Re: SMP/E, IEBUPDTE, and SuperC (was: CA-1 install - user exits?)

2007-06-14 Thread Bruce Hewson
Hello Gil,

One thing you never do with IEPUPDTE input or managed datasets is access 
them with any editor that modifies line numbers.

Even though the source or macro member has line numbers, you can only EDIT 
them in "UNNUM" mode.

I also recommend that you only access such data using a screen width > 80 
characters, so that the line numbers are visible as you work with the data.

Consider those line numbers as the KEY to each record, and that updates can 
be performed as a in-place replacement when the key matches, or a insert 
when they don't. 

Although it can be done, line deletion is a bad choice to make when using 
IEPUPDTE. Removal of a line is best made by changing that line to a comment.

++SRCUPD and ++MACUPD via IEPUPDTE is only usable when the original data 
is supplied with line numbers that are "guaranteed" never to be changed.

Bruce Hewson

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Re: Patents, Copyrights, Profits, Flex and Hercules

2007-06-14 Thread Chris Mason


Indeed I did spot it[1] - which is only by chance since there's no guarantee 
I review each contribution in each thread in exhaustive detail. Then I 
looked for the opportunity for an unwary reader to become confused over the 
two possible meanings. I couldn't find it - so I - thought to - let it pass

After all, Timothy may be an IBMer but he is just human as are all IBMers, 
as well as the IBM users who inhabit this hallowed space, and all - well, 
nearly all - of us occasionally fall from grace. I'm sure he'll know better 
next time.


If the enhancement to which you refer is the possibility to use "system 
symbolics" in USS messages, thanks for the heads-up. This is a fascinating 
enhancement since it appears to apply to the TN3270 use of the USS table but 
*not* to the original VTAM use of the USS table. Is the venerated USS table 
being wrested from one networking sect to another?

So, checking your comment again, it would appear not to be VTAM that is 
providing the enhancement but the IP side of Communications Server since 
what is described is the "run-time" scanning and insertion of text by the 
TN3270 server logic. I hardly see what justifies the "finally" regarding the 
"improvement". If maybe you have just noticed all the substitutions that are 
possible in USS messages they have been there for the most part for well 
over a decade. I even exposed an odd deficiency in the facilities available 
to VTAM developers when the guy responsible for the special USS message 7 
substitutions asked me to test them for him!

Incidentally, I notice that, apart from the "revised" text, the remainder of 
the section into which it has been inserted has been "copy and paste"ed from 
the VTAM manuals. This sort of thing is always an opportunity for leading 
innocents astray. I always advise(d) going to the source rather than relying 
on a copy.

I see there is also an enhancement in the "TELNET LU Exit" but I expect that 
is a function for those blessed with advanced talents.

Chris Mason

[1] The heinous use of USS to mean UNIX System Services when every 
right-minded person knows full well that it is ordained to mean Unformatted 
System Services - a superbly rich function of VTAM which is a godsend - if 
implemented correctly - for users interacting with the help desk - to say 
nothing of actually assisting them to find their way to their desired 
destination - and gently correcting them when their efforts fall short of 

- Original Message - 
From: "Mark Zelden" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2007 9:37 PM
Subject: Re: Patents, Copyrights, Profits, Flex and Hercules

On Thu, 14 Jun 2007 01:46:50 +0900, Timothy Sipples

probably with USS.

and z/OS 1.9 introduces USS improvements

What... no takers, no war?  I'm disappointed.  An *IBM representative* 
the "U" word not once, but twice.   Does that mean it's officially ok to 

casually when the context is clear?

Oh,  btw, I'm glad to see VTAM is finally getting some improvements in 

area.   Now if they can just improve z/OS Unix.   ;-)


(please accept my apologies ... I just couldn't resist)

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Re: Patents, Copyrights, Profits, Flex and Hercules

2007-06-14 Thread Chris Mason
Let's see if this version gets through whatever was the unintelligible 
problem with the last effort!


What... no takers, no war?  I'm disappointed.  An *IBM representative* 
the "U" word not once, but twice.   Does that mean it's officially ok to 

casually when the context is clear?

Indeed I did spot it[1] - which is only by chance since there's no guarantee
I review each contribution in each thread in exhaustive detail. Then I
looked for the opportunity for an unwary reader to become confused over the
two possible meanings. I couldn't find it - so I - thought to - let it pass

After all, Timothy may be an IBMer but he is just human as are all IBMers,
as well as the IBM users who inhabit this hallowed space, and all - well,
nearly all - of us occasionally fall from grace. I'm sure he'll know better
next time.

Oh,  btw, I'm glad to see VTAM is finally getting some improvements in 

area.   Now if they can just improve z/OS Unix.   ;-)

If the enhancement to which you refer is the possibility to use "system
symbolics" in USS messages, thanks for the heads-up. This is a fascinating
enhancement since it appears to apply to the TN3270 use of the USS table but
*not* to the original VTAM use of the USS table. Is the venerated USS table
being wrested from one networking sect to another?

So, checking your comment again, it would appear not to be VTAM that is
providing the enhancement but the IP side of Communications Server since
what is described is the "run-time" scanning and insertion of text by the
TN3270 server logic. I hardly see what justifies the "finally" regarding the
"improvement". If maybe you have just noticed all the substitutions that are
possible in USS messages they have been there for the most part for well
over a decade. I even exposed an odd deficiency in the facilities available
to VTAM developers when the guy responsible for the special USS message 7
substitutions asked me to test them for him!

Incidentally, I notice that, apart from the "revised" text, the remainder of
the section into which it has been inserted has been "copy and paste"ed from
the VTAM manuals. This sort of thing is always an opportunity for leading
innocents astray. I always advise(d) going to the source rather than relying
on a copy.

I see there is also an enhancement in the "TELNET LU Exit" but I expect that
is a function for those blessed with advanced talents.

Chris Mason

[1] The heinous use of USS to mean UNIX System Services when every
right-minded person knows full well that it is ordained to mean Unformatted
System Services - a superbly rich function of VTAM which is a godsend - if
implemented correctly - for users interacting with the help desk - to say
nothing of actually assisting them to find their way to their desired
destination - and gently correcting them when their efforts fall short of

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Re: Patents, Copyrights, Profits, Flex and Hercules

2007-06-14 Thread Chris Mason


There is no question that yours is a cursed post. I have sent two versions 
of my reply and both have produced a fatwa condemning it in the following 
terms: "rejected because it contains an attachment of type 
'APPLICATION/OCTET-STREAM'.  " for which I was certainly not responsible. 
Nevertheless, both my transgressions have appeared in the archives. Let's 
see what happens to this one.

Chris Mason

- Original Message - 
From: "Mark Zelden" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2007 9:37 PM
Subject: Re: Patents, Copyrights, Profits, Flex and Hercules

On Thu, 14 Jun 2007 01:46:50 +0900, Timothy Sipples

probably with USS.

and z/OS 1.9 introduces USS improvements

What... no takers, no war?  I'm disappointed.  An *IBM representative* 
the "U" word not once, but twice.   Does that mean it's officially ok to 

casually when the context is clear?

Oh,  btw, I'm glad to see VTAM is finally getting some improvements in 

area.   Now if they can just improve z/OS Unix.   ;-)


(please accept my apologies ... I just couldn't resist)

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Re: SMP/E, IEBUPDTE, and SuperC (was: CA-1 install - user exits?)

2007-06-14 Thread Shane
On Thu, 2007-06-14 at 02:50 -0500, Bruce Hewson wrote:

> ++SRCUPD and ++MACUPD via IEPUPDTE is only usable when the original data 
> is supplied with line numbers that are "guaranteed" never to be changed.

Trusting soul Bruce ???.
I wouldn't trust any vendor that far - I always refit usermods using
IBM included - would have gotten nailed by LE a couple of releases back
if I hadn't checked.

For the rest of the post, agree wholeheartedly.

Shane ...

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Re: CF Sizer getting errors

2007-06-14 Thread Curt Thompson
Yes, I was encountering issues too, and reported it to IBM.  However, it 
appears to be working now.

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HSM ML2 volume list

2007-06-14 Thread Miklos Szigetvari


If someone can suggest a HSM command to get a list of all ML2 datasets 
on an ML2 volume 
( we would  need the dataset name and the migrated dataset name )

We could generate list's but can't find out the migrated dataset names

Miklos Szigetvari

Development Team
ISIS Information Systems Gmbh 
tel: (+43) 2236 27551 570
Fax: (+43) 2236 21081 


Hotline: +43-2236-27551-111 

Visit our Website: 

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Re: HSM ML2 volume list

2007-06-14 Thread O'Brien, David W. (NIH/CIT) [C]
Try List TTOC  -  sample below with output.
Unless I'm missing something, migrated datasets are listed under their 
catalogued dataset names. You may be thinking of HSM Backup tapes which have a 
HSM name associated with each backup version.
LIST TTOC(H10037) DSI  ODS('xxx.H10037.LIST')  


H10037   L9840 ML2   02514400  00466874  019PARTNO   H10174  *NONE* 

   ZDB2IUS.P.DSQDBCTL.DSQTSCT3.D070515.T001229   000803   01  NO
   ZDB2IUS.P.DSNDB01.SCT02.D070515.T001017   003066   02  NO
   ZDB2IUC.P.ZDB2DB2.TSSACCT.D070514.T004137 075823   03  NO

From: Miklos Szigetvari Hi

If someone can suggest a HSM command to get a list of all ML2 datasets
on an ML2 volume
( we would  need the dataset name and the migrated dataset name )

We could generate list's but can't find out the migrated dataset names

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Re: Read JCL Symbols from a program?

2007-06-14 Thread Ed Gould

On Jun 13, 2007, at 11:49 PM, Gerhard Postpischil wrote:

Rick Fochtman wrote:
Probably because 40+ years ago, when this was designed, nobody in  
their wildest dreams could envision a need for a PARM longer than  
100 bytes. :-)

I doubt it. There were several components, Assembler F for one,  
where specifying most options would require more than 100 bytes.  
The limit is linked to the size of the system job queue record  
size, and someone apparently decided it wouldn't be cost effective  
to provide for continuation logic.

Gerhard Postpischil
Bradford, VT

IIRCC they did offer up a way to shorten the "verbs"  so that the 100  
character limitation was semi mute. They found out that you can't  
bully IBM even within IBM:)


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Re: HSM ML2 volume list

2007-06-14 Thread Richards.Bob
Here's a simple, but handy piece of REXX code. Change "hlq" to match
your shop's naming conventions. From 3.4 or option 6, invoke as: 


/*** REXX */
/* HTRUE - Determine true name for HSM Backup or Migrated Dataset */
/* Modification History:- */
/* -- */
/* UseridDate Comment */
/* ---    */
/* Bob   09/25/00 Initial Setup   */
/* /
/* Program Description:-  */
/* -  */
/* This REXX program is used to determine the true name of a HBAC or  */
/* HMIG dataset.  */
Arg parms   
  Call SET_UP   
  Call VIEW_IT  

/* Establish initial variables*/

  fixlist = USERID()'.REALNAME.LIST'
  parms = STRIP(parms,,"'") 
  parms = STRIP(parms)  
  hlq = SUBSTR(parms,1,4)   

 Arg hlq
  If hlq = 'HMIG' | hlq = 'HBAC' then Call FIX_CDS parms

/* Use FIXCDS to determine the real dataset name  */

  Arg parms 
  If hlq = 'HBAC' then fixtype = 'C'
  If hlq = 'HMIG' then fixtype = 'A'
 'HSEND FIXCDS' fixtype parms 'ODS('''fixlist''') LOGONLY DISPLAY(4)'   
 '%PAUSE' 1 

 Address TSO
 '%PAUSE' 10
 'ALLOC DD(FIXLIST) DSN('''fixlist''') SHR REUSE'   
 Address ISPEXEC
 'BROWSE DATAID('dataid')'  
 'LMFREE DATAID('dataid')'  
 Address TSO
  x = MSG('OFF')
 Address TSO   
  Do i = 1 to list.0   
Parse Var list.i parms .   
parms = STRIP(parms)   
hlq = SUBSTR(parms,1,4)

Re: SMP/E, IEBUPDTE, and SuperC (was: CA-1 install - user exits?)

2007-06-14 Thread Tom Marchant
On Thu, 14 Jun 2007 02:50:00 -0500, Bruce Hewson wrote:

>One thing you never do with IEPUPDTE input or managed datasets is access
>them with any editor that modifies line numbers.
>Even though the source or macro member has line numbers, you can only 
>them in "UNNUM" mode.

ITYM "number off".  "unnum" in the ISPF editor deletes all the line numbers.

Tom Marchant

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Re: SMP/E, IEBUPDTE, and SuperC (was: CA-1 install - user exits?)

2007-06-14 Thread Russell Witt

You bring up many of the limitations of IEBUPDTE, which leads to another
option. Stop using IEBUPDTE and go to full ++SRC for user exits. This means
the sample is the entire exit with comment blocks were we suggest you place
your user-code. The downside is that if we (the vendor) change the
entry/exit processing or the parsing of the input parameter list for some
reason, the entire source is changed and you need to re-incorporate your
changes manually.

And should these user-exits be SMP controlled to begin with? Or should we
simply give sample assemble/linkedit JCL along with the source and let the
end user control their own destiny? The downside is that it might not always
be obvious to new sysprog's which exit(s) are actually installed and active
or where the source is for the active and installed exits. At least with SMP
you know which usermod was last applied; which should give you the last set
of updates or source for the exit.

Russell Witt
CA-1 Level-2 Support Manager

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Behalf Of Bruce Hewson
Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2007 2:50 AM
Subject: Re: SMP/E, IEBUPDTE, and SuperC (was: CA-1 install - user


++SRCUPD and ++MACUPD via IEPUPDTE is only usable when the original data
is supplied with line numbers that are "guaranteed" never to be changed.

Bruce Hewson

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Re: HSM ML2 volume list

2007-06-14 Thread Richards.Bob
Resending, rejected the first time. Something about OCTET stream.
Snipped original content.

Here's a simple, but handy piece of REXX code. Change "hlq" to match
your shop's naming conventions. From 3.4 or option 6, invoke as: %HTRUE

/*** REXX */
/* HTRUE - Determine true name for HSM Backup or Migrated Dataset */
/* Modification History:- */
/* -- */
/* UseridDate Comment */
/* ---    */
/* Bob   09/25/00 Initial Setup   */
/* /
/* Program Description:-  */
/* -  */
/* This REXX program is used to determine the true name of a HBAC or  */
/* HMIG dataset.  */
Arg parms   
  Call SET_UP   
  Call VIEW_IT  

/* Establish initial variables*/

  fixlist = USERID()'.REALNAME.LIST'
  parms = STRIP(parms,,"'") 
  parms = STRIP(parms)  
  hlq = SUBSTR(parms,1,4)   

 Arg hlq
  If hlq = 'HMIG' | hlq = 'HBAC' then Call FIX_CDS parms

/* Use FIXCDS to determine the real dataset name  */

  Arg parms 
  If hlq = 'HBAC' then fixtype = 'C'
  If hlq = 'HMIG' then fixtype = 'A'
 'HSEND FIXCDS' fixtype parms 'ODS('''fixlist''') LOGONLY DISPLAY(4)'   
 '%PAUSE' 1 

 Address TSO
 '%PAUSE' 10
 'ALLOC DD(FIXLIST) DSN('''fixlist''') SHR REUSE'   
 Address ISPEXEC
 'BROWSE DATAID('dataid')'  
 'LMFREE DATAID('dataid')'  
 Address TSO
  x = MSG('OFF')
 Address TSO   
  Do i = 1 to list.0   
Parse Var list.i parms .   
parms = STRIP(parms)  

Re: Patents, Copyrights, Profits, Flex and Hercules

2007-06-14 Thread Steve Comstock

Sebastian Welton wrote:

On Thu, 14 Jun 2007 14:37:38 +0900, Timothy Sipples

There are other effects.  For example, another wise thing IBM did in my
opinion is to release Tivoli OMEGAMON XE for z/OS Management Console.  This
product is available for download at no additional charge to anyone -- go
grab it.  This serves a much larger market expansion role, in making basic
z/OS monitoring much simpler and easier especially for new z/OS operators,
including smaller cash-limited customers.  An operating system that's
easier to use and easier to operate is more likely to enjoy even greater

This also looks quite interesting in this area:



I love it; second sentence, two mis-spellings only two
words apart:

  "This will be a baseic framework for ssystem..."
 ^ ^

Kind regards,

-Steve Comstock
The Trainer's Friend, Inc.


  z/OS Application development made easier
* Our classes include
   + How things work
   + Programming examples with realistic applications
   + Starter / skeleton code
   + Complete working programs
   + Useful utilities and subroutines
   + Tips and techniques

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Re: Patents, Copyrights, Profits, Flex and Hercules

2007-06-14 Thread Schramm, Rob
>From Timothy's Quote "

Yet another effect is that BT/Is ("Basement Tinkerers and Inventors")
who create innovative z/OS software products might find that their young
companies are worth more.  There's at least one more company, IBM,
interested in buying certain software companies.  A company's buyer pays
a premium over public trading value.  Said another way, in recent years
the market value of z/OS software companies has grown because there are
more potential suitors.  The growth in market value of such companies is
bound to influence what sort of companies start up in the first place,
because their founders and early employees enjoy significant windfalls.
These are different acquisitions than what we've seen in the past.
These are not typically acquisitions of stable, mature companies with
limited potential for acquiring new customers (i.e. acquisition strategy

...Just to confirm that "all things circular imply futility"...

Of course the BT/Is will have a much tougher time of it now with the
non-availability of smaller platforms to develop on.. i.e. Funsoft.

Rob Schramm

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Re: SMP/E, IEBUPDTE, and SuperC (was: CA-1 install - user exits?)

2007-06-14 Thread Tom Marchant
On Thu, 14 Jun 2007 07:37:11 -0500, Russell Witt wrote:
>And should these user-exits be SMP controlled to begin with?


Tom Marchant

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Re: Patents, Copyrights, Profits, Flex and Hercules

2007-06-14 Thread McKown, John
> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List 
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Craddock, Chris
> Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2007 5:25 PM
> Subject: Re: Patents, Copyrights, Profits, Flex and Hercules
> Dave Kopischke wrote:
> > Mark Zelden wrote:
> > >I don't know what it suggests.  It looks like the doc should say
> > >Linux for zSeries or something like that... not z/OS Linux.
> > 
> > Exactly. That's why the conspiracy theorists are implying 
> LINUX may be
> a
> > replacement for UNIX System Services in some future z/OS release.
> Geez where does this nuttiness come from? It may be great 
> fodder for the
> conspiracy theorists, but z/OS UNIX (whether it's called "USS" or not
> :-) and "Linux on z" (again, regardless of what it's called) 
> are utterly
> different things. Neither one can directly replace the other except
> perhaps in the fevered imagination of a marketer.
> CC

However, z/OS UNIX for System Services could implement more of some of
the things which are in the Linux kernel.

But what I would love more than that would be a port of the entire GNU
tool chain. I know that IBM has done some of this, but I miss some of my
favorite GNU utilities. As an example, GNU tar is, IMO, significantly
better than pax (except that it cannot do the on-the-fly code conversion
- that is nice). gmake smokes IBM's make. And the thought of get the
autoconfig stuff is heady. GNU diff vs. IBM diff - what a difference!
GNU grep. And I could go on and on. But I realize that this would take
time and money. If I had the time and talent and money (and a C compiler
that would work on z/OS), then I'd take a stab at some of these.

John McKown
Senior Systems Programmer
Keeping the Promise of Affordable Coverage
Administrative Services Group
Information Technology

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Re: Patents, Copyrights, Profits, Flex and Hercules

2007-06-14 Thread Mark Zelden
On Thu, 14 Jun 2007 11:07:28 +0200, Chris Mason <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>There is no question that yours is a cursed post. I have sent two versions
>of my reply and both have produced a fatwa condemning it in the following
>terms: "rejected because it contains an attachment of type
>'APPLICATION/OCTET-STREAM'.  " for which I was certainly not responsible.
>Nevertheless, both my transgressions have appeared in the archives. Let's
>see what happens to this one.

Both made it... as well as this one.

Does that mean a virus?  Whatever it means, it didn't come from my
post.  I post from the web archive interface.

Mark Zelden
Sr. Software and Systems Architect - z/OS Team Lead
Zurich North America / Farmers Insurance Group:  G-ITO
z/OS and OS390 expert at
Systems Programming expert at
Mark's MVS Utilities:

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Re: HSM ML2 volume list

2007-06-14 Thread Miklos Szigetvari


Thank you very much, we will try out.

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Re: Patents, Copyrights, Profits, Flex and Hercules

2007-06-14 Thread Mohammad Khan
I share your pessimism on this, we aren't going to have a z/OS (or a clone) to 
play with. IBM has made it clear enough - if you want to develop pay big buck 
or you can play with MVS 3.8 if you are just a hobbyist. I guess all that is 
to hobbyists is to start hacking the guts of MVS 3.8  and bring it a little 
to the real thing. Say bigger address spaces.
Oh well ...

On Wed, 13 Jun 2007 13:21:49 -0700, Ray Mullins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Random thought - I wonder what would happen if Fujitsu and Hitachi decided
>to release their clones of MVS and VSE to hobbyists.  Yeah, yeah, there's
>legal agreements, etc., which probably preclude that.

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Re: Patents, Copyrights, Profits, Flex and Hercules

2007-06-14 Thread Gregory, Gary G
I'm sure most financial people have heard of the Hogan Integrated
Banking system.  Back in the 70's Bernie Hogan did exactly what was
discussed here - he and a couple of programmers would spend their nights
and weekends in downtown Dallas at I believe RepublicBank.  In the end
they received a multimillion dollar banking system for "free".

Gary Garland Gregory, MS


I believe that one problem with the model below in today's environment 
is the need for strict security. I've worked in banking IT operations 
all my career. At one location we gave time on the mainframe to a vendor

who had some products that plugged into IBM's CPCS (Check Processing 
Control System) in exchange for free use of his software. I don't 
believe there is any bank that would do that these days because of 
security issues.

Tom Kelman
Commerce Bank of Kansas City
Tom, from my experience in finance-related industry (Futures and 
Options), I have to agree. The concern for security today is such that 
most firms wouldn't even let a potential ISV to SEE the computer, much 
less use it, regardless of any security arrangements, software, etc.

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Re: SMP/E, IEBUPDTE, and SuperC (was: CA-1 install - user exits?)

2007-06-14 Thread Eric Bielefeld
I remember one of the first projects I worked on as a systems 
programmer was updating JES2 with a level set Apar.  This was back 
around 1979, using SMP Release 3.  The JES2 updates were one big 
IEBUPDTE stream.  I never realized that SPF did an automatic renumber 
of the data.  Since JES modules back then had line numbers that started 
with an alphabetic character in col 72, all the updates were put at the 
end of each module.  Everything assembled fine.  Fortuneatly, I noticed 
that the updates all ended up at the end of the module before trying to 
install the changes, and redid everything.  

Eric Bielefeld
Milwaukee, Wisconsin

- Original Message -
From: Bruce Hewson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hello Gil,
> One thing you never do with IEPUPDTE input or managed datasets is 
> access 
> them with any editor that modifies line numbers.> Regards
> Bruce Hewson

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Re: Patents, Copyrights, Profits, Flex and Hercules

2007-06-14 Thread Craddock, Chris
> Indeed, if we look at the Candle acquisition, the investments in those
> products have been reinvigorated.  <<>>  As just one
> example, we here in Japan were waiting years (decades?) for OMEGAMON
> get full Japanese language translation

That's true, but none too compelling (to me) because Candle was working
on that when I worked there in 1998! Now arguably IBM sped that process
on to completion, but without knowing all of the facts it is hard to
judge what their contribution was. For the record, doing
internationalization on the Candle products was BRUTALLY difficult
because the product architecture does not lend itself to that. I'm not
very surprised it took 9 years to deliver.


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Re: SMP/E, IEBUPDTE, and SuperC (was: CA-1 install - user exits?)

2007-06-14 Thread Paul Gilmartin
On Thu, 14 Jun 2007 07:37:11 -0500, Russell Witt wrote:
>You bring up many of the limitations of IEBUPDTE, which leads to another
>option. Stop using IEBUPDTE and go to full ++SRC for user exits. This means
>the sample is the entire exit with comment blocks were we suggest you place
>your user-code. The downside is that if we (the vendor) change the
>entry/exit processing or the parsing of the input parameter list for some
>reason, the entire source is changed and you need to re-incorporate your
>changes manually.
As I stated, there's an established procedure for this:

APPLY   PTF from vendor

Yes, this does particularly require that line numbers be stabilized
across vendor PTFs in the vicinity of the USERMOD.

-- gil

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Capacity and Relational Database

2007-06-14 Thread Gates, Guy

 I am working on sizing a new processor to carry us through the next few
years. During the discussions, It was asked if the additional capacity
that we are adding, If there is available Capacity to handle a
Relational Database. We are not using a Relational Database today. 
 My question is, Are any tools or means to estimate how much capacity I
should be calculating into my figures to account for a Relational
 Does anyone have experience in starting a Relational Database and how
much Capacity it took to get started?
 I know it depends on the size and usage by each company that determines
the end Capacity needed, but is there some base calculation that can be
used to start with?
 Any help will be very appreciated. Thanks in advance. 

Thanks...Guy M. Gates Jr.
TTI Z/OS Systems Programmer II

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Re: SMP/E, IEBUPDTE, and SuperC (was: CA-1 install - user exits?)

2007-06-14 Thread Paul Gilmartin
On Thu, 14 Jun 2007 02:50:00 -0500, Bruce Hewson wrote:
>One thing you never do with IEPUPDTE input or managed datasets is access
>them with any editor that modifies line numbers.
ISPF's numbering facilities can be useful in providing valid
numbers for inserted lines.

>Although it can be done, line deletion is a bad choice to make when using
>IEPUPDTE. Removal of a line is best made by changing that line to a comment.
>++SRCUPD and ++MACUPD via IEPUPDTE is only usable when the original data
>is supplied with line numbers that are "guaranteed" never to be changed.
SuperC can be your friend here by automatically generating IEBUPDTE
commands given two versions as input.  (But has IBM fixed all the

I suppose one argument for ISV's updating ++SRC and++MAC by
replacement (but with stabilized line numbers) rather than update
is that APPLY REDO works poorly with updates (or ZAPs -- BTDT).

-- gil

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Re: Patents, Copyrights, Profits, Flex and Hercules

2007-06-14 Thread Howard Brazee
On 13 Jun 2007 22:38:09 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Timothy
Sipples) wrote:

>But that's not the whole story by any means.  There are at least three
>strategies when you buy out another company:
>1.  "Buy to bury."  You buy the products to kill them.
>2.  "Buy to milk the cash flow."  You buy the products to enjoy a stream of
>revenue (acquiring annuities).
>3.  "Buy to grow."  You buy the products to take them to the next level of
>technical advancement, expanded sales channels, and/or synergies.

4.  Buy to acquire patents.The company that makes Bag Boy golf
carts was #2 in the 3 wheeled push carts model, partly because the #1
company had some patents it needed.   So it bought a baby stroller
company with the patents it wanted.

This does apply in our business.

5.  Buy to acquire skills. It is interesting that Univac bought
the RCA design, but didn't keep the computer designers after they
built their RCA like computer.   So IBM hired the laid off engineers
and built theirs.

6.   Buy to offer single-source suites of products.You don't
particularly want a product, but your customers do, so you make it
easy for them to buy *your* product via bundling.IBM can't be like
Microsoft with this because of the court order.

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Re: SMP/E, IEBUPDTE, and SuperC (was: CA-1 install - user exits?)

2007-06-14 Thread Paul Gilmartin
On Wed, 13 Jun 2007 22:13:26 -0500, Ed Gould wrote:
>Of course there are many ways to do this my suggestion is a common
>sense one I believe, but there are others. I personally find it hard
>to believe that a typical sysprog would not know about IEBUPDTE so a
>guiding hand in this area is a little condescending.
I was suggesting such context lines as guidance not so much for
the programmer as for the (ISPF) editor in creating valid sequence
numbers in the IEBUPDTE command file.  Likewise, the provider
should make the sequence numbers sparse in the vicinity of the
expected user modification to allow for insertions.

-- gil

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Capacity and Relational Database

2007-06-14 Thread Guy Gates

 I am working on sizing a new processor to carry us through the next few
years. During the discussions, It was asked if the additional capacity
that we are adding, If there is available Capacity to handle a
Relational Database. We are not using a Relational Database today. 
 My question is, Are any tools or means to estimate how much capacity I
should be calculating into my figures to account for a Relational
 Does anyone have experience in starting a Relational Database and how
much Capacity it took to get started?
 I know it depends on the size and usage by each company that determines
the end Capacity needed, but is there some base calculation that can be
used to start with?
 Any help will be very appreciated. Thanks in advance. 

Thanks...Guy M. Gates Jr.
TTI Z/OS Systems Programmer II

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Re: Patents, Copyrights, Profits, Flex and Hercules

2007-06-14 Thread Bruce Black
Vary true ... There used to be a product (it may still exist for all I 
know) that was a competitor to IBM's DFHSM
ASM2 was eventually acquired by CA and become CA-DISK, then Brightstore 
CA-DISK, and now CA Disk Backup and Restore.  I think there was an 
intermediate acquisition that I have forgotten about.

Bruce A. Black
Senior Software Developer for FDR
Innovation Data Processing 973-890-7300
sales info: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
tech support: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Patents, Copyrights, Profits, Flex and Hercules

2007-06-14 Thread Wayne Driscoll
ASM2 was a Cambridge product, Cambridge was acquired by UCCEL at about
the same time that SKK (ACF2) was.  Cambridge had the exclusive
marketing rights to the SKK product line in the US at the time.  UCCEL
was then acquired by CA about 6-9 months later.
Wayne Driscoll
Product Developer
JME Software LLC
NOTE: All opinions are strictly my own.

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Bruce Black
Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2007 9:38 AM
Subject: Re: Patents, Copyrights, Profits, Flex and Hercules

> Vary true ... There used to be a product (it may still exist for all I
> know) that was a competitor to IBM's DFHSM
ASM2 was eventually acquired by CA and become CA-DISK, then Brightstore
CA-DISK, and now CA Disk Backup and Restore.  I think there was an
intermediate acquisition that I have forgotten about.

Bruce A. Black
Senior Software Developer for FDR
Innovation Data Processing 973-890-7300
sales info: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
tech support: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Patents, Copyrights, Profits, Flex and Hercules

2007-06-14 Thread John Eells


It is far from correct to conclude that, and I'm sure that's not 
at all what Timothy meant.  We have a really substantial 
investment in z/OS development spread across several sites 
worldwide.  Much of that development has been and continues to be 
for the MVS part of z/OS.

Clem Clarke wrote:

Hi Tim,

I won't copy your entire message, but reading between the lines I think 
in essence you are saying that the MVS part of Z/OS is effectively dead, 
done and finished as far as IBM is concerned?

Or would like it to be ...

Is that the truth?

John Eells
z/OS Technical Marketing
IBM Poughkeepsie

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FDRPAS Question

2007-06-14 Thread Bruce Black
I want to clarify the causes of the FDRW68 message that Tom Moulder 
asked about.

FDRPAS runs as a SWAP (master) task on one LPAR, and a MONITOR (slave) 
task on every other LPAR.  We use a hardware query t o determine the IDs 
(CPU ID) of every LPAR attached to the source disk in the SWAP. Then we 
check the CPU ID of every system running a MONITOR and compare it to the 
hardware list.

If we find a missing CPU ID, it means that they didn't start a MONITOR 
on that systen, or the MONTOR is not working for some reason.

So we put out a FDRW68 message on the console, along with FDR234 
REASON=M to identify the missing CPU ID(s).  

The customer can reply YES (continue with the missing MONITORs), RETRY 
(recheck for new MONITORs) or NO (abort the swap).  It is almost always 
an error to reply YES.

Bruce A. Black
Senior Software Developer for FDR
Innovation Data Processing 973-890-7300
sales info: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
tech support: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Patents, Copyrights, Profits, Flex and Hercules

2007-06-14 Thread Lester, Bob
-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Bruce Black
Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2007 8:38 AM
Subject: Re: Patents, Copyrights, Profits, Flex and Hercules

> Vary true ... There used to be a product (it may still exist for all I

> know) that was a competitor to IBM's DFHSM
ASM2 was eventually acquired by CA and become CA-DISK, then Brightstore 
CA-DISK, and now CA Disk Backup and Restore.  I think there was an 
intermediate acquisition that I have forgotten about.

  Before it was bought by CA, it was DMS from Sterling Software which
(used to be) the same Company (now Sterling Commerce) that markets NDM
(now Connect:Direct).  Whew!


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Re: Patents, Copyrights, Profits, Flex and Hercules

2007-06-14 Thread Mark Jacobs

Bruce Black wrote:
Vary true ... There used to be a product (it may still exist for all 
I know) that was a competitor to IBM's DFHSM
ASM2 was eventually acquired by CA and become CA-DISK, then 
Brightstore CA-DISK, and now CA Disk Backup and Restore.  I think 
there was an intermediate acquisition that I have forgotten about.

ASM2 was owned by SKK (The authors of ACF2) and became CA property when 
CA bought SKK.

Mark Jacobs
Technical Services
Time Customer Service - Tampa, FL
Victory in defeat, there is none higher. She didn't give up, Ben; 
she's still trying to lift that stone after it has crushed her.
She's a father going down to a dull office job while cancer is 
painfully eating away his insides, so as to bring home one more pay 
check for the kids. She's a twelve-year-old girl trying to mother her
baby brothers and sisters because Mama had to go to Heaven. She's a 
switchboard operator sticking to her job while smoke is choking her 
and the fire is cutting off her escape. She's all the unsung heroes

who couldn't quite cut it but never quit.*

Robert A. Heinlein - Stranger in a Strange Land 

*Referring to the Auguste Rodin sculpture, Caryatid Who Has Fallen under Her 

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Re: Patents, Copyrights, Profits, Flex and Hercules

2007-06-14 Thread Binyamin Dissen
On Thu, 14 Jun 2007 11:04:28 -0400 Mark Jacobs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

:>Bruce Black wrote:
:>>> Vary true ... There used to be a product (it may still exist for all 
:>>> I know) that was a competitor to IBM's DFHSM
:>> ASM2 was eventually acquired by CA and become CA-DISK, then 
:>> Brightstore CA-DISK, and now CA Disk Backup and Restore.  I think 
:>> there was an intermediate acquisition that I have forgotten about.

:>ASM2 was owned by SKK (The authors of ACF2) and became CA property when 
:>CA bought SKK.

Not that I know of (and I worked for SKK at the time).

Cambridge marketed both products.

Binyamin Dissen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Should you use the mailblocks package and expect a response from me,
you should preauthorize the domain.

I very rarely bother responding to challenge/response systems,
especially those from irresponsible companies.

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Re: Patents, Copyrights, Profits, Flex and Hercules

2007-06-14 Thread Tom Marchant
On Thu, 14 Jun 2007 10:38:04 -0400, Bruce Black wrote:

>> Vary true ... There used to be a product (it may still exist for all I
>> know) that was a competitor to IBM's DFHSM
>ASM2 was eventually acquired by CA and become CA-DISK, then Brightstore
>CA-DISK, and now CA Disk Backup and Restore.  I think there was an
>intermediate acquisition that I have forgotten about.

At a previous job, we once used ASM2 to defrag a pack.  I don't know what 
the error was, but we ended up with a pack with nothing left on it but the 
VTOC.  We had to restore it from the FDR full volume backup taken before 
running the defrag, then we stopped running ASM2.  Soon we acquired 

Tom Marchant

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Re: Patents, Copyrights, Profits, Flex and Hercules

2007-06-14 Thread Mark Jacobs

Binyamin Dissen wrote:

On Thu, 14 Jun 2007 11:04:28 -0400 Mark Jacobs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

:>Bruce Black wrote:
:>>> Vary true ... There used to be a product (it may still exist for all 
:>>> I know) that was a competitor to IBM's DFHSM
:>> ASM2 was eventually acquired by CA and become CA-DISK, then 
:>> Brightstore CA-DISK, and now CA Disk Backup and Restore.  I think 
:>> there was an intermediate acquisition that I have forgotten about.

:>ASM2 was owned by SKK (The authors of ACF2) and became CA property when 
:>CA bought SKK.

Not that I know of (and I worked for SKK at the time).

Cambridge marketed both products.

You are correct, my memory must be going but I do seem to remember an 
ASM2 and SKK relationship of some sort.

Mark Jacobs
Technical Services
Time Customer Service - Tampa, FL
Victory in defeat, there is none higher. She didn't give up, Ben; 
she's still trying to lift that stone after it has crushed her.
She's a father going down to a dull office job while cancer is 
painfully eating away his insides, so as to bring home one more pay 
check for the kids. She's a twelve-year-old girl trying to mother her
baby brothers and sisters because Mama had to go to Heaven. She's a 
switchboard operator sticking to her job while smoke is choking her 
and the fire is cutting off her escape. She's all the unsung heroes

who couldn't quite cut it but never quit.*

Robert A. Heinlein - Stranger in a Strange Land 

*Referring to the Auguste Rodin sculpture, Caryatid Who Has Fallen under Her 

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Re: Patents, Copyrights, Profits, Flex and Hercules

2007-06-14 Thread Jeffrey D. Smith
> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
> Behalf Of Binyamin Dissen
> Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2007 9:15 AM
> Subject: Re: Patents, Copyrights, Profits, Flex and Hercules
> On Thu, 14 Jun 2007 11:04:28 -0400 Mark Jacobs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> :>Bruce Black wrote:
> :>>> Vary true ... There used to be a product (it may still exist for all
> :>>> I know) that was a competitor to IBM's DFHSM
> :>> ASM2 was eventually acquired by CA and become CA-DISK, then
> :>> Brightstore CA-DISK, and now CA Disk Backup and Restore.  I think
> :>> there was an intermediate acquisition that I have forgotten about.
> :>ASM2 was owned by SKK (The authors of ACF2) and became CA property when
> :>CA bought SKK.
> Not that I know of (and I worked for SKK at the time).
> Cambridge marketed both products.
> --
> Binyamin Dissen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I was employed by Cambridge Systems Group at the time of the takeover by
UCCEL. As it was explained to me by folks there who seemed to know what
was happening, UCCEL wanted to buy only ACF2, but CSG had (semi-)exclusive
marketing rights to ACF2, ASM2, and ADC2. Due to contractual obligations,
if SKK wanted to sell ACF2, then the buyer also had to buy-out the CSG
products (ASM2 and ADC2).

IIRC, some suits showed up on Monday and huddled in a very small room
for most of the week. On Friday, they came out and fired most of the
CSG personnel. The dismissed personnel had to leave immediately; they
could return for their personal items after they attended a meeting
at a local hotel (I think it was called an "out-placement" meeting). A
local company was hired to handle the dispatching of the fired personnel.

What goes around, comes around. Just about 3 months later CA bought-out
UCCEL, and many UCCEL folks received their pink slips. It seems that CA
was already in private talks with UCCEL for a takeover, but CA had to
wait until the CSG/SKK takeover was complete before CA could proceed
with taking over UCCEL.

I survived the UCCEL takeover, but I quickly went across the street to
Boole & Babbage and got a job there. (Those were the days when MVS
product development jobs were plentifulsigh...)

Jeffrey D. Smith
Principal Product Architect
Farsight Systems Corporation
700 KEN PRATT BLVD. #204-159
LONGMONT, CO 80501-6452
303-774-9381 direct
303-484-6170 FAX
see my résumé at my website (yes, I am looking for employment)

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Re: Patents, Copyrights, Profits, Flex and Hercules

2007-06-14 Thread Farley, Peter x23353
> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
> Behalf Of John Eells
> Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2007 11:01 AM
> Subject: Re: Patents, Copyrights, Profits, Flex and Hercules
> No!
> It is far from correct to conclude that, and I'm sure that's not
> at all what Timothy meant.  We have a really substantial
> investment in z/OS development spread across several sites
> worldwide.  Much of that development has been and continues to be
> for the MVS part of z/OS.

That may not be what Timothy meant, but notice the distinct lack of a path
for BT/I's (to use Timothy's acronym) to develop z/OS programs (i.e., not
java, not web, not unix).  That's what the OP was really asking for and
which IBM hasn't and probably won't ever provide (and yes, Alan's comment
that this forum isn't the right place to advocate change in this area is
still true, but...).

IMHO it isn't market expansion that is the issue, it is z/OS developer pool
expansion.  IBM's past short-sightedness in allowing universities to abandon
the mainframe reduced the availability of new talent for the developer pool
for years to come.  Their further shortsightedness in failing to provide
low- or no-cost options for independent BT/I's to develop on and for z/OS
further reduces the developer pool to only those who already work for
"large" hardware clients, many of whom will retire very soon.  And any
development you do on an employer's machine belongs to them unless you get a
specific legal waiver (quite unlikely in this litigious age).


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Re: Patents, Copyrights, Profits, Flex and Hercules

2007-06-14 Thread Rich Smrcina
This appears to be getting a life of it's own on vse-l now (which is 
also searchable on Google), complete with a sidetrack about Oracle on 
VM!  Careful what you wish for... :)

Timothy Sipples wrote:

Rich Smrcina says:

I should start putting "Linux on z/VSE" in random blog posts to see if I
can start another rumor, just for fun.  Ooops.  I guess that just went


Google now.


We have a little "Google bomb" running now!  Your "Niiice" quoting my
post generated Google hit #2, and now since I quoted myself we've
incremented to Google hit #3.

Give it two weeks and maybe IBM Boeblingen will have the project in their
fall plan. :-) :-) :-)

Rich Smrcina
VM Assist, Inc.
Phone: 414-491-6001
Ans Service:  360-715-2467
rich.smrcina at

Catch the WAVV!
WAVV 2008 - Chattanooga - April 18-22, 2008

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Re: Format of TSO Receive in batch

2007-06-14 Thread Patrick O'Keefe
On Wed, 13 Jun 2007 16:53:08 -0600, Steve Comstock 

>this is because DSNAME is one of the possible
>responses to the message put out by receive,
>not part of the receive command

Ya know, I'd feel very bad about missing that except so did 3 other
system programmers here.  That's about 85 combined years of 
system programming experience.  Admittedly, I make up largest 
single chunk of that and I have the least TSO experience of the 
bunch.  1 or 2 of them may have known this in the distant past I
suspect, but had forgotten over the years.
>> I probably just need more training in these new-fangled utilities like
>> Receive.  :-)
>We can arrange that!

Wel, I was being a bit sarcastic there, but it does bring up an 
unfortunate point.  There are a lot of us that could use a refresher
course covering basic things we never learned or have forgotton
long ago.  But we would never be able to justify the cost to 
management.  After all, they're paying us the "big bucks" because
of our experience - because we already know all that stuff.

Now, if you're offering to provide the training for free, ...  :-)

Pat O'Keefe

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Re: Patents, Copyrights, Profits, Flex and Hercules

2007-06-14 Thread Mark Zelden
On Thu, 14 Jun 2007 10:38:04 -0400, Bruce Black <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>> Vary true ... There used to be a product (it may still exist for all I
>> know) that was a competitor to IBM's DFHSM
>ASM2 was eventually acquired by CA and become CA-DISK, then Brightstore
>CA-DISK, and now CA Disk Backup and Restore.  I think there was an
>intermediate acquisition that I have forgotten about.

No, CA-Disk is what was formerly SAMS:Disk (Sterling), which was formerly
known as DMS.   ASM2 is a different product and is called CA-ASM2 Backup 
and Restore.  Both are under the Brightstor product line, but I think CA 
dropped the "Brightstor" from the name not too long ago.  CA acquired
ASM2 so long ago that I forgot where they got it from -  but I don't think CA
was the original developer.

Mark Zelden
Sr. Software and Systems Architect - z/OS Team Lead
Zurich North America / Farmers Insurance Group:  G-ITO
z/OS and OS390 expert at
Systems Programming expert at
Mark's MVS Utilities:

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Re: SMP/E, IEBUPDTE, and SuperC (was: CA-1 install - user exits?)

2007-06-14 Thread Kenneth E Tomiak
In my experience, fewer new sysprogs know about IEBUPDTE because they 
have no need to run it on their own. Serverpac creates jobs that many newer 
people just submit and if they get the desired return code have no idea what 
they ran because they never scroll through the job. So even if Serverpac or 
some other installation step runs IEBUPDTE, they just submit it and if it works 
never know what they did. The guiding hand should be there, at least enough 
to complete the task.

Those who already know how to do something can skip over material they do 
not need. Those who do not know how to do something get annoyed when 
they have to go track down other manuals to complete what should be a 
simple task. Anything to document what you need while you are doing it is 
going to help the newer people.

>On Wed, 13 Jun 2007 21:00:37 -0500, Ed Gould 

>Its an idea but a suggestion might be in order here. Wouldn't it be a
>little clearer if comments were inserted (perhaps in an asterisks in
>a box format saying insert code below this box.
>Of course there are many ways to do this my suggestion is a common
>sense one I believe, but there are others. I personally find it hard
>to believe that a typical sysprog would not know about IEBUPDTE so a
>guiding hand in this area is a little condescending.

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Re: Is Parallel Programming Just Too Hard?

2007-06-14 Thread Howard Brazee
On Thu, 14 Jun 2007 09:09:18 -0600, in you

>Researchers at Intel are working on ways to mask the intricate
>functionality of massive multicore chips to make it easier for computer
>makers and software developers to adapt to them, said Jerry Bautista,
>co-director of Intel's Tera-scale Computing Research Program.

I wonder what differences in implementation are between a database
machine with sysops and DBAs, and a desktop machine.

Desktop machines have had floating-pint chips, and then later
super-powerful graphics cards, unloading high CPU tasks from the main
processor.Mainframes have been far better at moving data in and
out, but that isn't yet as big of an issue with desktop computers.

Desktops won't have sysops adjusting efficiency depending on needs.
When someone is downloading a movie, playing a CPU intensive game, and
checking his e-mail, the OS needs to know what priorities these tasks

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Re: Format of TSO Receive in batch

2007-06-14 Thread Kenneth E Tomiak
On Thu, 14 Jun 2007 10:57:28 -0500, Patrick O'Keefe 

>Now, if you're offering to provide the training for free, ...  :-)
>Pat O'Keefe

Free: A wonderful PDF on Steve Comstock's website.
Free: has a wealth of examples.
Free: The ABCs of * Systems Programming redbooks.
Free: posting your question here and getting plenty of responses of dubious 
quality mixed in with the few gems that are correct. The better your question 
and supporting evidence the better the answer you are likely to get.
Free: Most recent SHARE conference proceedings.
Free: Using your favorite search engine to find any of the above.

Convincing management z/OS skills require training just as much as other 
areas: priceless.

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Re: Format of TSO Receive in batch

2007-06-14 Thread Steve Comstock

Patrick O'Keefe wrote:
On Wed, 13 Jun 2007 16:53:08 -0600, Steve Comstock 

this is because DSNAME is one of the possible
responses to the message put out by receive,
not part of the receive command

Ya know, I'd feel very bad about missing that except so did 3 other
system programmers here.  That's about 85 combined years of 
system programming experience.  Admittedly, I make up largest 
single chunk of that and I have the least TSO experience of the 
bunch.  1 or 2 of them may have known this in the distant past I

suspect, but had forgotten over the years.



I probably just need more training in these new-fangled utilities like
Receive.  :-)

We can arrange that!

Wel, I was being a bit sarcastic there, but it does bring up an 
unfortunate point.  There are a lot of us that could use a refresher

course covering basic things we never learned or have forgotton
long ago.  But we would never be able to justify the cost to 
management.  After all, they're paying us the "big bucks" because

of our experience - because we already know all that stuff.

Now, if you're offering to provide the training for free, ...  :-)

I'm well aware of the dilema. That's why I created "Update" courses:
sure you guys [and gals] know all the old stuff [even though you
may have forgotten some of it], but there are also changes and new
features that you need to know about to be most productive, and you
don't have the time to ferret out all the relevant pieces. But
update courses can bring you up to speed (and several of them also
have built-in reminders about the parts you may have forgotten but
would find very useful now). Consider:

ISPF Update - 2 days

Advanced Topics in z/OS JCL - 3 days

Assembler Language: Update - 1 day

z/OS Assembler for Applications Programmers - 3 days

Enterprise COBOL Update I: Essentials - 2 days

Enterprise COBOL Update II: Unicode and XML Support - 1.5 days

DB2 Version 8 Differences - 3 days

[along with DB2 Version 7 Differences, etc. Version 9 differences
is in the pipeline]

CICS/TS Differences - 1 or 2 days

And so on; with, of course, migration courses and other
advanced topics or simply topics that are truly new to

Often management will pay for "update", "advanced" and "differences"
courses, and these can be a good basis for refreshers and catch ups
that you simply haven't had time to get to. In the long run, much
more productive, timely, and cost effective than hunting among
the manuals (or just working the way you always have because you're
not even aware there's a newer, better, or at least alternate way).

Kind regards,

-Steve Comstock
The Trainer's Friend, Inc.


  z/OS Application development made easier
* Our classes include
   + How things work
   + Programming examples with realistic applications
   + Starter / skeleton code
   + Complete working programs
   + Useful utilities and subroutines
   + Tips and techniques

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Re: Format of TSO Receive in batch

2007-06-14 Thread Tom Marchant
On Thu, 14 Jun 2007 10:57:28 -0500, Patrick O'Keefe wrote:
>>> I probably just need more training ...
>>We can arrange that!
> ...
>Now, if you're offering to provide the training for free, ...  :-)

Oh, I'm sure he is.
And I'll bet he'd love to buy you lunch while he's at it.

Tom Marchant

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Re: Patents, Copyrights, Profits, Flex and Hercules

2007-06-14 Thread Binyamin Dissen
On Thu, 14 Jun 2007 11:01:06 -0500 Mark Zelden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

:> but I don't think CA
:>was the original developer.

I think you will have to offer at least 30 to 1 for anyone to take that bet.

Binyamin Dissen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Should you use the mailblocks package and expect a response from me,
you should preauthorize the domain.

I very rarely bother responding to challenge/response systems,
especially those from irresponsible companies.

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Re: Read JCL Symbols from a program?

2007-06-14 Thread Victor Gil
Here's what I do to pass a DB2 plan name to a subroutine 10 level below the 
step-level prog:

//SET PLAN=PlanName

The DSN expands into SYSx.Txx.RAxxx..PlanName.Hxx, and so 
the subroutine issues RDJFCB against DD=DB2PLAN to get and parse the DSN.


On Wed, 13 Jun 2007 08:09:56 -0500, Kirk Wolf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>My question is this:  does anyone know a way for a program to read the
>current JCL symbols?
>It could be that all of this information is washed away by the converter
>Kirk Wolf
>Dovetailed Technologies

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Re: Patents, Copyrights, Profits, Flex and Hercules

2007-06-14 Thread Dean Kent
"Timothy Sipples" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message

>OK, moving on to the separate issue you raise.  It's an excellent question.
>As said, to a first order effect, IBM buying Candle (for example) did not
>expand the mainframe market.  And what I think you mean is expanding the
>number of products in the mainframe market.  The day before the acquisition
>there were X number of Candle products, and the day after there were still
>X number of the same products, so no change.

By 'expanding the market', I was referring to the context of
the original post - which was essentially about opportunities for
entrepreneurs, not about end users.   I simply cannot see how anyone,
anywhere, in any position can actually claim that IBM has made it easier for
a 'BT/I' to enter, or remain, in the mainframe market than it was in, say,
the 1970s or 1980s.   There is a term called 'barrier to entry', which seems
to be getting higher all the time.  This may be a natural progression, but
arguing that it isn't the case seems... odd.   Apologies, but I am somewhat
boggled by the line of reasoning in response.   While I realize nobody who
works for IBM can say, "Hey, IBM doesn't think there is any chance of
expanding the market, and therefore wants to consolidate/control it and milk
as much revenue as possible while it can", trying to claim that the duck is
a swan is a little insulting.

While I realize this isn't a venue for change, it *is* a discussion group -
but I also apologize if these replies annoy anyone.


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Re: Patents, Copyrights, Profits, Flex and Hercules

2007-06-14 Thread Staller, Allan

CA acquired ASM2 so long ago that I forgot where they got it from -  but
I don't think CA was the original developer.

I can think of very few products *EVER* developed by CA. Including their
very 1st product CA-SORT.

Their old motto "Software Superior by Design" should have read "Software
Superior by Acquisition"

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Re: Patents, Copyrights, Profits, Flex and Hercules

2007-06-14 Thread Ed Gould

On Jun 14, 2007, at 8:07 AM, Mark Zelden wrote:
Mark and others:

I had two posts rejected because of the same issue. One was probably  
legit and the other I couldn't find anything in it that was wrong.

Darren must be experimenting again:(


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Re: Patents, Copyrights, Profits, Flex and Hercules

2007-06-14 Thread Richards.Bob
I think Manage/SMF was one of them. Not content to have a very useful
product, they imbedded it into CA-JARS. In the last couple of years it
was been split out again as SMF Director, but they want too many $$$ for
a functionality that most sysprogs developed a workaround for 20 years

Bob Richards 

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Staller, Allan
Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2007 1:15 PM
Subject: Re: Patents, Copyrights, Profits, Flex and Hercules

CA acquired ASM2 so long ago that I forgot where they got it from -  but
I don't think CA was the original developer.

I can think of very few products *EVER* developed by CA. Including their
very 1st product CA-SORT.

Their old motto "Software Superior by Design" should have read "Software
Superior by Acquisition" 
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Re: Patents, Copyrights, Profits, Flex and Hercules

2007-06-14 Thread Howard Brazee
On 14 Jun 2007 09:58:46 -0700, in you wrote:

>By 'expanding the market', I was referring to the context of
>the original post - which was essentially about opportunities for
>entrepreneurs, not about end users.   I simply cannot see how anyone,
>anywhere, in any position can actually claim that IBM has made it easier for
>a 'BT/I' to enter, or remain, in the mainframe market than it was in, say,
>the 1970s or 1980s.

Ahh, but the market gets redefined.   Look at retail, with Wards then
Sears then Wal*Mart and the Internet.   Customers don't want
drill-bits, they want holes.If a company wants to be in the
business of serving up data, it can compete with IBM/Mainframes easier
than Amdahl could back when.

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IBM discoveries Charge Back...

2007-06-14 Thread Ed Gould 

You must register blame IBM not me,


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Re: SMP/E, IEBUPDTE, and SuperC (was: CA-1 install - user exits?)

2007-06-14 Thread Ed Gould

On Jun 14, 2007, at 11:02 AM, Kenneth E Tomiak wrote:

In my experience, fewer new sysprogs know about IEBUPDTE because they
have no need to run it on their own. Serverpac creates jobs that  
many newer
people just submit and if they get the desired return code have no  
idea what
they ran because they never scroll through the job. So even if  
Serverpac or
some other installation step runs IEBUPDTE, they just submit it and  
if it works
never know what they did. The guiding hand should be there, at  
least enough

to complete the task.

Those who already know how to do something can skip over material  
they do

not need. Those who do not know how to do something get annoyed when
they have to go track down other manuals to complete what should be a
simple task. Anything to document what you need while you are doing  
it is

going to help the newer people.

Yes and no...I partially agree with you. If a sysprog has almost no  
SMPe experience then I guess I agree. But almost all of the JES2  
modules are IEBUPDTE (except the OCO ones) and anyone looking at the  
output from an apply will be seeing IEBUPDTE statement(s). If I were  
to ask an experienced SYSPROG about IEBUPDTE and got a blank look or  
never heard of it, I would think twice about hiring the person. If  
you took it down to the servpac they use it a bit but it maybe  
glossed over someplace along the lines. I am mixed (as I have said in  
the pass about servpacs) about servpacs on one hand they do the job  
but at the other its a dumbing down of the sysprog, IMO. I expect to  
hear a lot of noise because I am criticizing IBM again but what else  
is new.


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ADMINISTRIVIA: Attachment rejection messages

2007-06-14 Thread Darren Evans-Young
Some of you have recently been receiving rejection messages from Listserv
about your post being rejected because it contained an attachment called

(Thanks to Paul Gilmartin for sending me an entire intact example complete
with the headers...or I would have never figured out what was going on.)

The problem stems from a subscribers mailer that was sending back to
Listserv, postings it received making it appear it came from the original

So, when Paul sent an email to the list, it went through like it was
supposed to. This mailer received a copy and bounced it back to Listserv
making it appear like it came from Paul. Of course, it just HAD to add
some stupid attachment to it before bouncing it. Listserv rejected the
attachment and notified Paul. If the email had not had an attachment, Paul
would have received a message about a duplicate posting.

The clue was, when Paul sends a msg out from, the first
mailer his mail client contacts is a mailer like below:

Received: (from [EMAIL PROTECTED])
by (8.13.3+Sun/8.13.3/Submit) id
l5EGlUkZ015390; Thu, 14 Jun 2007 10:47:30 -0600 (MDT)
From: Paul Gilmartin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

However, the rejection looked like:

Received: from ([]) by with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.3959);
  Thu, 14 Jun 2007 10:24:56 -0400

Anyhow, the subscriber has been set to NOMAIL, so you shouldn't see
any more rejection notices. Sorry for the confusion.

In the future, if you see weirdness with the list, please contact
me personally and not discuss it on the list. I don't always read
each posting to IBM-MAIN, so I won't see your discussion of the

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Re: Patents, Copyrights, Profits, Flex and Hercules

2007-06-14 Thread Mark Zelden
On Thu, 14 Jun 2007 13:39:48 -0400, Richards.Bob <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>I think Manage/SMF was one of them. Not content to have a very useful
>product, they imbedded it into CA-JARS. In the last couple of years it
>was been split out again as SMF Director, but they want too many $$$ for
>a functionality that most sysprogs developed a workaround for 20 years

I used that product at my first job.   I liked it.   It was thrown in as a
with a bunch of other products as part of a huge software contract with CA 
for one of the MVS environments that supported a bank.  Every CA product
known to man kind ran on that system (years later that helped me when
consulting since I worked with so many CA products).  

Was it part of JARS or just given the JARS brand name?  ISTR it being 
named JARS/SMF.   At any rate, you are correct about the cost.  One of my
clients was looking at getting it and I remember that the cost seemed
very high.  But it was very convenient to just say "give me SMF data from
this date to that date" and not worry about data set names, exact run 
times and split offs, 4 weeks in a month or 5, etc. 

Mark Zelden
Sr. Software and Systems Architect - z/OS Team Lead
Zurich North America / Farmers Insurance Group:  G-ITO
z/OS and OS390 expert at
Systems Programming expert at
Mark's MVS Utilities:

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Re: Patents, Copyrights, Profits, Flex and Hercules

2007-06-14 Thread Gregory, Gary G
CA Dynam/D, CA Dynam/T and CA Dynam/FI

Gary Garland Gregory, MS
Senior Software Engineer
Tel: +1-214-473-1863
Fax: +1-214-473-1050


-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Staller, Allan
Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2007 12:15 PM
Subject: Re: Patents, Copyrights, Profits, Flex and Hercules

CA acquired ASM2 so long ago that I forgot where they got it from -  but
I don't think CA was the original developer.

I can think of very few products *EVER* developed by CA. Including their
very 1st product CA-SORT.

Their old motto "Software Superior by Design" should have read "Software
Superior by Acquisition"

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Re: Patents, Copyrights, Profits, Flex and Hercules

2007-06-14 Thread Ted MacNEIL
>now Sterling Commerce) that markets NDM (now Connect:Direct).

NDM, Connect/Direct & Connect/Enterprise are separate products.
At least, they are keyed separately.

Having had to fight our service provider over them, that's one thing I learned!

Too busy driving to stop for gas!

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Re: Patents, Copyrights, Profits, Flex and Hercules

2007-06-14 Thread Gregory, Gary G
Oh yeah, how could I forget the product I work on - CA Tape Encryption.

Gary Garland Gregory, MS
Senior Software Engineer
Tel: +1-214-473-1863
Fax: +1-214-473-1050


-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Richards.Bob
Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2007 12:40 PM
Subject: Re: Patents, Copyrights, Profits, Flex and Hercules

I think Manage/SMF was one of them. Not content to have a very useful
product, they imbedded it into CA-JARS. In the last couple of years it
was been split out again as SMF Director, but they want too many $$$ for
a functionality that most sysprogs developed a workaround for 20 years

Bob Richards 

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Staller, Allan
Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2007 1:15 PM
Subject: Re: Patents, Copyrights, Profits, Flex and Hercules

CA acquired ASM2 so long ago that I forgot where they got it from -  but
I don't think CA was the original developer.

I can think of very few products *EVER* developed by CA. Including their
very 1st product CA-SORT.

Their old motto "Software Superior by Design" should have read "Software
Superior by Acquisition" 
The information transmitted is intended solely for the individual or
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SunTrust and Seeing beyond money are federally registered service marks
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DB2 Data Bases and Central Storage

2007-06-14 Thread Lizette Koehler
Hi -

Has anyone been asked by their DB2 DBAs (or DB2 Sysprogs) on the MVS Mainframe 
what it would take to place their Tables into Storage?  We are DB2 V8 nfm with 
z/OS V1.7 on a z9 and z860 systems.

Some of our DB2 folkes have been asking us and we cannot see why they would 
want to do that since we have physical constraints (ie. not a big enough iron).

If anyone has some ideas we as mvs sysprogs need to be aware should they do 
this, it would be helpful.

I am thinking ASM/SRM, Swapping rates, Page dataset usage, and possible looking 
at the coupler as we have data sharing set up.  I am not sure how I would 
extrapolate out how much more memory would be needed, or page datasets, etc.

We really are not performance oriented here and get these kinds of crazy 
requests.  Well maybe not crazy but rather not well thought out.

Elements that are easiy monitored and something I can place into an automation 
tool would be great.

Also if there are any other considerations that could make this work.

(making bad code run faster...)

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Re: Patents, Copyrights, Profits, Flex and Hercules

2007-06-14 Thread Gregory, Gary G
CA-DISK AKA BrightStor CA-Disk, et al was SAMS:DISK from the Sterling
Software acquisition.  


<< snip >>
> Vary true ... There used to be a product (it may still exist for all I

> know) that was a competitor to IBM's DFHSM
ASM2 was eventually acquired by CA and become CA-DISK, then Brightstore 
CA-DISK, and now CA Disk Backup and Restore.  I think there was an 
intermediate acquisition that I have forgotten about.

Bruce A. Black
Senior Software Developer for FDR
Innovation Data Processing 973-890-7300
sales info: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
tech support: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Patents, Copyrights, Profits, Flex and Hercules

2007-06-14 Thread Lester, Bob
-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Ted MacNEIL
Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2007 12:32 PM
Subject: Re: Patents, Copyrights, Profits, Flex and Hercules

>now Sterling Commerce) that markets NDM (now Connect:Direct).

>NDM, Connect/Direct & Connect/Enterprise are separate products.
>At least, they are keyed separately.

  NDM = Connect:Direct
  Connect/Enterprise is the replacement for Connect:Mailbox (which was
the replacement for SuperTRACS, which was the replacement for TRACS)

  I've been doing this waay to long!


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Re: Patents, Copyrights, Profits, Flex and Hercules

2007-06-14 Thread (IBM Mainframe Discussion List)
In a message dated 6/14/2007 1:31:52 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  
>CA acquired ASM2 so long ago that I forgot where they got it from -   but
I don't think CA was the original developer.
UCCEL acquired ASM2 on DEC 1985 from Cambridge Systems, which was  somewhere 
in the San Fran bay area.  UCCEL also acquired my employer in  that same deal, 
which is how I remember the date so precisely.  CA acquired  UCCEL ca. AUG 
Bill  Fairchild
Plainfield, IL

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Re: Patents, Copyrights, Profits, Flex and Hercules

2007-06-14 Thread Gregory, Gary G
I was at UCCEL during that period of time.  During all of those acquit
ions they also bought a little Boston company, CORADALE (or something
like that) for their VSE System/Manager (Space/Manager, Tape/Manager)
and System/Scheduler products.  So UCCEL had System/Manager and CA had
DYNAM.  UCCEL had ACF2 and CA had Top Secret, etc, etc.

Back in the mid-80's is looked like a race between CA and UCCEL to see
who could acquire the most companies.  

<< snip >>

ASM2 was a Cambridge product, Cambridge was acquired by UCCEL at about
the same time that SKK (ACF2) was.  Cambridge had the exclusive
marketing rights to the SKK product line in the US at the time.  UCCEL
was then acquired by CA about 6-9 months later.
Wayne Driscoll
Product Developer
JME Software LLC
NOTE: All opinions are strictly my own.

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Re: Patents, Copyrights, Profits, Flex and Hercules

2007-06-14 Thread Chuck Arney
CA's original products were all developed internally.  They were VM and VSE
based products.  The original products were IDOS (cut down VSE that ran
under CMS), SYMBUG and SYMDATA.  Dynam/D and Dynam/FI were internally
developed but Dynam/T was acquired from Viking Computer.

Chuck Arney
illustro Systems International, LLC
Access 3270 data from anywhere with z/XML-Host
Access 3270 apps from the web with z/Web-Host
Access CMS minidisks from z/OS or z/VSE with CMSACCess
Voice: 214-800-8900
Fax:   214-451-6394
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> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
> Behalf Of Gregory, Gary G
> Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2007 1:31 PM
> Subject: Re: Patents, Copyrights, Profits, Flex and Hercules
> CA Dynam/D, CA Dynam/T and CA Dynam/FI

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Re: Patents, Copyrights, Profits, Flex and Hercules

2007-06-14 Thread Gregory, Gary G
If you remember -- shortly after UCCEL acquired ASM2 they killed UCC3.

<< snip >>

I was employed by Cambridge Systems Group at the time of the takeover by
UCCEL. As it was explained to me by folks there who seemed to know what
was happening, UCCEL wanted to buy only ACF2, but CSG had (semi-)exclusive
marketing rights to ACF2, ASM2, and ADC2. Due to contractual obligations,
if SKK wanted to sell ACF2, then the buyer also had to buy-out the CSG
products (ASM2 and ADC2).

IIRC, some suits showed up on Monday and huddled in a very small room
for most of the week. On Friday, they came out and fired most of the
CSG personnel. The dismissed personnel had to leave immediately; they
could return for their personal items after they attended a meeting
at a local hotel (I think it was called an "out-placement" meeting). A
local company was hired to handle the dispatching of the fired personnel.

What goes around, comes around. Just about 3 months later CA bought-out
UCCEL, and many UCCEL folks received their pink slips. It seems that CA
was already in private talks with UCCEL for a takeover, but CA had to
wait until the CSG/SKK takeover was complete before CA could proceed
with taking over UCCEL.

I survived the UCCEL takeover, but I quickly went across the street to
Boole & Babbage and got a job there. (Those were the days when MVS
product development jobs were plentifulsigh...)

Jeffrey D. Smith
Principal Product Architect
Farsight Systems Corporation
700 KEN PRATT BLVD. #204-159
LONGMONT, CO 80501-6452
303-774-9381 direct
303-484-6170 FAX
see my résumé at my website (yes, I am looking for employment)

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Re: Patents, Copyrights, Profits, Flex and Hercules

2007-06-14 Thread Richards.Bob

I am fairly sure it was imbedded and in order to get it, you had to also
get CA-JARS (a very bad idea. IBM's Performance Reporter was worse, at
the time, though...LOL). Yup, VERY convenient and useful tool.

Bob Richards 

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Mark Zelden
Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2007 2:30 PM
Subject: Re: Patents, Copyrights, Profits, Flex and Hercules

On Thu, 14 Jun 2007 13:39:48 -0400, Richards.Bob

>I think Manage/SMF was one of them. Not content to have a very useful
>product, they imbedded it into CA-JARS. In the last couple of years it
>was been split out again as SMF Director, but they want too many $$$
>a functionality that most sysprogs developed a workaround for 20 years

I used that product at my first job.   I liked it.   It was thrown in as
with a bunch of other products as part of a huge software contract with
for one of the MVS environments that supported a bank.  Every CA product
known to man kind ran on that system (years later that helped me when
consulting since I worked with so many CA products).  

Was it part of JARS or just given the JARS brand name?  ISTR it being 
named JARS/SMF.   At any rate, you are correct about the cost.  One of
clients was looking at getting it and I remember that the cost seemed
very high.  But it was very convenient to just say "give me SMF data
this date to that date" and not worry about data set names, exact run 
times and split offs, 4 weeks in a month or 5, etc. 
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Re: DB2 Data Bases and Central Storage

2007-06-14 Thread Steve Comstock

Lizette Koehler wrote:

Hi -

Has anyone been asked by their DB2 DBAs (or DB2 Sysprogs) on the 
MVS Mainframe what it would take to place their Tables into Storage?  
We are DB2 V8 nfm with z/OS V1.7 on a z9 and z860 systems.

Some of our DB2 folkes have been asking us and we cannot see why 
they would want to do that since we have physical constraints (ie. 
not a big enough iron).

If anyone has some ideas we as mvs sysprogs need to be aware should 
they do this, it would be helpful.

I am thinking ASM/SRM, Swapping rates, Page dataset usage, and 
possible looking at the coupler as we have data sharing set up.
 I am not sure how I would extrapolate out how much more memory 
would be needed, or page datasets, etc.

We really are not performance oriented here and get these kinds 
of crazy requests.  Well maybe not crazy but rather not well thought out.

Elements that are easiy monitored and something I can place into 
an automation tool would be great.

Also if there are any other considerations that could make this work.

Actually, I've given some thought to this in the past.
The biggest drawback I've decided is this: once your
tables are in memory, they are no longer DB2. That is,
you are not able to use SQL for queries or updates to
tables stored in virtual.

(making bad code run faster...)

  [Love it!]

Kind regards,

-Steve Comstock
The Trainer's Friend, Inc.


  z/OS Application development made easier
* Our classes include
   + How things work
   + Programming examples with realistic applications
   + Starter / skeleton code
   + Complete working programs
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Re: IBM discoveries Charge Back...

2007-06-14 Thread Kelman, Tom
It looks like they're talking about the IBM Tivoli Usage and Accounting
Manager (ITUAM) in this paper.  That is the old CIMS package which my
company has had for several years.  IBM purchased CIMS at the end of
last year.

Tom Kelman
Commerce Bank of Kansas City
(816) 760-7632
-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Ed Gould
Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2007 12:43 PM
Subject: IBM discoveries Charge Back... 

You must register blame IBM not me,


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Re: Patents, Copyrights, Profits, Flex and Hercules

2007-06-14 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bruce Black) writes:
> ASM2 was eventually acquired by CA and become CA-DISK, then
> Brightstore CA-DISK, and now CA Disk Backup and Restore.  I think
> there was an intermediate acquisition that I have forgotten about.

for other folklore ... a couple people that worked on AIX system
management left and formed a company called tivoli. eventually tivoli
was bought up ... and when adstar was sold off ... some of the adstar
software packages (as well as other software products) were moved over
to tivoli ... for instance ADSM (adstar storage management) became TSM
(tivoli storage management).

i had done the original backup/archive implementation in the late 70s
which was deployed at some number of internal datacenters ... and went
thru a number of versions with various other people helping with the

one of the people involved left ... and worked on a number of
backup/archive implementations for other companies ... some of these
other implementations may currently be sold by sterling(?).

my original backup/archive internal implementation first saw product
release as workstation datasave facility which then morphed into ADSM
(before being renamed TSM). some old email on the subject
and numerous posts mentioning backup/archive

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Re: DB2 Data Bases and Central Storage

2007-06-14 Thread Lizette Koehler
I should have mentioned, this is due to apar OA17114 that is just coming into 
the light.


>Hi -
>Has anyone been asked by their DB2 DBAs (or DB2 Sysprogs) on the MVS Mainframe 
>what it would take to place their Tables into Storage?  We are DB2 V8 nfm with 
>z/OS V1.7 on a z9 and z860 systems.
>Some of our DB2 folkes have been asking us and we cannot see why they would 
>want to do that since we have physical constraints (ie. not a big enough iron).
>If anyone has some ideas we as mvs sysprogs need to be aware should they do 
>this, it would be helpful.
>I am thinking ASM/SRM, Swapping rates, Page dataset usage, and possible 
>looking at the coupler as we have data sharing set up.  I am not sure how I 
>would extrapolate out how much more memory would be needed, or page datasets, 
>We really are not performance oriented here and get these kinds of crazy 
>requests.  Well maybe not crazy but rather not well thought out.
>Elements that are easiy monitored and something I can place into an automation 
>tool would be great.
>Also if there are any other considerations that could make this work.
>(making bad code run faster...)

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Re: Patents, Copyrights, Profits, Flex and Hercules

2007-06-14 Thread Thompson, Steve
-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Ted MacNEIL
Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2007 1:32 PM
Subject: Re: Patents, Copyrights, Profits, Flex and Hercules

>now Sterling Commerce) that markets NDM (now Connect:Direct).

NDM, Connect/Direct & Connect/Enterprise are separate products.
At least, they are keyed separately.

System Center (or was it Systems Center) had NDM. System Center was
acquired by "Sterling" and renamed Connect:Direct. Sterling Software and
Sterling Commerce became two different entities (I wasn't here at the
time and so don't know all the ins-outs, reasons).

So certain of the products were handled by the Software side and certain
by the Commerce side (or entity). Sterling Commerce is now an AT&T

And now to my STD disclaimer -- The opinions expressed by the poster are
not necessarily those of poster's employer.

Steve Thompson

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Re: DB2 Data Bases and Central Storage

2007-06-14 Thread Wayne Driscoll
I assume that Lizette's question has to do with DB2 V8 and defining DB2
bufferpools large enough to hold most of the data in the DBM1 above the
bar private storage, so it will still be "DB2."  As for doing this, the
big question is "how much real memory do you have on your machine?"
Making the bufferpools huge without having storage to back it could
drive paging rates through the roof.  This also may (will?) require
additional paging space available.  Running out of available real pages
and or aux slots will cause response time to drop like a rock (like the
time it takes to IPL).
Wayne Driscoll
Product Developer
JME Software LLC
NOTE: All opinions are strictly my own.
-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Steve Comstock
Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2007 2:06 PM
Subject: Re: DB2 Data Bases and Central Storage

Lizette Koehler wrote:
> Hi -
> Has anyone been asked by their DB2 DBAs (or DB2 Sysprogs) on the MVS 
> Mainframe what it would take to place their Tables into Storage?
> We are DB2 V8 nfm with z/OS V1.7 on a z9 and z860 systems.

Actually, I've given some thought to this in the past.
The biggest drawback I've decided is this: once your tables are in
memory, they are no longer DB2. That is, you are not able to use SQL for
queries or updates to tables stored in virtual.

> Lizette
> (making bad code run faster...)
   [Love it!]

Kind regards,

-Steve Comstock
The Trainer's Friend, Inc.


   z/OS Application development made easier
 * Our classes include
+ How things work
+ Programming examples with realistic applications
+ Starter / skeleton code
+ Complete working programs
+ Useful utilities and subroutines
+ Tips and techniques

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Re: Patents, Copyrights, Profits, Flex and Hercules

2007-06-14 Thread Tony Harminc
On Thu, 14 Jun 2007 14:40:40 EDT, IBM Mainframe Discussion List

>UCCEL acquired ASM2 on DEC 1985 from Cambridge Systems, which was
> somewhere in the San Fran bay area.  

CSG was for a while subtitled The Stanford Center for Software Development,
until someone connected to the university that pretty much defines that same
small town took an interest, after which it became just The Center for
Software Development. Evidently just having a P.O. box in Stanford, Cal.
doesn't quite cut it.

>UCCEL also acquired my employer in that same deal, which is how I remember 
> the date so precisely.  CA acquired  UCCEL ca. AUG 1987.

And they all sued each other, and the lawyers lived happily ever after.
Actually remarkably few lawyers seem to have been involved in a number of
cases concerning many of the same people and companies. Aging historians
with time on their hands may find use of a search engine with various
combinations of "Cambridge Systems Group", SKK, UCCEL, ACF2, ASM2, McLaren,
and Stanford to be interesting, as well as the site.

Tony H.

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flushing the ARP cache....

2007-06-14 Thread Dave Jones
I have a question from a colleague:

"What is the best way to flush ARP cache from a TCPIP stack at the OS/390
V2.10 level?"  (besides the obvious of stopping TCPIP and then restarting)"



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Re: IBM discoveries Charge Back...

2007-06-14 Thread Ed Gould

On Jun 14, 2007, at 2:07 PM, Kelman, Tom wrote:

It looks like they're talking about the IBM Tivoli Usage and  

Manager (ITUAM) in this paper.  That is the old CIMS package which my
company has had for several years.  IBM purchased CIMS at the end of
last year.


I found it interesting that they  (IBM) have anything. IMO IBM in the  
long past and recent past have been lets say less than enthusiastic  
in doing anything about charge back. IMO most of the improvements  
(not all) in RMF came from users requesting (GUIDE & SHARE)  
additions. IIRC IBM short of held their breath when talking charge back.

When I had my fingers in it (LONG LONG time ago) IBM seemed to go out  
of their way in not documenting certain things in SMF. Over the years  
they have retreated from resistance to acknowledgment of  
documentation problems. I am not sure if this was because of OCO or  
customers banging on their head.

Just before another group took over SMF processing we acquired a  
package that put to shame anything on the market (then and now),  
it is probably defunct. I don't know since then if anyone has even  
attempted to duplicate it. It was called QCM although it was quite a  
nice package it did put its fingers in IBM code. Our PSR only found  
one instance of a crash due to their code and a few times it was  
questionable. Once the PSR understood its "fingers" he eliminated  
finger pointing.


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Re: IBM discoveries Charge Back...

2007-06-14 Thread (IBM Mainframe Discussion List)
In a message dated 6/14/2007 3:50:56 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  
>Just before another group took over SMF processing we acquired a   
package that put to shame anything on the market (then and now),   
it is probably defunct. I don't know since then if anyone  has even  
attempted to duplicate it. It was called QCM although it was  quite a  
nice package it did put its fingers in IBM code.
QCM was from Duquesne Systems in Pittsburgh, which merged with Marino  
Associates to form Legent, which was acquired by CA, which has been known to  
defunct a product now and then.
Bill  Fairchild
Plainfield, IL

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Re: 3270 IBMLink is UP!!!

2007-06-14 Thread Glenn Miller
I'm curious, has anyone received information as to why the 3270 IBMLINK 
interface was made operational?  Or, are we to believe that some VM console 
operator found the 'interface' or 'applciation' was down and did what they 
always did and re-started it.  All without management awareness or approval?

Just wondering.

Glenn Miller

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Re: Read JCL Symbols from a program?

2007-06-14 Thread Rick Fochtman

Gerhard Postpischil wrote:

Rick Fochtman wrote:

Probably because 40+ years ago, when this was designed, nobody in 
their wildest dreams could envision a need for a PARM longer than 100 
bytes. :-)

I doubt it. There were several components, Assembler F for one, where 
specifying most options would require more than 100 bytes. The limit 
is linked to the size of the system job queue record size, and someone 
apparently decided it wouldn't be cost effective to provide for 
continuation logic.

Gerhard Postpischil
Bradford, VT

Most default/desirable options for the Assembler and the compilers, etc. 
could be set at System Generation time, avoiding those long parm 
strings. And as I recall, SYS1.JOBQUEUE had a record size limit but it 
was significantly larger that 100 bytes; 1024 comes to mind, but I may 
be wrong there (it's just been too long for the little grey cells.)

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Re: Patents, Copyrights, Profits, Flex and Hercules

2007-06-14 Thread Gregory, Gary G
Steve, I started at Sterling Commerce a few weeks after it was spun off
from Sterling Software.  I was told the motivating factor was divide out
the financial (Vector: xxx banking software) and commerce software
(Connect:Direct, Connect:Enterprise, GENTRAN, etc) from the systems
software (VM:BACKUP, DMS, etc).  

Each company had its own stock and for quite a while they seemed to move
in parallel.  Guess Sterling Williams and the Wyly brothers thought the
commerce side would move one way and the systems software another.

I think this was the hierarchy - Systems Center developed and marketed
NDM.  Shortly thereafter they merged with VM Software and created System

Gary Garland Gregory, MS
Senior Software Engineer
Tel: +1-214-473-1863
Fax: +1-214-473-1050


System Center (or was it Systems Center) had NDM. System Center was
acquired by "Sterling" and renamed Connect:Direct. Sterling Software and
Sterling Commerce became two different entities (I wasn't here at the
time and so don't know all the ins-outs, reasons).

So certain of the products were handled by the Software side and certain
by the Commerce side (or entity). Sterling Commerce is now an AT&T

And now to my STD disclaimer -- The opinions expressed by the poster are
not necessarily those of poster's employer.

Steve Thompson

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Re: Patents, Copyrights, Profits, Flex and Hercules

2007-06-14 Thread Rick Fochtman

Sebastian Welton wrote:

On Thu, 14 Jun 2007 14:37:38 +0900, Timothy Sipples


There are other effects.  For example, another wise thing IBM did in my
opinion is to release Tivoli OMEGAMON XE for z/OS Management Console.  This
product is available for download at no additional charge to anyone -- go
grab it.  This serves a much larger market expansion role, in making basic
z/OS monitoring much simpler and easier especially for new z/OS operators,
including smaller cash-limited customers.  An operating system that's
easier to use and easier to operate is more likely to enjoy even greater

This also looks quite interesting in this area:



All this is fine and dandy, for an established software house, but it 
doesn't address the initial problem. Where is a small developer going to 
get access to computer resources for product development? I get a small 
amount of mainframe time, once in a while, in return for consulting 
services. But not everyone is that lucky. The solutions offered are not 
acceptable because of the cost. (I'm living on a rather niggardly 
pension; I can't take out a SBA loan every month just to buy computer 
time!) Being allowed to run Hercules and MVS 3.8 under it is nice, but 
there's no RACF, for which I'd like to develop low-cost RACF reporting 
tools. DITTO for ISPF, for which I'd like to develop better storage 
management reporting tools, among other things. Now the shop where I 
have my somewhat limited access is talking about ditching the mainframe 
entirely; the costs of z/OS, DB2, CICS and OEM software are reaching the 
point of being untenable. Now what?

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2007-06-14 Thread Rick Fochtman

And should these user-exits be SMP controlled to begin with? Or should 
we simply give sample assemble/linkedit JCL along with the source and 
let the end user control their own destiny? The downside is that it 
might not always be obvious to new sysprog's which exit(s) are actually 
installed and active or where the source is for the active and installed 
exits. At least with SMP you know which usermod was last applied; which 
should give you the last set of updates or source for the exit.

Russ, I tend to believe that user exits should be under SMP control, BUT 
that the site needs to maintain complete documentation of exit function, 
status and location. Newcomers to a site seldom have any idea about what 
usermods are present or why, but will learn quickly when there's good docs.

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Re: Patents, Copyrights, Profits, Flex and Hercules

2007-06-14 Thread Lester, Bob
-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Gregory, Gary G
Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2007 3:54 PM
Subject: Re: Patents, Copyrights, Profits, Flex and Hercules

Steve, I started at Sterling Commerce a few weeks after it was spun off
from Sterling Software.  I was told the motivating factor was divide out
the financial (Vector: xxx banking software) and commerce software
(Connect:Direct, Connect:Enterprise, GENTRAN, etc) from the systems
software (VM:BACKUP, DMS, etc).  


   Thanks for the additional info.  I've been using
DMS/VAM/TRACS/SUPERTRACS/MAILBOX/NDM (er..Connect:Direct) for many
years.  It's interesting to hear the evolution of the products re:
companies involved.


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Re: SMP/E, IEBUPDTE, and SuperC (was: CA-1 install - user exits?)

2007-06-14 Thread Kenneth E Tomiak
On Thu, 14 Jun 2007 12:55:38 -0500, Ed Gould 

 I am mixed (as I have said in
>the past about serverpac) about servpacs on one hand they do the job
>but at the other its a dumbing down of the sysprog, IMO. I expect to
>hear a lot of noise because I am criticizing IBM again but what else
>is new.

As I heard it, Corporate Executives, not system programmers, told IBM they 
needed the software installation simplified. ServerPac is the answer. It is 
dumbing down the field. You did mention looking at the apply, well here I am 
again stating if the newer people are not looking at the JCL, they are 
submitting they are certainly not looking at the output. Until it fails. As 
long as 
it works, submit and max return code 0 are all they believe they need to 
know. Sadly, I know a few people with years of experience who can not do 
much more than this. I have my own issues with Serverpac and post 
installation dialogs.

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Re: Patents, Copyrights, Profits, Flex and Hercules

2007-06-14 Thread Rick Fochtman


CA acquired ASM2 so long ago that I forgot where they got it from -  but
I don't think CA was the original developer.

I can think of very few products *EVER* developed by CA. Including their
very 1st product CA-SORT.

Their old motto "Software Superior by Design" should have read "Software
Superior by Acquisition"

I still have a letter from Whitlow that was sent to all SyncSort 
customers about a blowup between Whitlow, CA and ComputerWorld 
concerning "false and misleading statements" in CA advertisements in 
ComputerWorld. Distinctly bad karma.

And I've always refered to CA as "Competition by Acquisition". My worst 
experience was shortly after CA acquired Pansophics and took over PANVALET.

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Re: Patents, Copyrights, Profits, Flex and Hercules

2007-06-14 Thread Randy Hudson
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,

> 5.  Buy to acquire skills. It is interesting that Univac bought
> the RCA design, but didn't keep the computer designers after they
> built their RCA like computer.   So IBM hired the laid off engineers
> and built theirs.

Univac was looking at the revenue stream of the maintenance contracts for
the existing RCA installed base.  They didn't lay off the RCA FE's.

Randy Hudson

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Re: Patents, Copyrights, Profits, Flex and Hercules

2007-06-14 Thread Ken Brick
Gregory, Gary G wrote:
> CA Dynam/D, CA Dynam/T and CA Dynam/FI
CA Dynam/T from memory had a manual in the early days that was almost an
exact copy of EPAT


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BLDL question

2007-06-14 Thread Paul Schuster
Hello: The manual z/OS
DFSMS Macro Instructions for Data Sets SC26-7408-01 in Chapter 5 BLDL
section states that "When the system returns control to the problem program,
the low-order byte of
register 15 contains a return code. The low-order byte of register 0 contains a
reason code."

Can one presume that the other 3 bytes of R15 and R0 are '0' (zero)?

Thank you.
Paul Schuster

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Re: BLDL question

2007-06-14 Thread Rick Fochtman


Hello: The manual z/OS
DFSMS Macro Instructions for Data Sets SC26-7408-01 in Chapter 5 BLDL
section states that "When the system returns control to the problem program,
the low-order byte of
register 15 contains a return code. The low-order byte of register 0 contains a
reason code."

Can one presume that the other 3 bytes of R15 and R0 are '0' (zero)?

Yes. In my experience that's the case.

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Re: Read JCL Symbols from a program?

2007-06-14 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

Rick Fochtman wrote:
Most default/desirable options for the Assembler and the compilers, etc. 
could be set at System Generation time, avoiding those long parm 
strings. And as I recall, SYS1.JOBQUEUE had a record size limit but it 
was significantly larger that 100 bytes; 1024 comes to mind, but I may 
be wrong there (it's just been too long for the little grey cells.)

Setting the compiler defaults to the most frequently used ones 
was our strategy, but I did run into situations where I had to 
use an unwanted default in order to squeeze in required overrides.

Job queue size was 176 per record and block. In storage each 
record had a 16 byte prefix.

Gerhard Postpischil
Bradford, VT

new e-mail address: gerhardp (at) charter (dot) net

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Re: BLDL question

2007-06-14 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

Paul Schuster wrote:

Hello: The manual z/OS
DFSMS Macro Instructions for Data Sets SC26-7408-01 in Chapter 5 BLDL
section states that "When the system returns control to the problem program,
the low-order byte of
register 15 contains a return code. The low-order byte of register 0 contains a
reason code."

Can one presume that the other 3 bytes of R15 and R0 are '0' (zero)?

This is interesting news; the last time I read up on BLDL was 
back when they expanded the error codes past 16.

When IBM tells you (even indirectly) not to rely on something, 
it's generally prudent to assume they have something up their 
sleeve. If you write the code according to specs (e.g., use CLM 
R15,1,=X'04' rather than CHI R15,4), it'll be less likely to 
cause problems for you and future maintainers.

Gerhard Postpischil
Bradford, VT

new e-mail address: gerhardp (at) charter (dot) net

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Re: BLDL question

2007-06-14 Thread David Day

   I would take the manual literally.  If it talks about the low order 
byte, I would not presume anything about any other bytes in the register. 
If  what you are wanting to do is to check the return code then AND the 
register with x'00ff' and branch on the condition code.  Better safe 
than sorry.

   --Dave Day

- Original Message - 
From: "Paul Schuster" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2007 5:47 PM
Subject: BLDL question

Hello: The manual z/OS
DFSMS Macro Instructions for Data Sets SC26-7408-01 in Chapter 5 BLDL
section states that "When the system returns control to the problem 

the low-order byte of
register 15 contains a return code. The low-order byte of register 0 
contains a

reason code."

Can one presume that the other 3 bytes of R15 and R0 are '0' (zero)?

Thank you.

Paul Schuster

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Re: flushing the ARP cache....

2007-06-14 Thread John S. Giltner, Jr.

Dave Jones wrote:

I have a question from a colleague:

"What is the best way to flush ARP cache from a TCPIP stack at the OS/390
V2.10 level?"  (besides the obvious of stopping TCPIP and then restarting)"



I am not sure if it works under OS/390, but you can try:

V TCPIP,,PURGECACHE,interfacename

Assuming your IP stc name is TCPIP.

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Re: Patents, Copyrights, Profits, Flex and Hercules

2007-06-14 Thread Ed Gould

On Jun 14, 2007, at 1:40 PM, (IBM Mainframe Discussion List) wrote:

In a message dated 6/14/2007 1:31:52 P.M. Central Daylight Time,
CA acquired ASM2 so long ago that I forgot where they got it from  
-   but

I don't think CA was the original developer.

UCCEL acquired ASM2 on DEC 1985 from Cambridge Systems, which was   
in the San Fran bay area.  UCCEL also acquired my employer in  that  
same deal,
which is how I remember the date so precisely.  CA acquired  UCCEL  
ca. AUG


Bill  Fairchild
Plainfield, IL


That sounds right. The person I dealt with was Shawn Mcclaren (sp?)  
and I am pretty sure he was on the west coast as seemed to take the  
red eyes quite a bit.


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Re: Multiple TSO logons (was: Patents, ...)

2007-06-14 Thread Tony Harminc
On Wed, 13 Jun 2007 14:03:15 -0500, Paul Gilmartin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Theology.  Dogma.  Simply to start doing it right, you must
>stop doing it wrong.  Somehow I feel a major culprit is VTAM
>because whenever this issue arises an expert starts spouting
>VTAM jargon.  Get rid of VTAM; let TCP/IP connect directly to
>the TMP input/output data streams.

I've looked at this, and "it isn't pretty" doesn't even begin to describe
it. Unless IBM has severely modularized things since the last non-OCO
version of this stuff, it is full of hardcoded knowledge of not only VTAM
(and TCAM!) module names, but of their various quirky behaviours.

This is one of those situations where everyone agrees that it would be a
Good Thing to replace some part of the legacy stuff, but everyone disagrees
on just which parts are legacy junk, and which are the very core of the

When I worked for Amdahl/Antares on Huron, we had complete control over the
applications that drove 3270 screens, and once all the real green-screens
had gone away, it began to make sense to consider designing our own new 3270
protocol along with an emulator that would exploit it. But it never
happened, because there were just too many layers (CICS, VTAM, TSO, ...)
that all had to be fixed at exactly the same time.

Tony H.

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Re: SMP/E, IEBUPDTE, and SuperC (was: CA-1 install - user exits?)

2007-06-14 Thread Ed Gould

On Jun 14, 2007, at 5:18 PM, Kenneth E Tomiak wrote:

As I heard it, Corporate Executives, not system programmers, told  
IBM they
needed the software installation simplified. ServerPac is the  
answer. It is
dumbing down the field. You did mention looking at the apply, well  
here I am

again stating if the newer people are not looking at the JCL, they are
submitting they are certainly not looking at the output. Until it  
fails. As long as
it works, submit and max return code 0 are all they believe they  
need to
know. Sadly, I know a few people with years of experience who can  
not do

much more than this. I have my own issues with Serverpac and post
installation dialogs.


I had herd that as well. Of course the first day of education for  
SERV PAC the instructor said something to the effect that "somebody"  
wanted the servpac done so any application type could do it.

I was flabbergasted when I heard that.  I laughed out loud. I did get  
a few looks as apparently there were some of those "types" in the  
class. It took maybe an hour after the class started to figure out  
who they were.  They were totally lost by noon of the first day  
except for one and he was dazed and confused.


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Free C Compiler (Was: Patents, Copyrights, Profits, Flex and Hercules)

2007-06-14 Thread Timothy Sipples
John McKown writes:
>I would love more than that would be a port of the entire GNU
>tool chain. I know that IBM has done some of this, but I miss some of my
>favorite GNU utilities. As an example, GNU tar is, IMO, significantly
>better than pax (except that it cannot do the on-the-fly code conversion
>- that is nice). gmake smokes IBM's make. And the thought of get the
>autoconfig stuff is heady. GNU diff vs. IBM diff - what a difference!
>GNU grep. And I could go on and on. But I realize that this would take
>time and money. If I had the time and talent and money (and a C compiler
>that would work on z/OS), then I'd take a stab at some of these.

Coincidentally I put some information about a 31-bit z/OS C compiler on The
Mainframe Blog yesterday.  See:

That could get you going.  Although if you can get a small zNALC LPAR going
IBM's C/C++ compiler is darn close to zero price.

In z/OS 1.9 the following shell commands are improved (to make typical
shell scripts run better): awk, bc, ed, file, mailx, od, sed, tr, uuencode,
and uudecode.  You might already have them, but just in case not autoconf,
diffutils, gmake, and grep are here:

The aforementioned C compiler might give you a path to improve any of these
open source tools if you don't happen to like the versions available.
Haven't found GNU tar yet, but that's probably because it would lack the
code conversion feature you mention.  GNU tar source code is, of course,
readily available for download.  Version 1.17 of GNU tar was released just
a few days ago.

Hope that helps.

- - - - -
Timothy Sipples
IBM Consulting Enterprise Software Architect
Specializing in Software Architectures Related to System z
Based in Tokyo, Serving IBM Japan and IBM Asia-Pacific
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