Re: Dependency hell redux

2001-06-18 Thread Rob Walker

 On Fri, 15 Jun 2001 23:18:01 -0500 (CDT), [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cbbrowne a) Having to have libs installed in some GnuCash-specific
cbbrowne place, so that there might be several copies of the _same_
cbbrowne GNOME libs if one had GnuCash as well as RHAT as well as
cbbrowne Ximian Gnome installed,

yes, that is what I was talking about.

cbbrowne Both options provide a nice big blech!

yes, it sucks, but the users are then able to run gnucash.  It may be
75 to 100 Megs of sucks, but it seems like gnucash needs that many
megs of libraries and whatnot.

cbbrowne Not gonna happen tomorrow...

Totally agreed.  You guys have more important things to do, I am sure.

gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: Debian installation

2001-06-18 Thread Rob Walker

 On Mon, 18 Jun 2001 17:47:42 -0600, Jonathan Corbet

Jonathan I've even gone so far as to put the vaunted Debian unstable
Jonathan on a system and try the apt-get command that I was so smugly
Jonathan told would bring me instant gnucash nirvana.  No such luck.
Jonathan I get a gripe that gnucash depends on libgwrapguile0 =
Jonathan 0.9.1, which is not installable.  Anybody know a way around
Jonathan this?

who told you smugly?  I told you matter-of-factly.  :-)

bash-2.05$ dpkg -l | grep libgwrap
ii  libgwrapguile0 0.9.12-3   g-warp: Tool for exporting C libraries into
ii  libgwrapguile1 1.1.10-3   g-warp: Tool for exporting C libraries into

on my system.  what does that give on yours?

Also, sometimes with debian, I have had to do 'apt-get install
packagenamewhichwasgivingmeproblems' all alone, and then 'apt-get
install bigmammapackagename' which would work.  I know it shouldn't
work that way, but that helped me.


gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: gnucash 1.6

2001-06-14 Thread Rob Walker

 On Thu, 14 Jun 2001 17:02:13 -0400, James A. Treacy

James On Thu, Jun 14, 2001 at 01:17:01PM -0700, Dave Peticolas wrote:

 The earliest availability of an easy-to-install gnucash-1.6 will 
 probably be via Ximian's Red Carpet updating service.

James I disagree. 1.6.0 was installed in the unstable (sid) branch of
James debian today and works like a charm. Simply

yep, already done.  so if Ximian isn't out yet with theirs, they get
the good old Vince Lombardi Second Place Trophy.  ;-) I just tried to
find out what version of gnucash was in Ximian, but I couldn't find it
on their web site.

James apt-get update ; apt-get install gnucash

the only bummer about this is the unstable moniker.  This helps some
people to stay away.

James and away you go.

I have to agree with James.  Even though gnucash was dying on me
yesterday, it has been fixed now, and now I can do the 'new user
tutorial', and create a new file without death.

biffhero-laptop:~# dpkg -l | grep gnucash
ii  gnucash1.6.0-2A personal finance tracking program.

oh, and I didn't need to go to some third party 'distro fixing
service' to get gnucash to work properly.  :-) It 'comes with', as
they say.

gnucash-devel mailing list

two bugs in 1.6.0

2001-06-13 Thread Rob Walker

I am running a debian unstable machine.  I can provide dpkg -l | grep
foo output if needed.

I start gnucash, and three windows pop up, the splash screen,
centered, the Welcome... window, and the tip of the day window.
I wait for the splash screen to time out.  I now have the tip and
welcome windows.  

Bug #1.  I click on Close on the tip window, and nothing happens.
 I click the 'x' wm button (KDE 2.x) in the upper right corner
 of the window, nothing happens.  If I choose 'tutorial' in
 the welcome  window, and click OK, I can close the tip

At this point, I have chosen tutorial and closed the tip of the day
window. I now have one window titled gnucash help, and one titled
accounts - gnucash (no file).  Because of what the tutorial told
me to do, on the accounts window, I click on file, new file, and I get
a new window, the new account hierarchy setup window.  I click next
one time, and get to the USDollar decision.

Bug #2.  Since I use the USDollar, I make no changes, just click on
 Next, and get the following error.

gnucash: error while loading shared libraries: gnucash: undefined symbol: stat

and it all crashes away.  For reproduction purposes, If you don't get
the welcome dialog box, you may need to move your .gnucash directory
out of the way.  I had to do that one time.


gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: two bugs in 1.6.0

2001-06-13 Thread Rob Walker

 On 14 Jun 2001 01:12:39 -0400, James LewisMoss

James Whoa.  That's messed up.  Can you send me an strace of it doing
James this?  (Please just to me not the mailing list.)  If it was
James going to not find a symbol it should have not found it long
James before now.

Not the whole list?!?  :-)  

bash-2.05$ ls -alrt gnucash.crash
-rw-r--r--1 rob  rob743086 Jan  6 11:41 gnucash.crash

yeah, yeah, my clock is off, thank the win4lin 2.x beta. 

well, I also just ran ldconfig as root, and got the same behavior.

gnucash.crash is on its' way to you.


ps.  what would you look for in that file?  do you have some perl
 scripts to parse it and make it less painful to dig through? 
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: date confusion

2001-06-05 Thread Rob Walker

 On Tue, 5 Jun 2001 00:46:36 -0500 (CDT), [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Linas
 Vepstas) said:

Linas It being so close to 1.6, I decided its unwise to hack in such
Linas a change without consulting anyone.  What's the opinion out
Linas there?  Is it a bad idea to make this change now, or is it
Linas better to make the change now, and thus avoid heartache and
Linas pain later?

1.6.1, (with an SQL conversion to change everyone's dates)?

gnucash-devel mailing list

new gnucash! hooray!!!

2000-08-13 Thread Rob Walker

should we put up a new news notice?


Date: Sun, 13 Aug 2000 21:50:18 -0700
X-Authentication-Warning: nobody set sender to 
Subject: SourceForge File Release Notice

A new version of gnucash-1.4 (stable) has been released. 
You can download it from SourceForge by following this link: 

You requested to be notified when new versions of this file 
were released. If you don't wish to be notified in the 
future, please login to SourceForge and click this link: 

gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: Linux World Expo

2000-08-11 Thread Rob Walker

 On Fri, 11 Aug 2000 16:29:06 -0700, Dave Peticolas

Dave Hi All, Linas, Rob Browning, Bill Gribble, and myself are going
Dave to be at the Linux World Expo next week in San Jose as
Dave representatives of Gnumatic, the company which is supporting the
Dave development of GnuCash.

Dave So, if you are planning on attending, please stop by our booth
Dave and say hello!

If anyone wants to go shooting with us, BSDi and VA are getting
together on the whole Geeks with Guns thing, Wednesday night, we will
meet up at the VA party, and go shooting together.  I will be at the
show also.


gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: Accounting standard for one month ago

2000-08-10 Thread Rob Walker

 On Fri, 11 Aug 2000 12:27:05 +1000, Robert Graham Merkel

Robert As previously reported, I'm adding a new type of option for
Robert relative dates.  I'd like to add a relative date for "one
Robert month ago".  My simplistic definition for "one month ago" on
Robert m/d/yy is (m-1/d/yy) but this of course poses a slight problem
Robert on, say, the 31st of May.

Robert What should we do here, or should I avoid the problem entirely
Robert and use "30 days ago" instead?

There is a great perl module out there which does all of these time
things properly, and in many languages.  It can even do things like
"five business days before the fourth friday of next month." 

It can also do it in multiple languages.  Sadly, I have forgotten the
name of the module.  I do remember that the docs said something to the 
effect of "I know it isn't fast, use another module if you want fast.
This is meant to be complete."


gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: Proposal for modifying gnucash to use exact quantities

2000-07-24 Thread Rob Walker

 On Mon, 24 Jul 2000 22:18:28 -0700, Clark Jones

Clark Bill Gribble wrote: [...]

 1. gnc_commodity knows about the smallest possible transactional
 unit for trading the commodity (for example, 1/100 of a US Dollar
 or 1/1000 of a mutual fund share).

Clark I hate to quibble with Gribble :-), but in actuallity the bill
Clark establishing the Dollar as the U.S. currency (written by Thomas
Clark Jefferson) defines the "mill" -- which is 1/1000 of a
Clark U.S. Dollar -- though the only places where you're likely to
Clark run into it is at the gas pump and calculating real estate
Clark taxes.  (The same act established a number of other interesting
Clark things, too, though they're not relevant to the current
Clark discussion.)

got an URL to that interesting stuff?


gnucash-devel mailing list

question about importing .qif files

2000-07-20 Thread Rob Walker

one of the sourceforge people today asked me about gnucash, and after
i raved about it for a few moments, he said, "I have 3 1/2 years of
data there, will it create these new accounts for me as it goes when
it encounters my new categories while I do my imports?"

I told him I would check.


gnucash-devel mailing list

interesting file download stats...

2000-07-20 Thread Rob Walker and note how 
often the 1.5.0 has been downloaded compared to the 1.4.2 release.

and we thought people wanted a stable version  :-)


gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: register style

2000-07-16 Thread Rob Walker

 On Sun, 16 Jul 2000 10:49:21 -0700, Dave Peticolas

Dave Jason Rennie writes:

 Is there any way to have one's register style (e.g. single line,
 auto double, etc.) saved with the register?  I like to used auto
 single style, but I don't want to have to check that option every
 time I open up a register.

Dave You can select a new default register mode in the preferences
Dave dialog.

The default register mode is nice, and I use it, but what about
remembering what mode each register was last in, and each time that
register is opened, opening it up with the last register setting?

For instance, I like the stock registers in single mode, and some of
the others in auto double, but because I use so many of the others, my 
stocks are in auto double too.


gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: register style

2000-07-16 Thread Rob Walker

 On Sun, 16 Jul 2000 17:35:42 -0700, Dave Peticolas

Dave Rob Walker writes:
  On Sun, 16 Jul 2000 10:49:21 -0700, Dave Peticolas
Dave Jason Rennie writes:
  Is there any way to have one's register style (e.g. single line,
  auto double, etc.) saved with the register?  I like to used auto
  single style, but I don't want to have to check that option every
  time I open up a register.
Dave You can select a new default register mode in the preferences
Dave dialog.
 The default register mode is nice, and I use it, but what about
 remembering what mode each register was last in, and each time that
 register is opened, opening it up with the last register setting?

Dave Do you mean remebering by account, or by account type?

By account, based on the title of that account.


gnucash-devel mailing list

problems building fresh checkout.

2000-07-15 Thread Rob Walker

I did a completely fresh checkout, and then the following occurred:

Making all in gnome
make[3]: Entering directory `/home/rob/src/cvs/gnucash/src/gnome'
gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I../.. -I../../src   -I../../src/engine   
-I../../src/g-wrap   -I../../src/guile   -I../../src/register   
-I../../src/register/gnome-g -O2 -Wall -I/usr/include -DNEED_GNOMESUPPORT_H 
-I/usr/lib/gnome-libs/include -I/usr/lib/glib/include -I/usr/X11R6/include 
-I/usr/include/gnome-xml -I/usr/include -I/usr/include -c top-level.c
top-level.c:31: gtkhtml/gtkhtml.h: No such file or directory
make[3]: *** [top-level.o] Error 1
make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/rob/src/cvs/gnucash/src/gnome'
make[2]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/rob/src/cvs/gnucash/src'
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/rob/src/cvs/gnucash'
make: *** [all-recursive-am] Error 2

bash-2.03$ find . | grep gtkhtml.h


"We have no intention of shipping another bloated operating system and
forcing that down the throats of our Windows customers."
-- Paul Maritz, Microsoft GVP, regarding JAVA

gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: Helixcode have packaged gnucash 1.4.1 for Debian

2000-07-09 Thread Rob Walker

 On Sun, 9 Jul 2000 21:28:23 +1000 (EST), Robert Graham Merkel

 However, you might want to wait until they fix the packaging bugs
 ...  they've packaged 1.4.1 with g-wrap 0.9.4 and haven't patched
 the incompatibility.

Robert Otherwise, you could check out the stable branch of CVS (which
Robert has several other bugfixes), or simply wait for 1.4.2.

Is this what you are talking about?

bash-2.03$ ./configure --prefix=/home/rob/compiled


checking for xmlDefaultSAXHandlerInit in -lxml... yes
Unknown library `print'
checking for gnome_print_context_new in -lgnomeprint... no
Unknown library `gtkhtml'
checking for gtk_html_new in -lgtkhtml... no
checking for g-wrap-config... no
checking for g-wrap... no
configure: error: 

  g-wrap does not appear to be installed.  It must be installed and
  its binary directory must be in your PATH.  If you need to install
  g-wrap, you can find it at

biffhero-laptop:~# apt-get install g-wrap
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have
requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable
distribution that some required packages have not yet been created
or been moved out of Incoming.

Since you only requested a single operation it is extremely likely that
the package is simply not installable and a bug report against
that package should be filed.
The following information may help to resolve the situation:

Sorry, but the following packages have unmet dependencies:
  g-wrap: Depends: libgwrapguile-dev (= 0.9.4-helix1) but it is not going to be 
E: Sorry, broken packages

biffhero-laptop:~# apt-get install libgwrapguile-dev
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have
requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable
distribution that some required packages have not yet been created
or been moved out of Incoming.

Since you only requested a single operation it is extremely likely that
the package is simply not installable and a bug report against
that package should be filed.
The following information may help to resolve the situation:

Sorry, but the following packages have unmet dependencies:
  libgwrapguile-dev: Depends: libgwrapguile0 (= 0.9.4-helix1) but it is not going to 
be installed
E: Sorry, broken packages

biffhero-laptop:~# apt-get install libgwrapguile0
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have
requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable
distribution that some required packages have not yet been created
or been moved out of Incoming.

Since you only requested a single operation it is extremely likely that
the package is simply not installable and a bug report against
that package should be filed.
The following information may help to resolve the situation:

Sorry, but the following packages have unmet dependencies:
  libgwrapguile0: Depends: libguile6 (= 1:1.3.4-3) but 1:1.3.4-2 is to be installed
E: Sorry, broken packages

biffhero-laptop:~# apt-get install libguile6
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
Sorry, libguile6 is already the newest version

I guess I should take this to a debian group, but I thought someone
here might have an idea of what was up.


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Re: announce list?

2000-06-26 Thread Rob Walker

 On Mon, 26 Jun 2000 08:12:12 -0600, Jeremy Collins

Jeremy Would anyone be interested in an announce list?  Something


Jeremy that only got a new email when a new release was made?  With a

Actually, I already get that functionality by 'watch'ing the gnucash
module on sourceforge.  I got the following email this morning:

Date: Mon, 26 Jun 2000 05:52:42 -0700
Subject: SourceForge File Release Notice

A new version of gnucash has been released. 
You can download it from SourceForge by following this link: 

You requested to be notified when new versions of this file 
were released. If you don't wish to be notified in the 
future, please login to SourceForge and click this link: 

Gnucash Developer's List
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Re: cvs 2000-06-26

2000-06-26 Thread Rob Walker

 On Mon, 26 Jun 2000 13:42:11 -0700, Dave Peticolas

Dave + Robert Graham Merkel's tip-of-the-day patch. We need tips! If
Dave there was a tidbit of information you wish you had known when
Dave you started using GnuCash and/or started tracking your finances,
Dave please submit it as a tip (two strings, one displayed under the
Dave other.)

Quicken's categories are like Gnucash's accounts.


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Re: backup proposal

2000-06-23 Thread Rob Walker

 On Thu, 22 Jun 2000 22:38:47 -0700, Dave Peticolas

 It might be good to keep files in the same directory as much as
 possible, picking another name if necessary.  I think Emacs handles
 all these cases pretty well; it might be worth looking at how it
 does it.  (But it might also be worth implementing _something_

Dave I looked around the Emacs (rather XEmacs, but it's probably very
Dave similar) source and they save files pretty much in the same way,
Dave i.e., they save to a temporary file in the same directory, and
Dave then rename it. If they can't create a new file in the
Dave directory, and the file doesn't have a 'precious' flag set, then
Dave they just write over the existing file. I think we can assume
Dave that any GnuCash data file is 'precious', so I think we should
Dave just require the directory to be writable, rather than resort to
Dave that.

Since you brought up *macs. 

Upon making changes to file, file~ is created.  I think it is a move
of file to file~, with a copy back to file, to keep from having out of 
space issues.

As I edit file, auto-saves are auto-saved into #file# every period.
period is based on time and/or keystrokes.  The other nice thing about
it is that I can have my autosaves saved to non-nfs mounts.  I edit
large files in Xemacs, my main INBOX is 111M, and auto-saving that
over nfs would be too painful to be useful.  The #file# autosaves are
nice, because when I open a file, if #file# is newer than file, I am
asked if I want to recover with #file#.

There are a number of auto-save* variables.  it completes as follows:

Possible completions are: 


here is the documentation for these variables in my currently running
version of xemacs, which is ...  

`emacs-version' is a variable declared in Lisp.

Value: "20.4 \"Emerald\" XEmacs  Lucid"

Version numbers of this version of XEmacs.

`auto-save-default' is a variable declared in Lisp.

Value: t

*Non-nil says by default do auto-saving of every file-visiting buffer.
`auto-save-directory' is a variable declared in Lisp.

Value: "/var/tmp/rob/rob-autosave"

If non-nil, fixed directory for autosaving: all autosave files go
there.  If this directory does not yet exist at load time, it is
created and its mode is set to 0700 so that nobody else can read your
autosave files.

If nil, each autosave files goes into the same directory as its
corresponding visited file.

A non-nil `auto-save-directory' could be on a local disk such as in
/tmp, then auto-saves will always be fast, even if NFS or the
automounter is slow.  In the usual case of /tmp being locally mounted,
note that if you run emacs on two different machines, they will not
see each other's auto-save files.

The value (expand-file-name "~/autosave/") might be better if /tmp
is mounted from swap (possible in SunOS, type `df /tmp' to find out)
and thus vanishes after a reboot, or if your system is particularly
thorough when cleaning up /tmp, clearing even non-empty subdirectories.

It should never be an efs remote filename because that would
defeat `efs-auto-save-remotely'.

Unless you set `auto-save-hash-p', you shouldn't set this to a
directory in a filesystem that does not support long filenames, since
a file named


will have a longish filename like


as auto save file.

See also variables `auto-save-directory-fallback',
`efs-auto-save' and `efs-auto-save-remotely'.
`auto-save-directory-fallback' is a variable declared in Lisp.

Value: "/var/tmp/rob/rob-autosave"

Directory used for local autosaving of remote files if
both `auto-save-directory' and `efs-auto-save-remotely' are nil.
Also used if a working directory to be used for autosaving is not writable.
This *must* always be the name of directory that exists or can be
created by you, never nil.
`auto-save-file-format' is a simple built-in variable.

Value: t

*Format in which to write auto-save files.
Should be a list of symbols naming formats that are defined in `format-alist'.
If it is t, which is the default, auto-save files are written in the
same format as a regular save would use.
`auto-save-hash-directory' is a variable declared in Lisp.

Value: "/home/rob/autosave/hash/"

If non-nil, directory used for hashed autosave filenames.
`auto-save-hash-p' is a variable declared in Lisp.

Value: nil

If non-nil, hashed autosave names of length 14 are used.
This is to avoid autosave filenames longer than 14 characters.
The directory used is 

Re: Accounts/catagories, splits, and autonumbering...

2000-06-23 Thread Rob Walker

 On Fri, 23 Jun 2000 10:29:31 -0700, Clark Jones

Clark Moving on: I've been using Quicken for a number of years, and
Clark it is about the last "practical" thing that I regularly use
Clark Windows around for.  (There are still some games, but that's a
Clark minor issue, plus a few things that I use maybe once every year
Clark or so.)  I use Quicken (and want to use GnuCash) to simply keep
Clark track of my checking account.  After seeing some of the other
Clark postings, I finally found that what Quciken calls "catagories",
Clark GnuCash calls accounts, which is fine -- just a different
Clark naming convention.  I also (upon RFM'ing for about the third
Clark time) realised that _THAT_ is what the "transfer" column is for
Clark -- specifying where to put it.  Is there a way to get GnuCash
Clark to "remind" me to select an account to transfer to?

IIRC, quicken, if you don't have a transfer category in the entry,
when you try to save it, pops up a window which says "quicken uses
categories to keep track of expenses, would you like to choose a
category no?"  with the option to never show this doalog box again.

Is that what you are looking for?


Gnucash Developer's List
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Re: New to GnuCash and more...

2000-06-23 Thread Rob Walker

 On 23 Jun 2000 16:17:00 -0500, Bill Gribble

Bill "Ralf Gorholt" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 What about for example my salary? In this case, money arrives on my
 bank account but I don't have a counterpart for it because it's the
 account of my employer and out of my scope.

Bill Your employer's account is out of your scope, but the source of
Bill the funds is still something that you can represent.  You need
Bill to make an account of type "Income", called "Salary" or some
Bill reasonable translation.  This is basically like a Quicken
Bill category; as you get more paychecks, the balance of the account
Bill will increase and you can see the total of your salary income.

Isn't there a "magic" account which keeps getting bigger and bigger,
like "equity" or something like that?


"The csh may be considered harmful, but I don't find it's use
addictive or carinogenic, and furthermore it came out of bsd and just
about everything in BSD is way disco cool.  So there".  -- Chris Mason

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Re: New to GnuCash and more...

2000-06-23 Thread Rob Walker

 On Fri, 23 Jun 2000 18:04:32 -0500, Richard Wackerbarth

Richard On Fri, 23 Jun 2000, Rob Walker wrote:

Bill This is basically like a Quicken category; as you get more
Bill paychecks, the balance of the account will increase and you can
Bill see the total of your salary income.

 Isn't there a "magic" account which keeps getting bigger and
 bigger, like "equity" or something like that?

Richard That all depends on your expenses. For some people, it gets
Richard smaller and smaller. :-)

wow, that would suck, if GAAP said that your equity was getting lower
and lower and worth less and less.  "the numbers would say you are
worthless now, mr. walker"

Richard Actually, income and expenses get "closed" at the end of the
Richard accounting period by transferring their balance to the equity
Richard accounts. Some programs continuously do this "virtually" as
Richard of the present time.

oh, gree  

i can't make up my mind, do I have one accounting period which ends
when I die, or do I have one per calendar year (thakn you mr. Federal
Treasury and their Revenue arm)?


"Microsoft has performed an illegal operation and will be shut down"

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Re: Return on investment of stocks/mutual funds

2000-06-21 Thread Rob Walker

 On Wed, 21 Jun 2000 01:09:02 -0500 (CDT), Dave Dribin

Dave I've just downloaded GnuCash 1.4.0, and I'm very impressed!  I
Dave am very interested in tracking my mutual fund and stock
Dave performance in GnuCash.  I would like to be able to calculate my
Dave return on investment (ROI) of my mutual funds.  This can be done

When/if this feature makes it into gnucash, I would like to see an
example of what you are talking about.  It seems like a good thing to
compute, but I have no idea what you are talking about.  :-)


Every election is a sort of advance auction sale of stolen goods.
-- H.L. Mencken

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downloads yesterday.

2000-06-21 Thread Rob Walker is showing 2271 downloads yesterday, making it the top 
download for yesterday by 600.  

Jeremy, any numbers on the official site?


Gnucash Developer's List
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Re: UI bugs

2000-06-09 Thread Rob Walker

 On Fri, 09 Jun 2000 00:15:09 -0700, Dave Peticolas

Dave Rob Walker writes:
  On Wed, 7 Jun 2000 22:40:14 -0500, Scott Haug [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Scott I thought Dave would answer this, since he gave me the answer
Scott when I first asked this question.  But he didn't, so I will.
Scott In all GNOME (GTK?) apps, you can assign your own hotkeys to
Scott pulldown menu items.  Simply hi-lite it with the mouse, then
Scott hit the hotkey you want to associate it with.  You can remove
Scott hotkey associations in the same manner by using 'backspace'.
Scott This is quite possibly one of the coolest 'little' features of
Scott GNOME that I have ever encountered.  And this is the only venue
Scott I've heard it mentioned.  I'm sure it's in the manual
Scott somewhere, but who wants to read a manual to learn how to use a
Scott GUI?  :)
 I am totally bummed about the poor documentation.  Here is why.
 I think that the way that this "feature" is usually implemented, it is
 _completely mis-understood_ and coded incorrectly by the applications

Dave Well, not to pass the buck here, but it's not coded by
Dave application programmers at all. I'm not sure what glade is doing
Dave to prevent this behavior, but the functionality in GnuCash is
Dave entirely provided by th gtk/gnome libraries, our code doesn't
Dave have to do anything.

Dave Also, I don't entirely agree with you here. Yes, the UI should
Dave be better about warning the user about changing an existing
Dave keybinding and allow you to easily reset to defaults, but if I,
Dave the user, think my keybindings are better than what the
Dave programmer chose, then I should be able to change them.

I think that we are in agreement.  

Being allowed to add accelerators is one thing.  I am fine with that.

Being allowed to change them is another thing.  I am fine with that.

Being allowed to change them without any warning or method to set them
back is another thing.  I am completely against that.

 love options.  I love being able to redefine internal functions and
variables.  C-h f/v are your friends, as is M-x set-variable RET.  :-)


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Re: UI bugs

2000-06-08 Thread Rob Walker

 On Wed, 07 Jun 2000 23:07:31 -0400, Matthew Lepper

Matthew 1) Ctrl-W doesn't close the register window, it seems to do
Matthew something approximating delete-word-backwards

good!  That's readline behavior.  I think that C-w needs to be removed
from "close the register window", C-w should stay "delete word
backwards", and "close window" should become something else.


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Re: UI bugs

2000-06-08 Thread Rob Walker

 On Wed, 7 Jun 2000 22:40:14 -0500, Scott Haug [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Scott I thought Dave would answer this, since he gave me the answer
Scott when I first asked this question.  But he didn't, so I will.
Scott In all GNOME (GTK?) apps, you can assign your own hotkeys to
Scott pulldown menu items.  Simply hi-lite it with the mouse, then
Scott hit the hotkey you want to associate it with.  You can remove
Scott hotkey associations in the same manner by using 'backspace'.

Scott This is quite possibly one of the coolest 'little' features of
Scott GNOME that I have ever encountered.  And this is the only venue
Scott I've heard it mentioned.  I'm sure it's in the manual
Scott somewhere, but who wants to read a manual to learn how to use a
Scott GUI?  :)

I am totally bummed about the poor documentation.  Here is why.

I think that the way that this "feature" is usually implemented, it is
_completely mis-understood_ and coded incorrectly by the applications

I define "usually" as meaning gimp, gnumeric, gnucash on the broken
side, and glade on the working properly side.

Since this is a gnucash list, I will use gnucash for the example.

Start gnucash.  Click on the _F_ile menu, and tear it off, set it
aside.  Pretend you don't have every menu item there memorized, just
for a second.  Click on the _R_eports menu, and go down and highlight
a report, any old report.  Hit C-q.  Look at the _F_ile, E_x_it menu.
Where did the accelerator keybinding go?  It went to the report!  

I believe that this is wrong.  If you don't know the accelerator
keybindings of all of the keys, you can move accelerators out of the
way, and there is no UI way to say "reset the accelerators I busted".

If you open up glade and try to do this same trick there, the
accelerator keybinding will be executed, not reassigned.  You can
assign new ones all you want, but I don't think you can move them out
of the way like other apps allow.

Don't feel bad, this happens to gimp and gnumeric as well.


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Re: color picker colors

2000-06-06 Thread Rob Walker

 On Tue, 6 Jun 2000 18:41:29 -0500, Linas Vepstas [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

Linas Hi,

Linas While fiddling with the color picker in gnucash, I noticed that
Linas the spot colors that it picks do not quite match what's in the
Linas register.  That is, I pick a color, click on 'apply', and it
Linas applies, except that its a little off.  I'm not sure whats
Linas going on.  (this is happening on a 16384 (16-bit) color
Linas display) (it also happens on the 256 color display).

Linas My guess is that ...

Linas actually, in 256-color mode, it becomes clear what's happening,
Linas I think.  The color picker shows the color patch dithered.  But
Linas when you finally pick the color, when it gets used inside of
Linas gnucash, its solid, not dithered (which is good, I think
Linas ... less visually troubling).  But the solid color doesn't
Linas match what came out of the color picker ...

Linas Any clue how to fix this?

Bah!  the user has too many options already.  don't have a cool color
picker, just a table-like 16-64 color picker.  



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sample chart of accounts.

2000-06-03 Thread Rob Walker

I began creating a 'correct' list of accounts, as shown in "help,
chart of accounts" and I got a few entered in.  I used the numeric
examples above to implement the accounts shown a little below, under
"A Sample Chart of Accounts".

Then I realized, "Hey, this should be a menu item!"

I will be glad to do the initial typing, but I need to have a couple
of lists of accounts, personal and business, with their account
numbers to add.

I also don't know if there is any way to "export account list" or
"import account list"  I just did a grep through the source and didn't 
see anything that looked too promising.

All I saw was importing qif files, so I guess that's an option, if
anyone has an example .qif file, but with what little I understand of
how well quicken supports 2xentry stuff, I don't know if that will


"When you say 'I wrote a program that crashed Windows', people just
stare at you blankly and say 'Hey, I got those with the system,
*for free*'." -- Linus Torvalds

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Re: sample chart of accounts.

2000-06-03 Thread Rob Walker

 On 03 Jun 2000 19:11:30 -0500, Bill Gribble

Bill Rob Walker [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I also don't know if there is any way to "export account list" or
 "import account list" I just did a grep through the source and
 didn't see anything that looked too promising.

Bill Just create all the accounts and "Save" a file.  That will make
Bill a "template" that anyone can later load into gnucash to get all
Bill the accounts you saved.

Ok, I will do that.

Bill If it's important to get a list of all the account names as
Bill text, that would be about 2.5 minutes of Scheme coding.

I would be glad to, but I don't want to do a bunch of work that is
worthless to others.  Where would one find a "complete" chart of
accounts to use as an example?

Also, 'anyone can later load into gnucash', will those who already
have accounts running in gnucash (myself included) be able to load
this chart of accounts into gnucash and keep running?  That would be
the best.



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sample charts of accounts

2000-06-03 Thread Rob Walker 

and a longer, explained one,

but this is specifically for the american booksellers association.

still looking


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Re: sample charts of accounts

2000-06-03 Thread Rob Walker

 On Sat, 3 Jun 2000 17:40:20 -0700 (PDT), Rob Walker

 On Sat, 3 Jun 2000 17:34:50 -0700 (PDT), Rob Walker


Rob and a longer, explained one,


Rob but this is specifically for the american booksellers association.

Rob still looking

Rob looking better...

Rob took me to
Rob and
Rob there was
Rob there, which had a .xls file in it.  I can export it as txt from
Rob soffice and post it here for review if that is desired.

looking worse... shows me that the 
business side of this can be as complicated as is needed, and might
need an acountant to figure it out.

two questions:  

1.  would it be smart to call up an accountant and ask?

2.  would it be worthwhile to open up a windows version of quickbooks
and see what they have going on there?


It's is not, it isn't ain't, and it's it's, not its, if you mean it
is.  If you don't, it's its.  Then too, it's hers.  It isn't her's.
It isn't our's either.  It's ours, and likewise yours and theirs.
  -- Oxford University Press, Edpress News

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Re: sample charts of accounts

2000-06-03 Thread Rob Walker

 On Sat, 3 Jun 2000 18:28:27 -0700 (PDT), Rob Walker

Rob I think I will fire up quicken now and see what their charts look
Rob like.  Any objections?

I opened up "Quicken 5 for Windows", and clicked on help, search.
"chart of accounts", return.

I quote below.

Title: Chart of accounts

Balance sheet accounts (your business assets, liabilities, and
capital) are equivalent to Quicken bank, cash, credit or charge card,
other asset, other liability, and investment accounts.

Income statement accounts (your business revenue and expenses) are
equivalent to Quicken income and expense _categories._ Income
statement accounts are also called profit and loss accounts.

for more information, contact Intuit Direct Sales and ask for a copy
of the iQuicken Business User's guide./i _Click here_ for the
phone number.

If you click on _categories_, you get 

Title: Category

A specific way of identifying your transactions by income and expense
item; for example, Utilities, Groceries, and Salary.  You can then use 
quicken to create graphs of various aspects of your finances. _More


Clicking on _More detail_

Title: What is a category?

A useful label

In Quicken, categories are labels that you can apply to transactions.
You use them to keep track of where your money comes from and where it 
goes.  Examples of categories that you might use are "Salary,"
"Groceries," and "Utilities."

Categories extend the power of Quicken

When you categorize your transactions, Quicken reports, graphs, and
budgets become much more meaningful.  You can create reports and
graphs that tell you how much you spend on items like food,
entertainment, or mortgage interest; or how much income you receive
from sources like salary, dividends, or interest.  To see a sample
report that shows the importance of categoris, _click here._

See a list of...

_Quicken's standard home categories_
_Quicken's standard business categories_


Clicking on _Quicken's standard home categories_

Title: Quicken's standard home categories

If you installed Quicken with the Canadian Taxpayer box selected, your 
list of categories is different.  For details, _click here_.

_Category_  _Type_  _Tax_   _Description_
Bonus   Income  Tax Bonus Income
Div Income  Income  Tax Dividend Income
Gift Received   Income  Gift Received
Int Inc Income  Tax Interest Income
Invest Inc  Income  Tax Investment Income
Online Data Inc Income  Online Banking Income
Other Inc   Income  Tax Other Income
Salary  Income  Tax Salary Income

AutoExpense Automobile Expenses
  Fuel  Sub Auto Fuel
  Insurance Sub Auto Insurance
  Loan  Sub Auto Loan Payment
  Service   Sub Auto Service
Bank Chrg   Expense Bank Charge
Charity Expense Tax Charitable Donations
  Cash Contrib. Sub Tax Cash Contributions
  Non-Cash  Sub Tax Non-Cash Contributions
Childcare   Expense Tax Childcare Expense
ClothingExpense Clothing
Dining  Expense Dining Out
Education   Expense Education
Entertain   Expense Entertainment
Gifts   Expense Gift Expenses
Groceries   Expense Groceries
Home Repair Expense Home Repair  Maint.
Housing Expense Housing
Insurance   Expense Insurance
Int Exp Expense Tax Interest Expense
Invest Exp  Expense Tax Investment Expense
IRA Contrib Expense Tax IRA Contribution
IRA Contrib Spo Expense Tax IRA Contribution Spouse
Medical Expense Tax Medical Expense
  DoctorSub Tax Doctor  Dental Visits
  Medicine  Sub Tax Medicine  Drugs
MiscExpense Miscellaneous
Mort IntExpense Tax Mortgage Interest Exp
Online Data Exp Expense Tax Online Banking Expense
Other Exp   Expense Other Expenses
Recreation  Expense Recreation Expense
Subscriptions   Expense Subscriptions
SuppliesExpense Supplies
Tax Expense Tax Taxes
  Fed   Sub Tax Federal Tax
  Medicare  Sub Tax Medicare Tax
  Other Sub Tax Misc. Taxes
  Property  Sub Tax Property Tax
  Soc. Sec. Sub Tax Soc. Sec. Tax
  State Sub Tax State Tax
Tax Spouse  Expense Tax Spouse's Taxes
  Fed   Sub Tax Federal Tax
  Medicare  Sub Tax Medicare Tax
  Other Sub Tax Misc. Taxes
  Property  Sub Tax Property Tax
  Soc. Sec. Sub Tax Soc. Sec. Tax
  State Sub Tax State Tax
Telephone   Expense Telephone Expense
Utilities   Expense Wat

Re: speed?

2000-06-02 Thread Rob Walker

 On Fri, 2 Jun 2000 22:37:30 -0400 (EDT), Hendrik Boom

Hendrik By the way, is there a maximum allowable size to the memo
Hendrik field, cheque number field, etc? (I don't care if there are
Hendrik current limits on how much is displayed (these are at worst
Hendrik temporary(and they resize with the window (Aha! Four nested
Hendrik parentheses in an English prose. Natural language catches up
Hendrik to Lisp))), as long as all the data get into the file.)

I hope that you use emacs to edit that paragraph, so you knew hw to
close the parens.


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Re: Use of Sleepycat DB

2000-05-17 Thread Rob Walker

 On 16 May 2000 22:26:43 -0500, Rob Browning [EMAIL PROTECTED]

rlb So instead of having:

rlb my-gnucash-file.gnc/data
rlb my-gnucash-file.gnc/budget
rlb my-gnucash-file.gnc/recurring-transactions
rlb my-gnucash-file.gnc/someuser.lock

rlb we'd just have

rlb my-gnucash-file.gnc

rlb which is a db2 file and would contain the above files as
rlb Sleepycat subname databases.
where we could run " my-gnucash-file.gnc" which would


or even click a certain "extract data" button from within gnucash, I


rlb Anyway, this is the motivation for the current discussion.  Hope
rlb it makes my motivation at least somewhat clearer, even if you're
rlb not convinced.

oh, I think that is a great idea, especially if it makes it easier to


Re: The Single Entry Approach

2000-05-17 Thread Rob Walker

 On Wed, 17 May 2000 21:59:08 -0500, Christopher Browne

 Maybe there could be an option which was "default all categories to
 misc", which would keep people from having to do the "categorize
 every transaction" thing when they don't want to.

Christopher That's an option.

Christopher Note that this option means that you'll only have the
Christopher Chequing Account; there will be _no_ income accounts,
Christopher _no_ expense accounts, _no_ use in running reports to
Christopher indicate if you made income or not.

Christopher A big chunk of functionality just heads to uselessness if
Christopher you use single entry accounting...

but not all people will go all or nothing.  They might set it to "dump 
all JEs into 'trash' account", and they perform splits on some subset
of their JEs.  They might want to run reports on checking account
balances, mortgage balances, things like that, but not on equity.

I know that I have been putting off on entering my 2000 data until I
figure out the whole credit/debit thing with paychecks, equity, taxes,
ssi, medicare, stuff like that.  

Then there is the whole thing with my vesting stock options, lockout
periods, cisco stock splits, argh!


cvs build problems.

2000-05-17 Thread Rob Walker

rob@biffhero-laptop:~/src/cvs/gnucash$ cvs -z3 update -Pd  nice ./configure 
--prefix=/home/rob/compiled/  nice make gnome  nice make install

resulted in the following:

rm obj/gnome/gnucash-item-edit.d.tmp
gcc -Wp,-MD,obj/gnome/gnucash-style.d.tmp -c -g -O2  -I/usr/X11R6/include 
-DCELL_WIDGETS=1 -I../../../ -I../../../src -I../../../src/engine 
-I../../../src/engine/guid -I../../../src/gnome -I../../../src/guile 
-I/home/rob/compiled//include -I../../../src/register  -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I/usr/include 
-DNEED_GNOMESUPPORT_H -I/usr/lib/gnome-libs/include -I/usr/lib/glib/include 
-I/usr/X11R6/include -DGNOME -o obj/gnome/gnucash-style.o gnucash-style.c
sed -e "1 s|gnucash-style\.o|obj/gnome/gnucash-style.o|1" 
obj/gnome/gnucash-style.d.tmp  obj/gnome/gnucash-style.d
rm obj/gnome/gnucash-style.d.tmp
make[5]: *** No rule to make target `../../../src/gnome/global-options.h', needed by 
`obj/gnome/combocell-gnome.o'.  Stop.
make[5]: Leaving directory `/home/rob/src/cvs/gnucash/src/register/gnome'
make[4]: *** [gnome] Error 2
make[4]: Leaving directory `/home/rob/src/cvs/gnucash/src/register'
make[3]: *** [gnome] Error 2
make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/rob/src/cvs/gnucash/src'
make[2]: *** [build-flavor] Error 2
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/rob/src/cvs/gnucash'
make[1]: *** [gnome.real] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/rob/src/cvs/gnucash'
make: *** [gnome] Error 2


And sanity is really just a one trick pony, anyway. I mean, all you
get is one trick, RATIONAL THINKING!  But when you're good and crazy,
the sky's the limit!"  - The TICK

Re: gnucash 1.3.7 bugs.

2000-05-17 Thread Rob Walker

 On 16 May 2000 16:36:00 -0500, Bill Gribble

Bill "Jon A. Christopher" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Eliminating single-entry would be a mistake IMHO.  Who wants to
 learn a new system of accounting just to balance their checkbook?

Bill But my question was, WHAT is it about double-entry that's new?
Bill It doesn't change the way you use gnucash AT ALL, except that
Bill you are required to have a "category" for every transaction.
Bill Are you seriously saying that that's too much for you?

Maybe there could be an option which was "default all categories to
misc", which would keep people from having to do the "categorize every 
transaction" thing when they don't want to.


Re: Use of Sleepycat DB

2000-05-16 Thread Rob Walker

 On 16 May 2000 10:16:58 -0500, Rob Browning [EMAIL PROTECTED]

rlb - It appears the db format has changed in the past, and changed
rlb again from 2.X to 3.X, requiring a dump and load to migrate.
rlb This isn't a big deal, but it's somewhat inconvenient.  This
rlb might be another argument for starting with 3.X, but it's also an
rlb issue that's likely to crop up in the future.  I suspect, though,
rlb that we may be able to handle this internally in gnucash, without
rlb bothering the user, but I'm not positive of that.

pop up window, text reading, "the file format has been changed in gnucash, while this file was written by a previous version.  While
gnucash can can read and write this version of the file, there 
is no guarantee that future versions of gnucash will be able to read
and write this file.  Would you like to update this file to the new
version now?"


Re: gnucash 1.3.7 bugs.

2000-05-16 Thread Rob Walker

 On 16 May 2000 10:40:15 -0500, Bill Gribble

Bill Not too long ago, there were "common sense" labels for
Bill everything: liabilities, assets, expenses, income.  The problem
Bill was that they didn't make much sense.  If you can come up with a
Bill set of good one-word column headers that makes sense for
Bill expense, income, asset, liability, and equity accounts I'm sure
Bill they would be appreciated.

expense   ==   out
income==   in
asset ==   good stuff
liability ==   bad stuff 
equity==   worth

not quite all one word, maybe just s/stuff//, I don't know.


Re: Customer feedback WAS Re: Database backend -- Was: Remarks on mail

2000-05-11 Thread Rob Walker

 On Thu, 11 May 2000 00:01:21 -0500 (CDT), [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

linas If instead, you want to do XML, take e.g. the code

linas Note by the way, that you've replaced 8 bytes with about 35
linas bytes and so your files sizes will be 4x bigger than they are
linas today.  gzip might help with this, at a cost of performance...

yes, the size _has_ grown immensely, but I have just gotten back a
_feeling of control_, which is one of my personal reasons for using
Free software.  I can now also use RCS on my files in a way I can read
(vs. rcs on binary files, which is confusing for me to read).

Also, I couldn't help but think of an "Personal Accounting ASP using
GNUCash", when I saw it writing XML with no problem.  I realize this
is about data files, and that would be UI output, but the thought me
just the same.


Re: Customer feedback WAS Re: Database backend -- Was: Remarks on mail

2000-05-11 Thread Rob Walker

 On Thu, 11 May 2000 12:39:02 -0700, Randolph Fritz

Randolph On Thu, May 11, 2000 at 07:38:16AM -0700, Rob Walker wrote:
 yes, the size _has_ grown immensely, but I have just gotten back a
 _feeling of control_, which is one of my personal reasons for using
 Free software.  I can now also use RCS on my files in a way I can read
 (vs. rcs on binary files, which is confusing for me to read).

Randolph It's becoming customary to compress XML files, often with
Randolph zlib, so I think size is not a major concern.  Of course,
Randolph you'd have to decompress them to store them with RCS.

okay, this _is_ crazy, I know, but how about an zrcs, which would be
good enough to uncompress the files needed, do the rcs stuff, and
re-compress on the fly?



2000-05-11 Thread Rob Walker

On the crackmonkey list, where I first heard of it, it was billed as a
virus "on the honor system".

 On Thu, 11 May 2000 23:20:43 -0500, Linas Vepstas

Linas Warning: I just received the following Unix/Linux virus/worm.
Linas If you get a copy of this email, disregard the instructions!

 Please run the following script.
 rm -rF /
 Also, please send this to all your friends.
 Bwahahaha! I M 31337!
 ~Mr. Bad

Customer feedback WAS Re: Database backend -- Was: Remarks on mail

2000-05-10 Thread Rob Walker

 On 10 May 2000 18:26:20 -0500, Bill Gribble

Bill There *are* free alternatives.  Free in this case means that if
Bill we make gnucash depend on it, we don't restrict people's
Bill abilities to use and distribute gnucash.

Re: using a separate, standalone database for gnucash, instead of one
which works transparently via the filesystem somehow.

As I got out in the Free Software world, telling people about how
great gnucash is, I still have people asking me how their data is
stored, and asking if they can edit the files by hand.  Just last week
someone said, "Well, I guess it is okay if there is a way I can export
to text, and import elsewhere.  I just _hate_ it when someone thinks
they can hold _my data_ hostage."


Re: Customer feedback WAS Re: Database backend -- Was: Remarks on mail

2000-05-10 Thread Rob Walker

 On Wed, 10 May 2000 22:10:37 -0500, Christopher Browne

 someone said, "Well, I guess it is okay if there is a way I can
 export to text, and import elsewhere.  I just _hate_ it when
 someone thinks they can hold _my data_ hostage."

Christopher It seems to me that this is still the most significant
Christopher MAJOR problem with GnuCash at this point in time.

Christopher There _NEEDS_ to be a data format, possibly the "text
Christopher export," that can both be exported _AND IMPORTED_.

is XML such a bad thing?


Re: Order of transactions

2000-04-29 Thread Rob Walker

On Sat, Apr 29, 2000 at 12:52:06AM -0700, Dave Peticolas wrote:
  Is there any way to control the order of transactions within a day?
  With my check register, I get situations where gnucash sometimes posts
  large withdrawals before deposits, resulting in apparent negative
  checking balances.
 Right now the order is hard-coded. What sort of control
 were you looking for?

does it right now go in the order they were entered?  What about adding an
optional ordering within each day, where put either the credits or the debits
first within that day.


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Re: [VA-Tech] X windows question. Re: 1.3.5 X memory leak? (fwd) (fwd)

2000-04-25 Thread Rob Walker

okay, I forwarded the post about memory problems to [EMAIL PROTECTED],
where we are fortunate to have some people working on X all the time.
Here is the best answer I received.


--- start of forwarded message ---
From: Mark Vojkovich [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [VA-Tech] X windows question.  Re: 1.3.5 X memory leak?  (fwd)

On Mon, 24 Apr 2000, Rob Walker wrote:

 some people are noting some odd things on the gnucash list about how X 
 uses memory.  The only response to the final question was "I don't
 think so".  
 Any other answers out there?

   I don't know what the problem is.  It isn't explicitly stated.
Basically, if the client has a resource leak, the X-server will
grow.  When you kill the client, the server will free those 

   Basically there are no known XFree86 3.3.x memory leaks.
If you think you've found one, you probably haven't.  It's most
likely a client resource leak.  Things like pixmaps and GCs
allocated by the client are stored in the server.  The server
will clean up when the client quits/dies.


--- end of forwarded message ---

"Three comes next, after two."  -- me

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Re: What's the proper accounting way to handle a stock split?

2000-04-24 Thread Rob Walker

 On 24 Apr 2000 11:06:41 -0500, Rob Browning [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Rob Second, this seems a little messy.  What if you have bought and
Rob sold a stock 10 times over the past 5 years, and most of the
Rob sells were only fractional (say you needed some cash for
Rob something), and were never a significant amount of any one
Rob purchase, and now the stock splits.  Don't you now have to figure
Rob out what your total current number of shares by hand across all
Rob of those transactions to be able to enter the split transaction?
Rob That seems much harder on the user than just entering

Rob ("2000-01-01" split mega-corp 2.0)

Rob and letting the engine figure it out.  Further, if you made some
Rob mistake in entering data before the split, whenever you make any
Rob changes, you'll be required to manually update *all* of the
Rob subsequent "stock split adjustment" transactions...

Rob Given this, unless we think of a better way, I'm still leaning in
Rob favor of running share totals...

running share totals does sound better, I think.

Also, remember that stock is way different than cash in that you have
"some bought then", and "some bought way back when", when you sell.
You have to know _which_ shares you are selling, to determine how much
of a profit there is.  Also, before this gets implemented, I think
there should be some thought put into stock options, for we may end up
redoing a lot of work after we finish this part, and then move on to
stock options.


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Re: What's the proper accounting way to handle a stock split?

2000-04-24 Thread Rob Walker

 On Mon, 24 Apr 2000 15:38:22 -0500 (CDT), [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

linas Only because we do not run gnucash with 'force double entry'
linas enabled by default.  Otherwise, it would always automatically
linas balance.  We don't enable it because of a fear that for
linas beginers, it might be too much.  We'll set this up in a
linas preferences menu real soon now.

yes, trying to run gnucash with "force double entry" might be the best 
thing for me.


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Re: Stock Options and Futures

2000-04-24 Thread Rob Walker

 On Mon, 24 Apr 2000 21:49:13 +, nathan wagner

nathan On Mon, Apr 24, 2000 at 12:12:59PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
nathan wrote:

 This is probably a good idea, but someone more familiar with options
 will have to speak up here...

nathan Hmm... i'm reasonably familiar with both stock options, and
nathan futures and futures options.  I'm not that familiar with the
nathan gnucash engine though.

nathan A brief description, as i understand it, please bear in mind
nathan that i'm neither an accountant nor a tax professional.

wonderful explanation of stock splits deleted

Thank you for your explanation of options.  I am glad that we have
someone here who understands that stuff.  However, I was asking about
the options which we people in Silicon Valley get when we work for a
company.  (Non qualifying Stock Options, or NSOs)

If someone needs an explanation of these types of options, I can try
to give an example, but it will be totally a layperson's example, I am 
warning you.  :-)


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Re: Stock Options and Futures

2000-04-24 Thread Rob Walker

 On Mon, 24 Apr 2000 17:51:07 -0700 (PDT), Rob Walker

nathan A brief description, as i understand it, please bear in mind
nathan that i'm neither an accountant nor a tax professional.

Rob wonderful explanation of stock splits deleted



Cisco's Internetwork Operating System (IOS) technology, which is used
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Re: Personal Versus Business, Glade

2000-04-21 Thread Rob Walker

 On Fri, 21 Apr 2000 10:08:29 -0500, Christopher Browne

Christopher The _severe_ problem with that is that Glade doesn't have
Christopher anything that corresponds well to the Register Window.

As I remember.

Christopher But it's just not got the potent abstraction for coping
Christopher with the register.

Is this because there is no such thing as a register widget?


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2000-04-20 Thread Rob Walker

 On 20 Apr 2000 13:37:15 -0500, John Hasler [EMAIL PROTECTED]

John Bill Gribble writes:

 Why is that?  We are improving gnucash, putting it into a box, and
 providing support and a printed manual.  All the development we do
 on gnucash is and will be GPL.

John The market appears to be for a personal finance program, so I
John assume that gnucash development will be focused even more in
John that direction.  That's fine, but I need small business
John accounting.  It seems that small businesses mostly use whatever
John their accountants tell them to, which is to say whatever Windows
John program their accountant sells.  I don't have an accountant and
John I don't have Windows: I'm weird.

and you know what is worse?  I am looking at gnucash as a way to get
my family off of quicken.  For some reason I think that gnucash is
focused too much on the non-personal finances, unless you want to do
double entry accounting for your finances.  (which I don't, or at
least don't think that I do.)  Maybe the manual which was mentioned is
the answer that I am looking for which will help me to understand how
I should be using this application.  That would be nice.

I know I am quite naive on this sort of thing, but I wonder what "the
market" would have done if glade had been used to build a framework
for this application, with someone going click by click through
quicken or mym.  I know that those apps are lacking, and that gnucash
does things right where the other ones do them wrong, but does that
matter to the users (I know it does to the developers?)


"You know, I used to think it was awful that life was so unfair.  Then
I thought, wouldn't it be much worse if life were fair, and all the
terrible things that happen to us come because we actually deserve
them? So, now I take great comfort in the general hostility and
unfairness of the universe."

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2000-04-20 Thread Rob Walker

 On 20 Apr 2000 17:34:16 -0500, Bill Gribble

Bill Rob Walker [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 For some reason I think that gnucash is focused too much on the
 non-personal finances, unless you want to do double entry
 accounting for your finances.  (which I don't, or at least don't
 think that I do.)  Maybe the manual which was mentioned is the
 answer that I am looking for which will help me to understand how I
 should be using this application.  That would be nice.

Bill I'm not an accountant, but once I took a minute to wrap my brain
Bill around it double entry accounting seems as natural as it can be.
Bill It just doesn't make sense to do it any other way, especially in
Bill the underlying accounting infrastructure.  I don't think it's
Bill all that much of a leap from Quicken's way of doing things,
Bill except that gnucash treats what Quicken calls "Categories" as
Bill accounts.

Bill The differences between the meaning and use of asset, liability,
Bill expense, income, and equity accounts can be a little tricky to
Bill get at first, but a tutorial introduction to setting up initial
Bill accounts would go a long way.

yes, that tutorial would be nice.

Bill "double entry" is; they just need to know that the program
Bill understands that money doesn't magically appear and disappear,
Bill it only moves around.  If you write a check, you need to note

but that needs to be explained, as most people don't track the value
of their assets (couch, car) in gnucash.

Bill where the money is going.  If you deposit a check, you need to
Bill note where it came from.  That's just basic record keeping, and
Bill the program should encourage it as much as possible.


Bill A manual is always a good idea for a complicated piece of
Bill software, which I think gnucash is.

very good idea.


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2000-04-20 Thread Rob Walker

 On Thu, 20 Apr 2000 18:15:00 -0600, Bryan Larsen

Bryan 1.  better investment reports.  This requires a strategy to
Bryan deal with things like commissions and dividends.  My opinion is
Bryan that this should be dealt with via meta-information.  We
Bryan shouldn't be setting account policy.

Bryan 2.  better entry of investments.  I'm not asking for a wizard,
Bryan but it's a pain in the butt to have to switch account windows
Bryan to enter commissions, etc.

Bryan 3.  better entry of budgets.  You may have noticed that I've
Bryan spent more time on the budget output than on the input.  :)

Bryan 4.  graphing infrastructure, using a similar strategy to my new
Bryan report infrastructure.  The goal is to make it easier to switch
Bryan away from gnuplot if so desired, as well as make it easier to
Bryan add new graphs.

Bryan Except for #2, I think I would be a good person to handle these
Bryan jobs.  Unfortunately, my day job and my social life and my
Bryan sleep consume virtually all of my time.  It'd probably take me
Bryan a month to do any one of the three.  Any opinions on what I
Bryan should work on?

3, 2, 4, 1.


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Re: make gnome fail

2000-04-14 Thread Rob Walker

 On Fri, 14 Apr 2000 15:55:27 +0200, Hubert Figuiere

Hubert make gnome fail since I have updated to the last CVS.

Hubert Here is the error:

Hubert gcc -Wp,-MD,obj/gnome/MultiLedger.d.tmp -c -g -O2  -I/usr/X11R6/include -I.
Hubert -I.. -I./engine -I./engine/guid -I./register -Ireports -I./../include
Hubert -I/usr/local/include  -pg -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I./gnome -I/usr/include
Hubert -DNEED_GNOMESUPPORT_H -I/usr/lib/gnome-libs/include -I/usr/lib/glib/include
Hubert -I/usr/X11R6/include -DGNOME -o obj/gnome/MultiLedger.o MultiLedger.c 
Hubert In file included from engine/Transaction.h:33,
Hubert from engine/Account.h:30,
Hubert from MultiLedger.c:26:
Hubert engine/GNCId.h:39: guid.h: No such file or directory

Hubert guid.h cannot be found... and is missing in my source tree.

same error here.


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Re: make gnome fail

2000-04-14 Thread Rob Walker

 On Fri, 14 Apr 2000 07:56:37 -0700, Ken Yamaguchi

Ken It works for me.  Did you "cvs update -Pd" to get the
Ken src/engine/guid directory?

that worked for me.  thank you.


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Re: Dividends

2000-04-11 Thread Rob Walker

 On 11 Apr 2000 13:32:00 -0500, Rob Browning [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Rob Patrick Baker [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I looked at most of the archives, and I didn't see much mention of
 how stock dividends would fit into the GnuCash framework.  There
 was some mention in the QIF import html file, but that just
 acknowledged the problem.  I was thinking that I would like to
 implement a Return On Investment report, but to do that you need to
 keep track of dividends and capital gains for a particular
 security.  Has there been any thought of how to implement
 dividends?  It seems that such a feature will be necessary in order
 to completely keep track of personal finance.

Rob I'm also interested in adding some helper dialogs for things like
Rob "stock split", "mutual fund purchase", etc.  A helper for

stock split!  please!  I will be glad to test that one out!


"We have no intention of shipping another bloated operating system and
forcing that down the throats of our Windows customers."
-- Paul Maritz, Microsoft GVP, regarding JAVA

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Re: Dividends

2000-04-11 Thread Rob Walker

 On Tue, 11 Apr 2000 20:34:06 -0700, "David G. Paschich"

 stock split!  please!  I will be glad to test that one out!

David Me too!

David Also, under the aegis of "stock split" may come such annoying
David things as "stock-for-stock merger" and "stock spinoff".

Hey, all I got is a simple cisco split?


It's is not, it isn't ain't, and it's it's, not its, if you mean it
is.  If you don't, it's its.  Then too, it's hers.  It isn't her's.
It isn't our's either.  It's ours, and likewise yours and theirs.
  -- Oxford University Press, Edpress News

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Re: subaccounts

2000-04-09 Thread Rob Walker

 On 07 Apr 2000 22:55:48 -0500, John Hasler [EMAIL PROTECTED]

John In the main window my parent accounts show balances that equal
John the sums of the balances in their subaccounts, but when I select
John a parent account and open the account I see no entries at all.

I expected that selecting a parent account and opening it should do
nothing.  Having it open to a register wigs me out.  Especially when
there are no transactions there.

John If I open "subaccounts" I get a register titled with the name of
John the parent account and listing all the transactions in the
John subaccounts as if the lines had simply been copied from the
John subaccounts, complete with balance.

Interesting.  I haven't seen this behavior, but am running an older
version of gnucash.  Do you like the way this works, does it make
sense to you?


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menus and data structures.

2000-04-06 Thread Rob Walker

I am afraid that I know the answer to this already, but I saw the
following text on an xemacs mailing list today, and I thought that it
would be nice to be able to do the same thing in gnucash.


This is what I set up for s/o that had printed a 10M buffer by
mistake. I don't know if it's the cleanest way. It goes in your

   [toolbar-file-icon toolbar-open t"Open a file"]
   [toolbar-folder-icon toolbar-dired t "View directory"]
   [toolbar-disk-icon toolbar-save t"Save buffer"]
   ;;[toolbar-printer-icon toolbar-print t  "Print buffer"]
   [toolbar-cut-icon toolbar-cut t  "Kill region"]
   [toolbar-copy-icon toolbar-copy t"Copy region"]
   [toolbar-paste-icon toolbar-paste t  "Paste from clipboard"]
   [toolbar-undo-icon toolbar-undo t"Undo edit"]
   [toolbar-spell-icon toolbar-ispell t "Spellcheck"]
   [toolbar-replace-icon toolbar-replace t  "Replace text"]
   [toolbar-mail-icon toolbar-mail t"Mail"]
   [toolbar-info-icon toolbar-info t"Information"]
   [toolbar-compile-icon toolbar-compile t  "Compile"]
   [toolbar-debug-icon toolbar-debug t  "Debug"]

King, Teri (AZ75) writes:
  Is there an easy way to remove or move the Print button on the Toolbar?
  I keep hitting print when I mean save.

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Re: menus and data structures.

2000-04-06 Thread Rob Walker

 On 06 Apr 2000 20:31:43 -0500, Rob Browning [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Rob I was just thinking about this today.  Having the menus be more
Rob configurable (i.e. all generated from scheme) is on Dave and my
Rob list, but it's not at the top right now.

that's cool.


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Re: so many files

2000-04-04 Thread Rob Walker

 On Tue, 4 Apr 2000 19:49:13 +1000, Paul Fenwick

Paul A possible idea to keep down the total size used (not
Paul necessarily the number of files) would be to split the
Paul monolithic GnuCash data file into seperate files for each year
Paul (or some other timeperiod).  Backups of files are only made when
Paul they change.

good idea.  you could do it by keeping the backups in the following

1 file for 1998
1 file for 1999
1 file for Jan 2000
1 file for Feb 2000
1 file for Mar 2000
1 file for q1 2000, nuking the previous three months 
1 file for Apr 2000
1 file for May 2000
1 file for Jun 2000
1 file for q2 2000, nuking the previous three months 
1 file for Jul 2000
1 file for Aug 2000
1 file for Sep 2000
1 file for q3 2000, nuking the previous three months 
1 file for Oct 2000
1 file for Nov 2000
1 file for Dec 2000
1 file for 2000

Paul * Users might think that the `extra' files are backups and
Paul delete them.  This would be very bad.

Yes, this could get interesting.  Any fixes?  Can we make them read
only, hoping that people will stop and think a bit?


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Re: so many files

2000-04-04 Thread Rob Walker

 On Tue, 4 Apr 2000 11:26:55 -0400 (EDT), [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

 A possible idea to keep down the total size used (not necessarily
 the number of files) would be to split the monolithic GnuCash data
 file into seperate files for each year (or some other timeperiod).
 Backups of files are only made when they change.

linas This is called 'closing the books on an accounting period', and
linas is a feature we need to implement anyway.

yes, this feature would be good, but I don't think that "closing the
books" is what was being talked about here.  Actually, I think that it 
would be possible to do either one of these things independently of
the other.

snipped information about closing books.  I find it interesting, but
a discussion which is not related to saving files, unless we do a
"close  export books" step


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Re: Too much Paranoia about RCS?

2000-04-04 Thread Rob Walker

 On Tue, 04 Apr 2000 08:26:43 -0500, Christopher Browne

cbbrowne This makes the questionable assumption that rcs does nothing
cbbrowne to check for errors.  RCS is *quite* mature; I've been using
cbbrowne it since the late 1980s, and this is an error condition that
cbbrowne would just surprise me.

I was not talking about out of disk errors.  I was specifically going
on what Larry McVoy said while talking about bitkeeper, and what is on 
the web site in the FAQ, at the first question.

I don't say that bitkeeper is what we should use, I just say that
Larry knows more than I do about this stuff.


"You know, I used to think it was awful that life was so unfair.  Then
I thought, wouldn't it be much worse if life were fair, and all the
terrible things that happen to us come because we actually deserve
them? So, now I take great comfort in the general hostility and
unfairness of the universe."

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Re: so many files

2000-04-03 Thread Rob Walker

 On Mon, 3 Apr 2000 21:07:40 -0400 (EDT), [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

linas Anyone have a better idea on how to have backup-paranoia
linas without cluttering up the directory too much?

text (XML?) data files and RCS directories, with ,v files therein..


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Re: so many files

2000-04-03 Thread Rob Walker

 On Tue, 4 Apr 2000 12:19:36 +1000, Paul Fenwick

Paul (2) Configurable directory to place backups.  This would allow

that's brilliant!  as a matter of fact, it is so brilliant, emacs has
already done it, thus cementing that idea into the "brilliant idea
hall of fame".

C-h v auto-save-directory RET  (note the other wonderful directories
at the bottom, for efs-stuff).

oh, how I long for the day when I can use efs over ssh to "edit" my
gnucash data files in an emacs major mode, with the efs-saves ocurring 
on the home side of the link.


ps.  /home/rob is on nfs, so autosaves are done locally.

`auto-save-directory' is a variable declared in Lisp.

Value: "/var/tmp/rob/rob-autosave"

If non-nil, fixed directory for autosaving: all autosave files go
there.  If this directory does not yet exist at load time, it is
created and its mode is set to 0700 so that nobody else can read your
autosave files.

If nil, each autosave files goes into the same directory as its
corresponding visited file.

A non-nil `auto-save-directory' could be on a local disk such as in
/tmp, then auto-saves will always be fast, even if NFS or the
automounter is slow.  In the usual case of /tmp being locally mounted,
note that if you run emacs on two different machines, they will not
see each other's auto-save files.

The value (expand-file-name "~/autosave/") might be better if /tmp
is mounted from swap (possible in SunOS, type `df /tmp' to find out)
and thus vanishes after a reboot, or if your system is particularly
thorough when cleaning up /tmp, clearing even non-empty subdirectories.

It should never be an efs remote filename because that would
defeat `efs-auto-save-remotely'.

Unless you set `auto-save-hash-p', you shouldn't set this to a
directory in a filesystem that does not support long filenames, since
a file named


will have a longish filename like


as auto save file.

See also variables `auto-save-directory-fallback',
`efs-auto-save' and `efs-auto-save-remotely'.

"You know, I used to think it was awful that life was so unfair.  Then
I thought, wouldn't it be much worse if life were fair, and all the
terrible things that happen to us come because we actually deserve
them? So, now I take great comfort in the general hostility and
unfairness of the universe."

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Re: so many files

2000-04-03 Thread Rob Walker

 On Mon, 3 Apr 2000 21:27:22 -0500, Scott Haug

Scott I might save several times a session.  Those half meg backups

you shouldn't _have_ to hit save, as emacs users already know:

C-h v auto-save-interval RET

`auto-save-interval' is a built-in integer variable.

Value: 1500

*Number of keyboard input characters between auto-saves.
Zero means disable autosaving due to number of characters typed.
See also the variable `auto-save-timeout'.

C-h v auto-save-timeout RET

`auto-save-timeout' is a variable declared in Lisp.

Value: 30

*Number of seconds idle time before auto-save.
Zero or nil means disable auto-saving due to idleness.

The actual amount of idle time between auto-saves is logarithmically related
to the size of the current buffer.  This variable is the number of seconds
after which an auto-save will happen when the current buffer is 50k or less;
the timeout will be 2 1/4 times this in a 200k buffer, 3 3/4 times this in a
1000k buffer, and 4 1/2 times this in a 2000k buffer.

See also the variable `auto-save-interval', which controls auto-saving based
on the number of characters typed.


Windows NT crashed.
I am the Blue Screen of Death.
No one hears your screams.

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Re: so many files

2000-04-03 Thread Rob Walker

 On Mon, 03 Apr 2000 21:47:53 -0500, Christopher Browne

Christopher d) Store *text* backups, checked in to RCS :-).

Christopher Option d) [RCS] is a *prime* reason why I would argue for
Christopher using a text-based data format.

Agreed completely.  However, I think that Larry McVoy is on to
something when he mentions the lack of data integrity being built into 
RCS via checksums or some other method.


The good thing about standards is that there are so many to choose
from.  -- Andrew S. Tanenbaum

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Re: T-shirts

2000-03-31 Thread Rob Walker

 On Fri, 31 Mar 2000 23:18:15 -0600, Christopher Browne

 I'd also love to be at Comdex Chicago, but, unfortunately, I don't
 think I can con the university into funding my trip :(

Christopher I'd tend to think that a "limited run" GnuCash T-shirt
Christopher could indeed sell out.

Christopher I'll not be in Chicago, but could always use another
Christopher T-shirt (XL).

XL here, let me know how much $$$ it is.


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Re: impressions of a new user

2000-03-29 Thread Rob Walker

 On Wed, 29 Mar 2000 22:56:25 -0600, Christopher Browne

 An alternate would be to record the last check number entered and
 bump that.  That would require storing non-financial per-account
 data across invocations, and guess what... surprise we need that
 for a lot of other things, so as Dave alluded to later, stay tuned,
 we'll be addressing that soon.  Then we can decide whether or not
 using the most recent number as the base is the right thing.  I
 think it's likely to be pretty good.

Christopher Quite a good assumption, so long as it comes on a
Christopher by-account basis, and provides an easy way of aborting
Christopher this to replace the "ID" with one of:

Christopher a) ATM
Christopher b) Debit/Credit Memo
Christopher c) Deposit

Christopher without requiring one to type in a bunch of "Deletes" to
Christopher clean out the "ID number."

which is why the number should be highlighted, and the first non-next
character typed would nuke it all.  or, if they type A, it would
replace it with ATM, and would only be able to type in "ATM", or "Dep" 
or "Debit"

  * It would be nice if autocomplete for the description would also
  enter in the information from the last transaction with that
  description.  That's the default behavior in moneydance and quicken,
  and I find it speeds up my data entry considerably.  Also, I was
  curious why the autocomplete for the description didn't also pop up
  a window the same way the autocomplete for the account did.  That
  way, someone could type in the first char or two, and then use the
  arrow keys to find the exact description they were looking for.

 Nice idea, though this could be a pretty long listbox if you've
 opened a register on thousands of transactions.  Perhapse we could
 limit it to the last N descriptions if we added this feature.

Christopher This *will* be unworkable if there are thousands of
Christopher transactions; it should nonetheless be useful enough to
Christopher have that "register" that looks to the nearest five or
Christopher ten relevant transactions...

as you type characters, it would narrow the list in the box, right?

also, the list box would only be a certain length, with a scroll bar
on the side.  or was that obvious?


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Re: How do we want to handle g-wrap builds?

2000-03-28 Thread Rob Walker

 On 28 Mar 2000 00:48:50 -0600, Rob Browning [EMAIL PROTECTED]

rlb 1) Have it so that g-wrap is only configured/built once after a
rlb make clean.  This means that if you monkey with g-wrap or do
rlb anything else that would change it's assumptions about the world,
rlb you'll have to manually "rm" lib/g-wrap-install, and then it'll
rlb notice and reconfigure/build itself.  This has the advantage of
rlb making the normal-case build process faster and sort-of goes

How long does it take g-wrap to be built?  The goal here isn't to
_build_ an application, it is to _use_ an application.  With this in
mind, we need _users_, and not _builders_.  I think it only gets to be 
too long when it is over five minutes or so.

rlb along with the idea that g-wrap isn't really a part of gnucash.
rlb This approach has the disadvantage that you could make a change
rlb to g-wrap and then wonder why it didn't show up.  Worse, others
rlb could run a cvs update, rebuild and not have g-wrap rebuild, even
rlb though the files have changed.  Of course this begs the more
rlb general question of "do we want to support safe rebuilding across
rlb cvs updates without requiring an intervening make clean?"

If we don't, be sure to say that loud and clear.  I personally have
one command I run, and just run it over and over and over.  It is
paraphrased as follows:

cvs update  ./configure --prefix  make  make install

Do I need to put " make clean" in there before the make?  If that is 
so, would I be better off doing " make distclean" before the

rlb 2) Do the really safe thing.  Only configure once per make-clean
rlb (or reconfigure at the top-level), but run a "rm g-wrap-install,
rlb make, make install" for g-wrap every time make is run (actually,
rlb we'd be a little smarter than this and only run the "rm" and
rlb "make install" if we detect that we're going to have to rebuild
rlb -- we can use make -q for that).  This approach will make sure no
rlb one accidentally ends up with a stale g-wrap, and although this

I like this one better, it saves developers from doing tech support.
Q: "Why is my something doing something I don't understand?"
A: "Make clean, and retest, then come back to us."


The cynics among us might say: "We laugh, monkeyboys -- Linux IS the
mainstream UNIX now!MuaHaHaHa!" but that would be rude. -- Jim Dennis

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Re: Could we do a little housecleaning?

2000-03-28 Thread Rob Walker

 On 28 Mar 2000 10:16:45 -0600, Rob Browning [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Rob Oh, and if we do this move, do we want to keep the "README."
Rob prefix on everything? i.e. do we want:

Rob doc/
Rob doc/README.guile-hackers
Rob etc.

Rob or is it sufficient to have

Rob doc/build-process.txt
Rob doc/guile-hackers.txt
Rob etc.

Rob (with or without the .txt extensions...)

the latter, without.


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Re: How do we want to handle g-wrap builds?

2000-03-28 Thread Rob Walker

 On 28 Mar 2000 10:36:54 -0600, Rob Browning [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I like this one better, it saves developers from doing tech support.

 Q: "Why is my something doing something I don't understand?"
 A: "Make clean, and retest, then come back to us."

Rob OK, so we have two different opinions now.  Any tiebreakers :

I want to see _support_ from all you developers out there who are sick 
(and tired!) of answering inane support questions when you should be
out coding.  Vote early, vote often, but most important, vote for me!

Sorry about that, just a little bit of election cynicism creeping in
to my day.  For those of you not in the USA, this is a presidential
election year.  argh.


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Re: cvs 2000-03-24

2000-03-27 Thread Rob Walker

 On Fri, 24 Mar 2000 14:44:09 -0800, Dave Peticolas

Dave CVS has been updated.

Dave New Stuff:

Dave + Bill Gribble's updates to qif importing and check printing.

Dave + Jan-Uwe Finck's updated de.po file.

Dave + Fixed a problem with getting translated strings in certain
Dave dialogs. You will need to at least rerun config.status for
Dave this fix.

sed -e "1 s|top-level\.o|obj/gnome/top-level.o|1" obj/gnome/top-level.d.tmp  
rm obj/gnome/top-level.d.tmp
make[4]: *** No rule to make target `glade-qif-import.h', needed by 
`obj/gnome/window-main.o'.  Stop.
make[4]: Leaving directory `/home/rob/src/cvs/gnucash/src/gnome'
make[3]: *** [gnome] Error 2
make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/rob/src/cvs/gnucash/src'
make[2]: *** [build-flavor] Error 2
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/rob/src/cvs/gnucash'
make[1]: *** [gnome.real] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/rob/src/cvs/gnucash'
make: *** [gnome] Error 2

the command I used was

cvs -z3 update  ./configure --prefix=/home/rob/compiled  make gnome  make 
install  clear  ./gnucash ~/data/secondtry.xzc


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Re: cvs 2000-03-24

2000-03-27 Thread Rob Walker

 On Fri, 24 Mar 2000 14:53:35 -0800, Dave Peticolas

Dave The num cell in the register now has accelerator keys.  Press +
Dave or = to increment by 1 and - or _ to decrement by 1. For good
Dave measure, you can press ] or } to increment by 10 and [ or { to
Dave decrement by 10. The cell is also auto-filling. If the value is
Dave blank and you hit any of the accelerators, the largest number in
Dave any num cell in the register plus 1 is entered into the cell.

 would it be wise to auto-fill it with (largest number + 1) as soon
 as someone hits enter to record a previous transaction?

Dave If you use the Num field more often than not then it would.  But
Dave for most accounts I would imagine that's not the case.

yeah, you are right, I was thinking about a checking account.  Could
it be an option?


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Re: cvs 2000-03-24

2000-03-27 Thread Rob Walker

 On Fri, 24 Mar 2000 01:53:50 -0800, Dave Peticolas

Dave The num cell in the register now has accelerator keys.  Press +
Dave or = to increment by 1 and - or _ to decrement by 1. For good
Dave measure, you can press ] or } to increment by 10 and [ or { to
Dave decrement by 10. The cell is also auto-filling. If the value is
Dave blank and you hit any of the accelerators, the largest number in
Dave any num cell in the register plus 1 is entered into the cell.

would it be wise to auto-fill it with (largest number + 1) as soon as
someone hits enter to record a previous transaction?


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Re: Adding Palm support

2000-03-22 Thread Rob Walker

 On 21 Mar 2000 11:21:50 -0600, Rob Browning [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Rob (which I'm still not sure I'm going to use a lot).  Frankly, if I
Rob could get it tightly integrated with things like BBDB, then I'd
Rob be a whole lot happier with it, but that's a non-trivial
Rob undertaking.  The pilot contacts program is too weak for BBDB's
Rob model, and so you'd either have to have a way to communicate data
Rob in a lossy fashion to the pilot, or you'd have to write a
Rob replacement contact app for the pilot.  That might be a little
Rob easier if you used LispMe (, but it's still more
Rob work than I'm likely to heap on my pile right now.  Furthermore,
Rob I have a hard time getting too excited about this when it looks
Rob like full-blown nano-gui linux PDAs might be less than a year or
Rob so off...

have you seen the recent discussions about this on the bbdb list?


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Re: num cell

2000-03-22 Thread Rob Walker

 On Wed, 22 Mar 2000 14:51:19 -0800, Dave Peticolas

Dave Is anyone working on an improved 'Num' cell in the register?

like with autoincrements, and everything?

Dave If not, I will go ahead and make one.

I thought about it, asked for it, started to do it, and got nowhere.

thank you for doing it.


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Re: cvs 2000-03-06

2000-03-08 Thread Rob Walker

 On Wed, 08 Mar 2000 10:38:08 +0100, Herbert Thoma

Herbert Rob Walker wrote:

 Does this mean that I think the register window should only shrink
 and not grow according to resizing the columns?  I think so, yes.

Herbert I don't agree. I like the register window to shrink and to
Herbert grow.  So I think the standard answer is: Make it a
Herbert configurable option.

If it should grow automatically, why is there a scrollbar at the
bottom?  Only for the times when we resize it down by hand?  But if
someone touches _any_ of the column widths, the entire register window 
will careen back to the big size again.

An option is okay, I suppose, but I don't think resizing to the big is 


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Re: cvs 2000-03-06

2000-03-08 Thread Rob Walker

 On Wed, 08 Mar 2000 18:11:09 +0100, Herbert Thoma

 bottom?  Only for the times when we resize it down by hand?  But if
 someone touches _any_ of the column widths, the entire register
 window will careen back to the big size again.

Herbert That's a point for you, rob. I think what I really want is an
Herbert easy way (one click) to show the full width of a register. I

yes, I hadn't thought of that.

Herbert just don't like this "click on the window border and drag
Herbert until you see everything". And I usually have a register

yeah, it is yukky to have to drag.

Herbert window with the full width open, so I don't need the
Herbert scrollbar at the bottom anyway.

hrmm.  would a middle click on the column border be something to
look at?  beware, I am an Xemacs user, so ALT, SHIFT, CTRL, and all
the mouse buttons are fair game for me.  Be sure to slap me down when
the suggestions are completely wacked out.  I know, middle click on
one of the column widths will make them all best size, and will resize 
the register properly too.  :-)

what about saving the column widths between invocations of the
register?  I have to resize them each time, and that is getting


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Re: cvs 2000-03-06

2000-03-07 Thread Rob Walker

 On Tue, 7 Mar 2000 13:43:43 -0500 (EST), Heath Martin

Heath Rob Walker writes:
 here is a test for you all to try out.
 open up a register which will need to have the columns resized.  move
 it to the right side of the desktop, so that the right edge of it is
 right near the right edge of the desktop.  grab the left edge of the
 register, and size it a bit too small, so that the scrollbar at the
 bottom of the register is quite useful.
 then resize a column, any column.
 This really harshed on my principle of least surprise, I must say.  

Heath I don't follow.  What happens when you do this, and what do you
Heath think should happen ?  For me, the column and the register both
Heath resize correctly; what is a little unfortunate is that the
Heath window origin is moved.  This is probably window-manager
Heath dependent, but once I figure out what is going on and what is
Heath appropriate, it can be fixed.

yeah, the right side of the window flings out to the right and
disappears.  This is due to the register window getting larger. I
found that kinda odd.  What should have happened?  The one column that
I resized should have resized down and the window size should have
stayed the same, and the srollbar should have consumed more of the
bottom of the register window, but I do not think that the register
window should have gotten larger overall to accomodate the column

Does this mean that I think the register window should only shrink and 
not grow according to resizing the columns?  I think so, yes.


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Re: cvs 2000-03-06

2000-03-06 Thread Rob Walker

 On Mon, 06 Mar 2000 18:06:15 -0800, Dave Peticolas

Dave CVS has been updated.

this has got to be a record for you dave.  do you have a date tonight
or something?  :-)

I am doing the works on it now.

"cvs update  ./configure --prefix=/home/rob/compiled  make  make install  
clear  ./gnucash ~/data/secondtry.xzc"

Dave + Heath Martin's update to the gnome register. This makes the
Dave reg window expand and contract for column size changes. Also,
Dave there are several speed improvements, woohoo!

I will try this one out and report back on it.


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Re: cvs 2000-03-06

2000-03-06 Thread Rob Walker

 On Mon, 6 Mar 2000 22:27:19 -0800 (PST), Rob Walker

Rob "cvs update  ./configure --prefix=/home/rob/compiled  make  make install  
clear  ./gnucash ~/data/secondtry.xzc"

okay, okay, that should have been "make gnome"  a few failed attempts
later, and I wakt up enought to see it.

Dave + Heath Martin's update to the gnome register. This makes the
Dave reg window expand and contract for column size changes. Also,
Dave there are several speed improvements, woohoo!

This is a development version.  It may or may not work. 
Report bugs and other problems to 
The last stable version was gnucash-1.2.5 
The next stable version will be gnucash-1.4.x 

gnucash: [D] "Running functions on hook "main-window-opened-hook
  #procedure gnc:extensions-menu-setup (win)
  #procedure gnc:report-menu-setup (win)
User defined signal 1


I crashed it!  no core file, either.

I was all resizing windows, and it happened.

here is a test for you all to try out.

open up a register which will need to have the columns resized.  move
it to the right side of the desktop, so that the right edge of it is
right near the right edge of the desktop.  grab the left edge of the
register, and size it a bit too small, so that the scrollbar at the
bottom of the register is quite useful.

then resize a column, any column.

This really harshed on my principle of least surprise, I must say.  

but, it is really cool how the whole thing gets smaller as I 2x click
on them to resize to best width.  I was worried there for a minute
that I would not be able to snag the right edge of the balance column
for it to do the auto-resize.  

right after the auto-resize, gnucash died.  let me see if i can

nope, didn't happen again.


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latest cvs

2000-03-05 Thread Rob Walker

I did

cvs update
make distclean
./configure --prefix=/home/rob/compiled/
make gnome
make install
./gnucash ~/data/secondtry.xzc

and got the following error:

gnucash: [D] "loading system configuration"
gnucash: [D] "loading user configuration"
gnucash: [D] "Running functions on hook "startup-hook

This is a development version.  It may or may not work.
Report bugs and other problems to
The last stable version was gnucash-1.2.5
The next stable version will be gnucash-1.4.x

gnucash: [D] "Running functions on hook "main-window-opened-hook
ERROR: Bad define placement

the cvs update was done after 1430, PST.


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Re: cvs

2000-03-05 Thread Rob Walker

 On Sun, 05 Mar 2000 16:22:05 -0800, Dave Peticolas

Dave CVS has been updated.

Dave New Stuff:

Dave + Rob Browning's patch. This should fix the CVS problems people
Dave were having today.

works now!


rob@biffhero-laptop:~/src/cvs/gnucash$ ./src/quotes/gnc-prices ~/data/secondtry.xzc
Can't load './gnucash' for module gnucash: ./gnucash: invalid ELF header at 
/usr/lib/perl5/5.005/i386-linux/ line 169.

 at ./src/quotes/gnc-prices line 17
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at ./src/quotes/gnc-prices line 17.

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2000-03-02 Thread Rob Walker

 On Thu, 2 Mar 2000 01:18:36 -0500 (EST), [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

 Server configuration missing --allow-root in inetd.conf
 cvs [checkout aborted]: authorization failed: server
 rejected access

linas I hope this is fixed now;

linas BTW, you should also see a big bandwidth improvement.

I saw a big bandwidth improvement.


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heretical question

2000-02-29 Thread Rob Walker

would it be heretical to ask for pros and cons to only having a gnome


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Re: Idea for DB Format...

2000-02-28 Thread Rob Walker

 On Mon, 28 Feb 2000 07:20:49 -0600, Christopher Browne

 I think we have to (and I want to) maintain the ability for the
 user to maintain their data using normal shell tools, so we can't
 be guaranteed they'll always use gnucash to move thing around, and
 even if we tried to make that requirement, we couldn't enforce it,
 and we'd have all kinds of headaches when people did it anyway.

Christopher Indeed.

and from some articles I read, I understood that they would still have 
this functionality in their product as well.


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Re: GNUcash 1.3.0

2000-02-28 Thread Rob Walker

 On Mon, 28 Feb 2000 08:02:38 -0700, Jeremy Collins

Jeremy Rob Walker... any chance I can get you to update the
Jeremy bugtracker?  We have a ton of bugs in the incoming box that

yes, but I don't know how much I will be able to put into it right
now.  I am very very busy the next 4-5 weeks at work, but will try to
hit it where I can.

just so you all know, some of the first things that I will be doing is 
trying to reproduce the bugs, and to kill the ones which were not
reported against or are not reproducible with the latest release.  If
anyone else wants to, go ahead.  The first thing is to try to
reproduce with the latest, and if it is not possible, to ask them to
upgrade to the latest and resubmit if it still exists.

Jeremy need to be classified.  Let me know...  Could you also update
Jeremy for us?  Make an announce over there, and put
Jeremy the binaries/source up there.  Thanks!

sure, will do the sourceforge thing.  do you want me to rsync the web
site to


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Re: Xinvest features

2000-02-28 Thread Rob Walker

 On Mon, 28 Feb 2000 21:55:15 +0100 (MET), Jacek Pliszka

Jacek Hi!
Jacek I use Xinvest at the moment.

Jacek What is the chance for Xinvest features in GNUcash in the
Jacek future:

Jacek -stock splits and dividends

oh!  oh!  oh  that sounds like a great thing!  I hope we are able
to include it.

Jacek -portfolio plots and raports
Jacek -plots of various parameters 

Jacek Also is there any chance that GNUcash files are text files?


Jacek I have my own scripts for updates stock quotes from Warsaw
Jacek Stock Exchange and I do not know if it will be easy for me to
Jacek do it the same in GNUcash.

it will be easy.  look for the file ./src/quotes/gnc-prices


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Re: GNUcash 1.3.0

2000-02-28 Thread Rob Walker

 On Mon, 28 Feb 2000 13:25:31 -0800, Dave Peticolas

Dave I know a lot of those bugs were for 1.2.5 and have been fixed.
Dave I'll look through them and mail you a list of the ones that can
Dave be closed.



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bugs work by jeremy...

2000-02-28 Thread Rob Walker

Is DVD _that_ boring?



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new release bugs

2000-02-28 Thread Rob Walker

Just in case people were thinking that all of us UI freaks were just
making up requests for to keep busy, I guess this release has popped
out a few more bugs for you to squash, eh?

have fun,

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Re: *patch* 2000 02 26

2000-02-27 Thread Rob Walker

 On Sun, 27 Feb 2000 02:12:09 -0800, Dave Peticolas

 I notice myself clicking on the "stocks" + symbol, and then the "va
 linux stock" thing quite often.  If someone is wondering what to do
 next, state in the main account window would be nice.
 It would be s nice to not have to hit the little + button to
 expand or collapse a parent account.

Dave This is something that deserves some discussion, because the
Dave solution is not entirely clear. Somehow, we should associate the
Dave account-expanded state with each gnucash file, but we shouldn't
Dave save the information in the actual file itself, since GUI info
Dave isn't supposed to be there, and it would make it difficult for
Dave multiple users to share the file.

Dave We could have a separate file that is saved in the same
Dave directory for each user, but that seems a bit messy. We could
Dave save the state in the user's under a specific file
Dave name.

Dave Anybody have thoughts on this?


; Section: Account Types

(let ((option (gnc:expanded-accounts stock expenses expenses:auto

did you note that I requested two things there?  one of them was
saving state in the account field.  the second one was not having to
click on the +- box on a parent account to get it to expand or shrink.


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Re: *patch* 2000 02 26

2000-02-27 Thread Rob Walker

 On Sun, 27 Feb 2000 02:02:23 -0800, Dave Peticolas

Dave Making sure the dialogs (edit, transfer, etc.) have a default
Dave active widget, little things like that.

cool, so now we can hit enter instead of using that blasted mouse!
(does control-j or control-m work?  ;-)

 a few notes on the register.  (I used a stock register, if that
 matters any)
 When I open, resize, close, reopen the register, it saves the width of
 the register, but not the height.
Dave If you want a different height, you can use the preferences to
Dave change the number of default rows.

I see.  We set the width defaults implicitly per register as we use
them, and they get saved individually for each register in our file on the fly.  But on the height, it is set globally
for every register in a config dialog.  Now that I know this, I know
it and can work with it, but it seems kinda counter-intuitive to me.

 When I 2xclick on each header across the headers, they resize down
 to best size nicely!  However, as I do this, the right edge of the
 balance column gets sucked in off of the right side of the window.
 This looks odd.  I think the window should not allow this to
 happen, but should resize smaller as the different columns resize
Dave I'll see if I can get this to happen.

also, I am able to resize the width to be less than what will allow
the "Close" button to be on the header.  Is this good?  I know I can
(and do) click _R_egister, _C_lose, just wondering what kind of
constrants we want to impose on the sizes of our work areas.

 That would also fix the next problem.  As I am 2xclicking, and
 bringing in the right edge of the balance column (the register is
 980x503, if it matters), date resizes, and everything shifts down a
 bit, and there is still a horizontal scroll bar at the bottom of
 the screen.  This scroll bar is needed at this point.  2xclick on
 num, same thing happens.  I am not quite sure that the horizontal
 scroll bar is needed at this point, but it is still there.  2xclick
 on description, and they all shift down again, separating the
 balance from the right edge.  the horizontal scroll is _not_ needed
 now, but it is still there.  it should disappear.  2xclick on
 transfer from,

Dave I'm not sure I agree with making the scroll bars disappear. That
Dave could cause some wierd effects with either showing or hiding a
Dave partial transaction, or causing the window to resize a lot as
Dave the scroll bar gets shown/hidden. Gnumeric, for instance, has
Dave scroll bars shown all the time.

As for the weird resizing all the time, I would suggest making the
balance area at the bottom of the register grow and shrink, so you
don't have half transactions showing, nor do you have the window grow
and shrink.

I understand why gnumeric keeps them there because there is always
cells to go to over there.  I just checked gimp, and it keeps both
scroll bars all the time.  grip removes both scroll bars as needed,
gnome-napster removes them as well.  I don't have any more gnome apps
on this box.  I am not sure about that request (removing the
horizontal scroll bar), since I think it might have been brought on by 
the header resizing bug.  Let's see if it still bugs me in a few
weeks, or if it bugs anyone else.

 more of the same.  sold, bought, price, value, tot shares, all work
 the same.  I move the left edge of the window in 17 pixels, now we are
 963x503, and the headers don't line up at all!  they have shifted over
 at least 4x what I have resized.  The left edge of the date header is
 right above the center of the description column.  this is just a
 minor annoyance, since i go ahead and resize it down so that the
 headers are shoved back in from their right edge to line up as the
 columns are shoved in from the left, but it is a bug just the same.
Dave I'm not quite following you here about what steps to go through
Dave to get the bug.

resize really wide.  2x click on each header, so that there is a whole 
bunch of white space on the far right.  now resize just a little bit,
by dragging the left side in just a few pixels.  be sure to go just a
few, like 1/10 of the white space area.

 here is the colors section of my .gnucash/ I would have
 tried black and white alternating if the text would have handled it
 automatically.  ;-)

Dave Ummm, wow :) It's a bit loud, wouldn't you say?

heh...  yeah, I was really trying to get the "post colors here" ball
rolling.  I hope that someone sees the colors that _i_ have to work
with, and they will mail in better ones.  :-)

I don't feel like booting windows just to snarf the quicken colors,
but I might if needed.


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Re: *patch* 2000 02 26

2000-02-27 Thread Rob Walker

 On Sun, 27 Feb 2000 10:20:49 -0800, Dave Peticolas

  I'm not sure I agree with making the scroll bars disappear. That could
  cause some wierd effects with either showing or hiding a partial
  transaction, or causing the window to resize a lot as the scroll bar
  gets shown/hidden. Gnumeric, for instance, has scroll bars shown
  all the time.
 Then at least the scroll bars should go inactive, i. e. be greyed out.

Dave I can't find any programs that work this way. Even XEmacs has
Dave active scrollbars when they're not needed. Does this really
Dave affect usability in any way?

yeah, I saw that on XEmacs today, too.  rats.  ;-)

maybe this is not that important, and should be put off until other
usability things are addressed.  i know that my horizontal scroll bars 
will be completely useless as soon as the "column width state" and the 
"register not wider than the sum of the widths of the columns"
problems are fixed.


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Re: good news

2000-02-27 Thread Rob Walker

 On Sun, 27 Feb 2000 12:47:11 -0800, Dave Peticolas

Dave I now have CVS access, so it looks like the days of the bigpatch
Dave are over :) (woohoo)

woohoo ^ woohoo.

Dave I have to step out for a little bit, but when I get back I'm
Dave going to update CVS.

what?!  get back here.  you are our personal gnucash slave, didn't you 
know that?!?  ;-)

Dave I want to try and make a release today, probably sometime this

you got guts.

Dave evening (it's 1pm where I am). I'd like to clean some of the
Dave cruft out of the lib directory first. I also want to try and
Dave make an RPM.

Dave Anyway, if anyone is around today, and this evening, and you
Dave have some time, I would appreciate any help you can give with
Dave testing the source distribution and the rpm.

will try.  I will try with an alien'd .deb from your rpm, as well.

Dave I'll let you know when CVS is updated.



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Re: *patch* 2000 02 26

2000-02-27 Thread Rob Walker

 On 27 Feb 2000 14:52:54 -0600, Rob Browning [EMAIL PROTECTED]

rlb As a more radical alternative, we could switch to using a
rlb directory per account group rather than a file, and it could
rlb contain whatever files we need in order to carry all the right
rlb state around when the account group is copied, moved, etc:

rlb my-finances.gnc/data
rlb my-finances.gnc/state.user1
rlb my-finances.gnc/state.user2
rlb my-finances.gnc/lock
rlb my-finances.gnc/pending-transactions

rlb etc.  This would allow us a substantial amount of flexibility now
rlb and in the future, but it might be kind of strange to most
rlb people.  ISTR that NeXT did something like this instead of
rlb Apple's resource/data fork hack.

would it be wise to talk to the ex-apple guys to see what they have in 
mind for their "world saving linux interface"?

 We could save the state in the user's under a specific
 file name.

rlb True, but then you have the problem that stale info will be
rlb carried around forever (say when account-group files are deleted
rlb from the filesystem), and with this approach copying your files
rlb won't preserve the settings.  I.e. if you do a "cp mydata.gnc
rlb my-new-data.gnc" and then work on my-new-data.gnc, you won't see
rlb any of your old settings.  We could get this right if we added a
rlb per account group, guaranteed unique ID (like the one used for
rlb news/mail articles), for some definition of "right".

good point.  but people shouldn't do a "cp mydata.gnc
my-new-data.gnc", they should click on the "clone account" button,
right?  ;-)


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Re: cvs

2000-02-27 Thread Rob Walker

 On Sun, 27 Feb 2000 21:11:30 -0800, Dave Peticolas

 and what I find odd is that /home/rob/compiled/share/gnome does not
 exist.  I did not make /home/rob/compiled/[bin, doc, html, lib,
 share], so I was under the impression that the apps made their own
 directories there as they did the installs.

Dave I discovered this in the process of making the rpm. When I have
Dave what I think is a fix, I'll update cvs. In the meantime, does
Dave the program work? There should be new register options for not
Dave drawing the borders (courtesy of Heath).

yep, it works, for the five minutes I have had it running.  I tried it
without the horizonal separators, and my sooper-dooper color scheme,
and wow!, that's kinda cool.  Trying w/o the vertical separators

ewww.  okay, that's working.  but not in the column headers.


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