Re: [jQuery] Round corners for IE

2010-02-01 Thread Jack Killpatrick

I've had good luck with this plugin:

- Jack

Erik wrote:

Whats the latest solution for achieving round corners for IE.

I've been using these in my css for all my div's:

-moz-border-radius-bottomright: 6px;
-khtml-border-radius-bottomright: 6px;
-webkit-border-bottom-right-radius: 6px;
-moz-border-radius-bottomleft: 6px;
-khtml-border-radius-bottomleft: 6px;
-webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: 6px;



Re: [jQuery] New Forums

2010-01-21 Thread Jack Killpatrick
A little quibble I'd like to add is that, as a plugin developer who has 
been relying on filtering incoming emails to support the plugins, now I 
have no way to easily do so, since the forums can't email me everything 
that's happening. I think a workaround is being instated, but I'm not 
sure. I've also tried to reset my pw at the forums two times and each 
time it emails me the password confirm link and takes me right back to 
the beginning, so I have no idea how to actually confirm my 
registration. Ug?

- Jack

Matt Quackenbush wrote:

Well stated, Shawn.  I wholeheartedly concur.

Re: [jQuery] Complicated Question

2010-01-16 Thread Jack Killpatrick
This may or may not help you, but often in situations like this what I 
do is use .closest() to get the id that I need for the edited record, 
like this:

ul id=forms
   li id=r_123 class=recordyour form gets injected here/li
   li id=r_456 class=recordyour form gets injected here/li

assuming each form has it's own submit button, you could use event 
delegation to handle the click and get the record id:

$('#forms').click(function(){ // create click handler at UL level
   var $this = $(this);

   if( $'submit') ){ // check to see if a submit button was clicked
  var recordId = $this.closest('.record')[0].id.split('_')[1],  // 
get the recordId

data = $this.closest('form').serialize();

  // do some stuff with your recordId and serialized data
  return false; // to prevent the submit from actually submitting, 
assuming you're handling the submit via ajax


Maybe that'll give you some ideas. If you can, use a 'button' instead of 
a 'submit' button type and remove the return false; from the example.

- Jack

Dave Maharaj :: wrote:

I have sets of records on a page each has an edit link, clicking the link
loads an edit form into the record the user wants to edit, so a user can
click edit beside every link creating an unknown number of forms on the
li id=r_123 user records edit /li
li id=r_456 user records edit /li
li id=r_789 user records edit /li
Each form loaded into the reords li has its own unique id so submitting the

form is fine my problem is that its only submitting to the record / form
that opens last. So if the user clickes edit, edit , edit for each of the
example records above its only submitting to the last record.

I know where the problem is, I just don't now how to fix it. When the user
clicks edit the js gets the variable from the newly loaded form_id and
that gets passed in the uRec(form_id);  saying to edit this form so as
soon as the user clicks edit again the first form_id is gone and replaced
with the newly opened form. Any ideas where I am going wrong here? I cant
change the idea to have only 1 form at a time open setup. If I could add a
bind sumbit to the script to grab the form_id of what was just submitted
then run the function i think that would do the trick. Pretty new at this
and not sure where I would go about adding the bind submit. Something like:

var form_id = '#?php echo $form_id ?';
$(form_id).bind(submit, uRec(form_id) { return false; }
My script onthe page with all the records is :

script type=text/javascript
var form_id = '#?php echo $form_id ?';
My external js:

function uRec(selector){
 var $form = $(selector);
 $form.submit( function() {
 var data = $(form_id).serialize();

 var form_url = $(form_id).attr('action');
 var form_target = form_url.substr(1).replace( new RegExp( / ,g), _ );
 var update_target = (form_target.replace(_edit, ));
 $.blockUI({ message: null});

  type: post,
 url: form_url +'/',
 data: data,
 dataType: 'json',
 success: function(response){
   if (response.status === true) 

 $('#' +
 $('#' + form_target).slideToggle('slow');
   } else {


$('#' + form_target).html(response.html);


 return false;


Re: [jQuery] Complicated Question

2010-01-16 Thread Jack Killpatrick

If uRec is still like it was before:

function uRec(selector){
   var $form = $(selector);

in the example below you're passing it an id, so try:

   var $form = $('#' + selector);

I was suggesting changing the button type from submit to button, yes. 
It's no big deal, but at least it will prevent inadvertent submits while 
you're working things out.

- Jack

Dave Maharaj :: wrote:

I have changed my page js to:

script type=text/javascript

$(form).bind(submit, function() {

var form_id = $(this).attr('id');
	return false; 


The alert shows the form id for the form i am attempting to submit and it
changes each time I click sumbit for each form so that's a step closer. But
its no longer doing anything with the uRec function.

I deleted everything in my uRec function to just alert(form_id); so I should
get 2 alerts, one for the click submit and one for it actually hittingthe
external js but it never gets there. If I remove the return false; it
submits http which is not what I want.

Any ideas why the uRec does nothing now?

My form submit is a button type = submit. Is that what you were saying to




Re: [jQuery] Complicated Question

2010-01-16 Thread Jack Killpatrick
If you're rendering the button on-the-fly (as part of your form) be sure 
to either a) hook up that button click handler after the button is 
rendered or b) use the event delegation approach I showed in my example. 
It sounds like your click is not firing now, probably because the click 
isn't actually getting bound to the button.

- Jack

Dave Maharaj :: wrote:

I have completely removed the uRec function for now and changed to a regular
button, no submit.

input type=button value=Button/

script type=text/javascript

$(button).click(function () {

var form_id = '#123123123';
//var form_id = $this.closest('form');  // get the recordId

return false;

//or  return false; both do nothing


But not even an alert now. Man ohh man

Thanks again for your ideas.



Re: [jQuery] Listmenu Question: Number of returned lines...

2010-01-14 Thread Jack Killpatrick
Each browser performs differently, because of how the plugin takes the 
original set of DOM nodes (list items, usually) and moves them around in 
the DOM. Basically, IE6 sux wind, but IE7+ is OK. Safari and Chrome 
seemed to be the fastest in my not-so-scientific tests. Firefox 3+ was OK.

I didn't try it with 1500 items. I think the most I tested was around 
400. If you have the 1500 items already getting rendered, it shouldn't 
be too hard to plug it in and see what happens. I suspect it might take 
a noticeable while to load. I've thought about some alternate 
approaches for loading large sets of items or making it easy to show a 
loading message (at worst), but haven't set down to code any of them yet.

You might want to experiment by capturing the HTML from the plugin demo 
page and adding your items to one of the demos.

If your items aren't changing often, there might be a way to dump out 
the generated HTML and reuse that as static HTML, but it'd take some 
chopping on the plugin to get rid of the stuff that creates the HTML.

If you don't need to use the includeOther:true option, you could prefix 
the items you want to exclude with some text other than A-Z and 0-9.

- Jack

Workingman wrote:

Is there a limit to the number of lines that the menu can handle.
Meaning if I give it 1500 or so names of products that I would like
it to filter and display under the associated letter or number.

As an ancillary question is there a way to exclude prefixes that
would mean that they would never be considered as a first letter in
the menu?

Thanks in advance for any help/advice.


[jQuery] ANNOUNCE: new rev of credit card validation extension

2010-01-13 Thread Jack Killpatrick

Hi All,

We've released a new version of our jQuery Validation plugin credit card 
extension. Changes include:

1. updated card prefixes (including latest Discover Card changes)
2. support for LaserCard

More info here:

We have other lab stuff here, too:

- Jack

Re: [jQuery] Re: ANNOUNCE: new rev of credit card validation extension

2010-01-13 Thread Jack Killpatrick
Hmm, was it the ANNOUNCE part (which I think is standard for this 
list?) or the credit card .. extension (as in extend your credit or 
pay later with out magic scam)?

Just wondering.

dnfdrmn (g) glad you like the plugin. Let me know if the change did 
the trick for you, if you have a sec.


Leo Balter wrote:
Impressive, but I really tought it was another spam incomming by 
reading only the subject.

2010/1/13 dnfdrmn

Terrific! Downloading and installing now. Very impressive plugin, btw!


On Jan 13, 12:29 pm, Jack Killpatrick wrote:
 Hi All,

 We've released a new version of our jQuery Validation plugin
credit card
 extension. Changes include:

 1. updated card prefixes (including latest Discover Card changes)
 2. support for LaserCard

 More info here:

 We have other lab stuff here, too:

 - Jack

Leo Balter
Blog técnico:

Re: [jQuery] iHwy creditcard2 validation extension fails on some Discover cards

2010-01-12 Thread Jack Killpatrick


We've made the change to the plugin and are hoping to deploy it tonight. 
After it's deployed I'll post an ANNOUNCE here. Thanks for bringing this 
to my attention. We also added LaserCard support and updated some other 
card prefixes.

- Jack

dnfdrmn wrote:

Hi all,

We're working with Paypal sandbox generated Discover cards, and
they're not passing the iHwy credit card validation extension for
jQuery. This seems to be a PayPal issue, as PayPal is generating
invalid IIN ranges.

But in our research, we noticed that the iHwy extension isn't properly
validating *newer* Discover IIN range updates (two PDFs are available
online, from

An update that takes into account the new ranges -- 6011,
622126-622925, 644-649, 65 -- would be much appreciated.



Re: [jQuery] Re: Looking for that plugin that uses scrollTo for product demos...

2010-01-04 Thread Jack Killpatrick

Maybe this?

- Jack

kgosser wrote:

bump. any thoughts?

On Dec 17 2009, 6:24 pm, kgosser wrote:

Hey all,

I saw this site a few months ago that was showing off a new plugin
which used the scrollTo tool to scroll through one screen shot. I
can't seem to find it with a Google search, and I forgot to save it to
my Delicious. Yikes!

I was wondering if this rings a bell for anyone and if you could
direct me to that site?



Re: [jQuery] Checkboxes in Combobox

2009-12-17 Thread Jack Killpatrick
It's not a combo box, but:

- Jack

jambik wrote:

I'm looking plug-in that allows to put checkboxes into combobox


Re: [jQuery] listnav - how to implement paging

2009-12-04 Thread Jack Killpatrick

How do you picture paging working, from a UI perspective?


prasad wrote:


I like the 'jQuery ListNav Plugin' very much and i need to implement
it in my application.

I need to implement the paging functionality along with this plugin.
If i have more than 100 rows for a character, its best to have a
paging with it.

Any help/sugestions on how to use this plugin along with paging?


Re: [jQuery] Share plugin

2009-12-04 Thread Jack Killpatrick
I recommend that you post a page about it, with a demo, add it to the 
jquery plugins directory and make an announcement on this list.

I'd like to see what you've done, if you have it up somewhere. I find 
myself needing that often and have used various solutions with varying 
degrees of success.

- Jack

RiccardoC wrote:

I just created a nice (at least I think it's nice :D ) plugin to make
tables with scrollable body (tested on different browsers). I'm a bit
new in the JQUERY community (hi to all!!) and I would like to ask all
you where is the best way (and place) to share this plugin

(the plugin use two div container added around the table element
and 4 css rule definition)

Thanks in advance


[jQuery] Re: listmenu

2009-10-24 Thread Jack Killpatrick


Glad you like the plugin. I'm not sure what you mean about disappearing 
on mouseout. Can you clarify that for me?


Rsolve wrote:

hi, first of all, great plugin

is it possible to make lm-wrapper not disappear on mouseout ?
it would be just what i need.



[jQuery] Re: listmenu

2009-10-24 Thread Jack Killpatrick
Yes, maybe so: listnav is meant to be used when you want the list to be 
on the page and listmenu for when you want it to appear like a 
dropdown menu.

- Jack

rui lobo wrote:
Thanks for  answering , when we mouseout  the .lm-menu  class  it 
disappear . I would like to always have the menu  showing until we 
click another letter.  similar to list nav. Maybe it's just better to 
use listnav.

Rui  Lobo


2009/10/24 Jack Killpatrick


Glad you like the plugin. I'm not sure what you mean about
disappearing on mouseout. Can you clarify that for me?


Rsolve wrote:

hi, first of all, great plugin

is it possible to make lm-wrapper not disappear on mouseout ?
it would be just what i need.



[jQuery] Re: A quick note about CFJS

2009-10-15 Thread Jack Killpatrick

Great, thanks for the announcement. BTW. $.DollarFormat is a fav ;-)

- Jack

Chris Jordan wrote:
I just wanted to let everyone know that CFJS 1.1.11 is now available. 
There was a small bug in two of the list functions (ListContains and 
ListContainsNoCase). You can read about the changes here 
You can download the latest version of CFJS here


[jQuery] Re: keeping table header fix

2009-10-02 Thread Jack Killpatrick
Hmm, I gave this a try. Setting height stretches the table rows out 
vertically if there are less records than the height. I tried putting a 
fixed height div around the table and not setting a height on the tbody, 
but then the tbody overflow-y never kicks in. Hmm.

Also, if I set the height of the tbody and the overflow-y does kick in, 
then the scrollbar eats horizontal space in the rightmost col, which 
means that I need to style that col to allow for it. Either way: if the 
scrollbar were to show outside the table I'd need to allow room for it, 
but just bringing it up as a caveat.

I know this issue has been tackled various ways in table plugins, but I 
don't think I've seen a plugin made specifically just for show/hiding a 
scrollbar and working around some of these issues. Anyone?


Matt Zagrabelny wrote:

On Thu, 2009-10-01 at 22:25 -0400, Karl Swedberg wrote:

have you tried overflow-y: auto; ?

This works... (to some degree)

table tbody {
  height: 799px;
  overflow-y: auto;
  overflow-x: hidden;



[jQuery] Re: keeping table header fix

2009-10-01 Thread Jack Killpatrick
bump... anyone know? If there's no nice css way, maybe a jquery way? 
Would be nice if overflow:auto had an overflow:horizontal/vertical 
option, I think.


Jack Killpatrick wrote:
That's a neat trick I haven't tried before. Is there an easy way to 
deal with (as in hide/remove) the horizontal scrollbar that also appears?

Does that work across browser? I've just tried FF so far.


Matt wrote:

On Sep 16, 7:55 pm, Macsig wrote:

Yes, I do but I don't see how that can help me out.


On Sep 16, 4:01 am, Liam Byrne wrote:

do you actually have the headers in a thead, with the content in tbody ?
Most people forget about those.
macsig wrote:

Hello guys,
I'd like to know if there is a way to keep a table header fixed on top
of a div while I scroll the table rows.
I have a div high 200px and the table itself is around 300px so when I
scroll down I'd like to always see the header on top.
I already use for the tabletablesorterso the solution must be
compatible with that plug-in.

Thanks and have a nice day!


No virus found in this incoming message.

Checked by AVG
Version: 8.5.409 / Virus Database: 270.13.100/2375 - Release Date: 09/16/09 

Because then you can add this to your CSS:

table.tablesorter tbody {
height: 250px;
overflow: auto;


[jQuery] Re: keeping table header fix

2009-09-30 Thread Jack Killpatrick
That's a neat trick I haven't tried before. Is there an easy way to deal 
with (as in hide/remove) the horizontal scrollbar that also appears?

Does that work across browser? I've just tried FF so far.


Matt wrote:

On Sep 16, 7:55 pm, Macsig wrote:

Yes, I do but I don't see how that can help me out.


On Sep 16, 4:01 am, Liam Byrne wrote:

do you actually have the headers in a thead, with the content in tbody ?
Most people forget about those.
macsig wrote:

Hello guys,
I'd like to know if there is a way to keep a table header fixed on top
of a div while I scroll the table rows.
I have a div high 200px and the table itself is around 300px so when I
scroll down I'd like to always see the header on top.
I already use for the tabletablesorterso the solution must be
compatible with that plug-in.

Thanks and have a nice day!


No virus found in this incoming message.

Checked by AVG
Version: 8.5.409 / Virus Database: 270.13.100/2375 - Release Date: 09/16/09 

Because then you can add this to your CSS:

table.tablesorter tbody {
height: 250px;
overflow: auto;


[jQuery] Re: is there a JQuery solution for multiple sticky tooltips?

2009-09-17 Thread Jack Killpatrick

You might be able to use the show, hide and destroy methods here to make 
sticky tooltips:

but I don't think there's support for dragging. I used this library 
recently and found it to be solid across browsers, FYI.

- Jack

rvdb wrote:


I'm trying to find a tooltip solution that allows for the display of
HTML elements as tooltips, with following specific behaviours:
  -tooltips popup on mouseover; disappear on mouseout
  -tooltips can be made sticky + draggable on click, and can be closed
with a 'close' link

The first requirement is met in most tooltip libraries: only one
tooltip is shown at a time, content can be picked up from other HTML
elements on the page, and tooltips disappear on mouseout. The second
requirement is often found only partially: many tooltip libraries
offer sticky tooltip options, but don't allow multiple sticky tooltips
to appear simultaneously.

So far, I only found one tooltip library that did it all out of the
box: domTT. The demo at
shows what I am looking for.

I have successfully combined this library with JQuery in my webapps,
but unfortunately bounced into memory leaks on large pages (probably
due to the domTT library itself). Without any disrespect, that library
has its age and I guess modern-day JS frameworks like JQuery are
better geared to avoiding memory leaks by design.

Therefore, I'm looking into a pure JQuery solution to implement this
functionality, since it promises fast + robust js development for
common behaviours + an extensive plugin library. The biggest problem,
however, is that even elaborated JQuery plugins like clueTip are
limited to displaying only one sticky tooltip at a time.

Thanks in advance to any suggestions!



[jQuery] Re: JQUERY listnav: includeAll Parameter translation

2009-09-16 Thread Jack Killpatrick

I like that, will definitely consider it for the next rev. If you want 
to change it in the version you have, look for this:


and change it to whatever you want:



mansoft wrote:

It would be nice, if the includeAll parameter could be changed or
extended to work like the noMatchText:
Instead of true or false it should be empty or the text for the link
i.e All, Alle, tous, todos 


[jQuery] Re: ANN eyedropper color picker plugin

2009-09-16 Thread Jack Killpatrick

Sounds cool, consider this some clamor for a live demo :-)


Scott Trudeau wrote:

[cross posted from the plugin list, which seems to have died in

Hey folks,

I've been absent from the jquery lists for quite awhile, but just
recently had the opportunity to build a cool little plugin for a
project I'm working on so I decided to release it to the public.  This
plugin acts as an eyedropper-style color picker, allowing a user to
select a color by clicking a pixel in an image.

The plugin replaces selected img elements on the page with a canvas
element, and provides click, mousemove and mouseout event callbacks.
The callback is sent a color object (describing the color under the
mouse for the event). It also shows a little hovering preview of the
color near the cursor when over the image.

You can find it on github with a simple demo included:

I'm hoping to receive some feedback on things like:

* callback function naming conventions
* which other arguments would be useful  appropriate to send via the
* should I instead (or also) trigger events instead/as well as offer
* any best practice examples for making something like the color hover
chip style-able, optional?
* any other feedback

No live demo yet -- but if I hear a clamor, I might find a place to
tuck one.

Notable limitations: doesn't work on IE (the VML canvas hack doesn't
offer pixel-level access to images) and images must be hosted from the
same domain as the origin page (canvas security limitation).




[jQuery] Re: ANN eyedropper color picker plugin

2009-09-16 Thread Jack Killpatrick
great, thanks. This would be really handy as a greasemonkey script. I 
use a FF plugin that does the eyedropper thing a lot (during design 
work), but it has it's shortcomings. If a greasemonkey script gave me 
the eyedropper and a box with the sampled color and hex value, that'd be 

- Jack

Scott Trudeau wrote:

Since github seems to be suffering from a DoS attack, I posted a demo 


On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 12:47 PM, Scott Trudeau wrote:

[cross posted from the plugin list, which seems to have died in

Hey folks,

I've been absent from the jquery lists for quite awhile, but just
recently had the opportunity to build a cool little plugin for a
project I'm working on so I decided to release it to the public.  This
plugin acts as an eyedropper-style color picker, allowing a user to
select a color by clicking a pixel in an image.

The plugin replaces selected img elements on the page with a canvas
element, and provides click, mousemove and mouseout event callbacks.
The callback is sent a color object (describing the color under the
mouse for the event). It also shows a little hovering preview of the
color near the cursor when over the image.

You can find it on github with a simple demo included:

I'm hoping to receive some feedback on things like:

* callback function naming conventions
* which other arguments would be useful  appropriate to send via the
* should I instead (or also) trigger events instead/as well as offer
* any best practice examples for making something like the color hover
chip style-able, optional?
* any other feedback

No live demo yet -- but if I hear a clamor, I might find a place to
tuck one.

Notable limitations: doesn't work on IE (the VML canvas hack doesn't
offer pixel-level access to images) and images must be hosted from the
same domain as the origin page (canvas security limitation).



[jQuery] Re: Twitter for support?

2009-09-13 Thread Jack Killpatrick

My feeling is that without threaded discussions doing support via 
Twitter feels a but clunky. I usually end up taking the conversation 
into direct messages, which then feels like a workaround and doesn't 
really contribute to the community, since the solutions end up being in 
DM's (not searchable). Without moving them to DM's, they become noise 
for other followers.

I've been thinking about Facebook Lite (now that they're soaking up 
FriendFeed) for it.

I still prefer the google group, myself (for supporting our plugins and 
seeing a feed of solutions for other plugins I like to follow).

- Jack

Mike Alsup wrote:

Over the past few months I've been fielding an increasing number of
support requests via Twitter (for Cycle, BlockUI, and Form plugins).
In some ways it's a nice way to respond to simple questions but
obviously it's not well-suited for more in-depth questions and
responses.  I generally direct people to this Google Group for
anything non-trivial but I'm wondering what others think about
leveraging Twitter for simple QA.  Thoughts?



[jQuery] Re: jquery form plugin upload problem

2009-09-12 Thread Jack Killpatrick
Thanks, Mike, it magically started working for me. I must have had 
something else cheesed ;-)

Appreciate your response, it seems to be working nicely now.

- Jack

Mike Alsup wrote:

I'm using the latest version of the jquery form plugin (from MAlsup) for
file uploading. The upload works: the server call happens, the file data
makes it there and the server returns a value, in this case just a
number (as plain text). I've been unable to get that returned value to
show up in the success function. Maybe someone knows what I'm missing.

Can you post a link?


[jQuery] jquery form plugin upload problem

2009-09-11 Thread Jack Killpatrick

Hi All,

Hoping someone can help me out with this, been stuck on it for a while:

I'm using the latest version of the jquery form plugin (from MAlsup) for 
file uploading. The upload works: the server call happens, the file data 
makes it there and the server returns a value, in this case just a 
number (as plain text). I've been unable to get that returned value to 
show up in the success function. Maybe someone knows what I'm missing. 
Here's my latest attempt:


div id=upload
   form name=uploadForm action=myhandler.php method=post 

   input type=hidden name=username value= /
   input type=hidden name=token value= /
   input type=file name=dataFile /br/
   input type=submit value=OK /


this.$upload = $('#upload');

$('[name=uploadForm]', this.$upload).ajaxForm({
   clearForm: true,
   iframe: true,
   beforeSubmit: function(a,f,o) {
   // tested stuff in here, it works
   success: function(data) {
   alert('made it here'); !-- this never fires !!

I've tried using dataType:'xml' and dataType:'json', no luck.

I've also tried returning some js from the server in a textarea, as the 
file upload code examples show, for example:


no luck.



[jQuery] Re: listnav functionality applied to tables -- is this possible?

2009-08-31 Thread Jack Killpatrick

I'll chew on that idea for a while. If I think I can pull that off 
without much surgery to the plugin, I'll add it, otherwise probably not. 
This is the first time someone has requested that.


wshawn wrote:

I am curious if the devs would be interested in making this same
functionality work with tables.

I would be interested in seeing similar functionality available via
listnav for the first td of a tr.

Essentially, grabbing the first character, as a reference for
filtering only that later from the nav bar. as you are currently doing
for ul/ol and li tags.

I have already accomplished this via ajax, but I believe using the
concepts in this listnav would reduce overall server load.

I am currently using tablesorter to handle a php/ mysql return.  I
would like to see your plugin filter what table sorter is having to
deal with.

Any ideas if this is indeed something you would be interested in
working on?


[jQuery] Re: rounded corner recommendations

2009-08-28 Thread Jack Killpatrick

I've had good luck with this one after testing many of them in multiple 

- Jack

Rich Sturim wrote:


Can people recommend a rounded corners plugin that is stable on a wide
array of browsers?

I've been hunting around -- and found a few some, some better than

But, I was wondering if there are any elite ones that are truly
excellent -- and I should consider?




[jQuery] Re: Is there a 'dropdown button' plugin?

2009-08-28 Thread Jack Killpatrick

maybe this?

- Jack

donb wrote:

That's what I'd call it, anyway.  This would be a captioned button
with a small arrow you'd click on.  That would drop down a list of
button captions, changing the caption of the button when it collapses.

The upshot is, the button would have variable onclick functionality,
dependent upon the current caption of the button.  I suppose it would
merely result in a different value of the button's 'name=' attribute
when the container form is submitted.

My goal is to pair something like that with a textbox for searching
one of several different fields (the button caption would be 'name',
'phone', 'email' for example, and clicking the button would search for
the textbox string in whichever field the button says.

I'm pretty sure how I'd make one but if it's already been done, why
reinvent.  Elsewise, I'm diving in.




[jQuery] Re: Plugin to let the user draw rectangles

2009-08-21 Thread Jack Killpatrick

That's realy cool, Richard. Thanks for sharing it. :-)

- Jack

Richard D. Worth wrote:
Here's a slightly improved version. Thanks @cioa



- Richard

On Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 3:59 PM, Richard D. Worth wrote:

Here's how you can do that with a quick plugin built on top of
ui.mouse, which is part of jQuery UI core:

This is based on the jQuery UI Selectable interaction plugin, which
draws a rectangle lasso as you drag to select elements.

- Richard

On Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 3:00 PM, juanefren wrote:

Is there any plugin to let the user draw rectangles (probabbly
mouse clicks or key-arrows) and store the coordinates in a hidden
variable ?

[jQuery] Re: jquery menu that works with ie6 (plugin?)

2009-08-20 Thread Jack Killpatrick

I've used this in a bunch of sites that had to work in IE6:

- Jack

con-man-jake wrote:

Can anyone recommend a jquery menu plug that works with ie6?  I have a
menu done with uls and lis with pure css.  It doesn't work with
ie6 (because it's pure css.)

I went through the list of jquery plugins, but most of them are fancy
(as in iPod like menu and what have you...)  I only need a simple
straight-forward horizontal menu with vertical sub-level menus (multi
level deep) all activated with a mouseover event (I suppose, I can
control the event with which the menu is triggered.)

At any rate, I just did not want to keep downloading, learning and
trying different plugins; I just want to save time on this.

Any help is appreciated.


[jQuery] Re: Listmenu - tips for making it faster in IE

2009-08-14 Thread Jack Killpatrick

Hi Anoop.

I spent considerable time tuning the code for performance, but yes, IE 
does lag behind, especially when approaching 1000 items or more. I found 
Safari and Chrome to both be quite fast and Firefox nearly as fast as 
those. The IE issue stems from the code that moves the items from the 
original UL or LI into the separate lists used for each submenu.

I messed around a little with implementing a built-in Loading... 
message, but found IE's behavior so annoying (it likes to appear hung 
when it's not and workarounds only delayed the load time) that I decided 
not to include that in the plugin. I'm on vacation right now, but early 
next week could take a look at a workaround you might be able to use to 
show a message and then hide it after IE is done chugging way. Let me 
know and I'll put some thought into it.


Anoop kumar V wrote:
I am using listmenu and it works fantastically well... except only on 

On IE 7 it is quite slow, the lag is very noticeable - the menu 
appears after about 6-7 seconds and the counts come much later after 
about 8-10 seconds. Since this is an intranet app, I need to ensure 
that IE 7 works very well. I have about 2000 elements and they are not 
at all balanced across the alphabets...

Are there any tips that I could follow such that the menu displays 
quicker in IE? Or at the very least is there a way I can show a 
Loading...  text or an animated gif while the menu loads..

But thank you for this wonderful plugin it is really well made, I only 
wish IE would catch up soon ;-)


[jQuery] ANNOUNCE: new revs of listnav and listmenu plugins

2009-08-11 Thread Jack Killpatrick

Hi All,

New versions of the jquery listnav and listmenu plugins are now available:

What's new:

-- ListNav plugin -

1. added an includeOther option to provide a top level '...' nav link to 
access items that start with chars other than A-Z and 0-9. For example, 
chars like Ä and Ü.

2. added a prefixes option to provide a way to show The New York Times 
under T and N. Pass in your own prefix array.

See the new demo 6 here for examples of both:

-- ListMenu plugin ---

1. added an includeOther option, just like the one for the ListNav plugin.

2. added an onClick option that simplifies handling clicks in the 
dropdown menu (for things like pulling an href out of the clicked link 
to use it for an ajax call). The onClick uses event delegation, so is 
low overhead and the clicked object is available as a jquery object in 
your onClick function.

See demo 3 here for includeOther example and demo 6 for onClick example:

Some of these features were based on user requests. Thanks to everyone 
for the feedback.

- Jack

[jQuery] Re: listmenu

2009-08-11 Thread Jack Killpatrick
Thanks Paul, the new version that I just announced via another email 
takes care of the issue you found and adds some new features. FYI:

- Jack

Paul Speranza wrote:

Jack, yes, the list menu plugin.

On Aug 10, 3:01 pm, Jack Killpatrick wrote:

Hi Paul,

Thanks for this info, I'll add it to my test cases and thanks for
letting the community know.

I was actually working on a new version of the plugin yesterday, which
adds one new feature: an onClick option that you can pass a function to
for handling clicks in the dropdown menu. If that's a feature that might
be of interest to you I can get you a copy of the pre-release version.

I'll look into what you reported.

Oh, uh, just to make sure, you're talking about thelistmenuplugin, right?


Paul Speranza wrote:

This may not be a bug in the jQuery List menu widget but if it saves
someone the time it took me to figure it out or the author has an idea
of how to handle this then it is worth it. If the items begin with a
comma - , Paul - it causes the columns in the result to not be
created in IE 7 and the results just show straight down. In Chrome,
Firefox 3.5 and the latest Safari the results do not show at all.
I spent a couple of hours tracking this down and I just cleaned up the

data that I was playing with. Maybe the widget can strip off leading
characters that are not letters or numbers.
Great widget though!
Paul Speranza- Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -


[jQuery] Re: listmenu

2009-08-10 Thread Jack Killpatrick

Hi Paul,

Thanks for this info, I'll add it to my test cases and thanks for 
letting the community know.

I was actually working on a new version of the plugin yesterday, which 
adds one new feature: an onClick option that you can pass a function to 
for handling clicks in the dropdown menu. If that's a feature that might 
be of interest to you I can get you a copy of the pre-release version.

I'll look into what you reported.

Oh, uh, just to make sure, you're talking about the listmenu plugin, right?


Paul Speranza wrote:

This may not be a bug in the jQuery List menu widget but if it saves
someone the time it took me to figure it out or the author has an idea
of how to handle this then it is worth it. If the items begin with a
comma - , Paul - it causes the columns in the result to not be
created in IE 7 and the results just show straight down. In Chrome,
Firefox 3.5 and the latest Safari the results do not show at all.

I spent a couple of hours tracking this down and I just cleaned up the
data that I was playing with. Maybe the widget can strip off leading
characters that are not letters or numbers.

Great widget though!

Paul Speranza


[jQuery] Re: listmenu

2009-08-10 Thread Jack Killpatrick


I found and fixed that issue, thanks for bringing it to my attention. It 
also inspired me to add another option that's been on my backburner for 
a while ;-)

I've added an includeOther: true/false option that, if true, will cause 
a [...] menu item to appear at the end of the nav bar, where things like 
, something (items starting with punctuation) and Äpfel (chars other 
than A-Z and 0-9) will appear.

I'm shooting for putting the new rev out tonight or tomorrow.


[jQuery] Re: Best cookie plug-in?

2009-08-09 Thread Jack Killpatrick

I've used this with success:

- Jack

ldexterldesign wrote:

Easy guys,

Just getting started with cookies this afternoon and wondering what
plug-in everyone is using these days?



[jQuery] Re: How to maintain data Yes or No in output...

2009-08-07 Thread Jack Killpatrick
If the values are truly the words Yes and No in the db, then it's 
probably the library you're using on the server side to prepare the data 
for returning for the ajax call. Check the output of that. If that's 
still showing the words, it seems odd that they would transform again on 
their way to the browser, but maybe just make sure they have quotes 
around them (again, seems unlikely).

- Jack

Rick Faircloth wrote:

I've got a MySQL db that contains Yes or No in char datafields.


When I use $.ajax to bring that into the DOM and output the data via ' 
+ row[12] + ', for example,

the values are converted to true or false when output on the screen.


What's the best method of getting Yes or No as the output instead 
of true or false?


Thanks for any suggestions!





/Ninety percent of the politicians give the other ten percent a bad 
reputation.  - Henry Kissinger/


[jQuery] Re: How to maintain data Yes or No in output...

2009-08-07 Thread Jack Killpatrick
I do CF dev work, too, but haven't come across this yet, but it made me 
curious. I googled coldfusion yes no serialize json and it brought up 
a few articles about this. Sounds like adding a space after yes  and 
no  is the workaround some other people used. Ooof.

- Jack

Rick Faircloth wrote:

Thanks for the perspective, Jack.


I just used firebug to check the json values being returned in the 
query (ColdFusion)

and, indeed, the data is true and false instead of yes and no.


I'll have to work something up server-side.  Maybe it's the json 
formatting that's

doing it.  I have set ColdFusion to return the data to the calling 
page in json.




*From:* [] 
*On Behalf Of *Jack Killpatrick

*Sent:* Friday, August 07, 2009 1:09 PM
*Subject:* [jQuery] Re: How to maintain data Yes or No in output...


If the values are truly the words Yes and No in the db, then it's 
probably the library you're using on the server side to prepare the 
data for returning for the ajax call. Check the output of that. If 
that's still showing the words, it seems odd that they would transform 
again on their way to the browser, but maybe just make sure they have 
quotes around them (again, seems unlikely).

- Jack

Rick Faircloth wrote:

I've got a MySQL db that contains Yes or No in char datafields.


When I use $.ajax to bring that into the DOM and output the data via ' 
+ row[12] + ', for example,

the values are converted to true or false when output on the screen.


What's the best method of getting Yes or No as the output instead 
of true or false?


Thanks for any suggestions!





/Ninety percent of the politicians give the other ten percent a bad 
reputation.  - Henry Kissinger/



[jQuery] Re: How to maintain data Yes or No in output...

2009-08-07 Thread Jack Killpatrick
Nice workaround, for some reason I thought you didn't have control over 
the js side or something weird. Cool.

Sure would be nice to know that CF isn't altering data, eh? FWIW, I've 
been using the ajaxCFC module for a long time (to serialize CF objects 
into JSON) and haven't run up against the same issue, but I'm not sure 
if I've had Yes/No data to deal with.

- Jack

Rick Faircloth wrote:

Just, fyi, Jack and anyone else...


The solution was to put an inline condition into the code:


...spanRight' + (row[18] ? 'Yes' : 'No') + '/span...


Works great!




*From:* [] 
*On Behalf Of *Jack Killpatrick

*Sent:* Friday, August 07, 2009 2:55 PM
*Subject:* [jQuery] Re: How to maintain data Yes or No in output...


I do CF dev work, too, but haven't come across this yet, but it made 
me curious. I googled coldfusion yes no serialize json and it 
brought up a few articles about this. Sounds like adding a space after 
yes  and no  is the workaround some other people used. Ooof.

- Jack

Rick Faircloth wrote:

Thanks for the perspective, Jack.


I just used firebug to check the json values being returned in the 
query (ColdFusion)

and, indeed, the data is true and false instead of yes and no.


I'll have to work something up server-side.  Maybe it's the json 
formatting that's

doing it.  I have set ColdFusion to return the data to the calling 
page in json.




[] *On Behalf Of *Jack Killpatrick

*Sent:* Friday, August 07, 2009 1:09 PM
*Subject:* [jQuery] Re: How to maintain data Yes or No in output...


If the values are truly the words Yes and No in the db, then it's 
probably the library you're using on the server side to prepare the 
data for returning for the ajax call. Check the output of that. If 
that's still showing the words, it seems odd that they would transform 
again on their way to the browser, but maybe just make sure they have 
quotes around them (again, seems unlikely).

- Jack

Rick Faircloth wrote:

I've got a MySQL db that contains Yes or No in char datafields.


When I use $.ajax to bring that into the DOM and output the data via ' 
+ row[12] + ', for example,

the values are converted to true or false when output on the screen.


What's the best method of getting Yes or No as the output instead 
of true or false?


Thanks for any suggestions!





/Ninety percent of the politicians give the other ten percent a bad 
reputation.  - Henry Kissinger/




[jQuery] Re: Listnav initial display of no items?

2009-08-04 Thread Jack Killpatrick

Ah, I see. Since you have includeAll: false, it required a different 
workaround, since that forces the first available letter's contents to 
show. I grabbed a copy of your test and verified that this works:

   var clicks = 0;

   includeAll: false,
//  cookieName: 'xalpha_list',
 onClick: function(){
if(clicks == 1){$('#alphalist').show();} // this has clicks 
== 1 instead of == 2 now

}).hide();  // I added this

Hope that works for you.

- Jack

rubycat wrote:

Hi--thanks for your response. I put my attempt up here temporarily:

Sorry to be a pain--you have to remove the uppercase X from the URL


[jQuery] Re: jqGrid 35.5 released

2009-08-03 Thread Jack Killpatrick

Really nice work, Tony! Looks like some very useful new features in this 

- Jack

Tony wrote:

Happy to announce the final 3.5 release of jqGrid.
New wiki Documentation at
The demo at
and final the home :



[jQuery] Re: Listnav initial display of no items?

2009-08-03 Thread Jack Killpatrick

Do you have your attempt somewhere I can take a look at?

- Jack

rubycat wrote:

Still at a deadend on this one...any suggestions to get this working?


[jQuery] Re: Listnav Umlauts and special chars

2009-07-26 Thread Jack Killpatrick

Hi, you can set the not found wording using the noMatchText option. 
I'm planning on adding handling for special chars in the near future, 
I've got feedback from a few people on that, just need to think it out a 
little bit more.

Glad you like the plugin. If you have it used in a public place, mind 
sharing the link? I'd like to take a look.


sixtyseven wrote:

Oh, and of course the not found sentence should be a variable, too.

This is a real fantastic plugin, I used it to make a faq section for a
site, by combining it with a simple div display-switch. Works like a
charm, except the umlauts/specialchar problem.


[jQuery] Re: Listnav Umlauts and special chars

2009-07-26 Thread Jack Killpatrick

Good idea making All a variable. You're the 2nd person in the last few 
days who had a need for that.

And thanks for your thoughts on the special chars. As I mentioned in my 
other email a few minutes ago, I'll be adding support for that, I just 
need to think it through a bit more. It seems like it would be nice to 
have them automatically appear in the navigation, but that means losing 
control over how many things are in the nav, and therefore how wide it 
will be on the page (which could result in wrapping). One idea is to 
lump them into an other listnav item, but that doesn't seem very good, 
either. Another is to add a new row to the nav for dynamically adding 
nav links for special chars. Or the other could be a dropdown (but 
then it's items are out of view, which reduces the ability to quickly 
visually scan the list).

Offhand, I don't know if there's an easy way (or whether it really makes 
sense logically to a user) to degrade chars to their nearest neighbor. 
I don't know enough about other languages to know.


sixtyseven wrote:

I ran into a problem when having umlauts as first letter in the li
tag. They will not be shown, until I add them to the letters array.
IMHO the better way would be to have a function, that degrades the
letter to the next near neighbor, i.e. if it is ü, make it to u, if
it's é make it to e, etc. Do you have any Idea how to achieve this?
Such a function would make the listnav more multilingual. While
speaking of this, perhaps you could make the word All a variable,

Same thing with special chars like *,# etc. How about adding them into
a group of its own? Probably one could handle it like this: If the
first letter is neither a number nor a letter, it must be a special

Hope I could explain the problem, my english is not that good.

Greetings from Germany



[jQuery] Re: listnav letter question?

2009-07-24 Thread Jack Killpatrick

Hi Keith,

Glad you like the plugin. I missed your original post, but just spotted 
this one. Your change looks good, that's where I would have done it, 
too. I'm having a little trouble picturing your use case, though. Do you 
have an example anywhere or could you explain it a little bit more? I 
might considering adding an option for this kind of thing to the plugin.

Jack wrote:
Ok... I think I got it. I tweaked the addClasses function to eval a 
list items attribute instead of the text value. I'm using the attrib 
LANG for now. I populate this server side with either the first 
character of the persons firstname or lastname depending on what order 
was selected on the page. So now I can generate a dynamic list of 
anything I like without needing to ensure the first char matches the 
navigation line selected character. I'm sure there is allot wrong with 
this approach, and I apologize in advance. My enviornment is strictly 
Intranet with mandated browser and version, so I can normally get away 
with much less test overhead than the will wild west... =)


function addClasses() {
var str, firstChar;
var temp;

$($list).children().each(function() {

// $(this).text().replace(/\s+/g, ''); //.toLowerCase();
// strip all white space (including tabs and linebreaks that might 
have been in the HTML)

// thanks to Liam Byrne,

// NEW
str = $(this).attr(lang);

if (str != '') {

// firstChar = str.slice(0, 1).toLowerCase();

// NEW
firstChar = str.toLowerCase();

if (!isNaN(firstChar)) firstChar = '_'; // use '_' if the first char 
is a number

$(this).addClass('ln-' + firstChar);

if (counts[firstChar] == undefined) counts[firstChar] = 0;

On Jul 20, 2009 11:33pm, keith wrote:
 Great solution to managing large lists... 3 thumbs up!  =)

 After playing with it this evening, I found myself wondering what it

 would take to possibly target another attribute to determine its

 placement?  For instance if I were to use an image instead of a link

 or some other type of content without any text, how would I tweak the

 plugin to eval this area instead of its text.   Do you believe this

 would be a simple endeavor?

 Before I really dig in, I thought I would first ask yourselves and see

 if this was even possible without a huge rewrite.

 Thank you again for a really great tool... I look forward to using it

 in future projects.




[jQuery] Re: Listnav initial display of no items?

2009-07-24 Thread Jack Killpatrick

Like this:

style type=text/css
   #alphalist { display:none; }

   var clicks = 0;

includeAll: false,
cookieName: 'xalpha_list',
 onClick: function(){
if(clicks == 2){

You can also take a look at demo 5 here to see onClick being used:

- Jack

rubycat wrote:

Yes, the little treasure is your plug-in!!

Um, I hit a deadend though. But it's not you, it's me! I don't quite
understand where to put this stuff--am I to add it to to this?

 includeAll: false,
 cookieName: 'xalpha_list'


[jQuery] Re: JQUERY ListNav, can't figure how to make it work

2009-07-23 Thread Jack Killpatrick

yes (only use one of the listnav js files). That and rename this:

div id=demoFour class=listNav/div

to this:

div id=demoFour-nav class=listNav/div

- Jack

keith westberg wrote:

It looks like you have the listnav script file loaded three times...
this may be causeing it.  Prob only need one of these.

script type=text/javascript
script type=text/javascript
script type=text/javascript


On Wed, Jul 22, 2009 at 5:20 PM, wrote:

I am trying to do it here but I am not getting the nav at the top, I
am just getting them in the squares. I am not sure what exactly I am
doing wrong.


[jQuery] Re: Listnav initial display of no items?

2009-07-23 Thread Jack Killpatrick

Hi, I'm assuming the little treasure is the plugin? ;-)  Thanks, glad 
you like it.

There's nothing built into the plugin that will hide the full list (it's 
wired to show the first available letter unless you specify a letter to 
show), but here's a workaround that might do the trick for you:

1. set the css for your UL to:


2. add a function to the listnav onClick option that will show the UL if 
it's not showing already, something like:

var isShowing = false;

   onClick: function(){
 isShowing = true;

That onClick will fire on every letter click, but that's minimal 
overhead since you'd be just checking the value of isShowing after the 
first click is handled (which makes your UL show up).

- Jack

rubycat wrote:

Thank you for this little treasure!

Is there a way to do it so that when listnav initially appears on the
page, no items are shown? In other words, is there a way to just have
the alphabetized index show with no initial display of anything else?


[jQuery] Re: [Plugins] looking for iPhone contacts shortcut

2009-07-23 Thread Jack Killpatrick

this was posted to the list not long ago:

perhaps of interest.

- Jack

macsig wrote:

Hello guys,
I have a long list or product names and in order to speed up the
research I'd like to have the alphabet letters on one side and when
the user presses one of them the list scrolls to the first name that
starts with that letter. Something like contacts on iPhone.
So, before starting to develop it, does anyone knows a plugin that
does that?

Thanks and have a nice day



[jQuery] Re: Listnav initial display of no items?

2009-07-23 Thread Jack Killpatrick

Hmm, it just dawned on me that listnav fires a click internally when it 
initiates, so this won't work quite like I wrote it out below. Instead 
of using:

   var isShowing = false;


   var clicks = 0;


  onClick: function(){
 if(clicks == 2){

(not tested .. let me know if you hit a deadend)

- Jack

Jack Killpatrick wrote:

Hi, I'm assuming the little treasure is the plugin? ;-)  Thanks, glad 
you like it.

There's nothing built into the plugin that will hide the full list 
(it's wired to show the first available letter unless you specify a 
letter to show), but here's a workaround that might do the trick for you:

1. set the css for your UL to:


2. add a function to the listnav onClick option that will show the UL 
if it's not showing already, something like:

var isShowing = false;

   onClick: function(){
 isShowing = true;

That onClick will fire on every letter click, but that's minimal 
overhead since you'd be just checking the value of isShowing after the 
first click is handled (which makes your UL show up).

- Jack

rubycat wrote:

Thank you for this little treasure!

Is there a way to do it so that when listnav initially appears on the
page, no items are shown? In other words, is there a way to just have
the alphabetized index show with no initial display of anything else?


[jQuery] Re: listmenu plugin: non-ascii characters

2009-07-08 Thread Jack Killpatrick

Hi Dave,

I have a few things penciled out to add to the plugin, but haven't had a 
chance to get to them yet. I have your email from a while ago with the 
mockup of your idea ( ), thanks very much 
for that, it seems like a good approach.


Dave wrote:

Have there been any progress in this matter?

On Jun 8, 11:09 pm, Jack Killpatrick wrote:


I considered building something like that in, but decided I didn't know
enough about other languages to decide how best to handle them. Thanks
for starting the dialog. Does anyone else have any opinion on this?

The main thing I'm wondering is whether collecting them all under one
nav item would, in some cases, result in *many* things ending up there
and not many things left under the individual letters (depends on how
many items start with these kinds of chars).

Also, I think that # would mean starts with a number to most people,
but numbers are already handled via the optional [0-9] nav item. If not
#, then what else might make sense?

On a related note: does anyone know offhand if high ascii chars like
these can be used as CSS class names? I haven't ventured into
researching that yet.


Dave wrote:

In the example below there are non ascii characters, and as it is now

listmenu just ignores them. Maybe a solution could be to collect them
under a # tab.
ul id=ulSec_LM_List

lia href=#Agilityhunden/a/li
lia href=#Aktivitetsbollen/a/li
lia href=#BIO Shampoo/a/li
lia href=#Oxsvans/a/li
lia href=#Pipleksak - Groda/a/li
lia href=#Vovex Balsam/a/li
lia href=#Ädelsten/a/li
lia href=#Ouml;gonsten/a/li
Cheers- Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -


[jQuery] Re: listmenu

2009-06-25 Thread Jack Killpatrick

Hi, I missed your question first time around. Are you still in need of 
help on this?

- Jack

robin30 wrote:

hi all,

i love the listmenu plugin. just have a question.

i'm getting a list from my database. for example under C there's
Coffee and Cafe.

how can i when i click for example on Coffee that alerts you
clicked on Coffee or when i click on Cafe, you clicked on Cafe.

thanks in advange,



[jQuery] Re: Animating background color

2009-06-17 Thread Jack Killpatrick

You can use this to animate that:

- Jack

Apothem wrote:

I use jQuery 1.3.2 and tried to use:
$(this).css('background-color', '#ff').animate
({backgroundColor: #000 }, slow);

For some reason, the background doesn't change and my firefox debugs
the error of NaNpx a few times. What is wrong?


[jQuery] Re: vertically scroll text

2009-06-14 Thread Jack Killpatrick

If you just want a vertical scrollbar to appear, try css overflow:auto 
on the div.

- Jack

-Dman100- wrote:

Is there a jquery plugin that can scroll text in a div vertically?  I
have div with a set height that is filled with more content than can
be seen.  I'm looking for a way to vertically scroll the text or some
way to page thru the content.

Thanks for any help.


[jQuery] Re: AIR plugin for jQuery?

2009-06-12 Thread Jack Killpatrick

This may be of interest, though it's not jQuery encapsulation, it does 
provide an abstraction layer:

I've been using the ActiveRecord js implementation in AIR for a while 
now and it's proven to be solid so far:

- Jack

Andy Matthews wrote:

Does anyone know of a plugin for jQuery that encapsulates some, or
all, of the AIR API?



[jQuery] Re: AIR plugin for jQuery?

2009-06-12 Thread Jack Killpatrick
OK, yeah, that's what I figured you were looking for. I haven't seen 
anything like that, but it would be cool if it existed. Doesn't seem 
like it would be a ton of work (famous last words). Have you got any 
thoughts about how it might work across the sandbox bridges? I use the 
bridges and build the non-app sandbox stuff very much like a regular web 
app and create and expose certain functions via the bridges to/from the 
app and non-app sandbox, since all the direct air API access can only 
happen in the app sandbox.

I haven't really thought it out, but wondering if maybe you have. Maybe 
you're looking maybe for something that would just be used in the app 
sandbox and it'd be up to the end user to create the bridge stuff that 
they need?

- Jack

Andy Matthews wrote:

Thanks Jack...that's not quite what I meant.

For example, even though the AIR method for minimizing a window to the
system tray is short:

It would be cool if this functionality was packaged up so that you
could apply the minimize method directly to an object. Here's what I
do now:

// this assigns the minimize functionality to the minimize button
$('#minimize').bind('click', function(event) {

and here's how it could look:
// this assigns the minimize functionality to the minimize button

Obviously that's not a great example, but the code for adding a menu
to an icon running in the task bar is much lengthier. You can see how
this might benefit from an abstraction layer:

setupIconTray: function() {

// shortcut to the nativeApplication object
var app = air.NativeApplication.nativeApplication;
app.addEventListener(air.Event.COMPLETE, iconLoadComplete);

// create new instance of icon loader
var iconLoader = new air.Loader();

//  these lines let me add a menu to the system tray.
//  we're not going to use this for now, but I want to keep it 
// = new air.NativeMenu();
//  var exitCommand = air.NativeMenuItem
(Exit Bullhorn));
//  exitCommand.addEventListener(air.Event.SELECT, winmgr.close);


iconLoader.load(new air.URLRequest(images/AIRApp_16.png));
(, this.restore);
app.icon.tooltip = Shrinkadoo;
// =;

//  if(air.NativeApplication.supportsMenu) {
//, Windows);

function iconLoadComplete(event) {
app.icon.bitmaps = new runtime.Array


Anyway...I might start writing one, but would love to get input from
others who would be interested in helping out.

On Jun 12, 11:52 am, Jack Killpatrick wrote:

This may be of interest, though it's not jQuery encapsulation, it does
provide an abstraction layer:

I've been using the ActiveRecord js implementation in AIR for a while
now and it's proven to be solid so far:

- Jack

Andy Matthews wrote:

Does anyone know of a plugin for jQuery that encapsulates some, or
all, of the AIR API?


[jQuery] Re: AIR plugin for jQuery?

2009-06-12 Thread Jack Killpatrick
From your examples, it looks like you're thinking more about helper 
methods than just exposing the API, which makes sense, but then the 
question is what helper methods should we create to make this a good 
framework? (I think). If that's the case, have you thought about it 
much? Helper method meaning something that wraps a chunk of air native 
code up to support some reusable functionality beyond the lower level 
air stuff.

- Jack

Andy Matthews wrote:

I just blogged about this idea:
I think that this is a great idea and I'd love to get involved in it, 
but I'd want others to be included as well. My jQuery foo is fairly 
strong, but I've never written a plugin, and would really want someone 
to provide a good code review for best practices. The cool thing is 
that there wouldn't be much jQuery in the plugin. It's mostly an 
abstraction of the AIR APIs into a tighter, simpler package.
I think the best place to start would be some of the lower hanging 
fruit. Some of the API methods that are straightforward and don't 
require a lot of options. Then we could move into SQLite, File System 
access, etc.

*From:* [] 
*On Behalf Of *Jack Killpatrick

*Sent:* Friday, June 12, 2009 1:07 PM
*Subject:* [jQuery] Re: AIR plugin for jQuery?

OK, yeah, that's what I figured you were looking for. I haven't seen 
anything like that, but it would be cool if it existed. Doesn't seem 
like it would be a ton of work (famous last words). Have you got any 
thoughts about how it might work across the sandbox bridges? I use the 
bridges and build the non-app sandbox stuff very much like a regular 
web app and create and expose certain functions via the bridges 
to/from the app and non-app sandbox, since all the direct air API 
access can only happen in the app sandbox.

I haven't really thought it out, but wondering if maybe you have. 
Maybe you're looking maybe for something that would just be used in 
the app sandbox and it'd be up to the end user to create the bridge 
stuff that they need?

- Jack

Andy Matthews wrote:

Thanks Jack...that's not quite what I meant.

For example, even though the AIR method for minimizing a window to the
system tray is short:

It would be cool if this functionality was packaged up so that you
could apply the minimize method directly to an object. Here's what I
do now:

// this assigns the minimize functionality to the minimize button
$('#minimize').bind('click', function(event) {

and here's how it could look:
// this assigns the minimize functionality to the minimize button

Obviously that's not a great example, but the code for adding a menu
to an icon running in the task bar is much lengthier. You can see how
this might benefit from an abstraction layer:

setupIconTray: function() {

// shortcut to the nativeApplication object
var app = air.NativeApplication.nativeApplication;
app.addEventListener(air.Event.COMPLETE, iconLoadComplete);

// create new instance of icon loader
var iconLoader = new air.Loader();

//  these lines let me add a menu to the system tray.
//  we're not going to use this for now, but I want to keep it 
// = new air.NativeMenu();
//  var exitCommand = air.NativeMenuItem
(Exit Bullhorn));
//  exitCommand.addEventListener(air.Event.SELECT, winmgr.close);


iconLoader.load(new air.URLRequest(images/AIRApp_16.png));
(, this.restore);
app.icon.tooltip = Shrinkadoo;
// =;

//  if(air.NativeApplication.supportsMenu) {
//, Windows);

function iconLoadComplete(event) {
app.icon.bitmaps = new runtime.Array


Anyway...I might start writing one, but would love to get input from
others who would be interested in helping out.

On Jun 12, 11:52 am, Jack Killpatrick wrote:

This may be of interest, though it's not jQuery encapsulation, it does
provide an abstraction layer:

I've been using the ActiveRecord js implementation in AIR for a while
now and it's proven to be solid so far:

- Jack


[jQuery] tables and chairs app

2009-06-12 Thread Jack Killpatrick

Hi All,

I'm thinking out how to put together a web app that allows a user to 
have a room and in that room, place tables and chairs, which will then 
be used for a scheduling app. The scheduling part I'm on top of. The 
graphical part for positioning tables and chairs is what I'm looking for 
a good solution to.

At minimum the user has to be able to drag/drop and rotate the tables 
and chairs, to position them in a way that resembles the real room. 
Ideally, they should be able to either resize the table (drag sides of a 
rectangle or enlarge a circle) or, less desirably, I could give them a 
set of different tables to choose from (or both).

Right now I'm thinking of using canvas and looking into jQuery plugins. 
Any pointers?


[jQuery] Re: Sortable Gallery?

2009-06-10 Thread Jack Killpatrick

Maybe this is the tutorial:

- Jack

James wrote:

Hey all,

I am new to jquery. Managed so far to get a carousel up and going,
some tabbed interfaces etc. Nothing spectacular.

A week or so ago, I found a tutorial on how to build something like
this ( in jquery. Basically a
group of thumbnails, each given a category id, that corresponds to the
right nav, that then sorts and displays the thumbnails according to
user selection.

Anyone know of an existing tute out there for something like that? or
know what current jquery library item I should look at to build
something similar?

Appreciate any assistance.


[jQuery] Re: Window Explorer like tree

2009-06-08 Thread Jack Killpatrick

Maybe this:

- Jack

Vivek wrote:


Is there any plugin with the help of which we can have windows
explorer like tree struture with Jquery ? There will be a tree pattern
of folders and files on the left side and whenever an user clicks on
an folder the internal files should show on the right panel as well.

Please help



[jQuery] Re: listmenu plugin: UL being shown unformated before listmenu() call

2009-06-08 Thread Jack Killpatrick

Hi Dave,

The first thing that the listmenu plugin does is this:

$list.css('visibility', 'hidden'); // hiding to prevent pre-load 
flicker. Using visibility:hidden so that list item dimensions remain 

which I *think* should have prevented what you're describing. If not, is 
there an example I can take a look at?


Dave wrote:


Had a problem with the ul being shown unformated before the list got
handled by $('#mylist).listmenu();. Solved this by adding #mylist
{display:none;} in my css file and then
script type=text/javascript

It works ok, but maybe you could consider adding this so it would be
handled automatically by listmenu.



[jQuery] Re: Window Explorer like tree

2009-06-08 Thread Jack Killpatrick
I see. There aren't any that I'm aware of. This is sorta close (but not 
two panels and not built specifically for file browsing):

- Jack

Vivek wrote:

Hi Jack,

Thanks for your kind attention.

I had a look at this plugin. It is a beautiful plugin however i am not
been able to customize it to show the files on the right panel when an
folder is clicked same as an windows explorer. I tried every bit
however not successfull. Also i have not found this kind of
functionality in it by default.

Please let me know if you know any other plugin like windows explorer.


On Jun 8, 10:45 pm, Jack Killpatrick wrote:

Maybe this:

- Jack

Vivek wrote:

Is there any plugin with the help of which we can have windows

explorer like tree struture with Jquery ? There will be a tree pattern
of folders and files on the left side and whenever an user clicks on
an folder the internal files should show on the right panel as well.
Please help


[jQuery] Re: listmenu plugin: non-ascii characters

2009-06-08 Thread Jack Killpatrick


I considered building something like that in, but decided I didn't know 
enough about other languages to decide how best to handle them. Thanks 
for starting the dialog. Does anyone else have any opinion on this?

The main thing I'm wondering is whether collecting them all under one 
nav item would, in some cases, result in *many* things ending up there 
and not many things left under the individual letters (depends on how 
many items start with these kinds of chars).

Also, I think that # would mean starts with a number to most people, 
but numbers are already handled via the optional [0-9] nav item. If not 
#, then what else might make sense?

On a related note: does anyone know offhand if high ascii chars like 
these can be used as CSS class names? I haven't ventured into 
researching that yet.


Dave wrote:


In the example below there are non ascii characters, and as it is now
listmenu just ignores them. Maybe a solution could be to collect them
under a # tab.

ul id=ulSec_LM_List
lia href=#Agilityhunden/a/li
lia href=#Aktivitetsbollen/a/li
lia href=#BIO Shampoo/a/li
lia href=#Oxsvans/a/li
lia href=#Pipleksak - Groda/a/li
lia href=#Vovex Balsam/a/li
lia href=#Ädelsten/a/li
lia href=#Ouml;gonsten/a/li



[jQuery] Re: grid layout plugin?

2009-06-07 Thread Jack Killpatrick

it's not a plugin, but maybe this:

- Jack

bobh wrote:


I've been on the lookout for a jquery plugin that fits divs together
into a nicely fitting layout. For example:


Does it exist?


[jQuery] Re: Help on jQuery plugin

2009-06-04 Thread Jack Killpatrick
I'm not sure I completely understand what you're looking for, but it 
sounds like you're in need of using event delegation so that something 
can be added and will get handled by a click handler that was defined 
before it was added. Here's a good article:

- Jack

Andrew wrote:

Any feedback?

On Jun 3, 11:24 am, Andrew wrote:

Hi All,

I have a plug-in that adds onclick event to an element, below is a

jQuery.fn.showBox = function(options) {
  var options = {title:the title,content:the content};
   return this.each(function(){
var obj = $(this);
// perform dynamic div show
// add and show a div box below element


Now here is my question, is there a way I can make the same function
so that I can call it as a method of jquery without recreating the
code for adding and showing the div box.

What I need is to call this showBox (as $.showBox(options)) and will
perform the dynamic div?

Any help is much appreciated.



[jQuery] Re: scrollTo plugin: prevent tabbing between slides?

2009-06-03 Thread Jack Killpatrick
Thanks for the ideas. Interesting idea, disabling the fields out of 
view, but my scenario actually has a series of forms (like 6 of them), 
so that'd seem like a bit much for my case.

Here's what I ended up doing (which amounted to disabling the tab for 
the relevant fields):

1. created this plugin:

(function($) {
   $.fn.preventTab = function(options) {

   return this.each(function(){
   $(this).bind('keydown', function(e){
   if(e.which == 9){
   return false;

2. added this to form fields that the tabbing went to before going to 
the next slide:


3. wired up the plugin by doing this:

   $('.preventTab', $myContext).preventTab();

The rub is that it disables shift-tab as a result, so once the user goes 
into that field, they can't shift-tab back out. It also doesn't take 
care of shift-tabbing from the first form field to one in a previous 
slide (unless I apply it to that field, too, in which case tabbing 
forward from it won't work). I did a little googling to see how best to 
handle/detect shift-tab, but so far am not sure (other than maybe to use 
the jquery hotkeys plugin, which I've already got in the project anyway.


Brendan wrote:

Set tabindexes and hope for the best? Other than maybe disabling the
tab key altogether i'm not sure if you can. How about disabling the
fields until they come into view?

On Jun 2, 4:16 pm, Jack Killpatrick wrote:

Anyone have any ideas? TIA.

- Jack

Jack Killpatrick wrote:

Does anyone know of a way to prevent tabbing (via keyboard tab key)

between form fields in different slides when using the jquery
scrollTo plugin? For example, I have a UL with 2 LI's in it and each
LI has a form inside of it. If a user is on slide 1 and hits tab on
the last visible form field, the first form field on the next slide
comes into view (because the browser gives it focus), thus moving
slide 2 partially into view. The same kind of thing happens from slide
2 to slide 1 when shift-tabbing (tabbing backwards): a form field on
slide 1 gets focused and comes into view.
I'd like to prevent tabbing between the forms. To complicate matters a

bit more (possibly), one of my forms has a jquery UI tab control on
it, so the last visible form field could be any field on any of the
tab control's tabs (ie: the last visible form field depends on what
tab is showing.
I tried a few things, but nothing jumped out as a good solution. Any




[jQuery] Re: Looking for a plugin similiar to this scriptaculous effect...

2009-06-03 Thread Jack Killpatrick

Check into these:

- Jack

williampdx wrote:

Hello everyone.

I am searching for a plugin that could potentially perform a moving
navigation effect similar to that as seen in this site:
This site in particular uses scriptaculous, and I would prefer to use
jquery.  I would love to be able to navigate both horizontally and
vertically and be able to control the speed and easing.
Does anyone have a suggestion?




[jQuery] Re: Thoughts on creating a hoverable alphabetical list

2009-06-03 Thread Jack Killpatrick

Neat idea. I think you could use this and give each LI a letter class ( 
class=d ), then use it to scroll to that LI:

- Jack

Dave Joyce wrote:

I'm trying to figure out a good way to approach this.

Basically here's a shot of what's needed.

It's an alphabetical list of letters down the left column. When you hover
over those letters, a list in a block on the right side (with overflow
hidden) moves up or down to the letter that's being hovered over. It's sort
of reminiscent of the iPhone alphabetical list on the right side of the

I was thinking of creating the letters with anchors to the list as you would
see on a normal html page. The question is, how can I tell the content
within the div to move up or down? How do I know how far to have it move?

[jQuery] Re: Ann: jqPlot 0.6.2 released

2009-06-02 Thread Jack Killpatrick

This is really great work, thanks for sharing! Good stuff!

- Jack

Chris Leonello wrote:

jqPlot is an open source plotting plugin for jQuery.  The 0.6.2
release adds many new features including:

Rotated axis text.
Vertical and horizontal bar charts.
Automatic trend line computation.
Data point highlighting.
Cursor tooltips showing data and grid position.
And many other features.

The jqPlot homepage is at

The downloads page is at

The mailing list/Google group is at

jqPlot is built from the ground up as an extensible and plugable
plugin.  Handling of data, drawing of plot elements, events, virtually
everything is handled by a plugin.  This means you can enhance or swap
out core functionality without touching the core code.


[jQuery] Re: scrollTo plugin: prevent tabbing between slides?

2009-06-02 Thread Jack Killpatrick

Anyone have any ideas? TIA.

- Jack

Jack Killpatrick wrote:


Does anyone know of a way to prevent tabbing (via keyboard tab key) 
between form fields in different slides when using the jquery 
scrollTo plugin? For example, I have a UL with 2 LI's in it and each 
LI has a form inside of it. If a user is on slide 1 and hits tab on 
the last visible form field, the first form field on the next slide 
comes into view (because the browser gives it focus), thus moving 
slide 2 partially into view. The same kind of thing happens from slide 
2 to slide 1 when shift-tabbing (tabbing backwards): a form field on 
slide 1 gets focused and comes into view.

I'd like to prevent tabbing between the forms. To complicate matters a 
bit more (possibly), one of my forms has a jquery UI tab control on 
it, so the last visible form field could be any field on any of the 
tab control's tabs (ie: the last visible form field depends on what 
tab is showing.

I tried a few things, but nothing jumped out as a good solution. Any 


[jQuery] scrollTo plugin: prevent tabbing between slides?

2009-06-01 Thread Jack Killpatrick


Does anyone know of a way to prevent tabbing (via keyboard tab key) 
between form fields in different slides when using the jquery scrollTo 
plugin? For example, I have a UL with 2 LI's in it and each LI has a 
form inside of it. If a user is on slide 1 and hits tab on the last 
visible form field, the first form field on the next slide comes into 
view (because the browser gives it focus), thus moving slide 2 partially 
into view. The same kind of thing happens from slide 2 to slide 1 when 
shift-tabbing (tabbing backwards): a form field on slide 1 gets focused 
and comes into view.

I'd like to prevent tabbing between the forms. To complicate matters a 
bit more (possibly), one of my forms has a jquery UI tab control on it, 
so the last visible form field could be any field on any of the tab 
control's tabs (ie: the last visible form field depends on what tab is 

I tried a few things, but nothing jumped out as a good solution. Any ideas?


[jQuery] Re: question re: .live() and .empty()

2009-05-30 Thread Jack Killpatrick
Thanks, Brandon. So .empty() won't touch events that were bound using a 
selector on objects inside what is being emptied, right? Gotta use 
.die() to get rid of them?

- Jack

Brandon Aaron wrote:

The .live() method binds event handlers at a higher level than the
node(s) selected. So, in other words the events aren't actually bound
to specific nodes so they won't be removed when you call empty.

If you need to remove a live event, just call .die(). It is like
.unbind() but for .live() events.

Brandon Aaron

On Fri, May 29, 2009 at 10:06 PM, Jack Killpatrick wrote:

I'm guessing that once a .live() instantiation occurs it's there for good.
If that's the case, is there a way to destroy it? (in particular as it
pertains to a selector).

I'm debating using it in a plugin, but am wary because of what could happen
with multiple instances of the plugin and maybe no ability to destroy it


Jack Killpatrick wrote:

Hi All,

Wondering if someone knows the answer to this:

Using jQuery 1.3.2, if some items inside a div have events bound to them
via .live() and then .empty() is called on the div will the events that were
bound via .live() get removed? The .empty() doc says:

Note that this function starting with 1.2.2 will also remove all event
handlers and internally cached data.

But something I'm working on makes me think that the .live() events are
not removed. I haven't nailed it down yet.




[jQuery] Re: question re: .live() and .empty()

2009-05-30 Thread Jack Killpatrick

Thanks guys, I understand now.

Related question (but maybe for the UI guys)... does anyone know if any 
jquery UI components (sortables and dialog in particular) bind events to 
something outside their own scope (like by using .live())? I'm guessing 
not and that I'm safe instantiating one of those components on a 
dynamically created DOM node that I can then get rid of using .empty() 
on it's parent and no event handlers will be left behind, but am not sure.


Karl Swedberg wrote:

On May 30, 2009, at 12:14 PM, Jack Killpatrick wrote:

Thanks, Brandon. So .empty() won't touch events that were bound using 
a selector on objects inside what is being emptied, right? Gotta use 
.die() to get rid of them?

Yes and no. empty() will unbind events that were bound to the elements 
that are being removed. But since live() is actually binding the 
events to document, they won't be unbound unless you you use die()  -- 
or maybe $(document).unbind()

Hope I didn't just muddy the waters. 


Brandon Aaron wrote:

The .live() method binds event handlers at a higher level than the
node(s) selected. So, in other words the events aren't actually bound
to specific nodes so they won't be removed when you call empty.

If you need to remove a live event, just call .die(). It is like
.unbind() but for .live() events.

Brandon Aaron

On Fri, May 29, 2009 at 10:06 PM, Jack Killpatrick wrote:

I'm guessing that once a .live() instantiation occurs it's there for good.
If that's the case, is there a way to destroy it? (in particular as it
pertains to a selector).

I'm debating using it in a plugin, but am wary because of what could happen
with multiple instances of the plugin and maybe no ability to destroy it


Jack Killpatrick wrote:

Hi All,

Wondering if someone knows the answer to this:

Using jQuery 1.3.2, if some items inside a div have events bound to them
via .live() and then .empty() is called on the div will the events that were
bound via .live() get removed? The .empty() doc says:

Note that this function starting with 1.2.2 will also remove all event
handlers and internally cached data.

But something I'm working on makes me think that the .live() events are
not removed. I haven't nailed it down yet.




[jQuery] question re: .live() and .empty()

2009-05-29 Thread Jack Killpatrick

Hi All,

Wondering if someone knows the answer to this:

Using jQuery 1.3.2, if some items inside a div have events bound to them 
via .live() and then .empty() is called on the div will the events that 
were bound via .live() get removed? The .empty() doc says:

Note that this function starting with 1.2.2 will also remove all event 
handlers and internally cached data.

But something I'm working on makes me think that the .live() events are 
not removed. I haven't nailed it down yet.


[jQuery] Re: question re: .live() and .empty()

2009-05-29 Thread Jack Killpatrick

I'm guessing that once a .live() instantiation occurs it's there for 
good. If that's the case, is there a way to destroy it? (in particular 
as it pertains to a selector).

I'm debating using it in a plugin, but am wary because of what could 
happen with multiple instances of the plugin and maybe no ability to 
destroy it completely.


Jack Killpatrick wrote:

Hi All,

Wondering if someone knows the answer to this:

Using jQuery 1.3.2, if some items inside a div have events bound to 
them via .live() and then .empty() is called on the div will the 
events that were bound via .live() get removed? The .empty() doc says:

Note that this function starting with 1.2.2 will also remove all event 
handlers and internally cached data.

But something I'm working on makes me think that the .live() events 
are not removed. I haven't nailed it down yet.


[jQuery] just a shout out

2009-05-28 Thread Jack Killpatrick

I've been majorly head's-down in a jQuery-driven AIR app for the last 
few weeks. I've been using jQuery almost daily since very early on (2+ 
yrs?). It works great for my web apps and great for this AIR app, which 
is _very_ heavy js/jQuery.

Great work! Thanks, kudos, etc to the jQuery and jQuery UI teams!!

Now, back to my custom plugins and chaining events  ;-)

- Jack

[jQuery] Re: EasySlider 1.5: Tabbing through forms

2009-05-20 Thread Jack Killpatrick
I suspect you might have to have the focus() event on each field (or a 
delegate for it) do something to figure out what slide the focused field 
is in and have a function to move to that slide (or fire the click 
handler for Next). I don't remember seeing any slider plugins that 
will do that natively. I've got probably 20 bookmarked, but if you find 
one that does, I'd be interested in knowing about it.

- Jack

Francis Pat Patterson wrote:

I really need some help here, people.  Either a fix to the plugin, a
workaround, or a new plugin altogether - can someone out there help

On May 18, 2:02 pm, Francis \Pat\ Patterson wrote:

I'm developing a form using the jQuery plugin EasySlider 1.5:

I want to add the ability to initiate the slider action when a user
tabs to a field located off-screen, as in this example:

So, when someone tabs through that first form area, and gets to
Repeat Email, when they tab to the next field, it triggers the
EasySlider much like the Next  span tag.

Any suggestions?  It has to be possible, but I haven't come up with a
solution yet.

Help me Obi-Wan, you're my only hope.


[jQuery] Re: PLease help.. sliding menu?

2009-05-12 Thread Jack Killpatrick

maybe this one:

- Jack

casey_oakland wrote:

Hey all..

by chance / looking for a good sliding menu tutorial.
I did find a great one!

however.. it's just shy of what i need it to do.

Maybe you can help with suggestions on how to adjust?

What i would like this to do is eventually have it loop
Actually (the perfect example of this) is a top of
so many great tutorials.. but not the one i need : (

Any thoughts or a nudge in the right direction would be huge help!


would be most grateful.

as always..



[jQuery] Re: UI component libraries?

2009-05-10 Thread Jack Killpatrick

these are a couple I know of, but can't vouch for them (haven't used them): (moo)

- Jack

zweb wrote:

Are there any good web UI component libraries -open source or
commercial - that you can recomment? They need to be cross browser
compatible and have good documentation.

Jquery UI is very good but limited in number of controls it offers.
YUI is very verbose and very hard to use. extJs only other one I can
think of. Any others you use and like?


[jQuery] Re: [autocomplete] triggering a function when an item is selected

2009-05-10 Thread Jack Killpatrick

I think this might be what you're looking for:

- Jack

jitz wrote:

Is it possible to trigger a function that fires when an item is
selected from the autocomplete box?

Thanks a lot in advance,


[jQuery] Re: barackslideshow effect in jquery.

2009-05-06 Thread Jack Killpatrick

maybe this:

- Jack

idrish laxmidhar wrote:
hi all..i am looking for a similar effect like the barackslideshow 
effect. can anyone suggest such a plugin in jquery. thanks a lot

[jQuery] what happened to galleriffic?

2009-05-06 Thread Jack Killpatrick


Does anyone know if the galleriffic plugic is available somewhere new? I 
started a project with it last week, pulled from here:

but when I went there yesterday it wasn't working and isn't today, either.


[jQuery] Re: barackslideshow effect in jquery.

2009-05-06 Thread Jack Killpatrick

maybe this?

lots of demos here:

- Jack

idrish laxmidhar wrote:
hey jack thanks..but i knew about this. i tried but cannot make it 
work.. i was wondering if there is any such plugin in jquery.

Actually i have some links and corresponding to links are images. i 
want to fade in the images on mouse hover over the links. also it

should changes automatically when no actions taking place.


On Wed, May 6, 2009 at 9:37 PM, Jack Killpatrick wrote:

maybe this:

- Jack

idrish laxmidhar wrote:
 hi all..i am looking for a similar effect like the barackslideshow
 effect. can anyone suggest such a plugin in jquery. thanks a lot


   I |) r I  |-|

[jQuery] Re: listnav, but for tables?

2009-05-02 Thread Jack Killpatrick

Hi, I wrote the listnav plugin. Can you elaborate a little more on how 
you'd want it to work? There might be a selector we can tweak to make it 
do what you want (like use tr instead of li).

- Jack

Tor wrote:

I'm looking for a plugin like the listnav plugin (demo:,
but for tables?

I'd like to filter / select rows in a table based on the first letter
of one of the rows in the table. The listnav plugin is exactly what
I'm after, but it works on ol/ul only, and I need to use it with


[jQuery] state of the art for corner rounding?

2009-05-01 Thread Jack Killpatrick

Hi All,

I have a half dozen bookmarks for rounded corner plugins, but am 
wondering if there's a state of the art plugin kicking any booty on 
that these days? What I'd *really* like is to just be able to set -moz 
border radiuses in CSS and have a plugin magically use those to create 
rounded corners in IE and Safari (IE mainly... using excanvas or 
something with it is fine, too).

Any advice? For the project I'm working on now I don't need to have 
lines at the border (ie: no border:1px solid black or anything).


[jQuery] flexbox question

2009-04-30 Thread Jack Killpatrick

I'm evaluating Flexbox for a project:

In example #1 there I can type in some chars and items with those chars 
*inside* a result get highlighted (though only the first instance of the 
found chars in any given item gets highlighted).

In all of the other demos the matching only occurs at the beginning of 
the items.

Is it possible to have the *in the words* matching behavior happen (like 
in example #1), but also have the list filtering behavior that the other 
demos show? IE, if I have:

Guinea Pig

and type in i, I would like to have the dropdown display all matches 
with i anywhere in them:

Guinea Pig

The jquery autcomplete plugin will do it (type i in the E-Mail example):

but there are some other features that Flexbox has that I'd like.


[jQuery] Re: TextboxList for jQuery

2009-04-27 Thread Jack Killpatrick
Looks very nice, Guillermo! I like the arrow, backspace and delete 
keyboard handling, too.

Are there any known issues?


Guillermo Rauch wrote:

I've released my TextboxList widget

for jQuery:

Let me know what you think!

Guillermo Rauch

[jQuery] detect quicktime?

2009-04-26 Thread Jack Killpatrick

Hi All,

I'm looking for a jquery plugin (or vanilla method) for detecting 
quicktime, so I can decide whether to embed a QT movie or not. Did some 
googling, but most of the methods seems really old and I didn't see any 
jQuery plugins dedicated to detection.

Any links/advice?


- Jack

[jQuery] Re: Tablesorter with pager extension check boxes not present on form submit

2009-04-24 Thread Jack Killpatrick

Checkbox names are only posted if they're checked. You'll need to check 
for the presence of the name on the server side and if it's not there, 
then none were checked. That's not a tablesorter issue (doesn't sound 
like it).

- Jack

Justin wrote:

Hello everyone,

This is my first post to the jQuery group.  I am using the tablesorter
and tablesorter.pager jQuery plugin in an ASP.NET web page.

Each row in the table has a checkbox and is intended to be used by the
user to add or remove an item from the final selection.  The problem
is that when the form is submitted and you are on a page with no
checkboxes checked, on the server side, the Request.Form.AllKeys does
not show the checkbox's named as a member of the request.

I think this has something to do with the caching mechanism and the
fact the checkboxes are physically taken out of the table.

What methods are there to make sure all the hidden rows form
elements are submitted back to the server?



[jQuery] Re: Lightbox with thumbnails

2009-04-23 Thread Jack Killpatrick

Maybe this one?

main page:

- Jack

Rick Faircloth wrote:
I certainly hope you find this because it is *exactly* what a client 
of mine is looking for

and I was hoping to avoid having to code this up from scratch!

On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 10:25 AM, Laker Netman wrote:


I am looking for a version of lightbox that would allow the user to
click on a single reference image and when the lightboxed version
appears a strip of thumbnails would be available at the top or bottom
of that image. Thus, the user could navigate between images within the
lightbox by clicking on a different thumbnail.

If such beast exists a URL would appreciated. Extensive Googling
hasn't turned up what I'm looking for at all.


It has been my experience that most bad government is the result of 
too much government. - Thomas Jefferson

[jQuery] Re: Lightbox with thumbnails

2009-04-23 Thread Jack Killpatrick
Cool. The one thing I wonder about is mixed images in landscape and 
portrait modes. Most gallery demos don't show that, I'm guessing cuz 
it's less pretty, but from my experience it's often matters. I haven't 
looked carefully at that one to see how it will handle those.

- Jack

Rick Faircloth wrote:
Yes!  That should be perfect...thumbnails, main photo, captions, 
slideshow, and

manual navigation!

On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 11:28 AM, Jack Killpatrick wrote:

Maybe this one?

main page:

- Jack

Rick Faircloth wrote:

I certainly hope you find this because it is *exactly* what a
client of mine is looking for
and I was hoping to avoid having to code this up from scratch!

On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 10:25 AM, Laker Netman wrote:


I am looking for a version of lightbox that would allow the
user to
click on a single reference image and when the lightboxed
appears a strip of thumbnails would be available at the top
or bottom
of that image. Thus, the user could navigate between images
within the
lightbox by clicking on a different thumbnail.

If such beast exists a URL would appreciated. Extensive Googling
hasn't turned up what I'm looking for at all.



It has been my experience that most bad government is the result
of too much government. - Thomas Jefferson

It has been my experience that most bad government is the result of 
too much government. - Thomas Jefferson

[jQuery] flowplayer: how to loop a single movie?

2009-04-23 Thread Jack Killpatrick

Does anyone know how to loop the playback of a single movie using 
Flowplayer? ( )

I want it to autostart (got that part), play, then repeat endlessly.


[jQuery] Re: Lightbox with thumbnails

2009-04-23 Thread Jack Killpatrick

Agreed on the behavior, that's how I'd want it to act, too.

Is the site you're putting the gallery on public? I'm just curious, 
because in the past I did a lot of real estate related web work (with a 
company called InteliTouch: CRM for real estate agents) and am always 
curious about interesting uses.


Rick Faircloth wrote:

That could be a problem for some.
For my purposes (showing real estate photos), all the photos will be 
resized to the same size,

so that shouldn't be an issue.
Actually, even if I had both landscape and portrait photos, I'd prefer 
that the container remain
the same size for speed and for consistency in the space for 
comments.  It's less attractive
than having the full window taken up by the image, but the constant 
shifting of the window size

is distracting to me.

On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 12:36 PM, Jack Killpatrick wrote:

Cool. The one thing I wonder about is mixed images in landscape
and portrait modes. Most gallery demos don't show that, I'm
guessing cuz it's less pretty, but from my experience it's often
matters. I haven't looked carefully at that one to see how it will
handle those.

- Jack

[jQuery] Re: Lightbox with thumbnails

2009-04-23 Thread Jack Killpatrick
The thing I wonder about on that one is what happens if there are more 
thumbnails than are visible?

- Jack

Rick Faircloth wrote:

Wow!  The advanced demo is beautiful!
Just the kind of slick presentation that my client will (hopefully) 
pay for!

On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 4:19 PM, Adam wrote:

Check out Galleria- super slick image gallery plugin:

Im actually doing a JQ-rich real estate site right now using Galleria-
Ill post a link soon.

On Apr 23, 2:15 pm, Jack Killpatrick wrote:
 Agreed on the behavior, that's how I'd want it to act, too.

 Is the site you're putting the gallery on public? I'm just curious,
 because in the past I did a lot of real estate related web work
(with a
 company called InteliTouch: CRM for real estate agents) and am
 curious about interesting uses.


 Rick Faircloth wrote:
  That could be a problem for some.

  For my purposes (showing real estate photos), all the photos
will be
  resized to the same size,
  so that shouldn't be an issue.

  Actually, even if I had both landscape and portrait photos,
I'd prefer
  that the container remain
  the same size for speed and for consistency in the space for
  comments.  It's less attractive
  than having the full window taken up by the image, but the
  shifting of the window size
  is distracting to me.


  On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 12:36 PM, Jack Killpatrick wrote:

  Cool. The one thing I wonder about is mixed images in
  and portrait modes. Most gallery demos don't show that, I'm
  guessing cuz it's less pretty, but from my experience it's
  matters. I haven't looked carefully at that one to see how
it will
  handle those.

  - Jack

It has been my experience that most bad government is the result of 
too much government. - Thomas Jefferson

[jQuery] rss from

2009-04-21 Thread Jack Killpatrick

Anyone know if there's an rss feed for new/changed plugins from I poked around a bit, but couldn't find one.


[jQuery] Re: rss from

2009-04-21 Thread Jack Killpatrick

Great, thanks, and ditto what Matt asked about more item in the feed.


- Jack

Matt Kruse wrote:

On Apr 21, 4:09 pm, Karl Swedberg wrote:

Here you go:

Cool, is this new, or did I just not find it when I looked?

I'd like to see more items in the feed, too. So it would hopefully
reach back 3-5 days at least.

Matt Kruse


[jQuery] Re: Best tooltip plug-in -- opinions?

2009-04-20 Thread Jack Killpatrick

worth a look:

- Jack

René wrote:

There are so many to choose from, I'd like to hear some opinions.

1. Relatively lean and fast. 200+ KB seems, to me, ridiculously large.
2. Ridiculously good-looking.
3. Compatible. Firefox, IE 6/7, Safari, etc.




[jQuery] Re: jQuery and Flickr? Is there a best of breed plugin?

2009-04-20 Thread Jack Killpatrick

- Jack

Andy Matthews wrote:

I'm looking for a simple plugin which would pull in a specified Flickr
feed and display it using jQuery. Does something like this already
exist? Google shows about 5 or 6 but none of them appear to work.

andy matthews


[jQuery] Re: hover problems

2009-04-16 Thread Jack Killpatrick

the technique here might be of interest:

- Jack

Rick Faircloth wrote:

Check out the Hover Intent plugin here:
I think it's just what you're looking for.

On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 12:28 AM, 3daysaside wrote:

Been searching for the last hour, found some solutions, but still not
good enough.

I have a navigation menu -- when I hover over a header, I want the
submenus to slideDown, and then on hoverOut, I want it to slide back
in.  First, I was having problems with it only displaying 2 or 3 of
the dropdown items if I got crazy with the hovering (on, off, on, off
quite rapidly).  Then I found the .css(overflow:visible) fix.  That
causes the menu to at least always display all the items, but the
effect is lost if you hover on/off quickly.

What am I missing?  This can't be this hard.

Here's the link:

$(document).ready(function() {
   /*$(.sub_div).css('opacity', 0.9);*/
   $(.subnav_a).hover(function() {
   }, function() {

The Residential link is the only one with a dropdown.  And don't worry
about the styling, I haven't even had a chance to worry about it
myself yet.

It has been my experience that most bad government is the result of 
too much government. - Thomas Jefferson

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