[ha-Safran] Digital books in Hebrew

2020-03-20 Thread Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran
Someone posted a request for a list of digital  books in Hebrew .
Sorry for the delay in the reply, I was waiting for an Israeli who was busy 
with other challenges.

I hope that this helps.
Amalia W.

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[ha-Safran] FW: עברית - חנות ספרים

2020-03-20 Thread Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran
I see that most of the books are adult books  translation from English.
Sent from my iPhone

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[ha-Safran] The Significance of the Akedah

2020-09-14 Thread Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran

Thank you, Tina  Weiss for opening to AJL members the lecture by  Aaron Koller 
on: Unbinding Isaac: The Significance of the Akedah for Modern Jewish Thought.
I hope to have addiotnal opportunities to enjoy such informative and thought 
provoking lectures.
With warm wishes for shanah tovah,
Amalia W,.

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[ha-Safran] High Holiday resources

2020-09-08 Thread Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran

My colleague David Levy allowed me to share with you links related to the Yamim 
Noraim  (High Holidays), which are treated in more depth, substance, scope, & 
breadth in David's 10 volume books.  For more information please email David 
directly at  davidbl...@msn.com
Amalia W.
Symbolic food vs. theurgic simanim- foods on Rosh 
Hashanah-https://libguides.tourolib.org/ld.php?content_id=17339714 also see 
Rationalism vs. supernaturalism at 
"On RH it is written, on Yom Kippur sealed and on hoshanah rabbah the malakhim 
deliver the blueprint to Hashem's heavenly archive" ( Unetanneh Tokef) 
The sefer metaphor in Yamim Noraim 
https://libguides.tourolib.org/ld.php?content_id=17341640 see vol 4,5,6 on 
Cherishing Revering and Loving text as a prelude to respecting, revering, 
cherishing and loving others, also see Rabbinic reverence for text-at 

Akedat Yitchak for 2nd day Rosh Hashanah  
(a) https://libguides.tourolib.org/ld.php?content_id=3994117  (power point), 
cross ref Jewish art at https://libguides.tourolib.org/jewisharts  
(b) zekut avot raising question of Providence vs Free will 
maftir Yonah and Ninevah for yom Kippur 
Yom Kippur  
Ethical accountability on the Yamim Noraim: (a) ultimate din ve heshbon Jewish 
business ethics https://libguides.tourolib.org/c.php?g=127684  (b) Jewish 
ethics https://libguides.tourolib.org/jewishethics  (c) ethical monotheism at 
https://libguides.tourolib.org/ethicalmonotheism (d) online ethics at 

Time (zeman, moed, et) in multi dimensions for Koheleth on Sukkot: Temporality 
as Raised in Koheleth on Sukkot:  
(a) Dwelling poetically in time the essence of the sukkah 
(b) After time and space itself- Ramban and Shemitah ha-olamot at  
(c) At the end of time https://libguides.tourolib.org/afterlife  

Sent from Outlook

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Re: [ha-Safran] The meaning of טוטפות totafot

2020-08-23 Thread Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran

Sent: Sunday, August 23, 2020 11:14 AM
To: Israel Cohen; Hasafran@lists.osu.edu
Cc: Israel Cohen
Subject: RE: [ha-Safran] The meaning of טוטפות totafot

It ‘s good to hear form you. It means that you are well.  You are very helpful 
After sending the email I realized that I have at home two concordances and an 
old Hebrew-Hebrew Even Shoshan dictionary. 
 The concordance translates it to jewelries.   Even Shoshan explains that   
based on archeological finding the ancient  Egyptian women used to  wear a 
chain around the head above the eyebrows with a pendant between the eyes, so 
the totafot are LIKE an ornament between the eyes  והיו ל 
One of the attendees (not Jewish)  that that in her Bible it translates as 
Pendent on your forehead.
When it is spelled with vav  before the tav at the end it looks like  
(Femenine) plural  Deut. 11:18 .Why ? Does it refer to the parchments inside 
the batim (boxes)  ?  or that there are two boxes ?
  In Masechet Shabbat the translator of Sefaria  translates it as boxes. 
Amalia W.

From: Israel Cohen via Hasafran
Sent: Sunday, August 23, 2020 9:58 AM
To: Hasafran@lists.osu.edu
Cc: Israel Cohen
Subject: [ha-Safran] The meaning of ?? ToTaFoS

Amalia W wrote:
I have very few resources at home to settle an argument on the meaning of the 
word ??   
in Deuteronomy Chapter 6 verses 4-10. One said that it means a box and another 
said that it is ornament (Even Shoshan) .
I said that it is neither,  it is  how it was taken literally. 

I am guessing that the word whose meaning you are seeking is in Deut 6:8, 
tet-tet-feh-sof ToTaFoS.
The JPS translation is "frontlets". The customary translation today is 
"phylactery", a Greek word φυλακτήριο of unknown origin that is usually 
translated as "amulet, talisman". But the question remains: What was the 
meaning of the Hebrew word at the time it was first written.

In his Etymological Dictionary of the Hebrew Language (for readers of English), 
Ernest Klein wrote:
1 band, frontlet-band,  2 PBH phylactery. [Of uncertain origin. Perhaps formed 
from taf-feh-taf-feh-vav-sof, from taf-feh-taf-feh , Pi of nun-taf-feh (=to 
drop), whence nun-taf-yod-feh-heh (= pendant), cp. taf-feh-taf-feh-sof.]

The Online Etymological Dictionary traces the word "phylactery" to Greek phylax 
(guardian, watcher, protector) a word of unknown origin... and says The Custom 
of wearing it is based on a literal reading of scripture (in) Deuteronomy 

I note that Klein uses the spelling with a vav found in Deut 11:18 and not 
without a vav as in Deut 6:8.

My own thought is that Hebrew sometimes reverses a word to produce its antonym. 
For example:
The parsha (weekly portion of the Torah) Miketz (Genesis 41:1 - 44:17) 
describes the travels of Joseph's brothers to Egypt. When they stood before 
Joseph, they did not realize he was their brother. One reason is that Joseph 
spoke with them through the interpreter, המליץ, haMeiLiTZ as if he did not 
understand Hebrew. This word occurs only once (hapex legomenon) in Tanakh with 
this meaning, at Genesis 42:23. The oral tradition says the מליץ  MeiLiTZ  was 
Menasha, Joseph's older son. Egyptian was written with hieroglyphics / 
pictures. The Hebrew root for image (make a picture) is צלם   TZeLeM. To 
translate from Egyptian to other languages is to un-picture, hence, the 
reversal toמליץ   MeiLiTZ.

Deut 6:4-9 begins with the SHeMa3 prayer which is a 5:7:5 haiku in Hebrew, 
older than any attested Japanese haiku. Verses 6 and 7 emphasize the 
meaningfulness and importance of "these words". 
So it is possible that tet-tet-feh is a reversal of peh-tet-tet which means to 
prattle, chatter, babble ... that is, to utter meaningless words. So, perhaps 
ToTaFoS = important, meaningfui words.

Israel "Izzy" Cohen

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[ha-Safran] The meaning of טוטפות

2020-08-21 Thread Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran
I have very few resources at home to settle an argument on the meaning of the 
word טוטפות
in Deuteronomy Chapter 6 verses 4-10. One said that it means a box and another 
said that it is ornament (Even Shoshan) .
I said that it is neither,  it is  how it was taken literally.
Your help is appreciated,
Amalia W.

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Re: [ha-Safran] Fwd: Seeking titles of Controversial Books onArab-Israeli Conflict

2020-08-27 Thread Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran
Dear Mrs. Kinberg,
It goes without saying that students at the impressionable age need to learn 
about both  sides.  The challenger becomes clear when it is unsupervised 
reading, like  when the book is  a part of the summer reading and the teacher 
does not dedicate time for discussion on each book.  The conflict is so  
complicated that one lesson of 45 minutes is not enough. Unfortunately most 
public school teachers and even Jewish educators  have minimal knowledge of the 
Israeli-Arab conflict.
Does the  reader about the “Palestinian child whose only experience of Jews is 
as fully armed soldiers” know about the child that will remain disabled for the 
rest of her life because of a bomb on the bus ?
This is not the place for discussion on  the Israeli Arab conflict. The books 
on the list below   (I’m nor familiar  with all)  are not balanced for sure. I 
underhand  Marjorie’s concerns that some books used in  PUBLIC schools are 
extremely hostile to Israel.
I hope to hear from Marjorie when she completes her research,
Amalia Warshenbrot

Dear Marjorie Gann,
I appreciate your close look at books for young readers about Israel and the 
Palestinian people, and your invitation to comment.
In my work as librarian at Temple Beth Emeth in Ann Arbor, I have curated a 
collection of books for young Jewish people that includes diverse Palestinian 
points of view and I am pleased that our library offers diverse points of view 
from Jewish, Israeli, and Palestinian writers that help our young people become 
critical thinkers. My library includes, several books on your list: 
The Cat at the Wall (2014)
Naomi Shihab Nye:  Habibi (1997)
Golbarg Bashi: P Is for Palestine: A Palestine Alphabet Book (2018)
Leanne Lieberman, The Book of Trees (2010)
Pamela L. Laskin, Ronit & Jamil (2017)
I was surprised that you called several titles "distortions of history or 
complicit in stereotyping or demonizing," specifically Tasting the Sky (which 
is on my to order list), Habibi, and Ronit and Jamil. I would appreciate seeing 
a list of titles from a Palestinian point of view that you would recommend. 
I'll never forget a lecture I attended by Marc Tessler, author of the massive A 
History of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, when he told the story of a 
several year convening of Jewish and Palestinian historians in which the 
participants never came to agreement on the facts. 
Last year I taught our high schoolers a class on looking at points of view in 
Jewish and Palestinian children's books on Israel/Palestine. The class was 
wiser than me at the time. They pointed out that readers should not expect 
books to be "fair" and "balanced," particularly when involving difficult 
issues. Rather, readers should expect and be aware of bias. 
I hope you understand that I am not saying the Jewish narrative we are familiar 
with is false, but it leaves out the Palestinian experience. A book including a 
Palestinian child whose only experience of Jews is as fully armed soldiers may 
be a true reflection of a Palestinian child's experience. It's our crucial (and 
even sacred) responsibility as educators to fill out the picture, but 
suppressing pieces of it that are truthful within their own sphere doesn't help 
children who need to deal with a complex world when they grow up.
I also have had the experience of being asked by a public school teacher who 
had assigned A LITTLE PIECE OF GROUND, to teach a class on the book. That was a 
very challenging experience, as I was tempted to try to give a lecture on the 
whole Israeli/Palestinian conflict. 
I am very interested in hearing from others about experiences applying the 
values of critical reading of these books in the public school setting.
Clare Kinberg, Temple Beth Emeth Library, Ann Arbor, Michigan

On Sun, Aug 23, 2020 at 11:46 AM Marjorie Gann via Hasafran 
Hello, Safranim,
I am working on a presentation -- a spinoff from a session I gave at the 2019 
AJL Conference-- on anti-Israeli propaganda in novels and memoirs for children 
and young adults. I am concerned that some books extremely hostile to Israel 
may be in use in schools.
I am aware of one school in the U.S. in which Elizabeth Laird’s A Little Piece 
of Ground, with its toxic anti-Israel message and its demonization of Israeli 
soldiers, has been used for class study.
I was wondering if anyone else on this list might be aware of the use of this 
or other anti-Israel books in schools (or in public readings for children) in 
the U.S. or Canada. Below you’ll find my list of some of the titles which, 
following detailed analysis, I’ve found to contain factual errors, distortions 
of history, or instances of demonization and stereotyping of Israel or 
Israelis. If anyone is aware of the use of any of these books,  or of public 
controversies surrounding the use of these or any other anti-Israel books, I’d 
appreciate your contacting  me off-list at marjoriega...@gm

Re: [ha-Safran] Seeking titles of Controversial Books on Arab-IsraeliConflict

2020-08-23 Thread Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran
Thanks for bringing up this painful  issue of bias against Israel (and Jews) 
that is  used in schools. This issue has been brought up in the past and needs 
to be revisited. 
I hope that AJL with the Anti defamation League and   the main Jewish 
organizations like URJ and USCJ  will contact school Boards and raise awareness 
of it.
About 15 years ago my colleague Andrea Rapp wrote an article in  Reform Judaism 
and  Hadassah created a committee for dealing with  misinformation about Israel 
and Jews alike.
 Before I retired (10 years ago)  parents brought to my attention two issues in 
textbooks  one  used in a privates school and one in a public school. I dealt 
with it with the assistance of our local Rabbi. It needs to be dealt with 
locally and nationally.
Thanks again,
Amalia Warshenbrot

From: Marjorie Gann via Hasafran
Sent: Sunday, August 23, 2020 11:46 AM
To: Hasafran (hasaf...@lists.service.ohio-state.edu)
Subject: [ha-Safran] Seeking titles of Controversial Books on 

Hello, Safranim,
I am working on a presentation -- a spinoff from a session I gave at the 2019 
AJL Conference-- on anti-Israeli propaganda in novels and memoirs for children 
and young adults. I am concerned that some books extremely hostile to Israel 
may be in use in schools.
I am aware of one school in the U.S. in which Elizabeth Laird’s A Little Piece 
of Ground, with its toxic anti-Israel message and its demonization of Israeli 
soldiers, has been used for class study.
I was wondering if anyone else on this list might be aware of the use of this 
or other anti-Israel books in schools (or in public readings for children) in 
the U.S. or Canada. Below you’ll find my list of some of the titles which, 
following detailed analysis, I’ve found to contain factual errors, distortions 
of history, or instances of demonization and stereotyping of Israel or 
Israelis. If anyone is aware of the use of any of these books,  or of public 
controversies surrounding the use of these or any other anti-Israel books, I’d 
appreciate your contacting  me off-list at marjoriega...@gmail.com. 
Thank you.
Marjorie Gann
Children’s and YA Novels or Memoirs which contain distortions of the 
Arab-Israeli conflict:
Elizabeth Laird:  A Little Piece of Ground (2003)
Anne Laurel Carter:  The Shepherd’s Granddaughter (2008)
Deborah Ellis:    Three Wishes:  Palestinian and Israeli Children Speak (2004)
    The Cat at the Wall (2014)
Cathryn Clinton:   A Stone in My Hand (2002)
Michael Morpurgo:    The Kites are Flying! (2009)
Ibtisam Barakat:   “Marked for Destruction,” in several anthologies
    Tasting the Sky: A Palestinian 
Childhood (2007)
William Sutcliffe:      The Wall:  A Modern Fable (2013)
Randa Abdelfattah:     Where the Streets Had a Name (2008)
Naomi Shihab Nye:      Habibi (1997)
Leila Abdelrazaq:  Baddawi (2015)
Anthony Robinson & Annemarie Young:  Young Palestinians Speak:  Living Under 
Occupation (2017)
Golbarg Bashi:   P Is for Palestine: A Palestine Alphabet Book 
Leanne Lieberman: The Book of Trees (2010)
Pamela L. Laskin: Ronit & Jamil  (2017)
Marjorie Gann
Latest Book: Speak a Word for Freedom: Women against Slavery
                   by Janet Willen and Marjorie Gann
                   Penguin Random House/Tundra, 2015

"An inspiring collection of those who have fought and continue to fight against 
the evil of slavery and an effectively solemn reminder that slavery remains a 
global plague." Kirkus

"A powerful indictment of human rights abuses and tribute to the women who have 
fought them." Starred review, Publishers Weekly

Five Thousand Years of Slavery, 
    by Marjorie Gann and Janet Willen
    Tundra Books, 2011
A 2012 Notable Book for a Global Society, Children's Literature and Reading 
Special Interest Group, International Reading Association

ForeWord Reviews Book of the Year, 2011 Silver Winner, Young Adult Nonfiction

 Visit our website, www.gannwillen.com, to steal a peek at both books!

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Hasafran mailing list

[ha-Safran] Seeking titles of Controversial Books on Arab-IsraeliConflict

2020-08-24 Thread Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran
Here, In North Carolina, one of the titles below was on the summer reading. 
Since I found it after the fact, I went with our Rabbi to meet the school’s 
director. He suggested that the teacher dedicates an hour to have an expert  on 
the Israel- Arab conflict to explain the issues in an unbiased way.  A local 
college professor volunteered to come ,and yes,  he is Jewish but he was 
Amalia W.

From: Marjorie Gann
Sent: Sunday, August 23, 2020 11:20 PM
To: Andrea Rapp
Cc: Amalia Warshenbrot; Hasafran (hasaf...@lists.service.ohio-state.edu)
Subject: Re: [ha-Safran] Seeking titles of Controversial Books on 

I've actually contacted the Institute for Curriculum Services.. The issue here 
is that novels and memoirs aren't curriculum -- though they can be on book 
lists and make their way into the classroom.

I've also spoken to the people at IMPACT-se in Israel, who evaluate curricula 
(e.g., within the Palestinian Authority) against UNESCO standards for teaching 
peace and tolerance. But again, it's written curriculum that concerns them.

What I'm looking at is trade books (novels,  memoirs) that make their way into 
classrooms without actually being mandated by the curriculum. Teachers go ahead 
and choose these. They are often not vetted by the people responsible for 
writing curriculum. For example, you can have a literature unit that includes a 
theme like "living through trauma," and the teacher can select the novel A 
Little Piece of Ground as an illustration of how young people survive the 
trauma of "occupation." Elizabeth Laird's novel is well-written; the problem is 
that how it presents Israelis is nasty and biased, but the teacher who selected 
that novel may know nothing about the history of the Middle East and nothing 
about why the IDF was policing Ramallah the way it did. The novel was selected 
on literary, not historical, grounds.

I'm not sure how one can prevent the use of persuasive yet inaccurate 
literature in classrooms, but I do think that attention has to be drawn to the 


Here's another example. A group of very liberal rabbis put together a website 
On Sun, Aug 23, 2020 at 5:32 PM Andrea Rapp  wrote:
The Institute for Curriculum Services does wonderful work in this area. I 
support this organization with a check regularly, and I recommend making their 
acquaintance.          www.icsresources.org.    Aliza  Craimer Elias is the 
ANdrea Rapp, Cincinnati

On Aug 23, 2020, at 4:04 PM, Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran 

Thanks for bringing up this painful  issue of bias against Israel (and Jews) 
that is  used in schools. This issue has been brought up in the past and needs 
to be revisited. 
I hope that AJL with the Anti defamation League and   the main Jewish 
organizations like URJ and USCJ  will contact school Boards and raise awareness 
of it.
About 15 years ago my colleague Andrea Rapp wrote an article in  Reform Judaism 
and  Hadassah created a committee for dealing with  misinformation about Israel 
and Jews alike.
Before I retired (10 years ago)  parents brought to my attention two issues in 
textbooks  one  used in a privates school and one in a public school. I dealt 
with it with the assistance of our local Rabbi. It needs to be dealt with 
locally and nationally.
Thanks again,
Amalia Warshenbrot
From: Marjorie Gann via Hasafran
Sent: Sunday, August 23, 2020 11:46 AM
To: Hasafran (hasaf...@lists.service.ohio-state.edu)
Subject: [ha-Safran] Seeking titles of Controversial Books on 
Hello, Safranim,
I am working on a presentation -- a spinoff from a session I gave at the 2019 
AJL Conference-- on anti-Israeli propaganda in novels and memoirs for children 
and young adults. I am concerned that some books extremely hostile to Israel 
may be in use in schools.
I am aware of one school in the U.S. in which Elizabeth Laird’s A Little Piece 
of Ground, with its toxic anti-Israel message and its demonization of Israeli 
soldiers, has been used for class study.
I was wondering if anyone else on this list might be aware of the use of this 
or other anti-Israel books in schools (or in public readings for children) in 
the U.S. or Canada. Below you’ll find my list of some of the titles which, 
following detailed analysis, I’ve found to contain factual errors, distortions 
of history, or instances of demonization and stereotyping of Israel or 
Israelis. If anyone is aware of the use of any of these books,  or of public 
controversies surrounding the use of these or any other anti-Israel books, I’d 
appreciate your contacting  me off-list at marjoriega...@gmail.com. 
Thank you.
Marjorie Gann
Children’s and YA Novels or Memoirs which contain distortions of the 
Arab-Israeli conflict:
Elizabeth Laird:  A Little Piece of Ground (2003)
Anne Laurel Carter:  The Shepherd’s Granddaughter (2008)
Deborah Ellis:    Three Wishes:  Palestinian and Israeli 

[ha-Safran] Great article of interest to the SSCPL members and to every lover of children literature,

2020-08-17 Thread Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran
Dear colleagues,
Thank you to the Judaic  Librarianship editor Racheli Leket-Mor for an 
interesting issue (first  new open access issue).   
School, center and public library Liberians might find  the article The Sydney 
Taylor Book Award at Fifty: (1968–2020)
 By Fred Isaac and Racheli Leket-Mor especially interesting:  See  
 Just click on https://ajlpublishing.org   and Enjoy the entire issue,
Amalia Warshenbrot

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and are not necessarily endorsed by the Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL)
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AJL HomePage http://www.JewishLibraries.org
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Re: [ha-Safran] Day School collection development policies

2020-09-17 Thread Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran
There are sample in THE JEWISH LIBRARY HANDBOOK, edited by Joyce Levine.
It is worth it  buying a copy.  It is available through Amazon.
Amalia W.

From: Robbin Katzin via Hasafran
Sent: Wednesday, September 16, 2020 6:58 PM
To: Hasafran
Subject: [ha-Safran] Day School collection development policies

Recently, I sent out a request on Hasafran for day school collection policies.  
Any policies that are sent to me will be added to the AJL website at some 
point.  Since only one school shared their policy with me, I am making a second 
request.  Sharing your policy will ultimately benefit other day schools. 


Robbin Katzin
Hillel Torah North Suburban Day School Library
Skokie, IL

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Re: [ha-Safran] Central place for Jewish kids' e-books?

2020-09-20 Thread Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran
Right ! for The Biography Bank.
Amalia W.

From: Nancy Sack via Hasafran
Sent: Thursday, September 17, 2020 11:01 PM
To: hasafran@lists.osu.edu
Subject: Re: [ha-Safran] Central place for Jewish kids' e-books?

This seems like a perfect project for AJL.
On 9/17/2020 7:33 AM, Ann Abrams via Hasafran wrote:
Kar Ben!   Joanna Sussman told me all Kar Ben's books are available as ebooks.  

Via Public Libraries!   

(I should have known both of these! ) 

On Thu, Sep 17, 2020 at 12:49 PM Andrea Rapp  wrote:
That's a really good point. Please share what you learn.
Thank you,
Andrea Rapp, Cincinnati

On Thursday, September 17, 2020, 10:43:55 AM EDT, Ann Abrams via Hasafran 

Hi, everyone,

Our education program is running virtually, and I've been asked to compile a 
list of Jewish kids' books  available as e-books.

I've poked around epic - https://www.getepic.com ,   Kindle and Google Play, 
and yes, there are many titles, there, but is there something I don't know 

Thanks, everyone, stay well and

Shanah tovah,


Ann Abrams, Librarian
Dr. Arnold L. Segel Library Center
Temple Israel
477 Longwood Avenue
Boston, MA 02215

Pronouns: she/her/hers

617-566-3960 x116
Check out our library catalog 
Participate in Temple Israel life virtually. 

Do you need help?  View our COVID-19 resources.  
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Ann Abrams, Librarian
Dr. Arnold L. Segel Library Center
Temple Israel
477 Longwood Avenue
Boston, MA 02215

Pronouns: she/her/hers

617-566-3960 x116
Check out our library catalog 
Participate in Temple Israel life virtually. 

Do you need help?  View our COVID-19 resources.  

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Re: [ha-Safran] NLI - Clarification

2020-08-07 Thread Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran
Thank you to Elliot for sending us the articles and to Yoel for his reply.  I 
have talked with an Israeli librarian that said that she believes that it is 
temporary. She said:  “Israle is not the Untied States, it will get better, 
but, sadly,  only librarians and the academia in Jerusalem  care”
I wonder if anyone has info about the library and the librarians from YIVO.
Shabbat shalom.
Amalia Warshenbrot

From: Yoel Finkelman via Hasafran
Sent: Friday, August 7, 2020 7:35 AM
To: hasafran@lists.osu.edu; hasaf...@lists.service.ohio-state.edu
Subject: [ha-Safran] NLI - Clarification

Dear Andrea (and everyone else), 

Please do continue sending us material on your synagogue and community and 
their responses to Covid. 

The National Library of Israel will be on a two week hiatus, essentially as a 
cost cutting measure, given shrinking government budgets and decreased 
donations and income. We will, God willing, be back up and running in 


ד"ר יואל פינקלמן  |  
אוצר אוסף היהדות, ע"ש חיים וחנה סלומון

אגף האוספים

נייד:  050-865-5776
טלפון: 074–733-6112

הספרייה הלאומית, גבעת רם, ירושלים

yoel.finkel...@nli.org.il  |  www.nli.org.il


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AJL HomePage http://www.JewishLibraries.org
Hasafran mailing list

Re: [ha-Safran] NLI - Clarification

2020-08-07 Thread Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran
Thank you to Elliot for sending us the articles and to Yoel for his reply.  I 
have talked with an Israeli librarian that said that she believes that it is 
temporary. She said:  “Israle is not the Untied States, it will get better, 
but, sadly,  only librarians and the academia in Jerusalem  care”
I wonder if anyone has info about the library and the librarians from YIVO.
Shabbat shalom.
Amalia Warshenbrot

From: Yoel Finkelman via Hasafran
Sent: Friday, August 7, 2020 7:35 AM
To: hasafran@lists.osu.edu; hasaf...@lists.service.ohio-state.edu
Subject: [ha-Safran] NLI - Clarification

Dear Andrea (and everyone else), 

Please do continue sending us material on your synagogue and community and 
their responses to Covid. 

The National Library of Israel will be on a two week hiatus, essentially as a 
cost cutting measure, given shrinking government budgets and decreased 
donations and income. We will, God willing, be back up and running in 


ד"ר יואל פינקלמן  |  
אוצר אוסף היהדות, ע"ש חיים וחנה סלומון

אגף האוספים

נייד:  050-865-5776
טלפון: 074–733-6112

הספרייה הלאומית, גבעת רם, ירושלים

yoel.finkel...@nli.org.il  |  www.nli.org.il


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and are not necessarily endorsed by the Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL)
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Hasafran mailing list

[ha-Safran] Thank you for the conference

2020-07-02 Thread Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran
Thanks you to Lisa, Rachel, Marci  and the Chicago  conference committee for 
planning an outstanding conference.  To Lisa for introducing AJL to Socio. It 
is user friendly and cost effective.  To Heidi, Jackie and  Sean for making 
sure that Zoom worked without a glitch  and to the sponsors  without whom 
awards and other expanses would not have been covered.
Amalia Warshenbrot

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Re: [ha-Safran] [AJL-Council] Please welcome Megan Shulman!

2020-06-18 Thread Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran
Megan  is a welcome addiotnal to the  Reviews team.  Her life experience can 
only enhance the reviews.
Amalia W. 

From: Sally Stieglitz via AJL-Council
Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2020 10:15 AM
To: Hasafran; AJL Council; AJL Board; Lisa Silverman; Karen Ulric 
(ajlcopyedi...@gmail.com); Daniel Scheide; Ellen Drucker; Dina Herbert; 
Kathleen Bloomfield; Pinchuck, Chava; Jefferson, Rebecca; Megan Shulman
Subject: [AJL-Council] Please welcome Megan Shulman!

Dear Safranim,

Please join me in welcoming Megan Shulman to our AJL News and Reviews team! 
Megan is one of our new co-editors for children's/teen's reviews. 

Here is Megan's "hello" to you all: 

My name is Megan Shulman, and I am, after many years of being involved with our 
synagogue’s leadership team and community, newly Jew-by-Choice. I am a 
transplant to the Deep South by way of New York, and enjoy learning about the 
diverse historical Jewish experience in our rural city in West Tennessee. I 
have fifteen years of experience as a school librarian, but have also worked as 
both a public and academic librarian. I have a passion for diverse, quality 
Jewish children’s and young adult literature. I am recently disabled, and make 
my home in the tiny town of Medina, Tennessee with my five year old son Calvin 
and my husband Andrew. I am very excited to soon be serving the AJL! 

Wishing you all Shabbat Shalom, 

Sally Stieglitz
Communications and Marketing Coordinator  | Long Island Library Resources 
sstiegl...@lilrc.org | 631-675-1570 x2005 


LILRC is a member of the Empire State Library Network (ESLN)

Follow LILRC on Facebook Twitter Instagram

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Hasafran mailing list

Re: [ha-Safran] Archivist positions at SanDiego County Archives

2020-07-16 Thread Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran
I take this opportunity to credit Barbara for my achievements.  Barbara was one 
of the past presidents when I begun my career. Her name was on the list of 
resources in a booklet tiled HOW TO ORGENIZE A JEWISH LIBRARY (the book was 
edited  in 2016 and updated by Joyce Levine and the new title is   THE JEWISH 
Barbara was always available to answer my questions and give advice.   
Barbara,  I could not have dome it wihtout you and AJL!  Todah Rababh,
Amalia Warshenbrot

From: Barbara Leff via Hasafran
Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2020 4:16 AM
To: Jacqueline Benefraim
Cc: hasafran
Subject: Re: [ha-Safran] Fwd: [west_arch] Archivist positions at SanDiego 
County Archives

Hi Jackie,
I’d love the job but cannot physically do it. 

I don’t know if I told you that I should be a candidate for RIGHT hip 
replacement surgery but doctors say I’m too old (87) and have too many other 
health issues that make them think that I will have poor recovery, or possibly 
no recovery from surgery!!!  AND  I’m allergic to all pain medicines, so I’m 
taking Tylenol for RIGHT hip/leg pain, which is not very strong. 

 Then to add more, I fell last week and injured my LEFT knee so I’m not walking 
too well these days. I’m allergic to all pain medicines so I’m taking Tylenol 
which is not a very strong medicine for pain. Now I’m getting Lidocaine 
injections in my right hip every few weeks for the pain. That is what I live 
with. Thus, I’m resting a lot, walking a little but gingerly, and not taking 
any project that requires continuous movement, like sitting and standing, as an 

Thank you very much for thinking of me. 

Hope all is ok with you. Please note my new email address - byl...@icloud.com. 

Barbara Leff
Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 15, 2020, at 12:20 PM, Jacqueline Benefraim via Hasafran 

I know that this isn't specifically a Judaic job, but if you need work in sunny 
Southern California, you should apply.
-- Forwarded message -
From: Worcester, Aditi 
Date: Wed, Jul 15, 2020 at 11:18 AM
Subject: [west_arch] Archivist positions at San Diego County Archives
To: west_arch 

The San Diego County Archives is hiring! 
Please visit 
 for a complete position description. 
Please note that while the position classification is called “County Records 
Manager”, the position title is “Archivist” and we are looking for experienced 
archives professionals to join our team and help grow our new County Archives 
program (we formally opened in March 2020: 
Applications are being accepted through July 27, 2020. 
Thank you!
Aditi Worcester
County Archivist
San Diego Recorder/County Clerk
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"west_arch" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to west_arch+unsubscr...@lists.berkeley.edu.
To view this discussion on the web visit 

Jackie Ben-Efraim

"Although the books had changed, I the reader had not." Micha Yosef 
Berdichevsky 1865-1921

Special Collections Librarian
Ostrow Library
American Jewish University
15600 Mulholland Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90077
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Re: [ha-Safran] Career changes in Pandemic times....

2020-07-28 Thread Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran
We, at the East Coast, have just turned on our computers to  read Lisa’s email. 
I am sure that the leadership of the Sperber Jewish Community Library had a 
hard time making this decision.
I had the good fortune and honor if working with Lisa when she was SSC 
president and I was her VP.
I can write a whole Megilah of praise, but I will leave it for an article in  
the NEWS.
The success of the last conference is,  mostly, thanks to her hard work.  (For 
example she brought us SOCIO), but her contribution to AJL  and to the 
profession surpass many  of the other dedicated AJL leaders.
Thank you Lisa, for enriching my life ?
Amalia Warshenbrot, past AJL presidnet

From: Lisa Silverman via Hasafran
Sent: Tuesday, July 28, 2020 2:45 AM
To: hasafran@lists.osu.edu
Subject: [ha-Safran] Career changes in Pandemic times

Hello Safranim,
As we all know, librarians are one of the professions suffering at this time 
because our libraries are closed-- and working from home doesn't really cut it. 
So the news is that I have been laid off from my position of library director 
of the Sperber Jewish Community Library and the position has been eliminated. 
The operation of the library and the new digital platform called California 
Jewish Library Consortium will be absorbed into the university's academic 

HOWEVERI am looking forward to beginning my new Library Consulting 
business! I am going to create a website where I will be posting classes, 
reviews, and Zoom book clubs and offering various services to synagogue 
libraries, JCC’s and other small libraries around the country, including 
guidance on how to move their collections to a digital platform. This is a 
perfect time for smaller libraries to begin to consider this type of move.

My old email address is no longer active, so please change my contact info to 
this new email: lisa.silverman2...@outlook.com.

I am still planning to be very involved on the AJL Council and will inform you 
when I have my website up and going. In the meantime, feel free to contact me 
with any ideas or suggestions.

Stay well everyone,
Lisa Silverman

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[ha-Safran] A project idea for synagogue and center libraries

2020-07-27 Thread Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran
The Public Library of Central  Ohio started a project that may be adopted by  
synagogue and center libraries of middle size communities.
The  Cbus library partners with area businesses, donors and volunteers to gift 
high quality books to the community. As programs to the public  is no longer an 
option, they have refocused  on their initiative  Libraries Everywhere program 
to deliver books for all to homes across Central Ohio.
A survey was sent to library patrons and offered to those that replied up to 10 
books per family.  At the same time a  call  for volunteers was sent to the 
library patrons.
See https://cbuslibraries.com/books/
Based on my experience libraries receive many book donations, especially  from 
parents, who received duplicates from the PJ library or their children have 
outgrown the books,  and from  individuals that needed to clean up their 
They had no problem getting  volunteers to drive the books to homes that 
replied to the survey .
It will be a welcome service, especially now, when people of all ages stay home 
and might  find time to clean up their shelves  or enjoy a good book and 
children that  are bored enough to read . 
Volunteers are  committed to wearing a mask at all times when handling books, 
and hand sanitizer is readily available at the  pickup location. All books have 
been quarantined for at least three days. 

Amalia W.


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AJL HomePage http://www.JewishLibraries.org
Hasafran mailing list

Re: [ha-Safran] Books for Jewish assisted living & nursing home facility

2021-01-07 Thread Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran
I’m volunteering with  residents at Jewish assisted living & nursing home. (not 
I suggest a collection of short stories. Some elderlie’s memory is such that, 
by the time they get to the second chapter, they forget the first one. A book 
might frustrate them.
How about Apples from the desert by Savyon Liebrecht ?
My friend sRachel Kamin and Lisa Silevrman can send you a list of, at least, a 
dozen good books. 
Amalia W.  

From: Beth Braunstein via Hasafran
Sent: Thursday, January 7, 2021 9:39 AM
To: Carol Coven Grannick
Cc: hasaf...@lists.service.ohio-state.edu
Subject: Re: [ha-Safran] To be posted, please

How about “inheritance “
By Dani Shapiro
Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 6, 2021, at 7:49 PM, Carol Coven Grannick via Hasafran 

Marcia, it's an older book, but a wonderful book club book: The Jew Store by 
Stella Suberman - a memoir of her observant (in part) family who moves to 
Memphis, where they are the only Jews. Easy to read, lots to discuss.

Carol Grannick 

On Wed, Jan 6, 2021, 5:41 PM Marcia Goldstein via Hasafran 
Could the following be distributed via Hasafran?

Many thanks!

Marcia Goldstein
Library Coordinator
Maurer Jewish Community Library
Jewish Federation of Greater Indianapolis

I am working with a local Jewish assisted living & nursing home facility to 
develop a book club for residents (and possibly their families).
We'd like to start with a light, easy to read book with Jewish content  but one 
that will be accessible to non-Jewish residents also.

I love suggestions of books that would meet that criteria.

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AJL HomePage http://www.JewishLibraries.org
Hasafran mailing list

[ha-Safran] FW: Books for Jewish assisted living & nursing home facility

2021-01-07 Thread Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran
I forgot to add to my email below that you can do one story at a time.
Amalia W.

From: Amalia Warshenbrot
Sent: Thursday, January 7, 2021 10:53 AM
To: Beth Braunstein; Carol Coven Grannick
Cc: hasaf...@lists.service.ohio-state.edu
Subject: RE: [ha-Safran] Books for Jewish assisted living & nursing home 

I’m volunteering with  residents at Jewish assisted living & nursing home. (not 
I suggest a collection of short stories. Some elderlie’s memory is such that, 
by the time they get to the second chapter, they forget the first one. A book 
might frustrate them.
How about Apples from the desert by Savyon Liebrecht ?
My friend sRachel Kamin and Lisa Silevrman can send you a list of, at least, a 
dozen good books. 
Amalia W.  

From: Beth Braunstein via Hasafran
Sent: Thursday, January 7, 2021 9:39 AM
To: Carol Coven Grannick
Cc: hasaf...@lists.service.ohio-state.edu
Subject: Re: [ha-Safran] To be posted, please

How about “inheritance “
By Dani Shapiro
Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 6, 2021, at 7:49 PM, Carol Coven Grannick via Hasafran 

Marcia, it's an older book, but a wonderful book club book: The Jew Store by 
Stella Suberman - a memoir of her observant (in part) family who moves to 
Memphis, where they are the only Jews. Easy to read, lots to discuss.

Carol Grannick 

On Wed, Jan 6, 2021, 5:41 PM Marcia Goldstein via Hasafran 
Could the following be distributed via Hasafran?

Many thanks!

Marcia Goldstein
Library Coordinator
Maurer Jewish Community Library
Jewish Federation of Greater Indianapolis

I am working with a local Jewish assisted living & nursing home facility to 
develop a book club for residents (and possibly their families).
We'd like to start with a light, easy to read book with Jewish content  but one 
that will be accessible to non-Jewish residents also.

I love suggestions of books that would meet that criteria.

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and are not necessarily endorsed by the Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL)
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and are not necessarily endorsed by the Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL)
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Re: [ha-Safran] AJL News and Reviews - lastest issue is available!

2020-12-03 Thread Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran
Ditto ! 
The NEWS has never been so informative.  The photos and illustrations ads to 
its beautry.
Amalia Warshenbrot 

From: Aileen Grossberg via Hasafran
Sent: Thursday, December 3, 2020 8:52 AM
To: hasafran@lists.osu.edu
Subject: Re: [ha-Safran] AJL News and Reviews - lastest issue is available!


Wonderful issue!  Loved the interview with Jessica Meir.

Aileen Grossberg

-Original Message-
From: Sally Stieglitz via Hasafran 
To: Hasafran 
Sent: Wed, Dec 2, 2020 10:34 am
Subject: [ha-Safran] AJL News and Reviews - lastest issue is available!
Dear Safranim, 

 AJL News and Reviews December/January issue is hot off  the presses

[Please remember, you must be logged in as a member to see current issues.] 

Some highlights you won't want to miss!

Our interview with NASA astronaut Jessica Meir!

The development of the  British Library's new exhibit - Hebrew Manuscripts: 
Journeys of the Written Word- as told by the lead curator!! 

TheThrill of Cataloging Hebrew Incunabula at the Library of Congress!

Reviews of the latest Jewish books for children, teens, adults!!! 

Can't access the newsletter? Please consider joining AJL...News and Reviews is 
just one of many benefits of membership. 

Kind regards, 
Sally Stieglitz 

Sally Stieglitz
AJL News and Reviews, Editor-in-Chief
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and are not necessarily endorsed by the Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL)
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Questions, problems, complaints, compliments send to: galro...@osu.edu
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Hasafran mailing list

Re: [ha-Safran] Website: Jewish Book Cultures in the Early Modern World

2021-01-22 Thread Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran
Thanks  you.  It is beautiful. 
Amalia W.

From: Jacqueline Benefraim via Hasafran
Sent: Friday, January 22, 2021 4:29 PM
To: Michelle Chesner
Cc: Hasafran
Subject: Re: [ha-Safran] Website: Jewish Book Cultures in the Early Modern World

Dear Michelle,

You have put a great deal of work to create this online course and to share it 
freely was so generous of you.

Shabbat Shalom,


On Fri, Jan 22, 2021 at 1:09 PM Michelle Chesner via Hasafran 
Dear colleagues,

I hope this email finds you well.  I am co-teaching a course this semester on 
the history of the Jewish book. Of course, this course should ideally take 
place in a rare book room, with physical examples of the materials laid out 
before the students. Alas, present circumstances do not allow this, so I put 
together a website with examples of the concepts/books being discussed. It's 
openly available, and relies (where possible) on IIIF technology to allow 
page-turning within the site (so there may be a slight lag as the page loads).  
Obviously, the site was created for a specific classroom context (as reflected 
in the page divisions), but it is my hope that it will prove useful to others 
in teaching and learning beyond this one class and semester.


My best,

Michelle Chesner
Norman E. Alexander Librarian for Jewish Studies, Columbia University
Vice President, Association of Jewish Libraries
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Hasafran mailing list

Jackie Ben-Efraim

"Although the books had changed, I the reader had not." Micha Yosef 
Berdichevsky 1865-1921

Special Collections Librarian
Ostrow Library
American Jewish University
15600 Mulholland Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90077

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[ha-Safran] !Yiddish words to describe 2020

2021-01-01 Thread Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran
I’m not sure how to spell it in English.
 Farkakte yahr.

From: Sally Stieglitz via Hasafran
Sent: Friday, January 1, 2021 3:23 PM
To: rhaus_...@yahoo.com
Cc: Hasafran; B Weinstein
Subject: Re: [ha-Safran] Call for submissions AJL News and Reviews!

You all have a rich vocabulary! Good shabbos ---first of 2021!

On Fri, Jan 1, 2021 at 2:02 PM rhaus_...@yahoo.com  wrote:
Don't forget ferklemt!

Rachel Haus
Library Director
Congregation of Moses Fisher Library
Kalamazoo MI

On Friday, January 1, 2021, 11:19:30 AM EST, B Weinstein via Hasafran 

Oysgezoomt--one of the new words of 2020 that have been accepted into English 
vocabulary  according to Wall Street Journal.
Love it!!!
Hope this year is better than the last one.


On Thursday, December 31, 2020, 04:17:53 PM EST, Michelle Chesner via Hasafran 


On Thu, Dec 31, 2020 at 3:13 PM Sally Stieglitz via Hasafran 
Dear Safranim,

First, I want to wish you all a happy and healthy New Year!! What are your best 
Yiddish words to describe 2020? I'm going with fakakte. (Replies welcome...best 
ones may/may not appear in editor's note). 

I also want to invite you all to consider writing for the News portion of News 
and Reviews. We crowdsource some of our best articles from you, our readership 
and community. Did something interesting happen at your library? In Jewish 
museums, archives, collections? Maybe something library related that is a great 
story? Why not share it with our readership? Articles can be brief or longer, 
as suits your topic. 

Why write for us? 
1. Sharing is caring
2. A publication credit for your resume/linkedin/CV!
2. A warm fuzzy feeling of being a published writer 

How tos: 
1. Email me (not reply all) and pitch a topic...
2. We will work with your timeline 
3. When it's published, let your mom know so she can humble brag 

Thanks and happy new year to all, 

Sally Stieglitz
AJL News and Reviews, Editor-in-Chief

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Re: [ha-Safran] !Yiddish words to describe 2020

2021-01-02 Thread Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran
Dear veronica,
Thanks for the correction.   I know that you are one of AJL expert on Yiddish,
Also, Please tell is how is South Africa handling the Covid 19 virus. 
Amalia W.

From: Veronica Belling
Sent: Saturday, January 2, 2021 1:10 AM
To: Amalia Warshenbrot
Cc: Sally Stieglitz; rhaus_...@yahoo.com; B Weinstein; Hasafran
Subject: Re: [ha-Safran] !Yiddish words to describe 2020

Farkakte yor! Jahr/ Yahr is the German pronunciation!!

Happy New Year!! Veronica

On Sat, 2 Jan 2021 01:16 Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran, 
I’m not sure how to spell it in English.
Farkakte yahr.
From: Sally Stieglitz via Hasafran
Sent: Friday, January 1, 2021 3:23 PM
To: rhaus_...@yahoo.com
Cc: Hasafran; B Weinstein
Subject: Re: [ha-Safran] Call for submissions AJL News and Reviews!
You all have a rich vocabulary! Good shabbos ---first of 2021!
On Fri, Jan 1, 2021 at 2:02 PM rhaus_...@yahoo.com  wrote:
Don't forget ferklemt!
Rachel Haus
Library Director
Congregation of Moses Fisher Library
Kalamazoo MI
On Friday, January 1, 2021, 11:19:30 AM EST, B Weinstein via Hasafran 
Oysgezoomt--one of the new words of 2020 that have been accepted into English 
vocabulary  according to Wall Street Journal.
Love it!!!
Hope this year is better than the last one.
On Thursday, December 31, 2020, 04:17:53 PM EST, Michelle Chesner via Hasafran 
On Thu, Dec 31, 2020 at 3:13 PM Sally Stieglitz via Hasafran 
Dear Safranim,
First, I want to wish you all a happy and healthy New Year!! What are your best 
Yiddish words to describe 2020? I'm going with fakakte. (Replies welcome...best 
ones may/may not appear in editor's note). 
I also want to invite you all to consider writing for the News portion of News 
and Reviews. We crowdsource some of our best articles from you, our readership 
and community. Did something interesting happen at your library? In Jewish 
museums, archives, collections? Maybe something library related that is a great 
story? Why not share it with our readership? Articles can be brief or longer, 
as suits your topic. 
Why write for us? 
1. Sharing is caring
2. A publication credit for your resume/linkedin/CV!
2. A warm fuzzy feeling of being a published writer 
How tos: 
1. Email me (not reply all) and pitch a topic...
2. We will work with your timeline 
3. When it's published, let your mom know so she can humble brag 
Thanks and happy new year to all, 

Sally Stieglitz
AJL News and Reviews, Editor-in-Chief
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Re: [ha-Safran] AJL Library Accreditation 2021

2021-01-04 Thread Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran
>From personal experience the Accreditation as well as the renewals brought 
>excellence  to my institution. 
Amalia W.

From: S Kurzmann via Hasafran
Sent: Monday, January 4, 2021 2:31 AM
To: hasaf...@lists.service.ohio-state.edu
Subject: [ha-Safran] AJL Library Accreditation 2021

(Please post - Thanks! Shaindy)

There are many reasons to apply for or to renew AJL library accreditation. AJL 
members have found that library accreditation: 
• Encourages the librarian to review the library resources, identify the 
strengths and weaknesses of the collection, resources and programs, and plan 
for library enhancements
• Raises the profile of the library in the eyes of the organization and 
• Reasserts the status of the librarian as a key professional administering a 
state-of-the-art facility with much to contribute to the parent organization
Applications for accreditation or for renewal of accreditation are available on 
the AJL website and  are due February 16, 2021. 

Looking forward to receiving your applications!
Shaindy Kurzmann
Chair, AJL Accreditation Committee

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Re: [ha-Safran] AJL Collection Policy Examples

2021-01-12 Thread Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran
Allow me to recommend that you purchase the book THE JEWISH LIBRART HANDBOOK by 
Joyce Levine and Margot S. Berman, published by AJL in 2016.
You will get answer to many other questions.
Amalia Warshenbrot, AJL Past president 

From: Lois via Hasafran
Sent: Tuesday, January 12, 2021 6:20 PM
To: hasaf...@lists.service.ohio-state.edu
Subject: [ha-Safran] AJL Collection Policy Examples

Our small synagogue library is looking for  examples of collection policies to 
review in preparing a collection policy to guide our acquisition of books and 
assist us in weeding books from our collection. 
Thank you for your assistance.
Lois Zuckerman, Co-Chair
Library Committee 
Congregation Beth El of Montgomery County
Bethesda, Maryland
Cell 240-462-1396
Sent from my iPhone by LoisZ
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[ha-Safran] A journey across the Jewish past: Inside The Jewish Theological Seminary Library’s

2021-01-31 Thread Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran
Please note the Feb. 24th session, and, of course, the other  18 Events in 
February at  The Temple Emanu-El Streicker Center
Amalia W.

From: The Temple Emanu-El Streicker Center
Sent: Sunday, January 31, 2021 10:02 AM
To: amalia...@att.net
Subject: 18 Events in February @ The Temple Emanu-El Streicker Center








6:00 PM EST

This Is What Jewish Looks Like:
writer, feminist and activist Rebecca Walker

11:30 AM EST

Michael Solomonov
on Bringing Israel Home 
in conversation with Lior Lev Sercarz

6:00 PM EST

This Is What Jewish Looks Like:
Photographer and filmmaker born into the Beta Israel community, Avishai Mekonen










11:30 AM EST

Women Inspiring Women:
Journalism legend 
Nina Totenberg

6:30 PM EST

Your Honor:
Bryan Cranston with the 
show’s cast and creators

6:30 PM EST

Ayaan Hirsi Ali: The sexual violence even the #METOO movement won’t discuss










6:30 PM EST

Mark Harris on Mike Nichols: A Life. King of comedy, stage and film

6:00 PM EST

This Is What Jewish Looks Like:
Senior Jewish Educator in the Chaplain’s Office at Yale University, Rabbi 
Isaama Goldstein-Stoll

11:00 AM EST

Women on the Move:
Author Zibby Owens










7:00 PM EST

How to Avoid a Climate Disaster Book Launch
Bill Gates in conversation with Trevor Noah

11:30 AM EST

Women Inspiring Women:
Actress, comedian and bestselling author Tiffany Haddish

6:30 PM EST

Bestselling author
James Patterson on 
Walk in My Combat Boots










6:00 PM EST

This Is What Jewish Looks Like:
Culinary historian and anthropologist Michael W. Twitty

11:00 AM EST

Women on the Move:
Author Jeanine Cummins

7:00 PM EST

Not your bubby’s latkes:
Jake Cohen on 
Jew-ish: A Cookbook










11:00 AM EST

A journey across the Jewish past: Inside The Jewish Theological Seminary 
Library’s Rare Book Collection

11:30 AM EST

Women Inspiring Women:
Actress, neuroscientist and author Mayim Bialik

7:00 PM EST

The Most Fun Program 
Since 357 BCE:
The Masked Megillah
Emanu-El Edition




We are happy to offer these webinars free of charge in these challenging times 
and hope you enjoy them. Any contribution to support our efforts is appreciated.

Temple Emanu-El welcomes you! Join Our Temple


The Temple Emanu-El Streicker Center | One East Sixty-Fifth Street, New York, 
NY 10065 
Unsubscribe amalia...@att.net 
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Try email marketing for free today! 

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Hasafran mailing list

[ha-Safran] I need the following article.

2021-01-30 Thread Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran
I hope that all my colegeus are well,
I need the following article.  I don’t have a subscription to Ha’atretz.  
Shtet Lit? Two new novels blend Jewish past and future in surreal ways - Books 
- Haaretz.com
Your help will be appreciated,
Amalia W. amalia...@att.met

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Hasafran mailing list

[ha-Safran] Looking for a short story FOR ADULTS that has the High Holidays in the background

2021-06-19 Thread Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran
The summer has not officially started and I’m already thinking of the High 
I’m looking for a short story for ADULTS,  that is connected with the High 
I will need a scan or a link to the text, because the local library’s budget is 
too limited for ordering collections of short stories. 
Wishing Y’all a pleasant summer,
Amalia W., North Carolina 704-365-3313 

Sent from my iPad
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[ha-Safran] Yehudah' Amichai poem on the Binding of Isaac

2021-05-18 Thread Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran
Yehudah Amicahi wrote a poem, I have read it 30 years ago.  I believe that the 
title is Akedat Yizhak. 
I will be grateful if you have it in English translation and can scan and send 
it to me before Thursday Evening.
Amalia Warshenbrot amalia...@att.net

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and are not necessarily endorsed by the Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL)
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[ha-Safran] Study text on Jewish Ethics

2021-04-29 Thread Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran
A group with limited background in Judaism is looking for a textbook to study 
Jewish Ethics.  They don’t want Pirkai Avot nor do they want A Code of Jewish 
Ethics by  Telushkin.
Your suggestions will be appreciated.
Amalia W.
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Re: [ha-Safran] Rachel Kamin Named Fanny Goldstein Merit Award Winner

2021-04-23 Thread Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran
Mazal tov to Rachel ! I can’t think of a more deserving librarian.  I was sure 
that she has received the award ages ago.  When I  first met Rachel she was 
still in Detroit, I imagined her as AJL president,  but then she concentrated 
on her family. Later she turned down the nomination to become SSC president.
I turn to her advise often and always get help.  I never miss her presentations 
at the confernces. 
Rachel, AJL is lucky to have you,
Amalia W.

From: Rebecca Levitan via Hasafran
Sent: Friday, April 23, 2021 5:25 AM
To: hasaf...@lists.service.ohio-state.edu
Subject: [ha-Safran] Rachel Kamin Named Fanny Goldstein Merit Award Winner

For More Information Contact:
Zachary Baker, Chair
Fanny Goldstein Merit Award
Association of Jewish Libraries

April 22 , 2021
2021 Fanny Goldstein Merit Award Winner Announced

In advance of the 2021 Virtual Conference, the Association of Jewish Libraries 
is pleased to announce that longtime member Rachel Kamin has been named the 
2021 Fanny Goldstein Merit Award Winner. “On behalf of the Fanny Goldstein 
Merit Award committee, we are proud to have been given the opportunity to honor 
Rachel Kamin as this year’s recipient of the Award. Over the years, Rachel has 
contributed so much to the Association of Jewish Libraries, to the field of 
Judaica librarianship, and to librarianship as a profession overall. On very 
short notice and under challenging circumstances, she played a pivotal role in 
transforming AJL’s 2020 conference from an in-person to a highly successful 
virtual event. Rachel’s passionate devotion to public service is a model for us 
all, and she truly personifies the values and legacy of the Award’s namesake, 
Fanny Goldstein.” said committee chair Zachary Baker.
The Fanny Goldstein Merit Award, named for the librarian, social activist and 
founder of National Jewish Book Month, is bestowed in recognition of loyal and 
ongoing contributions to the Association Of Jewish Libraries and to the 
profession of Judaica librarianship.
Born on May 15, 1895 [some sources say 1888], Fanny Goldstein devoted her life 
to books and community. She was the first female Judaica librarian and the 
first woman to direct a branch library in Massachusetts, where she was head of 
Boston's West End Branch for many years. A prominent figure in the Boston 
Jewish community, she is best known as the founder of Jewish Book Week, which 
began when Goldstein organized a display of Jewish books at the Boston Public 
Library in 1925.
Rachel Kamin has been a synagogue librarian for over 20 years and is currently 
the Director of the Joseph and Mae Gray Cultural & Learning Center at North 
Suburban Synagogue Beth El in Highland Park, Illinois.  She serves on the 
Association of Jewish Libraries New Jewish Fiction Award Committee and 
contributes articles and book reviews to BookLinks, School Library Journal, 
Jewish Book World, Judaica Librarianship, Library Journal, and AJL Reviews.  
She contributed a chapter on recommended children’s books to The Tot Shabbat 
Handbook: A Practical Guide for Engaging Young Families in Congregational Life 
edited by Paula Feldstein (URJ Press, 2010) and co-authored a chapter about 
Jewish children’s literature for Reading and Teaching with Diverse Nonfiction 
Children’s Books: Representations and Possibilities, to be published in the 
summer of 2021 by the National Council for Teachers of English. She facilitates 
book discussions for five Chicago area synagogues as well as for other 
organizations and private groups.  Rachel holds a BA in history from Grinnell 
College and a master’s degree in library and information science from the 
University of Michigan. 
In addition, Rachel has been a member of AJL for at least 20 years and has 
attended the AJL Conference regularly. After the decision was made to not hold 
the conference live in Chicago in 2020 as planned, Rachel restructured the 
face-to-face conference that she had planned, into AJL’s first Virtual 
Conference. This year, Rachel is coordinating all the programming for the 2021 
Virtual Conference and working with the planning committee to ensure that the 
divisions get the program they desire.This year she has also been moderating 
AJL’s “Serving Students” Virtual Roundtable and facilitated the Purim book 

Since the spring of 2020, Rachel has delivered over 20 Zoom presentations on 
Jewish fiction for Hadassah, the Women’s League for Conservative Judaism, 
American Jewish University, and the Judaica Network of Metropolitan Chicago, as 
well as for synagogues and Jewish groups across the country. She also 
facilitates book discussions for five Chicago area synagogues as well as for 
other organizations and private groups.
In addition to all of the above, Rachel has been the 

Re: [ha-Safran] AJL Announces Award Winners

2021-02-08 Thread Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran

Congratulation to the recipients and to the committee. I know that it is a 
great challenge and a big commitment. I have read The Lost Shtetl. It is an 
excellent choice.
Thanks you to Dan Wyman Books for underwriting the Award.
Amalia W.

From: i...@jewishlibraries.org
Sent: Monday, February 8, 2021 10:30 AM
To: amalia...@att.net
Subject: AJL Announces Award Winners

AJL Announces the Jewish Fiction Award winners
February 8, 2021
The Association of Jewish Libraries Announces the 2021 Winners of the Jewish 
Fiction Award
Max Gross is the winner of the Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL) Jewish 
Fiction Award for his novel The Lost Shtetl, published by HarperVia, an imprint 
of HarperCollins Publishers. The award includes a $1,000 cash prize and support 
to attend the 57th Annual Conference of the Association of Jewish Libraries,  
June 27–July 1, 2021. Two honor books were also recognized: To Be a Man: 
Stories by Nicole Krauss, published by Harper, an imprint of HarperCollins 
Publishers, and Apeirogon: A Novel by Colum McCann, published by Penguin Random 
House. The Committee reviewed over 70 works of fiction originally written in 
English with significant Jewish thematic content published in the United States 
in 2020. Thanks to all those who submitted entries for consideration. The wide 
array of books published in 2020 is a testament to the vibrant state of 
contemporary Jewish fiction.
In many ways Kreskol, the nominal Lost Shtetl, is a typical 19th century Polish 
village. It has the expected mix of competing synagogues and schools; happy and 
miserable families; and comfortable and poor inhabitants. What is surprising 
about Kreskol is that in Brigadoon style, it survived deep in the forests with 
no connection to the outside world. Set during the end of the 20th century,  
Lost Shtetl  tells the story of a town neglected by time, unaware of the 
Holocaust or the creation of the state of Israel. When the Polish government 
“finds” Kreskol, there is massive culture shock on both sides. The Jewish 
villagers must decide how much to embrace the modern world and the Polish 
government has to decide how much they want to invest in this small contentious 
village. “An impressive debut novel, The Lost Shtetl is a thoroughly enjoyable 
story, with lots of humor, but also incredibly sophisticated, clever, poignant 
and thought provoking,” noted Laura Schutzman, Chair of the Award Committee.
The ten stories in To Be a Man by Nicole Krauss deal with the struggle to 
understand what it is to be a man and what it is to be a woman, and all of the 
tensions in the relationships between parents and children, lovers and friends, 
husbands and wives. All contemporary, they span the globe from Switzerland, 
Japan, and New York City to Tel Aviv, Los Angeles, and South America. “Each is 
impactful and memorable with fully developed characters, often wrestling with 
their Jewish identity, who stay with you long after the reading experience is 
over,” commented Rachel Kamin, member of the Award Committee.   
Apeirogon, in telling the story of two fathers, an Israeli and a Palestinian 
united in grief after losing their daughters to the conflict,  weaves together 
fiction and nonfiction, crossing centuries and continents, to create a 
multifaceted and multilayered exploration of history, art, politics, love, 
loss, hope, and the power of storytelling. An apeirogon is a shape with an 
infinitely countable number of sides; Apeirogon, the novel, “evokes a mosaic 
with an infinitely countable number of pieces that have been assembled into a 
beautifully written, emotionally charged, and exceedingly relevant work of 
fiction,” remarked Paula Breger, member of the Award Committee. The intricacies 
and conflicting themes  of Aperigon are sure to elicit much debate and 
Laura Schutzman
The AJL Jewish Fiction Award Committee members are Paula Breger, Beth Dwoskin, 
Rachel Kamin, Laura Schutzman, and Sheryl Stahl.
The Association of Jewish Libraries gratefully acknowledges the generous 
support of Dan Wyman Books for underwriting the Award. Submissions for the 2022 
AJL Fiction Award (titles published in 2021) are now being accepted. For more 
information, please visit 
The Association of Jewish Libraries is an all-volunteer professional 
organization that promotes Jewish literacy through enhancement of libraries and 
library resources and through leadership for the profession and practitioners 
of Judaica librarianship. The Association fosters access to information, 
learning, teaching and research relating to Jews, Judaism, the Jewish 
experience and Israel.
View the complete announcement here: 

Re: [ha-Safran] I need the following article.

2021-01-31 Thread Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran
Thanks.  Barry Walfish has sent to me already. I knew that I could count on my 
AJL friends,
Shavua tov,
Amalia W.

From: Haim A Gottschalk
Sent: Saturday, January 30, 2021 8:09 PM
To: Amalia Warshenbrot
Subject: Re: [ha-Safran] I need the following article.

Hi Amalia,

I can get this page for on Monday, February 1.

Kol tuv,

On Saturday, January 30, 2021, 4:40:26 PM EST, Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran 

I hope that all my colegeus are well,
I need the following article.  I don’t have a subscription to Ha’atretz.  
Shtet Lit? Two new novels blend Jewish past and future in surreal ways - Books 
- Haaretz.com
Your help will be appreciated,
Amalia W. amalia...@att.met
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and are not necessarily endorsed by the Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL)
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and are not necessarily endorsed by the Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL)
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AJL HomePage http://www.JewishLibraries.org
Hasafran mailing list

Re: [ha-Safran] Retirement and job opening

2021-03-08 Thread Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran
Dear Beverly,
I wish you a good retirement.Many of the librarians that I have met at my 
first conference (1991) are retired,  but, I’m sure that the heart stays with 
Good luck,
Amalia  Warshenbrot

From: Mrs. Beverly Geller via Hasafran
Sent: Monday, March 8, 2021 10:18 AM
To: hasafran
Subject: [ha-Safran] Retirement and job opening

Dear Colleagues:

After many years as librarian at Yeshivat Frisch/The Frisch School, I will be 
retiring at the end of this school year.  I want to thank the many librarians 
across the country who have come to my aid in locating all sorts of material, 
and making me look good.  A special shout out to Yossi for all of his help.

I am attaching a job description for the position here.  Please pass on the 
information to any potential candidates that you may know.  Frisch is a great 
place to work.  Amazing administration, dedicated teachers, and great kids.   I 
am happy to answer any questions.

Beverly Geller
The Frisch School
ישיבת פריש
120 W. Century Rd.
Paramus, NJ 07652

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[ha-Safran] Thinking of you

2021-02-17 Thread Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran
Dear colleagues in Texas. Your friends hope that power (and heating) will 
restore soon or that you will find a warm comfortable place.
Amalia W.

Sent from my iPad
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Re: [ha-Safran] question about kippot

2021-08-25 Thread Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran
Mr.  Lauer,
This is interesting. I thought that it was  common only in Israel.
I still wonder was there a “policy” that suggested that  Reform Rabbis “should” 
not  wear a Kippah ?
Amalia W.

From: Joseph I. Lauer via Hasafran
Sent: Wednesday, August 25, 2021 12:11 AM
To: hasaf...@lists.service.ohio-state.edu
Subject: [ha-Safran] question about kippot

May I move the timeline a bit?
When I came up in 1953 from Miami Beach to attend the 9th grade in YU’s 
Brooklyn Talmudical Academy, my late Aunt Rosalind Lauer made a knitted Kippah 
for me. It was blue with a red band running around it near the edge.
Others in that school and in other Yeshivot (including the Yeshiva of Flatbush 
where my cousins were students) were already wearing knitted Kippot.
Unfortunately, those relatives are no longer with us so I cannot ask about the 
source or inspiration for those early knitted Kippot.
Joseph I. Lauer
Brooklyn, New York

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Re: [ha-Safran] leaving the AJL universe...

2021-10-11 Thread Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran
I do remember your emails and you will be missed, however, I want you to know 
that the rate for retires is, I believe, $35. 
You might consider staying as member and support the organization.

From: amyturim--- via Hasafran
Sent: Monday, October 11, 2021 12:13 PM
To: Hasafran to post
Subject: [ha-Safran] leaving the AJL universe...

Friends – While I’ve met very few of you in person, I nonetheless wanted to 
thank AJL as a group for the online camaraderie and support I’ve received 
through HaSafran these many years -- at least 15.  My tenure as Librarian at 
Temple Emanuel, Kensington, MD came to an end this summer -- so I need to let 
my AJL membership lapse -- and THIS has been a wonderful community.  
As so many of us do, I fell into my job unexpectedly.  No, I’m not a real 
librarian, but with a background in film archives and preservation, my 
knowledge of collections management served me well.  Much of the rest came from 
what I picked up on this listserve or what I read in the AJL News and Reviews. 
I was able to sharpen and adjust my skills to fit the needs of my small 
synagogue library collection, and soon I was even providing support to others 
on the list!  

This is a generous, forward-thinking, open-minded community of knowledgeable 
men and women, and I will truly miss the little corner of the web-o-sphere.  
Thank you for the years of standing at my back and providing me with superb 
institutional and personal support.

Stay healthy, everyone  – L’hitraot.
Amy Turim
Temple Emanuel
Kensington, MD

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[ha-Safran] Today (Sunday 10/10) webinar

2021-10-11 Thread Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran
Thank you to the Capital Area Chapter for another fascinating webinar.
Dr. Erica Brown’s  talk about the book of Esther is an “eye opener”
I’m glad that the recording will be available because I hope to share idea from 
it with my study group before Purim (or even before Halloween).
Amalia W.

Sent from my iPad
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Re: [ha-Safran] American Jewish University Library

2021-10-05 Thread Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran
Thank you for Donnie for reminding me of it. The attendees of the last in 
person conference (was in in 2018 ?) had a post conference trip to the American 
Jewish Uni  Library that included a Kosher lunch.
Please keep in mind that AJL often offers such  post conference trips. Those 
trips are a real treat.
And, yes! Jackie and Lisa Silverman were the hosts. Both are expectational 
Amalia W.

Sent from my iPad

> On Oct 4, 2021, at 5:30 PM, Daniel Stuhlman via Hasafran 
>  wrote:
> I was in Los Angeles for all of Sukkot.  Since I like to visit libraries, I 
> arranged with Jackie Ben-Efraim of AJU to visit.  I met Jackie online at the 
> AJL conference and discovered that she shares my interest in collecting 
> postcards.
> On Thursday of Hol Hamoed I visited AJU Library.  I want to tell everyone 
> this is an amazing library with unique treasures and facilities that 
> demonstrate this is one of best Judaica libraries in the country.  Jackie was 
> a most gracious and knowledgeable host. I thank her and all the people who 
> work for the institution.
> Todah rabah,
> Donnie
> -- 
> Daniel D. Stuhlman
> Chicago, IL
> dstuhlman at  gmail.com
> Blog: Kol Safran  
> LinkedIn 
> profile.https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.linkedin.com/in/daniel-d-stuhlman-b49a187/__;!!KGKeukY!gtUw8Wh5PpoFYwyku-sTRZLjrw3et_U9qEsVxhJpeP7bf5zNcvQTaz-S7pFMcskK-Wc$
> __
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> ==
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> hasaf...@lists.service.ohio-state.edu
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> https://lists.service.ohio-state.edu/mailman/listinfo/hasafran
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> Ha-Safran Archives:
> Current:
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> Earlier Listserver:
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> AJL HomePage 
> https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.JewishLibraries.org__;!!KGKeukY!gtUw8Wh5PpoFYwyku-sTRZLjrw3et_U9qEsVxhJpeP7bf5zNcvQTaz-S7pFMxV1ntpk$
> --
> Hasafran mailing list
> Hasafran@lists.osu.edu
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Re: [ha-Safran] good and welfare

2021-12-04 Thread Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran
Dear Sheryl,
Good luck on your new adventure.  You were very helpful to me both as AJL 
treasurer,  webmaster (did you hold other positions ?) and as an excellent  
Amalia W.

From: Stahl, Sheryl via Hasafran
Sent: Thursday, December 2, 2021 2:56 PM
To: Hasafran
Subject: [ha-Safran] good and welfare

Hi all,

I wanted to let you know that as Jan. 14, 2022, I will no longer be at Hebrew 
Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion. I’ve decided it is time for a 
change for me and I’m trying to figure out my next adventure. After working for 
the library for pretty much all of my adult life, it is hard to leave. I have 
an amazing group of friends and colleagues at the college. 

I’m planning on staying active in AJL so you’ll keep hearing from me. I don’t 
yet know the plan for replacing me. 

All the best,

Sheryl Stahl (she, her)
Library Director, Frances-Henry Library
Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion

3077 University Avenue
Los Angeles CA 90007

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Re: [ha-Safran] good and welfare

2021-12-04 Thread Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran
Dear Sheryl,
Good luck on your new adventure.  You were very helpful to me both as AJL 
treasurer,  webmaster (did you hold other positions ?) and as an excellent  
Amalia W.

From: Stahl, Sheryl via Hasafran
Sent: Thursday, December 2, 2021 2:56 PM
To: Hasafran
Subject: [ha-Safran] good and welfare

Hi all,

I wanted to let you know that as Jan. 14, 2022, I will no longer be at Hebrew 
Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion. I’ve decided it is time for a 
change for me and I’m trying to figure out my next adventure. After working for 
the library for pretty much all of my adult life, it is hard to leave. I have 
an amazing group of friends and colleagues at the college. 

I’m planning on staying active in AJL so you’ll keep hearing from me. I don’t 
yet know the plan for replacing me. 

All the best,

Sheryl Stahl (she, her)
Library Director, Frances-Henry Library
Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion

3077 University Avenue
Los Angeles CA 90007

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Re: [ha-Safran] Looking for Jewish Book Vendor to Come to my Southern California Synagogue for Purim Carnival

2021-12-27 Thread Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran
Barns and Noble used to give books, but they will not come to your synagogue.   
You will get a certain percentage of the sale.   They also gave  bags and other 
promo  material.
I don’t know if they are still dingo it and if they do it in every location, 
but they count on you to make a list of the books and the quantities.
Amalia W. 

From: Sussman, Joanna via Hasafran
Sent: Monday, December 27, 2021 12:58 PM
To: Michelle Sandler; Hasafran
Subject: Re: [ha-Safran] Looking for Jewish Book Vendor to Come to my Southern 
California Synagogue for Purim Carnival

Kar-Ben offers online book fairs, as well as on-site fairs where books can be 
viewed and orders taken. Please let me know if you’d like more information 
about either of these. You might also try your local indie bookstore that might 
be willing to come in, although they’d likely need to pre-order Jewish books to 
have on hand. Another alternative is to invite an author of a Purim book to 
come for a reading and book sale/signing. 
Joni Sussman
Kar-Ben Publishing

Get Outlook for iOS

From: Hasafran  on behalf 
of Michelle Sandler via Hasafran 
Sent: Saturday, December 25, 2021 7:54:08 PM
To: Hasafran 
Subject: [ha-Safran] Looking for Jewish Book Vendor to Come to my Southern 
California Synagogue for Purim Carnival 
I am looking for a Jewish Book Vendor to come to my Reform synagogue in 
Westminster in Orange County California for our annual Purim carnival.  Does 
anyone know of any?  I want a selection of Jewish books on site to browse from. 

Michelle Sandler MLS
Volunteer Librarian
Beth David
Westminster, California

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[ha-Safran] FW: What are the criteria for calling the books in a dedicated space a library.

2021-12-31 Thread Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran
I’m resending my email because it must have not make it to Hasafran.

From: Amalia Warshenbrot
Sent: Friday, December 31, 2021 9:35 AM
To: Ilka Gordon; hasafran@lists.osu.edu
Subject: What are the criteria for calling the books in a dedicated space a 

Ilka is asking two valid questions (see below).
1.What are the criteria for calling the books in a dedicated space a  library.
The requirements for basic accreditation is 1,500  books (members can view the 
application at  AJL-Basic_Accreditation-2022.docx (live.com) . As past past 
past chair of the Accreditation Commiittee  I believe that  this is a good 
number. The books, music and other teaching aids must be cataloged. 
 The library should be  staffed with a trained librarian or a person with 
Judaic knowledge. 
It is important to have a budget for acquisition.  Without new books and other 
library material it is only a room with old  books.  Many might be outdated or 
in poor condition.  The borrowing and collection development policies (which 
includes weeding)  need to be  approved by the library committee. 
 2.What  will qualify for the support the donor would like to give to a 
synagogue library?.
I will add to the above an attractive welcoming well lit space with clear 
signs, opened and staffed AT LEAST 10 hours a week.  Also it will be easier to 
attract a donor with good programs,  written articles and  publicity. 
I have been retired for many years.  I am sure that my colleagues can add a few 
more MUST haves.

Amalia Warshenbrot,  AJL Past president (past SSCPL Presidnet too) 

From: Ilka Gordon via Hasafran
Sent: Thursday, December 30, 2021 6:03 PM
To: hasafran@lists.osu.edu
Subject: [ha-Safran] Michelle Chesner library support

What are the criteria for calling the books in a dedicated space a  library.  
My synagogue has a library of mostly seforim (religious books, tanach 
,commentaries in both Hebrew and English) which teachers use in classes given 
at the synagogue.  Does that qualify for the support the donor would like to 
give to a synagogue library?

Ilka Gordon


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and are not necessarily endorsed by the Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL)
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Hasafran mailing list

[ha-Safran] What are the criteria for calling the books in a dedicated space a library.

2021-12-31 Thread Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran
Ilka is asking two valid questions (see below).
1.What are the criteria for calling the books in a dedicated space a  library.
The requirements for basic accreditation is 1,500  books (members can view the 
application at  AJL-Basic_Accreditation-2022.docx (live.com) . As past past 
past chair of the Accreditation Commiittee  I believe that  this is a good 
number. The books, music and other teaching aids must be cataloged. 
 The library should be  staffed with a trained librarian or a person with 
Judaic knowledge. 
It is important to have a budget for acquisition.  Without new books and other 
library material it is only a room with old  books.  Many might be outdated or 
in poor condition.  The borrowing and collection development policies (which 
includes weeding)  need to be  approved by the library committee. 
 2.What  will qualify for the support the donor would like to give to a 
synagogue library?.
I will add to the above an attractive welcoming well lit space with clear 
signs, opened and staffed AT LEAST 10 hours a week.  Also it will be easier to 
attract a donor with good programs,  written articles and  publicity. 
I have been retired for many years.  I am sure that my colleagues can add a few 
more MUST haves.

Amalia Warshenbrot,  AJL Past president (past SSCPL Presidnet too) 

From: Ilka Gordon via Hasafran
Sent: Thursday, December 30, 2021 6:03 PM
To: hasafran@lists.osu.edu
Subject: [ha-Safran] Michelle Chesner library support

What are the criteria for calling the books in a dedicated space a  library.  
My synagogue has a library of mostly seforim (religious books, tanach 
,commentaries in both Hebrew and English) which teachers use in classes given 
at the synagogue.  Does that qualify for the support the donor would like to 
give to a synagogue library?

Ilka Gordon


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Hasafran mailing list

Re: [ha-Safran] Michelle Chesner library support

2022-01-03 Thread Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran
I agree with Rachel. The small/er Orthodox synagogue is different from a large 
synagogue from another denomination. Public libraries  in large cities, in 
areas where many Orthodox Jews live make sure to have a collection that serves 
these communities. The children get the books in their day schools. 
A collection of books in a room is a blessing, but AJL, as the LEADING 
AUTHORITY IN JUDAIC LIBRARIANSHIP,  can’t offer that room an accreditation. 
I’m my few years as the chairperson of the Accreditation Committee, only one 
library was not eligible for accreditation  on the basic level because of the 
size, the small number of operation and making of the collection.
Wishing all libraries to grow and have skilled librarians, 
Amalia W.

Sent from my iPad

> On Jan 3, 2022, at 5:18 PM, Rachel Greenblatt via Hasafran 
>  wrote:
> Hi,
> This is an interesting discussion about what constitutes a library.  I would 
> add to Michelle's definition and the other comments that it might (or might 
> not) make sense to take into consideration the size (and financial standing) 
> of the synagogue. The modern Orthodox synagogue we belong to, for instance, 
> has two full-time staff: a Rabbi and an office manager.  That's it. Custodial 
> services and bookkeeping are outsourced.  The lack of a paid librarian, in 
> that context, is, to my mind, quite different from a larger synagogue that 
> has 1-2 Rabbis, an educator and/or cantor, executive director, a rabbi's 
> assistance or other office help, etc.  A two hundred family synagogue is not 
> the same as 800. That doesn't make the smaller collection a "library" 
> necessarily. But when we, as AJL, think about accreditation, supporting a 
> wider public in a variety of ways, etc.--in other words, all American 
> synagogues, not only those that fit the purpose for which Michelle is 
> compiling the list--I think that's important to keep in mind. I want to be 
> clear that I am not criticizing any of the previous responses in any way. 
> They're all important, as is the question. Just another layer to keep in mind.
> Best wishes,
> Rachel
> -- 
> Rachel L. Greenblatt
> Judaica Librarian, Brandeis University
> Lecturer in Jewish Studies, Dartmouth College
> https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://dartmouth.academia.edu/RachelGreenblatt__;!!KGKeukY!hZKJAFs0Sa1LzlKdbU8RgdYoX3ane1__aRyXZVSzXI0iwcqpiS8uT3dnk0zDAZWGots$
> https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://jewish.dartmouth.edu/people/rachel-greenblatt__;!!KGKeukY!hZKJAFs0Sa1LzlKdbU8RgdYoX3ane1__aRyXZVSzXI0iwcqpiS8uT3dnk0zDu5kX51E$
>  Author of To Tell Their Children:  Jewish Communal Memory in Early Modern 
> Prague
> https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.sup.org/books/title/?id=20110__;!!KGKeukY!hZKJAFs0Sa1LzlKdbU8RgdYoX3ane1__aRyXZVSzXI0iwcqpiS8uT3dnk0zD0h34QcM$
> __
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> https://lists.service.ohio-state.edu/mailman/listinfo/hasafran
> Questions, problems, complaints, compliments send to: galro...@osu.edu
> Ha-Safran Archives:
> Current:
> https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.mail-archive.com/hasafran*40lists.service.ohio-state.edu/maillist.html__;JQ!!KGKeukY!hPkFZ4r1z0qhuPXyA_gOqxwqnU-A7U7VHi4pPnxq7g0jQxvXXiIG3yB9jri0_23MvB8$
> Earlier Listserver:
> https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.mail-archive.com/hasafran*40lists.acs.ohio-state.edu/maillist.html__;JQ!!KGKeukY!hPkFZ4r1z0qhuPXyA_gOqxwqnU-A7U7VHi4pPnxq7g0jQxvXXiIG3yB9jri0BpmktFk$
> AJL HomePage 
> https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.JewishLibraries.org__;!!KGKeukY!hPkFZ4r1z0qhuPXyA_gOqxwqnU-A7U7VHi4pPnxq7g0jQxvXXiIG3yB9jri0CNyDz0s$
> --
> Hasafran mailing list
> Hasafran@lists.osu.edu
> https://lists.osu.edu/mailman/listinfo/hasafran

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and are not necessarily endorsed by the Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL)
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Hasafran mailing list

Re: [ha-Safran] for fans of Howard Jacobson

2021-11-10 Thread Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran
Thank you to Erica for sharing this piece. You are right! It is brilliant.
It should be sent to National Hillel. 
Amalia W.

Sent from my iPad

> On Nov 6, 2021, at 11:39 PM, Erika Dreifus via Hasafran 
>  wrote:
> British author Howard Jacobson has an absolutely brilliant piece in the 
> latest SAPIR:
> https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://sapirjournal.org/continuity/2021/11/advice-to-a-jewish-freshman/__;!!KGKeukY!hIFgpju9rQtnQk6y4FdqFX4CqV7Up3U4EVm8WQzIwL5PENnBln9N-fbw3ygkAqRhkBk$
> Shabbat shalom to all,
> Erika
> -- 
> Erika Dreifus | Reader. Writer. Teacher. Resource Maven.
> (w) 
> https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.erikadreifus.com__;!!KGKeukY!hIFgpju9rQtnQk6y4FdqFX4CqV7Up3U4EVm8WQzIwL5PENnBln9N-fbw3ygk_PiWGFk$
> (t) 
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Re: [ha-Safran] AJL Launches Nice Jewish Books Podcast

2021-11-01 Thread Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran
I agree with Erika.  This is wonderful new and creative program.
The Quilting Mysteries series  ? It  must be  our Sheryl Stahl Idea !!! 
Amalia W.

From: Erika Dreifus via Hasafran
Sent: Sunday, October 31, 2021 4:24 PM
Cc: Hasafran
Subject: Re: [ha-Safran] AJL Launches Nice Jewish Books Podcast

This is wonderful news! Kol hakavod to everyone involved.

All best,

On Sun, Oct 31, 2021 at 10:24 AM AJL PR via Hasafran  
The Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL) is pleased to announce the launch of 
Nice Jewish Books, a monthly podcast focusing on adult Jewish fiction. Nice 
Jewish Books will bring attention to works of literary fiction, genre fiction, 
and literature in translation, as well as books and authors that have been 
considered for AJL’s annual Jewish Fiction Award. Nice Jewish Books can be 
found at 
The first episode, available now, features Mary Marks, author of the Quilting 
Mysteries series, in which Jewish protagonist Martha Rose and her circle of 
quilting friends seem to bump into dead bodies with alarming frequency. 
Luckily, they are able use their observational skills, intuition, and 
persistence to "help" the police catch the killers. In this wide-ranging 
conversation, host Sheryl Stahl and Mary Marks discuss Jewish practice, the 
representation of female characters, social action, and finding love in your 
In episode two, available in November, Nice Jewish Books will be joined by 
Talia Carner, whose novels tackle subjects as varied as human trafficking, 
Russia after the fall of Communism, Jerusalem at the end of the Ottoman Empire, 
and more.
Host Sheryl Stahl, library director at Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of 
Religion in Los Angeles, is an active member of AJL, where she has held the 
positions of treasurer, membership vice president, and webmaster and served on 
AJL’s Jewish Fiction Award committee. 
Listen at 

Paula Breger
Chair, Public Relations/Communications

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Erika Dreifus | Reader. Writer. Teacher. Resource Maven.
Now available: Birthright: Poems

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Re: [ha-Safran] help with/invitation to my Second Sunday synagogue book club

2021-12-07 Thread Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran
Annette raises an issue that many of you face as well. How to reduce the mailing list?I have over 50 addresses  two programs for each when only 20 attend regularly.My communication person has emailed several emails asking the recipients to let her know If they are interested in remaining on the list. Even the 2O “regulars” did not reply. I have started a new list with those 20. I plan to delete the list 6 months after the date that we can meet in person.  Does anyone have other suggestions?Annette work is going BEYOND the call of duty.  It’s a good idea to open it to the Hasafran list. I live in North Carolina, but attend one program in Long Island and one in New Jersey.I hope that it will continue on ZOOM when meeting  in person is possible, but, still need to reduce the list.Amalia W.Sent from my iPadOn Dec 7, 2021, at 8:20 AM, Annette Goldsmith via Hasafran  wrote:Dear Safranim,I run a monthly virtual book club for adults at my Temple. It's called the Second Sunday Book Club and the next one is this Sunday, Dec. 12, at 1:00 pm PT/4:00 pm ET. People just talk about what they're reading, Jewish or not, so there's no preparation required. I wanted a no-stress book club. I started it during the pandemic, when Zoom was the obvious way to go, but even as some things have opened up again I want to continue the book club online because older and more isolated people can easily attend -- and who wants to drive in LA traffic anyway? My problem is that I had only a few people from the congregation at the start, and now they do not come at all, even though some say that they intend to come -- or come back -- sometime. I advertise the book club in my regular column in the Temple's online newsletter, and I have maybe 30 people on the dedicated email list. Every now and then I ask if people wish to be removed from the list, and no one has ever followed up to be removed. I understand that not getting a response is the norm here, and it's not just me. But what to do?So I started to invite some of my friends in Toronto (my hometown) to come, and they love it! It just so happens that they are all librarians or married to librarians (something I just realized now!). I wanted to maintain the Jewish character of the book club by making sure that I talked about one or two Jewish books every time, but I have found that pretty much everyone else does too, whether or not they are Jewish, so there is Jewish content every time. I usually talk about one adult book and two or three children's books. I start us off with a poem (often, but not necessarily, Jewish) and then we take turns sharing and talking about our books. What's not to like? Depending on how many people come, we go for an hour or two. It's very small -- maybe five people, and I still have hopes of getting the (new, avid reader, YA fan) Religious School Director to join us. If a few of you would like to come, too, I could tell the Temple that their book club is drawing attention from well beyond our community. Maybe that would spark a little more interest from the people for whom the book club was intended. And honestly, I think you would like it, too!So if you are interested in coming to the book club on Sunday, please reply just to me (agoldsmith@gmail.com) and I will send you the Zoom link. If you can't make it this Sunday but are still interested, let me know and I'll put you on the email list. I send out a reminder with the attached flyer about a week before we meet, and then after the meeting I send my notes with the poem and a list of all the books that we've read. Thanks for your patience in reading this rather long post, and I hope to see a few of you on Sunday! And if any of you have advice for me on how to improve attendance, apart from showing up yourselves, I'm all ears. AnnetteAnnette Y Goldsmith, PhD (she/her)Part-time Faculty, Kent State iSchool; Librarian, Sephardic Temple Tifereth Israel, Los
Angeles  "A book is like a world you can carry around with you." Liniers

Second Sunday book club December 2021.docx
Description: MS-Word 2007 document
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Re: [ha-Safran] Controversial book

2022-03-04 Thread Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran
Judy did all she can do. The issue was brought to my attention by a children 
book author and I’m sure that she will email soon.
The book troubles me for more than one reason, how come even Golda Meir or 
women from the Bible are not mentioned as AMAZING WOMEN OF THE MIDDLE EAST. 
This is the third book with a map with no mention of the State if Israel and we 
can always contact the publisher.
Having said that we, as a Jewish organization,  must be careful when we object 
to a book about Muslim women. In addition librarians can’t censor books. 
Amazon welcomes reviews. Individual librarians are welcome to post a personal 
review on their website.
Thanks for bringing it to HaSafran subscribers,
Amalia W.

Sent from my iPad

> On Mar 4, 2022, at 8:48 AM, Judy Petersen via Hasafran 
>  wrote:
> Hi Marcia,
>  I asked my local public library to review the book.  They agreed it was 
> biased, but would not pull it from their collection.  Instead, they said they 
> would not feature it in any way (such as on a "book of the month" display by 
> the entrance) so as not to appear to endorse it.  Instead, they would just 
> leave it on the shelf.
>  I also brought the book to the attention of my local school district.  
> Only a couple of schools have it in their libraries, and I just wanted to 
> make the district administration and Diversity Liaison aware that it is a 
> biased book. We had a discussion about while we may value diversity and 
> "differing perspectives" we have to be careful that those perspectives don't 
> also introduce bias (or in this case, erasure of Jews/Israel from the Middle 
> East).  And also that we can't always go by reviews--the book got a very 
> positive review from the School Library Journal, which many schools use to 
> help make purchasing decisions.  The SLJ even mentioned it as a positive that 
> the book included a "map of Palestine", and that the book was recommended!!  
> So they got the idea (I think/hope!) that multiple sources need to be checked 
> prior to introducing a book into a collection.
>Judy Petersen
>Library Director
>Congregation Har Shalom
>Fort Collins, CO
> -Original Message-
> From: Marcia Goldstein via Hasafran 
> To: hasaf...@lists.service.ohio-state.edu
> Sent: Thu, Mar 3, 2022 1:34 pm
> Subject: [ha-Safran] Controversial book
> In a previous post, there was mention of the map in the book "Amazing Women 
> of the Middle East" eliminating Israel (the area is labeled as Palestine). 
> Have any communities contacted their local libraries about this book? If so, 
> have any libraries removed it from their collection? Incidentally, Amazon is 
> selling the book, with half of the reviews giving it one star for the 
> inaccuracy portrayed by the map.
> Marcia Goldstein
> Maurer Jewish Community Library
> Indianapolis
> 317-509-6783
> __
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> Earlier Listserver:

Re: [ha-Safran] Covid and circulation

2022-02-24 Thread Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran
Was children book circulation also down ?

From: Susan Kusel via Hasafran
Sent: Thursday, February 24, 2022 8:40 AM
To: Hasafran; Andrea Rapp
Subject: Re: [ha-Safran] Covid and circulation

Circulation in my synagogue library is definitely way down. COVID is absolutely 
the reason. 

A lot of things that draw patrons have been virtual such as Shabbat services, 
religious school, adult education, social events like book clubs and mahjong... 
even funerals, etc. And there are fewer people in the building in general, 
including staff, who also check out books. 

But I do feel like my circulation is just starting to revive. It's so nice to 
see books checked out and to see patrons again. 
Susan Kusel
Temple Rodef Shalom
2100 Westmoreland Street
Falls Church, VA 22043
(703) 676-3851

From: Hasafran  on 
behalf of Andrea Rapp via Hasafran 
Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2022 9:54 AM
To: Hasafran 
Subject: [ha-Safran] Covid and circulation 
Just ran some figures. Circulation in our synagogue library declined 3/4 this 
past 12 month period as opposed to the 12 months before covid.  Any thoughts? 
Have other synagogue/temple libraries (not day school libraries--that's 
different) found the same? 
  Andrea Rapp, Isaac M. Wise Temple

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Re: [ha-Safran] Where to find out of print DVDs of Israeli films & digital access to Israeli films

2022-02-16 Thread Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran
I think that it is a good idea.  Any member benefit is a welcome addition.
Amalia W. 

From: Wendie Sittenfield via Hasafran
Sent: Saturday, February 12, 2022 1:24 AM
To: Kimberley A Shaw
Cc: hasafran; Hasafran
Subject: Re: [ha-Safran] Where to find out of print DVDs of Israeli films & 
digital access to Israeli films

Hello all,

The Ma'ale Film School in Jerusalem had their DVD collection digitized.

I am not sure how the pricing is set up.

It seems to be an "a la carte" system of payment.

Perhaps AJL could arrange for a consortia discount.

Here is the link:  Here is the link:  

Shabbat shalom.

Wendie Sittenfield

Wendie Sittenfield, M.I.S. CMI
Director of Library & Media Services
Pronouns (She/Her/Hers)
610 922 2356/wsittenfi...@jbha.org

OPALS online catalog
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On Fri, Feb 11, 2022 at 8:18 AM Kimberley A Shaw via Hasafran 
And don't forget alibris.com -- they supply OP videos as well as books!
all the best,
Kimberley Shaw
Wellesley College Library

On Thu, Feb 10, 2022 at 3:44 PM Kolodney, Uri via Hasafran 
Hi Dan,
Some out of print titles could be found on Amazon and eBay. As far as licensing 
films in streaming, those are not cheap, and will never be. The prevalent price 
for a copy with perpetual rights is anywhere between $300 to $600. 
Best regards,

Uri Kolodney | he/him/his
Hebrew, Jewish, and Israel Studies Librarian / Film & Video Librarian
University of Texas Libraries
The University of Texas at Austin
PCL 2.312J | Mail Code S5466 | PO Box P Austin, TX 78713-8916
Phone: 512-495-4399|kolod...@austin.utexas.edu
From: Hasafran  On Behalf Of Dan Wyman via 
Sent: Wednesday, February 9, 2022 2:51 PM
To: hasafran@lists.osu.edu
Subject: [ha-Safran] Where to find out of print DVDs of Israeli films & digital 
access to Israeli films
Dear Colleagues,

We are helping a librarian we work with to source out of print DVDs of Israeli 
films; they also need advice for licensing digital access to Israeli films that 
don't cost an arm and a leg.

Any suggestions are very appreciated!

Toda Raba,


Dan Wyman Books LLC. 
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Re: [ha-Safran] Jewish Children's Holiday Fiction Books Cataloged as Nonfiction

2022-03-21 Thread Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran
I used to do the same for the same reason.
Amalia W.

From: Robbin Katzin via Hasafran
Sent: Monday, March 21, 2022 6:44 PM
To: Hasafran; Michelle Sandler
Subject: Re: [ha-Safran] Jewish Children's Holiday Fiction Books Cataloged as 

I put most of the fiction holiday books under the appropriate Elazar holiday 
number. It makes it much easier for the kids to find them, and for me and the 
teachers to retrieve them as needed. Robbin Katzin Hillel Torah North Suburban 
Day School ZjQcmQRYFpfptBannerStart 
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I put most of the fiction holiday books under the appropriate Elazar holiday 
number.  It makes it much easier for the kids to find them, and for me and the 
teachers to retrieve them as needed.

Robbin Katzin
Hillel Torah North Suburban Day School
Skokie, IL 

On Monday, March 21, 2022, 07:15:51 AM CDT, Michelle Sandler via Hasafran 

  This Message Is From an External Sender
  This message came from outside your organization.

When cataloging Jewish Children's fiction holiday books do you put
them in fiction or nonfiction with the rest of the holiday books?  I
catalog in Elazar.  I have about 1,600 Children's, Middle Grades and
Teen books in my 4,000 volume library for a Reform Synagogue in
Southern California.

Michelle Sandler MLS
Librarian (Volunteer)
Beth David
Westminster, California
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Re: [ha-Safran] Jewish Children's Holiday Fiction Books Cataloged as Nonfiction

2022-03-22 Thread Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran
It works the same with the Weine system. 
It a good idea to put biographies with the subject.  We just separated it in 
the Holocaust section.
Amalia W.

From: Emily Bergman via Hasafran
Sent: Monday, March 21, 2022 8:30 PM
To: Michelle Sandler
Cc: Hasafran
Subject: Re: [ha-Safran] Jewish Children's Holiday Fiction Books Cataloged as 

Also using Elazar, I put everything in the subject that I can.  The shelf and a 
half of Fiction are only those that have no subject in which to place them.  As 
others have said, it makes it easier for both me and my users to find books on 
a ZjQcmQRYFpfptBannerStart 
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Also using Elazar, I put everything in the subject that I can.  The shelf and a 
half of Fiction are only those that have no subject in which to place them.  As 
others have said, it makes it easier for both me and my users to find books on 
a particular subject.  Holidays in particular are best together.  I even 
classify biographies in the subject, so a biography of an Israeli leader is in 
Israel.  It's not helpful when a teacher wanted a biography for each student, 
but we made it work.  Emily

Emily Bergman
Temple Sinai
Glendale, CA

On Mon, Mar 21, 2022 at 5:15 AM Michelle Sandler via Hasafran 
  This Message Is From an External Sender
  This message came from outside your organization.

When cataloging Jewish Children's fiction holiday books do you put
them in fiction or nonfiction with the rest of the holiday books?  I
catalog in Elazar.  I have about 1,600 Children's, Middle Grades and
Teen books in my 4,000 volume library for a Reform Synagogue in
Southern California.

Michelle Sandler MLS
Librarian (Volunteer)
Beth David
Westminster, California
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Re: [ha-Safran] List of Elazar-cataloged libraries?

2022-01-28 Thread Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran
I was looking for it too. 
The list included libraries that used other classification systems too.
Amalia W.

From: Maxine Wolfson via Hasafran
Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2022 8:15 PM
To: hasafran@lists.osu.edu
Subject: [ha-Safran] List of Elazar-cataloged libraries?

There used to be a page of libraries that use the Elazar classification system. 
I'm having difficulty finding it on the AJL member website.
Is it still available? 
I'm training a Hebrew-literate person to enter books in our on-line catalog, 
and hoping to find resources for her to use.
Thank you!
Maxine Wolfson  -  Rosen Library
Temple Emanu-El

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Re: [ha-Safran] Mazel Tov!

2022-02-05 Thread Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran
I echo Rebecca’s note below. 
Mazal tov, Susan !!! 
Amalia W.

From: Rebecca Levitan via Hasafran
Sent: Saturday, February 5, 2022 10:37 AM
To: hasaf...@lists.service.ohio-state.edu
Subject: [ha-Safran] Mazel Tov!

Now that she's gone through most of her congratulatory emails in the past two 
weeks, and will actually see this one, I would like to wish a hearty mazel tov 
to my friend Susan Kusel on her Sydney Taylor book award winning book The 
Passover Guest. 

Susan is a past chair of the committee herself and an active member of AJL and 
it is so exciting to see her peers recognize her work. I'm so excited for her 
and to see that shiny gold seal on her book. Mazel Tov Susan!!

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Re: [ha-Safran] my National library address

2022-04-05 Thread Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran
This is amazing ! 
Amalia W.

From: Žilvinas Beliauskas via Hasafran
Sent: Tuesday, April 5, 2022 2:50 AM
To: hasafran@lists.osu.edu
Subject: [ha-Safran] my National library address

Dear Lenore And here is my address in the National Library. More official J The 
previous one, which is registered in the forum, will be working too. Here the 
announcement about our moving to the National Library - ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ 
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ZjQcmQRYFpfptBannerStart 
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This message came from outside your organization. 
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Dear Lenore

And here is my address in the National Library. More official ☺ The previous 
one, which is registered in the forum, will be working too.

Here the announcement about our moving to the National Library - 

Žilvinas B


Žilvinas Beliauskas
Vilniaus žydų viešosios bibliotekos vadovas
Lietuvos nacionalinė Martyno Mažvydo biblioteka
Gedimino pr.  24, 01103 Vilnius, Lietuva
Tel. +370 5 204 8046 / Mob. +370 687 76625
El. p. zilvinas.beliaus...@lnb.lt 

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Hasafran mailing list

Re: [ha-Safran] Congratulations to Rebecca Jefferson

2022-04-07 Thread Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran
I join Racheli in sending greetings to Rebecca Jefferson. I’m looking forward 
to reading her book. 
Amalia Warshenbrot 

Sent from my iPad

> On Apr 7, 2022, at 1:31 PM, Rachel Leket-Mor via Hasafran 
>  wrote:
> This Message Is From an External Sender
> This message came from outside your organization.
> Report Suspicious
> Congratulations to our very own Rebecca Jefferson on her book, The Cairo 
> Genizah and the Age of Discovery in Egypt: The History and Provenance of a 
> Jewish Archive (London: I. B. Tauris & Company, 2022).
> https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.bloomsbury.com/us/cairo-genizah-and-the-age-of-discovery-in-egypt-9781788319638/__;!!KGKeukY!n5UKD3r3wPtkTTcNpnnd0JSK2SLaZEw-rCdT9upG6ZNbqYVkd2MAnaiwa7C4BHWzPIwo1FpvTM09YJ4$
> Congrats, Rebecca! I can’t wait to read it!
> Rachel
> Rachel Leket-Mor, Librarian
> Curator, Open Stack Collections
> Curator, IsraPulp Collection
> Affiliate, Center for Jewish Studies, Center for Maghrib Studies
> Arizona State University Library
> Editor, Judaica Librarianship (2012–Present)
> Association of Jewish Libraries
> https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://ajlpublishing.org__;!!KGKeukY!n5UKD3r3wPtkTTcNpnnd0JSK2SLaZEw-rCdT9upG6ZNbqYVkd2MAnaiwa7C4BHWzPIwo1FpvG1GICqs$
> I acknowledge, with respect, that ASU sits on the ancestral homelands of 
> those Indigenous Nations that have inhabited this land for centuries, 
> including the Akimel O’odham, Tohono O'odham, and Pee Posh peoples.
> __
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Re: [ha-Safran] Painful weeding decisions

2023-08-29 Thread Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran
I didn’t weed classics.
Amalia W. retired for 11 years 

Sent from my iPad

> On Aug 29, 2023, at 2:22 PM, rhaus_com--- via Hasafran 
>  wrote:
> Dear Hasafranim,
> We all know the pain of being forced to weed our collections. I'm fast 
> running out of space in my adult fiction/literature sections. I've already 
> done a ton of weeding, but I wonder about what are considered classics -- 
> Bernard Malamud, Saul Bellow, Sholem Aleichem, Sholem Asch, I.B. Singer, etc. 
> I don't want to get rid of ANY of it, but I wonder how others have decided 
> what to keep and what to sell/donate.
> Rachel Haus
> Library Director
> Congregation of Moses Fisher Library
> Kalamazoo MI
> __
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Hasafran mailing list

Re: [ha-Safran] Explaining what's happening in Israel to Americans

2023-10-11 Thread Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran
What you demonstrate gives a clear picture. I’m an Israeli who lives in North 
My email was similar. 
I was glued to the Israeli TV from the start.  Words that I heard from eye 
witness and politicians alike that shook me were:
“No different than ISIS” (Americans can relate to it)
“Pogrom” (Jews can relate to it)
“Helpless” was repeated by survivors (everyone can relate to it)
“Cruel wild animals” 
The word that I didn’t hear was “killed”, but I heard “murdered” close to a 
thousand times.
I watched mothers and siblings cry and scream that every minute of not knowing 
the fate of their loved feels like days, months and years.
This is the WORST since the Holocaust and definitely feels like  we relive the 
Sep. 11th shock.

Sent from my iPad

> On Oct 11, 2023, at 8:26 AM, Diane Romm via Hasafran  
> wrote:
> I recently composed a letter that I sent out to everyone I knew in the US 
> explaining what was going on in Israel in terms that I hoped would resonate 
> with those who are unfamiliar with the situation. 
> I'm from New York, so that's my frame of reference. I'm sure you could modify 
> it to other regions of the country. 
> If you find this approach useful, please feel free to copy it and send it 
> along to anyone else:
> "Israel initially staggered under the weight of this barbaric massacre of its 
> people. The feelings here are very similar to those we experienced in the 
> wake of the 9/11 attacks. The difference is that Israel is facing a threat to 
> its very existence.
> To continue this comparison, imagine that on 9/11 a planeload of hundreds of 
> terrorists landed at JFK. They then hijacked all of the cars in the car 
> rental agencies and started to fan out throughout Long Island, killing 
> everyone they encountered. 
> They forced their way into homes and murdered everyone they found. 
> They slaughtered babies in their cribs and beheaded them.
> Some of the terrorists then kidnapped men, women, children and the elderly 
> with their home healthcare aides off the street, stuffed them into the trunks 
> of the cars, drove back to JFK, put them on the plane and flew out of the 
> country with them. 
> They wanted to use them as negotiation pawns or human shields to prevent 
> anyone from attacking them.
> The rest of the terrorists who were determined to die continued to try to 
> elude capture so they could kill as many people as possible. In the ensuing 
> days, other infiltrators made their way to Long Island to continue the 
> slaughter.
> All of this was happening as Long Island was under attack from 3,000 missiles 
> launched at it from Queens.
> That's an American version of what happened in the 22 Israeli communities 
> close to the Gaza Strip."
> Diane Romm writing from Haifa
> __
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Hasafran mailing list

Re: [ha-Safran] re Baruch Dayan HaEmet - Jean Lettofsky's passing

2023-10-30 Thread Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran

  Natalie, I have fond me of your late husband from the years that I used to work in Akiba Hebrew Academy. He was a walking encyclopedia. I want to mention Lillian Schwartz. In the early nineties she shared with the conference attendees an

Natalie,I have fond me of your late husband from the years that I used to work in Akiba Hebrew Academy. He was a walking encyclopedia.I want to mention Lillian Schwartz. In the early nineties she shared with the conference attendees an idea for fundraising. It was a very successful program in the synagogues here in Charlotte, NC.I have met Jean as well. All were an asset to Judaic educators which includes librarians.Zichronam Livrachah, Amalia W. Sent from my iPadOn Oct 30, 2023, at 5:34 PM, Natalie Gorvine via Hasafran  wrote:

 Thank you to Susan Pankowsky and Judy Greenblatt for your posting(s) about Jean Lettofsky, z"l. Although I did not know her, I appreciated hearing a little about her. With so much overwhelming grief in our world currently, it feels especially

Thank you to Susan Pankowsky and Judy Greenblatt for your posting(s) about Jean Lettofsky, z"l. Although I did not know her, I appreciated hearing a little about her. With so much overwhelming grief in our world currently, it feels especially important to me to remember every individual who has touched our lives. Judy, you also mentioned Lillian Schwartz, z"l.Today, coincidentally, is the first yahrzeit of my husband of almost 60 years, Harold Gorvine, z"l, who was a beloved history teacher at Akiba Hebrew Academy outside Philadelphia for close to 40 years. He loved books and libraries nearly as much as he loved his family, his lifelong friends, and his students. One of the librarians at the school - possibly Wendie Sittenfield, who is still there and who is on this listserv? - used to joke that the library's annex was our home! (To be clear, Akiba became the Jack M. Barrack Hebrew Academy and moved to a different location in 2007, two years after my beloved husband retired.)May Susan, Judy, all who knew Jean and Lillian, all who are mourning individuals lost to our people since October 7, and all of us be comforted.Natalie Gorvine"Avocational" librarian and retired chaplain - I worked in a pediatric medical library for over 21 years; have been an active member of the library committee of my shul (Mishkan Shalom in Philadelphia) for decades and am now also on the library of the tiered healthcare facility where I live. -- "He [Hillel] used to say: 'If I am not for myself, who will be for me? And if I am only for myself, what am I? And if not now, when?' "  - Pirkei Avot  1:14NATALIE L. GORVINE6300 Greene St402 SWPhiladelphia PA 19144-2510610 662-6978 (cell)natanyal...@gmail.com
__Messages and opinions expressed on Hasafran are those of the individual authorand are not necessarily endorsed by the Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL)==Submissions for Ha-Safran, send to:Hasafran@lists.osu.eduTo join Ha-Safran, update or change your subscription, etc. - click here: https://lists.osu.edu/mailman/listinfo/hasafranQuestions, problems, complaints, compliments send to: galro...@osu.eduHa-Safran Archives:Current:http://www.mail-archive.com/hasafran%40lists.osu.edu/maillist.htmlEarlier Listserver:http://www.mail-archive.com/hasafran%40lists.osu.edu/maillist.htmlAJL HomePage http://www.JewishLibraries.org--Hasafran mailing listHasafran@lists.osu.eduhttps://lists.osu.edu/mailman/listinfo/hasafran__
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Hasafran mailing list

Re: [ha-Safran] Hasafran guidelines

2022-04-19 Thread Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran
Thank you, Michelle for posting the guidelines.  Hasafran moderator is a 
volunteer and a very busy librarian.  Checking message is very time consuming.  
As past presidnet I feel guilty for not creating clear guidelines. I hope that 
AJL Board will add to the rules below.
I feel that every person that post a message should add the  institution’s name 
 and contact info beyond the email address (and, of course her/his name) . It 
can be helpful.
Amalia Warshenbrot
Retired director of the
Charlotte, North Carolina 

Sent from my iPad

On Apr 14, 2022, at 7:10 AM, Michelle Chesner via Hasafran 
 Dear colleagues, For decades, Hasafran has been a place where librarians 
could learn more about the myriad aspects of Judaica librarianship, network, 
and help one another. There is sometimes confusion as to what is appropriate on 
Hasafran, ZjQcmQRYFpfptBannerStart 
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Dear colleagues,
For decades, Hasafran has been a place where librarians could learn more about 
the myriad aspects of Judaica librarianship, network, and help one another. 
There is sometimes confusion as to what is appropriate on Hasafran, and we now 
have clear guidelines for the list posted below and on the AJL website 
Hasafran is a professional listserv for librarians and others to discuss Jewish 
books, Judaica librarianship, and related topics. Due to the volume of emails 
coming through the list, we endeavor to keep it on topic and will not post 
messages that do not relate to the mission of AJL and its members.
Hate speech of any kind will not be tolerated and is grounds for immediate 
revocation of listserv privileges. This includes any derogatory speech based on 
race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, or other identity or 
belief. Personal attacks on specific individuals are never acceptable. 
Courtesy: Please be courteous in all communications. This includes mindfulness 
of whether your post contributes to an ongoing conversation; whether it should 
be “reply all” or reply only to the original poster. 
Paid Advertisements: Advertisements may be posted to Hasafran for a fee. For 
questions about the advertisement policy, please contact Jackie Ben-Efraim at 
Repeat offenders of this policy will be removed from the list without warning.
With best wishes for a wonderful Passover to all who celebrate!
Michelle Margolis Chesner 
Vice President/ President-Elect
Association of Jewish Libraries
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Hasafran mailing list

Re: [ha-Safran] Announcing the 2021 Reference & Bibliography Awards

2022-04-19 Thread Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran
These are very impressive choices!
I know that the commitment of the commiittee  to the awards evaluation is Huge 
?  Kol Kakavod !
Amalia W.

From: Anna M Levia via Hasafran
Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 2022 12:14 AM
To: hasaf...@lists.service.ohio-state.edu
Subject: [ha-Safran] Announcing the 2021 Reference & Bibliography Awards

The Association of Jewish Libraries Announces the 2021 Judaica Reference and 
Bibliography Award Winners The Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL) encourages 
the publication of outstanding works of Judaica reference and bibliography 
through ZjQcmQRYFpfptBannerStart 
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The Association of Jewish Libraries Announces 
the 2021 Judaica Reference and Bibliography Award Winners 

The Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL) encourages the publication of 
outstanding works of Judaica reference and bibliography through its annual 
We are pleased to announce the following awards: 
• Bibliography award: Heller, Marvin J. Essays on the Making of the Early 
Hebrew Book. Leiden; Boston: Brill, 2021. 
• Reference award: Avrutin, Eugene M. and Elissa Bemporad, eds. Pogroms: A 
Documentary History. New York: Oxford University Press, 2021. 
• Honorable mention, Bibliography: Cohen, Dov. Thesaurus of the Ladino Book 
1490-1960: An Annotated Bibliography (in Hebrew). Jerusalem: Ben Tsevi 
Institute, 2021. 

For their commitment and continuing support of these awards, AJL would like to 
recognize and thank Dr. Greta Silver of New York (Reference Award) and Mr. Eric 
Kline of Santa Monica (Bibliography Award). AJL would also like to thank the 
Reference & Bibliography Awards committee members for their efforts, and Haim 
Gottschalk in particular for his generous contribution to the awards this year. 

Anna M. Levia
Reference & Instruction Librarian
Bibliographer for Linguistics
Green Library 321
557 Escondido Mall
Stanford, CA 94305-6004

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Re: [ha-Safran] Conference 2022 Update: Member Awards and Scholarships

2022-06-01 Thread Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran
Mazal tov to all the recipients of the AJL awards.  
  The fanny Goldstein Merit Award. The info  below lists very few of Lisa’s 
contributions to the  profession of Jewish librarianship. Lisa was instrumental 
 in the success of the past few confernces. She introduced us to the Socio app 
and worked hard to secure the hotel and the meeting spaces in the museum. Lisa 
was the SSC president.
  The most evident example of promoting Jewish and non-Jewish children’s 
literature and literacy is her involvement in the children’s Literature 
conferences and her work with Suzi Dubin chairing the AJL Western Regional 
Children’s Literature Conferences in LA for close to five years.  Lisa’s  
wonderful reviews of Children’s five years.  Lisa’s  wonderful reviews of 
Children’s Books for the  LA Jewish Journal and  her work as the editor of the 
children books reviews  at the JBW  (Jewish Book Council) quarterly magazine  
served many librarians in the selection of books for their libraries. Lisa is 
much more than her list of activities.  In addition to her work locally and for 
AJL, Lisa has gone to Germany (and, if I am not wrong other cities in Europe) 
to speak on Children’s Holocaust Literature and children books.  She would not 
have been selected as a judge for the Younger Readers Once Upon a World and the 
National Book Award if she did not prove herself as expert in the field.  Lisa 
has given numerous workshops on many topics and in particularly in Holocaust 
picture books for children.  Lisa took the AJL Bibliography Bank to a higher 
level by making it searchable.
If I forgot something  apologize!
Mazal tov Lisa!
Groner- Wikler award There is no need to introduce Heidi.  Just like Lisa she 
deserves this award.
Congratulations Heid!.
Accreditation The accreditation is guidance to excellence.  Special greetings 
to the recipients.
Student Scholarships: I  hope that the students will see this scholarship as an 
opening invitation to getting involved in AJL.
Amalia Warshenbrot

From: AJL PR via Hasafran
Sent: Wednesday, June 1, 2022 4:44 PM
To: hasaf...@lists.service.ohio-state.edu
Subject: [ha-Safran] Conference 2022 Update: Member Awards and Scholarships

Please join us in Philadelphia as we celebrate those receiving AJL member 
awards and scholarships! For more information about AJL Conference 2022: 
Together Again! and to register, visit 
  ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ 
Please join us in Philadelphia as we celebrate those receiving AJL member 
awards and scholarships! For more information about AJL Conference 2022: 
Together Again! and to register, visit 

Fanny Goldstein Merit Award

Lisa Silverman will receive the Fanny Goldstein Merit Award—named for the 
librarian, social activist, and founder of National Jewish Book Month—bestowed 
in recognition of loyal and ongoing contributions to the Association and to the 
profession of Jewish librarianship. The award will be presented during lunch 
(12:30 pm) on Tuesday, June 28.

Lisa Silverman began her career as a day school librarian at the Sinai Akiba 
Academy in Los Angeles and Adat Ari El Day School in Valley Village, 
California. She spent fifteen years as the library director at Sinai Temple in 
Los Angeles, providing library services and educational programming for the day 
school, religious school, and synagogue community including teaching adult 
education classes, facilitating book groups, and hosting author events, family 
programs, and film discussions. In 2015, Lisa became the library director of 
the Burton Sperber Jewish Community Library at the American Jewish University 
in Los Angeles where she designed the new space, built the collection, and 
provided extensive programming. She also developed and launched a new online 
digital Jewish Community Library Consortium of California in partnership with 
the Jewish Community Library of San Francisco.

Kar-Ben Publishing Scholarship, in honor of Kar-Ben Founders Judye Groner and 
Madeline Wikler

Congratulations to Heidi Rabinowitz on being awarded the Kar-Ben Publishing 
Scholarship, a conference attendance scholarship that recognizes individuals 
who have made a significant contribution to Jewish children's literacy. Heidi 
will be recognized at the SSCPL Division meeting on Tuesday, June 28 (10:45 am).
Heidi Rabinowitz is the library director at Feldman Children's Library of 
Congregation B’nai Israel in Boca Raton, Florida, past president of the 
Association of Jewish Libraries, and currently serves as AJL's member relations 
chair. She engages in numerous projects that promote Jewish children's 
literature, hosting "The Book of Life: A Podcast 

[ha-Safran] Book suggestion for your book club.

2022-05-16 Thread Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran
At her  Second Sunday Book-Club Annette Goldsmith hosted Sharon Hart-Green 
author of the book Come Back for Me.
If you are looking for an idea for a book for your Book-Club this book can 
generate good discussions.
The author lives in Toronto, but,  ZOOM meetings has proven to be  the best 
solution to overcome  geographic limitations.
Thank you, Annette, for an interesting meeting,
Amalia W. 

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[ha-Safran] Groner Wikler Scholarship speech

2022-07-04 Thread Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran
Mazal tov on the well deserved award. I still remember that you were 
instrumental  in creating it.
I was sorry to miss the AJLconf and, of course, I don’t have an access to this 
year’s Socio  , but, if your speech includes a call to action, I would love ot 
see it.

From: Heidi Rabinowitz via Hasafran
Sent: Sunday, July 3, 2022 2:49 AM
To: Hasafran
Subject: [ha-Safran] Groner Wikler Scholarship speech

I was honored to receive the Groner Wikler Scholarship from Kar-Ben Publishing, 
and to be asked to speak at the SSCPL division meeting at #ajlcon22. The text 
of my speech and the associated handout are both available in Socio, in the 
I was honored to receive the Groner Wikler Scholarship from Kar-Ben Publishing, 
and to be asked to speak at the SSCPL division meeting at #ajlcon22. The text 
of my speech and the associated handout are both available in Socio, in the 
SSCPL meeting session on Tuesday 6/28. It's kind of a call to action, so I hope 
you will take a look.

Heidi Rabinowitz 

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[ha-Safran] Mazal tov to the new AJL Board

2022-06-10 Thread Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran
Mazal to the Michelle on becoming AJL president. I remember calling Michelle 
Superwoman when she was the unofficial co-chair of the conference in New York.
She was efficient and graceful.
I had the pleasure of working with Sean. Sean is an asset to AJL. His knowledge 
of technology and ability to be a team player  are remarkable.
Congratulations to my friend Aaron and to new promising librarians that will 
bring fresh ideas as well as continue AJL mission.
Amalia W. Past President 

Sent from my iPad
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Re: [ha-Safran] Judaic Reference Sets for a Reform Synagogue Library

2022-06-15 Thread Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran
Allow me to suggest the complete up-to-date English-Hebrew, Hebrew English 
Dictionary edited by Shimon Zilberman , A  Tikkun,  Torah Commentary (asked the 
Rabbi for suggestion).
I retired a long time ago, but the above are recommended.
Amalia W.

From: Michelle Sandler via Hasafran
Sent: Wednesday, June 15, 2022 7:24 PM
To: Hasafran
Subject: [ha-Safran] Judaic Reference Sets for a Reform Synagogue Library

I am the Librarian in a 3,000 volume Reform Jewish Synagogue Library
in Orange County Southern California.  I am looking to expand the
reference collection since I have a some free shelves.  What I have is
as follows:  What else should I have?

Soncino English only Babylonian Talmud 1952

Code of Jewish Law by Ganzfried

The Midrash

Dictionary of Biblical Interpretation

Encyclopedia Judaica 2nd edition

Michelle Sandler MLS
Volunteer Librarian
Beth David
Westminster, California
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[ha-Safran] A God we can believe in

2022-07-18 Thread Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran
I am looking for a review of the book 
A God we can believe in edited by  by Richard Agler and Rifat Sonsino.
Amalia W.

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Re: [ha-Safran] Making a small library

2022-07-25 Thread Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran
If you will join the Association of Jewish Libraries you will find a lot of 
information  on the website.
Amalia W.

From: Abraham Lewis via Hasafran
Sent: Monday, July 25, 2022 3:12 PM
To: hasafran@lists.osu.edu
Subject: [ha-Safran] Making a small library

Hi all, I have been tasked with organizing and cataloging a synagogues 
collection of about 5,000 books. I was wondering if anyone could send me 
information or resources regarding making a small library, software solutions 
and best practices.  
Hi all,

I have been tasked with organizing and cataloging a synagogues collection of 
about 5,000 books.

I was wondering if anyone could send me information or resources regarding 
making a small library, software solutions and best practices. 

Yours truly,

Asher Lewis

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Re: [ha-Safran] The Association of Jewish Libraries Announces the 2022 Fanny Goldstein Merit Award Winner

2022-04-13 Thread Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran
I can’t imagine a more deserving recipient for the  Fanny Goldstein Merit Award.
Dear Lisa,
Mazal tov,
Amalia Warshenbrot

From: Rachel Kamin via Hasafran
Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2022 11:33 AM
To: Hasafran@lists.osu.edu
Subject: [ha-Safran] The Association of Jewish Libraries Announces the 2022 
Fanny Goldstein Merit Award Winner

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 11, 2022 Contact: Paula Breger, Public Relations 
  p...@jewishlibraries.org The Association of Jewish Libraries Announces the 
2022 Fanny Goldstein Merit Award Winner ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ 
This Message Is From an External Sender 
This message came from outside your organization. 
Report Suspicious‌ 

April 11, 2022

Paula Breger, Public Relations Chair

The Association of Jewish Libraries Announces
the 2022 Fanny Goldstein Merit Award Winner

The Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL) is proud to announce that longtime 
member Lisa Silverman has been named the 2022 Fanny Goldstein Merit Award 
Winner. The award, named for the librarian, social activist, and founder of 
National Jewish Book Month, is bestowed in recognition of loyal and ongoing 
contributions to the Association of Jewish Libraries and to the profession of 
Judaica librarianship.

Lisa Silverman began her career as a day school librarian at the Sinai Akiba 
Academy in Los Angeles and Adat Ari El Day School in Valley Village, 
California. She spent 15 years as the library director at Sinai Temple in Los 
Angeles, providing library services and educational programming for the day 
school, religious school, and synagogue community including teaching adult 
education classes, facilitating book groups, and hosting author events, family 
programs, and film discussions. In 2015, Lisa became the library director of 
the Burton Sperber Jewish Community Library at the American Jewish University 
in Los Angeles where she designed the new space, built the collection, and 
provided extensive programming. She also developed and launched a new online 
digital Jewish Community Library Consortium of California in partnership with 
the Jewish Community Library of San Francisco.

Lisa’s involvement with the Association of Jewish Libraries began when she 
attended her first conference in Los Angeles in 1992, and she has made 
countless contributions to the organization and the profession over the past 30 
years. She was the president and vice president of the then Synagogue, Schools 
& Center Division and served as chair of the Bibliography Bank and on its 
nominating committee. Lisa served as the national conference chairperson for 
three years, co-chaired the 2019 conference in Woodland Hills, and was 
instrumental in the planning of the two online conferences in 2020 and 2021. 
Lisa has also been a leader in the Southern California Chapter of AJL where she 
was honored with the Dorothy Schroder Achievement Award in 2009 and co-founded 
the AJL Western Regional Children’s Literature Conference. AJL President 
Kathleen Bloomfield remarked, "I am so happy that Lisa SIlverman is this year's 
Fanny Goldstein winner. Lisa was a huge help to me when I established 
ForWordsBooks, my Jewish book fair business, back in 1990. She has been an 
ongoing supporter of my work with AJL, including providing guidance as I moved 
into leadership positions within the organization. I am honored to have her as 
a colleague, and most of all as a friend."

Known nationally and internationally as an expert on Jewish children’s 
literature, Lisa was recently the co-editor of children and teen book reviews 
for AJL Reviews and served as the children’s editor for Jewish Book World 
magazine for six years. She was the children’s book reviewer for the Jewish 
Journal of Los Angeles for many years and has published numerous reviews in 
other magazines such as School Library Journal, Catholic Library World, and 
Five Owls. She has served as a judge for the National Jewish Book Awards for 
fifteen years and also served as a judge for the Museum of Tolerance Once Upon 
A World Children’s Book Award. In addition to numerous presentations at AJL 
conferences, Lisa has presented on Jewish literature at a variety of 
conferences and settings, including the Charlotte Huck Children’s Literature 
Conference, California School Library Association, the Mazza Museum of 
Children’s Literature, the United States Board on Books for Young People, the 
International Board on Books for Young People Conference in Copenhagen, 
Denmark, and the International Association of Children’s Literature Conference 
in Frankfort, 

Re: [ha-Safran] Peer support to the library staff who needs help in cataloging

2022-05-09 Thread Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran
Having on the website a list with  with the library type (for example: day 
school or synagogue)  and  cataloging system like Elazar, Dweyev, Library of 
Congress will be very helpful to a librarian, library volunteer or new 
librarian when s/he is debating on the right number and subjects, not to 
mention other info.
I’m glad that Sean volunteered to create such a list (please see below). This 
is what peer support means. It is one of AJL’s missions.
Amalia Warshenbrot, past AJL president 

Sent from my iPad

> On May 6, 2022, at 4:13 PM, Sean Boyle via Hasafran  
> wrote:
> This Message Is From an External Sender
> This message came from outside your organization.
> Report Suspicious
> Dear AJL Members,
> An organization needs to strive to reinforce its strengths as well as help 
> remove barriers. AJL is the Leading Authority on Judaic Librarianship. If 
> anyone knows if it is better to put the Haggadah under Dewey’s 296.45, or 
> with the other books for Passover under 296.437, it would be a fellow AJL 
> member.
> Since many librarians are introverts and always second guessing our 
> cataloging choices and maybe even cataloging systems, it is difficult for 
> many of us write on HaSafran asking others for 
> help/recommendations/brainstorming ideas and just as hard to publicly write 
> back with how our library is set up.
> Therefore, please take the ~3.57 minutes to fill out the Google Form and 
> provide information about your library cataloging system, location, links, 
> and contact information so that we can host a directory behind the AJL member 
> side of the website. This way instead of searching in WorldCat and never 
> really being satisfied, we can quickly search another similar library and 
> find a better answer. We can also find friends with similar systems and ask 
> directed questions more comfortably than cold-contacting strangers.
> Google Form Link:
> https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://forms.gle/ybfdZZVdsekz6QvF6__;!!KGKeukY!1yFli4TaVnWKOezY3qODkYhG2rWUWbnLXwUEnsC17WlghP6kFoHhSK6Q-MD8IPvZ7goZgQKGQUBE8yZlSvvBcqll8ZZ5qgEQ$
> Thank you for taking the time to help make AJL a stronger organization and 
> ensuring that we stay the leading authority on Judaic librarianship.
> Sean Boyle
> Chair, AJL Strategic Planning Committee
> -- 
> President, Schools, Synagogues, Centers, and Public Libraries (SSCPL) Div
> Chair, AJL Strategic Planning Committee
> Chair, SSCPL Advocacy Committee
> Association of Jewish Libraries
> __
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[ha-Safran] FW: The reason for warding the Fanny Goldstein Merit Award to Elliot Gertel

2022-08-30 Thread Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran
אנא ראה למטה את המסר שלי ל-הספרן מיום שלישי שעבר.
בכלל, מספר ההודעות ב-הספרן נמוכות מהרגיל.  
אני תוהה אם חלק מהן לא מגיע ליעדן.
עמליה ו.
To: Amalia Warshenbrot
From Yossi Galron 
את תיבת הדואר שלי ולא מצאתי אותה. שלחי לפי הכתובת:

From: Amalia Warshenbrot
Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2022 2:22 PM
To: Hasafran
Subject: The reason for warding the Fanny Goldstein Merit Award to Elliot 

I read with interest Emily Bergman’s article about Elliot Gertel in the last 
issue of AJL News & Reviews (pages 2-3). Since I assume that it was a delayed 
info to offer the reasons to award Elliot the Fanny Goldstein Merit Award 
(2019), Allow me to add that the Fanny Goldstein Award, is a combination of two 
previous awards to AJL members: one for contributions to Judaic librarianship, 
which is listed in Emily’s article, and one to AJL.

I wish to list Elliot’s positions on the AJL Board and Council:

1. Secretary of the Board and Council from 2002-2004
2. RAS vice-president 2004-2006. In this position he chaired the Judaica 
Bibliography and Reference Awards Committee.

 3. RAS president from 2006-2008. Presidents take an active role in planning a 
conference. It is never an easy task.
All this in addition to more years than I can recall of acting as AJL liaison 
to ALA. In this position, with compassion and diligence, he represented AJL 
through many events and was fighting passionately to defeat the repeated 
anti-Israel resolutions.
Thank you, Emily, for highlighting Elliot’s many journeys. How little most 
members knew!
Amalia Warshenbrot, AJL past president

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Re: [ha-Safran] AJL in Sept/Oct 2022 _American Libraries_

2022-09-01 Thread Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran
I second Elliot’s words of appreciation.Suzi was instrumental in the 
conferences in LA
and single handed the conference in Las Vegas,
Amalia W.
Sent from my iPad

> On Sep 1, 2022, at 12:08 PM, Elliot H. Gertel via Hasafran 
>  wrote:
> It would be a big oversight if were to fail to mention that Suzi Dubin, AJL 
> President from 2008-2010, was instrumental in making AJL the 27ᵗʰ ALA 
> Affiliate in early 2010.  Among the many great things Suzi did for AJL 
> before, during, and after her term as president was not only all the work she 
> put in to assure AJL would be an affiliated association of ALA and in making 
> sure all the required documentation was signed and submitted, but she also 
> insisted that the holder of the position of ALA liaison be an AJL Council 
> member (since 2014, reports to Council).  I am most grateful for all Suzi did 
> and continues to do for AJL and Judaica librarianship.  She certainly 
> deserves much credit, along with our heartfelt appreciation!  Thank you, Suzi!
> ALA now has 33 affiliates:
> Listing of Current Affiliates | About ALA
> Thank you, Suzi, for doing so much to make AJL one of them!
> Elliot H. Gertel, AJL-ALA Liaison, 2008-2020
> Elliot H. Gertel  עלע־הערש גערטל / אליהו־צבי גרטל 
> Irving M. Hermelin Curator Emeritus of Judaica 
> The University of Michigan 
> Ann Arbor, Michigan 
> eger...@umich.edu 
>> On Tue, Aug 30, 2022 at 11:11 PM Elliot H. Gertel via Hasafran 
>>  wrote:
>> In the latest issue of American Libraries, the official magazine of the 
>> American Library Association, ALA President Lessa Kananiʻopua Pelayo-Lozada 
>> mentions AJL in her column, “From the President,” AL, September/October 
>> 2022, p.4, “Representation Matters.”
>> “We also partner with our affiliates to embrace representation, 
>> collaborating on projects and highlighting awards from the National 
>> Association of Librarians of Color and the Association of Jewish Libraries, 
>> among others.”
>> How good to be noticed in a positive way by the current president of ALA!
>> Elliot H. Gertel  עלע־הערש גערטל / אליהו־צבי גרטל 
>> Irving M. Hermelin Curator Emeritus of Judaica
>> Member, ALA EMIERT Jewish Information Committee (2020-2022)
>> AJL-ALA Liaison, 2008-2020
>> The University of Michigan
>> Ann Arbor, Michigan
>> eger...@umich.edu
>> __
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>> author
>> and are not necessarily endorsed by the Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL)
>> ==
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>> Hasafran@lists.osu.edu
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[ha-Safran] A page from a book in Hebrew

2022-09-06 Thread Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran
I need page 14 from the following book:
פנים אחרות ביצירתו של ש"י עגנון
הוצאת הקיבוץ המאוחד 1989
Your help will be greatly appreciated,
Amalia Warshenbrot amalia...@att.net

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Re: [ha-Safran] ISO: book selection policy for day school library

2022-09-29 Thread Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran
The book THE JEWISH LIBRARY  HANDBOOK has a chapter on collection development.
The book was published by AJL in 2016. It  is inexpensive and is worth the 
Email Laura at   laura.schutz...@gmail.com
Amalia Warshenbrot
AJL Past President

From: Schnaidman, Esther via Hasafran
Sent: Thursday, September 29, 2022 11:59 AM
To: hasafran@lists.osu.edu
Subject: [ha-Safran] ISO: book selection policy for day school library

Dear safranim.     This request is specifically for the day school librarians.  
 I am looking to draft an official policy regarding book selection for our day 
school library.   I would like to see the wording on a policy to help me write 
Dear safranim.
    This request is specifically for the day school librarians.  I am looking 
to draft an official policy regarding book selection for our day school 
library.  I would like to see the wording on a policy to help me write one up.  
Can anyone please share their policy with me?
Thanks in advance.
Esther Schnaidman

Mrs. Esther Schnaidman
Librarian Media Specialist
(201) 986-1414 x 310 | eschnaid...@rynj.org

Search our library catalog OPAC

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Hasafran mailing list

Re: [ha-Safran] Is the collection The Man Who Sold Air in the Holy Land - Short Stories, by Omer Friedlander written by Hebrew ?

2022-10-04 Thread Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran
The book does not show in the two largest  Israeli chains of book stores’ 
Hebrew books catalog. Also most  Israeli public  libraries that hold books in  
ENGLISH don’t have the book. I hope to get reviews soon.
Thanks to those who replied and  to all of you have a meaningful Yom Kippur,
Amalia W.

Sent from my iPad

> On Oct 3, 2022, at 9:45 PM, Rachel Kamin  wrote:
> Hi Amalia,
> I believe Omer Friedlander writes in English. While he was born in Jerusalem 
> and grew up in Tel Aviv, he has a BA in English Literature from the 
> University of Cambridge and an MFA from Boston University. He currently lives 
> in New York.  Go to 
> https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.omerfriedlander.com/aboutomer__;!!KGKeukY!04Vz3mJjmtt1HrL3d7oo-HHYidEVNqPs_HEIJytgrYG2PXqdPNY6JhSVKC0IpSPUAoMtavm6OxyTLcOzEF3O$
>to learn more.
> I discovered him when his short story “Alte Sachen” was one of the finalists 
> for the Chicago Tribune’s Nelson Algren Literary Award and the story was 
> published in the paper in June 2020. I located two of his other stories 
> online (“Jellyfish in Gaza” and “Operation Tamar”) and discussed them with my 
> short story discussion group during the pandemic. So I was really excited to 
> see that his debut collection of stories, The Man Who Sold Air in the Holy 
> Land, was being published this year by Random Hoyse. "Alte Sachen" and 
> "Jellyfish in Gaza" are still my favorites but "Jaffa Oranges," "Checkpoint," 
> “The Sephardi Survivor,” and the title story are excellent too. While some of 
> the other stories aren't as strong, Friedlander is a fresh, new young voice 
> and this solid collection definitely deserves a place alongside Israeli and 
> expat writers like Etgar Keret, Ayelet Tsabari, Eshkol Nevo, and Nicole 
> Krauss. I highly recommend it!
> G’mar Chatimah Tova,
> Rachel Kamin, Director of Lifelong Learning
> North Suburban Synagogue Beth El
> 847/926-7902 or rka...@nssbethel.org
> CURRENTLY RE-READING: The Thread Collectors by Shaunna Edwards & Alyson 
> Richman (for the November Torah Fund Book Club)
> CURRENTLY LISTENING TO: The School that Escaped the Nazis: The True Story of 
> the Schoolteacher Who Defied Hitler by Deborah Cadbury
> From: Hasafran [mailto:hasafran-boun...@lists.osu.edu] On Behalf Of Amalia 
> Warshenbrot via Hasafran
> Sent: Monday, October 3, 2022 2:46 PM
> To: Hasafran 
> Subject: [ha-Safran] Is the collection The Man Who Sold Air in the Holy Land 
> - Short Stories, by Omer Friedlander written by Hebrew ?
> Shalom, Recently a few Israeli authors publish their books in English (like 
> Ayelet Tzabari). Is Omer Friedlander’s book The Man Who Sold Air in the Holy 
> Land written only in English ? Amalia W, ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ 
> ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍
> Shalom,
> Recently a few Israeli authors publish their books in English (like Ayelet 
> Tzabari).
> Is  Omer Friedlander’s book The Man  Who Sold Air in the Holy Land written 
> only in English ?
> Amalia W,
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AJL HomePage http://www.JewishLibraries.org
Hasafran mailing list

Re: [ha-Safran] Is the collection The Man Who Sold Air in the Holy Land, Short Stories, by Omer Friedlander written by Hebrew ? (Amalia Warshenbrot)

2022-10-04 Thread Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran
It is strange that a book by an Israeli author has yet to be translated into 
Hebrew when it was translated to several languages.
It took several years till Ayelet Tsabari’s stories were translated. 
Thanks for the info. Any additional info will be appreciated. I’ll get the 
Ha’Arez article later today.
Amalia W.

Sent from my iPad

> On Oct 4, 2022, at 1:46 PM, Janice Hechter via Hasafran 
>  wrote:
> This is an answer to Amalia Warshenbrot's question.
> I just went to see Omer Friedlander speak last week. The book is written in 
> English. He said that as of now, it has been translated into some other 
> languages, but still has not been translated into Hebrew.
> Janice Hechter
> __
> Messages and opinions expressed on Hasafran are those of the individual author
> and are not necessarily endorsed by the Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL)
> ==
> Submissions for Ha-Safran, send to:
> Hasafran@lists.osu.edu
> To join Ha-Safran, update or change your subscription, etc. - click here: 
> https://lists.osu.edu/mailman/listinfo/hasafran
> Questions, problems, complaints, compliments send to: galro...@osu.edu
> Ha-Safran Archives:
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> Earlier Listserver:
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> AJL HomePage 
> https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.JewishLibraries.org__;!!KGKeukY!3LqmItjMH8Cy8A75-s4540npLbGxELLqy3wG8tkl2rbEPWYkaGme2pgJnyqhH5K5db7Lq6lGA9FObZ7q_hcQ$
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Hasafran mailing list

Re: [ha-Safran] Relevant upcoming event [Was: Re: Is the collection The Man Who Sold Air in the Holy Land - Short Stories, by Omer Friedlander written by Hebrew ?]

2022-10-04 Thread Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran
Thank you, Erica.
I will try to find out if a recording will be available because 7:00PM in 
Israel is 2:00AM here in the East Coast.
Amalia W.

Amalia Warshenbrot
Past President
Association of Jewish Libraries

From: Erika Dreifus
Sent: Tuesday, October 4, 2022 10:57 AM
To: Rachel Kamin
Cc: Amalia Warshenbrot; Hasafran@lists.osu.edu
Subject: Relevant upcoming event [Was: Re: [ha-Safran] Is the collection The 
Man Who Sold Air in the Holy Land - Short Stories, by Omer Friedlander written 
by Hebrew ?]

I don't think that the detailed attachment will come through, so I won't post 
it, but I just received an announcement from the IAWE (Israel Association of 
Writers in English) about this upcoming event that is very much of interest in 
this context:

"Our opening IAWE event for 2002–2003 is 'Insider/Outsider: Writing in English 
about Israel,' featuring Ayelet Tsabari and Omer Friedlander, on Zoom."

As mentioned on the IAWE website 
  ), this event will take place October 27 at 7pm Israel time. Join the mailing 
list as invited on the website to receive additional information.   

G'mar chatima tova to all,

On Mon, Oct 3, 2022 at 10:06 PM Rachel Kamin via Hasafran 
Hi Amalia, I believe Omer Friedlander writes in English. While he was born in 
Jerusalem and grew up in Tel Aviv, he has a BA in English Literature from the 
University of Cambridge and an MFA from Boston University. He currently lives 
in New 
Hi Amalia,
I believe Omer Friedlander writes in English. While he was born in Jerusalem 
and grew up in Tel Aviv, he has a BA in English Literature from the University 
of Cambridge and an MFA from Boston University. He currently lives in New York. 
 Go to 
   to learn more. 
I discovered him when his short story “Alte Sachen” was one of the finalists 
for the Chicago Tribune’s Nelson Algren Literary Award and the story was 
published in the paper in June 2020. I located two of his other stories online 
(“Jellyfish in Gaza” and “Operation Tamar”) and discussed them with my short 
story discussion group during the pandemic. So I was really excited to see that 
his debut collection of stories, The Man Who Sold Air in the Holy Land, was 
being published this year by Random Hoyse. "Alte Sachen" and "Jellyfish in 
Gaza" are still my favorites but "Jaffa Oranges," "Checkpoint," “The Sephardi 
Survivor,” and the title story are excellent too. While some of the other 
stories aren't as strong, Friedlander is a fresh, new young voice and this 
solid collection definitely deserves a place alongside Israeli and expat 
writers like Etgar Keret, Ayelet Tsabari, Eshkol Nevo, and Nicole Krauss. I 
highly recommend it!
G’mar Chatimah Tova,
Rachel Kamin, Director of Lifelong Learning
North Suburban Synagogue Beth El
847/926-7902 or rka...@nssbethel.org
CURRENTLY RE-READING: The Thread Collectors by Shaunna Edwards & Alyson Richman 
(for the November Torah Fund Book Club)
CURRENTLY LISTENING TO: The School that Escaped the Nazis: The True Story of 
the Schoolteacher Who Defied Hitler by Deborah Cadbury
From: Hasafran [mailto:hasafran-boun...@lists.osu.edu] On Behalf Of Amalia 
Warshenbrot via Hasafran
Sent: Monday, October 3, 2022 2:46 PM
To: Hasafran 
Subject: [ha-Safran] Is the collection The Man Who Sold Air in the Holy Land - 
Short Stories, by Omer Friedlander written by Hebrew ?
Shalom, Recently a few Israeli authors publish their books in English (like 
Ayelet Tzabari). Is Omer Friedlander’s book The Man Who Sold Air in the Holy 
Land written only in English ? Amalia W, ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ 
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ 
Recently a few Israeli authors publish their books in English (like Ayelet 
Is  Omer Friedlander’s book The Man  Who Sold Air in the Holy Land written only 
in English ?
Amalia W,
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Ha-Safran Archives:

[ha-Safran] Is the collection The Man Who Sold Air in the Holy Land - Short Stories, by Omer Friedlander written by Hebrew ?

2022-10-03 Thread Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran
Recently a few Israeli authors publish their books in English (like Ayelet 
Is  Omer Friedlander’s book The Man  Who Sold Air in the Holy Land written only 
in English ?

Amalia W,

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and are not necessarily endorsed by the Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL)
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Questions, problems, complaints, compliments send to: galro...@osu.edu
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Earlier Listserver:
AJL HomePage http://www.JewishLibraries.org
Hasafran mailing list

[ha-Safran] עגונות מאת ש.י. עגנון

2022-08-07 Thread Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran
I need for a class S. Y. Agnon’s story Agunot in Hebrew.
I have read it in the  English translation, but too much is lost in translation.
Your help will be greatly appreciated,
Amalia W.

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AJL HomePage http://www.JewishLibraries.org
Hasafran mailing list

[ha-Safran] The last NEWS & REVIEWS

2022-08-11 Thread Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran
Thanks you to Sally and her team for another amazing NEWS & REVIEWS.
Amalia W.

Sent from my iPad
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AJL HomePage http://www.JewishLibraries.org
Hasafran mailing list

Re: [ha-Safran] Volume 22 of Judaica Librarianship

2023-01-01 Thread Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran

 Thanks you Racheli, the writers and editors, Amalia Warshenbrot From: Rachel Leket-Mor via Hasafran Sent: Saturday, December 31, 2022 10: 44 PM To: hasafran Subject: [ha-Safran] Volume 22 of Judaica Librarianship Dear AJL members, Volume 22

Thanks you Racheli, the writers and editors,Amalia Warshenbrot   From: Rachel Leket-Mor via HasafranSent: Saturday, December 31, 2022 10:44 PMTo: hasafranSubject: [ha-Safran] Volume 22 of Judaica Librarianship Dear AJL members, Volume 22 of Judaica Librarianship is published, hours before the end of the year—phew! Congratulations to all authors! A big thank-you to Nadav Sharon, who assisted me in preparing this issue, and to copyeditor extraordinaire Dear AJL members,  Volume 22 of Judaica Librarianship is published, hours before the end of the year—phew!   Congratulations to all authors! A big thank-you to Nadav Sharon, who assisted me in preparing this issue, and to copyeditor extraordinaire Nancy Sack. Stay tuned for the new call for papers and other exciting news, which will come soon.  Happy New Year!Rachel Access AJL’s peer-reviewed, open-access journal: https://ajlpublishing.org/. Volume 22 table of contents: Vol. 22 Editor’s NoteRachel Leket-Mor, 1–4 The Recovery of Nazi Looted Books in the UCLA Library: From Prague to Los Angeles and BackDiane Mizrachi, Ivan Kohout, and Michal Bušek, 5–19 A History of YIVO’s Prewar Archival Collections from 1925 to 2001Stefanie Halpern, 20–40 The Baltimore Hebrew Institute Collection: A Jewish Studies Library Re-imaged, Elaine Mael, 41–56 Jewish German Immigrant Booksellers in Twentieth-Century EcuadorIrene Munster, 57–72 Two Articles by Ber Borokhov about Judaica Libraries and LibrariansZachary M. Baker, 73–83 Workers’ Libraries in Interwar Poland: Selections Translated from a Yiddish Handbook, Jordan Finkin, 84–102 Who Own Jewish Culture Heritage?Association of Jewish Libraries Rosaline and Meyer Feinstein Memorial Lecture, Arthur Kiron, 103–122 It’s Raining Lemons! How the COVID-19 Pandemic Reshaped the Association of Jewish Libraries, Michelle Margolis, 123–127 Hiding in Plain Sight: Toward a Celebration of Hebraica CatalogersRoger Kohn, 128–150 Jewish Identity and American Acceptance: Welcoming a Firstborn Son in Two Classic Children's Books, Emily Schneider151–158 Provenance Research, Memory Culture, and the Futurity of Archives: Three Essential Resources for Researching the Nazi Past, Rachel Heuberger, 159–172 Book Review: Caroline Jessen, Kanon im Exil: Lektüren deutsch-jüdischer Emigranten in Palästina/ Israel. Göttingen: Wallstein Verlag, 2019. 398 p. ISBN: 9783835333482. [German], Renate Evers, 173–181 Book Review: Jason Lustig, A Time to Gather: Archives and the Control of Jewish Culture. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press, 2022. ix, 265 p. ISBN: 9780197563526, Amalia S. Levi, 182–188 Book Review: Jason Lustig, A Time to Gather: Archives and the Control of Jewish Culture. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press, 2022. ix, 265 p. ISBN: 9780197563526, Larissa Allwork, 189–194 DH/JS: Mapping Jewish StudiesMichelle Margolis, 195–197 Scatter of the Literature, March 2020–December 2022Rachel Leket-Mor and Nadav Sharon, 198–222 Tribute to Heidi G. Lerner upon Her RetirementAaron J. Taub, 223–226 
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Hasafran mailing list

Re: [ha-Safran] retirement

2023-01-10 Thread Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran

 I was fortunate to call Laurel just before she retired. Thank you, Laurel for your assistance . I know that Chanah, Laurel’s daughter, is following in her mother’s steps. I wish Laurel a happy retirement and am looking forward to see Chanah

I was fortunate to call Laurel just before she retired.Thank you, Laurel for your assistance .I know that Chanah, Laurel’s daughter,  is following in her mother’s steps. I wish Laurel a happy retirement and am looking forward to see Chanah (who received AJL students’ scholarship) becoming a roll model like her mother.Amalia W.Sent from my iPadOn Jan 9, 2023, at 4:44 PM, Haim A Gottschalk via Hasafran  wrote:

 Dear Laurel, Thank you so much for be-friending me and welcoming me to the Klau Library and being so helpful; giving me advice, words of encouragement as I pursued my MLS, and for walking me through the many different avenues of Judaica Librarianship. 

Dear Laurel,Thank
 you so much for be-friending me and welcoming me to the Klau Library 
and being so helpful; giving me advice, words of encouragement as I pursued my MLS, and for 
walking me through the many different avenues of Judaica Librarianship. 
For being their when Racheli and I chaired the 2007 Conference in 
Arizona. And for all of your many, many contributions to Judaica 
librarianship! I wish you much success as you start the next chapter in 

On Monday, January 9, 2023 at 04:23:28 PM EST, Wolfson, Laurel via Hasafran  wrote:

 Dear Friends After over four decades at the Klau Library of HUC-JIR, I have retired effective 12/31/2022. The friends and colleagues whom I have enjoyed through AJL are some of the best parts of my career. Thank you for the privilege of learning

Dear Friends 
After over four decades at the Klau Library of HUC-JIR, I have retired effective 12/31/2022.The friends and colleagues whom I have enjoyed through AJL are some of the best parts of my career. 
Thank you for the privilege of learning and working with you over the years. 
All best wishes, 

Laurel S. Wolfson 
Library Director, Klau Library Cincinnati (retired) 
Deputy Director of Libraries (retired) 
Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion 
3101 Clifton Avenue 
Cincinnati, OH  45220   USA


__Messages and opinions expressed on Hasafran are those of the individual authorand are not necessarily endorsed by the Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL)==Submissions for Ha-Safran, send to:Hasafran@lists.osu.eduTo join Ha-Safran, update or change your subscription, etc. - click here: https://lists.osu.edu/mailman/listinfo/hasafranQuestions, problems, complaints, compliments send to: galro...@osu.eduHa-Safran Archives:Current:http://www.mail-archive.com/hasafran%40lists.osu.edu/maillist.htmlEarlier Listserver:http://www.mail-archive.com/hasafran%40lists.osu.edu/maillist.htmlAJL HomePage http://www.JewishLibraries.org--Hasafran mailing listHasafran@lists.osu.eduhttps://lists.osu.edu/mailman/listinfo/hasafran

__Messages and opinions expressed on Hasafran are those of the individual authorand are not necessarily endorsed by the Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL)==Submissions for Ha-Safran, send to:Hasafran@lists.osu.eduTo join Ha-Safran, update or change your subscription, etc. - click here: https://lists.osu.edu/mailman/listinfo/hasafranQuestions, problems, complaints, compliments send to: galro...@osu.eduHa-Safran Archives:Current:http://www.mail-archive.com/hasafran%40lists.osu.edu/maillist.htmlEarlier Listserver:http://www.mail-archive.com/hasafran%40lists.osu.edu/maillist.htmlAJL HomePage http://www.JewishLibraries.org--Hasafran mailing listHasafran@lists.osu.eduhttps://lists.osu.edu/mailman/listinfo/hasafran__
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[ha-Safran] Question from an author

2022-12-20 Thread Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran
I don’t have it, but I wish  you happy Hanukkah,
Amalia W.

From: Etta Gold via Hasafran
Sent: Tuesday, December 20, 2022 4:04 PM
To: Hasafran@lists.osu.edu
Subject: [ha-Safran] Question from an author

My friend needs a particular one-page scan from a book that’s missing from our 
collection. Baal HaTurim Chumash: Numbers Numbers 14: 12? or 11: 16??? 
Footnote: It lists the 70 names of Israel [English translation] Thank you in 
My friend needs a particular one-page scan from a book that’s missing from our 
Baal HaTurim Chumash: Numbers
Numbers 14:12? or 11:16???

Footnote: It lists the 70 names of Israel [English translation]

Thank you in advance!

Etta D. Gold  MLS  RJE
Congregational Librarian
Temple Beth Am
The Janet z”l and Richard Yulman Campus
5950 N. Kendall Drive, Pinecrest, Florida 33156
Direct  786.264 6543
Main   305.667.6667 ext. 128
Fax  305.662.8619


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Hasafran mailing list

Re: [ha-Safran] Retirement

2022-12-21 Thread Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran
Rachel Simon,
Mazal tov !It was wonderful to get to know you when you chaired the 
Bibliography and Research awards.
Amalia W. 

From: Rachel Leket-Mor via Hasafran
Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2022 2:15 PM
To: Rachel Simon; ha-Safran (hasafran@lists.osu.edu)
Subject: Re: [ha-Safran] Retirement

Dear Rachel, Congratulations on your much-deserving retirement! It was a 
pleasure working with you on the RAS reference and bibliography award 
committee, reading your articles in Judaica Librarianship, and hanging out with 
you during AJL conferences.  
Dear Rachel, 

Congratulations on your much-deserving retirement! It was a pleasure working 
with you on the RAS reference and bibliography award committee, reading your 
articles in Judaica Librarianship, and hanging out with you during AJL 

Wishing you a wonderful retirement, 

From: Hasafran  on behalf of Rachel Simon via 
Date: Wednesday, December 21, 2022 at 10:19
To: ha-Safran (hasafran@lists.osu.edu) 
Subject: [ha-Safran] Retirement
As several of you know, I am retiring at the end of this month and am already 
on vacation. I enjoyed interacting with so many of you over more than three 
decades. I would especially like to thank the industrious Hebraica catalogers 
for their 
As several of you know, I am retiring at the end of this month and am already 
on vacation.

I enjoyed interacting with so many of you over more than three decades. I would 
especially like to thank the industrious Hebraica catalogers for their work, 
enabling us to benefit from their numerous bibliographic records. Keep on the 
good work!

Happy Holidays,


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Re: [ha-Safran] animal sound

2022-11-16 Thread Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran
Wendie is right, but, I think that the Israelis see no difference between a 
chicken’s  sound and a turkey. If I’m wrong, I apologize to Wendy.
Happy Thanksgiving,
Amalia W.

Sent from my iPad

> On Nov 16, 2022, at 12:36 PM, Wendie Sittenfield via Hasafran 
>  wrote:
> Co ca riku
>> On Wed, Nov 16, 2022, 11:34 AM Aileen Grossberg via Hasafran 
>>  wrote:
>> For a Thanksgiving library lesson, I need the sound a turkey makes in 
>> Hebrew. A rooster won't do.  I can't seem to find it anywhere.
>> I'm sure someone out there will have the answer in a flash.
>> TIA.
>> Aileen Grossberg
>> Jacobs Library
>> Oheb Shalom Congregation
>> South Orange, NJ 
>> __
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Re: [ha-Safran] Turkey question

2022-11-22 Thread Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran
Dogs are barking in English “bow bow” and in Hebrew “hav huv”.
Happy Thanksgiving,
Amalia W.

Sent from my iPad

> On Nov 22, 2022, at 11:48 AM, WJC Librarian via Hasafran 
>  wrote:
> Such an enjoyable research question! 
> Get Outlook for iOS
> From: Hasafran  on behalf of Aileen Grossberg 
> via Hasafran 
> Sent: Tuesday, November 22, 2022 9:57:20 AM
> To: Hasafran Listserv 
> Subject: [ha-Safran] Turkey question
> Thank you to everyone who tried to answer my question of the sound a turkey 
> makes in Hebrew. I received several suggestions as well as some 
> interesting-and fun- turkey related videos.
> There were a variety of answers, none of which sounds much like gobble, 
> gobble.
> The best answer came from my synagogue's operations director, a native 
> Israeli who, confirmed one of the suggestions.
> A turkey's sound in Hebrew is adar, adar, adar or in some places written 
> hadar, hadar, hadar.
> If you ask a turkey when Purim is, the turkey will answer Adar, Adar. 
> Aileen Grossberg
> __
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> and are not necessarily endorsed by the Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL)
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> --
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Re: [ha-Safran] Turkey question

2022-11-22 Thread Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran
It took the Israeli grocery stores years to order Cranberry sauce. American 
were asking family to send it by mail. 
It’s just not in our culinary must.

Sent from my iPad

> On Nov 22, 2022, at 12:42 PM, Marjorie Gann  wrote:
> I'm here in Jerusalem and I asked my grandchildren (ages 9, 7, 3 and 21 
> months) and they know all the sounds animals make in Hebrew -- except for 
> turkeys!!
> It's actually hard for Americans here to find whole turkeys to roast; the 
> ovens are generally so small you could barely fit a whole turkey in. But my 
> daughter did see whole turkeys in a supermarket in Bakaa (lots of Yanks) this 
> week. I'm Canadian, and we don't normally make as big a thing about 
> Thanksgiving as the Americans (we also celebrate our Thanksgiving at harvest 
> time - ha-ha-ha!), but my granddaughter goes to an English gan run by 
> Bostonians, and they actually did Thanksgiving crafts, just the way you would 
> in an American kindergarten, last week. (Apparently some Americans even miss 
> American Christmas so much that they do that stuff out of nostalgia -- in 
> Israel! May be an urban legend, but I think I read an article about this in 
> Jerusalem Report some years ago. My guess is -- Tel Aviv, not Jerusalem!)
> On Tue, Nov 22, 2022 at 7:33 PM Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran 
>  wrote:
>> Also, 
>> Dogs are barking in English “bow bow” and in Hebrew “hav huv”.
>> Happy Thanksgiving,
>> Amalia W.
>> Sent from my iPad
>>> On Nov 22, 2022, at 11:48 AM, WJC Librarian via Hasafran 
>>>  wrote:
>>> Such an enjoyable research question! 
>>> Get Outlook for iOS
>>> From: Hasafran  on behalf of Aileen 
>>> Grossberg via Hasafran 
>>> Sent: Tuesday, November 22, 2022 9:57:20 AM
>>> To: Hasafran Listserv 
>>> Subject: [ha-Safran] Turkey question
>>> Thank you to everyone who tried to answer my question of the sound a turkey 
>>> makes in Hebrew. I received several suggestions as well as some 
>>> interesting-and fun- turkey related videos.
>>> There were a variety of answers, none of which sounds much like gobble, 
>>> gobble.
>>> The best answer came from my synagogue's operations director, a native 
>>> Israeli who, confirmed one of the suggestions.
>>> A turkey's sound in Hebrew is adar, adar, adar or in some places written 
>>> hadar, hadar, hadar.
>>> If you ask a turkey when Purim is, the turkey will answer Adar, Adar. 
>>> Aileen Grossberg
>>> __
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>>> author
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>>> (AJL)
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>>> --
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>>> Hasafran@lists.osu.edu
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Re: [ha-Safran] Jewish Genealogy Reference Books

2023-01-26 Thread Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran

 Michelle, Would you mind, when the list is complete, to add it to the AJL Bibliography bank ? Amalia W. (the founder of the “bank”) From: Michelle Sandler via Hasafran Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2023 12: 12 AM To: HasafranSubject: [ha-Safran]

Michelle,Would you mind, when the list is complete, to add it to the AJL Bibliography bank ?Amalia W. (the founder of the “bank”) From: Michelle Sandler via HasafranSent: Thursday, January 26, 2023 12:12 AMTo: HasafranSubject: [ha-Safran] Jewish Genealogy Reference Books Dear Judaica Librarians: I am the Library Liaison for the International Association of JewishGenealogy Societies or IAJGS for short.  I am going to create acomprehensive list of reference books in Jewish Genealogy and add itto the Library section of the IAJGS website.  Do you know of any goodlists to start with?  I can add on from there.  I am not includinghow-to books or Yizkor Books.  Yizkor books are already in a databaseon JewishGen.  This is a long term project so no need to rush. Michelle Sandler MLSLibrarian Temple Beth David (Reform)Librarian Orange County California Jewish Genealogy SocietyLibrary Liaison IAJGSJewish Genealogist for 39 years__Messages and opinions expressed on Hasafran are those of the individual authorand are not necessarily endorsed by the Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL)==Submissions for Ha-Safran, send to:Hasafran@lists.osu.eduTo join Ha-Safran, update or change your subscription, etc. - click here: https://lists.osu.edu/mailman/listinfo/hasafranQuestions, problems, complaints, compliments send to: galro...@osu.eduHa-Safran Archives:Current:http://www.mail-archive.com/hasafran%40lists.osu.edu/maillist.htmlEarlier Listserver:http://www.mail-archive.com/hasafran%40lists.osu.edu/maillist.htmlAJL HomePage http://www.JewishLibraries.org--Hasafran mailing listHasafran@lists.osu.eduhttps://lists.osu.edu/mailman/listinfo/hasafran 
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Re: [ha-Safran] Discrimination at a library conference

2022-11-08 Thread Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran
I hope that the Israeli librarians organization will not keep their mouth shut.

Amalia Warshenbrot
AJL Past President
From: Shmuel Ben-Gad via Hasafran
Sent: Tuesday, November 8, 2022 11:57 AM
To: hasafran@lists.osu.edu
Subject: [ha-Safran] Discrimination at a library conference

A colleague of mine wrote me: :"You might be interested to know that I just 
came across yet another conference in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) which 
excludes participants from Israel, by omitting Israel from the "Country" field 
A colleague of mine wrote me: :"You might be interested to know that I just 
came across yet another conference in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) which 
excludes participants from Israel, by omitting Israel from the "Country" field 
on the registration form:

Registration form: 

Shmuel Ben-Gad,
Gelman Library,
George Washington University.
"[I]n Italy for thirty years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, 
murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and 
the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love.  They had 500 years of 
democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock."--Harry Lime 
in  the film "The Third Man".

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Re: [ha-Safran] Anne Dublin at the SLJ Middle School Magic

2023-03-10 Thread Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran

 I add my wishes to Anne, Amalia W. From: Sally Stieglitz via Hasafran Sent: Friday, March 10, 2023 1: 35 AM To: Emily Bergman Cc: Hasafran Subject: Re: [ha-Safran] Anne Dublin at the SLJ Middle School Magic Wow amazing! Congratulations on your

I add my wishes to Anne,Amalia W.From: Sally Stieglitz via HasafranSent: Friday, March 10, 2023 1:35 AMTo: Emily BergmanCc: HasafranSubject: Re: [ha-Safran] Anne Dublin at the SLJ Middle School Magic Wow amazing! Congratulations on your accomplishment Anne! Best, Sally On Thu, Mar 9, 2023 at 5: 21 PM Emily Bergman via Hasafran  wrote: I just heard Anne Dublin talk about her new book, She's a Mensch! Anne Wow amazing!  Congratulations on your accomplishment Anne! Best,Sally  On Thu, Mar 9, 2023 at 5:21 PM Emily Bergman via Hasafran  wrote:I just heard Anne Dublin talk about her new book, She's a Mensch!  Anne was great, and I can't wait to get her new book.   Congrats to Anne for participating in this national venue. Emily Bergman emilyannebergman@ gmail. com ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ I just heard Anne Dublin talk about her new book, She's a Mensch!  Anne was great, and I can't wait to get her new book.  Congrats to Anne for participating in this national venue.Emily Bergmanemilyanneberg...@gmail.com__Messages and opinions expressed on Hasafran are those of the individual authorand are not necessarily endorsed by the Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL)==Submissions for Ha-Safran, send to:Hasafran@lists.osu.eduTo join Ha-Safran, update or change your subscription, etc. - click here: https://lists.osu.edu/mailman/listinfo/hasafranQuestions, problems, complaints, compliments send to: galro...@osu.eduHa-Safran Archives:Current:http://www.mail-archive.com/hasafran%40lists.osu.edu/maillist.htmlEarlier Listserver:http://www.mail-archive.com/hasafran%40lists.osu.edu/maillist.htmlAJL HomePage http://www.JewishLibraries.org--Hasafran mailing listHasafran@lists.osu.eduhttps://lists.osu.edu/mailman/listinfo/hasafran-- Sally Stieglitzshe/herCommunications and Outreach Coordinator  Liaison to Academic, Hospital, and Special Libraries Long Island Library Resources Council 631.675.1570 ext. 2005sstiegl...@lilrc.org http://www.lilrc.org  http://orcid.org/-0003-1552-9188  LILRC is a member of the Empire State Library Network (ESLN) Follow LILRC on Facebook Twitter Instagram 
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Re: [ha-Safran] All back issues of Judaica Librarianship are online (1–22)

2023-04-20 Thread Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran

 This is a great achievement. JL is one of the most important AJL projects. In my mind it is the MOST important, Amalia W. From: Michelle Margolis via Hasafran Sent: Wednesday, April 19, 2023 9: 15 PMTo: Jacqueline BenefraimCc: Hasafran@ lists. osu. eduSubject: 

This is a great achievement.  JL is one of the most important AJL projects.  In my mind it is the MOST important,Amalia W.   From: Michelle Margolis via HasafranSent: Wednesday, April 19, 2023 9:15 PMTo: Jacqueline BenefraimCc: Hasafran@lists.osu.eduSubject: Re: [ha-Safran] All back issues of Judaica Librarianship are online (1–22) Mazal tov, Racheli, and thank you so much for your long and hard work to make Judaica Librarianship completely open access!! Looking forward to reading it all :) Michelle On Wed, Apr 19, 2023 at 7: 12 PM Jacqueline Benefraim via Hasafran  Mazal tov, Racheli, and thank you so much for your long and hard work to make Judaica Librarianship completely open access!!  Looking forward to reading it all :) Michelle On Wed, Apr 19, 2023 at 7:12 PM Jacqueline Benefraim via Hasafran  wrote:Dear Racheli, Mazal tov on this marvelous achievement. Even though you had numerous dedicated AJLers to help you with the task, it was your vision that made this treasure trove accessible to all. May you go from strength to strength,JackieOn Dear Racheli,  Mazal tov on this marvelous achievement. Even though you had numerous dedicated AJLers to help you with the task, it was your vision that made this treasure trove accessible to all. May you go from strength to strength, Jackie On Wed, Apr 19, 2023 at 3:04 PM Rachel Leket-Mor via Hasafran  wrote:Dear AJL members, I am excited to share with you that the JL back issues upload project is completed! All back issued of Judaica Librarianship, starting with the first one, are available online at https: //ajlpublishing. org, under Archvies.  Dear AJL members,  I am excited to share with you that the JL back issues upload project is completed! All back issued of Judaica Librarianship, starting with the first one, are available online at https://ajlpublishing.org, under Archvies.  Many, many thanks to the dedicated team of volunteers who helped me prepare the PDF’d articles for publication and generate article-level metadata (listed alphabetically): Sharon Benamou, Lili Brown, Yossi Galron, Ilka Gordon, Uri Kolodney, Konstanze Kunst, Amalia Levi, Yahm Levin, Michelle Margolis, Nancy Sack, Hannah Srour, and Sheryl Stahl. Thank you!!!  Another big thank-you goes to the wonderful JL editorial board, especially Zachary Baker, Arthur Kiron, Annette Goldsmith, and Jim Rosenbloom, for their sound advice. Lastly, none of it would have been possible without the digitized files, an undertaking headed by Laurel Wolfson at HUC years ago.  Just in time for the fortieth anniversary of AJL’s peer-reviewed Judaica Librarianship, all back issues of the journal are available online. Read away!... Share any articles (don’t forget to cite… see a formatted citation + DOI/URL under “how to cite” on each article page)—and please, please, please let me know if you spot any problems, so I can fix them.  Congratulations, AJLers! Rachel  Rachel Leket-Mor, LibrarianCurator, Open Stack Collections, IsraPulp Collection Affiliate, Center for Jewish Studies, Center for Maghrib Studies Arizona State University Library Editor, Judaica Librarianship (2012–Present)Association of Jewish Librarieshttps://ajlpublishing.org I live and work on the ancestral lands of the Akimel O’odham (Pima) and Pe​e Posh (Maricopa) peoples and benefit from their ongoing stewardship and place-based knowledge.  __Messages and opinions expressed on Hasafran are those of the individual authorand are not necessarily endorsed by the Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL)==Submissions for Ha-Safran, send to:Hasafran@lists.osu.eduTo join Ha-Safran, update or change your subscription, etc. - click here: https://lists.osu.edu/mailman/listinfo/hasafranQuestions, problems, complaints, compliments send to: galro...@osu.eduHa-Safran Archives:Current:http://www.mail-archive.com/hasafran%40lists.osu.edu/maillist.htmlEarlier Listserver:http://www.mail-archive.com/hasafran%40lists.osu.edu/maillist.htmlAJL HomePage http://www.JewishLibraries.org--Hasafran mailing listHasafran@lists.osu.eduhttps://lists.osu.edu/mailman/listinfo/hasafran -- Jackie Ben-Efraim"Although the books had changed, I the reader had not." Micha Yosef Berdichevsky 1865-1921 ​Special Collections LibrarianOstrow LibraryAmerican Jewish University __Messages and opinions expressed on Hasafran are those of the individual authorand are not necessarily endorsed by the Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL)==Submissions for Ha-Safran, send to:Hasafran@lists.osu.eduTo join Ha-Safran, update or change your subscription, etc. - click here: https://lists.osu.edu/mailman/listinfo/hasafranQuestions, 

Re: [ha-Safran] Live-streaming, video-conferencing ...

2023-04-21 Thread Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran

 Alan, Thanks for your reply. I hope to get it before my lesson, Amalia From: Alan Lapayover via Hasafran Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2023 2: 23 PM To: hasafran@ lists. osu. edu Subject: [ha-Safran] Live-streaming, video-conferencing .. . Regarding

Alan,Thanks for your reply.  I hope to get it before my lesson,Amalia   From: Alan Lapayover via HasafranSent: Thursday, April 20, 2023 2:23 PMTo: hasafran@lists.osu.eduSubject: [ha-Safran] Live-streaming, video-conferencing ... Regarding Amalia’s request about “Live-streaming, video-conferencing and related technologies enable congregants to connect beyond the walls of the synagogue, can we effectively count those whom we know to be technologically present Regarding Amalia’s request about “Live-streaming, video-conferencing and related technologies enable congregants to connect beyond the walls of the synagogue, can we effectively count those whom we know to be technologically present as part of a minyan?” there is an interesting discussion in the Journal of Halacha and Contemporary Society, No.75, December 2020 entitled “Zooming In: Participation in Prayer Over Video Conference” by Rabbi Joshua Flug (p.83-95). Rabbi Alan LaPayoverDirector, Mordecai M. Kaplan LibraryReconstructionist Rabbinical College  
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Re: [ha-Safran] AJL Announces 2023 Fanny Goldstein Merit Award Winner

2023-04-26 Thread Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran

 Mazal tov to my dear friend Racheli. I can’t think of a more deserving person of the Fanny Goldstein Award. As listed below Racheli dedicated hours of her time and was always modest yet offering valuable ideas to the organization’s leadership. Kol

Mazal tov to my dear friend Racheli. I can’t think of a more deserving person of the Fanny Goldstein Award.As listed below Racheli dedicated hours of her time and was always modest yet offering valuable ideas to the organization’s leadership.Kol hakavod! Amalia W.Sent from my iPadOn Apr 26, 2023, at 12:05 PM, Paula Breger via Hasafran  wrote:

 The Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL) is proud to announce that longtime member Rachel Leket-Mor has been named the 2023 Fanny Goldstein Merit Award Winner. The award, named for the librarian, social activist, and founder of National Jewish

The Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL) is proud to announce that longtime member Rachel Leket-Mor has been named the 2023 Fanny Goldstein Merit Award Winner. The award, named for the librarian, social activist, and founder of National Jewish Book Month, is bestowed in recognition of loyal and ongoing contributions to the AJL and to the profession of Judaica librarianship. Rachel Leket-Mor began her career as a Hebrew language editor at publishing houses in Israel. She edited translated fiction, scholarly articles, and monographs, mostly related to Jewish history, political science, and holocaust studies, in collaboration with authors, translators, and in-house editors. She began at Arizona State University (ASU) Library in 2002, first as the Jewish studies bibliographer, building collections, supporting curriculum and research, and providing specialized reference assistance. After two years in this position, she worked as a subject librarian for Jewish studies, religious studies, philosophy, and medieval and Renaissance studies until 2017 and is currently the open stack collections curator. In this role, she provides leadership for the selection, management, and disposition of print collections and openly accessible resources. She also works with, trains, and guides selectors on purchasing materials. She holds two master’s degrees, a Master in Information Resources and Library Science from University of Arizona and an MA in Translation Studies from Tel Aviv University. Rachel’s involvement with the AJL began when she joined the Association in 2003 as a new Judaica librarian. Her professional involvement in the Association began in 2007, when she co-chaired that year’s annual conference in Scottsdale, Arizona, with Haim Gottschalk. The following year, she was elected vice president of AJL’s Research, Archives, and Special Collections Division (RAS), serving alongside RAS President Jim Rosenbloom (2008–2010). As RAS president (2010–2012), she collaborated with Schools, Synagogues, and Centers Division President Joyce Levine to conduct a member survey to study trends in Judaica libraries and anticipate future developments across the AJL divisions. The survey results, including the number of librarians in AJL libraries, their educational level, age and years of service, and retirement plans, were used in AJL strategic and leadership organizational planning. Rachel served on several AJL strategic planning committees, from 2008 to 2010 and from 2013 to 2016, and has served on the AJL Council since 2007 and on the Association’s Constitution and Bylaws Committee since 2022. In 2012, Rachel became the editor of Judaica Librarianship, AJL’s peer-reviewed journal. A year later, she transferred the print-only publication to electronic publishing, set up the electronic platform and a new peer-review process, designed a new textual “nusaḥ,” and acquired the Adobe InDesign skills needed for the production of scholarly works. She arranged for each issue to become open access 12 months after publication and moved the journal to complete open access when shifting it to a new electronic platform with the Open Journal Systems in early 2020. Opening the journal to all resulted in a significantly increased number of readers and better exposure to AJL. For the journal’s fortieth anniversary this year, she has led an AJL volunteer team in a project to upload the remainder of the journal’s back issues, following prior success with making volumes 9–16/17 available online. Lisa Silverman, award committee chair, commented, “On behalf of the Fanny Goldstein Merit Award committee, we are proud to have the opportunity to honor Rachel Leket-Mor as this year’s recipient of the Award. Rachel has contributed so much to AJL, to the field of Judaica librarianship, and to librarianship as a profession overall. Her work on the AJL journal Judaica Librarianship has been invaluable to the organization. Rachel personifies the values and legacy of the Award’s namesake, Fanny Goldstein, who devoted her life to books and her community.” Rachel will receive her award on Monday, June 19, 2023, at 

[ha-Safran] Live-streaming, video-conferencing and related technologies enable congregants to connect beyond the walls of the synagogue, can we effectively count those whom we know to be “technologica

2023-04-19 Thread Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran

   We are looking a Responsa or any Rabbinic explanation on the reasoning of accepting technology like video conferencing or life streaming for counting a virtual members for a Minyan or a “kosher״ way during the Covid pandemic I found this

We are looking a Responsa or any Rabbinic explanation on the reasoning of accepting technology like video conferencing or life streaming  for counting a virtual members for a Minyan or  a “kosher״ way during the  Covid pandemic I found this  Teshuvah in  the Reform Responsa, but it was written before the Covid pandemic.5772.1 - Central Conference of American Rabbis (ccarnet.org)Your help will be appreciated,Amalia 
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Re: [ha-Safran] So proud! Equality Award goes to Susan Kusel for Jewish advocacy

2023-05-03 Thread Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran

 Mazal tov to Susan. Amalia W. From: Heidi Rabinowitz via Hasafran Sent: Wednesday, May 3, 2023 10: 28 AM To: Hasafran Subject: [ha-Safran] So proud! Equality Award goes to Susan Kusel for Jewish advocacy I am so happy for my friend Susan Kusel,

Mazal tov to Susan. Amalia W.   From: Heidi Rabinowitz via HasafranSent: Wednesday, May 3, 2023 10:28 AMTo: HasafranSubject: [ha-Safran] So proud! Equality Award goes to Susan Kusel for Jewish advocacy I am so happy for my friend Susan Kusel, who has won the ALA Equality Award! Here's the press release, and I also want to share what she wrote on Facebook, because it's very significant that ALA is recognizing Jewish advocacy work as I am so happy for my friend Susan Kusel, who has won the ALA Equality Award! Here's the press release, and I also want to share what she wrote on Facebook, because it's very significant that ALA is recognizing Jewish advocacy work as being worth celebrating. Here's the press release: https://www.ala.org/news/member-news/2023/05/susan-kusel-named-winner-2023-ala-equality-award And here are Susan's own words, in which she shouts out AJL: A big and unexpected moment and career high that I can't quite believe. Thank you to the American Library Association for selecting me as the recipient of this year's ALA Equality Award. With thanks and gratitude to the members of this year's committee: Dora Ho, Skip Dye, Keahiahi S. Long, Shay Ramsey-Martin and Robin Sofge and to ALA. Thank you for recognizing me, but much more importantly for recognizing Jewish advocacy work as significant and worth awarding. With deep thanks to Heidi Rabinowitz, who has been my partner for so much of this Jewish book equity work. I am so proud of the projects and communities we have created. Also thank you to my colleagues at ALA and the Association of Jewish Libraries and to everyone in the library, bookselling and publishing fields who have been so supportive of Jewish books. Thank you to my synagogue colleagues and library patrons, who I have been working for. I am also honored to be recognized for my mentoring. That is truly an important part of my professional life and I am so proud of my mentees and what they have accomplished. I really feel this is a group award, for all the work we have done together, to expand the world of Jewish books for all Jewish and non-Jewish readers. We have done so much... and we have so much more to do.Toda raba.  
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Re: [ha-Safran] Beth David Library (Reform) in Westminster California is Being cut in half.

2023-07-12 Thread Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran

 AJL was planning advocacy for our library members and non-members, but, it is extremely difficult. Amalia W. Sent from my iPad On Jul 12, 2023, at 8: 01 AM, Andrea Rapp via Hasafran  wrote:   Any theories on why

AJL was planning advocacy for our library members and non-members, but, it is extremely difficult.Amalia W.Sent from my iPadOn Jul 12, 2023, at 8:01 AM, Andrea Rapp via Hasafran  wrote:

  Any theories on why this is happening, I,e. dwindling support for synagogue libraries? Circulation must have been dropping off by a lot, no? I see it also. Andrea On Jul 11, 2023, at 10: 07 PM, Carol Janoff via Hasafran 

Any theories on why this is happening, I,e. dwindling support for synagogue libraries? Circulation must have been dropping off by a lot, no? I see it also.   AndreaOn Jul 11, 2023, at 10:07 PM, Carol Janoff via Hasafran  wrote:

 This is happening to my temple library too. We have sold our current building and are renting it back for 3 years, but the outer building where the library filled two rooms with over 7,000 volumes has been unavailable to us from the time of

This is happening to my temple library too.  We have sold our current building and are renting it back for 3 years, but the outer building where the library filled two rooms with
 over 7,000 volumes has been unavailable to us from the time of the sale.  The books are all packed in boxes and stored in the attic of the sanctuary.  The new building will almost certainly not have a room (or rooms) dedicated solely to the library but will
 most likely have a conference room or some such with shelves around the perimeter.  Obviously most of the books will not fit and I just don’t even know what we can do with so many discarded books.  It breaks my heart because I started this library and have
 added to it and run it for over 25 years and I think it is a fine collection.  I am a volunteer (with a library science degree from 1973) and I don’t really want to even deal with this situation. I am dreading the day when the administrator asks me to do it. 
 But if I say NO as this point I have no idea who would do it.
Carol Janoff
Temple Chai
Phoenix, AZ

From: Hasafran 
On Behalf Of Michelle Sandler via Hasafran
Sent: Tuesday, July 11, 2023 11:27 AM
To: Hasafran 
Subject: [ha-Safran] Beth David Library (Reform) in Westminster California is Being cut in half.


Dear Judaica Librarians: My library at Beth David in Westminster, California is being cut in half.   They need the classroom for the Youth Lounge.   The Youth Lounge
 is being turned into a preschool classroom to make more money for the synagogue 

Dear Judaica Librarians:


My library at Beth David in Westminster, California is being cut in half.  They need the classroom for the Youth Lounge.  The Youth Lounge is being turned into a preschool classroom to make more money for the synagogue as the Preschool
 has a waiting list.

The 1,100 childrens and teen books are going into the Religious School Directors office. The 100 reference books are going into the Rabbi's office. 400 of the 1800 adult fiction and non-fiction books are staying in the new Youth Lounge. 
 The remaining 1,400 or 1,500 books are going away.  This is a nightmare to eliminate the books that are going away from my ResourceMate catalog.  Has anyone else had to deal with this?  I have been the Volunteer Librarian there for 10 years.


Michelle Sandler MLS


Beth David

Westminster, California

__Messages and opinions expressed on Hasafran are those of the individual authorand are not necessarily endorsed by the Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL)==Submissions for Ha-Safran, send to:Hasafran@lists.osu.eduTo join Ha-Safran, update or change your subscription, etc. - click here: https://lists.osu.edu/mailman/listinfo/hasafranQuestions, problems, complaints, compliments send to: galro...@osu.eduHa-Safran Archives:Current:http://www.mail-archive.com/hasafran%40lists.osu.edu/maillist.htmlEarlier Listserver:http://www.mail-archive.com/hasafran%40lists.osu.edu/maillist.htmlAJL HomePage http://www.JewishLibraries.org--Hasafran mailing listHasafran@lists.osu.eduhttps://lists.osu.edu/mailman/listinfo/hasafran__Messages and opinions expressed on Hasafran are those of the individual authorand are not necessarily endorsed by the Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL)==Submissions for Ha-Safran, send to:Hasafran@lists.osu.eduTo join Ha-Safran, update or change your subscription, etc. - click here: https://lists.osu.edu/mailman/listinfo/hasafranQuestions, problems, complaints, compliments send to: galro...@osu.eduHa-Safran Archives:Current:http://www.mail-archive.com/hasafran%40lists.osu.edu/maillist.htmlEarlier Listserver:http://www.mail-archive.com/hasafran%40lists.osu.edu/maillist.htmlAJL HomePage http://www.JewishLibraries.org--Hasafran mailing 

Re: [ha-Safran] Beth David Library (Reform) in Westminster California is Being cut in half.

2023-07-11 Thread Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran
 This is so upsetting. It happens to many librarians, but, it doesn’t solve the 
I’ll be surprised if anyone has a simple solution.
Amalia W

Sent from my iPad

> On Jul 11, 2023, at 3:00 PM, Michelle Sandler via Hasafran 
>  wrote:
> Dear Judaica Librarians:
> My library at Beth David in Westminster, California is being cut in half.  
> They need the classroom for the Youth Lounge.  The Youth Lounge is being 
> turned into a preschool classroom to make more money for the synagogue as the 
> Preschool has a waiting list.
> The 1,100 childrens and teen books are going into the Religious School 
> Directors office. The 100 reference books are going into the Rabbi's office. 
> 400 of the 1800 adult fiction and non-fiction books are staying in the new 
> Youth Lounge.  The remaining 1,400 or 1,500 books are going away.  This is a 
> nightmare to eliminate the books that are going away from my ResourceMate 
> catalog.  Has anyone else had to deal with this?  I have been the Volunteer 
> Librarian there for 10 years.
> Michelle Sandler MLS
> Librarian
> Beth David
> Westminster, California
> __
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> and are not necessarily endorsed by the Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL)
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