Re: Zero Width Space

2018-05-22 Thread steve harley

On 2018-05-20 17:38, @lbutlr wrote:

I am trying to copy the zero width space from the character viewer and I don’t 
seem to be able to do so, I can copy the entire character info, but I can’t get 
just the character.

when you Copy Character Info, you get three lines, the first of which 
contains the actual character …

Unicode: U+200B, UTF-8: E2 80 8B

… so you actually sent us a ZWS in your text quoted above; it immediately 
precedes the return terminating the first "blank" line; you can arrow 
through to select and copy it

as Macs R We notes, you can insert it into text you are composing by 
double-clicking the glyph in Character Viewer; i found that you can also 
drag the glyph from the Character Viewer into text

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Interactive test in bash

2015-05-20 Thread steve harley

On 2015-05-20 16:14 , Carl Hoefs wrote:

I could check for the existence of the $TERM_PROGRAM or $SSH_CLIENT env vars, 
but I’m thinking there must be a better way to do this?

consensus on stackexchange is to test the env vars

also note the $(who am i) solution
MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Blank screen screen saver?

2014-12-09 Thread steve harley

on 2014-12-09 10:40 Arno Hautala wrote

The Apple logo is probably your best bet, short of putting together
your own with Quartz Composer. Tutorials and examples are pretty

not vouching for this, but it's up the right alley:

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Using mdfind -- how?!?

2014-11-06 Thread steve harley

on 2014-11-06 18:50 Michael wrote

mdfind -name Xcode

returns every file with "Xcode" anywhere in the filename. Case insensitive.

What's the proper way to use mdfind?

mdfind kMDItemFSName ==

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: iMac CD slot access

2014-11-05 Thread steve harley

on 2014-11-04 18:02 Carl Hoefs wrote

It's a 27" late 2009 iMac. The slot's not much wider than a CD, and with
the foam rubber guard in the way, there's about 0 chance it'll come out on
its own just from gravity. ... Guess there's no other way than to place
the unit on its side, fish around with a paper clip, and hope to get
lucky. That should keep the student busy for days...

"I called Apple Care and they said don't mess with it, bring it to the Apple 
Store. The Apple tech took a 6" long piece of 2" wide cellophane packing 
tape and folded one end of it over to make a non sticky handle. Then they 
inserted it into the drive and the SD card stuck to it and came right out!!"


MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Special Latin character missing

2014-09-06 Thread steve harley

on 2014-09-06 12:28 Carl Hoefs wrote

I’m editing a Latin document and I need to use a special roman character that 
looks like a lower-case “m” with a tilde over it (like ‘ñ’ but an ‘m’). The 
Special Characters menu item brings up a panel that shows all the Latin 
characters, but it doesn’t have this character, only ḿ, ṁ, ṃ, and ɯ. Is there 
any way to generate it? I suspect it’s non-standard, and I may be out of luck 

the way i handle these is to google "m tilde unicode", load an appropriate 
page (first link worked for this), then copy and paste the character, m̃, 
into the document (assuming it comes through with Unicode encoding intact, 
you can copy from this email)

if you need such characters a lot, enable the Unicode input method and 
memorize the code point; this one is actually a sequence of two code points: 

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: how do I migrate email after a fresh OS install?

2014-05-11 Thread steve harley

on 2014-05-11 15:19 Dinse, Gregg (NIH/NIEHS) [V] wrote

Hi Steve,

Well, that's what I thought as well, but it did not work in my current case.  
As I mentioned in my original post, this did not capture any mailboxes that 
were in mail folders (and subfolders).  If all of my mailboxes were at the top 
level, it probably would have worked fine.  But I have a lot of things like, 
for example, Apple/hardware, Apple/software, etc.  In fact, I have some 
directories that are 3 or 4 layers deep.  Any mailboxes within such subfolders 
were not retrieved.

sorry - i didn't read to the end after you mentioned Export, assuming that 
paragraph was all about exported mail not importing well, so i didn't see you 
had used the more direct import approach

i have used Mail's Import on Thunderbird mbox files and (old) Mail mbox files, 
but i don't think i've used it on the newer maildir-like folders

in a quick test (on 10.7, btw) i am getting null results attempting the latter 
type of import from a copy of some of my own Mail store; Mail finishes 
suspiciously quickly on a 34 MB multi-folder archive, tells me to look for 
results in a mailbox called Import, but there is no such mailbox; here is 
someone else reporting the same behavior, but no solution:

i recalled an old way of doing this and it seems to work (again, on 10.7): copy 
the old original mail folders (from the old V2/Mailboxes/) to the new 
V2/Mailboxes/ then relaunch Mail; for me, the mailboxes appeared under On My 
Mac, but were empty until i individually selected them and chose Mailbox > 
Rebuild; then all the messages appeared

although i had renamed the top level mailbox, but it took it's old name based 
on the info.plist file; if i deleted info.plist before launching Mail, the 
mailbox didn't appear; i haven't extensively tested this or looked for 
references on the technique

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: how do I migrate email after a fresh OS install?

2014-05-11 Thread steve harley

on 2014-05-11 11:57 Dinse, Gregg (NIH/NIEHS) [V] wrote

The mailboxes that I'm talking about are the ones that I created in the "ON MY 
MAC" section of the sidebar, to store messages on my hard drive.

it's been a while since i used it, but i believe File > Import Mailboxes … will 
take care of most scenarios

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Automator help

2014-05-10 Thread steve harley

on 2014-05-09 17:27 LuKreme wrote

I guess that the real issue is that drives often get mounted as TV-1 or TV-2 
instead of TV.

again, hunches only — there's still a mountpoint for the drives even if they 
aren't actually mounted? or perhaps they are are already mounted with guest 
access at the point you are mounting with privileges; if so, and if it's 
acceptable to disable guess access, that might help

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Automator help

2014-05-09 Thread steve harley

on 2014-05-09 9:49 LuKreme wrote

Thinking I was being clever, I created an automator app to mount my network 
drives. Trouble is, it mounts them all as guest.

I don't see anything in either "Get specified server" or "Connect to servers" 
that allow me to set a user name/password (or even better, just connect as me using my keychain... 
I am running the app myself).

Any ideas?

Do I have to specify the user:pass in the afp:// url?

i think that will work; it makes me cringe, but i have done it in AppleScripts

other than that, my hunch (because i don't have time right now to experiment, 
and i'm on 10.7 anyway) is that it might be more effective to write an 
AppleScript to tell Finder to access the drives, triggering its default 
behavior, which in my experience tends to use the Keychain

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Forward or send email to Safari Reading List?

2014-05-02 Thread steve harley

on 2014-05-02 9:51 list boy wrote

Anyone know of a script/service that would put an email message in Safari’s 
Reading List?

i did a search on the essential terms and found this:

with which adding a URL to your reading list is a snap (could also use as plain 

if you want to add the whole message to your reading list you face two major 
obstacles; first, you'd need write a file with the content of the message; 
AppleScript will get you the plain text, but if you want the HTML version of 
the email, you have to parse the message source before writing the file; also, 
it appears Safari won't add a file: URL to reading list, so you'd need to have 
a webserver to host it

given that, here is a quick and dirty method:

* start web sharing
* in the shell:
  sudo mkdir /Library/WebServer/Documents/readinglist
  sudo chgrp staff /Library/WebServer/Documents/readinglist/
  sudo chmod ug+w /Library/WebServer/Documents/readinglist/

* then use the following script with a message selected in Mail:

i'm sure there are cases i haven't covered, but it works for me in os x 10.7.5; 
another approach would be to print a PDF to the same webserver

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: iTunes track replacement algorithm

2014-05-01 Thread steve harley

on 2014-04-24 23:28 Hacker Scot wrote

I can’t for the life of me figure out what criteria iTunes is using to decide 
when an album is identical. Anyone know?

in my experience it is the tracks, not the whole album that it is matching, and 
it matches tracks based on album name plus track name; if you have modified 
either post-RIP, it won't match; however if you modified them before you RIP 
(on the CD listing in iTunes) it may match — i often correct 
spelling/capitalization before i RIP, and iTunes sometimes remembers this; 
lately it has seemed less likely to remember

generally i don't let iTunes do the replace thing, instead i delete the old 
tracks before ripping; i don't really care about play counts and i add artwork 
directly to the track files (versus Apple's weird databasey way), usually with 
Album Artwork Assistant, so i have to re-add artwork when i reRIP anyway

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Memory upgrade issue ?

2014-03-27 Thread steve harley

on 2014-03-26 21:41 LuKreme wrote

On 25 Mar 2014, at 15:55 , Charles Dyer  wrote:

On 25 Mar 2014, at 08:02 , Jean-Christophe Helary 

I just bought a number of 1333mhz 8gb

There’s your problem right there. IIRC the 27” late 2009 iMac had four DIMM 
slots, each of which was officially rated at taking 4 GB sticks. Unofficially 
_most_ 8 GB sticks would work, but some won’t.

I don’t think the late 2009 iMac supports 8GB DIMMs at all. 4 slots and a 
maximum of 16GB according to MacTracker.

according to, the i5/i7 late 2009 versions can "unofficially" 
handle 32GB, while the Core 2 Duo versions cannot

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: dual ethernet ports

2014-01-03 Thread steve harley

on 2014-01-03 10:14 Dinse, Gregg (NIH/NIEHS) [V] wrote

Can I use both ethernet ports on my Mac Pro to make local network backups 
faster, or at least to keep local network backups from slowing down internet 


1. connnect LaCie disk array to Mac Mini via thunderbolt

2. connect Mac Mini to gigabit router via ethernet

3. connect Mac Pro to gigabit router via ethernet

i don't know the config procedure, but i'm pretty sure you could use both ports 
if you configure the Mac Pro to route between them (Mini on a subnet?); however 
i'd be surprised if your backups will saturate your network to the point it 
disrupts internet use; i understand the LaCie 5big is quite fast, but will the 
source drive also be so fast? and what type of backups are you doing (e.g. Time 
Machine seems to have a lot of CPU overhead)

also, given its speed, i would recommend using the LaCie 5big for primary 
storage rather than for backup

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Calendar modifications notifications

2013-12-30 Thread steve harley

on 2013-12-30 2:02 Jean-Christophe Helary wrote

I'm looking for a way to be notified when somebody modifies a shared calendar.

Any idea ?

i get notices of this specific type automatically on my iOS devices; just to be 
clear, these are notices for an iCloud shared calendar, and my iOS devices and 
desktop are logged into iCloud and syncing calendars; my desktop is not running 
a version with Notification Center, so i don't know if these same notifications 
can be received by OS X

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: how do I put some (or all) of home directory on second disk?

2013-12-22 Thread steve harley

on 2013-12-21 12:06 Andy Lee wrote

How do the proposed solutions compare when the other drive is unmounted?

my experience with the no symlinks, no aliases approach: i have a home server 
with iTunes Media folder pointed at an external volume; all the music is there, 
but all the movies are on a different external volume; "Copy files to iTunes 
Media folder" is turned off; on a few occasions one of these external volume 
has become dismounted (e.g. bad power supply)

iTunes did report an error if i tried to play something was unavailable; i 
don't recall whether there was a message or just the exclamation point "track 
missing" symbol on the track; iTunes still functioned with the media that was 
available, and it recovered perfectly well upon remounting, even if the drive 
was put into a different enclosure

in case it matters, this experience has been on OS X 10.7.5 (and earlier), and 
iTunes 10.x (and earlier); i don't think i've had a drive dismount like this 
under iTunes 11 yet

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: how do I put some (or all) of home directory on second disk?

2013-12-17 Thread steve harley

on 2013-12-17 10:57 Carl Hoefs wrote

So why consider a hard link if a symbolic link works fine for the purpose?

there is no reason to consider a hard link because it simply won't work; as for 
a symlink, i'm not sure that will be problem free either

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: how do I put some (or all) of home directory on second disk?

2013-12-16 Thread steve harley

on 2013-12-16 13:28 Neil Laubenthal wrote

If you just want to move portions of your homedir…then copy them elsewhere and 
replace the folder (say ~/Movies) with a hard link to the new location. You do 
this with the ln command from terminal. A hard link is essentially the Unix 
equivalent of an alias…although I suppose that you could just use an alias 
instead even though it’s not quite the same. Man ln from terminal will give you 
all of the gory details on the command.

unless there has been a major (and very surprising) change, hard links by 
nature cannot refer to other volumes; some other options are to move your 
entire iTunes library to the other volume, and use Preferences > Advanced to 
point there; or to delete the media files from iTunes, move them to the remote 
volume, and drag them back into iTunes (after turning off "Copy files to iTunes 
Media Folder"); it is also possible to move the files, then edit the paths in 
the XML version of the iTunes library file and reload this

i last did this a few years ago, and have music and movies on separate, 
non-boot volumes on my home server; thankfully i haven't needed to mess with it 
because though there is plenty of info available from those who seem to spend 
their lives doing it, it is still a pain to move large libraries; among other 
things you may lose your last played info, and if you rely on iTunes for album 
art (instead of embedding it in the files), you may lose that too

as i recall, iTunes does not especially like aliases, nor symbolic links, but 
if you are using something else to play your media, one of these may work

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Swap file tracking

2013-12-07 Thread steve harley

on 2013-12-05 22:09 LuKreme wrote

On 05 Dec 2013, at 13:32 , steve harley  wrote:

ls -l /var/vm/swapfile* | awk '{ foo+= $5 } END { printf "swap is %2.1f MB", 
foo/1024^3 }'

1024^3 is GB.

yup - i think a few years ago i did a hasty edit; it was originally 1024^2, but 
i wanted fewer digits

what puzzles me is why the awk loop doesn't work when i issue the above command 
directly in the shell - works fine as a script file

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Swap file tracking

2013-12-05 Thread steve harley

on 2013-12-04 10:46 Neil Laubenthal wrote

On Dec 4, 2013, at 12:41 PM, list boy  wrote:

Anyone know if there's a way (via the console/Terminal) to track swap file 
size, over time?

i used to have this shell script assigned to a keyboard shortcut:

ls -l /var/vm/swapfile* | awk '{ foo+= $5 } END { printf "swap is %2.1f MB", 
foo/1024^3 }' | growlnotify

you can get growlnotify from here:

you could re-purpose this to send output to a log file

You can ls /private/var/vm of course…but I don’t think the actual size of the 
swap files in there goes down unless you reboot in which case they get deleted.

they do go down, but not exactly proportion to memory you free up, and not 

I thought I understood this stuff…but Activity Monitor shows 8.11 GB of VM 
currently while I only have a 67MB and a 1GB actual swap file. Where does the 
over almost 7GB of VM reside?

most of that VM is probably mapped to files on disk (other than the swap files) 
or to memory shared with other processes (whether on disk or in RAM)

i believe it's also possible to allocate memory but never reference it and thus 
have it exist as an address that is neither in RAM nor on disk

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Surprised ...

2013-11-23 Thread steve harley

on 2013-11-23 15:11 list boy wrote

First some data:

MBA 4,2 with a 240gb SSD.

amount of RAM installed is a big factor; my guess is yours has 4GB

More browsing, playing some video through Airplay to an ATV
Left on overnight (meaning no reboot)
11:00 am=39.81 GB

something is chewing up swap at an unusual rate; use top or Activity Monitor to 
sort processes by VPRVT, you may find a culprit; if it looks like Safari or 
Chrome is doing it, i'd suspect some pages have large JavaScript apps running 
in them; with Chrome, as we have been discussing, the Task Manager lets you 
probe usage per tab (and per extension)

The questions:
If the swap file size is dynamic, shouldn't it shrink when I quit out of 

it will in many cases, but generally not in exact proportion to how much swap 
an app has caused to be added; some is "stuck" because, for example, different 
apps have both mapped memory to locations within the same swap file; it can 
take a while (minutes) to release what may be released

Is anyone else seeing this kind of SWAP accumulation? Aye Yi Yi

i have seen it near that high, though i bet i push my machine a lot harder; i 
also have 16GB of RAM, which essentially means 12GB more RAM must be consumed 
before i reach the same amount of swap

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Surprised ...

2013-11-22 Thread steve harley

on 2013-11-21 15:41 LuKreme wrote

On 21 Nov 2013, at 12:26 , steve harley  wrote:

Safari claiming 11GB of real memory

That seems excessive.

indeed, but it is just taking what it can; it would probably be lower if the 
machine didn't have 16GB RAM, or higher if there weren't other apps competing 
for RAM; in other words, in itself real memory is not a full measure of memory 
status of an app

and 143GB of VM!

That’s completely irrelevant.

first note that this was VPRVT, not VSIZE

knowing that VM is a matter of mapping address space, some of which is never 
used and/or never transferred between RAM and disk, i still have a hard time 
imagining what would need to be mapped to reach that figure, and it correlated 
strongly with big performance problems

in the above case i didn't capture swap usage, but another time i recorded what 
may be a different syndrome — 8GB of real and 19GB of VPRVT for Safari Web 
Content (aka WebProcess in top); in this case, with no other "giant" processes, 
i had 30GB of swap in use; the implication is that a substantial portion of 
VPRVT represented data moved at least once between RAM and disk; in both cases 
system response was terrible due to swapping, and quitting and relaunching 
Safari with the same tabs brought performance back to normal for at least a 
couple of days

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Surprised ...

2013-11-21 Thread steve harley

on 2013-11-21 14:16 Scot Hacker wrote

I wouldn't expect any browser now or in the future to be performant with that 
many tabs open.

why not?

anyhow, the fact is that Safari performs fine until it stews for a few days; i 
have often have 80 or more tabs, and my observation is that the more tabs, the 
fewer days before Safari sucks the life out of everything and demands a 
relaunch; i would relaunch more often but i have abysmally slow DSL, so 
reloading lots of tabs is glitchy

Chrome does not have anything like Safari's creeping memory consumption 
problems; i can keep a few dozen tabs open in Chrome session for weeks while 
i'll have had to relaunch Safari several times; now and then a single tab runs 
away with the CPU, but the Task Manager makes that easy to handle

It also sounds like a real usability hassle. I don't let myself keep  more than 
~8 open, regardless of browser -  to conserve both memory and sanity.

8 would really cramp my style, but i don't presume my sanity and yours are 
equivalent; browser tabs are part of my filing system

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Surprised ...

2013-11-21 Thread steve harley

on 2013-11-17 8:52 Ashley Aitken wrote

But I don't know what to make of a tab in Google Chrome having very nearly one 
gigabyte of memory (real memory as reported by Google Chrome's Task Manager and 
Activity Monitor) and over 100% CPU.

i seem to be locked in a lifelong battle with web browsers and memory; Safari 
is worse, and harder to manage; leave 50 tabs open in it for a few days and it 
will use a huge amount of swap; i recently saw Safari claiming 11GB of real 
memory and 143GB of VM!

so i keep Chrome as the resting place for various sites where i might use a lot 
of tabs, and for certain plug-ins and Flash (Flash is not installed on my 
machine, i only use Chrome's sandboxed version); i've seen Chrome tabs claiming 
1GB once or twice; i usually attribute them to memory leaks in active 
JavaScript pages; but even with dozens of tabs, Chrome does not impinge on the 
system as a whole the way Safari often does

(i am using OS X 10.7)

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Test

2013-09-18 Thread steve harley

on 2013-09-14 12:20 Michael_google gmail_Gersten wrote

This is a test.

it seems to have come back in a flood
MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Old G Airport Express(s)

2013-07-15 Thread steve harley

on 2013-07-15 19:56 list boy wrote

I have two old Airport Expresses. Both G's, (model A1084).

I've been using a 2009/2010 and then 2012 Airport Extreme for the last 3 years, 
and I'm wondering why I'm still holding on to the AE's.

Can I use them in any way with an N network?

the Airport Extreme also broadcasts on G, thus the Express can extend your 
overall LAN, to both wifi and wired devices, limited to G speeds; mine is set 
up that way, and gives my TiVo access to program information (ethernet jack); 
also, until the AppleTV took over, the optical audio output went into my 
receiver as the main way i played music from the iTunes server upstairs

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Aperture vs. iPhoto (speed)

2013-07-05 Thread steve harley

on 2013-07-03 22:43 Kevin Callahan wrote

I'm finding iPhoto unbearably slow (42,000+ photos on an iMac QuadCore i7 with 
8 GB of RAM).
I'm wondering if Aperture is faster?

i don't have a head-to-head comparison, but Aperture has been very slow for me; 
i've tried removing the image folders from Spotlight, and i don't Time Machine 
them either (i make a backup when i import images); that helped but i think 
there's more to do; it does seem i/o bound, and an SSD will probably help a lot

i'm running the latest Aperture on OS X 10.7.5, using a late 2011 quad i7 
macbook pro with 1GB VRAM and 16GB RAM, but a 5400rpm drive; i wouldn't hold 
out hope for Aperture beating iPhoto, but it is a much more flexible tool; if i 
were starting over i might choose Lightroom instead, though — Apple doesn't 
seem to give Aperture a lot of love

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Replacing an HDD with an SDD on SL OSXS

2013-06-25 Thread steve harley

on 2013-06-25 10:58 Carl Hoefs wrote

Good point. Supposing I did an image copy of the internal / drive onto the 
external SSD. Is there then a way to boot the Mac mini (Snow Leopard Server) 
from the external SSD drive (FW400)? That would at least keep things going in a 

yes, you can boot from the external (that's the premise of step 2.5 in my 
earlier response); FW800 would be faster, but you won't get the full benefit of 
the speed of the SSD (the potential speed of an SSD is limited anyway by this 
Mini's SATA bus)

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Replacing an HDD with an SDD on SL OSXS

2013-06-24 Thread steve harley

on 2013-06-24 14:33 Carl Hoefs wrote

We have a server Mac mini[1] running OS X 10.6.8 Server [...]

Does this plan sound reasonable:

1. Place the SDD in an external drive enclosure and format it as Mac OS 
Extended Journaled.
2. Make an image(?) copy of the HDD drive's 1st partition onto the SDD (how?)
3. Physically swap out the HDD with the SDD.
4. Boot up and run.

Any recommendations on how to accomplish step 2?

yes very reasonable

2. use Carbon Copy Cloner; follow the instructions carefully (i am using the 
3.4.7 freeware version without problems on OS X 10.7.5); SuperDuper probably 
works about as well

2.5. verify you can boot from the external drive before swapping it in

2.75. if you have installed software with an activation-type license scheme, 
deactivate it first on the original drive before launching and activating on 
the new drive

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: File Recovery

2013-06-06 Thread steve harley

on 2013-06-05 14:30 Rudolf O. Durrer wrote

Well, I'm not very familiar with Time Machine and the impact it may have to the other 
work when using "only" USB 2.

another thought: once you've got your initial full backup completed, the big 
impact from Time Machine is not usually the transfer to the backup drive, but 
the analysis it does of your files to decide what needs to be backed up; in my 
case, even in the middle of the night every hour it finds 2-3000 files that 
have changed and takes 1.5 minutes, daytime it's often 4-5 minutes (spinning 
750GB drive, quad i7 MBP, USB2 backup drive)

the bigger/slower your drive and the more files, and perhaps the slower the 
processor or the fewer cores, the more this can bog down the user experience 
while Time Machine does its work

(it's dumbfounding to me that the OS & services create so many file changes per 

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: File Recovery

2013-06-05 Thread steve harley

on 2013-06-05 14:30 Rudolf O. Durrer wrote

Well, I'm not very familiar with Time Machine and the impact it may have to the other 
work when using "only" USB 2.

*if* the backups slow your machine too much (i would try default settings 
first, and let it settle for a couple of days), one way to manage this is to 
turn off the default hourly updates and have it work overnight; i think this is 
the tool i've used, but only on 10.5; there are probably others:

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: File Recovery

2013-06-02 Thread steve harley

on 2013-05-31 16:47 Rudolf O. Durrer wrote

Yeah, could have well been Norton.

memory jogged slightly, another tool was Complete Undelete

As far as my memory isn't too bad, it was just about a bit been switched ON or 
OFF to make the deleted stuff reappear (well, as far as portions of the file 
were not overwritten later).
And this is, what I'm looking for

it is far more than a single bit; tools like Complete Undelete had to be 
installed before you deleted the files, and were constantly active in the 
background maintaining a separate "shadow catalog" of files that had been 
deleted, including metadata; to undelete, they essentially created a new file 
entry in the directory catalog and copied the contents from the (hopefully not 
overwritten) data extents

it's no wonder tools like Time Machine, plus cloud/redundancy services, have 
decimated the market for undelete tools; Time Machine comes with a significant 
cyclical performance hit, though, if you run it at default settings a drive 
with a relatively large number of files

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: File Recovery

2013-05-31 Thread steve harley

on 2013-05-31 11:25 Rudolf O. Durrer wrote

Well, there is commercial software (ie Data Rescue), who has it built in, 
others allow for building a module asf.

didn't know that; does Data Rescue have a signature for .scpt files?

I'm really astonished, that in a so crucial field, there no outstanding 
solutuion. I remember way back (in OS 7 to 9), making accidentally deleted 
files resurrect was a few clicks with the mousemagic of a lost world?

the difference is the backup solutions at the time were not nearly as easy to 
use nor pervasive, so resurrection was a stronger need (same may be said of our 
selves in general?); one of the tricks was tools that always kept a backup of 
your old catalog entries, making resurrection easier; the downside was this 
software was crufty (was it Norton?) and didn't make the OS X transition cleanly

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: File Recovery

2013-05-31 Thread steve harley

on 2013-05-31 6:29 Rudolf O.Durrer wrote

I could not activate  the search for Applescript files (".scpt", that's the 
files I'm looking for)

as you may know, when scanning the raw disk for deleted files, there are no 
filenames, so software has to recognize the files by the pattern of their data; 
i'd be surprised if any commercial software is going to have a signature for 
AppleScript files, so i think your only hope is to determine for yourself a 
signature for those files that works with something like Foremost; then you 
hope that the files are in single 8KB blocks, or contiguous blocks (fortunately 
most AppleScript files are small)

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: File Recovery

2013-05-29 Thread steve harley

on 2013-05-29 4:50 Rudolf O. Durrer wrote


sometimes, sh.. happens: for me, that was yesterday evening. I accidentally 
deleted a folder containing a whole bunch of vital Applescripts. OK, I have a 
backup from two days ago, but I made some changes yesterday I would like to 

Foremost is available via homebrew, but you'll need to configure it to find 
AppleScript files (which will sometimes be bundles, complicating things 

general approach outlined here:

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Quicklook

2013-05-27 Thread steve harley

on 2013-05-27 10:29 LuKreme wrote

QLStephen allows you to blacklist some extensions, blacklist some directories, 
and whitelist specific filenames. It does not, as far as I can see, allow you 
to add extensions which is what I need to do.

i see what you mean; the whitelist is essentially there to override the 
blacklists in special cases; it doesn't whitelist extensions because it 
considers every extension not blacklisted nor handled by another QL plugin to 
be text

e.g. xyz.gibberish is Quicklooked as if it were text; this might seem to go too 
far, but i haven't yet run into any of the pathological cases described in the 

that said, the code is pretty simple; in URLChecker.m, you could obvert the 
function of the extension blacklist to be a whitelist by changing line 31 to 
"return true;", moving lines 24-32 below the following block, and changing line 
47 to "return false;"

this would *only* recognize the given extensions as text (in addition to those 
extensions handled by other QL plug-ins)

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Quicklook

2013-05-26 Thread steve harley

on 2013-05-26 9:22 LuKreme wrote

So, is there any way to add, for example, .sh to the list of text types for 

yes, rather than splice it into TextEdit's types, use a different QuickLook 
plug-in; e.g. this, which works for me (note several interesting improvements 
in the branches which haven't been merged):

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Safari and pop-up adverts

2013-05-22 Thread steve harley

on 2013-05-22 6:00 Rudolf O. Durrer wrote

Am 21.05.2013 um 22.02 schrieb LuKreme:

Here’s one that I use and seems to work:

This link is a 404 error here

not a 404 here; took a long time to load, but did load

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Safari and pop-up adverts

2013-05-21 Thread steve harley

on 2013-05-21 13:15 Carl Hoefs wrote

Is there any way to truly stop Safari from popping up advert windows? The one that keeps coming up 
is from "this content served by ad shuffle dot com". I already have "Block Pop-Up 
Windows" checked but it and the ones from Netflix and MacKeeper sail right on through. Is 
there a blacklist extension for Safari? This is soo annoying.

if you are willing to clamp down on Javascript you can kill pretty much all of 
them; i use JavaScript Blocker, set to the default of disabling Javascript that 
doesn't come from the same domain as the page i'm loading; it's the only Safari 
extension i use except 1Password

you get an interface to manually build up a white list; it has the side effects 
of significantly speeding up some sites, lowering the CPU load of Safari with 
many tabs, and occasionally crashing Safari (around once a week under heavy 
use); by building my whitelist i have learned quite a bit about what 3rd party 
services websites are using

i just realized there's an update to Javascript Blocker and it now has a bunch 
of new features including built-in whitelists and blacklists, which could mean 
it's easier to set up, but it's still pretty geeky

maybe fewer crashes too, too soon to tell ...

MacOSX-talk mailing list

2013-04-26 Thread steve harley

on 2013-04-25 19:49 list boy wrote

I was afraid of that. Nope, I was hoping to do this w 21.5" mdPort iMacs.

So it sounds like unless I come across a 27" mdPort (non-Thundebolt) iMac, I'm 
going to need to get a thunderbolt cable.

Thunderbolt cable won't make it work with your 21.5" 2010 iMac; but if you have 
any Thunderbolt iMac, it will work

MacOSX-talk mailing list

2013-04-25 Thread steve harley

on 2013-04-24 18:52 list boy wrote

I'm not getting the magic to happen, with an MBA 2011 and a mid 2010 iMac, when 
connecting them with a mini display port cable.

According to this tech note (, Target Display mode 
will not work with a "mere" Mini-Display port cable, going between two 
thunderbolt Macs.

So... that means I CAN connect the MBA with non-Thunderbolt iMacs, correct?

first, you are using a 27" iMac, right? my understanding is TDM only works with 
27" DisplayPort iMacs, though it works with both sizes of Thunderbolt iMacs

assuming 27", this confirms success with your combo (though "yay for 
Thunderbolt" comment doesn't make sense, it was a DisplayPort connection):

also confirmed here, with notes about unstable video (and a fix):

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Airserver (was Re: airplay question)

2013-04-22 Thread steve harley

on 2013-04-21 22:44 Ashley Aitken wrote

Only one (1) day left though: 

i've bought this bundle and a few others, but be aware there is a psychic cost 
as well: since i use an unique email address each time, i can tell you your 
email address will be shared with each of the vendors (even for the apps you 
don't download or install) and will eventually start to receive outright spam 
(because a few of these small vendors are always going to be sleazy or get hacked)

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: airplay question

2013-04-21 Thread steve harley

on 2013-04-20 13:24 Dinse, Gregg (NIH/NIEHS) [V] wrote

The Mac Mini is always on, as is the Mac Pro.  With an Airport Express (AE), I 
could connect the AE to the receiver in the living room.  Then I could choose 
the multiple speaker option in iTunes (on the Mac Pro) and have audio play 
directly from iTunes on the Mac Pro through the speakers in the living room.  
This should work, but it would require additional cables, and since the Mac 
Mini is already connected to the sound system, I'd like to use that if possible.

since you have an "AV" sound system, i wonder if you've considered streaming 
video as well; an Apple TV is the answer for that; it works as an Airplay 
target from iOS & Mac, and can also access your audio and video libraries on 
any Macs (photo libraries too), and can handle various streaming services like 
Hulu and Netflix; assuming your AV receiver routes all signals, the cabling is 
dead simple: power to the ATV and HDMI from the ATV to the receiver

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Is Apple supporting this bill ? U.S. House passes cybersecurity bill as privacy concerns linger

2013-04-18 Thread steve harley

on 2013-04-18 18:26 Kevin Callahan wrote

Backers included the wireless group CTIA, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and 
TechNet, which represents big technology companies such as Google Inc, Apple 
Inc, Yahoo! Inc and Cisco Systems Inc.

Is Apple supporting this bill?

technically it's off-topic (though this list is nearly dead), and you seem to 
have answered your own question, but yes, Apple supports CISPA; like many 
companies, Apple is hiding its support behind trade organizations; Apple is a 
member of at least four trade groups that support CISPA: CTIA and TechNet as 
noted above, and also ITIC and BSA; Apple is an important member of these 
groups, and yet it could be a member and still disagree with their positions; 
if so, however, you'd expect it would have issued its own statement … it's not 
like Apple never issues statements, Apple signed the pro gay marriage brief in 
Feb., and one could consider CISPA an issue closer to Apple's actual business 

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Best RSS?

2013-03-31 Thread steve harley
for years i've gotten 70+% of my news from RSS feeds (nowadays, another 15% 
from Twitter, for all its faults); Vienna is not bad, i am gradually moving 
some feeds over to it from NetNewsWire which i no longer trust; Vienna is under 
active development, and is pretty stable for me

Thunderbird, surprise surprise, also does an okay job of mailbox-style feed 

on an upcoming 10 day trip (iPad, no computer), i'm going to be trying out 
Feedly, but it took several tries to get it to authenticate with Google Reader; 
Feedly promises a replacement for Google Reader's syncing API, which is 
promising, but i am in the camp that thinks having a proprietary service 
syncing your feeds is not a good long term strategy (unless you both trust and 
pay them); that is why i'm strongly considering building myself a river of news:

i have a lot of respect for Dave Winer, but i don't always agree with his 
methods; his ways is okay - free for a year if you haven't used EC2 before - 
but after that it will be $3/day! i think i could build a pretty good river on 
Drupal using cheap shared hosting; i think i could also make it "mailbox-style" 
so that things would have a "read" flag (Winer dislikes this approach)

whatever you do, stay away from NetNewsWire - i'm weaning myself off of it as 
there has been almost no development for the last few years, and it has some 
long standing bugs; perhaps the market for RSS readers will pick up with Google 
Reader's demise and give the NetNewsWire a shot in the arm, but i really don't 
trust the outfit that owns it now\

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: control of audio output from iTunes

2013-03-20 Thread steve harley

on 2013-03-19 19:43 Dinse, Gregg (NIH/NIEHS) [V] wrote

My Airport Express is pretty old also, so perhaps that is the problem, though 
it worked fairly recently.

i power cycled the Airport Express and it shows up as an output in iTunes 11

i made various changes to local outputs without them showing up in iTunes: i 
plugged headphones into the analog out and this showed up only in option-sound 
menu replacing Internal Speakers; this was a 2011 Mac Mini running 10.7.5; 
plugged a Firewire DAC into 2011 MacBook Pro (10.7.5) and still only the 
Airplay options are shown in iTunes, but DAC was added to option-sound menu; 
behavior was functionally the same in iTunes 10.6.1 under 10.5.8 on a 2009 
MacBook Pro

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: control of audio output from iTunes

2013-03-19 Thread steve harley

on 2013-03-19 7:39 Dinse, Gregg (NIH/NIEHS) [V] wrote

I am running 11.0.2 and there is no speaker selection icon to the right of the 
volume slider.

okay, first it looks like the icon is for Airplay only, not for multiple local 
outputs; but i don't recall that iTunes offered up a choice between my USB DAC 
and analog outputs, only the different Airplay options

also, just noticed that my Apple TV is showing up, but not my Airport Express; 
the latter is the old 802.11g version and tends to need a restart often, so 
maybe that's it, but i rarely Airplay to that output any more anyway …

so i _do_ see the icon, but it has certain issues; when the icon is missing it 
would suggest that it can't find an Airplay destination, so i would 
troubleshoot that — lots of posts in Apple's discussion forums and elsewhere, 
some of which say restarting everything will fix it

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: control of audio output from iTunes

2013-03-18 Thread steve harley

on 2013-03-16 11:14 Dinse, Gregg (NIH/NIEHS) [V] wrote

It seems that iTunes keeps changing how it handles output control.  At one 
point, there was an icon in iTunes that I could click on to easily choose any 
one of these outputs, or even multiple outputs.

Then a newer version of iTunes got rid of that feature,

it's just been moved; in 11.0.2 the speaker selection is in the top left, just 
right of the volume slider; i use it frequently and particularly use it for 
multiple outputs (usually Apple TV and local USB out)

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Drives me mad ...

2013-03-04 Thread steve harley

on 2013-03-03 22:13 LuKreme wrote

In our previous episode (Sunday, 03-Mar-2013), steve harley said:

philosophically, i use "early exits" a lot to save time and avoid excess 
structure (depending on the language, too);

Ah, I am just the opposite then. I will add structure to make things as clear 
as possible, so I am far more likely to write

if false then
   do this
   do that

even if do this or do that are empty, just in case I need that logic block 
later I find it is much simpler to see what I did and add code in the right 
place than try to tack on that structure later on.

these are age-old questions, but the question of general structure is different 
from that of early exits; just for fun i asked the internet and found this 
thread that provides some good point/counterpoint:


_after_ the early exits, i do generally follow structured programming norms, 
but i don't use empty elses

however since i have only one early exit here, what i did seems superfluous; 
maybe there were some other tests there before, but now it might as well be:

if the_choice is not false then
  … rest of block

A! run away!

i try to ignore AppleScript's Englishishness; the fact is, choose from list 
returns either false (instead of throwing an error like every other choose 
command) or a list, so you have to check the type or force it to throw an error 
indirectly; other ways to do it, but also with trade offs:

if class of the_choice is list then
  … rest of block


  set the_choice to item 1 of the result
  set user_canceled to false
on error
  set user_cancelled to true
end try

if not user_cancelled then
  … rest of block

i think the intuitiveness (to me at least) of false meaning the user canceled 
overrides the awkwardness of the apparent double-negative

py-appscript is a much more expressive way to do what AppleScript can do; it's 
really too bad Apple has shelved the APIs it relies upon

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Drives me mad ...

2013-03-03 Thread steve harley

on 2013-03-03 9:33 LuKreme wrote

Oh, now that is clever.

if i were really clever i'd have already written a Safari extension, but thanks 
for the close look

One note on your script (OK, two), since you don't use the_windows variable, 
why not replace

set the_windows to every window
repeat with w in the_windows


repeat with w in every window

that would work fine in this case; the form i used is just a safe habit coming 
from two notions: first, my idiom avoids re-executing "get every window" on 
each pass, but does more list traversal; sending Apple Events used to be a lot 
slower, but i still write scripts (mostly in py-appscript now) that need 
optimization; looking at the event log, my construct sends an event like this:

get id of window id 113513

where your suggestion sends

get id of item 2 of every window

performance on the latter might or might not be as good — it depends somewhat 
on the target application's implementation of selectors

also, i have found many cases where assigning the result of a get before 
"using" it happily coerces the result; this avoids intractable errors that 
sometimes occur when an Apple Event is embedded in a complex expression; i seem 
to run into this most in py-appscript, and again, i blame this is on quirks in 
the Apple Events implementations of various apps

and, logically, in the run handler

if the result is false then
  … rest of block

philosophically, i use "early exits" a lot to save time and avoid excess 
structure (depending on the language, too); however since i have only one early 
exit here, what i did seems superfluous; maybe there were some other tests 
there before, but now it might as well be:

if the_choice is not false then
  … rest of block

("is not false" is not the pointless double negative that it seems; it avoids a 
type error)

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Drives me mad ...

2013-03-02 Thread steve harley

on 2013-02-24 10:32 Ashley Aitken wrote

I frequently have 5-10 browser windows with 5-10 tabs in each ...

same here; Safari is my to-do list and to-read list, along with a research 
trail on projects of the moment; i have to kill Safari (if it doesn't kill 
itself) periodically because memory usage is ridiculous — recently saw 3GB 
real, 8.3GB virtual for the Safari Web Content process 77 tabs, but i can 
reopen the same tabs and it'll be something like 1GB total …

(regarding the symptom of Safari "slowness", on a quad i7 i don't have 
Javascript race conditions as often as i did on a Core2Duo, but i do turn off 
JS sometimes to bring the processor load down (i never use Java nor Flash in 
Safari); i've also been using the JavaScript Blocker extension in Safari, to 
reduce the JS load; it takes a while to teach it what you want to allow, but in 
the end it cleans up a lot of ads and speeds page loads significantly)

i wish Safari had a Task Manager like the one in Chrome, so i could id the 
pages that are memory and processor hogs; in addition to the stats, you can 
double-click on a tab's name in the Task Manager and it brings forward the 

i wrote an AppleScript that does more or less that latter task for Safari; it 
lists all the tab names in a "choose from list" box, sorted by domain; you can 
double-click to bring the selected window and tab to front; not nearly as slick 
as Exposé, but it is faster than keyboarding through all the tabs

here is the script:

(i use related scripts to archive names & links to all the tabs in a window, or 
all tabs in all windows, to a new note in Evernote; same for Chrome; this is 
handy since i tend to do all the research on a topic in a single window; then i 
can run the script and close the window, and i find Evernote easier to search 
and review than Safari's bookmarks)

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: super-focused text editor

2013-01-19 Thread steve harley

on 2013-01-19 16:51 Ashley Aitken wrote

Great tip/solution Steve - who'd of thought Unix was so forward looking (to a 
time when we need help focussing ;-).

thanks; i'd bet this way of working has already been finessed in emacs too

Just a typo correction perhaps:

I think that should be Control-D (Ctrl-D) to finish (not Cmd-D).

yes, of course; my fingers know it so well i didn't think to think about it

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: super-focused text editor

2013-01-19 Thread steve harley

on 2013-01-19 7:29 Andy Lee wrote

There are a number of text editors designed for focused, distraction-free 

I seem to recall at least one that only allows forward progress.

what you describe is essentially a pure typewriter simulator; i don't know of a 
native Mac app that can do it, but there probably is one; there are some quick 
& dirty ways to do it; one would be to use an actual typewriter, then scan and 
OCR the result (a ScanSnap S1500m is an excellent accessory for your typewriter)

another way is in the shell; here's a bash function:

  tw () { test -f $1 && cat $1 ; cat >>$1 ; }

start editing like this:

  tw foo.txt

and type away; you can backspace as far as the beginning of a line, but once 
you hit return the line is committed; hit cmd-D to finish; to continue where 
you left off, the same command will "roll the paper back into the typewriter" 
and leave you positioned to type at the next line; note that the file is in 
effect "autosaved" each time you hit return

to complete the experience, combine with a good font choice and full screen 
mode, possibly use split screen (as in iTerm 2) to shift the text from the the 
edge of the screen

i also found this:

and this, which i didn't trust:

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Remote screen control for Air in restore mode

2013-01-10 Thread steve harley

on 2013-01-10 21:30 Charles Dyer wrote

How difficult would it be to open the MBA and remove the drive? The drive, once 
out of the MBA, could be attached to a drive-to-USB connector and you could 
attach it to another Mac and nuke it from there. Alternatively you could keep 
the old drive as a backup and replace it with a new drive.

If this MBA has a SSD, then this probably won't work. (possibly among others) has external cases that work with the 
MacBook Air SSDs, and replacements for the SSDs

if the Air is new enough, i understand Target Disk Mode works with Thunderbolt; 
this would require another Thunderbolt Mac and a cable

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Swap file size, Macbook Air

2012-12-09 Thread steve harley

on 2012-12-08 15:56 John Musbach wrote

You're using 10GB of RAM LuKreme (plus some swap)? Jeez, what the heck are
you running? o.o

all it takes is lots of tabs in one or more browsers; i see it all the time on 
my 16GB machine; i currently have 94 tabs open in Safari, somewhat less in 
Chrome; these two are by far the biggest culprits in generating, at the moment, 
11GB of swap

answer to's question is to examine his app usage and modify his 
behavior, or just not worry about it (swap on an SSD is not as big a deal, 
though it takes space)

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Creating an editable PDF form on Mac OS X

2012-11-18 Thread steve harley

on 2012-11-17 21:24 Kevin Callahan wrote

For those of us who do not have Word or Acrobat Pro, what options do we have on 
Mac OS X for creating a PDF form that is editable by a recipient?

i assume you mean fillable PDF forms …

i also assume you don't want to write code …

probably the easiest "free" solution is Google Docs, but the formatting options 
are limited; can be handy if all you want to do is collect some responses such 
as for a simple survey

there are also a few tools like PDF Editor Pro, PDFpenPro or PDF Studio that 
can do it, but at a price not much lower than the "home & student" edition of 

or you could pay $75 for a one-month Creative Cloud membership

or you could by a Scansnap S1500m which comes with a license for Acrobat 9 Pro

What software would the recipient (Mac, iOS and Win) need?

for fillable forms, Preview's okay, has problems with some

Adobe Reader is available on all platforms, haven't tried filling a form on iOS 
with it

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: multiple commands in the shell

2012-10-19 Thread steve harley

on 2012-10-19 16:50 LuKreme wrote

Basically, what I want to do is simply have an alias that does both of these 

1) ssh user@
2) screen -DRRS Fred

without having to remember to actually do the screen command. The trouble is, 
an alias will execute the ssh, and then execute the screen command AFTER the 
ssh terminates, not sending it to execute eon the remote Mac.

this works for me:

  alias mycmd ="ssh -t user@ 'screen -DRRS Fred'"

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: is Juice (podcast receiver) Abandonware? On project site written "© 2005. The Juice team."

2012-09-30 Thread steve harley

on 2012-09-29 3:14 Alex Kornilov wrote

is Juice (podcast receiver) Abandonware? Downloaded it and it even doesn't 

because it is PowerPC only; it looks like it's mostly Python code, though, so 
if you dig around maybe someone has repackaged it for Intel …

which lightweight alternatives? Don't wish iTunes, because too fat. Only wish
to subscribe to audio podcasts, nothing more.

maybe Vienna; not quite lightweight, but it's lighter than iTunes and 
NetNewsWire, the two apps i've used for podcasts; NetNewsWire has been my main 
feed reader for years, but is in a downward spiral now, so i'm trying out 
Vienna again, which i used many years ago

there are some other, lighter weight apps but i don't know enough to trust any 
of them

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Mailings

2012-09-19 Thread steve harley

on 2012-09-19 9:48 Andrew Brown wrote

I need to send out a good number of messages, sometimes a few thousand at a 
time, and have been using Mailings ( but it throws 
away accented characters in a random way.

you don't say enough for me to know exactly what problems you are seeing and 
whether it is just some or all recipients, but my first take is it sounds like 
Mailings is using the wrong text-encoding; you could determine this by 
examining the Content-type headers of emails sent by Mailings (or if the 
messages are multi-part, each part may have a Content-type just below its Boundary)

i prefer UTF-8, which works for all the email systems i use; i don't for a fact 
know that all recipients can handle UTF-8, but i do know that emails coming 
from MailChimp (one of the best-known direct email tools, which i've helped 
people set up for their businesses) use UTF-8 by default, which is a pretty 
good indication that it works for most recipients

Does anyone know of a reliable program for mailings?

i can't recommend any desktop software; most small businesses use an online 
service for this sort of thing, because those services are much better at 
managing the spam risks than your average ISP; i have seen people use MailChimp 
successfully, though i would shop around before choosing a service for my own 
use; if your mailings are more like a mailing list in nature i'd consider 
mailman, or Google Groups

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Copying email addresses in Mail

2012-09-17 Thread steve harley

on 2012-09-17 5:45 Andrew Brown wrote

Is there a list of such things? like

defaults write GetMailToCookDinnerAndWalkTheDog -bool YES

the Secrets database is a good resource; if you search for "mail" as in the 
below URL, you'll find several Mail switches, including the switch in question:

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Junk mail

2012-08-11 Thread steve harley

on 2012-08-11 9:47 Michael wrote

Now that Google has been caught cheating and violating privacy, you might not 
trust them any longer -- I don't.
But it's the only viable option I've found for dealing with spam.

i have my main email domain (this) with an independent email specialist,; i pay a modest fee for very good service, including excellent spam 
filtering; i receive a few spam messages per day, not hard to handle, and not 
bad for an email address that has been in the wild for 13 years (for most of my 
account emails i use unique addresses); i haven't been spam-bombed (thousands 
of bounces coming "back" to my forged address) for more than a year, but that's 
not proof that fastmail has protected me from such

i also have had gmail and accounts for several years with significant 
traffic, so i have a basis for comparison

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Junk mail

2012-08-11 Thread steve harley

on 2012-08-11 12:11 John Stalberg wrote

This is your colleuges inbox and therefore his responsibility to let your email 
address be flaged as to be put in his inbox.

i don't keep any address book on my gmail accounts and have never had a problem 
with email getting through

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Apple Mail speed up

2012-08-07 Thread steve harley

on 2012-08-07 11:29 Dinse, Gregg (NIH/NIEHS) [V] wrote

Thanks for the link.  I searched my mac for the word "Envelope" and did not see 
that there is an Envelope Index file in ~/Library/Mail/V2/MailData.  I'm not sure why my 
search did not find that result.

in my experience Spotlight won't find Library items by default

Do you have an opinion on whether this procedure is a "good thing"?  Is it different than 
using the built-in "Rebuild" option in Mail?

no opinion; i use Mail as an archiving tool; my main email client is Thunderbird

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Apple Mail speed up

2012-08-07 Thread steve harley

on 2012-08-07 9:56 Dinse, Gregg (NIH/NIEHS) [V] wrote

This procedure was still possible in Snow Leopard, but in Lion I don't see a file called 
"Envelope Index" in the Mail subdirectory of my Library directory.  In fact, 
about the only thing I see is a V2 directory (and it does not contain a file called 
Envelope Index).

the consensus from a quick Google on the most obvious search terms is that 
there is a MailData folder within the V2 folder that contains the target for 
the vacuum operation


MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Sort Safari's bookmarks

2012-07-26 Thread steve harley

on 2012-07-26 10:42 Kevin Callahan wrote

is this the best way to sort folders and bookmarks in Safari?

in the comments there's a link which leads to

won't help for Windows

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Upgrade to gigabit switch worth it?

2012-07-02 Thread steve harley

on 2012-07-02 11:11 steve harley wrote

the two machines connect via gigE ports on a first-gen
(non-simultaneous dual band) Time Machine

make that Time _Capsule_
MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Upgrade to gigabit switch worth it?

2012-07-02 Thread steve harley

on 2012-07-02 9:08 Neil Laubenthal wrote

I have a question about whether upgrading to a gigabit switch makes sense for 
my situation; googling indicates that while at least in theory 802.11n is 
faster than 100 MB ethernet it's not likely true in real use, other arguments 
say that upgrading the switch makes sense from a throughput standpoint.

i personally get much better performance over a gigabit ethernet than via 
802.11n; classic case is that when i import photos into Aperture, i have it 
back up these images to a LAN-attached machine; i haven't timed it but when the 
primary machine is on wifi a big batch will seem to be an order of magnitude 
slower than when both machines in question are on gigE

in case it matters the two machines connect via gigE ports on a first-gen 
(non-simultaneous dual band) Time Machine — that may affect my wifi results; 
the third gigE port on the Time Machine goes to a cheap TP Link 5-port gigabit 
switch which serves a laser printer and ad hoc connections

in short, if you do big transfers between your laptops, a gigabit switch is 
worth it; they are very inexpensive

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: alternative to MobileMe Gallery?

2012-07-01 Thread steve harley

on 2012-06-30 14:39 LuKreme wrote

Flickr pro is cheap and very usable, but if you have to share with people who 
will not login to a site,t hen that's going to be pretty much a killer.

people with whom you share photos on Flickr do not have to log in, not even to 
see slideshows; and there are services like Flickriver that give you alternate 
viewing formats

Flickr Pro is a lot cheaper than Mobile Me, but i haven't paid; Pro simply ups 
your quota to infinity, allows full-res images and promises no ads (i don't 
really notice ads on Flickr anyway); the biggest downside to non-Pro is it 
shows only your last 200 photos, though the others are still there and can be 
linked if you have the URL

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: alternative to MobileMe Gallery?

2012-06-29 Thread steve harley

on 2012-06-29 18:11 Kevin Callahan wrote

I told him to make a simple web site, but he doesn't want to have to go through buying a 
domain, setting up a host, creating a page etc.  I showed him how easy it is to do so, 
but he wants to find another "MobileMe Gallery" with simply integration as we 
have in iMovie and iPhoto for sharing that, as you say, doesn't come with the YouTube 
cruft. He also doesn't want people to have to log in via user/pass to view his video(s).

that's why i mentioned Tumblr — it does most of the work for you if you're 
willing to settle for a domain (which shouldn't alienate 
someone who's used Mobile Me); i'm a real Drupal fan, but Tumblr has really 
boiled down the UI and you can get started in just a few minutes; if file 
dialogs are intimidating there are also iPhoto and Aperture to Tumblr plug-ins, 
though i haven't tried them

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: alternative to MobileMe Gallery?

2012-06-29 Thread steve harley

on 2012-06-29 16:41 Kevin Callahan wrote

 One of those inquiring about alternatives said he wanted to share his video 
via a simple link where the video would just start playing on any device, and 
the video was not surrounded by links or thumbnails to any other videos.

one option to somewhat reduce the YouTube cruft and still keep it widely 
playable is to embed in a webpage; i would bet Tumblr makes that pretty easy, 
also other blogging packages

With Dropbox, doesn't the viewer have to download the file? Or, will a link to 
a movie sitting in someone's Dropbox allow direct streaming via a browser on a 
mobile device?

you can wrap video/photo files in HTML (such as with JAlbum as i suggested) and 
deposit the whole "site" on dropbox and send people a URL to open it as a web 
page, rather than download the file; i know people who do this often with 
photos and it works well, i suspect it works with movies too

Dropbox also has a built-in gallery feature when you put folders of photos into 
the Dropbox/Photos folder; haven't tried it with movies

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: alternative to MobileMe Gallery?

2012-06-28 Thread steve harley

on 2012-06-28 21:34 Kevin Callahan wrote

What's the alternative to MobileMe Gallery for sharing photos and *movies* 
without all the associated crap we get with other services?
I've been inundated with emails from friends and relatives begging me to help 
them find a solution.  They love MobileMe Gallery and are not interested in 
YouTube, Vimeo, Flikr et al - and most have no interest in Facebook or are 
leaving Facebook.

i'm on a very active photo sharing list with people using all the major 
services and some rolling their own; some use just DropBox with jAlbum; haven't 
done it myself but i consider it a fairly elegant solution; one could also just 
buy cheap hosting and use Aperture's built-in gallery feature (dunno if iPhoto 
can do same), which i have tried for a couple of things though i'm not thrilled 
with Aperture's templates

both of these are going to turn of technophobes, though

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: iMac "Target Display Mode"

2012-06-26 Thread steve harley

on 2012-06-26 12:57 John Stalberg wrote

Thunderbolt is Mini-Display Port compatible without any converter. However, if 
this is enough to do what you are asking is unknown to me?

the Thunderbolt output of a Mac includes a Mini DisplayPort signal, but a 
Thunderbolt iMac in Target Display Mode does not accept a plain Mini 
DisplayPort signal as an _input_

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: iMac "Target Display Mode"

2012-06-26 Thread steve harley

on 2012-06-26 11:41 Nathan Sims wrote

But sadly, the 2011 iMac I have has a Thunderbolt not Mini-Display Port, so 
solutions you listed won't work with it. :(

ah, well then you have a different model than you implied by the article you 
cited in your original post; the only device that can use your iMac as an 
external display is another Thunderbolt Mac; Kanex claimed at one point to be 
developing an adapter that would work with Thunderbolt iMacs, but it's 
vaporware for now

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: iMac "Target Display Mode"

2012-06-26 Thread steve harley

on 2012-06-26 10:10 Nathan Sims wrote

The information here details how to use an 
iMac as an external display for another iMac. But is it possible to use an iMAc 
as an external display for say a Blu-Ray DVD player? If so, I don't quite see 
how it's done...

assuming you have one of the specific iMacs described in the article you'd need 
an HDMI to mini-DisplayPort converter; from minimal research i believe these 
products will do that, but i can't vouch for any of them (haven't bothered with 

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Adding to a PDF

2010-04-06 Thread steve harley

On 2010-04-06 08:09 , Paul Sargent wrote:

Wouldn't the signature stay as a separate layer in the PDF, and hence
be 'cut and paste'-able onto any document the recipient wanted? I know
a bit of Photoshop can do the same for any document, but doesn't this
make it stupidly easy?

it wouldn't be separate layer in the result, but you can cut & paste 
anything from any PDF; the idea, though, that it's any less "safe" than 
sending a piece of paper with your signature is mistaken; anyone who can 
see your signature can easily reproduce it

(i paste my signature onto PDFs and other electronic documents fairly often)

At least you'd want to set some permissions on the PDF, right?

that would be useless, since there is no iway to truly secure a PDF document
MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Adding to a PDF

2010-04-02 Thread steve harley

On 2010-04-02 11:13 , Jonathon Kuo wrote:

I seem to recall that way back when you could do this with Preview.
Then they "fixed" it.

i'm running 10.5 and i can't copy & paste in Preview, but i can drag & 
drop pages between documents using the sidebar; can also rearrange pages 
by drag & drop, and the menu has insert blank page and delete selected 

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: archiving Mail

2010-03-31 Thread steve harley

On 2010-03-31 04:37 , Rudolf O. Durrer wrote:

I established various mail folder hierarchies on external partitions,
then changed the LocalAccountName-path to it. You can do that in the (with Plisteditor or Pref setter or similars,
remember to to a backup of the .plist file before .:-).
Go to the entry called "MailAccounts" and choose the relevant item (it's
usually the second item there). You change the "Accountpath" to your new
hierarchy, close and save.

just wanted to mention OfflineIMAP as another way to accomplish 
something similar; i have not used it yet, but have been following it 
for a while with the thought that it might serve me well (i use a 
combination of Thunderbird, Mailplane(gmail) and for various 
reasons, and would potentially use OfflineIMAP as a central respository, 
though no IMAP solution is perfect for gmail, imo)

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: archiving Mail

2010-03-30 Thread steve harley

On 2010-03-30 12:02 , Arden Currie wrote:

What is the best way of archiving older email in Mail?
I have created a new mailbox and moved all the email I want to save into
Then what, find it in ~/Library/Mail/ and burn it to a disc?
I am concerned that it may not always import into newer versions of Mail
so it can be viewed and searched.
Nothing worse than an error message saying the mbox is corrupt and can't
be imported.

as noted, Mail uses maildir format with extras; there is at the moment 
no reason to expect Apple to change the format in the future; since each 
maildir message is an individual text file, you can always write a 
script or something in case maildir support is lacking 30 years from now 
(and you really need your old emails); i think this is better than any 
consolidated database format

leaving messages on disk in an "on my mac" folder is a good option 
because SpotLight indexes them and will open them in Mail from search 
hits; when you back up you computer, you've backed up your email too; i 
have all my email since the early 90s on my computer and it doesn't take 
too much space (about 6 GB)

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Applework freezes/crashes

2010-03-25 Thread steve harley

On 2010-03-25 15:47 , Rudolf O. Durrer wrote:

have also bought a new macbook Pro last June, also with SL on it, and I
also downgraded that one, and I do not have that AW problem there

this might confuse someone ...

the current MacBook Pro line was released June 2009, and came with 10.5 
at the time

10.6 was released in late August 2009

(i am happy with 10.5.8 on my 13" Unibody MacBook Pro)
MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Unibody Macbook with Silver-Zinc battery - rumors as to *when*? - power-brick iMac (smaller, more energy efficient?) - standardizing power and micro-USB (camera) plugs

2010-03-24 Thread steve harley

On 2010-03-24 08:41 , William Ehrich wrote:

On the other subject: I think we all hate power bricks.

i don't hate them; one plus is that they are easier to replace than 
internal power supplies; another is that they lighten my load -- i keep 
a power supply at work and another at home for my laptop

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Content changes in folder "Volumes"

2010-03-22 Thread steve harley

On 2010-03-22 11:01 , objectwerks inc wrote:

On Mar 22, 2010, at 10:52 AM, David Schwartz wrote:

So you're using a version of Mac OS X that is _older_ then the version
that shipped with your Mac?
I guess you're lucky it boots at all.

I was wondering this too.  The question I guess is when did this iteration of 
the Mini first start shipping.  Was it before or after SL came out?

after (Oct. 2009), so it's a little surprising, but if 10.5.8 works, it 
means not much is custom/new in the mini compared to the unibody laptops 
that came out before 10.6

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Applescript term for searching

2010-03-17 Thread steve harley

On 2010-03-17 12:26 , Rudolf O. Durrer wrote:

Am 17.03.2010 um 17.30 schrieb steve harley:


also Automator has two actions, snip...snip...snip...

That's what I'm actually trying to to: using Automator.
The page you mentioned here seemed interesting, but the scripts do not
work. That's maybe because the scripts are for Tiger...

should probably work in 10.5 too; not sure about 10.6, since the Finder 
has been rewritten; at a minimum i'd expect on 10.6 (and maybe even 
10.5) the very specific designations for GUI scripting such as

  tell window 1's splitter group 1's group 1's group 2's group 1
click pop up button 2 of group (count groups)

have probably changed; there are ways to investigate/fix that, but 
frankly i think it's much more work (and more fragile) than the mdfind 

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Applescript term for searching

2010-03-17 Thread steve harley

On 2010-03-17 03:43 , Rudolf O. Durrer wrote:

Am 17.03.2010 um 06.10 schrieb steve harley:

you can use the shell, via AppleScript, to script Spotlight; here's a
good intro:


Short replay:
Many thanks for the answer, unfortunately that does not solve my problem.

it seems you have a different problem, then; i agree that this task is 
not as easy as it was with Sherlock

you say you don't like the "command line", so i hesitate to mention 
another command line system that can aid you in your task, Google ...

which led me to another approach, which i consider inelegant, but which 
might suit you:


also Automator has two actions, Find Finder Items and Spotlight that 
seem relevent -- if you save an Automator workflow as an app, it is 
scriptable, but i'm not sure offhand how to get the search text into it 
(the ugly clipboard approach of your old script might work)

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Applescript term for searching

2010-03-16 Thread steve harley

On 2010-03-16 19:02 , Rudolf O. Durrer wrote:

tell app "Sherlock"
search {disk or folder name} for x
end tell

That does not work anymore with spotlight, which seems not to be

you can use the shell, via AppleScript, to script Spotlight; here's a 
good intro:

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Overtemp shutdown reset

2010-03-16 Thread steve harley

On 2010-03-16 14:16 , Jonathon Kuo wrote:

On Mar 15, 2010, at 9:11 PM, steve harley wrote:

try holding the power button as you plug in the power cord; this is the only 
hardware reset i know of
specifically what message did you get that made you feel it was an overtemp 
sounds possible your motherboard is faulty

Tried holding the power button as I plugged in the power cord. No diff. Just a 
thought that if there was a bad temp sensor it might have this behavior.

when you say "the mini remains off" when you hit the power button, but 
the fan runs, does anything else happen -- drive access? LED lights?

if you have one can you boot from an external drive?

there's a chance that it's just the HD temp sensor wire that got left 
unplugged, but you said it was checked

beyond that, it probably stopped being able to boot because of a 
motherboard failure, not an overtemp condition

Guess I have a new doorstop.

well, you could part it out, or look for a good motherboard on eBay (no 
idea how easy that would be to find)

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Overtemp shutdown reset

2010-03-15 Thread steve harley

On 2010-03-15 17:29 , Jonathon Kuo wrote:

We have a 2007 intel Mac mini that shut itself down due to overheating. Now, as 
soon as power is connected to it, the fan runs at high speed. The power button 
does nothing, the mini remains off. Is there some sort of 'hardware reset' 
button to get this running again?

try holding the power button as you plug in the power cord; this is the 
only hardware reset i know of

specifically what message did you get that made you feel it was an 
overtemp shutdown?

sounds possible your motherboard is faulty

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: justice through the ages

2010-03-15 Thread steve harley

On 2010-03-15 19:56 , steve harley wrote:

about the mural at the Supreme Court building


woop, total misfire -- enjoy it though ;?>
MacOSX-talk mailing list

justice through the ages

2010-03-15 Thread steve harley

about the mural at the Supreme Court building

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Core i7 model?

2010-03-02 Thread steve harley

On 2010-03-02 12:21 , Karl Kuehn wrote:

It is not until a sub-note that they even mention i7.

i agree it could be more obvious -- should be in the entry title; i just 
knew that they probably had the info (everymac is pretty good that way), 
so i searched the page for "i7"

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Core i7 model?

2010-03-02 Thread steve harley

On 2010-03-02 11:33 , Karl Kuehn wrote:

On Mar 2, 2010, at 10:19 AM, steve harley wrote:

I've googled but can't find the answer to this. The new 27" iMac has an intel core 
i7 cpu, 4 cores&   8 threads, but which model i7 is it?

everymac is my go-to reference for such things; it says 860


That is the i5, not the i7.

it includes info about the i7 version too; have to look at more than 
just the page title ;?>

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Core i7 model?

2010-03-02 Thread steve harley

On 2010-03-02 11:07 , Jonathon Kuo wrote:

I've googled but can't find the answer to this. The new 27" iMac has an intel core 
i7 cpu, 4 cores&  8 threads, but which model i7 is it?

everymac is my go-to reference for such things; it says 860

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Click2Flash and Safari (YouTube)

2010-02-26 Thread steve harley

On 2010-02-26 17:11 , Kevin Callahan wrote:

I'd really like to keep Click2Flash installed.

Has anybody run across this problem recently?

i downloaded one and viewed another h264 on YouTube via click2flash 
earlier today; saw nothing unusual (but then, i guess i bypassed flash 
completely then, didn't i?)

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: using an iMac as a monitor?

2010-02-26 Thread steve harley

On 2010-02-26 15:17 , Karl Kuehn wrote:

In some cases (like the one I just tested) you do have to hit Command-F2 to get one of the 
computers to switch into "display" mode, and the OS on the "display" must be 
running for this to work.

also worth mentioning for the benefit of casual readers (though it came 
up here before i think) that you can't just let the OS on the host iMac 
run headless while its display is used by another machine; it goes to 
sleep; if that weren't the case i'd be much more tempted to purchase a 
core i7 27" iMac as a home server (the glossy screen is the only thing 
that would make me hesitate)

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: using an iMac as a monitor?

2010-02-26 Thread steve harley

On 2010-02-26 14:52 , LuKreme wrote:

Interesting, the Apple Store lists the length of this cable as "Length: 4 


1.5m is nearly 5ft (less than 1 inch short), so is it 4ft long or 1.5m?

if i had one i would measure it ...

but i don't see anything which convinces me it's really a special cable 
-- just male-male

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: using an iMac as a monitor?

2010-02-26 Thread steve harley

On 2010-02-26 10:55 , Jonathon Kuo wrote:

How does this work? I have a new 27" iMac and would like to test out using it 
as a monitor, but I don't see where this is documented.

the information is also widely available elsewhere
MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Internal Blu-Ray for Poly MacBook

2010-02-23 Thread steve harley

On 2010-02-22 19:47 , John Musbach wrote:

On 2/22/10, Slack-Moehrle  wrote:

Hi Guys,

I have a new Poly MacBook.

Excuse my ignorance, but what exactly is a poly MacBook?

one with a plastic case; since Jason also said it's new, it's the 
Unibody (plastic) MacBook (the only current MacBook)

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: defragging a media RAID

2010-02-22 Thread steve harley

On 2010-02-22 18:39 , Kevin Callahan wrote:

I've run into some performance issues when recording videa using Apple's 422 
codec to my internal RAID on my Dual Quad.

if you aren't storing anything permanent there (as one might infer from 
"media RAID"), you can just reformat it ("erase" in disk utility parlance)

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Internal Blu-Ray for Poly MacBook

2010-02-22 Thread steve harley

On 2010-02-22 17:56 , Matt Penna wrote:

Other World Computing appears to have a couple of drives that will work with 
that model (and pretty much every other model, too).

i had thought OWC might have them too, but they specifically omit all 
the Unibody models from their compatibility notes

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: How can I disable PubSub?

2010-02-22 Thread steve harley

On 2010-02-22 11:14 , Jonathon Kuo wrote:

I keep seeing dialogs from “PubSub Agent” asking for access to the keychain 
when I login.

I know it's used by MobileMe, but I don't use MobileMe and don't have an 

do you subscribe to RSS feeds via Safari or Mail?

How can I disable PubSub?

if yes to previous question, unsubscribe
MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Invisible Disk

2010-02-21 Thread steve harley

On 2010-02-21 17:38 , Neil Laubenthal wrote:

No matter . . . erasing the errant volume fixed it and I reinstalled the OS . . 
.it's an emergency boot SL partition anyway.

could have probably cloned it and cloned it back to avoid reinstalling ...

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