Re: [IxDA Discuss] New to IXD, looking for some advice.

2007-10-03 Thread pauric
To side with Christina on this one, and maybe it Depends(tm) on the
company, I went from hw to usability to design.  Most of the other
grads that started with me went on to Marketing or Program management
- the managerial route.  

There are plenty of companies out there that dont pigeon hole their
employees, there's no reason I see for those same companies to
single out the IxD role as pre-qualified hire-in only. 

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] d schools

2007-10-07 Thread pauric
I guess the inmates are D.esigning asylum 2.0

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Loses Accessibility Law Suit

2007-10-07 Thread pauric
Joseph said: "I haven't heard of any core, structural, intrinsic way
in which any software or hardware system can be designed that allows
for visual complexity to be more easily translated into audio or
other input using an assistive technology."

The technology is here, just not evenly distributed, read all about
it: Reader_Custom.wmv

Andrei: "But why should that be a software overlay on the system
instead of built into the system itself?"

In a word, its an interface.  A presentation layer.  You dont
re-interpret the visual spectrum to audio, back down in an OS (why
not: e.g. JScript).  It must be an open, standards based, solution to
be truly universal and robust.

Note the K-NFB is nothing more than a digital camera and OCR module. 
A simple solution that adapts to most any environment, subject text
and user.

It cant be rocketscience to build a dynamic OCR reader for today's
powerful desktops.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Loses Accessibility Law Suit

2007-10-07 Thread pauric
That URL again,

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Loses Accessibility Law Suit

2007-10-08 Thread pauric
Andrei, lets try to understand the problem before we focus on the
specifics of the engineered solution.  We should first put a bit more
resolution on what it takes to be "Disabled". 

Let me start with a few observations I've made.  I've never seen
someone with limited motor control use an Apple.  It primarily tablet
PCs or dedicated hardware.  Of the group that falls under "Blind",
I'd like to first better define the problem as Visual Acuity which
can be broken down in to two major groups; Hyperopia or
'farsightedness' and Myopia 'shortsightedness'.  -Very- generally
speaking the first affects the elderly and the second is an eye
defect. And, Hyperopia is going to be a significantly larger
percentage of computer users as we all age and our eyesight fails us
- I feel thats the business case for an eventual application based

I others chime in with their observations...

That said... if I may "bite"  I'm surprised to see a talented
designer such as yourself delve straight in to a proposed solution.
If I may summarize your argument for fixing the OS with one comment
you made "Text doesn't appear on your screen unless it was coded
and rendered to do so."

I, as a reader of what is on the screen in front of me, do not care
about the code needed to compile/interpret/render the information in
front of me.  I just read, humans are system agnostic.  I can read
applications or web pages, games or graphics - what I describe as the
'visual spectrum' of information I take in.  

My approach to compensate for a lack of ability to interpret the
visual spectrum would be to look for a solution not based in a
specific OS or W3C standard.  I'm suggesting a new layer that
interfaces and translates between the user and the presentation
layer.  Build an engineering-out reader that interprets wpf,
javascript, vista or OS X's core animation and you shoot yourself in
the foot when that specific technology becomes redundant.  

I'm suggesting a system, based on my experience in working with
people with disabilities, that tracks the user's eye (if possible)
and reads that section back to them.  Regardless, it monitors all
activity on the screen, from OS dialogs to js interactions, read
those and translate them in to audio or touch (the other two major
'spectrums', or senses, the we receive information).  In short, an
Optical Character Recognition based Intelligent Agent.  Forget about
interpreting what it takes to get those electrons to the monitor,
lets just dynamically snapshot the screen and OCR it.

I feel its going to be more fruitful to address the point of failure
not the system.  The underlying system will change, the issue of
deficient vision does not.  That point of failure lies between the
user and the system presentation layer.  I think I'll call this
approach User Centered Design (o;

cheers :-pauric

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Loses Accessibility Law Suit

2007-10-08 Thread pauric
Todd: "When has the government every been efficient at creating
progress and innovation compared to the private sector?"

Darpa, Apollo, Arpanet.  If anything, governments do a rather fine
job of leading innovation.  There's no reason to wait until egn X is
half blind and there's a market.  The technology is available today
but it will only take a non-profit to capitalize on it.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Loses Accessibility Law Suit

2007-10-08 Thread pauric
Andrei: "They should be going after MS and Apple to make them solve
the problem for real on the computer itself."

But the 'problem' is not on the computer, Operating Systems do what
they were designed to do, as well as a few things they werent. Suing
an OS manufacture is a pointless waste of advocates limited

Let me put it to you in a crude analogy, you dont sue the NY Times to
get them to increase the font size.  You -solve- the 'problem' by
buying glasses.  That is, dont try to redefine fundamental OS
requirements based on a small percentage of the user base.  Build an
application that solves a user need.

An an aside, try to avoid name calling, it diminishes the credibility
of your arguments.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] JOB UX Designer, Fulltime/Permanent Role, Recruiter, Redmond, WA

2007-10-09 Thread pauric
Dear 800lb Gorilla,

I saw with great interest your open req for a UX Designer Role that
requires "Client and server debugging skills", "Solid programming
experience in C  " and who will "make the user experience on their
search engine the very best".

Please review my personal site:

Yours truly, "the Software Design Engineer with a keen sensitivity
to the needs of the end-user"
Clarke Kent.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] JOB UX Designer, Fulltime/Permanent Role, Recruiter, Redmond, WA

2007-10-09 Thread pauric
Matt, I wholeheartedly agree with your sentiment.  Castles in the
clouds follow no rules of architecture.

However.. a UX person thats being asked to debug server side code
should send off a few alarm bells no?

This is a developer role.  The recruiter simply pasted UX in to the
title and liberally sprinkled the lead with 'user'.  None of the
requirements touch on any methodologies needed to -design- user
interface, just build them.

cheers -p 

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Loses Accessibility Law Suit

2007-10-09 Thread pauric
I'd like to understand your definition of 'disabled' Andrei.

A system cant be all things to all people, it will fail being useful
to anyone in particular.

Should we ditch the mouse and keyboard for people without fine
control of their muscles?  A clickless interface for everyone?  And
for the hard of hearing - should the system have full voice
recognition? And of course.. what we're really talking about here..
that sub group of 'the disabled' with reduced vision... OS's that
talk to you.

I present to you the 'Disabled' friendly computer

OS's are platforms, on to which we build applications.  Applications
are solutions to unique/specific problems.  Addressing the needs of a
specific user group is best served with a platform wide solution dont
you think?   Andrei.. Andrei.. give me your answer true (o;


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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Loses Accessibility Law Suit

2007-10-09 Thread pauric
Sorry "Addressing the needs of a specific user group is -NOT- best
served with a platform wide solution dont you think?"

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] JOB UX Designer, Fulltime/Permanent Role, Recruiter, Redmond, WA

2007-10-10 Thread pauric
Mark S on the omni person type: "Those who choose to have control and
do everything... interface design, coding, marketing. Typically this
gets you a mediocre product that is of limited use."

I feel the problem is not so 2 dimensional.  If a team avoids single
points of failure in their processes you can leverage omni types.  

No single omni-type should design-implement-test their work alone. 
No matter how talented a person is, they solve problems based on
their experience/perspective. Peer review is critical in both omni &
designer/developer teams.

It goes back to a golden rule of development: never build and then
test a system with the same tool.  Faults or flaws in construction
will not be caught in qualification.

A small organization may not have the resources to afford the clear
benefits of separate specialists for design & implementation. That,
however, does not mean they will inherently create 'mediocre


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Re: [IxDA Discuss] straw poll: best messaging user experience

2007-10-10 Thread pauric
>From the perspective of someone who works with both offshored and
outsourced vendors.  Email is the best for accountability,
unfortunately the enterprise client is Notes which sucks harder than
a dyson.

For day to day itteration work, IRC for an office like discussion
(unsecure though) and skype for IM/Voice detail orientated
conversations.  I use adium but will try to get peers over to skype. 

>From a design perspective, with dedicated hardware like the  Philips
VOIP8411B which will also plug in to your 19th century lines along
side skype-in/out, the easy progression from im to voice,  easy group
IM etc etc.. I find its the best all round communications solution. 

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] JOB UX Designer, Fulltime/Permanent Role, Recruiter, Redmond, WA

2007-10-11 Thread pauric
Let me add that google also required, when they schooled me in what it
takes to be a real designer via their interviewing 'process', that
they very much made it clear you needed to be a design thinker. 
Coding skills - a requirement, but you definitely needed to primarily
think like a designer.

Will T, I've no bone to pick with MS, I think there are some awesome
changes coming out of Redmond such as giving Zune 1 buyers the latest
Zune 2 firmware (when Apple's original response to early iPhone
adopters after the price drop is @#$% you.. 'thats technology for
you')  That all said, calling for client/server debug is way the
other end of developer from UX.

That specific job req is really a developer role and sticking UX in
the title is doing the hiring team a disservice. design-code-test is
just too much.

As always, do one thing - do it well.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Green and not: ON and off

2007-10-11 Thread pauric
Green LEDs in a jam

I do not like them in my mocks.
I do not like them on a box.
I do not like them with Binary Switches.
I do not like them with halloween witches.
I do not like them here or there.
I do not like them anywhere.
I do not like to use green LEDs in a jam.
I do not like them, designer-I-am.

Momentary switches, I loath to press
Rockers and sliders, state is addressed
You do not like to use green LEDs in a jam?

I do not like them,

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] How to improve graphic design skills?

2007-10-11 Thread pauric
Graphic design in the sense of creating artifacts..

Trace.  Take an image you want to copy.. ummm say like an icon...

Stick them in an application that has layers, tuck them in the
background and lock the layer.  Then just draw in a layers above.
Like so

Graphic design in the sense of 'having an eye' for things.  No

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] How to improve graphic design skills?

2007-10-12 Thread pauric
Adrienne's point on typography reminded me of this excellent little
film about the London College of Printing

David Dabner is very quotable 'When playing Jazz, you've got to
learn the instrument first, otherwise its going to sound bloody

and my favourite

'Computers make for sloppy thinking, thinking allows you to delete
the non-essential.'

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Green and not: ON and off

2007-10-13 Thread pauric
"Technological progress positively sucks some times. I'm sure the
glowing screens are touted as a "feature", too."

Go over to your stationary area. Do a blank (black) photocopy on to a
transparent sheet.  Stick the sheet on to your alarm clock.


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Re: [IxDA Discuss] A badly designed site about bad design

2007-10-15 Thread pauric
Hi Matt, I'm not that well versed on what makes a good 'web'site, I
design embedded interfaces on appliances.  Granted the site is a
little Nielsenian, I would appreciate your insights on specific
flaws.  I was able to navigate and find content with great ease.

What would you change or do differently?

cheers -pauric

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] A badly designed site about bad design

2007-10-15 Thread pauric
Just to play the devils advocate, as I do like Jenifer's site "(her)
site makes the navigation of the
content more friendly (because  of the left side nav bar)."

As both sites roughly follow the sequential format of a book, especially
true with Jenifer's content, it could be argued that forcing a user to
constantly scroll down for the later pages is something of a flaw with
simple left/right nav.  The 'Bad Designs' site allows a reader to flip
though the content without forcing them to scroll down past the 'fold'
everytime the want to move to the next page.

I agree with both Matt & Jarod that always present Nav is a good thing.  I
think the underlying flaw is the way both sites interrupt the experience
with fairly flat layout that doesnt necessarily require scrolling.

Here's an example of what can be done when you think about content as you
design the architecture, as opposed to building a navigation system and then
hooking it to the content separately.

Either way, thanks for clarifying the flaws.  Its always good to share
thanks, pauric

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Wow, look at you all go...!

2007-10-15 Thread pauric
As one of the more active posters (I suffer from verbal diarrhea and
no one to talk to at work) I HIGHLY recommend the site for tracking the discussions. has done a phenomenal job at bending the
archaic mail server in to a very usable discussion front end.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Wow, look at you all go...!

2007-10-15 Thread pauric
Chauncey: "It would be interesting to conduct a brief survey
regarding the overall quality of the discussions"

If you or anyone else wants to respond with questions that would suit
such a quarterly review.  I'll happily put the survey together and
conduct it.

Lets crowdsource a solution to measuring quality (o;

thanks - pauric

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Non graphical storyboards

2007-10-17 Thread pauric
Not sure if this will help Marvin, I came across a youtube video of a
literature student in Texas who also paints.  You could listen to the
story on youtube:
Although I have to warn you the narration is a little schmaltzy.

I did a little research and found some more detail on the story:

"About five years ago, Mr. Bramblitt realized his sight was going
away. %u201CMy heart just sank,%u201D he said. %u201CIt seemed like
the entire world went away.%u201D Doctors haven%u2019t been able to
determine the reason for Mr. Bramblitt%u2019s blindness.

Mr. Bramblitt, who had drawn and written before going blind, kept
writing. But it wasn%u2019t the cathartic experience he was seeking.
He thought about painting. He figured he%u2019d try painting for a
year and see where it took him.

One big hurdle: How to apply paint on canvas in the right places.

A solution: Make a raised drawing %u2014 a bumpy outline you can feel
with your hands %u2014 and form a map that makes it easier to
determine the boundaries of the image. He tried glue, but it cracked.
Then he discovered fabric %u2014 or puffy %u2014 paint, which leaves a
raised line after it dries.

He uses oil paints because each color has its own texture. He feels
the paint in his hands to help guide him to the right colors. He also
uses his hands to see the canvas, moving them along the fabric to
determine the boundaries.

While Mr. Bramblitt started painting for himself, he eventually
showed his work to friends and family. When his friend, Jacqi Serie,
saw his paintings, she joked that she thought he was faking.
%u201CIt%u2019s hard [for others] to wrap their heads around the fact
that he can draw that well without seeing,%u201D she said.

Here is john Bramblitt's website:
here is his email address johnbramblitt at

Note that he says on his contact page "I would like to encourage
anyone that is blind/visually impaired or knows someone that is and
would enjoy painting to please feel free to contact me. I don%u2019t
have all the answers, but maybe working together we could at least
come up with some intelligent questions."

Good luck & g-day ,pauric

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] examples of filtering data based on a series of and/or/not criteria?

2007-10-24 Thread pauric
I like the   and - controls for adding rules in pipes, then the
ability to minimise the panel, leaving just a label, when you're

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[IxDA Discuss] Dasher, an intuitive

2007-10-27 Thread pauric
Apologies if this has been posted before:

'Dasher is a competitive text-entry system wherever a full-size
keyboard cannot be used, driven by natural continuous pointing

Video demonstration

More info and free download available at;

I think the use of a 'library of books' metaphor is truly inspired. - pauric

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Tips on "breaking into" IA/ID/UxD industry for recent graduates?

2007-10-30 Thread pauric
Dan: "Your portfolio has to say: I am a person with good ideas and
skills you can use."

Jason, have you thought about complimenting your portfolio with a
blog? Something that's going to demonstrate the kind of thinking
that Dan refers to.

Also, take my advice with a pinch of salt as I've worked at the same
place for the last 11 years but to your points
1)"I'm not going to learn anything about my craft if I'm not
working with people who know more than me."

Not strictly true.  I work alone and am the Principal Architect for
user interfaces at a large(ish) multinational,  6000 peeps.  I would
prefer to have a mentor, I'd certainly be better for it, but, its
not a requirement imho.  You've got Dan Saffer on the line giving
you advice if you hadnt noticed!  Leverage the cloud.

2)"I am prepared to make coffee, photocopy, and be a gopher, all for
a meager paycheck"

I met with David Malouf last week and he said something that's stuck
in my mind.  If I've understood what he said correctly.. then knowing
your worth is important.  If you let yourself be treated as you
describe then I fear you'll be abused.  There's a balance but I
wouldnt set yourself up as someone who's seen as desperate.

I believe Dan Saffer has said in the past that you shouldnt 'work
for free' to fill out your portfolio (correct me) and I disagree
with that to an extent.  I'd encourage you to look at some of the
more interesting OSS projects in places like Sourceforge and cut your
teeth there.  Its a great way to balance your experience even when you
do have a job.

3) "I want to be part of an agency that really legitimately cares
about the design process. If this precondition isn't met, then there
is no good reason to sign up."

True, as long as you understand the real reason a business cares
about any particular process is its ability to make money.  Following
the right principles is more important than simply being principled. 

Best of luck - pauric

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] What tools do you use for prototyping?

2007-11-01 Thread pauric
Robert: "I use OmniGraffle PDF for simple prototypes, and
occasionally Flash. Then I often screencast the interactions with
narration using Snapz Pro X. I call it a "protocast"."

Thats interesting.  Do make a distinction between iterative
designing, and deliverables?  I would describe your Protocast as a
Mockup.  My thinking is that its important to understand the audience
for anything I'm working on.  Be that an audience of myself as I'm
sketching on paper, or a larger group.

Robert, is your output all 'prototype' or do you switch over from
throw-away designs to deliverable work at some point?

thanks - pauric

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] What tools do you use for prototyping?

2007-11-01 Thread pauric
apologies for the typos, long day.

I'm not entirely sure what I'm asking either, I was interested in your
process more than anything.  Maybe I should turn it around and explain
where I'm coming from.

It helps me to make a distinction between creating a design and then
communicating that design.  For me, prototyping is the sketching and
testing of possible layouts & flows. Once one or more designs become
candidates for a particular problem I then render them in to something
that is then used to explain them to a wider audience.  But, at this
point, the kernel of the interaction is captured, defined.  I then
move on to explaining that definition.  Thus the end of the
prototyping stage.  That not to say I dont take input on a given
design... but essentially.. its not really 'prototyping' anymore is
it?  Just ironing out the wrinkles as well as selling the design to

Maybe 'throw-away' was a bad choice of words on my part.  I was
thinking in project specific terms.  But it does underline the
distinction for me.  The paperwork, wireframes and library elements
all fall under prototyping for me.  They are in a 'language' that only
I need to interpret. Anything thats handed over, presented.. anything
that could possibly be called a Specification, well its a mockup.

Understanding the audience for a particular doc aids me in determining
the level & type of detail needed for that doc.

Put it another way.  If a design, in omni.pdf for example, isnt really
going to change a whole lot from draft... bar some fixes & input from
the stakeholders.  Is is -really- a prototype anymore? Or just a
specification in need of a few tweaks.

Let me also say, as if the typos dont give it away, I'm a little
dyslexic.. so maybe my wrangling with documentation requires me to go
through this 'understand your audience' thing.

This smells awfully like a semantics debate, so I'll be quite now (o;

thanks for your time - pauric

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] What tools do you use for prototyping?

2007-11-06 Thread pauric
Robert wrote: "There are also some good reasons not to use these

I would argue that the tools used for a task such as prototyping are
pretty much irrelevant.  As long as it gets the job done.

Now, understanding what it will take to get the job done requires you
understanding who the audience of that document is.

It seems to me a lot of different things get called 'prototypes',
right up to near specifications.  Which is fine, but Robert
highlights an issue with such a generic label for a document that can
be for anything from a personal feasibility eval right up to a client
presentation or something that might be handed off to implementation.

As I said previously, the first and foremost part of prototyping for
me is understanding the audience, producing the right level of detail
required for that audience to interpret the design decisions captured
withing.  I chose to label some of these docs 'mockups', that suits
my process.  It would seem a worthwhile exercise to put a coversheet
on your 'prototyping' to explain whether the doc is up for review
or just a heads-up presentation level release.

We put annotations on the elements within a prototype, why not
annotate the entire thing with its purpose?

In the past when I've called something a prototype in the wrong
context I've set myself up for a world of mess when what I had was
almost final.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] What tools do you use for prototyping?

2007-11-06 Thread pauric
I used a 10" bandsaw, Orbital & belt sander and sometimes a drill
press, e.g.
for some things

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] What tools do you use for prototyping?

2007-11-08 Thread pauric
Gavin Edmunds - well said!

Also, on the desire for an all-in-one solution that could combine a
number of drafting, graphic & interactivity applications.  I would
say that's not necessarily a good thing.

Working on paper allows for complete freeform but once you move in to
an app you're always going to be slightly constrained by the tool's
functionality.  Put it another way, every app adds its flavour to
your work.

Its why UI's created in code only look engineering centric.  Its not
because coders like engineering centric interfaces, working within
code produces a systemic centric layout.

So, I believe its very important to always have a number of tools
from different vendors in your toolset.  

Poor analogy time: a Chef who only uses a microwave will produce food
that tastes like it was cooked in a microwave

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] How do you define a prototype [was:What tools do you use for prototyping?]

2007-11-08 Thread pauric
Andrei, I dont necessarily disagree with your ideas on the difference
between and ideation sketch and a working rendering of those ideas. 
However, I'd be very interested in your views on the following.

Lets say I create a design in omni, export that as a clickable pdf. 
Still a prototype? now, what if I print that pdf out, no longer a
prototype in your view?

thanks - pauric

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Where does the usability department belong?

2007-11-12 Thread pauric
I would say, based on my experience setting up a Usability group in a
14,000 org, that it's best placed in the product qualification area
of R&D

To effect any changes in the product you're best placed near
development.  If this is a new group then dovetailing in to existing
process will make for a much smoother ramp up to UCD.  I would
suggest piggy-backing on the existing bug reporting structure, but
with a strong emphasis on the Enhancement Request reports for TPL's
& PMs.

You will still need close ties with Marketing (inc MarComms),
establish a review of the CSO reports.  But primarily, you need to be
in the same silo as those implementing the designs.  

regards - pauric

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Where does the usability department belong?

2007-11-12 Thread pauric
Richard Rogan:"Align with QA - Isn't this team focused on "after
the fact/this are already built" issues?"

I appreciate that.  In our org, the members of QA are actively
involved in new product introduction as they bring in the experience
of what went wrong previously.  When I worked in the "usability
dept" I applied both the collected enhancement requests from
previous products as well as UCD to new features.

I think its worth noting that large corporations often have rolling
roadmaps with gated review cycles of waterfall developments.  I can
be a tall order to wedge in a new UCD cycle at the start of a
program.  I've found more buying by taking the long view and
'fixing things in version 2'.  

I guess there are advantages to being an autonomous body within the
organisation.  I would say that if this is a new function within an
existing business then you're going further the aims of that unit by
leveraging existing processes - not wedging yourself in somehow.

To my mind, while I accept the limitations, being a part of the
Product Quality group it will give you direct access to the general
checks and balances already in place.

While 'it depends' I would find it hard to see an org flip the
switch on to front end UCD overnight - too risky.  Also there's just
far too much politics in place for a 15,000 org to swallow that much
enlightenment in one go.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] what are your fundamental tenets of design?

2007-11-12 Thread pauric
Designing is the act of deleting the non-essential.

Understanding the non-essential is our craft.

'how do you use your tenets to guide you on a daily basis?'
Use only what you need, create only what is necessary.  Everything
else is noise.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] IxDA's Annual Board Meeting

2007-11-13 Thread pauric
Lisa, as we use google groups for local stuff.  Could the same not be
setup at a higher level for the chairs?

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Songza

2007-11-13 Thread pauric
wow, I'm simply blown away by the UI. Very distinctive controls,
layout & flow.  

I expect we might see more niche search engines also differentiate
with novel/innovative UI designs.
e.g. (not a lot going on with style, but
the interaction thinking is good)

Thanks for the link David, I feel like a kid in a candy store.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Songza Compare Seeqpod

2007-11-14 Thread pauric
Lisa, functionally there appears to be little difference between the

I would disagree (personal opinion obviously!) about the ease of
interaction.  My take-away thought about Seeqpod is that most of the
options are up front whereas Songza, for me, did a better job of
defining the primary controls and hide the secondary nice to haves
two layers down e.g.

Seeqpod: 32 immediately clickable controls on the main media page
Songza: 7
(not including clicking on individual tracks. Also, stand to be
corrected on those numbers)

Remember, this is simply a music player

Songza, to me, presents the primary message of the site up front and
places secondary features such as social, playlist controls, etc in
one level.

There's arguments for both approaches, there are some flaws in the
layout for songza such as scrolling.  Seeqpod has a very broken flow
in places.  Nothing is ever perfect.  But if Simplicity was ever a
good design directive then... (o;

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] IxDA's Annual Board Meeting

2007-11-14 Thread pauric
Lisa: "Google Groups. I look forward to the IxDA site owning our
content instead of Google."

David: "I don't think a simple discussion group is what Lisa is
envisioning here."

I just want to make a small point on resources and tools.

Lisa, I agree.  However with google 'owning' the content they also
take ownership of the maintenance.  Its a tradeoff.

David, google groups as we've been using it in Boston is far more
than a mail list.  The Pages function is for all intents a basic wiki
with the added benefit of being hooked in to a mail list.

While this isnt perfect, I do get a little bee in my bonnet when I
see people shoot for the ideal when there's a work-able alternative
and your resources can be better allocated.

I dont have a boner for google, but I'd rather see development on
more critical issues - the resources section, bugs in gamma etc.  And
make do with 3rd part tools that meet the 80/20 requirements.  

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Songza Compare Seeqpod

2007-11-14 Thread pauric
David: "I don't think "innaccessibility" is an issue with these
sites. Especially Songza which is meant as a study in Interaction

One could argue that sites that focus on audio might be on special
interest to the visually impaired.

If Songza was an exercise in interface design then I might agree with
you.  Interaction, no.

Anyway, I believe songza has dont a good job with high contrast. 
Excellent balance of colours with the search results being the only
weak point I can see. 

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Songza

2007-11-14 Thread pauric
Robert: "I wholeheartedly disagree. You can't do anything with the
information once you get it - nothing is clickable. Don't people
normally search for flight info so they can buy a plane ticket?"

Context.  Why would you click to buy from your phone?  You call
a number.  Understanding the context of the mobile interaction is
I really liked about the kayak moby design.

regards - pauric

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Songza

2007-11-14 Thread pauric
I see some fundamental differences between the leisurely street corner
purchase and the more stressful environment of missing a flight,
hauling backage around a city/airport scenario that I'm picturing when
I think of why someone would use a phone over a PC to book flights.  I
think they also nailed it when they removed date selection, returning
results for the context.

Anyway, we could banter this back and forth all day.  My original
point is that these niche search services can differentiate by
understanding the context of use.  Thats not to say the big guys cant
do the same - but then they face something of a branding/identity
problem that needs to be solved

thanks for the interesting debate Robert, apologies for the fractured
response, I didnt reply all from my mail client previously,

regards -pauric

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Songza

2007-11-14 Thread pauric
Lisa: "Hmmm... so is the song I'm clicking on from the original
album or from a remake? Live or studio?"

I would imagine that they are circumventing any potential copyright
infringement by simply being a search engine for existing sources of
content.  I'll guess they're pulling the audio of flash video files
on gootube and the likes. Thats why you're going to see spotty

Note that Pandora, which has its own library, will not allow you to
play a specific song due to its license.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Local page on the site?

2007-11-15 Thread pauric
Somewhat related, I started collecting Design Schools off the list and
putting them on a map. I never got around to finishing this off...

I'll add to it the next time the discussion comes up.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Local page on the site?

2007-11-16 Thread pauric
Dont get me wrong David, I use tinyurl -all- the time:  

However, in the context of a public forum I would think the majority
of tech-savvy users would like to know where a link is going to take
them - better safe than sorry.

Personally I'm very unlikely to follow a tinyurl unless I trust the

And I wouldnt trust me if you paid me.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Local page on the site?

2007-11-16 Thread pauric
Jeff, that bug never got sorted.  How do I post a long link from
inside gamma.  I cant use brackets and dont want to use tinyurl...

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Local page on the site?

2007-11-18 Thread pauric
Taking a step back for a moment.. 
David: "Also, in 4 years of this list nothing I can think of was
ever posted that was egregious in any way, so while I appreciate the
concern I think something about community context is also relevant

Is that not the equivalent of saying 'I've never had a problem
using my application, so users need to understand how it really

I dont think there's an easy solution to this, some people
inherently do not trust masked links (tinyurl).  I appreciate the
concerns over embedding html and not everyone knows that wrapping 
around long links in your email stops them getting broken.  But if
that functionality is available outside gamma I'm not sure why I
cant do the same inside.  

//rant -off

thanks -p

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Kindle

2007-11-19 Thread pauric
Mark, point of fact; you spent 60 cents reading Techcrunch on your
iphone over the month (assuming 10 minutes a day, ~2K TCO iphone over
2 years).

While this device has a better story than previous e-readers it fails
in that its over priced even for early adopters.

Jeff Bezos struck me as a smart guy until I read this: "We forget
(that the printed book) is a 500-year-old technology, and we sort of
forget that it's even a technology," Bezos mused. "Gutenberg would
still recognize a modern-day book."

If it aint super broke, why charge $400 to fix it?

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Kindle

2007-11-19 Thread pauric
Robert :"With regard to the environment, the printing process, ink,
paper, bleaching the paper, etc., is hugely wasteful. "

Probably not the forum for this but paper is both recyclable &
renewable.  Plastic (oil), copper,  NiCad and all the other
ingredients in a modern device produced here:
are marginally renewable and hugely wasteful in the sense that we dont
know where to put this crap once its obsolete... paper.. I cant take
it to the outhouse (o;  Carbon offsetting your next book is a nice

Jorge, completely agree with sentiment on enabling the developing
world.  The OLPC project goes a some way to addressing those issues.
Until Amazon offer a device to the developing world (and make it
802.11 not evdo) for everyone sold here, as the OLPC project has done,
then I dont buy the your argument.  Also, I dont see how an e-reader
helps someone who cant read or write... laptops & teachers address
that problem.

This is a $400 closed device that will get cut by about $100 in the
new year.  Go to version 2 in colour sometime in the middle of next
year and then slowly fade in to the annals of niche devices that had a
beloved following but which never really caught on.  This thing has
Newton written all over it.

Spend that $400 on a good bike and you'll do the world of good for
mind, body & environment (or $250 on a crappy bike and buy some kid a
laptop).  Apologies for the off-topic rant.

Kind regards - pauric

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Kindle

2007-11-19 Thread pauric
Jorge:"I'm sure the first bound books must have felt weird to people
used to reading off scrolls."

You should watch this (o;

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Choosing fonts for mobile phones

2007-11-21 Thread pauric
Sachendra, there are a number of references to mobile fonts in the

best of luck -p

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Kindle

2007-11-22 Thread pauric
Matthew:"(drm versus open library) To me that's the biggest
difference between the iPod and Kindle and the reason why the Kindle
is not going to take off like the iPod did."

The iPod isnt as 'open' as you might think.  You cant really take
your iTunes library and plonk it on another player, you can only burn
a track/album to cd 5 times.  Its not terrible but its certainly DRM.

However, I think there's a strong argument to say that isnt the
reason the iPod took off.  Ease of use, and for me.. the 'story'. 
Non technical users pitched a scenario that they could buy in to, and
a solution that actually worked.

The question hanging over the Kindle's head is will people buy the
story?  Can they visualise their life being better through carrying
digitised reading collection around?

There's no question in my mind that the ebook reader concept will
have a significant market share in the future.  But I see a more
gradual shift from book to connected-linked-searchable-always on
which younger and future generations will be more comfortable with.

But a ~5 year mass switch from book to ebook, similar to CD-iPod...
very hard to see that happening with something that wouldnt look out
of place on the set of Space 1999

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[IxDA Discuss] Kindle

2007-11-22 Thread pauric
Mark: "The real deciding factor may be that listening to music is, and
always has been much cooler than reading books."

Interesting, so you dont see a marketing campaign consisting of
silhouettes reading Kindles? It might work, no? (o;

"That is takes months to get a book printed and distributed renders
> it much less instant and as a result less relevant for all but the most
> in-depth studies and stories."

'll point to the more recent Michael Wesch video:
<>  As an example of why the
Kindle will fail at being a well rounded learning solution when
compared to the laptop.  Getting the latest  MBA course material is
one thing, having it on the same device along with the 'cloud' is
missing here.  Or have I misunderstood your point?

thanks -pauric

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Some form fun, to lighten the mood

2007-11-29 Thread pauric
Its the 'vertical wizard' pattern.

Robert:"No need to type anything."

While I dont disagree that its not the best form in the world and
would be better suited with a traditional multi page wizard.  In your
view, if someone was actually entering text in to this.. is it really
so bad?  whats the fundamental interaction flaw?

For me own learning I like to understand -why- things are poor, not
just point at them and smile.  So, you're insight would be of great

thanks - pauric

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Some form fun, to lighten the mood

2007-11-29 Thread pauric
Robert: "Every time another section of the form is revealed, your
heart sinks a little more. "

I agree. Thats the point I was hoping to explore a little.  I come
across people that both like of loathe the magical appearing form
divs.  Is the 'heart sinking' the designer in us or a proper usability

I personally dislike them but havent nailed down a solid usability
argument against the design Robert highlighted.

Lets put aside the fact that with a little thought the online form
could be as succinct as the pdf.  Let say the choice was a single ever
expanding page or a multistage wizard (right xor choice??? another
option?) then is a multistage wizard not conceptually the same thing -
no real end in sight except some arbitrary progress bar?

for the record I prefer to create wizards, but it would be great to
have a solid argument for them to back up my choices.

thanks for your thoughts on this folks - regards , pauric

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Some form fun, to lighten the mood

2007-11-29 Thread pauric
Pauric: "but it would be great to have a solid argument for them to
back up my choices."

Already answered in the time it took me to write that - "IxDA.. the
designer's customer support line (tm)"

Cool, so with a wizard you can set up expectations and requirements a
little better on an introductory page than is possible on a single
page form.

Its up to the designer to decide which pattern better suits the

So as always.. the default IxDA customer support response: "It
depends (tm)"

thanks all!

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Some form fun, to lighten the mood

2007-11-29 Thread pauric
I've used progress bars a lot in the past both as a designer and as a
user.  I believe the only true value they bring to a design is the
illusion of speed. That things are moving along.

However I disagree that they set expectations for users. Step 3 can
still contain the War & Peace of forms - I think its false to say
users dont expect they'll get hit with something like that.  So, in
the end it is an arbitrary indication of how long something is going
to take.  The windows boot-up progress is an excellent example of
what you can achieve but also the shortcomings of an indication of

I do agree that cutting things in to chunks helps but... lets say
they labeled each of the steps in your original example - would that
have helped? arguably not.

Progress bars are good design practice but they're not a drop-in fix
for bad design - not that you said that!

Robert:"The trick is to make the user feel confident. You want to
make her feel like an expert who can get through a form with no
problem. You don't want her to feel like constantly-surprised"

I do not believe progress meters instill any confidence or set any
discernible expectations.  Telling the user in advance what to expect
from the form//wizard is key to setting them up.  When the unexpected
does happen  such as a server DB errors, random docs from the filing
cabinet etc - then they are prepared and confident its not their
fault.  You just dont get that with progress bars alone.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Books on IxDA and RIAs?

2007-11-29 Thread pauric
Alan: "What I'm looking for is concrete discussion of how I should
(re)think workflows, user goal achievement, and design patterns when
I have a technology like AJAX available to me."

As we are increasingly less dependent on the constraints of the
underlying platform, i.e. cloud & desktop UI capabilities merging. 
Maybe your question could be; 

'how I should (re)think workflows, user goal achievement, and design
patterns' in a particular context? be that social, creative or
exploratory user modes.  Other questions I  see raised with the new
paradigm are 

-How to address the need for an offline mode

anything else?

While Andrei is right on one hand that you can pick up a book from
'82 and it will be of great use.  The context of use has changed so
much that there's an entirely different dimension to applications
nowadays.  To a certain degree that book from '82 will raise as many
questions as it answers.

For example.  Pick the version of MS Word before it caught
feature-itis.  How would it stack up against Zoho (or insert favorite
online app)  Similarly Outlook v. Gmail.

Just throwing this out there.. saying that RIA's can be like ye olde
.exe's is only going to address some of today's requirements.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Books on IxDA and RIAs?

2007-11-29 Thread pauric
Point taken Andrei and no I havent read that specific book.  I'll add
to my ever increasing to-read list )o; thanks!

So, on that note, a tier down from that seminal book list, do you
have anything in the  get'r'done section that might address Alan's
original question?

Thanks in advance -pauric

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Some form fun, to lighten the mood

2007-11-29 Thread pauric
Murli: "Is there any tool that allows discussion threads to flow like
rivers, connecting at times, and then flowing off in different

Not exactly related to discussion threads but your question reminded
me of the interaction on 

Enter in an artist and then you can follow the connection around. 
Each time you click on a new datapoint, the context changes.  

Using that as a visual model for your design issue.  The datapoints
are posts, I can then copy-past a section of a post and create a
response.  This forms a link.  

Links could also be represented by common tags.

The solution would require a new and complex type of recommendation
engine as a large 'thread' would become static noise very quickly
as I think you allude too: "busy threads and such busy people,
nobody really has the time or desire to go back up a thread"

Nor would they see new posts in a multithreading conversation...

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] link vs button

2007-11-29 Thread pauric
I dont think that's ironic at all Bruce: "buttons for simple, finite
actions versus links for actions that begin a process or require
further detail."

I agree with your definition whole heartedly.  It follows the
existing conventions. Links are the prepositions and buttons are the
full-stop of interaction sentences.  Links enable flow, buttons

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] nested, multi-step progress bars

2007-11-30 Thread pauric
Suggestion: Create a split progress bar once the user jumps from one
task to another.

User some form of colour coding (green = a, blue =b) to allow the
user to connect each bar with its corresponding task.

This is a little half-baked and would need a lot of testing...

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] nested, multi-step progress bars

2007-11-30 Thread pauric
Meredith, I have to ask about the value of displaying all the labels
in your example.  Obviously you have insight to the application .  Do
you feel this detail is critical for a user's understanding of
progress, especially when balanced with the cognitive load this may

>From your initial post I took the key design directive 'how to
design progress bars for some nested flows' to translate roughly in
to; 'A method of displaying overall progress when a user has the
ability to change between two work flows'

-If- completion of the wizards is a requirement and the progress bars
cannot be used as a navigation tool.  Is it necessary to have such
detailed labels on the bars??  In my mind, progress bars are
arbitrary, they have no basis in work load or time.

If, for some reason, a user needs to know they've complete Step A.2
when they're on B.5 then I think you need something more
sophisticated, the progress bar pattern wont help.

Either way - fascinating design problem.  Thanks for sharing!


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Re: [IxDA Discuss] nested, multi-step progress bars

2007-11-30 Thread pauric
I didnt read your description carefully.. apologies.  Point taken on
the labels, Amazon is an excellent example

I guess this boils down to my belief that progress meters are an
illusion.  A little trick designers can employ to comfort users in to
thinking things aren't stuck.  Borne out of the flaws of slow systems
- where user's needed feedback.

I do see a fundamental difference between a 'progress bar'  (extreme
example - but fundamentally this is what they are)
and a stage indicator

I didnt realize before that your process can be stopped and picked up
over a number of days.  In that case I'd point towards some of the Tax
applications (TaxAct, Turbo tax etc).  I dont believe they use
progress meters - stand to be corrected on that.

If this was a straight forward flow I'd buy the requirement. But I
still have the question - why would users need a graphic to indicate
'progress' when the user is the dependency in terms of the time they
spend in your flows and the subroutines they may (or may not) choose.

Again, I may (hell.. probably) have misunderstood things but it sounds
like you need a navigation system that indicates the stages.  I have
in the past used a series of tabbed mini wizards... my aprroach here
would be to build the 'progress' in to the navigation.

regards- pauric

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] how to test GUI requirements

2007-12-04 Thread pauric
Liz, I havent got an answer for you.  We have a stellar in-house QA
dept with low level functional test, automated CLI testing and
intensive systems testing.  I've been involved with the dept for 11
years now and we still havent found an automated way to test
compliance with web specs or style guide.  It boils down to
experienced tester catching inconsistencies as well as recommending
enhancements.  I know they looked at some software a while back that
automated a mouse pointer, but it didnt cut the mustard.

Sorry I cant be of help, but I share your pain, wanted to let you
know we drew a blank and rely on expensive manual testing.


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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Interaction08

2007-12-04 Thread pauric
Heyup Matt...  

Highlighting bad interaction design from the organisation is a fair
thing to point out.  That said, one of the key traits of a good
interaction designer is their ability to explain issues to

Being able to crit someone's work, in a constructive way, is a very
important skillset. Leading in to that, its valuable to understand
the reasons something might have failed.. the 'projects
constraints'.  Personally, when I get brought in to fix a mess, I
start with questions.  It brings people on board.  Demonstrates a
willingness to understand why a coder created something that you view
as a 'bad design', they are human after all.

Also, it adds a lot of value to if we can debate bad
design instead of just pointing at it.

Where do you feel the registration process fails, what would you do
to improve it?

Do a screengrab and annotate it if the issues are buried in the sign
up process.  That will certainly get the discussion going

kind regards - pauric

p.s. the irony of 'complaining' about someone who 'complains' is
not lost on me (o;

p.p.s. I have nothing to do with the design, I just get a bee in my
bonnet when I see designers beat up coders -unless- that designer has
the goods to code a better solution themselves.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Interaction08

2007-12-04 Thread pauric
Jeff: "Really? So what about designers who don't write any code?"

I'm not saying Designers need to code, I dont really code anymore.

I am saying that I've seen enough developers get pissed off when all
it takes are essentially two simple steps.

1)Understand why something is the way it is.
2)Suggest a solution.

This might be getting a little out of proportion, I appreciate
Matt's comment was made in jest.  However, I see no value in 'this
is crap' statements... especially when its home turf.

Learn from mistakes or be prepared to repeat them.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Interaction08

2007-12-06 Thread pauric
Matt:"like i mentioned in the other thread, i meant my criticism it
all in good fun and completely appreciate the nature of third party
services for things like this."

No Matt - my bad.  Any sane normal being would have understood your
point in the context it was intended.

I, on the other hand, have spent the best part of 8 years working
with developers in far flung places through email.  In very simple
terms you can either drive a developer or feed them.  I've been on
more than enough programs where a PM, marketing or technical lead
chewed the head off a developer over email.  The quality of work goes
south after those kind of interactions.

There's a quote from Patton that I think rings very true for
development "Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to
do and they will surprise you with their ingenuity." and in the same
vein, when someone invariably produces work that's not up to spec I
find its best to understand why they failed and then -encourage- them
to correct.

Fwiw, working with remote developers is a topic I'm reasonably
involved with.  I gave a 10 minute presentation at UPA Boston in

Its a very high level deck (complex topic - 10 minutes) and here's
my notes for the presentation:
Its all a little light on details but worth a scan if you're

Again, apologies for snapping, you weren't out of order... I had
just got out of one of those meetings.

kind regards -p

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] What tools do you use for prototyping?

2007-12-11 Thread pauric
Adrian - UK based

just search the tubes for 'magnetic paper'.  

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Bad Changes In The New GMail Version

2007-12-11 Thread pauric
I started using the gmail local client after
the gmail upgrade which caused FF to crash as well as some of the
other bugs.

Mailplane, which is webkit I think, does not seem to have the same js
'enhancements' so you see the old address book, etc.  Killer feature
of the client is the offline mode.

I was initially apprehensive in pulling gmail out of the browser, now
I will never go back.

regards -pauric

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Bad Changes In The New GMail Version

2007-12-11 Thread pauric
Very good point Jan, also, I'd like to refine my statement on
mailplane's offline mode.  mailplane is a local 'html' version of your view.  I like the consistency.  POP clients will have their
own layout and might lack the great search and other nuances?

however, a pop client has a fully working offline mode, mailplane only
allows me to browse and has a minor bug refreshing... its still beta.
So.. not totally awesome, but a very nice hybrid - local-ish mail
client with web view consistency.

Also I'd like to thank Leonardo for starting the discussion, I
appreciate seeing someone else's in depth review of the problems -
thank you.

regards - pauric

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Screen Capture Software of Interest

2007-12-12 Thread pauric
Thank you Robby!  Skitch, video:  looks
perfect for one of my clients.. they usually put all their 'ideas'
in to a ppt. I've put them on to this app, and with the upload to
flickr functionaly, we should be able to get a more fluid
conversation going with a closed flickr album.  Cheers! -p

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Design Masters Thesis & Extent of Realization

2007-12-13 Thread pauric
Jack: "There were faculty members on the committee from other visual
arts disciplines, and they expect a thesis project to result in a
finished work of art."

Without knowing the members it would seem that this is a
misunderstanding in the normal process of design and implementation. 
The produced 'work of art' should be an interactive prototype with
dummy data backed up with research.

Its possibly worth taking the time to explain the normal deliverables
of designers in the industry, and the consequences of requesting what
they perceive to be the -working- piece of art.  Maybe a brief
overview of an implemented website stack should be part of her

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Design Masters Thesis & Extent of Realization

2007-12-14 Thread pauric
Jack, there were two other point that came to mind.

1) I guess it could be explained to the reviewers that while an
implemented site is an conceivable goal. Creating a living/breathing
social community for cancer patients is not something that should be
entered in to for the purposes of getting sign-off on a thesis.  A
website 'shell' is a pointless milestone in this context.

When they ask for 'implementation' it should be explained that
they're really asking for a live working community. 

2) Sort of a small one, and not really a criticism of the student,
something to file in the lessons-learned category.  I feel a
fundamental checkbox for -all- output from a designer is to
'understand your audience'. Be that a spec, an email, a prototype
or an implementation.  Maybe it wasnt possible for the student to
know who was going to be on the review board, but if it was, she
could have avoided this misunderstanding by preparing a solid answer
to the question.

Best regards - pauric

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] OLPC: BBC article

2007-12-14 Thread pauric
Murli: "But that does not always translate into ideas and actions
that 'succeed'."

I was very fortunate to have the opportunity to talk to the Minister
for Culture for Brazil,  Gilberto Gil, about the OPLC.  He described
how a pilot classroom was seeded with the XO and how that injection
of technology in to the community went as far as involving the often
illiterate parents in to their child's education.

He was not able to give a clear answer to the larger issues of
product lifecycle/recycling.  But on the whole he was hugely positive
about the initiative based on the findings from the pilot scheme.

Regards -pauric

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Why has micro-blogging become so popular

2007-12-14 Thread pauric
Sachendra: "What I cannot understand is why "What are you doing
right now" (Twitter, Pownce, Jaiku) has become so popular."

I grew up in a small remote town where everyone knew everyone else
and even strangers said hello, asked how you were doing and commented
on the weather.  I noticed this is less common in larger towns and

I see the 'micro blog' not at a sharing of information but the
fulfillment of a basic human need to connect at a simple level have
have our/their existence acknowledged.

To my mind, its more about the act than the content.  Yes, there have
been some 'practical' uses of places like twitter but I think
there's a substantial underlying human need being met with these

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] On the topic of twitter - Why?

2007-12-16 Thread pauric
Mark: "I just can't imagine that my mutterings or mundane
observations would be of any interest to someone as I broadcast

I with you on that and I've wondered why.  I do think there is a lot
to be drawn from Jerome Ryckborst's anthropological take in the other
thread -
I'm a lot like my father when it comes to a lack of motivation to
mutter, make small talk, 'tweet' in social scenarios, and he like
his father, however other people in the town I grew up certainly made
up for that.  My theory is that the twittering phenomenon is
time/space agnostic. The current generation of cloud communication
tools are just re-enabling needs that have not been satisfactorily
met since humans moved out of the village town hall, pub "where
everyone knows your name", post office, etc.. 

Mark: "The elimination of geography and time in socially connecting
is proving quite valuable and will no doubt have a profound effect on
us going forward."

I agree but I'd turn that around.  Where the comforting security of
village life was a double edged sword, -everyone- knew your business,
little control over privacy.  We now have more say over what people
know about us, and control over who is in our own personal community

The profound change as I see it will come in an increase in personal
social capital and a general trend up in collective happiness (which
I understand has been in decline since the 1950's)
More on Social Capital;
and I see this book mentioned a lot, haven't read it though:

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] 'Select Country' dropdown

2007-12-17 Thread pauric
Out of curiosity, how feasible would it be for you to hook in to the
geolocation DB api at and provide the form
based on US preferred or Worldwide?

regards - pauric

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[IxDA Discuss] When/Where/How did you decide to be a designer?

2007-12-18 Thread pauric
Brian Hoffman wrote in another thread: "While many of you have
followed a very straight career path into interaction design, I'm
probably not alone here in having come into this field along a more
winding path."

I think many of us took the long winding path actually.  I was
wondering if we could hear some stories about those pivotal moments in
our careers where we changed from being 'X' in to Interaction

I fell off the engineering centric wagon in 1996 when I was writing
code for a chip that made the LEDs flash on the front of a 10/100
ethernet hub, i.e. the 'interface'.  I had to solve a number of
technical issues translating the large array of information inside the
chip in to the limited abilities of the LEDs .  In looking around for
tools/thinking to correctly solve these problems I chose some UCD
principles.  A couple of months later I used the similar principles to
discovered a major usability bug and had a product placed on ship
hold.  From there on out I was responsible for advocating the user.

regards -pauric

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Interesting tab navigation example

2007-12-20 Thread pauric
Interesting, looks someone fixed the height of the rows and left the
overflow on auto. Maybe not a new pattern exactly (o;

Naturally, no scroll bar in FF.  So all those developers working in
800/600 monitors will lose out if they're looking for |Technical
Resources| (o;

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Interesting tab navigation example

2007-12-20 Thread pauric
Mike: "I DO think it's hilarious that MS refuses to make their sites
work properly in Firefox."

Thats funny, 'cos the site -doesnt- crash FF for me, unlike another
browser I'm using (hint: begins with I., ends with E. version

Might be just me but try making the browser as thin as possible... 

Ouch... now.. what was this site trying to sell me?

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Interesting tab navigation example

2007-12-21 Thread pauric
Lucy: "I've noticed the form to post to this list is also javascript
controlled. What functionality would be lost if that were changed to
default html submit button that would be accessible to more folk?"

I -think- it avoids the vulnerability exposed in posting html to the
list.  Some html is allowed.

Out of curiosity, how does switching off js make a submit form more

Thanks - pauric

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Interesting tab navigation example

2007-12-21 Thread pauric
Thank you Lucy, so I read through a bit of the site (not all) and
found the following

"Use server-side submission, even if JavaScript is used to carry out
most of the form validation, it shouldn't be used to actually submit
the form content. This would make it completely impossible for anyone
to send their data unless their browser supported JavaScript."

To aid my understanding,  are there any statistics available for
people with reduced vision and disabling javascript?  I agree with
the use-case, but I've never seen hard facts on this topic.

I'm not a well read expert on the matter so its great to have your
attention.   From what I gather, javascript in itself is not
necessarily a bad thing - as long as it is used with accessibility in
mind.  I have seen RIA work well with readers, I think Cameron Moll's
presentation at UIE 12 covered this, I'll see if I can dig out the

With that in mind, I'm wondering what your views are on the rising
tide of richness in web interaction?  In my mind, things are going to
become more complex in the client.  I wonder if holding out for html
only client-side is a practical goal?

Correct me if I'm wrong... with the practicalities of development, I
see the hard requirements of screen reader compatibility resulting in
a reduced experience for 'accessibility' in the long term.  Would
it not be better to embrace technology as it arrives and advocate
best practices?

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Bring your OLPC XO laptops to Interaction08!

2007-12-21 Thread pauric
Also, its possible to run Sugar in an emulator on a PC & Mac.  I've
had is running on a mac... but it seemed to need to be networked with
other instances for many of the features to work.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Interesting tab navigation example

2007-12-22 Thread pauric
Jeff: "Traditional designers hate this way of thinking because
presentation is EVERYTHING. Good web designers (and here creeps in my
opinion) recognize that it's just part of the game plan. Added
function and enhanced presentation are fine if they don't impede the
underlying function of the delivery system, but please don't shove
'em down my throat."

I do accept some teams jazz up their UI's with frivolous flash-y
wizzbang crap. That is bad practice. However, on the whole the world
is heading in a more immersive online experience using -good- design

I do agree with you what you've said to an extent, that is for only
the most basic interactions, shopping carts, simple forms etc. 
However, I'm wondering how your views fit with the following 2

a)RIAs, e.g. have a html only version but it's kind of
limited.  I think those that advocate accessibility user rights are
doing the them a disservice in mandating this 2nd class experience. 
Its my understanding that proper is accessible, are
keyboard shortcuts not useful for people with motor limitations?

b)Sites like Pandora, which it could be argued is useful for vision
limitations.  First, they cant present a basic html version as that
would allow the content to be ripped and therefore the site loses its
license.  Or, try youtube with js turned off.  Now Pandora is far from
being high contrast, has small pokey buttons and no keyboard shortcuts
(I think) so - that should be addressed.  Not some blanket statement
that bans all js & flash.

I think the analogy of the little dutch boy with his finger in the
dam is apt here.

Now, I'm not sure what the answer is going forward, I appreciate the
argument and fwiw I spend the majority of my time outside of my
professional design role working with and advocating for people of
all abilities.  However, as a techonolgist I just dont believe
holding on to the what we everything we learned in web1.0 is really a
workable option frankly.  We should have a hand at the tiler guiding
the direction, advocating best practices for js, flash, Expression,
Air, etc

One final thing, I asked Lucy and I'll ask you now.. you said
"I'll add: People who use screen readers and other assistive
technologies have no choice in the matter, so they aren't turning
off scripts just to deny you your God-given right to deliver your
brilliant Design."

Show me the stats on browsers with js swtiched off.  I know they must
be out there - but I cant find them... and only when I see the numbers
will I buy the argument.  Readers and js -do not- have to be mutually
exclusive from what I've read.

Thanks - pauric

p.s. The 'firewall' argument,  , is
-completely- bogus. I've been building corporate networks for 12
years and designed a number of firewall UIs.  This limitation is
purely down to dumbass lazy network admins BOFH's (as Will put it). 
If you cant access blogger from your place of work - talk to the admin
and get the site whitelisted, if they refuse then you're really
facing work-practice politics, not true concerns over
injecting malicious js code in to your corporate network.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Interesting tab navigation example

2007-12-24 Thread pauric
Jeff:" it seems to me there are a lot of people actively working in a
manner that pulls us away from accessible design, which has many
benefits for all of us. For the most part, I think it's because they
don't understand it""This is a choice Google made, and it's
their choice to make, and as a private enterprise they are entitled
to all the above. And in so doing, they deny their service to people
who might benefit, but those people can go elsewhere."

Yes! could not agree more.  I'm happy to see the discussion focus on
good design practices going forward, not an XOR switch that will
degrade gracefully to html only interfaces as what appears to be the
thinking behind current accessibility standards alongside argument
from development that costs are too high to justify the statistically
small market. 

My perspective on addressing accessibility needs;  A person with
reduced eyesight or limited motor control is still a unique human
just like everyone else.  Yes there's a few extra 'requirements'
here and there but I dislike the 'special needs' kind of thinking,
I feel its condescending.

I would restate the issue you describe as too much design effort on
creating delight, part of the 'essential' granted but, at the cost
of defining the core goals. This results in feature creep in my view
(and gmail is well down that road now).  

Poor analogy time: I can sit in a chair with wheels on it, my friend
Paul with CP can sit in my Herman miller, the core design goal of the
chair is universal, the requirements are added on to give him a
practical variant with mobility and I a chair that is more
delightful, our individual needs are addressed with the core function
inter-usable.  While a herman miller on wheels is some theoretical
ideal, its too impractical in reality.  I think there's a middle
approach between meeting accessibility requirements and unified
access for all in a single UI.

You elude to a methodology/thinking that could be the path forward,
Exogeny: (look to nature, it
will never fail you!)  So, as I see that approach, the core design
"should be as simple as is possible, but not more simple"-
Einstein, and the accessibility requirement be addressed with an
optional add-on, the more gui intensive variant for me if I want it
on a fast connection.  And all the product segments inbetween
addressed as they are needed. 

I'm thinking Greasemonkey control but produced inhouse by the
development team.  See the Lifehacker extension better gmail  as an
example that meets the needs of power users. Gmail should -not- have
a degraded version, thats a design loop-hole past the accessibility
requirements frankly.  Why not an accessibility 'extension'? 

The Exogeny design approach focuses the core design on the essential,
the core set of requirements, not the largest marketshare.  Instead of
chasing the 'focus group' or marketing driving target userbase you
work off all people being equal.  Pull out the common requirements
from all your personas, build, then add in individual considerations.

Regards - pauric

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Interesting tab navigation example

2007-12-24 Thread pauric
Jeff: "Is it harder to sell simplicity if it truly is the best

Mark Twain once received this telegram from a publisher:


He responded:


There within lies 'the sell'.  The value proposition will hopefully
change some day from the quantity of the end result to the effort
needed to produce it.

One can only dream (o;

Have a great break everyone, I'm told I must go socialise in the
real world.. bah humbug. 

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] OLPC: Sugar Not So Sweet?

2007-12-26 Thread pauric

" Take Kevin, the aspiring trumpet player.

Sitting in his dirt-floor kitchen as his mother cooks lunch, he draws
a soccer field on his XO, then erases it. Kevin plays a song by
"Caliente," his favorite combo, that he recorded off Arahuay's
single TV channel. He shows a reporter photos he took of him with his
3-year-old brother.

A bare light bulb hangs by a wire from the ceiling. A hen bobs around
the floor. There are no books in this two-room house. Kevin's parents
didn't get past the sixth grade.

Indeed, the laptop project also has adults in its sights.

Parents in Arahuay are asking Mendoza, the visiting psychologist,
what the Internet can do for them.

Among them is Charito Arrendondo, 39, who sheds brief tears of joy
when a reporter asks what the laptop belonging to ruddy-cheeked
Miluska -- the youngest of her six children -- has meant to her.
Miluska's father, it turns out, abandoned the family when she was 1.

"We never imagined having a computer," said Arrendondo, a cook.

Is she afraid to use the laptop, as is typical of many Arahuay
parents, about half of whom are illiterate?

"No, I like it. Sometimes when I'm alone and the kids are not
around I turn it on and poke around."

Arrendondo likes to play checkers on the laptop.

"It's also got chess, which I sort of know," she said, pausing

"I'm going to learn." "

Robert: "It's clearly stated on the OLPC site that they do not
offer tech support because they hope users will become savvy enough
with the XO to fix issues on their own. I think this is ... well,

I'd like to think that there's a future generation of nerds, who
like me, got their start supporting & fixing their friend's
Frankly, I think throwing kids in at the deep end of maker/hacker
culture is a stroke of genius.

Robert: "So far, a huge number of design decisions have clearly been
made by the proverbial developer. "
I'm sure you're aware Alan Kay is a principal designer on the
project although I dont know the extent of his involvement.  From the
interviews I've read there's method to his madness, I might not
necessarily agree with the result, but it's certainly not your
typical OSS engineering centric featurefest.  

I would have to disagree with the thinking that Sugar fails because
it does not "communicates how to make things work"

Children learn best by exploring their world.

regards -pauric

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] OLPC: Sugar Not So Sweet?

2007-12-26 Thread pauric
Dan: "And how about some heuristic evaluations from this community?"

The impression I get from the reviews you quoted is that on a scale
of DOS to OS X, Sugar is a missed opportunity.

I would say, wrong scale, it cant be measured by conventional
standards.  Of course there is no such thing as a perfect design but
unless the IxDA sponsors some Ethnographic research in the depths of
the Amazon I Think its a fools errand to judge the endeavor by
western standards.

If anything we should define a new set of heuristics as I'm having a
lot of trouble applying any of 10 principles to the context of a dirt
floor classroom of 50 kids, 1 teacher, where the only other piece of
technology is a light switch (at best)

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] OLPC: Sugar Not So Sweet?

2007-12-26 Thread pauric
Robert: "The goal shouldn't be to force these kids to dedicate all
sorts of attention to the tool, but on the content to which the tool
provides access"

I see this missing support mechanism as a challenge turned in to an
opportunity.  I agree with your risk assessment and maybe have a more
optimistic view of the potential outcome.  A purely academic approach
focusing on the content layer will not address the needs of the
among us who understand through taking tools apart to see how they

I hear, and I forget.
I see, and I remember.
I do, and I understand. - Confucius

Dan:"My guess is that it gives them access to information that they
otherwise wouldn't have."
Included is access to the basic concepts of information technology,
its more than just the content on the screen.

Robert: "From what I can tell, Alan Kay's name isn't typically
followed by "designer"."

Actually, he might be more in tune with the project at hand than you
might have realised:
And I -strongly- urge you to watch this through..

Robert:"How does Alan Kay's experience make up for the apparent
of quality interaction design? "
I cant answer that question, but I ask you to think about the bigger
picture here, the context of the endeavor.  I installed Sugar on my
mac and based on that I decided to put only $200 down for 1 laptop to
be sent off. I think its very unsuitable for western goals and would
bet yours will sit collecting dust in 6 months if not sooner.

"They live in a different world, for sure, but their brains are
human, and human behavior is what led Nielsen to this list of
usability heuristics."

I dont think Nielsen gets 'social', he's very goal-quantitate
driven and maybe not the best yardstick for the mushy-human-chaos

As I interpret Nielsen's "Location is Irrelevant for Usability
Studies" I conclude that its true as long as there's a baseline in
collective understanding of technology.  Remove any preceding
and the methodology falls apart.  Take his Parking Meter example from
the linked page.  In this case there is no concept of meter, parking
or even car - its as much use as providing feedback on the "Help and
documentation" that comes with negotiating Peruvian border control.

"so I'm hoping I just don't get what you're saying."
nope, I think you got me right and we have a different view on the
matter, but thats what makes for great debate and learning.  I will
accept that I might have an optimistic view of the potential.  But, I
also think that Sugar fails in preparing kids for practical
applications... however, spreadsheets dont engage kid's

regards - pauric

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] OLPC: Sugar Not So Sweet?

2007-12-26 Thread pauric
Robert, I said "however, spreadsheets dont engage kid's
imaginations." and I'll take that back, I appreciate you're not
talking about a UI interaction that suits the needs and desires of a
developed country.

However, I have little trouble imagining being 5 again and being
given an XO.  Could the UI design be better - undoubtedly.  Would a
finely tuned Sugar with web 2.0 corners and feedback at every corner
made my wide eyed learning any more efficient in my Mongolian Yurt?

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Universal Principles of Interaction Design (was: OLPC: Sugar not so Sweet?)

2007-12-27 Thread pauric
Oleh:"Therefore they can be applied to heuristic evaluation of

To what end? To measure success?

What is the primary goal with the OLPC, a successful 'design', or
to simply satisfy an enormous hunger for learning?

In the same way the UN & RedCross/Cresant dont fly Gordon Ramsey in
to famines when the cost/requirement necessitates something
completely different, it is completely and utterly unnecessary to
perform such an postmortem in this context.  Good design costs money.

The needs, goals, requirements and deliverables are arguably unlike
anything we've come across before.

To Roberts point in the preceding thread about his valid complaints
on the sluggish interaction, one word... $150 (although it should
have been $100) that is the ultimate measure of success of this
project.  Miss that 'heuristic' and the entire project fails.

Dan:"So you feel that everything is contextual, that there are no
universal principles of good design that are always true?"

Let me turn that around, would you argue that Negroponte should have
waited until technology advanced to the point where an iPhone grade
machine could have been delivered to children in developing
countries.  Sorry to turn the conversation back on to the OLPC
specifically, thats how I tend to rationalise and feel free to
generalise back out to universal design principles - regards - pauric

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] the appearance of change

2007-12-29 Thread pauric
Confessions of a deceitful designer..

I work in the networking equipment domain.  A couple of years back I
was working on a building to building wireless bridge.  A key aspect
of the design was that the appliance is usually mounted on a roof or
such inaccessible location with a single cable into the box which
carries both management and normal traffic.  This presents the issue
in that unlike the kit found in a wiring closet, its not a simple
matter of sending a technician to the box to reconfigure it, its
always remotely configured. If the IP address & VLAN had to be
changed, the admin would loose connectivity as both those elements
are interdependent, change one and the networking configuration is
broken because the other didnt match. And a box on your roof that you
cant manage is a big PITA. 

So, we implemented a temporary config state and a [Save
Configuration] button, make all your changes then push the config in
one go. Other products in the line such as indoor APs and wireless
switches do not need this concept as they usually have a dedicated
management connection, not possible with the b2b box.  Later,
usability testing on wiring closet devices showed some users looking
for the Save function that was on the B2B box, resulting in a concern
that the config was not being applied.

So, now I have a fake button on wiring closet boxes that does
nothing.  Changes in the UI are applied instantaneously in most cases
and admins can choose to click a Save Config button, or not. 
Usability Theater.

I hope this doesnt mean I come back as a user in the next life for my

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Universal Principles of Interaction Design (was: OLPC: Sugar not so Sweet?)

2007-12-29 Thread pauric
Andrei:"It's like gravity. You can choose to ignore it but it's
still there keeping you alive on planet Earth without asking for any
compensation in return."

How the 9.8m/s/s is applied to rocket science and bungee jumping are
two completely different contexts for that universal law.

The same can be said for universal laws of design, yes.. they hold
true and if you try to break them you'll fail.  However they do not
aid you in crossing the t's nor dotting the i's.

Fundamentals are critical to craft, but its 1/3rd the story.

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[IxDA Discuss] Universal Principles of Interaction Design (was: OLPC: Sugar not so Sweet?)

2007-12-29 Thread pauric
Andrei:"what are the other 2/3 of the story that I'm apparently missing"
you:"product design is not user centered nor technology centered. It
always has and always will be both."

Maybe my math is a little out of whack??

you:"The original question posed was are there design principals that
live outside of context. My long answer to that, via example, was that
yes, there are."

And we agree, but as David points out:"interpretations and utility
differ so widely across so many different axis"

you:"why even inside whatever point you are trying to make you'd think
I'm of the opinion that I only view fundamentals as the only thing any
designer ever needs."

I dont think that at all, you have a valid point, and in the grander
scheme of this discussion on fundamentals and context, the point I
feel Dave makes is that a good designer understands one and has a good
appreciation of the other.

So it seems we're all in agreement, fantabulous.


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Re: [IxDA Discuss] the appearance of change

2008-01-01 Thread pauric
Patricia: "isn't it easier to just put on a show and make people
feel safe again?"

Call me a conspiracy theorist... 

First, the point of terrorism is to terrorise.   Civilians fought
through the battle of Britain by trying in any way to lead their
lives as normal.  The British government dealt with the IRA on the
mainland through very non-invasive security measures.

Allow yourself to be terrorised and you succumb.

Throughout the ~30 years of troubles in Northern Ireland people's
freedom in both countries remained fairly intact although thousands
died.  52 people lost their lives on 7/7 but the government used that
to pass sweeping laws that allow gross infringements of personal
freedom.  I may be wrong but I believe one of those new laws is that
the police can randomly stop you and take your DNA without formal
charges.  Many other crazy stuff.. anyway...

The security theater is, in my mind anyway, designed to remind people
of 9/11.  To continue the feeling of insecurity and to allow the
security forces to infringe on our personal privacy.

This is a little off topic but it is worth noting that the experience
has been designed and the goals, if I'm not being too paranoid, are
being met.  They're just not -our- goals.

With the argument that all this security has ensured our safety since
9/11 & 7/7 its very hard to see how to break out of the vicious circle
of self inflicted bad experience.

Not too dissimilar to our love, as consumers, for more/bigger/better
resulting in feature-creep driven products, resulting in our
dissatisfaction with the experience they offer.

It would seem reasonable to conclude that only enlightened users can
bring about better design. Be that voting for leaders that advocate
for us, not special interests,  or buying products that meet our
needs and not our desires.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] the appearance of change

2008-01-02 Thread pauric
Jim:"The project I work on has two faked progress meters. One occurs
in a login scenario and appears to be a marker of how much is done,
but once it fills all the way, it empties and starts to refill."

Without seeing the design, I might conclude that wrong pattern has
been applied here??

Progress bars shouldnt really refill unless its a staged install or
something similar like the xp bootup screens.

If the underlying functionality is not able to provide the
presentation layer with a finite completion estimate then I provide
an 'hourglass'.  Really good example of this is the browser page
loading animation.

In my mind progress meters/bars and hourglasses are two completely
different patterns, or as Jared calls them.. magic tricks (o;

"The project I work on has two faked progress meters"

Everything is fake unless you're peering in to a scope at
transistors (o;

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Leading websites using Web 2.0

2008-01-05 Thread pauric
your confusion is shared Andrei.  I think the cause has more to do
with the term web2.0. 

Running a little contrary to Tim O'Reilly's original thinking is
this alternate view from Nova Spivak :

Basing it on a timeline is a much more robust definition that we can
measure/define sites against.

Gloria: "Elliot Jay presented his view that the "Web2.0 look" is
something that needs to be destroyed"

We should never look back, its distracts from the now. No more hobo
rounded corners darlinks!

I wonder if we'll see some sort of parallel with the fashion world,
trend setting centers of design, whats in and whats out... and if
that also means Web1.0 is the equivalent of the 80's - the decade
that shall never be mentioned.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Leading websites using Web 2.0

2008-01-05 Thread pauric
Jeff, I'm not suggesting one definition is generally better than the
other. The philosophical and the implementation views compliment each
other.  O'Reilly succinctly described what the new technologies were
enabling, at a high level. I do believe the perspective put forward
by Spivak helps us look at the layer down from O'Reilly to
understand what was, is and might be. And, in the context of this
thread, help us decide objectively if a flash site can be described
as having 2.0-like functionality or just brochureware in shinny 2.0
styling. I feel its very much the latter.

I used the word alternate, as in perspective, not opposing view.  I
could have phrased that better.

Now, you said "All the rest is bells and whistles, much ado about
nothing"  I think its a little more chicken and egg than that.  You
cant have "data and who owns and controls, or gives the best access
to, a class of data."  without the underlying technology to enable
that.  And until we see what is made of the underlying nuts and
bolts, we wont be able to predict what the next burst in innovation
will be.   Nova's model helped him predict where things are heading:  and I believe he's on the money.

"Emerging technologies on the Web don't evolve in a straight line"
 The Spivak graph plots complexity against time, similar to Moores Law
and in line with the general continuous evolution of technology.  Of
course nothing evolves in a straight line.  

"A better mental model might be based on atomic models in chemistry
%u2014 the periodic table" And the periodic table was used to
predict elements that did not occur naturally.  I accept the graph is
overly simplistic but reject that its fundamentally flawed in
capturing what is 2.0 and what might be 3.0, 4.0 etc  I've yet to
see a better infograph of what leads to singularity.

take care, p

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Leading websites using Web 2.0

2008-01-05 Thread pauric
Charlie, I agree wholeheartedly with your assessment.  

"The value of thinking about Web 2.0 as these three dimensions is
that it focuses on three sets of capabilities that define current web

I realized that I should have pointed out that Nova's graph should
be viewed as having 3 axis, whether that was his intention or not:
again -

x = social complexity, or as Charlie describes it, the relationship

y = increasing depth of semantic connection, roughly mapping on to
what you describe as the 'The Service Web', am I correct in that

z = time, now you describe this as 'The Information Web' I'm
inclined to think that based on your description of this part of your
piechart that you're looking at what becomes enabled as technology
advances,  which is based on time.

very interesting, thanks for sharing your thoughts, looking forward
to the book

regards - pauric

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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