -0500, Ben Collins wrote:
 Anyone can do that. I can write a C program and send it to you that
 emails me /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow. You still have to be dumb enough
 to execute it. That's not a virus, that's social trickery. Now, if it
 emails itself (and remember with Linux there are several dozen email
 programs, so finding the right address book format is pretty hard), then
 it is viral, sort of, since you still have to manually execute it.

Based on my reading of the relevant news stories, this thing looks like
a true virus in the old sense of the term: it infects other files and
uses them to spread itself.  Although I don't expect it to get very far,
this sort of thing is potentially far more serious than the Outlook macro
worms that everyone is calling viruses these days.  An old-style virus
only requires one person to be stupid enough to run it and then it hides
pretty well; a macro worm requires every victim to be stupid enough to
either run it manually or use a piece of software (Outlook, outdated BIND,
whatever) which allows it to execute without user intervention.

For instance, I could write a program, let's call it my_virus, which
infects all files in the current directory and its parent directory,
as this Winux virus is described as doing.  I email it all over the
world and a copy happens to arrive in your sysadmin's mailbox while he's
working on something in /bin.  His mind is out to lunch, so he reads
his mail and runs my_virus while still root.  Every file in /bin and /
is now infected and will infect other files.

A week later, you rebuild your pet C project, super_time_waster, and
send a copy to your friend.  You think it's perfectly benign - you have
the source, so how could it be a trojan, right?  And /bin/ls tells you
it's the version you just buit 5 minutes ago.  Too bad that /bin/ls just
infected everything in the directory (including super_time_waster) as
it told you that...  (Worse, after the next reboot, you'll be running
an infected kernel, assuming it's at (or symlinked from) /vmlinuz.
Depending on the virus's structure, this could make your system unbootable
or rapidly infect every executable file on the system.)

Then your friend, of course, runs super_time_waster, confident in its
authenticity, and infects all of his files.  Without a copy of the
original my_virus executable going anywhere near his system.

I hate to disagree with you Ben, but that's about as viral as it gets.

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Re: why does it use swap?

2001-03-28 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Wed, Mar 28, 2001 at 12:14:33PM -0500, Noah L. Meyerhans wrote:
 I guess that kind of makes sense.  If the kernel ever needs to access
 the swapped pages, it's got them cached so it can do it quickly. 
 But if it ever needs a whole lot of RAM for something else¸ it can merely
 re-allocate that cache.  That way the swapped data will still be
 Of course, as to the question about *why* all those pages got swapped
 out to begin with is one that I can't answer.

But you already answered the question...  If a page looks unlikely
to be used in the near future and there's spare CPU and I/O bandwidth
available, there's no reason not to swap it to cache.  If it's needed,
the cost of restoring it from cached swap is approximately 0 (potentially
on the order of only a few CPU cycles, depending on how this is organized)
and if there's something better to do with the memory, the cache can be
flushed similarly quickly.

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Re: Linux in the company

2001-03-26 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Mon, Mar 26, 2001 at 03:20:12PM +0100, Gregor Kaleta wrote:
 Does somebody use Linux professional in the company? If yes, which
 Distribution? Does Debian be used also in the professional area or is
 the first election RedHat Linux?

I sysadmin for a manufacturing plant running mostly off Linux boxes.
Currently, they're mostly Debian on the servers and Red Hat on the
workstations, but we're in the process of developing a plan to standardize
everything on Debian.  It'll be a bit more work to install Debian on new
machines rather than using pre-installed Red Hat, but the lower problem rates
I've experienced with Debian will make it more than worthwhile.

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Re: bind worm

2001-03-24 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Fri, Mar 23, 2001 at 06:17:07PM -0500, Hall Stevenson wrote:
 I do run unstable, but apt-cache show bind reports this (irrelevant
 parts snipped):
 Package: bind
 Version: 1:8.2.3-4

 Package: bind
 Version: 1:8.2.3-0.potato.1

Right - 1:8.2.3-4 is available from the main stable archive and
1:8.2.3-0.potato.1 is available from the security archive.  `apt-cache
show` tells you what's available, `dpkg -s` tells you what you have

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Re: Security: Compromised?

2001-03-21 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Wed, Mar 21, 2001 at 07:39:18PM +0100, William Leese wrote:
 to me, this doesn't look good. half of these services i know i do not have 
 installed, neither do they show up on a ps aux. I'm running tcpwrappers and 
 portsentry, could this have something to do with it?

Yes.  portsentry listens on many ports (including all unused but
'interesting' ones) and reports on attempts to connect to them.  If you're
running portsentry and want to see what ports are meaningfully open on the
box, you have to temporarily shut down portsentry while the scan is

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GIMP and page geometry

2001-03-21 Thread Dave Sherohman
Is there any way to adjust page geometry in the GIMP?  I'm using the current
GIMP from testing with CUPS and a remote Epson Stylus Color 880.  I've set
GIMP to use the Stylus 800 driver, and it mostly works, but GIMP offsets the
page down by about half an inch.  This produces an extra half inch of margin
at the top of the page (which isn't all _that_ big of a
deal) and the bottom half inch of the image prints at the top of a second
page (which is really annoying).  And the portion on the second page prints
half an inch above the top of the first page's printed area, so it looks like
GIMP is getting the correct height for the printable area, it just has the
wrong starting point for it.

Any suggestions on how to fix this or which FM to read?

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Re: NIC identification

2001-03-19 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Fri, Mar 16, 2001 at 12:52:54PM -0500, Hall Stevenson wrote:
 The NIC is likely a PCI device even when it's integrated into the MB.
 So, try cat /proc/pci and look for an ethernet controller line. It
 will probably give you the chipset it uses which is usually a pretty
 good starting point.

I am really growing to hate this machine...

hudson:~# cat /proc/pci
cat: /proc/pci: No such file or directory

/proc/bus/pci is there and contains two files (00 and 01), but they're binary
data.  The kernel is 2.2.12, which should support /proc/pci, IIRC.  (Yeah, I
know...  I really should be using a potato CD, but slink is all I had handy.)

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Re: NIC identification

2001-03-19 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Mon, Mar 19, 2001 at 10:06:28AM -0500, Hall Stevenson wrote:
  /proc/bus/pci is there and contains two files (00 and 01), but
  they're binary data.  The kernel is 2.2.12, which should support

 I'm not familiar with devfs at all, but are you using it, by chance ??

Nope.  It's a 2.2.12 kernel and devfs wasn't introduced until 2.4.  (And with
the problems I've seen other people here having with it, I'm not real
interested in trying devfs any time soon.)

 Also, I believe the /proc filesystem is a kernel option. You may not
 have it enabled.

/proc is there, it just doesn't include a pci (pseudo-)file/dir.

Looks like I'll have to wade through Dell's site to find the info.

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Re: NIC identification

2001-03-19 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Mon, Mar 19, 2001 at 11:43:47AM -0600, Keith G. Murphy wrote:
 I concur, and add that if it just *happens* to be an Optiplex GX1, it's
 probably a 3Com 3c905B-TX.  There is a Linux driver for that, 3c59x by

Optiplex GX100.  According to one of the Dell discussion forums, it's
a 3c920, which is supposed to be fully compatible with the 3c905c.
I'm guessing that either it's a bad NIC or (much more likely) the CD
I'm using is a bit too old, as the 3c59x driver refuses to load for me.

Time to make some floppies and see if the current driver likes it...

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