Re: [discuss] your private showstopper

2005-03-30 Thread Ian Lynch
On Thu, 2005-03-31 at 00:32, Chad Smith wrote:

> >Welcome to marketing. :-)
> >  

> Seriously.
> It was like his company had paid many multiple thousands of dollars for 
> the company-wide upgrade, and what do their employees say "Wow!  That's 
> pretty!"
> I like pretty colors and I love good UI.  But if that's it, I ain't 
> paying $250 a head for the upgrade (or however much large companies pay 
> for it).

Its not unusual for people to choose things for trivial reasons
particularly if it means there is no real change involved. Most people
don't like change thet means they have to think so cosmetics are good
for them, fundamental change bad. My usual reply to people who say "the
staff want MSO they can't get on with OOo" is to say fine, if they want
it they pay for it. Then there is often a change in attitude.

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Re: [discuss] Open-Source Future For Java Enterprise System?

2005-03-30 Thread Cyrille Moureaux
Hi Christian,
Actually, I think that this is where Sun might be a bit 
misunderstood.  Let's see if you guys agree with me.  

Sun has produced a number of different products which you might call 
"environmental" products, that is, products which are intended to 
seed the environment to change the market to give Sun's 
shareholders the benefit of greater uptake of Sun's products in a 
more Sun-friendly market, as opposed to the current Microsoft 
friendly market. 

So OOo is the alternative to MSO, and Java is the alternative 
to .Net.  
Just as an aside, while SO/OOo can be seen as something done by Sun to 
provide an alternative to MSO (or even to provide anything, when 
thinking about the Solaris platform), historically Java came before .NET 
and didn't have much equivalent at the time, so if anything .NET came as 
an alternative to Java. If I understand correctly (and I don't have any 
more information than any other), Java's main initial point was to 
provide a platform-independent development solution (porting issues were 
a real pain at the time, not that they've gone that much better).

This doesn't invalidate your points, I just thought I'd mention it.
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Re: [discuss] Re: No-break

2005-03-30 Thread Peter Kupfer
Rod Engelsman wrote:
John W. Kennedy wrote:
Rod Engelsman wrote:
John W. Kennedy wrote:
Why, o why, o why, o why, o WHY can we not have a simple "do not 
break" character attribute?
Has an issue been filed? I would vote for it. It couldn't show up until 
v 2.1 at the earliest, but the idea definitely has merit.
Peter Kupfer
OOo user since 'OO4
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Re: [discuss] your private showstopper

2005-03-30 Thread Peter Kupfer
Chad Smith wrote:
it's not what you are saying - it's how you are saying that. it would 
have been enough to say that you personally have no need for position 
remembering. trying to fight against a feature in every thread 
seems... slightly exaggerated.
it's also the same with all flames that you have been involved 
concerning msoffice. it is necessary to look at competition to see 
areas where one might improve - but it's again _how_ you do that.
most participants on this list have done something for the good of and it probably is somewhat in their subconsciousness as a 
child :)
so any criticism must be worded to avoid insults as possible.

"remember last editing position" is a really neat feature and i just 
love it. so do some other people. if you see no need for it - why are 
you just dying to see it removed (it's very different from 
implementation from the scratch) completely ?

I'm not dying to see it removed.  In the thread, if you'll look, I 
simply said that *I* have no use for it.  I also said I doubt it will be 
"fixed" because it wasn't a mistake or a bug to remove it.  I doubt very 
highly that they programmers somehow "slipped up" and removed all the 
code relating to that particular "feature".  It was a choice.  Someone, 
somewhere, and some point made a *choice* to remove that feature.  I 
doubt that person/group/company is going to pull a 180 on that choice 
because of 3 or 4 people complaining about it.

Now, about the URL bar - it's still possible, (from what has been said 
in this list - I don't care to check on it, because I don't want to ever 
put it back) to put it back.  But it was ugly, a "real estate" hog, and 
really served no purpose to most people.  I'm glad it's gone.  It helped 
to "clean up the UI" which is why I talked about that here.  Peter asked 
me a question, and I answered it.  It was no vendeta against the URL bar 
that lead me to just start spouting off at it.  I was responding to a 
direct question with a direct answer.

As far as my apparent joy in seeing features removed, it is because I, 
too, wish to see OOo succeed.  Ian has often (very often, oh my starry 
skies, how very often!) complained, harped on, bemoaned the lack of 
"elegant" code design in general, and usually with regards to operating 
systems and/or office suites.  Removing little-used, confusing, 
pointless, ugly "features" is one way to clean up the code.  It's called 
bloat, Rich.  And removing it is a Good Thing (tm).

Cleaning up the code is one thing, cleaning up the user interface is 
another.  I care much more about cleaning up the user interface than the 
code, because my computer can handle a couple extra kilobytes of code 
here and there.  100 GB is plenty of room for programs.  I've even got a 
250 GB HD I haven't plugged in yet.  The point is, I want the UI to be 
good, and if that means adding code, fine - if it means taking code away 
- fine.  Removing checkboxes, menu options, and icons that are unused is 
a Good Thing (tm).

It's just like the whole "Export" and "Export to PDF" thing.  What's up 
with that?  They both do the same thing, and *ONLY* the same thing.  I'm 
not on a computer with OOo right now, and I haven't checked, has that 
been cleared up in 2.0?  If not, I'm filing a IZ, or voting for one.

If cleaning up the user interface means its harder for *me personally* 
to do the things I like to do with OOo, or maybe even impossible - so be 
it.  As long as it does the most good for the most people.

You may not like the way I say things - and I'm sorry if you don't.  I 
do over emphasize my points sometimes, but that's usually to drive home 
a point.  In this case the point is, too many options is a very, very 
Bad Thing (tm).  It's bloat.  It's poor design.  It's very MS-like.

Look at Firefox.  The menu choices and the dialog boxes are a lot *LESS* 
than Mozilla.  And it is a ton more popular, and can do many times even 
*more* things than Mozilla Navigator!  It is just an effective use of 
User Interface Design.  They *removed features* they *removed options* 
and it *RESTARTED THE BROWSER WARS*!  Neither Netscape nor IE had come 
out with a new browser in years...  Now both are working on next gen 
browsers.  All because Mozilla decided to revamp their UI.
To be honest, they didn't remove features, the hid them. For those that 
don't know, type *about:config* in the url bar in FF and you will see a 
barrage of options.

As suggested, this is possibly what OOo should do. Have "Advanced" 
options in a separate menu.

Removing features, removing options, removing choices - when done well, 
they are a very Good Thing (tm).  
But, who decides?
I suggest googling the mailing list 
for the phrase "too many choices".  I've posted a link to a study where 
Psychologists found that giving people too many choices is a bad thing. 
It leads to confusion, bewilderment, and people give up.
I feel this way at dinner sometimes. Many a night I just

Re: [discuss] your private showstopper

2005-03-30 Thread Peter Kupfer
Chad Smith wrote:
Chad Smith wrote:

There is an icon (iconic) that you can click on to switch (switching) 
between (between) the different interfaces of OOo (modes).  In other 
words, the little deally that lets me go from Writer to Calc to 
Impress to Writer to Draw to Calc to Draw to Impress to Math to HTML 
editor to Writer ...  all without typing or opening a menu.  it's the 
wavy thing on your toolbar.
I don't know if you are being serious or what with this (and the next 
comment) I don't see any wavy line, and you indignant little words in 
parenthesis above are not necessary.

Yes, I was being serious.  There is a little icon of whatever mode you 
are using (Writer, Calc, Draw, Impress, etc.) on the toolbar of OOo. 
This icon can be clicked, and then a drop-down menu of other icons for 
the other modes shows up, and you can click on them to open that mode. 
About the "indignant little words" - I was trying to explain what I mean.

The wavy thing is the icon.
Sorry for the defensiveness.
That was there in 1.1.4 wasn't it? I guess I was confused, because I 
don't see anything different. You mean the little dropdown arrow next to 
the new file button?

  the new paste-special shortcut
Yeah, I forgot to mention that one.  That thing changed the way I 
live. I've added that to every word processing program I use. That's 
the coolest little trick ever!
Why do you need to do this? Does it make you feel better to belittle 
others? I used to think you were like a nice person who tried to bring 
perspective and intelligence to the forums. Now I see I was wrong. You 
have dropped by a level in my book (not that you probably care).

What?  I really do like that one.  It really has been added to all of my
office suites.  I love the paste special keyboard shortcut.  I wasn't 
belittling you.  
Sorry. I hate e-mail. You are still my favorite MS plant. :)

Peter Kupfer
OOo user since 'OO4
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Re: [discuss] Re: Java fallout: OO.o 2.0 and the FOSS community

2005-03-30 Thread M. Fioretti
On Thu, Mar 31, 2005 08:21:30 AM +0200, io ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

> It's the "some small parts of the code" attitude, with all its
> implications, that makes me uneasy. This is the complete answer I
> gave Bruce on this specific point when he asked for my opinion:

Just to make it clearer: I disagree with the technical arguments and
the statement that Java dependent things are minor. But I am NOT
convinced that there is some SUN conspiracy, and AM convinced that the
all the hard working OO.o volunteers are in good faith, and struggling
to make the best possible product. I only think that they (the
volunteers) are so enthusiast to have become incoeherent on this
particular issue.


Marco Fiorettimfioretti, at the server
Fedora Core 3 for low memory

I find television very educating. Every time somebody turns on the
set, I go into the other room and read a book.  - Groucho Marx

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Re: [discuss] Re: Java fallout: OO.o 2.0 and the FOSS community

2005-03-30 Thread M. Fioretti
On Wed, Mar 30, 2005 23:58:49 PM -0600, Rod Engelsman
> Only fly in the ointment is that some small parts of the code are
> dependent on a proprietary, though freely distributed, software that
> this same company owns.

Maybe I didn't make myself clear enough in the past, and maybe my own
view is not expressed completely in Bruce's article. As far as *I* am
concerned the thing that bothers me the most is *not* exactly Java
license or the fact by itself that OO.o depends on it. Don't lecture
me on that.

It's the "some small parts of the code" attitude, with all its
implications, that makes me uneasy. This is the complete answer I gave
Bruce on this specific point when he asked for my opinion:


1) OO.o doesn't depend on Java, at least for essential functionality

   This is the "apprehension" bit. It is technically true like the
   fact that Debian could use other kernels than Linux, and just as
   unfeasible today for almost everybody. Yeah, I can make OO.o not
   use any Java at all, but how realistic this is? Come on.
   Above all, you also have:

   every OO.o developer and FLOSS advocate on the planet boasting
 that Munich administration is switching to OO.o, that
 OO.o is already a mature platform for public
 administrations and corporate offices etc

   accessibility as a mandatory requirement by law in many
  countries for any software to even be _listed_ as a
  candidate for use in public offices.

   accessibility in OO.o today absolutely requiring (so I'm told)

   ooo developers and advocates (see the discuss archives) saying
   with a straight face "accessibility is not essential, and is
   necessary only to a small number of users, so OO.o doesn't
   depend on Java" (Threads "OO.o relying on Java, was:
   interview on KOffice" and "

   everybody and his cousin saying explicitly that they won't use
   OO.o in the office until it has some "Access-like" DB
   function. And telling them to install Oracle or MySql is
   ridiculous: it's not portable across machines and it's NOT
   necessary for a small customer database

   OO.o 2.0 shipping with HSQLB for whatever reason

   I swallow all this, and try to change the subject when it comes
   out, because I want OpenDocument (not necessarily OO.o) become a
   truly universal standard, but this really worries me. And it's not
   because I hate Java or its license, or any SUN conspiration (which
   I don't believe to be the case) to force Java on the whole world,
   mind you. It is because if some corporate manager or lawmaker read
   all the above in a straight row, he'd think "these people *are*
   hiding something, or are incompetents who produced OO.o by pure
   accident. Can I trust them?"


In other words: even if I were the strongest supporter around of Java
and its license (which I am not), I'd still have problems to sell the
"OO.o is a mature product and we can trust its team" mantra to my
IT manager at the office.


Marco Fiorettimfioretti, at the server
Fedora Core 3 for low memory

[WYSIWYG] Word processing may be an obsolete idea of the
longer a necessity in the age of the Web and email
   Michael Stutz, The Linux Cookbook

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[discuss] Re: Java fallout: OO.o 2.0 and the FOSS community

2005-03-30 Thread Rod Engelsman
You know, this sort of thing crops up again and again...
A mother buys an ice cream sundae. It has chocolate sauce and whipped 
cream on it. Yummy!

Hands it to her little boy, who looks at it and screams, "What's the 
matter b, no cherry!!?"

Here we have a corporation that acquires a major piece of intellectual 
property -- an office productivity suite, changes the liscencing to GPL 
and hands it over to the open-source community.

If that's all they ever did, it would be the single greatest gift to 
FOSS ever, right up there with the Netscape gift of Mozilla.

But that's not all. This corporation then devotes dozens of programmers 
to the task of updating and improving this property over a period of 
years. Hosts the website that distributes it to outside developers and 
users. Actively promotes it, even though it directly competes with a 
proprietary version of the same software that they sell.

Only fly in the ointment is that some small parts of the code are 
dependent on a proprietary, though freely distributed, software that 
this same company owns.

Let's get real, just how pure does a company have to be to be seen as 
one of the good guys? There's a real limit to how much they can get away 
with in furtherance of this experimental strategy.

As someone else pointed out, if the parts of OOo that depend on Java 
bother you that much, then re-write the freakin' things in C++. Start a 
fork if you *really* feel the need.

I wish people could reserve their criticism for companies that are 
actually *opposed* to open-source software instead of banging on the 
good guys for not being pure enough.

My 2 cents, nuff said.
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[discuss] Re: No-break

2005-03-30 Thread Rod Engelsman
John W. Kennedy wrote:
Rod Engelsman wrote:
John W. Kennedy wrote:
Why, o why, o why, o why, o WHY can we not have a simple "do not 
break" character attribute?

I'm working right now on transcribing an 18th-century document full 
of "Mr. Sh" and the like (actually, that's two em dashes), and I 
can find absolutely no way to prevent "Sh" being broken if it 
happens to hit the end of a line. All I can do is manually pad out 
the line with extra spaces until the whole thing falls off onto the 
next line -- but if I should need to alter the margins, or make a 
correction to the text, I have to do the whole thing over again.

You can insert a non-breaking dash using Shift+Ctrl+(minus sign). Does 
that do what you want?

That's a hyphen, not a dash.
Yeah, I know. It's an en-dash, not an em-dash. I thought maybe it might 
work for you. Too bad it doesn't.  :(

Anyway, this is only the most recent annoyance. Time and time again I've 
hit some problem using OOo that could have been quickly and conveniently 
solved if I had been able just to say, "Don't break here," (as I could 
on DeScribe), but which instead had to be solved by performing some 
kludge. Mark the word in question "no language". Turn off hyphenation. 
Fiddle with the margins. Rewrite the copy. etc., etc., etc

Has an issue been filed? I would vote for it. It couldn't show up until 
v 2.1 at the earliest, but the idea definitely has merit.

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Re: [discuss] Re: No-break

2005-03-30 Thread John W. Kennedy
Rod Engelsman wrote:
John W. Kennedy wrote:
Why, o why, o why, o why, o WHY can we not have a simple "do not 
break" character attribute?

I'm working right now on transcribing an 18th-century document full of 
"Mr. Sh" and the like (actually, that's two em dashes), and I can 
find absolutely no way to prevent "Sh" being broken if it happens 
to hit the end of a line. All I can do is manually pad out the line 
with extra spaces until the whole thing falls off onto the next line 
-- but if I should need to alter the margins, or make a correction to 
the text, I have to do the whole thing over again.

You can insert a non-breaking dash using Shift+Ctrl+(minus sign). Does 
that do what you want?
That's a hyphen, not a dash.
Anyway, this is only the most recent annoyance. Time and time again I've 
hit some problem using OOo that could have been quickly and conveniently 
solved if I had been able just to say, "Don't break here," (as I could 
on DeScribe), but which instead had to be solved by performing some 
kludge. Mark the word in question "no language". Turn off hyphenation. 
Fiddle with the margins. Rewrite the copy. etc., etc., etc

John W. Kennedy
"You can, if you wish, class all science-fiction together; but it is 
about as perceptive as classing the works of Ballantyne, Conrad and W. 
W. Jacobs together as the 'sea-story' and then criticizing _that_."
  -- C. S. Lewis.  "An Experiment in Criticism"

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Re: [discuss] Re: Java fallout: OO.o 2.0 and the FOSS community

2005-03-30 Thread M. Fioretti
On Wed, Mar 30, 2005 18:33:21 PM -0500, Chad Smith ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

> This whole conversation is beyond me. Java is free, as in beer, it
> can be used by anyone on any computer on any platform in the
> world  Why anyone would exclude it for some stupid political
> reason is beyond my understanding.

You need to distinguish between "any private, non-commercial user",
"any distributor" and "any corporation or government office". Those
three user classes differ enourmously in skills, money and *concrete*
legal obligations (vs personal, subjective "stupid political
reasons").  At home, you, me and any other computer geek can patch and
install by hand whatever is needed if we want. Non technical users, as
well as organizations with common IT policies on what can be installed
by who and when simply cannot.

Which of those "anyone" are you referring to?

> I don't need a lecture on the difference between software that is
> free and free software.

If you don't, you should also remember that, quite often, people are
"forbidden by law", not simply "unwilling" to rewrite a JRE or
whatever it is.

Furthermore, each developer may have his own "stupid political
reasons", but system integrators are not developers. A distributor
trying to integrate and package Gpl and non Gpl programs may find
itself sued by the developers of *any* of the packages, not just the
proprietary ones.

So, regardless of this particular issue (how free is Java, and is
OO.o really useful without it) it's not that simple.

Marco F.

Marco Fiorettimfioretti, at the server
Fedora Core 3 for low memory

There is more to life than increasing its speed.  -- Mahatma Gandhi

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Re: [discuss] Re: Java fallout: OO.o 2.0 and the FOSS community

2005-03-30 Thread M. Fioretti
On Wed, Mar 30, 2005 17:10:59 PM -0800, Bruce Byfield
> Chad Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Does anyone have numbers on this?  Is OOo the most often included
> >office suite on Linux or is it not?
> Well, about the only distribution I've heard of that doesn't include
> it is Slackware.

Maybe presented this way it's a bit misleading. The right format of
the question(s) should be:

1) How many free (freedom and/or beer) Linux distributions include a
*fully* *functional*, that is fully using Java, OO.o? Where "include"
means that they can and are shipping binary packages of both OO.o and
everything it depends on? Without need for the inexperienced user to
hunt down 3rd party unofficial/not really tested stuff and install it
himself? Is such a *fully* *functional* OO.o the most often *included*
office suite on Linux?

2) (side question) of the distros which do *not* ship fully functional
   OO.o, how many do it for very practical reasons? (those like "do it
   and somebody *will* sue your ass 30 seconds later")

> At any rate, there's another issue that nobody seems to have picked up 
> on. When Base was being built, one of the requirements was that it be 
> open source. How was that requirement dropped? The decision to drop it 
> doesn't seem to have been taken by the Community Council.

Yes, I too would really like to see a complete answer to this.


PS: Bruce, may I ask you to check your mail client setup? It breaks
threading. Thanks.

Marco Fiorettimfioretti, at the server
Fedora Core 3 for low memory

"The SUN TROPIC beauty farm reopens today: featuring exotic swimming
 pools, and, under the palm trees, **UVA lamps**"
(unluckily for humankind, a REAL ad that I read in a real magazine)

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Re: [discuss] Re: Java fallout: OO.o 2.0 and the FOSS community

2005-03-30 Thread Christian Einfeldt
On Wednesday 30 March 2005 15:33, Chad Smith wrote:
> >The concerns are not overstated, quite the contrary. Today the
> > silliest python app will have less difficulty being included in
> > a Linux distribution than any given major java app.
> Does anyone have numbers on this?  Is OOo the most often included
> office suite on Linux or is it not?  If it is, I doubt we should
> even care what the free software fanatics say about our use of
> Java...
> This whole conversation is beyond me.  Java is free, as in beer,
> it can be used by anyone on any computer on any platform in the
> world  Why anyone would exclude it for some stupid political
> reason is beyond my understanding.  Free as in beer/free as in
> freedom  Who cares?  Does it work?  Yes, oh yeah, it works. 
> Is it free?  Well it doesn't cost anything.  Can I put it on
> Linux, Windows, Mac, Solaris?  Yep-yep.  Is there any spyware or
> adware or viruses?  Nope.   Okay...  I'm sold.
> I don't need a lecture on the difference between software that is
> free and free software.  I know the difference between
> and 602 PC Suite.  I know the difference between
> open source and
> trialware/shareware/adware/crippleware/nagware/and even freeware.
>  But if Java works, (and it does), and it works well, (and it
> does), and it is as crossplatform as OOo (and it certainly seems
> that way to me), and there's no way to do this in a more-free
> format without a complete rewrite of stuff that the "open source
> community"has heretofore been, shall we say, unwilling to rewrite
> for us - I say, screw 'em.
> OOo is done 95% or more by *SUN EMPLOYEES*.  If SUN wants to use
> Sun's Java - then they can, and should.  If these little Free
> Software Freaks want it Java-free (pun intended) then "SHOW ME
> THE CODE".  If they want to bitch and moan - let them.  They can
> always try to get there work done on AbiWord.

There is not always a clear line between "open source" folks and 
"free software" folks, at least among the folks that I met in 
Spain, Scotland, Germany, and Brazil.  Not all of the "open source" 
folks agree with Eric Raymond, Linus Torvalds, Bruce Perens, or 
Larry Augustin, and not all of the "free software" folks agree with 
Richard Stallman or the FSF.  Members of the FSF often grip about 
Richard, and Richard is quite particular and will quickly disagree 
with anyone, and yet when the dust of history settles, the names 
that will always be repeated in discussions of FLOSS will be folks 
from both sides of the fence.

Damn, there I go being diplomatic again.  Force of habit. 

> Sumbit IZ reports, discuss changes, but, when it comes down to
> it, if you want it done, do it.  Either do it, or find someone to
> do it for you.  I'm not concerned in the least about us losing
> some FSF programmers - because we don't have any!  When was the
> last time someone of this political ilk submitted code to
>  Last week? last month?  last year?  EVER?!?
> Why should we give a d*** about placating people who will never
> like us and never help us anyway?  It's a waste of time, effort,
> and political capital.  Let's just keep doing what we're doing
> and let the code fall where it may.
> *This message brought to you by the International Alliance of
> Coffee Bean Growers - JAVA RULZ!*
> -Chad Smith

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Re: [discuss] Open-Source Future For Java Enterprise System?

2005-03-30 Thread Christian Einfeldt
On Wednesday 30 March 2005 06:22, Ian Lynch wrote:
> On Wed, 2005-03-30 at 15:16, Daniel Carrera wrote:
> > Nicu Buculei wrote:
> > > this is a description of what JES is:
> > >
> > >
> > > it does not look at all related to JRE.
> > >
> > > use Java Desktop System as an example, it is already Open
> > > Source, but is related to Java only for branding reasons.
> >
> > Sun seems to use the word "Java" on every other product.
> Probably because the Java name is more well-known that Sun ;-)

Actually, I think that this is where Sun might be a bit 
misunderstood.  Let's see if you guys agree with me.  

Sun has produced a number of different products which you might call 
"environmental" products, that is, products which are intended to 
seed the environment to change the market to give Sun's 
shareholders the benefit of greater uptake of Sun's products in a 
more Sun-friendly market, as opposed to the current Microsoft 
friendly market. 

So OOo is the alternative to MSO, and Java is the alternative 
to .Net.  If I am correct in this analysis, I do admire Sun for its 
gumption.  It is making a long-term investment in alternatives to 
the current monoculture, and that actually takes lots of guts in 
the face of Wall Street's myopic quarter to quarter short term 

Some people have said, hey, why is Scott McNealy criticizing Linux 
when Sun has its own Linux solutions like JDS.  I am guessing that 
Sun's execs are hunkered down for the long term view, and they have 
to be careful about sending out messages which emphasize the long 
term over the short term picture.  I am guessing that the Sun execs 
are concerned that the conventionaly wisdom on the Street is that 
long term vision is good only so long as it can produce in the near 

The Street can be quite vicious in its treatment of stocks in the 
near term, which can actually derail the long term vision.  Again, 
markets measure belief about future performance, and the damn thing 
about the Street is that its short-term vision can become a 
self-fulfilling prophecy.  So again, at the risk of losing my 
credibility by appearing to favorable to Sun on a Sun-sponsored 
list, IMHO people need to look at what Sun's long term plans are. 

Again, that is just my guess based on what I read in public, and 
it's not based on anything that anyone working for Sun has told me.  
I could be totally off.  

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[discuss] Re: Re: No more file association to MSO when installing

2005-03-30 Thread Michael A Chase
On Wed, 30 Mar 2005 18:01:26 -0500, Daniel Carrera wrote:

> I will vote for it too. I will also 'cofirm' the issue, so that it goes
> to the developers directly. And I'll track it. But having me tracking it
> doesn't really mean much. It just means you have a friend trying to
> help.

I prefer the wording proposed by Matt Needles in August 2004. I've filed
an issue by borrowing the wording I put into 4414 last August.  I don't
do Windows, so I haven't seen the dialog myself.

Issue 46347: Clearer Explaination Needed in the File Associations Dialog
The most frequent complaint seen on the users' lists is "Help! Your
program has taken over my computer!"  Either the description needs to be
made more clear, or making OOo the default for MSO file types should be
defered until runtime.

Suggested wording from Matt Needles in August 2004: " can
open MS Word, Excel and PowerPoint documents.  Another program is
currently assigned this task on your system.  Do you want
to be the default program to open these files when you open them from
Windows Explorer?  If you choose NO, you may still open these files from

I encourage anyone who is interested to add comments and vote early and

Mac :})
** I usually forward private questions to the appropriate mail list. **
Ask Smarter:
Give a hobbit a fish and he eats fish for a day.
Give a hobbit a ring and he eats fish for an age.

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[discuss] Re: No-break

2005-03-30 Thread Rod Engelsman
John W. Kennedy wrote:
Why, o why, o why, o why, o WHY can we not have a simple "do not break" 
character attribute?

I'm working right now on transcribing an 18th-century document full of 
"Mr. Sh" and the like (actually, that's two em dashes), and I can 
find absolutely no way to prevent "Sh" being broken if it happens to 
hit the end of a line. All I can do is manually pad out the line with 
extra spaces until the whole thing falls off onto the next line -- but 
if I should need to alter the margins, or make a correction to the text, 
I have to do the whole thing over again.

You can insert a non-breaking dash using Shift+Ctrl+(minus sign). Does 
that do what you want?

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Re: [discuss] No-break

2005-03-30 Thread Mr Rigel Anrndt

--- "John W. Kennedy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Why, o why, o why, o why, o WHY can we not have a simple "do not break" 
> character attribute?
> I'm working right now on transcribing an 18th-century document full of 
> "Mr. Sh" and the like (actually, that's two em dashes), and I can 
> find absolutely no way to prevent "Sh" being broken if it happens to 
> hit the end of a line. All I can do is manually pad out the line with 
> extra spaces until the whole thing falls off onto the next line -- but 
> if I should need to alter the margins, or make a correction to the text, 
> I have to do the whole thing over again.
> -- 
> John W. Kennedy
> "I want everybody to be smart. As smart as they can be. A world of 
> ignorant people is too dangerous to live in."
>-- Garson Kanin. "Born Yesterday"
> -
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> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Have you tried using underscores instead until the document is finished, and
then going back and using search and replace to change the double underscore to
a double dash?

It's more work, and a temporary solution, but that's all I as an end user have
to offer you for right now. I'll have my army of slaves get to work on fixing
this bug right away! "Get to work slaves! (hehehe)."

In the mean time, it would be a good idea to run off to the issue section of and file an issue, that way it can be filed and accessed more
easily by the developers and others.


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[discuss] No-break

2005-03-30 Thread John W. Kennedy
Why, o why, o why, o why, o WHY can we not have a simple "do not break" 
character attribute?

I'm working right now on transcribing an 18th-century document full of 
"Mr. Sh" and the like (actually, that's two em dashes), and I can 
find absolutely no way to prevent "Sh" being broken if it happens to 
hit the end of a line. All I can do is manually pad out the line with 
extra spaces until the whole thing falls off onto the next line -- but 
if I should need to alter the margins, or make a correction to the text, 
I have to do the whole thing over again.

John W. Kennedy
"I want everybody to be smart. As smart as they can be. A world of 
ignorant people is too dangerous to live in."
  -- Garson Kanin. "Born Yesterday"

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[discuss] Re: Java fallout: OO.o 2.0 and the FOSS community

2005-03-30 Thread Bruce Byfield
Chad Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Does anyone have numbers on this?  Is OOo the most often included 
>office suite on Linux or is it not?

Well, about the only distribution I've heard of that doesn't include it 
is Slackware. However, inclusion isn't the issue, since most distros 
also include AbiWord and Koffice.

I seem to remember several studies that suggest that something like 75% 
of GNU/Linux users use OOo as their office suite of choice.

>This whole conversation is beyond me.
Please don't take this the wrong way, but whether you or anyone else 
agrees with the position doesn't matter.

What does matter is that there are people who hold the position. And, 
moreover, these are people who, if their objections are answered, will 
promote OOo and maybe get involved in it. You don't need to agree with 
the position to see that it's bad public relations and bad strategy to 
upset potential allies.

>OOo is done 95% or more by *SUN EMPLOYEES*.  If SUN wants to use Sun's
>Java - then they can, and should.
But Sun doesn't own OOo. It doesn't control it, either -- the Community 
Council is supposed to.

Besides, if Sun wants to use Java, there's always StarOffice. One of the 
points of the dual licensing is to separate the free and non-free versions

At any rate, there's another issue that nobody seems to have picked up 
on. When Base was being built, one of the requirements was that it be 
open source. How was that requirement dropped? The decision to drop it 
doesn't seem to have been taken by the Community Council. It seems to 
have been made by developers without consultations. If that is true, 
then the OOo structure seems dysfunctional.

>If these little Free Software Freaks want it Java-free
You've been attacked many times on OOo lists for your personal beliefs. 
I'm surprised that you're not more tolerant.

In many cases, free software is as important to its supporters as your 
religious beliefs are to you. That may be hard to understand. You may 
say that religion is far more important than free software.

Yet, so far as I can see, it's true. And if it is, you don't have to 
accept the belief to show some respect for it.

>I'm not concerned in the least about us losing some FSF
>programmers - because we don't have any!
I wouldn't begin to know. But it doesn't really matter, because people 
contribute in more ways than programming. In particular, many free 
software people are distributors of, working to make it 
compatible with their distributions. OOo's programming might be 
unaffected by their non-participation, but its distribution definitely 
would be.

Bruce Byfield 604-421-7177
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Re: [discuss] Envelope printing

2005-03-30 Thread John Layne
Works great!  Thanks very much.
- Original Message - 
From: "CPHennessy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: ; "John Layne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2005 11:51 AM
Subject: Re: [discuss] Envelope printing

On Thursday 24 March 2005 13:58, + John Layne wrote:
I am currently experimenting with 2.0 beta and notice the lack of an icon
for envelope printing.  I print lots of individual envelopes with the 
processor and it would be very handy to have an icon for the purpose.
You can add this with "Tools" -> "Customize" -> Tools, select the toolbar 
want to modify then "Add" -> "Insert" -> "Envelope" -> Add.

Please reply to only
CPH : contributor
Maybe your question has been answered already? 

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[discuss] Re: [users] StarOffice

2005-03-30 Thread hackmiester
Ah, well that's cool too. I guess that means that if I get SO then
there is no learning curve? I might try that out...

On Wed, 30 Mar 2005 17:28:39 +0100, CPHennessy
> On Wednesday 30 March 2005 16:12, hackmiester wrote:
> > Is OO.o derived from StarOffice?
> No, it's the other way around. SO is based on OOo. (Effectively it is OOo +
> clipart + fonts + adabas + commercial support from Sun).
> > They're both free but is SO open?
> No, it is a commercial product but is sometimes given away.
> Note that this is allowed by the SISSL license.
> Please redirect all follows on this to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> --
> CPH : contributor
> Maybe your question has been answered already?
> -
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> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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Re: [discuss] Re: Java fallout: OO.o 2.0 and the FOSS community

2005-03-30 Thread Daniel Carrera
Chad Smith wrote:

> This whole conversation is beyond me.  Java is free, as in beer, it can 
> be used by anyone on any computer on any platform in the world...

Disclaimer: Anything I say could be totally wrong.  :-)

Not quite. It's not even free in /that/ sense of the word. In particular, Linux 
distros are not allowed to include it in the distribution unless the sign a 
with Sun. And /that/ deal is not free as in beer. So, all the community distros 
(who have no budget) are forced to ship a crippled version of OOo.

> Free as in beer/free as in freedom  Who cares?

As I illustrated above, there can be significant practical problems with free 
in beer products. That's why free as in freedom really is superior. Free as in 
freedom implies the ability to redistribute. That's something that free as in 
doesn't give you.

> and it is as crossplatform as OOo (and it certainly seems that way to me),

It isn't actually. It's been ported to GNU/Linux, Windows and Mac. But it 
been ported to other systems that OOo runs on.

> OOo is done 95% or more by *SUN EMPLOYEES*.

80%-90%  Not that the exact number matters. There are 80-100 Sun employees and 
10-20 "community" volunteers.

Daniel Carrera  | I don't want it perfect,
Join OOoAuthors today!  | I want it Tuesday.   | 

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Re: [discuss] Re: Java fallout: OO.o 2.0 and the FOSS community

2005-03-30 Thread Chad Smith
The concerns are not overstated, quite the contrary. Today the silliest
python app will have less difficulty being included in a Linux
distribution than any given major java app.

Does anyone have numbers on this?  Is OOo the most often included office 
suite on Linux or is it not?  If it is, I doubt we should even care what 
the free software fanatics say about our use of Java...

This whole conversation is beyond me.  Java is free, as in beer, it can 
be used by anyone on any computer on any platform in the world  Why 
anyone would exclude it for some stupid political reason is beyond my 
understanding.  Free as in beer/free as in freedom  Who cares?  Does 
it work?  Yes, oh yeah, it works.  Is it free?  Well it doesn't cost 
anything.  Can I put it on Linux, Windows, Mac, Solaris?  Yep-yep.  Is 
there any spyware or adware or viruses?  Nope.   Okay...  I'm sold.

I don't need a lecture on the difference between software that is free 
and free software.  I know the difference between and 602 
PC Suite.  I know the difference between open source and 
trialware/shareware/adware/crippleware/nagware/and even freeware.  But 
if Java works, (and it does), and it works well, (and it does), and it 
is as crossplatform as OOo (and it certainly seems that way to me), and 
there's no way to do this in a more-free format without a complete 
rewrite of stuff that the "open source community"has heretofore been, 
shall we say, unwilling to rewrite for us - I say, screw 'em.

OOo is done 95% or more by *SUN EMPLOYEES*.  If SUN wants to use Sun's 
Java - then they can, and should.  If these little Free Software Freaks 
want it Java-free (pun intended) then "SHOW ME THE CODE".  If they want 
to bitch and moan - let them.  They can always try to get there work 
done on AbiWord.

Sumbit IZ reports, discuss changes, but, when it comes down to it, if 
you want it done, do it.  Either do it, or find someone to do it for 
you.  I'm not concerned in the least about us losing some FSF 
programmers - because we don't have any!  When was the last time someone 
of this political ilk submitted code to  Last week? 
last month?  last year?  EVER?!?

Why should we give a d*** about placating people who will never like us 
and never help us anyway?  It's a waste of time, effort, and political 
capital.  Let's just keep doing what we're doing and let the code fall 
where it may.

*This message brought to you by the International Alliance of Coffee 
Bean Growers - JAVA RULZ!*

-Chad Smith

Re: [discuss] your private showstopper

2005-03-30 Thread Chad Smith
Chad Smith wrote:
  the new paste-special shortcut

Yeah, I forgot to mention that one.  That thing changed the way I 
live. I've added that to every word processing program I use. That's 
the coolest little trick ever!

and now imagine that this is removed in next subversion with no 
ability to configure.

Well, I'd have a few options then.
1)Resign to the fact that most people don't like/don't use it, and 
move on without it.

2)Keep the quite functional copy of the version I've been using and 
be happy with it.

[The choice between these two would be does the new version's 
improvements outweigh my desire to use my pet option.]

3)Use both, since it's free, I can easily install both versions, 
using OOo-old when I want my pet option, and OOo-new when I need the new 

4)Write or have written a patch/macro/hack that will put my pet 
option back into the new version.

5)Screw it and buy/download another program that does what I want.
For this particular option, I'd go with either 2, 3, or 5.  Most likely 
3.  But since nearly every office suite / word processor I have (and I 
have over 20) allows me to make my own keyboard shortcuts, I don't have 
to worry about it.

-Chad Smith

Re: [discuss] your private showstopper

2005-03-30 Thread Chad Smith
it's not what you are saying - it's how you are saying that. it would 
have been enough to say that you personally have no need for position 
remembering. trying to fight against a feature in every thread 
seems... slightly exaggerated.
it's also the same with all flames that you have been involved 
concerning msoffice. it is necessary to look at competition to see 
areas where one might improve - but it's again _how_ you do that.
most participants on this list have done something for the good of and it probably is somewhat in their subconsciousness as a child :)
so any criticism must be worded to avoid insults as possible.

"remember last editing position" is a really neat feature and i just 
love it. so do some other people. if you see no need for it - why are 
you just dying to see it removed (it's very different from 
implementation from the scratch) completely ?
I'm not dying to see it removed.  In the thread, if you'll look, I 
simply said that *I* have no use for it.  I also said I doubt it will be 
"fixed" because it wasn't a mistake or a bug to remove it.  I doubt very 
highly that they programmers somehow "slipped up" and removed all the 
code relating to that particular "feature".  It was a choice.  Someone, 
somewhere, and some point made a *choice* to remove that feature.  I 
doubt that person/group/company is going to pull a 180 on that choice 
because of 3 or 4 people complaining about it.

Now, about the URL bar - it's still possible, (from what has been said 
in this list - I don't care to check on it, because I don't want to ever 
put it back) to put it back.  But it was ugly, a "real estate" hog, and 
really served no purpose to most people.  I'm glad it's gone.  It helped 
to "clean up the UI" which is why I talked about that here.  Peter asked 
me a question, and I answered it.  It was no vendeta against the URL bar 
that lead me to just start spouting off at it.  I was responding to a 
direct question with a direct answer.

As far as my apparent joy in seeing features removed, it is because I, 
too, wish to see OOo succeed.  Ian has often (very often, oh my starry 
skies, how very often!) complained, harped on, bemoaned the lack of 
"elegant" code design in general, and usually with regards to operating 
systems and/or office suites.  Removing little-used, confusing, 
pointless, ugly "features" is one way to clean up the code.  It's called 
bloat, Rich.  And removing it is a Good Thing (tm).

Cleaning up the code is one thing, cleaning up the user interface is 
another.  I care much more about cleaning up the user interface than the 
code, because my computer can handle a couple extra kilobytes of code 
here and there.  100 GB is plenty of room for programs.  I've even got a 
250 GB HD I haven't plugged in yet.  The point is, I want the UI to be 
good, and if that means adding code, fine - if it means taking code away 
- fine.  Removing checkboxes, menu options, and icons that are unused is 
a Good Thing (tm).

It's just like the whole "Export" and "Export to PDF" thing.  What's up 
with that?  They both do the same thing, and *ONLY* the same thing.  I'm 
not on a computer with OOo right now, and I haven't checked, has that 
been cleared up in 2.0?  If not, I'm filing a IZ, or voting for one.

If cleaning up the user interface means its harder for *me personally* 
to do the things I like to do with OOo, or maybe even impossible - so be 
it.  As long as it does the most good for the most people.

You may not like the way I say things - and I'm sorry if you don't.  I 
do over emphasize my points sometimes, but that's usually to drive home 
a point.  In this case the point is, too many options is a very, very 
Bad Thing (tm).  It's bloat.  It's poor design.  It's very MS-like.

Look at Firefox.  The menu choices and the dialog boxes are a lot *LESS* 
than Mozilla.  And it is a ton more popular, and can do many times even 
*more* things than Mozilla Navigator!  It is just an effective use of 
User Interface Design.  They *removed features* they *removed options* 
and it *RESTARTED THE BROWSER WARS*!  Neither Netscape nor IE had come 
out with a new browser in years...  Now both are working on next gen 
browsers.  All because Mozilla decided to revamp their UI.

Removing features, removing options, removing choices - when done well, 
they are a very Good Thing (tm).  I suggest googling the mailing list 
for the phrase "too many choices".  I've posted a link to a study where 
Psychologists found that giving people too many choices is a bad thing. 
It leads to confusion, bewilderment, and people give up.  The answer 
isn't burying options - it's removing them.  We could give people an 
option to change the color of each half of each letter of their text - 
with 24 bit options for each color  But that would be too much of a 
choice.  Even graphics programs that allow such fine-tuned controls 
default to a pallete of much fewer choices (like maybe 24 colors

Re: [discuss] your private showstopper

2005-03-30 Thread Chad Smith
On Tue, 2005-03-29 at 23:20 -0500, Chad Smith wrote:

"The colors are so KEWL!  It's very cool looking!"
Part of me died inside.

Welcome to marketing. :-)

It was like his company had paid many multiple thousands of dollars for 
the company-wide upgrade, and what do their employees say "Wow!  That's 

I like pretty colors and I love good UI.  But if that's it, I ain't 
paying $250 a head for the upgrade (or however much large companies pay 
for it).

If OOo 2.0 comes out, and I download and install it.  Then a few 
weeks/months later OOo 2.5 comes out, and the only upgrade is the colors 
- I may or may not bother getting it, and it is *FREE*.  I can't imagine 
that's the only benefit - but if that's all the employees see/use then 
effective that's all you've paid for.

Now, to be fair, my roommate mostly deals with Adobe Acrobat, and not 
Microsoft Office - so people who use Office more often might be more 
impressed with other features.  But still, I'd like a little more ROI 
than "wow, prudy colors!"

-Chad Smith

Re: [discuss] your private showstopper

2005-03-30 Thread Chad Smith
Chad Smith wrote:

the iconic switching between modes (I love that one). 

What does this mean?

There is an icon (iconic) that you can click on to switch (switching) 
between (between) the different interfaces of OOo (modes).  In other 
words, the little deally that lets me go from Writer to Calc to 
Impress to Writer to Draw to Calc to Draw to Impress to Math to HTML 
editor to Writer ...  all without typing or opening a menu.  it's the 
wavy thing on your toolbar.

I don't know if you are being serious or what with this (and the next 
comment) I don't see any wavy line, and you indignant little words in 
parenthesis above are not necessary.
Yes, I was being serious.  There is a little icon of whatever mode you 
are using (Writer, Calc, Draw, Impress, etc.) on the toolbar of OOo. 
This icon can be clicked, and then a drop-down menu of other icons for 
the other modes shows up, and you can click on them to open that mode. 
About the "indignant little words" - I was trying to explain what I mean.

The wavy thing is the icon.

  the new paste-special shortcut

Yeah, I forgot to mention that one.  That thing changed the way I 
live. I've added that to every word processing program I use. That's 
the coolest little trick ever!

Why do you need to do this? Does it make you feel better to belittle 
others? I used to think you were like a nice person who tried to bring 
perspective and intelligence to the forums. Now I see I was wrong. You 
have dropped by a level in my book (not that you probably care).

What?  I really do like that one.  It really has been added to all of my 
office suites.  I love the paste special keyboard shortcut.  I wasn't 
belittling you.  i have to copy and paste a ton of stuff from the 
internet all the time, and the paste-special (specifically "paste 
without formatting") is a life saver.  It wasn't until one of the 
eariler 680 versions of OOo that I knew it was possible to have a 
keyboard shortcut for it.  Since learning that I've added it to all the 
word processors I use - (including NeoOffice/J, MSO 2001 for Mac, MSO 
2003 for Windows, and of course, OOo 1.1.4).

-Chad Smith

Re: [discuss] Re: No more file association to MSO when installing

2005-03-30 Thread Daniel Carrera
Tony Pursell wrote:
> I've tested this out on my wife.  She's been a computer user for many 
> years and has also done some IT support work in the past.  But she 
> doesn't have the mistrust of computer systems that 30+ years of 
> software development (plus a degree in Psychology) has given me.  
> So when the dialog cam up, I asked her what she would do.  Without 
> hesitation, she said she would check all the boxes.  Why, I asked her.  
> Because I would want to open these files in Open Office, she said.  
> Then I explained what the consequence of this would be, and she said 
> that she wouldn't want *that* to happen.  

Excellent work Tony. Nothing like a usability test to settle a usability 

> So what do I do to get this changed without it disappearing into a black 
> holr?

I wish I could promise to you that this will get fixed right away, but I can't. 
You definitely need to file an issue. Filing an issue is, sadly, no guarantee 
it won't get lost. But NOT filing an issue is guarantee that it WILL get lost.

Why? Because OOo is so freakin big and there are so many issues. So yours will 
competting with many many others, for the limited developer time. But this is 
why filing an issue is important. At least it'll be in the database. So it's 
easier to recover, and harder to lose. Also, if you get more votes, it is 
to find.

> I have at least one vote from Cor Nouws for the sort of wording I 
> suggested.

I will vote for it too. I will also 'cofirm' the issue, so that it goes to the 
developers directly. And I'll track it. But having me tracking it doesn't 
mean much. It just means you have a friend trying to help.

> And is this a 2.1 or a 2.0.1 fix?

It's borderline. Probably 2.1 :-(
Developers are not supposed to change the UI in a significant way during the 
releases. The micro releases are meant to be mostly bugfixes. The reason why 
might make an exception with yours is because the change is simple, compared to 
most UI changes.

Daniel Carrera  | I don't want it perfect,
Join OOoAuthors today!  | I want it Tuesday.   | 

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Re: [discuss] Re: No more file association to MSO when installing

2005-03-30 Thread Tony Pursell
I've tested this out on my wife.  She's been a computer user for many 
years and has also done some IT support work in the past.  But she 
doesn't have the mistrust of computer systems that 30+ years of 
software development (plus a degree in Psychology) has given me.  

So when the dialog cam up, I asked her what she would do.  Without 
hesitation, she said she would check all the boxes.  Why, I asked her.  
Because I would want to open these files in Open Office, she said.  
Then I explained what the consequence of this would be, and she said 
that she wouldn't want *that* to happen.  

Only then did I tell her the problems we were having.  One telling thing 
was that when I pointed out the line in the heading then says...

Select the file types that are to be opened with 1.9.79

... she said 'Oh, I didn't notice that'.  Strange.  Neither did I when first 
saw this form.  I had to look again to take it in.  It should have been on 
the main form with the other line.  

So what do I do to get this changed without it disappearing into a black 
holr? I have at least one vote from Cor Nouws for the sort of wording I 
suggested.  And is this a 2.1 or a 2.0.1 fix?

Tony Pursell

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Re: [discuss] updates

2005-03-30 Thread Daniel Carrera
Hello Adrian,

> Does the version offered as 2.0 beta constantly change or is it always 1.9.79 
> --  that is, how do I get the later versions and should I?

The snapshots change every other week or so. The latest one is 1.9.87. One of 
snapshots was called OOo 2.0 beta. After a few more bugs are fixed, another 
snapshot will be called OOo 2.o beta2. And so on.

You can get the latest snapshot here:

Should youget the latest snapshot? I don't know. It depends on what you want.

> And will the download go into an RC sequence at some point as with OOo.1 ?

I guess so.

Daniel Carrera  | I don't want it perfect,
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[discuss] updates

2005-03-30 Thread AdrianGreeman
Does the version offered as 2.0 beta constantly change or is it always 1.9.79  
--  that is, how do I get the later versions and should I?

And will the download go into an RC sequence at some point as with OOo.1 ?



Re: [discuss] Re: No more file association to MSO when installing

2005-03-30 Thread Daniel Carrera
Rod Engelsman wrote:

> That is *really* disingenuous, Daniel. This problem has been discussed 
> for *over three years*. UI freeze, my ass! That was before the UI freeze 
> for 1.1 for God's sake!!

1) Rod, please calm down.

2) Please read what I've said again. People complained about the dialog. The 
dialog changed in an attempt to address the issue. If the change was not 
satisfactory, you need to say so before the UI freeze.

I have seen this dialog change. I had an issue with the old dialog. Then it 
changed in a way that I felt addressed the problem. Obviously so did the 
developers. After all, that's why they changed it. This is the context in which 
this issue is being brought up now.

If the change is not satisfactory, you need to inform the developers in time. 
Otherwise they will inevitably think that they dealt with the issue. I did.

Daniel Carrera  | I don't want it perfect,
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Re: [discuss] Re: No more file association to MSO when installing

2005-03-30 Thread Ian Lynch
On Wed, 2005-03-30 at 22:35, Rod Engelsman wrote:
> Daniel Carrera wrote:
> > Tony Pursell wrote:
> > 
> > 
> >>I thought more was going to be done to avoid it and I am amazed that 
> >>we still have a setup dialog that virtually invites people to do what they 
> >>don't really want to do
> > 
> > 
> > But why didn't you say this before the UI freeze?
> > 
> > I saw the OOo snapshot before the UI freeze and I thought the problem had 
> > been 
> > fixed. The time to test the UI and request changes is before the freeze. 
> > Jut a few 
> > weeks before the final release.
> > 
> > Cheers,
> That is *really* disingenuous, Daniel. 

I think he is just being realistic about the way th edevelopers will see
it. The change is a good suggestion but it will probably have to wait
until 2.1 assuming other people think it is a good suggestion too.

> This problem has been discussed 
> for *over three years*. UI freeze, my ass! That was before the UI freeze 
> for 1.1 for God's sake!!
> Ignore a problem for three years and then claim you can't do anything 
> about it because of a UI freeze is just lame.

I don't think Daniel has any power to do anything. Don't shoot the
messenger! Is this filed under an issue? If so which one and has it many
votes? If not file the issue.


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Re: [discuss] No more file association to MSO when installing

2005-03-30 Thread Cor Nouws
Tony Pursell wrote:
But on a more constructive note, my suggestion for the wording would 

OOo 1.9.79 can be made the default application for opening the 
following file types.  This means that if you click on one of these files, 
OOo will open it, not the Microsoft progam that opens it now.  

... then after the list, add this explanation ...
If you are just trying out Open Office, you probably don't want this to 
happen, so leave the boxes unchecked.  If you want to try opening 
these files in Open Office, you can do that by using 'File Open' and 
selecting the file there.

This is good, Tony, IMHO.
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[discuss] Re: No more file association to MSO when installing

2005-03-30 Thread Rod Engelsman
Daniel Carrera wrote:
Tony Pursell wrote:

I thought more was going to be done to avoid it and I am amazed that 
we still have a setup dialog that virtually invites people to do what they 
don't really want to do

But why didn't you say this before the UI freeze?
I saw the OOo snapshot before the UI freeze and I thought the problem had been 
fixed. The time to test the UI and request changes is before the freeze. Jut a few 
weeks before the final release.

That is *really* disingenuous, Daniel. This problem has been discussed 
for *over three years*. UI freeze, my ass! That was before the UI freeze 
for 1.1 for God's sake!!

Ignore a problem for three years and then claim you can't do anything 
about it because of a UI freeze is just lame.

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Re: [discuss] No more file association to MSO when installing

2005-03-30 Thread Tony Pursell
On 30 Mar 2005 at 15:19, Daniel Carrera wrote:

> Tony Pursell wrote:
> > I thought more was going to be done to avoid it and I am amazed that
> > we still have a setup dialog that virtually invites people to do
> > what they don't really want to do
> But why didn't you say this before the UI freeze?
Two reasons:

a) I was a real OO.o newbie back then and didn't know how things 
worked.  I'm still a OO.o rookie, but getting more confident at 
expressing my opinions.
b) I, like everyone else, has another life.  For me, this includes being 
made redundant, looking for a job, getting married, etc
> I saw the OOo snapshot before the UI freeze and I thought the problem
> had been fixed. The time to test the UI and request changes is before
> the freeze. Jut a few weeks before the final release.

I havn't a clue when the OO.o snapshot was available for viewing at this 
level of detail.  The first thing I knew was when the beta was 

But on a more constructive note, my suggestion for the wording would 

OOo 1.9.79 can be made the default application for opening the 
following file types.  This means that if you click on one of these files, 
OOo will open it, not the Microsoft progam that opens it now.  

... then after the list, add this explanation ...

If you are just trying out Open Office, you probably don't want this to 
happen, so leave the boxes unchecked.  If you want to try opening 
these files in Open Office, you can do that by using 'File Open' and 
selecting the file there.

... I'm sure other people will have equally valid suggestions

Tony Pursell

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Re: [discuss] Re: No more file association to MSO when installing

2005-03-30 Thread Daniel Carrera
Enrique wrote:

> Do you see as feasible at this stage to add something like this to that 
> wording:
> "If you check these boxes OpenOffice 2.0 will replace Microsoft 
> applications when opening those files. You will not be able to launch 
> Microsoft applications by doubleclicking in that files. Leave unchecked 
> if you want to preserve the association with Microsoft applications"

That should probably be edited. It seems to say that OOo will replace MSO. Why 
don't you and Jason talk about this and come up with a phrasing you're happy 
And let's take it from there.

Daniel Carrera  | I don't want it perfect,
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Re: [discuss] No more file association to MSO when installing

2005-03-30 Thread Daniel Carrera
James Walker wrote:

> If you read the issue it is basically the same thing listed in there, 
> and nothing was done.

1) I thought the UI had already changed.
2) Why is it surprising that developers don't act on this issue, if the subject 
line is completely unrelated to the problem you are referring to.

> most programs ask if you want to have the program be the default application. 

Fair enough. I agree that's better wording. I think the current one is fine, 
we can always improve. Please file an issue.

Please don't blame developers for not fixing a problem that they can't 
be expected to be aware of.

Please don't blame developers for not changing the UI, months after the UI 
and weeks before the final release.

> Winamp ...

Irrelevant. Please don't sidetrack the discussion with non-issues. You don't 
to convince anyone that someone might not want to open MSO files with OOo.

> I am starting to see that there is no reason to continue this.  It has 
> been an issue for a long time,

Which developers probably thought had been addressed. If you felt this was 
important, you should have spoken before the UI freeze. I saw the snapshots 
the UI freeze and it looked fine to me.

> and is a simple text change, not a code change.

Can you provide a patch?

> And nothing has been done, and nothing will be.

I've seen this dialog change more than once. So your premise is false.

Daniel Carrera  | I don't want it perfect,
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[discuss] Re: No more file association to MSO when installing

2005-03-30 Thread Enrique
Daniel Carrera wrote:
Now, if you can bring down this UI change to just changing a string, that has a 
better chance of success. If you can do that, please file an issue.

OK, Daniel, I was trying to save people like you, regular posters in 
these newsgroups, quite a lot or work if OOo 2.0 is really a success and 
lot of windows newbies give OOo a try.

Do you see as feasible at this stage to add something like this to that 

"If you check these boxes OpenOffice 2.0 will replace Microsoft 
applications when opening those files. You will not be able to launch 
Microsoft applications by doubleclicking in that files. Leave unchecked 
if you want to preserve the association with Microsoft applications"

There are three senteces there, if too long perhaps the middle could be 
I am not killing for this. It is OOo "support line" who is suffering the 
effects of this dialog. If you see this as more disturbing that helpful, 
I will not insist. Exchanging a couple of posts here is not a waste for 
OOo development, I hope :-)

- Enrique -

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[discuss] Re[2]: OO Impress 1.9.m87 issues

2005-03-30 Thread Stephan Gromer

I can confirm that my two issues are now dealt with and that I got
informed. Ones is apparently already fixed in the upcomming version.

Regards & Thank you,
Stephan Gromer, MD. PhD.
Work: Biochemie-Zentrum Heidelberg / Im Neuenheimer Feld 504 / D-69120
  Heidelberg / Tel.: +49 (6221) 544291 / Fax.: +49 (6221) 545586
Home: Sternallee 89 / D-68723 Schwetzingen / Tel.: +49 (6202) 855038
  Mobil: +49 (172) 7694555 / URL:

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Re: [discuss] No more file association to MSO when installing

2005-03-30 Thread James Walker
Daniel Carrera wrote:
James Walker wrote:

This is saying that OOo can open files of type

No, it does not say "OOo can open these file types". What kind of a question would 
that be? It says that those file types will be opened *automatically* in OOo.


But it does not say that for now on when you click on a 
.doc file or .xsl file that OOo is going to open it up.

That's what I read it to say. "These file types will open automatically in 

If I am just now learning to use OOo. I want to be able to use MSO to continue 
to use MSO files. 

So you wouldn't click on an option that says that those files will open in OOo 

Look, this part of your argument was totally besides the point. You don't have to 
demonstrate that some people may want to use MSO to open those files. The issue at 
hand (now) is whether the text is clear. Let's stick to that.


this is issue 4414,  has been around since like 2002  but very few votes.

Uhmm... Issue 4414 says "Allow for MSOffice file associations post-install".
It sounds like a nice idea, but it is completely unrelated to the text string used 
in the initial association dialog.


If you read the issue it is basically the same thing listed in there, 
and nothing was done.  that is why I had a hard time finding it again.  
I did not want to duplicate an issue.  most programs ask if you want to 
have the program be the default application.  that is a much better 
wording, most people understand that.   this just says it can open them 
automatically,   Winamp can automatically open mp3s  that does not mean 
I want it to.  but it is nice to know that it can.

I am starting to see that there is no reason to continue this.  It has 
been an issue for a long time, and is a simple text change, not a code 
change.   if it was a typo, then someone would be able to change it 
quickly, that is about all that this amounts to and it is something that 
has been discussed on several occasions.  And nothing has been done, and 
nothing will be.

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Re: [discuss] No more file association to MSO when installing

2005-03-30 Thread Daniel Carrera
Tony Pursell wrote:

> I thought more was going to be done to avoid it and I am amazed that 
> we still have a setup dialog that virtually invites people to do what they 
> don't really want to do

But why didn't you say this before the UI freeze?

I saw the OOo snapshot before the UI freeze and I thought the problem had been 
fixed. The time to test the UI and request changes is before the freeze. Jut a 
weeks before the final release.

Daniel Carrera  | I don't want it perfect,
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Re: [discuss] Re: No more file association to MSO when installing

2005-03-30 Thread Daniel Carrera
Rod Engelsman wrote:

> >Uhhmm... yes it does. It looks very clear to me. It says that OOo will 
> >automatically open those file types.
> It's not. At least not to new users. What's not clear from the wording 
> is whether or not you will be able to open MSO files *at all* if you do 
> not check the boxes.

I have trouble seeing that interpretation. But fine, I'll accept it.

> >Because changing this is not like flicking a light switch. 
> Actually, this one almost is that easy. This is in the install script, 
> not the program itself. And it wouldn't require anyone to write *one* 
> *line* of new code, merely to disable a few lines with comment marks.

Huh?  I can't imagine it being that easy.
Have you seen the installer? Can you show me which part you could just comment 
to remove this dialog? My understanding was that the OOo installer was 
to maintain aind inflexible, and it took a major rewrite to make it adapt to 
we have today. I guess it's possible that *now*, after the rewrite, removing a 
dialog is trivial. But I don't want to assume that's the case. Can you confirm 
whether this is true or not?

> >Asking "why take that
> >chance?" is incredibly unfair. It inherently assumes we have nothing to 
> >lose. In truth, we have a lot to lose. We have time, effort and code 
> >stability to lose. 
> Explain exactly how this change would affect "code stability".

I don't have to. Changing code always has the risk of introducing bugs. Often 
ways that you did not forsee beforehand. That's why even a simple change like 
QS had to go through a lot of QA and had to be tested against several 
localizations. Even if I cannot see how adding a stupid link to the QS could do 
any harm, the fact is, it might, so you need to test.

> And it would save an incredible amount of time ... [snip]

You're going back to arguing that we don't want volunteers to think OOo took 
their files. You don't need to argue this. This has been established.

The focus of this argument is whether this particular UI change can be done at 
this particular time. I say that it's too close to the final release, and that 
UI freeze happened a long time ago.

> I think you're really overstating the extent of the effort required to 
> bring about this change.

With the QS I really understated the extent of effort required.

The fact is, I don't know. This change, to me, seems bigger than the QS.

Daniel Carrera  | I don't want it perfect,
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Re: [discuss] No more file association to MSO when installing

2005-03-30 Thread Daniel Carrera
James Walker wrote:

> This is saying that OOo can open files of type

No, it does not say "OOo can open these file types". What kind of a question 
that be? It says that those file types will be opened *automatically* in OOo.

>  But it does not say that for now on when you click on a 
> .doc file or .xsl file that OOo is going to open it up.

That's what I read it to say. "These file types will open automatically in OOo".

> If I am just now learning to use OOo. I want to be able to use MSO to 
> continue 
> to use MSO files. 

So you wouldn't click on an option that says that those files will open in OOo 

Look, this part of your argument was totally besides the point. You don't have 
demonstrate that some people may want to use MSO to open those files. The issue 
hand (now) is whether the text is clear. Let's stick to that.

> this is issue 4414,  has been around since like 2002  but very few votes.

Uhmm... Issue 4414 says "Allow for MSOffice file associations post-install".

It sounds like a nice idea, but it is completely unrelated to the text string 
in the initial association dialog.

Daniel Carrera  | I don't want it perfect,
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Re: [discuss] No more file association to MSO when installing

2005-03-30 Thread Tony Pursell
On 30 Mar 2005 at 14:11, James Walker wrote:

> Daniel Carrera wrote:
> >James Walker wrote:
> >
> >  
> >
> >>Leave the dialog there, but make the text more understandable.
> >>
> >>This was discussed before and an Issue was filed, I do believe. but
> >>I cannot find it now.
> >>
> >>
> >
> >If you feel this is important, please do find that issue. Or file a
> >new one.
> >
> >However, the UI freeze for OOo 2.0 *is* past. You are suggesting a UI
> >change. Don't get your hopes up.
> >
> >Cheers,
> >  
> >
> Line #1:   Select the file types that are to be opened with
> 1.9.79
> Line #2: OOo 1.9.79 will automatically open the following file types
> Word
> Excel
> PowerPoint
> This is what the dialog says now,Now no where in this does it say
> that it is taking over from MSO if you click on these types of files. 
> That is the issue that everyone is having with this. I know what it
> means and you do.  But for some people they do not understand that it
> is taking over from MSO. 

I remember the last discussion on this.  It was on the users list and 
followed on from a very irate post.  This problem must lose us a lot of 
goodwill.  Any marketing man will tell you that one angry customer can 
negate the effect of dozens of satisfied customers, just because 
angry/upset customers badmouth a product at every opportunity.  

I thought more was going to be done to avoid it and I am amazed that 
we still have a setup dialog that virtually invites people to do what they 
don't really want to do when they are just trying out the product for the 
first time.  I think the dialog should be more discouraging.  After all, 
those who are installing because they want OO.o to open MS Office 
files will not be put off.  

As it seems that nothing can be done about this now, I wonder if there is 
some clever person who can knock up a small routine that will 
manipulate these file associations that can be included in the install 
package.  Or tweak the setup.exe so that the 'Repair' option calls this 
form and allows the user to alter their choices.  From my experience in 
help desk work, the one thing that can retrieve the situation when you 
have angry customer is being able to offer a very easy fix.  

My 2p

Tony Pursell

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[discuss] Re: No more file association to MSO when installing

2005-03-30 Thread Rod Engelsman
Daniel Carrera wrote:

Uhhmm... yes it does. It looks very clear to me. It says that OOo will 
automatically open those file types.

It's not. At least not to new users. What's not clear from the wording 
is whether or not you will be able to open MSO files *at all* if you do 
not check the boxes.

Because changing this is not like flicking a light switch. 
Actually, this one almost is that easy. This is in the install script, 
not the program itself. And it wouldn't require anyone to write *one* 
*line* of new code, merely to disable a few lines with comment marks.

Asking "why take that
chance?" is incredibly unfair. It inherently assumes we have nothing to lose. In 
truth, we have a lot to lose. We have time, effort and code stability to lose. 
Explain exactly how this change would affect "code stability". And it 
would save an incredible amount of time for the volunteers who have to 
repeatedly answer the same complaint that "Open Office took over my MSO 

that reason, UI changes should, in general, be postponed until the next release.
Now, if you can bring down this UI change to just changing a string, that has a 
better chance of success. If you can do that, please file an issue.

I think you're really overstating the extent of the effort required to 
bring about this change.

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Re: [discuss] Re: No more file association to MSO when installing

2005-03-30 Thread Daniel Carrera
Enrique wrote:

> I posted here, not in IZ, to avoid developer "distraction".

You said you were proposing something. I responded to the proposal.

Daniel Carrera  | I don't want it perfect,
Join OOoAuthors today!  | I want it Tuesday.   | 

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Re: [discuss] Re: No more file association to MSO when installing

2005-03-30 Thread Daniel Carrera
Rod Engelsman wrote:

> This has been an issue for a *l* time, Daniel.

My understanding is that the UI has already changed, and now, weeks before the 
final release, there is a suggestion for another change.

Daniel Carrera  | I don't want it perfect,
Join OOoAuthors today!  | I want it Tuesday.   | 

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Re: [discuss] No more file association to MSO when installing

2005-03-30 Thread James Walker
Daniel Carrera wrote:
James Walker wrote:

Line #1:   Select the file types that are to be opened with 

Line #2: OOo 1.9.79 will automatically open the following file types
This is what the dialog says now,Now no where in this does it say 
that it is taking over from MSO if you click on these types of files.

Uhhmm... yes it does. It looks very clear to me. It says that OOo will 
automatically open those file types.


I have a couple of dozen tools that will take a bolt out,  but just 
because I used a pair of plyers once to see if it
could do what I want to do does not mean that for every bolt that I 
touch I want to use the plyers. This is saying that OOo can open files 
of type   But it does not say that for now on when you click on a 
.doc file or .xsl file that OOo is going to open it up.  If I am just 
now learning to use OOo. I want to be able to use MSO to continue to use 
MSO files. 

I know that with almost all programs the way things work now is, if it 
can open it, it wants to open it all the time. I do not feel this is the 
best approach.  There are some things that OOo cannot do with the MSO 
files the MSO can do. not because it is incapable of doing it, but 
because it does it in a different way, so the conversion does not work.

That is the issue that everyone is having with this.

Everyone?  Even the people in that African tribe with the clicking sound? 
---  I'm just teasing. Joke, humour.  ;-)

I know what it means and you do.  But for some people they do not understand 
that it is taking over from MSO. 

I think the language is clear. It says taht OOo will automatically open those 
types of files. It's not using akward vocabulary or anything. It's not using 
jargon. The language is not ambiguous. On the other hand, "taking over" would be 
*very* ambigous.


   Now if it said something to the effect that do you want 
OOo to be the

default program for files of type ...   then that might be a little better.

That would work too.

I am not trying to start an arguement and I understand that UI changes 
have been frozen. But I think we are going to have issues with this and 
people uninstalling just to get the association of MSO files back to 
MSO.  why take that chance.

Because changing this is not like flicking a light switch. Asking "why take that 
chance?" is incredibly unfair. It inherently assumes we have nothing to lose. In 
truth, we have a lot to lose. We have time, effort and code stability to lose. For 
that reason, UI changes should, in general, be postponed until the next release.

Now, if you can bring down this UI change to just changing a string, that has a 
better chance of success. If you can do that, please file an issue.


this is issue 4414,  has been around since like 2002  but very few votes.
At least I know what it means and so if it is not an issue for other 
people then I guess we will leave it alone.  

[discuss] Re: No more file association to MSO when installing

2005-03-30 Thread Rod Engelsman
Daniel Carrera wrote:
Enrique wrote:

Before releasing OOo 2.0 I would propose something radical:

Just before a release is not the time to propose something radical. 
This has been an issue for a *l* time, Daniel.
Even if you
convince everyone, inc the developers, that droping this dialog and functionality 
is a good idea. The issue is that we are in the *beta* release right now. The UI 
freeze was months ago. The specs were months before that. Right now developers are 
just trying to make things stable so we can release the product in a few weeks.

Compare this with the quickstarter. The QA was a much simpler UI change, and there 
was massive support for it. But we had to wait a lot because developers were not 
sure that they'd manage to do it without breaking anything. There is a lot of QA 
involved in UI changes.

This is not the time to suggest such a UI change for 2.0. I'm sorry.
Then make it 2.01 for christ's sake. How many times do we want to answer 
the same stupid question

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[discuss] Re: No more file association to MSO when installing

2005-03-30 Thread Enrique
OK, Daniel.
I posted here, not in IZ, to avoid developer "distraction".

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Re: [discuss] No more file association to MSO when installing

2005-03-30 Thread Daniel Carrera
James Walker wrote:

> Line #1:   Select the file types that are to be opened with 
> 1.9.79
> Line #2: OOo 1.9.79 will automatically open the following file types
> This is what the dialog says now,Now no where in this does it say 
> that it is taking over from MSO if you click on these types of files.

Uhhmm... yes it does. It looks very clear to me. It says that OOo will 
automatically open those file types.

> That is the issue that everyone is having with this.

Everyone?  Even the people in that African tribe with the clicking sound? Wow!

 ---  I'm just teasing. Joke, humour.  ;-)

> I know what it means and you do.  But for some people they do not understand 
> that it is taking over from MSO. 

I think the language is clear. It says taht OOo will automatically open those 
types of files. It's not using akward vocabulary or anything. It's not using 
jargon. The language is not ambiguous. On the other hand, "taking over" would 
*very* ambigous.

> Now if it said something to the effect that do you want OOo to be the 
> default program for files of type ...   then that might be a little better.

That would work too.

> I am not trying to start an arguement and I understand that UI changes 
> have been frozen. But I think we are going to have issues with this and 
> people uninstalling just to get the association of MSO files back to 
> MSO.  why take that chance.

Because changing this is not like flicking a light switch. Asking "why take 
chance?" is incredibly unfair. It inherently assumes we have nothing to lose. 
truth, we have a lot to lose. We have time, effort and code stability to lose. 
that reason, UI changes should, in general, be postponed until the next release.

Now, if you can bring down this UI change to just changing a string, that has a 
better chance of success. If you can do that, please file an issue.

Daniel Carrera  | I don't want it perfect,
Join OOoAuthors today!  | I want it Tuesday.   | 

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Re: [discuss] No more file association to MSO when installing

2005-03-30 Thread James Walker
Daniel Carrera wrote:
James Walker wrote:

Leave the dialog there, but make the text more understandable.
This was discussed before and an Issue was filed, I do believe. but I 
cannot find it now.

If you feel this is important, please do find that issue. Or file a new one.
However, the UI freeze for OOo 2.0 *is* past. You are suggesting a UI change. 
Don't get your hopes up.


Line #1:   Select the file types that are to be opened with 
Line #2: OOo 1.9.79 will automatically open the following file types
This is what the dialog says now,Now no where in this does it say 
that it is taking over from MSO if you click on these types of files.  
That is the issue that everyone is having with this. I know what it 
means and you do.  But for some people they do not understand that it is 
taking over from MSO. 

Now if it said something to the effect that do you want OOo to be the 
default program for files of type ...   then that might be a little better.

I am not trying to start an arguement and I understand that UI changes 
have been frozen. But I think we are going to have issues with this and 
people uninstalling just to get the association of MSO files back to 
MSO.  why take that chance.

James Walker
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Re: [discuss] No more file association to MSO when installing

2005-03-30 Thread Daniel Carrera
James Walker wrote:

> Leave the dialog there, but make the text more understandable.
> This was discussed before and an Issue was filed, I do believe. but I 
> cannot find it now.

If you feel this is important, please do find that issue. Or file a new one.

However, the UI freeze for OOo 2.0 *is* past. You are suggesting a UI change. 
Don't get your hopes up.

Daniel Carrera  | I don't want it perfect,
Join OOoAuthors today!  | I want it Tuesday.   | 

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Re: [discuss] No more file association to MSO when installing

2005-03-30 Thread James Walker
Daniel Carrera wrote:
Enrique wrote:

Before releasing OOo 2.0 I would propose something radical:

Just before a release is not the time to propose something radical. Even if you 
convince everyone, inc the developers, that droping this dialog and functionality 
is a good idea. The issue is that we are in the *beta* release right now. The UI 
freeze was months ago. The specs were months before that. Right now developers are 
just trying to make things stable so we can release the product in a few weeks.

Compare this with the quickstarter. The QA was a much simpler UI change, and there 
was massive support for it. But we had to wait a lot because developers were not 
sure that they'd manage to do it without breaking anything. There is a lot of QA 
involved in UI changes.

This is not the time to suggest such a UI change for 2.0. I'm sorry.

Then why not just change the text to something that does a better job of 
warning a user that it is taking over as the default application for 
opening these files.  It really is not as clear as it could be.  I know 
that if I was new and was evaluating whether OOo was something that 
could replace MSO then I would not want it to take over and then make me 
figure out how to get it to stop.  At that point I would just uninstall 
and stick with MSO.

Leave the dialog there, but make the text more understandable.
This was discussed before and an Issue was filed, I do believe. but I 
cannot find it now.

James Walker
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[discuss] Imbedded jpeg problem in m687 odt file

2005-03-30 Thread Gregory J. Neumann
Hi, all.
I downloaded m687 hoping to find the task tray enhancement Jacqueline 
announced, but(sigh!) apparently not for public consumption yet.
Anyway, m687 did manage to break the imbedding of jpegs in the frames 
in a document I constructed in m684! I went from pretty (maybe) 
pictures to path names, "file:///c:/directory/photo.jpg" after what I 
assume is a broken photo icon ... not sure, though, haven't seen it 
before. The file is just fine in m684. I filed an issue on this, as I 
cannot fix it from OO.o m687, and even stranger, if I re-embed the 
photo link, the link preview shows the photo just fine, but only 
shows the path in the frame. This is windows XP, so the "/" in the 
path rather than the "\" I expect in XP is also odd to me. I filed an 
issue, because if this is real, I think it would be a "good thing" to 
be addressed before 2.0 goes final. Issue #46035. I called it a 
defect. Anybody else see this?

P.S. If I ever figure out all that issue filing stuff, I'm going to 
write a HOWTO for the non-developer/programmers here! ;-)

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Re: [discuss] No more file association to MSO when installing

2005-03-30 Thread Daniel Carrera
Enrique wrote:

> Before releasing OOo 2.0 I would propose something radical:

Just before a release is not the time to propose something radical. Even if you 
convince everyone, inc the developers, that droping this dialog and 
is a good idea. The issue is that we are in the *beta* release right now. The 
freeze was months ago. The specs were months before that. Right now developers 
just trying to make things stable so we can release the product in a few weeks.

Compare this with the quickstarter. The QA was a much simpler UI change, and 
was massive support for it. But we had to wait a lot because developers were 
sure that they'd manage to do it without breaking anything. There is a lot of 
involved in UI changes.

This is not the time to suggest such a UI change for 2.0. I'm sorry.

Daniel Carrera  | I don't want it perfect,
Join OOoAuthors today!  | I want it Tuesday.   | 

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[discuss] No more file association to MSO when installing

2005-03-30 Thread Enrique
There have been a lot of discussion in these newsgroups about the 
association of MSO .doc, .xsl etc files with OOo when installing OOo.

Before releasing OOo 2.0 I would propose something radical: Just give up 
that dialoge and making NO association at all at install time between 
OOo and MSo files. At least, move that option to the "Custom" install 
route. In the beta the dialogue is still there, and wording is not 
preventing newbies from this long know confusion.

This is a windows-only issue, and one that involves just beginners and 
windows-only users. By the time a newby actually needs to change file 
associations to use only OOo, *then* file associations can be explained, 
and he/she wil be very happy to have learnt a geek-trick. I think that 
the inconvenience for the experienced user (having to do the association 
manually, *once*) is negligible compared to the benefit for these 
newsgroups as "support line" for OOo.

Just my 2c
- Enrique -

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Re: [discuss] Envelope printing

2005-03-30 Thread CPHennessy
On Thursday 24 March 2005 13:58, + John Layne wrote:
> I am currently experimenting with 2.0 beta and notice the lack of an icon
> for envelope printing.  I print lots of individual envelopes with the word
> processor and it would be very handy to have an icon for the purpose. 

You can add this with "Tools" -> "Customize" -> Tools, select the toolbar you 
want to modify then "Add" -> "Insert" -> "Envelope" -> Add.

Please reply to only

CPH : contributor

Maybe your question has been answered already?

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Re: [discuss] Footnotes, symbols and line spacing

2005-03-30 Thread CPHennessy
On Wednesday 23 March 2005 00:11, + Josep Barcons wrote:
>  [ MODERATED ] ***
> Good morning,
>   I am using OpenOffice to write my PhD. I share at all your
> philosophy, and I am satisfied with the apllications, although in the
> last days I have had several problems when opening and trying to
> change the format of some chapters (I send you error reports).
>   These are my ideas for a next version:
> 1) Possibility of arranging the footnotes lenght individually for
> every page, a part from the general format. That would be very useful.
I'm not sure if this will be possible for OOo 2.0 but I do not think so.

> 2) Possibility of modifying the keys combination that insert a symbol
> (Microsoft Word has this  option)
I think that this is currently possible - even though you may have to use a 
macro. If you are comfortable with macros have a look at

> 3) Concerning line spacing it would be great if it were an option
> concerning multiple line spacing. Instead of 1'5 the user should
> insert 1'3, 1'4, 1'8, etc.
Did you look at "Format" -> "Paragraph" and the tab "Indents & Spacing".
-> "Line Spacing".

Please reply to only

CPH : contributor

Maybe your question has been answered already?

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Re: [discuss] Love at first site

2005-03-30 Thread CPHennessy
On Tuesday 22 March 2005 22:51, + Ovi Anton wrote:
>  [ MODERATED ] ***
> Hello discuss,
>  I am an Acces 97 end user and I looked for an equivalent  (on 602
> suite, koffice, Open Office 1.4.., etc.)  for a long time ago, when
> started to search others OS and I found Linux distributions.
>   Today, I installed the Open Office 2.0 version and I was surprised to
> found many facilities, the most interesting being database suite.
>I tried to generate a table with a form and I have the surprise to
> found the same way to work like Microsoft Acces and better.
>   I have some sugestions:
>   1 - You gave us sugar - give us the spoon: an instrument to convert
> an Acces file into a database Oo file included into toolbar;
This sounds like a new feature, but it may be possible to do a "copy and 
paste" from an access db to another db. But this is not really an office 
productive suite feature.

>   2 -  It will be wonderful to gave as the posibility to save or to
> link an Oo table to a MySql table;
I think that this is already possible in OOo 1.x

>   3 - Not least, a tool to convert an Oo into a dinamic Html form  wich
> can be posted on a site and can update a MySql table (something like
> Apache/Php/MySql suite witch is now used for dynamic web sites).  (If
> you realise this - adios Microsoft Office)
You mean XForms? 
Ok, maybe you do not mean XForms, but I think that this is exactly what XForms 
does and this is exactly what is currently available in OOo 2.0 beta.

>   I have many other ideas, but I stop here . If you consider that I am
> useful for you, give me a click.

For these and any other ideas you have can you please report this in 
issuezilla ? ( -> "Register", then when you receive a 
confirmation email, "Login" and "File an issue" )
In this way the relevant developers will see your bug report / suggestion 
and you will also see the progress of this feature / bug report if it is 

Please reply to only

CPH : contributor

Maybe your question has been answered already?

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Re: [discuss] Corel's Word Perfect Office 12 in Government

2005-03-30 Thread CPHennessy
On Wednesday 30 March 2005 04:12, Kevin Cullis wrote:
> Hi all,
> Where are we on being able to filter WordPerfect docs to OO?

Have a look at the latest OOo 2.0 betas.

CPH : contributor

Maybe your question has been answered already?

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[discuss] Re: OO Impress 1.9.m87 issues

2005-03-30 Thread Chuck
I have notification turned on. We use bugzilla at work and I was aware
of that feature when I created my account and filed the issue. I think
it's like you said, there's a lot of testing going on and a lot of
"issues" being filed. It takes time to look at them all.

Rich wrote:
> if anybody will do anything to your issue (comment, change status etc),
> you will receive an email, unless you have disabled notifications
> you can see and change your notification settings here :
> i believe, beta version attracted a lot more testers, so that not all
> issues can be looked at instantly :)

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Re: [discuss] Re: OO Impress 1.9.m87 issues

2005-03-30 Thread Rich
if anybody will do anything to your issue (comment, change status etc), 
you will receive an email, unless you have disabled notifications

you can see and change your notification settings here :
i believe, beta version attracted a lot more testers, so that not all 
issues can be looked at instantly :)

Chuck wrote:
Stephan Gromer wrote:
There is indeed some progress on the performance side, however some
effects are still terribly slow and I found anotehr bug too.
Significant Performance problems still exists with
Have you filed an issue?
Now I did, hopefully not causing any confusion.
Issue #:46023 and #46024
Will I be contacted if my description is not good enough or will I simply be 
Good question? I filed an issue last week (45970) and haven't heard
anything about it since. The issue is still listed as unconfirmed. I
guess that means they're too busy to look at it.
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[discuss] Re: OO Impress 1.9.m87 issues

2005-03-30 Thread Chuck
Stephan Gromer wrote:
>>>There is indeed some progress on the performance side, however some
>>>effects are still terribly slow and I found anotehr bug too.
>>>Significant Performance problems still exists with
>  [...]
>>Have you filed an issue?
> Now I did, hopefully not causing any confusion.
> Issue #:46023 and #46024
> Will I be contacted if my description is not good enough or will I simply be 
> ignored?

Good question? I filed an issue last week (45970) and haven't heard
anything about it since. The issue is still listed as unconfirmed. I
guess that means they're too busy to look at it.

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Re: [discuss] your private showstopper

2005-03-30 Thread Smoot Carl-Mitchell
On Tue, 2005-03-29 at 23:20 -0500, Chad Smith wrote:
> "The colors are so KEWL!  It's very cool looking!"
> Part of me died inside.

Welcome to marketing. :-)

Smoot Carl-Mitchell
System/Network Architect
cell: +1 602 421 9005
home: +1 480 922 7313

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Re: [discuss] Open-Source Future For Java Enterprise System?

2005-03-30 Thread Ian Lynch
On Wed, 2005-03-30 at 15:16, Daniel Carrera wrote:
> Nicu Buculei wrote:
> > this is a description of what JES is:
> >
> > 
> > it does not look at all related to JRE.
> > 
> > use Java Desktop System as an example, it is already Open Source, but is 
> > related to Java only for branding reasons.
> Sun seems to use the word "Java" on every other product.

Probably because the Java name is more well-known that Sun ;-)


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Re: [discuss] Open-Source Future For Java Enterprise System?

2005-03-30 Thread Daniel Carrera
Nicu Buculei wrote:

> this is a description of what JES is:
> it does not look at all related to JRE.
> use Java Desktop System as an example, it is already Open Source, but is 
> related to Java only for branding reasons.

Sun seems to use the word "Java" on every other product.

Daniel Carrera  | I don't want it perfect,
Join OOoAuthors today!  | I want it Tuesday.   | 

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Re: [discuss] Open-Source Future For Java Enterprise System?

2005-03-30 Thread Nicu Buculei
Claus Agerskov wrote:
In the article "Open-Source Future For Java Enterprise System?" from 
Information Week stated that Sun will release Java Enterprise System as 
open source this summer:
Will the JRE also be open source then?
this is a description of what JES is:
it does not look at all related to JRE.
use Java Desktop System as an example, it is already Open Source, but is 
related to Java only for branding reasons.

my pages:
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[discuss] Open-Source Future For Java Enterprise System?

2005-03-30 Thread Claus Agerskov
In the article "Open-Source Future For Java Enterprise System?" from 
Information Week stated that Sun will release Java Enterprise System as 
open source this summer:

Will the JRE also be open source then?

The most enjoyable greetings
Claus Agerskov"Kan jeg, så kan du også"
Helper/HjælperHenrik Dahl i DRs Rabatten om

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Re: [discuss] Re: opening on a templete

2005-03-30 Thread John W. Kennedy
Trevor Farlow wrote:
1) The Quickstarter, that little icon in the system tray, appears to be 
coming back soon in an upcoming release of OOo 2 because you aren't 
alone in your preference for it.

2) The latest developer snapshot of OOo 2 (version 1.9.87) has made a 
change since the initial 2.0 Beta release so that now opening another 
document from the File menu will replace the blank document you talked 
about.  I, too, was glad to see this changed.
Thank Heaven! The combination of the defunctionalized Quickstarter and 
the is-not-saved blank document was making 1.9.79 look like a plain botch.

John W. Kennedy
"...when you're trying to build a house of cards, the last thing you 
should do is blow hard and wave your hands like a madman."
  --  Rupert Goodwins

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Re: [discuss] Engineering mode works in Calc

2005-03-30 Thread Ian Lynch
On Wed, 2005-03-30 at 14:02, Niklas Nebel wrote:
> Daniel Carrera wrote:
> > Btw, thank you for our work Niklas.  :-)
> > OOoAuthors is making the Calc Guide, and we're all very happy with Calc 2.0
> > Good work!
> Glad you like it. :-)
> Niklas

We all like it :-) Well nearly all ;-) You probably just hear more from
people who have particular issues. Keep up the good work it really is

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Re: [discuss] Engineering mode works in Calc

2005-03-30 Thread Niklas Nebel
Daniel Carrera wrote:
Btw, thank you for our work Niklas.  :-)
OOoAuthors is making the Calc Guide, and we're all very happy with Calc 2.0
Good work!
Glad you like it. :-)
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[discuss] Engineering mode still doesn't work in Calc

2005-03-30 Thread Claus Agerskov
It still doesn't work.

I just tested with a small sample of numbers - too small to recognize that 
it doesn't work for all numbers.

Sorry to have misinformed you.

The most enjoyable greetings
Claus Agerskov"Kan jeg, så kan du også"
Helper/HjælperHenrik Dahl i DRs Rabatten om

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Re: [discuss] Engineering mode works in Calc

2005-03-30 Thread Claus Agerskov
On Wed, 30 Mar 2005, Niklas Nebel wrote:

> Claus Agerskov wrote:
> > Earlier this month Peter Knudsen ask for engineering notation in Calc.
> > 
> > In issue 5930 the registred user nn wrote this:
> > 
> >   Actually the total number of integer digits, "#" and "0", is counted. 
> >   "0.00E+00" and "#.00E+00" are equivalent, and "###.0E+00", "##0.0E+00" 
> >   and "000.0E+00" all force the exponent to multiples of 3 (with the last 
> >   one adding leading zeros - after all, leading zeros without modifying 
> >   the exponent are quite useless)."##0.0E+0" is among the default formats 
> >   in XLS file format.
> That's how it's supposed to be, and how it's handled elsewhere. We don't 
> have support for engineering number formats yet. This remains an open 
> enhancement issue, and I (nn, that's me) added that comment to clarify 
> what we need to do.

I just tried with some sample numbers and they all came out in the right 
format so I didn't catch that the format is still not supported.

Sorry for my misinformation.

The most enjoyable greetings
Claus Agerskov"Kan jeg, så kan du også"
Helper/HjælperHenrik Dahl i DRs Rabatten om

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Re: [discuss] Engineering mode works in Calc

2005-03-30 Thread Daniel Carrera
Niklas Nebel wrote:

> That's how it's supposed to be, and how it's handled elsewhere. We don't 
> have support for engineering number formats yet. This remains an open 
> enhancement issue, and I (nn, that's me) added that comment to clarify 
> what we need to do.

Btw, thank you for our work Niklas.  :-)
OOoAuthors is making the Calc Guide, and we're all very happy with Calc 2.0
Good work!

Daniel Carrera  | I don't want it perfect,
Join OOoAuthors today!  | I want it Tuesday.   | 

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Re: [discuss] Engineering mode works in Calc

2005-03-30 Thread Niklas Nebel
Claus Agerskov wrote:
Earlier this month Peter Knudsen ask for engineering notation in Calc.
In issue 5930 the registred user nn wrote this:
  Actually the total number of integer digits, "#" and "0", is counted. 
  "0.00E+00" and "#.00E+00" are equivalent, and "###.0E+00", "##0.0E+00" 
  and "000.0E+00" all force the exponent to multiples of 3 (with the last 
  one adding leading zeros - after all, leading zeros without modifying 
  the exponent are quite useless)."##0.0E+0" is among the default formats 
  in XLS file format.
That's how it's supposed to be, and how it's handled elsewhere. We don't 
have support for engineering number formats yet. This remains an open 
enhancement issue, and I (nn, that's me) added that comment to clarify 
what we need to do.

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[discuss] Engineering mode works in Calc

2005-03-30 Thread Claus Agerskov
Earlier this month Peter Knudsen ask for engineering notation in Calc.

In issue 5930 the registred user nn wrote this:

  Actually the total number of integer digits, "#" and "0", is counted. 
  "0.00E+00" and "#.00E+00" are equivalent, and "###.0E+00", "##0.0E+00" 
  and "000.0E+00" all force the exponent to multiples of 3 (with the last 
  one adding leading zeros - after all, leading zeros without modifying 
  the exponent are quite useless)."##0.0E+0" is among the default formats 
  in XLS file format.

I have suggested to add this information in the online help.

The most enjoyable greetings
Claus Agerskov"Kan jeg, så kan du også"
Helper/HjælperHenrik Dahl i DRs Rabatten om

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Re: [discuss] your private showstopper

2005-03-30 Thread Niklas Nebel
Peter Kupfer wrote:
Technically, it hasn't been removed from the interface as the check box 
is still in the options, it just has no functionality. :)
That's not true. For spreadsheets, the option works as before, and for 
text documents, it still restores the other view settings (like zoom).

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Re: [discuss] Re: Java fallout: OO.o 2.0 and the FOSS community

2005-03-30 Thread Nicolas Mailhot

On Mer 30 mars 2005 3:16, Christian Einfeldt a écrit :

> I must admit that as a simple end user who really loves OOo, I find
> myself worried that knowledgable programmers are concerned.  On the
> other hand, I also see that one person commented that Apache uses
> Java, or can use Java, and so I'm not sure whether the concerns are
> overstated.

Some projects of the Apache Foundation (not the Apache http server) are
using the java language. And this _huge_ pool of FOSS software have been
totally ignored by big Linux distributions till very recently because it
depended on a non-free JVM component (this represents a lot more java code
than OO.o, it's not suspisciously dependent on Sun but provided by a
long-time friendly org, and yet it's largely not been packaged to this
day). Lately some bits that happen to build/run with gcj are going in, but
only in bleeding-edge distributions that use gcc4 (and a big part of the
community opposes this because Sun controls the java langage and can
change its def in ways that will render gcj useless at any time).

The concerns are not overstated, quite the contrary. Today the silliest
python app will have less difficulty being included in a Linux
distribution than any given major java app.

> At any rate, I was also impressed by the strength of the comments to
> the effect that open source will tend to route around obstacles.
> This tends to bring us once again back to the notion of competition
> helping incent people to try harder to do better.
> From a business perspective, it seems that Java is in the process of
> being commoditized by Mono and gcj, and so maybe Java is at the end
> of the operational cycle.  Maybe now is the time for Sun to head
> Eric Raymond's call to let Java go.

It's not - the time is way past (last year would have been ok).
Now that much of the hard work is done in gcj and classpath (because of
Sun's licensing) people won't dump it like this. The right time for
opening up is not when a tech has been largely replicated - it's when
people can still be grateful they won't have to recode it themselves. At
this point in time the badwill Sun acrued with java these past years
probably outweights the gratitude it could earn for making the
reimplementation of the last mile of java libraries redundant. The people
that have been trying to get java running on Sun's term (ie the less
prejudiced at first) are probably the ones that have been burnt deeper by
Sun licensing policy.

(Which does not mean that OO.o java parts will work perfectly in gcj and
users won't be annoyed in a big way for probably a year at least, just
that gcj is mature enough people are ready to wait for its completion
instead of jumping ship. We'll probably see a red line being drawn soon
between acceptable stuff that only uses the java subset that's been
reimplemented and stuff that uses all the bells and whistles of Sun's

> We are not irreplaceable.

No one is.
But players that take care to work alongside other members of the FOSS
ecosystem instead of doing their own thing ignoring everyone else (because
they provide a key service and feel they can do whatever they like) are
less likely to be replaced. Remember too people have long memories - it's
way easier to ruin a reputation than to build it up.


Nicolas Mailhot

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