Thank you Dan

2015-01-31 Thread Patricia Holland
This message is from: Patricia Holland 

Thank you Dan for addressing and clarifying  the white research funding

I appreciate your time and consideration.
Pat H

Date: Fri, 30 Jan 2015 12:50:56 + (UTC)
From: "Olivia Farm, Inc." 
Subject: White research funding

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Thank you from FOFD FJORDS

2015-01-30 Thread
This message is from: "" 

Hi Steve,

Thank you for sending the Digests to my other email address.  I
appreciate your help.

Gayle Ware
Field of Dreams
Eugene, OR

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Fjord Digest--Thank You

2015-01-24 Thread Ursula Jensen
This message is from: "Ursula Jensen" 

I must say that the collective wisdom of the participating owners and
breeders surpasses any equine clinic I am aware of!! The topics of
discussion are wide and varied giving support and advice to new owners or
simply owners with a relevant question. Thank You to Steve and all the

One thing that everyone shares is the passion they have for their Fjords.
They are so passionate that very good points of view from both sides of the
issue are presented. Sometimes one can feel the passion right through the
computer. I like the participation and the varied answers to questions.

  One question about Fjords that pops up routinely all over the Fjord world
is the question of white markings on Fjords. In Europe, I believe that mares
are allowed a small white marking on the forehead. Stallions are not allowed
white markings. Correct me if I am wrong.

>From the get go in Canada, the CFHA states No White Markings.

The NFHR simply says a small white marking is acceptable.

There are two trains of thought on the cause of the white markings.

1- One train of thought is that it is simply genetic going back more than
150 years. It is part and parcel with the Fjord horse.

2- The other train of thought was that in the early 1900's the Fjord was
crossed with a Norwegian Draft Stallion of another breed garnering the
genetic reason for white markings.


  As an Evaluator, seeing white markings always gives me pause to reflect,
what is the correct response?  All ideas and comments are appreciated.

Brian Jensen

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thank you, steve

2015-01-22 Thread laurie with
This message is from: laurie with 

here is what i selected before i replied to what steve said……….everything that 
shows on my reply right now starts with this sentenece and ends with his 
comment about mac fans. so much easier than scrolling through rows and rows of 
repeat text.

by the way, steve, Mac is still working just fine, thank you very much :)

i’m on the way to the barn for Skylar’s pedicure, and then a short ride.

laurie with

On Jan 22, 2015, at 2:59 AM, fjordhorse-digest 

PS -- Since Hell has not frozen over the Mac stuff here is what I find with
Google rather than my ever having touched a Mac keyboard. If I got anything
wrong, I won't be hurt if any Mac fans set the record straight.


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thank you for the blanketing advice

2015-01-06 Thread Catie Wells
This message is from: Catie Wells 

Thank you to all who replied with your advice.  It is greatly appreciated.
I hear a resounding vote for no blanket, and since he has his full coat
that's exactly how I'll keep him.  I figured he would be fine given the
heartiness of the breed, but I just wanted to hear it from the experts.

He has hay at night in his stall and a heated water bucket so the water
won't get too cold.  There is a bit of green in the pasture that he always
manages to find!  He still grazes most of the day.

I will rest easy now, knowing that he is cozy!

Thanks again,
Catie and Solvar

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Rose Parade - inadequate thank you.

2014-01-12 Thread BethGFjord
This message is from: BethGFjord 

There is no way to adequately describe everything involved in the parade and
no way to adequately thank those who made it happen, including the spouses
and friends of those involved.  We have no idea how many hundreds of hours
the participants just to make it possible, let alone the hours worked
travelling to, from and in LA.  NFHR Registrar Jeanne Poirier and NFHR
Executive Director Nancy Newport did an unquantifiably  amazing job for
many, many months.  This was on top of their regular NFHR related duties.
President Teressa Kandianis should also be commended for everything she did.
She had to have spent hours and hours over months taking care of logistical
details.  There is no way to adequately thank Beth Beymer for how hard she
worked and how much she gave - starting with the application process,
training 8 horses, etc. etc. etc.  This huge endeavor was launched when
Marguerita Diaz, NFHR Board member in LA inspired us to pursue the dream.
NFHR Vice President Ardeth Obenauf flew  in from Tennessee, staffed the
promotional booth with Margie Diaz during Equestfest, helped get horses and
riders ready and then walked the whole route! The problem with mentioning
names is that, inevitably, someone who is equally deserving of recognition
is omitted - this seems especially true of those who are working hard behind
the scenes on less glamorous, less fun necessary details.  All of the
participants were amazing, I'll leave it to those with more knowledge of
what the participants and others did and of what else was done before the
six miles were walked, ridden and driven.  I could spend all day writing the
small percentage of things people did that I know about - but my horses are
hungry and I need to get to work. This is just my personal and inadequate
thank you to some of those who deserve their own recognition parade!
Walkers - how did you manage to walk so far on such a hard surface, in 80
weather while wearing Norwegian sweaters (and while listening to the same
song from the float in front of you over & over & over again??)  

Beth German

New Mexico

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Rabies Discussion - Thank you for responding!

2013-10-17 Thread divingduoandcorgis
This message is from:

Thank you for all the interesting info on rabies vaccination ...  I am going
to call around and see what type of vaccine vets are using.   Another theory
someone offered at the barn was that maybe stalled horses reacted more if they
were not exercised ... 

Beth Beymer... I was so saddened by the news of Finlay that I knew I had to
vaccinate.   All I know is that I will not allow myself to be talked out of
it when the side effect was Soph/Zahra being a little sore for a couple of
days .  We gave her a dose of banamine one day.     I have since found a
few others have also vaccinated for rabies this year...we don't all use the
same vet. 


So my closing comment on the discussion is from my canine vet today!   He
had clients call about treating  a sick fox they had  been trying to feed
for a couple of days.   He told them to call the wildlife people and it had
rabies.   This was in Littleton in the suburbs where I live 

Beth, Bob, the Corgis and the Fjord

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Thank you

2012-01-08 Thread Kim Manzoni
This message is from: Kim Manzoni 

Hello to all - 

I just wanted to send out an email with a THANK YOU to all who have contacted 
me about Fjords for sale.
Last weekend I sent out an email about the accidental death of the foal that I 
was intending on purchasing from a breeder.
I received a lot of emails offering sympathy and with information about 
available Fjords.

The response was amazing. I had just joined this group in December and had no 
idea how wonderful the people in this group are.
Now, I know! So many caring individuals with such a passion for this breed. I 
am so happy that I have found this group. Thank you! 

I have found a Fjord colt up in Canada and have put a deposit on him. I'll be 
headed up to pick him up in March. I am not sure if the breeders would like me 
to post the information here or not so I wont mention their name at this time. 
But they are wonderful and have beautiful Fjords. I am very excited and looking 
forward to going up there. I cant wait to meet them and their horses... and to 
bring my boy home! 

Thank you all so very much for contacting me and for making me feel like part 
of this Fjord Family!

- Kim 

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Thank you Secret Santa! It's me...Kay V.

2010-12-17 Thread JadeBear
This message is from:

Dear SS!
I LOVE my new Fjord tee!  The Fjords on it are adorable...especially 
the baby!  And I love the idea of "Fjords Worldwide!"  It's great that a bunch 
of folks from many different countries can be united by a single passion - 
in this case, love of our talented and loveable blond horses.  Looking at 
the shirt also reminds me that, even though it does NOT feel like it right 
now, summer WILL be back so I've hung it where I can see it as I layer-up every 
morning in my Arctic attire.
Now, let's get serious.  WHO ARE YOU? 
Kay Van Natta @ Yellow Pony Farm in SE MI 

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Re: thank you Mike May

2010-07-06 Thread Ardeth Obenauf

This message is from: "Ardeth Obenauf" 

An announcement from Mike himself will be coming soon in the e-newsletter. 
It is hard to imagine the NFHR without Mike at the helm.  It should make us 
all rest easier to know that Mike has agreed to remain available in an 
advisory capacity for the foreseeable future to ensure that the Registry 
goes forward as usual, so we haven't seen the last of him by any means. 
Mike is also responsible for training Jeanne, the new Registrar, and is 
confident she will maintain his high level of service.

There will be a celebration for Mike at the Educational Forum to be held in 
Nashville, Tn next January, so make plans to attend.

Ardeth Obenauf
The Lazy AO Farm
Shelbyville, TN

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Thank you Mike May

2010-07-05 Thread Patricia Holland
This message is from: Patricia Holland 

Hello List

About three weeks ago, the owners I am currently working for were called by
a female saying she was the new Registrar of NFHR - it's been confirmed that
indeed you  apparently do have a new Registrar.

I would like to take this time to thank Mike May who in my opinion gave of
himself unconditionally, always acted in a professional manner and placed
the members concerns over his own.  THANK YOU Mike,  for all the years of
service and far exceeding your role as Registrar

And unless anyone can correct me a congratulations is in order to Mrs.
Jeanie Poirier, for taking the well worn reins from Mike's hands.

Jeanie is a major supporter of NFHR, and designs and maintains the NFHR
website. I first met her and her family at Blue Earth when their daughters
came as students of and with Beth Beymer (Editor of the Herald and NFHR
Evaluator), Jeanie had a great eye for the Fjords and their well being,
making note when horses were mistreated.  Jeanie's daughter, Samantha is a
sought after  trainer in the Fjord world, working now as a professional for
Howard Fiedler (President of the NFHR) and his wife, Sophie at Green Valley
Farm in Illinois.

I am saddened to see Mike go, but I am sure the new Registrar will provide
the membership of NFHR with the same skills she has shown through out her
life as a Mother, wife, coach and role model.

Have a good retirement, Mike - I wish you well and thank you.

Pat Holland

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Re: laura and elise :) thank you!

2009-10-12 Thread Melinda Schumacher
This message is from: Melinda Schumacher 

I love the way interacting with horses can so inform us about ourselves.  I
like your insight, Laura.

chilly in Pittsburgh

On Sun, Oct 11, 2009 at 11:03 PM, laura fisher

> This message is from: laura fisher 
> If anyone is a big fan of Darby Conleys' cartoon strip " Get Fuzzy" - at
> the
> bottom of one of his books of comic collections is this: (House rule #4)...
> "
> The Dog Is Not A Toy" and a picture of Satchel( the dog) with scratches and
> band aids that- Bucky, the cat, inflicted)..
> In my case what I need to foremost keep in mind is " The Horse is Not a
> Flute".

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laura and elise :) thank you!

2009-10-11 Thread laura fisher
This message is from: laura fisher 

Today my husband and I went to a trail that is hardly ever used. As you know,
I had trouble with Elise on the trail. After reading all of the wonderful
contributions, I followed everyones' advice. ( I think)

As we started out I just kept the reins slack and let her find her own pace
behind our quarter horse, "Easy" ( aptly named). Her length from Easy is about
two horse lengths which I found to be encouraging. Her head was relaxed but
her ears were back until three quarters of the ride, when they started to flip
back and forth and also perk up here and there. If she wanted to trot, we
trotted. She never fussed or misbehaved. She flattened her ears when I stroked
her behind, ( because I smacked her there two days ago), but then she relaxed
after that. I petted her neck a lot and told her how great she is.  She
followed Easy over a small stream very well, and I felt the ride was a great
success. The ride was an hour long. We are going to go again  tomorrow and
every day it doesn't rain as we are getting into the late fall when the down
pours arrive.

I printed out all of the helpful replies and am going to read them frequently.

One of my faults,( primarily with myself), is pushing too much- just a spur of
the moment without even thinking.  I do that to myself in my music, but when I
was a kid and just beginning to learn it was all "baby steps".

If anyone is a big fan of Darby Conleys' cartoon strip " Get Fuzzy" - at the
bottom of one of his books of comic collections is this: (House rule #4)... "
The Dog Is Not A Toy" and a picture of Satchel( the dog) with scratches and
band aids that- Bucky, the cat, inflicted)..

In my case what I need to foremost keep in mind is " The Horse is Not a

 :) Thank you Lisa, Sarah, Gail, Jean, Valerie and anyone else who took
the time to pass on knowledge that will help me prevent dangerous mistakes and
help build a wonderful relationship between me and Elise.

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Re: Evaluation Season..Thank you Phillip

2009-06-13 Thread WHUPDDU
This message is from:

Hello All
Phillip loved your post. Thank you. It is not to late to sign up for an  
eval!. I just pulled out an old Evaluation sheet out of my stack of paper  
work...NO it is just not legs. Horses are evaluated on BREED TYPE, HEAD, NECK,  
important to anybody who may want to breed our loved Fjords. If your horse 
is  weak in one area you can breed to a horse strong in that area. I will be 
bring  at least 7 to our evaluation in Fallbrook, CA. All colors will be 
there. I hope  everyone gets their horse evaluated. This program is helpful to 
keep our breed  strong! If you even think you want to breed get your horse 
evaluated. This  will help you when you decided who to breed to.,
Keep on fjordingLove this breed!.Lets keep it strong!

West  Coast Fjords
Katherine Kramer
23355 Modoc Ct.
Perris, CA 92705
phone  (951) 657-2566
cell (951) 316-6616

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Thank you

2009-06-05 Thread
This message is from: "" 

Dear List,

By the time you all read this, I will be moving to Pennsylvania from
northwestern Illinois, where my business, Fieldstone Farm & Stable has been
dissolved - it was also my home for 30 some years  - where I discovered the
Fjord horse, and thru this unique and clever breed  - got to meet some of
the finest people I have ever known in the horse industry.

If I were to name each of you, Steve would yell at me for taking up too
much space on the list. You know who you are. Thank you.

Through this breed, I was able to do some things that might surprise you.

I was able to start my own business as a trainer, rather than just a
private trainer and so was able to:

Set my own hours:

So I could spend the time with my children, Todd & Robin, when they were
young & teenagers and then when they were leaving the nest.

I was able to pick them up after school and attend school activities. See
them grow in bits and pieces, be there to pick up a few broken parts and
watch them become what they are.

I was able to be home at 3:15 every afternoon when they came home from
school. No I wasn't June Cleaver standing there with cookies, but I was

I was able to ride alongside when they needed their 40 hours of parent
supervision for their drivers license. Oh those driving permit hours!!
more fun than Villa's cross country class.!!!

I was able to have their graduation parties from HS and college IN my horse
barn - filled with people who didn't care that the party was IN a barn!

I was able to stand in my tack room, in the same spot and cry when they
left for work and/or college.

I was able to see the trees that I planted when they were born, grow to be
20 and 22 years old, beautiful, healthy, tall and full of life..just as
my children are now.

I was able to raise two fantastic children, and not leave my legacy from
some trophy won but with them, in their memories of a good Mom who loved
them, and tried her best.

The things that really matter in life are listed above.

It wasn't the ribbons, or the Grand Championships, or the highest scoring
this horse over that horse at an Evaluation, it has been the ability to
be there with the two most important people in my life.

So thank you to all of my clients for trusting me with their horses, and
allowing me to do the above - and especially to those of you who showed me
what real friendship is all about and letting me be the recipient of your
care and concern.

Ribbons fade, trophies tarnish, accolades from the ring really mean nothing
in the big picture of life,   life can change dramatically in an
instant. Find the small wonders in life and hold on to them dearly.

Always, Pat Holland - Microsoft® Exchange solutions from a leading provider -

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RE: Vet Manners Thank You

2009-05-20 Thread
This message is from: "" 

With clicker trainingalways break things down into teensy, teensy steps 
...and endeavor NEVER to get a flinch or scared look as you "up the anty" each 
time.  Take it really slow.

Usually, things go fast with clicker training anyway, so it probably is not 
going to be a problem...but just in really careful to go slow.

Also, know that having the now-feared vet do it may be harder than your 
stranger neighbor.  If you need to, it might pay to show the vet that the 
neighbor can do it using the clicker.

Sounds like you are on the right track.  The clicker is ideal for these 


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RE: Thank you

2009-05-20 Thread Willows Edge Farm
This message is from: "Willows Edge Farm" 

>Being an Ole son, it might have swayed me a little, but I was sooo thrilled
to have gotten him in for training. AND, even MORE thrilled to watch him
transform. I saw him go from out >of shape, not really wanting to work, to
loving it and improving all this movements according to the cues given. Plus
a wonderful canter on him, GREAT trot, super fun horse to ride.
>It really was so NEAT to have all these Ole boys... Henry is going to Karen
Petty of WA. Can't brag enough about Ole, all have GREAT free flowing trots
>Not to mention the brains, Fjord brains!! Having these 3 Ole boys, it was
like a little bit of Ole was still here with me.
>Corrine xoxo to Ole from me
>>Patti Jo Walter

I'm excited for another Ole "foal" to be out here in the West and glad that
Karen made the trip safely out there and back. It sounds like she's going to
be doing some great dressage with him as she's done with her others.
Congrats to Mary Wood who just purchased Ole's first filly born here on the
farm, Willows Skjønn Ti. She will stay local here in Washington state and
get to live on a cranberry farm. It is fun to see now what Patti Jo is
always talking about how Ole throws his shoulder and hip ... Looking at
little Ti is like looking at an Ole mini-me body!!

Corinne Logan 
Willows Edge Farm
Bothell, WA
(425) 402-6781


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Re: Vet Manners Thank You

2009-05-20 Thread Robin Churchill
This message is from: Robin Churchill 

You shouldn't dread it.  She works for you, not vice versa and if she doesn't 
realize that, get somebody else.  You are not asking her to put herself in 
harm's way, only to work with you.  It sounds like it is her handler that is 
causing the problem, but she is perpetuating it by allowing the behavior.

Robin in SW Florida where it is finally raining after about 3 or 4 months with 
no rain.

> I am dreading the "talk with the Vet". 

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Vet Manners Thank You

2009-05-20 Thread Big Horn Forge Daniel Nauman
This message is from: "Big Horn Forge Daniel Nauman" 

A big thank you to everyone who responded to my post.  I've had time to think, 
read, and respond.

I cannot give my own shots.  I used to but, somewhere along the line, I whimped 
out.  I just can't.  I even have a hard time stepping on a bug!  I do believe 
giving my own shots was the best suggestion, but yours truly doesn't have the 
heart for it anymore.  

Words that echoed my own thoughts were... matter of time before being 
attacked, (The ONLY reason my horse stood was because he decided to.  If the 
handler thought she was keeping him from going anywhere, she was deluded) . 
fight or flight train wreck etc, etc.

Erick has never tried to kick or bite, but he sure has tried to run away.  I 
would hate to see the aftermath of that if he got his own way.

I started clicker training in the last month or so, and Erick loves it.  (So 
does my mustang)  Monday, I took Erick to the round pen and started clicker 
training him to "sharp" objects on his butt.  I used my thumb nail to start.  
Every time I jabbed him, and he stood, I clicked and treated.  (He stood EVERY 
time.)  I went to a ball point pen thinking he needed something that looked 
like a syringe type item.  It didn't bother him at all.  I decided that he 
trusted me too much.   My next move is to use a horse savvy neighbor down the 
road that he doesn't know very well.  Maybe a combination of fake syringe and 
stranger will help.  I'm not hoping to get a bad reaction out of him, but I 
would like to make sure it isn't the needle causing the panic.  Thank you to 
the person who suggested clicker training.  It was way in the back of my mind.  
I'm glad you mentioned it.

I am dreading the "talk with the Vet".  When I set up the appointment for the 
booster shots, I am going to discuss approach, safety, the horse's fear, etc.  
I will also let her know that she needs to take way more time with the horse, 
and I will pay a double barn call fee if need be.  If she is trying to fit too 
many appointments into a day, and will not take the time, I will have to find 
another Vet.  (Actually, I'm already looking in case it comes to that.)

Thank you again for your help and advice.  (My horse thanks you too.)


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Thank you

2009-05-19 Thread Dave and Patti Walter

This message is from: "Dave and Patti Walter" 

Thank you Angela and Deb for the very kind words. I enjoyed both your horses 
very much. I just have to add a few words about Giz.Being an Ole son, it 
might have swayed me a little, but I was sooo thrilled to have gotten him in 
for training. AND, even MORE thrilled to watch him transform. I saw him go 
from out of shape, not really wanting to work, to loving it and improving 
all this movements according to the cues given. Plus a wonderful canter on 
him, GREAT trot, super fun horse to ride.
At the same time I got 2 other Ole son's in. Henry and Gus. It really was so 
NEAT to have all these Ole boys. Gus went to VA and Henry is going to Karen 
Petty of WA. Can't brag enough about Ole, all have GREAT free flowing trots 
and GREAT CANTERS! Not to mention the brains, Fjord brains!! Having these 3 
Ole boys, it was like a little bit of Ole was still here with me.

Corrine xoxo to Ole from me
Thanks again girls, was my pleasure to work your horses.

Patti Jo Walter

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Re: Thank you Patti Jo !!!

2009-05-18 Thread Debbie Hunt
This message is from: Debbie Hunt 

I can ditto these kudos! I sent my 3 yr. old gelding to her a year and half 
ago. He went to her with absolutely no prior riding or training. He came back 
to me 3 months later well started. I have been riding him now for a little over 
a year and he is the rave of the farm! I board him at a large facility with 100 
horses on 60 acres. Every time I ride him people approach me and are amazed he 
has been under saddle for 18 months and that he is just 5. 

I highly recommend Patti Jo to anyone interested in training.

Debbie in Kentucky

--- On Sun, 5/17/09,  wrote:

> From: 
> Subject: Thank you Patti Jo !!!
> To:
> Date: Sunday, May 17, 2009, 9:34 PM
> This message is from:
> Just a little public kudos to Patti Jo Walter. We all know
> what a wonderful
> professional person she is. I sent my 8 yr old gelding to
> her for a 90 day
> brush up as I just had a baby a few months ago. Patti Jo,
> and her assistant
> Eby did the BEST job with my boy. I am so proud of him (an
> Ole baby, FCF
> Gizmo) . When I went to pick him up, I could not believe
> the physical and
> mental changes with him, he's always been a sweetie, but
> now he's a sweetie
> with an awesome work ethic. 
> THANK YOU so much Patti Jo, if you EVER need a refrence or
> a before and after
> pic just email!
> Angela Giudice & Giz'
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Thank you Patti Jo !!!

2009-05-17 Thread agiudice
This message is from:

Just a little public kudos to Patti Jo Walter. We all know what a wonderful
professional person she is. I sent my 8 yr old gelding to her for a 90 day
brush up as I just had a baby a few months ago. Patti Jo, and her assistant
Eby did the BEST job with my boy. I am so proud of him (an Ole baby, FCF
Gizmo) . When I went to pick him up, I could not believe the physical and
mental changes with him, he's always been a sweetie, but now he's a sweetie
with an awesome work ethic. 

THANK YOU so much Patti Jo, if you EVER need a refrence or a before and after
pic just email!

Angela Giudice & Giz'

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Re: RE: Thank-you STEVE

2009-03-28 Thread jernest
This message is from:


I just goofed and sent a reply to the list that was supposed to go private.  
to keep this thing going.  Please just let it go, a reply to the list will only
make it worse.


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Re: RE: Thank-you STEVE

2009-03-28 Thread jernest
This message is from:

Well Fred,

I reread Lisa's post and she did not mention names, while your post probably 
things worse IMO.  Most readers probably didn't know what you were refering to,
obviously Lisa hit a sore spot, But I didn't find her post any more, actully 
accusatory than what Bonnie wrote to Linda:

"Linda you should try it sometime it would
really help your perspective on life.  I don't have any facts figures
or documention for you other than I have first hand seen some of my
friends go thur this.  Proof proof documention.   Just get off your
commputer and take a walk around your country and you can see if you
look and you can even reach out your hand and help.   Much more
productive than debate."

I think if you had just let it go nobody would have taken it to be trashing your
list or you or Bonnie.

You have your beef with Lisa.  I don't want to get into it.  I have my own 
about what happened at Libby and about Bonnie' attitude.  I am glad she has 
out to be a good trainer.  I don't want to get into an argument.  You have your
perspective.  I just like to stay out of things.


> This message is from: "" 
> Dear Jean,
> When someone writes on Steve's list, thanking him for allowing a certain
> type of discussion to continue...then states that another list
> (specifically mine) has shut down discussion of the subject and then goes
> on to enumerate only certain parts of what went onnot the whole story
> or all the facts:
> Then states that my list, was formed initially as a rescue type list and
> now is not is patently false.  That become criticizm of my list and my
> actions.
> Lisa hates my trainer.  I had purchased one of Lisa's foals and paid her
> at Libby.  Lisa backed out of the deal and returned my money stating that
> none of her foals would come under the influence of my trainer. 
> Lisa was among the group that got together at Libby and had us "thrown
> off the island" so to speak.
> I got understandably pissed. 
> When she wrote me later that she had sold the foal to someone else...I
> got even more pissed in that she didn't trust my judgement and had to rub
> it in. I told Lisa that I didn't care to ever speak to her again.  I
> tried many times to offer an olive branch, but each time (from different
> mail addresses) she has blocked them all.
> What Lisa wrote was a direct slam at my list and my actions in attempting
> to control a wildfire.  She even paraphrased part of a message, from my
> list,
> ridiculing my trainer who was only trying to make peace on the list.
> Tru

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RE: Thank-you STEVE

2009-03-27 Thread jernest
This message is from:


I didn't interpret Lisa's message to be putting you or your list down at all. 
do you take it personally?

Maybe I am missing something...

Jean in Fairbanks, Alaska

> This message is from: "Frederick J Pack" 
> Lisa et al,
> Rescue and Fjord welfare is STILL a paramount concern on my FjordIssues
> list.
> The conversations regarding Horse Slaughter were getting out of hand.  I
> stopped that thread.  Steve would have done the same thing here.

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RE: Thank-you STEVE correction

2009-03-27 Thread Frederick J Pack
This message is from: "Frederick J Pack" 

This line:
My trainer, who was trashed by you and others at Libby, are not aware of
some facts.

Should read:
Readers should be aware of some facts about my trainer.  The same trainer
who was trashed by you and others at Libby.

I had to run and break up a dog fight.  Something fell on the keyboard in my
haste.  The message was sent before I proof read it.

If someone has a bone to pick with me, or my list, either write me privately
or do it on MY listNOT HERE.   

Subject closed as far as I'm concerned.  I will write nothing more about



All Mail is scanned in AND out by Norton Anti-virus.
Fred and Lois Pack
Pack's Peak Stables
Wilkeson, Washington  98396 

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Frederick J Pack
Sent: Friday, March 27, 2009 6:38 PM
Subject: RE: Thank-you STEVE

This message is from: "Frederick J Pack" 

Lisa et al,

My trainer, who was trashed by you and others at Libby, are not aware of
some facts.

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RE: Thank-you STEVE

2009-03-27 Thread Frederick J Pack
This message is from: "Frederick J Pack" 

Lisa et al,

Rescue and Fjord welfare is STILL a paramount concern on my FjordIssues

The conversations regarding Horse Slaughter were getting out of hand.  I
stopped that thread.  Steve would have done the same thing here.

Before YOU or anyone else, who is only on THIS list, the information about
Mr. Stewart in Scotland had been posted on my list for some time.  You know
this.  You are subscribed to my list.  FJORD welfare has always been

I personally posted many links to follow up and assist in the assessment (by
readers) of the situation.  But, you already know this..  Other readers,
only on this list, do not.

It seems devious to object to something about my list without writing
something about it on mine.  You have been conspicuously quiet and haven't
posted anything since October of 2006.  We could use some of your wisdom on
my list as well.

You write:
Even another Fjord list, which was created and actually encouraged to 
discuss these tough rescue abuse and  " saving Fjords in need "
topics, I 
hear they called for an end to the conversation, while this list does not.

I am puzzled by the use of the word HEAR in the above paragraph.  Or are you
trashing any messages from my list too.  Have you bothered to READ what has
been sent to you.

Perhaps if you had, you would have not have written here.  If you, in fact,
DID...then you know why I shut the subject of horse slaughter down. 

I would e-mail this directly to you but you have set your email to block any
messages from me directly.

Don't trash my list just because you don't like me or my trainer

My trainer, who was trashed by you and others at Libby, are not aware of
some facts.
Bonnie Morris has a heart of gold.  She presently has three rescued horses
at her facility right now that she saved from the knife or starvation.

A couple of years ago, she bought two other horses to save them.  One was
nothing but a skeleton.  She nursed both of these back to health.  The mare
that was a skeleton is now a mother.

Bonnie is presently nursing one of MY Fjords back to health as I didn't have
the facilities to adequately care for her.  

She has become an accomplished CDE competitor.  Just last week she had two
of my fjords hooked up to Dave McQwethy's (Sp?) cart at Happs.  Dave drove
and loved them  too.

You, and the other nay-sayers from our Libby Incident will not admit you
made a mistake about her.

Next time you object to something going on on MY list, write your thought
there...not here.  

And, NO...I haven't removed you from my list just because you trashed us

(owner Yahoo FjordIssues list)
and a proud to be a member of this list too...

All Mail is scanned in AND out by Norton Anti-virus.
Fred and Lois Pack
Pack's Peak Stables
Wilkeson, Washington  98396 

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of
This message is from:


  Even another Fjord list, which was created and actually encouraged to 
discuss these tough rescue abuse and  " saving Fjords in need "
topics, I 
hear they called for an end to the conversation, while this list does not. 

  When name calling begins and personal accusations of embelishing or how 
someone is making pompus statements while sitting behind their computer,
from the world, and without knowing where they have been or what they have 
done, makes for uncomfortable reading. 

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Thank-you STEVE

2009-03-27 Thread Pedfjords
This message is from:

  Sometimes we ( in the heat of topics considered important to the breed ) 
get into subjects that some find hard to read. Horses everywhere being starved 
and abused and run to auctions with little regard of where they might end up is 
bad enough, but to include Fjords in that senerio is unbearable to me.

  Even another Fjord list, which was created and actually encouraged to 
discuss these tough rescue abuse and  " saving Fjords in need "  
topics, I 
hear they called for an end to the conversation, while this list does not. 

  When name calling begins and personal accusations of embelishing or how 
someone is making pompus statements while sitting behind their computer, 
from the world, and without knowing where they have been or what they have 
done, makes for uncomfortable reading. 

  While I realize that many people subscribe to the lists for a variety of 
reasons including endless saddle fitting, shedding, hoof trimming, or the 
in how-to-get-a-fjord-to-canter topis...there are Fjords needing help. In 
Scottland and here.

  I want to thank Steve, our list owner, for allowing the conversation to 
continue to involve something that traditionally brings alot of raw emotions 
debate. This list has brought so many of us together in our knowledge of Fjord 
horses and helped make many lasting friendships over the span of years. 

  Lets keep talking about how we can positively impact responsible OWNERSHIP, 
BREEDING, careing for and honoring this wonderful Fjord horse. 

  If those topics stay raw for some but spur others to look harder at who 
they decide to breed and to whom..what they own, and how to manage the 
situation when the time comes to let them go, it helps the Fjords everywhere. 
If we 
can make a statement to everyone who would casually starve or abuse their 
Fjords in some way thinking they are flying under the radar of fluffy 
and one sided rules of discussion, then it should be a long and loud 
statement that we will not be quiet.

  Thank-you Steve for this list. You have to know that you personally have 
made a difference for Fjords for letting it continue. 

Check all of your email inboxes from anywhere 
on the web.  Try the new Email Toolbar now! 

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2008-12-24 Thread Cynthia Madden
This message is from: "Cynthia Madden" 

Santa delivered a gift yesterday to my home from a person of secrecy . It's
a very nice picture holder, one of which I have never seen. It's absolutely
a beautiful gift and will be placed on the shelf of our living room for all
of our friends to see. Sometime in the future I would like to know where you
found this unique and wonderful item.  (On one of Santa's many shelves but
which one?)If at all possible let me know so I may try to find some for my
Fjord Friends that live close. Happy Holidays and the best wishes on 2009 to
MY SECRET SANTA.  Thank you again.

 *Kelly Hoem*

Cynthia Madden
Las Cruces, NM

People the world over have always been more impressed by the power of our
than by the example of our power. Bill Clinton, DNC 8/27/08

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A huge thank you from the Danes

2008-09-06 Thread Birgit
This message is from: "Birgit" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

It has been mentioned - in connection with the Moses Lake show - that 'the
Danes were coming'. Now we are back in Denmark after some wonderful weeks in
Canada and USA.  My first visit in USA was in 2006, where I went to Winona
and that was great. I decided that I wanted to go back, however it took me
close to 2 years before it happened - far too long..  

I think I met Ursula and Brian in Norway some years ago, and as far as I
remember, we have spent the last three stallion evaluation weeks in Norway
together in the cabins in Lote, which 'the Danes' have booked for as long as
we want to go there. Last year Ursula and Brian visited Denmark twice and
the idea about us visiting Canada and a horse show in the states was born.
In August 2008 it finally happened.

Ursula fetched us in Calgary and showed us the Canadian Rockies (Kananaskis,
Banff and Lake Louise (which we could hardly see for tourists from all over
the world)). Considering that the highest mountain in Denmark are below 200
meters (yes, that is true), it was an impressive tour. After a quiet day in
Trinity Valley we continued our trip to Moses Lake, where we attended the
show. It was great to see how you do a show 'over there', different from
Denmark/Europe, but very interesting. After the show Ursula guided us
through some very beautiful parts of Washington and Oregon and back to
Washington before we crossed the border to Canada. Here we had more
wonderful days in Trinity valley before Brian took us to Calgary, from where
we left September, 2nd.

What we do remember and appreciate - apart from the show and the nature -
are the great hospitality and friendliness we met, wherever we came. In the
US Elisabeth (or maybe her husband .) Anne and Teressa (again maybe the
husband ..) prepared fantastic diners for us, so did Ursula in Canada and
her friends there: Julie and Carol. But also during the show-days we got new
friends - all thanks to the common interest we share ... the Norwegian fjord

If any of you visit Denmark let us now and we will do our best to make you
enjoy your stay.


Back in Denmark everything is busy. This weekend we have a very big riding
and driving event with close to 200 participating fjord horses. It is partly
the Danish championship for fjord horses in dressage, show jumping and
driving (single and pairs) and the championship for the allround horse and
partly an ordinary show with the same disciplines. Unfortunately the weather
has been awful the last days with a lot of rain.

Next weekend we have our stallion evaluation (only licensed stallions are
allowed to breed here), as usual at Vilhelmsborg (,
where we celebrated our 65 year studbook jubilee in 2006. 47 stallions have
been entered but the number of participating stallions will probably be a
little less because some entries are always cancelled. 

So much for now - and once again thank you so much. 
Hope to meet all our northamerican friends (old ones as well as new ones)
somewhere sometime in the future.


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Thank you

2008-08-26 Thread KBatchelor
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thank you so much to everyone on the list who helped me brainstorm about  
farm names.  They are all in the hopper and hopefully we will decide on  
something soon!
Enjoy your Fjords,

**It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find your travel 
deal here.  

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Thank you for all the kind words

2008-08-05 Thread Michele Noonan
This message is from: "Michele Noonan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

  Thank you to everyone who posted to the list and also emailed me privately
with condolences about Soren.  I should have posted much sooner as I didn't
realize just how much you guys helped the grieving process.

  We are trying to gear up now for Libby!  We have one mare to evaluate (we
were going to evaluate Soren) and we have lots of classes to do at the show.
It will be great to see everyone. I would love to go to Moses Lake too, but
have to concentrate on the evaluation this year.

  I love to watch all the babies play. This group of foals by Anvil's Morgen
has been so cute to watch. It's like watching a team of football or soccer
players. They all are very athletic, fast, and wear their mothers out. I think
their favorite games are.. Who can extend the trot and look the most
elegant doing it  and who can dead out run to the other end of the pasture and
beat everyone else before their mommy comes to get them.
  Not much different than human boys!

  I have been trying to go on many trail rides lately. It seems to be good for
me and the horses

  See you all at Libby and Good Luck everyone at Moses Lake

  Thanks again for everyone's kind words

  Michele Noonan
  Wild Hair Ranch
  Stevensville, MT

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Thank you Fjord Digest

2008-08-02 Thread Pat Holland

This message is from: "Pat Holland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Thank you for letting us post the BE results on the list.  I know it was 
long and took up alot of space.

We had several new members show and do nicely this year and I thought they 
should get credit for all of their work and brave-ness.

After looking over the FINAL results I see we had 490 some entries.  I wrote 
awhile ago we were near the 700 mark.  When I left home with the original 
book   - from sent in entries I had 533 .  At one point during the hectic 
pace of the show I went over the book and saw what appeared to be many 
additions - however as you can see - the entries were no where near the 700 
I stated.  I apologize for stating that.

One of the things I try to do is create a show which is as inexpensive as we 
can make it to just get your horses there - low stall fees, low class fees - 
then hope you will put your horses in as many classes as you wish - I try to 
introduce new classes where people can "try" for.  Something they might not 
have tried before like the Limited Log Pull.  Another example is next years 
"Suitable for Dressage" class.  We have many members who want to have 
dressage tests - but for the life of me - YET  I have not been able to find 
the space in the schedule to do so - so this "Suitable" class will be a rail 
class - asking for a halt, working in frame, w/t/c    maybe have an 
Intro class  - with just w/t and a Training level class and maybe even a 1st 
or 2nd level class. Next year I hope to add a SMALL cross country driving 
class - I will need volunteers for this one - so email me privately if you 
would like to help make this new class doable.

I'm working on the 09 show as we speak..and the 2010 show... 
I've gotten many suggestions from this years show we're still moving 

Thank you
Pat H.

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

RE: Thank you!!

2008-07-16 Thread Linda Lottie
This message is from: Linda Lottie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Kelly..another thing you can encourage is for him to roll...yes, roll. 

My trainer always lets his horses roll after riding so the stomach is tipped 
upside down and activated.  I have a new outlook on rolling since he shared 
that with me.

Linda in WI

> To:
> Subject: Thank you!!
> Date: Wed, 16 Jul 2008 09:05:10 -0700
> This message is from: Kelly Trirogoff 
> Thanks to EVERYONE that gave me feedback/care instructions/kind words for
> Grandpa. He is doing much better. He actually was trotting today. Plus I know
> he feels better because he is back to being  his regular "independently minded
> self" like any senior :) We go for a walk every morning and every evening to
> keep things moving. He anticipated going back to the house for breakfast first
> thing this morning, but he had not gone to the bathroom yet. So I said "sorry
> grandpa, you don't get breakfast till you go to the bathroom"  I kid you not,
> 2 seconds later up came the tail, and out came the poop :) Home we went for a
> little breakfast.
> They are so funny. The only thing I am concerned about is his left eye as it
> is a little puffy/warm as it got seriously rubbed raw during the rolling. Any
> suggestions as to what i can do for it?
> Kelly Trirogoff, Grandpa and Skovy
> _
> The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Thank you!!

2008-07-16 Thread Kelly Trirogoff
This message is from: Kelly Trirogoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Thanks to EVERYONE that gave me feedback/care instructions/kind words for
Grandpa. He is doing much better. He actually was trotting today. Plus I know
he feels better because he is back to being  his regular "independently minded
self" like any senior :) We go for a walk every morning and every evening to
keep things moving. He anticipated going back to the house for breakfast first
thing this morning, but he had not gone to the bathroom yet. So I said "sorry
grandpa, you don't get breakfast till you go to the bathroom"  I kid you not,
2 seconds later up came the tail, and out came the poop :) Home we went for a
little breakfast.

They are so funny. The only thing I am concerned about is his left eye as it
is a little puffy/warm as it got seriously rubbed raw during the rolling. Any
suggestions as to what i can do for it?

Kelly Trirogoff, Grandpa and Skovy

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Thank you to Willows Edge Farm

2008-05-21 Thread Marcia Pace
This message is from: "Marcia Pace" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Corinne at Willows Edge Farm offers a great service for listing fjord horses
for sale.  I first became aware of her service on this list. It's easy, free
and it works.  


We recently sold a 6 year old gelding to a woman in Oregon.She was the
first person to contact me and sounded like she was a perfect fit with SMF
Talisman. It took a couple of weeks to work out our schedules so that she
could make the trip up to see him.  In the meantime, I had an additional 6-7
very interested parties contact me regarding Tally.  I had to call all of
these people back and tell them that he had sold. The only place I had him
advertised was on Corrine's website.  Most of the interested parties were
looking for a solid fjord between the ages of 6-12 with trail experience
located in the Pacific Northwest.  For the most part they didn't have a
preference regarding mare/gelding, they were not looking to show, but wanted
a respectful, willing, family type horse.  


I was surprised to receive so many calls so fast in a soft horse market.


Anyway, this is a plug for the service offered to fjord owners' on Corrine's
website  -    It


Marcia Pace

Ellensburg, Wa   

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Thank you

2008-03-17 Thread Pat Holland

This message is from: "Pat Holland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Thank you to those who contacted us regarding finding an overnight layover 
for Roger Mulnar, new Fjord owner, transporting his horses for the first 

I KNEW you would come thru. He's all set.

It's a great world we've created among ourselves with our horses.

Thank you
Pat Holland

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Thank You to Lisa Pederson for her kind words

2008-02-18 Thread Carol Boehm

This message is from: Carol Boehm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi Everyone:  I have been walking around for a week in a complete happy 
daze:  A week ago I got an email from Peggy Spear out of Marshall 
Wisconsin who I purchased FPF Andi Falkspyd from in 2006.  How the story 
was repeated to me is as follows.  Peggy informed me that Lisa had 
contacted her and after talking about what ever they had to discuss Lisa 
brings up the evaluations at Moses Lake and these two mares some 
Canadian women brought to the evaluations and that both mares got their 
blue ribbons in conformation. I quess some very nice people told Lisa 
about my mares while they were visiting at the Libby show.  All I can 
say is the words repeated to Lisa were extremely kind and that they 
really liked my mares.  I wish I knew who they were and all I can say is 
the 25 Anniversary show I was talking to Pat Wolfe who owns Prydarson he 
told me that the Norwegian Fjord owners and competitors in the United 
States had not only always been very kind to him but had always cheered 
him on in every competition he had ever entered and to boot had many 
laughs with him.  Since I have only ever had the pleasure of going to 
one show as a competitor I am eternally greatful to the kindness I have 
received especially since I went their in my brothers name which is a 
story for another day.  Anyway who ever you are I hope you read this 
message and someday I get to Thank You in person.   Again Lisa Thank You 
for bringing up the subject of Moses Lake and those Two Canadian Mares 
to Peggy and Thank You Peggy for putting the parts of the puzzle 
together and knowing who it was and letting me know.  I personally will 
never forget your kindness.

Carol Boehm
Red Wing Acre's Norwegian Fjords

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Re: Thank you

2008-01-22 Thread Debbie Hunt
This message is from: Debbie Hunt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello Fjordhorse enthusiasts,

I read posts every day and have learned so much. I want to publicly

thank Patti Jo Walters for doing an outstanding job with Ivar 

(the 4 yr old gelding she mentioned in this post). He is my boy.

I sent him to Patti Jo the 1st of December as a horse who had very little 

training. She came highly recommended and I know why! She has been 

amazing. I live in KY so don't have the luxury of watching his progress

but Patti Jo communicates via e-mail almost daily and I almost feel 

like I am there with her detailed descriptions of his progress. I would

highly recommend Patti Jo to anyone that needs their horse trained. I

can't wait to get him back the end of February!


Debbie in KY (patiently waiting for Ivar's return)


This message is from: "Dave and Patti Walter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Been a 
SUPER year in 2007 here at FCF, 2008 starting out like last year,  GETTING SOME 
FANTASTIC Fjords in on consignment. So excited again this  year. I'm just 
blessed to get to work with so many different bloodlines, so  many different 
horses and so many WONDERFUL owners and then selling the horses  and meeting 
even more wonderful folks who bought the horse.  It's a great line  of work.  
It's not easy selling horses and I do my homework and only take good  quality 
Fjords in on consignment. I'm not out there just to sell horses, I  want a 
great sale. Where FCF gets a friend for life and you get a friend in  your 
Fjord for life. Can only do that with quality Fjords. And, it starts with  the 
breeding.I have a couple of really nice quiet and nicely trained mares 
coming in this  week. I have a nice perfect aged team, or they can be sold 
seperate as they  both drive single and both ride. I have several
 young ones coming in the  spring, they are all currently driving and lightly 
being ridden, we will here  at FCF put more finishing touches on them.  I also 
know of a SUPER gelding  that we started here at FCF and then sold and he is 
solid BN event horse. He  is easy to keep and easy to ride/handle. Super boy.  
So again this year, I  hopefully can help you find that right Fjord for 
you/your needs.Have a few training horses at the moment and several lined 
up for  spring/summer. If you are considering some training, make sure to 
contact me  early, as things are filling up. One in for training I'm also 
thrilled with.  Ivar, 4 yr old gelding. A bit too slow / quiet to start 
butwe got him  going nicely and I'm just thrilled with this boy, his owner 
is gonna have a  blast with him when he goes home end of Feb.Few additions 
to FCF, I bought TUF Voss this last year. Warning you all now ,  I WILL WIN THE 
BAREBACK CLASS AT BE this year!!! The boy has the smoothest 
 canter. We are using him in our lesson program and he is awesome. I think TUF  
has some of the BEST horses out there, Rich and Nancy really produced some  
wonderful horses!! I also bought Los Trigos Heather. I was gonna lease her  
this year, but then just decided to buy her. She is a GREAT driving horse and  
I am hoping to do Villa and Columbus this year and have some fun driving. I  
still have my TB and will do a BN event with him this year as well. Sorry had  
to add that, he's a COOL horse! GREAT jumper! Eby will probably take Voss or  
Tomas, as they both jump as well. We have been using Tomas in the lesson  
program as well. Tomas just has to learn to stay calmer when jumping he LOVES  
it too much. Sothe year is starting to get planned out and I'm sure it  
will fly by like always but I could not be happier with how it's all coming  
together.  Patti Jo Walter  Please note NEW 
email address [EMAIL PROTECTED]The FjordHorse List
 archives can be found at:  

Nancy Hotovy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  This message is from: "Nancy Hotovy" 

Thank you so much for the compliment Patti. Voss is a really great horse.
Just to let you know that BE isn't decided yet :-) I just came in from riding
6 miles on back roads and trails bareback on TUF Annie (1/2 sister to Voss).
Riding with chaps and bareback is the best way to stay warm on a winter ride -
especially in the snow and wind. It was beautiful - big white flakes in the
woods - horizontal flakes in the fields.

As we have slowly but surely been downsizing, we are now sadly offering for
sale the mares that we had kept back for ourselves (performance and breeding
quality). One is a 10-year-old daughter of TUF Reba and Anvil's Gra Viking.
She is bred for a March foal to Dundarling Tatonka (will probably be grey as
she has always produced grey when bred to grey). She is a been there/done
that mare. Has been used single, team, unicorn, 4-up and tandem. Will sell
her with foal by her side or with her daughter TUF 

Re: Thank you

2008-01-22 Thread Bonnie

This message is from: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I must say I am VERY pleased with both fjords I got from Rich and Nancy 
Hotovy. If I wanted to buy another horse, I'd get one from them. If you're 
in the market, look at a TUF horse for sure.

Bonnie in CA
- Original Message - 
From: "Nancy Hotovy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2008 1:51 PM
Subject: Thank you

This message is from: "Nancy Hotovy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Thank you so much for the compliment Patti.  Voss is a really great horse.
Just to let you know that BE isn't decided yet :-) I just came in from 
6 miles on back roads and trails bareback on TUF Annie (1/2 sister to 
Riding with chaps and bareback is the best way to stay warm on a winter 
ride -
especially in the snow and wind.  It was beautiful - big white flakes in 

woods - horizontal flakes in the fields.

As we have slowly but surely been downsizing, we are now sadly offering 
sale the mares that we had kept back for ourselves (performance and 
quality).  One is a 10-year-old daughter of TUF Reba and Anvil's Gra 
She is bred for a March foal to Dundarling Tatonka (will probably be grey 

she has always produced grey when bred to grey).  She is a been there/done
that mare.  Has been used single, team, unicorn, 4-up and tandem.  Will 
her with foal by her side or with her daughter TUF Mia - 4 year old filly 
Rokida's Haakon.  Mia and her dam are a perfect match - same size, same 
way of
going.  Last summer was Mia's first time out as a driving horse.  She went 
Horse Progress Days and worked alongside the geldings, in the 4-abreast 
and also was in the lead in the 4-up hitch at Blue Earth.  These are VERY 
mares and extremely difficult for me to part with.  As always, we have 

for the great fjord temperment as well as conformation.  Please e-mail for
pictures if interested.  Delivery is an option.

Always, always, enjoy your horses!


Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2008 13:41:39 -0600
From: "Dave and Patti Walter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Fjords for sale in East Central WI

Few additions to FCF, I bought TUF Voss this last year. Warning you all 
now ,

I WILL WIN THE BAREBACK CLASS AT BE this year!!! The boy has the smoothest
canter. We are using him in our lesson program and he is awesome. I think 

has some of the BEST horses out there, Rich and Nancy really produced some
wonderful horses!!

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Thank you

2008-01-22 Thread Nancy Hotovy
This message is from: "Nancy Hotovy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Thank you so much for the compliment Patti.  Voss is a really great horse.
Just to let you know that BE isn't decided yet :-) I just came in from riding
6 miles on back roads and trails bareback on TUF Annie (1/2 sister to Voss).
Riding with chaps and bareback is the best way to stay warm on a winter ride -
especially in the snow and wind.  It was beautiful - big white flakes in the
woods - horizontal flakes in the fields.

As we have slowly but surely been downsizing, we are now sadly offering for
sale the mares that we had kept back for ourselves (performance and breeding
quality).  One is a 10-year-old daughter of TUF Reba and Anvil's Gra Viking.
She is bred for a March foal to Dundarling Tatonka (will probably be grey as
she has always produced grey when bred to grey).  She is a been there/done
that mare.  Has been used single, team, unicorn, 4-up and tandem.  Will sell
her with foal by her side or with her daughter TUF Mia - 4 year old filly x
Rokida's Haakon.  Mia and her dam are a perfect match - same size, same way of
going.  Last summer was Mia's first time out as a driving horse.  She went to
Horse Progress Days and worked alongside the geldings, in the 4-abreast hitch
and also was in the lead in the 4-up hitch at Blue Earth.  These are VERY nice
mares and extremely difficult for me to part with.  As always, we have bred
for the great fjord temperment as well as conformation.  Please e-mail for
pictures if interested.  Delivery is an option.

Always, always, enjoy your horses!


Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2008 13:41:39 -0600
From: "Dave and Patti Walter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Fjords for sale in East Central WI

Few additions to FCF, I bought TUF Voss this last year. Warning you all now ,
I WILL WIN THE BAREBACK CLASS AT BE this year!!! The boy has the smoothest
canter. We are using him in our lesson program and he is awesome. I think TUF
has some of the BEST horses out there, Rich and Nancy really produced some
wonderful horses!!

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

RE: Thank you from the Foundation

2008-01-01 Thread Karen McCarthy

This message is from: "Karen McCarthy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I'd be very interested in learning what projects in particular the Norwegian 
Fjord Horse Foundation wishes to undertake. I did not find it posted on the 
website, perhaps you can tell us about them when you get some time?

Karen over the hill (literally and probably figuratively as well) in central 

Original Message Follows
Subject: Thank you from the Foundation
Date: Tue, 1 Jan 2008 16:50:49 -0800

This message is from: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

All of the Trustees and Directors of the Norwegian Fjord Horse Foundation
send their THANK YOU to all the donors that replied to our PUZZLE request.
We ended up not making the full puzzle however... each donation is very
important to us. We are gradually reaching our goals.

There are several projects we hope we can be a part of in 2008. We look
forward to working with the Registry with several different projects. Again
thank you to all of our  2007 donors.

It is never too late to donate... If your envelope is sitting on your
desk... then please do place it in the mail in the next couple of days and
we can still get a receipt to you before the tax season.

We always accept BOOK of HONOR and MEMORIAL BOOK donations... Call or email
me for more details.

Happy NEW YEAR to all!

Catherine Lassesen
Trustee & Secretary
Norwegian Fjord Horse Foundation
Educate, Preserve, Research
Ask me how you can help!

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Thank you from the Foundation

2008-01-01 Thread fjords
This message is from: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

All of the Trustees and Directors of the Norwegian Fjord Horse Foundation
send their THANK YOU to all the donors that replied to our PUZZLE request.
We ended up not making the full puzzle however... each donation is very
important to us. We are gradually reaching our goals.  

There are several projects we hope we can be a part of in 2008. We look
forward to working with the Registry with several different projects. Again
thank you to all of our  2007 donors. 

It is never too late to donate... If your envelope is sitting on your
desk... then please do place it in the mail in the next couple of days and
we can still get a receipt to you before the tax season. 

We always accept BOOK of HONOR and MEMORIAL BOOK donations... Call or email
me for more details. 

Happy NEW YEAR to all!

Catherine Lassesen
Trustee & Secretary
Norwegian Fjord Horse Foundation
Educate, Preserve, Research
Ask me how you can help!

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Re: SS Thank you to Linda in beautiful, downtown Guben!

2007-12-25 Thread JadeBear
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Linda!
It's me again, to say another thanks for the great tote bag and a first 
thanks for the gorgeous year tracker (which is even now hanging in my kitchen). 
Hope you don't mind acquiring an occasional pen-pal as a side-effect of this 
Secret Santa thing!
All the best!
and Braveheart and Bogie...who stood for extrensive grooming, then helped me 
clean the barn within an inch of its life and put down tons of pretty, 
fluffy wood shavings for Christmas Eve because, as we all know, you 
can tell who might come to your stable.

**See AOL's top rated recipes 

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Re: Secret Santa Thank you!

2007-12-24 Thread Diana Calder
This message is from: Diana Calder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sunday, December 23, 2007, 7:50:11 PM:

CM> This message is from: "Cynthia Madden" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

CM>   My Secret Santa,

CM>   I received my Secret Santa gift today. The gift is wonderful and most
CM> certainly can be used all year long.  Wishing you and yours a joyous
CM> Christmas with family and Fjord friends. I also wish you a prosperous New
CM> Year.  Again thank you very much.

CM> Kelly M. Hoem


If but one package has arrived, another is yet to come. Hope you enjoy
the contents of both parcels.

Diana Calder
and Steinacker's Donnie & Deere Country Dawna, Santa's
fuzzy reindeer-stand-ins on the card! ;)

Best regards,
 Dianamailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

SS Thank you

2007-12-24 Thread Linda Lehnert
This message is from: Linda Lehnert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Many thanks to my Secret Santress from Horsham, W. Sussex, UK.  Although she
only signed the card, "Secret Santress," without  name, she outdid herself
with the gifts.  The coffee mug with the Fjord motif is beautiful and
something I will use every day; the riding gloves are very fine and fit well;
and, then there's the candy.  So far I've resisted the temptation to sample it
since I haven't had my dinner, but it certainly does look delicious,
chocolate, my favorite kind too!  Even the packaging was great - something not
even the post office could ruin.  I very much appreciate your thoughtfulness
and hope you and yours have a wonderful Christmas.  Vielen Dank, magne tusen
takk, mil gracias.

Linda in Guben

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Thank You - Secret Santa

2007-12-24 Thread Susan Cargill
This message is from: Susan Cargill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Karen K - thank you for my Secret Santa gift.  I'm waiting to open it Christmas
morning with my Family so we can all ohh and ahh over each gift.  Eagerly 
the second half.  Can't wait to open them tomorrow.

Susan - Longtheway Farm

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Thank You Santa Alison Bakken

2007-12-23 Thread cynthia vallecillo
This message is from: cynthia vallecillo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi Alison,

Thank you so much for the gifts!  I received them both
on the same day!  The tee shirt is exactly what I
wanted, how did you ever guess! ;>) I LOVE the pin! I
have a hat that I put all my Fjordie pins on and this
one will have a place of honor in the front.

I hope you Christmas is wonderful and that you have a
Blessed New Year.

Cindy, Mik and Hans


Looking for last minute shopping deals?  
Find them fast with Yahoo! Search.

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Merry Christmas & Thank You

2007-12-22 Thread Pat Holland

This message is from: "Pat Holland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Thank you all  - for the great discussions, advice, information, comical 
stories, sad news, good times, bad times, and general atmosphere of care and 
concern that comes through to all of us via the Digest.

I'm not always able to respond to all the subject matter  - flying by the 
computer whenever I can, I always look and see what's going on and it gives 
me a link to all of you from time to time.  Thank you.

And to all of those who support my small humble training business, thank you 
for another great year working for you and the wonderful horses you trusted 
me with.

So as this year is slowly coming to an end, my family and I would like to 
wish all of you a happy Holiday Season and all the best in the New Year.

Pat, Gary, Todd & Robin Holland

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Thank you ALL!!!!!

2007-11-21 Thread jen frame
This message is from: "jen frame" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello to the wonderful members of the Fjord list!
In order to not clog up the list with thanking each of you
indiviidually every time you send me answers to my questions, I just
want to send out one big thank you to all of you!
>From bits to fences to personality to stamina--you have all sent me
wonderful information, and I thank you all.
I told my husband this morning that I have been on many horse related
chat groups, and none seem to be as nice a group of people as you
Fjord owners!
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday!
Full of gratitude,

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Thank you, Phil

2007-11-03 Thread Douglas Knutsen
This message is from: "Douglas Knutsen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Phil Odden wrote:

"In 2005 I extensively researched what is known about white markings in the
fjord horse."

Thanks, Phil, for your very clear and informative message about the history
and status of white markings in the Fjord breed. Several of the categories
were new to me. I'm sure your note will clear up any questions or
misunderstandings about white markings.

My heart goes out to you about the predicted snow in your area. Now I suppose
you will be forced to bring out your gorgeous sleigh and play with Smedsmo.
Sleigh bells ring Here in the Seattleish area we have been enjoying our
usual lovely Fall sunshine break. Our herd [aka Erlend] has emerged from under
a mud-covered disguise for a while and is getting fuzzy for the winter. Soon
we will have a mud-dun stallion again.

Thanks again,

Peg Knutsen

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

I'm back & thank you

2007-06-30 Thread Pat Holland

This message is from: "Pat Holland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

My computer is patched up - and I am back on line.

Thank you-  to all of you who contacted me the old fashioned way - by 
phone  - with Blue Earth questions.  If anyone has any questions, concerns 
or needs help in any way - you can now email me.

I swear guys. when I retire I am going to throw my computer out 
the window and laugh as it crashes by MY doing.  ; )

Entries are coming in and once again it looks like a good/big show is 

See you in Blue Earth
Pat Holland

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

horse expos & THANK YOU

2007-04-26 Thread Pat Holland

This message is from: "Pat Holland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

At the Midwest Horse Fair they set the theme for everyone and ask (but don't 
mandate) that we all work around the selected theme.

Nancy Hotovy is our group leader for this event and she might speak up on 
the particulars.

I know we are rated each year, and so far I do know we've gotten very good 
ratings and are welcomed highly by the sponsors.

I believe Wayne Williams (the announcer of the 25th Anniversary show in 
Winona) is actually the head hauncho of the Midwest Horse Fair.  During our 
presentation he added to our script that he attended the 25th celebration 
and brought recognition of that event back to notice.

Dawn really does do a GREAT job with decorations and we all kind of give a 
bit of ourselves with ideas for the event. We pay for everything ourselves, 
dividing up expenses and so forth.

I would also like to thank Nancy & Rich, Dawn & Tyler and Jessica, Patti Jo, 
Eby and Keelie, Mike and Susie Sadlon, Joani and Raymond, and my husband 
Gary.  AND very importantly - Kathy Johnson - THANK YOU for being there for 
all of your help. Kathy owns WW Reidar and for a young stallion with lots of 
energy we had a great time.

I am learning to sit the lavade and capriole very nicely, thank you.  ; )

Every horse brings something different to the table when you ride and train 
them. And every owner does the same.  I am very fortunate to have Reidar and 
Kathy in my world this year.

Back at it...and moving forward.
Pat Holland 

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Re: Thank you to Patti Jo

2007-03-20 Thread Douglas Knutsen

This message is from: "Douglas Knutsen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Mary wrote:

Sebastian IS a fabulous horse, and in her post Patti makes it sound like I
had something to do with that, but really he is a credit to his bloodlines 
(he's an ERLEND son, out of a MONTANO daughter,) and he's the product of 
the great eye for breeding that was Julie Will's here at Old Hickory Farm 
in NY state.  I was fortunate to live up the road (so to speak) from Julie 
when I was looking for my first fjord, and Julie recognized Sebastian's 
family-friendly personality right from the start.  She matched me and my 4 
kids up with him when he was only a yearling, and we've had a WONDERFUL 
time learning and growing right along with him.  Patti's remarks about 
Sebastian are really a credit to Julie, not to me.

Like you, I appreciate Patti Jo's continued devotion to our breed and her 
generosity to other Fjord owners or would-be owners. And, like you, I can't 
say enough about my admiration and love for Julie Will. She, and her 
husband, Darryl Wolford, had an enormous impact on the growth of the breed 
in North America. Darryl first called Julie's attention to Flotren in 
Norway. Of course she wanted to important this magnificent stallion to the 
US. It was my good luck that, in order to finance this, she felt she needed 
to relocate her senior stallion, Erlend, to the West Coast.

Julie followed his career out here closely and even made the long trip to 
Ellensburg while she still had the energy. So many times I have wanted to 
share the latest news with her and share her excitement. I do tell her about 
these times - I hope she hears.

Julie had clear breeding goals. I believe she attained those and much more. 
I so much wanted her to be at the show in Winona and see her guy honored in 
the Get-of-Sire class! As I told many friends there, I had virtually nothing 
to do with the win. All I did was gather together some of the fine examples 
of her breeding. Julie produced all of those horses representing Erlend, not 

I've never met a soul with more integrity that Julie. She was as competitive 
as anyone, yet always supportive and friendly to all.

Peg Knutsen

- Original Message - 

From: "Mary" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, March 17, 2007 3:37 PM
Subject: Thank you to Patti Jo

This message is from: "Mary" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi List,
Just wanted to say a big huge public THANK YOU to Patti Jo for handling 
the sale of Sebastian for me.  She has filled a number of roles in this 
transaction, including (but not limited to) Coach, Mentor, Cheerleader, 
Coordinator, Facilitator, Hand Holder, Advisor, Photographer, Trainer, 
Counselor, and Navigator.  She has extended herself beyond the business 
relationship to help me deal with the emotional issue of selling this guy, 
who has been my baby for 9 of his 10 years.  It almost felt like I had a 
big sister out there in Wisconsin helping me through this whole process.

Sebastian IS a fabulous horse, and in her post Patti makes it sound like I 
had something to do with that, but really he is a credit to his bloodlines 
(he's an ERLEND son, out of a MONTANO daughter,) and he's the product of 
the great eye for breeding that was Julie Will's here at Old Hickory Farm 
in NY state.  I was fortunate to live up the road (so to speak) from Julie 
when I was looking for my first fjord, and Julie recognized Sebastian's 
family-friendly personality right from the start.  She matched me and my 4 
kids up with him when he was only a yearling, and we've had a WONDERFUL 
time learning and growing right along with him.  Patti's remarks about 
Sebastian are really a credit to Julie, not to me.

But in summary, I'd like to say that Patti Jo was always very honest, very 
sensitive, and very professional.  I would encourage anyone looking to buy 
or sell a fjord to start with her.  She goes the extra mile to make the 
right match, and she was the ONLY person I can even IMAGINE trusting to be 
the surrogate mother to Sebastian until she found him a new home.

Thanks again, Patti, and give him a smooch for me--
Mary Blatz, in upstate NY where we're getting one last blast of winter 
this weekend

- Original Message - 
From: "fjordhorse-digest" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Friday, March 16, 2007 7:30 PM
Subject: fjordhorse-digest V2007 #64

Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2007 18:57:58 -0500
From: "Dave and Patti Walter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Big Congrats

This message is from: "Dave and Patti Walter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Just wanted to congratulate Cheryl Whitfield of SC, for her decision in
purchasing O.H. Sebastian. He has to pass his vet check, but see no 
with that. Sebastian is a COOL horse, owned 

Thank you to Patti Jo

2007-03-17 Thread Mary

This message is from: "Mary" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi List,
Just wanted to say a big huge public THANK YOU to Patti Jo for handling the 
sale of Sebastian for me.  She has filled a number of roles in this 
transaction, including (but not limited to) Coach, Mentor, Cheerleader, 
Coordinator, Facilitator, Hand Holder, Advisor, Photographer, Trainer, 
Counselor, and Navigator.  She has extended herself beyond the business 
relationship to help me deal with the emotional issue of selling this guy, 
who has been my baby for 9 of his 10 years.  It almost felt like I had a big 
sister out there in Wisconsin helping me through this whole process.

Sebastian IS a fabulous horse, and in her post Patti makes it sound like I 
had something to do with that, but really he is a credit to his bloodlines 
(he's an ERLEND son, out of a MONTANO daughter,) and he's the product of the 
great eye for breeding that was Julie Will's here at Old Hickory Farm in NY 
state.  I was fortunate to live up the road (so to speak) from Julie when I 
was looking for my first fjord, and Julie recognized Sebastian's 
family-friendly personality right from the start.  She matched me and my 4 
kids up with him when he was only a yearling, and we've had a WONDERFUL time 
learning and growing right along with him.  Patti's remarks about Sebastian 
are really a credit to Julie, not to me.

But in summary, I'd like to say that Patti Jo was always very honest, very 
sensitive, and very professional.  I would encourage anyone looking to buy 
or sell a fjord to start with her.  She goes the extra mile to make the 
right match, and she was the ONLY person I can even IMAGINE trusting to be 
the surrogate mother to Sebastian until she found him a new home.

Thanks again, Patti, and give him a smooch for me--
Mary Blatz, in upstate NY where we're getting one last blast of winter this 

- Original Message - 
From: "fjordhorse-digest" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Friday, March 16, 2007 7:30 PM
Subject: fjordhorse-digest V2007 #64

Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2007 18:57:58 -0500
From: "Dave and Patti Walter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Big Congrats

This message is from: "Dave and Patti Walter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Just wanted to congratulate Cheryl Whitfield of SC, for her decision in
purchasing O.H. Sebastian. He has to pass his vet check, but see no 
with that. Sebastian is a COOL horse, owned for a little while longer by 

Blatz of NY. Mary did a wonderful job in raising him, training him, taking
care of him. He is just wonderful, he'll do whatever you want and in a 
safe manner! Cheryl bought Luton from Ken Raspotnik a year or two ago and 

know the saying, "they are like potato chips, you can't just have one"
Well...soon she will have TWO. I know she will be thrilled with him, 


Have several NICE Fjords for sale, if you are looking or know of someone 

is, check out my website to see who we all have on the farm.

I'm getting two more next weekend. Highland Prairie Tore, coming on
consignment, neat horse. AND I bought myself a new Fjord Gelding, 
Owned by Bob and Therine Gudknecht. I'm hoping that Tomas will want to be 

jumper!  He has only been driven, but I know his calling is for becoming a
hunter/jumper!!! Have my first show of the season March 31, in Green Bay.
Hunter/jumper Show. NEED a Fjord to take there next year!!! My TB is 

awesome, but there is just something about jumping with a Fjord.

Patti Jo Walter-in East Central WI, where we want that 60 degree weather 

oh that was nice!

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Belated Thank You to MWFHC Members - Some What Long

2007-03-03 Thread Lazyvalleyranch
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Please accept my apologizes for the lateness of this  message.  In trying to 
finish up the final details of the meeting/seminars  and getting my house back 
in order after dumping every thing at the front door  last Sunday night, the 
time slipped away from me.   

I would  like to say THANK YOU, THANK YOU to everyone who battled the weather 
to get  to the Midwest Fjord Horse Club Winter Meeting.  You all stuck with 
us and  were so easy to please. We had a great turnout in spite of the weather, 
out  of the 60 people who signed up, 45-48 were able to make it.  Some  came 
on Friday night, but then had to turn around and go home on Saturday due to  
the possibility of not being able to get back into their driveways and care for 
 their animals.  We missed each and everyone of you.  
The get together on Friday night was wonderful, the food was good  and 
everyone sat around and visited.  Saturday morning we started a  little late 
our English Saddle fitting lecture give by LuAnne Reaumes from  the Schleese 
Saddle Company.  LuAnne covered a lot of information on  the structure of the 
horse, the importance of having a good fitting saddle  and the issues that can 
come up if your saddle does not fit.  The feedback  from everyone I spoke to or 
who privately e-mailed me was excellent  and they appreciated the time she 
took to answer everyone's questions.   LuAnne even saved the day when the 
Saddle Fitting lady was unable to  make it due to the weather.  She went off 
with those people who had  questions and worked with them.  I did not know at 
the time but Schleese  Saddle Company also makes Western Saddles.  Thank you 
to Sophie Fiedler,  Pat Holland and Phil Odden for participating in the English 
portion and to Kay  & Jim Barnhart for providing the horse for the Western 
portion of the  lecture. 
Then after lunch Rich Hotovy and Bob Gudknecht gave a harness fitting  
lecture for both Breast Collar and Draft harness.  First, Rich  went through 
some of 
the terminology for harness, then they fit the Breast  Collar harness to the 
horse, then the horse/harness to a cart and then  provided a short driving 
demo.  Next came fitting a team with  Draft harness and demonstrating how to 
hitch a team to a wagon and then  took the team for a short drive around the 
arena.  Thank you to Jeff  and Lisa Lovett for providing the horses used in 
Also thank  you to Mike Sadlon, Tyler Schlickman and Phil Odden for their 
assistance  out in the arena proving help where ever needed.  
People then went back to the hotel to relax while some of us stayed back to  
get the smaller arena prepared for the Dinner/Meeting/Auction and Dance.   The 
caterers did a fantastic job with the food, the dessert was to die  for.  
Congratulations to all who won the Fjord center pieces, it paid to  sit in the 
right chair :)  Syl and Anne Weyker put the Auction together  this year and did 
a wonderful job, they helped to raise $2,748 dollars for the  club.  THANKS 
for a job well done!!  There were many great items  to bid on and no one went 
home a loser.  Rich Hotovy did a fine job as the  Auctioneer.  Our President, 
Chuck Kelly led the meeting, took care of  business and then we got on to more 
fun.  The band did a great job and some  of us hung on and danced until 11:30 
pm.  Therine and Bob Gudknecht sure  can "cut a rug"!  By the time we left the 
arena the weather was a bit  better and the roads were not as icy.  
Sunday morning started a little slow, Ben Eyster, our Clinician for the day  
called at 6:00 am and canceled, but by 9:00 am called back and said the roads  
were not as bad and did we still want him to come.  We hurried around and  
asked people if they were still interested and the answer was YES!!!  So  when 
he arrived we got things started.  Ben's clinics are for starting the  young 
horse, working with problem horses and helping people work with their  horse, 
first on the ground and then in the saddle.  I consider what he  does magic, 
it is much more than that.  Ben put on a great clinic and  provided us with a 
lot of info to process.  Many of the people there are  interested in getting 
together and working with Ben at another time.  
It was then time to say goodbye until July when the Club will hold it's  
annual horse show in Blue Earth, Minnesota.  Pat Holland, Show Chairperson,  
promises another great show  I for one am looking forward to this  years 
as I have final worked up enough nerve to try and show.  I have  been a horse 
show mom most of my life and as a little girl have always dreamed  of showing, 
but did not have the nerve.  This show and the great people who  come to this 
show have given me the courage to try.  I have observed the  last few years of 
coming that everyone is encouraging and supportive  to anyone who is showing. 
 I have seen people running arou

BIG Thank you - oboe

2007-01-31 Thread Pat Holland

This message is from: "Pat Holland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I cannot express the gratitude I feel for all of the private correspondence 
regarding finding a donated Oboe for my daughter, Robin.

At this point, Sandy North is working on one in particular through a friend 
of hers - THANK YOU so much, Sandy & Beth and Sandy's friend Jenny who has 
volunteered to donate her Oboe to the cause.

This is a unique case - and I sincerely appreciate how many people responded 
favorably to this effort.

We sometimes hear only the negative within our up and coming generation of 
kids, I can certainly attest to the fact that there are some great kids out 
there - Robin turned out to be 10 times a better person than myself - and 
with all the effort and ambition I put into my life, she far outweighs, by 
shear determination and  positive attitude - anything and everything I've 

Finding a concert quality Oboe is a very expensive venture - and as I said 
we bought seven other instruments for her over the years - the last five she 
learned on her own - I am so very proud of her.

I mentioned the domino effect and now that Robin knows one is coming she is 
donating her old one (still in great shape) to our school district - which 
has none - for another child to someday use - our school is very small ( her 
graduating class is only 38). Resources within our district is very limited.

I also mentioned I would provide a life time of cartoons (or serious 
drawings) for the person who found an Oboe for Robin - as I speak, I am 
drawing something for Sandy & Beth.  A life time of humor is yours.

Thank you very very much.

With gratitude and a "pay-it-forward" thought process-
Pat, Gary and Robin Holland 

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Thank you

2007-01-17 Thread Gayle Ware

This message is from: "Gayle Ware" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Thanx for passing along the info to change my email address. I
unsubscribed and resubscribed just yesterday and - VOILA! Thanx,
Steve. That was fast!

Gayle Ware
Field of Dreams
Eugene, OR

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:


2006-12-29 Thread Pedfjords
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Hi List !


Thought I would write 
Another poem
(YES, Im the Santa for Kelly Hoem ! ; )
About the gift I got today
It came from down Missouri way.

It came from a friend
Who had me before !
And gave me a pendant
That I adore

This time she really 
Took the cake
And sent me something
She had to " bake " !

Not in an oven
But made with clay
This time her gift
Just made my day !

It is a pot
With beautiful shine
I cant believe
That it is mine

The FJORD inscribed
Inside the clay
Looks like a photo
Jumping out to play !

How in the world
Did you do that ?
Most peoples pot's
Would get squashed flat !

Im very impressed
With your talent for art
The wrapping was also
Very smart

The mints inside
The FJORDS will get
As soon as the snow
Lets up a bit

So THANK-YOU so much
>From me to you !
(So glad my name
Again you drew)
Karen Kathka
You really made my day
When I opened up
This pot of clay !

   Lisa Pedersen

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Re: Thank You Secret Santa Amy Evers

2006-12-26 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This message is from: "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Thanks so much for the wonderful gifts.  Last week I was looking at a 
website with those cute little rubber fjords made into ornaments and was 
lamenting that I hadn't gotten one for the tree, especially since I have an 
Icelandic horse ornament and I didn't want Tyra to feel left out.  My tree's 
still up so I hung it right in the front.

Tyra will really appreciate the professional Fiskar mane scissors (I won't 
mention what I've been using).  I've been giving her clicker training 
lessons to hold her head still for trimming, so she should be good to go! 
Maybe now Tyra won't be embarrassed if I send in photos of her!


The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Fwd: SS thank you

2006-12-22 Thread Cynthia Madden
This message is from: "Cynthia Madden" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

-- Forwarded message --
From: oe Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Dec 22, 2006 10:11 AM
Subject: SS thank you

I emailed you privately, but just in case you didn't receive it, thank you
so much for the gift.
I've heard of grooming aprons but have never had one.  Espcially with a
Fjord on it.  Thank you so very much.  The brush and hoof pick will be put
to good use.  The Fjord's and the QH are also very happy with the treats.

OE and I hope that you have a Merry Christmas and a wonderful 2007.

Pat and OE Wilson

Cynthia Madden
Las Cruces, NM
personal:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dogs (and horses, cm) are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole.
-Roger Caras

Sarchasm (n) The gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and the person who
doesn't get it.

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Thank You Secret Santa Alison Bakken

2006-12-21 Thread FjordAmy
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Santa Alison!
Thanks so much for the gorgeous Stained Glass Fjord! It is  now gracing my 
front window where everyone that comes to the house can enjoy it.  It is one of 
those things that I kept looking at and saying "I really should get  one of 
those..." but have never gotten around to actually getting. I guess this  was 
the reason why! Thank you and Merry Christmas. 
PS: I hope you Secret Santa is as good to you as mine was to  me.
Amy Evers
Dun Lookin' Fjords
260 May Creek Rd
Days  Creek, OR 97429

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Thank you and Happy Holidays

2006-12-16 Thread j20038
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 This post is from Linda Syverson-Kerr @ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hello Group:
I just wanted to say thank you to those that voted for me, to be a 
representative on the NFHR Board of Directors.  I look forward to working with 
all those that are on the Board, promoting our breed, working on the 30 th 
Anniversary, show etc. I again thank you for your vote of confidence to get 
the job done.
Christmas is almost here. We are late getting our Holiday letters in the mail, 
shopping is not quite done, and we need to finish decorating.  I rather have 
enjoyed the warm days (50's) w/o snow.   Somehow I managed to do more outside 
work, okay I was playing(riding the ponies) and less Christmas stuff.  Oh well 
it was well worth it.  So we are in the Christmas mood today.. 
>From my family and Fjords to yours, we Linda, Jim, RJ, Spruce Hill Markus 
>(MARKUS) , Oddens Norskewood Sunniva (SUNNIVA), and Tjeeva, wish you all Happy 
>Holidays and if you are traveling, safe travels.  
Looking forward to what 2007 brings.
Warm wishes,
Linda Syverson Kerr

Check out the new AOL.  Most comprehensive set of free safety and security 
tools, free access to millions of high-quality videos from across the web, free 
AOL Mail and more.

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Thank You To all Veterans

2006-11-15 Thread Kelly Hoem
This message is from: "Kelly Hoem" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I would like to give a belated THANK YOU to all Veterans.  Veterans Day was
Saturday and I did not get a chance to say Thank You for what you have done
for all of us here at home.  So Thank You We appreciate everything
you have and continue to do.

Out on the Eastern Plains of Colorado  sunny and 28 today
Susan Hoem

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Re: Winona thank you .... (long)

2006-11-14 Thread Mike May, Registrar NFHR

This message is from: "Mike May, Registrar NFHR" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

At 03:34 AM 11/13/2006, you wrote:

This message is from: "Birgit Mortensen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

A little more than a month ago I was busy trying to be ready for my first trip
ever to the US. I could only stay for 10 days, which I still regret. But being
a board-member in Denmark I simply had to go home to prepare two meetings in
the end of October and a general assembly in November.  This has  been done,
so now is time to tell you all how much I enjoyed to be in Winona.

Glad to hear you made it back ok & also that you had such a good 
time.  Hope you and all of our other foreign guests will be able to 
come again for our 30th Anniversary too.

When it comes to 2011 at least three countries/associations can celebrate
their next anniversary: NFHR, Sweden and Denmark. I think it will be a good
idea to co-ordinate the dates ...

Now this sounds like a real good idea Birgit.  I will let you know as 
soon as we have a committee formed for the next one.



Norwegian Fjord Horse Registry
Mike May, Executive Director & Registrar
PO Box 685
Webster, NY  14580-0685

Voice 585-872-4114
FAX 585-787-0497

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Winona thank you .... (long)

2006-11-13 Thread Birgit Mortensen
This message is from: "Birgit Mortensen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

A little more than a month ago I was busy trying to be ready for my first trip
ever to the US. I could only stay for 10 days, which I still regret. But being
a board-member in Denmark I simply had to go home to prepare two meetings in
the end of October and a general assembly in November.  This has  been done,
so now is time to tell you all how much I enjoyed to be in Winona.

It was bitterly cold and windy ... at least outside ..  especially the first
couple of days, but I must say that you folks compensated for that more than I
have experienced in any other country. Some of you I have met  on earlier
occasions, partly in Norway in May (stallion exhibitions) and partly in
Denmark in August (our 65th), and it was great to see you again. But it was
also great to get so many new friends in Winona, and to have faces combined
with names I only knew from the Digest  that was fun too.

It was also great to meet European friends from Norway, the Netherlands,
Belgium, Germany and Switzerland (and since most of us stayed at the same
hotel there is also many good memories from the breakfast table and late
evening tables .).

So many things from your 25th are worth talking about:

- I was impressed of the hospitality you showed the European visitors

- It was incredible that you could gather so many horses from so far
away (here in little Denmark we must sometimes listen to whining, if members
have to travel 2-3 hours to take their mare to an evaluation place ..)

- Your stallion presentation on the first evening was so interesting

- The banquet was great, excellent food and not too long speeches ...
And again a lot of  people who really seemed to like to have us there, what
more can you wish for ..

- The evening of dancing fjords was terrific. In 2004 the German
association celebrated an  anniversary,  and at that time I stated that their
show was better than every other fjordhorse show I had seen before. Sorry
Germany - today I have to say that the Winona show is the number one show.

- It was both interesting and educational to follow your evaluation
and the many other classes, in many ways different from what we do in Denmark

When you visit an exhibition or anniversary in another country it is quite
natural that one of the things you take special interest in is,  if some
horses from your own country are participating.

There is not many Danish bred fjord horses living in North America. Green
Valley Farm has imported the stallion Kastanjegardens Fernando and the mare
Thilde, Pat Wolfe has imported three mares: Hirse Klattrup (now at Olivia
Farm), Katrinedals Vanessa and Hojgaards Emmeline. Then there are three (or is
it four?) young horses in California, another young horse in Canada and maybe
22 year old Malene Stanstorp is still alive.

3 year old Katrinedals Vanessa and 10 year old Kastanjegardens Fernando were
both in Winona. It was fun to see them again, and the number of ribbons they
received was truly amazing. Blue ribbons to both of them in conformation,
Fernando scored 86 point, which as far as I understood made him to one of the
best scored stallions in North America. Apart from that he was entered in a
lot of other classes  and so was Vanessa. In Denmark she was evaluated as a
yearling with good scores, and Fernando has twice been appointed stallion of
the year in Denmark.

So it felt quite good to be Danish in Winona ..

A thing which was not so good was that I had left my camera in Denmark.

If any of you has taken some pictures of these two horses I would be very
grateful, if you would mail them to me - especially if you will allow me to
use them in an article about your 25th I am going to write to the next issue
of the Danish fjord horse magazine. Other spectacular photos will also be

I cannot wait to buy the DVD's, I have told a lot of people how great is was
'over there', and I know they will enjoy to see proof of that. So once again:
thank you so very much to all of you (nobody mentioned - nobody forgotten) for
some great days in Winona and many wonderful memories. Don't hesitate so send
me a mail if there is anything I can help you with or if you are planning to
pay Denmark a visit in the future. But don't come in November, this month is
awful (grey, rainy - and if you are unlucky cold too, we had our first snow in
the beginning of this month, but is disappeared very quickly).  The season for
our horse events are from April (young horse shows) to September (foals

When it comes to 2011 at least three countries/associations can celebrate
their next anniversary: NFHR, Sweden and Denmark. I think it will be a good
idea to co-ordinate the dates ...

Birgit / Fjordhesten Danmark



Hope this message will reach the list. I have had problems posting to the list
during many month, but lu

thank you Erin & baby Gabriel

2006-10-31 Thread Pat Holland

This message is from: "Pat Holland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Erin said:

 Do we really expect anything less from these awsome animals?  I think a 
lot goes out to thier trainers and owners for the marvelous job of working 
with thier animals so they are this safe to be around!

Thank you Erinthat moment at Winona really was the best for me in 
remembering the event.  Nathan and I were waiting and joking and laughing 
and being silly.  Having fun.  (for those of you whom have ever met Nathan - 
he is great kid, full of life, love and humor)  We were both very aware of 
us being on two breeding stallions side by side - also in close quarters. 
But we both knew our horses.

Most of you know my past 16 months with Hostar - and when I first got him 
people advised me that he came with questionable behavior issues.  I come 
with baggage too - fears, lack of talents, over reactions, lack of 
confidence and so on.  But for some unknown reason he gave me what he is 
REALLY about,..and I cannot describe it maybe because I was honest 
with him, who knows why horses give what they do.  I never felt safer, than 
when I was on him or in cart with him. He deserved to come back and end his 
career in the manner he was shown. Fit, happy,  healthy and one hell of a 
great great great horse.

For those of you who have similar horses at home and have the relationship 
with your own horses as I did with Hostar for just the time I had him   - 
TREASURE THEM  . you are very lucky people .

With respect for the good ones.
Pat Holland 

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Re: Thank you.

2006-09-08 Thread jgayle

This message is from: "jgayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Jeannie do not move to rapidly to replace.  I did and missed a really nice 
fellow because he just did not help the sadness nor replace my boy and I 
sent him back.  Still wonder what ever happened to him.  Jean Gayle

'The Colonel's Daughter"
Occupied Germany 1946 to 1949
Send: $20 to Three Horse's Press
7403 Blaine Rd
Aberdeen, WA 98520 

Thank you.

2006-09-08 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: "Jeanne Zuker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I want to take just a minute to say what a wonderful group of people there are
here.  I thank all of you who wrote me, both here and emails when Olaf died.
Your words, thoughts, experiences touched me and helped me through this most
difficult time.

Every day does get better, and I have actually looked at the Herald (that came
the day after he died.)  I know I will be getting another Fjord, some friends
have tried to get me to look at another breed, but I love this breed.

Again, thank you all so much.  Olaf is up there with some wonderful horses.


thank you

2006-09-04 Thread Dave and Patti Walter
This message is from: "Dave and Patti Walter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Linda and Dan, Thank you for those kind words. It is a warm feeling when your
work is appreciated. I do work very hard at trying to match the right horse
with the right owner. Taking a horse on consignment is more then just selling
a horse. I truely want that match to last forever and to be right. I know
circumstances change and sometimes that horse must have to go back on the
market, but I don't want to sell a horse just to sell and find out, that from
the start it is not a good match. My rep. is more important then just selling
to sell.   It's a VERY hard job selling horses. Way harder then I think most
people think. BUTyou get to met some SUPER people and horses along the way
and most every sale is different, so it keep you hopping

Pat H. you're s funny with the football field story.

Happy Labor Day to everyone!

Patti Jo Walter

dragging feet thank you

2006-06-22 Thread lhedelson
This message is from: "lhedelson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Thanks to everyone with advice on my heavy footed guy.  I have the farrier
coming next week, so I think I'll call him and have him order the rolled toe
shoes for him.  Also, I think some cavaletti (sp?) work wouldn't hurt him at
all.  Good suggestions.  Thanks.

Re: A Huge Thank You to Jeff and Lisa Pedersen!

2006-06-20 Thread Jon A. Ofjord

This message is from: "Jon A. Ofjord" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

At 01:13 PM 6/20/2006, you wrote:

This message is from: "Olivia Farm, Inc." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello from Olivia Farm,

  I wanted to post a big THANK YOU to Jeff and Lisa who were the 
most awesome hosts this past weekend at their home in Cedar City, 
Utah.  We had a wonderful time driving their beautiful horses, 
eating delicious food, and sightseeing around the area.

Was Lisa quiet and as well behaved as her horses?  That's a 

Jon & Mary Ofjord
North Coast Fjords
Grand Marais, MN 55604

A Huge Thank You to Jeff and Lisa Pedersen!

2006-06-20 Thread Olivia Farm, Inc.
This message is from: "Olivia Farm, Inc." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello from Olivia Farm,
  I wanted to post a big THANK YOU to Jeff and Lisa who were the most awesome 
hosts this past weekend at their home in Cedar City, Utah.  We had a wonderful 
time driving their beautiful horses, eating delicious food, and sightseeing 
around the area.  
  It is always fun to get some fjord people together for a weekend, but this 
was an exceptionally great weekend that included a lot of education and 
experience driving.  They hitched singles, pairs, four-in-hand, and tandem for 
us to try out - what a blast!  They even managed to have a filly born while we 
were all watching, which they named PF Solveig (I am so honored!)
  I would also like to thank Susan Lawson for letting us drive Princess Erika, 
her very lovely and well trained fjord.
  I can't wait for the next big Fjord get-together in Libby!
  Solveig Watanabe
  Olivia Farm

Re: Thank you

2006-04-28 Thread Beth Pulsifer
This message is from: "Beth Pulsifer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

 Being new here... I'd be interested to know Hostar's story.
I'm just learning about the Fjord horse and I'm certian it's the horse for
me. In another week or so I should be a new owner if all goes well!!:)
Can anyone give information on trimming the manes?  Is there a guide to go
by?... Do you need special blades etc.
Thanks  so much for any help that can be given.

---Original Message---

From: Pat Holland
Date: 04/28/06 11:37:30
Subject: Re: Thank you

This message is from: "Pat Holland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Thank you Melinda for the kind words regarding Hostar.

It is a testimony to this breed we all love, I have never worked with ANY
breed with more of a willingness to survive and please. Hostar's story is
one for the books.

All of you buy these horses, because there's "something" you see in them. ]

Maybe it's what happened originally in Norway - where there was never a
written document regarding a breed standard - maybe what these Fjord horses
give to us can not be put down on paper. It's just "felt".

I should add I could not have made one ounce of improvement with Hostar
without the support of Melinda, she is a trainers dream owner,
compassionate, trusting and never takes a step without her heart along

Pat Holland

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/gif which had a name of 

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type Image/jpeg which had a name of 

Re: Thank you

2006-04-28 Thread Pat Holland
This message is from: "Pat Holland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Thank you Melinda for the kind words regarding Hostar.

It is a testimony to this breed we all love, I have never worked with ANY
breed with more of a willingness to survive and please. Hostar's story is
one for the books.

All of you buy these horses, because there's "something" you see in them. ]

Maybe it's what happened originally in Norway - where there was never a
written document regarding a breed standard - maybe what these Fjord horses
give to us can not be put down on paper. It's just "felt".

I should add I could not have made one ounce of improvement with Hostar
without the support of Melinda, she is a trainers dream owner,
compassionate, trusting and never takes a step without her heart along

Pat Holland

bits thank you

2006-04-11 Thread Critterrun
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thank you anyway
Debbie in NJ

Date: Mon, 10 Apr  2006 11:24:40 -0700
From: "jgayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:  Re: bits wanted

This message is from: "jgayle"  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
I do have two beautiful matched Buxton loose  cheeks, 4 1/2" mouth,  brass, 
but wow! In my whole 800 plus bit  collection no 6" mouth Liverpools.  Jean  

Re: thank you

2006-04-01 Thread jgayle

This message is from: "jgayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I also wonder about mares if they do not want to be dominant over us gals, 
or at least test the feminine position.  I had a beautiful foal who was a 
love until about five when she felt she should take over the geldings, me 
and the farm.  I sent her off for breaking and early training and she was 
the favorite of the woman trainer.  But when she came home it was back to 
the challenge of who was in charge.  I was firm with her and she learned to 
respect me when being ridden but would continue to test me around the boys. 
Jean Gayle

'The Colonel's Daughter"
Occupied Germany 1946 to 1949
Send: $20 to Three Horse's Press
7403 Blaine Rd
Aberdeen, WA 98520 

re: thank you

2006-04-01 Thread Northhorse
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 4/1/2006 7:35:03 AM Pacific Standard Time, 
does lateral work fairly well, if you give her enough room and time, but
I can't say it excites her. So far we are just walking, but she seemed a
lot more willing. We just worked for 15 min, but will go for more time.
The horse should respond immediately to the aid.  In a nice, crisp manner.  
Juniper would want to take her time too, and she would not energize if I let 
her.  If she doesn't respond immediately to the leg aid, the dressage whip is 
laid on her (not laid on as in beat, but laid up against right behind my leg).  
If she does not respond, a vibration of the whip.  Even the laziest horse gets 
a clue soon enough!  Once you have the crisp response to asking for lateral 
work, you will most likely find that your horse does indeed get energized.  
Especially, at least for us, turn on forehand in motion!  During a solid hour 
ride, Juniper will revert to her low-keyed nature frequently and I remind her 
that she gets to graze green pasture, gets fresh hay, clean water, regular 
grooming, consistent vet and hoof care, and the least she can do for me is give 
an hour a day when I ask!  

Northern Holiday Horses 
Welcome Polaris 

Re: thank you

2006-04-01 Thread jgayle

This message is from: "jgayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Good luck Sydney and glad you are trying new things instead of dumping her 
or flailing away!!!  Jean Gayle

'The Colonel's Daughter"
Occupied Germany 1946 to 1949
Send: $20 to Three Horse's Press
7403 Blaine Rd
Aberdeen, WA 98520 

thank you

2006-04-01 Thread brass-ring-farm
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thanks to all who gave me such detailed and thoughtful Fjord oriented
information for ring work. We have had 2 sessions since I last wrote. I
have tried to incorporate some new ways of doing things.
I don't nag. She gets a leg squeeze, a heel dig, then a sharp
crop spank. When she goes forward, she gets a good girl and a neck pet,
but not too long. She actually got to the point where, when she felt my
arm go back, she decided she should move. (like a real horse)
I did a lot of figures besides circles, bowties, spirals (she
hates those), big and little figure 8s, soon I will add ground poles. She
does lateral work fairly well, if you give her enough room and time, but
I can't say it excites her. So far we are just walking, but she seemed a
lot more willing. We just worked for 15 min, but will go for more time.
She was good, so I let her stop, which is all she wants.
My husband, who is a Gulfstream pilot, watched us for awhile
yesterday, and said he could see her problem, "she wants to be the one
flying the plane." But I did feel more communication. I will keep the
thoughts you have sent and reread them, maybe an update later. I wanted a
quiet horse, and I got one.
Valerie and Sydney

Small Fjord - thank you

2006-03-17 Thread Onnak2000
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I would like to thank everyone that tired to help me find a 12.2  Fjord. 
There was a cross Fjord mare in Oregon and also the mare that Curt  has, and 
would have worked as far as age and training.  However the one in Oregon was 
very very alpha, which wouldn't have work  with my gelding, cuz he is the same 
way, and Curt's was a little more  money than I could afford, although I am 
sure she is worth every penny,  plus located far away from me. So there are a 
few of them out  there, just not a match at this time. I have located a 
Haflinger that is  within an hour drive and I will look at him this weekend. 
The price 
is  right, he has had the training, and has the right disposition. Just need  
to see if everything I have been told is on the up and up. Thanks again.  Onna

Re: thank you

2006-03-04 Thread Pat Holland
This message is from: "Pat Holland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Thank you everyone for your help with Norwegian names.

I'm sure I'm not the only one - this time of the year, that can use this

Pat H

THANK YOU Secret Santa

2005-12-22 Thread cynthia vallecillo
This message is from: cynthia vallecillo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I received my gift from my secret santa and I got
EXACTLY what I wanted!  Thank you so much!!!

HO HO HO and a STELLAR New Year to all!

Cindy Vallecillo
San Francisco Bay Area
Just $16.99/mo. or less. 

Thank you for Secret Santa gift

2005-12-16 Thread oe Wilson
This message is from: "oe Wilson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


We just received your package (12-16-05).  Thank you so much for the plate.
It arrived in perfect condition.  You pack very well.  It is a good thing that
it arrived in perfect condition, because if it hadn't, my husband and I would
have sat down and cried because it is so beautiful.  The plate has a perfect
setting with our other Fjord memorbilia.

As to your other questions, we have two fjords, a mare, FHU Lena who is 8 and
a gelding, FHU Eric who is 5.  We love our fjords and ride and drive both of
them.  We don't show, we just grin because they are so great.

Thanks again for your perfect gift.

O. E. and Pat Wilson
Uff Da Fjords

SS - Thank you V.P.!

2005-12-13 Thread RkyMtnTrls
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thank you so much, V.P.!   *Love* the calender - it's hanging on  the wall 
right next to my computer  ;-)  Mack is enjoying massages with the 
grooma  brush - and all four of 'em *love* the peppermint yummmies!  Thanks 
so much - wonderfully thoughtful of you!
Sher and "Mack" in CO

Thank you

2005-08-11 Thread FofDFJORDS
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 8/10/05 1:45:23 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> Gayle - I am so impressed with your ethics, and obvious intelligence.  
> We will soon be living within a couple of hours from you and I hope we 
> can come visit your ranch.  If I ever need to buy another Fjord you 
> will definitely be on my top list of breeders.
> Tamara
> Fallbrook CA next week to be Applegate, OR
Hi Tamara,

Thank you for the kind words and welcome to Oregon.

Of course, you would be welcome to visit our facility when you get settled.  
There are a number of Fjords here that always welcome another person to 
schmooze them!

Gayle Ware
Field of Dreams
Eugene, OR

Re: Ruthie, thank you for the compliment

2005-08-10 Thread FjordAmy
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 8/10/2005 12:28:40 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 
I understand that but wouldn't it be more important to evaluate each sibling 
and if there were an outstanding one possibly keep it intact?

Yes, it's true that some of the other sibling may indeed be outstanding and 
well worth keeping intact. You may even end up with EVERY offspring of a 
certain cross being of outstanding quality. But, you would still have the 
that all those brothers and sons (not to mention the sisters & daughters) being 
bred would be producing closely related offspring, and that saturation of a 
particular bloodline would make it very difficult in a generation or two to 
unrelated horses to breed those future offspring to.

There is a BIG difference between having 1 or 2 stallions producing half 
dozen offspring each per year of the same basic bloodline, and having maybe 10 
stallions of the same bloodlines producing half dozen or so offspring each per 
year. The more mares that are bred to these multiple stallions of one 
bloodline, the less offspring you get that can potentially be bred to each 
other. And there goes you gene pool... You basically end up with a generation, 
maybe two, of excellent quality horses and then hit a dead end.


Amy Evers
Dun Lookin' Fjords
260 May Creek Rd
Days Creek, OR 97429

Re: Ruthie, thank you for the compliment

2005-08-10 Thread Lisa Wiley

This message is from: "Lisa Wiley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


I understand that but wouldn't it be more important to evaluate each sibling 
and if there were an outstanding one possibly keep it intact?

Lisa Wiley
Turnabout Portuguese Water Dogs
Connecticut State Director Ponies With Purpose
Corresponding Secretary FASTeam 

Re: Ruthie, thank you for the compliment

2005-08-10 Thread Linda Bain

This message is from: "Linda Bain" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I have been reading the recent posts about breeding.  I fully understand why 
colts are gelded.  I have taken the same decision myself, as usually 
youngstock are sold at weaning.  If I were to let an entire colt go at 6 
months old, I have very little indication as to how he will develop and 
whether he would ever be good enough to be stallion quality, nor am I ever 
100% sure that the people who buy youngstock will put them through any form 
of evaluation.

From my experience, people buy colts, and breed from them regardless of 
whether they are good enough.  I do not breed many foals, but I am only 
interested in breeding the best I possibly can, which will go to a home for 
life.  However hard any breeder tries to breed the "perfect" fjord, until 
they are fully mature there are no guarantees about how they will turn out 
and none of them are perfect.

My mare who scores 43 points has had 3 offspring:

to Knast Halsnaes (Elite) - 1 filly - 41 points.
to Knast Halsnaes (Elite) - 1 gelding - not evaluated, but I didn't feel he 
was stallion quality - beautiful body but head too big.

to Jon Halsnaes (Elite) - 1 filly - 26 points.

From breeding my own mare,  I have learned that just because both parents 
are regarded as being very good, it is no indication that the offspring will 
be. If I breed something that I think is better than his parents, I would 
keep him until he was 3-4 years old and put him through his stallion 
evaluations, even then, he would only stand for a couple of years and then 
be gelded before he was sold.  That is the only way I can prevent backyard 
breeding from lines that I have invested a lot of time into.   This may 
sound selfish and elitist but I have come across too many unsuitable people 
looking to buy fjords.  I am very careful about who I sell them to, as the 
breeder, I have a responsibility to that foal for the rest of its life.

I also own a Nordfjordeid approved stallion who has had 5 mares this year, 
but this will be the only time that outside mares will be able to use him. 
We have such a small gene pool in the UK the overuse of any stallion would 
be catastrophic.  Next year I am taking him back to Norway for the stallion 
show, which I am doing for the fun of it (??). If anyone is planning a trip 
to Norway next year, maybe see you there.  I have a 12 hour boat trip to 
Shetland and then a 10 hour boat trip to Norway - April can be a dodgy time 
of year on the North Sea, so praying for good weather as I have no sea legs!


Re: Ruthie, thank you for the compliment

2005-08-10 Thread Vanessa N Weber
This message is from: "Vanessa N Weber" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The way I read it is that it's like neutering male dogs so you don't have to
worry about controlling indiscriminate breeders. At least with me I don't
place unneutered male dogs in homes with people who are likely to be 'back
yard breeders.' I either co-own them with people who aren't interesting in
putting them at stud - except through me, or I sell them outright to
exceptional breeders I know well (only if the dogs are of exceptional
quality), or I keep them here. Otherwise they are neutered and put in pet
homes. I use my co-owns as 'insurance' only, in case I lose a line and need
to get back to it. With the co-owns I have some legal control, although it
doesn't always work. I don't know if any of this would work with horses. My
co-owning philosophy has always been that if I don't want to lose the dog
(in terms of my line) then the animal remains with me. This way, if my
co-owners pester me to neuter the dog, I'm usually willing (although they
don't know that when we do the original contract). It avoids lots of fights.

---Original Message---

From: Lisa Wiley
Date: 08/10/05 11:36:12
Subject: Re: Ruthie, thank you for the compliment

This message is from: "Lisa Wiley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


I am not trying to make trouble but I am confused.  Why is Dusty breedable
and not full siblings?  I personally do not breed anything that does not
have quality siblings.Also why would all his colts need to be gelded?
Where there not any of quality to maybe use as studs?  And then if they were
not of quality why was Dusty still used?  I guess I feel your note is
missing things I don't understand.

Lisa Wiley
Turnabout Portuguese Water Dogs
Connecticut State Director Ponies With Purpose
Corresponding Secretary FASTeam

Re: Ruthie, thank you for the compliment

2005-08-10 Thread FjordAmy
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 8/10/2005 9:10:15 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 
Why is Dusty breedable and not full siblings?  I personally do not breed 
anything that does not have quality siblings.Also why would all his colts 
to be gelded? Where there not any of quality to maybe use as studs?  And then 
if they were not of quality why was Dusty still used? 


I don't believe the question of quality is at issue here. It is the [problem] 
of overusing one particular bloodline, and hence narrowing the gene pool. If 
all of Dusty's brothers and sons were kept and used as stallions, soon there 
would be so many related horses that it would start to become difficult to find 
something UN-related to breed to. And that is just why you don't want to keep 
every colt of a certain cross, regardless of quality, as a stud.


Amy Evers
Dun Lookin' Fjords
260 May Creek Rd
Days Creek, OR 97429

Re: Ruthie, thank you for the compliment

2005-08-10 Thread Tamara Rousso

This message is from: Tamara Rousso <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Gayle - I am so impressed with your ethics, and obvious intelligence.  
We will soon be living within a couple of hours from you and I hope we 
can come visit your ranch.  If I ever need to buy another Fjord you 
will definitely be on my top list of breeders.

Fallbrook CA next week to be Applegate, OR

On Wednesday, August 10, 2005, at 07:44 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

He did.  At one time, he had a 3 year
old full brother that he had bred to a couple of mares.  ARGH!  I 

that one from him and gelded him immediately.

Re: Ruthie, thank you for the compliment

2005-08-10 Thread Lisa Wiley

This message is from: "Lisa Wiley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


I am not trying to make trouble but I am confused.  Why is Dusty breedable 
and not full siblings?  I personally do not breed anything that does not 
have quality siblings.Also why would all his colts need to be gelded? 
Where there not any of quality to maybe use as studs?  And then if they were 
not of quality why was Dusty still used?  I guess I feel your note is 
missing things I don't understand.

Lisa Wiley
Turnabout Portuguese Water Dogs
Connecticut State Director Ponies With Purpose
Corresponding Secretary FASTeam 

Ruthie, thank you for the compliment

2005-08-10 Thread FofDFJORDS
 conversation with Orville Unruh while we were 
at the Blue Earth show.  I was puzzled because this was my first association 
with horses outside of the mainstream breeds.  I found it to be very different. 
He told me that I was simply 'ahead of my time'.  I do believe he was right.

I felt the need to send this reply as a matter of self defense, but it is 
time to draw a line in the sand now.  Ruthie, if you have anything further to 
to me, please do so privately.

Thank you.  Trying to remain factual and unemotional - 

Gayle Ware
Field of Dreams
Eugene, OR

Re: another thank you

2005-07-30 Thread Pat Holland
This message is from: "Pat Holland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I would especially like to thank all of you who chose my daughter Robin for
the "Friend of the Fjord Award" so kindly donated by Guy and Martha Martin.

It was mentioned that she did all of the computer work. And that she did.

Everyone of your entries when received here at home - she put into and
organized not only on the computer but made three books for the show
committee to utilize at the show. She figured out your entries, assigned
numbers, tallied the Versatility and High Point Awards, she helped set up in
the arena, ring stewarded, was a gate person, ribbon person and a runner. In
addition to that she trained our gelding Pine's Edge Ivan (all by herself)
to do draft work for the log pull, rode Ivan in the green horse class and
drove him in the cones classes. She made her own costume for the youth
costume class. She made a map of where all of you were in the barns and
directed you and helped some of you unload and load back up. She took care
of my horses when I was busy and assisted me when I showed. She bathed,
clipped and groomed and kept a happy attitude through out. Most of all she
was my "rock" and I sincerely appreciate those who saw what I see everyday
in a terrific kid. She is 16, a strait A student, plays five instruments and
is an Officer in our regional FFA chapter.

If there are any of you who think today's generation lack in areas and are
of concern to our future, she and many others like her have our future well
in hand.

A proud Mother & Father
Pat & Gary Holland

Re: Maryland-Thank You

2005-03-07 Thread BaileysFjords
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello Robyn,
Thank you for the kind offer!  Everything is set now, Martie  responded 
within minutes of my email!  They are wonderful.

Thanks much,  references are available. 

Lynda and Daniel
White Cloud,  MI

Re: Maryland-Thank You

2005-03-06 Thread Fhtrp
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi just saw the help needed message I've been fighting the flu. Any one who  
wants to put Freedom Hills in their travel book as place to stop or any other  
emergency please do.
  We have a six horse trailer - are located five minutes from I-95  (exit 93) 
at the Perryville/Port Deposit Exit either right before or after the  
Susquehanna River. Stall space and turn out space can always be made available. 
We've traveled some and always appreciated the help of horse and honestly non  
horse people along the way.
Robyn Marie Sherrard
410-378-2562 or cell 443-350-4062
Port Deposit, MD 21904
would have loved to have seen the Gypsys

Maryland-Thank You

2005-03-04 Thread BaileysFjords
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello to everyone,
We just wanted to say a big and heartfelt THANK YOU to Martie Bolinski and  
her husband, John.  
Martie responded almost immediately to my plea for assistance this  afternoon 
and kindly offered to let us use two stalls on their farm for the  Gypsy 
Vanner ponies we are transporting.  Not only that, but they allowed  us to have 
the trailer towed to their farm and then went way out of their way to  make Dan 
right at home, as well!  
We meet numerous people through our transporting business.  However,  it 
always amazes us that the people who love Fjords stand out just as much as  our 
beloved Fjords.  There is not a kinder group of people than Fjord  folks.
Thank you Martie and John!
Lynda and  Daniel
White Cloud,  MI

Re: Brigid W. - Thank you! fm Sher

2005-02-06 Thread Epona1971
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sher, you're very welcome! Better late than never, eh? I hope whoever  
received the original, waylaid shipment of the book is enjoying it too ;-)  

/  )_~
Brigid Wasson
SF Bay Area, CA
_www.Brigid.Clickryder.com_ ( 

Brigid W. - Thank you! fm Sher

2005-02-06 Thread RkyMtnTrls
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello, Brigid - 
Afraid I can't find your email address - so thought to say "thank you!"  
here. :-)
The Secret Santa gift came in today - I'm an Equestrian's Edge club member,  
too!   LOL
Am enjoying the "What Your Horse Wants You To Know" book - interesting  
reading! :-)
Thank you again,
your Secret Sante recipient,
Sher Olson

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