[jQuery] Re: Destroy Interval at DOM Object removal

2008-11-14 Thread Pom


I killed my plugin-idea and rewrote the whole thing and now I have it

Thanks for your advice, ricardobeat!

The result can be seen on http://www.coolstuff.se/Humunga_Tunga. Open
an image och forward to #4. The code is in product.js.

Best regards,

[jQuery] Re: Destroy Interval at DOM Object removal

2008-11-14 Thread Liam Potter

That's pretty cool.
To make it a bit more difficult, why not add vertical movement aswell, 
and if you did the vertical movement in all angles, you could create a 
controllable 3D object.

Pom wrote:


I killed my plugin-idea and rewrote the whole thing and now I have it

Thanks for your advice, ricardobeat!

The result can be seen on http://www.coolstuff.se/Humunga_Tunga. Open
an image och forward to #4. The code is in product.js.

Best regards,

[jQuery] Re: Superfish - sf-breadcrumb question

2008-11-14 Thread Joel Birch

Hi John,

I think you need to find out why you seem to be needing to manually
add that class in order for the menu to work properly. This is not
something I have encountered before, so maybe your menu is set up in a
somewhat unconventional way? If you have a link to the page we may be
able to help you figure something out.

Joel Birch.

[jQuery] Re: Exchange a Superfish menu with an Accordion.

2008-11-14 Thread Joel Birch

You are correct that Superfish does not have a disable function. You
would have to manually remove the classes from the DOM, and also
unbind the hover, blur and focus events on the anchors.

Joel Birch.

[jQuery] Re: strange IE behavior with Superfish

2008-11-14 Thread Joel Birch

Hi Kevin,

The Superfish demo CSS sets the submenu width on the ul element and
has the nested elements to 100% of that. Any horizontal padding should
then be set on the anchor elements.

Your menu sets the ul width, then specifically sets the nested li
elements to the same width (150px). This would be fine (although not
as flexible), except that you then add horizontal padding to those
list items which adds to the overall width, making them wider than
their parent ul. This will cause the effect you are seeing in IE.
Better to use the recommended way of laying out the menus as it is
thoroughly tested to avoid a minefield of such problems across a wide
variety of browsers.

Joel Birch.

[jQuery] Re: jeditable and XHTML?

2008-11-14 Thread mbraybrook

I can't see anything wrong with the JS, can you perhaps provide a more
complete picture?
.: Are you calling the JS when the DOM is ready?
.: Are you posting the changes to a URL that is prepared to handle it?
.: Are you using the latest versions of the scripts?


On Nov 13, 11:23 pm, Rodent of Unusual Size [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Is there a known problem with jQuery/jeditable and
 XHTML?  I keep running into this 'invalid string'
 message with JS and XHTML.  First Dojo, now here..
 it's getting discouraging.  What am I doing wrong?

 Anyway, is there anything obviously wrong with
 the fragment athttp://apache.pastebin.ca/1254469?
 When I click in an appropriately-classed element,
 the current text disappears, but then the error
 crops up.

 I want to use jeditable to edit fields in a table,
 but right now I'm trying to get it to work on any
 old XHTML..

 And yes, I know IE doesn't do XHTML well/at all.
 And no, I don't care. :-/

 #ken    P-)}

 Ken Coar, Sanagendamgagwedweinini  http://Ken.Coar.Org/
 Author, developer, opinionist      http://Apache-Server.Com/

 Millennium hand and shrimp!

[jQuery] Re: pure CSS hover problem

2008-11-14 Thread Joel Birch

Simply add a width on the submenu ul elements so that they all span
the full width of the menu. Those uls should also have a solid

Joel Birch.

[jQuery] Re: Superfish + IE7 dean edwards project

2008-11-14 Thread Joel Birch

Sorry, but I won't be working on this. It seems more like a fault of
the IE7 script really, considering that its purpose is to make IE6
behave like IE7, and Superfish works fine in IE7.

Joel Birch.

[jQuery] Re: superfish z-index problem

2008-11-14 Thread Joel Birch

If you provide a set of files that I can instantly run locally without
having to alter urls, etc., I'll be able to edit them and try to debug
your problem.

Joel Birch.

[jQuery] Problem ClueTip Plug-In and local parameter

2008-11-14 Thread Stefan Sturm


I'm using the ClueTip Plug-In to display a Form, when the mouse is
over a Link. This works fine, but there is a big problem:
In local Mode ClueTip seams to make a copy of my Form and displays it. :-(
Why ClueTip works this way?

I use a simple JavaScript Function to send all my form using a Ajax
Request. But this is not working, because my Form exists two times...

Hope somebody can help me.

Stefan Sturm

[jQuery] Re: Superfish - sf-breadcrumb question

2008-11-14 Thread John S

Got it working; ended up adding class=sfHover sf-breadcrumb to all
the main nav items.
May not be the correct way to do it, but for this round it'll do.
Seems that the nav rendering is completed before the jquery addClass
can be added.

Page is on a clients secured server so I can't give out the url.

[jQuery] Re: event binding at bottom of page instead of ready() pitfalls?

2008-11-14 Thread Klaus Hartl

I have no link but used that approach for plazes.com. The only pitfall
I came across is that some plugin's  (in my case the datepicker)
internally use the ready event, which can cause some troubles.

Apart from that, perceived page loading/rendering was much much
faster, especially since I put Google Maps loading at the very end.


On 14 Nov., 01:28, decostop [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Anyone have a link to some good info on or an experience based opinion
 on what risks I might face if I were to do my event binding at the
 bottom of my html instead of in the DOM ready?

 Not pretty but the objective would be to get the events working when
 the page is loaded, but right before some slow 3rd party JS which
 delays the DOM from being considered ready.

[jQuery] Re: jQuery / XML / IE

2008-11-14 Thread Jemo

Much appreciated

On Nov 13, 5:09 pm, ken [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 http://docs.jquery.com/Specifying_the_Data_Type_for_AJAX_Requests(the code

 On Thu, Nov 13, 2008 at 10:37 AM, Jemo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  OK, this works marvelously in Safari and Firefox for the Mac as well
  as Firefox for the PC but it doesn't work worth spit in IE. I would
  appreciate any assistance.

  It's just reading form a simple XML file to output information in


[jQuery] Re: Adjusting the position and offset of the text

2008-11-14 Thread fastnoc

OK that makes sense. Thank you!

Still waiting for an answer on the font placement issue. I've read
through the source, and checked the css and i just can't figure this

On Nov 13, 6:12 am, Karl Swedberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Not sure about the first question, but you should be able to apply the  
 tooltip to multiple elements by giving all of them the same class name  
 and then attaching the tooltip() method to that class.


 Karl Swedbergwww.englishrules.comwww.learningjquery.com

 On Nov 13, 2008, at 2:16 AM, fastnoc wrote:

  Can anyone help here?

  On Nov 12, 7:39 am, fastnoc [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I didn't notice this right away. I thought it would be in the css but
  that's not the case.

  I've created my own images for the background and I need to adjust
  where the text starts and an offset for the right side (padding) as

  next, In order to use this multiple times on one page you must create
  new instances each time. I'm using this all over my site, so the  
  line is getting long. Is there a better, more efficient way to do

  $(#fancy, #fancy2, #fancy3, #green, #registration, #list,

[jQuery] How to pass arguments from link to ajax function

2008-11-14 Thread balavignesh

Hai Friedns,

i have following three links on my page ,

a href=javascript:submit_data(2008-10-05,2008-11-04) 2008-10-05 -
a href=javascript:submit_data(2008-09-05,2008-10-04) 2008-09-05 -
a href=javascript:submit_data(2008-08-05,2008-09-04) 2008-08-05 -

   Whenever i click these links it should be posted with
corresponding values (start_date  end_date) to the ajax function
using jquery.

My questions is,  how can i send the values as the arguments from
the links to the jquery ajax function?

Thanks  Regards,

[jQuery] jQuery Tooltip plugin speech bubbles over image map

2008-11-14 Thread Jesse

I am attempting to adapt the tooltip plugin to work with an image map,
but I can only get 'standard' pop ups to function over map objects.
Has anyone been able to make the tooltip plugin work with an image map
and speech bubbles (fancy decorated popups)?  Ideally I would like
to get this working, and possibly with a :hover for the map areas for

[jQuery] Cluetip and xml

2008-11-14 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello all,

I start with ajax (jquery) and xml. I need to use cluetip in a table
like this example:

As against that I do must be in Cluetip information from several
different fields.
Would you like a piece of code explaining the procedure to do with
Do you have examples to this need ?

Thank you in advance

[jQuery] Jquery uploader script problem

2008-11-14 Thread Phaedra

Hi to all, i've a little problem with this script, i can't make it
works in ie.
The problem is that it always opens a new windows when i submit the
upload form, even if i use the target property to a just created

In FF, it will target the iframe as expected.

Can you help me?

Here's the code:

function createIFrame() {
.attr(id, uploadFrame)
.attr(name, uploadFrame)
//.attr(src, javascript:false) not working
.css(position, absolute)
.css(visibility, hidden)

function iFrameCallBack(e) {
if ( e ) {

function removeIFrame() {

function insertNewUpload() {
uploadCounter += 1;
// Creating the form for the new file upload
.attr(action, upload)
.attr(method, POST)
.attr(id, uploadform + uploadCounter)
.attr(enctype, multipart/form-data)
.attr(target, uploadFrame);

// Creating the input for the file
$(input type='file'/input)
.attr(name, file + uploadCounter)
.attr(size, 50)
.change(function(e) { fileUpload($(this)) });

function removeUpload($elm) {

function fileUpload($elm) {
return false;

function confirmDelete($elm) {

function confirmUpload($elm) {
$elm.parent().css(backgroundColor, #DFFFDF);

// Creating the remove file button
$(input type='button'/input)
.attr(value, rimuovi)
.css(width, 6em)
.css(font-size, 1em)
.click(function(e) { removeUpload($(this)); });

var s = span +$elm.val()+/span;
var h = input type=\hidden\ class=\delete\ name=\delete\


[jQuery] Re: How to pass arguments from link to ajax function

2008-11-14 Thread Leapfrog!

try putting the dates in
single quotes, like this (assuming they are to be two separate values):

href="" class="moz-txt-link-rfc2396E" href="_javascript_:submit_data('2008-10-05','2008-11-04');">"_javascript_:submit_data('2008-10-05','2008-11-04');"
2008-10-05 - 2008-11-04/a

balavignesh wrote:

  Hai Friedns,

i have following three links on my page ,

a href="" class="moz-txt-link-rfc2396E" href="_javascript_:submit_data(2008-10-05,2008-11-04)">"_javascript_:submit_data(2008-10-05,2008-11-04)" 2008-10-05 -
a href="" class="moz-txt-link-rfc2396E" href="_javascript_:submit_data(2008-09-05,2008-10-04)">"_javascript_:submit_data(2008-09-05,2008-10-04)" 2008-09-05 -
a href="" class="moz-txt-link-rfc2396E" href="_javascript_:submit_data(2008-08-05,2008-09-04)">"_javascript_:submit_data(2008-08-05,2008-09-04)" 2008-08-05 -

   Whenever i click these links it should be posted with
corresponding values (start_date  end_date) to the ajax function
using jquery.

My questions is,  how can i send the values as the arguments from
the links to the jquery ajax function?

Thanks  Regards,


[jQuery] Issue with FF back button

2008-11-14 Thread Aparajita


We have a form at www.floresdodia.com/checkout.php which uses very
simple ajax validation with jquery. We only validate if the field is
empty or not.

Problem is when someone fills all fields and proceeds to the next page
and want to edit something by pressing the back button, Firefox does
not allow to resubmit the page. Its something like submit button has
been disabled.

Would anyone please help me here. I am a jquery novice.


[jQuery] jquery.ajax POST is getting a 400 error intermittently

2008-11-14 Thread jq-rav


I am using jQuery ajax, served up on AIX, IBM HTTP Server and
Websphere Application server

When making a jQuery.ajax type:'POST', sometimes the reponse is:  HTTP/
1.1 400. This is not happening consistently. I see the 400 status code
in the web server logs.
Has anybody else run into this issue before?

Here is the jquery ajax call code

url: url,
type: 'POST',
data: {
client: $('#txt1').val(),
trigger: 'reload',
   dataType: 'xml',
async: false,
timeout: 1,
success: function(responseXML){


'#txt1' is an input type hidden element or a select box.

Appreciate your help.

[jQuery] jquery.ajax POST is getting a 400 error intermittently

2008-11-14 Thread jq-rav

I am using jQuery ajax, served up on AIX, IBM HTTP Server and
Websphere Application server

When making a jQuery.ajax type:'POST', sometimes the reponse is:  HTTP/
1.1 400. This is not happening consistently. I see the 400 status code
in the web server logs.
Has anybody else run into this issue before?

Here is the jquery ajax call code

url: url,
type: 'POST',
data: {
client: $('#txt1').val(),
trigger: 'reload',
   dataType: 'xml',
async: false,
timeout: 1,
success: function(responseXML){


'#txt1' is an input type hidden element or a select box.

Appreciate your help.

[jQuery] menu on hover

2008-11-14 Thread Sebastián V. Würtz

Theres any plugin to implement a sitemap like
http://www.elpais.com (the last link in the footer of the page Asociadoss)
or like
http://www.lanacion.com.ar/ (link at the bottom  MAPA DEL SITIO near 
the rss icon)


[jQuery] Re: Animating table rows

2008-11-14 Thread Richard D. Worth
On Fri, Nov 14, 2008 at 1:20 AM, Shawn Grover [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

 Another option is to wrap each of your TDs within the row with a DIV. Then
 you can do something like $(#myRow div.animateMe).slideUp(); Then the row
 has no vertical height because it's content is now invisible.

Do you mean wrap the *contents* of each TD with a div? Because putting the
TD inside a div would be invalid.

- Richard

[jQuery] Re: this and z-index changes

2008-11-14 Thread CodingCyborg

numWindows=jQuery('.draggableWindow').size() + 500;
zindexIt2 = parseInt($(this).css(z-index));
if(zindexIt2  numWindows){
if(newZ2  zindexIt2){


I added a line so I could watch the z-index movements of the draggable
windows. I found that they are all on separate layers but for some
reason instead of each of them above the one you bring to front
dropping one, some will drop two while others don't move. I'm not sure
why this is happening, it's almost as if some windows are run through
the .each() multiple times while others don't move. Or when others go
through it they affect the first one through it.

Help would be highly appreciated!

On Nov 13, 1:08 pm, CodingCyborg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I recently have been playing around with a Desktop module that was
 on nettuts and made a modification for it that doesn't fully work.
 There are many draggable windows, and in order for them to function
 like a real desktop they need to have z-index changes such that if you
 close one on top the last one you had on top is right below it.

 I believe my error comes in with this or possibly something else,
 but when you pull one to the front it causes some or all of the others
 to end up in the same z-index causing them to not stay in order of
 recently viewed.

                 numWindows=jQuery('.draggableWindow').size() + 500;//the + 
 500 is to
 make sure they are above other objects on the page
                 zindexIt2 = parseInt($(this).css(z-index));
                 if(zindexIt2  numWindows){
                         $(this).css(z-index,numWindows);//brings to front
                         $('.draggableWindow').each(function(){//supposed to 
 drop others
 back one...
                         if(newZ2  zindexIt2){

[jQuery] How to set a group of elements bold if it's related element has something in it

2008-11-14 Thread nmiddleweek


I'm really not even sure where to start with this one so am really
hoping someone can help shed some light on it...

I've got a a bunch of input fields called inputTime1, inputTime2,
inputTime3, inputTime4

and I've got a 'parallel' bunch of hidden fields called inputNotes1,
inputNotes2, inputNotes3, inputNotes4

I need to set the inputTime1.css to bold if inputNotes1 is NOT empty
and the same for inputTime2 and inputNotes2, etc.

Can this be done in a simple jQuery statement?

Cheers and thanks in advance!


[jQuery] Re: How to correctly set a dblclick(..) on a dynamically added table row ?

2008-11-14 Thread Paul Hammant

This is still dogging me - what's the correct way to add rows to a  

1) clone last row
2) clone a row you removed (for purposes of future cloning)
3) create the row from scratch

- Paul

On Nov 8, 2008, at 4:11 PM, Paul Hammant wrote:

Below is a demo of the problem i have. Reduced to the minimal HTML I

I start with a row in a table, but on load, I remove it and store it.
Then i dynamically insert some row based on a clone of the original.
As I add each row i add a double-click to a popup form (via blockUI).
The first time you double click a row it works.  The second time
everything freezes during the popup.

There must be some rules around row removal and re-adding, or
dynamically attaching a dblclick(..) event that I'm unaware of.

What am I missing ?

- Paul


titlejQuery bug demo?/title
script type=text/javascript src=jquery-1.2.6.pack.js/script
script type=text/javascript src=jquery.blockUI.min.js/script

$(document).ready(function() {
// take row from table, for futire use.
rowToClone = $('#mytable tr:last').remove();
insertRow(1, double-click this line first);
insertRow(2, then double-click this line);
$(#cancelRead).click(function() {

function doubleClick() {
var readRow = $('#readRow');
$.blockUI(readRow, {width:'540px', height:'300px'});

function insertRow(id, foo) {
var newRow = rowToClone.clone();
newRow.attr(id, id);
$('td[class*=class1]', newRow).html(foo);
newRow.dblclick(doubleClick);   // Is this an OK thing to


table id=mytable cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0
tr class=myRow id=1
td class=class1PLACEHOLDER/td

div id=readRow style=display:none;cursor:default;


form id=readMyForm name=readMyForm
input type=button id=cancelRead value=Close


[jQuery] IE6 crashes while loading xml through $.get function

2008-11-14 Thread bytte

I'm loading an xml file of 88kb through jQuery's GET function. But IE6
crashes. Is there a better way to load an xml file than the one I'm
using? Code below:


var naam = new Array();
$('record',xml).each(function(i) {
naam[i] = [{
familienaam : 
voornaam : 
straat : 
post : 
woonplaats : 
telefoon : 
tweedetelefoon : 
email : 
opdracht : 
foto : 
$(this).children('familienaam').text() + $
(this).children('voornaam').text() + .jpg
formatItem: function(item) { return item[0].voornaam + 
  + item
[0].familienaam +  ( + item[0].opdracht + ); },
}).result(function(event, item) {
//output results on page


[jQuery] Re: a probable bug with keyboard events

2008-11-14 Thread Jörn Zaefferer
Finally a ticket: http://ui.jquery.com/bugs/ticket/3587


On Mon, Oct 20, 2008 at 2:59 AM, alex bodnaru [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 backspace support added.

 On Mon, Oct 20, 2008 at 02:08, alex bodnaru [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 don't tell me i forgot to attach the file ;)

 On Sun, Oct 19, 2008 at 18:15, alex bodnaru [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 hello dan, everybody.

 i have posted yesterday on this list a few improvements to
 autocomplete for your review,
 which i'd be glad to see committed if ok.

 as it turned out, the work was more delicate, but with your expert
 guidance i got the
 hoped result.

 here is jquery.autocomplete.js, as patched to ignore noisy key presses
 and to additionally
 append fields values to the ajax query.

 last but not least, i have given the input widget focus after
 selection from the list, since
 this widget is made for people who wish to use the keyboard.
 additionally, maybe a configuration
 option will allow automatic move to the next field, to save even more
 fuss from the user.

 please take a look an freely use my work.

 best regards,

 On Sun, Oct 19, 2008 at 17:40, alex bodnaru [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 hi dan,

 thanks for your answer.

 i'm logging the keydown event on the input in the plugin autocomplete.

 the keydown is there to react to movement, return and delete, and in
 the default condition it
 may check for eventual changes in the input field.

 but, pressing of a hebrew character immediately after the keymap
 switching with alt-shift
 (which is itself captured by keydown as alt) is not getting in keydown
 at all, however it
 changed the field value.
 anyway, the keyCode of hebrew chars in keydown is always 0.

 i will try to move handling of non movement keypresses in keypress,
 and soon report.

 best regards,

 On Sun, Oct 19, 2008 at 15:47, Dan Switzer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 What keyboard event are you logging? Some events are only captured by a
 keypress event and will be ignored by the keydown event.


 On Sun, Oct 19, 2008 at 5:12 AM, alex bodnaru [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 hello friends,

 i ran into a corner case with jquery autocomplete which i'd like to
 seek a solution for:

 my system is bilingual (en-he) gnome debian linux, with firefox 3.0.3.

 with focus on an autocomplete field, i'm switching the keymap to
 hebrew, using alt-shift. logging the event keyCode to the firebug
 console, i get one 18 value, followed sometimes by a 0 additional

 the next character i'm typing into the field is being shown, but does
 not trigger a keycode event, hence the autocompletion doesn't react.
 this doesn't happen when i switch the language to english, probably
 because ascii characters have non-zero keyCodes.

 but the following character i'm typing acts ok. no, this is not
 because minChars.

 i assume that the alt-shift is leaving the event manager in an
 ambiguous state, which invalidates an unicode char, but is being later
 cleaned by typing another char, or bksp/del.

 could you help?

 best regards,

[jQuery] Re: Cluetip and xml

2008-11-14 Thread Karl Swedberg

Hi Benoit,

So, you want to do the same thing you're already doing, but using an  
xml file instead of the title attribute for the content?

If I'm understanding you correctly, you can set dataType to 'xml' in  
the ajaxSettings option and then filter the result of the ajax call  
and return what you want in the ajaxProcess option. Something like this:

ajaxSettings: {
  dataType: 'xml'
ajaxProcess: function(data) {
   // $(data).find ...
 // return something;

Hope that helps.


Karl Swedberg

On Nov 14, 2008, at 3:11 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hello all,

I start with ajax (jquery) and xml. I need to use cluetip in a table
like this example:

As against that I do must be in Cluetip information from several
different fields.
Would you like a piece of code explaining the procedure to do with
Do you have examples to this need ?

Thank you in advance

[jQuery] Re: Jörn's autocomplete - advanced filtering and matching

2008-11-14 Thread Jörn Zaefferer
Could you provide more detail about the expected behaviour?


On Tue, Nov 11, 2008 at 8:35 PM, Simbarashe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have been experimenting with the autocomplete, and so far am
 impressed with the performance. There is one thing, however, that I
 would like to do that I cannot figure out myself.

 My list items are supplied by a sql script that finds entries using
 both freetext and like matching. This means that, for instance in my
 situation, searching a list of plants will yield the following results
 as the person types:

 l -- a list of plants beginning with l
 li -- a list of plants beginning with li
 lil -- a list of plants that contain lil (query changes for terms
 longer than 2 characters)
 lily -- a list of plants that contain or match lily (including
 'lilies' from the freetext search)

 Now if I backspace and pickup again:

 lil -- a list of plants that contain lil (query changes for terms
 longer than 2 characters)
 lili -- a list of plants that contain lil, which is actually NO

 but if I continue to 'lilies' I will get results again.
 In the case that I get no results, I don't want to show the NO MATCHES
 result, because that does not help my end-user. I would rather keep my
 last list available.

 In other words, how do I filter the results client-side so that they
 ALWAYS have some option to choose from?

[jQuery] Re: jeditable and XHTML?

2008-11-14 Thread Rodent of Unusual Size

On Nov 14, 5:58 am, mbraybrook [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I can't see anything wrong with the JS, can you perhaps provide a more
 complete picture?
 .: Are you calling the JS when the DOM is ready?


 .: Are you posting the changes to a URL that is prepared to handle it?

It never gets to that point.

 .: Are you using the latest versions of the scripts?


Complete example/test case at http://plugins.jquery.com/node/4830

[jQuery] Re: [Autocomplete] Reducing remote calls

2008-11-14 Thread Jörn Zaefferer
Created a ticket for now: http://ui.jquery.com/bugs/ticket/3588


On Sun, Nov 9, 2008 at 9:36 PM, Mon Zafra [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi list,

 I'm using the excellent autocomplete plugin from bassistance.de. The cache
 and subset matching features are very useful.

 I would like to take the subset matching a bit further. I want to prevent
 the script from querying the server if the query string does not match
 anything from a previous result set in which the current query is a
 potential subset of. I apologize for being unclear, I know I'm misusing the
 terms here. I hope I could explain it better with an example.

 A user types 'foo', which calls a server script that returns ['foo',
 'foobar', 'foobarbaz']. The user then types 'b'. Because of subset matching,
 a query for 'foob' is not sent anymore, and the current set is still used.
 If the user then types 'u', which matches nothing in the result set, the
 script takes a trip to the server. That trip is useless since all words with
 'foo' have already been obtained. A query for 'foobu' will not return
 anything. My goal is to prevent that trip to ease the server load a little.

 Another thing, I bound a blur handler for the autocompleted element which
 calls search() so that I could display a message if there are no matches
 found, as per a recommendation I found in this list's archive. My problem is
 that the search() method triggers another server query, which is useless
 since I already know that there are no matches. Is there a better way to
 display a 'no match' message which doesn't need to ask the server?

 Any guidance regarding these matters would be highly appreciated.

-- Mon

[jQuery] Puzzling problem with form buttons upon submission

2008-11-14 Thread Michael Ekoka

I ran into a rather curious problem today with jQuery (link to the
code at the bottom).

The form:
- I created a simple form with 1 hidden field and 4 buttons:
- 2 input buttons of type=submit and type=button
- 2 button/button buttons, also type=submit and type=button.
- The 4 buttons have their class attribute set to class=submit
- The form is submitted to an iframe within the page. Therefore upon
submission, the page should not entirely reload, only the iframe gets

The jQuery script:
- The script simply grabs all submit buttons and attach certain
actions to their click event. To be more specific: submit the form,
then remove it. Nothing more complicated than that.

$form = $(this).parent();

The desired results:
- Normally, once the user press one of the submit buttons, it is
expected that the form will be submitted (via iframe), a small
confirmation message would appear in the iframe and finally the form
would be removed from the dom.

What actually happens:
- Only 2 of the buttons work as expected: the 2 non submit ones, i.e.
input type=button and button type=button
- The 2 submit buttons on the other hand don't submit anything. The
form simply gets removed.

If anyone familiar enough with jQuery can indicate what is going on
here, I would be grateful. I've been using the library for 3 days and
although i think it's an awesome piece of code, there are obviously a
few things that i fell to grasp.

The code:
If you use php, you can copy and paste it as is in a file under your
webserver and run it. There's only about 3 lines of php, to verify if
the form was submitted and output a message. You can easily convert it
to any other web language.

Any help would be appreciated, but before answering please take the
extra 45 seconds necessary to paste the code under your webserver and
run it. This might save us all a great deal of time usually spent
exchanging to clarify wrong assumptions.

[jQuery] Superfish arrows and drop shadow

2008-11-14 Thread pbluetype

Hi, I've recently put the superfish dropdown menu onto an application
and everything works well. I've linked it to hover intent and I'm
using the vertical display method.

However, for some reason I am not getting the arrows or the drop
shadow, is there something I'm missing? My ul is created dynamically
and gives out the following:

div id=tabs
ul id=menu class=sf-menu sf-vertical
lia class=sf-with-ul href=#General/a
lia href=default.aspxHome/a/li
lia class=sf-with-ul href=#Maintenance/a
lia href=applicationadministration.aspxApplication
lia href=ptadministration.aspxProject  Task 
lia href=useradministration.aspxUser 
lia class=sf-with-ul href=#Timesheets/a
lia href=dailytimesheet.aspxDaily 

Any help is very appreciated. Thanks

[jQuery] Re: Problem ClueTip Plug-In and local parameter

2008-11-14 Thread Karl Swedberg

Hi Stefan,

for local content, the plugin clones the element to be displayed and  
places it in the clueTip container. It works this way so that it can  
make use of the cloneWithEvents argument: ... .clone(true)

There were bug reports about local contents losing their event  
bindings when dumped into a clueTip. Using .clone(true) seemed to  
solve that problem.

If your ajax form submission function binds to a form based on id,  
perhaps you could modify that to bind based on class. Not sure if that  
will solve your problem, since I can't see the whole picture, but  
hopefully it'll point you in the right direction. Also, there's an  
onShow option in the plugin that takes a function. You could look into  
that for binding the event to the form in the clueTip.


Karl Swedberg

On Nov 14, 2008, at 6:11 AM, Stefan Sturm wrote:


I'm using the ClueTip Plug-In to display a Form, when the mouse is
over a Link. This works fine, but there is a big problem:
In local Mode ClueTip seams to make a copy of my Form and displays  
it. :-(

Why ClueTip works this way?

I use a simple JavaScript Function to send all my form using a Ajax
Request. But this is not working, because my Form exists two times...

Hope somebody can help me.

Stefan Sturm

[jQuery] jquery.ajax POST is getting a 400 error intermittently

2008-11-14 Thread jq-rav

I am using jQuery ajax, served up on AIX, IBM HTTP Server and
Websphere Application server

When making a jQuery.ajax type:'POST', sometimes the reponse is:  HTTP/
1.1 400. This is not happening consistently. I see the 400 status code
in the web server logs.
Has anybody else run into this issue before?

Here is the jquery ajax call code

url: url,
type: 'POST',
data: {
client: $('#txt1').val(),
trigger: 'reload',
   dataType: 'xml',
async: false,
timeout: 1,
success: function(responseXML){


'#txt1' is an input type hidden element or a select box.

Appreciate any help.

[jQuery] Re: livequery not binding to ajax loaded links in ie6 and ie7?

2008-11-14 Thread Brandon Aaron
On Thu, Nov 13, 2008 at 10:26 PM, n00bert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Brandon,

 I put an alert in like so:

 $('#content div.thumb a').livequery('click', function(e) {
 alert ('clicked');
var href = $(this).attr('href');
$('#mainMenu ul li ul li a[href$=' + href + ']').triggerHandler
return false;

 Safari, Firefox and Opera all show the alert when clicked. ie6 and ie7
 do not. In firebug, there are no errors. Any clues?

But are there any errors in IE?

Brandon Aaron

[jQuery] Re: Superfish arrows and drop shadow

2008-11-14 Thread Joel Birch

Is that the mark-up output from the server, or is it the generated
source as shown in Firebug, ie. after the Superfish JS has run? You
did call the plugin's initialisation code I hope? Are the paths to the
shadow and arrow images correct?

If you show us your page I'm sure we can figure it out far more easily.

Joel Birch.

[jQuery] jquery.ajax POST is getting a 400 error intermittently

2008-11-14 Thread jq-rav

I am using jQuery ajax, served up on AIX, IBM HTTP Server and
Websphere Application server

When making a jQuery.ajax type:'POST', sometimes the reponse is:  HTTP/
1.1 400. This is not happening consistently. I see the 400 status code
in the web server logs.
Has anybody else run into this issue before?

Here is the jquery ajax call code

url: url,
type: 'POST',
data: {
client: $('#txt1').val(),
trigger: 'reload',
   dataType: 'xml',
async: false,
timeout: 1,
success: function(responseXML){


'#txt1' is an input type hidden element or a select box.

Appreciate your help.

[jQuery] Re: Tab divs disappear

2008-11-14 Thread aaron

Thanks, I did try wrapping the panel container and it caused the
javascript to stop working.  I guess I'll keep trying some other ideas
to try to fix this.  What your seeing now is a little improved,
because I gave the main container a fixed height.  Before that, the
entire page would move around when that panel disappeared.

On Nov 13, 6:12 pm, Klaus Hartl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I can't see how the disappearing lasts one second. Between the
 animations there has to take place a switch of course, that makes the
 tab navigation jump to the top. You could overcome that problem with
 some CSS trickery (like absolutely position the nav to the bottom of a
 container that has fixed height or alternatively - a bit easier
 moreover - just wrap the tab panels in a container that has fixed


 On 13 Nov., 22:46, aaron [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Sorry, wrong links.



  On Nov 13, 3:26 pm, Klaus Hartl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   In any case - as I already stated - rotate with Ajax tabs is not
   supported at the moment.


   On 13 Nov., 22:25, Klaus Hartl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Maybe I am just blind, but I couldn't find tabs, and got a We
couldn't find your document. instead...?


On 13 Nov., 21:23, aaron [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Unfortunately, that isn't working either.  Let me link my page and
 maybe you can see what is going on.  I have two versions.

 One is using Tabs 3 with the rotate option:  

 One is using jquery UI Tabs with the rotate option and 

 You can see how the entire div just disappears for a second before the
 new one is loaded.

 On Nov 12, 11:52 am, aaron [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Ahh, thanks, the light bulb just clicked on.  In order for AJAX to
  work, the html code is different, not the initialization code.  I
  think I kept glossing over that in the documentation.

  On Nov 12, 11:29 am, Klaus Hartl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Do your anchors inside the tabs list look like this:

   a href=/some/url.../a

   or like this:

   a href=#identifier.../a


   The initialization is the same, no matter if Ajax tabs or in-page.


   On 12 Nov., 17:09, aaron [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm not sure what you mean, what initialization code should I 
use?  I
tried putting the AJAX options in there, but got the same 

On Nov 11, 3:48 pm, Klaus Hartl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 And you're not using Ajax tabs? Rotate and Ajax together is 
 supported right now.


 On 11 Nov., 20:39, aaron [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  $(function() {
                  $('#tabs_container  ul').tabs( {fx: { 
  'toggle' } }).tabs('rotate', 5000);

  On Nov 7, 4:20 pm, Klaus Hartl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   On 7 Nov., 21:43, subnet_rx [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm using jQuery UI tabs and I'm rotating them 
automatically.  The problem
is, for half a second, the div disappears till the next 
one loads.  This
modifies the size of the page and the page jumps around 
while this is going
on.  The divs only contain static content, and I've 
tried AJAX cache
options, but they don't work.  I just want them to fade 
out and fade in.
What initialization code should I be using?

   What initialization code should do you use?


[jQuery] Re: mcDropDown: How to reload?

2008-11-14 Thread Dan Switzer

On Thu, Nov 13, 2008 at 11:07 PM, CED [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Anyone know how to force a mcdropdown element to reload? I am trying
 to update the mcdropdown via another action. McDropDown returns the
 element if its already been defined.

There currently is no way to do this easily. You can either modify the
source code to give you the ability to alter the list, or you can modify the
list element programmatically (just pay attention to the code in the
$.mcDropDownMenu() to make sure you duplicate that logic when adding new
elements to the list.)


[jQuery] Re: Superfish arrows and drop shadow

2008-11-14 Thread pbluetype

Thats the markup.

When you say 'You did call the plugin's initialisation code I hope?'
what do you mean exactly.

I'm a bit of a beginner as you probably have guessed.

Also where are the images stored? I haven't got any images for the
arrow and shadow myself, am I meant to?

Sorry, the page is only local atm so cant show you.


[jQuery] Re: Adjusting the position and offset of the text

2008-11-14 Thread Karl Swedberg

Sure thing.

If you're using Jörn's tooltip plugin, you might have better luck  
getting an answer if you start a new thread and start the subject with  


On Nov 14, 2008, at 7:02 AM, fastnoc wrote:

OK that makes sense. Thank you!

Still waiting for an answer on the font placement issue. I've read
through the source, and checked the css and i just can't figure this

On Nov 13, 6:12 am, Karl Swedberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Not sure about the first question, but you should be able to apply  
tooltip to multiple elements by giving all of them the same class  

and then attaching the tooltip() method to that class.


Karl Swedbergwww.englishrules.comwww.learningjquery.com

On Nov 13, 2008, at 2:16 AM, fastnoc wrote:

Can anyone help here?

On Nov 12, 7:39 am, fastnoc [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I didn't notice this right away. I thought it would be in the css  

that's not the case.

I've created my own images for the background and I need to adjust
where the text starts and an offset for the right side (padding) as

next, In order to use this multiple times on one page you must  

new instances each time. I'm using this all over my site, so the
line is getting long. Is there a better, more efficient way to do

$(#fancy, #fancy2, #fancy3, #green, #registration, #list,

[jQuery] Re: Destroy Interval at DOM Object removal

2008-11-14 Thread ricardobeat

wow, very cool! I'm glad my 'advice' was useful to you!

- ricardo

On Nov 14, 8:21 am, Pom [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I killed my plugin-idea and rewrote the whole thing and now I have it

 Thanks for your advice, ricardobeat!

 The result can be seen onhttp://www.coolstuff.se/Humunga_Tunga. Open
 an image och forward to #4. The code is in product.js.

 Best regards,

[jQuery] Re: Superfish arrows and drop shadow

2008-11-14 Thread Joel Birch

It does seem most likely that you haven't actually activated the
plugin code and all you are seeing is the pure CSS fallback version of
the menu. If you go to the Superfish documentation pages you will find
plenty of information about setting up menus in a variety of ways, but
specifically, look at Step 3 of the Quick Start Guide on the entry
page. You need to include that code to trigger the plugin's JS that
you linked to in a script tag.

Also, once the initialisation code has run, it will add various
classes to your menu markup, including the anchors' sf-with-ul class
where relevant, so you do not need to add that to your markup

Regarding the images, they come as part of the standard download (zip
archive) and are used for the arrow and the shadow. In the
superfish.css file the images are referred to like this, for example:

background: url('../images/shadow.png') no-repeat bottom right;

This means that you either need to put the images in an 'images'
folder, one level higher than the directory that the CSS file is in,
or you can change the path to point to the images if you prefer to
keep them elsewhere.

Hope this helps.

Joel Birch.

[jQuery] Re: Issue with FF back button

2008-11-14 Thread Bil Corry

Aparajita wrote on 11/14/2008 5:36 AM: 
 Problem is when someone fills all fields and proceeds to the next page
 and want to edit something by pressing the back button, Firefox does
 not allow to resubmit the page. Its something like submit button has
 been disabled.

I experienced that problem too, where one day a simple form (no JS) that I've 
used for years suddenly couldn't be resubmitted if I hit the back button unless 
I reloaded the page.  I never did figure out the problem, but as mysteriously 
as it started, it recently stopped and it now works again.

I just did a quick search, and this may actually be the cause of my issue:


A recent upgrade of Firefox disabled the RealPlayer add-on (not compatible), so 
perhaps that was the fix...

- Bil

[jQuery] Re: How to set a group of elements bold if it's related element has something in it

2008-11-14 Thread ricardobeat

input type=hidden name=inputTime1 class=inputTime /
input type=hidden name=inputTime2 class=inputTime /
input type=hidden name=inputTime3 class=inputTime /
input type=hidden name=inputTime4 class=inputTime /

input type=hidden name=inputNotes1 class=inputNotes /
input type=hidden name=inputNotes2 class=inputNotes /
input type=hidden name=inputNotes3 class=inputNotes /
input type=hidden name=inputNotes4 class=inputNotes /


var inputNotes = $('.inputNotes');

  if(inputNotes.eq(i).val() == )


On Nov 14, 11:07 am, nmiddleweek [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm really not even sure where to start with this one so am really
 hoping someone can help shed some light on it...

 I've got a a bunch of input fields called inputTime1, inputTime2,
 inputTime3, inputTime4

 and I've got a 'parallel' bunch of hidden fields called inputNotes1,
 inputNotes2, inputNotes3, inputNotes4

 I need to set the inputTime1.css to bold if inputNotes1 is NOT empty
 and the same for inputTime2 and inputNotes2, etc.

 Can this be done in a simple jQuery statement?

 Cheers and thanks in advance!


[jQuery] Re: this and z-index changes

2008-11-14 Thread ricardobeat

I haven't looked througly at your code, but I see you're using global
variables, that might be an issue:

var numWindows=$('.draggableWindow').length + 500;
var zindexIt2 = parseInt($(this).css(z-index));
if(zindexIt2  numWindows){
var newZ2=$(this).css(z-index);
if(newZ2  zindexIt2){ //being greater
doesn't mean it's only 1 unit greater
newZ2 = zindexlt2-2; //just to be safe

On Nov 14, 11:13 am, CodingCyborg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
                 numWindows=jQuery('.draggableWindow').size() + 500;
                 zindexIt2 = parseInt($(this).css(z-index));
                 if(zindexIt2  numWindows){
                             if(newZ2  zindexIt2){

 I added a line so I could watch the z-index movements of the draggable
 windows. I found that they are all on separate layers but for some
 reason instead of each of them above the one you bring to front
 dropping one, some will drop two while others don't move. I'm not sure
 why this is happening, it's almost as if some windows are run through
 the .each() multiple times while others don't move. Or when others go
 through it they affect the first one through it.

 Help would be highly appreciated!

 On Nov 13, 1:08 pm, CodingCyborg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I recently have been playing around with a Desktop module that was
  on nettuts and made a modification for it that doesn't fully work.
  There are many draggable windows, and in order for them to function
  like a real desktop they need to have z-index changes such that if you
  close one on top the last one you had on top is right below it.

  I believe my error comes in with this or possibly something else,
  but when you pull one to the front it causes some or all of the others
  to end up in the same z-index causing them to not stay in order of
  recently viewed.

                  numWindows=jQuery('.draggableWindow').size() + 500;//the + 
  500 is to
  make sure they are above other objects on the page
                  zindexIt2 = parseInt($(this).css(z-index));
                  if(zindexIt2  numWindows){
                          $(this).css(z-index,numWindows);//brings to front
                          $('.draggableWindow').each(function(){//supposed to 
  drop others
  back one...
                          if(newZ2  zindexIt2){

[jQuery] Re: Superfish arrows and drop shadow

2008-11-14 Thread pbluetype

Haha I can be an idiot sometime!

The reason I wasn't seeing the shadow or arrow was because rather than
downloading the zip file I had simply downloaded the code files

I was calling the initialisation code etc (as explained by your very
easy to use demos) but by my own foolish mistake I didnt download the

Thanks a lot for your help, the menu looks and works really well.

I knew there'd be a simple answer ;-)


[jQuery] Nesting toddle div's

2008-11-14 Thread sinkingfish


Im new to jQuery and looking for a bit of help. Im trying to have toggleable
content within toggleable content.

http://pastie.org/314861 Code 

It's just not working for me, when I click the first toggle all is revealed?
Am I way off? Something to do with propagation?

View this message in context: 
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: Combining jQuery and jQuery UI

2008-11-14 Thread c.barr

Thanks for doing that, and for some reason that works just fine - I
don't know what's different about what you did, but it works.

I suppose it's that particular minify script, so I'll have to keep
that in mind for the future. Thanks again!

On Nov 12, 10:56 pm, Karl Swedberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Chris,

 Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. I just tested a page on my  
 server, concatenating and minifying all the files you mentioned --  
 jQuery core, all the UI files, nymodal plugin, and clueTip plugin. I'm  
 not seeing a problem.

 Here is a link to the min/concat script I use:http://code.google.com/p/minify/

 Here is the test page:http://www.learningjquery.com/examples/concat.html

 Here is the array of files that are being minified/concatenated:

      'js_ui' = array('//js/jquery-1.2.6.min.js',

 Not sure what else to do. Let me know if I can help, but so far I'm  
 not able to replicate the problem.


 Karl Swedbergwww.englishrules.comwww.learningjquery.com

 On Nov 11, 2008, at 9:49 AM, c.barr wrote:

  It's been a while without a response and I just wanted to bump this
  again to see if anyone found out why this was happening or how to get
  around this issue.

  On Oct 22, 8:37 am, c.barr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Also, I've got two plugins I'd like to combine together to save some
  space, but it's also breaking every time.
  Cluetip 0.9.8 and NyroModal 

  I can combine these just fine, and NyroModal seems to work, but it
  always breaks on the Cluetip functions saying insertionType is not

  On Oct 21, 2:26 pm, c.barr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Yes, it's being listed first. Can someone else please try and do  
  to verify it?  I just want to make sure I'm not missing something

  On Oct 21, 12:16 pm, Karl Swedberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Are you making sure that the jquery core file is at the top of that
  concatenated file? that's the only other thing I can think of that
  would produce the error.


  Karl Swedbergwww.englishrules.comwww.learningjquery.com

  On Oct 20, 2008, at 4:26 PM,c.barrwrote:

  They already have the semicolons straight from jQuery, so no  
  were needed. Any other suggestions?

  On Oct 16, 5:16 pm, Mike Alsup [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I'd like to combine and compress my jQuery and jQuery UI files
  into a
  single minified file, but I've noticed that every time I do  
  this It
  just breaks and gives me $ is not defined.

  If I do a copy/paste of the two uncompressed files together, it
  fine but it's a 100kb file!  When I got to minify or pack this  
  that's when it always breaks.  I've tried Dean Edwards packer,
  and YUI all with the same results.

  The same goes for any jQuery plugins I've downloaded. I'm  
  using a
  several that I need avalible on all pages, and I'd like to  
  them - these also break when I do this.

  Am I missing something here?

  Make sure each file has a leading and a trailing semicolon.

[jQuery] Re: this and z-index changes

2008-11-14 Thread Isaiah Fischer
So then, how would i go about making it so the variables are, in a sense,
deleted after each .each() run such that its fresh when it goes through
again? or is it the zindexIt2 that isn't getting pulled down into the
.each() function?

On Fri, Nov 14, 2008 at 9:03 AM, ricardobeat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I haven't looked througly at your code, but I see you're using global
 variables, that might be an issue:

var numWindows=$('.draggableWindow').length + 500;
var zindexIt2 = parseInt($(this).css(z-index));
 if(zindexIt2  numWindows){
 var newZ2=$(this).css(z-index);
if(newZ2  zindexIt2){ //being greater
 doesn't mean it's only 1 unit greater
newZ2 = zindexlt2-2; //just to be safe

 On Nov 14, 11:13 am, CodingCyborg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  numWindows=jQuery('.draggableWindow').size() + 500;
  zindexIt2 = parseInt($(this).css(z-index));
  if(zindexIt2  numWindows){
  if(newZ2  zindexIt2){
  I added a line so I could watch the z-index movements of the draggable
  windows. I found that they are all on separate layers but for some
  reason instead of each of them above the one you bring to front
  dropping one, some will drop two while others don't move. I'm not sure
  why this is happening, it's almost as if some windows are run through
  the .each() multiple times while others don't move. Or when others go
  through it they affect the first one through it.
  Help would be highly appreciated!
  On Nov 13, 1:08 pm, CodingCyborg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I recently have been playing around with a Desktop module that was
   on nettuts and made a modification for it that doesn't fully work.
   There are many draggable windows, and in order for them to function
   like a real desktop they need to have z-index changes such that if you
   close one on top the last one you had on top is right below it.
   I believe my error comes in with this or possibly something else,
   but when you pull one to the front it causes some or all of the others
   to end up in the same z-index causing them to not stay in order of
   recently viewed.
   numWindows=jQuery('.draggableWindow').size() +
 500;//the + 500 is to
   make sure they are above other objects on the page
   zindexIt2 = parseInt($(this).css(z-index));
   if(zindexIt2  numWindows){
   $(this).css(z-index,numWindows);//brings to
 $('.draggableWindow').each(function(){//supposed to drop others
   back one...
   if(newZ2  zindexIt2){

[jQuery] Re: Combining jQuery and jQuery UI

2008-11-14 Thread c.barr

I wish I could edit posts

I did just notice something - the file size here is much larger than
what the 4 files were on their own - why is this?  On their own:


Total: about 180k

The new combined file is 316k - nearly three times the size.  It's
nice to have it all in one place, but my goal was to reduce http
requests and transfer size.  Any insight on how to get this down

On Nov 12, 10:56 pm, Karl Swedberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Chris,

 Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. I just tested a page on my  
 server, concatenating and minifying all the files you mentioned --  
 jQuery core, all the UI files, nymodal plugin, and clueTip plugin. I'm  
 not seeing a problem.

 Here is a link to the min/concat script I use:http://code.google.com/p/minify/

 Here is the test page:http://www.learningjquery.com/examples/concat.html

 Here is the array of files that are being minified/concatenated:

      'js_ui' = array('//js/jquery-1.2.6.min.js',

 Not sure what else to do. Let me know if I can help, but so far I'm  
 not able to replicate the problem.


 Karl Swedbergwww.englishrules.comwww.learningjquery.com

 On Nov 11, 2008, at 9:49 AM, c.barr wrote:

  It's been a while without a response and I just wanted to bump this
  again to see if anyone found out why this was happening or how to get
  around this issue.

  On Oct 22, 8:37 am, c.barr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Also, I've got two plugins I'd like to combine together to save some
  space, but it's also breaking every time.
  Cluetip 0.9.8 and NyroModal 

  I can combine these just fine, and NyroModal seems to work, but it
  always breaks on the Cluetip functions saying insertionType is not

  On Oct 21, 2:26 pm, c.barr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Yes, it's being listed first. Can someone else please try and do  
  to verify it?  I just want to make sure I'm not missing something

  On Oct 21, 12:16 pm, Karl Swedberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Are you making sure that the jquery core file is at the top of that
  concatenated file? that's the only other thing I can think of that
  would produce the error.


  Karl Swedbergwww.englishrules.comwww.learningjquery.com

  On Oct 20, 2008, at 4:26 PM,c.barrwrote:

  They already have the semicolons straight from jQuery, so no  
  were needed. Any other suggestions?

  On Oct 16, 5:16 pm, Mike Alsup [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I'd like to combine and compress my jQuery and jQuery UI files
  into a
  single minified file, but I've noticed that every time I do  
  this It
  just breaks and gives me $ is not defined.

  If I do a copy/paste of the two uncompressed files together, it
  fine but it's a 100kb file!  When I got to minify or pack this  
  that's when it always breaks.  I've tried Dean Edwards packer,
  and YUI all with the same results.

  The same goes for any jQuery plugins I've downloaded. I'm  
  using a
  several that I need avalible on all pages, and I'd like to  
  them - these also break when I do this.

  Am I missing something here?

  Make sure each file has a leading and a trailing semicolon.

[jQuery] Re: livequery not binding to ajax loaded links in ie6 and ie7?

2008-11-14 Thread n00bert

Hi Brandon,

no errors in ie at all. I've uploaded the site I'm working on at
http://rosiespencer.co.uk When it loads, click a small thumb. The menu
should slide down and the contents of #content are replaced via ajax.
Some larger thumbs appear. This is where it breaks in ie. In other
browsers if you click one of the bigger thumbs, #content is replaced
as expected.

Thanks again for your help,


On Nov 14, 2:23 pm, Brandon Aaron [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Thu, Nov 13, 2008 at 10:26 PM, n00bert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hi Brandon,

  I put an alert in like so:

  $('#content div.thumb a').livequery('click', function(e) {
          alert ('clicked');
         var href = $(this).attr('href');
         $('#mainMenu ul li ul li a[href$=' + href + ']').triggerHandler
         return false;

  Safari, Firefox and Opera all show the alert when clicked. ie6 and ie7
  do not. In firebug, there are no errors. Any clues?

 But are there any errors in IE?

 Brandon Aaron

[jQuery] Re: this and z-index changes

2008-11-14 Thread CodingCyborg

Sorry, I misread the change in code and the comments you added.

Doing: newZ2 = zindexlt2-2;
Would place all windows that were previously above the window you just
brought to front on the same z-index, which I don't want.
The reason for the newZ2--; is that all above it go down one level,
and then the one that was clicked jumps to the very top of all of
This allows for all windows above it to go down one, so they all stay
on separate levels, but in the same order.

On Nov 14, 9:03 am, ricardobeat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I haven't looked througly at your code, but I see you're using global
 variables, that might be an issue:

                 var numWindows=$('.draggableWindow').length + 500;
                 var zindexIt2 = parseInt($(this).css(z-index));
                 if(zindexIt2  numWindows){
                             var newZ2=$(this).css(z-index);
                             if(newZ2  zindexIt2){ //being greater
 doesn't mean it's only 1 unit greater
                                 newZ2 = zindexlt2-2; //just to be safe

 On Nov 14, 11:13 am, CodingCyborg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

                  numWindows=jQuery('.draggableWindow').size() + 500;
                  zindexIt2 = parseInt($(this).css(z-index));
                  if(zindexIt2  numWindows){
                              if(newZ2  zindexIt2){

  I added a line so I could watch the z-index movements of the draggable
  windows. I found that they are all on separate layers but for some
  reason instead of each of them above the one you bring to front
  dropping one, some will drop two while others don't move. I'm not sure
  why this is happening, it's almost as if some windows are run through
  the .each() multiple times while others don't move. Or when others go
  through it they affect the first one through it.

  Help would be highly appreciated!

  On Nov 13, 1:08 pm, CodingCyborg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I recently have been playing around with a Desktop module that was
   on nettuts and made a modification for it that doesn't fully work.
   There are many draggable windows, and in order for them to function
   like a real desktop they need to have z-index changes such that if you
   close one on top the last one you had on top is right below it.

   I believe my error comes in with this or possibly something else,
   but when you pull one to the front it causes some or all of the others
   to end up in the same z-index causing them to not stay in order of
   recently viewed.

                   numWindows=jQuery('.draggableWindow').size() + 500;//the 
   + 500 is to
   make sure they are above other objects on the page
                   zindexIt2 = parseInt($(this).css(z-index));
                   if(zindexIt2  numWindows){
                           $(this).css(z-index,numWindows);//brings to 
   to drop others
   back one...
                           if(newZ2  zindexIt2){

[jQuery] Re: How to correctly set a dblclick(..) on a dynamically added table row ?

2008-11-14 Thread Richard D. Worth
This looks like it may be an issue with blockUI. Are you using v1.33? Have
you tried the latest, v2.10?

- Richard

On Fri, Nov 14, 2008 at 8:45 AM, Paul Hammant [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This is still dogging me - what's the correct way to add rows to a table?

 1) clone last row
 2) clone a row you removed (for purposes of future cloning)
 3) create the row from scratch

 - Paul

 On Nov 8, 2008, at 4:11 PM, Paul Hammant wrote:

 Below is a demo of the problem i have. Reduced to the minimal HTML I

 I start with a row in a table, but on load, I remove it and store it.
 Then i dynamically insert some row based on a clone of the original.
 As I add each row i add a double-click to a popup form (via blockUI).
 The first time you double click a row it works.  The second time
 everything freezes during the popup.

 There must be some rules around row removal and re-adding, or
 dynamically attaching a dblclick(..) event that I'm unaware of.

 What am I missing ?

 - Paul


 titlejQuery bug demo?/title
 script type=text/javascript src=jquery-1.2.6.pack.js/script
 script type=text/javascript src=jquery.blockUI.min.js/script

$(document).ready(function() {
// take row from table, for futire use.
rowToClone = $('#mytable tr:last').remove();
insertRow(1, double-click this line first);
insertRow(2, then double-click this line);
$(#cancelRead).click(function() {

function doubleClick() {
var readRow = $('#readRow');
$.blockUI(readRow, {width:'540px', height:'300px'});

function insertRow(id, foo) {
var newRow = rowToClone.clone();
newRow.attr(id, id);
$('td[class*=class1]', newRow).html(foo);
newRow.dblclick(doubleClick);   // Is this an OK thing to


 table id=mytable cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0
tr class=myRow id=1
td class=class1PLACEHOLDER/td

 div id=readRow style=display:none;cursor:default;


form id=readMyForm name=readMyForm
input type=button id=cancelRead value=Close


[jQuery] Re: this and z-index changes

2008-11-14 Thread CodingCyborg

Something else that may help find the problem:
I currently have groups of windows. When you bring a window in one
group to the front it brings all windows in that group to the top
layers overall. Though they stay on separate layers they are being
brought to front together. The other groups are all dropping behind,
but the windows are staying on their separate layers, and in the order
I left them. All draggable windows have two classes. First
is .draggableWindow Next is the class for that group of windows. Each
window has it's own ID. So possibly to avoid identity of this I
should set a variable for the ID of the window that was actually

On Nov 14, 9:03 am, ricardobeat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I haven't looked througly at your code, but I see you're using global
 variables, that might be an issue:

                 var numWindows=$('.draggableWindow').length + 500;
                 var zindexIt2 = parseInt($(this).css(z-index));
                 if(zindexIt2  numWindows){
                             var newZ2=$(this).css(z-index);
                             if(newZ2  zindexIt2){ //being greater
 doesn't mean it's only 1 unit greater
                                 newZ2 = zindexlt2-2; //just to be safe

 On Nov 14, 11:13 am, CodingCyborg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

                  numWindows=jQuery('.draggableWindow').size() + 500;
                  zindexIt2 = parseInt($(this).css(z-index));
                  if(zindexIt2  numWindows){
                              if(newZ2  zindexIt2){

  I added a line so I could watch the z-index movements of the draggable
  windows. I found that they are all on separate layers but for some
  reason instead of each of them above the one you bring to front
  dropping one, some will drop two while others don't move. I'm not sure
  why this is happening, it's almost as if some windows are run through
  the .each() multiple times while others don't move. Or when others go
  through it they affect the first one through it.

  Help would be highly appreciated!

  On Nov 13, 1:08 pm, CodingCyborg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I recently have been playing around with a Desktop module that was
   on nettuts and made a modification for it that doesn't fully work.
   There are many draggable windows, and in order for them to function
   like a real desktop they need to have z-index changes such that if you
   close one on top the last one you had on top is right below it.

   I believe my error comes in with this or possibly something else,
   but when you pull one to the front it causes some or all of the others
   to end up in the same z-index causing them to not stay in order of
   recently viewed.

                   numWindows=jQuery('.draggableWindow').size() + 500;//the 
   + 500 is to
   make sure they are above other objects on the page
                   zindexIt2 = parseInt($(this).css(z-index));
                   if(zindexIt2  numWindows){
                           $(this).css(z-index,numWindows);//brings to 
   to drop others
   back one...
                           if(newZ2  zindexIt2){

[jQuery] Re: Stumped with a each() / height() problem

2008-11-14 Thread Richard D. Worth
That's correct. jQuery is consistent in that in a callback function, 'this'
is always a DOMElement. In order to get jQuery methods, you have to wrap it
in the $.

- Richard

On Fri, Nov 14, 2008 at 1:03 AM, DejanNenov [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 To answer my own question:

 there is a difference between the javascrip this and the jQuery $
 (this) - beware of it :)



 On Nov 13, 10:34 pm, DejanNenov [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hello All -
  I am stumped with the following problem - within an each() loop it
  seems that this.height() is not working - or - more likely - I am
  doing something so obviously wrong I cannot see it :) Here is the
  function adjustRowHeights() {
  var maxH = 0;
  console.log('Array Size=' + masterEngLangArray.length);  // this
  OK - reports 15
  for (id in masterEngLangArray) {
  console.log(id+'='+$(.formRow-+id).height());   //this
 is OK
  reports height 17
  maxH = 0;
  $(.formRow-+id).each(function() {
  if (this.height()  maxH) {   //
 PROBLEM -- here
  Firebug reports error: this.height() is not a function
  maxH = this.height();
  The DOM looks like this:
  div style=overflow: auto; id=langEditForm
div class=langEditorTableHeader id=langEditFormEng
  div style=width: 100%; id=langEditFormEngHeader Programmer's
  Reference: English /div
  div class=formRow-0 langEditFormEngCellAADashboard/div
  div class=formRow-1 langEditFormEngCellAccount/div
  div class=formRow-2 langEditFormEngCellBulgarian/div
  div class=formRow-3 langEditFormEngCellDashboard/div
  div class=formRow-4 langEditFormEngCellDiplomacy/div
  div class=formRow-5 langEditFormEngCellEconomy/div
  div class=formRow-6 langEditFormEngCellEnglish/div
  div class=formRow-7 langEditFormEngCellHelp/div
  div class=formRow-8 langEditFormEngCellLogin/div
  div class=formRow-9 langEditFormEngCellRegister/div
  div class=formRow-10 langEditFormEngCellSpanish/div
  div class=formRow-11 langEditFormEngCellStrategy/div
  div class=formRow-12 langEditFormEngCellTactics/div
  div class=formRow-13 langEditFormEngCellTranslate From:/div
  div class=formRow-14 langEditFormEngCellTranslate To:/div
div class=langEditorTableHeader id=langEditFormFrom
  div style=width: 100%; id=langEditFormFromHeaderAchinese/
  div class=formRow-0 langEditFormFromCellundefined/div
  div class=formRow-1 langEditFormFromCellAccountACE/div
  div class=formRow-2 langEditFormFromCellBulgarian/div
  div class=formRow-3 langEditFormFromCellDashboard/div
  div class=formRow-4 langEditFormFromCellDiplomacy/div
  div class=formRow-5 langEditFormFromCellEconomy/div
  div class=formRow-6 langEditFormFromCellEnglish/div
  div class=formRow-7 langEditFormFromCellHelp/div
  div class=formRow-8 langEditFormFromCellLogin/div
  div class=formRow-9 langEditFormFromCellRegister/div
  div class=formRow-10 langEditFormFromCellSpanish/div
  div class=formRow-11 langEditFormFromCellStrategy/div
  div class=formRow-12 langEditFormFromCellTactics/div
  div class=formRow-13 langEditFormFromCellTranslate From:/div
  div class=formRow-14 langEditFormFromCellTranslate To:/div
div class=langEditorTableHeader id=langEditFormTo
  div style=width: 100%; id=langEditFormToHeader To-Langauge:
  Choose One /div

[jQuery] [validate] Two page form won't validate on IE

2008-11-14 Thread Michael Smith

Hi there

I'm having trouble getting the Validation plug in to work on this page


I have two forms - the second one appears when the first one is
successfully completed.

The first form validates correctly (you only need to choose a day,
month and year from the dropdowns)

However, when using IE no validation is applied to the second form (ie
you can leave the whole page blank and it is accepted).  Firefox works

Any help much apprecited


[jQuery] Re: this and z-index changes

2008-11-14 Thread CodingCyborg

I have confirmed that when one of a group of windows is clicked, it
runs as if every window in that group was clicked at the same time and
runs the code for each of them.

This causes quite an awkward outcome, but I have no idea why its
happening, nor how to stop it.

On Nov 14, 9:03 am, ricardobeat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I haven't looked througly at your code, but I see you're using global
 variables, that might be an issue:

                 var numWindows=$('.draggableWindow').length + 500;
                 var zindexIt2 = parseInt($(this).css(z-index));
                 if(zindexIt2  numWindows){
                             var newZ2=$(this).css(z-index);
                             if(newZ2  zindexIt2){ //being greater
 doesn't mean it's only 1 unit greater
                                 newZ2 = zindexlt2-2; //just to be safe

 On Nov 14, 11:13 am, CodingCyborg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

                  numWindows=jQuery('.draggableWindow').size() + 500;
                  zindexIt2 = parseInt($(this).css(z-index));
                  if(zindexIt2  numWindows){
                              if(newZ2  zindexIt2){

  I added a line so I could watch the z-index movements of the draggable
  windows. I found that they are all on separate layers but for some
  reason instead of each of them above the one you bring to front
  dropping one, some will drop two while others don't move. I'm not sure
  why this is happening, it's almost as if some windows are run through
  the .each() multiple times while others don't move. Or when others go
  through it they affect the first one through it.

  Help would be highly appreciated!

  On Nov 13, 1:08 pm, CodingCyborg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I recently have been playing around with a Desktop module that was
   on nettuts and made a modification for it that doesn't fully work.
   There are many draggable windows, and in order for them to function
   like a real desktop they need to have z-index changes such that if you
   close one on top the last one you had on top is right below it.

   I believe my error comes in with this or possibly something else,
   but when you pull one to the front it causes some or all of the others
   to end up in the same z-index causing them to not stay in order of
   recently viewed.

                   numWindows=jQuery('.draggableWindow').size() + 500;//the 
   + 500 is to
   make sure they are above other objects on the page
                   zindexIt2 = parseInt($(this).css(z-index));
                   if(zindexIt2  numWindows){
                           $(this).css(z-index,numWindows);//brings to 
   to drop others
   back one...
                           if(newZ2  zindexIt2){

[jQuery] Re: has anyone come across a plugin like this ?

2008-11-14 Thread kalahari_kudu

Nice job!
Count me in on such a plug-in request

On Nov 14, 3:01 am, ricardobeat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Here's my take - very limited (17 minutes :D):


 On Nov 13, 7:42 pm, Jay [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Thought it was pretty cool, so I threw my own plug in together in a
  little over an hour to mimic what he did there.   It's pretty simple
  but should work in ie6/7,ff,safari.  You can set a few different
  options, and I'm sure this could be expanded upon to give it a lot
  more power.  Anyway, here you go.

          style type=text/css
                          ul { list-style: none; }
                          ul li { margin-right: 5px; display: block; float: 
  left; overflow:
  hidden; font-size: 12px; height: 20px; }
                          ul li a { float: left; display: block; position: 
  overflow: hidden; height: 20px; }
          script type=text/javascript

                          $.fn.jCrumb = function(options) {
                                  var defaults = {
                                          listLimit       : 650,
                                          itemMin         : 15,
                                          expandTime      : 800,
                                          collapseTime : 800
                                  var opts = $.extend(defaults, options);
                                  return this.each(function(){
                                          var obj = $(this);
                                          if(obj.width()opts.listLimit) {
                                                  var children = $('li', obj);
  i(children.length-1)) {
                                                                  var el = 
  el.data('width', el.width())
  .children('a').width(el.data('width')).wrap('span /')
  .parent().css({display: 'block', position: 'relative',
  overflow: 'hidden', width: opts.itemMin+'px'})
  function() { $(this).stop().animate({ width: el.data
  ('width') },{ duration: opts.expandTime, easing: swing,  queue:
  false }); },
  function() { $(this).stop().animate({ width: opts.itemMin
  +'px' }, { duration: opts.collapseTime, easing: swing,  queue:
  false }); }
          ul id=breadcrumb
                  lia href=#Home/a/li
                  lia href=#Short/a/li
                  lia href=#Random Breadcrumb Super Super Super Super 
                  lia href=#Random Breadcrumb Blach/a/li
                  lia href=#Random Breadcrumb Length Long/a/li
                  lia href=#Random/a/li

  On Nov 13, 3:41 pm, George [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Count me in for the Plug-In request :)

   It's pretty cool and the whole site is done very well, I put it in to
   my Favorites so later I could revisit and 'steal' some design ideas.

   PS: I am a .NET developer myself and so far find it to be more
   superior (if I can say that) to Perl.
   The problem you might have is only because of lack of experience
   with .NET (no offence). The more you program on .NET the more you
   going to like it.
   I am talking from experience here. I was bitching and complaining
   couple years ago... now I would refuse to work if it's not on .NET

   There is nothing in .NET that prevents you from doing things like they
   done in Perl.
   So do not be down on it :)


[jQuery] fade in effects

2008-11-14 Thread jess

Good Morning!

I'm redesigning a site and I wanted to incorporate a super fish nav

I've got it placed on this page under the video, just for testing, but
the fade in effects aren't working.


The menus should fade in and fade out. Now they are just appearing.

I'm sure I'm missing something very simple, could someone please take
a look at it for me!

I'm styling it, so if it's missing for a minute, or looks crazy, I'm
just back there tinkering.


[jQuery] issue with jQuery's trigger function

2008-11-14 Thread Shazzaam

Hi, I am using jQuery 1.2.6, and also have Prototype and
Scriptaculous 1.8.1 in my page.

I know there are issues getting this to work, but i have noConflict()

Anyway, I am using jQuery's tablesorter plugin and when I call
trigger(update) to refresh my table it wipes out my table completely.

After running the Webkit javascript debugger, I was able to trace it to the
trigger function in jQuery:

line #2041: elem[ type ]();

Apparently, when I step into this function call, it actually jumps to
prototype.js to handle it.

Has anyone else seen this happen, or have any ideas on how I can fix?
Unfortunately, removing prototype and scriptaculous is not an option.

View this message in context: 
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: [validate] Two page form won't validate on IE

2008-11-14 Thread Jörn Zaefferer
I see the valid calls in your code, but none where you actually
initialize the validation via $(...).validate().

Could you extract a testpage?


On Fri, Nov 14, 2008 at 4:48 PM, Michael Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi there

 I'm having trouble getting the Validation plug in to work on this page


 I have two forms - the second one appears when the first one is
 successfully completed.

 The first form validates correctly (you only need to choose a day,
 month and year from the dropdowns)

 However, when using IE no validation is applied to the second form (ie
 you can leave the whole page blank and it is accepted).  Firefox works

 Any help much apprecited


[jQuery] Re: Jquery rounded corners

2008-11-14 Thread Pete

Unfortunately with that script (I think Methvin's?) it only takes the
background color from the parent element when making the corners.  The
other solution out there (curvy corners) is extremely slow.  I haven't
personally found an ideal solution where the background needs to be an
image or gradient.

On Nov 13, 4:31 pm, ramiro77 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Is anyone using the rounded corners script ?  If so, I am having some
 alias trouble.  I have a background image set for my page ... it
 appears that the script gets the BG color of the Body tag and uses
 that for its aliasing ... is there anyway to set it to transparent ?

[jQuery] Re: Nesting toddle div's

2008-11-14 Thread Richard D. Worth
You may want to start by validating your html. You're missing a closing
/div, so it's not clear how you intend it to be nested. Once you've
corrected that, let us know if you still have a problem.

- Richard

On Fri, Nov 14, 2008 at 10:26 AM, sinkingfish [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 Im new to jQuery and looking for a bit of help. Im trying to have
 content within toggleable content.

 http://pastie.org/314861 Code

 It's just not working for me, when I click the first toggle all is
 Am I way off? Something to do with propagation?

 View this message in context:
 Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: PrettyCheckboxes not working with radio array names

2008-11-14 Thread George

Here is what i found
Scroll down to getElementsByName() section
According to it the getElementsByName() is supported pretty well,
except some minor things whcih is usually not the case anyway.

Like in Opera div id='name' will be returned as well..
So you just need to make sure that you do not have extra tags with the
same id as the name you assigned to your radio control.


On Nov 13, 11:22 pm, Ahhk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Brilliant! I'll take any incompatibilities of getElementByName over the
 totally broken radios any day!

 I never thought to change that to a standard method.

 Thank you so much. That was driving me nuts!

 George-147 wrote:

  I just had a wild idea and it looks like working

  replace following code in prettyCheckboxes
                $('label[for=' + $(this).attr('id')+']').removeClass


     $('label[for=' + $(this).attr('id')+']').removeClass('checked');

  I basically replace the $('input[name='+$toCheck.attr('name')+']')

  wich is the same thing. And it's working now But i do not know
  about compatibilities of getElementsByName
  Works in FF 3 and IE 7 not sure about all other safari 


  On Nov 13, 6:12 pm, Ahhk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Wow, ok...thanks!

  I didnt think it was a jQuery issue and am surprised that jQuery, with as
  robust and fantastic as it is, wouldn't support array names for form

  That seems like a major oversight to me :/

  But, maybe I'm one of only a few people who actually use array names/IDs.

  It's SO much easier processing the data that way (numerically) instead of
  having to concatenate var names.

  George-147 wrote:

   I am with you now
   the problem is that you have weird name, with '[]' in it.

   this line
   fails and returns empty collection.

   The problem is described here

   Unfortunatelly i failed to make it work with the solution there i am
   afraid that to many [] in the selector confusing JQuery. In their
   example they did it with the id so there were no additional [ ]
   $('input[name=q\\[1\\]]') returns me empty collection as well..

   but you might try to ask this group more specific question on how to
   make JQuery selectors work with the name like that q[1]


   Ahhk wrote:
   Thanks, but I didnt say I didnt want them to have the same name, I
   the script didnt work when the names were arrays.

   When the radio button groups have an name with an array, the script
   and you can select/deselect multiple radio buttons within the group.

   Here's an example:

   label for=q1-11/labelinput type=radio name=q[1] value=1
   id=q1-1 /
   label for=q1-22/labelinput type=radio name=q[1] value=2
   id=q1-2 /
   label for=q1-33/labelinput type=radio name=q[1] value=3
   id=q1-3 /
   label for=q1-44/labelinput type=radio name=q[1] value=4
   id=q1-4 /

   label for=q2-11/labelinput type=radio name=q[2] value=1
   id=q2-1 /
   label for=q2-22/labelinput type=radio name=q[2] value=2
   id=q2-2 /
   label for=q2-33/labelinput type=radio name=q[2] value=3
   id=q2-3 /
   label for=q2-44/labelinput type=radio name=q[2] value=4
   id=q2-4 /

   label for=q3-11/labelinput type=radio name=q3 value=1
   label for=q3-22/labelinput type=radio name=q3 value=2
   label for=q3-33/labelinput type=radio name=q3 value=3
   label for=q3-44/labelinput type=radio name=q3 value=4

   label for=q4-11/labelinput type=radio name=q4 value=1
   label for=q4-22/labelinput type=radio name=q4 value=2
   label for=q4-33/labelinput type=radio name=q4 value=3
   label for=q4-44/labelinput type=radio name=q4 value=4

   The first two groups DONT work right, but the last two groups DO work.

   array name: q[4] vs non-array name: q4

   With the first two groups, I can select all or some of the radio
   the group. This appears to be purely a cosmetic/UI issue since only
   value of the last one selected in the group gets submitted in the post
   it should).

   Something in the script doesnt support the array names.

   George-147 wrote:

Sorry instead of Why do you want to give them the same name?

I meant to say Why do you not want to give them the same name?


On Nov 13, 3:06 pm, George [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
The problem that regular radio buttons are working only when they
the same name.
No wonder prettty ones not working too... :)

Why do you want 

[jQuery] Re: Animating table rows

2008-11-14 Thread c.barr

.fadeIn() and .fadeOut() seem to work OK in Firefox, but in IE they
seem to do the same as .show() and .hide() - they just pop in.  Same
goes for .slideDown() and .slideUp() in IE.  Try it out with the demo
I linked to above.

So apparently effects are very limited in tables - and even more so in
IE.  I suppose I'll have to just do a .show() and .hide() since it
works, and thats what happens in IE anyway.

Any other advice or insight would be appreciated

[jQuery] Re: How to set a group of elements bold if it's related element has something in it

2008-11-14 Thread nmiddleweek

ah nice one... thanks for your help Ricardo...

So I have to literally loop through each one... OK, thank you.

On Nov 14, 2:55 pm, ricardobeat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 input type=hidden name=inputTime1 class=inputTime /
 input type=hidden name=inputTime2 class=inputTime /
 input type=hidden name=inputTime3 class=inputTime /
 input type=hidden name=inputTime4 class=inputTime /

 input type=hidden name=inputNotes1 class=inputNotes /
 input type=hidden name=inputNotes2 class=inputNotes /
 input type=hidden name=inputNotes3 class=inputNotes /
 input type=hidden name=inputNotes4 class=inputNotes /


 var inputNotes = $('.inputNotes');

       if(inputNotes.eq(i).val() == )


 On Nov 14, 11:07 am, nmiddleweek [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  I'm really not even sure where to start with this one so am really
  hoping someone can help shed some light on it...

  I've got a a bunch of input fields called inputTime1, inputTime2,
  inputTime3, inputTime4

  and I've got a 'parallel' bunch of hidden fields called inputNotes1,
  inputNotes2, inputNotes3, inputNotes4

  I need to set the inputTime1.css to bold if inputNotes1 is NOT empty
  and the same for inputTime2 and inputNotes2, etc.

  Can this be done in a simple jQuery statement?

  Cheers and thanks in advance!


[jQuery] Re: jeditable and XHTML?

2008-11-14 Thread Mika Tuupola

On Nov 14, 2008, at 1:23 AM, Rodent of Unusual Size wrote:

Is there a known problem with jQuery/jeditable and
XHTML?  I keep running into this 'invalid string'
message with JS and XHTML.  First Dojo, now here..
it's getting discouraging.  What am I doing wrong?

Do you have example page somewhere online?

Mika Tuupola

[jQuery] Re: Nesting toddle div's

2008-11-14 Thread sinkingfish

Thanks for the reply Richard, unfortunately that wasn't the issue. Ive tided
up my example to make it clearer :  http://pastie.org/314976

So at startup you should see 'Click me' then upon clicking, 'I'm Hidden' 
'Click ME To see more' will be revealed. After clicking 'Click ME To see
more', 'Nested Hidden' would be revealed.

Thanks for the help

Richard D. Worth-2 wrote:
 You may want to start by validating your html. You're missing a closing
 /div, so it's not clear how you intend it to be nested. Once you've
 corrected that, let us know if you still have a problem.
 - Richard
 On Fri, Nov 14, 2008 at 10:26 AM, sinkingfish [EMAIL PROTECTED]


 Im new to jQuery and looking for a bit of help. Im trying to have
 content within toggleable content.

 http://pastie.org/314861 Code

 It's just not working for me, when I click the first toggle all is
 Am I way off? Something to do with propagation?

 View this message in context:
 Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at


View this message in context: 
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: jeditable and XHTML?

2008-11-14 Thread Mika Tuupola

On Nov 14, 2008, at 1:23 AM, Rodent of Unusual Size wrote:

Anyway, is there anything obviously wrong with
the fragment at http://apache.pastebin.ca/1254469 ?

BTW. You have an extra , in the code. Remove it from the last  
configuration parameter

tooltip   : 'Click to edit',

Mika Tuupola

[jQuery] AJAX with IE and method POST

2008-11-14 Thread George

Hi guys/girls,
I just wanted to post here my problems (and solution) I had been
struggling with last 2 days.

I was doing JQuery AJAX POST and it was not working in IE wile working
in FireFox.
Sometimes you will get 12030 error (Server unexpectedly terminated
connection) from IE's XMLHttpRequest object.

I discovered that in order for IE's XMLHttpRequest object to properly
read return stream the input stream must be completely read by the
server (even if you are not interested in it).

Some frameworks do it automatically and some do not. For example
ASP.NET does not do it automatically.
I was trying to do POST to .ashx handler and was getting errors.

So adding this code to my handler fixed the problem.

System.IO.Stream st = context.Request.InputStream;
byte []buf = new byte[100];
while (true)
int iRead = st.Read(buf, 0, 100);
if( iRead == 0 )

So I am just posing it for Google to spider it and people to be able
to find it. Cause when I googled I found a lot of people having
problem with 12030 error but no solution.

Good luck,

[jQuery] Re: Animating table rows

2008-11-14 Thread Richard D. Worth
Here's how to slideUp hide a row with the inner wrapping divs:

$(tr).click(function() {
  var tr = $(this);
  tr.children(td).each(function() {
$(this).wrapInner(div/div).children(div).slideUp(function() {

- Richard

On Fri, Nov 14, 2008 at 12:21 PM, c.barr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 .fadeIn() and .fadeOut() seem to work OK in Firefox, but in IE they
 seem to do the same as .show() and .hide() - they just pop in.  Same
 goes for .slideDown() and .slideUp() in IE.  Try it out with the demo
 I linked to above.

 So apparently effects are very limited in tables - and even more so in
 IE.  I suppose I'll have to just do a .show() and .hide() since it
 works, and thats what happens in IE anyway.

 Any other advice or insight would be appreciated

[jQuery] Re: [Autocomplete] Reducing remote calls

2008-11-14 Thread Mon Zafra
Hi Jorn,

Thanks for all your hard work on the plugin! I'm hesitant to call this a bug
report or a feature request since I was just looking to solve my specific
problems. I haven't really looked at it in a more general way, i.e. if my
scenario applies in other cases often enough to warrant it being implemented
in the main branch. But if you are considering it, then that's great! I wish
I could help more, but I feel I'm not competent enough in jQuery and
Javascript in general to offer suggestions.

About my original problem, I sidestepped it by delegating the remote call to
a separate input, then passing the returned data to the autocomplete-able

On Fri, Nov 14, 2008 at 9:54 PM, Jörn Zaefferer 

 Created a ticket for now: http://ui.jquery.com/bugs/ticket/3588


[jQuery] JQuery Auto Complete?

2008-11-14 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I'm using the JQuery auto complete ( jquery.autocomplete.js ).
and I'm wondering how can I submit a form once an item has been
currently when an item is select you have to hit enter twice, once to
get the item into the search field, and once to submit the search. I'd
like to submit the search on the first enter.

I see the option for : onItemSelect
how can I use this to submit the form?

thanks inadvance for your time!

[jQuery] Re: this and z-index changes

2008-11-14 Thread ricardobeat

Right. This is getting a bit complex. Judging by your code things
should be going well, could you put up a test page?

the global vars suggestion was a shot in the dark, if you a run loop
they will be overwritten for every iteration unless the assignment
doesn't execute.

On Nov 14, 2:23 pm, CodingCyborg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have confirmed that when one of a group of windows is clicked, it
 runs as if every window in that group was clicked at the same time and
 runs the code for each of them.

 This causes quite an awkward outcome, but I have no idea why its
 happening, nor how to stop it.

 On Nov 14, 9:03 am, ricardobeat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I haven't looked througly at your code, but I see you're using global
  variables, that might be an issue:

                  var numWindows=$('.draggableWindow').length + 500;
                  var zindexIt2 = parseInt($(this).css(z-index));
                  if(zindexIt2  numWindows){
                              var newZ2=$(this).css(z-index);
                              if(newZ2  zindexIt2){ //being greater
  doesn't mean it's only 1 unit greater
                                  newZ2 = zindexlt2-2; //just to be safe

  On Nov 14, 11:13 am, CodingCyborg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

                   numWindows=jQuery('.draggableWindow').size() + 500;
                   zindexIt2 = parseInt($(this).css(z-index));
                   if(zindexIt2  numWindows){
                               if(newZ2  zindexIt2){

   I added a line so I could watch the z-index movements of the draggable
   windows. I found that they are all on separate layers but for some
   reason instead of each of them above the one you bring to front
   dropping one, some will drop two while others don't move. I'm not sure
   why this is happening, it's almost as if some windows are run through
   the .each() multiple times while others don't move. Or when others go
   through it they affect the first one through it.

   Help would be highly appreciated!

   On Nov 13, 1:08 pm, CodingCyborg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I recently have been playing around with a Desktop module that was
on nettuts and made a modification for it that doesn't fully work.
There are many draggable windows, and in order for them to function
like a real desktop they need to have z-index changes such that if you
close one on top the last one you had on top is right below it.

I believe my error comes in with this or possibly something else,
but when you pull one to the front it causes some or all of the others
to end up in the same z-index causing them to not stay in order of
recently viewed.

                numWindows=jQuery('.draggableWindow').size() + 
500;//the + 500 is to
make sure they are above other objects on the page
                zindexIt2 = parseInt($(this).css(z-index));
                if(zindexIt2  numWindows){
                        $(this).css(z-index,numWindows);//brings to 
$('.draggableWindow').each(function(){//supposed to drop others
back one...
                        if(newZ2  zindexIt2){

[jQuery] Re: jeditable and XHTML?

2008-11-14 Thread Mika Tuupola

On Nov 14, 2008, at 1:23 AM, Rodent of Unusual Size wrote:

I want to use jeditable to edit fields in a table,
but right now I'm trying to get it to work on any
old XHTML..

Can you try latest from github:


It was a stoopid mistake of using tags such as button instead of  
button / in several places. Your test case passed ok now with my  
tests when xhtml is served as application/xhtml+xml.

Thanks for the heads up!

Mika Tuupola

[jQuery] ANN: screenshots.debian.net (jQuery-based website)

2008-11-14 Thread Christoph Haas
Hi, all...

I use and love jQuery for pimping our intranet applications at work. This 
time the application is public and open-sourced so I thought I'd drop a 
note here and also say thanks to the jQuery and plugin developers.

The site is http://screenshots.debian.net

It features jQuery, Jörn's Autocomplete plugin (when uploading packages), 
the jGrowl plugin (for status messages after uploading or for moderation) 
and the infamous but amazing Flyout plugin (for the image zoom effect).

I already received a lot of feedback. And although I use rather little 
amounts of Javascript people are still amazed.

A guess is just a guess until you turn it into a pie chart.
Then it's an analysis. (Scott Adams)

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

[jQuery] Question about $.data()

2008-11-14 Thread Bill

Hi all,

Quick question about the $.data() function... Is there a way to see
everything that's currently stored in one of these data objects? Since
the function (and its compliment, $.data.removeData()) allow for
setting/retrieving/deleting key/value pairs, it seems natural that one
would want to do something like this:

for (var x in $jQueryObject.data) {
do something with x;

Is it possible to iterate through the data cache? If not, why not?

Thanks in advance and regards,


[jQuery] Cluetip caching with option set to false

2008-11-14 Thread JoshSchramm

Hey all,

I'm trying to use the Cluetip plug in and I'm having what I hope is a
simple to fix problem.

The plug in seems to be caching even though i have it set not to.
Every time i hover over my link it pulls the same data. I'm in ASP.NET
so i set a breakpoint on the server side code and it only gets
executed the first time after i clear browser history. This tool tip
is associated with another element that will impact the value of the
pop up so i need it to get the latest data every time.

Here is my cluetip line -

$(document).ready(function() {
$('a.audit').cluetip({cluetipClass: 'rounded', dropShadow: false,
sticky: true, ajaxCache: false, arrows: true});

That's pretty much borrowed from the demo on the site.

Any thoughts?

[jQuery] slideToggle on checkbox

2008-11-14 Thread R3D

Hi everybody,
my first post here - please bear with me ;)...

I am working on a form, using .slideToggle to show/hide another part
of the form - if a checkbox is checked.
Got it to work with the following code:

$('#honorbox').hide();  //hide initially

{ this.checked;

Problem: this is a multipart form - if the user checks that box ,
fills in the details and continues on, but then comes back using the
back button, the checkbox is checked, but #honorbox is hidden and will
show only on unchecking...

Probably a simple thing, but as a german would say, I stand on the
hose ...
probably have to add an if statement to that initial .hide()?


[jQuery] Re: AJAX with IE and method POST

2008-11-14 Thread Mike Nichols

did you forget to pass data (data:{}) in the ajax call? I have had
that trip me up when doing posts via ajax.

On Nov 14, 10:35 am, George [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi guys/girls,
 I just wanted to post here my problems (and solution) I had been
 struggling with last 2 days.

 I was doing JQuery AJAX POST and it was not working in IE wile working
 in FireFox.
 Sometimes you will get 12030 error (Server unexpectedly terminated
 connection) from IE's XMLHttpRequest object.

 I discovered that in order for IE's XMLHttpRequest object to properly
 read return stream the input stream must be completely read by the
 server (even if you are not interested in it).

 Some frameworks do it automatically and some do not. For example
 ASP.NET does not do it automatically.
 I was trying to do POST to .ashx handler and was getting errors.

 So adding this code to my handler fixed the problem.

 System.IO.Stream st = context.Request.InputStream;
         byte []buf = new byte[100];
         while (true)
             int iRead = st.Read(buf, 0, 100);
             if( iRead == 0 )

 So I am just posing it for Google to spider it and people to be able
 to find it. Cause when I googled I found a lot of people having
 problem with 12030 error but no solution.

 Good luck,

[jQuery] Tabs: get selected tab?

2008-11-14 Thread Hector Virgen

I am using Tabs from jQueryUI. I have a callback function for when the
selected tab is shown:

show: function(event, ui) {
// do stuff

When the tab is shown, I need to pre-populate its form with values based on
cookie data. How can I tell which tab is shown? Or, more specifically, how
can I get the shown tab container? Do I have to query for it manually with



[jQuery] Re: JQuery Auto Complete?

2008-11-14 Thread ajpiano

there is a result callback that is fired after you choose an element
in the AC list.  bind to that and carry on your form submit...



On Nov 14, 12:13 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm using the JQuery auto complete ( jquery.autocomplete.js ).
 and I'm wondering how can I submit a form once an item has been
 currently when an item is select you have to hit enter twice, once to
 get the item into the search field, and once to submit the search. I'd
 like to submit the search on the first enter.

 I see the option for : onItemSelect
 how can I use this to submit the form?

 thanks inadvance for your time!

[jQuery] Re: JQuery Auto Complete?

2008-11-14 Thread KScott

sorry, i'm a bit of a n00b with JQuery.

would that be added onto my current autocomplete call?

my is my code now:

$().ready(function() {
$(#SearchTxt).autocomplete(AjaxSearch.php, {
width: 190,
onItemSelect: SubmitSearchForm,
selectFirst: false

so I would add it on like:

$().ready(function() {
$(#SearchTxt).autocomplete(AjaxSearch.php, {
width: 190,
onItemSelect: SubmitSearchForm,
selectFirst: false

then where 'fn' is, I could add in a function to check that the field
has a value and submit it?

or would that be an additional call?

On Nov 14, 2:46 pm, ajpiano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 there is a result callback that is fired after you choose an element
 in the AC list.  bind to that and carry on your form submit...



 On Nov 14, 12:13 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I'm using the JQuery auto complete ( jquery.autocomplete.js ).
  and I'm wondering how can I submit a form once an item has been
  currently when an item is select you have to hit enter twice, once to
  get the item into the search field, and once to submit the search. I'd
  like to submit the search on the first enter.

  I see the option for : onItemSelect
  how can I use this to submit the form?

  thanks inadvance for your time!
  -Ken- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

[jQuery] Re: [validate] Two page form won't validate on IE

2008-11-14 Thread Michael Smith


I've added some validate() calls now.  I assumed that this wasn't
necessary when I explicitly call valid() but perhaps I've got that
wrong.  Anyways, it doesn't appear to have changed things.  The valid
call on the second form is always returning true (for IE), even if the
required fields are empty.  On Firefox it's doing the right thing.

When you say extract a testpage, what do you mean?  Remove as much
from the page as possible whilst keeping the problem?



On Fri, Nov 14, 2008 at 4:54 PM, Jörn Zaefferer
 I see the valid calls in your code, but none where you actually
 initialize the validation via $(...).validate().

 Could you extract a testpage?


 On Fri, Nov 14, 2008 at 4:48 PM, Michael Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi there

 I'm having trouble getting the Validation plug in to work on this page


 I have two forms - the second one appears when the first one is
 successfully completed.

 The first form validates correctly (you only need to choose a day,
 month and year from the dropdowns)

 However, when using IE no validation is applied to the second form (ie
 you can leave the whole page blank and it is accepted).  Firefox works

 Any help much apprecited


[jQuery] Re: Tabs: get selected tab?

2008-11-14 Thread Tristan

Use ui.index to access the currently active tab's index, zero being
the first tab and so on.

show: function(event, ui) {
if (ui.index == 0) {
// do stuff
} else if (ui.index == 1) {
// do other stuff

On Nov 14, 2:39 pm, Hector Virgen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am using Tabs from jQueryUI. I have a callback function for when the
 selected tab is shown:

     show: function(event, ui) {
         // do stuff


 When the tab is shown, I need to pre-populate its form with values based on
 cookie data. How can I tell which tab is shown? Or, more specifically, how
 can I get the shown tab container? Do I have to query for it manually with



[jQuery] A real modal window... is it possible?

2008-11-14 Thread Wagner

Is it possible to make a window like jqModal, etc, etc,  BUT WITH A
REAL MODAL way of work?

I mean the flow of code must STOP until the window be closed! Does
it exist?

[jQuery] Re: A real modal window... is it possible?

2008-11-14 Thread Richard D. Worth
If the flow of code stopped, there would be no way to close the window.

- Richard

On Fri, Nov 14, 2008 at 3:11 PM, Wagner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Is it possible to make a window like jqModal, etc, etc,  BUT WITH A
 REAL MODAL way of work?

 I mean the flow of code must STOP until the window be closed! Does
 it exist?

[jQuery] Re: jeditable autocomplete - time to revisit?

2008-11-14 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

That is exactly why I posted. I noticed that you had done a lot of
work on inputs. Unfortunately I could not figure out how to do it
myself from reading through your website. Thanks again for your help.


On Nov 13, 1:51 am, Mika Tuupola [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Nov 12, 2008, at 9:25 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Wow, that was sooo simple. Works like a charm!
  Impressive.. Now, thats the way a plugin should work.
  Nice work Mike.

 Thank you :) Usually when someone has the need to do something special  
 (such as useautocomplete) withJeditablethere is no need to touch  
 Jeditablecode itself. All you need to do is to write a custom input.

 The reason why I created the plugin architecture (plugins for plugin)  
 was to avoid bloat. Take 10 people and they have at least eight  
 different needs. Making all their needs a configurable option would  
 bloat the code.

 Thus the solution: Make all basic features configurable and create API  
 with which people can extend the features how ever they want.

 Mika Tuupolahttp://www.appelsiini.net/

[jQuery] Re: AJAX with IE and method POST

2008-11-14 Thread George

No i did not...I did pass exactly this '{}' (empty JSON data).

As i said the problem was that i were not reading the InputStream till
the end cause i knew that data would be empty. And it messes up IE's
XMLHttpRequest object so it can not read properly output from the


On Nov 14, 2:22 pm, Mike Nichols [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 did you forget to pass data (data:{}) in the ajax call? I have had
 that trip me up when doing posts via ajax.

 On Nov 14, 10:35 am, George [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hi guys/girls,
  I just wanted to post here my problems (and solution) I had been
  struggling with last 2 days.

  I was doing JQuery AJAX POST and it was not working in IE wile working
  in FireFox.
  Sometimes you will get 12030 error (Server unexpectedly terminated
  connection) from IE's XMLHttpRequest object.

  I discovered that in order for IE's XMLHttpRequest object to properly
  read return stream the input stream must be completely read by the
  server (even if you are not interested in it).

  Some frameworks do it automatically and some do not. For example
  ASP.NET does not do it automatically.
  I was trying to do POST to .ashx handler and was getting errors.

  So adding this code to my handler fixed the problem.

  System.IO.Stream st = context.Request.InputStream;
          byte []buf = new byte[100];
          while (true)
              int iRead = st.Read(buf, 0, 100);
              if( iRead == 0 )

  So I am just posing it for Google to spider it and people to be able
  to find it. Cause when I googled I found a lot of people having
  problem with 12030 error but no solution.

  Good luck,
  George- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

[jQuery] Re: Tabs: get selected tab?

2008-11-14 Thread Hector Virgen
Thanks for your reply, Tristan. Unfortunately, that solution only works if
the tabs are never changed. For example, if tomorrow my client asks me to
switch tab 2 with tab 4, I will have to update my html *and* javascript. I
would prefer to not have to update the javascript, which would be possible
if the ui object could return the shown tab element directly.
For example, something like this would be perfect:

   show: function(event, ui) {
   var shownTab = ui.shownTab;
   // disable form elements on the shown tab
   shownTab.find('input', 'select').attr('disabled', 'disabled');

Is there anything like that available? Thanks!


On Fri, Nov 14, 2008 at 11:56 AM, Tristan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Use ui.index to access the currently active tab's index, zero being
 the first tab and so on.

show: function(event, ui) {
 if (ui.index == 0) {
// do stuff
} else if (ui.index == 1) {
// do other stuff

 On Nov 14, 2:39 pm, Hector Virgen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I am using Tabs from jQueryUI. I have a callback function for when the
  selected tab is shown:
  show: function(event, ui) {
  // do stuff
  When the tab is shown, I need to pre-populate its form with values based
  cookie data. How can I tell which tab is shown? Or, more specifically,
  can I get the shown tab container? Do I have to query for it manually

[jQuery] Re: Tabs: get selected tab?

2008-11-14 Thread Richard D. Worth
On Fri, Nov 14, 2008 at 3:31 PM, Hector Virgen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thanks for your reply, Tristan. Unfortunately, that solution only works if
 the tabs are never changed. For example, if tomorrow my client asks me to
 switch tab 2 with tab 4, I will have to update my html *and* javascript. I
 would prefer to not have to update the javascript, which would be possible
 if the ui object could return the shown tab element directly.
 For example, something like this would be perfect:

show: function(event, ui) {
var shownTab = ui.shownTab;
// disable form elements on the shown tab
shownTab.find('input', 'select').attr('disabled', 'disabled');

 Is there anything like that available? Thanks!

From http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Tabs#Events

$('.ui-tabs-nav').bind('tabsselect', function(event, ui) {
ui.options // options used to intialize this widget
*ui.tab // anchor element of the selected (clicked) tab*
ui.panel // element, that contains the contents of the selected
(clicked) tab
ui.index // zero-based index of the selected (clicked) tab

- Richard

[jQuery] Re: Tabs: get selected tab?

2008-11-14 Thread Hector Virgen
Thanks! I didn't notice that under the Events section. :)

On Fri, Nov 14, 2008 at 12:35 PM, Richard D. Worth [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

 On Fri, Nov 14, 2008 at 3:31 PM, Hector Virgen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thanks for your reply, Tristan. Unfortunately, that solution only works if
 the tabs are never changed. For example, if tomorrow my client asks me to
 switch tab 2 with tab 4, I will have to update my html *and* javascript. I
 would prefer to not have to update the javascript, which would be possible
 if the ui object could return the shown tab element directly.
 For example, something like this would be perfect:

show: function(event, ui) {
var shownTab = ui.shownTab;
// disable form elements on the shown tab
shownTab.find('input', 'select').attr('disabled', 'disabled');

 Is there anything like that available? Thanks!

 From http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Tabs#Events

 $('.ui-tabs-nav').bind('tabsselect', function(event, ui) {
 ui.options // options used to intialize this widget
 *ui.tab // anchor element of the selected (clicked) tab*
 ui.panel // element, that contains the contents of the selected
 (clicked) tab
 ui.index // zero-based index of the selected (clicked) tab

 - Richard

[jQuery] Re: Animating table rows

2008-11-14 Thread c.barr

That's awesome man! I worked with it a bit to get it working with
adding a row as well, and this seems to work just fine!
Here's a live demo: http://jsbin.com/apode

Tested and working in Firefox, Opera, Safari, and IE!

On Nov 14, 11:57 am, Richard D. Worth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Here's how to slideUp hide a row with the inner wrapping divs:

 $(tr).click(function() {
   var tr = $(this);
   tr.children(td).each(function() {
     $(this).wrapInner(div/div).children(div).slideUp(function() {


 - Richard

 On Fri, Nov 14, 2008 at 12:21 PM, c.barr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  .fadeIn() and .fadeOut() seem to work OK in Firefox, but in IE they
  seem to do the same as .show() and .hide() - they just pop in.  Same
  goes for .slideDown() and .slideUp() in IE.  Try it out with the demo
  I linked to above.

  So apparently effects are very limited in tables - and even more so in
  IE.  I suppose I'll have to just do a .show() and .hide() since it
  works, and thats what happens in IE anyway.

  Any other advice or insight would be appreciated

[jQuery] Re: Animating table rows

2008-11-14 Thread Richard D. Worth
Slick! Thanks for sharing.

- Richard

On Fri, Nov 14, 2008 at 3:50 PM, c.barr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 That's awesome man! I worked with it a bit to get it working with
 adding a row as well, and this seems to work just fine!
 Here's a live demo: http://jsbin.com/apode

 Tested and working in Firefox, Opera, Safari, and IE!

 On Nov 14, 11:57 am, Richard D. Worth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Here's how to slideUp hide a row with the inner wrapping divs:
  $(tr).click(function() {
var tr = $(this);
tr.children(td).each(function() {
  $(this).wrapInner(div/div).children(div).slideUp(function() {
  - Richard
  On Fri, Nov 14, 2008 at 12:21 PM, c.barr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   .fadeIn() and .fadeOut() seem to work OK in Firefox, but in IE they
   seem to do the same as .show() and .hide() - they just pop in.  Same
   goes for .slideDown() and .slideUp() in IE.  Try it out with the demo
   I linked to above.
   So apparently effects are very limited in tables - and even more so in
   IE.  I suppose I'll have to just do a .show() and .hide() since it
   works, and thats what happens in IE anyway.
   Any other advice or insight would be appreciated

[jQuery] Re: this and z-index changes

2008-11-14 Thread CodingCyborg


That is the closest thing I can get to the real thing.

On Nov 14, 12:38 pm, ricardobeat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Right. This is getting a bit complex. Judging by your code things
 should be going well, could you put up a test page?

 the global vars suggestion was a shot in the dark, if you a run loop
 they will be overwritten for every iteration unless the assignment
 doesn't execute.

 On Nov 14, 2:23 pm, CodingCyborg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I have confirmed that when one of a group of windows is clicked, it
  runs as if every window in that group was clicked at the same time and
  runs the code for each of them.

  This causes quite an awkward outcome, but I have no idea why its
  happening, nor how to stop it.

  On Nov 14, 9:03 am, ricardobeat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I haven't looked througly at your code, but I see you're using global
   variables, that might be an issue:

                   var numWindows=$('.draggableWindow').length + 500;
                   var zindexIt2 = parseInt($(this).css(z-index));
                   if(zindexIt2  numWindows){
                               var newZ2=$(this).css(z-index);
                               if(newZ2  zindexIt2){ //being greater
   doesn't mean it's only 1 unit greater
                                   newZ2 = zindexlt2-2; //just to be safe

   On Nov 14, 11:13 am, CodingCyborg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

                numWindows=jQuery('.draggableWindow').size() + 500;
                zindexIt2 = parseInt($(this).css(z-index));
                if(zindexIt2  numWindows){
                            if(newZ2  zindexIt2){

I added a line so I could watch the z-index movements of the draggable
windows. I found that they are all on separate layers but for some
reason instead of each of them above the one you bring to front
dropping one, some will drop two while others don't move. I'm not sure
why this is happening, it's almost as if some windows are run through
the .each() multiple times while others don't move. Or when others go
through it they affect the first one through it.

Help would be highly appreciated!

On Nov 13, 1:08 pm, CodingCyborg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I recently have been playing around with a Desktop module that was
 on nettuts and made a modification for it that doesn't fully work.
 There are many draggable windows, and in order for them to function
 like a real desktop they need to have z-index changes such that if you
 close one on top the last one you had on top is right below it.

 I believe my error comes in with this or possibly something else,
 but when you pull one to the front it causes some or all of the others
 to end up in the same z-index causing them to not stay in order of
 recently viewed.

                 numWindows=jQuery('.draggableWindow').size() + 
 500;//the + 500 is to
 make sure they are above other objects on the page
                 zindexIt2 = parseInt($(this).css(z-index));
                 if(zindexIt2  numWindows){
                         $(this).css(z-index,numWindows);//brings to 
 $('.draggableWindow').each(function(){//supposed to drop others
 back one...
                         if(newZ2  zindexIt2){

[jQuery] Re: issue with jQuery's trigger function

2008-11-14 Thread Karl Swedberg
Have you tried the svn version of jQuery? That might have solved the  



Karl Swedberg

On Nov 14, 2008, at 11:49 AM, Shazzaam wrote:

Hi, I am using jQuery 1.2.6, and also have Prototype and
Scriptaculous 1.8.1 in my page.

I know there are issues getting this to work, but i have noConflict()

Anyway, I am using jQuery's tablesorter plugin and when I call
trigger(update) to refresh my table it wipes out my table  

After running the Webkit javascript debugger, I was able to trace it  
to the

trigger function in jQuery:

line #2041: elem[ type ]();

Apparently, when I step into this function call, it actually jumps to
prototype.js to handle it.

Has anyone else seen this happen, or have any ideas on how I can fix?
Unfortunately, removing prototype and scriptaculous is not an option.

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