[FairfieldLife] Re: Dylan on PBS

2005-09-27 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, akasha_108 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 I like the neil young version at Bob-Fest.
 I agree with most of what you say, and my life mirrors yours in many
 respects -- though I was in high school when highway 61 blaseted
 the scene, and in jr high when the earlier acoustic albums hit (and
 they were revolutionary too). And Blonde on Blonde ..whew .. So many
 great albums. And some of his mid stuff -- like the album with
 Emmy-Lou Harris -- is incredibly moving. oh sister, sister ... 
 And I download dylan lyrics on occaision and revel in them -- as you
 do. But I always  hear them with the music.
 But today, I read them as words, as poetry, sans music. And you know
 what? As a pure, words only poet, Dylan is a bit sophmoric and 
 trite, IMO. Even Dylan hates a lot of his earlier stuff. (though I 
 still love it, just not as isolated words -- cast as great poetry.) 
 Its the combo of music and his words that are transcendent -- as 
 in facilitating transcendence from fixed current views.  

Yup.  It's the music that captures the in-the-momentness
of it.  One of the things that I missed for many years,
until I started seeing Dylan live again, is that every
one of the songs on the albums that we think of as the
definitive version of the song is just the way he 
happened to sing it at one moment in time.

Live, Dylan has never performed the same song the same
way twice.  And he probably will.  THAT may be what makes
the combination of the words and the music so potent.

 As pure poets I will still take Pablo Neruda (even in english
 translation he rocks, which is amazing) and TS Elliot.
 I know: 
 Ezra Pound and TS Elliot, fighting in the captain's tower.
 While calypso singers laugh at them. And fishermen hold flowers.

Not to mention that he quoted lines from each of
them earlier in the verse.  :-)
 But, ol' TS:
 April is the cruelest month 
 Breeding lilacs out of the dead land, 
 Mixing memory and desire, stirring 
 Dull roots with spring rain.
 He captures the whole cycle of samskara in four lovely lines.

Yeah, but could he play guitar and harmonica and
sing badly?  It's the whole package, dude.  :-)

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Amma Will Provide One Million U.S. Dollars

2005-09-27 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Don't take this all so seriously, Judy.
  I don't know about these other guys,
  but I'm just majorly amused tonight at
  you pretending not to be enlightened,
  and striving so hard to keep up the
 You keep getting the words wrong, Barry.  And
 you a writer...  To pretend something, you
 have to know it isn't true.

Exactly.  You know that it isn't true that
you are not enlightened.  

  I think it was Akasha who
  suggested something for you to actually
  *do* to experience enlightenment.
 Gosh, I could have sworn it was you who keeps
 saying there *isn't* anything you can do to
 experience enlightenment.

There isn't.  But you still didn't do it. 
Truly foolish.

  You blew it off.
 I did?
  You will never actually try it.
 I won't?  I haven't?

You did.  You won't.  You haven't.

  And a few weeks from now you'll
  be back complaining that you're still in
 I've never complained about being in ignorance.

You've never BEEN ignorant.  But you 
complain about it anyway.  Go figure.  
  If that's not funny, what is?
 Your inability to deal with reality.

Says the woman who is pretending to be

You'll never get any of this until you 
do, Judy.  And then it'll seem very funny...

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Dylan on PBS

2005-09-27 Thread akasha_108
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, feste37 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Part two is next week, I think. Don't miss it.

Did you see two hours or one hour last night? I have a two hour
version on tonight. Is there an additional 2 hour segment (four hours

Or is 2 hours the whole thing (the real thing)?

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Amma Will Provide One Million U.S. Dollars

2005-09-27 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rory Goff [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  OK.  I think you're suggesting that it's something of
  an infinite regress, that one can be overshadowed by
  the desire not to be overshadowed.  But that's the
  nature of the beast, part of why ignorance is so 
  The point I was making to Rory, though, is that with
  me it's not a matter of having some set of idealized
  criteria for realization, i.e., what I expect
  realization to be like; rather, my single criterion
  for realization is *not* having the fundamental
  criterion for ignorance.
 Yes, that alone is sufficient to overshadow realization --
 denying the validity

I'm not denying anything.  I'm describing
what is the case for me.  That's my reality.

 (perfection, is-ness, ever-presence, 
 whatever) of your fundamental criterion for ignorance -- trying 
 *not* to embody the fundamental criterion for ignorance.

I'm not trying to do anything.  I'm describing 
what is the case for me.  That's my reality.

 In denying 
 ignorance (tamas), we cling to clarity (sattva), and get (as if) 
 stuck inside the gunas, rather than remembering they are all merely 
 ideas *in us* :-)
  I don't know what it's like to be realized; I do
  know what it's like to be ignorant, in other words.
 Being realized isn't like anything

Yes, it is.  It's like being realized.  It's *not*
like being in ignorance.

 -- other than (say, in that
 moment) Judy writing she doesn't know what it's like to be 
 realized, but knows what it's like to be ignorant. :-)

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Packed crowd hears David Lynch Filmmaker shares zeal for transcendental medi

2005-09-27 Thread akasha_108
 The Ann Arbor News
 Packed crowd hears David Lynch Filmmaker shares zeal
 for transcendental meditation
 Monday, September 26, 2005
 News Arts Writer

 If you arrived on time to see filmmaker David Lynch
 talk about transcendental meditation last night at the
 Power Center, you were already too late. The venue was
 packed to capacity.

Nice, refreshing article not written by TMO PR staff. Brings back
memories of the 60's. In 1968,  we got a front page headline Jarvis
to Speak Tonight on TM with a large beaming picture of MMY, written 
by non-meditators reporters, but in an excitedly semi-gushing tone.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Dylan on PBS

2005-09-27 Thread uns_tressor
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, akasha_108 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 But today, I read them as words, as poetry, sans music. And you know
 what? As a pure, words only poet, Dylan is a bit sophmoric and trite,
 IMO. Even Dylan hates a lot of his earlier stuff. (though I still love
 it, just not as isolated words -- cast as great poetry.)  
 Its the combo of music and his words that are transcendent -- as in
 facilitating transcendence from fixed current views...

... and more literally transcendent since the poetry of 
his lyrics causes the front left lobe (logic and words)
to keep talking directly to the front right lobe (images)
thereby opening new brain connections etc. etc. 

Slam his music on top of that and you have a powerful hit.
The second programme features Its all right, Ma but they
cut before the description of junkies:
- bent out of shape by society's pliars
- cares to rise no higher
- but would rather pull you down into the hole he's in.

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[FairfieldLife] Just BELIEVE Peter, and You CAN Fly!

2005-09-27 Thread akasha_108
No, thats not quite the angle that struck me as so funny. The
deliciousness of the phrase is more a mu experience, a 
 la whats
wrong with this picture.

   What's wrong with the picture of somebody not
   wanting to be overshadowed?  You've got me
   curious--can you articulate it?

  I'd love to hear akasha's answer, 

I may sell tickets then :)

 but mine 
  would be, It's a marvelous way of clinging
  to the notion of unenlightenment.  To want
  to not be overshadowed, you have to believe
  you are.  And the funny thing is, the moment
  you drop that belief, you aren't.

 Yeah, that answer would be bull.
 Especially from somebody who admits he isn't

Does it strike anyone else as funny, even absurd, that the whole
paradigm about enlightenment on this list is dichotomous, digital,
either on or off?

Pure consciousness begins from the first mediation. If not before. And
it can be delicate at first, and fade (yellow dye and cloth anyone?)
or become overshadowed. But it keeps coming back. Sometimes more
noticable, sometimes present only when one notices it --- where are
my glasses? (you are wearng them, silly) is a good analogy. 

For example:

The day after I was initiated, I walked around high school with a four
foot grin on my face. I was so happy and glowing. There was something
present that had not been so present or obvious as before. But it
didn't last. But it kept getting renewed. To only fade amongst the
trials of teen angst (which had pretty severe dimensions in those days
-- such as -- should I let myself get drafted and sent to vietnam, or
go to jail to protest a war I think is wrong.

On my TTC, back when we rounded 16 hours a day for 6 months -- if we
wanted (some pagans actually took lunch and socialized -- not ME! :) 
I would get up at 4 am and round till five of eight, and slide to the
dinning hall door just before it closed for dinner. And then float
in. It actually felt like I was not walking and was floating. And
people would comment holy cow dung! you look like you are floating.
This was way before the siddhis -- but that THING was so present that
I did feel like I was floating around with a big hellium ballon holdng
me up. And when I got back to the field, the field was overwhelming.

Once teaching, for a while I was fortunate enough to be in a situation
where people would line up for miles to get initiated. 50
initiations, 50 pujas in a weekend were not uncommon. The next day day
I woul d often feel that I was walking through Presence, it was so
dominant, thick and pervasive. And after a while, it faded.

To hold, as some appear to, that we meditate for 20-30 years and then
one day, the room goes from total darkness to total light, is funny,
in a charming way. So to the extent people keep insisting IT is
already there, they are correct -- to a degree. It comes and goes. Or
more corectly, though still inaccurately, we move into it, and then
get bounced out. To deny and hold that Presence is NEVER there is 
being a bit silly, IMO. But who knows. I only know my own experience.
And a lot of people I taught or have hung out with.

On the other hand, when neo-advaitists sell a dichotomous view of
enlightenment, and on top of that proclaim You just need to BELIEVE
Peter, and you CAN fly (as in Peter Pan), Just BELIEVE it and you
ARE enlightened -- and the light will be fully and eternally ON --
they are being silly too, IMO. Awareness, by itself, Presence, is not
SUDDENLY found at the top of the moutaintop after a 20-30 year climb.
Or after some mind game. Its there everyday, to a degree. And as we
enter into it  more, the bouncer at the door, throws us out less often. 

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Coeds in Tears

2005-09-27 Thread akasha_108
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Contorversial?  I thought that's the policy most colleges had.
 On Sep 26, 2005, at 8:45 PM, akasha_108 wrote:
   At the University of California, Berkeley, a new controversial policy
   forbids romantic or sexual relationships between professors and
   their students. The policy took effect this past July on nine
   University of California campuses.

That article, primarily about Yale, did not explain well the new two
year old UC policy.

This article does a better job (and is funny).


In 2003, the University of California's nine campuses ruled to ban
consensual relationshipsb between professors and any students they may
reasonably expect to have future academic responsibility for; this
includes any student known to have an interest in any area within the
faculty member's expertise.

This future view is far broader than the current students
prohibitions that have been in effect for decades. And academic
responsibility is broadly defined to include research oversight, and
writing of letters of recommendations for grad school, etc. It appears
to be that if a student is majoring or minoring in your department, or
even is or has taken a class in your dept, or related field, they are
off limits.

As she says, But while engineering students may still pair-bond with
professors of Restoration drama in California ... 

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[FairfieldLife] Re: A scolding for Maharishi...

2005-09-27 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend 
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, uns_tressor 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine 
   I always thought Bevan was gay.
  Some where in the archives, in the mid eight thousands,
  is a less than charitable post lsiting twelve ladies whose
  eggs Bevan is supposed to have covered; a selfless
  accomplishment for a friend of Dorothy.
 I'm not sure I get the reference to a friend of Dorothy,
 but the use of the term covered had me LOL.  :-)

Dorothy as in Wizard of Oz as in Judy Garland,
I believe.
   I Googled it, and this seems unclear.  It could
   just as easily have been Dorothy Parker, with her
   circle of gay friends at the Algonquin in New York,
   or Dorothy King, with a similar circle of friends
   in Oscar Wilde's time.
  These days, it's Dorothy as in Wizard of Oz as
  in Judy Garland.
 Try Googling.  There are at least two, possibly
 three generations of gay folks who don't have
 any idea who Judy Garland is.


Right, Barry.  And of course they've never
seen The Wizard of Oz either.

So what modern Dorothy do you imagine they're
referring to?

In any case, your original claim was that it
referred to an *earlier* Dorothy, not a later

Fortunately there's little need for such a code
phrase any more.  Let's hope one day nobody even
remembers what it means.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Amma Will Provide One Million U.S. Dollars

2005-09-27 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
   Don't take this all so seriously, Judy.
   I don't know about these other guys,
   but I'm just majorly amused tonight at
   you pretending not to be enlightened,
   and striving so hard to keep up the
  You keep getting the words wrong, Barry.  And
  you a writer...  To pretend something, you
  have to know it isn't true.
 Exactly.  You know that it isn't true that
 you are not enlightened.

Au contraire, mon vieux.

   I think it was Akasha who
   suggested something for you to actually
   *do* to experience enlightenment.
  Gosh, I could have sworn it was you who keeps
  saying there *isn't* anything you can do to
  experience enlightenment.
 There isn't.  But you still didn't do it. 
 Truly foolish.

Well, it wouldn't be foolish not to do it if
it wouldn't do the trick.

   You blew it off.
  I did?
   You will never actually try it.
  I won't?  I haven't?
 You did.  You won't.  You haven't.

Au contraire, mon vieux.  Bad guess on your part.

   And a few weeks from now you'll
   be back complaining that you're still in
  I've never complained about being in ignorance.
 You've never BEEN ignorant.  But you 
 complain about it anyway.  Go figure.

Let me say it another way:  I've never complained
about being in ignorance.  Are there any words in
that sentence you don't understand?

   If that's not funny, what is?
  Your inability to deal with reality.
 Says the woman who is pretending to be

To pretend something, you have to know it isn't
true.  I believe I already pointed this out.  Were
there some words you didn't understand?

 You'll never get any of this until you 
 do, Judy.  And then it'll seem very funny...

I think what bothers you so much is that you need
to legitimize your pretension to enlightenment,
and my honesty about not being enlightened makes
that more difficult.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Just BELIEVE Peter, and You CAN Fly!

2005-09-27 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, akasha_108 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 To hold, as some appear to, that we meditate for 20-30 years and 
 then one day, the room goes from total darkness to total light, is 
 funny, in a charming way. So to the extent people keep insisting IT 
 is already there, they are correct -- to a degree. It comes and 
 goes. Or more corectly, though still inaccurately, we move into it, 
 and then get bounced out.

That's certainly been my experience.  And it's
definitely progressive, as you suggest later.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Just BELIEVE Peter, and You CAN Fly!

2005-09-27 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, akasha_108 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 On the other hand, when neo-advaitists sell a dichotomous view of
 enlightenment, and on top of that proclaim You just need to
 BELIEVE, Peter, and you CAN fly (as in Peter Pan), Just BELIEVE 
 it and you ARE enlightened -- and the light will be fully and 
 eternally ON -- they are being silly too, IMO.

You know, I don't have any trouble accepting
that for some people, that *is* their experience.
(Not everyone who makes the claim, but that's
another story.)

Once it happens, it seems to become their reality
that they must have been previously ignoring it or
pretending it didn't exist, because it now seems
always to have been there.  They literally cannot
remember what it was like when they simply weren't
able to be aware of it.

The problem is that some of them then assume that
this applies across the board, that all they have
to do is say, Hey, it's there, and folks will go,
Oh, by gum, so it is.  And if they don't, it's
because they are somehow intentionally refusing to
see it.

They're likely to scoff, if not become annoyed, if
you don't take *their* reality seriously, but it
doesn't seem to occur to them that it works both

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Just BELIEVE Peter, and You CAN Fly!

2005-09-27 Thread akasha_108
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, akasha_108 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  To hold, as some appear to, that we meditate for 20-30 years and 
  then one day, the room goes from total darkness to total light, is 
  funny, in a charming way. So to the extent people keep insisting IT 
  is already there, they are correct -- to a degree. It comes and 
  goes. Or more corectly, though still inaccurately, we move into it, 
  and then get bounced out.
 That's certainly been my experience.  And it's
 definitely progressive, as you suggest later.

So, to clarify (my understanding), its not that you don't want to be
overshadowed (as in a permanent state of overshadowment).  Its not
that Awareness is not (never) present. Its that you simply want to be
overshadowed less often. That you want Awareness to be Aware / present
more often. (As if it can Not be Aware -- but for words sake...)

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Just BELIEVE Peter, and You CAN Fly!

2005-09-27 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, akasha_108 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, akasha_108 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
   To hold, as some appear to, that we meditate for 20-30 years 
   and then one day, the room goes from total darkness to total 
   light, is funny, in a charming way. So to the extent people 
   keep insisting IT is already there, they are correct -- to a 
   degree. It comes and goes. Or more corectly, though still 
   inaccurately, we move into it, and then get bounced out.
  That's certainly been my experience.  And it's
  definitely progressive, as you suggest later.
 So, to clarify (my understanding), its not that you don't want to be
 overshadowed (as in a permanent state of overshadowment).  Its not
 that Awareness is not (never) present. Its that you simply want to
 be overshadowed less often. That you want Awareness to be Aware / 
 present more often.

Sure, preferably all the time, but I'll take
whatever I can get!

I also find that the more often/longer Awareness
is present, the more of a pain it is when it
goes away.

 (As if it can Not be Aware -- but for words 

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[FairfieldLife] Re: A scolding for Maharishi...

2005-09-27 Thread jyouells2000
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jyouells2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Well, even if I don't express it clearly in writing, it's not about
  the sex per se, it's about ethics, and honesty and how that effects
  both the teaching and the organiztion that supposedly represents that
  teaching. [I just can't see how having sex with married women can be
  defended as appropriate behavior (unless the couple agrees it's OK).
  I'd certainly advise my daughters against it. It falls under 'averting
  the pain that has not yet come']
 That's it exactly.  Anyone who can't see the potential for
 causing pain just can't see.  In my world view, which
 admittedly has been warped by my time with Rama and having
 been systematically trained in ways to see, *everyone*
 is psychic.  It's just that some people pretend not to be.
 Therefore, in a situation where two people are in a rela-
 tionship which is assumed to be monogamous and one person
 in that relationship has sex with someone else, the cheated-
 on party ALWAYS knows.  He or she may *claim* that they
 don't know, but they ALWAYS know.  Therefore, to enter into
 such a relationship, as the third party, means that you are 
 willing to introduce that stress and tension into two other
 people's relationship.  Bad ju-ju, IMO.

Yup, what he said. All this justification of possibly Maharishi's,
Bevan's and Haglin's behavior - I just don't get it. You wouldn't
expect that stuff from your friends, or business associates, or even
honorable enemies. 


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[FairfieldLife] Stabilize the View

2005-09-27 Thread Vaj
Great advice from another list today:

The masters stress that to stabilize the View in meditation, it is
essential, first of all, to accomplish this practice in a special
environment of retreat, where all the favorable conditions are present;
amid the distractions and busyness of the world, however much you
meditate, true experience will not be born in your mind.

Second, though there is no difference in Dzogchen between meditation and
everyday life, until you have found true stability through doing the
practice in proper sessions, you will not be able to integrate the
wisdom of meditation into your experience of daily life.

Third, even when you practice, you might be able to abide by the continual
flow of Rigpa [Skt. Vidya, i.e. Brahmavidya] with the confidence of the
View, but if you are unable to continue that flow at all times and in all
situations, mixing your practice with everyday life, it will not serve as a
remedy when unfavorable circumstances arise, and you will be led astray into
delusion by thoughts and emotions.

Sogyal Rinpoche

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Packed crowd hears David Lynch Filmmaker shares zeal for transcendental medi

2005-09-27 Thread jyouells2000
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, akasha_108 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  The Ann Arbor News
  Packed crowd hears David Lynch Filmmaker shares zeal
  for transcendental meditation
  Monday, September 26, 2005
  News Arts Writer

  If you arrived on time to see filmmaker David Lynch
  talk about transcendental meditation last night at the
  Power Center, you were already too late. The venue was
  packed to capacity.
 Nice, refreshing article not written by TMO PR staff. Brings back
 memories of the 60's. In 1968,  we got a front page headline Jarvis
 to Speak Tonight on TM with a large beaming picture of MMY, written 
 by non-meditators reporters, but in an excitedly semi-gushing tone.

But they have to get 'scholarships' in order for the official TMO to
teach them to mediatate. What is wrong with this picture? A sort of
elitist materialistic welfare spirituality boggling. I mean I
understand what Mr. Lynch and his Foundation are doing - getting good
press, and at the grassroots level, overcomming the obstacle that the
organiztion has become to itself. A win-win both for him and the
people who learn. 

Strange stuff,

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[FairfieldLife] Black and White Views on Sex

2005-09-27 Thread akasha_108
 Yup, what he said. All this justification of possibly Maharishi's,
 Bevan's and Haglin's behavior - I just don't get it. You wouldn't
 expect that stuff from your friends, or business associates, or even
 honorable enemies. 

Since some of my recent posts may be rolled up in the all this
justification, I have a few thoughts. What I have been arguing
against is black and white thinking. (Digressing to another topic
quickly, I am surprised no one got my Soul on Ice allusion / joke
the other day.) I have made similar extremist -- as in all black or
white cases in the past against J and H. And M. See the archives over
the past 3 years or so. (Some of my posts are under OMG123). 

In rethinking it, I just see more nuances now, and more parallels to
mainstream society. Would I recommend MUM to my daughter (if I had
one), or to any women? No. Mainly for the obvious current academic
mediocreness of the place, and the cult mindset, but also because J
and B are acting like slimy weasles. Same with sending my daughter
to an old style TTC with M. 

However, I recognize that what John is doing, relative to coeds, is
not any different than what happens on most university campuses. Maybe
John is a bit older than most cruising faculty, but not older than
some. The issue I would have, relative to a daughter at MUM, is it is
such a small campus and John and Bevan (and I am sure there are
others) set such a dominant tone.

Regarding married woman, I think that is dispicable. But spraigs stats
sound in the ballpark, though perhaps a bit high. Adultry is pretty
common place. So if I refused any relations or interaction / business
/ socializing with every adulterer, my friends and associates list
would be looking pretty slim.

And it takes two to tangle. J and B  are not drugging these women and
hauling them off to a cave, as far as i know. I imagine some women are
seeking  them out and doing the seducing. Particularly after word gets
out that these single guys like to play.

And I an not as extreme in my views as Unc. I think, I know, relations
with married women can at times, be helpful to all parties. I don't
recommend it, but sometimes it happens and it can enrich everyone.
Some marriages are on the rocks and sometimes external forces are
forces for the good. And I have seen where it can be devestating.
Proabably much more of that than the former. 

Regarding work, and business associates, I worked for a guy, several
rungs down,  who is now one of the top two guys in a 30,000 employee
Fortune 500 company. He was a good guy, smart, funny, effective -- and
charismatic - in the Clinton / Kennedy sense.  And women were
attracted. He had an easy time of it, and it appeared for a time, he
was bopping every woman in sight within the company. He finally had a
woodshed moment with the then CEO and things calmed down a bit. But
perhaps only a bit. And lots of other stories and insights one obtains
over time of top management and thier proclivities.  Should I have
refused to work for him? Should I have quit a good job because mass
adultry was going on? No way. 

Regarding M, I still have mixed feeling and thoughts. I straddled the
bramachari-wannabe and guy in the world roles throughout my teens and
20's. I think it screwed me up -- more so than my natural state, and
definately affected my longer term career and family prospects. Coming
to grips with his dailances has been difficult on several levels. But
I keep coming back to the fact that all the woman, to my knowledge,
were consenting. And, contrary to some, I think they had a clear
choice. And what a yogi does with his energy flows -- well they are
much better than me to judge if its a good thing. 

So while I am sympathetic to your view, I don't  agree that [we]
wouldn't  expect that stuff from your friends, or business associates,
or even honorable enemies. If you are in the big city (are you in
FF?] its out there.  More of your friends, or business associates,
social acquaintances, teachers, mentors and even honorable enemies may
be doing wierd sexual things than you are aware or, or can imagine.
Are you going to drop out and demand purity. Or let people work out
thier own stuff without too much internal judgement clogging up your

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Packed crowd hears David Lynch Filmmaker shares zeal for transcendental medi

2005-09-27 Thread akasha_108
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jyouells2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 But they have to get 'scholarships' in order for the official TMO to
 teach them to mediatate. What is wrong with this picture? A sort of
 elitist materialistic welfare spirituality boggling. I mean I
 understand what Mr. Lynch and his Foundation are doing - getting
good press, and at the grassroots level, overcomming the obstacle that
the organiztion has become to itself. A win-win both for him and the
 people who learn. 
 Strange stuff,

I kind of like the approach. I may change my views later as it
unfolds. But it appears to me that it solves a big dilemna. To fund a
nice modern center, to pay teachers a reasonable professional salary
(100k+, plus retirement, health, rounding etc.), to fund good
research, to promote the program professionally, to fund
international, aka product development, it takes lot of money. Much
more than students would normally be able to pay. The scholarships
solve the problem. The student pays $500 and gets a $2500 scholarship.
Or pays $500, gets $1000 in student loans and gets a $1500
scholarship. It pays the bills. The TMO and teachers are placed on a
professional level. And the students take it way seriously its a
$3000 special course, man! (And of course its a great way to meet
rich chicks.) 

The issue is whether Lynch can raise $8 Billion. A few blockbuster,
well reviewed  films, the fund raising influence of a top director
(that is, his new status if he has several high grossing critically
acclaimed films) could do it. Speilberg could I think. Lynch could
evolve to Spielberg status and accomplishment. Or higher. Its
feasible. Add Heather Graham and others if their careers took off, a
new Mitch Kapor who stays with the program, some Google early
employees with lots of stock who get enthralled, throw in an Indian
entrepreneur and film star or two, some heavy foundation co-matching
of funds -- and its feasible. Maybe not probably, but feasible. And if
this Sat yuga thing has any legs, things could change fast.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Just BELIEVE Peter, and You CAN Fly!

2005-09-27 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, akasha_108 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, akasha_108 
To hold, as some appear to, that we meditate for 20-30 years 
and then one day, the room goes from total darkness to total 
light, is funny, in a charming way. So to the extent people 
keep insisting IT is already there, they are correct -- to a 
degree. It comes and goes. Or more corectly, though still 
inaccurately, we move into it, and then get bounced out.
   That's certainly been my experience.  And it's
   definitely progressive, as you suggest later.
  So, to clarify (my understanding), its not that you don't want to
  be overshadowed (as in a permanent state of overshadowment).  
  Its not that Awareness is not (never) present. Its that you 
  simply want to be overshadowed less often. That you want 
  Awareness to be Aware / present more often.
 Sure, preferably all the time, but I'll take
 whatever I can get!
 I also find that the more often/longer Awareness
 is present, the more of a pain it is when it
 goes away.

Just out of curiosity, did you really have me pegged
as someone who believes what you wrote in the first
sentence of the paragraph at the top?

I ask because I've said in a number of posts that the
longer I meditate, the less overshadowed I am.
And certainly MMY teaches that it's a gradual process,
so I'm not sure why any TMer would hold that belief.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Amma Will Provide One Million U.S. Dollars

2005-09-27 Thread Rory Goff
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
   OK.  I think you're suggesting that it's something of
   an infinite regress, that one can be overshadowed by
   the desire not to be overshadowed.  But that's the
   nature of the beast, part of why ignorance is so 
   The point I was making to Rory, though, is that with
   me it's not a matter of having some set of idealized
   criteria for realization, i.e., what I expect
   realization to be like; rather, my single criterion
   for realization is *not* having the fundamental
   criterion for ignorance.

  Yes, that alone is sufficient to overshadow realization --
  denying the validity snip

 I'm not denying anything.  I'm describing
 what is the case for me.  That's my reality.

Right, and nicely so. Yet it appears you are saying that *this* -- 
whatever it is -- *isn't* It. That's all I meant by denying -- 
denying the presence of It in this moment, by virtue of comparing 
this not-It moment with some other moment, not-now, 
elsewhen/elsewhere -- some other moment that apparently had more 
clarity, more Presence. I am suggesting that that longed-for clarity 
and Presence is nothing other than a side-effect of our 
unconditional attention and appreciation of whatever we are 
undergoing in this moment. So long as we do *not* appreciate *this* 
moment as a god-given gift we have not yet fully unwrapped and 
understood -- that long do we find it to be shrouded in darkness, 
ignorance, fear, suffering, and so on: the darkness and ignorance of 
our own lack of attention and unconditional appreciation. When we 
simply be with it, breathe with it, allow ourselves to feel it in 
the body non-judgmentally (this too is good -- or ...God 
or ...bliss --), relaxing into it while appreciating it, then it 
lightens up. It becomes integrated into our larger Whole, ceasing to 
be a (minor or major) demon plaguing us (actually, painfully 
demanding our attention and love), and now becoming a part of our 
angelic choir :-)

  (perfection, is-ness, ever-presence, 
  whatever) of your fundamental criterion for ignorance -- 
  *not* to embody the fundamental criterion for ignorance.

 I'm not trying to do anything.  I'm describing 
 what is the case for me.  That's my reality.

Yes, I believe I get that, and I get that you feel powerless to do 
anything about it, other than meditate and wait. So be it. I am 
perfectly OK with that reality if you are; if you are not, then I am 
suggesting an alternate POV and some methods that may shortcut the 
process, and even collapse it into this moment, that's all. For 
example: Where in the body do we feel stuck and/or powerless? What 
happens if we simply attend to it, appreciate it, breathe with it, 
let it fully feel, allow it to be unconditionally OK in that feeling?

  In denying 
  ignorance (tamas), we cling to clarity (sattva), and get (as if) 
  stuck inside the gunas, rather than remembering they are all 
  ideas *in us* :-)

   I don't know what it's like to be realized; I do
   know what it's like to be ignorant, in other words.

  Being realized isn't like anything snip

 Yes, it is.  It's like being realized.  It's *not*
 like being in ignorance.

How do you know this, if you don't know what being realized is? In 
my experience/understanding anyhow, it is *precisely* like being in 
ignorance -- with the slight but crucial adjustment that one has 
just for this moment stopped unfavorably (or favorably for that 
matter) comparing this moment to some other more (or less) ideal 
one. One has stepped off the merry-go-round of infinite progress 
(or regress). That's all, that's it. Simple :-)

  -- other than (say, in that
  moment) Judy writing she doesn't know what it's like to be 
  realized, but knows what it's like to be ignorant. :-)

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Amma Will Provide One Million U.S. Dollars

2005-09-27 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rory Goff [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 So long as we do *not* appreciate *this* 
 moment as a god-given gift we have not yet fully unwrapped and 
 understood -- that long do we find it to be shrouded in darkness, 
 ignorance, fear, suffering, and so on: the darkness and ignorance 
 of our own lack of attention and unconditional appreciation.

Yes, that's being overshadowed.

 When we 
 simply be with it, breathe with it, allow ourselves to feel it in 
 the body non-judgmentally (this too is good -- or ...God 
 or ...bliss --), relaxing into it while appreciating it, then it 
 lightens up.

Yes, that's what being overshadowed makes it
impossible to do.

I don't know what it's like to be realized; I do
know what it's like to be ignorant, in other words.
   Being realized isn't like anything snip
  Yes, it is.  It's like being realized.  It's *not*
  like being in ignorance.
 How do you know this, if you don't know what being realized is? In 
 my experience/understanding anyhow, it is *precisely* like being in 
 ignorance -- with the slight but crucial adjustment

Right.  Lacking that slight but crucial
adjustment is what being in ignorance is
like.  Not like being realized, in other words.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Amma Will Provide One Million U.S. Dollars

2005-09-27 Thread Rory Goff
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rory Goff [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  So long as we do *not* appreciate *this* 
  moment as a god-given gift we have not yet fully unwrapped and 
  understood -- that long do we find it to be shrouded in 
  ignorance, fear, suffering, and so on: the darkness and 
  of our own lack of attention and unconditional appreciation.
 Yes, that's being overshadowed.
  When we 
  simply be with it, breathe with it, allow ourselves to feel it 
  the body non-judgmentally (this too is good -- or ...God 
  or ...bliss --), relaxing into it while appreciating it, then 
  lightens up.
 Yes, that's what being overshadowed makes it
 impossible to do.
How do you know this is impossible, Judy, if you haven't tried it? 
Over the past 20 years I have never yet seen *anyone* --
 enlightened or not, meditator or not -- who didn't experience 
this lightening-up from breathing and attending nonjudgmentally to 
one's bodily ignorance. 
But then, I have never seen anyone before who actually pre-decided 
attending to ignorance was impossible *because* s/he was 
in ignorance; that's a new one on me. You're quite right; I bow to 
your invincible ignorance! :-)

 I don't know what it's like to be realized; I do
 know what it's like to be ignorant, in other words.
Being realized isn't like anything snip
   Yes, it is.  It's like being realized.  It's *not*
   like being in ignorance.
  How do you know this, if you don't know what being realized is? 
  my experience/understanding anyhow, it is *precisely* like being 
  ignorance -- with the slight but crucial adjustment snip
 Right.  Lacking that slight but crucial
 adjustment is what being in ignorance is
 like.  Not like being realized, in other words.

Who is going to make or allow that slight but crucial adjustment 
if not you? 
When (if ever) do you plan to make or allow it? 
Is there a Judy in the near or distant future who has made it or 
allowed it? 
If so, what does she feel like?
If Enlightenment is outside of time and space, does that mean it 
is equally available now as it is twenty lifetimes from now? 

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Just BELIEVE Peter, and You CAN Fly!

2005-09-27 Thread akasha_108
Akasha: :
 To hold, as some appear to, that we meditate for 20-30 years 
 and then one day, the room goes from total darkness to total 
 light, is funny, in a charming way. So to the extent people 
 keep insisting IT is already there, they are correct -- to a 
 degree. It comes and goes. Or more corectly, though still 
 inaccurately, we move into it, and then get bounced out.

That's certainly been my experience.  And it's
definitely progressive, as you suggest later.

   So, to clarify (my understanding), its not that you don't want
to be overshadowed (as in a permanent state of overshadowment).  
Its not that Awareness is not (never) present. Its that you 
simply want to be overshadowed less often. That you want 
Awareness to be Aware / present more often.
  Sure, preferably all the time, but I'll take
  whatever I can get!
  I also find that the more often/longer Awareness
  is present, the more of a pain it is when it
  goes away.

 Just out of curiosity, did you really have me pegged
 as someone who believes what you wrote in the first
 sentence of the paragraph at the top?

I don't try to peg anyone. As you may know, from past convos, I try to
postpone pegging, evaluating or judging people util the last necessary
moment. I know that sounds like SimilAdvaita -- but its true, that is
my ethic as of late. And for a while. I postpone until I have to
decide on some action with regards to them pertinent to the evaluation
of them. 

You may know in chain-suppy management and other business managment
specialties,  the last 20 years have been rocked by the concept of JIT
-- Just In Time -- often refering to inventory management -- meaning
the truck with more steel panels pulls up to the factory just as they
are using their last ones. Thus minimizing or eliminating inventory
costs -- which can be huge. Anyway, a digression to give some context
to JIT-Judgements. It keeps the  mind and nadis free of clogging
inventories of useless judgements. 

But I was not really thinking of you when I said some appear to hold 
that we meditate for 20-30 years and then one day, the room goes from
total darkness to total light. 

I am not sure anyone really holds that position, but some statements
highly imply it at times. Apparenetly, possibly, unbeknownst to them
or their conscious acknowledgement. For example, some may wax
eloquently, and extensively on Consciousness and then imply, and
sometimes even emphatically state, that but 'you' can't possibly
understand what I am talking about, and you can't posssibly speak
sensibly on the topic because, well, the experience of pure
consciousness has never dawned within you. And certainly it is not
there now. I am certain.

I mean, ones gotta bite their lip to keep from bursting out laughing
in their face.

Or others, pronounce as emphatically, that the experience of pure
consciousness could finally dawn if you just simply gave up believing
that its not there. Again, one just has to laugh -- though discretely.
Do they really expect you to accept the premise of the question --
that after 40 years of meditation, 2+ years of long rounding, lots of
pujas, one has no experience of PC? Its mind boggling that people can
.. well never mind. 

What did puzzle me about you, are some of your recent statements about
not wanting to be overshadowed anymore. While it would be hard to
believe  that you never experienced PC in activity, I understand that
some may not connect that thing with PC. And to that extent, some
dialectic in the matter can be useful (I think). So I was seeking

 I ask because I've said in a number of posts that the
 longer I meditate, the less overshadowed I am.

I apologize, I dont always read all of your posts. (Mostly during
periods when its you said, no you said diologues. Sorry.) So I may
have inadvertently missed some good stuff.

 And certainly MMY teaches that it's a gradual process,
 so I'm not sure why any TMer would hold that belief.

Yes, it boggles the mind. But doesn't some of the diologue here seem
to imply it? Maybe its just me and I am missing some peoples points.


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[FairfieldLife] Re: Just BELIEVE Peter, and You CAN Fly!

2005-09-27 Thread Rory Goff
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, akasha_108 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Akasha: :
  To hold, as some appear to, that we meditate for 20-30 
  and then one day, the room goes from total darkness to 
  light, is funny, in a charming way. So to the extent 
  keep insisting IT is already there, they are correct -- to 
  degree. It comes and goes. Or more corectly, though still 
  inaccurately, we move into it, and then get bounced out.

Bounced out into what? Not-IT? 
Is this really possible? 
Or is maybe the whole IT-versus not-IT thing just more of the gunas? 
That is, if IT comes and goes, is IT *not* really IT, but just another 
phenomenon -- albeit perhaps one of great clarity and Presence? 
Sattva, in other words? But Sattva must fall to Rajas and Tamas; 
that's the nature of the gunas.
So maybe the real IT then is simply the Us who enfolds both IT and not-

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Just BELIEVE Peter, and You CAN Fly!

2005-09-27 Thread tomandcindytraynoratfairfieldlis
akasha_108 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 To hold, as some appear to, that we meditate for 20-30 years and 
 then one day, the room goes from total darkness to total light, is 
 funny, in a charming way. So to the extent people keep insisting IT 
 is already there, they are correct -- to a degree. It comes and 
 goes. Or more corectly, though still inaccurately, we move into it, 
 and then get bounced out.
Judy writes:
That's certainly been my experience.  And it's
definitely progressive, as you suggest later.
Tom T:
Jean Kline awoke in 1955 and continued till his death in the late
90's. From his book I AM page 83 para 3  Enlightenment is
instantaneous but the mind becomes gradually clearer. The clarity of
the mind brings about a relaxation from old patterns, a freeing of
energy which in turn stimulates clearsightedness. It leads us toward
living free from all striving to attain something, free from the
tension brought about by waiting for something to happen, expectation.
The above seems to be the norm. The Byron Katies and the Eckhart
Tolles seem to be the exception rather than the norm. In looking back
I can agree that was the case for me. There was a moment that was way
out of time and something big had happened but I was not clear enough
to get it. Years later in clearness and clarity is was easy to see the
times IT had come to the foreground and then had slipped away because
it could not be clearly appreciated. Tom

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Amma Will Provide One Million U.S. Dollars

2005-09-27 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rory Goff [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rory Goff [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
   So long as we do *not* appreciate *this* 
   moment as a god-given gift we have not yet fully unwrapped 
   understood -- that long do we find it to be shrouded in 
   ignorance, fear, suffering, and so on: the darkness and 
   of our own lack of attention and unconditional appreciation.
  Yes, that's being overshadowed.
   When we 
   simply be with it, breathe with it, allow ourselves to feel 
   it in the body non-judgmentally (this too is good -- 
   or ...God or ...bliss --), relaxing into it while 
   appreciating it, then it lightens up.
  Yes, that's what being overshadowed makes it
  impossible to do.
 How do you know this is impossible, Judy, if you haven't tried it?

Oh, for heaven's sake, of course I've tried it.

Yes, it is.  It's like being realized.  It's *not*
like being in ignorance.
   How do you know this, if you don't know what being realized is? 
   In my experience/understanding anyhow, it is *precisely* like 
   being in ignorance -- with the slight but crucial adjustment 
  Right.  Lacking that slight but crucial
  adjustment is what being in ignorance is
  like.  Not like being realized, in other words.
 Who is going to make or allow that slight but crucial adjustment 
 if not you?

What you are you talking about?  And what on
earth leads you to think that it's something
you *make*?

 When (if ever) do you plan to make or allow it?

I plan to let it happen whenever it's
ready to happen.

 Is there a Judy in the near or distant future who has made it or 
 allowed it? 
 If so, what does she feel like?
 If Enlightenment is outside of time and space, does that mean it 
 is equally available now as it is twenty lifetimes from now?

This is gobbledygook, sorry.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Just BELIEVE Peter, and You CAN Fly!

2005-09-27 Thread akasha_108
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rory Goff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, akasha_108 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Akasha: :
   To hold, as some appear to, that we meditate for 20-30 
   and then one day, the room goes from total darkness to 
   light, is funny, in a charming way. So to the extent 
   keep insisting IT is already there, they are correct -- to 
   degree. It comes and goes. Or more corectly, though still 
   inaccurately, we move into it, and then get bounced out.
 Bounced out into what? Not-IT? 
 Is this really possible? 
 Or is maybe the whole IT-versus not-IT thing just more of the gunas? 
 That is, if IT comes and goes, is IT *not* really IT, but just another 
 phenomenon -- albeit perhaps one of great clarity and Presence? 
 Sattva, in other words? But Sattva must fall to Rajas and Tamas; 
 that's the nature of the gunas.
 So maybe the real IT then is simply the Us who enfolds both IT and not-

You are smarter than that Rory.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Just BELIEVE Peter, and You CAN Fly!

2005-09-27 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, akasha_108 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  I ask because I've said in a number of posts that the
  longer I meditate, the less overshadowed I am.
 I apologize, I dont always read all of your posts. (Mostly during
 periods when its you said, no you said diologues. Sorry.) So I may
 have inadvertently missed some good stuff.

No, I was just wondering if I didn't say it
clearly or something.

  And certainly MMY teaches that it's a gradual process,
  so I'm not sure why any TMer would hold that belief.
 Yes, it boggles the mind. But doesn't some of the diologue here seem
 to imply it? Maybe its just me and I am missing some peoples points.

I don't recall having read anyone saying here
that you meditate for many years with no 
discernible change and then suddenly be in
CC, at least not as the standard pattern with
TM.  But I could have missed it.

The other dogma, that you can just *decide* to
become suddenly enlightened, we've been seeing
a lot.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Just BELIEVE Peter, and You CAN Fly!

2005-09-27 Thread Rory Goff
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, akasha_108 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rory Goff [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, akasha_108 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
   Akasha: :
To hold, as some appear to, that we meditate for 20-
and then one day, the room goes from total darkness 
light, is funny, in a charming way. So to the extent 
keep insisting IT is already there, they are 
correct -- to 
degree. It comes and goes. Or more corectly, though 
inaccurately, we move into it, and then get bounced 
  Bounced out into what? Not-IT? 
  Is this really possible? 
  Or is maybe the whole IT-versus not-IT thing just more of the 
  That is, if IT comes and goes, is IT *not* really IT, but just 
  phenomenon -- albeit perhaps one of great clarity and Presence? 
  Sattva, in other words? But Sattva must fall to Rajas and Tamas; 
  that's the nature of the gunas.
  So maybe the real IT then is simply the Us who enfolds both IT 
and not-
 You are smarter than that Rory.

As well as I can speak it, this is the understanding that frees me 
from the impermanence of bondage to experience in spacetime and into 
heartfelt appreciation of my own everpresent fullness. I am not 
smarter than that; I am that :-)

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Just BELIEVE Peter, and You CAN Fly!

2005-09-27 Thread Rory Goff
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 I don't recall having read anyone saying here
 that you meditate for many years with no 
 discernible change and then suddenly be in
 CC, at least not as the standard pattern with
 TM.  But I could have missed it.
 The other dogma, that you can just *decide* to
 become suddenly enlightened, we've been seeing
 a lot.

When we realize that all the various states of consciousness we have 
ever known or tasted are -- however enjoyable -- yet impermanent, 
partial, changing, and that there must somehow be something more, 
something unchanging that embraces them all, even here and now -- at 
this point, we may well decide to suddenly step off the belief-
system of progress toward a never-arriving goal. 

This is (or can be) the beginning of real Awakening, and it may well 
unfold from a specific decision to step off the merry-go-round. I 
believe it would certainly help first to have experienced at least a 
taste of whatever various states of consciousness one had thought 
one had desired. 

Whether one can actually voluntarily decide the first part of this 
realization -- that any conceptual experience or state of 
consciousness is experience-bound and impermanent -- I don't know.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Just BELIEVE Peter, and You CAN Fly!

2005-09-27 Thread akasha_108
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
 akasha_108 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  To hold, as some appear to, that we meditate for 20-30 years and 
  then one day, the room goes from total darkness to total light, is 
  funny, in a charming way. So to the extent people keep insisting IT 
  is already there, they are correct -- to a degree. It comes and 
  goes. Or more corectly, though still inaccurately, we move into it, 
  and then get bounced out.
 Judy writes:
 That's certainly been my experience.  And it's
 definitely progressive, as you suggest later.
 Tom T:
 Jean Kline awoke in 1955 and continued till his death in the late
 90's. From his book I AM page 83 para 3  Enlightenment is
 instantaneous but the mind becomes gradually clearer.,

While to me, initially, this sounds discordant and a bit odd, I am
always open to new ways of looking at things. 

If you read my prior posts today, then per kline, I might say that
that day after my initiation --  IT was always there -- thereafter,
foreever -- but slipped into the background at times. (The same idea
as falling into it and out of it -- in my post this morning. 

I am inclined towards the foreground / background model -- one reason
that I spent somtime on it this moring in post to Judy -- with
concrete experiential link. It supports and makes reasonable the
claim and reported experience its always been here, I just did not
recognize it, that is, it was in the background.  

And F/B explains overshadowing: IT falls to background, life falls
to foreground. Its not that IT disappears -- but we sometimes need to
succumb to the limits of english syntax if we are not to sound as
autonotom space robots. (Thus prior post's note to Rory -- you are
smarter than harping on well known and acknowledged limits of
language. Of course IT is always there. Why make big drama over the
limits of language -- and project such onto others as
misunderstnading? It gets tiresome after a bit. 

 The clarity of
 the mind brings about a relaxation from old patterns, a freeing of
 energy which in turn stimulates clearsightedness. It leads us toward
 living free from all striving to attain something, free from the
 tension brought about by waiting for something to happen, expectation.

Thats all fine and true. And fits the F/B model. The shift to
foreground attention of PC helps dissolves old patterns and
expectations. What is odd to say one is enlightened, per kline, 
while this is going one. Regadless, its arbitrary and as equally
foolish, IMO, to refer to enlightenment even if the above disolving
process is complete. 

 The above seems to be the norm. The Byron Katies and the Eckhart
 Tolles seem to be the exception rather than the norm. In looking
back I can agree that was the case for me. There was a moment that was
way out of time and something big had happened but I was not clear
enough to get it. Years later in clearness and clarity is was easy to
see the times IT had come to the foreground and then had slipped away
because it could not be clearly appreciated. Tom

Yes, if I follow you correctly, it seems to be the path for many, my
self certainly, and Judy seems to say it is for her, that its a
alternating symbiotic process of F/B, B/F. The alternation helps in
stabilizing and disolving/purifying.  As is standard TMO stuff. Yellow
 dye, white cloth.

What still seems odd to me is the apparently felt need to judge and
label some point on the ever extending spectrum as enlightenment.
Its just more and more foreground. Until the entire earth, oceans, sun
and moon are in the foreground with It as IT. And that still may be
just the beginning.

In that regard, I sort of like klines approach (with apologies to
kline, the following is my slant on his view: get rid of the
silliness now, in the beginning, and be done with it. You are all
enlightened. BFD. Now that that ego hurdle is done, let PC work its
magic as Awarenrnaess -- as attention of it oacillates between
forground and background. Until It in all dimensions is eternally in

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Black and White Views on Sex

2005-09-27 Thread jyouells2000
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, akasha_108 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Yup, what he said. All this justification of possibly Maharishi's,
  Bevan's and Haglin's behavior - I just don't get it. You wouldn't
  expect that stuff from your friends, or business associates, or even
  honorable enemies. 
 Since some of my recent posts may be rolled up in the all this
 justification, I have a few thoughts. What I have been arguing
 against is black and white thinking. (Digressing to another topic
 quickly, I am surprised no one got my Soul on Ice allusion / joke
 the other day.) I have made similar extremist -- as in all black or
 white cases in the past against J and H. And M. See the archives over
 the past 3 years or so. (Some of my posts are under OMG123). 
 In rethinking it, I just see more nuances now, and more parallels to
 mainstream society. Would I recommend MUM to my daughter (if I had
 one), or to any women? No. Mainly for the obvious current academic
 mediocreness of the place, and the cult mindset, but also because J
 and B are acting like slimy weasles. Same with sending my daughter
 to an old style TTC with M. 
 However, I recognize that what John is doing, relative to coeds, is
 not any different than what happens on most university campuses. Maybe
 John is a bit older than most cruising faculty, but not older than
 some. The issue I would have, relative to a daughter at MUM, is it is
 such a small campus and John and Bevan (and I am sure there are
 others) set such a dominant tone.
 Regarding married woman, I think that is dispicable. But spraigs stats
 sound in the ballpark, though perhaps a bit high. Adultry is pretty
 common place. So if I refused any relations or interaction / business
 / socializing with every adulterer, my friends and associates list
 would be looking pretty slim.
 And it takes two to tangle. J and B  are not drugging these women and
 hauling them off to a cave, as far as i know. I imagine some women are
 seeking  them out and doing the seducing. Particularly after word gets
 out that these single guys like to play.
 And I an not as extreme in my views as Unc. I think, I know, relations
 with married women can at times, be helpful to all parties. I don't
 recommend it, but sometimes it happens and it can enrich everyone.
 Some marriages are on the rocks and sometimes external forces are
 forces for the good. And I have seen where it can be devestating.
 Proabably much more of that than the former. 
 Regarding work, and business associates, I worked for a guy, several
 rungs down,  who is now one of the top two guys in a 30,000 employee
 Fortune 500 company. He was a good guy, smart, funny, effective -- and
 charismatic - in the Clinton / Kennedy sense.  And women were
 attracted. He had an easy time of it, and it appeared for a time, he
 was bopping every woman in sight within the company. He finally had a
 woodshed moment with the then CEO and things calmed down a bit. But
 perhaps only a bit. And lots of other stories and insights one obtains
 over time of top management and thier proclivities.  Should I have
 refused to work for him? Should I have quit a good job because mass
 adultry was going on? No way. 
 Regarding M, I still have mixed feeling and thoughts. I straddled the
 bramachari-wannabe and guy in the world roles throughout my teens and
 20's. I think it screwed me up -- more so than my natural state, and
 definately affected my longer term career and family prospects. Coming
 to grips with his dailances has been difficult on several levels. But
 I keep coming back to the fact that all the woman, to my knowledge,
 were consenting. And, contrary to some, I think they had a clear
 choice. And what a yogi does with his energy flows -- well they are
 much better than me to judge if its a good thing. 
 So while I am sympathetic to your view, I don't  agree that [we]
 wouldn't  expect that stuff from your friends, or business associates,
 or even honorable enemies. If you are in the big city (are you in
 FF?] its out there.  More of your friends, or business associates,
 social acquaintances, teachers, mentors and even honorable enemies may
 be doing wierd sexual things than you are aware or, or can imagine.
 Are you going to drop out and demand purity. Or let people work out
 thier own stuff without too much internal judgement clogging up your

 Actually, Akasha, I wasn't thinking of your posts (and I was enjoying
them...). As far a conscentual sex between single adults I have no
problem, or even between conscenting members of a couple if the other
partner knows. What I was charged up about was teacher/student
guru/student BMOC/other's wives stuff. And you misinterpreted the 'my
daughter' stuff... I would advise my married daughter not to fool
around on the side (unless her husband knew), and my slightly younger
unmarried daughter not to sleep with married men, for precisly the
reasons that Barry pointed out. There is 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Amma Will Provide One Million U.S. Dollars

2005-09-27 Thread Rory Goff

  How do you know this is impossible, Judy, if you haven't tried 

 Oh, for heaven's sake, of course I've tried it.

Yes? With whom? I hope you had company. Most people find it far 
easier and more effective the first few times if they are 
accompanied by a guide, rebirther or the like: one who has traversed 
and integrated the ignorance themselves. The ignorance can 
indeed be pretty damned scary to go into alone at first.

  Who is going to make or allow that slight but crucial 
  if not you?

 What you are you talking about?  

Just you.

And what on
 earth leads you to think that it's something
 you *make*?

If not you, then who?

  When (if ever) do you plan to make or allow it?

 I plan to let it happen whenever it's
 ready to happen.

How will you know when it is ready to happen?

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Just BELIEVE Peter, and You CAN Fly!

2005-09-27 Thread akasha_108
 I don't recall having read anyone saying here
 that you meditate for many years with no 
 discernible change and then suddenly be in
 CC, at least not as the standard pattern with
 TM.  But I could have missed it.

Its diologues over the past 3-4 years. And its not an explicit claim.
But strongly imlpied -- so much so, I see no other possibility than
the underlying premise being held that one meditates for many years
with no discernible change and then suddenly be in CC. That is, there
little acknowlegement by some that there is regular and strong PC
in foreground by many. Contrary to the pontificators implied
singular claims to the experience.
 The other dogma, that you can just *decide* to
 become suddenly enlightened, we've been seeing
 a lot.

yes. Reminds me of EST.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Packed crowd hears David Lynch Filmmaker shares zeal for transcendental medi

2005-09-27 Thread jyouells2000
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, akasha_108 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jyouells2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  But they have to get 'scholarships' in order for the official TMO to
  teach them to mediatate. What is wrong with this picture? A sort of
  elitist materialistic welfare spirituality boggling. I mean I
  understand what Mr. Lynch and his Foundation are doing - getting
 good press, and at the grassroots level, overcomming the obstacle that
 the organiztion has become to itself. A win-win both for him and the
  people who learn. 
  Strange stuff,
 I kind of like the approach. I may change my views later as it
 unfolds. But it appears to me that it solves a big dilemna. To fund a
 nice modern center, to pay teachers a reasonable professional salary
 (100k+, plus retirement, health, rounding etc.), to fund good
 research, to promote the program professionally, to fund
 international, aka product development, it takes lot of money. Much
 more than students would normally be able to pay. The scholarships
 solve the problem. The student pays $500 and gets a $2500 scholarship.
 Or pays $500, gets $1000 in student loans and gets a $1500
 scholarship. It pays the bills. The TMO and teachers are placed on a
 professional level. And the students take it way seriously its a
 $3000 special course, man! (And of course its a great way to meet
 rich chicks.) 
 The issue is whether Lynch can raise $8 Billion. A few blockbuster,
 well reviewed  films, the fund raising influence of a top director
 (that is, his new status if he has several high grossing critically
 acclaimed films) could do it. Speilberg could I think. Lynch could
 evolve to Spielberg status and accomplishment. Or higher. Its
 feasible. Add Heather Graham and others if their careers took off, a
 new Mitch Kapor who stays with the program, some Google early
 employees with lots of stock who get enthralled, throw in an Indian
 entrepreneur and film star or two, some heavy foundation co-matching
 of funds -- and its feasible. Maybe not probably, but feasible. And if
 this Sat yuga thing has any legs, things could change fast.

If the Foundation sets up the Centers and pays the teachers might work
. If it's current TMO ...who knows 


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