Re: [Help] resc1440.bin (kernel) crash

1998-08-26 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 JC == Jimen Ching [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

JC 1.  How do I set my hostname?  Everywhere the hostname should appear, the
JC string (none) is placed there instead, no qoutes.

Check /etc/hostname.

It should be the hostname without the domain part (like mybox. 
Then in /etc/hosts you should have a line like   mybox.mynet.home mybox

JC 2.  Two files, fstab and resolv.conf were not created.  I had to manually
JC create these myself.  What did I do wrong that they weren't created?

fstab should be created after the base system has been created, I
believe. This is why you have tell which fs to mount where in the tree.

resolv.conf should be created if you answer the questions about
nameservers during installation.

JC 3.  When I first got my system up, before installing a lot of optional
JC package, the nfsd and mountd were started.  I do not remember it asking me
JC whether I want these services started.  After I installed everything I
JC wanted, it didn't start these services anymore.  nfsiod is still a process
JC though.  Is this normal?

They are started in /etc/init.d/netstd_nfs, but only if you export
some directories in /etc/exports. Otherwise they are not needed.

JC 4.  I get this error in my /var/log/xdm-errors

JC System: `/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xkb/xkbcomp -w 1 -R/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xkb -xkm 
-m us -em1 The XKEYBOARD keymap compiler (xkbcomp) reports: -emp   -eml 
Errors from xkbcomp are not fatal to the X server keymap/xfree86 

JC What is causing this?  How can I stop it from writing this to xdm-errors?

Don't know about these. Maybe some typo in the keymap file? Try the
xbase/xserver from slink.

JC corner and it is sometimes a long distance to move the cursor.  How do I
JC setup fvwm2 so I can use ctrl-[arrow] to move between the virtual screens?

Key Left  A C Scroll -100 0
Key UpA C Scroll +0 -100
Key Right A C Scroll +100 +0
Key Down  A C Scroll +0 +100

Should do it. Be sure you don't use numlock, as it is another

JC I should mention that I'm using the XKB extension for my keymap handling.
JC I was having problems with my delete and backspace key with the older
JC version of Debian.  I thought maybe this new extension in XFree 3.2.2
JC would help.  It didn't.  Or maybe I did something wrong?  I have the
JC 101key keyboards.

This is most likely a result of the error you mention in 4.

JC 6.  One more thing with fvwm2.  I added the following to .fvwm2/post.hook.

JC PixmapPath /usr/X11R6/include/X11/pixmaps

JC But I still do not see any of the pixmaps on the popup menu.  How do I
JC setup the configuration files so the pixmaps show up in the popup menus?

Maybe because the application don't specify a icon for the menu. I
have a miniicon for gv (Apps/Viewers/GV). If you also have it, then
everything is OK. Check /usr/doc/menu for infos how to provide your
own entries for the menu, in which you can enable miniicons. 


Re: Smail in hamm checking DNS lookups?

1998-08-26 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 JB == Jay Barbee [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

JB My home system is setup on a dummy network (, and I do
JB typically email myself at my work Debian box which is on the net with a
JB legit IP address.  Now (after the hamm upgrade, I assume) I cannot send
JB mail, and port 25 will not open if I telnet in from home.

Check /etc/hosts.deny and allow for a paranoid line and disable
it. Also check in /etc/inetd.conf that the smtp line is still active.


Re: PPP as normal user

1998-08-26 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 DD == David Densmore [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

DD I just installed Debian 2.0.
DD Can someone tell me how to establish a PPP connection from my normal
DD user account?  I have no problem as root.

DD I tried chmod u+s pppd but that doesn't work.

You have to add the user to the dip (or was it dialout? better to both 
:-) group.

adduser theuser dialout
adduser theuser dip

And check the permissions of pppd:

-rwsr-xr--   1 root dip105532 Jun 19 02:59 /usr/sbin/pppd*

(Looks like dip is the right group.)


Re: ppp - no response to LCP ConfReq

1998-08-26 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 J == JonesMB  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

J Everything was working fine till 2 days ago.  Win95 can still
J connect so I looked at the ppplog.txt file there and comparing it
J to previous connects, it looks like the authentication procedure on
J the server has changed from PAP to CHAP.  I have setup the
J chap-secrets file accordingly as well as set the name and
J remotename options.  After the call comes up and chat hands over to
J pppd, I get these messages

J Aug 26 03:35:37 nsx pppd[9455]: Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/ttyS1
J Aug 26 03:35:37 nsx pppd[9455]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 asyncmap
0x0 magic 0x9001 pcomp accomp]
J Aug 26 03:36:07 nsx last message repeated 10 times
J Aug 26 03:36:07 nsx pppd[9455]: Hangup (SIGHUP)
J Aug 26 03:36:07 nsx pppd[9455]: Modem hangup
J Aug 26 03:36:07 nsx pppd[9455]: Connection terminated.
J Aug 26 03:36:08 nsx pppd[9455]: Exit.

What makes you think they have changed to CHAP? The logfile snipplet
above doesn't indicate anything like this (as authentication is part
of LCP).


Re: PPP as normal user

1998-08-26 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 s == servis  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

s % ls -al /etc/ppp
s total 92
s 1 drwxr-xr-x   6 root dip  1024 Jul 26 14:48 ./
s 7 drwxr-xr-x  64 root root 7168 Aug 26 06:49 ../
s 36 -rw-r--r--   1 root root34938 Jul  9 10:58 connect-errors
s 2 -rwxr--r--   1 root root 1338 May 31 14:08 ip-down*
s 1 drwxr-xr-x   2 root root 1024 May 13 21:42 ip-down.d/
s 2 -rwxr--r--   1 root root 1454 May 13 21:42 ip-down.dpkg-dist*
s 32 -rw-r--r--   1 root root31249 Aug 26 07:51 ip-log
s 3 -rwxr--r--   1 root root 2789 Jul 26 14:48 ip-up*
s 1 drwxr-xr-x   2 root root 1024 Aug 11 08:46 ip-up.d/
s 2 -rwxr--r--   1 root root 1452 May 13 21:42 ip-up.dpkg-dist*
s 2 -rw---   1 root root 1553 Jul  9 12:58 pap-secrets
s 1 drwxr-xr-x   2 root dip  1024 Jul 27 20:05 peers/
s 1 -rw-r--r--   1 root root   85 Mar  1  1997 ppp_on_boot

s % pon
s /usr/sbin/pppd: Can't open options file /etc/ppp/options: No such file or 

s As root it works perfectly.  What am I missing?

Strange it works as root. As you can see, you don't have a
/etc/ppp/options file. Create one and try again.

cd /etc/ppp/
touch options
chmod 644 options


Re: Newbie's question: how to sendreceive mail

1998-08-26 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 PI == Peter Iannarelli [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

PI Install smail and qpopper. Answer the questions during install.
PI NOTE - your name server must be setup properly before you
PI can use SMTP and you should have a fully qualified domain name.

I belive the original poster wanted to fetch mail from the ISP's pop3
server. This is a job for fetchmail.


from a 1996 Microshit ad campaign:
The less you know about computers the more you want Micro$oft!
  See! They do get some things right!

Re: PPP as normal user

1998-08-26 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 s == servis  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

s | Strange it works as root. As you can see, you don't have a
s | /etc/ppp/options file. Create one and try again.

s This fix doesn't seem like the right way to fix this problem.  Why
s would running it as root NOT fail when the options file is not present
s and when run as a user it needs to have the options file present.

Don't know. This *is* strange, just as I said.

s Well, now the error message goes away but it just exits without doing
s anything, assuming because the options file is empty. 
No. The options file may be empty.

s A strace shows that it is trying to execute '/usr/sbin/pppd call
s provider', which is what /usr/bin/pon does, but it fails.

s [pid  1219] execve(/usr/sbin/pppd, [/usr/sbin/pppd, call, provider], 
[/* 36 vars */]) = -1 EPERM (Operation not permitted)

s If I explicitly type in '/usr/sbin/pppd call provider' the log shows an
s entry of 

s 'Aug 26 08:57:36 brian pppd[1221]: pppd 2.3.5 started by servis, uid 6262'

s but no error message is returned and nothing happens.

Now I am *really* confused. In another mail you said:

% id 
uid=6262(servis) gid=6262(servis)

% ls -l /usr/sbin/pppd
 105 -rwsr-xr--   1 root dip105532 Jun 18 19:59 /usr/sbin/pppd*

This is OK.

If permissions are wrong, you should get a 

$ /usr/sbin/pppd
su: /usr/sbin/pppd: Permission denied

(try this please)

Maybe you did the adduser name dip during the current session? Then
you should login again.

(and try /usr/sbin/pppd again. Different output/logs ?)

from a 1996 Microshit ad campaign:
The less you know about computers the more you want Micro$oft!
  See! They do get some things right!

Re: Can't rlogin/telnet into my machine over ppp

1998-08-26 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 s == servis  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

s I can't seem to rlogin or telnet into my machine, from a remote host. 
s I am connected to the net with a dynamic dialup ppp link.  I can telnet
s in from a win95 machine on my private home net though.

Ceck if you have the PARANOID setting in /etc/hosts.deny (or was it
allow?). Uncomment it.


from a 1996 Microshit ad campaign:
The less you know about computers the more you want Micro$oft!
  See! They do get some things right!

Re: ppp - no response to LCP ConfReq

1998-08-26 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 J == JonesMB  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

J 08-25-1998 02:51:11.34 - LCP : Received and accepted authentication
J protocol c223 (CHAP).

No problem. CHAP is always tried first, if it is available. I think
PAP will work nevertheless.

But the other box doesn't respond to any LCP request you send. As I
said before: authentication is done during LCP negotiation. Does the
router send *anything* back (monitor the RX LED on your modem)?

I would contact your ISP. Send them the logfile, and ask them about
the changes they made. Maybe they switched the dial-in routers or OS
version of these.

Send them your config and most importent the complete
logfile. Emphesize the line LCP and no response for request line.

Get through to one of the network guys. Let him monitor a dial-in

Maybe they have one special number with a old router, so you can
reassure it is the change on their routers which cause the problems.

Because it works with M$, doesn't mean it is not broken.


from a 1996 Microshit ad campaign:
The less you know about computers the more you want Micro$oft!
  See! They do get some things right!

Re: [pppd] error: link not 8-bit clean

1998-08-26 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 SC == Sudhakar Chandrasekharan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

SC I was able to get over the 8-bit clean problem. 

I am curious. What was the solution? :-)

SC properly.  The modem hang ups with no explanation.  Got to spend more
SC time debugging it.

If you want us to help you, send the logfiles.


Re: PPP as normal user

1998-08-26 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 s == servis  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


You forgot to answer my question :-)

What happens if you just type /usr/sbin/pppd at the prompt (as user
servis)? Will it run or issue an error message?

When I do this, pppd starts and begins sending LCP packages.

Aug 26 22:43:45 haitech kernel: PPP: version 2.2.0 (dynamic channel allocation) 
Aug 26 22:43:45 haitech kernel: PPP Dynamic channel allocation code copyright 
1995 Caldera, Inc. 
Aug 26 22:43:45 haitech kernel: PPP line discipline registered. 
Aug 26 22:43:45 haitech kernel: registered device ppp0 
Aug 26 22:43:46 haitech pppd[707]: pppd 2.3.5 started by martinb, uid 1000
Aug 26 22:43:46 haitech pppd[707]: Using interface ppp0
Aug 26 22:43:46 haitech pppd[707]: Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/ttyp1
Aug 26 22:43:46 haitech pppd[707]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 magic 0xe17b 
pcomp accomp]
Aug 26 22:44:13 haitech last message repeated 9 times
Aug 26 22:44:16 haitech pppd[707]: LCP: timeout sending Config-Requests
Aug 26 22:44:16 haitech pppd[707]: Connection terminated.
Aug 26 22:44:17 haitech pppd[707]: Exit.

How about you?


Re: help w/ ethernet (with a dash of ppp)

1998-08-24 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 S == Shaleh  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

S Hi, I have two machines I would like to network.  One of them uses ppp
S to connect to the internet.  The other should be able to see the
S internet thru this first machine.  Below is a network layout:
S ifconfig eth0 192.168.0.{1,2} netmask

S I can then ping the machines IP.  However I can not ping either machine
S from the other.  My ppp link is intermittent (it is at home sharing a
S line w/ the rest of the house).

Did you also add a routing entry for the subnet?

route add -net netmask

route -n should show a line like   U 0  00 eth0


Re: not all memory is recognized

1998-08-24 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 d == daryl  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

d i have a debian system with 128 megs of memory.
d i have the following line in lilo.conf:

d append=mem=128

I belive this should read append=mem=128M


Re: [pppd] error: link not 8-bit clean

1998-08-24 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 SC == Sudhakar Chandrasekharan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

[.. Dial-in attempts.]

SC * Does Netcom use PAP / CHAP?

You should ask their tech support. This is an important issue to know
when setting up a dial-in connection.

You described your failed attempts, but to help you, we need the

For xisp: uncomment the debug line in /etc/ppp/options.xisp. Then
xisp will log into /var/log/ppp.log

Post the logs for the dialin attempt.


Re: PPP doesn't work anymore.

1998-08-17 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 SHW == Stef Hoesli Wiederwald [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

SHW I copied my ppp scripts from my old harddisk, and I inserted the ppp
SHW module into the kernel. If I want to fire it up now, it starts, but
SHW network connection doesn't work. After 30 seconds the other side hangs
SHW up. The last lines of the logfile look like this:

The new pppd doesn't set an option it did in debian 1.3. IIRC this is

Add noauth to the pppd options and try again.

Also add debug to get a more verbose logging.


Re: PPP wont work!!!!! please help!

1998-08-17 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 D == Dylan  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

D ps: i also would like to know how to decompress a file in *.deb and *.rpm
D format, being a slackware user, i have always tried to stay away from these
D two...   

No idea about rpms, but for debs, you can do

ar -x debian-package.deb
tar -xfvz data.tar.gz


Re: PPP wont work!!!!! please help!

1998-08-17 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 D == Dylan  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

D i ran pppconfig, and wvdial config when i installed...   when i do 'pon'
D it dials, connects, and i stay connected, but i try to test the connection
D by pinging several hosts, but it always says: ' unknown host'.

Looks like a routing or name resolving problem.

After you are connected, run route -n.

You should have a line like:
[...] UG0  01 ppp0

The first is important. It is the defaultroute all traffic,
which can't be routed by the other lines in the route -n output, goes

If the line is missing, you need to add the defaultroute option to the 
pppd options.

Maybe routing is OK, but you can't resolve names.

Can you do a ping (this is ?

/etc/resolv.conf should read:

nameserver ip.of.your.DNSserver


order hosts, bind
multi on


PS: Your ! key is stuck. And you don't have to explicitly ask for
help in the subject line. That's why we are here.

shameless plug
If you have X running, you could give xisp a try. A very nice pppd
frontend with multiple ISP configuration and phonecost accounting.

Brought to you by your fearless and extremely good looking maintainer
into the slink distribution :-)
/shameless plug

Re: checking 8 bit clean on ppp

1998-08-12 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 RH == Richard E Hawkins Esq [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

RH I almost have this laptop connected by ppp to the debian machine on my 
RH desk, but not quite.


RH It now has a serial connection, and the host machine knows that 
RH it's logged in [i checked :) ]

RH Aug 11 15:26:39 hawkins pppd[775]: Using interface ppp0
RH Aug 11 15:26:39 hawkins pppd[775]: Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/ttyS1
RH Aug 11 15:26:39 hawkins pppd[775]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 asyncmap 0x0 
RH c 0x5557 pcomp accomp]
RH Aug 11 15:27:06 hawkins last message repeated 9 times
RH Aug 11 15:27:09 hawkins pppd[775]: LCP: timeout sending Config-Requests
RH Aug 11 15:27:09 hawkins pppd[775]: Connection terminated.
RH Aug 11 15:27:09 hawkins pppd[775]: Receive serial link is not 8-bit clean:
RH Aug 11 15:27:09 hawkins pppd[775]: Problem: all had bit 7 set to 0
RH Aug 11 15:27:10 hawkins pppd[775]: Exit.

RH huh?  This is an 8 bit clean connection.  so how to i test it myself to 
RH have something to show the telecommunications folks?  Or could my modem
RH be sending 7 bits?  It's a compaq pcmia modem in an ibm thinkpad.

This message means something else.

You have logged into a terminal. Now chat exits and pppd starts. Then
it send LCP requests to establish a ppp connection. Since the is no
pppd running on the other side of the link, your side doesn't get an

You have to start pppd before exiting the chatscript.

Most likely you will have to specify some parameter. As I have never
done such a thing (only dial ins right into a waiting pppd, no
terminal login), I can only point you towards /usr/doc/ppp and man

But you get the picture about the reason of this error I hope.

Maybe you would have to choose some other item from the menu? What
does the helpdesk about the procedure of dial in? They most likely
only know windows, but the menuchoices are the same regardless of the

Good luck,

from a 1996 Microshit ad campaign:
The less you know about computers the more you want Micro$oft!
  See! They do get some things right!

Re: Making XDM use *my* window manager

1998-08-11 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 SC == Sudhakar Chandrasekharan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

SC Should I be creating a new .xsomething file in my home directory?
[has been answered]

SC My box resides in a secure intranet.  Does the default Debian
SC installation allow other folks using eXceed on WinDOS 95/NT in my
SC network connect to my machine via XDMCP-Broadcast?  Which files should I
SC modify to allow users in my intranet to connect to my machine (now you

It will work out-of-the-box.

The configfile for this is /etc/X11/xdm/Xaccess


Re: First time Linux user.

1998-08-11 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 REHE == Richard E Hawkins Esq [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

REHE dir takes three letters to accomplish ls.  Never trust a
REHE command that can't be typed in two letters . . .

mkdir and rmdir ? I always wondered about them.

To the original poster: There is a DOS/Windows to Linux HowTo which
pretty good explains some differences in concepts and commands. YOu
have filepermissions now :-) has a link to it.


Re: Nuking damned scrambled consoles.

1998-08-11 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 CB == Christopher Barry [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

[answered by Shaleh]

CB Also, if there are any vim users reading this what does ^x ^s do? I
CB sometimes accidentally type this when I mean to save a file (bad habit
CB from using ae), and this seems to lock up vim pretty hard.

I don't use vim either. I rather use xemacs. Sometimes I use joe at
the console. Used to C-x C-s to save files I somtimes type that in and 
joe freezes as well.

It is C-s that causes this (Maybe *S*top or something).

C-q will bring it back to live.


Re: Turn off Console Screen Blanking

1998-08-11 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 JB == Jay Barbee [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

JB How do you shutoff the console's screen blank?
JB I would like to be able to just boot up and not have the console blank out.

The command is setterm -blank 0

Just create a file in /etc/rc.boot


setterm -blank 0

and chmod 755 it.


Re: GCC lib troubles after HAMM upgrade

1998-08-10 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 HP == Havoc Pennington [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

HP I think crypt is in a separate library, so you need -lcrypt on the link
HP line. No idea whether this changed between bo and hamm though.

This is new in libc6 IIRC.


Re: Debian in NTLoader?

1998-08-10 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 MM == Mikhali Mifsud [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

MM Win98, Winnt4 Japanese and BeOS.  I will be adding debian sometime
MM later today.  How do I add Debian to the NT bootloader?  Thanks.

There is a doc about this somewhere in /usr/doc/HOWTO 


Re: ISDN script problem !

1998-08-09 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 NC == Nuno Carvalho [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

NC I didn't understood, yet, isdnconfig ! :(( What should I write !?

isdnconfig. At the prompt. As root. Some things are really mysterious, 
aren't they ;-)

NC ipppd: peer authentication required but no authenthication file accessible

NC pap-secrets are with 600 permissions !

Hmm. You try this as root, right? What is the output of 
ls -l /etc/ppp/pap-secrets?

 ipppd user nemanuel remotename provider \
 ipcp-accept-local ipcp-accept-remote \
 -detach \
 mru 1524 \
 -bsdcomp -ac -pc -vj -vjccomp -pred1comp \
 debug \
 useifip \

This assumes that you have a line in /etc/ppp/pap-secrets reading

nemanuel   provideryour-password


Re: ISDN script problem !

1998-08-08 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 NC == Nuno Carvalho [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

NC I installed recently hamm on my linux box with the lastest isdnutils
NC package. Unfortunally, my
NC older script doesn't works with ipppd !

I would consider to give the new config a try. It is really
nice. Start isdnconfig as root.

NC It doesn't accept the +ua option and if I try to make: ipppd
NC -pred1comp /dev/ippp0 it also doesn't
NC recognise that option ! :((

The +ua Option was abolished after pppd 2.2.0 (and therefore in

Use the options
user your-username
remotename provider

Then in /etc/ppp/pap-secrets, add a line

your-username   provideryour-password


Re: chmod

1998-08-06 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 MP == Mark Panzer [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

MP I tried using chmod to allow myself (when logged in as mark) to have
MP access to my floppy drive. I did a 

MP chmod o+rwx /floppy

MP but when I tried to check this with ls -ld /floppy I see that only root
MP still has write privilages.  Can someone offer some help.

You changed the permissions of the mountpoint, but this has no
significance after mounting the floppy.

Tweak the mountline.
I'd use the Options uid=0,gid=103,umask=007 to give group dosdisks
rw access to the floppy.


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Re: Automatic X startup

1998-08-06 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 TTF == Torbjorn T Friberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

TTF Could anyone tell me how to get X automatically started. Now I have to
TTF write 'startx' every time.

$ cat /etc/X11/config
# This file contains configuration flags for the X Window System.
# For a description of the meanings of the flags, see
# /usr/doc/X11/README.Debian


Also take a look at the FAQ-o-matic


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Re: Colors

1998-08-06 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 LA == Luiken, Arijan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

LA is it possible to display colors (ansi) in your prompt and ifso HOW 



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Re: Was the release of Debian 2.0 put on Linux Announce?

1998-08-05 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 GB == George Bonser [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

GB Debian is, quite frankly, too small to dictate to the rest of the linux
GB community how things should be done. On the other hand, it is too good for
GB the other distributions to ignore.I think they all secretly desire to be
GB as well integrated as Debian and in that respect they have to listen when
GB Debian makes suggestions.

Someone said (in -devel, IIRC), that Debian won't get more weight by
having more users, but by attracting more upstream developers.

And there is something about this.

OTOH, three friends of mine wanted to try Linux. I gave them Debian
and saw, that it *is* too complicated for the average Windoze user to
set up. X setup is a pain in the ass and we know it. Still one of them
wants to learn it, and I believe he will be satisfied with Debian. The
others will get it as well (I hope).

Debian is technically superior and I am proud about this. One of my
friends had installed SUSE. I checked the thing out. Inconsitency all
over the place. A pain to manage over a dialup/telnet connection (I
will have to help him with the box, so I need good access). I dropped


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Re: Market Debian? (was Re: Was the release of Debian 2.0 put on Linux Announce?)

1998-08-05 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 GB == George Bonser [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

GB On Tue, 4 Aug 1998, George R wrote:

GB locations every time it is run. Even if you run it Red Hat's UUCP package
GB through alien, it will continue to look in /usr/lib/uucp for its configs
GB rather than the proper /etc/uucp directory. The bad thing is that it ( the
GB Red Hat package) does not even create the /usr/lib/uucp directory or make
GB any skeleton config files so the first time you run it, it will crash and
GB you will not even know why until you run strace on it. 

So what? If the rpm behaves like this, it is broken with regard to
debian quality standards.I haven't used alien a single time. Debian
has more packages than any other distribution. You will hardly find
any standard package that isn't available as a debian package.

As I said in another thread: I am often surprised to find out, that a
programm is already packaged for debian.

If there is some new programm, I install it in /usr/local using stow
for maintainance. If it is a nice package, introduce it in -devel and
ask whether someone can package it.

If we like it, we will package it. And you can become a developer as
well. There are cool helper apps available to make this easy. Believe
me, I don't do any C/C++ and still maintain C/C++ programms. 


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Re: [Debian]: Wann kommt die Debian 2.0 - CD

1998-08-05 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 JR == Jens Ritter [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

JR Please: This is an englisch speaking mailing list. Thanks,

Yes, I know. My fault. I read the german and international list in one 
folder and choose the wrong function to reply. It went to -users by


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Re: Was the release of Debian 2.0 put on Linux Announce?

1998-08-05 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 SJC == Stephen J Carpenter [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

SJC makes sense...the more upstream developers, the more exposure debian gets
SJC lets face it...when you look around and see Linux Software the
SJC first name you see is RedHat and the first package format (not
SJC counting tarball) is RPM...
SJC And thats the kind of stuff that gives them real presense

Many programms also have Debian versions, but there are simply not
mentioned on the homepages. Maybe the author doesn't know this, maybe
he just didn't care to update his page.

How about asking the upstream authors to place a link to the Debian
version (better only to the directory) for example. Maybe also a
link to stable.

How about a announcement to freshmeat when a programm is newly
packaged for Debian?

Maybe this should be discussed further in -devel or -publicity.

SJC Now that I have read this I think I will have HIM do the install
SJC with as little coaching from me as possible, then will write down
SJC all his trouble spots, and how I explained it to him.

SJC If anyone is interested I think it could be a great help in where
SJC we need to improve.

Good idea. Please do so. Maybe I wil have a chance do do so as well


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Re: [Debian]: Wann kommt die Debian 2.0 - CD

1998-08-04 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 NB == Norbert Bottlaender-Prier [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

NB Laut Stephan Bortzmeyer (von der französischen Debian-Liste) soll Debian
NB 2 in der neuesten Ausgabe des 6-CD-Satzes von Info-Magic enthalten sein

Ich habe allerdings letztens noch in einer der Debian Listen (-users
oder -devel glaube ich; mehr in den Archiven) gelesen, daß die es
wieder mal verbockt haben und die Info-Magic Version voller Fehler
sei. Anscheinend gib es in den USA bereits eine Version von denen.


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Re: [Debian]: Wann kommt die Debian 2.0 - CD

1998-08-04 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 NB == Norbert Bottlaender-Prier [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Laut Stephan Bortzmeyer (von der französischen Debian-Liste) soll Debian
 2 in der neuesten Ausgabe des 6-CD-Satzes von Info-Magic enthalten sein
 On Tue, Aug 04, 1998 at 02:16:09AM +0200, Martin Bialasinski wrote:

 Ich habe allerdings letztens noch in einer der Debian Listen (-users
 oder -devel glaube ich; mehr in den Archiven) gelesen, daß die es
 wieder mal verbockt haben und die Info-Magic Version voller Fehler
 sei. Anscheinend gib es in den USA bereits eine Version von denen.

 MB == Marcus Brinkmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Sie werben mit einer official alpha cd (alpha ist noch gar nicht
 released), und ---viel schlimmer--- official non-free (das muß man sich
 mal vorstellen!).

Ääh, war das nicht LSL, und nicht InfoMagic?

Ich habe nochmal nachgeschaut: Es war LSL (Diskussion auf
debian-private), der Infomagic Thread war in debian-devel ( 


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Re: Strange thing ...

1998-08-04 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 AGS == Ana Graca Silva [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

AGS 0%  [Forking]Can't locate File/ in @INC at /usr/lib/apt/methods/ftp
AGS line 21 (#1) comes with perl.

$ dpkg -S
 perl: /usr/lib/perl5/File/

Check if you have perl installed (dpkg -l perl).


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Re: newbie Q2: recompiling kernel for SMP

1998-08-04 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 CE == Chris Evans [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

CE 2nd newbie question:
CE I know I have to change one line in the makefile to get a comment 
CE hash removed to reveal smp=1 to get my kernel makefile ready to 
CE recompile the kernel for my twin pentium machine in SMP mode.  

CE The catch is that I don't want to mess this up.  Please would 
CE someone tell me exactly what I need to do to get that recompile 
CE and to get the compressed kernel image (?), and put it in the right 
CE place.

get and install kernel-package.deb (in main/misc IIRC). This is *not*
the kernel-source but a great helper package.

cd /usr/src/linux

uncomment the SMP line in Makefile

make-kpkg clean

make-kpkg --revision=custom.1.0 kernel_image

dpkg -i ../kernel-image*.deb


read /usr/doc/kernel-package/*


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Re: Question of /etc/fstab

1998-08-04 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 AK == Alex Kwan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


AK would someone told me what is the meaning of:
AK 1)defaults00
AK 2)defaults11
AK 3)defaults10
AK 4)ro  00

Please read the description with

man fstab

It later refers to man mount (for defaults) and man dump (for the
dump field), so read them afterwards as well.


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Re: newbie Q1: launching Xserver as ordinary user

1998-08-04 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 CE == Chris Evans [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

CE a) get xwrapper or some other safe way to be able to launch an 
CE xserver as an ordinary user
CE or, less to my liking but ... fine ... (!)

I installed hamm on a friends box some days ago and didn't have any
restrictions about this. Anyway:

$ cat /etc/X11/Xserver 

The first line in this file is the full pathname of the default X server.
The second line shows who is allowed to run the X server:
Console  (anyone whose controlling tty is on the console)

CE b) get xdm launched properly from the init

$ cat /etc/X11/config
# This file contains configuration flags for the X Window System.
# For a description of the meanings of the flags, see
# /usr/doc/X11/README.Debian



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Re: PPP Server Package?

1998-08-04 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 YE == Young, Ed [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

YE I'd like to set up my machine so that I can dial it up and run it remotely.
YE I believe that mgetty is the general program, but is there a debian package
YE which will configure and ask me all the right questions and make all my
YE dreams come true? (Lately, it seems like 2.0 approaches this)

Mgetty will do it almost automagically. You have to edit
/etc/mgetty/forgot_the_filename to tell it which composrt to use.
Then enable it in /etc/inittab and you are done.

When I did this some time ago it was just uncommenting a few lines and 
it was running perfectly.

YE Something similarly cool would be if I could set it up to listen for a
YE particular ring pattern (a one ringer) that signals it to ppp into my isp
YE and then email me the IP address it has been issued. Then I could telnet to
YE it or run it as a web server, etc. I'm sure this has been done before. 

There is a programm which does something similar (forgot the name -
ringd or such). There is no debian package AFAIK. Check or about it.


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Re: PPP Server Package?

1998-08-04 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 WL == Will Lowe [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

WL Check out ... you can get a hostname,
WL register your new IP everytime it changes, and refer to your host by name
WL rather than IP. offers a similar service, but does the updates more
often. There are debian packages for both and


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Re: PPP Server Package?

1998-08-04 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 s == servis  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

s There is Debian package:

s Package: xringd


It still surprises me sometimes how many packages debian has... It is
also amusing to ask a question and get pointed to a small utility
living on the disk. It has been there since the beginning, but you
have never noticed it :-)

Maybe this can be a new debian slogan: Debian - discover something new 
every day :-)


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Re: CD Creation in Windows

1998-08-01 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 DN == Dinesh Nadarajah [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

DN Is it possible to create a debian CD under windows with the CD
DN images posted on the web? Documentation discusses about changing
DN the extension to .iso but my windows box would not recognize the
DN format. Are there any freeware/shareware apps. for windows to do
DN this?

I have done this on a friend's box. I just changed the extention to
.iso. Then (he uses a programm called CD-creator IIRC) told the
programm to create a CD from a image file. It accepted the file and
wrote the CD. No problem.


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Re: pgp question

1998-07-29 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 HM == Hamish Moffatt [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

HM [1:14am] [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~ pgp -ks ahpee
HM Key is already signed by user ''.

HM This happens even if I try to sign my own key.

pgp signs your own key by default, so they are already signed.

I believ you also already signed ahpee's key. Check with 
pgp -kvv ahpee.


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Re: apt errors; what?

1998-07-28 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 IE == Ian Eure [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

IE 0%  [Err:libwraster1 0/44.6k 0%]

IE it sits here for a while, then I get these errors:

IE ickage_5.03.deb
IE The size of the file is not what I expected


I believe this is because some reorganisations on the mirrors. I just
waited a couple of hours and it was OK then.


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Re: [Debian]: dwww/apache im Offline Betrieb

1998-07-28 Thread Martin Bialasinski

Apache bricht beim start mit httpd: cannot determine local host name

Mein Rechner hang bisher permanent als am Netz.
Vergangene Woche habe ich auf einen Dialup-Zugang (ppp) umgestellt.
Die nötige Neukonfigurtion habe ich einfach mit dem Installations-
programm vorgenommen, d.h. mit Rescue Diskette gestartet, Root-
Partition gemountet, Configure Network ausgewählt, den Namen des
Rechners, rayman, belassen und die Konfiguration beim nächsten Punkt

Nach einigem finetuneing an den /etc/host* Dateien funktionieren
smail und leafnode auch Offline, allerdings bricht apache, daß ich
für dwww verwendei, beim Start mit obiger Medlung ab.

Der Name des Rechners, also rayman, steht natürlich in der


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Re: no pon!

1998-07-27 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 DP == David Parmet [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

DP who is this pid 109 and what does it want with my life?

pid = Process ID

To check what prozess has ID 109 do a ps ax|grep 109


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Re: Stupid unix

1998-07-24 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 SVD == Santiago Vila Doncel [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
SVD (But just because I love awk, a perl hacker would surely give you a
SVD different solution, and a Bourne-shell hacker yet another one, etc. :-).

Here is the perl hacker ;-)

perl -MFile::Copy -e 'for (@ARGV) {move $_, lc $_}' *.c

mmv is cool, but has no lowercase function.

What's stupid about unix anyways? Didn't understand that one.


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Re: [Debian]: das Systemupdate funktioniert nicht richtig

1998-07-24 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 DM == Dirk Meissner [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

DM ich zum Systemstart immer folgende Fehlermeldung:
DM /etc/rc2.d/S89: line 20: syntax error near unexpected token ';'
DM /etc/rc2.d/S89: line 20: ' ;cron reload automatically'
DM ; cron reloads automatically
Das muß ein # sein.

Hast du diese JFL Debian 2.0 beta installiert (ist wenig brauchbar)?
Der Bug wurde längst behoben. Da Debian 2.0 jetzt offiziell draußen
ist, würde ich das System updaten (per ftp oder CD, wenn sie fertig


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Re: How to change IRQ on NIC?

1998-07-24 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 KW == Kent West [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

KW One more question; after making a change like that, can you get the system
KW to see the change without rebooting? I suspect you can, but I don't know
KW how, so I just rebooted, which worked fine. But I'd like to know for future
KW reference.

[Please use your quoting the other way round. I like to read from left 
to right and from *top* to *bottom* ]

As root do a lsmod. You get an output like:

lsmod# lsmod
Module PagesUsed by
softdog11 (autoclean)
misc   1[softdog]   1 (autoclean)
nls_iso8859-1  12 (autoclean)
nls_cp437  12 (autoclean)
sound 240
vfat   42
fat6[vfat]  2
nls1[nls_iso8859-1 nls_cp437 vfat fat]  0
smc-ultra  11
8390   2[smc-ultra] 0
hisax 232
isdn  21[hisax] 5
slhc   2[isdn]  1

smc-ultra is the module for my NIC.

- Shut down the use of the NIC
ifconfig eth0 down
- Change the configline in /etc/conf.modules
options smc-ultra io=0x300

Now reload the module

- Load the module
modprobe smc-ultra
  You should see some output with tail /var/log/syslog
- Reenable the networking

I like Linux, no reboot :-)



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Re: Stupid unix

1998-07-24 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 s == servis  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

s *-Martin Bialasinski (24 Jul)
s | mmv is cool, but has no lowercase function.

 From the mmv man page:


*blush* OK, just delete everything after cool.

Perl rules anyway ;-)


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Re: pppd

1998-07-19 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 RHR == Robert Henry Rati [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

RHR I wanted to setup pon so that any user can use it who is in a secific
RHR group.  I set the group up and set permissions, but when I try to run
RHR /usr/sbrin/pppd, I get this message:
RHR /usr/sbin/pppd: must be root to run /usr/sbin/pppd, since it is not
RHR setuid-root

I have 
$ ls -l /usr/sbin/pppd
-rwsr-xr--   1 root dip105532 Jun 19 02:59 /usr/sbin/pppd*

So anybody in group dip can run pppd, and it will run as root.


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Re: passwords at Debian's FTP site

1998-07-19 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 DJ == Dave Jones [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

DJ I was going to download the latest
DJ libc5 and netstd packages from debian's ftp site and it asks for a username
DJ and password when I try to save the files.

You log in as anonymous to and issue a get command. You
are then asked about a password? IIRC, the ftp protocol has no means
for doing so.

You are not trying to upload files, aren't you?


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Re: ppp connection

1998-07-19 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 JM == John McPeek [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

JM Jul 18 09:50:50 Hal-9000 pppd[165]: Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/tty1

This is the wrong device. ttyS0 = com1; ttyS1 = com2 etc.


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Re: how to use auctex w/xemacs20 ?

1998-07-19 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 SH == Steve Hsieh [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

SH Can someone explain what is the proper way to use AUCTEX with xemacs20?
SH The auctex package is only for emacs19/20.  xemacs20 as it comes installed
SH is not configured with auctex's path installed.

For me a (require 'tex-site) is enough.

I use xemacs 20.4-5. Load-path has

BTW: thanks for the line with the loadpath. For me, it is bbdb which
won't work. It installs in /usr/share/xemacs20/site-lisp/ and xemacs
doesn't fins it (not included in load-path).


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Re: ADDUSER AND 8 Usernames?

1998-07-19 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 k == kent  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

k how does one go about getting a username longer than
k 8 charachters added?

The only way I know is to edit the passwd/shadow file.


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Re: Signaling end of input with EOF by keyboard instead of file.

1998-07-19 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 CB == Christopher Barry [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

CB So can I send the EOF character with the keyboard?


^d :-)
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Re: pon gets me nowhare

1998-07-16 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 JM == John McPeek [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

JM Please Help!

When you want help, be specific about your problem. As my PSI
abilities aren't that good and I am also not in a mood of guessing. I
got a problem, my setup is ok, but I get an error blahblub (don't
remember exactly) is not a good description.

Please send the contents of /var/log/ppp.log (just for one
dialattempt). And also the contents of the configfiles you use, and
some details from your ISP (terminal login? PAP?)


from a 1996 Microshit ad campaign:
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Re: Virtual provides?

1998-07-16 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 EM == Edvard Majakari [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 MB == Martin Bialasinski [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

EM Thanks for info. It complains about missing command debstd. I wonder
EM where I can get this? :)

It is in the package debmake. A good way to find this out, is to grep
the Contents-i386.gz from a debia ftp mirror.

BTW: IIRC, there is a flaw and you have to 
touch /usr/src/equivs-1.0.5/debian/substvars


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Re: Hamm on Libretto

1998-07-15 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 TAwtM == The Armadillo with the Mask [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

TAwtM errors while processing libc6-dev_2.0.7r-3.deb:
TAwtM could not overwrite /usr/include/asm which is also included in package 
TAwtM libc-kheaders
TAwtM dpkg-deb subprocess paste killed by signal (broken pipe)

dpkg --purge libc-kheaders

This package is obsolete. Maybe the libc6-dev should have a Replace:
dependency on it.


from a 1996 Microshit ad campaign:
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Re: Hamm on Libretto

1998-07-15 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 TAwtM == The Armadillo with the Mask [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

As a second note: there is libc6 r5 available (maybe in
Incoming). Don't use the r3.

For more info check the discussion on debian-devel through the
mailinglist archives.

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The less you know about computers the more you want Micro$oft!
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Re: Magicfilter Config

1998-07-15 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 DD == Dennis Dixon [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

DD I tried the following:
DD In /etc/printcap I added the line 
DD :if=/usr/sbin/magicfilterconfig:\ 

DD Now when I try to print from ghostview the printer prints the following 

DD You already have an /etc/printcap installed.  I assume it is already
DD correctly configured and won't overwrite it. (if /etc/printcap is not
DD correctly configured, delete the file and re-run /usr/sbin/magicfilterconfig
DD or run '/usr/sbin/magicfilterconfig --force')

magicfilterconfig is no configfile (as it is not in /etc). It is a
configuration script to create a /etc/printcap file. Do a
/usr/sbin/magicfilterconfig --force


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Re: Help me...urgent please.

1998-07-14 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 VM == Vaidhyanathan Mayilrangam [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

VM I deleted my mail folder (unintentionally).. How to create another
VM one in /var/spool/mail..

It is created automaticaly if new mails arrives and there is no


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Re: xfig not working in hamm?

1998-07-13 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 MS == Martin Schulze [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

MS Is it just me or doesn't xfig in hamm do exportnig of files into
MS .gif, .png, .xpm etc?  I'm only receiving empty files.  Don't
MS need to tell ya that this suxx.

No problem here. I just drew some objects, exported them to gif and xv 
showed the picture..

This is xfig 3.2.0-2


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Re: use *.rpm and *.tar.gz packages on Hamm

1998-07-13 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 AK == Alex Kwan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

AK the alien needs the rpm and
AK the rpm needs the libc5,
AK (I checked these on
AK Hamm is using the libc6,
AK Will the libc5 and libc6 happy to-gather?

Yes. There is a libc5.deb for hamm in the oldlibs directory.

I'd also check, if the package you want to install is available as a
debian package, first. Which is it anyways?


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Re: Virtual provides?

1998-07-13 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 EM == Edvard Majakari [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 KV == Kenneth Valentine [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

EM I think it is not possible to create a file containing so called
EM 'virtual provides', which would contain strings like 'mta, httpd,
EM news-server' etc. This way, I can install Qmail on my own, put the
EM appropriate string somewhere and debian would realize service (mta) is
EM already provided.

Install equivs.deb and read /usr/doc/equivs/README.debian.

Then edit /etc/equivs.conf
cd /usr/src/equivs-version
fakeroot debian/rules binary
dpkg -i ../equivs*.deb


from a 1996 Microshit ad campaign:
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Re: dselect w/ two ftp sites?

1998-07-12 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 PM == Paul Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

PM Is it possible to setup dselect to use two ftp sites?  I'd like to have
PM both the US and non-US packages available at the same time.

Install apt from
You can then either use apt-get directly or the new apt method in
dselect. Configuration is done in /etc/apt/sources.list


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Re: dselect w/ two ftp sites?

1998-07-12 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 PM == Paul Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

PM able to manage (after many tries).  Specifically, the non-US distribution
PM was tricky. -- Apparently that implementation hasn't been added yet.

I also fetch packages from non-us. No problem. The standard
sources.list has an entry for non-us.

Here is mine. You may want to change unstable to stable

deb unstable/binary-$(ARCH)/


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Re: ppp.log question

1998-07-11 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 RK == Robert Kerr [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

RK me what my IP address was.  Now, however, ppp.log is filled with about ten
RK billion lines similar to :
RK Jul 10 07:26:44 chuy pppd[138]: rcvd [CCP ConfReq id=0x1  11 05 00 01
04 ]
RK Jul 10 07:26:44 chuy pppd[138]: sent [CCP ConfReq id=0x1]

RK and then a bunch of :
RK Jul 10 07:27:14 chuy pppd[138]: sent [LCP EchoReq id=0x1 magic=0xebff]
RK Jul 10 07:27:15 chuy pppd[138]: rcvd [LCP EchoRep id=0x1 magic=0x86533e6c]

Try adding noccp to the pppd options.


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Re: Question about debian sources and dh_testdir

1998-07-09 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 PF == Philipp Frauenfelder [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

PF I really searched for this 'dh_testdir' on and also 
PF asked Archie but did not find it. Could someone please reveal to 
PF me in which package I can find it?

It is part of the debhelper package.

A convenient way to find a file is to get the Content.gz files from
the ftp servers and to do a zgrep on them.


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Re: What package has patch?

1998-07-07 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 CB == Christopher Barry [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

CB Hi all,
CB Which package contains the patch utility? I've installed perl-base,
CB perl-tk and the basic perl5 package and I was sure one of these would
CB have it, but guess not. So where is it?

zgrep patch /home/martinb/Contents-i386.gz  |grep bin

So it is in the package patch in the utils section. (The Contents file 
is from a debian mirror)


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Re: Check Required Relative Packages for New Packages

1998-07-07 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 AK == Alex Kwan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

AK If I add a new packages to my Hamm system,
AK How can I checked whcih packages are the
AK relative packages (If Required) that I needed to 
AK add to my systems too.

Get apt from

Then you can do a apt-get install whatever, and it will fetch  install
whatever.deb and all packages needed.


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Re: [Debian]: xisp

1998-07-06 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 FK == Felix Klee [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

FK immer wenn ich mit xisp (installiert von einem Debian 
FK package) unter HAMM eine Verbindung aufzubauen versuche 
FK kommt folgende Fehlermeldung:

FK /usr/sbin/pppd: unrecognized option '+ua'

Die Option +ua wird von den neuen pppd nicht mehr erkannt. Benutze
einfach die pap-secrets Option (pap-s heißt sie wohl im dem Menu).

In /etc/pap-secrets fügst du einfach noch eine entsprechende Zeile an:

username remotename passwort

Username und Remotename entsprechend im Fenster eintragen, wobei
du den Remotename frei wählen kannst (dient nur zur Identifikation des 
Eintrags in pap-secrets).

Ich werde bald eine neue Version von xisp hochladen (es sind noch ein
paar Dinge zu klären). In der Version wirst du die +ua Methode
garnicht mehr auswählen können, wenn der pppd es nicht beherrscht. Du
brauchst also keinen Bugreport deswegen abzusetzten.


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Re: [Debian]: xisp

1998-07-06 Thread Martin Bialasinski

Oops, wrong list. Sorry.


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Re: fvwm2 behaves differently from bo -- hamm?

1998-07-06 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 DB == Dirk Bonne [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

DB I've update from bo to hamm, and now I can't drag a window accross
DB virtual screens. 

The behavour has changed upstream. Get the debian sources for the
package (fvwm2*.{dsc, diff.gz, orig.tar.gz} and unpack it with
dpkg-source -x fvwm2*.dsc

Then edit move.c line 256 

Change the #if 0 to #if 1

#if 1 
#else /* probably should actually use EdgeScroll values: */  

And set EdgeScroll to 0 0 in your config.

Then do a debian/rules binary and the deb packages get created in ../


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Re: ISDN problem

1998-07-05 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 RM == Ramin Motakef [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

RM For some days now my ISDN connection doesn't go down automatically
RM anymore due to traffic on the line. First thougt was that some update
RM caused this, but it seems that the dial-in-server at my uni sends some
RM routing info periodically.

RM This is what tcpdump shows me:

RM uni  my box
RM \/   \/
RM 15:07:35.09  
RM rip-resp 25:\\

Looks like you are right.

Use the timru extensions from You can tell
isdn4linux not to respect certain package-types or ports when calculating
the hangup time.


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Re: Problem: upgrade to hamm from CD with APT

1998-07-05 Thread Martin Bialasinski

TW However, whenever I select libc6-dev in deselect it gives me a
TW dependency error with libc6!  The corresponding error with apt-get
TW dselect-upgrade is

libc6 and libc6 have to be the same version IIRC. Please check this.


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Re: Kernel compiling on Debian

1998-07-04 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 RA == Robert Alexander [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

RA One thing that works flawlessly is installing the source package and
RA then using the make-kpkg command from the kernel-package package.

RA The same source tree used with the usual make menuconfig;make dep;make
RA all;make install does not work 

You maybe need to make clean.

RA What is the cleanest way to experiment with unstable kernels which are
RA not yet packaged (ex. ??? Just unpack them in the
RA /usr/src/linux and use the make-kpkg trick on them and fiddle with my
RA lilo.conf to have both old and new kernels to boot ??

I have never done this, but I think this is right (make a bootfloppy, just 
for the worst case though :-). make-kpkg (or is it lilo) will automaticaly 
have entries for the two most recent kernels you build in the standard
config, IIRC.


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Re: netscape 4.05

1998-07-04 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 KYL == K Y Lo [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

KYL I had installed Netscape 4.05 and setting up things but I cant running
KYL netscape to excute itself. it looks nothing

KYL How do user run the netscape to execute? 

Install netscape using the debian installer (netscape4.deb), then just
type netscape at the xterm for a test. 

If you get back to the prompt. Press return to see if there are messages
hiding under the prompt.


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Re: [Debian]: gimp: lib fehlt mir

1998-07-04 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 GWK == G W Kugler [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

GWK wenn ich gimp aufrufe, erhalte ich: can't load library ''. ist glaube ich die Motif Library. Du hast wohl noch ein gimp,
das dynamisch gegen Motif gelinkt wurde. Entweder installierst du
gimp-smotif (die statisch gelinkte Version), oder du kannst dir gimp 1.0
für Debian 1.3.1 von holen. Du
solltest dann das .gimp Verzeichnis in deinem home löschen.


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Re: [ Newbie permissions question.]

1998-07-04 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 e == ej  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

e for the permissions, type 'man chmod' to read all about them.

have also some introducery words about permissions.


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Re: Stopping and restarting mgetty.

1998-07-04 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 S == Shaul  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

S I have the following line in /etc/inittab:
S S1:23:respawn:/sbin/mgetty ttyS1

S How can I stop it whenever I need to, do something (like changing some 
S parameter) and restart it again ?

Change the config, then kill the mgetty prozess. init will respawn it


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Re: Linux/WinNT dual booting (an idea...)

1998-07-04 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 B == Brederlow  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

B The Suse handbook descibes nicely how to set up Linux to appear in the 
B NT boot loader. That way one has only one prompt.

They have a nice supportdatabase. The NT-Loader entry is 


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Re: make-kpkg ie. kernel recompile

1998-07-02 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 B == Babs  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

B When ever i use make-kpkg while tring to recompile the kernel i get the
B error message command not found.

Do you have kernel-package.deb installed? Check with 
dpkg -l kernel-package. If not, it is in the misc section.

If you have it installed, then cut  paste the commend you enter and the
output it generates. 

B (im running debian 2.0.34 fairly resent fresh install)

Sidenote: You are running debian 1.3 or 2.0 (see /etc/debian_version) and
you are using the 2.0.34 kernel. 


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Re: [Debian]: Update auf glibc

1998-06-30 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 F == Forseti  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

F Ich habe vor zwei monaten schon einmal versucht, mit hilfe eines
F abstrusen howtos auf die glibc upzudaten, mit dem Resultat der Notwendigkeit
F einer kompletten neuinstallation 

Guck dir mal an. Die
Methode ist gut getestet.


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Re: dial-in / dedicated ip.

1998-06-30 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 mt == matthew tebbens [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

mt I found which is just what I was looking for.
mt What you have below is also an option.

I would try They do dynamicaly update their dns server (or
resolve addresses using a database, don't remember).

So a update works almost instantly whereas updates theis servers
every 10 min.


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Re: ppp PAP question

1998-06-27 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 WW == Wakko Warner [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

WW them.  in pap-secrets I have:

WW wakko   lwts...
WW wakko   bristol ...

WW lwts is my computer at work
WW bristol is the name I received from my ISP.
WW The line I used to invoke pppd:
WW pppd connect 'chat  atdt### CONNECT' user wakko /dev/modem 115200

WW I see no other way to get pppd to send the correct user name.  Obviously,
WW I'm not going to use my machine name and I'm not going to have my machine
WW name as my ISP login name.  It seems that it can't get the remote host name
WW or something...  I don't fully (or half way) understand PAP.

man pppd says:

remotename name
  Set  the  assumed  name  of  the  remote system for
  authentication purposes to name.

So: a the pap-secrets line should look like:

wakko   myisp   secretpassword

username on remote system = wakko
password for remote system = secretpassword
remote-id of remote system (arbitrary) = myisp

and you have to add remotename myisp to your pppd line.


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Re: pppd 2.3 oddity. Help me, dammit! :)

1998-06-25 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 DH == Dale Harrison [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

DH I dialin to a provider and authenticate via PAP. This was fine up until I
DH upgraded ppp. It doesn't authenticate anymore. I've tried it on other
DH providers and the same story... except when I dial into another hamm box.
DH Everything's fine then. It works like a charm.

DH # dpkg -l |grep ppp
DH ii  ppp 2.3.5-2Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) daemon.
DH ii  ppp-pam 2.3.5-2Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) daemon 

DH Jun 25 14:25:55 apathy pppd[837]: sent [PAP AuthReq id=0x1 user=username 
DH Jun 25 14:25:55 apathy pppd[837]: rcvd [LCP EchoRep id=0x0 magic=0x49bd1d10]
DH Jun 25 14:25:58 apathy pppd[837]: rcvd [PAP AuthAck id=0x1 ]

AuthAck, so Authentication worked all right.

DH Jun 25 14:25:58 apathy pppd[837]: Remote message: 
DH Jun 25 14:26:25 apathy pppd[837]: sent [LCP EchoReq id=0x1 magic=0x084d]
DH Jun 25 14:26:25 apathy pppd[837]: rcvd [LCP EchoRep id=0x1 magic=0x49bd1d10]

Looks like it is sending the wrong magic. Sorry, don't know what this
is. Maybe you could deinstall ppp-pam and retry.


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Re: xhost

1998-06-25 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 GL == 44 1785 248131 Graham writes:

GL I am trying to configure my debian 1.3.1 box to allow me to run X
GL programs from 
GL the root account when I am logged in as another user, this is because
GL the root

GL Also I have root's profile script set to export the DISPLAY environment
GL variable when I do a 'su -' but does it matter if this is set if I am
GL not in X
GL but just using the console or telnet?  If it does then how can I get
GL it to only
GL be set when I 'su -' from within X?

ssh will do all the magic necessary. And it will encript and compress the
traffic, so it is secure as well.

Just install the package.


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Re: Linux Y2K

1998-06-24 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 MS == Mike Schmitz [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

MS On Sun, Jun 21, 1998 at 11:03:18PM +0200, Martin Bialasinski wrote:
  t == timothy  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

t How will Debian  other distributions handle Y2K on older computers 
t which don't
t have a Y2K safe BIOS?


MS Actually he was asking about the BIOS.  It should be fairly easy to 
MS create a
MS hack at boot (when the system clock is initialized) to make any 
MS adjustments 
MS necessary to the data from the BIOS.

Please read the website. This is addressed there as well.


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Re: irqtune probs

1998-06-23 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 DS == Darren Spiteri [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

DS I've installed hwtools*.deb to make use of irqtune but it doesn't seem
DS to work
DS properly. When I run irqtune it responds:

DS irqtune: insmod failed on '/usr/lib/hwtools/irqtune_mod.o'

DS A manual insmod reports:

DS /usr/lib/hwtools/irqtune_mod.o: couldn't find the kernal version the module
DS was compiled for

Compile the kernel without module version support (sorry, don't know the
proper item; it's on the first menu) or a newer irqtune from the irqtune
homepage (again sorry, no URL).


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Re: ISDN w/Debian

1998-06-21 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 SS == Shiraz Sayani [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

SS pppbind name [devicenum]   PPP, bind interface to ippp-device
SS (exclusive)

SS and my old setup used 'isdnctrl pppbind 0', so I tried both 0 and
SS ippp0 as the parametr,

0 is correct.

SS but although the connection to the ISP is made,
SS I cannot access anything via ppp e.g.

SS Bert# ping
SS PING ( 56 data bytes
SS (HiSax driver detected)
SS ping: sendto: Network is unreachable
SS ping: wrote 64 chars, ret=-1

Looks like you don't have a default route set. 

$ /sbin/route -n
Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric RefUse Iface UH0  00 ippp1 UH0  00 ippp0   U 0  00 eth0   U 0  0   97 lo UG0  03 ippp0

The last line is the default route.

Your /etc/isdn/ipppd.ippp0 should read:

lcp-restart 1
mru 1524

and some lines about chap authentication (I only know pap).


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Re: Linux Y2K

1998-06-21 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 t == timothy  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

t How will Debian  other distributions handle Y2K on older computers 
t which don't
t have a Y2K safe BIOS?



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Re: ISDN w/Debian

1998-06-20 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 SS == Shiraz Sayani [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

SS 1) I think I've set everything up ok in /etc/isdn, and 
SS /etc/init.d/isdnutils runs fine at boot up, but
SS whenever I try to establish a connection, I get the
SS following type of system messages.

SS Jun 20 19:41:16 Bert kernel: OPEN: - UDP, port:
SS 1028 - 53 
SS Jun 20 19:41:16 Bert kernel: ippp0: dialing 0 3518333... 
SS Jun 20 19:41:24 Bert kernel: isdn_net: local hangup ippp0 
SS Jun 20 19:41:24 Bert kernel: ippp0: Chargesum is 0 
SS Jun 20 19:41:26 Bert kernel: OPEN: - UDP, port:
SS 1032 - 53 
SS Jun 20 19:41:26 Bert kernel: ippp0: dialing 0 3518333... 
SS Jun 20 19:41:34 Bert kernel: isdn_net: local hangup ippp0 
SS Jun 20 19:41:34 Bert kernel: ippp0: Chargesum is 0 
SS Jun 20 19:41:34 Bert kernel: OPEN: - UDP, port:
SS 1035 - 53 
SS Jun 20 19:41:34 Bert kernel: ippp0: dialing 0 3518333... 
SS Jun 20 19:41:42 Bert kernel: isdn_net: local hangup ippp0 
SS Jun 20 19:41:42 Bert kernel: ippp0: Chargesum is 0 

SS I tried setting 'debug' in the appropriate options file in /etc/isdn
SS (which used to give me all the sent/recd messages so I could see
SS what was going wrong), but now I only get the output above.

You have debug in /etc/isdn/ipppd.ippp0 and still don't get verbose
messages in syslog? Really strange. These messages are necessary to
determine why your box hangs up after connecting.

SS 2) Can I stop all network access attempting to dial my ISP? I'd prefer
SS to use netup and netdown type scripts, but the default
SS configuation does not seem to need this.

Just remove the phonenumber with isdnctrl and add it if you want to dial
out. Make a small script for this if you want to.


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Re: fvwm2: seems to be reading some hook files twice?

1998-06-19 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 BR == Branden Robinson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

BR After a recent upgrade of fvwm2, the window manager seems to be processing
BR at least some of my $HOME/.fvwm2/*.hook files twice.  Used to be, the
BR attached main-menu-pre.hook file did the expected thing.  Now, the menus
BR I custom-made get doubled up (see the attached X window dumps in PNG 

BR # Read system and user menu prefixes
BR AddToMenu /Debian
BR + Main Menu Title
BR Read /etc/X11/fvwm2/main-menu-pre.hook
BR Read .fvwm2/main-menu-pre.hook

You did check, that you don't have a ~/.fvwm2/main-menu-pre.hook ?

Disable the line and see what happens.

The main-menu-pre.hook you sent was from /etc/X11/fvwm2, right?


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Re: a few more questions

1998-06-19 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 MP == Mark Panzer [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

MP Could you help me with the following:
MP 1. how can I, using Linux and X11 read e-mail from other people who send it
MP to me via my ISP (uses POP)

fetchmail can poll the mails from your provider. Check man fetchmail for
more info. The section configuration examples will show you what to put
into your ~/.fetchmailrc


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Re: fvwm2: seems to be reading some hook files twice?

1998-06-19 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 BR == Branden Robinson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

BR [1  text/plain; us-ascii (quoted-printable)]
BR On Fri, Jun 19, 1998 at 01:13:13AM +0200, Martin Bialasinski wrote:
 You did check, that you don't have a ~/.fvwm2/main-menu-pre.hook ?

BR Uh, the main-menu-pre.hook I included WAS from $HOME/.fvwm2.

 Disable the line and see what happens.
 The main-menu-pre.hook you sent was from /etc/X11/fvwm2, right?

BR No.  Why would the fvwm2 maintainer ship menu entries for connecting to
BR hosts at Purdue University?  :)

You might have added it there, so that all user have these menus.

So the main-menu-pre.hook in /etc/X11/fvwm2 is empty.

Try to add a DestroyMenu before your new menu entries.

You could also try strace -f startx | grep hook to verify that the hook
is called twice (and when). Maybe this can clarify the situation.


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Re: smail

1998-06-17 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 PS == Peter Shtinkov [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

PS Can you tell me how to set smtp_remote_allow properly with 2 networks
PS in smail config (Hamm - distribution).

[Please configure your mailer to break lines after 70 characters]

This is described in man smail-config rather longish.

smtp_remote_allow=123.345.678.*:123.456.76.* I'd say. But you better check 
the manpage.


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Re: Startup files disappeared [Urgent!]

1998-06-17 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 JB == Jay Barbee [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

JB I don't ever remember touching this package before (file-rc), what is 
JB it's story?  
JB is it needed?  Should I hit reinstall in dselect?

file-rc is an approach to handle the scripts in init.d in another fashion
then trough the symlinks in rc.* directories. It has *one* file which
describes which script has to be started/stoped in which runlevel.

I'd consider it alpha and because it interacts with booting, I don't use
it (too risky IMHO). Don't touch a running system :-)


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Re: Netscape mail settings

1998-06-17 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 BM == Brian Morgan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

BM 1.I can send mail, using as my outgoing mail
BM (SMTP) server (debian is the host name for my debian system), and
BM others receive it fine.  However, when I try to receive mail using the
BM same server name, I get the message Netscape's network connection was
BM refused by the server:

BM I am using Pop 3, the default.  Is this correct?  Is there anything I
BM need to do to my debian box to get pop3 services running?  Anything else
BM I need to configure?

Do you have a POP3 Server running at the host you want to get mail from?
Check with telnet pop-3. 

It is not completely clear to me, if the host you run Netscape on is itself. If this is the case, you can also use the
movemail thing.

BM 2.All of my icons in netscape are black and white.  Is this normal?
BM I've seen versions for FreeBSD that are in full color.  Am I doing
BM something wrong?

Should be color icons. What colordepth do you use in X? If it is 8bpp, you 
should start netscape with the -install option (install privat colormap).

BM 3.The only way for me to run netscape is by typing in the full path
BM in xterm:  /usr/local/netscape/netscape.  I'm running afterstep, and
BM cannot get any of the graphical shortcuts to work for it, either via the
BM debian-apps-net menu, or through the built in button that came with
BM afterstep.  Can someone help me configure theses paths to point to the
BM correct netscape location?

If you used the debian netscape installer, the menuentries should work
ok. Try it instead to ns-install script from the tarball.


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