Re: [expert] Dual BP6 motherboard

2000-05-09 Thread Anton Graham

Submitted 09-May-00 by Vu Nguyen:
| Hi 
| Here is the list of my hardware
| Motherboard:  BP6
| CPU: 2 of 500MHz celeron (no overclock)
| Bios:  I just flash the new Bios bp6_qq.b01
| 96MB Ram (P100)
| Trident video card:  Trident 3D Image 9880 chipset
| No soundcard
| No modem
| I just set the MPS version control in Bios to 1:1
| I installed the Mandrake with the expert server.  It seems that everything 
| automatic config.  When I start it up, I saw the window with the bird and 
| it said : " One 500MZ (mendocino) CPU.  Is that anywhere else I can check
| to make sure.  And how can I fix it?
| Thank you so much

Do a "uname -r" (without the quotes) and see if the kernel version you are
using is an smp one (i.e. ends in smp).

  ( )   *    Anton Graham
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 (m_m)   GPG ID: 18F78541
Penguin Powered!

Re: [expert] Dual BP6 motherboard

2000-05-10 Thread Anton Graham

Submitted 10-May-00 by Vu Nguyen:
| Hi
| Yes I did and it only said I am using the Kernel
| 2.2.14 without smp, So what should I do
| Thank

Okay, first of all, check to see if you have an smp kernel installed.

rpm -qa | grep kernel

You should get a list like the following:

If you don't have the smp kernel in that list, then you will have to
install it from your CD.  After that, just change the symlinks in /boot
(the and vmlinuz) to point at the smp kernel and run

  ( )   *Anton Graham
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Re: [expert] Mandrake 7 Security Levels.

2000-05-16 Thread Anton Graham

Submitted 16-May-00 by Luis Henriques:
| Hi, is it just me or is there some documentation somewhere that explains in
| DETAIL what each of the various security levels in Mandrake actually  do ?! 
| - There appears to be no help with description in the install procedure
| - Using locate in the shell to look for "paranoid, security" and other
| words doesn't seem to turn up anything.
| - Using the search engine on Mandrake's web page for unique words like
| "paranoid" turns up zip, nada!
| - Google can't find anything either
| - Nobody on IRC seems to know
| - Nobody seems to be asking this question in newsgroups (i searched
| I'm not a hard core programmer to go digging through source to figure out
| what the various levels are actually doing. Please point me to some
| detailed description.  If there is one, it sure as heck should be more
| obvious!! I saw dozens of posts on newsgroups and IRC channels of people
| selecting paranoid and then not being able to login as root !

Paranoid = security setting 5.  The word means nothing to the system.  It
a mnemonic to help users decide on settings.  Level 5 is documented in the
msec documentation.

  ( )   *Anton Graham
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 (m_m)   GPG ID: 18F78541
Penguin Powered!

Re: [expert] I need to rename a bunch of files

2000-05-16 Thread Anton Graham

Submitted 16-May-00 by Timothy Litwiller:
| I found mmv but can't seem to get the proper command line
| the files that I have are like this
| picture-thumb.jpg  and the new album software requires them to be
| picture.thumb.jpg
| what kind of command line am I looking for?
| of if someone has a quick script that they use for this type of thing
| with instructions I would gladly use that.

how about omething like:

for i in *.jpg; do mv $i $(echo $i | tr '-' '.'); done

  ( )   *Anton Graham
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Penguin Powered!

Re: [expert] GNOME instead of KDE...

2000-05-16 Thread Anton Graham

Submitted 16-May-00 by Alan N.:
| Gavin Clark wrote:
| > 
| > >From: "José Ignacio Alvear Zapata" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| > > I'm trying to use KDE as less as possible, but there are some features that
| > > I still don't know how to set up with GNOME. Could some of you help me?
| > >
| > > 1) I would like to dial to my ISP using some aplication like Kppp. Is there
| > > some for GNOME?
| > 
| > there is a ppp dial util in gnome but it sucks. you can still use kppp by
| > opening it via the command line.
| > 
| I'm not sure what you mean.  I'm using the gnome ppp dialer, it works
| just fine.
| However, kppp which I used to use, I cannot dial unless root.. Since the
| gnome dialer worked fine, I never put much thought into fixing it.

For that matter, the modem lights applet makes a handy dialer if you set
it up right.  Set up the dialup through linuxconf as ppp0.  Oce you are
satisfied that users can "/sbin/ifup ppp0" successfully, open up the
properties for the modem lights applet and put that as the dialup command
and "/sbin/ifdown ppp0" for the disconnect.  After that, the button on the
bottom or left of it (depending on how you have it setup) acts as a
dial/disconnect button.
  ( )   *Anton Graham
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 (m_m)   GPG ID: 18F78541
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Re: [expert] Where is the script that starts smtp server?

2000-05-17 Thread Anton Graham

Submitted 17-May-00 by James:
| I am using Mandrake 7.02 and I am trying to get vpopmail
| ( to work using roaming users.  One of the
| suggestions in the FAQ ( suggests this:
| ___
| Your startup script for the qmail smtp server must use the 
|tcpserver -x file command similar to this startup line. 
| env - PATH="/var/qmail/bin:/usr/local/bin" \
| tcpserver -H -R -x /etc/tcp.smtp.cdb -c20 -u503 -g503 0 smtp \
| /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd 2>&1 > /dev/null &
| ___
| Ok, fine and dandy.. but I don't know where my startup line that contains
| the script that starts the smtp server is.  Does anyone know where this
| would go on Mandrake 7.02?

I'm not familiar with qmail, but it should be started by a SysV init
script in /etc/rc.d/init.d.  Probably has a sensible name like
``qmail,'' as well.  Within that file, check out ther start section.


  ( )   *Anton Graham
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 (m_m)   GPG ID: 18F78541
Penguin Powered!

Re: [expert] GNOME instead of KDE...

2000-05-17 Thread Anton Graham

| > 2) I'd prefer to use gdm as my login manager. How could I set it to start by
| > default instead of kdm?
That is determined by the shell script /etc/X11/prefdm.  It looks at
a file /etc/sysconfig/desktop.  To switch to using gdm simply do:

echo GNOME > /etc/sysconfig/desktop

as root.  Similarly KDE uses kdm and AnotherLevel uses xdm.  If you do
not have an /etc/sysconfig/desktop file (as created by the previous
command), it defaults to (in order) kdm, gdm, xdm based on whether you
have them installed.

The practice of making /etc/X11/prefdm a symlink to your display
manager of choice does not work with all distributions as some rewrite
the script each time X is started.

      ( )   *    Anton Graham
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 (m_m)   GPG ID: 18F78541
Penguin Powered!

Re: [expert] GNOME instead of KDE...

2000-05-18 Thread Anton Graham

Submitted 17-May-00 by Harlan Whitley:

| [-- octet-filter file type: "MS-DOS executable (EXE), OS/2 or MS Windows" --]
| WINA20.386: DOS/Windows executable

Excuse me, but *what* is this?

  ( )   *Anton Graham
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Re: [expert] question about LILO

2000-05-19 Thread Anton Graham

Submitted 19-May-00 by Ron Greer:
| Ummm... sure :)
| edit /etc/lilo.conf
| specify like... vga=0x317...
| Basically whatever number you used in decimal (Should be probably in the
| 600's or above) convert to hexadecimal and put it there.
| Make sure you run 'lilo' after making this change.
|   -=Ron=-

0x317 requires a framebuffer enabled kernel.  Next time you do the
`scan' make note of the hex number next to it and put it *with the 0x
in front* in your vga line.

BTW, 0x317 provides a very readable 128x48 screen by default, so if your 
VGA card is VESA 2.0 compliant you might want to try an fb kernel.
Note that the frambuffer modes will not appear in a `scan' request.

  ( )   *Anton Graham
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 (m_m)   GPG ID: 18F78541
Penguin Powered!

Re: [expert] Other MTA choices

2000-05-24 Thread Anton Graham

Submitted 24-May-00 by James:
| How come Mandrake favors sendmail over better mail programs like qmail?
| I'd love to see Mandrake use qmail instead of sendmail for the Mail
| Transfer Agent of choice.  Or maybe even *more* choices than sendmail and
| postfix.

Actually, the preference is for postfix.   Some Mandrake staffers
actually think of sendmail as a security hole at best :)

  ( )   *Anton Graham
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 (m_m)   GPG ID: 18F78541
Penguin Powered!

Re: [expert] future distro ideas

2000-05-27 Thread Anton Graham

Submitted 27-May-00 by Jeff Groves:

| p.s. I'm trying to install ReiserFS on a new Mandrake 7.0 system this 
| weekend.  After I'm done, I'll let you know if I still hold the same "ready 
| for production use" opinion.

I've been running ReiserFS on my 7.1b box for almost a month and have
been unable to trash it, including with deliberate hard resets in the
middle of multiple ``make'' commands.

  ( )   *Anton Graham
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 (m_m)   GPG ID: 18F78541
Penguin Powered!

Re: [expert] future distro ideas

2000-05-27 Thread Anton Graham

Submitted 27-May-00 by Bruce Endries:
| I have on too many occasions seen Linux machines shut off
| improperly and never run again until the OS is re-installed.

This is like using explosives to solve a rodent problem.  You destroy
the old house and build a new one.  You lose everything of value that
was in the original.

I have indeed had problems with an ext2 file system that prevented a
proper boot, but if you are patient  you can recover the existing
system without catastrophic data loss.  The tools are there, but you
need to know how to use them *before* you need them.

| I admit, sometimes, it will do it. But sometimes isn't good enough.

The vast majority of time it will recover just fine.  On occasion,
user intervention is required, typically if the disk was being written
to when the power was interrupted.

| As much as I dislike Windows, I can always count on Windows 
| coming back from this kind of situation. It will complain, run 
| scandisk, and come back up. You might have some application 
| files corrupted, but at least the OS will run.

Sure-fire way to make Windows unuseable: Try removing the primary
video adapter in a dual head system.  Mandrake (via Kudzu) detects
this situation and has you reconfigure X.  That is a real show stopper.

Also, I *have* seen Windows die completely after an improper shutdown.
Rare to be certain, but it does happen.

  ( )   *Anton Graham
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 (m_m)   GPG ID: 18F78541
Penguin Powered!

Re: [expert] Win Apps

2000-05-27 Thread Anton Graham

Submitted 27-May-00 by Denis HAVLIK:
| :~>Are there any plans to include a windows emulator with Mandrake .. VMware or
| :~>some other besides WINE ? I have 3 specialized apps that will never be
| :~>ported.. they are Mortgage and finance stuff for my wife
| We have employed the author of free VMware-like package, but it will take
| a long time until this product is realy finished. In the meantime I am
| afraid it is either wine or VMware.

Win4Lin is also an option (it is another commercial package
( ).  While it lacks some of the functionality
of VMWare, it has much less stringent system requirements.  It can
also be run as either a window in an X session or as an X session
itself.  I run it on a p166 with no difficulty.

  ( )   *    Anton Graham
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 (m_m)   GPG ID: 18F78541
Penguin Powered!

Re: [expert] Netscape cache, etc.

2000-05-29 Thread Anton Graham

Submitted 28-May-00 by Civileme:

| How did AOL manage to make a slower, uglier, more disgusting
| thing of netscape with version 6?

This one's easy :p  Aside from it being AO-Hell's product, the general
rule with commercial browsers (IE and Netscape) is to bloat them more
with each version so that those of us who started on 4.77 MHz machines
feel at home even with fast hardware :)

Seriously, though.  Netscape 4.x is slower than 3.x, just as IE 4.x
and 5.x are slower than 3.x was.  I expected nothing different of 6.
As they add *supposed* functionaity, they bloat the code so much that
it can't help but be slow.

  ( )   *    Anton Graham
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 (m_m)   GPG ID: 18F78541
Penguin Powered!

Re: [expert] High definition console

2000-05-29 Thread Anton Graham

Submitted 29-May-00 by Charles Curley:

| You can do this without Twin. Emacs will run a shell in a windows (M-x
| shell). And you can switch virtual consoles using Fx where x is the
| console number you want. I believe you can specify the text resulution of
| the console you want to Linux at boot time, but I don't know how. Tomsrtbt
| even lets you have an optional menu to select a resulution.

For simple text cols x rows selection in standard resolutions, passing
vga=ask to the kernel at boot time will get you a menu of standard
text modes (up to 132x60 which is pretty unreadable on a small
screen in standard text modes).  Then replace the vga=ask with
vga=mode_number.  A better solution is to use an fb kernel and select
an appropriate graphics mode to use for text.  (I use a 1024x768 24bpp
text mode.)  The mode numbers for the fb kernel can be found in

If you need more lines on the screen than the default 8x16 font gives
you (48 at 1024x768), you can set a different font in your
/etc/sysconfig/i18n file.  I use an 8x12 font which gives me a very
readable 128x64.  If you are a masochist, you could run an 8x8 font
which gives an insane 96 lines on the screen but it is pretty squashed.

  ( )   *Anton Graham
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 (m_m)   GPG ID: 18F78541
Penguin Powered!

Re: [expert] High definition console

2000-05-29 Thread Anton Graham

Submitted 29-May-00 by Jean-Louis Debert:
| Anton Graham wrote:
| > For simple text cols x rows selection in standard resolutions, passing
| > vga=ask to the kernel at boot time will get you a menu of standard
| > text modes (up to 132x60 which is pretty unreadable on a small
| > screen in standard text modes).  Then replace the vga=ask with
| > vga=mode_number.  A better solution is to use an fb kernel and select
| > an appropriate graphics mode to use for text.  (I use a 1024x768 24bpp
| > text mode.)  The mode numbers for the fb kernel can be found in
| > /usr/src/linux/Documentation/fb/vesafb.txt
| This will work, but the guy who started the thread wanted something
| for more speed ... Seems to me you won't have this with a fb console,
| because you are replacing a _text_ mode with a _graphic_ mode at
| the chipset level. 
| If you want speed, you are better off with SVGATextMode, which does
| use _text_ modes only, and can also use custom fonts.
Yes, SVGATextMode does present a faster display.  Unfortunately it
requires manual configuration with a greater knowledge of video
hardware than most people are prepared for.  Yes, many of the values
can be pulled out of an XF86Config file, but without custom
configuration, many video modes will be unavailable.

Also, by default, SVGATextMode uses setfont to change fonts, which
generates a warning message that will confuse many people.
Furthermore, certain desirable resolutions fail in SVGATextMode even
though the hardware will support them.

As far as the reduction in speed is concerned, you get hit when
scrolling large volumes of text in graphics modes.  This can be
reduced somewhat if your hardware supports ypan or ywrap.  (Besides,
don't you like the pretty picture? :p)

  ( )   *Anton Graham
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 (m_m)   GPG ID: 18F78541
Penguin Powered!

Re: [expert] Out of room on / filesystem

2000-05-29 Thread Anton Graham

Submitted 29-May-00 by bascule:
| out of interest civileme, why can you not move /etc ? is it a boot time
| thing?

In short, yes.  There are several files in the /etc tree that must be
accessed before any partitions other than / are mounted.  These
include /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit (which actually handles the mounting of
the other partitions), /etc/fstab, /etc/mtab, and (most critically)

  ( )   *Anton Graham
  /v\  / <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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 (m_m)   GPG ID: 18F78541
Penguin Powered!

Re: [expert] problems

2000-05-31 Thread Anton Graham

Submitted 31-May-00 by [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
| 1- there's a way to activate and make hda5 be a swap partition, which some
|kind soul will tell me about.

Of course :)  As root:

# /sbin/fdisk /dev/hda << EOF
> t
> 5
> 82
> w
# /sbin/mkswap /dev/hda5
# /sbin/swapon

and edit your /etc/fstab appropriately.  (note that the #'s and >'s
are the prompts :p)

  ( )   *Anton Graham
  /v\  / <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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 (m_m)   GPG ID: 18F78541
Penguin Powered!

Re: [expert] mail problem

2000-05-31 Thread Anton Graham

Submitted 31-May-00 by Wizaerd:
| I've got a linux box I'm trying to install sendmail from the RPM, and it
| tells me I have a conflict with postfix.  I tried uninstalling postfix and
| it told me it was needed for mutt.  SO I tried to uninstall mutt (all of
| this using kpackage BTW) and it said 'mutt' specifies multiple packages and
| will not allow me to get rid of it...
| So how do I get sendmail installed and how do I remove postfix and mutt?
| thanx

You don't need to uninstall mutt :p In a console (by the gods I
hate GUI tools) :

rpm -e --nodeps postfix && rpm -Uvh /path/to/your/sendmail*.rpm

But, I must ask *why* you would want to replace postfix with sendmail.
Postfix is easier to configure, smarter, and has fewer security

As far as the mutt issue is concerned, you must have, at some point,
done an install instead of an upgrade on it and thus gave it multiple
entries.  When you do decide to uninstall the greatest mail
client for linux, once again there is a command line option
that will fix you right up :P

rpm -e --allmatches mutt


  ( )   *Anton Graham
  /v\  / <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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 (m_m)   GPG ID: 18F78541
Penguin Powered!

Re: [expert] Partition Table

2000-05-31 Thread Anton Graham

Submitted 31-May-00 by Charles Curley:
| Logical partitions are contained within extended partitions. I conjecture
| that you can have up to 16 (64 total possible partitions divided by 4
| possible extended partitions) logical partitions to an extended partition,
| but have never tested this.

Each extended partition table is limited in the same manner as the
primary (i.e. 4 partitions), but nothing prevents you from creating
extended partitions inside extended partitions.  Linux (and most other
operating systems) work around this little bugger by ``Daisy
chaining'' the logical partitions.  

If you look at the raw partiton data, you will discover that each
logical partition actually resides in an extended partition of its
own, effectively allowing the use of up to the hardware limit in a
single extended partition.

  ( )   *Anton Graham
  /v\  / <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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 (m_m)   GPG ID: 18F78541
Penguin Powered!

Re: [expert] SawFish problem

2000-05-31 Thread Anton Graham

Submitted 31-May-00 by Espen Knut Trydal:
| Hello all,
| I've got a dependency problem while installing sawfish-0.27.2-1mdk.i586.rpm
| This is the error message I get:
| ***
| rpmerror: failed dependencies:
|  /usr/sbin/install-menu is needed by sawfish-0.27.2-1mdk
| ***
| What kind of package is that???
| Thanks in advance

It's not a package.  There are two different ways of defining things
that an RPM needs:

First is Requires.  These are packages or virtual packages (set by

Second is Prereq.  These prerequisites aren't for a specific package,
but for a specific file.

My guess is that you are trying to install the shiny new sawfish on a
7.0 or earlier system without the new menu system.

[anton@bladehawke anton]$ rpm -qf /usr/sbin/install-menu

Grab the menu rpm from cooker :p

  ( )   *    Anton Graham
  /v\  / <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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 (m_m)   GPG ID: 18F78541
Penguin Powered!

Re: [expert] Is Nandrake 7.1 beta 2 a beta distro or upgrade for Air?

2000-06-02 Thread Anton Graham

Submitted 02-Jun-00 by giancarlo:
| Hi
|   Ola
|   The question comes of the fact that had countless problems for install
| the version Hydrogen da Mandrake. After several attempts, which caused
| irreparable losses in the system  Air,
| I got  install him, using an installation disk with cdrom.img of
| /dosutilies, but I don't manage to see anything working of coherent form
| and as it was used to. The main problem is KDE that don't count anything
| than I choose, in the total, besides the have put all of the packages,
| inclusive games, for example, he alone exhibition some applications, no
| games and the tasks bar is empty! What is it this? How must procede with
| the version 7.1 beta2?
|   Any help will be well coming. Thank you very much.

As I recall, there was a menu bug in the Beta 2 that essentially
prevented proper menu generation.  I am surprised that you are
installing that version, given that Beta 3 has been out for some time

In answer to the subject query 7.1b2 was a beta distro.  7.1 final
should be here soon :)

  ( )   *Anton Graham
  /v\  / <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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 (m_m)   GPG ID: 18F78541
Penguin Powered!

[expert] Date tagged names

2000-06-03 Thread Anton Graham

(Sorry if this is a duplicate post, I sent the original yesterday and
never saw it myself)

I have this rather ugly method of generating a directory name that is
a date (MM).  Part of the ugliness comes from having to pipe the
output from date through awk to reduce the month by one because it
gets called from a cron job at midnight on the first of each month.

Does anybody have a cleaner method of doing this?

DirName=$HOME/Mail/Archives/$(echo -e "$(date +%Y%m)" \
   | awk '{if ((($1-1)%100)==0) print  $1-89; else \
   print $1-1 }')

      ( )   *Anton Graham
  /v\  / <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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 (m_m)   GPG ID: 18F78541
Penguin Powered!

Re: [expert] Filesystem mount / fstab query

2000-06-05 Thread Anton Graham

Submitted 04-Jun-00 by Glyn Millington:
> Mounting local filesystems  mount  : no medium found FAILED

> Is there something amiss with my fstab (appended below)?

> /dev/cdrom  /mnt/cdrom  iso9660  ro,user 0 0

Should be:

/dev/cdrom  /mnt/cdrom  iso9660  ro,usr,noauto 0 0

The error is caused by it trying to mount the cd at boot time without
a disc in the drive.

  ( )   *    Anton Graham
  /v\  / <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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 (m_m)   GPG ID: 18F78541
Penguin Powered!

Re: [expert] Help!

2000-06-05 Thread Anton Graham

Submitted 05-Jun-00 by Cecil Watson:
> Thanks for the response Everyone.  I'm investigating it right now.  Civilme
> thanks for the du command, it lists the files, only one problem:
> du: cannot change to directory /proc/6/fd: Permission denied
> du: cannot change to directory /proc/71/fd: Permission denied
> du: /proc/3281/fd/4: No such file or directory
> I enter this command as root.

/proc is a "virtual" file system and not everything in there is
writeable or able to be cd'd into (even for root).

  ( )   *Anton Graham
  /v\  / <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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 (m_m)   GPG ID: 18F78541
Penguin Powered!

Re: [expert] Getting telnet access working on Mdk 7

2000-06-06 Thread Anton Graham

Submitted 05-Jun-00 by Eric Aksomitis:
> So, I set up a web server Linux Mdrk 7 machine last week.  It is fully
> there and working, but one problem:
> I can't get telnet or ftp to work, even from the konsole (telnet
> localhost).
> It keeps on with "connection refused by host".
> My inetd.conf file points to telnet being serviced through tcpd to
> in.telnetd as you would expect.  There is no hosts.allow or hosts.deny
> files present.  This is the way mine is at home and I often telnet
> localhost to run programs as root real easy.
> So, after having read all the man pages, all I can think of is tcpd is
> not allowing me through, but why?  If possible, I'd like to leave tcpd
> in the mix, but if not I'll just use straight in.telnetd if that works.
> What else am i missing, something to do with hostname resolving?
I had a similar problem, which was fixed by switching around the
/etc/hosts file.  The default line was:   localhost.localdomainlocalhost

telnet localhost didn't work until I switched the
localhost.localdomain and localhost portions.

  ( )   *Anton Graham
  /v\  / <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
/(   )X
 (m_m)   GPG ID: 18F78541
Penguin Powered!

Re: [expert] cron question

2000-06-06 Thread Anton Graham

Submitted 06-Jun-00 by Ron Johnson, Jr.:
> Bill Shirley wrote:
> > 
> > Before taking that route you might investigate:
> >
> > which will give you a free with website and e-mail.
> > 
> > Or, if you have your own domain name but use a dynamic IP address you might
> > check out:
> >
> > along with:
> >
> > to have your domain mapped back to your dial-up IP address so you can use
> > your own server for e-mail, http, etc.
> is similar to and works with 
> dynamic or static IP addresses.  I don't know if is
> free, but and either runs on linux or *BSD. is free for, and provide for a
small fee dynamic dns hosting for your own domain.

  ( )   *Anton Graham
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Penguin Powered!

Re: [expert] DISCUSION Upgrade (fwd)

2000-06-07 Thread Anton Graham

Submitted 07-Jun-00 by Muzza:
> Unfortunately Helix doesn't check your system first, it just presents you with a
> list of upgrades that are available and it's up to you to remember what you
> have already got.  They do 'date' them though so that's not too difficult.  But
> yeah, that would be a very nice feature.
>   Muzza.
Actually, the helix-update package *does* check your system first.  It
compares the version numbers available on the site with the ones in
your database of installed rpms.

  ( )   *Anton Graham
  /v\  / <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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 (m_m)   GPG ID: 18F78541
Penguin Powered!

Re: [expert]

2000-06-09 Thread Anton Graham

Submitted 10-Jun-00 by Seak, Teng-Fong:
> > >I just downloaded the new 7.1 and installed on my computer
> > on the second hard drive.
> > [deleted]
> > >
> > > I configured a 5GB partition as the Linux partition in the first slot of the 
> > [deleted]
> > > first letter of LILO "L" then a constant stream of 01 01 01 01 01 01 and it just
> > > continues.  I have to reset the machine to get out of it.  Anyone have any idea 
> > is
> > > happening.  I'm assuming it is a bad LILO install, but I reinstalled three times.
> > > > Please Help...> > Thanks,> Greg DeYoung
>  Have you tried to create a small partition, say 50 MB, for /boot?  Make this 
>the first
> partition of the HD if possible.

50 MB is much larger than most ppl need for a /boot partition.  I have
three different kernel in there and it's less than 7 MB used.
Generally /boot shouldn't be more than 15-20 MB.  Anything more is
allocating space that will be unused.

  ( )   *Anton Graham
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Penguin Powered!

Re: [expert] tcsh, man in Mandrake 7.1

2000-06-12 Thread Anton Graham

Submitted 11-Jun-00 by Werner E. Niebel:
> Hi folks,
> I just installed Mandrake 7.1 on a hard drive on my machine.  Ive tried
> to do any man from the command line in tcsh like:
> > man ls
> It returns an error with less saying something to the effect of -= not
> supported.
> doing the same thing in bash, it works fine...
> Any suggestions as to what is wrong?

Haven't gotten around to learning tcsh, but I did track down the
problem :) 

In bash, the environment variable LESS is set to -MM, while in a tcsh
login shell it is being set to -MM=

The error is in /etc/profile.d/inputrc.csh:
setenv LESS=-MM

Note the equal sign that should be a space (I have no idea why the
equal sign gets tacked onto the end of it, but in my test shell it did
the same thing)

Newer versions of the initscripts rpm (available on cooker) don't have
this error in the inputrc.csh and also add some keybindngs because
tcsh doesn't use inputrc

So, you can either just remove the eual sign or upgrade your
initscripts :)


  ( )   *Anton Graham
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Penguin Powered!

Re: [expert] ISO images and CD-R with Nero

2000-06-12 Thread Anton Graham

Submitted 13-Jun-00 by Mark Van De Vyver:
> Hi,
> I'm about to go home and tomorrow buy the CD's for Linux-Mandrake.  So this
> might seem a little redundant...
> I noticed the straight forward instructions on the Mandrake site
> (
> about durning the iso images using
> i) WinOnCD
> ii)Easy CD Creator
> Does anyone know if this can be done with Nero 5.0 on Win NT, I've just
> chewed up 4 cd's with no luck...
> some of the the issues (options in Nero) seems to be (on the file options
> tab)
> - file/dir namelength 8.3 (iso level 1) v max 31 char (iso level 2)
> - Format: iso1 v iso2/XA
> - joilet (secondary vol. desc. and directories using unicode
> - allow path depth more than 8 directories
> - allow morethan 255 char in path

I think you're trying to do this the hard way.  Select "Burn Image"
from the "File" menu (you'll have to tell it all files instead of the
default in the browse window).  Once you have picked your ISO, it pops
up a box about non-native format (or some such rubbish) and a dialog
for how to handle it.  The defaults are correct for an ISO image, so
you're good to go.  (FWIW, I haven't burned 7.1 discs under Nero, but
I did burn my 6.0, 6.1, 7.0b, and 7.0 discs with it in exactly this

  ( )   *Anton Graham
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 (m_m)   GPG ID: 18F78541
Penguin Powered!

Re: [expert] 7.1 menus

2000-06-14 Thread Anton Graham

Submitted 13-Jun-00 by Alex V Flinsch:
> On Mon, 12 Jun 2000, you wrote:
> > Jason Straight <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > 
> > > It's based on fvwm - you'll have to edit the menu files there I believe.
> > 
> > wrong !! see /usr/doc/menu-*/menu.txt for documentation
> > 
> OK, I worked out that if I make an entry in /usr/lib/menu the application will
> show up on the menus. The only problem is that it does not seem to work when
> the app was installed from something other than an rpm (a tarball for
> instance). Does the update-menus package require that the menu entry be in the
> rpm database? Is there a way around this problem?

Yes.  From the menu documentation:  Any "package" that starts with
"local." is considered installed.  So, for example, StarOffice on my
system has a menu entry ?package(local.soffice): . . . 

Also, I would only use /usr/lib/menu for global menu entries.  ~/.menu
is where a user's personal entries go.


  ( )   *Anton Graham
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 (m_m)   GPG ID: 18F78541
Penguin Powered!

Re: [expert] Helix-update in 7.1

2000-06-15 Thread Anton Graham

Submitted 14-Jun-00 by Richard Kemp:
> This is used very sparsely by the mandrake team when there are gaping
> security holes one of the nice things about helix gnome is its
> update tool, and I'm pretty disappointed if they didn't include it with
> the helix gnome updates.

If you switch over to pure Helix packages (as provided via
HelixUpdate), you will end up breaking the menu generation system for
Gnome.  Furthermore, any apps which Helix packages do not have correct
menu entries in their spec files and so will disappear from you menus
the next time you update another package which does have correct menus.

  ( )   *Anton Graham
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 (m_m)   GPG ID: 18F78541
Penguin Powered!

Re: [expert] Can NOT change Desktop icons

2000-06-17 Thread Anton Graham

TK Kim wrote:
> I tried to change the icon of the symlinks on my desktop, btw the icons are
> different from those of 'root' after installing Helix Gnome 1.2.  I would go
> into property of a symlink and change the icons, but no effect.  And, i
> checked the permission and it's alright.
> Anyone had the same problem?   Any ideas?

This was an ongoing problem during the beta cycle.  I can't explain
*why* this is, but it works for most casts:

rm ~/.gnome/metadata.db

What seems to be happening is that the initially generated metadata.db
is somehow incorrect (this is the one created when there is no
~/.gnome directory).  Removal of this individual file results
regeneration of a working version.

  ( )   *Anton Graham
  /v\  / <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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 (m_m)   GPG ID: 18F78541
Penguin Powered!

Re: [expert] zenith monitor scan frequencies needed

2000-06-19 Thread Anton Graham

Submitted 19-Jun-00 by Daniel Woods:
> Is there a command line version (non X-version) of DrakConf.
> I hate working inside XF86Config file, it is not friendly.

DrakConf is a frontend launcher for the various Drak tools.  While
this frontend doesn't have a text mode, many of the tools that it
lauches do.  XFDrake and sounddrake I have used on several systems
from the console.

> I noticed that my /var/log/user.log shows...
> Jun 19 01:07:31 aladdin xfs: Warning: The directory 
>"/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi" does not exist
> . 
> Jun 19 01:07:31 aladdin xfs:  Entry deleted from font path.
> How do I install that font ?  I believe there is a DrakFont, but how about
> from the command line ?

It's not one font, it's an entire package of 100dpi fonts called
XFree86-100dpi-fonts.  Look for it on your install media and rpm -Uvh.

  ( )   *Anton Graham
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 (m_m)   GPG ID: 18F78541
Penguin Powered!

Re: [expert] rc.local Starting Applications Under Specific User - How To?

2000-06-20 Thread Anton Graham

Submitted 19-Jun-00 by Civileme:
> I would simply put it into the appropriate user's .bashrc (or
> whatever shell you are talking about)  

The problem with this approach rather than su user -c "command" from
/etc/rc.d/rc.local is that you get a new instance with each login
shell.  Since I frequently use 3-4 vc's, this would be impractical.

      ( )   *Anton Graham
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 (m_m)   GPG ID: 18F78541
Penguin Powered!

Re: [expert] rc.local Starting Applications Under Specific User - How To?

2000-06-20 Thread Anton Graham

Submitted 20-Jun-00 by Andrew George:
> I'd try it in the .login script

See my response above for how this can be a problem

> or (never tried this but would the following command work in rc.local)
> exec command << 'su user' << 'user password'

Because rc.local runs as root, no password is required to change euid
for running a command.  Also, see above for the preferred method of
invoking su for a particular user/command.

> Huge security hole though

It would be if the password were required.

  ( )   *Anton Graham
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 (m_m)   GPG ID: 18F78541
Penguin Powered!

Re: [expert] framebuffer

2000-06-21 Thread Anton Graham

Submitted 18-Jun-00 by Rogelio E. Martinez Ramirez:
> how i do to initialize the support to framebuffer, i already install the
> kernel but it doesn´t initialize framebuffer,

Framebuffer must be initialized at boot time by selecting a VESA
framebuffer video mode.  In the kernel docs you will find a
subdirectory named fb/ contianing a file vesafb.txt which explains
it all in detail.  But in essence, you have to set your vga= param in
lilo/grub to a number between 0x301 and 0x31b.  The number will
determine both resolution and color depth, so please check the docs.


  ( )   *    Anton Graham
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 (m_m)   GPG ID: 18F78541
Penguin Powered!

Re: [expert] make initrd

2000-06-21 Thread Anton Graham

Submitted 21-Jun-00 by Mike & Tracy Holt:
> Hello,
>   I was wondering if someone wouldn't mind giving me the details on how
> to use make initrd?  I remember having to do this a month or so ago
> upgrading the mandrake kernel from rpms but I've forgotten the syntax
> and now I'm having trouble upgrading to 2.2.16-7mdk.  

For that specific kernel:

# /sbin/mkinitrd /boot/initrd-2.2.16-7mdk 2.2.16-7mdk

  ( )   *Anton Graham
  /v\  / <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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 (m_m)   GPG ID: 18F78541
Penguin Powered!

Re: Sort By Thread (WAS: [expert] missing SSH ?)

2000-06-22 Thread Anton Graham

Submitted 22-Jun-00 by [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> Just a quick comment, and I'll probably get blasted for it, but I haven't 
> found a mail client for Linux that does "View by Thread" as well as MS 
> Outlook. Netscape is horrible, I don't think Polarbar does it, and I 
> haven't been happy with other clients I've tried.

Try mutt :p


Re: [expert] FW: [newbie] Esound (ESD?) error

2000-06-23 Thread Anton Graham

> I also keep getting permission errors on the mixer apps - I thought
> it might have been volume problem, but its not.

Ensure that the user in question is a member of the group "audio".  If
you selected security level 3 or higher at install, he is not by
default, and therefore cannot run ESD or access the audio devices.

  ( )   *Anton Graham
  /v\  / <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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 (m_m)   GPG ID: 18F78541
Penguin Powered!

Re: [expert] Learning from the masters...

2000-06-23 Thread Anton Graham

Submitted 22-Jun-00 by James Sparenberg:
> All,
> I've got a box with Mandrake 7.1 that I'm trying to install Star Office 
> on.  But I've run into the following problem.  It seems that whenever I 
> type the ./setup command after going into the directory on the cdrom it 
> keeps giving me a Permission denied error.  I've checked permissions and 
> they are read execute.  I'm logged into kde as root.  (I've also done a 
> ctrl/alt/f3 and tried it from the command line logged in as root) and I get 
> the same permission denied error.  No other errors are present.  Since I 
> can navigate to the directory on the cdrom I know it's mounted and I've 
> checked permissions up the chain and they are all in line. In short I'm 
> having trouble finding any difference between this box and another one that 
> I have already installed Star Office on. Any suggestions?  Thanks for your 
> time.

I didn't instll SO from cd, so this is a shot in the dark.  Is it
possible that setup is trying to write to the install media?  To test,
I would recommend copying the installation tree someplace convenient
(like /tmp) and try running from there.

HTH :/

  ( )   *Anton Graham
  /v\  / <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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 (m_m)   GPG ID: 18F78541
Penguin Powered!

Re: [expert] Hardware removal and configuring modem

2000-06-24 Thread Anton Graham

Submitted 24-Jun-00 by Seak, Teng-Fong:
>  However, I'm thinking if the modem could be configured similarly,
> it'd be very nice.  Actually, the so-called "modem configuration "just
> consists of asking what port the modem is connected to and make a
> symbolic link to /dev/ttySx.  

This *does* work with external modems, since they work off of the
standard ports.  The problem arrises when using an internal model,
becuase it frequently is on a non-standard irq. Because auto-probing
irq's is not recommended, it is not built into the kernel.  So, if you
have a machine with two "real" serial ports (/dev/ttyS[01]) and an
internal ISA modem (/dev/ttyS2), the internal modem is not detectable
unless you have previously "setserial /dev/ttyS2 irq ".

The dialog you spoke of does not appear when the modem can be
detected. (This is at least true in 7.1, I didn't do any significant
hardware changes other than video under 7.0)

  ( )   *Anton Graham
  /v\  / <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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 (m_m)   GPG ID: 18F78541
Penguin Powered!

Re: [expert] su - user -c "command" doesn't load profile

2000-06-24 Thread Anton Graham

Submitted 24-Jun-00 by Lars Nordin:
> Try downloading "sudo"  that was the old Linux "su" package
> - it should still be out there.

Actually sudo is far more powerdul in limiting access than su is
because you can define who can use what commands and never give out a
superuser password :)

  ( )   *Anton Graham
  /v\  / <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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 (m_m)   GPG ID: 18F78541
Penguin Powered!

Re: [expert] 7.0-2 Hardware conflict

2000-06-24 Thread Anton Graham

Submitted 24-Jun-00 by Pj:
> Symptoms: The fontserver crashes in Gnome when I try to select a font from
> the pull down menu.

Which application?

> The GUI Netscape and Xterm will not open once an internet connection
> has been established.

This *sounds* like the problem that crops up when kppp (or any other
dialer) is configured to reset your host name upon connect.  After
that, X programs no longer have permission to start on your machine.

> During boot ? is force checked. 0.1% is "non contiguous."

Is that question mark what is displayed or ?  0.1% non contiguous is
just an informative message and can be ignored.

> Gnome help file warning error "NULL"

Umm... When do you see this?  What actions lead up to it?
  ( )   *Anton Graham
  /v\  / <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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 (m_m)   GPG ID: 18F78541
Penguin Powered!

Re: [expert] su - user -c "command" doesn't load profile

2000-06-24 Thread Anton Graham

Submitted 24-Jun-00 by Jasper Spit:
> Hi,
> On Mandrake 7.0 when you do a su -  -c "command" from the root
> account, 's profile is not loaded. When you just do a su -
> , it works OK.

This is correct behavior.  su -  is a login shell, which is the
only time 's profile is loaded.  su -c only executes a command
as if it were that user.

> This is very annoying, I need to create a script that runs as root
> and executes some commands as another user. I can't get this to work
> right now.
> Even su -  -c ". .profile; echo $ORACLE_HOME" doesn't work.

Those are conflicting options. A shell cannot be both a login shell
and only be passed the single command.  Also you're attemting to
source .profile from $PWD.  if $PWD is not 's $HOME then you
aren't sourcing the correct file.

> How can I get this fixed ? I can't remember having this problem on
> Red Hat or SuSE. I upgraded to the newest sh-utils, but that didn't
> help either.

How about su -c ". ~user/.profile;echo $ORACLE_HOME"

  ( )   *Anton Graham
  /v\  / <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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 (m_m)   GPG ID: 18F78541
Penguin Powered!

Re: [expert] su - user -c "command" doesn't load profile

2000-06-24 Thread Anton Graham

Submitted 24-Jun-00 by Jasper Spit:

> This doesn't work for me. I just don't understand why su doesn't load
> the user's profile. What's the point of the -c option if it doesn't load
> the profile with the correct PATH settings, etc. ?!?

The point of -c is to set the euid of the process, that is all :)
Anything that is dependent on a particular user's base environment
should be specified as opposed to expecting that environment.

For example, root's path does not include /usr/local/bin or ~user/bin.
If I want to run a program from one of those locations as a user via
su in a script, I use su -c "~user/bin/program"

You *shouldn't* require access to a specific user's environment for
administrative functions, which is all the root account is meant for.
Set those environment variables you need within the script.  This will
prevent them from being exported into root's master environment.

  ( )   *Anton Graham
  /v\  / <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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 (m_m)   GPG ID: 18F78541
Penguin Powered!

Re: [expert] using menu system in 7.1 for 7.0

2000-06-24 Thread Anton Graham

Submitted 24-Jun-00 by Norvell Spearman:
> Since I can't get my tape drive to work after installing 7.1, I'm
> downgrading to 7.0.  Anybody know how to incorporate the new X menu
> system from 7.1 into 7.0?  Thanks much.

It requires both the menu-*.rpm and the 7.1 (and newer) versions of
the relevent window managers.  Good luck.

      ( )   *Anton Graham
  /v\  / <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
/(   )X
 (m_m)   GPG ID: 18F78541
Penguin Powered!

Re: [expert] 7.0-2 Hardware conflict

2000-06-25 Thread Anton Graham

Submitted 24-Jun-00 by Pj:
> Anton, 
> Ok, I need to clarify myself a little: Font server crashes in GIMP
> everytime I try to select a font. I can click and preview the first
> four fonts in the list without problem. Click and preview number five
> locks the program and creates the error mesage.

This I cannot reproduce in GIMP 1.1.22.  Could you provide your
version number so that I can try with that version?

> I am not completely familiar with the boot process. I see a comment
> that X number of blocks were cleaned..followed by a statement that
> /dev/hdb1 reached maximal mount count, check forced..I watch the
> percent process. It finishes with the statement that .01% is non
> contiguous. The login finishes in a normal manner

Okay, this is normal behavior.  Essentially Linux keeps track of how
many times a particular partition has been mounted and forces an fsck
at boot time if the number of mounts exceeds a certain number :)  The
message just tells you the result of that check.

> Kppp is configured for server assigned addresses. I have two ISP's. I've
> never had the *reset* problem before, if this is a *normal function* that
> is all I need to know.  

Alright, go into the setup menu for kppp, select one one of the
accounts and click edit.  Select the IP tab in the new window and
ensure that the checkbox at the bottom (Auto-configure hostname from
this IP) is _not_ checked.

> Everytime I log out I see many Gnome error messages. Here is a small
> sample: rm: Cannot remove '/home/ibi/.gnome //gmc-0L6CF2': No such
> file or directory. Gnome VT-warning **: Could not open help topic
> file NULL. Warning: gnome_is_image_filename called, you should use
> gnome mime instead.

Hmm...  So these errors are on your terminal screen when you close the
X session?  If this is the case, they may be errors generated by
applications used within GNOME.  One way to test this is to open a
teminal and run the applications from there.  It is apparent that
*something* is not quite right :/

You said GNOME always starts with two windows open.  Assuming that you
want these two windows open everytime you start GNOME, try closing all
windows, repoen those two and logout checking the save current setup
box.  This *may* remove any extraneous entries from your
~/.gnome/session file.

> BTW, I don't think the AMD CPU is the problem. I am quite unsure
> about the motherboard though. I don't know that I've ever seen the
> TYAN S1590s mentioned in this list. In fact I don't recall any
> Tyan/VIA chip being mentioned here.

I would agree with that assessment.  The only thing I can remember
specifically about VIA chipsets is a kernel compile option with regard
to the onboard drive controllers.

  ( )   *Anton Graham
  /v\  / <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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 (m_m)   GPG ID: 18F78541
Penguin Powered!

Re: [expert] Burning CD-ROMS??

2000-06-25 Thread Anton Graham

Submitted 25-Jun-00 by Bruce E. Harris:
> Ok,
> I just got a new Yamaha CD-ROM RW today. I do recall seeing
> Linux software on my system for burning CDs but today I cant
> find it. I find often the names of apps have nothing to do with
> what they are.
> I am running Makdrake 7.0 with KDE and Helix Gnome.
> Any help would be very useful. 

You're looking for programs like cdrecord, mkisofs, xcdroast,
gtoaster, and kisocd.  cdrecord and mkisofs are really the guts of any
cd burning operation and the others are essentially GUI front ends to
those two programs.


  ( )   *Anton Graham
  /v\  / <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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 (m_m)   GPG ID: 18F78541
Penguin Powered!

Re: [expert] netscape & fonts.

2000-06-25 Thread Anton Graham

Submitted 25-Jun-00 by Sebastian Dransfeld:
> Why are the fonts so f***ing large? The used to be to small, but then I
> could make them larger in the preferences. Now they're just to big.
> And I don't have the 100dpi fonts installed.
> seb, Mandrake 7.1

Since you don't give much in the way of details, I have to guess that
you're use XF4 which does display the fonts larger.  You simply need
to select smaller sizes now :)

(Under XF3, I used 75dpi fonts on a 100dpi monitor because it didn't
show 100dpi fonts correctly on my combination)

  ( )   *Anton Graham
  /v\  / <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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 (m_m)   GPG ID: 18F78541
Penguin Powered!

Re: [expert] font troubles

2000-06-26 Thread Anton Graham

Submitted 26-Jun-00 by Bobby Welch:
> I am trying to install the mozilla fonts for netscape .. I am following the 
> procedure outline at  Now, I can get the fonts to work, 
> but when I log out and then log back in they are gone =(  I have to reissue 
> the command:
> xset fp+ /usr/X11/lib/X11/fonts/Mozilla-fonts/
> I have used these fonts with a previous version of Mandrake (7.0x) and did 
> not need to reissue the command every time I logged in.  Does anyone know 
> what could be causing this .. might it be drakfont, which I do have 
> installed on my system.

Ignore the instructions :p

Get the RPM from a 7.1 mirror or from the same place you got the
tarball.  (Daniel links to my RPM).  The RPMs take care of all the
details for you.  If you are using 7.1, the RPM is on your CD (and
should have been installed as a dependency for netscape).

  ( )   *Anton Graham
  /v\  / <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
/(   )X
 (m_m)   GPG ID: 18F78541
Penguin Powered!

[expert] Accelleration for Voodoo3-2K PCI

2000-11-18 Thread Anton Graham

I seem to be unable to get the tdfx module to load properly and am thus
unable to get any accelleration.  From looking at the XF86 (v.4.0.1) output
(attached), it appears that it is attempting to load agpgart first, which
reports device or resource busy.  Does anybody out there have a PCI Voodoo
card with working accelleration?  And if so, could you clue me in to what
I'm doing wrong?

Thanks :)

Attachments: xmsgs, XF86Config-4

Anton GrahamGPG ID: 0x18F78541
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> RSA key available upon request
"And remember: Evil will always prevail, because Good is dumb." 
  -- Spaceballs

XFree86 Version 4.0.1 / X Window System

XFree86 Version 4.0.1 / X Window System
(protocol Version 11, revision 0, vendor release 6400)
(protocol Version 11, revision 0, vendor release 6400)
Release Date: 1 July 2000
Release Date: 1 July 2000
If the server is older than 6-12 months, or if your card is newer
than the above date, look for a newer version before reporting
problems.  (see http://www.XFree86.Org/FAQ)
If the server is older than 6-12 months, or if your card is newer
than the above date, look for a newer version before reporting
problems.  (see http://www.XFree86.Org/FAQ)
Operating System: Linux 2.2.17-21mdksmp i686 [ELF] 
Operating System: Linux 2.2.17-21mdksmp i686 [ELF] 
Module Loader present
Module Loader present
(==) (==) Log file: "/var/log/XFree86.0.log", Time: Sat Nov 18 18:06:35 2000
Log file: "/var/log/XFree86.0.log", Time: Sat Nov 18 18:06:35 2000
(==) (==) Using config file: "/etc/X11/XF86Config-4"
Using config file: "/etc/X11/XF86Config-4"
Markers: (--) probed, (**) from config file, (==) default setting,
 (++) from command line, (!!) notice, (II) informational,
 (WW) warning, (EE) error, (??) unknown.
Markers: (--) probed, (**) from config file, (==) default setting,
 (++) from command line, (!!) notice, (II) informational,
 (WW) warning, (EE) error, (??) unknown.
(==) (==) ServerLayout "layout1"
ServerLayout "layout1"
(**) (**) |-->Screen "screen1" (0)
|-->Screen "screen1" (0)
(**) (**) |   |-->Monitor "IBM|IBM 6553 P50"
|   |-->Monitor "IBM|IBM 6553 P50"
(**) (**) |   |-->Device "Voodoo 3"
|   |-->Device "Voodoo 3"
(**) (**) |-->Input Device "Mouse1"
|-->Input Device "Mouse1"
(**) (**) |-->Input Device "Keyboard1"
|-->Input Device "Keyboard1"
(**) (**) XKB: rules: "xfree86"
XKB: rules: "xfree86"
(**) (**) XKB: model: "pc105"
XKB: model: "pc105"
(**) (**) XKB: layout: "us"
XKB: layout: "us"
(**) (**) FontPath set to "unix/:-1,/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc"
FontPath set to "unix/:-1,/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc"
(**) (**) RgbPath set to "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/rgb"
RgbPath set to "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/rgb"
(==) (==) ModulePath set to "/usr/X11R6/lib/modules"
ModulePath set to "/usr/X11R6/lib/modules"
(--) (--) using VT number 7

using VT number 7

(II) (II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/fonts/libbitmap.a
Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/fonts/libbitmap.a
(II) (II) Module bitmap: vendor="The XFree86 Project"
Module bitmap: vendor="The XFree86 Project"
compiled for 4.0compiled for, module version = 1.0.0
, module version = 1.0.0
(II) (II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/libpcidata.a
Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/libpcidata.a
(II) (II) Module pcidata: vendor="The XFree86 Project"
Module pcidata: vendor="The XFree86 Project"
compiled for 4.0compiled for, module version = 0.1.0
, module version = 0.1.0
(II) (II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/libscanpci.a
Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/libscanpci.a
(II) (II) Module scanpci: vendor="The XFree86 Project"
Module scanpci: vendor="The XFree86 Project"
compiled for 4.0compiled for, module version = 0.1.0
, module version = 0.1.0
(II) (II) Unloading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/libscanpci.a
Unloading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/libscanpci.a
(--) (--) PCI:*(0:7:0) PCI:*(0:7:0) 3Dfx Interactive 3Dfx Interactive Voodoo3 Voodoo3 
rev 1rev 1, Mem @ , Mem @ 0x4200/250x4200/25, , 0x4400/250x4400/25, 
I/O @ , I/O @ 0x1400/80x1400/8

(--) (--) PCI: (0:10:0) PCI: (0:10:0) Cirrus Logic Cirrus Logic GD5446 GD5446 rev 0rev 0

(II) (II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/extensions/libdbe.a
Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/extensions/libdbe.a
(II) (II) Module dbe: vendor="The XFree86 Project"
Module dbe: vendor="The XFree86 Project"
compiled for 4.0compiled for, module version = 1.0.0
, module version = 1.0.0
(II) (II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/mod

Re: [expert] 3Dfx OpenGL acceleration breaks after changing resolutions, and doesn't come back.

2000-11-19 Thread Anton Graham

Submitted 19-Nov-00 by Sean, Sharon & Kyle Harbour:
> Oh yeah, if I set the resolution to 32bit, 1280x1024, the way I like it,
> during the install, OpenGL

3dfx's accelleration only works at 16 bpp under any OS.

Anton GrahamGPG ID: 0x18F78541
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> RSA key available upon request
If you think the pen is mightier than the sword, the next time someone pulls
out a sword I'd like to see you get up there with your Bic.

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Re: [expert] Mandrake 7.2

2000-11-21 Thread Anton Graham

Submitted 20-Nov-00 by Gary DeMontigny:
> Python.  When I try to upgrade to the lastest cooker version of these
> application they require the latest glibc, libstdc++.  If I try to
> install these libraries I have serious compatibility problems with other
> libraries and other applications.  Is there a work around for this.

Cooker is the development version of LM and generally unstable.  It is
particularly so at present with the libraries being in flux and the current
use of gcc 2.96.

That said, if you don't want to run into compatibility
problems you should download the source RPMS and recompile locally as much
of contrib and most of cooker have now been built with libraries and a
compiler that are not part of your 7.x distribution and any c++ binaries
generated by gcc 2.96 are not binary compatible with 2.95.

Anton GrahamGPG ID: 0x18F78541
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> RSA key available upon request
H. L. Mencken suffers from the hallucination that he is H. L. Mencken --
there is no cure for a disease of that magnitude.
  -- Maxwell Bodenheim

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Re: [expert] ppp-on-demand

2000-11-22 Thread Anton Graham

Submitted 22-Nov-00 by Dovydas Kulvinskas:

>  6. ppp0 starts on-boot, and ppp0 is default route. Starting ppp0 it
> hangs & exits with error mesage: "Bringing up interface ppp0:  Failed to
> activate ppp0, retrying in the background"

This is an *old* bug.  if you bring up a ppp on demand connection during
boot it will always report failed, but will actually be up.  This seems to
be because the ifup scripts don't get run until you actually activate the
interface.  What I did when using an on demand connection was configure it
normally (not at boot) and then added "/sbin/ifup ppp0 &" to the end of

>  7. i start my "/etc/ppp/masq start"
>  8. i start "pppd :"(And here it hangs and doesn't gives
> me back prompt, is it ok?)

More than likely.  Try accessing the 'net afterward.

Anton GrahamGPG ID: 0x18F78541
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> RSA key available upon request
Death comes on every passing breeze, 
He lurks in every flower; 
Each season has its own disease, 
Its peril -- every hour.  
  -- Reginald Heber

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Re: [expert] Glibc_2.2

2000-11-22 Thread Anton Graham

Submitted 21-Nov-00 by Ryan La Mothe:
> I have a question...What is the deal with EVERY SINGLE RPM needing
> Glibc_2.2?  What is exactly is the reason and how do I acquire Glibc_2.2
> without seriously messing everything up on Linux?

Sounds like you've run into the problem that many of us are wrestling with.
Mandrake development has moved on to glibc 2.2 and gcc 2.96, and as such
anything being currently packaged specifically for Mandrake will require
glibc 2.2.  The solution for me has been to download .src.rpms and rpm
--rebuild them on my box.  While this does entail compiling, it will also
keep your box all RPM as you stated was your desire.

glibc 2.2 is available on the Cooker mirrors, but it is in a state of flux
atm, and I wouldn't suggest upgrading it for at least a week.  I believe
there is also a compat RPM that contains the glibc 2.1 libraries.

Anton GrahamGPG ID: 0x18F78541
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> RSA key available upon request
Be regular and orderly in your life, so that you may be violent and original
in your work.
  -- Flaubert

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Re: [expert] ppp-on-demand

2000-11-23 Thread Anton Graham

Submitted 22-Nov-00 by Dovydas Kulvinskas:

>   Another problem which is tricking me, that it calls ISP every 3 min, I
> think that i'm doing nothing, no requests to internet. Could you look through
> the info before, maybe i somewhere made a mistake and it loop's?

Nothing I can see there.  I did read somewhere recently that some service
(CUPS?) was open to the outside and keeping on-demand lines open.  If I'm
correct there should be an update available via MandrakeUpdate for it.

>  Finally where to put line M0L0 to shut up my modem speaker?

I put such things in the script in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/chat-ppp0
after the modem init string and before dialing.

Anton GrahamGPG ID: 0x18F78541
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> RSA key available upon request
"Being disintegrated makes me ve-ry an-gry!" 

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Re: [expert] Aurora Instalation

2000-11-28 Thread Anton Graham

Submitted 28-Nov-00 by Hector Facundo Arena:
> Mmm no. nothing happens... the same old-style bootup mode...

> Am I missing something?

> Hector Facundo Arena.

Have you set a frambuffered video mode?  Please refer to the documentation
in /usr/src/linux/Documentation/fb/ for a listing of modes.

Anton GrahamGPG ID: 0x18F78541
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> RSA key available upon request
There is nothing wrong with writing ... as long as it is done in private and
you wash your hands afterward.

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Re: [expert] Who Is List Maintainer?(time for Sympa retirement?)

2000-11-30 Thread Anton Graham

Submitted 30-Nov-00 by Ron Stodden:

> Huh?  This will plainly break the threading of replies to the message
> you dropped!  You cannot presume anything about which of the
> duplicate messages a respondent will choose to reply to.

Not true.  Each of the duplicates has an identical Message-Id header, and
this recipe simply kills messages with identical msgid's.  Because the
duplicates are in fact duplicates (identical in every respect) it doesn't
matter which copy of it is replied to, as the In-Reply-To: and References:
headers (generated by better mailers for threading purposes) will use the
message ID. 

Anton GrahamGPG ID: 0x18F78541
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> RSA key available upon request
Clothes make the man.  Naked people have little or no influence on society.
  -- Mark Twain

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Re: [expert] Need rsh capability in Mandrake 7.2

2000-12-05 Thread Anton Graham

Submitted 04-Dec-00 by David C. Hoos, Sr.:
> Hi,

> I looked for rsh, but didn't find it.  Is it in some rpm?

> Thanks a lot for the quick reply.

(%:~)- rpm -qf $(which rsh)

Anton GrahamGPG ID: 0x18F78541
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> RSA key available upon request
You will pay for your sins.  If you have already paid, please disregard this

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Re: [expert] Supermount

2000-12-05 Thread Anton Graham

Submitted 05-Dec-00 by Christian A Strømmen [Number1/NumeroUno]:

> It HAS to be a module?  I just built it in the kernel...  Can't find anywhere 
> in the README that it HAS to be a module.. :)

Supermount in and of itself doesn't need to be a module, however your
initscripts assume it will be and disable it at boot time if they can't find
the module.  (I sent in a patch before the 7.2 beta cycle but it wasn't

Anton GrahamGPG ID: 0x18F78541
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> RSA key available upon request
Kindness is the beginning of cruelty.  
  -- Muad'dib [Frank Herbert, "Dune"]

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Re: [expert] Supermount

2000-12-06 Thread Anton Graham

Submitted 06-Dec-00 by Christian A Strømmen [Number1/NumeroUno]:
>> Supermount in and of itself doesn't need to be a module, however your
>> initscripts assume it will be and disable it at boot time if they can't
>> find the module.  (I sent in a patch before the 7.2 beta cycle but it
>> wasn't included).

> So, how do I re-enable it?

First, comment out the portion of /etc/rc.d/init.d/mandrake_everytime that
disables it.  Then /usr/sbin/supermount --enable.  After that, check your
fstab to ensure that it is correct.  Finally, mount -o remount -a.

That should fix you right up.

Anton GrahamGPG ID: 0x18F78541
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> RSA key available upon request
An optimist believes we live in the best world possible; a pessimist fears
this is true.

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Re: [expert] RPM Error: Wrong Architecture in LM 7.1

2000-12-08 Thread Anton Graham

Submitted 08-Dec-00 by Bob Puff@NLE:

> This is pretty much a stock install from a 7.1 disk (on a 486 system).

And that's the problem.  Mandrake packages are built for i586, a newer
architecture.  While certainly some packages will run fine on your 486, it's
a game of russian roulette as you will get segfaults caused by illegal
instructions whenever an app issues a 586 instruction.

Anton GrahamGPG ID: 0x18F78541
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> RSA key available upon request
Don't try to outweird me, three-eyes.  I get stranger things than you free
with my breakfast cereal." 
  -- Zaphod Beeblebrox [Douglas Adams, "Hithiker's Guide to the Galaxy"]

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Re: [expert] 7.2, alsa, and yamaha DS-XG

2000-12-12 Thread Anton Graham

Submitted 11-Dec-00 by Klar Brian D Contr MSG/SWS:
> My problem is getting the sound to work.
> It is a Yamaha DS-XG, mandrake chose to use Alsa, and that is fine. However all I get
> for sound is a continuous noise. What do I need to look at to get this card working?

from my /etc/modules.conf:

## ALSA Sound Driver

## Genaral ALSA portion

alias char-major-116 snd
options snd snd_major=116 snd_cards_limit=1

## Support for Yamaha Card 
alias snd-card-0 snd-card-ymfpci
options snd-card-ymfpci snd_index=0 snd_id="YMFPCI"

## OSS/Free compatibility portion
alias char-major-14 soundcore
alias sound-slot-0 snd-card-0

alias sound-service-0-0 snd-mixer-oss
alias sound-service-0-1 snd-seq-oss
alias sound-service-0-3 snd-pcm-oss
alias sound-service-0-8 snd-seq-oss
alias sound-service-0-12 snd-pcm-oss

## Ensure the OSS compatibility portion gets loaded
post-install snd-card-ymfpci modprobe snd-pcm-oss

Anton GrahamGPG ID: 0x18F78541
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> RSA key available upon request
Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend.  Inside of a dog, it is too
dark to read.

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Re: [expert] Postfix - YIKES!

2000-12-13 Thread Anton Graham

Submitted 12-Dec-00 by Chris Spencer:

> This really sucks because at the moment I have a fetchmail 
> job running every five minutes to get my mail from the local ISP mail server.

Why not run fetchmail as a daemon instead of from a cron job?

> How can I stop cron from sending email? Thanks...

Redirect all output from the job to /dev/null and cron won't have anything
to mail.  cron assumes that any output from the job is important and mails

Anton GrahamGPG ID: 0x18F78541
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> RSA key available upon request
A copy of the universe is not what is required of art; one of the damned
things is ample.
  -- Rebecca West

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Re: [expert] suddenly problems with the soundcard

2000-12-14 Thread Anton Graham

Submitted 14-Dec-00 by Michael Schurr:
> I've been using Mandrake 7.1 for several weeks without any problems. 

> Suddenly the soundcard, an Ensoniq|ES1371 [AudioPCI-97], stopped working. I
> didn't changed anything at the system. So I started "sndconfig" again, the
> soundcard was detected, but before the sound expample is played, the
> following message apears:

Mandrake doesn't, by default, use sndconfig for this reason.  sndconfig
writes to /etc/conf.modules, while Mandrake, in compliance with the PTB has
deprecated the use of that file.  copy the information sndconfig writes to
/etc/conf.modules into your /etc/modules.conf file then remove the

Anton GrahamGPG ID: 0x18F78541
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> RSA key available upon request
"And remember: Evil will always prevail, because Good is dumb." 
  -- Spaceballs

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Re: [expert] script to change upper to lower case

2000-12-15 Thread Anton Graham

Submitted 15-Dec-00 by Praedor Tempus:
> Someone once posted a simple script for changing upper case letters to lower 
> case, I believe, in this list.  I didn't keep the message but I now have need 
> of this script.  Could someone please post such a script?

I use the following function to accomplish it:

function tolower {
 tr 'A-Z' 'a-z'

and then just echo or cat the text and pipe it through the function (i.e.
cat file.txt | tolower > filenew.txt )

Anton GrahamGPG ID: 0x18F78541
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> RSA key available upon request
What no spouse of a writer can ever understand is that a writer is working
when he's staring out the window.

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Subscribe the "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" mailing list.

[expert] Chinese fonts in Netscape?

2000-12-16 Thread Anton Graham

I'm studying Chinese and in the course of my studies I am occasionally
required to visit chinese wbsites that do not use Pinyin (Romanized
spellings).  I have installed the various chinese font packages, but
Netscape shows only hollow squares in the place of characters.  I have read
the Chinese howto, fiddled with netscape settings, etc; but cannot seem to
find the source of the problem.  Any insights would be appreciated.

Anton GrahamGPG ID: 0x18F78541
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> RSA key available upon request
Clothes make the man.  Naked people have little or no influence on society.
  -- Mark Twain

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Re: [expert] script to change upper to lower case

2000-12-16 Thread Anton Graham

Submitted 16-Dec-00 by Praedor Tempus:
> Thank you.  A starting point, at any rate.  I am not wanting to change a 
> single file from uppercase to lowercase, but actually want to change all the 
> filenames in a directory from uppercase to their corresponding lowercase 
> version (a directory full of fonts - PFBs and AFMs that need to be lowercase 
> names).

for i in *[A-Z]*; do mv -v $i $( echo $i | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z' ); done

Should work for sh, bash, and zsh.

Anton GrahamGPG ID: 0x18F78541
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> RSA key available upon request
An optimist believes we live in the best world possible; a pessimist fears
this is true.

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Re: [expert] Unmount supermount without reboot

2000-12-22 Thread Anton Graham

Submitted 22-Dec-00 by Viktor Lakics:
> Does anyone know how to unmount (suspend supermounting) a supermounted
> removable disk without editing out the corresponding entry in fstab and
> reboot? Eg. to use ext2fsck on a zip disk?

umount /mnt/zip

<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> RSA key available upon request
"When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro..."
  -- Hunter S. Thompson

Re: [expert] 2.4 and ReiserFS

2000-12-23 Thread Anton Graham

Submitted 23-Dec-00 by Reggie Burnett:
> How do I install the 2.4 RPM on a Reiser system and have it work?  When I
> boot, I get a kernel panic trying to mount /

You don't...  ReiserFS is conflicting with something in current 2.4 kernels.
Chmoel is working on it.

Anton GrahamGPG ID: 0x18F78541
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> RSA key available upon request
Death comes on every passing breeze, 
He lurks in every flower; 
Each season has its own disease, 
Its peril -- every hour.  
  -- Reginald Heber

Re: [expert] Which file to change between gdm & kdm login?

2000-12-31 Thread Anton Graham

Submitted 30-Dec-00 by EagleIce:
> Which file is it I use to change the default login page from gdm to kdm in 
> Mandrake 7.2?


Contents of the file should be only one word, KDE, GNOME, or AfterStep
(capitaliation is important).  These correspond to kdm, gdm, and xdm

Anton GrahamGPG ID: 0x18F78541
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> RSA key available upon request
Do not meddle in the affairs of the undead, for you are crunchy and good
with ketchup.

Re: [expert] CUPS printing...

2001-01-01 Thread Anton Graham

Submitted 01-Jan-01 by Mark Weaver:

> I just had an epiphany. CUPS PRINTING SUCKS!!@#Q#$%#!#@!  

I agree, which is why I don't use it.

May I suggest that you remove all printer queues, deinstall cups, install
lpr and rhsprintfilters (and anything else you may need).  Then configure
using "/usr/sbin/printerdrake --lpr".  This undocumented option (and I have
complained about the lack of documentation before) forces it to configure
the old fashioned way :)

Anton GrahamGPG ID: 0x18F78541
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> RSA key available upon request
I always had a repulsive need to be something more than human.
  -- David Bowie

Re: [expert] Read/Write permissions on a VFAT partition

2001-01-03 Thread Anton Graham

Submitted 03-Jan-01 by duane voth:

> Woah, hold on, do you mean to say that umask now also controls
> the permissions of mounted filesystems?!  (and I *presume* that
> umask must be set *prior* to running mount)

On filesystems like vfat which do not have support for permissions.  And the
umask is a mount option set in /etc/fstab or as part of a -o parameter to

> Why arn't world read/write permissions command line options for mount??
> (where they belong!)

see above

Anton GrahamGPG ID: 0x18F78541
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> RSA key available upon request
"When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro..."
  -- Hunter S. Thompson

Re: [expert] Mdk7.1 on laptop

2000-07-01 Thread Anton Graham

Submitted 29-Jun-00 by Bob Puff@NLE:
> I was getting a ton of "conf.modules is more recent than ..."
> messages.  I found someone's suggestion of simply changing the
> date/time on the referenced file, and it went away.  But why was this
> check done?  It filled my logs with TONS of these messages.

This check is done everytime there is a need to load a module or check
to see if a module needs to be loaded.  Whoever suggested changing the
date of the file was simply wrong.  The correct ssolution is to run
"/sbin/depmod -a" to properly update the modules.dep.


  ( )   *Anton Graham
  /v\  / <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
/(   )X
 (m_m)   GPG ID: 18F78541
Penguin Powered!

Re: [expert] Vi editor package

2000-07-05 Thread Anton Graham

Submitted 05-Jul-00 by ATL Oledog:
> I have Redhat installed on my box, but there is no vi.  What package 
> contains it?

[anton@bladehawke anton]$ which vi
[anton@bladehawke anton]$ rpm -qf $(which vi)
[anton@bladehawke anton]$

  ( )   *    Anton Graham
  /v\  / <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
/(   )X
 (m_m)   GPG ID: 18F78541
Penguin Powered!

Re: [expert] compiling kernel modules

2000-07-07 Thread Anton Graham

Submitted 07-Jul-00 by Daniel Woods:
> So now I wanted to be able to compile only the required
> modules for ip_masq_ipsec.  *** How do I do that ?
> I ran 'make modules' which took 45 minutes, and then
> ran 'make modules install'.  Is there not a way to just
> compile the modules I want and then manually copy them
> into /lib/modules/* ?  I checked the Makefiles but could
> not see any such option.

This is handled during the "make menuconfig" stage.  In there you
decide which modules get compiled and installed.

> *** Another thing, how to compile a *secure* kernel version ?
> Looking at /usr/linux/Makefile
> So how this is not the -9mdksecure version.  How upgraded
> from 2.2.15mdk to 2.2.16mdk-secure via MandrakeUpdate but
> I don't know if the actual source is the secure version.
> What are the differences.

Okay, this is not as complicated as you're making it.  The *same*
sources are used for mdk, mdksmp, mdkfb, and mdksecure kernels.  The
difference in in the .config file.  What you should find is that in
/usr/doc/kernel-$(uname -r) is a config file that you can import into
your make menuconfig session to give you the base selections for the
secure kernel

> *** When a kernel is running, how can you tell if it is a
> secure kernel version ?

Only by the kernel's name.  There is no mystical flag that says "Hi,
I'm secure!", so the kernel gets named secure so that you can tell.
uname -r will give you your current kernel version (2.2.16-3.2 in my


  ( )   *Anton Graham
  /v\  / <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
/(   )X
 (m_m)   GPG ID: 18F78541
Penguin Powered!

Re: [expert] Where is SuperUser in LM 7.1?

2000-07-07 Thread Anton Graham

Submitted 08-Jul-00 by Benjamin Sher:
> Dear friends:
> Recently I tried LM 7.1 (by downloading it by FTP). I liked some things
> and did not like others.
> ONE QUESTION: Have I missed something, or is it not true that LM 7.1
> does NOT have a GRAPHICAL SuperUser option on its menu as LM 7.0 does
> (under K, System, FileManager SuperUser Mode). In LM 7.0 you click on
> the FileManager SuperUser Mode and, after typing in your root password,
> you are immediately allowed access to the graphical File Manager as
> ROOT. 
> I used LM 7.1 for at least a week and never found such an option. It is
> one of the main reasons I switched back to LM 7.0. 
> Is it conceivable that Linux-Mandrake would abandon such a critical
> tool? 
> My instinct tells me that I must be wrong, that I must be missing
> something. 
> Could someone please clarify this situation for me and everyone else. If
> LM has dropped this option, then we need to urge them to restore it.
> Without it, the FileManager is essentially crippled.
> But first the facts. Am I right or am I wrong.

Have you considered creating a menu entry that points to it in the
form 'kdesu -c "command"' ?   After all, there are several file
managers and you didn't specify which one, but the above would work
for creating a superuser mode for any of them.

  ( )   *Anton Graham
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Re: [expert] Re: Security warnings @ rc.local

2000-07-09 Thread Anton Graham

Submitted 07-Jul-00 by Bob Puff@NLE:
> Ok, so if I'm basically OK, how do I get rid of the daily "security
> warnings" in my mail?  How is this turned off?

You need to set a custom security level (preferred) or reduce your
security level.  custom levels can be defined using

> On another topic: I put some stuff in my rc.local file that is not
> executing upon bootup.  In fact, I don't think -any- of my rc.local
> is executing, because when I run it manually, my "mods" work fine.
> What script calls this file?

It's not called by a script, per se.  There should be a symlink
/etc/rc.d/rc[2-5].d/S99local which points to it.

P.S. for the sake of readability, please set your mail client to wrap
long lines in outgoing messages.

  ( )   *Anton Graham
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Re: [expert] XFree86 4.01

2000-07-10 Thread Anton Graham

Submitted 10-Jul-00 by Sean Middleditch:

> How trustworthy are these RPM's?
> For example, the install on MDK 7.1 said the Xfree86 4.0 is was installing was
> only a 'snapshot release.'  The really upsets me if it is, because it sure as
> hell wasn't advertised as being so...  If not, then that's just another
> example of MDK's poor quality control when it comes to installations.

Have you visited  XF4 is not ready for primetime
according to them, which is why every other distro oly offers XF3.
While many of us, myself included, are able to run it with no
difficulty, it is experimental sofware, part of being on Mandrake's
"bleeding edge," not poor quality control.

Depending on a distro to keep you on the edge and then complaining
when they do so seems a might strange to me.

  ( )   *Anton Graham
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Re: [expert] Broken C Compiler?

2000-07-10 Thread Anton Graham

Submitted 10-Jul-00 by Benjamin Sher:
> Dear friends:
> I was just reading an article on ZDNet's site called "Only Two Linux
> Companies Really Matter" (i.e. Red Hat and Caldera). One of the talkback
> comments includes the following line:
> "Mandrake last I checked shipped with a broken C compiler that causes
> malformed kernel code..."
> I am just an ordinary user, but that sentence, if true, sounds pretty
> ominous.
> Could someone please comment on a) whether it's true, how serious is
> this b) what versions does this affect (LM 7.0 or LM 7.1), c) if true,
> has this been corrected?

Totally untrue.  Think about this: if it produced malformed kernel
code, there would be no working kernel for Mandrake because the kernel
is built on a Mandrake box.

The only important kernel issue that affected any kind of
compatibility was kernel 2.2.13-7mdk (shipped with 6.1) which used a
kernel option that made it incompatible with many binary only drivers
(notably OSS which released a Mandrake-specific version).

This was not a case of a broken compiler, but a little used
configuration option.  I have been using Mandrake since 6.0 and always
run custom kernels.

  ( )   *Anton Graham
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Re: [expert] Man page reader

2000-07-11 Thread Anton Graham

Submitted 09-Jul-00 by Jeff Malka:
> I have Explore2fs.  Installed and works great under NT4.  You can see all
> the files BUT, when I go to the /local/man/man1 etc.  it just shows you the
> man1,2,3,4, folders but no files or anything you can read.  Am I in the
> wrong directory?  From withing Linux, I can read the man pages.
> Under /usr/ there is nothing.

"ls -d /usr/{,local/,X11R6/}man/man[1-6n]" will give you a listing of
all mandirs on your system.  The /usr/local/man tree will be empty
directories on a stock install, becuase distros don't tend to put much
(if anything) in /usr/local.

  ( )   *Anton Graham
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Re: [expert] FW: xfree86 RPM not found

2000-07-11 Thread Anton Graham

Submitted 09-Jul-00 by Gilbert Baron:
> I used Custom and Development.
> The error occurs at the Configure X step.
> This is the gui installation, as plain as I can be.
> I get this error every time. Xfree code itself is there because I did a
> select individual packages once just to see and it did not work that time
> either.

Try skipping the configure X step.  (Just press the star next to the
next step in the installer)  This will at least get you a working
console system.  From there, put your CD in the drive and do (as root)

cd /mnt/cdrom/Mandrake/RPMS
rpm -Uvh 

> 4. what Hardware do you have (Graphic Card etc.) ?
> That is not relevant. I have a Viper II card and a 500 MHz P III if it
> matters.

Actually, it is highly relevant, because if you have an unsupported
graphics card you cannot set up X.  Looking through the Card database,
I do not see a Viper II listed:

$ grep [vV]iper CardsNames
Other|Interay PMC Viper=>Interay PMC Viper
Diamond|Viper VLB 2Mb=>Diamond Viper VLB 2Mb *
Diamond|Viper PCI 2Mb=>Diamond Viper PCI 2Mb *
Diamond|Viper Pro Video=>Diamond Viper Pro Video
Diamond|Viper 330=>Diamond Viper 330
Diamond|Viper 550=>Diamond Viper 550
Diamond|Viper 770=>Diamond Viper 770

If your card *is* one of the above listed, then you need to rpm -Uvh
XFree86-SVGA-3* unless your card is one of the two noted with the (*).
For those you need the P9000 server instead.

If your card is unlisted, you will use the VGA-16 server and get
640x480 regular VGA.

> I did my best to provide information. it think this now give all you need.
> If not, tell me exactly what more you need. As I said, it is just as though
> I wane tot he store and got the cds except I burned my own from the iso
> images. The inst and ext.
> All the code packages load but when It gets to the part o configure x it
> give that error. There is something wrong with the RPM or it is missing and

There is nothing wrong with the RPM and it is in fact there if you had
a good burn from a valid image.

> I don't know how to recover. That is what I need OR THEY NEED TO FIX the
> files. HOW could they release this with obviously no testing.

We did plenty of testing.  As was recently pointed out, our Beta cycle
for 7.1 was more than 3x longer than for 7.0.  Mandrake cannot forsee every
possible combination of hardware there is.

> I did the EXACT same thing on version 7 and it installed fine but my video
> is only VGA so that is why I want 7.1

You will probably find the same in 7.1 if your card is not in the
above list.

> If I sound frustrated, I AM. I guess I am to used to plugging in the windows
> CD and walking away and coming back 45 minutes later with a new system!
> Soory about that, bad week I guess.

Windows doesn't come packed with enough software to do most anything
at (at least) a basic level.  It can barely handle getting hooked to
the 'net before running out of bundled software.
  ( )   *Anton Graham
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Re: [expert] qt dependancy problem and usb query

2000-07-11 Thread Anton Graham

Submitted 09-Jul-00 by Ivan:
> Hello.
> I am trying to install the latest version of nethack which requires the
> qt 2.1.0 or better.  When I try to install the package there is a list
> of decpenancies about three miles long that will be broken.  Most of
> then are kde apps.  They all want   After the list the core
> dumps (?) .  My question is: will it totaly mess things up if I upgrade
> with out looking for dependancies?  I would think that an upgrade should
> be backwards compatible.  There are two that need qt-egcs-10x.

Use the qt2 packages from 7.1 and/or cooker which co-exist with the
qt1 libraries needed by KDE 1.x

> Also I wonder how functional usb support for modems and zip drives are
> in 7.0.  has any one had any luck?

USB Zips work in 7.1, USB modems are generally *not* hardware modems
and as such fall into the "winmodem" category.

> If anyone cares to you could tell me what file the fsck -l looks for.  I
> think it is a secret.
> Thanks for the use of your "brainwidth"
> Ivan
  ( )   *Anton Graham
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Re: [expert] writing from win to linux

2000-07-12 Thread Anton Graham

Submitted 09-Jul-00 by Oliver L. Plaine Jr.:
>   Your words "singularly dangerous" makes me think I may be
> "unwittingly" staggering toward the abyss? don't the floppy's write to
> Linux from vfat without problem?  why would this be different?

The author of the Explore2fs package states that the writing to an
ext2 file system is not completely tested/safe.  As for the floppies,
you are using linux to transfer data from one recognized filesystem to
another.  Trying to accomplish the same feat with Explore2fs from
windows is adding an extra layer of operation in which your data can
get munged.

  ( )   *Anton Graham
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 (m_m)   GPG ID: 18F78541
Penguin Powered!

Re: [expert] MaximumLinux Magazine CD version of 7.1

2000-07-14 Thread Anton Graham

Submitted 10-Jul-00 by cllug org:

> I wish I could install this without X, I tried
> "Server" and "Normal", I want to install Mandrake 7.1
> and then the source for XFree86 4.1, I have tried,
> custom and expert install, text and normal. I finally
> just removed the /usr/X11R6 directory (tar -gzed it
> first)
> I choose individual packages, and after it is all said
> and done it tries to put on X.

You can just skip this step.  The little stars on the left that show
where in the install you are are also buttons.  You can simply click
the star for the next step, effectively skipping X.

  ( )   *Anton Graham
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Re: [expert] CD Burning for all users

2000-07-14 Thread Anton Graham

Submitted 10-Jul-00 by Sarang Lakare:
> I can burn CDs on my machine only as root. Thats very unconvenient. How to
> let any user burn CDs? Maybe this should be default in the system.

It's not default for security reasons.  One of the best solutions is
to set the permissions on /usr/bin/cdrecord to 4710.  It ships as
owned by root, group cdwriter, and SGID.  The intention was,
apparently, to allow members of group cdwriter write cd's, but it
doesn't work that way.  The permissions I specified allow members of
the group cdwriter to use the program as if they were root.

Just add the user(s) you want to be able to burn discs to the cdwriter
group afterward.  (Note that any account logged on when the change is
made will have to log off and back on in order to be able to access
the new group)


  ( )   *Anton Graham
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 (m_m)   GPG ID: 18F78541
Penguin Powered!

Re: [expert] More Error Messages!

2000-07-14 Thread Anton Graham

Submitted 10-Jul-00 by Bob Puff@NLE:
> Hi Gang,
> I solved a couple of the problems I last reported.  Have two more that I still can't 
> #1. upon bootup, I get the following:
> rc: Starting kheader failed
> Everything else loads OK.  What is KHEADER?  I must have broken this recently, as it 
>worked before.

kheader is an initscript that creates a dummy header file in /boot if
you're running a stock mdk kernel.  If you recompiled your kernel
without an mdk extension and have an older (more than say 2 months)
version of the initscripts RPM, it erroneously reports failed
(somebody left off the exit code in the script).
  ( )   *Anton Graham
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Re: [expert] More Error Messages!

2000-07-15 Thread Anton Graham

Submitted 12-Jul-00 by Bob Puff@NLE:
> > kheader is an initscript that creates a dummy header file in /boot if
> > you're running a stock mdk kernel.  If you recompiled your kernel
> > without an mdk extension and have an older (more than say 2 months)
> > version of the initscripts RPM, it erroneously reports failed
> > (somebody left off the exit code in the script).
> Yes, I did recently recompile the kernel.  That must be it!  Now, how
> do I go about fixing the error, or should I just disregard it?

Near the top of the script /etc/rc.d/init.d/kheader is a section that
looks like:

 : ${HEADERFILE:=/boot/kernel.h}
 [ -d $(dirname $HEADERFILE) ] || exit 0
 uname -r|grep -q mdk || exit # we assume if it is not a mdk kernel all

That third line in there (uname . . .) should have a 0 after the exit.
As I said earlier, Chmouel has corrected this in newer initscripts rpms
(undoubtedly the one available via MandrakeUpdate has a patched
version), but just inserting the zero should fix you right up :)

  ( )   *Anton Graham
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Re: [expert] 7.1 kernal update problem

2000-07-15 Thread Anton Graham

Submitted 11-Jul-00 by gsommerdorf:
> I am having problems updating my kernal for 7.1 I am using update to
> do the job, and I'm using the ReiserFS. In the documentation it says
> that I need to do the following
> mkinitrd -f --ifneeded /boot/initrd-2.2.16-9mdk 2.2.16-9mdk
> I let update install the kernal, but every time I try to mkinitrd it
> barfs. I get in error message stating the the kernal is not a loopback.
> I need to install loop.o or recomplile the
> kernal. I tried to install loop.o, but I get an error that the module is
> not found. After I update the kernal initrd-2.2.16-9mdk is not found,
> but vmlinuz-2.2.16-9mdk is and thats what I use. I could compile a new
> kernal myself, but I would realy like to get this to work.
> Can anyone tell me what I did wrong, or what I need to do to correct
> this problem??

 Never let MandrakeUpdate (or any other wrapper) update your
kernel, do it manually! 

While this is fixed in later kernels apparently (I rebuild from
kernel-source, so I never ran into this), you need to insmod loop
before you rpm -ivh kernel-x.x.xx

Yes, that is an 'i' instead of a 'U'.  You don't want to delete your
old kernel until you are satisfied that the new one works well,
particularly when you are running a filesystem that requires an initrd
out of the box.  (One of many reasons I recompile is to avoid needing
the initrd.)

The installkernel script doesn't seem to play well with grub, either.
Just for fun I installed a -9mdk kernel and it added an entry to grub
(hd0,6)/boot/vmlinuz-2.2.16-9mdk.  /boot is a separate (ext2)
partition at /dev/hda1 (aka hd0,0) so this entry pointed nowhere.

  ( )   *Anton Graham
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Re: [expert] EXPERTS are needed for NIGHTMARISH Ver 7.1 Install problem help

2000-07-17 Thread Anton Graham

Submitted 16-Jul-00 by Gil Baron W0MN:
> This time try XF86Setup
>   I get Server specification missing in card database. Trident Cyber
> 9320 (generic) (line 2537)
>   Segmentation fault cored dumped
> I get the same error about the card data base if I use XF86Setup.

*Try* XFDrake (yes, it works from the cli as well).  This is intended
to replace XF86Setup and its kin.

  ( )   *Anton Graham
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Re: [expert] Full permission to VFAT partitions

2000-07-19 Thread Anton Graham

Submitted 19-Jul-00 by Seak, Teng-Fong:
> 1) to mount these vfat partitions with full permissions by defaults,
> or
> 2) to provide a check box to mount vfat (well, I mean vfat, fat and
> dos) partitions with full access during Installation of Linux.

I can see potential for problems here from the same newbies that it
seeks to help.  Imagine if you will: 

Joe User is running Linux "just to get his feet wet."  He has a
Win-Printer, and cannot print using Linux.  He creates a grocery list
using his favorite Linux editor, and before leaving for the store
reboots to print the list.  

(1) Notepad will scramble it because it's too dumb to to lf-crlf
conversion (and it will be his default application to print from).
(2) If he has conversion set up to avoid problem 1, when he saves an
ISO (as an example) to his VFAT partition, it will get the same
conversion and ruin the image.

Both problems would be blamed on Linux.

>  By the way, there's also the "exec" option for every vfat
> partition to indicate that all files in the partition are executable.
> I don't think this choice really makes sense because Dos/Win binary
> aren't executable under Linux.  Marking them as executable is just
> misleading.

They are!  See the kernel compile option for support for miscellaneous
binaries.  Essentially you can set it up to automagically launch
dosemu, wine, or any other interpreter/wrapper for these binaries.
(It's a bit involved, but possible, though I personally wouldn't do

Also, one *could* keep shell scripts or even linux binaries in a
vfat partition.  When I first made the transition to linux, I had
several shell scripts in a Windows partition that I used for cygwin.
Symlinks in ~/bin gave me easy access to them from linux as well.

  ( )   *Anton Graham
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 (m_m)   GPG ID: 18F78541
Penguin Powered!

Re: [expert] Pentium 200Mhz/MMX and Mandrake - Resource Effecient?

2000-07-22 Thread Anton Graham

Submitted 23-Jul-00 by Sevatio Octavio:
> I know that Linux is efficient, so I'm just curious about what a Pentium 
> 200Mhz/MMX 64Meg SDRAM can do with Mandrake.  If any of you have 
> experiences with older systems, please share how much work you've been 
> able to squeeze out of such resources.  What kind of servers are you 
> running and the level of traffic?

This machine is a P166 with 96 MB (EDO).  While it isn't heavily
loaded network wise, I do run http, dns, and mail servers on the box.
I wouldn't recommend a system like this for a high traffic site, but I
have run a MUD server (as a backup) on a P150/64 with an average
network load of 60-90 connections.

The real question is what you want the machine to do :) For example, I
have an old PC/XT clone I still use as a terminal for an AMD K6-2/350
system and a 386sx/25 (ex-doorstop) running as a firewall/router.

  ( )   *Anton Graham
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Re: [expert] Pentium 200Mhz/MMX and Mandrake - Resource Efficient?

2000-07-22 Thread Anton Graham

Submitted 23-Jul-00 by John J. LeMay Jr.:
> Doesn't there come a point when using a machine as old as an XT clone
> actually costs more to run (heat/electric) than grabbing something like the
> BookPC machines (around $500 ready to roll) and tossing the "classic" into
> the antique rack?
> I'm not blasting anyone for still using old equipment, I would never do
> that. I'm just curious as to the trade off. I would assume their has been
> significant advances in power efficiency and in the physics involved in
> keeping machines cool in the past 10 years or so and that these features may
> make purchasing a new machine more cost effective than running an old one.
> Just curious!

Yes, it probably does cost more to run it than say one of the
everything on one board machines.  I actually did it originally as an
exercise in adapting old equipment into terminals.

Bottom line is that I can get an XT with a monitor for around $50-100
while a real terminal will cost me at least twice that :/.  Around
here, I am more accountable for initial investment than cost of

  ( )   *Anton Graham
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 (m_m)   GPG ID: 18F78541
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Re: [expert] Pentium 200Mhz/MMX and Mandrake - Resource Efficient?

2000-07-23 Thread Anton Graham

Submitted 23-Jul-00 by Sevatio Octavio:
> That gets to my next question... While shopping, I ran across a lot of 
> boxes with motherboards that have onboard sound & video.  What's your 
> take on those?  Do they tend to require funky device drivers that Linux 
> may not have?

These have their pros and cons.  In brief:

  1) Generally less expensive than purchasing separate components
  2) Only a handfull of different sound/video chipsets are available
 increasing the likelihood that drivers have been developed.

  1) Only a handfull of different sound/video chipsets are available
 reducing the likelihood that it's a "quality" chipset
  2) upgrade-ability may be extremely limited, as most of those boards
 skimp on pci slots

That said, if you choose to go with one with onboard sound and video,
ensure that the chipsets are supported _before_ buying.  I would tend
to avoid SiS video chipsets (although they are extremely common)
because of bad personal experiences with them and i810 chipsets all
together.  The video support for the i810 is shaky at this point.

  ( )   *Anton Graham
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Re: [expert] Pentium 200Mhz/MMX and Mandrake - Resource Efficient?

2000-07-23 Thread Anton Graham

Submitted 23-Jul-00 by Ellick Chan:
> I recommend a Yamaha XG card, but that will cost you about $30 of OSS
> drivers.
No longer :)!  I run my Yamaha YMF-724F (DS-XG) with ALSA drivers.
Believe it or not, the sound quality is actually better than what I
got with the commercial drivers from OSS.  You need the latest ALSA
(0.58) for this support.

There is also now support in the kernel (OSS-Free) for the SBPro
"legacy mode" of the card, but it is poorly documented and I have been
unable to make that work.

  ( )   *Anton Graham
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Re: [expert] Pentium 200Mhz/MMX and Mandrake - Resource Efficient?

2000-07-23 Thread Anton Graham

Submitted 23-Jul-00 by Ralph Day:
> Why do you say the i810 video support is shaky at this point?  It works
> great and is packaged with LM 7.1.  I'll admit you do have to do a little
> hand configuration. 

That's why :/  The i810's are marketted to entry level consumers, who
would be more than a little miffed at not having it work

Remember that as Linux becomes more mainstream, we are going to be
getting more (and more) people who:

  1) Have never used anything but Windows/MacOS (when the LM PPC port
 becomes available)

  2) Never had to manually configure anything

  3) Don't know that X isn't the OS, just an interface.

  4) Refuse to accept answers/solutions because they don't like them.
(Witness the gentleman who complained numerous times about being
unable to install X on his unsupported video card).

  5) Are more than willing to blame the OS for their own lack of

I can't count the times I have had to tell somebody to edit
such-and-such file instead of using a (rather limited) GUI front-end
to a program.  Our Windows converts are coming from a point and click
world in which all of the thinking has been done for them.

If we want to keep these people, we need to steer them away from
hardware that may pose difficulties for them until they are
comfortable enough to do the tweaking that makes it work.

In the meantime, hardware support improves constanty.  The i810 is
considered by many to be a priority project, so I wouldn't be
surprised if it was Linux-newbie friendly by the time 7.2 becomes
  ( )   *Anton Graham
  /v\  / <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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 (m_m)   GPG ID: 18F78541
Penguin Powered!

Re: [expert] Pentium 200Mhz/MMX and Mandrake - Resource Efficient?

2000-07-23 Thread Anton Graham

Submitted 23-Jul-00 by Vic:
> Does Mandrake 7 or 7.1 come with alsa drivers or
> just the oss design?

7.1 comes with ALSA standard, but 0.5.7 was the latest as of the
release date.

  ( )   *    Anton Graham
  /v\  / <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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 (m_m)   GPG ID: 18F78541
Penguin Powered!

Re: [expert] Laplink

2000-07-23 Thread Anton Graham

Submitted 23-Jul-00 by Darryl Gibson:
> Sevatio Octavio wrote:
> > 
> > I didn't catch your original question.  Are you wondering about remote
> > controlling another pc?  Or is this a laplink specific question?
> I want to transfer files between two linux boxes, using a laplink cable.
> I was hoping there would be program such as laplink or Xtree gold to
> help me set it up. I should do some further research into Midnight
> Commander, it has a file transfer command, I just need to find the docs.
> on how to set it up.
> > 
> > Have you checked out VNC?  It's free at
> > .  All you need is a browser to
> > control another pc.
> Thanks, that's a cool website. Unfortunately, VNC uses tcp/ip, and I
> don't have any spare serial ports. They mention it
> could be modified for rs-232, but that is way over my head.

What about tcp/ip over a PLIP connection?  Check out the Laptop and
Net HOWTO's (I haven't doen this myself)

  ( )   *Anton Graham
  /v\  / <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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 (m_m)   GPG ID: 18F78541
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