Re: [gentoo-user] survey: gentoo corporate usage?

2003-04-03 Thread Jose Gonzalez Gomez
   I completely agree with you, Mitchell, but we must take into account 
two things: branding and IT managers.

   Let's face it, although we all love it, Gentoo has a long way until 
it becomes a popular linux distribution. Here in Spain, when you talk 
about linux, people thinks about RedHat, Debian, Suse... that's 
branding, they managed to make their distributions popular. This doesn't 
mean their distributions are better than Gentoo, that only means that 
they have better marketing, maybe they are more user friendly when 
installing for totally novice users, ...

   So when we talk about corporate usage we must think also about IT 
managers. They are the one who are going to approve your crazy idea of 
putting in production that Gentoo distribution that they haven't ever 
heard of. He is the one that is gonna be kicked ass if the damn thing 
doesn't work. So if the RedHat stuff doesn't work, they always may blame 
RedHat and their certification program and move to another distro, so 
they feel backed in some sense. If the Gentoo stuff doesn't work, they 
will be probably fired, as there is no one else to blame. Do you know 
that phrase no one ever got fired for buying IBM? Perhaps we could 
apply the same here.

   So what should Gentoo do or provide for becoming a first order 
distribution (always in my humble opinion)?

   First of all, I think it should provide a graphical installer and 
updater for silly users in order to gain popularity in the desktop 
area. I mean, if a newbie with no linux experience has to decide between 
the linux from scracth approach of Gentoo and the graphical installer 
from RedHat, I bet he will pick RedHat (what the hell, I did it before I 
knew Gentoo). The graphical updater could use emerge behind the scenes, 
and always work in the stable branch, so this user doesn't break 
anything by accident (yes, I know about kportage, but I think it 
provides access to dangerous functionalities of emerge for a newbie).

   And second, I don't think this certification stuff is bad at all for 
Gentoo. This could provide a money income for Gentoo developers, as they 
could manage this certification stuff, and I think Gentoo would be 
better considered in the corporate environment. Add to this some scripts 
to the distribution or standardize the procedures described by some of 
the people that posted here for improving stability, and add a little 
marketing about speed and ease of maintenance and I think Gentoo could 
be soon the leading one in the IT boxes.

gabriel wrote:

On April 2, 2003 07:00 pm, Mitchell James wrote:

Gentoo must have a CD distribution with certified training classes
before it has a chance at my company.
I also have had problems acheiving a stable configuration and wouldn't
recommend your standard desktop user be exposed to that much pain.

i have to say that this sort of response is VERY surprising to me.  while i 
only have a small network here @home, i've had very few problems when it 
comes to stability (mostly the linux learning curve).  and what's this about 
certified training classes?  why would you need that?  just pick up a book 
and go nuts.  i've always felt that certification is just the windows world 
thinking being imposed on linux.  ...i mean, how is having some piece of 
paper mean you can do your job?

this, like everything else i post is not meant to be a match in a gas-filled 
room, but i find this thinking very odd and would like to hear if there are 
others who swing this way.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

RE: [gentoo-user] survey: gentoo corporate usage?

2003-04-03 Thread DE SMET Bram (BDSR)
I work in a windows based company as a new oracle dba.
Having experience as a UNIX administrator for quite a time and working with
linux since 2.0.35 (slackware), I had a hard time to learn how to work in a
windows based lan with windows servers.

Lucky for me, I have someone working here that loves Gentoo as much as I do.
The result is clear: last week we placed the first Linux server in
production, a gentoo box running Squid.

This is just the start (I've been here less then 2 months).
The chief is in doubt, but for the first time he can see that there is a
cheaper way to provide better answers to the problems that come in a windows
based enviroment.

Yet another example is that we are going to set up a Oracle cluster on
Linux. Also using Gentoo.

Our developers are using Rogue Wave source pro C++ for some of their
applications. They compile those on a Gentoo machine too. This machine uses
distcc to speed up the compiling.

As you see, the two of us ARE using Gentoo on the workfloor and the nice
thing is... we are slowly getting rid of windows ;-)

Bram  Filip

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Reinstallation of Konqueror browser by itself through emerge??

2003-04-03 Thread Carlos C. Gonzalez
On April 2, 2003 11:43 pm, Arnold Krille wrote:
 On Thursday 03 April 2003 07:17, Carlos C. Gonzalez wrote:
  I can now use Konqueror again.  The undefined symbol error I was getting
  also went away after rebooting the computer too.

 It should have been gone away after executing kdeinit ;-) We are not
 Windows where you have to reboot after every install ;-)

LOL!  Yeah I'm getting there but it's comforting to reboot once in a while.  
It just feels so right.  LOL. 

Actually I had to turn off the computer since I was trying to find which 
circuit went with a hot wire (doing some renovation).  When I turned the 
computer back on - presto!  Everything worked again.  

I'll have to remember that kdeinit.  But you know even though I know it I have 
this sense that it would be better to reboot and get a fresh start.  I think 
that is definitely something that developed in me through the many years of 
having to reboot under Windows.  I think you are right about that :).  Old 
habits are hard to break.  

It still feels kinda odd to not have to reboot once in a while.  Just doesn't 
feel right.  Somebody should do a study on the long term effects of having 
been under Windows for a long period of time.  Would make interesting reading 


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] How to use this list effectively?

2003-04-03 Thread Carlos C. Gonzalez
On April 2, 2003 11:57 pm, Jan Drugowitsch wrote:
  I use KMail and yes I already have my lists going into seperate folders
  through filters but I guess that's it as far as I can go efficiently
  processing the list.   It's back to the old Del key :).

 I am using KMail, too. However, by setting the folder options to expire the
 messages after 2 weeks, you won't have to many problems with deleting
 emails. The ones you really want to keep can then be moved into a seperate
 folder. Even if the gentoo-user folder is really full (I am now on the
 gentoo-user list since 4 days and have 253 messages in this folder) you can
 easily navigate by using 'Next Unread Message'. That's a least how I do it
 and it works quite well.

Hi Jan.  That's an excellent idea Jan.  I set my gentoo mailing list folder to 
expire (I assume this means delete) messages that are unread after one day 
while never expiring messages that I have read.  That way I can quickly 
traverse to messages I want to keep and read them so as to keep them from 

I'll have to see how that works out in real practice but it looks like a 

Great suggestion.  Thanks.  


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Reinstallation of Konqueror browser by itself through emerge??

2003-04-03 Thread Paul de Vrieze
On Wednesday 02 April 2003 10:47, Carlos C. Gonzalez wrote:
 One thing that is very confusing trying to figure this out is which
 directory KDE is using.  .kde3 or .kde3.1.  I have been told on the KDE
 list that it's .kde3 but there are files in my .kde3.1 directory that seem
 to be getting used such as my /home/carlos/.kde3.1/share/conf/bookmark.xml

Gentoo uses a nonstandard kde scheme to allow for multiple kde's living next 
to eachother. Kde first looks for configuration at the .kde directory. This 
is a symlink to .kde3.1 . Also the konqueror file manager is just an 
embedded application in konqueror, so it can have non-konqueror 
configuration files.


Paul de Vrieze

Description: signature

Re: [gentoo-user] Alt-Gr keys does not work - Solved

2003-04-03 Thread MAL
Patrick Marquetecken wrote:
I hade delete the /var/tmp and placed a symbilic linkto another partition, as ondinary user i had no write wirghts there so Xfree could not write the file server-0.xkm.
/var/tmp should have permissions:


chmod 1777 /var/tmp

Then all users can write to it, but not remove one another's files.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Reinstallation of Konqueror browser by itself through emerge??

2003-04-03 Thread Carlos C. Gonzalez
Hi Paul, 

On April 3, 2003 02:12 am, Paul de Vrieze wrote:
 On Wednesday 02 April 2003 10:47, Carlos C. Gonzalez wrote:
  One thing that is very confusing trying to figure this out is which
  directory KDE is using.  .kde3 or .kde3.1.  I have been told on the KDE
  list that it's .kde3 but there are files in my .kde3.1 directory that
  seem to be getting used such as my
  /home/carlos/.kde3.1/share/conf/bookmark.xml file.

 Gentoo uses a nonstandard kde scheme to allow for multiple kde's living
 next to eachother. Kde first looks for configuration at the .kde directory.
 This is a symlink to .kde3.1 . Also the konqueror file manager is just an
 embedded application in konqueror, so it can have non-konqueror
 configuration files.

Thanks for your input Paul.  I think I will just clean out my KDE 3.0 branch 
and then see what's left to better understand this non-standard kde scheme 
under Gentoo.  It's still a bit confusing because even though I understand 
the symbolic link to .kde3.1 it seems that some files like bookmarks.xml are 
used inside my .kde3.1 directory while others like my konquerorrc file come 
out of my .kde3 directory.  Very confusing to say the least.  My .kde3.1 
directory has hardly anything in it (at least config wise) while my .kde3 
directory is full of stuff.  Yet I always use KDE 3.1.  Go figure.  

Oh well.  I'll see what's left after I get rid of KDE 3.0 and go from there.  

Thanks again Paul.  


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] New NVidia drivers

2003-04-03 Thread Anarconda
	With my GeForce3 works fine, the locks with open gl screensavers  has gone.


Scientia et sapientia patrimonium humanitatis sunt.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[gentoo-user] Injected Packages

2003-04-03 Thread Christian Herzyk
Hello all,

some time ago I asked about a way to skip some packages that only have 
minor release changes when doing an emerge -u world.
One of the answers was, to inject these packages and I am using the way 
right now.

What I would like to know is, if ther is a way to get a list of all 
injected packages?
kportage shows injected packages in another color than installed ones so 
it should be possible.

Thanks for any tips.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[gentoo-user] docbook-sgml-utils-0.6.12 problem

2003-04-03 Thread Erlend Simonsen
Trying to update my system gives this error when trying to upgrade
docbook-sgml-utils-0.6.12. Any ideas what I can do to get around it or
fix it? 

jade:../../doc/refentry/jw.sgml:81:25:E: element GROUP undefined
jade:../../doc/refentry/jw.sgml:82:12:E: element ARG undefined
jade:../../doc/refentry/jw.sgml:82:20:E: element OPTION undefined
jade:I: maximum number of errors (200) reached; change with -E option
make[2]: *** [api.html] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory 
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory 
make: *** [all-recursive] Error 1

Erlend Simonsen - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[gentoo-user] What happened to acpi?

2003-04-03 Thread Christian Aust
Hi all,

gentoo-sources 2.4.20-r1 used to give my Compaq EVO N800C proper acpi 
support, i.e. closing the lid would turn off the display. (Very 
important, otherwise the machine will heat up too much)

The current version doesn't do this anymore, and the ebuild of 
acpi-sources has disappeared. What is left todo? Any ideas? Best regards,

-  Christian

p.s.: Regarding acpi: Is there any ebuild to enable the sleep mode on 
laptops? That would be really useful...

pps.: I really appreciate this gentoo support. It has already helped me 
a lot, I've tried 3 other distros as well (RH, Suse, sorcerer) and this 
is by far the one I like best in terms of performance and support. Thanks!


Christian Aust
icq: 84500990 - Yahoo!: datenimperator - MSN: datenimperator
PGP: A073 F9CD 2F23 25D2 EB95 E7A3 B9B4 2AF3 E103 DB5A
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Masking whole branches of Portage

2003-04-03 Thread Richard Gibert
On Thu, 2003-04-03 at 01:32, Matt Neimeyer wrote:
 I know I saw this before but I don't remember if there was a solution...
 What I'm wondering is if there is a way to mask off entire branches of 
 Portage that I know I will never need... and thus will never be fetched 
 when I do an emerge sync? (thus saving on bandwidth... which I'm billed for)
 For example, I will never need x11, gnome or kde on my web/mail server... 
 so I'd just as soon rather not fetch those branches.

Sounds like RSYNC_EXCLUDEFROM is exactly what you are looking for.  In
make.conf set RSYNC_EXCLUDEFROM=file location here and in the
specified file put what packages you want to block.  An example of my
file is:


This blocks all files in the kde-base, app-emacs, and app-xemacs
directories, since I never intend to use any of the packages in those
directories.  Another one for you would be /x11-* which would block
all of the x11 packages.  Check out man rsync under Exclude Patterns for
more patterns you can use to block packages.  

I have used this with quite a bit of success in trying to lower
bandwidth usage of gentoo (being on a capped internet connection).

I'm not entirely sure what version of portage introduced this, I know it
was fairly recently.  I am using this feature perfectly with Portage


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[gentoo-user] A few sound problems

2003-04-03 Thread Bruno Lustosa

I have gentoo running flawlessly on my machine at home, although I've
had a few sound problems lately.
Permissions in /dev/sound/* are 660 (, and when I open kde
using a standard account (in audio group), sound works fine.
However, after leaving kde, permissions in the devices get set to 600
If another user tries to enter kde, they get no sound.
I don't know where the issue should be. devfsd.conf permissions are
being set before anything actually uses the device (660,,
but after using they are lost.

Also, when running xmms in kde (using arts output plugin), the volume
bar does nothing. Am I doing something wrong here?


Bruno Lustosa, aka Lofofora  | Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Network Administrator/Web Programmer | ICQ UIN: 1406477
Rio de Janeiro - Brazil  |

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[gentoo-user] Installation/Deinstallation of rhythmbox

2003-04-03 Thread Patrick Marquetecken

i'm going to install Rhythmbox. 
But i normal install only programs with if possible no KDE or Gnome support it make 
some programs heavy to load, now i've seen that rhythmbox have from both files !!
If i want to deinstall it, do i just emerge -C XXX and go from bottom to top from wat 
the emerge depenties list gives me? 
so from rhytmbox up to linc 


[ebuild  N   ] net-libs/linc-1.0.1  
[ebuild  N   ] gnome-base/ORBit2-2.6.1  
[ebuild  N   ] gnome-base/gconf-2.2.0  
[ebuild  N   ] gnome-base/bonobo-activation-  
[ebuild  N   ] gnome-base/libbonobo-2.2.1  
[ebuild  N   ] dev-python/PyXML-0.8.1  
[ebuild  N   ] gnome-base/libglade-2.0.1  
[ebuild  N   ] media-libs/libart_lgpl-2.3.11  
[ebuild  N   ] gnome-base/libgnomecanvas-  
[ebuildU ] dev-libs/libxml2-2.5.6 [2.5.2] 
[ebuild  N   ] dev-libs/libxslt-1.0.29  
[ebuild  N   ] gnome-base/gnome-mime-data-2.2.0  
[ebuild  N   ] net-nds/portmap-5b-r7  
[ebuild  N   ] app-admin/fam-oss-2.6.9-r2  
[ebuild  N   ] gnome-base/gnome-vfs-2.2.4  
[ebuild  N   ] gnome-base/libgnome-  
[ebuild  N   ] gnome-base/libbonoboui-  
[ebuild  N   ] gnome-base/libgnomeui-  
[ebuild  N   ] x11-themes/gnome-icon-theme-1.0.1  
[ebuild  N   ] x11-themes/gtk-engines-metal-2.2.0  
[ebuild  N   ] x11-themes/gtk-engines-thinice-2.0.2  
[ebuild  N   ] x11-themes/gtk-engines-redmond95-2.2.0  
[ebuild  N   ] x11-themes/gtk-engines-pixbuf-2.2.0  
[ebuild  N   ] x11-themes/gnome-themes-2.2.1  
[ebuild  N   ] app-text/scrollkeeper-0.3.12  
[ebuild  N   ] x11-libs/libwnck-2.2.1  
[ebuild  N   ] x11-libs/startup-notification-0.5  
[ebuild  N   ] gnome-base/gnome-desktop-2.2.1-r1  
[ebuild  N   ] gnome-base/gnome-panel-2.2.1  
[ebuild  N   ] media-libs/jpeg-mmx-1.1.2-r1  
[ebuild  N   ] media-sound/cdparanoia-3.9.8  
[ebuild  N   ] kde-base/kde-env-3-r2  
[ebuild  N   ] kde-base/arts-1.1.1  
[ebuild  N   ] media-libs/svgalib-1.9.17-r1  
[ebuild  N   ] dev-lang/nasm-0.98.36  
[ebuild  N   ] media-libs/libsdl-1.2.5-r1  
[ebuild  N   ] media-libs/libmovtar-0.1.3-r1  
[ebuild  N   ] media-libs/libdv-0.98  
[ebuild  N   ] media-libs/quicktime4linux-1.5.5-r1  
[ebuild  N   ] media-libs/win32codecs-0.90.1-r2  
[ebuild  N   ] media-libs/xvid-0.9.1  
[ebuild  N   ] media-libs/divx4linux-20020418-r2  
[ebuild  N   ] media-libs/libogg-1.0  
[ebuild  N   ] media-libs/libvorbis-1.0-r2  
[ebuild  N   ] media-sound/lame-3.93.1-r1  
[ebuild  N   ] media-video/ffmpeg-0.4.6-r1  
[ebuild  N   ] media-sound/mad-0.14.2b-r2  
[ebuild  N   ] media-video/avifile-  
[ebuild  N   ] media-video/mjpegtools-1.6.0-r7  
[ebuild  N   ] media-libs/libmikmod-3.1.10  
[ebuild  N   ] media-sound/xmms-1.2.7-r19  
[ebuild  N   ] media-libs/id3lib-3.8.3  
[ebuild  N   ] media-libs/flac-1.1.0  
[ebuild  N   ] media-libs/gstreamer-0.4.2-r1  
[ebuild  N   ] x11-libs/fltk-1.1.2-r1  
[ebuild  N   ] media-libs/libsndfile-1.0.4  
[ebuild  N   ] media-sound/jack-audio-connection-kit-0.61.0  
[ebuild  N   ] media-libs/libmpeg2-0.2.1  
[ebuild  N   ] media-sound/mpg123-0.59r-r2  
[ebuild  N   ] media-libs/openquicktime-1.0  
[ebuild  N   ] media-libs/ladspa-sdk-1.12  
[ebuild  N   ] media-libs/hermes-1.3.2-r2  
[ebuild  N   ] media-libs/gst-plugins-0.4.2-r2  
[ebuild  N   ] media-libs/musicbrainz-2.0.1  
[ebuild  N   ] media-libs/monkey-media-0.6.1  
[ebuild  N   ] media-sound/rhythmbox-0.4.1-r1  

 Knowledge in a databank,is like food which is in a deepfreeze.
 Nothing comes out better than what is initially put in.
 PGP Key:
 Registered Linux User #44550

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] Which Cryptoloop Cipher should I use?

2003-04-03 Thread Daniel Jaeggi
Probably best to read the judges report on the AES finalists. Any of
them should be decent, Rijndael seems to give a good compromise between
speed/security, I'm using Serpent because it seems to be the simplest
and most secure (in that, the way it's designed, it's unlikely an
exploit will be discovered - it uses well analysed techniques). It's
meant to be slow but I haven't found that a problem.

But do read up on it yourself! 


On Wed, Apr 02, 2003 at 11:20:06PM +0200, Florian Dittmer wrote:
 Dear Community,
 I would like to encrypt some of my file systems and use cryptoloop.
 I am wondering which of the available ciphers would be the best
 proportion of speed/security.
 Florian Dittmer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Installation/Deinstallation of rhythmbox

2003-04-03 Thread ds
Just emerge -C rhythmbox will suffice :)

On Thu, 2003-04-03 at 06:43, Patrick Marquetecken wrote:
 i'm going to install Rhythmbox. 
 But i normal install only programs with if possible no KDE or Gnome support it make 
 some programs heavy to load, now i've seen that rhythmbox have from both files !!
 If i want to deinstall it, do i just emerge -C XXX and go from bottom to top from 
 wat the emerge depenties list gives me? 
 so from rhytmbox up to linc 
 [ebuild  N   ] net-libs/linc-1.0.1  
 [ebuild  N   ] gnome-base/ORBit2-2.6.1  
 [ebuild  N   ] gnome-base/gconf-2.2.0  
 [ebuild  N   ] gnome-base/bonobo-activation-  
 [ebuild  N   ] gnome-base/libbonobo-2.2.1  
 [ebuild  N   ] dev-python/PyXML-0.8.1  
 [ebuild  N   ] gnome-base/libglade-2.0.1  
 [ebuild  N   ] media-libs/libart_lgpl-2.3.11  
 [ebuild  N   ] gnome-base/libgnomecanvas-  
 [ebuildU ] dev-libs/libxml2-2.5.6 [2.5.2] 
 [ebuild  N   ] dev-libs/libxslt-1.0.29  
 [ebuild  N   ] gnome-base/gnome-mime-data-2.2.0  
 [ebuild  N   ] net-nds/portmap-5b-r7  
 [ebuild  N   ] app-admin/fam-oss-2.6.9-r2  
 [ebuild  N   ] gnome-base/gnome-vfs-2.2.4  
 [ebuild  N   ] gnome-base/libgnome-  
 [ebuild  N   ] gnome-base/libbonoboui-  
 [ebuild  N   ] gnome-base/libgnomeui-  
 [ebuild  N   ] x11-themes/gnome-icon-theme-1.0.1  
 [ebuild  N   ] x11-themes/gtk-engines-metal-2.2.0  
 [ebuild  N   ] x11-themes/gtk-engines-thinice-2.0.2  
 [ebuild  N   ] x11-themes/gtk-engines-redmond95-2.2.0  
 [ebuild  N   ] x11-themes/gtk-engines-pixbuf-2.2.0  
 [ebuild  N   ] x11-themes/gnome-themes-2.2.1  
 [ebuild  N   ] app-text/scrollkeeper-0.3.12  
 [ebuild  N   ] x11-libs/libwnck-2.2.1  
 [ebuild  N   ] x11-libs/startup-notification-0.5  
 [ebuild  N   ] gnome-base/gnome-desktop-2.2.1-r1  
 [ebuild  N   ] gnome-base/gnome-panel-2.2.1  
 [ebuild  N   ] media-libs/jpeg-mmx-1.1.2-r1  
 [ebuild  N   ] media-sound/cdparanoia-3.9.8  
 [ebuild  N   ] kde-base/kde-env-3-r2  
 [ebuild  N   ] kde-base/arts-1.1.1  
 [ebuild  N   ] media-libs/svgalib-1.9.17-r1  
 [ebuild  N   ] dev-lang/nasm-0.98.36  
 [ebuild  N   ] media-libs/libsdl-1.2.5-r1  
 [ebuild  N   ] media-libs/libmovtar-0.1.3-r1  
 [ebuild  N   ] media-libs/libdv-0.98  
 [ebuild  N   ] media-libs/quicktime4linux-1.5.5-r1  
 [ebuild  N   ] media-libs/win32codecs-0.90.1-r2  
 [ebuild  N   ] media-libs/xvid-0.9.1  
 [ebuild  N   ] media-libs/divx4linux-20020418-r2  
 [ebuild  N   ] media-libs/libogg-1.0  
 [ebuild  N   ] media-libs/libvorbis-1.0-r2  
 [ebuild  N   ] media-sound/lame-3.93.1-r1  
 [ebuild  N   ] media-video/ffmpeg-0.4.6-r1  
 [ebuild  N   ] media-sound/mad-0.14.2b-r2  
 [ebuild  N   ] media-video/avifile-  
 [ebuild  N   ] media-video/mjpegtools-1.6.0-r7  
 [ebuild  N   ] media-libs/libmikmod-3.1.10  
 [ebuild  N   ] media-sound/xmms-1.2.7-r19  
 [ebuild  N   ] media-libs/id3lib-3.8.3  
 [ebuild  N   ] media-libs/flac-1.1.0  
 [ebuild  N   ] media-libs/gstreamer-0.4.2-r1  
 [ebuild  N   ] x11-libs/fltk-1.1.2-r1  
 [ebuild  N   ] media-libs/libsndfile-1.0.4  
 [ebuild  N   ] media-sound/jack-audio-connection-kit-0.61.0  
 [ebuild  N   ] media-libs/libmpeg2-0.2.1  
 [ebuild  N   ] media-sound/mpg123-0.59r-r2  
 [ebuild  N   ] media-libs/openquicktime-1.0  
 [ebuild  N   ] media-libs/ladspa-sdk-1.12  
 [ebuild  N   ] media-libs/hermes-1.3.2-r2  
 [ebuild  N   ] media-libs/gst-plugins-0.4.2-r2  
 [ebuild  N   ] media-libs/musicbrainz-2.0.1  
 [ebuild  N   ] media-libs/monkey-media-0.6.1  
 [ebuild  N   ] media-sound/rhythmbox-0.4.1-r1  

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[gentoo-user] Question:

2003-04-03 Thread Chris van der Pennen

Is re-bootstrapping from within a live gentoo installation a good idea, or will that Break Things?


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [gentoo-user] Apache

2003-04-03 Thread gabriel
On April 3, 2003 02:22 am, Ryan Oberto wrote:
 On 4/3/03 2:09 AM, gabriel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On April 2, 2003 02:51 am, Ryan Oberto wrote:
  I emerge -u world last night
  And this morning my apache wont start I get this error
  [wed Apr 2 09:45:21 2003] [alert] mod_unique_id:unable to gethostbyname
  you need to be more explicit here.  what packages did you update?  is
  cygnus the name in your /etc/hostname? more info please.

 I emerge my whole system witch updated apache
 My machines hostname is yes it is the same as my

 When I try start it my logs just keep giving me that error from above

 If you need more info please let me know thanks

well since i've never had the above problem i have no idea how to help you...  
but i did find this link:

maybe your firewall is preventing your nameserver from resolving its own name?  
also check that /etc/hostname has exactly the same contents as what you've 
specified is the hostname in your apache.conf.  i don't think that cygnus 
is enough in this case, and that maybe you have to have the complete 
resolvable name

it is easy to believe in freedom of speech
for those with whom we agree.
  - leo mckern

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] survey: gentoo corporate usage?

2003-04-03 Thread Josh McCormack
Trying to understand the perspective of the 'business people,' as 
we call them in mixed company, I can kind of understand. 

First off, Redhat is like the IBM/Microsoft of Linux, so selling 
management on why Linux != Redhat is a challenge. So lets say you 
tell them they can run their ancient, junky machines and they'll 
scream and the security is serious, and it's updated like every 20 
seconds, and they bob their heads around like you're getting to them.
Now you need to close the deal.

Redhat  has training classes, certification, and professional services.
Reassuring. Mitigated risk, is what those business types call it.
And version #s make life easier for some people.

Seems reasonable to me to come out with a CD every 6 months with 
the stable, tested Gentoo of that moment, easily updated each 6 months,
and offer training ( a book) and certification.  I'd personally 
lean toward making the CD have a nice installer with hardware detection,
possibly built off of Knoppix. Anyone else find this interesting?


Date: Wednesday, 02 April 2003 18:00:57 -0600
From: Mitchell James [EMAIL PROTECTED][Save address]
Subject: Re: [gentoo-user] survey: gentoo corporate usage?
[Show all headers] [Printer-friendly version]

We are using Gentoo for image generation systems used for high end 
training simulators (our product).  The IT department supplies Redhat 
for the desktop systems.  This is more a problem of IT being able 
to get 
certified training on Redhat and therefore something that they feel 
they can put on a resume for the next job.

 Also IT is not interested in having current updates on the desktop,
they want is one stable load that can last several years before 
the next 
update.  They have just decided to go to Redhat 8.0 from 7.2.  That 
should happen in the next year.  Most of the desktops still run 
2000 or earlier.

Gentoo must have a CD distribution with certified training classes 
before it has a chance at my company.

I also have had problems acheiving a stable configuration and wouldn't 
recommend your standard desktop user be exposed to that much pain.

Mitchell James

EASY and FREE access to your email anywhere:

Need cheap webhosting? Visit: 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] survey: gentoo corporate usage?

2003-04-03 Thread Robert Spahr
Hash: SHA1

Seems to me the spirit of Gentoo is not to 'compete' with redhat or any other 

Being more a meta-distribution allows the user to control what they have on 
there machine. That and the portage systems keeps my machine up to date with 
the software I choose to install. It also allows me to avoid rpm dependency 
nightmares. (Anyone remember what it was like installing Xine on RedHat?)

If a company can not understand those issues, (Linux != RedHat) they should 
stick with Redhat, and more power to them. But to expect Gentoo to become 
like RedHat seems to me a way of limiting choice.

Educate the companies.. do not dumb down Gentoo!

my 2 cents

- -- 

Robert Spahr

PGP Public Key

On Thursday 03 April 2003 09:23 am, Josh McCormack wrote:
 Trying to understand the perspective of the 'business people,' as
 we call them in mixed company, I can kind of understand.

 First off, Redhat is like the IBM/Microsoft of Linux, so selling
 management on why Linux != Redhat is a challenge. So lets say you
 tell them they can run their ancient, junky machines and they'll
 scream and the security is serious, and it's updated like every 20
 seconds, and they bob their heads around like you're getting to them.
 Now you need to close the deal.

 Redhat  has training classes, certification, and professional services.
 Reassuring. Mitigated risk, is what those business types call it.
 And version #s make life easier for some people.

 Seems reasonable to me to come out with a CD every 6 months with
 the stable, tested Gentoo of that moment, easily updated each 6 months,
 and offer training ( a book) and certification.  I'd personally
 lean toward making the CD have a nice installer with hardware detection,
 possibly built off of Knoppix. Anyone else find this interesting?


 Date: Wednesday, 02 April 2003 18:00:57 -0600

 From: Mitchell James [EMAIL PROTECTED][Save address]

 Subject: Re: [gentoo-user] survey: gentoo corporate usage?
 [Show all headers] [Printer-friendly version]
 We are using Gentoo for image generation systems used for high end
 training simulators (our product).  The IT department supplies Redhat
 for the desktop systems.  This is more a problem of IT being able

 to get

 certified training on Redhat and therefore something that they feel


 they can put on a resume for the next job.
  Also IT is not interested in having current updates on the desktop,


 they want is one stable load that can last several years before

 the next

 update.  They have just decided to go to Redhat 8.0 from 7.2.  That
 should happen in the next year.  Most of the desktops still run


 2000 or earlier.
 Gentoo must have a CD distribution with certified training classes
 before it has a chance at my company.
 I also have had problems acheiving a stable configuration and wouldn't
 recommend your standard desktop user be exposed to that much pain.
 Mitchell James

 EASY and FREE access to your email anywhere:
 Need cheap webhosting? Visit:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)


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[gentoo-user] PCtel 'Winmodem' Driver

2003-04-03 Thread Alex
I have a PCtel modem and I am trying to get the PCtel modem driver to
work.  I am not having much success. I get the following for pctel-0.9.6

/tmp/pctel-0.9.6 0 $ insmod pctel

Using /lib/modules/2.4.20/misc/pctel.o
/lib/modules/2.4.20/misc/pctel.o: The module you are trying to load
(/lib/modules/2.4.20/misc/pctel.o) is compiled with a gcc
version 2 compiler, while the kernel you are running is compiled with
a gcc version 3 compiler. This is known to not work.

I am using gcc version:
gcc version 3.2.2 20030322 (Gentoo Linux 1.4 3.2.2-r2)

Has anyone gotten a PCtel modem to work in Gentoo? Also, will there be a
gentoo-package for it anytime soon?



[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Gentoo support for GNU emacs?

2003-04-03 Thread Matthew Kennedy

Hi Steve,

I maintain app-emacs/ and also app-xemacs (looking for help with the
latter btw).

Steve Juranich [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I've noticed that there's a lot of packages that I want to use with
 plain GNU emacs, but Gentoo only provides these packages for Xemacs
 (e.g., leim, ess).

leim support for app-emacs is via the use flag leim. Add that to
your use and re-emerge emacs. 

 So what I've been doing is installing the packages by hand to work
 with GNU emacs, but is there a way to make these ebuilds work with
 plain GNU emacs?  It would make my life much easier.

Yes. You can do either of two things: 1. create an ebuild for the
missing app-emacs package and submit it at bugzilla. 2. make a request
for the missing app-emacs package (also via bugzilla). 

Obviously, the former is better (its less work for me! ;) But the
latter is definitely acceptable also.

I've started you off:


Matthew Kennedy
Gentoo Linux Developer
Bugs go to!

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[gentoo-user] Mozilla mime types

2003-04-03 Thread Patrick Marquetecken

i have installed mozila 1.2.1-r5 but there is no mime type list,do i have to ceate 
that manualy, if so where can i find a list of all those types ?



 Knowledge in a databank,is like food which is in a deepfreeze.
 Nothing comes out better than what is initially put in.
 PGP Key:
 Registered Linux User #44550

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] Which Cryptoloop Cipher should I use?

2003-04-03 Thread Matthew Kennedy
Daniel Jaeggi [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Probably best to read the judges report on the AES finalists. Any of
 them should be decent, Rijndael seems to give a good compromise between
 speed/security, I'm using Serpent because it seems to be the simplest

Indeed. Its been said that Serpent is as good as Rijndael (now AES),
however Serpent is faster in my configuration (keybits 256 btw).


Matthew Kennedy
Gentoo Linux Developer
Bugs go to!

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Odd issue with gentoo-sources-2.4.20-r2 - fixed

2003-04-03 Thread Bruno Lustosa
* Chris van der Pennen [EMAIL PROTECTED] [03-04-2003 11:21]:
 It was ACPI.  Damned crappy acpi support.  I can't wait for kernel 2.6.

I've read somewhere something in the lines of everyone is waiting for
kernel 2.6, but on the other hand, there are too few people testing the
2.5 tree.
Without many people to actually test and report the errors, it'll be
hard for 2.6 to come out as stable as we all want.
As for me, I downloaded latest 2.5 and compiled at home. I suggest you
doing the same in a machine you can spare running an unstable kernel.

Bruno Lustosa, aka Lofofora  | Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Network Administrator/Web Programmer | ICQ UIN: 1406477
Rio de Janeiro - Brazil  |

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] PCtel 'Winmodem' Driver

2003-04-03 Thread Andrew Gaffney
The problem is just as it says. You can't insert a module built with GCC 
2.x into a running kernel compiled with GCC 3.x. You have to wait until 
a new binary module is released that is compiled with GCC 3.x. Or, if 
you *really* want it, you could compile your kernel on another linux box 
with GCC 2.x and then bring it back to your box. Then the module should 
work without a problem. You could also downgrade your GCC to 2.x, but 
this is probably a bad idea, if even possible without breaking a lot of 

Alex wrote:
I have a PCtel modem and I am trying to get the PCtel modem driver to
work.  I am not having much success. I get the following for pctel-0.9.6
/tmp/pctel-0.9.6 0 $ insmod pctel

Using /lib/modules/2.4.20/misc/pctel.o
/lib/modules/2.4.20/misc/pctel.o: The module you are trying to load
(/lib/modules/2.4.20/misc/pctel.o) is compiled with a gcc
version 2 compiler, while the kernel you are running is compiled with
a gcc version 3 compiler. This is known to not work.
Andrew Gaffney
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] How to use this list effectively?

2003-04-03 Thread Ian Tindale
On Thursday 03 April 2003 12:21 am, Carlos C. Gonzalez wrote:
 Oh well.  Lists seem to be much better than forums for some odd reason but
 they sure do fill up the mailboxes.  

You're not supposed to actually read them. They're there to make it seem like 
you know about certain subjects. I've got absolutely tonnes of unread list 
mail about Java, Cocoa, Objective-C and suchlike. You'd think that I actually 
know how to program. Same as my bookshelf. None of it has the slightest 
meaning to me, however, and I'm as unable to program as I ever was, 20 years 
ago. However, just looking at all the mail pile up lets me see statistically 
which are the popular topics, so I know which words to use when discussing 
Ian Tindale

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[gentoo-user] portage error

2003-04-03 Thread Kurt V. Hindenburg
([EMAIL PROTECTED])-(11:27)-(~) emerge  kdeedu -Cp

 These are the packages that I would unmerge:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /usr/bin/emerge, line 1699, in ?
if 1==unmerge(myaction, myfiles):
  File /usr/bin/emerge, line 1321, in unmerge
for y in localtree.dep_nomatch(mydep):
  File /usr/lib/python2.2/site-packages/, line 2371, in 
  File /usr/lib/python2.2/site-packages/, line 2761, in 
if ps[0]==mysplit[1]:
IndexError: list index out of range

([EMAIL PROTECTED])-(11:27)-(~) emerge  kdeedu -p

These are the packages that I would merge, in order:

Calculating dependencies ...done!
[ebuildU-] kde-base/kdeedu-3.1.1 [3.1]


  There is no good and evil; there is only power.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[gentoo-user] rdate vs. ntpdate

2003-04-03 Thread Timo Boettcher

  In the last GWN
  there was something on how to sync the local clock using rdate.
  Whats the difference to using ntpdate?


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[gentoo-user] Re: How to use this list effectively?

2003-04-03 Thread Jehan
Carlos C. Gonzalez wrote:
Sounds very interesting Jehan.  May I ask, have you noticed any increase in 
spam as a result of using their service?  I mean does your email address get 
picked up by spammers more so using their service than just straight mailling 
list use?  
Every post on the mailing list are forwarded to the newsgroup and vice 
versa. So that your email address goes to a newsgroups first or the 
mailing first, it's the same.
Now, gmane could sell the addresses if they wanted to but there would be 
no reason for them to get the address from people sending a post to the 
newsgroups and not from those sending to the mailing list.

Otherwise, I haven't looked in detail but they have some way thing to 
help protect against address harvesting (


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Question:

2003-04-03 Thread brett holcomb
Assuming you set up the mount points and chroot as per the 
instructions it won't hurt.  I've done it.

On 03 Apr 2003 23:54:30 +0930
 Chris van der Pennen [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Is re-bootstrapping from within a live gentoo 
installation a good idea,
or will that Break Things?


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: Mozilla and Phoenix (was: Mozilla mime types)

2003-04-03 Thread Alex Combas
On Thu, 2003-04-03 at 09:10, Alan wrote:
 On Thu, Apr 03, 2003 at 01:27:44PM -0300, Bruno Lustosa wrote:
  * Patrick Marquetecken [EMAIL PROTECTED] [03-04-2003 13:21]:
   i have installed mozila 1.2.1-r5 but there is no mime type list,do i have to 
   ceate that manualy, if so where can i find a list of all those types ?
  Also, regarding Mozilla, it's already complaining about being too old.
  Is there an ebuild somewhere that will take the nightly sources from and build it?
 Go into /usr/portage/net-www/mozilla and emerge the 1.3.x ebuild that's
 in there.
  Also, I'm not at home now (running Debian here at work), so I can't
  check, but is there an ebuild to build Phoenix? Mozilla is nice, but has
  lots of things I really don't need or don't want.
 Yup, emerge phoenix-bin IIRC.

or you could even try emerge phoenix-cvs :)

-- alex

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] PCtel 'Winmodem' Driver

2003-04-03 Thread Alex
I was afraid someone would say that but the weird thing is that I just
built the module with gcc 3.x!

On Thu, 2003-04-03 at 10:26, Andrew Gaffney wrote:
 The problem is just as it says. You can't insert a module built with GCC 
 2.x into a running kernel compiled with GCC 3.x. You have to wait until 
 a new binary module is released that is compiled with GCC 3.x. Or, if 
 you *really* want it, you could compile your kernel on another linux box 
 with GCC 2.x and then bring it back to your box. Then the module should 
 work without a problem. You could also downgrade your GCC to 2.x, but 
 this is probably a bad idea, if even possible without breaking a lot of 
 Alex wrote:
  I have a PCtel modem and I am trying to get the PCtel modem driver to
  work.  I am not having much success. I get the following for pctel-0.9.6
  /tmp/pctel-0.9.6 0 $ insmod pctel
  Using /lib/modules/2.4.20/misc/pctel.o
  /lib/modules/2.4.20/misc/pctel.o: The module you are trying to load
  (/lib/modules/2.4.20/misc/pctel.o) is compiled with a gcc
  version 2 compiler, while the kernel you are running is compiled with
  a gcc version 3 compiler. This is known to not work.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Apache

2003-04-03 Thread Tom Nicholson
Don't know if this will help or not, but I had the same error reported and 
solved it by putting localhost inside apache.conf where it asks for 
ServerName localhost
Maybe that doesn't fit your needs but it worked for me. I can now access 
apache from within my home net.

 On April 3, 2003 02:22 am, Ryan Oberto wrote:
  On 4/3/03 2:09 AM, gabriel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   On April 2, 2003 02:51 am, Ryan Oberto wrote:
   I emerge -u world last night
   And this morning my apache wont start I get this error
   [wed Apr 2 09:45:21 2003] [alert] mod_unique_id:unable to
   gethostbyname (cygnus)
   you need to be more explicit here.  what packages did you update? 
   is cygnus the name in your /etc/hostname? more info please.
  I emerge my whole system witch updated apache
  My machines hostname is yes it is the same as my
  When I try start it my logs just keep giving me that error from
  If you need more info please let me know thanks
 well since i've never had the above problem i have no idea how to help
 you...  but i did find this link:
 maybe your firewall is preventing your nameserver from resolving its
 own name?  also check that /etc/hostname has exactly the same contents
 as what you've specified is the hostname in your apache.conf.  i don't
 think that cygnus is enough in this case, and that maybe you have to
 have the complete resolvable name
 it is easy to believe in freedom of speech
 for those with whom we agree.
   - leo mckern
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[gentoo-user] X flicker,flicker,flicker fine...

2003-04-03 Thread Jesse Jacobs
Hello everyone,
I've, well, kind of an annoyance.  This has been occurring since
introducing a KVM at Christmas(my fam splurged this year).
The monitor is a Sync-Master 950P.  When X starts the screen flickers a
few times and then loads my win-manager.  This take ~10 seconds.  This
also occurs when switching between vc's.  I thought this could be related
to my AGP driver but after forcing AGPGART the problem persists.  I was
hoping someone could help direct me to a utility for the ModeLine value to
this monitor or any suggestions that I might attempt.
Thanks for any and all help,

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] X flicker,flicker,flicker fine...

2003-04-03 Thread Jesse Jacobs
Hello Again,
Just to clarify,  I've used xvidtune for the appropriate one line values
but this did not help.  What I would like to find is a utility for the
horizontal and vertical timings at each resolution.
Jesse Jacobs said:
 Hello everyone,
 I've, well, kind of an annoyance.  This has been occurring since
 introducing a KVM at Christmas(my fam splurged this year).
 The monitor is a Sync-Master 950P.  When X starts the screen flickers a
 few times and then loads my win-manager.  This take ~10 seconds.  This
 also occurs when switching between vc's.  I thought this could be
 related to my AGP driver but after forcing AGPGART the problem persists.
  I was hoping someone could help direct me to a utility for the ModeLine
 value to this monitor or any suggestions that I might attempt.
 Thanks for any and all help,

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] make.defaults USE settings

2003-04-03 Thread Jon \GenKiller\

Here are the USE variables in /etc/make.profile/make.defaults 

USE=x86 oss 3dnow apm arts avi berkdb crypt cups encode gdbm gif gpm
gtk imlib
java jpeg kde gnome libg++ libwww mikmod mmx motif mpeg ncurses nls
opengl pam pdflib png python qt quicktime readline sdl slang spell ssl
svga tcpd truetype X xml2 xmms xv zlib

-Jon GenKiller Gaudette
Webmaster -

On Thu, 2003-04-03 at 12:52, Jan Drugowitsch wrote:
  I've set the USE flags in /etc/make.conf while comiling gcc and have just
  noticed that it merged them to /etc/make.profile/make.defaults, resetting
  the make.conf to its previous state.
  As I don't want to mess around with these settings and reset them to the
  defaults, could someone please send me the default USE settings of
  make.defaults so that I can reset them (gcc 3.2). Or is this supposed to be
  the normal behaviour?
 Pleeease anyone? It doesn't take more than a minute!
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Apache

2003-04-03 Thread Paul de Vrieze
On Thursday 03 April 2003 19:51, Tom Nicholson wrote:
 Don't know if this will help or not, but I had the same error reported and
 solved it by putting localhost inside apache.conf where it asks for
 ServerName localhost
 Maybe that doesn't fit your needs but it worked for me. I can now access
 apache from within my home net.

Just add your ip address and hostname to /etc/hosts

Paul de Vrieze

Description: signature

Re: [gentoo-user] Package management for non-ebuild software

2003-04-03 Thread Paul de Vrieze
On Thursday 03 April 2003 01:39, Timothy Grant wrote:
 On Wednesday 02 April 2003 01:25 pm, Matt Garman wrote:
  On Wed, Apr 02, 2003 at 09:07:09PM +0100, Jan Drugowitsch wrote:
   Is there any way with standard-gentoo tools to also keep track of
   software installed with ./configure  make  make install? I used
   install-log with LFS, but if there's a chance to use a different
   system I would be glad to hear about it.
  I'm not sure about the standard gentoo requirement, but a very good
  manager of compiled-from-vanilla-source packages is epkg:
  It is similar in concept to GNU stow.

 I use stow, never heard of epkg before, can you elucidate on the
 differences between them, or perchance why epkg is a better choice?

Why just not write an ebuild. Often even the skel ebuild just works with your 
package, and you just need to add the url. (/usr/portage/skel.ebuild)

It is really easy to write ebuilds, and if you made some mistake you can often 
just go on where you left after correcting the problem. 


Paul de Vrieze

Description: signature

Re: [gentoo-user] Request for bug fix

2003-04-03 Thread Paul de Vrieze
On Wednesday 02 April 2003 22:20, Tom Wesley wrote:

 Is there any way that I can request of bug fix be merge from kde cvs into
 gentoo if possible.  I have an annoyed kde bug #56279

 I'm not sure if the fix can be implemented, and I'm not a good enough c++
 coder to even break into much more than a Hello world

Maybe you should file a bug to this respect. Most developers only sieve 
through this list as it is very high volume.


Paul de Vrieze

Description: signature

Re: [gentoo-user] Package management for non-ebuild software

2003-04-03 Thread Vano D
  I use stow, never heard of epkg before, can you elucidate on the
  differences between them, or perchance why epkg is a better choice?
 Why just not write an ebuild. Often even the skel ebuild just works with your 
 package, and you just need to add the url. (/usr/portage/skel.ebuild)
 It is really easy to write ebuilds, and if you made some mistake you can often 
 just go on where you left after correcting the problem. 

I have been wondering a lot lately whether it is possible to have a
mechanism in Portage to install software which just requires a
configure, make, make install. We know that usually using the
skel.ebuild is enough.

Probably we could add a feature to emerge so one would emerge --custom
some_source and Portage would untar into the work dir the file
/usr/portate/distfiles/some_source-2.9.tar.gz (or other extensions
etc..) and would carry out a simple skel.ebuild (or we could have 2 or 3
other variations if the first one or two fail to compile). It would then
enter into the Portage database as custom.some_source-2.9 or with some
other prefix so Portage knows it is a special ebuild (as in there is
no ebuild.)

It doesn't look too hard to implement such a feature. What do you people


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Package management for non-ebuild software

2003-04-03 Thread Tom Wesley
On Thursday 03 April 2003 9:39 pm, Vano D wrote:
   I use stow, never heard of epkg before, can you elucidate on the
   differences between them, or perchance why epkg is a better choice?
  Why just not write an ebuild. Often even the skel ebuild just works with
  your package, and you just need to add the url.
  It is really easy to write ebuilds, and if you made some mistake you can
  often just go on where you left after correcting the problem.

 I have been wondering a lot lately whether it is possible to have a
 mechanism in Portage to install software which just requires a
 configure, make, make install. We know that usually using the
 skel.ebuild is enough.

 Probably we could add a feature to emerge so one would emerge --custom
 some_source and Portage would untar into the work dir the file
 /usr/portate/distfiles/some_source-2.9.tar.gz (or other extensions
 etc..) and would carry out a simple skel.ebuild (or we could have 2 or 3
 other variations if the first one or two fail to compile). It would then
 enter into the Portage database as custom.some_source-2.9 or with some
 other prefix so Portage knows it is a special ebuild (as in there is
 no ebuild.)

 It doesn't look too hard to implement such a feature. What do you people

I'm new here, but if the skel.ebuild file fits well in this case it would 
probably be doable with a script.
One thing that strikes me as being more urgent would be to allow sources to be 
built as non-root and installed as root.

Tom Wesley
Please encrypt personal replies if possible.

Description: signature

Re: [gentoo-user] survey: gentoo corporate usage?

2003-04-03 Thread Vano D
 Seems to me the spirit of Gentoo is not to 'compete' with redhat or
any other distribution.
 Being more a meta-distribution allows the user to control what they
have on 
 there machine. That and the portage systems keeps my machine up to
date with 
 the software I choose to install. It also allows me to avoid rpm
 nightmares. (Anyone remember what it was like installing Xine on
 If a company can not understand those issues, (Linux != RedHat) they
 stick with Redhat, and more power to them. But to expect Gentoo to
 like RedHat seems to me a way of limiting choice.
 Educate the companies.. do not dumb down Gentoo!

Anyway it is always possible that a third company picks up Gentoo and
aims it for the corporate world, as in Gentoo-Enterprise or some such.
For some reason Gentoo is a meta-distribution as you said. This implies
that people can build specific distributions out of the current system.
I am still wondering why nobody has done this. It seems like a great
idea. You have the base, free, completely non-commercial oriented
meta-distro Gentoo, and then you have other companies offer specialized
versions aimed at different sectors. It is a win-win situation.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Samba

2003-04-03 Thread Robert Claeson
Andrew B. Panphiloff wrote:
Samba on Gentoo obviously uses LDAP for authentication. Is there any way
to stop if from doing that?

export USE=-ldap
emerge samba

Or, alternatively, is there a good, short
guide for setting up LDAP with pam authentication and Samba for Gentoo?
You must read simple howto in samba source :
I know that. I've compiled Samba from sources for several years.

If I go the
LDAP route, I want to use it for most if not all authentication, be it
Samba or shell.

use google
Already tried that before I asked. Doesn't help if I want to make use of 
the samba that's in portage.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[gentoo-user] gnome-terminal slow scrolling

2003-04-03 Thread Shane Hickey
Okey doke.  This isn't a gentoo-specific question as I have dealt with
this with RedHat also.  Basically, I find myself wanting to select text
from my terminal application quite often and it's too dang slow.  

Like, let's say I'm ssh'd into a remote router or firewall and I want to
show the entire config and then highlight pages of the config and copy

My problem is that once I click in the gnome-terminal and start dragging
the mouse up to highlight text, it takes friggin' forever.  This is this
specific to gnome-terminal or is there some obscure X setting that I can
change with xset (or something like it).

Has anyone else found themselves cursing this?  Am I just nuts.


Shane Hickey : Nerd 
Key fingerprint: 254F B2AC 9939 C715 278C DA95 4109 9F69 777C BF3F
Listening to: Eric B.  Rakim - My Melody (Dub)

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] emerge -u world fails at Qt

2003-04-03 Thread Kurt Bechstein
Maybe try backing off some of the optimization options in CFLAGS in
make.conf if that is applicable in your case.

On Thu, 2003-04-03 at 16:17, steve fox wrote:
 After doing 'emerge sync' I've attempted 'emerge -u world'.  The build
 works fine until it gets to x11-libs/qt-3.1.2 where it fails,
 with the following errors:
 make[3]: *** [.obj/main.o] Error 1
 make[2]: *** [sub-psql] Error 2
 make[1]: *** [sub-sqldrivers] Error 2
 make: *** [sub-plugins] Error 2
 !!! ERROR: x11-libs/qt-3.1.2 failed.
 !!! Function src_compile, Line 125, Exitcode 2
 !!! (no error message)
 psql and mysql are installed ... I've tried unmerging mysql 4.x and
 re-emerging mysql 3.x, based on some advice I got, but I still get the
 same errors.  Does this look familiar?  What else should I check?
 This is an upgrade from 1.4_rc2.
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

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Re: [gentoo-user] X flicker,flicker,flicker fine...

2003-04-03 Thread Dave Klipec
Jesse Jacobs wrote:
Hello Again,
Just to clarify,  I've used xvidtune for the appropriate one line values
but this did not help.  What I would like to find is a utility for the
horizontal and vertical timings at each resolution.
Jesse Jacobs said:
Hello everyone,
I've, well, kind of an annoyance.  This has been occurring since
introducing a KVM at Christmas(my fam splurged this year).
The monitor is a Sync-Master 950P.  When X starts the screen flickers a
few times and then loads my win-manager.  This take ~10 seconds.  This
also occurs when switching between vc's.  I thought this could be
related to my AGP driver but after forcing AGPGART the problem persists.
I was hoping someone could help direct me to a utility for the ModeLine
value to this monitor or any suggestions that I might attempt.
Thanks for any and all help,
It might be helpful to start X by hand at a command prompt, and redirect 
the stderr to files - one with the KVM, one without.

Something to the effect of:
X 21  x.log
 and kill it with ctrl-alt-backspace

Or you could just copy /var/log/XFree86.0.log, with and without KVM.

X generally probes your monitor via DDC when it starts to see what it's 
capabilities are.  You might find your answer by diff'ing those files. 
If not, post them to the list.

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Re: [gentoo-user] Package management for non-ebuild software

2003-04-03 Thread A. Craig West
On Thu, 3 Apr 2003, Tom Wesley wrote:

 I'm new here, but if the skel.ebuild file fits well in this case it would 
 probably be doable with a script.
 One thing that strikes me as being more urgent would be to allow sources to
 be built as non-root and installed as root.

The biggest problem I find with cooking up ebuilds is sandbox violations,
where some package doesn't necessarily follow the rules about where to
install stuff. I occasionally have to make a patch to fix it...

Craig West Ph: (416) 567-1491   |  It's not a bug,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |  It's a feature...

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Re: [gentoo-user] gnome-terminal slow scrolling

2003-04-03 Thread Xabier Ochotorena
Hash: SHA1

El Jueves, 3 de Abril de 2003 23:13, Shane Hickey escribió:

 Okey doke.  This isn't a gentoo-specific question as I have dealt with
 this with RedHat also.  Basically, I find myself wanting to select text
 from my terminal application quite often and it's too dang slow.

 Has anyone else found themselves cursing this?  Am I just nuts.

Yes, someone did ;)

Scroll down to Feb 26th, 2003

- -- 

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Re: [gentoo-user] Question:

2003-04-03 Thread Chris van der Pennen

That's not quite what I meant.

I was talking about bootstrapping again in an already installed Gentoo setup - not creating a new one from within chroot.


On Fri, 2003-04-04 at 03:02, brett holcomb wrote:

Assuming you set up the mount points and chroot as per the 
instructions it won't hurt.  I've done it.

On 03 Apr 2003 23:54:30 +0930
  Chris van der Pennen [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Is re-bootstrapping from within a live gentoo 
installation a good idea,
or will that Break Things?


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Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [gentoo-user] survey: gentoo corporate usage?

2003-04-03 Thread Carlos C. Gonzalez
Hi Robert, 

On April 3, 2003 08:11 am, Robert Spahr wrote:


 Educate the companies.. do not dumb down Gentoo!

Nothing personal Robert but your comment here was something I simply could not 
restrain myself from commenting on :).  

It never ceases to amaze me how adding a nice installer and hardware detection 
front-end to Gentoo and other such things is considered by many to be a 
dumbing down of Gentoo.  Honestly.  I just plain can't understand it.  

Having such things would make Gentoo much easier and more consistent to 
install for those who want to just get it working.  While if one wanted to 
tinker, and configurate, and manually get their fill of the command line, 
they could just as easily skip the automated installation and use cryptic 
switches and other manually wonderful trinkets to their hearts content.  

How would adding something like an automated install and hardware detection 
dumb Gentoo down?  The command line and the opportunity to install things 
manually (aka the hard way to do things) would still remain available.  

If by dumbing down we mean that Gentoo will not challenge one's to rise to the 
vigarous exercise of learning how to tinker, and configurate, and pull their 
hair out once in a while as they learn the intricacies of power use then it 
seems to me that to not give people the chance to skip some of that is to 
limit their choices.   

Something that seems contrary to the whole spirit of open source and GPL.  
Namely choice.  

As it stands now people have no choice in this matter.  It's either gut it out 
and spend tons of time working through all kinds of Gentoo quirks and 
idiosyncracies or go to another distribution.  

When I first came to Gentoo I was absolutely incredulous as to how one's 
reported having to restart their installations of Gentoo up to 10 times!!  I 
don't mean to be blunt but that's ridiculous.  It shouldn't have to be that 

I can't wait to become an expert on Gentoo and to have the time to create my 
own distribution based on Gentoo.  That will take the best of Gentoo and add 
a healthy dose of what I call ease of use based on what Redhat and other 
distros are doing.  

Please don't take what I am saying personally Robert.  It's just so 
frustrating to talk about ease of use with so-called power users sometimes 
who defend the complexity that is Gentoo as if defending a religious dogma.  

I honestly don't understand it.  Especially when anything having to do with 
making Gentoo easier to install and use is seen as dumbing down Gentoo.  
Ease of use in my thinking is not equal to dumbing down a distribution.  As 
if everyone using such ease enhancements would be a dummy.  

I and many others who are no dummies, would use such enhancements for the 
simple reason that they save time, add consistentcy, and allow us to get the 
most out of Gentoo quicker.  As well as sell it more successfully to our 
bosses or our customers.  

Granted!  This might be a different use for Gentoo than many might use it for.  
But it would definitely enhance Gentoo in the sense of giving everyone a 
greater degree of choice over why and how they want to use Gentoo.  

I hope I didn't come across too strongly Robert.  


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Question:

2003-04-03 Thread Brett I. Holcomb
Okay - let me ask why you would want to do that - there doesn't seem any 
point in it as bootstrap is simply used to get you a base where you can then 
emerge system and world.  If you have a working system then emerge -u --deep 
system and emerge -u --deep system should keep you updated.

 That's not quite what I meant.

 I was talking about bootstrapping again in an already installed Gentoo
 setup - not creating a new one from within chroot.


 On Fri, 2003-04-04 at 03:02, brett holcomb wrote:
  Assuming you set up the mount points and chroot as per the
  instructions it won't hurt.  I've done it.
  On 03 Apr 2003 23:54:30 +0930
Chris van der Pennen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Is re-bootstrapping from within a live gentoo
  installation a good idea,
  or will that Break Things?
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list


Brett I. Holcomb
AKA Grunt 

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Re: [gentoo-user] How to use this list effectively?

2003-04-03 Thread Carlos C. Gonzalez
Hi Ian,  

On April 3, 2003 09:26 am, Ian Tindale wrote:
 On Thursday 03 April 2003 12:21 am, Carlos C. Gonzalez wrote:
  Oh well.  Lists seem to be much better than forums for some odd reason
  but they sure do fill up the mailboxes.

 You're not supposed to actually read them. They're there to make it seem
 like you know about certain subjects. I've got absolutely tonnes of unread
 list mail about Java, Cocoa, Objective-C and suchlike. You'd think that I
 actually know how to program. Same as my bookshelf. None of it has the
 slightest meaning to me, however, and I'm as unable to program as I ever
 was, 20 years ago. However, just looking at all the mail pile up lets me
 see statistically which are the popular topics, so I know which words to
 use when discussing technology.

Now THAT's funny!  LOL.  

I hope my domain hoster sees all the guru mail I am getting into my mail box 
on their server.  Maybe they'll give me some kind of guru status and give 
me a discount.  

You know something else that's funny?  I am now labeled a guru on the Gentoo 
forum.  Why?  Because I know so little (relative to what I want to know) and 
have so much more to learn that I asked a lot of questions with over 300 
posts to my name.  So now I will probably get less help since I should know 
what I am doing.  Given that I am now a guru.  Talk about a catch-22.  


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] rdate vs. ntpdate

2003-04-03 Thread Carlos C. Gonzalez
Hi Timo,  

On April 3, 2003 10:09 am, Timo Boettcher wrote:

   In the last GWN
   there was something on how to sync the local clock using rdate.
   Whats the difference to using ntpdate?

In my understanding ntpdate is now deprecated in favor of being rolled into 
ntpd itself.  So it should really not be used anymore. 

Also, in my understanding, rdate is a one time thing when you execute it.  And 
must be put into a cron job to constantly keep your clock accurate. Whereas 
ntpd is a daemon that can be started and kept running.  Doing the work of 
keeping your clock accurate automatically as it interogates time servers for 

Hope that helps.  


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Samba

2003-04-03 Thread Andrew B. Panphiloff
 =Robert Claeson

 Already tried that before I asked. Doesn't help if I want to make use of
  the samba that's in portage.

I recently installed Gentoo linux on my university server (~400 users),
and all notes about users ( accounts, shells, passwords ...) are
stored in ldap directory. The study of openldap has took about 3 days
for me. There are two useful articles :

If you want I can help you, but don't mail in mailing list (there are
so much messages)

sorry for my english

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[gentoo-user] ldap addressbook

2003-04-03 Thread Andrew B. Panphiloff
Is anybody know what mail client can edit entries in ldap addressbook ?
Mozilla-mail can only search addresses in it.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re[2]: [gentoo-user] rdate vs. ntpdate

2003-04-03 Thread Timo Boettcher
Hi Carlos,

Nachricht vom Freitag, 4. April 2003, 00:50:08:

 Hi Timo,

 On April 3, 2003 10:09 am, Timo Boettcher wrote:

   In the last GWN
   there was something on how to sync the local clock using rdate.
   Whats the difference to using ntpdate?

 In my understanding ntpdate is now deprecated in favor of being rolled into
 ntpd itself.  So it should really not be used anymore.
So ntpdate will cease to exist? Any hint on why?

 Also, in my understanding, rdate is a one time thing when you execute it.
As is ntpdate...
 And must be put into a cron job to constantly keep your clock
 Whereas  ntpd is a daemon that can be started and kept running.
 Doing the work of keeping your clock accurate automatically as it
 interogates time servers for you.
But rdate/ntpdate do this, too or is there a difference between them?
ntpd can make the clock go faster/slower for continuosly going right.
Or did I get this wrong?
Also I heard once that use of all r* programs should be carefully
considered because of security reasons... does rdate count to this


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

RE: [gentoo-user] emerge -u world fails at Qt

2003-04-03 Thread Trudgett, Glen
I have had this problem as well.

I am in fact doing a fresh install (from stage 1 - stage 3). After I
had rebooted the system I emerged xfree without any problems. As soon as
I emerged gnome (USE= X gtk gnome alsa -kde -qt).

I also receive this same message and as a consequence can't build gnome.

It is curious though, that I have opted to NOT include qt and the system
is still emerging it!?

I think that it is possibly a bug unassocaited with the applications


Glen Trudgett 
Unix system administration 
Information Technology Bureau 
Department of Education and Training 
Level 2, 39A Herbert St, St Leonards, NSW 2065 Australia 
Tel: 61+ (2) 99429970 Fax: 61+ (2) 99429600 

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-Original Message-
From: Kurt Bechstein [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, 4 April 2003 7:24 AM
Subject: Re: [gentoo-user] emerge -u world fails at Qt

Maybe try backing off some of the optimization options in CFLAGS in
make.conf if that is applicable in your case.

On Thu, 2003-04-03 at 16:17, steve fox wrote:
 After doing 'emerge sync' I've attempted 'emerge -u world'.  The build

 works fine until it gets to x11-libs/qt-3.1.2 where it fails, with the

 following errors:
 make[3]: *** [.obj/main.o] Error 1
 make[2]: *** [sub-psql] Error 2
 make[1]: *** [sub-sqldrivers] Error 2
 make: *** [sub-plugins] Error 2
 !!! ERROR: x11-libs/qt-3.1.2 failed.
 !!! Function src_compile, Line 125, Exitcode 2
 !!! (no error message)
 psql and mysql are installed ... I've tried unmerging mysql 4.x and 
 re-emerging mysql 3.x, based on some advice I got, but I still get the

 same errors.  Does this look familiar?  What else should I check?
 This is an upgrade from 1.4_rc2.
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

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Re: [gentoo-user] Package management for non-ebuild software

2003-04-03 Thread Sami Näätänen
On Thursday 03 April 2003 23:39, Vano D wrote:
 Probably we could add a feature to emerge so one would emerge
 --custom some_source and Portage would untar into the work dir the
 file /usr/portate/distfiles/some_source-2.9.tar.gz (or other
 extensions etc..) and would carry out a simple skel.ebuild (or we
 could have 2 or 3 other variations if the first one or two fail to
 compile). It would then enter into the Portage database as
 custom.some_source-2.9 or with some other prefix so Portage knows
 it is a special ebuild (as in there is no ebuild.)

 It doesn't look too hard to implement such a feature. What do you
 people think?

One obvious pitfall is dependencies.

Tool to make ebuilds easily can be found from portage, but those could 
be improved a lot.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] X flicker,flicker,flicker fine...

2003-04-03 Thread Sami Näätänen
On Thursday 03 April 2003 22:02, Jesse Jacobs wrote:
 Hello Again,
 Just to clarify,  I've used xvidtune for the appropriate one line
 values but this did not help.  What I would like to find is a utility
 for the horizontal and vertical timings at each resolution.

 Jesse Jacobs said:
  Hello everyone,
  I've, well, kind of an annoyance.  This has been occurring since
  introducing a KVM at Christmas(my fam splurged this year).
  The monitor is a Sync-Master 950P.  When X starts the screen
  flickers a few times and then loads my win-manager.  This take ~10
  seconds.  This also occurs when switching between vc's.  I thought
  this could be related to my AGP driver but after forcing AGPGART
  the problem persists. I was hoping someone could help direct me to
  a utility for the ModeLine value to this monitor or any suggestions
  that I might attempt. Thanks for any and all help,

I think your monitor goes through every modeline that X checks. Try 
disable EDID from your X configs monitor section.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Package management for non-ebuild software

2003-04-03 Thread James H. Cloos Jr.
 Craig == A Craig West [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Craig The biggest problem I find with cooking up ebuilds is sandbox
Craig violations, where some package doesn't necessarily follow the
Craig rules about where to install stuff. I occasionally have to make
Craig a patch to fix it...

Yeah.  But I find that dobin, doman and friends ease that for most
packages.  I just put one together for
and used:

dobin lft
doman lft.8
dodoc CHANGELOG COPYING README TODO lft-manpage.html

to essentially duplicate what their srpm does.  (I didn't expect any
sandbox issues, but just didn't need to bother with make install.)

src_compile was even easier as:

econf || die
emake || die

The only issue is that lft needs to be suid to work for non-root, and
I've not yet dealt with that in the ebuild


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[gentoo-user] Sniffle

2003-04-03 Thread ds
Tears are welling up, I got my 2nd HD today and when I tried to load
Winblowz on it, it wanted to write to -- of course you guessed it HD0 :(
No free space so now I am going to have to totally rebuild my Gentoo box
once againO the Cursed world of Games I am swept into, woe is me :(
I will see yall in a day or two.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Sniffle

2003-04-03 Thread Andy Quinn
Looks like its a bit late now but if you had unhooked your primary hd then put your 
new drive as primary you could have installed windows and then putting this drive as 
slave and reinstallining your primary drive. Then it would have been a relativley 
simple job to set grub to boot windows from the second drive. (if that makes sense)


On 03 Apr 2003 17:32:20 -0600

 Tears are welling up, I got my 2nd HD today and when I tried to load
 Winblowz on it, it wanted to write to -- of course you guessed it HD0 :(
 No free space so now I am going to have to totally rebuild my Gentoo box
 once againO the Cursed world of Games I am swept into, woe is me :(
 I will see yall in a day or two.
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Sniffle

2003-04-03 Thread ds
Ahh you mean I can disconnect my current linux drive hd0, set it aside,
place the new drive in and install Winblowz to it, then add back my
linux drive and edit the grub.conf file for winblowz and all this time
winblowz wont get upset for moving it down the chain?

I mean I have to change the jumper settings around and all correct?


On Thu, 2003-04-03 at 17:42, Andy Quinn wrote:
 Looks like its a bit late now but if you had unhooked your primary hd then put your 
 new drive as primary you could have installed windows and then putting this drive as 
 slave and reinstallining your primary drive. Then it would have been a relativley 
 simple job to set grub to boot windows from the second drive. (if that makes sense)
 On 03 Apr 2003 17:32:20 -0600
 ds [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Tears are welling up, I got my 2nd HD today and when I tried to load
  Winblowz on it, it wanted to write to -- of course you guessed it HD0 :(
  No free space so now I am going to have to totally rebuild my Gentoo box
  once againO the Cursed world of Games I am swept into, woe is me :(
  I will see yall in a day or two.
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

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Re: [gentoo-user] sudo not running a shell as a login shell

2003-04-03 Thread Abhishek Amit
On 10:54 Mon 31 Mar , William Hubbs wrote:
 Hi all,
 is there a way to get sudo to run a shell with the -s option as a login shell?
 I ask because when I give the command
 sudo -s
 and enter a password, I become root, but not with root's environment, so /sbin,
 /usr/sbin, etc, are not in the path.
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
Try throwing this line into your .bashrc:
[ -r /etc/profile ]  source /etc/profile
This is what I do and I get the root setting wehn i do sudo -s.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Sniffle

2003-04-03 Thread Brett I. Holcomb
Also, Windows (starting with Win98 if I remember correctly) will install to 
drives other than drive 0.

 Ahh you mean I can disconnect my current linux drive hd0, set it aside,
 place the new drive in and install Winblowz to it, then add back my
 linux drive and edit the grub.conf file for winblowz and all this time
 winblowz wont get upset for moving it down the chain?

 I mean I have to change the jumper settings around and all correct?


 On Thu, 2003-04-03 at 17:42, Andy Quinn wrote:
  Looks like its a bit late now but if you had unhooked your primary hd
  then put your new drive as primary you could have installed windows and
  then putting this drive as slave and reinstallining your primary drive.
  Then it would have been a relativley simple job to set grub to boot
  windows from the second drive. (if that makes sense)
  On 03 Apr 2003 17:32:20 -0600
  ds [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Tears are welling up, I got my 2nd HD today and when I tried to load
   Winblowz on it, it wanted to write to -- of course you guessed it HD0
   :( No free space so now I am going to have to totally rebuild my Gentoo
   box once againO the Cursed world of Games I am swept into, woe is
   me :( I will see yall in a day or two.
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list


Brett I. Holcomb
AKA Grunt 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: Re[2]: [gentoo-user] rdate vs. ntpdate

2003-04-03 Thread Carlos C. Gonzalez
Hi Timo, 

On April 3, 2003 04:13 pm, Timo Boettcher wrote:


  In my understanding ntpdate is now deprecated in favor of being rolled
  into ntpd itself.  So it should really not be used anymore.

 So ntpdate will cease to exist? Any hint on why?

No idea.  

  Also, in my understanding, rdate is a one time thing when you execute it.

 As is ntpdate...

  And must be put into a cron job to constantly keep your clock
  Whereas  ntpd is a daemon that can be started and kept running.
  Doing the work of keeping your clock accurate automatically as it
  interogates time servers for you.

 But rdate/ntpdate do this, too or is there a difference between them?

ntpdate is a one time thing too.  And must be put into a cron job to 
continously keep the clock accurate.  It just goes out to the Internet and 
gets the correct time.  Just once.  When it's executed.  

 ntpd can make the clock go faster/slower for continuosly going right.
 Or did I get this wrong?

ntpd will keep the clock accurate.   As accurate as it can realistically be.  
By going out to the Internet every so often and updating the clock.  You 
won't notice any slow down or speed up.  It will be kept accurate to the 
second if not microsecond.  

 Also I heard once that use of all r* programs should be carefully
 considered because of security reasons... does rdate count to this

Don't know about rdate but use of ntpd can, not neccessarily will, open up 
some security concerns.  Personally I am not too worried about it because I 
run my computers behind a NAT firewall which sits between me and the 
Internet.  But if you want to know more there are some good threads on the 
gentoo forum about security concerns with ntpd.  Don't know which one's off 
the bat but there there.  

You might want to look under the Documentation Tips and Tricks for my ntpd 
instructions where some have commented on the security issue.  


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Re: [gentoo-user] survey: gentoo corporate usage?

2003-04-03 Thread William Kenworthy
Not really: you would be putting a lot of effort in trying to make
gentoo into a mandrake/redhat lookalike.  Gentoo's advantages are its
easy update and software management, both of which you are saying are
not needed in the scenario you paint.

As far as better installer and hardware detection, gentoo has come a
*long* way, but still needs to go further!


On Thu, 2003-04-03 at 22:23, Josh McCormack wrote:

 hs with 
 the stable, tested Gentoo of that moment, easily updated each 6 months,
 and offer training ( a book) and certification.  I'd personally 
 lean toward making the CD have a nice installer with hardware detection,
 possibly built off of Knoppix. Anyone else find this interesting?

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] survey: gentoo corporate usage?

2003-04-03 Thread Robert Spahr
Hash: SHA1


You seemed to miss my point completely. I did not mean that an easier 
installer would dumb gentoo down. 

Making a CD of binaries issued every 6 months, and rejecting the portage 
system would be missing a large part of what makes gentoo so interesting.

Gentoo gives you more control over what is on your system, as well as allow 
you to compile it specifically for your hardware.

If you need a CD of binaries use redhat. Why convert gentoo into a redhat 

Now if you wanted to make a new bianary distribution for enterprise based on 
the current gentoo, well go for it and good luck.

I am not offended and do not feel you came on too strong. I just think you 
missed my entire point.

- -- Robert Spahr

On Thursday 03 April 2003 05:39 pm, Carlos C. Gonzalez wrote:
 Hi Robert,

 On April 3, 2003 08:11 am, Robert Spahr wrote:


  Educate the companies.. do not dumb down Gentoo!

 Nothing personal Robert but your comment here was something I simply could
 not restrain myself from commenting on :).

 It never ceases to amaze me how adding a nice installer and hardware
 detection front-end to Gentoo and other such things is considered by many
 to be a dumbing down of Gentoo.  Honestly.  I just plain can't understand

 Having such things would make Gentoo much easier and more consistent to
 install for those who want to just get it working.  While if one wanted to
 tinker, and configurate, and manually get their fill of the command line,
 they could just as easily skip the automated installation and use cryptic
 switches and other manually wonderful trinkets to their hearts content.

 How would adding something like an automated install and hardware detection
 dumb Gentoo down?  The command line and the opportunity to install things
 manually (aka the hard way to do things) would still remain available.

 If by dumbing down we mean that Gentoo will not challenge one's to rise to
 the vigarous exercise of learning how to tinker, and configurate, and pull
 their hair out once in a while as they learn the intricacies of power use
 then it seems to me that to not give people the chance to skip some of that
 is to limit their choices.

 Something that seems contrary to the whole spirit of open source and GPL.
 Namely choice.

 As it stands now people have no choice in this matter.  It's either gut it
 out and spend tons of time working through all kinds of Gentoo quirks and
 idiosyncracies or go to another distribution.

 When I first came to Gentoo I was absolutely incredulous as to how one's
 reported having to restart their installations of Gentoo up to 10 times!! 
 I don't mean to be blunt but that's ridiculous.  It shouldn't have to be
 that way.

 I can't wait to become an expert on Gentoo and to have the time to create
 my own distribution based on Gentoo.  That will take the best of Gentoo and
 add a healthy dose of what I call ease of use based on what Redhat and
 other distros are doing.

 Please don't take what I am saying personally Robert.  It's just so
 frustrating to talk about ease of use with so-called power users
 sometimes who defend the complexity that is Gentoo as if defending a
 religious dogma.

 I honestly don't understand it.  Especially when anything having to do with
 making Gentoo easier to install and use is seen as dumbing down Gentoo.
 Ease of use in my thinking is not equal to dumbing down a distribution.  As
 if everyone using such ease enhancements would be a dummy.

 I and many others who are no dummies, would use such enhancements for the
 simple reason that they save time, add consistentcy, and allow us to get
 the most out of Gentoo quicker.  As well as sell it more successfully to
 our bosses or our customers.

 Granted!  This might be a different use for Gentoo than many might use it
 for. But it would definitely enhance Gentoo in the sense of giving everyone
 a greater degree of choice over why and how they want to use Gentoo.

 I hope I didn't come across too strongly Robert.


 [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

- -- 

Robert Spahr

PGP Public Key

Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)


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RE: [gentoo-user] emerge -u world fails at Qt

2003-04-03 Thread steve fox
I'm following Kurt's advice, I've backed off some of the USE flags and
trying to rebuid.  Have you submitted a bugz?

On Thu, 2003-04-03 at 17:13, Trudgett, Glen wrote:
 I have had this problem as well.
 I am in fact doing a fresh install (from stage 1 - stage 3). After I
 had rebooted the system I emerged xfree without any problems. As soon as
 I emerged gnome (USE= X gtk gnome alsa -kde -qt).
 I also receive this same message and as a consequence can't build gnome.
 It is curious though, that I have opted to NOT include qt and the system
 is still emerging it!?
 I think that it is possibly a bug unassocaited with the applications
 Glen Trudgett 
 Unix system administration 
 Information Technology Bureau 
 Department of Education and Training 
 Level 2, 39A Herbert St, St Leonards, NSW 2065 Australia 
 Tel: 61+ (2) 99429970 Fax: 61+ (2) 99429600 
 This message is intended for the addressee named and may contain
 privileged information or confidential information or both. If you
 are not the intended recipient please delete it and notify the sender.
 -Original Message-
 From: Kurt Bechstein [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Friday, 4 April 2003 7:24 AM
 Subject: Re: [gentoo-user] emerge -u world fails at Qt
 Maybe try backing off some of the optimization options in CFLAGS in
 make.conf if that is applicable in your case.
 On Thu, 2003-04-03 at 16:17, steve fox wrote:
  After doing 'emerge sync' I've attempted 'emerge -u world'.  The build
  works fine until it gets to x11-libs/qt-3.1.2 where it fails, with the
  following errors:
  make[3]: *** [.obj/main.o] Error 1
  make[2]: *** [sub-psql] Error 2
  make[1]: *** [sub-sqldrivers] Error 2
  make: *** [sub-plugins] Error 2
  !!! ERROR: x11-libs/qt-3.1.2 failed.
  !!! Function src_compile, Line 125, Exitcode 2
  !!! (no error message)
  psql and mysql are installed ... I've tried unmerging mysql 4.x and 
  re-emerging mysql 3.x, based on some advice I got, but I still get the
  same errors.  Does this look familiar?  What else should I check?
  This is an upgrade from 1.4_rc2.
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Re: [gentoo-user] survey: gentoo corporate usage?

2003-04-03 Thread Mark Saunders
I manage development at a small software firm in
We began running Gentoo on our development 
systems about 8 months ago, and now have 5
systems in our office running Gentoo.
Before this we were using a mixture of windows, 
redhat and mandrake linux.

The primary reason we run Gentoo is because 
portage is far more user friendly and powerful -
far more useable - than any other linux package
management system.
In my opinion Gentoo is also easier to configure 
than any other distribution.
The Gentoo documentation is great too.

Whenever we get a new programmer on i have
them install their own Gentoo system from stage 1 -
it's a great learning experience (especially for 
developers who are not very familiar with linux to
start with).

I have often wondered what difference an
idiot-proof installer and binary packages stored on
the mirrors for portage would make to Gentoo..

I think it would completely alter the make up of the
userbase. It would take away from the advantages 
Gentoo has over other distributions. It would
change the focus of the distribution.

If there are people out there that want gentoo with a
graphical installer or portage with precompiled
binaries - let them build their own distribution based
on Gentoo.

Would that make everyone happy?

On Fri, 2003-04-04 at 10:15, William Kenworthy wrote:
 Not really: you would be putting a lot of effort in trying to make
 gentoo into a mandrake/redhat lookalike.  Gentoo's advantages are its
 easy update and software management, both of which you are saying are
 not needed in the scenario you paint.
 As far as better installer and hardware detection, gentoo has come a
 *long* way, but still needs to go further!
 On Thu, 2003-04-03 at 22:23, Josh McCormack wrote:
  hs with 
  the stable, tested Gentoo of that moment, easily updated each 6 months,
  and offer training ( a book) and certification.  I'd personally 
  lean toward making the CD have a nice installer with hardware detection,
  possibly built off of Knoppix. Anyone else find this interesting?
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
Cytek Pty Ltd

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RE: [gentoo-user] emerge -u world fails at Qt

2003-04-03 Thread Trudgett, Glen
I have just got a user account for bug reports from the gentoo website.
I'm going through the protocol process now ! :)


-Original Message-
From: steve fox [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, 4 April 2003 10:28 AM
Cc: Trudgett, Glen
Subject: RE: [gentoo-user] emerge -u world fails at Qt

I'm following Kurt's advice, I've backed off some of the USE flags and
trying to rebuid.  Have you submitted a bugz?

On Thu, 2003-04-03 at 17:13, Trudgett, Glen wrote:
 I have had this problem as well.
 I am in fact doing a fresh install (from stage 1 - stage 3). After I 
 had rebooted the system I emerged xfree without any problems. As soon 
 as I emerged gnome (USE= X gtk gnome alsa -kde -qt).
 I also receive this same message and as a consequence can't build 
 It is curious though, that I have opted to NOT include qt and the 
 system is still emerging it!?
 I think that it is possibly a bug unassocaited with the applications 
 Glen Trudgett
 Unix system administration 
 Information Technology Bureau 
 Department of Education and Training 
 Level 2, 39A Herbert St, St Leonards, NSW 2065 Australia 
 Tel: 61+ (2) 99429970 Fax: 61+ (2) 99429600 
 This message is intended for the addressee named and may contain 
 privileged information or confidential information or both. If you are

 not the intended recipient please delete it and notify the sender.
 -Original Message-
 From: Kurt Bechstein [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, 4 April 2003 7:24 AM
 Subject: Re: [gentoo-user] emerge -u world fails at Qt
 Maybe try backing off some of the optimization options in CFLAGS in 
 make.conf if that is applicable in your case.
 On Thu, 2003-04-03 at 16:17, steve fox wrote:
  After doing 'emerge sync' I've attempted 'emerge -u world'.  The 
  works fine until it gets to x11-libs/qt-3.1.2 where it fails, with 
  following errors:
  make[3]: *** [.obj/main.o] Error 1
  make[2]: *** [sub-psql] Error 2
  make[1]: *** [sub-sqldrivers] Error 2
  make: *** [sub-plugins] Error 2
  !!! ERROR: x11-libs/qt-3.1.2 failed.
  !!! Function src_compile, Line 125, Exitcode 2
  !!! (no error message)
  psql and mysql are installed ... I've tried unmerging mysql 4.x and
  re-emerging mysql 3.x, based on some advice I got, but I still get
  same errors.  Does this look familiar?  What else should I check?
  This is an upgrade from 1.4_rc2.
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
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 This message is intended for the addressee named and may contain 
 privileged information or confidential information or both. If you are

 not the intended recipient please delete it and notify the sender.
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This message is intended for the addressee named and may contain
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are not the intended recipient please delete it and notify the sender.

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Re: [gentoo-user] Sniffle

2003-04-03 Thread Alan
Pretty much.  Lilo can do a trick to make the OS see the primary as the
secondary and the secondary as the primary, so if your windows doesn't
like being on anything but the primary master, you can install it to any
drive and through grub (or lilo as well I'm sure) fake it out.

So yea, you can swap drives temporarily, install windows wherever it
wants, then swap back, boot up to linux, edit the grub.conf, and off you

.From info grub:

 - Command: map to_drive from_drive
 Map the drive FROM_DRIVE to the drive TO_DRIVE. This is necessary
 when you chain-load some operating systems, such as DOS, if such
 an OS resides at a non-first drive. Here is an example:
  grub map (hd0) (hd1)
  grub map (hd1) (hd0)
 The example exchanges the order between the first hard disk and the
  second hard disk. See also *Note DOS/Windows::.


On Thu, Apr 03, 2003 at 05:45:35PM -0600, ds wrote:
 Ahh you mean I can disconnect my current linux drive hd0, set it aside,
 place the new drive in and install Winblowz to it, then add back my
 linux drive and edit the grub.conf file for winblowz and all this time
 winblowz wont get upset for moving it down the chain?
 I mean I have to change the jumper settings around and all correct?
 On Thu, 2003-04-03 at 17:42, Andy Quinn wrote:
  Looks like its a bit late now but if you had unhooked your primary hd then put 
  your new drive as primary you could have installed windows and then putting this 
  drive as slave and reinstallining your primary drive. Then it would have been a 
  relativley simple job to set grub to boot windows from the second drive. (if that 
  makes sense)
  On 03 Apr 2003 17:32:20 -0600
  ds [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Tears are welling up, I got my 2nd HD today and when I tried to load
   Winblowz on it, it wanted to write to -- of course you guessed it HD0 :(
   No free space so now I am going to have to totally rebuild my Gentoo box
   once againO the Cursed world of Games I am swept into, woe is me :(
   I will see yall in a day or two.
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
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The only thing that experience teaches us is that experience teaches 
us nothing. -- Andre Maurois (Emile Herzog)

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RE: [gentoo-user] emerge -u world fails at Qt

2003-04-03 Thread steve fox
Cool, just making sure we don't double up on the reporting, assuming
this is a bug.


On Thu, 2003-04-03 at 18:47, Trudgett, Glen wrote:
 I have just got a user account for bug reports from the gentoo website.
 I'm going through the protocol process now ! :)
 -Original Message-
 From: steve fox [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Friday, 4 April 2003 10:28 AM
 Cc: Trudgett, Glen
 Subject: RE: [gentoo-user] emerge -u world fails at Qt
 I'm following Kurt's advice, I've backed off some of the USE flags and
 trying to rebuid.  Have you submitted a bugz?
 On Thu, 2003-04-03 at 17:13, Trudgett, Glen wrote:
  I have had this problem as well.
  I am in fact doing a fresh install (from stage 1 - stage 3). After I 
  had rebooted the system I emerged xfree without any problems. As soon 
  as I emerged gnome (USE= X gtk gnome alsa -kde -qt).
  I also receive this same message and as a consequence can't build 
  It is curious though, that I have opted to NOT include qt and the 
  system is still emerging it!?
  I think that it is possibly a bug unassocaited with the applications 
  Glen Trudgett
  Unix system administration 
  Information Technology Bureau 
  Department of Education and Training 
  Level 2, 39A Herbert St, St Leonards, NSW 2065 Australia 
  Tel: 61+ (2) 99429970 Fax: 61+ (2) 99429600 
  This message is intended for the addressee named and may contain 
  privileged information or confidential information or both. If you are
  not the intended recipient please delete it and notify the sender.
  -Original Message-
  From: Kurt Bechstein [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Friday, 4 April 2003 7:24 AM
  Subject: Re: [gentoo-user] emerge -u world fails at Qt
  Maybe try backing off some of the optimization options in CFLAGS in 
  make.conf if that is applicable in your case.
  On Thu, 2003-04-03 at 16:17, steve fox wrote:
   After doing 'emerge sync' I've attempted 'emerge -u world'.  The 
   works fine until it gets to x11-libs/qt-3.1.2 where it fails, with 
   following errors:
   make[3]: *** [.obj/main.o] Error 1
   make[2]: *** [sub-psql] Error 2
   make[1]: *** [sub-sqldrivers] Error 2
   make: *** [sub-plugins] Error 2
   !!! ERROR: x11-libs/qt-3.1.2 failed.
   !!! Function src_compile, Line 125, Exitcode 2
   !!! (no error message)
   psql and mysql are installed ... I've tried unmerging mysql 4.x and
   re-emerging mysql 3.x, based on some advice I got, but I still get
   same errors.  Does this look familiar?  What else should I check?
   This is an upgrade from 1.4_rc2.
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
  This message is intended for the addressee named and may contain 
  privileged information or confidential information or both. If you are
  not the intended recipient please delete it and notify the sender.
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Re: [gentoo-user] Apache

2003-04-03 Thread Norberto BENSA
On Thursday 03 April 2003 04:22 am, Ryan Oberto wrote:
 On 4/3/03 2:09 AM, gabriel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On April 2, 2003 02:51 am, Ryan Oberto wrote:
  I emerge -u world last night
  And this morning my apache wont start I get this error
  [wed Apr 2 09:45:21 2003] [alert] mod_unique_id:unable to gethostbyname
  you need to be more explicit here.  what packages did you update?  is
  cygnus the name in your /etc/hostname? more info please.

 I emerge my whole system witch updated apache

And which packages were updated?
Do you run named, dhcpd?
Do you have ipv6 enabled?

unable to gethostbyname sounds to me like a DNS resolution problem.


Description: signature

[gentoo-user] Need help with scsi card

2003-04-03 Thread aSe
I own an adaptec 2930CU, its fully supported under AIC7xxx. I enabled it in 
the kern (not as a module) however every time i boot i see..

SCSI subsystem driver Revision: 1.00
kmod: failed to exec /sbin/modprobe -s -k scsi_hostakmod: failed to exec
is there more i need to do.. I'm running 1.4rc3 and just went through all 
the updates.

Any help is welcomed

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Need help with scsi card

2003-04-03 Thread Brett I. Holcomb
I'm having the same problem with an Adaptec 3210S card.  I filed bug report 

 I own an adaptec 2930CU, its fully supported under AIC7xxx. I enabled it in
 the kern (not as a module) however every time i boot i see..

 SCSI subsystem driver Revision: 1.00
 kmod: failed to exec /sbin/modprobe -s -k scsi_hostakmod: failed to exec

 is there more i need to do.. I'm running 1.4rc3 and just went through all
 the updates.

 Any help is welcomed


Brett I. Holcomb
AKA Grunt 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Sniffle

2003-04-03 Thread ds
WOOT install and grub went flawless. Thx all!! I just disabled the
primary drive in the bios and XP installed like a charm. 

On Thu, 2003-04-03 at 18:50, Alan wrote:
 Pretty much.  Lilo can do a trick to make the OS see the primary as the
 secondary and the secondary as the primary, so if your windows doesn't
 like being on anything but the primary master, you can install it to any
 drive and through grub (or lilo as well I'm sure) fake it out.
 So yea, you can swap drives temporarily, install windows wherever it
 wants, then swap back, boot up to linux, edit the grub.conf, and off you
 .From info grub:
  - Command: map to_drive from_drive
  Map the drive FROM_DRIVE to the drive TO_DRIVE. This is necessary
  when you chain-load some operating systems, such as DOS, if such
  an OS resides at a non-first drive. Here is an example:
   grub map (hd0) (hd1)
   grub map (hd1) (hd0)
  The example exchanges the order between the first hard disk and the
 second hard disk. See also *Note DOS/Windows::.
 On Thu, Apr 03, 2003 at 05:45:35PM -0600, ds wrote:
  Ahh you mean I can disconnect my current linux drive hd0, set it aside,
  place the new drive in and install Winblowz to it, then add back my
  linux drive and edit the grub.conf file for winblowz and all this time
  winblowz wont get upset for moving it down the chain?
  I mean I have to change the jumper settings around and all correct?
  On Thu, 2003-04-03 at 17:42, Andy Quinn wrote:
   Looks like its a bit late now but if you had unhooked your primary hd then put 
   your new drive as primary you could have installed windows and then putting this 
   drive as slave and reinstallining your primary drive. Then it would have been a 
   relativley simple job to set grub to boot windows from the second drive. (if 
   that makes sense)
   On 03 Apr 2003 17:32:20 -0600
   ds [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Tears are welling up, I got my 2nd HD today and when I tried to load
Winblowz on it, it wanted to write to -- of course you guessed it HD0 :(
No free space so now I am going to have to totally rebuild my Gentoo box
once againO the Cursed world of Games I am swept into, woe is me :(
I will see yall in a day or two.


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Re: [gentoo-user] survey: gentoo corporate usage?

2003-04-03 Thread Carlos C. Gonzalez
Hi Robert, 

On April 3, 2003 05:17 pm, Robert Spahr wrote:


 You seemed to miss my point completely. I did not mean that an easier
 installer would dumb gentoo down.

 Making a CD of binaries issued every 6 months, and rejecting the portage
 system would be missing a large part of what makes gentoo so interesting.

Sorry Robert.  I stand corrected.  I think I took one sentence out of your 
post and went off in left field with it :).  

Rejecting the portage system in my mind is definitely not good.  It's one of 
the best things Gentoo has going for it.  A CD of binaries might be nice too 
but not really what I had in mind since compiling programs is really no big 
deal once one has a working Gentoo system.  

With nice -n 15 emerge... one can compile in the background and hardly skip 
a beat.  

I think in the future I will have to take a breather, step back, and calmly 
evaluate what is said rather than coming back with a knee jerk reaction.  
It's just that when I see anything that seems like more of the let's not 
make Gentoo as easy to use as possible because it's strictly for power 
users or good enough for us philosophy coming through, I tend to jump on 
my soapbox and start preaching to the gurus :)

No disrespect to any gurus intended. 

Sorry about that.  

Carlos .  

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Re: [gentoo-user] Package management for non-ebuild software

2003-04-03 Thread C. Brewer
 The only issue is that lft needs to be suid to work for non-root, and
 I've not yet dealt with that in the ebuild

I know this is off the thread a bit,but you can chmod right in the ebuild..
chmod 2755 ${D}/usr/bin/lft
and that'll fix up the perms before the merge:)
Chuck Brewer
Registered Linux User #284015
Get my gpg public key at!! Encrypted e-mail preferred.

Description: PGP signature

[gentoo-user] Unable to connect to Windows share with Samba on Gentoo?

2003-04-03 Thread Carlos C. Gonzalez
I was wondering if this list is a good place to ask about how to run specific 
packages under Gentoo?  I am having a problem accessing some Windows shares 
from Gentoo through Samba and have gone through all the usual recommended 
ways of starting and using Samba without sporadic but inconsistent success.  

Before getting into specifics, Is this a good list on which to ask such 
questions?  My only concern going to package specific lists is that they 
might not know or have a clue as to what Gentoo is doing to start, stop and 
otherwise work with daemon's.  As I recently experienced when asking about 
some KDE stuff on the KDE list.  

Any direction on this would be appreciated.  



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Re: [gentoo-user] Package management for non-ebuild software

2003-04-03 Thread Matt Garman
On Wed, Apr 02, 2003 at 03:39:58PM -0800, Timothy Grant wrote:
 I use stow, never heard of epkg before, can you elucidate on the
 differences between them, or perchance why epkg is a better choice?

Well, I'm really not familiar with stow; I've really only heard a bit
about it, never used it.  I grew up on epkg simply because it was
developed where I went to school, so I received much propaganda about

I only use it for its most basic functionality, namely, managing
symlinks in /usr/local... so, for my needs any package manager will do

Sorry I don't have more to offer!


``I ain't never seen no whiskey, the blues made my sloppy drunk!''
-- Sleepy John Estes, ``Leaving Trunk''

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RE: [gentoo-user] survey: gentoo corporate usage?

2003-04-03 Thread Andrew Cowie
On Thu, 2003-04-03 at 18:55, DE SMET Bram (BDSR) wrote:
 Yet another example is that we are going to set up a Oracle cluster on
 Linux. Also using Gentoo.

Oracle under Linux tends to be horribly sensitive to variations in
libraries. (Heck, it's that way under Solaris too). I'm not going to say
be very careful because that doesn't mean anything... but I will say
do tell us how it goes as the underlying Gentoo system and it's shared
libraries upgrade over time


Andrew Frederick Cowie
Operational Dynamics Consulting Pty Ltd

Australia +61 2 9977 6866  North America +1 646 270 5376


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Re: [gentoo-user] survey: gentoo corporate usage?

2003-04-03 Thread Doug Gorley
On Thu, 2003-04-03 at 19:34, Carlos C. Gonzalez wrote:
 Hi Robert, 
 On April 3, 2003 05:17 pm, Robert Spahr wrote:
  You seemed to miss my point completely. I did not mean that an easier
  installer would dumb gentoo down.
  Making a CD of binaries issued every 6 months, and rejecting the portage
  system would be missing a large part of what makes gentoo so interesting.
 Sorry Robert.  I stand corrected.  I think I took one sentence out of your 
 post and went off in left field with it :).  
 Rejecting the portage system in my mind is definitely not good.  It's one of 
 the best things Gentoo has going for it.  A CD of binaries might be nice too 
 but not really what I had in mind since compiling programs is really no big 
 deal once one has a working Gentoo system.  

[% snip %]

I realize this wasn't really asked, but this thread got me thinking
about what would be involved in creating a set of binaries for offline
installations.  It seems to me that portage makes this quite simple:

(1) Create a file containing a list of the packages you wish to
install.  Mine's called pkglist.txt, and looks like this:


(2) Set your USE flags to be the same as on the target systems.

(3) Use portage to check what packages would be installed to satisfy all
the dependencies for your chosen packages.

# emerge --pretend --emptytree $(pkglist.txt)

(4) Use portage to download the files, keeping them separate from your
regular distfiles.

# DISTDIR=/mnt/raid/my_pkg_snapshot/ emerge \
  --fetchonly --emptytree $(pkglist.txt)

(5) Burn the downloads onto CD.

(6) Copy the downloads to the /usr/portage/distfiles dir on the target
machine before doing the installs/upgrades.

(7) Run the following command to install your packages:

# emerge $(pkglist.txt)

This is all off the top of my head, ie. untested.  Does anyone see any
problems with this approach?


Doug Gorley | [EMAIL PROTECTED] OpenPGP Key ID: 0xA221559B
Fingerprint: D707 DB92 E64B 69DA B8C7  2F65 C5A9 5415 A221 559B
Interested in public-key cryptography?

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Re: Re[2]: [gentoo-user] rdate vs. ntpdate

2003-04-03 Thread Dirk Heinrichs
Am Freitag, 4. April 2003 01:13 schrieb ext Timo Boettcher:

 But rdate/ntpdate do this, too or is there a difference between them?
Different protocols/ports.

 ntpd can make the clock go faster/slower for continuosly going right.
 Or did I get this wrong?
If the difference between server(s) clock(s) and local clock is too big, 
ntpd adjusts it in little steps to avoid confusion for processes that rely 
on time (i.e. make). So one could eventually get the impression that the 
clock is going faster/slower. But only until the clocks are in sync.


Dirk Heinrichs  | Tel:  +49 (0)151 1513 6954
Configuration Manager   | Fax:  +49 (0)211 47068 111
Cap Gemini Ernst  Young| Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hambornerstraße 55  | Web:
D-40472 Düsseldorf  | ICQ#: 110037733

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Re: [gentoo-user] Web-frontend for portage?

2003-04-03 Thread Susie
On Thu, 03 Apr 2003 18:44:38 +0200
Timo Boettcher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   is there some web-frontend for portage?
   Where one could see which packets are in which versions in portage,
   what is new/dropped?

I don't know about web front end but if you go to in the nav
bar on the right you'll see a link to an online package database.  Also
there is which if you go there you'll see new packages
and unstables/testing packages along with the stables.(the online
database off the main gentoo site strictly shows current stables). 
Other than that there is something called kportage.  I've not tried it
but thought about it.




Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart. - Kahlil

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[gentoo-user] emerge portage error

2003-04-03 Thread Susie
I just got this:

 Updating Portage cache...  ...done!

These are the packages that I would merge, in order:

Calculating world dependencies \
!!! all ebuilds that could satisfy dev-python/python-fchksum have been
masked.!!!(dependency required by sys-apps/portage-2.0.47-r10

!!! Problem with ebuild sys-apps/man-pages-1.56
!!! Possibly a DEPEND/*DEPEND problem.

!!! Depgraph creation failed.

Anyone else run into this tonight?  Any ideas on what to do about it? :/




Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart. - Kahlil

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Re: [gentoo-user] rdate vs. ntpdate

2003-04-03 Thread Bryan Feir
On Fri, Apr 04, 2003 at 01:13:01AM +0200, Timo Boettcher wrote:
 Also I heard once that use of all r* programs should be carefully
 considered because of security reasons... does rdate count to this

   No.  rdate is a very simple command that uses the standard 'daytime'
TCP or UDP port to update the clock.  It connects to the other machine,
reads the four byte system clock time, then optionally sets its clock
to that value.  No real security risk, except possibly as a denial of
service to the machine that the time is being read from if too many
requests come in.

   Of course, NTP has ways of compensating for communication delays on
the net, which rdate doesn't.  So normal procedure would be to use NTP
on the gateway machine to the network, then rdate inside any internal
network.  More due to latency concerns than security.

Bryan Feir   VA3GBF|A half-truth, like a half-brick, is more forcible
Home:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   | in an argument than a whole one...
   | it carries further. -- Stephen Leacock

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Re: [gentoo-user] qpkg and virtuals

2003-04-03 Thread Susie
On Wed, 02 Apr 2003 23:53:09 -0500
Jeff Ames [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 It seems that 'qpkg -q foo' doesn't pick up packages that rely on foo
 to satisfy a virtual dependency.  It's easy enough to tell that foo is
 filling some virtual role, by /var/cache/edb/virtuals, but is there a 
 way to check whether there are still programs installed that require 
 that virtual dependency to be filled?

I'm not sure but you could always run dep-clean -UNv  and that should
give you the needed and unneeded.  -R will also show you what has been




Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart. - Kahlil

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] emerge portage error

2003-04-03 Thread Seth Chandler
Hash: SHA1

yes, wicked old mask at the bottom of package.mask, 

we've got it fixed in cvs and it should hit the rsync mirrors soon


On Friday 04 April 2003 01:51 am, Susie wrote:
 I just got this:
  Updating Portage cache...  ...done!

 These are the packages that I would merge, in order:

 Calculating world dependencies \
 !!! all ebuilds that could satisfy dev-python/python-fchksum have been
 masked.!!!(dependency required by sys-apps/portage-2.0.47-r10

 !!! Problem with ebuild sys-apps/man-pages-1.56
 !!! Possibly a DEPEND/*DEPEND problem.

 !!! Depgraph creation failed.

 Anyone else run into this tonight?  Any ideas on what to do about it? :/
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)


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[gentoo-user] Re: Sniffle

2003-04-03 Thread Ian Truelsen
ds writes: 

Ahh you mean I can disconnect my current linux drive hd0, set it aside,
place the new drive in and install Winblowz to it, then add back my
linux drive and edit the grub.conf file for winblowz and all this time
winblowz wont get upset for moving it down the chain? 

I mean I have to change the jumper settings around and all correct? 

I found that the easiest thing was to shut off the gentoo drive in the BIOS 
and then install windows. It even seems to work with XP, though it will see 
the drive. 

Ian Truelsen

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