[FairfieldLife] the cure for cancer-hemp oil

2008-03-03 Thread steven klayman

[FairfieldLife] Re:The Anti-Science low-lifes on FFL

2007-12-12 Thread steven klayman
Off world, You are way Off he mark on this one.
ihave no intention of having a long running feud wit
hyou ar anyone else.
You dont know me or my points of view. I am not
against science at all.That is a stupid, imbecilic,
ill intended extrapolation.
I am against suckering people into believeing a fairy
tale when their is self serving claims that cannot be
supported by scientific evidence like 5-8 years t oCC
or paying thousnads of dollars to learn to hop and NOT
i continue t o meditate several hours each day because
i love it and because i do believe much of the
original research about breathe rate and heart rate
and cortisol levels. My health has been fabulous and I
attribute it greatly to TM.
As far as some of the  scams (like $50 for a $5 bottle
of amrit or the $million course and this Raja nonsense
and the World Govt, etc etc) i think itis a tragedy
and very unfortunate that so many people feel taken,
and rightly so. 
i spent 2 hours with Dr. Trigunas son. I am indebted
to his dad forever for what the y have done for me and
my family, and to MMY for bringing him t o America.
They just wanted t opractic eayurved, not be a money
machine for the movement. That is what he told me.
They told MMY to stay out of politics.  It turned out
to be another in a long list of misadventures wasting
peoples time and resources.
i think you could see how people have become disgusted
with the whole thing. you can go back to the same well
just so often and then finally the well runs dry.
we all loved MMY so much in the old days but you cant
keep doing that stuff to people forever and expect
them to continue to follow. 


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[FairfieldLife] Re: Amma's teaching = why some teachers misbehave

2007-12-11 Thread steven klayman
Would you not agree that the TMO teaches a flying
technique and no one is flying.
If so I believe science would invalidate the TMO
claims that they can teach people to fly.
Perhaps a refund would be in order.

They have also been claiming this state of CVC takes
5-8 years to achieve. 
How many 5-8 year programs have you been on and has CC
been achieved?
I rest my case


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[FairfieldLife] Re: Amma's teaching = why some teachers misbehave

2007-12-11 Thread steven klayman
You are very good at twisting the intent of the post.
Perhaps if it was  called Yogic Hopping the title of
Yogic flying would not be so absurd. Perhaps if the
TMO could actually back up its claim of teaching
people to  fly or levitate as they claimed, there
would not be requests for refunds or lawsuits against
the TMO.
Lets be honest with each other. 
Birds fly. Airplanes fly. 
Frogs hop. They do not fly. People do not
exclaim,There goes a flying frog. They say, There
goes a hopping frog.
We all know the difference between flying and hopping.
If we are going to talk about the science  of the
lets understand the TMO had to back off its claim of
flying because they could not produce people who could
fly.They produced hoppers. Had they not been
challenged they would still be making the same
nonsensical, non verifiable, unscientific claims.
By definition flying means to stay in the air for
extended periods of time,(ie minutes or hours)
independent of external forces like a rope or a crane.
If one still believes the undocumented unscientific
claims that have prevailed thru the years then that
one might be called anti-scientific.
I  repeat, Show me anybody who after 30 years of
practising the TM siddhis and Tm flying technique can
actually fly, and i will kiss your ass in Macys window
on a saturday afternoon.


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[FairfieldLife] Re: The truth about flying, Cc in 5-8, etc.

2007-12-11 Thread steven klayman
I  really enjoyed reading your post Curtis.Very well
Occassionally there are some really good things
written here, you just have to filter thru the
sometimes. The link t oGuru Devs page was great.
As for Steve Shimer, I knew him well in his later
years in napa,calif. we were hanging out with shree
at her ashram.
He was married to Kathy Unger. He became an
acupuncturist and was a truly humble soul to the day
he dies in Aug of 2005. We put his body into the
crematorium right there at the funeral home in
Fairfield, calif.
he and kathy had justurned me on to deeksha a few
weeks prior to his passing. The chemofrom his cancer
treatment killed him.
As for meI love meditating twice a day. Shree Maa once
commented tha tMMY had used good dung(fertilizer)
on me. My meditations are deeper and more blissful
than ever. I think the deeksha is responsible for that
and I have had more profound experiences since the
deeksha than I had in almost all the previous 30+
years of just doing the TM and TM siddhis. just my
MMY got millions of us off onthe right foot. The rest
is up to us.  It was a good start and we had some
great and memorable times and made some great friends.
I feel respectful to allpaths as long as they are not
fundamentalists about it and try t osave me.
Ramakrishna has said As many people, so many paths.
Om namah shivaya


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[FairfieldLife] Re: Amma's teaching = why some teachers misbehave

2007-12-11 Thread steven klayman
Nabby, Torqoise just ate you up and spat you out. You
were made to look  foolish because your agenda is so
easily read. Now give it up and read a book for
It is ok to change your opinion once in a while. It
shows that you are actually thinking and applying
discernment. It is kind of like Michael Vick finally
admitting he engaged in brutality with dogs. He is
caught. Either fess up and get 2 years in jail or keep
up the lie and stay for 4 years. 


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[FairfieldLife] Re: Amma's teaching = why some teachers misbehave

2007-12-10 Thread steven klayman
To Mr. Barlow,
I am not an AMMA folk so to speak, altho it is easy
to recognize her enormous contributions to society and
to respect the wonderful experiences many people have
had in and out of her physical presence. 
Your need to be right and to make others wrong and
demonize them is clear. Your anger and your cause to
fight with every fiber of my being against people
who hold a different point of view about MMY and the
TMO is an embarrassment to both. If you have not yet
figured out after all these decades of meditating that
TM does not get you enlightened, then you are one dumb
son of a bitch and TM has done nothing to improve your
You are not just OFFWORLD, you are just OFF.


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[FairfieldLife] Re: Amma's teaching = why some teachers misbehave

2007-12-10 Thread steven klayman
Off world being you are still off as in off your
I believe science would have a claim backed up by
evidence of authenticity.
Many thousands of people have paid millions of dollars
to learn to fly. Could you show me some, any,
scientifiic evidence that after over 30 years of
thousands of people practicing the flying technique
for millions of collective hours, that there is a
significant percentage of those people who can fly.
No. I take that back.Can you show me evidence of
anybody who has learned the flying technique from the
TMO who can fly? 
For a hypothesis to be considered valid there must be
evidence. Have you got any? you would think there
would be at least a few who are flying. I mean even a
blind squirrel finds an acorn once in a while.


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[FairfieldLife] Re:Amma's teaching

2007-12-09 Thread steven klayman
I am an independent reader of this board with no side
to take on this issue. 
Off world and Nabby clearly have extrapolated Ricks
question and answer session with Amma for the purpose
of condemming him. What a nasty piece of work you guys
are. You both clearly have an agenda and any reader
with  an ounce of integrity can see it. you hide
behind your aliases and make judgements. Crawl back in
your holes. You are both spiritual wannabees.


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[FairfieldLife] Re: Question to Nabby and Off

2007-12-09 Thread steven klayman
This is a copy of an email i receied from Offworld who
is clearly in a deranged and agitated mental state.
He is one sick TM goon.
It is clear that TM did not work for him. 
How and why he associates me with Bush is more
evidence of delusional behavior.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, steven klayman

 I am an independent reader of this board with no
 to take on this issue.
 Off world and Nabby clearly have extrapolated Ricks
 question and answer session with Amma for the
 of condemming him. What a nasty piece of work you
 are. You both clearly have an agenda and any reader
 with  an ounce of integrity can see it. you hide
 behind your aliases and make judgements. Crawl back
 your holes. You are both spiritual wannabees.

So you want to judge someone with no proof, and to
ignore and abolish
scientific research? Damn right I have an agenda
against people like
you and George Bush and religious fanatics who are
against science
and the innocent until proven guilty motto.  I rail
and fight
against you and the other anti-science feinds on FFL
with every fibre
of my being.

 Crawl back in
 your holes. You are both spiritual wannabees.

Anti-science freaks need to go back to the dark ages.
Go back the the Shadow. You and Bush etc., do not
belong in the
scientific age.



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[FairfieldLife] Re: Who's your candidate?

2007-12-05 Thread steven klayman
Clearly Ron Paul because of his consistently getting
it right on Iraq and voting no and his bring the
troops home policy and stop trying to dominate the
world and getting the US from printing money ad
and states rights on abortion and income taxes wit h
NO federal income tax. he also wants freedom of choice
on healt hcare issues including alternative therapies.
Second would be Kucinich followed by Obama. Hilary is
dirty as can be and Rudy too is more Big Business. 


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[FairfieldLife] Re:Concentration Camps Already Built in America -- FOR Americans? Video

2007-11-30 Thread steven klayman
This is from debka.com a non US media source
originating in Israel. They are akways right on with
their reporting.

Pivotal US-Iraqi Deal Would Leave US Troop Presence in
Iraq for Decades

DEBKAfile Special Report

November 27, 2007, 6:01 PM (GMT+02:00)
US President George W. Bush made sure of a
wall-to-wall Arab audience in Washington on Monday,
Nov. 26, when, over a secure video-link, he signed a
deal in principle with Iraqi prime minister Nouri
al-Maliki for an “enduring” US military presence in

Iraqi officials foresaw a long-term presence of 50,000
US troops - down from the current 170,000.

Negotiations on the shape and size of the long-term US
military presence, including military bases outside
the cities, must be wrapped up by July 2008, when
Washington intends to finish withdrawing the five
combat brigades it added in 2007. 

The US-Iraqi agreement would replace the UN mandate
after its final extension to the end of 2008. 

Maliki said in a televised address that the agreement
provides for the US to support the “democratic regime
in Iraq against domestic and external dangers,” as
part of a strategic partnership. The principles
provide for US military roles in deterring foreign
aggression against Iraq and helping Iraq fight
terrorism. Baghdad will encourage foreign capital into
Iraq - especially American investments in developing
its oil resources. 

Three key points emerge from this “declaration of

1. President Bush needed this document - alongside the
Annapolis Israel-Palestinian process - to prevent the
policies he set in motion in the Middle East from
expiring when his term of office ends. These policies
are contingent on a permanent large-scale presence of
US military, marine and air forces in the region –
guaranteed up to app. 2030.

2. DEBKAfile’s military sources refer to a master plan
disclosed on this site and DEBKA-Net-Weekly in late
2006, whereby more than 100,000 US troops will quit
Iraq by the end of 2009, leaving behind 50-70,000 in
twenty huge land and air bases. These bases are under
construction; they will be secured by broad swathes of
space, fortified with weaponry and remote-controlled
electronic devices. 

The American troops will be responsible for protecting
Iraq’s borders from external threats, such as Iraq or
al Qaeda, while Iraqi forces will be take charge of
security in the cities.

3. US air strength and special forces in these bases
will have rapid deployment capabilities for reaching
points outside Iraq at need.

4. While this is not spelled out clearly, the
declaration offers to reward the US for these
defensive arrangements with preferential treatment for
American investors in oil and other projects in Iraq.
The United States thus plans to retain control over
Iraq’s oil resources.

Two flies in the ointment in this deal are noted by
DEBKAfile’s Iraq sources:

First, Americans will want explanations for the
decision to keep an enduring US military presence in
Iraq. Notwithstanding the recent success of US
security strategy, the majority would prefer to see
every last US soldier out of Iraq as soon as possible.
This is especially so when the improvement may be
short-lived and the violence recur.

Second, the Shiite prime minister’s signature on the
declaration will not suffice to make it binding on all
segments of Iraqi society. It will have to stand up to
Kurdish and Sunni Muslim approval in and outside

Third, as matters stand now, the Shiite-led central
government in Baghdad does not call the shots in the
Sunni regions of central Iraq or the autonomous
Kurdish region in the north.

Many bumps face the Bush-Maliki deal in the
eight-month road up to its finalization. And even
then, its practical segments will have to be adjusted
to the satisfaction of the Iraqi government and the
far-from stable conditions operating on the ground.


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[FairfieldLife] Re:BBC World Report of Collapse of WTC7 23 Minutes before it happened.

2007-11-26 Thread steven klayman
You think it is peculiar that it was reported before
it happened? Makes you wonder HUH?
Try this one on. No planes ever hit WTC 7, nor was it
crushed by any falling buildings. Yet it too fell in
its own footprint. From what/
Even if you were to believe a fire could bring down
WTC 1 and 2, (although no skyscrapers have ever
collapsed from a fire) what caused WTC 7 to collapse.
On BTW-Explosions took place in WTC 1 and 2 before the
planes hit the building. 6 stories underground huge
devastation was foundlike a bomb went off
Excuse me. Anybody still think this was not a planned
attack by OUR Govt?


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[FairfieldLife] Re: BBC World Report of Collapse of WTC7 23 Minutes before...

2007-11-26 Thread steven klayman
Some people will believe anything, or in this case
make shit up.
This was not an earthquake or some vibration from the
foundation. This was an airplane flying into the top
part of the building, starting a fire that never could
get nearly hot enough to melt steel girders, and
having the building pancake sysmetrically like a
demolition. Even if a fire from jet fuel could get hot
enough dont you think the fire would not melt the
steel supports symetrically and tha t the building
would fall to one side or the other. The possibility
of the fire melting the steel girders symetrically is
zero, nada, no way, zilch.And what ever happened to
the steel girders that were melted  in 30 foot long
equal segments? They were immediately shipped off out
of the country so they could never be examined. Kinda
makes you wonder Huh?
I guess MMY was right years ago when asked about the
Illminati when he said, You are already in the
lions mouth


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[FairfieldLife] Re:MMY sends Purusha for Amma's darshan?

2007-11-15 Thread steven klayman
Which AMMA?
There are millions of them.


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[FairfieldLife] Re:5,000 turn up for Ron Paul rally

2007-11-13 Thread steven klayman
Its because this is the only candidate that can bring
together diverse groups from different ends of the
political spectrum. Everyone wants the same
thing-Liberty. Its why America was founded.
Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness.


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[FairfieldLife] Re:5,000 turn up for Ron Paul rally

2007-11-13 Thread steven klayman
Many feel that war is unwinable. Even if it were
winable  would you send your son or daughter to fight
and die in Iraq? if not for the oil we would not be
Bring them home and lets do some good fro America and
at least lets get the rest of the world to stop hating
us and attacking us.


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[FairfieldLife] Ron Paul

2007-11-11 Thread steven klayman
I went to the UT football game yesterday here in Austin. A bunch of RP people 
were out on the street near the stadium with RP placards and handing out 
literature. Anybody see any other candidates with their people around town 
already campaingning? There has been nothing going on here accept frequent RP 
events. Rudy did a fund raiser in a swanky part of town a few weeks ago and the 
guests were greeted by 20-30 RP people with signs and a bullhorn.Outside of an 
occassional Obama bumper sticker there is nothing out there excepr RP yard 
signs and bumper stickers. Something is stiring in the hearts of these people 
and it is rousing them from their slumber. People know about detention centers, 
weakening purchasing power, loss of freedoms and governmental 
harrassment,fueling islamofascism in Iraq, 9/11 lies, etc etc etc and they are 
pissed. When the others wake up there will be a change in leadership.

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[FairfieldLife] Ron Paul

2007-11-10 Thread steven klayman
He took the Hippocratic oath and he does not take it lightly. Above all do no 
His position as an ob/gyn is he will not perform an abortion and that ruling is 
up to the states and not the Fed govt to rule on.

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[FairfieldLife] Ron Paul

2007-11-09 Thread steven klayman
Great idea offworld. I need an excuse to visit friends in FF since I was denied 
admission to the Invincible America course last year. Finally a candidate who 
really has some consciousness and cares about more than himself. The only other 
viable candidate would be Obama. Otherwise they are more of the same. A pack of 

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[FairfieldLife] Re: 3 videos of Byron katie doing the work in Israel on War

2007-09-10 Thread steven klayman


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[FairfieldLife] Re: Clouds over Kalki

2007-08-29 Thread steven klayman
From the 2 people I know who had taken the leyham
during the 21 day process it was a lot of being sick
and having it come out both ends. One of the fellows
had wonderful experiences and does so still 2 years
later after the leyham wore off. The other fellow has
increasing enjoyment in his life but still has obvious
challenges, but I dont remember him reporting much
flash...But then again flash is not what waking up is
As for me you can read my post from a few days ago, or
read Arjuna Ardagh's book Awakening into Oneness. 
Some of my on going experiences I discussed recently
with my guru, Shree Maa and her instruction was to
continue to go inside and not to talk much about it.
Form your own conclusions but base them on your own
experience and not baseless conjecture.


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[FairfieldLife] Re: Clouds over Kalki

2007-08-27 Thread steven klayman
I know several people who give the Oneness Blessing
and took leyham. They both told me it was used as a
purgative and they physically purged quite a lot from
their bodies. It was not particularly pleasant but
were glad they did it. On my 21 day process it was not
given. I went to a pharmacy in Chennai but could not
find it or I would have used it too. 
MAny of us liked Freddy and still do but he had a
falling out with the Oneness movement and after trying
wit h him several times he just had to go his own way.
My first deep witnessing experience came after a
weekend seminar wit h him and Madeline. It was quite
fantastic and made me eager for more. I then went to
India. The dasas(servants) are fantastic. It is not
like the TM movements higher ups. These are truly
people there to serve and all have gone thru much
personal growth themselves. It is quite devoid of the
spiritual hierarchy seen in spiritual movements and is
also devoid of the shoulds. 
Much growth has occurred these past 2 years for me. I
continue my daily meditation twice a day for an hour
each time and find it often deep and moresatisfying
than ever before. Other valuable changes have occurred

for which I am grateful however I am not in need of
someone to direct my life as t o what I should do. I
take advice from the saints much the way I take advice
from a stockbroker or my auto mechanic. I evaluate it
and if it suits my agenda I accept it, if not I dont.
It is for me much theame way I read this chat group.
Most of what is on here is irrelevent and once in a
while a pearl comes thru.


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[FairfieldLife] Re: Ron Paul is winning all sorts of straw polls.

2007-08-22 Thread steven klayman
Down here in austin the only presidential candidates
signs or bumper stickers you see are either for Obama
or Ron Paul. 
The republican candidates hate him because he does not
play the political power game. he has been a
congressman from Houston for many years and if he does
not win the Prez nomination his own party wants him to
be defeated in his congressional re election by
another republican. He wants the troops to come home
and have the US stop meddling in everybody elses
business, no more IRS, a return t o the gold standard
and states to determine their own stance on abortion.
he has never voted for the war in Iraq and has always
returned his congressional stipend.
Pretty tough to vote for Mitt or Hilary going up
against a honest man.!!!


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[FairfieldLife] Re: Sicko

2007-08-14 Thread steven klayman
If that is so I stand corrected.


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[FairfieldLife] Re:Ron Paul, Regan, and gun control

2007-08-06 Thread steven klayman
Not only is Ron PAul his own man, check out his
record. He has always voted against the war in Iraq,
has always returned his congressional stipend, and
would abolish that illegal institution known as the
IRS and the Federal Reserve and put us back on the
gold standard so we could not just keep printing
dollars to pay for our govt's excesses as we have done
under both republican and democratic administrations.
The republican power brokers hate him and even are
running to have him defeated should he run again for
his congressional seat. He is the only candidate who
makes any sense, altho I was impressed when Obama
spoke here in Austin a few months ago.


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[FairfieldLife] Re: Founding Fathers were Deists, Skeptics, Free Thinkers...

2007-07-14 Thread steven klayman
Congratulations to Joe Seeheusen for picking up the
ball and helping organize the Ron Paul for President
campaign in Iowa.
You know Ron is a good candidate when his fellow
Republicans, like Rudy Giuliani, hate him even being
in the debate.  He is the only republican who told the
truth. We have been bombing Iraq for 10 years. You
think our meddling in everybody elses affairs has
caused some animosity? Ya think?



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[FairfieldLife] re: Ron Paul

2007-06-03 Thread steven klayman
I just attended the Republic of Texas Biker RAlly here
in Austin. The only candidate with signs out was the
Ron Paul group. The British bookies have reversed
their line of about 1 month ago.They had him at 200-1
winning the election.Now he is at 15-1. He would make
a great president,if they dont assassinate him
first.Rudy and the good old boys hate him .He wants us
t o live by the constitution. I have followed his
carrer from a distance thru his brother who is my
accountant. This is the first time since I ran for
office with the NLP that I have had an interest in
politics. The RonPaul2008. com is the link
They are looking or help in Iowa for the campaign.They
have a fellow here who wants to work in Iowa for the
campaign. If y'all want to help go to the website.Iowa
is the first primary.


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[FairfieldLife] Re: Researcher say transcendental meditation lessens brain's pain

2006-08-09 Thread steven klayman
Gerbal 88-You are out of your mind if you think you
are going to be able to engage in an inteligent
discourse with Sparaig. He spends much of his day
defending a position that almost everybody has
abandoned years or decades ago- namely that TM is the
best technique and produces enlightenment. Almost
everybody(can I see the hands) knows TM does Not
produce enlightenment. They have been on 5 or 6 5-8
year programs and are still waiting for cc after 30
years. If TM makes you smarter they would have already
figured it out. They havent. Millions have learned TM.
If it takes 5-8 years can you show me 50% who have
gotten enlightened? How about 25%? How about 10%? 1%?
Oh , somebody claims to have flown. Show me one person
who can fly.Just one, please. After 30 years. 
Arent there references thru out history of some who
could fly? They were not doing the TM Sidhis program
therefore I must conclude that the only ones who can
fly dont do TM sidhis therefore TM sidhis prevent
flying. This is an example of reverse Sparaig logic.
I was emailed by a former FFLife person who said to me
Why are you trying to reason with morons? He was
right . You cant. It is like trying to talk to
fundamentalist christians, or fundamentalist muslims.
They are beyond considering another point of view.
TM is a wonderful technique. I love to meditate.
Actually my meditations are much deeper since I
started receiving deeksha. And finally I have been
having some of the experiences that we talked about
for 30 years since I received deeksha.
Give it up Gerbal 88. Its a waste of bandwidth.They
will get it when they get it. Like the rest of us.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Totalitarianism in the Dome'

2006-08-08 Thread steven klayman
By the response of Sparaig and some of these dome
goers it is clear that in fairfield Kuli Yuga is alive
and well. 

And thru the window of science we can see the dawn of
the age of enlightenment

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Diksha teacher ejected from the dome

2006-08-01 Thread steven klayman
on 7/31/06 10:13 PM, Peter at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 If I was doing group program someplace and some dude
 next to me was doing some other program, I'd say two
 things to him; 1)Why are you here doing a different
 program, and 2) Get the f*ck out of here, you
 -Pter (I come in peace) S.

Peter- Please tell me this was just tongue in cheek
type humor. Please. 
You know in emails one cant see the body language or
hear the tone in the voice to know when someone is
being sarcastic.
BTW-Deeksha has no relation to religion. It is given
and received by people of all faiths, even TM
fundamentalists. Many of them are sitting in the
domes, doing their TM, just like Bousfield was doing.
The guy spent 18 years on Purusha. Like
I spoke to him on the 21 day course in India. I asked
him,Can you believe what is going on here ? I was
astounded at the beauty of the process that this
mind/body organism was undergoing. It was fantastic.
Easier than any rounding course and more blissful and
more insightful (for me) than anything I had ever
done. He mumbled on about how he thought MMY had such
a high teaching and how great TM was. As the 21 day
course progressed (we did not talk much as we were
mostly in silence) his/my experiences deepened. He
just wanted to share this with anyone who wanted a
taste of it. It reminded me of the old days of the TM
movement when all we wanted to do was initiate.
So he gets tossed from the dome. i bet he was doing
his TM and TM siddhis program like everyone else.

I love God.Its his followers that scare the sh*t out
of me.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Ask MMY

2006-08-01 Thread steven klayman
Re: Ask MMY 
Posted by: sparaig [EMAIL PROTECTED]   sparaig 
Tue Aug 1, 2006 2:11 pm (PST) 
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, blissbunn1

 How about one of you eloquent writers who are in the
dome these days ask the question 
 about a foundation in TM TM Siddhis and the
inclusion of other wisdom teachings in 
 participants lives. Ask MMY if he wants these avid
broadminded seekers excluded from the 
 courses or included to bring up the numbers. There
are still 1,000+- siddhas in Fairfield 
 not in the dome.

Actually, if you look at the brainwave patterns of TM
and the TM-Sidhis compared to virtually 
every other meditation technique out there, the
differences are so startling and drastic that 
anyone that choses to practice those other techniques
obviously doesn't get the role that TM/
TM-Sidhis are playing. AND, the detrimental effect
those techniques are playing as well.

Given the insensitivity of such people, its only
politeness that brings the TMO to ban them 
without any comment: they're stupid and
counter-evolutionary, but the TMO doesn't say it.

I think you actually believe your own bullshit. 
What techniques tha t are detrimental are you
referring to?
And what research do you have to back up your claims.?
Thruout India I have sat with various gurus  who
extolled the virtues of sadhana but never mentioned
Even at Jyotir Math the shankaracharya's right hand
Ramananda Saraswati, told me his main sadhana was
not TM.
Just because you write it , does not make it so.
You should take a lie detector test. After reading a
number of your posts I believe you will make up
anything to justify your point of view and have a
great need to be right, truth be damned.
Get some help man, for God's sake.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Diksha teacher ejected from the dome

2006-08-01 Thread steven klayman
Re: Diksha teacher ejected from the dome 
Posted by: Marek Reavis [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
Tue Aug 1, 2006 12:11 pm (PST) 
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk

 On the above [SNIPPED] point, I don't think it's a
matter of the 
TMO telling 
 them that they can't do the non-TM activities on the
course but, 
 rather, because of a religious activity performed by
 during NON-Dome practise he is being told he can't
attend the Dome.
 It was this discrimination based solely upon this
 personal religious practises that I earlier
suggested was a 
 violation of federal equality laws (this individual
adheres to, 
 practises and is regular in both TM and TM Sidhis
and only does 
 those practises as per the instructions while in the

Yes, but the exclusion of people from TMO courses is
still legally 
valid because the TMO makes the rules, or sets the
conditions, which 
determine whether or not a person is accepted to the
course or is 
allowed to participate. There's no actual
discrimination based on 
religion (I would argue) because likely neither the
TMO or the 
individual who's practicing diksha would define any of
the activities 
as religious. And even if they did, it's still okay
for a religion 
to define what constitutes acceptable religious
behavior and to 
exclude behavior that doesn't comport with their
belief or dogma.

I'd expect that the TMO would make the argument that
the technology 
of world peace or the Maharishi Effect would somehow
or another be 
compromised by the outside-the-dome activities of the
regardless of their adherence with other authorized
TMO practices 
while in the dome.

The sad thing, as Robert G. points out in #107744, is
Why would an 
organization, which is trying to create unity, and
Take an action like this, that creates seperateness,
and disharmony;
. . ..

The contradictions that have existed in the TMO for a
long time are 
really dismaying. But, for what it's worth, they don't
seem to be 
that much different than any other organized endeavor
of humans on 
the planet. It's just that many or most of us thought
at some time 
in our life that this was different. Apparently not.

well said. i hope that sums it up.
may the TMO RIP!!

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Ask MMY

2006-08-01 Thread steven klayman
Re: Ask MMY 
Posted by: sparaig [EMAIL PROTECTED]   sparaig 
Tue Aug 1, 2006 8:15 pm (PST) 
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jyouells2000 

6% turnout? Not bad. How many Catholics go to see the
Pope? Not 6 percent, I'll bet.

More spin.
SO with the chance t ostop the end of the world
 94% think it is not worth the time and effort to even
So, how many think coming to the dome is waste of
AHHH. Almost everybody.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Spiritual War Crimes: Diksha teacher ejected from the dome

2006-07-31 Thread steven klayman
This decision to remove Bousfield from meditating in
the dome probably did not come from MMY. Deeksha has
been deemed, by MMY, t o not interfere with any
meditation practices. This is from a TM teacher living
in the sidha village in Holland. Jacque, who resigned
from his post as National Leader of Holland, has fully
discussed this with MMY and encouraged a number of
governors to take the deeksha training. Deeksha is not
a spiritual practice. It is not something you do as
much as it is something periodically done to you. 

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Diksha teacher ejected from the dome

2006-07-31 Thread steven klayman
hey schemp. There is life beyond the TMO. There are
wonderful people associated with the TMO in Fairfield
but there are so many spiritual seekers out there, and
many started with TM. And there are many wise souls
out there who never indulged in TM or the TMO. I still
have many friends from the old days who still like me
even tho i would not set foot in the Golden Dome. Our
dome here in austin is a weed infested broken down
building that no one uses. Oh, my mistake . Two days
ago I saw a car in the parking lot of the dome. People
are spooked because it has bad vastu. PUHLEZE
Who would want to hang out with people who would throw
you out of the dome because you can think for
You have a winner but just dont yet realize it. 
And so many in fairfield are doing other practices and
dont judge you. There is a lot more to spirituality
than TM. MMY just never told us. We are only
responsible for ourselves. No  one can tell someone
how to have  a relationship with the Divine. We are
each on our own journey and as Ramakrishna has stated
There are as many paths as there are people.
BTW, Guru Dev's picture still graces my altar.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Diksha teacher ejected from the dome

2006-07-31 Thread steven klayman
What poppycock
He doesnt practice deeksha. No one does. People are so
entrenched in doing, as if it will get you somewhere. 
It is the laying on of hands. period. The TMO would
toss Jesus out if he came by because he did the same
Its like throwing a dentist out because he fills
The rationalizations of the TMO are as bizarre as
actions of the TMO.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Spiritual War Crimes: Diksha teacher ejected from the dome

2006-07-31 Thread steven klayman
spraig. Do you mean that if he charges money he would
be competing with the TMO for peoples pocketbooks?
This is still America, isnt it? I mean capitalism and
all that stuff. And if he does it at the same time as
program in the domes he should be punished because
some people might actually think for themselves and go
to deeksha rather than the dome and therefore the age
of enlightenment might be postponed another day. Is
that your point? 
God help us!!!

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2006-07-31 Thread steven klayman
What these deeksha givers failed to mention is that
they each spent many thousands of dollars to fly to
India and be trained to pass on this Divine Blessing.

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[FairfieldLife] Nancy Channing

2006-07-30 Thread steven klayman
Anybody know how to contact nancy channing?

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Digest Number 4658

2006-04-07 Thread steven klayman

Here is the official Movement statement on Diksha and
anyone who is teaching it.
 ³Maharishi¹s Movement does not endorse in any way
any techniques 
or programs
 other than those taught by His Holiness Maharishi
Mahesh Yogi, and 
 who is suggesting otherwise is misleading the
people. Maharishi 
 Total Knowledge of Natural Law, bestowed by His
Master Guru Dev, 
and offered
 in its purity by Governors of the Age of
Enlightenment without any 
mixing of
 any unknown things. Maharishi offers the Total
Knowledge of life to
 everyoneknowledge of the Constitution of the
Universe, Total 
Natural Law,
 the will of God, to raise every aspect of life to
perfection for 
the dawn of
 a new fortune of all mankind.
 ³I wish to caution all the Governors, Sidhas and
Meditators not be 
misled on
 this point, and to keep their connection for
enlightenment to 
Maharishi and
 the Vedic Tradition of Masters.²
 Maharishi says: Keep the teaching pure and don't
adulterate it 
 Raja Dr. John Konhaus
 Station 24, 6063NP
 Vlodrop, Netherlands

And here is the behind the scenes reality of the
Movement on Deeksha.

Jacque, the former National Leader of Holland went to
MMY and told him he had received deeksha, wanted to go
to India and be initiated into giving deeksha, and
wanted to give it to the people in the siddha vilage
in Lelystad. MMY did not endorse this idea nor did he
attempt to dissuade Jacque from doing this. Many
people in Lelystad now have received deeksha and a
number of people have been trained to give it. Jacque,
on his own decided it might be a conflict of interest
to remain the National Leader of Holland so he told
MMY he was stepping down.
On my 21 day training course there were several
purusha,one who was sponsored by Jacque to attend, who
relayed this information to me.
The fact is many people in the movement are receiving
deeksha because it gives direct experience of the
Divine, is not a path or a spiritual technique, has no
teachings, no scriptures to read nor is obedience or
loyalty to any gurus needed. It is just pure

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[FairfieldLife] re: deeksha

2006-04-07 Thread steven klayman
 Date: Fri, 07 Apr 2006 14:06:32 -
   From: authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Digest Number 4658

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, steven klayman
 The fact is many people in the movement are
 deeksha because it gives direct experience of the
 Divine, is not a path or a spiritual technique, has
 teachings, no scriptures to read nor is obedience or
 loyalty to any gurus needed. It is just pure

When and how does this experience occur, and what is
like?  (I know, pure experience isn't like
but...)  If it's life-changing, in what sense is it

Deeksha is a phenomenon, not a practice. It is the
Divine Grace bestowed on the recipients crown chakra
thru the hands via someone who has been initiated into
the process of giving deeksha. it is a 21 day process.
If it had been earned thru years of tapasya you might
call it a siddhi but since it is a power given
technically it is not, however anyone who goes thru
the initiation can give it at will. 
I was turned on to it by the late Steven Shimer and
his wife KAthy Unger. They told me the y had made more
spiritual progress in the past 3 weeks than they had
in the last 10 years. 
Now i understand what they were saying. (Taste the
strawberry, dont talk about it). The Divine
Intelligence is supremely intelligent so each person
starts to wake up in their own way based on their own
physiology, their own karmas etc. The Divine
Intelligence starts repairing what you need repaired
so it starts to quiet down the parietal lobes and open
up the frontal lobes. It is a bloodless brain surgery.
The chatter of the mind gets less, quietness settles
in (meditation get  so much deeper) and life gets more
blissful. That is my experience. 
Giving it is a trip. My own experience of the divine
has deepened, and my  connection with the Divine has
become very personal. 
Life has become very much fun again. It had become
rather boring. 

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Digest Number 4664

2006-04-07 Thread steven klayman
part of todays [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thanks to all for the info.

So, I guess Diksha is a form of shaktipat or

I believe Muktananda gave shaktipat. If an agreed on
definition as i understand it is the transference of
the guru's energy to the disciple, then deeksha is not
shaktipat. I have never heard it refered to by the
deeksha Oneness Movement as shaktipat. A more
appropriate definition might be the laying on of
Some see the golden light go into the crown chakra.
And virtually everybody feels it enter the body and
then do different things. For some it is physical work
on a part of the body, for some it is bliss and joy,
for some it results in kundalini moving, for others it
is deep peace and quiteness and a few  dont notice
much of anything. Almost all notice work going on in
the head or on the head or both.But it is not anything
that the deeksha giver does. He is merely a wire
between the Divine Presence and the recipient. 
While many have immediate mystical experiences it is
pointed out that those experiences are just temporary
(even if reoccurring) experiences. the ultimate effect
is to live an awakened life, a life free from
suffering. Mystical experiences dont necessarily
produce a joyful life. 

Message: 16
   Date: Fri, 07 Apr 2006 18:41:39 -
   From: shempmcgurk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Digest Number 4658

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, steven klayman
  And here is the behind the scenes reality of the
  Movement on Deeksha.
  Jacque, the former National Leader of Holland went
  MMY and told him he had received deeksha, wanted
to go
  to India and be initiated into giving deeksha, and
  wanted to give it to the people in the siddha
  in Lelystad. MMY did not endorse this idea nor did
  attempt to dissuade Jacque from doing this. Many
  people in Lelystad now have received deeksha and a
  number of people have been trained to give it.
  on his own decided it might be a conflict of
  to remain the National Leader of Holland so he
  MMY he was stepping down.
  On my 21 day training course there were several
  purusha,one who was sponsored by Jacque to attend,
  relayed this information to me.
  The fact is many people in the movement are
  deeksha because it gives direct experience of the
  Divine, is not a path or a spiritual technique,
has no
  teachings, no scriptures to read nor is obedience
  loyalty to any gurus needed. It is just pure
 I have no comment on diksha itself ... but it seems
MMY has now 
 his opinion on tmers doing diksha known via the
 or do diksha people feel Konhaus is acting on his
own.  I think 
 obvious MMY told Konhaus to put this out because
diksha is getting 
 popular within sidha circles.

TM = non-sectarian, universal

Diksha = religious in nature.

Therefore, anyone who does TM can choose to practise
the religion of 
their choice and still do TM twice a day.  So what's
the problem.

If Diksha is a meditation technique or spiritual
technique, then MMY 
has said that one can do 100 different meditations as
long as they 
do TM...and, hey, a direct MMY statement trumps a
Konhaus statement 
any day of the week.

So what's the problem?

Good point however it is not a meditation technique or
a spiritual technique(meaning it is not something that
you do), like yoga or pranayam. you dont get deeksha
everyday. it is recommended about once a week or less.
It takes about 7 days for the golden light to go thru
your system.

Now it is 80+ degrees here in austin and i can hear
the golf course calling my name. 


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Re: [FairfieldLife] Digest Number 4580

2006-03-25 Thread steven klayman
Loyalty-A Waste of Time

I have read the banter in the last couple of FFlife
issues and the bashers and the gushers are still going
at it. It is common in India for a guru to send his
disciple to another guru for various trainings. No one
has it all. So one guru may send his disciple to
another for hatha yoga training, then to another for
sanskrit grammar for 6 months and then to another for
This loyalty issue is about business. It is a loss of
revenue for a disciple to go to another guru so those
interested in finances dont recommend it. It is common
knowledge that some gurus come t othe west for women
and $. the power is irresistible. The stories of
abused disciples are legendary.
MMY has done a huge service for humanity. Millions of
us enjoy enriched lives as a result of his
persistence. But it is over. No one out
there(percentage wise) gives a hoot whether the TMO
survives or not. i live in a sidha village where half
the people dont even meditate anymore.  Why?
Because how many 5-8 year programs are people going to
do before they realize that TM does not produce
enlightenment? If the flying sutra produced flying
there would be people flying. The only thing i have
heard of flying is monkeys out of someones butt.
Hardly worth the time and effort.
I spent 6 years in an ashram. Sometimes i did many
hours of sadhana, including a few hours a day of
meditation. Nobody got enlightened. Pujas (and not the
10 minute Tm kind) , yagyas, chanting, japa etc. 
Perhaps I earned some punya because when i left that
ashram deeksha found me. No teachings, no diets, no
scripturesl, no guru. Just pure experience. I had the
knowledge to know what was happening as the Grace
flowed in. after all we had been talking about waking
up to ourselves for 30 years
Religions, spiritual organizations etc have produced
enough divisions amongst humanity. it is all too
evident on this forum.
Those who post their views here almost take their
lives in their hands. Everyone wants to be right. We
are all so invested in ours being the right and agreed
upon point of view. remember the great saint
Ramakrishna said the paths to God are as many as
there are people'.
steve klayman

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Digest Number 4580

2006-03-25 Thread steven klayman
Loyalty-A Waste of Time

I have read the banter in the last couple of FFlife
issues and the bashers and the gushers are still going
at it. It is common in India for a guru to send his
disciple to another guru for various trainings. No one
has it all. So one guru may send his disciple to
another for hatha yoga training, then to another for
sanskrit grammar for 6 months and then to another for
This loyalty issue is about business. It is a loss of
revenue for a disciple to go to another guru so those
interested in finances dont recommend it. It is common
knowledge that some gurus come t othe west for women
and $. the power is irresistible. The stories of
abused disciples are legendary.
MMY has done a huge service for humanity. Millions of
us enjoy enriched lives as a result of his
persistence. But it is over. No one out
there(percentage wise) gives a hoot whether the TMO
survives or not. i live in a sidha village where half
the people dont even meditate anymore.  Why?
Because how many 5-8 year programs are people going to
do before they realize that TM does not produce
enlightenment? If the flying sutra produced flying
there would be people flying. The only thing i have
heard of flying is monkeys out of someones butt.
Hardly worth the time and effort.
I spent 6 years in an ashram. Sometimes i did many
hours of sadhana, including a few hours a day of
meditation. Nobody got enlightened. Pujas (and not the
10 minute Tm kind) , yagyas, chanting, japa etc. 
Perhaps I earned some punya because when i left that
ashram deeksha found me. No teachings, no diets, no
scripturesl, no guru. Just pure experience. I had the
knowledge to know what was happening as the Grace
flowed in. after all we had been talking about waking
up to ourselves for 30 years
Religions, spiritual organizations etc have produced
enough divisions amongst humanity. it is all too
evident on this forum.
Those who post their views here almost take their
lives in their hands. Everyone wants to be right. We
are all so invested in ours being the right and agreed
upon point of view. remember the great saint
Ramakrishna said the paths to God are as many as
there are people'.
steve klayman

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Digest Number 4232

2006-01-07 Thread steven klayman
 From: Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Maitreya, was: Digest Number 4224

on 1/6/06 12:31 AM, steven klayman at

 TM was a great starter  technique, good for blood
 pressure, stress, etc. It starter millions on the
 of spirituality. MMY did a great job. He said in
 when asked  if he was the Maitreya that he was the
 predecessor to the Maitreya.

So do you think Bhagavan (the diksha guy) is the

sorry rick. On this discussion group i would not touch
that one with a 10 foot pole.
Plus-honestly i do not know. I do know that this
deeksha thing is spreading like wild fire. 
Some of the people in radiance are a little upset wit
h me because my front lawn fills up wit h cars when i
have deeksha at my house and you will rarely see more
than 1 car or two at the dome here for program. 
However most are not very fundamental and some are
coming for deeksha and even going to india in march to
learn to transfer the divine energy themselves.
So.theanswer is let history
I am starting t o give private deeksha to people who
are afraid of being seen in a group and known as a TM
person. i understand this is happening in FF.  Are you
listening OffWorld?
I still do my 2 times a day meditation which i told
shree maa was my favorite sadhana. It has just gotten
deeper and more blissful.


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Re: [FairfieldLife] Digest Number 4224

2006-01-05 Thread steven klayman

Message: 3 
   Date: Thu, 05 Jan 2006 14:28:22 -
   From: off_world_beings
Subject: Re: TM costs $3.30 a day for 2 years.

As far as I know, Guru Dev lived in a mansion in his
called the Jyotir Math, with servants and massive
donors from the 
Hindu community, as well as many volunteers (which
Maharishi fro a decade or so).

You are way off, Off World. Stop trying to make your
ideal fit the facts. Jyotir Math is in the little
podunk town of Jyoshi math. Guru devs cave is not
exactly a mansion. its a cave, painted blue with a
murti of Shankara in the center.its tall enough to
stand up in and about 20 feet across with a metal gate
on the front. The shankaracharyas ashram is a two
story wooden building. Hardly a mansion. Money did you
no good there, as Ramananda saraswati told a few of
Shree Maa's devotees there just after 9/11. Charging
for spiritual techniques was not done there. It was
not run as a business.
These days TM is not done there, as far as i know. i
questioned ramananda and he told me his main sadhana
was japa. he showed me guru devs altar. he worshipped
Shiva andDurga as the divine mother.
wake up and smell the roses. Please stop embarrassing
yourself with your proclamations of what a good
spiritual person you are  by elaborating on your kind
donations. They must be done anonomously. Tooting your
own horn only makes you a  tooter, not a spiritual
TM was a great starter  technique, good for blood
pressure, stress, etc. It starter millions on the path
of spirituality. MMY did a great job. He said in 1974
when asked  if he was the Maitreya that he was the
predecessor to the Maitreya. If it takes 30 years to
figure out that TM does not get you enlightened then
you know it is not increasing your IQ!

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Digest Number 4215

2006-01-04 Thread steven klayman
   I'm not the one haranguing people about how they
should give up 
   and that and basically do anything so they can
get the $$ to 
 start.  I 
   don't believe they should. I don't believe the
benefits of TM, 
   they might be for an individual, are worth that
kind of $$ or 
   close to it.  It just looks like a crass
money-making scheme to 
 me. So, 
   no, I won't be contributing.
  But since *you* feel that way, I assume
you will be putting in 
 all or 
   most of the $$.  Correct?
Yes. What is the price of another person's
  Off should be doing three jobs, liiving in a hut
and donating all 
  his income to the TMO. But he is not. Selfish
  How stupid, everyone should give what they are
comfortable with. And 
 cut down on the cafe lattes and dumb hollywood
movies you keep 

Ah, thanks for the clarification. I had previously
misunderstood your
position -- thinking that you thought TM was more
valuable than a
daily latte. But now I get you -- you see them as
equivalent. Now the
theme of your posts are clearer.

I guess that means a dinner out once a week is more
valuable than TM
-- and another's enlightenment. A fine meal of Peking
Duck and fine
wines? Or is a stop at Chilli's also more valuable
than TM?

And since you could earn a lot if you chose to work
instead of posting
to FFL, I guess your (dis)missives are more valuable
(to the world)
than another enlightened person. 

Glad we got your values heirarchy of lattes, TM,
enlightenment, a
dinner in town, and your missives and all straight
now. Thanks for
your help. 

Maybe Off world could arrange for the folks who cant
afford $2500 up front to pay him 3 bucks a day for 2
years and he can finance  them.  Or maybe he couldtalk
the TMO into a financing plan. 
Bottom line - there are plenty of meditation
techniques out there that are as effective as TM and
can be learned for free or cheaply. That is why so
many people do other techniques after having learned
TM. The universe gives feedback. People will pay for
So i ask you this question-How many people have gotten
enlightened from TM, or Siddha Yoga, or SRF,or IAM, or
hatha yoga, or Buddhist meditation? etc And you know
hundreds or thousands of TM people.
anybody enlightened? .Certainly not 10%, not 5%, not
1%. how many 5-8 year plans do you have to be on to
get it?.People dont get enlightened doing TM or siddha
yoga or ammachis meditation. and what about the
purusha guys? I rest my case. 
Have you ever seen anyone flying around the dome? And
it has been going on for 30 years. Like 

oh by the way---i sign my name.
steve klayman

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Digest Number 4060

2005-12-07 Thread steven klayman
hey LB,
i get the same impression as you about this swami G
is this the same one who runs the website kundalini
seems like swami g has an axe to grind or has some
need to criticize every comment made by Bhagavan. 
Some swami, HUH?
my response: Hey swami G- get a life or get some
deeksha. Sounds like you are half baked

BTW LB, since i saw you in ff this summer i have had
much deeksha and went to Bhagavans place to take his
21 day process.
it was and is fabulous. Finally having some of the
experiences i have read and heard about for the past
30 years.
till we meet again.

Message: 25
   Date: Thu, 01 Dec 2005 15:42:21 -
   From: L B Shriver [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Swami G comments on interview- Bhagwan

I don't know anything about Swami G—who he is, where
he comes from, his 
nothing. But he seems peeved.

Also, he doesn't seem to understand that all language
is metaphor. 
Sometimes more, 
sometimes less, but ALWAYS metaphor. If Swami G
doesn't think it's 
legitimate to talk 
about a hole in the mind', then it's not hard to
understand why he is 
so careless with 
terms like nonsense.


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Re: [FairfieldLife] Digest Number 4029

2005-11-22 Thread steven klayman

Message: 2 
   Date: Mon, 21 Nov 2005 13:44:08 -
   From: markmeredith2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Charlie Donahue

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk

 What I find interesting about Chopra is that when he
left the 
 he went down on record as saying: No, I don't want
to compete with 
 Maharishi and I'm not interested in teaching
 Had he stuck to that, I would have had a lot of
respect for the guy.

Make no mistake about it. Deepak has done a huge thing
in waking people up to their own Divine nature. The
fact that his first few books were ghost written by
MMy's guys and the fact that he has brought knowledge
that MMy brought out (thru Dr. Triguna and others)
should in no way diminish the contributions he has
made to society. I might add that he hosted Shree MAA
in la jolla a few years ago for satsang. He was
totally sweet and took her darshan with great joy and
Recently Dr.Trigunas son came for a few days to the
Devi Mandir in napa, calif to take Shree Maa's
darshan. His dad wanted to come but he is too old to
travel so he sent junior. I think he said he is now 87
or 84. It was in june of this year. I was in texas for
a few weeks but when he came Shree Maa called me up to
tell me because she knew how deeply grateful i have
been to him and his dad for the healing they did on my
son. i flew back several days early to see him and
when i did i pranamed to him and he remembered the
treatment they gave to my son. He stayed 4 days and
enjoyed maa's darshan and agreed to see a few of us
locals for pulse diagnosis.
I got a call one of those days and was asked if i
would like to drive him around napa valley for a few
hours to give him a tour. I jumped at it and we had a
delightful 2 hour drive. we talked about a lot of
things and deepak was one of them. He told me his dad
introduced deepak to MMy and that MMY told deepak to
spend a lot of time with Dr. Triguna and learn from
him. Him and his dad liked deepak quite a lot and saw
right away he had tremendous speaking and
communication skills.
i asked why they left the movement. He told me they
were interested in only doing ayurved and did not want
to get so involved with the movement. they also
advised MMY to not do the political thing but of
course the NLP came along.
BTW- dr. triguna junior is so humble that when i
thanked him  deeply he just smiled and looked away, as
if not wanting to take any credit for what had occurred.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Digest Number 4003

2005-11-13 Thread steven klayman
dear rick,
I saw my name mentioned in one of the recent posts
regarding deeksha. I just got back on fflife tonite so
here is my reply which is followed by a mailing i sent
out here in texas.
   I know things sometimes get kind of rough on fflife
so i am not going t o argue or get into intellectual
and philosophical discussions about it.

i do not take Bhagavan as my guru and I do not intend
to defend him or his stated goals of bringing
enlightenment to the masses. I have only my
experiences to go on and the experiences of others
with whom i have discussed this.This is about
experiences, not talking about experiences. I was not
looking for another path. It is not a technique, or a
or a religion. I have not been asked to recruit anyone
or send them any money, even though I charge for
giving deeksha. 
I called the monk in charge of organizing the US for
Bhagavan and told her about the distraught Indian
fellows post. I wanted to know what the deal was.it
seems he conveniently failed to mention that they
allow the Indians to take the 21 day process for free
if they recruit 30 people. So perhaps his pressure
was self induced. Whatever... I heard Ammachi say
recentlydont expect to be praised for your good
works. I imagine the fellow has an axe to grind  and
if his complaint is legitimate so be it. It is a young
organization so there will be a learning curve.
(Ithink we all have experienced the learning curve). 

I have only been getting deeksha since July but I now
understand why people are so excited about it.
Meditation has been my favorite sadhana but i admit i
was like a rock. Meditation had often been very good
but that was about it. After deeksha i had fantastic
bliss along with waking state witnessing that was
unmistakable. It was not like, Am i witnessing or
just thinking about witnessing. It was strong and
intense. Now there is frequent causeless joy.
 i can appreciate what Bhagavan is doing now that i
saw the immensity of the structures and campuses that
he has built and is building. There are 4 campuses in
Golden City. Our accomodations had A/C, good drinking
water on all the floors and were clean and beds made
for us every day. it was designed with westerners in
mind. Three other tm teachers were on my course. Even
Purusha was represented.

   JAcque, the  former national leader of Holland, is
giving deeksha in Lelystad, the TM siddha village
outside of amsterdam. He, of course told MMY what his
experience was wit h deeksha, and MMy did  not
disapprove of his intentions. Jacque felt he should
resign as national leader because of a conflict of
interest perhaps. He was not asked to step down.  I
believe this month he is bringing a group of TM
teachers to Golden City, near Chennai to be trained in
deeksha. Sri Sri ravi Shankar, Chalanda Ma, the healer
Ron Roth have all been wit hBhagavan recently and now
give deeksha. I dont know how well trained Chalanda
Ma's people are since I believe (i could be mistaken)
she trained them herself. If you want to experience
deeksha i would go with nathan zanick.
Since most of the time we were in silence i did not
get to discuss very much wit hothers altho a danish
fellow told me the story of his healing of his torn
meniscus in the middle of the nite the first nite he
was there. I had my own healing miracle done by the
doctor on the premises. My life is  blissful every
One thing troubled me. I realized that my body was not
my body and tha t my thoughts were not my
thoughts.Then the dasa told us we were just a concept,
that we didnt really exist. i told my roommate i was
pissed. first i am not my body, then i am not my
thoughts and then i dont even exist. I paid thousands
of dollars for this ?
he responded,What are you worrying about? It wasnt
your money.
here is the email i sent out t ofriends in texas.
its my story and i am sticking to it.!!!

Dear friends,

   As some of you may know I have recently moved back
to my house in Austin. I am glad to be home. I got
back sept.16 and promptly left for India on sept. 30.
Now I am here to stay. I will tell you my story
briefly because it is an exciting one for me and the
many thousands of others.
   For a variety of reasons I had decided in July of
2005 to leave the Devi Mandir where I had been with
my guru Shree Maa for 6 years. I had planned to return
to austin  by oct. 1. In late july a TM friend and a
member of the Devi Mandir family, Steven Shimer, said
to me at his house in Fairfield, California, Steve, I
have made more spiritual progress in the last 3 weeks
than I have made in the last 10 years.  I asked what
he was doing and he and Kathy Unger, his wife told me
they were going to Berkeley each week for deeksha. Of
course I asked what was deeksha. He explained to me
that some people had been to India and been trained by
two saints, Bhagavan and Amma, to transmit the Divine
energy into peoples crown chakra and that they would
begin a rapid process of enlightenment or awakening.
   I trusted 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Digest Number 3343

2005-07-26 Thread steven klayman
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, anonymousff
 Good morning all. 
 Early this morning Steve Shimer passed away of
Hodgkin's disease.  He
 had become an acupuncturist and had been living in
 California with his wife, Kathy Unger.

I liked Shime.  He had his fifteen minutes of glory,
TMwise, but he 
never let it go to his head.  Always remain
understated as best I 
could see - not being in his inner circle.


Correction. He did not die of Hodgkins lymphoma. His
cancer had been wiped out. It was undetectable. He
died suddenly, probably from one of the cancer meds
which can have a deleterious effect on the heart.
He ws a wonderful guy. Very soft spoken. Devoted to
God. I remember him originally as one of the course
liasons, along with Bevan and Johnny Gray, back in
switzerland and France in 1975. He will be missed.
He requested of Kathy that the Gayatri mantra be
recited for him. It has begun for 11 days here in Devi
Mandir, napa. If any would like you can recite a few
malas of it in his name.

steve klayman, napa, cal.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Digest Number 2984

2005-06-08 Thread steven klayman
I was in this cave a couple of days after 9/11/01
I believe the caretaker in the pictre was the same man
i took a photo with. her had orange hair back then.
The writing on the wall was purnamidah,
there were no pictures in the cave when i was there.
just blue walls and shankaras murti. One of the best
meditations i ever had was in that cave.
the tree outside the cave is suppossedly 5200 yrs old,
altho the story may change with the visitors, and is a
peeple tree.
Regardless it is a fabulous place

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Digest Number 2917

2005-05-30 Thread steven klayman

Message: 13
   Date: Mon, 30 May 2005 21:10:19 -
   From: jim_flanegin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [was Re: George Harrison] Clint Eastwood

However Clint Eastwood is involved as we speak in a
plan to develop 
part of the pristine Monterey Forest on the Monterey
(California, south of Santa Cruz) where he lives into
condos and a 
golf course. Last time I checked he didn't need the
money, so it is 
just pure greed. 

Other than that I appreciate his practice of TM and
some of his movies 
have been OK.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jyouells2000
 Very Interesting Unc, 
   I've always suspected that Clint was a person of
integrety. Is 
 anyone else (that you can mention) that turned
Maharishi down?

And what great contributions to society have you made
lately, Jim.
Other than that I appreciate his practice of TM and
some of his movies 
have been OK.

Mighty white of you Jim.
the guy is a national icon. He just won oscars for
Million Dollar Baby. He has starred in and directed
dozens of flicks. And some of his movies have been
Do i detect a note of jealousy? Nah. couldnt be.
must be my imagination

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Digest Number 2905

2005-05-29 Thread steven klayman

I'm not sure what you are driving at, but it is pretty
obvious that 
if someone breaks off, becomes independent and
Maharishis wish to charge 2500$ for instruction, the
he/she is 
deliberately going against the will of the source of
the teaching. 
Some fine threads between Maharishi and the initiator
is then broken.

Lup-Where did you ever get the idea that Maharishi
is the source of this teaching?
For that matter ,  when was $2500 ever charged by Guru
Dev or the other teachers of the Holy Tradition?
WhenMMY came out in he 50's wasnt the charge 50 cents?
When i started in 1972 it was $35. It has become a
business. Innocence has been lost.
Just the name Transcendental Meditation is as
ridiculous a claim as Kundalini Yoga. As if someone
cant experience the rising of kundalini without doing
some businessmans pranayam. Or if he does , does that
mean he has to pay a fee for experiencing kundalini
because Kundalini Yoga is trademarked.? 
 People have been transcending without using TM
mantras for thousands of years.
The purity of the teaching is such a bullshit line. It
is a way to maintain business.  Its a way to maintain
control. Fear baby, fear!!!
Do the puja, give them Gods name and have them repeat
it. End of story. Check up one them once in a while
and know their own karma guides them.

You dont still believe in meaningless sounds do you?
Or are you worried if you told the truth you would
break some fine threads between you and MMY. 
Read the Gita. Chapter 8. Krishna gives the technique
for God Realization at hte time of death.
Of course MMY never published the last 12 chapters.
Curious HuH?
Concentrate your gaze between the eyebrows and
meditate on Gods name.

Good luck to all true seekers and lovers of truth.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Digest Number 2909

2005-05-29 Thread steven klayman
-- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Jeff Fischer 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, steven klayman

   Do the puja, give them Gods name and have them
  it. End of story. Check up on them once in a while
  and know their own karma guides them.
  You dont still believe in meaningless sounds do
  Or are you worried if you told the truth you would
  break some fine threads between you and MMY. 
  Read the Gita. Chapter 8. Krishna gives the
  for God Realization at hte time of death.
  Of course MMY never published the last 12
  Curious HuH?
  Concentrate your gaze between the eyebrows and
  meditate on Gods name.
  Good luck to all true seekers and lovers of truth.
 The point I'd like to query here is that as an
initiate and 
 I was told the mantras were meaningless sounds.  I
 about this hearing about the NJ court case and
having been taught 
 that Sanskrit is a name is form language.  It
unravelled for me 
 when I got my advanced technique and knew the
meaning of 
that sound.
 If the mantras were promoted as meaningless sounds
and were indeed 
 names of God, doesn't it seem rather Machiavellian
to misrepresent
 (dare I say lie?) this fact to westerners to get
them to silently 
 chant the names of God for their own good? 

This is all well and good but a complete understanding
would mean 
knowing what is referred to by the word God. What is
the meaning of 
a name for God? Why not just say God? Does God have
meaning? I dont 
think there is enough information here to allow one to
whether these are meaningless sounds or not. A fart
could probably 
be seen(heard) as a meaningless sound but such an
expression could 
easily be imbued with meaning depending on whether or
not there were 
intention involved.

This is a tough one.

Rick CaArlstrom

Rick-What part of  the above phrase   MANTRAS ARE NOT
MEANINGLESS SOUNDS, did you not understand?
To make it perfectly clear let me tell you the
meanings of some of these meaningless sounds
the mantra aim means wisdom
the mantra hrim means all existence
the mantra klim  means transformation
themantra srim means increase
 the mantranamahai bow down

Now, do you have enough information to decide if these
mantras have meanings?
If you are going to continue with the party line of
doublespeak, like Uh. I donno if wisdom really means
wisdom. Maybe it aint got no meaning at all,  Then we
dont really have room for an intelligent discussion.
What Jeff was stating is he was lied to. namaha in
his advanced technique means i bow down.
It is not meaningless and that pissed him off. 
I didnt care. When i do puja to Shiva, or Ganesh, or
Lakshmi, or saraswati, or Kali i do bow down. These
are different names of the One God. The Hindus know
it. Therefore a Krishna devotee does  not want to kill
a Shaivite or a follower of Jesus.
Its when we are so invested in brand loyalty that we
want to destroy the opposition's   point of view
because we want to be right. It is called EGO.
The bottom line is we are all right. God has thousands
of names. And if they are said repeatedly with
devotion, they all work. The goal is the same.
Therefore Ramakrishna in the 1800's went thru many of
the religions including christianity and islam and
found God as the end product each time.
To that i say Mazel Tov. We should all be so lucky.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Digest Number 2910

2005-05-29 Thread steven klayman

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, steven klayman
  People have been transcending without using TM
 mantras for thousands of years.


I can't be bothered with all the drivel you post here,
but let me just 
take a sample of your ignorant blather here, and tell
you what's up:

if people had been practicising effective meditation
in India, then the 
country would not be the pathetic mess it is today,
full of murder and 
misery of every sort. The correct way to practice
meditation (the only meditation that is worth doing
because it does not 
make the mind dull like other meditation techniques)
had been lost, and 
Guru Dev came out of the forest to find an
English-speaking and 
educated emissary to bring correct meditation to the

Bob- Wake up son. You are still in kindergarten. You
have been in kindergarten for 30 years.  At least the
purusha boys have moved on, at least the pundit boys
are being taught to chant the Chandi Path,
Ganeshatharvashirsham, Shiva puja etc. I know this for
a fact. I chanted with one of the teachers of the
pundit boys in Ujjain at the jyoti lingam called
Mahankaleshwar. We chanted ganeshatharvashirsham
The fantasy is over. Rick is not an idiot. Thousands
of TM teachers are not idiots. We have recognized the
TM technique for what it is. It is a wonderful
technique to start on your spiritual journey with. But
20 minutes twice a day ot TM is not getting it done.
Why would MMY tell purusha to listen to the thousand
names of Shiva or Vishnu.? Because these are
additional technologies for spiritual growth.
Rick, IMHO, is right . You are not the poster boy for
And TM is not supreme knwledge!!!
It is obvious to me and others that your knowledge of
spirituality is limited to what the movement has told
you. when in fact the field is too vast for any one
person to pretend they have it all. That is why gurus
in India typically send their disciples to other gurus
for a particular course of study.
One might be adept in chanting a particular scripture
and one might be adept at teaching hatha yoga or
pranayam, Vedic grammar, or singing or tabla etc etc.

The correct way to practice transcendental 
meditation (the only meditation that is worth doing
because it does not 
make the mind dull like other meditation techniques)
had been lost,
Bob- Who told you this nonsense? We all know the
answer. We all heard the same bs.

How do you know theses other techniques make the mind
dull.?You are a parrot. Are you getting it? 

I have never seen, in all my years in the domes and on
courses , anybody sit in samadhi for 15 -18 hours,
without changing his asan, and without leaning back on
a backrest as the drool splashes on his tie. Yet both
my gurus frequently have this experience and neither
one was initiated into TM.

thanks Bob for telling me whats up. I will surely heed
your sage advice.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Digest Number 2902

2005-05-28 Thread steven klayman

Message: 23
   Date: Sat, 28 May 2005 21:42:03 -
   From: bbrigante
Subject: Re: Meditate for  a Fee or for Free

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Premanand Paul
But there is another view that sees it as
iniquitous to levy 
a fee
for something that is essentially spiritual.
For all the talk 
going 'independent', there is seemingly still
a great 
making money out of the teaching
  ... but rent, gas, salaries, electricity has to be
paid for. One 
  must be practical if teaching is to be an activity
more than a 
  part time hobby supported by a day job.
 Where there's a will there's a way. It should be
emphasised that if 
 is teaching a spiritual technique with a pure heart
and without 
 for the gain, one might well gain the real support
of nature.


You are completely ignorant of the Vedic tradition
bbrigante-Unless you are omniscient, please be humble
enough not to tell someone they are completely
ignorant of the Vedic tradition. What is your claim to
this great knowledge. You studied SCI? You taught a
residence course?

In my travels to India with Shree Maa and Swami
Satyananda Saraswati, and around europe and america
(including the bastion of spiritual elitism known as
fairfield iowa,  where everyone who has heard His
Holiness, the Governor General of North America, Neal
Patterson speak and was instantly granted eternal
wisdom) the story of how Gautam Muni cursed the
Brahmins and declared that they would sell the mantras
and pujas for money. That they would forget the
meanings of the mantras.  That this curse would last
until they stopped damaging the Sanatana Dharma. It is
obvious in India and in FF that the curse of Gautam
Muni is alive and well. 
Shree Maa never charges money  for satsang or for
darshan. I believe Amma is the same way as is Karuna
Mayi. Spiritual development is open to all, regardless
of finances. Dakshina is NOT a business deal.It is not
like buying apples at the market. If you like what the
teacher is doing you give something so he/she can go
on to the next town or pay his rent. Period. If you
are doing your dharma you will have support of nature.

$2500 for a mantra. PULze. Give me a
break.  By the way. Is anybody learning TM here in
America anymore. I heard that someone got instructed
last year on the west coast. True?

Swami came upon a sannyasi begging for money.
He claimed he had no time for his sadhana because he
had to beg for money for food. Swami told him, Is
your faith in God so weak that you forsake your
sadhana for begging.? The man began to weep in
gratefulness and vowed to do his sadhana and let God
provide for him.

These two saints ask no one for anything yet their
physical needs are taken care of as they teach us and
do their own sadhana. 

Why is this TMO, that started out with such noble
goals ,  debased by so many that previously nurtured
it, supported it, gave many years of their lives for
it. It has become a business. It is doomed for
failure. It is not in tune with Dharma. This, in my
humble opinion, has turned well wishers to seek in
other directions and reject this entire movement.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Digest Number 2878

2005-05-27 Thread steven klayman

Message: 9 
   Date: Wed, 25 May 2005 12:23:24 -0500
   From: Llundrub [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Ideas for independent teachers

Excellent Logan. Maharishi is like the TM mantra which
having gone to 
finer and finer levels, of an admixture of the
discursive and purely 
cognitive minds must now himself be transcended. I
would guess that the 
last shed skin of the snake will be the most colorful
one. And it is good 
thinking of yours to wish to keep the snake itself
alive, rather than 
get stuck worshipping some skin. 
  - Original Message - 
  From: mike scozzari 
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Wednesday, May 25, 2005 11:57 AM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Ideas for independent

  I've been reading posts forwarded to me from members
  of  FFL for a few months and decided to join.  The
  subject of independent teaching of TM is of interest
  to me and I have given it considerable thought. I've
  taught TM for years and can't imagine denying this
  practice to someone who can't afford the high fees.

  I consider TM to be of great value and I agree with
  the majority of posts about the new and
  direction the TMO is taking.  I think this 'hostile
  take-over' and recertification puts all the good
  of the past 40+ years at risk of being lost and

  In the future I'd like to introduce a few ideas that
  might challenge the TMO both legally and for
  independents everywhere.  If the majority of
  were to take steps now we might be able to keep the
  teaching alive. On a positive note I think we have a
  very strong case for independents who want to teach.
  I'm not a lawyer but have been in consultation with

  Logan Parker

Why worry about what someone will think if  you teach
them meditation? Whats it for anyway? Just to make
money? Charging money  for spiritual teaching is
completely outside the Sanatana Dharma
Go to Jyotir Math. There are no fees for anything.
Guru Dev never charged anything, Giving, from your
heart is dakshina. Charging money is a business deal.
TM is a great technique
for getting a person a good solid foundation for
spiritual  growth, but it is only a piece of he
Peace Palaces, World Plan, Cities of the Immortals,
$2500, Million dollar courses. Give me a break
Why would someone get re certified? Are they lining up
in your town to start meditation? Or are you going to
get booted out of a dying organization that has been
sticking it to you for decades?
Wake up. If it looks like a duck, quacks like a
duck, and walks like a duck, it is probably a duck.


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