Re: An I-D experiment (Re: HTML better for small PDAs)

2001-03-11 Thread Dave Crocker

At 07:49 AM 3/12/2001, Marshall T. Rose wrote:
>the ietf
>is one of the least xml-friendly communities out there. i think that colors
>your thinking.

well, it is true that there are some IETF people showing an extraordinarily 
retrograde tenacity to outdated formats like RFC822 headers, but I had not 
noticed real unfriendliness.  On the other hand, that tenacity might be a 
reflection of the NEED for making such changes slowly.

In any event, the IETF experience is not what I base my opinion on, but 
rather the process of looking for editors, doing the editing, and in trying 
to view xml.  Internet Explorer, for example, does a rationale, job 
displaying XML, but it is strictly for geeks.  (One might say that that is 
the intended audience but IETF documents are read more widely than 
that.)  The editors are generally either complicated to use or not very 

> > Until then, it is not appropriate to change the massively-stable base that
> > forms the encoding rules for RFCs.  XML as an adjunct is fine.  As a
> > primary form for RFCs?  Not yet.
>err, i don't recall anyone proposing this. if you're going to argue against
>something, first make sure that someone proposed it, ok?

Sorry.  Meant I-D, which IS what is being proposed.


Dave Crocker   
Brandenburg InternetWorking   
tel: +1.408.246.8253;   fax: +1.408.273.6464

Re: An I-D experiment (Re: HTML better for small PDAs)

2001-03-11 Thread Marshall T. Rose

> There have been several proposals recently and many over the years to
> replace the current encoding rules for RFCs.  Check some of the recent
> threads at

blah, blah, blah. i'm familiar with this thread, and the thread that pops up
every 6 months or so... but where is the actual "proposal". all i see is the
usual "wouldn't it be nice if" and never anything concrete. if someone
actually produces a proposal, then we can discuss it or nuke it.

perhaps a more useful mode of discussion would be to determine what criteria
should be used for the rfc publication process and whether incremental
improvements are possible, independent of encoding changes.


Re: An I-D experiment (Re: HTML better for small PDAs)

2001-03-11 Thread Vernon Schryver

> From: "Marshall T. Rose" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Dave Crocker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> ...
> > Until then, it is not appropriate to change the massively-stable base that
> > forms the encoding rules for RFCs.  XML as an adjunct is fine.  As a
> > primary form for RFCs?  Not yet.
> err, i don't recall anyone proposing this. if you're going to argue against
> something, first make sure that someone proposed it, ok?

There have been several proposals recently and many over the years to
replace the current encoding rules for RFCs.  Check some of the recent
threads at

As far as I can tell, no one who has ever used an RFC to design or
implement anything has made such a proposal, but that does not mean
that the proposals are safe to ignore.  For one reason, most IETF
participants have not and will never use an RFC to design or implement
anything, unless your use of those words coincides with those who write
about "designing and implementing TCP/IP in the enterprise."  I bet
that if a vote were held today, and if not only "legacy Internet
programmers" but all subscribers to this mailing list voted, ASCII
would finish behind HTML, MS Word, XML, UNICODE, and perhaps others.

Yes, I realize voting is forbidden and this is a good example why.

Vernon Schryver[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: An I-D experiment (Re: HTML better for small PDAs)

2001-03-11 Thread Marshall T. Rose

> Taking the sort of paranoid approach that befits assurances of stability,
> needed for people doing critical operations, I look for a well-established
> range of products and for wide-spread use.  Because IETF documents are
> far beyond the confines of the IETF, the term "wide-spread" needs to work
> with Internet scaling, not just IETF scaling.

dave - i don't know how to say this politely, so i'll just say it: the ietf
is one of the least xml-friendly communities out there. i think that colors
your thinking.

> Until then, it is not appropriate to change the massively-stable base that
> forms the encoding rules for RFCs.  XML as an adjunct is fine.  As a
> primary form for RFCs?  Not yet.

err, i don't recall anyone proposing this. if you're going to argue against
something, first make sure that someone proposed it, ok?


Re: An I-D experiment (Re: HTML better for small PDAs)

2001-03-07 Thread Marshall T. Rose

> A premise behind the formatting rules for IETF documents is that they are
> easy to create and easy to read.  As popular as XML is in the minds of the
> technical community, there are few tools for creating it and little
> widespread use of it.
> So far.

dave - i think this is one of those ymmv things. i know a lot of people who
do a lot of xml input using wysiwyg editors. rfc 2629 listed a couple of
tools from a couple of years ago, there are a lot more out there now. in
other words, i politely question the basis for your assertion above.

for myself, i use emacs simply because i can use it to edit all kinds of
files on all kinds of systems. this is a trade-off from having xml-specific
support, but that's okay.

finally, for those folks who are using the rfc2629-based tool called
xml2rfc: there is a new release available that generates nroff, in addition
to txt (rfc 2223) and html. the reason why it generates nroff is that you
can give that to the rfc-editor along with your txt file and it gives them a
leg up on their editing process -


RE: An I-D experiment (Re: HTML better for small PDAs)

2001-03-03 Thread Dave Crocker

At 12:08 AM 2/28/2001, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> [ It is precisely because we do not operate a "sweat shop" that we
>do not expect everybody to engage on ALL the IETF lists.  We have the quaint
>idea that the work should be shared out.  Oddly enough, we have a company
>hierarchy, in which some people work for others.  Apparently, this concept
>of organisation is outside your experience.

In all likelihood, Vernon has more corporate experience than you.  On the 
other hand, it is in a company with some unusual organizational models that 
permit senior contributors to work largely outside the classic corporate 

For that matter, the hierarchical formal model of the IETF is 
deceptive.  In very real and substantial ways, the IETF works in a fashion 
far different from most organizations.  Initiatives are almost always from 
the bottom.  Development is from the bottom.  Decisions are almost always 
from the bottom.

How many corporations work that way?

The IETF hierarchy provides administrative coherence and does periodic 
technical sanity enforcement.  This latter can get quite authoritarian, but 
is really a negotiation between management and a working group, and it 
occurs at very selected milestones only.

> Abuse is the refuge of the irrational.  I note that you would prefer
>to reserve the right to "Contribute To The Standards Process" for yourself
>and other high-minded individuals.  This is presumably the famed IETF "
>openness" in action. ]

And an experienced technical manager knows better than to take the bait 
from a typically eccentric techie.

They also know better than to react to a comment from a single contributor 
and assume that it in any way pertains to a group norm.

> > That some people HATE the ASCII format is not evidence about whether
> > ASCII is incomplete.

You managed to miss this part of Vernon's response.  There is a difference 
between happiness and productivity.  And, for that matter, when have you 
had a GOOD project where the engineers did not complain?

Personally I believe we can do better than ASCII, but there are 30 years of 
history showing that it is an astonishingly good form and that the forms 
used in other venues often result in more arcane documents.

> [ So, from now on all IETF illustrated presentations will consist
>solely of diagrams of packets, because any red-blooded  protocol
>developer worth his salt is a wimp if he wants to draw anything else to help
>people understand what his I-D is saying.  Oh, and, of course, if anyone
>dares to use anything but ASCII, then he can't be a protocol developer, can
>he   ]

Vernon was talking about specification documents.  And here you go on to 
make comments about presentations.  Vernon was talking about requirements 
for specifications.  That is different from what people prefer for 

And from the style of your paragraph, here, the comment about managers 
taking the bait comes to mind again.


Dave Crocker   
Brandenburg InternetWorking   
tel: +1.408.246.8253;   fax: +1.408.273.6464

Re: HTML better for small PDAs

2001-03-03 Thread Michael Richardson

> "graham" == graham travers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
graham> In my, limited, coding experience, I don't recall finding ASCII diagrams as
graham> part of the code.  Poor diagrammatic capability is one of the problems I

  Perhaps that's why you don't write much code.

  Almost all of my code quotes the relevant parts of the RFC. Particularly
the ASCII diagrams. Pretty hard to embed a Visio2000 diagram in the middle of
a comment in C.

graham> IMHO, standards are about far more than writing code;  first, and most
graham> importantly, they are about achieving agreement. ( Otherwise we could all

  Yes, you are right. They are about agreeing what is important.

graham> just go off and write whatever code we want. )  This requires a common mind
graham> set, and a suitable level of understanding to form it.  I am in favour of

  The mind set that has made the Internet what it is today is the same
mindset that prefers ASCII. The telcos which now claim to dominate the
Internet missed building it in the 1980s, mostly missed in the 1990s (when
Cisco became very well known), and seem to be about to miss the boat again.

  Maybe that's because they don't know how to do diagrams in ASCII. Maybe
there are other reasons. 

graham> making it as easy as possible for common understanding to be reached.  
graham> all, the subjects are complex enough to understand, without being hampered
graham> by poor communication tools.

  If they are that complicated, then they are too complicated.
  ASCII diagrams are a complexity filter.

] Train travel features AC outlets with no take-off restrictions|gigabit is no[
]   Michael Richardson, Solidum Systems   Oh where, oh where has|problem  with[
] [EMAIL PROTECTED]   the little fishy gone?|PAX.port 1100[
] panic("Just another NetBSD/notebook using, kernel hacking, security guy");  [

Re: HTML better for small PDAs

2001-03-01 Thread John Stracke

John Stracke wrote:

> > In my, limited, coding experience, I don't recall finding ASCII diagrams as
> > part of the code.  Poor diagrammatic capability is one of the problems I
> > have with ASCII.
> Oh, ASCII art.  I dunno; I've never used it.

A clarification (since somebody called me on it): I've never used it in *Drafts*.
As was pointed out, my .signature has it, sort of; but that's the most I've ever
done...and I don't even do that any more; I wrote a formatter to do it for me.

|John Stracke| |My opinions are my own.  |
|Chief Scientist |===|
|eCal Corp.  |A ship is safe in a harbor, but that's not what|
|[EMAIL PROTECTED]|a ship is for. |

Re: HTML better for small PDAs

2001-03-01 Thread John Stracke


> In my, limited, coding experience, I don't recall finding ASCII diagrams as
> part of the code.  Poor diagrammatic capability is one of the problems I
> have with ASCII.

Oh, ASCII art.  I dunno; I've never used it.  It's often not very useful; it's
nice for packet formats, but a lot of the time I think it's done because people
believe pictures are better, and ASCII art is the only pictures they can make.
If you really can't do without it, check out
 (Mac and Windows) or
pbmtoascii (Unix).

> You previous point about people choosing to use a "copy
> that's easier for some people to read" is interesting.  Doesn't it imply
> that we should consider other formats ?

Argh.  My point was *exactly* the opposite: that, when there exist multiple
formats, it is likely that some of them will be wrong; therefore, the only safe
approach is to have exactly one format.

|John Stracke| |My opinions are my own.|
|Chief Scientist |=|
|eCal Corp.  |Round up the usual disclaimers.  |

RE: HTML better for small PDAs

2001-03-01 Thread graham . travers

> -Original Message-
> From: Lloyd Wood [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2001 1:38 PM
> Subject:      RE: HTML better for small PDAs
> On Thu, 1 Mar 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Would you not concede, though, that coders ( should ) write to implement
> > requirements, which are typically not defined by the coders themselves,
> but
> > by their "customers" ? 
> That's _exactly_ what the ISO OSI committees thought.
> > The IETF publishes lots of I-Ds which give
> > requirements, rather than coding solutions. The people who write these
> > requirements are not necessarily coders themselves.
> Anyone can submit an ID. Many do.
> Oddly, coding experience is better-reflected in the RFCs and STDs.
> > In my, limited, coding experience, I don't recall finding ASCII diagrams
> as
> > part of the code.  Poor diagrammatic capability is one of the problems I
> > have with ASCII. 
> I? (What happened to those ID writers working for you?)
They're still writing I-Ds.

> > IMHO, standards are about far more than writing code;  first, and most
> > importantly, they are about achieving agreement.
> That's _exactly_ what the ISO OSI committees thought.
> > Regards,
> > 
> > Graham Travers
> > 
> > Applications Standards Strategist
> I'm curious. What, exactly, does an ASS do?
I spend a lot of time sitting, and getting other people to write

BTW, I never was on an ISO OSI committee.  Telepathy ?

> thanks,
> L.

RE: HTML better for small PDAs

2001-03-01 Thread graham . travers


You make some good points;  and, unlike some, I never claim to be right all
the time. 

Would you not concede, though, that coders ( should ) write to implement
requirements, which are typically not defined by the coders themselves, but
by their "customers" ?  The IETF publishes lots of I-Ds which give
requirements, rather than coding solutions. The people who write these
requirements are not necessarily coders themselves.

In my, limited, coding experience, I don't recall finding ASCII diagrams as
part of the code.  Poor diagrammatic capability is one of the problems I
have with ASCII. 

I am not trying to push a particular format, just to explore other
possibilities.  You previous point about people choosing to use a "copy
that's easier for some people to read" is interesting.  Doesn't it imply
that we should consider other formats ?  At the least, it implies to me that
ASCII is far from perfect.

IMHO, standards are about far more than writing code;  first, and most
importantly, they are about achieving agreement. ( Otherwise we could all
just go off and write whatever code we want. )  This requires a common mind
set, and a suitable level of understanding to form it.  I am in favour of
making it as easy as possible for common understanding to be reached.  After
all, the subjects are complex enough to understand, without being hampered
by poor communication tools.


Graham Travers

Applications Standards Strategist
*  Tel: +44 1359 235086
*  Mobile:  0780 8502536
> *Fax:  +44 1359 235087
*  HW B279, P.O. Box 200, London, N18 1ZF

> -Original Message-
> From: John Stracke [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2001 5:06 PM
> Subject:  Re: HTML better for small PDAs
> > I have people working for me who write I-Ds, and who HATE the
> > format that they are forced to use.  So much so, that they have
> threatened
> > never to write another I-D.  Do we want to deprive the IETF community of
> the
> > input of experienced technical people ( and, yes, they ARE ! ), because
> they
> > are put off by archaic document formats ?
> Possibly, yes--because code is written in ASCII.  A case could be made
> that
> someone who isn't comfortable with ASCII can't write code, and someone who
> can't write code should not be writing standards for how other people
> should
> write code.
> I'm aware that there are holes in this argument; but I think the same can
> be
> said of yours.  For example, we don't know who these I-D authors you refer
> to
> are, so we don't know what I-Ds they've written, or whether their I-Ds
> have
> been of value to the IETF community.  Unless they speak up for themselves,
> we
> don't know what kind of problems they've had, or how valid they are.
> --
> /\
> |John Stracke| |My opinions are my own.  |
> |Chief Scientist |===|
> |eCal Corp.  |All I ask is a chance to prove that money can't|
> |[EMAIL PROTECTED]|make me happy. |
> \/

RE: HTML better for small PDAs

2001-02-28 Thread Rosen, Brian

Interestingly, 8.5 x 11 comes about because of writing, not reading.

Books are smaller than 8.5 x 11.  Tablets are 8.5 x 11, and typewriters 
copied that.  Laser printers copied typewriters.  Stenographers used smaller

tablets because they had to hold them in their hands rather than put them on
a desk.  Writing on a PDA is similar.

Reading is another story.  Turns out that line width is not all that 
important. No book has 72 characters per line, and no book has fixed pitch 
fonts.  All of that is a technology crutch, and horrible for readability.  
People who claim 72 character fixed pitch lines is for readers are smokin 
something funny.  It's left-over Hollerith card, with no basis in human

Display technology has a really annoying reality - people always want more
resolution, but they pay close to nothing for it.  A great many companies
imploded because they believed people will pay a significant premium for a
better display (I imploded one or two myself, including a 300 dpi CRT
in '85). Just isn't so.

Display technology also is not subject to Moore's law - it's currently much,
much slower, and about 90% of the innovations have not turned into
realities.  Take every announcement of new display technology with a very
large dose of skepticism.

The biggest problem with PDAs today is contrast ratio, and that is fixable 
with more brightness, but has the problem of eating batteries.  You will 
probably see high contrast ratio, probably color, PDAs commonplace soon. 
They will increase resolution maybe 5% per year on average, but don't hold 
your breath on much more than that.  I can see displays that unfold once, 
like a book, but the idea that to read something you will unfold, and
and unfold doesn't seem like it will get very far.

If you want something to be readable, use a proportional font, don't worry
too much about line width, and increase your contrast ratio.

With respect to this discussion, it's not ASCII that's the problem, it's
the font and the fixed line width.  However, if we fix that, then a we
Get to fix several less important issues without any additional 
We get all the problems of universiality, and archival storage

The solution has been obvious, but it has a cost we haven't figured out how
to pay.  The solution is to separate the functions of "source", "display" 
and "archive".  Source in XML, display in a variety of formats, including 
fixed width, fixed pitch ASCII.  Archive both the XML source and the ASCII.

The cost is that to be useful, we need tools to produce nroff markup from
XML source, because no one is ready to accept RFCs that can't be displayed
the way we display them now, and archive them the way we archive now.
Marshall's excellent work is fine for I-Ds, but it isn't enough for RFCs.
We need to produce pleasing ASCII, and the tool we use for that is nroff.
The tool and the DTD has to allow the overworked, and under appreciated
RFC editor staff to produce at least the same quality of ASCII output as
they do now, with no more than the current level of effort.  New tools mean
training, and that is another part of the cost.

We also have to create an XML archive from the current archive. 

Harald's suggestion of allowing ASCII and one other file to be archived for
I-Ds is a very reasonable, and very useful step.  He has a really good
if we show that we will use another format, then we can move forward.
As soon as someone puts up a pleasing HTML render for the XML source,
that will be my preferred way to view I-Ds.  The indexing, reference,
and other side effects will also be welcome.


> -Original Message-
> From: Bora Akyol [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, February 26, 2001 10:27 PM
> To: Lyndon Nerenberg
> Cc: Marshall T. Rose; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: Re: HTML better for small PDAs 
> I guess I have to hold up this "letter" sized paper display and try to
> write on it at the same time.
> I'll believe it when I see it. I saw the article on this 
> topic in MIT Tech
> review a few months ago, but they were saying that this technology is
> years ahead. In the meantime, I will keep on using my Pilot 
> (oops Palm).
> Bora
> On Mon, 26 Feb 2001, Lyndon Nerenberg wrote:
> > > the hardware problem is the eyes and the hands. i use a 
> pda because i can
> > > put it in my hip pocket. that's just not going to happen 
> with a screen that
> > > half-size or full-size.
> > 
> > You're thinking too traditionally. Displays will decouple from the
> > processor (think Bluetooth). The "CPU" will holster on your belt,
> > and the A4 sized thin-fil

Re: HTML better for small PDAs

2001-02-28 Thread John Stracke


> I have people working for me who write I-Ds, and who HATE the ASCII
> format that they are forced to use.  So much so, that they have threatened
> never to write another I-D.  Do we want to deprive the IETF community of the
> input of experienced technical people ( and, yes, they ARE ! ), because they
> are put off by archaic document formats ?

Possibly, yes--because code is written in ASCII.  A case could be made that
someone who isn't comfortable with ASCII can't write code, and someone who
can't write code should not be writing standards for how other people should
write code.

I'm aware that there are holes in this argument; but I think the same can be
said of yours.  For example, we don't know who these I-D authors you refer to
are, so we don't know what I-Ds they've written, or whether their I-Ds have
been of value to the IETF community.  Unless they speak up for themselves, we
don't know what kind of problems they've had, or how valid they are.

|John Stracke| |My opinions are my own.  |
|Chief Scientist |===|
|eCal Corp.  |All I ask is a chance to prove that money can't|
|[EMAIL PROTECTED]|make me happy. |

Re: HTML better for small PDAs

2001-02-28 Thread John Stracke


> Yes, I have already conceded that we need a "master copy"

The point is that, if there exists a non-master copy that's easier for some
people to read, they won't read the master.  If the non-master copy doesn't
agree with the master (and many of them won't), then these people *will* make
mistakes, and create non-interoperable implementations.  It won't even be their
fault; they're using the tools that were provided.

|John Stracke| |My opinions are my own.  |
|Chief Scientist |===|
|eCal Corp.  |All I ask is a chance to prove that money can't|
|[EMAIL PROTECTED]|make me happy. |

RE: An I-D experiment (Re: HTML better for small PDAs)

2001-02-28 Thread Rosen, Brian

I think that is an excellent suggestion.

I personally would like to see a bias towards the XML source,
but leaving it "open" for now is a good step in the right


> -Original Message-
> From: Harald Alvestrand [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2001 7:59 AM
> To: Marshall T. Rose; Vernon Schryver; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: An I-D experiment (Re: HTML better for small PDAs)
> At 18:30 26/02/2001 -0800, Marshall T. Rose wrote:
> > > There is a use for XML or nroff versions of I-D's (but 
> not RFC's) that
> > > has not been mentioned much (maybe first in your mention 
> of "ASCII memos
> > > can't be reformatted").  It saves lots of work to 
> exchange editorial
> >changes
> > > as deltas to a mark up language version.
> >
> >i agree. this certainly is of value to the folks who author I-Ds.
> >
> > > Perhaps in other words, allow XML in 
> but
> > > not in
> >
> >i agree. i'm not asking that we publish RFCs in any new formats. i'm
> >suggesting that we experiment for 9 months in the I-D area.
> A slight modification (I changed the subject line to 
> concentrate on the 
> constructive thread out of this):
> Let's say that we accept I-Ds in ASCII format.
> Let's also say that for each I-D, the secretariat will accept 
> up to 1 file 
> containing "source", where "source" can be NROFF macros, XML 
> (Marshall's 
> DTD) text or Word documents.
> To be stored in the "internet-drafts/source" subdirectory.
> (for completeness, there should also be a note saying how to 
> produce the 
> ASCII from the source; my Word stuff differs from the 
> official Word stuff - 
> but this makes the use/submission more complex)
> After 9 months, we can ask people to evaluate:
> - Whether they used "source" at all
> - What formats they found that were useful
> - What formats they found that caused trouble
> This thread should go somewhere else
> --
> Harald Tveit Alvestrand, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> +47 41 44 29 94
> Personal email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> -
> This message was passed through [EMAIL PROTECTED], which
> is a sublist of [EMAIL PROTECTED] Not all messages are passed.
> Decisions on what to pass are made solely by Harald Alvestrand.

Re: An I-D experiment (Re: HTML better for small PDAs)

2001-02-27 Thread Michael Richardson

> "Vernon" == Vernon Schryver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Vernon> No, do not *ASK* people what they used, but instead use the FTP
Vernon> logs and try to filter mirrors.

  You have to filter out everyone's personal mirror, and then you don't
know if I used the files or not...

Vernon> familiar morass exemplified by the .ps RFC's, and because many of
Vernon> the advocates for non-ASCII RFC's honestly think they use RFC's,
Vernon> but have and will never do more than look at title pages and
Vernon> author address lists.

  Who are these people?
  Headhunters? Managers? Product Marketing people?

   :!mcr!:|  Solidum Systems Corporation,
   Michael Richardson |For a better connected world,where data flows faster

RE: An I-D experiment (Re: HTML better for small PDAs)

2001-02-27 Thread graham . travers

> -Original Message-
> From: Vernon Schryver [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2001 3:40 PM
> Subject:  Re: An I-D experiment (Re: HTML better for small PDAs)
> > From: Harald Alvestrand <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > ...
> > After 9 months, we can ask people to evaluate:
> >
> > - Whether they used "source" at all
> > - What formats they found that were useful
> > - What formats they found that caused trouble
> > ...
> No, do not *ASK* people what they used, but instead use the FTP logs
> and try to filter mirrors.
> That is because of the very steep slippery slope from allowing mark-up
> language versions down to the familiar
> morass exemplified by the .ps RFC's, and because many of the advocates
> for non-ASCII RFC's honestly think they use RFC's, but have and will
> never do more than look at title pages and author address lists.
>  ..
> ] I have people working for me who write I-Ds, and who HATE the
> ] format that they are forced to use.  So much so, that they have
> threatened
> ] never to write another I-D.  Do we want to deprive the IETF community of
> the
> ] input of experienced technical people ( and, yes, they ARE ! ), because
> they
> ] are put off by archaic document formats ?  
> If they cannot speak for themselves but must have their handlers speak
> for them in IETF mailing lists, then yes, that it would be best if they
> and their employer find another way to Contribute To The Standards
> Process.
> (never mind the image of a sweat shop grinding out the useless chaf
> that dominates rfc-index.txt that the "I have people working for me"
> preamble brings to mind).
[ It is precisely because we do not operate a "sweat shop" that we
do not expect everybody to engage on ALL the IETF lists.  We have the quaint
idea that the work should be shared out.  Oddly enough, we have a company
hierarchy, in which some people work for others.  Apparently, this concept
of organisation is outside your experience.

Abuse is the refuge of the irrational.  I note that you would prefer
to reserve the right to "Contribute To The Standards Process" for yourself
and other high-minded individuals.  This is presumably the famed IETF "
openness" in action. ]

> ] So it is not just "people who neither write RFC's nor implement
> ] protocols" who find ASCII "incomplete".  
> That some people HATE the ASCII format is not evidence about whether
> ASCII is incomplete.
> Those who have done it and understand their tools know that making
> diagrams of packets is easier with ASCII than many other tools.  That
> is because the standard IETF ASCII packet diagram format is well suited
> to drawing tables of 16 or 32 columns with common groupings of 8 in
> individual rows.  Those who are more familiar with Powerpoint and
> similar or who don't know how to reach fix-pitch fonts and to switch
> from insert to overstrike, do have problems diagraming packets in ASCII.
> In other words, the ASCII format is "complete."
> ] Perhaps we ( the IETF ) should have a library of standard,
> ] downloadable translation / formatting tools that would help people to
> write
> ] in whatever format they choose, then convert it to the required ASCII.
> This thread (not to mention others over the years) has had pointers
> to several such packages.
> If you're collecting tools, then it would also be handy to get
> one of the tools commonly used to generate the standard I-D headings.
> ] However, this would still not solve the problem os ASCII's poor diagram
> ] capability.
> The IETF is about protocols.  About the only diagrams that you need
> are state diagrams and packet layouts.  For those ASCII art is fine.
> Those who've spent much time actually using standards from know that
> while the diagrams outer venues (e.g. ANSI) are prettier but convey
> little or no additional information.
[ So, from now on all IETF illustrated presentations will consist
solely of diagrams of packets, because any red-blooded  protocol
developer worth his salt is a wimp if he wants to draw anything else to help
people understand what his I-D is saying.  Oh, and, of course, if anyone
dares to use anything but ASCII, then he can't be a protocol developer, can
he   ]

> Vernon Schryver[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: An I-D experiment (Re: HTML better for small PDAs)

2001-02-27 Thread Michael Richardson

> "Harald" == Harald Alvestrand <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Harald> Let's also say that for each I-D, the secretariat will accept up to 1 file 
Harald> containing "source", where "source" can be NROFF macros, XML (Marshall's 
Harald> DTD) text or Word documents.

  As long as every document in the "source" area has an ID, RFC or publically 
available web page that explains the format of that document, I think that
this idea is great.

] Train travel features AC outlets with no take-off restrictions|gigabit is no[
]   Michael Richardson, Solidum Systems   Oh where, oh where has|problem  with[
] [EMAIL PROTECTED]   the little fishy gone?|PAX.port 1100[
] panic("Just another NetBSD/notebook using, kernel hacking, security guy");  [

Re: An I-D experiment (Re: HTML better for small PDAs)

2001-02-27 Thread Vernon Schryver

> From: Harald Alvestrand <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> ...
> After 9 months, we can ask people to evaluate:
> - Whether they used "source" at all
> - What formats they found that were useful
> - What formats they found that caused trouble
> ...

No, do not *ASK* people what they used, but instead use the FTP logs
and try to filter mirrors.

That is because of the very steep slippery slope from allowing mark-up
language versions down to the familiar
morass exemplified by the .ps RFC's, and because many of the advocates
for non-ASCII RFC's honestly think they use RFC's, but have and will
never do more than look at title pages and author address lists.



] I have people working for me who write I-Ds, and who HATE the ASCII
] format that they are forced to use.  So much so, that they have threatened
] never to write another I-D.  Do we want to deprive the IETF community of the
] input of experienced technical people ( and, yes, they ARE ! ), because they
] are put off by archaic document formats ?  

If they cannot speak for themselves but must have their handlers speak
for them in IETF mailing lists, then yes, that it would be best if they
and their employer find another way to Contribute To The Standards Process.
(never mind the image of a sweat shop grinding out the useless chaf
that dominates rfc-index.txt that the "I have people working for me"
preamble brings to mind).

] So it is not just "people who neither write RFC's nor implement
] protocols" who find ASCII "incomplete".  

That some people HATE the ASCII format is not evidence about whether
ASCII is incomplete.
Those who have done it and understand their tools know that making
diagrams of packets is easier with ASCII than many other tools.  That
is because the standard IETF ASCII packet diagram format is well suited
to drawing tables of 16 or 32 columns with common groupings of 8 in
individual rows.  Those who are more familiar with Powerpoint and
similar or who don't know how to reach fix-pitch fonts and to switch
from insert to overstrike, do have problems diagraming packets in ASCII.
In other words, the ASCII format is "complete."

] Perhaps we ( the IETF ) should have a library of standard,
] downloadable translation / formatting tools that would help people to write
] in whatever format they choose, then convert it to the required ASCII.

This thread (not to mention others over the years) has had pointers
to several such packages.

If you're collecting tools, then it would also be handy to get
one of the tools commonly used to generate the standard I-D headings.

] However, this would still not solve the problem os ASCII's poor diagram
] capability.

The IETF is about protocols.  About the only diagrams that you need
are state diagrams and packet layouts.  For those ASCII art is fine.
Those who've spent much time actually using standards from know that
while the diagrams outer venues (e.g. ANSI) are prettier but convey
little or no additional information.

Vernon Schryver[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: HTML better for small PDAs

2001-02-27 Thread Jon Crowcroft

In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, joaquin.riveraro

 >>>I am sure that will help, while the discussion on the standard format goes on,
 >>the tools will be helpfull to everyone whatever the final decision should be.

there is no substitute for good graphics design skills/ability -
havign said that, some tools WOULD be nice - i think its irrelevant
whether the tools render the output as GIFs or PDF or ascii - the
problem some people appear to have is focusing.
in practice ,there's 3 or 4 diagram types:

1/ packet headers- here the conventions used in rfc791 onwards are
EXCELLENT since they are cpu agnostic- since they are also labelled
they are no more national language specific than a program is:-)
(e.g. C structure or Java ) 

2/ state machines - these are not too bad - yo ucan use the same
approach as is used in old 60s/70s flow charting/call graphing in
general, quite clearlythe most complex state machine (e.g. new PIM
SM spec, or TCP) are not too hard

3/ packet exchange examples (e.g. time sequence diagrams) - i think
these are trivial (except occasionally in multicast:-)
a tool for these would be pretty simple to build...
(something could back end off of emacs, powerpoint animations, ns
animations and magicpoint etc)

4/ topology based expostion (i.e. routing protocols) - these are
generally very hard - ascii makes you think a LOT, as i said before
about keeping the examples simple

any other?

so how about a project to develope some tools for the last trickier case
above? (btw, i dont see how XML helps one bit - PDF or PS are the only
options for platform independnt rendering, and even then there are
problems with portability and fidelity) - and specifying the actual
editing/wordprocessing toolset is not on!



p.s. how mayny people really read a protocol spec on a PDA? i mean the
time i do it is when coding, and when coding i want the spec in a
window, the code in a window, gdb in another window, tcpdump in 2 more
- seriously.

An I-D experiment (Re: HTML better for small PDAs)

2001-02-27 Thread Harald Alvestrand

At 18:30 26/02/2001 -0800, Marshall T. Rose wrote:
> > There is a use for XML or nroff versions of I-D's (but not RFC's) that
> > has not been mentioned much (maybe first in your mention of "ASCII memos
> > can't be reformatted").  It saves lots of work to exchange editorial
> > as deltas to a mark up language version.
>i agree. this certainly is of value to the folks who author I-Ds.
> > Perhaps in other words, allow XML in but
> > not in
>i agree. i'm not asking that we publish RFCs in any new formats. i'm
>suggesting that we experiment for 9 months in the I-D area.
A slight modification (I changed the subject line to concentrate on the 
constructive thread out of this):

Let's say that we accept I-Ds in ASCII format.
Let's also say that for each I-D, the secretariat will accept up to 1 file 
containing "source", where "source" can be NROFF macros, XML (Marshall's 
DTD) text or Word documents.

To be stored in the "internet-drafts/source" subdirectory.
(for completeness, there should also be a note saying how to produce the 
ASCII from the source; my Word stuff differs from the official Word stuff - 
but this makes the use/submission more complex)

After 9 months, we can ask people to evaluate:

- Whether they used "source" at all
- What formats they found that were useful
- What formats they found that caused trouble

This thread should go somewhere else

Harald Tveit Alvestrand, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
+47 41 44 29 94
Personal email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: HTML better for small PDAs

2001-02-27 Thread joaquin . riverarodriguez

Dear everyone,

After reading every day about 20 emails about this subject, this is one of the
wisest thing I have read (ether in a laptop or PDA).

RE: HTML better for small PDAs

2001-02-27 Thread graham . travers


I have people working for me who write I-Ds, and who HATE the ASCII
format that they are forced to use.  So much so, that they have threatened
never to write another I-D.  Do we want to deprive the IETF community of the
input of experienced technical people ( and, yes, they ARE ! ), because they
are put off by archaic document formats ?  

So it is not just "people who neither write RFC's nor implement
protocols" who find ASCII "incomplete".  

Perhaps we ( the IETF ) should have a library of standard,
downloadable translation / formatting tools that would help people to write
in whatever format they choose, then convert it to the required ASCII.
However, this would still not solve the problem os ASCII's poor diagram

Graham Travers.

> -Original Message-
> From: Vernon Schryver [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, February 26, 2001 8:54 PM
> Subject:  Re: HTML better for small PDAs

> If the ASCII version of an RFC is complete, then the XML alternate is
> not needed.  If the alternate is needed even only for "illustration",
> then the ASCII version is incomplete and so wrong.  As others have
> said "incomplete" as seen by people who neither write RFC's nor
> implement protocols is completely irrelevant and inadmissible.
> As someone else pointed out, the crux of this recurring thread
> is the conflict between those who care about the form of RFC's
> including whether they use "modern technology" and those who care
> about the contents and function of RFC's as definitions of protocols.

> It seems clear that some of those who are adamant about
> replacing boring old ASCII are more readers than authors or editors.
> Worse, I suspect a few have not spent much time reading the ASCII stuff
> and would read little in any format, not matter how modern.

> Vernon Schryver[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: HTML better for small PDAs

2001-02-26 Thread Bora Akyol

I guess I have to hold up this "letter" sized paper display and try to
write on it at the same time.

I'll believe it when I see it. I saw the article on this topic in MIT Tech
review a few months ago, but they were saying that this technology is
years ahead. In the meantime, I will keep on using my Pilot (oops Palm).


On Mon, 26 Feb 2001, Lyndon Nerenberg wrote:

> > the hardware problem is the eyes and the hands. i use a pda because i can
> > put it in my hip pocket. that's just not going to happen with a screen that
> > half-size or full-size.
> You're thinking too traditionally. Displays will decouple from the
> processor (think Bluetooth). The "CPU" will holster on your belt,
> and the A4 sized thin-film display will fold up to fit in your pocket.
> And pixel density will increase to approach that of paper. (At 300 DPI
> you can shrink the font enough to get the better part of a 60x72 character
> page onto even todays sized PDA displays if you display in landscape.)
> Or maybe the technology will be something else. The point is that
> the display technology _will_ be there, and it will be there soon.
> (Soon enough that current PDA limitations aren't a good enough
> justification - IMO - for the sort of changes we're talking about
> making.)
> --lyndon

Re: HTML better for small PDAs

2001-02-26 Thread Michael Mealling

On Mon, Feb 26, 2001 at 06:30:56PM -0800, Marshall T. Rose wrote:
> i agree. i'm not asking that we publish RFCs in any new formats. i'm
> suggesting that we experiment for 9 months in the I-D area.

One of the absolute best reasons to use the XML stuff (beyond the many
other stated reasons) is the fact that Marshall has been graciously
maintaining a bibliography on that makes building
your references section _much_ easier. If we do experiment with
XML in the internet-drafts repository I really do think we should
either migrate Marshall's bibliography or help him maintain it.

The other thing that would be nice is a way of getting all of the
authors current contact info in one place and up to date. 



Michael Mealling|  Vote Libertarian!   |
Sr. Research Engineer   | | ICQ#: 14198821
Network Solutions   |  |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: HTML better for small PDAs

2001-02-26 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg

> the hardware problem is the eyes and the hands. i use a pda because i can
> put it in my hip pocket. that's just not going to happen with a screen that
> half-size or full-size.

You're thinking too traditionally. Displays will decouple from the
processor (think Bluetooth). The "CPU" will holster on your belt,
and the A4 sized thin-film display will fold up to fit in your pocket.
And pixel density will increase to approach that of paper. (At 300 DPI
you can shrink the font enough to get the better part of a 60x72 character
page onto even todays sized PDA displays if you display in landscape.)

Or maybe the technology will be something else. The point is that
the display technology _will_ be there, and it will be there soon.
(Soon enough that current PDA limitations aren't a good enough
justification - IMO - for the sort of changes we're talking about


Re: HTML better for small PDAs

2001-02-26 Thread Marshall T. Rose

> There is a use for XML or nroff versions of I-D's (but not RFC's) that
> has not been mentioned much (maybe first in your mention of "ASCII memos
> can't be reformatted").  It saves lots of work to exchange editorial
> as deltas to a mark up language version.

i agree. this certainly is of value to the folks who author I-Ds.

> Perhaps in other words, allow XML in but
> not in

i agree. i'm not asking that we publish RFCs in any new formats. i'm
suggesting that we experiment for 9 months in the I-D area.


Re: HTML better for small PDAs

2001-02-26 Thread Valdis . Kletnieks

On Mon, 26 Feb 2001 15:57:17 MST, Lyndon Nerenberg said:
> display technology moves forward at, by the time we all finish
> arguing over this the current crop of postage-stamp size PDA
> displays will be ancient history.

Heads Up Displays.

Valdis Kletnieks
Operating Systems Analyst
Virginia Tech

Re: HTML better for small PDAs

2001-02-26 Thread Bora Akyol

At 3:57 PM -0700 2/26/01, Lyndon Nerenberg wrote:
>  > what i do care about is the fact that ASCII memos can't be 
>reformatted. that
>>  is just plain silly.
>Marshall, do you think tiny PDA displays will be with us for a
>substantial amount of time? It seems to me that, with the rate
>display technology moves forward at, by the time we all finish
>arguing over this the current crop of postage-stamp size PDA
>displays will be ancient history.
>There's more to this than just ID's/RFCs. Pretty damned near
>everything has to be reformatted to fit on those itty-bitty screens,
>and that just isn't going to happen.  Consumers will demand (and
>get) readable displays. I really think we're better of fixing this
>problem in hardware.

Are your pockets getting any bigger, I don't see anyone carrying a 
laptop holster on their belts?

The reason that PDA screens are small are because PDAs are small. 
Apple Newton (which I still own) had a larger screen but it wasn't as 
convenient as a Palm to carry around.

I have read reasonable size text docs on both and it is really not that bad.


Re: HTML better for small PDAs

2001-02-26 Thread Marshall T. Rose

> There's more to this than just ID's/RFCs. Pretty damned near
> everything has to be reformatted to fit on those itty-bitty screens,
> and that just isn't going to happen.  Consumers will demand (and
> get) readable displays. I really think we're better of fixing this
> problem in hardware.

the hardware problem is the eyes and the hands. i use a pda because i can
put it in my hip pocket. that's just not going to happen with a screen that
half-size or full-size.

yes, most things have to be retrofitted, but that's okay. i don't seem to
have any problem with calendaring, contacts, todo lists, and so on.

the 8.5x11 format has many fine properties to recommend it, but it also
inadequate in some areas, and i don't think it's unreasonable that people
want an alternative solution in that case.


Re: HTML better for small PDAs

2001-02-26 Thread Vernon Schryver

> From: Michael Richardson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> ...
>   I'm not certain that this would be the case for a sufficiently constrained
> DTD. Something at the level of complexity of the MAN nroff macros in
> formatting ability.

MAN nroff would be overkill, as demonstrated by the restricted nroff
that the RFC editor accepts (or used to accept) for I-D's.

And apparently generated from pure ASCII submissions.

Vernon Schryver[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: HTML better for small PDAs

2001-02-26 Thread Vernon Schryver

> From: "Marshall T. Rose" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> vern - i hope we can agree that i don't fall under the categorization of
> > those who have not yet found an opportunity to Contribute To The Standards
> > Process
> if we disagree on this, then discard this message.

No, you're one of those others who've written tools that might support
a transition to XML and whose silence I found relevant.

> i will tell you why i think it is a good idea that the I-D repository accept
> XML versions of drafts, whilst retaining the .txt versions as the "official"
> ones (assuming that the term "official internet-draft" isn't oxymoronic).
> ...

> so, i suggest a simple experiment: let the I-D repository store alternative
> versions of drafts in addition to the .txt versions. try this out for 9
> months and see if people find it useful or not. is this really asking so
> much?

Before the experiment of XML in parallel with .txt for RFC's, please
consider this one.  Let the .txt file continue to be the only version in
the directory, but allow the .txt version to contain
a "pointer to an XML version that was used during the preparation of the
.txt version. "  (weasel were words carefully chosen to allow the XML
version to be anywhere and the pointer to go stale.)

There is a use for XML or nroff versions of I-D's (but not RFC's) that
has not been mentioned much (maybe first in your mention of "ASCII memos
can't be reformatted").  It saves lots of work to exchange editorial changes
as deltas to a mark up language version.  Also, if the mark up version of
some drafts had been public, a very bitter war or two in a working group
or two would have been short circuited, or at least fought on the real
grounds instead of stuff about theft of nroff under false pretenses.

Perhaps in other words, allow XML in but
not in

The danger is the slippery slope leading to the full panoply of
Microsoft document forms.  Within weeks, there'd be demands that since
XML is allowed for drafts, full MSWord with animations must be
allowed--no--required for RFCs and who needs the crufty old ASCII?
(This would not be Microsoft's fault, at least not directly.)

Vernon Schryver[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: HTML better for small PDAs

2001-02-26 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg

> what i do care about is the fact that ASCII memos can't be reformatted. that
> is just plain silly.

Marshall, do you think tiny PDA displays will be with us for a
substantial amount of time? It seems to me that, with the rate
display technology moves forward at, by the time we all finish
arguing over this the current crop of postage-stamp size PDA
displays will be ancient history.

There's more to this than just ID's/RFCs. Pretty damned near
everything has to be reformatted to fit on those itty-bitty screens,
and that just isn't going to happen.  Consumers will demand (and
get) readable displays. I really think we're better of fixing this
problem in hardware.


Re: HTML better for small PDAs

2001-02-26 Thread Bora Akyol

I would very much like to see support for XML+ASCII in IETF.


At 2:33 PM -0800 2/26/01, Marshall T. Rose wrote:
>vern - i hope we can agree that i don't fall under the categorization of
>>  those who have not yet found an opportunity to Contribute To The Standards
>>  Process
>if we disagree on this, then discard this message.
>i will tell you why i think it is a good idea that the I-D repository accept
>XML versions of drafts, whilst retaining the .txt versions as the "official"
>ones (assuming that the term "official internet-draft" isn't oxymoronic).
>the text format we use for I-Ds and RFCs is final form. it works great for
>printing. it works pretty well for viewing on a nice screen. it doesn't work
>well on a small screen.
>the advantage of using something like XML is that it is an intermediate
>form. this means that i can write programs that convert it to different
>final forms, e.g., something that looks nice on a pda. today i flew from
>sacramento to boston, rather than carrying around 500 pages of recent I-Ds,
>i loaded them onto my ipaq. although i avoided a trip to the chiropractor
>for my back, i now have to see him for the rsi i got from having to scroll
>left-right in addition to up-down.
>i don't know if html is better for small PDAs, and frankly, i don't care.
>what i do care about is the fact that ASCII memos can't be reformatted. that
>is just plain silly.
>so, i suggest a simple experiment: let the I-D repository store alternative
>versions of drafts in addition to the .txt versions. try this out for 9
>months and see if people find it useful or not. is this really asking so

Re: HTML better for small PDAs

2001-02-26 Thread Bora Akyol


You obviously enjoy drawing ASCII art, some of us don't.


Re: HTML better for small PDAs

2001-02-26 Thread Marshall T. Rose

vern - i hope we can agree that i don't fall under the categorization of

> those who have not yet found an opportunity to Contribute To The Standards
> Process

if we disagree on this, then discard this message.

i will tell you why i think it is a good idea that the I-D repository accept
XML versions of drafts, whilst retaining the .txt versions as the "official"
ones (assuming that the term "official internet-draft" isn't oxymoronic).

the text format we use for I-Ds and RFCs is final form. it works great for
printing. it works pretty well for viewing on a nice screen. it doesn't work
well on a small screen.

the advantage of using something like XML is that it is an intermediate
form. this means that i can write programs that convert it to different
final forms, e.g., something that looks nice on a pda. today i flew from
sacramento to boston, rather than carrying around 500 pages of recent I-Ds,
i loaded them onto my ipaq. although i avoided a trip to the chiropractor
for my back, i now have to see him for the rsi i got from having to scroll
left-right in addition to up-down.

i don't know if html is better for small PDAs, and frankly, i don't care.
what i do care about is the fact that ASCII memos can't be reformatted. that
is just plain silly.

so, i suggest a simple experiment: let the I-D repository store alternative
versions of drafts in addition to the .txt versions. try this out for 9
months and see if people find it useful or not. is this really asking so


Re: HTML better for small PDAs

2001-02-26 Thread Michael Richardson

> "Vernon" == Vernon Schryver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> From: Michael Richardson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>> I would like to see the IETF continue to consider the ASCII text to be
>> the master.
>> I would additionally like to see the secretariat accept drafts in some
>> TBD XML markup as well as a corresponding ASCII. The provided ASCII
>> should match that which the secretariat produces, likely by providing
>> the XML->ASCII formatter on a web site, and basing it open some open
>> source implementation.
>> Authors should provide the ASCII because they should have proofread
>> that version as well.

Vernon> The dual Postscript and ASCII RFC's show that such a plan is
Vernon> likely to cause more harm than good.  That dual track compromise

  I agree with your analysis. That is because postscript can do anything
ASCII can do. {Microsoft Word, latex, HTML and DocBook can do anything ASCII
can do} 

  I'm not certain that this would be the case for a sufficiently constrained
DTD. Something at the level of complexity of the MAN nroff macros in
formatting ability.

Vernon> Absolutely all of us have ideas for improving of the form of
Vernon> RFC's, but it's a lot harder to say something useful about RFC
Vernon> contents.  Thus, those who have not yet found an opportunity to
Vernon> Contribute To The Standards Process see opportunities in
Vernon> "implementing modern text preparation in the IETF" (with
Vernon> "implement" as in "implement TCP/IP in a corporate network").  It
Vernon> seems clear that some of those who are adamant about replacing
Vernon> boring old ASCII are more readers than authors or editors.
Vernon> Worse, I suspect a few have not spent much time reading the ASCII
Vernon> stuff and would read little in any format, not matter how modern.

  I tend to agree with your comments.

Vernon> I've noticed the resounding silence of some who have made
Vernon> substantive contributions that might facilitate a transition to
Vernon> using XML for ID's.  Why do is that?  Could it be that they
Vernon> distinguish tools for writing (e.g. XML authoring tools) from the
Vernon> form and utility of an RFC?

  I've done all my drafts in DocBook with an "sgml2rfc" translator that
was cooked up. I know others that have done the same. More recently, I've
been using an "rfc.el", but I may go back to sgml2rfc. Given that I already
have something in SGML, the info is already there.

   :!mcr!:|  Solidum Systems Corporation,
   Michael Richardson |For a better connected world,where data flows faster

Re: HTML better for small PDAs

2001-02-26 Thread Vernon Schryver

> From: Michael Richardson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>   I would like to see the IETF continue to consider the ASCII
> text to be the master.
>   I would additionally like to see the secretariat accept drafts
> in some TBD XML markup as well as a corresponding ASCII. The provided
> ASCII should match that which the secretariat produces, likely by
> providing the XML->ASCII formatter on a web site, and basing it open
> some open source implementation.
>   Authors should provide the ASCII because they should have proofread
> that version as well.

The dual Postscript and ASCII RFC's show that such a plan is likely to
cause more harm than good.  That dual track compromise sounded good at
the time, but turned out poorly.  There are other precedents showing
dual languages don't work regardless of good intentions, from the DOD
equivalents of the early RFC's to the ITU's labors with natural language
translations.  There is also the truth that every experienced programmer
knows, that two definitions of one thing absolutely never agree.

If the ASCII version of an RFC is complete, then the XML alternate is
not needed.  If the alternate is needed even only for "illustration",
then the ASCII version is incomplete and so wrong.  As others have
said "incomplete" as seen by people who neither write RFC's nor
implement protocols is completely irrelevant and inadmissible.

As someone else pointed out, the crux of this recurring thread
is the conflict between those who care about the form of RFC's
including whether they use "modern technology" and those who care
about the contents and function of RFC's as definitions of protocols.

Absolutely all of us have ideas for improving of the form of RFC's, but
it's a lot harder to say something useful about RFC contents.  Thus,
those who have not yet found an opportunity to Contribute To The Standards
Process see opportunities in "implementing modern text preparation in
the IETF" (with "implement" as in "implement TCP/IP in a corporate
network").  It seems clear that some of those who are adamant about
replacing boring old ASCII are more readers than authors or editors.
Worse, I suspect a few have not spent much time reading the ASCII stuff
and would read little in any format, not matter how modern.

I've noticed the resounding silence of some who have made substantive
contributions that might facilitate a transition to using XML for ID's.
Why do is that?  Could it be that they distinguish tools for writing
(e.g. XML authoring tools) from the form and utility of an RFC?

Vernon Schryver[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: HTML better for small PDAs

2001-02-26 Thread Michael Richardson

  I would like to see the IETF continue to consider the ASCII
text to be the master.

  I would additionally like to see the secretariat accept drafts
in some TBD XML markup as well as a corresponding ASCII. The provided
ASCII should match that which the secretariat produces, likely by
providing the XML->ASCII formatter on a web site, and basing it open
some open source implementation.

  Authors should provide the ASCII because they should have proofread
that version as well.

   :!mcr!:|  Solidum Systems Corporation,
   Michael Richardson |For a better connected world,where data flows faster

RE: HTML better for small PDAs

2001-02-26 Thread graham . travers


Yes, I have already conceded that we need a "master copy" ( reference text

My remarks were intended to combat the "ASCII is all things to all people"
attitude that seems to pervade these lists. It is not an argument against
the English language, as ASCII can be used for other languages, e.g. French
( albeit imperfectly - no accents, etc.)  However, ASCII can not be used for
languages such as Arabic and Chinese; to say that it is easily
understandable by everyone is facile and narrow-minded.

Whether we want to do anything about it, is another question.


Graham Travers

> -Original Message-
> From: Christian Huitema [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, February 26, 2001 4:47 PM
> To:   graham.travers; Valdis.Kletnieks
> Cc:   doug; ietf
> Subject:  RE: HTML better for small PDAs 
> > ASCII is NOT understandable by people who can't read and/or 
> > speak languages which use the Latin alphabet. It is not 
> > understandable by them now, and it was not understandable 40 
> > years ago.
> Uh? This is an argument against the english language, not an argument
> againt the character set. If someone does not speak english, it matters
> very little whether the document is presented as 55x72 fixed typeset
> pages, Postscript, HTML, or XML. Indeed, we could also debate whether
> the documents should be made available in other languages than english,
> but the experience of organizations who do that , such as the UN, the
> EU, and to some degree the ITU, teaches us that quite a few lessons.
> First, this is a very expensive proposition; the IETF does not quite
> have the resource of maintaining a corps of interpreters. Second,
> translation is time consuming, and can be the cause of many publication
> delays, which can be used in standard-process games. Third, as
> translation is never a perfect bijection, there is a non-zero risk of
> conflicting interpretations of the various language texts, and thus lack
> of interoperability.
> This is not to say that we should make efforts to have the IETF
> protocols documented in many languages, for people to understand. But I
> would rather draw a sharp separation between the reference text, for
> which a single language and a spartan presentation are adequate, and the
> educational material, which ought to be available in many languages,
> forms and shapes.
> -- Christian Huitema

RE: HTML better for small PDAs

2001-02-26 Thread Christian Huitema

> ASCII is NOT understandable by people who can't read and/or 
> speak languages which use the Latin alphabet. It is not 
> understandable by them now, and it was not understandable 40 
> years ago.

Uh? This is an argument against the english language, not an argument
againt the character set. If someone does not speak english, it matters
very little whether the document is presented as 55x72 fixed typeset
pages, Postscript, HTML, or XML. Indeed, we could also debate whether
the documents should be made available in other languages than english,
but the experience of organizations who do that , such as the UN, the
EU, and to some degree the ITU, teaches us that quite a few lessons.
First, this is a very expensive proposition; the IETF does not quite
have the resource of maintaining a corps of interpreters. Second,
translation is time consuming, and can be the cause of many publication
delays, which can be used in standard-process games. Third, as
translation is never a perfect bijection, there is a non-zero risk of
conflicting interpretations of the various language texts, and thus lack
of interoperability.

This is not to say that we should make efforts to have the IETF
protocols documented in many languages, for people to understand. But I
would rather draw a sharp separation between the reference text, for
which a single language and a spartan presentation are adequate, and the
educational material, which ought to be available in many languages,
forms and shapes.

-- Christian Huitema

RE: HTML better for small PDAs

2001-02-26 Thread graham . travers


You wrote:

Actually, it *is* a valid argument - consider that hieroglyphs were
unreadable until they found the Rosetta Stone.  The media lasted, but the
ability to parse didn't.

ASCII has proven to be understandable 40 years after being written.
XML has proven to be understandable 5 years after being written.
Hieroglyphs have proven to be recognizable but not understandable 2000 years
after being written (2000 years placing it just BEFORE the Rosetta Stone
was found)


ASCII is NOT understandable by people who can't read and/or speak languages
which use the Latin alphabet. It is not understandable by them now, and it
was not understandable 40 years ago.

So, I agree with you about the ability to parse and understand.  But ASCII
doesn't support that ability for most people in the world.

Hieroglyphs were perfectly understandable for the whole of their history -
to an ancient Egyptian. Just like ASCII is perfectly understandable to
someone who understands ASCII [ an ancient IETFer ?   8o)  ]. Neither of
these facts helps the population of today's world to the extent that they
COULD be helped by more suitable formats.  

ANY storage format relies on its encoding being translated / interpreted
before they can be understood. I suspect that none of us would be reading
ASCII, if we did not have PCs to do this for us.  What we should be pushing
for is a format which can be translated / interpreted into as many languages
as possible, so as not to disadvantage world citizens who can not deal with


Graham Travers


> -Original Message-
> Sent: Friday, February 23, 2001 5:28 PM
> Subject:  Re: HTML better for small PDAs 
>  << File: SMIME.txt >> 

Re: HTML better for small PDAs

2001-02-23 Thread Valdis . Kletnieks

On Fri, 23 Feb 2001 13:22:15 EST, Jeremy Foshee said:
> Valdis wrote:
> >Now, who was saying that you didn't need a DTD to understand the XML? ;)
> You don't. XML has the ability to stand on it's own if you desire.

Umm.. without a DTD, how do you interpret all the markup that was the POINT
of using XML?  Yes, a XML document without the DTD can be syntax-checked, but
let's think for a moment - if you don't have the (hypothetical) rfc2119 DTD,
what is the *semantics* of:

Implementors of Turbo-Foobar support the XYZ extension

Before you say "but we all know what 'should' means", consider that we felt
it necessary to publish RFC2119.

Valdis Kletnieks
Operating Systems Analyst
Virginia Tech

 PGP signature

Re: HTML better for small PDAs

2001-02-23 Thread Robert G. Ferrell

>Actually, it *is* a valid argument - consider that hieroglyphs were
>unreadable until they found the Rosetta Stone.  The media lasted, but the
>ability to parse didn't.

If we're going to stray onto the treacherous ice of logic here, 
then I feel constrained to point out that ASCII, XML, and so 
on are merely ways of formatting characters, not languages 
in and of themselves.  The clay tablet vs paper comparison really 
isn't applicable either, because the basic storage and display media 
do not change in our example, regardless of which format we adopt. 
A more precise analogy would be something along the lines of 
'shall we use ink, paint, chisels, or chalk?'  I'm afraid that even 
this construct isn't particularly useful in our context.  

There are times when analogies can shine a bright light on a dark 
debate, but they may also be the last refuge of the obfuscator.  

I say ASCII source documents are fine; if someone wants to convert their 
personal copies of the docs into XML, PDF, HTML, or Morse Code, they're 
perfectly welcome to do so.



Robert G. Ferrell, CISSP

 Who goeth without humor goeth unarmed.

RE: HTML better for small PDAs

2001-02-23 Thread Christian Huitema

The way I think about it, the current "ascii" rule makes it hard for the
writer, moderately easy for the reader, and very easy for the archivist.
It is hard for the writer now, because we are mostly using wysiwig tools
that don't produce ascii very naturally. OTOH, it is not too hard -- for
example, the extra cost of postprocessing a Microsoft Words formatted
document to an internet-draft format is at most a couple of minutes,
which seems a reasonable investment when you write for the posterity. As
a matter of fact, it does not take longer than the nroff postprocessing
that we used when nroff was the norm.

Ascii text is moderately easy for the reader. Let's face it, the 72
character per line format has its roots in a time of 24x80 character
screens, which itself had its root in the generic 80 columns punch card.
That is fine when a screen is large enough to display a full line of
text, but that is definitely suboptimal on small screens. A marked-up
presentation would allow for better rendition on  small PDA screens, and
would also allow for a better support of those of us who have a poor
eyesight. OTOH, the RFC format is very regular, with fixed size pages,
regular indentation, etc. Many people have already written filters that
convert this format into their preferred mark-up language, which is a
reasonable compromise for viewers.

We should note that the "ease of view" argument is an argument for
mark-up languages, not for fancy page formatting languages such as
Adobe's PDF: if you cannot reformat the page on display, there is no
particular benefit for the owners of small screens or weak eyes. But the
very benefits that make make marked-up presentation tempting also carry
a big risk in a standard world: if the documents you view depend on how
you view them, there is a risk that conficting view generate conficting
interpretation. That risk is well known in international circles, when
for example the translation of various UN resolutions can carry slightly
different meanings in different languages. If we want standards, we want
a simple reference. Printing an ascii text with a fixed font and a fixed
page set-up gives us that.

In my opinion, the hardship imposed on the authors and on the present
readers is more than compensated by the ease of archival of the text
format, the ease of read by future readers, and the adaptation to the
job at hand, publishing standards. Mark-up languages have evolved in
time, from nroff to tex and latex, from wordperfect to office XP, from
sgml to html and xml. Markup languages tend to be highly parametrized,
with various nroff or tex macros, various word templates, various html
extensions and xml dtds. The macros tend to have an even shorter
lifespan that the languages themselves, which make them even poorer
candidates for an archival function. Frankly, the energy spent every
fice years in questioning the ascii format would be better spent in
writing transition tools...

-- Christian Huitema

Re: HTML better for small PDAs

2001-02-23 Thread Valdis . Kletnieks

On Fri, 23 Feb 2001 10:52:51 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:
> > 1) Was your millenia-old data *written in XML*, or was it *converted to*
> > XML
> > within the past 5 years?

>   This is not a valid argument.  Egyptian Hieroglyphs were not written
> in ASCII either !

Actually, it *is* a valid argument - consider that hieroglyphs were
unreadable until they found the Rosetta Stone.  The media lasted, but the
ability to parse didn't.

ASCII has proven to be understandable 40 years after being written.
XML has proven to be understandable 5 years after being written.
Hieroglyphs have proven to be recognizable but not understandable 2000 years
after being written (2000 years placing it just BEFORE the Rosetta Stone
was found)

Now, who was saying that you didn't need a DTD to understand the XML? ;)

Valdis Kletnieks
Operating Systems Analyst
Virginia Tech

 PGP signature

RE: HTML better for small PDAs

2001-02-23 Thread Doug Sauder

Just a few final observations, then I'll bug out of the discussion.

1. Some folks scoff at the idea of reading I-Ds and RFCs on a PDA, yet they think it's 
necessary to accommodate those who would read them on 1950s-style teletypes or other 
old, outdated equipment.  We say that lines should be, what, 76 characters long?  Why? 
  What about 40 characters per line?  Then I could read the RFCs on my old Commodore 
64  in addition to my PDA.  ;-)  What *is* the lowest common denominator, anyway?

2. RFCs have a limited lifetime.  RFC 1 might be 32 years old, but it's probably only 
relevant to historians.  Historians will probably find the tools they need to view old 
documents.  So, if RFCs are maintained in a format that outlives the technology 
documented in the RFCs, then there's no problem, right?  (Speaking from the aspect of 
archives.)  Anyone know how long ASCII will be around?

Doug Sauder

RE: HTML better for small PDAs

2001-02-23 Thread Doug Sauder

> On Thu, 22 Feb 2001 21:01:23 EST, you said:
> > I am not sure I agree with the statement that in 10 years XML will
> > be history.  One of XML's greatest values is in the fact that it is a
> > good format for long-term archiving of written material.  Some very
> > old material (several millenia old) is available in XML format --
> > that's more than the 32 years for RFC1.  ;-)  The reason old text has
> > been converted to XML is not so that people can read it on a GameBoy,
> > but so that it can be archived, indexed, converted to other 
> formats, etc.
> 1) Was your millenia-old data *written in XML*, or was it 
> *converted to* XML
> within the past 5 years?

Duh!?  ;-)  Obviously, this is a rhetorical question.

> 2) Will you be able to find the DTD you need in 2035?

Well-formed XML documents still have value even without a DTD.  It's usually pretty 
easy to guess at what the elements mean.  If the documents are of value to a lot of 
people at the time, then yes, you probably will be able to find the DTD and one or 
more style sheets.  If it's just a historical document, then maybe or maybe not.  I'll 
bet that you'd be able to find a plain text rendering of the document, though.

> > An alternative point of view is that in 10 years XML will have 
> achieved a
> > critical mass, so that it becomes as entrenched as many other standards:
> > ASCII, TCP/IP, C, etc.
> OK.. Wake me up in 2011 and I'll be MORE than happy to reconsider. ;)

I don't have a crystal ball, and I have been around long enough to have seen fads come 
and go.  XML seems to me to strike the right balance between simplicity and value-add, 
so that I would consider it a pretty safe bet for the long-term as a document format.  
Anyway, I don't expect that the IETF will be moving from plain text to any other 
format for years, if ever.  For the most part, this discussion is academic.

Here's a proposal though:  how about multipart/alternative!  ;-)  Seriously, storage 
is incredibly cheap.  Why not store documents in several formats?  If the plain text 
rendering is the normative document, I don't think anyone would have a problem with 
that.  Perhaps the RFC editor could accept documents using the DTD from M Rose as well 
as the normative plain text format.  I'm not suggesting that the editor take on a lot 
of new work, just that XML documents, when submitted by authors, be made available 
from the Web.

BTW, I have always liked the layout of the RFCs -- namely, that they are nicely 
paginated with page numbers and headers.  On the other hand, HTML often doesn't print 
very well.

Doug Sauder

RE: HTML better for small PDAs

2001-02-23 Thread graham . travers

> -Original Message-
> Sent: Friday, February 23, 2001 3:37 AM
> To:   Doug Sauder
> Subject:      Re: HTML better for small PDAs 
> 1) Was your millenia-old data *written in XML*, or was it *converted to*
> within the past 5 years?
This is not a valid argument.  Egyptian Hieroglyphs were not written
in ASCII either !

Re: HTML better for small PDAs

2001-02-22 Thread Valdis . Kletnieks

On Thu, 22 Feb 2001 21:01:23 EST, you said:

> I am not sure I agree with the statement that in 10 years XML will
> be history.  One of XML's greatest values is in the fact that it is a
> good format for long-term archiving of written material.  Some very
> old material (several millenia old) is available in XML format --
> that's more than the 32 years for RFC1.  ;-)  The reason old text has
> been converted to XML is not so that people can read it on a GameBoy,
> but so that it can be archived, indexed, converted to other formats, etc.

1) Was your millenia-old data *written in XML*, or was it *converted to* XML
within the past 5 years?

2) Will you be able to find the DTD you need in 2035?

> An alternative point of view is that in 10 years XML will have achieved a
> critical mass, so that it becomes as entrenched as many other standards:
> ASCII, TCP/IP, C, etc.

OK.. Wake me up in 2011 and I'll be MORE than happy to reconsider. ;)

Valdis Kletnieks
Operating Systems Analyst
Virginia Tech

RE: HTML better for small PDAs

2001-02-22 Thread Doug Sauder

> Of course, the concept that we should redo all the RFCs into XML 
> so they are
> more pleasing on a GameBoy-class display misses the point that rfc1.txt is
> still readable 32 years after being written, while both the XML and the
> display you're trying to support will probably be history within a decade.

I am not sure I agree with the statement that in 10 years XML will be history.  One of 
XML's greatest values is in the fact that it is a good format for long-term archiving 
of written material.  Some very old material (several millenia old) is available in 
XML format -- that's more than the 32 years for RFC1.  ;-)  The reason old text has 
been converted to XML is not so that people can read it on a GameBoy, but so that it 
can be archived, indexed, converted to other formats, etc.  An alternative point of 
view is that in 10 years XML will have achieved a critical mass, so that it becomes as 
entrenched as many other standards: ASCII, TCP/IP, C, etc.

My original point about XML is that you can convert to whatever format suits you.  You 
want plain ASCII text?  Prefer to archive in plain text?  You can.  It's not taking 
anything away, but it does offer a bit more.

Doug Sauder

Re: HTML better for small PDAs

2001-02-22 Thread Valdis . Kletnieks

On Thu, 22 Feb 2001 15:53:56 EST, Doug Sauder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  said:

> I read the entire XML-SOAP document on my PDA, and that convinced me
> that reading documents on a small device is doable.  I would be happy to
> put lots of RFCs and I-Ds on my PDA and have them available even when I
> don't have a laptop around.  However, plain ASCII text, like the RFCs,
> looks pretty bad on a small device, because the paragraphs don't wrap
> in a pleasing way.  HTML looks a lot better on a PDA than plain ASCII.

Ironically enough, the previous paragraph arrived as one long string
without a 'format=flowed'.  As a result, it didn't wrap in a pleasing way. ;)

Of course, the concept that we should redo all the RFCs into XML so they are
more pleasing on a GameBoy-class display misses the point that rfc1.txt is
still readable 32 years after being written, while both the XML and the
display you're trying to support will probably be history within a decade.

Trivia Question 1:  What was the *first* popular word-processing program
that used embedded codes, etc, in addition to flat ascii, on a PC/Apple/etc

Trivia Question 2:  What year was it released?

Trivia Question 3:  If you were handed a file in that format, could you read it?

Valdis Kletnieks
Operating Systems Analyst
Virginia Tech

 PGP signature