[FairfieldLife] Re: South Field Crop Circle grown from 3 to 5 Swallows !

2008-07-27 Thread Hugo
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Richard J. Williams" 
> > > > "NO video footage or photographs anywhere 
> > > > document an alleged creation of crop art 
> > > > (alleged man-made patterns) in progress 
> > > > from ground level AND SIMULTANEOUSLY from 
> > > > the air, to confirm that the alleged 
> > > > 'finished product' is indeed what the people 
> > > > 'below' are alleging to have stomped out in 
> > > > the crop."
> > > > 
> > > > http://cropcircleconnector.com/ilyes/ilyes9.html
> > > >
> > > Well, your average good ole boy doesn't have access 
> > > to a helicopter...
> > > 
> Hugo wrote:
> > > And even if you could prove that SOME circles were 
> > > manmade, you could never prove taht all are, so 
> > > its moot anyway.
> > >
> > Luckily, proof that "some" are man made isn't too
> > far away.
> > 
> > http://www.circlemakers.org/case_history.html
> > 
> > Given that we know there are many people who make 
> > them why does anyone assume that *any* crop cricles 
> > are made by aliens/fairies/earth magic/whatever?
> > 
> Maybe so, for modern land markings, but what about
> ancient land markings?

I wouldn't consider Erich Von Daniken a reliable guide
to anything RJ, let alone archaeology. The guy was a 
dreamer and had some amazingly wild ideas about things
most of them were just him interpreting things he didn't
understand in terms of things he did. Like the drawings
on the desert at Nazca in Peru, he claims they are landing
marks for UFOS because they look like an airport and can
only be seen from the air and must therefore have been 
made by people capable of flight. The truth is they are 
easy to make from the ground but no-one really knows why,
the most recent idea being that they are a territorial map
for the different tribes of the area to find their water
wells up in the mountains as every one of them links up to
an ancient pathway in the hills.

Every one of his books has similar sci-fi explanations
for things that he could learn about with a bit of effort.
But they wouldn't sell as well.

I always found them insulting to ancient man, the whole
point of them is that our ancestors couldn't have done all
the things they did without help from the space brothers,
give em a bit of credit I say. The argument from personal
incredulity is never very convincing, the pyramids are
very impressive but they were built with a devotion that
doesn't exist anymore.

And just because I couldn't knock up a crop circle in 4 
hours doesn't mean someone else *couldn't* have got the hang 
of it. We know they are made by people as was the Shri Yantra,
we *know* who builds them, to claim they are lying shows
a desperation to believe there is more here than we know about.

> 'Chariots of the Gods'
> by Erich von Daniken
> Bantam, 1972
> http://tinyurl.com/579k3u

[FairfieldLife] Re: The TMO

2008-07-27 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "shempmcgurk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It's as if Maharishi was playing Monopoly and at the time he died he 
> had just landed on Marvin Gardens...so it is Marvin Gardens that gets 
> built.  Had he landed on Park Place just before he died, Kaplan would 
> be devoting the rest of his life to building Park Place.

Unfathomable is the way of Karma...


[FairfieldLife] Re: Naomi Klein on the "Extortionist in Chief"

2008-07-27 Thread R.G.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> shempmcgurk wrote:
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> >   
> >> I was listening to her talk about Bush as the Extortionist in 
> >> 
> > on 
> >   
> >> Laura Flander's show earlier today.  I always like Klein's clear 
> >> analysis of the situation with the Rakshasa hoard that have 
> >> 
> > the 
> >   
> >> White House:
> >> http://www.thenation.com/doc/20080721/lookout
> >>
> >> And we all know what eventually happens to rakshasas.
> >>
> >> 
> >
> > They retire comfortably with annual speaking fees reaching the 
10s of 
> > millions of dollars?
> Like Mussolini and Hitler?
We will see, how this drama plays out, won't we...
I don't think it can be compared to Mussolini or the H. man.
I think a better analogy, would be whatever happened to Caligula of 
He came from a powerful family, and kind of inherited the whole 
He was into blood and guts, like Bush.
He squandered the wealth of Rome, like Bush.
I'm not sure what became of him.
Except that he got reincarnated, like Bush.

[FairfieldLife] 'The H-man, by Calvin Klein'

2008-07-27 Thread Robert


[FairfieldLife] Re: Real levitation ?

2008-07-27 Thread R.G.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "shempmcgurk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Since the only person on this forum that claims to have had any 
> experience with "real" levitation (yeah, right) is Barry Wright, 
> perhaps he will give us the poop on the authenticity of this photo.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer"  wrote:
> >
> > Hi Rick,
> > 
> > some of our sidhis are already heavy into
> > science.
> > 
> > Since we where bored and fucked up of
> > the possible results after some decades of
> > "hopping", others, who never where in the
> > direct meditating, took all mmy-news as
> > complete reality, and took their road into
> > the possibilities from other angles 
> > This is from:
> > http://www.creativecosmos.org/PlanetaryForum/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?
> f=3&t=1092
> >  Image  
> > Pic from - http://english.pravda.ru  
> > 
> > Levitation has been elevated from being pure science fiction to 
> science
> > fact, according to a study reported today by physicists.
> > 
> > In earlier work the same team of theoretical physicists showed 
> > invisibility cloaks are feasible.
> > 
I have been able to levitate, quite well, in some of the dreams which 
I've had.
Haven't had those dreams in a while, though.
It was real easy to levitate, and great joy involved.
It was like I got the 'hang of it', almost like leaning backwards in 
some way as to continue to rise somehow, someway.
I got a kick out of watching how other people reacted to me 
The whole experience was really fun.
Then I would wake up
> > Now, in another report that sounds like it comes out of the pages 
> of a Harry
> > Potter book, the University of St Andrews team has created 
> an 'incredible
> > levitation effects' by engineering the force of nature which 
> normally causes
> > objects to stick together.
> >

[FairfieldLife] Random message of the day (37164) Re: Digest Number 2133 - Delgado

2008-07-27 Thread cardemaister
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "markmeredith2002"
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > on 11/16/04 4:23 PM, rafrequency at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > 
> > >> >  Look up a well-respected psychiatrist named Delgado who
> > >> > was involved in these experiments and you'll find a truly scary
> > >> > figure. 
> > > 
> > If this is Jose Delgado, he gave a presentation at the Amherst SCI
> > Symposium. He had implanted electrodes into bull�s brains and was
> able to
> > stop a charging bull by remote control. I believe he was at Yale at
> the time.
> Yeah same guy - didn't know he was at Amherst.  
> Here's a sampling of his beliefs:  "We need a program of psychosurgery
> for political control of our society. The purpose is physical control
> of the mind.  Everyone who deviates from the given norm can be
> surgically mutilated.  The individual may think that the most
> important reality is his own existence, but this is only his personal
> point of view. This lacks historical perspective. Man does not have
> the right to develop his own mind. This kind of liberal orientation
> has great appeal. We must electrically control the brain. Some day
> armies and generals will be controlled by electric stimulation of the
> brain."  Jose Delgado, Yale University Medical School,   
>   Congressional Record, No. 26, Vol. 118, February 24,
> 1974.


(max 100 000)

[FairfieldLife] 'Dreaming of Levitating'

2008-07-27 Thread R.G.
I (me) have been able to levitate, quite well, in some of the dreams 
I've had.
Haven't had those dreams in a while, though.
it was really cool, and was real easy to do (levitate) and it was 
great joy...
It was like somehow, I had gotten the hang of it, and it became 
spontaneous and without any effort, whatsoever...
Like leaning backwards into the gravitational field...
I got a kick out of watching how other people reacted to me
The whole experience was really fun.
I would usually lose the feeling and then,
Then I would wake up

[FairfieldLife] Re: South Field Crop Circle grown from 3 to 5 Swallows !

2008-07-27 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Hugo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I wouldn't consider Erich Von Daniken a reliable guide
> to anything RJ, let alone archaeology. The guy was a 
> dreamer and had some amazingly wild ideas about things
> most of them were just him interpreting things he didn't
> understand in terms of things he did. ...
> I always found them insulting to ancient man, the whole
> point of them is that our ancestors couldn't have done all
> the things they did without help from the space brothers,
> give em a bit of credit I say. ...
> And just because I couldn't knock up a crop circle in 4 
> hours doesn't mean someone else *couldn't* have got the hang 
> of it. We know they are made by people as was the Shri Yantra,
> we *know* who builds them, to claim they are lying shows
> a desperation to believe there is more here than we know about.

I've been staying out of this crop circle thread 
because I have very little interest in crop circles, 
except as 1) a believer phenomenon, and 2) as Earth Art.

The thing I find most interesting about the believer 
phenomenon is twofold. First, the seeming need some 
people have to find a supernatural or extraterrestrial 
"explanation" for crop circles. And second, the "team 
effort" that seems to be going on among other humans,
who cater to these people's need, and who seem to do it 
just for the FUN of it.

I mean, it is probably more *likely* that each and 
every one of these things was created by humans or by 
natural phenomena than that they were created by Space 
Brothers, right? Occam's Razor, probability, all that.
So who is DOING this stuff in the dead of night?

It's like they are "Compassion Pranksters." Someday 
'way back when, when Mystery-starved people started to 
trip on ancient peoples' Earth Art, and even started
tripping on natural circles appearing in fields, a few 
people *noticed* the Mystery-starved people tripping 
on such things, and decided to do something about it.
They got into creating MORE things for them to trip on. 

The people who trip on crop circles are IMO so starved 
for Mystery in their lives that they now need Big 
Mysteries to get them off. The mathematical perfection 
of a rose or a child's laugh just doesn't DO it for them
any more, Mystery-wise. They need something more, some-
thing HUGE.

And so the Compassion Pranksters get together in the middle 
of the night and give these folks something HUGE, the Big 
Mystery that the Mystery-starved can't see in their daily
lives, in the form of a crop circle or two. The Compassion 
Pranksters have fun doing it, probably laughing and partying 
the whole time, and the Nabby's of the world are happier, 
because there suddenly appears in his life yet another Big 
Mystery that only he and Benjamin Creme fully "understand."

I see this as a somewhat symbiotic and essentially harmless 
relationship. Win-win. The people who need Big Mysteries to 
trip on get them and have fun tripping on them, and the 
people who create the Big Mysteries have fun creating them. 
No harm, no foul.

That said, I do like crop circles as Earth Art. I'm a fan 
of Earth Art -- using found materials to create a statement 
about the nature of a place. 

I love Japanese Zen gardens -- possibly the pinnacle of Earth
Art. And I love places like Chaco Canyon. I love that it's 
laid out along precise astronomical lines, with buildings a
half mile apart aligned to the centimeter along a line of 
sight that ISN'T a line of sight, because there is a mountain 
in the way. No one could have seen through the mountain TO 
align the buildings this perfectly. I think that's neat. But 
at the same time I give all the credit to the Anasazi them-
selves for figuring out how to do it. I don't have to think 
that members of the City Planning Dept. of Space Brothers Inc. 
came down and did the blueprints for them.

BTW, if you are at all interested in Earth Art, may I recommend 
a BEAUTIFUL film that you might be able to find on Netflix or 
in specialty stores or libraries?  It's called "Rivers and Tides," 
and is a documentary following the work of Andy Goldsworthy. He 
takes found natural materials and builds "time sculptures" with 
them -- art installations that are designed to be ephemeral.

For example, he might build a elaborate driftwood sculpture in a 
tide pool during low tide, knowing that it will be washed away 
during the next high tide. Stunningly beautiful film, one that 
never fails to inspire the hell out of me. Here are a few YouTube 
clips from the film:




[FairfieldLife] FFL Posts As Ephemeral Art

2008-07-27 Thread TurquoiseB
I've always been a fan of ephemeral art, art that is,
by design, not meant to last. I love Andy Goldsworthy,
and the moments he creates using materials that are 
subject to time, and then what time does with them. 

I love the whole *idea* of Tibetan Buddhist sand paint-
ings. I mean, four or five monks work on constructing
one of these mandalas for weeks or even months, making
every detail perfect. Then they have a short ceremony
and sweep it all away. They also do "butter sculptures,"
elaborate Buddhas that they then float out onto lakes
so that they can melt in the sunlight.

For these artists, the Artfulness seems to be about 
drawing infinity into the moment and allowing it to 
flow through them, rather than trying to create some-
thing infinite or "lasting." The sense of accomplishment 
is found in *each moment* of the creation process, and 
then is forgotten as soon as that moment is passed. 

A lot like writing posts to Fairfield Life, in my opinion.
If you're weird enough to see writing posts to Fairfield 
Life as an art form, that is. :-)

But isn't that what we're all doing? We have a few moments 
to relax, and we log on here and read what other people
who have followed similar paths to our own have to say,
and where those paths have taken them recently. Sometimes
what they say strikes a resonance with us, and we write 
a "Me, too" post that shares the original poster's moment
and springboards off of it to moments of our own. Other
times someone else's post doesn't strike a resonance with
us -- just the opposite. So we fire off some post that
lowers the other poster's moment and elevates ours. 

But they're all just moments, man. And they are as trans-
itory as one of Andy's sculptures, or as an elaborate 
Mahachakra Mandala that would blow away with the first
breath of wind, or as a Buddha melting away as he loses
attachment to form. 

In a way, it's like jazz. I always identified with jazz
greats who didn't like studio recording, because it seemed
so artificial. They liked LIVE recordings, performed before
an audience and with the audience's vibe mixed inextricably
with the music. You just play it and you let it go. If some-
one happens to record it and listen to it over and over 
again (like for instance Keith Jarrett's "Koln Concert"),
that's cool, but for Keith the *moment* was in the moment
of playing the music, not in the recording of it or even 
in the enjoyment of the people in the audience during the 
original performance. It was an *internal* moment, pressing 
keys on a box to create a very personal snapshot of that 
internal moment and externalize it.

And isn't that one way that you could look at the posts to 
FFL as well? People all over the world pressing keys on a 
box to take their own internal moments and externalize them
in language, just for the hell of it?

I mean, as much as we sometimes complain about the place,
I for one kinda love it. I get to sit in my tiny corner of
the world and have moments and then press keys on a box to 
try to capture as much of those moments as possible, and 
then just press one last key and Send the words winging 
their way across the planet. Just for the hell of it.

The pleasure for me is in the writing -- in the pressing 
of the keys in what seems to me to be the right order to
do justice to the moment. For me. The way I see it, when I
do a fairly good job of this *for me*, other posters on FFL
seem to feel in that moment some resonance with moments of
their own. When I get bent out of shape or start thinking
that my posts MATTER, almost no one finds any resonance 
with those moments. 

Some art historians and critics put a lot of emphasis on 
the personality or ego or self of the artist. They seem to
believe that Art that strikes a resonance with large numbers
of people is a factor of how much of his or her *self* the
artist managed to put into the work. 

I'm not convinced. I tend to think that great art is produced
by getting the fuck out of the way of it and allowing it to
just happen on its own, in the moment. The *less* of the self 
of the artist one can feel in the Art, the more likely it is
that it will resonate with other people. 

But then, what do I know? I'm just an old fart sitting at a
cafe table watching the Sunday Stroll go by, and thinking
and writing off the top of his head, in the moment. Nothing 
I write is going to have much of an effect on anything or
anyone else, as far as I can tell. It's just something 
emphemeral, something I do for fun to celebrate the cool 
moments as they pass.

[FairfieldLife] 'Jesus, Mantra of God'

2008-07-27 Thread Robert

Jesus, Mantra of God explores the practice of the mantra in prayer. It comes 
out of the style of meditative prayer initiated by John Main and continued by 
his disciple Dom Laurence Freeman, OSB and the World Community for Christian 
Meditation. At the heart of this prayer is the Indian concept of mantra - focus 
upon a word or phrase of spiritual significance. The mantra, says John Dupuche, 
‘is like a key to unlock the storeroom from which the disciple of the kingdom 
brings forth things both new and old’ (Matthew 13:52).

The first part of the book enriches the reader’s understanding and practice of 
the mantra, based on faith, and looks at the related aspects of hearing, 
breathing and the body. With this heightened understanding, the practitioner 
comes more fully to see the face of Christ, who is the divine Mantra, and so 
enter into the silence of God.

The second part examines the intimate relationship between mantra-meditation 
and the cycle of the liturgical year. In meditation, one can relive the events 
of the sacred story or deepen the spiritual impact of the major festivals of 
the Church’s year. A brief appendix deals with visualization, another aspect of 
contemplative prayer.
Shri Shri Yeshua Namah Namah Om

About The Author:
Rev. Dr. John Dupuche is Parish Priest of Beaumaris/Black Rock, in Melbourne, 
Australia. He is coordinator of the School of Prayer within the Archbishop’s 
Office for Evangelization and is chair both of the Catholic Interfaith 
Committee of the Archdiocese of Melbourne and of the Faith and Order Commission 
of the Victorian Council of Churches. He leads meditation groups and conducts 
retreats in addition to his normal parish duties. He has a doctorate in 
Sanskrit, specializing in Kashmir Shaivism and travels to India each year. He 
lectured for many years in theology at what is now Australian Catholic 
University. He is Honorary Visiting Research Fellow in the Institute for the 
Advancement of Research at Australian Catholic University. 


[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Bush Needs to be Impeached, soon!

2008-07-27 Thread Brian Horsfield
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Richard J. Williams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> > > Over 50% of voting Americans re-elected Bush for 
> > > a second term AFTER the Iraq invasion.
> > > 
> Brian wrote: 
> > Richard, the point is that this support was won by 
> > Bush based on lies and deliberate misrepresentation 
> > of CIA intelligence briefings. 
> >
> You are incorrect, Brian - John Kerry had the same
> CIA intelligence that Bush got, and he said Iraq 
> was a threat to U.S. security. He voted to use force
> in order to find out if Saddam had weapons of
> mass destruction. Kerry, Edwards, and Clinton all
> voted to invade Iraq and depose Saddam.

Richard, again you repeat yourself, yet no Republicans offered this line of 
defence of Bush 
in the hearing. To say everyone had access at all times to the same 
intelligence the 
Commander in Chief had makes no sense at all. Did you even watch Bugliosi's 
> Bush got the basic counterterrorism strategy right:
> "Compile every reasoned criticism of the Bush 
> administration's conduct of the war against terrorism 
> and one undisputable fact remains: In the five years 
> since the catastrophe of 9/11, the United States has 
> not been attacked again."

We're talking about Iraq- Saddam had nothing to do with 9-11.
> Read more:
> 'Bush Got the Basic Counterterrorism Strategy Right'
> by Robert J. Caldwell
> Human Events, Sep 11, 2006 
> http://www.humanevents.com/article.php?id=16959
> > Highlights of the testimony presented yesterday 
> > are provided in YouTube... 
> >
> But the 9-11 report supports Bush and Cheney:
> "Of the staff interim report Kean said, "we don't 
> see any serious conflicts" with what the 
> administration is saying about al-Qaeda and 
> Saddam Hussien. Vladimir Putin agrees with this 
> and goes further stating that he had intelligence 
> information that Saddam had been planning an 
> attack on the U.S."
> Source:
> '9-11 panel's leader cites Iran, Pakistan'
> by Peter Yost
> Associated Press, June 21, 2004
> > One of the speakers (don't remember which) 
> > describes how the Bush Administration deleted 
> > all evidence from a CIA briefing which expressed 
> > doubt over whether Iraq was developing weapons 
> > of mass destruction. 
> >
> There was no doubt that Iraq was developing weapons 
> of mass destruction. 

Not proven at all. What has been proven is that Bush lied about it and doctored 
briefings to manipulate public support for the war.  And besides, even if they 
had  these 
weapons (whatever they were) they were no credible threat to the United States 
and thus 
no grounds to start a war.

 But what is important now is 
> that after the surge the U.S. is winning the war
> in Iraq.
> BAGHDAD - The United States is now winning the war 
> that two years ago seemed lost. Limited, sometimes 
> sharp fighting and periodic terrorist bombings in 
> Iraq are likely to continue, possibly for years. 
> But the Iraqi government and the U.S. now are able 
> to shift focus from mainly combat to mainly building 
> the fragile beginnings of peace — a transition that 
> many found almost unthinkable as recently as one 
> year ago.
> Full story:
> 'US now winning Iraq war that seemed lost'
> Analysis by Robert Burns and Robert H. Reid
> Associated Press, July 26, 2008
> http://tinyurl.com/6gdb6m
> > This has caused the deaths of by some estimates 
> > as much as one million Iraqis since the US 
> > invaded.
> >
> How many million do you suppose Saddam would have
> killed if he had stayed in power? He already had 
> caused the death of nearly two million people by 
> the time of the Iraq invasion. The invasion of
> Afghanistan and Iraq was the right thing to do. 
> Most voting Americans agree with this, that's why
> Bush was re-elected. 

Again, this shows the power of fear mongering with a complicit media. 
Throughout history 
war has proven to be the most effective means to restructure a society and 
transfer wealth 
from the many to the hands of a few. Fear is the weapon of those who seek more 
It's takes a lot of courage to stand up against this fear mongering and history 
will salute 
those that stand up against it.

Among those heros I would include those more than 1000 public personalities who 
questioned the official account of 9-11 listed here: 

Fear is a powerful political weapon and Bush has used it with impunity.  
Kucinich is right to 
ask for accountabilty.

Talk about Bush 'needs to
> be impeached' is juvenile liberal crap talk by
> misfits, losers and whiners.

[FairfieldLife] Re: South Field Crop Circle grown from 3 to 5 Swallows !

2008-07-27 Thread Brian Horsfield
There's a great book on the art of crop circles at 21st Century. Just pictures 
descriptions without getting mired down in controversy about HOW they were 
made. It's 
by Steve and Karen Alexander and it costs about $14. It's amazing value and I 
gave 4 of 
them away as Christmas presents last year. They make great coffee table books.

Many of the pictures are shown on their website: 

It takes a while to load this webpage. I was educated in the UK in the 70's and 
early 80's 
and never knew how much the phenomenon has evolved since then. There are so 
and so complex, I can't see how they could all be man-made. As to what made 
them - 
well that is a mystery. Maybe Deva's are playing?  Steve and Karen's book 
includes some 
which go beyond art and into communication with pictures of ET's and a complex 
in binary code which appears to be a response to a message sent by radio 
signals into 
outer space.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Hugo"  wrote:
> >
> > I wouldn't consider Erich Von Daniken a reliable guide
> > to anything RJ, let alone archaeology. The guy was a 
> > dreamer and had some amazingly wild ideas about things
> > most of them were just him interpreting things he didn't
> > understand in terms of things he did. ...
> > 
> > I always found them insulting to ancient man, the whole
> > point of them is that our ancestors couldn't have done all
> > the things they did without help from the space brothers,
> > give em a bit of credit I say. ...
> > 
> > And just because I couldn't knock up a crop circle in 4 
> > hours doesn't mean someone else *couldn't* have got the hang 
> > of it. We know they are made by people as was the Shri Yantra,
> > we *know* who builds them, to claim they are lying shows
> > a desperation to believe there is more here than we know about.
> I've been staying out of this crop circle thread 
> because I have very little interest in crop circles, 
> except as 1) a believer phenomenon, and 2) as Earth Art.
> The thing I find most interesting about the believer 
> phenomenon is twofold. First, the seeming need some 
> people have to find a supernatural or extraterrestrial 
> "explanation" for crop circles. And second, the "team 
> effort" that seems to be going on among other humans,
> who cater to these people's need, and who seem to do it 
> just for the FUN of it.
> I mean, it is probably more *likely* that each and 
> every one of these things was created by humans or by 
> natural phenomena than that they were created by Space 
> Brothers, right? Occam's Razor, probability, all that.
> So who is DOING this stuff in the dead of night?
> It's like they are "Compassion Pranksters." Someday 
> 'way back when, when Mystery-starved people started to 
> trip on ancient peoples' Earth Art, and even started
> tripping on natural circles appearing in fields, a few 
> people *noticed* the Mystery-starved people tripping 
> on such things, and decided to do something about it.
> They got into creating MORE things for them to trip on. 
> The people who trip on crop circles are IMO so starved 
> for Mystery in their lives that they now need Big 
> Mysteries to get them off. The mathematical perfection 
> of a rose or a child's laugh just doesn't DO it for them
> any more, Mystery-wise. They need something more, some-
> thing HUGE.
> And so the Compassion Pranksters get together in the middle 
> of the night and give these folks something HUGE, the Big 
> Mystery that the Mystery-starved can't see in their daily
> lives, in the form of a crop circle or two. The Compassion 
> Pranksters have fun doing it, probably laughing and partying 
> the whole time, and the Nabby's of the world are happier, 
> because there suddenly appears in his life yet another Big 
> Mystery that only he and Benjamin Creme fully "understand."
> I see this as a somewhat symbiotic and essentially harmless 
> relationship. Win-win. The people who need Big Mysteries to 
> trip on get them and have fun tripping on them, and the 
> people who create the Big Mysteries have fun creating them. 
> No harm, no foul.
> That said, I do like crop circles as Earth Art. I'm a fan 
> of Earth Art -- using found materials to create a statement 
> about the nature of a place. 
> I love Japanese Zen gardens -- possibly the pinnacle of Earth
> Art. And I love places like Chaco Canyon. I love that it's 
> laid out along precise astronomical lines, with buildings a
> half mile apart aligned to the centimeter along a line of 
> sight that ISN'T a line of sight, because there is a mountain 
> in the way. No one could have seen through the mountain TO 
> align the buildings this perfectly. I think that's neat. But 
> at the same time I give all the credit to the Anasazi them-
> selves for figuring out how to do it. I don't have to think 
> that members of the City Plann

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The evolution of meditation

2008-07-27 Thread Vaj

On Jul 26, 2008, at 7:41 PM, new.morning wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi New Morn:

On Jul 26, 2008, at 1:20 PM, new.morning wrote:

I am still not sure we are connecting here. First, per ground rules,
as you know, I hope, I am not satirizing you. I am taking some ideas
that, to me, don't seem "robust" -- and at some distinctions that are
not necessary, IMO. I use the technique, of moving the ideas to more
extreme applications to see if they hold up (for me) and if the more
extreme application is "funny" (to me), it tend the feel the
underlying idea needs more work. Thus, while I was having some fun, it
was not ridicule. It was taking some ideas out for a spin to see how
they take sharp corners.

And maybe I have gotten off on some sort detour, or into some sort of
satiric loop where I am missing some key points. I don't know. All of
this is an exploration for me (as with many of my posts) though the
path I take may seem odd and strange to others -- including myself
some days hence.

For one thing, you appeared, to me, to be using a number of loaded
words. Which became the target of my half-wit brain.

sciences for the western word science is "vidya". However vidya has a

deeper meaning that the western term science, as it is less
by the taboo of subjectivity which stultifies western science. The
taboo of subjectivity

to me, loaded words: stultifies, taboo, even encumbered.

To me, what you are pointing out is that some knowledge is inside the
head, and some is outside the head.

No, I'm pointing out several taboos present in the view of modern  
science. Yes, science is a wonderful thing Martha, but it ain't  
perfect either.

It's not so much a "clue" but an understanding and appreciation of
subjective science. Since one is public and the other, subjective
science is "private", it's a natural place for misunderstanding to

First, I don't accept the term science applied to the subjective realm

Then you probably should have said that from the beginning and then  
there only would have been one question to discuss.

IF you are then redefining science to fit this inner realm of inquiry.
I think modern science looks at a huge amount if inside the head
stuff. In modern "scientific" ways. Other investigators look at
internal stuff in ways outside of modern science. That doesn't  a
priori make one better than the other. But it doesn't make the other
means of investigation "science".

I have observed inner practices and applied them and I feel once  
certain criteria are met, inner exploration can lead to subjective  
science. I base this on the fact that I merely:

-followed a procedure others have, which was said to work
-got the same results as described.

Given the good "repeatability", I would hypothesize that anyone could  
repeat them.

in the west has a lot to do with the way the
scientific fundamentalism

Another loaded word -- that does not bring much meaning, IMO. But more
of an emotional response.

To me, it actually has a lot of meaning--there's nothing funny about  
it--it points out a valid trend in the idolization of theories, and  
attachment to these theories.

Before you claim "idolization" is a scary word, I am using "idol" here  
in the same sense as Francis Bacon: a false absolute resulting from  
reification, causing us to grasp at this absolute entity, when in  
fact, there is none.

if you feel science is fundamentalist --
first define fundamentalist -- because we may be taking different
things -- then point out examples where the majority of science -- not
 a few isolated cases are fundamentalist. Per my definitions if f.
and my view of science and its processes as I am aware if it, to me
this juxtaposition of words science and fundamentalism is looney. Thus
the satire of it. If you can make the aboe case, I am open to  

Scientific fundamentalism, not altogether unlike religious  
fundamentalism is a property of scientism, the typical thoughts of  
scientists via excessive belief in scientific knowledge and  
techniques. Instead of seeing the world like the religionists with  
history as the guiding presence of god, so too the adherents of  
scientism see history as an unswerving march towards Truth, where  
previous errors are replaced with facts. In both cases certain biases  
are concealed under these ideas.

came about but it is also a shared element
with religious fundamentalism, as both have placed a taboo on

That there is a rift between various religious factions on the role of
personal experience vs grace and salvation for outside does not
"follow" or seem to apply to science which certainly does not reject
inside the head experience -- huge amount of research his indeed done
in that.

I Know! If they delve into subjectivity its only that  
validation crap -- where a whole lot of people need to agree that  
seez the same thing

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The TMO

2008-07-27 Thread Vaj

On Jul 27, 2008, at 1:31 AM, shempmcgurk wrote:

> If Girish's website that he started a week or so is to be believed,
> he is just as or more into teaching Indians yoga as he is in teaching
> them TM.
> TM has been lost on the wayside.

Then it would no longer be "consciousness-based" if that were the  
case. I doubt we'll see TM left by the wayside, but I wouldn't be  
surprised if it was sold more reasonably in India as an intro to other  
services they sell, a gateway drug, if you will. India is the perfect  
place to sell this brand of Vedic creation science and American and  
Europeans the perfect suckers to provide the venture capital.

[FairfieldLife] Re: South Field Crop Circle grown from 3 to 5 Swallows !

2008-07-27 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Brian Horsfield" 

> I was educated in the UK in the 70's and early 80's 
> and never knew how much the phenomenon has evolved since then.
> There are so many and so complex, I can't see how they could
> all be man-made. As to what made them - well that is a mystery.

The frustrating thing for those with a genuine interest
in crop circles is that the skeptics simply will not
engage with the evidence. Earlier Peter declared that
with regard to the notion that crop circles are not made
by humans, "all evidence to the contrary is ignored."

In fact, it's *precisely the opposite*. The folks
ignoring the evidence are the skeptics.

Nobody who makes pronouncements about the nature of crop
circles has any idea what they're talking about *unless*
they have perused this Web site:


"The BLT Research Team Inc.'s primary focus is crop circle
research - the discovery, scientific documentation and
evaluation of physical changes induced in plants, soils and
other materials at crop circle sites by the energy (or
energy system) responsible for creating them and to
determine, if possible, from these data the specific nature
and source of these energies."

("BLT" stands for Burke, Levengood, Talbott, the three
folks who head the research effort.)

It's not about whether humans are capable of making
highly complex patterns in crops. In light of what the
BLT people have discovered, that's irrelevant. The fact
that there are hoaxers is irrelevant. And it isn't 
about extraterrestrials making the circles either.

Discussions of these issues just distract attention 
from the real questions. The bottom line is that crop
circles *are* a mystery, one that those who try to
explain them away cannot bring themselves to confront.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The evolution of meditation

2008-07-27 Thread Vaj

On Jul 26, 2008, at 8:22 PM, Bhairitu wrote:

> However we're getting a bit offtrack here and most yogis will tell you
> that mantras on the aural level have the same effect at the mental  
> level
> but are even more powerful there.  Again most of them who have given  
> it
> much thought in terms of sound physics would say it is resonance and  
> how
> the nervous system resonates with the mantra.  And that is why  
> different
> mantras have different effects.  If there are people here who don't
> experience that well maybe later

Well another important concept is the idea of rhythmic entrainment,  
that certain frequencies cause a locked entrainment in other objects  
(e.g. "sympathetic vibration"). If this can happen in physical  
objects, why not the brain, a physical object connected to both our  
ears and our thoughts? I think it would be fairly easy to show how  
different musical modes affect people differently by doing EEG studies  
of people listening to different musics in differing modes. Clearly  
this was something recognized long ago in the west, as I believe the  
Roman Catholic Church even forbade certain modes. Some were considered  
sinister or diabolical. I'm sure, had it been heard by church  
officials, the minor pentatonic with a flatted 5th (the Blues scale)  
would have surely been deemed subjectively and objectively "demonic".  
Certain modes, like Phrygian IIRC, were believed to make people go  

This same principle is also behind the idea of blues and Rock & Roll  
being "the devil's music". It's sinistroversus, left-turning, and  
probably hits sympathetic neural receptors in the right brain. Very  
scary when you spent a lifetime locked into the the left brain.

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Bush Needs to be Impeached, soon!

2008-07-27 Thread Richard J. Williams
> > John Kerry had the same CIA intelligence that 
> > Bush got, and he said Iraq was a threat to U.S. 
> > security. He voted to use force in order to 
> > find out if Saddam had weapons of mass 
> > destruction. Kerry, Edwards, and Clinton all 
> > voted to invade Iraq and depose Saddam.
> >
Judy wrote:
> This is incorrect, as you've been told many times
> before.
> Here's complete text of the AUMF:
> http://www.c-span.org/resources/pdf/hjres114.pdf
What is it exactly, Judy, that you don't understand 
about the phrase "Authorization for Use of Military 
Force" (AUMF)? Is it the word "force" or the word 

According to most of the respondents on this forum, 
the U.S. is in a war - we all agreed on this. You
need to get some smarts. Judy - we are in a war.

Kerry, Edwards, Clinton and Bush all said the U.S. 
was in a war. Almost all your congresssional
leaders have said the U.S. is in a war and that's
why they voted to use force to protect the U.S.

So, if we're in a war the whole plan is to win the
war, not lose it and retreat in defeat! The surge
worked, Clinton and Bush were correct and Obama 
was wrong.

"The authorization granted the President the 
authority to use all "necessary and appropriate 
force" against those whom he determined "planned, 
authorized, committed or aided" the September 11th 
attacks, or who harbored said persons or groups."

Read more: 

Authorization for Use of Military Force:

[FairfieldLife] Re: South Field Crop Circle grown from 3 to 5 Swallows !

2008-07-27 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Brian Horsfield" 
> There's a great book on the art of crop circles at 21st Century. 
Just pictures and 
> descriptions without getting mired down in controversy about HOW 
they were made. It's 
> by Steve and Karen Alexander and it costs about $14. It's amazing 
value and I gave 4 of 
> them away as Christmas presents last year. They make great coffee 
table books.
> Many of the pictures are shown on their website: 
> It takes a while to load this webpage. I was educated in the UK in 
the 70's and early 80's 
> and never knew how much the phenomenon has evolved since then. 
There are so many 
> and so complex, I can't see how they could all be man-made. As to 
what made them - 
> well that is a mystery. Maybe Deva's are playing?  Steve and 
Karen's book includes some 
> which go beyond art and into communication with pictures of ET's 
and a complex message 
> in binary code which appears to be a response to a message sent by 
radio signals into 
> outer space.

Thats a brilliant page. Hopefully petersuphen takes a closer look at 
for example the crop circle from 17. july this year and descide 
whether he and his friends could make such a design in a matter of 
say, 20 minutes.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi

2008-07-27 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Bob Brigante" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 


> Maharishi is painfully aware of the mismanagement, 


Bob, do you feel that there was ANY mismanagement on Maharishi's part?

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Bush Needs to be Impeached, soon!

2008-07-27 Thread Richard J. Williams
> > John Kerry had the same CIA intelligence that 
> > Bush got, and he said Iraq was a threat to U.S. 
> > security. 
> > 
Brian wrote:
> ...no Republicans offered this line of defence 
> of Bush in the hearing. To say everyone had access
> at all times to the same intelligence the 
> Commander in Chief had makes no sense at all. 
According to what I've read, John Kerry served on
the U.S. Senate Intelligegence Committeee, so he
had all the intelligence he needed to make an 
informed decsion.

"Of the staff interim report Kean said, "we don't
see any serious conflicts" with what the
administration is saying about al-Qaeda and
Saddam Hussien. Vladimir Putin agrees with this
and goes further stating that he had intelligence
information that Saddam had been planning an
attack on the U.S."


'9-11 panel's leader cites Iran, Pakistan'
by Peter Yost
Associated Press, June 21, 2004

> > Bush got the basic counterterrorism strategy right:
> > 
> We're talking about Iraq - Saddam had nothing to do 
> with 9-11.

It's a global war, Brian. According to John Edwards, 
Saddam was a threat to U.S. security - Bill and Hilary 
both agreed with this.

> > There was no doubt that Iraq was developing weapons 
> > of mass destruction. 
> >
> Not proven at all.
Iraq was under U.N. sanctions for attempting to 
produce weapons of mass destruction - Saddam had
attempted to procure uranium from Africa. Saddam
had a sophisticated plan to develop a nuclear weapon,
that's why the U.N. sent in the inspectors. 

> ...they were no credible threat to the United States 
> and thus no grounds to start a war.
The U.S. Congress has the authority to declare war.
Has the U.S. Congress declared war? I think not. 
But the terrorists have declared a war on the U.S.

> Kucinich is right to ask for accountabilty.
Talk about Bush 'needs to be impeached' is juvenile 
liberal crap talk by misfits, losers and whiners.
No American is going to vote to impeach the president
in the middle of a war that the U.S. is winning! 

That's just crazy talk.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi

2008-07-27 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "crukstrom" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, fun_incorporated 
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  I wouldn't call the little diatribe beneath a discussion of
> > mismanagement within the TMO, not at all.
> > 
> > It reads more simply as an extended whine on people being people, 
> > and choosing vice in the form lives and family and careers 
> > of finding virtue in celibate slavery in the bowels of the TMO, 
> > and blaming his lack of influence in the world on someone else.
> > 
> > Heck, even Ron knows better than working for the TMO full time.
> Life as we know it is meaningless. Start a family, develop a career 
> so the family can prosper and have security, Then you die, but hey 
> the young ones are coming up and they can build themselves a life 
> and security, and then they die and their children work and die and 
> their children work and die. We spend our lives striving for 
> permanence, trying to get our hands around life and it slips away 
> every time. 
> I heard MMY on tape refer to this world as a vacuum state of death. 
> It is a cul de sac of birth and death. We are so arrogant in our 
> living bodies, "we are the ones that are alive, we will live 
> forever" and we die in this dream of life.
> Most of us here on this forum have had at least a glimpse of that 
> inner light opening up and how alive it makes you feel, how right 
> seems, like returning to a home that we forgot we had.
> It's not about this relative existence and how well you do "here". 
> There is another side and it is huge, it dwarfs our puny little 
> dream of life. That is our duty, to ourselves and our children, to 
> wake up to that, anything other than that is just like a skipping 
> record, the same story over and over again, leading nowhere.
> Rick Carlstrom

But, Rick, that laudable goal that you describe above is best 
achieved through doing TM twice daily and then going out into the 
field of activity, which is dictated by one's own choice, not 
Maharishi's.  THAT is the instruction for achieving enlightenment, 
not working in a guru's disheveled organisation at starvation wages.

Choosing the path of action in which one has children and all that is 
EXACTLY what one should be doing if that is what they decide.

Why are you against the instructions of the TM Program?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi

2008-07-27 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Tom Pall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Perhaps you and Rick know what MMY and other teachers are still 
trying to accomplish.  I am not.  But then again I'm just one of the 
very few citizen sidhas who still practice the TM and TM Sidhi 
programs. I was on CCP at MUM for 6 months two years ago.  That makes 
me an even scarcer entity. But I'm still not a teacher and really 
clued in.  What are MMY and other teachers trying to accomplish?  It 
is to make a foolish spectacle, yes?  To start a seeming endless 
array of projects and never do more than give them a launch and lip 
service, yes?

What are you saying, Tom, that Donovan Invincible University will 
never see the light of day?

>   - Original Message - 
>   From: anonymousff 
>   To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
>   Sent: Monday, May 31, 2004 7:20 PM
>   Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi
>   Surely you are aware and familiar with what MMY and other 
>   are still trying to accomplish, as an ex-teacher yourself why do 
>   the need to destroy their life-project?

[FairfieldLife] Re: The TMO

2008-07-27 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> On Behalf Of shempmcgurk
> Sent: Sunday, July 27, 2008 12:32 AM
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The TMO
> If Girish's website that he started a week or so is to be believed, 
> he is just as or more into teaching Indians yoga as he is in teaching 
> them TM.
> What's the link to Girish's website?


Here's what I am referring to (from the above webpage) and how TM seems 
lost in the shuffle:

Maharishi World Peace Movement has following ten points initial action 

We all love peace, and are willing to do any thing, every thing that is 
possible for achieving ever-lasting peace in India and through India 
for the whole World family. 
All Participants will do Yogasanas, Pranayam, will practice Maharishi 
Transcendental Meditation, TM-Sidhi Programme, Advance Techniques twice 
  We will provide invincibility through prevention. Our practical 
approach is–"Heyam Dukham Anagatam". This approach is applicable in 
every area of human life; education, health, agriculture, defence, 
economy, rehabilitation, construction, administration etc. 
We will follow and be guided by the supreme Laws of Nature–will of God. 
We will construct and use properly oriented Vastu homes, schools, 
hospitals, offices, industrial buildings, villages and cities to gain 
maximum support of Nature. 
We will eat Vedic organic food and will not eat any food, which 
contains poisonous chemicals. 
We will take care of our health through Maharishi Vedic Approach to 
We will prevent problems by individual and collective Graha Shanti, 
Vastu Shanti and Yagyas. 
We will create harmony within individuals and nations by natural 
heavenly melodies of Gandharva Ved. 
We will enliven all beautiful evolutionary qualities of nature within 
our own Atma-the Self by reading and listening Ved and other aspects of 
Vedic Literature 

Re: [FairfieldLife] 'Jesus, Mantra of God'

2008-07-27 Thread Hagen J. Holtz
Aleging that Jesus was the mantra to God sounds to me like as if stemming from 
a child, raising a steer-similar toy on a couch while making "brumm, brumm" and 
being totally absorbed in its phantasy to be a cool driver of a car. It is 
funny and causing concern at the same time, how religious thought tries to 
adopt half-understood spiritual tools in order to give its whole crankiness a 
more (obviously necessary) sophisticated shape.


  - Original Message - 
  From: Robert 
  To: fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Sunday, July 27, 2008 12:49 PM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] 'Jesus, Mantra of God'

  Jesus, Mantra of God explores the practice of the 
mantra in prayer. It comes out of the style of meditative prayer initiated by 
John Main and continued by his disciple Dom Laurence Freeman, OSB and the World 
Community for Christian Meditation. At the heart of this prayer is the Indian 
concept of mantra - focus upon a word or phrase of spiritual significance. The 
mantra, says John Dupuche, ‘is like a key to unlock the storeroom from which 
the disciple of the kingdom brings forth things both new and old’ (Matthew 

  The first part of the book enriches the reader’s 
understanding and practice of the mantra, based on faith, and looks at the 
related aspects of hearing, breathing and the body. With this heightened 
understanding, the practitioner comes more fully to see the face of Christ, who 
is the divine Mantra, and so enter into the silence of God.

  The second part examines the intimate relationship 
between mantra-meditation and the cycle of the liturgical year. In meditation, 
one can relive the events of the sacred story or deepen the spiritual impact of 
the major festivals of the Church’s year. A brief appendix deals with 
visualization, another aspect of contemplative prayer.

  Shri Shri Yeshua Namah Namah Om


  About The Author:
  Rev. Dr. John Dupuche is Parish Priest of 
Beaumaris/Black Rock, in Melbourne, Australia. He is coordinator of the School 
of Prayer within the Archbishop’s Office for Evangelization and is chair both 
of the Catholic Interfaith Committee of the Archdiocese of Melbourne and of the 
Faith and Order Commission of the Victorian Council of Churches. He leads 
meditation groups and conducts retreats in addition to his normal parish 
duties. He has a doctorate in Sanskrit, specializing in Kashmir Shaivism and 
travels to India each year. He lectured for many years in theology at what is 
now Australian Catholic University. He is Honorary Visiting Research Fellow in 
the Institute for the Advancement of Research at Australian Catholic 




RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: The TMO

2008-07-27 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of shempmcgurk
Sent: Sunday, July 27, 2008 12:32 AM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The TMO


If Girish's website that he started a week or so is to be believed, 
he is just as or more into teaching Indians yoga as he is in teaching 
them TM.

What's the link to Girish's website?


[FairfieldLife] Re: The TMO

2008-07-27 Thread Brian Horsfield
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> On Behalf Of shempmcgurk
> Sent: Sunday, July 27, 2008 12:32 AM
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The TMO
> If Girish's website that he started a week or so is to be believed, 
> he is just as or more into teaching Indians yoga as he is in teaching 
> them TM.
> What's the link to Girish's website?

Now contains links to TM movement websites and an endorsement from 
Nader Raam. 

Dear Girish Ji,

Congratulations on your new organization; I wish you great success in 
continuing to lead 
India-the land of the Veda to Heaven on Earth and through India create world 
peace and 
enlightenment to every nation. You are one of our greatest and most beloved 
leaders and 
everyone wishes to contribute in everyway he can to insure your success.

There is no doubt on the pure and sublime purpose and success of "Maharishi 
Shanti Andolan". 
May you have all glory and success and Guru Dev and Maharishi's blessings be 
always with 

Jai Guru Dev

Raja Raam

[FairfieldLife] Re: The TMO

2008-07-27 Thread mainstream20016
and the benevolent Raja of India, Harris Kaplan, with his wife, whom he 
described as the 
"Mother of the Movement"  has the gaul to claim the entire anticipated proceeds 
from a 
future sale of  three valuable pieces of TMO land in Florida, Texas, and Japan 
will be sent 
to India.  Raja Kaplan also claims anticipated increased monthly donations from 
Settle, the benefactor of the Invincible America assemby, will be dedicated to 
the Indian 
TMO.  Raja Kaplan envisions  personally moving permanently to India to bask in 
atmosphere of the Brahmastan and the future multiple-thousands of pandits that 
will be 
living there, and he suggests that's where everyone in the movement will want 
to live, too. 

Oh, What a lovely Tme it will be,  as Raja Kaplan completely fleeces thee.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Jul 27, 2008, at 1:31 AM, shempmcgurk wrote:
> > If Girish's website that he started a week or so is to be believed,
> > he is just as or more into teaching Indians yoga as he is in teaching
> > them TM.
> >
> > TM has been lost on the wayside.
> Then it would no longer be "consciousness-based" if that were the  
> case. I doubt we'll see TM left by the wayside, but I wouldn't be  
> surprised if it was sold more reasonably in India as an intro to other  
> services they sell, a gateway drug, if you will. India is the perfect  
> place to sell this brand of Vedic creation science and American and  
> Europeans the perfect suckers to provide the venture capital.

[FairfieldLife] Re: South Field Crop Circle grown from 3 to 5 Swallows !

2008-07-27 Thread curtisdeltablues
> Discussions of these issues just distract attention 
> from the real questions. The bottom line is that crop
> circles *are* a mystery, one that those who try to
> explain them away cannot bring themselves to confront.

I am sympathetic to your claim that these have not been perfectly
explained away in every case.  And with all the mysteries in life I am
 not adverse to adding another to the pile.  But when I spend time
reading that site which you have brought my attention to before I am
stuck mostly by my inability to evaluate some of the claims.  Take the
section on plant abnormalities. A picture is offered of the altered
plant and a "control."  They look different.  I have know way of
knowing if this is significant.  They mention how certain changes in
the plants could come from over fertilization.  Then the make a case
why this was not the cause in these plants.  But how do I know what
happens if you spray a section of plants with some type of fertilizer
or chemical? And when they sprinkle their discussion with terms like
"formation energies", I feel as if I am in the midst of believers
making their case with a bunch of science terms that I am not prepared
to follow or have a chance at contextualizing.

So I am left with this.  I think cleaver people probably did this.  I
don't know how and the people on the site don't know how.  What is the
most compelling aspect that makes you think that a persuasive case has
been made, in terms that you or I have the background to evaluate,
that people couldn't have made crop circles with a method yet unknown?

And if the elongation of plant nodes are invoked, I need more context
than a two pictures of "different" looking nodes.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Brian Horsfield" 
>  wrote:
> > I was educated in the UK in the 70's and early 80's 
> > and never knew how much the phenomenon has evolved since then.
> > There are so many and so complex, I can't see how they could
> > all be man-made. As to what made them - well that is a mystery.
> The frustrating thing for those with a genuine interest
> in crop circles is that the skeptics simply will not
> engage with the evidence. Earlier Peter declared that
> with regard to the notion that crop circles are not made
> by humans, "all evidence to the contrary is ignored."
> In fact, it's *precisely the opposite*. The folks
> ignoring the evidence are the skeptics.
> Nobody who makes pronouncements about the nature of crop
> circles has any idea what they're talking about *unless*
> they have perused this Web site:
> http://www.bltresearch.com/index.html
> "The BLT Research Team Inc.'s primary focus is crop circle
> research - the discovery, scientific documentation and
> evaluation of physical changes induced in plants, soils and
> other materials at crop circle sites by the energy (or
> energy system) responsible for creating them and to
> determine, if possible, from these data the specific nature
> and source of these energies."
> ("BLT" stands for Burke, Levengood, Talbott, the three
> folks who head the research effort.)
> It's not about whether humans are capable of making
> highly complex patterns in crops. In light of what the
> BLT people have discovered, that's irrelevant. The fact
> that there are hoaxers is irrelevant. And it isn't 
> about extraterrestrials making the circles either.
> Discussions of these issues just distract attention 
> from the real questions. The bottom line is that crop
> circles *are* a mystery, one that those who try to
> explain them away cannot bring themselves to confront.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The TMO

2008-07-27 Thread lurkernomore20002000
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "shempmcgurk" 
> > On Behalf Of shempmcgurk
>> Girish's website that he started a week or so is to be believed, 
>e is just as or more into teaching Indians yoga as he is in 
>>teaching them TM.

Based on the below, I really don't get that impression.  This is 
standard TMO boiler plate as far as I'm concerned, right down the 
line.  I mean, just including pranayam and asanas does not 
make "straying" IMO.  In fact, I kind of admire the little rascal. 
Somebody threw him the ball, and he's trying to keep the game alive.

> Here's what I am referring to (from the above webpage) and how TM 
> lost in the shuffle:
> Maharishi World Peace Movement has following ten points initial 
> plan:
> We all love peace, and are willing to do any thing, every thing 
that is 
> possible for achieving ever-lasting peace in India and through 
> for the whole World family. 
> All Participants will do Yogasanas, Pranayam, will practice 
> Transcendental Meditation, TM-Sidhi Programme, Advance Techniques 
> daily. 
>   We will provide invincibility through prevention. Our practical 
> approach is–"Heyam Dukham Anagatam". This approach is applicable 
> every area of human life; education, health, agriculture, defence, 
> economy, rehabilitation, construction, administration etc. 
> We will follow and be guided by the supreme Laws of Nature–will of 
> We will construct and use properly oriented Vastu homes, schools, 
> hospitals, offices, industrial buildings, villages and cities to 
> maximum support of Nature. 
> We will eat Vedic organic food and will not eat any food, which 
> contains poisonous chemicals. 
> We will take care of our health through Maharishi Vedic Approach 
> Health. 
> We will prevent problems by individual and collective Graha 
> Vastu Shanti and Yagyas. 
> We will create harmony within individuals and nations by natural 
> heavenly melodies of Gandharva Ved. 
> We will enliven all beautiful evolutionary qualities of nature 
> our own Atma-the Self by reading and listening Ved and other 
aspects of 
> Vedic Literature

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Bush Needs to be Impeached, soon!

2008-07-27 Thread gandalfaragorn
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "R.G." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dennis Kucinich began inquiring again into impeachment for this 
> criminal President Bush.
> Hopefully, some of the rest of Congress will have the 'balls' to 
> follow this through.
> President Bush needs to be impeached, and held for murder charges.
> He has led this country into the abyss.
> I pray that either before or soon after Obama is elected that the 
> precedent that Bush and his morons have created is smashed.
> He is absolutely the most irresponsible leader since the days of Rome 
> and Caligula.
> Actually I believe he is a reincarnation of Caligula.
Glad that this was written by someone who is objective. We should also
get input from the Kurds, and the parents of the girls
kidnapped/raped/murdered by Saddam's sons. Might as well make it
wide-ranging while we are at it. Ah, who cares about them?!


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: South Field Crop Circle grown from 3 to 5 Swallows !

2008-07-27 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Jul 27, 2008, at 8:06 AM, authfriend wrote:

"The BLT Research Team Inc.'s primary focus is crop circle
research - the discovery, scientific documentation and
evaluation of physical changes induced in plants, soils and
other materials at crop circle sites by the energy (or
energy system) responsible for creating them and to
determine, if possible, from these data the specific nature
and source of these energies."

BLT...is that bacon, lettuce and tomato?

Seems like someone has an awful lot of free time on their


[FairfieldLife] Re: South Field Crop Circle grown from 3 to 5 Swallows !

2008-07-27 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" 
> > Discussions of these issues just distract attention 
> > from the real questions. The bottom line is that crop
> > circles *are* a mystery, one that those who try to
> > explain them away cannot bring themselves to confront.
> I am sympathetic to your claim that these have not been
> perfectly explained away in every case.  And with all the
> mysteries in life I am  not adverse to adding another to
> the pile.

And I don't include you among those who are unwilling
to confront the puzzle, nor among those who don't
know what they're talking about.

  But when I spend time reading that site which
> you have brought my attention to before I am stuck mostly
> by my inability to evaluate some of the claims.  Take the
> section on plant abnormalities. A picture is offered of
> the altered plant and a "control."  They look different.
> I have know way of knowing if this is significant.  They
> mention how certain changes in the plants could come from
> over fertilization.  Then the make a case why this was not
> the cause in these plants.  But how do I know what
> happens if you spray a section of plants with some type
> of fertilizer or chemical?

Perfectly reasonable questions.

 And when they sprinkle their
> discussion with terms like "formation energies", I feel as
> if I am in the midst of believers making their case with a
> bunch of science terms that I am not prepared to follow or
> have a chance at contextualizing.

Actually, I think "formation energies" is the most
generic term they could think of to refer to whatever
causes the circles and their attendant phenomena. It's
not a "believers" term at all but one that tries to
avoid *any* suggestions about the cause. A guy with
a board constitutes "formation energy" just as much
as do alien woo-woo rays.

> So I am left with this.  I think cleaver people probably did
> this.  I don't know how and the people on the site don't know
> how.  
> What is the most compelling aspect that makes you think that
> a persuasive case has been made, in terms that you or I have
> the background to evaluate, that people couldn't have made
> crop circles with a method yet unknown?

I don't have any more background to evaluate the 
kinds of things they're studying than you do. I
have to focus on other aspects, such as the
credentials of their consultants, the fact that
they make no claims as to ultimate causes, and
that just on its face, it seems to me vanishingly
unlikely that humans could have made so many
circles (the ones the BLT folks have studied) by
a method that remains not just unknown but
unguessed-at despite all the research on these
weird effects.

This last is perhaps the most compelling for me.
The acknowledged crop-circle hoaxsters don't even
hint at being able to produce these effects; they
boast about being able to create complex patterns
using ordinary mechanical means.

It's difficult enough for humans to produce these
patterns. For them to simultaneously be using some
advanced technology to create the effects BLT is
studying *just to puzzle a small number of
scientists*--rather than to amaze the public and
confound the media--is an Occam's razor reject,
IMHO. You can make very impressive circles
mechanically that serve the latter purposes and,
when they're acknowledged as hoaxes, satisfy the
vast majority of people that they're all human-made.

> And if the elongation of plant nodes are invoked, I need more
> context than a two pictures of "different" looking nodes.

The site has citations to published articles in peer-
reviewed journals; you could look those up and see if
they gave you more context. They probably have
unpublished material as well that they might be
willing to share with you. I'll bet they'd be willing
to answer questions as well.

I didn't quote this part of their statement of

"Secondly, our intent is to publish these research results
in peer-reviewed scientific journals and to disseminate
this information to the general public through lectures,
mainstream articles and the internet."

They have a two-hour slide show available (see the
bottom of the home page). They say to contact them
about scheduling. I don't know whether that means
they send one of their people along with the slides,
or how big a group you have to have, but it might
be worth inquiring.

[FairfieldLife] Re: South Field Crop Circle grown from 3 to 5 Swallows !

2008-07-27 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> On Jul 27, 2008, at 8:06 AM, authfriend wrote:
> > "The BLT Research Team Inc.'s primary focus is crop circle
> > research - the discovery, scientific documentation and
> > evaluation of physical changes induced in plants, soils and
> > other materials at crop circle sites by the energy (or
> > energy system) responsible for creating them and to
> > determine, if possible, from these data the specific nature
> > and source of these energies."
> BLT...is that bacon, lettuce and tomato?

Guess you didn't bother to read the whole post, huh?

> Seems like someone has an awful lot of free time on their
> hands.

Seems like Einstein did too.

[FairfieldLife] Re: South Field Crop Circle grown from 3 to 5 Swallows !

2008-07-27 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> BLT...is that bacon, lettuce and tomato?
> Seems like someone has an awful lot of free time on their
> hands.

Many of them are on paid sabbatical leave 
from the prestigious TTFEBWSSD Foundation,
and thus could contribute their considerable
scientific and research skills to the invest-
igation of crop circles.

As soon as the crop circle thing is "proved"
to the satisfaction of those who believe that 
they know the truth and no one else does, all 
of these personnel will return to The Tooth 
Fairy Exists Because We Say She Does Foundation 
and continue the good fight there.

[FairfieldLife] Buying a house prebuilt

2008-07-27 Thread Louis McKenzie
Hello All  

I am buying a house in a town called sorocaba brazil.

The house has a very good flow, good light has a pool outside and is on a 

It has pine trees and a lot of good energy.  There is only one problem.   The 
front door when you enter you enter in the direction north, when exit 
south  I am not sure about that I thought it was the door needs to be 
facing the north.   Yet the idea is for prosperity to enter.   Enters in 
direction north.

Can anyone advise?  

Thanks Louis


[FairfieldLife] Re: South Field Crop Circle grown from 3 to 5 Swallows !

2008-07-27 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine 
> wrote:
> >
> > BLT...is that bacon, lettuce and tomato?
> > 
> > Seems like someone has an awful lot of free time on their
> > hands.
> Many of them are on paid sabbatical leave 
> from the prestigious TTFEBWSSD Foundation,
> and thus could contribute their considerable
> scientific and research skills to the invest-
> igation of crop circles.
> As soon as the crop circle thing is "proved"
> to the satisfaction of those who believe that 
> they know the truth and no one else does, all 
> of these personnel will return to The Tooth 
> Fairy Exists Because We Say She Does Foundation 
> and continue the good fight there.

As I said in the post on which Sal is commenting:

The bottom line is that crop circles *are* a mystery,
one that those who try to explain them away cannot
bring themselves to confront.


"My plan is to lay low [next week], and say nothing
either to [Judy] or about her. I may or may not
succeed at this..."

--Barry Wright, 7/23/08

[FairfieldLife] Re: South Field Crop Circle grown from 3 to 5 Swallows !

2008-07-27 Thread Brian Horsfield
> Sal -- I have to say I understand how people can become addicted to crop
> circles. I have 
> not read all of the posts here, but I assume the work of local Fairfielders
> to bring videos to 
> Fairfield and open the Crop Circle Cafe has been mentioned. I confess I have
> not yet been 
> to the cafe but I plan to. 
> I wasn't aware of this café. Where is it?

Across the street from 2nd St Cafe, upstairs of the Istanbul Grill. It is open 
12-2pm and 7-
8.30pm Mon- Saturday. It houses Marlene Stanley's exhibition of Crop Circle 
pictures and 
posters which she showed at Americus Diamond last year.

[FairfieldLife] Re: South Field Crop Circle grown from 3 to 5 Swallows !

2008-07-27 Thread Brian Horsfield
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Jul 27, 2008, at 8:06 AM, authfriend wrote:
> > "The BLT Research Team Inc.'s primary focus is crop circle
> > research - the discovery, scientific documentation and
> > evaluation of physical changes induced in plants, soils and
> > other materials at crop circle sites by the energy (or
> > energy system) responsible for creating them and to
> > determine, if possible, from these data the specific nature
> > and source of these energies."
> BLT...is that bacon, lettuce and tomato?
> Seems like someone has an awful lot of free time on their
> hands.
> Sal
Sal -- I have to say I understand how people can become addicted to crop 
circles. I have 
not read all of the posts here, but I assume the work of local Fairfielders to 
bring videos to 
Fairfield and open the Crop Circle Cafe has been mentioned. I confess I have 
not yet been 
to the cafe but I plan to.  The point is, once you grasp that these are not 
being made by 
humans, at least not all of them, then it can easily become the most important 
question in 
ones life. Who is making them and what is their intention or purpose?

It seems entirely logical that if beings exist that are capable of 
inter-stellar travel that they 
would naturally have a great curiousity for Earth which is so amazing in it's 
diversity and 
I have not read theories about crop circle formation, but I have read Dr Steven 
"Hidden Knowledge- Forbidden Truth".  I highly recommend it. People I gave it 
to could 
not put it down. I bought 4 copies from 21st Century bookstore.   See this link:

So once we accept the testimony of the hundreds of credible witnesses he has 
assembled - 
then it is only natural to ponder about the one thing these beings may be 
trying to communicate - with crop circles.

My take is this. If I were an ET and wanted to communicate with humans on a 
mass scale, 
but was aware there are huge vested interests which want to distort my 
intentions as 
hostile what would I do? I think I might dabble with a few crop circles!

Images on crops are not destructive - most of the crop can be harvested, the 
images are 
not permanent, so it does not become an archaeological relic taking up precious 
space. And it opens a discussion that is not threatening to anyone, save 
perhaps a few 
annoyed farmers at having people trample over their fields.

 I think all would agree there are urgent and dire man made threats to the 
environment. So it seems to me that other beings out there are also concerned 
and are 
seeking a conversation with us, but according to Greer, this conversation is 
being stifled 
by powerful vested interests. I agree with Dr Greer, that this may be the most 
issue for all life on earth - that there are life supporting technologies that 
are known and 
are available life to take us off oil dependence and many other problems facing 
us and 
usher in age of prosperity and peace for all.

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: South Field Crop Circle grown from 3 to 5 Swallows !

2008-07-27 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of Brian Horsfield
Sent: Sunday, July 27, 2008 10:45 AM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: South Field Crop Circle grown from 3 to 5
Swallows !


Sal -- I have to say I understand how people can become addicted to crop
circles. I have 
not read all of the posts here, but I assume the work of local Fairfielders
to bring videos to 
Fairfield and open the Crop Circle Cafe has been mentioned. I confess I have
not yet been 
to the cafe but I plan to. 

I wasn’t aware of this café. Where is it?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: South Field Crop Circle grown from 3 to 5 Swallows !

2008-07-27 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Jul 27, 2008, at 10:55 AM, authfriend wrote:

As I said in the post on which Sal is commenting:

The bottom line is that crop circles *are* a mystery,

Everything in life is a mystery, Judy, from conception
to death.  Does that mean aliens had something to do with
your conception, mine, or Barry's?  (Wait a second, don't
answer that...)

one that those who try to explain them away cannot
bring themselves to confront.

You're confusing lack of interest with inability, but if that floats
your boat...

There is not, nor has there ever been, any evidence that any
intelligent life exists out there in any form, not  in the known
universe, at least.  We Are It.  And it's scary, to think that in
this vast void we're alone.  But that's what everything points to.


[FairfieldLife] Re: South Field Crop Circle grown from 3 to 5 Swallows !

2008-07-27 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Brian Horsfield"
> > 
> > I have not read all of the posts here, but I assume the 
> > work of local Fairfielders to bring videos to Fairfield 
> > and open the Crop Circle Cafe has been mentioned. I 
> > confess I have not yet been to the cafe but I plan to. 
> > 
> > I wasn't aware of this café. Where is it?
> Across the street from 2nd St Cafe, upstairs of the Istanbul 
> Grill. It is open 12-2pm and 7-8.30pm Mon- Saturday. It houses 
> Marlene Stanley's exhibition of Crop Circle pictures and 
> posters which she showed at Americus Diamond last year.

Remember to bring your Dome Pass. You may need
it or some other proof of diminished capacity 
such as committal papers to enter.

[FairfieldLife] Re: South Field Crop Circle grown from 3 to 5 Swallows !

2008-07-27 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> There is not, nor has there ever been, any evidence that any
> intelligent life exists out there in any form, not in the known
> universe, at least. We Are It. And it's scary, to think that in
> this vast void we're alone. But that's what everything points to.

As with so many things, Monty Python said it best:

Just remember that you're standing on a planet that's evolving
And revolving at nine thousand miles an hour.
It's orbiting at nineteen miles a second, so it's reckoned,
The sun that is the source of all our power.
Now the sun, and you and me, and all the stars that we can see,
Are moving at a million miles a day,
In the outer spiral arm, at fourteen thousand miles an hour,
Of a galaxy we call the Milky Way.

Our galaxy itself contains a hundred million stars;
It's a hundred thousand light-years side to side;
It bulges in the middle sixteen thousand light-years thick,
But out by us it's just three thousand light-years wide.
We're thirty thousand light-years from Galactic Central Point,
We go 'round every two hundred million years;
And our galaxy itself is one of millions of billions
In this amazing and expanding universe.

Our universe itself keeps on expanding and expanding,
In all of the directions it can whiz;
As fast as it can go, that's the speed of light, you know,
Twelve million miles a minute and that's the fastest speed there is.
So remember, when you're feeling very small and insecure,
How amazingly unlikely is your birth;
And pray that there's intelligent life somewhere out in space,
'Cause there's bugger all down here on Earth!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: South Field Crop Circle grown from 3 to 5 Swallows !

2008-07-27 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Jul 27, 2008, at 10:45 AM, Brian Horsfield wrote:

Sal -- I have to say I understand how people can become addicted to  
crop circles. I have
not read all of the posts here, but I assume the work of local  
Fairfielders to bring videos to
Fairfield and open the Crop Circle Cafe has been mentioned. I  
confess I have not yet been
to the cafe but I plan to.  The point is, once you grasp that these  
are not being made by
humans, at least not all of them, then it can easily become the  
most important question in

ones life.

I suppose so, Brian, but only, I would submit, if one has a whole
lot of extra time on their hands, and not very many other
'important' questions.

Who is making them and what is their intention or purpose?

It seems entirely logical that if beings exist that are capable of  
inter-stellar travel that they
would naturally have a great curiousity for Earth which is so  
amazing in it's diversity and life.

Sure, and it also seems entirely logical that instead of making
meaningful contact, or trying to take over the planet,
or making overtures of peace, that they would waste
inordinate amounts of time romping through fields of
corn or wheat.  Maybe they're vegan aliens.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: South Field Crop Circle grown from 3 to 5 Swallows !

2008-07-27 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Jul 27, 2008, at 11:10 AM, Brian Horsfield wrote:

I wasn't aware of this café. Where is it?

Across the street from 2nd St Cafe, upstairs of the Istanbul Grill.  
It is open 12-2pm and 7-
8.30pm Mon- Saturday. It houses Marlene Stanley's exhibition of  
Crop Circle pictures and

posters which she showed at Americus Diamond last year.

And I think it just opened a couple of weeks ago.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: South Field Crop Circle grown from 3 to 5 Swallows !

2008-07-27 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Jul 27, 2008, at 11:27 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

I have not read all of the posts here, but I assume the
work of local Fairfielders to bring videos to Fairfield
and open the Crop Circle Cafe has been mentioned. I
confess I have not yet been to the cafe but I plan to.

I wasn't aware of this café. Where is it?

Across the street from 2nd St Cafe, upstairs of the Istanbul
Grill. It is open 12-2pm and 7-8.30pm Mon- Saturday. It houses
Marlene Stanley's exhibition of Crop Circle pictures and
posters which she showed at Americus Diamond last year.

Remember to bring your Dome Pass. You may need
it or some other proof of diminished capacity
such as committal papers to enter.

LOL...dome passes are really passe Barry.
Now all they do is check your aura.

And as far as diminished capacity goes, well,
just having an address in FF should suffice.


[FairfieldLife] John McCain the surge and bickering sounding like Senator Clinton?????

2008-07-27 Thread Louis McKenzie

John McCain is talking himself into a hole.   He is
too focused on the surge and not focused enough on other issues.   He is very 
focused on Obama and not very
focused on the issues.   I believe that
Senator McCain is digging a surge hole.  
When they begin debates Obama will count the amount of American deaths
that took place as a result of the surge, then he will look at the results and
finally will go back to his initial premise which is that the US government,
the US military were never to be in that war, the reasons for going there were
lies, and the economic impact of the war has been staggering to the US economy.
 Did the surge take place for free?  Was the surge absolutely responsible for 
drop in violence?  What happens if the
violence picks up in September?


Why do people believe John McCain will be a good commander
and chief?   Is it because he was
captured and held as a prisoner of war?   Is that the kind of commander and 
chief we
want?  Is it premature to say we have won
the war?  Is it premature to say that the
surge worked?  I believe Senator McCain
is digging a very fatal whole.


John McCain is adopting the strategy that did not work for
Senator Clinton.   He is bickering,
attacking, and yelling poor me over and over again.   He could not congratulate 
Senator Obama on a
successful trip instead he said “He is taking a premature victory lap.”   I 
believe that by the end of democratic
convention Senator Obama will have a double digit lead over Senator McCain and
the WORLD will be happy.  Because one
thing that was evident by his trip was that the a great portion of the World
loves and wants Barack Obama as President of the United States of America.





[FairfieldLife] Re: Obama's many accomplishments

2008-07-27 Thread boo_lives
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "lurkernomore20002000"
> My take on the whole thing is that the incident is so typical.  I'm 
> not even judging the guy if he did, or if he didn't.  Just that 
> politician as a whole tend to get ensnared in the same prediciments.
If the story is true, it would be a phenomenal lapse of judgment for
Edwards.  Apparently the Enquirer has been on this for over a year, so
he knew he was being watched and he even recently hinted he was still
interested in the VP slot.  I hate the speculation though because it's
next to impossible to sue a rag like the Enquirer and even if you do
and win, you actually lose because for months during the trial your
good name is associated with a sleazy situation and that's all most
people will remember.  Plus he's not a republican which means he can't
just disappear into rehab for a few weeks, say God's forgiven him, and
go back to normal.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: South Field Crop Circle grown from 3 to 5 Swallows !

2008-07-27 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Jul 27, 2008, at 10:33 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

Many of them are on paid sabbatical leave
from the prestigious TTFEBWSSD Foundation,
and thus could contribute their considerable
scientific and research skills to the invest-
igation of crop circles.

As soon as the crop circle thing is "proved"
to the satisfaction of those who believe that
they know the truth and no one else does, all
of these personnel will return to The Tooth
Fairy Exists Because We Say She Does Foundation
and continue the good fight there.

You mean...you mean...she doesn't?!



[FairfieldLife] NPR Reports on Guru's Passing'

2008-07-27 Thread Robert
Beatles Guru Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Dies

Listen Now [1 min 35 sec] add to playlist 
Weekend Edition Saturday, February 9, 2008 · Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, who 
introduced transcendentalist meditation to the West, died Tuesday at his 
headquarters in the Netherlands. He was believed to be in his early 90s.
Among the best-known seekers of his wisdom were The Beatles.
He also was an entrepreneur of enlightenment, who built an enterprise of 
spiritual centers and schools that today is estimated to have assets of about 
$300 million. 
He was often known as The Giggling Guru for the high-pitched laugh he often 
used to emphasize his observations.
The Beatles visited him first in 1968 and returned with some well-known 
friends. But controversy broke out. The Maharishi, an avowed celibate, was 
accused of laying hands on some women who came to his ashram. 
John Lennon wrote the song "Sexy Sadie" as a thinly-disguised denunciation. 
Reportedly, the song's original title was "Maharishi." But the rumors of 
misconduct were never confirmed, and years later, George Harrison and Paul 
McCartney denied them.
The Maharishi retired from public life just last month and said he would devote 
his remaining time to completing a long series of commentaries on the Vedas, 
the sacred Hindu texts.


[FairfieldLife] New file uploaded to FairfieldLife

2008-07-27 Thread FairfieldLife


This email message is a notification to let you know that
a file has been uploaded to the Files area of the FairfieldLife 

  File: /Audio Files/Galaxy song.mp3 
  Uploaded by : rick_archer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
  Description : Monty Python's "The Galaxy Song" 

You can access this file at the URL:

To learn more about file sharing for your group, please visit:


rick_archer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: South Field Crop Circle grown from 3 to 5 Swallows !

2008-07-27 Thread Rick Archer

From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of TurquoiseB
Sent: Sunday, July 27, 2008 11:35 AM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: South Field Crop Circle grown from 3 to 5
Swallows !


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 , Sal Sunshine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> There is not, nor has there ever been, any evidence that any
> intelligent life exists out there in any form, not in the known
> universe, at least. We Are It. And it's scary, to think that in
> this vast void we're alone. But that's what everything points to.

As with so many things, Monty Python said it best:

I just uploaded an MP3 of the song.

[FairfieldLife] 'More on Guru's Passing on NPR'

2008-07-27 Thread Robert
The 'Beatles' Yogi Became a Billionaire

Listen Now [2 min 49 sec] add to playlist 
Day to Day, March 4, 2008 · Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, best known for bringing 
"transcendental meditation" to the West, died in February. He was the spiritual 
guru for the Beatles in the sixties and amassed a fortune over the next 40 
years teaching his brand of mysticism.


[FairfieldLife] Re: South Field Crop Circle grown from 3 to 5 Swallows !

2008-07-27 Thread Hugo
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Brian Horsfield" 
>  wrote:
> > I was educated in the UK in the 70's and early 80's 
> > and never knew how much the phenomenon has evolved since then.
> > There are so many and so complex, I can't see how they could
> > all be man-made. As to what made them - well that is a mystery.
> The frustrating thing for those with a genuine interest
> in crop circles is that the skeptics simply will not
> engage with the evidence. Earlier Peter declared that
> with regard to the notion that crop circles are not made
> by humans, "all evidence to the contrary is ignored."
> In fact, it's *precisely the opposite*. The folks
> ignoring the evidence are the skeptics.
> Nobody who makes pronouncements about the nature of crop
> circles has any idea what they're talking about *unless*
> they have perused this Web site:
> http://www.bltresearch.com/index.html
> "The BLT Research Team Inc.'s primary focus is crop circle
> research - the discovery, scientific documentation and
> evaluation of physical changes induced in plants, soils and
> other materials at crop circle sites by the energy (or
> energy system) responsible for creating them and to
> determine, if possible, from these data the specific nature
> and source of these energies."
> ("BLT" stands for Burke, Levengood, Talbott, the three
> folks who head the research effort.)
> It's not about whether humans are capable of making
> highly complex patterns in crops. In light of what the
> BLT people have discovered, that's irrelevant. The fact
> that there are hoaxers is irrelevant. And it isn't 
> about extraterrestrials making the circles either.
> Discussions of these issues just distract attention 
> from the real questions. The bottom line is that crop
> circles *are* a mystery, one that those who try to
> explain them away cannot bring themselves to confront.

Oooh yeah, I'm *scared* of confronting it. Brrrhhh too 
spooky for me.

The fact there are "hoaxers" is not irrelevant, the fact
is no-one has shown that non-humans are involved at all. 
Unless you want to imagine a group of aliens/fairies/
whatevers coming to earth and making circles in fields at
the same time that people started doing it. Are they copying
us? What do they think of "our" ones?

The first step is seperating any signal from the noise,
are there really some definite differences? It won't
be the first time a bunch of experts have misread or
misunderstood the evidence.

I hope BLT are onto something new but have doubts
about anyhting I read on the internet, I'll wait til
New Scientist takes an interest as I don't have any
expertise in soil analysis. 

Is anyone checking crop circles and then making
solid claims about whether it was Us or Them? Seems
like that would be the easiest way to settle it, if
the make a bad call just once we'll know. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: NPR Reports on Guru's Passing' ( link)

2008-07-27 Thread R.G.

 Beatles Guru Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Dies


> Weekend Edition Saturday, February 9, 2008 · Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, 
who introduced transcendentalist meditation to the West, died Tuesday 
at his headquarters in the Netherlands. He was believed to be in his 
early 90s.
> Among the best-known seekers of his wisdom were The Beatles.
> He also was an entrepreneur of enlightenment, who built an 
enterprise of spiritual centers and schools that today is estimated 
to have assets of about $300 million. 
> He was often known as The Giggling Guru for the high-pitched laugh 
he often used to emphasize his observations.
> The Beatles visited him first in 1968 and returned with some well-
known friends. But controversy broke out. The Maharishi, an avowed 
celibate, was accused of laying hands on some women who came to his 
> John Lennon wrote the song "Sexy Sadie" as a thinly-disguised 
denunciation. Reportedly, the song's original title was "Maharishi." 
But the rumors of misconduct were never confirmed, and years later, 
George Harrison and Paul McCartney denied them.
> The Maharishi retired from public life just last month and said he 
would devote his remaining time to completing a long series of 
commentaries on the Vedas, the sacred Hindu texts.

[FairfieldLife] 'What? Me Worry!?

2008-07-27 Thread Robert


[FairfieldLife] Re: John McCain the surge and bickering sounding like Senator Clinton?????

2008-07-27 Thread R.G.
'I have a feeling John and Hillary are pretty close...
Intimate I mean; like when they traveled together.
They just seem to compliment each other a little too much.
Besides they both probably need a break from each of their respective 
So, once you have intimate relations with someone, you take on their 
vibration, to some extent...
And at times it does seem like John is Channeling Hillary.
But, that's the way it goes.
He seems to be obsessing on the surge.
Perhaps the Vigra is getting to him

- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Louis McKenzie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> John McCain is talking himself into a hole.   He is
> too focused on the surge and not focused enough on other 
issues.   He is very focused on Obama and not very
> focused on the issues.   I believe that
> Senator McCain is digging a surge hole.  
> When they begin debates Obama will count the amount of American 
> that took place as a result of the surge, then he will look at the 
results and
> finally will go back to his initial premise which is that the US 
> the US military were never to be in that war, the reasons for going 
there were
> lies, and the economic impact of the war has been staggering to the 
US economy.
>  Did the surge take place for free?  Was the surge absolutely 
responsible for the
> drop in violence?  What happens if the
> violence picks up in September?
> Why do people believe John McCain will be a good commander
> and chief?   Is it because he was
> captured and held as a prisoner of war?   Is that the kind of 
commander and chief we
> want?  Is it premature to say we have won
> the war?  Is it premature to say that the
> surge worked?  I believe Senator McCain
> is digging a very fatal whole.
> John McCain is adopting the strategy that did not work for
> Senator Clinton.   He is bickering,
> attacking, and yelling poor me over and over again.   He could not 
congratulate Senator Obama on a
> successful trip instead he said "He is taking a premature victory 
lap."   I believe that by the end of democratic
> convention Senator Obama will have a double digit lead over Senator 
McCain and
> the WORLD will be happy.  Because one
> thing that was evident by his trip was that the a great portion of 
the World
> loves and wants Barack Obama as President of the United States of 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: South Field Crop Circle grown from 3 to 5 Swallows !

2008-07-27 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Jul 27, 2008, at 11:54 AM, Hugo wrote:

Discussions of these issues just distract attention
from the real questions. The bottom line is that crop
circles *are* a mystery, one that those who try to
explain them away cannot bring themselves to confront.

Oooh yeah, I'm *scared* of confronting it. Brrrhhh too
spooky for me.

I don't know about you, Hugo, but the minute I see one of
these scary pics I want to crawl under the bed.  It's just
too much, I tell ya.

It looks to me like someone is having a lot of fun with PS.

The fact there are "hoaxers" is not irrelevant, the fact
is no-one has shown that non-humans are involved at all.
Unless you want to imagine a group of aliens/fairies/
whatevers coming to earth and making circles in fields at
the same time that people started doing it. Are they copying
us? What do they think of "our" ones?

The first step is seperating any signal from the noise,
are there really some definite differences? It won't
be the first time a bunch of experts have misread or
misunderstood the evidence.

I hope BLT are onto something new but have doubts
about anyhting I read on the internet, I'll wait til
New Scientist takes an interest as I don't have any
expertise in soil analysis.

Is anyone checking crop circles and then making
solid claims about whether it was Us or Them? Seems
like that would be the easiest way to settle it, if
the make a bad call just once we'll know.


[FairfieldLife] A Spanish victory in Le Tour!

2008-07-27 Thread Hugo

It's all over, finally. And I think the best man won 
the Tour de France this year:


They'll be partying in the bars of Spain tonight.
Well, maybe not, but the cyclists will be happy.

[FairfieldLife] The First Annual Sitges Doo Dee Doo Doo Festival

2008-07-27 Thread TurquoiseB
I just wanted you all to know that I have just
successfully downloaded a DVD quality rip of the
new X-Files movie, and that in a show of solidarity
with the Coalition of Crop Circle Converts on FFL
my dogs and I are going to be watching it tonight.

I have made little tinfoil hats for each of them
(which for some mysterious, cosmic reason they are 
actually putting up with, and not shaking off), and 
another for myself. 

Pizza's in the oven, beer's in the fridge, and I
have turned on the outside lights in my garden, so
that the Space Brothers will know where to land.
I've made extra pizza for them, just in case.

[FairfieldLife] Re: South Field Crop Circle grown from 3 to 5 Swallows !

2008-07-27 Thread lurkernomore20002000
> > Across the street from 2nd St Cafe, upstairs of the Istanbul 
> > Grill. It is open 12-2pm and 7-8.30pm Mon- Saturday. It houses 
> > Marlene Stanley's exhibition of Crop Circle pictures and 
> > posters which she showed at Americus Diamond last year.

Why don't the crop circle makers make beautiful circles and sign 
them, "Compliments of the Pleidians", or "Brought to you by the Ashtar 
Command", and give a toll free number -  1-800-MAKE-CROP

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: South Field Crop Circle grown from 3 to 5 Swallows !

2008-07-27 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Jul 27, 2008, at 12:32 PM, lurkernomore20002000 wrote:

Across the street from 2nd St Cafe, upstairs of the Istanbul
Grill. It is open 12-2pm and 7-8.30pm Mon- Saturday. It houses
Marlene Stanley's exhibition of Crop Circle pictures and
posters which she showed at Americus Diamond last year.

Why don't the crop circle makers make beautiful circles and sign
them, "Compliments of the Pleidians", or "Brought to you by the Ashtar
Command", and give a toll free number -  1-800-MAKE-CROP

But if they had some poor spellers, and instead wrote
1-800-MAKE-CRAP, there could be some serious
trouble with the Pleidians, and it looks like Lou's got
enough to handle without that.


[FairfieldLife] Re: South Field Crop Circle grown from 3 to 5 Swallows !

2008-07-27 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Hugo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I would be more impressed with the whole alien intelligence
> angle if they were clearly done in a indecypherable language.
> The fact that they are mostly meaningless shapes is a bit of a 
> giveaway.

I would be more impressed with the extraterrestrial 
intelligence idea if the terrestrial believers in
it showed a bit more intelligence themselves. If the
people waiting with 'bated breath to greet the Space 
Brothers are any indication of the intelligence of 
the alien visitors themselves, we're about to be 
invaded by the alien counterpart of Homer Simpson. 

Alien diplomat steps out of the ship, holds up his
hand in a Mr. Spock Vulcan salute, and says, "Doh!" 

The waiting believers interpret this as the Mantra
Of The Gods, and start chanting it themselves. The 
spokeswoman from the local Coalition of Crop Circle 
Converts steps up to meet the emissary from space,
bowing deeply. Alien Homer bites her head off, chews 
on it a couple of times, but then makes a terrible 
face and spits it out. He gets back in his spaceship 
and leaves. 

Earth is saved.

[FairfieldLife] Re: South Field Crop Circle grown from 3 to 5 Swallows !

2008-07-27 Thread Hugo
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> On Jul 27, 2008, at 11:54 AM, Hugo wrote:
> >> Discussions of these issues just distract attention
> >> from the real questions. The bottom line is that crop
> >> circles *are* a mystery, one that those who try to
> >> explain them away cannot bring themselves to confront.
> >
> >
> > Oooh yeah, I'm *scared* of confronting it. Brrrhhh too
> > spooky for me.
> I don't know about you, Hugo, but the minute I see one of
> these scary pics I want to crawl under the bed.  It's just
> too much, I tell ya.

You have my sympathy Sal. Be brave, be brave!

> It looks to me like someone is having a lot of fun with PS.

Could be an element of that in some pics.

I would be more impressed with the whole alien intelligence
angle if they were clearly done in a indecypherable language.
The fact that they are mostly meaningless shapes is a bit of a 

There was one recently that was a copy of a message we broadcast
to space via radio telescopes. An idea they nicked from the novel/
movie Contact. Trouble is they got it wrong, another giveaway
unless they were tired from their intergalactic flight.

> > The fact there are "hoaxers" is not irrelevant, the fact
> > is no-one has shown that non-humans are involved at all.
> > Unless you want to imagine a group of aliens/fairies/
> > whatevers coming to earth and making circles in fields at
> > the same time that people started doing it. Are they copying
> > us? What do they think of "our" ones?
> >
> > The first step is seperating any signal from the noise,
> > are there really some definite differences? It won't
> > be the first time a bunch of experts have misread or
> > misunderstood the evidence.
> >
> > I hope BLT are onto something new but have doubts
> > about anyhting I read on the internet, I'll wait til
> > New Scientist takes an interest as I don't have any
> > expertise in soil analysis.
> >
> > Is anyone checking crop circles and then making
> > solid claims about whether it was Us or Them? Seems
> > like that would be the easiest way to settle it, if
> > the make a bad call just once we'll know.
> >
> Sal

[FairfieldLife] Re: Obama's many accomplishments

2008-07-27 Thread lurkernomore20002000
 "boo_lives" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If the story is true, it would be a phenomenal lapse of judgment for
> Edwards.  Apparently the Enquirer has been on this for over a year, 
sohe knew he was being watched 
Whats the saying, "even a blind hog finds an acorn every once in a 
while"  To the Enquirers credit, they have had some important scoops 
over the years.  I think Judy mentioned one of them a few posts back.  
Really I liked Edwards.  I would say he was my favorite among the 
initial candidates. 

But I gotta say, that five minute video of him fixing his hair was 
pretty funny.  And now, if this revelation turns out to be true, well, 
it is a tremendous lapse of judgement for someone going after the 
brass ring.  

I mean, suppose he had somehow clinched the nomination, and someone 
had this on him.  It would be no problem if it was revealed after he 
were elected president.  It might have even enhanced his reputation at 
that point.

Re: [FairfieldLife] The First Annual Sitges Doo Dee Doo Doo Festival

2008-07-27 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Jul 27, 2008, at 12:18 PM, TurquoiseB wrote:

I just wanted you all to know that I have just
successfully downloaded a DVD quality rip of the
new X-Files movie, and that in a show of solidarity
with the Coalition of Crop Circle Converts on FFL
my dogs and I are going to be watching it tonight.

I have made little tinfoil hats for each of them
(which for some mysterious, cosmic reason they are
actually putting up with, and not shaking off), and
another for myself.

Pizza's in the oven, beer's in the fridge, and I
have turned on the outside lights in my garden, so
that the Space Brothers will know where to land.
I've made extra pizza for them, just in case.

Have you contacted Lou about this important development,


[FairfieldLife] Re: South Field Crop Circle grown from 3 to 5 Swallows !

2008-07-27 Thread lurkernomore20002000

> > Why don't the crop circle makers make beautiful circles and sign
> > them, "Compliments of the Pleidians", or "Brought to you by the 
> > Command", and give a toll free number -  1-800-MAKE-CROP
> But if they had some poor spellers, and instead wrote
> 1-800-MAKE-CRAP, there could be some serious
> trouble with the Pleidians, and it looks like Lou's got
> enough to handle without that.

I forgot. The Pleidians already have a toll free number.  1-800-MAKE-

[FairfieldLife] Re: South Field Crop Circle grown from 3 to 5 Swallows !

2008-07-27 Thread R.G.
I actually think the crop circles have something to do with the earth 
itself attemting to communicate to us...
Perhaps through magnetic type fields or some field effect we do not 
know of as of yet.
I don't think it has much to do with outer-space;
Although, for the sci-fi fans, it would seem obvious that the 
interpretation would abstract to a 'Star Trek' theme...

Perhaps if you buy a ticket on 'Priceline', you could rent a room 
with the Ashtar Command.
I heard a they are selling tickets to ride the space shuttle?

Anyway, the earth, she speaks to us in many ways.
And her magnetic fields are a changin' ...
Just like the 'Times they are a Changin'...

"So, you better start swimming or you'll sink like a stone"

I  wouldn't hold my breath for Astar to give you a ride...

> >>> Across the street from 2nd St Cafe, upstairs of the Istanbul
> >>> Grill. It is open 12-2pm and 7-8.30pm Mon- Saturday. It houses
> >>> Marlene Stanley's exhibition of Crop Circle pictures and
> >>> posters which she showed at Americus Diamond last year.
> > Why don't the crop circle makers make beautiful circles and sign
> > them, "Compliments of the Pleidians", or "Brought to you by the 
> > Command", and give a toll free number -  1-800-MAKE-CROP
> But if they had some poor spellers, and instead wrote
> 1-800-MAKE-CRAP, there could be some serious
> trouble with the Pleidians, and it looks like Lou's got
> enough to handle without that.
> Sal

[FairfieldLife] Re: Full Moon Messages from the Pleiadian's/Guru Day and The new Economics

2008-07-27 Thread Tom
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, gullible fool <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Which one do you suppose they're from, Dr. Pete, and is there any way we can 
> send 
Hillary there?

Perhaps in Denver that could included as a  
plank in the Democrat Platform. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: South Field Crop Circle grown from 3 to 5 Swallows !

2008-07-27 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "R.G." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I actually think the crop circles have something to do with the
earth > itself attemting to communicate to us...

It's saying, "You are standing right on my nutsack.  Please back the F

> Perhaps through magnetic type fields or some field effect we do not 
> know of as of yet.
> I don't think it has much to do with outer-space;
> Although, for the sci-fi fans, it would seem obvious that the 
> interpretation would abstract to a 'Star Trek' theme...
> Perhaps if you buy a ticket on 'Priceline', you could rent a room 
> with the Ashtar Command.
> I heard a they are selling tickets to ride the space shuttle?
> Anyway, the earth, she speaks to us in many ways.
> And her magnetic fields are a changin' ...
> Just like the 'Times they are a Changin'...
> "So, you better start swimming or you'll sink like a stone"
> I  wouldn't hold my breath for Astar to give you a ride...
> > >>> Across the street from 2nd St Cafe, upstairs of the Istanbul
> > >>> Grill. It is open 12-2pm and 7-8.30pm Mon- Saturday. It houses
> > >>> Marlene Stanley's exhibition of Crop Circle pictures and
> > >>> posters which she showed at Americus Diamond last year.
> > > Why don't the crop circle makers make beautiful circles and sign
> > > them, "Compliments of the Pleidians", or "Brought to you by the 
> Ashtar
> > > Command", and give a toll free number -  1-800-MAKE-CROP
> > But if they had some poor spellers, and instead wrote
> > 1-800-MAKE-CRAP, there could be some serious
> > trouble with the Pleidians, and it looks like Lou's got
> > enough to handle without that.
> > 
> > Sal

[FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi

2008-07-27 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "shempmcgurk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Bob Brigante"  
> wrote:
> [snip]
> > Maharishi is painfully aware of the mismanagement, 
> [snip]
> Bob, do you feel that there was ANY mismanagement on Maharishi's part?

Was MMY a senile old coot or an enlightened FOrce of Nature lurching from
one project to another, blown by the winds of karma?

And how cold we ever know?

My own take is that the organization he left in place seems to be surviving 
 so far, and may even thrive, so what does it matter if he made managerial
mistakes  along the way or not?


[FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi

2008-07-27 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "shempmcgurk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "crukstrom"  
> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, fun_incorporated 
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> >  I wouldn't call the little diatribe beneath a discussion of
> > > mismanagement within the TMO, not at all.
> > > 
> > > It reads more simply as an extended whine on people being people, 
> > > and choosing vice in the form lives and family and careers 
> instead 
> > > of finding virtue in celibate slavery in the bowels of the TMO, 
> > > and blaming his lack of influence in the world on someone else.
> > > 
> > > Heck, even Ron knows better than working for the TMO full time.
> > 
> > Life as we know it is meaningless. Start a family, develop a career 
> > so the family can prosper and have security, Then you die, but hey 
> > the young ones are coming up and they can build themselves a life 
> > and security, and then they die and their children work and die and 
> > their children work and die. We spend our lives striving for 
> > permanence, trying to get our hands around life and it slips away 
> > every time. 
> > 
> > I heard MMY on tape refer to this world as a vacuum state of death. 
> > It is a cul de sac of birth and death. We are so arrogant in our 
> > living bodies, "we are the ones that are alive, we will live 
> > forever" and we die in this dream of life.
> > 
> > Most of us here on this forum have had at least a glimpse of that 
> > inner light opening up and how alive it makes you feel, how right 
> it 
> > seems, like returning to a home that we forgot we had.
> > 
> > It's not about this relative existence and how well you do "here". 
> > There is another side and it is huge, it dwarfs our puny little 
> > dream of life. That is our duty, to ourselves and our children, to 
> > wake up to that, anything other than that is just like a skipping 
> > record, the same story over and over again, leading nowhere.
> > 
> > 
> > Rick Carlstrom
> >
> But, Rick, that laudable goal that you describe above is best 
> achieved through doing TM twice daily and then going out into the 
> field of activity, which is dictated by one's own choice, not 
> Maharishi's.  THAT is the instruction for achieving enlightenment, 
> not working in a guru's disheveled organisation at starvation wages.
> Choosing the path of action in which one has children and all that is 
> EXACTLY what one should be doing if that is what they decide.
> Why are you against the instructions of the TM Program?

Purusha was given a different program, designed to work for a specific
group of people in a specific context under MMY's close supervision.
The fact that it may not look like the ideal generic TM program may or
may not be relevant. MMY devised BOTH programs and people who 
choose to trust him about one, can also choose to trust them about the

if they so choose. Or not. Why so upset that people who are working
directly for MMY were doing something somewhat differently than you,
who were not working directly for him?  Jealous?


[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Jesus, Mantra of God'

2008-07-27 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Hagen J. Holtz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Aleging that Jesus was the mantra to God sounds to me like as if stemming 
> from a child, 
raising a steer-similar toy on a couch while making "brumm, brumm" and being 
absorbed in its phantasy to be a cool driver of a car. It is funny and causing 
concern at the 
same time, how religious thought tries to adopt half-understood spiritual tools 
in order to 
give its whole crankiness a more (obviously necessary) sophisticated shape.

"By no other name shall you know Him" sounds like an instruction for which 
to use, in a meditation context, assuming that there was such a thing 2000 
years ago.


[FairfieldLife] Re: The TMO

2008-07-27 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "lurkernomore20002000" <[EMAIL 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "shempmcgurk" 
>  wrote:
> > > On Behalf Of shempmcgurk
> >> Girish's website that he started a week or so is to be believed, 
> >e is just as or more into teaching Indians yoga as he is in 
> >>teaching them TM.
> Based on the below, I really don't get that impression.  This is 
> standard TMO boiler plate as far as I'm concerned, right down the 
> line.  I mean, just including pranayam and asanas does not 
> make "straying" IMO.  In fact, I kind of admire the little rascal. 
> Somebody threw him the ball, and he's trying to keep the game alive.
>  http://peace-movement.net/introductin.html

My own take is that it WAS a power struggle and that Girish won the first
round. Which is why Kaplan is moving to India, to assert some authority.

There's also a hint that all the Rajas may eventually end up living in INdia,
presumably as guests of King Tony, thereby shifting the powerbase to
INdia in such a way that Girish can't start another one of these "wonderful
projects" without anyone in the official hierarchy knowing about it.

But, it appears to be a struggle for power WITHIN the organization, not
a breakaway rebellion.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Obama's many accomplishments

2008-07-27 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "boo_lives" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "lurkernomore20002000"
>  wrote:
> >
> > 
> > My take on the whole thing is that the incident is so typical.  I'm 
> > not even judging the guy if he did, or if he didn't.  Just that 
> > politician as a whole tend to get ensnared in the same prediciments.
> >
> If the story is true, it would be a phenomenal lapse of judgment for
> Edwards.  Apparently the Enquirer has been on this for over a year, so
> he knew he was being watched and he even recently hinted he was still
> interested in the VP slot.  I hate the speculation though because it's
> next to impossible to sue a rag like the Enquirer and even if you do
> and win, you actually lose because for months during the trial your
> good name is associated with a sleazy situation and that's all most
> people will remember.  Plus he's not a republican which means he can't
> just disappear into rehab for a few weeks, say God's forgiven him, and
> go back to normal.

Hubris about the press following him to his mistress' house has brought
down another major contender for the VP or Presidential slot (can't remember
which). Perhaps its a tradition amongst Dems to fall on their swords (so to
speak) by getting caught with their pants down?


[FairfieldLife] Re: South Field Crop Circle grown from 3 to 5 Swallows !

2008-07-27 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Jul 27, 2008, at 10:45 AM, Brian Horsfield wrote:
> > Sal -- I have to say I understand how people can become addicted to  
> > crop circles. I have
> > not read all of the posts here, but I assume the work of local  
> > Fairfielders to bring videos to
> > Fairfield and open the Crop Circle Cafe has been mentioned. I  
> > confess I have not yet been
> > to the cafe but I plan to.  The point is, once you grasp that these  
> > are not being made by
> > humans, at least not all of them, then it can easily become the  
> > most important question in
> > ones life.
> I suppose so, Brian, but only, I would submit, if one has a whole
> lot of extra time on their hands, and not very many other
> 'important' questions.
> > Who is making them and what is their intention or purpose?
> >
> > It seems entirely logical that if beings exist that are capable of  
> > inter-stellar travel that they
> > would naturally have a great curiousity for Earth which is so  
> > amazing in it's diversity and life.
> Sure, and it also seems entirely logical that instead of making
> meaningful contact, or trying to take over the planet,
> or making overtures of peace, that they would waste
> inordinate amounts of time romping through fields of
> corn or wheat.  Maybe they're vegan aliens.

Or maybe they're the alien equivalent of Good Ole Boys enjoying
yanking the local yokel's chains


[FairfieldLife] Re: The First Annual Sitges Doo Dee Doo Doo Festival

2008-07-27 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I just wanted you all to know that I have just
> successfully downloaded a DVD quality rip of the
> new X-Files movie, and that in a show of solidarity
> with the Coalition of Crop Circle Converts on FFL
> my dogs and I are going to be watching it tonight.
> I have made little tinfoil hats for each of them
> (which for some mysterious, cosmic reason they are 
> actually putting up with, and not shaking off), and 
> another for myself. 
> Pizza's in the oven, beer's in the fridge, and I
> have turned on the outside lights in my garden, so
> that the Space Brothers will know where to land.
> I've made extra pizza for them, just in case.

I'm so impressed at your solidarity with the writers
and other creative talent that you brag about procuring an illegal
copy of a movie still in theaters...


Re: [FairfieldLife] The First Annual Sitges Doo Dee Doo Doo Festival

2008-07-27 Thread Bhairitu
TurquoiseB wrote:
> I just wanted you all to know that I have just
> successfully downloaded a DVD quality rip of the
> new X-Files movie, and that in a show of solidarity
> with the Coalition of Crop Circle Converts on FFL
> my dogs and I are going to be watching it tonight.
> I have made little tinfoil hats for each of them
> (which for some mysterious, cosmic reason they are 
> actually putting up with, and not shaking off), and 
> another for myself. 
> Pizza's in the oven, beer's in the fridge, and I
> have turned on the outside lights in my garden, so
> that the Space Brothers will know where to land.
> I've made extra pizza for them, just in case.
I'll probably be watching it tomorrow afternoon on at least a 30' screen 
at the local digital theater.  I am more interested it than "Dark 
Knight" which I haven't bothered to see yet.  Of course with digital 
theaters the last showing is just as good as the first because it's not 
film which can be scratched.  And this local theater showed "Dark 
Knight" on all 8 screens at midnight because all they needed was one 
copy on their server to do that.  I'll be watching the first episode of 
"Mad Men" second season this evening.   Last Monday I saw "Hell Boy II" 
which was a little too commercial and cutesy for my tastes.  I like Del 
Torro's R rated art films better.

[FairfieldLife] Crop Circles complexity

2008-07-27 Thread nablusoss1008

[FairfieldLife] Pray for his safety

2008-07-27 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


> My own take is that it WAS a power struggle and that Girish won the 
> round. Which is why Kaplan is moving to India, to assert some 


Kaplan's moving to India?

To assert some authority over Girish?

Excuse me, but if the information that has been given out on this 
website over the past 5 years is any indication, Mr. Kaplan's life 
would be in danger, no?

Am I being overly cautious here?

[FairfieldLife] UFO's forming crop circles

2008-07-27 Thread nablusoss1008

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: South Field Crop Circle grown from 3 to 5 Swallows !

2008-07-27 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Jul 27, 2008, at 2:40 PM, sparaig wrote:

Sure, and it also seems entirely logical that instead of making
meaningful contact, or trying to take over the planet,
or making overtures of peace, that they would waste
inordinate amounts of time romping through fields of
corn or wheat.  Maybe they're vegan aliens.

Or maybe they're the alien equivalent of Good Ole Boys enjoying
yanking the local yokel's chains

Or maybe someone's just having a lot of fun with Photoshop...


Re: [FairfieldLife] The TMO

2008-07-27 Thread Bhairitu
mainstream20016 wrote:
> Raja of India Harris Kaplan on Guru Purnima . watch - listen - and learn 
> the extant that 
> revenues in the TMO will continue to be shipped to India. This is sobering, 
> and unless the 
> policies change dramatically, bodes ill for the TM movement in outside of 
> India, as nearly all 
> assets and future fund-raising will be sent to finance TM India's enormous 
> infrastructure and 
> pandit maintenance plans.   What are they thinking ?  Westerners would have 
> to have  severe 
> guilt to accomodate the  on-going  abusive confiscatory attitude that will 
> apparently 
> continue to drain financial resources in the West for the benefit of India.   
> http://streaming.mou.org/MOU/Chat/19_jul_08.wmv 
Alan Watt riffs on Maharishi, the Beatles and TM again:
The July 25th MP3 download.

[FairfieldLife] Lights forming crop circles

2008-07-27 Thread nablusoss1008

[FairfieldLife] Re: The First Annual Sitges Doo Dee Doo Doo Festival

2008-07-27 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:
> >
> > I just wanted you all to know that I have just
> > successfully downloaded a DVD quality rip of the
> > new X-Files movie, and that in a show of solidarity
> > with the Coalition of Crop Circle Converts on FFL
> > my dogs and I are going to be watching it tonight.
> > 
> > I have made little tinfoil hats for each of them
> > (which for some mysterious, cosmic reason they are 
> > actually putting up with, and not shaking off), and 
> > another for myself. 
> > 
> > Pizza's in the oven, beer's in the fridge, and I
> > have turned on the outside lights in my garden, so
> > that the Space Brothers will know where to land.
> > I've made extra pizza for them, just in case.
> I'm so impressed at your solidarity with the writers
> and other creative talent that you brag about procuring 
> an illegal copy of a movie still in theaters...

Um...it was a legal screener copy, sent to 
me by the Spanish distributors of the film via 
the Internet for my review. You can apologize 
for the holier-than-thou crap any time now.

Unfortunately for the distributors, my review 
is going to contain lines like, "To call anyone 
connected with this film 'creative' is an insult 
to creative people" and, "If shit got this movie 
on it, shit would wipe it off."

Loathsome piece of trash. Not even TV quality. 
Not even *American* TV quality.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Pray for his safety

2008-07-27 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "shempmcgurk" 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig"  wrote:
> [snip]
> > 
> > My own take is that it WAS a power struggle and that Girish won 
> first
> > round. Which is why Kaplan is moving to India, to assert some 
> authority.
> [snip]
> Kaplan's moving to India?
> To assert some authority over Girish?

Rubbish, these plans are several years old. The Palaces for all the 
Rajas are well underway. Which you'd know if you were not too lazy 
to follow the transmissions from MaharishiChannnel3.

[FairfieldLife] Re: South Field Crop Circle grown from 3 to 5 Swallows !

2008-07-27 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> On Jul 27, 2008, at 10:55 AM, authfriend wrote:
> > As I said in the post on which Sal is commenting:
> >
> > The bottom line is that crop circles *are* a mystery,
> Everything in life is a mystery, Judy, from conception
> to death.  Does that mean aliens had something to do with
> your conception, mine, or Barry's?

Did I say aliens had something to do with crop
circles, or did you decide it would make you look
smart to put words in my mouth?

See, I don't choose my words at random. When I say
"mystery," I mean *mystery*, not "It's aliens!"

  (Wait a second, don't
> answer that...)
> > one that those who try to explain them away cannot
> > bring themselves to confront.
> You're confusing lack of interest with inability, but if
> that floats your boat...

If it was lack of interest, such folks wouldn't be
noisily proclaiming that there *is* no mystery.

> There is not, nor has there ever been, any evidence that any
> intelligent life exists out there in any form, not  in the
> known universe, at least.  We Are It.  And it's scary, to 
> think that in this vast void we're alone.

It may scare you; it doesn't scare me.

> But that's what everything points to.

No, actually nothing points to the idea that we're
alone, any more than anything points to the idea
that we're *not* alone. There's no reason to believe
that if there were other intelligent life forms, we
would know about them. The universe is a BG

[FairfieldLife] Looking for someone

2008-07-27 Thread jamie rose
Hi There,
I have been searching for an old TM friend.  Maybe someone knows him & even 
knows how to contact him.
His name is Tom Boreman.  When we first met he was on staff at the TM facility 
in South Fallsburg, NY.  This was quite awhile ago.  He later bacame an 
Anyone know him or has clues/ leads to contact him?
Most Grateful!


RE: [FairfieldLife] Pray for his safety

2008-07-27 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of shempmcgurk
Sent: Sunday, July 27, 2008 2:46 PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Pray for his safety


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 , "sparaig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


> My own take is that it WAS a power struggle and that Girish won the 
> round. Which is why Kaplan is moving to India, to assert some 


Kaplan's moving to India?

To assert some authority over Girish?

Excuse me, but if the information that has been given out on this 
website over the past 5 years is any indication, Mr. Kaplan's life 
would be in danger, no?

Am I being overly cautious here?

Sounded to me from what I watched of the video that Kaplan was feeling all
warm and fuzzy about Girish. Is the implication that Girish is staging some
sort of coup? His website seems pretty mainstream TMO, with the blessings of
Nader Ram, etc.

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Jesus, Mantra of God'

2008-07-27 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> "By no other name shall you know Him" sounds like an instruction
> for which mantra to use, in a meditation context, assuming that
> there was such a thing 2000 years ago.

Is this what you're thinking of?

"There is salvation in no one else, for there is no
other name under heaven given among men by which we
must be saved" (Acts 4.12). 

[FairfieldLife] Re: South Field Crop Circle grown from 3 to 5 Swallows !

2008-07-27 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> On Jul 27, 2008, at 2:40 PM, sparaig wrote:

> > Or maybe they're the alien equivalent of Good Ole Boys enjoying
> > yanking the local yokel's chains
> Or maybe someone's just having a lot of fun with Photoshop...

That's *so* ignorant. Just for one thing, hundreds
of crop circles had been investigated and
photographed before the first version of Photoshop
appeared in the late '80s. And of course there are
thousands of people, maybe hundreds of thousands by
now, who have *walked around* in the damn things.

[FairfieldLife] The Fire Yogi of Tanjore

2008-07-27 Thread Rick Archer

[FairfieldLife] Re: Obama's many accomplishments

2008-07-27 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hubris about the press following him to his mistress' house
> has brought down another major contender for the VP or
> Presidential slot (can't remember which).

If you're thinking of Gary Hart, that was a *very*
different situation. He actually *dared* the press to
catch him at it.

And Edwards is not reported to have been followed to
his mistress's house. The report is that he arranged
to meet her at a Los Angeles hotel. They also went to
considerable lengths to avoid being spotted.

It's hardly "hubris" to want to see your own child.
There's no indication I've read that he's continued
the affair itself.

 Perhaps its a
> tradition amongst Dems to fall on their swords (so to
> speak) by getting caught with their pants down?

It's a tradition among *politicians*. It does seem to
happen far more often to Republicans, in any case, at
least in terms of getting caught.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi

2008-07-27 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Why so upset that people who are
> working directly for MMY were doing something somewhat
> differently than you, who were not working directly for him?
> Jealous?

What I don't understand is why Shemp is responding to
a post that was made in 2004.

[FairfieldLife] Re: South Field Crop Circle grown from 3 to 5 Swallows !

2008-07-27 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Hugo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

> I would be more impressed with the whole alien intelligence
> angle if they were clearly done in a indecypherable language.
> The fact that they are mostly meaningless shapes is a bit of a 
> giveaway.

Except that they're not really "meaningless." Some of
them employ extremely complex patterns characteristic
of "sacred geometry," harmonics, fractals, and so on,
very mathematically sophisticated. One found in Wiltshire
in 1996 represented a triple Julia set.

See Wikipedia for what a "Julia set" is:


Obviously this isn't evidence that they're done by
aliens, but who/whatever is making them (the ones that
can't be shown to have been human-made, estimated to
be about 20%) isn't just making "meaningless shapes."

[FairfieldLife] Re: South Field Crop Circle grown from 3 to 5 Swallows !

2008-07-27 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Hugo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

> The fact there are "hoaxers" is not irrelevant

It's irrelevant to the research I'm talking about.

, the fact
> is no-one has shown that non-humans are involved at all.

That's not the right formulation. The fact is that
an estimated 20% of crop circles can't be shown to
have been made by humans.

> Unless you want to imagine a group of aliens/fairies/
> whatevers coming to earth and making circles in fields at
> the same time that people started doing it.

Plenty of circles had appeared before the famous pair
of hoaxers, "Doug and Dave," started making them.

> The first step is seperating any signal from the noise,
> are there really some definite differences?

Yes. Look at the BLT research. 

There's also a detailed article on the BLT site about
the test Wikipedia reported on (which I quoted from),
where the MIT students making the circle were given
criteria characteristic of "real" crop circles that
they were unable to reproduce.

 It won't
> be the first time a bunch of experts have misread or
> misunderstood the evidence.
> I hope BLT are onto something new but have doubts
> about anyhting I read on the internet,

That's kind of intellectually sloppy. It's not always
possible to know for sure whether what appears on
the Internet is reliable, but you can make a pretty
good guess in most cases. Part of BLT's declared
purpose is to make information available on the

 I'll wait til
> New Scientist takes an interest as I don't have any
> expertise in soil analysis. 
> Is anyone checking crop circles and then making
> solid claims about whether it was Us or Them?

Lots of claims, some of which have turned out to
be wrong. There's no organized effort that I know

The thing is, there's no "official" established set
of criteria. The three criteria given to the MIT
students sound to me like a good place to start,
in any case.

> like that would be the easiest way to settle it, if
> the make a bad call just once we'll know.

Huh? Why couldn't "they" be wrong about one but right
about others?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Pray for his safety

2008-07-27 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> On Behalf Of shempmcgurk
> Sent: Sunday, July 27, 2008 2:46 PM
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Pray for his safety
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
>  , "sparaig"  
> [snip]
> > 
> > My own take is that it WAS a power struggle and that Girish won 
> first
> > round. Which is why Kaplan is moving to India, to assert some 
> authority.
> [snip]
> Kaplan's moving to India?
> To assert some authority over Girish?
> Excuse me, but if the information that has been given out on this 
> website over the past 5 years is any indication, Mr. Kaplan's life 
> would be in danger, no?
> Am I being overly cautious here?
> Sounded to me from what I watched of the video that Kaplan was 
feeling all
> warm and fuzzy about Girish. Is the implication that Girish is 
staging some
> sort of coup? His website seems pretty mainstream TMO, with the 
blessings of
> Nader Ram, etc.

First of all, congratulations on being able to watch more than 15 
minutes of that 2 hours video...that's quite a feat, Rick.

Secondly, I assume you were on vacation for a while?  Because we've 
had quite a discussion on what many people concluded was a quite 
clear attempt by Girish at breaking away from the international 
movement and going off on his own.  If I am correct and you have been 
away, I'd go back in the archives about a week and read up on it.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Pray for his safety

2008-07-27 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "shempmcgurk" 
>  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig"  
> > 
> > 
> > [snip]
> > 
> > > 
> > > My own take is that it WAS a power struggle and that Girish won 
> the 
> > first
> > > round. Which is why Kaplan is moving to India, to assert some 
> > authority.
> > 
> > [snip]
> > 
> > 
> > Kaplan's moving to India?
> > 
> > To assert some authority over Girish?
> Rubbish, these plans are several years old. The Palaces for all the 
> Rajas are well underway. Which you'd know if you were not too lazy 
> to follow the transmissions from MaharishiChannnel3.

Can you actually sit through those things?  

Oh, silly me, I just realized who I was talking to...

[FairfieldLife] Re: Obama's many accomplishments

2008-07-27 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig"  wrote:
> > Hubris about the press following him to his mistress' house
> > has brought down another major contender for the VP or
> > Presidential slot (can't remember which).
> If you're thinking of Gary Hart, that was a *very*
> different situation. He actually *dared* the press to
> catch him at it.
> And Edwards is not reported to have been followed to
> his mistress's house. The report is that he arranged
> to meet her at a Los Angeles hotel. They also went to
> considerable lengths to avoid being spotted.
> It's hardly "hubris" to want to see your own child.
> There's no indication I've read that he's continued
> the affair itself.
>  Perhaps its a
> > tradition amongst Dems to fall on their swords (so to
> > speak) by getting caught with their pants down?
> It's a tradition among *politicians*. It does seem to
> happen far more often to Republicans, in any case, at
> least in terms of getting caught.

That's not fair, Judy.

It happens to Democrats and Republicans equally.

It's just that Republicans' affairs are usually of a more perverted 
nature and therefore garner more attention in the media.

[FairfieldLife] Preparing for Olympics?? ; )

2008-07-27 Thread cardemaister


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: South Field Crop Circle grown from 3 to 5 Swallows !

2008-07-27 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Jul 27, 2008, at 3:34 PM, authfriend wrote:

Or maybe someone's just having a lot of fun with Photoshop...

That's *so* ignorant. Just for one thing, hundreds
of crop circles had been investigated and
photographed before the first version of Photoshop
appeared in the late '80s.

So?  All the pictures I saw on the website you recommended
were taken recently, Judy.  And all looked like glaring fakes.
It wasn't even close.

And of course there are
thousands of people, maybe hundreds of thousands by
now, who have *walked around* in the damn things.

You know, Judy, you really ought to watch a movie call
Fairy Story, made about 10 years or so ago, about how a
couple of kids in England in the 1890s, I think, convinced a
whole town that fairies existed.


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