[jQuery] Re: Classis ASP integrating Async Treeview Plugin using getJSON. Stops working when using response.write [variable name] instead of simple JSON string

2010-01-28 Thread MorningZ
I'd try:

Response.ContentType = application/json

right before the first writing

On Jan 28, 2:32 pm, Jason Knight jason.t.kni...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi all,

 I've loved using jQuery these past few months, but I'm really pulling
 my hair our here.

 The following is the endpoint asp code that gets called to populate
 my treeview:

 rootid = request.querystring(rootid)
 json = 
 set Conn = server.CreateObject(ADODB.Connection)
 Conn.Open strProvider
 if rootid = source then
         json = [
         set RS = Server.CreateObject(ADODB.RecordSet)
         Sql = select categoryid,categoryname,(select count(*) from
 tblcategories where parentid = c1.categoryid) ChildCount from
 tblcategories c1 where parentid = 0
         session(errorsql) = sql
         set Cmd = Server.CreateObject(ADODB.Command)
         Cmd.CommandText = Sql
         Cmd.ActiveConnection = Conn
         rs.open Cmd
         if not RS.EOF then
                 GotRows = y
                 arrResultSet = RS.GetRows()
                 numRows = ubound(arrResultSet,2)
                 For i = 0 to numRows
                         categoryid = arrResultSet(0,i)
                         categoryname = arrResultSet(1,i)
                         childcount = cint(arrResultSet(2,i))
                         json = json  {'text': '  categoryname  
 ','id':'  categoryid
                         if childcount  0 then
                                 json = json  , 'hasChildren':true
                         end if
                         json = json  }
                         if i  numRows  then
                                 json = json  ,
                         end if
                 GotRows = n
                 json = json  {'text': 'No Categories have been created'}
         end if
         json = json  ]
 elseif isnumeric(rootid) and rootid   then
         json = [
         set RS = Server.CreateObject(ADODB.RecordSet)
         Sql = select categoryid,categoryname,(select count(*) from
 tblcategories where parentid = c1.categoryid) ChildCount from
 tblcategories c1 where parentid = ?
         session(errorsql) = sql
         set Cmd = Server.CreateObject(ADODB.Command)
         Cmd.Parameters.Append CreateIntParameter(Cmd, rootid, rootid)
         Cmd.CommandText = Sql
         Cmd.ActiveConnection = Conn
         rs.open Cmd
         if not RS.EOF then
                 GotRows = y
                 arrResultSet = RS.GetRows()
                 numRows = ubound(arrResultSet,2)
                 For i = 0 to numRows
                         categoryid = arrResultSet(0,i)
                         categoryname = arrResultSet(1,i)
                         childcount = cint(arrResultSet(2,i))
                         json = json  {'text': '  categoryname  
 ','id':'  categoryid
                         if childcount  0 then
                                 json = json  , 'hasChildren':true
                         end if
                         json = json  }
                         if i  numRows then
                                 json = json  ,
                         end if
                 GotRows = n
         end if
         json = json  ]
 end if
 set Cmd = nothing
 set RS=nothing
 set conn=nothing
 response.write json

 This code produces the following JSON string viewable when I hit the
 page directly with the ?rootid=source parameter:

 [{'text': 'Cat1.0','id':'1'},{'text': 'Cat1.1','id':'2',
 'hasChildren':true},{'text': 'Cat1.2','id':'3'}]

 Unless I've received a severe blow to the head, I recognize this as
 valid JSON and just what the treeview needs to produce a flat display
 of 3 nodes with the second having a '+' sign for expandability.

 Here's the frustrating part, when I past that string into the body of
 my asp page, comment out the response.write line, save, and run
 everything I get the simple tree that I'd expect.  When I remove the
 JSON string, and uncomment the response.write line, nothing happens.

 I've tried flushing the response object, ending the response object,
 clearing the response before writing to it, yet nothing seems to work.

 Please, please help!

[jQuery] Re: Append Variable to Select box

2010-01-26 Thread MorningZ
on issue you have is in one place you seem to have a variable names

then later on you have


which is a string value, not the value of the variable you used earler

second issue, or confusion, what do you think or want this to be in
the selector:

$(this).bind('click', function(event, ui) {

On Jan 26, 6:10 am, Mircea i...@amsterdamsat.com wrote:
 I have the following function that should append or prepend a dynamic
 value to a select with id #px. The dynamic value is not in the select
 DOM from the start so I have to append it to make it work.

 The problem is that the new created value is not shown until I click
 on the select dropdown, the DOM does not generate that value until I
 click and drop down the list. What should I do?

 This is my code:

 $(document).ready(function() {
                            $(this).bind('click', function(event, ui) {

                         var fresizeSize = $('.cica').css(font-size);
                         var fresizeSizeNOPX = 

   var newTr = 'option class=option value=' + fresizeSize + '
 label=' + fresizeSizeNOPX +'' + fresizeSizeNOPX +'/option';



 Thank you.

[jQuery] Re: jQuery now integrated into Visual WebGui web/cloud platform

2010-01-26 Thread MorningZ
What a poor marketing-oriented post...

First off, you seem to make the assumption that anyone using MS's tool
is knee deep in session management and security. *they're not*, as
the baked in Profile, Roles, and Membership objects all take care of
that, and once they are setup, a single line in the configuration can
protect a file, folder, the whole app.  using the last two
versions of studio is like developing DESKTOP applications, but for
the web, so I'm not sure what that line of marketing-speak is supposed
to make your product look any better.

On Jan 25, 2:47 pm, visualwebgui navot.pe...@visualwebgui.com wrote:
 That is a very good question, thank you for asking. I am not objective
 nor do I pretend to be. I am one of the creators of Visual WebGui.
 What we had in mind is not creating a visual programming that MS
 offers, but simplifying a complex multi languages and methodologies
 process. With Visual WebGui you develop like you develop DESKTOP
 application. Fully object oriented, you do not have to bother with
 session management nor do you have to deal with the response and
 request or Ajax call or security. It is all handled for you by the
 framework itself. But why believe me, there are tens of thousands
 developers that already use VWG, some of their experience can be
 viewed HERE

 On Jan 25, 2:19 pm, MISS_DUKE siva...@gmail.com wrote:

  Microsoft is providing a proper visual environment, then WHY should we
  need this Visual WebGui??!!

  On Jan 25, 2:57 am, NCSM chaba...@gmail.com wrote:

   Gizmox, the developer of Visual WebGui web/cloud applications platform
   announced the release of its Visual WebGui 6.4 beta 1 version, with
   expanded capabilities that include the integration of the jQuery
   library for faster behavior customization and user interface
   extension.  This enables developers to create Web 2.0 user interfaces
   (UI) in a more expedited and easier manner. In addition, the
   integration allows jQuery developers to offer a path empowering the
   jQuery based UI, while maintaining the Visual WebGui server power and
   security which are vital for data secured – sensitive applications.

   With the original VB6 like drag and drop development practices that
   earned Visual WebGui its popularity as an open source enterprise .Net
   Ajax platform, the new version lends its simple VB6 like web
   development empowerment to  jQuery developers.  In addition, Visual
   WebGui developers will be able to develop applications using full
   object oriented environment by utilizing the power of the server and
   at the same time to write extensions using one of the most popular
   client side frameworks.

   After a year of getting feedback from users of our free open source
   versions, we’re testing the waters with this first fully featured
   commercial beta version, which will enhance functionality by offering
   users  enhanced features, better documentation, performance and better
   UI customization,” said Navot Peled, CEO of Gizmox, the parent company
   of Visual WebGui. “And more importantly, we’re fully confident that
   developers will utilize the integration of jQuery in our solution to
   reduce Java Script customization headaches.”

   The new 6.4 beta 1 version had also gone through intensive
   infrastructure optimization in order to enhance Visual WebGui’s
   performance, interactivity and scalability to serve multi simulations
   users. This version is the first fully featured Visual WebGui version,
   which is going to go live as the first fully featured commercial

   6.4 beta downloads are available atwww.visualwebgui.com-Hide quoted text -

  - Show quoted text -

[jQuery] Re: Internet Explorer line 1 char 1 code 0

2010-01-25 Thread MorningZ
Typically bad HTML leads to that

take your URL or the view source text and run it through an HTML

On Jan 25, 9:35 am, Toktik toktik...@gmail.com wrote:
 I'm using jQuery+drupal and some jQuery plugins. All is ok with
 Firefox. But in IE's i'm receiving problem like this.

 Line: 1
 Char: 1
 Error: object expected

 I have included .js files. How to know where is the problem? In which
 file? Line 1? Which file?

 If you can please check with this address:http://businessway.am

[jQuery] Re: Internet Explorer line 1 char 1 code 0

2010-01-25 Thread MorningZ
 No error which can call this type error.

I do not have any clue what that is suppose to mean.. sorry

[jQuery] Re: how to get href value

2010-01-23 Thread MorningZ
or how it's slower  say there's 100 a on the page (which
wouldn't be too uncommon for say, a blog site), that's 100 event's
wired up sitting in ready to go... using event delegation, one
single event is wired up and if a user clicks somewhere (and really,
how much clicking does a web page actually get?), it does a single if
statement asking was this a link?

On Jan 23, 10:52 am, Amos King amos.l.k...@gmail.com wrote:
 Greg, I'm not sure how your's is much diffrent then the original.

 On Sat, Jan 23, 2010 at 7:04 AM, Greg Tarnoff greg.tarn...@gmail.comwrote:

  Actually all of these are slow. The last example will run anytime you
  click the page. You only want to run this if they click an A element.
  So attach a click event to A.   Try this:

  only do the e.preventDefault(); if you don't want it to go somewhere.

  I use this method all the time to get the HREF, always putting it into
  a variable, and affect the page. Usually for things like sliding
  panels. By putting in #myid it remains accessible when JS isnturned

  On Jan 23, 4:30 am, Andrei Eftimie k3liu...@gmail.com wrote:
$(document).ready(function() {
       $(a).click(function(event) {
               alert( You clicked a link to  + this.href );
               return false;

   This method is very slow.

   Try using event delegation:

   $(document).ready(function() {
           if ($(event.target).is('a') {
                alert( You clicked a link to  + event.target.href);
                return false;


   Andrei Eftimiehttp://eftimie.com+40758 833 281


 Amos Kinghttp://dirtyInformation.comhttp://github.com/Adkron
 Looking for something to do? Visithttp://ImThere.com

[jQuery] Re: how to get href value

2010-01-23 Thread MorningZ
 but I haven't had much luck getting .html.href to work in the past.

nor should you have *any* luck, since that is totally bad syntax

[jQuery] Re: UI slider execute function on change or slide

2010-01-22 Thread MorningZ
 I am using the ARIA Slider from

that would have been fantastic to have known *from the beginning*, I
thought you were using jQuery UI Slider, hence my reply 3 posts ago
with a link to the example, which explains now why you didn't read, or
seemingly even looked at...

whatever though, good luck fixing your issue

On Jan 21, 6:14 pm, Mircea i...@amsterdamsat.com wrote:
 I am using the ARIA Slider 
 I will change the values to 10, 20, 30, 40...

 When an user selects a value with the slider the font-size will
 increase or decrease accordingly. I managed to get the current
 selection of the slider in a variable, I want now to pass it to a CSS

 My variable is:
 var setfontsize = $('#sizer :selected').text();

 the css function is
 $('.cica').css(font-size, setfontsize + px);

 In the original ARIA Slider I had changed #speed with #sizer.

 Thanx for your help!

[jQuery] Re: New Forums

2010-01-22 Thread MorningZ
To add to Richard's list

* Ability to post code without having Google Groups code f_ck it up*

I'm not sure why people are voting and all that, it's done, it's
decided, it's time to get with the program

Besides, as Richard pointed out, the mailing list right here will
still exist, it just won't be moderated/managed by the people it was

and Karl put it best:  they can't please everyone.   there's a LOT
of topics from over the past two years on this very mailing list
crying out for a forum instead of the mailing list.

Damned if you do damned if you don't

On Jan 22, 11:31 am, Richard D. Worth rdwo...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Fri, Jan 22, 2010 at 10:23 AM, Octavian Rasnita orasn...@gmail.comwrote:

  From: Karl Swedberg k...@englishrules.com

  On Jan 21, 2010, at 8:11 PM, brian wrote:

   FWIW, I'm pretty sure the decision to drop Google Groups is due to
  John Ressig's account being spoofed by spammers.

  No, that's not it. Okay, maybe it was one of the last straws, but
  we've been talking about moving to a forum for a couple years now. If
  you want to know what factors were involved in the decision, please read

  I read that:

  Additionally, we wanted something that lowered the barrier to asking a
  question - something that anyone would be able to use

  Well, for some categories of users, the movement to a forum has done
  exactly the reverse, because a forum is much less accessible than a mailing
  list for screen reader users for example, but for other categories of users

  For example, if a user uses a good mail client, he or she could configure
  it so all the messages from the list to go to a specific folder, the
  messages that contain some words in the subjects or in the body to go to
  another special folder as they arrive, the messages are automaticly grouped
  by conversation, and they can easier be all saved locally or all deleted (or

 And if a user has a good rss reader they can do the same with a forum. Also,
 using rss2email services, they could have the best of both worlds.

  The best solution from the perspective of the users would be to have a
  mailing list system that can also offer and present the messages on the web,
  but this would involve more work for JQuery developers, and it seems that
  this idea is the best, but there is nobody willing to help doing and
  administering it.

  So the JQuery developers have chosen to use a forum which is administered
  by somebody else. That's very OK, but I think at least the JQuery mailing
  lists should not be disabled, while there still are users that prefer using

 I don't know that they will be disabled, but if not they will be completely
 unmoderated. This means way more spam than before. In addition, many active
 contributors, including jQuery team members, have moved over to the forum,
 so there will be a lot less traffic on the mailing lists. People may still
 find help and answers, but it won't be the official forum. Just as before
 when the mailing list was the official forum, people found answers

   To be honest, I've never been a fan of forums, either. But after
  spending some time in the jQuery forum, I'm starting to appreciate its
  advantages over a plain mailing list.

  Can you please tell us which are those advantages?
  (in general, not only regarding JQuery forum.)

 I tag and filter emails, and it's been really nice. But it's always bothered
 me that all the tagging and filtering I do has to be duplicated by everyone
 else consuming the same content. Using tags on the website forum, all this
 metadata can be shared.

 On the forum, there are 5 type of threads: Discussions, Questions, Ideas,
 Problems, and Announcements. These can be selected by the OP and corrected
 be a moderator, and searched and filtered on. Another piece of shared

 Before we had 5 or 6 mailing lists for different sub-topics. Many times a
 day as a moderator, I would have to kindly ask someone to move a discussion
 to the correct forum, to keep noise down, to keep the list on-topic, and to
 ensure people saw the question and the answer in the right place, whether
 via email or web archive. This was not only a real pain, but it's not that
 much fun for anyone involved, especially new users that may not have a clue
 that there's more than one list, or which list to post to: jquery-en,
 jquery-dev, jquery-ui, jquery-ui-dev, jquery-a11y, etc. On the new website
 forum, not only is it easier to see which top-level forum topics are
 available for posting, but if something is posted in the wrong forum, a
 moderator can simply select 'Move this topic' and then select the correct
 sub-forum. That immediately reflects in any sorting, filtering, or
 categorization anyone does. Another piece of shared metadata.

 In addition to being able to tag, type, and categorize each thread, 

[jQuery] Re: New Forums

2010-01-22 Thread MorningZ
On Jan 22, 4:13 pm, John Arrowwood jarro...@gmail.com wrote:
 Silly thought:

 What if the forums were 'published' to the mailing list, and the mailing
 list were made read-only?  That is, every time a post is published on the
 forum, it is automatically sent to the mailing list.  Then, in the footer of
 the message is a link to reply to the post, which when clicked takes you to
 the forum in such a way that the user can immediately reply to that post.

I hate to point out the obvious, but isn't this is what an RSS feed
accomplishes?...  want an email instead of an RSS reader?


Guys, all you need to do is read this post


Reading that post above, it's dead obvious that the change is made,
it's done... there isn't one ounce of indication in that post
whatsoever that the mailing list even has the slightest of chances of
being the primary source of official jQuery help, and judging by the
huge text banner at the top of this list, won't even be a minor source
of official help.

Also taking into account that moving to a forum was announced as the
plan at September's jQuery Conference, meaning it was -thought about-
long before that

I personally like the mailing list, and don't enjoy the Zoho forum in
it's current state (forgets login info despite asking to remember and
fixed width is so 2000), ... i've been active here for going on two
years, and it's been a great source of getting help as well as doing
my best to provide help...  but its time to see that the Forum
decision is made for better or worse   I'll still spend some
time and post on both as long as this mailing list has traffic (and
hasn't been over ridden with spam), as it's only one quick bookmark
away but we're in the minority, and we had no say.

I'm not trying to be harsh or rude or anything the like, just trying
to point out the obvious  :-(

No matter where help is to be had... here, the forums, stackoverflow,
the IRC channel, this is still a fantastic library and it makes web
programmer's lives easier day in and day out.  who cares what is
official and what isn't.  no matter what the solution, there's
no way on God's green earth that it is going to satisfy everyone.
they've done what is best for them in the the interest of moving
forward, and Google Groups does have it's issues, Zoho was the
solution made.

/off soapbox

have a good/safe weekend

- Steve

[jQuery] Re: class={title:'test'}

2010-01-21 Thread MorningZ
No, you don't have it right, it's the MetaData plugin in use   :-)


one of the dependencies listed is jquery.metaData.js

On Jan 21, 3:46 pm, Bruno Santos bit...@gmail.com wrote:

 I believe that you are trying to add some CSS settings directly on the tag
 definition, instead of assigning a class to it.
 If I got it right, you should use the tag parameter *style*, instead of

 div id=extruderLeft style={title:'test'}
   div class=content
     div class=voice {} logo /div
     div class=voice {panel:'... .php',data:''}

 2010/1/20 fran23 f...@lavabit.com

  I don't know how to handle


  it's out of the mb.extruder plugin

   div id=extruderLeft class={title:'test'}
     div class=content
                         div class=voice {} logo /div
                         div class=voice {panel:'... .php',data:''}

  normally I assign a class (i.e. class=abc) and set abc via CSS

  .abc { ... }

  but I don't know what to do with class={title:'test'}

  May anybody give an explanation or link where I can learn about it?


  View this message in context:
  Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: UI slider execute function on change or slide

2010-01-21 Thread MorningZ
You have


but no object with the id of size in your markup where is the
slider at?

On Jan 21, 4:20 pm, Mircea i...@amsterdamsat.com wrote:
 I want to make the UI slider to set a font-size to a .cica class. The
 setfontsize variable works but I can not succeed to make the slider
 change the value on slide.

 Here is the function

    slide: function(event, ui) {
            var setfontsize = $('#sizer:selected').text();
             $('.cica').css(font-size, setfontsize + px);

 Here is the markup

 form action=#
                 !-- Slider --
                         select name=speed id=speed
                                 option value=1010/option
                                 option value=1515/option
                                 option value=21 
                                 option value=3030/option
                                 option value=4040/option

 Thank you.

[jQuery] Re: UI slider execute function on change or slide

2010-01-21 Thread MorningZ
you should look at the demos


the .slider() call is supposed to be on a div and in turn the
events of that slider div set the value on your form field

and even if

select name=sizer id=speed

is correct, then the jQuery selector of


won't get that object

On Jan 21, 4:48 pm, Mircea i...@amsterdamsat.com wrote:
 Oh, sorry is select name=sizer id=speed

 it is

                         select name=sizer id=speed
                                 option value=1010/option
                                 option value=1515/option
                                 option value=21
                                 option value=3030/option
                                 option value=4040/option

 It was a typo, the code does not work with sizer or the speed typo.

[jQuery] Re: UI slider execute function on change or slide

2010-01-21 Thread MorningZ
Ick, no

follow the example on the link above the slider gets attached to
an *empty* div... you're applying it to a div that contains everything

that link above shows the right syntax, and definitely works
follow that and you should be all straight

On Jan 21, 5:20 pm, Mircea i...@amsterdamsat.com wrote:
 I've changed my markup to:

     div id=ariaslider
         form action=#
                 !-- Slider --
                         select name=sizer id=speed
                                 option value=1010/option
                                 option value=2020/option
                                 option value=21 
                                 option value=3030/option
                                 option value=4040/option

 and code to:

         script type=text/javascript
                         //demo 1
                         var abc = $('select#sizer').selectToUISlider().next();
                         var setfontsize = $('#sizer :selected').text();

                         $('#ariaslider').slider({change: function(event, ui) {
                                 $('.cica').css(font-size, setfontsize + 

                         $('#ariaslider').bind('slidechange', function(event, 
 ui) {
                                 $('.cica').css(font-size, setfontsize + 



 I am not quite sure of what it does, I am trying to get more info on
 how bind works... It now change the first size and then it blocks.
 Thank you for your help.

[jQuery] Re: UI slider execute function on change or slide

2010-01-21 Thread MorningZ
Also to note

i don't think you can have values like you have in your select by
changed by a slider...

10,20, 21, 30, 40

how is someone supposed to choose 21?  if the slider increment was
set for increments of 10, then 10, 20, 30 and 40 are taken care of if
the slider is setup properly... but if you set the increment to 1 so
you could go from 20 to 21, then you create major issues because you
don't have values for 11, 12, 13, 32, 38, etc etc

Take a step back:

Exactly what are you trying to accomplish?  You want your user to use
the slider to: 
- select a value between 10 to 40?
- select a value from the choices of 10, 20, 30, 40?
- something else?

On Jan 21, 5:20 pm, Mircea i...@amsterdamsat.com wrote:
 I've changed my markup to:

     div id=ariaslider
         form action=#
                 !-- Slider --
                         select name=sizer id=speed
                                 option value=1010/option
                                 option value=2020/option
                                 option value=21 
                                 option value=3030/option
                                 option value=4040/option

 and code to:

         script type=text/javascript
                         //demo 1
                         var abc = $('select#sizer').selectToUISlider().next();
                         var setfontsize = $('#sizer :selected').text();

                         $('#ariaslider').slider({change: function(event, ui) {
                                 $('.cica').css(font-size, setfontsize + 

                         $('#ariaslider').bind('slidechange', function(event, 
 ui) {
                                 $('.cica').css(font-size, setfontsize + 



 I am not quite sure of what it does, I am trying to get more info on
 how bind works... It now change the first size and then it blocks.
 Thank you for your help.

[jQuery] Re: class={title:'test'}

2010-01-20 Thread MorningZ
Here is the plugin


in your example of

div id=extruderLeft class={title:'test'}

var x = $(#extruderLeft).metadata().title;

would show test in the Firebug console

On Jan 20, 4:34 am, fran23 f...@lavabit.com wrote:
 I don't know how to handle


 it's out of the mb.extruder plugin      

   div id=extruderLeft class={title:'test'}
     div class=content              
                         div class=voice {} logo /div
                         div class=voice {panel:'... .php',data:''}        

 normally I assign a class (i.e. class=abc) and set abc via CSS

 .abc { ... }

 but I don't know what to do with class={title:'test'}

 May anybody give an explanation or link where I can learn about it?


 View this message in 
 Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: Live function syntax

2010-01-20 Thread MorningZ
How should I use it right? 

there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with your syntax (with the
.live part anyways, your usage of .val() has no impact on your
issue)  got more code to show?  are you using at least the 1.3.2
version of the library?

also take into account that id's on the page should be unique, your
code is assuming/looking-for multiple objects with id family... that
isn't 'good' practice... it may work yes, but as said, id's should be
unique on the page

On Jan 20, 7:12 am, Mircea i...@amsterdamsat.com wrote:
 I want to add a live event on a function.
 My function is:

     $($(#tag).val()).css(font-family, $(#family).val());


 I've tryed to add it like this:

 $(#family).live(click, function(){
     $($(#tag).val()).css(font-family, $(#family).val());


 but I get a $(#family).live is not a function FireBug error. How
 should I use it right?

 Thank you.

[jQuery] Re: Filtering a jQuery Object variable

2010-01-20 Thread MorningZ


Foo = Foo.filter(:visible);

On Jan 20, 1:52 pm, BKahuna j...@twistedlogictechnology.com wrote:
 I've got a variable that holds a jQuery object.  I would like to filter out
 all of the visible elements in that jQuery object.  The problem is once I'm
 using a variable and not the jQuery object itself I don't know the semantics
 for filtering it.

 I have something like this:

 var Foo = $(#Bar);

 function FilterFunction(Foo) {
     var Test = $(Foo + :visible);


 What is the correct syntax?

 Thanks very much,

 View this message in 
 Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.


2010-01-19 Thread MorningZ
You click on Edit my membership options on the right and then go to
the email options No email

On Jan 19, 6:27 am, Juan Ignacio Borda juanignaciobo...@gmail.com


[jQuery] Re: new forums used?

2010-01-18 Thread MorningZ
As long as your questions/issues continue to get answered, it
shouldn't matter where you post as there's plenty of people on one or
the other..or both :-)

At some point perhaps this mailing list will just get turned off, but
there should, and appears to be, a transition period where both are

On Jan 18, 10:28 am, speedpac...@gmail.com speedpac...@gmail.com
 well, for starters the fact that Google does not accept my emails to
 the list, een though I'm subscribed, so for some reason it forces me
 to go to groups.google.com to submit any messages I'd like to submit,
 which to be honest has limited my contribution on the list to just
 some questions helping me, and noty contributing to solutions to other
 people's problems.

 Secondly - I prefer not to have too many email arriving; I prefer the
 pull mechanism where I decide to go read on the forum; I always have
 the feeling that mailing lists just push you with the info.

 And thirdly - the new forums look great :D

 Either way - from what I've read the list IS gonna disappear and IS
 gonna be replaced by the new forum; just not clear to me whether we're
 supposed to write here, or use the new forums now...


 On 18 jan, 16:03, Rick Faircloth r...@whitestonemedia.com wrote:

  Hi, David...

  What do you find more appealing about forums than an email list?


  -Original Message-
  From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:jquery...@googlegroups.com] On

  Behalf Of speedpac...@gmail.com
  Sent: Monday, January 18, 2010 9:50 AM
  To: jQuery (English)
  Subject: [jQuery] new forums used?

  Hi there,

  I just noticed this group is still having lots of activity.  I for one am
  very pleased to see we're moving to actual forum on forum.jquery.com, but it
  appears that moderation isn't done there yet (or I'm just too impatient...)

  Are we supposed to continue posting here, or was my first idea right to
  start using the new forum?

  Thanks so much for a fantastic library, great support, and a marvellous
  spirit :)


[jQuery] Re: Select part of text and add a CSS class

2010-01-18 Thread MorningZ
yes, it indeed is

selection = getSelectedText();
if(selection.length = 3) {


selection = getSelectedText();
if(selection.length = 3) {
  var $spn = $(span/span).html(selection).addClass
  // append/set this '$spn' inside another DOM object

to note, your original/non-working code seems to be trying to set the
.html of an input or textarea, that's not a valid method to do
on such items

On Jan 18, 11:46 am, Mircea i...@amsterdamsat.com wrote:
 Yes, I want to be able to select a part of the text and add a span to
 it. Can this be done?
 Thank you.

[jQuery] Re: Select part of text and add a CSS class

2010-01-18 Thread MorningZ
it probably is working, but you failed to *do* anything with the
generated span tag... that's why i added as a comment:

// append/set this '$spn' inside another DOM object

On Jan 18, 12:29 pm, Mircea i...@amsterdamsat.com wrote:
 Thanx for the code.
 It does not work to me. I am a newbye is JQuery, please excuse the
 dumb questions...

 This is my code and markup:

 !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN
   script src=http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.js;/script
   script type=text/javascript src=http://jqueryui.com/latest/ui/
   script type=text/javascript src=http://jqueryui.com/latest/ui/

 script type=text/javascript


         function() {
                 selection = getSelectedText();
                 if(selection.length = 3) {
         var $spn = $(span/span).html(selection).addClass
       // append/set this '$spn' inside another DOM object

 //Grab selected text
 function getSelectedText(){
                 return window.getSelection().toString();
     else if(document.getSelection){
         return document.getSelection();
     else if(document.selection){

         return document.selection.createRange().text;



   p { color:blue; }
   div { color:red; }
   span.hl { background: yellow; }
   #selected {background: yellow;}
   .selected {background: yellow;}
 div id=#container
 pthis is the text to be selected - a part of it/div

[jQuery] Re: Select part of text and add a CSS class

2010-01-18 Thread MorningZ
the variable name/reference is $spn

so it would be:


your line of


does exactly what you told it to do  :-)

On Jan 18, 2:34 pm, Mircea i...@amsterdamsat.com wrote:
 I've added


 It ads only the text spn at the bottom of the text. I probably did not
 used the append function right to pass the variable to p.

[jQuery] Re: click action effect/problem

2010-01-18 Thread MorningZ
Hope this helps put you on the path

http://jsbin.com/ejuga3 (run)
http://jsbin.com/ejuga3/edit (edit)

Event Delegation = awesome knowledge to have


On Jan 18, 4:07 pm, Legostrat legost...@gmail.com wrote:

 I've got a toolbar on the bottom of my website, and I've got it to
 where a user clicks on a div tag, and it reveals another div tag,
 which contains the content described in the previous div.  So if a
 person clicks on the div with share in it, a hidden div is revealed
 containing links to various social bookmarking options.

 Now, the button div contains the div that has the content.  It's sorta
 like this:

 div id=button
    Click here
       div id=submenu
        option 1
        option 2

 So, when you click on the button div, it reveals the sub-menu div.
 The problem is that when you click on the content within the sub-menu
 it activates the .click action attached to the button div.

 I'm fairly sure this is normal behavior, but I'm not sure how to
 prevent it.  I'd to be able to click on the content within the sub-
 menu and not have it activate the .click action attached to the button

 The reason I put the sub-menu within the button div, is that the
 button div animates to a wider width, and if I didn't put it inside,
 it the sub-menu would stay in place and not shift with the button div.

 Sorry about all the wordiness.

 Any solutions would be greatly appreciated.

 My website: calxanime.com

 The jquery is contained 

 Sign in to see the bottom bar with the username: Guestperson
 and the password: guest


[jQuery] Re: Select tab from link

2010-01-17 Thread MorningZ
if your link follows the pattern of having it's ID as linkXX where
XX is the zero-based index of a tab, then the live binding will
pick up any new instances of such links in your AJAX responses/

btw, i had a typo... lit.length should be hit.length

On Jan 17, 11:06 am, CMI_Guy market...@cmilc.com wrote:
 MorningZ, Thanks for your reply. Something was missing from your
 syntax so I made one small change to your script:

         var $tabs = $(#tabs).tabs();
         $(a[id^='link']).live(click, function() {
                 var hit = this.id.match(/^link(\d+)$/);
                 if (hit  lit.length == 2) {
                        $tabs.tabs('select', hit[1]);
                        return false;


 But, I must admit I know next to nothing about jquery live events. Can
 you help me understand what markup I would need to put on a a href
 link to make this script work. I would love to be able to simplify my
 method for allowing text links on the page to interact with the tabs.
 Much Thanks!!

 On Jan 16, 9:38 pm, MorningZ morni...@gmail.com wrote:

  There's no need to repeat the code...  you can even do it with .live
  so it'll work if there's 1 or 100tabs

          var $tabs= $(#tabs).tabs();
          $('a[id^='link').live(click, function() {
                  var hit = this.id.match(/^link(\d+)$/);
                  if (hit  lit.length == 2) {
                         $tabs.tabs('select', hit[1]);
                         return false;


  On Jan 16, 5:59 pm, CMI_Guy market...@cmilc.com wrote:


   Sloppy fix. But works.

   script type=text/javascript
           var $tabs= $(#tabs).tabs();
           $('#link0').click(function() { // bind click event tolink
                   $tabs.tabs('select', 0); // switch to first tab
                   return false;

           var $tabs= $(#tabs).tabs();
           $('#link1').click(function() { // bind click event tolink
                   $tabs.tabs('select', 1); // switch to second tab
                   return false;

           var $tabs= $(#tabs).tabs();
           $('#link2').click(function() { // bind click event tolink
                   $tabs.tabs('select', 2); // switch to third tab
                   return false;

           var $tabs= $(#tabs).tabs();
           $('#link3').click(function() { // bind click event tolink
                   $tabs.tabs('select', 3); // switch to fourth tab
                   return false;

           var $tabs= $(#tabs).tabs();
           $('#link4').click(function() { // bind click event tolink
                   $tabs.tabs('select', 4); // switch to fifth tab
                   return false;


   div id=tabs
               lia href=users-admin.phpAdministrators/a/li
               lia href=users-standard.phpUsers/a/li
               lia href=users-notify.phpProcess Users/a/li
               lia href=users-activity.phpUser Activity/a/li
               lia href=db-backup.phpDatabase Backup/a/li

   TEXT LINKS elsewhere on page that activate thetabs.

   a href=users-standard.php id=link0Administrators/a
   a href=users-standard.php id=link1Users/a
   a href=users-notify.php id=link2Process Users/a
   a href=users-activity.php id=link3User Activity/a
   a href=db-backup.php id=link4Database Backup/a- Hide quoted text -

  - Show quoted text -

[jQuery] Re: autocomplete returning multiple identical values in dropdown

2010-01-17 Thread MorningZ
You pulling the data from server side code?  if so, it's that codes
responsibility to return unique values

On Jan 17, 4:25 pm, rumremix sdiv...@gmail.com wrote:
 The autocomplete plugin I obtained 
 working great aside from one significant problem: it is returning
 multiple identical results in the dropdown.

 Say I wish to search for all records that contain 'march' in the month
 field and there are 12 such records that meet this criteria. I don't
 want a dropdown to appear that dispays 'march' 12 times if I type 'm'
 in the month field. I want only two values to appear exactly once
 each: 'march', and 'may'.

 It appears as though the code was written with the expectation that
 the data will contain all unique values. Or am I doing something
 wrong? I have been unable to see any option settings that control


[jQuery] Re: background mouseover fade effect

2010-01-17 Thread MorningZ
For sure check out the color.js plugin (Google jQuery color.js and
you'll find it)... it can animate the backgroundColor property, as for
color, instead of none, you should be able to use transparent
or better yet, just fade to the current page/DOM object background

On Jan 12, 5:25 pm, 1.am.W1z4rd 1.am.w1z...@gmail.com wrote:
 I need to add a mouseover effect to the navigation for a site that I'm
 building.  I need the backgroundColor to fade from none, to black, and
 then on mouseout, I need it to fade back to none.  This would be easy
 if I were using two colors, but since I'm using 'none' as one of the
 color's, I don't know what to do.  I have tried:

 $('.nav_link').hover(function() {
     $(this).animate({backgroundColor: '#00'});}, function() {

     $(this).animate({backgroundColor: 'none'});});


 but that doesn't seem to work.

 Any help / plugin links would be greatly appreciated.

 Thanks, bye.

[jQuery] Re: Select tab from link

2010-01-16 Thread MorningZ
There's no need to repeat the code...  you can even do it with .live
so it'll work if there's 1 or 100 tabs

var $tabs = $(#tabs).tabs();
$('a[id^='link').live(click, function() {
var hit = this.id.match(/^link(\d+)$/);
if (hit  lit.length == 2) {
   $tabs.tabs('select', hit[1]);
   return false;

On Jan 16, 5:59 pm, CMI_Guy market...@cmilc.com wrote:

 Sloppy fix. But works.

 script type=text/javascript
         var $tabs = $(#tabs).tabs();
         $('#link0').click(function() { // bind click event to link
                 $tabs.tabs('select', 0); // switch to first tab
                 return false;

         var $tabs = $(#tabs).tabs();
         $('#link1').click(function() { // bind click event to link
                 $tabs.tabs('select', 1); // switch to second tab
                 return false;

         var $tabs = $(#tabs).tabs();
         $('#link2').click(function() { // bind click event to link
                 $tabs.tabs('select', 2); // switch to third tab
                 return false;

         var $tabs = $(#tabs).tabs();
         $('#link3').click(function() { // bind click event to link
                 $tabs.tabs('select', 3); // switch to fourth tab
                 return false;

         var $tabs = $(#tabs).tabs();
         $('#link4').click(function() { // bind click event to link
                 $tabs.tabs('select', 4); // switch to fifth tab
                 return false;


 div id=tabs
             lia href=users-admin.phpAdministrators/a/li
             lia href=users-standard.phpUsers/a/li
             lia href=users-notify.phpProcess Users/a/li
             lia href=users-activity.phpUser Activity/a/li
             lia href=db-backup.phpDatabase Backup/a/li

 TEXT LINKS elsewhere on page that activate the tabs.

 a href=users-standard.php id=link0Administrators/a
 a href=users-standard.php id=link1Users/a
 a href=users-notify.php id=link2Process Users/a
 a href=users-activity.php id=link3User Activity/a
 a href=db-backup.php id=link4Database Backup/a

[jQuery] Re: iPhone: split jquery script file

2010-01-14 Thread MorningZ
but what would be the point?

say you got jQuery down to 10k in size  that leaves 15k left for
images and HTML and etc, it's just going to hit that limit and purge
the cache anyways.  but just a few requests sooner

keep with the minified and gzipped version to keep the data sent
across the connection to a minimum...ripping apart the library
just doesn't seem worth the payoff, which isn't much anyways

On Jan 14, 10:08 am, Peter Edwards p...@bjorsq.net wrote:
 There is an interesting article about optimising YUI for Safari/iPhone at:

 (there was a problem with the blog's database connection, so this links to a
 cached version)

 With the following in it:

 Some examples of the kinds of things an iPhone-specific site doesn’t need:

     * Keyboard navigation and shortcuts: The iPhone doesn’t have arrow keys
  and the keyboard only appears when a text input element has focus, so code
  that handles keyboard shortcuts and navigation events is unnecessary.
     * Hover states and mouse movement handlers: Since the iPhone is a
  touchscreen device, there’s no mouse cursor and thus no way for the user to
  hover over an element. Mobile Safari fires the mousemove and mouseover
  events just before the mousedown, mouseup, and click events, and it fires
  the mouseout event when an element loses focus.
     * Context menus: There’s no way to right-click or control-click on the
  iPhone, so the contextmenu event cannot be triggered.
     * Text selection and clipboard handlers: Sadly, the iPhone does not
  provide clipboard functionality or a way to select text in an input element,
  so these handlers are useless.

 I guess you could edit all these parts out of the uncompressed jQuery
 source, and then compress it all down to less than 25Kb - has anyone done

 On Thu, Jan 14, 2010 at 9:30 AM, m-schmidt micha_schm...@me.com wrote:

  the iPhone has a cache limit of 25KB, so the jquery script file will
  never be cached. Is it possible to split the jquery file in 5-10
  smaller files for the iPhone?


[jQuery] Re: iPhone: split jquery script file

2010-01-14 Thread MorningZ
Ah, that makes sense now.  when i did my site's iPhone version I
time and time again was reading of the limits of Safari's cache.
i didn't fight or test those limits and my site loads/runs just fine
(http://iphone.team-integra.net)...  (any huge delays in loading a
page are from me on the server site loading remote images, resizing
them to a phone-friendly size, and replacing the HTML with this new

There was talk at the jQuery conference in September of the code
getting a mobile-specific offshoot.  i'm not sure if that was
planned on the 1.4 release (which is now just 30 mins away)

On Jan 14, 10:30 am, Peter Edwards p...@bjorsq.net wrote:
 The cache limit is for individual files, so you get jquery down under 25K,
 then use CSS sprites (with images less than 25K) for backgrounds - the total
 cache size is 475K (a maximum of 19 components can be cached). Gzipping
 doesn't count (the limit applies to uncompressed code) but minifying is a
 must I guess.

 On Thu, Jan 14, 2010 at 3:13 PM, MorningZ morni...@gmail.com wrote:
  but what would be the point?

  say you got jQuery down to 10k in size  that leaves 15k left for
  images and HTML and etc, it's just going to hit that limit and purge
  the cache anyways.  but just a few requests sooner

  keep with the minified and gzipped version to keep the data sent
  across the connection to a minimum...    ripping apart the library
  just doesn't seem worth the payoff, which isn't much anyways

  On Jan 14, 10:08 am, Peter Edwards p...@bjorsq.net wrote:
   There is an interesting article about optimising YUI for Safari/iPhone

   (there was a problem with the blog's database connection, so this links
  to a
   cached version)

   With the following in it:

   Some examples of the kinds of things an iPhone-specific site doesn’t

   * Keyboard navigation and shortcuts: The iPhone doesn’t have arrow
and the keyboard only appears when a text input element has focus, so
that handles keyboard shortcuts and navigation events is unnecessary.
   * Hover states and mouse movement handlers: Since the iPhone is a
touchscreen device, there’s no mouse cursor and thus no way for the
  user to
hover over an element. Mobile Safari fires the mousemove and mouseover
events just before the mousedown, mouseup, and click events, and it
the mouseout event when an element loses focus.
   * Context menus: There’s no way to right-click or control-click on
iPhone, so the contextmenu event cannot be triggered.
   * Text selection and clipboard handlers: Sadly, the iPhone does not
provide clipboard functionality or a way to select text in an input
so these handlers are useless.

   I guess you could edit all these parts out of the uncompressed jQuery
   source, and then compress it all down to less than 25Kb - has anyone done

   On Thu, Jan 14, 2010 at 9:30 AM, m-schmidt micha_schm...@me.com wrote:

the iPhone has a cache limit of 25KB, so the jquery script file will
never be cached. Is it possible to split the jquery file in 5-10
smaller files for the iPhone?


[jQuery] Re: autocomplete: extra fields

2010-01-14 Thread MorningZ
I tried for so long to accomplish what you ask (which i think is tell
the server side autocomplete target what field am i?), only to throw
up my hands in dismissal...

I finally just did it this way:

say i had:

input type=text id=AC_Name class=ac /
input type=text id=AC_Email class=ac /
input type=text id=AC_Title class=ac /

I just wired up the plugin like so:

$(.ac).each(function() {
extraParams :
   id: $(this).attr(id)

now id=AC_Name or id=AC_Email or id=AC_Title gets sent along in
the querystring to target.html

maybe there's a more elegant way to do it, but i gave up finding
it   :-)

On Dec 18 2009, 8:27 pm, Simon Matthews sam.applic...@googlemail.com
 I have a number of fields in a grid which are all using auto
 complete.  I want the extraParams function to be able to work out
 which field I am in so that I can return a differently filtered list.
 I don't seem to have access to the input variable?  Any clues?



[jQuery] jQuery 1.4 is released

2010-01-14 Thread MorningZ
Just saw on my RSS reader that:


Impressive that it's already hosted by Google Ajax Libraries

[jQuery] Re: JSON and variables

2010-01-14 Thread MorningZ
Loop through the data, not the inputs

so like:

$.each(data, function(k, v) {
 var txt = document.getElementById(k);
 if (txt) {
 else {
  // could not find input

On Jan 14, 3:35 pm, T.J. Simmons theimmortal...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi all,

 Got a quick question for you. I have a form with several text fields.
 I'm using AJAX to load data into the fields at page load, using JSON.
 Instead of manually writing code to fill each field, I'm wanting to
 use some sort of loop to do this.. but I'm unable to think of a way to
 do so right now.

 Here's an example of what I'm thinking of.. The field in the JSON
 object that holds the value corresponds with the field's ID.. ie,
 { custName: bob } can be retrieved by data.custName manually.

 success: function(data) {
           part = $(this).attr(id);


 but that obviously doesn't work, since it's trying to retrieve part
 from the data object, instead of using the variable's value. Does
 anyone have a way of doing this?


 -- T.J.

[jQuery] Re: Autocomplete incompatible with certain struts-tiles-javascript apps

2010-01-14 Thread MorningZ
is that a straight dump of your code?

if so, you don't have script tags around your JavaScript after the
closing /html tag

On Jan 14, 5:24 pm, j...@verax joti.bis...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi jQuery guru,

 I have an application based on struts and tiles. Validation is done by
 javascript at a global level.
 When I include my autocomplete code in my JSP page, the validation
 (checkValidation()) malfunctions with a javascript error  - Object
 does not support this property or method at the line

  if (CCRDerrorContainer.hasChildNodes()).

 If I remove the autocomplete code from my JSP (business logic +
 autocomplete libraries) , the validation works as designed. Details of
 relevant code is provided below. Can anyone provide me with any clue
 as to how to resolve this problem ?


 My JSP file
 %@ include file=../common/include.jsp %
 link rel=stylesheet type=text/css   href=css/
 jquery.autocomplete.css /
 script type=text/javascript src=js/autocomplete/lib/jquery.js/
 script type='text/javascript' src='js/autocomplete/

                         var cols = []; // column mappings : 0=Last name, 
 1=First Name,
 2=Title, 3 = Employee ID
                         $().ready(function() {

                                         minChars: 1,
                                         max: 1000,
                                         width: 400,
                                         delay: 1000,
                                         selectFirst: false,
                                         autoFill: false,
                                         cacheLength: 20,
                                         matchContains: false,
                                         matchSubset: true,
                                         mustMatch: false,
                                         matchCase: true,
                                         formatItem: function(row, i, max) {
                                                 cols = row[0].split(%);
                                                 return i + / + max + :  + 
 cols[0] + ,  + cols[1] +  ( +
 cols[2] + );
                                         formatMatch: function(row) {
                                                 cols = row[0].split(%);
                                                 return cols[0] + ,  + 
                                         formatResult: function(row) {
                                                 cols = row[0].split(%);
                                                 return cols[0] + ,  + 
 cols[1] +  ( + cols[2] + );
 row, formatted) {
                                         if (row) {
                                                 cols = row[0].split(%);
 tiles:importAttribute name=task /
 tiles:importAttribute name=action /
 tiles:importAttribute name=displayAction /
 tiles:importAttribute name=showArchived /

 style type=text/css
         @import ${pageContext.request.contextPath}/css/employee/select.css;

         fmt:message key=employee.label.title.select /
 hr /

 div id=employeeSelect
         tiles:insert definition=successMessages /
         tiles:insert definition=failureMessages /
         ccrd:errors /

         html:form action=${action} method=post 

                 label for=employee id=employeeLbl 
                         fmt:message key=employee.text.selectEmployee /
                         span class=taskfmt:message key=${task} 

                 html:text styleId=employeeLastName property=lastName
                 html:hidden property=employeeId /
                 BR/ BR/
                 div class=buttons
                         html:submit property=submit 
                         html:submit property=cancel 



[jQuery] Re: Converting a javascript to jQuery

2010-01-13 Thread MorningZ
While i only have a minute to help, i can point out quickly that

var divs = document.getElementsByTagName('DIV');
var divCounter = 1;
for(var no=0;nodivs.length;no++){
divs[no].onclick = showHideContent;
divs[no].id = 'ssdm'+divCounter;

Can be

$(div.breakbg).each(function(i) {
 var $div = $(this).attr(id, ssdm + (i + 1)).click
 // you can now use jQuery object $div to reference the rest

And keep in mind one thing like the reply above almost says:  jQuery
*is* JavaScript... that seems to get over looked a lot

On Jan 13, 4:48 am, modestmj amdmuja...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hello everyone...I'm really new to jQuery..I have an urgent requirement to
 convert this javascript to jQuery...So please...try to help me with this..

 function initShowHideDivs()
         var divs = document.getElementsByTagName('DIV');
         var divCounter = 1;
         for(var no=0;nodivs.length;no++){
                         divs[no].onclick = showHideContent;
                         divs[no].id = 'ssdm'+divCounter;
                         var answer = divs[no].nextSibling;
                         while(answer  answer.tagName!='DIV'){
                                 answer = answer.nextSibling;
                         answer.id = 'ssds'+divCounter;  
                         contentDiv = answer.getElementsByTagName('DIV')[0];
                         contentDiv.style.top = 0 - contentDiv.offsetHeight + 
                         contentDiv.id = 'ssdsc' + divCounter;


 function showHideContent(e,inputId)

         yatrassd_slideInProgress = true;
         if(!inputId)inputId = this.id;
         inputId = inputId + '';
         var numericId = inputId.replace(/[^0-9]/g,'');
         var answerDiv = document.getElementById('ssds' + numericId);
         var imgId = document.getElementById('arrowimg'+ numericId);

         objectIdToSlideDown = false;

         if(!answerDiv.style.display || answerDiv.style.display=='none'){
                 if(yatrassd_activeId   yatrassd_activeId!=numericId){       
                         objectIdToSlideDown = numericId;

                         answerDiv.style.visibility = 'visible';
                 yatrassd_activeId = false;


 View this message in 
 Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: Shortest possible method of adding/removing class on mouseenter/leave without a plugin

2010-01-13 Thread MorningZ
i don't understand the .each part  jQuery is already going to do

$('#nav  li').bind('mouseenter mouseleave', function() { $
(this).toggleClass('hover'); });

*should* be equiv, although i must say that's untested

and how about *zero* jQuery code and just using CSS's :hover pseudo?


On Jan 13, 1:22 pm, seasoup seas...@gmail.com wrote:
 Is this it, or do you have something shorter?

 $('#nav  li').each( function () {
         var $this = $(this);
         $this.bind('mouseenter mouseleave', function()
 { $this.toggleClass('hover') });


 I thought hover would work, but it only does the mouseenter with one
 parameter, instead of doing the same function for both enter and

 $('#nav  li').each( function () {
         var $this = $(this);
         $this.hover(function() { $this.toggleClass('hover') });   //
 only mouseover


 which could be abstracted to a hoverClass plugin
 $('#nav  li').hoverClass('hover');

[jQuery] Re: Tabbed view and Flash Movies

2010-01-13 Thread MorningZ
This is completely untested, but it would seem to make sense to work

Given this HTML

div id=tabs
lia href=video1.phpTab 1/a/li
lia href=video2.phpTab 2/a/li
lia href=video3.phpTab 3/a/li


$(document).ready(function() {
select: function(event, ui) {
$(#tabs  ul  li).each(function(i) {
 if (ui.index != i) {
 $(#tabs  div:nth-child( + (i+1) + )).html

On Jan 13, 6:01 pm, DaveMK davemarc...@hotmail.com wrote:
 Hi anyone that can help!

 I'm stuck and not sure how to proceed. Here's the issue:

 I am using jQuery tabs (seven tabs in total), and loading in iframed pages
 into the tab with .flvs in them. That's all working, but the issue is that I
 can't figure out how to get the tab to unload, so if you click on one tab
 and start the movie, and then click on another tab and start another movie,
 they both play.

 I can't use .php to fix this due to constraints out of my control... I'm
 stuck with html, css and jQuery. Any ideas on a couple nice lines of code
 that I could use to get this to work?

 If you want to see the live example, please tell me and I will send it.
 View this message in 
 Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: added form elements not sent using Firefox

2010-01-12 Thread MorningZ
Could this be jquery related? 

Do you have any example code to build an answer upon?

On Jan 12, 2:49 am, Eric Cope eric.c...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hello all,
 I am using jquery to copy a DIV containing some form elements. The
 copy is appended to the DIV in another DIV to allow an unlimited
 number of form elements to be sent. The problem is that none of the
 copy DIVs are being sent by the browser (Firefox). There is some
 chatter via google, but nothing conclusive. I see the DIVs show up in
 Firebug. Could this be jquery related?
 Thanks in advance!


[jQuery] Re: long-term browser support strategy

2010-01-12 Thread MorningZ
 If w3schools' statistics are at all accurate, there are about the same
 number of people using IE 6 as either IE 7 or 8

Stats like that are nice, but I'd be curious to see what kinds of
browser stats there are for other people running a (relatively) busy
site? real people, like on this list... not some website who have no
idea where they get their numbers from

While even today IE is still a large chunk of browser usage out there
thanks to the hoards of people who don't know better (like for
instance, my parents), my primary side is like 40% FF, %38 IE (of
which i find amazingly, half of those are IE8.. only 10% IE6), 10%
Safari, 7% Chrome  and that's out of 230,000 unique visits in the
past 30 days..  10% of 38% of IE6 (almost 9,000 visitors) is still
a headache to deal with at this point, thankfully jQuery still makes
it less of a headache  :-)  and it's much appreciated

I'd lve to just say screw IE6.. IE7 for that matter too.
but unfortunately for one reason or another the masses aren't helping
that thinking becoming reality any time soon

On Jan 12, 9:15 am, Thomas thpick...@googlemail.com wrote:
 Here's a post from John's blog in which he touches the topic of a
 general strategy for browser 

 He also briefly writes about it in his (latest?) 

 Finally, John's (and thus jQuery's) testing strategy is to test
 against the previous, the current, and the upcoming (nightly build)
 version of supported browsers. [citation needed] :p

 P.S.: When I write 'John', it's probably really the whole team behind
 jQuery that worked out those approaches.

 On Jan 12, 12:41 pm, RobG rg...@iinet.net.au wrote:

  On Jan 12, 1:24 pm, Nathan Klatt n8kl...@gmail.com wrote:

IE 6 use is 3 times that of Safari (all versions) depending on whose
statistics you believe. Why not drop support for Safari while you're
at it? And Opera and Chrome?

   Because you don't have to do anything to support Safari or Chrome or

  There are at least 5 Safari-specific quirks catered for in jQuery (I
  just searched for Safari in comments), there are likely others.
  Admittedly that's far fewer than are required for IE, but since IE 6
  is now about 10 years old, surely it's quirks are well known and
  catered for?

   - they actually work. To stop supporting them you'd have to stop
   supporting standards.

  Browsers will continue to evolve. If appropriate feature detection is
  already in place and effective alternatives provided to handle quirks,
  you may find that you are handling some new quirks without having to
  write a single line of code. :-)

  For example, while the bit in jQuery that checks if the event.target
  is a textNode is meant for Safari (pre version 3 I think), it will
  work for any browser that has such behaviour. Safari's behaviour was
  actually compliant with the spec, the far more common behaviour (i.e.
  that event.target is always a nodeType 1) is not compliant.

I work with several clients that do
not want to lead the way in this respect, and need to support IE6 as
long as it has a fair usage share, which may be for several more

That is a sensible decision

   Anyone clinging to IE6, at this point, has gone wy beyond not
   leading the way!

  If w3schools' statistics are at all accurate, there are about the same
  number of people using IE 6 as either IE 7 or 8.

  Of course support might mean whether new functionality is provided
  for old browsers and whether they continue to be part of a test suite.
  New functions that aren't tested in old browsers can simply be marked
  in the documentation, or simply features add after version x.y have
  not been tested in browser X so users know not to use them.


[jQuery] Re: Does anybody know when jquery 1.3.3 or 1.4 will be released?

2010-01-12 Thread MorningZ
Just to follow up on this, looks like the RC1 version of 1.4 is
close... really close :-)

Damn IE6 !!

From: http://twitter.com/jeresig

# Grrr, phantom bug popped up in IE 6 just as I was about to push
1.4rc1 live.
# Need sleep in order to fight, 1.4rc1 tomorrow.
# - about 11 hours ago   from web

[jQuery] Re: Argh!! IE8!

2010-01-12 Thread MorningZ
What makes it hard to follow your code,

what is d?$(document).click(function(d){

why is is about clicking on the document?

what is a?if($(#acc+a).is(:visible)){

also, have you considered moving away from :visible?  it's got it's
quirks and niches going across browsers...  maybe using CSS classes
and hasClass, addClass, removeClass instead?

On Jan 12, 11:31 am, Valerij valeri...@gmail.com wrote:
 Alright, I've changed the as that are not links to divs, page is
 fully valid now, but same thing happens! Just that nows its totally
 impossible to open ANY of popup while it works in all other browsers!

 On Jan 12, 9:19 am, Jonathan Vanherpe (T  T NV) jonat...@tnt.be

  RobG wrote:

   On Jan 12, 5:51 am, Valerijvaleri...@gmail.com  wrote:
   Hey guys, I have this popup menu that works.. great! In Chrome,
   Safari, Firefox AND it USED to work in IE8, until I added just 1 div.

   This works in all the browsers great even after I added this div, but
   in IE8 it suddenly stopped.

   a id=acc class=baritem href=javascript:void(0);div
   class=textupMy Account/div/a

   Your markup is invalid, div elements don't belong inside a elements.

   Is there a fix for this?

   Start with valid markup:URL:http://validator.w3.org/

  Also, if it's not a link, don't use an a element.

  Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu NV - jonat...@tnt.be

[jQuery] Re: Function help

2010-01-12 Thread MorningZ
$('#new').live('click', function() {

function addRecord(form_id) {
.. stuff ...

[jQuery] Re: Disable Submit

2010-01-12 Thread MorningZ
Personally i suggest using BlockUI to overlay the whole form... that
1) not possible for your user to resubmit
2) gives dead obvious indication something is going on
3) simple as can be to use

On Jan 12, 2:49 pm, Dave Maharaj :: WidePixels.com
d...@widepixels.com wrote:
 I have a form i am submitting via Ajax. So after submit while its waiting
 for response i have my little spinner so user knows something is happening.
 But how can i disable the submit while its thinking waiting for a response
 so the user is not sitting there clicking submit over and over.

 Using this for my js as of now;

 $('#new_set').live('click', addRecord);

  function addRecord() {

  var data = $('#add').serialize();

  $('.flash').prepend('div class=saving/div');
   type: post,
          url: /manage/awards/add,
          data: data,
          dataType: 'json',
          success: function(response){
    if (response.status === true) {


    } else {


 I tried adding $('#new_set').die('click'); but then it never submitted.



[jQuery] Re: Disable Submit

2010-01-12 Thread MorningZ

here's a quick 2 minute example of this topic and the other topic

http://jsbin.com/efona/edit (code)
http://jsbin.com/efona (run)

very little jQuery to wire that up :-)

[jQuery] Re: Disable Submit

2010-01-12 Thread MorningZ
btw, i forgot to add return false; to the end of both button
events there, that would be needed

[jQuery] Re: Ajax forms help

2010-01-11 Thread MorningZ
But if I am returning json I cant return my normal html

I don't understand why...

I pretty much exclusively use JSON back and forth in my jQuery AJAX
calls and have a standard JSON object i return:

   HasError: boolean,
   Message: string.
   Data: object,
   Count: integer

Many times i'll return HTML on the data property there  i think
the problem you are having is how you are creating the JSON return
string, maybe that's not the right way to do it in PHP ??  (to note,
i'm a .NET guy, i don't know what the PHP way is)

On Jan 11, 10:06 am, Dave Maharaj :: WidePixels.com
d...@widepixels.com wrote:
 Right on...looks easy enough.

 Is response.html saying to display it as html? I tried making an array to
 pass as json from php then json_encode it so my arrr was $response =
 array('status' = true , 'view' = 'all my html code went here')

 But when I returned my view data from the array it was all slahsed // //
 / / / like that.

 -Original Message-
 From: Ibatex [mailto:mjgris...@gmail.com]
 Sent: January-11-10 4:35 AM
 To: jQuery (English)
 Subject: [jQuery] Re: Ajax forms help

 The beauty of json is that you can transfer alot of different data in an
 organized way. You can very easily send back success/failure status along
 with the html.

 success: function(response) {
                         // Response was a success
                         if (response.status) {
                                 //update my target div
                         // Response contains errors
                         } else {
                                 // return the form with the errors


 On Jan 10, 5:00 pm, Dave Maharaj :: WidePixels.com
 d...@widepixels.com wrote:
  I need some help with a form.

  I submit the form fine, my problem is depending on the success or
  failure of the form being saved. I will try to explain as simple as

  form is in its own div form here . 

  div target saved data will appear here/div

  So what I need is i guess json success true or false response from the
  form being saved or not then in my success

  success: function(response) {
                          // Response was a success
                          if (response) {
                                  //update my target div
                          // Response contains errors
                          } else {
                                  // return the form with the errors


  But if I am returning json I cant return my normal html after the
  successful save, and if I return my response as html there is no way
  to tell the js what to do.
  The form or the target is html code

  How can I tell what the response was (true or false) and return the
  appropriate html code for the appropriate form or target?


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[jQuery] Re: Problem with jquery tabs on live site

2010-01-11 Thread MorningZ
Are you looking to make an AJAX request to load the tab?  i don't
think you are considering your markup...


div id=relatedTabs class=sidebarSection
p class=infoText sidebarTitlestrongRelated/strong/p
ul id=relatedTabBar
lia href=article/goerlitzer-
lia href=article/goerlitzer-
lia href=article/goerlitzer-


p class=infoText sidebarTitlestrongRelated/strong/p
div id=relatedTabs class=sidebarSection
ul id=relatedTabBar
lia href=#related-1spanArticles/span/a/li
lia href=#related-2spanFiles/span/a/li
lia href=#related-3spanLinks/span/a/li

On Jan 11, 8:40 am, Coxy step...@bungert.co.uk wrote:
 Sorry, I wasn't sure if one was needed. Here is an example:


 This loading of the whole page never happened with the static mock-up.
 Also jquery seems to have created it's own tabs. I never called them
 hrefs like #ui-tabs-22

[jQuery] Re: Problem with jquery tabs on live site

2010-01-11 Thread MorningZ
yes, change the a tags in the code above as shown... but putting a
URL there you are telling the tabs plugin go get this via AJAX

On Jan 11, 11:43 am, Coxy step...@bungert.co.uk wrote:
 No I'm not, and in my static mock-up everything was ok. It does this
 on the live site, and I want to find out why. Do you know how to stop

[jQuery] Re: Problem with jquery tabs on live site

2010-01-11 Thread MorningZ
yes, change the a tags in the code above as shown... by putting a
URL there you are telling the tabs plugin go get this via AJAX


Fetch external content via Ajax for the tabs by setting an href value
in the tab links. While the Ajax request is waiting for a response,
the tab label changes to say Loading..., then returns to the normal
label once loaded

you've got URL's in your href parameters, causing tabs to go AJAX

On Jan 11, 11:43 am, Coxy step...@bungert.co.uk wrote:
 No I'm not, and in my static mock-up everything was ok. It does this
 on the live site, and I want to find out why. Do you know how to stop

[jQuery] Re: Problem with jquery tabs on live site

2010-01-11 Thread MorningZ
it can be easier than that, not so many variables to worry about  :)

right before



$(#relatedTabs  ul a).attr(href, function() {
 if ($(this).attr(href).indexOf(#)  -1) { return # + $
(this).attr(href).split(#)[1]; } else { $(this).attr(href); }

On Jan 11, 2:11 pm, Coxy step...@bungert.co.uk wrote:
 tabLinks        = $('#relatedTabBar li a');
 numOfTabs       = tabLinks.length;

 for (index = 0; index  numOfTabs; index ++)
         oldAnchor       = $(tabLinks[index]).attr('href');
         hashPos         = oldAnchor.indexOf('#');
         newAnchor       = oldAnchor.substr(hashPos);
         $(tabLinks[index]).attr('href', newAnchor);


 Sorry code was wrong before

[jQuery] Re: Ajax forms help

2010-01-11 Thread MorningZ
Hmm, that's weird... i don't know why escaping/unescaping is an
issue... this is an actual working example of returned JSON from what
I am working on today:

stripped down a bit for brevity, and since Google Groups will break up
the Data line, it's really all one line (no line breaks like i

 Data:table class=\Cache_Table\
   trthFile Name/th/tr

and i just simply say


there's no action directly needed by me to unescape the class name
of the table

On Jan 11, 3:41 pm, Dave Maharaj :: WidePixels.com
d...@widepixels.com wrote:
 Sorry for the number of back to back posts...just making progress somewhat.

 OK! I got it part ways no more html after the JSON.

 tml:pthis is a good test\/p\r\n}

 Now to display the HTML but without all the \/p\r\n



 From: John Arrowwood [mailto:jarro...@gmail.com]
 Sent: January-11-10 4:45 PM
 To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
 Subject: Re: [jQuery] Re: Ajax forms help

 Your problem looks like it may be on the back-end.  Send the code that
 generates the JSON.

 On Mon, Jan 11, 2010 at 11:41 AM, Dave Maharaj :: WidePixels.com

 d...@widepixels.com wrote:

         My response comes back from the server looking like this: (don't
 think its
         right to begin with)


         tml:pthis is a good test\/p\r\n}pthis is a good test/p

         But how would I display only the html section and clean it so its
 not all
         slashed and escaped?



         -Original Message-
         From: MorningZ [mailto:morni...@gmail.com]
         Sent: January-11-10 11:44 AM
         To: jQuery (English)
         Subject: [jQuery] Re: Ajax forms help

         But if I am returning json I cant return my normal html

         I don't understand why...

         I pretty much exclusively use JSON back and forth in my jQuery AJAX
         and have a standard JSON object i return:

           HasError: boolean,
           Message: string.
           Data: object,
           Count: integer

         Many times i'll return HTML on the data property there  i think
         problem you are having is how you are creating the JSON return
 string, maybe
         that's not the right way to do it in PHP ??  (to note, i'm a .NET
 guy, i
         don't know what the PHP way is)

         On Jan 11, 10:06 am, Dave Maharaj :: WidePixels.com
         d...@widepixels.com wrote:
          Right on...looks easy enough.

          Is response.html saying to display it as html? I tried making an
          to pass as json from php then json_encode it so my arrr was
          = array('status' = true , 'view' = 'all my html code went here')

          But when I returned my view data from the array it was all slahsed
          // / / / like that.

          -Original Message-
          From: Ibatex [mailto:mjgris...@gmail.com]
          Sent: January-11-10 4:35 AM
          To: jQuery (English)
          Subject: [jQuery] Re: Ajax forms help

          The beauty of json is that you can transfer alot of different data
          an organized way. You can very easily send back success/failure
          along with the html.

          success: function(response) {
                                  // Response was a success
                                  if (response.status) {
                                          //update my target div

                                  // Response contains errors
                                  } else {
                                          // return the form with the errors


          On Jan 10, 5:00 pm, Dave Maharaj :: WidePixels.com
          d...@widepixels.com wrote:
           I need some help with a form.

           I submit the form fine, my problem is depending on the success
           failure of the form being saved. I will try to explain as simple

           form is in its own div form here . 

           div target saved data will appear here/div

           So what I need is i guess json success true or false response
           the form being saved or not then in my success

           success: function(response) {
                                   // Response was a success
                                   if (response) {
                                           //update my target div

[jQuery] Re: Fade question

2010-01-11 Thread MorningZ
I used the color plugin for exactly that... works really well


On Jan 11, 5:35 pm, Dave Maharaj :: WidePixels.com
d...@widepixels.com wrote:
 When i add a new record its inserted into a div. How can I make it so its
 has a color then fades out. Kind of like a success message after you save
 something only i am just fading out the color not the content.

 jquery UI highlight is a good example of the idea i am looking for.

 So I have my:


 so i would like it to be yellow for example when the user first sees the new
 record then slowly fade out leaving only the record.



[jQuery] Re: Fade question

2010-01-11 Thread MorningZ
I forgot to add, that demo page doesn't exact have a bare bones
example of just the color part..

so here is one

http://jsbin.com/unuru/edit (code)
http://jsbin.com/unuru (run)

including the color.js pretty much let's one use the .animate
method with these CSS properties:
'backgroundColor', 'borderBottomColor', 'borderLeftColor',
'borderRightColor', 'borderTopColor', 'color', 'outlineColor'

On Jan 11, 6:35 pm, Dave Maharaj :: WidePixels.com
d...@widepixels.com wrote:
 Right on thanks...

 I looked around but noting simple so I will def check it out.



 -Original Message-
 From: MorningZ [mailto:morni...@gmail.com]
 Sent: January-11-10 7:30 PM
 To: jQuery (English)
 Subject: [jQuery] Re: Fade question

 I used the color plugin for exactly that... works really well


 On Jan 11, 5:35 pm, Dave Maharaj :: WidePixels.com
 d...@widepixels.com wrote:
  When i add a new record its inserted into a div. How can I make it so
  its has a color then fades out. Kind of like a success message after
  you save something only i am just fading out the color not the content.

  jquery UI highlight is a good example of the idea i am looking for.

  So I have my:


  so i would like it to be yellow for example when the user first sees
  the new record then slowly fade out leaving only the record.


 No virus found in this incoming message.
 Checked by AVG -www.avg.com
 Version: 9.0.725 / Virus Database: 270.14.130/2607 - Release Date: 01/11/10

[jQuery] Re: any help on this!!!

2010-01-11 Thread MorningZ
to start with... a button doesn't toggle

you want the click event there

then you'll want to do a check to see if the li is blue, if it is,
remove blue, otherwise add it

better use, use a CSS class with color: blue

.blue { color: blue; }

then you can say

$('#jqdt').find('ol li:eq(0)').toggleClass(blue);

On Jan 11, 5:45 pm, JQueryNewbie gibtronics2...@gmail.com wrote:
 I cant get my color  change on my listitem. any help would be
 appreciated. Thanks in advance.


     script src=scripts/jquery-1.3.2.js type=text/javascript/
     script type=text/javascript
         $(document).ready(function() {
             $(dt-link1).toggle(function() {
             $('#jqdt').find('ol li:eq(0)').css(color,Blue);
                return false;


     div id=jqdt
             lilist item 1 with dummy link to silly.pdf /li
             lilist item 2 with class=goofy /li
             lilist item 3 SURPRISE! /li
             lilist item 4 with silly link to silly.pdf /li

    button id=dt-link1 type=buttontoggle first list item/button
    button id=dt-link2 type=buttontoggle first li even/button


[jQuery] Re: looping through form elements.

2010-01-10 Thread MorningZ
 $(':input').each(function(idx, item) {

 There are lots of form controls that aren't input elements. They are
 all in the form's elements collection.

But the :input selector will also get non-input elements:


Overview: Matches all input, textarea, select and button elements.

On Jan 10, 2:09 am, RobG rg...@iinet.net.au wrote:
 On Jan 8, 8:33 am, rich dottedq...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hello all, I'm relatively new to JavaScript.  I would like to loop
  through all the elements within a form and grab their values and what
  type of input they are.  So far I came up with:

  $(':input').each(function(idx, item) {

 There are lots of form controls that aren't input elements. They are
 all in the form's elements collection.

  The alert is placed there to see if it loops and it works as
  expected.  I'm not sure how to alert the input's value and what type
  it is.  Any help is greatly appreciated.

 A form element's value is stored in its value property, its type is
 stored in its type property. So:

 var el,
     elements = document.forms[formName].elements;
 for (var i=0, len=elements.length; ilen; i++) {
   el = elements[i];
   alert( el.type + ': ' + el.value);



[jQuery] Re: Can we use jquery for paging and sorting in asp.net 2.0 ?????

2010-01-08 Thread MorningZ

as professional programmer who exclusively does .NET, allow me to tell
you that getting into jQuery changes *everything*  .NET's built in
controls and jQuery (or any AJAX library in general minus MS Ajax or
whatever they call it nowadays) do not play nicely together...

in the case of thinking ASP.NET GridView + jQuery pagination,
sorting, etc, it is much better in many ways to think instead:  use
ASP.NET and SQL Server to do the actual paging/sorting and feed that
resultant data into something like jqGrid

At this point in my programming career, which just entered year # 10,
I barely do anything with asp: controls anymore, ASP.NET is simply
the tunnel I use between my client script and the data

But this is just my personal experience  your mileage may vary

On Jan 8, 10:12 am, Mike Alsup mal...@gmail.com wrote:
  take a look at jqGrid


 jqGrid rocks!!

[jQuery] Re: help fix syntax

2010-01-07 Thread MorningZ
When you make an AJAX call, what this references changes

$('a.del').click(function() {
   var $parent = this.parent(); //i assume you want the parent of
the a
   $.post('/img/del.php') ,
 {'img': img },
  if (e.status == 'deleted') { //e of the original
function call?
   return false; //stops the a's action

maybe if you better explain what you are trying to do, it would be
easier to point the path
On Jan 7, 7:16 am, runrunforest craigco...@gmail.com wrote:
 syntax a: not working, the parent of current element not being removed

                                 $.post('/img/del.php') ,
                                                 {'img': img },
                                                         if(e.status == 
 'deleted') {$(this).parent().remove();}
                                                 }, 'json');

 syntax b: work but its not doing things correctly.

                                                  {'img': img },
                                                         if(e.status == 
 'deleted') {}
                                                 }, 'json');

[jQuery] Re: JQuery files(.js) required

2010-01-07 Thread MorningZ
None of those are redundant, but three tips:

1) make sure you are using the minified versions in the production
2) if you are really going to put the files together, which will be
minimal gain, make sure that each and every section ends with a semi-
colon, so the code doesn't get run all together
3) realize that these files are only going to get downloaded once to
the users browser until the cache is cleared... so if you have 200k of
script, it's not like on every single page load that that 200k is
going to go across the wire again (it's not)

On Jan 7, 8:44 am, NMarcu marcu.nico...@gmail.com wrote:

    My site is loading very slow with all js files imported, so I
 putted all in one single file. I have a question. I have some file
 that I think I don't need it. I'm loading this files:
 jquery-1.3.2.js, jquery.bgframs.js, jquery.ui-1.7.2.custom.min.js,
 ui.core.js, ui.draggable.js, ui.resizable.js, ui.dialog.js,
 effects.core.js, effects.highlight.js, ui.tabs.js, editable,js

 I need jquery for dialog, tabs, editable field, what files is
 redundant information, and I can lost of it...I need minimum of data
 to import

[jQuery] Re: JQuery files(.js) required

2010-01-07 Thread MorningZ
oh yeah, the custom has the functionality built in... i was thinking
core.. my bad

On Jan 7, 9:18 am, Mike Alsup mal...@gmail.com wrote:
  None of those are redundant, but three tips:

 Actually all of the individual jquery UI files are redundant with
 jquery.ui-1.7.2.custom.min.js if that download was configured
 properly.  Try with just these three: jquery-1.3.2.js,
 jquery.bgiframe.js, jquery.ui-1.7.2.custom.min.js

[jQuery] Re: img src replacement

2010-01-07 Thread MorningZ
$(this).attr({'img src' : './images/avail_hover.png'});

there is no img src attr, but there is src, so

$(this).attr('src', './images/avail_hover.png');

and there's a second event to hook on the .hover event is when you
mouse off, so use that event to revert back to whatever image was

On Jan 7, 11:02 am, Glen_H glen.f.he...@gmail.com wrote:
 In my footer I have a sign where I want it to say one thing regularly,
 and then when someone hovers, i want it to say sometyhing else. I
 basically made 2 images, and I just want to switch images on the

 here is my code I used and its not working.:

 $(#footer #footer-contain #availability img).hover(function () {
                         $(this).attr({'img src' : 

 can anyone help me out with what I need to do?

[jQuery] Re: img src replacement

2010-01-07 Thread MorningZ
Perhaps the path to the image itself isn't ./images ?

Other than that,maybe some more code to show or better yet a live, non-
working page..

Rest assured the hover event does work, and the way to set an
img's source is $(this).attr(src) ...  there's something else not
seen/talked-about/thought-of that is the issue :-)

On Jan 7, 12:10 pm, Glen_H glen.f.he...@gmail.com wrote:
 I have it now set up like this:

  $(#footer #footer-contain #availability img).hover(function () {
                         $(this).attr('src', './images/avail_hover.png'});


 it still isnt working. I orig. had it set as src. but nothing seemed
 to be working then so i messed around and changed it to img src.

 any other ideas as to why it might not be working?

 On Jan 7, 11:41 am, MorningZ morni...@gmail.com wrote:

  $(this).attr({'img src' : './images/avail_hover.png'});

  there is no img src attr, but there is src, so

  $(this).attr('src', './images/avail_hover.png');

  and there's a second event to hook on the .hover event is when you
  mouse off, so use that event to revert back to whatever image was

  On Jan 7, 11:02 am, Glen_H glen.f.he...@gmail.com wrote:

   In my footer I have a sign where I want it to say one thing regularly,
   and then when someone hovers, i want it to say sometyhing else. I
   basically made 2 images, and I just want to switch images on the

   here is my code I used and its not working.:

   $(#footer #footer-contain #availability img).hover(function () {
                           $(this).attr({'img src' : 

   can anyone help me out with what I need to do?

[jQuery] Re: img src replacement

2010-01-07 Thread MorningZ
it changes it


attr( key, value )
Set a single property to a value, on all matched elements

going a different direction isn't the solution, something else is

and your current one of img src as an attribute name is not going
to work, it's not the name of the property you need to set

here's a super quick and working example

http://jsbin.com/aluhe/edit (code)
http://jsbin.com/aluhe (run)

On Jan 7, 12:32 pm, Glen_H glen.f.he...@gmail.com wrote:
 does the attr function change the img source or does it add it in?
 Perhaps I need a different function to do it? is that possible?

 i am going to try to add a the remove attr function first, then run
 the current one and see if that works...

 On Jan 7, 12:25 pm, MorningZ morni...@gmail.com wrote:

  Perhaps the path to the image itself isn't ./images ?

  Other than that,maybe some more code to show or better yet a live, non-
  working page..

  Rest assured the hover event does work, and the way to set an
  img's source is $(this).attr(src) ...  there's something else not
  seen/talked-about/thought-of that is the issue :-)

  On Jan 7, 12:10 pm, Glen_H glen.f.he...@gmail.com wrote:

   I have it now set up like this:

    $(#footer #footer-contain #availability img).hover(function () {
                           $(this).attr('src', './images/avail_hover.png'});


   it still isnt working. I orig. had it set as src. but nothing seemed
   to be working then so i messed around and changed it to img src.

   any other ideas as to why it might not be working?

   On Jan 7, 11:41 am, MorningZ morni...@gmail.com wrote:

$(this).attr({'img src' : './images/avail_hover.png'});

there is no img src attr, but there is src, so

$(this).attr('src', './images/avail_hover.png');

and there's a second event to hook on the .hover event is when you
mouse off, so use that event to revert back to whatever image was

On Jan 7, 11:02 am, Glen_H glen.f.he...@gmail.com wrote:

 In my footer I have a sign where I want it to say one thing regularly,
 and then when someone hovers, i want it to say sometyhing else. I
 basically made 2 images, and I just want to switch images on the

 here is my code I used and its not working.:

 $(#footer #footer-contain #availability img).hover(function () {
                         $(this).attr({'img src' : 

 can anyone help me out with what I need to do?

[jQuery] Re: img src replacement

2010-01-07 Thread MorningZ
ready to know what a major problem is??

your script.js is:

$(document).ready(function() {
   // do stuff when DOM is ready
  $(#footer #footer-contain #availability img).hover(
  function() {
$(this).attr(src, ./images/avail_hover.png);
  function() {
$(this).attr(src, ./images/availab.png);


There's an extra }); causing a syntax error, stopping JavaScript
dead in it's tracks..  Firebug pointed that out on page load

On Jan 7, 12:56 pm, Glen Healy glen.f.he...@gmail.com wrote:
 I put up my site quickly here:http://www.glenhealy.com/

 the image should be at the bottom in the footer, if you can view the code,
 maybe you can see what the deal is?

 i used the exact code used in the example so there has to be a file issue

 On Thu, Jan 7, 2010 at 12:44 PM, MorningZ morni...@gmail.com wrote:
  it changes it


  attr( key, value )
  Set a single property to a value, on all matched elements

  going a different direction isn't the solution, something else is

  and your current one of img src as an attribute name is not going
  to work, it's not the name of the property you need to set

  here's a super quick and working example


  On Jan 7, 12:32 pm, Glen_H glen.f.he...@gmail.com wrote:
   does the attr function change the img source or does it add it in?
   Perhaps I need a different function to do it? is that possible?

   i am going to try to add a the remove attr function first, then run
   the current one and see if that works...

   On Jan 7, 12:25 pm, MorningZ morni...@gmail.com wrote:

Perhaps the path to the image itself isn't ./images ?

Other than that,maybe some more code to show or better yet a live, non-
working page..

Rest assured the hover event does work, and the way to set an
img's source is $(this).attr(src) ...  there's something else not
seen/talked-about/thought-of that is the issue :-)

On Jan 7, 12:10 pm, Glen_H glen.f.he...@gmail.com wrote:

 I have it now set up like this:

  $(#footer #footer-contain #availability img).hover(function () {


 it still isnt working. I orig. had it set as src. but nothing seemed
 to be working then so i messed around and changed it to img src.

 any other ideas as to why it might not be working?

 On Jan 7, 11:41 am, MorningZ morni...@gmail.com wrote:

  $(this).attr({'img src' : './images/avail_hover.png'});

  there is no img src attr, but there is src, so

  $(this).attr('src', './images/avail_hover.png');

  and there's a second event to hook on the .hover event is when you
  mouse off, so use that event to revert back to whatever image was

  On Jan 7, 11:02 am, Glen_H glen.f.he...@gmail.com wrote:

   In my footer I have a sign where I want it to say one thing
   and then when someone hovers, i want it to say sometyhing else. I
   basically made 2 images, and I just want to switch images on the

   here is my code I used and its not working.:

   $(#footer #footer-contain #availability img).hover(function ()
                           $(this).attr({'img src' :

   can anyone help me out with what I need to do?

[jQuery] Re: img src replacement

2010-01-07 Thread MorningZ
here's your exact code working


On Jan 7, 1:34 pm, MorningZ morni...@gmail.com wrote:
 ready to know what a major problem is??

 your script.js is:

 $(document).ready(function() {
    // do stuff when DOM is ready
   $(#footer #footer-contain #availability img).hover(
               function() {
                 $(this).attr(src, ./images/avail_hover.png);
               function() {
                 $(this).attr(src, ./images/availab.png);


 There's an extra }); causing a syntax error, stopping JavaScript
 dead in it's tracks..  Firebug pointed that out on page load

 On Jan 7, 12:56 pm, Glen Healy glen.f.he...@gmail.com wrote:

  I put up my site quickly here:http://www.glenhealy.com/

  the image should be at the bottom in the footer, if you can view the code,
  maybe you can see what the deal is?

  i used the exact code used in the example so there has to be a file issue

  On Thu, Jan 7, 2010 at 12:44 PM, MorningZ morni...@gmail.com wrote:
   it changes it


   attr( key, value )
   Set a single property to a value, on all matched elements

   going a different direction isn't the solution, something else is

   and your current one of img src as an attribute name is not going
   to work, it's not the name of the property you need to set

   here's a super quick and working example


   On Jan 7, 12:32 pm, Glen_H glen.f.he...@gmail.com wrote:
does the attr function change the img source or does it add it in?
Perhaps I need a different function to do it? is that possible?

i am going to try to add a the remove attr function first, then run
the current one and see if that works...

On Jan 7, 12:25 pm, MorningZ morni...@gmail.com wrote:

 Perhaps the path to the image itself isn't ./images ?

 Other than that,maybe some more code to show or better yet a live, 
 working page..

 Rest assured the hover event does work, and the way to set an
 img's source is $(this).attr(src) ...  there's something else not
 seen/talked-about/thought-of that is the issue :-)

 On Jan 7, 12:10 pm, Glen_H glen.f.he...@gmail.com wrote:

  I have it now set up like this:

   $(#footer #footer-contain #availability img).hover(function () {


  it still isnt working. I orig. had it set as src. but nothing seemed
  to be working then so i messed around and changed it to img src.

  any other ideas as to why it might not be working?

  On Jan 7, 11:41 am, MorningZ morni...@gmail.com wrote:

   $(this).attr({'img src' : './images/avail_hover.png'});

   there is no img src attr, but there is src, so

   $(this).attr('src', './images/avail_hover.png');

   and there's a second event to hook on the .hover event is when you
   mouse off, so use that event to revert back to whatever image was

   On Jan 7, 11:02 am, Glen_H glen.f.he...@gmail.com wrote:

In my footer I have a sign where I want it to say one thing
and then when someone hovers, i want it to say sometyhing else. 
basically made 2 images, and I just want to switch images on the

here is my code I used and its not working.:

$(#footer #footer-contain #availability img).hover(function ()
                        $(this).attr({'img src' :

can anyone help me out with what I need to do?

[jQuery] Re: img src replacement

2010-01-07 Thread MorningZ
like so?


On Jan 7, 1:45 pm, Glen_H glen.f.he...@gmail.com wrote:
 Here is another question if you have the time,

 now that the image changes on hover, can I add a fade animation so
 that it fades to the hover image as opposed to switching back and
 forth? or would I have to create a whole new function?

 On Jan 7, 1:38 pm, MorningZ morni...@gmail.com wrote:

  here's your exact code working


  On Jan 7, 1:34 pm, MorningZ morni...@gmail.com wrote:

   ready to know what a major problem is??

   your script.js is:

   $(document).ready(function() {
      // do stuff when DOM is ready
     $(#footer #footer-contain #availability img).hover(
                 function() {
                   $(this).attr(src, ./images/avail_hover.png);
                 function() {
                   $(this).attr(src, ./images/availab.png);


   There's an extra }); causing a syntax error, stopping JavaScript
   dead in it's tracks..  Firebug pointed that out on page load

   On Jan 7, 12:56 pm, Glen Healy glen.f.he...@gmail.com wrote:

I put up my site quickly here:http://www.glenhealy.com/

the image should be at the bottom in the footer, if you can view the 
maybe you can see what the deal is?

i used the exact code used in the example so there has to be a file 

On Thu, Jan 7, 2010 at 12:44 PM, MorningZ morni...@gmail.com wrote:
 it changes it


 attr( key, value )
 Set a single property to a value, on all matched elements

 going a different direction isn't the solution, something else is

 and your current one of img src as an attribute name is not going
 to work, it's not the name of the property you need to set

 here's a super quick and working example


 On Jan 7, 12:32 pm, Glen_H glen.f.he...@gmail.com wrote:
  does the attr function change the img source or does it add it 
  Perhaps I need a different function to do it? is that possible?

  i am going to try to add a the remove attr function first, then run
  the current one and see if that works...

  On Jan 7, 12:25 pm, MorningZ morni...@gmail.com wrote:

   Perhaps the path to the image itself isn't ./images ?

   Other than that,maybe some more code to show or better yet a 
   live, non-
   working page..

   Rest assured the hover event does work, and the way to set an
   img's source is $(this).attr(src) ...  there's something else 
   seen/talked-about/thought-of that is the issue :-)

   On Jan 7, 12:10 pm, Glen_H glen.f.he...@gmail.com wrote:

I have it now set up like this:

 $(#footer #footer-contain #availability img).hover(function 
() {


it still isnt working. I orig. had it set as src. but nothing 
to be working then so i messed around and changed it to img src.

any other ideas as to why it might not be working?

On Jan 7, 11:41 am, MorningZ morni...@gmail.com wrote:

 $(this).attr({'img src' : './images/avail_hover.png'});

 there is no img src attr, but there is src, so

 $(this).attr('src', './images/avail_hover.png');

 and there's a second event to hook on the .hover event is 
 when you
 mouse off, so use that event to revert back to whatever image 

 On Jan 7, 11:02 am, Glen_H glen.f.he...@gmail.com wrote:

  In my footer I have a sign where I want it to say one thing
  and then when someone hovers, i want it to say sometyhing 
  else. I
  basically made 2 images, and I just want to switch images 
  on the

  here is my code I used and its not working.:

  $(#footer #footer-contain #availability 
  img).hover(function ()
                          $(this).attr({'img src' :

  can anyone help me out with what I need to do?

[jQuery] Re: img src replacement

2010-01-07 Thread MorningZ
I'd suggest reading through this blog post:


On Jan 7, 2:14 pm, Glen Healy glen.f.he...@gmail.com wrote:
 no more like a slowdown in the transition between the images. hope that
 makes sense. lol. Like if you move over it now really fast it is twitchy
 im thinking what if it were possible to add like a ms or 2 to the actual
 hover effect and they will blend more.

 instead of fading out they fade into one another i guess is what im trying
 to say

 On Thu, Jan 7, 2010 at 2:05 PM, MorningZ morni...@gmail.com wrote:
  like so?


  On Jan 7, 1:45 pm, Glen_H glen.f.he...@gmail.com wrote:
   Here is another question if you have the time,

   now that the image changes on hover, can I add a fade animation so
   that it fades to the hover image as opposed to switching back and
   forth? or would I have to create a whole new function?

   On Jan 7, 1:38 pm, MorningZ morni...@gmail.com wrote:

here's your exact code working


On Jan 7, 1:34 pm, MorningZ morni...@gmail.com wrote:

 ready to know what a major problem is??

 your script.js is:

 $(document).ready(function() {
    // do stuff when DOM is ready
   $(#footer #footer-contain #availability img).hover(
               function() {
                 $(this).attr(src, ./images/avail_hover.png);
               function() {
                 $(this).attr(src, ./images/availab.png);


 There's an extra }); causing a syntax error, stopping JavaScript
 dead in it's tracks..  Firebug pointed that out on page load

 On Jan 7, 12:56 pm, Glen Healy glen.f.he...@gmail.com wrote:

  I put up my site quickly here:http://www.glenhealy.com/

  the image should be at the bottom in the footer, if you can view
  the code,
  maybe you can see what the deal is?

  i used the exact code used in the example so there has to be a file

  On Thu, Jan 7, 2010 at 12:44 PM, MorningZ morni...@gmail.com
   it changes it


   attr( key, value )
   Set a single property to a value, on all matched elements

   going a different direction isn't the solution, something else is

   and your current one of img src as an attribute name is not
   to work, it's not the name of the property you need to set

   here's a super quick and working example

  http://jsbin.com/aluhe(run) http://jsbin.com/aluhe%28run%29

   On Jan 7, 12:32 pm, Glen_H glen.f.he...@gmail.com wrote:
does the attr function change the img source or does it add
  it in?
Perhaps I need a different function to do it? is that possible?

i am going to try to add a the remove attr function first, then
the current one and see if that works...

On Jan 7, 12:25 pm, MorningZ morni...@gmail.com wrote:

 Perhaps the path to the image itself isn't ./images ?

 Other than that,maybe some more code to show or better yet a
  live, non-
 working page..

 Rest assured the hover event does work, and the way to set
 img's source is $(this).attr(src) ...  there's something
  else not
 seen/talked-about/thought-of that is the issue :-)

 On Jan 7, 12:10 pm, Glen_H glen.f.he...@gmail.com wrote:

  I have it now set up like this:

   $(#footer #footer-contain #availability
  img).hover(function () {


  it still isnt working. I orig. had it set as src. but
  nothing seemed
  to be working then so i messed around and changed it to img

  any other ideas as to why it might not be working?

  On Jan 7, 11:41 am, MorningZ morni...@gmail.com wrote:

   $(this).attr({'img src' : './images/avail_hover.png'});

   there is no img src attr, but there is src, so

   $(this).attr('src', './images/avail_hover.png');

   and there's a second event to hook on the .hover event is
  when you
   mouse off, so use that event to revert back to whatever
  image was

   On Jan 7, 11:02 am, Glen_H glen.f.he...@gmail.com

In my footer I have a sign where I want it to say one
and then when someone hovers, i want it to say
  sometyhing else. I
basically made 2 images, and I just want to switch
  images on the

here is my code I used and its not working.:

$(#footer #footer-contain #availability

[jQuery] Re: iTunes Style Slider

2010-01-06 Thread MorningZ
it's been coded in jQuery before, like


i recall that one of the people on the jQuery UI team was messing
around with that effect as well

On Jan 5, 10:22 pm, Matt Quackenbush quackfu...@gmail.com wrote:

 I found an iTunes style slider/rotator that has been done in
 blasphemyMooTools/blasphemy, demoed 
 here:http://www.outcut.de/MooFlow/example-ajax.html.  I was wondering if 
 a) such a thing already existed in a jQuery plugin, or b) if there was a
 jQuery master who could port it in quick fashion?  If b), please contact me
 off-list and let me know how much you would charge and what the turnaround
 time would be.  :-)

 Thanks in advance!

[jQuery] Re: Expectetd identifier, string on number

2010-01-06 Thread MorningZ
Wonder why that is? 


it's just that browsers other than IE handle it (much) more
gracefully  :-)

Also just a quick tip on your code in general... if you know the ID of
something, then use *just* the ID for the selector... so in your code


should be


the first is slower because it is like find all select objects on the
page, then find the one with this ID

the second is faster because it'll use document.getElementById, which
is very fast   :-)

if you want to read more: http://www.componenthouse.com/article-19

All the multiple .hide() calls could be cleaned up too... even if it's
just a loop if it has to be 2 through 14

for (var j=2; j = 14) {
jQuery('#article' + j).hide();

On Jan 6, 6:47 am, youradds andy.ne...@gmail.com wrote:
 Ah never mind - found it:

 do: wiki_ajax,

 For some reason it doesn't like do: , so I renamed to wiki_do, and its
 fine now

 Wonder why that is?



 On Jan 6, 11:46 am, youradds andy.ne...@gmail.com wrote:


  Got a bit of a weird issue in IE 8 with this code:

                   jQuery.getJSON(/v.f, {  do: wiki_ajax, id:  jQuery
  (this).val(), field: 1 }, function(j){

  The whole function is:


                   jQuery.getJSON(/v.f, {  do: wiki_ajax, id:  jQuery
  (this).val(), field: 1 }, function(j){


                           jQuery('#article14').hide(); ;

                           var options = '';
                           for (var i = 0; i j.length; i++) {
                                   options += 'option value=' + j
  [i].optionValue + '' + j[i].optionDisplay + '/option';
                           jQuery('#article_is_in_2 option:first').attr
  ('selected', 'selected');

                           if (j.length  1) {



  Can anyone suggest what is wrong with it? Works perfectly fine in FF
  and Chrome :/



[jQuery] Re: ajax image

2010-01-06 Thread MorningZ
 I want all my ajax calls to run through the same ajax function

What same ajax function?

On Jan 6, 10:29 am, Mean Mike mcgra...@gmail.com wrote:
 ok so I figured out that you can put in image in your page using .load
 (imageloader.php) but is there a way to load an image using regular
 ajax call .

 alittle more explanation of what I'm trying to do

 in my php I use imagejpeg function  which outputs the image using gd

 and in my html i use to just go img src=imageloader.php?
 dir=directoryname=filename / and that worked except now I don't
 want to pass that info in the query string I want to post the info AND
 I want all my ajax calls to run through the same ajax function which
 is why I don't want to use .load

 any thoughts or suggestions

 mean mike

[jQuery] Re: ajax image

2010-01-06 Thread MorningZ
So you are trying to use jQuery's .load() functionality with an
actual image (i assume that your php sets the content type to image/
jpeg, image/gif, etc and writes out the actual binary image data) ?

that's not going to work, as the .load() loads the result of the
Ajax call into the innerHtml of DOM object

I don't know though, you're talking same function but have posted
about three different functions so far, $.ajax, .load, and your custom
function  but bottom line is, the $.ajax call which ultimately
gets called wouldn't be a replacement for img src=your.php /,
*unless* you wanted to use data url vales as image sources (like:
http://www.websiteoptimization.com/speed/tweak/inline-images/), but
the problem with that, like almost all cool ideas like that link
shows, is it doesn't work with IE

On Jan 6, 10:48 am, Mean Mike mcgra...@gmail.com wrote:
 basically all ajax calls go through


 I made a function that gets passed all the parameters that I want in
 the ajax call

 oddly enough i can't get load to work right either i just get Array

 On Jan 6, 10:33 am, MorningZ morni...@gmail.com wrote:

   I want all my ajax calls to run through the same ajax function

  What same ajax function?

  On Jan 6, 10:29 am, Mean Mike mcgra...@gmail.com wrote:

   ok so I figured out that you can put in image in your page using .load
   (imageloader.php) but is there a way to load an image using regular
   ajax call .

   alittle more explanation of what I'm trying to do

   in my php I use imagejpeg function  which outputs the image using gd

   and in my html i use to just go img src=imageloader.php?
   dir=directoryname=filename / and that worked except now I don't
   want to pass that info in the query string I want to post the info AND
   I want all my ajax calls to run through the same ajax function which
   is why I don't want to use .load

   any thoughts or suggestions

   mean mike

[jQuery] Re: next release?

2010-01-06 Thread MorningZ
A post from just 2 days ago  :-)


On Jan 6, 12:47 pm, johnantoni indieh...@gmail.com wrote:
 hi, any idea when the next version of jQuery is to be released?

[jQuery] Re: Firebug gives a $ is not defined error

2010-01-06 Thread MorningZ
FireBug (http://www.getfirebug.com) would be a huge help for you to
find out why

On Jan 6, 11:31 pm, elvis_wu w.s.q...@gmail.com wrote:
 The same pages could be run correctly on both IE and Firefox untill
 yesterday. Now on IE they can still run normally, but on Firefox I got a $
 is not defined error. I didn't change the reference to the jquery library
 in these pages and neither move the jquery library. I'm really confused.
 Could any one tell me why?
 View this message in 
 Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: New to JS and jQuery

2010-01-05 Thread MorningZ
You should pay attention to your selectors :)

you have


that looks for baritem DOM objects



will find div id=baritem

On Jan 5, 2:41 pm, Valerij valeri...@gmail.com wrote:
 This still wont work.. I've even tried copy your example character by
 character and it still gives nothing..
 I'm using this code onhttp://ferok.com/labs/test.htmlat the bottom
 bar, try clicking the My Account and the menu wont pop up. I had
 this working before, but I didn't have this dynamic code which I can
 use to open more than just 1 tab.

 The CSS:
 #stuff_menu {background-color:#E8E8E8;border: 1px solid #66;bottom:
 22px;display:none;left:0px;padding:5px 5px 1px 5px;position:

 On Jan 5, 5:03 pm, brian zijn.digi...@gmail.com wrote:

  That works for me but I do see how this can be refactored:

  a id=stuff class=baritem href=#stuff_menuMy Account/a

  div id=stuff_menu class=SomeClass
          a href=##My Account/a
          a href=##More stuff/a
          a href=##Here is a menu item/a
          a href=##Here is a menu item/a
          a href=##Here is a menu item/a
          a href=##Here is a menu item/a

  Notice that I've changed the IDs so that the DIV has the link ID plus
  some other string, rather than the other way around.

  Also, I've added a class to the DIV to make it easier to set styles.
  This isn't strictly necessary.

          /* set up the onclick handler for all links on page load
                  $('#' + this.id + '_menu').toggle();
                  return false;

  On Mon, Jan 4, 2010 at 4:01 PM, Valerij valeri...@gmail.com wrote:
   Hey guys, I'm trying to create 1 really simple function but it just
   doesn't work!

   function showMenu(menu) {
          var menuid = $( #+menu );
          var menuRoot = $( #+menu+-root );


   What this suppose to do is when you click a link, it will change
   settings of a specific div to visible
   The HTML:

   a id=stuff-root class=baritem href=javascript:void(0)
   onclick=showMenu('stuff');My Account/a
   div id=stuff
          a href=##My Account/a
          a href=##More stuff/a
          a href=##Here is a menu item/a
          a href=##Here is a menu item/a
          a href=##Here is a menu item/a
          a href=##Here is a menu item/a

   Why doesn't this work? What am I doing wrong.. When I alert this, I
   get the correct div ids?

[jQuery] Re: Jquery color animation problem

2010-01-05 Thread MorningZ
I just went through looking for color animation as well

this plugin


did the trick.. works great

On Jan 5, 3:43 am, Md. Ali Ahsan Rana ranacser...@gmail.com wrote:
 I am trying to do it:


 it looks fine in firefox, but the texts getting very odd look in ie 6 and ie
 7. Is there any way to fix it?

 Also, i trie to change color like
 and its not working. Please help...


[jQuery] Re: New to JS and jQuery

2010-01-05 Thread MorningZ
 I have $('.baritem')..

No, no you don't right now on the URL


and the included js file


you have


i just copied and pasted that right from the JavaScript include file
just like i did on my last post  :-)

fix the selector and then go from there

 said, Im new to jQuery so I don't know.. All I wanna do is having this
 script being able to pop up (like on facebook) more than just 1 box
 (Depending on which button you click, like: IF you click on a button
 with ID of menu it opens menu_menu if you click stuff if opens
 menu_stuff etc.. and I cant set it to just 1 ID cause then this wont
 work dynamicly eg. I wont be able to run more than just 1 box with
 this script as I cant set all the buttons to the same ID?

 Brian got the idea, just that the script doesn't work.

 On Jan 5, 9:14 pm, MorningZ morni...@gmail.com wrote:

  You should pay attention to your selectors :)

  you have


  that looks for baritem DOM objects



  will find div id=baritem

  On Jan 5, 2:41 pm, Valerij valeri...@gmail.com wrote:

   This still wont work.. I've even tried copy your example character by
   character and it still gives nothing..
   I'm using this code onhttp://ferok.com/labs/test.htmlatthebottom
   bar, try clicking the My Account and the menu wont pop up. I had
   this working before, but I didn't have this dynamic code which I can
   use to open more than just 1 tab.

   The CSS:
   #stuff_menu {background-color:#E8E8E8;border: 1px solid #66;bottom:
   22px;display:none;left:0px;padding:5px 5px 1px 5px;position:

   On Jan 5, 5:03 pm, brian zijn.digi...@gmail.com wrote:

That works for me but I do see how this can be refactored:

a id=stuff class=baritem href=#stuff_menuMy Account/a

div id=stuff_menu class=SomeClass
        a href=##My Account/a
        a href=##More stuff/a
        a href=##Here is a menu item/a
        a href=##Here is a menu item/a
        a href=##Here is a menu item/a
        a href=##Here is a menu item/a

Notice that I've changed the IDs so that the DIV has the link ID plus
some other string, rather than the other way around.

Also, I've added a class to the DIV to make it easier to set styles.
This isn't strictly necessary.

        /* set up the onclick handler for all links on page load
                $('#' + this.id + '_menu').toggle();
                return false;

On Mon, Jan 4, 2010 at 4:01 PM, Valerij valeri...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hey guys, I'm trying to create 1 really simple function but it just
 doesn't work!

 function showMenu(menu) {
        var menuid = $( #+menu );
        var menuRoot = $( #+menu+-root );


 What this suppose to do is when you click a link, it will change
 settings of a specific div to visible
 The HTML:

 a id=stuff-root class=baritem href=javascript:void(0)
 onclick=showMenu('stuff');My Account/a
 div id=stuff
        a href=##My Account/a
        a href=##More stuff/a
        a href=##Here is a menu item/a
        a href=##Here is a menu item/a
        a href=##Here is a menu item/a
        a href=##Here is a menu item/a

 Why doesn't this work? What am I doing wrong.. When I alert this, I
 get the correct div ids?

[jQuery] Re: How to check whether an element is bound to an event or not?

2010-01-04 Thread MorningZ
There is an DOM element, which is reloading(replaced by ajax response
with same id/tag), then the event isn't no more bounded. I want it to
bounded all the time

instead of all the overhead of binding/unbinding/looking-to-do-either,
why not:

a) just replace the contents of the DOM object

b) wrap wherever you inject the ajax response with another uniquely
identifiable DOM object and wire the event to that?

then the binding is done once and it doesn't matter if the Ajax call
is never made or is made 100 times, the event isn't going anywhere :-)

On Jan 4, 8:19 am, Karl Swedberg k...@englishrules.com wrote:
 In jQuery 1.3.x, .live() only works for a subset of event types.  
 jQuery 1.4 extends support to all event types:

  Possible event values: click, dblclick, mousedown, mouseup,  
  mousemove, mouseover, mouseout, keydown, keypress, keyup
  Currently not supported: blur, focus, mouseenter, mouseleave,  
  change, submit


 Kudos for rolling your own solution for 1.3.x with the onfocusin event.


 Karl Swedbergwww.englishrules.comwww.learningjquery.com

 On Jan 3, 2010, at 5:31 AM, Md. Ali Ahsan Rana wrote:

  I don't know about this much. But, just a while ago, i wa having  
  problem binding focus event with live() method. Just solved it by  
  the following code that i found somewhere on internet:


      var special = jQuery.event.special,
          uid1 = 'D' + (+new Date()),
          uid2 = 'D' + (+new Date() + 1);

      jQuery.event.special.focus = {
          setup: function() {
              var _self = this,

                  handler = function(e) {
                      e = jQuery.event.fix(e);
                      e.type = 'focus';
                      if (_self === document) {
                          jQuery.event.handle.call(_self, e);


              jQuery(this).data(uid1, handler);

              if (_self === document) {
                  /* Must be live() */
                  if (_self.addEventListener) {

                      _self.addEventListener('focus', handler, true);
                  } else {
                      _self.attachEvent('onfocusin', handler);
              } else {

                  return false;

          teardown: function() {
              var handler = jQuery(this).data(uid1);
              if (this === document) {
                  if (this.removeEventListener) {

                      this.removeEventListener('focus', handler, true);
                  } else {
                      this.detachEvent('onfocusin', handler);


      jQuery.event.special.blur = {
          setup: function() {
              var _self = this,
                  handler = function(e) {
                      e = jQuery.event.fix(e);
                      e.type = 'blur';

                      if (_self === document) {
                          jQuery.event.handle.call(_self, e);

              jQuery(this).data(uid2, handler);

              if (_self === document) {

                  /* Must be live() */
                  if (_self.addEventListener) {
                      _self.addEventListener('blur', handler, true);
                  } else {
                      _self.attachEvent('onfocusout', handler);

              } else {
                  return false;

          teardown: function() {
              var handler = jQuery(this).data(uid2);
              if (this === document) {

                  if (this.removeEventListener) {
                      this.removeEventListener('blur', handler, true);
                  } else {
                      this.detachEvent('onfocusout', handler);




[jQuery] Re: jquery.js and jquery-1.2.6.pack.js conflict

2010-01-04 Thread MorningZ
 how can i get the full version of files?


[jQuery] Re: Does anybody know when jquery 1.3.3 or 1.4 will be released?

2010-01-04 Thread MorningZ
 January 14th  is only 10 days away.

and yet, there's no official announcement anywhere about it..i
wouldn't bet on it.. as it stands right this second, Alpha 2 is the
latest official announced version:


chances that it will go through a beta process and be released as
ready for production use in a 10 day period doesn't seem
likely.   and take it from people like me who on Day # 1 use the
latest and greatest.  plan on waiting a little bit, even a day or
two  i recall on the last two big releases (1.2.4 and 1.3) that
they were quickly updated versions addressing some major issue...

 Hope it will be on time.

anything you are coding in particular that requires 1.4 ?  if that
version is absolutely necessary, did you create a ticket when that
stack overflow error you hit, is there an update for it by someone on
the jQuery team?  are you using the nightly builds as suggested above
to see if it has been fixed along the way?

Lots of things to consider. we all want the latest and greatest,
but it's got to be solid :-)

[jQuery] Re: jquery UI sortable, how can i get the text of the li that i just moved ?

2010-01-04 Thread MorningZ
 i tried: $(ui.item).text() but i get an ui is not defined error

that would potentially be a valid way to do it, but without any of
your code to work with, it's hard to help with that

[jQuery] Re: Accessing REST API via JQUERY?

2010-01-04 Thread MorningZ
$.getJSON gets, well, JSON data...  it doesn't handle XML data

you can use the generic $.ajax method (which $.getJSON ultimately uses
anyways, but just with the tpye set to JSON) and handle the data in
the callback event

On Jan 4, 4:06 pm, Simon simon@rewardstream.com wrote:
 Hi there.

 I'd like to use jQuery to access a remote website that has a REST API
 which returns XML data.

 Should I be able to use the jQuery.getJSON request to do it or is
 there another command since it's returning XML.

 Example Request Details (HTTP GET):


 Example Response Details:

 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8 standalone=yes?
 ns3:Account xmlns:ns2=http://oec.api.opsource.net/schemas/
 organization .. 
 ns3:fullNameJoe Public/ns3:fullName
 ns3:nameprimary administrator/ns3:name

[jQuery] Re: How to retrieve the selected cells

2010-01-04 Thread MorningZ
 1) How do I know if a cell is selected? Is there is is_selected( )
function in jQuery?

There's the :selected selector, but it's for valid form fields, not
table cells...

in your case, $(table td.sel) would give you all selected table

I have no idea what your PHP looks like, but one way to gather the
data could be:


but that all depends on what you are looking for (just selected cell
values? do you need position on the grid? something else?)

On Jan 4, 10:11 pm, MT matt.tha...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi all,

 I am new to jQuery and I would like to process a matrix operation
 using PHP.
 The front-end code is done bellow, its a 3x3 table. the user could
 select/deselect individual cells of the table and click the button
 that calls a PHP script that will run some function.

 1) How do I know if a cell is selected? Is there is is_selected( )
 function in jQuery?
 2) Would it be possible to send a 3x3 array to my PHP script?

 Please provide me with any info on this. Thanks!


 My current test code.
 script type='text/javascript'

 script type=text/javascript
 $(document).ready(function() {
         function () { $(this).addClass(sel); },
         function () { $(this).removeClass(sel); }


       .sel { background-color:red; }


 table border=5 cellspace=10

 buttonClick here to process the selection with a php script/button


[jQuery] Re: Help needed with textarea.

2010-01-02 Thread MorningZ
The issue seems to be that you are thinking that the second for loop
will run after the keypress event is called... *it's not*.. it will
only be called on document.ready...

I was going to use jsbin.com to work up an example for you, but i have
absolutely no idea what the first for loop's purpose is, so
unfortunately i cannot help further

On Jan 2, 5:26 am, direheart direhe...@hotmail.com wrote:
 Im unable to store any values from the textarea input. When ever I run the
 for loop to retrieve the values from the array, it is displayed as
 undefined. I not sure how to solve that problem. Any help would be

    var choices = new Array();
    var prev = 0;
    var nex;
    for(i = 0;i  10;i++) {
       $('#textarea1').bind('keypress', function(e) {
                 nex = $('#textarea1').val().length;
                 choices[i] = $('#textarea1').val().substring(prev,nex);
                 prev = nex;


 for(i = 0;i choices.length;i++){
       $(#div1).append(p  + choices[i] + /p);



 View this message in 
 Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: jquery sortable question

2010-01-02 Thread MorningZ
jQuery core's method .index() would be a solution

here's an example:


On Jan 2, 12:17 am, laredotorn...@zipmail.com
laredotorn...@zipmail.com wrote:

 I'm using the sortable plugin with JQuery 1.3.  After a list item has
 been moved to a new place, how do you get the new list item position
 -- i.e. it's now the 1st, 2nd, 3rd ... item in the list as opposed to
 its position on the screen?

 Here's how I'm declaring my sortable list ...

                                 revert: true,
                                 handle : '.adminPrinterHeader',
                                 update : function (event, ui) {
                                         /* What goes here? */
                         });     //

 Thanks, - Dave

[jQuery] Re: Formatting long chains of jQuery code

2010-01-02 Thread MorningZ
I would guess preferred = however someone wants to do it as long as
it works

what you have is perfectly fine.. and bonus points for it
working   :-)

On Jan 2, 9:03 pm, Šime Vidas sime.vi...@gmail.com wrote:
 Is there a prefered way of formatting jQuery code when you have 5 or
 more chained methods?

 I came up with this...http://vidasp.net/jquery-example6.html
 (look at the code at the bottom of the source)

 ... how do you format it?

[jQuery] Re: How do I extract this value?

2010-01-02 Thread MorningZ
var hit = $(#myid).find(a).attr(href).match(/^.+\((\d+)\)$/);
if (hit  hit.length == 2) {
 // hit[1] = 1234 in the example you provided
else {
 // didn't find the value

On Jan 2, 9:13 pm, laredotorn...@zipmail.com
laredotorn...@zipmail.com wrote:

 I am using JQuery 1.3.  I have this basic structure in my HTML ...

 li id=myid
 a class=edit href=javascript:edit(1234) ... /a

 How do I extract the 1234 from HTML assuming I know the id of the
 li element?

 Thanks, - Dave

 ps - I know its bad practice to have the javascript function in there,
 but sadly this is code I inherited and I can't change the href at this

[jQuery] Re: jquery.js and jquery-1.2.6.pack.js conflict

2010-01-01 Thread MorningZ
also, while debugging/diagnosing:  use the *full* versions of the
files, do not use packed or minified, as they complicated matters a lot

[jQuery] Re: jquery.js and jquery-1.2.6.pack.js conflict

2010-01-01 Thread MorningZ
I did tried to remove one library but if i remove
jquery-1.2.6.pack.js then image gallery doesnot work and if i remove
jquery.js menus stop working

Well, maybe instead of pointing fingers to jQuery as the issue, how
about looking into fixing either of your code, the image gallery would
be the smarter choice since fixing that will allow you to move to the
newest version of the jQuery framework...

this is an excellent article diagnosing the three biggest issues going
from 1.2.6 to 1.3.x


that's where I would start  :-)

On Jan 1, 5:51 am, Mr.Aaqib mr.aa...@gmail.com wrote:
 Thnx for your reply. I did tried to remove one library but if i remove
 jquery-1.2.6.pack.js then image gallery doesnot work and if i remove
 jquery.js menus stop working. Now i tried prototype image gallery and
 same problem. when i include prorotype .js gallery menus stop working
 and if include jquery.js file for menus image gallery does not work.

 Any Idea??

 On Dec 31 2009, 10:07 pm, brian zijn.digi...@gmail.com wrote:

  You should only load one of those files. The version included with
  jCarousel is there as a convenience. It's not necessary to use it if
  you already are loading jQuery. It's likely the unpacked version is
  newer, anyway.

  On Thu, Dec 31, 2009 at 7:21 AM, Mr.Aaqib mr.aa...@gmail.com wrote:

   Recently i created menu and image gallery. I used jquery.js for menus
   and for image gallery i used jquery-1.2.6.pack.js as provided by
   carousels galleries. Now both of them does not work at same time. If i
   include both file image gallery script generates error message and if
   i remove the menus jquery.php file menus does not work but image
   gallery works as expected.

   I dont know whether its version conflict or something else. Any help
   will be highly appreciated.

   Aaqib Iqbal

[jQuery] Re: Toggle link Needs to Be UNDERNEATH!!!

2009-12-30 Thread MorningZ
There's multiple issues with the code quoted below...

1) you have this selector:   $('[class^=toggle-item])

but there is no sign of anything in the HTML shows that has any class
name that starts with toggle-item

2) related to #1, the attribute class is *not* a simple string to
all browsers, you cannot, well should not, do that selector

http://jsbin.com/azeve/edit (code)
http://jsbin.com/azeve (run)

works in FF because it will treat it as a string, but IE doesn't (and
One and Two don't get colored yellow

I'd guess by your latest code using className in there that you ran
across that fact

You're best off to use a common class across all togglable items and
if you need to differentiate from each other, use the div's
id (that's why it exists)

then you can say

$(.toggle-item) and that will work cross browser and consistantly

On Dec 30, 10:43 am, Erik eriks...@mac.com wrote:
 Not sure where, but this is it...

 Still doesn't work.

 !DOCTYPE html
 html dir=ltr lang=en-CA
 script src=/src/js/jquery/core/jquery-1.3.2.min.js type=text/
 script type=text/javascript
 $(document).ready(function() {
 $('[class^=link]').click(function() {
 var $this = $(this);
 var x = $this.attr(className);
 $('.toggle-item-' + x).toggle();
 return false;});



         div class=SomeOtherClass foo /div

         a href=# class=SomeClassMore Details/a


         div class=SomeOtherClass foo /div

         a href=# class=SomeClassMore Details/a


[jQuery] Re: If radio button checked - do stuff

2009-12-30 Thread MorningZ
i think the problem is with your selector (and this is above and
beyond the psuedo error

$(form input[name=setting1]:radio).filter(':checked').click

that will only bind the click event to checked radio buttons, which
on page load wouldn't be the desired behaviour

I've fallen for event delegation lately, and taking your HTML, this
would work nicely  :-)

super quick example using your HTML
http://jsbin.com/ajaju/edit (code)
http://jsbin.com/ajaju (run)

On Dec 30, 11:03 am, Silver 8800gt...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hey all,

 I think I'm close, but I keep getting the errors ( Unkonw pseude-class
 or pseude-elmemt 'radio').

 All I need is if the user clicks a radio button for the right if
 statement to run and send the variables to the dq_process php file.

 $(form input[name=setting1]:radio).filter(':checked').click(function
 () {
     if ( $(this).val() == 'home_fy' )
             $.post(dq_process.php, { q: 1, r: 13300 } );
     else if ( $(this).val() == 'home_by' )
             $.post(dq_process.php, { q: 1, r: 24400 } );
             $.post(dq_process.php, { q: 1, r: 0 } );


 ol class=answers
                 liinput type=radio name=setting1 value=home_fy  / 
 Home –
 front yard/li
                 liinput type=radio name=setting1
 value=home_by  / Home – back yard/li
                 liinput type=radio name=setting1
 value=cottage  / Cottage/li

 Any help would be great. Thanks

[jQuery] Re: opera and :visible selector

2009-12-30 Thread MorningZ
I'm not so sure the blanket statement :visible doesn't work in
Opera, as Opera 10 runs the jQuery Docs example just fine:


Works fine for me anyways

perhaps it's not selecting what you think it should be?   and FF/
Chrome/IE compensate for it

On Dec 30, 10:01 am, phatfish phatf...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi all,

 Im using this code --

 var uri = /generator/render?s=formo=image+$(#main-
 form :visible).serialize();

 -- to select and then serialize only the visible fields in a form (i
 have hidden inputs i don't want sent in this ajax request). However
 Opera v10.10 it appears doesn't support the :visible selector (at
 least in jQuery) and gives the error Unknown pseudo class relating
 to the :visible selector.

 The value of the uri variable ends up with duplicate fields in the
 serialized string, messing up the request data. Caused it seems, by it
 not liking that selector.

 The code works fine in Firefox/Chrome/IE but not Opera. If i remove
 :visible and just use #main-form as the selector, it serializes
 the form correctly. So i'm sure the selector is the problem.

 If anyone knows an alternative way to make the selection so hidden
 fields aren't selected, that will work with Opera as well as the other
 browsers mentioned, that would be helpful.


[jQuery] Re: Plugin Authoring and $.extend

2009-12-30 Thread MorningZ
anything that the docs doesn't explain properly?

it pretty much combines two objects, saving the result in the object
specified as the first parameter... in Mike's awesome article, he has
default values but if the user passes in options, the .extend()
method overwrites the defaults with what the user passed in

if the second parameter of the .extend() has a same key as the first
parameter, the second parameter wins

here's a quick example:

http://jsbin.com/itihe3/edit (code)
http://jsbin.com/itihe3 (view)

so in the first extend: $.extend(obj1, obj2);
- obj1 and obj2 don't share any key names, so the result is all the
keys names, obj1 is now 6 items long

the second: $.extend(obj1, obj3);
- obj3's key1 value overwrote what obj1 had  (and again, obj1 is now
storing this merging)

the third: $.extend(obj1, obj3);
- obj3's foo2 value overwrote what obj2 had (and now obj2 has the
merged values)

in the plugin article, and in many many plugins, you'll see that they
take the result and assign it to another variable to keep the combined
set inside the closure (I'm pretty sure, heh)

that help?

On Dec 30, 12:47 pm, T.J. Simmons theimmortal...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi all,

 Got a quick question. I'm writing my second plugin following Mike
 Alsup's pattern (http://www.learningjquery.com/2007/10/a-plugin-
 development-pattern) and the only part that I have yet to wrap my head
 around is using $.extend().. I understand what it does, sorta, but not
 the why. I've read the documentation for $.extend and it doesn't seem
 to make much sense with the way it's used within that walkthrough, at
 least not to me.

 Is anyone able to put it in a more understandable way, other than what
 the documentation has?


[jQuery] Re: Plugin Authoring and $.extend

2009-12-30 Thread MorningZ
oops.. that should say:

the third: $.extend(obj2, obj3);

[jQuery] Re: opera and :visible selector

2009-12-30 Thread MorningZ
How about seeing if

$(#main-form :input).filter(:visible).serialize()

works across all browsers

On Dec 30, 2:21 pm, phatfish phatf...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Dec 30, 5:50 pm, MorningZ morni...@gmail.com wrote:

  I'm not so sure the blanket statement :visible doesn't work in
  Opera, as Opera 10 runs the jQuery Docs example just fine:


  Works fine for me anyways

  perhaps it's not selecting what you think it should be?   and FF/
  Chrome/IE compensate for it

 OK i made a test case:http://gist.github.com/266301(that file along with 
 jquery min)

 Firefox etc. output:

 Opera output:

 Now i did notice that if you remove the fieldset tags, it works OK in
 Opera too. That appears to be the source of the problem.

 Any ideas, i rather like using a fieldset...

[jQuery] Re: autocomplete plugin not working in firefox

2009-12-30 Thread MorningZ
Do you have FireBug installed (you should!) to see if the plugin at
least tries to make the request?


On Dec 30, 8:23 pm, mary ann marya...@gmail.com wrote:
 I'm using the autocomplete plugin.  The following script works in IE,
 but doesn't work in Firefox.  It doesn't appear  that these are even
 being triggered.  So when the page displays in Firefox, the
 searchStudents textbox has no autocomplete associated with it.

 $(document).ready(function() {
 Student)%', {
             dataType: 'json',
             parse: function(data) {
                 var rows = new Array();
                 for (var i = 0; i  data.length; i++) {
                     rows[i] = { data: data[i], value: data
 [i].LastName, result: data[i].LastName };
                 return rows;
             formatItem: function(row, i, n) {
                 return row.LastName + ' - ' + row.UserId;
             width: 300,
             mustMatch: false,
             limit: 10

         $('#searchStudents').result(function(event, data, formatted) {
             if (data)
             $('#Students).append('option value=' + data[UserId] +
 '' + data[LastName] + '/option ');

         $('#deleteStudents').click(function() {
             $('#Students :selected').each(function(i, selected) {

[jQuery] Re: jQuery suggestion

2009-12-29 Thread MorningZ
Writing the code that way is not only good for code completion/
suggestion but also good for syntax checking

But it's also bad to repeat code which results in more weight
which is exactly why code like that is written like so  and
people's need for speed is going to far outweight your need for
IntelliJ's intellisense to work...  not that i have one ounce of say
in that, but after being on this Google Group for a while now, the
core of jQuery is all about optimized base functionality (which the
above code example does, as it takes care of two functions with one
set of code) and lowest kb's possible (which not repeating code
certainly helps!!)

You could make your own functions that *will* show up in Intellisense
but call the base functions, for instance... and note i have never
done this myself, but i know it's possible:

small and quick example:

http://jsbin.com/ujiru (run)
http://jsbin.com/ujiru/edit (code)

and then your text editor should pick up your version of innerWidth
and show it intellisense style, all without touching the core (or
increasing it's size!)  :-)

On Dec 29, 11:54 am, Thai Dang Vu tdan...@gmail.com wrote:
 Thanks Scott for a reply. Is there any other place where I can talk to the
 jQuery team and hopefully persuade them to write this wonderful library in
 that regular way? Writing the code that way is not only good for code
 completion/suggestion but also good for syntax checking (esp. with a tool
 like Idea).

 On Mon, Dec 28, 2009 at 3:26 PM, Scott Sauyet scott.sau...@gmail.comwrote:

  On Dec 28, 2:55 pm, Thai Dang Vu tdan...@gmail.com wrote:
   I'm using IntelliJ Idea 9.0 which supports code completion/suggestion for
   javascript. It doesn't work with the innerHeight/Width because of this

           jQuery.fn[inner + name] = function(){ // [ ... ]

   Is there anyway to implement the innerHeight and innerWidth in a regular

  Of course it could be done in the regular way.  But this is a means
  to keep the download size of the library small.  There are numerous
  places in the codebase where similar tricks are employed.  One
  consistent goal of the jQuery team has been to keep the library as
  lean as possible, and such tricks help, with practically no
  performance cost.

  I believe it would take a great deal of persuasion to convince the
  team that supporting code completion in this way is worth the
  additional weight of the download, but feel free to try... :-)

   -- Scott

[jQuery] jQuery in Action = $15 off today (12/28)

2009-12-28 Thread MorningZ
Just a heads up to people on this list  Manning Publications is
running a special of $15 off their books today only... one of those
books is the excellent (I'd almost say *required*) read jQuery in


Just enter dotd1228 in the Promotional Code box when you check out
at manning.com.  The $15 discount on any purchase expires at midnight
ET (GMT - 5:00) tonight!

[jQuery] Re: ajax success event does not work

2009-12-28 Thread MorningZ
try also catching the error event and see what the problem is (which
make no doubt about it, something is wrong with the response for
jQuery to not go into success

type: POST,
url: submit1.php,
data: $(#regist).serialize(),
dataType: json,
success: function(){
$(#loading).append(h2you are here/h2);
error: function(x,y,z) {
//  x.responseText  -- will have the server side
error message if PHP outputs what is wrong


On Dec 28, 8:20 am, idcoder idrishlaxmid...@gmail.com wrote:
 Can anyone explain me what does success function arguments
 contain..for ajax jquery..
 I read the following in the documentation

 success - Function
 A function to be called if the request succeeds. The function gets
 passed two arguments: The data returned from the server, formatted
 according to the 'dataType' parameter, and a string describing the
 status. This is an Ajax Event.

 function (data, textStatus) {
   // data could be xmlDoc, jsonObj, html, text, etc...
   this; // the options for this ajax request


 i want to know what is the data and textStatus

 I have this code here :

 $(form#regist).submit(function() {
                 var str = $(#regist).serialize();
                 type: POST,
                 url: submit1.php,
                 data: $(#regist).serialize(),
                 dataType: json,
                 success: function(){
                         $(#loading).append(h2you are here/h2);

                 return false;


 the success part does not work.. i can enter the data into the DB if
 all fields entered are correct..However if something is wrong then
 nothing happens.

 Can anyone guide me where i am going wrong..Thanks a lot..

[jQuery] Re: wild card selectors question

2009-12-28 Thread MorningZ
If it was me, I'm not sure i would hide the row from the user, because
as an example, what happens if I accidentally select the 9 choice?
by hiding the row from the user's view, you do not give them the
ability to fix that mistake...

none the less, you can do what you seek without worrying about
breaking up and parsing out the id's of the controls/rows, jQuery's
parent() selector makes this easy:

case in point: http://jsbin.com/uberi/edit

also note the usage of event delegation, which allows one single DOM
object, the table, to have the event latched onto it, which may be a
big resource saver if you've got a ton of these rows/radio-buttons

[jQuery] Re: Can't get the $.POST working

2009-12-27 Thread MorningZ
but the FLASH chart is not reloading

Maybe i am missing something, but where in your shown code above are
you attempting to reload anything?   your $.post command only has
target URL and params specified, not any actions tied to success

On Dec 26, 11:00 pm, Tristan tristan.bessou...@gmail.com wrote:
 ok, i turned on my brain and i found the error :

 $(nomGSP).click(function () {     incorrect
 $(#nomGSP).click(function () {    correct

 but it would not be fun if it works ! i've got the correct data
 produced by the changing (i can see it in the ajax request), but the
 FLASH chart is not reloading so all i can see is the original flash
 chart (not updated)
 any ideas ?

 the flash chart is contained into an div

 and the options are provided by this  :

 ../open-flash-chart.swf, graphique3,
 900, 800, 9.0.0, /expressInstall.swf,
 loading:loooading...} );


[jQuery] Re: open drodown

2009-12-26 Thread MorningZ
If there was an API for it, it would be on the docs page (http://
docs.jquery.com), but in thinking what a select looks like when it's
open, it's easy to use some simple code to change the select's
size property (http://www.w3schools.com/TAGS/att_select_size.asp)
from 1 to # of children and back again:

(working) case in point:


On Dec 26, 1:45 pm, fachhoch fachh...@gmail.com wrote:
 My select drop down   is inside a div , I am wondering if jquery has any api
 to open the dropdwon   ,when  user clicks on  the div ?

 div class=wrapper
         select name=infGrantProgram id=program 
                 option value= selected=selectedChoose One/option
                 option value=114AD - DEVELOPMENTAL DISABLITIES - 
                 option value=372AC - Developmental Disabilities 
 Councils -
                 option value=771ADPTASST - Adoption Assistance - 
                 option value=978AE1 - Community Based Abstinence 
 Education -
                 option value=935AEGP - Abstinence Education Grant Program 
                 option value=815ZV - ASSISTANCE FOR  VICTIMS OF 

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