Re: Dilemma of a young Mainframe Systems Programmer

2005-08-01 Thread Timothy Sipples
How does anything in that story apply uniquely to zSeries?  Outsourcing to 
India (and elsewhere) is, if anything, more prevalent off zSeries than on. 
 UNIX?  The overall UNIX market is in decline, and UNIX outsources as well 
as anything.

"Tyler" ought to make sure that he knows WebSphere, Linux, Java, workflow 
(WebSphere Business Integration Server Foundation and WBI Modeler, as 
examples), and ESB concepts (MQ, Message Broker, Web Services Gateway, 
etc.) among other things.  He should help his employer make those 
technologies available on zSeries to his constituents -- and that those 
facilities are approachable and accessible by all who need to solve 
business problems.  Note that implies at least some knowledge of solving 
business problems.  If Tyler can't understand how his IT skills support 
business objectives, he does have a problem.

Somehow businesses got rid of those punched cards and teletypes a few 
years ago and replaced them with those newfangled 3270 terminals.  IBM 
mainframes have had Web servers and Web interfaces since 1991.  The first 
Web server outside Europe was installed on a mainframe, at Stanford.  So 
how about if Tyler stops worrying about the few fossils acting like 
fossils -- which exist in any organization.  Tyler should have plenty of 
work to do getting Web interfaces deployed.  There's this newfangled 
software called HATS, and it runs under WebSphere

Repeating myself here, but he (or she?) has skills on a (the?) growth 
platform in a world crying out for solutions that don't break and which 
protect personal information.  So I'd advise Tyler to learn a foreign 
language -- that's sage advice no matter what the career path -- and enjoy 
the ride.

- - - - -
Timothy F. Sipples
Consulting Software Architect, Enterprise Transformation
IBM Americas zSeries Software
NEW Phone: +1 312 529 1612 (effective 1 September 2005)
E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (PGP key available.)

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Re: Device Independence (was: ... DCB coexistence ...)

2005-08-01 Thread Paul Gilmartin
In a recent note, Charles Mills said:

> Date: Mon, 1 Aug 2005 17:27:01 -0700
> - Some developer decides to "over-check" device types. Stupid, but it
> just affects that one program and its users.
"one program and its users" can be a pretty wide scope.  I've
had "over-checking" problems with:

o SMP/E (mostly fixed now.  Thanks, Kurt Q.)


o TSO Transmit

o Rexx interpreter


The last 4 persist.

Of course, if you don't use ISPF, TSO TRANSMIT, Rexx, or ISRDDN
(and maybe some others), you won't be affected.

-- gil

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Re: Dilemma of a young Mainframe Systems Programmer

2005-08-01 Thread Dave Salt

From: Francisco Medina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


The times have changed and there is a significant need to “dumb down”
(yeah, I said it) the interface. This is entirely why Windows is such a
huge success. The interface is appealing and makes things “ultra-simple”
for the user. Most of us here could wing it when signed on to Mainframe TSO
for the very first time by using the panel options, but the majority of
people cannot. However, many 7 year olds can figure out the Windows GUI
interface in about a half-hour after a little experimentation and guidance.
Just because our platform is normally relegated to larger corporations
processing mostly in batch, does not mean that we need to have a crappy
interface that turns people off as soon as they see it. The initial
reaction of the majority would be, “that sucks like the DOS days”, even
though you and I probably love DOS more than Windows (hey, we love the
command-line interpreter). With the advent of Windows and the continued
aging of the mainframe community, it becomes more and more of a necessity
to enhance the user interface. If we choose to ignore this essential aspect
of the operating system, it is truly doomed for failure in the future.


I agree with everything you stated. However, for the benefit of those who 
monitor the list and might not know differently, I must point out there are 
many tools available that SIGNIFICANTLY improve the standard mainframe 

I confess up-front I make my living by developing such a tool, so obviously 
my opinions are biased. However, it's my experience that few people are 
aware such tools exist, or have ever had the opportunity to see or use them.

People who are exposed to the standard mainframe interface eventually move 
on to become managers. If they didn't like the mainframe and perceive it as 
unproductive and unintuitive, you can be sure they'll have no fondness for 
keeping it. But solutions are available right now, today, that dramatically 
improve the mainframe interface and help prevent this scenario from 

Perhaps everyone is sitting back and waiting for IBM to provide a solution. 
ISPF was introduced more than 20 years ago, and the underlying interface has 
changed little in all that time. Yes there have been major improvements in 
features and utilities, and the architecture itself (IMHO) is first rate. 
But still, the interface itself leaves much to be desired. Fortunately, part 
of the architecture provided by IBM allows tools and utilities to be created 
that can complement and enhance the base architecture. Tools created by 
vendors and even certain individuals are available to anyone who cares to 

As with most things in life, you get what you pay for. Some tools are free, 
but usually the better tools cost money. Perhaps it's the perceived expense 
of licensing tools that prevents most shops from exploring what's available. 
But this is a case of penny wise and pound foolish. Mainframe hardware and 
software often costs hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars to 
buy and operate. It then costs millions more on an annual basis to employee 
the people who work on the platform (i.e. roughly one million dollars a year 
for every 10 employees). With such VAST amounts of money involved, you'd 
think most companies would do almost anything in their power to improve 

If a software tool improves productivity by an average of 10% and is used by 
20 people, and if such a tool cost $5,000 per year to license, then the 
return on investment works out to roughly $195,000 a year. Even if the tool 
generated a paltry 1% improvement in productivity, it would still return 
roughly 4 times the initial investment each and every year. If more than 20 
people used it, the return grows even bigger. It doesn't take a rocket 
scientist to realize that even very small investments in productivity tools 
can reap huge dividends, and at the same time make everyones lives much 
easier. Despite this, few companies look at any interface software beyond 
what comes with the standard mainframe installation. Other companies 
languish and complain, while still others spend huge sums of money to 
convert to other platforms.

Those in a position to investigate and recommend ways to improve mainframe 
productivity and the user interface should take it upon themselves to do so. 
If they don't, they shouldn't be surprised when the mainframe platform 
eventually dissapears for good. As Francisco so aptly stated in his email:

"With the advent of Windows and the continued aging of the mainframe 
community, it becomes more and more of a necessity to enhance the user 
interface. If we choose to ignore this essential aspect of the operating 
system, it is truly doomed for failure in the future."

I couldn't agree more. However, anyone who thinks the standard ISPF 
interface is the only mainframe interface available has absolutely NO idea 
what they're missing.

Dave Salt


2005-08-01 Thread Ron and Jenny Hawkins

You really need to go back and read what I was responding to. Ted said that
if he had a dedicated, custom sized volume for PLPA and another volume for
Common, he would still allocate a one Cylinder PLPA on the dedicated volume
and overflow to Common on another volume.

I said this is silly and pigheaded. What do you think of this?

I would simply love you to explain the point of your comment "While I am
discussing how to configure it on a real system with a real load." What did
you ever mean by that remark? I'm sorry if I need to recall all the inner
workings of a mainframe and operating system that hasn't existed for a
quarter century to figure this comment out, but what exactly are you trying
to say about systems I work on. Be precise now, because the devil is in the


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Re: Another - Another One Bites the Dust

2005-08-01 Thread Steve Comstock

 Chris, relative to another of your posts, I just received
this today (1 August) but the send date is listed as
11 July!

Kind regards,

-Steve Comstock

Craddock, Chris wrote:

And another 100 to replace them for newer ones as new 
technology comes out.

Wow, they must be in the money, customers money that is.

And have another 50 in reserve to replace they ones going 
down every 5 minutes. 

Just ain't so folks... take a long hard look at the real numbers
and the results are not pretty. Fact 1. z/OS availability, as
experienced by most of our brethren, is nothing to write home about.
See all of the past threads about IPL frequency for verification. 

Its not that the system isn't capable of continuous operation (IT 
IS!!!) but evidently a wide majority of customers don't actually

trust it to be as reliable as it is.

Fact 2, there are many ways of skinning the high availability
cat and clustered systems made up of nothing more than networked
PCs and PC-like boxes are getting some seriously good numbers in
the real world. Yes Gertrude, you really can get better availability
from Windows than most z/OS customers get in the real world. Once
again, its not an intrinsic better/worse story. Its how you choose
to configure and run them.

I'd make some caustic remark about roses and coffee but I am 
sure you all get my drift. The world around us really has changed.


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Re: Dilemma of a young Mainframe Systems Programmer

2005-08-01 Thread Robert Justice
okay, one more, yes, he could learn to use windows 
where in order to "shutdown" the system, you must first 
hit the START button. 

(Note that if us mainframers did something like that we'd be crucified). 

I really am done this time speaking of behalf of "friendly" inerfaces. 


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Re: Dilemma of a young Mainframe Systems Programmer

2005-08-01 Thread Robert Justice

rant mode on

well, speaking of 'friendly" user-interfaces, he could learn to use vi on 

where the 'friendly" way of doing something simple like signing the
"he" 'double toothpicks' off" is to do Shift, Capital ZZ or "bang" Q

berkley produced both lsd and unix (and that's not a coincidence)

Okay, I'm done now speaking on behalf of "friendly" interfaces

enough said .

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Re: Device Independence (was: ... DCB coexistence ...)

2005-08-01 Thread Charles Mills
> Whatever happened to OS/360's vaunted device 
> independence?  ... 
> Gone with the wind.  All too many programs check for device type

I hear you and I agree, but it's really two different issues:

- Some developer decides to "over-check" device types. Stupid, but it
just affects that one program and its users.

- This issue affects every developer who wants to write a program that
exploits 31-bit storage (what a concept in 2005!) and still supports
terminal I/O.


-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Paul Gilmartin
Sent: Monday, August 01, 2005 5:14 PM
Subject: Device Independence (was: ... DCB coexistence ...)

In a recent note, Charles Mills said:

> Date: Mon, 1 Aug 2005 16:41:40 -0700
> What a piece of #&%#&! Whatever happened to OS/360's vaunted device 
> independence?  ... <\rant>
Gone with the wind.  All too many programs check for device type, F1
DSCB, etc and fail if it's something they're not designed for.  The
fallback position should be simply OPEN; GET/PUT; ... CLOSE; and let the
chips fall where they may, not decline to process the data set.

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Re: Reference for DCB coexistence with RMODE 31 programs?

2005-08-01 Thread Charles Mills
Looking at Gil's note, I got to wondering whether perhaps the first
assertion (about areas [buffers?] above the line) in 

"The support for areas above the line is not provided for the following
devices: TSO terminal ... For the above devices, issue macros other than
OPEN and CLOSE in 24-bit addressing mode."

is true but the second assertion (about macros in 24-bit mode) is false
(no longer true?).

I think a lot of the documentation problem with this issue is that the
xSAM 31-bit support was added to MVS gradually and the documentation was
written gradually at the same times and in many cases never revisited.
The world could desperately use a single, well-written, up-to-date
chapter called "using 31-bit storage and addressing with non-VSAM access

I think I may try moving everything except the DCBs and exit stubs above
the line but keeping the buffers below the line and see if it still
works with terminal output. (I can live without terminal input.)

The documentation is really poor. I didn't find the chapter on buffers
(and, oh yes, exits) above the line because it is under "non-VSAM macro
descriptions." It's not a macro description. It's a general essay on
QSAM & co. and 31-bit addressing. It belongs in "Using Datasets."

<\more rant.


-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Charles Mills
Sent: Monday, August 01, 2005 4:42 PM
Subject: Re: Reference for DCB coexistence with RMODE 31 programs?

Well that's interesting. I just read the relevant passage in DFSMS

"The support for areas above the line is not provided for the following
devices: TSO terminal ... For the above devices, issue macros other than
OPEN and CLOSE in 24-bit addressing mode."

In my blissful ignorance, I think* I have been issuing PUTs in 31-bit
mode and terminal output has been working just fine. (Terminal output is
not a key to what the program does but it is specifically documented
[our doc] as supported.) Hmm.

*Am I missing something? If a program is linked into a conventional PDS
with PGM=HEWL,PARM='AMODE=31,RMODE=24... and then executed with TSO Rexx
"CALL 'xx..LOAD()'" will it not execute in AMODE 31? 

I have (in my ignorance, as I said) had no problems with OPEN/PUT/CLOSE
to a terminal. I just tested it again just now. All code and macros are
in RMODE 24. DCBs specify MACRF=(PM) with no DCBE. Old-fashioned 24-bit
OPEN. Curious.

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Dilemma of a young Mainframe Systems Programmer

2005-08-01 Thread Francisco Medina
This is being posted on behalf of a close friend named Tyler. I know he
is “lurking” in close proximity. Tyler was a young naïve boy right out of
high school, working as a temporary Computer Operator for a large company
(a starting spot that many on the list hold near and dear to their hearts).
Over time, he moved up the ranks and transitioned into the Technical
Support and Systems Programming departments. All appeared grand to the
outsider’s eye, but as time went on Tyler began to realize that his talents
and abilities were no longer appreciated by his company.

The first indications of things going awry were the condescending attitude
and “omnipotent” stance from the Corporate Sysprogs. Tyler was an up and
coming youngster with an endless amount of potential and a knack for
learning new tools, methodologies, and tricks in a quick amount of time
(probably sounds familiar to many on the list). Many loved his abilities
and used his enthusiasm and knowledge to their advantage, while a selected
few tried to tear his reputation to bits. The general consensus was that
the Sysprogs were territorial and fearful of Tyler’s ambition.
Unfortunately, upper management was reliant upon the wicked and did not
support those striving to attain a high level of knowledge.

After years of reading IBM-Main on a daily basis, Tyler came to the
conclusion that his company situation was a mere microcosm of the industry.
Innovation and creativity are on the decline and met with stiff opposition
these days. OCO (Object Code Only) is a prime example of squashing
innovation. This inhibits the System Programmer’s ability to see what is
happening under the covers and mimic/exploit these facilities in other
applications. Nowadays, the Systems Programmer has to make assumptions
about what is happening internally and we aren’t always right (some of us
can never admit it, but we are all wrong at least once in a while). Also,
over time the Systems Programmer’s job responsibilities in many shops have
been reduced to customization of IBM and 3rd party products, performance
monitoring, and fine-tuning Systems and Applications. There are probably
Sysprogs out there who don’t understand a lick of Assembler, but are still
very successful and efficient at their jobs (okay, some of you here may
disagree to the definition of “efficient”. Let’s not go over the definition
of “is” a la Mr. Clinton). Gone are the days of creating customized
applications, exits, etc. for the benefit of companies. It still exists,
but is nowhere near as rampant as in the past.

The ever-increasing complexity of the system is a driving force behind the
transformation of the Systems Programmer job to more drone-like work, but
what it really comes down to is financials. We are all aware of the recent
layoffs within IBM (in the States and Europe) and the expansion of
outsourcing to India. In order to utilize India to its fullest potential,
there had to be extreme standardization. It isn’t realistic to have major
Systems Programming customization performed halfway around the world with
the barriers of locality, time difference, and language. IBM can utilize
India to further its grip on the mainframe and standardization. As IBM
further outsources to India, their cost goes down and thus sweeter deals
are made to companies from IBM to handle their Systems Programming
functions. The company saves face in the industry by proclaiming to
be “outsourcing to IBM”, even though they are indirectly outsourcing to
India. Both IBM and the companies save money, but there are significant
negatives to the above scenario. Once again, innovation and ingenuity is
lost and furthermore, America falls even further down on the Technological
brain spectrum.

So where does this leave Tyler in the big scheme of things? Tyler is a
young man (okay, truly a boy) in his mid-20s with a big future in front of
him. All the stories of System crashes, rebuilding JESs, or fancy ZAPs from
the old days excite him and he wishes he had been around in those days when
there wasn’t such a clamp on things. Tyler recognizes the need for the
clamps (sometimes nooses) these days and complies with them, but that
doesn’t prevent him from dreaming about living in the days of old. What is
the latest excitement in the life of Tyler in the computing world? The non-
event that was Y2K! Tyler gets just as much excitement from watching the
clock turn to midnight every night. So as Tyler looks down the road, he
sees about 40 years (make that 50 as the retirement age will be 75 by then)
of drone-work rewarded with being laid off. Yippee… and not only that, but
the platform may not be around more than half that duration as we seem to
fail to see the need for a better user interface.

The times have changed and there is a significant need to “dumb down”
(yeah, I said it) the interface. This is entirely why Windows is such a
huge success. The interface is appealing and makes things “ultra-simple”
for the user. Most of us here could wing 

Device Independence (was: ... DCB coexistence ...)

2005-08-01 Thread Paul Gilmartin
In a recent note, Charles Mills said:

> Date: Mon, 1 Aug 2005 16:41:40 -0700
> What a piece of #&%#&! Whatever happened to OS/360's vaunted device
> independence?  ...
> <\rant>
Gone with the wind.  All too many programs check for device
type, F1 DSCB, etc and fail if it's something they're not
designed for.  The fallback position should be simply
OPEN; GET/PUT; ... CLOSE; and let the chips fall where they
may, not decline to process the data set.

Even members of this list have advocated such device
sensitivity in the name of Performance.

Try, e.g.


... fails.  Why?.  Yet it works if an empty legacy data set is
catenated before the HFS file.

-- gil

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Re: Reference for DCB coexistence with RMODE 31 programs?

2005-08-01 Thread Paul Gilmartin
In a recent note, Craddock, Chris said:

> Date: Mon, 1 Aug 2005 18:02:56 -0500
> > Are you saying that if I do all my RMODE 31/24 homework
> > correctly for a QSAM output DCB, and my user runs it under
> > TSO with ALLOC DA(*) then it will fail?
> Sad but true.
Surely, this ain't rocket science; merely a lack of
determination on the part of the developer, right?

A while back, I posted a problem with LMPUT to a RECFM=U
dataset.  I believe some readers analyzed this before
IBM: it was a failure to account for an I/O buffer above
the line.  IBM's resolution is to copy the data below
the line.  That feels _sooo_ twentieth century.  Is it
still impossible to use I/O buffers above the line?

Rats!  I try to look at my APAR with the new IBMLink.
It puts me at:

Error 404: File not found: {0}

And they've stolen the "Back" button so it doesn't

-- gil

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Re: Reference for DCB coexistence with RMODE 31 programs?

2005-08-01 Thread Charles Mills
Well that's interesting. I just read the relevant passage in DFSMS

"The support for areas above the line is not provided for the following
devices: TSO terminal ... For the above devices, issue macros other than
OPEN and CLOSE in 24-bit addressing mode."

In my blissful ignorance, I think* I have been issuing PUTs in 31-bit
mode and terminal output has been working just fine. (Terminal output is
not a key to what the program does but it is specifically documented
[our doc] as supported.) Hmm.

*Am I missing something? If a program is linked into a conventional PDS
with PGM=HEWL,PARM='AMODE=31,RMODE=24... and then executed with TSO Rexx
"CALL 'xx..LOAD()'" will it not execute in AMODE 31? 

I have (in my ignorance, as I said) had no problems with OPEN/PUT/CLOSE
to a terminal. I just tested it again just now. All code and macros are
in RMODE 24. DCBs specify MACRF=(PM) with no DCBE. Old-fashioned 24-bit
OPEN. Curious.

What a piece of #&%#&! Whatever happened to OS/360's vaunted device
independence? Talk about three lousy choices:

- put all or most of your QSAM code and data below the line
- dual-path your code based on whether or not a device is a terminal
- disallow terminal output



-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Craddock, Chris
Sent: Monday, August 01, 2005 4:03 PM
Subject: Re: Reference for DCB coexistence with RMODE 31 programs?

> Are you saying that if I do all my RMODE 31/24 homework
> correctly for a QSAM output DCB, and my user runs it under
> TSO with ALLOC DA(*) then it will fail?

Sad but true.

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Re: Reference for DCB coexistence with RMODE 31 programs?

2005-08-01 Thread Craddock, Chris
> Are you saying that if I do all my RMODE 31/24 homework 
> correctly for a QSAM output DCB, and my user runs it under
> TSO with ALLOC DA(*) then it will fail?

Sad but true.

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Re: What happened to iSource?

2005-08-01 Thread Ted MacNEIL
please add our e-mail address, [EMAIL PROTECTED], to
>your address book and safe sender list.".

That's not a request that your postmaster is likely to go along with.

In my naivete, why not?

(Of course, I still laugh at the request to do something if you don't receive 


In God we Trust!
All others bring data!
 -- W. Edwards Deming

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Re: SMP sloppiness

2005-08-01 Thread Ted MacNEIL
MVS Express was a dog's breakfast

In the States, maybe.

IBM Canada was bragging about Express for years, to the point
where Pokey came up with the idea
to import it into the US.

After they 'improved' it, nobody wanted to touch it.

Fortunately, IBM Canada was able to fend off the 'improvements' and we kept the 
original product.


In God we Trust!
All others bring data!
 -- W. Edwards Deming

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Re: Routine name/srb

2005-08-01 Thread Ted MacNEIL
Unix System Services is part of z/OS, and other components, e.g.,
TCP/IP, use it.

The latest Red-book on 'WLM for the SYSPROG' (forgotten the original title, 
BTW), has many sprinklings of the term
'USS' in the section(s) on UNIX Systems Services.

If this is not an official TLA, why is an official IBM doc using it.

BTW, all the Canadian IBM'rs are using it.

And (to keep this on topic), I highly recommend the aforementioned red-book to 
any (and all)
SYSPROGs, regardless of their experience with WLM.
Chapter Two is great!
How the WLM works.

I've been working with WLM since 1998 (leading the project to implement and 
being the implementer),
take IBM's (& Cheryl's) WLM course,
presented (pre & post) WLM implementation to CMG Canada,
come up with a major requirement to do with dynamic PAV's, that IBM is/was 
working on,
and I learned a lot!
And, I haven't even finished it, yet.

This is on par with (or better than) 
the “ABC's”.
I'm surprised it came outside of them!


In God we Trust!
All others bring data!
 -- W. Edwards Deming

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Re: Reference for DCB coexistence with RMODE 31 programs?

2005-08-01 Thread Charles Mills
> One thing I'll mention, because I just saw it - BDAM and BDAM
> load using BSAM don't work in RMODE 31.

Oh darn 

> you can't write to a termfile in 31 bit mode

Are you saying that if I do all my RMODE 31/24 homework correctly for a
QSAM output DCB, and my user runs it under TSO with ALLOC DA(*) then it
will fail? Please confirm my interpretation of what you say, because if
so, it is a project-killer for me. 


-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Craddock, Chris
Sent: Monday, August 01, 2005 1:31 PM
Subject: Re: Reference for DCB coexistence with RMODE 31 programs?

> One thing I'll mention, because I just saw it - BDAM and BDAM
> load using BSAM don't work in RMODE 31.

Yeah, there are a couple of areas where functionality slipped through
the cracks. Its also true that  you can't write to a termfile in 31 bit
mode even with mindless QSAM. I also suspect problems in 

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2005-08-01 Thread Ted MacNEIL

Window Services.


So, I wasn't having delerium as well as old-timers'?


In God we Trust!
All others bring data!
 -- W. Edwards Deming

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Re: Another - Another One Bites the Dust

2005-08-01 Thread Ted MacNEIL
I trust my zSeries to do things that the smaller boxes can't do.

I sort of won an argument with our provider.
They just added one more engine to our production z/box.
Originally, they wanted to POR/IPL to do it.
I was the only one against it.
Finally, when they realised there wasn't a time-frame when all LPARs could be 
taken down, they were 'forced' to do it my way.
They weren't comfortable, but it worked (surprise! surprise! surprise).

z/Stuff isn't going to work in shops that don't believe in the dynamic 
capabilities of the technology.


In God we Trust!
All others bring data!
 -- W. Edwards Deming

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Re: OSA Card Display Command

2005-08-01 Thread Ted MacNEIL

Depending on what Ted is trying to figure out this may be relevant 

I thought I was clear. (8-{[}

1. How do I find out how many cards?
I know we are in a VIPA config, but do we have one, two or more pairs.

2. (This hasn't been answered, yet)
Does a CMC configuration work with TCP/IP?

I'm getting maybes, 'uh-huh', 'I don't know', and conflicting answers from our 
provider's people.
So, I have one more question:

3. Where do I look it up?

I'm not that strong on Network Implementations, so I'm trying to find my own 


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All others bring data!
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Re: What happened to iSource?

2005-08-01 Thread Shmuel Metz (Seymour J.)
on 07/28/2005
   at 02:14 PM, Hylton Tom P <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

>Recently, the following instructions have prefaced all of the

>"An increasing number of e-mail clients are using spam blockers that
>can affect delivery and display of some e-mail messages.  To ensure
>delivery and proper display of your IBM Announcement e-mail
>newsletter, please add our e-mail address, [EMAIL PROTECTED], to
>your address book and safe sender list.".

That's not a request that your postmaster is likely to go along with.
It would help if IBM would identify the IP addresses that they will
use for the mailings.
 Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz, SysProg and JOAT
 ISO position; see  
We don't care. We don't have to care, we're Congress.
(S877: The Shut up and Eat Your spam act of 2003)

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Re: Third party Maintenance of z/OS R4 after March 2007

2005-08-01 Thread Shmuel Metz (Seymour J.)
In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, on 07/28/2005
   at 10:10 AM, "R.S." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

>It is possible to take money for that. Without access to source code
>it  is quite impossible to fix something.

Nonsense; it's not only possible, but lots of people have done it.
 Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz, SysProg and JOAT
 ISO position; see  
We don't care. We don't have to care, we're Congress.
(S877: The Shut up and Eat Your spam act of 2003)

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Re: SMP sloppiness

2005-08-01 Thread Shmuel Metz (Seymour J.)
In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, on 07/28/2005
   at 12:51 AM, SArnett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

>I disagree for three two reasons.  The first is that the IBM
>maintenance  documentation stated that it could be done to the live
>system, the  second is that the IBM maintenance documentation I was
>provided with was  WRONG in how to apply the maintenance, and the
>third reason is that  doing the oposite worked. 

>If you will note, I said I had installed XA express.

And you trusted its documentation. MVS Express was a dog's breakfast,
and there was no reason to expect XA Express to be any better.

>I assure your that there was nothing in the XA express or CBIPO 
>documentation explaining the "proper" maintenance philosophy of an
>MVS  system.

CBIPO documentation distinguished between the driver system and the
target system. BTDTGTTS.

 Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz, SysProg and JOAT
 ISO position; see  
We don't care. We don't have to care, we're Congress.
(S877: The Shut up and Eat Your spam act of 2003)

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Re: Routine name/srb

2005-08-01 Thread Shmuel Metz (Seymour J.)
   at 05:14 AM, mary george <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

>I find the BPX1MP and BPX1MPI  services been called in my module. My
>system does not seem to have any interaction with UNIX,its running on

Unix System Services is part of z/OS, and other components, e.g.,
TCP/IP, use it.
 Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz, SysProg and JOAT
 ISO position; see  
We don't care. We don't have to care, we're Congress.
(S877: The Shut up and Eat Your spam act of 2003)

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Re: Other DASD Erase programs

2005-08-01 Thread Shmuel Metz (Seymour J.)
In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, on 07/28/2005
   at 12:12 PM, Walt Farrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

>Writing an EOF is different.  That replaces just one block on the
>track,  leaving the rest of the data (in the subsequent blocks)

No, it erases the remainder of the track, at least as far as normal
CCW's are concerned.

>ZAP and other programs can read the rest of the data in that case, 

He's dead, Jim.
 Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz, SysProg and JOAT
 ISO position; see  
We don't care. We don't have to care, we're Congress.
(S877: The Shut up and Eat Your spam act of 2003)

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Re: Other DASD Erase programs

2005-08-01 Thread Shmuel Metz (Seymour J.)
In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, on 07/27/2005
   at 09:19 PM, David Speake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

>Anykahow, will ZAP recover data as asked?

 Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz, SysProg and JOAT
 ISO position; see  
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2005-08-01 Thread Shmuel Metz (Seymour J.)
In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, on 07/28/2005
   at 11:22 PM, "Edward E. Jaffe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

>Depends on what you mean by "access". You can create/destroy 64-bit 
>virtual memory objects in 31-bit mode using the IARV64 service. But
>you  cannot "use" them without being in 64-bit addressing mode any
>more than  you can "use" virtual memory above 16MB while in 24-bit

Window Services.
 Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz, SysProg and JOAT
 ISO position; see  
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(S877: The Shut up and Eat Your spam act of 2003)

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2005-08-01 Thread Shmuel Metz (Seymour J.)
In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, on 07/28/2005
   at 07:13 PM, Ron and Jenny Hawkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

>I never said that this is silly.

Not only did you say so, you said it again.

>   Q. What did I say is silly.
>   A. "forcing overflow of PLPA when you have a dedicated volume is
>just plain silly"
>I also said it would be pigheaded.

So how did you not say that it was silly?

>My concern is that you are wrong about what I said is silly (and

And yet you confirmed that you said it.

>I monitor and increase it as required.

And that is better than allowing it to overflow how?

>You are trying to say that I have never worked on a real system?

No. You are trying to rebut something that I never wrote instead of
what I did write.

>I didn't expect insults from you.

Why would you expect not to get insults in response to insults? Surely
if you wanted polite discourse then you would stick to the facts and
not use terms like "silly" and "pigheaded".

 Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz, SysProg and JOAT
 ISO position; see  
We don't care. We don't have to care, we're Congress.
(S877: The Shut up and Eat Your spam act of 2003)

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2005-08-01 Thread Shmuel Metz (Seymour J.)
In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, on 07/28/2005
   at 09:59 AM, Bill Fairchild <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

>When PAV is involved, other considerations complicate matters.  Any 
>number  of I/Os can theoretically be happening simultaneously within
>the same  data set  from any number of exposures as long as all those
>I/Os are read  only.  But  if only one of them wants to do a write,
>then serialization is  necessary  within the control unit.

How did IBM handle that on the 2305 and the paging 3880 boxen?
 Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz, SysProg and JOAT
 ISO position; see  
We don't care. We don't have to care, we're Congress.
(S877: The Shut up and Eat Your spam act of 2003)

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Re: How to detect a missing link list library?

2005-08-01 Thread Shmuel Metz (Seymour J.)
on 07/29/2005
   at 07:23 AM, Peter Relson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

>There was no change in this processing aside from, actually,
>detecting some of the additional cases and issuing even more messages
>(some of these messages might alert you that LLA will not function
>properly, for example).

Do you leave enough information in storage for a program to identify
the missing libraries?  If not, how difficult would it be to retain
the data? How difficult would it be to provide a diagnostic utility or
command to display information on missing linklist libraries? This
looks like a good candidate for a requirement.
 Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz, SysProg and JOAT
 ISO position; see  
We don't care. We don't have to care, we're Congress.
(S877: The Shut up and Eat Your spam act of 2003)

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Re: CKD commands and PDS writing

2005-08-01 Thread Shmuel Metz (Seymour J.)
In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, on 07/29/2005
   at 03:01 PM, Charles Mills <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

>We agree that re-writing an EOF record would be an exercise in
>futility and I'm sure no one is interested in hearing us debate, but
>could you in fact re-write an EOF record with Write Data? Is not the
>data length zero, and is not a zero-length CCW illegal?

The CCW would not be zero length if the key length was nonzero.
 Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz, SysProg and JOAT
 ISO position; see  
We don't care. We don't have to care, we're Congress.
(S877: The Shut up and Eat Your spam act of 2003)

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Re: CKD commands and PDS writing

2005-08-01 Thread Shmuel Metz (Seymour J.)
In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, on 07/29/2005
   at 01:09 PM, Bill Fairchild <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

>Not true if the EOF record is already there.  You can rewrite the EOF 
>record  into the same space on the track without using a formatting
>write,  although  this does not usually accomplish anything useful. 

As I recall, DOS/360 supported an EOF with a non-zero key length. If
you had to deal with such an animal, a Write Key and Data CCW might be
useful for updating it. It's not something that I've ever done, ever
seen done or ever wanted to see done.
 Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz, SysProg and JOAT
 ISO position; see  
We don't care. We don't have to care, we're Congress.
(S877: The Shut up and Eat Your spam act of 2003)

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Re: SMP/E Causer Report Information Question.

2005-08-01 Thread Imbriale, Donald (Exchange)
A good description of INCMPLT and the format of the report and meaning
of all the fields can be found in the SMP/E Commands manual.  I did a
search on the SMP/E bookshelf in BookManager with keyword INCMPLT.

Don Imbriale

>-Original Message-
>From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
>Of Howard Rifkind
>Sent: Monday, August 01, 2005 5:46 PM
>Subject: SMP/E Causer Report Information Question.
>Does the INCMPLT in the line below mean incomplete and if so does it
really mean
>that sysmods like UQ67009 are missing?
>UQ75326 INCMPLT PTF HIP6140 PRE UQ67009 UQ67699 UQ68815 UQ
>HOLDS *ACTION(UQ75326) *DOC(UQ75326)

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SMP/E Causer Report Information Question.

2005-08-01 Thread Howard Rifkind
Does the INCMPLT in the line below mean incomplete and if so does it really 
mean that sysmods like UQ67009 are missing?


UQ75326 INCMPLT PTF HIP6140 PRE UQ67009 UQ67699 UQ68815 UQ

HOLDS *ACTION(UQ75326) *DOC(UQ75326)

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2005-08-01 Thread Brian Peterson
This is selected in your IODF.  In HCD, display your NIP console list.
Here's what mine looks like:

¢¢ NIP Console List ¢
  Goto  Backup  Query  Help

Command ===> 

Select one or more consoles, then press Enter

Configuration ID . : PRODPLEX Merged Conf

  Order   Device
/ Number  Number  Device Type
_   1 01013270-X
_   2 01023270-X
_   3 01033270-X
_   4 01213270-X
_   5 01223270-X
_   6 01233270-X
*** Bottom of data **


On Mon, 1 Aug 2005 16:36:38 -0500, =?iso-8859-1?Q?Rugel_Jos=E9?=

>When  I  IPL  our S/390 (os 390 2.10),  the  initial message appears  at
Alternate console  instead of  Primary (  as  I need ),
>This  is the CONSOLE04  parmlib member.
> * Top of Data **
> INIT MPF(00) RLIM(20)
> UNIT(3279-2C) NAME(CONSOL02)
>Jose Rugel

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2005-08-01 Thread Rugel José
When  I  IPL  our S/390 (os 390 2.10),  the  initial message appears  at  
Alternate console  instead of  Primary (  as  I need ),
This  is the CONSOLE04  parmlib member.
 * Top of Data **
 INIT MPF(00) RLIM(20)   
Jose Rugel 

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Re: Another - Another One Bites the Dust

2005-08-01 Thread Ed Gould

On Aug 1, 2005, at 3:41 PM, Craddock, Chris wrote:

Ok, replying to my own post, but this is just weird...

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Behalf Of Craddock, Chris
Sent: Monday, July 11, 2005 11:17 AM


this post just arrived, a mere 3 weeks late? WTF?


Clearly from one of you utterly reliable PC based systems, Chris:-)


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Re: Making smaller ptf packages

2005-08-01 Thread Ed Gould

On Aug 1, 2005, at 1:09 PM, Ed Finnell wrote:

I like the Service/PAC methodology of Waves(s). If you kept
your install libraries can probably APPLY the service in
the same order(WAVES) that your system was built. It does
it by groups of FMIDs.

Sourceid's are OK as well. Pick what you most feel comfortable with. In 
other words there is more than one way of doing it, have your cake and 
eat it too.


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IBM & EMC pair off in Storage "fight"

2005-08-01 Thread Ed Gould 

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Re: Wild Branch Diagnosis (Was: Five Digit Device Numbers)

2005-08-01 Thread Tom Schmidt
On Sun, 31 Jul 2005 20:22:31 -0700, Edward E. Jaffe wrote:
>I never suggested it was *impossible* to branch into PSA using a long
>relative branch. Obviously, if one branches into data or constants
>anything is possible. I simply pointed out that it's not possible to
>code such a branch in an assembler program. (Your pathological relative
>branch scenarios involving EXecute and/or self-modifying code help
>illustrate that point quite well.)
>In other words, I never meant to imply one couldn't write code to
>*construct* a relative branch that goes to location zero. What I meant
>was that you couldn't assemble one in your program. Specifically, 'J 0'
>is totally invalid (will not assemble) whereas 'B 0' does exactly what
>you think it does -- branches to location zero. More to the point, 'J
>XXX' can *never* be "wild" whereas 'B XXX' can be "wild" any time the
>base register becomes corrupted or the USING is coded improperly.

I agree with your general position but for the "not possible" extreme.

For example, here is some assembler source that WILL branch to (or near,
depending on exactly where it is loaded) location 0:

 BASR  R12,0
 END   ,

Granted, it is (still) a largely pathological case since its branch to
location 0 depends on where the routine is loaded (on one of our LPARs it
hits 0 as-is, on another LPAR I needed to change the 32730 constant to
32756 to hit the target; that's why I BASR R12,0 - to help me hand-compute
the target).  The example is interesting in that the target address is not
within the CSECT.

What it demonstrates is that the assembler will let you shoot your toes off
even with a relative branch, by incorrect use of an EQU as a jump target.
In other words, a coding error at o'dark-thirty could still result in funky
behavior in spite of the coder's intentions and the architect's solid
attempt to prevent bad things.

>I have long considered relative branches to be part of the solution ..
>not part of the problem.

Here we agree completely -- they are PART of the solution, but not a
complete solution.  They are much, much, much better than what we had.

Tom Schmidt
Madison, WI

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2005-08-01 Thread Craddock, Chris
Glad you enjoyed them mate.

> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Behalf Of Rob Scott
> Sent: Tuesday, July 19, 2005 5:31 PM
> Subject: Re: STAE/ESTAE
> Chris,
> "Carbon-based recovery analysis routine"
> And
> "..that offer a point and shoot shortcut to your next unplanned IPL"
> Two good chortles in two days !

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Re: Another - Another One Bites the Dust

2005-08-01 Thread Desi de la Garza

Desi de la Garza
Systems Programmer
Bexar County Information Services

-Original Message-
From: Craddock, Chris [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, July 11, 2005 11:17 AM
Subject: Re: Another - Another One Bites the Dust

> And another 100 to replace them for newer ones as new 
> technology comes out.
> Wow, they must be in the money, customers money that is.

> And have another 50 in reserve to replace they ones going 
> down every 5 minutes. 

Just ain't so folks... take a long hard look at the real numbers
and the results are not pretty. Fact 1. z/OS availability, as
experienced by most of our brethren, is nothing to write home about.
See all of the past threads about IPL frequency for verification. 

Its not that the system isn't capable of continuous operation (IT 
IS!!!) but evidently a wide majority of customers don't actually
trust it to be as reliable as it is.

Fact 2, there are many ways of skinning the high availability
cat and clustered systems made up of nothing more than networked
PCs and PC-like boxes are getting some seriously good numbers in
the real world. Yes Gertrude, you really can get better availability
from Windows than most z/OS customers get in the real world. Once
again, its not an intrinsic better/worse story. Its how you choose
to configure and run them.

I'd make some caustic remark about roses and coffee but I am 
sure you all get my drift. The world around us really has changed.


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Re: Another - Another One Bites the Dust

2005-08-01 Thread Jon Brock
 . . . and it shall continue to do so; what's more, it is getting more complex 
all the time.  At most shops that have mainframes, it is only one component -- 
and an increasingly minor one -- in the overall enterprise IT picture.  I trust 
my zSeries to do things that the smaller boxes can't do, but the small boxes 
can also do things the z/box can't.  That's not necessarily a bad thing, but it 
gets harder every day to keep track of everything that our shop does and how it 
all communicates.  Apparently, I'm a bear of little brain.


The world around us really has changed.

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Re: Another - Another One Bites the Dust

2005-08-01 Thread Craddock, Chris
Ok, replying to my own post, but this is just weird...

> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Behalf Of Craddock, Chris
> Sent: Monday, July 11, 2005 11:17 AM

this post just arrived, a mere 3 weeks late? WTF?


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Re: Reference for DCB coexistence with RMODE 31 programs?

2005-08-01 Thread Craddock, Chris

> One thing I'll mention, because I just saw it - BDAM and BDAM 
> load using BSAM don't work in RMODE 31.

Yeah, there are a couple of areas where functionality slipped
through the cracks. Its also true that you can't write to a
termfile in 31 bit mode even with mindless QSAM. I also suspect
problems in other places where I've run across things that make
you go "eh?" but I have never had time to delve into them.

Bottom line. Most I/O works fine in 31-bit mode if you get all
the right smoke and mirror vectors aligned. Some won't no matter
how clever you are at geometry. Betcha Bruce knows a lot of the
specific quirks.


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Re: Another - Another One Bites the Dust

2005-08-01 Thread Craddock, Chris

> And another 100 to replace them for newer ones as new 
> technology comes out.
> Wow, they must be in the money, customers money that is.

> And have another 50 in reserve to replace they ones going 
> down every 5 minutes. 

Just ain't so folks... take a long hard look at the real numbers
and the results are not pretty. Fact 1. z/OS availability, as
experienced by most of our brethren, is nothing to write home about.
See all of the past threads about IPL frequency for verification. 

Its not that the system isn't capable of continuous operation (IT 
IS!!!) but evidently a wide majority of customers don't actually
trust it to be as reliable as it is.

Fact 2, there are many ways of skinning the high availability
cat and clustered systems made up of nothing more than networked
PCs and PC-like boxes are getting some seriously good numbers in
the real world. Yes Gertrude, you really can get better availability
from Windows than most z/OS customers get in the real world. Once
again, its not an intrinsic better/worse story. Its how you choose
to configure and run them.

I'd make some caustic remark about roses and coffee but I am 
sure you all get my drift. The world around us really has changed.


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2005-08-01 Thread Tito Kiffer

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Re: Reference for DCB coexistence with RMODE 31 programs?

2005-08-01 Thread Ray Mullins
What I've done - and I just had to do this recently - is to add a GETMAIN of
a 24-bit work area, and move the initial DCB's from your (now) RMODE 31
program into the area.  Any exit addresses (such as EODAD) that can be moved
to DCBE should be (and don't forget about moving the buffers above the line,

The Macro Instructions manual has some example code on what to do if you
have EXLST exits, using run-time-built glue code.

(Actually, that example shows how to do the DCB move, too.)

One thing I'll mention, because I just saw it - BDAM and BDAM load using
BSAM don't work in RMODE 31.


-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of Charles Mills
Sent: Monday August 01 2005 12:47
Subject: Reference for DCB coexistence with RMODE 31 programs?

Okay, I admit it, this is kind of an embarrassingly newbie-ish post for
someone who has been writing assembler for 36 years. My only excuse is that
having sold my old company lock, stock, and barrel, and now working solo, I
have no old reference code to fall back on.
I've got some assembler subroutines (non-reentrant) in which I rather lazily
embedded QSAM and BPAM macros. That of course limits the code to RMODE=24. I
would like to move the necessary control blocks to AMODE=24 STORAGE and let
the code be RMODE ANY31. (The code currently runs AMODE ANY with no
Question: is there any reference that provides a succinct statement of the
steps necessary? (If not, why not, but that's a different topic.) Yes, I
know each macro is separately documented in the two DFSMS manuals, but I
mean, is there any overview of the conversion steps necessary.
If there isn't a manual, I would welcome this esteemed group's input. I need
to move the DCB to AMODE=24 STORAGE. I need to point each DCB to its own
DCBE, which can be above the line, and I need to move the appropriate EODAD=
and so forth operands to the DCBE. What else? I don't need a tutorial on
24-bit adcons or anything, I'm very familiar with the theoretical concepts
and the usage of the macros in general, just what else specifically do I
need to do to get from RMODE 24 code to RMODE ANY31? I'm familiar with
DSECTs and copying model control blocks from CSECTs to STORAGE areas. What
are the gotchas? The code in question has both DCB abend and SYNAD exits.

Charles Mills

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Re: OSA Card Display Command

2005-08-01 Thread Alan C. Field
The suggestions to display the channel types are one way, but all our OSA 
cards have
two channels per physical card.

So we show 8 OSA type channels on each processor, and this equates to four 
slots in the frame. 

Depending on what Ted is trying to figure out this may be relevant 

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Reference for DCB coexistence with RMODE 31 programs?

2005-08-01 Thread Charles Mills
Okay, I admit it, this is kind of an embarrassingly newbie-ish post for
someone who has been writing assembler for 36 years. My only excuse is
that having sold my old company lock, stock, and barrel, and now working
solo, I have no old reference code to fall back on.
I've got some assembler subroutines (non-reentrant) in which I rather
lazily embedded QSAM and BPAM macros. That of course limits the code to
RMODE=24. I would like to move the necessary control blocks to AMODE=24
STORAGE and let the code be RMODE ANY31. (The code currently runs AMODE
ANY with no problems.)
Question: is there any reference that provides a succinct statement of
the steps necessary? (If not, why not, but that's a different topic.)
Yes, I know each macro is separately documented in the two DFSMS
manuals, but I mean, is there any overview of the conversion steps
If there isn't a manual, I would welcome this esteemed group's input. I
need to move the DCB to AMODE=24 STORAGE. I need to point each DCB to
its own DCBE, which can be above the line, and I need to move the
appropriate EODAD= and so forth operands to the DCBE. What else? I don't
need a tutorial on 24-bit adcons or anything, I'm very familiar with the
theoretical concepts and the usage of the macros in general, just what
else specifically do I need to do to get from RMODE 24 code to RMODE
ANY31? I'm familiar with DSECTs and copying model control blocks from
CSECTs to STORAGE areas. What are the gotchas? The code in question has
both DCB abend and SYNAD exits.

Charles Mills

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Re: OSA Card Display Command

2005-08-01 Thread Glenn Miller

If you have access to IBM's ResourceLink ( URL: )
and you have been granted access to the Machine Information area for
your/their account, you can
obtain information about the status of each processor, when it performs its
weekly ( in my case ) phone
home status update.  The following is the output from the 'System Status'
display from one of my z990
processors ( note: The Channel numbers are the number of each Channel type
installed, not just the
number defined ):

Date of call:  2005/07/29 12:18:38
System Name:  CPC1
Power Status:  Fully Redundant
Second SE:  Operating

Installed Storage:  24576 MB
Running CPs:  6
Running SAPs:  2
Running ICFs:  1
Physical PUs:  12
CPs in LICCC:  6
SAPs in LICCC:  2
ICFs in LICCC:  0
Linux only CPs: 1
zAAPs: 0

Capacity Backup: Not installed

Partitions: 8

Total Channels:  194
ESCON Channels: 120
Coupling Facilities: 12
Parallel Channels: 0
Open System Adapters:  8
Fiber Channels:  52
Other Channels: 2


Glenn Miller

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Re: OSA Card Display Command

2005-08-01 Thread Ilya Gersh
D M=CHP   will give you the list of all your defined chpids.

ilya Gersh
617-974-1345 c
617-630-7185 f

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ted 
Sent: Sunday, July 31, 2005 8:00 PM
Subject: OSA Card Display Command

I have been trying to find out how many OSA cards are installed on our
two production processors.
I have asked our service providers, to no avail.
I have tried to look at the IODF.
I have tried looking at the OPS Display command doc.

What is the easiest way to find out how many OSA cards are installed?
The type?
Are they defined under VIPA?
I have "look but don't touch access" to 'everything'.
What I don't have is a handle on the appropriate doc, so I can find this stuff!

Also, is a CMC supported (or even needed) in a TÇP/IP environment?
Again, a pointer to doc would be appreciated!

I gave been given the resonsibility to co-ordinate an SNA to TCP/IP migration 
(mainframe) migration.
This will save us a ton of $$ (US), with next to no effort (except for the 
above questions).

Any help/pointers/etc would be greatly appreciated.



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Re: OSA Card Display Command

2005-08-01 Thread Jerry Whitteridge
Issue a D M command without parms. One of the displays is a map of
chipds and types with descriptions. Each OSA chpid will be listed.

On Mon, 2005-08-01 at 00:00 +, Ted MacNEIL wrote:
> ...
> Other than that, I think that any channel defined in the IODF as OSC, OSD, or 
> OSE would be an OSA card.
> ...
> I tried reading the IODF.
> I must be reading it wrong.
> It says that there are 16, at least that's my iterpretation.
> I'm in Toronto.
> The HMC is in Texas.
> Not an option!
> Isn't there a simple display command?
> -teD
> In God we Trust!
> All others bring data!
>  -- W. Edwards Deming
> --
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> send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: GET IBM-MAIN INFO
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Jerry Whitteridge
Safeway Inc.
PH: 925 951 4184
Fax:925 951 4204

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Re: 4039 error with SOC-7

2005-08-01 Thread Staller, Allan
U4039 is LE (or C??) for an abnormal condition not "handled". 

Why  would I get a 4039 Error with a data exception?

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Re: 4039 error with SOC-7

2005-08-01 Thread Ed Finnell
In a message dated 8/1/2005 2:07:10 P.M. Central Standard Time,  

Why  would I get a 4039 Error with a data exception?

Maybe the EOT reflector fell off? 

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4039 error with SOC-7

2005-08-01 Thread Howard Brazee
Why would I get a 4039 Error with a data exception?

TIME=10.20.19  SEQ=00394  CPU=  ASID=0077 
PSW AT TIME OF ERROR  078D1000   880550D6  ILC 2  INTC 0D 
  DATA AT PSW  080550D0 - 00181610  0A0D58D0  D00498EC
  AR/GR 0: 80D1EC28/8400   1: /84000FC7   
2: /0817FFC8   3: /00060007   
4: /0817FFC8   5: /0718   
6: /07F3C888   7: /0010   
8: /87FD3B48   9: /08180717   
A: /0817FB5C   B: /08055000   
C: /07F3FD80   D: /081822B0   
E: /87FD3C88   F: /   

This job has been running fine, but it abended twice - on close but not
the same input records with SOC-7 and 4039.  Looking at the dump, I see
the SOC-7 easily, but I'm trying to figure out why the old program is
trying to process the header record as a data record.   (one abort was
with the 2nd header record, the other was with the 1st header record). 

Normally SOC-7 is a trivial problem, especially since I see the error
and know it isn't something like a table overflow into program memory.
But I'm puzzled by the 4039.Maybe I should have them run it with
SSRANGE checking, or do a tape to tape copy of the input file first.

At any rate, I'm poring through the code trying to find out why it is
processing the header record.

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Re: OSA Card Display Command

2005-08-01 Thread Ted MacNEIL
Other than that, I think that any channel defined in the IODF as OSC, OSD, or 
OSE would be an OSA card.
I tried reading the IODF.
I must be reading it wrong.
It says that there are 16, at least that's my iterpretation.

I'm in Toronto.
The HMC is in Texas.
Not an option!

Isn't there a simple display command?


In God we Trust!
All others bring data!
 -- W. Edwards Deming

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Re: OSA Card Display Command

2005-08-01 Thread Jon Brock
If you have access to the HMC, you can tell from there.  I'm not sure if that's 
included in your "look but don't touch" access, although I doubt it.

Other than that, I think that any channel defined in the IODF as OSC, OSD, or 
OSE would be an OSA card.


What is the easiest way to find out how many OSA cards are installed?
The type?
Are they defined under VIPA?
I have ?look but don't touch access? to 'everything'.

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Re: OSA Card Display Command

2005-08-01 Thread BRUCE BODA
if you go to the HMC on the z800-z900 processor, logon as sysprog the operator 
account will not work, scroll till you see the OSA Adapt ICON.

Select the image you wish to display and double click on the OSA ICON.

That will display the OSA Adapters installed in your system, but please be 
careful to select only display options or you could inadvertinly chsnge your 
OSA setings and that would be very bad.

Bruce Boda OSU

- Original Message -
Date: Sunday, July 31, 2005 8:00 pm
Subject: OSA Card Display Command

> I have been trying to find out how many OSA cards are installed on our
> two production processors.
> I have asked our service providers, to no avail.
> I have tried to look at the IODF.
> I have tried looking at the OPS Display command doc.
> What is the easiest way to find out how many OSA cards are installed?
> The type?
> Are they defined under VIPA?
> I have “look but don't touch access” to 'everything'.
> What I don't have is a handle on the appropriate doc, so I can 
> find this stuff!
> Also, is a CMC supported (or even needed) in a TÇP/IP environment?
> Again, a pointer to doc would be appreciated!
> I gave been given the resonsibility to co-ordinate an SNA to 
> TCP/IP migration (mainframe) migration.
> This will save us a ton of $$ (US), with next to no effort (except 
> for the above questions).
> Any help/pointers/etc would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks.
> -teD
> In God we Trust!
> All others bring data!
> -- W. Edwards Deming
> ---
> ---
> For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions,
> send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: GET IBM-MAIN INFO
> Search the archives at

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Re: Another - Another One Bites the Dust

2005-08-01 Thread Clark Morris
On 8 Jul 2005 05:20:23 -0700, in you wrote:

>For those that keep score or have an interest...

Given the way many places actually use their mainframes, a move to
operating system du jour may not decrease reliability.  If the online
transactions crash periodically, does it matter to users of those
applications that the system stays up.  A move to a well written
package on even Windows may result in increased reliability so far as
the end user is concerned.  If the mainframe applications people in a
shop are still in the VS COBOL way of doing things and their companies
aren't providing an adequate test environment, that shop probably will
be helped by a move to platform i, p, x, Linux or other vendor if that
causes a revision in the way of doing business.  
>Happy Weekend.

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Re: Transition requirements for new world was Re: z/OS future needs was Re: USS in a "legacy" world

2005-08-01 Thread Clark Morris
Sorry about the belated response.

On 30 Jun 2005 14:58:54 -0700, in you wrote:

>In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, on 06/29/2005
>   at 08:40 PM, Clark Morris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
>That's Shmuel!

I claim bad typing because I looked up one of your posts to get it
right.  My apologies.
>>For the rest of the points raised I am making the following
>>assumptions and need to understand if they are correct.
>No. PL/I supports BSAM.
>>4  Few if any applications programs in most shops (as opposed to
>>system or home grown utilities) depend on BSAM and BPAM in
>>installation written code.
>That's a hard one to judge; I've seen far too many installations
>depending on programs for which they have lost the source code. I
>doubt that it is possible to collect the statistics.
I suspect the need to handle things like long filenames and other new
world stuff will doom these programs in the long term.  Since z/OS
support for CKD will be needed for at least 5 years and more likely 10
years after announcement of FBA anyway, I suspect the cheapest thing
to do is keep the CKD code for existing programs and provide migration
paths.  The old programs won't be able to handle records expanded
beyond 32K nor the blocks, longer names, Unicode, etc. anyway.  

One reason why I am not enthusiastic about maintaining the ability of
old programs to access FBA files without a recompile is the
shortcomings I see in PDSE.  Note that many shortcomings I perceive
may not be there but for example I think that we are still limited to
8 character member names.  

In looking toward what is needed in a platform for the 21st century, I
have the sinking feeling that it would be far easier to build the z/OS
reliability, scalability, work load management etc. into a Unix base
than to bring long name, 64 bit for all compilers and all the other
function that Unix and Windows people take for granted on servers into
the z/OS environment.  Given that we have shops still running 24 bit
code, the maintaining of compatibility has its costs in terms of
moving forward.  If the z (now z9) series is to have a long term
future, we have to determine what things can be broken as we move into
a vastly different world.  I can remember being unhappy when programs
took over 100K to run under MVT.  Now I can see the need for 1
megabyte records.  

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OSA Card Display Command

2005-08-01 Thread Ted MacNEIL
I have been trying to find out how many OSA cards are installed on our
two production processors.
I have asked our service providers, to no avail.
I have tried to look at the IODF.
I have tried looking at the OPS Display command doc.

What is the easiest way to find out how many OSA cards are installed?
The type?
Are they defined under VIPA?
I have “look but don't touch access” to 'everything'.
What I don't have is a handle on the appropriate doc, so I can find this stuff!

Also, is a CMC supported (or even needed) in a TÇP/IP environment?
Again, a pointer to doc would be appreciated!

I gave been given the resonsibility to co-ordinate an SNA to TCP/IP migration 
(mainframe) migration.
This will save us a ton of $$ (US), with next to no effort (except for the 
above questions).

Any help/pointers/etc would be greatly appreciated.



In God we Trust!
All others bring data!
 -- W. Edwards Deming

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Re: Making smaller ptf packages

2005-08-01 Thread Ed Finnell
In a message dated 8/1/2005 12:55:03 P.M. Central Standard Time,  

I  suggest using APPLY FORFMID(whatever you want) and specify Compress(ALL)  
to reduce chances of dataset space abends between applies.  Also a  backup 
of the target volume and zones between runs is handy.  Just be  sure to 
keep good logs; you don't want to mix them up if you have to do a  restore.

I like the Service/PAC methodology of Waves(s). If you kept
your install libraries can probably APPLY the service in
the same order(WAVES) that your system was built. It does
it by groups of FMIDs.

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Re: Making smaller ptf packages

2005-08-01 Thread Alan Schwartz
I suggest using APPLY FORFMID(whatever you want) and specify Compress(ALL) 
to reduce chances of dataset space abends between applies.  Also a backup 
of the target volume and zones between runs is handy.  Just be sure to 
keep good logs; you don't want to mix them up if you have to do a restore.

Alan Schwartz
Assurant Shared Business Services
Lead Systems Programmer
Phone:  651-361-4758
Fax:   651-361-5625

Thomas Lawrence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Sent by: IBM Mainframe Discussion List 
08/01/2005 12:41 PM
Please respond to
IBM Mainframe Discussion List 


Making smaller ptf packages

Due to our coming late to the table of zOS, we have an enormous load of
ptf's to bring us up to the present day, which I requested from ShopZ. 
they were received it was 4 compressed tapes! Is there a way to have IBM
break this up so we could apply them much easier?

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Making smaller ptf packages

2005-08-01 Thread Thomas Lawrence
Due to our coming late to the table of zOS, we have an enormous load of
ptf's to bring us up to the present day, which I requested from ShopZ. When
they were received it was 4 compressed tapes! Is there a way to have IBM
break this up so we could apply them much easier?

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Re: STK 9840 in 3590 compat mode

2005-08-01 Thread BRUCE BODA
OSU is in fact moving in that direction, we will be installing 3590-h drives 
into our STK 9311 using c12 drive frames, we are also installing jaquar drives 
using c20 drive frames.


- Original Message -
From: Bruce Black <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Monday, August 1, 2005 12:01 pm
Subject: Re: STK 9840 in 3590 compat mode

> >
> >
> >Yes, you can re-configure the drive but you will Void any STK 
> Warranty or service contract you have on the re-configured equipment.
> >
> I'm confused.  To reconfigure a T9840 to handle 3590 carts would 
> require 
> a whole new internal drive mechanism.  Since this can apparently 
> be 
> obtained only from STK (assuming that they really offer it), then 
> STK 
> should warrant it. 
> I guess it is concievable that some third party is offering to 
> modify a 
> T9840 to handle 3590 carts, but why would you want to do so?  Why 
> not 
> just buy 3590 drives?
> IBM used to offer a 3590 drive that would work in STK's tape 
> libraries.  
> Are you perhaps thinking of that?
> -- 
> Bruce A. Black
> Senior Software Developer for FDR
> Innovation Data Processing 973-890-7300
> personal: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> sales info: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> tech support: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> web:
> ---
> ---
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Re: Some SMP Receive Help Needed.

2005-08-01 Thread Ed Finnell
In a message dated 8/1/2005 11:50:29 A.M. Central Standard Time,  

What  would be the corect statemts (jcl) to do this and are these files 

You need a dd for SMPHOLD and SMPPTFIN.
>From 3.2 SMP/E Users Guide: Examples

Let's look at a few of these examples.  
Receiving SYSMODs and HOLDDATA: In the course of  maintaining your system, 
you need to install service and process the related  HOLDDATA. Assume IBM has 
supplied you with a service tape (such as a CBPDO tape  or an ESO tape), and 
want to install it on your system. The first step is to  receive the SYSMODs 
and HOLDDATA that are contained on the tape. You can  accomplish this by 
specifying the following commands:  



When you issue these commands, SMP/E receives all the SYSMODs and  HOLDDATA 
on the service tape into the global zone.  
Receiving Only HOLDDATA: There may be times when you do  not want to receive 
the SYSMODs from a service tape, but you do want to receive  the HOLDDATA. 
Because the HOLDDATA provides information about SYSMODs requiring  special 
handling or that are in error, it is important for you to receive the  HOLDDATA 
SMP/E's storage repository as soon as possible. The following  commands 
process only the HOLDDATA:  



By issuing these commands, you direct SMP/E to receive only the  HOLDDATA 
from the service tape into the global zone.  
Receiving Only SYSMODs: Assume you have previously  received only the 
HOLDDATA from a service tape and are now ready to install the  SYSMODs. To 
these SYSMODs (using the APPLY and ACCEPT commands), you  must first receive 
them. This can be done by specifying the following commands:  



When you issue these commands, you direct SMP/E to receive only the  SYSMODs 
from the service tape into the global zone.  
Receiving SYSMODs and HOLDDATA for  a Specific Product: You may want to 
receive SYSMODs and  HOLDDATA for a particular product from the service tape. 
can accomplish this  task by specifying the following commands:  



By issuing these commands, you direct SMP/E to receive SYSMODs and  HOLDDATA 
for the product whose FMID is HOP0001 from the service tape into the  global 
For a more complete description of all the RECEIVE command operands and other 
 examples, see _The  RECEIVE Command_ 
RCHPREC)  in _SMP/E  Commands_ 

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Re: Some SMP Receive Help Needed.

2005-08-01 Thread Pommier, Rex R.
What messages did you get when you tried to run the receive?  Normally
there is a report that SMP/E generates that shows all the sysmods it
looked at and a short explanation as to why certain PTFs didn't get


-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Howard Rifkind
Sent: Monday, August 01, 2005 11:50 AM
Subject: Some SMP Receive Help Needed.

Hi again.
Below are the first couple of lines of two files which I believe are
sysmods (ptf's) which I think should be receive into the global zone but
I did an receive and they did't come down.  
What would be the corect statemts (jcl) to do this and are these files
I don't think these are the same sysmods (ptf's).

++ASSIGN SOURCEID(HIPER ) TO(UA09169). /*2005179*/

++ASSIGN SOURCEID(HIPER ) TO(UA12828). /*2005179*/

++ASSIGN SOURCEID(PRP ) TO(UQ89572). /*2005179*/


















++ PTF (UQ82236) /*

//UQ82236 JOB 5655-82236,HAL00,MSGLEVEL=(1,1),CLASS=A */ .


++ASSIGN SOURCEID(PRP ) TO(UA06764). /*2005180*/




++ PTF (UA06764) /*

//UA06764 JOB 5695-06764,SCPX2,MSGLEVEL=(1,1),CLASS=A */ .


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Some SMP Receive Help Needed.

2005-08-01 Thread Howard Rifkind
Hi again.
Below are the first couple of lines of two files which I believe are sysmods 
(ptf's) which I think should be receive into the global zone but I did an 
receive and they did't come down.  
What would be the corect statemts (jcl) to do this and are these files valid?  
I don't think these are the same sysmods (ptf's).

++ASSIGN SOURCEID(HIPER ) TO(UA09169). /*2005179*/

++ASSIGN SOURCEID(HIPER ) TO(UA12828). /*2005179*/

++ASSIGN SOURCEID(PRP ) TO(UQ89572). /*2005179*/


















++ PTF (UQ82236) /*

//UQ82236 JOB 5655-82236,HAL00,MSGLEVEL=(1,1),CLASS=A */ .


++ASSIGN SOURCEID(PRP ) TO(UA06764). /*2005180*/




++ PTF (UA06764) /*

//UA06764 JOB 5695-06764,SCPX2,MSGLEVEL=(1,1),CLASS=A */ .


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Re: What is D/T2064

2005-08-01 Thread Bruce Black

That is the z900 processor.

Here is a handy link for a quick look of cpu types

Bruce A. Black
Senior Software Developer for FDR
Innovation Data Processing 973-890-7300
sales info: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
tech support: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: STK 9840 in 3590 compat mode

2005-08-01 Thread Bruce Black

Yes, you can re-configure the drive but you will Void any STK Warranty or 
service contract you have on the re-configured equipment.

I'm confused.  To reconfigure a T9840 to handle 3590 carts would require 
a whole new internal drive mechanism.  Since this can apparently be 
obtained only from STK (assuming that they really offer it), then STK 
should warrant it. 

I guess it is concievable that some third party is offering to modify a 
T9840 to handle 3590 carts, but why would you want to do so?  Why not 
just buy 3590 drives?

IBM used to offer a 3590 drive that would work in STK's tape libraries.  
Are you perhaps thinking of that?

Bruce A. Black
Senior Software Developer for FDR
Innovation Data Processing 973-890-7300
sales info: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
tech support: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: What is D/T2064

2005-08-01 Thread Horne, Jim - James S
D/T2064 means Device Type 2064, which is a zSeries eserver 900,
colloquially know as a z900.  Just for clarification, the others are:
Machine model   Other name

Hope this helps,

Jim Horne
Lowe's Companies, Inc.

> but what does that have to do with D/T2064
> Any know what device type 2064 happens to be?

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Re: What is D/T2064

2005-08-01 Thread August Carideo
but what does that have to do with D/T2064

  Howard Rifkind

  OM>  cc:  
  Sent by: IBM Subject:  What is D/T2064
  Discussion List   



  08/01/2005 11:48  
  Please respond to 
  IBM Mainframe 
  Discussion List   




Any know what device type 2064 happens to be?

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Re: What is D/T2064

2005-08-01 Thread Ted MacNEIL
-Original Message-
From: Howard Rifkind <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon, 1 Aug 2005 08:48:44 
Subject: What is D/T2064

Any know what device type 2064 happens to be?

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Re: What is D/T2064

2005-08-01 Thread August Carideo
Our M/F is a 2064 - 104

  Howard Rifkind

  OM>  cc:  
  Sent by: IBM Subject:  What is D/T2064
  Discussion List   



  08/01/2005 11:48  
  Please respond to 
  IBM Mainframe 
  Discussion List   




Any know what device type 2064 happens to be?

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Re: What is D/T2064

2005-08-01 Thread Chase, John
> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List On Behalf Of Howard Rifkind
> Hi,
> Any know what device type 2064 happens to be?

z/Box (z9x0, I believe; 2066 would be z/8x0.  Might be the other way


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Re: What is D/T2064

2005-08-01 Thread Hall, Ken (GTI)
Freeway CPU?

> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Behalf Of Howard Rifkind
> Sent: Monday, August 01, 2005 11:49 AM
> Subject: [IBM-MAIN] What is D/T2064
> Hi,
> Any know what device type 2064 happens to be?
> -
> Yahoo! Mail
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What is D/T2064

2005-08-01 Thread Howard Rifkind
Any know what device type 2064 happens to be?

Yahoo! Mail
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Re: STK 9840 in 3590 compat mode

2005-08-01 Thread Ed Finnell
In a message dated 8/1/2005 10:03:06 A.M. Central Standard Time,  

Yes, you  can re-configure the drive but you will Void any STK Warranty or 
service  contract you have on the re-configured  equipment.

Yeah, pretty much etched in laminar once you pick a config. Like
I said to Bruce we actually considered it, but were afraid of
mixed vendor support. For a D/R seemed like a way to satisfy
STK and 3590 exchange requirements.  

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Re: STK 9840 in 3590 compat mode

2005-08-01 Thread Ed Finnell
In a message dated 8/1/2005 10:09:38 A.M. Central Standard Time,  

have  never heard that and I can't find any evidence of that on the STK 
web  site.  It would sound like a good move for STK to offer a  
3590-compatible drive.

Back when there was a working CONFIGurator on IBMLink it was
an option.
We actually looked at, but were a little shaky with service
arrangements. IBM said they would cover the config, but we were
leery of response times and parts.

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Re: STK 9840 in 3590 compat mode

2005-08-01 Thread Bruce Black

Yup, but you can order 3590 guts for a  9840. 

I have never heard that and I can't find any evidence of that on the STK 
web site.  It would sound like a good move for STK to offer a 
3590-compatible drive.

BTW, the STK T9940 tape drive uses a single hub design similar to the 
3590, but again the STK web site says that the tapes are not compatible 
with 3590.

Bruce A. Black
Senior Software Developer for FDR
Innovation Data Processing 973-890-7300
sales info: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
tech support: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: STK 9840 in 3590 compat mode

2005-08-01 Thread BRUCE BODA
Yes, you can re-configure the drive but you will Void any STK Warranty or 
service contract you have on the re-configured equipment.

- Original Message -
From: Ed Finnell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Monday, August 1, 2005 10:42 am
Subject: Re: STK 9840 in 3590 compat mode

> In a message dated 8/1/2005 9:30:08 A.M. Central Standard Time,  
> So the  drives are software compatible, but the carts are totally 
> incompatible and  cannot be mounted in the other vendors drives.
> >>
> Yup, but you can order 3590 guts for a  9840. 
> ---
> ---
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Re: Command Reject

2005-08-01 Thread Ed Finnell
In a message dated 8/1/2005 9:43:41 A.M. Central Standard Time,  

Command  reject on D/T3480 Tape due to C2 command incorrectly
being issued to  a device that does not support that command.
The invalid ccw was  being issued from module IFG019RM which was
being called with an  invalid branch code from IFG0196T .

Does it mention what happens to the output? Buffer dropped,
data lost, short block written?

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Re: Command Reject

2005-08-01 Thread Bruce Black
These messages tell you that a x'C2' (MEDIUM SENSE) command was 
rejected by the device. MEDIUM SENSE is supported by 3590 tape devices 
but not by older tape devices e.g., 3490. Either the executing program 
erroneously issued the command to a 3490, the 3590 device is somehow 
improperly defined to the system, some (ISV?) software caused a 3490 
device to be improperly recognized by system code (even if defined 
correctly), or the 3590 device is erroneously rejecting the command.

It could be that the executing program handled the command rejection 
gracefully and moved on without problems. Nevertheless, I would not 
ignore these messages. Something is wrong.

Ed is exactly right.  The sense format, with the parentheses, is what 
you get for a 3480/3490, so I assume that this tape is defined to the 
system as one of those.  As Ed said, the failing CCW (C2=Medium Sense) 
is a 3590-only CCW

If you have the Zara tape management system, IBM documents a Zara bug in 
info APAR II13360

Command Reject on 3480 with Zara Tape Management System
 Following error is received :
 IOS000I 0F8C,AE,CMD,C2,0200,,**,CM0774,SMFDUMPT 002
 Command reject on D/T3480 Tape due to C2 command incorrectly
 being issued to a device that does not support that command.
 The invalid ccw was being issued from module IFG019RM which was
 being called with an invalid branch code from IFG0196T .
 Relinking the ZARA exits with the current version of IFG019RB
 corrected the problem.

Also, APAR OA08714 documents this same error in DFSMShsm doing an ABARs backup.

Bruce A. Black
Senior Software Developer for FDR
Innovation Data Processing 973-890-7300
sales info: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
tech support: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: STK 9840 in 3590 compat mode

2005-08-01 Thread Ed Finnell
In a message dated 8/1/2005 9:30:08 A.M. Central Standard Time,  

So the  drives are software compatible, but the carts are totally 
incompatible and  cannot be mounted in the other vendors drives.

Yup, but you can order 3590 guts for a  9840. 

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Re: How to detect a missing link list library?

2005-08-01 Thread Knutson, Sam
Hi Mark,

I like your approach and did a little proof of concept here Friday.

I cobbled together an IEAVMXIT which we used to use but retired some time

  L R2,CTXTRCP   locate route codes
 * These messages are issued as a rollable message during IPL/NIP  
 * we will change the descriptor code to bring them to the attention   
 * of an operator if one is watching.  
 * We also set CVTUSER to a non-zero value and automation will 
 * issue further alerts if the system gets up far enough to run
  L R3,CTXTTXPJ locate the message attributes  
  CLC   CTXTTMSG(7),=C'IEA716I'  IEA716I?  
  BEERROR   Flag it!   
  BEERROR   Flag it!   
  B EXIT01  Not on our shopping list leave it  
  DROP  R3  ## XPJ message attributes  
 ERRORL R3,CTXTDCP  locate descriptor codes
  OICTXTRFB2,CTXTPBCA   force brodcast to active consoles  
  OICTXTRFB1,CTXTRCDC   allow change to descriptor codes   
  XCCTXTDESC,CTXTDESC   clear existing descriptor codes
  OICTXTDC1,CTXTDC01change descriptor code to 01   
  DROP  R3  ## DCP 
  OICTXTRFB1,CTXTRCRC   allow a route code change  
  XCCTXTROUT(2),CTXTROUT   clear existing route codes  
  OICTXTR001,CTXTR01Route code 1   
 *   OPS/MVS will inspect this later   
 *and alert on a non-zero CVTUSER  
  MVC   CVTUSER,=C'EROR'Remember bad things happened   
 *   OPS/MVS will inspect this later   
  DROP  R1  ## CVT 
  DROP  R2  ## RCP  

The results I just dropped on CVTUSER for the moment but will tidy this up
by creating a 
site specific anchor table and obtaining that and anchoring it in CVTUSER
This can be tested easily enough in REXX as could the tidied up version and
I will get
The ASO team to make this Job #1 for OPSMVS before it starts bringing up the
normal system facilities.
I also need to save off the actual messages as I expect that will be more
useful than just a GO/NOGO flag.

/* REXX */  
NUMERIC DIGITS 16/* handle big addresses */ 
CVT  = C2d(Storage(10,4))/* point to CVT */ 
CVTUSER  = C2d(Storage(D2x(CVT + 204),4))/* get CVTUSER  */ 
If CVTUSER <> '' then say 'Errors detected during IPL'  
 Else say 'No errors'   

Note: Need to add CONTROL M,UEXIT=N after checking the results so we don't
run the general WTO exit all the time when we don't need it to reduce

So far I just tested this with a system that had no consoles it was the only
thing I had available to IPL Friday when I worked this up. IPLing using only
the HMC the messages are more visible but

Re: STK 9840 in 3590 compat mode

2005-08-01 Thread Bruce Black

Guy's i have both 9840 &  3590 tape and i can tell you with absolute certinty 
that you can not put 9840 tape into 3590 drives and read them it is physicaly 
impossiable. but the hardware def for a 9840 is defined as a 3590.

Absolutely true. 

The IBM 3590 carts use the same essential mechanism as their 3480 and 
3490 ancestors.  There is a single reel in the cart, with a leader 
sticking out which the drive grabs and wraps around a takeup reel in the 

The STK carts use 2 internal reels with no external leader, much like an 
audio cartridge.   There is no internal reel in the drive. 

So the drives are software compatible, but the carts are totally 
incompatible and cannot be mounted in the other vendors drives.

Bruce A. Black
Senior Software Developer for FDR
Innovation Data Processing 973-890-7300
sales info: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
tech support: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: CKD commands and PDS writing

2005-08-01 Thread Bruce Black

but could you in
fact re-write an EOF record with Write Data? Is not the data length
zero, and is not a zero-length CCW illegal?

It is illegal in a Format-0 (24-bit) CCW but not in Format-1 (31-bit).  
I am sure there is some reason for that but it escapes me right now.

But there is a workaround even in format-0.  Code a non-zero data length 
in the WRITE DATA, but set the SLI (suppress length indicator) bit.  The 
I/O does end with a Unit Exception, which indicates that a EOF was 
read.BTW, this works only if CKD conversion mode is set in the CCW 
chain, but this is normally true for I/Os issued via EXCP

Bruce A. Black
Senior Software Developer for FDR
Innovation Data Processing 973-890-7300
sales info: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
tech support: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: How can I convert ER diagram into SQL QUERY

2005-08-01 Thread Galambos, Robert
There is a listserv (DB2-L) listserv that is run by IDUG (international DB2
User Group) that may be of help in answering your questions. (whether OS/Z
390 or LUW versions)

You can subscribe at


Robert Galambos 

Compuware Senior Technical Specialist 
IBM Certified Solutions Expert - 
DB2 UDB for OS/390 V7 Database Administration 
Tel: +1 905 866 7000 
Toll Free: +1 800 263 7189
Fax: +1 905 886 7023
Quebec: +1 877-281-1888 
Compuware  Canada

Service is our best product 
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-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of Srinivas_Pasumarthi
Sent: July 31, 2005 11:22 PM
Subject: Re: How can I convert ER diagram into SQL QUERY

Hi Jim,
Thanks a lot for the information.

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of Fenner, Jim
Sent: Monday, August 01, 2005 4:41 AM
Subject: Re: How can I convert ER diagram into SQL QUERY

 (i) You must have database specialists who created these tables and
designed their foreign keys, indexes, partitioning etc in the first place.
See them for advice. If your organisation happens to possess a tool that
would, as you request, "convert ER diagram into SQL QUERY", then they
presumably are the experts in using that tool 

(ii) If you are using DB2 on a mainframe, you should in any case (whatever
your job description) possess and absorb a copy of Craig Mullins "DB2
Developer's Guide 5th Edition' published by SAMS . If not,

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Re: How to set z/OS UNIX locale to en_US.UTF-8?

2005-08-01 Thread Bo Xie
There is not reply for this issue. :-(

Would you be so kind to recommend some references/bibliography
focusing on the topic "locale and code page in z/OS UNIX"? Thank you
very much for your time!

Best Regards,
Xie Bo

On 7/29/05, Bo Xie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I want to set z/OS V1R6 UNIX locale to en_US.UTF-8 and the following is log:
> --
>  $ locale -a  | grep en_US*
> en_US.ISO8859-1.lp64
> en_US.ISO8859-1.xplink
> en_US.UTF-8.lp64
> en_US.UTF-8.xplink
> $ echo $LC_ALL
> $ LC_ALL=C
> $ echo $LC_ALL
> C
> $ LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8
> FSUMA912 Cannot set locale: The internationalization variable settings
> are invalid.
> $ LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8.xplink
> CEE3204S The system detected a protection exception (System Completion 
> Code=0C4)
> .
>  From entry point spcvar at compile unit offset +07DA at entry 
> offse
> t +07DA at address 0A3389D2.
>   FSUM2331 The session has ended.  Press  to end OMVS.
> <--- Now TSO OMVS again
> $ echo $LC_ALL
> $ LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8.lp64
> CEE3204S The system detected a protection exception (System Completion 
> Code=0C4)
> .
>  From entry point spcvar at compile unit offset +07DA at entry 
> offse
> t +07DA at address 0A3389D2.
>   FSUM2331 The session has ended.  Press  to end OMVS.
> --
> Any suggestions are welcome and appreciated!
> Best Regards,
> Xie Bo

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Re: SMP/E API GIM52801T? GIM52801E? Whatever.

2005-08-01 Thread Paul Gilmartin
In a recent note, Kurt Quackenbush said:

> Date: Mon, 1 Aug 2005 09:15:48 -0400
> UCLIN is not involved... the doc for message GIM52801E is misleading.
> This results from reusing a message and missing the appropriate doc
> updates.  I'll ensure a future instance of the book is corrected.
Thanks.  Again, I'll state that GIM52801T is a better choice
to reuse than GIM52801E, and would involve a less drastic
doc update, with less IF GIMSMP THEN ... ELSE IF GIMAPI ...
logic in the text.  GIM52801E is clearly addressed to UCLIN
errors and is best left that way, while GIM52801T addresses
parameter errors and could more easily be generalized.

> > .. no mention of truncating excess characters from the lowest-level
> Quite simply I believe it is a bug.  Unless you feel strongly and
> require an APAR, I'll see what I can do to fix it in a future release of
> SMP/E.
Thanks.  Would a PMR with a suggestion of FIN APAR increase or
decrease your paperwork?

Thanks again,

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Re: Command Reject

2005-08-01 Thread Craig Kittendorf
I discovered the job was not using SYNCGENR!  Sorry for the mis-information.
I'm still investigating.


-Original Message-
From: Kittendorf, Craig 
Sent: Monday, August 01, 2005 8:41 AM
To: 'IBM Mainframe Discussion List'
Subject: RE: Command Reject

Thanks Ed.  Its an IBM Magstar (3490). The software is SYNCGENR (SYNCSORT).


-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of Edward E. Jaffe
Sent: Monday, August 01, 2005 12:20 AM
Subject: Re: Command Reject

Craig Kittendorf wrote:

>I read the message manual but still don't know.  What is the following
>trying to tell me?
>   IOS000I 0920,B1,CMD,C2,0200,,**,,JFIMERGE  592   
>   IOS000I 0920,B1,CMD,C2,0200,,**,M00164,JFIMERGE  593 
>The job appeared to work otherwise.  Should I be concerned?

These messages tell you that a x'C2' (MEDIUM SENSE) command was rejected 
by the device. MEDIUM SENSE is supported by 3590 tape devices but not by 
older tape devices e.g., 3490. Either the executing program erroneously 
issued the command to a 3490, the 3590 device is somehow improperly 
defined to the system, some (ISV?) software caused a 3490 device to be 
improperly recognized by system code (even if defined correctly), or the 
3590 device is erroneously rejecting the command.

It could be that the executing program handled the command rejection 
gracefully and moved on without problems. Nevertheless, I would not 
ignore these messages. Something is wrong.

| Edward E. Jaffe||
| Mgr, Research & Development| [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
| Phoenix Software International | Tel: (310) 338-0400 x318   |
| 5200 W Century Blvd, Suite 800 | Fax: (310) 338-0801|
| Los Angeles, CA 90045  | |

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Re: HLASM FLAG(PAGE0) and IBM Macros

2005-08-01 Thread Edward E. Jaffe

Walt Farrell wrote:

On 7/31/2005 11:50 AM, Edward E. Jaffe wrote:

Currently, FLAG(PAGE0) flags all explicit references in which the 
base register is zero -- including those cases in which the index 
register for an RX-type instruction is non-zero e.g., 'B 4(R14)'. 
Such coding is fairly common practice. (Many years ago instructions 
coded this way actually ran slower, but that hasn't been true for a 
long, long time.) Furthermore, many instructions in AR-mode programs 
*must* be deliberately coded in this manner. Whether optional or 
required, such instructions should *not* be flagged as PSA references!

I think you may have meant that it flags all -implicit- references in 
which the base register is zero.  As I understand it, one fix for the 
assembler complaining about 'B 4(R14)' is to explicitly code it as 'B 

I meant explicit in the sense that 'L Rx,PSATOLD-PSA' will generate a 
warning whereas 'USING PSA,R0' followed by 'L Rx,PSATOLD' will not.

You're right that coding workarounds exist. However, that won't help if 
you're not prepared to make those changes. We have one product that 
generates literally tens of thousands of PAGE0 warnings for perfectly 
legitimate code. Nobody wants to change them all. So we compile that 
product without the benefit of FLAG(PAGE0). My HLASM enhancement 
suggestion would solve that.

| Edward E. Jaffe||
| Mgr, Research & Development| [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
| Phoenix Software International | Tel: (310) 338-0400 x318   |
| 5200 W Century Blvd, Suite 800 | Fax: (310) 338-0801|
| Los Angeles, CA 90045  | |

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Re: SMP/E API GIM52801T? GIM52801E? Whatever.

2005-08-01 Thread Kurt Quackenbush

Is UCLIN processing actually involved here, or is M & C misleading me.

UCLIN is not involved... the doc for message GIM52801E is misleading. 
This results from reusing a message and missing the appropriate doc 
updates.  I'll ensure a future instance of the book is corrected.

Further, when I specify qparms.csi="PREFIX.GLOBAL.CSIXYZ"; and
qparms.csilen=strlen(csi); the API (apparently; a quick look at the
source of GIMCSAMP shows no such logic) truncates the DSNAME to
"PREFIX.GLOBAL.CSI" and successfully processes that data set.

.. no mention of truncating excess characters from the lowest-level
qualifier.  Is this WAD, or perhaps some leftover test code?

Quite simply I believe it is a bug.  Unless you feel strongly and 
require an APAR, I'll see what I can do to fix it in a future release of 

Kurt Quackenbush -- IBM, SMP/E Development

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AW: Printing from USS

2005-08-01 Thread Sun Biao
the USS lp command similar to lpr in TSO works in such form: 
lp [-cmsw] [-d dest] [-n number] [-o printer-option] [-t title] [file...]
The dest is a printer name which must be defined in a print tool, such as IBM 
Infoprint Server operating under USS, with it's IP-Address. There wouldn't be 
an easy way as in TSO to print from USS.

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: arun kumar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gesendet: Montag, 1. August 2005 10:43
Betreff: Printing from USS

Esteemed Listers

I am looking  for an easy way of printing USS files
from USS to a network printer, something similar to
LPR command in TSO that helps printing of PS/PDS with
ease without changing JES2/VTAM PARMS.

Can you please suggest.

My other question, can REXX exec be executed in USS?
If yes, how to execute it.


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Re: HLASM FLAG(PAGE0) and IBM Macros

2005-08-01 Thread Walt Farrell

On 7/31/2005 11:50 AM, Edward E. Jaffe wrote:
They are addressing only the FLAG(PAGE0) problems? What about the 
problems they have with FLAG(SUBSTR)??! Every RACROUTE macro invocation 
I've got currently looks like:


It seems silly to update the macros to fix one issue without fixing the 
other. What is the APAR number? Is it FIN for release 8?

Feel free to contact the Support Center; as far as I know no one has 
ever mentioned a problem with NOSUBSTR.

Walt Farrell, z/OS Security Design

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Re: HLASM FLAG(PAGE0) and IBM Macros

2005-08-01 Thread Walt Farrell

On 7/31/2005 11:50 AM, Edward E. Jaffe wrote:
Currently, FLAG(PAGE0) flags all explicit references in which the base 
register is zero -- including those cases in which the index register 
for an RX-type instruction is non-zero e.g., 'B 4(R14)'. Such coding is 
fairly common practice. (Many years ago instructions coded this way 
actually ran slower, but that hasn't been true for a long, long time.) 
Furthermore, many instructions in AR-mode programs *must* be 
deliberately coded in this manner. Whether optional or required, such 
instructions should *not* be flagged as PSA references!

I think you may have meant that it flags all -implicit- references in 
which the base register is zero.  As I understand it, one fix for the 
assembler complaining about 'B 4(R14)' is to explicitly code it as

'B 4(R14,0)'


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Re: Command Reject

2005-08-01 Thread Craig Kittendorf
Thanks Ed.  Its an IBM Magstar (3490). The software is SYNCGENR (SYNCSORT).


-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of Edward E. Jaffe
Sent: Monday, August 01, 2005 12:20 AM
Subject: Re: Command Reject

Craig Kittendorf wrote:

>I read the message manual but still don't know.  What is the following
>trying to tell me?
>   IOS000I 0920,B1,CMD,C2,0200,,**,,JFIMERGE  592   
>   IOS000I 0920,B1,CMD,C2,0200,,**,M00164,JFIMERGE  593 
>The job appeared to work otherwise.  Should I be concerned?

These messages tell you that a x'C2' (MEDIUM SENSE) command was rejected 
by the device. MEDIUM SENSE is supported by 3590 tape devices but not by 
older tape devices e.g., 3490. Either the executing program erroneously 
issued the command to a 3490, the 3590 device is somehow improperly 
defined to the system, some (ISV?) software caused a 3490 device to be 
improperly recognized by system code (even if defined correctly), or the 
3590 device is erroneously rejecting the command.

It could be that the executing program handled the command rejection 
gracefully and moved on without problems. Nevertheless, I would not 
ignore these messages. Something is wrong.

| Edward E. Jaffe||
| Mgr, Research & Development| [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
| Phoenix Software International | Tel: (310) 338-0400 x318   |
| 5200 W Century Blvd, Suite 800 | Fax: (310) 338-0801|
| Los Angeles, CA 90045  | |

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Re: Printing from USS

2005-08-01 Thread Paul Gilmartin
In a recent note, arun kumar said:

> Date: Mon, 1 Aug 2005 01:43:23 -0700
> I am looking  for an easy way of printing USS files
> from USS to a network printer, something similar to
> LPR command in TSO that helps printing of PS/PDS with
> ease without changing JES2/VTAM PARMS.
Isn't it ironic that the TSO lpr command prints to the UNIX
spool, and the UNIX lpr command prints to the TSO spool?

> Can you please suggest.
Perhaps someone else can help.  It may involve defining
a writer that transfers a sysout class to the UNIX spool.

> My other question, can REXX exec be executed in USS?
> If yes, how to execute it.

o Start your EXEC with "/* REXX ... */"

o chmod it to set the executable mode bits.

o place it in a directory in your executable search PATH.

-- gil

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