Re: [Freevo-users] The future of Freevo(.org)

2014-01-25 Thread James Trietsch
, to those who applied little tweaks that made all the difference. 
And especially to those who dared to document it all. It's been amazing, 
and it sure as heck isn't over. It's just... changing. Evolving.

James Trietsch
Oregon, USA

On 1/20/2014 10:38, Dirk Meyer wrote:

 I have no idea how many people still read this list, how many people
 still use Freevo 1.x, and how many people use 2.0 from git (I guess that
 is only me).

 I failed to get a release of Freevo 2 out. I changed too much, a
 complete rewrite and some parts are also written three or four times. My
 fault, I know -- an error made years ago and when noticed, it was too
 late to change it. And since I started a new job four years ago my time
 working on Freevo got smaller and smaller every month. Jason also is
 completely busy with his job.

 I still say Freevo 2 is ready to use, but I will not release it. I'm not
 sure it works with the latest clutter or gstreamer, I only know it works
 for me. It lacks many important features such as DVD playback (I have a
 BluRay Player) and TV recording. I do not need it and I don't have time
 to code it.

 Besides that, XBMC has a much bigger community, UPnP is enough for many
 people (even I use NAS + BubbleUPnP + TV sometimes) and new development
 such as Chromecast will reduce Freevo's usefulness even further.

 I will continue to use Freevo 2, I may even write an Android client for
 it (after learning Python with Freevo which was useful for getting my
 current job, hacking Android is a good next step), but I see no real
 future for Freevo without a live community and more people hacking code.
 If someone contributes something, I will add it. If someone needs help
 to get Freevo 2 running, I will provide it.

 Since we also lack someone maintaining the server we host and I do not
 want to pay for something we don't need, I will shut it down at the end
 of February. This means the SVN and the Wiki will be gone. If someone
 wants a backup of the Wiki please tell me. The code is already on github
 and will remain there. The mailing list on SF will continue and so will
 the mail server hosting and all mail addresses will continue
 to be valid.

 Maybe after some time someone resurrects Freevo. I would love to pass
 the maintainership over to someone just as I took it over from Krister
 years ago. Maybe someone takes the kaa-stuff and writes something new
 and better. I'm happy to assist and I think the same is true for Jason.
 Maybe I will release something someday based on the current code.

 It was a great time, I learned a lot and it was much fun.



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[Freevo-users] M2TS streams in Freevo (was: The future of Freevo 2.0)

2011-09-14 Thread James Trietsch
Phil and Jason:

I was talking about a metadata parser for M2TS containers. Right now it 
seems like it's hit or miss... sometimes it will pick up the data and 
give me a duration, but most of the time I get a duration of 'None'. I 
know I said I could look into it... but between being busy and then 
being unmotivated, I admit I haven't really made progress on that front. 
If anyone else happens to be looking at adding metadata parsers to 
kaa.metadata, don't wait for me... -_-

Phil, the HD PVR sounds like a good solution to consider. Having the 
video show up on /dev/video0 would definitely be less of a headache. 
Right now I'm using a slightly-hacked copy of dvgrab to grab the stream 
over firewire and it works, but it fails more often than I'd like.

The direct-firewire capture does have a few major features to its 
advantage. It captures the raw M2TS so any video overlays the cable box 
might add such as the programming guide or info window don't appear in 
the recording. The videos are recorded in their broadcast aspect and 
resolution with no black bars: HD channels are 1920x1080, local TV 
stations arrive in 1280x720 and the SD channels are  640x480. It also 
records full A52/AC3 surround audio and it even includes the 
closed-captioning stream, which I've played back as subtitles through VLC.

Jason, I had a few notes to add to the conversation about my experience 
with MPlayer and M2TS playback. It does it, but it's not perfect. One of 
the major problems is that seems to assume the internal video timing 
(time code?) will start at zero, but with video grabbed from a stream, 
this isn't always the case. This leads to weird time displays like 
2:10:05 / 1:00:00. It correctly reports the video is an hour long, but 
the internal time code started at two hours. This usually doesn't affect 
playback and is just cosmetic.

Also MPlayer occasionally has difficulty finding the proper length of a 
video, but this doesn't affect playback either. In fact, it may be 
somehow related to bitrate issues, because everything is proportionally 
changed. For example, if you have a one hour video that MPlayer somehow 
decides is only 30 minutes long, it plays back fine and the on-screen 
timer will be moving at half-speed (i.e., it counts up one second for 
every two real seconds of video). I first noticed this when hammering on 
the video thumbnail creator to make it work with M2TS... some videos 
were detected as the wrong length, but if you set your seek to half that 
value, you still landed in the middle of the video.

Finally, a non-cosmetic problem I've had is the audio sync suddenly 
going way off track. I have a suspicion of what's happening... that the 
network video stream has one time code, but when the local cable 
operator breaks away for local commercials, the inserted video has a 
different time code. MPlayer sees the time jump and says !!! and tries 
to resync the audio and video. And of course when the channel comes back 
out of local commercial, the time code jumps again. I have a file with 
an example of this and about 2/3 of the way through the audio falls out 
of sync and never really recovers by the end of the show.

I tried re-encoding the video (even to a different format/container) and 
the sync issues persist. They don't appear on the HD concert videos I 
grabbed from Palladia, but in retrospect, Palladia doesn't have any 
local advertising that I could see (at least not during those concerts): 
It was all network video, so there weren't any time code breaks.

For the first and last problem, it almost makes me wish there was a 
command-line option for MPlayer to make it use its own internal 
free-running timer for its calculations, but still use the video time 
code for the video output... I know it's needed to figure out frame 
orders if they arrive out of order.

So having said all this, I know there's probably not much we can do, 
since MPlayer is its own entity, and as discussed previously, we (the 
Freevo community) aren't keen to hack on MPlayer just for our own 
purposes. But perhaps this could be something to consider when thinking 
of what video playback method to use in the future.

And of course, as far as recording goes, I think a built-in raw firewire 
capture would be awesome! But I may be a demographic of one. No worries, 
that's what makes Freevo good in my book: Need something more? Write it 
in yourself!


Springfield, OR  USA

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Re: [Freevo-users] The future of Freevo 2.0

2011-07-26 Thread James Trietsch
I thought I'd chime in here too. I admit I haven't even tried any other 
HTPC packages out there. I went with Freevo from the start and have been 
using it ever since, from it's humble beginnings (in my hands) playing 
back video and audio in a beige box tower, to the TV-tuning, cable box 
controlling, radio streaming, podcast-playing powerhouse that it is now 
(and in a nice Antec HTPC case, too).

I do like the customization and plug-in architecture. It allows me to 
put in just the idlebar stuff I want, or if I'm not playing games I can 
take that out completely. I will admit I feel you need to be more 
knowledgeable to do the configuration... wading through the local_config 
file can be daunting at times. It will be nice when it's eventually an 
easy to use system of menus (either on-screen or via web).

And speaking of web, love the web interface. I use it almost exclusively 
for scheduling and keeping tabs on programs. Just last week I was over 
100 miles from home when I realized I'd forgotten to set a recording for 
the Formula One race. All I had to do was whip out my phone, call up the 
web page and set the recording. Piece of cake!

But the number one reason I love Freevo is because Python is not a 
terribly hard language to learn. If Freevo had been written in C/C++, I 
might have gotten enough motivation to contribute. But with it being in 
Python, it was easy to jump in and start twiddling and tweaking and see 
the results immediately, without any recompiling. The barrier to entry 
for anyone who wants to contribute or even just modify their local 
version is a lot lower, in my opinion. And that is good!

As for the future of it, I'm eager to see Freevo 2.0. Just listening to 
everyone talk about the plans in these last few e-mails has gotten me 
excited all over again. I don't know how much I can contribute just yet, 
but a few things sparked my interest:

* Streaming source - I don't know if I can help make it happen, but I 
vote for it. I haven't been dabbling in the direct-over-firewire 
recording I was working on before, mostly because I don't have the grunt 
to play back anything more than SD resolution and haven't found a good 
re-encoding solution/setting for what is recorded in HD. I should dust 
it off and give it some more work. But this leads me to...

* M2TS parser - Obviously goes hand-in-hand with the above, since the 
output from the cable box is a raw MPeg2 TS stream. I'd be willing to 
give it a look and see if I can make heads-or-tails out of the spec and 
how to adapt it to the metadata parser. I wouldn't count on me for 
this... but if I get some spare time I'd give it a try.

I had a few other issues with the direct-recording... but that's a 
discussion for another thread.

Regardless, I love the way things are looking.

Springfield, OR  USA

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Re: [Freevo-users] Play From Start / Resume

2011-02-16 Thread James Trietsch
On 2/15/2011 17:57, Jim Duda wrote:
 The latest svn beta release has a new feature that allows you to play a
 video from the start or resume from where you left off.  Sometimes I
 get the option when I start a video and other times not.  I cannot seem
 to find any consistent behavior.

 How is this supposed to work?  (Using mplayer).

Jim, as far as I know, it depends on if there's a resume bookmark 
associated with that video file. There's been code in place for a while 
to set a bookmark when you manually stop a video, and you could go into 
the submenu for the video and pick 'Resume Playback' and it would start 
from where you left off (plus or minus a minute or so). Once the video 
finishes 'normally', this resume bookmark is removed.

Now it's a little more noticeable, popping up the menu when you go to 
play an item, rather than making you pick the option out of the submenu. 
I think it's a good idea in the long run, although a little part of me 
still thinks there should be an option to disable it. But that's for 
further consideration at a later time.

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Re: [Freevo-users] What is freevo doing while Idle?

2011-02-14 Thread James Trietsch
On 2/13/2011 06:17, Jim Duda wrote:
 I have always found the LIRC remote with freevo rather annoying.  It certain
 doesn't work anywhere near as smooth as a remote works with like a Cable TV
 box.  It would be wonderful if the remote experience could be improved with
 Freevo.  I just assumed that it was as good as could be given that the remote
 is so fundamental to the HTPC framework.  It never even occurred to me that
 something might be wrong.

I seem to have missed the start of this conversation somewhere (when 
Adam was talking about his remote woes and hoops to jump through). I was 
curious what kind of annoying things your LIRC remote does? I've been 
using LIRC with Freevo for as long as I've had a remote for my Freevo, 
first with a home-built IR receiver (from the LIRC webpage schematics) 
with a variety of remotes, and now with an iMON VFD. I've never had any 
problems with them that I would classify as annoying. I'm sure it's not 
as smooth as a cable box remote, but it's certainly been a smooth, happy 

My only minor gripe right now is that when a key is held down on the 
iMON remote, it sends the repeating commands rather quickly. Not a 
problem, I set most of the buttons to not repeat... except for the 
directional buttons, because it's better to hold down and zip through a 
menu than to press down each individual time. You have to use a light 
touch on it when you only want to send one direction command... I've had 
times I've pressed it to skip forward in video and suddenly found myself 
watching three minutes later. ^_^

Just my own curiosity of what issues you're having. Or maybe it's a 
relative thing... and that a minor gripe to me is an annoyance to you.


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Re: [Freevo-users] What is freevo doing while Idle?

2011-02-14 Thread James Trietsch
Nver mind! Turns out I had unread messages before read ones and I 
thought I was up to date when really there were older ones (in this 
thread) that I hadn't read.

Sounds like I need to look into this LIRC_KEY_REPEAT config variable. It 
might be just what I'm looking for to slow down the repeat rate on the 


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Freevo-users mailing list

Re: [Freevo-users] Strange behaviour of music player on 1.x svn

2011-02-13 Thread James Trietsch
On 2/13/2011 11:17, Manuel Borchers wrote:
 Hi all,

 after upgrading to 1.x svn, I am seeing a strange behaviour of the music
 player component:

 When the playlist reaches its end, the music stops and freevo goes back
 to the directory view (where I started the player), but it doesn't react
 on any keypresses.
 When I hit ESC, the screen goes back to the last player view (i.e. last
 title played, time stopped at the last position). When hitting up /
 down, freevo returns to the correct directory view and reacts again as
 Anything I'm missing here or should I fill in a bug report?
I can confirm this one too... it's one I first noticed when audio 
podcasts would finish and I thought I had screwed something up when I 
made the podcast item inherit from Audioitem instead of just Item.. It 
was later I'd discover this wasn't the case and that it also affected 
playlists when they ended 'naturally'.

It's been around for quite a while in SVN, from what I remember, I just 
haven't remembered to bring it up here on the list yet. And I can't 
blame anyone for missing it... I figure a lot of audio playing activity 
doesn't let a playlist end on its own, either because it's a live stream 
(I do those a lot) or the user decides to end the playback before the 
playlist is done.

For me, once the playlist ends the Freevo goes back to the 
directory/menu view (LCD follows too) but it won't respond to commands. 
Pressing ESC has no visible effect, but now the menu responds. It's like 
the player view is deleted/destroyed, but control is never returned to 
the underlying menu until the user presses ESC.

I'm pretty sure this doesn't happen when the player has been detached, 
only when the player view is on screen.

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Freevo-users mailing list

Re: [Freevo-users] Wonderful work everyone! (And first impressions of the latest SVN)

2011-01-20 Thread James Trietsch
On 1/20/2011 08:46, Adam Charrett wrote:
 I've used cancel to allow me to restart the freevo interface by adding a
 while loop in the shell script that start freevo, means I can easily
 restart the interface without waiting for the whole system to reboot.
 Can you raise a feature request for this on the tracker.
Hey, now that's a neat idea I never thought about. Granted, usually when 
I need to restart the interface, I'm either already hacking on it (so 
I'm logged in) or it's crashed/wedged so bad I can't get back to the 
main menu through the interface.

I'm just thinking out loud here, but wouldn't it be interesting to have 
a hidden 'restart interface' button, like the 'hibernate' option in 
Windows XP? XP normally shows 'Standby', 'Shutdown' and 'Restart'. But 
if you hold down shift, 'Standby' turns into 'Hibernate'. What if 
pressing Display while at the shutdown menu, 'Reboot' turned into 
'Restart Interface'? Again, just thinking out loud here. ^_^

 Try out the proper skin 'blurr' rather than my amateur he's what you can
 do with this base skin :-)

Oh ho! 'Here's a quarter, go get yourself a real interface skin?' ^_^

I'm using Blurr, as selected through the interface. I checked and short 
of some local modifications I'm playing with, all the files in 
share/freevo/skins are up to date with SVN. Of course as I admitted in 
the last e-mail, things in my local copy got a bit wonky for a while. 
I'll back up my changes to the skin fxds and revert them and see if it 
changes anything. In the meantime, is there somewhere else I need to go 
to get this proper 'Blurr' skin? Or is it affected by something outside 
of share/freevo/skins?

Thanks for your help. Always appreciate it.

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Freevo-users mailing list

[Freevo-users] Wonderful work everyone! (And first impressions of the latest SVN)

2011-01-19 Thread James Trietsch
So for reasons I won't get into (complicated story, and probably 
embarrassing too), despite SVN updates my files were being held back 
because the old copies were considered my working copies and the current 
revisions were being overwritten... I finally sat down today and 
untangled the mess (thank you, revert command!) and fired it back up. 
Some little growing pains (see below) but I got it going and all I can 
say is:

Holy Smokes! It's looking sharp! Great job and many kudos to both the 
developers and everyone out there running Freevo and testing it and 
making suggestions. Maybe it's just because it's been so long since I've 
seen an actual update, but this leap was huge.

Quick things that come to mind:

Biggest problem I had was the system exiting two seconds into playing 
any audio, no traceback or anything. If I started audio and immediately 
kicked it into the idlebar (pressing 'display'), it would play fine. 
When I tried to 'Show Player', it finally coughed up a traceback:

Traceback (most recent call last):
   File /usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/freevo/, line 
296, in eventhandler
 consumed = app.eventhandler(event)
   File /usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/freevo/, line 
858, in eventhandler
 self._handle_play_item(menu, event)
   File /usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/freevo/, line 
663, in _handle_play_item
 action(arg=arg, menuw=self)
   File /usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/freevo/, line 
106, in select
 self.function(arg=self.arg, menuw=menuw)
line 157, in show
line 142, in _attach
   File /usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/freevo/audio/, 
line 151, in show
   File /usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/freevo/audio/, 
line 183, in refresh
 skin.draw('player', self.item, transition=transition)
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'transition' referenced before assignment

It would appear the definition of 'transition' is held inside an if 
statement, although the skin.draw statement is not. When the if 
statement is bypassed, 'transition' is never set. I fixed it by adding 
'transition=None' before the if statement, but this may need to be 
better fixed.

LOVE the new text entry screen, and I love the triple-tap shortcuts. I 
just was a little thrown when it came time to enter the line after 
triple-tapping it in. I pressed 'Enter', but since the selector was on 
the 'A', it added an A to the entry box. Perhaps if the triple-tap is 
used, the selector jumps to 'Search', so all you have to do is press 
'Enter' to go?

I also love the new shutdown screen with the colorful icons. The option 
to reboot is very welcome! However, I think it needs a more obvious 
'Cancel'. I pressed 'Exit' thinking it meant exit the dialog box... 
oops! I know now I can use escape to get out of it, but that's not 
immediately apparent. Perhaps under the three buttons have a long bar 
for 'Cancel'?

And speaking of 'Exit', is there an option to get rid of that button for 
those of us with stand-alone dedicated Freevos? On my box, pressing 
'Exit' will drop you to a terminal window (on the TV) full of leftover 
log information and the only way to restart it is to power cycle or ssh 
in and restart the front-end service. For me, better to just have 'Power 
Off' and 'Reboot'.

Tried out the Category Search... I really like it, but I think it needs 
some kind of indicator when there's more than one episode for a listed 
show. Obviously you should select a category to find shows, but I 
couldn't figure out why some shows immediately displayed information and 
some didn't... until I selected one that didn't have any info and found 
the whole submenu of episodes. Again, something that isn't immediately 
obvious. I'm not sure how to do it yet (perhaps something like the icons 
in the Recordings Manager, or display episode names in the info area, 
also like RM?) but it's something to consider.

Finally, and this is purely aesthetics... the new dialog boxes look a 
little strange. I think it's because they have lightweight borders (one 
pixel?) and light font weights, when the rest of my interface (Blurr) 
has heavy borders and bolder fonts. It just doesn't look like it fits. I 
also liked the old progress bar (white bar inside blue box) rather than 
the new red bar, but I _do_ like it showing numerical progress (like 
5/10) when available. The bouncing red bar for the indefinite wait bugs 
me... I'd rather see a throbber of some sort that stays put and animates.

Which reminds me, I see the clock icon for the lower right corner is now 
animated. That was a great surprise.

Okay, I think I've said enough (for now). And I'll probably have changed 
my mind on some of these things an hour from now. But I just 

[Freevo-users] Videothumb broken in latest SVN (and beta?)

2011-01-07 Thread James Trietsch
Hi guys. I just went back to the Freevo after a bit of a break and 
realized that the video thumbnails aren't generating, automatically or 

I've had a long standing issue (that nobody else seems to have?) where 
kaa tries to import distutils.util and it throws an exception saying 
there is no module util:

Traceback (most recent call last):
/usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/freevo/util/, line
40, in module
 import util
/usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/freevo/util/, line 73
, in module
 from fileops import *
   File /usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/freevo/util/, 
line 47, in module
 import kaa.imlib2
   File /usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/kaa/imlib2/, 
line 31, in module
 from version import VERSION
   File /usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/kaa/imlib2/, 
line 4, in module
 from kaa.base.distribution.version import Version
line 2, in module
 import distutils.util
ImportError: No module named util

I've always had luck fixing this by renaming util/ to 
something else, but that was just a lucky guess long ago. I really have 
no idea what's wrong or why that would 'fix' things.

Now, it looks like a whole new kettle of fish. Now I get this:

Traceback (most recent call last):
   File /usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/freevo/, line 
299, in eve
 consumed = app.eventhandler(event)
   File /usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/freevo/, line 
856, in eve
 self._handle_play_item(menu, event)
   File /usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/freevo/, line 
661, in _ha
 action(arg=arg, menuw=self)
   File /usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/freevo/, line 
106, in sel
 self.function(arg=self.arg, menuw=menuw)
/usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/freevo/video/, line
511, in create_thumbnail
/usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/freevo/util/, line
112, in snapshot
 image.mode = 'RGBA'
AttributeError: can't set attribute

This is beyond my understanding at present... apparently you can get 
image.mode but not set it? Regardless, it's causing the thumbnail 
generation to die and not make any thumbnails for videos.

Hopefully this is an easy solution?

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Freevo-users mailing list

Re: [Freevo-users] Xine audio stream metadata

2010-11-17 Thread James Trietsch

From: Paul
Sent: Fri, November 12, 2010 11:49:58 AM
Subject: [Freevo-users] Xine audio stream metadata

I have set up arch linux on a new hard drive to run freevo 1.9 and found to my 
dismay that mplayer still has the same issues it had on Ubuntu (skipping 
stuttering play of CD's and audio files) I thought this was due to pulse audio 
on Ubuntu but clearly not. Thus I will have to return to Xine for audio 
which is fine except I have never been able to get Freevo to broadcast audio 
stream metadata (song tite, artist) from Icecast/shoutcast stations using 
however with Mplayer it works fine. Has anyone had success with this?

What kind of skipping and stuttering are you having playing CDs in  mplayer? I 
have a problem where the buffer runs out while playing,  although not until 
after track 3 or 4 on any given disc. It's not a stutter so much as a gap in 
playback about 5 seconds long while the drive gets sorted out and starts 
data again. Setting a  bigger cache helps a little, setting the CD speed to 
around 8x (-cdda speed=8) clears it  up, but this seems odd to me, since should 
anything better than  realtime be able to fill the buffer?

It seems to be that my CD-ROM reads out enough data to fill the buffer, then 
while waiting to read more, it spins down. By the time it gets the next read 
command, it can't spin up fast enough and find where to read from before the 
buffer empties and the music stops. I thought it was a problem with the CD-ROM 
so I tried playing in Xine and like you, I found there are no problems. Very 

Still stranger, I know it didn't always do this. I was able to play back CDs 
with the drive ticking over at 2x, with the read light blinking almost 
Now it seems to read a strip to fill the buffer, then wait for the buffer to 
down to 15% before attempting to read more. I believe I've tried to lower the 
cache or even remove it, but that just ends in disaster all around.

Anyone have an ideas, especially some setting I may have made with hdparm that 
didn't think mattered but it turns out made a big difference? Oh yes, this 
happens in Freevo and on the command line, so it's definitely something to do 
with MPlayer, or some other external widget.

Thanks guys.


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Freevo-users mailing list

Re: [Freevo-users] freevo password protect directory not working

2010-10-05 Thread James Trietsch
- Original Message 

 From: John Molohan
 Cc: Senufo
 Sent: Mon, October 4, 2010 2:38:08 PM
 Subject: Re: [Freevo-users] freevo password protect directory not working
   On 04/10/2010 08:33, Senufo wrote:
  I have  write a small patch. You can found it on the bugs traker.

 Thanks for the patch  Senufo.

John, Senufo, Dana:

This used to work a while ago... I have at least one directory that I put a 
.password file into and it would ask for a password before entering it, but 
somewhere between then and now it stopped working.

I haven't tried the patch yet, but I'll give it a shot. I wanted to bring this 
up so we didn't have a patch with all new code to do something that's still in 
the code, but broken. Of course if the patch fixes the broken code, then it's 
all good. ^_^



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Freevo-users mailing list

[Freevo-users] It's upgrade time!

2010-10-05 Thread James Trietsch
Back when I first put together this box (at least 5 years ago) I was just 
tinkering, seeing if it could be done. Maybe looking for something to play back 
AVIs on CDs over the TV set. Getting the capture card and recording TV was a 
bonus, but never an original plan. Back in those days, HD wasn't even on my 

Now... well... what with my successful experiments in capturing full-res 
from my cable box, I've found that it can play back SD captures easily, but 
doesn't have the oomph to play back HD (not by a long shot for 1080i). So I'm 
coming to the community for some upgrade advice.

Right now, I've got an AMD XP1900+ and the tried-and-true Matrox G400 MAX. What 
I'm hoping is that I can get an XP3200+ CPU (the last and greatest of the 
AMD CPUs) and keep my existing motherboard.

I'm a little less clear when it comes to video cards. Now that I'm using the 
input on my TV, I can let go of the Matrox (don't need the great NTSC output 
anymore). I'd also like something that can do 1280x720 or 1920x1080 (or maybe 
960x540 for 1080i) so I could dial up natural HD resolutions. Hardware 
acceleration would be a big plus, but MPEG2 hardware playback isn't a 
since I've heard that's straight-output without the ability to filter or scale 
or whatnot.

I would like a card that will take me into Freevo 2.0 territory, when the time 
arrives. I remember someone mentioning quite a while ago an nVidia card (8xxx?) 
that performed well and even had a passive heatsink, so no extra fan noise. 
Anyone have any ideas in that direction?

Also, with the direct-MPEG capture comes AC3 digital audio... any advice on a 
low-cost audio card that has a digital output that works with the direct AC3 
output in MPlayer?

That's all I got so far, I hope it's not too confusing. Follow-up questions are 
always welcome, of course! And thank you in advance for any advice you can send 
my way.


P.S. The Freevo can play back direct-captured SD video and I swear it looks 
better than HD that's been scaled down and letterboxed by the STB, sent to the 
Freevo via composite (I know, but it's the only option), captured and then 
cropped and scaled for playback. And even more silly, the direct-captured SD 
only looks better, but the file size is smaller! ^_^


Beautiful is writing same markup. Internet Explorer 9 supports
standards for HTML5, CSS3, SVG 1.1,  ECMAScript5, and DOM L2  L3.
Spend less time writing and  rewriting code and more time creating great
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Freevo-users mailing list

Re: [Freevo-users] Insecure String Pickle when starting Recordserver

2010-09-24 Thread James Trietsch
I think I solved it on my own, after a bit of hammering and research. The 
.pickle may have gotten truncated somehow, possibly when I did a hard-reset one 
time during some recent tinkering.

I trimmed up the end of the file (as best I could tell), then spent way too 
battling an EOFerror. Turns out Pickle was looking for the 's.' at the end of 
the file. Once I added that, it re-loaded into the recordserver without 
an exception.

Nothing has complained yet... so we'll see if it has its memory back.


- Original Message 
 From: James Trietsch
 To: Freevo Users List
 Sent: Thu, September 23, 2010 10:08:14 PM
 Subject: [Freevo-users] Insecure String Pickle when starting Recordserver
 Did some recent upgrades to Debian and I seem to have broken the 

 It throws an exception trying to load the  previouslyRecorded.pickle:
 2010-09-23 21:49:47,517 (275): Got  
 (version 3).
 Traceback (most recent call  last):
 line  1612, in module

 line 1578, in main
 recordserver = RecordServer()

 line 142, in __init__

 line 1449, in updateFavoritesSchedule

 line 782, in removeScheduledRecording

 line 474, in removeRecordingFromSchedule

 line 421, in removeDuplicate

 line 322, in loadPreviouslyRecordedShows
  self.previouslyRecordedShows = pickle.load(open(cacheFile, 'rb'))
 ValueError:  insecure string pickle
 2010-09-23 21:49:47,563 WARNING  (1620): insecure string 
 I'm researching the error as we speak, but  I thought I'd throw it to the 

 and see if anyone had a quick fix.  Obviously this isn't a killer error; I 

 dump the existing .pickle and  Freevo will start a new one. But I've done 

 kind of lobotomy at least  once before and it's always a hassle for it to 

 recording all the shows  it recorded before and was skipping the re-runs.
 Any help resurrecting  the existing previouslyRecorded.pickle would be 

 appreciated. But if  it can't be done, then it can't be done.
 Thanks  guys.
 Springfield, OR  USA


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Freevo-users mailing list

Re: [Freevo-users] Insecure String Pickle when starting Recordserver

2010-09-24 Thread James Trietsch
- Original Message 

 From: Elizabeth Dodd
 Sent: Fri, September 24, 2010 2:04:52 AM
 Subject: Re: [Freevo-users] Insecure String Pickle when starting Recordserver
 could you summarise this gem for the  wiki?

Sure. I'm suspecting that when I did a hard reset not too long after starting 
the Freevo, it may have caused an incomplete write to the 
previouslyRecorded.pickle file. Either way, the recordserver would not start, 
throwing an exception: Insecure String Pickle.

(By the way, that's got to be the most awesome exception message I've run into. 
I've been amusing my friends with it all day long.)

It appears in an attempt to keep harmful tampering to a minimum, (c)Pickle does 
basic checks before loading a pickle file. Judging from the posts on the web, 
things like Windows-style EOL characters (\n\r) instead of Linux (\n) will 
problems. In this case, the last line of the file was truncated mid-line and I 
think that was setting off alarm bells. I neatened up the end of the 
previouslyRecorded.pickle file, trying to end it at a proper boundry, but I 
think I didn't hit it exactly. It doesn't seem to cause too much trouble, but 
that last object is probably missing bits. Hopefully nothing important.

Trying to start recordserver now yeilded an EOFerror exception when trying to 
load the pickle file. I did way too much searching and trying small Python 
scripts to read in the file and write it back out and properly close it and 
doing tests in the freevo prompt shell... all no good. My research turned up 
that pickle files end with a '.', and that gave me a clue. It wasn't until I 
started up recordserver and let it create a new pickle file I found that the 
file ends with 's.' on the final line. I added that (taking steps to eliminate 
the final EOL character that vim adds by default) and the 
previouslyRecorded.pickle would then load properly into the recordserver.

I haven't had a chance to see if it's really working, or if nothing that I've 
already recorded is in the schedule right now. But that's just laziness on my 
part. Suffice to say, recordserver is reading the file without throwing an 
exception, so I'm happy again.

If you let me know where you think this should be put in the Wiki, I can give 
a go myself...



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Freevo-users mailing list

[Freevo-users] Insecure String Pickle when starting Recordserver

2010-09-23 Thread James Trietsch
Did some recent upgrades to Debian and I seem to have broken the recordserver. 
It throws an exception trying to load the previouslyRecorded.pickle:

2010-09-23 21:49:47,517 INFO (275): Got ScheduledRecordings
(version 3).
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/freevo/helpers/,
line 1612, in module
  File /usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/freevo/helpers/, 
line 1578, in main
recordserver = RecordServer()
  File /usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/freevo/helpers/, 
line 142, in __init__
  File /usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/freevo/helpers/, 
line 1449, in updateFavoritesSchedule
  File /usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/freevo/helpers/, 
line 782, in removeScheduledRecording
  File /usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/freevo/helpers/, 
line 474, in removeRecordingFromSchedule
  File /usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/freevo/helpers/, 
line 421, in removeDuplicate
  File /usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/freevo/helpers/, 
line 322, in loadPreviouslyRecordedShows
self.previouslyRecordedShows = pickle.load(open(cacheFile, 'rb'))
ValueError: insecure string pickle
2010-09-23 21:49:47,563 WARNING (1620): insecure string pickle

I'm researching the error as we speak, but I thought I'd throw it to the list 
and see if anyone had a quick fix. Obviously this isn't a killer error; I can 
dump the existing .pickle and Freevo will start a new one. But I've done this 
kind of lobotomy at least once before and it's always a hassle for it to start 
recording all the shows it recorded before and was skipping the re-runs.

Any help resurrecting the existing previouslyRecorded.pickle would be greatly 
appreciated. But if it can't be done, then it can't be done.

Thanks guys.

Springfield, OR  USA


Nokia and ATT present the 2010 Calling All Innovators-North America contest
Create new apps  games for the Nokia N8 for consumers in  U.S. and Canada
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Develop with Nokia Qt SDK, Web Runtime, or Java and Publish to Ovi Store
Freevo-users mailing list

Re: [Freevo-users] Streaming Audio Oddities fixed

2010-08-05 Thread James Trietsch
Just wanted to follow up with my problem with and I found a 
work-around, but not something I would consider a fix. On the other hand, I'm 
convinced the true fix has something to do with Sky and DI's servers.

I noticed Duncan had suggested using the mplayer_options in the fxd file but 
thought he was referring to the audio podcasts for that. For the streams, he 
suggested adding arguments by type, but I didn't want to force AAC decoding on 
all PLS playlists, because if it wasn't AAC, then Mplayer wouldn't play it.

The other day while sniffing around the Freevo files for another series of 
tweaks, I stumbled across the fact you can put mplayer_options in the fxd 
file. This was pretty much what I needed, since handing over '-demuxer aac' to 
force Mplayer to use the AAC decoder would make the streams work. I added 
mplayer-options to each of the Sky and DI entries (yay sed!) and now they 
back again. Problem worked-around.

While testing, I did notice something strange. I tried a few AAC streams from 
SOMA FM, and when you run Mplayer with verbose output, it dumps the HTTP 
SOMA's stream replies with the status 'ICY 200 OK', which is proper for a 
ShoutCast stream (I looked it up). DI and Sky, however, reply with 'HTTP/1.0 
OK'. I can't help wondering if MPlayer gets confused by the response and tries 
to find the proper codec (and somehow fails). Regardless, DI and Sky are not 
really conforming to the ShoutCast protocol, but since MPlayer seems to be the 
only player that chokes on it (Xine, VCL and foobar don't blink an eye) maybe 
nobody knows anything is wrong.

Aaanyhow... short version is it's been worked around and my web radio 
streams are back in business. I wanted to tie up the loose ends for future 
searches. Because there's nothing more aggravating than finding someone else 
with your problem and having the mail/forum thread just die out with no 
resolution. ^_^



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Freevo-users mailing list

Re: [Freevo-users] Freevo shuts down immediately after coming up

2010-06-17 Thread James Trietsch
Eureka! The hat goes on the head! (Sorry, couldn't resist a quote from Futurama)

I fixed the sporadic immediate shutdown issue. I had the good fortune of 
watching it crash right in front of me after finishing a recording. I checked a 
few things and found the filesystem was nearing capacity (again, the clean-out 
daemon runs under the GUI), so I deleted a few things and tried the GUI and it 
came up! A-ha!

Long story short, every time the remaining free space fell under the deletion 
minimums, the GUI stopped working. I enlisted a host of print statements to 
narrow down where it was crashing and on what particular program entry. It was 
giving up trying to find the last-accessed time for a particular MPEG file.

I went to check the file and found out I had an orphaned FXD! The FXD existed 
and was being put into the menu but the MPEG had somehow been removed. It was 
trying to find the last-accessed time for a nonexistent file. Why it was 
silently crashing, I'm not sure (unless it has to do with that process running 
as a daemon). I deleted the orphan FXD and everything is back to normal. It 
even cleaned up the directory back above space minimums.

By the way, the check on last modified time is something I added myself (and 
haven't submitted yet) because I had run into trouble where if the Freevo was 
recording and ran out of space while you were watching a previously recorded 
show that happened to be the best candidate for deletion... it would delete it 
while you were watching. Or it would delete it right after you finished 
watching it, so you never got a chance to mark it to keep if you wanted to keep 
it. I put in some code that anything accessed in the last 5 minutes would not 
be put on the candidate list and it seems to work. But now I may need to add 
some error-trapping to it. Or something to look for orphaned FXDs and/or MPEGs 
couldn't hurt either.

Thanks for all your support my friends, even though this turned out to be 
esoteric and weird. I figured it had to be, just by the way it was behaving.


- Original Message 
 From: John Molohan
 Cc: James Trietsch
 Sent: Mon, June 14, 2010 1:56:32 PM
 Subject: Re: [Freevo-users] Freevo shuts down immediately after coming up
Hi James,

Can you try the latest 
 version of svn and see if this still exists?



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Freevo-users mailing list

[Freevo-users] Freevo shuts down immediately after coming up

2010-06-02 Thread James Trietsch
(Figured I'd start a new mail to detach myself from that other thread)

Back on May 31st somewhere past 00:30, the frontend GUI on my Freevo decided to 
shut down. It didn't crash, it shut down in a clean and orderly manner like it 

(I just noticed I can't pin down the exact time of shutdown, because it looks 
like the header in the log that tells the time of shutdown actually tells the 
time of startup. The last stamp is 2010-05-31 00:29 but the shutdown says it 
successfully shut down on May 20th. Is this still the case?)

Now when I start the GUI, it starts up until it gets to the main menu, then it 
immediately shuts down. It shuts down just the GUI as if I had stopped the 
process (I have the shutdown plugin configured to shut down the entire box 
because it is a stand-alone install). I bumped up the debug level and it looks 
like the the system loops through checking events/LIRC/keyboard/UDPnetwork 
about four times before shutdown() is called and the system shuts down. See the 
attached log file. I trimmed it to what I think is the relevant part, but I can 
send over the whole thing if desired.

I also ran a trace on the shutdown plugin... but I don't understand the 
results. I've attached that too.

John: I'm not using autoshutdown and have it disabled. On a whim, I tried 
disabling the shutdown plugin as well, but it still behaves the same way.

Fabrizio: I don't have an auto-update, but I did manually run an update a few 
days before (conveniently forgot to mention that, didn't I? Sorry...) I'm using 
Debian Lenny and didn't think anything of it at the time because nothing 
crashed immediately after the update. Are there any packages I should be 
concerned about?

In the meantime I can log in and call up shows manually and watch them... but 
that's just a stop-gap. ^_^

Thanks for all your help guys.


  DEBUG: update(rect=[(0, 0, 720, 480)], blend_surface=None, blend_speed=0, 
blend_steps=0, blend_time=None, stop_busyicon=True)
DEBUG: rc.get_singleton(kwargs={})
app=class menu.MenuWidget at 0x893253c context='menu'
DEBUG: rc.add_app: Setting app class menu.MenuWidget at 0x893253c (context 
DEBUG: rc.get_singleton(kwargs={})
DEBUG: Main loop starting...
Freevo 1.9.2 r11675 ready
DEBUG: rc.post_event(event='FREEVO_READY')
DEBUG: rc.get_singleton(kwargs={})
DEBUG: EventHandler.post_event(event='FREEVO_READY')
DEBUG: EventHandler.poll()
DEBUG: Lirc.poll(rc=rc.EventHandler instance at 0x8695a0c)
DEBUG: Lirc.get_last_code()
DEBUG: Keyboard.poll(rc=rc.EventHandler instance at 0x8695a0c)
DEBUG: UDPNetwork.poll(rc=rc.EventHandler instance at 0x8695a0c)
DEBUG: _event_handler(event=MENU_PROCESS_END)
DEBUG: get() _player_=None
DEBUG: _event_handler(event=MENU_PROCESS_END)
DEBUG: handling event MENU_PROCESS_END
DEBUG: rc.get_singleton(kwargs={})
DEBUG: EventHandler.get_app()
DEBUG: rc.get_singleton(kwargs={})
DEBUG: EventHandler.get_app()
DEBUG: PluginInterface.eventhandler(event=MENU_PROCESS_END: class 
'event.Event', menuw=class menu.MenuWidget at 0x893253c)
DEBUG: no eventhandler for event MENU_PROCESS_END
DEBUG: PluginInterface.eventhandler(event=MENU_PROCESS_END: class 
'event.Event', menuw=None)
DEBUG: no eventhandler for event MENU_PROCESS_END
DEBUG: EventHandler.poll()
DEBUG: Lirc.poll(rc=rc.EventHandler instance at 0x8695a0c)
DEBUG: Lirc.get_last_code()
DEBUG: Keyboard.poll(rc=rc.EventHandler instance at 0x8695a0c)
DEBUG: UDPNetwork.poll(rc=rc.EventHandler instance at 0x8695a0c)
DEBUG: _event_handler(event=FREEVO_READY)
DEBUG: get() _player_=None
DEBUG: _event_handler(event=FREEVO_READY)
DEBUG: handling event FREEVO_READY
DEBUG: rc.get_singleton(kwargs={})
DEBUG: EventHandler.get_app()
DEBUG: rc.get_singleton(kwargs={})
DEBUG: EventHandler.get_app()
DEBUG: PluginInterface.eventhandler(event=FREEVO_READY: class 'event.Event', 
menuw=class menu.MenuWidget at 0x893253c)
DEBUG: no eventhandler for event FREEVO_READY
DEBUG: PluginInterface.eventhandler(event=FREEVO_READY: class 'event.Event', 
DEBUG: no eventhandler for event FREEVO_READY
DEBUG: EventHandler.poll()
DEBUG: Lirc.poll(rc=rc.EventHandler instance at 0x8695a0c)
DEBUG: Lirc.get_last_code()
DEBUG: Keyboard.poll(rc=rc.EventHandler instance at 0x8695a0c)
DEBUG: UDPNetwork.poll(rc=rc.EventHandler instance at 0x8695a0c)
DEBUG: EventHandler.poll()
DEBUG: Lirc.poll(rc=rc.EventHandler instance at 0x8695a0c)
DEBUG: Lirc.get_last_code()
DEBUG: Keyboard.poll(rc=rc.EventHandler instance at 0x8695a0c)
DEBUG: UDPNetwork.poll(rc=rc.EventHandler instance at 0x8695a0c)
DEBUG: EventHandler.poll()
DEBUG: Lirc.poll(rc=rc.EventHandler instance at 0x8695a0c)
DEBUG: Lirc.get_last_code()
DEBUG: Keyboard.poll(rc=rc.EventHandler instance at 0x8695a0c)
DEBUG: UDPNetwork.poll(rc=rc.EventHandler instance at 0x8695a0c)
DEBUG: EventHandler.poll()
DEBUG: Lirc.poll(rc=rc.EventHandler instance at 0x8695a0c)
DEBUG: Lirc.get_last_code()
DEBUG: Keyboard.poll(rc=rc.EventHandler instance at 0x8695a0c)
DEBUG: UDPNetwork.poll(rc=rc.EventHandler 

Re: [Freevo-users] Spontainious crash and collateral damage during attempted repair...

2010-06-01 Thread James Trietsch
Izio, it worked perfectly. I had disabled ipv6 ages ago when trying to 
troubleshoot a different problem and since all I ever run is v4, never needed 
to re-enable it. Once I put it back in and recompiled Python (just in case), it 
worked fine.

Now... if I can just figure out why the frontend GUI quits all by itself. Could 
it be something it ingested on Monday that is giving it a tummyache? ^_^

Any help with that problem would be greatly appriciated. I'll see what I can do 
after making the logs more verbose.

Oh, and sorry about stealing threads... I didn't realize it still kept a record 
of where the message belonged even if I changed the subject line to something 
new. I'll create new messages from now on. Thanks for pointing that out!


- Original Message 
 From: Fabrizio Ferraro
 Sent: Mon, May 31, 2010 11:56:33 PM
 Subject: Re: [Freevo-users] Spontainious crash and collateral damage during 
 attempted repair...
 James Trietsch wrote:
 In an attempt to fix, I updated kaa and freevo 
 from SVN and now I really broke it. Now the webserver and recordserver won't 
 start, but at least they're throwing an exception. Something about network 
 sockets and type needing to be an integer, related to trying to talk to the 
 recordserver I think.


Seems like kaa svn needs 
 ipv6 and your installed version of python does 
not have ipv6 support 
 compiled in.
I'm running Gentoo and I had the same problem as I disabled ipv6 
with a global USE flag when I built the system a long time 
If this is your case too, you just have to enable ipv6 and rebuild the 
system with emerge --newuse --deep world . You may have to recompile 
your kernel, too.

Hope this 



Freevo-users mailing list

[Freevo-users] Spontainious crash and collateral damage during attempted repair...

2010-05-31 Thread James Trietsch
*sigh* Just when I was praising about how good the Freevo was behaving for an 
open-source free project...

I came home today after being away for the holiday weekend to find the frontend 
GUI stopped. I tried to restart it, but it's acting very strangely. It starts 
up normally, then shows the main menu for just a fraction of a second and then 
it quits. It doesn't crash, it exits normally, with the 'shutting down' message 
and no errors or tracebacks in the log. That's what's making this particularly 
frustrating. I'm attaching the log.

In an attempt to fix, I updated kaa and freevo from SVN and now I really broke 
it. Now the webserver and recordserver won't start, but at least they're 
throwing an exception. Something about network sockets and type needing to be 
an integer, related to trying to talk to the recordserver I think. But this is 
definitely deeper in the pool than I can swim. I'm attaching those logs too.

Can anyone help, or give me further avenues to explore? I could bang my head 
against the frontend issue all day long, but without an error to work with, I'm 
flying blind and just beating myself against a brick wall. Any help would be 
greatly appreciated, especially since now the recordserver is broken. There 
isn't anything major up I want to record soon... but I'll be out of town for 
the weekend and there are a few things then I'd like to see.

Thanks again, my friends!

Springfield, OR  USA


Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data

Freevo-users mailing list

[Freevo-users] Streaming Audio Oddities

2010-05-19 Thread James Trietsch
I've got two for anyone who has a little spare time (yeah I know... who exactly 
has any spare time?)

The first is the one that I'd like to see solved the most. I'm a big fan of and and long ago set up the webradio.fxd to point to many of their 
channels. I used the 24kbps AACplus streams because they were low bandwidth but 
sounded perfectly fine to me. About a month ago, they upgraded the streams 
first to 32kbps, then 40kbps. And now Freevo won't play the streams anymore.

I did my research and found out that MPlayer is hanging up trying to figure out 
what type of decoder to use for the stream. It will decode the ICY info and 
display the current song, fill the cache to about 12% and then stall, searching 
through all the different decoder modules for something that works (and often 
going for MPEG video, spewing out plenty of errors and warnings). If I force 
the decoder with -demuxer aac, it lights up and plays without a hitch. Of 
course if I put that as part of the command line permanently, it breaks trying 
to play anything other than AAC audio.

Here's the kicker: I captured part of the stream by WGETing the url. And if I 
try to play back the captured file, it plays perfectly with no extra command 
line parameters. So I've got this terrible feeling it's something in the way 
the server is presenting the stream. I haven't yet reached out to the powers 
that be at DI/Sky... but I'm tempted to see if they have any ideas.

For the record, I'm using MPlayer 1.0rc2-4.3.2. I tried going to the latest 
snapshot a few months ago, but seeking in recorded MPEGs seemed really broken 
(grey screen, blocking and long lags in response) so I went back to 1.0rc2.

Anyone have any ideas on this one?

The second involves the podcast from National Public Radio's Wait Wait... 
Don't Tell Me show. It's the weirdest thing, without fail the playback stops 
about 10 minutes into the program. The exact time varies, but here's the truly 
bizarre part: It _always_ stops right on the break between segments of the 
show, as if there was some kind of metadata tag inside the MPEG indicating a 
break. If I restart the program (playing from the now-downloaded file) it plays 
without any issues, start to finish. I've also noticed that the displayed data 
is different from the first play and subsequent plays (I think the genre 
changes, among other things).

If anyone wants to check that one out, the podcast URL is And while we're discussing the 
podcast plugin, is there any reason it needs to download the podcast and play 
back the file while it continues to download, rather than just plugging the URL 
directly into MPlayer to play? The apodcast plugin doesn't clean up after 
itself so it leaves the downloaded MP3s sitting in its directories (this is 
something I've been planning to address). It does allow an immediate playback 
of a podcast that has been downloaded, but once it disappears off the list, it 
pretty much becomes an orphaned file sitting in the file system. A cursory 
check seems to show the URL to the MP3 plays okay directly in MPlayer.

That's all I got. Sorry to bring troubles to the table... the rest of Freevo is 
running fine! In fact, it's gotten so reliable at recording and playing back TV 
sometimes I have to remind myself it's not a commercial box. The GAF 
(girlfriend, not wife) is quite high although she does put up it hijacking the 
TV when I forget to reschedule recordings and we're watching something live. 
But that's the woes of digital cable and only one cable box.


Springfield, OR  USA



Freevo-users mailing list

Re: [Freevo-users] *server start/stop

2010-04-13 Thread James Trietsch
Yes, I live! And am still using Freevo. Working like a champ, as always. I'm 
sitting here in a motel in SoCal with the box up in Oregon, and going in 
through the web interface to add stuff to record that I'll miss while I'm gone. 
So convenient!

As for how to start up Freevo, my box is a stand-alone unit hooked up to my TV 
via VGA. I use a set of init scripts derived from the one in 
../freevo/contrib/debian. Originally it was one init script that reads 
/etc/freevo/boot_config for boot-up information. I put it in init.d and set up 
the proper rcX.d links (this is on Debian) and it's been perfect. You can press 
the power button and it will boot up and fire up the GUI, then you can press 
power again (or use Shutdown from the menu) and it will shut down and power 
off. I can also use the Debian 'invoke-rc.d' to change the states of the 

If your Freevo isn't stand-alone, it might still work. There is a line in the 
boot_config to control how it starts up, and it can start Freevo as a daemon 
process if it's not a stand-alone setup. I haven't tested this exactly (no need 
to) but the option is there.

I took the main init script and broke it down into component parts, so now I 
also have init scripts that control just the front-end gui, just the 
recordserver and just the webserver. This way while troubleshooting, I can just 
restart one of the components without having to bounce them all. Individual 
twiddling has caused some issues... but hopefully the can be resolved in the 

Anyhow, if anyone is interested, I'd be happy to zip up the scripts and 
boot_config and post them up here, or you can check out the script in the 
../freevo/contrib/debian directory of the distribution.




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[Freevo-users] Freevo and recording via firewire?

2010-01-08 Thread James Trietsch
When last we left our hero, he was worried that moving into the all-digital 
realm of Comcast cable up in the northwest regions of the United States and how 
that would affect his Freevo, and what he was going to do with his PVR-250 

(I'll try not to be too long-winded about this, but maybe it's already too 

I elected to go with HD programming this time around, since I've got a decent 
(albeit old) HDTV. They set me up with a Pace RNG110 set top box. I'm using the 
component out to the TV, then cursed the death of S-Video connections and wired 
the composite video to the PVR-250 in the Freevo (better than nothing, right?). 
I split the audio and it seems to be working just fine for the time being.

The RNG110 has an ethernet jack (for future use), a USB port and a firewire 
port. Research on the web suggested that it responded to standard DCT6200 
commands over firewire, so I bit the bullet and got a cheap used firewire card 
and cable. With only a little tinkering in the 6200ch code, I got it talking to 
the STB and Freevo can change the channel now when it starts up recording. I'm 
already thinking about improvements, like Freevo turning the STB on and off... 
but I can't think of a way to tell if it's on or off (the command seems to just 
be a toggle).

Always the curious type, I wondered how much luck was in my pocket. I pulled 
down some DV and firewire tools to the Freevo and after a bit more tinkering, 
discovered that the RNG110 is also dumping the MPEG-TS out the firewire port! 
All the way up to glorious 1920x1080 HD! Jackpot! I've captured some things 
manually using dvgrab, although the Freevo struggles a bit to play back 
1920x1080. Also, this is the pre-decode TS data, before the box does any 
on-screen overlays. That makes it perfect for recording, because it's only the 
video, with no distracting graphics from the box itself.

So it's time for the QUESTIONS!

Any support in Freevo for recording video via Firewire? I've experimented with 
a few things so far:

* Using dvgrab manually. It works, and mplayer has no qualms playing back the 
captured MPEG2-TS data. I do get interlacing artifacts if I don't use a 
deinterlace filter though. This may only be on lower-res or SD sources. I'll 
check again with some true 1920x1080. It may also be settings in the DFBMGA 
output driver related to interlacing. I've had to futz with those before, so 
I'll futz with them again.

* DV2V4L (and similar things) that claim to take DV input and then make the 
video available at the standard V4L points (/dev/video0). I haven't had any 
luck with those so far. This would probably mesh best with Freevo right now, 
but probably needs extra overhead to translate the video from DV to V4L.

So anyone working on something like this? I'm tempted to just try writing a 
wrapper around dvgrab... but even that might be beyond my current knowledge. 
Although there's nothing like a project you believe in to motivate you to learn 
new things. ^_^

I have seen a few references to MythTV doing firewire capture... surely it's 
the wave of the future and should be available in Freevo, even if you get 
unlucky and have a locked-down cable box.

While I'm asking questions... anyone suggest a new video card for me
that would handle HD formats better? Preferably AGP, passively cooled
and with S-Video outputs at a minimum. My TV does take VGA, but only in
640x480... so I _could_ use that, but it's not the ideal situation. I
think someone had suggested an nVidia card a while back.

Ideas? Thoughts? Rants?

Cheers, and I'll have another related e-mail in just a few minutes.



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Freevo-users mailing list

[Freevo-users] Freevo and playing back via firewire?

2010-01-08 Thread James Trietsch
Now THIS I suspect is the pipe dream...

My previously-mentioned older HDTV has three firewire ports so you could plug 
your DVcam right into the TV. It would even put up transport controls and let 
you control the camera from the TV. Pretty sharp, eh?

Curiosity getting the best of me again, I tried plugging the STB right into the 
TV via firewire. And the TV popped up a box saying, 'Hey, you just plugged in a 
Pace RNG110. Want to set up an input for it?' I did, and selected the new input 
and Ta-Da! Video over firewire! It was all roses until, as mentioned 
previously, I found out it was just the video stream and there was no graphic 
overlay. So much for browsing programs using the on-screen guide!

Now, I have the cable box and the TV both plugged into the Freevo. I've been 
trying to do video playback over the firewire port but so far it's no good. 
Romtest does show both the RNG110 and the Mitsu TV connected, so we know there 
is communication there, plus the TV confirms a device is plugged in.

The weird part is that the connection at the firewire card is almost acting 
like a pass-through. With the STB plugged into the firewire card and the TV 
plugged into the firewire card, I get video on the TV from the STB over 
firewire. Furthermore when I switch away from the firewire input on the TV, the 
command that the TV sends to shut off the STB travels back up the chain and the 
STB powers down. Is there something I need to reconfigure to prevent this 
'pass-thru' effect?

This pass-through doesn't stop me from putting commands out there... 6200ch 
will still send channel change commands to the STB. It's just... weird. I 
wonder if when I send video over firewire, if it's getting overridden by this 
pass-thru video.

QUESTION time...

How can I send MPEG2-TS back down the firewire to the TV? I'm starting to play 
with things like mpeg2-test... I haven't really gotten in-depth with them yet. 
I tried simply doing 'cat test.m2t  /dev/video1394/0' but that didn't do 
anything noticable.

Since my TV has this firewire connection on it already... (this is the 
pipe-dream) is there any way to send the Freevo GUI down the firewire? I 
suspect this would be more trouble than it's worth, because it means taking the 
DirectFB/SDL output and basically making it into a video stream to send down 
the firewire port. So even when the interface isn't changing, the CPU is busy 
creating video to stream. Probably more trouble than it is worth, but I thought 
I'd ask... Linux is full of oddities. ^_^

I think that's all I've got for now... thanks everybody for all your hard work 
on Freevo.



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Freevo-users mailing list

[Freevo-users] Stymied by digital cable...

2009-12-11 Thread James Trietsch
Well the day is soon coming when I'll be moved into my new home and the Freevo 
will come out of storage (of course) and life will continue on fairly normally 

However, in this new place, we have Comcast's all-digital cable service. I have 
some questions about Freevo's ability to get along with this service. I'm sorry 
if some of these have been covered before... obviously I wasn't paying close 
attention since they didn't quite apply to me. I ask for forgiveness up front.

So now with all-digital cable my PVR-250's tuner is... useless. The better 
things get, the less options we have. Joy.

I briefly looked into QAM tuner cards, but it appears Comcast down here only 
broadcasts the federally mandated channels in the clear (about 20 channels, 
half of which you can pick up OTA, the other half are shopping and 
government), everything else is encrypted. And yet 250 miles north, my friend 
reports that Comcast offers over 160 channels in Clear QAM (including ones 
not on his tier and some in HD), available to any decent digital tuner. Double 

My first question: Is there a way to get digital encrypted cable via a PC card? 
Is the mythical CableCard PC card available to the end-user? Even if it was, 
are there drivers available for Linux? Will this dream ever be a reality? I 
suppose I should also ask if Comcast would supply me with a CableCard if I did 
have a PC card to put it in...

Question-the-second: How well does Freevo work with IR-blasting channel change 
commands to the cable box? I saw the message recently from Pascal, which was 
good timing: I had forgotten if Freevo could even do it (and how to set it up). 
I'm coming to terms with the fact I'll be running Freevo to record video input 
from the cable box and while that is better than nothing, it's a shame I won't 
be able to watch one thing (live) while recording another.

And as always, I would accept possible solutions that I haven't yet thought of 
from anyone here: The collected knowledge of this list is what makes it such a 
powerful tool.

Cheers, and can't wait to get my Freevo back. I miss my internet radio stations 
(and NPR podcasts) most of all!



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Freevo-users mailing list

Re: [Freevo-users] Upgrading to 1.9

2009-09-20 Thread James Trietsch
Morten, I think I had tried using the convert_config helper a while ago and it 
worked okay, but I tried it this last time (using the SVN build) and I'm not 
sure it did much.

I'm afraid what I ended up doing was taking the in the 
source and cranking it through a merge utility with my existing, basically using the new format but making sure all changes 
were carried over. I'm not sure that helps, but it could be another thing to 


- Original Message 
 From: Morten Lied Johansen
 Sent: Sunday, September 20, 2009 6:14:15 AM
 Subject: [Freevo-users] Upgrading to 1.9
 I've just installed Freevo 1.9 on Gentoo (after rolling my own ebuild),
 and I wanted to upgrade the config at the same time (I noticed there
 were some changes).
 I've tried running
   freevo convert_config /etc/freevo/ -w, but I get an error:


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Freevo-users mailing list

Re: [Freevo-users] Recordserver won't stay running on RC and 1.9.0

2009-09-15 Thread James Trietsch
Just like my car that wouldn't start until the tow truck arrived, then it would 
start right up... my Freevo seems to have gotten over it's upgrade nausea and 
is running back at 95%, all important parts going strong.

The only thing I did between then and now was upgrade my Linux distro... I 
figured as long as the Freevo was broken, I wouldn't be doing any harm if it 
got further broken by a distro upgrade. After the upgrade, I poked around and 
the recordserver seemed to work. Then it was time to get to bed.

So cancel emergency... recordserver is working, playback is good... just have 
minor issues to sort like TV viewing, but we don't use the Freevo to watch TV 
normally, so that's not a real priority.

See you guys around, I'm sure. ^_^


- Original Message 
 From: James Trietsch
 Sent: Monday, September 14, 2009 7:33:03 PM
 Subject: [Freevo-users] Recordserver won't stay running on RC and 1.9.0
 Okay, I'm officially giving up on ever getting current on the backlog of 
 list entries on the Freevo mailing lists. It just got out of control and I 
 it slide too long and now I'm making a fresh start of it all. So having said 
 that, I apologize in advance if this is something that was just recently 
 discussed and corrected. I did search through the mailing list archives but 
 couldn't find anything.

[etc etc etc]


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Freevo-users mailing list

[Freevo-users] Recordserver won't stay running on RC and 1.9.0

2009-09-14 Thread James Trietsch
Okay, I'm officially giving up on ever getting current on the backlog of 
mailing list entries on the Freevo mailing lists. It just got out of control 
and I let it slide too long and now I'm making a fresh start of it all. So 
having said that, I apologize in advance if this is something that was just 
recently discussed and corrected. I did search through the mailing list 
archives but couldn't find anything.

I've been running the SVN version of Freevo for a long time, but I hadn't 
updated it in quite a while. So today I figured I'd update and see how many 
things on my personal to-fix list had been done by someone else (I've seen at 
least one already). Figured it would be a piece of cake, an hour's work at the 
most, right?

I got the latest SVN from the server and installed it. But then it said it 
needed the latest version of Kaa (I always forget that). So I got the latest 
version of Kaa, but only Kaa.base would install. Finally found out that I 
needed to get and install the python setup tools. Didn't realize that at first 
though, so upgraded to Python 2.6 thinking that might be the problem. 
Kaa.beacon wouldn't install, needed to get glib 2.4 so kaa.db would compile... 
etc etc etc.

Currently, the front-end works fine, at least through all the paces I've put 
it. But the recordserver won't keep running and the webserver wedges when 
trying to start (CTRL-C will shut it down).

To the best of my sniffing around, it looks like the RPC setup is failing, and 
it's failing because at least in the recordserver (not sure about the 
webserver) the socket variable is being passed as a tuple, but the kaa.socket 
module is expecting a 'string or 4tuple'. Here, I'll paste in the exception 

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/freevo/helpers/, 
line 1489, in module
  File /usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/freevo/helpers/, 
line 1458, in main
rpc = kaa.rpc.Server(socket, secret)
  File /usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/kaa/base/, line 171, in 
  File /usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/kaa/base/, line 450, 
in listen
sock, addr = self._make_socket(bind_info, overwrite=True)
  File /usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/kaa/base/, line 380, 
in _make_socket
addr = self._normalize_address(addr)
  File /usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/kaa/base/, line 355, 
in _normalize_address
raise ValueError('Invalid address specification (must be str, or 4-tuple) 
[%s]' % len(addr))
ValueError: Invalid address specification (must be str, or 4-tuple) [2]
WARNING: Invalid address specification (must be str, or 4-tuple) [2]

In the main of recordserver, the socket variable is being set up with '' 
(blank) for the host and whatever socket is specified in the config (I swear I 
read in one of the modules that blank hostname would bind to all interfaces). 
That goes merrily down the list until _normalize_address performs some sanity 
checks and rejects it for only having two parts when its expecting four.

On the off-chance I caught the SVN version when something was in a known broken 
state, I stepped back to the hot-out-of-the-oven 1.9.0 release but alas, it 
does the exact same thing. I can't imagine everyone is having this problem or 
there would be a serious public outcry (and 1.9.0 wouldn't have been released 
in that state). I have completely cleared out the kaa and freevo directories in 
site-packages and done fresh installs a few times now, but to no avail.

Can anyone offer any help? Especially before my next show is slated to record? 
^_^ Of course it goes without saying that the time and effort all of you have 
put into this is deeply appriciated. Such a full-featured product for free is 
quite a rarity.

And I promise to do my best to keep up with the mail flow this time!

Quick overview:
(Hardware available on request, but I omitted it since I don't think it's a 
Debian 2.6.18-6
Python 2.6
Kaa SVN build 4253
Freevo 1.9.0 and Freevo SVN build 11630 (same symptoms on either one)

Problem: Front end runs fine, recordserver fails trying to start RPC listening, 
webserver wedges on startup


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[Freevo-users] Updated to SVN-12244, now throwing a fatal exception

2008-12-24 Thread James Trietsch
First, Freevo has been performing flawlessly for month now. Okay, so there are 
a few flaws, but I've got them noted and am kinda working on the ones I think I 
can address. More on that at another time.

Second, I am so far behind on this list I will never catch up. I want to see 
what's been going on, but... anyway, I'll keep an eye out at the top for 
replies to this.

Now, the problem: Last weekend I updated to svn-12244. No noticeable issues on 
the GUI, recordings were still being set up, favorites tracked... it was 
flawless. Of course it couldn't be that easy.

I find out today that there's trouble with the recording system. It's trying, 
but is throwing out an exception when it's setting up to record. 
From the recordserver logs:

2008-12-24 22:31:15,466 (250): using cached schedule
2008-12-24 22:31:15,466 (270): getFavorites()
2008-12-24 22:31:15,472 (1146): isProgAFavorite(Wed 
Dec 24 20:00-23:00 (20:00) It's a Wonderful Life)
2008-12-24 22:31:15,958 (113): Record_Thread::run: 
2008-12-24 22:31:15,958 INFO (120): Record_Thread::run: 
started recording
2008-12-24 22:31:15,959 (77): FreevoChannels.__init__()
2008-12-24 22:31:15,959 (279): getChannel()
2008-12-24 22:31:15,959 (123): Channel: 2
2008-12-24 22:31:15,960 (89): getVideoGroup(chan='4', 
isplayer=False, chan_index=2)
2008-12-24 22:31:15,960 CRITICAL (226): list index out of range

It seems when it comes to finding the video group:

vg = fc.getVideoGroup(self.prog.tunerid, False)

it throws an exception. I feel like it's not finding the proper video group for 
the channel (all channels should be the same device/group). I feel like it's 
something in the VideoGroups configuration, and I feel like I've read the 
solution before on this list... but I did some mailing list searches and 
couldn't dig up anything useful. 


AMD Athlon XP1900+
Matrox G400 MAX
Debian Sarge (I believe?)
Kernel 2.6.18-6 (optimized for k7)
Python 2.5

VideoGroups config segment:

# Use this group for watching tv
   input_type='tuner 1',
   desc='Watching Video Group',
 # Use this group for recording tv
desc='Recording Video Group',

Can anyone offer any help? If I've left out any other vital information, write 
back and let me know and I'll get it for you and post it up.

Thanks in advance, and here's hoping it's something really easy.



Freevo-users mailing list

[Freevo-users] Making your G400 MAX run silent

2008-12-24 Thread James Trietsch
Just to show I'm not a complete troublemaker, I offer the following report from 
the field.

The short version of the lead-up: My Freevo started in a standard beige-box. 
But it was loud. So I bought an Antec NSK2400 HTPC case. Nice case, comes with 
a PSU that has a variable speed fan (hardly ever winds up enough to be heard), 
twin 120mm exhaust fans (move a lot of air very quietly) and rubber grommets 
for mounting the hard drive(s) to isolate noise.

Once I got that case, suddenly I could hear the CPU fan. I bought a Zalman AlCu 
'flower' with a 92mm fan and variable speed control. Wound it up to about 1700 
RPM, moves air and can't be heard. Great!

But now I could hear the GPU fan on the G400 card! I thought about 
disconnecting the fan, especially since it was starting to squeal and sound 
like it was on its last legs. But I was afraid there wasn't enough airflow to 
keep the GPU cool. So I hatched a plan. I got a no-longer-needed nVidia 8852 at 
work that had a passive heatsink on it. It turns out the G400's heatsink 
mounting holes are a fairly standard configuration, and the 8852 had the same 
mounting pin configuration.

I took the passive sink off the 8852, took the fan-heatsink off the G400. Laid 
down a thin layer of thermal grease on the G400 chip and attached the passive 

It has now been running for 4 months or more without any issues. It stays cool, 
although I don't have anything in the slot next to it so it has extra room for 
airflow and the blank slot on the back has a cover with vent holes in it (came 
with the Antec case) so air can be drawn into that space by the exhaust fan. 
And best of all, it's absolutely silent!

Now I can no longer hear anything from the box from across the room. It's 
wonderful! So don't be afraid to experiment with your G400 card and passive 
cooling. I doubt the Freevo system taxes it too much, but my system is a 
stand-alone running DirectFB, so I don't have X to deal with.

Happy tinkering and happy Freevoing!



Freevo-users mailing list

[Freevo-users] Last Call for Strange Escapments

2008-03-01 Thread James Trietsch
Hi guys... been a while. I've had to catch up with the list!

I'm running SVN build 10312 (at least that's what the freevo_conf says, is 
there a way to be totally sure?) and it's been running like a total champ. 
Recording my shows, playing streamed audio and local audio over the LAN. Great 

I've just run into a problem with special characters since I moved from 1.7.3 
to SVN.

To recap the main points:

Streamed song titles with an apostrophe/single-quote in them are truncated. 
Don't Fear the Reaper becomes Don. I looked at the code in the 
audio plugin that handles decoding the ICY information. It looks for a 
single-quote to find the end of the field, so that would explain why it's 
finding the apostrophe and thinking that's the end. However, I checked the 
plugin back in 1.7.3 and it's the exact same code! But I never had this problem 
before. I can only assume the apostrophe should be escaped, but that isn't 

At least one of my data DVDs full of AVIs is not accessable because of spaces 
in the folder name. Again, this was not an issue in 1.7.3. I started watching 
the series, and now I can't finish it (oh the suspense!). More recently I 
noticed that manually making thumbnails seemed to be failing for the same 
reason (spaces in the path), although the auto-generated thumbnails from the 
recordserver always work. I can investigate these problems further.

Most recently, the file-info box that pops up on the web interface has been 
hanging because of TV shows with apostrophes in the episode name. It took me a 
while to figure that one out, but now I'm sure of it. This is a bit annoying, 
because without that box, you can't get the option to record the show or make 
it a favorite. Note that apostrophes in the plot summary don't cause the same 

So I'd mentioned this before (I forget on which list, though), but I can't 
believe that other people would be having this problem without bringing it to 
the list, and I've noticed no complaints. So... is this me? Can anyone think of 
something in my Linux setup that might be causing characters to not be escaped? 
I may try going back to 1.7.3 temporarily just to see if it still works, or if 
it exhibits similar behavior.

Thanks for any help you can offer. It's an annoyance and aggravation, but don't 
keep Freevo from doing it's daily work.



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Freevo-users mailing list

[Freevo-users] Mplayer playback slips fields on interlaced shows

2008-03-01 Thread James Trietsch
I'm looking for the select group of crazy people out there. You know who you 
are, the ones running interlaced recordings (recorded from SDTV) interlaced to 
an interlaced output (TV). I can't imagine there are many of us... but I beg 
your help.

My recordings from TV on Freevo are beautiful (given the bitrate I'm devoting 
to it). They play back smooth... except every once in a while, they get 
jittery. Having a background in TV production, I recognize this is reversed 
fields in interlaced playback, as opposed to some kind of encoding artifact. If 
I pause Freevo/Mplayer and then resume, everything is back to normal. Or 
sometimes if I let it go long enough, it will correct itself.

It's a minor annoyance... either I have to quickly pause/unpause, or if I'm 
watching with someone else I'll just grit my teeth and bear it until it 
corrects itself.

What I think is happening is for some reason, mplayer decides it needs to drop 
a frame, but instead it drops a field, so now the field-order is reversed. And 
once it's paused, it starts off in the correct order again. This could make 
sense if mplayer treats interlaced playback as 60fps where each 'frame' is one 
of the fields.

I tried adjusting the -autosync value and it seemed to help, but it still 
doesn't make it bulletproof. If it is a matter of mplayer dropping 
fields/frames, I'd like to know what's causing it. I have an XP1900+ with 512M 
of ram and a G400Max video card... unless my hard drive is the bottleneck I 
can't see any reason it should choke. But perhaps I'm missing something.

Again, thanks for any help anyone can offer, or any directions to pursue 
research. Not a deal-breaker, but fixing this would make playback perfect.



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Freevo-users mailing list

[Freevo-users] XMLTV time offset applies to grabbed range (was: tv_grab_de_tvtoday)

2008-01-15 Thread James Trietsch
I had a brilliant flash of insight last night! I had mentioned that my 
schedules seem to run out at 16:00 on the last day grabbed, instead of at 
midnight? 16:00 in Pacific Standard is 00:00 the next day in Universal 

In the XMLTV configuration I had told it to run zero offset (UTC) instead of an 
offset for Pacific Standard (it claimed it was better to let the application 
sort out timezone conversions) but it looks like it adheres to this offset when 
grabbing the schedules too. Which means it's probably also grabbing the last 8 
hours of yesterday's schedule that you never see (or are not interested in?). 
Alas, it appears to be an XMLTV 'problem'... if it's even considered a problem 
at all.

It looks like the options so far are:

* Deal with it and not have the last evening's programs available
* Set the time offset in the XMLTV config and face possible issues going in and 
out of DST

Of course, what I'd really like to do is have XMLTV make adjustments for the 
current timezone when grabbing. Sound possible? Or overly complex? Or is that 
what the offset is designed to do (I thought it changed the times in the TV.xml 
file as well)?

In the mean time, I'm beating the web guide into shape. I think I've solved the 
problem with shows on a channel not appearing after a previous show ends at a 
strange time (Jay Leno ends at 00:37!)... but of course it created more havok 
in the process. I'll continue to tinker.



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[Freevo-users] Escaping string problem?

2008-01-12 Thread James Trietsch
I moved up to the SVN version for my box and after some initial
 confusion (didn't realize it used both /var/lib and /var/cache now, thought it
 was just supposed to be /var/lib) I've got things back and running
 nicely. Can't wait to try out some of the new fun, like the audio podcast

However, I went to play some video from a data CD-ROM yesterday and it
 complained. It wasn't a full-out crash, but the pop-up error with
 'Shutdown' and 'Continue', although it was completely unresponsive at that
 point. I could see in the background that the files on the disc were
 listed. From what I see, it's wrecking trying to find/create the wrong
 directory in the VFS:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/freevo/, line 290, in
  File /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/freevo/, line 707, in
action(arg=arg, menuw=self)
  File /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/freevo/, line
 480, in cwd
self.check_password_and_build(arg=None, menuw=menuw)
  File /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/freevo/, line
 535, in check_password_and_build, menuw=menuw)
  File /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/freevo/, line
 773, in build
  File /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/freevo/, line
 480, in cwd
self.check_password_and_build(arg=None, menuw=menuw)
  File /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/freevo/, line
 535, in check_password_and_build, menuw=menuw)
  File /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/freevo/, line
 791, in build
dirwatcher.cwd(menuw, self, item_menu, self.dir)
  File /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/freevo/, line
 1010, in cwd
self.last_time = vfs.mtime(self.dir)
  File /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/freevo/util/, line 131,
 in mtime
t = os.stat(name)[ST_MTIME]
OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/media/cdrom0/Last

Looks like it chokes when trying to find the modified time of the files inside. 
Now that I look at it, could it be the space is giving it trouble? I can 
navigate to that directory just fine from the command line, but I have to 
escape the space ('Last\ Exile') for it to work properly. This worked just fine 
back in 1.7.3 and I enjoyed several episodes from this disc.

Actually after some quick testing, I'm sure it's the space. A DVD of AVIs from 
a friend who used no spaces in filenames plays without any kind of issues 

While we're on the subject of escape sequences, I've noticed that while 
streaming radio from the web, the title strings get chopped off when they run 
into an apostrophe/single-quote. For exmple, Simple Minds - Don instead of 
Simple Minds - Don't Forget About Me. It looks like the current SVN has some 
problems escaping funky characters in strings.

Don't think I can fix this one on my own (not without a lot of searching) so 
someone else can hopefully get right to the heart of the problem and correct 
it. Unless I'm the only one experiencing this problem? ^_^



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Re: [Freevo-users] Web interface not highlighting conflicts

2008-01-12 Thread James Trietsch

I wrote some quick-and-dirty code to highlight conflicts on the 'Scheduled 
Recordings' webpage, but I didn't develop it too far because I figured conflict 
resolution would take care of any conflicts. Basically anything that conflicted 
with the show above it would be highlighted in yellow.

I didn't realize conflicts were highlighted in the Freevo-based guide screen. I 
do a lot of work on the web pages because sometimes I work from my office when 
I have spare time or at lunch, so the web pages are easy to check from 
somewhere other than my living room. So I tend to forget there are similar 
listings on the TV screens themselves.


- Original Message 
 From: John Molohan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, January 8, 2008 6:00:09 AM
 Subject: [Freevo-users] Web interface not highlighting conflicts
 Was it my imagination or did the web interface used to highlight 
 conflicts in recording schedules similar to freevo's interface? If it 
 did it appears to be broken.


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Freevo-users mailing list

Re: [Freevo-users] tv_grab_de_tvtoday

2008-01-12 Thread James Trietsch
John, Tanja, Bjoern:

I noticed ever since I first loaded up 1.7.3 that the web guide would stop 
showing shows on a channel if a program ended on a non-five-minute interval. 
For example, tonight the channel 4 news goes 29 minutes (?) from 23:00 to 
23:29. And after that block, the schedule is empty space. For me, this usually 
only happens late at night, with weird shows like Jay Leno and David Letterman 
so it's not a huge issue.

What I'm starting to research now is that the web guide stops displaying show 
information before the actual TV.xml runs out of data. For example, yesterday 
the drop down only displayed 'Fri Jan 11' and 'Sat Jan 12', but checking TV.xml 
showed there was plenty of data for Sunday the 13th. Additionally, all the show 
information was available for all of Sunday's shows with the on-screen guide.

Another problem (most likely related) is that on the last day loaded in the 
TV.xml, the web guide data starts to 'run out' around 16:00. I haven't checked 
the on-screen guide for this problem, but I have a suspicion it's related to 
the missing day problem above.

All three of these are on my list to dig into, but if anyone else wants to look 
into it and can fix it quick, by all means go for it!


P.S. I'm not running tv_sort. I was under the impression it's primary function 
was to put in valid end-times for shows. Schedules Direct data all seems to 
have valid end times for all their shows, so I blew off tv_sort.

- Original Message 
 From: Bjoern Franke [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, January 8, 2008 9:15:10 AM
 Subject: Re: [Freevo-users] tv_grab_de_tvtoday
 John Molohan schrieb:
  Bjoern Franke wrote:
  Hi Tanka,
  Tanja schrieb:

  I have just checked and see the same problem in the webinterface.
  In the normal freevo interface everything works fine. The data
 there in the xml file.
  It seems to be a problem of the webinterface...
  Perhaps I should add this to the bugtracker?
  Please do. I've just checked again and see the same problem.


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Re: [Freevo-users] Automatically (un)mount smb/cifs directories

2008-01-03 Thread James Trietsch
One thing that might be of interest (if you don't use it already) is the 
ability for Freevo to ping the server in question before it attempts to open up 
the remote directory. This way if the server is down or disconnected, Freevo 
doesn't even make autofs try. There is still a little hesitation, but it's 
definitely shorter than waiting for autofs to time out. I'm not sure if this 
would help things if the server disappeared while browsing the directory, but 
the entry definitely wouldn't show up the next time the main listing was 

You just add the server name and a colon before the path in your entry:

VIDEO_ITEMS = [ ('Frisch aufgenommen', 'hera:/mm/Recorded'),
('Noch nicht gesehen', 'hera:/mm/Videos/Nochnicht gesehen'),
('Videos', 'hera:/mm/Videos'),
('USB', '/var/run/usbmount')] 

So Freevo will ping 'hera' before trying to access any of those paths. If it 
doesn't get a positive response, it skips it and moves on.

The one problem I see is it seems to trip up the cache helper... it doesn't 
know what to make of the extra name and colon and says the path is bad. 
Something for me (or someone else) to look into, I suppose.

Hope that helps some.


- Original Message 
 From: Duncan Webb [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, December 29, 2007 10:14:55 AM
 Subject: Re: [Freevo-users] Automatically (un)mount smb/cifs directories
 Thorsten Pferdekämper wrote:
  Hi folks,
  In my setup, two freevo boxes are connected via smb shares.
 works very 
  well as long as both boxes are up and running, but problems
 when the 
  server is switched off.
  Here are the details:


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Freevo-users mailing list

Re: [Freevo-users] Better controls in freevo web page for VLC video streaming

2007-11-21 Thread James Trietsch


I made a tweak to one of the videolan Java files, but what I did didn't
 work, so I put it back. All I'm running is your changes from the
 tar.gz file you posted to the mailing list:
 * Modified fileinfo.rpy to point to vlcwin.rpy
 * vlcwin.rpy
 * videolan directory to hold Java support files

I had an issue with the plugin not installing correctly (Firefox on
 Windows XP) so I took out the hand-installed VLC and used the version with
 the Windows installer instead. That properly installed the plugin and
 I could get playback.

I got a chance to try things out at home last night on the LAN. I found I can 
definitely scroll around inside the buffered area of an MP3 (both forward and 
backward and forward again) but video does not behave the same way. There seems 
to be a very small area around the current playback time where you can change, 
but if you go outside of that (forward or backward) then the error pops up. 
Perhaps it has to do with the video being a much higher bitrate than the MP3.

I have also noticed some of my MP3s stream 'live' and some stream with an 
ending time. The Java code looks for a total length of the object and if it 
doesn't find one, assumes it's a live stream. So now I question where it's 
getting the total length from. Is it just being lazy and trying to look it up 
in the media tag? And if it's not available, it assumes the media is a live 
stream? Just a minor thing to look into, I suppose.

Anyway, those are my results. Hope they help.



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Re: [Freevo-users] itv and vpodcast

2007-11-20 Thread James Trietsch
John, you're not mad. At least, no more crazy than any of the rest of us here 
(I hope I can speak for everyone?)

I definitely see where everyone is coming from on this front and how this got 
sticky in a hurry. True, this would be a plugin for online video content (we 
already have a method for web radio) and as such it all doesn't necessarily fit 
neatly into one category.

My gut instinct was this: Live streams (things handled by itv) would go under 
Television, while downloaded shows (vpodcast items) would be put Movies (or 
Video, if you prefer). If I wanted to watch a certain internet show that comes 
on Sunday at 20:00 and is live, I'd got to Television. If I wanted to catch up 
with a 'cast that was done a few days ago and I had downloaded... Movies. 
Basically, that TV is live and Movies is pre-recorded.

Granted, if somebody wrote a system to record live webcasts (like recording 
live TV) and store them for later... would that go under TV in the recorded 
section? Uh oh... I sense this is getting complicated again...

And I trust there's already a podcast plugin that downloads podcasts and stores 
them for you, so you can put that under your Music menu, right? If we put live 
video web streams under TV, doesn't that mean we should move live audio web 
streams to Radio? :P

I'm going to stop now before I give myself a headache, but I still stand by my 
original idea: Live streams in TV, recorded streams in Movies/Video. And 
perhaps discussion on re-evaluating the categories. For a start, perhaps 
distinguishing between locally stored items (Movies/Music) and remotely 
received items (TV/Radio), regardless of the media (hard drive, DVD, CD, local 
network, internet, over-the-air, cable, etc).


- Original Message 
 From: John Molohan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2007 10:43:06 AM
 Subject: Re: [Freevo-users] itv and vpodcast
 point of view (and specifically from a new users point of view). Any 
 thoughts? Am I mad :)


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Freevo-users mailing list

Re: [Freevo-users] Thumbnail followup

2007-11-13 Thread James Trietsch
Okay, I'm following up on my followup... ^_^

When last we left me, I was trying to get thumbnails to work. I had sorted a 
problem with in /utils causing to wreck. Once that 
was solved, it looked like thumbnails were being created (even automatically 
for newly recorded shows) but they were not appearing when the show was 
highlighted. This was in the TV program menu, using in 
place of

Just to rule out another variable, I switched from the 'rain' skin to the 
default 'blurr' skin, but same thing: Only the default picture was displayed in 
place of any thumbnail that should have appeared.

On a whim today, I went to my Movie section and tried making a thumbnail of a 
video I have there. Not only did it work, the thumbnail showed up too! Made a 
few thumbnails for some shows stored on a CD-ROM and they displayed fine 
(hooray for storing data about removable discs in the VFS).

This leads me to a suspicion I've had for the last few days: That 
recordings_manager isn't built to handle/display thumbnail images. I haven't 
had a chance to switch back to view_recordings to confirm this, but now I know 
the thumbnail creation and display process works like it should.

I'm going to poke at recordings_manager (because I believe it's superior to the 
basic view_recordings when it comes to categorization and organization) but all 
the Python I know I've learned sifting through and experimenting with Freevo. 
If anyone else knows exactly what to do and/or how to do it, I'm sure you could 
get the job done much faster than I. A focused laser as opposed to a focused 
flashlight. ^_^

In the meantime, I'll poke at it because it's fun, and I'm learning Python and 
about Freevo too.




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[Freevo-users] Thumbnail followup

2007-11-08 Thread James Trietsch
Hello Freevoers:

I was looking over old mailing list messages about getting thumbnails to work 
because it's the next part of Freevo I've decided to attack. When I picked the 
menu item, it would pop up the window saying creating thumbnail, but it 
wouldn't create it. Not even an .mpeg.raw file in the vfs.

I went through the steps outlined in the archived mails (they were recent, 
maybe August of this year) and even ran into the same error with Python 
complaining there was no core module in distutils. Apparently the original 
troubleshooter solved the problem by reinstalling kaa and/or Python. I didn't 
want to do that (I'm lazy!) so I spent a frustrated hour poking around.

To keep things short (I tend to ramble): I discovered I could import 
distutils.core without issue in any directory _except_ the 
/site-packages/freevo/utils directory. This led me to find there is a module in 
utils called! When trying to import anything that wants 
distutils.core (in this case, videothumb asks for kaa.metadata, which asks for 
kaa.base which in turn tries to import distutils.core) while in the utils 
directory, it would go after the package and not find a core 
module inside of it. I have since renamed the distutils.* files to 
distutils.*.back and have not run into any problems yet (that I've noticed) and 
the videothumb module works without complaint.

I'm not seeing the thumbnails on the TV interface, but the .mpeg.raw files are 
being created and the option to make a thumbnail disappears off the menu, so 
Freevo is aware the files are there. I suppose there's a chance the skin/module 
isn't set up to show them properly (rain skin with the recordings_manager 
plugin) so I'll investigate this further in the next few days. I have noticed 
that newly recorded shows since I made the distutils 'fix' are getting 
thumbnails automatically created for them. ^_^

Hope this helps... oh, this is Freevo 1.7.3 from source, by the way. Downloaded 
about two months ago.

Burbank, CA  USA

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Re: [Freevo-users] multi part files and audio language and subtitle selection

2007-11-07 Thread James Trietsch
- Original Message 
  From what I remember if you had files split across multiple files 
 freevo automagically played them as one. E.G
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] freevo-rel-1]# ls -lh /home/media/recorded_tv/|grep vob
 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root   17M Aug  2
 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  2.0G May 26 19:08 APOCALYPTO1-1.vob
 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  2.0G May 26 19:12 APOCALYPTO1-2.vob
 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  2.0G May 26 19:15 APOCALYPTO1-3.vob
 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  439M May 26 19:16 APOCALYPTO1-4.vob
 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  2.0G Aug  2 20:53 MILLION_DOLLAR_BABY2-1.vob
 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  2.0G Aug  2 20:56 MILLION_DOLLAR_BABY2-2.vob
 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1012M Aug  2 20:58 MILLION_DOLLAR_BABY2-3.vob
 Either of these would have appeard as a single menu item in freevo and 
 played as such but now I don't get this behaviour - has this changed?

Hi John. I actually ran into the opposite problem, where I have three files of 
three days of WRC coverage, named ending in Day_1, Day_2 and Day_3. Freevo was 
combining them into one, which isn't _bad_, but I don't necessarily want to 
watch them all at once.

I remembered a variable to control this from my first install (over a year ago) 
and finally stumbled over it again. It's VIDEO_AUTOJOIN and unfortunately it 
only appears in the and not in, so if you only 
change things in local_config, you might never realize it's there. It does 
default to 1 (on) though, so if it hasn't changed for you I'm not sure why your 
files wouldn't be joining again. However, it might be a place you can start 

As a general question, would it be worth adding VIDEO_AUTOJOIN to the 
local_config, just so users are aware of its existence?

Keep up the good work and the good support, all. ^_^


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Freevo-users mailing list

Re: [Freevo-users] TV_IVTV options

2007-11-01 Thread James Trietsch
- Original Message 
From: John Molohan [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bert Kneepkens wrote:
 I tried googling, but i can't really understand what option is best.
 The most important one is the option 'input', the config file gives 
 some descriptions of mpeg2_ps, mpeg2_ts, mpeg1 mpeg2_pes_av 
 mpeg2_pes_v... but i don't understand the difference. 

Hello Bert and John. I was curious about the different stream types too (I have 
a PVR-250) and decided to take a quick jaunt out on the 'net. Wikipedia turned 
out to be a goldmine of information.

PES: Packetized Elementary Stream 
A stream (audio, video, data) that has a packet header every so many bytes. In 
the case of the IVTV card, I would guess these are pes_v (video only), pes_a 
(audio only) and pes_av (both).

PS: Program Stream (
A combination of one or more PESes. I'm once again guessing the ability exists 
for a PS to carry multiple PESes, maybe like multiple angles or multiple audio 
tracks on DVD. It's all one PS, but the decoder can chose among different 
(synched) audio and video streams. I think this is the option you'd most likely 
want for recording on Freevo.

TS: Transport Stream (
A PS with extra data for synchronizing and error correction over unreliable 
media, such as digital broadcast. If you piped your IVTV card output right onto 
the network, this would probably be a good choice. Otherwise it looks like PS 
is better for more reliable media (such as DVD or hard drives).

Additionally, There is the mysterious DVD-Compatible setting(s)... I'm using 
DVD-compatible for now, but I don't know if PS would offer better/worse quality 
for the same bitrate.

For what it's worth, I'm running the latest IVTV drivers where they've merged 
in with V4L2 (i.e., you use v4l2-ctl to change most settings on your card 
instead of ivtv-ctl) and there are only five stream types available:

 * MPEG-2 Program Stream
 * MPEG-1 System Stream
 * MPEG-2 DVD-compatible Stream
 * MPEG-1 VCD-compatible Stream
 * MPEG-2 SVCD-compatible Stream

Unfortunately, I have no idea what the differences may be in the 'compatible' 
stream types, aside from VCD being MPEG1 and the others being MPEG2. Maybe 
someone could encode the same piece of a program at the same bitrate but 
different stream types and see if there are any noticable differences.

Also the stream_type numbers have changed (10 is no longer DVD compatible, now 
it's 3). Just a heads-up if you're using the newer versions.

That's all I got on stream types. I seem to remember finding a website that had 
some good explanation of the dnr settings, but I don't remember where it was 
now. Hope some of this helps!


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[Freevo-users] Channel list doesn't survive reboot (and other minor schedule issues)

2007-10-29 Thread James Trietsch
Hi guys, just a quick question...

I'm hooked up to Schedules Direct for North America channel listings. I'm using 
Freevo's tv_grab helper. It grabs smoothly and life is good. However, my 
machine isn't at the level of 'full time' yet: until I get a list of things I 
want to record, it gets turned off overnight.

My concern is when I reboot it (either because it was turned off, or because 
I'm testing) the TV schedules are gone until I do another tv_grab. I see that 
the TV.xml is put into /tmp, but I was under the impression that once the 
schedules are grabbed and cached, the TV.xml file is no longer needed. In fact, 
at one point I deleted the TV.xml file and the full schedule list was still 

Is this done by design? Is it a known problem? I know that once the box goes 
full-time, this probably won't matter (and the schedules will be updated 
nightly). Should the TV.xml file be kept around? Having the 3.8M TV.xml plus 
the 1.8M pickled file seems redundant to me, but I might not understand exactly 
how the process works.

Just wanted to know if there was anything that could be done in the meantime. I 
got the box to record a few shows last night and played them back this morning! 
Progress is definitely good... ^_^

Oh! I looked at the TV.xml and see that SD sends end times... does this mean 
there's no need to run tv_sort to put in end times manually? Also, I tried to 
grab the NA channel icons, but when I went to run the makelogos helper, it 
thought a moment, then barfed up a screen full of:

 Failed to get file:///usr/local/share/xmltv/icons/ANIMALP.gif for channel
 error Could not open /tmp/kaa-0/kaa-imlib2-img-138017250: 0

I think there's one there for almost every channel on the listing. I've 
confirmed the .gifs exist in that directory... seems to be this imlib2-img- 
file that's causing the trouble.

The icons and tv_sort questions are minor, though... heck, this whole thing is 
minor really... but I would like a few answers or nudges in the right direction.

Thanks for the help!

Burbank, CA  USA

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Freevo-users mailing list

Re: [Freevo-users] init.d script on Debian fails to start freevo/webserver/recordserver reliably

2007-10-24 Thread James Trietsch
I seem to have fixed the problem... I got to talking with another 
Linux-inclined friend of mine and he said it sounded like a race-condition 
between the recordserver, webserver and Freevo. And the more I thought about 
it, the more I started to agree with him. Because as of late it seemed 
consistant that the recordserver would start, the webserver would fail and 
Freevo would start. So like the recordserver was able to add the /tmp/kaa-0 
directory after the webserver had looked for it, but before it would make the 

This would also explain why things never exploded after boot-up: Once the 
directories are made, they aren't wiped out, so re-running Freevo would run 
normally, because the directories are already there.

So on a whim, I added 'sleep 2' commands between each step of the init script 
(the RTC frequency reset, recordserver start, webserver start and freevo start) 
and I've rebooted without issue twice now. I'm going to say this issue is 

Duncan, I checked the and modules in SVN against the 
ones in the latest kaa.base download (0.5?) and they were the same, so I didn't 
try the SVN version of kaa. Not to say there aren't changes in kaa.base that 
might help, but I didn't immediately see anything tmp-file related that might 
make a difference.

Francisco, I checked who was running Freevo and it runs as root (which is what 
I intended) when it is started from the init script. In fact, since it runs 
during bootup outside of a terminal, it runs as root regardless of the 
ROOTUSERINFO setting in boot_config.

Thanks for your help, support and above all your patience, guys. You know I'll 
be back when I have another problem I can't solve on my own. Nice thing about 
Freevo: It's free, but there's even good tech support.


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Freevo-users mailing list

Re: [Freevo-users] init.d script on Debian fails to start freevo/webserver/recordserver reliably

2007-10-23 Thread James Trietsch
Duncan, Francisco, thanks for the suggestions. Of course I blew out of the 
apartment this morning and didn't turn on the box so I could tinker from work. 
I'll have to wait until I get home to try out your suggestions.

I also ran into an error last night when trying to grab a CD cover image... it 
threw an exception (but didn't crash completely) regarding /tmp/kaa/something 
so I figure it must be related. I'll definitely poke my head back in and let 
you know if this solves the problems.

By the way, is anyone aware that in the latest source (1.7.3?) the freevo_conf 
is v5.20 but the example local_conf is v5.17, so every time I start up, it 
spews the list of new additions? I think some of them have even been added to 
the local_conf (I'm pretty sure I saw a few). I can investigate further. Maybe 
all the new items were added but the version number wasn't updated.

Thank you again for the help.


- Original Message 
From: Duncan Webb [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2007 3:24:57 AM
Subject: Re: [Freevo-users] init.d script on Debian fails to start 
freevo/webserver/recordserver reliably

Francisco Eduardo Álvarez Solano wrote:
 Hi, James
 I have similar problems in Ubuntu and I fix them changing the owner
 freevo dirs in /tmp. You can try to delete /tmp/freevo and /tmp/kaa-*
 and start freevo from init scripts and then run ps xau to see the
 owner of the process.
 May be freevo's owner is root, but webserver and recordserver is
 by another user.

IIRC this was a bug in kaa.base, you could try a svn version of kaa.


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Re: [Freevo-users] Oh deary me!

2006-04-24 Thread James Trietsch
--- Karl Lattimer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Can this be avoided if it comes into force in future
 freevo releases, we
 could use a slogan like take back your channel

I wouldn't sweat it. After all, every stand-alone
'offical' DVD player I've met won't let you jump out
of the FBI/INTERPOL warnings. Yet all you have to do
is push MENU in Freevo and off it goes...

I'm betting Freevo can be made to adhere to or ignore
whatever standards the user would like.

As for Porn driving the technology industry? Can you
deny it? The decision between BlueRay and HD DVD as a
standard rests squarely on which one is embraced by
the pornography industry. ^_~

(At least I hope so... I can't take another
multi-standard like DVD+/-R/RW/Super/Turbo/GTR)


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Freevo-users mailing list

Re: [Freevo-users] getting the freevo display to fit on screen (was: Re: [Freevo-users] spdif output with xine)

2006-04-24 Thread James Trietsch
Sorry it took me so long to get back to you, Stephen.

--- Stephen Rowles [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've tried again with values ranging from 20 to 1000
 and it seems to 
 have not effect whatsoever :)
 I am using the freevo rpm, got from the FC4 yum
 Name: freevo  
 Relocations: /usr
 Version : 1.5.4
 Vendor: (none)
 Release : 1_fc4 Build
 Date: Tue 18 Oct 2005 
 09:09:28 AM BST
 Maybe it has a bug in this version, which version
 are you using?

Heh, I think you'd _definitely_ see some noticable
effects if you put 1000 into the field. It could very
well have something to do with your setup. I recall
reading (or I am assuming from what I've read) that
you're using X of some sort? So you have your GUI on
the first head, and then TV out on the second?

My setup is a dedicated X-less box, using DirectFB
(more specifically the DFBMGA driver made especially
for Matrox cards). No monitor attached to the first
head, TV-out on the second.

I ended up compiling from source for my latest run. I
compiled almost everything from source to get the
flexibility and make it all play nice with my G400.
IIRC, the Debian package just used the standard,
unaccelerated framebuffer.

But I'm using Freevo 1.5.4 (compiled from source back
before November) on a 2.4.27 kernel.

Sorry I can't be more help at the moment. ^_^


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Freevo-users mailing list

Re: [Freevo-users] Why 720x480 for DirectFB and NTSC?

2006-04-12 Thread James Trietsch
D'oh... of course once I got to thinking after sending
that, I thought of a few things that might answer my
question. Like that NTSC TV has 525 scan lines, but at
least 20 (probably 25) of those at the top don't
display any picture information. If you figure 20 of
the bottom ones don't display picture information
either, bingo: 480 height.

And while the horizontal resolution of TV was always a
little fuzzy (no pun intended), it was generally
accepted to be around 700 or 720 vertical 'lines'.

720x480... the displayable area of NTSC video. .

What I also neglected to mention is that mplayer cuts
off the right side of my test AVI only when using
fullscreen (-fs) mode. If I omit the -fs switch, the
video plays centered (more or less) with black bars
around it, being originally 512x384. If I use the -xy
640 switch, it expands out to fill the screen,
although probably it falls short of the edges just a
little bit (but takes up the full 480 height). If I
use both -xy and -fs, it goes back to the cut-off
fullscreen shennanigans.

Does that help any toward a solution? Or is using -xy
and -geometry to shift the picture an accepted way of
doing things?


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[Freevo-users] Why 720x480 for DirectFB and NTSC?

2006-04-11 Thread James Trietsch
Perhaps this question is better answered by the
DirectFB krew. If so, say so and I'll take it there.

I'm a little dismayed to find that freevo setup forces
the geometry to 720x480 if you pick DirectFB (or
DFBMGA) and NTSC. I forget what the PAL equivelent is,
but it forces a geometry for that as well.

(This is why I figure I might get an answer on this
list... somebody must know _something_ if Freevo is
smart enough to force the settings).

If I may be allowed to descend into my TV/Video
roots... 720x480 is the resolution for DV format
video, but the aspect ratio isn't correct for NTSC TV.
720x480 is an aspect of 3:2, not the 4:3 of standard
NTSC TV. I probably wouldn't have noticed except I was
playing back some AVIs in testing and found the right
edge of the picture was being cut off, extending past
the edge of the visible picture. Like, very noticably
past (the last letter or two of words being cut off).

The AVI was originally 512x384, which is 4:3. Mplayer
properly detects it as 1.:1. But then I assume it
tries to play it 720 wide (and 540 high? Or maybe it
just stretches it horizontally). I did some poking
around with mplayer outside of Freevo and found if I
set -xy 640 (force 640 width and scale height to match
aspect), it would scale the AVI to 640 wide and 480
high and everything would fit on the screen. I added
that and -geometry 50%:50% into the options in, but this feels like a work-around to

Tonight I tried to manually set the geometry in
freevo.conf to that oddball 756x? size that freevo
setup mentions. Freevo started and the startup screen
displayed (looking a little better, in my opinion) and
up came the menu, but then the keyboard was totally
freakin' out! The keypresses would repeat (even when
only pressed once) and it was totally uncontrollable.
I managed to bumble my way into playing back a video
and the keypresses behaved correctly there. It's only
an issue in the Freevo menu screens.

I tried 640x480 and the same thing happened. With two
strikes, I didn't try 800x600 (but I may, later). I
guess now I know one reason why the geometry is forced
when using DFB!

Does anyone know why DFB/Freevo/SDL(?) freaks out if
you use something besides 720x480 for NTSC? Can this
be easily changed? Really, it should be something
besides 720x480, that's a strange limbo aspect
somewhere between 4:3 and 16:9...

Thanks for reading, I do tend to get long-winded. Any
suggestions or answers?

Oh! System info:

AMD Athlon XP1900+
Matrox G400 MAX, TV out on second head
Debian Sarge, 2.4.28 kernel
Freevo 1.5.4

Thanks guys!


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Re: [Freevo-users] getting the freevo display to fit on screen (was: Re: [Freevo-users] spdif output with xine)

2006-04-10 Thread James Trietsch
--- Stephen Rowles [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Justin Wetherell wrote:
  Have you tried playing around with the overscan
 Thanks for the tip, just looked at those and setting
 them to any values 
 doesn't seem to make any difference to the amount of
 the display that is 
 off the edge of the screen.
 Any other suggestions?

Hi Stephen. I had the same problem and ended up
solving it with the OSD_OVERSCAN values. What threw me
off at first is that changing those values doesn't
affect the skin background, only the graphics on top
of it. That's nice because then you don't have to
worry about getting black bars: The blue (or whatever
the skin backgruond happens to be) always fills the

I would suggest (if you haven't already) giving it
another go, but putting some rather high values (100+)
into the overscan settings just to get a baseline and
see if it is changing the display at all. My current
settings are 50 and 10, but I went higher at first and
watched the interface get squashed away from the sides
of the screen.

Hope that gives you a little more of a lead. ^_^


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Re: [Freevo-users] Problem solved!

2006-04-10 Thread James Trietsch
--- John Molohan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Woops, bit of a misunderstanding there, I was hoping
 the original poster 
 might stick it in the wiki - not you. I'd like to
 have you locked away 
 hacking on 2 never looking at the users list :)

John, I'd be happy to. That and maybe taking a whack
at the self-booting section for Debian. I tried the
directions in there over and over and had no luck.
Then I found the '/boot' subdirectory in the source
tree and there's an init.d script sitting there
waiting for me. Works like a dream now! ^_^


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[Freevo-users] Problem solved!

2006-04-05 Thread James Trietsch
I just wanted to drop everyone a line and say thanks.
It seems like this list is mostly full of questions
(as it should be), but I thought maybe a post of
success would be a nice intermission.

I recently re-joined the list after doing some deep
hacking/debugging in pursuit of finding why Freevo
would not control the child video applications once
they were launched. Long story short: It was because
the OSD was being shut down when the video players
were launched.

I noticed that even though local_setup has the line
OSD_SHUTDOWN=0 (or whatever the line is... I'm at work
and don't have direct access to my box), in the
freevo_conf there's actually an if/then depending on
what video system is being used. Perhaps in the
future, a note in the local_setup to indicate this
would be good: I was under the impression it always
defaulted to zero.

But anyhow, chalk up one more X-less Freevo on Debian,
with a G400 MAX video card. I'm enjoying it a lot.
Next step, probably a used PVR-250 card. Or maybe
build an IR remote receiver. Then it will really start
to rock.

Thanks for all the suggestions and help when I was
trying to solve the problem before. The support is
always appriciated. Can't wait to see the majikal
Freevo 2.0. ^_^

Panorama City, CA

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Re: [Freevo-users] DirectFB blocking stdin to child apps?

2006-01-03 Thread James Trietsch
--- Justin Wetherell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 You can also compile DirectFB with the
 --without-tools* option.

Justin, thank you for all your suggestions. I gave
them all a try, except recompliling DirectFB. I'll do
it as a last resort, but I'm not sure it would do
anything different than putting 'disable-module' in
the directfbrc. Am I wrong?

Putting the disable in the directfbrc does exactly
what it should. Unfortunately, Freevo is counting on
DirectFB for keyboard input, so now _nothing_ responds
to the keyboard, not even the Freevo menus. I'm sure
this would be different if I had a remote and LIRC,
but I haven't moved that far along just yet.

Adding ':noinput' to Mplayer's VO_DEV_OPTS also does
what it should. Mplayer doesn't respond to keyboard
input... but it's still not getting stdin commands
from Freevo, so it's as deaf as df_xine is: Plays
fine, doesn't respond to anything. Siccing killall on
it takes it down and Freevo pops back up, ready to go
another round.

Also, before I wrote the original e-mail, I tried
'--dfb:disable-module=keyboard' in df_xine's command
line and got about the same result as ':noinput' with
Mplayer. Freevo wedged when I quit df_xine, but I'm
not sure the disable and the wedge are related.

So I must theorize that DirectFB is still handing
keyboard control (when it's enabled) over to the child
app. The command-line switches to df_xine and Mplayer
are just making them ignore the keyboard (if they
weren't already).

I've been putting _debug_ statements in to try
to understand what's going on... can anyone think of a
place I can set a _debug_ statement that will print
when processes a command and tries to send it
to df_xine? Or a way to intercept the stdin from
Freevo and log it? If I get nothing back from that,
it's pretty much a sure thing Freevo isn't getting key

One last thing, and I hope this isn't the kind of
thing I should have mentioned up front... but I've
been running Freevo as root while testing it. I tried
it as a normal user, but it turned into a security
nightmare. Each time I granted access to something,
there was just something else that was access denied.
But I'm not sure if running root would make a

Thanks again for your replies, Justin. Sorry I've got
a stubborn one here! ^_^

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[Freevo-users] DirectFB blocking stdin to child apps?

2005-12-27 Thread James Trietsch
Okay, I went back and did some research on my problem
and I bring it to the group again.

Freevo 1.5.4 (compiled from source)
DirectFB 0.9.24 (from source)
mmpython 0.4.9
pygame 1.7.1
fbxine 0.99.4
df_xine from DirectFB Extras 0.9.23

Patches to Freevo python files to add detection of
df_xine in and circumvent version checking in (df_xine does not report a version number, -v
is used to set verbosity of output).

Debian 3.0, dist-upgraded to Sarge
Kernel 2.4.27 (from source, with AMD K7 optimizations)
This is an 'X-less' box. It all runs from the command

Matrox G400 Max DH card, running TV-Out from the
second head

Did I miss anything?

Okay. The main problem is Freevo cannot control
df_xine or fbxine when playing back DVDs. After a bit
of fiddling, I've narrowed this down to an issue with
DirectFB, because:

* DVD playback with df_xine or fbxine is unresponsive

* Video playback with mplayer (used for everything but
DVDs) responds to mplayer's key commands, but not
necessarily Freevo's key commands.

* Audio playback (mplayer) always responds to Freevo's
key commands

For example, right now Freevo's volume bindings are
'n' for decrease and 'm' for increase. If I play back
audio in mplayer (which uses OSS/ALSA, not DirectFB)
then n/m control volume. However, if I play back video
in mplayer (DVD Title or video file), n/m no longer
control volume, but '/' and '*' (mplayer's default
volume keys) on the keypad do. I believe this works
because mplayer will still respond to it's keyboard
commands when run with the -slave switch. df_xine and
fbxine ignore the keyboard and only listen to stdin
when run with --stdctl.

I can only conclude that video playback through
DirectFB is somehow blocking the stdin commands from
Freevo. I'm very suspicious of the 'virtual terminal'
stuff that DFB is supposed to do. If a child app runs
in a virtual terminal, will Freevo be able to
communicate with it? However, no combination of
'no-vt-switch' and 'no-vt-switching' in the directfbrc
file seems to make any difference.

Interesting to me, if I run df_xine with --stdctl over
telnet, when DirectFB fires up it reports the line:

(*) Direct/Thread: Running 'VT Switcher' (CRITICAL,

Freevo also reports this line whenever the DirectFB
system initalizes.

But if I run fbxine with --stdctl (the only way it
will run from telnet), that line does NOT appear. In
both cases, all lines in directfbrc that deal with the
VT are commented out.

For what it's worth:

If Freevo starts fbxine, the terminal that appears
behind the video output is active: I can type things
into the command line and get responses, even as the
DVD plays back. This leads me to think Freevo has lost
the keyboard.

The above may also be the case with df_xine, but
df_xine does not show any of the terminal behind the
video when played back on the monitor, and blanks the
terminal monitor completely when played back on the

Both df_xine and fbxine work fine outside of Freevo
when run normally (without the --stdctl command). They
respond to all keyboard commands. Both fbxine and
df_xine do not show a terminal behind the video in
this case. If df_xine is run with --layer=0 for
TV-Out, the terminal monitor remains black.

If I run fbxine with --stdctl from the terminal, I can
control it via stdin. I can also see my input and
fbxine's output because the terminal appears 'behind'
the DVD playback. However, when I quit fbxine, the
output remains until I press a key. Then all output is
instantly restored exactly as it was before running
fbxine (fbxine is running in a DFB virtual terminal?).

If I run df_xine with --stdctl from the terminal, I
can _not_ see any part of the terminal 'behind' the
video playback on the monitor. It also does _not_
respond to stdin commands.

If I run df_xine with --stdctl and --layer=0 (to force
it to TV-Out), the terminal monitor is blanked and the
video is output to the TV. However as above, it does
not respond to stdin commands.

If I run df_xine or fbxine with --stdctl from a telnet
session, they will respond to stdin commands sent over
the telnet session.

In all cases where df_xine or fbxine become
unresponsive from inside Freevo, if I terminate the
process manually (via Telnet), Freevo pops back up
once the child process ends. So I can assume Freevo is
working correctly, waiting for the child process to
end. There's just some kind of disconnect between the
keyboard and/or Freevo and/or the child process when
DirectFB is running.

Anyone have any clues they can offer? Even just a
nudge in the right direction? I'd love to whip this,
because otherwise my Freevo box is ready for
prime-time in the living room. I don't have a TV-Tuner
card yet, but I do have the webserver, recordserver
and tv_grab working near perfectly (so I can browse
the guide and set up recordings, just not view or
record anything).

I'd be happy to provide any debug logs (Freevo and
child-app) that may be needed.

Surely there are other G400 

Re: [Freevo-users] DirectFB blocking stdin to child apps?

2005-12-27 Thread James Trietsch
I had a thought early this morning after I'd given up
troubleshooting and turned to playing music on my
Freevo box. And I have a breakthrough!

I went into and removed the '--stdctl' from
the command line. fbxine flat-out refused to run
(couldn't make the console graphical, apparently) but
df_xine runs. And it works...

...with it's _own_ keyboard commands, not Freevo's.
For example, pressing 'b' will trigger the brightness

So now I must assume that DirectFB is ripping keyboard
control away from Freevo and giving it to df_xine (or
whatever new child app is spawned that uses DirectFB).

I realize now that I'll probably get better milage
looking into DirectFB mailing lists and asking
questions there, but on the off-chance anyone knows:
How can I prevent this? Is it because both Freevo and
df_xine run under DirectFB, and DirectFB automatically
moves keyboard control to the most recently started

More research... and I can report my findings back
here if anyone wishes, but judging from the lack of
response to my mails, probably nobody else has this
problem or anything similar.


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Freevo-users mailing list

Re: [Freevo-users] matroxfb vs DirectFB (again sorry)

2005-12-23 Thread James Trietsch
Hi Scott. For what it's worth, I have my G400 DH
behaving pretty well in Freevo 1.5.4 with DirectFB. I
hand-compiled everything from the ground up (not for
the faint of heart!). The box is X-less, running from
the command line. The TV output on the second head is
beautiful... I dare say it looks better (colorwise and
brightness-wise) than the VGA monitor's output.

I have it configured that mplayer handles all tasks
except DVD playback. Mplayer uses the 'dfbmga' video
driver and appears to use hardware acceleration; video
playback doesn't eat too much of the CPU's power.
Audio playback is good too: MP3s, RealPlayer files and
CDDA (through CD-Paranoia) all work well. Sometimes
the CDDA playback gets screwed and it starts treating
the rest of the disc as one track, but it's just a
minor inconvenience.

Xine does DVD playback because of the menu handling.
I'm actually using df_xine and some patchwork to the
Freevo .py files to make it work. And it almost works.
I have a problem where df_xine will not catch commands
sent from Freevo over stdin, so once the DVD starts
it's effectively dead (can't even quit out of it). If
I kill df_xine manually, Freevo pops back up just like
it should. I'm currently researching more into how it
behaves and will probably post for help here on the
list. df_xine _does_ work perfectly on its own, and it
will catch stdin commands when run on its own from a
telnet session... just not when its run by Freevo.

I haven't tried MAME yet (future plans for it) but all
the Freevo displays and video/audio playback works
well with the G400 and DirectFB.

--- Scott Serr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I used matroxfb for a long time, then I decided I
 wanted to try to get 
 mame working.
 So I went from matroxfb:
 mplayer (hardware scaling etc)
 no mame
 And I went to DirectFB:
 mplayer (sucking CPU, seems like lots of stuff like
 scaling done in 
 no xine (to DirectFB support...  that I can compile
 mame almost working
 Can people share their experiences with these two
 methods on a G400DH?
 For instance:
 Anyone ever have mame working on a raw matroxfb?
 Anyone have mame working on DirectFB (on G400) in a
 stable way?
 Anyone have xine support under DirectFB working?
 Will mplayer-DirectFB-G400 ever work as well as 
 mplayer-mga_vid.o-G400 as far as using hardware?
 Thanks for any light...

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[Freevo-users] df_xine, freevo 1.5.4 and me

2005-12-02 Thread James Trietsch
Freevo is great stuff. Applause, Dischi et. all for
all the work you've put into it. I'm really looking
forward to seeing version 2.0. Sounds like a winner!

I've got an almost completely working system, but for
one little detail that I hope somebody can shed some
light into.

AMD Athlon XP1900+
512 MB RAM
2 GB hard drive
Matrox G400 Max

Debian (Sarge) kernel 2.4.27
Freevo 1.5.4
DirectFB 0.9.24
Python 2.3.5
(everything complied from source, including kernel)

Like I said, it's almost completely working. Got
TV-out on the second head. Plays MP3s, CDDA. Plays all
sorts of videos over the network. Image viewing is a
peach. DVDs via Mplayer, check. No TV yet, but I
haven't started that part of the project. That's for

I just want DVDs through xine so I can get the DVD
menu. And therein lies my troubles.

This box is X-less, so xine-ui is right out. Since I'm
using DirectFB, I compiled df_xine to go along with
it. It was even the sweet version with the --stdctl
switch in it. I dutifully followed the patching
instructions for, and and added the proper --layer switch to get it
on the TV-out.

From inside Freevo, df_xine is detected, the plugin is
loaded and the Freevo 'Watch Movie' menu shows the
DVD. Select it and it fires df_xine and it starts the
DVD. But... df_xine is ignorant of Freevo's commands!
It sits there happily at the menu, no matter what keys
I press on the keyboard. I'm getting very good at
typing killall -s TERM df_xine (via telnet shell).
Once I TERM df_xine, Freevo pops back to the menu as
it should and operates normally.

df_xine plays dandy outside of Freevo and recognizes
the keyboard input. If I run it without the --layer
switch, it plays back on the VGA monitor just fine. If
I fire it with the --stdctl command, I can use it by
typing in the commands by hand (eventleft, eventleft,
eventdown, eventselect, etc...) so that confirms it
will take commands from stdctl. But if I run it from
inside Freevo, it plays dumb.

This may be a clue, I just noticed tonight: If I run
df_xine from inside Freevo with no --layer switch,
df_xine plays back to the VGA monitor, but not
full-screen; you can still see leftovers of the
terminal in bands at the top and bottom of the screen.
And, when you press keys, they come out in the
terminal (at the log-in prompt in this case) 'behind'
the DVD playback. Does this mean Freevo has lost
control of the keyboard for some reason?

I did some other nefarious, ugly hacks to in
the course of my troubleshooting, but just in case the
previous paragraph is the key that solves this, I'll
save those for later. And I put back the
freshly-patched version of for now.

Of course, if this was already mentioned in the
mailing list, I apologize. I have in good faith spent
the last week searching and browsing the list archives
and didn't find anything that looked relevant to the

Thanks for reading, and hope somebody has an insight.

Panorama City, CA

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