Re: [drakelist] On Selling Drake Gear

2006-12-06 Thread Thom R LaCosta

Thom R LaCosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterance to the drakelist gang
On Sun, 3 Dec 2006, john wrote:

At 06:44 PM 12/1/2006, Thom R LaCosta wrote:

On Fri, 1 Dec 2006, john wrote:

I agree. I have had only two very bad tranactions (out of about 600+ ).

That's a lot more than 29,, isn't it?

Yep, automatically disqualifies me to speak on the subject! :-)

In that case, you should soon start receiving some nasty emails accusing you of 
all sorts of things from one of the list wackos.

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2006-12-03 Thread Thom R LaCosta

On Fri, 1 Dec 2006 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Lee and everyone,

I had a similar experience with an estate last year.  The local vulture
swooped down almost before the decased was buried and made off with the good 
for pennies on the dollar.

Enough.this has got to be the 4th time I've seen this message.AOL is 
blocking mail to you


73,Thom-k3hrn Home of QRP Web Ring, Drakelist home page,Drake Web Ring,
QRP IRC channel, Drake IRC Channel, Elecraft Owners Database  ***  Web Hosting as low as 3.49/month

Re: [drakelist] On Selling Drake Gear

2006-12-03 Thread Thom R LaCosta

Thom R LaCosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterance to the drakelist gang
On Fri, 1 Dec 2006, john wrote:

I agree. I have had only two very bad tranactions (out of about 600+ ).

That's a lot more than 29,, isn't it?

One I made sure PayPal repaid me per their agreement (they did)

The other ...I spoke to a very helpful detective, who made a personal visit 
to the scammer, told him he had a choice (make good on Ebay transaction, or 
get served) resulting in my goods being shipped the next day (after 4 
weeks incommuncado).

Well, without the case number from the police department, or the complaint 
number from Ebay, we'll just have to relegate you to the rank of cranks (g).

It works if you make it work most things in life.

Apparently that's the rule that those of us who do not have crystal balls, 
superior business skills need to follow.

73,Thom-k3hrn Home of QRP Web Ring, Drakelist home page,Drake Web Ring,
QRP IRC channel, Drake IRC Channel, Elecraft Owners Database  ***  Web Hosting as low as 3.49/month
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[drakelist] On Selling Drake Gear

2006-11-30 Thread Thom R LaCosta

Thom R LaCosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterance to the drakelist gang
Over the years, I purchased items that were offered on this list...and neve had 
a problem.

While I'm in no place to insist on where and how gear is sold, I have imposed 
some stipulations hereand that this list is NOT to be used to shill your 
auction on EBay

But, on the other hand, feel free to advertise your gear to members of the list, 
ONLY if you're not in the reselling business.  Those of you that are know that 
you are...others on the list suspect it, and now and again, I get ticked off 
that the folks in the business think it's perfectly fine to abuse the list 
and use it for free advertising.

I've heard just about every excuse in the bookthe items are listed to help 
the list members, or they come from the estate of someone andits stuff 
that you've had around for the last 100 years...blah blah blah.

You wanna be in the radio businesspay your dues, and don't expect to 
underwrite your venture.  You wanna extract maximum bucks via an auction...don't 
expect me to underwrite your money-collection efforts.

If you don't like the things above, I will not be insulted if you unsubscribe 
from the list.

As far as giving fair warning to others on the list...If you must drop the 
dime on a Ebay seller, or anyone else for that matterdon't even think about 
posting it here unless you can document it.  I can document every single low 
life that I've nailedand the States Attorneys and Police Department tell me 
a do a decent job of it.

So, now that I've grumbled, I'll crawl back in the cave and hibernate.

73,Thom-k3hrn Home of QRP Web Ring, Drakelist home page,Drake Web Ring,
QRP IRC channel, Drake IRC Channel, Elecraft Owners Database  ***  Web Hosting as low as 3.49/month
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Re: [drakelist] On Selling Drake Gear

2006-11-30 Thread Thom R LaCosta

Thom R LaCosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterance to the drakelist gang
On Thu, 30 Nov 2006, W7DAH wrote:

Thom R LaCosta wrote:

If you don't like the things above, I will not be insulted if you
unsubscribe from the list.

I press send). I find all the eBay hub-bub to be just so much nonsense.

Apparently you never got burned by an Ebay seller, or by PyPal.  Both have 
happened to methe police took care of the seller, and I took PayPal all the 
way through all the appealsand they lost when it got to the national Visa 

  And, if saying so gets me un-subscribed from ANY darn 
list, I doubt I'd  notice except fewer E-Mails to wade thru on a daily basis.

Did I say it would?  I simply said that if you didn't the rules here YOU could 
unsubscribeplease read carefully.

As for States Attorneys and Police ... gimmie-a-break, no one cares.

That's not trueI have won cases that disprove what you say.

Please, someone sue-me for the 29 eBay transactions I've done on eBay
... I could use the money. eBay is sorta like Abortion ... if you don't
like 'em ... don't have one. Same for eBay, if you don't like it, don't
use it ... but, PLEASE all the threating tough-guys that talk a lot of
smack about eBay ... bring-it-on, I could use the diversion. Sheez.

I'll make a bargin with youput something up on Ebay and commit fraud in 
terms of payment, item description, etc.  I'll make sure that I am the high 
bidderI guarentee you that someone will care.

73,Thom-k3hrn Home of QRP Web Ring, Drakelist home page,Drake Web Ring,
QRP IRC channel, Drake IRC Channel, Elecraft Owners Database  ***  Web Hosting as low as 3.49/month
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Re: [drakelist] That e-bay shark....

2006-11-30 Thread Thom R LaCosta

Thom R LaCosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterance to the drakelist gang
On Wed, 29 Nov 2006, David Turney wrote:

He obviously thinks he's really smart, but to me the serial number phraseology 
suggests that the plate on the chassis may or may not be the one that was on it 
when it left the factory.

I hasve to admit, I have NOT been following the thread.  But, has anyone on the 
list been burned by this guy?  If so, have they complained to Ebay?

I had a problem with Ebay, Paypal and VISAit took me a year, some 
interaction with a local police department, but it was finally resolved.

73,Thom-k3hrn Home of QRP Web Ring, Drakelist home page,Drake Web Ring,
QRP IRC channel, Drake IRC Channel, Elecraft Owners Database  ***  Web Hosting as low as 3.49/month
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Re: [drakelist] On Selling Drake Gear

2006-11-30 Thread Thom R LaCosta

Thom R LaCosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterance to the drakelist gang
On Thu, 30 Nov 2006, Ted Wright wrote:

Wake up on the wrong side of the world today ??

Nowhat's your problem?

Thom of the Baltimore Lexicon Web Hosting as low as 3.49/month
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Re: [drakelist] On Selling Drake Gear

2006-11-30 Thread Thom R LaCosta

Thom R LaCosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterance to the drakelist gang
On Thu, 30 Nov 2006,  wrote:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterance to the drakelist gang
This just went from a very usefull tool to a waste of space, and a pissin'
contest at the same time.

GreatI'm sure you know how to unsubscribe if it's really a we 
used to sayDon't let the door slam you on the way out.

BTW, your mail client is still mis-configured.

Thom of the Baltimore Lexicon Web Hosting as low as 3.49/month
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2006-11-30 Thread Thom R LaCosta

Thom R LaCosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterance to the drakelist gang
Please DO NOT subscribe to the list using an address that ends with, 
since if the mailbox that it forwards to is full, or doesn't exist, I get bounce 
messages that are not helpful, since I really don't know the real address.

The same request goes for any forward to a mailbox address.

In a week or so, I will begin removing addresses that end with

Thanks for your consideration

73,Thom-k3hrn Home of QRP Web Ring, Drakelist home page,Drake Web Ring,
QRP IRC channel, Drake IRC Channel, Elecraft Owners Database  ***  Web Hosting as low as 3.49/month
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[drakelist] PS7 for other rigs

2006-10-30 Thread Thom R LaCosta

Thom R LaCosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterance to the drakelist gang
If anyone cares to forward a write-up. pictures and/or diagrams on the 
conversion/adpation of a PS7 for other rigs, I'll be happy to put it on

73,Thom-k3hrn Home of QRP Web Ring, Drakelist home page,Drake Web Ring,
QRP IRC channel, Drake IRC Channel, Elecraft Owners Database  ***  Web Hosting as low as 3.49/month
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[drakelist] Off Topic - QRP Site

2006-09-05 Thread Thom R LaCosta

Thom R LaCosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterance to the drakelist gang
If you are a QRP operator and would be interested in contributing content to a 
CMS based web site, please email me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]


73,Thom-k3hrn Home of QRP Web Ring, Drakelist home page,Drake Web Ring,
QRP IRC channel, Drake IRC Channel, Elecraft Owners Database  ***  Web Hosting as low as 3.49/month
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Re: [drakelist] Death trap on e-pay

2006-09-01 Thread Thom R LaCosta

Thom R LaCosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterance to the drakelist gang
On Thu, 31 Aug 2006, Ron Wagner wrote:

One would hope that he at least let the buyer know about what he has been 
told.  I would hope a life is worth more then a few buck.

But it's EBAY...let the buyer beware!

73,Thom-k3hrn Home of QRP Web Ring, Drakelist home page,Drake Web Ring,
QRP IRC channel, Drake IRC Channel, Elecraft Owners Database  ***  Web Hosting as low as 3.49/month
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Re: [drakelist] Test

2006-07-02 Thread Thom R LaCosta

Thom R LaCosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterance to the drakelist gang
On Sun, 2 Jul 2006, Donnie Garrett wrote:

Donnie Garrett [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterance to the drakelist gang
Test Message

You passed.

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Re: [drakelist] TEST MESSAGE

2006-06-07 Thread Thom R LaCosta

Thom R LaCosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterance to the drakelist gang
On Wed, 7 Jun 2006, J J Connelly wrote:

J J Connelly [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterance to the drakelist 

This is just a test mesage. Pse disregard.

But it was intriguing, I couldn't resist.

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Re: [drakelist] Drake A-twins FS - delayed echo?

2006-05-16 Thread Thom R LaCosta

Thom R LaCosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterance to the drakelist gang
On Tue, 16 May 2006, Al Parker wrote:

Al Parker [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterance to the drakelist gang
looks like we're getting a long delayed echo again.  This post
reappeared almost exactly 5 days after it was sent.

I checked the archives at

I see the original post from Thu, 11 May 2006 09:28:15 -0700
ANd then your post saying a long delay on Tue, 16 May 2006 05:36:54 -0700

sold, payment is in the mail.  I think there were a cupla others this AM
that were repeats, too.

I don't see anymaybe your ISP has stuff stuck in the cache.

73,Thom-k3hrn Home of QRP Web Ring, Drakelist home page,Drake Web Ring,
QRP IRC channel, Drake IRC Channel, Elecraft Owners Database  ***  Web Hosting as low as 3.49/month
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Re: [drakelist] Oh the humanity!

2006-04-20 Thread Thom R LaCosta

Thom R LaCosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterance to the drakelist gang
On Thu, 20 Apr 2006, john wrote:

john [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterance to the drakelist gang
Make a grown man cry

And the real tears will flow at the end of auction.

Ebay item:  9715412984

73,Thom-k3hrn Home of QRP Web Ring, Drakelist home page,Drake Web Ring,
QRP IRC channel, Drake IRC Channel, Elecraft Owners Database  ***  Web Hosting as low as 3.49/month
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Re: [drakelist] Oh the humanity!

2006-04-20 Thread Thom R LaCosta

Thom R LaCosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterance to the drakelist gang
On Thu, 20 Apr 2006, Joseph Reed wrote:

 I wish I had a C-4 for my C twins, but I can't imagine what happened to this 
poor unit.   Not only dented, missing the clock bezel, and I'd probally be 
shocked if I knew what those non-stock white appendages were.

Heyit's EPAY, and the sad part is that given to trend to sell anything at 
the highest price, body parts will be next.

But, and I will anger some, one might look at the EBAY price escalations as the 
natural reaction to the time-honored tradition of haggling for prices at ham 

Personally, I am really glad that I am neigther buying or selling ham gearas 
from what've seen, by and large it's become a tawdy activity.

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Re: [drakelist] re: Oh! The humanity!

2006-04-20 Thread Thom R LaCosta

Thom R LaCosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterance to the drakelist gang
On Thu, 20 Apr 2006, Karl Oyster, K1KO wrote:

Karl Oyster, K1KO [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterance to the drakelist gang
very close to it):  I'm selling some damaged gear for a friend who's in the 
middle of a divorce.  His wife got tired of his hobby and chose to show this 
by taking a sledge hammer to his shack.

Cheap price to ex nearly broke my arm with a piece of pipeand I 
got so mad I put my fist through a door panel..and guess who got taken away 
by the police ?

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[drakelist] The forums

2006-01-15 Thread Thom R LaCosta

Thom R LaCosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterance to the drakelist gang
Just a reminder that the is another drakelist communityit's at:

A lot of folks have posted technical questionsand they're not getting

Since there's a lot of tament on this list, I'm hoping some of the members
will take out dual citizenship in the Drake Communties and make them better.


73,Thom-k3hrn Home of QRP Web Ring, Drakelist home page,Drake Web Ring,
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[drakelist] FRAPPR-Get in the Ground Floor

2006-01-15 Thread Thom R LaCosta

Thom R LaCosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterance to the drakelist gang
Yes, I know...sounds like a commercial.

I discovered a site that is based on mapsit's set up so that one can create 
a map based on interest(drakelist), and when folks join the map, they can have 
their location on the map indicated with a push-pin, and they can upload their 
picture and even some comments.

I looked at it as a way to add a bit of personal flavor to our group, since the 
uploading of pictures allows us to see each other.

Please visit and add yourself.

You can look here to see another one I created that has some members:

73,Thom-k3hrn Home of QRP Web Ring, Drakelist home page,Drake Web Ring,
Free Classified Ads for amateur radio, QRP IRC channel, Drake IRC Channel,
Elecraft Owners Database  ***  Web Hosting as low as 3.49/month

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Re: [drakelist] List Problems

2006-01-14 Thread Thom R LaCosta

Thom R LaCosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterance to the drakelist gang
On Sat, 14 Jan 2006, richard radke wrote:

richard radke [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterance to the drakelist gang
A tip of the headphoneskeep up the awesome job Thom
Rick W9WS

Thanks...I wish I never had to be a a position where I got those
kinda messages.

I figure I have at least another day of fixing to do.

And, as luck would have it...the power outage happened right in the middle of 
the backup...and that's why I have to recreate things.

But, there's light at the end of the tunnel...when I finish this I might 
actually get an antenna up and get back on the air (g).

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Re: [drakelist] Digest mode

2006-01-08 Thread Thom R LaCosta

Thom R LaCosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterance to the drakelist gang
On Sun, 8 Jan 2006, Sterling Garwood wrote:

Sterling Garwood [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterance to the drakelist 

Is it possible to change my subscription to a once-a-day digest mode where 
all the Drakelist messages for a day are bundled and sent as one email?

Nopethe old, tired implimentation of majordomo on the server doesn't support 

73,Thom-k3hrn Home of QRP Web Ring, Drakelist home page,Drake Web Ring,
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Re: [drakelist] R-4B bandswitch lubrication

2006-01-07 Thread Thom R LaCosta

Thom R LaCosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterance to the drakelist gang
On Sat, 7 Jan 2006, Al Parker wrote:

   If all else fails, just mix the EverClear with your preferred mixer
and you'll soon forget it all.  (don't try it straight)

Visit an Italian Delicatessenthey usually have all sorts of great flavoring 
to give some flavor and color to the EverClear.

Perhaps we could start the DEKN(Drake Everclear Key Night)...if you can copy the 
exchange, you're disqualified.

73,Thom-k3hrn Home of QRP Web Ring, Drakelist home page,Drake Web Ring,
Free Classified Ads for amateur radio, QRP IRC channel, Drake IRC Channel,
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[drakelist] Happy New Year

2006-01-01 Thread Thom R LaCosta

Thom R LaCosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterance to the drakelist gang
Hope that all have a very happy and healthy New Year

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Re: [drakelist] Re: OT: ARRL digital technology

2005-12-18 Thread Thom R LaCosta

Thom R LaCosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterance to the drakelist gang
On Sun, 18 Dec 2005, Al Parker wrote:

   I still say that if you tuned across 40m(for example) not long ago,
you'd find more CW sigs than SSB sigs, probably depends a bit on time of
day.  Now it's hard to find the FISTS, golowbugs, etc., who used to hang
out around 7050 -60 I think.

I guess the days of finding quiet spaces for CW are gone...after all, it's
a mode that is no longer used much.

There was a very interesting article in World Radio about a conflict between a 
CW net and an RTTY contest.

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[drakelist] drake web ring

2005-12-07 Thread Thom R LaCosta

Thom R LaCosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterance to the drakelist gang
Just a sharp stick in the eye to remind you that if you have a web site with 
Drake material on it, you can add it to the drake web ring.

It's easy enough to do, and requires insertion of html code on one page in your 
site...the one that folks will land on when the ring sends them there.

Of course, you could stay in the stand alone mode and wait for the world to beat 
a path to your door because you have a superior site, unique information or a

winning personality.

Thom of the Baltimore Lexicon Web Hosting as low as 3.49/month
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[drakelist] Drake Web Ring

2005-11-30 Thread Thom R LaCosta

Thom R LaCosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterance to the drakelist gang
The Drake web ring is now operational.  It's a great way to have your 
drake-related site get more exposure and share your information with other Drake 

You can get information and join the ring by visiting

Some of you have written to me, and I hope this answers the questions:

A. Any web site that have information about Drake gear can join the ring
B. Once you register for the ring, you will receive via your web browser
   and in email, the html code that must be placed on your page.  The code
   allows a viewer to visit other sites in the ring.
C. The code should be placed on the page that you list with the ring...
   This insures that when a viewer comes to your site via the ring, they
   see the drake information...OR a link to it.
   You have a site called, because you sell used shoes.  On that
   site, you have a page called shoelessdrakes.html  That page has no link
   on the main pageso you would register with the web ring and place
   the webring code there.
   You have a site called, with a BIG button that says
   My Drake modifications on the main page that links to mydrakemods.html
   You could register either page with the webring, since the viewer
   can easily see the Drake information.
   The no-braineryou have a site called
   It's all about Drake gear, so you register that and place the html
   code on the index page.
D. When you register, I get an email, once I verify that the code has
   been placed on your page, and that it is Drake related...I kick the
   server, the gnomes and gremlins shift electrons and your site is
   added to the web ring.
E. The web ring has a built in search engine, much like you
   put in key words and descriptions that describe your page/site when
   you register.  One of the keywords I put in my entry is
   drakemod.  You can test the engine by searching the ring for drakemod.

I hope that those who have sites/pages join the ring and those who do not
benefit from finding Drake Information.

73,Thom-k3hrn Home of QRP Web Ring, Drakelist home page,Drake Web Ring,
Free Classified Ads for amateur radio, QRP IRC channel,Elecraft Owners Database  ***  Web Hosting as low as 3.49/month
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[drakelist] Drake Web Ring

2005-11-28 Thread Thom R LaCosta

Thom R LaCosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterance to the drakelist gang
Based on the number of replies, it looks like the drake web ring makes sense

Let me beat one into submission and I'll post an announcementthose that want 
to join will be able to do it via the web and receive the html code that is 
required to add to your page.

Thanks guys!

73,Thom-k3hrn Home of QRP Web Ring, Drakelist home page,
Free Classified Ads for amateur radio, QRP IRC channel
Elecraft Owners Database  ***  Web Hosting as low as 3.49/month
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[drakelist] Web Site Owners

2005-11-27 Thread Thom R LaCosta

Thom R LaCosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterance to the drakelist gang
If you have a web site that has drake related material, I'd like you to consider 
joining a web ring dedicated to Drake equipment.

The idea behind the ring is that the code that you add to your pages allows
viewers to find other drake-related sites.

You can visit
to see what I've set up for QRP-related web pages.

If you would like to be part of the drake web ring, email me and if there are 
enough folks, I'll set one up.

THis web ring is NOT part of or yahoo, so you wou won't get plagued 
with email, offers, browbeating, etc.

Thom of the Baltimore Lexicon Web Hosting as low as 3.49/month
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[drakelist] RF Safety

2005-11-16 Thread Thom R LaCosta

Thom R LaCosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterance to the drakelist gang

Thom of the Baltimore Lexicon Web Hosting as low as 3.49/month
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[drakelist] Drake B1000 Balun

2005-11-11 Thread Thom R LaCosta

Thom R LaCosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterance to the drakelist gang
Thanks to Don WB5HAK, we now have a Drake supplied drawing of the B1000 balun on
the web site:

There's and option on that page and on the main page to sign up for email
notifications when the pages are updated.

If you have hints, fixes, drawings, etc, that you want to share with the Drake
community, feel free to email them to me,,,I'll be happy to put them up on
the web site.

73,Thom-k3hrn Home of QRP Web Ring, Drakelist home page,
Free Classified Ads for amateur radio, QRP IRC channel
Elecraft Owners Database  ***  Web Hosting as low as 3.49/month
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Re: [drakelist] ARRL handbook wanted, circa 1975

2005-11-06 Thread Thom R LaCosta

Thom R LaCosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterance to the drakelist gang
On Sun, 6 Nov 2005, Gary Poland wrote:

 The Drake Technical Net meets at 2000Z Sundays on 7238 +/- the county 
hunters. I dont know where we will end up today. Listen for Jeff WA8SAJ net 
control for today.

The drakelist website has information on the net

...although it mentions the 
Rotten Apple Net and not County Huntersif you want me to make changes,

just email the new copy.

Also, you might want to consider posting a list of checkins for each net
either on this list, or at the webbased forum at

If the postings were on a regular basis, I'd be happy to setup a seperate
forum for the net.

I'm stressing the web site because in my experience there are a large number of 
folks who do NOT subscribe to mailing lists, and they miss a lot of information, 
simply because many folks who use the mailing lists don't use the web-based 

Ohwhile I'm at it, don't forget that for real time conversations that are 
not RF based(great for trouble-shooting, DX, etc.) there's the IRC based

drakelist chat system at

And of course there are the webbased databases for service tips and
parts sources, also located at

The resources are's simply a matter of the members of the community 
making use of them.

73,Thom-k3hrn Home of QRP Web Ring, Drakelist home page,
Free Classified Ads for amateur radio, QRP IRC channel
Elecraft Owners Database  ***  Web Hosting as low as 3.49/month
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[drakelist] Lost subscibers

2005-11-06 Thread Thom R LaCosta

Thom R LaCosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterance to the drakelist gang
The list lost a LOT of subscribers today because I got tied of the bounce 

Seems a lot of the bounces come from earthlink and AOL

So...if you're still on the list and use AOL or Earthlink, you may want to
get a freebee address somewhere else.

Thom of the Baltimore Lexicon Web Hosting as low as 3.49/month
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[drakelist] Share the Technical Wealth

2005-10-25 Thread Thom R LaCosta

Thom R LaCosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterance to the drakelist gang
Of of the great things about this list is the amoun t of information available 
and the willingness to the list members to share.

Tom Taylor's description of fabricating a replacement VOX Relay Plug is an 
example to how sharing the technical weatlth can keep the Drakes humming.

With Tom's permission, his information and a picture of his plus is now at

If you have information you think might be of interest to other drake owners...
send it over and I'll be happy to include it on the web pagethere are
folks who aren't members of this list who might benefit from your knowledge.

Thom k3hrn of the Baltimore Lexicon Web Hosting as low as 3.49/month
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RE: [drakelist] Drake L-4/L-7 Power Supply Board

2005-09-29 Thread Thom R LaCosta

Thom R LaCosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterance to the drakelist gang
On Thu, 29 Sep 2005,  wrote:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterance to the drakelist gang

Sorry for all the posts.  My computer went nutz for awhile

Better the computer than the operator.

If it were me, I wouldn't have been able to blame the computer.

Crazy as __ fill in the blacks of the Baltimore Lexicon Web Hosting as low as 3.49/month
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Re: [drakelist] L4/L7 power supply upgrade pcb

2005-09-28 Thread Thom R LaCosta

Thom R LaCosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterance to the drakelist gang
On Wed, 28 Sep 2005, Mike Bryce wrote:

Well pete got around to doing the instruction for the power supply upgrade.

if anyone wants to get a copy, let me know and I will email it to you

be advised, it is a 2meg file

Wow...what is it, a PDF?

Please send me a copy...If I can whittel it down in size I'll put it one the web 

73,Thom-k3hrn Home of QRP Web Ring, Drakelist home page,
Free Classified Ads for amateur radio, QRP IRC channel
Elecraft Owners Database  ***  Web Hosting as low as 3.49/month
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[drakelist] Tee antenna

2005-09-03 Thread Thom R LaCosta

Thom R LaCosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterance to the drakelist gang
Does anyone have any practical experience with a folded Tee antenna for HF?


73,Thom-k3hrn Home of QRP Web Ring, Drakelist home page,
Free Classified Ads for amateur radio, QRP IRC channel
Elecraft Owners Database  ***  Web Hosting as low as 3.49/month
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Re: [drakelist] Latency

2005-08-12 Thread Thom R LaCosta

Thom R LaCosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterance to the drakelist gang
On Fri, 12 Aug 2005, Thom R LaCosta wrote:

Thom R LaCosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterance to the drakelist gang
On Fri, 12 Aug 2005, Bob Henderson wrote:

I find the posting latency of the drakelist to be about 2 hours.  This is
way longer than any other list I subscribe to.  With most lists my posts 

mailed back to me in a matter of minutes.  I'm wondering why things take so
long on this list.  Is every post individually moderated before acceptance?

The list is not moderated...the latency may be due to gnomes and gremlins in 
the server, the fact that it's not optimized for mailing lists or a number of 
other factors.

Interesting10 minutes latency from Maryland to Texas to Maryland.

Thom of the Baltimore Lexicon Web Hosting as low as 3.49/month
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Re: [drakelist] Latency

2005-08-12 Thread Thom R LaCosta

Thom R LaCosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterance to the drakelist gang
On Fri, 12 Aug 2005, Bob Henderson wrote:

Bob Henderson [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterance to the drakelist gang

Thanks for your explanation.  I can readily accept the idea of gnomes and
gremlins in the server as the likely cause.  I'm beginning to think I have a
few in my R-4C.  Do you think the condition might be contagious?

I'm not sure about the contagion part.but I can tell you that when I was in 
the computer rental business, we used clones...and people would ask who made the 

I used to tel them GGwhich satisfied most folks.  One day, some customer
asked What does GG stand for..and with a perfectly straight face, I told 
her Gnomes and Gremlins.

The was a loud noise as one technician carrying in a computer dropped in on the 
floor since he was so busy supressing a laugh that he simply doubled over and 
dropped the unit.

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[drakelist] [QRP-L] ARRL BOD (fwd)

2005-08-09 Thread Thom R LaCosta

Thom R LaCosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterance to the drakelist gang
Please read this email very carefully...

If you value your Amateur Radio activities and feel that you need to be 
represented before the FCC, there is information here that should

make you wake up and smell the coffee.

I'm hoping each member of the list will take the advice offered here to
heart and act accordingly.

Thom of the Baltimore Lexicon Web Hosting as low as 3.49/month

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Tue, 9 Aug 2005 09:59:18 -0500 (EST)
Subject: [QRP-L] ARRL BOD

Hey gang;

As you all know from reading some of my postings here on qrp-l, I have
been making contact with BOD members as I can.

Yesterday in particular I made contact with one of them that for reasons
which will shortly become obvious; I cannot tell you exactly whom. At
least one other ham on this list is aware of which Director I am speaking
about, and that is to keep me honest so to speak. (I simply will not
divulge his name, so do not bother asking.)

Anyways it is much worse than I could have imagined.

This director thought he was voting to increase voice bandwidth as he both
wrote and later in a telephone conversation confirmed his viewpoint: that
there was a current limit of 2.7 kHz for voice communications on the ham
bands by FCC rules ! And he wanted that increased to 3.5 kHz to help the
hi-fi voice users get what they want !! No I am not kidding. This was his
*primary* reason for voting on this measure.

FURTHER, this director apologized for making a mistake about this, but he
wanted me to understand that he was human and entitled to make mistakes.
Sadly, he did not see that being a BOD member required him to both study
and take the time to make sure he did not make any such mistakes.

He had NO IDEA about much else that was going on concerning this proposal.
He also did not understand where the proposal originated, thinking it to
be *singularly* the *recent* work of the EC (Executive Committee) formed
late last year. HE had not heard about the previous Ad-Hoc Committee that
Skip Teller, KH6TY had left or the results of that earlier committee's
work. He obviously thought concerns that the earlier committee was
dominated by singular viewpoints, most notably about Winlink were
unfounded. He also was not aware of the support to and from the ARRL and
the company that sells Winlink.

When asked he thought that the BOD members had ample opportunity to review
this proposal as he was able to talk to Executive Committee members and
other BOD members during breaks and the night before the voting. - The
most far reaching proposal the ARRL BOD has voted affirmatively on in the
last decade, perhaps ever, and this was deemed to be sufficient time for
consideration by this director.

This BOD member also felt that the EC was a sufficient source for
information it the proposal that was put forward BY the EC for BOD
consideration. This director said he got a lot of email, too much to go
through, so he depended on the EC for technical appraisal. This director
was very forthcoming that he did not have any engineering background.

This director had no idea of how this ARRL Proposal had all the
earmarkings of representing a paradigm shift in radio regulations for
amateurs. He also felt limiting bandwidth to 3.5 kHz for voice users was
enough, as anything someone might want to do could be accomplished in that
amount. When asked he could not tell me how much bandwidth an AM station
used. He obviously had similar difficulty answering other technically
based questions.

Also he admitted that he had not taken any time to read up on this
proposal from outside of the EC and/or BOD circles he depends on for

There was more to my conversation with this BOD member, but I am writing
this to you all because I agree that it is time for YOU to contact the BOD
members if you have strong feelings on this matter. And please do not stop
with just your own Director. These ten guys are representing the several
100 thousands of ham radio operators in the US because of the cache the
ARRL represents to the FCC. More to the point: If other BOD members feel
that they can be allowed to represent us by ignoring their email,
depending on an even smaller group of bureaucrats called the Executive
Committee for information, not paying attention to qualified outside input
and our diverse viewpoints, and making important decisions with a minimal
amount of discussion; then gentlemen we are in big trouble. And if not
now, eventually.

It is up to YOU to let ALL of the BOD members know that such cavalier
behavior by YOUR representatives is NOT acceptable. Tell then that YOU
want them to go back to the drawing board and seek out membership opinions
on this and ANY other

Re: [drakelist] ARRL Band Plan using bandwidth (fwd)

2005-08-06 Thread Thom R LaCosta

Thom R LaCosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterance to the drakelist gang
On Sat, 6 Aug 2005, Don and Diana Cunningham wrote:

Was glad to see that our West Gulf Division is represented by a good Okie 
that voted the RIGHT way, hi.  I emailed thanking him anyway.  If he 
responds, and Coy likely will, I will share any comments.

Thanksand you're lucky!

Thom of the Baltimore Lexicon Web Hosting as low as 3.49/month
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[drakelist] OT-Another Approach to Communicating with the FCC (fwd)

2005-08-04 Thread Thom R LaCosta

Thom R LaCosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterance to the drakelist gang
In a recent discussion on another list, the question of the increase in PACTOR
stations heard surfaced.

One of the list members made a comment:
On Thu, 4 Aug 2005, Terry Myers wrote:

If the ARRL goes ahead with their current band plan this will become common 

My comment is belowand for those of you that think we can let the ARRL 
protect us, when, in fact, they are subverting Amateur Radio, might want to

look at the web page at the end of this message.

We'r not the only folks faced with FCC issuesbut unlike the ARRL, there are
groups that not only seem to take up the cause for their members, but also
encourage them to contact the FCC.

The link below is a copy of an email I received from an inductry group...while
it doesn't address Amateur Radio will show you what  an umbrella
group can do...and perhaps give you insight into an issue that may affect each 
one of us that purchases internet access.

Now, back to regular, let's let the League Sell Us Out mode.
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[drakelist] The EBAY Thread

2005-07-27 Thread Thom R LaCosta

Thom R LaCosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterance to the drakelist gang
I think it's time for the ebay thread to die.  Please feel free to use the Web 
Based forum to continue the 


73,Thom-k3hrn Home of QRP Web Ring, Drakelist home page,
Free Classified Ads for amateur radio, QRP IRC channel
Elecraft Owners Database  ***  Web Hosting as low as 3.49/month
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Re: [drakelist] collector

2005-07-23 Thread Thom R LaCosta

Thom R LaCosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterance to the drakelist gang
On Sat, 23 Jul 2005, Ron Wagner wrote:

then.  But since about 3-5 years ago the auction sites have made the hobby 
much less enjoyable.  It wouldn't even be so bad if the descriptions were not 
fraudulent.  I bought a whole box of tubes that were new old stock with 
writing on the boxes saying what was wrong with each tube.  That was my last 
e-bay purchase.  Oh, and e-bay was useless in helping me.

Which is one of the reasons that I allow for sale posts, in moderation, here and 
have the online classifieds.

But that too is getting polluted, as I suspect some of the posts here about 
items for sale are from folks in the business.

73,Thom-k3hrn Home of QRP Web Ring, Drakelist home page,
Free Classified Ads for amateur radio, QRP IRC channel
Elecraft Owners Database  ***  Web Hosting as low as 3.49/month
On Behalf of Thom R LaCosta [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [drakelist] collector

2005-07-23 Thread Thom R LaCosta

Thom R LaCosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterance to the drakelist gang
On Sat, 23 Jul 2005, Eric Webner wrote:

Regarding the boxes for sale, I had to check it out myself. The incredible 
thing is, someone has actually bid on it!

Most likely someone figures that spending money on real drake boxes will allow 
them to rape even more efficiently when their item descirption reads Original 

Thom of the Baltimore Lexicon Web Hosting as low as 3.49/month
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[drakelist] Rules of the Road

2005-07-02 Thread Thom R LaCosta

Thom R LaCosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterance to the drakelist gang
  Wecome to The DrakeList ListServer !

   This list is maintained by K3HRN, who can be reached at

   General Information
RULES OF THE ROAD (July 2, 2005)

1. Unless it's absolutely required to make the message clear, do NOT
quote the original message in total, no one needs the extra bandwidth.
2. Do NOT attach files to you messages to the list.  If what you have is
of interest to a large number of list members, send it to the list
owner for posting on the web site.
3. While notices of items for sale can be posted, this list is NOT to be
  used to market auction items.
4. This list does not allow subscriptions from forwarded email addresses.
  If you have subscribed from this type of address(,,, etc.), please unsubscribe and subscribe from an account
  that is not forwarded.

Subcription/unsubscription/info requests should always be sent to

Our list is called .

To subscribe to the  mailinglist, simply send a message with the words
subscribe drakelist in the body of the message to

   Subject: subscribe
   Body of message  subscribe drakelist

To unsubscribe from the drakelist, simply send a message to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] with the words unsubscribe drakelist
in the body of the message.

   Subject: unsubscribe
   Body of the message unsubscribe drakelist

In the event of an address change, it would probably be the wisest to
first send an unsubscribe for the old address (this can be done from the
new address), and then a new subscribe for the new address

Most (un)subscription requests are processed automatically without human

Do not send multiple (un)subscription or info requests in one mail.  Only
one will be processed per mail.

NOTE: The -request server usually does quite a good job in discriminating
 between (un)subscribe requests and messages intended for the

 If you no longer have access to the original address you used to
 subscribe to the list, please send email to:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] requesting that your old address be

5. MIME Encloded Messages:
   Our list doesn't appreciate MIME encoded messages.  The biggest problem is
   how do we set up our mail clients to NOT send messages in that fashion.  has a lot of current information on the
   subject.  If you've ever been asked to turn off the mime, and not sure
   how to...this is the link.


   Please feel free to post your For Sale and Want to buy messages to the
   list, as long as:

   They are not directing us to participate in an Ebay or other Auction
   They are not written in such a way to create a bidding situation in this
   mailing list.

   It should go without saying or regulating  the For Sale and Want To Buy
   messages on this list are based on the premise that the list members have
   an interest in Drake Equipment, and the posting of the messages offer a
   service to other members of the list.

   Those that cross a T and dot an i will ponder whether or not a post about
   the value of a piece of drake gear is acceptable.  In most instances it is
   - unless of course the poster is being real slick, asking a question about
   the value of something that he/she has listed on E-Bay.

   For those that want a more widely viewed forum, please feel free to use
   the classified ad system on the Drake Website.


A web based archive of the Drakelist may be accessed at


The Drakelist Web Site is

The site has classified ads for Drake, the online database,
home page registry, a new web based forum and many more features.

Thom K3HRN

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[drakelist] With Egg on Face

2005-06-15 Thread Thom R LaCosta

Thom R LaCosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterance to the drakelist gang
For those of you that have sent mail to the listand had it returned, let me 
extend my apologies.  My fat fingers, bad eyes and working on the server at 230 
AM when I went to sleep at 2330 hours the night before lead to a typo in a 
configuration file.

For those that didn't get any bounces, you now know why you didn't get any 

73,Thom-k3hrn Home of QRP Web Ring, Drakelist home page,
Free Classified Ads for amateur radio, QRP IRC channel
Elecraft Owners Database  Web Hosting as low as 3.49/month
On Behalf of Thom R LaCosta [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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RE: [drakelist] Call Sign Survey

2005-05-31 Thread Thom R LaCosta

Thom R LaCosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterance to the drakelist gang
On Tue, 31 May 2005, Chuck Wyatt wrote:

I don't regret it, but I miss my old call.  I think that's normal and
nostalgic.  I have to remember not to ID with the old call that my
brain has encoded for so many years!!

I had gone off the air for yearslong enought to loose my original call sign 
and the second call sign I had when going to school in Michigan,

So when I took the test and became didn't take too many qsos of 
signing with my old k3hrn call or the 8 call sign to pay the money.

Besides, too many people knew me as Hot Rotten and Nasty.

Guess what?  The only way I can recall the new call is too look k3hrn up in 
one of the databases to see what it was (g).

73,Thom-k3hrn Home of QRP Web Ring, Drakelist home page,
Free Classified Ads for amateur radio, QRP IRC channel
Elecraft Owners Database  Web Hosting as low as 3.49/month
On Behalf of Thom R LaCosta [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[drakelist] More on Webbeacons and other Crud

2005-05-23 Thread Thom R LaCosta

Thom R LaCosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterance to the drakelist gang
Thanks to MarshallEmm, there's some more information on the Yahoo Webbeacons and 
a link to a site that might convince you to dump Yahoo.

Tony Fishpool from the QRP list had a good suggestion on getting rid of popup 
crud...and there's a link to that information in the webbeacon page.

73,Thom-k3hrn Home of QRP Web Ring, Drakelist home page,
Free Classified Ads for amateur radio, QRP IRC channel
Elecraft Owners Database  Web Hosting as low as 3.49/month
On Behalf of Thom R LaCosta [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [drakelist] TR4CW/RIT

2005-05-22 Thread Thom R LaCosta

Thom R LaCosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterance to the drakelist gang
On Sun, 22 May 2005, Mike Williams wrote:

Just in case you have an extra bag of cash lying around; some guy on e-bay is 
starting a TR4CW/RIT at $1299.00!

And the sad part is that there may be some fool that will buy it for that price. 
Just being grumpy, but as far as I can tell, EBAY and the greed of the 
participants has damaged amateur radio.

But, it's all academicsince The League is solidly behind Winlink.

May not be too long before the only way you'll be able to enjoy ham raio is to 
be on your sailboat using a proprietary mode that requires equipment made by one 

I don't think the future is bright at all for those of us that do simple things 
like cw and ssb.

73,Thom-k3hrn Home of QRP Web Ring, Drakelist home page,
Free Classified Ads for amateur radio, QRP IRC channel
Elecraft Owners Database  Web Hosting as low as 3.49/month
On Behalf of Thom R LaCosta [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [drakelist] TR4CW/RIT

2005-05-22 Thread Thom R LaCosta

Thom R LaCosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterance to the drakelist gang
On Sun, 22 May 2005, Dr. Al Link wrote:


What's nonsense?  THe fact that The League has sold us out?

The future of ham radio could not be brighter.

I would disagree with you...

Ham radio is what we make it. If you don't like what you see going on, get 
involved and change it. It is up to you, not some dude at the ARRL or in 
Congress. Depend on neither!

Perhaps I'm missing something...but the ARRL officially represents Amateur 
Radio, and Congress enacts laws that regulate it.

So, if interacting with those folks ain;t gonna do it, I guess I could drive to 
the FCC and lobby them.

73,Thom-k3hrn Home of QRP Web Ring, Drakelist home page,
Free Classified Ads for amateur radio, QRP IRC channel
Elecraft Owners Database  Web Hosting as low as 3.49/month
On Behalf of Thom R LaCosta [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [drakelist] TR4CW/RIT

2005-05-22 Thread Thom R LaCosta

Thom R LaCosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterance to the drakelist gang
On Sun, 22 May 2005, Gary Poland wrote:

Gary Poland [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterance to the drakelist gang
Its obvious the government is pushing BPLits just a matter of time
before the hobby is gone as we once new it anyway.

Between BPL and Winlink, I think you're right.

Then older HF ham
equipment will once again become very reasonable and the  big money  
sellers on Ebay with have to find jobs.

Hey, reasonable prices for gear that you can't use sounds perfectly logical to 

Right now I'm trying to figure out what the ARRL will doas BPL and Winlink
drives us off the air, the membership dues should decrease.

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[drakelist] Re: Subscription and Digest?

2005-05-20 Thread Thom R LaCosta
Thom R LaCosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterance to the drakelist gang
On Fri, 20 May 2005, Kenneth Lopez wrote:
First a plea for Digest Mode.   Please!
I don;t think the way majordomo is installed in this server allows digest 

Should I do this manually via the link below ( think I know the answer to 
that), or is there an automatic process I can avail myself of?
Do it manually
Really enjoy the list!  See you in a couple of weeks!
Cool...I'll try to figure out the digest problem.
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Re: [drakelist] Free Ham Ads

2005-05-15 Thread Thom R LaCosta
Thom R LaCosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterance to the drakelist gang
On Sat, 14 May 2005, Michael wrote:
Michael [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterance to the drakelist gang
Well, you know, right now I don't have anything to sell, but when I do I am 
going to put it up on Thoms list.
Well, if you do, then you'll be able to keep it(g)
Yes, it is funny how entire countries get banned, HI. I guess Arnie must have 
spelled the bay place with all caps or something.   :-)
That other list some times gets me laughing.the last time it was set up for 
manual postingI created a list for fox huntsnot that I participate...but 
I thought the guys that did would want immediate mail.

Low and behold, as soon as that was done, the other list came off manual only 
posting. Strikes me that it may be a fairly fat cash cow.

There's some ad on TV that pokes fun of businesses that offer unrelated Pizza and Pet Grooming, or Plumbing and Flight 
Lessonsevery time I see it, I'm reminded of some of the lists I'm onand
some of the off topic posts I make(g).

Thom of the Baltimore Lexicon Web Hosting as low as 3.49/month
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Re: [drakelist] Free Ham Ads

2005-05-14 Thread Thom R LaCosta
Thom R LaCosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterance to the drakelist gang
On Sat, 14 May 2005, Jim W7RY wrote:
Jim W7RY [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterance to the drakelist gang
Lets see... That site that begs for $$  has 3895 ads.
Your site has... 2
Which one would you use?  Ever think about starting a site to compete with 
Thanks Jim...And you do realize that if one mentioned the word EBAY on that 
server, one can get deleted from the list...or that if one is from certain 
countries, then one can't post to the list.

I'm very surprized that someone with such a keen sense of the power of numbers
might even be subscribed to a low volume mailing list.
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Re: [drakelist] Re: T-4XC Parts List

2005-04-18 Thread Thom R Lacosta
Thom R Lacosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterence to the drakelist gang
On Mon, 18 Apr 2005, Rick May wrote:
Rick May [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterence to the drakelist gang
Hi All,
  I am working with Garey, K4OAH,  on getting the four page parts list 
scanned  to post for downloading.  He will let you know when it is available 
to retrieve.
You can also send it here if you'd likeI'll be happy to have it up on the 
drakelist web siteand any material that folks would like to have 
availablespace and bandwidth on the server are not a problem.

73,Thom-k3hrn Home of QRP Web Ring, Drakelist home page,
Free Classified Ads for amateur radio, QRP IRC channel
Elecraft Owners Database  Web Hosting as low as 3.49/month
On Behalf of Thom R Lacosta [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[drakelist] (OT) Latest Band Grab Plan

2005-04-04 Thread Thom R. Lacosta
Thom R. Lacosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterence to the drakelist 
I'm taking the liberty to post the information below because it involves each
one of us that use amateur frequencies.
Please read it carefully, and if you feel the points made are valid, then 
contact the ARRL HQ and your Division Director.  Even if you are NOT a member
of ARRL your comments are important.

Winlink wants YOUR frequencies!
Not satisfied with dominating the 3.8% of the HF ham frequencies set aside by 
the FCC for wideband unattended operations, Winlink, for the sole benefit of
their  less-than-1% of the US hams, is now pressuring the ARRL to take away
frequencies used for contesting, Dxing,ragchewing, experimentation, and
award-chasing, and make those additional frequencies available for Winlink
to dominate with their unattended email robots.

If you have ever had your CW or PSK31 QSO trampled by a Pactor station when
you were already on the frequency, or you do not want this to happen to you in 
the future, then youMUST email Dave Sumner, CEO, at [EMAIL PROTECTED] and
tell him the following without delay!

1. That you do NOT agree to give up any frequencies outside of the present FCC 
sub-bands for automatically controlled digital station operations,
INCLUDING the Executive Committee's intention to increase the space on the
30 meter FCC sub-bands, where unattended wideband digital operations are already 
allowed (and already dominated by Winlink), by 33%, because 30m is already a 
SMALL band and a band that has to be SHARED with commercial services.

2. That you DO NOT BELIEVE that unattended or so-called semi-automatic Winlink 
operations will not dominate any frequencies they publish, SINCE THEY DO ALREADY,
even though they claim to have activity detection already in the modems they 
use. That the claim of activity detection is a false promise in order to get 
the ARRL to petition the FCC to take away spectrum from everyone else for the 
increased convenience of the 5100 Winlink users, who mainly use ham radio as a
way to get remote email access to the Internet, and not for communications.

everyone else has demonstrated time and time again that even the
operator-controlled Winlink  Pactor stations don't care if a frequency is busy 
(because they can easily take it away), in their passion to get their email
from the Internet, so they MUST NOT BE ALLOWED to mix with hams trying

4. That you do NOT agree that more space should be allocated to unattended 
phone-width DIGITAL operations because the phone bands are already overcrowded with
hams trying to talk to each other, and any re-allocation to make more room for 
phone-width signals should only be used for analog or digital voice that will benefit
99% of the hams instead of the less-than-1% that Winlink represents.

5. That there is no spectrum that can be taken away from where CW and 
person-to-person digital communications like RTTY, PSK31 and MFSK16 are used for ragchewing, 
Dxing, and contesting.

6. That ham radio is a HOBBY, not a quasi-commercial email service as Winlink 
and that ham radio, from the very beginning, has always been mainly about hams
communicating with other hams, and not about being used for unattended email 
gateways to
the Internet, mostly for a few sailors, because the FCC Maritime Radio  
Frequencies were set
aside for that purpose and are underused.
7. That all unattended wideband digital operations, of any type, MUST be 
confined to the current sub-bands for automatically controlled digital stations, and not allowed 
to use any frequency they wish just in order to avoid having to wait a short time for a clear
frequency in the sub-bands.

Here is the Winlink bulletin that was posted on their servers:

VERY IMPORTANT Update, March 23, 2005
Recently, we asked that all Winlink users write to the ARRL to save our
Winlink wideband (Pactor 3) operations on the 30 meter band. The ARRL had
just recommended the deletion of such operations on that band for all US
licensed Amateurs. Our users did respond to the request for opinions, and as
a result, the ARRL Executive Committee has now rescinded their original
recommendation to delete wideband digital operations on 30 meters.
Once again, we are asking you to write to David Sumner at
[EMAIL PROTECTED], and request the following:
1. That bandwidth space be expanded for digital modes above 500 Hz, and that
semi-automatic operations be allowed outside the current very restricted
sub-bands. Semi-automatic operations are always initiated by human beings
who are capable of listening before they transmit.
2. That because sophisticated signal detection is planned for the Winlink
2000 semi-automatic operations, the unattended receiving

[drakelist] Comments on Winlink

2005-04-04 Thread Thom R. Lacosta
Thom R. Lacosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterence to the drakelist 
If you do comment ref winlink and give me permission, I will post the comments
on the web site.
Time is short, and I won;t be able to work on it til this eveningbut your 
comments ARE important.

If you run into other folksthey can view the information at
Thom of the Baltimore Lexicon Web Hosting as low as 3.49/month
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Re: Fwd: [drakelist] FS-4 --$$$$

2005-03-13 Thread Thom R. Lacosta
Thom R. Lacosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterence to the drakelist 
OK Folks
The backbiting, name calling and arguments over the Frequency Synthesizer, the 
relative merits of older versus newer technology and general list nastiness is
really off topic.

I can suggest several lists hosted on a popular web server that begs for money 
that are not very well moderated where you can move these discussions.  They are
also off-topic there, but you can get away with it.

While I'm at it.this list does NOT need any wanna-be moderators.  If what 
you see on the lists posted from someone else gets your shorts all balled up...
complain to them, to me, to them and me, but NOT to the entire list.

73,Thom-k3hrn Home of QRP Web Ring, Drakelist home page,
Free Classified Ads for amateur radio, QRP IRC channel
Elecraft Owners Database  Web Hosting as low as 3.49/month
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RE: [drakelist] List Outage

2005-03-12 Thread Thom R. Lacosta
Thom R. Lacosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterence to the drakelist 
On Sat, 12 Mar 2005, Richard Bell wrote:
Richard Bell [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterence to the drakelist gang
At the risk of sounding foolish (not usually an issue), do we Drake
owners/supporters/fans need to help you offset the cost of upgrades and a
different ISP?
No, but it's a nice thought.  The list is hosted on my serverthe ISP I 
mentioned is the one that I use at home to connect to the Internet.

73,Thom-k3hrn Home of QRP Web Ring, Drakelist home page,
Free Classified Ads for amateur radio, QRP IRC channel
Elecraft Owners Database  Web Hosting as low as 3.49/month
On Behalf of Thom R. Lacosta [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[drakelist] List Outage

2005-03-11 Thread Thom R. Lacosta
Thom R. Lacosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterence to the drakelist gang
Sorry if the list has been acting up today.  I installed some spam filtering on 
the server and had to beat sendmail into submission to make the list work again.

In the proces I find that one of my local ISPs(the one that offers free dialup 
connections) is blockedso until I figure out how to allow that one in...I'm 
using a different ISP that charges money!

73,Thom-k3hrn Home of QRP Web Ring, Drakelist home page,
Free Classified Ads for amateur radio, QRP IRC channel
Elecraft Owners Database  Web Hosting as low as 3.49/month
On Behalf of Thom R. Lacosta [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [drakelist] unsubscribe drakelist

2005-02-28 Thread Thom R. Lacosta
Thom R. Lacosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterence to the drakelist 
On Mon, 28 Feb 2005, F3WT wrote:
F3WT [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterence to the drakelist gang
unsubscribe drakelist
If you look at the bottem of each message from the list, it tells you how
to unsubscribe from the list.
Thom of the Baltimore Lexicon Web Hosting as low as 3.49/month
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Re: [drakelist] 40m net ?

2005-02-20 Thread Thom R. Lacosta
Thom R. Lacosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterence to the drakelist 
On Sun, 20 Feb 2005, Rich Wilkerson wrote:
Sorry I missed this net.. what time is it held ??
The drakelist web site shows:
Effective October 27, 2002
Enthusiasts interested in discussing Drake radios, needing help with problems or 
looking for parts sources are invited to join the 40 Meter Drake Technical Net 
on Sunday afternoons at 3 PM Eastern Time.   The Drake net meets on 7.238 mhz 
immediately after the Rotten Apple net closes and generally runs for 60 to 90 

If there's a change, I'll update the web pageand if the Net Control sends me 
a weekly update(how many checkins, etc., I'll post that too.

My expereience is  that there are a number of web page folks that aren;t on
\the listso you might get some more participants if we advertise the net 
on the web page.

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Re: [drakelist] Why the big delay posting emails?

2005-02-17 Thread Thom R. Lacosta
Thom R. Lacosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterence to the drakelist 
On Thu, 17 Feb 2005, Garey Barrell wrote:
Personally, it doesn't matter to me.  There are enough of each type now that 
I have to look before sending, so I can do whatever I want.
One would think that folks who can operate amateur radio equipment with all of 
its complications could handle the different forms of replying to emails.

73,Thom-k3hrn Home of QRP Web Ring, Drakelist home page,
Free Classified Ads for amateur radio, QRP IRC channel
Elecraft Owners Database  Web Hosting as low as 3.49/month
On Behalf of Thom R. Lacosta [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [drakelist] Why the big delay posting emails?

2005-02-17 Thread Thom R. Lacosta
Thom R. Lacosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterence to the drakelist 
On Thu, 17 Feb 2005, Ron Wagner wrote:
I didn't even know that my ISP had implemented a scanner until I was informed 
from a friend that he had accidentally sent me a virus that I never even 
received.  Started asking questions and found out they were scanning.  Kind 
of nice in some ways, kind of brig Brother in other ways.
I belong to several lists for ISPs...and I can tell you that there are always 
heated discussions over message filteringsome are in favor of it and others
don't want the liability of filtering mail and then having a customer 
complain/take action because of lost legit emails.

I don't filter at the server because of that, and employ spam filtering on a 
local basis.  my local ISP has started spam and email filtering...and I've 
already missed several legit messages because they fit some profile.

I think we'll see a lot less spam if and when legislators have to use email as 
we mere mortals dobut then again, I'm not holding my breath...for that or 
for them to have the same health care and retirement benefits we mortals have.

73,Thom-k3hrn Home of QRP Web Ring, Drakelist home page,
Free Classified Ads for amateur radio, QRP IRC channel
Elecraft Owners Database  Web Hosting as low as 3.49/month
On Behalf of Thom R. Lacosta [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [drakelist] Why the big delay posting emails?

2005-02-17 Thread Thom R. Lacosta
Thom R. Lacosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterence to the drakelist 
On Thu, 17 Feb 2005, Mike Hammer wrote:
but it has been several years since I looked at that package. So the admin
could eliminate some problems by changing how the list handles replies.
If majordomo wont allow that then I whole heartedly recommend changing
over to Gnu Mailman. It is much better and much easier to admin.
Without appearing to be too testy
The server that houses this list is configuted in such a way that majordomo
is the only mailing list program that can work with the multiple domains that
it hosts.
And so, your observations and recommendation, while fascinating, would simply
cripple my web hosting operation.
So, rather than have this thread escalate, I'm declaring that the mailing list 
manager thread is dead.

73,Thom-k3hrn Home of QRP Web Ring, Drakelist home page,
Free Classified Ads for amateur radio, QRP IRC channel
Elecraft Owners Database  Web Hosting as low as 3.49/month
On Behalf of Thom R. Lacosta [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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RE: [drakelist] R-4C gears nylon or metal?

2005-02-13 Thread Thom R. Lacosta
Thom R. Lacosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterence to the drakelist 
On Mon, 14 Feb 2005, Martin Sole wrote:
I have heard the term 'junker unit' on a couple of occasions. DO these
things exist or is it just a little wishful thinking? Over on the FoxTango
group W4CLM runs what she calls a graveyard, a repository for dead or
terminal Yaesu radios, and acts as a clearing house for parts needed. These
are not sold but donations are used to purchase more parts units and hard to
locate components. Wonder if anybody does that for Drakes?
I don't know of such a source...but there should be oneof course the
Drake resellers will get upset, as it might dry up their source of parts.
One step would be to have a database of parts/rigs that folks have available
that'e easyI can have one up on the website within a day or so.
Tell me the structure of the database,,.,,and look at
for an example.
If interested, let's discuss the database structure.
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[drakelist] The high costs/profits of free services

2005-01-21 Thread Thom R. Lacosta
Thom R. Lacosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterence to the drakelist gang
Every now an again, I get an email from the owner of a popular free service 
reminding me of the periodic drawing for a prize.  I usually ignore the
bait, since I figure something you advertise as free is just that, free...and 
using the free service as a reason to troll for funds is mis-leading.

But, to the point...I just noticed on the last beg message that if you don't 
want the goods offered to the winner, you can elect to get 2500 bucks in cash!

So, I suppose to be in keeping with current amateur practice, I need to develop
some scam that uses this list and/or with website as a reason to pander for 

Then, I can offer even more free services, so that I might attract the attention 
of someone who wants to contribute prizes.

But, until I figure out how to do that, I'll just offer some no charge services,
and be gratified that folks thank me for it.
Perhaps someday I'll figure out how to become more professional in begging for 
contributions for free services.

73,Thom-k3hrn Home of QRP Web Ring, Drakelist home page,
Free Classified Ads for amateur radio, QRP IRC channel
Elecraft Owners Database  Web Hosting as low as 3.49/month
On Behalf of Thom R. Lacosta [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[drakelist] CW(for those who still/may use it)

2004-12-13 Thread Thom R. Lacosta
Thom R. Lacosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterence to the drakelist gang
For those that use CW, or think they might, I've made The Art  Skill of 
Radio-Telegraphy available via the web.

It's been available via a Canadian site, but this version allows you to download
a compiled version that's around 500KB and will run on your IBM style computer 
if Internet Expolorer installed.
73,Thom-k3hrn Home of QRP Web Ring, Drakelist home page,
Free Classified Ads for amateur radio, QRP IRC channel
Elecraft Owners Database  Web Hosting as low as 3.49/month
On Behalf of Thom R. Lacosta [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[drakelist] OT-Preserving CW memories

2004-12-13 Thread Thom R. Lacosta
Thom R. Lacosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterence to the drakelist 
From time to time I make a post reminding folks that there's a web site where 
the content comes from a submarine radio operator ( 

I'd love to do a similar site with the memories and stories of folks who made 
their living pounding brass, whether aboard ship, at a Coast Station, Police
Communications, Railroard or other venues. appears that hardly anyone does any of the above now, and I'd like to 
preserve your memories on the web so that those of use that use and enjoy cw 
have a frame of reference other than amateur radiowhen you're not around, 
you'll take those memories with you.

If ya have a mind to, drop me an emailI'll be happy to turn it into HTML 
and devote as much space on the server as it takes to tell the story of the 
magical music.

73,Thom-k3hrn Home of QRP Web Ring, Drakelist home page,
Free Classified Ads for amateur radio, QRP IRC channel
Elecraft Owners Database  Web Hosting as low as 3.49/month
On Behalf of Thom R. Lacosta [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [drakelist] CW(for those who still/may use it)

2004-12-13 Thread Thom R. Lacosta
Thom R. Lacosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterence to the drakelist 
On Mon, 13 Dec 2004 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On Mon, 13 Dec 2004, Thom R. Lacosta wrote:
For those that use CW, or think they might, I've made The Art  Skill of
Radio-Telegraphy available via the web.
chortle - I didn't know there were any other modes than CW - hi
I've heard rumors that some folks actually attempt to send voice messages.  I 
tried it back when some mode that required you have only one nostril was taking 
off, but I got horse saying Umm between phrases, and when I tried to 
throw the multiple knife switches during round-tables I got rf burns.

73,Thom-k3hrn Home of QRP Web Ring, Drakelist home page,
Free Classified Ads for amateur radio, QRP IRC channel
Elecraft Owners Database  Web Hosting as low as 3.49/month
On Behalf of Thom R. Lacosta [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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RE: [drakelist] CW(for those who still/may use it)

2004-12-13 Thread Thom R. Lacosta
Thom R. Lacosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterence to the drakelist 
On Mon, 13 Dec 2004, Mike D. wrote:
Mike D. [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterence to the drakelist gang
FISTS CW Club printed several editions of Pierpont's, The Art  Skill of
Radio-Telegraphy. However, the 4th (current) edition is sold out. I'm
working on a 5th edition that should be available at Dayton 2005. FISTS CW
Club always sells the book at cost.
You can download the 3rd edition for FREE as a PDF from my Web site at
So, what's the difference between the Second edition and the later ones?
As far as I know, Pierpoint stated in the Second edition, which the Canadian 
site lists as the third edition. This book may be freely reproduced and 
published, but only on a no-profit basis in order to make it as widely available 
as possible to those who need it...N0HFF

And so, I am confused by the statement on the the FISTS page...proclaiming it as 
the Official download siteand really perplexed by the words You may link 
to this page, but please do not put the book file on your server.

It would appear that there are several sources for the book.
The one I put up is slightly different, in that you can download a complied
HTML versionwhich is smaller and faster than either the html or pdf 
versions...but, the downside is that it's only going to work on an IBM style 

73,Thom-k3hrn Home of QRP Web Ring, Drakelist home page,
Free Classified Ads for amateur radio, QRP IRC channel
Elecraft Owners Database  Web Hosting as low as 3.49/month
On Behalf of Thom R. Lacosta [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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RE: [drakelist] CW(for those who still/may use it)

2004-12-13 Thread Thom R. Lacosta
Thom R. Lacosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterence to the drakelist 
On Mon, 13 Dec 2004, Mike D. wrote:
Mike D. [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterence to the drakelist gang
Hi Thom,
I haven't looked at the Canadian version in a long time and never carefully
compared the two.
The FISTS CW Club, 4th edition, went to press just after Bill Pierpont
passed away (2003). Here are some changes included in the 4th edition:
New Cover Design
Forward by Ken Pierpont (Bill's brother)
High Speed Appendix added
Refined book design
Professionally edited
Ah...but the meat is the same.
The fifth edition will contain numerous changes/refinements.
The site you refer to as the FISTS site is actually my personal Web site. I
created the 3rd and 4th editions for FISTS CW Club, with much help from
friends. My site is listed as the Official Download Site for this edition.
I misread it as stating that it was the official download site for Peirpont's 
work...sorry for the confusion.

If someone wants to create a book from Pierpont's original text, they are
free to do so. I think the Canadian site has Pierpont's original early text
without the High Speed Appendix - I'm not sure.
I know the Canadian one doesn't have the high speed index.

FISTS CW Club sells the 4th edition at cost ($11.50 shipped CONUS).
Unfortunately, it is sold out (again). I find reading the book a much more
pleasurable experience than trying to read it on a computer monitor or even
printed out.
I used to enjoy booksno room any more(g).
There were several versions of the third edition that were available for
download from my Web site. I don't want other Web sites publishing our work
as they could distribute a dated version.
I can understand that
I hope I answered all your questions.
Yepcleared up a lot of thingsthanks.
73,Thom-k3hrn Home of QRP Web Ring, Drakelist home page,
Free Classified Ads for amateur radio, QRP IRC channel
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[drakelist] Announcing the release of DigiPan 2.0 (fwd)

2004-11-02 Thread Thom R. Lacosta
Thom R. Lacosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterence to the drakelist gang
For those that use digital modes or wonder about them, you might be interested 
in this announcement,

Date: Tue, 2 Nov 2004 07:36:15 -0500
From: Skip Teller [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Announcing the release of DigiPan 2.0
DigiPan 2.0 is now available for download at .
This new release, over a year in the making, once again changes
the way PSK31 and PSK63 are operated!
DigiPan 1.0 introduced mouse tuning in which the operator just
clicks on a signal on the waterfall to find out the callsign of a
station instead of tuning the transceiver. DigiPan 2.0 now
simultaneously decodes all signals in the IF passband, so the
callsign and current print of every station are already known.
Clicking anywhere on the text being transmitted by a station will
copy that station's callsign and text to an active receive area
where double-clicking on a callsign will capture it for
communication as usual.
If a station is sending CQ, the background of that station's text
is highlighted to alert you to the CQ call, or to any other two
text strings you wish to watch for.
The DigiPan Download Page now contains a simple Pactor
Interference Complaint reporting form. If you experience your
ongoing QSO being interrupted by a Pactor station, just fill in
as many of the blanks on the form as you can, press the Send
button, and a complaint will be emailed directly to the FCC.
Please take the trouble to do this for every such Pactor
interference instance, because the FCC wants to know the extent
of the Pactor interference problem so they can do something about
it, and if we do not let them know, they have no way of knowing
if a serious problem even exists. Please file a complaint
regardless of what mode you are using at the time by just going
to and submitting the Pactor Interference
Complaint form. If it is not convenient to file a complaint
immediately, just make a note of the interference details and
file it later. Ask your QSO partner to file a complaint also.
DigiPan 2.0 uses all the F1-F12 function keys by default, so it
is important to quit any currently running DigiPan version,
locate and delete digipan.ini in the Windows directory before
installing version 2.0, and then install the new version. If you
want to preserve your current macros for copying over to DigiPan
2.0, first make a backup copy of digipan.ini, perhaps calling it
digipan.old, for reference, before deleting it. All F1-F12 macros
can still be revised from the defaults if so desired.
Even if you do not operate PSK31 or PSK63, I urge you to just try
DigiPan 2.0 on receive just to experience simultaneous decoding,
because, together with the 100 wpm speed of PSK63, it would
provide a tremendous competitive advantage if incorporated into
your favorite logging or contesting program.
73, Skip KH6TY
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RE: [drakelist] Amateur Radio is second class

2004-10-31 Thread Thom R. Lacosta
Thom R. Lacosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterence to the drakelist gang
On Sun, 31 Oct 2004, Richard Bell wrote:
I have a sense of how this is suppose to work, after spending 7 years as a
senior member of a constitutional officer's staff (no names are going to be
mentioned).  It takes a ground swell of support to change the direction of
government, but it can be done.
Thanks for the information.looks like a letter campaign and some phone calls 
may be in order.

Can you shed some light on the effectiveness of email to elected officials?
My two senators in Maryland basically ignore it, with canned autoresponders
that give you the impression that they are truly Stealh Senators.
Thom-k3hrn Home of QRP Web Ring, Drakelist home page,
Free Classified Ads for amateur radio, QRP IRC channel  Web Hosting as low as 3.49/month
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Re: [drakelist] Amateur Radio is second class

2004-10-31 Thread Thom R. Lacosta
Thom R. Lacosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterence to the drakelist gang
On Sat, 30 Oct 2004, George  KB2Z wrote:
It's the David and Goliath syndrome. Second class, secondary usage, it's all 
the same.  BPL translates into big bucks. It's not going to go away. For now 
be happy that the FCC hasn't auctioned off our entire HF spectrum.  We should 
all see the handwriting on the wall. It's plainly stated Dont cause them any 
Well, let's see how much the gubmint subsidizes what appears to be a commercial 

Thom-k3hrn Home of QRP Web Ring, Drakelist home page,
Free Classified Ads for amateur radio, QRP IRC channel  Web Hosting as low as 3.49/month
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Re: [drakelist] TR7A (NIB) on Ebay...Response

2004-10-25 Thread Thom R. Lacosta
Thom R. Lacosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterence to the drakelist gang
On Mon, 25 Oct 2004 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
It is a tr7 with the upgrades with  filters and warc bands that make it a
tr7a. I will clarify it in the  auction.
Please, don't use this list to discuss ebay
Thom of the Baltimore Lexicon  Web Hosting as low as 3.49/month
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[drakelist] Botswanin Spotted Tent Stretchers(OT)

2004-10-23 Thread Thom R. Lacosta
Thom R. Lacosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterence to the drakelist gang
Please be advised that due to(pick some reason),
Posts to the list about BSTS or other issues that involve
participatory selection methods are off topic.
Thom of the Baltimore Lexicon  Web Hosting as low as 3.49/month
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Re: [drakelist] 20 METER DRAKE NET

2004-10-15 Thread Thom R. Lacosta
yyOn Thu, 14 Oct 2004, Stu Greene wrote:
Yes, Al, I'm collecting the suggestions and perhaps in a week we can decide 
where and when to have a twenty meter Drake Net.  Unless of course you'd care 
to coordinate the new Net without further discussion.  If you do, I'll send 
you a list of people who have expressed interest right away.

This is an opportunity for those who would like to volunteer to moderate to 
raise their hands.

I'd suggest stations in the Northwest, Southeast and Northeast.  The 
Northeast can help with Europe.

Tom, would you care to toss two ¢ into the pot.

Sounds like a reasonable suggestion to meand might I suggest that as you all 
attempt to find a time and fequency that best fits can use the 
drakelist chat function to communicate as you are setting up the times and 

The chat function can be reached at
It's a web based IRC clientworks well.
It is NOT intended to replace an on-air qso,
nor is it psuedo-ham radio like Echolink
Since it is not uised that often, you won't see
the number of users you see in a normal IRC channel.
So...please don't tell me no one is there, or that it
ain't real ham radio, or you don't like IRCuse it
if you like to exchange information about how to setup
the 20 meter net/roundtable.

Re: [drakelist] AC-4 Voltage Carrying Cable to Radio Needed

2004-10-06 Thread Thom R. Lacosta
Thom R. Lacosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterence to the drakelist gang
On Wed, 6 Oct 2004, Ron Wagner wrote:
ft lengths.  Might be able to overlap enough to make it work out.  Maybe I 
got lucky with my bundle only loosing 1 wire and finding shrink tube.  Good 
luck and hope this helps.
I'd be tempted to put on on piece of shrink tube...shrink it down, then overlap 
the second piece...or just get two pieces of different sizes.

Thom of the Baltimore Lexicon  Web Hosting as low as 3.49/month
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Re: [drakelist] AC-4 Voltage Carrying Cable to Radio Needed

2004-10-06 Thread Thom R. Lacosta
Thom R. Lacosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterence to the drakelist gang
On Wed, 6 Oct 2004 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterence to the drakelist gang

Heat shrink sticks to itself real well. Put on a piece and shrink it, then
overlap an inch or so with the other one and shrink it. It will be fine.
unless you plan on tying it in a tree and swinging on it. You might be
happier with the end product if you twist the wires and hold them so you
have a pretty round bundle before you shrink it. It will look nicer that
way. Otherwise it will show the irregular shape of the wires.
But don't make it too prettyI once made it about 1/2 turn too pretty and
something broke...but that gave me an opportunity to do a nicer job the
second time around (g).
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Re: [drakelist] Drake net

2004-10-06 Thread Thom R. Lacosta
Thom R. Lacosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterence to the drakelist gang
On Wed, 6 Oct 2004, Michael N0XY wrote:
Michael N0XY [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterence to the drakelist gang
It was really just a joke. I thought Drakes on the home of wonderful audio
would be funny.
OK...I'll bitewhat is the home of wonderful audio?
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Re: [drakelist] Drake net

2004-10-05 Thread Thom R. Lacosta
Thom R. Lacosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterence to the drakelist gang
On Mon, 4 Oct 2004, Jim W7RY wrote:
Jim W7RY [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterence to the drakelist gang
To bad these nets are so early and on a band that the west coast cannot 
participate. The swap net on 75 meters has the same issue. Not workable from 
the west cost.

I guess the west is out of luck.
You could start your own nets for the West Coast...if you do, I'll be happy to 
list them on the Drakelist web page.

Thom of the Baltimore Lexicon  Web Hosting as low as 3.49/month
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Re: [drakelist] A downloadable Drake Mods document?

2004-10-05 Thread Thom R. Lacosta
Thom R. Lacosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterence to the drakelist gang
On Tue, 5 Oct 2004, john wrote:
Does anyone know of a link to a downloadable copy of DrakeMods?
There was a problem with the download page on my site...try it again.
Thom of the Baltimore Lexicon  Web Hosting as low as 3.49/month
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Re: [drakelist] Drake net

2004-10-05 Thread Thom R. Lacosta
Thom R. Lacosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterence to the drakelist gang
On Tue, 5 Oct 2004, Jim W7RY wrote:
Jim W7RY [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterence to the drakelist gang
Thanks for not including us. I guess we're not part of or need to be included 
in the group.

Am I whining? Yes.
If you're gonna it somewhere elseif you want to start a net that 
will cover you and others, there are a lot of folks here that can help.

Thom of the Baltimore Lexicon  Web Hosting as low as 3.49/month
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[drakelist] The body is willing, but the mind is weak

2004-10-01 Thread Thom R. Lacosta
Thom R. Lacosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterence to the drakelist gang
Well, after trying all sorts of things, reuploading pages, checking the server 
and havind a good time, I was stumped by not being able to replicate a problem
that a member of the list was having viewing the web page.

You claim to have opened  using a number of
browsers.  I can't open that url and I'll bet you can't either.
But try  which opened instantly in Netscape.
I will not mention Baltimore spelling on the List...but I wonder how many
subscribers were baffled and stopped trying.
Soif you too couldn't view the's not you, it's the fact that
I can't type/spell tu gudbut, I'm from Bawlamer...wat due u spect?
Sorry if I caused any frustration(g)
Thom of the Baltimore Lexicon  Web Hosting as low as 3.49/month
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[drakelist] (OT)The Junk Box

2004-09-30 Thread Thom R. Lacosta
Thom R. Lacosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterence to the drakelist gang
Forgive the length of the postI heard the story last night and I am still 

A relative of mine by marriage was rejoicing over the fact that she had finally 
solved The Problem.

She went on to tell us that her father, who at one time had been a ham, couldn't
bear the thought of all the good stuff going to waste when Heathkit went out the
kit business.
She recalled that as a yound child she and her Dad would go into Benton Harbor 
with trucks, load them up and store the parts, manuals, etc. in various barns on
old farms that her father had bought at auuctions over the years.

After her Dad moved to Puerto Rico, he charged her with the task of selling off 
the farms, but NOT the heath gear...and she did it for years...selling farms, 
and moving the junk to another one of their properties.

When she married my brother, she conned him into erecting several quonset hunts 
on one of the farms...simply to store the mounds of heathkit parts.

Finally, this year she sold the last farmand was faced with having to break 
the news to her father that she had disposed of the Heathkit parts, or having
to spend most of the proceeds for storage.

She tells me she screwed up her courage, called her Dad and explained the 
problem and the two unacceptable compromises.

So...I had to ask...And your dad said
She told me his only comment was to Call Ralph...while I was buying farms, he 
was buying old factory buildings around Benton Harbor.  I'm sure he can store 
the parts for you.

So, if you think there are no heathkit parts around...they are somewhere near 
Benton Harbor...and my brother tells me that while there may be several 
buiding's worth...he's never found anything he needed.

And before you ask...when my sister in law's Dad dies...she will either have 
a very large sale, or Ralph will open up an outlet.

Thom of the Baltimore Lexicon  Web Hosting as low as 3.49/month
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[drakelist] ARRL Proposed Bandplan

2004-09-29 Thread Thom R. Lacosta
Thom R. Lacosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterence to the drakelist gang
As you know, The League has proposed a far-sweeping changed in bandplans
for US Hams.
I learned that a member of the committee that formed the proposal had
submitted a dissenting opinion, and I attempted to get a copy from my ARRL 
Division Director.

In spite of his non-cooperation, and his web site that doesn't even address the 
issue, I got a copy and have posted in the web.

Whether you are a CW, SSB or Digital operator, ARRL member or not, you really
should look at what The League is proposingit will make a HUGE difference in
how and where you operate.
You can see the material at
Please feel free to review the material, write your director and make comments
either here(since the League's actions can affect how your use your Drake gear) 
and at

If you recognize the importance of what ARRL is proposing, please pass the
above links on to other hams you know.
Thom of the Baltimore Lexicon  Web Hosting as low as 3.49/month
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Re: [drakelist] What to do with all this stuff?, Here's the list (approx)

2004-09-19 Thread Thom R. Lacosta
Thom R. Lacosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterence to the drakelist gang
On Sun, 19 Sep 2004, Neil Rosenberg wrote:
PS-7 power supplies, 3, $115 ea
Thom of the Baltimore Lexicon  Web Hosting as low as 3.49/month
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[drakelist] Classified Ads

2004-09-18 Thread Thom R. Lacosta
Thom R. Lacosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterence to the drakelist gang
I know I am making a big mistake, since I will NOT be charging fees, NOT 
requiring a subscription and NOT ruuning contests to let me beg for funds.

That being said, I have installed a reasonable Classified Ad system that
is open for all...there are a few categories, you can select whether or not
your city, state and phone number is displayed...and your email address is
NOT exposed on the web(but folks can send you private mail).
So...give it look and perhaps list some of the things that you want or want to 
get in the hands of another ham.
Other than adding pictures and a seperate field for your callsign, I'm open to 
suggestions...and certainly comments.

Oh...if you've ever been frustrated by classified ad systems that lists items 
that were sold years ago...this system has auto-delete based on time.

The downside is that each ad is reviewed before posting to the system to
aid in protection against spam and inappropriate items.
k3hrn  Home of the QRP WEb Ring and the Drake Mailing list  Web Hosting as low as 3.49/month
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Re: [drakelist] quiet on list

2004-09-16 Thread Thom R. Lacosta
Thom R. Lacosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterence to the drakelist gang
On Thu, 16 Sep 2004, Sterling Garwood wrote:
Sterling Garwood [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterence to the drakelist 
drakelist has seemed quiet ... or is my ISP blocking it as possible spam?

It's been quietbut your ISP could also have been blocking it.
Thom of the Baltimore Lexicon  Web Hosting as low as 3.49/month
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[drakelist] ARRL Proposed Petition

2004-09-04 Thread Thom R. Lacosta
Thom R. Lacosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterence to the drakelist gang
ARRL proposed petition on Band Plan Changes
The current ARRL proposed petition to be submitted to the FCC
calls for major changes in the band plan for US Amateurs.
Its is important that ARRL members submit comments to The League
and their Director about this matter.
In order to better share viewpoints and actual copies of comments,
Both a mailing list and a web based forum specializing in this matter
has been created.
The forum is located at
Members of the forum can review a Synopis of the ARRL proposal, comments
submitted to the ARRL that have been posted by members and discuss the
A companion mailing list, bandplan, is also available.  To subscribe to
the mailing list, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED], and in the
body of the message have
subscribe bandplan
Looking forward to seeing you and your comments.
Thom LaCosta
On Behalf of Thom R. Lacosta [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[drakelist] BBC program on Hams on 9/11

2004-09-04 Thread Thom R. Lacosta
Thom R. Lacosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterence to the drakelist gang
Very interesting program from BBS about Ham Radio on 9/11
Available for 7 days at
Would be nice if someone could figure out how to save the file.
Thom of the Baltimore Lexicon  Web Hosting as low as 3.49/month
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Re: [drakelist] Further to What to do with all this stuff?

2004-09-04 Thread Thom R. Lacosta
Thom R. Lacosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterence to the drakelist gang
On Sat, 4 Sep 2004, Neil Rosenberg wrote:
Neil Rosenberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterence to the drakelist gang
I should have made myself more clear in the prior message, sorry.  If I have 
to piecemeal sell an item here, an item there, I might as well ebay it.
Right...and we'll all look at ebay, since posts to this list to promote ebay 
auctioned items are prohibited.

Sorry for the false start.
Not a problem...hopefully someone on the list will buy it all from you and then 
offer the seperate items to the list members.

Thom of the Baltimore Lexicon  Web Hosting as low as 3.49/month
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Re: [drakelist] TR7

2004-09-02 Thread Thom R. Lacosta
Thom R. Lacosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterence to the drakelist gang
On Thu, 2 Sep 2004, Don and Diana Cunningham wrote:
I have a very nice, loaded TR7/PS7 for sale or trade.  It has 1800, 6kc, 600 cycle filters, FA7 on the transceiver, NB7 and AUX7, original manual.  Serial number is 9854, so late one. Excellent condition electrically and cosmetically.  Asking $600 plus some shipping or trade for Drake L4B amp in similar shape.
Is it the A version, or the equivilent?  Is it set/programmed/modified for out 
of hamband operation?  Any birdies on receive?

Give me ur phone number...sounds interesting
Thom of the Baltimore Lexicon  Web Hosting as low as 3.49/month
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[drakelist] and other forwarding addresses

2004-08-31 Thread Thom R. Lacosta
Thom R. Lacosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterence to the drakelist gang
Every now and then I take a peek at the subscriber list and notice that
there are quite a few folks who are using addresses like [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I'm only prompted to look at the list when I get a lot of bounce messagesand
when I do, I delete the address if the bounce message tells me there is no user
But, with and other forwarding type addresses, I can't tell which address is being forwarded to a bad address. would be in your best interest, if you are using an or similar
forwarding type email address to subscribe from a non-forwarded address, as I 
will start to remove any addresses from the database.

Thom k3hrn of the Baltimore Lexicon  Web Hosting as low as 3.49/month
On Behalf of Thom R. Lacosta [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [drakelist] Interesting? Not Really! Antenna wax???? I want some

2004-08-09 Thread Thom R. Lacosta
Thom R. Lacosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterence to the drakelist gang
On Mon, 9 Aug 2004, Dino Papas wrote:
Dino Papas [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterence to the drakelist gang
Reminds me of things new soldiers were asked to retrieve:
Or new boy scouts
You need to bring back:
Polka Dot Paint
Tent Stretchers
I worked in the maintenance department and we got numerous requests for the we developed a nonesense language which added insult to injury and
confusion to the mix.

BTW, the game could more interesting if you specified the size of the stretcher 
or the colors of the paint.

We sometimes told folks we were fresh out of the correct size/colorand asked 
them to complete a requistion.

Thom of the Baltimore Lexicon  Web Hosting as low as 3.49/month
On Behalf of Thom R. Lacosta [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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RE: [drakelist] Interesting

2004-08-08 Thread Thom R. Lacosta
Thom R. Lacosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterence to the drakelist gang
On Sun, 8 Aug 2004, sebdesn wrote:
sebdesn [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterence to the drakelist gang

Patents, as I found out in the corporate world, is no big deal.
Patents are
usurped every day. Furthermore, there are many patents issued for useless
devices that have no practical application.
When I was in the plastics biz, was at a meeting where this guy had the
worlds greatest invention , and wanted us to make/market it.  It was a clear
plastic plate that fit under a toilet seat and kept things from hitting the
water and splashing you...Made a very quick and exit from meeting and
ROFLAO'ed a lot
H, I claim first use rights.but my device was made from a sheet of
plastic wrap
Thom of the Baltimore Lexicon  Web Hosting as low as 3.49/month
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RE: [drakelist] T4XC and D104

2004-08-05 Thread Thom R. Lacosta
Thom R. Lacosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterence to the drakelist gang
On Thu, 5 Aug 2004 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Most of us have never dated an ugly woman...Tell us about it. :-))
Well, they ain't too bad...far more grateful than your average JAP or IAP...but 
men who like guys might not know about that.

Thom of the Baltimore Lexicon  Web Hosting as low as 3.49/month
On Behalf of Thom R. Lacosta [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [drakelist] pricing and the TR-5

2004-07-14 Thread Thom R. Lacosta
Thom R. Lacosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterence to the drakelist gang
On Wed, 14 Jul 2004, Mike Elliott,W8KRR wrote:
We just made a few, but it's a good rig - enjoy it.
Mikethanks to you and other Drakers for posting to the listit's nice to 
know the folks that made 'em.

Thom-k3hrn of the Baltimore Lexicon  Web Hosting as low as 3.49/month
On Behalf of Thom R. Lacosta [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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