Re: [GOANET] Family-tree information

2003-02-03 Thread Paddydes

In a message dated 02/03/2003 1:18:42 PM EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Out of curiosity, were these the only two classifications available to the
 registrars when it came to race? Also, was there any criteria to determine
 race or merely skin color? 

My first US Driving License listed my Race as Code '2'

The Race/Color Code (listed on the reverse of the driving license):

1. Black, Colored, American Negro
2. White Caucasian, Asiatic Indian (Natives of India and some Arab countries)
3. Mongloid, Oriental Asiatic
4. Mongloid, American Indian

Such documents, as Goa's birth registries, can barely identify one's roots. 
They are designed to serve an intended purpose. And the old era changes, 
yielding place to new.

Meticulous research is needed to delve into family history and available 
records for developing a family tree. And a continuity commitment is 
essential to justify such an effort.

Colo(u)r, like beauty, is only skin deep. Caste and race, just as blinders, 
obfuscate the real life situation. It is who or what we are that make our 
mark in history!

Proud to be a Goan:

Pat de Sousa
Maryland, USA

Re: [GOANET] Goanet Birthday list Goa Chat Line

2003-02-02 Thread Paddydes

In a message dated 02/01/2003 0:09:39 AM EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 You started this two years back If I remember it
 right. Dont you have some of the files sent to you
 earlier? May be you can supply Vincent with the ones
 you have. Thank you for your past committment and
 Vincent too,to carry it out in future. Good luck. 

Hi Wilson and All:

No, I did not start it, but took over the Goanet Celebrations List from 
Eustaquio Santimano. I believe Anil D'Souza deserves credit for having 
started it :-)

Perhaps you may have overlooked my following Goanet Posting:

Sub: Re: [GOANET] 1137 members- how many take active debate with Goan Issues??

In a message dated 01/21/2003 10:39:49 AM EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Nice to see volunteers, like Vincente, attempt to restart Goanet's 
 Celebrations List. The program fizzled out when I could not open the 
 stored on my 3x5 diskette -- one of the nuances of computer crashes :(
 It would, of course, be nice if Goanet had more participators than 
 Viva Goanet:
 Pat de Sousa 

Earlier, I provided a detailed response to Herman Carneiro, Goanet's founder, 
upon his request.

Now, regarding Goa Chat Line, how does one access this vital link? Previously 
I used to enter Goanet's Chat Line on Yahoogroups, and found that I was 
chatting with myself. The new Goanet 2003 at Yahoogroups eliminated the chat 
line :(

Thanks and Best Wishes:

Pat de Sousa


Re: [GOANET] Re: Welcome new members!

2003-01-22 Thread Paddydes

In a message dated 01/21/2003 8:29:02 PM EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 At one point (we still don't know why) a part of the family left Goa and 
moved to Karachi (in those days not to compare with modern Karachi, but 
it was a strategical important city in Brittish India. In Karachi some of the 
Duarte brothers started up
(together with a certain Braganza and some others) ILACO (Ideal Life 
Insurance Company).

 I still feel that I am not getting really close, I found somebody who worked
 as a volunteer for Saint Lawrence's parish in Karachi, Pakistan, but
 unfortunately wouldn't do just one small search for me in the archives of
 Saint Patrick's. I needed information about my great grandfather (Laurenco
 Caetano Duarte who married Maria Felicidade Teolistas Dias) who died in
 Karachi in 1920 

Hello Martin:

That was a nice introduction and glad to see the Belgium/Goa/Karachi link :-)

It appears that my godfather, Rufino Fidelphus Duarte, may his soul RIP, 
could be Lourenco's son. They owned a beautiful house in Depot Lines with 
outhouses near Empress Market, St. Patrick's parish. Our house is in Catholic 
Colony No. 1, St. Lawrence's parish. I lost touch with his son, Anthony.

I know Rufino was a bigwig with ILACO (Ideal Life Insurance Company), managed 
and staffed by Goans. You could try Bishop Evarist Pinto or Simeon Pereira in 
St. Patrick's Cathedral, Karachi, which has a website.

Please let me know if I can be of further assistance.

Good Luck:

Pat de Sousa
Maryland, USA

Re: [GOANET] Konkani/English. Ek Kovita: Atm' Avor/ Self Control

2003-01-20 Thread Paddydes

In a message dated 01/19/2003 3:14:36 AM EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Ratin disak giraslo ten'na  = When the night engulfed the day

Kudos and Thanks to Lino Dourado for providing us both the Konkani and 
English versions of his excellent poems :-)

It surely will help me and probably many others who have become rusty in our 
mother tongue. By juxtapositioning both versions as I've done above, it could 
serve as direct immersion in Konkani.

Best Wishes:

Pat de Sousa

Re: [GOANET] NEWS: Design'ers 'pact' misunderstood... makes headlines

2003-01-20 Thread Paddydes

In a message dated 01/19/2003 3:07:47 AM EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 PANJIM: It made it to the headlines across the country, but prominent
 Goa-based fashion designer Wendell Rodricks is thankful that the Goa press
 showed restraint while reporting over this contentious event.
 Rodricks, who formalised his gay relationship with with French national
 Jerome Marrel on December 26, said some journalists had reported on the
 event without talking to him and had even called it a marriage or
 speculated about a honeymoon.
 There is no exchange of rings, or now vows. I have a big bone to pick with
 the 'Indian Express' for its cover story, said Rodricks, when asked about
 this during a news conference held on the weekend, over his design-related
 research. .., an international website, has also reported that the first gay
 civil union ceremony in India has been held under a glare of 

 Rodricks earlier said he was not eager about communicating to any press.
 But he commented that whatever had been write has been hearsay. This news,
 he suggested, had been met with an overwhelming positive reaction, though
 he was a wee bit concerned about some retaliation..
 Rodricks has been high-profile in the media, and part of his concern is
 believed to stem from his eagerness to be known to the public as a designer,
 rather than some gay flag carrier. 

Hi Fred and All:

Your second paragraph above, succinctly sums up the real issue -- and there 
should be no ifs, ands or 'butts' except for those involved :(

In Rome (or France for that matter) do as the Romans do. But, please do not 
seek to glorify this in Goa, where it is taboo. and other cums 
have, in fact, been scandalizing young minds, using such stints to further 
their own agenda.

Why doesn't Rodricks come out in the open with a positive statement instead 
of using subterfuge such as not eager about communicating to any press 
and later
commenting that whatever had been writ(t)e(n) has been hearsay?  Wouldn't 
it be the best and most logical thing to do?

Best Wishes:

Pat de Sousa

Re: [GOANET] Alcohol is good for some hearts

2003-01-05 Thread Paddydes

In a message dated 01/04/2003 7:42:58 PM EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 In such circumstances, the use of Alcohol Ablation can prove life saving, 
provided it is done with precise skills to select and cannulate specific 
blood vessels, controlled delivery of alcohol into the blood vessel and 
prevention of spillage of alcohol into adjacent branches.
 During the procedure 2 ml of absolute alcohol was injected in the blood 
vessels of the heart in order to block the blood supply to the thickened 
muscles of the heart.
 This reduction in blood supply immediately reduced the thickness of the 
muscle and intern the dynamic obstruction.
 The relief achieved by the technique was evident immediately after injecting 
alcohol into the blood vessels of the heart. 

NOW, if only some good heart would devise an ingenious cannula for 
self-administration of ALCOHOLIC ABLATION into respective blood vessels :-)

Of course, they would also need to ensure availability of 'absolute alcohol' 
in 2 mls!

It would truly be a sweetheart of a deal for M A N Y who's yearn for it.


Re: [GOANET] RE: Common cancer among Goan men RELATED HUMOUR

2003-01-05 Thread Paddydes

In a message dated 01/04/2003 7:35:42 PM EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I just completed this article for our local newspaper. Having two close
 relatives die from prostate cancer, which is common among Goan men, I
 thought this would be good message for my Goan kinsmen. With the common
 Goan attitude that nobody is going to stick his finger you know where
 and check my prostate, the disease tends to get us in the end. 

Hello All:

Sound advice indeed, Doctor Lawrence, especially as a New Year Resolution :-) 
There are some contrary views, though, on PSA tests.

Speaking of sticking the finger UP, so as to get us in the end, I received 
this humourous anecdote, on December 25, which is quite apropos:

Just in case you were considering a new career. Things you should be aware of

First-year students at medical school were receiving their first anatomy
class with the body of a deceased man. They all gathered around the surgery
table where lay the cadaver, covered with a white sheet.

The professor started the class by telling them, In medicine, it is
necessary to have two important qualities as a doctor. The first is that
you must not be disgusted by anything involving the human body. To prove
his point, the professor pulled back the sheet, stuck his finger in the
butt of the corpse, withdrew it, and stuck it in his mouth. Go ahead and
do the same thing, he told his students.

The students freaked out, and after a few minutes of hesitation, took turns
sticking a finger in the butt of the dead body and sucking on it.

When everyone finished, the professor looked at them and told them, The
second most important quality is observation. I stuck in my middle finger
and sucked on my index finger. Now learn to pay attention! 


Pat de Sousa
Maryland, USA 

Re: [GOANET] Panaji...

2003-01-03 Thread Paddydes

In a message dated 01/03/2003 10:47:45 AM EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Actually, Panaji (with the second 'a' silent, as it is pronounced) is
 rather close to the Portuguese term Pangim (with the 'm' almost
 silent). Panjim, preferred by English-language speakers, seems to be of
 uncertain origins. If we want to go forward via the past, shouldn't we
 all think about the locally more-authentic 'Ponjje'?  FN 

That's the way I remember it in days bygone :-)

But, what motivates people to change names -- just to suit their appetites?

If we want to get rid of Panjim then Ponjje is my most logical choice. 


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2003-01-03 Thread Paddydes

In a message dated 01/03/2003 2:33:37 PM EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  Hazel has been very ill since August ...  --  we shifted her  to the 
  FOUNDATION for palliative care of cancer patients at Warje, Pune on 
  17th and with their care and attention they were able to relieve the pain 
she was 
  enduring ...   --since December 30th she was in no pain, but the cancer had 
  to her lungs and she had difficulty breathing  --  she breathed her last 
yesterday  --
 January 2nd at 10:00  --  After a Mass at the hospice this morning her
  body  was cremated at Pune  today  --
  We will have the seventh day Mass here at St Stephen's Church and then
  take her ashes down to Goa where they will be interred in the niche at
  Porvorim after Mass, probably on January 26th  

Dear Deepika and Aloysius:

Please accept our heartfelt condolences and sympathies on the sad death of 
your mother and wife, Hazel.  

We are born in pain and die in pain -- sometimes relieved by medical 
intervention. But, we believe that there is a Better Life After Death and you 
and other grieving family members should take comfort and solace in this 

Please be assured of our prayers. We are also copying this to the Catholic 
Goan Network

Eternal Rest Grant Unto the Soul of Hazel, O Lord, and Let Perpetual Light 
Shine Upon Her. May Her Soul and the Souls of all The Faithful Departed, Rest 
in Peace, AMEN.

Prayerfully yours,

Clare  Pat de Sousa
Maryland, USA
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2002-12-30 Thread Paddydes

In a message dated 12/28/2002 6:37:54 AM EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 MARLON WEDS: Marlon Menezes, director of Goacom Insys, and Aldila Lobo 
tied the marital know yesterday. The nuptials were at the Bambolim Cross at 
pm, followed by the wedding reception at Cidade de Goa. A picture of Marlon 
and his bride at  

Congratulations to the lucky couple who should know each other well by now :-)

By that I also mean Marlon would know who is the real boss and be prepared 
for the gradual transformation, to being knotted. I have a sign in the 
basement which reads:

I am the boss of my home, and I have my wife's permission to say so!

It does take two to TANGO, and Clare joins me in wishing you'll, Aldila and 
Marlon, many years of marital bliss. 

God Bless:

Pat de Sousa
Maryland, USA

PS: That wonderful picture looks like you'll were created for each other :) 


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Re: [GOANET] PRIORITY: GoaNet needs your Christmas present...

2002-12-24 Thread Paddydes

In a message dated 12/23/2002 4:23:17 PM EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 In order to expand, we need you to send us a Christmas gift of at least
 *ten* email addresses of Goans/people interested in Goa, who would like to
 be part of either GoaNet/GoaNews/GoaNetDigest. Please send these addresses
 to [EMAIL PROTECTED] In case any one on your list would not like to
 be part of these networks, we will promptly unsubscribe him/her. 

Hi Fred and All:

Do you mean that we send Goanet-Admin the list of Goans or people who may be 
interested in Goa (without obtaining their concurrence) or should we first 
check with them if they would like to join Goanet?

If the latter, then the need for unsubscribing (perhaps this word is no 
longer Taboo) would not arise. It would, however, if one was only to refer 
ten names to Goanet.

A good initiative -- Goanet may want to officially recognize the person who 
nets the most -- using the carrot approach. Would Jan. 25 be a realistic 
cut-off date? :-)

Christmas Day is Christ Child's 'present' for us. 

Let us rejoice and be glad:

Pat de Sousa
Maryland, USA

WANT TO check out which mailing lists you could subscribe to? Send a blank email 
message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ongoing: Exhibition of paintings, Art Chamber, Calangute
Dec 23-Jan 7: Dayanita Singh's photo exhibition, Art House Tel 2276123
Jan  18-19: International kite carnival at Morgim beach, Pernem

Re: [GOANET] Re: NEWS: Pope to recognise Mother Teresa's miracle

2002-12-23 Thread Paddydes

Dec 21 - GOA-LA, Los Angeles, +1 (714) 821-6168

Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] for a free party announcement


In a message dated 12/23/2002 5:18:06 AM EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

  Does anyone know what made this miracle extraordinary?  


You have an interesting screen name -- what is your name?

My Goanet posting on Mother Teresa was sent a couple of minutes after yours.
Some additional information follows this message.

My wife Clare joins me in wishing all Goanetters a Blessed Christmas and 
Joyous New Year, 2003:

Pat de Sousa


Message: 3
Date: Fri, 20 Dec 2002 17:40:04 -0600
From: Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity-SOLT
Subject: Catholic News:  [INTERVIEW] Mother Teresa's Postulator: What Was 
Teresa's Secret?

Mother Teresa's Secret Motivation

According to Postulator of Her Cause of Beatification

ROME, DEC. 20, 2002 ( What was Mother Teresa of Calcutta's
secret? Father Brian Kolodiejchuk, postulator of her cause of
beatification, answers simply: She was a woman totally in love with

The publication of the decree of recognition of a miracle attributed to
the intercession of the religious (1910-1997) opens the doors to her

Father Kolodiejchuk, one of the three men who began the priestly branch
of the Missionaries of Charity, talked with ZENIT about some of the
aspects of her person which have emerged at the conclusion of extensive
research that fills 80 volumes.

Q: Mother Teresa impressed the world by her dedication to the poorest of
the poor. How was it possible for a frail woman to go out into the
streets of Calcutta and the world to cure the sores of lepers and caress
the pariahs of modern societies?

Father Kolodiejchuk: I think the key to her life is, precisely, the fact
that she was a woman totally in love with Jesus. We have found writings
of her youth in which she said that Jesus was her first love. She spoke
as a girl who was in love.

For her, her dedication to the neediest, to the poorest of the poor, was
the response to a call. Even in moments of darkness, she was convinced
that it was an authentic call from Jesus. She was convinced of that
phrase that she often repeated: God's work. She felt like God's pen,
his instrument.

Q: Every beatification is a message for the world. What is the message
the Church is giving in announcing Mother Teresa's beatification?

Father Kolodiejchuk: Her central message is love: toward God, not just
toward her neighbor.

At the time that she felt the call to found the congregation of the
Missionaries of Charity, she experienced a harsh interior trial; it was
a spiritual experience in which she did not feel consolation. However,
also in these times of trial, it was love that led her to respond to her

On one occasion, in giving her public recognition, India's Prime
Minister Indira Gandhi said these words more or less: In this world of
today, so frenetic, it is easy to forget the most essential things.
Mother Teresa teaches us that love is what is most essential.

At the same time, her life is full of examples of love for others, not
just for the poor, but also for all persons whom she met: the sister
Missionaries of Charity, the people who visited her. In reality, Mother
Teresa leaves us the message to do ordinary things with extraordinary

When she spoke to the people she met, she said that this attitude should
not just be lived with the poor: one must begin by loving the members of
one's family, who are in need of a word of encouragement. One must begin
by loving someone one knows who might be in need of a letter, one must
begin to love by giving a smile to the needy.

However, we have been able to see how faith is also one of her
characteristic virtues, because otherwise one cannot love in that way,
from morning till night, sleeping three or four hours at night, giving
herself each day of her life to the neediest.

Q: What has been the greatest challenge of the process of beatification?

Father Kolodiejchuk: There were two particularly difficult tasks.

The first, to collect or find all the available information, because it
meant collecting material, testimonies, facts coming from people all
over the world. In the process, we have compiled more than 8,000
documents, 80 volumes of documentation with testimonies and writings.

In the process, there have been testimonies of 113 persons on her life,
virtue and fame for holiness. However, hundreds of other people, being
unable to travel, have sent their testimony. We have not been satisfied
to do only the indispensable work. We have done much more than the
minimum, because 


2002-12-14 Thread Paddydes

Ongoing: Exhibition of paintings, Art Chamber, Calangute
Dec  14 onwards: Shireen Mody's Goa 2002 exhibition, Arpora. Tel 2276759
Dec  17, 18, 20: Indo-Portuguese furniture, lectures Fundacao  Ph 2230728
Jan  18-19: International kite carnival at Morgim beach, Pernem

In a message dated 12/14/2002 2:44:16 AM EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 In  fighting for a public cause you should be ready to risk your life.  In
 death I can be assured a lot of tears of joy from my friends  

I can understand politicians risking their lives, but is indeed lamentable 
and very sad  that a civic underdog should even have to contemplate such a 
predicament. Friends in wolves' clothing :(

Has Goa really gone to the dogs -- that such dire consequences can befall 
those who aspire to do the politically correct thing -- hold elected 
politicians accountable? I thought true democracy was of the people, by the 
people and for the people.

Goans should rid any and all scum from elected offices and reclaim their 
motherland from the unworthy. Dhanda rule was unfortunately associated with 
foreign rule but it now appears as if goons rule Goa.

Quo Vadis Goa?

Pat de Sousa
Maryland, USA

Dec 14 - Goan Association of New Jersey, Inc., Somerset +1 (732) 599-7644
Dec 21 - GOA-LA, Los Angeles, +1 (714) 821-6168

Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] for a free party announcement


2002-11-18 Thread Paddydes

Goa's phone numbers change from Nov 10, 2002. Prefix old number with a 2. New numbers 
will be seven-digit 2XX (where XX is the old number).

In a message dated 11/18/2002 10:15:40 AM EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 GOACOM'S ANNIVERSARY: It on this day,18 November, way back in 1995 that 
 Goa's premier website was launched .

Dear Tim and All:

We join in extending our congratulations and best wishes to Goacom and Goanet.

You deserve a pat on the back for doing it right all these years :-)

Ad Multos Annos:

Clare  Pat de Sousa
Maryland, USA
What's On In Goa (WOIG): 
Nov 06 Children's book exhibn opens, Walkabout, Anjuna... (all weekdays)
Nov 06 ArtHouse, Calangute: Chaitali's acrylics on canvas till 19.11
Nov 07 Revision of electoral rolls (till Nov 30) See schedule.
Dec 01 Two day conference, Goa Agenda. IT For Society. (Ends 2.12) 
Every Sunday: Music therapy sessions at Moira, 5 pm. 278, N.Portugal


Re: [GOANET] Re: Goanet digest, Vol 1 #123: Chiku, Chewing Gum Thaumaturgist

2002-11-17 Thread Paddydes

Goa's phone numbers change from Nov 10, 2002. Prefix old number with a 2. New numbers 
will be seven-digit 2XX (where XX is the old number).

In a message dated 11/17/2002 4:12:41 PM EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 As a greeting from Florida and I do realize that it has nothing to do
 with Goa, here are some photos of Chiku growing right here in this
 sub-tropical paradise. 

Asit -- Thanks for your bountiful Blossoms of Chiku and the other URLs :-)

I'll be eyeing the Ready to Eat Sapodilla and the Ripe One - Vertically 
Sliced as I try to gobble up some Turkey on Thanksgiving Day.

In re your 'emptying a plate full of food, any kind of food for that matter,' 
could you down a 15-pounder Roasted Turkey? I've watched the Guinness' Hot 
Dog eating contest which is really a treat. Just kidding -- you don't have to 

I wonder how many chiku's I could relish in one sitting!

Thanks, again, for your chictli greeting.

Happy Thanksgiving to all Netters:

Pat de Sousa
Maryland, USA
What's On In Goa (WOIG): 
Nov 06 Children's book exhibn opens, Walkabout, Anjuna... (all weekdays)
Nov 06 ArtHouse, Calangute: Chaitali's acrylics on canvas till 19.11
Nov 07 Revision of electoral rolls (till Nov 30) See schedule.
Dec 01 Two day conference, Goa Agenda. IT For Society. (Ends 2.12) 
Every Sunday: Music therapy sessions at Moira, 5 pm. 278, N.Portugal


Re: [GOANET] Re: Goanet digest, Vol 1 #122 - 5 msgs Power of Wrigleys

2002-11-16 Thread Paddydes

Goa's phone numbers change from Nov 10, 2002. Prefix old number with a 2. New numbers 
will be seven-digit 2XX (where XX is the old number).

In a message dated 11/16/2002 9:19:31 PM EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (The 
Thaumaturgist) writes:

 Chikoo trees (English Name = Sapodilla, Sc. Name = Manilkara zapota)
The Chicle collectors however, continue to collect for various other 

Hello Asit:

Chickoo, my once favorite fruit, can never be found here. Is it available in 
Florida?  Its look-alike, Kiwi, pales in comparison :(

The Thaumaturgist -- do you perform miracles or work wonders and what other 
uses are there for this chickoo's derivative? Thanks.

I enjoyed reading your interesting post.

Pat de Sousa

What's On In Goa (WOIG): 
Nov 06 Children's book exhibn opens, Walkabout, Anjuna... (all weekdays)
Nov 06 ArtHouse, Calangute: Chaitali's acrylics on canvas till 19.11
Nov 07 Revision of electoral rolls (till Nov 30) See schedule.
Dec 01 Two day conference, Goa Agenda. IT For Society. (Ends 2.12) 
Every Sunday: Music therapy sessions at Moira, 5 pm. 278, N.Portugal



2002-11-05 Thread Paddydes

You can post to GoaNet. Send in your views and comments to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

BOUNCE [EMAIL PROTECTED]:  taboo header: /^Content-Type:\s*text\/html\b/i
Received: from by with HTTP;
Tue, 05 Nov 2002 15:56:43 GMT
X-Originating-IP: []
From: Alfred de Tavares [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Tue, 05 Nov 2002 16:56:43 +0100

Death - November 5th

Chembur - Aldona:

PINTO, Salvador [Salo] Raphael.
Husband of Claudine, Father of Joanne-Christopher, Neil-Jennifer (Toronto), 
Maureen-Savio, Frank (Toronto). Raphael, Rhea, Tyler, Ryan and Kathleen, 
brother in law Liby Da Cruz and Alfred De Tavares.

Dear Friends:

I tried to salvage the above bounced message and regret any omissions.

Our heartfelt sympathies and condolences go out to the surviving spouse, 
Claudine, and other grieving family members and relatives, especially our 
dear friend Alfred De Tavares, and Liby Da Cruz, on this untimely death.

May the soul of Salvador Raphael Pinto and the souls of all the faithful 
departed Rest In Peace, Amen.

Yours in Sorrow:

Clare  Pat de Sousa
Maryland, USA

What's On In Goa (WOIG): 
Nov 05 onwards: Wendell Rodrigues Festival. Altinho, Panjim
Nov 05 Bobbin lace-making training, Don Bosco's Panjim (till 17.11)
Nov 06 Richard Stallman, free software guru, speaks Farmagudi 4 pm
Nov 06 Bob Fitts, gospel music singer, Navelim grounds, 6 pm
Nov 06 Fr Britto's health courses, Pilar. Till 10.11. Later Chicalim.
Nov 06 ArtHouse, Calangute: Chaitali's acrylics on canvas till 19.11
Nov 07 Creative science, for children, Goa Sc Centre (till 16.11)
Nov 17 Goan Engineers and Assoc meet, at Pickering, Canada.
Nov 20 Fr Agnelo's 75th death anniversary, Pilar
Dec 01 Two day conference, Goa Agenda. IT For Society. (Ends 2.12) 
Every Sunday: Music therapy sessions at Moira, 5 pm. 278, N.Portugal


Re: [Goanet] Mother

2002-10-12 Thread Paddydes
What's On In Goa:
* Oct 11: Konkani translation of Satre book, Alliance Francaise
* Oct 11: Friday Balcao, Mapusa. Mental health, suicides 4pm
* Oct 12: History Reading (Farar Far by Dr Pratima Kamat, Fundacao 5pm
* Oct 12: Goa Orchestra performs at the Kala (Corelli, Bach)
* Oct 13: Goa leg of National Karting Championships, Verna
* Oct 14: Colva Fama
* Oct 15: Magic in town... Illusion India show, Panjim then Vasco
* Oct 16-17: Ornithology workshop, Bondla
* Oct 16-27: Vipasana meditation, Alto Porvorim
* Oct 24: Antonio Pereira Puraskar (Award) ceremony, Porvorim

In a message dated 10/09/2002 12:04:11 PM EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 She didn't abandon the family when your dad was insensitive to her needs.
 She took the blame for your failures and stood back and let your dad have
 the glory for your successes.
 And having done all these things and a thousand others that make mother a
 sacred word, she still felt she wasn't the mother she should have been. 


What a wonderful tribute to mothers, who gave us our very existence :-)

I have copied it and plan to send to those who've lost sight of their 

God Bless:

Pat de Sousa
Maryland, USA

To view GoaNet's archives

For (un)subscribing or for help, contact: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Don't want so many e-mails?  Join GoaNet-Digest instead!


2002-09-04 Thread Paddydes

Dear Luiza:

Sending the following information, which may be of interest to Goa Today:

On Thursday, May 2, 2002, we established the subject fund with Catholic 
Charities -- 
Montgomery County Family Center in memory of our family. Though primarily 
intended for Goans from Montgomery County, Maryland, USA, Catholic Charities 
will attempt to assist other Goans from the Metropolitan Washington, DC, area.

Several of our friends, both local and out-of-state, have discussed the need 
for such a program in unforeseen emergencies. The fund is now in place and a 
specific amount has been allocated, especially for local Goans.

Those confronted with unexpected emergencies should contact Betty Shaw Smith, 
Center Administrator, 11160 Veirs Mill Road, Suite 700, Wheaton, MD, 
20902-2545. Telephone (301) 942-1856, ext. 122, Fax (301) 942-3924, or e-mail 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and specify that they are of Goan origin. 

Anyone planning to contribute or add seed money to this Fund can make 
their checks payable to: Catholic Charities Montgomery County Family Center, 
annotated Emergency Assistance Program - FRELP de Sousa Fund, and mail it 
to the address listed above. 

It would be ideal if Goans could establish similar Emergency Assistance 
Programs wherever they are located.

God Bless:

Clare  Pat de Sousa
Silver Spring, MD, USA

PS: The above information is on Goa Khobor and Catholic Goan Network's 
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Re: [Goanet] Info needed

2002-09-02 Thread Paddydes

In a message dated 09/02/2002 4:10:07 AM EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Can anyone tell me who takes care of the Goan Association in Washington 
 Please send me the name of the person  contact address as well. Thanks.

Hello Luiza:

Sheila Ribeiro, to whom this e-mail is copied, is the President :-)

GOA Khobor's website is linked to ours,

Pat de Sousa
Maryland, USA

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Re: [Goanet] How time flies...Those were the days! VIVA GOANET

2002-08-31 Thread Paddydes

In a message dated 08/26/2002 8:55:06 AM EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Those were the days  welcoming me to the list (we since lost this 
tradition in between, of formally welcoming new members)...We were first 
thrilled to get to know each other, and overawed that so much could be 
achieved by communicating with unknown others over such a distance As one 
likes to argue, places like GoaNet can be the 'cyber-kudds' of the 21st 
century. Just as an earlier generation of Goans set up places for Goans to 
stay in the hostile environments of a new city (Bombay), we need to build 
networks that are mutually beneficial, linking people in cyber terms, across 
the globe, wherever they might have migrated to.
GoaNet can and is playing such a role. Other mailing lists too have a role to 
play; but unfortunately we all (me too) at times get subsumed in our rivalry 
and egos and this blocks the potential good that could come from such 

Over to the others. Let's hear from them. Criticism welcome... this is
critical if we are to improve. FN

Dear Fred and Fellow GoaNetters:

On this seventh day of the eight anniversary of Goanet, I congratulate and 
offer my KUDOS to those who first had the vision and all who have diligently 
persevered in making this Goanet, the Originale List, everything that it 
truly is! Shabash!

Goanet was my first exposure to a Cyber-List and despite the initial 
aggravation from a few braggarts, I felt a real sense of belonging. I was 
asked to introduce myself, which I did, and the bonding began. And it has 
continued unabated, to our mutual benefit.

It was refreshing to see a recent August 17 Welcome to a new member from 
Nashik -- Fr. Augustine Silveira, S. J., and I wish this healthy trend 
continues. Would recommend that this be a prerequisite before future members 
are subscribed, in order to ensure transparency.

In re other mailing lists, they all can and have a role to play, PROVIDED, 
they mind their own business. However, when they assume an adversary role or 
resort to snooping and scooping Goanet posts and bashing Goanetters, 
unbeknownst to them behind their backs, they become worst than goons and are 
a bane to our Goan society. I will respect this August occasion and save the 
gory details for a later posting. Such vicious people or list coordinators 
should be expunged from the Goanet List so that Netters are encouraged to 
post freely, without being criticized on other forums, just for kicks.

The following statement on an Open list is revealing:


Goanet's Admin. or A-Team, deserves special mention. Attempts were made to 
replicate it elsewhere but failed miserably due to lack of genuine interest 
in its role. You have unjustly taken the rap for Goanet, through your 
steadfastness and pure grit. Keep up the good work.

On the question of women's voices not heard being much, haven't we all 
witnessed the way men gang up and start banging and clanging upon them? And, 
IMHO, action came only after it was too late and the damage already done to 
their psyche.

What is needed is a clear delineation of Goanet's Rules and monthly reminders 
thereof so that people are always en garde and learn to treat women with 
the utmost dignity. We have all learned from our mothers and should respect 
the sixth sense women are endowed with :-)

Let us all begin by introducing ourselves, starting with the pioneer Aug. 25, 
1994, Group and going down memory lane. It would help if Goanet published a 
monthly roster of names or other available grouping of names so that a true 
sense of camaraderie can be fostered, voluntarily. A suggested format would 
be of great help!

I saw an interesting open-end poll months ago on Goanet's YahooGroups Site as 
to how many Netters were actually in Goa or outside Goa and was one of three 
respondents. Isn't it time to close that poll and possibly use it for better 

More to follow, but in the meantime let us all pat ourselves on the back for 
being an active and integral part of Goanet Originale and not one of those 
clones like 2, 3, 4, et cetera. Also, let us resolve to be loyal to Goanet, 
the mother of all Goan Lists, and help in its steady growth. Together we can 
make it happen.

It has definitely helped me to a great extent, on which I will elaborate in 
greater detail when my turn for introduction comes up. In the meantime, best 
wishes to you all.

Ad Multos Annos:

Patrick (Pat) de Sousa
Maryland, USA
AKA Paddy

PS: My only criticism is that freedom of expression has bounds and not 

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Re: [Goanet] MIGHT IS RIGHT!

2002-07-29 Thread Paddydes

In a message dated 07/28/2002 8:26:51 PM EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Ministers  have to keep within their limits. Nothing permits  them to take
 the law into their hands. The weak and vulnerable can be easy victims of
 Ministers roaming around in their cars at tax-payer's expense and with
 flashing lights To slap people in public is not why they were ordained
 Ministers. What is even more objectionable is when some of our ever-potent
 Ministers try and erect their 11th finger to coerce the weaker sex to
 succumb to their  pleasures.  After having to put up with  torture by stray
 dogs Goans deserve to be spared from  rabid politicians. 

The Ministers' eleventh finger rising and the taking of the law into their 
own hands is atypical GOON behaviour, which ought to be sent for the 
GUINNESS BOOK of records :(

Such unbridled actions reflect on the credibility of the Chief Minister if no 
immediate and positive action is taken. Inaction is a sign of collusion or 
dirty hands policy.

How far have some Goans stooped in the political morass? It truly is 
reminiscent of the dark ages or jungle rule, where might was right. But 
democracy, is supposed to be Of the people, by the people and for the 
people and protection of people's rights.

Pat de Sousa
Maryland, USA
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[Goanet] goannonresidents group -- Yahoogroups

2002-07-18 Thread Paddydes

Dear GoaNetters: 

Early this month, during one of my idle moments, I stumbled upon the subject 
goannonresident group Yahoo! Groups site and signed up online as the sixth 
member of the goannonresidents Yahoogroups on July 3, 2002: 

This is a group for Goans who are not resident in Goa or worldwide Goans to 
discuss Goan issues and perhaps to help some Goans living in Goa to get a job 
abroad if possible.  
Yahoo! ID  Email AddressJoined 

 Not available [EMAIL PROTECTED] 7/7/2001 

goaworldtoday[EMAIL PROTECTED] 3/15/2002 

joank112[EMAIL PROTECTED]7/1/2002 
 Joan K (21/F)  

lasviegas  *[EMAIL PROTECTED] 7/7/2001 

patdesousa[EMAIL PROTECTED]  7/3/2002 

(F) = sex of goawoldtoday (self-proclaimed moderator/s), signed up Mar. 15, 02
and joank112, signed up  Jul. 1, 02 
(M) = sex of lasviegas *Moderator; and patdesousa, that's me, joined Jul. 3, 

Note: goanet and lasviegas, the listed Moderator, signed up on 7/7/01. One 
member since unsubscribed. 

I am sorry for holding you'll captive in the silly drama played out during 
the first two weeks of July and provide the above background information so 
that all you intelligent Netters may come to a just conclusion based upon 
informed facts. 

Following this e-mail is a sequence of postings and the baseless escalation 
by dubitable Moderator(s). 

The most unfortunate part of this entire episode, is the skillful and sly 
by some loudmouths from other goon forums. They revel in selectively splicing 
remarks from Goanet or other posts, and routinely playing out their games 
against others -- thus denigrating and slandering people behind their backs 

It is a pity that rival groups are permitted to snoop, exploit and blemish 
the reputation of people who post on Goanet, etc., with impunity. They 
selectively scoop saucy bits and pieces and cross-post disparagingly :( 

These despicable practices are a source of disdain for people from other 
forums who just cannot mind their own business and learn to live and let live.

Pat de Sousa 
Maryland, USA

Time-lines of goannonresidents group postings:

1. My first posting to NRG:
In a message dated 7/3/2002 10:23:45 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

Independence Day Greetings to all, especially those in the United States of 
... God Bless America.


2. My second posting to NRG:
Date:   7/4/2002

This Sunday, the group will be TWO YEARS young :)

And, there were only two postings -- one this month and one in June :(

Can I challenge you ALL, especially the Moderator, to do their best?

Even if each of us attempted two postings a month, there'll be a baker's 
dozen by July 7, 2003!

Any takers?

God Bless:


3. Goaworld's brash response:
Subj:[goannonresidents] Re: RISE UP NR GOANS
Date:   07/08/2002 3:59:28 AM EST
From:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (goaworldtoday)
Reply-to:   A HREF=mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED];

You seem to be acting too smart?
What are you upto?

List moderator
4. My response to the List Moderator:
Subj:Re: [goannonresidents] Re: RISE UP NR GOANS
Date:   07/08/2002 11:39:05 PM EST

Why don't you reveal your name, as the List Moderator?

The yahoogroups site lists the list moderator listed as Las Viegas.

Will you have the courtesy of explaining how I was acting too smart?

What do you think I am up to? I have communicated in plain English.

5. My follow-up to #4
Subj:[Goanet] [goannonresidents] Re: RISE UP NR GOANS
Date:   07/11/2002 2:29:45 AM EST
From:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (patdesousa)
Reply-to:   A HREF=mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED];

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], goaworldtoday [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 You seem to be acting too smart?
 What are you upto?
 List moderator

A response was posted by me to the above, but the goaworldtoday list 
moderator has still not come out in the open and disclosed her/his 
name or had the courtesy to respond :(

Who's acting SMART NOW?

Why can't the Goaworldtoday List moderator respond?

It is senseless to make brash statements and then recoil as a 
nameless person alleging to be the List Moderator :(

Is this some new Goaworldtoday List Moderator's Tactic?

5. Goaworld's name-calling, Moderator becomes Moderators - I am copied 
Subj:Re: [goannonresidents] Re: RISE UP NR GOANS
Date:   07/11/2002 3:52:31 AM EST

[Goanet] Re: [goannonresidents] Re: RISE UP NR GOANS

2002-07-11 Thread Paddydes

In a message dated 07/11/2002 3:52:51 AM EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Pat or Bat,
 What's the connection with goanet with your response?
 How did your response land there?
 List Moderators  

Dear Ms. Goaworldtoday:

Out of respect for ladies, I will not resort to name calling as you've chosen 
to :(

I don't know who you are, but my name is Pat -- I am NOT BAT. I ain't a 
nameless character like you.

Since you deliberately choose to remain nameless and have not responded to my 
questions, I will not dignify you with a response.

However, I am also sending this to the GoaNet Admin. Team for disposition.

Pat de Sousa
Maryland, USA

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[Goanet] Re: [goannonresidents] Re: RISE UP NR GOANS

2002-07-08 Thread Paddydes

In a message dated 07/08/2002 3:59:28 AM EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Subj: [goannonresidents] Re: RISE UP NR GOANS
 Date:  07/08/2002 3:59:28 AM EST
 From:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (goaworldtoday)
 Reply-to:  A HREF=mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED];
 You seem to be acting too smart?
 What are you upto?
 List moderator
  goannonresidentsGroup Info  
  Members: 6  
  Founded: Jul 7, 2001
  This Sunday, the group will be TWO YEARS young :)
  And, there were only two postings -- one this month and one in 
 June :(
  Can I challenge you ALL, especially the Moderator, to do their best?
  Even if each of us attempted two postings a month, there'll be a 
  dozen by July 7, 2003!
  Any takers?
  God Bless:

Why don't you reveal your name, as the List Moderator?

The yahoogroups site lists the list moderator listed as Las Viegas.

Will you have the courtesy of explaining how I was acting too smart?

What do you think I am up to? I have communicated in plain English.


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Re: [Goanet] Note to Cecil

2002-07-03 Thread Paddydes

In a message dated 07/01/2002 9:28:10 AM EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 PS: I've stripped my signature below of my profession or to the job I
 do... hope that at least makes you happy. Is this a battle for the freedom
 of expression, or the freedom of Expressions? 

Dear Fred and All:

Frankly, I don't think you should assume such a defeatist attitude :( 

I am sure most Netters and the A-Team will support me here for your 
extraordinary contributions to Goanet.

It is sad that this matter has been overly protracted, and seems to be never 
ending!  It has brought out the ire of many who, like me, feel that freedom 
of expression is equated to an open general license for holding all Netters 

Even Eugene Correia, who once supported him, has posted the following:

 What you say and what you do are totally different things. Maybe it's
 your split personality. Maybe we have just have to tolerate your. Or best,
 ignore you. I chose the latter. Frankly, I'm tired of you.

And, in response, comes this diatribe:

In a message dated 07/02/2002 4:21:42 AM EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Maybe I even have a 'multiple personality' syndrome. I have not commented
 on your 'personality'. You should not comment on mine. Comment on what I
 write. Your armchair psychoanalysis should be directed elsewhere. President
 Pandurang would be a good bet! 

It is common knowledge to all that Santosh Helekar has this assumed 
pseudonym, and this is tantamount to a personal slur against this gentleman :(

IMHO, the bounds of human decency have been exceeded and based upon Fred's 
request in the above referenced e-mail  I am also forwarding this to the 
A-Team for appropriate action.

I support Tariq's previous advice that it would be best for dissenters to set 
up their own goanet3 or whatever separate lists and let us maintain some 
decorum and dignity on Goanet. 

Viva Goanet:

Pat de Sousa
Maryland, USA

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Re: [Goanet] The Express (London). Surgeon hit wife with coathanger

2002-06-29 Thread Paddydes

In a message dated 06/29/2002 2:15:22 PM EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 1. BURTON, Richard F.  Goa and the Blue Mountains. London, Bentley, 1851.
 Richard Burton, the Orientalist (Kama Sutra, Arabian Knights, etc.) went to
 Goa to recuperate after he was unwell,  and stayed there for six months.
 He wrote a book on his experiences there.  He did not like Goa at all. He
 lived in Panjim and asked his Goan manservant, Salvador,  one day,:
 “Salvador, what is that terrible noise – are they slaughtering a pig?”
 “Nothing,” replied Salvador, “nothing whatever – some Christian beating his
 2. The Express  (London). 29 June 2002.
 Headline:  Surgeon hit wife with coathanger.
 By Sally Guyoncourt.
 A Surgeon  hit his wife with a coathanger after he caught her dancing with a
 younger man at a party.

 Mendonca, who is originally from Bombay, admitted punching his wife,
 slapping her across the buttocks and then hitting her so hard with a plastic
 coathanger it snapped. 
 I'm looking forward to a new life, which, hopefully, will be peaceful,
 without alcohol and without aggro, he said. 

Eddie -- I liked the way you juxtaposed the 1951 wife beating incident with 
that of 
the coathanger :-)

BTW, what is aggro, an abbreviation for aggravation?

Reminded me of the good old days when ladies in England had to wait for 
dinner until after the men had eaten. That custom is still in vogue in some 
other places :(

Times certainly are changing -- now many men find themselves in the other 

Pat de Sousa 
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2002-06-12 Thread Paddydes



Yvonne Teresa (Soares) D’Costa, retired school psychologist for the Columbus 
Public Schools, succumbed to her chronic heart and diabetes ailments on 
Sunday morning. She was the beloved wife of 43 years of Ayres D’Costa (a 
professor at the Ohio State University College of Education), mother of Rob 
(Melissa) D’Costa, and mother-aunt of Divya and Jitesh Soares. Yvonne was 
preceded in death by her parents Aloysius and Priscilla Soares and by her 
siblings Grace, Iris, Vincent, Ernest and Joseph Soares. Her loss is deeply 
mourned by her brothers Aloysius and Maurice, sisters Angela, Eileen and 
Barbara, sisters-in-law Martha, Freda and Vilma Soares, brother-in-law Albert 
Fernandes and many nephews, nieces, great nephews and nieces, and friends. 
Yvonne’s career began as a school teacher at Our Lady of Perpetual Succour in 
Bombay, India. She also spent much of her time with Mother Theresa’s order, 
helping the poor and orphaned children in Calcutta, India. She came to the 
United States with Ayres in 1963 and graduated with a Master’s Degree in 
Education from Ohio University. She spent most of her working career with the 
Columbus Public Schools focusing on the educational needs of handicapped 
children. Yvonne was also a very active member of St. Anthony’s Catholic 
Church and a strong advocate for the disabled. She had a great appreciation 
for the arts and was a very talented pianist. She will be most  remembered 
for her incredible sense of humor. 
Friends and family are invited to calling hours on Wednesday, June 12, at 
Schoedinger Funeral Home, 5554 Karl Road, Columbus, Ohio 43229. The Mass of 
Christian Burial will be at 2 pm on Thursday, June 13 at St. Anthony’s 
Catholic Church, 1300 Urban Drive, Columbus, Ohio 43229 followed by burial 
service at Kingwood Memorial Park, 8230 Columbus Pike (U.S. Route 23), Lewis 
Center, Ohio 43035. In lieu of flowers, please make donations to the American 
Heart Association in Yvonne’s honor. 

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2002-05-26 Thread Paddydes

Dear Netters:

I am sharing below some good work on Goa's first aspiring Saint, Bl. Joseph 
Vaz from Fr. Darryl D'Souza, sdb:

 I would like to inform you that we have produced a well researched 
biography on Bl. Jose Vaz called Through Storm and Tempest by Fr. Michael 
Mascarehnas, sdb. It is available for sale in our Bookshop: Tej-Prasarini, 
Don Bosco Communications, Matunga, Mumbai 19. Price=$5 Postage extra. Tel:  
4154118/4154106. E-mail: A HREF=mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED];[EMAIL PROTECTED]/A Could 
you put this information on 
your site. It could help in reaching out the book in many more families and 
making Bl. Vaz known to many more people.

You are invited to visit the website: and view 
this and other useful information. Tej Prasarini's book features in the 

Thanks and best wishes:

Pat de Sousa
Maryland, USA

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Re: [Goanet] Observation ?

2002-05-26 Thread Paddydes

In a message dated 05/24/2002 8:21:37 PM EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 This is more of a stupid card trick.
 All cards change so no matter you pick it will not be there.
 Tim de Mello

Tim: You're a real genius :-)


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Re: [Goanet] NEWS: BJP tries to enchash war fears; EC seizes video (Devika Se...

2002-05-26 Thread Paddydes

In a message dated 05/26/2002 10:51:18 AM EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  Some officials in the Election Commission's office here complained that 
the government was misusing the police machinery to do this.They pointed out 
that the first copy of the video cassette had been seized not under the 
instructions of the Election Commission, but of the state government. 

And doesn't the police, usually get blamed and slapped for doing what they're 

Citizens should realize that such abuse of authority could lead to the 
impotence of those who are charged with maintaining law and order. Is the 
judiciary blind to these manipulations for personal gain?

A very sad form of democracy if culprits are allowed to hold unbridled sway :(

Viva Democracy --- Of the People, By the People and For the People.

Down with Goons Rule:

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Re: [Goanet] Cip's Mother Teresa quote Missionaries

2002-05-24 Thread Paddydes

In a message dated 05/23/2002 4:12:35 PM EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I believe that the below mentioned Mother Teresa's words are more than a
 quote. She has practiced before she preached.
 One of the writer on Mother Teresa said
Mother Teresa did not say or write any 'word' which she did not mean 

Dear Joel, Cip and All:

With the imminent Sainthood of Mother Teresa, there is a lot each one of us 
can do to learn and try to emulate her. 

The following article from February 2002 FMA (Franciscan Missionary 
Associates) Focus, entitled Mother Teresa on the Road to Sainthood, is 

Long before her death in this world, Mother Teresa of Calcutta was hailed as 
a living saint, even in areas where Christian missionaries were not always 
welcome. It is clear from her expressions, from her conversations, from her 
writings, that Mother Teresa found such accolades embarrassing, perhaps and 
even somewhat ironic.

For in her early years as a religious with vows of poverty, chastity and 
obedience, Mother Teresa was just like any other religious sister, giving her 
life to God through prayer and good works... trying hard to discern God's 
will... dealing with the conflicts created when a religious is called to a 
mission that is new and different. For like many religious community 
founders, Mother Teresa had to leave her own original religious congregation, 
stepping out into what must have seemed like an uncharted path, lit by the 
presence of the Holy Spirit.

She founded the Missionaries of Charity, a new community dedicated to the 
work to which the tiny sister felt called by God -- working with the helpless 
and abandoned, the lonely dying, those whom society wanted to forge, in the 
streets of India. Eventually, that work would bring Mother Teresa and her 
sisters to nearly every part of the world where God's poor were abandoned and 
alone -- even to the crowded streets of Rome's poorest areas and New York 
City. Eventually, Mother Teresa's community would include branches for 
contemplatives, for brothers as well as sisters, and for thousands of laity 
who found purpose to their lives as volunteers.

And for a world caught up in consumerism, Mother Teresa redefined poverty, to 
include missions who lived with plenty, but who are so often empty inside, 
even abandoned living in the midst of a crowd.

A very big job for a very tiny lady.

We do not have to go to the heart of Calcutta in order to help the needy or 
to pray for the abandoned. We can support such efforts with our alms and 
prayers and good works. We can do it whatever way is possible for us.

There is one certain way we can take part in this work of the Gospel that 
Mother Teresa carried out so well -- we can speak kindly of the thousands of 
missionaries at work, just as Mother Teresa was, all over the world. And we 
can pray for them daily.  ---

Best Wishes:

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2002-05-22 Thread Paddydes

In a message dated 05/19/2002 5:15:08 AM EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Subj: Re: [Goanet] MESSAGE TO ALL GOANS!
 Date:  05/19/2002 5:15:08 AM EST
 From:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Sunila Muzawar)
 For someone who is totally against organised religion, that is very tempting 
 ! ;-) In any case, if all in India gave up their religion, everyone would 
 focus on real issues like the economy, education, infrastructure, health, 
 sanitation, and development. Instead, with the current obsession with 
 organised religion we dig ourselves into a pit.
 From: ash k [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [Goanet] MESSAGE TO ALL GOANS!
 Date: Fri, 17 May 2002 02:15:11 -0700 (PDT)
 To all Goans: Vote for BJP and give up your

Dear Netters:

Please excuse the presentation of the entire above post and my following 

Date:   05/20/2002

In a message dated 05/19/2002 5:15:08 AM EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 For someone who is totally against organised religion, that is very 
 ! ;-) In any case, if all in India gave up their religion, everyone would 
 focus on real issues like the economy, education, infrastructure, health, 
 sanitation, and development. Instead, with the current obsession with 
 organised religion we dig ourselves into a pit. 

In response to the above, I humbly submit: What doth it profit a (wo)man if 
(s)he gains the whole world, but suffers the loss of his/her soul?

There is no point in trying to twist Ash's poignant prophesy for any 
generalizations. Religion (from 'religare') is designed to bind us back from 
jungle rule. IMHO, without religion, Goans would fit the computer prompt of 
Goons :( 

I would like to initiate a survey of all Goanetters on the following question:

Are you for or against religion?

Let us plan to close this survey at midnight, Friday, May 31, 2002.

Hopefully some computer wizard will volunteer to tabulate and provide the 
results :-)

Viva Goa, Viva Goacom!

Pat de Sousa
Maryland, USA 

I don't know about you, but I received three copies of this May 20 posting 
between 4:43:08 and 4:43:25 AM EST, probably intended as votes:

Date:   05/20/2002 4:43:08 AM EST
From:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Sunila Muzawar)

Date: Mon, 20 May 2002 00:50:22 EDT

In response to the above, I humbly submit: What doth it profit a (wo)man if
(s)he gains the whole world, but suffers the loss of his/her soul?

There is no point in trying to twist Ash's poignant prophesy for any
generalizations. Religion (from 'religare') is designed to bind us back 
jungle rule. IMHO, without religion, Goans would fit the computer prompt of
Goons :(

Speak for yourself if you like. To generalise with all Goans is to insult 
their sensibilities terribly. Additionally, please note that the North West 
of Pakistan actually follows organised religion to the T and are famous for 
jungle rule or tribal law. Incidentally it is believed that the evil one - 
Osama is currently in hiding there. And the current barbarism we see 
emanating out of Pakistan is also a product of organised religion.

And Buddha actually went to the jungles to meditate and get enlightened. If 
all were like Buddha then violence would not have any place in the jungles are not that bad after all. :-)

And don't forget that it is in the name of organised religion that the the 
Church murdered millions and rendered thousands homeless in their quest to 
convert Goans to Christianity.

And it is the efforts of the VHP to actually make Hinduism into an organised 
religion which is resulting in the current Hindu militancy and violence.

And how can I forget to mention the current ogre of Islamic terrorism...I 
won't bother with details.

Incidentally if you think religion made anyone civilized there is enough 
proof to link it with the worst barbarism in the world. It is education, 
culture, human values, and society which makes one civilised. Simply going 
to a church or temple and following priests blindly (even though they may be 
paedophiles or drug addicts) does not make one civilized or get one out of 
the jungle mentality.

In fact, it is the other way round. If you actually look at the custodians 
of organised religion you will find a whole horde of perverts ranging from 
paedophiles and child/female abusers to drug addicts to violence 
recommenders to revenge 


2002-05-22 Thread Paddydes

In a message dated 05/22/2002 1:27:12 AM EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 It is sad that such an ugly thing like the Gujarat violence had to occur. 
But, it has certainly opened our eyes to see clearly what the BJP party can 
provide this country with.
While the whole world is progressing in various fields, our country is 
sinking deeper into political quicksand and crawls on its fours over 
religious issues. 

Very sound advice to the astute and those with discerning minds :-)

Yet some people with vested interests will blindly keep drumming up their 
support in a wild and desperate attempt to hoodwink all Goans :(

It remind us of those three blind persons who felt different parts of the 
elephant and came up totally divergent views. The latest truncated view -- 
just because some good came out lately from the BJP -- that all will be 
hunky-dory dory, is fatalistic.

We all know how politicians and sexual perverts entice people with their 
little bags of goodies, only to later to reveal the real big cork screw.

Goans should awaken to the clarion call from minarets to pulpits, Balcaos to 
Cyberia and be aware of wolves who prey in sheep's clothing. Surely nobody 
would like to retrograde to the dark old ages, reminiscent of jungle rule :(

As Rene said in the following post: Let's not make GOA another Gujarat. The 
next message from our enlightened Aires said it all: Parrikar is desperately 
trying all stunts to try and woo voters to salvage the sinking BJP 
shipParrikar who is fighting a battle for his survival. is offering all 
sorts of carrots to buy the minorities.

Joe Vaz's May 7 posting: 'YOUR ACTION CAN MAKE THE DIFFERENCE,' was most 
apropos and an early wake-up or clarion call :-) My response somehow did not 

The writing is on the wall, even though one may have to read in between the 
lines. Let us not fall for the political shenanigan -- Parrikar's Pranks :(

Vote to represent the plurality of Goa and NOT for Communalism!  

Keep Goa and India secular:

Pat de Sousa
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2002-05-22 Thread Paddydes

In a message dated 05/22/2002 10:26:23 AM EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Paddy - Great survey.  BUT...
 How do you define RELIGION for the purposes of this survey?  It might help 
people to answer if they
 knew EXACTLY what you mean.
 (definitely FOR religion) 

Hi VivIiana:

Thanks for your vote, Viv :-)

It was the first, in hopefully many more to follow, FOR RELIGION votes. Of 
course, mine is the second FOR!

My American Heritage Dictionary defines 'religion' as: 1. expression of 
(wo)man's belief in and reverence for a superhuman power recognized as the 
creator and governor of the universe. 2. Any particular integrated system of 
this expression: the Hindu religion. 3. The spiritual or emotional attitude 
of one who recognizes the existence of a superhuman power or powers

As I see it, religion is the ladder, link or stairway to God, deities or 
power-source. For anyone believing in God, religion serves as the channel or 
medium for devotion and discipline.

In contrast with no religion, or if all in India gave up their religion, as 
was last advocated, there would be total anarchy and chaos. 

We'd be like a bunch of sheep without a shepherd -- left to the mercy of 
vultures and wolverines.

PLEASE VOTE -- on GOANET by May 31, and at the polls for GOA ELECTIONS!

Long Live Our Secular Goa:

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2002-05-19 Thread Paddydes

In a message dated 05/19/2002 5:15:08 AM EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 For someone who is totally against organised religion, that is very 
 ! ;-) In any case, if all in India gave up their religion, everyone would 
 focus on real issues like the economy, education, infrastructure, health, 
 sanitation, and development. Instead, with the current obsession with 
 organised religion we dig ourselves into a pit. 

In response to the above, I humbly submit: What doth it profit a (wo)man if 
(s)he gains the whole world, but suffers the loss of his/her soul?

There is no point in trying to twist Ash's poignant prophesy for any 
generalizations. Religion (from 'religare') is designed to bind us back from 
jungle rule. IMHO, without religion, Goans would fit the computer prompt of 
Goons :( 

I would like to initiate a survey of all Goanetters on the following question:

Are you for or against religion?

Let us plan to close this survey at midnight, Friday, May 31, 2002.

Hopefully some computer wizard will volunteer to tabulate and provide the 
results :-)

Viva Goa, Viva Goacom!

Pat de Sousa
Maryland, USA
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Re: [Goanet] Old Wedding Customs ....BIKAREANCHEM JEVONN...IV

2002-04-30 Thread Paddydes

In a message dated 04/30/2002 8:26:16 AM EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 The intention behind the service is to remember and pray for the dead
 ancestors (also masses are offered for the souls of the dead ancestors,
 close relatives of the family and even the old deceased faithful servant
 of the family) on this important occasion of their house, through the
 medium of these beggars representing them, the needy 

Dear Fr. Nascimento:

Your recordation of such historical facts is truly a tribute and honour to 
our Proud Goan Heritage :-)

We have vivid memories of a similar ceremony in Karachi, on the actual 
Wedding Day, when the married Goan couple would go outside with a bottle of 
fine Scotch Whiskey or other liquor. The bottle would then be broken in the 
compound, as I understood, to appease the souls of their beloved dead. We too 
followed it.

Your labour of love in documenting these customs definitely helps develop a 
keen awareness, especially among some who have lost touch with reality, of 
these rich and noble traditions. Our colourful heritage is fraught with rich 
and noble sentiments!

I couldn't but shudder when a local priest in our parish dared preach from 
the pulpit about the antiquity of feeding the beggars.  He expressed doubts 
if anyone these days would condescend to such customs. Ah, the difference 
between East and West :(

Back in Karachi, Thursdays (Juma-raat), or the night before Friday, beggars 
would converge around shops and homes. And yes, many of them were treated by 
honest locals to similar bikareanchem jevonn :-)

Many thanks, Fr. Nascimento, for these inspirational postings.

We will pray for your good health. Blessings.

Clare  Pat de Sousa
Maryland, USA

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Re: [Goanet] Rules and Regulations

2002-04-30 Thread Paddydes

In a message dated 04/29/2002 11:41:27 PM EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Netters - I've been remiss in reminding you all of GoaNet's Rules and
 Regulations.  Please read them and follow them - they are few and
 Thanks - Viviana 

Yes, Thanks - Viviana!

Better Late Than Never :-)

And do keep that club handy!

I for one was frustrated with those cross-postings which hogged the bandwidth 
and from a few publicity hounds :(

Pat de Sousa
Maryland, USA

PS: Remember the good old folks literally riddling people through with their 
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2002-04-21 Thread Paddydes

In a message dated 04/21/2002 6:39:43 AM EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Pat and Sunila aroused my interest regarding ancestral home 
remedies...Do keep those home remedies trickling in. 

Thanks for those interesting responses :-)

I remember the dousing of onion juice on the head for colds or fever, and 
coppa (or cupping) for stomach pain. The latter is used in modern medicine 
for drawing blood toward or through the surface.

Although they may not be considered as home remedies, certain practices also 
come to my mind. 

There was this young son of a medical practitioner in Goa, who got surprise 
visits from patients at their home when the father was out. They would bribe 
him with candies, etc., just to stomp on their backs for his curative powers. 
His was a breech presentation, and they didn't want the father to know 
because he disapproved of it. 

In Karachi, several friends and relatives visited our home for the very same 
reason. I was asked to stroke their backs, etc., with my foot (which I did 
whilst reciting a prayer) and they'd leave feeling instant relief from their 
aches or pains :-) 

I am curious if anyone has similar or other experiences and if there is any 
ascribable reason for their relief. Santosh usually offers valuable insight 
on such matters :-)

Best Wishes:

Pat de Sousa

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2002-04-20 Thread Paddydes

In a message dated 04/17/2002 11:42:48 AM EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Instead of fighting over existing content, would it be impossible to find 
new sources of generating content that adequately reflects the diversity of 
Goan life? 
 (My personal view is that ... But, everything cannot and should 
not be 
 evaluated in terms of profitability. if it is not done by someone, how do we 
 to get the job done? A society that cannot generate ideas needed to take it 
 forward, is a society enslaved...) 

Dear GoaNetters:

After all that has been said and done, I like the way Fred has chosen to 
fling down the gauntlet and hope we can all resolve to look forward in a 
positive way.

The first responsibility naturally falls upon the Goanet Admin. Team to 
establish the broad parameters for operation. IMHO, it has ages since the 
last Policy Guidelines were issued. A dynamic list like Goanet, needs at 
least quarterly pronouncements. Also, netters should know the composition of 
the A-Team and recourses available :(

To get the subject ball rolling, I am initiating the subject discussions. 
Only now is allopathy coming to grips with what was common knowledge to our 
parents and forebears in the field of medicine :-) Leeches used to 
controlling blood pressure in Goa, I've read are now used in modern surgeries.

Our parents brought home various roots and herbs from Goa and mainly used 
home remedies which really worked. A Goan from New Delhi told me that their 
family was privy to a wealth of such information, which is being passed down 
through heredity.

While obviously there are some treasured cooking trade secrets, etc., would 
it not be great if we share our talents for the greater good of the Goan 
community? A recent example of a science problem solved by a kindly soul with 
a caveat hope this was not a homework assignment, gave me a chuckle. After 
all, isn't it in giving that we truly receive?

This is just one avenue in which we can challenge ourselves towards helping 
one another, instead of you know what?

Are there any takers? 

Viva Goanet -- we can make it whatever we choose to:

Pat de Sousa
Maryland, USA

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Re: [Goanet] Re: Asian Philosophy Conference, April 27, Saturday

2002-04-14 Thread Paddydes

In a message dated 04/13/2002 12:02:56 PM EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Sorry, no Christian political pressure or polemic is going to change the 
agenda here ;-) 


Yet Naik et al are hell bent on conveniently criticizing and washing their 
dirty public linen in the public about the Vatican -- philosopher heal 
thyself :(

Some cannot see the plank in their eyes, yet point to the splinter in others. 

Pat de Sousa
Maryland, USA

PS: This confirms the warped mind theory among some in academia.
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