[e-gold-list] Re: don't get keyboard sniffed

2001-06-13 Thread Mark S. Ohberg

Craig Spencer wrote:

 Environmentalism is a chicken little con game.  The envionmentalists
 cry the sky is falling to convince people they have to go along with
 totalitarianism to save the world.

 This is not something new.  It seems that it was basically the basis of
 the power of the Mayan kings.  The conned everyone in believing their
 holding power was necessary to keep the world in existance.

 Pascal's wager is niether innocent or a safe bet.  The downside is
 the complete loss of your freedom.  While the upside is a silly
 superstitious illusion.

 JP is right on.

  It's all about freedom - in the case of E-gold, freedom to choose or
  create and use your own currency. In the case of enviromentalism,
  freedom of sentient beings to enjoy life, liberty, etc.

 You could not be more wrong.  Perhaps you have some concept of
 environmentalism that is compatible with liberty but you are changing
 the meaning of the word from what nearly everybody else means by it
 and this is disingenuous.  Real enviromentalists are not interested
 in the welfare of sentient beings; their hardly hidden aim is the
 extermination of all intelligent life.


Sentient, Spiritual, Environmentalist here,
On behalf of my community on the Hudson River we challenged a status quo that
said all was expendable in the name of business and profit.  That business
could take, use, destroy, and control the public domain, and ruin peoples
health, for their own gain.  We accomplished change through sheer will and
perseverance.  The freedom and right to defend your community as proven to be
upheld by ancient legal doctrines dating back to the code of Justinian, that
are the foundation of modern American democracy!

You can use these ancient rights to fight your local polluter and make it pay
for abusing your community.  All you need do is spot the phony organization,
greenwashing, and junk science that anti environmental forces are foisting on
an unwitting public.  In the US, Fight members of Congress who with their hired
guns in public relations firms and ad agencies are trying to convince you that
saving your local community from pollution is
Bad for local business and taxes
Anti American
is a Loss of your Freedom
communism / socialism
Taking the food out of baby's mouth

Well what ever.

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[e-gold-list] Re: Funds stolen from Account

2001-06-13 Thread Michael Moore

The eCurrency Trade Association (eCTA)  is currently compiling a database
for members which may be used in part for collating and tracking known

This will be available to the Members of the eCTA  in the very near future.

Michael Moore
Vice President (Pro Tem)
for the
Board of Directors
of the
eCurrency Trade Association Inc.

- Original Message -
From: Craig Spencer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: e-gold Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: e-gold Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2001 1:02 PM
Subject: [e-gold-list] Re: Funds stolen from Account

  You need to get together with the other poeple who have had $ stolen
  by gold mine.
  For instance, try to see a pattern in the time of day the money was
  stolen.  At least then it can be guessed where in the world they are.

 It seems to me that one of the few things that could certainly be
 done is to compile a database on these heart breaking hacker stole my
 password reports.  This may not get anyone's money back.  But it
 might turn up some correlations or information of value.


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[e-gold-list] Gold Today Update

2001-06-13 Thread Michael Moore

What would you like to spend your gold on?

Well you can spend it on a holiday.

Yes.  you can buy a great holiday in the sun with gold!

The Beautiful Island of Lombok in Indonesia  is a holiday of a lifetime and
you can now purchase  a few week with the click of a mouse.

Go to https://gold-today.com/buygold.php3  click on the here in.

- For a great holiday in the sun click here.

Be prepared for the time of your life!!

Kind regards,

Sign up with e-gold today and get grams of e-gold here.
Sign up with osgold and get an osgold account today
subscribe to the gold-today discussion group at

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[e-gold-list] Here's what purplexes me.

2001-06-13 Thread Paul Richards

Here's what perplexes me.

So far, the only accounts that I have heard of being raided have been the 
accounts that have had the account number revealed. So far, I have not 
heard of a second or a third account having been raided.

How come?

E-gold reports failed attempts to access an account, and reports it as a 
possible attempted break-in. I can't recall if anyone has mentioned seeing 
such a report on the raided account.

How come?

Also, if someone is using a keyboard sniffer, why hasn't the second or 
third account been raided?

Again, how come?

Something is missing from all of these reports. Something just doesn't make 

I really like ZoneAlarm. It disables inbound attachments so they cannot be 
accidently activated. You have to do it on purpose.

Also, ZoneAlarm keeps spurious programs from accessing the Net without your 
permission, Trojan or not. Renamed or not.

With Dropit, you can store your encrypted ID and passphrases on a floppy 
while the program resides on your HD. You can name the encrypted file 
anything you want and tell Dropit where and what name it is and it will go 
and get it. The file remains encrypted until you drop the ID/passphrase 
into place. The one time it is vulnerable to a sniffer.

Between TweakUI and WindowWasher you can remove virtually all footprints 
from your system including cookies, while saving those cookies your want to 

My security is far from perfect, yet it does seem to keep me from harms 
way. I usually receive 5 or 6 e-mails a week with nasties attached. Usually 
some sort of bulk mail.

I will also get some nasties in my cache from sites. One or Two a month.

You don't have to be paranoid for them to be after you.


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[e-gold-list] Re: don't get keyboard sniffed

2001-06-13 Thread Julian Morrison

 However, the overall topic is so completely ridiculous on so many
 levels (example, reindeer cannot fly; man has in fact explored the
 north pole; we know where all known gifts actually came from etc)

 that it is important to realize that even the statement santa claus
 is nonsensical because he couldn't fit down the chimney is sort of
 ridiculous in itself, because, it ignores how incredibly ridiculous
 the rest of the topic is.


 (*) the normal variation in the earth's temperature is spectacular
 and massive. For example, we happen to be in a 10 thousand year gap
 between two **ICE AGES**.  This is just one of TENS OF THOUSANDS of
 such ongoing cycles.

And also pretty fast - I've heard TV documentaries where they discussed
evidence that shows a complete switch out of an ice age taking less than
100 years.

Also I recall the flap before global warming was fear of a new *ice age*
being due roundabout now. Be amusing if one filled into the hole of the
other so to speak :-)
 (*) Just for example, FIFTEEN THOUSAND scientists have now signed a
 petition pointing out that global warming is trivial idiocy.

N scientists have signed a petition is meaningless either way, pro or
con - adding numbers doesn't support arguments (which obviously also
goes for the every schoolboy knows approach of many GW theorists).

 (*) the amount of CO2 put out by humans is utterly, utterly dwarfed
 by natural processes

CO2 isn't the only greenhouse gas, so's water, methane, etc.

 Why does global warming exist?  Quite simply, to raise taxes.

I posit you're underestimating the opposition here. I hung out with
green types a tad when I was younger, and one of the things I noticed
(that drove me off infact) was how common pure technophobia was. And by
tech, I mean anything literally more advanced than sitting nude in a nud
puddle, scrabbling for roots. It was subtle, unstated, but universal,
that *rational thought* was considered an unfair advantage, and one that
ought to be banned. Merely taxing the economy back to hovels and
hand-carts was at most a step in the right direction.

 Result: they do a Milliken on Doug, and slap a 30% tax on e-gold transactions.

e-gold inc needs to be damn sure it can hop jurisdictions and hide
behind secrecy mechanisms such as ZKS freedom to the extent that it can
blow a phbbbt at the taxers and simply refuse to reveal anything
or cooperate to any extent.

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[e-gold-list] Re: don't get keyboard sniffed

2001-06-13 Thread Julian Morrison

 Think of it as a Pascal's wager kind of thing - maybe you'll be
 wrong trying to do your part to combat global warming, but conserving
 energy and promoting alternative fuels can be its own reward - and if
 you're right it helps in the big picture too!

The Pascal's wager calculations you make need to be weighted against (a)
damage to the principle of private property (b) the economic
devastation, famine, power cuts, and destruction of opportunity inherent
in GW gas bans/taxes.

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[e-gold-list] Re: Funds stolen from Account

2001-06-13 Thread Lim Ka Seong

Let me apologise for the long posting..Is a compilation of a few
events..Whoever think they have a solution may read.
A solution to a problem is never as permanent as the problem itself or the
excuses Ka Seong

Well, I don't believe there is a lock in this world that can last longer
than the persistency of a thief.

There is only one solution and only if E-gold is willing to do something
about it. Unlike ATM-card fraud where the funds are gone without much
valuebale and traceability clue. Every fund that has been stolen from any
account still remain in the entire E-gold system. What time it was spent?
Where does the access came from? Which account it was spent to? What is
the subsequent activities of the fund in the receiving acccount? Used for
shopping? Exchange out to cash? etc.

All these are logged, isn't it? Only timing is very crucial and E-gold has
to come up with new term and conditions. For example, {As an E-gold user,
you agreed that E-gold may frozen your account for investigation when that
is an alligation about your account being used to receive funds stolen.
However, this investigation will not take too long and we will release it
back to you, when proven otherwise.} Let the lawyer do the correct

Here is a letter I received from Heap Of Gold together with their refund
check of $960 to me for my unsuccessful E-gold funding of $1025 with them
on Apr 23.

The e-gold system has suffered a security breach of their system. We are
no longer a market maker for e-gold and cannot in good faith recommend use
of this system. We have returned the portion of your funds that were not
taken during the breach of the e-gold system. E-gold has the remainder of
your funds. E-gold tracked the hackers in their system and seized the
funds. To date they have been unwilling to return the stolen funds per
their own policy. If we receive the funds back from e-gold we will forward
the remainder of your funds back to you.

Below is my e-mail communication I had with E-gold service for my personal
experience in losing E-gold fund, only a Yugo lost compare to Fred Mann's
Ferrari lost. Does E-gold have to wait until the lost of a Boeing to take

{Begin attachment}===

Subject: RE: Urgent !!! My E-Gold Account Hacked ! $177.0 Gone !
To: Lim Ka Seong  Cheah Siew Mee [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The e-gold system wasn't hacked.  We have all the logs of what happened in
your account and we are trying to get authorities to help us.  But at this
current time we cannot provide that information to you because we require
a court order to give that information out.
e-gold Service
-Original Message-
From: Lim Ka Seong  Cheah Siew Mee [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2001 4:49 PM
To: Service EG
Cc: Paul Vahur
Subject: RE: Urgent !!! My E-Gold Account Hacked ! $177.0 Gone !

E-Gold Service,

I have never express my intention for a reverse spend, I will reserve that
I would like to know why there is an unauthorized spend from my E-gold
Was is the act of a  hacker? 
Was my account really been compromised?
Was is a software mistake in E-gold? That my account was accidentally
Or, was it done by someone who work in E-gold?

So, what is your finding? Have you taken a look at the log file? Have you
got the IP address that access my the E-gold account during that time
frame? Can you email me the log file of my account?

I have submitted a Internet Fraud filing with FBI and in the process of
collecting more information in helping their investigation. Your
cooperation is very much appreciated.

Here is my IFCC-FBI file id : I01060314523071 

We have to start asking ourself questions to find out the truth. Giving
excuses wasn't helpful at all. I have collected a few other similar cases
that were reported to E-gold. I can tell you that all of them are equally
disappointed with E-gold's customer service  support.

Ka Seong

At 11:17 AM 06/06/2001 -0400, you wrote:

Basically our policy is that we cannot reverse an e-gold spend, that has
always been our policy.  The user
is responsible for the protection of their passphrase, please read
e-gold Service 
-Original Message- 
From: Lim Ka Seong  Cheah Siew Mee [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2001 7:02 PM 
To: Service EG 
Cc: Paul Vahur 
Subject: [e-gold-service] RE: Urgent !!! My E-Gold Account Hacked ! $1
77.0 Gone !

E-gold Service,

Well, you see, with credit card, if someone illegally charge to our credit
card, as the owner of the card, I can decline the transaction and I am
protected. I can stand and depend myself against it. In this case of
E-gold, a spend was committed using my account, and as the owner of the
account, I am depending myself that the spend was not committed by me.
Whether or not, the receiving end of the spend is the culprit, or a

[e-gold-list] Re: don't get keyboard sniffed

2001-06-13 Thread Luc Van den Borre

| This is not sensible, though.
| Nothing could be easier than extracting (ie, opening your eyes and
| looking at) the output of a keyboard sniffer.
| You can, instantaneously, see (say, to make but one example), where
| the word e-gold was typed, and then immediately find the account
| number(s) / password(s) after that.
| See the example of a keyboard sniffer sniffing myself in the other email.
| There is no sense in which you need a program to do that, it
| doesn't make any sense.

True, you don't *need* it, but it would be a better solution than a keyboard
- It could extract the exact information - no need to eyeball to output, less
bytes to send (e.g. in a ping packet), account plundering could be automated
- It would work with programs using the automation interface
- Password drag-and-drop programs wouldn't offer added security

Sure, I got carried away with the better technical solution, but for the sake of
your argument there's no need for it.

| ANY of these obviosities is the equivalent of pointing out that
| reindeer cant fly --- global warming is as ridiculous on as many
| levels as santa claus:

Very well, but aren't you yourself a firm 'charting' believer? From reading
books like 'A Random Walk Down Wall Street' (by Burton Malkiel), I've got the
impression that chartists historically don't manage to outperform the market -
despite their belief they can predict future trends from looking at the charts.
I'm sure 'charting' is so controversial that I could dig up plenty of
documentation supporting the idea that it is humbug.

Perhaps you can disprove that notion, too!

All in good fun,


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[e-gold-list] Re: don't get keyboard sniffed

2001-06-13 Thread Bob

Julian Morrison wrote:
  Think of it as a Pascal's wager kind of thing - maybe you'll be
  wrong trying to do your part to combat global warming, but conserving
  energy and promoting alternative fuels can be its own reward - and if
  you're right it helps in the big picture too!

Why is it that so many environmentalist want to use violence and
the threat of violence instead of *prices* to get what they want?

Why is it that so many environmentalist don't hold up John D.
Rockerfeller (of Standard Oil fame) as an example of the ultimate 


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[e-gold-list] Due Process - In defense of e-gold

2001-06-13 Thread Ken Griffith

Many people have complained that e-gold doesn't just freeze funds or reverse
a spend when they report that their account has been hacked.

There is a reason for this. It is called due process.  If someone has
stolen money from your account, report it to the FBI or the local Melbourne,
Florida police department, and hire a lawyer to get a court order telling
e-gold to produce the records showing where that money was spent to and
when.  E-gold states on their website that they will cooperate with law
enforcement agencies.

Presumably the reason e-gold requires a court order (as does Standard
Reserve and GoldMoney) is that anyone can claim that someone else ripped
them off whether it is true or not.  The only way to prevent frivolous
reversals as are common in the credit card industry, is to require due
process in a court of law before e-gold will freeze funds or reverse a
spend.  The court has to seize the stolen funds and have them returned.

So, if your loss was large enough to warrent the above actions, then by all
means take them.  If your loss was small enough not to make it worthwhile,
then improve your security or use a different payment system.  (GoldMoney
now has digital certificates if you want a higher level of security.)

This whole problem, however, is an unescapeable symptom of the problems of
book-entry (BE) accounting.  BE systems require two things to make them

1. A means of validating the identity of the account holder.
2. A gun if all else fails.  (The gun is the law enforcement agency that
prosecutes the crimes of fraud, larceny, and conversion.)

Since several hackers seem to have discovered the easy picking's that e-gold
customers represent, the situation has now reached the point that several
people need to resort to the gun (law enforcement) in order to keep the
system working for them.

The long term solution is to switch over to digital-bearer-instruments so
there are no accounts to be hacked, and proof of identity is not required.

But until that happens, e-gold and others will have to improve their
identity security method in order to keep the costs of crime down.  (Or they
can do nothing, and as complaints like this increase in number they will
have more and more hassle from the FBI or Secret Service.)  Presently there
are two obvious improvements that can be made, one by e-gold, and one by the
account holder.

1. E-gold can add digital certificate support to their web site.  The
cryptographic authentication procedure requires the would-be hacker to steal
a secret key AND a passphrase.  This is at least one order of magnitude more
difficult for the hacker, which means we should see a one order of magnitude
decrease in e-gold thefts.

2. The account holder can purchase devices to store their password and their
private key off-line.  If this is done, then the system is secure, as long
as their system is secure in meatspace.  (Ie. Unauthorized individuals do
not have physical access to their computer or offline storage device.)

Ken Griffith

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[e-gold-list] Re: don't get keyboard sniffed

2001-06-13 Thread Craig Spencer

Julian Morrison wrote:

 Also I recall the flap before global warming was fear of a new *ice age*
 being due roundabout now. Be amusing if one filled into the hole of the
 other so to speak :-)

The notable fact about this is that it was the SAME people that were 
touting the coming ice age that a few years later switched to touting
global warming.  Clearly to story details of their chicken little game
are not essential.  It is just a means to power for them.


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[e-gold-list] Can the global warming conversation PLEASE

2001-06-13 Thread James M. Ray

migrate to http://www.free-market.net/forums/e-gold0009/ ?? It's easy
to post there, and it will reduce traffic on this list* nicely. Thanks, and 
yes, John D. Rockefeller saved more whales than today's enviros can
or will ever imagine, but that has nothing to do with e-gold IMO. :) On
the stuff that DOES have to do with e-gold, more of you should post
with a two-cents-worth link in your signature files! 2cw ROCKS!

* As I've said, I don't own this list, but if Reid disagrees with me that the
conversation should migrate, I'll eat my flip flops!

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[e-gold-list] Re: Due Process - In defense of e-gold

2001-06-13 Thread jpm

1. E-gold can add digital certificate support to their web site.  The
cryptographic authentication procedure requires the would-be hacker to steal
a secret key AND a passphrase.  This is at least one order of magnitude more
difficult for the hacker, which means we should see a one order of magnitude
decrease in e-gold thefts.

2. The account holder can purchase devices to store their password and their
private key off-line.  If this is done, then the system is secure, as long
as their system is secure in meatspace.  (Ie. Unauthorized individuals do
not have physical access to their computer or offline storage device.)

Ken Griffith

I bet anyone grams that e-gold will indeed implement such groovy 
stuff, fairly soon.

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[e-gold-list] Re: don't get keyboard sniffed

2001-06-13 Thread Mark S. Ohberg

Luc Van den Borre wrote:

 Sure, I got carried away with the better technical solution, but for the sake of
 your argument there's no need for it.

 | ANY of these obviosities is the equivalent of pointing out that
 | reindeer cant fly --- global warming is as ridiculous on as many
 | levels as santa claus:

 Very well, but aren't you yourself a firm 'charting' believer? From reading
 books like 'A Random Walk Down Wall Street' (by Burton Malkiel), I've got the
 impression that chartists historically don't manage to outperform the market -
 despite their belief they can predict future trends from looking at the charts.
 I'm sure 'charting' is so controversial that I could dig up plenty of
 documentation supporting the idea that it is humbug.

 Perhaps you can disprove that notion, too!

On contrarie,  Technical analysis or chartists as was mention, and in accordance
to the Market Technicians Association, is the study of data generated by the action
of markets and by the behavior and psychology of market participants and observers.
Such study is usually applied to estimating the probabilities for the future course
of prices for a market, investment, or speculation by interpreting the data in the
context of precedent
The study of the forces of supply and demand in any free and orderly marketplace.
Charts are the core of technical analysis and provides a critical element timing.

Therefore what kind of investor are you? Day trading, traditional, Intermediate,
long term.
All you really need to know is who you are and how long are you planning to hold a
specific stock.
Only then can you select the chart that is appropriate for what you are trying to

It is all in...The Right Chart(s)

Your impression sir, in my opinion is due to an enormous number of people, pros and
individual investors using the wrong chart.
They maybe ignorant or arrogant, Hey a chart is a chart eh?

However, charting takes a bit more work, and you must use constant attention to a
portfolio. but you can have grater returns with correct technical analysis.
buy at $20 sell years later a $60, when climbing to 60 it could go to 40 and then
back down to 25
So sell at $40 and you have a nice profit.
A charter is a Market Timer who should sell when that stock is rising at 37,
reinvest at 27 during the fall to 25, if your correct you will ride up again to
$57.  This is not all the way up, but it is not a ride all the way down.  You end up
with a $47 gain or 17.5 greater return instead of $40

 All in good fun,


I'll drink to that!

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[e-gold-list] Re: Security measures and DIRT

2001-06-13 Thread C. Cormier - Ormetal Inc.

 In fact, the only REAL long term solution is to go completely over to
 digital-bearer-instruments (digital cash) instead of book-entry
 systems, but until then, here's how to protect your account:

How so?  These instruments are like a leather wallet in your back 
pocket. They can be stolen. You can loose them. Technicaly 
speaking they are not for everybody. 

  3. To prevent NEW targeted trojans that slip by your AV software you
 need Finjan's Surfin Guard Pro (www.finjan.com).Finjan's products
 are classified as active defense.  They monotor incoming attachments
 for hostile behavior and block them before they can execute.  Their
 free product blocks hushmail applets, so you should purchase their
 personal edition that lets you choose which sites to trust content

Well I am not so sure... Finjan sure does what it says... but it did 
more as well... at least on one of my systems. After installation for 
trial, I had a radical drop in performance with major OS problems. I 
can't be sure if all my problems were due to Finajan or if it was 
merely a coincidence. But a friend who also installed Finjan had 
similar problems. I would certainly love to hear about satisfied 
users of this software. 


Claude Cormier Public Key

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[e-gold-list] Bounce

2001-06-13 Thread Eric J. Gaither



   Still bouncing like a rubber ball.

Eric Gaither, President
Gaithmans Gold Nation, Inc.
(317) 788-8580 Voice


Scammer(s) take notice...the Gold Community is united in seeing  your

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[e-gold-list] Re: My security measures [Log-in #]

2001-06-13 Thread Viking Coder

 Why make it easy for even relatively unskilled hackers to
 raid e-gold a/cs?

Why waste all the time, effort,  money needed to effect such a change for
relatively unskilled users who will just find another way to lose control
of their account and demand yet more  more ineffective security means
because it wasn't their fault?

What you are talking about will not deter *any* thieves; hackers is the
*wrong* term - don't make me go off on that rant. If for some reason, i.e.
doug gets possessed by a weak-willed demon, e-gold ltd. does decide to
implement login#s, it won't be long (think days) before the script kiddies
have the following tool easily availble to them.

Same trojan insertion techinques, same keyboard sniffing, however now the
program watches outbound net traffic for
'https://www.e-gold.com/acct/login.html' or 'use.e-gold.com', because it
is possible to bookmark those pages and access them without typing them

The login# is a completely ineffective method of security. The only
security it provides is a false sense of said security.

 What becomes even clearer from your post is that it's
 dangerous if [thieves] find out you have an e-gold a/c,
 you use Windows, and your system is insecure.

er... yeah... They won't find know if your system is insecure until they
already have your acct#  passphrase though. It's best not to give the

Viking Coder

Worth Two Cents?

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[e-gold-list] Fw: Re: My security measures [Log-in #]

2001-06-13 Thread offshoresurfer

  Why make it easy for even relatively unskilled hackers to
  raid e-gold a/cs?
 Why waste all the time, effort,  money needed to effect such a change for
 relatively unskilled users who will just find another way to lose control
 of their account and demand yet more  more ineffective security means
 because it wasn't their fault?

You have to decide if you want the unskilled users or not... in other words, do you 
want a widely accepted payment system with critical mass, or do you want a payment 
system for transferring money between highly skilled techies?

You may be technically correct, but have you ever heard of public relations? If people 
are your customers, it's worth trying to keep them happy even if they are idiots. 

I am absolutely not suggesting making payments non repudiable, but I think one or two 
extra security levels would be worthwhile... even just a separate passphrase for 
signing payment orders. As someone pointed out a couple of weeks ago, this would make 
attacks such as e-qold much harder since they would have to replicate the whole log-in 
procedure, give out correct balances etc and they could only grab the payment 
passphrase if someone decided to make a payment on their site.

Finally I would make the point that a hell of a lot of people around the world use 
online banking, yet we don't hear in the media every day of accounts being raided. Yet 
on this list it seems to have become an almost daily occurence with regard to e-gold 
accounts. Would you care to comment on why this might be?


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[e-gold-list] Re: You asked for it, you got it

2001-06-13 Thread Frank Zuchristian

Euro Gold Line wishes to announce that it has today
signed a master contract to add 21 countries to it's
banking relationships.

Clients in those countries affected will no longer
have to pay for cross border transfer charges.  We
will announce new fees fee which will incorporate
those charges.

These will be posted on the appropriate pages as the
accounts are activated.  What we can say is that from
what has been reported to us that clients in the UK
will will save a lot of money.

According to the reports we have received, somebody
wishing to fund $199 , ends up paying $40 to $50 unde
the new rates it will be $15

Éuro Gold Line
tel:   +31-26-844-0113
fax:   +31-16-844-0342

Get your free OSGold or e-gold account, visit our site and click on one of the 
buttons.   http://www.eurogoldline.nl
Need to manage your e-gold account? Compare our rates.
Serving Europe, and the WORLD!!
Stop getting ripped off, learn how to fight back, join

Do You Yahoo!?
Get personalized email addresses from Yahoo! Mail - only $35 
a year!  http://personal.mail.yahoo.com/

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[e-gold-list] Re: Fw: Re: My security measures [Log-in #]

2001-06-13 Thread brooksd

RE: ...Finally I would make the point that a hell of a lot of people
around the world use online banking, yet we don't hear in the media every
day of accounts being raided. Yet on this list it seems to have become an
almost daily occurence with regard to e-gold accounts. Would you care to
comment on why this might be?

  Three possible reasons; 
  First, e-gold is so much 'harder' and therefore more desirable than fiat

  Second, you don't hear about many of the 'online banking' problems
because the big banks keep this information private, in the interest of
maintaining their public image.

  Three, the world standard Windows OS and its browser, Internet Explorer
are very 'thief friendly' and have a large number of known access routes. 
Few users have implimented security shields, or even know that they exist.

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[e-gold-list] Re: Security measures and DIRT

2001-06-13 Thread Viking Coder

 The main difference with DBI's is that they are encrypted to your public key
 whether you store them on your hard drive or on the net.

But they are still unlocked with your passphrase though, right? PGP,
Hushmail, Mark Twain Digicash, Digigold all require(d) a passphrase to
access the account, view the encrypted content, or spend the cash to

If you don't have a secure computer, it doesn't matter how many layers of
external protection exist, your items of value with be taken from you.

On a slightly different note...

This might be another reason that e-gold is mainly (seriously) used by
libertarians. One of the main pillars of libertarian philosophy is the
idea of self-rule, and thus self-responsibility. It is not e-gold ltd's
fault if you cannot adequately keep control of your own identity.

Viking Coder

Worth Two Cents?

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[e-gold-list] Re: Security measures and DIRT

2001-06-13 Thread Viking Coder

 If you don't have a secure computer, it doesn't matter how many layers of
 external protection exist, your items of value with be taken from you.

Some famous quotes that come to mind...
One by P.T. Barnum, and the other by Ben Franklin

A fool and his money are soon parted. - P.T. Barnum

No matter how secure e-gold is, somebody (or a lot of somebodies) will
find a way to weaken that protection. They will then claim it isn't their
fault when their account is misused.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. - Ben Franklin

Any grandiose schemes of of trying to verify identity are the 'pound of
cure' neccesary when people don't use the 'ounce of prevention' neccesary
to protect their account/identity.

Why would somebody go through a lot of hoops to verify their identity when
they won't go through those hoops to protect their identity in the first

Viking Coder

Worth Two Cents?

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[e-gold-list] gossip beyond dreams

2001-06-13 Thread jpm

At 7:03 PM -0400 6/13/01, Bob wrote:

 A quick update on the status of Systemics' legal tussle with
 the e-gold group.

 Today we filed against the injunction;  we have to wait and

 see what the judge says on Friday.

 I can't comment on anything much except the documents that
 are filed in court.  Some of these exist in digital form and
 are located at http://www.systemics.com/legal/ .  I've only
 put the ones up there that I know are filed and apparently
 priviledged.  I forget the legal term, but because they are
 filed and the judge has read them, they are protected from

 Of course, the cont

Kick ass!  A court battle.

If you read this:

Looks to me like your basic you didn't pay enough / we paid 
already dispute.

You can see e-gold's approach is to try to get the SOURCE code as a 
resolution to the dispute...pretty much standard practice, and why 
not, if you can get it?

(Scan down to Alternative to these Requirements: ... Alternative 
to these Requirements: is legal speak for what we're really after.)

Systemics position is probably we did everything that was written 
down that we should.

Ah, the courtroom --- scene of the end of a hundred sloppy 
dot-com-era developer/developee disputes.

But ... which venue?


(*) e-gold will want to keep it more private (court in an offshore 
jurisdiction?  i don't know)

(*) one would imagine e-gold has better lawyers, thus, there is no 
rational reason why they won't win

(*) habeus server  systemics has the server, so they yield a lot of power

Personally I am confused as to the issues .. digi gold is just an 
experiment right?  (How much is in circulation .. $20 or something?)

Great ventures create great mottos.

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[e-gold-list] I Love It.

2001-06-13 Thread jpm

Just heard on the news. On averege


of the recommendations made by Wall St. analysts is correct in direction.

Idiots.  What a farse.

Great ventures create great mottos.

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[e-gold-list] critical trading day

2001-06-13 Thread jpm


As Bob called it, another big test coming in tomorrow's trading.

MAJOR HISTORY could be made.

IF gold goes down through that channel tomorrow, the price is fucked 
and it will go down to 200 over the next few weeks. (It will beat the 
lows of April.)

Hopefully (if you're long, anyway) it will continue in the channel.

Observe that like i mentioned it appears to be going flag-spike-flag-spike etc.

the tip of the second flag is upon us.  Any move will be dramatic, again.


until it works its way over 275, dont breathe...

Great ventures create great mottos.

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[e-gold-list] Re: gossip beyond dreams

2001-06-13 Thread Viking Coder

 (*) habeus server  systemics has the server, so they yield a lot of power

So the old rule of 'he who has the gold' was one-upped by the new rule 'he
who has the server that the gold is traded on'.

 digi gold is just an  experiment right?  

Something like that... It is in beta release right now. It is an answer to
the question of e-gold becoming a digital bearer payment.

(How much is in circulation .. $20 or something?)

The primary reserve account has a total of US$62346.09 worth of metal.

The manager reserve account has a total of US$10894.83 worth of metal.

Viking Coder

Worth Two Cents?

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[e-gold-list] Re: Trojans, passwords and James Randi

2001-06-13 Thread James M. Ray

I believe that some trojans can be planted on some configurations of
(usually Windows) machines running ICQ, as well as by opening an
attachment that should not have been trusted.

http://grc.com/dos/grcdos.htm  has a (long, but revealing, and mostly
pretty-good I hear) discussion of using others' machines for denial of
service attacks, but the same tool can be used as a keystroke sniffer.

Computer security is a process, and a very complex one. It's mostly
beyond me, and professionals in security get paid a lot for what they
do for a reason. There are good books available on the subject. 


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[e-gold-list] Re: Security measures and DIRT

2001-06-13 Thread Ken Griffith

If your private key is stored in a secure device such as the U are U
biometric reader, or a smart card, or a floppy, then it doesn't matter if
the hacker gets your passphrase.  He STILL doesn't have your private key.

Ken Griffith
- Original Message -
From: Viking Coder [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: e-gold Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2001 5:24 PM
Subject: [e-gold-list] Re: Security measures and DIRT

  The main difference with DBI's is that they are encrypted to your public
  whether you store them on your hard drive or on the net.

 But they are still unlocked with your passphrase though, right? PGP,
 Hushmail, Mark Twain Digicash, Digigold all require(d) a passphrase to
 access the account, view the encrypted content, or spend the cash to

 If you don't have a secure computer, it doesn't matter how many layers of
 external protection exist, your items of value with be taken from you.

 On a slightly different note...

 This might be another reason that e-gold is mainly (seriously) used by
 libertarians. One of the main pillars of libertarian philosophy is the
 idea of self-rule, and thus self-responsibility. It is not e-gold ltd's
 fault if you cannot adequately keep control of your own identity.

 Viking Coder
 Worth Two Cents?

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[e-gold-list] Re: gossip beyond dreams

2001-06-13 Thread Ken Griffith

Given the fact that digigold is only 25% backed by e-gold, the total value
of all notes in circulation could be as much as $249,384.

- Original Message -
From: Viking Coder [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: e-gold Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2001 9:10 PM
Subject: [e-gold-list] Re: gossip beyond dreams

  (*) habeus server  systemics has the server, so they yield a lot of

 So the old rule of 'he who has the gold' was one-upped by the new rule 'he
 who has the server that the gold is traded on'.

  digi gold is just an  experiment right?

 Something like that... It is in beta release right now. It is an answer to
 the question of e-gold becoming a digital bearer payment.

 (How much is in circulation .. $20 or something?)

 The primary reserve account has a total of US$62346.09 worth of metal.

 The manager reserve account has a total of US$10894.83 worth of metal.

 Viking Coder
 Worth Two Cents?

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[e-gold-list] RE: I Love It.

2001-06-13 Thread Samuel Mc Kee

 Just heard on the news. On averege


 of the recommendations made by Wall St. analysts is correct in direction.

I'm always highly skeptical of reports like that. Who arrived at that
statistic and how?

In an efficient market like the stock market it is impossible to beat the
market average _systematically_ (you can still get lucky). If it is in fact
true that one percent of the analysts' recommendations go the right way,
then one could systematically beat the market average by doing the opposite
of what they say. Claims like that send my bullshitometer off the scale.

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[e-gold-list] Re: I Love It.

2001-06-13 Thread Tristan Petersen

Just heard on the news. On averege


of the recommendations made by Wall St. analysts is correct in direction.

Idiots.  What a farse.

Since there are only 2 possible outcomes (ignoring no change) for a price
to move, isn't there a 50/50 chance to get an increase or decrease in
price? Much like flipping a coin, there is a 50/50 chance you will get
heads or tails (ignoring the coin landing on its circumference!).

I wonder if this means that an idiot flipping a coin is smarter than a
wall street analyst? smirk


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[e-gold-list] Re: gossip beyond dreams

2001-06-13 Thread Viking Coder

 Given the fact that digigold is only 25% backed by e-gold, the total value
 of all notes in circulation could be as much as $249,384.

Actually, the 25% backing was only a plan for the future. Digigold is
still 100% backed. Remember, it's still only in beta testing.

Viking Coder

Worth Two Cents?

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[e-gold-list] Re: critical trading day

2001-06-13 Thread Bob

 As Bob called it, another big test coming in tomorrow's trading.
 MAJOR HISTORY could be made.
 IF gold goes down through that channel tomorrow, the price is fucked
 and it will go down to 200 over the next few weeks. (It will beat the
 lows of April.)
 Hopefully (if you're long, anyway) it will continue in the channel.
 Observe that like i mentioned it appears to be going flag-spike-flag-spike etc.
 the tip of the second flag is upon us.  Any move will be dramatic, again.
 until it works its way over 275, dont breathe...
 Great ventures create great mottos.

Yup, another one.

Volume was down some from yesterday despite prices going up
for both the COMEX August contract and nem. So I expect tomorrow
to be sideways or down.

There was a 2-b end of trend signal 3 days after the 8 down
days in a row for the gold contract. It'll take some time to
repair the % damage from the 8 down days. Assuming the double
bottom (and the other 2 signals) holds.

Of course if it wants to go quickly to 200, that would be fun

But, if the last 2 weeks of nem's pattern is a flag on the way down,
it would a be very strange thing as there was no end of trend 
signal when nem topped out around May 10th. There wasn't even 
distribution the day after nem topped. And there's been a 
pretty good correlation going on for some time now.



Use gold as money. It's easy. Create a free e-gold account here:

ConstructionGigs.com's PGP public key is here:
3C4D A63F 3C8B 2D7B 7E1A FFE8 9A2E 4D78 CAD6 66B7

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[e-gold-list] Is this evidence ?

2001-06-13 Thread C. Cormier - Ormetal Inc.

On 13 Jun 2001, at 18:55, Samuel Mc Kee wrote:

 I keep hearing various people suggest that it's possible to plant a
 software trojan on someone's machine without that person opening up an
 attachment or running an executable locally. These claims are a lot
 like claims of psychic powers: I can always find someone to claim that
 the stories are true, but when I ask to see some evidence I am
 informed that, unfortunately, I can't be shown the evidence because
 the dog ate it.

Try the first two test on this page. I am not sure if they are 
evidence. But you will get something on your system without 
opening an attachement...



Claude Cormier Public Key

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[e-gold-list] RE: now here's a moral dilemma

2001-06-13 Thread Samuel Mc Kee

I was a little surprised to see you write this.

Why stop at E-Gold sites? Lots of people use the same passphrase (password
in many sad cases) for all their e-mail accounts, their work login, their
online bank accounts, and so on and so forth. Should my regular ISP's e-mail
server try to log in to my PayPal account using the same password as my
e-mail password? Such an invasion would be For My Own Good, of course, and
therefore morally justifiable.

Where does it end, and by what rationale does it end at that particular
point rather than at some point of greater or lesser invasiveness?

Suppose your mailman tried the front door of every house he stopped at, just
to see if it's locked--not trying to pick the lock or break in, but just
trying to turn the knob to see if it will turn and he can open the door and
peek in. Pretty creepy, huh? I'd go balistic if I found out my mailman were
doing that, even though I always lock my door. Those who don't lock their
doors knowingly take a calculated risk, and although I think they're foolish
I don't think the mailman has any business trying to open their front doors
when nobody's home. In the case of E-Gold it isn't nearly as creepy, but I
think the same principal should apply.

Here's the moral solution: Inform people about basic password security,
encourage them to take personal responsibility for their own affairs,
_expect_ them to take personal responsibility for their own affairs, and
when they don't, feel sorry for them but hope they learned and don't pretend
it's anyone's fault but their own.

It's like William Penn said--if you protect men from folly, you'll get a
nation of fools.

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[e-gold-list] RE: now here's a moral dilemma

2001-06-13 Thread jpm

Here's the moral solution: Inform people about basic password security,
encourage them to take personal responsibility for their own affairs,
_expect_ them to take personal responsibility for their own affairs, and
when they don't, feel sorry for them but hope they learned and don't pretend
it's anyone's fault but their own.

It's like William Penn said--if you protect men from folly, you'll get a
nation of fools.

I think you're probably right, Sam!

Great ventures create great mottos.

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[e-gold-list] RE: Is this evidence ?

2001-06-13 Thread Samuel Mc Kee

 Try the first two test on this page. I am not sure if they are
 evidence. But you will get something on your system without
 opening an attachement...


Both tests asked me if I wanted to install and run some executable code on
my machine. We software engineers have a very technical and esoteric defense
against such a sophisticated attack...we say no.

Like I said, you have to open an attachment or voluntarily run an executable
in order to get a trojan. No one can just push one onto your machine. So
be _very_ careful about whose attachments and executables you trust.

Among other things, my Spidey-sense tingles when an applet wants to run with
full permissions.

As a general rule of thumb, think of an applet as a teenager, and think of
the full permissions for which it might ask as a bottle of whiskey and the
keys to your car.

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[e-gold-list] Re: now here's a moral dilemma

2001-06-13 Thread Viking Coder

 .. to CHECK whether the person was foolish enough to use their egold 
 password as their GoldDate password.

The developer could offer that as a free service. 
Check this box to verify passphrase integrity

It would check combinations of the birthdate  name, common dictionary
words, etc... against the given passphrase.

 If the person did make that mistake, the server would say we told 
 you NOT TO USE your egold password - we could have stolen all your 
 gold just now.  Choose a better password, doper

Maybe not include the point about stealing their gold, but definitely
bitch them out for making such a dumb move.

Because they'll probably give the passphrase out to somebody without
similar moral standards. They will then complain that e-gold is insecure
and should implement grandiose, useless/ineffective means of 'security'.

 con --  is breaking into their account!  liability if person is ever 
 hacked, even if innocent, etc.

Yeah. Because they will probably give their passphrase out again and you
were the only one that made a show of 'verifying' their account.

Viking Coder

Worth Two Cents?

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[e-gold-list] RE: now here's a moral dilemma

2001-06-13 Thread Ben Legume


Certainly not! If people are told quite clearly by both E-Gold and 
the site they are joining not to do something as it is unsafe, yet 
they do it anyway, on their own heads be it. We are all adults. I 
think the exact analogy in the real world is a restaurant or similar 
which puts up signs stating things like

Bag snatchers operate in this area. Please do not leave your bag 
Please be careful of your valuables while in this shop, as thefts do 

Now when some idiot then goes and leaves her purse on the ground and 
it gets stolen, is the store responsible for the loss? Obviously not. 
Should the shop attendant run and hide the bag, then when the person 
complains give them a lecture? I would hope not.

Live and learn!

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[e-gold-list] RE: now here's a moral dilemma

2001-06-13 Thread Samuel Mc Kee

 We are all adults. I
 think the exact analogy in the real world is a restaurant or similar
 which puts up signs stating things like

 Bag snatchers operate in this area. Please do not leave your bag
 Please be careful of your valuables while in this shop, as thefts do

 Now when some idiot then goes and leaves her purse on the ground and
 it gets stolen, is the store responsible for the loss? Obviously not.
 Should the shop attendant run and hide the bag, then when the person
 complains give them a lecture? I would hope not.

 Live and learn!

About five years ago there was a series of break-ins in the parking lot of
my favorite watering hole. One night a cop came into the bar around midnight
to warn us all to make sure that our cars were locked and the windows
closed. He left the keys in the police cruiser with the engine running while
he was giving us this warning. Take a wild guess what happened next!

I quite agree--live and learn.

It's not a scam! You give them all your credit card numbers, and if one is
lucky, you win a prize!--Grandpa Simpson

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[e-gold-list] Re: Due Process - In defense of e-gold

2001-06-13 Thread Lim Ka Seong

Ken Griffith wrote:
Many people have complained that e-gold doesn't just freeze funds or
a spend when they report that their account has been hacked.
There is a reason for this. It is called due process. If someone has 
stolen money from your account, report it to the FBI or the local
Florida police department, and hire a lawyer to get a court order telling
e-gold to produce the records showing where that money was spent to and 
when. E-gold states on their website that they will cooperate with law 
enforcement agencies.

Ka Seong The problem is how to produce a court order and convince the FBI
when you can't even produce a single clue about the culprit, their name,
where they stay etc. Only E-gold has the identity. The victim only has the
Book-Entry record showing which E-gold account his fund was spent to.

People who are in legitimate E-gold business will definitely work with
E-gold to unfrozen their account by proving to E-gold that, that was a
legitimate transaction by the spender (or spenders!!!)

So, in the goldmine's case or the AVIDAs case, let's frozen thier
account and see if they make noise (If it is good noise, E-Gold's GOOD PR
should be able to handle, right?). If they don't and won't make noise
because they know what they have done illegally. If they do, they will
have their identity revealed. Only E-gold can let them know they can't get
away easily if they are ripping E-gold's customer

Ka Seong

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