[FairfieldLife] Re: George Harrison the last performance

2012-01-18 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, futur.musik futur.musik@... wrote:

 Excellent find! He was my favorite Beatle.

At least he has something useful to say :-)

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@ wrote:

Forget Turq, Curtis and the Vaj fellow, they've lost it. 

Listen to what George Harrison has to say instead:

[FairfieldLife] Review: FFL Catfight II: Scratch Your Third Eye Out

2012-01-18 Thread turquoiseb
It's always difficult reviewing the sequel to a low-budget cult film
that has become an underground hit. Will they do better with a budget
1000X bigger than the original (as Desperado did as a followup to El
Mariachi), or will the big stars and special effects just mess up a
good thing?

Sadly, this critic feels that FFL Catfight II may be a victim of the
latter phenomenon. Certainly casting Bollywood star Shahrukh Khan as
Ravi (instead of the delivery boy from the New Delhi Deli) was a
mistake. Dancing and ranting go together like ghee and water; just
sayin'. Also, using special effects to make it seem as though Nabby's
Space Brothers were real and not just a figment of his imagination was a
mistake, as was casting Sacha Baron Cohen in the role of Maitreya. Some
things are better left to the imagination.

Kathy Bates may be nominated for an Oscar for her role as Judy; having
all her teeth pulled so that she could do the safe posting blowjob
scene was method acting to the max, way up there with De Niro gaining 40
pounds for Raging Bull. I enjoyed Brad Pitt in the role of Curtis as
well; we all knew he could chew gum after his recent baseball movie, but
who knew he could do it while singing the blues?

No Catfight film is complete without its...duh...catfights, and this
sequel has a few of them. The I'm more enlightened than you are duel
between Jim (played by Val Kilmer) and Ravi was a classic, right up
there with the glow-in-the-dark condom duel in Skin Deep
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ky5u6vm44ak  ). And of course having
MaskedZebra (played by fellow Canadian Dan Ackroyd) take on all comers
in a I'm more first person ontologically sincere than you are hockey
match was inspired, even if he did end up pucking himself by refusing to
quit swinging every time the director yelled Cut.

Splicing in occasional single frames of Yifu's fantastic art postings
every so often was interesting, but IMO did not work as well as David
Fincher doing the same with a split-second subliminal penis shot at the
end of Fight Club. I enjoyed the Plaster Casters Forever song  dance
number starring Emily, Obbajeeba and Judy, even though it pushed the
envelope of good taste, and I quite enjoyed SeventhRay wandering through
almost every scene trying to make sense of it all like Diogenes looking
for an honest man.

But on the whole I thought the original low-budget FFL Catfight might
have been the better film. There was more lean-and-hungry creativity to
it, and fewer decisions that seemed to pander to a larger, less
discriminating audience. The scene in which the mob tries to lynch the
Vaj character while carrying torches and chanting Liar! Liar! Liar!,
only to be foiled at the last minute by the Compassion Police, was
completely unbelievable. Every viewer of the first film knows there is
no compassion on FFL, much less a police squad to enforce it.

In summation, I think your weekend movie allowance might be better spent
on a re-viewing of the original film. The *only* decision made in the
sequel that seemed better was casting George Clooney as Turq, and
letting Michael Fassbender act as his stunt double for the full frontal
nudity shots. Now *that* was inspired.

[FairfieldLife] Maharishi Speaks with the Divine Mother in Kashmir

2012-01-18 Thread nablusoss1008

Site posted by Rick Archer

* Home - In
Loving Memory

* Maharishi
Mahesh Yogi
w/ Charlie Lutes

* Maharishi
Mahesh Yogi
w/ Helen Lutes

* Maharishi
Mahesh Yogi
w/ Both

* Maharishi
Mahesh Yogi
Photo Gallery 1

* Maharishi
Mahesh Yogi
Photo Gallery 2

* Maharishi
Mahesh Yogi
Photo Gallery 3

* Maharishi
Mahesh Yogi
Photo Gallery 4

* Maharishi
Mahesh Yogi
Photo Gallery 5

* Maharishi
Mahesh Yogi
Photo Gallery 6

* Charlie Lutes

* Lectures by
Charlie Lutes
Nos. 1 - 27

* Lectures by
Charlie Lutes
Nos. 28 - 54

* Lectures by
Charlie Lutes
Nos. 55 - 81

* Lectures by
Charlie Lutes
Nos. 82 - 108

* Memoirs of
Charlie Lutes

* Charlie Lutes
on Tour With

* Maharishi Speaks
With Mother

* Introduction to

* Reflections
of a Devotee

* A Healing

* A Friend

* More Websites
By Vince

Maharishi Speaks with Mother Divine

  [Maharishi Mahesh Yogi]  Maharishi Mahesh Yogi - Phtograph by Charles
F. Lutes

Shortly after founding the Spiritual Regeneration Movement in 1959
Maharishi contacted Mother Divine and pleaded with her to alleviate the
missery of humanity.
Mother Divine explained that help for humanity was not to come from her
because humanity is doomed; this is the cycle of time which demands that
humanity increasingly suffers; it is the conduct of the people that
brings them their suffering.
Then Mother Divine encouraged Maharishi to continue with his spiritual
plan to gather as many individual Lights as he could, and by these
collective Lights it would be possible to destroy the darkness in the
world for a temporary period of up to a few thousand years.
The following eight pages are a scan of the original unedited historic
transcript of a tape recording of Maharishi speaking about his
conversation with the Divine Mother.
Maharishi wanted all of his initiators and meditators to be aware of
this message from Mother.

  [Maharishi-Mother Divine]
  [Maharishi-Mother Divine]
  [Maharishi-Mother Divine]
  [Maharishi-Mother Divine]
  [Maharishi-Mother Divine]
  [Maharishi-Mother Divine]
  [Maharishi-Mother Divine]
  [Maharishi-Mother Divine]

Note: In one of Charlie Lutes' lectures he said,
If, in the future, there comes a point where the thinking becomes so
negative as to make recovery or balance in nature impossible, then the
divine Intelligence calls forth the God of fire, or the God of water, to
give humanity what their thinking has called for, and mass destruction
of this earth begins. Volcanic action cracks the earth's crust open and
the crust then breaks up and begins to sink and the water covers the
earth and a large segment of humanity is removed from earth; then, a new
land mass rises to the surface to support a new civilization that
conforms to the laws of nature and who loves God. This is not wholly
necessary if humanity will only change their ways and turn to God and
start supporting nature. However, in the main, the opposite is
One on the spiritual path develops an inner quality of goodness that
creates in them a desire to support nature and not run contra to the
laws of nature. They are very aware of karma and they desire to create
good karma through all of their thinking, speaking and doing. This is
what is called, living the good life, for good does come to the good and
evil comes to those who create evil. This is due to the law of cause and
effect and we should always remember this at all times. If we choose the
low path in life we inherit the low, and if we walk the high path, we
receive the light of God and his blessings. It is for us to choose, and
we have the free will to do so.

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY Speaks with Mother Divine (not the THMD Course)

2012-01-18 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, futur.musik futur.musik@... wrote:

 I have never read before MMY talking about direct Celestial communication. 
 Good stuff! Thanks for finding this! 

Yes truly wonderful find. There are several incidents like this from India 
where he spoke with Her, particularily in the South at Rameshwaram and 
Kanyakumari. Also there is a small temple in Old Delhi where Maharishi received 
the Siddhis from Her. I'll try to find the name and post to you privately.
Jai Guru Dev

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
  Here is a transcript of a tape recording of Maharishi speaking about a
  with Mother Divine on dealing withe negativity in the world  in each Heart.
  Maharishi Speaks with
  Mother Divine
  No. 59, 'Living the Good Life'


[FairfieldLife] Re: Wow

2012-01-18 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater no_reply@... wrote:

 Just a newbie here at FFL. Glancing through all of the posts 
 they range from the mundane (movie reviews) to scratch-out-
 your-eyes cat fights. Something's got some of you going but 
 I'm not sure anyone is convincing anyone else that they are 
 right. Good luck to you all.

Welcome. I took your reference to movie reviews as
mundane as a bit of a challenge, and I hope you
like the result. :-)

As for trying to convince others that we're right,
well that is something not everyone here indulges
in. Some just know that they're right. :-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: What A Week

2012-01-18 Thread Vaj

On Jan 17, 2012, at 11:25 AM, turquoiseb wrote:

Good post, Curtis. The one point you left out is that
RWC is no more original in his denunciations of Vaj than
he is about anything else. The guy seems *incapable* of
having an original idea; everything he's saying about
Vaj came directly from Judy, or her words filtered
through Jim or Ravi or Nabby. *No one else* ever had
any doubts about Vaj's TM pedigree until she started
her Gotta find a way to demonize Vaj so no one will
believe him when he makes valid points campaign.

Very observant and accurate, thanks!

[FairfieldLife] Oldies but goldies: Real South Park?

2012-01-18 Thread cardemaister


[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY Speaks with Mother Divine (not the THMD Course)

2012-01-18 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, futur.musik futur.musik@... wrote:

 Since most people don't have this experience there are folks who fake this to 
 take advantage of others. Too bad - leads to rampant cynicism. However there 
 are indications wrt the experience that can speak to its validity, or not. 
 Maharishi's account reads as genuine. Can you guess why? No, *not* because it 
 is Maharishi... 

With followers like Curtis it's not surpising Maharishi was on the verge of 
giving up and retire to the Himalayas several times. Having to deal with, 
excuse my wording, idiots like Curtis withing his own organization must have 
been very taxing.

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY Speaks with Mother Divine (not the THMD Course)

2012-01-18 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@... 

 I believe in the phenomenon just not the interpretation of 
 what it means.  

Excellent. People have all *sorts* of experiences. And
to them (us) they're very real at the time. It's in the
interpretation of what these experiences mean that
the rubber often fails to meet the road.

 It is well known capacity of our brains. In some conditions 
 our ability to distinguish inner and outer mental experience 
 gets confused. That is my take on the sincere ones. 

Mine, too.

 I have no reason to believe that Roberts was less sincere 
 in having a dramatic experience than Maharishi.  

I have compassion for Mr. Roberts. Imagine trying to 
be a Fundamentalist Christian preacher while having
the first name of Oral. Guy's had an uphill battle.

 It is just funny how convenient they both came out to be 
 for their own desires. 

A trend I have noticed as well.

 I am not really sure that Maharishi is not just reporting 
 a dramatic conversation he had with himself in the context 
 of a temple using Mother Divine as an artistic literary device.  

I don't remember who said it first, but a quote I always
liked was I know that I am God because every time I 
talk to him I find that I am talking to myself.

 That would be my best guess. He was reporting his thoughts 
 in a more dramatic way taking some poetic license to punch 
 the story up a bit.  

One could make the case that the Ramayana did exactly
the same thing, expanding on a simple soap opera story
about adultery and rage and turning it into some kind
of high, spiritual epic.

 He did a similar thing I believe when he claimed that 
 Vasishtha came onto him last night! It lead to a perspective 
 about the Vedas.  


 I have my doubts that he saw himself in as mystical a light 
 as he projected to us.  

I have my doubts that Maharishi ever saw himself, period.
I think his brain was racing so fast and that he was so
enamored with it that he never had a chance to self-reflect.

 Judith's book makes me believe he was more of a poetic 
 devise guy than a I just talked to Mother Divine for 
 real real guy.  YMMV

Device. But yeah. He was a storyteller, telling tall
tales to the children. Who ate it up like gumdrops.

 But my guess is that there are way more people who actually 
 experience something dramatic than people who are outright 
 lying through their teeth. I've had ones like it so I 
 understand how compelling they are.

I would agree. On the whole, the people I like and prefer
to hang with are the ones who have such experiences and 
then work on figuring out WTF they might have been with 
some measure of humility, and humor. Those who claim to 
know what such experiences were and what they meant, 
not so much.

[FairfieldLife] Finn against Finn!

2012-01-18 Thread cardemaister

It seems to be bad news for Finnish Nokia that US Army
changed Windows to Finnish Linux! :/

[FairfieldLife] Re: Transcendental Judgment:

2012-01-18 Thread Buck
Em, now that is a chakra-tuning song to sing.  A number of us long-time 
conservative Fairfield meditators here like singing that one too.  Sing we sing 
together most every week.  Some of us sing every day.
JGD, -Buck  

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@... wrote:

 I leave eternity to thee...  
 I think a few sacred harp singers are needed...Idumea

 And am I born to die?
 To lay this body down!
 And must my trembling spirit fly
 Into a world unknown?
 A land of deepest shade,
 Unpierced by human thought
 The dreary regions of the dead,
 Where all things are forgot.
 Soon as from earth I go
 What will become of me?
 Eternal happiness or woe,
 Must then my portion be!
 Waked by the trumpet sound,
 I from my grave shall rise;
 And see the Judge with glory crowned,
 And see the flaming skies!
  From: Buck 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2012 8:20 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Transcendental Judgment:
 Friends I want to share with you all one of the greatest sermons ever given 
 that was written by a Transcendentalist.
 You know in working with livestock, inflection is often nine tenths of the 
 communication.  It is not at all so much what is said, but how it is said.  I 
 see that much of the problem with discussions here on this list is that 
 people can't hear how things are being said as to what is being said.  
 Likewise, in this whole discussion around the FFL resolution on sin, it seems 
 something is being lost in the print that keeps people from converting. 
 Take a listen to this.  It sounds remarkable like to how I sound when I 
 write.  I hope this is helpful to some of you who have trouble with what I 
 write here.
 Kindly from the Unified Field ever vigilante,
   The Greek word for sin in the Bible is 'amarkon' which means to miss the
  Yes; !Amarkoners repent!  Yes, it is in the Greek I pray for these really 
  big Amarkoners here to return home.  These TM expatriates.  The ex-patriots 
  indeed.  Here we have one of the biggest natural law peace-creating things 
  going on and these guys spurn it always puking on it here.  That is 
  spiritual sin in the Greek way as also per the FFL Resolution on Sin too.  
  Is perfectly fair to judge who is with us in this natural law too as 
  transcendentalists and who is against it, and us.  It is calling sin for 
  what it is, a sin a sin.
  Thank you for your very learned comments.
  An old and Kindly meditator,
  -Buck in FF 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Xenophaneros Anartaxius 
  anartaxius@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck wrote:
Teaching the Knowledge
As  a teacher, there is a different, more difficult lesson that must
accepted personally: if someone chosen by the Unified Field to be a
prophet or a leader refuses to teach the truth, as Jonah did for
example, then Nature will visit a terrible punishment on them.
However,   the reverse is even more true�Nature will grant favor
delight  to those who do preach the truth.
Om, Om, Om, come back, come back  to meditation you sinners.
The bell tolls for thee,
In warm regard of natural  law,
-Buck in FF
   This is kind of heavy handed Buck. Fortunately I am not immune to being
   heavy handed in thought, and as Barry would possibly say, overbearing
   and pompous. If the unified field is truth, one cannot actually speak
   it, one can only point to it because it is transcendent to speech. All
   speech in the world in reference to it is as a lie. Nature is not
   personal, it visits on one without regard to person. Favour and delight
   are the experience of those who experience the unified field, but nature
   remains the same impersonal force of will that is the unified field,
   enlightened or unenlightened. It is not will as a person imagines will
   to be; it is far more mysterious and inscrutable.
   The Greek word for sin in the Bible is 'amarkon' which means to miss the
   mark. In the West the Christian idea of sin seems to be the predominant
   meaning, and it has many connotations that seem to go quite beyond
   simply missing the mark. But usage that is common here has many
   judgmental implications that really serve no useful purpose if your aim
   is to point people in the direction of enlightenment.
   If you 'look' at the process of transcendental meditation, what you
   experience is you are handing off the process and letting nature take it
   over. That is it. If we are able to culture our system to do that under
   all circumstances, we are home free. It is the personal sense of will
   that interferes with this process in daily life.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Wow

2012-01-18 Thread Buck

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater no_reply@ wrote:
  Just a newbie here at FFL. Glancing through all of the posts 
  they range from the mundane (movie reviews) to scratch-out-
  your-eyes cat fights. Something's got some of you going but 
  I'm not sure anyone is convincing anyone else that they are 
  right. Good luck to you all.
 Welcome. I took your reference to movie reviews as
 mundane as a bit of a challenge, and I hope you
 like the result. :-)
 As for trying to convince others that we're right,
 well that is something not everyone here indulges
 in. Some just know that they're right. :-)


You come in to the middle of something here.
Lot of us been trying to save this guy from his ways for years now and he 
thinks he knows better.  Still, I pray for him and those others that fell away 
from the cart here too.  Is always a sad thing to witness these fallen away 
wriggle the way they do.

-Buck in FF 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Wow

2012-01-18 Thread Buck
Awoelf,  You are a meditator(?)  You do meditate don't you?
Just wondering, where you are coming from.
-Buck in FF

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater no_reply@ wrote:
   Just a newbie here at FFL. Glancing through all of the posts 
   they range from the mundane (movie reviews) to scratch-out-
   your-eyes cat fights. Something's got some of you going but 
   I'm not sure anyone is convincing anyone else that they are 
   right. Good luck to you all.
  Welcome. I took your reference to movie reviews as
  mundane as a bit of a challenge, and I hope you
  like the result. :-)
  As for trying to convince others that we're right,
  well that is something not everyone here indulges
  in. Some just know that they're right. :-)
 You come in to the middle of something here.
 Lot of us been trying to save this guy from his ways for years now and he 
 thinks he knows better.  Still, I pray for him and those others that fell 
 away from the cart here too.  Is always a sad thing to witness these fallen 
 away wriggle the way they do.
 -Buck in FF

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY Speaks with Mother Divine (not the THMD Course)

2012-01-18 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@... wrote:

Also there is a small temple in Old Delhi where Maharishi received the Siddhis 
from Her. I'll try to find the name and post to you privately.

You are just the gift that keeps on giving aren't you Nabbie?

S since we know from his own admission that Maharishi was experimenting 
trial and error on those first 6 month courses, was it because she was a bad 
teacher or was he a bad student?  I'm imagining the HDHD Maharishi sitting 
close to Her (note the capital to indicate maximum woo woo) and just when she 
leans in to describe the details of sunyama, his head whips around and he says 
squirrel, squirrel! And so the teaching was lost.  Or perhaps knowing 
Maharishi as we do now he might have just been staring at her headlights. (In 
his defense they are supernaturally perky for her age and She swears that she 
has had not work done. Coughsbotox  Did that joke get through? I am trying to 
figure out how to write out the coughing sound that ends in the word botox in 
the cough-talking style of Jon Stewart.)  

BTW I was chatting with one of my favorite space brothers the other day playing 
chess actually (like our earth brothers he learned it in lock up) and he was 
indicating that She learned a thing or two during her Mahayuga cycles 
concerning some practices that involved the erotic possibilities that come from 
having 6 arms.  If you have any inside dope on this please email me privately.  
I've got an idea that revolves around 3 Filipino hookers and a roll of duct 
tape that I want to run by you. 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, futur.musik futur.musik@ wrote:
  I have never read before MMY talking about direct Celestial communication. 
  Good stuff! Thanks for finding this! 
 Yes truly wonderful find. There are several incidents like this from India 
 where he spoke with Her, particularily in the South at Rameshwaram and 
 Kanyakumari. Also there is a small temple in Old Delhi where Maharishi 
 received the Siddhis from Her. I'll try to find the name and post to you 
 Jai Guru Dev
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
   Here is a transcript of a tape recording of Maharishi speaking about a
   with Mother Divine on dealing withe negativity in the world  in each 
   Maharishi Speaks with
   Mother Divine
   No. 59, 'Living the Good Life'

[FairfieldLife] Re: Wow

2012-01-18 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater no_reply@ wrote:
   Just a newbie here at FFL. Glancing through all of the posts 
   they range from the mundane (movie reviews) to scratch-out-
   your-eyes cat fights. Something's got some of you going but 
   I'm not sure anyone is convincing anyone else that they are 
   right. Good luck to you all.
  Welcome. I took your reference to movie reviews as
  mundane as a bit of a challenge, and I hope you
  like the result. :-)
  As for trying to convince others that we're right,
  well that is something not everyone here indulges
  in. Some just know that they're right. :-)
 You come in to the middle of something here.
 Lot of us been trying to save this guy from his ways for 
 years now and he thinks he knows better.  Still, I pray 
 for him and those others that fell away from the cart 
 here too. Is always a sad thing to witness these fallen 
 away wriggle the way they do.
 -Buck in FF

I wouldn't bother to reply, but I kinda like the
metaphor of all of us TMers as pigs riding in a 
cart to the market. It is heartening to learn that
those who stayed on the cart still are looking 
forward to a bright future at the market, while 
considering those of us who wriggled away as 
the losers in this scenario. :-)

[FairfieldLife] Justified is back

2012-01-18 Thread turquoiseb
And our patient wait is...uh...justified. There was more
snappy, Elmore Leonard-style dialog in the first five 
minutes of the first episode of the third season than
there has been on TV as a whole since...uh...the last 
episode of the second season.

Timothy Oliphant continues to be wonderful as Marshal
Raylan Givens, as do the rest of the regular cast -- 
Nick Searcy, Joelle Carter, Natalie Zea, and Walton 
Goggins. And there are a couple of new faces. Good
villain in the first episode, too, well played by 
Desmond Harrington from Dexter. 

If you haven't been following Justified all along,
you could probably drop into it starting with this
season without feeling that you've missed too much. 
But why deprive yourself? If there is any TV series 
that deserves to be seen from the beginning, it's 
this one.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Wow

2012-01-18 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater no_reply@ wrote:
Just a newbie here at FFL. Glancing through all of the posts 
they range from the mundane (movie reviews) to scratch-out-
your-eyes cat fights. Something's got some of you going but 
I'm not sure anyone is convincing anyone else that they are 
right. Good luck to you all.

See, what we here have not yet realized, is we are all wrong.

   Welcome. I took your reference to movie reviews as
   mundane as a bit of a challenge, and I hope you
   like the result. :-)
   As for trying to convince others that we're right,
   well that is something not everyone here indulges
   in. Some just know that they're right. :-)
  You come in to the middle of something here.
  Lot of us been trying to save this guy from his ways for 
  years now and he thinks he knows better.  Still, I pray 
  for him and those others that fell away from the cart 
  here too. Is always a sad thing to witness these fallen 
  away wriggle the way they do.
  -Buck in FF
 I wouldn't bother to reply, but I kinda like the
 metaphor of all of us TMers as pigs riding in a 
 cart to the market. It is heartening to learn that
 those who stayed on the cart still are looking 
 forward to a bright future at the market, while 
 considering those of us who wriggled away as 
 the losers in this scenario. :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Wow

2012-01-18 Thread Buck

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Xenophaneros Anartaxius 
anartaxius@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater no_reply@ wrote:

 Just a newbie here at FFL. Glancing through all of the posts 
 they range from the mundane (movie reviews) to scratch-out-
 your-eyes cat fights. Something's got some of you going but 
 I'm not sure anyone is convincing anyone else that they are 
 right. Good luck to you all.
 See, what we here have not yet realized, is we are all wrong.

Yes, spiritual sinners as Yogananda or the Greeks would describe it. 


Welcome. I took your reference to movie reviews as
mundane as a bit of a challenge, and I hope you
like the result. :-)

As for trying to convince others that we're right,
well that is something not everyone here indulges
in. Some just know that they're right. :-)
   You come in to the middle of something here.
   Lot of us been trying to save this guy from his ways for 
   years now and he thinks he knows better.  Still, I pray 
   for him and those others that fell away from the cart 
   here too. Is always a sad thing to witness these fallen 
   away wriggle the way they do.
   -Buck in FF
  I wouldn't bother to reply, but I kinda like the
  metaphor of all of us TMers as pigs riding in a 
  cart to the market. It is heartening to learn that
  those who stayed on the cart still are looking 
  forward to a bright future at the market, while 
  considering those of us who wriggled away as 
  the losers in this scenario. :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Transcendental Judgment:

2012-01-18 Thread marekreavis
Beautiful video and chant, even if you're not a conservative meditator. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@... wrote:

 Em, now that is a chakra-tuning song to sing.  A number of us long-time 
 conservative Fairfield meditators here like singing that one too.  Sing we 
 sing together most every week.  Some of us sing every day.
 JGD, -Buck  
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@ wrote:
  I leave eternity to thee...  
  I think a few sacred harp singers are needed...Idumea
  And am I born to die?
  To lay this body down!
  And must my trembling spirit fly
  Into a world unknown?
  A land of deepest shade,
  Unpierced by human thought
  The dreary regions of the dead,
  Where all things are forgot.
  Soon as from earth I go
  What will become of me?
  Eternal happiness or woe,
  Must then my portion be!
  Waked by the trumpet sound,
  I from my grave shall rise;
  And see the Judge with glory crowned,
  And see the flaming skies!
   From: Buck 
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2012 8:20 PM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Transcendental Judgment:
  Friends I want to share with you all one of the greatest sermons ever given 
  that was written by a Transcendentalist.
  You know in working with livestock, inflection is often nine tenths of the 
  communication.  It is not at all so much what is said, but how it is said.  
  I see that much of the problem with discussions here on this list is that 
  people can't hear how things are being said as to what is being said.  
  Likewise, in this whole discussion around the FFL resolution on sin, it 
  seems something is being lost in the print that keeps people from 
  Take a listen to this.  It sounds remarkable like to how I sound when I 
  write.  I hope this is helpful to some of you who have trouble with what I 
  write here.
  Kindly from the Unified Field ever vigilante,
The Greek word for sin in the Bible is 'amarkon' which means to miss 
   Yes; !Amarkoners repent!  Yes, it is in the Greek I pray for these really 
   big Amarkoners here to return home.  These TM expatriates.  The 
   ex-patriots indeed.  Here we have one of the biggest natural law 
   peace-creating things going on and these guys spurn it always puking on 
   it here.  That is spiritual sin in the Greek way as also per the FFL 
   Resolution on Sin too.  Is perfectly fair to judge who is with us in this 
   natural law too as transcendentalists and who is against it, and us.  It 
   is calling sin for what it is, a sin a sin.
   Thank you for your very learned comments.
   An old and Kindly meditator,
   -Buck in FF 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Xenophaneros Anartaxius 
   anartaxius@ wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck wrote:

 Teaching the Knowledge

 As  a teacher, there is a different, more difficult lesson that must
 accepted personally: if someone chosen by the Unified Field to be a
 prophet or a leader refuses to teach the truth, as Jonah did for
 example, then Nature will visit a terrible punishment on them.

 However,   the reverse is even more true�Nature will grant favor
 delight  to those who do preach the truth.

 Om, Om, Om, come back, come back  to meditation you sinners.

 The bell tolls for thee,

 In warm regard of natural  law,

 -Buck in FF

This is kind of heavy handed Buck. Fortunately I am not immune to being
heavy handed in thought, and as Barry would possibly say, overbearing
and pompous. If the unified field is truth, one cannot actually speak
it, one can only point to it because it is transcendent to speech. All
speech in the world in reference to it is as a lie. Nature is not
personal, it visits on one without regard to person. Favour and delight
are the experience of those who experience the unified field, but nature
remains the same impersonal force of will that is the unified field,
enlightened or unenlightened. It is not will as a person imagines will
to be; it is far more mysterious and inscrutable.

The Greek word for sin in the Bible is 'amarkon' which means to miss the
mark. In the West the Christian idea of sin seems to be the predominant
meaning, and it has many connotations that seem to go quite beyond
simply missing the mark. But usage that is common here has many
judgmental implications that really serve no useful purpose if your aim
is to point people in the direction of enlightenment.

If you 'look' at the process of transcendental meditation, what you

[FairfieldLife] Re: Wow

2012-01-18 Thread Buck

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartaxius@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater no_reply@ wrote:
  Just a newbie here at FFL. Glancing through all of the posts 
  they range from the mundane (movie reviews) to scratch-out-
  your-eyes cat fights. Something's got some of you going but 
  I'm not sure anyone is convincing anyone else that they are 
  right. Good luck to you all.
  See, what we here have not yet realized, is we are all wrong.
 Yes, spiritual sinners as Yogananda or the Greeks would describe it. 

Yup, and some are particularly bad as the FFL resolution on sin here enumerates 

Yep, come repent you sinners, get your meditations checked at a satsang near 
you and !come back to meditation! You are always welcome and you don't need no 
stinking badge neither to come back home to meditation.

-Buck in FF 
 Welcome. I took your reference to movie reviews as
 mundane as a bit of a challenge, and I hope you
 like the result. :-)
 As for trying to convince others that we're right,
 well that is something not everyone here indulges
 in. Some just know that they're right. :-)


You come in to the middle of something here.
Lot of us been trying to save this guy from his ways for 
years now and he thinks he knows better.  Still, I pray 
for him and those others that fell away from the cart 
here too. Is always a sad thing to witness these fallen 
away wriggle the way they do.

-Buck in FF
   I wouldn't bother to reply, but I kinda like the
   metaphor of all of us TMers as pigs riding in a 
   cart to the market. It is heartening to learn that
   those who stayed on the cart still are looking 
   forward to a bright future at the market, while 
   considering those of us who wriggled away as 
   the losers in this scenario. :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: English Wikipedia anti-SOPA blackout

2012-01-18 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius
You can still access the English Wikipedia. They simply redirect you to a 
special page using JavaScript. If you can turn off JavaScript in your browser, 
you have access.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@... wrote:

 To: English Wikipedia Readers and Community
 From: Sue Gardner, Wikimedia Foundation Executive Director
 Date: January 16, 2012
 Today, the Wikipedia community announced its decision to black out the 
 English-language Wikipedia for 24 hours, worldwide, beginning at 05:00 UTC on 
 Wednesday, January 18 (you can read the statement from the Wikimedia 
 Foundation here). The blackout is a protest against proposed legislation in 
 the United Statesâ€the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) in the U.S. House of 
 Representatives, and the PROTECT IP Act (PIPA) in the U.S. Senateâ€that, if 
 passed, would seriously damage the free and open Internet, including 
 This will be the first time the English Wikipedia has ever staged a public 
 protest of this nature, and it's a decision that wasn't lightly made. Here's 
 how it's been described by the three Wikipedia administrators who formally 
 facilitated the community's discussion. From the public statement, signed by 
 User:NuclearWarfare, User:Risker and User:Billinghurst:
 It is the opinion of the English Wikipedia community that both of 
 these bills, if passed, would be devastating to the free and open web. 
 Over the course of the past 72 hours, over 1800 Wikipedians have 
 joined together to discuss proposed actions that the community might wish to 
 take against SOPA and PIPA. This is by far the largest level of participation 
 in a community discussion ever seen on Wikipedia, which illustrates the level 
 of concern that Wikipedians feel about this proposed legislation. The 
 overwhelming majority of participants support community action to encourage 
 greater public action in response to these two bills. Of the proposals 
 considered by Wikipedians, those that would result in a blackout of the 
 English Wikipedia, in concert with similar blackouts on other websites 
 opposed to SOPA and PIPA, received the strongest support. 
 On careful review of this discussion, the closing administrators note 
 the broad-based support for action from Wikipedians around the world, not 
 just from within the United States. The primary objection to a global 
 blackout came from those who preferred that the blackout be limited to 
 readers from the United States, with the rest of the world seeing a simple 
 banner notice instead. We also noted that roughly 55% of those supporting a 
 blackout preferred that it be a global one, with many pointing to concerns 
 about similar legislation in other nations. 
 In making this decision, Wikipedians will be criticized for seeming to 
 abandon neutrality to take a political position. That's a real, legitimate 
 issue. We want people to trust Wikipedia, not worry that it is trying to 
 propagandize them.
 But although Wikipedia's articles are neutral, its existence is not. As 
 Wikimedia Foundation board member Kat Walsh wrote on one of our mailing lists 
 We depend on a legal infrastructure that makes it possible for us to 
 operate. And we depend on a legal infrastructure that also allows other sites 
 to host user-contributed material, both information and expression. For the 
 most part, Wikimedia projects are organizing and summarizing and collecting 
 the world's knowledge. We're putting it in context, and showing people how to 
 make to sense of it. 
 But that knowledge has to be published somewhere for anyone to find 
 and use it. Where it can be censored without due process, it hurts the 
 speaker, the public, and Wikimedia. Where you can only speak if you have 
 sufficient resources to fight legal challenges, or, if your views are 
 pre-approved by someone who does, the same narrow set of ideas already 
 popular will continue to be all anyone has meaningful access to. 
 The decision to shut down the English Wikipedia wasn't made by me; it was 
 made by editors, through a consensus decision-making process. But I support 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Wow

2012-01-18 Thread awoelflebater
Hi Buck, Yes, I was initiated in 1970 by my sister who attended TT in Majorca 
in 1969. I was 14 at the time. I remember paying one week's allowance for this. 
I transferred from Colgate University in 1975 to MIU after attending an SCI 
course at Livingston Manor. It blew me away and I just had to come to FF! I 
attended MIU from the Fall of 1975 until graduation in 1980. I left FF for a 
while living in upstate NY with my then boyfriend and fellow MIU graduate. 
After a couple of years I returned to FF (don't we all at some time?) and 
taught a horseback riding program with another friend of mine for the students 
and meditators in town. Around that time I also had a friend that had attended 
the first Robin Carlsen lecture in town. Their description of it intrigued me. 
I proceeded to watch a seminar tape, was blown away by that and jumped head 
first into the most amazing three and a half years of my life.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@... wrote:

 Awoelf,  You are a meditator(?)  You do meditate don't you?
 Just wondering, where you are coming from.
 -Buck in FF
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater no_reply@ wrote:
Just a newbie here at FFL. Glancing through all of the posts 
they range from the mundane (movie reviews) to scratch-out-
your-eyes cat fights. Something's got some of you going but 
I'm not sure anyone is convincing anyone else that they are 
right. Good luck to you all.
   Welcome. I took your reference to movie reviews as
   mundane as a bit of a challenge, and I hope you
   like the result. :-)
   As for trying to convince others that we're right,
   well that is something not everyone here indulges
   in. Some just know that they're right. :-)
  You come in to the middle of something here.
  Lot of us been trying to save this guy from his ways for years now and he 
  thinks he knows better.  Still, I pray for him and those others that fell 
  away from the cart here too.  Is always a sad thing to witness these fallen 
  away wriggle the way they do.
  -Buck in FF

[FairfieldLife] Re: Justified is back

2012-01-18 Thread curtisdeltablues
Walton Goggins is one of my favorite actors since the Shield.  I checked it out 
last night for the first time.  Great scene visuals.  Its like they had a set 
designer and location finder saying, gritty, I need more gritty over and 
over.   I'm still a little lost on the characters but I'll hang in there to 
catch up.  Thanks for the heads up.  

Since we are in the TV discussion I agree that Alcatraz isn't worth it.  If 
that chick in Prime Suspect couldn't float a series with 10 times the 
personality as this chick, this doesn't have a chance.  But I give the actress 
in Prime Suspect props for pulling off the hot chick as tough detective more 
believably than most.  I remember she is one of your favs.

The next thing I want to see on all these shows is some reaction when they come 
across a dead body other than immediate comedic banter or casual conversation 
as if they are just too used to this to care anymore.  I've seen real cops 
filmed crying at crime scenes or at least looking like they are standing over a 
bloody dead body.  And I know pros have a lot of gallows humor to deal with all 
this and they probably do grow a tough skin, but freak'n flinch or something, 
the guy just got his head blown off.  My complaint about the early James Bonds 
was that they entered a room as if no one was going to shoot that them.  I 
really liked how Timothy Hutton entered a room with suspicious darting eyes, 
scanning for trouble.  It made it more believable for me. 

It's like Tarantino's  philosophy of film violence.  In his flicks, if someone 
gets shot, they hurt and they bleed and it sucks and you know it.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 And our patient wait is...uh...justified. There was more
 snappy, Elmore Leonard-style dialog in the first five 
 minutes of the first episode of the third season than
 there has been on TV as a whole since...uh...the last 
 episode of the second season.
 Timothy Oliphant continues to be wonderful as Marshal
 Raylan Givens, as do the rest of the regular cast -- 
 Nick Searcy, Joelle Carter, Natalie Zea, and Walton 
 Goggins. And there are a couple of new faces. Good
 villain in the first episode, too, well played by 
 Desmond Harrington from Dexter. 
 If you haven't been following Justified all along,
 you could probably drop into it starting with this
 season without feeling that you've missed too much. 
 But why deprive yourself? If there is any TV series 
 that deserves to be seen from the beginning, it's 
 this one.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Need is for National Yagya

2012-01-18 Thread Buck

Is a shame to see the Invincible courses come towards an end because the TM 
Rajas could not get effective numbers of meditators together.

 Seems saddening to see that the dome numbers with the meditator community are 
 not working out for the tru-believers and that the Invincibility courses 
 should be supplanted and let go this way.  The potential was so great, except 
 the Rajas could not bring themselves to figure out a reconciliation with the 
 old meditating community.
   While Yogic Flying produces a powerful, generalized, non-directed surge
   of positivity for the general well-being of society, Yagyas create a
   very focused, concentrated influence of positivity designed to
   neutralize specific threats. Like the threats that are looming today.
  Om, Is this now the high-water mark for the dome numbers? The invincible 
   Maharishi has designed the most powerful system of Yagya the world has
   ever seen. The Maharishi National YagyaSM program is a massive
   application of Yagya on a national scale, specifically engineered to
   produce the largest possible impact on an entire nation.
   Focus for 2012: Maharishi Yagyas® for the Nation
   Join us in this great endeavor, please.Let us launch this powerful new
   may abundant good fortune smile on America, and may Maharishi's
   great legacy of peace and enlightenment permanently bless the human
   Jai Guru Dev

[FairfieldLife] Re: Justified is back

2012-01-18 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@... 

 Walton Goggins is one of my favorite actors since the Shield.  
 I checked it out last night for the first time.  Great scene 
 visuals.  Its like they had a set designer and location finder 
 saying, gritty, I need more gritty over and over.  I'm still 
 a little lost on the characters but I'll hang in there to catch 
 up.  Thanks for the heads up.  

Raylan Givens (Timothy Oliphant, previously from Deadwood)
is a Harlan, KY-born boy who was demoted back there from the
Miami Federal Marshal service when he basically had a wild-
west-like shootout with a bad guy. The title of the series
comes from his tendency to wait until such actions are legally
justified, but they waste the bad guys big-time.

Winona (Natalie Zea) is Raylan's ex-wife, with whom he has 
taken up again, which is good because she's expecting his 
baby. She's not entirely happy with him living the dangerous
life he leads. Ava Crowder (Joelle Carter) is an ex-flame of
Raylan's and the current flame of Boyd Crowder (Walton 
Goggins). Boyd is one of Raylan's oldest friends, but the
relationship is somewhat strained in that Boyd is as far on
the wrong side of the law as Raylan is on the right side of

But if you get hooked by the series, you really owe it to
yourself and catch up on at least the second season. In it
Margo Martindale gave a phenomenal (and Emmy-winning) per-
formance as Mags Bennett, matron of a modern Kentucky crime
family with its how-we-do-business ways firmly rooted in
the Hatfields and the McCoys. 

 Since we are in the TV discussion I agree that Alcatraz isn't 
 worth it. If that chick in Prime Suspect couldn't float a 
 series with 10 times the personality as this chick, this 
 doesn't have a chance.  But I give the actress in Prime 
 Suspect props for pulling off the hot chick as tough 
 detective more believably than most. I remember she is one 
 of your favs.

Actually I have liked Maria Bello (star of the US version)
a lot in other work, but her performance in this series 
didn't really float my boat because I'd just finished re-
watching the UK version, starring the great Helen Mirren.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Need is for National Yagya

2012-01-18 Thread Susan
So, are the Rajas actually canceling the Invincibility courses?

And what exactly are Invincibility Courses - the courses you can sign up for to 
round in the Domes that Settle helps underwrite?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@... wrote:

 Is a shame to see the Invincible courses come towards an end because the TM 
 Rajas could not get effective numbers of meditators together.
  Seems saddening to see that the dome numbers with the meditator community 
  are not working out for the tru-believers and that the Invincibility 
  courses should be supplanted and let go this way.  The potential was so 
  great, except the Rajas could not bring themselves to figure out a 
  reconciliation with the old meditating community.

While Yogic Flying produces a powerful, generalized, non-directed surge
of positivity for the general well-being of society, Yagyas create a
very focused, concentrated influence of positivity designed to
neutralize specific threats. Like the threats that are looming today.
   Om, Is this now the high-water mark for the dome numbers? The invincible 


Maharishi has designed the most powerful system of Yagya the world has
ever seen. The Maharishi National YagyaSM program is a massive
application of Yagya on a national scale, specifically engineered to
produce the largest possible impact on an entire nation.
Focus for 2012: Maharishi Yagyas® for the Nation
Join us in this great endeavor, please.Let us launch this powerful new
may abundant good fortune smile on America, and may Maharishi's
great legacy of peace and enlightenment permanently bless the human

Jai Guru Dev

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY Speaks with Mother Divine (not the THMD Course)

2012-01-18 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus

 ...I've got an idea that revolves around 3 
 Filipino hookers and a roll of duct tape that 
 I want to run by you.

So, you want to talk more about your sexual 
activities again. Where do you think this will 
put you on the Google search? Why would anyone 
need duct tape on 3 Filipino 'hookers'? 

Go figure.

[FairfieldLife] Re: English Wikipedia anti-SOPA blackout

2012-01-18 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus

  Today, the Wikipedia community announced its decision 
  to black out the English-language Wikipedia for 24 
  hours, worldwide...
 Google will also be joining the protest tomorrow...

So you two Barry's support the Hollywood billionaires 
AND the Silicon Valley billionaires? Go figure.

Apparently the primary targets are sites overseas - sites 
that sell counterfeit movies and music and let pirates 
download and stream at no charge.

Protecting foreign criminals from liability rather than 
protecting American copyright holders and intellectual 
property developers is irresponsible, will cost American 
jobs, and is just wrong, - Senator Patrick J. Leahy

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY Speaks with Mother Divine (not the THMD Course)

2012-01-18 Thread Susan

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@ wrote:
Nabby: Also there is a small temple in Old Delhi where Maharishi received the 
Siddhis from Her. I'll try to find the name and post to you privately.
Curtis: You are just the gift that keeps on giving aren't you Nabbie?
 S since we know from his own admission that Maharishi was experimenting 
 trial and error on those first 6 month courses, 

This is actually true, from what I heard from people on staff around MMY at 
that time.  He also experimented with the medical treatments at the time for 
course participants.  MMY had not yet promoted Ayurveda, and I recall he had 
brought in a few different types of doctors to get their ideas and try them out 
on us on those early 6 month courses.  I think one chiropractor's name was Dr. 
Bloodworth, and we all had a good laugh over that one. I know one dr suggested 
eating the wild dandelion leaves that grew by the roadside in Switzerland - 
eating several plants per walk. I think this experimental phase lasted a few 
years (1976-78?), then Ayurveda was the thing by the late 1980's. Can't recall 
when jyotish entered the scene, but before MMY claimed it as a good thing, it 
was totally OTP (off the program) and could get you banned if they found out 
you were seeing an astrologer.  Then, that position got reversed completely if 
you saw a Maharishi jyotishi.

was it because she was a bad teacher or was he a bad student?  I'm imagining 
the HDHD Maharishi sitting close to Her (note the capital to indicate maximum 
woo woo) and just when she leans in to describe the details of sunyama, his 
head whips around and he says squirrel, squirrel! And so the teaching was 
lost.  Or perhaps knowing Maharishi as we do now he might have just been 
staring at her headlights. (In his defense they are supernaturally perky for 
her age and She swears that she has had not work done. Coughsbotox  Did that 
joke get through? I am trying to figure out how to write out the coughing 
sound that ends in the word botox in the cough-talking style of Jon Stewart.)  
 BTW I was chatting with one of my favorite space brothers the other day 
 playing chess actually (like our earth brothers he learned it in lock up) and 
 he was indicating that She learned a thing or two during her Mahayuga cycles 
 concerning some practices that involved the erotic possibilities that come 
 from having 6 arms.  If you have any inside dope on this please email me 
 privately.  I've got an idea that revolves around 3 Filipino hookers and a 
 roll of duct tape that I want to run by you. 

   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
Here is a transcript of a tape recording of Maharishi speaking about a

with Mother Divine on dealing withe negativity in the world  in each 

Maharishi Speaks with

Mother Divine

No. 59, 'Living the Good Life'


[FairfieldLife] Ameritopia?

2012-01-18 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus
...I had to pick certain philosophers, who came up 
with certain model utopian ideas, to give examples 
of totalitarian regimes, which really brilliant men 
came up with, and to warn people today that we're 
headed on the same glide path. - Mark Levin 

'We Now Live in a Post-Constitutional Country'

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Need is for National Yagya

2012-01-18 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@... wrote:
 Is a shame to see the Invincible courses come towards an end because the TM 
 Rajas could not get effective numbers of meditators together.

Rather than a shame, it seems more like stupidity. Why do they not, on their 
own, have a yagya performed to get more people into the domes? this would be a 
loose test of the effectiveness of yagyas, and if effective, it would solve 
their own difficulty with assembling their own technology, bringing the numbers 
up to snuff. Then, according to the theory, it should no longer be necessary to 
perform yagyas to avert the dangers they themselves have engendered, as the 
dome numbers would take care of that.

Could be they do not believe their own hype.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Need is for National Yagya

2012-01-18 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Xenophaneros Anartaxius 
anartaxius@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@ wrote:
  Is a shame to see the Invincible courses come towards an 
  end because the TM Rajas could not get effective numbers 
  of meditators together.
 Rather than a shame, it seems more like stupidity. Why do 
 they not, on their own, have a yagya performed to get more 
 people into the domes? this would be a loose test of the 
 effectiveness of yagyas, and if effective, it would solve 
 their own difficulty with assembling their own technology, 
 bringing the numbers up to snuff. Then, according to the 
 theory, it should no longer be necessary to perform yagyas 
 to avert the dangers they themselves have engendered, as 
 the dome numbers would take care of that.
 Could be they do not believe their own hype.

I haven't said anything too terribly TM controversial
in a while, so I'll wade into this one. :-)

I think that -- either consciously or subconsciously --
Bevan and Hagelin and the Rajas have no more intention
to *ever* achieve the numbers than Maharishi did. And
for a very simple reason -- if you achieve the proper
numbers and the expected result does not happen, you
will have proved your own technology to be a sham.
Can't take that chance. 

Maharishi could have achieved the numbers AT ANY
MOMENT during his life. He *had* the money to do it.
And early on he even had the willing followers to do
it. But he never did, and I suspect that it's because
of the reason I suggest above. He was not willing to
put his theories to an actual test.

Now that he's gone, there will be even more of a 
fervor in the Raja types to keep the ME from ever 
really being put to the test, because if they allowed
that and it proved the ME wrong or ineffective, they
would have (in their minds) contributed to besmirching 
the name of their dear departed guru. Not. Gonna. Happen. 

As for paying for a yagya to achieve the numbers,
that's a good idea but again, Not. Gonna. Happen.
To do that would violate one of the highest Laws
Of Nature: Thou shalt never pay for anything 
yourself if you can con someone else into paying
for it for you.  :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Need is for National Yagya

2012-01-18 Thread Susan
Great idea, but way too logical and alarmingly measurable.  Hopefully, the 
folks from the inner circle who scan these posts will hear of this.

Here's another idea - open up a separate place in Ffld to do Program (Probation 
Hall) for all those banned people who would really like to meditate in the 
Domes.   Let them meditate and contribute to world peace etc, but without 
contaminating the people in the regular Domes.  And if you attend Probation 
Hall programs regularly, swear to your purity, OR make a large donation, you 
can absolve your sins and work your way into the big Domes.  Problem solved.

I do see from Buck's point of view how frustrating this whole situation is. 
There is no way to get forgiveness on this issue.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Xenophaneros Anartaxius 
anartaxius@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@ wrote:
  Is a shame to see the Invincible courses come towards an end because the TM 
  Rajas could not get effective numbers of meditators together.
 Rather than a shame, it seems more like stupidity. Why do they not, on their 
 own, have a yagya performed to get more people into the domes? this would be 
 a loose test of the effectiveness of yagyas, and if effective, it would solve 
 their own difficulty with assembling their own technology, bringing the 
 numbers up to snuff. Then, according to the theory, it should no longer be 
 necessary to perform yagyas to avert the dangers they themselves have 
 engendered, as the dome numbers would take care of that.
 Could be they do not believe their own hype.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Need is for National Yagya

2012-01-18 Thread Susan

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartaxius@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@ wrote:
   Is a shame to see the Invincible courses come towards an 
   end because the TM Rajas could not get effective numbers 
   of meditators together.
  Rather than a shame, it seems more like stupidity. Why do 
  they not, on their own, have a yagya performed to get more 
  people into the domes? this would be a loose test of the 
  effectiveness of yagyas, and if effective, it would solve 
  their own difficulty with assembling their own technology, 
  bringing the numbers up to snuff. Then, according to the 
  theory, it should no longer be necessary to perform yagyas 
  to avert the dangers they themselves have engendered, as 
  the dome numbers would take care of that.
  Could be they do not believe their own hype.
 I haven't said anything too terribly TM controversial
 in a while, so I'll wade into this one. :-)
 I think that -- either consciously or subconsciously --
 Bevan and Hagelin and the Rajas have no more intention
 to *ever* achieve the numbers than Maharishi did. And
 for a very simple reason -- if you achieve the proper
 numbers and the expected result does not happen, you
 will have proved your own technology to be a sham.
 Can't take that chance. 
 Maharishi could have achieved the numbers AT ANY
 MOMENT during his life. He *had* the money to do it.
 And early on he even had the willing followers to do
 it. But he never did, and I suspect that it's because
 of the reason I suggest above. He was not willing to
 put his theories to an actual test.
 Now that he's gone, there will be even more of a 
 fervor in the Raja types to keep the ME from ever 
 really being put to the test, because if they allowed
 that and it proved the ME wrong or ineffective, they
 would have (in their minds) contributed to besmirching 
 the name of their dear departed guru. Not. Gonna. Happen. 
 As for paying for a yagya to achieve the numbers,
 that's a good idea but again, Not. Gonna. Happen.
 To do that would violate one of the highest Laws
 Of Nature: Thou shalt never pay for anything 
 yourself if you can con someone else into paying
 for it for you.  :-)

Hey, they left that particular law of nature out of my SCI course years ago!

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Need is for National Yagya

2012-01-18 Thread authfriend

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Xenophaneros Anartaxius 
anartaxius@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@ wrote:
  Is a shame to see the Invincible courses come towards an end because the TM 
  Rajas could not get effective numbers of meditators together.
 Rather than a shame, it seems more like stupidity. Why do they
 not, on their own, have a yagya performed to get more people
 into the domes?

Just out of curiosity--I really have no idea--can a yagya
be given such a specific purpose? Or are the performances
preformulated for a range of more general goals, and you
pick the one that seems to apply most closely to the
specific goal you're aiming for?

 this would be a loose test of the effectiveness of yagyas, and if effective, 
it would solve their own difficulty with assembling their own technology, 
bringing the numbers up to snuff. Then, according to the theory, it should no 
longer be necessary to perform yagyas to avert the dangers they themselves have 
engendered, as the dome numbers would take care of that.
 Could be they do not believe their own hype.

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY Speaks with Mother Divine (not the THMD Course)

2012-01-18 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, richardatrwilliamsdotus richard@... 

  ...I've got an idea that revolves around 3 
  Filipino hookers and a roll of duct tape that 
  I want to run by you.
 So, you want to talk more about your sexual 
 activities again. Where do you think this will 
 put you on the Google search? Why would anyone 
 need duct tape on 3 Filipino 'hookers'? 
 Go figure.

Over the years the vile and sarcastic nature of this Curtis fellow have 
reminded me of the infinite patience and love Maharishi displayed. Just imagine 
having to run an organization that even within it contained such hard rocks of 
ignorgance and negativity ! 

That he simply didn't just give up and return to the Himalayas really tell you 
something about the man.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Need is for National Yagya

2012-01-18 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@... wrote:

 Is a shame to see the Invincible courses come towards an end because the TM 
 Rajas could not get effective numbers of meditators together.

No need to feel sorry. When everything is moved to India you will be sure to 
enjoy it there !

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Need is for National Yagya

2012-01-18 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Susan wayback71@... wrote:

 Great idea, but way too logical and alarmingly measurable.  Hopefully, the 
 folks from the inner circle who scan these posts will hear of this.
 Here's another idea - open up a separate place in Ffld to do Program 
 (Probation Hall) for all those banned people who would really like to 
 meditate in the Domes.   Let them meditate and contribute to world peace etc, 
 but without contaminating the people in the regular Domes.  And if you attend 
 Probation Hall programs regularly, swear to your purity, OR make a large 
 donation, you can absolve your sins and work your way into the big Domes.  
 Problem solved.
 I do see from Buck's point of view how frustrating this whole situation is. 
 There is no way to get forgiveness on this issue.

Better still; move the whole operation to India and let the americans carry 
their own cross.

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY Speaks with Mother Divine (not the THMD Course)

2012-01-18 Thread Susan

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, richardatrwilliamsdotus richard@ 
   ...I've got an idea that revolves around 3 
   Filipino hookers and a roll of duct tape that 
   I want to run by you.
  So, you want to talk more about your sexual 
  activities again. Where do you think this will 
  put you on the Google search? Why would anyone 
  need duct tape on 3 Filipino 'hookers'? 
  Go figure.
 Over the years the vile and sarcastic nature of this Curtis fellow have 
 reminded me of the infinite patience and love Maharishi displayed. Just 
 imagine having to run an organization that even within it contained such hard 
 rocks of ignorgance and negativity ! 
 That he simply didn't just give up and return to the Himalayas really tell 
 you something about the man.

This is good Nabby.  I like Curtis's ideas, but this made me laugh. Your choice 
of words (hard rocks of ignorance and negativity) are amazing.  And you are 
correct in that those who served Maharishi were young and not perfect, but boy 
did we try to help him  out - devoting years of  our lives, living on little if 
any income.  It was service to a Master.  And that is the huge point you 
overlook.  People devoted to Maharishi in those years were certainly not 
negative and no more ignorant than any other 25 year old. But they grew up and 
some grew away and thought things thru for themselves. It does not make them 
negative or ignorant, just grown up. Nothing wrong in that at all - I think 
life has room for that since - if you buy into spiritual ideas - not everyone 
is a bhakti.  Also, Maharishi's organization changed and shifted a lot over 
time, making it difficult for people to stay in it.   And sadly, the 
corruption made many people distrust the spiritual good things within the 
teaching.To me, that is a big deal.  More than money and other possible 

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY Speaks with Mother Divine (not the THMD Course)

2012-01-18 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Susan wayback71@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, richardatrwilliamsdotus richard@ 

...I've got an idea that revolves around 3 
Filipino hookers and a roll of duct tape that 
I want to run by you.
   So, you want to talk more about your sexual 
   activities again. Where do you think this will 
   put you on the Google search? Why would anyone 
   need duct tape on 3 Filipino 'hookers'? 
   Go figure.
  Over the years the vile and sarcastic nature of this Curtis fellow have 
  reminded me of the infinite patience and love Maharishi displayed. Just 
  imagine having to run an organization that even within it contained such 
  hard rocks of ignorgance and negativity ! 
  That he simply didn't just give up and return to the Himalayas really tell 
  you something about the man.
 This is good Nabby.  I like Curtis's ideas, but this made me laugh. Your 
 choice of words (hard rocks of ignorance and negativity) are amazing.  And 
 you are correct in that those who served Maharishi were young and not 
 perfect, but boy did we try to help him  out - devoting years of  our lives, 
 living on little if any income.  It was service to a Master.  And that is the 
 huge point you overlook.

I did not overlook this, I was part of it. Still is to some degree.

 People devoted to Maharishi in those years were certainly not negative and no 
more ignorant than any other 25 year old.

I know. There was very little negativity around. The bitter and vile souls like 
Curtis you would find in the field only. But also there, huge amounts of very 
progressive and bright people.

 But they grew up and some grew away and thought things thru for themselves. It 
does not make them negative or ignorant, just grown up. Nothing wrong in that 
at all - I think life has room for that since - if you buy into spiritual ideas 
- not everyone is a bhakti.  Also, Maharishi's organization changed and shifted 
a lot over time, making it difficult for people to stay in it.

That's right. Many were too inflexible to follow. The Movement belongs to 
those who move

Many also had burned a considerate amount of karma during those years of 
service and was happy with that. 
Nothing wrong with taking a break from Tapas, even for the rest of the 
lifetime, ofcourse. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY Speaks with Mother Divine (not the THMD Course)

2012-01-18 Thread curtisdeltablues
Vile, you say?  I guess you are aligned with the British revisionism when 
translating the Vedic literature then huh?  The Vedic literature itself is not 
puritanical and uncomfortable with human sexuality. Quite the contrary, it 
celebrates it and uses it as a consistent metaphor. Have you not read the 
Lingum Purna which even in stuffy translation reads like a porno novel on 

And have you ever seen the murals on those Indian temples in the South that 
Maharishi was so eager to visit?  And even if you go for Krishna in the water 
with multiple Gopis sporting like elephants as metaphors for consciousness 
details, the images they picked makes Girls Gone Wild look like a librarian's 
convention. (But when they take off their glasses and shake their hair loose 
after the Cyber Dewie Decimal System lecture, look out!)

Seriously Nabbie you are in serious denial about the metaphoric choices in your 
own tradition.  What do you think comes after, the frog desires water, the 
physician desires disease in the uncensored version of the Rig Veda?  Can you 
really be that clueless?

And I am vile! No, neither the Vedas nor I are vile for using sexual image 
metaphors.  Don't you think they knew how to interest humans on this planet at 
least as well as the guy who sells cars on TV or do you think the chick on the 
hood of the car in the bikini is just holding the hood down?  And why exactly 
are you still reading my posts?  At this point I'm gunna have to draw my own 

Was I the guy who wrote it into the Mahabharata that 5 brothers shared one 
wife?  Tell me that isn't right out of a Japanese Bukkake flick. But I am the 
vile one for pointing it out.

Do you know what a lingum and a yoni are?  Are you so hopelessly naive that you 
don't get what pouring milk over a lingum so it flows into the yoni is all 
about.  They chose this image and there is nothing vile about it.

Maharishi was the king of a none for you, all for me attitude about sex.  He 
postured as a prude while living a life of a rockstar with ALL the perky perks. 
 He was a Republican (build a bigger bomb) hypocrite about sex.  I hope at 
least you are also a hypocrite in this area and didn't buy into the BS, cuz if 
you did, you really wasted your youth.

One of the things I would need to see in any spiritual system that claims to 
explain all of life's secrets is a comfort and natural connection with our full 
humanness above the pathetic puritanical shaming that demonstrates that you 
aren't even comfortable with your own body let alone have secrets about the 
universe.  You don't help your cause at all with this denial laden, prudish 

But I will concede one point Nabbie, Duct taping 3 Filipino hookers together to 
simulate the Vedic options available with the Divine one is a bit vile.

You really need to use stage gaffer tape so it is easier to remove.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, richardatrwilliamsdotus richard@ 
   ...I've got an idea that revolves around 3 
   Filipino hookers and a roll of duct tape that 
   I want to run by you.
  So, you want to talk more about your sexual 
  activities again. Where do you think this will 
  put you on the Google search? Why would anyone 
  need duct tape on 3 Filipino 'hookers'? 
  Go figure.
 Over the years the vile and sarcastic nature of this Curtis fellow have 
 reminded me of the infinite patience and love Maharishi displayed. Just 
 imagine having to run an organization that even within it contained such hard 
 rocks of ignorgance and negativity ! 
 That he simply didn't just give up and return to the Himalayas really tell 
 you something about the man.

[FairfieldLife] Re: English Wikipedia anti-SOPA blackout

2012-01-18 Thread raunchydog
Well then, that does it. No need for a protest. Just turn off your JavaScript. 
Silly Wiki, what were they thinking? http://youtu.be/vjrPuYLAIkk

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Xenophaneros Anartaxius 
anartaxius@... wrote:

 You can still access the English Wikipedia. They simply redirect you to a 
 special page using JavaScript. If you can turn off JavaScript in your 
 browser, you have access.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@ wrote:
  To: English Wikipedia Readers and Community
  From: Sue Gardner, Wikimedia Foundation Executive Director
  Date: January 16, 2012
  Today, the Wikipedia community announced its decision to black out the 
  English-language Wikipedia for 24 hours, worldwide, beginning at 05:00 UTC 
  on Wednesday, January 18 (you can read the statement from the Wikimedia 
  Foundation here). The blackout is a protest against proposed legislation in 
  the United Statesâ€the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) in the U.S. House of 
  Representatives, and the PROTECT IP Act (PIPA) in the U.S. Senateâ€that, 
  if passed, would seriously damage the free and open Internet, including 
  This will be the first time the English Wikipedia has ever staged a public 
  protest of this nature, and it's a decision that wasn't lightly made. 
  Here's how it's been described by the three Wikipedia administrators who 
  formally facilitated the community's discussion. From the public statement, 
  signed by User:NuclearWarfare, User:Risker and User:Billinghurst:
  It is the opinion of the English Wikipedia community that both of 
  these bills, if passed, would be devastating to the free and open web. 
  Over the course of the past 72 hours, over 1800 Wikipedians have 
  joined together to discuss proposed actions that the community might wish 
  to take against SOPA and PIPA. This is by far the largest level of 
  participation in a community discussion ever seen on Wikipedia, which 
  illustrates the level of concern that Wikipedians feel about this proposed 
  legislation. The overwhelming majority of participants support community 
  action to encourage greater public action in response to these two bills. 
  Of the proposals considered by Wikipedians, those that would result in a 
  blackout of the English Wikipedia, in concert with similar blackouts on 
  other websites opposed to SOPA and PIPA, received the strongest support. 
  On careful review of this discussion, the closing administrators 
  note the broad-based support for action from Wikipedians around the world, 
  not just from within the United States. The primary objection to a global 
  blackout came from those who preferred that the blackout be limited to 
  readers from the United States, with the rest of the world seeing a simple 
  banner notice instead. We also noted that roughly 55% of those supporting a 
  blackout preferred that it be a global one, with many pointing to concerns 
  about similar legislation in other nations. 
  In making this decision, Wikipedians will be criticized for seeming to 
  abandon neutrality to take a political position. That's a real, legitimate 
  issue. We want people to trust Wikipedia, not worry that it is trying to 
  propagandize them.
  But although Wikipedia's articles are neutral, its existence is not. As 
  Wikimedia Foundation board member Kat Walsh wrote on one of our mailing 
  lists recently,
  We depend on a legal infrastructure that makes it possible for us 
  to operate. And we depend on a legal infrastructure that also allows other 
  sites to host user-contributed material, both information and expression. 
  For the most part, Wikimedia projects are organizing and summarizing and 
  collecting the world's knowledge. We're putting it in context, and showing 
  people how to make to sense of it. 
  But that knowledge has to be published somewhere for anyone to find 
  and use it. Where it can be censored without due process, it hurts the 
  speaker, the public, and Wikimedia. Where you can only speak if you have 
  sufficient resources to fight legal challenges, or, if your views are 
  pre-approved by someone who does, the same narrow set of ideas already 
  popular will continue to be all anyone has meaningful access to. 
  The decision to shut down the English Wikipedia wasn't made by me; it was 
  made by editors, through a consensus decision-making process. But I support 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Transcendental Judgment:

2012-01-18 Thread Emily Reyn
I have a friend that did the DNA testing through the National Geographic 
project and traced his roots back to Africa.  I think it was about $100 back 5 
years ago or so.  

 From: seventhray1 steve.sun...@sbcglobal.net
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2012 9:43 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Transcendental Judgment:

Wow, that was neat.  Great pictures.  It brought me back to a reverence for 
Native Americans.  I admit that over the last few years, my perception has 
focussed on some of the brutality they displayed in fighting their enemies, and 
less about their relationship with the earth.  This helped move me back in 
that direction.
We've been meaning to do some some DNA testing.  We think there is some Indian 
on my wife's side.  A mysterious women in the geneology, but sanitized because 
it wasn't considered proper. But my son had mongolian patches on his behind as 
a child, and those are particular to native american as well as some other 
racial groups.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@... wrote:

 I leave eternity to thee...  
 I think a few sacred harp singers are needed...Idumea
 And am I born to die?
 To lay this body down!
 And must my trembling spirit fly
 Into a world unknown?
 A land of deepest shade,
 Unpierced by human thought
 The dreary regions of the dead,
 Where all things are forgot.
 Soon as from earth I go
 What will become of me?
 Eternal happiness or woe,
 Must then my portion be!
 Waked by the trumpet sound,
 I from my grave shall rise;
 And see the Judge with glory crowned,
 And see the flaming skies!
 From: Buck dhamiltony2k5@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2012 8:20 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Transcendental Judgment:
 Friends I want to share with you all one of the greatest sermons ever given 
 that was written by a Transcendentalist.
 You know in working with livestock, inflection is often nine tenths of the 
 communication. It is not at all so much what is said, but how it is said. I 
 see that much of the problem with discussions here on this list is that 
 people can't hear how things are being said as to what is being said. 
 Likewise, in this whole discussion around the FFL resolution on sin, it seems 
 something is being lost in the print that keeps people from converting. 
 Take a listen to this. It sounds remarkable like to how I sound when I write. 
 I hope this is helpful to some of you who have trouble with what I write here.
 Kindly from the Unified Field ever vigilante,
   The Greek word for sin in the Bible is 'amarkon' which means to miss the
  Yes; !Amarkoners repent! Yes, it is in the Greek I pray for these really 
  big Amarkoners here to return home. These TM expatriates. The ex-patriots 
  indeed. Here we have one of the biggest natural law peace-creating things 
  going on and these guys spurn it always puking on it here. That is 
  spiritual sin in the Greek way as also per the FFL Resolution on Sin too. 
  Is perfectly fair to judge who is with us in this natural law too as 
  transcendentalists and who is against it, and us. It is calling sin for 
  what it is, a sin a sin.
  Thank you for your very learned comments.
  An old and Kindly meditator,
  -Buck in FF 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Xenophaneros Anartaxius 
  anartaxius@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck wrote:
Teaching the Knowledge
As a teacher, there is a different, more difficult lesson that must
accepted personally: if someone chosen by the Unified Field to be a
prophet or a leader refuses to teach the truth, as Jonah did for
example, then Nature will visit a terrible punishment on them.
However, the reverse is even more true�Nature will grant favor
delight to those who do preach the truth.
Om, Om, Om, come back, come back to meditation you sinners.
The bell tolls for thee,
In warm regard of natural law,
-Buck in FF
   This is kind of heavy handed Buck. Fortunately I am not immune to being
   heavy handed in thought, and as Barry would possibly say, overbearing
   and pompous. If the unified field is truth, one cannot actually speak
   it, one can only point to it because it is transcendent to speech. All
   speech in the world in reference to it is as a lie. Nature is not
   personal, it visits on one without regard to person. Favour and delight
   are the experience of those who experience the unified field, but nature
   remains the same impersonal force of will that is the unified field,
   enlightened or unenlightened. It is not will as a person imagines will
   to be; it is far more 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Transcendental Judgment:

2012-01-18 Thread Alex Stanley

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@... wrote:

 I have a friend that did the DNA testing through the National
 Geographic project and traced his roots back to Africa.  I 
 think it was about $100 back 5 years ago or so.  

I've had my DNA tested by two different companies:



The focus of 23andme is health issues, and FTDNA is all about genealogy.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: TV Review: Alcatraz

2012-01-18 Thread Bhairitu
I grew up about a 3 hour drive from Portland and had relatives in the 
area so we often would make a trip there.  That and Spokane were my 
first experiences of urban society long before I experienced Seattle.  
And before I visited Seattle I spent a month in the San Francisco Bay 
Area when I was 8.  My longest experience with Portland was in January 
1978 when the group I was in played a month long gig in Vancouver, WA at 
a place just off the freeway that had an Eat Now sign. It was a family 
owned place known for it's fried chicken.  On nights off I would go down 
to Portland to watch movies or visit Powell's Books.

I remember one big storm in Seattle where the only cars on the road were 
mine and other Subarus (very popular car there).  In January 1982 I 
drove cross state to Pullman after a big snow storm and made it on time 
to the gig.  I was the only member of the band who did, so we started a 
day late.  In 1990 I was living in Redmond and when another big storm 
hit right before Christmas taking some folks over 6 hours to get home 
from work I booked a room at the airport and stayed overnight before 
taking a flight to California for Christmas.

Needless to say I've had enough of snow in my life but am surprised at 
this long cold winter we've been having in the Bay Area.  Climate change 
is indeed here.

On 01/17/2012 08:53 PM, Emily Reyn wrote:
 I watched a couple of clips on utube.  This one is great and so true and a 
 bit musical.  I do the waterfront walk featured here every time I go.  


 Portland is my favorite nearest city and it is a *great* place.  I wish I had 
 left Seattle and bought a house there years ago.  I really am going to have 
 to buy a TV as soon as it stops snowing here - I am missing so much of this 
 amusing stuff.  Up to 6 new inches (about 3 have fallen so far) are 
 predicted (well, up to 14 in places, those places where nobody commutes) and 
 school has been cancelled for two days now and the headline on the front of 
 the paper this morning was Megastorm looms for area.  Ha ha.  We are such 
 wimps.  Time to go skiing.  

   From: Bhairitunoozg...@sbcglobal.net
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2012 7:45 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: TV Review: Alcatraz

 No, I didn't know that but Portland is a very weird place.

 On 01/17/2012 07:01 PM, curtisdeltablues wrote:
 Portlandia is my new favorite show and Fred Armisen and Carrie Brownstein  
 are my new favorite sketch comics.  (Louis CK is still tops in stand up)  
 Did you know they were musicians first?  They did a great piece on them on 
 CBS Sunday Morning.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitunoozguru@...   wrote:
 On 01/17/2012 01:16 PM, turquoiseb wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitunoozguru@wrote:
 Nice shots of the San Francisco with scenes shot in Vancouver, BC
 standing in for SF.  Hint: SF does not have a range of mountains.
 There is one small peak to the north (Mt. Tam) and the Oakland
 Hills to the east (hardly mountains).  Of course scenes the
 foliage was totally wrong for the Bay Area.

 But don't waste your time as this is another formulaic TV cop and
 sidekick series using the villain of the week gimmick.
 Sadly, that sentence pretty much nails it.

 It confirms that broadcast TV is indeed being used like a drug
 for the great unwashed. I guess after Lost we expect more
 from J.J. Abrams but I fear it's all about the money these days
 and a paycheck for the creators. Not even Jorge Garcia (Hurley
 on Lost) can save this one.
 He's the only reason I watched the two opening episodes.
 As you say, he's probably not gonna save this one.

 As for Being Human ( the series, not the condition :-)
 I haven't gotten to that one yet, so I reserve judgment
 until I do.
 You might find the 2nd episode of the 2nd season of Portlandia
 hilarious.  It has to do with Battlestar Gallactica and I think I posted
 the first segment link here a week or so ago.  It's where a couple
 decide to watch the first episode of BSG before they go to a party and
 wind up watching the whole series finishing a week or so later.  But
 wait there's more!  Two more segments in fact with the third being the
 most hilarious.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Need is for National Yagya

2012-01-18 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Susan wayback71@... wrote:

 Great idea, but way too logical and alarmingly measurable.  Hopefully, the 
 folks from the inner circle who scan these posts will hear of this.
 Here's another idea - open up a separate place in Ffld to do Program 
 (Probation Hall) for all those banned people who would really like to 
 meditate in the Domes.   Let them meditate and contribute to world peace etc, 
 but without contaminating the people in the regular Domes.  And if you attend 
 Probation Hall programs regularly, swear to your purity, OR make a large 
 donation, you can absolve your sins and work your way into the big Domes.  
 Problem solved.
 I do see from Buck's point of view how frustrating this whole situation is. 
 There is no way to get forgiveness on this issue.

Susan, Doug Hamilton has been on this from the earliest posts to this forum, 
long, long before I came on here. Post #6 and post #13:


He seems genuinely concerned about this disruption of community. As spiritual 
movements degenerate into religion (belief as opposed to direct experience) I 
suspect the resistance to testing the metaphysical underpinnings of the 
enterprise becomes more intense. There are many metaphysical ideas which have 
testable physical consequences because they are supposed to have a result in 
the world.

For example global warming does appear to be increasing. The Church of the 
Flying Spaghetti Monster (http://www.venganza.org/) claims this is because the 
number of pirates in the world is declining:


However the number of pirates on the high seas seems to have increased in the 
past couple of decades from something like 100 to perhaps 3000, largely because 
of Somalia. This is a serious theological threat to the Church of the Flying 
Spaghetti Monster (COTFSM) because the number of pirates is increasing, but 
global temperatures continue to rise. And there are of course online pirates 
that have increased significantly to, although, strictly speaking, the COTFSM 
is referring specifically to pirates on the high seas.

The Church here referred to is of course a parody of religious thought, but it 
is exactly the kind of thinking the TMO expects people to have. Anyone here on 
this forum who has a spiritual bent, not excluding me either, has probably 
fallen into the ridiculous logic promoted by this way of thinking one time or 
another, even without realising it. What we see here on the forum is people 
that are in various stages of breaking away from that misguided logic, and 
trying to come to terms with existence as it is, not as we think it ought to 
be, or more particularly, as someone else thinks we ought to think it to be.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartaxius@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@ wrote:
   Is a shame to see the Invincible courses come towards an end because the 
   TM Rajas could not get effective numbers of meditators together.
  Rather than a shame, it seems more like stupidity. Why do they not, on 
  their own, have a yagya performed to get more people into the domes? this 
  would be a loose test of the effectiveness of yagyas, and if effective, it 
  would solve their own difficulty with assembling their own technology, 
  bringing the numbers up to snuff. Then, according to the theory, it should 
  no longer be necessary to perform yagyas to avert the dangers they 
  themselves have engendered, as the dome numbers would take care of that.
  Could be they do not believe their own hype.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Need is for National Yagya

2012-01-18 Thread marekreavis
Xenophaneros Anartaxius said:
What we see here on the forum is people that
are in various stages of breaking away from that misguided logic, and trying to
come to terms with existence as it is, not as we think it ought to be, or more
particularly, as someone else thinks we ought to think it to be.

In my experience and opinion, coming to terms with existence as it is and not 
as we think it ought to be is one of the most rewarding endeavors a human can 
engage in. (And I'm tempted to say, ought to engage in.)

Thanks for your posts. Good stuff.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Xenophaneros Anartaxius 
anartaxius@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Susan wayback71@ wrote:
  Great idea, but way too logical and alarmingly measurable.  Hopefully, the 
  folks from the inner circle who scan these posts will hear of this.
  Here's another idea - open up a separate place in Ffld to do Program 
  (Probation Hall) for all those banned people who would really like to 
  meditate in the Domes.   Let them meditate and contribute to world peace 
  etc, but without contaminating the people in the regular Domes.  And if you 
  attend Probation Hall programs regularly, swear to your purity, OR make a 
  large donation, you can absolve your sins and work your way into the big 
  Domes.  Problem solved.
  I do see from Buck's point of view how frustrating this whole situation is. 
  There is no way to get forgiveness on this issue.
 Susan, Doug Hamilton has been on this from the earliest posts to this forum, 
 long, long before I came on here. Post #6 and post #13:
 He seems genuinely concerned about this disruption of community. As spiritual 
 movements degenerate into religion (belief as opposed to direct experience) I 
 suspect the resistance to testing the metaphysical underpinnings of the 
 enterprise becomes more intense. There are many metaphysical ideas which have 
 testable physical consequences because they are supposed to have a result in 
 the world.
 For example global warming does appear to be increasing. The Church of the 
 Flying Spaghetti Monster (http://www.venganza.org/) claims this is because 
 the number of pirates in the world is declining:
 However the number of pirates on the high seas seems to have increased in the 
 past couple of decades from something like 100 to perhaps 3000, largely 
 because of Somalia. This is a serious theological threat to the Church of the 
 Flying Spaghetti Monster (COTFSM) because the number of pirates is 
 increasing, but global temperatures continue to rise. And there are of course 
 online pirates that have increased significantly to, although, strictly 
 speaking, the COTFSM is referring specifically to pirates on the high seas.
 The Church here referred to is of course a parody of religious thought, but 
 it is exactly the kind of thinking the TMO expects people to have. Anyone 
 here on this forum who has a spiritual bent, not excluding me either, has 
 probably fallen into the ridiculous logic promoted by this way of thinking 
 one time or another, even without realising it. What we see here on the forum 
 is people that are in various stages of breaking away from that misguided 
 logic, and trying to come to terms with existence as it is, not as we think 
 it ought to be, or more particularly, as someone else thinks we ought to 
 think it to be.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Xenophaneros Anartaxius 
  anartaxius@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@ wrote:

Is a shame to see the Invincible courses come towards an end because 
the TM Rajas could not get effective numbers of meditators together.
   Rather than a shame, it seems more like stupidity. Why do they not, on 
   their own, have a yagya performed to get more people into the domes? this 
   would be a loose test of the effectiveness of yagyas, and if effective, 
   it would solve their own difficulty with assembling their own technology, 
   bringing the numbers up to snuff. Then, according to the theory, it 
   should no longer be necessary to perform yagyas to avert the dangers they 
   themselves have engendered, as the dome numbers would take care of that.
   Could be they do not believe their own hype.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Wow

2012-01-18 Thread Emily Reyn
Awoelflebater, Wow sounds about right then.  You could be in the right place. 
 Cat fight is probably the wrong term, which generally assumes a fight 
between *women* and the majority of the exchanges are between *individuals*, 
irrespective of gender, or reflect differences in the male/female experience.  
(Having said that, I've jumped in from my perspective as a female on several 
occasions.)  I think of the exchanges here as healthy debates; the forum allows 
for an expanded level of freedom of expression which is good and posts can be 
very funny, even the *off-color* ones, from a certain perspective.  Yes, 
sometimes the language descends into what would be considered the *gutter*, 
applying typical social convention, but on the other hand, it almost always 
sparks additional debate.  Few scenarios of this ilk are left untouched and not 
commented on.

This is a different venue and the gift to me is that it does accommodate a wide 
range of language and visual formats.  For me, I enjoy the multiple 
perspectives as the human condition.  For me, the struggle to conform has 
been like a noose that slowly tightened around my neck and just about snuffed 
me out at different times in my life.  This group includes some of the most 
creative, intelligent and interesting people I've come across in a long time.  
The joy of experiencing a robust internet forum with multiple viewpoints is 
well worth any personal offense taken along the way, IMHO, and further affords 
opportunities to articulate your own position, or step back and let go, or 
question/clarify one's own mental/emotional constructs.  For me, I often feel 
something larger in place here that transcends (and I use that word very 
loosely) what may be interpreted as petty or insulting or mundane at face 
value.  I hope you stay and speak out as you see

 From: awoelflebater no_re...@yahoogroups.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2012 7:05 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Wow

Hi Buck, Yes, I was initiated in 1970 by my sister who attended TT in Majorca 
in 1969. I was 14 at the time. I remember paying one week's allowance for this. 
I transferred from Colgate University in 1975 to MIU after attending an SCI 
course at Livingston Manor. It blew me away and I just had to come to FF! I 
attended MIU from the Fall of 1975 until graduation in 1980. I left FF for a 
while living in upstate NY with my then boyfriend and fellow MIU graduate. 
After a couple of years I returned to FF (don't we all at some time?) and 
taught a horseback riding program with another friend of mine for the students 
and meditators in town. Around that time I also had a friend that had attended 
the first Robin Carlsen lecture in town. Their description of it intrigued me. 
I proceeded to watch a seminar tape, was blown away by that and jumped head 
first into the most amazing three and a half years of my life.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@... wrote:

 Awoelf,  You are a meditator(?)  You do meditate don't you?
 Just wondering, where you are coming from.
 -Buck in FF
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater no_reply@ wrote:
Just a newbie here at FFL. Glancing through all of the posts 
they range from the mundane (movie reviews) to scratch-out-
your-eyes cat fights. Something's got some of you going but 
I'm not sure anyone is convincing anyone else that they are 
right. Good luck to you all.
   Welcome. I took your reference to movie reviews as
   mundane as a bit of a challenge, and I hope you
   like the result. :-)
   As for trying to convince others that we're right,
   well that is something not everyone here indulges
   in. Some just know that they're right. :-)
  You come in to the middle of something here.
  Lot of us been trying to save this guy from his ways for years now and he 
  thinks he knows better.  Still, I pray for him and those others that fell 
  away from the cart here too.  Is always a sad thing to witness these fallen 
  away wriggle the way they do.
  -Buck in FF


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: English Wikipedia anti-SOPA blackout

2012-01-18 Thread Bhairitu
Wired.com has blacked out articles which appear if you put the mouse 
pointer over them. Google has a big black rectangle over it's logo and a 
link to contact your congressman. Raw Story is blacked out with on a 
video of CBS reporting the blackout. Lot's of other web sites have 
joined in too.

On 01/18/2012 08:50 AM, raunchydog wrote:
 Well then, that does it. No need for a protest. Just turn off your 
 JavaScript. Silly Wiki, what were they thinking? http://youtu.be/vjrPuYLAIkk

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Xenophaneros 
 Anartaxiusanartaxius@...  wrote:
 You can still access the English Wikipedia. They simply redirect you to a 
 special page using JavaScript. If you can turn off JavaScript in your 
 browser, you have access.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydograunchydog@  wrote:
 To: English Wikipedia Readers and Community
 From: Sue Gardner, Wikimedia Foundation Executive Director
 Date: January 16, 2012

 Today, the Wikipedia community announced its decision to black out the 
 English-language Wikipedia for 24 hours, worldwide, beginning at 05:00 UTC 
 on Wednesday, January 18 (you can read the statement from the Wikimedia 
 Foundation here). The blackout is a protest against proposed legislation in 
 the United Statesâ€the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) in the U.S. House of 
 Representatives, and the PROTECT IP Act (PIPA) in the U.S. Senateâ€that, 
 if passed, would seriously damage the free and open Internet, including 

 This will be the first time the English Wikipedia has ever staged a public 
 protest of this nature, and it's a decision that wasn't lightly made. 
 Here's how it's been described by the three Wikipedia administrators who 
 formally facilitated the community's discussion. From the public statement, 
 signed by User:NuclearWarfare, User:Risker and User:Billinghurst:

  It is the opinion of the English Wikipedia community that both of 
 these bills, if passed, would be devastating to the free and open web.

  Over the course of the past 72 hours, over 1800 Wikipedians have 
 joined together to discuss proposed actions that the community might wish 
 to take against SOPA and PIPA. This is by far the largest level of 
 participation in a community discussion ever seen on Wikipedia, which 
 illustrates the level of concern that Wikipedians feel about this proposed 
 legislation. The overwhelming majority of participants support community 
 action to encourage greater public action in response to these two bills. 
 Of the proposals considered by Wikipedians, those that would result in a 
 blackout of the English Wikipedia, in concert with similar blackouts on 
 other websites opposed to SOPA and PIPA, received the strongest support.

  On careful review of this discussion, the closing administrators 
 note the broad-based support for action from Wikipedians around the world, 
 not just from within the United States. The primary objection to a global 
 blackout came from those who preferred that the blackout be limited to 
 readers from the United States, with the rest of the world seeing a simple 
 banner notice instead. We also noted that roughly 55% of those supporting a 
 blackout preferred that it be a global one, with many pointing to concerns 
 about similar legislation in other nations.

 In making this decision, Wikipedians will be criticized for seeming to 
 abandon neutrality to take a political position. That's a real, legitimate 
 issue. We want people to trust Wikipedia, not worry that it is trying to 
 propagandize them.

 But although Wikipedia's articles are neutral, its existence is not. As 
 Wikimedia Foundation board member Kat Walsh wrote on one of our mailing 
 lists recently,

  We depend on a legal infrastructure that makes it possible for us 
 to operate. And we depend on a legal infrastructure that also allows other 
 sites to host user-contributed material, both information and expression. 
 For the most part, Wikimedia projects are organizing and summarizing and 
 collecting the world's knowledge. We're putting it in context, and showing 
 people how to make to sense of it.

  But that knowledge has to be published somewhere for anyone to 
 find and use it. Where it can be censored without due process, it hurts the 
 speaker, the public, and Wikimedia. Where you can only speak if you have 
 sufficient resources to fight legal challenges, or, if your views are 
 pre-approved by someone who does, the same narrow set of ideas already 
 popular will continue to be all anyone has meaningful access to.

 The decision to shut down the English Wikipedia wasn't made by me; it was 
 made by editors, through a consensus decision-making process. But I support 

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: TV Review: Alcatraz

2012-01-18 Thread Bhairitu
I intended to mention that Porlandia is on the IFC channel which on 
Comcast where I am is in the second HD tier though available OnDemand if 
you don't subscribe to that tier.  That may be true on other cable and 
satellite systems too.  I don't like these tier systems and would love 
to see ala carte.  But eventually everything will be streamed anyway.  
Already you can get current series that are available on Extended 
Basic cable on streaming services like Amazon and Vudu.  I see that 
Portlandia season two is available on Amazon Instant Video at $1.99 an 

On 01/17/2012 08:53 PM, Emily Reyn wrote:
 I watched a couple of clips on utube.  This one is great and so true and a 
 bit musical.  I do the waterfront walk featured here every time I go.  


 Portland is my favorite nearest city and it is a *great* place.  I wish I had 
 left Seattle and bought a house there years ago.  I really am going to have 
 to buy a TV as soon as it stops snowing here - I am missing so much of this 
 amusing stuff.  Up to 6 new inches (about 3 have fallen so far) are 
 predicted (well, up to 14 in places, those places where nobody commutes) and 
 school has been cancelled for two days now and the headline on the front of 
 the paper this morning was Megastorm looms for area.  Ha ha.  We are such 
 wimps.  Time to go skiing.  

   From: Bhairitunoozg...@sbcglobal.net
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2012 7:45 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: TV Review: Alcatraz

 No, I didn't know that but Portland is a very weird place.

 On 01/17/2012 07:01 PM, curtisdeltablues wrote:
 Portlandia is my new favorite show and Fred Armisen and Carrie Brownstein  
 are my new favorite sketch comics.  (Louis CK is still tops in stand up)  
 Did you know they were musicians first?  They did a great piece on them on 
 CBS Sunday Morning.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitunoozguru@...   wrote:
 On 01/17/2012 01:16 PM, turquoiseb wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitunoozguru@wrote:
 Nice shots of the San Francisco with scenes shot in Vancouver, BC
 standing in for SF.  Hint: SF does not have a range of mountains.
 There is one small peak to the north (Mt. Tam) and the Oakland
 Hills to the east (hardly mountains).  Of course scenes the
 foliage was totally wrong for the Bay Area.

 But don't waste your time as this is another formulaic TV cop and
 sidekick series using the villain of the week gimmick.
 Sadly, that sentence pretty much nails it.

 It confirms that broadcast TV is indeed being used like a drug
 for the great unwashed. I guess after Lost we expect more
 from J.J. Abrams but I fear it's all about the money these days
 and a paycheck for the creators. Not even Jorge Garcia (Hurley
 on Lost) can save this one.
 He's the only reason I watched the two opening episodes.
 As you say, he's probably not gonna save this one.

 As for Being Human ( the series, not the condition :-)
 I haven't gotten to that one yet, so I reserve judgment
 until I do.
 You might find the 2nd episode of the 2nd season of Portlandia
 hilarious.  It has to do with Battlestar Gallactica and I think I posted
 the first segment link here a week or so ago.  It's where a couple
 decide to watch the first episode of BSG before they go to a party and
 wind up watching the whole series finishing a week or so later.  But
 wait there's more!  Two more segments in fact with the third being the
 most hilarious.

[FairfieldLife] further to our discussion...

2012-01-18 Thread awoelflebater
Hi Emily, 
Yes, I was initially going to describe it as more akin to machine-gunning but 
thought that was too strong.
But thanks for the welcome. I don't know how long I'll stick around but when 
you use words like robust and healthy debates it sounds a little more 
tempting. After all, I am one of those people who at 55 years of age has come 
to be very suspicious of being in the same room with more than three people 
with the same religious or spiritual perspective. Now that can be scary. Too 
much certainty about anything leads to nothing but trouble.
Hope to be hearing from you again.

[FairfieldLife] Re: English Wikipedia anti-SOPA blackout

2012-01-18 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@... wrote:

 Well then, that does it. No need for a protest. Just turn off
 your JavaScript. Silly Wiki, what were they thinking? 

From the FAQ at the Learn More link on the blackout page:

Is it still possible to access Wikipedia in any way?

Yes. During the blackout, Wikipedia is accessible on mobile devices and smart 
phones. You can also view Wikipedia normally by disabling JavaScript in your 
browser, as explained on this Technical FAQ page. Our purpose here isn't to 
make it completely impossible for people to read Wikipedia, and it's okay for 
you to circumvent the blackout. We just want to make sure you see our 
messageThis is neither intended to be an impenetrable barrier to access nor 
an ephemeral attempt to grab attention. It's a historic, measured, temporary 
action in protest against specific legislation which threatens the free and 
open Internet and, by extension, Wikipedia.

Sounds reasonable to me.

The Technical FAQ page doesn't give instructions on disabling
JavaScript. Most people who don't know about the blackout and
visit Wikipedia will likely not know how to do it even if they
do click on Learn More and read the FAQs.

But the main thing is that locking Wikipedia down so it's
completely inaccessible really isn't necessary. They've
made their point loud and clear; what they've done is a
front-page headline, with a story explaining why, all over
the world.

Here's a wonderfully supportive Media Decoder column from
the NY Times, How I'm Surviving (or Trying to) Without
Wikipedia at My Fingertips, by reporter David Carr. He
doesn't mention any of the ways to get around the block,
although I'd bet a buck he knows what they are.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartaxius@ 
  You can still access the English Wikipedia. They simply redirect you to a 
  special page using JavaScript. If you can turn off JavaScript in your 
  browser, you have access.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@ wrote:
   To: English Wikipedia Readers and Community
   From: Sue Gardner, Wikimedia Foundation Executive Director
   Date: January 16, 2012
   Today, the Wikipedia community announced its decision to black out the 
   English-language Wikipedia for 24 hours, worldwide, beginning at 05:00 
   UTC on Wednesday, January 18 (you can read the statement from the 
   Wikimedia Foundation here). The blackout is a protest against proposed 
   legislation in the United Statesâ€the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) in 
   the U.S. House of Representatives, and the PROTECT IP Act (PIPA) in the 
   U.S. Senateâ€that, if passed, would seriously damage the free and open 
   Internet, including Wikipedia.
   This will be the first time the English Wikipedia has ever staged a 
   public protest of this nature, and it's a decision that wasn't lightly 
   made. Here's how it's been described by the three Wikipedia 
   administrators who formally facilitated the community's discussion. From 
   the public statement, signed by User:NuclearWarfare, User:Risker and 
   It is the opinion of the English Wikipedia community that both of 
   these bills, if passed, would be devastating to the free and open web. 
   Over the course of the past 72 hours, over 1800 Wikipedians have 
   joined together to discuss proposed actions that the community might wish 
   to take against SOPA and PIPA. This is by far the largest level of 
   participation in a community discussion ever seen on Wikipedia, which 
   illustrates the level of concern that Wikipedians feel about this 
   proposed legislation. The overwhelming majority of participants support 
   community action to encourage greater public action in response to these 
   two bills. Of the proposals considered by Wikipedians, those that would 
   result in a blackout of the English Wikipedia, in concert with similar 
   blackouts on other websites opposed to SOPA and PIPA, received the 
   strongest support. 
   On careful review of this discussion, the closing administrators 
   note the broad-based support for action from Wikipedians around the 
   world, not just from within the United States. The primary objection to a 
   global blackout came from those who preferred that the blackout be 
   limited to readers from the United States, with the rest of the world 
   seeing a simple banner notice instead. We also noted that roughly 55% of 
   those supporting a blackout preferred that it be a global one, with many 
   pointing to concerns about similar legislation in other nations. 
   In making this decision, Wikipedians will be criticized for seeming to 
   abandon neutrality to take a political position. That's a real, 
   legitimate issue. We want people to trust Wikipedia, not worry that it is 
   trying to propagandize them.
   But although 

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY Speaks with Mother Divine (not the THMD Course)

2012-01-18 Thread futur.musik
Yes, we can always speculate in such a way that it fulfills our desires too. I 
personally do not share my experiences because I want to convince others of 
their validity. 

I mention it for those few souls who are dedicated to their liberation, and to 
know such things are possible. There might be a person or two out there who 
wishes for a personal relationship with a saint or god or goddess, and such a 
thing is possible. 

It is possible to meet souls in the astral world who love unconditionally and 
completely, forgive us for everything they see in us, and establish a dynamic 
and real, long lasting relationship that grows and changes much as an earthly 
one does.

I can appreciate your desire to know such phenomena as a bridge between science 
and spirituality, and wish you complete success in your inquiry.

PS The reason Maharishi's experience rings true for me, is the nature of the 
relationship he has with Mother Divine. A conversation and a relationship, vs. 
the robertson guy who claims a 900 foot Jesus and something out of science 
fiction. Once you are having these experiences at will, it is easy to spot the 
fakers from those describing a real experience.

I look forward to continuing this discussion in a week if you like, or with 
anyone else who enjoys the subject of direct celestial communication. This is 
51 for me.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@... 

 I believe in the phenomenon just not the interpretation of what it means.  It 
 is well known capacity of our brains. In some conditions our ability to 
 distinguish inner and outer mental experience gets confused.  That is my take 
 on the sincere ones. I have no reason to believe that Roberts was less 
 sincere in having a dramatic experience than Maharishi.  It is just funny how 
 convenient they both came out to be for their own desires. 
 I am not really sure that Maharishi is not just reporting a dramatic 
 conversation he had with himself in the context of a temple using Mother 
 Divine as an artistic literary device.  That would be my best guess.  He was 
 reporting his thoughts in a more dramatic way taking some poetic license to 
 punch the story up a bit.  He did a similar thing I believe when he claimed 
 that Vasishtha came onto him last night!  It lead to a perspective about the 
 Vedas.  I have my doubts that he saw himself in as mystical a light as he 
 projected to us.  Judith's book makes me believe he was more of a poetic 
 devise guy than a I just talked to Mother Divine for real real guy.  YMMV
 But my guess is that there are way more people who actually experience 
 something dramatic than people who are outright lying through their teeth.  
 I've had ones like it so I understand how compelling they are.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, futur.musik futur.musik@ wrote:
  Since most people don't have this experience there are folks who fake this 
  to take advantage of others. Too bad - leads to rampant cynicism. However 
  there are indications wrt the experience that can speak to its validity, or 
  not. Maharishi's account reads as genuine. Can you guess why? No, *not* 
  because it is Maharishi... 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
  curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
   Where have I heard this type of claim before...oh yeah:
   n 1977, Roberts claimed to have had a vision from a 900-foot-tall Jesus 
   who told him to build City of Faith Medical and Research Center, and the 
   hospital would be a success.
   So convenient how God supports a person's organizational ambitions like 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
Here is a transcript of a tape recording of Maharishi speaking about a

with Mother Divine on dealing withe negativity in the world  in each 

Maharishi Speaks with

Mother Divine

No. 59, 'Living the Good Life'


[FairfieldLife] Re: The Need is for National Yagya

2012-01-18 Thread Susan

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Xenophaneros Anartaxius 
anartaxius@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Susan wayback71@ wrote:
  Great idea, but way too logical and alarmingly measurable.  Hopefully, the 
  folks from the inner circle who scan these posts will hear of this.
  Here's another idea - open up a separate place in Ffld to do Program 
  (Probation Hall) for all those banned people who would really like to 
  meditate in the Domes.   Let them meditate and contribute to world peace 
  etc, but without contaminating the people in the regular Domes.  And if you 
  attend Probation Hall programs regularly, swear to your purity, OR make a 
  large donation, you can absolve your sins and work your way into the big 
  Domes.  Problem solved.
  I do see from Buck's point of view how frustrating this whole situation is. 
  There is no way to get forgiveness on this issue.
 Susan, Doug Hamilton has been on this from the earliest posts to this forum, 
 long, long before I came on here. Post #6 and post #13:
 He seems genuinely concerned about this disruption of community. As spiritual 
 movements degenerate into religion (belief as opposed to direct experience) I 
 suspect the resistance to testing the metaphysical underpinnings of the 
 enterprise becomes more intense. There are many metaphysical ideas which have 
 testable physical consequences because they are supposed to have a result in 
 the world.
 For example global warming does appear to be increasing. The Church of the 
 Flying Spaghetti Monster (http://www.venganza.org/) claims this is because 
 the number of pirates in the world is declining:

A graph!  Aha. That proves it. Thanks:-)
 However the number of pirates on the high seas seems to have increased in the 
 past couple of decades from something like 100 to perhaps 3000, largely 
 because of Somalia. This is a serious theological threat to the Church of the 
 Flying Spaghetti Monster (COTFSM) because the number of pirates is 
 increasing, but global temperatures continue to rise. And there are of course 
 online pirates that have increased significantly to, although, strictly 
 speaking, the COTFSM is referring specifically to pirates on the high seas.
 The Church here referred to is of course a parody of religious thought, but 
 it is exactly the kind of thinking the TMO expects people to have. Anyone 
 here on this forum who has a spiritual bent, not excluding me either, has 
 probably fallen into the ridiculous logic promoted by this way of thinking 
 one time or another, even without realising it. What we see here on the forum 
 is people that are in various stages of breaking away from that misguided 
 logic, and trying to come to terms with existence as it is, not as we think 
 it ought to be, or more particularly, as someone else thinks we ought to 
 think it to be.

Very well said..I too am in that process and it is interesting and not always 
comfortable at all.  Sometimes I miss the fairy tale mentality and the feeling 
that I am pretty certain about things. For example, I wish I still believed in 
reincarnation, but am now not so sure at all about that.  Also, it seems more 
and more likely that awakening is  just a brain state that we encourage thru 
various practices.  It results in the death of the ego, so those who are 
awakened in this way have, in  a sense, already died.  Of course, they are also 
seeing things more for the way they really are, which is good - I think.  So 
they don't really care about life after death since there is no I anyway.  I 
ramble.. and am not thinking so clearly, but you get it.

[FairfieldLife] Re: English Wikipedia anti-SOPA blackout

2012-01-18 Thread authfriend
Oops, forgot the link:



--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@... wrote:
 Here's a wonderfully supportive Media Decoder column from
 the NY Times, How I'm Surviving (or Trying to) Without
 Wikipedia at My Fingertips, by reporter David Carr. He
 doesn't mention any of the ways to get around the block,
 although I'd bet a buck he knows what they are.

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY Speaks with Mother Divine (not the THMD Course)

2012-01-18 Thread Susan

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, futur.musik futur.musik@... wrote:

 Yes, we can always speculate in such a way that it fulfills our desires too. 
 I personally do not share my experiences because I want to convince others of 
 their validity. 
 I mention it for those few souls who are dedicated to their liberation, and 
 to know such things are possible. There might be a person or two out there 
 who wishes for a personal relationship with a saint or god or goddess, and 
 such a thing is possible. 
 It is possible to meet souls in the astral world who love unconditionally and 
 completely, forgive us for everything they see in us, and establish a dynamic 
 and real, long lasting relationship that grows and changes much as an earthly 
 one does.
 I can appreciate your desire to know such phenomena as a bridge between 
 science and spirituality, and wish you complete success in your inquiry.
 PS The reason Maharishi's experience rings true for me, is the nature of the 
 relationship he has with Mother Divine. A conversation and a relationship, 
 vs. the robertson guy who claims a 900 foot Jesus and something out of 
 science fiction. Once you are having these experiences at will, it is easy to 
 spot the fakers from those describing a real experience.

Thans for answering your earlier question on this.  I was wondering what rang 
true for you.
 I look forward to continuing this discussion in a week if you like, or with 
 anyone else who enjoys the subject of direct celestial communication. This is 
 51 for me.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@ 
  I believe in the phenomenon just not the interpretation of what it means.  
  It is well known capacity of our brains. In some conditions our ability to 
  distinguish inner and outer mental experience gets confused.  That is my 
  take on the sincere ones. I have no reason to believe that Roberts was less 
  sincere in having a dramatic experience than Maharishi.  It is just funny 
  how convenient they both came out to be for their own desires. 
  I am not really sure that Maharishi is not just reporting a dramatic 
  conversation he had with himself in the context of a temple using Mother 
  Divine as an artistic literary device.  That would be my best guess.  He 
  was reporting his thoughts in a more dramatic way taking some poetic 
  license to punch the story up a bit.  He did a similar thing I believe when 
  he claimed that Vasishtha came onto him last night!  It lead to a 
  perspective about the Vedas.  I have my doubts that he saw himself in as 
  mystical a light as he projected to us.  Judith's book makes me believe he 
  was more of a poetic devise guy than a I just talked to Mother Divine for 
  real real guy.  YMMV
  But my guess is that there are way more people who actually experience 
  something dramatic than people who are outright lying through their teeth.  
  I've had ones like it so I understand how compelling they are.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, futur.musik futur.musik@ wrote:
   Since most people don't have this experience there are folks who fake 
   this to take advantage of others. Too bad - leads to rampant cynicism. 
   However there are indications wrt the experience that can speak to its 
   validity, or not. Maharishi's account reads as genuine. Can you guess 
   why? No, *not* because it is Maharishi... 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
   curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
Where have I heard this type of claim before...oh yeah:

n 1977, Roberts claimed to have had a vision from a 900-foot-tall Jesus 
who told him to build City of Faith Medical and Research Center, and 
the hospital would be a success.

So convenient how God supports a person's organizational ambitions like 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:

 Here is a transcript of a tape recording of Maharishi speaking about a
 with Mother Divine on dealing withe negativity in the world  in each 
 Maharishi Speaks with
 Mother Divine
 No. 59, 'Living the Good Life'


Re: [FairfieldLife] further to our discussion...

2012-01-18 Thread Emily Reyn
Ha ha ha.  Machine-gunning is not too strong, actually :)  I agree with your 
last statement - as I approach 50 this year, I have chucked most of my 
certainty about anything out the window.  

 From: awoelflebater no_re...@yahoogroups.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2012 10:12 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] further to our discussion...

Hi Emily, 
Yes, I was initially going to describe it as more akin to machine-gunning but 
thought that was too strong.
But thanks for the welcome. I don't know how long I'll stick around but when 
you use words like robust and healthy debates it sounds a little more 
tempting. After all, I am one of those people who at 55 years of age has come 
to be very suspicious of being in the same room with more than three people 
with the same religious or spiritual perspective. Now that can be scary. Too 
much certainty about anything leads to nothing but trouble.
Hope to be hearing from you again.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: English Wikipedia anti-SOPA blackout

2012-01-18 Thread Bhairitu
On 01/18/2012 07:31 AM, richardatrwilliamsdotus wrote:

 Today, the Wikipedia community announced its decision
 to black out the English-language Wikipedia for 24
 hours, worldwide...

 Google will also be joining the protest tomorrow...

 So you two Barry's support the Hollywood billionaires
 AND the Silicon Valley billionaires? Go figure.

You sure don't read much of what I post.  I've been very critical of 
Hollywood which is a shadow of what it used to be.  The original studio 
moguls were inventors and innovators.  If they would around today they 
probably would have looked at the Internet back in the 1990s as a new 
means of distribution.

And Google and other tech companies don't want to be saddled with the 
job of sorting out which site has legitimate content and which ones 
don't.  Leave that to the content providers as it is now.  Take down the 
wrong site with legitimate content and deep pocket companies could be 
targeted with big lawsuits.

 Apparently the primary targets are sites overseas - sites
 that sell counterfeit movies and music and let pirates
 download and stream at no charge.

And how do the studios and record companies figure how much they are 
losing?  They're guessing!  They may only be losing about 2% of profit 
and that is pretty much what ANY business figures in as spoilage.  Most 
people wouldn't download movies illegally if they were readily 
available.  Why bother when you can watch a movie via Netflix or 
LoveFilm (in Europe).  But the big studios are big dinosaurs move slowly 
to innovate.  They're losing because they are behind the times.  I look 
at some studios like Sony Pictures and your Texas buddy Mark Cuban's 
Magnolia Films making their content readily available online while 
companies Warner Brothers are slow to allow any of their movies online.

 Protecting foreign criminals from liability rather than
 protecting American copyright holders and intellectual
 property developers is irresponsible, will cost American
 jobs, and is just wrong, - Senator Patrick J. Leahy

So you are a Democrat now? Willy the chameleon.   Go figure.  Sorry but 
Senator Leahy is obsolete and needs to be deprecated.  Sometimes 
conservatives are worth something and some Republicans have spoken up 
and oppose SOPA and PIPA because they are more big government 
intrusion.  I'll support them on that issue.

[FairfieldLife] Re: English Wikipedia anti-SOPA blackout

2012-01-18 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@... wrote:

 On 01/18/2012 07:31 AM, richardatrwilliamsdotus wrote:
  So you two Barry's support the Hollywood billionaires
  AND the Silicon Valley billionaires? Go figure.
 You sure don't read much of what I post.  

Try being more of an asshole. Works for me. 


[FairfieldLife] US Is Fully Prepared

2012-01-18 Thread John
That's what Panetta said regarding any challenge that Iran may impose at the 
Straight of Hormuz.  A line has been drawn on the sand, figuratively speaking.  
What will Iran do next?


[FairfieldLife] Re: US Is Fully Prepared

2012-01-18 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_esq@... wrote:

 That's what Panetta said regarding any challenge that Iran may impose at the 
 Straight of Hormuz.  A line has been drawn on the sand, figuratively 
 speaking.  What will Iran do next?

Can they afford to spend money they don't have, and loose another war ?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Wow

2012-01-18 Thread authfriend
Emily, this could almost be an alternative mission statement
for FFL. It's been a wonder to behold your increasingly
perceptive perspective on this group since you first joined us,
especially amazing given that you don't share the general TM

Kudos. Really well said.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@... wrote:

 Awoelflebater, Wow sounds about right then.  You could be in the right 
 place.  Cat fight is probably the wrong term, which generally assumes a 
 fight between *women* and the majority of the exchanges are between 
 *individuals*, irrespective of gender, or reflect differences in the 
 male/female experience.  (Having said that, I've jumped in from my 
 perspective as a female on several occasions.)  I think of the exchanges 
 here as healthy debates; the forum allows for an expanded level of freedom of 
 expression which is good and posts can be very funny, even the *off-color* 
 ones, from a certain perspective.  Yes, sometimes the language descends into 
 what would be considered the *gutter*, applying typical social convention, 
 but on the other hand, it almost always sparks additional debate.  Few 
 scenarios of this ilk are left untouched and not commented on.
 This is a different venue and the gift to me is that it does accommodate a 
 wide range of language and visual formats.  For me, I enjoy the multiple 
 perspectives as the human condition.  For me, the struggle to conform has 
 been like a noose that slowly tightened around my neck and just about snuffed 
 me out at different times in my life.  This group includes some of the most 
 creative, intelligent and interesting people I've come across in a long time. 
  The joy of experiencing a robust internet forum with multiple viewpoints is 
 well worth any personal offense taken along the way, IMHO, and further 
 affords opportunities to articulate your own position, or step back and let 
 go, or question/clarify one's own mental/emotional constructs.  For me, I 
 often feel something larger in place here that transcends (and I use that 
 word very loosely) what may be interpreted as petty or insulting or mundane 
 at face value.  I hope you stay and speak out as you see
  From: awoelflebater no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2012 7:05 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Wow
 Hi Buck, Yes, I was initiated in 1970 by my sister who attended TT in Majorca 
 in 1969. I was 14 at the time. I remember paying one week's allowance for 
 this. I transferred from Colgate University in 1975 to MIU after attending an 
 SCI course at Livingston Manor. It blew me away and I just had to come to FF! 
 I attended MIU from the Fall of 1975 until graduation in 1980. I left FF for 
 a while living in upstate NY with my then boyfriend and fellow MIU graduate. 
 After a couple of years I returned to FF (don't we all at some time?) and 
 taught a horseback riding program with another friend of mine for the 
 students and meditators in town. Around that time I also had a friend that 
 had attended the first Robin Carlsen lecture in town. Their description of it 
 intrigued me. I proceeded to watch a seminar tape, was blown away by that and 
 jumped head first into the most amazing three and a half years of my life.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@ wrote:
  Awoelf,  You are a meditator(?)  You do meditate don't you?
  Just wondering, where you are coming from.
  -Buck in FF
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater no_reply@ wrote:

 Just a newbie here at FFL. Glancing through all of the posts 
 they range from the mundane (movie reviews) to scratch-out-
 your-eyes cat fights. Something's got some of you going but 
 I'm not sure anyone is convincing anyone else that they are 
 right. Good luck to you all.

Welcome. I took your reference to movie reviews as
mundane as a bit of a challenge, and I hope you
like the result. :-)

As for trying to convince others that we're right,
well that is something not everyone here indulges
in. Some just know that they're right. :-)
   You come in to the middle of something here.
   Lot of us been trying to save this guy from his ways for years now and he 
   thinks he knows better.  Still, I pray for him and those others that fell 
   away from the cart here too.  Is always a sad thing to witness these 
   fallen away wriggle the way they do.
   -Buck in FF

[FairfieldLife] Re: What A Week

2012-01-18 Thread emptybill

Personal authenticity is composed of more than talking in the same
conceptual language.

Branding is just a word and means nothing more than an informal but
confirmed consensus among posters that someone lacks intellectual

It happens through a preponderance of interactions with other posters
and is not predicated upon any agreement or disagreement about our
differing viewpoints or conclusions.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nemodomi nemodomi@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emptybill emptybill@ wrote:
  How about something more than just another one of your
  Where did you learn TM/TMSP?
  What were the dates and places of initiation?
  Who were your TM/TMSP course teachers?
  You should take these questions seriously.
  You are perilously close to being branded on FFL as a bold-face


 As a sometimes-mostly-lurker here, I want to thank you for bringing
out the BIG GUNS! You've just upped the entertainment value
significantly for me. :-)

 By way of (re-?)introduction, I'd like to play along ...

  Where did you learn TM/TMSP?

 Reading, PA / the Academy in the Catskills.

  What were the dates and places of initiation?

 Wow. Who'd even wanna bother remembering those tedious details?! But
I'll give it my best shot:

 Reading, PA, October, 1970. Bonus points: Initiator was David Katz,
late of cheesecake-production fame. More bonus points: I once attended a
Charlie Lutes lecture.

 1st advanced technique: Philadelphia, PA, ca. 1972. Bonus points:
Initiator was that nasty lady who was, I think, the only one who was
handing out techniques at that time.

  Who were your TM/TMSP course teachers?

 Eesh. Apparently GMO-brain has settled in. Lemme probe ...

 SCI Course: Orono, ME, ca. 1971. Teachers? No idea.

 T.T. part one: Catskills Academy, ca. 1974. Teachers were some nice
guy whose name I totally forget and some nice gal named Jean(ne). And
I'm pretty sure that Rick was some sort of assistant teacher at that

 [Hiya Rick! :-) :-) :-) I'm the guy whom that nice guy whose name I
totally forget described as one who speaks in aphorisms. I'm sure you
recall. Heh.]

 T.T. part two: Biarritz, France, ca. 1976. No recollection of
teachers' names, though I could still recite the mantras list for ya if
ya like.

 Sidhis/Governors course: Catskills Academy, ca. 1978. Don't recall any
teachers' names. Never hopped, either. Poo.

 (I could also provide a scan of my now-useless Governor of the Age of
Enlightenment card if I were actually interested in proving anything to

 Now to my questions ...

  You should take these questions seriously.
  You are perilously close to being branded on FFL as a bold-face

 This has me intrigued. I'm not familiar with the branding process on
this forum. Is it done by popular vote, or simply by unilateral decree?
If the former, how much participation here would qualify one to vote?

 Thanks in advance, and, as always, JGD!

 p.s. People, please trim your posts. Seriously.

[FairfieldLife] Post Count

2012-01-18 Thread FFL PostCount
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): Sat Jan 14 00:00:00 2012
End Date (UTC): Sat Jan 21 00:00:00 2012
465 messages as of (UTC) Thu Jan 19 00:02:46 2012

51 futur.musik futur.mu...@yahoo.com
49 Yifu yifux...@yahoo.com
45 Buck dhamiltony...@yahoo.com
29 curtisdeltablues curtisdeltabl...@yahoo.com
28 turquoiseb no_re...@yahoogroups.com
28 nablusoss1008 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
26 authfriend jst...@panix.com
23 Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net
22 Emily Reyn emilymae.r...@yahoo.com
20 Vaj vajradh...@earthlink.net
17 obbajeeba no_re...@yahoogroups.com
13 merudanda no_re...@yahoogroups.com
13 Susan waybac...@yahoo.com
12 seventhray1 steve.sun...@sbcglobal.net
12 maskedzebra no_re...@yahoogroups.com
12 Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartax...@yahoo.com
11 cardemaister no_re...@yahoogroups.com
10 richardatrwilliamsdotus rich...@rwilliams.us
 6 marekreavis reavisma...@sbcglobal.net
 5 Alex Stanley j_alexander_stan...@yahoo.com
 4 raunchydog raunchy...@yahoo.com
 4 emptybill emptyb...@yahoo.com
 4 awoelflebater no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 3 merlin vedamer...@yahoo.de
 3 Rick Archer r...@searchsummit.com
 3 Duveyoung no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 2 wgm4u anitaoak...@att.net
 2 PaliGap compost...@yahoo.co.uk
 1 ynorthr ynor...@yahoo.co.uk
 1 shainm307 shainm...@yahoo.com
 1 pranamoocher no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 1 nemodomi nemod...@gmail.com
 1 azgrey no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 1 John jr_...@yahoo.com
 1 Jean jeanjes...@q.com
 1 Jason jedi_sp...@yahoo.com

Posters: 36
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Wow

2012-01-18 Thread obbajeeba

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater no_reply@ wrote:
Just a newbie here at FFL. Glancing through all of the posts 
they range from the mundane (movie reviews) to scratch-out-
your-eyes cat fights. Something's got some of you going but 
I'm not sure anyone is convincing anyone else that they are 
right. Good luck to you all.
   Welcome. I took your reference to movie reviews as
   mundane as a bit of a challenge, and I hope you
   like the result. :-)
   As for trying to convince others that we're right,
   well that is something not everyone here indulges
   in. Some just know that they're right. :-)
  You come in to the middle of something here.
  Lot of us been trying to save this guy from his ways for 
  years now and he thinks he knows better.  Still, I pray 
  for him and those others that fell away from the cart 
  here too. Is always a sad thing to witness these fallen 
  away wriggle the way they do.
  -Buck in FF
 I wouldn't bother to reply, but I kinda like the
 metaphor of all of us TMers as pigs riding in a 
 cart to the market. It is heartening to learn that
 those who stayed on the cart still are looking 
 forward to a bright future at the market, while 
 considering those of us who wriggled away as 
 the losers in this scenario. :-)

Turq would never bother to reply, but...as he was one who wiggled out on the 
surplus market floor and never made grade for checkout.

[FairfieldLife] I Was Rescued from Ignorance

2012-01-18 Thread Yifu
I Was Rescued from Ignorance by the Lord's Army...Swamp Preacher David 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: English Wikipedia anti-SOPA blackout

2012-01-18 Thread Bhairitu
On 01/18/2012 12:29 PM, turquoiseb wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitunoozguru@...  wrote:
 On 01/18/2012 07:31 AM, richardatrwilliamsdotus wrote:
 So you two Barry's support the Hollywood billionaires
 AND the Silicon Valley billionaires? Go figure.
 You sure don't read much of what I post.
 Try being more of an asshole. Works for me.


We don't want him to cry though.  I usually ignore him but it's been a 
slow week and plenty of posts to use.  And is really mixed up about 
these Internet bills.  Yesterday he posted a link to an article he must 
not have read because it also opposed the bill.  What would we do 
without the village idiot? :-D

[FairfieldLife] Stop PIPA too!

2012-01-18 Thread Bhairitu
PIPA, the Protect IP bill, is also being shoved through the Senate.  Our 
two California senators seemed to have turned into Hollywood Whores 
supporting the bill.  I'm not surprised that Feinstein would though.  
I've written her several times about my concerns over such legislation 
and gotten back these lame thought out reasons why she supports the 
bill.  Geez, do I have to vote for Thom Campbell next time (a Republican 
but liberal and tech savvy and former Congressman)?


Get on the horn to your senator!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Justified is back

2012-01-18 Thread Bhairitu
On 01/18/2012 06:35 AM, turquoiseb wrote:
 And our patient wait is...uh...justified. There was more
 snappy, Elmore Leonard-style dialog in the first five
 minutes of the first episode of the third season than
 there has been on TV as a whole since...uh...the last
 episode of the second season.

 Timothy Oliphant continues to be wonderful as Marshal
 Raylan Givens, as do the rest of the regular cast --
 Nick Searcy, Joelle Carter, Natalie Zea, and Walton
 Goggins. And there are a couple of new faces. Good
 villain in the first episode, too, well played by
 Desmond Harrington from Dexter.

 If you haven't been following Justified all along,
 you could probably drop into it starting with this
 season without feeling that you've missed too much.
 But why deprive yourself? If there is any TV series
 that deserves to be seen from the beginning, it's
 this one.

Didn't get to it last night as I was finished watching the latest 
episodes of Don Cheadle's show, Calfornication and Lost Girl which 
is a 2010 CBC show being repackaged as a Syfy Original before 
Justified started recording and I don't like to watch commercials so 
saved it for tonight.  Lost Girl isn't bad and shot more like a BBC 
series which I like instead of the American head shots only your 
dentist would love style.  It may turn out to be just a little too 
juvenile for my taste though.

So instead I chose to watch an Argentine horror flick on Netflix called 
Phase 7 which was very well done.  It's about a world flu epidemic 
breaking out and a bunch of people in a well stocked apartment complex 
trying to survive a quarantine.  Again the not for everyone warning as 
their un-sattvic gore and violence in it.  But there are some folks here 
who find such films interesting especially from other cultures.

Up for tomorrow night is the critically acclaimed Bellflower arriving 
on BD after a long wait spell.  The filmmakers even built a special 
camera for it.

[FairfieldLife] Re: English Wikipedia anti-SOPA blackout

2012-01-18 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus

So you two Barry's support the Hollywood 
billionaires AND the Silicon Valley 
billionaires? Go figure.

 You sure don't read much of what I post.

Apparently it's the two Barry's that have the most 
to lose if the bill passes - free movie downloads.

 Yesterday he posted a link to an article he must 
 not have read because it also opposed the bill.
So, who said I was in favor of the bill? 

 What would we do without the village idiot? :-D

What would we do without the village pirates?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Wow

2012-01-18 Thread emptybill
This sounds more secret than a secret handshake.

What exactly is the female perspective/experience
that distinguishes it from a human one?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@...

 Awoelflebater, Wow sounds about right then. Â You could be in the
right place. Â Cat fight is probably the wrong term, which
generally assumes a fight between *women* and the majority of the
exchanges are between *individuals*, irrespective of gender, or reflect
differences in the male/female experience. Â (Having said that, I've
jumped in from my perspective as a female on several occasions.) Â I
think of the exchanges here as healthy debates; the forum allows for an
expanded level of freedom of expression which is good and posts can be
very funny, even the *off-color* ones, from a certain perspective. Â
Yes, sometimes the language descends into what would be considered the
*gutter*, applying typical social convention, but on the other hand, it
almost always sparks additional debate. Â Few scenarios of this ilk
are left untouched and not commented on.

 This is a different venue and the gift to me is that it does
accommodate a wide range of language and visual formats. Â For me, I
enjoy the multiple perspectives as the human condition. Â For me, the
struggle to conform has been like a noose that slowly tightened around
my neck and just about snuffed me out at different times in my life.
 This group includes some of the most creative, intelligent and
interesting people I've come across in a long time. Â The joy of
experiencing a robust internet forum with multiple viewpoints is well
worth any personal offense taken along the way, IMHO, and further
affords opportunities to articulate your own position, or step back and
let go, or question/clarify one's own mental/emotional constructs. Â
For me, I often feel something larger in place here that transcends (and
I use that word very loosely) what may be interpreted as petty or
insulting or mundane at face value. Â I hope you stay and speak out
as you see
  fit. Â Â

  From: awoelflebater no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2012 7:05 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Wow

 Hi Buck, Yes, I was initiated in 1970 by my sister who attended TT in
Majorca in 1969. I was 14 at the time. I remember paying one week's
allowance for this. I transferred from Colgate University in 1975 to MIU
after attending an SCI course at Livingston Manor. It blew me away and I
just had to come to FF! I attended MIU from the Fall of 1975 until
graduation in 1980. I left FF for a while living in upstate NY with my
then boyfriend and fellow MIU graduate. After a couple of years I
returned to FF (don't we all at some time?) and taught a horseback
riding program with another friend of mine for the students and
meditators in town. Around that time I also had a friend that had
attended the first Robin Carlsen lecture in town. Their description of
it intrigued me. I proceeded to watch a seminar tape, was blown away by
that and jumped head first into the most amazing three and a half years
of my life.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@ wrote:
  Awoelf,  You are a meditator(?)  You do meditate don't you?
  Just wondering, where you are coming from.
  -Buck in FF
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater no_reply@

 Just a newbie here at FFL. Glancing through all of the posts
 they range from the mundane (movie reviews) to scratch-out-
 your-eyes cat fights. Something's got some of you going but
 I'm not sure anyone is convincing anyone else that they are
 right. Good luck to you all.
Welcome. I took your reference to movie reviews as
mundane as a bit of a challenge, and I hope you
like the result. :-)
As for trying to convince others that we're right,
well that is something not everyone here indulges
in. Some just know that they're right. :-)
   You come in to the middle of something here.
   Lot of us been trying to save this guy from his ways for years now
and he thinks he knows better.  Still, I pray for him and those others
that fell away from the cart here too.  Is always a sad thing to witness
these fallen away wriggle the way they do.
   -Buck in FF

[FairfieldLife] Re: Wow

2012-01-18 Thread emptybill
So, looking back, what is your judgement of RWC's previous claims
  to enlightenment and his current conversion to Catholicism?

Dare you say?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater no_reply@...

 Hi Buck, Yes, I was initiated in 1970 by my sister who attended TT in
Majorca in 1969. I was 14 at the time. I remember paying one week's
allowance for this. I transferred from Colgate University in 1975 to MIU
after attending an SCI course at Livingston Manor. It blew me away and I
just had to come to FF! I attended MIU from the Fall of 1975 until
graduation in 1980. I left FF for a while living in upstate NY with my
then boyfriend and fellow MIU graduate. After a couple of years I
returned to FF (don't we all at some time?) and taught a horseback
riding program with another friend of mine for the students and
meditators in town. Around that time I also had a friend that had
attended the first Robin Carlsen lecture in town. Their description of
it intrigued me. I proceeded to watch a seminar tape, was blown away by
that and jumped head first into the most amazing three and a half years
of my life.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@ wrote:
  Awoelf,  You are a meditator(?)  You do meditate don't you?
  Just wondering, where you are coming from.
  -Buck in FF
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater no_reply@

 Just a newbie here at FFL. Glancing through all of the posts
 they range from the mundane (movie reviews) to scratch-out-
 your-eyes cat fights. Something's got some of you going but
 I'm not sure anyone is convincing anyone else that they are
 right. Good luck to you all.
Welcome. I took your reference to movie reviews as
mundane as a bit of a challenge, and I hope you
like the result. :-)
As for trying to convince others that we're right,
well that is something not everyone here indulges
in. Some just know that they're right. :-)
   You come in to the middle of something here.
   Lot of us been trying to save this guy from his ways for years now
and he thinks he knows better.  Still, I pray for him and those others
that fell away from the cart here too.  Is always a sad thing to witness
these fallen away wriggle the way they do.
   -Buck in FF

[FairfieldLife] Re: US Is Fully Prepared

2012-01-18 Thread emptybill

You mean a line in water ... which disappears even as it is drawn.

Barry Hussein is probably not prepared to do too much.
However, the Joint Chiefs must expect such trouble and
must therefore plan to execute some type of counter-action.

So will it help the re-election of the One?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_esq@... wrote:

 That's what Panetta said regarding any challenge that Iran may impose
at the Straight of Hormuz.  A line has been drawn on the sand,
figuratively speaking.  What will Iran do next?


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Wow

2012-01-18 Thread Emily Reyn
I didn't say distinguished from the larger human one, talking bigger picture, 
but yes, but distinguished from the male one as a subset of human.  It goes 
without saying that the female experience (i.e. the experience of being 
incarnated into a female body) is different than the male experience (i.e. 
incarnated into a male body). I was just acknowledging that there is a 
difference in experience and that one gender will never *know* what it feels 
like to be the other.   Hence, differences are reflected in the interplay 
between the two, as evidenced on this forum.  And, I'm not talking about the 
soul, or astral plane, or other planes of reality, just this physical, mental, 
emotional one.    

 From: emptybill emptyb...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2012 8:18 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Wow

This sounds more secret than a secret handshake.

What exactly is the female perspective/experience
that distinguishes it from a human one?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@...

 Awoelflebater, Wow sounds about right then. Â You could be in the
right place. Â Cat fight is probably the wrong term, which
generally assumes a fight between *women* and the majority of the
exchanges are between *individuals*, irrespective of gender, or reflect
differences in the male/female experience. Â (Having said that, I've
jumped in from my perspective as a female on several occasions.) Â I
think of the exchanges here as healthy debates; the forum allows for an
expanded level of freedom of expression which is good and posts can be
very funny, even the *off-color* ones, from a certain perspective. Â
Yes, sometimes the language descends into what would be considered the
*gutter*, applying typical social convention, but on the other hand, it
almost always sparks additional debate. Â Few scenarios of this ilk
are left untouched and not commented on.

 This is a different venue and the gift to me is that it does
accommodate a wide range of language and visual formats. Â For me, I
enjoy the multiple perspectives as the human condition. Â For me, the
struggle to conform has been like a noose that slowly tightened around
my neck and just about snuffed me out at different times in my life.
 This group includes some of the most creative, intelligent and
interesting people I've come across in a long time. Â The joy of
experiencing a robust internet forum with multiple viewpoints is well
worth any personal offense taken along the way, IMHO, and further
affords opportunities to articulate your own position, or step back and
let go, or question/clarify one's own mental/emotional constructs. Â
For me, I often feel something larger in place here that transcends (and
I use that word very loosely) what may be interpreted as petty or
insulting or mundane at face value. Â I hope you stay and speak out
as you see
  fit. Â Â

  From: awoelflebater no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2012 7:05 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Wow

 Hi Buck, Yes, I was initiated in 1970 by my sister who attended TT in
Majorca in 1969. I was 14 at the time. I remember paying one week's
allowance for this. I transferred from Colgate University in 1975 to MIU
after attending an SCI course at Livingston Manor. It blew me away and I
just had to come to FF! I attended MIU from the Fall of 1975 until
graduation in 1980. I left FF for a while living in upstate NY with my
then boyfriend and fellow MIU graduate. After a couple of years I
returned to FF (don't we all at some time?) and taught a horseback
riding program with another friend of mine for the students and
meditators in town. Around that time I also had a friend that had
attended the first Robin Carlsen lecture in town. Their description of
it intrigued me. I proceeded to watch a seminar tape, was blown away by
that and jumped head first into the most amazing three and a half years
of my life.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@ wrote:
  Awoelf,  You are a meditator(?)  You do meditate don't you?
  Just wondering, where you are coming from.
  -Buck in FF
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater no_reply@

 Just a newbie here at FFL. Glancing through all of the posts
 they range from the mundane (movie reviews) to scratch-out-
 your-eyes cat fights. Something's got some of you going but
 I'm not sure anyone is convincing anyone else that they are
 right. Good luck to you all.
Welcome. I took your reference to movie reviews as
mundane as a bit of a challenge, and I hope you
like the result. :-)
As for trying to convince others that we're right,
well that is something not 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Wow

2012-01-18 Thread awoelflebater

It is not usually a matter of if I dare say, it is more a case of whether I 
am able to say. I have limited knowledge of Robin today. I have not spoken to 
or seen him for 25 years. I only remember his conversion to Catholicism back in 
1985 or so and the transition for the group from an emphasis on teachings 
based on Vedic philosophy to Christianity. Having been raised Catholic this was 
old news for me and not someplace I really wanted to revisit. I was also 
branded an evil being at this point and sent packing. I watched from afar via 
videotapes the somewhat forced transformation my friends were struggling to 
embrace. This was a pretty big leap for lots of them, including our Jewish 
contingent. But you must know more about his current adherence to Catholicism 
than I do through his FFL posts.

I have no real judgement of Robin's enlightenment. I was attracted to him 
because he was bucking the TM movement. I am not sure why that appealed to me. 
I had been meditating since an early age and had graduated from MIU and had no 
real issues with the movement or Maharishi or anything else. My sister was a 
student and TM teacher there, my other sister was on the faculty and my brother 
in law was Dean of Faculty and taught in the art department. Both my parents 
meditated as well. So we were pretty immersed in TM as a family.

I guess I admired Robin's individuality, his willingness to step outside, way 
outside, the status quo. His claims to enlightenment were secondary to the fact 
that the prospect of jumping on this horse (WTS) promised a few bronco busting 
moments. It proved to be quite a ride.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emptybill emptybill@... wrote:

 So, looking back, what is your judgement of RWC's previous claims
   to enlightenment and his current conversion to Catholicism?
 Dare you say?
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater no_reply@
  Hi Buck, Yes, I was initiated in 1970 by my sister who attended TT in
 Majorca in 1969. I was 14 at the time. I remember paying one week's
 allowance for this. I transferred from Colgate University in 1975 to MIU
 after attending an SCI course at Livingston Manor. It blew me away and I
 just had to come to FF! I attended MIU from the Fall of 1975 until
 graduation in 1980. I left FF for a while living in upstate NY with my
 then boyfriend and fellow MIU graduate. After a couple of years I
 returned to FF (don't we all at some time?) and taught a horseback
 riding program with another friend of mine for the students and
 meditators in town. Around that time I also had a friend that had
 attended the first Robin Carlsen lecture in town. Their description of
 it intrigued me. I proceeded to watch a seminar tape, was blown away by
 that and jumped head first into the most amazing three and a half years
 of my life.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@ wrote:
   Awoelf,  You are a meditator(?)  You do meditate don't you?
   Just wondering, where you are coming from.
   -Buck in FF
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater no_reply@
  Just a newbie here at FFL. Glancing through all of the posts
  they range from the mundane (movie reviews) to scratch-out-
  your-eyes cat fights. Something's got some of you going but
  I'm not sure anyone is convincing anyone else that they are
  right. Good luck to you all.

 Welcome. I took your reference to movie reviews as
 mundane as a bit of a challenge, and I hope you
 like the result. :-)

 As for trying to convince others that we're right,
 well that is something not everyone here indulges
 in. Some just know that they're right. :-)

You come in to the middle of something here.
Lot of us been trying to save this guy from his ways for years now
 and he thinks he knows better.  Still, I pray for him and those others
 that fell away from the cart here too.  Is always a sad thing to witness
 these fallen away wriggle the way they do.
-Buck in FF

[FairfieldLife] Re: US Is Fully Prepared

2012-01-18 Thread John

It appears that the US is pushing the envelope to make sure that Iran doesn't 
close the straight.  In other words, the US is willing to pursue a more 
aggressive step as was taken in Iraq and Afghanistan.

It all depends on what Iran will do.  If they back down, Obama will look good 
and should help his cause for re-election.

Let's hope that a shootout will not occur.  The US cannot afford another war.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emptybill emptybill@... wrote:

 You mean a line in water ... which disappears even as it is drawn.
 Barry Hussein is probably not prepared to do too much.
 However, the Joint Chiefs must expect such trouble and
 must therefore plan to execute some type of counter-action.
 So will it help the re-election of the One?
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_esq@ wrote:
  That's what Panetta said regarding any challenge that Iran may impose
 at the Straight of Hormuz.  A line has been drawn on the sand,
 figuratively speaking.  What will Iran do next?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Wow

2012-01-18 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emptybill emptybill@... wrote:

 So, looking back, what is your judgement of RWC's previous
 claims to enlightenment and his current conversion to

It's no longer current, emptybill. He did convert, but
he's said at least a dozen times here--including at least
once directly to you, quite forcefully--that he's given
up on Catholicism as well as TM.

From his post 295520, November 15:

I appreciate the vehemence of your beliefs, emptybill. At
least you are taking me seriously. but you must take me 
at my word—and I challenge you to find a single iota of 
proof to the contrary in all my posts at FFL—that I am 
not a Catholic—*in any form whatsoever*. It may just be 
that my not defining myself as such, but alluding to 
Catholicism and Thomas Aquinas, has just about driven you 
out of your mind. WTF? This guy is bizarre. And you might 
have a point there, emptybill. But believe me I am 
sincere and only interested in strengthening my own 
understanding of what this is all about; I post on FFL in 
order to elicit just the kind of response that you have 
given to me here. Because I am thus forced back upon 
myself and have the opportunity to once again confirm 
what I know is the truth of my experience and my own 


And from a follow-up in response to your reply:

For me, emptybill, it is as if there never was a God,
never was the Incarnation, never was heaven or hell, never
was sin and judgment and grace and Mary and the sacraments
and the salvation of the soul.

Those are just two examples of *many*.