Re: malformed EAPOL-Key with LEAP and AEGIS Client

2003-11-19 Thread Artur Hecker

Thanks for the info about the EAPOL packets. I've installed the latest
drivers both for the AP and the pcmcia card.
It seems that the AP340 has a bug(?:( 
Is there any website of Cisco where I can post my question?
i've been using an AP340 with the 12T release for a quite a while now 
and i don't have this problem.

i'm using freeradius with EAP/TLS and rotating wep keys.


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Re: malformed EAPOL-Key with LEAP and AEGIS Client

2003-11-18 Thread Artur Hecker

> I'm using WEP enabled mode where I get 2 EAPOL-Keys with the second
> malformed from the AP-340 !!! I use also AEGIS client in Windows XP
> Home.

before you continue: do you use the latest versions of the firmware on
both your AP _and_ your wifi card?

> I've attached the ethereal dumps to check what exactly I mean. I don't
> know if it is a bug in the AP or the freeradius, but I suspect that the
> freeradius doesn't construct well the second EAPOL-Key message and the
> AP forwards a malformed packet.

freeradius does not construct any EAPOL frames at all. it only sends
keys to the access point and those are used by the AP to derive all the
rest. whatever freeradius might have done wrong with the key material
which it provides to the AP, it can't EVER be the reason for a malformed
EAPOL packet. only your AP and the card are speaking EAPOL. search


ps i didn't check your logs yet

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Re: Authentication against /etc/shadow using ...

2003-11-18 Thread Artur Hecker

No, CHAP, and MS-CHAP (the inner authentication method used with PEAP)
require clear text passwords.  Therefore, the shadow password file is not
compatible with these methods.  This bit me to start with.
so, there is no PAP for PEAP?

You could always try TTLS with SYSTEM as the inner authentication mechanism?
Alan is a strong proponent of TTLS vs PEAP, and I have to say that in a
purist sense, he's absolutely right.  Unfortunately, the two largest players
in the market have used (two incompatible versions of) PEAP :-(.  This means
that it is more trivial, particularly with Microsoft based clients, to use
well, one thing is for sure: TTLS supports PAP as the inner 
authentication method.


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Re: Radius newbie questions

2003-11-17 Thread Artur Hecker
hi alan

  Put a page on the web, and mail the URL to the list.

  The EAP-TLS documents should really be included with the server, but
they're large, and need minor updates...
  Alan DeKok.
a propos, what happened to those example certificates i've once mailed 
you? are they by any chance included with the server now? if not: do you 
want me to recreate them with some other options?

i really think it would be helpful for many people, just to do the first 
tests and to see: oh yes, it's not the freeradius going crazy, it's me, 
not being able to create five simple certificates...


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Re: relovation error with yesterday's snapshot (freeradius-snapshot-20031110)

2003-11-12 Thread Artur Hecker
replying to my own post:

the described error (s. below) does not occur when using GCC 2.95.xx. 
before, as i figured out, GCC 3.3 was installed and used. this provoked 
the error as described in my post.


after the build of the freeradius-snapshot-20031110 on a completely 
fresh debian (unstable) i have problems starting radiusd (without even 
touching to its config):

radiusd: FreeRADIUS Version 1.0.0-pre0, for host i686-pc-linux-gnu

extract of radiusd -s -X:
Module: Loaded eap
 eap: default_eap_type = "md5"
 eap: timer_expire = 60
 eap: ignore_unknown_eap_types = no
../../sbin/radiusd: relocation error: 
/usr/local/lib/ undefined symbol: eaptype_name2type

but still ldd doesn't show any errors:

wss:~# ldd /usr/local/lib/ => /lib/ (0x4000b000) => /lib/ (0x4002) => /lib/ (0x40033000) => /lib/ (0x40084000)
/lib/ => /lib/ (0x8000)
i tried to put /usr/local/lib in the /etc/ and rebuilding 
cache, but that of course didn't change anything.

what is wrong and what could i do? :-)

thanks in advance,

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Re: relovation error with yesterday's snapshot (freeradius-snapshot-20031110)

2003-11-11 Thread Artur Hecker
hi andreas

thanx for your post, however, in my snapshot, the RLM_LIBS isn't even 
used. there is a CLIENTLIBS instead and it is set to exactly the value 
as Markus proposed it. well, i don't quite understand what i should set 
to what.

anyway, i will take a deeper look to it, but i wanted to mention this 
problem to the developers...

Andreas Wolf wrote:

see Markus Obermeier's post from 11/09, it worked for me.

In the makefile there is the link to the newly introduced libeap
therefore the correct way to fix it is to add the following line instead
RLM_LIBS = -Llibeap -leap

to the as shown above.

Do a 'clean', 'configure' and 'make' again.



On Nov 11, 2003, at 11:41 AM, Artur Hecker wrote:


after the build of the freeradius-snapshot-20031110 on a completely 
fresh debian (unstable) i have problems starting radiusd (without even 
touching to its config):

radiusd: FreeRADIUS Version 1.0.0-pre0, for host i686-pc-linux-gnu

extract of radiusd -s -X:
Module: Loaded eap
 eap: default_eap_type = "md5"
 eap: timer_expire = 60
 eap: ignore_unknown_eap_types = no
../../sbin/radiusd: relocation error: 
/usr/local/lib/ undefined symbol: eaptype_name2type

but still ldd doesn't show any errors:

wss:~# ldd /usr/local/lib/ => /lib/ (0x4000b000) => /lib/ (0x4002) => /lib/ (0x40033000) => /lib/ (0x40084000)
/lib/ => /lib/ (0x8000)
i tried to put /usr/local/lib in the /etc/ and rebuilding 
cache, but that of course didn't change anything.

what is wrong and what could i do? :-)

thanks in advance,
Artur Hecker
Groupe Accès et Mobilité  /  Computer Science and Networks
E N S T  Paris ___
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Andreas Wolf   
Apple Computer, Inc.
Technologies, AirPort Engineering

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Artur Hecker
Groupe Accès et Mobilité  /  Computer Science and Networks
E N S T  Paris ___
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relovation error with yesterday's snapshot (freeradius-snapshot-20031110)

2003-11-11 Thread Artur Hecker

after the build of the freeradius-snapshot-20031110 on a completely 
fresh debian (unstable) i have problems starting radiusd (without even 
touching to its config):

radiusd: FreeRADIUS Version 1.0.0-pre0, for host i686-pc-linux-gnu

extract of radiusd -s -X:
Module: Loaded eap
 eap: default_eap_type = "md5"
 eap: timer_expire = 60
 eap: ignore_unknown_eap_types = no
../../sbin/radiusd: relocation error: 
/usr/local/lib/ undefined symbol: eaptype_name2type

but still ldd doesn't show any errors:

wss:~# ldd /usr/local/lib/ => /lib/ (0x4000b000) => /lib/ (0x4002) => /lib/ (0x40033000) => /lib/ (0x40084000)
/lib/ => /lib/ (0x8000)
i tried to put /usr/local/lib in the /etc/ and rebuilding 
cache, but that of course didn't change anything.

what is wrong and what could i do? :-)

thanks in advance,
Artur Hecker
Groupe Accès et Mobilité  /  Computer Science and Networks
E N S T  Paris ___
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Re: EAP subtype as authorization

2003-11-07 Thread Artur Hecker
hi kostas :)

We clearly aren't understanding each other :-)
And you didn't read what i asked you to, because you would find out it's exactly
what you want. Evidently i _wasn't_ talking about Auth-Type but about EAP-Type.
So please read the dictionary file for the values for EAP-Type.
ok, sorry, i will take a look.
now i see why i misunderstood you. my dictionaries are so old, there is 
no "EAP-Type" attribute/value except for some microsoft VSAs. that's why 
i misinterpreted what you said before. i should get the newer ones.

ahem... you've sent a patch? where? :)
Hmm, typical :-)
Ok included
ah now :) nice, thanks. it's for the current RCS version, right?


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Re: FreeRADIUS 0.9.2-1 (Proposed) Debian package uploaded

2003-11-07 Thread Artur Hecker
hi Paul

just a thought to it:

As far as I understand it, the boilerplate copyright notice and license
at the end of all RFCs since somewhere in the 2200's is not DFSG-free.
Quick simply, it fails rule #3, (

The license must allow modifications and derived works, and
must allow them to be distributed under the same terms as the
license of the original software.
with the following part of the boilerplate:

However, this
  document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing
  the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other
  Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of
  developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for
  copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be
  followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than
Or at least, that's how I read it. It was discussed on the Debian developers
mailing list a while ago, and the result was that this boilerpate is not
DFSG-free, but the copyright on previous RFCs (which is in a different file,
I really should include that in the Debian copyright file) _is_ DFSG-free.
ok, i certainly do not want to kick on the discussion and i'm not an 
expert for IPR and licensies, but somehow it seems very dumb to me to 
want to modify the text of the standard track. IETF's standard tracks 
are free standards open for everybody (for implementations) but the 
standard text itself shouldn't be modified. Or, if you do so, you should 
understand that you are no more compliant to the latter. that's the 
whole idea of a standard anyway, whoever writes it down.

so, in my opinion we have a misinterpretation here. the cited IETF note 
protects the standard as such and _not_ the copyrights of the authors, 
that's not the point. for debian, the most important thing is to be able 
to modify provided software source code and _not_ the standards it's 
based upon. why would you want to do that??? and: you can do so anyway 
and with every standard, there are no rules on this matter (if there 
were, the world would be so nice with everybody fully compatible, oh 
dear! :-)), you generally just lose your interoperability. what IETF 
says, is, you can't take this document, change some lines and say it's 
still IETF's RFC. that's ok for me.

so, i personally still don't get it, but i understand that if debian 
policy has been defined such as not to accept the RFCs, we can't do much 
about it... well - we are not going to have a lot of up-to-date debian 
software soon, are we? kind of suicide statement for me.


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Re: EAP subtype as authorization

2003-11-07 Thread Artur Hecker
hi kostas

We clearly aren't understanding each other :-)
And you didn't read what i asked you to, because you would find out it's exactly
what you want. Evidently i _wasn't_ talking about Auth-Type but about EAP-Type.
So please read the dictionary file for the values for EAP-Type.
ok, sorry, i will take a look.

That's exactly what the patch i sent will do (at least from my quick pass
through the rlm_eap module code).
ahem... you've sent a patch? where? :)

ciao & thanks,
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Re: Wireless Best Practices

2003-11-06 Thread Artur Hecker

> > I want to know if Mac filtering will be too much of a headache vs.
> > having the AP proxy the authentication/association to a radius server?
>   MAC authentication can be spoofed.  EAP can't be.

i completely agree.

> > If I use Radius, can I make it so only the employee needs to
> > authenticate?
>   No, but I'm not sure you want to allow un-authenticated users onto
> your network.

it depends on your APs, but you can. usually, if your AP supports
multiple SSIDs, you can define security setting on the SSID basis. this
would include 802.1X, RADIUS, etc. i.e. you can have an "open" SSID
_and_ a closed SSID requesting authentication.

now of course, it doesn't make any sense, if both lead to the same
network. hence, the SSIDs have to be mapped to VLANs, which is a current

> > If I use 802.1x, I am thinking the Radius server back at the corporate
> > location will be on their DMZ. Is the shared Secret in clear text
> > between the AP/Router to the Radius server?
>   The shared secret is never sent in any packet.

alan is of course right, but if you have a more general doubt about the
RADIUS internal security (like user privacy, etc.), you will have to add
a local RADIUS server and to proxy the requests to your corporate RADIUS
server. then, the both RADIUS servers could use e.g. IPSec and thus your
RADIUS traffic leaving your local networks would be well protected.

(the direct way, an AP which does IPSec, doesn't exist on the market on
the moment)

> > Is PEAP, the most logical choice here? Why wouldn't I use it?
>   If PEAP works, you can use it.  If you're running Linux clients, I'd
> recommend EAP-TTLS.

:-) i don't even know why ms has started developping PEAP when the TTLS
draft was already available since a year...


Artur Hecker

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Re: EAP subtype as authorization

2003-11-06 Thread Artur Hecker

> > so what value would i set the EAP-Type attribute to?
> See the dictionary file for the values for the EAP-Type attribute

no, i think we didn't understand each other. you are talking about
Auth-Type := EAP which is set automatically by the EAP module in the
authorize section. that's evident.

what i want, is quite different _and_ quite necessary, given the
potential generality of the EAP authentication methods. in the same
manner like you can demand CHAP, PAP, MS-CHAP or whatever EAP on a
per-user basis, i.e. reject EVERY request for this user NOT having the
pre-defined (part of authorization) authentication type, you should be
capable of defining which EAP subtype the user is trying to use.

EAP can be potentially as simple as CHAP or based on certificates,
kerberos or GSM-SIM cards. so, it's crucial to be able to control that.
you don't want your users to freely choose the possibly weakest
authentication method. you probably want to enforce ONE and only method
per user.

a propos, that was strongly recommended for all RADIUS servers. now if
you enforce Auth-Type := EAP, you effectively do not enforce _anything_,
since it can be almost everything.

we should probably add a kind of Auth-Type := EAP/MD5 possibility and
then, in the code fragment you posted, we should check if the provided
EAP type matches the preconfigured one. if yes, the authentication can
take place. if not, the reject should be sent. for example...

i thought even, that it would be possible by defining instances of the
eap module with different default_types. but then, the eap module should
set the Auth-Type to the subtype and only if the provided EAP-Message
includes this one, and the code you mentioned should check as described
above... imho...

perhaps alan could say something on this matter, i'm far from being
freeradius configuration possibilities expert :-)

> > i don't want the user X just to grab the EAP-method Y and freeradius to
> > use it if it finds it in user's request. i want freeradius to impose _a_
> > certain EAP subtype (and to deny user if it's not the configured one).
> >From a quick look at the rlm_eap sources i don't think that it is possible.

that's exactly the problem. it's not.

ciao & thanks

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Re: EAP subtype as authorization

2003-11-06 Thread Artur Hecker
hi kostas

So you only need to set the EAP-Type attribute in the authorize section on a per
user basis and i think it should work.
so what value would i set the EAP-Type attribute to?

i don't want the user X just to grab the EAP-method Y and freeradius to 
use it if it finds it in user's request. i want freeradius to impose _a_ 
certain EAP subtype (and to deny user if it's not the configured one).

do i miss something?


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Re: FreeRADIUS 0.9.2-1 (Proposed) Debian package uploaded

2003-11-06 Thread Artur Hecker
hi paul

i'm sorry to take your time (since it's not really freeradius related). 
while i believe to understand the minor differences between the 
GPL/OpenSSL licenses, i do not understand why and how e.g. the IETF 
standard tracks (like e.g. 2243 or 2289) do not comply to the DFSG? i do 
understand the difference to the informational IETF documents as e.g. 
rfc2869 which preserve the explicit rights of the author, but why the 
standard tracks? why wouldn't it apply to TLS e.g.? would you kindly 
explain this?

thanks for your time

   * Deleted RFCs: 2243 2289 2433 2548 2618 2616 2620 2621
 2719 2759 2809 2865 2866 2867 2868 2869 2882 2924 3162
 from source tarball due to non-DFSG-free copyright.
   * Disabled PostgreSQL, x.99 token, EAP/TLS, Kerberos, LDAP
 and SNMP agent support due to OpenSSL/GPL conflict.

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EAP subtype as authorization

2003-11-06 Thread Artur Hecker
hi people

do i ignore something or am i right in the assumption that it is 
currently not possible to define different EAP authentication methods on 
a per-user basis with the provided onboard configuration?

(would be a nice feature to have john use PEAP during jack has to go for 
pure TLS, for instance...)

or can it somehow be done by defining "instances" of the EAP module with 
different eap default types? (i obviously haven't tried it yet)


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Re: Proxy doesn't send acct packets to other radius (correct proxy.conf)

2003-10-29 Thread Artur Hecker

looking at your radiusd.conf file, i wonder if you have to add a preacct 
section with a suffix module in it in order to look up the realms. 
otherwise it seems ok to me.


I made a mistake editing that mail last night.

realm {
type= radius
secret  = teste

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Re: Proxy doesn't send acct packets to other radius

2003-10-29 Thread Artur Hecker

looking at your proxy.conf file:

realm {
type= radius
secret  = teste
now looking at the proxied Access Request out of your debug output:

modcall: group authorize returns updated
Sending Access-Request of id 3 to
User-Name = "dumes"
User-Password = "D\277\255\261\350~V\037\005\240\331\360^\330\206u"
Service-Type = Framed-User
Framed-Protocol = PPP
NAS-IP-Address =
NAS-Port = 108
Calling-Station-Id = "475211600"
Called-Station-Id = "12110482815300"
Connect-Info = "34000/28800_K56_/LAPM/V42BIS"
Proxy-State = "73"
--- Walking the entire request list ---
i strongly doubt that the proxy.conf file you are editing is relevant to 
this server. (it should proxy to but it does to unless of course you have a WEIRD host file

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Re: assign wireless users to VLANs on CISCO AP1230

2003-10-20 Thread Artur Hecker

These are the RADIUS user attributes used for vlan-id assignment. Each
attribute must have a common Tag value to identify the grouped relationship.
IETF 64 (Tunnel Type): Set this attribute to VLAN
IETF 65 (Tunnel Medium Type): Set this attribute to 802
IETF 81 (Tunnel Private Group ID): Set this attribute to vlan-id
I'm not perfectly bilingual, but I understand that my AP is expecting the
attributes VLAN, 802 and the VLAN-ID
no, your AP wants the attributes Tunnel-Type, Tunnel-Medium-Type and 
Tunnel-Private-Group-ID and the VALUEs should be as you say. there is no 
need to change the dictionaries for that.

"vlan-id" is not a string, it's an integer for CISCO (for instance, in my
WLAN the SSID "teacher" is mapped to VLAN 10 : 10 is the vlan-id)
that doesn't prove anything. "10" is a perfect string.

jmguillemot Auth-Type := eap, User-Password == "X"
Service-Type = Login-User,
Tunnel-Type = VLAN,
Tunnel-Medium-Type = IEEE-802,
Tunnel-Private-Group-Id = teacher
...without success.
please always post the server debug output (radiusd -s -X) as requested 
by the FAQ. btw.: auth-type shouldn't be explicitly set to eap ...


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Re: Freeradius-Users digest, Vol 1 #2413 - 4 msgs

2003-10-16 Thread Artur Hecker
hi mike

Your solution is not very useful in situations where the username must
remain the same due to outside account status checking.  Why should I
force the user to change his username?  What about situations where
changing the username is *not* an option.  For instance, say we check
the CN against the username in an LDAP database to make sure the user
has not been disable for some reason.  And yes, I have actually patched
my FR server to make sure the UserName attribute matches the CN in the
cert.  I can make this patch available to anyone who wants it, but I'd
like to change how its done before submitting a full blown server
patch.  In this case though, changing the username would be the *harder*
option, and impossible in many cases as our usernames are tied to a LOT
of other information.
well, i suppose it's a question of a point of view. for me, the real 
identity is always the certified one. the user name is only a pseudo for 
it, since it doesn't have a proof.

if you rely so much on the username, you should not only block the 
certificate but also create a new user and block the old one everywhere: 
that user is very likely to store passwords and stuff on a stolen 
laptop. well, it depends.

however, this has nothing to do with CRLs and so on. the patch you are 
talking about: just change it to check if the CN is REJECTed and not the 
username, then you can use your username unchanged. still you won't need 
a CRL repository.

what i don't want are the problems around CRLs and CRL checking. and i 
don't see why radius shouldn't do what it was designed for: online user 
access control.

the people dealing with the CRLs spend monthes trying to resolve the 
problem with invalid identities, realize that they can't possible 
achieve anything without online checking and end up by producing a new 
online certificate check protocol... thanks, i can do that with radius 
since years, except that i don't need new software, i don't need to 
change every client and every server, i don't need a new always-up 
server and so on.

Certificate revokation *is* the real answer in this case.  It allows me
to keep the affected laptop from gaining access to the network while
allowing the true user to regain access *with the same username*.
:-) well, for me certificate revocation is not an answer to anything, 
it's more a challenge. and, it is one of the reasons why PKIs still 
hardly exist. there are a LOT of unanswered problems in the CRL area, 
one of which is the online validation protocol: neither of those is 
standardized so far, so they basically don't exist. steady CRLs aren't a 
general option (i can explain you why, but it's out of scope for this 
list). as soon as we have a standardized protocol (if ever), we will be 
able to use it and in case of radius we will face the following: at the 
connection time the user will be verified by radius, then radius will 
verify the certificate, asking online the CRL server. so, you depend on 
at least two machines that have to be running all the time and you use 
two different protocols and you have two different user databases, one 
with the usernames, the other with certificates... CRL aware software 
hardly exists... ppp... to be brief: you will keep two 
infrastructures up and running: AAA and PK.

in my proposition the AAA infrastructure is the only one to be up - but 
in this case it _is_ anyway (for 802.1X). the PK is basically reduced to 
(RA/VA and) CA and it doesn't have to be online.

As to which "online validity control" to use, RADIUS should (and does)
make use of all available information to decide whether or not to allow
a user, including whether or not a user is valid, is who he says he is,
and the certificate he's attempting to use is valid or not.
i don't think we understood each other here... i was trying to compare 
the online certificate check protocols with RADIUS: i know, it's a 
little bit far, but if you take an abstract look on what is happening - 
the idea is the same.

anyway mike, it's more a point of view than a discussion base, so... i 
would completely agree that it depends on the network and on its PKI 
usage (that's what i tried to mention in my previous mail).


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Re: Freeradius-Users digest, Vol 1 #2413 - 4 msgs

2003-10-16 Thread Artur Hecker
i don't think so. well, the final answer depends on your configuration 
and your PKI usage. but, if you are using your PKI basically only for 
802.1X access control, it would be a madness to deploy CRL control 
because it will demand some kind of online-certificate control at the 
connection time.

why bother? you already have an online access control at the connection 
time - this IS radius. so, don't bother, forget the certificate and 
block the user in the radius configuration. this doesn't demand ANY 
effort from your part: change the user configuration to be an explicit 
REJECT and let him in your config file till his certificate expires.

in terms of complexity it's a better solution. what's the difference 
which protocol you use for the online validity control - that of the CRL 
or radius?

you should only be aware of one thing: for the moment there is a 
security flaw in freeradius: it is possible to use an arbitrary UserName 
along with _some_ valid certificate. however, it shouldn't be difficult 
to add an additional check: the UserName should be equal to the CN in 
the certificate.

Michael Griego wrote:

What you SHOULD do is consider the private key compromised and revoke
the certificate.  A patch was added a while back to incorporate CRL
checking in the EAP-TLS module.  This is really more of a PKI issue.

On Thu, 2003-10-16 at 08:54, arniel wrote:

hi guys,

I am implementing Free Radius EAP-TLS on my  network, all my wireless
clients are issued with a certificate. What I am trying to do is to block a
particular wireless client from accessing my network even if the certificate
is still valid or has not expired. This is in anticipation if the lap top
has been stolen.
Is there something that I can do on my Free Radius Server in blocking the
wireless client w/o hampering other users who are using the wireless
I tried deleting the clients name at the raddb/users file, but to no avail.
I also tried deleting the clients certificate /etc/keys/client.p12 still to
no avail.
Thanks in advance...


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Re: EAP with XP supplicant

2003-10-10 Thread Artur Hecker

see Alan's answer for the rest. just some unanswered things here:

I don't see an EAP-Identity value in my server debugging.  What does XP
send for that value?  The name of the cert, or the machine
you do. it's in the first Access-Request message arriving at your 
server. it's content is translated to the User-Name attribute and copied 
untouched to the EAP-Message attribute along with the rest of the EAP 
packet. all this is done by your AP.

XP puts the CN in the EAP-Identity if not said to do something 
different. i.e. if your CN is "Walter Smith" the user name will be that.

I wasn't aware a patch was needed, but I've just downloaded it.  The
1200 is up-to-date; it shipped with VxWorks and I updated it with the
latest update image from Cisco.
ok, without XP WPA patch it can't work. so, does it work now?

That was my concern.  I don't mind everyone using the same credentials
to access the wireless network, but I didn't want the shared encryption
environment we currently have with WEP.
ok, just pay attention to what i said in my other email. virtually, it's 
still all the same user. it will be a little bit more difficult to 
identify sessions, see the accounting unique module options for this.

True.  We're currently using MAC authentication to track users back to
devices, and control access.  We could still do that with EAP; the
certificate would be the replacement for the shared WEP key, but the
per-user encryption would be better.
yes, you could still do it, also take a look at this unique accounting 

I still think PEAP is a better route, without having to put any
certificate on the user machine, but I guess that's not an option right
as Alan said, TTLS is the same idea which besides a) was developped 
earlier than PEAP and b) apparently much more properly than the other 
one and c) providing more opportunities for tunneled auth


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Re: EAP with XP supplicant

2003-10-09 Thread Artur Hecker
hi kostas

ok, now i get it :-) but with your approach you have to put the user 
certificate into the server's LDAP (which it doesn't necessarily has), 
i.e. you have to put all certificates on the server AND on clients. it's 
a bit more difficult, especially if you don't run any kind of 
certificate repository.

I don't need to authenticate requests that i am just proxying.
The certificate check will be after checking that the certificate is valid.
well, you are right.

(however, we have a more complicated thing here, we check locally and 
then proxy only the authorization, i.e. "is this user still valid" to 
the remote host. with this, we don't need to proxy complete TLS exchages 
(quite big auth delay), we do not need CRLs or other central 
depositories ... and we do not need user certificates in _all_ visited 
domains... but i suppose, it's not quite usual though perfectly legal.)

But i use the username in the access-request to find the certificate in ldap. So
you can't use a fake username...
ok, with the limitations mentioned above. sorry, i didn't get it first. 
still, i would prefer a more traditional method: why would the server 
need to have all user certs installed?

it should be quite simple to compare the User-Name to the configured 
field in the certificate by using regular expressions and similar.


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Re: EAP with XP supplicant

2003-10-09 Thread Artur Hecker
i understand, but if you do that, you can't proxy requests anymore.

AND: this does not solve the problem of user-name being NOT the same as 
certificate. e.g. if you me and i we both have the complete certificate 
(you in the LDAP), i could still use some other User-Name thus faking 
the accounting.

Kostas Kalevras wrote:

On Thu, 9 Oct 2003, Artur Hecker wrote:

hi kostas

yes, that would be a possibility.

in any case we shouldn't be too strict in the comparison. the example
i'm thinking about, is the following:
given that the certificates are usually issued to real persons, the CN
could be e.g. "smith". however, with nomadicity he is still "smith" but
he is likely to use something like "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" which is NOT his
CN. i think there are more similar examples in the case of proxying.
perhaps we should also allow the usage of other (critical) certified
fields instead of the CN - the email address is for example a good
choice, since it can directly be used as a fully qualified global user
name - since it is by default unique.
that's why i am talking about some freely definable handler for
comparison, like a function "boolean compare(string, string)."

I am not talking about checking specific attributes of the certificate but
rather checking the certificate as a whole. If the certificate was issued to
user jim then the usercertificate;binary in ldap and the certificate passed
through eap should be exactly the same.

Kostas Kalevras wrote:

On Thu, 9 Oct 2003, Artur Hecker wrote:

however, it's true that the User-Name content, the certified name AND
the EAP-Identity information is not checked for consistency by the
server. (EAP-Identity should be equal User-Name - that's the function of
the AP, that is something you have a trust with; however, these both
compared to the certified name in the certificate could NOT match and
the certificate would still be accepted. the question here is: do they
have to match as strings or which is the good metrics? perhaps a
configurable comparison handler?)

One thing we could do (this is what iplanet does for certificate authentication)
is get the user certificate of the user from ldap and check it with the user
supplied. If they match then we can be pretty sure we are dealing with the right
user. This should not be too difficult to do using ldap_xlat. Maybe it would
require some code changes to ldap_xlat since the usercertificate attribute is
of binary type, base64 encoded but i think it's doable.
Kostas Kalevras Network Operations Center
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Work Phone: +30 210 7721861
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Kostas Kalevras Network Operations Center
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Work Phone: +30 210 7721861
'Go back to the shadow' Gandalf
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Re: EAP with XP supplicant

2003-10-09 Thread Artur Hecker
hi kostas

yes, that would be a possibility.

in any case we shouldn't be too strict in the comparison. the example 
i'm thinking about, is the following:

given that the certificates are usually issued to real persons, the CN 
could be e.g. "smith". however, with nomadicity he is still "smith" but 
he is likely to use something like "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" which is NOT his 
CN. i think there are more similar examples in the case of proxying. 
perhaps we should also allow the usage of other (critical) certified 
fields instead of the CN - the email address is for example a good 
choice, since it can directly be used as a fully qualified global user 
name - since it is by default unique.

that's why i am talking about some freely definable handler for 
comparison, like a function "boolean compare(string, string)."

Kostas Kalevras wrote:

On Thu, 9 Oct 2003, Artur Hecker wrote:

however, it's true that the User-Name content, the certified name AND
the EAP-Identity information is not checked for consistency by the
server. (EAP-Identity should be equal User-Name - that's the function of
the AP, that is something you have a trust with; however, these both
compared to the certified name in the certificate could NOT match and
the certificate would still be accepted. the question here is: do they
have to match as strings or which is the good metrics? perhaps a
configurable comparison handler?)

One thing we could do (this is what iplanet does for certificate authentication)
is get the user certificate of the user from ldap and check it with the user
supplied. If they match then we can be pretty sure we are dealing with the right
user. This should not be too difficult to do using ldap_xlat. Maybe it would
require some code changes to ldap_xlat since the usercertificate attribute is
of binary type, base64 encoded but i think it's doable.
Kostas Kalevras Network Operations Center
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Work Phone: +30 210 7721861
'Go back to the shadow' Gandalf
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Re: EAP with XP supplicant

2003-10-09 Thread Artur Hecker

CVS builds support TTLS and MSCHAPv2, but there's no documentation on
this.  Does eap-mschapv2 work as PEAP?  What's the status with this?
(Or should I be using TTLS, and is there a good free XP client for
no, PEAP is a different protocol. you could use TTLS with whatever EAP 
method tunneled in it.

The EAP-TLS seems to work regardless of what I put in the users file.
If the client certificates match against the server one, it gives
access.  How do you give finer control than that?  I don't think we'll
do that in our environment, but I'm curious.  (ie: the User-Name
supplied in the client certificate wasn't even in my users file, but
access was still allowed.)
you still have DEFAULT values in your users file, right? if you 
explicitly reject the user, he will NOT be authenticated.

however, it's true that the User-Name content, the certified name AND 
the EAP-Identity information is not checked for consistency by the 
server. (EAP-Identity should be equal User-Name - that's the function of 
the AP, that is something you have a trust with; however, these both 
compared to the certified name in the certificate could NOT match and 
the certificate would still be accepted. the question here is: do they 
have to match as strings or which is the good metrics? perhaps a 
configurable comparison handler?)

The AP is configured with TKIP + WEP 128bit cipher encryption, with open
authentication (with EAP) and network EAP support.  There is no
Authentication Key Management (WPA optional/mandatory was an option
here, but if I enabled it XP couldn't connect.  I thought XP had WPA
i didn't try WPA yet, but do you have the XP WPA-patches? i suppose you 
have *sigh* perhaps also the newest firmware for 1200.

support...)  My question is, if I just use one client certificate and
distributed it to everyone in our group, will the individual connections
still be secure?  (ie: is the per-session encryption tied to the
certificates involved, or some session-specific bit of randomness even
when authenticated with the same cert?)  Or do I really need to generate
each users own certificate?
the per-session keys (PMKs sent to the APs and the derived TKIP keys) 
will be different since they are derived from the TLS master which is 
based upon random numbers chosen by the peers during the authentication 
process, so with high probability different for every session.

however, virtually it would all be one person for you, ie all users 
connecting is the one and the same - normal, since you have ONE 
certified identity. unless you want to use the "bug" in the server, 
described above (User-Name/EAP-Id don't have to match CN) by activating 
the XP option 'use a different user name on connection' and typing in 
the desired name. however, be assured that then every user could type 
ANYTHING he wants and probably he would. so, i wouldn't call it secure, 
unless you have full trust in your co-workers :-) but it will be still 
difficult to break your links from outside, almost as difficult as when 
you used different certificates - thanks to TLS.


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Re: WPA w/ EAP-TLS against 0.8.1

2003-10-03 Thread Artur Hecker

i think you have to pay thousands to enter the "open" industry alliance, 
namely the wifi alliance ( they are responsible 
for WPA and they have some "white papers" on this matter on their site. 
however, it does NOT go very deep.

regarding jeremy's remark about TKIP, key rotation, MIC and 802.1X i 
would agree that WPA is kind of sum of these loosely coupled features. 
WPA is also a roadmap from local WEP to centralized authentication with 
AES encryption, however it aims to be interoperational and thus does not 
enforce AES for the beginning. i would say, what Cisco does is more or 
less WPA.

there are some good points though. the problem with all this WEP and 
802.1X interconnect is as always the interfacing. you will find 
documents and standards on EAP, EAP-subtypes, RADIUS and 802.1X (i.e. 
basically EAPOL). however, there are no _standards_ on HOW a central 
radius server gives the key material to the AP (which radius attributes 
and which format), what this key material is exactly derived from (since 
that would depend on the used EAP method) on supplicant and radius and 
how, by whom, when and how often a reauthentication should be triggered.

imho, that is something to be standardized by WPA but as i said earlier, 
you'll hardly get access to the documents...

Ian Pritchard wrote:

Hi Alan,

From: "Alan DeKok" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: WPA w/ EAP-TLS against 0.8.1 Date: Thu, 02 Oct 2003 
22:52:50 -0400

"Ian Pritchard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've read the responses to this and to the TLS/TTLS thread... tried 
to find
> somewhere in the Funk client where I might be able to control some 
kind of
> reauthentication interval (there's a setting on the AP), but no luck 
> unfortunately.

  It's set by the RADIUS server, via Session-Timeout.

Yeah, got that one, but just wondered if there was also something in the 
supplicant to do this independently, other than resetting the connection 
or pulling the PCMCIA card out of the laptop

> Given that WPA is "the 802.11 security protocol suite of the
> future", I guess it might be quite important regardless of which
> EAP flavour is used... ;-)
  Many EAP methods such as LEAP, TLS, and TTLS include dynamic WEP
keys.  That would appear to be incompatible with WPA.

Okay, that's interesting. My impression was that WPA w/RADIUS was 
supposed to be fully retro-compatible with 802.1x (at least in terms of 
EAP flavours and the way they operate). Does anyone know where WPA is 
actually defined? I mean, is there a definition document widely 
available? Does it go down to a technical level? Or do you have to pay 
thousands to join an "open" industry forum to have access to the 
standard? Also, if the WPA standard includes RADIUS authentication, what 
does it mean by "RADIUS" - whose RADIUS servers have been tested?

Jeremy, interesting what you said about your Cisco AP 1200 - I think the 
implementation there is "802.1x" and not WPA, right? The SMC AP we tried 
seemed to be the same - when you turn on "WPA w/TKIP" it didn't work 
against for our supplicants against FreeRADIUS, but when you just turned 
on "802.1x authentication" it worked fine.

So, if dynamic WEP is incompatible with WPA, is that the fault of (and 
should the fix happen on) the EAP method, the AP, the supplicant or 



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Re: Anyone get FreeRadius + CIsco Aironet 1100 AP + Cisco client under WinXP or 2K to work with EAP-TTLS.

2003-10-02 Thread Artur Hecker

Antonia Kujundzic wrote:
There is a free Windows client for EAP-TTLS.
I've used it with Cisco client and it worked fine.
hey, thanks, excellent! they really still produce freeware out there? :)

(small correction to the link, it is actually

ps the size of the whole 85k. another proof for alan's statement about 
the the straightforward & easy TTLS implementation. otherwise they would 
hardly give it for free :)

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Re: TLS and TTLS

2003-09-30 Thread Artur Hecker
hi Shon

i took a look at your log. for what concerns the server, your TTLS is 
working correctly and you are getting the Access-Accept sent out to the 
client. you even have accounting coming up for your TTLS user.

modcall: group authenticate returns handled
  TTLS: Got tunneled reply RADIUS code 2
	EAP-Message = 0x03010004
	Message-Authenticator = 0x
	User-Name = ""
  TTLS: Got tunneled Access-Accept
  rlm_eap: Freeing handler
  TTLS: Freeing handler for user barney
  modcall[authenticate]: module "eap" returns handled
modcall: group authenticate returns handled
Sending Access-Accept of id 17 to
	MS-MPPE-Recv-Key = 
	MS-MPPE-Send-Key = 
	EAP-Message = 0x03080004
	Message-Authenticator = 0x
	User-Name = "anonymous"
Finished request 16

so you can see that your server sends the Accept.
you even have accounting, that is the ports on the AP are open.
rad_recv: Accounting-Request packet from host, 
id=18, length=86
	Acct-Status-Type = Start
	User-Name = "anonymous"
	Acct-Session-Id = "000181890002"
	NAS-IP-Address =
	NAS-Port = 0
	Acct-Authentic = RADIUS
	NAS-Identifier = "xxx"
	Acct-Delay-Time = 0

Conclusion: if you encounter problems with your TTLS users, it has 
nothing to do with the server (server sends Accept) and probably not 
even of your AP (since it provides Accounting infos, thus it should 
think that the session is open for the user). Perhaps you have some 
problems at your client. i can't see it out of the provided log.

Nixon, Anthony S. wrote:

Sorry for the out of list email, but I did not want others to see some of
the info in the logs.  It can be found at:  x
Please let me know what you think.

-- Shon

-Original Message-
From: Artur Hecker

i personally think that the problem is the client-server interaction. 
something is wrong and your client is not responding and you don't know 
why, so you suppose it's the AP but it's not.

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Re: TLS and TTLS

2003-09-30 Thread Artur Hecker

Michael Brown wrote:

sorry, that's still wrong. they either support EAP or not. it is 
completely irrelevant which kind of EAP. be it TLS, MD5, TTLS, PEAP or 
whichever EAP scheme might EVER come out one day in the future, they 
support it already. nice, he?
My point is EAP pass-through not the type! (So we agree but you do not see...)
Such nitpicking.  I did not mention md5 because it is IRRELEVANT to me! 
That was my point.
once again: we do not agree, i.e. what you say is wrong.

you say: your AP supports EAP/TLS but it doesn't support some other EAP 
type. so, the first half of your presumption obliges the support of 
802.1X in the AP and the second relies uniquely on the usage of 802.1X 
in the AP. this is obviously a contradiction.

it's not the question of type at all, it's the question of EAP support 
in the AP (which you call "EAP pass through") which is ALWAYS general 
i.e. type-independent and which is called 802.1X.

conclusion: if your AP supports EAP/TLS, it also supports ALL other EAP 
types which exist and which will EVER come out in the future. that's 
what i say, not more and not less.

now, if your AP doesn't support 802.1X, it does not support ANY EAP 
type, not EAP/TLS and not any other. ok? it isn't nitpicking, since you 
don't understand that by concept&design all the EAP types are the same 
for the AP.

ps thanks for the proposition but i personally don't need any DLink+ 
Access Points :-)

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Re: TLS and TTLS

2003-09-29 Thread Artur Hecker

i don't think it's correct unless you have some dumb option to 
explicitly block TTLS. you should post some server logs in order to 
prove that nothing is coming.

let me explain myself: in _EACH_ EAP method the first packet incoming at 
the RADIUS server will be either EAPOL Start OR EAP Response/Identity 
message. i want to see a log file, where the Response/Identity of the 
TLS is arriving and the response identity of the TTLS is not - knowing 
that the both packets are exactly the same. i don't see, why the 
following packets wouldn't be forwarded to the server. prove it.

i personally think that the problem is the client-server interaction. 
something is wrong and your client is not responding and you don't know 
why, so you suppose it's the AP but it's not.

Nixon, Anthony S. wrote:

Thanks very much for the education on AP's, but this still does not answer
the question of why an AP will pass EAP-MD5 and EAP-TLS, but might not pass

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Re: TLS and TTLS

2003-09-29 Thread Artur Hecker

Of course they do: whether they SUPPORT (act as a pass-through device for) these
auth schemes or not.
sorry, that's still wrong. they either support EAP or not. it is 
completely irrelevant which kind of EAP. be it TLS, MD5, TTLS, PEAP or 
whichever EAP scheme might EVER come out one day in the future, they 
support it already. nice, he?

I KNOW they have nothing to do with the actual auth beside that fact, but you
can't use EAP-TLS or TTLS with just any old AP, now can you?
of course you can, as long as it supports 802.1X.

Such nitpicking.
no, sorry. you've just never understood why EAP has been developped. so, 
you suggest that the problem could be a 802.1X aware AP which is - in 
your opinion - the problem for TTLS not passing through. that's 
_completely_ wrong, so the guy having problem has been put on the wrong 
way, i've only corrected this mistake, be it important or not.


hardly ever.

the APs have NOTHING to do with neither TTLS nor TLS.

Michael Brown wrote:

I know the Linksys WAP/WRT54G accepts TTLS auth, but I don't know a D-Link
product that does TTLS.  That is most likely your problem.
Michael Brown


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Re: WPA w/ EAP-TLS against 0.8.1

2003-09-26 Thread Artur Hecker
that is the response i kind of feared. sorry, that's nonsense.

in that case the whole story has nothing to do with the respective 
supplicant, since it simply NEVER gets in touch with Radius attributes. 
that would be the problem of the AP and NOT of the supplicant as you 
pointed out.

Guy Davies wrote:

Hash: SHA1

Hi Artur,

You don't :-)  You set the session-timeout in the RADIUS reply.



-Original Message-----
From: Artur Hecker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 26 September 2003 12:56
Subject: Re: WPA w/ EAP-TLS against 0.8.1
hi Guy!

how can you change the session time in windows?


Guy Davies wrote:

Hash: SHA1
Hi Ian,

I've seen something like this when doing MAC authentication.  It was
actually a "feature" of the WinXP/Win2k supplicant which 
defaults the

session time to about 6 seconds!  If I explicitly set the 
session time to be

something more useful (1800 seconds is good) then 
everything was happy.

Sorry if this is totally unrelated but I thought it might help.



-Original Message-
From: Ian Pritchard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 26 September 2003 11:42
Subject: WPA w/ EAP-TLS against 0.8.1


We're running FreeRADIUS version 0.8.1, and have been trying out 
authentication using a couple of "WPA-capable" 802.11 APs and 
PCMCIA cards 
on laptops, with EAP-TLS and certs.

We've tried a matrix of the following:

- Win2K SP4 w/ MS 802.1x patch and with Funk Odyssey client
- WinXP
- EAP-TLS certs installed
PCMCIA cards
- Linksys WPC54G
- SMC2635W
- Linksys WRT54G
- SMC2804WBR
- Cisco AP340
All devices running latest possible drivers.

Before testing WPA we were running the Cisco AP340 and the 
Win2K 802.1x auth 
patch, plus XP.

Running either of the two PCMCIA cards, on either the Win2K 
or WinXP laptop, 
via the Linksys WRT54G AP, we see behaviour where the AP 
initiates access 
request to the FreeRADIUS server, the process runs through as 
normal, the 
access accept is sent to the AP, but it then immediately starts 
authentication again, and you run through the whole process 
starting again immediately after the accept is sent. Nothing 
seems abnormal 
if running FreeRADIUS in debug mode. With the Funk Odyssey 
client running on 
Win2K the behaviour is the same.

Using the SMC AP, things are more interesting. The SMC AP's 

control interface has a "security" main menu, with 802.1x as 
a sub-menu. If 
you turn the main security to "WPA/TKIP w/ RADIUS", then the 
behaviour is as 
with the Linksys above. However, if you turn it to "No 
Encryption" (so not 
even WEP enabled according to its interface), but leave the 
"enable 802.1x" 
turned on in the sub-menu, authentication takes place as 
normal. The SMC 
client card has client manager software, and if you turn on 
WPA on the AP, 
then the client manager shows a "key" symbol (presumably 
denoting some kind 
of security) next to the AP, but if you turn off encryption 
and leave 802.1x 
turned on, the key goes away.

The Cisco AP doesn't have WPA but will do 802.1x as before.

We're having trouble reaching a conclusion here (partly 
because it's 

difficult to tell what's happening), and certainly don't 
think we've got any 
"WPA" AP/client combination working with WPA/Radius. We had 
thought that, 

from an authentication perspective, there was no difference 

between 802.1x 
and WPA.

Has anyone else managed to get WPA APs and clients running against 

Many thanks,


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Re: WPA w/ EAP-TLS against 0.8.1

2003-09-26 Thread Artur Hecker
hi Guy!

how can you change the session time in windows?


Guy Davies wrote:

Hash: SHA1

Hi Ian,

I've seen something like this when doing MAC authentication.  It was
actually a "feature" of the WinXP/Win2k supplicant which defaults the
session time to about 6 seconds!  If I explicitly set the session time to be
something more useful (1800 seconds is good) then everything was happy.
Sorry if this is totally unrelated but I thought it might help.



-Original Message-
From: Ian Pritchard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 26 September 2003 11:42
Subject: WPA w/ EAP-TLS against 0.8.1


We're running FreeRADIUS version 0.8.1, and have been trying out 
authentication using a couple of "WPA-capable" 802.11 APs and 
PCMCIA cards 
on laptops, with EAP-TLS and certs.

We've tried a matrix of the following:

- Win2K SP4 w/ MS 802.1x patch and with Funk Odyssey client
- WinXP
- EAP-TLS certs installed
PCMCIA cards
- Linksys WPC54G
- SMC2635W
- Linksys WRT54G
- SMC2804WBR
- Cisco AP340
All devices running latest possible drivers.

Before testing WPA we were running the Cisco AP340 and the 
Win2K 802.1x auth 
patch, plus XP.

Running either of the two PCMCIA cards, on either the Win2K 
or WinXP laptop, 
via the Linksys WRT54G AP, we see behaviour where the AP 
initiates access 
request to the FreeRADIUS server, the process runs through as 
normal, the 
access accept is sent to the AP, but it then immediately starts 
authentication again, and you run through the whole process 
starting again immediately after the accept is sent. Nothing 
seems abnormal 
if running FreeRADIUS in debug mode. With the Funk Odyssey 
client running on 
Win2K the behaviour is the same.

Using the SMC AP, things are more interesting. The SMC AP's web-based 
control interface has a "security" main menu, with 802.1x as 
a sub-menu. If 
you turn the main security to "WPA/TKIP w/ RADIUS", then the 
behaviour is as 
with the Linksys above. However, if you turn it to "No 
Encryption" (so not 
even WEP enabled according to its interface), but leave the 
"enable 802.1x" 
turned on in the sub-menu, authentication takes place as 
normal. The SMC 
client card has client manager software, and if you turn on 
WPA on the AP, 
then the client manager shows a "key" symbol (presumably 
denoting some kind 
of security) next to the AP, but if you turn off encryption 
and leave 802.1x 
turned on, the key goes away.

The Cisco AP doesn't have WPA but will do 802.1x as before.

We're having trouble reaching a conclusion here (partly because it's 
difficult to tell what's happening), and certainly don't 
think we've got any 
"WPA" AP/client combination working with WPA/Radius. We had 
thought that, 
from an authentication perspective, there was no difference 
between 802.1x 
and WPA.

Has anyone else managed to get WPA APs and clients running against 

Many thanks,


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Re: TLS and TTLS

2003-09-26 Thread Artur Hecker
hardly ever.

the APs have NOTHING to do with neither TTLS nor TLS.

Michael Brown wrote:

I know the Linksys WAP/WRT54G accepts TTLS auth, but I don't know a D-Link
product that does TTLS.  That is most likely your problem.
Michael Brown

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Re: (no subject)

2003-09-19 Thread Artur Hecker
sorry, but ... LOL

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- there is nothing confidential in this mail otherwise it would be 
really dumb to send it out to a archived world-readable list! since i 
didn't send it, i don't want to know that it is supposed to be 
confidential. for me it is not and whoever claims the contrary is being 
- there is no way to know who IS the named recepient since it could be 
changed by ANYbody
- there is no way to know if i receive it in error. if "error" is to be 
defined by me, then i probably do receive it in error. in this case i 
would like to know who actually is "us", how i can contact those guys 
and how in hell i could probably be sure that i'm really contacting 
those and not some others?
- but my personal favorite is still the last sentence: whoever invented 
this sentence about not copying the email and deleting it from "computer 
systems" must have been a full complete ass since he's never really 
understood how email works in the first place.

remark: such disclaimers are completely irrelevant and not accepted by 
any known legislation.


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Re: Database encryption

2003-09-18 Thread Artur Hecker
hi paolo

(alan :-))

people often misunderstand security as weirdly encrypting and signing 
stuff, the more the better... security is much more about management - 
management of the security associations.

so, basically i would agree with alan's point. i.e. it's pretty useless, 
in the global sense it IS useless. however, alan's sentence below

  I don't see why.  The server will have access to the password/key
for the database, and therefore so will any attacker.
should be extended to "who succeeded in attacking the radius server".

that also can be the only reason to do such things: you establish the 
single point of entry and thus can be sure that whoever entered the 
system, he had to pass over the radius server.

  Questions about encrypting databases would best be asked on database
once again: i agree :)

i think that to achieve the above you shouldn't encrypt the whole 
database. databases store DATA, not information. there is thus no use to 
encrypt it for "data security" makes no sense at all :)

instead encrypt what you WRITE into your database. e.g. create a new 
rlm_sql_ * driver which will take anything coming from rlm_sql, encrypt 
it according to its configuration and write it into the DB in a usual 
way, e.g. by using rlm_sql_mysql.

in any case, you DON'T want the DB to decrypt the information or to 
check the provided encryption key, etc. since you would lose your single 
point of entry.

ps alan, what about those neat certificates i sent to you? have you by 
any chance managed to put those things somewhere so folks can test them?

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Re: FreeRADIUS EAP/TLS problem

2003-09-17 Thread Artur Hecker
i can't say you what the problem is, but it looks like it is NOT linked 
against the correct library, since the function which is not found is 
NOT part of the 0.9.6 openssl BUT of the 0.9.7b. you probably compiled 
with the good version (otherwise it wouldn't compile in the first place) 
but the runtime is loading the old version. try an explicit LD_PRELOAD


Hello everybody,

my Radius server crashes everytime when the supplicant is trying to
I use Freeradius 0.9.1 on a Linux (Redhat8 Kernel 2.4.20) machine. The supplicant
is also installed on a Linux machine (Xsupplicant 0.7), the authentication
protocol is EAP-TLS. The access point is a workstation with HostAP.
After starting FreeRadius I get this sequence of messages:

Starting - reading configuration files ...
reread_config:  reading radiusd.conf
Config:   including file: /usr/local/etc/raddb/proxy.conf
Config:   including file: /usr/local/etc/raddb/clients.conf
Config:   including file: /usr/local/etc/raddb/snmp.conf
Config:   including file: /usr/local/etc/raddb/sql.conf
 main: prefix = "/usr/local"
 main: localstatedir = "/usr/local/var"
 main: logdir = "/usr/local/var/log/radius"
 main: libdir = "/usr/local/lib"
 main: radacctdir = "/usr/local/var/log/radius/radacct"
 main: hostname_lookups = no
 main: max_request_time = 30
 main: cleanup_delay = 5
 main: max_requests = 1024
 main: delete_blocked_requests = 0
 main: port = 0
 main: allow_core_dumps = no
 main: log_stripped_names = no
 main: log_file = "/usr/local/var/log/radius/radius.log"
 main: log_auth = no
 main: log_auth_badpass = no
 main: log_auth_goodpass = no
 main: pidfile = "/usr/local/var/run/radiusd/"
 main: user = "root"
 main: group = "root"
 main: usercollide = no
 main: lower_user = "no"
 main: lower_pass = "no"
 main: nospace_user = "no"
 main: nospace_pass = "no"
 main: checkrad = "/usr/local/sbin/checkrad"
 main: proxy_requests = no
 proxy: retry_delay = 5
 proxy: retry_count = 3
 proxy: synchronous = no
 proxy: default_fallback = yes
 proxy: dead_time = 120
 proxy: post_proxy_authorize = yes
 proxy: wake_all_if_all_dead = no
 security: max_attributes = 200
 security: reject_delay = 1
 security: status_server = no
 main: debug_level = 0
read_config_files:  reading dictionary
read_config_files:  reading naslist
Using deprecated naslist file.  Support for this will go away soon.
read_config_files:  reading clients
Using deprecated clients file.  Support for this will go away soon.
read_config_files:  reading realms
Using deprecated realms file.  Support for this will go away soon.
radiusd:  entering modules setup
Module: Library search path is /usr/local/lib
Module: Loaded expr
Module: Instantiated expr (expr)
Module: Loaded PAP
 pap: encryption_scheme = "crypt"
Module: Instantiated pap (pap)
Module: Loaded CHAP
Module: Instantiated chap (chap)
Module: Loaded MS-CHAP
 mschap: use_mppe = yes
 mschap: require_encryption = no
 mschap: require_strong = no
 mschap: passwd = "(null)"
 mschap: authtype = "MS-CHAP"
Module: Instantiated mschap (mschap)
Module: Loaded System
 unix: cache = no
 unix: passwd = "(null)"
 unix: shadow = "(null)"
 unix: group = "(null)"
 unix: radwtmp = "/usr/local/var/log/radius/radwtmp"
 unix: usegroup = no
 unix: cache_reload = 600
Module: Instantiated unix (unix)
Module: Loaded eap
 eap: default_eap_type = "tls"
 eap: timer_expire = 60
rlm_eap: Loaded and initialized the type md5
rlm_eap: Loaded and initialized the type leap
 tls: rsa_key_exchange = no
 tls: dh_key_exchange = yes
 tls: rsa_key_length = 512
 tls: dh_key_length = 512
 tls: verify_depth = 0
 tls: CA_path = "(null)"
 tls: pem_file_type = yes
 tls: private_key_file = "/etc/1x/r/cert-srv.pem"
 tls: certificate_file = "/etc/1x/r/cert-srv.pem"
 tls: CA_file = "/etc/1x/r/root.pem"
 tls: private_key_password = "whatever"
 tls: dh_file = "/etc/1x/r/dh"
 tls: random_file = "/etc/1x/r/random"
 tls: fragment_size = 1750
 tls: include_length = yes
rlm_eap_tls: conf N ctx stored
rlm_eap: Loaded and initialized the type tls
Module: Instantiated eap (eap)
Module: Loaded preprocess
 preprocess: huntgroups = "/usr/local/etc/raddb/huntgroups"
 preprocess: hints = "/usr/local/etc/raddb/hints"
 preprocess: with_ascend_hack = no
 preprocess: ascend_channels_per_line = 23
 preprocess: with_ntdomain_hack = no
 preprocess: with_specialix_jetstream_hack = no
 preprocess: with_cisco_vsa_hack = no
Module: Instantiated preprocess (preprocess)
Module: Loaded realm
 realm: format = "suffix"
 realm: delimiter = "@"
Module: Instantiated realm (suffix)
Module: Loaded files
 files: usersfile = "/usr/local/etc/raddb/users"
 files: acctusersfile = "/usr/local/etc/raddb/acct_users"
 files: preproxy_usersfile = "/usr/local/etc/raddb/preproxy_users"
 files: compat = "no"
Module: Instantiated files (files)
Module: Loaded Acct-Unique-Session-Id
 acct_unique: key = "User-Name, Acct-Session-Id, NAS-IP-Address, Client-IP-Address, 
Module: Instantiated acct_unique

Re: Wi-fi hotspot

2003-09-16 Thread Artur Hecker

But we want some sort of standardized secure login for windows users ?
->I only see PEAP here.
or ttls, it depends on available clients. but peap is more microsoft... 
you are probably right.

Another solution would be the "Portal" approach: users will have to
authenticate on a https webpage which starts a script and changes
firewall rules (like NoCat).
yes, but it's not really wifi authentication.

My preference would be to have a central authentication system, with
only the access points out in the field (not the radius/portal servers),
and NOT having to use VPNs to connect the access points to a central
gateway (portal). This would allow the use of "simple" dynamically (IP
Addr) connected Aps.
well, radius is a centralized auth system. and only the aps are out in 
the field. and it has nothing to do with a portal. you only need fixed 
IPs for the APs because of some simple restrictions, i'm sure you could 
patch a radius server to accept whatever incoming request, as long as 
the shared secret is ok. you should be clear about the identity of your 
APs though...

the problem with what you propose is that you NEED a trust relationship 
between your auth system (whichever it would be) and your APs, because 
otherwise everybody would be served.

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Re: FreeRadius EAP Postgresql

2003-09-15 Thread Artur Hecker
i know what you want to do :-)

but alan is right. don't set EAP manually. rather do the following:

- let the EAP module in the authorization section. put the sql module in 
the authorization section as well.

- create an sql group with Auth-Type := Reject.

- create an sql group with Auth-Type := Local.
(both in radgroupcheck)
- put good users in the second and bad users in the first (in 
usergroup). somehow make DEFAULT be a bad guy (in order to reject 
everything else).

- put eap in authentication.



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Re: FreeRadius EAP Postgresql

2003-09-15 Thread Artur Hecker
try putting it in radgroupcheck and usergroup should assign a group to 
each user.

that's how i use it with mysql


I'm currently configuring a Freeradius 0.9.1 with EAP-TLS support and
If I put in 'users' file 
DEFAULT Auth-Type := EAP

Everything works find, but if someone gets a certificate he can logs in.

I want to permit only user using postgresql.  What should I put into radcheck,
radreply and usergroup table to permit that.
log said that sql module returns ok
but my Auth-Type attribute is not handled, here is some table content:
radius=# select * from radcheck;
 id | username |   attribute   | op |  value   
  6 | greg | Auth-Type | := | EAP

(I don't know If I should put Auth-Type here)

radius=# select * from radreply;
 id | username | attribute | op | value 
  5 | greg | Auth-Type | := | EAP

(I don't know If I should put Auth-Type here)

raddb/users :
DEFAULT Auth-Type := Reject
Reply-Message = "high, low"
here is the query I use :
	authorize_group_check_query = "SELECT, gct.GroupName, gct.Attribute, gct.Value, gct.Op 
	FROM ${groupcheck_table} gct, ${usergroup_table} ugt 
	WHERE ugt.Username = '%{SQL-User-Name}' 
		AND ugt.GroupName = gct.GroupName 

authorize_group_reply_query = "SELECT, grt.GroupName, grt.Attribute, grt.Value, grt.Op 
	FROM ${groupreply_table} grt, ${usergroup_table} ugt 
	WHERE ugt.Username = '%{SQL-User-Name}' 
		AND ugt.GroupName = grt.GroupName 

Note: theses are not the default one but they are verified to work ;p and tests were
performed with both (default and mine)
That's all, in many tests I've delete the Auth-Type attribute from tables and it 
didn't change
anything, the result was the same, the MATCHED was the one found in the users file.
Really thanks, I'm sure I've missed something but I don't see what ;]

The final purpose of this is to be able to remove access for someone just by
updating the good field containing the Auth-Type attribute to REJECT or to put
a specific user in a reject group...

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Re: lrad_rand()

2003-09-15 Thread Artur Hecker
/dev/urandom perhaps, if it exists?

Alan DeKok wrote:

Michael Richardson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Short of opening /dev/random and seeding it myself, is there something that
is more strongly seeded already present in the tree?

  No.  I would suggest opening /dev/random, but that blocks, which is
  Alan DeKok.

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Re: [Fwd: Dossier 3648426 Intel(r) Pro 5000 Access Point]

2003-09-11 Thread Artur Hecker
i ask myself what they possibly could have broken so badly that only IAS 
is supported


Fabrice Beauvir wrote:

Here is Intel answer about using Intel Prowireless 5000 as Acces Point.

It is not able to receive EAP/TLS messages (execpt those sen by 
Microsoft IAS radius) .

"Dear Mr Beauvir,
  it is not possible actually to connect to a Freeradius EAP/TLS.
It may be possible in the future"

don't by Intel AP for the moment.
 Original Message 
Return-Path: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Chere M. Beauvir

Je regrette  que ce n'est pas possible au moment de faire une connection 
avec Freee Radius EAPS TLS. Cela va etre peut etre possible a l'avenir.
Mike L.
Intel Customer Support (EMEA)

The information you give may be used, stored or processed by Intel 
Corporation and it's subsidiaries in the United States and in Europe. 
The information may be processed by Third Party service providers to 
provide technical support and to ensure quality of the support on behalf 
of Intel.

Emails may also be monitored for quality and training purposes.

* Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of other

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Re: Question about 802.1x and Radius

2003-09-11 Thread Artur Hecker

1.In 802.1x , is the user/password transmitted from the Supplicant to 
the Authenticator ?

2.If so what is the messages used for the same? Is it sent in Request 
and Response ,message or is it encrypted in the MD5-challenge Response 
from the supplicant?
the information requested by you is not part of 802.1X. 802.1X only 
defines the protocol to exchange whatever authentication information. 
the real protocol is defined in the resp. EAP specification and thus 
highly depends on the latter.

you want to read


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Re: Server is sending Reject packet :((

2003-09-10 Thread Artur Hecker

take a look at the modules in your authenticate {} section in 
radiusd.conf and on their configuration. put the user 'test' into the 
'users' file:

test   Auth-Type := Local   User-Password == "test"


rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host, id=214, length=56
User-Name = "test"
User-Password = "test"
NAS-IP-Address =
NAS-Port = 0
modcall: entering group authorize
  modcall[authorize]: module "preprocess" returns ok
  modcall[authorize]: module "chap" returns noop
rlm_eap: EAP-Message not found
  modcall[authorize]: module "eap" returns noop
rlm_realm: No '@'  in User-Name = "test", looking up 
realm NULL
 rlm_realm: No such realm "NULL"
  modcall[authorize]: module "suffix" returns noop
users: Matched DEFAULT at 152
  modcall[authorize]: module "files" returns ok
  modcall[authorize]: module "mschap" returns noop
modcall: group authorize returns ok
  rad_check_password:  Found Auth-Type System
auth: type "System"
modcall: entering group authenticate
  modcall[authenticate]: module "unix" returns notfound

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Re: EAP/MD5 question

2003-09-10 Thread Artur Hecker

I would like some help configuring my Freeradius.
I just started with Freeradius and i am not that familiar with 
wireless/certificates so i thougt to start with EAP/MD5 isof EAP/TLS.
your EAP/MD5 is working but check

At this moment it looks like i can authenticate with my WinXP wireless 
client with Radius.
not on wireless if your WinXP is SP1 (or later)...

After this first step, i believe WEP keys need to be negotiated, but i 
think i have that part missing/wrong.
no, no WEP keys are EVER negotiated in EAP/MD5. sorry, you have to set 
those manually - the same in the AP and the STA.

My AP is configurable for 64 / 128 / 256 keys incombination with Radius.
Also no ip adress is provided, wich normally is dhcp. I guess this only 
starts after WEP is enabled correctly.
that's correct. and it doesn't work if something is wrong. 256 bit keys 
are not standard. your card should be from the same vendor then.

I tried several options from the documentation / newsgroup but i could 
not find a satisfactory answer. Most use use EAP/TLS.
because of dynamic WEP keys which are possible with EAP/TLS

Log from  Dlink950+ :
Sep 10 08:52:23 accesspoint Wireless PC connected   00-06-25-A8-1A-41^M
Sep 10 08:52:23 accesspoint EAP-Request/Identity   ^M
Sep 10 08:52:27 accesspoint EAP-Request/Identity   ^M
Sep 10 08:52:28 accesspoint EAP-Response/Identity   test^M
Sep 10 08:52:28 accesspoint EAP-Success   00-06-25-A8-1A-41^M
Sep 10 08:52:28 accesspoint Authentication success   00-06-25-A8-1A-41^M
your EAP/MD5 is working.

Sending Access-Accept of id 6 to
Service-Type = Framed-User
Framed-IP-Address =
EAP-Message = 0x03020004
Message-Authenticator = 0x
Finished request 1

-> set the WEP keys


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Re: FreeRadius 0.9.0 and Proxim Orinoco AP-2000 Help

2003-09-05 Thread Artur Hecker
you could log in into the AP and see what happens in there if this is 

you mean the AP sends the Request, gets the challenge but never answers?

David Middleton wrote:

Yes I can. I also traced it and it is getting there. It's almost like
the AP is ignoring the packets being sent to it. 


--- Ulrich Walcher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Sounds like a routing problem.
Can you ping the ap?
Am Fre, 2003-09-05 um 17.30 schrieb David Middleton:
---SNIP ---
The radius server and the ap are on
different networks, but there is no firewall between them. 

Any assistance would be appreciated,

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Re: I don't recall making a change, but FR is not working the same way anymore...

2003-09-05 Thread Artur Hecker
hi Tom

a dumb question looking on your log:

Tue Sep  2 12:13:57 2003 : Auth: Login OK: [higleys] (from client 
higleyscoffee port 0 cli 00-04-E2-07-EC-31)
Tue Sep  2 15:48:04 2003 : Auth: Login OK: [higleys] (from client 
higleyscoffee port 0 cli 00-04-E2-07-EC-31)   <= this should have been denied
who told you that the first session already used up all the 900secs??? 
if not, why should the second be denied then?


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Re: Need some help configuring freeradius - openssl problem (EAP)

2003-09-01 Thread Artur Hecker
Hi madhusudan!

if you look at the mail list archives, i posted a manually edited 
Makefile for the eap_tls module a while ago.

Alan DeKok wrote:

Madhusudan Singh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

   I tried what you suggested. Downloaded freeradius-snapshot-20030830.

   No go. I still get :

checking for openssl/ssl.h... no
checking for DH_new in -lcrypto... no

  Try looking at the logs from 'configure'.  If that doesn't help,
edit the Makefiles.
  Each 'Makefile' for the modules is about 10 lines.  The 'configure'
scripts are there only as an easy short-hand, in 99% of the normal
cases.  If 'configure' is too hard to use, edit the 'Makefile' by
  Alan DeKok.

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WLAN SSID to VLAN mapping

2003-08-20 Thread Artur Hecker

almost nothing to do with freeradius, but...has anyone ever tried to 
configure a WLAN-SSID to VLAN mapping? some APs offer this interesting 
possibility but my tests with AP350 (12.03T) basically weren't very 

e.g. when i activate the double SSID, i have to map the SSIDs to the 
VLANs which i've previously defined. however, even if i can connect to 
the SSID, the AP stops sending accounting information to the radius 
server. then, i have general difficultier to connect to both defined 
SSIDs, since it works from time to time. does anyone has any experiences 
with it? would like to hear your comments.


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Re: reply-message

2003-08-19 Thread Artur Hecker

hi alan

your answers always appear before the oirignal questions, which is a
little bit suprising :-)

e.g. to my email originally written at 20:50 +02:00 you answered at
11:06 -04:00. evidently it's not possible, provided that we have the
same reference point. do you make reference to GMT or what?

then, to your email: i would like to test it with AP340/250. which is
the attribute to put into the user configuration in order to get
assigned an ip by the radius server? :-)


Alan DeKok wrote:
> Artur Hecker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Alan: what do you think, if freeradius assigned an ip-address to the
> > user in a corresponding radius attribute and the client (AP) would use
> > it for the client's DHCP/BOOTP relay which then would emit an DHCPOFFER
> > message, could it work? I'm not an expert in BOOTP/DHCP, but do you
> > think something like this would be possible?
>   It should be possible, but I don't know off-hand if any AP's work
> that way.
>   Alan DeKok.
> -
> List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See

Artur Hecker

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Re: errors when starting in debug mode

2003-08-19 Thread Artur Hecker
make sure the module's got built in the first place. see the output of
your ./configure script and add the mysql-dev libs if necessary.


juan wrote:
> i´m having problems when starting the server, with mysql.
> here are some lines im getting,
> -*---
> HERE UserName='%{SQL-User-Name}' AND AcctStopTime = 0"
> rlm_sql (sql): Could not link driver rlm_sql_mysql: file not found
> rlm_sql (sql): Make sure it (and all its dependent libraries!) are in
> the search path of your system's ld.
> radiusd.conf[14]: sql: Module instantiation failed.
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] freeradius-0.9.0]#
> what should i do?
> thanks!!
> -
> List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See

Artur Hecker

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Re: reply-message

2003-08-19 Thread Artur Hecker
hi sylvain

i have to admit that i don't really understand the first part of your
question. but, in the case you are using EAP/MD5 try to read the FAQ
under and look for
Reply-Message. Could it be this kind of problem?

for the second part, it's interesting - i didn't try it but, as alan, i
asked myself if it is possible some time ago and i promptly came up with
a solution which i'm not sure about.

Alan: what do you think, if freeradius assigned an ip-address to the
user in a corresponding radius attribute and the client (AP) would use
it for the client's DHCP/BOOTP relay which then would emit an DHCPOFFER
message, could it work? I'm not an expert in BOOTP/DHCP, but do you
think something like this would be possible?


Alan DeKok wrote:
> =?iso-8859-1?q?Sylvain=20Masnada?= <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I'd like to know why the "reply-message" attribute is sent by
> > freeradius in a access-reject packet.  I use this attribute to
> > welcome people who connected themselves on my wireless network. But
> > with xsupplicant, this access-reject disconnects my user, who
> > reconnects immediately and is disconnected and reconnected and ...
>   I don't think that the Reply-Message has anything to do with it.
>   If the user is rejected, they can try again immediately.  After some
> number of retries, the AP will deny them access.  See the AP
> configuration for details.
> > I'd like to know if my AP which is a cisco AP350 can cause me
> > troubles when I try to assign an ip to the users.
>   So far as I know, it can't be done.  The users are authenticating to
> the AP (and then FreeRADIUS) through the EAP protocol, which doesn't
> support setting the IP address.
>   Alan DeKok.
> -
> List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See

Artur Hecker

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Re: Freeradius-Users digest, Vol 1 #2201 - 12 msgs

2003-08-18 Thread Artur Hecker

right, the EAP/Identity and User-Name must be the same, that's the job
of the client, and we could thus verify only one, completely ignoring
the other. however, the rlm_eap_tls currently authentifies the
_certified_ name, which does not have to match either of the both...

the bug i mentioned refers to the missing comparison of one of the both
(from here on i will use the term "User-Name") to the certified name (CN
in the certificate). as i already explained twice on this list, the
problem is that the both do not HAVE to be strictly string-equal: e.g.
in the case of proxying the User-Name is likely to have a suffix which
the CN of the certificate is very unlikely to have in practice. thus, as
i proposed before, there should be a definable equivalence (e.g. in the
tls-module options) or even better a regular expression (or an external
handler) which specifies exactly when the both can be considered equal.


Alan DeKok wrote:
> Artur Hecker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > that's right, you don't. eap module will authentify independently. it
> > can be seen as a bug, since the authentication is not very consistent.
> > everything else in the server - e.g. the accounting - is based on the
> > user-name...
>   Further, the RFC's say that if an EAP client has a user name, it
> MUST include that in the EAP-Identity, and also in the User-Name of a
> RADIUS packet.
>   The latest CVS snapshot is a little more forgiving, in that it
> allows *SOME* EAP authentication types without a User-Name.
>   Alan DeKok.
> -
> List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See

Artur Hecker

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Re: Freeradius-Users digest, Vol 1 #2201 - 12 msgs

2003-08-18 Thread Artur Hecker
that's right, you don't. eap module will authentify independently. it 
can be seen as a bug, since the authentication is not very consistent. 
everything else in the server - e.g. the accounting - is based on the 


arniel wrote:

Hi guys,

I am emplementing eaptls configuration using cisco aironet 350. Certificates
came from my linux server. Just want to ask if do we have to put the
username of our client from the /raddb/users file? Because I tried
generating a certificate and installed root.der and cert-clt.p12 to the
client it still went through even the username is not in the /raddb/user
Thanks for some advise..


- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2003 6:15 PM
Subject: Freeradius-Users digest, Vol 1 #2201 - 12 msgs

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Today's Topics:

  1. Personal certificate usage problem (Antti Mattila)
  2. REPOST: rlm_sqlcounter not working... (Christos Kalantzis)
  3. EAP-TTLS and EAP-PEAP support (Janko Kersnik)
  4. Re: Personal certificate usage problem (Artur Hecker)
  5. EAP-TTLS and EAP-PEAP support (Janko Kersnik)
  6. Howto FreeRadius --Cisco350 --client win98/2k/xp (Kent Hansen)
  7. Users without a password (Brian Johnson)
  8. Memory leak... (Degrande_Samuel)
  9. RE: Users without a password (Alan Litster)
 10. RE: Users without a password (Brian Johnson)
 11. RE: Users without a password (Brian Johnson)
 12. dialup_admin - user_finger.php3 (Truong Manh Cuong)

Message: 1
Date: Thu, 14 Aug 2003 11:08:31 +0300
From: "Antti Mattila" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Personal certificate usage problem
Unfortunately you didn't get rid of me yet.

The problem doesn't relate anymore to Freeradius that much but to =
Certificate installation.
When I open the Personal certificate and select Details tab->Edit =
properties I have to select Enable only the following purposes and =
deselect all but Client Authentication. Doing this Windows 2000 finds the

certificate and EAP/TLS authentication goes OK. But if I don't do this it

says unable to find certificate.

I can't use the EKU described in Ken Roser's document because if I use it

Windows 2000 says that the certificate has a non-valid digital signature.

Does the EKU work only in XP? The detail tab shows only Client

on as authentication method on the Personal certificate as I need though.

I tried editing the openssl.cnf file and setting nsCertType =3D client, =
server (because it give this type to client and server certificate using =
the script). Then I removed the extensions bits from CA.all and made the =
The Personal certificate still shows all the possible usages for the =
certificate and I have to pick the Client authentication to make it work.
The problem here is that we currently don't have a Certificate server =
installed to distribute the certificates so I would like to make the =
distribution as easy as possible.=20
Installing the two certificates is relatively easy. But if you have to =
start MMC-->Add Snap-in-->Go to Personal certificate and enable only the =
client authentication purpose it gets a lot more complicated.
Any idea how to edit CA.all, OpenSSL.cnf, or any other place to give

the client certificate purpose to only function as client certificate so =
Windows 2000 would find it?
Best regards and thank you for any help in advance:

Antti Mattila


Message: 2
Date: Thu, 14 Aug 2003 11:03:14 +0300
From: Christos Kalantzis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: REPOST: rlm_sqlcounter not working...

I have the same problem,

have you find any solution to this ?

Thank you in advance,
Christos Kalantzis
I am trying to get the rlm_sqlcounter module working in freeradius-0.8.1

and am have a bit of trouble.  It appears that the module is not
querying the sql database...
When running radius -X, I get the following:

rlm_sqlcounter: Entering module authorize code
rlm_sqlcounter: Could not find Check item value pair
 modcall[authorize]: module "allcounter" returns noop
rlm_sqlcounter: Entering module authorize code
rlm_sqlcounter: Could not find Check item value pair
 modcall[authorize]: module "dailycounter" returns noop
rlm_sqlcounter: Entering module authorize code

Re: Amount of data

2003-08-17 Thread Artur Hecker

that's difficult to answer precisely without having more details. if i
understood correctly, _you_ will be authentifying your users. so, the
exact amount of data merely depends on the authentication method chosen
for user authentication between you and your user and on the number and
type of the authorization tokens included in your answer
depending on the authentication method, it can be just one
Access-Request - Access-Accept exchange involving 1 UDP packet in each
direction. however, other authentication methods (and it's not the
question of user-name or password length) could require further
challenges sent by your server and the number of exchanges can
practically rise up to 5-6 and more (i.e. 5-6 UDP packets in each
direction). also the packet length would change depending on the kind of
challenges and responses sent.

now, depending on the authorization tokes included, some of the packets
sent by your server will be bigger or smaller, too. i don't know which
parameters have to be included according to your politics.

what i'm trying to say, is that the best man to answer this question is
you. decide, what exactly you want to do, which limitation and rights
you want to grant and how you want to authentify. then, grab the radius
base RFC and count the bytes (analytic approach). alternatively, try a
test authentication and record the data exchanged on the interface
(simulative approach).


Artur Hecker

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Re: X9.9 Auth-Type

2003-08-15 Thread Artur Hecker

i'm not sure, but it looks like this module has an authorize section.
perhaps you should leave the auth-type := local and put the x99 instance
in the authorize section of the config file so it can set it
automatically?? did you try it?


> Alex Dron wrote:
> Hi,
> I wonder how to configure X99 authentication (i.e. for Cryptocard).
> What I suppose to set in "Auth-Type" in "users" file for such user?
> In comments to "x99.conf" I see next:
> (Auth-Type := x99_token)
> However, there is no such type in the Dictionary... and server refuses
> to start.
> The only suitable type I found in the dictionary is "ActivCard". Is
> that it?
> I don't have any hardware token, but I want to test
> "Challenge/Response" logic for one particular RADIUS client.
> I understand that rlm_x99_token is that what I have to use.
> I have set up "radiusd.conf" to use "x99.conf", and "x99passwd" for
> some user of type "cryptocard-d8-rs".
> Now I guess I have to add this user to "users", but what I should
> specify for auth-type?
> I'm using 0.9.0 on Linux RH 7.3, and have the latest OpenSSL
> libraries.
> Thanks,
> Alex

Artur Hecker

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Re: configuring eap-tls using version 0.9

2003-08-15 Thread Artur Hecker
alized the type tls
> Module: Instantiated eap (eap)
> Module: Loaded preprocess
> preprocess: huntgroups = "/etc/raddb/huntgroups"
> preprocess: hints = "/etc/raddb/hints"
> preprocess: with_ascend_hack = no
> preprocess: ascend_channels_per_line = 23
> preprocess: with_ntdomain_hack = no
> preprocess: with_specialix_jetstream_hack = no
> preprocess: with_cisco_vsa_hack = no
> Module: Instantiated preprocess (preprocess)
> Module: Loaded realm
> realm: format = "suffix"
> realm: delimiter = "@"
> Module: Instantiated realm (suffix)
> Module: Loaded files
> files: usersfile = "/etc/raddb/users"
> files: acctusersfile = "/etc/raddb/acct_users"
> files: preproxy_usersfile = "/etc/raddb/preproxy_users"
> files: compat = "no"
> Module: Instantiated files (files)
> Module: Loaded Acct-Unique-Session-Id
> acct_unique: key = "User-Name, Acct-Session-Id, NAS-IP-Address,
> Client-IP-Addre
> ss, NAS-Port-Id"
> Module: Instantiated acct_unique (acct_unique)
> Module: Loaded detail
> detail: detailfile =
> "/var/log/radius/radacct/%{Client-IP-Address}/detail-%Y%m%
> d"
> detail: detailperm = 384
> detail: dirperm = 493
> detail: locking = no
> Module: Instantiated detail (detail)
> Module: Loaded radutmp
> radutmp: filename = "/var/log/radius/radutmp"
> radutmp: username = "%{User-Name}"
> radutmp: case_sensitive = yes
> radutmp: check_with_nas = yes
> radutmp: perm = 384
> radutmp: callerid = yes
> Module: Instantiated radutmp (radutmp)
> Listening on IP address *, ports 1812/udp and 1813/udp, with proxy on
> 1814/udp.
> Ready to process requests.
> rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host, id=24,
> length=135
> User-Name = "everything"
> Framed-MTU = 1400
> Called-Station-Id = "0002.8a78.b76c"
> Calling-Station-Id = "0007.50ca.f48e"
> NAS-Port-Type = Wireless-802.11
> Message-Authenticator = 0x559ad0c76f3ada1c49ab476c7312c8ef
> EAP-Message = 0x0205000f0165766572797468696e67
> NAS-Port-Type = Virtual
> NAS-Port = 8
> Service-Type = Login-User
> NAS-IP-Address =
> modcall: entering group authorize
> modcall[authorize]: module "preprocess" returns ok
> rlm_eap: EAP packet type notification id 5 length 15
> rlm_eap: EAP Start not found
> modcall[authorize]: module "eap" returns updated
> rlm_realm: No '@' in User-Name = "everything", looking up realm NULL
> rlm_realm: No such realm "NULL"
> modcall[authorize]: module "suffix" returns noop
> users: Matched everything at 154
> modcall[authorize]: module "files" returns ok
> modcall: group authorize returns updated
> rad_check_password: Found Auth-Type EAP
> auth: type "EAP"
> modcall: entering group authenticate
> rlm_eap: EAP packet type notification id 5 length 15
> rlm_eap: EAP Start not found
> rlm_eap: EAP Identity
> rlm_eap: processing type tls
> rlm_eap_tls: Initiate
> rlm_eap_tls: Start returned 1
> modcall[authenticate]: module "eap" returns ok
> modcall: group authenticate returns ok
> Sending Access-Challenge of id 24 to
> EAP-Message = 0x010600060d20
> Message-Authenticator = 0x
> State =
> 0x8a72e6e82a8f36e597ee10ce669bf1047eaf3c3f5baafeac546001236e4968
> 37139d135a
> Finished request 0
> Going to the next request
> --- Walking the entire request list ---

Artur Hecker

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Re: EAP/TLS problem solved (almost...)

2003-08-14 Thread Artur Hecker
you can DEFINITLY use openssl in order to produce valid certificates, 
both for windows AND freeradius (which uses openssl).

the certification path is not valid probably because the root 
certificate which you installed under windows expired.

Antti Mattila wrote:

I tried certificates from Adam Sulmicki's cert.tgz packet. I set the server date to 28.2 and on the laptop to 28.2. (the certificate is valid from and expires on that day). And the EAP/TLS authentication worked!

I finally got:
Sending Access-Accept of id 50 to
MS-MPPE-Recv-Key = 
MS-MPPE-Send-Key = 
EAP-Message = 0x03090004
Message-Authenticator = 0x
But the certificate problem still remains. The certificate generated with the script which came from Freeradius package says on the w2k machine(on the certificate path):"The certificate has a non-valid digital signature" I think this is the problem. The Adam's certificate seems fine on the computer.

We will try different OpenSSL versions (we used the versions required in Ken Roser's guide, the SNAP was of course newer) but if this doesn't work we'll try to generate the certificates with Novell Certificate server that we are using. If it doesn't produce certificate files needed for Freeradius we need to buy somebody to make the certificates with OpenSSL for us. Fortunately the certificates must be generated only once. So if we get a working certificate set we don't have to buy a consultant to do the stuff ever again.

Best regards:
Antti Mattila
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Re: Authentication request hacking

2003-08-14 Thread Artur Hecker

hmmm, if i understood you correctly, by authentication request you mean
the RADIUS Access-Request. in that case, what you do would be a
violation of the RFC. why don't you specify your authentication scheme
by using a VSA (or EAP-subtype) and specifying a module to handle it? it
would be much easier and your server would remain inter-functional.

except, there is a misunderstanding in what you say. Access-Requests are
not sent by users, they are sent by NASes. perhaps you should read .

unless i'm completely misunderstanding what you are saying, you are
about to do something very ugly :-)


Hans Jorgensen wrote:
> Dear list.
> I am trying to implement my own request type, with its own request number
> (100), queries etc.
> I have copied and based the code on auth.c, because I will like the users to
> authenticate them selves, when sending the request.
> But the authentication does not work. If I change the request number to 1
> (authentication request), the code works.
> This is the case with both CHAP-Password and User-Password.
> Is the encryption algorithm using the request number when encrypting the
> password?
> Thanks in advance.
> Hans
> _
> Få gode tilbud direkte i din mailbox
> -
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Artur Hecker

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Re: Howto FreeRadius --Cisco350 --client win98/2k/xp

2003-08-14 Thread Artur Hecker

Kent Hansen wrote:


Is there anyone who can tell me howto setup a freeradius with a cisco 350 
client, and clients on the ap authentication to the wireless network with a 
username and password on the freeradius server.


Client with xp, wants to join the wireless network, and they need to type in 
username and password, then OK, and at the end, they are joined the network.

How do i setup the freeradius server to do this, and the cisco ap 350.


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Re: EAP/TLS problem solved (almost...)

2003-08-14 Thread Artur Hecker
that's why i'm trying to reassure you. it probably has nothing to do 
with the version of openssl. every suite has to produce compliant 
certificates. the certificate format is mandated by its form.

just verify all the certificates you installed. it's a small error 

Antti Mattila wrote:

you can DEFINITLY use openssl in order to produce valid certificates, 
both for windows AND freeradius (which uses openssl).

the certification path is not valid probably because the root 
certificate which you installed under windows expired.


I know that many people have managed to get working certificates for Freeradius with OpenSSL and more importantly with the same exact script I'm using. I wonder what could go wrong maybe it is the OpenSSL version. 

My own generated certificate has valid date as of today and expires after 3 years. Windows 2000 shows it correctly under Authentication tab which it doesn't do if the certificate has expired.

Well have to keep trying, and if I don't get it working we'll have to use somebody else. After all I'm just a 21 year old summer worker ;-)

Best re

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Re: Authentication-Request

2003-08-14 Thread Artur Hecker
yes, why don't you change the port in the radius configuration of your 
AP 350? obviously it tries to connect to the port which your server uses 
for something else: probably a typo of you. it should be (udp)1812 
unless you changed something.

Kent Hansen wrote:


Get this error when my wireless client try to join the Cisco 350/FreeRadius:

Error on freeradius:
Listening on IP address *, ports 1812/udp and 1813/udp, with proxy on 1814/udp.
Ready to process requests.
rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host ip_on_the_cisco_ap:1024, id=0, 
Authentication-Request sent to a non-authentication port from client 
rtest:1024 - ID 0 : IGNORED
--- Walking the entire request list ---
Nothing to do.  Sleeping until we see a request.
rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host ip_on_the_cisco_ap:1025, id=1, 
Authentication-Request sent to a non-authentication port from client 
rtest:1025 - ID 1 : IGNORED

The wireless client try to access the network with a username and password, i 
have setup on the freeradius. Whats wrong?


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Re: Still short certificate problem

2003-08-14 Thread Artur Hecker

Antti Mattila wrote:
Yes.  Don't set the client to validate the server certificate. The
server does not currently send its certificate to the client.
i think it's wrong.

The TLS "howto"s also say not to verify the server certificate.
yes, but only for testing.

Thank you! Very good to know. But how come in Ken Roser's Freeradius
and XP supplicant on page 5 the picture is with Validate server
certificate and it doesn't say anything about Freeradius not sending its
certificate to the client. Should I email Roser to add that
no, because it's nonsense. in my case windows even asks if i want to 
accept an unknown server certificate which can not be validated, etc., 
just like with SSL & Web.

disabling server certificate validation lets you concentrate on the 
problem, that's all - for debugging. the final solution should imho 
verify the certificate because mututal authentication is extremely 


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Re: Personal certificate usage problem

2003-08-14 Thread Artur Hecker

> When I open the Personal certificate and select Details tab->Edit properties I have 
> to select Enable only the following purposes and deselect all but Client 
> Authentication. Doing this Windows 2000 finds the certificate and EAP/TLS 
> authentication goes OK. But if I don't do this it says unable to find certificate.

interesting, so windows 2000 wants the certificate to be a pure Client
Auth certificate? why not, it would still work for you, right?

> I can't use the EKU described in Ken Roser's document because if I use it Windows 
> 2000 says that the certificate has a non-valid digital signature. Does the EKU work 
> only in XP? The detail tab shows only Client authentication as authentication method 
> on the Personal certificate as I need though.

oups? perhaps i don't understand something, but in my case the Client
Authentication IS mentioned under the Extended Key usage uncritical
extension with the value of

i don't get about which client authentication you are talking otherwise.
the only one i have is in the EKU. and: windows 2000 can't say it's not
valid because of EKU, this extension is not critical, so it does not
need to be there from the certification point of view. it's my

> I tried editing the openssl.cnf file and setting nsCertType = client, server 
> (because it give this type to client and server certificate using the script). Then 
> I removed the extensions bits from CA.all and made the certificate.

sorry, i don't know what nsCertType is, looks like netscape to me. and i
don't use CA.all, i use the openssl commands, one after another.

> The Personal certificate still shows all the possible usages for the certificate and 
> I have to pick the Client authentication to make it work.

yes, the only usage i have is checked and this is client authentication.
unfortunately it's part of the EKU.

> Installing the two certificates is relatively easy. But if you have to start 
> MMC-->Add Snap-in-->Go to Personal certificate and enable only the client 
> authentication purpose it gets a lot more complicated.

i think you can achieve the same result by just clicking on
certificates. you chose the destination repository only for the root

otherwise supply a .reg file, perhaps it will work in this way.

> Any idea how to edit CA.all, OpenSSL.cnf, or any other place to give the 
> client certificate purpose to only function as client certificate so Windows 2000 
> would find it?

hmm, i don't think you need any of those. i never edited openssl.cnf and
i didn't use ca.all nor i didn't use windows 2000 neither :-) but
it can't be that different.

if you want i'll produce you two bogus certificates and you can test
those on your 2000. 


Artur Hecker

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Re: RADIUS with LDAP - radtest

2003-08-14 Thread Artur Hecker

the usage of MAJ LETTERS is usually understood as yelling in Usenet. 
that's all about netiquette.

if you happen not to get an expected response, it doesn't mean that 
nobody wants to answer; it probably means that nobody can answer - for 
different reasons. you *can* try reposting some time later but try also 
to see if your original mail really clearly pointed to the problem. read 
archives and faq, supply server logs, etc. - as always.

it's like with the medicice: first read the instructions, then take the 
pill. do not complain about red points all over your face if you didn't 
read it :) if you see the doctor, explain what you did, do not yell 
about the red points, it's not his fault.

and: it has nothing to do with nationalities neither.


Octavio Ramirez Rojas wrote:


I don't try to make one "frenchification" of your name. In order to
begin I am not french, I study in a French University, that is
different. I'm not yelling at us.  I was reading the documentation and I
made the things just as it is. I'm beginner in LDAP/RADIUS server. I
sent you the files so that you confirm what I tried to explain.
Thanks for your advice.



Le lun 11/08/2003 à 15:32, Oliver Graf a écrit :

On Mon, Aug 11, 2003 at 02:37:00PM +0200, Octavio Ramirez Rojas wrote:

Hi Olivier,
frenchification of my name is not an option.

Le lun 11/08/2003 à 14:05, Oliver Graf a écrit :

On Mon, Aug 11, 2003 at 01:44:18PM +0200, Octavio Ramirez Rojas wrote:

your caps-lock seems to be struck.
I don't have caps-lock problems.
So, you are yelling at us because you want that we ignore your mail?

Can you stop yelling around and start reading the documentation?

Sending default configuration files to the list normally results in
lots of people deleting your mail.
Try to:
- read and understand the config and the examples
- google the archives of this list
- don't write capslock sentences
- send only your minimal config, not the whole commented config (just
  copy the original config files so you still have them for

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Re: EAP/TLS Invalid ACK received

2003-08-14 Thread Artur Hecker
try to check if your certificates are ok. under windows try to disable 
"check server certificate" for testing.

Jason Coutermarsh wrote:
I'm using the latest CVS build. The great news is that the new State
changes are working correctly with my Netgear ME103! Now I'm having
another, hopefully small, issue. Here's the error I get:
auth: type "EAP"
modcall: entering group authenticate
  rlm_eap: Request found, released from the list
  rlm_eap: EAP_TYPE - tls
  rlm_eap: processing type tls
  rlm_eap_tls: Authenticate
  rlm_eap_tls: processing TLS
rlm_eap_tls: Received EAP-TLS ACK message
  rlm_eap_tls: ack default
rlm_eap_tls: Invalid ACK received: 22
  eaptls_verify returned 4 
  eaptls_process returned 4 
 rlm_eap: Handler failed in EAP type 13
  rlm_eap: Failed in EAP select
  modcall[authenticate]: module "eap" returns invalid
modcall: group authenticate returns invalid
auth: Failed to validate the user.

I'm not sure where the ACK was supposed to be received from. The access
point? The client? I apologize if I'm jumping the gun on something
that's currently being worked on, since I am using the CVS build. In
regards to some previous posts about EAP/TLS, I also get the "EAP Start
not found" message, but it does not seem to hurt anything, and it sails
right past that point. Thanks for your help on this issue, and a big
thanks to all the developers for working on a great piece of software!
Jason Coutermarsh
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Re: EAP/TLS problems... The last mail 4/4

2003-08-14 Thread Artur Hecker
hi Alan

Alan DeKok wrote:
> Artur Hecker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > i think that what you receive at your radius server is nor the EAP
> > Identity neither EAP Start, apparently it is a Notification message. The
> > AP sends notifications to your Radius server, and the latter tries to
> > send challenges back (to Alan, WHY?)
>   From what I can tell of looking at the EAP-Messages going back and
> forth, the AP is not sending an EAP-Notification.  So that message
> might be wrong, but the server appears to be OK.

ok, but the EAP module said that. So, at least the EAP module message is

> > To Alan :  the following messages are really not very consistent. Could
> > you improve it so that the defined EAP message type appears in the same
> > manner and the reason is given? E.g. the third line is ambiguous and the
> > first and the second lines are not consistent.
>   The first line is wrong.  The third line is correct.

ah ok. anyway, only of those should be in the log :-) and please add
something like "Recognized EAP Identity message" or similar...

> > Also the last line is not user-friendly :-)
>   It's a debugging message, there for debugging purposes.  I'll take a
> look, but I would rather have MORE information than less.

i know! in my proposition I only ADDED but never removed information, so


Artur Hecker Groupe Accès et Mobilité
hecker[at]enst[dot]fr Département Informatique et Réseaux
+33 1 45 81 750746, rue Barrault 75634 Paris cedex 13  ENST Paris

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Re: users file not using multiple directives

2003-08-14 Thread Artur Hecker

nothing to do with your post except for one detail: like alan i asked
myself what a "stack trace" could be? i thought about some special
network sniffer device or even some jargon talking about switches
(perhaps from baystack?) etc. :-)

funny, i've always been subconsiously defining "strace" as "system call
trace" or something like that because that is what it does - under

as a matter of fact debian defines it this way in its man-page: strace -
trace system calls and signals.

history out of the man page:

   The original strace was written by  Paul  Kranenburg
   for SunOS and was inspired by its trace utility.  The SunOS
   version of strace was  ported  to  Linux  and  enhanced  by
   Branko  Lankester, who also wrote the Linux kernel support.
   Even though Paul released strace 2.5 in 1992, Branko's work
   was based on Paul's strace 1.5 release from 1991.  In 1993,
   Rick Sladkey merged strace 2.5 for  SunOS  and  the  second
   release  of strace for Linux, added many of the features of
   truss(1) from SVR4, and produced an strace that  worked  on
   both  platforms.   In  1994  Rick ported strace to SVR4 and
   Solaris and wrote the automatic configuration support.   In
   1995  he  ported  strace to Irix and tired of writing about
   himself in the third person.

simultaneously, SunOS 5.9 defines it as "strace - print STREAMS trace
messages". i am not familiar with SunOS but a fast look to "man strace"
seemed to explain that it doesn't actually do the same thing.



Michael Komitee wrote:

> yes, i didnt need the stack trace, i've been running it in debug mode all along, and 
> never noticed the incorrect ip til i ran the strace.. which i agree wasnt necessary.
> i'm using radtest to generate the radius packet, radtest includes a line
> nas = `hostname`
> and then includes in the packet NAS-IP-Address = $nas
> so it's sending my hostname instead of my IP, radiusd wants an ip address and seems 
> to evaluate a string of characters to, which i obviously have not 
> included in my huntgroup. I changed the radtest script to send the right IP, and 
> everything seems to be working now.
> --thanks.
> -Original Message-
> From: Alan DeKok [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, August 13, 2003 2:09 PM
> Subject: Re: users file not using multiple directives
> "Michael Komitee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > actually, it's not authenticating anyone. i ran a stack trace on
> > radiusd, and tried to authenticate. i'm seeing that the packet radiusd
> > is receiving has a NAS-IP-Address of
>   "stack trace"?  What about debugging mode?
> > That's the problem right there. Somehow, the nas ip address isn't
> > being properly set, and as a result the request does not match the
> > huntgroup.
>   The NAS-IP-Address is set to whatever is in the RADIUS packet.
> Debugging mode will show this.  Run 'tcpdump' to see it in another
> format.
>   Alan DeKok.
> -
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> -
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Artur Hecker

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Re: VLANs + other

2003-08-12 Thread Artur Hecker
hi berndt

Radius is now running with EAP/TLS (thanks for the great help for it).
But now a few last questions. We are using Enterasys Access Points and
they also offer the possibility to assign clients to vlans dynamically.
I have searched a lot but found no information about it (for example
which attribute to use). Has someone experience with this kind of
that's interesting: do they really offer this possibility? or do they 
merely map SSIDs to VLAN-IDs?

if they do, the radius server probably has to send a Enterasys VSA back 
to the AP, this has nothing to do with freeradius list, you should ask 
at Enterasys.

Is it possible to disengage a certificate from users so that the radius
server will not accept it any more. One possible solution of disabling
an account is to set Auth-Type to Reject but an other user can still use
the certificate so I don`t like it really.
this is out of scope, too. you've aswered your own question: in radius, 
it's much easier to disable the user account (e.g. by authorization), 
whatever authentication method is used.

if you want to "devaluate" the certificate, you will need a PKI with CRL 
support. this is basically completely out of scope, BUT remember that 
using CRL you will probably do the following:

(-install and manage a CRL)

- put an invalid user's certificate in the CRL
that means that each process using certificates will have to be updated 
in order to check the CRL in the first place. that's more complicated 
than it sounds, since the most software doesn't care about CRLs 
(freeradius doesn't e.g.) at the moment. also, the CRL management is 
complicated (in general). for each process, you will have to change the 
configuration, too (which CRL repository, what to do, how often).

- when you finally applied all this, you will have to decide the 
following: do you want to check the CRL regularly (how often?) or do you 
want to do an online check of the CRL? the advantage of the first is 
that the CRL (~PKI) doesn't have to be online at the moment of the 
verification (which so often has been advertised as a main advantage of 
PKIs). however, you have a problem: in which intervals should the CRL be 
contacted by the process? the processes will have to store the obtained 
CRL locally etc and so changes propagate slowly through network (e.g. 
you cancel a certificate, but the user can still log on till to the next 
CRL download).

this is far from optimal, so you will probably decide to ask your CRL at 
the login time - this is the state of the art in the PKI research. 
however, with CRL being online (and thus always available, the "main" 
PKI advantage gone...) you will have to use some protocol to ask the CRL 
about the validity. first: those protocols are still all in development, 
there is no accepted standard. second: since a CRL is a central 
repository, the procedure will increase your login delay (which can be 
an issue). third: what happens, if the CRL is not available (things 
happen...)? this is a problem, since normally CRL will only contain few 
certificates compared to the user-number, so blocking all users if the 
CRL is not available seems exaggerated, no? however, if you don't, 
invalid users can login...

and finally, having all this set up, you'll see that basically it is 
exactly the same principle as with radius, only one level higher. now, 
radius (and every other service) will have to ask some central authority 
if somebody can login. why bother? my opinion: set Auth-Type:=Reject in 

logically, i would defend this position as following: when your security 
agent at the entrance blocks a user because he doesn't know him, he 
doesn't try to cancel his ID card. in contrary, he accepts his ID and 
THUS prohibits entrance. why shouldn't the radius server simply do the 
same? let the certificate be the (abstract) identity and then we'll see 
if we let him enter. if he can't, we don't need to follow him and take 
away his identity. in this model, you probably don't want to certify 
real names of users. rather certify their abstract logins or their email 
adresses etc. for the duration of their studies at your school or for a 
year (semester, etc.) of studies.

Our Access Point also support EAP-TTLS. Will freeradius support this in
no, your access point doesn't support EAP-TTLS and never will. your 
access point supports 802.1X and thus EAPOL and EAP in RADIUS. the truth 
is that the Access Point doesn't know *anything* about TLS, TTLS or 
whatever other EAP method you use. an AP can't support something like 
that because there is nothing to support in the first place.

i think, there is some development work on EAP/TTLS in freeradius, 
likewise for PEAP.

And a last question! We are a school with about 2000 pupils. Has someone
experience with the distribution of certificates and what you should
care about it? The problem is we are using openssl to build our
certificates. So we have to program something to make it easy for 

Re: inquiry

2003-08-12 Thread Artur Hecker
i can't give you the final detail for this answer but the principle is 
the following: windows can login either as computer or as a user. that 
depends on where you put the client certificates in the xp repository. 
being admin you can verify this with mmc. the certificates should be 
computer certificates. in the 802.1X authentication tab you can also 
check the box "authenticate as computer".

if i understand this correctly, this will make windows authenticate and 
establish the wireless link even without a user logon i.e. before 
ctrl-alt-del. that's what you want.

arniel wrote:

Hi Guys,
Just want to ask something regarding user authentication of freeradius. 
I am implementing wireless EAP-TLS, with CISCO Aironet 350, my 
certificates are generated from my LINUX BOX. So I am getting the 
cer-clt.p12 and root.der and install it to my clients PC. We also have a 
Microsoft 2000 domain controller and at the same time DHCP server, my 
problem right now is that my XP workstation and MS 2000 Pro cant logon 
to the domain. As what I understood, upon PC boot up you have to press 
cntrl-alt-del and choose either to logon to a domain or this 
computer At this point, the PC is not yet certified to access the 
network because the re-certification will take place after you 
logon.  If choosing domain, my workstation cant logon but if choosing 
this computer its OK only I can  not run a script to MAP to the domain 
server. And if I am going to access the server from Network Places its 
going to ask me the domain username and password which is expected coz I 
did not logon to the domain in the first place. How can I configure the 
freeradius to authenticate first before the ctrl-alt-del window comes up.
How can I configure my radius.conf or my radius in such a way that it is 
going to ask the user to input the password from the Linux radius first 
and after successful verification its going to ask the domain password. 
For sure in this way we can now logon to the domain. The typical boot up 
procedure for windows 2000 PRO and XP is that you have to click or press 
ctrl-alt-del to logon and you can either choose this computer or a 
certain domain and after it its going to check the certificate. Can we 
reverse the process? Can we verify the certificate first before domain 
logon option? Please help...
Has anyone have tried Freeradius EAP-TLS with Microsoft Domain logon 
Thank you...

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Re: EAP/TLS problems

2003-08-08 Thread Artur Hecker
> On my AP there is:
> Access requests: 2
> Access Retransmissions: 6
> Timeouts: 8

apparently, your AP thinks that it never got answers back. why? be sure,
the message sent by the server arrives at the AP and is recognized as an
answer. you can do so by using other auth types for debugging purposes
in order to exclude the possibility that the whole NAS is not accepted/
not working properly e.g.

> I have been proud to be able to get it working for LDAP and other
> password methods. Just not TLS.

with the same AP? that would be strange.

> I understand that Alan is overworked with the development and all the
> "stupid" questions but you could be little nicer. Thanks for the Artur
> Hecker for a nice informative reply which gives me a new direction to
> look for the problem. A new direction on the problem solving is
> something I need.

alan says it isn't notification, so it probably isn't since he knows
what the rest of the messages means. but, obviously what is sent by the
server is not accepted/recognized/received/whatever at the AP. verify


Artur Hecker Groupe Accès et Mobilité
hecker[at]enst[dot]fr Département Informatique et Réseaux
+33 1 45 81 750746, rue Barrault 75634 Paris cedex 13  ENST Paris

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Re: EAP/TLS problems... The last mail 4/4

2003-08-07 Thread Artur Hecker
up realm NULL
> rlm_realm: No such realm "NULL"
>   modcall[authorize]: module "suffix" returns noop
> users: Matched DEFAULT at 152
>   modcall[authorize]: module "files" returns ok
> modcall: group authorize returns updated
>   rad_check_password:  Found Auth-Type Eap
> auth: type "EAP"
> modcall: entering group authenticate
>   rlm_eap: EAP packet type notification id 3 length 13
>   rlm_eap: EAP Start not found
>   rlm_eap: EAP Identity
>   rlm_eap: processing type tls
>   rlm_eap_tls: Initiate
>   rlm_eap_tls: Start returned 1
>   modcall[authenticate]: module "eap" returns ok
> modcall: group authenticate returns ok
> Sending Access-Challenge of id 111 to
> EAP-Message = 0x010400060d20
> Message-Authenticator = 0x
> State =
> 0xbd8f41c6e071299128c6ce0dc7f91f4f9940313f7634261e79895ffc8fc17910b2f9657f
> Finished request 6
> Going to the next request
> Waking up in 6 seconds...
> rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host, id=111,
> length=132
> Sending duplicate reply to client CTI-AP2000:6001 - ID: 111
> Re-sending Access-Challenge of id 111 to
> --- Walking the entire request list ---
> Waking up in 3 seconds...
> --- Walking the entire request list ---
> Cleaning up request 5 ID 110 with timestamp 3f314099
> Cleaning up request 6 ID 111 with timestamp 3f314099
> Nothing to do.  Sleeping until we see a request.
> Sorry but e-mail client didn't allow mails that long...
> Thanks for replys in advance:
> Antti Mattila
> --
> -
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Artur Hecker Groupe Accès et Mobilité
hecker[at]enst[dot]fr Département Informatique et Réseaux
+33 1 45 81 750746, rue Barrault 75634 Paris cedex 13  ENST Paris

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Re: EAP-MD5 and User-Password

2003-08-05 Thread Artur Hecker

> An entry for an EAP user can look like this (say):
> "joe"  Auth-Type := eap, User-Password == "hello"
> Session-Timeout = 300
> (side note: is the Auth-Type := eap part really necessary? I would expect
> not since the eap module apparently adds the Auth-Type attribute to the
> config list regardless of what's included in the user entry)

it's not. set it to system or local before. it's more correct to let it
be set by authorize section. eap module in authorize will do so if it
finds relevant eap-message included.

> The users file man page says this about the == operator (applied to the
> User-Password attribute above):
> "Attribute == Value"
> As a check item, it matches if the named attribute is present in the
> request, AND has the given value. Not allowed as a reply item.
> And RFC 2269 says :
> [Note 1] An Access-Request that contains either a User-Password or
>   CHAP-Password or ARAP-Password or one or more EAP-Message attributes
>   MUST NOT contain more than one type of those four attributes.
> I take this to mean that the EAP-Message attribute and User-Password
> attribute are mutually exclusive, i.e. you can never have a User-Password
> attribute in a request if it has an EAP-Message attribute.

yes, they are: in the access-request. that's logical: user-password as
an attribute is only necessary when you use PAP. if CHAP is used,
CHAP-Password attribute is used instead, when EAP is used, EAP-Message
is used (since the method can contain more than just a "password"), etc.
that's so far very consistent.

the only problem you have is that you are generally confusing
User-Password check item in the user configuration with the attributes
sent in the Access-Request (which is not further suprising, since the
names are the same). The fact is that the Radius server never sends
Access-Requests except for proxying and the User-Password never appears
in the Access-Requests containing EAP-Message since it is only used
locally. thus, the both can not appear in the Access-Requests at the
same time, which is perfectly RFC conform.

now, for the probable reason: in EAP/MD5 you as a server receive the
EAP/Identity and issue the EAP/MD5-Challenge (both contained in the
EAP-Message attribute). then you get the answer back and this has to be
verified against some shared secret. you CAN probably stock this secret
in some special file, some new check item or something else. the guys
simply re-used User-Password. remark: CHAP-Password would have been
perhaps more logical since EAP/MD5 is almost identical to CHAP with MD5
*BUT* unfortunately CHAP-Passwords *are* sent in the Access-Replies and
are thus not local check items.

that's my understanding of the whole story. they just needed place where
to put the password in.

> The above user profile does indeed work on 0.8.1 for EAP-MD5. But it
> shouldn't work, as far as I can see, since we have a check item
> (User-Password) which does not technically match any attribute in the
> request (User-Password isn't even present, since the request contains an
> EAP-Message). The request should not make it past the authorization stage.
> Any comments?

it doesn't match any attributes in the request. BUT: the EAP-Message is
present and thus the message is treated by EAP-module (the Auth-Type is
explictly set to := EAP if EAP-Message is found). the latter happens to
look for the password in the User-password check item of the user

now, try to find an RFC which prescribes where EAP-Message verificator
gets the user's password from. you probably won't since it's an
implementation issue and IETF is all about protocols.


Artur Hecker

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LEAP exchanges

2003-06-27 Thread Artur Hecker

could anybody provide me a fast pointer to the Cisco LEAP authentication
exchanges in 802.1X, i.e. between STA, Authenticator and AuthServer? A
small compilation would be great like in the EAP-MD5 faq
( Alternatively just say
me how many messages are required.

i can't recall this being sent through the list recently...

thanks for your help.


Artur Hecker

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2003-06-18 Thread Artur Hecker
not after SP1

"Mauricio Rocael García Ocaña" wrote:
> xp, XP 802.1X client  support EAP/MD5 for wireless links, only need you,
> setup this, in authentication,
> we try
> att.
> Mauricio
> - Original Message -
> From: "Artur Hecker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2003 11:29 AM
> Subject: Re: EAP/MD5
> >
> > hello
> >
> >
> > > does it make sense to have a users file with MD5 passwords and try to
> > > authenticate XP wireless clients ?
> > > (configuration is 801.x wireless LAN 3com client, 3COM Access Point and
> > > linux freeradius server).
> >
> > almost. the users file has to contain clear text passwords, because
> > otherwise no verification is possible. and: the XP 802.1X client does
> > not support EAP/MD5 for wireless links anymore...
> >
> >
> > > if it does what should be the values of the attributes Auth-Type and
> > > User-Password  in the entry associated with the login name in the users
> file ?
> > > (login name and MD5 encrypted password doesn't work)
> >
> > you should take a look at the EAP-MD5 howto at
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >  ... MD5 encrypted password _can't_ work.
> >
> >
> >
> > ciao
> > artur
> >
> >
> > --
> > Artur Hecker
> > Département Informatique et Réseaux, ENST Paris
> >
> >
> > -
> > List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See
> >
> -
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Artur Hecker

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2003-06-18 Thread Artur Hecker


> does it make sense to have a users file with MD5 passwords and try to
> authenticate XP wireless clients ?
> (configuration is 801.x wireless LAN 3com client, 3COM Access Point and
> linux freeradius server).

almost. the users file has to contain clear text passwords, because
otherwise no verification is possible. and: the XP 802.1X client does
not support EAP/MD5 for wireless links anymore...

> if it does what should be the values of the attributes Auth-Type and
> User-Password  in the entry associated with the login name in the users file ?
> (login name and MD5 encrypted password doesn't work)

you should take a look at the EAP-MD5 howto at

 ... MD5 encrypted password _can't_ work.



Artur Hecker
Département Informatique et Réseaux, ENST Paris

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Re: freeradius demo

2003-06-14 Thread Artur Hecker

> primary i want to demonstrate the functionallity of radius, but the
> possibilities to demostrate it are restricted (i have just my notebook for this)...

no problem, all instances can run on the same machine.

> why windows? i thought that it is one benefit of radius that you have
> centralized authentication there?! so i thought it would be an idea to demonstrate
> how the radius server authenticates a user from the w2k ads and another user
> from the unix passwd file?

well, you have centralized authentication but that has nothing to do
with the fact that some radius implementation can use active directory
and others password files. that is principally independent of the
protocol definition.

> perhaps you can tell me about a good tutorial or another ressources where
> the features of radius are explained or demonstrated!?

you should definitely begin by reading the base radius rfc. then you'll
see what's radius in the first place and also what it is not. ietf does
not define where you get your information from or how you store it; in
the most cases ietf only defines how two hosts can exchange some data,
i.e. the protocol somehow related to ip. radius IS before all such a
protocol. there is a concept behind it. the intentions are described in
the rfc. so read it. then, there is a book too.

in order to understand the concept, look for explanations on AAA e.g. on
the web



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Re: freeradius demo

2003-06-14 Thread Artur Hecker

it depends on what you want to demonstrate. do you want to demonstrate
radius or do you want to demonstrate FREEradius?

in order to demonstrate the radius functionality you will probably need
some kind of service which a user tries to get access to. radius is
supposed to provide aaa services and usually deals with some service.
so, if you try to set up an impressive demonstration you should first
think about that, than get yourself a service access point which is
radius-enabled and demonstrate the whole, like e.g. most classic use of
radius (how it was conceived in the first place) for a dial-up access:

if the people know what radius is and want to see what freeradius is,
then you should demonstrate the extensibility of freeradius, its vast
configuration options, its modular principle and the function in full
debug mode, etc.

in any case, i don't see what you want to do with a windows machine. the
whole is principally independent of the operating system. freeradius
runs on the majority of unixes and with a little luck under some
unix-environment of win32.


> hi,
> i am a student and have to make an essay about radius.
> the problem is that i want to demonstrate how it works, but i dont have any
> idea how i should do it?!
> i thought about to use a vm on my laptop (xp) with linux on it and another
> vm with w2k server... then i want to use radtest with a user account from the
> ads on the w2k server? but how does it work? is this the proxy feature?
> greetings
> knut
> [i use freeradius 0.5 on a suse 8.1 machine.]
> --
> +++ GMX - Mail, Messaging & more +++
> Bitte lächeln! Fotogalerie online mit GMX ohne eigene Homepage!
> -
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Artur Hecker

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Re: Unique WEP's without LEAP

2003-06-12 Thread Artur Hecker
look, you take a card and a linux pc, you install a patched AP emulation 
and you run it. it WOULD work - theoretically.

in my mail i explained why it would'nt practically. but his idea is 
basically not so wrong.

Frank Cusack wrote:
On Thu, Jun 12, 2003 at 07:58:05PM +0200, Artur Hecker wrote:

all in all, your problem is rather practical, theoretically it would work.

It won't work.  No AP vendor in their right mind would implement such
a thing.
Then again, no vendor in their right mind would implement static unchanging
keys! ;-)
The difference, though, is that WEP is a standard whereas what the OP is
proposing is not.

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Re: Unique WEP's without LEAP

2003-06-12 Thread Artur Hecker

Actually I don't want Freeradius to create the keys or deliver the WEP keys to 
the end
user. The end user will have already entered in her unique WEP key manually. 
ok, in your first post you didn't precise that.

	radius just needs to authenticate based on MAC, and tell the access point which WEP 
	key to use when talking with that client.

All of the WEPs would be created in advance, and entered into the client's 
and into a database/file which is readable by Freeradius.
so, you want the WEP keys being delivered out of some file based on the 
MAC address. while i agree that this is possible and theoretically 
different than to deliver the keys to the user, this is not supported by 
freeradius. (besides, practically, the keys are delivered encrypted to 
the  access point and the access point delivers at least some of them 
encrypted to the user; the interface between AP and user is defined in 
the 802.1X document, i.e. AP has to be set in the "EAP enabled" mode).

in the most general case key delivery means key management and key 
management should be bound to the authentication. that brings you back 
to eap, unfortunately for you :-) that's how freeradius does it right now.

you will have to patch freeradius in order to do fixed key delivery 
without previous authentication. this is definitely feasible, but you 
will also have to take a closer look on your AP and see if it can 
install WEP keys dynamically without EAP. then, AP will have to send the 
broadcast key to the user, you will have to verify how it is going to 
encrypt it and who is going to decrypt it on the user side.

all in all, your problem is rather practical, theoretically it would work.


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Re: Unique WEP's without LEAP

2003-06-12 Thread Artur Hecker
Tracy, John wrote:
> Hi,
> 	I'm actually wanting the per-user WEP key to stay static accross a 
user's sessions. So I want per-user weps, but not rotating them. Does 
this make any sense?
> Thanks,
> John

no, because you want the wep key(s) to be created/delivered by 
freeradius at least once. from this point on, it does not make any 
difference if you do it daily or only once in a lifetime.

the problem is the key management. and giovanni is basically right that 
without using a key management you can't have one in the first place.

you have to use EAP. the best for what you want to do, is something 
which wouldn't oblige you to deploy complicated things on the user 
equipment. that basically throws EAP/TLS out of competition. if you use 
cisco equipment, try LEAP. it is supported by freeradius and is 
basically user+password. client software from cisco runs under each 
windows version.

peap or ttls would be nice too. i don't think they are already supported 
by freeradius though, but it seems to be in development.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 06/12/2003 09:53:20 AM:

In a nutshell, can a Cisco Aironet 350 Access Point accept a per-
user WEP key from Freeradius (and can Freeradius serve it one)?
Well, you're trying to re-invent EAP without actually using EAP.  Can't 
get there from here; if you want the security of per user rotating WEP 
keys, you _have_ to do some form of eap (leap, peap, eap-tls, etc.).

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Re: Definition of the users in freeradius

2003-06-11 Thread Artur Hecker

eap/md5 is no more available for wireless connections under windows xp
since sp1. win2k i don't know, it's probably the same. that is
principally independent on the DLINK driver.

on the other hand, peap is not yet supported by freeradius for as far as
i know.

you can use eap/tls and cisco leap instead (proprietary cisco client
supplied with cisco cards). tls faq document is linked from the
freeradius site.


Jean-Guillaume LALANNE wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am quite a newbie in the freeradius administration.
> I managed to install it on a freebsd box (version 0.8.1) but  I have quite a
> few problem to understand how it works.
> I have installed the 802.1x patch for win2K on my laptop and the driver for
> my DWL 950+ (WIFI card DLINK).
> On another hand, I have my DWL 1000AP+ that is configured on the use of my
> freeradius (IP,port,secret + encryption 128 lifetime 30 minutes).
> When I set up my wlan network on win2K for using 802.1x authentication, it
> proposes me 2 choices :  certificate or PEAP ...
> But not EAP/MD5 challenge. I suppose that DLINK driver is only able to deal
> with these 2 above cases.
> I set PEAP. when I activate my connexion, I get in my freeradius logs, the
> following error message :
> " ...
> Auth: Login incorrect :
> [\\/] (from
> client private-network-1 port 0 cli 
> ..."
> I suppose that I failed to set up my user in freeradius. I use mysql as
> storage for freeradius.
> I put :
> groupname = toto
> user =  password= belongs to toto.
> auth-type = EAP
> Is it enough or exact ?
> Has anyone an idea of my problem ?
> Any help would be nice.
> Thank in advance,
> Best Regards
> Jean-Guillaume
> - Original Message -
> From: "Mark Lowe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Wednesday, June 11, 2003 2:57 PM
> Subject: Re: :rlm_eap: Failed to link EAP-Type/md5
> > yeah i cottoned on to --disable-shared not working, despite a couple of
> > posting saying it did (perhaps 10.1). usual deal with apple's dynamic
> > linking etc.  If/when i find a solution i'll post it to this group..
> > meanwhile i'm just installing on linux as i was only really looking at
> > installing it on 10.2 for development.
> >
> > cheers mark
> >
> > On Wednesday, Jun 11, 2003, at 13:07 Europe/London, Paul Hampson wrote:
> >
> > >> From: Mark Lowe
> > >> Sent: Tuesday, 10 June 2003 11:38 PM
> > >
> > >> I'm trying to get free radius running on osx 10.2.6
> > >
> > >> I've read the archives and found some references to similar problems.
> > >
> > >> Everything builds, it bails at run time complaining of a failed link
> > >> and file not found .
> > >
> > >> ./configure --with-mysql-lib-dir=/Library/MySQL/lib --disable-shared
> > >> make
> > >> make install
> > >
> > >> radiusd -X
> > >
> > >> pukes this
> > >
> > >> Module: Loaded eap
> > >>   eap: default_eap_type = "leap"
> > >>   eap: timer_expire = 60
> > >> rlm_eap: Failed to link EAP-Type/md5: file not found
> > >> radiusd.conf[596]: eap: Module instantiation failed.
> > >
> > >> I'm looking through the configure script and make logs but if anyone's
> > >> has solved this then i'd appreciate the pearls of wisdom.
> > >
> > > If I remember correctly, this was usually solved by disabling
> > > EAP. I _think_ it doesn't work in --disable-shared mode, since it
> > > relies on having shared libraries.
> > >
> > > I could be very wrong, but no-one else seems to have answered yet,
> > > so I thought I'd throw it out there. :-)
> > >
> > > --
> > > =
> > > Paul "TBBle" Hampson
> > > Bubblesworth Pty Ltd (ABN: 51 095 284 361)
> > >
> > > The Creation of the Universe was made
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Artur Hecker

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Re: roadwarriors using smart cards

2003-06-11 Thread Artur Hecker
hi norbert

i didn't get the following points:

1. why would you do need PPP _after_ IPSEC at all? -and-

2. why is the PPP auth type important if the underlying connection is 
already using IPSEC? you can use PAP if you want, it will be encrypted 
anyway - it is what you seem to do currently. so where is the problem?

besides, i would like to know which smartcards you use under windows and 
if the driver is native in windows or provided by the smartcard 

and finally: i don't see how it is related to radius. the answer from 
the radius point of view could be to give you the list of supported PPP 
authentication protocols:

- MSCHAP (v1 and v2 for as far as i know)
- EAP:
did i forget something?

Norbert Wegener wrote:
Sorry for this crossposting, but I think this question touches more than 
one list.

We are using rp-l2tp+pppd+freeradius+freeswan for a while to setup 
l2tp/ipsec roadwarrior connections.
The ipsec connection is authenticated via certificates, the l2tp/ppp 
connection via login/password and freeradius.

Configuring those connections on the windows side, you can easily choose 
to use certificates on smart cards to authenticate the l2tp/ppp 
connection instead of using login/password.
Starting such a connection first the ipsec tunnnel is setup up, then 
rp-l2tp starts pppd which does not seem to know  how to do EAP-TLS 
authentication against freeradius.
I suppose, there is no code available in pppd to do EAP-TLS authentication.

Nevertheless: Is there any other known method to use smart cards instead 
of login/password for l2tp/ipsec connections?

Norbert Wegener Phone : (49) 201 2661 379
SBS Essen   Fax:(49) 201 2661 377
Germany Mail:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (intranet)

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Re: Using /dev/random with EAP-TLS defunct

2003-06-06 Thread Artur Hecker
i've noticed the same in my case. i think that /dev/random is generally
too slow, because it searches the random numbers on the fly, one after
another, so radius waits till it gets enough numbers.

rather use /dev/random from time to time offline to produce fixed files
which you can define for radius usage (e.g. per cron dd from /dev/random
into a file).


Sepp Rudel wrote:
> Hi,
> when trying to use /dev/random (on Linux) as
> random_file and dh_file in EAP-TLS config, radiusd
> hangs forever during start up while initializing tls
> module. Should this work? Would it make anything "more
> secure" if I could use /dev/random instead of some
> static file?
> __
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Artur Hecker

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Re: FreeRadius - DLINK DWL-900+ - 802.1.X

2003-06-04 Thread Artur Hecker
hi Pascal

as Alan already advised you, try to read the EAP/MD5 faq. what you keep
on posting is NOT an error. there CAN'T be any user-password attribute
with EAP/MD5 or CHAP methodes.


Pascal PELONI wrote:
> My mistake : this is the good extract of the log file :
>  Auth: Login incorrect: [tst1/]
> At 17:24 03/06/2003 +0200, you wrote:
> >I forget to say that :
> >
> >1. the authentication works well with radtest !
> >
> > $ radtest tst1 pp 1 test
> > Sending Access-Request of id 68 to
> > User-Name = "tst1"
> > User-Password =
> > "\323\366\273\363\371Z\250]\231(w\265?\346G\253"
> > NAS-IP-Address = localhost
> > NAS-Port = 1
> >rad_recv: Access-Accept packet from host, id=68, length=20
> >
> >2. with my AP I have the following output in radius.log :
> >
> > Auth: Login incorrect: [pelo/]
> >
> >Thanks.
> >
> >At 16:58 03/06/2003 +0200, you wrote:
> >>I've already read the FAQ and the README's, but it still doesn't work.
> >>
> >>Here is part of my config :
> >>
> >>radiusd.conf
> >>
> >>modules {
> >> eap {
> >> default_eap_type = md5
> >> md5 {
> >> }
> >> }
> >>}
> >>
> >>authorize {
> >> eap
> >>}
> >>
> >>authenticate {
> >> eap
> >>}
> >>
> >>client.conf
> >>---
> >>client localhost {
> >> secret  = test
> >> nastype = other
> >> shortname   = test
> >>}
> >>
> >>huntgroups
> >>--
> >>TESTNAS-IP-Address ==, NAS-Port-Id == 0-3
> >>
> >>users
> >>-
> >>DEFAULT Huntgroup-Name == "TEST"
> >> Framed-IP-Address =
> >>
> >>tst1User-Password == "pp"
> >>
> >>tst2Auth-Type := Local, User-Password == "pp"
> >>
> >>Could someone help ?
> >>
> >>Thanks, PP.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>At 09:31 30/05/2003 -0400, you wrote:
> >>>Pascal PELONI <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>> > The problem is that when I try to authenticate with my AP & W2K, it
> >>> doesn't
> >>> > work :
> >>> >
> >>> > # less /var/log/radius.log
> >>> > Thu May 29 18:17:07 2003 : Auth: Login incorrect: [aa/ >>> > attribute>] (from client ap-wlan port 0 cli 00-40-05-CB-AD-7C)
> >>>
> >>>   Read the FAQ and the README's.
> >>>
> >>>   Read the FAQ and the README's.
> >>>
> >>>   Read the FAQ and the README's.
> >>>
> >>>   Read the FAQ and the README's.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>   Did I mention I *really* meant that you should read the FAQ and the
> >>>README's?
> >>>
> >>>   Alan DeKok.
> >>>
> >>>-
> >>>List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See
> >>>
> >
> >
> >- List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See
> >
> -
> List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See

Artur Hecker

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Re: freeradius+ldap+mschap

2003-04-03 Thread Artur Hecker

peap is not yet supported in freeradius.


Narasimha Reddy Gujja wrote:
> Hi
> I have a wlan in which the RADIUS authenticates the wireless card with it's
> MAC address stored in ldap.
> Now i want to use MSCHAP/PEAP with userbase in ldap.
> How can i do this.
> Thanks
> -
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Artur Hecker

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Re: FreeRadius/Wireless Lan

2003-04-03 Thread Artur Hecker

Tiago Jose Goncalves Lages wrote:
> In my WLAN I use the Orinoco AP2000 Access Points, and they are configured
> to do the authentication with a freeRadius Server using the 802.1x
> protocol. The Access Point clients are WinXP and authenticate themselves
> with chap password. This authentication is always rejected by the server.
> When debbuging the freeRadius I get the following message:

ok, what are you talking about? 802.1X does not know ANYTHING about
CHAP. CHAP is a protocol written and defined for PPP whereas 802.1X
defines methods in order to be able NOT to use PPP over local area
networks. 802.1X only defines transport for EAP, which is much more
general and represents a kind of alternative for CHAP.

Do you mean EAP/MD5? In the example you've provided, you seem to use
EAP/MD5 whether you are aware of it or not.

> EAP-Message = "\002\206\000\n\001steve"
> Message-Authenticator = 0x7cdb58060b48171b109623c2173416ac
> modcall: entering group authorize
>   modcall[authorize]: module "preprocess" returns ok rlm_chap: Could not
> find proper Chap-Password attribute in request
>   modcall[authorize]: module "chap" returns noop
>   modcall[authorize]: module "mschap" returns notfound
> rlm_realm: No '@' in User-Name = "steve", looking up realm NULL
> rlm_realm: No such realm NULL
>   modcall[authorize]: module "suffix" returns noop
> users: Matched steve at 80
>   modcall[authorize]: module "files" returns ok modcall: group authorize
> returns ok
>   rad_check_password:  Found Auth-Type Local auth: type Local auth: No
> User-Password or CHAP-Password attribute in the request auth: Failed to
> validate the user. Delaying request 176 for 1 seconds Finished request 176

if you want to use EAP/MD5, you should configure the eap module in the
authorize and authenticate sections, see the EAP/MD5 FAQ on


Artur Hecker

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2003-04-03 Thread Artur Hecker

> I've activated EAP-MD5 in a Windows XP PC (without SP1). This supplicant
> supports EAP-MD5.
> I've two differents clients with Windows XP. First has Windows XP with SP1,
> and second has Windows XP without SP1.

ok, in this case, you have to see what happens on the authenticator. as
i said before, it is impossible to see what's wrong, since what you
provided was a successful log of freeradius. be sure, that you
authenticator really sends the EAP Success to the supplicant and what it
does then. Does it establish the routing as it should, etc.?


Artur Hecker

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2003-04-02 Thread Artur Hecker

ok, now i know what was the problem with MD5. Windows XP after SP1 does
not support MD5 for wireless devices. however, i ask myself how you
could activate it because it is not available as a type for wireless

answering to your question: no, PEAP is not yet implemented in


> Windows XP 802.1x supplicant seems to support only EAP-TLS and PEAP(-MSCHAP)
> authentication methods.
> EAP-TLS is built in FreeRADIUS, and I've tested and it works fine.
> But, how about PEAP? It's supported by FreeRADIUS?
> If not, it's supported by another 'free' RADIUS system?

Artur Hecker

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Re: FreeRADIUS + EAP-MD5 +WindowsXP supplicant ERROR!

2003-04-02 Thread Artur Hecker


- freeradius authenticates the user
- windows XP "thinks that it is authenticated", so it has received the
EAP Success message

right? then, except your AP implementation is broken or some
incompatible L2 features are activated on the two ends of your L2-link,
your L2 link should be established. thus, any further problems should be
L3 problems: incorrect address, dead DHCP, wrong routes, i don't know

anyway, make sure the above assumptions are true. windows sometimes
shows "connected" symbol although it DOES NOT "think" that it is
authenticated correclty. the status of the authentication can be found
in your Network device list.

if the assumptions are true, then let me put it this way:
- EITHER your AP is broken or your link improperly configured
- OR your network/windows XP are not IP-configured correctly

choose one...

for troubleshooting: can you connect without problems when no EAP is
activated? deactivate EAP on your access point *without touching
anything else* and see if you can connect with your windows. if not you
have identified your problem.

it is difficult to deduce more from what we know so far...


Israel Cardenas Romero wrote:
> Hi,
> i'm trying FreeRADIUS with HostAP and OpenLDAP to build a 'secure' AP.
> I've configured it to work with EAP-TLS and it work's fine with the Windows
> XP supplicant.
> But if I configure it to work with EAP-MD5, it seems not to work:
>  - the Windows XP client is configured with EAP-MD5
>  - it takes login and password from user
>  - FreeRADIUS seems to validate him correctly (here is the log):
> rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host, id=3,
> length=231
> User-Name = "Nombre2 Apellido2"
> NAS-IP-Address =
> NAS-Port = 1
> Called-Station-Id = "00-50-C2-10-92-82:SecureAP"
> Calling-Station-Id = "00-0B-46-26-1B-E2"
> Framed-MTU = 2304
> NAS-Port-Type = Wireless-802.11
> Connect-Info = "CONNECT 11Mbps 802.11b"
> EAP-Message =
> "\002\004\000'\004\020\226f\026\271\\\235\202\247\206~^\367\026pV\242Nombre2
> Apellido2"
> State =
> 0x548fc174e88138adeecadde08ef4263f2e078b3ee6798cd2f2fd877659244ef7889a108c
> Message-Authenticator = 0x3da5ed71acd933e4d3f404747dae12ee
> modcall: entering group authorize
>   modcall[authorize]: module "preprocess" returns ok
> rlm_ldap: - authorize
> rlm_ldap: performing user authorization for Nombre2 Apellido2
> radius_xlat:  '(uid=Nombre2 Apellido2)'
> radius_xlat:  'ou=Wireless,dc=sgi,dc=es'
> ldap_get_conn: Got Id: 0
> rlm_ldap: performing search in ou=Wireless,dc=sgi,dc=es, with filter
> (uid=Nombre2 Apellido2)
> rlm_ldap: Added password izadisan in check items
> rlm_ldap: looking for check items in directory...
> rlm_ldap: Adding radiusExpiration as Expiration, value 11 & op=21
> rlm_ldap: Adding radiusAuthType as Auth-Type, value EAP & op=21
> rlm_ldap: looking for reply items in directory...
> rlm_ldap: user Nombre2 Apellido2 authorized to use remote access
> ldap_release_conn: Release Id: 0
>   modcall[authorize]: module "ldap" returns ok
> modcall: group authorize returns ok
>   rad_check_password:  Found Auth-Type EAP
> auth: type "EAP"
> modcall: entering group authenticate
> rlm_eap: Request found, released from the list
> rlm_eap: EAP_TYPE - md5
> rlm_eap: processing type md5
>   modcall[authenticate]: module "eap" returns ok
> modcall: group authenticate returns ok
> Sending Access-Accept of id 3 to
>     EAP-Message = "\003\004\000\004"
> Message-Authenticator = 0x
> Finished request 30
> Going to the next request
> Waking up in 6 seconds...
>  - Windows XP client thinks itself it's authenticated, because don't try to
> login more
>  - but the network is not accesible for the client...

Artur Hecker

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Re: WPA w/ RADIUS for WinXP

2003-04-02 Thread Artur Hecker
:-) why is it crazy?

i didn't take a look yet, but it seems to me that it's not the first
time you mention it :-)


Alan DeKok wrote:
> "Ian Pritchard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Either way, it's good news for freeradius, right? If both WPA modes are on
> > all APs, then you will be able to point any Wi-Fi certified AP at Freeradius
> > and use EAP to authenticate.
>   There's also 802.11f, which allows roaming between AP's, and
> re-authentication.  It's crazy, and it'll be painful to implement,
> because of that.
>   Alan DeKok.
> -
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Artur Hecker

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Re: WPA w/ RADIUS for WinXP

2003-04-02 Thread Artur Hecker
hi Ian

> 1. Wi-Fi Alliance certified Access Points will very shortly be required to
> be WPA-capable.

yes, it's intended to include WPA in the verification process.

> 2. You will be able to turn WPA on or off (at least initially).

yes, plus mixed mode.

> 3. When WPA is turned on, there will be two modes available:
> i) Pre-Shared Key (PSK) mode for Home/Soho use with no RADIUS server.
> ii) RADIUS mode with EAP.
> I can't see from the literature if being able to do *both* of these modes is
> mandatory, or if there will be APs shipping with just the first one for the
> SoHo market. What's your impression?

well, the second comprises the first, so the real question is, will
there be any hardware with SoHo only? i would say yes, since they can
hardly dictate the implementation of RADIUS clients on all APs and,
let's be honest, it's far too complicated for a home user... so, i think
they will perhaps write something like "SoHo" under the logo or i don't
know what.

in the case of doubt, such hardware will be available without the WiFi
logo... there is nothing to verify anyway: today, all 802.11 hardware is
based above the same bunch of chipsets (3 or 4) which cooperate quite

> Either way, it's good news for freeradius, right? If both WPA modes are on
> all APs, then you will be able to point any Wi-Fi certified AP at Freeradius
> and use EAP to authenticate.

well, it improves the security. additionally, TKIP and all other WPA
methods are implemented by some manufacturers since some time now... so,
it's perhaps logical to define it and to test those one against another.
i only hope, that it won't produce too much disorder
(WEP/WPA/802.1X/802.11i - puhhh - you don't need to study in order to
run a two nodes network, right?)

for the corporate market though i think that 802.11i is still necessary.
802.11i is often seen as a too big deal but we shouldn't forget that the
per packet usage of a stream cipher over unreliable media (RC4 in WEP)
was probably one of the most misunderstood cryptographic proposals
ever... it has to go away, sooner or later.


Artur Hecker

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Re: WPA w/ RADIUS for WinXP

2003-04-02 Thread Artur Hecker
hi - replying to myself...

i mentioned the whitepaper before but didn't say where it can be found.
shame on me! so, update here. and another thing to think about: WPA
defines a new "mixed mode", meaning that WEP and WPA can be used at the
same AP simultaneously. please be concsious that in such case ALL
hardware will run in the less secure classic WEP mode if only ONE device
demands WEP. so, you have to upgrade EVERYTHING if you want to use WPA

so, here is the "whitepaper":

it's a little bit commercial and sometimes even wrong but it's official

wrong is for example that:

Enterprise-level User Authentication via 802.1x and EAP
WEP has almost no user authentication mechanism. To strengthen user
Wi-Fi Protected Access implements 802.1x and the Extensible
Authentication Protocol
(EAP). Together, these implementations provide a framework for strong
authentication. This framework utilizes a central authentication server,
such as
RADIUS, to authenticate each user on the network before they join it,
and also employs
“mutual authentication” so that the wireless user doesn’t accidentally
join a rogue
network that might steal its network credentials.

the 802.1X framework DOES NOT employ mutual authentication. in contrary,
EAP methods *can* provide mutual authentication (like EAP/TLS does), but
802.1X itself is one-sided (client is authenticated) and has been much
critisized for (client never sends Requests, only Responses).

but well, be it... anyway, most important citation:

Wi-Fi Protected Access and IEEE 802.11i Comparison

Wi-Fi Protected Access will be forward-compatible with the IEEE 802.11i
specification currently under development by the IEEE. Wi-Fi Protected
Access is a
subset of the current 802.11i draft, taking certain pieces of the
802.11i draft that are
ready to bring to market today, such as its implementation of 802.1x and
TKIP. These
features can also be enabled on most existing Wi-Fi CERTIFIED products
as a software
upgrade. The main pieces of the 802.11i draft that are not included in
Wi-Fi Protected
Access are secure IBSS, secure fast handoff, secure de-authentication
disassociation, as well as enhanced encryption protocols such as
features are either not yet ready for market or will require hardware
upgrades to
implement. The IEEE 802.11i specification is expected to be published at
the end of

so, as I said: no AES (despite what has been said on the list).

more information can be found at


Artur Hecker

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Re: WPA w/ RADIUS for WinXP

2003-04-02 Thread Artur Hecker
hi ian

WAP is a standard of the wifi consortium, trying to improve 802.11
security without hardware modifications. so, first of all, WEP is
replaced by something slightly different but based on the same
cryptographic bricks (so, answering to one of your questions: no, no AES
so far). then, they added signed message integrity code (MIC) and 802.1X
authentication (instead of WEP based authentication called SKA) and
perhaps some other things i don't remember right now (you need to go to
the consortium site and download the whitepaper, if interested).

all that WPA stuff is a considerable improvement compared to the raw
802.11 methods and can be achieved in the most hardware on the market
(and already sold out) by simple firmware updates. that's the deal. the
"real" upgrade (including AES) is expected for the late summer 2003 and
is called 802.11i.

now, answering to the remaining questions: 802.1X doesn't prescribe any
special EAP procedure, why should WPA - which simply integrates 802.1X -
do so in your opinion? to give you one argument for this choice: just
think that even EAP/MD5 is actually better than unhappy SKA... and if
you want dynamic keys you will naturally need something different. in
fact, the whole idea of 802.1X is based upon the assumption that it
remains extensible by using EAP and does not imply the usage of
whatsoever real auth method.

the real and simple reason however is that the 802.1X-authentication
does not need to be implemented in the WiFi hardware - i.e. neither in
the wi-fi cards nor in the wifi access points, so it is completely out
of scope of the WPA specification.

hope this helps.


Ian Pritchard wrote:
> Hi,
> I saw the following announcement that Windows XP has a patch that will allow
> it to support WPA:
> As far as I understand it, WPA includes 802.1x. The document states:
> "For environments with a RADIUS infrastructure, Extensible Authentication
> Protocol (EAP) and RADIUS is supported."
> It also says:
> "802.1x authentication is required in WPA"
> However, I can't find anything there or in the WPA documentation which
> specifies which EAP flavours are required. Will EAP-TLS be mandatory, or
> TTLS, MD5 or one of the other flavours? What about AES?
> Thanks,
> Ian
> _
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Artur Hecker

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Re: Encryption...

2003-04-01 Thread Artur Hecker

> When you use edit the clients list in Radius there is a key or
> password "test123" per clients, what does this really do?

you should perhaps simply download and read the current RADIUS RFC,
would you?

> I understand that it can provide a simple auth for the NASes,
> but does it not provide encryption?  Again I don't mean to question you,
> but just a learning process.  Without question one can't progress in the
> learning process.  Any information and advice would be greatly
> appreciated.

all this is nicely described in the RFC, just read it.


Artur Hecker

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Re: freeRadius & AP on same physical machine. Possible?

2003-03-31 Thread Artur Hecker
of course it's possible, where is the problem?

Nikhil Chauhan wrote:
> Hello:
> Is it possible that freeRadius and AP functionality (on a WLAN NIC
> card) be on
> the same physical machine...
> Comments appreciated.
> Regards,
> Nikhil.
> --
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Artur Hecker

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Re: EAP/MD5 authentication problem!

2003-03-27 Thread Artur Hecker

what you've sent is the following:

eap response identity
md5 challenge
then new eap response identity
and new challenge issued by the server
take a look at the EAP-Message attribute to approve this.

so, from the server's point of view there was no problem. however, it 
never received the necessary response to its challenges.

thus, the problem is either on your radius client (access device) or at 
your user (winXP). what are you trying to do exactly?


Narasimha Reddy Gujja wrote:
Hi Artur

Iam sending the server debug output file. 

Iam trying to authenticate wireless users with XP system. My userbase is in 

Any suggestion will be great. Thanks in advance.

radiusd -X -A*
Listening on IP address *, ports 1812/udp and 1813/udp, with proxy on 1814/udp.
Ready to process requests.
rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host, id=13, 
User-Name = "Bob"
NAS-IP-Address =
Called-Station-Id = "00-02-2d-47-23-58"
Calling-Station-Id = "00-02-2d-50-a3-f3"
NAS-Identifier = "RadiusAP"
Framed-MTU = 1400
NAS-Port-Type = Wireless-802.11
EAP-Message = "\002\002\000\010\001Bob"
Message-Authenticator = 0x108ee1364eaf6d73afd4fca020f4ce04
modcall: entering group authorize
  modcall[authorize]: module "preprocess" returns ok
  modcall[authorize]: module "eap" returns updated
users: Matched Bob at 3
  modcall[authorize]: module "files" returns ok
modcall: group authorize returns updated
  rad_check_password:  Found Auth-Type EAP
auth: type "EAP"
modcall: entering group authenticate
rlm_eap: processing type md5
rlm_eap_md5: Issuing Challenge
  modcall[authenticate]: module "eap" returns ok
modcall: group authenticate returns ok
Sending Access-Challenge of id 13 to
Service-Type = Framed-User
Framed-Protocol = PPP
Framed-Routing = Broadcast-Listen
Framed-MTU = 1750
Framed-Compression = Van-Jacobson-TCP-IP
EAP-Message = "\001\r\000\026\004\020HU\235\272in;q~\373)$\304*\360<"
Message-Authenticator = 0x
State = 
Finished request 0
Going to the next request
--- Walking the entire request list ---
Waking up in 6 seconds...
--- Walking the entire request list ---
Cleaning up request 0 ID 13 with timestamp 3e8118e4
Nothing to do.  Sleeping until we see a request.
rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host, id=14, 
User-Name = "Bob"
NAS-IP-Address =
Called-Station-Id = "00-02-2d-47-23-58"
Calling-Station-Id = "00-02-2d-50-a3-f3"
NAS-Identifier = "RadiusAP"
Framed-MTU = 1400
NAS-Port-Type = Wireless-802.11
EAP-Message = "\002\002\000\010\001Bob"
Message-Authenticator = 0x2b66e939f74c34a4a996282607247b8d
modcall: entering group authorize
  modcall[authorize]: module "preprocess" returns ok
  modcall[authorize]: module "eap" returns updated
users: Matched Bob at 3
  modcall[authorize]: module "files" returns ok
modcall: group authorize returns updated
  rad_check_password:  Found Auth-Type EAP
auth: type "EAP"
modcall: entering group authenticate
rlm_eap: processing type md5
rlm_eap_md5: Issuing Challenge
  modcall[authenticate]: module "eap" returns ok
modcall: group authenticate returns ok
Sending Access-Challenge of id 14 to
Service-Type = Framed-User
Framed-Protocol = PPP
Framed-Routing = Broadcast-Listen
Framed-MTU = 1750
Framed-Compression = Van-Jacobson-TCP-IP
EAP-Message = "\001\016\000\026\004\020J\347\0236\344K\371
Message-Authenticator = 0x
State = 
Finished request 1
Going to the next request
--- Walking the entire request list ---
Waking up in 6 seconds...
--- Walking the entire request list ---
Cleaning up request 1 ID 14 with timestamp 3e8118ec
Nothing to do.  Sleeping until we see a request.



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Artur Hecker
Département Informatique et Réseaux, ENST Paris
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Re: Réf. : Re: radius / winxp troubles

2003-03-26 Thread Artur Hecker
sorry for the delay.

I've tried to install the certificate in the local machine store. It 
worked for the Certificate Authority Root, but I don't know where to 
install the private key certificate. I've tried to put it in the 
Personal store. It works when I'm loging as a local admin, but it still 
doesn't work as an "network user". I think it's a matter of acces right 
to the certificates database, or maybe that the system don't access to 
the local certificates base when it's trying to log on the network. So 
I'm still stucked with that matter.
i don't know exactly, this is an XP configuration problem... basically, 
you have to put the certificates into the user certificate store and not 
into the machine cert store... use mmc in order to do so.

you can also demand password usage for every private key access, so you 
will know when exactly the certificate is touched.

i wanted to do the same here, just in order to test it, but i don't have 
much time...

je n'avais pas vu que vous étiez enseignant à l'enst paris. Je suis 
étudiant à l'enst bretagne, en première année par alternance.
oui, je l'ai compris grace a votre adresse email :) moi, je suis 
doctorant en fait...


Artur Hecker
Département Informatique et Réseaux, ENST Paris
List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See

Re: EAP/MD5 authentication problem!

2003-03-26 Thread Artur Hecker

that's not very correct. eap/md5 is still supported for wired links for 
as much as i know. please provide input on that topic.

Marco Teixeira wrote:
Do you have Service Pack 1 on XP ? If you do,
you should know that after XP SP1, microsoft
no longer supports EAP/MD5. Instead you should use
PEAP/MSCHAP i guess. There's a good tuturial on this
at the freeradius site.
Best regards


-Mensagem original-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Em nome de 
Narasimha Reddy Gujja
Enviada: terça-feira, 25 de Março de 2003 17:57
Assunto: EAP/MD5 authentication problem!

Hi All

I have enabled MAC based authentication for my wireless 
network using RADIUS 
and LDAP. Now I want to authenticate using EAP.
I have serveral doubts.

I configured my client machine to use 'EAP/MD5' and i 
configure the Access 
Point to use '802.1x'.

My problem is that the client(read XP system) machine is not 
authenticated by 
the server, it stays on asking to enter 
username and password, but is not authenticated.

Please look into my conf files and log and help me out.

Also how can i check for password in LDAP, instead in the users file.

It will be a great help and thanks for your patience.

Bob   Auth-Type := EAP, User-Password = "public"
Service-Type = Framed-User,
Framed-Protocol = PPP,
Framed-Routing = Broadcast-Listen,
Framed-MTU = 1750,
Framed-Compression = Van-Jacobsen-TCP-IP
eap {
#default_eap_type = md5
# Supported EAP-types
md5 {

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List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See

Artur Hecker
Département Informatique et Réseaux, ENST Paris
List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See

Re: EAP/MD5 authentication problem!

2003-03-26 Thread Artur Hecker
please provide server debug output.

we can't help you without.


Narasimha Reddy Gujja wrote:
Hi All

I have enabled MAC based authentication for my wireless network using RADIUS 
and LDAP. Now I want to authenticate using EAP.
I have serveral doubts.

I configured my client machine to use 'EAP/MD5' and i configure the Access 
Point to use '802.1x'.

My problem is that the client(read XP system) machine is not authenticated by 
the server, it stays on asking to enter 
username and password, but is not authenticated.

Please look into my conf files and log and help me out.

Also how can i check for password in LDAP, instead in the users file.

It will be a great help and thanks for your patience.

Bob   Auth-Type := EAP, User-Password = "public"
 Service-Type = Framed-User,
 Framed-Protocol = PPP,
 Framed-Routing = Broadcast-Listen,
 Framed-MTU = 1750,
 Framed-Compression = Van-Jacobsen-TCP-IP
eap {
 #default_eap_type = md5
 # Supported EAP-types
 md5 {

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Artur Hecker
Département Informatique et Réseaux, ENST Paris
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