Re: [FairfieldLife] Posting limit and duplicate posts

2007-03-29 Thread Bhairitu
Alex Stanley wrote:
 I've noticed that there are a lot of duplicate posts today. Does the
 new posting limit rule count multiple identical posts as one? 'Cuz,
 IMO, duplicates should only count as one post. 

Yahoo problems:
Happening on other groups too.

[FairfieldLife] Software as warfare

2007-03-29 Thread TurquoiseB
Perhaps this duplicate post bug is the CIA trying
to silence the TM supporters on Fairfield Life. :-)

Hey, stranger things *have* happened, as demonstrated 
by this well-written and very strange story of the 
Cold War sent to me by a friend:

The story, in brief, described by my friend: In 
1982, a Soviet natural gas pipeline blew up in the 
largest non-nuclear explosion ever recorded. The 
reason? A bug in the pipeline valve and switch 
control software. Origin of the bug: planted by 
the CIA, who were told by the French that a Russian 
spy program to steal US technology was about to 
pilfer the valve control software from a Canadian 

[FairfieldLife] US 'no longer technology king'

2007-03-29 Thread claudiouk
Scandinavian countries, Holland and Switzerland surprising new leaders..

[FairfieldLife] Maharishi writing in 1952

2007-03-29 Thread hugheshugo

This was forwarded to me. I'd not seen it before, so I thought some 
of you may be interested.

This press release was written by Maharishi 55 years ago announcing 
the visit of Shri Guru Dev, whose childhood name was Raja Raam.

The Great Saint of the Himalayas is Coming to Shower His Blessings on 
the Metropolis

The Statement issued by: BAL BRAHMACHARI SHRI MAHESH JI.

Press conference convened by Shri Shankaracharya Reception Committee,

Delhi on the 15th Oct. 1952 at 5 p.m. in the Young Man's Tennis Club 
Queen's Gardens, in connection with the visit of HIS HOLINESS SHRI  


It gives me a great pleasure to welcome you all and have your company 
here this afternoon. It gives me enough encouragement and support to 
acquaint you with the details of the mission for whose fulfilment 
His  Holiness Shri Jagatguru Shankaracharya Swami BRAHMANAND 
SARASWATI MAHARAJ will be visiting your city about the 12th of 
November 1952 and stay here for about a month for Dharmopdesh. 

Swami Brahmand Saraswati Maharaj, the present Shankaracharya of 
Jyotirmath Badarikashram (in the Himalayas) is a magnetic personality 
with a sweet amalgam of High Wisdom and Love of humanity. He 
combines  in himself the Knowledge of the Self with the mysterious 
powers -- the Sidhis arising out of Yogic perfection and hard 
penances, which He has undergone throughout His life. He is a great 
living Yogi and  scholar and is revered by millions of Hindus as 
their Supreme Religious Head.

This great Saint of the modern age was born in U.P. in a well to do 
and renowned Brahman family in 1871 and was enthroned to the seat of 
His Holiness Jagatguru Shankaracharya in 1941 at Banares, during the  
ninth session of the All India Sanatan Dharma Maha Sammelan convened 
by the Bharat Dharma Mahamandal in conjunction with a countrywide 
support of almost all the ruling princes and different 
socioreligious  institutions all over the country. It may be recalled 
that it was a long persuasion of about twenty years which could 
convince Param Virakt Swami Brahmanand Saraswati to accept the great 
responsibility  of the Shankaracharya at the age of seventy.

From the tender age of nine when he came out of his home in Search of 
God, till this time, his life was mostly spent in the lonely hidden 
regions of the Himalayas, Vindya Giris and the Amarkantakas  which 
are rarely frequented by men and are chiefly inhabited by wild 
animals. For years together he has lived in hidden caves and thick 
forests where even the midday sun frets and fumes in vain to dispel  
the darkness that may be said to have made a permanent abode there in 
those solitary and distant regions.

But today he is easily accessible as he is now the presiding head of 
Shri Jyotirmath which is the greatest religious institution of the 
Hindus of Northern India, covering all different creeds and 
Sampradayas and branches lying under the fold of Hindu Religions. 

One unique principle of the great Sage that distinguishes Him 
completely from other living saints of today is that He does 
not�accept money as gift from his visitors or disciples. 

This brief description attempts to mirror a few hurried and short 
glimpses of the life journey of this great living Sage who has 
actually transformed into a living fact the inner latent potentiality 
of the soul. He has known the great universal Truth, whose 
realisation is the aim of the entire scheme of life. For Him the 
mists of ignorance have completely disappeared and having known the 
Divine Reality He has verily become an embodiment of the great 

His aim of life, if the life of a realised soul can be said to 
possess any such aim, is to broadcast the message of the Great Divine 
Light that He has himself realised, the Light that is the Soul of all 
human beings. Having himself attained the pinnacle of Self 
development, he aims at transforming the worldly minded people into 
the Godly minded, and through his inner Divine touch to change the 
materialistic hearts of iron into spiritual hearts of gold. 

His entire personality emanates the sweet perfume of spirituality. 
His face radiates that rare light which comprises love, authority, 
serenity and self assuredness that comes only by righteous living and 
Divine Realisation -- one feels as if some ancient Maharishi 
mentioned in the pages of the Upanishads has assumed human form and 
feels that it is worth while leading a pious life and to strive for 
the realisation of the Divine. 

His Spiritual teachings are simple and clear and go straight home to 
heart. He strictly adheres to the course of inner development laid 
down by the Systems of Indian Philosophy and ethics and he raises His 
voice never in opposition but always in firm support of the Truths 
and principles contained in the Hindu Scriptures. 

According to the tradition from the worldly point of view, the 
dignity of the 

RE: [FairfieldLife] Posting limit and duplicate posts

2007-03-29 Thread Rick Archer
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of Alex Stanley
Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2007 5:26 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Posting limit and duplicate posts


I've noticed that there are a lot of duplicate posts today. Does the
new posting limit rule count multiple identical posts as one? 'Cuz,
IMO, duplicates should only count as one post. 

I agree. The duplicate posts are probably Yahoo's fault.

[FairfieldLife] Dalai Lama Quote

2007-03-29 Thread quantum packet

Note: forwarded message attached.
 Get your own web address.
 Have a HUGE year through Yahoo! Small Business.---BeginMessage---
Title: Snow Lion Publications Newsletter





 Dalai Lama Quote of the Week 
		Sometimes we face certain situations where, although we have done something good for others, we may not be able to reap the consequences within this lifetime. When we are talking about the law of causality, we are not limiting its operation to the confines of this life alone, but rather are taking into account both this lifetime and the future. Occasionally people who do not have a proper knowledge of karmic law say that such and such a person is very kind and religious and so forth, but he always has problems, whereas so and so is very deceptive and negative, frequently indulging in negative actions, but always seems very successful. Such people may think that there is no karmic law at all. There are others who go to the other extreme and become superstitious, thinking that when someone experiences illness, it is all due to harmful spirits It is also possible for very negative people to experience their positive karma ripening immaturely due to the very strong force of negative actions, and thus to exhaust the potentials of their virtuous actions. They experience a relative success in this life, while others who are very serious practitioners, as a result of the force of their practices, bring upon this lifetime the consequences of karmic actions which might have otherwise thrown them into rebirth in lower realms of existence in the future. As a result, they experience more problems and illnesses in this life.
Just resolving not to indulge in a negative action is not enough. It should be accompanied by the understanding that it is for your own benefit and sake that you must live with awareness of the law of karma: if you have accumulated the causes, you will have to face the consequences; if you desire a particular effect, you can work to produce its causes; and if you do not desire a certain consequence, you can avoid engaging in actions that will bring it about. You should reflect upon the law of causality as follows: that there is a definite relation between causes and effects; that actions not committed will never produce an effect; and that once committed, actions will never lose their potentiality simply through the passage of time. So, if you wish to enjoy desirable fruits, you should work for the accumulation of the appropriate causes, and if you want to avoid undesirable consequences, you should not accumulate their causes [Karma] is a natural law like any other natural law.

--from Path to Bliss: A Practical Guide to Stages of Meditation by H.H. the Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso, translated by Geshe Thubten Jinpa, edited by Christine Cox, published by Snow Lion Publications

  to the preservation of Tibetan Buddhism and culture by 
  publishing books about this great tradition. Tibetan culture is seriously endangered in its homeland and is striving to continue outside of Tibet. To support this effort, in addition to publishing and distributing books, Snow Lion offers a wide range of dharma items, purchased primarily from Tibetans in exile. These include visual art and ritual objects, 
  statues and thangkas, videos, traditional music, and many gift 
  items offered through our webstore and "Snow Lion Buddhist News  Catalog" (Newsletter)--over 2000 
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[FairfieldLife] Re: Llundrub, cool it

2007-03-29 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In, gullible fool [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  The original agreement included the understanding
  that the group was being moderated, hence rules such
  as these were always a possibility.
 There's been little to no moderation in this group
 over its five and a half year existence. Some
 moderation was added a few years ago, but that was
 done ONLY because of a growing problem with
 adult-oriented spam. The solution that worked best was
 to make FFL a restricted group, meaning all
 prospective new members could not join without first
 being approved by a moderator. Technically, we had
 moderation, but anyone who applied to join and filled
 out the comment section in a way that indicated that
 person wanted to be a legitimate member would be
 approved to join and would not be put on moderated
 status and could get away with posting 50 messages a
 day, posting profanity, posting their daily jyotish
 spam message, you name it. 

Just to clarify, I was *not* trying to dump on
Llundrub in my earlier cool it post. I was
calling for *fairness*. If he is treated differ-
ently than others here, I think we all know that
this will be interpreted by some as *unfairness*,
and as not cutting *them* the same breaks that 
have been cut to Llundrub.

Might I suggest an alternative solution, given Llun
and his work schedule, and his desire to be able to
post as much as he wants during his rare days off
work? Allow him 35 posts per week, made anytime he
wants to make them. The moderators could pick a day
of the week on which to start the count, and when
he exceeds his quota of 35 posts for that week, he 
is not allowed to post until the next week, starting 
on the same day. That still works out to the same 
five posts a day, but allows him the flexibility he 
seems to be looking for.

For the record, this is the same alternative rule I
was going to suggest for Sparaig had he stuck around.
Given his OCD problems, it would have been difficult
for him to stick to the five-posts-per-day limit, but
this alternative enforces the same constraints, but
while allowing some flexibility, and without any more
impact upon the moderators.

Equally for the record, I am *not* suggesting this 
alternative for anyone else here, unless they announce
that they'd prefer it that way (and, of course, if the
moderators think that this is a good idea). Llundrub's 
is a voice here on Fairfield Life that I treasure, and 
I don't want to see him stalking off in a snit just 
because he doesn't share the unmistakable wishes of 
other regular posters here to return this cybercafe 
to some semblance of civility. Five posts a day, 35 a 
week, the same objective is achieved.

 --- Jonathan Chadwick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  The original agreement included the understanding
  that the group was being moderated, hence rules such
  as these were always a possibility.  Perhaps you
  should read over again the conditions of what you
  *accepted* when you joined.
  llundrub [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  I
  don't want to start a war or anything, but let's
  look at this five post limit thing contractually. No
  additional consideration was given for the new rule,
  so essentially no new contract was made.  Since the
  rule was placed after the present persons were
  already in place, they could not be said to have
  joined the group with the rule, so thus no rule has
  ever been made. 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
  Rick Archer
  Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2007 2:25 PM
  Subject: RE: [FairfieldLife] Llundrub, cool it

  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
  Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2007 1:42 PM
  Subject: RE: [FairfieldLife] Llundrub, cool it

  I didn't ask for the posting limit, and I
  could shit on it. If I am not
  wanted you all know what to do with me. 
The posting limit is a mixed blessing and I wish
  we didn't need it, but we do, and it has helped a
  lot. Of course you're wanted, but you are the only
  one egregiously violating the posting limit. I was
  hoping you had just gotten carried away or had
  forgotten to count the first day, but you've been
  doing it every day. It's the sort of thing that
  everyone is going to have to abide by if it's going
  to work, so as your friend, and moderator, I'm
  asking you to please abide by it henceforth.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Posting limit and duplicate posts

2007-03-29 Thread gullible fool

This post came to my yahoo email five times, so you
just hit your limit, Alex. :)

--- Alex Stanley [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I've noticed that there are a lot of duplicate posts
 today. Does the
 new posting limit rule count multiple identical
 posts as one? 'Cuz,
 IMO, duplicates should only count as one post. 
 To subscribe, send a message to:
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Now that's room service!  Choose from over 150,000 hotels
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[FairfieldLife] Re: Software as warfare

2007-03-29 Thread Alex Stanley
--- In, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Perhaps this duplicate post bug is the CIA trying
 to silence the TM supporters on Fairfield Life. :-)
 Hey, stranger things *have* happened, as demonstrated 
 by this well-written and very strange story of the 
 Cold War sent to me by a friend:
 The story, in brief, described by my friend: In 
 1982, a Soviet natural gas pipeline blew up in the 
 largest non-nuclear explosion ever recorded. The 
 reason? A bug in the pipeline valve and switch 
 control software. Origin of the bug: planted by 
 the CIA, who were told by the French that a Russian 
 spy program to steal US technology was about to 
 pilfer the valve control software from a Canadian 

I think a better match to that story is that Google discovered that it
had been infiltrated by Yahoo spies trying to pilfer some decent code
for Yahoo Groups.

[FairfieldLife] Hitler-looking Buddha...

2007-03-29 Thread claudiouk
perhaps the prophecy was that Gautama could become either a Buddha or.. 
a Hitler?

[FairfieldLife] Change your Mind Change your Brain: The Inner Conditions for Authentic Happiness

2007-03-29 Thread Vaj
Change your Mind, Change your Brain: The Inner Conditions for  
Authentic Happiness

If happiness is an inner state, influenced by external conditions but  
not dependent on them, how can we achieve it? Ricard will examine the  
inner and outer factors that increase or diminish our sense of well- 
being, dissect the underlying mechanisms of happiness, and lead us to  
a way of looking at the mind itself based on his book, Happiness: A  
Guide to Life's Most Important Skill and from the research in  
neuroscience on the effect of mind-training on the brain.

Speaker Bio: Matthieu Ricard, a gifted scientist turned Buddhist  
monk, is a best selling author, translator, and photographer. He has  
lived and studied in the Himalayas for the last 35 years where he  
currently works on humanitarian projects. He is an active participant  
in the current scientific research on meditation and the brain.

RE: [FairfieldLife] Hitler-looking Buddha...

2007-03-29 Thread llundrub
Hitler did know how to burn off some bad karma. And now we have him as the
litmus of megalomaniacal egotism, so we should thank Hitler for burning that
bridge of fascism for the whole world, at least in terms of acceptance of
its philosophy. On the other hand maybe we should thank him for paving hell
for those who also wish to follow him. Sure, hell may not be eternal as the
Xtians say, but it can very very hard to get out from. Because it's not so
much the first action which put you there which keeps you there but rather
the repetition which continues confirming your vow of negativity over and
over. That's the tough part. Or when one has made the vow to remain evil.
Yes, there are anti-buddhas. Very many of them and so many so that they have
named themselves 'legion.'  Well haha for them they hardly even have names,
the Beelzebubs are few, but many will be the full names of the saints. Very
very important for a spiritual person to make a vow to be with the
Bodhisattvas at this time for they have powerful protectors.  Such as Satan
himself. Are you with me Satan - 'Why yes Lhuny, whatever you say! See.
Leave Buddha out of these stupid comparisons you fucking asshole. 

-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of claudiouk
Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2007 9:18 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Hitler-looking Buddha...
perhaps the prophecy was that Gautama could become either a Buddha or.. 
a Hitler?

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Or go to:
and click 'Join This Group!' 
Yahoo! Groups Links

[FairfieldLife] Re: BBC Life of the Buddha

2007-03-29 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In, claudiouk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

This is actually a pretty good documentary, and a good
introduction to Buddha and his teachings for those who
don't know much about either. When they present some of
the far-fetched legends about his birth and life, they 
do so *while* mentioning that these were quite possibly 
tacked on to his story by later followers who were 
trying to pedestalize him.

And the documentary does a very good job of describing
the context of the times in which the Buddha lived, and
the characteristics of the Brahmin religion that was
prevalent in the times, with its inherent elitism, based
on keeping the power pyramid of the caste system firmly
in place and the caste at the top of that pyramid firmly
in charge of all the power and privilege that they had
become used to. Buddha was in his way a real Will Rogers
Populist, committed to the same *non*-privileged classes
as was Jesus, 500 years after him.

For those who are interested in the antipathy we see 
here on FFL sometimes towards Buddhism, this documentary
gives a cursory overview of where that antipathy *came*
from. The privileged Brahmin classes, who passed their
power and their ability to collect money from the *non*-
privileged classes from father to son, were NOT HAPPY
about this upstart prince who went around preaching that
no one *needed* priests and pujas and knowledge from the
Vedas -- purchased at a price, always at a price. He, 
like Jesus after him, taught that caste/class had nothing
whatsoever to do with evolution and how close one's
enlightenment was. And he, like Jesus after him, was
badrapped and persecuted by those whose livelihood his
heretical teachings threatened. In my opinion, that was 
the whole basis of the Hindu/Brahmin dislike for Buddha 
and Buddhism during his lifetime, and that is the basis 
of their continuing dislike for Buddhism today. Buddha 
was a *rebel*, and the privileged classes have *always* 
hated rebels.

The visuals in the documentary are stunning, and will
be appreciated as much by those whose feel for India 
and its history is Hindu-flavored as those whose 
feel for them are Buddhist-flavored. It's an hour 
of watching television that you will not later regret.

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Llundrub, cool it

2007-03-29 Thread Rick Archer
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of TurquoiseB
Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2007 6:10 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Llundrub, cool it

Might I suggest an alternative solution, given Llun
and his work schedule, and his desire to be able to
post as much as he wants during his rare days off
work? Allow him 35 posts per week, made anytime he
wants to make them. The moderators could pick a day
of the week on which to start the count, and when
he exceeds his quota of 35 posts for that week, he 
is not allowed to post until the next week, starting 
on the same day. That still works out to the same 
five posts a day, but allows him the flexibility he 
seems to be looking for.


That would be fine with me. We could do that with everyone, but then someone
could go on vacation for two weeks and hit us with 70 posts on their return.
So this privilege should probably be granted selectively. BTW, I find it
ironic that those of who read FFL by email are now getting inundated with
multiple posts due to some Yahoo glitch.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Change your Mind Change your Brain: The Inner Conditions for Authentic Happiness

2007-03-29 Thread claudiouk
Enjoyed this video - found the monk Matthieu Ricard quite likeable. 
Will take a look at his book if I come across it. First time I've 
seen Google videos - good size screen  quality. Am interested in 
finding other interesting documentaries to watch - on the range of 
things of interest typical among FFL members.. so thanks Vaj

--- In, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Change your Mind, Change your Brain: The Inner Conditions for  
 Authentic Happiness
 If happiness is an inner state, influenced by external conditions 
 not dependent on them, how can we achieve it? Ricard will examine 
 inner and outer factors that increase or diminish our sense of well-
 being, dissect the underlying mechanisms of happiness, and lead us 
 a way of looking at the mind itself based on his book, Happiness: 
 Guide to Life's Most Important Skill and from the research in  
 neuroscience on the effect of mind-training on the brain.
 Speaker Bio: Matthieu Ricard, a gifted scientist turned Buddhist  
 monk, is a best selling author, translator, and photographer. He 
 lived and studied in the Himalayas for the last 35 years where he  
 currently works on humanitarian projects. He is an active 
 in the current scientific research on meditation and the brain.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Llundrub, cool it

2007-03-29 Thread WLeed3
Given Llun  his work schedule he should well have time with such a  keen 
mind to refine his posts here. He should also be able to use more cooth  words 
his postings as well. Good he works so during that time gives him the  time 
to reflect, (as we know thoughts to be the quickest or fastest of all  things). 
He should then  be most well able to expressed here  these thoughts of his 
for us all to then well consider. They may  then concisely  cogently stated in 
five post or less   in  words longer than 3 or 4 letters  thus help us all 
grow to the  light.

** See what's free at

Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi's Speech on Raam Navami - with photos from the ...

2007-03-29 Thread Lsoma
In a message dated 3/29/2007 11:25:48 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

I’ll post the  photos to the photos section when I get a chance.

Maharishi on the day of Raam Navami,  27.3.2007


Today, having  invoked the administration of Raja Raam in every country, 
having performed  Puja here is symbolic of Puja of Raam Raj, the administration 
Raja Raam in  every country of our world family. Whatever everyone does, 
everyone does from  his inner thinking. And fortunately we have been given the 
of inner  thinking; how to think from inside, how to think from the 
transcendental  self-referral consciousness. We got the key from Guru Dev. We 
distributed the  key to the people of the world family, all countries; more 
hundred  countries.

And today we  feel confident that the people everywhere are enough in number 
to have this  majestic thinking, this royal thinking from within, from the 
field of lively  presence of Raja Raam.

Raam Brahm  Paramat Rupa. Raam is pure spirituality, pure knowledge, pure 
self-referral  intelligence, which in this generation - Dr. Hagelin tells me - 
has been  discovered through the technology of all physical sciences in terms 
unified  field. Unified field is concentrated field of intelligence, 
concentrated field  of knowledge, where pure knowledge is endowed with pure 
power,  capable of organizing the ever-expanding universe. All diversity of 
the  ever-expanding universe is governed from that level which is eternally  
self-referral. Investigated and discovered through the approach of modern  
science in terms of the unified field. And we have in our world family the  
champion of that highly divine, pure intelligence which is on its own level  
Being, pure creativity, total organizing power of Natural Law, the  
Constitution of the Universe, which has been there in the awareness of the  
Pandits of India since time immemorial in terms of  Ved.

Ved is lively  today as it is lively in every time whatever the time of the 
day and night,  whatever the time of the year, whatever time of any age. It's 
lively, it is  eternally functioning, ordering the activity of the galactic 
universe from  within. That within is the secret word. The key is turned 
within. It's a  turn-key operation. You think and think from within; think from 
transcendental  consciousness, which is the field of the Unified Field in 
terms, the  field of Yog in the ancient terminology, the field of Ved, 
inscribed in terms  of Vedic expression.

Ved is  traditionally maintained in the oral tradition by the Vedic Pandits. 
And today  we are invoking Ved, we are invoking Unified Field and we are 
raising the flag  of the administration of the Unified Field throughout our 
of nations.  In all the 192 countries we are proud of raising the flag of Raam 
Raj, the  kingdom of Raam, the kingdom of  Raam Brahm Paramat Rupa, kingdom 
of pure  spirituality, pure self-referral creative intelligence, pure Being,  
transcendental field, where Ved, the Constitution of the Universe, is ever  
fresh. In the field of the unmanifest, Unified Field. Mathematically drawn in  
the equations of the Unified Field, orally recited by those fortunate born on  
the family of Vedic traditions.

From today  the flag of Raam Raj, in every country, will influence successful 
operation of  every government, no matter what is the constitution of any 
country. The  Constitution of the Universe, triggered by the inner thinking of 
some people  in every country, practising Transcendental Meditation, its 
advanced  techniques and Yogic Flying.

The programme  is with us and that is why we have a natural desire, 
duty-bound, to play our  parental role for the well-being and happiness of 
individual in our  world family and every nation in our family of  nations.

Today,  invoking that spirit of eternal freedom, invincibility, integration, 
all  positivity on the level of national intelligence, we are opening the 
gates of  all peace, prosperity, self-sufficiency, freedom and invincibility of 
every  nation in the world.

It is our  great pride to express that the inner of everyone, which is always 
in action;  inner of everyone - mind, intellect, ego, self-referral Atma, the 
inner of  everyone, which is bliss in nature. And we have the technique of 
that bliss to  become blissful through practise.

So today is  the day, as have been many days in the past months, past years, 
we had been  wanting to raise the flag of the kingdom of Raam, Raja Raam, in 
every country.  But now, after all these 50 years in the world, desiring for 
this day, we  found this day has come to us. And today having done Puja to Guru 
Dev, having  done Puja to Guru Dev, we say to Guru Dev that your grace, your 
blessings,  your confidence in us, we are offering to your lotus feet and from 
there we  are desiring 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Change your Mind Change your Brain: The Inner Conditions for Authentic Happiness

2007-03-29 Thread Vaj

On Mar 29, 2007, at 11:41 AM, claudiouk wrote:

Enjoyed this video - found the monk Matthieu Ricard quite likeable.
Will take a look at his book if I come across it. First time I've
seen Google videos - good size screen  quality. Am interested in
finding other interesting documentaries to watch - on the range of
things of interest typical among FFL members.. so thanks Vaj

You're welcome! His book _The Quantum and the Lotus_ is excellent.

You might also enjoy this documentary on meditation, if you haven't  
seen it already:

Doing Time, Doing Vipassana

If you like shorts, you might enjoy Harvie Krumpet:

[FairfieldLife] Various 3/28: Rick, Llundrub (was Re: Judy Judy You're so Cutie!)

2007-03-29 Thread authfriend
--- In, llundrub [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 And no, I already indicated I didn't think I was
 always the wronged party.  But I rarely actually
 start fights.  I have done it every now and then,
 but usually all I do is respond. If the attacks
 were stopped, I wouldn't have the need to respond,
 and I'd be far less motivated to start fights
 myself, even though I do so rarely anyway.
 -Well, see you admit to actually starting fights 
 sometimes. I have never started a fight with someone
 just for the sake of fighting.

Nor have I. I didn't say I had sometimes started
fights just for the sake of fighting. There was
always a reason.

So what was the reason for your trying to start fights
with me here all this past week?

 I really think Rick should kick you off because so much of 
 your posting is self absorbed garbage, amounting to little
 more than trolling.

That's false, of course, and particularly ironic coming
from you.

 As for Askolnik. I have corresponded with him previously at 
 times and he was quite a pleasant person during those private

Oh, he can charm your socks off if he wants to, no
question about it.

 For instance, perhaps Askolnik is such a jerk that he
 would have slammed anyone he felt deserved it. However,
 you Judy became his focus because you adventitiously
 stepped into the pile of shit.

You mean, I stepped into the pile of shit he was
trying to dump on the TMO, and exposed it as shit,

 In my experience on the net very few persons have ever
 had hate-sites set up for them, so what made you so special?
 My guess is that it's your fine edged intellect which
 basically has just been used maliciously for many many
 years now.


Anyone who was reading alt.m.t during his tenure
there--except his own cronies and supporters, of
course--will confirm that Skolnick was hands-down
the most malicious participant ever to grace that
newsgroup.  When he wasn't attacking TM, he was
attacking the TMers on the newsgroup personally,
trying to dig up dirt about their private lives,
*lying* about them constantly.

Sometime I'll tell the story here about how he
knowingly falsely implied on alt.m.t that a TMer
who had breast cancer had died because she relied
on Maharishi Ayur-Veda rather than conventional
medical treatment.  He even offered to send her
*death certificate* to anyone who was interested.

As to what made *me* so special that somebody
would set up a hate-site targeting me, it was that
I was tangling with a person who thought that was
a clever way to deal with the fact that he was 
being exposed on alt.m.t--by me and others, some
of whom he also targeted on that Web site--for what
he was, a person of zero integrity and just about
infinite malice.

Skolnick had found he couldn't get away with his
lies and slander on alt.m.t, because he'd get
called on them.  He set up the Web site so he could
lie and slander to his heart's content without
being challenged.

 Your debating this issue will not do you justice. It will 
 take many years for you to earn back people's respect and
 trust. If you should start to ever care what people really
 think about you.

I don't care what people think about me.  I care
very much what they think about people like Andrew
Skolnick and Barry Wright and John Knapp, just as
I care what they think about George Bush and Dick
Cheney and Alberto Gonzales and all the other
wrongdoers in the administration.

 Because you are not earning kudos right now by always 
 pointing fingers. Given your previous disposition to
 troll everywhere you go, 

Oops, no, I don't troll.  Never have, never will.

 you simply
 cannot get the respect that such an intelligent person 
 usually could get. 
 If you did have a change of heart in any real sense it would 
 show. But I for the life of me can't remember you ever being
 sorry for any of your actions or words, ornevermind...I
 doubt you heard a word I said.

I've heard every word, and unfortunately most of it
is garbage.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Software as warfare

2007-03-29 Thread Bhairitu
TurquoiseB wrote:
 Perhaps this duplicate post bug is the CIA trying
 to silence the TM supporters on Fairfield Life. :-)

 Hey, stranger things *have* happened, as demonstrated 
 by this well-written and very strange story of the 
 Cold War sent to me by a friend:

 The story, in brief, described by my friend: In 
 1982, a Soviet natural gas pipeline blew up in the 
 largest non-nuclear explosion ever recorded. The 
 reason? A bug in the pipeline valve and switch 
 control software. Origin of the bug: planted by 
 the CIA, who were told by the French that a Russian 
 spy program to steal US technology was about to 
 pilfer the valve control software from a Canadian 
That would only be believed by paranoid TM'ers since the duplicate post 
thing happened all over Yahoo not just FFL.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Master's article. The way to the stars

2007-03-29 Thread nablusoss1008

Master's article
The way to the stars 
by the Master —, through Benjamin Creme

It will soon become apparent that humanity has come to an impasse 
through which there is no obvious pathway. The blind following of 
market forces has brought the nations to a standstill in their fierce 
battle for markets and profits.
Some tread more carefully as their economies falter, while others, 
especially the newly rich, soldier on, intent on even greater riches 
and growth. Slowly it is dawning on the more experienced that all is 
not well, that the future looks bleaker than it should, that the 
everdreaded slump may not be far-off, after all. One might almost say 
that a new realism is beginning to show itself. 
In this situation there is only one way for the governments of the 
world to go – a way so new, so imponderable it would seem, that 
almost no thought has been given to its realization.


This new way is the cornerstone of Maitreya's advice to the nations. 
It is a way untried and yet so obvious in its efficacy that men will 
be astonished by the success of their actions when it is implemented. 
The way is sharing, the straightforward demonstration of the oneness 
of men. The principle of sharing brings into manifestation the 
quality of divinity. When men share they will reveal themselves as 
potential Gods. Nothing is so truly divine as this great gesture of 
Brotherhood. When men see this they will enter into a new definition 
of themselves and will begin the establishment of the Era of 
Righteousness. So will it be. 
When Maitreya enters the lives of men and brings His counsel, a new 
chapter will open for men. They will know that they are not alone in 
this vast universe. They will know that there are many other worlds 
in which their Brothers work for them, saving them from much harm. 
Maitreya will inaugurate the era of contact with these their far off 
Brothers, and will establish a future of mutual interaction and 
service. Thus will it be.

Considered words

My friends, these are not idle dreams but the considered words of One 
who Knows. Take heart, therefore, and be prepared for this 
enlargement of your vision and capacity for service. Maitreya will 
show you that the way to the stars is a feasible journey of 
enlightenment. He will show that the units of the one life manifest 
themselves throughout Cosmos; that until now this knowledge has been 
withheld from men but will provide a sure path for future generations 
to follow. 
Much depends, therefore, on men's response to Maitreya's guidance. 
Men have indeed the choice: to remain as men stunted in the growth of 
their magnificence, or to become what in Truth they are, veritable 
Gods. Maitreya is sure that men will respond from their hearts, and 
that He will guide them towards their Destiny. 

(Read more articles by the Master)

RE: [FairfieldLife] Llundrub, cool it

2007-03-29 Thread Jonathan Chadwick
Technically, we had moderation ... [hence rules such as these were always a 
possibility].  I think that Rick views his authority as an absolute last 
resort, but apparently we reached it.

gullible fool [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  
 The original agreement included the understanding
 that the group was being moderated, hence rules such
 as these were always a possibility.

There's been little to no moderation in this group
over its five and a half year existence. Some
moderation was added a few years ago, but that was
done ONLY because of a growing problem with
adult-oriented spam. The solution that worked best was
to make FFL a restricted group, meaning all
prospective new members could not join without first
being approved by a moderator. Technically, we had
moderation, but anyone who applied to join and filled
out the comment section in a way that indicated that
person wanted to be a legitimate member would be
approved to join and would not be put on moderated
status and could get away with posting 50 messages a
day, posting profanity, posting their daily jyotish
spam message, you name it. 

--- Jonathan Chadwick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The original agreement included the understanding
 that the group was being moderated, hence rules such
 as these were always a possibility. Perhaps you
 should read over again the conditions of what you
 *accepted* when you joined.
 llundrub [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I
 don’t want to start a war or anything, but let’s
 look at this five post limit thing contractually. No
 additional consideration was given for the new rule,
 so essentially no new contract was made. Since the
 rule was placed after the present persons were
 already in place, they could not be said to have
 joined the group with the rule, so thus no rule has
 ever been made. 
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
 Rick Archer
 Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2007 2:25 PM
 Subject: RE: [FairfieldLife] Llundrub, cool it
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
 Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2007 1:42 PM
 Subject: RE: [FairfieldLife] Llundrub, cool it
 I didn't ask for the posting limit, and I
 could shit on it. If I am not
 wanted you all know what to do with me. 
 The posting limit is a mixed blessing and I wish
 we didn’t need it, but we do, and it has helped a
 lot. Of course you’re wanted, but you are the only
 one egregiously violating the posting limit. I was
 hoping you had just gotten carried away or had
 forgotten to count the first day, but you’ve been
 doing it every day. It’s the sort of thing that
 everyone is going to have to abide by if it’s going
 to work, so as your friend, and moderator, I’m
 asking you to please abide by it henceforth.
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[FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi writing in 1952

2007-03-29 Thread nablusoss1008
Very nice, thanks for posting this.

--- In, hugheshugo 

 This was forwarded to me. I'd not seen it before, so I thought some 
 of you may be interested.
 This press release was written by Maharishi 55 years ago announcing 
 the visit of Shri Guru Dev, whose childhood name was Raja Raam.
 The Great Saint of the Himalayas is Coming to Shower His Blessings 
 the Metropolis
 The Statement issued by: BAL BRAHMACHARI SHRI MAHESH JI.
 Press conference convened by Shri Shankaracharya Reception 
 Delhi on the 15th Oct. 1952 at 5 p.m. in the Young Man's Tennis 
 Queen's Gardens, in connection with the visit of HIS HOLINESS SHRI  
 It gives me a great pleasure to welcome you all and have your 
 here this afternoon. It gives me enough encouragement and support 
 acquaint you with the details of the mission for whose fulfilment 
 His  Holiness Shri Jagatguru Shankaracharya Swami BRAHMANAND 
 SARASWATI MAHARAJ will be visiting your city about the 12th of 
 November 1952 and stay here for about a month for Dharmopdesh. 
 Swami Brahmand Saraswati Maharaj, the present Shankaracharya of 
 Jyotirmath Badarikashram (in the Himalayas) is a magnetic 
 with a sweet amalgam of High Wisdom and Love of humanity. He 
 combines  in himself the Knowledge of the Self with the mysterious 
 powers -- the Sidhis arising out of Yogic perfection and hard 
 penances, which He has undergone throughout His life. He is a great 
 living Yogi and  scholar and is revered by millions of Hindus as 
 their Supreme Religious Head.
 This great Saint of the modern age was born in U.P. in a well to do 
 and renowned Brahman family in 1871 and was enthroned to the seat 
 His Holiness Jagatguru Shankaracharya in 1941 at Banares, during 
 ninth session of the All India Sanatan Dharma Maha Sammelan 
 by the Bharat Dharma Mahamandal in conjunction with a countrywide 
 support of almost all the ruling princes and different 
 socioreligious  institutions all over the country. It may be 
 that it was a long persuasion of about twenty years which could 
 convince Param Virakt Swami Brahmanand Saraswati to accept the 
 responsibility  of the Shankaracharya at the age of seventy.
 From the tender age of nine when he came out of his home in Search 
 God, till this time, his life was mostly spent in the lonely hidden 
 regions of the Himalayas, Vindya Giris and the Amarkantakas  which 
 are rarely frequented by men and are chiefly inhabited by wild 
 animals. For years together he has lived in hidden caves and thick 
 forests where even the midday sun frets and fumes in vain to 
 the darkness that may be said to have made a permanent abode there 
 those solitary and distant regions.
 But today he is easily accessible as he is now the presiding head 
 Shri Jyotirmath which is the greatest religious institution of the 
 Hindus of Northern India, covering all different creeds and 
 Sampradayas and branches lying under the fold of Hindu Religions. 
 One unique principle of the great Sage that distinguishes Him 
 completely from other living saints of today is that He does 
 not�accept money as gift from his visitors or disciples. 
 This brief description attempts to mirror a few hurried and short 
 glimpses of the life journey of this great living Sage who has 
 actually transformed into a living fact the inner latent 
 of the soul. He has known the great universal Truth, whose 
 realisation is the aim of the entire scheme of life. For Him the 
 mists of ignorance have completely disappeared and having known the 
 Divine Reality He has verily become an embodiment of the great 
 His aim of life, if the life of a realised soul can be said to 
 possess any such aim, is to broadcast the message of the Great 
 Light that He has himself realised, the Light that is the Soul of 
 human beings. Having himself attained the pinnacle of Self 
 development, he aims at transforming the worldly minded people into 
 the Godly minded, and through his inner Divine touch to change the 
 materialistic hearts of iron into spiritual hearts of gold. 
 His entire personality emanates the sweet perfume of spirituality. 
 His face radiates that rare light which comprises love, authority, 
 serenity and self assuredness that comes only by righteous living 
 Divine Realisation -- one feels as if some ancient Maharishi 
 mentioned in the pages of the Upanishads has assumed human form and 
 feels that it is worth while leading a pious life and to strive for 
 the realisation of the Divine. 
 His Spiritual teachings are simple and clear and go straight home 
 heart. He strictly adheres to the course of inner development laid 
 down by the Systems of 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Software as warfare

2007-03-29 Thread authfriend
--- In, Bhairitu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 TurquoiseB wrote:
  Perhaps this duplicate post bug is the CIA trying
  to silence the TM supporters on Fairfield Life. :-)
 That would only be believed by paranoid TM'ers

Huh, I thought it was Nature *supporting* us TMers
by telling Rick what he could do with his posting

 since the
 duplicate post thing happened all over Yahoo not just FFL.

Collateral damage.

[FairfieldLife] DOME ANNOUNCEMENTS - Call for more participants / next Governor Re-cert course

2007-03-29 Thread dhamiltony2k5
--- In, george_deforest 

 DOME ANNOUNCEMENTS - Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2007
 Call for more participants / next Governor Re-cert course
 1. Governor Recertification Course -- Starts July 7
 2. Urgent Need -- Just a Few Hundred More 
 Invincible America Assembly Participants
 The Invincible America Assembly has drawn thousands of Sidhas 
 from the United States and many other countries.
 The size of our group has been close to the 
 national invincibility threshold -- about 1,730 Yogic Flyers -- 
 Now is the time for us to surpass the threshold -- and create 
 stable national coherence and lasting invincibility for America.

 If we can inspire just a few hundred more Sidhas to join 
 the Assembly, we will reach the 2,000 level -- our national 
 super radiance number plus a safety factor -- and we will create 
 a truly Invincible America.
 Maharishi is giving so much sustained attention 
 to this Assembly -- and is looking at this as 
 the turning point for our country and our world.
 Let's make hay while the sun shines.

Aye, Aye Captain.  Once a Governor,always a Governor?
I'm with you for program here always.
Jai Guru Dev,

-Governor Hamilton

Oh,it might be helpful for you (the TMorg) if you would get your 
numbers more right and not so over-blow it.  People kinda do hope for 
a little honesty.  Some integrity.  With an 'announcement' like this 
you are instead just fulfilling what people are coming expect from 

With the best of hope for you,  -Governor, in FF

[FairfieldLife] Re: U. G. Krishnamurti passed away

2007-03-29 Thread t3rinity
As far as I am concerned, this was the only interesting post I read
here since I returned from India. Some interesting articles:

'Mahesh Bhatt mourns U.G. Krishnamurti's death

By Subhash K. Jha Mar 27, 2007, 6:56 GMT

Mumbai, March 27 (IANS) Producer-director Mahesh Bhatt is strangely
quiet after the death of his mentor, guru and dear friend U.G.

'Since U.G. rejected divinity and didn't want to be remembered after
his death, I see no point in talking about him when he's no more. It
sort of defeats what he believed in,' Bhatt told IANS.

'The story of U.G. is the story of an ordinary man who refused to be
treated like god. He scoffed at the 'god factory' and repudiated the
lies churned out in the lie factories that run civilisation,' said Bhatt.

Bhatt spent 10 days in Italy with Krishnamurti just before his death.

'Those 10 days mean more to me in terms of experience and enrichment
than the 30 years that I've known him. It'll take me more than a
lifetime to sift through, understand and process the thoughts and
opinions he shared with me during those days. It'll be a long time
before I actually start talking about those glorious and heartbreaking

The veteran filmmaker cremated Krishnamurti on March 23.

'He gave me the responsibility to make sure he was allowed to die the
way he wanted. And the greatest task I was given to perform was to
cremate him. He died on a sunny afternoon in a villa in Vallecrosia in
Italy. Only my two American friends and I were with him when the end
came. He had asked all the others to leave,' Bhatt added. '

U G Krishnamurti an enigma

Bangalore, March. 24 (PTI): U G Krishnamurti was an enigma who defied
all classifications - a philosopher,a non-guru or guru and is
described as subversive and revolutionary and totally fearless.

UG, as he was lovingly called by his friends and admirers all over the
world, blasted all spiritual discourses as poppycock and thrashed
the spiritual masters as misguided fools.

A messiah is the one who leaves a mess behind him in the world.
Religions have promised roses but you end up with only thorns, were
among the quotable quotes of UG who also detested being called an
enlightened man.

People call me an enlightened man-- I detest that term -- they can't
find any other word to describe the way I am functioning, he would
say. At the same time, I would point out that there is no such thing
as enlightenment at all.

Born into a Telugu-speaking Brahmin family on July 9, 1918 in the
coastal town of Masulipatam in Andhra Pradesh, UG lost his mother when
he was seven days old and was brought up by his maternal grandfather,
a noted, wealthy lawyer and a prominent member of the Theosophical

UG grew up in a peculiar milieu of theosophy and orthodox Hindu
religious beliefs and practices.

After schooling in Gudivada town, he did his B.A. Honours course in
Philosophy and Psychology at Madras University. Where is this mind
these chaps have have been talking about, he once asked his
Psychology teacher when hardly 20 years.

Between 14 and 21 years of age, he spent seven years off and on with
Swami Sivananda in Rishikesh,practising Yoga and meditation but
questioned the validity of the various mystical visions and experiences.

--- In, larry.potter

  not sure if it was posted before, anyway,
 On March 22, 2007 U. G. Krishnamurti  passed away.
 He was interesting dude , not the traditional Guru,
 when i was reading some of his books, i felt that he
 only taught from the ultimate level and despised any
 other interpretations or teaching styles, claiming
 basically that they are false or misleading.
 his staff is free to read on his website:

RE: [FairfieldLife] Llundrub, cool it

2007-03-29 Thread Rick Archer
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of Jonathan Chadwick
Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2007 11:35 AM
Subject: RE: [FairfieldLife] Llundrub, cool it


Technically, we had moderation ... [hence rules such as these were always a
possibility].  I think that Rick views his authority as an absolute last
resort, but apparently we reached it.

That's very true. I don't like to control people. The openness and freedom
of FFL is its greatest strength. But it was also a potential weakness, and a
few people took advantage of it. The quality went downhill and some good
people left, so we had to do something. But still, That government is best
which governs least. - Thomas Paine

[FairfieldLife] Re: Llundrub, cool it

2007-03-29 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Given Llun  his work schedule he should well have time with such 
a  keen 
 mind to refine his posts here. He should also be able to use more 
cooth  words in 
 his postings as well. Good he works so during that time gives him 
the  time 
 to reflect, (as we know thoughts to be the quickest or fastest of 
all  things). 
 He should then  be most well able to expressed here  these thoughts 
of his 
 for us all to then well consider. They may  then concisely  
cogently stated in 
 five post or less   in  words longer than 3 or 4 letters  thus 
help us all 
 grow to the  light.
 ** See what's free at

One could symphazise with such a stand. However, the 5 post per day 
has been a grand success. Should stick to it, IMHO

[FairfieldLife] Re: Llundrub, cool it

2007-03-29 Thread nablusoss1008
 That's very true. I don't like to control people. The openness and 
 of FFL is its greatest strength. But it was also a potential 
weakness, and a
 few people took advantage of it. The quality went downhill and some 
 people left, so we had to do something. But still, That government 
is best
 which governs least. - Thomas Paine

Agreed; Damn Democracy !

[FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi writing in 1952

2007-03-29 Thread t3rinity
--- In, nablusoss1008 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Very nice, thanks for posting this.

Isn't this reminiscent of 'Our guiding Light' published in 'Love and
God' I swear that many sentences are verbatim there, just taking away
the information of the day an the present tense. If you think of it:
this could have been well approved by GD himself. Sheds a new light to
some of the early stuff MMY published and the role he played around GD.

 --- In, hugheshugo 
 richardhughes103@ wrote:
  This was forwarded to me. I'd not seen it before, so I thought some 
  of you may be interested.
  This press release was written by Maharishi 55 years ago announcing 
  the visit of Shri Guru Dev, whose childhood name was Raja Raam.
  The Great Saint of the Himalayas is Coming to Shower His Blessings 
  the Metropolis
  The Statement issued by: BAL BRAHMACHARI SHRI MAHESH JI.
  Press conference convened by Shri Shankaracharya Reception 
  Delhi on the 15th Oct. 1952 at 5 p.m. in the Young Man's Tennis 
  Queen's Gardens, in connection with the visit of HIS HOLINESS SHRI  
  It gives me a great pleasure to welcome you all and have your 
  here this afternoon. It gives me enough encouragement and support 
  acquaint you with the details of the mission for whose fulfilment 
  His  Holiness Shri Jagatguru Shankaracharya Swami BRAHMANAND 
  SARASWATI MAHARAJ will be visiting your city about the 12th of 
  November 1952 and stay here for about a month for Dharmopdesh. 
  Swami Brahmand Saraswati Maharaj, the present Shankaracharya of 
  Jyotirmath Badarikashram (in the Himalayas) is a magnetic 
  with a sweet amalgam of High Wisdom and Love of humanity. He 
  combines  in himself the Knowledge of the Self with the mysterious 
  powers -- the Sidhis arising out of Yogic perfection and hard 
  penances, which He has undergone throughout His life. He is a great 
  living Yogi and  scholar and is revered by millions of Hindus as 
  their Supreme Religious Head.
  This great Saint of the modern age was born in U.P. in a well to do 
  and renowned Brahman family in 1871 and was enthroned to the seat 
  His Holiness Jagatguru Shankaracharya in 1941 at Banares, during 
  ninth session of the All India Sanatan Dharma Maha Sammelan 
  by the Bharat Dharma Mahamandal in conjunction with a countrywide 
  support of almost all the ruling princes and different 
  socioreligious  institutions all over the country. It may be 
  that it was a long persuasion of about twenty years which could 
  convince Param Virakt Swami Brahmanand Saraswati to accept the 
  responsibility  of the Shankaracharya at the age of seventy.
  From the tender age of nine when he came out of his home in Search 
  God, till this time, his life was mostly spent in the lonely hidden 
  regions of the Himalayas, Vindya Giris and the Amarkantakas  which 
  are rarely frequented by men and are chiefly inhabited by wild 
  animals. For years together he has lived in hidden caves and thick 
  forests where even the midday sun frets and fumes in vain to 
  the darkness that may be said to have made a permanent abode there 
  those solitary and distant regions.
  But today he is easily accessible as he is now the presiding head 
  Shri Jyotirmath which is the greatest religious institution of the 
  Hindus of Northern India, covering all different creeds and 
  Sampradayas and branches lying under the fold of Hindu Religions. 
  One unique principle of the great Sage that distinguishes Him 
  completely from other living saints of today is that He does 
  not�accept money as gift from his visitors or disciples. 
  This brief description attempts to mirror a few hurried and short 
  glimpses of the life journey of this great living Sage who has 
  actually transformed into a living fact the inner latent 
  of the soul. He has known the great universal Truth, whose 
  realisation is the aim of the entire scheme of life. For Him the 
  mists of ignorance have completely disappeared and having known the 
  Divine Reality He has verily become an embodiment of the great 
  His aim of life, if the life of a realised soul can be said to 
  possess any such aim, is to broadcast the message of the Great 
  Light that He has himself realised, the Light that is the Soul of 
  human beings. Having himself attained the pinnacle of Self 
  development, he aims at transforming the worldly minded people into 
  the Godly minded, and through his inner Divine touch to change the 
  materialistic hearts of iron into spiritual hearts of gold. 
  His entire personality emanates the sweet perfume of 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Change your Mind Change your Brain: The Inner Conditions for Authentic Happiness

2007-03-29 Thread claudiouk
Thanks again - looking forward to checking them all out.. 

Yes I saw
when you first posted it. THAT's a very moving documentary, HIGHLY 
recommended - about a new female prison director in India searching 
for something to help her prisoners so they won't re-offend; one of 
her guards tells her how his character radically changed through 
meditation - so she introduces Vipassana meditation in Indian jails. 
Can't remember the guru involved but he has centres all over the 
world - interestingly the teaching is FREE - involves week-long 
courses where participants simply observe their minds, watching 
things come and go. Anyway the response of the prisoners at the end 
of these courses is very touching. 

I wonder if TM has been tried in Indian prisons - that's the kind of 
documentary footage that should be shown on the Maharishi Channel 
instead of all those useless screensaver-like images of deities  
accompanied by musically challenged pandits chanting in the 

--- In, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Mar 29, 2007, at 11:41 AM, claudiouk wrote:
  Enjoyed this video - found the monk Matthieu Ricard quite 
  Will take a look at his book if I come across it. First time I've
  seen Google videos - good size screen  quality. Am interested in
  finding other interesting documentaries to watch - on the range of
  things of interest typical among FFL members.. so thanks Vaj
 You're welcome! His book _The Quantum and the Lotus_ is excellent.
 You might also enjoy this documentary on meditation, if you 
 seen it already:
 Doing Time, Doing Vipassana
 If you like shorts, you might enjoy Harvie Krumpet:

[FairfieldLife] Re: Questions to, and answers from Benjaim Creme

2007-03-29 Thread nablusoss1008
Questions  Answers

Q. Is there any specific date for Maitreya's appearance?
A. Most people imagine that world events (and the coming of a World 
Teacher is certainly a world event) take place according to precise 
dates. They imagine that all Hierarchical decisions are designed for 
dates written in stone. This is assuredly not the case. The Masters 
predict certain happenings to take place around a certain time but 
They know that humanity has freewill and therefore has an enormous 
influence on the precise timing of a given event. The Masters work in 
2,000 year cycles, so for Them really precise timing is not a major 
consideration. No one knows the exact date on which Maitreya will 
take up His open work but everyone can understand that it is very, 
very soon. 
Since Maitreya will not at first reveal His name and status the onus 
is on each one of us to recognize Him by what He says and does. In 
this way people will be recognising the expression of their 
aspiration for the future of humanity, rather than simply 
following `The Teacher'.

Q. Is it still expected there will be a worldwide stock-market crash 
before Maitreya's public emergence? 
A. No, not necessarily, but the economic movement of the world is 
towards such a slump, which would probably increase once Maitreya 
starts His public work. 

Q. (1) Does the US administration truly believe that Iran is trying 
to build a nuclear weapon or do they just want to remove the Iranian 
president from power? 
(2) Does the hypocrisy of trying to pressure other nations into not 
creating their own atomic weapons programme, while America has a 
large nuclear arsenal, not occur to those in power in the US 
A. (1) Yes, I believe they do. (2) Presumably not!

Q. The US-backed Iraqi cabinet have approved a new oil law that is 
set to give foreign companies the long-term contracts and safe legal 
framework they have been waiting for, but which has rattled labour 
unions and international campaigners, who say oil production should 
remain in the hands of Iraqis. This means that Iraqi oil is up for 
grabs – and Iraq is now forced to consider all tenders. 
(1) Was Iraq pressured into agreeing to this bill? (2) If there was 
such pressure was it exerted by the USA to benefit its own oil 
companies? (3) Were other countries also involved? 
(1) Yes. (2) Yes. (3) No.

Q. If a new Messiah comes does this mean that the end of the world is 
A. Maitreya is here, as the World Teacher. Is this the end? On the 
contrary – this is the beginning of a new time for humanity. But a 
humanity chastened and relieved of its illusions and destructiveness. 
For two thousand years, the Christian groups have taught this account 
of the return of the Christ, coming on a cloud in the last days of 
the world, the `end days'. This, I submit, is a completely wrong 
interpretation of Christian scriptures which has distorted 
Christians' expectations of the Christ's return. The so-called `end 
times' are to do not with the end of the world but with the end of 
the Age of Pisces, inaugurated by the Christ through Jesus 2,000 
years ago. He promised to return, at such a time as you think not – 
to inaugurate the new age, that of Aquarius. This time He has come 
Himself to expand the teaching given through Jesus and to prepare the 
world for the Aquarian experience. 
What we have to look forward to is not the end of the world, which 
will not take place for millions of years ahead, but for the creation 
of a new civilisation based on higher and truer spiritual values than 
were possible for humanity at the time of Jesus. Jesus Himself, now a 
Master, works with the Christ on a daily basis and will reform the 
Christian churches and teaching, as His part in the Great Plan. 

Q. We are asked, quite rightly, to tell as many people as we can 
about the emergence of Maitreya. Do we refer to him as Maitreya, or 
the `World Teacher' or do we announce him as the `Christ'? It seems 
vital that those carrying out this task are `on the ball' as it were, 
so that the knowledge given is accurately received and people know 
who we are actually talking about. 
A. Maitreya is not concerned about which name you use to refer to 
Him. He Himself wishes to be known simply as the Teacher. But He is 
awaited by all religious groups as: the Christ by Christians, the 
Imam Mahdi by Muslims, by Jews as the Messiah, as Krishna by Hindus 
and as Maitreya Buddha by Buddhist. When speaking to these groups it 
makes sense to use the terms they understand. They all refer to the 
World Teacher for one humanity. 

Q. There seems, from all internet and general media reports, to be a 
lot of UFO activity over Latin American countries. Why is there so 
much UFO activity there?
A. Actually it is not confined to Latin America. There is an increase 
in UFO activity in many parts of the world. This will continue on an 
increasing scale up to and beyond the Emergence of Maitreya into the 

Q. I keep hearing 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Various 3/28: Rick, Llundrub (was Re: Judy Judy You're so Cutie!)

2007-03-29 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Mar 29, 2007, at 11:19 AM, authfriend wrote:

Sometime I'll tell the story here about how he
knowingly falsely implied on alt.m.t that a TMer
who had breast cancer had died because she relied
on Maharishi Ayur-Veda rather than conventional
medical treatment.  He even offered to send her
*death certificate* to anyone who was interested.

Well, I have no idea who your 'buddy' might be referring to, but I know 
of at least two that could most likely fit that bill, as well 
as--tragically--two other sets of parents that may very well have let 
their kids die from curable illnesses while waiting for the magic cures 
of AV.  If you've spent any quality time at all around those who take 
the TMO and its pronouncements seriously, Judy, I think you'd know that 
that is not beyond the pale at all.


[FairfieldLife] Ammachi in Iowa

2007-03-29 Thread dhamiltony2k5
Governor Archer,  Which dates is Ammachi in Iowa this summer?

Thanks, i am not finding a web link right now.

With Best Regards, -Governor Hamilton fra FF

RE: [FairfieldLife] Ammachi in Iowa

2007-03-29 Thread Rick Archer
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of dhamiltony2k5
Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2007 1:30 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Ammachi in Iowa


Governor Archer, Which dates is Ammachi in Iowa this summer?

Thanks, i am not finding a web link right now.

With Best Regards, -Governor Hamilton fra FF

July 2-3 at the Coralville Marriott. Devi Bhava, the night of the 3rd will
end the morning of the 4th with Amma's usual fireworks. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Llundrub, cool it

2007-03-29 Thread Bhairitu
gullible fool wrote:
 The original agreement included the understanding
 that the group was being moderated, hence rules such
 as these were always a possibility.

 There's been little to no moderation in this group
 over its five and a half year existence. Some
 moderation was added a few years ago, but that was
 done ONLY because of a growing problem with
 adult-oriented spam. The solution that worked best was
 to make FFL a restricted group, meaning all
 prospective new members could not join without first
 being approved by a moderator. Technically, we had
 moderation, but anyone who applied to join and filled
 out the comment section in a way that indicated that
 person wanted to be a legitimate member would be
 approved to join and would not be put on moderated
 status and could get away with posting 50 messages a
 day, posting profanity, posting their daily jyotish
 spam message, you name it. 

I can see moderation to keep out spammers but the post limit seemed to 
be to appease people who are probably inept with the Internet.  After 
all you don't have to read every post and especially it is easy to see 
that a prolongated argument is going on.  A moderator could always warn 
the prolongated argument people and kick them off.  If they come back 
under different accounts you can then turn them over to Yahoo.

There always seemed to be this group of people in the movement who 
thought Vedic living was something out of the 1890's with women 
walking around with parasols and guys in suits, bowler hats and 
mustaches riding bicycles.  Completely bizarre.  The complainers remind 
me of those types.

[FairfieldLife] Various 3/28: Rick, Llundrub (was Re: Judy Judy You're so Cutie!)

2007-03-29 Thread authfriend
--- In, Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 On Mar 29, 2007, at 11:19 AM, authfriend wrote:
  Sometime I'll tell the story here about how he
  knowingly falsely implied on alt.m.t that a TMer
  who had breast cancer had died because she relied
  on Maharishi Ayur-Veda rather than conventional
  medical treatment.  He even offered to send her
  *death certificate* to anyone who was interested.
 Well, I have no idea who your 'buddy' might be referring
 to, but I know of at least two that could most likely fit
 that bill, as well as--tragically--two other sets of
 parents that may very well have let their kids die from
 curable illnesses while waiting for the magic cures of
 AV.  If you've spent any quality time at all around those
 who take the TMO and its pronouncements seriously, Judy,
 I think you'd know that that is not beyond the pale at all.

Point is, none of this was the case with this woman,
and Andrew knew it. (If you want to know how I know
for sure he knew it, I'll be happy to explain.)

It takes a really special person to spread knowingly
false stories--using her real name--about someone who
had died tragically young, making her out to be a fool
for relying on Maharishi Ayur-Veda to cure her cancer
when she had used it *only* to mitigate the side effects
of chemotherapy (after having had a mastectomy).  Her
oncologist had *recommended* that she seek some sort
of adjunct nonmedical therapy to keep herself in the
best possible condition during her treatment.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Questions to, and answers from Benjaim Creme

2007-03-29 Thread Lsoma
In a message dated 3/29/2007 2:11:45 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

Questions  Answers

Q. Is there any specific date for Maitreya's  appearance?
A. Most people imagine that world events (and the coming of a  World 
Teacher is certainly a world event) take place according to precise  
dates. They imagine that all Hierarchical decisions are designed for  
dates written in stone. This is assuredly not the case. The Masters  
predict certain happenings to take place around a certain time but  
They know that humanity has freewill and therefore has an enormous  
influence on the precise timing of a given event. The Masters work in  
2,000 year cycles, so for Them really precise timing is not a major  
consideration. No one knows the exact date on which Maitreya will 
take  up His open work but everyone can understand that it is very, 
very soon.  
Since Maitreya will not at first reveal His name and status the onus  
is on each one of us to recognize Him by what He says and does. In  
this way people will be recognizing the expression of their 
aspiration  for the future of humanity, rather than simply 
following `The  Teacher'.

Q. Is it still expected there will be a worldwide  stock-market crash 
before Maitreya's public emergence? 
A. No, not  necessarily, but the economic movement of the world is 
towards such a  slump, which would probably increase once Maitreya 
starts His public work.  

Q. (1) Does the US administration truly believe that Iran is trying  
to build a nuclear weapon or do they just want to remove the Iranian  
president from power? 
(2) Does the hypocrisy of trying to pressure  other nations into not 
creating their own atomic weapons programme, while  America has a 
large nuclear arsenal, not occur to those in power in the US  
A. (1) Yes, I believe they do. (2) Presumably  not!

Q. The US-backed Iraqi cabinet have approved a new oil law that is  
set to give foreign companies the long-term contracts and safe legal  
framework they have been waiting for, but which has rattled labour  
unions and international campaigners, who say oil production should  
remain in the hands of Iraqis. This means that Iraqi oil is up for  
grabs – and Iraq is now forced to consider all tenders. 
(1) Was Iraq  pressured into agreeing to this bill? (2) If there was 
such pressure was  it exerted by the USA to benefit its own oil 
companies? (3) Were other  countries also involved? 
(1) Yes. (2) Yes. (3) No.

Q. If a new  Messiah comes does this mean that the end of the world is 
A.  Maitreya is here, as the World Teacher. Is this the end? On the 
contrary –  this is the beginning of a new time for humanity. But a 
humanity chastened  and relieved of its illusions and destructiveness. 
For two thousand years,  the Christian groups have taught this account 
of the return of the Christ,  coming on a cloud in the last days of 
the world, the `end days'. This, I  submit, is a completely wrong 
interpretation of Christian scriptures which  has distorted 
Christians' expectations of the Christ's return. The  so-called `end 
times' are to do not with the end of the world but with the  end of 
the Age of Pisces, inaugurated by the Christ through Jesus 2,000  
years ago. He promised to return, at such a time as you think not –  
to inaugurate the new age, that of Aquarius. This time He has come  
Himself to expand the teaching given through Jesus and to prepare the  
world for the Aquarian experience. 
What we have to look forward to is  not the end of the world, which 
will not take place for millions of years  ahead, but for the creation 
of a new civilisation based on higher and  truer spiritual values than 
were possible for humanity at the time of  Jesus. Jesus Himself, now a 
Master, works with the Christ on a daily basis  and will reform the 
Christian churches and teaching, as His part in the  Great Plan. 

Q. We are asked, quite rightly, to tell as many people as  we can 
about the emergence of Maitreya. Do we refer to him as Maitreya, or  
the `World Teacher' or do we announce him as the `Christ'? It seems  
vital that those carrying out this task are `on the ball' as it were,  
so that the knowledge given is accurately received and people know 
who  we are actually talking about. 
A. Maitreya is not concerned about which  name you use to refer to 
Him. He Himself wishes to be known simply as the  Teacher. But He is 
awaited by all religious groups as: the Christ by  Christians, the 
Imam Mahdi by Muslims, by Jews as the Messiah, as Krishna  by Hindus 
and as Maitreya Buddha by Buddhist. When speaking to these  groups it 
makes sense to use the terms they understand. They all refer to  the 
World Teacher for one humanity. 

Q. There seems, from all  Internet and general media reports, to be a 
lot of UFO activity over Latin  American countries. Why is there so 
much UFO activity there?
A.  Actually it is not confined to Latin America. There is an 

[FairfieldLife] Re: DOME ANNOUNCEMENTS - Call for more participants / next Governor Re-cert course

2007-03-29 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In, dhamiltony2k5 

 --- In, george_deforest 
 george.deforest@ wrote:
  DOME ANNOUNCEMENTS - Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2007
  Call for more participants / next Governor Re-cert course
  1. Governor Recertification Course -- Starts July 7
  2. Urgent Need -- Just a Few Hundred More 
  Invincible America Assembly Participants
  The Invincible America Assembly has drawn thousands of Sidhas 
  from the United States and many other countries.
  The size of our group has been close to the 
  national invincibility threshold -- about 1,730 Yogic Flyers -- 
  Now is the time for us to surpass the threshold -- and create 
  stable national coherence and lasting invincibility for America.
  If we can inspire just a few hundred more Sidhas to join 
  the Assembly, we will reach the 2,000 level -- our national 
  super radiance number plus a safety factor -- and we will create 
  a truly Invincible America.
  Maharishi is giving so much sustained attention 
  to this Assembly -- and is looking at this as 
  the turning point for our country and our world.
  Let's make hay while the sun shines.
 Aye, Aye Captain.  Once a Governor,always a Governor?
 I'm with you for program here always.
 Jai Guru Dev,
 -Governor Hamilton
 Oh,it might be helpful for you (the TMorg) if you would get your 
 numbers more right and not so over-blow it.  People kinda do hope 
 a little honesty.  Some integrity.  With an 'announcement' like 
 you are instead just fulfilling what people are coming expect from 
 With the best of hope for you,  -Governor, in FF

Get back on the programme and do your duty for the world and 
yourself, -Governor, in FF

[FairfieldLife] message from Yahoo about yesterday's duplicate post bug

2007-03-29 Thread george_deforest
We are aware that some groups are experiencing a duplicate post
problem and are working on a fix. Please refer to the Yahoo! Groups
Team Blog at  for the
latest information on this issue.

post from Yahoo Groups Blog: 

Duplicate Messages and Email Delivery

Update (8:00 am PST, 3/29): A fix was pushed at midnight (Pacific
Time) that we believe has resolved the problem for messages submitted
after that time. However, it is possible that some users of some
groups may have continued to receive duplicates of messages that were
posted before midnight.

We're aware of the duplicate message bug that began affecting
groups today (Wednesday, March 28th) and are working to resolve the
issue (a side effect of this bug is that some messages are also being
delayed). We have actually pushed two fixes already, but we are aware
that some groups are still experiencing the problem and that more
needs to be done to fully resolve the issue.

There is, however, one silver lining to this bug. It was the
result of our latest system updates intended to improve email delivery
speeds. So once the bugs are resolved, we should see a significant
reduction in the time it takes to deliver messages to Yahoo! Groups

We will update this blog entry as soon as we have more definitive
information on the status of this issue.

Thank you and our apologies for any inconvenience caused by the
duplicate messages.

The Yahoo! Groups Team

P.S. It would be helpful to get reports of duplicate issues if
your groups are still experiencing the problem with messages submitted
(not received) after 8:00 pm PST. If so, please add a comment to the
bug letting us know the name of your group and the message numbers of
the duplicate messages. Thanks!

Wednesday March 28, 2007 - 08:10pm (PDT) 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Llundrub, cool it

2007-03-29 Thread off_world_beings
--- In, Bhairitu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 gullible fool wrote:
  The original agreement included the understanding
  that the group was being moderated, hence rules such
  as these were always a possibility.
  There's been little to no moderation in this group
  over its five and a half year existence. Some
  moderation was added a few years ago, but that was
  done ONLY because of a growing problem with
  adult-oriented spam. The solution that worked best was
  to make FFL a restricted group, meaning all
  prospective new members could not join without first
  being approved by a moderator. Technically, we had
  moderation, but anyone who applied to join and filled
  out the comment section in a way that indicated that
  person wanted to be a legitimate member would be
  approved to join and would not be put on moderated
  status and could get away with posting 50 messages a
  day, posting profanity, posting their daily jyotish
  spam message, you name it. 
 I can see moderation to keep out spammers but the post limit 
seemed to 
 be to appease people who are probably inept with the Internet.  
 all you don't have to read every post and especially it is easy to 
 that a prolongated argument is going on.  A moderator could always 
 the prolongated argument people and kick them off.  If they come 
 under different accounts you can then turn them over to Yahoo.
 There always seemed to be this group of people in the movement who 
 thought Vedic living was something out of the 1890's with women 
 walking around with parasols and guys in suits, bowler hats and 
 mustaches riding bicycles.  Completely bizarre.  The complainers 
remind  me of those types.

There are some who think men should grow long mustaches and ride 
around on Penny Farthings:

Or Worse:


[FairfieldLife] Various 3/28: Rick, Llundrub (was Re: Judy Judy You're so Cutie!)

2007-03-29 Thread nablusoss1008

 Well, I have no idea who your 'buddy' might be referring to, but I 
 of at least two that could most likely fit that bill, as well 
 as--tragically--two other sets of parents that may very well have let 
 their kids die from curable illnesses while waiting for the magic 
 of AV.  If you've spent any quality time at all around those who take 
 the TMO and its pronouncements seriously, Judy, I think you'd know 
 that is not beyond the pale at all.

I used to know this german fellow; he was a typist for Maharishi and he 
got cancer. He decided to not receive any medical treatment whatsoever 
and he went to Varanasi with his sister to die there. When Maharishi 
heard of his desision he said Very good. 
Why this clinging to life ?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Questions to, and answers from Benjaim Creme

2007-03-29 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In a message dated 3/29/2007 2:11:45 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
 Questions  Answers
 Q. Is there any specific date for Maitreya's  appearance?
 A. Most people imagine that world events (and the coming of a  
 Teacher is certainly a world event) take place according to 
 dates. They imagine that all Hierarchical decisions are designed 
 dates written in stone. This is assuredly not the case. The 
 predict certain happenings to take place around a certain time but  
 They know that humanity has freewill and therefore has an enormous  
 influence on the precise timing of a given event. The Masters work 
 2,000 year cycles, so for Them really precise timing is not a 
 consideration. No one knows the exact date on which Maitreya will 
 take  up His open work but everyone can understand that it is very, 
 very soon.  
 Since Maitreya will not at first reveal His name and status the 
 is on each one of us to recognize Him by what He says and does. In  
 this way people will be recognizing the expression of their 
 aspiration  for the future of humanity, rather than simply 
 following `The  Teacher'.
 Q. Is it still expected there will be a worldwide  stock-market 
 before Maitreya's public emergence? 
 A. No, not  necessarily, but the economic movement of the world is 
 towards such a  slump, which would probably increase once Maitreya 
 starts His public work.  
 Q. (1) Does the US administration truly believe that Iran is 
 to build a nuclear weapon or do they just want to remove the 
 president from power? 
 (2) Does the hypocrisy of trying to pressure  other nations into 
 creating their own atomic weapons programme, while  America has a 
 large nuclear arsenal, not occur to those in power in the US  
 A. (1) Yes, I believe they do. (2) Presumably  not!
 Q. The US-backed Iraqi cabinet have approved a new oil law that is  
 set to give foreign companies the long-term contracts and safe 
 framework they have been waiting for, but which has rattled labour  
 unions and international campaigners, who say oil production 
 remain in the hands of Iraqis. This means that Iraqi oil is up for  
 grabs †and Iraq is now forced to consider all tenders. 
 (1) Was Iraq  pressured into agreeing to this bill? (2) If there 
 such pressure was  it exerted by the USA to benefit its own oil 
 companies? (3) Were other  countries also involved? 
 (1) Yes. (2) Yes. (3) No.
 Q. If a new  Messiah comes does this mean that the end of the world 
 A.  Maitreya is here, as the World Teacher. Is this the end? On the 
 contrary † this is the beginning of a new time for humanity. But 
 humanity chastened  and relieved of its illusions and 
 For two thousand years,  the Christian groups have taught this 
 of the return of the Christ,  coming on a cloud in the last days of 
 the world, the `end days'. This, I  submit, is a completely wrong 
 interpretation of Christian scriptures which  has distorted 
 Christians' expectations of the Christ's return. The  so-called 
 times' are to do not with the end of the world but with the  end of 
 the Age of Pisces, inaugurated by the Christ through Jesus 2,000  
 years ago. He promised to return, at such a time as you think not 
 to inaugurate the new age, that of Aquarius. This time He has come  
 Himself to expand the teaching given through Jesus and to prepare 
 world for the Aquarian experience. 
 What we have to look forward to is  not the end of the world, which 
 will not take place for millions of years  ahead, but for the 
 of a new civilisation based on higher and  truer spiritual values 
 were possible for humanity at the time of  Jesus. Jesus Himself, 
now a 
 Master, works with the Christ on a daily basis  and will reform the 
 Christian churches and teaching, as His part in the  Great Plan. 
 Q. We are asked, quite rightly, to tell as many people as  we can 
 about the emergence of Maitreya. Do we refer to him as Maitreya, 
 the `World Teacher' or do we announce him as the `Christ'? It 
 vital that those carrying out this task are `on the ball' as it 
 so that the knowledge given is accurately received and people know 
 who  we are actually talking about. 
 A. Maitreya is not concerned about which  name you use to refer to 
 Him. He Himself wishes to be known simply as the  Teacher. But He 
 awaited by all religious groups as: the Christ by  Christians, the 
 Imam Mahdi by Muslims, by Jews as the Messiah, as Krishna  by 
 and as Maitreya Buddha by Buddhist. When speaking to these  groups 
 makes sense to use the terms they understand. They all refer to  
 World Teacher for one humanity. 
 Q. There seems, from all  Internet and 

[FairfieldLife] Hog Confinements by Vedic City

2007-03-29 Thread george_deforest
Hog Confinements by Vedic City


A permit is being issued for a Matrix ( large ) Hog confinement on the
farm neighboring Mother Divine in Vedic City.  Others are forthcoming
for the borders of Vedic City and Jefferson County. Farms have been
purchased for this specific reason. The most important thing at this
time is that we show up and express concern. Now is the final hour -
or our environment will be inundated with hog sewage and toxic gasses.
We have hired lobbyists, written legislation to protect Vedic city by
2 miles, but people have not shown up to express their objections.

Please come to this meeting Friday, 3-4 at the FF Public Library.
Another email will be sent to you regarding emailing senators and
legislators as we try to get our protection bill through which
involves the entire state of Iowa.

Thank you,
David Sands dsandsmd @

[FairfieldLife] Crown Every Nation

2007-03-29 Thread george_deforest

  [Global Financial Capital of New York] MEDIA ALERT  MARCH 30 
Contact: Steven Yellin 641.470.1344The newly inaugurated Global
Financial Capital
of New York is located at 70 Broad Street in the 100-year-old historic
landmark American Bank Note Company building, one block from the New
York Stock Exchange.  New Organization to Fulfill Laudable Goals of UN,
World Bank and IMF   [Leaders of the Global Financial Capital of New
York  to Outline Programs to Eliminate World Poverty  and Crown Every
Nation with Invincibility ]

Friday, March 30, 2007  11 AM

Global Financial Capital of New York   70 Broad Street, New York City

(one block from the New York Stock Exchange)

For the first time, leaders of the newly inaugurated
Global Financial Capital of New York will outline for the global press
their six programs to eliminate world poverty and raise
every nation to invincibility and peace.
  [Dr. Bevan Morris][Dr. Benjamin  Feldman][Dr. Paul Potter]
Dr. Bevan Morris
Prime Minister of
the Global Country
of World Peace

Dr. Benjamin
Minister of Finance
and Planning
Global Country of
World Peace

Dr. Paul Potter
Raja of New York

Dr. John Konhaus Raja of California

Dr. Bob LoPinto
Raja of Potomac
Vedic America

Dr. Kingsley
Raja of New

Dr. Rogers
Raja of Atlanta
The news conference will be held on Friday, March 30, 11 a.m. at the new
offices of the Global Financial Capital of New York, which is located at
70 Broad Street-the 100-year-old historic landmark site of the
American Bank Note Company building-one block from the New York
Stock Exchange.
The news conference to outline the six programs follows the grand global
inauguration of the Global Financial Capital, which was held on Tuesday,
March 27.

The six programs will:

1 Crown every nation with invincibility by creating coherent collective
consciousness in every country

2 Reconstruct homes, offices, and government buildings worldwide to
promote health, peace, and prosperity for everyone

3 Promote a new, healthy system of health care by establishing new
high class medical colleges and new facilities to
produce healthy medicines in every country

4  Establish new universities, colleges and schools to develop the total
brain potential and promote enlightenment in every student

5 Promote organic agriculture to produce  healthy food for the whole

6 Eliminate poverty and raise the standard of living of the poor through
proper education, housing, clothing, and healthy food
  [You have opened the gate for a healthy,  wealthy and wise
world economy  -Maharishi]
The Global Financial Capital of New York was inaugurated on March 27
during grand global celebrations, which were held at the new offices at
70 Broad Street and broadcast live on the Internet and global satellite.
The highlight of the inauguration was an address by His Holiness
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, founder of the Global Country of World Peace.
Maharishi proclaimed, Today is the day of freedom in the world
economy and in world politics-the progress of the world will now
be in leaps and bounds. We are going to see tomorrow-or very near
tomorrow-there will be no poverty in our world-there will
only be richness and dignity of life. Everyone will feel `I am
rich, my neighbor is rich, and those far away are also
rich.´ Maharishi concluded by praising the leaders of the
Global Financial Capital of New York, saying: What you have
established in New York today has freed the world from fear and opened
the gate for a healthy, wealthy and wise world economy.

Ministers and Rajas (administrators) of the Global Country of World
Peace participate in the gala inauguration of the Global Financial
Capital of New York on March 27.
Global Financial Capital of New York  70 Broad Street, New York City
Historical Landmark
The American Bank Note Company Office Building, new home of the Global
Financial Capital of America, was built in 1907-08 as the corporate,
administrative, and sales headquarters for one of America´s most
prominent producers of bank notes, stamps, stock certificates, and
letters of credit.
For more information, please call Steven Yellin at 641-470-1344.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Hog Confinements by Vedic City

2007-03-29 Thread ffia1120
--- In, george_deforest 

 Hog Confinements by Vedic City
 A permit is being issued for a Matrix ( large ) Hog confinement on 
 farm neighboring Mother Divine in Vedic City.  Others are 
 for the borders of Vedic City and Jefferson County. Farms have been
 purchased for this specific reason. The most important thing at this
 time is that we show up and express concern. Now is the final hour -
 or our environment will be inundated with hog sewage and toxic 
 We have hired lobbyists, written legislation to protect Vedic city 
 2 miles, but people have not shown up to express their objections.
 Please come to this meeting Friday, 3-4 at the FF Public Library.
 Another email will be sent to you regarding emailing senators and
 legislators as we try to get our protection bill through which
 involves the entire state of Iowa.
 Thank you,
 David Sands dsandsmd @

This is very interesting. You would think (given the TMOs faith in 
the Maharishi Effect), that bad things like a hog confinement lot 
would not be springing up so close to such a satvic environment. 
How is this possible -- what with the ME and all? If the TBs cannot 
stop a hog confinement lot from moving into the neighborhood, how in 
the heck are they going to bring about world peace?

Besides, these Mother Divine ladies should all be enlightened by now 
anyway (after spending 20+ years on MD). A little unpleasant odor 
shouldn't bother them in the least bit. They sould be completely 
invincible after all these years, right?

[FairfieldLife] HOG CONFINEMENT ISSUE Please join me for a listening post in Fairfield this

2007-03-29 Thread Rick Archer
A permit is being issued for a Matrix ( large ) Hog confinement on the farm
Mother Divine in Vedic City.  Others are forthcoming for the borders of
Vedic City and Jefferson County.
farms have been purchased for this specific reason.
The most important thing at this time is that we show up and express
Now is the final hour - or our environment will be inundated with hog 
and toxic gasses ,
We have hired lobbyists, written legislation to protect Vedic city by 2
but people have not shown up to express their objections.
Please come to this meeting and another email will be sent to you
regarding emailing senators and legislators as we try to get our protection
through which involves the entire state of Iowa.
Thanks you


From: Schmitz, Becky [LEGIS] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Schmitz, Becky [LEGIS] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2007 12:13 PM
Subject: Please join me for a listening post in Fairfield this Friday at 3

You're invited to a listening post on state issues this Friday in Fairfield
from 3-4 p.m. at the Fairfield Public Library, 104 W. Adams.
My guests will be Senator Gene Fraise of Fort Madison, Senator Keith 
of Bloomfield, and Representative John Whitaker of Hillsboro.  We'd like to
hear your concerns and ideas for moving Iowa forward.
If you can't make it, you can always contact me by e-mail,
or call me at 641-919-5575.

Becky Schmitz
State Senator
District 45

[FairfieldLife] Re: Hog Confinements by Vedic City

2007-03-29 Thread bob_brigante
--- In, george_deforest 

 Hog Confinements by Vedic City
 A permit is being issued for a Matrix ( large ) Hog confinement on 
 farm neighboring Mother Divine in Vedic City.  Others are 
 for the borders of Vedic City and Jefferson County. Farms have been
 purchased for this specific reason. The most important thing at this
 time is that we show up and express concern. Now is the final hour -
 or our environment will be inundated with hog sewage and toxic 
 We have hired lobbyists, written legislation to protect Vedic city 
 2 miles, but people have not shown up to express their objections.
 Please come to this meeting Friday, 3-4 at the FF Public Library.
 Another email will be sent to you regarding emailing senators and
 legislators as we try to get our protection bill through which
 involves the entire state of Iowa.
 Thank you,
 David Sands dsandsmd @


The TMO should just buy up the land around the MD and Pundit sites in 
VC -- land is only about a thousand an acre in Iowa, so it shouldn't 
cost more than several million -- even if they had to pay a premium 
to encourage hog lotters to build elsewhere -- to buy a couple miles 
of buffer around the properties (lots probably stink for what, 5 
miles (?), but a couple miles would certainly mitigate a lot of 
excrement-flavored air), and with all the hotels sold recently by the 
TMO, the money is available. The hog industry is just too powerful in 
Iowa, and the only people who really care about the issue are the 
unfortunate folks who live out in the twigs where the lots are built.

[FairfieldLife] Hidden power of Bodhichitta

2007-03-29 Thread quantum packet

Note: forwarded message attached.
Looking for earth-friendly autos? 
 Browse Top Cars by Green Rating at Yahoo! Autos' Green Center.  ---BeginMessage---
Title: Snow Lion Publications Newsletter





  Dharma Quote of the Week 
		 If through listening to this explanation of the Seven Point Mind Training we come to recognise how important Bodhichitta is, this will be an infallible cause of our enlightenment. Of all the eighty four thousand different sections of the doctrine, the precious Bodhichitta is the very essence. By hearing the words of such a teaching, it is impossible even for demons, whose nature it is to kill and to do harm, not to have positive thoughts! Kham, a region in East Tibet, was haunted in the past by many ghosts and evil spirits, and this was one of the reasons why Patrul Rinpoche used to explain the Bodhicharyavatara continually to his disciples. Before long, there were no more ghosts--or at least, no one came to any more harm. Such is the hidden power of Bodhichitta!

--from Enlightened Courage: An Explanation of the Seven Point Mind Training, by Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, translated by the Padmakara Translation Group, published by Snow Lion Publications

  to the preservation of Tibetan Buddhism and culture by 
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		ENLIGHTENED COURAGE: An Explanation of the Seven Point Mind Trainingby Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche,translated by the Padmakara Translation Group


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[FairfieldLife] -Just a Few Hundred More Invincible America Assembly Participants

2007-03-29 Thread jiva jivazz
Note: forwarded message attached.


Now that's room service!  Choose from over 150,000 hotels
in 45,000 destinations on Yahoo! Travel to find your fit. Invincible America 

Urgent Need - Just a Few Hundred More Invincible America Assembly

The Invincible America Assembly has drawn thousands of Sidhas from the
United States and many other countries. 

The experiences of bliss and higher states of consciousness in the large
group program have been greater than in any previous assembly. These
experiences have been deeply inspiring to Maharishi, who has brought out
such beautiful knowledge in response. Many course participants have
naturally stayed on the Assembly longer than planned. Many have returned
multiple times.

The size of our group has been close to the national invincibility
threshold - about 1,730 Yogic Flyers - even through the cold winter
months. And even though we have been somewhat shy of the required
number, we have created a dramatic change in our country. The most
recent example: the sudden and unexpected turnaround in U.S. foreign
policy towards Iran, Syria, and North Korea - a dramatic shift away from
confrontation and belligerence towards consensus building and peace. 

Now is the time for us to surpass the threshold - and create stable
national coherence and lasting invincibility for America.

Next week, 133 more Vedic Pandits will arrive from India. If we can
inspire just a few hundred more Sidhas to join the Assembly, we will
reach the 2,000 level - our national super radiance number plus a safety
factor - and we will create a truly Invincible America. 


We can accommodate many more people. More on-campus housing will be
available very soon, a good amount of off-campus housing is available,
and we sare creating additional flying space right next to the Golden

Annapurna Dining Hall is even offering a new improved menu of organic
dishes. And spring weather is here.

Please tell your out-of-town friends to apply and encourage local Yogic
flyers to take advantage of this historic opportunity to enhance the
power of the Assembly. Maharishi is giving so much sustained attention
to this Assembly - and is looking at this as the turning point for our
country and our world.

Let's make hay while the sun shines.

Jai Guru Dev

---End Message---

[FairfieldLife] Raam Navami Celebrations Photos

2007-03-29 Thread Rick Archer
Raam Navami Celebrations photos at


RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Llundrub, cool it

2007-03-29 Thread gullible fool

Just imagine what it would be like if Sparaig's 50
posts turned into 250 posts.
--- Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Behalf Of TurquoiseB
 Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2007 6:10 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Llundrub, cool it
 Might I suggest an alternative solution, given Llun
 and his work schedule, and his desire to be able to
 post as much as he wants during his rare days off
 work? Allow him 35 posts per week, made anytime he
 wants to make them. The moderators could pick a day
 of the week on which to start the count, and when
 he exceeds his quota of 35 posts for that week, he 
 is not allowed to post until the next week, starting
 on the same day. That still works out to the same 
 five posts a day, but allows him the flexibility he 
 seems to be looking for.
 That would be fine with me. We could do that with
 everyone, but then someone
 could go on vacation for two weeks and hit us with
 70 posts on their return.
 So this privilege should probably be granted
 selectively. BTW, I find it
 ironic that those of who read FFL by email are now
 getting inundated with
 multiple posts due to some Yahoo glitch.


Expecting? Get great news right away with email Auto-Check. 
Try the Yahoo! Mail Beta. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Llundrub, cool it

2007-03-29 Thread Vaj

On Mar 29, 2007, at 8:19 PM, gullible fool wrote:

Just imagine what it would be like if Sparaig's 50
posts turned into 250 posts.

Just imagine if the sutras of his brief posts were made into a text.

We'd all be blown away and laughing!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Questions to, and answers from Benjaim Creme

2007-03-29 Thread Lsoma
In a message dated 3/29/2007 3:28:43 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  


 In a message dated 3/29/2007 2:11:45  P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, 
 Questions   Answers
 Q. Is there any specific date for Maitreya's  appearance?
 A. Most people imagine that world events (and the coming  of a 
 Teacher is certainly a world event) take place  according to 
 dates. They imagine that all Hierarchical  decisions are designed 
 dates written in stone. This is  assuredly not the case. The 
 predict certain happenings to  take place around a certain time but 
 They know that humanity has  freewill and therefore has an enormous 
 influence on the precise  timing of a given event. The Masters work 
 2,000 year cycles,  so for Them really precise timing is not a 
 consideration.  No one knows the exact date on which Maitreya will 
 take up His open  work but everyone can understand that it is very, 
 very soon. 
  Since Maitreya will not at first reveal His name and status the 
 is on each one of us to recognize Him by what He says and does. In  
 this way people will be recognizing the expression of their 
  aspiration for the future of humanity, rather than simply 
 following  `The Teacher'.
 Q. Is it still expected there will be a  worldwide stock-market 
 before Maitreya's public emergence?  
 A. No, not necessarily, but the economic movement of the world is  
 towards such a slump, which would probably increase once Maitreya  
 starts His public work. 
 Q. (1) Does the US  administration truly believe that Iran is 
 to build a  nuclear weapon or do they just want to remove the 
  president from power? 
 (2) Does the hypocrisy of trying to pressure  other nations into 
 creating their own atomic weapons  programme, while America has a 
 large nuclear arsenal, not occur to  those in power in the US 
 A. (1) Yes, I believe  they do. (2) Presumably not!
 Q. The US-backed Iraqi cabinet  have approved a new oil law that is 
 set to give foreign companies the  long-term contracts and safe 
 framework they have been  waiting for, but which has rattled labour 
 unions and international  campaigners, who say oil production 
 remain in the hands of  Iraqis. This means that Iraqi oil is up for 
 grabs †and Iraq is now  forced to consider all tenders. 
 (1) Was Iraq pressured into agreeing  to this bill? (2) If there 
 such pressure was it exerted by  the USA to benefit its own oil 
 companies? (3) Were other countries  also involved? 
 (1) Yes. (2) Yes. (3) No.
 Q. If a new  Messiah comes does this mean that the end of the world 
 A. Maitreya is here, as the World Teacher. Is this the end? On  the 
 contrary †this is the beginning of a new time for humanity.  But 
 humanity chastened and relieved of its illusions and  
 For two thousand years, the Christian groups  have taught this 
 of the return of the Christ, coming on a  cloud in the last days of 
 the world, the `end days'. This, I submit,  is a completely wrong 
 interpretation of Christian scriptures which  has distorted 
 Christians' expectations of the Christ's return. The  so-called 
 times' are to do not with the end of the world but  with the end of 
 the Age of Pisces, inaugurated by the Christ through  Jesus 2,000 
 years ago. He promised to return, at such a time as you  think not 
 to inaugurate the new age, that of Aquarius. This  time He has come 
 Himself to expand the teaching given through Jesus  and to prepare 
 world for the Aquarian experience. 
  What we have to look forward to is not the end of the world, which 
  will not take place for millions of years ahead, but for the 
 of a new civilisation based on higher and truer spiritual values  
 were possible for humanity at the time of Jesus. Jesus  Himself, 
now a 
 Master, works with the Christ on a daily basis and  will reform the 
 Christian churches and teaching, as His part in the  Great Plan. 
 Q. We are asked, quite rightly, to tell as many  people as we can 
 about the emergence of Maitreya. Do we refer to him  as Maitreya, 
 the `World Teacher' or do we announce him as the  `Christ'? It 
 vital that those carrying out this task are  `on the ball' as it 
 so that the knowledge given is  accurately received and people know 
 who we are actually talking  about. 
 A. Maitreya is not concerned about which name you use to refer  to 
 Him. He Himself wishes to be known simply as the Teacher. But He  
 awaited by all religious groups as: the Christ by Christians,  the 
 Imam Mahdi by Muslims, by Jews as the Messiah, as Krishna by  
 and as Maitreya Buddha by Buddhist. When speaking to these  

[FairfieldLife] FFL Karmic SmackDown

2007-03-29 Thread off_world_beings
Lol...Just as FFL limits posts in order to stop TM'rs from being able 
to respond to the many viscious and vile attacks they get from a 
couple of grumpy old men on FFL, nature steps in and creates 7 POSTS 
for EVERY 1 POST..

That must piss off the haters to see this Karmic SmackDown.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Hog Confinements by Vedic City

2007-03-29 Thread BillyG.
--- In, george_deforest

 Hog Confinements by Vedic City
 A permit is being issued for a Matrix ( large ) Hog confinement on the
 farm neighboring Mother Divine in Vedic City.  Others are forthcoming
 for the borders of Vedic City and Jefferson County. 

Oy vey!  Trouble in River City, well, I always thought Iowa was a
terrible place to end least they won't have any trouble
with Moslem terrorists, look at the bright side, right!  

Can you imagine, all those vegetarians and everything, this threatens

[FairfieldLife] Re: Raam Navami Celebrations Photos

2007-03-29 Thread BillyG.
--- In, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Raam Navami Celebrations photos at

Thanks Rick, fascinating pictures. MMY looked a little sad.

[FairfieldLife] M C Rove

2007-03-29 Thread Bhairitu
Karl at his best:

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Hog Confinements by Vedic City

2007-03-29 Thread llundrub
That's a good point, except that hog farmers are probably a pretty staid
bunch and unlikely to sell, not to mention farms themselves are very

The TMO should just buy up the land around the MD and Pundit sites in 
VC -- land is only about a thousand an acre in Iowa, so it shouldn't 
cost more than several million -- even if they had to pay a premium 
to encourage hog lotters to build elsewhere -- to buy a couple miles 
of buffer around the properties (lots probably stink for what, 5 
miles (?), but a couple miles would certainly mitigate a lot of 
excrement-flavored air), and with all the hotels sold recently by the 
TMO, the money is available. The hog industry is just too powerful in 
Iowa, and the only people who really care about the issue are the 
unfortunate folks who live out in the twigs where the lots are built.

To subscribe, send a message to:

Or go to:
and click 'Join This Group!' 
Yahoo! Groups Links

[FairfieldLife] today on MOU

2007-03-29 Thread shukra69
quite an interesting speech from Maharishi today about komalangam of
Raam, the number system, nouns and gyan shakti vs kriya shakti , the 
verb , the word system, the upangas, the six systems, forward and
backward, the zero as mandal , circle motion-self referral,check it out

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Questions to, and answers from Benjaim Creme

2007-03-29 Thread llundrub
Tell him I am a volunteer from the fourth level

of the sixth dimension. 




---We all have our weird shit. I was Aliester Crowley in my last life.


RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Raam Navami Celebrations Photos

2007-03-29 Thread llundrub
I was staring at the Maharishi photo and all of a sudden I saw Guru Dev
superimposed. It was a neat second. 

-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of BillyG.
Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2007 10:19 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Raam Navami Celebrations Photos

--- In, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Raam Navami Celebrations photos at

Thanks Rick, fascinating pictures. MMY looked a little sad.

To subscribe, send a message to:

Or go to:
and click 'Join This Group!' 
Yahoo! Groups Links

[FairfieldLife] Re: today on MOU

2007-03-29 Thread bob_brigante
--- In, shukra69 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 quite an interesting speech from Maharishi today about komalangam of
 Raam, the number system, nouns and gyan shakti vs kriya shakti , 
 verb , the word system, the upangas, the six systems, forward and
 backward, the zero as mandal , circle motion-self referral,check it 

Maharishi's Talk on Raam   

on several times on Friday, time listed is U.S. central

view mou anytime at:

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Hog Confinements by Vedic City

2007-03-29 Thread Rick Archer
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of llundrub
Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2007 10:56 PM
Subject: RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Hog Confinements by Vedic City


That's a good point, except that hog farmers are probably a pretty staid
bunch and unlikely to sell, not to mention farms themselves are very

Some of the farmers around Vedic City really hate the movement, put No
Gurus signs in their yards, etc. They refused to sell when the land for
Vedic City was being bought, and probably wouldn't sell now, unless some fat
cat made them an offer they couldn't refuse. 

Tiring contributions: (Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Questions to, and answers from Benjaim Creme)

2007-03-29 Thread Hagen J. Holtz

  These kind of elaborations remind me to the predicitions of reincarnation of 
Jesus in order to save the world. They are hardly of any practical use and do 
contain too many aspects, which cannot be proven and do only create a spirit of 
dependence and powerlessness regarding one's own way of unfoldment. So I 
basically agree to the commentator at the end of this endless monolog.

  It seems as if there are also people in this list in order to fill it with 
all kinds of misleading and tedious indoctrinations. This makes it difficult to 
distinguish upright essential and worth-while discussion points against prosy 
watering downs.

  Work of undercover agents in order to thin out the interest of readers ? - 
One of the charming ways to jam spiritual enhancement. We have to be alert !


   Questions  Answers
   Q. Is there any specific date for Maitreya's appearance?
   A. Most people imagine that world events (and the coming of a 
   Teacher is certainly a world event) take place according to 
   dates. They imagine that all Hierarchical decisions are designed 
   offensive to say that 
   of the miracles are very amusing, like gems popping out from under 
   someone's big toe.
   A. I quite agree. When people come to know the Masters more 
   they will recognize that They are filled with the joy of life and 
   have an extraordinary and quick sense of humour. The inventiveness 
   their imagination is one of the outstanding qualities of their 
   activity.  and so on and on

  Lsoma; with all due respect; do you really want us to belive that 
  you are communicating with archangels ? 
  What if you are being manipulated by your own grandiose ego ?

   For the record. Human beings don't need to wait for anyone form up above to 
save them or teach us how to love one another. You tell me I'm the one who is 
egotistical. Maybe if you stop sucking on the nipple of Benjamin Creame you 
could find out who you really are stop attacking those who disagree with your 
chosen masters of pure love. You love to use the FFL forum to promote your 
masters and then lead people to Benjamin Creams website to recruit them. FFL 
should be a forum for discussion on relevant topics of spirituality. Try to 
think outside of the Maitreya box that he is trying to build around you. If you 
continue to judge me you might want to ask Benjamin Creame about me. Tell him I 
am a volunteer from the fourth level
  of the sixth dimension. Maybe he can open your mind up a bit. If not, I don't 
care about other peoples judgments regarding my spiritual journey. To be frank, 
I'm so tired of so many people following so many teachers and claiming to have 
the Avatar of the century. My message is clear as a teacher: Stop looking for 
someone else to do it for you. You have and always will have the power to 
change any situation that is manifesting in the world or in your personal life. 
Anyone or any organization claiming to have the power to change you without 
having any faith that you can stand on your own feet is taking your 
self-empowerment away from you. There is too much attention these days on who's 
Guru is going to save them and the world.
  I think I've make my point. And this information is from me directly not an 
angel or guide or whatever. And, I never said that I communicate with seven 
dimensional masters or archangels as you call them. Some of the information I 
get is from other individuals who do soul transfrerence readings. They are 
recommended to me highly by close friends. Try to respond to some ot the 
information that I post instead of the need to point the finger at me so 
quickly that your mind remains closed to anyone elses story. Lsoma.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Questions to, and answers from Benjaim Creme

2007-03-29 Thread lurkernomore20002000
Tell him I am a volunteer from the fourth level of the sixth 
We all have our weird shit. I was Aliester Crowley in my last life.

I don't know about comment #1, but I'd put money on #2.


RE: Tiring contributions: (Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Questions to, and answers from Benjaim Creme)

2007-03-29 Thread llundrub
You know, that’s an interesting point. If I was the total leader of a satanic 
front or an anti religious front I would try to bore acolytes out of their 
skulls with religion while taking all their money, so as to make them numb them 
until they will  believe anything and thence be true cash cows, and then 
actually dumb and really irreligious, both at the same time. And then I would 
speak the glory of my DNA and propagate it upon them. Who knows from whence 
this Maitreya could come ;)


From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
Hagen J. Holtz
Sent: Friday, March 30, 2007 12:19 AM
Subject: Tiring contributions: (Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Questions to, and 
answers from Benjaim Creme)




These kind of elaborations remind me to the predicitions of reincarnation of 
Jesus in order to save the world. They are hardly of any practical use and do 
contain too many aspects, which cannot be proven and do only create a spirit of 
dependence and powerlessness regarding one's own way of unfoldment. So I 
basically agree to the commentator at the end of this endless monolog.


It seems as if there are also people in this list in order to fill it with all 
kinds of misleading and tedious indoctrinations. This makes it difficult to 
distinguish upright essential and worth-while discussion points against prosy 
watering downs.


Work of undercover agents in order to thin out the interest of readers ? - One 
of the charming ways to jam spiritual enhancement. We have to be alert !



 Questions  Answers
 Q. Is there any specific date for Maitreya's appearance?
 A. Most people imagine that world events (and the coming of a 
 Teacher is certainly a world event) take place according to 
 dates. They imagine that all Hierarchical decisions are designed 
 offensive to say that 
 of the miracles are very amusing, like gems popping out from under 
 someone's big toe.
 A. I quite agree. When people come to know the Masters more 
 they will recognize that They are filled with the joy of life and 
 have an extraordinary and quick sense of humour. The inventiveness 
 their imagination is one of the outstanding qualities of their 
 activity.  and so on and on

Lsoma; with all due respect; do you really want us to belive that 
you are communicating with archangels ? 
What if you are being manipulated by your own grandiose ego ?

 For the record. Human beings don't need to wait for anyone form up above to 
 save them or teach us how to love one another. You tell me I'm the one who is 
 egotistical. Maybe if you stop sucking on the nipple of Benjamin Creame you 
 could find out who you really are stop attacking those who disagree with your 
 chosen masters of pure love. You love to use the FFL forum to promote your 
 masters and then lead people to Benjamin Creams website to recruit them. FFL 
 should be a forum for discussion on relevant topics of spirituality. Try to 
 think outside of the Maitreya box that he is trying to build around you. If 
 you continue to judge me you might want to ask Benjamin Creame about me. Tell 
 him I am a volunteer from the fourth level

of the sixth dimension. Maybe he can open your mind up a bit. If not, I don't 
care about other peoples judgments regarding my spiritual journey. To be frank, 
I'm so tired of so many people following so many teachers and claiming to have 
the Avatar of the century. My message is clear as a teacher: Stop looking for 
someone else to do it for you. You have and always will have the power to 
change any situation that is manifesting in the world or in your personal life. 
Anyone or any organization claiming to have the power to change you without 
having any faith that you can stand on your own feet is taking your 
self-empowerment away from you. There is too much attention these days on who's 
Guru is going to save them and the world.

I think I've make my point. And this information is from me directly not an 
angel or guide or whatever. And, I never said that I communicate with seven 
dimensional masters or archangels as you call them. Some of the information I 
get is from other individuals who do soul transfrerence readings. They are 
recommended to me highly by close friends. Try to respond to some ot the 
information that I post instead of the need to point the finger at me so 
quickly that your mind remains closed to anyone elses story. Lsoma.




[FairfieldLife] New Orleans

2007-03-29 Thread llundrub
Honestly People, if any of you had any sense you would pool your money and
buy a couple houses next door to each other in New Orleans and make
meditation centers here. This city is at the start of a huge boom where for
real it's all possibilities.  

[FairfieldLife] Re: New Orleans

2007-03-29 Thread Robert Gimbel
--- In, llundrub [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Honestly People, if any of you had any sense you would pool your 
money and
 buy a couple houses next door to each other in New Orleans and make
 meditation centers here. This city is at the start of a huge boom 
where for
 real it's all possibilities.

That sounds great, but the way thing sound on the media, well they make 
it sound like it's like a war zone there- what's true anyway?? Is it 
safe to walk the streets there, or what?

[FairfieldLife] Rescue Proposal for Saving Fairfield-Life

2007-03-29 Thread Hagen J. Holtz
Since many years I am a fan of this list, but I do not find time to read the 50 
- 100 daily messages. So I check the list on random basis with the 
uncomfortable back-ground feeling to sometimes miss essential developments. So 
I got a bath-tube session idea to restructure the list without depriving it 
from it's self-reinforcing tendency. My proposal:

1. Someone, who is versified, prepares a link for all members of the list, in 
order to put in their real names combined with their FairfieldLife-identity and 
a short description of who they are.

2. Each of these self-revealing members gets the honestly task to moderate the 
commentaries of the list for let's say one week in a year in sequential 
rotation, passing the task to the next member, in order to compress them down 
to the 10 most interesting contributions of the day.

3. In order to be technically affordable, the candidates, who want to be part 
of this race send their commentaries as usual to the well-known list address 
plus to this special link. By this act the variety and freedom of commenting 
contributions does not get diminished and noone can argue against it by 
suspecting a new censorship. On the other hand this artifice would help all 
earnest members, who have little time and were predominantly interested in 
grasping the essentials, to regularly be part of the list and keeping the 

For some stupid reason, being greeted with smiles by ma family, I kept the last 
100,000 Fairfield-mails like a nostalgic collector without even reading them. 
This gives me at least the neurotic certainty to possess them in order to be 
with you :-).

If someone would assist me I could take initiative to prepare such a link, 
which we may call in future Fairfield.Essential or so.

And there is another advantage regarding this idea. By this act we can 
elegantly get sorted out the wheat from the chaff without offending anybody's 
freedom to say what he wants at any moment he wants. And it is also positive 
that the main list even with all its scrap continues, because you save the 
chance to see and judge eventually different from the contemporarily leading 
moderator and do not feel restricted in whatever manner. 

I have understanding that for some of you it may sound more complicated but I 
am inclined to see it more in terms of quality gain by increasing complexity 
instead of deterrent aggregation of frustrating and demotivating opaques. 

Being with you and your special thoughts about it and agog of your commentaries 
about this idea.
