Re: Discussion about header chains (was Re: [v6ops] Limiting the size of the IPv6 header chain (draft-ietf-6man-oversized-header-chain))

2013-06-13 Thread Jeroen Massar
On 2013-06-12 14:58, Fernando Gont wrote:
 On 06/12/2013 11:44 PM, Jeroen Massar wrote:
 with the exception of the HBH header, correct. I got tired of writing that 
 each time I was repeating myself.
 the HBH is an issue to itself. expect those packets to be severely rate 

 I am wondering why if your box cannot handle any headers, just
 forward the packet, decreasing the hopcount and that is just.
 Well, the router is supposed to process the HBH header.

According to the spec, yes, but does it make sense? See more below.
(note that must is not written in capitols in 2460 btw ;)

 And, for some
 options, if the option in question is not supported, the packet should
 be dropped -- i.e., you cannot just ignore the hbh header (at east in

Why not? Is there any HBH header that is crucial for operation of IPv6?

It might be in the RFC, does not mean it is actually needed ;)

On 2013-06-12 15:06, Joe Touch wrote:

 The only valid way to ignore the HBH header is when all its component
 options are 00 - skip option if not supported.

None of the variants will ever catch on/make sense unless one can do a
full network upgrade to support that special option.

And unless one can upgrade the whole Internet (or at least the network
your packets travel over), the only useful one is ignore, the others are
futile unless one wants to probe which boxes support that feature, which
would thus allow fingerprinting of the age of the stack.

 If you don't check that, then you don't know whether it's valid to
 ignore the options. That would interfere with the semantics of options
 defined as discard or discard and inform.

But ignoring them, allows any box that does implement the option to
actually process them. If something uses the 'discard' ones, it would
require the whole network to be upgraded in one go, and that is not ever
going to happen. Thus either one does that upgrade or one never
specifies discard and then ignoring is perfect IMHO.


(hmmm should have had this whole discussion the previous week, as then I
could have asked Bob Hinden what the real intent behind all of this was
upto at least this morning ;)

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

Re: Discussion about header chains (was Re: [v6ops] Limiting the size of the IPv6 header chain (draft-ietf-6man-oversized-header-chain))

2013-06-13 Thread Jeroen Massar
On 2013-06-13 13:17, Joe Touch wrote:
 And, for some
 options, if the option in question is not supported, the packet should
 be dropped -- i.e., you cannot just ignore the hbh header (at east in

 Why not? Is there any HBH header that is crucial for operation of IPv6?
 Current non-experimental ones include:

peeking at
'act' and noting there are a few protocols that have act != 00 that
might be affected by this.

 - jumbograms

act = 11 (discard + notify senders, non-multicast)

I am not aware of any medium being able to do even close to 65k (or heck
20k) packets, let alone over it. Is there any gear anywhere in the world
which actually implements/needs this?

Now for boxes that actually have both a Jumbogram capable interface and
a non-jumbogram interface, for those boxes being able to understand and
thus reject this option would make sense indeed.

Anywhere else this option should never be seen. (And if the code does
not know about it, the hardware will likely not get it either).

 - RPL

act = 01 (discard)

I don't see damage when this packet is ignored though.

The RPL Option is only for use between RPL routers participating in the
same RPL Instance.

Code that does not know about RPL does not support it and does not
include the instance.

(Generally this looks like one of those 'scary' and 'do not want to see
from another operator on my network' kind of options btw)

Security considerations does not hi-light what problems could happen if
a box just ignores it unfortunately.

 - router alert

act = 00 (ignore) thus handled by routers that do not do HBH at all.

 - CALIPSO (informational, but which includes a note about
 hazards of HBH opts, but claims there was a conclusion
 that this was still the correct approach)

act = 00 (ignore), thus no issue here.

I btw love the IESG note at the top:

The IESG notes that general deployment of protocols with hop-by-hop
options are problematic, and the development of such protocols is
consequently discouraged.


It is unsuitable for use and ineffective on the global public Internet.

 RPL was just approved in 2012.
 Even though few of these are 'crucial', why are router vendors still
 creating new standards, and why does the IESG continue to approve them?

Except maybe one day far in the future where Jumbopackets are needed, I
do not see any of these as 'crucial'.

I also do not see a single problem with routers that simply completely
ignore anything but the IP header (thus decrement hop-limit, error+icmp
if needed, forward the packet to the next hop) and do not look at any of
the next headers...

Note that this kind of ignore does allow future HBH options to be
developed and deployed without issues (maybe somebody comes up with a
useful thing). Processing overhead in routers is none, as they just
route, boxes that have more knowledge can handle the options. (which is
I assume also the idea behind the act bits, but it seems they only limit
deployment of something new, not allow it)

I would love to be informed though if anybody knows any situation where
that can be problematic, now or in the future.


IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

Re: Discussion about header chains (was Re: [v6ops] Limiting the size of the IPv6 header chain (draft-ietf-6man-oversized-header-chain))

2013-06-13 Thread Jeroen Massar
On 2013-06-13 14:02, Joe Touch wrote:
 peeking at
 'act' and noting there are a few protocols that have act != 00 that
 might be affected by this.
 I'm not sure why the table includes HBH and DO in the same list without
 additional info; it would be useful to expand that table to indicate that.

There are a few other nits in that list, eg references to [IPV6] while
those RFCs are quite well known ;)

 However, even ignoring the HBH opts wouldn't help if they can't be
 jumped over efficiently to find other headers in the chain. I.e.,
 ignoring HBH isn't he same as prohibiting it or limiting it.

The whole design for HBH/DO is so that they are always aligned on
8-bytes and start with the ID and a length (which is per 8 bytes), thus
should be reasonably efficient to jump over them if one wants to parse
them (till we hit 512bit cpu's).


IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

Re: [v6ops] Limiting the size of the IPv6 header chain (draft-ietf-6man-oversized-header-chain)

2013-06-12 Thread Jeroen Massar
On 2013-06-12 14:36, Ole Troan wrote:
 an IPv6 router compliant with RFC2460 does not inspect the header chain.

 That cannot be true; there are headers after IPv6 but before fragmentation 
 that are hop-by-hop.
 with the exception of the HBH header, correct. I got tired of writing that 
 each time I was repeating myself.
 the HBH is an issue to itself. expect those packets to be severely rate 

I am wondering why if your box cannot handle any headers, just
forward the packet, decreasing the hopcount and that is just.
Much more efficient, does not get in the slow path and some other box
that is more capable will handle special requests.

Unless the router in question knows what that HBH header will do (read:
it was implemented when the definition of that header was defined) or
what it should do with it, it won't be able to do anything with it
anyway. Thus just ignoring/skipping it, heck not parsing any headers at
all, will be quite fine...

And if there is a HBH ever that a router should support, then only new
router will support it anyway.

Disclaimer: this is the model that sixxsd (used for the SixXS PoPs)
does, and it seems to work like a charm; that is, no complaints yet ;)


IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

Re: [v6ops] Could IPv6 address be more than locator?//draft-jiang-v6ops-semantic-prefix-03

2013-06-07 Thread Jeroen Massar
On 2013-06-07 19:17, Owen DeLong wrote:
 2. Comcast only appears to have a /29 and a /28 (2001:558::/29,
 2601::/28). That's only 1.5M /48s, and they have about 10x that
 many customers. They likely can't use /48 plus semantic prefixes,
 because if ARIN doesn't accept semantic prefixes as using space
 efficiently (and word from ARIN on this thread seems, well,
 negative on the matter), then they won't be able to get more space
 from ARIN. That means that there is a fundamental tension between
 using semantic prefixes and giving more address space to
 It also means that Comcast has a dramatically undersized allocation
 and will most likely be depriving their customers.

Comcast is mostly an end-user ISP isn't it? Because in ARIN land ISPs
are supposed to calculate with /56s and suddenly there is a lot of space
for doling out /56 to end-users and /48s and larger for their corporate
clients. And then it is good that they are skipping out on the 6rd
deployment. Funny to see that even good network engineers did not grasp
the concept of 'request a /48 for every customer', and multiply that
with the HD ratio and voila request that address space and be over with
it, but that they had to return for a second prefix though...

2.8. Utilization (IPv6)

In IPv6, utilization is only measured in terms of the bits to the left
of the /56 boundary. In other words, utilization refers to the
assignment of /56s to end sites, and not the number of addresses
assigned within individual /56s at those end sites.

Although in 2.15 in that document it is recommended to do /48.

Though this is not reflected in the current policy, it likely comes from
2005-8 (

The following guidelines may be useful (but they are only guidelines):

- /64 when it is known that one and only one subnet is needed

- /56 for small sites, those expected to need only a few subnets over
the next 5 years.

- /48 for larger sites


IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

Re: Fw: MLDv2 Procedures for Link-Layer Unicast Delivery of Multicast

2013-03-29 Thread Jeroen Massar
On 2013-03-29 08:38 , Mark Smith wrote:
 There seems to be multi-hour delays to the mailing
 address, a copy for reference. I'll make sure all future replies are

That is because you are sending mails without directly sending it to it seems, as such it gets trapped in Mailman with:

Subject:Re: MLDv2 Procedures for Link-Layer Unicast Delivery of 
Size:   10605 bytes
Reason: Message has implicit destination

The multi-hour delay comes from the simple fact that the people who
admin that do tend to sleep sometimes ;)


IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

Re: Fw: MLDv2 Procedures for Link-Layer Unicast Delivery of Multicast

2013-03-29 Thread Jeroen Massar
On 2013-03-29 08:49 , Jeroen Massar wrote:
 On 2013-03-29 08:38 , Mark Smith wrote:
 There seems to be multi-hour delays to the mailing
 address, a copy for reference. I'll make sure all future replies are
 That is because you are sending mails without directly sending it to it seems, as such it gets trapped in Mailman with:

And seeing the mail more closely, you are sending to,
which is apparently aliased and is the right name for the WG, though the
list name is ipv6@

I've kicked mailman so that it handles 6man@ as an alias, that should
resolve this issue.


IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

Re: Yes, I know this is the wrong mailing list

2012-07-11 Thread Jeroen Massar
On 2012-07-11 04:54, Mark Andrews wrote:
 And so I don't have to do it repeatedly, I can change /etc/rc.conf from:
 ipv6_defaultrouter=2001:418:3fd::fd -mtu 1280

 I appreciate all the help! -- George
 You really should talk to your tunnel provider and get this fixed as
 this only helps TCP connections.  It does not help UDP based
 protocols.  Once your tunnel provider has fixed the tunnel ingress
 to correctly sent PTB's you will then be in a position to report
 broken web sites.

I am fairly sure that NTT does generate and pass through PTBs, if the
user filters them incoming is a different question though.

The problem in this case seems to be the forgetting to configure an MTU
on an tunnel.

A better thing is to ask/check what the real MTU of the tunnel is.
Likely it is even up to 1480 depending on the underlying path.

Of course even better is to get rid of the tunnel and go native ;)

On 2012-07-11 03:38, George Michaelson wrote:
 IETF should be running on a clamped MSS. The only benefits of
 floating MTU upwards is an efficiency gain which is almost irrelevant
 for a text-mainly website of this nature.

 It would be lovely if they could rely on the other end, but a
 governance body should be reachable all the time.

No, the connectivity on the side of the user should be configured
properly. Adding hacks is not the way to go and does not solve the
general problem of misconfiguration that one can't hack around.


IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

Re: List of test IPv6 addresses?

2012-06-02 Thread Jeroen Massar
On 1 Jun 2012, at 23:13, Karl Auer wrote:

 I seem to remember seeing, some time ago, a list of lots and lots of
 test IPv6 addresses. That is, IPv6 addresses that could be fed into
 programs to check whether they were properly interpreted.

Just use getaddrinfo() and all should be fine as then the OS handles it which 
hopefully follows the rules.



IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

Re: IPv6 concern

2012-05-22 Thread Jeroen Massar
On 2012-05-22 03:12 , justin franks wrote:
 I am an Internet Engineer. Specifically large scale ISP and Data Center
 networks. I understand we need IPv6 and am working towards that as well.
 However, I have major concerns about 2 areas in IPv6
 1. The BGP prefix filtering
 2. The assignment of multiple /32 or /48's to the same Organization by
 various RIR's.
 I have typed up a brief one page document here that explains some very
 valid points.

I do not grasp what you are trying to state with your message as it is
very unstructured.

But a couple of comments to statements in that text:

 Really big organizations and ISP's are given a /32 block.

Actually, per default an ISP will get a /32, really big ones will get
larger blocks, up to /13 have been seen already. shows 1 /13 (spread into 14x /22),
2x /19 and several /20's as an example.

 Smaller organizations are given a /48 block

You mean: Organizations who request a PI block and cannot justify more
than a /48.

 Based on those numbers you now know which size prefix you request
 from your RIR. A /48 or a /32.

Or much much much larger, like those /19s mentioned above.

You are obviously forgetting about HD ratio and the amount of customers
that actually are served with these blocks.

Child Prefixes are just called subprefixes

 This model is super modular, super simple and super scalable.

It is not, as if you made the wrong choice when chunking up the prefix
you will need to move a little other chunk somewhere else and you will
just end up in routing mess anyway.

 If it was me I would only advertise Child Prefixes from the
 appropriate BGP routers per region.
 There needs to be an industry standard on what is the smallest prefix
 allowed to be advertised in BGP for IPv6. There is no standard now.
 Once a standard is made then we can begin to plan and design global
 networks accordingly.

Please actually check
for current operational practice that has been in use for nearly a
decade already.

You should only expect the assigned-from-RIR block to be accepted,
nothing else, especially not larger announcements.

As such your first concern is because you do not know about current
operational practice. I suggest you follow:
and visit RIPE, APNIC, NANOG etc meetings that cover these subjects.

For your second concern, indeed, there are various organizations that
have received a disjunct prefix per RIR and in some cases almost a
disjunct prefix per country. These organizations are typically very very
large though and tend to have disjunct routing policies too.
And you do not want to ship your traffic yourself to the otherside of
the world, it is just too messy, with multiple prefixes all that is solved.


IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

Re: Is there an official Extension Headers List?

2012-05-22 Thread Jeroen Massar
On 2012-05-22 17:46 , Brian E Carpenter wrote:
 However, extension headers defined since 2460 have to be added.
 That's the case for MIPv6, SHIM6 and HIP.
 This matters - there are known to be boxes that discard packets
 with a SHIM6 header, for example.
 We do maybe need a little normative RFC on this.

Isn't the proper location for this:

Though that just points to:

as those are all the protocol numbers.

The problem with that list is that it is not noted explicitly as being
a Extension Header, thus IMHO it would be best if IANA could add a flag
or so to indicate that a certain protocol number is explicitly used as a
IPv6 Extension Header.


IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

MLDv1 still in the wild?

2012-02-28 Thread Jeroen Massar

I was wondering, if anybody had a rough idea how many MLDv1-only
listeners are still out there in the wild. My assumption by now is that
current code out there (thus not stuff that has been up and running and
never upgraded for the last 5 years orso ;) all supports MLDv2... or is
there a major platform which does not do MLDv2?


IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

Re: Centrally assigned ULAs for automotives and other environments

2011-09-29 Thread Jeroen Massar
On 2011-09-29 09:20 , Roland Bless wrote:
 Hi Brian,
 Am 28.09.2011 23:07, schrieb Brian E Carpenter:
 On 2011-09-28 23:08, Roland Bless wrote:
 The current ULA-C...

 What do you mean? There is no current definition of ULA-C.
 That's right :-)
 I was referring to the definition in RFC 4193 with L=0, i.e.,
 centrally assigned ULAs. I know that the registry and assignment
 procedure for ULA-C are not defined yet, but the basic format will be
 the same as in RFC 4193. The few I-D proposals for ULA-Cs seemed
 to suggest allocating /48s and not larger address blocks and I could
 very well imagine, that this will be the case if we ever define ULA-Cs.

You do realize that the RIRs are providing exactly what you describe? :)

 - globally guaranteed unique (due to registry) large address prefixes

Which is why from my information ULA-C has also been abandoned, as it
already is something that has already been resolved.

What makes me wonder though, is why you would want to have different
prefixes in different locations that never ever ever will talk to each
other directly using those prefixes.

At least I hope to never have a car that gets chatted up by the car next
to it to suddenly pull on the handbreak.

Any car-2-car communication IMHO would happen with a different global
prefix, likely dynamically assigned to a 'gateway' function that has
proper security properties (call it a 'car rest interface or so). That
security gateway will then relay commands to it's internal network.
That internal network can thus have the same prefix as the other car.
This thus allows one to simply take a random /48 (likely ULA) and
pre-program them in all the systems.

Though it would be a cool idea, dynamically assigning addresses to
random components in a car where one actually needs to also then
maintain a registry of which components are where, will effectively mean
that there will be a DNS server too of sorts to map 'engine' to
2001:db8:.x and the left-mirror to 2001:db8:... Will be a lot of fun
to build I guess, but debugging that will be horrible and overly
complex. Then again, some times that is the fun in things right ;)


IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

Re: Centrally assigned ULAs for automotives and other environments

2011-09-27 Thread Jeroen Massar
On 2011-09-27 15:36 , Roland Bless wrote:
 it seems that there is currently not much interest in ULA-Cs (centrally
 assigned ULAs). I came across several use cases, where manufacturers
 (e.g, those of cars, airplanes, or smart metering environments)
 would need internal/closed IPv6-based networks (maybe only for internal
 control and management), that have no connection to the Internet.

Why can't they request a prefix from their RIR?

RIRs are already Central registries in the broadest sense of the word.

 On the other hand the currently defined ULA format is probably also not
 very well-suited for that purpose, since it is intended to be used for
 sites, but these products rarely require ~2^16 subnets, i.e., an 8 bit
 subnet ID may be sufficient for most purposes.
 Thus, for this case the
 currently defined ULA format is too restrictive requiring a 16-bit
 subnet ID.

Then why not have the organisation needing and hardcoding those prefixes
calculate ULAs in /48s but splitting them up into subprefixes for
multiple products.

A better question maybe is if those components in such a prefix ever
have to talk outside of that closed network. If they don't, why bother
having a different unique prefix for every little private network?
Having to custom-provide different numbers on a large scale is likely
only an extra cost in software/ROM flashing.

(As the title notes 'automotive' I don't see them repurposing the same
hard/software and suddenly changing the whole mentality to start talking
against other networks; they might do that but only with the next
edition of the car.)

 Letting manufacturers ask for a large PI prefix from the
 normal routing space does not make much sense either, since it is not
 intended to be ever routed in the Internet.

The RIR effectively only acts as a registration point thus guaranteeing
that address space allocated in their region, from them, is unique. They
do not and cannot guarantee anything regarding routing on the Internet.


IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

Re: Centrally assigned ULAs for automotives and other, environments

2011-09-27 Thread Jeroen Massar
On 2011-09-27 17:36 , Rob V wrote:
 That doesn't mean all the systems within the car need to speak to the
 outside world.  The engine thermometer doesn't care about traffic or the
 location of the nearest train station.  It just needs to tell the dashboard
 its current read-out.  I presume those are the kinds of systems the OP was
 referring to.

And thus those systems likely will communicate inside a closed network
only and will not ever have to talk to another such system

As such, what is simply wrong with hardcoding a single ULA /48 prefix in
all those systems?

The moment that something is going to talk to them, there will be a
interface/system/proxy involved which will sit on both networks anyway.

Unless the mechanic at the garage can figure out which prefix is being
used inside the car and has a system that can set up proper routing in
and out of that block. Or the other way that his host is going to get an
interface connected to that network and takes an address out of that prefix.

I guess as we are all guessing here what the system is, the better
question is: where is the proposed design of how this system is going to
look like and what it's requirements truly are.

Saying I need ULA is coming up with a solution without looking at the
actual problem at hand.

That said though, every single case of ULA-C will end up the same as the
address space that RIRs are already distributing: globally unique.
Thus from that perspective there is already perfect ULA-C.


IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

Re: Question on IPv6 Route table.

2011-09-26 Thread Jeroen Massar
On 2011-09-26 12:18 , Naarumanchi Kaushik wrote:
 Hi All,
 In linux, route command has an entry for default(which is

Please note that ipv6@ietf is not the Linux configuration help
mailinglist. (then again, not any other similar location afaik ;)

 There will ONLY ONE such entry and it chooses only one physical interface.
 default UG0  00 eth0
 I have configured my linux system with an IPv6 address in my office.
 When route -A inet6 command is executed, we could see two entries for
 ::/0 for two interfaces.
 ::/0   fe80::224:1ff:fe45:84a2UGDAe 1024
 0 0 eth0
 ::/0   fe80::224:1ff:fe45:84a2UGDAe 1024
 0 0 ra0
 So dont we have ONLY one default in case of IPV6 as we have in IPv4
 For this case, which interface we need to select?

It seems that you have two interfaces both connected to the same network
and thus both receiving the same route.

If you ran DHCPv4 on both interfaces you would likely get the same in IPv4.

Quick solution for you, to get 'rid' of the quite valid route over ra0:

sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.ra0.accept_ra=0

And put that line also in /etc/sysctl.conf or another similar location
to preserve it for reboots.


IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

Re: IPng Mailinglist Archives (1994-2004) + Nice SIPP-list quote: nearly 19 years of IPv6

2011-09-26 Thread Jeroen Massar
On 2011-09-26 16:07 , Thomas Narten wrote:
 The mailing list archives are available via the IETF FTP server
 Right. But these are missing a few months worth of stuff that Jeroen
 has on his site (specifically Jeroen has a year's worth of stuff prior
 to 1995-02, that the IETF site doesn't list). Unless it is archived
 elswhere, which may be the case. The IETF archives are not fully
 organized I think, due to various transitions that took place where
 the archiving got improved along the way. It may be that not all of
 the really old stuff is kept in the same place.

Is there a way for this WG to ask the IETF secretariat to create a
comprehensive archive in a single location?

As that would be a great thing for future generations to come.


IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

IPng Mailinglist Archives (1994-2004) + Nice SIPP-list quote: nearly 19 years of IPv6

2011-09-25 Thread Jeroen Massar

I was cleaning boxes and found a 141MB set of mbox files which are the (and ip-ng@ before that) archives:

I could not seem to find them anywhere else, thus I've made them public

Google will get hold of them soon I guess so we don't loose these
threads into the dustbin ;) These archives cover 1994-2004.

Of course there is a little bit of extra history to be taken from:
which dates back to December 1992 and contains the following two
historical quotes (omitting some headers for brevity):

Date: Wed, 23 Dec 92 13:46:35 PST
From: Bob Hinden
Subject: SIP now IPv6


  SIP is now officially IP Version number 6.

Happy Holidays,


--- Start of forwarded message ---

From: (Jon Postel)
Subject: IP Version Number for SIP = 6
Date: Wed, 23 Dec 1992 12:34:11 -0800


Sorry it took so long for us to get to this, and thanks for the reminders.

Ok.  We've assigned IP Version number 6 to SIP.

- --jon  Joyce.

Thus next year IPv6 will be 20 years old already! :)


(If anybody finds more archives, don't hesitate to pass them on, so they
can be restored to online status!)

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

How to deploy IPv6 to endusers (Was: /64 ND DoS)

2011-07-13 Thread Jeroen Massar
On 2011-07-13 10:57 , Mikael Abrahamsson wrote:
 No, we do not provide stateful filtering. We a lot of the time don't
 even provide a CPE. Customer can connect their computer directly into
 the wall RJ45 and get an IPv4 address today.
 When looking at deploying IPv6 in this scenario, we'd like to put each
 customer in a separate /64 so we don't have to deal with a lot of the
 security issues seen when sharing L2 domain between several customers,
 but we'd still have to limit the amount of IPv6 addresses the customer
 can have active due to ND table size limitations (if our central
 equipment is the default gw on the customer LAN). This is even without
 any ddos discussion, this is just normal operations.

Why not deploy it like a lot of folks have been deploying IPv6 for over
a decade already:

 - a /64 link to the router/host of the user
   (link::1 is you, link::2 is them)
 - a route, be it /64, /56 or /48 to link::2 aka the user

That link can be a real Ethernet link or a tunnel. AVM Fritz!Box
supports this and various other vendors also find this great.

The ND issue now lies at the CPE device of the user, who will most
likely not be able to handle 1GB/s anyway when somebody wants to DDoS
them off the net...

  (who saw 500mbit coming sourced from 6to4 on Monday... and indeed most
home networks don't have 500mbit connectivity yet...)

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

Re: How to deploy IPv6 to endusers (Was: /64 ND DoS)

2011-07-13 Thread Jeroen Massar
On 2011-07-13 11:18 , Mikael Abrahamsson wrote:
 On Wed, 13 Jul 2011, Jeroen Massar wrote:
 Why not deploy it like a lot of folks have been deploying IPv6 for over
 a decade already:

 - a /64 link to the router/host of the user
   (link::1 is you, link::2 is them)
 - a route, be it /64, /56 or /48 to link::2 aka the user

 That link can be a real Ethernet link or a tunnel. AVM Fritz!Box
 supports this and various other vendors also find this great.
 What? If it's a /64, then we have the /64 ND DoS problem we've been
 discussing for a gazillion mail already.

It might look like a /64, but you only use ::1 and ::2 and those are
effectively static and effectively it is a /127 without the anycast issue.

Heck, some people pick a /120 for it or whatever they find nice.
Configuration wise and counting wise /64 is just handy. And if one day
you have multi-access on that link, well, no re-numbering, just enable it.

 The ND issue now lies at the CPE device of the user, who will most
 likely not be able to handle 1GB/s anyway when somebody wants to DDoS
 them off the net...
 No it doesn't, if I am ::1 then if someone sends 10kpps to random values
 of ::X:Y:Z:W on that subnet I have to ND all those.

There is no subnet, only ::2, the rest you can ignore.

 10kpps is 5 megabit/s, anyone can do that. I doubt most routers will
work properly
 when handling 10k ND state changes per second.

Test it out today and complain to your vendor ;)


IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

Re: How to deploy IPv6 to endusers (Was: /64 ND DoS)

2011-07-13 Thread Jeroen Massar
On 2011-07-13 12:09 , Mikael Abrahamsson wrote:
 On Wed, 13 Jul 2011, Jeroen Massar wrote:
 Heck, some people pick a /120 for it or whatever they find nice.
 Configuration wise and counting wise /64 is just handy. And if one day
 you have multi-access on that link, well, no re-numbering, just enable
 That's why /125 is nice for renumbering, and no ND issue.

Yeah, pick whatever you like I would say. Just stay away from actually
putting a /127 on the link. Two /128s works like a charm though as then
subnet anycast is not involved anymore.

 The ND issue now lies at the CPE device of the user, who will most
 likely not be able to handle 1GB/s anyway when somebody wants to DDoS
 them off the net...

 No it doesn't, if I am ::1 then if someone sends 10kpps to random values
 of ::X:Y:Z:W on that subnet I have to ND all those.

 There is no subnet, only ::2, the rest you can ignore.
 What should the router do when someone sends a packet to ::3 on that
 subnet? If it's a /64, then it's a subnet with 2^64 active addresses, I
 don't understand how you can call it a non-subnet.

To take this little thing called SixXS as an example, we allocate a /64
per tunnel, but only use tunnel::1 (PoP) and tunnel::2 (user).

We actually only configure ::1 on the tunnel and route ::2 to the
tunnel, thus effectively two /128's. Thus for everything else there will
be directly an ICMP unreachable. Simple as that.

 Test it out today and complain to your vendor ;)

What else would you do? :)


IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

Re: How to deploy IPv6 to endusers (Was: /64 ND DoS)

2011-07-13 Thread Jeroen Massar
On 2011-07-13 13:20 , Mikael Abrahamsson wrote:
 On Wed, 13 Jul 2011, Jeroen Massar wrote:
 To take this little thing called SixXS as an example, we allocate a /64
 per tunnel, but only use tunnel::1 (PoP) and tunnel::2 (user).

 We actually only configure ::1 on the tunnel and route ::2 to the
 tunnel, thus effectively two /128's. Thus for everything else there will
 be directly an ICMP unreachable. Simple as that.
 A tunnel is not a broadcast medium, it's a point to point device. You
 already statically tell it what the other end address is, right? Thus,
 this is not a problem on this type of tunnel.

And you can do exactly the same on a Ethernet link... if there are only
2 addresses (router + user) then there is no need to do ND, well, you
might need to discover the ::2 but that is it, the rest can be ignored.


IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

Re: How to deploy IPv6 to endusers (Was: /64 ND DoS)

2011-07-13 Thread Jeroen Massar
On 2011-07-13 13:52 , Mikael Abrahamsson wrote:
 On Wed, 13 Jul 2011, Jeroen Massar wrote:
 And you can do exactly the same on a Ethernet link... if there are
 only 2 addresses (router + user) then there is no need to do ND, well,
 you might need to discover the ::2 but that is it, the rest can be
 Yes, true, you route ::2 to the ethernet interface, but then it's not
 really a /64, it's a /128 that you reach via ethernet.

And is that not what you want to achieve?

It gives you the flexibility to limit the number of NDs being made,
while also the option of making it multi-access, or one day upgrading it
to one of those fancy proposed crypto-IP-address schemes ;)


IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

TTL/hopcount becomes 0, what to send back, original packet with TTL = 1 or the one with TTL = 0?

2011-06-22 Thread Jeroen Massar

I was wondering about the question in the subject.

One gets a packet, the TTL/Hopcount is one, as I am the router, I
subtract 1, then realize it is 0 and have to send out an ICMP
unreachable as I want to actually forward it on to the next router/host.

Now, the question is, do I need to send back the _original_ header
containing TTL=1 in the payload of the ICMP or the new header with a TTL
of 0?

The question becomes more interesting when one receives a packet with
TTL=0 from some malicious sender, what to do with that one?


IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

Re: [Technical Errata Reported] RFC5952 (2656)

2010-12-02 Thread Jeroen Massar
On 2010-12-02 22:17, RFC Errata System wrote:
 The following errata report has been submitted for RFC5952, A
 Recommendation for IPv6 Address Text Representation.
 Historically from the 1960's, hexidecimal digits other than decimal
 digits are represented by upper case letters.  Lower case letters may
 have become acceptable as user input, but such resulted from lazy
 programmers who couldn't manage to hit the shift key on their

Welcome to 2010!

I also want to state that I find the above text absolutely insulting to
any programmer on this planet and even in galaxies far far away.

 However, lower case is not acceptable for digit output.
 Many early assemblers would not even accept lower case as valid input
 digits except where the radix base exceeded 36 (thus exhausting all
 upper case values).  This poor programming practice should not be
 allowed to be codified into any Internet standard.

There is nothing 'poor' about outputting lower case characters which are
in the same optical spectrum as the numeric values of hex.

I really do not support any such change and I sincerely hope that the
RFC Editor removes this ad hominem attack to all programmers.


IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

2001:db8::/32 listing in IANA IPv6 Special Purpose Address Registry + interlinking of the various registries

2010-10-29 Thread Jeroen Massar

Should 2001:db8::/32 not be listed in:

as it seems to fit the condition of:

Address prefixes listed in the Special Purpose Address Registry are not
guaranteed routability in any particular local or global context.

It isn't listed either at:

nor at:

Next to that, it would be nice IMHO if those three where at least
interlinked with a HTML link for at least the xhtml versions.


IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

Re: exposing allocation policy externally

2010-09-14 Thread Jeroen Massar
On 2010-09-14 07:59, Mikael Abrahamsson wrote:
 Does this sound like madness or something that might be of use? What WG
 might be best suited to bring this idea to?

What part can not be achieved with WHOIS/RPSL already?

Guess you would have to only introduce a few new tokens to get to what
you want.

The bigger issue though is just like WHOIS though: folks don't update.
And of course, folks will lie...

WHOIS is pretty meaningless for addresses and contacts already in quite
a number of cases, adding more data will only add more nonsense.

I am for that matter all in for having a 'HIDDEN' marker so that folks
can say 'this data is hidden' or 'unknown, and then get rid of all the
data which is nonsense.


IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

Re: exposing allocation policy externally

2010-09-14 Thread Jeroen Massar
On 2010-09-14 10:12, Mikael Abrahamsson wrote:
 On Tue, 14 Sep 2010, Jeroen Massar wrote:
 On 2010-09-14 07:59, Mikael Abrahamsson wrote:
 Does this sound like madness or something that might be of use? What WG
 might be best suited to bring this idea to?

 What part can not be achieved with WHOIS/RPSL already?
 Why aren't people using WHOIS for DNSBL? Massive amount of questions are
 frowned upon by the people who run whois servers.

I assume you mean queries instead of questions. They rate limit that
mostly though to avoid robots from querying all the person objects and
snarf the (email) address details.

 The bigger issue though is just like WHOIS though: folks don't update.
 And of course, folks will lie...
 Absolutely, nothing is perfect.
 WHOIS is pretty meaningless for addresses and contacts already in quite
 a number of cases, adding more data will only add more nonsense.
 My idea wasn't to use WHOIS for this, I was more thinking in lines of
 reverse-DNS but in new structure (under arpa.) or something completely new.
 I think there is a need to somehow publish this information and do it
 dynamically, and I don't think WHOIS is the way to go.

Publishing policy in a consistent and parseable manner is a good idea

Bill Manning's link (see his mail) shows something along the lines that
you are thinking about I guess, but instead of creating a new domain one
could also stuff it in the existing reverse DNS space similar to _spf
records are done on forward domains, thus eg; but maybe a separate domain (and thus
unfortunately all the trust involved in delegating that and maintaining
it) is a better idea as then one can have a more specific for a certain

Maybe it is time to convert WHOIS into, but storing
person/contact data that does not want to published there in the current
RIR whois services, thus just having policy information?

There is though a lot one can do with RPSL queries that won't be
feasible with DNS.


IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

Re: ping-pong phenomenon with p2p links /127 prefixes

2010-08-16 Thread Jeroen Massar
On 2010-08-16 10:08, Fernando Gont wrote:
 P.S.: This fix doesn't prevent the use of /127s (it's orthogonal),

Unless you configure two /128's pointing to the remote side, which will
then thus not be 'on-link for neighbor discovery, the little thing
called the subnet anycast address will make sure that a /127 ptp simply
does not work, unless you have a platform which disables the subnet
anycast address of course.


... who is still wondering why people try to bother with anything not
/64, and how many links they need in their networks. If you are going to
size them a /127, even out of a /64 then you can do 2^63 =
9.223.372.036.854.775.808 /127's which is a bit insane and you will
never need that either as it won't ever fit in any routing table ;)

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

Re: ping-pong phenomenon with p2p links /127 prefixes

2010-08-16 Thread Jeroen Massar
On 2010-08-16 11:12, wrote:
 Unless you configure two /128's pointing to the remote side, which will
 then thus not be 'on-link for neighbor discovery, the little thing
 called the subnet anycast address will make sure that a /127 ptp simply
 does not work, unless you have a platform which disables the subnet
 anycast address of course.
 It would seem disabling the subnet anycast is fairly widespread, then.
 I have verified the use of /127 on several hardware forwarding platforms
 from Cisco and Juniper. /127 works just fine, and prevents the ping-pong.
 [One concrete example where /127 works: Juniper T1600 talking to Cisco
 CRS-1 on an OC-768/STM-256 link.]

It is quite wide-spread indeed, and for instance Linux used to do it
also until a kernel update in 2003 from 2.4.20 - 2.4.21 and they
finally implemented subnet anycast support(*) and suddenly it all
started breaking as for at the time we used /127's and everybody
with a Linux endpoint who did an upgrade of their kernels suddenly had a
mysterious broken configuration.

Thus, do ask Cisco and Juniper and other vendors where this now 'works'
if this intentional, or if they might finally comply to the IPv6
specifications one day, as then you might better watch out for this as
it will break your network. For the vendors that have it, it might maybe
be an idea to have a 'disable subnetanycast' command or similar so that
one can explicitly mark a prefix that way.


* =

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

Re: ping-pong phenomenon with p2p links /127 prefixes

2010-08-16 Thread Jeroen Massar
On 2010-08-16 11:41, wrote:
 Thus, do ask Cisco and Juniper and other vendors where this now 'works'
 if this intentional, or if they might finally comply to the IPv6
 specifications one day, as then you might better watch out for this as
 it will break your network. For the vendors that have it, it might maybe
 be an idea to have a 'disable subnetanycast' command or similar so that
 one can explicitly mark a prefix that way.
 I have no plans to ask Cisco and Juniper about this. I want /127 to
 continue working, and couldn't care less about subnet anycast for my
 core routers.

I think you miss my point: they might finally comply with the specs one
day (if you ask or not, others might) and you will have forgotten about
this little subtle problem and upgrade your routers and voila your
network is broken.

If I where you, or anybody else who is using this 'feature' I would be
wary of it and make a big big note for the test-lab to test this before
shoving new versions to the live network.


IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

Re: ping-pong phenomenon with p2p links /127 prefixes

2010-08-16 Thread Jeroen Massar
[two replies in once before I truly fill up every one's mailboxes ;) ]

On 2010-08-16 11:46, Randy Bush wrote:
 I have no plans to ask Cisco and Juniper about this. I want /127 to
 continue working, and couldn't care less about subnet anycast for my
 core routers.

 I think you miss my point: they might finally comply with the specs one
 day (if you ask or not, others might) and you will have forgotten about
 this little subtle problem and upgrade your routers and voila your
 network is broken.
 then you will join us supporting the /127 document and it won't be a
 problem, will it.

When it is changed that way, indeed it won't be a problem any more as
that is then the standard and people can't be bitten by it anymore.

The big 'problem' I have with it that it is yet-another-special case.
Special cases should be kept to a minimum where possible.

On 2010-08-16 11:48, Ole Troan wrote:
 it is intentional.
 there is a command to enable support for subnet-router anycast if use
 of that is desired.

For your platform (which is then a resolved case), but maybe not others.

 is there _any_ operational experience with the use of the subnet
 router anycast address?

I've never found a real use for it.

 asking the question another way. is it still a good idea, or was it

Currently I don't see the use. The only use seems to be an extra
annoying slide when one is explaining all the 'good stuff about IPv6' ;)

One would almost wonder about fully deprecating the subnet anycast


IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

Re: [BEHAVE] address-format: bits 64 to 71

2009-12-09 Thread Jeroen Massar
Xu Xiaohu wrote:
 Since the following email is not successfully received by some subscribers,
 so I resend it.

You might want to try and subscribe to to resolve part of
that issue, otherwise everytime you sent something it ends up in the
moderation queue


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

Re: IPv6 Loopback Address Range

2009-09-18 Thread Jeroen Massar
Vijayrajan ranganathan wrote:
If I want to use more than 1 loopback IPv4 address, I can
assign one from address range.
Does IANA reserve some IPv6 address range for loopback communication?
If not, what is the best address range to use for assigning such an
 IPv6 address?

As Chris mentioned there is only 1 loopback address, not a full /8

Most very likely you will want these loopbacks, like everything else, to
be globally unique. As such ULA (RFC4193) to the rescue, or just take a
/64 or something from the address space you get from your ISP/RIR/etc.

 Jeroen for a handy generator/registration.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

Re: 6to4 and icmp6

2009-02-28 Thread Jeroen Massar
Tim Riker wrote:
 Has there been talk of having 6to4 gateways transform icmp6 traffic
 to/from icmp with ipv6 encapsulated in the ipv4 icmp payload?

 (instead of icmp6 inside protocol type 41 ipv4 packets)
 This could be identified by the icmp6 header in the payload on the
 return to unpack.
 This would allow mtr/traceroute6 and the like to see the ipv4 hops and
 greatly assist in debugging 6to4 traffic.

I like the idea on the first view, but it isn't going to help a lot as...

The problematic 6to4-relays/hops will then need to have this feature,
and as they are problematic they are most likely not monitored either at
the moment. Before this feature is documented, before those hosts are
upgraded to support it, I hope that 6to4 is long long gone

There is another issue with this proposal, and that is that 6to4 relays
at the moment can support quite high rates (and some vendor C products
are said to do it in hardware) but with this added they would have to
add checking+decoding+changing of those packets, which is not always
good for performance. Don't forget that in some (broken IMHO) networks
6to4 relays/hops might just appear in the middle of a network, one can't
recognize that 6to4 would be involved then.

The big problem with debugging 6to4 (and Teredo) is the anycast factor,
which has effect on both IPv4 and IPv6 routing of packets, and thus
making quadruple (IPv4 (back+forth) + IPv6 (back+forth)) debugging
necessary in case of problems; the problem there again is that you need
to be able to find all the parties involved, and actually have access to
all the nodes that change IPv4-IPv6 and IPv6-IPv4; horrible mess, not
easily solvable.

Hopefully at least server operators are smart enough to server from
native IPv6 addresses. Then users who have native (or non-6to4/Teredo)
connectivity at least don't have the hassle that 6to4 brings along.

6to4 is cool for just 'plugging in and go' and that works great, but the
moment that one of the relays affecting your path is doing something
weird it is very very hard to fix them. This proposal would help
debugging but you still would need a traceroute from both sides and then
hope that all the bad hops also support it... not quickly going to
happen unfortunately :(


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

Re: Why would anyone want to use a 64 bit interface identifier?

2008-10-02 Thread Jeroen Massar
Dunn, Jeffrey H. wrote:
 While I agree that the use of an EUI-64 network identifier predicates a
 64-bit prefix, I am not convinced that an EUI-64 is the best way to go.
 After all, the Ethernet MAC address is only 48 bits, so we are
 essentially throwing away 16 bits (assuming that the identifier is
 globally unique).  Further, we require the use of DAD, so why not just
 use a 32 bit pseudo random number generated by the device and let DAD
 take care of the possibility of address duplication?

Because in EUI-64 there should not be any clashes. (you know, like MAC
addresses they never run out ;)

What you also seem to be forgetting is this thing called
'statelessness'. And that you might want to IPv6-enable your carpet.

Also, at 2 DAD clashes most stacks stop trying and give up, tada your
whole carpet is now inaccessible...

(Might I nastily suggest that people start reading up on the history on
certain choices in the IPv6 architecture? Christian Huitema's IPv6* book
is really interesting and so is IPng* by Bradner and Mankin for even
older history).


* =
(just picking Amazon as it was the first hit in google, nothing else...)

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

Re: the IPv6 Ethernet lost bits - fffe

2008-10-01 Thread Jeroen Massar
Alexandru Petrescu wrote:
 For what it's worth,
 Whenever statelessly auto-configuring an IPv6 address on Ethernet the
 10th and 11th bytes are always 'fffe', hardcoded.  These are lost bits.

The world has more devices than Ethernet. The Ethernet MAC - EUI-64
trick (thus your lost fffe bits) is just a trick. Take firewire for
example which uses full EUI-64.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

Re: the IPv6 Ethernet lost bits - fffe

2008-10-01 Thread Jeroen Massar
Tim Chown wrote:
 On Wed, Oct 01, 2008 at 04:36:57PM +0200, Jeroen Massar wrote:
 Alexandru Petrescu wrote:
 For what it's worth,

 Whenever statelessly auto-configuring an IPv6 address on Ethernet the
 10th and 11th bytes are always 'fffe', hardcoded.  These are lost bits.
 The world has more devices than Ethernet. The Ethernet MAC - EUI-64
 trick (thus your lost fffe bits) is just a trick. Take firewire for
 example which uses full EUI-64.
 Well, Vista uses 'random' host addresses, 64-bit ones.

Any stack can use that (actually Linux, XP, Vista, KAME all have it).
That is just RFC3041 and those are FULL EUI-64 addresses.

 If the spec
 had been different way back when, these could equally have been 32 or
 48 bits instead.   But it wasn't.

The specs just talk about EUI-64. Ethernet is just one thing that can be
converted to a full EUI-64 address.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Mailing list

2008-09-16 Thread Jeroen Massar
Mark Townsley wrote:
 We have setup an email list for discussion leading up to the interim 
 v4v6 coexistence meeting on October 1-2, 2008 in Montréal, Canada. If 
 you are registered to attend the meeting, you should already be on the list.
 The list is open, please subscribe and begin using it for all interim 
 meeting related discussion (technical as well as 

For people, like me, who are not going to the meeting, but do want to
follow the discussions and possibly contribute to them, the list, signup
and archives can be found here:

I couldn't find a reference to it from those URL's posted, might be good
to put the ref there too.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

Re: Minimum IPv6 MTU

2008-07-10 Thread Jeroen Massar

Fernando Gont wrote:


RFC 2460 states that every link in an internet have an MTU of 1280 
octets or greater, and that any link that cannot convey a 1280-octet 
packet in one piece must provide fragmentation and reassembly at a layer 
bellow IPv6.

However, while talking about the specs with a few folks (who preferred 
to remain anonymous), it was mentioned to me that in a number of 
scenarios (not necessarily those that involve tunnels), some links have 
an MTU smaller than 1280, and they do not perform the fragmentation and 
reassembly function at a layer bellow IP that RFC 2460 requires.

Then those links have to be fixed. Simple, nothing to it ;)

This is why there are a couple of RFC's that explicitly detail how these 
links are used to transmit/use IPv6. Some for instance don't support 
multicast which thus breaks the whole concept of Neighbor Discovery etc.

Thus if you know any linktype which is not able yet to properly do IPv6, 
document them as a draft and submit it.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

Re: Network Scanning

2008-04-07 Thread Jeroen Massar

Sean Siler wrote:

Microsoft based Operating Systems join the All Nodes On Link Multicast Group

 as specified by RFC 4291, but that RFC does not mandate that nodes must
 reply to ICMP echo requests.  So while we do not reply to pings to 

 we are also in compliance with the RFC.

Thus, as such, to identify this OS, one would just have to send an MLD 
Query on the link, receive the responses, and tada, you have, per the 
RFC, all the hosts that at least comply to the RFC, then substract the 
ones you receive an ICMP echo from et voila you know what is doing this 
trick, which currently means that it is most likely Windows-based as all 
the KAME's including even OpenBSD reply to the ANOL-ping. The KAME ones 
you can even do Node Queries to to get more data out of them.

As both MLD and ICMP Echo are ICMP packets, and both is 1 packet 
outbound (request/query), and several inbound (the replies), nothing 
really is of a difference.

Unless of course the OS is programmed to have a notion of a 'secure 
router' which would mean one need to do some spoofing, unless the switch 
is smart enough to detectblock those kind of action.

The real solution to on-link attacks is of course to compartmentalize 
the network and to have secure hosts in the first place. Then the only 
issue left is that rather annoying factor called humans :)


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

Re: Network Scanning

2008-04-04 Thread Jeroen Massar

Prasanna Ram Venkatachalam wrote:

Hi all,

With the evolving IPv6 which will be a mandate soon(as far as i know), 
the network discovery is going to be very difficult. Is there any 
optimized way proposed so far which can be used with IPv6 for network 

ping6 ff02::1

Which should make every single host on a link answer to it.

For the rest, read the excellent paper by Steven M. Bellovin:


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

Re: Network Scanning

2008-04-04 Thread Jeroen Massar

Brian McGehee wrote:

ping6 ff02::1

Which should make every single host on a link answer to it.

Answer with it's link-local address, which is probably not the goal.

Then what is the goal? Negative comments are great, but not so very 
useful, if people want the correct answer to their wrong answers they 
need to be more correct with their questions.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

In Memoriam: Jun-ichiro Hagino

2007-10-30 Thread Jeroen Massar
I unfortunately just noticed the following being spread around.
This is a real big loss :(

Jun-ichiro itojun Itoh Hagino passed away on October 29, 2007 at the
age of 37.

To those in the BSD communities he was simply Itojun, best known in his
role as IPv6 KAME project core researcher. Itojun did the vast majority
of the work to get IPv6 into the BSD network stacks. He was also
instrumental in moving IPv6 forward in all aspects through his
participation in IETF protocol design meetings. Itojun was helpful to
everyone around him, and dedicated to his work. He believed and worked
toward making technology available to everyone. He will be missed, and
always remembered.

Rest in piece Itojun.


 Original Message 
From: Dragos Ruiu [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: In Memoriam: Jun-ichiro Hagino
Date: Tue, 30 Oct 2007 14:10:58 -0700

With great sadness, I regret to inform you that Itojun
will not be presenting his great knowledge of IPv6 at
PacSec.  I have been informed by several sources
that he passed away yesterday.

Funeral services will be held on Nov 7th at Rinkai-Saijo
in Tokyo. There aren't many details of his passing,
so please let his family and relatives mourn in peace
for now.  My heartfelt condolances go out to them,
and all of his many friends.

I knew Itojun as one of the smartest and kindest people
I have ever met. He helped everyone around him. He
graciously hosted and assisted many foreigners new
to Japan at the PacSec conferences, and was a good
friend to all. He would go to extraordinary lengths to
help anyone around him. We will all miss him - and
his work on IPv6 will continue to help us for a long

He once said to me, When a professional race car
driver races, his pulse gets lower and he relaxes.
When I code it is the same thing. I'll miss him
driving around in his prized Fiat 500... and I hope
we can all proceed to help fix our V6 networks
without his gentle and insistent coaching.

We will announce a replacement talk shortly.

If you knew or respected him, he would have
wanted any energy you put towards grief to
be spent on speeding the adoption and the
robustness of the version 6 internet which
he devoted so much of his extraordinary
life to.

Some more information in Japanese

May he rest in peace,

World Security Pros. Cutting Edge Training, Tools, and Techniques
Tokyo, JapanNovember 29/30 - 2007
pgpkey kyxpgp

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

IPv6 Books (Re: An example of what is wrong with the IETF's IPv6 documentation)

2007-10-24 Thread Jeroen Massar
Mohsen Souissi wrote:
 == See also the native-French-wiki book:
 (from the Book IPv6, Theorie et pratique, O'Reilly, 4th Edition).
  | are pretty much up to date.
 == so is the book online...

Also online: (first hit for google
(ipv6 book) btw.

Other books on top of the ones mentioned already in random order:
 - Running IPv6
 - Deploying IPv6
 - IPv6 In Practice

And of course the old IPv6 bible: IPv6, the new Internet Protocol

I also have the book from Silvia Hagen (IPv6 Essentials) in both German
and English, the good thing about them is that Silvia writes it in a way
that is also understandable by people who didn't do much networking
before. The other books can be a bit more technical, but as this is a
technical topic that should not scare you away from them.

The 'correct' one for you thus depends on what you are looking for of
course ;)

Practical experience is of course the real way to learn to use it. Books
are good references though and tend to read easier than RFCs.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

Re: IPv6 Books (Re: An example of what is wrong with the IETF's IPv6 documentation)

2007-10-24 Thread Jeroen Massar
Alexandru Petrescu wrote:
 A book I'm pondering over, buying it maybe one day:

 IPv6 Advanced Protocols Implementation
 at Morgan-Kaufmann of Elsevier

Did not see that one before, but I see one important name on the book,
Jinmei, and as such indeed, if you are looking at actually implementing
an IPv6 stack yourself, it most very likely will not be a bad book to
read ;)

/me puts it on the 'add to collection list'

 Also online: (first hit 
 for google
 (ipv6 book) btw.
 I've already mentioned that one on but I can't
 say that it is recommended unless I learn more about it.
 I trust Brian Carpenter's recommendation due to his history with the
 IETF and I think I trust the French book because it is a wiki and Mohsen
 claims it is being kept up to date.

Well, you can also simply accept his recommendation based on the mere
fact that a lot of people have and use the books by Silvia Hagen and she
has been giving IPv6 lectures for quite a few years already, she
definitely knows what she is talking about. But so go for the other books.

The books I noted (thus hardcopies, not the web one) are all written by
people who actively use IPv6, most have implemented IPv6 in a large
environment and have participated in the IETF and also the various RIRs.
As such they definitely know what they are talking about. Next to that
they also have technical reviewers and nowadays in the age of the
Internet there are sites where reviews are given about the books and you
can base your opinion on that too.

 I'm not sure that I trust the other
 books in your list, especially since you reference Huitema's book which
 is part of the problem.

As I stated, it is the old bible, it is from 1996 or so after all. As
such it is FAR from current but still it is a great book, just a wee bit
outdated. If you have an IPv6 book collection that that and also IPng
Internet Protocol Next Generation by Scott Bradner and Allison Mankin
is definitely a must on the shelf.

The other books are all quite pretty recent (max 2 years old) and thus
indeed contain more up to date information.

Books need to be edited and published which takes quite some time and
people are not going to redo them everyday. Though, as I noted, most of
them have websites which will contain errata fixups and also new
chapters or extra material to cover that gap though.

Run into a bookstore, browse through them and then decide. It is also a
matter of taste and what you want.

 Indeed. I'm not looking for a book at all, but an RFC which summarizes
 the current state of IPv6 that can be used as an authoritative source to
 win arguments with people who are still stuck in IPv4 thinking.

Ehmm, you are trying to make an argument against people while you
actually don't know what you are talking about? :)

Really, that won't work. A summary won't help there either, you will
need to know really what you want to talk about. Do it, then you know
and then you can win arguments. That is if your only target is to always
win in those things, sometimes the other party actually makes a very
completely valid point...

 A lot of mistakes are being made because too many people think of IPv6
 as IPv4 with more bits. 

Is it anything else than? s/ARP/ND+DAD/, s/subnetting/\/64/ and a few
others, but there is not much else in the most basic parts that is
really different. Then again, if you play with it too long you don't
really notice a difference anymore I guess ;)

 Practical experience is of course the real way to learn to 
 use it. Books are good references though and tend to read 
 easier than RFCs.
 It takes years to get the practical experience, and even more years to
 unlearn bad habits. As for readability, an overview RFC is not likely to
 be as hard to read as a protocol specification.

The big question is: would they then suddenly read it?

No, they would still take a book, ask their friend/colleague.

 The real issue here is, does the IETF's responsibility end with giving
 the vendors the specs that they need, or does the IETF have a
 responsibility to RIRs, network operators, enterprise network managers,
 and end users?

IMHO, for protocols (thus IPv6, IPv4, POP3, IMAP etc etc) it ends at the
vendors, as those have to implement a protocol.

End-users (thus including network operators, who are not implementing
the protocols themselves) should read a good book about the subject. Or
actually, the vendor should be doing a good job of making it easy to use
and provide adequate documentation.

Though INPUT on those protocols, what can be better, what should change
etc, thus operational input, is of course very welcome as they do have
to use them, and if they don't use them, what is the point of making
them in the first place.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Misunderstanding IPv6 (Was: IPv6 Books)

2007-10-24 Thread Jeroen Massar
 I think that you and I have a fundamental disagreement on how technical
 material would be presented. I would prefer to hide wee bit outdated
 books, just as I don't say anything about Classful addressing when
 teaching people what an IPv4 address is. VLSM and CIDR is the state of
 the art, and classful adressing only deserves mention as an afterthought
 to explain why on earth so many people still talk about Class C blocks. 
 People don't need to know about TLAs, and the wonderful goals of IPNG
 which were later discarded along the way.

I guess you would also discard a history book as past learnings are not
good to have?

 They need to know how IPv6 works and how to implement it today.

Exactly the same as IPv4 but with more bits. Nothing odd there.

 They need to be able to design a
 sensible addressing plan that maintains the IPv6 architecture and will
 not require renumbering large parts of their network in a few years to
 accommodate growth.

So you are letting people 'design' networks who can't even be bothered
to read up? Can you inform me of the places where that is, so that I can
avoid them?

And really, what is so hard about giving a /64 per LAN, counting a bit
how many subnets you have in this neighborhood and that region and
applying some simple arithmetic?

Fortunately the RIRs still in most cases require people to actually
submit a network plan before getting an allocation from them.

Fortunately also those very same RIRs do provide excellent guidance when
people don't get it.

 They need to understand that it is a sin to
 undersize a subnet block which is the reverse of the situation with

I have one very simple solution to your problem:
 Write and publish a book or website about this ;)

You will quickly find out that:
 - not many people will use it
 - that it is outdated the moment you are done
 - that the same arguments you raise against those books you
   are trying to claim are 'inaccurate' also go for your site.

 I'm not so arrogant as to claim I am all-knowing. That doesn't help win
 technical arguments.

But you do want the summary so you can win it without actually knowing
why those decisions where made, which actually would allow you to
argument why they where made, though by other people and thus allow you
to make a stronger case? :)

 And although I can deal with my own educational
 needs by plodding through RFCs and books etc., that doesn't help me find
 a concise overview of the CURRENT state of the IPv6 art to recomment to
 others, so that they too, can win technical arguments, or see the error
 of their ways.

Thus you claim to have the answers but are unable to write them down?

Also since when are RFC's even remotely the 'current state' anyway?
They tend to take a long time to become actual RFC's and vendors tend to
do things just a bit different.

That is all in the line of work, if you are a network operator or for
that matter anything related to computers you will need to stay on the
pace of things, if you don't, then you loose out.

 Really, that won't work. A summary won't help there either, 
 you will need to know really what you want to talk about. Do 
 it, then you know and then you can win arguments. That is if 
 your only target is to always win in those things, 
 sometimes the other party actually makes a very completely 
 valid point...
 I don't think you understand the situation. There are loads of people
 with many years of deep IPv4 experience under their belt. They have
 gotten used to understanding networks and being right when they make
 design tradeoffs.

Then they should also know that sometimes they are wrong. They should
also know that things change. And that sometimes they need to read a
book or a some other material on it.

 The vast majority of these people have a very slim
 understanding of IPv6 and no experience implementing or running it.

If they really understand and grasp networking, IPv6 will not be a
problem. If it is a problem, then that is mostly because they don't want
to understand.

 In the RIR sphere it will stop people from supporting policies which
 recommend *ALL* ISPs to assign a /120 to *ALL* customers unless they can
 justify more space.

The current RIR policies are simple:
 - /48 for end-sites
 - /64 when you know very sure that that end-site will have only
   ever one single network behind it.

 - /128 for one single device when you know for sure that there
will only be a single device on it.

This has been the same already for the last, what, 5 years++? :)

 As you just said, IPv6 is *NOT* IPv4 with more bits.

It is as one doesn't have to care about ARP or ND in either setup.

 There are other
 differences. You forgot anycast and you forgot to mention that only

Since when is anycast an exclusive IPv6 property? Anycast is a routing
trick. Nothing more, nothing less.

People have been using this for ages already.

 1/8th of the total space is currently 

Re: dickson-v6man-new-autoconf

2007-10-22 Thread Jeroen Massar
[this is going to be a long and sort of whiny one, apologies in advance]

 As such, you as an ISP will get more than enough address space.
 Please now go and read draft-dickson-v6man-new-autoconf-00.

I was not interested at all in reading it as your presentation already
contains a lot of misconceptions, which you then presented at NANOG, to
a group of people who will then get even more misconceptions as they
don't have the time to read through a bulk of text either. They will
though maybe have seen the presentation and think that is the current
state of play, which it is not.

 It goes into why having ISPs get more space from RIRs is a bad thing.

Thus your presentation doesn't reflect what you are actually are trying
to target, while it caries the title of the same draft?

Sorry, but not everybody wants to read through a bulk of text,
especially with a non-technical introduction of nearly three pages, but
most people will assume that the presentation, though in less detail, at
least covers the same content as the draft on the same subject and of
the same name and hopefully then is also concise and correct.

 Even if space is available, there is no guarantee that ISPs getting
 multiple /32's will announce them only as aggregates. (IPv4 deaggregates
 are the demonstrable support for that particular argument.)

There are already a couple ISP's who got prefixes between /20 and /32
who are currently de-aggregating it.

Changing where the user-bits are, is not going to change that. That is
is in the hands of the ISPs who either accept or don't accept those

One can easily take the the IPv6 stats files provided by the RIRs and
make prefix filters based on that, thus only accepting exactly the
allocations that have been actually allocated by the various RIRs.
If that is what you want of course.

But, that won't work either, as I have previously mentioned already,
there are several ISP's who went to the various RIRs and gotten chunks
from all of them. Some even simply asked for separate (though
aggregatable) chunks from the RIR, a /32 per country.

You are mixing up Addressing with Routing. You are trying to solve a
Routing issue by changing Addressing.

Please see the [EMAIL PROTECTED] and [EMAIL PROTECTED] who are attempting to 
that issue.

Also note that the whole idea of giving a /48 (or currently being
proposed a /56*) to end-sites has a real reason: so that those users get
(64-48=) 16 bits to play with.

(* = the /56 for home-sites is a good idea IMHO and would indeed give a
bit more space to ISP's. It is a MUCH better idea than changing EUI-64
though, which can sort of be seen as wasteful, but it is not)

Of course, such an end-site can always decide to either get more /48's
if they are really that big. Or they can do DHCPv6 and deal out /126's.
That really is the end-sites problem. The EUI-64 is there as it will
cater for all, not only a few.

 More importantly, the slides were to generate interest in reading the
 larger document.

But as the slides already contain a lot of misconceptions, my interest
is not raised at all to even look at it as it will only contain more of

 Obviously, I would have preferred giving a long lecture
 on the whole ball of wax (not!).

...oooOO( If you have no interest in actually correctly presenting and
thus defending your draft, then why do it? )

 But, in the absence of presenting that,
 I had to hit enough of the highlights to get folks over here, and get
 folks to read the draft itself.

As there was no discussion about the subject yet on any of the lists
that I know about, lets discuss it now that we at least have your
attention and that of a few others.

 Slide 12: IMHO you indeed really don't get it ;)

 Does it matter if you have /40's routed to your distinct PoPs, thus
 geo-aggregated, and then route /48's from each PoP to the customer, or
 make this a difference when you make that into /48's and /64's
 respectively? The route count will remain the same.
 What matters (and this is the main reason for the whole set of proposals),
 is the *ability* of the ISP to aggregate however they want.

They can already. They get 128-(16~32)-48 of address bits. They can
provide their network layout to the RIR they are requesting their prefix
from and voila. If you need more bits between that, justify them and get
them, it really is that simple.

 I have a script for taking bits (range) and bits (min size), to calculate
 the permutations of hierarchies that can be produced. In the appendix,
 I list some of them, and summarize the counts for others.

Ever heard of the concept of HD ratio? Hint: there is an RFC and it is
what RIRs and ISPs use to calculate how large their IPv6 allocation is
supposed to be.

 Note also that there are still not 1000 IPv6 prefixes globally...
 And, should experience at some later point show that my proposition on
 the impact of /64 holds true, what then?

Which exact 


2007-10-21 Thread Jeroen Massar

I just noticed
and found some serious flaws and most likely misunderstandings in the
way that some things are presented in there. It was already publicly
presented at the NANOG meeting, so lets discuss ;)

insert humble mode disclaimer etc /

Slide 4: 2000::/3 are indeed only 125 bits, but this is done so that if
2000::/3 turns out to be a mistake that another of the 8 /3's can be
chosen to start again, and improve on it. As such, only using 2000::/3
at the moment is a great thing. Indeed this will most likely then create
a bit of a Class A situation, but most very likely it is going to be
just fun.

Slide 9: Of course you can ignore it, just use DHCP. Only fe80::/10 is
fixed to use EUI-64 at the moment. Everything else, if you want can be
done with /126's if you really want. But that defies the whole idea of
stateless autoconfiguration. Nevertheless, if you really want, you can.

But why would you? As an ISP you go to your RIR and the RIR allocates
you a block of address space (generally a /32 or much larger) based on
how many customers you expect to have times /48 + some HD-based overhead.

As such, you as an ISP will get more than enough address space.

Slide 10/11: You don't reserve any bits for customers. They are already
getting a /48 which should be *way more than sufficient* for their
purposes. If they really will need more than 65536 /64 based networks
they will already have such a large network now, and thus can tell you
hey we need a /47 or something, or they will at a certain point run
out and come back and you give them another /48, which does not really
have to be consecutive. Most of those very large networks though will
simply request PI space. As such they are not your worries.

If you are reserving space you clearly misunderstood the whole idea of
the /48's.

Also, there have been plans already (eg by Thomas Nartens) to make the
default assignment size /56 to end-users. Companies would still get
/48's though.

Why would this squeeze the ISP?, you can get as much space from your
RIR as you require. Same as for IPv4. Justify and receive.

Slide 12: IMHO you indeed really don't get it ;)

Does it matter if you have /40's routed to your distinct PoPs, thus
geo-aggregated, and then route /48's from each PoP to the customer, or
make this a difference when you make that into /48's and /64's
respectively? The route count will remain the same.

Note also that there are still not 1000 IPv6 prefixes globally...

I won't even go in on the rest of the slides, as the above already make
all your assumptions for the rest broken...


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

Re: New Routing Header!!!

2007-09-02 Thread Jeroen Massar
Manfredi, Albert E wrote:
 -Original Message-
 From: Arnaud Ebalard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Can you please give me in one or two sentences (i.e.
 little effort) the specific purpose/use those people have.
 This is the only thing i keep asking for on the list and
 no one has still answered with specific use.
 Testing paths between routers that would otherwise be unused in the
 current topology, creating separate paths between dual-homed hosts
 connected redundantly to a single network infrastructure, routing
 certain types of signals on separate paths from other types of signal
 (e.g. multimedia streams routed differently from text or file

On your own (thus in some way controlled by you) network, or on the
public Internet where you have totally no control over those networks,
and mostly you will not get control as those ASN's are somebody elses?

If your own, then the security question becomes lighter as a special tag
could be added to packets whereby routers know that these packets should
be allowed to do these tricks, otherwise it won't work as you don't own
those people's routers.

And is this being really used or only for research/testing? [y/n]


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

Re: draft-ietf-ipv6-ula-central-02.txt

2007-07-11 Thread Jeroen Massar
 It is more about creating a address space that can be used 
 for OTHER thing than the DFZ-way of thinking Internet we have now.
 Up until now, I've been on the fence regarding ULA-centrally-registered
 address space, but after several comments in the past two days, I now
 support defining these addresses.

My views are also changing, toward positive, based on the discussions,
but there is a big but: the draft needs to say those things too.

The description has to be heavily updated to explain really WHY this
type of addresses (should) exist and for what usages. Also I am pretty
convinced that the naming has to be changed. The RFC4193 ULA naming is
quite accurate, but for the kind of usage that has been discussed
recently ULA is not a good name. Also the draft should very clearly
outline the pro's and con's that this type of address space has for
potential users of it. That they can be used as EID's at a certain point
in time is also that should be documented in the draft.

As such, I am awaiting the new draft.

 Other factors that I think help make the case:
 1) The RIR system is already in place to deal with DFZ grey areas. If we
 delegate the central registry function to the RIRs, they can deal with
 the details of how such addresses are handed out (automatically or on
 demand), charges for maintaining the registry and services, and
 sorting out the issues of non-aggregation and global routing table

You most definitely meant there instead of which was
deprecated quite some time ago. Indeed, the RIR's are already in place
if something to the effect of the proposed address space would ever come
to be then they are the places that should be the registries for it.
Inventing new structures for that would not be helpful at all.

 2) These ULA addresses provide an additional layer of security in a
 layered security model. If I use my PI addresses for secret internal
 infrastructure, I must block those ranges in my firewall.

Or simply not route them at all. I don't really see this is a benefit.
It is only a benefit against so called fat fingers, but if you have that
problem there are bigger problems at hand, especially in an area where
security is to be required.

 Networks which
 I connect to will likely not block these ranges, so I have one layer of
 security. If I use ULA addresses, then the vast majority of other
 networks will block the entire ULA range, thus giving me an additional
 layer of security. If I need to use ULA addresses to talk to a peer, we
 can both punch holes in our filters/firewalls.

Maybe to reflect the above, the draft should definitely state that
firewalls should per default at least propose to block these ranges.

 In general, it seems to me that the benefits fall on the enterprise
 network side, and the possibly disadvantages fall on the ISP side. The
 IETF needs to provide technology that supports all users of IPv6. Since
 there are other mechanisms outside the IETF to deal with the ISPs'
 issues, I think we need to go ahead with ULA centrally-registered.

The question here still remains though: how really different is this
from PI. In effect it is non-DFZ-PI space that is being defined here.
RIR's themselves could thus also set aside a /20 or something and
allocate /40-/48's from that block for that purpose and state currently
these might be routable, but in the future they will not be.
Which is quite less of an addressing burn than this.

 Is Paul's superceding that or is there a merge in process?

I understood that he is busy updating it and tried to submit it, though
submitted it after the -00 deadline. Which means that for the time being
it can't be updated :(


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

ULA-C being misnamedmisplaced, should be EID or similar (Was: draft-ietf-ipv6-ula-central-02.txt)

2007-07-09 Thread Jeroen Massar
Brian E Carpenter wrote:
 On 2007-07-09 13:58, Jeroen Massar wrote:

 Now I do see another use for this kind of address space, but then it
 should not be called this way. It could be used for ID/LOC solutions,
 where these kind of addresses are Explicit-non-DFZ addresses. But if
 that is the reason for what folks want to use them, as that is what I am
 sort of reading between the lines as actual real usage has still not
 been identified, then please just state that.
 I believe that ULA-G as proposed by Paul is an interesting candidate
 for unrouteable EIDs in the sense that the LISP proposal defines EID.
 But that conversation belongs on another list.

I fully agree with this and I also support this route. But then don't
call them ULA or assign them any functionality in this area which is
completely misleading. Call the beast what it is supposed to be called.

 However, if we're worried about keeping /48s out of the DFZ, I agree
 that it really doesn't matter whether they're called PI, ULA,
 2002::/48 or simply /48 holes in PA prefixes. It's the ISPs who
 will keep them out, or let them in, not the IETF.

Indeed. If we are going to carve a block out which should never show up
in routing tables (except maybe site internal ones etc), then give them
the name that they should have and the description that they should have.

Assigning this /8 as something which is not PI but is PI is only
ambiguous. Giving them the a name like EID and stating that these are
not to be used for routing in the DFZ, but can be used globally with the
help of an upcoming protocol which does an ID/LOC split does make sense.
It then all of a sudden is also logical that these blocks will need
reverse DNS delegations, as they will be used _on_ the Internet, but
just not _routed_ on the Internet.

IMHO it is thus much better to put this ULA-C proposal on ice and await
the requirements and structure that that the upcoming ID/LOC proposal.

Although, I guess that they will be quite like what Paul proposed in
delegation structure, but the description of the addresses and the name
will be different and more appropriate to what they will be actually
used for.

The above is also why I say /48's are not a big problem, as when the
routing tables get too large, ISP's will start filtering, forcing the
/48 PI users to start using their address space as EID's. Having a
special block which solely restricts this is of course a good thing. The
RIR's can then easily explain these kind are EID's and are 'cheap',
while these kind are accepted in the DFZ. Now what the RIR's policies
will be on who can get what kind of addresses is of course to be
questioned and something the RIR's will have to fight out with their


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

Re: draft-ietf-ipv6-ula-central-02.txt

2007-07-09 Thread Jeroen Massar
Paul Vixie wrote:
 as the contributor of the DNS-related paragraph near the end of RFC 1918
 section 5, i can tell you that whatever the RFC says will only be a general
 hint to operators and implementors, who will proceed to do whatever they
 darn well want.
 Can we then not make the very simple conclusion that ULA's will be
 routed on the Internet and such are nothing else but an alternative for
 no.  i showed you packet leaks, not route leaks.  (did i misunderstand the
 minimum technical skillset nec'y for participation on this mailing list?)

Sorry, but not everybody is fluent in the language of the networking
gods. I am pretty sure that you understood that I mean with it that
these packets are being routed, that is forwarded, over several routers.
Clearly the networks that are between your example site and the sender
don't employ any filtering at all, clearly all of your upstreams don't
do this either, though that might be simply because you will claim that
that is for 'research purposes' (which is a noble cause as otherwise we
would not be able to tell that these packets even exist).

As you mention indeed the RFC1918 routes are mostly being filtered, at
least most of the time. Check for instance RIPE's RIS which clearly
shows that RFC1918 leaks do occur. Indeed that doesn't make it globally
routed, but that they exist and happen says enough.

To illustrate my point, before being told again that I have to have a
'minimal skilset' and that they are not leaked, see the following:
The last announcement occurred on 2007-07-05 08:31:00Z. 44 entries are
found for

Prefix  Last announced  ↓   Origin AS   2007-06-12 09:12:16Z23352 2007-06-12 09:12:16Z23352 05:21:58Z8402   2007-06-22 05:21:58Z8402   2007-06-22 05:21:58Z8402 05:21:58Z8402 05:21:58Z8402   2007-06-22 05:21:58Z8402 05:21:58Z8402   2007-06-22 05:21:58Z8402   2007-06-22 05:21:58Z8402 05:21:58Z8402   2007-06-22 05:21:58Z8402 2007-06-22 05:21:58Z8402   2007-06-22 05:21:58Z8402 05:21:58Z8402   2007-06-22 05:21:58Z8402 05:21:58Z8402 05:21:58Z8402 05:21:58Z8402   2007-06-27 22:09:56Z5410   2007-06-27 22:09:56Z5410 07:05:27Z8402 10:00:39Z2819 2007-06-28 10:00:39Z2819 10:00:39Z2819 2007-06-28 10:00:39Z2819 10:00:39Z2819 2007-06-28 10:00:39Z2819 04:05:58Z8402   2007-06-29 04:05:58Z8402   2007-06-29 11:50:19Z8402  2007-06-29 11:50:19Z8402  2007-06-29 11:50:19Z8402   2007-06-29 11:50:19Z8402   2007-06-29 11:50:19Z8402 11:50:19Z8402  2007-07-03 15:01:27Z5410  2007-07-03 15:01:27Z5410 2007-07-05 08:31:00Z34245   2007-07-05 08:31:00Z34245 2007-07-05 08:31:00Z34245   2007-07-05 08:31:00Z34245   2007-07-05 08:31:00Z34245

Now please state again that people should have a 'minimal skillset'.
Thank you for your attention.

 As I mentioned before, it should not be called Local in any form, as it
 will never be Local, unless the definition of Local is only Earth, and
 does not include Mars and other planets, yet.
 if we're down to the label engineering, then everything hard is now done?  or
 are you making a funny that's intended to show absurdity somewhere?

Unique Local Addresses-Global --- Local Global? Very good naming.

And it won't be local anyway as it is primarily intended to most likely
interconnect to other sites, and at that from the few examples given to
a very large amount of sites, similar to PI space.

 in any case i called it local in ULA-G because i was stealing wholesale from
 ULA-C (and i suspect they called it local because they were stealing from
 ULA).  if you propose a term other than private (which is taken by RFC 1918)
 that means non-public in the sense meant by ULA-G and ULA-C and ULA, there
 might be great rejoicing.

As I mentioned 

Re: I-D ACTION:draft-ietf-ipv6-ula-central-02.txt

2007-06-29 Thread Jeroen Massar
Roger Jorgensen wrote:
 too complicated and see bellow why.

How can something which already exists, and thus is not new, be too
complicated? Also as the text you referenced contained two different
approaches to the problem, which part is actually too complicated and
moreover why?

 so we don't have to consider this at all!! All we have todo is let IANA,
 or other parties getting this task from IANA, run something automatic on
 THEIR side that give end-user direct request possibility without going
 through a RIR or LIR.

Direct assignments from IANA? They will be happy to do that. Of course,
the RIR's can be taken out of the equation completely, still don't call
the the fields RIR Num and LIR Num then as those are misnomers.

 This solution suite the need at my workplace perfect.

And how exactly does PI not suite that need?

 as someone said to me earlier... in times of complicated affairs and
 compromisses you might have to swallow a few hard pills... I dislike the
 thought of ULA-C but this latest suggestion is reasonable and not that
 bad. Even with DNS in place it is acceptable for me personaly this way
 of doing it.

Thus first we try to actively fix a lot of things, and then to break
them all again? Very not useful and a lot of work down the drain.

 It has been said very clear by many that ULA-C is _not_ considered to be
 global reachable

Hold on, either it is LOCAL or it is GLOBAL, not considered to be,
means that it is expected to be quite reachable on most parts on the

As such, is the expectancy simply that fc00::/7 will become the new
addressing scheme overtaking all the RIR stuff that is in place already?

If that is what is wanted, then just specify that fc00::/7 will be used
for Internet Part 2 which avoids RIRs and other such mechanisms. We
then at least have clarity what is trying to be accomplished with this
part of the address space.

 and if we just can as strong as possible make it clear
 DURING requesting of addresses we should be fine. The point is that we
 have to show the enduser that they have agreed that they can NOT demand
 global routing of this address space at all. No complicated text, keep
 it simple.

Endusers vote with their money. When a site is important enough to be
reached, they will go to an ISP that will have access to that site and
as such that space will be routed globally, the Internet will then
simply change to include the other spaces.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

Re: I-D ACTION:draft-ietf-ipv6-ula-central-02.txt

2007-06-29 Thread Jeroen Massar
Scott Leibrand wrote:
 Roger Jorgensen wrote:
 On Fri, 29 Jun 2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 What I'm asking, of course, is this:
 Is there *anything* unique to ULA that is not possible to implement with
 PI allocations by RIRs?

 not really no. Except that real end-users like your brother can get
 ULA-C cheap but maybe have to pay a bit more for PI.
 ULA-C and PI space will likely both cost about the same, and your
 brother could likely afford either.  The issue isn't so much dollar cost
 as availability: your brother likely doesn't qualify for PI space
 (unless he can justify efficient use of a /22), but he could get ULA-C
 just by asking.

Wow, a /22 IPv6 space, that is a big chunk. But I assume you mean /22
IPv4. What has IPv4 to do with IPv6 and moreover why is that ARIN policy
 being forced upon the IETF thus leading to ULA-C and then leading to
heavily hinting ARIN to provide ULA-C as a way out.

Clearly ULA-C is just cheap address space, nothing more nothing less.
And the sole reason for a possible existence seems to be that the
policies in RIR land do not allow everybody to get address space the way
they want to. Instead of changing the RIR policies, ULA-C gets invented.

Which is also what you write in the 2 emails before this one, but in
between the lines.

The RIR community effectively blocks people from getting address space
on the premise that but that costs routing slots, even though the
minimum allocation is /48 either way, and then on top of that basing
that decision on IPv4 address space usage, wow.

I think that ULA-C is a really really bad idea because of this.

But I'll let other people figure that out, I've clearly spoken my mind
about this already. I do hope that other people see this too.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

Re: I-D ACTION:draft-ietf-ipv6-ula-central-02.txt

2007-06-28 Thread Jeroen Massar
Paul Vixie wrote:
 first, in 3.1, this table:
 should be replaced with this one:
   | 7 bits |1|  8 bits  | 16 bits | 16 bits | 80 bits  |
   | Prefix |L| Reserved | RIR Num | LIR Num | User Num |

Looks okayish but does bring back the idea of sTLA's a bit. But there is
another thing that this causes: it sort of allows aggregation.

How is this any different at all from what I proposed in another
message: One setups an organization called Local IP Addresses Org and
sets up an LIR, requests a /32, one one has 65k /48's to provide to
endusers. Members have a share in the org, and each and every single one
of them can already make sure that the LIR fees are paid (there are no
equipment or transit etc fees) and presto. You have EXACTLY what you
have above, but with the added benefit that it is globally unique
address space with full RIR support. The LIR can shoot
delegations per /48 if they want directly into the RIR's nameservers,
thus that is also covered. Connectivity one could also provide just like
a normal LIR if really wanted.

Another problem with the above is that it doesn't allow for direct
end-user assignments. Folks still have to go through a LIR. This thus
doesn't provide these people with a direct assignment and they are
still bound to the LIR.

From what I understand the people who really want this kind of local
address space want to have a *direct* assignment from a RIR or IANA.
This as it is expected that a RIR won't go belly up, a LIR might do so

As such, if you really want to have ULA-C (which I really think is
unnecessary because of arguments I've reiterated a couple of times
already also in other messages and the above) I would at least propose:

| 7 bits |1| 8 bits |16 bits| 16 bits |  16 bits  | 64 bits   |
| Prefix |L|Reserved|RIR ID | Site ID | Subnet ID | Iface ID  |
  | /48 for the end-site  |

Same scheme of allocation, but takes out the LIR portion and thus allows
RIR's to delegate this directly to endusers.

 second, delete all of section 3.2 including subsections 3.2.1, 3.2.2, 3.2.3.


 third, replace section 7.0 with the following:

Don't agree at all. (btw it is fc00::/7 not fc::/7 :)

The moment you introduce support for IP6.ARPA (not IN-ADDR.ARPA) and
require delegations to be possible there really is no difference between
PI and this kind of address space (except the prefix from which they are
allocated, they can be filtered on that but still).

The reasons against having support for reverse DNS:
 - You are introducing a *local* space into the *global* Internet.
   As such it is required to have Internet connectivity (with all the
   hacks that are required to be able to talk to the servers
   and the chain along it to get to those reverse DNS servers).

   One thus has to setup DNS gateway boxes for reverse DNS which
   are able to contact the global Internet to reach those machines.
   If you can set those up, why not configure them directly with the
   content of your *local* zones.

   Also, it only covers the *reverse* of this address space, it does not
   solve the *forwards* that point to the address space. It might be
   just me, but users type forward more than reverses.
   One will thus have to merge forward zones anyway, if you can do that
   you can also setup a reverse zone at the same time.

 - Introducing the ability to have delegations will make sure
   that the RIR will have to do more work for this. The delegations
   have to point to DNS servers on the *public* Internet (strange as
   we are talking about *local* addresses :) These DNS servers thus
   have to be either on stable IP's (as such every such organization
   requires to have also a Public PI space for this solely (they can't
   depend on the local space to be PA so why should they for the global
   block?) The other would be that they keep asking the RIR all the time
   to change the DNS server delegation as they swapped ISP's again.
   This thus costs the RIR a lot of resources/time/bla and thus is more
   costly than having the requester simply have PI space.

If one *really* requires that there will be reverse that is
'automatically setup' (ignoring that you still have to do it for the
forward) then define in the draft the method that James Woodyatt
proposed of using synthesized reverse records for
And then simply declaring that the highest subnet (:::64bits)
contains at ::53 a DNS server serving reverse for that zone.

Easiest of course is to simply set up the forward+reverse servers at the
point where you interconnect with the other network. If 

Re: draft-ietf-ipv6-ula-central-02.txt use cases

2007-06-27 Thread Jeroen Massar
Brian E Carpenter wrote:
 Scott, you say
 In a situation like this, I need to be able to resolve PTRs for hosts
 using my neighboring networks' ULA space
 Why do you need to do this?

The need can be seen, but the big question is: why does one need it in
the *global* root.

If one is in a non-Internet-connected setup, you will have to also setup
DNS for the, IMHO way more important, forward zones. If one can manage
that, then setting up the reverse is just an extra line in the config.

When one argues yes but I don't want split DNS and it needs to be in
the global DNS, then simply don't opt for *local* addresses.

Either the ULA-C space is *local* or it is *global*. When it is global,
then you need what the RIR's dub PI. If you can't get PI for your use,
then talk to the RIR's and define a new policy there.

One thing that can be accomplished by the ULA-C draft is to update the
ULA draft, deprecating the L/G bit, making that bit part of the random
pool (letting folks simply select it themselves) and defining that the
reverse in the global root should point to the AS112 servers.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

Re: ULA and WAN-routability

2007-06-27 Thread Jeroen Massar
Brian E Carpenter wrote:
 Thanks for the facts. It does seem like a childhood illness
 though - obviously it isn't sustainable as IPv6 grows up.

It indeed most likely won't in the very long term.

But hopefully the id/loc mechanisms or shim6 or similar solutions will
make sure that the IPv6 DFZ will only contain PA prefixes at a certain
point. Which will limit the number of routes there significantly and
still providing end-sites with full flexibility to change their
up/downstreams on the fly.

At a point where the IPv6 DFZ grows too large, ISP's will start
filtering smaller prefixes (=/48), and they will drop off the Internet,
then immediately these sites will need to use id/loc. Hopefull the
forced part never happens and people simply realize the constraints that
we are then working in.

It might also happen that vendors find ways to make it scalable and then
everything is fine too. Up to that point though, there should not be an
artificial barrier for end-sites to be able to get globally unique
address space. The other point that they actually fit in the routing
tables is a problem that can be solved with the above.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

Re: draft-ietf-ipv6-ula-central-02.txt use case

2007-06-27 Thread Jeroen Massar
james woodyatt wrote:

 I merely contend-- albeit heretically-- that L=0 in RFC 4193 is
 nonsense. We should hand fc00::/8 back to IANA and revise RFC 4193 so
 that fd00::/8 is the ULA prefix identifier, where all addresses are
 allocated according to to the procedure currently defined, have global
 scope, are not routed in the DFZ and receive synthetic reverse
 delegations in to an anycast address reserved by IANA.

The Local/Global bit is correct in the specification and also what
differentiates the two spaces, the L bit set (thus fd00::/8 RFC4193)
means that the prefix is locally generated and not 100% guaranteed
unique, although 2^-40 is pretty close to that. This is exactly what we
have now. Without the L bit (thus fc00::/8 and proposed ULA-C) we
require some kind of registry to intervene and keep a list to make sure
that there is no collision.

I agree on the handing back of fd00::/8. The need for an address space
like ULA-C is covered by PI already(*1). There are a few corner cases
like very small sites but these can be resolved with proper RIR
policies. It is IMHO very wrong that there are folks who want to
restrict RIR's providing address space to end-sites due to 'routing
table' issues which are not existent yet and of which various vendors
have mentioned already that it is and will not be a problem.

What you thus propose above is adding the synthetic
method as an addition to RFC4193.

Although I partially like the idea it only solves the reverse problem.
It does not solve the forward problem. Because of the latter one still
has to configure DNS on both (or all of the other) connecting sites
anyway to link up these address spaces for the forward zones. One can
then also easily add this for reverses.

This then also doesn't deviate from current practice in both IPv4 and
IPv6. It also doesn't squander a part (/64?) of the /48. Randomly
picking an address in that /48 makes the whole /48 useless as people
can't depend on the full /48 being theirs anymore to slash up(*2).
Also a lot of deployed IPv6 sites use the first /48 for their first
network already or for similar purposes. Next to that there will be at
some point an expectancy that the same synthetic mechanism exists for
the rest of the zone.

*1 = If one really wanted to one could simply become LIR, request a /32,
then started providing /48's to their customers, who would be people who
simply wanted a chunk of address space. This solves *ALL* this hassle
about ULA-C. The LIR could be setup as a join venture owned by the users
of the address space, thus as long as at least one of them has some cash
they can keep the LIR running and keep the address space.

*2 = as a side note, for SixXS we provide in general two sizes of
prefixes: /64 which is used for tunnels and /48 which is used for
subnets. The /48 is routed fully to the user, as such they can do
anything they want with it, chunk it up in any way possible. If they
then ever move to another ISP they can use the exact name numberplan.
The only 'renumbering pain' left is locating where they have all the
first 48 bits stored and changing those.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

Re: ULA and WAN-routability

2007-06-27 Thread Jeroen Massar
Leo Vegoda wrote:
 On 27 Jun 2007, at 10:52am, Brian E Carpenter wrote:
 Thanks for the facts. It does seem like a childhood illness
 though - obviously it isn't sustainable as IPv6 grows up.
 Most childhood illnesses go away but the /48 assignments made by ARIN
 and APNIC are permanent. What incentive is there - or will there be -
 for those organisations to return their prefixes and take PA space from
 one or more of their upstream providers?

ISPs can then force them. Oh you want to announce a /48? Cool, but show
us the money. It will then be cheaper to use their PA block on the
'outside' as a Locator, while using their own PI block as a Identifier.
Filtering by the majority of the ISP's, accepting only /32's or for that
matter only blocks from PA space, resolves all of that, with a little
bit of force but it will work.

As such the space doesn't need to be returned and the space can be used
now nicely in the DFZ, and when the id/loc mechanisms come along people
can slowly migrate to those mechanisms. This even avoids any renumbering
and thus should make a lot of people really happy.

 Presumably that incentive is what will keep ULA-C prefixes within a single 

In effect one can indeed also use ULA-C kind of addresses as
Identifiers as they are truly globally unique just like PI, but that
is the whole point why ULA-C is futile: they _are_ just like PI ;)
Except that they will be carved out of a special prefix and handled in a
strange way. Also as they are not Internet addresses but intended for
disconnected sites and thus should never traverse the Internet except
for in a VPN in the first place.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

Re: ULA and WAN-routability

2007-06-27 Thread Jeroen Massar
Leo Vegoda wrote:
 On 27 Jun 2007, at 1:03pm, Jeroen Massar wrote:
 Most childhood illnesses go away but the /48 assignments made by ARIN
 and APNIC are permanent. What incentive is there - or will there be -
 for those organisations to return their prefixes and take PA space from
 one or more of their upstream providers?

 ISPs can then force them. Oh you want to announce a /48? Cool, but show
 us the money. It will then be cheaper to use their PA block on the
 'outside' as a Locator, while using their own PI block as a Identifier.
 Filtering by the majority of the ISP's, accepting only /32's or for that
 matter only blocks from PA space, resolves all of that, with a little
 bit of force but it will work.
 I don't remember many ISPs trying to force their customers with several
 classful assignments to renumber into a single PA assignment. Why do you
 think ISPs will try and force renumber (or re-prefixing) costs on their
 existing customers?

With the in-progress/proposed/... id/loc  shim6 mechanisms you don't
renumber, they keep using their own PI block. See it as automatically
tunneling over the Internet to the remote site.

Current situation:

| YOU |-[ Upstream ]---{ The Internet }-{ Them }

Versus the to-maybe-one-day-be-situation:

| YOU |*-[ Upstream ]---{ The Internet }*--- { Them }
\- id/loc or shim6 mechanism ---/

The YOU keeps their nice comfortable /48 and adds the new mechanism,
presto. It looks/feels like a automated tunnel mechanism. Of course the
exact details are not out on this yet, and I might describe it
completely wrongly above wrong what it finally will be.

The core thing is: No DFZ entries for PI sites, but the PI sites do
use their own address space and have full control over it.

ISP's can then simply provide two services BGP or Normal /48, prize
will make people move at some places and not at others and in some cases
filtering will force people to move.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

Re: draft-ietf-ipv6-ula-central-02.txt

2007-06-26 Thread Jeroen Massar
Christian Huitema wrote:
 And before you leap into I'm never going to use the DNS, so whats the
 problem? please also note that I'm not saying that putting these
 addresses into the DNS is good, bad or indifferent.
 What about indifferent?
 Suppose that we pre-populate the tree with synthetic name
 server records, so that the name server for a given ULA prefix
 ula-48::/48 (ULA-C or not) always resolves to ula-48::1 (or any
 other suitably chosen anycast host identifier). Then DNS look-up will
 always point to the closest instantiation of that anycast address, or to
 nothing at all if the prefix is not reachable. Voila, DNS look-up
 without any central registration...

I almost proposed that, BUT, that breaks the whole point that some
people are using ::1 or ::53 or whatever magic constant for something
else already. People tend to use the first subnet on their LAN already.
It would indeed 'solve' the problem given here, but only partially as
you still don't have the really important bit: Forward resolving. How is
one magically going to tell where to find Both have the
same root :(

I once proposed a 'well known anycasted DNS server address', so that we
can always say 2001:db8::53 and are DNS. The 'local' DNS
server is simply the closest one found in the routing tables. ISP's can
then simply route this to their recursive nameservers and presto, no
configuration of that part needed. Unfortunately, only one such root can
exist in a network, if you join two networks you still have to tell both
networks where forward + reverse servers exist.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

Re: draft-ietf-ipv6-ula-central-02.txt use cases

2007-06-26 Thread Jeroen Massar
Leo Vegoda wrote:
 On 25 Jun 2007, at 10:39pm, Scott Leibrand wrote:
 Apparently people are still having a hard time visualizing use cases
 for ULA-C, so let me try again to lay one out:
 In addition, I am likely to change ISPs over time, and I'm too small
 to qualify for PI space,
 It seems that if you qualified for PI space you wouldn't want ULA-C
 space. Is that right?

Most of the times, from what I understand. But one case was raised where
it would 'be easy to filter out ULA and distinguish from Internet
space', thus a site would have 2 prefixes: Local using ULA and
Global using PI. Which IMHO would only run into a lot of problems and
even more complexity etc. It is at least a case which has been
mentioned, but if anybody would actually ever use that. Especially with
the we do IPv4 like this thus we do IPv6 like that also mindset that
will not be a common network setup I guess.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

Re: draft-ietf-ipv6-ula-central-02.txt

2007-06-25 Thread Jeroen Massar
Templin, Fred L wrote:
 Touching on just one aspect of your thoughtul post:
 DNS is an integral part of addressing and if
 we're going to move forward with ULA-C as delegated 
 addressing then let
 us move forward with addressing in its entirety.
 So you want a disconnected address space which gets connected to the
 Internet? Sorry, but that more or less really implies NAT.
 I wouldn't call it a disconnected address space which gets
 connected to the Internet but rather a unique local address
 space which gets connected to other unique local address
 spaces and IMHO I don't see any implication for NAT there.

If you are only connecting to another ULA network, then why would one
ever need NS entries in for this space?

The whole story is about having NS entries in the tree for the
delegation. When you have a delegation in the Internet tree,
you also need to query them one way or the other and thus you are
connecting your ULA-based network to that Internet.

Also, people will the notice that they can use reverses from the
Internet, at one point or another will also want to use SIP or various
other protocols and thus end up using the Internet, and there are two
ways to do that: NAT it or simply announce the ULA prefix, renumbering
to a PI block is of course not an option here.

As such, what is the 'local' part again, how local is it really? And how
is ULA-C then different from PI? Why bother people with this ULA-C thing
when they really need PI in the first place? Which they can already get
for $100/year from ARIN and which will be guaranteed unique, just like
all other address space from the RIR's.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

Re: draft-ietf-ipv6-ula-central-02.txt

2007-06-25 Thread Jeroen Massar
Templin, Fred L wrote:
 If you are only connecting to another ULA network, then why would one
 ever need NS entries in for this space?
 To aid in connecting to another ULA network.

So you are able to setup routing between those two sites, but feeding
them with NS entries for your reverse is too hard? IMHO the latter is
actually much easier, just find the DNS servers for the site, presto.

 The whole story is about having NS entries in the 
 tree for the
 delegation. When you have a delegation in the Internet tree,
 you also need to query them one way or the other and thus you are
 connecting your ULA-based network to that Internet.
 Connecting to the IPv4 Internet in order to query the tree should work fine; right?

Thus you are connecting to the Internet, using IPv4 or IPv6 doesn't
matter, you have a dependency on the Internet. As such you are not
working dis-connected from the Internet and you have a dependency on it.
I was under the impression, clearly wrongly, that people wanted ULA so
they where completely independent of the Internet with no ties there

 Also, people will the notice that they can use reverses from the
 Internet, at one point or another will also want to use SIP or various
 other protocols and thus end up using the Internet, and there are two
 ways to do that: NAT it or simply announce the ULA prefix, renumbering
 to a PI block is of course not an option here.
 I don't see how that follows, and I do not want IPv6 NAT.

There are a lot of networks that only where local and used RFC1918
because of this, then at a certain point oeh we merge, and they had to
connect to another network (which then clashed and also caused NAT and
other weird things but that is another point). That 'other' network
sometimes was the Internet, as oeh it is handy that we can access
google/wikipedia/etc and instead of renumbering, lets NAT, as that is
easy quick and 'cheap', they forget though how much pain it is in the
long run.

 As such, what is the 'local' part again, how local is it really?
 And how is ULA-C then different from PI? Why bother people with
 this ULA-C thing when they really need PI in the first place?
 Which they can already get for $100/year from ARIN and which will
 be guaranteed unique, just like all other address space from the RIR's.
 IMHO, a site can be as large as a major corporation's private
 Intranet or as small as my laptop, and I don't want to have to
 pay $100/yr just to connect my laptop to other sites. 

A site is a network of computers with a single administration, this can
mean indeed a major corporation (who maybe even require multiple /48's
which is why rfc4193 is a bit off to cover those cases)

If you want to have a /48 for your laptop, simply use ULA (RFC4193)
those are free. Or are you simply wanting to have your own IP addresses,
setting up firewalling etc because you have a laptop (or Winnebago
filled with servers) and carrying it around globally through various
buildings and making other networks accept your /48 AND force them to
connect to the Internet to be able to resolve your reverse?

Most likely anyway when you connect your laptop to another site they
will be providing you with an IP address anyway from their site prefix.

Can you clarify the use case you are sketching here a lot more as I
really want to know what actual use case is actually useful that ULA-C
solves, what PI doesn't solve (Drawings + text help). Especially now
that the folks who 'want/need' ULA-C do want to have reverse DNS
available from the Internet, while they want to be local in the first place.

All those cases can be covered perfectly fine by PI. Or is it just that
folks see ULA-C as 'very cheap PI space'?


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

Re: draft-ietf-ipv6-ula-central-02.txt

2007-06-25 Thread Jeroen Massar
Templin, Fred L wrote:

 Thus you are connecting to the Internet, using IPv4 or IPv6 doesn't
 matter, you have a dependency on the Internet. As such you are not
 working dis-connected from the Internet and you have a 
 dependency on it.
 Only when you want to connect to another site.

Thus the moment you are connecting to another site you are forcing one
to also connect to the Internet.

 Again, *no* NAT'ing of IPv6.

How are you going to use ULA-C addresses as a source and then connect to
 hosts on the global Internet?

 A laptop fits this description. Think of one running some
 of this new virtualization support whereby there may be
 many virtual machines connected up by virtual networks
 running within the laptop. (Actually, folks like IBM were
 doing this new virtualization on their mainframes back
 in the 70's...) 

I have one of those sweet laptops and I have 3 OS's running at the same
time most of the time. I use RFC1918 and simply randomly picked which has (upto now :) never collided with the networks
that I visited. ULA (RFC4193) would have that same property. I have to
note that I have to NAT that address space to the network I am at, who
only give me 1 single IP address most of the time (could use bridging
and prolly ask for more addresses per DHCP of course). Having them route
my prefix to me though everytime I walk into a Starbucks or a hotel etc
is really never ever going to happen. There is no this is my prefix
route my traffic here protocol (at least yet). Also no single network
operator will ever accept such a protocol as it is their network, not
that of the visitor to control. Viruses and {cr|h}ackers would love it I

When you are in the position to negotiate the routing part, then having
them turn up DNS, which has to happen for both forward (how else are
they going to locate your host) and reverse hosts is very doable.
This then nullifies the whole requirement of having NS pointers to your
servers, which have to have internet-connected and static addresses
unless you want to update them all the time, which for sure makes the
RIR happy who definitely want to have more cash then for doing that.

Or are your requiring sites you visit to have Internet connectivity as
you only have your servers (forward + reverse) on the Internet?

 this can
 mean indeed a major corporation (who maybe even require multiple /48's
 which is why rfc4193 is a bit off to cover those cases)

 If you want to have a /48 for your laptop, simply use ULA (RFC4193)
 those are free.
 RFC4193 ULA is good, but could be better. However remote the
 possibility of collisions, IMHO there would still be value in
 having a 3rd-party mechanism to avoid duplicate assignments
 and/or de-conflict duplicates.   

It exists: PI space. Get it at ARIN today: $100/year

Which if you have such a high reliability requirement for non-clashes is
very cheap and gives you the possibility to do reverse DNS and even
route it on the global internet, just in case they provide you with
transit at the site you happen to come along.

 Or are you simply wanting to have your own IP 
 setting up firewalling etc because you have a laptop (or Winnebago
 filled with servers) and carrying it around globally through various
 buildings and making other networks accept your /48 AND force them to
 connect to the Internet to be able to resolve your reverse?
 I don't quite understand this, but I want to be able to
 drop my laptop down in whatever visited network and have
 it connect to other sites w/o having to manually configure
 explicit VPNs. 

How are you 'automatically' telling the network to route packets for
'your prefix' to your device? See above.

 Most likely anyway when you connect your laptop to another site they
 will be providing you with an IP address anyway from their 
 site prefix.
 One use I could see for that is if you needed a care-of
 address such as used for MIPv6.

Care-of-addresses are simply the address you get per DHCP/RA.

 But, that gets off onto a completely different line of discussion.

It also has nothing to do with connecting to sites.

 Can you clarify the use case you are sketching here a lot more as I
 really want to know what actual use case is actually useful that ULA-C
 solves, what PI doesn't solve (Drawings + text help). Especially now
 that the folks who 'want/need' ULA-C do want to have reverse DNS
 available from the Internet, while they want to be local in 
 the first place.
 I already gave my use-case in:

As I mentioned above, how are the routing protocols automatically
trusting that you own the prefix, or for that matter finding each other
in the first place. This will involve a protocol that can handle this.
When such a protocol exists you can also have it handle your reverse DNS

I fully agree that there is a need for Unique Addresses, and these
exist already, it is called: PI.


Re: draft-ietf-ipv6-ula-central-02.txt

2007-06-23 Thread Jeroen Massar
bill fumerola wrote:
 [ limiting my comments to the discussion surrounding section 4.1 ]

You mean avoiding the questions that people ask to your 'arguments'? :)

My main question about ULA-C still stands: how is it different from PI?

What is the advantage that it gives to The Internet, especially in the
light that it will cause that everybody on the Internet will have to
make special provisions to block this out, provide registry services
etc. Which are all already in place for the PI blocks which do exactly
the same thing.

 IFF ULA-C space is to exist and be registered/delegated, delegate the
 reverse blocks for that space as well. we so often beat the addressing
 isn't routing drum weekly. well, DNS isn't routing.

Without routing there is no DNS. And you are claiming to want to
disconnect the address space from the Internet. As such there is no DNS
that you can access in the first place. Or are you setting up a local
variant? If so why do you need the global one?

 DNS+ULA-C is not an end-run around PIv6.

Then what exactly is the purpose? Saying what it is not, doesn't make it

 DNS is an integral part of addressing and if
 we're going to move forward with ULA-C as delegated addressing then let
 us move forward with addressing in its entirety.

So you want a disconnected address space which gets connected to the
Internet? Sorry, but that more or less really implies NAT.

As you know DNS works in two ways: forward and reverse.
You will require forward DNS servers somewhere that have your zones with
local addresses anyway, why not add the reverse ones too?
Are you publishing your forward DNS servers also on the global Internet?
I mean, when you interconnect with another company, you surely want them
to actually get the ULA-C addresses and not the ones that everybody on
the Internet uses, would you not?

I am fairly sure that security people are really happy to hear that they
'for simplicity' have their local DNS servers and the addresses
published on the Internet and accessible from that same Internet, so
that people can nicely traverse the tree and figure out which hosts are
where and find out a lot of information that they are not supposed to be
able to get as they are supposed to be for a local network.

 if organizations use a ULA-C block in their network, they shouldn't have
 to special case their DNS infrastructure such that every recursive server
 in their network has to slave from / forward to some special location
 to get accurate answers like they do now for RFC1918 and ULA-L.

So your previous argument that they are doing this for decades was
false and, as I mentioned, they have actually been doing it for a long
time already using local resolvers and split-dns which works fine. It is
indeed not nice, but that is more over inherent to the simple fact that
they chose not to use The Internet in the first place.

The mere fact that you are stating that these companies will otherwise
require split DNS, simply implies that they are going to connect to the
Internet, then _why_ would you want to have those companies get an
address space that can never ever ever use that Internet. Maybe today
they don't want to use it on that Internet, but maybe next year they do.
It is really handy to be able to use SIP globally for instance.
Unless what is going to happen what will most likely going to happen: it
will become active on the Internet!?

If you don't want hosts to talk to The Big Bad Internet: Firewall it
and as an added bonus to keep it out completely: Don't route it.

Having a DNS server sitting in both networks is not going to help there,
ever tried debugging such a setup? It is indeed a lot of fun and
consultants are very happy to be able to bill you for it.

 if different organizations end up routing ULA-C blocks between autonomous
 networks they will already have the benefit of accurate PTR answers
 without lifting a finger.

They actually DO have to lift a finger: they have to configure Internet
connectivity on machines that are officially completely separated from
the Internet.

Lets take the example of The Pentagon* they would really enjoy a Unique
*LOCAL* Address Space, because then they can be completely independent
of the Internet. Now you are arguing that it would be a good thing that
they actually connect to that Internet to be able to get DNS!?


See the article, it is funny, though not so funny how they got in.

 resolution of a PTR record doesn't inch ULA-C
 addresses any further towards being PI space, just towards adding value.

Which Value? I can also state that Coke is better than Pepsi, but why?

Also on the point where people say but I can firewall fc00::/7 easily
and I know that only partner networks are there, while the rest is the
big evil internet, ever thought about the fact that everyone can
generate/pick a ULA address and simply use it? Which is the same as
routing global unicast addresses from a 

Re: draft-ietf-ipv6-ula-central-02.txt

2007-06-22 Thread Jeroen Massar
Templin, Fred L wrote:
 George Mitchell wrote:
 Personally, I am less certain about the probability of ULA-Cs
 being administered such that a collision will never happen
 than I am about the unlikelyhood of a collision between
 randomly assigned ULAs.   -- George Mitchell
 Would it make you feel more certain if the ULA-Cs were
 self-generated by sites exactly as in (RFC4193, Section 3.2)
 and then registered with a central authority that would
 register the address as long as it is not a duplicate? I
 don't think ('draft-ietf-ipv6-ula-central', Section 3.2)
 currently says that, but it seems like it would result in
 a scenario that is no worse than for RFC4193 yet with a
 central authority accountable for certifying uniqueness. 
 That said, I would be astonished if this idea has not been
 entertained and debated before.

You mean just like what is doing?
Or similarly for IPv4:

Debated only a teeny little bit.

The 'problem' that people have with such a mechanism (even if run by IANA)
seems to be that they 'require' reverse DNS and they want a delegation from to their nameservers.

IMHO then again, if you are requiring reverse DNS you clearly are connecting
some way or another to the at large Internet, thus then you come back to the
point of asking these folks how one can reach that at-large Internet from
those blocks that are 'local'. Saying we will just put global unicast IPs for
the reverse DNS servers and route them inside means you have global unicast
IPs, and I sure hope they won't change, thus clearly there is also some other
form of addresses involved there. And please don't say NAT. If one is going
the NAT way, please stick to IPv4, I don't want to program code for that.

Thus the next iteration: where do those global unicast addresses that are very
stable and can be used for reverse DNS come from? Need some PI folks? :)

One possible way to (partially) solve the latter would be to say fd00::/32 is
services, fd00::53 is always a DNS server which is capable of resolving.
But that proposal of having anycasted recursive 'service' DNS servers got shot


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

Re: draft-ietf-ipv6-ula-central-02.txt

2007-06-22 Thread Jeroen Massar
[short version: why ULA-C, when there is IPv6 PI space from RIRs already?]

bill fumerola wrote:
 On Fri, Jun 22, 2007 at 08:13:23PM +0100, Jeroen Massar wrote:
 IMHO then again, if you are requiring reverse DNS you clearly are connecting
 some way or another to the at large Internet, thus then you come back to the
 point of asking these folks how one can reach that at-large Internet from
 those blocks that are 'local'. Saying we will just put global unicast IPs 
 the reverse DNS servers and route them inside means you have global unicast
 IPs, and I sure hope they won't change, thus clearly there is also some other
 form of addresses involved there. 
 why does wanting to provide PTRs for ULA-C addresses imply they have
any sort of global connectivity? machines can reach a recursive server
that is able to reach another ULA-C delegation's NS.

Thus that recursive server is globally connected. As such hosts on the ULA-C
network are also able to resolve 'global' addresses and most likely end up
trying to send packets there and most likely one day want to connect to it
anyway as one day you might just want to use SIP from your network or do
something else than playing with your neighbors.

 why can't the servers delegated ULA-C prefixes change addresses? i update
my arpa delegation NS glue occasionally without problems.

You could, but doesn't that defeat the point of having your own global unique
space that never changes if you have to contact an external site and have to
update those pointers all the time, causing delays in updates etc etc etc.

 why should all the partner companies who i peer with and use our collective
ULA-C prefixes to communicate also have to setup some half-baked DNS
peering (read: selective slaving) when there is a perfectly good
way of them finding those PTR records through a decades-long proven
service? how does slaving scale when i have hundreds of partners?

For the same reasons that you also expect those companies to connect to the
global Internet and that they have a recursive name server and handle all
their network operations the same way you are doing.

Also you are claiming that PTR finding is done with a 'decades-long proven
service', you are correct, but that service is for Internet hosts, not for
hosts in private (RFC1918) networks.

Thus the question is: How do RFC1918-based interconnected networks nowadays
lookup these PTR records? Because that is the decades-long proven method you
are looking for.

Somehow I think it does not involve the Internet as it seems that RFC1918
space points to AS112.

 why does a host having both a ULA-C address and a global unicast address
cause you grief?

You might want to see one of the other replies where I actually mentioned that
this might be a possible scenario but that it might cause problems too.

 i may have entirely different routing policies for
traffic based on their addressing (global unicast is dumped out local
transit links, ULA[-C] to ULA[-C] addressing is carried on my backbone,
VPN network, framerelay cloud, etc)

You can also make entirely different routing policies for every /64 or for
that matter, take your /48 and split it into a /49 for for local traffic and
another /49 for global traffic, filtering off one of the /49 so that it
doesn't have Internet access.

What is the difference again?

   And please don't say NAT. If one is going
 the NAT way, please stick to IPv4, I don't want to program code for that.
 NAT boogeyman! NAT boogeyman! everyone run, the idea must be bad! (this
 has nothing to do with NAT, but way to try to get blood pressure rising).

Does your blood pressure rise already that you need to use exclamation marks?

 Thus the next iteration: where do those global unicast addresses that are 
 stable and can be used for reverse DNS come from? Need some PI folks? :)
 they can be run from servers in that org's PI allocation.

So they ALSO need a PI allocation next to the ULA-C allocation, wow talking
about wasting address space and doing difficult

See above, just split your /48 into two /49's. Or for that matter, request a
/47 from a RIR justifying where you need it for.

 they can run their own from a PA allocation from that organization's ISP.

You mean a PA assignment, but indeed as mentioned above: when you swap ISP's
you need to change the reverse DNS entries. Can you be offline that long?

 they can be slaved by that organization's ISP and NS pointed at the ISP.

Thus requiring you to again contact an external entity to update your stuff,
while you wanted to be totally independent of the Internet and not to forget,
more importantly from that upstream ISP. What was the point of having this
globally unique address space again? Why not use PA space?

 they can come from a company (ultradns, everydns, easydns) who provides
   such services.

And thus having a very tight relationship with that organization. See

Re: draft-ietf-ipv6-ula-central-02.txt and NAT

2007-06-20 Thread Jeroen Massar
Scott Leibrand wrote:
 Jeroen Massar wrote:
 The above hosts are Internet connected and most likely will thus also
 end up
 talking to the Internet at one point or another. I can thus only guess
 they will be wanting to fully connect to the Internet one day and the
 generic solution to that problem is NAT. We wanted to get rid of NAT for
 IPv6. If NAT is again being done for IPv6 then we can just as well
 give up
 and just keep on using IPv4 as there really is not a single advantage
 anymore to IPv6.

 I think what we wanted to get rid of in IPv6 was one-to-many NAT, also
 know as PAT (among other names).  In IPv6, we can stick to one-to-one
 NAT, which eliminates most of the nastiness we associate with NAT in
 today's IPv4 world.

No it does not eliminate anything, it still requires Layer 4+ rewriting of
addresses, and that is the nasty bit.

Also NAT breaks this cool new (ahem) feature called IPSEC, which when
deployed, would also make deep packet inspection impossible. The latter
requiring one to look inside packets too, but not rewriting them.

 The big thing there is though: configure your firewalls correctly as the
 public addresses do also allow access to everything.
 I don't think routers are at the point yet where you can easily renumber
 your routers' interfaces when your PA addresses change.  As a result,
 networks wanting to avoid the pain of renumbering, but who don't qualify
 for PI and a global routing slot, might want to do something similar:

DHCP-PD, which can work in most small networks. I am not discussing anything
that has more than say 20 boxes in such a network though but: small network.

 Say a network gets a ULA-C block, and numbers everything on their
 network out of that block.  They later connect to the Internet,

Your example is already failing. When they want to connect to the Internet
somewhere, it is MUCH easier for them to just get a PI block, then they can
always use that even with or without BGP. And maybe one day with a nice
id/loc solution when that comes out.

 and get
 a PA block from their upstream, and configure it on their border
 routers.  To avoid reconfiguring all their routers every time they
 change upstreams, they configure one-to-one NAT on their border routers,
 such that every address on their internal network (which is ULA-C) maps
 to the same address, except with different first 48 bits, in their
 provider-allocated block.

This can perfectly be done with PI blocks in exactly the same way. The
advantage here is though that one day the PI block might be used globally,
while the ULA-C one can never be used in that way.

 This wouldn't present the same kinds of problems you'd get from
 one-to-many NAT, but I'm sure there are some ways where this wouldn't be
 as good as PI space.  However, my first-order evaluation is that it
 would be better to have small networks achieve their provider
 independence this way, rather than by relaxing the PI rules and
 threatening the scalability of the current routing system with a large
 number of additional non-aggregatable netblocks.

The ARIN PI rules are already very relaxed: cough up $100 US yearly and
presto you have a fine /48 IPv6 PI.

 Now as expressed earlier, most ULA-C use cases probably won't involve
 NAT.  But if people do elect to use NAT with ULA-C, what problems do you
 see with this kind of use of NAT?  Do you see those problems as worse
 than the problems caused by completely rejecting the original PA-only
 architecture of IPv6 in favor of PI-for-everyone?

The big problem with NAT that I have as a programmer is that I will have to
make my protocol  program understand NATs and use them. I don't want to
care about them, there is End-To-End.

With a NAT what happens is that the NAT device will have to understand every
protocol out there. Thus I come up with a new protocol which is really cool,
and first I have to convince everybody on the planet to update their NAT
boxes to support that protocol.

That is not going to work, and as such people will write protocols which
have to evade those NAT boxes and are thus more complex and more error prone
and less versatile.

 Still, the above can also be accomplished perfectly fine with PI space
 that doesn't require any changes (except RIPE+APNIC policy) to be done.

 I agree that PI space, if it were widely available, would meet the same
 needs as ULA-C.  However, I think we need to be realistic that
 PI-for-everyone won't fly, and need to think creatively about ways to
 achieve the same goals (such as provider independence) in such a way
 that we don't impose more public cost than private benefit.

Why would ULA-C fly and PI not? They can be used in exactly the same way
with a huge advantage for the global unicast variant that it can at one
point also be used in BGP and other variants.

Having PI doesn't mean that one is going to announce that to the global
Internet, you can still use it on your local network without ever

Re: Why does everyone see router renumbnering as hard? (was Re: draft-ietf-ipv6-ula-central-02.txt and NAT)

2007-06-20 Thread Jeroen Massar
Eliot Lear wrote:
 Mark Andrews wrote:
 I would have thought that router renumbering should be no
 harder that host renumbering.  Essentially all you are
 changing is the higher (/48 normally) prefix bits.  All
 that is required is a method to distribute the set of
 prefixes in use with a set of tags (global, deprecated,
 ula, advertise in RA, etc.).
 I think there has been hype on both sides of this question.  Router
 renumbering used to be VERY annoying.  I've now published several times
 on the subject

Any links to the papers?

 and I can say that it's not as hard as it was, but it's
 not as easy as it could be.  Specifically, prefix delegation should do
 the job for small routers, particularly in the consumer market.  Making
 use of PD in the enterprise is more experimental, I would say, because,
 as Bill alludes, there are quite a number of knobs to play with. 
 Consider that a typical enterprise router not only has interface
 addresses and routing subsystems and firewalls, but may also have such
 fun as VRRP/HSRP configurations, load balancing capabilities,
 NetFlow/sflow collectors, multicast configuration that has some unicast
 addresses hidden in it, management configuration (e.g., SNMP, SYSLOG,
 other), and the like.

Indeed, but except for firewalling, it is why I mentioned using a local
space (PI) or some other 'globally unique chunk that they can keep'.
One will then configure all the internal setups (snmp,syslog,sflow/netflow
etc) using the forever addresses and won't have to care about those anymore.
Routing internally can also happen using those addresses, though the scary
bit is of course when the MTU does change or a Host/Net unreach has to be
sent, the router has to pick the correct global address and not the one
which is only used inside the network. A block like fc00::/7 could make it
easy to then choose the address based on the target, but how sure are you
that the other organization is not using global unicast space for their
internal networks? Even if that dual setup might not be accepted everywhere,
I mean if you have PI why should one want to add the mess of two networks?

 In my opinion, this means that the router of the future needs to look a
 little different, and this has implications for other subsystems.

Which is indeed why I am thinking that ID/LOC is the way to go. One internal
prefix on the local network, and whatever prefix is on the global Internet.
Apply ID/LOC when your packets are going somewhere where you can't use your
local prefix.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

Re: draft-ietf-ipv6-ula-central-02.txt

2007-06-19 Thread Jeroen Massar
Thomas Narten wrote:
  We have to be *very* careful here.  If we allow PTR's to
  be installed in the global DNS then globally reachable
  nameservers *have* to exist for each prefix allocated.
  Otherwise the problems that the AS112 project is trying to
  deal with will appear here as well.
  This is a long term operational cost associated with ULA-C.
 And help me understand how this equates to the AS112 issues. For sites
 that (today) get PI space and don't actually advertise it to the
 internet, aren't the DNS issues _exactly_ the same?

When the prefix is 'local' why would that need to be rooted into the global
Internet? I get the point about having unique addresses out of the same
namespace, but I don't get why reverses then have to be supplied too.

Which leads to the point I wanted to ask:

 How is ULA-C different from PI?

Yes, the prefix it comes from is different, which allows 'easy filtering'.
But do you suddenly trust fc00::/7 more than global unicast?

Also, unless there is a considerable (important) portion of the Internet
that will not accept ULA-C prefixes, or the ULA-C prefix in question has a
lot of value, this will become a routing mess as people will start
announcing them and using them where possible. PA is also being chopped up
by some who are announcing /48's already and even tricks like getting a /31
and announcing two completely separate /32's without the aggregate /31.

The draft is more or less okay IMHO. But the big question is if it is really
needed when there is PI already that can be used for this same purpose.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

Re: draft-ietf-ipv6-ula-central-02.txt - reverse DNS

2007-06-19 Thread Jeroen Massar
Manfredi, Albert E wrote:

 Jeroen, what about this quote from the draft:

 Sorry I mutilated your name again!

Don't worry about that, that happens everywhere (even I typo it) ;)

 4.1 DNS Issues

 and PTR records for centrally assigned local IPv6 addresses may
be installed in the global DNS.  This may be useful if these
addresses are being used for site to site or VPN style applications,
or for sites that wish to avoid separate DNS systems for inside and
outside traffic.

The operational issues relating to this are beyond the scope of this

Not to mean it nastily but shoving the problem off to something else is a
very easy thing to do. If the ULA-C draft is going to define support for DNS
then it should also mention all the known operational problems that can
occur with it. The entity that will perform the registry function is really
not going to document or figure those things out.

The above hosts are Internet connected and most likely will thus also end up
talking to the Internet at one point or another. I can thus only guess that
they will be wanting to fully connect to the Internet one day and the
generic solution to that problem is NAT. We wanted to get rid of NAT for
IPv6. If NAT is again being done for IPv6 then we can just as well give up
and just keep on using IPv4 as there really is not a single advantage then
anymore to IPv6.

But see below for a scenario that might have actual merit here.

Pekka Savola wrote:
 I do not know the intended deployment scenarios

And this is the whole problem with ULA-C from what I see.

What are the intended deployment scenarios?
Or to put it better: what is the problem that needs to be solved?

I explicitly noted the drafts existence and instructions how people can and
that they should comment on this, I still have to see a mostly-RIR person
coming up with their views, or better somebody (and rather multiple) folks
that actually want to use it.

ULA (rfc4193) solves the problem of a routed dental office, pop your boxes
out of the truck, plugin a ULA-capable router box in the middle et presto it
works. This is also already partially what link-locals solve, but those
don't work in a routed manner.

But what is ULA-C supposed to solve, especially in light that IPv6 PI
exists and is fairly easy to get?

 but in many cases where
 I'd expect ULA-C migth be deployed, I'd expect such sites to have some
 global addresses as well for v4, v6 or both (maybe at a different
 physical site, just for a couple of infrastructure servers instead of
 all hosts, etc.)

In case you have 'infrastructure servers', aka your local DNS, then it
becomes very easy to let them return answers for your local tree,
just add the zone as a master. No need for configuring

So, lets assume I have a ULA-C address, how exactly am I going to look up
the reverse? I need to have some kind of global address. When I have a
global address then what is the whole point of ULA, as I am connected already.

One possible scenario could maybe be: use ULA-C local in your local site,
use global (PA) addresses from the upstream ISP, from whom you get a /48
too, thus the number plan is the same, just different first 48 bits. Every
host gets a ULA and a PA address. The PA address might change when changing
ISP. RFC3484 and related work can be used to configure preferring what
address to use. Then you never need to reconfigure your local network and
local addresses are globally unique and can use the Internet.

The big thing there is though: configure your firewalls correctly as the
public addresses do also allow access to everything.

Still, the above can also be accomplished perfectly fine with PI space and
that doesn't require any changes (except RIPE+APNIC policy) to be done.

 You're right that if a ULA(-C) site would have no global addresses
 whatsoever, reverse-DNS delegations can't be done.

The above example demonstrates that indeed.

Another funny thing there to note is that some people might want to use
ULA-C to 'hide' their infrastructure, as it will be completely disconnected
from the Internet. By introducing reverse dns though, those queries will be
ending up at several DNS servers on the big bad public internet. Of course
the NS record will be cached, but some information does get leaked.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

Re: draft-ietf-ipv6-ula-central-02.txt

2007-06-19 Thread Jeroen Massar
Scott Leibrand wrote:
 Now, whenever anyone does a traceroute into or out of my network,
 they'll see ULA-C addresses in the traceroute

Which won't work, as ULA-C's are not in the routing tables, they won't pass
uRPF checks and thus those packets of yours will get dropped to the floor.

These packets will include ICMP Packet Too Big, and when those get dropped,
your network is broken, which actually is caused by the usage of a LOCAL
prefix on the Internet.

Maybe a fist addendum that has to be made: ULA(-C) *MUST* never appear on
the wire on the global Internet.

If you do that anyway, you simply will cause your network to break:

When you got gear you are going to attach to the internet request a PI or a
PA block and use a global unicast address.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

Re: draft-ietf-ipv6-ula-central-02.txt

2007-06-19 Thread Jeroen Massar
Scott Leibrand wrote:
 Templin, Fred L wrote:
 Which won't work, as ULA-C's are not in the routing tables, they
 won't pass
 uRPF checks and thus those packets of yours will get dropped to the

 When you got gear you are going to attach to the internet request a
 PI or a
 PA block and use a global unicast address.

 Which Internet? The existing IPv4 one, or a future IPv6 one?

That common thing that is commonly present in ISP tables.

Now if ULA-C becomes part of that, then it is not 'local' anymore of course
and we just have another form of PI.

 Or, to ask the question another way, does it make sense to use uRPF to
 drop packets sourced from ULA-C blocks?

I refer you to BCP38 for a LOT of reasons on why to enable uRPF checks.
One of those is the most common one: spoofing.

 Our current implementations of loose uRPF are rooted in IPv4 justifications,
 most notably that private IP space (RFC 1918) is non-unique, so we have no
 idea where the packet came from, so we might as well drop it.

And do you have any idea at all where ULA-C packets come from?
Can you send return packets to them?

Remember, that ULA addresses should not be present at all on that generic
thing that people call the Internet.

Or is spoofing again very happily allowed.

Also please take into consideration the recent quibble over RH0. Networks
which do proper uRPF checks didn't have any problems with these packets as
those packets would never be able to pingpong on those networks simply
because of a wrong source address.

 I'm not sure that applies in
 the IPv6 world, where an ICMP packet can be sourced from ULA-C space or
 non-routed PI space and can have perfectly valid DNS and whois
 information associated with its source address.

Since when do routers look in DNS and whois?

If they would do that we would have id/loc, now that would be great.

Scott Leibrand wrote:
 Leo Vegoda wrote:
 Is this not already possible with a /48 PI assignment from ARIN?

 Yes, but only if you qualify for an IPv4 assignment or allocation from
 ARIN under the IPv4 policy currently in effect.  That currently means
 you must either be a large network (qualifying for a /20), or you must
 be large enough to run BGP, be multi-homed, and be large enough to
 justify a /22.

Then change the RIR policy, don't go invent some strange address type that
will only cause problems in the end and will just be a surrogate PI space.

RIR's should be giving out address space on the justification of NEED by the
requesting organization, not by the need to control routing entries because
some ISP's are scared of having to upgrade their routers.

If that latter group is scared, filter out the PI blocks and everything you
don't want to see and let those folks pay you for a slot in your routing tables.

Anything that is going to be connected one way or the other today, tomorrow
or possibly somewhere in the future to that that called 'the Internet' aka
the stuff using global unicast space should steer far and clear from ULA.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

Re: draft-ietf-ipv6-deprecate-rh0-01-candidate-01

2007-06-15 Thread Jeroen Massar
TJ wrote:
 For clarification - let's say we have a device that can filter based on the
 presence of a routing header, but cannot be more granular and filter based
 on what type of routing header it is.

Then that device's IPv6 implementation is inherently broken. This, as
with the current standard (before the upcoming deprecation) it should
always process Type 0 headers.

If it is able to process them, then it should not be a difficult feat to
also have it filter it or disable that processing.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

[administra-trivia] how to unsubscribe from IETF mailinglists

2007-06-15 Thread Jeroen Massar
[excuses for the intermission, but clearly it is time to state it again]

Nour, Nina N. wrote:
 I have been trying to unsubscribe from this mailing list
 unsuccessfully. Could someone help!

For clarity, mainly for people who don't ask and do want to get out:

As described below:
 IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
 Administrative Requests:

As an aside: [EMAIL PROTECTED] can be reached for these and similarily
for other IETF mailinglists: wg[EMAIL PROTECTED]

I'll unsub you in a few moments.

(first have to nullroute the ipv6 address of www1 as something is again
dropping large packets towards me :( )


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IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

Re: Revising Centrally Assigned ULA draft

2007-06-14 Thread Jeroen Massar
[cc'ing RIPE address policy + ARIN PPML where the discussion on this
happened, I have not seen any 'operators' who have said the below, if
there are they are there and can thus raise their voices because they
will see this message; removed the silly spam scoring subject...]

 Operators have said that they will not be able to use ULA, but they could
 use ULA-C, for example for thinks like microallocations for internal

I really wonder where you got that idea, as I know of no such operator
who would ever say that. If there are any, let them bring up their
argumentation, please don't come up with somebody said that it does
not work that way.

Real network operators, especially involved in the RIPE or other RIR's,
have more than enough address space from their PA allocations that they
can easily receive and they very well know how to use a /48 from that
for internal infrastructure as everybody does this. The IPv6 PA policies
even describe that a /48 can be used per POP of the owner of the PA block.

Also in the ARIN region any organization can get a /48 PI block for
about $100/year, as such these organizations won't be needing this
address space either as they can easily take a /64 out of that for those
needs. Firewalling is the key here.

 I think the policy proposal that I sent to several regions includes text and
 links to other documents that can clarify this perspective.
 For example in RIPE NCC:

That is your proposal indeed. No Operator has stood behind this and
various people from various organizations have clearly asked you and the
RIPE NCC to *freeze* this proposal till at least the IETF has worked out.

Anybody needing a globally unique block can get either PA or PI space.
ULA-C as such is useless.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

Re: draft-ietf-ipv6-deprecate-rh0-01-candidate-01

2007-06-13 Thread Jeroen Massar
Bob Hinden wrote:
 I agree with Thomas that it is important to state this very clearly.  
 How about something like this:
Firewall policy intended to protect against packets containing RH0
must be constructed such that routing headers of other types
are not filtered by default.  Doing so will break other uses of
the routing headers such as the Routing Header Type 2 used by Mobile
IPv6 [RFC3775] and future
functionality designed using other routing header types.
 and something similar for the later text.

When the above, or similar text, is included in the document I will
fully support it for advancement.

I have one teeny thing that I think would be worthwhile repeating in
that document: Please enable uRPF where possible as that actually
already takes care of the most of the problem as packets can't go where
they are not able to come from.

Additionally, one nit in section 7 if you didn't catch it yet:
   This document also benefits from the contributions of IPv6 and V6OPS
   orking group participants,

a W is missing there.

Thanks Joe, Pekka, George and the rest of the WG for drafting this up.


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IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

Re: draft-ietf-ipv6-deprecate-rh0-01-candidate-01

2007-06-13 Thread Jeroen Massar
Joe Abley wrote:
 On 13-Jun-2007, at 10:09, Jeroen Massar wrote:
 I have one teeny thing that I think would be worthwhile repeating in
 that document: Please enable uRPF where possible as that actually
 already takes care of the most of the problem as packets can't go where
 they are not able to come from.
 Is this not implicit in the various references to RFC2827 and RFC3704?

Yes, but how many people actually implement it? :)
It is also why I noted that it might be worthwhile repeating it.

Clearly a lot of networks don't do uRPF. It is still possible to spoof
from a lot of networks (both IPv4 and IPv6). The most heard reason is
that they can't because the hardware/software of their routers/AP's
don't support it. In a lot of cases it can be enabled, but people simply

If a network does do uRPF most RH0 attacks are already resolved as then
the router can't send the packet back over the link as the source
address is incorrect. As such it is IMHO relevant to mention.

I am not requiring or anything near that, that it goes in btw, but I do
think it might be a good idea to put in the document just as a reminder
for people who don't read the whole chain of documents.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

Re: draft-ietf-ipv6-deprecate-rh0-01-candidate-01

2007-06-13 Thread Jeroen Massar
Joe Abley wrote:
 On 13-Jun-2007, at 14:33, Jeroen Massar wrote:
 Joe Abley wrote:

 On 13-Jun-2007, at 10:09, Jeroen Massar wrote:

 I have one teeny thing that I think would be worthwhile repeating in
 that document: Please enable uRPF where possible as that actually
 already takes care of the most of the problem as packets can't go where
 they are not able to come from.

 Is this not implicit in the various references to RFC2827 and RFC3704?

 Yes, but how many people actually implement it? :)
 It is also why I noted that it might be worthwhile repeating it.
 So, should we make the language wrapping the references to 2827 and 3704
 stronger, perhaps saying that operators SHOULD deploy ingress filtering
 as an appropriate reaction to the threats described in RH0?

IMHO yes. Unfortunately a MUST is too strong, thus a SHOULD would be
perfect. It might just help some operators configure their networks with
uRPF, as they will be looking at the RFC's that describe harmful things
which can happen to their networks, also RH0 has had quite some press
thus people are aware of it.

I don't know what the rest of the WG thinks about this though and this
is what in my opinion would be a good thing to have.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

Re: Revising Centrally Assigned ULA draft

2007-06-12 Thread Jeroen Massar
Manfredi, Albert E wrote:
 If we get more restrictive about ULA-Cs, my bet is that something else
 will morph to take their place (and the place of site-local addresses).
 I guess people just like to have this tool.

The ULA-C tool already exists: IPv6 PI space from the RIRs.

That satisfies all the needs they can ever have and can even provide
them with reverse DNS without having to do split-dns, though split dns
is most likely already required, how else do you keep certain prefixes

People, like home users or totally disconnected networks that will never
ever ever ever connect to the Internet can use ULA (rfc4193) space that
is auto generated.

Except for the 'you can easily filter on fc00::/8 from slipping onto the
internet' argument, I have not heared any compelling argument in favor
of ULA (except that some people do not want to pay the small fee for a
PI prefix).

People in various operational forums have also raised considerate
arguments against ULA-C and they are expecting people to want to
announce blocks they own (and most likely see as property) onto the
Internet. PI exists for that, so lets keep it at one swamp please.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

Re: Revising Centrally Assigned ULA draft

2007-06-11 Thread Jeroen Massar
Mark Smith wrote:

 Any residential user who needs to have non-globally accessible devices
 attached to their home network could use them.[..]

the normal ULA (RFC4193) provides this already. The user interface
is simply the box that auto generates it and then applies it. Presto.
This thus already is possible today, with todays RFC's (RFC4193).

ULA-C is a completely different beast that is best solved by simply
having organizations to the RIR's and getting a nice /48 or similar
address space they can justify. They call that PI which is a dirty
word, but serves the purpose completely.

The only benefit which has been named upto now is that firewalling is
simpler if you know that non fd00::/8 space is The Evil Internet.
But why should you trust address space in any way?!


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IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

Re: Checks for amplification attack

2007-06-03 Thread Jeroen Massar
Vishwas Manral wrote:
 We have posted a draft which checks for loops in the source routed
 header. It works for nearly all the cases. The reason is in case a new
 header is added to replace the RH0, or if the RH0 is not deprecated
 (for reasons that it is required by the management) then we can as
 well use the checks in the RH0 header itself.
 Such packets should however be rate limited and such checks will
 probably best be performed by software.

Properly configured uRPF already solves most of the routing loops.

Section 3 very shortly describes a method of 'checking if the packet
goes through a router twice', but it doesn't actually explain how it
can be accomplished, it only explains that one can't because there is
no 'routing identifier'.

The second paragraph of section 3 in effect describes performing uRPF
on the RH0 header.

Also, if you would check for a loop, the typical management use of
RH0 (read: traceroute6) stops working, as in most cases the packet
will come back over the same path as it was sent.


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IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
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Different view on RH0: it is good to take out unmaintained networks

2007-05-14 Thread Jeroen Massar

A little mail for a nice Monday morning discussion/flamebait:

I became to realize that RH0 filtering is at all not really necessary.

Networks who have uRPF enabled, they check the source of the packet and
as such the packet pingpong doesn't work, yes the packet arrives, but
when the packet has to be sent out onto the network again, it gets
caught by the uRPF filter.

Networks who do not have uRPF enabled and thus are not properly checking
where a packet is actually being sourced from are open to the RH0 attack.

As such, any network which does not have uRPF enabled is vulnerable to
some nice RH0 packet ping ponging.

Now, what we should hope is that people actually do NOT filter out RH0
and then send out a lot of packets with RH0 headers ping ponging
throughout the Internet. This will take care that the networks who are
not properly applying uRPF will in effect nicely melt down.

Maybe that brings to their attention that doing uRPF is actually a good
thing as is being specified in BCP38 (BCP stands for Best Common
Practices, but clearly a lot of networks don't take it in common).


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

Re: I-D ACTION:draft-jabley-ipv6-rh0-is-evil-00.txt

2007-05-10 Thread Jeroen Massar
Brian Haberman wrote:
 The sentence could be modified in :

 Compliant IPv6 hosts and routers MUST NOT process RH0 in packets
   addressed to them. Those packets MUST be dropped without further
   processing. In particular, the value of the Segments Left field
   MUST not be considered.

 This is much clearer and easier to implement.

It is indeed.

But there is a big BUT. Existing code is already deployed. When these
installations don't get updated to fix this problem they remain
vulnerable and can be used for this attack, as such packet-ping-ponging
between the vulnerable hosts.

As such, when you are a transit provider, and you have on the edges of
your network some vulnerable hosts, those hosts can be used to apply
this attack to your network.

The documentation should thus specify that, where possible, RH0 should
be filtered at customer borders.

(And there should thus be a harakiri-penalty for folks who do not
upgrade their nodes imho...) of course that can also be solved by
publicly shaming those people and more direct: disconnecting them till
they fix their networks.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

Re: I-D ACTION:draft-jabley-ipv6-rh0-is-evil-00.txt

2007-05-10 Thread Jeroen Massar
Pekka Savola wrote:
 On Thu, 10 May 2007, Jeroen Massar wrote:
 As such, when you are a transit provider, and you have on the edges of
 your network some vulnerable hosts, those hosts can be used to apply
 this attack to your network.

 The documentation should thus specify that, where possible, RH0 should
 be filtered at customer borders.
 Well, IMHO that's a bit unnecessary.
 If you see packet ping-pong on the Internet, it's an indication that
 ingress and egress filters haven't been adequately set up.  Adding those
 will stop your network's bandwidth being wasted.
 Maybe this RH0 vulnerability will turn out for the good after all if it
 means better BCP38/84 deployment :-)

Oops, forgot about that indeed. uRPF resolves that concern already :)

I do also have it noted here that folks should do BCP38 properly:

As such, maybe include an extra reference and heavy lined note to BCP38?

Also, maybe force vendors to enable BCP38 per default by making it a MUST?


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

Re: Question for IPv6 w.g. on [Re: IPv6 Type 0 Routing Headerissues]

2007-05-08 Thread Jeroen Massar
 I think my initial email gave the wrong impression of Solaris' behavior.
 Solaris 9  10 will drop these packets by default, whether they
 are being received as the final destination or as a stepping stone.

Cool, that sounds much better (IMHO :) Does the DROP imply a silent
discard of the packet or does it send an ICMP parameter problem?

Reason I am asking is more for the follow up question, which is useful
for the deprecation drafts: what do you (and others) think is a
reasonable default:

 a) Silently discard the packet (maybe a log entry somewhere)
 b) Discard packet, but send back an ICMPv6 Parameter Problem.
 c) Don't process packet, but forward it anyway

Option c) seems to be clearing off the table by most implementation from
what I have seen upto now. Most don't even have a knob to turn it on
again either.

I am in favor of, and have implemented, option a), though b) doesn't
seem to be a very bad option either as backscatter is minimal and only
to the sending host who should most likely know about it. Next to that,
as itojun mentioned, ICMPv6 errors are rate-limited anyway when
implemented according to the spec.

  (I got no Solaris boxes around to test)
  ( updated)

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I-D ACTION:draft-jabley-ipv6-rh0-is-evil-00.txt

2007-05-07 Thread Jeroen Massar
See below.

Very short though.

I personally would rather see a MUST drop packets containing RH0.



A New Internet-Draft is available from the on-line Internet-Drafts

Title   : Deprecation of Type 0 Routing Headers in IPv6
Author(s)   : J. Abley
Filename: draft-jabley-ipv6-rh0-is-evil-00.txt
Pages   : 13
Date: 2007-5-7

   The functionality provided by IPv6's Type 0 Routing Header can be
   exploited in order to perform remote network discovery, to bypass
   firewalls and to achieve packet amplification for the purposes of
   generating denial-of-service traffic.  This document updates the IPv6
   specification to deprecate the use of IPv6 Type 0 Routing Headers, in
   the light of these security concerns.

A URL for this Internet-Draft is:

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

Re: Question for IPv6 w.g. on [Re: IPv6 Type 0 Routing Headerissues]

2007-05-06 Thread Jeroen Massar
 Solaris 9/10 ships with IPv6 processing of the routing header disabled
 by default:
 # ndd /dev/ip6 ip6_forward_src_routed
 ...and Solaris only implements processing for RHT0.
 Solaris 8 appears to be the only one with it enabled by default.

Although that is a partial step in the right direction, when the machine
is used for forwarding packets, it still allows these packets to be

As such, when forwarding, the host still forward these malicious packets
and even though this host on your network is correctly configured, other
networks and hosts, which are not active enough in updating their
configurations will make your host still be a part of a nice DoS attack
as it will forward the malicious packets.

Of course, when Transits filter them out these packets will be limited
to the networks on the edges, which then usually is their own problem.

The current Linux and FreeBSD patches also only _DISABLE_ processing,
they still forward these packets on.

I am recording all the implementations and how they handle RT0 on:
for updates/changes/comments etc, of course don't hesitate to yell.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

Re: Question for IPv6 w.g. on [Re: IPv6 Type 0 Routing Header issues]

2007-05-03 Thread Jeroen Massar
Eric Klein wrote:
 I am sorry if I was unclear. I am on both lists and understand their

No, you are confusing [EMAIL PROTECTED] with [EMAIL PROTECTED]
They are not the same. The first has nothing to do with the IETF and
can't care much about what the IETF will decide, they will most likely
look at it and take it into consideration, but that is it.

Please actually READ what I write.

 My concern is that both lists are reviewing this problem and looking for
 a solution independently of each other.
 So I am wondering which group is more appropriate for a soltuion, thus
 the topic would fall under:
 1. IPv6 WG
 2. v6OPS WG

As this definitely concerns the IPv6 Protocol, as the RT0 is part of the
protocol and that is broken it belongs in (IPv6 WG) and
not in v6ops which is also not where this discussion is taking place.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

Re: Question for IPv6 w.g. on [Re: IPv6 Type 0 Routing Header issues]

2007-05-01 Thread Jeroen Massar
Eric Klein wrote:
 I have just noticed that this topic seems to be going on simutaniously
 on both the IPv6 and v6OPS mailing lists.
 The two threads are not coordinated, but both seem very concerned with
 IPv6 Type 0 Routing Header issues.
 It concerns me that the two teams are working seperatly to solve the
 same issue.

You misunderstand. These are two separate groups, although some members
of them fall under both groups and participate in both. Which is a good
thing as without one the other doesn't exist and vice versa, thus feed
back from both into both is very important. Unfortunately not everybody
can participate in both as some people have networks to run etc ;)

To make it a bit clearer:

The [EMAIL PROTECTED] list is for IPv6 Operational matters. This
list contains folks who have actual have enable or root on the
network routers around the globe and who can take immediate effect on
their workings. As such these people have fortunately, where possible,
already taken action to resolve this issue by filtering out Routing
Header Type 0 from propagating through their networks. Most of them are
awaiting a fix from Juniper though, to resolve it for those routers
which actually comprise the largest amount of the IPv6 backbones. These
people operating them do this for the benefit of their own organization
and thus take their decisions based on the simple metric: does it impact
revenue or my operating of the network. As it does pose a danger it is a
simple equation to resolve it. The general consensus in this community
seems to be to filter out IPv6 Routing Headers of Type 0 completely. The
only argument raised by some is that it is useful for 'reverse
traceroute', but as that doesn't work when a network properly does uRPF
(which it should be doing!) this is far from useless in most cases
anyway. uRPF in general makes RH0 completely useless anyway.

Having uRPF enabled in most cases mitigates this attack already
perfectly fine. Unless of course folks have defaults pointing both ways
or the RH0 path is following the correct interface direction. Hard but
possibly doable.

The list is for the standardization of the IPv6 protocol.
Here is specified how those routers should behave, what the packet data
should/must look like etc. There are a lot of different people from a
lot of different backgrounds all with different interests in this group,
as such, as they don't all have the same goal, not all can be satisfied
in one go, unlike the operators who run their network for profit, and
consensus have to be reached first amongst all the parties for this to
be resolved. Although this group defines the initial RFC, the Operators,
next to the Vendors, actually implement them. The standard in the end
thus is actually what both groups together come up with. As IPv6 is not
a standard yet, we'll just have to write a draft to amend the current
IPv6 RFC to resolve this issue.

All that said though, as the Operative community is already mostly
filtering out RH0, there seems to be little options left where RH0 still
is useful...


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

Re: Question for IPv6 w.g. on [Re: IPv6 Type 0 Routing Headerissu es]

2007-04-30 Thread Jeroen Massar

First off, my take on this is to disable RH0 and deprecate it.

This has already been done in all the SixXS PoPs to avoid them and their
users to be a source/destination of this problem. Although it would be
fun to see the traffic levels go over 0.1% of IPv4 that kind of traffic
is not the traffic we want to see I guess :)

Also quite a large number of operators are already DROP-ing these
options. Which leads to another question: Should one DROP or REJECT
(icmp admin prohibited) these packets. Pro's/Con's on this anyone?

Ebalard, Arnaud wrote:

 For IPv6, since last week, all major stacks are already no more IPv6  
 compliant regarding RH0 processing :
 FreeBSD : 
 OpenBSD :
 NetBSD  : 
 Linux   :
 Apple is aware of the issue, but has more latency.
 Cisco and Juniper too, but no public statement/decision is available  
 yet (this is obviously not that simple for them).

I've started collecting ways to disable this at:

This also lists Cisco already who made a security announcement quite
some days ago, see the following URL which includes workarounds:
Not all platforms are addressed with that of course and most thus
require updates, for some though there are no updates yet.
From Juniper I only know that they are 'working on it' and that was an
unofficial statement from one of their employees.

 On the other hand, given that these usage cases are rather limited, I
 don't think they're in wide use, and still cause problems for
 ingress/egress filters, I'm also ok with deprecation.
 You should also add anycast to the list.

Why Anycast? I guess you are not using any Root DNS servers or any
content distribution network? :) There are a lot of uses for anycast,
which you won't even notice that they are being used. Also Anycast per
se is not a special feature of IPv6, it is also used in IPv4.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

Re: IPv6 Type 0 Routing Header issues

2007-04-27 Thread Jeroen Massar
Alun Evans wrote:
 On Fri 27 Apr '07 at 02:06 George V. Neville-Neil [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I would be interested in a list of cases FOR the Type 0 Routing
 Header.  If there are no good cases for it, it seems to me that
 removing it is the best thing to do.
 I quite like traceroute for the return path.

This 'problem' can be solved with looking glass websites, not which such
an obvious security problem as RH0.

That said, there should be a well defined system for Looking Glasses.
Please see the proposal I made to the RIPE Database WG to define these:

As there where at least no negative comments, I guess I should make a
more formal proposal soon to solve this, for both IPv4 and IPv6 and in a
standard way (hoping that the other RIR's will follow in providing this
data too, but as some RIR's don't have a real IRR yet that might take time).


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

IPv6 Type 0 Routing Header issues

2007-04-23 Thread Jeroen Massar
Just in case folks are missing out on this, find below a rather nasty
security issue.

Please use IPv6 Ops list [EMAIL PROTECTED] for discussion,
see also:


 Original Message 
Subject: [dns-operations] IPv6 Type 0 Routing Header issues
Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2007 17:07:57 +0200

Very interesting presentation by Arnaud and Phil:

If you only care about the DNS related bits, start on page 29.

Senior Manager - Network Engineering/Security - COLT Telecom

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

Re: IPv6 Adress Shortage

2007-01-23 Thread Jeroen Massar
Guillaume FORTAINE wrote:
 Somebodyu sent me this :
[..unrelated quotes about naming and ICANN in general..]

Either contact dnsop, where it is probably not appropriate either or
better discuss it at any of the ICANN forums. is not the place as that is about IPv6

The IPv6 working group is responsible for the specification and
standardization of the Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6).

for the charter.

This thus not include discussion about ICANN or naming.

Also note that the person you cc'd is banned from a large number of IETF
lists for a reason. Please uphold the decision of the IETF.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

Re: Human-regenerable IPv6 addresses

2006-09-12 Thread Jeroen Massar

Pars Mutaf wrote:

On Mon, 2006-09-11 at 23:42 +0200, Jeroen Massar wrote:

Pars Mutaf wrote:

I have updated my HUMID internet draft entitled:

Human-regenerable IPv6 interface identifiers and addresses

Until it appears at the IETF site, you can find it at the
following address if you're interested:

[don't read this as an overly negative reply...]

Hi Jeroen,

Why don't you: ping6 ff02::1

Because when you do that, you got a lot replies. You don't
know who is who. 

Thus your DNS server is down, even though you have a lot of hosts?
Are all these hosts using hard-coded address then, as that is what your 
HUMID proposal will end up being used for, unless you patch all the 
hosts to have a fake DNS resolver that actually does the HUMID calculation.

and then ssh into the server that has your DNS server running and fix it 
up? Or, why not use mDNS ( or SMB/CIFS 
nameresolution? Without DNS you have no network nowadays anyway.

I believe the DNS server may be down (routing is independent). But 
if you don't agree, there are a lot of other things that may go 
wrong. Take the MIPv6 home agent, it may be unreachable. You can't 
get the destination's care-of-address. Only the home agent knows 
it, and it is unreachable.

Or, simply, there is no internet infrastructure in range. 

(please let me know when you finish reading the draft ;-)

I read the draft and indeed it contained almost exactly what you write 
above, but that has nothing to do with what I wrote. That I don't 
comment on certain parts of the draft is not because I didn't read them 
but because those parts where not the main parts to address in the first 

If you don't have a network in the first place, then you don't need 
resolving either as there is nothing to be reached.

If you want to have a network without DNS, then I suggest you look at 
things like mDNS, SMB/CIFS which already cover this and don't cause any 
naming problems or anything you have to remember. Also a local DNS 
server/cache is quite normal nowadays and thus doesn't require any 
internet infrastructure to be available. Just look at any out of the box 
DSL router^WNAT box

Solving your missing DNS problem by (ab)using a large portion of the 
EUI-64 space is not something I think is very useful. 

Why do you think I'm (ab)using the EUI-64 space? We already have
random addresses. I missed something? 

As you will need to obtain a valid EUI-64 prefix to actually be using 
this address space validly. RFC3041 addresses also have a special prefix 
allocated and so will any local-part of the address.

Your draft also nicely mentions using DAD for dupe detection, what if 
two resources are named 'router', which is the resulting address that 
comes forth out of it? Or 'dns' as you want to fix that server but don't 
know it's address (but can guess the first 64bits...).

It is a fun 
approach, but not very useful in common cases.

I'm glad that you find that funny. But I'm really serious here ;-)
It is very useful in uncommon cases.

In common cases people simply fix their DNS server.


Frankly I've no problem with typing jean francois le roux.
Please note that, you don't have to know all names in the world!
I'm sure there are a number of human names that you know
typing correctly (family, colleages, friends...). 

In this case, HUMID is useful for you.

The only 'name' you need to remember is that of the DNS server and the 
router, the latter is found at prefix::/64 (the subnet anycast address).

Or simple case, my own name, 
people tend to even say jereon or jeroem or joeren, let alone the 
problem with pronunciation and then how people tend to write it ;)

Then again, only dutch folks seem to be able to pronounce it correctly.

Good for them. Bad for the others. 

In fact, I don't think human is that stupid. We (humans) know in 
general that we might have done a mistake somewhere. 

Technical people know indeed, but technical people also are smart enough 
to configure their DNS server correctly and/or when broken fix it.

People use google nowadays for looking up their things, they don't type 
in hostnames that much any more and they certainly will not start typing 
128 bit addresses made up out of hex chars which they need to calculate

Try to see this like a human scanning protocol. It may find you, 
or it may fail. I say it will mostly succeed.

Do you know anybody who can do SHA-1 from the head? Even with pen and 
paper most people won't be able to do so as most people don't even know 
the algorithm. When you say 'but you can install a tool, download it 
from http://www... then you are using DNS.

I suggest you take a look at mDNS/SMB/CIFS for the needs you describe.
Secondly if you really think this draft has a value, talk to the folks 
in the dnsop WG what they think of it as they have a big history in name 

Re: Human-regenerable IPv6 addresses

2006-09-11 Thread Jeroen Massar

Pars Mutaf wrote:

I have updated my HUMID internet draft entitled:

Human-regenerable IPv6 interface identifiers and addresses

Until it appears at the IETF site, you can find it at the
following address if you're interested:

[don't read this as an overly negative reply...]

Why don't you: ping6 ff02::1
and then ssh into the server that has your DNS server running and fix it 
up? Or, why not use mDNS ( or SMB/CIFS 
nameresolution? Without DNS you have no network nowadays anyway.
Solving your missing DNS problem by (ab)using a large portion of the 
EUI-64 space is not something I think is very useful. It is a fun 
approach, but not very useful in common cases.

The 'name generation' is per definition flawed. Quite a number of people 
on this planet don't have names that map into ASCII, or when mapped 
according to your rules would maybe only have 4 letters over creating a 
collision. Next to that if you mistype jeanfrancoisleroux, which is 
quite easy to do eg johnfranslaroeks ;) Or simple case, my own name, 
people tend to even say jereon or jeroem or joeren, let alone the 
problem with pronunciation and then how people tend to write it ;)

Then again, only dutch folks seem to be able to pronounce it correctly.
Another issue I see is simply the case of 'forgetting the name'. People 
who can't fixup a DNS server, or use SMB/CIFS naming or similar tools 
also tend to forget their passwords and logins. Do they then all of a 
sudden have the availability of a SHA tool which directly converts the 
names in to those name addresses? Most people don't even have the script handy to lookup revers IPv6 DNS names ;)


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IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

Re: Endianness of IPv6 and payloads

2006-09-08 Thread Jeroen Massar

Manfredi, Albert E wrote:

I guess we'll just have to go with Internet convention arguments.

Well we can also go the Wikipedia route:
Networks generally use big-endian numbers as addresses; this is 
historically because this allowed the routing to be decided as a 
telephone number was dialed. Motorola processors have generally used 
big-endian numbers, and ARM processors gained truly switchable 
endianness in order to improve performance of networking devices based 
on them.


and more importantly:
The Internet Protocol defines a standard big-endian network byte 
order. This byte order is used for all numeric values in the packet 
headers and by many higher level protocols and file formats that are 
designed for use over IP.


convincing is also:
The Berkeley sockets API defines a set of functions to convert 16- and 
32-bit integers to and from network byte order: the htonl and htons 
functions convert 32-bit (long) and 16-bit (short) values 
respectively from host to network order; whereas the ntohl and ntohs 
functions convert from network to host order.


If Internet Protocols where not usually/always in Big Endian format, 
then those functions would not have existed.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

Re: Is there any provision in privacy addressing, autoconfiguration, or ND specifications to have privacy address and *not have* autoconfigured addresses?

2006-08-18 Thread Jeroen Massar

John Spence wrote:

Hi Bob - thanks for the quick reply.  Three things:

1) If I have autoconfiguration enabled, and I autoconfigure a
global-scope address from an RA where the valid lifetime is greater than
zero (the usual case certainly), I would normally respond to connections
from other nodes at that address.  I guess I could use a platform
firewall to suppress that.

Depending on your trust in the network you either firewall on the 
borders (easiest) or you deploy some per-host firewall that can be 
reconfigured from a central point (eg Active Directory style or custom 

2) As for the value, I like it when implementers have choices.  I hear
people talk about the difficulty of scanning a 128-bit addressing space,
but it is not hard, if autoconfiguration is in use and the attacker
knows a little about an organization, to get that down to more like a 10
OUIs x 2^24 problem.  You are right - still significant - but not

RFC3041 and also read the NAP draft for a lot of other solutions to 
these silly questions.

3) I got on off-list suggestion that maybe CGA is a potential solution
for this, which is a good thought too.

Which is a patent bait waiting to happen according to many discussions.

RFC3041 is all you need and is already implemented. You might want to 
add the per-host firewall if you really require that though.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

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